irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060711

00:01.19wereHamsterI thought about absolute values, because percentages mean nothing..
00:04.24Cairennyo, ckknight, you there?
00:04.37cladhaireyou Cair..
00:05.42Cairennwhat? I'm not good enough?
00:05.50AnduinLotharyou looked busy
00:06.04CairennI always have time for hugs
00:06.44WobinwereHamster: But you're talking about the 'current heal being cast'?
00:07.04WobinWhy not have it show 'percentage of full health the current cast will heal'?
00:08.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:09.17cladhaireAnduinLothar: You knwo I'm always around for snuggling
00:09.53WobinSince you're already casting, it doesn't really matter how many hp the heal will heal, only the total percentage it could possibly overheal
00:10.03Wobinor heal
00:10.43WobinI've a 9hour flight ahead of me =(
00:10.54WobinI might login midflight =P
00:18.21AnduinLothari'll have to work up to that one cladhaire
00:21.00AnduinLotharcladhaire, any info on my proposal?
00:22.07chuckgUS govt sent me another 700 dollars.
00:22.17chuckg"whoops you're a college studen living on your own?"
00:22.27chuckgCan't complain!
00:22.30chuckgKEGS ON ME
00:22.39cladhaireAnduinLothar: the localization one?
00:22.56cladhairei dont think i'm going to be able to dig into it righ tnow
00:23.10cladhairei've had about 10 minutes per day at work for non-work stuff.
00:23.15cladhairewhich sucks.. cause my job is shit
00:52.19*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
01:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:02.43Cairennhi JoshBorke
01:06.48AnduinLotharyay 18 slot
01:06.54AnduinLotharthat was expensive..
01:10.18CairennDolby-wowi: couple executables need your attention on EQI when you can, please
01:10.30Cairennleft a note
01:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:17.33Dolby-wowiits safe :) approved
01:17.50ckknighthey Cairenn
01:18.06Cairenndanke Dolby-wowi
01:18.09Cairennhi ckknight
01:18.36ckknightbut I'm sleepy.
01:19.07Cairenndidn't say you had to do anything, just pointed you at each other :p
01:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
02:11.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
02:33.16zespri_worksooooo any one know who to get XP for the next level?
02:34.47zespri_worknot the current level
02:34.50zespri_worknext level
02:35.07zespri_worksame as UnitMaxSP but for the next level
02:37.32zespri_workOMG curse has errorsafe shit?
02:39.59zespri_workI just opened a curse page and got zillion popups all over with an offer to install some 'errorsafe' activex
02:40.23JoshBorkeheh.  isn't XP a simple algorithm?
02:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Jupitor (
02:41.28zespri_workJoshBroke, if you are patient enough to write down the numbers... then maybe you'll find how they are sequenced. But the latest such list I've seen was soon after release. the numbers may have changed
02:41.46JoshBorkeah, i see
02:43.34JoshBorkeand no, i most certainly am not patient enough :D
02:44.29zespri_workanother way is to ask players on your server =)
02:44.34zespri_workone for each level =)
02:45.05JoshBorkewhy do you need it?
02:45.09JoshBorkejust curious :)
02:47.59zespri_workit's nescessary if you want to display a visual cue as to how many rested expirience will spill over the next level
02:53.53JoshBorkemmk.  g'night :)
02:53.58*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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03:39.16Hexarobianyone know of an addon with a simple list box i can rip off?
03:39.29Cairenn"borrow from" ;)
03:39.46Cairenn"use as an example", even
03:42.19MentalPowerHexarobi: list box?
03:42.31MentalPoweryou mean a combo box right?
03:42.45MentalPowerthe one that you have multiple options and you select one?
03:42.53zespri_workthere is a list box in standard UI
03:43.03zespri_workfor example in trainer window
03:43.11MentalPowerThere's a template in FrameXML for those
03:43.40zespri_workbtw, mental power
03:45.09zespri_workquite often after I make a full scan by auctioneer and then want to sell an item the items that is displayed on the PostItem panels is anything but not currently listed items
03:45.13zespri_workwhy can it happen?
03:45.48MentalPowerthat runs of what we call the "snapshot"
03:46.01MentalPowerwhich is basically our copy of the contents of the AH at the time of scanning
03:46.13MentalPowerthat can become... desynced from the real list
03:46.14zespri_workyes, but If I just made a full scan, snapshot is supposed to be up to date?
03:46.50zespri_workbar a several items that might get added or deleted in between, right?
03:46.52MentalPoweryes, but if they were shorts then they could be gone by the time the scan is done
03:48.10zespri_workMentalPower who's written BeanCounter?
03:48.21MentalPowera dev called Vindicator
03:48.32zespri_workok thanks
03:49.16zespri_workjust wondering. very goodidea not it's just has to be expanded upon. this is a very new addon so it has a lot of potential for development
03:51.51zespri_workI use ct_mailmod and when I collect mails bu this mod BeanCounter seem to miss on the transactions somehow. But I run a 3.5 version so it may be already fixed
03:52.50zespri_workor maybe it's impossible to fix
04:17.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:22.44TainDamn I installed Fraps so I could try to turn some of the brilliant ideas in my head into actual movies and my PC crashed.
04:22.48TainI wonder if it's a sign.
04:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge mattchis (
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04:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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05:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:10.58*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
05:11.08Cairennwb Iriel
05:13.51TainSaw the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie this weekend.  Wasn't bad.
05:14.12TainDon't go if you don't want a cliffhanger to wait for the next one though.
05:16.27ShadowedI already know the ending because it was posted about 20 times on the raid and dungeons forums!
05:16.36Cairennthat's rude :p
05:18.40ShadowedI wasn't very interested in seeing it anyway :p
05:18.52TainWell see Captain Jack Sparrow kills Dumbledore.
05:24.16kergothwhats a good site for hunter pets?
05:24.26kergothi want that white rare bat from tirisfal but cant remember its name
05:24.52TainI think it's name is Harvey.
05:24.59TainHarvey the bat.
05:25.25IrielHm, I dont think I've ever met Harvey
05:25.41IrielOdd name for a bat, tho
05:25.49IrielBetter than "Bob", mind you, Bob the Bat
05:25.49TainOh well alternatively I have this old link, dunno how good its info is
05:26.00CairennTain: lol, that's the link I was heading for
05:26.07Cairennit's excellent
05:26.13TainI can smart!
05:26.19CairennI helped compile it :p
05:26.51kergothi should /so/ name my bat bob
05:27.50TainIn City of Villains you had a class that summoned multiple pets.
05:28.04TainI named them ROFL, LOL, LMAO.
05:28.06TainI'm not proud.
05:29.37IrielAs well you shouldn't be 8-)
05:29.44IrielWere they at least robots?
05:29.53TainThey were in fact.
05:30.24TainActually that was a lot of fun, having an entire party to myself.
05:30.41TainI played with a friend who was an undead summoning Mastermind and we really wreaked some havoc.
05:31.17IrielI had some similar supergroup friends, we'd lay down the multi pet smack on goodness and virtue
05:31.30Iriel(Literally on Virtue, since that's the server my characters are (were?) on)
05:31.44IrielWell, my CoH characters, anyway
05:31.47Cairennkergoth: and are also good links for pet stuff
05:32.09kergothi just fed my boar a chunk of boar meat
05:32.09kergothi feel bad
05:32.09TainI have to say whoever put in some of the dialogue for CoV did good.  There were some funny, funny things that were said when you entered a mission.
05:32.10Iriel"Eaaaaat it"
05:32.21TainWait what?  You can tame King Bangalash?
05:32.38IrielYeah, it's one of the most over-represented pets in the game as far as I can tell
05:32.43TainThat's just not right.  You shouldn't be able to tame a king.
05:33.07CairennTain: you didn't know that? hell yes you can tame him
05:33.13TainI do have a short shameful confession.  I killed Broken Tooth once when Hunters were looking for him.  :/
05:33.49IrielSo that's shameful, but ROFL/LOL/LMAO is just 'not proud' ?
05:33.50TainI'm sorry, I became disillusioned after not being able to tame a giraffe.
05:34.05IrielI'm still bitter about Zhevra's
05:34.16Corrodiasme too
05:34.37CairennI begged them and begged them, all through CB ... no love :(
05:34.38TainYou don't know the visions I had about a monster giraffe terrorizing.
05:34.56IrielI think a sickly deer would be pretty freakin' awesome too
05:34.59Corrodiaswell, if i still played, i'd be annoyed that i couldn't have ... something that i saw that i don't remember any more.
05:35.00TainAlternately I'd love to see critters be able to be tamed and levelled.
05:35.15TainI want a toad that can lay some smack down.
05:35.23Cairennrofl Tain
05:35.34TainOr.. well actually I'd abandon them all for a tamed devilsaur, honestly.
05:35.35IrielYou could strut around singing "Who let the frogs out?"
05:35.47CairennIriel!!!! /bonk
05:36.21TainI used to use one of those addons that showed how many of a creature you've killed.  Mobinfo or something probably, I forget now.
05:36.34IrielI spent over an hour of the evening picking out carpet, my mind is not entirely normal tonight.
05:36.43TainUntil I saw once how many deer I'd killed.
05:36.54Cairennuh huh, that's your story and you're sticking to it, right Iriel?
05:36.55TainSo naturally I got rid of the addon.
05:37.01IrielI wrote myself an addon for that, KillCounter, and I also wrote PetInfo which tracks which animals I have tamed and when
05:37.07Shadowedtime to wipe in a pug UBRS, back in an hour.
05:37.29TainJoined a UBRS group that was going to do multiple Rend runs.
05:38.07TainStood there for 90 minutes doing nothing, 15 minutes of fighting inside the instance, then another 15 of recovring from someone doing something stupid before I logged off.
05:38.07Shadowedthat must have been fun
05:38.21TainI was seething.
05:38.30IrielYou should get an XBox 360 so you can play Uno online while you wait to do something in WoW?
05:38.41Corrodiasyeah, a console, just what we need. :)
05:38.58ShadowedI need a second computer so i can do pug groups and talk on IRC
05:39.05TainI still haven't pulled the trigger on a 360.
05:39.10Shadowedwell, second working computer
05:39.14TainBut I only have a 15" LCD TV next to the computer.
05:39.18IrielConsole Uno is remarkably addictive once you get into a ranked online game
05:39.33TainI don't know, the last time I played Uno with a bunch of people it almost turned violent.
05:39.42IrielSome people get bitter
05:39.47Tain"Draw 4 again?  You fucking bastard!"
05:39.47IrielI prefer it when nobody has a mic on
05:39.59ShadowedThe best part about this run
05:40.07ShadowedA rogue has finkle's skinner in main hand, felstriker in offhand
05:40.12Cairennyou haven't seen violent until you've played Canasta with my mom and she's losing
05:40.26Tainheh poor dagger Rogue
05:40.28KirovI hope she never plays my sister
05:40.41TainGoing to be unhappy once the Rogue "review" hits.
05:41.00KirovMy sister has laid down 3 canastas and her last card while I was still trying to get one
05:41.33Cairennheh, Mom and I do that to Dad & hubby all the time ;)
05:41.35Shadowedand nobody has the key!
05:42.34IrielI realize it's bad form to discuss things that erode my already microscopic wow time, but are any of you looking forward to Prey, or The Ship? And has anyone here played Titan Quest much?
05:42.37Tainhaha no key
05:42.45TainIriel I played Prey demo.
05:43.00Corrodiasthe ship?
05:43.05TainIt was the first time in my life I startd to feel a little "motion sick" from a game.
05:43.12IrielThe bit in the demo with the ball in the box made me go 'Ok, I have to own this one'
05:43.24IrielI think
05:43.25TainIt was very disorenting.  But fun.
05:43.40IrielYeah, that's the right URL
05:44.07Corrodiasis vulgarity allowed in here? i don't remember.
05:44.20Cairennfuck no, watch your god damn mouth
05:44.25Corrodiaswell, if i did remember, i wouldn't ask, probably.
05:44.43Shadowedyou could have gotten more swear words into that Cairenn
05:44.55Cairennsorry, out of practice
05:44.59Cairennand thank you, Iriel
05:45.04Corrodiasthen, "holy balls", The Ship looks quite entertaining
05:46.00Tainhehe had someone quit my guild a couple weeks ago because he said there was too much foul language.
05:46.01Corrodiasuh oh, i see mention of Steam.
05:46.21ShadowedQuick/Random question, is there a specific reason the wiki changes between "func", "func - ", "func - ?" when it has no info filled in on the API list?
05:46.42IrielBecause i'm not consistent, and neither were other editors? 8-)
05:46.50Shadowedthats what i though :p
05:47.06Shadowedjust wanted to make sure it wasn't some sort of special meaning!
05:47.46IrielCorrodias ; Do you have bad steam experiences?
05:48.12TainOh I finally got a friend of mine hooked into looking at addons.  He's played WoW since beta, is a developer by trade, but never wanted to do anything but install Cosmos then Insomniax compilations.
05:48.27TainFinally he starts looking and is sending me messages all night last night.
05:48.31IrielTain: Yay, another soul for the fire!
05:48.41Tain"This Lua stuff is crazy!"
05:48.59IrielCrazy good! Like coding pop-rocks.
05:49.16ckknightwant me to get you a coke, Iriel?
05:49.20Corrodiasi haven't used it before. i'm not sure why i have such a strong dislike for the idea of Steam... probably it was mostly because i didn't want an online service babysitting my single-player, offline experience in Half-Life 2.
05:49.22Tainhaha yeah, and he was just looking at the Blizzard "tutorials."
05:49.36Shadowedtutorials ruin the fun of learning
05:49.44ckknightah, that's not true
05:49.46Shadowednothing like locking up your game because you made an infinite loop accidently!
05:49.53TainCorrodias, I know a lot of people have had problems with Steam.  But I've never had a single issue, I personally love it.
05:50.01ckknightmany of my tutorials have assorted monkeys in them
05:50.19Corrodiasi even heard it forces you to download and install updates! the nerve
05:50.24Corrodiasis that false?
05:50.38TainI don't know if it forces, i always install them.
05:50.39KirovYou have to install updates
05:50.48Kirovwell, updates to steam at least
05:50.55KirovYou can make it not update games
05:50.58Corrodiasi rather meant for the games.
05:51.02IrielOne of my friends is vehemently opposed to steam because he doesn't like the idea of not owning the media for his game, but I have CD's for games I can never play again because it doesn't run on any version of windows that my hardware supports.
05:51.28IrielSo I personally dont mind.. I also dont mind having my games always up to date so I have no idea if that's disableable.
05:51.42ShadowedI havn't had any issues with Steam, but havn't used it lately
05:51.54ShadowedIt was fun being able to get HL2 at 12:01 from Steam though
05:51.55TainI don't want physical media anymore.
05:52.00TainIt takes up too much space.
05:53.05ckknightI'm definitely pro-downloading games
05:53.12ckknightsuch as Steam
05:53.21Corrodiasi really have no idea why i didn't like steam, now that the issue has come up again
05:53.25IrielI can see the 'Media' part of steam taking off too
05:54.25ShadowedAs long as they have a good system for redownloading the games, or aren't strict to the point of stupidity I prefer them
05:54.25ckknightand hell, I installed WoW with isos I  got, since one of mine broke
05:54.25IrielThe downloadable game trailers and stuff on XBox Live, for example, is great
05:54.25ckknightI paid for the game, though, so it's all good
05:54.25Corrodiasthe inability to pirate the game has not stopped me before. i bought UT and NWN games. :/
05:54.40IrielSubscription based games really SHOULD have a freely accessible downloader
05:54.43IrielOne of the things Guild Wars did very right
05:54.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
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05:55.46Corrodiasexcept that guild wars -doesn't- have a subscription
05:55.46IrielWell, it does, it's just perpetual
05:55.46IrielBut your point is valid 8-)
05:55.46Corrodiasi see what you did there
05:56.13IrielSpeaking of games with free downloaders, I wonder if Dark and Light doesn't suck yet?
05:56.36Shadowedaww, got kicked from the group because i wouldn't join vent for UBRS :(
05:56.38Corrodiasdark and light! THAT was the other game i wanted to check up on!
05:56.45IrielCorrodias : Dont bother 8-(
05:56.51IrielCorrodias : It's really really bad.
05:57.25Corrodiasah.... darn
05:58.06IrielBut, ugh, it's not pretty.
05:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
05:58.42Cairennhi s|loup
05:58.43Corrodiasyou seem to have a pretty bad impression of it. what's it like?
05:59.04ThraeIriel: I don't suppose you could convince slouken to add an OnFade handler for GameTooltip objects, eh?
05:59.13TainSpeaking of bad impressions... Dungeon Runners.
06:02.49ThraeBah, sorry for killing the convo. I'll just keep posting on the forums for it.
06:08.21CairennI don't think you killed the conversation, it's just one of those natural lulls that occurs as folks are busy doing [whatever else]
06:08.27IrielHeh, sorry, got distracted.. I think the probability of persuasion on that is 'low'
06:08.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Galka (
06:09.19CairennIriel: I'd be willing to bet that would depend on the person doing the persuading and the method of persuasion employed ;)
06:09.39KirovCairenn - is that what you were doing in that picture then?
06:09.43IrielCorrodias : It's ugly, slow, the UI is awful, the game is aimless, my starting area has nobody who will sell me a dagger, or repair it, yet my dagger has been worn into uselessness through decay. Oh, and one of the vendors is stuck int he middle of a tree, and has been since launch.
06:10.09CairennKirov: what picture? I see no pictures :p
06:21.47Tain"Albert Einstein had half a dozen girlfriends and told his wife they showered him with "unwanted" affection, according to letters released on Monday that shed light on his extra-marital affairs."
06:21.57TainEinstein was pimpin, who knew?
06:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:34.00ThraeIriel: I only asked because the game engine has ~2-second pause before starting to change GameTooltip's alpha value, during which time no notable handlers are called unless the tooltip is refreshed.
06:34.36kergothwoot, got that bat i wanted for my new level 11 hunter (ressan the needler, the white one in tirisfal)
06:34.56Cairenngrats kergoth
06:35.23ThraeI think Cairenn has a Level 11 Hunter too, right? :D
06:35.31ThraeOr was it Level 1? ;)
06:35.40CairennCairenn has hunters of damn near every level
06:36.42ThraeLucky...I've been spending $15/month lately to code addons.
06:37.00Irielsub 10, sub 20, sub 30, and 60
06:37.08Irielseveral of the lower ones
06:37.11Cairennhey Iriel, you ever play with TrN any more?
06:38.00IrielI got to level 27, 2 levels in one night, in fact
06:38.39Irielamazing how handy finishing quests (and full bars of rest XP) is
06:39.02IrielI even managed to finish 3 quests on Silver Hand with my L60 last week!
06:39.11Cairennunfortunately, your tailor is no more
06:39.36IrielSorry to hear that 8-(, on the bright side, I think you stocked me for at least 5 levels.
06:39.36Cairennalthough I'm quite sure others will be more than willing to pick up the needle for you
06:40.15CairennI can *barely* deal with the PvP and mom just plain can't, so I'm not there any more
06:40.28CairennI've kept one, so I can stop in to say "hi", but unless they move ... =/
06:41.19Cairennwhich is really a shame, I was enjoying the guild a lot
06:42.22MentalPowergnight folks
06:42.26Cairennnight MentalPower
06:42.32Wulf4gmorning folks :)
06:42.38Cairennmorning Wulf4
06:45.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:51.37Cairennokay, sleep time for this chickie, night all
06:51.58Shadowednow theres a word I havn't heard in a while
06:52.04s|loupnight Cairenn|sleep
07:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
07:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
07:15.49AnduinLotharaww blizzard fails... ebonroc at 15% and 50% of our raid lags out
07:16.02AnduinLotharrogues tanked him down
07:17.49ShadowedJust had two people in this scholo group disconnected for about 5 minutes :/
07:18.34Wulf4you can do scholo with only 2 people..
07:19.02Shadowedi never said we wiped, just that they got disconnected :p
07:19.14kergothwtf, this mob just parried cower.  how do you parry cower?
07:19.25Shadowedthe same way you can parry feint!
07:19.28Shadowedor dodge blind
07:20.01kergothhehe, quite
07:20.04MoonWolfyou can also parry/block slice and dice.
07:20.22MoonWolfwell, blind is a cloud of particles, so you CAN technically dodge it.
07:20.54Shadowederr, parry not dodge
09:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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09:11.09zespriis it common to tranlate addon chat comands?
09:11.39zesprilike /someaddon window on would be something different on german
09:12.13Elkanosome addon authors do, some don't
09:12.51zespriI wonder if it make sense. I was french or german I think I would know
09:14.03Elkanowell, I'm German but I rather like the english versions ^^
09:18.03zespri./someaddon fenster ein
09:18.17zesprino idea if it looks pretty =)
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09:59.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Neronix (
10:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
10:12.09ckknightit's okay to fear pickles, AnduinLothar
10:13.26ckknightwe've all had to face our picklephobia eventually
10:16.59AnduinLothardrugs are bad ck
10:17.42wereHamsteryou two don't really like each other, do you? :-P
10:17.47AnduinLotharyou should definitely lay off the hallucinogens
10:18.39AnduinLotharno, i very much disslike ck. He insults me every chance he gets
10:19.17AnduinLotharand i dunno what his new pickle fetish is about
10:19.50ckknightI like you
10:20.03AnduinLotharyou sure have a funny way of showing it
10:20.22AnduinLotharand by funny i mean rude, mean and unfriendly
10:20.35ckknight~hug AnduinLothar
10:20.41purlACTION hugs AnduinLothar
10:20.45ckknightit's just my way of showing affection
10:21.08AnduinLotharfind a better way.
10:21.45ckknightregarding context, I just saw a funny Maury clip about picklephobia
10:23.07ckknightand you should lighten up, especially when something is obviously a joke
10:23.31ckknightand I don't do any drugs whatsoever, by the way
10:23.43MoonWolfHe doesn' t even drink TEA
10:24.01MoonWolfUnhealthy I say, Unhealthy.
10:24.01ckknightCaffeine will fuck you up, man
10:24.14wereHamstercaffeine in tea?
10:24.24AnduinLotharexplains why it's 3:30am and i'm still up..
10:24.44MoonWolfwereHamster, yes.
10:25.06ckknightwereHamster, most teas have caffeine
10:25.30wereHamsterbut not much.. there's much more in coffee
10:25.51MoonWolf" regular" tea contains about 60 grams of it.vs in the hundred for coffee
10:26.03MoonWolfgreen tea contains about 15
10:26.24wereHamsterwow.. you know that much about tea?
10:26.56MoonWolfI like to know what I am eating/drinking.
10:27.24wereHamsterme too, but not that detailed ;)
10:27.59ckknight <-- very cool
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11:00.51Mikk1Umm.. If I have a frame on a higher strata, and have done EnableMouse(true) on it... shouldn't it eat OnMouseOver events so that frames on lower strata no longer get them?
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11:03.24Corrodiasi wonder if you lot can convince me that, for my next game, i should return to WoW for another month or two.
11:03.41Mikk1Do we want to? ;)
11:03.45AnduinLotharwhy would we want to do that?
11:04.07AnduinLotharwow is a horrable game. no one here plays wow
11:04.38AnduinLothari play addons.. i dunno what the rest of you play
11:04.41Corrodiasi suspect that, as much mod devving as you do, that is very close to true
11:05.00AnduinLotharraid bwl tonight tho, guild first time downing the drakes
11:05.18Mikk1Ooooh chromaggus next
11:05.19Mikk1hf =)
11:05.32AnduinLotharmeh, have to get to him again, it reset tonight
11:05.54Corrodiasdespite the repetition of WoW's missions usually amounting to killing the same kind of enemy 100 times, i have to admit that it -did- manage to make it sort of entertaining.
11:06.15AnduinLotharit's entertaining and highely addictive
11:06.19zespriwhen usualy EU patches?
11:06.25AnduinLothartomorrow i think
11:06.35zenzionight between Tuesday and Wednesday
11:07.33Mikk1i.e. US has time to be up and play for half a day
11:09.13zenzioactually more like eight or nine hours
11:09.30zenziowell, depends on when the servers go down...
11:12.11Corrodiasi have to find another game to play soon. if WoW isn't "it" (and even now, running across the barrens five times still does not sound like fun), i have to delve into my "list"!
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11:15.02Mikk1.. ok.. now.. really... I have a Recap window under my frame.. My frame is in "FULLSCREEN_DIALOG" strata. Recap is in "LOW" or something
11:15.15Mikk1My frame detects "OnEnter" when i enter it
11:15.23Mikk1i keep mousing over it til i hit the Recap frame
11:15.35Mikk1I DON'T get an "OnLeave" even
11:15.45Mikk1But somehow the Recap window detects me mousing over it
11:15.49Mikk1And resizes
11:15.52Mikk1WTF IS GOING ON?!
11:16.28Corrodiaslol blizzard
11:17.54Mikk1meh. ok, not just my problem. recap does that with whatever you try to place on top of it
11:18.05Mikk1it must be monitoring mouse movement or something insane like that
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11:25.25zenzio"During further hardware upgrades at the end of June, ironically designed to increase realm performance and stability, the gremlins seem to have returned."
11:37.15Mikmago gremlins
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12:43.09kaso|sleep is for the weak
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13:09.13WynderMorning, folks.
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16:56.49hyperChipmunkyay, addon sounds are bacck
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17:46.26JoshBorkethey broke my [Crown of the Fire Festival] :(
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17:49.38MoonWolfsearch and replace trick ?
17:50.39JoshBorkeit shows up as a ? in inventory and has not in game graphic
17:51.09JoshBorkewow, my english is so perfect, look at that, has not...
17:51.35JoshBorkelet's try: has no in game graphic (ie worn)
17:52.08zenziohow odd
17:53.03JoshBorkeindeed, almost as if they oopsed
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18:03.17ShadowedIt's a shame they didn't keep Improved Charge bugged for a couple of patches
18:11.14chuckgOnce you CreateFrame, is there no way to destroy it?
18:12.35Mikk1You can never destroy UI objects
18:12.39Mikk1Why's that bad?
18:12.44Cideyou get a reference so nilling it out destroys the reference only
18:13.02chuckgWell, say for instance have 40 raid frames and you're no longer in a raid...
18:13.04chuckgWhat good are they doing the user?
18:13.06Mikk1Just zap all script handlers, hide the frame, and nil out the variable in the global namespac
18:13.21Mikk1Just hide em
18:13.31chuckgThey're not hidden to the memory!
18:13.40Mikk1They don't use a whole lot of Lua memory
18:13.51Mikk1Regular RAM though.. yeah, a bit
18:13.57Mikk1But seriously, think of all the dialogs and stuff that you can open
18:14.01Mikk1They are ALL kept in RAM
18:14.04Mikk1They never leave
18:14.10Mikk1Your puny raid bars are nothing =P
18:14.39chuckgI don't have any raid bars!
18:14.43chuckgWas just citing a good example.
18:15.21Mikk1Well.. umm.. think of it as keeping a template in RAM for stuff that you might want to show? =)
18:15.48chuckgWell i was just thinking, the mod is disabled, not supposed to be processing data, would be nice to remove any trace of it beyond the lua.
18:15.51chuckgGuess not thougH!
18:16.04chuckgNot like the 5k my mod populates is a huge deal, just curious.
18:20.30Mikk1Hm, well, yeah, if you're creating the frames yourself in Lua, it would make sense to be able to remove them
18:20.40Mikk1Frames created from XML though...
18:20.48Mikk1Zap them and you're screwed
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18:24.17Shadowedgoodinspect finally broke in 1.11.2
18:25.26Cideall inspect (mods?) broke, it seems
18:26.29ShadowedFrom what I can see, they sort of still work
18:26.53ShadowedYou can still inspect them from range, but the item icons don't appear but if they hvae something in the wirst slot you can hover over it and it'll show the item but not the items icon
18:27.36chuckgNot inspect mods.
18:27.39chuckgAll inspecting :|
18:27.57ShadowedCan't you get the item icon from the item id?
18:28.25chuckgIcons are gone from default inspect frame.
18:28.40Shadowednot if you view them from the regular distance
18:30.06chuckgIt's like 5 yards.
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18:43.15ShadowedSo yeah, looks like GetInventoryItem inforces a range to display any info
18:43.36Shadowedbut you can still mouse over the slot and get the item they are wearing, i'm confused :/
18:44.24KirovShadowed - What does GetInventoryItem() return out of range?
18:44.54Shadowedreturns nothing when out of range
18:45.08ShadowedBut it returns the item link without any problem as soon as i'm in range
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18:48.58Cidemaybe they fixed out-of-range inspecting once and for all
18:49.36ShadowedCide: You can still hover over the item, wouldn't that mean you can also get the item ID?
18:49.48CideI don't know
18:49.52Cideactually, no
18:49.55Cideyou can't, as far as I know
18:50.02KirovWell, you can
18:50.08KirovJust not from their api
18:50.28CideGameTooltip:Set...Item knows item id?
18:50.51Kirovbut GetItemInfo() scanning can find it out
18:51.08Cidewell, that's a rather ugly way of doing it
18:51.08ShadowedSo wouldn't that mean in theory you could still make it work but you'd have to do a little bit of work to show th eicons?
18:51.16KirovGetMailItemInfo() ftw!
18:51.20Shadowedwould be ugly, but could technically do it?
18:52.23KirovIt'd also be painfully slow.
18:52.27Kirovbut, meh
18:53.14KirovThe actual function itself isn't too bad, apart from the SetHyperlink and GetText() calls
18:53.14Cide vote now!
18:53.56ShadowedI'm bored and need something to do anyway before raid
18:55.43KirovI can never remember what I did with my GetInboxItemInfo() function
18:59.35chuckgSeems like I'm getting fewer frames since this patch.
18:59.43chuckgNothing changed except wow's versin number.
19:00.17Cidethat's what they try to make you think.
19:00.23Cideit's a big conspiracy.
19:02.31chuckgI mean I am getting fewer frames now.
19:11.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
19:15.31Kirovis there a "next" command for iterators?
19:16.01ThraeKirov: Yes, it's, well, "next".
19:18.35Cidenext(table [, key])
19:25.30Kirovok, a harder question
19:26.05Kirovon which line of the tooltip does the enchant appear on a hearthstone?
19:33.55KirovShadowed -
19:34.08KirovI think that's the 3rd or 4th time I've writen that function.
19:34.11Kirovchanges every time
19:34.22KirovAnd this time it works even on items with enchants!
19:34.29ShadowedThat explains what you meant when you said painfully slow
19:34.39Shadowedwill take a look at it though, thanks!
19:35.01KirovIt'll break on the zg enchant dolls, btw
19:35.14ShadowedWell, lets hope they don't let you equip ZG dolls
19:36.26Kirovactually, there are a couple other items it'll get unhappy with too.
19:36.58Kirovthe function is designed for mailed items only, so it skips the tooltip scanning on same-name items.
19:37.11KirovWhich, for scanning a player, you'll still need to do.
19:37.24Shadowedoh, thats why you have all that extra code
19:37.54KirovIt also won't get an enchant on a same-name item
19:38.21ShadowedAll I need it to do is get the texture from an item name, so shouldn't be that much of an issue
19:38.28Kirovbasically, everything after for j=1 should be broken out in to a function, or be duplicated
19:38.53Kirovheh, ok
19:38.59Kirovsame-name should work fine then.
19:39.17KirovAnd you can skip the tooltip scanning entirely
19:39.54Shadowedwonder how fast it would actually be to check 28,000 items though
19:40.26KirovShadowed - about 70 milliseconds
19:41.20Kirovwell, depending on how far down the line it is
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19:55.50Shadowedso it works and shows icons again, except for a few items
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19:59.18JoshBorkedressing room makes you nekkid
19:59.41Shadowedexcept it keeps the shape of the item you're wearing, just not the texture
20:00.22Shadowedor at least did for me when i first tried it, seems to work fine now
20:01.06JoshBorkeyea, it's kinda weird to have my skin stretched like that
20:01.50zenziowoot! Got to be part of the guild's first Hakkar kill
20:02.37JoshBorkeawesome feeling being part of a first, no?
20:02.49ShadowedHave to figure out how to get this to scan "of the X" items now
20:04.08zenzioaye, it is
20:06.03zenziohe killed me with a 7529 hit right before he died, but it's worth it :) Don't think we had any other casualties
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20:21.40Shadowedthats not that bad actually
20:21.48ShadowedCan get it to display the icons on the inspect window with not that bad delay
20:36.43ShadowedSetInventoryItem() will respect the inspect range in 1.12 :(
20:44.48EndI think they should at least increase the inspect range then
20:45.03EndI don't like having to get -that- close to inspect them
20:46.02Kasoi understand the RP reason for having sutch a small inspect distance but its really annoying for us who dont really care about that.
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20:47.36krkaeasy enough to automatically grab inventory when you get close enough
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20:48.03Kasoof course but youve still got the annoyance of attually having to get close in the first place
20:48.41ShadowedThink somebody said SuperInspect already grabs the inventory when you get close enough
20:49.03qw`the RP aspect? I think the idea of swimming with 400kilograms of equipment breaks the RP aspect more than being able to see what a player is wearing from afar
20:49.48Shadowedhe has a point!
20:49.57krkaKaso you could make a p2p system where you send inventory requests
20:50.11ShadowedUsing CommGlobal
20:50.23krkaeveryone could publish lists of who they know inspect data on
20:50.30Kasoha, thats a quite cleaver solution, i never would have thought of that
20:50.59krkaif enough people got the addon, you could virtually inspect anynoe
20:51.37Kasoi'd never really work though, i mean if enough people Used CTA you would never have to type LFG STRAT, but you still do
20:51.55ShadowedWell, everyone likes being able to inspect from range
20:52.39krkawell, CTA requires that almost players use it to be useful
20:52.43krkathis doesn't
20:52.52Shadowedthat too
20:53.08krkaalmost all, i mean
20:53.29EndI think it would be interesting to query other people's addon lists
20:53.34Endsee what addons they have running
20:54.17KasoIm surpised about how many people i talk to who say they run 0 addons, i dont know how they function
20:54.57krkahow many do you use that you couldn't truly live without?
20:55.47Kasohmm, well i guess i could live without most, but, Telo's Selfcast i could not play without, and MobHealth, that would be painful not to have
20:56.45EndI'd have a really hard time without SelfCast
20:58.10krkawhat does selfcast do?
20:58.19KasoSmart Selfcats
20:58.30KasoSmart Selfcast spellls when you dont have a valid target for them
20:59.01krkai see
20:59.06Endalso, I'd have a hard time without reactionbar now too
20:59.16krkawhat's that?
20:59.29Endswitches action bars based on whether your target is friendly or not
20:59.42Endtends to be more useful for healer type classes
20:59.50ShadowedI could see that being confusing at times
21:00.23Endthe only thing that gets me is if I try to heal a mind controlled target without realizing they are mind controlled
21:01.24Endfortunately, my button 1 (my most commonly used heal) for the friendly bar is just auto attack for the enemy bar
21:01.51Endso usually I don't end up throwing bad spells on them just because I was trying to heal
21:02.04KasoAh, end's a priest, i think that makes sense, the relyance on selfcast and similar is a think thats unque to healers i think.
21:02.34KasoMan i need to learn to spell :<
21:02.38krkaah right... i wrote an action page changer before too... you could write lua code to set which one to show
21:05.17EndI'm a druid :P
21:05.34KasoThen how pray-tell do you mind control people
21:05.42EndI'm not mind controlling them
21:05.44Endsomething else is
21:06.00EndI'm trying to heal them, but that something else mind controls them, putting them in danger of me damaging them
21:06.38Endmostly that's only an issue with Hakkar, especially if a tank gets dotted
21:07.35End(since then he is taking damage (possibly needing heals...!), and the mages can't sheep him (which would heal him))
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21:30.40ShadowedDidn't know you could get weather effects in a battleground
21:31.13IndustrialWhere do I get the colors of the classes
21:31.18Industrialthe color values
21:31.26IndustrialLike pink being loladin or shammy
21:31.52ShadowedRAID_CLASS_COLORS["PALADIN"] for example
21:31.57Industrialk, thanks
21:32.58Kasois that a {r,g,b} table ?
21:33.55ShadowedKaso: yeah
21:34.02KirovGlobal inspecting seems like a bad idea
21:34.13KirovI have a mod named InspectHistory that does that, but it's huge
21:34.21Shadowederr what AnduinLothar said
21:34.36ShadowedKirov: Was able to get it working, lag wasn't that bad if you checked for the texture in one loop and not 16something
21:34.41Kasoperhaps ill modify my addon to use that instea of the set table i have
21:35.26KirovIt'd be more useful to have a mod send out a request to CommGlobal, and if that person is on and has the mod it responds with their gear
21:35.45Kirovcould also check party / raid members gear if they're close enough
21:36.37KirovShadowed - so, my function actually worked?
21:36.53Kirovwow, I didn't even test it, lol
21:37.16KirovGetItemInfo and straight string comparisons are amazingly fast
21:37.26ShadowedKirov: I didn't use the full thing
21:37.32Kirovwell, figured
21:37.42Kirovif all you needed was the icon, it makes things a lot faster. =)
21:38.09Shadowed it's ugly, but it works
21:38.10Kirovand the string.find( itemname, "^" ) should be decently fast too
21:39.31Kirovit might be worth while to stick iteminfo[1] in to a local
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21:39.56Kirovthough, hmm
21:39.57ShadowedI'll probably clean it up somepoint, but probably not worth it due to being fixed in 1.12 :(
21:40.19Kirovso, it's going to be cut down to 10 yards again?
21:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
21:40.59ShadowedWell, GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem() doesn't respect the inspect range, so you can call it as long as you can see them
21:41.05Maldiviahmm, inspect change... how annoyinh
21:41.07Shadowedin 1.12 it'll actually listen to the inspect range and fail
21:41.34Kasois there a hex() function , i cant find anything
21:41.36Kirovthe inspect range is so amazingly annoying.
21:42.25Shadoweddunno, maybe i'll just release it as a temp thing until 1.2 then it stops working
21:42.27MaldiviaKaso: string.format("%x", number)
21:43.38Maldiviafrom a "realistic" point of view, I can see why you can't inspect people far away -- unless you're wearing really good glasses :)
21:44.35Maldiviabut that doesn't mean this "fix" isn't annoying :|
21:44.39Shadowed[48:51] <qw`> the RP aspect? I think the idea of swimming with 400kilograms of equipment breaks the RP aspect more than being able to see what a player is wearing from afar
21:45.36MaldiviaShadowed: yeah, well - never claimed WoW was realistic :)
21:47.08Kasoive got like 30 strength, a warrior can have like 400, if youre 10, 15 times stronger than me then maybe you could swim in plate
21:47.23KirovHow about this, for RP servers they can require people get 10 yards away, and hell, make them have to take of their gloves and chest if they want to see what wrists / shirt they're wearing.
21:47.34KirovFor the rest of us, leave it at something more sane
21:49.55MaldiviaI don't get why they are changing this... it's not like its putting extra stress on the server/client - the data is present in the client anyway
21:50.14MikmaShadowed: aye, that comment is so true
21:51.03KirovIt's on the list of "things the developer wants to enforce"
21:51.20ShadowedThey also wanted to prevent you from joining zone channels if you wern't in that zone
21:51.27Shadowedthey changed there mind pretty quickly about that
21:51.33Kirovie: keep it that way because that's how we original designed it, and damned be those who say we were wrong
21:52.04KirovBlizzard's mantra for the most part is if it's not how they intended, fix it.
21:52.18KirovIf it ends up causing a back lash, and isn't really that big a deal, unfix
21:52.47Kirovso, what's in this latest patch?
21:52.57Mikmaunfix? define unfix in blizzard language :D
21:53.02Maldivia(in a few hours for EU)
21:53.57KirovMikma - unfix : to actually put developers on the task of looking at it objectively and making it function similarly to the way it once did, but much much dumber.
21:54.54MikmaKirov: thanks ;D
21:58.58Kirovthis patch reset macros ...
22:04.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:06.56MaldiviaKirov: it deleted the macro caches?
22:07.14KirovAt least it did to my girlfriend
22:07.22KirovAs well as rename her addon folder
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22:07.29Endoh oh, it's Iriel!
22:07.31ShadowedAll of mine we're fine, but those were for character not global
22:07.32KirovIriel - make them fix it!
22:09.01KirkburnIs it a patch day?
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22:09.12KirovKirkburn - aye
22:09.18KirovBadness abound
22:09.22Iriel"It" being what? the inspect change?
22:09.26KirkburnThat was a quick turnaround
22:09.34KirovIriel - dunno, just bitching
22:10.06IrielIf so, I've been waiting for the 2 to be made consistent for some time, having the check function and API different have annoyed me since the first time I was aware they were!
22:10.24ShadowedThe CheckInteractDistance?
22:10.25IrielMind you, I might have made the change the other way (Update the interact distance)
22:10.37Irielbut I assume the ranges in there came from the designers
22:10.45Endyeah, they probably did
22:10.46IrielSo the appropriate forum for a change request will be 'suggestions'
22:10.55Endhopefully they can be pressured to change
22:11.10IrielThere may be rationale behind having the limit low.
22:11.23KirovThese are designers
22:11.34KirkburnOne way of keeping down bandwidth, is a possibility
22:11.37KirovThey can rationalize anything, doesn't mean they're right.
22:11.40IrielThe amount of whining about this is a bit annoying, though unsurprising, the standard UI prohibited you from doing it.
22:11.41EndI can't think of one except for "it's more realistic"!
22:11.53Endand I doubt it helps bandwidth
22:11.53KirovKirkburn - how?  The data is already sent the client.
22:12.12Endyeah, the client has to know details about playerX's armor already to -draw- it
22:12.21KirovIriel - except it didn't, since /inspect always worked afaik
22:12.32KirkburnJust how far could you inspect before? Infinite?
22:12.39Endthey had to be "visible"
22:12.43Maldiviainspect was visual range
22:12.44KirovKirkburn - UnitExists() range
22:12.50KirkburnI see now :)
22:13.03IrielNot UnitExists
22:13.10MaldiviaKirov: no, UnitIsVisible() range
22:13.12Enderm, isn't party1 something that exists?
22:13.19End(or party whatever)
22:13.23KirovUsed to be the same ... :P
22:13.25Endassuming you -do- have other party members
22:13.38Kirovthough I digress
22:13.50MaldiviaKirov: has never been the same, UnitExists("party1") will be true when you join a party, even when you're on different continents
22:14.39Maldiviagrrr... billing day...
22:16.35KirovOne reason for a 10 yard distance is privacy, people have to run up to you to inspect you, so you kinda' know you're being inspected.
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22:16.43KirovPersonally, I prefered ignorance
22:17.23KirkburnHeh, it's fun when you know exactly what someone is doing standing right next to you :P
22:17.31Kirovpre DressUp and GoodInspect I have bad memories of 30 people crowding around me tryin to see my new armor / weapon.
22:18.28KirovUsually because I was trying to see it myself, but all I could see was the armor of everyone else mashed together
22:18.28EndI don't want people sniffing my ass
22:18.47KirovEnd - that's an especially serious problem for alliance
22:19.23KirovThough, one benefit of being a dwarf is the eye height is exactly chest height of the female humans and night elves.
22:20.21ShadowedSO ANYWAY
22:21.21temok, so it's BWL night for my guild
22:21.29temany bets on how blizzard will screw us this week?
22:21.43Kirovtem - the double spawn bug will return?
22:22.04Endyou are alliance right Tem?  In that case, all 10 storms will drop.
22:22.16temin the last month, we haven't had our first night of BWL go right
22:22.37Endnaw, you'll one shot every boss, but you'll just get shammy loot only
22:22.49tembetween the server going belly up 10 minutes before pulling razor, a patch at prime time, ect...
22:22.58Kirkburn(just checking - that 'impossible' isn't it?)
22:23.03temit is
22:23.13temwhen Shaman loot would drop, it picks another item on the loot table
22:23.14Kirovkirkburn - before this patch, yes
22:23.26EndI think Shaman and Paladin loot just share the same slot
22:23.27Kirovnow, who knows
22:23.40Endand it switches just based on faction
22:23.44KirovI'm expecting dungeon set gear to drop in BWL
22:23.48End(when either gets selected)
22:24.02temthe theory in my guild is that if Ten Storms would drop, you get one of the non-class drops
22:24.23temI think that theory is wrong because it could allow say Razor to not drop any bracers at all
22:24.49Endmy guild has had double 10 storm bracers drop before too (me being horde)
22:25.04KirkburnIt's sad when we all become so cynical
22:25.07temWe've killed Nef 3 times
22:25.13KirovThe theory in my guild is that shamans don't exist, they're just made up like tooth fairies and easter bunnies
22:25.16temfirst time was NW, Wrath
22:25.23temsecond was double Wrath
22:25.30Kirkburn(it's like England, but concentrated in a single chat channel)
22:25.30temthird was double wrath
22:25.50temall of our warriors have 5 or more peices of wrath
22:25.51Shadowedyesterday was two dragonstalker BP's, rogue boots, and some other item that nobody wanted :(
22:25.58Kirovkirk - *badoom chhh*
22:26.01temthere isn't a single hunter or mage above 4 peices
22:26.29KirkburnWhy thank you Kirov, you may remove your Dunce hat :P
22:27.53Shadowed ironic
22:28.27Endthat's great
22:28.37ShadowedI bet that guy could report them all for abuse
22:29.34ShadowedReport them all, ask GM to clear inbox, transfer, create new character. nobody will ever know!
22:30.04Endyeah, that's true
22:30.48ShadowedGranted I doubt he's smart enough to do that, but he could if he realized it!
22:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
22:39.25zespri_workwowwiki is down....
22:40.10Kirovhmm... this whole "patch" thing certainly killed off the Comm thread
22:40.33Wobinwe must resurrect it!
22:40.35WobinCan you relink it?
22:40.49IrielIt probably only'died' because of Login Server Down itis
22:41.08Shadowedall the way down to page 4
22:41.13KirovIriel - This is no time or place for logic!
22:41.20Legorolhelo, i'm back from my away mission
22:41.31LegorolComm thread? did i miss something fun
22:41.58Kirovif you don't want to start at the end
22:42.33IrielLego will read the whole thread I'm sure
22:42.39WobinKirov: hehe I've been keeping up with that thread =)
22:42.48IrielHe's got thoroughness running through his veins
22:43.25LegorolIriel, actually i just got scared by the 9 pages
22:43.33Legorolthat's unprecedented for a non-sticky on the UI forum ;-)
22:43.42Endunless it is a screenshot thread ;p
22:43.43Kirovapart from the screenshot thread
22:43.53Legorolyeah but that's not serious modding...
22:43.54Kirovor a blue
22:43.59Endthe? there is no the!
22:44.12WobinIt's a great thread, Leg =)
22:44.24Legoroli'll read it, prolly not tonight though..
22:44.25WobinIt actually has constructive comments in it =P
22:44.27KirovI've posted my UI in there like all of ... never
22:44.31MaldiviaKaso ?
22:44.47Legorolafter the bus driver got lost on its way from the airport to my city, i'm a bit tired
22:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
22:45.00Legorolthis is a national level coach service, mind you
22:45.05Legorolnot your local minibus for hire
22:45.07Wobingah. Worst trip home ever =(
22:45.14WobinSecond worst trip home ever anyway
22:45.40MaldiviaKaso, I wrote a "Heads Up" about the inspect changes for the EU forums, but I'm on billing limbo, so cant post :|
22:45.54KirovLegorol - For a thread, apart from the "don't listen to AL, he hates everyone" comments is surprisingly full of constructive conversation.
22:46.09MaldiviaKaso: was thinking you might post it instead?
22:46.17Kasolemmme check i can post
22:47.13TemMaldivia, inspect changes?
22:47.21Kasoyeh i can post, /msg it over or something
22:47.28MaldiviaTem: yes, Blizzard fixed the range for inspect
22:47.47Kirovwell, more specifically they fixed the range for GetInventoryItem()
22:47.55Endof course, it was a fix that noone wanted
22:47.57Kirovbut not :SetInventoryItem()
22:48.00Maldiviahmm, alternative to pastebin ?
22:48.08Legorolbtw, does anyone happen to have a link to the EU gb 0.11.2 test realm downloader?
22:48.25Legorolpreferably the original link to the one on the Blizz site
22:48.36Legorolchar copy page is down, but the download link usually works
22:48.43Legoroli guess EU has gone to sleep
22:48.46Maldivialego, PTR is gone
22:49.57AnduinLotharI hate you all
22:49.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Rushster (
22:50.06LegorolAnduinLothar, we love you too
22:50.47Enduh oh, AnduinLothar is being HATEFUL
22:50.50LegorolMaldivia: what do you mean
22:50.57AnduinLothardid someone actually say that kirov? I must have convieniently skimmed over it
22:51.01Legorolgone as in servers dont come up?
22:51.14KirovAnduinLothar - not in so many words.
22:51.24Kirovthey used a lot more
22:51.50WobinEnd: That comment is so -British- =P
22:52.10KirkburnWe rock :D
22:52.14EndI'm not a limey brit though!
22:52.23WobinYou've been assimilated
22:52.25KirovMore refering to comments people made about Sky.
22:52.27Legorolwhat inspect changes?
22:52.29KirkburnEnd loses three points on the coolness scale
22:52.35AnduinLotharoh, they hate Sky, definitely
22:52.45LegorolSky-bashing is very popular
22:52.46AnduinLothareveryone hates Sky, didn't you know?
22:52.51WobinGranted, the majority of comments about Sky have been about past version
22:52.57KirovThe UI community owes a lot of debt to comsos.
22:52.57Enddoes -Sky- hate Sky?
22:52.57KirkburnIt keeps falling on you, y'know
22:53.04LegorolEnd: sometimes it does
22:53.22Legorolcomsos almost sounds russian
22:53.27Kirkburn(just so you know, I said "falling" not failing)
22:53.27WobinThe rest of them have been about how we need to redirect the topic away from anything specifically Sky and more to the methodology/protocol =P
22:53.30AnduinLotharpoor russians
22:54.00AnduinLotharck believes a protocol with no addon req is the way to go
22:54.11KirovI'd agree.
22:54.14AnduinLotharI think it's dumb to impliment the same thing multiple times
22:54.16Wobinwhich will work, if everyone sticks to it =)
22:54.18Legorolno, definitely need an addon
22:54.27Legorolbecause there are some basic tasks that everyone would have to implement:
22:54.33WobinLegorol: Can you see -everyone- using the same addon?
22:54.35Legorolsplitting messages to chunks,
22:54.36KirkburnIn Soviet Russia addons protocol YOU
22:54.39WobinLegorol: Who is going to code it?
22:54.40KirovAnduinLothar - true, but would you use Ace's code?
22:54.43LegorolKirkburn: lol
22:54.57Legorolok, there is splitting, scheduling, and escaping (e.g. | and s)
22:55.01WobinLegorol: The problem with a single library, isn't the code
22:55.04WobinIt's the coders =P
22:55.05KirovPeople have their preferences to coding styles / implementation.
22:55.06AnduinLotharya and anyone who's ever tried joingin updating or changing channels on login shoudl knwo an addon is preferable
22:55.06EndI'd want a "standardized" protocol with a example embedded library anyone could throw into their addon to use
22:55.08Legorolyou can include these in a protocol, yes
22:55.23KirkburnDidn't someone just start this on the wowwiki?
22:55.35Legorolactually i'm getting convinced here...
22:55.42Legorolthat maybe a protocol is better
22:55.48Legorolwith a reference implementation
22:55.53AnduinLotharif you cut and paste the lib's code that defeats the point of it being embeddable
22:55.56AnduinLotharor a lib
22:56.05KirovI believe a protocol is needed, because you'll NEVER convince everyone to use one addon.
22:56.39KirovEven an embeded lib
22:56.42ThraeMikk1: You around?
22:56.45LegorolMaldivia: coming back to your earlier comment, what did you mean by the PTR being gone?
22:57.04KirovDoesn't matter how easy you make it, people won't use it.
22:57.16KirovThey're "more" likely to use a protocol if it's kept simple enough.
22:57.17Legorolthe reference implementation could be an embeddable library
22:57.22Legorolthat will at least discourage copy/paste
22:57.26MaldiviaLegorol: wasn't the PTRs closed this morning, since the 1.11.2 patch was released?
22:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Neronix (
22:57.33Legorolit was?
22:57.43AnduinLotharwell, they have yet to iron out the protocol. Once they figure out all the details perhaps i'll like it better
22:57.45Legorolnot in EU yet :)
22:57.50KirovAnd broke everyone's mods, killed babies, etc.
22:57.53KirkburnIt's not wednesday, foo
22:57.54Legorolthat'd explain why i can't download it though
22:57.58Legorolit breaks mods?
22:58.00Legoroloh noees
22:58.08Legorolare the files on wdn?
22:58.10KirkburnAs ever, disables out-of-date I guess
22:58.30Legorolcan someone point me to a thread about what changed with inspection?
22:58.37AnduinLotharthe thing is i don't think you CAN make it simple enough
22:58.37KirovI just wish lua's sub wasn't so slow
22:58.39Legorolwdn doesn't have 1.11.2 :(
22:58.58AnduinLotharbut w/e i wont stop you from trying
22:59.00Legoroli agree with AnduinLothar about it not being simple. there are lots of details to work out
22:59.08ThraeAnduinLothar: Hey, remembered when you asked me about a function that allowed ANCHOR_CURSOR to have an offset without going off the screen?
22:59.11Legorolbut it can be a complicated protocol ;-)
22:59.21KirovLegorol - here's the skinny - GetInventoryItem() is limited to 10 yards.  :SetInventoryItem() is not, but will be for 1.12
22:59.25AnduinLotharblizz implemented it
22:59.35RushsterAnyone seen Cair?
22:59.43LegorolKirov: hm... why the change?
22:59.50AnduinLotharwell, not an offset
23:00.01KirovLegorol - Why not?
23:00.22KirovLegorol - Blizzard has always intended it to be limited to 10 yards, they're just finally getting around to fixing it.
23:00.24Legoroldid Blizz perceive it as a problem?
23:00.44ThraeAnduinLothar: Yeah, ClampedToScreen was implemented, but for the offset you can use tooltip:SetPoint in an OnUpdate script in conjunction with ANCHOR_CURSOR (or ANCHOR_NONE if you want it to fadeout)
23:01.00KirovGranted, I have a feeling everyone (but RPers) think otherwise.
23:01.14KirovEnd - 20 yards?  Good, that was my guess as well.
23:01.30EndI dunno I guess
23:01.33Endslouken just posted that
23:01.41KirovClampedToScreen is my new best friend
23:01.46ThraeEnd: I was wondering why my Night Elf needed glasses to see armour a few yards away ;)
23:01.48AnduinLotharThrae: yeah isn't that what i said?
23:02.31AnduinLotharClampedToScreen makes scores of lines of code obsolete
23:02.40ThraeAnduinLothar: I think End said it first, but yeah.
23:02.40AnduinLotharnow if only it worked for the top..
23:02.48Maldiviadouble distance... that's always a start, but ohh no, all those addons that depends on UnitInteractRange(or what ever it's called) for being 10 yards when called with inspect-range will be fubar :)
23:03.40Shadowedso basically
23:03.44ShadowedC'thun warner is broken :p
23:03.50KirovYeah, my thoughts exactly
23:03.56Shadowedmy thoughs?
23:04.03EndWhat's so special about C'thun and 10 yards?
23:04.19ShadowedIt's (about) the range that you have to be or he'll bounce green beams between you guys and kill you
23:04.27Kirovinspect is 5 1/2 yards
23:04.30EndI see o_O
23:04.32WobinTentaclerape reach?
23:04.47Kirkburn5 1/2?
23:04.58purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 5~ sec! ***
23:05.49KirovI believe it uses the trade distance for the outer limit though
23:05.49Kirov"red" is inspect
23:05.49ShadowedIt uses 5 1/2 for the "omg you're going to die" alert
23:05.57NeronixSo blizz changed the ranges to break boss mods?
23:06.10Endhah, I doubt that
23:06.10KirovI never thought PlaySoundFile being broken would make me happy until we did C'Thun
23:06.11Shadowedwell really when you say boss mods, it's only really c'thun and thaddius
23:06.20Endmost bosses don't care about range like that
23:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge net\afk (
23:07.06Shadowed"The goblin mail-o-matic 3000 has delivered me your petition" - GM's are always fun to talk to
23:07.43Kirovyour GMs must be cooler than ours
23:07.51Wobin"However, your request arrived, half burnt out, and half covered in soot... so if you could clarify your situation..."
23:07.54Temthey each have some sort of fun phrase like that
23:08.11Maldiviahmm, I want a boss mod, so when I press the hotkey, it looks like I'm typing something in Word... :)
23:08.13snurre  <-- drunk english/french/german GMs in paris during the WC finals :p
23:08.37ShadowedThey even said that they're closing the ticket. Thats a new one
23:08.59WobinMaldivia: "You look like you're trying to kill C'thun! Azeroth Office Assistant can help you in this endeavour..."
23:09.20Legorolbtw, am i the only person here who feels it's inappropriate for to carry a banner congratulating Italy on its victory?
23:09.21Kasoha ha ha
23:09.23KirovShadowed - he must be new, he'll be fired next week
23:09.35KasoWobin that was comedy gold
23:09.49Endno, not comedy gold.  just damn scary
23:10.00MaldiviaWobin: "ohh it looks like you're about to wipe, the Azeroth Office Assistant will no cast DI. Please reboot to continue"
23:10.12EndI don't want Azeorth Office Assistance's help in anyway thank you very much
23:10.18snurreLegorol: why would it be? any nation (european at least) would be congratulated that way.. irrelevant, however, it is.
23:10.54KirovLegorol - odd, the us site doesn't have anything about italy winning ... oh right, americans hate any "football" not their own since they always get their asses kicked.
23:11.08Endit's not that we hate it
23:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
23:11.19Endit's that generally we just don't care
23:11.21Legorolsnurre: it's not the nation, it's the topic
23:11.22End(I think)
23:11.26Legorolfootball has nothing to do with wow
23:11.37Legoroli don't want to go to the main wow website to be greeted by a football reference
23:11.57KirovEnd - And yet we love nascar, baseball and american foodball.
23:12.02snurreindeed, I agree that it shouldn't really be there.. I guess it's due to the massive interest it has in europe
23:12.08EndKirov: well, there -is- that
23:12.09Legorolif someone made a post about it on general forum, it woudl be shooed to off-topic
23:12.19Kirovgaud the general american populous are idiots
23:12.24Endspeaking of foodball *goes home*
23:12.27snurreus'ians don't even know what football is called, and made up some retarded nickname for it
23:12.32Legorolsnurre: i agree that there is large interest... but still, it is no justification for putting it on main page
23:12.39End-afkwrong slash command dammit
23:12.55Kirovsnurre - I'd like to point out I actually called it football
23:13.06snurre/pats :)
23:13.11KirkburnThere are many Italian players
23:13.15KirovSince, you know, you actually use your feet to hit the ball unlike another same-name sport
23:13.33KirovAmerican football is really just rugby for wusses anyway
23:13.38KirkburnAnd I mean *lots* - it's a community website, most importantly
23:13.42AnduinLothardo you get different rep from different leveld mobs with the same name?
23:13.50snurreAs Legorol said, it's not which nation, but the fact that it's there at all
23:14.24KirovI want to see a rugby team vs. an american football team.
23:14.29Temso, I heard that they called him a "dirty terrorist"
23:14.34KirkburnHe denies it
23:14.38Temand that's what provoked the headbut
23:14.42Kirovand watch the american football team get their asses handed to them.
23:14.53Temhey, I'll go with the USC theorum here
23:14.58Temwe tied Italy
23:15.08Temtherefore we can also call ourselves the champs
23:15.13Temand the AP will vote us that way
23:15.30KirkburnViva Italia
23:15.42KirovI'm fairly certain that if a fully armored american football player ran head long in to a rugby player's head the american football player would be knocked out and the rugby player would keep going.
23:15.45Legorolyou see, the problem is i couldn't care less about football...
23:15.52Temnot that I give to shits about football/soccer
23:15.59snurreITS NOT CALLED SOCCER!!!!
23:16.00KirkburnNeither do I, but many others do
23:16.10snurreITS NOT CALLED SOCCER!!!!
23:16.16TemI'm just glad to see france not win
23:16.19KirkburnAmerican football ~= football :P
23:16.38TemI very much enjoy american football
23:16.44Kirovamerican football should be renamed minitankball
23:16.47KirkburnThey hardly even use their feet, for goodness sake
23:17.04Temfield goal
23:17.07Kaso"every red blooded american knowns that real football involves throwing and catching egg-shaped ball"
23:17.10Temaaaand that's it
23:17.20KirkburnShortened to be SoftieBall
23:17.27snurreI'm divided; As I am currently living in France it would be less of an anti-climax if France won, but at least I can sleep at nights since they're not driving around hooting their car horns and yelling 24/7, like they did after the 8th-, quarter- and semi-finals
23:17.57Kirovsnurre - hey, it could be like americans.
23:18.00KirkburnSounds much like Perigua after the semi final
23:18.06Kirov2 weeks in and no one wanted to talk about it anymore
23:18.36KirkburnBtw, why is this known to be CMs?
23:18.36TemThis guy I work with is from south america
23:18.40KirovTem - there are actually, for some reason, some big footbal fans at my office.
23:18.42Temand he wouldn't stfu about it
23:18.53Temthe rest of us couldn't care less
23:18.56snurreKirkburn: a little bird told me :p
23:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
23:19.34NeronixI'm happy my country won. And that's it really
23:19.35KirkburnIt's a CM's blog?
23:19.46NeronixAnd happy that England got their arses handed to them
23:19.53snurrenah, but a RL friend of mine (and CMs/GMs)
23:19.58KirkburnThat's harsh
23:20.02NeronixForces them to wake up and be the great team they can be
23:20.06zinorah world cup
23:20.07KirkburnOoh, I see
23:20.09zinordid you guys see that zidane site
23:20.14zinorsomeone linked it to me last night
23:20.16zinorits hillarious ?
23:20.19zinorsec let me find the link
23:20.37NeronixAnd Zidane ruined his swan song
23:20.38zinorlol they added more
23:20.38snurrethe site was regged before the match ended :p
23:20.54KirkburnItaly's best player, natch
23:21.30snurrei love that vote :p
23:21.36zinori picked half-life :D
23:22.12NeronixI picked bull by accident >.<
23:22.26zinorthe comments are so bad
23:22.30zinoreveryone just makes fun of each other :x
23:22.42zinorkind of like the wow forums
23:22.44zinorall trolls
23:22.47NeronixOh yes
23:22.53Neronix+ engrish
23:23.01Neronix+ prepubescence
23:23.17Neronixwith a huge dollop of immaturity
23:23.43zinorbest one
23:24.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:27.39KasoHa ha ha, im testing some stuff with ice barrier, i say how much is the value of rank 1 to this mage, and hes like, "theres only 1 rank".
23:28.44zinori dont get it :x
23:28.49Kasotheres 4 ranks
23:29.00snurre is funny if you've seen
23:29.27ShadowedSome of those are funny, some are just stupid
23:31.22AnduinLotharanyone know how rep gain in bg's works now?
23:31.34ShadowedAnduinLothar: Which BG?
23:31.45snurreyou get rep if you are on threatlist
23:32.15ShadowedWSG is 35 rep per a capture, AB is 10 rep per a tick and a tick is ever 250 points i believe
23:32.20Shadowedor maybe it was 200, one of those
23:32.35KirkburnCrouch, he's a lanky one
23:33.11snurrehe's a giraffe
23:33.16Kaso <-- funniest Zidane gif
23:34.10Legorolso, who is Zidane, and what's all this commosion about him/her
23:34.17KirkburnRain in Desolace too now, it seems
23:34.27Kasohe headbutted someone else in a football match
23:34.44KirkburnOne of the best football players the world has ever seen (apparently)
23:34.46NeronixLegorol: Arguably one of the best footballers of his generation
23:34.59Legorolhe looks a bit... aged
23:34.59zinorand he headbutted a guy in the world cup finals
23:35.07zinorya the street fighter one is good kaso
23:35.10Legoroldid he get a red card?
23:35.12NeronixLegorol: The WC final was his retirement match
23:35.13KirkburnThis was his last ever game
23:35.13snurrezidane = one of the best footballers ever, captain of the french team. In his last international football match ever, 10 minutes before the end, he headbutts another player and gets sent off
23:35.14Neronixand yes
23:35.18zinorwhich pissed off the french team
23:35.21zinorcuz he was basically their hero
23:35.22Neronixafter 5 mins of the ref wondering wtf happened
23:35.28zinorand then france lost
23:35.29Kasohe might get his red card revoked
23:35.36zinorKaso, i doubt it
23:35.38snurredoesn't matter
23:35.39zinorif he did theyd have to redo the game
23:35.40KirkburnAye, me too
23:35.42Legoroldoes it matter
23:35.45NeronixKaso: how?
23:36.16KirkburnIt's the world cup, legorol :P
23:36.16Kasocos apparently none of the refs saw it
23:36.16Kirkburn4th official did
23:36.16KirovHow does that work
23:36.27KirkburnThat's the official line
23:36.27zinorya one ref did
23:36.29Kasothe debate is that the 4th might have only seen it on TV replay that isnt allowed
23:36.44zinoreither way
23:36.45zinori think he deserved it
23:36.46KirkburnEven so, the fact is, he did something worthy of a red card
23:36.54Kirovzinor - not after recieving a large sum of money in a bag that smelled heavily of body odor and coffee
23:36.56Legorol?? you telling me if they have a record of him headbutting someone on a tape, that's not grounds for a red card?
23:37.02Legoroli always knew football is a strange sport
23:37.06Shadowed ?
23:37.13Kasostupid burocricy Legorol
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23:37.24AnduinLotharrules were made before tv's were invented
23:37.26NeronixLegorol: Yeah, which is why I don't really care about it usually
23:37.28snurrevideo judging is not classified as proof in football yet
23:37.30AnduinLotharref has to see it
23:37.34AnduinLotharsame with baseball
23:37.36snurreemphasis on "yet"
23:37.40Cideholy shit
23:37.43Legorolso you can kick people behind ref's back?
23:37.43Kirkburn"Addons can send hidden chat messages to players in the party, raid or guild, using SendAddonMessage("text", "PARTY"|"RAID"|"GUILD").
23:37.44KirkburnWhen players receve these messages, a new event "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" is sent, with arg1 being the text of the message, and arg2 being the name of the player that sent it. "
23:37.45Legorolnice sport..
23:37.46Cideread that thread
23:37.51KirovShadowed - *jaw drops*
23:37.58NeronixCide: zOMG!?
23:38.06Neronixlink plx!!1!1one
23:38.12AnduinLothargood old slouken
23:38.19Legorolthere is one problem..
23:38.21NeronixI need to tell tek, clad and Ckk
23:38.23Legorolhow do you identify sending addon
23:38.31AnduinLothardo it yourself
23:38.36KirovLegorol - I was wondering that myself
23:38.40NeronixLegorol: Guess we'll have to still add our own header
23:38.42Legorolbut this is a great step
23:38.50KirovAnduin - I personally would prefer if it was built in.
23:38.51Cideidentify sending addon isn't that big an issue
23:38.54Cidejust use a prefix
23:38.59KirovCide - it's slow though
23:39.40Legoroli wonder what the limits are on this message
23:39.40Cidenot really
23:39.41Legorolsize/frequency etc.
23:39.41CideI use
23:39.41Legorolstill, this is great!
23:39.41AnduinLotharwhine whine whine
23:39.41stryder_30I have started attempting to make mods, I am getting the XML side of it and making frames, Where can i get some tutorials or information about functions for using LUA? even just simple things like adding text or information into my frames that I make
23:39.41KirkburnYou would likely need a header anyway
23:39.42zinorah that is a nice new feature
23:39.42AnduinLotharjust means i can nuke 1 hook
23:39.42KirkburnIt's not as if most addons do one thing only
23:39.48Cidelocal _, _, prefix, message = string.find(message, "^RA ([^%s]+) ?(.*)"); is what I use
23:39.54Cidethat's pretty fast
23:39.56AnduinLotharstill doesn't work with global chan
23:40.01LegorolCide, but if every addon did that, it's slow
23:40.11KirkburnWaitasec, wouldn't this mean sky could ... go?
23:40.36Cideit's pretty damn fast with ^(prefix)
23:40.36Kirov10000 string.subs on a 6 character header = 4.7 ms, 10000 string.finds on a 6 character header = 5.7 ms, 10000 string comparisons = >0.1 ms
23:40.36Cidethat's not string.sub
23:40.37AnduinLotharno, still need an adodn to manage it
23:40.44KirkburnYeah, I meant the sky channels :P
23:40.46AnduinLotharbut sky could decrease in size and go down to 1 channel
23:40.46KirovCide = your function is closer to 12 ms
23:40.47Kirovor more
23:40.58KirkburnIndeed ... this is an amazing change!
23:41.02KirovCide - 10000 of them
23:41.12Kirkburn(I feel bad for you AnduinLothar, you only just updated to 2.1!)
23:41.21KirovCide - but now EVERY addon is going to be parsing a single "channel"
23:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:41.23Cide10000 string.finds on a 6 character header = 5.7 ms <- using what pattern?
23:41.28AnduinLotharlove how he waits for me to recode 6 addons for my new sky changes before he announces it
23:41.29Cidewhat I don't like
23:41.39LegorolKirkburn, Sky does plenty of stuff in addition
23:41.45Cideis that there's no way of telling which channel it's sent to
23:41.49KirkburnI know :)
23:41.50Legorol1.12 won't be out for ages
23:41.50zinorAnduinLothar, someone told me you worked for Blizzard. Why didnt you know about this sooner?
23:41.59AnduinLotharused to
23:42.05Kirovstring.find( text, "^header")
23:42.10KirkburnUsed to?
23:42.14AnduinLotharpast tense
23:42.15Cidehow is that faster than mine?
23:42.39MaldiviaCide: it is probably split into those
23:42.43Legorolwe still don't know anything about the size/frequency limits of SendAddonMessage
23:42.48Kirkburn(On the subject of addons clogging up a channel ... don't use badly coded ones then!)
23:42.51Legorolif it's poor, we are back to the old ways
23:42.56AnduinLotharoh well, guess i'll recode sky again when the test server comes out
23:42.57KirovCide - well, I guess if it exits it'll be just as fast, I should test that better
23:43.07Cideyeah, that's my point
23:43.09AnduinLotharshouldn't be hard to make it reverse compat with the current method
23:43.15Cideit should exit immediately upon finding the wrong character
23:43.18KirovStill, it's woefully slower than a string comparison
23:43.24KirkburnWhy past tense, or is there no point asking?
23:43.34Cidewell, yeah
23:43.49Cidesome way to pass a prefix into the function and get it as arg3 would be nice
23:43.58AnduinLothari'm too much of a programmer and not enough of a quality assurance type guy
23:43.59stryder_30Is there some sort of channel or area around here that I can find tutorials on how to make mods? I got some simpilar questions I need answered =P
23:43.59zinorso go email him and tell him that :)
23:44.05zinorsoulken responds pretty quick to emails
23:44.18Kirovanyone able to log in to the forums?
23:44.20KirkburnSounds fair enough, AL =) Do what you enjoy!
23:44.36AnduinLothari may apply again after i graduate
23:44.39Gryphenstryder_30 wowwiki and existing mods are the tutorials i use
23:44.49AnduinLotharbut fulltime wasn't playing nice with my fulltime school either
23:44.57KirkburnStrange that :P
23:45.05MaldiviaSo, with SendAddonMessage... how can I avoid DamageMeter spam ?
23:45.41zinorAnduinLothar, what did you do at Blizzard?
23:45.41KirovMaldivia - you don't
23:45.42stryder_30Okay, thanks, i have heard many people say wowwiki but i couldnt find some of the info i needed... ill check again, THanks
23:45.42zespri_workSorry, can't find it in the text above - why do you need to recode sky for 1.12, Anduin?
23:45.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
23:45.49MaldiviaKirov: exactly, that's the problem with "forced channel"
23:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
23:46.27KirovMaldivia - my point, and one that others (including I'm guessing Slouken concured with) is the issue isn't the messages themselves, it's the parsing of them.
23:46.33ShadowedNot a whole lot different from people using the CTRA channel for DM though
23:46.52zespri_workomg. i've come.
23:47.00MaldiviaKirov: have you tried doing raid with people on 56k or ISDN ?
23:47.19KirovMaldivia - yes ... we kick them from the raid.
23:47.34NeronixWhy would anyone still be on 56k or ISDN?
23:47.39KirovActually, we have a couple of aussies with 3000+ pings
23:47.58zespri_workNeronix, because to everybody lives in USA
23:48.07MaldiviaKirov: now consider having an exta 1-2kb of data pr second - that's a log for an ISDN line
23:48.35NeronixI don't
23:49.01CideKirov: I posted the concerns
23:49.16KirovCide - thanks
23:49.29KirkburnI thought Wobble was someone new =(
23:50.24MaldiviaNeronix: well, not everyone have access to ADSL/cable/etc where they live, and the minimum requirements for the game is still a 56k connected
23:51.06KirkburnAye ... however, I would guess that within a year it would be silly to keep supporting 56k
23:51.24KirkburnYes, it would be unfortunate for those in the wilderness, I know
23:51.34KirkburnSuch is life
23:52.19TemI know only one person who plays no 56k
23:52.28Temand he's still the best rogue on our server
23:52.32Temlag and all
23:52.44Legorolactually, lag can help you
23:52.48Legorolyou warp around the screen like mad
23:52.53Legorolit's hard for others to catch you
23:52.54WobinKirov: I can get pings like that =(
23:52.59AnduinLotharwell, guess we just had to make a 9 page thread about it to show there were a dozen or so developers who wanted it for blizzard to notice
23:53.19Legorolit's something i've contemplated about before... you can "exploit" by deliberately hosing your upload bandwidth
23:53.23Legorolit makes you warp around madly
23:53.33AnduinLotharwhat else do we want that we can make 9 page threads about...
23:53.35Legorolbut if you keep your download bw free, you still get all the movement from the opponent
23:53.42MaldiviaAnduinLothar: Lua 5.1 :)
23:53.55Tem5.1 is slightly more difficult
23:53.59MaldiviaI know :)
23:54.04Tembecause it would require changes to the C and Lua code
23:54.09MaldiviaTem: but we still want it, correct ? :)
23:54.12TemHELL YES
23:54.27Temwtb semi direct access to the stack
23:54.44TemLegorol, wouldn't that potentially cause you problems?
23:55.28KirkburnHosing the upload bandwidth would make you hard to hit, but crap at *doing* anything
23:55.29clad|gymYay for constructive discussions =)
23:56.07Kirkburn"Woo, I can run around like a madman!"  ....  "But can you actually hit me?"  ....  "Uh, no?"
23:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
23:56.31KirkburnEarlier today I heard one of those classic old people conversations
23:56.54esp|SynHey guys, wonder if anyone can help me with some interface coding?
23:57.20KirkburnThe husband kept repeating something to his wife, she didn't hear him and kepy saying pardon ... when he eventually said ti loud enough for her to hear, she told him not to shout :P
23:57.57SilverShadowHey.. did you guys see Slouken's post about the new hidden chat messages?
23:58.08Kirkburnno, we haven't been talking about it for 20 mins =)
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23:58.17Legorolhosing your upload bw wouldn't stop you from hitting people
23:58.30Legorolmovement is one of the lowest priority packets
23:58.40SilverShadowheh.. sorry.. wasn't paying attention to IRC >_<
23:58.47esp|SynDont suppose anyone will check my code and tell me the error please?
23:59.22Legorolesp|Syn: post your code on pastebin, post the link here
23:59.26Legoroland describe your problem
23:59.32Legorolthen people might htink about it :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.