irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060629

00:00.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
00:00.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:04.34Legoroli hear something about a patch in US?
00:04.42Legorolbtw, one of the Best Blue Posts ever:
00:08.47Industrialsorry but thats just too disgusting
00:09.02IndustrialI MAEK UI YES LALAL!!
00:10.23LegorolIndustrial, whilst I appreciate your enthusiasm to respond to the person, I think that on this one you are wrong
00:10.35Legorolyes he used all caps and his compilation doesn't have much "value added"
00:10.52Legorolhowever, very often people are looking for a one-stop download of a large compilation with lots of stuff, to try out what someone else uses
00:10.56Legorolnothing wrong with that imo
00:13.47Mikk1The only real question is if he'll keep it updated
00:14.15Beladonaanyone know of a way to obtain another closed beta account for Cabal online? I am trying to get one for a friend
00:16.06ThraeWhenever I see compliations like that, I can just hear someone saying "This is so cool! ...Is anyone else lagging?"
00:16.57ThraeYou shouldn't necessarily put Khaos on a machine that can barely run WoW ;)
00:19.39Tem_so, why are people online on my server
00:19.45Tem_but I have to download an update?
00:19.51ThraeCrap, I can't find my pants.
00:23.21IndustrialThrae: lol!
00:23.45Industrialoops wrong channel
00:24.32LegorolThrae: whilst i appreciate the humour, i don't appreciate the AddOn picked as an example.
00:24.40LegorolKhaos is not bad at all!
00:24.45LegorolNow if you'd picked Sky on the other hand..
00:25.16Legorolwe have these weird issue with Sky... some of our users complain that Sky is able to force-reset their broadband router
00:25.20IndustrialLegorol: these are the addons that i use btw
00:25.24LegorolIt's very impressive
00:25.30Industrialthe green ones are mine :D
00:25.33LegorolIndustrial: which ones?
00:25.38Industrialand prettymuch all 4-5kb
00:25.40IndustrialLegorol: the link
00:25.44Legoroloh i see
00:26.06Legorolyeah if you write your own addons that's always the lightest
00:26.14Tem_World of Warcraft Patch 1.11.1
00:26.24Tem_I just downloaded and patched
00:26.39zespri_workI would like to ditch half of the addons I'm using but I can't.
00:26.48zespri_worklive without them =)
00:27.08FanookTem: maybe they're forwarding you a prerelease so you can find the crashes early
00:27.19ThraeLegorol: The addons that Khaos chooses to include, not Khaos itself ;)
00:27.23Kirkburn|wowYes, 1.11.1 is a minor client patch
00:27.38kergothzespri_work: same here. every once in a while i try to cut back, and cant find anything to remove :\
00:27.43Tem_people are *online* on my server
00:27.45IndustrialThrae: seconded
00:27.50Tem_*none* of them patched
00:28.13Mikk1I suppose that means that no client<>server interop changed
00:28.21Mikk1So  they could just push out client patches on the fly
00:28.29Mikk1Makes sense
00:28.52kaso|Is there any difference between if Fred()=="bill" and local f=Fred() if f=="bill" in terms of GC
00:29.36Mikk1f=Fred() obviously creates one more reference to the returned value
00:29.42Industrialno cause they both dont get gced
00:29.45LegorolIndustrial: read Devla's post on that page you linked
00:29.46Industriali win!
00:29.54LegorolThe one that starts: "A well known author just asked us at to remove all his mods because we approved a "Spanish Translation" of one of his mods"
00:29.55Mikk1yeah, they live on the stack
00:30.48IndustrialLegorol: are you saying that I feel elitist? ;D
00:30.51Legorolno no
00:30.55Legorolwait, here is the punchline;
00:31.06Legoroli like this part of that post most:
00:31.08Legorol"Believe me, I know a helluva lot of work goes into mods, but condescending elitist authors really need to get out more. "
00:31.16Legorolanyways, that post by Devla is amusing because....
00:31.19Legorol... it's about me!
00:31.43Legorolhe is twisting the story a bit, but it's almost exactly as he said
00:32.12Industrialwell he doesnt have to remove it but lets not get into that >_>
00:32.17Legorolyes he does
00:32.19Kirkburn|wowTem, the 1.11.1 patch only affected a bug in the client, so no downtime needed :) Bring on 1.11.2 :D
00:32.27Industrial"bet lets not get into that >_>"
00:32.30KirovI don't understand why people are upset about translations of mods, as long as they credit the original author
00:32.37IndustrialKirov: oh i am
00:32.42Legorolbecause, unlike other people, i actually include clear text with EquipCompare describing what rights do i give to people downloading it
00:32.57LegorolKirov: translation wasn't the issue
00:33.02IndustrialLegorol: note im using it :P \o/ i totally love it
00:33.06Industrialcant live without
00:33.30Legoroli haven't really seen addons with license info
00:33.40LegorolIndustrial: i appreciate your enthusiasm
00:33.56Legorolnow you may think i'm a total jerk but i deliberately put text with EquipCompare that limits the rights of those downloading it
00:34.07Legorolone of those limitations is that noone may publically rehost a modified version
00:34.17Legorolthat's why i asked to remove the spanish version
00:34.23Legorolnot because it's a translation or anything
00:34.34Legoroland i don't understand why he finds it mind-boggling
00:34.36Industrialthey messed with your shit, and its YOUR shit
00:34.40Legorolhe might find it amusing
00:34.49Legorolbut i don't understand what he doesn't understand
00:34.54Legorolif the license is there in the file, it's there
00:35.01IndustrialIf someone feels the need to translate something he can come to me and well do it together
00:35.01Legoroli wasn't making it up and he makes it sound like i was ;-)
00:35.17Kirkburn|wowTrue, but as an admin of an addon website, you're gonna get frustrated when you lose content
00:35.36Legoroli do give permission for rehosting
00:35.40Legoroljust not in modified form
00:35.41IndustrialKirkburn|wow: then have a poicy of not accepting changed mods in the first place
00:35.42Legoroli think that's fair
00:35.51kergoththe license is the only thing that gives you -any- rights to that which is copyrighted by someone else.  not exactly hard to grasp
00:35.56Legoroli don't want multiple versions floating around
00:36.07Mikk1re-hosting modified stuff is a nightmare tbh. lego is going to get thwapped for bugs that have been fixed in the english version but not in the spanish one.
00:36.18Industrialthink of titan panel
00:36.21Industrialthe horror..
00:36.27Legorolas Mikk1 says
00:36.42Legorolif they rehost an unmodified form, i can tell from the version number what the problem might be
00:36.46Kirkburn|wowIt wasn't thaat bad, the Titan Panelssss fun
00:36.46Legorolso i'm fine with that
00:37.12Legorolbesides, i don't see why the spanish translator couldn't have contacted me
00:37.16Legoroli have contact info in the addon
00:37.47Legorolplus, EC is one of the best localized AddOns, with English, German, French, Korean, Traditional and Simplified Chinese translation *and* compatibility with clients in those languages
00:37.55Kirkburn|wowbut no spanish ;P
00:38.02Industrialkergoth: pm
00:38.09kergotherk, whered i put that window
00:38.10LegorolKirkburn|wow: i even sent an email to the person who translated it
00:38.12Kirkburn|wow(v nice though, Legorol!)
00:38.18Industrialkergoth: ;D
00:38.23Legoroloffering that if he allowed me, i'll include his spanish translation
00:38.25Legoroli never got a reply
00:38.38Legoroli still have the spanish localization file around
00:38.51Legorolbut i won't violate his copyright, so i am not including it without his permission
00:39.01Kirkburn|wowWell, it's not a desperate thing until the spanish batch come out
00:42.06CodayusHeh, kinda funny.
00:42.51Kirkburn|wowWow, some servers are finishing the Scourge Invasion stuff quickly :(
00:43.15Kirkburn|wowI rather hope mine hasn't finished it yet (it appears 150 victories = end)
00:43.17CodayusWhen does it finish?
00:43.23Codayus150?  Frick...
00:43.36CodayusDo you know if the new dungeon bosses go away when the invasion ends?
00:44.56Kirkburn|wowI know no more than's on that page. I rather hope not
00:45.06CodayusI *really* hope not.  :-(
00:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Arog (
00:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
00:55.30Kirkburn|wow(notice of the little patch:
00:58.40Fanookwell, actually, i can't say that. it is taking longer than i expected to dowload though
00:59.21Arogthat might be faster
00:59.35Fanookeh, i'm 2/3 done
00:59.50Arog -  PATCH URLS
00:59.53Arogfanook, its 3 mb
00:59.58Arogjust download it from there if you want
01:00.44ShadowedExiting the game to download the patch and apply it was a really stupid idea apparently
01:00.54ShadowedConnecting...disconnected from the server.
01:02.07Kirkburnnote to self: don't open a half frozen water bottle without thinking first
01:03.09KirkburnHow does that work? One little patch note and the game version leaps by nearly 40?
01:04.29LegorolKirkburn: it's probably because a number of one-liners were committed to their CVS system which also got included :)
01:04.30Aroganyone play on Warsong?
01:04.35LegorolArog: EU or US?
01:04.48CodayusHmm, my server has won 146 battles against the scourge.
01:05.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:05.01Kirkburnquick, do stuff
01:05.53Kirkburnlol ... WorldofWar is showing the CG favicon on my browser :P
01:06.37Kirkburnrandom :/
01:06.45ArogLegorol US
01:07.11Kirkburnzomg, trolls:
01:09.42ArogLegorol do ya?
01:09.59Legoroli'm EU, sorry
01:14.11KirkburnHey, you know that Darkshore tribe of trolls that no-one can reach?
01:14.25ShadowedThe dancing ones that you couldn't reach anymore due to the wall walking stuff?
01:14.28Fanookyou found a pass?
01:14.28KirkburnThey're Shatterspear jungle trolls
01:15.00KirkburnAhahaha! "Visiting the secluded village is a difficult endeavor, and a number of adventurers have fallen to their deaths in attempting to scale the steep hills around the Shatterspears' home. "
01:15.22KirkburnI like whoever wrote that ;)
01:17.05KebinusanI visited that village
01:17.07KirkburnAn enigma has been solved :P
01:17.12Kebinusanand I clicked off slowfall over the water
01:17.20Kebinusanand landed on that little boat in the water and died
01:17.43Fanookgood aim
01:17.58Kebinusanyeah all that time playing with the cannon at the darkmoon faire I guess
01:19.06Fanooki did that once, stopped once i got nothing for a bullseye
01:19.49DagenArog, you rock.. thanks for those links ;)
01:21.10KirkburnYou get ... nothing!
01:21.18KirkburnYou lose!
01:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
01:29.06Fanookstupid patch, turns off old addons even though nothing in the api changed
01:30.01zesprihm the 1.10.* patches didn't change toc number after 10.0
01:30.27zesprior maybe they just like 11110 better.
01:33.47Legorolwhat, there's a toc change?
01:34.53Fanookcan't be. i have addons that are still up-to-date
01:35.09KirkburnBlizz wouldn't be that stupid :P
01:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge net\afk (
01:35.32Shadowedalways a first
01:35.35zespriuh ok. then Fanook just messed up =)
01:35.40KirkburnI'm disappointed no-one got my Wily Wonka reference earlier :(
01:35.57Kirkburn*Willy (not often you get to say that)
01:36.29Legorolno Fanook is probably right
01:36.34Legorolpatches always turn off outofdate addons
01:36.37Legoroleven if no TOC change
01:36.51Legorol<zespri> or maybe they just like 11110 better <= i thought you got this from FrameXML.toc
01:37.12zesprino, just was blindly guessing what Fankook meant =)
01:37.22cReDiAr11110 ? isn't it 11100
01:37.40zespriI'm at work so it's the only thing left to me - to blindly guess
01:37.46KirkburnNo it's now: 11111111111111eleventyzwo"lf!
01:38.45KirkburnThe real Star Trek tag-line: "To blindy stumble where everyone else has gone before"
01:39.22KirkburnI should go into stand-up, I really should :/
01:40.13LegorolThe Blizz Downloader is so smarthened.. it says my computer appears to be behind a firewall
01:40.16Legorolno kidding!
01:40.27KirkburnAt least they spell check ;)
01:41.01KirkburnOh no he din't! *snap snap*
01:42.54WobinKirkburn, the whitest black woman ever
01:43.16Fanookhe was born a po' black child
01:49.50Legorolthe dastards, they've moved the tracker for the retail-to-1.11.0 download
01:50.16Legoroli have to go through my usual dance to get a new downloader for the full 1.11.0 patch
01:50.31kergothFanook: hahah
01:50.36kergothi need to buy The Jerk on dvd
01:56.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Nemokrad- (
01:56.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Nemokrad- (
01:57.19*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
01:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
01:59.46zespri_workbloody patch doesn't want to download. it's not patch fault of course, but my connection's
02:00.20Fanookwoot! Cartman is Dead!
02:06.39Mikk1Cide: Competition!
02:07.11Cideif you want to call it competition, go ahead :)
02:07.41Mikk1no idea, i just noticed the new page on the wiki =)
02:07.51Cideit's not really new
02:11.27cladhairei dont think even haste would call it competition =)
02:11.35cladhairejust a way to get the benefits of ctra without the frames
02:11.46cladhaireand he'd probably drop it in a second if the comm stuff for ctra was split out.
02:21.09Legorolit's called default UI :)
02:21.21Legorollet's have a look at the features this amazing compilation offers:
02:21.24Legorol- raid frames
02:21.27Legorol- ready checks
02:21.27Mikk1I was gonna say "It doesn't have readycheck" but .. uhm ... =P
02:21.32Kebinusanthe ready check is ass
02:21.32Legorol- chat channel management
02:21.38Legorol- a full blow raid chat channel
02:21.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
02:21.49Kebinusanthe raid frames werent tehre when ctra had them :-)
02:21.58Legorolnot to mention that it's developed by a professional body,
02:22.03Legoroland they release regular updates
02:22.09Kebinusanprofession != quality
02:22.15Mikk1cide releases more often =)
02:22.28Legorolnot only regular, but in fact this compilation called default UI keeps uptodate with the game
02:22.33Legorolit's never one step behind
02:22.41Legorolit's got to be the most uptodate compilation ever
02:22.57Cidealways works after a patch, I've heard
02:23.06Mikk1i heard it bugs sometimes
02:23.08cladhairelol =)
02:23.14cladhaireits bugged right now
02:23.23cladhaireits loading before any other addons are loaded =0
02:23.26cladhaireevery time
02:23.33Cidehmm, scary.
02:23.40Mikk1blizz needs to tell me how to do that hax
02:23.50cladhaireMikk1: Trigger the LoadAddOn from FrameXML =)
02:24.31Cideit is, I'm sure
02:24.32zespri_workof course it is
02:24.38Mikk1yeayea ;)
02:25.59zespri_workhow to use a trinket from lua? (assuming you know everything about this particular trinket)?
02:26.33cladhaireUseInventoryItem() i believe? something like that
02:27.38Mikk1Why does someone create a wiki guild page for their guild AFTER it dies?
02:27.58Cidethe memory lives on? :)
02:28.03zespri_workand how to activate an action button from lua? there is no UseAction i suppose?
02:28.46Mikk1head on
02:31.20Mikk1How to solve interop problems:
02:31.53ThraeMCP is good for that, as long as you don't mind Saien coding it.
02:32.55cladhaire./ace disable stupidaddon
02:32.57Mikk1nono, i mean changing YOUR mod to ship with a line like that =)
02:32.59cladhaire./ace enable stupidaddon =)
02:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
02:37.05KemayoOh, how one loves power cuts.
02:37.31ThraeDo you live in Maryland, Kemayo?
02:37.49KemayoNope, California.
02:38.07ThraeWell then what a coincidence, we just had a 1-hour blackout here ;)
02:38.23Mikk1Hehe. My computers have been down to me moving more often than blackouts.
02:38.37Tainhah I lived in the Bay Area for a while, brownouts were constant.
02:39.01TainOf course they call them brownouts as if it's better that only you lost power and not the entire city.
02:39.01Mikk1Fook, I can't even remember a blackout in the past 10 years.
02:39.16Mikk1Ohwait. One.
02:40.43KemayoThis is the first appreciable power outage in a year or so.  (And the last one was because construction workers severed a major gas line so they powered down and evacuated our neighbourhood...)
02:41.42Mikk1Is that really the right sequence of events though? =P
02:41.51Mikk1Power down -> People start lighting candles -> *poof*
02:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
02:43.41KtronQuick,anyone know the 'bouncing' anime girl flash animation with the really catchy song? anyone have a link?
02:44.15KtronThe girl is Orihime from Bleach if that helps
02:44.55TainRichard Simmons: Sweating to the Oldies?
02:48.33Ktrongot it:
02:48.34*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:49.56zespri_workthey are insane there in blizz
02:50.21zespri_workthe net result for me is that when I log in I see download 0% and it jsut hangs there indefinitely
02:51.12MentalPoweranyone else having issues getting the 1.11.1 patch downloaded?
02:51.18Grypheni just logged in ok
02:51.27GryphenMentalPower read the link
02:51.39Gryphenthere is no patch to download till tomorrow
02:51.41Tainsupposedly you can skip the patch and still get in though.
02:51.57TainI just sat at a, "Downloading patch" screen for 20 minuts.
02:52.18Grypheni logged in with no indication of any patch activity
02:54.17ShadowedWe had prepared a small patch intended to fix a soft lock issue and unfortunately due to some internal miscommunication it was pushed during prime time. This caused players who attempted to login and download the patch to endure a very lengthy download session. We've since pulled the patch and players should once again be able to return to the game. We plan to apply the patch tomorrow morning at 3:00 AM PDT during off-peak hours w
02:55.10Tainthen they pulled it in the last 10 minutes or so.
02:55.31TainRegardless I'm not sitting stuck after the character select screen.
02:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
03:11.56KarlKFImmm, shorter hair
03:13.10KarlKFIyeah, i was disc and had to patch before i could login
03:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
03:17.38TainAnd now I can't log in one single character.
03:18.08TainOthers, fine.  One, hangs on load.
03:38.50CairennDolby-wowi: you happen to be there sweetie?
03:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiana (
03:42.24Thiana*blinks* Umm?
03:42.35Cairennthat's our site programmer extraordinare, he's the one that could more properly answer the questions you just posed me
03:42.56Cairennunfortunately, he doesn't seem to be at keys at present
03:43.10Cairennbut he's the one that makes all the magic happen on the site
03:43.36TainTry try try to understand... he's a magic man.
03:44.02ThianaAh ok :)
03:44.37Cidehe's the magical trevor of wowi, so to say
03:44.52Cairennhe's THE MAN!
03:46.36CairennSo, how has everyone's day been?
03:47.18TainDecidedly mediocre.
03:47.22TainPlus I can't log in.
03:47.41CairennYeah, so I heard
03:47.45ShadowedRemembering how boring it is to be on a waitlist for raids
03:47.46Cairennthey really messed up it seems
03:48.01TainThe bad part is I can log in one character but not another on the same server.
03:48.23CairennSeems I lucked out (for a change).  Got home after they'd pulled the patch and was able to log in with no problems.
03:48.43TainAlso it burns when I pee.
03:48.47TainOh wait.
03:48.51TainStrike that.
03:48.55CairennOkay, that's over-sharing.
03:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo_ (
03:51.50gnorlishif i ever meet someone on the street who admits working for blizzard's WoW team
03:52.01gnorlishi'm going to have some serious questions for them
03:52.22kergothchatr is rather neat
03:53.31ThraeAce has spoiled me. I realized I don't know how to do SavedVariables on my own.
03:53.41Tainhaha Thrae I know what you mean.
03:53.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
03:54.01ThraeWhen you are making the SavedVariables database for the first time, is it an empty table, or is it nil?
03:54.26gnorlishneed more miniscule tinytip pushes!
03:54.56ThraeI can't, because my version isn't working yet because of the massive API changes I've done.
03:54.59gnorlishyou're lucky
03:55.13gnorlishblizz blew up their game tonight
03:55.16gnorlishand i gave up on raiding
03:55.19ThraeI seperated them out into modules which you can just delete or disable in the TOC.
03:55.37ThraeIn case you really want a TINYTip, going back to the name ;)
03:56.07TainI never used that Target of Target stuff.  I don't care who he's targetting!  I just kill.
03:56.25CairennTain: you brute!
03:56.26TainAlso no need to know who else is targetting my target.
03:56.33gnorlishand you would be
03:56.35gnorlisha rogue
03:56.41ThraeTarget Of Target is for tanks, targeted by is for DPS and sheep'rs
03:56.45TainObviously if I'm attacking it it must be the right target.
03:56.58ThraeOf course, we all know Tain plays a Human Peasant in Militia mode.
03:56.59ShadowedToT is actually very useful for Rogues
03:57.35TainIf it's hitting me I know it, if it's hitting someone else.. ehn their problem.
03:57.36ThraeAh right, know when to Feint (either in-game or out of game)
03:57.45ShadowedYou don't need Feint in PVP though!
03:58.02TainNo, but I'll *never* get tired of Distract in PVP.
03:58.12ThraeIn PvP you can just Vanish. And Paladins can use it to know when to Shield+Hearth!
03:58.21ThraeDistract actually works against players?
03:58.30TainActually Distract makes problems for me because I end up laughing too hard to do anything.
03:58.51ThraeDoes it make them lose their target too, or just change directions?
03:58.56ShadowedKnowing who's targetting you can become helpful in PVP
03:59.01Grypheni like distracting them when they eat or drink
03:59.05TainOh yeah Thrae it's so awesome, they turn the other way
03:59.24ShadowedI havn't played my Rogue for about 5-6 months though
03:59.47ThraeYou could probably set up a macro to distract + ambush all in one keypress
03:59.57gnorlishdistract has a large range
04:00.04ShadowedDistract activates the global cooldown if i remember right
04:00.14ThraeAh right, because you need to know where to set it
04:00.36ThraeDruids have a distract too, it's "WTF is that a stealthed Druid I just saw?"
04:00.37ShadowedAnd isn't clicking protected anyway? meaning you can't just make it click in the middle of the screen
04:00.55ThraeRight, that's what I meant, I forgot it was considered a Bomb :D
04:56.11Kemayo_Is there any event that fires when you get near enough to another party member to tell whether you share any quests with them?
04:57.47KemayoOr am I stuck just testing every so often while the player is in a group?
05:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge mjc (
05:58.15mjcanyone use aceheal?
06:01.11CairennI'm sure lots of folk do
06:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
06:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:09.52TemWhy does Photoshop hate me?
06:10.04ShadowedPhotoshop hates a lot of people
06:10.14Temit is resuing to let me save the alpha layer on this
06:10.38Temso I get a really ugly white square in wow
06:10.50ShadowedOn the plus side you can get your texture to show now
06:11.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
06:11.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
06:12.22TemAh I found it
06:12.36Temit wouldn't let me save it with the alpha channel because I had converted to grayscale
06:12.44MentalPowergnight guys
06:12.48Temlater MentalPower
06:13.31Cairennnight MentalPower
06:14.25Temoh man
06:14.30Temstill doesn't show up right
06:14.50Temone of these days I'm going to do something with a texture and it's going to work the first time
06:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:19.28TemI win
06:20.39Temit still looks bad
06:36.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tyaneas (
06:37.23TyaneasMorning. Is there an IDE to help me develop a simple UI so i can focus more on my .lua code ?
06:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
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06:54.08mjcanyone have an addon that picks the appropriate rank of a spell?
06:54.30mjcI want to use clique on my priest and auto-rank :p
06:56.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Zino (
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08:32.21zespriIs it true that if my FPS, say, 10, I'll receive 10 UPDATE events every second?
08:39.50zesprithank you
08:40.21IrielOnUpdate is invoked right _before_ your screen is redrawn (rather than right after), if that helps
08:43.03zespriwell, my specific problem is that I want to do something for the 120 action buttons, but if I do it al in-place it freezes abit. I want to distribute it over several onupdate events - the problem is old as earth. So I'm wondering how many buttons should I process per on update so it's doesn't freeze but yet not too sluggish
08:43.33IrielWhenevr your OnUpdate is called, arg1 is the amount of time since the last call
08:43.38IrielI think it's fractional seconds
08:44.39KarlKFImiliseconds i think
08:45.37IrielIt's seconds
08:45.45s|loupyes seconds
08:45.50Iriel(I just checked the ActionButton code)
08:46.38KarlKFIfinally got the buff wrapping all pretty:
08:48.12krka|workexactly what are you doing for all 120 action buttons?
08:48.33WobinChristmas lights =)
08:51.45Irielnight all
08:55.25KarlKFIwell I know CastOptions adds mana coloring
08:55.36KarlKFIwhich happens on all the action buttons
08:56.09KarlKFIand it definitely slows things down. Thankfully we have a new guy workign on it who added a dissable option :)
08:56.21WobinYou could make it more efficient by only checking the visible buttons
08:56.31Wobin(but yes, it'd still slow things down)
08:57.28KarlKFIyeah.. could have used the old chronos threading code
08:58.38KarlKFInot that it's really hard to make it do 30 at a time
08:59.40KarlKFIbut i think the chronos had a timer ellement so it would do as many as possible up to 30 so long as it didn't take longer than x amount of time based on some desired fps
09:00.38KarlKFIso.. i still can't figure out why this editbox truncates
09:01.03KarlKFIbut iriel vannished so there's no hope now
09:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tentacled (
09:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:32.07Tyaneasis it possible to have an xml with data (text) and load it inside game within a frame ?
09:32.29Maldivianot directly
09:32.37Tyaneassomething like a small assistant window with text to guide through questing
09:33.23Tyaneasa small window (frame) that displays text that you have defined in an xml file
09:33.32Tyaneaslike Tips
09:33.58Tyaneasso you press next button on the frame and you read the next child in the xml which holds the next tip
09:34.00Tyaneassomething like that
09:34.03s|loupyesterday i found out that that SpellTargetUnit needs a hardware interrupt and so i dont know how to target a spell when clicking on a unitframe with targetting spell
09:34.15KarlKFIyou could.. but why?
09:34.31Maldiviawell, the game can't parse custom xml files, so the tips would have to be stored in a different way
09:35.11KarlKFIi'm so confused..
09:35.23Tyaneasdifferent way ?
09:35.28KarlKFIyou can do it all in xml, but it'd be dumb not to do it in lua
09:36.13MaldiviaKarlKFI: I was thinking he wanted an xml file like <tips><tip>Some text</tip><tip>Another tip here</tip><!-- etc --></tips>
09:36.18Tyaneasi was thinking that the default xml could hold the UI structure, the .lua file the logic of this small addon and my .xml file the data to be presented inside the game
09:36.33TyaneasMaldivia: yes something like that
09:36.50MaldiviaTyaneas: that can't be done. All xml files are read as if it's UI XML files
09:37.04MaldiviaTyaneas: but you can easily define the tips in a lua table instead
09:37.30Tyaneasi see
09:38.07Maldiviathat's what I meant with "different way" :)
09:38.28Tyaneaslua table is something like an array ?
09:38.47Maldiviaa combination of an array and a dictionary/hashmap
09:39.06Maldiviacan work as either, or both at the same time
09:40.47Maldiviafor instance: tips = { "Tip 1", "Tip 2", "Tip 3 }
09:40.58Maldivianow tips[1] will contain "Tip 1", tec
09:42.58Tyaneaswell i've never coded anything in .lua or wow API. Do you think it's a difficult project for a beginner like me ?
09:44.23Maldiviamo as such, it's sounds as a good place to start, not overly complicated, and yet have a bit more flavour than a simple Hello World
09:45.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
09:49.50Tyaneasis WOW UI DESIGNER a good choice to design my simple frame with a couple of button so i could concentrate more on the lua code ?
09:50.10MaldiviaNo idea, never used it
09:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiana (
09:58.50TyaneasMaldivia is there a way that the lua file reads the data from an xml file ? Cause i was thinking that would be easier to update the actual text withou going inside the .lua code
10:01.57MaldiviaTyaneas: not from within WoW
10:10.01KarlKFICosmos Release pushed to r3730
10:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
10:14.15zenzelezzI would be more impressed with Codemasters spamming me about an MMO if they didn't try to push two on me as "one of THE most anticipated" at the same time
10:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
10:39.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:41.52KasoOk, so anyone got a link to the *correct* EU patch, beacuse blizzard clearly cant provide this.
10:43.33Kasonever mind
10:52.37Maldiviawhich pathc ?
10:59.13Kasominipatch to fix the softlocks people were getting
10:59.25Kasofor some reason the old wow-patch was interferering.
11:00.37Maldiviathey patched EU servers aswell?
11:01.12Maldiviahmm, when ?
11:01.25Kasothis morning
11:01.30Kasomake sure you delete all the files from the 1.1 patch bfore you log on :>
11:01.51zenzelezz"delete all the files from the 1.1 patch"?
11:01.59Maldiviayou mean the wow-patch dir =
11:03.11Maldiviahmm ,ok
11:03.16zenzelezzaha... I was wondering if you meant settings and such
11:07.59Maldiviahmm, port 3724 have been blocked here at work... go ssh tunneling! :)
11:10.02zenzelezzI find my workplace's setup pretty funky now... the computers aren't great in any way; but they boot up to a Linux GUI where the only thing you can do is start the WTS thingie that logs you remotely on to W2003
11:10.29zenzelezzawfully restricted permissions for everything too... only thing I can do is surf the web
11:10.49MaldiviaI have full admin rights over this computer :9
11:11.33Maldiviabut the network has some funny firewall rules... so I normally have several ssh tunnels running
11:12.06zenzelezzI don't mind much... it's better than the previous NT4-mess; and I don't work long/have much spare time anyway \o/
11:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tentacled (
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11:43.29KasoHave we always had the ability to speak the opposite faction's lanuage in raid and party
11:53.43hasteas far as I know - yes
11:53.50hasteit doesn't show up anything in say at least
11:55.27Kasojust got a surprise when RaidBidder started Doing it's auction in common
11:55.57Kasodunno why the auther didnt use GetDefaultLanguage("player")
11:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
11:57.07hasteor just nil
11:57.44KasoSeei 've got a sneaking suspision they're going to "bug-fix" that or something at some point
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12:31.54Industrialquitting and rejoining is the new idling
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12:40.00MoonWolfquit rpg!
12:41.04WobinWhat are your tactics for Mandokir?
12:47.11Maldiviaand apparently peer is the evil GM in the game :|
12:55.08JoshBorkebored this morning?
13:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
13:15.17zenzelezzI wonder if I'm missing out on something... I seem to see people without armor all over my server (not everyone, just a lot) o_O
13:18.53Maldiviaare they naked, when you inspect them aswell?
13:19.22zenzelezzmostly. Wearing a few items usually, but generally unequipped most of it
13:19.29Maldiviahmm, ok...
13:19.43zenzelezzdon't think it's a bug, just some sort of peculiar behavior O_o
13:19.44Maldiviaotherwise I would have suggested that it was your WDB files that's been fucked up by the patch :)
13:20.27Maldiviaif the itemcache file becomes corruped, then you'll see exactly what you're describing - people running around naked
13:20.45zenzelezzthat's always a possibility, though I would find it odd if this minor soft-lock patch broke them for me
13:20.54zenzelezznot that it matters much either way =)
13:21.10Maldiviait's a new patch version, hence a new itemcache file format
13:22.35Kaso"[string "BibKeyRingFrame:OnLoad "]:3:RegisterForSave() is only available for blizzard scripts." <-- WTF a addon written for 1.11 is using a funciton removed in 1.9 ^_-
13:23.36Maldiviatsk tsk
13:23.58Maldiviathey dont test their addons before releasing them ?
13:24.40KasoWho knows, apparently someone in my priest channel just got that error after 1.11.1 but never had it in 1.11, which is odd
13:26.05Maldiviapatch 1.11.1 seems a bit odd... hasted if you'd like
13:26.44Kasodid they change any UI stuff to stop the lockups or was it all behind the scenes stuff isnt updated yet.
13:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
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13:37.21Maldiviano UI changes
13:37.28Maldiviawell, no xml and lua changes
13:38.04KirkburnOooh: "To prevent spamming, a fix has been implemented which will allow players to only chat in the LFG channel every 10 seconds. "
13:38.15zenzelezzokay, this is starting to freak me out... going to try annihilating my WDB folder
13:39.01zenzelezzis it normal to have a file called "itemtextcache.wdb" and one called "itemtextcaxhe.wdb"?
13:39.45MaldiviaI have that aswell
13:39.47KirkburnI think there was something about a spelling mistake
13:39.57KirkburnWhat are the last modified dates?
13:40.11zenzelezzcaxhe was 5th June, the other one was today
13:40.13Maldiviathe caxhe seems to be 1.11.0, and cache 1.11.1
13:40.25KirkburnYeah, they fixed a spelling mistake
13:40.30Maldiviahmm, then caxhe 1.10.2
13:41.02zenzelezzwell, I'm in Silithus so people are sparse... but so far no nudes (after deleting the WDB folder)
13:41.30Maldiviayou closed down wow before deleting it, right?
13:41.36zenzelezzof course
13:58.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
13:59.06Legorologood afternoon
13:59.12LegoroloThanks very much to everyone who answered my DHCP questions yesterday
13:59.25LegoroloI'm happy to report that the machine in question is happily running dhcp now
14:00.08Legorolothere are still some configuration oddities, but the machine can now be reached by its DNS name from elsewhere, which was the most important goal
14:00.34LegoroloOh and it was Red Hat release 9 (Shrike) running a kernel version 2.4.20-8
14:00.41LegoroloI have no idea what that means but you guys probably do :)
14:00.56Legorolohow old is that?
14:01.31krka|workhow did you solve it?
14:01.38krka|work2.4 isn't overly old
14:01.47MaldiviaLegorolo: pretty old :)
14:02.04Maldivialatest 2.4 kernel is 2.4.32, from: 2005-11-16
14:02.09krka|work2.6 came 2005
14:03.40MaldiviaChangeLog-2.4.20, 28-Nov-2002 23:54
14:04.25Legoroloi just checked wikipedia, RH Release 9 is 31/3/2003
14:04.28Legorolosurprisingly recent
14:04.38Legorolosomeone must have updated it to taht, because the machine is certainly older
14:04.48Legorolokrka: in the end i just typed netconfig
14:04.53Legorolospecified DHCP and that's that
14:05.03Legorolosomewhere there is some static IP configuration remaining too though
14:05.14Legorolobecause when i try ping hostname
14:05.23Legoroloit tries the old, static ip
14:05.33Legorolobut when i try ping
14:05.40Legorolothen it tries to ping the new, dynamic ip it is getting
14:06.01krka|workcheck /etc/hosts
14:06.10Legoroloyeah that's what i thought, but i won't bother :)
14:06.24Legoroloi sorted the machine out to the extent that it can be conected to
14:06.24Legorolonow i'll give it back to the people to use
14:06.33Legorolothey can find someone else to sort the rest out
14:06.59Legoroloi was a kind of emergency person to sort it because they did't have anyone who knows about computers
14:07.10Legoroloand they needed to connect to it
14:07.32Legorolothere were some other lovely parts to the story, such as the people administering the DHCP service had the wrong MAC address on file
14:07.44Legoroloyears ago when someone filled in a form about this machine, they must've made a typo
14:08.22Legoroloall in all, thanks very much for the "netconfig" tip!
14:08.37Legoroloi looked around in /etc/sysconfig/networking and there were loads of files..
14:08.41Legoroloi wouldn't have known what to change :)
14:09.11krka|workwhen in doubt, change as much as possible
14:33.43Kirkburnhehe, strange grammatical constructions you find on the wiki: " the upcoming future"
14:34.23Kasowell you know , you've gotta keep that future that never comes in mind.
14:49.53Endok, I'm still connected here...
14:57.28MaldiviaKirkburn: well, as afar as I know, the future is "upcomming" :)
14:57.46Kirkburnhopefully =)
14:57.48zenzelezzkey words being "as far as you know"!
15:04.22zenzelezz"How to Legally Rob Banks (Pics Included)"
15:04.26zenzelezzmy spam is getting interesting
15:16.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:20.43Kirkburnzenzelezz, how about "I am Ling  Chinese Human Female UK Car Expert"
15:21.10zenzelezzI don't get any of those
15:21.29zenzelezzjust advice on stocks that will skyrocket ANY DAY NOW!! and pasta pots
15:21.30Kirkburnlol: "I am unique in the UK!
15:21.31KirkburnI bring you best UK car takeaway service menu!"
15:21.54MoonWolfKirkburn, wow.
15:22.08MoonWolfill have the fried honda with the raw car tires please.
15:22.31MoonWolfsupersize it!
15:22.47Kirkburn"NEW FEATURE "There is no free lunch" - YES THERE IS! I bring you free lunch. Nowhere else give you this offer! - Ling"
15:23.12zenzelezzsounds like you really read your spam
15:23.17Kirkburn"Who is Jeremy Clarkson? I exterminate! I test drive cars myself to give you idea of quality and speed."
15:23.30Kirkburnmadness :P
15:24.08Kirkburnhrm: "This is my Chinese Nuclear Rocket Truck 6x6
15:24.09Kirkburn7.0 V8, I park it next to A1(M) at Darlington
15:24.29KirkburnI have a feeling it isn't real now ...
15:24.52MoonWolf6x6 .... wow.... how does THAT look ?
15:25.08KirkburnMaybe it can flip over??
15:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:26.17KirkburnI think I've found ling :)
15:27.39KirkburnOh deary me:
15:27.43MaldiviaI though it was Waldo we should find?
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15:28.48Kirkburnit's ... real??
15:29.15KasoHa i know where that is
15:29.26MoonWolflies alway's work best when combined with truth
15:29.50KirkburnNo really
15:29.56KirkburnIt appears to be real
15:30.00Kasoit is real
15:30.03Kasoits near where my dad lives
15:30.20Kirkburnwhere's that?
15:30.26KasoShe has this old SCUD launcher by the side of a road with her advert on the side of it
15:30.44KasoDad lives in Durham, but ling's is nearer newcastle if i remeber correctly
15:31.18KirkburnShe is absoltely totally mad, whilst at the same time an absolute genius
15:31.38KirkburnApparently she got £10m worth of sales last year
15:32.27KirkburnI'm glad I read that email now :P
15:32.42KasoAny way of getting like a 1 second delay without having do goto the effort of using onupdate or a timing package.
15:33.09Kasoeven half a second, maybe i should do a loop of like 10000 itterations or something
15:35.25KasoDoStuff() collectgarbage() domorestuff() :>
15:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:42.12MaldiviaKaso: DoStuff(); t = GetTime; while GetTime() < t + 0.5 do end DoSomethingElse() ?
15:42.37Maldiviaadd the missing () :)
15:43.36Ratbert_CPKaso: Bad, bad idea.
15:43.51KasoI was joking with the collectgarbage thing
15:43.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagen (
15:44.16Ratbert_CPYou'll hang everything with a spinning loop.  You need to get into OnUpdate either by hand or via a timing package.
15:45.17KasoBoth of those seem pointlessly difficult to make sure two messages appear in the right order
15:46.24Kasobah i'll just cope with messages in the wrong order
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16:47.53kremonteanyone know how i would define a pattern that matches 3] but not [3]? [^%[](%d+)%] won't work ><
16:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Wulf4 (
16:51.33Wulf4I want to replace the whole crafting frames with own stuff, how to do this?
16:52.21kremontehm, wotche mean?
16:52.45kremontetaking a wild guess, but you could rename the crafting frame to something else, then define your own with the original name
16:53.27Wulf4how to do this?!
16:53.34Kasowith alot of work
16:54.38Wulf4can I unregister events other addons (e.g. the blizzard ones) registered?
16:55.56Cidekremonte: [^%[]*(%d+)%]
16:55.57Cideshould work
16:57.51kremontehm, odd
16:57.57kremonteit works but it removes any spaces before it
16:58.20kremonteit removes everything before it, wtf
16:58.33Cidemakes sense
16:58.42kremontehuh? ._.
16:58.55Cide[^%[] matches anything but [
16:59.04Cide* matches 0 to n of them
16:59.26kremontei want it to match just the txt, but without a leading [
16:59.40kremonteas its own word, perse
17:00.09Cidehow are you calling it?
17:00.38kremonte(making a way to type cyrillic chars ingame w/o setting windows unicode blabla to russian and friends_
17:00.48kremonteyou know, i think i should just change the way its replacing the chars
17:01.32kremontestupid evil patterns
17:01.36Cidewell, I'm not great at patterns, but
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17:02.18Cideyou could do ([^%[]*)(%d+)%] and then replace with %1%2 or something
17:02.24Cidedepending on what you want to do
17:02.42Wulf4UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CRAFT_SHOW");  thanks!
17:03.14kremonteCide: i dunno if it's worth the trouble tho. i just thought #] is pretty easy to type, but wanna be able to paste code ingame, heh
17:03.23kremonte{R#} works so much easier :X
17:03.46kremontebut hm
17:03.47kremontei could try that
17:04.43kremonteyeh, that doesnt show anything ><
17:08.58Elkanois there an event like PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED that fires when a buff is renewed?
17:10.00Cideit used to fire when a buff was renewed (as opposed to UNIT_AURA), but it was changed at some point
17:10.18Cidenow they both have the same behavior
17:10.57Elkanodamn :/ so I'll have to check for updated buffs myself in order to sort them by timeleft without too much overhead :/
17:13.30zenzelezzuh oh... my dad bought a new digital camera... I sense I will be heard about it a lot for the next week
17:14.32Kirkburn<-- stoopid. I just got milk all over myself :P Good thing was, I was just about to have a shower anyway =)
17:15.07KirkburnWhat type, zenzelezz ?
17:15.54zenzelezzdon't know... I was about to eat so I'm off the hook for half an hour or so
17:16.22Kaeltenits for k,v in pairs(table) do right?
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17:19.21Cideipairs if it's integer indices
17:20.33Kaeltenname expected near in ?
17:32.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:33.44krkafor k, v in table works too
17:33.50krkaand is slightly faster
17:35.36Endand is deprecated
17:40.54Elkanodid 1.11.1 bring any interface file changes?
17:41.23kergothjust a bugfix
17:41.32kergothno interface bits
17:59.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
18:00.22Kaeltenanyone know if there is a particular event that fires when you switch bags around?
18:01.25TemI'd guess BAG_UPDATE
18:01.46Tembut I've learned that the easiest way to deal with bags is to not deal with them at all
18:01.54Temand let SEBags do it for it
18:02.03Tems/r it/r you/
18:02.13zenzelezzbags... who needs 'em anyway
18:02.51Temok, so it's time for me to learn something new in Photoshop
18:03.43Temis there an easy way for me to measure a distance (preferably in pixels)?
18:04.18Fanooki think there's a ruler tool
18:04.22krkai think there's a tool for that
18:04.22Temideally, I could just use create a selection box and it would just tell me it's dementions
18:04.38krkait does
18:04.48krkashow the info vindow
18:05.20Temoh sweet
18:05.26Temnow I need to make it show me that in px
18:05.55krkathere's a setting for that
18:06.00krkapreferences > units
18:06.02krkaor something
18:06.10Fanooktem: there's a ruler if you right click the eyedropper
18:06.24Temyes! Thank you
18:06.31Temboth of you
18:13.17ShadowedThis video from IGN regarding flying mounts is kind of scary
18:13.37zenzelezzhow so?
18:14.04Elkanoany feature request from here for BuffBar?
18:14.21KirkburnWhat video?
18:14.51ShadowedI'm not sure if it's the fact that they use WoW characters and have people talking so it looks like it's an in game type of report or what
18:15.19Shadowedtrying to figure out where the link is again
18:16.06Elkanois there any good documentation on <backdrop>? the one at wowwiki isn't that informative :/
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18:24.06KirkburnDamn download ... giddy up! Go faster!
18:24.32Kirkburn(thanks for the link Shadowed, I haven't seen the other videos on there)
18:25.36ShadowedReading the General forums is actually useful sometimes!
18:25.39ShadowedSuprisingly enough
18:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:31.14KirkburnApparently they're just the original trailers :(
18:31.18KirkburnHow so?
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18:39.55Kirkburn1Wow, my laptop reeeally didn't like those IGN videos
18:40.11wereHamsterJoshBorke, morning
18:40.12Kirkburn1Apparently I got a STOP error, but it couldn't even cope with displaying it
18:42.02JoshBorke( wereHamster ): morning :-)
18:42.41JoshBorke( wereHamster ): hope you don't mind, but i'm copying your frame creation lua for HealWatch =D
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18:43.11ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
18:43.38JoshBorke( ComicSansMS ): morning
18:44.22Kirkburn1Great vid of the flying mounts - they look pretty cool! Also, I think there was a glimpse of world PvP in it
18:44.24ComicSansMSit's evening in munich ;)
18:45.05Kirkburn1Mmm, anche in Perugia :) I go home on saturday though :D
18:45.44MentalPowerKirkburn1: link?
18:46.48Kirkburn1I would, but I crashed my PC ... two secs
18:47.21MentalPowereek, ok
18:47.57Kirkburn1"Flying Mounts Gnews Report"
18:49.23Kirkburn1*sigh* silly blog posts about how char transfers are affecting addons
18:50.07TainThey will affect addons!
18:50.14Kirkburn1Asking Blizz about why it's happening ... you would have thought they could look in the folders and see the folder names
18:50.17TainOr at least per char saves.
18:51.06Kirkburn1Specifically: and
18:52.02Gryphenn00blers can install an addon but can't rename a folder :/
18:52.14TainThey shouldn't really have to.
18:52.31JoshBorke( Tain ): why not?
18:52.53TainI don't think end-users should have to know technical details about savevars.
18:53.10Kirkburn1Is it mentioned on the FAQ?
18:53.23TainI don't have any suggestions for a solution of course.
18:53.28Kirkburn1(he's got good responses to the posts, fortunately)
18:53.48TainBut I think it's expecting far too much that users would know to do it.
18:54.13TainIt is one of the things I don't like about the current per chat sv system.
18:54.47TainYeah yeah.
18:55.09Kirkburn1Hard to improve, though
18:55.21kergothis the thing where 'disable all' and 'enable all' break wrt character specific addon selection fixed yet?
18:55.26Gryphenunique character id number
18:55.30kergoth(affects all chars, even if a char is selected)
18:55.35Gryphenno name/server just id
18:55.41TainI think there was a patch note about it kergoth but I haven't risked testing it.
18:55.57KirkburnNot sure, but I think that's 1.11.2
18:55.58kergothyeah.. i'm pretty paranoid since being bitten by it before too
18:56.28TainI'd like to see am improvement of the way Ace did profile saves before Blizz implemented.
18:56.42TainStore saves completely independantly of the char.
18:56.50TainApply a save set to any character you want.
18:56.55Gryphenkhaos does that too
18:57.06KirkburnOh, btw, just a general info article, in case anyone believes it to be true:
18:57.19TainNow Ace's profiles don't do all of that, but the idea is there.
18:57.45Kirkburnckknight is working on Ace2 is he not?
18:57.54TainIt's being worked on yeah.
18:58.12KirkburnHave you asked for that option then? =)
18:58.18Endthere's a beta or whatever version of ace2 out
18:58.34KirkburnOOOh! Microsoft have just released Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 to the public
18:58.35kergoththe profiles in ace2 look to be extremely flexible, more so than ace1's ever were
18:58.43TainAlpha is being tested now.
18:58.53KirkburnBeta 3 is early :/
18:59.22ckknightKirkburn, yea, I wrote most of it...
18:59.31KirkburnLike, over a month early ... perhaps they're being spurred on by Firefox 2
19:00.02Gryphenhate when people use 'have' following a sole entity
19:00.03KirkburnI eagerly anticipating it, cos I'll likely move over to FuBar afterwards :)
19:00.16Kirkburn"I have"
19:00.34TainI have cheeseburger.
19:00.43GryphenKirkburn have released a new ClearFont
19:00.47JoshBorkeI want cheeseburger.
19:00.52EndI have hunger.
19:00.54KirkburnMe jealous. Me cook pasta now.
19:01.15KirkburnTarzan go fetch food for Jane.
19:01.57Beladonayeah apparently WinFS is officially dead
19:02.01Beladonathey axed it
19:02.08JoshBorke( Kirkburn ): question about ClearFont
19:02.10Beladonano delays, just plain dead
19:02.43Beladonaway to go MS to take a technology that actually has a real impact and benefit, and kill it
19:03.09JoshBorke( Kirkburn ): it appears that when i have ClearFont enabled (v 11100-2), it doesn't apply to the fonts in game, but when I disable it, it does apply...
19:03.40KirkburnWhere Jane?
19:04.00KirkburnNow that makes no sense whatsoever
19:04.10JoshBorke( Kirkburn ): i absotively agree
19:04.26KirkburnAll files in the right places, etc?
19:04.31kergoth"absotively" makes me want to stab something
19:04.56JoshBorke( Kirkburn ): pretty sure, it's nice and pretty in the login screen
19:04.59Kirkburn:( It's a lovely word
19:05.29Fanookkergoth: would you prefer posolutely?
19:05.35JoshBorkeok, i gotta go
19:05.40JoshBorkesorry kirkburn, just curious, it's kinda weird
19:05.57KirkburnBeladona, it's going into other products
19:06.21KirkburnIt's not dead, but the idea of including it as a 'Windows file system' is
19:09.52TainIt was a pretty ambitious idea, it'll be good to see it incorporated into SQL Server first.
19:09.55Beladonathe original purpose of it is dead though
19:10.11BeladonaI liked it
19:10.18KirkburnTime to uninstall IE7 B2
19:10.29Beladonayou gonna update to B3?
19:10.39KirkburnIt looks very nice
19:10.42Beladonalet me know if it is an improvement
19:10.43KirkburnYou can move the tabs around :D
19:10.52BeladonaI removed 2 a while ago because I didn't like it
19:11.06Beladonayeah but can you move the tab section?
19:11.17KirkburnTab section?
19:11.29BeladonaI didn't like how you couldn't reorganize the bar at the top like you can in current IE
19:11.43KirkburnOh the whole thing? No, not yet afaik
19:11.53Beladonathats my only real pet peeve
19:11.55KirkburnI think that won't be in until a later version
19:12.04Beladonaalthough I am not sure IE7 will make me switch from firefox anyway
19:12.12BeladonaI will have it surely
19:13.04TainYou have to have it, realistically.  I just won't use it as my primary browser ever.
19:14.11Kirkburn'ever' seems a bit ott to me
19:15.40TainIE7 would have to be something drastically different than what the betas have shown to make me use it as my primary browser over FF.
19:15.58KirkburnAh, okay ... I thought you were meaning it as some kind of moral issue :P
19:16.17KirkburnI'll be back when it's installed, and tell you all about it :)
19:16.40TainMorals are overrated.
19:17.18wereHamsterdid he just went offline to restart his computer?
19:21.02Endyou need to restart to uninstall ie7
19:21.25Fanooki wouldnt doubt it, after all, it's integrated into the os
19:21.32TainI'm sure you do.
19:21.45Endwell, I know from personal expierance
19:22.22Endincidently IE still runs after uninstalling before rebooting, but it acts kinda strangely :P
19:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Thaumiel (
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19:29.37Cairenn|afkwereHamster: you there per chance?
19:30.09wereHamsterCairenn|afk I am
19:30.32Cairenn|afkchatting with Bela re what you'd asked him earlier
19:30.52Cairenn|afkmind if I ask you for some clarification and do you want the discussion private or here okay?
19:31.05Cairenn|afks/or/or is/
19:31.15Cairenn|afkgrrrr, stupid purl
19:31.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
19:31.43kergothi think tim can disable the s/// thing on a per channel basis
19:31.55KirkburnInstalled :)
19:32.07Cairenn|afkno, we like it, if only it were more intelligent by times ...
19:33.08Elkanothx for approving (whoever it was) :)
19:33.21zenzelezzcan't blame the bot... not his fault you use the same word more than once in a sentence
19:33.29Cairenn|afkah, but I didn't
19:34.06Cideyou used the same string :)
19:34.18Cide"or" matches "for"
19:34.23zenzelezzsuppose he could be coded to match only whole words
19:34.26kergothyour s/// is a regular expression. you didnt specify enough context
19:34.32kergothno, its regex. regex is not word bound.
19:37.56KirkburnIE7 B3: I see updated icons, movable tabs, looking for more stuff =)
19:40.12Cairenn|afk*nod*, I know, was being facetious as much as anything
19:40.20Cairenn|afkyou guys just aren't sarcastic enough
19:40.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Canislupus (
19:41.07Canislupusanyone here use Zeus?
19:41.10KirkburnBah, if you want to know the new stuff in B3:
19:41.15kergothirc isnt the best of mediums for that cair :)
19:41.25Cairenn|afkkergoth: I know
19:43.20KirkburnSarcasm is what makes me British =)
19:43.51KirkburnAnyone know what Zeus is?
19:45.41Cairenn|afkokay, I'm gone again
19:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Canislupus (
19:53.14KirkburnCanislupus, what's Zeus?
19:57.13KirkburnYay, there's now a way to refresh all RSS feeds in one click in IE7 :D
19:57.33Canislupuszeus is a highly featured text editor with syntax highlighting and some attempts to resemble the project management features of top end programming studios
20:00.51Canislupusi really have no experience with Zeus, i am just testing out different text editors for LUA, my main requirement being syntax highlighting
20:04.01CideI used SciTe, but I've fallen in love with TextPad
20:04.32Beladonadoes SciTe or something else have a class viewer that can show lua functions and tables as classes
20:05.16kergothitd have to have knowledge of the specific object model, and since there's no standard object model, that's pretty unlikely
20:05.34Beladonadon't see why not
20:05.43CanislupusTextPad?  really?  not UltraEdit?
20:05.49Beladonafunction xxxxxx is a pretty good indication
20:05.52kergothi implemented at least 12 models for ace2 before making a decision
20:05.52Cidetextpad, yup
20:06.10kergothno, it isnt.  if you want, i'll implemetn classes and objects entirely with functions, not tables at all.
20:06.19kergoththats rici's preferred method, afaik
20:06.58Canislupushaven't used it in a while... used to use it for html/php stuff at a past job.  I liked the block text editing in it
20:08.04CanislupusCide, do you use a file for syntax highlighting in Textpad, like the one ppl use for UE?
20:08.23CideI can show you my color scheme
20:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
20:08.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
20:08.38Cidenot sure if others like it, but I find it pretty good on the eyes
20:09.47Canislupusi would be very grateful
20:11.31Beladonachances are a decent lua editor with class viewing would need the interpreter built in
20:11.37Beladonabut still it is possible
20:11.51kergotheven with the itnerpreter, you'd have to teach it about every single object model implementation.
20:12.04kergothtahts possible, yes, but certainly not easy to implement
20:12.52Canislupusyes I like that color scheme, it is very similar to the one i set up while trying out Zeus
20:13.15CideI added most of the syntax myself
20:13.33Canislupuscan you link the config file?
20:13.39kergothCide: i like that.  meets the requirements of a good color scheme.  that is, keeping visibility high while keeping contrast as low as possible to be easy on the eyes
20:14.51Canislupuswow, how very DOS of you
20:14.56Endthat's not DOS
20:15.01Canislupuslol, i know
20:15.15Canislupusi like kergoths scheme as well
20:15.33kergothi'm a console junkie :) that window manager acts almost the way 'screen' does at console
20:16.07Endwhich window manager is that? (I'd almost say ratpoison...)
20:16.15kergothits like ratpoison indeed. its ion3
20:16.42kergothion3 uses lua as its configuration language, so you can drop to a lua commandline with a key combination
20:16.43Canislupusyou can tell when someone spends 8+ hours a day in front of a monitor... they always have dark backgrounds
20:16.46kergothwhich is kinda cool
20:17.14krkaluaslinger + faiap = best editor :P
20:17.15Cide for xml
20:17.18Canislupusnot running under windows then i assume?
20:17.22krkabut i'm biasted
20:17.37kergothhehe. faiap is nice indeed
20:18.33Cide is xml
20:18.36BeladonaI run 8+ hours a day in front of a monitor, and my screens aren't dark
20:18.55Canislupuseyes hurt when you go to bed at night?
20:19.00Beladonanot at all
20:19.29Kirkburnnew screenshots of BC:
20:19.39Canislupusi always keep the room dimly lit and dark backgrounds/low contrast themes
20:20.47TainBut I still like TinyPad over Luaslinger. ;)
20:21.49Canislupusi am trying out myDebug which is a bit similar
20:22.15Canislupusluaslinger looks real sweet tho
20:22.50Endmy editor isn't dark
20:23.01Endalthough irc (and other stuff under screen) is
20:23.11End(which is actually on another machine)
20:23.17End(which is why I never disconnect)
20:23.30kergothi dont might light backgrounds in an editor as long as you're using a good color scheme there too
20:23.35kergothjust prefer dark
20:25.24Endwell, I have a hard time with dark in my editor actually, but I also have a hard time with light everywhere else actually
20:25.38Canislupuswell, i am guilty of lazyness on a lot of apps, b/c i dont take the time to switch to dark backgrounds, but i much prefer them
20:26.17kergothunfortunately, most window managers dont do well with dark themes.  apps making assumptions about the background
20:26.31kergoth(even if the wm does well, the apps wont :\)
20:27.00Canislupusalways hate browsing the web and you come across a web page with a bright background for the first time in a while.  then you are like "ARGGHHH!  My eyes!"
20:27.18kergoththat happens to me a lot
20:27.29kergothrefuse to enter the big blue room without my sunglasses
20:30.13CanislupusCide, tyvm!  I will give this a whirl and see if i like it
20:30.19Cideno problem :)
20:31.01Canislupusxml stored in same file?
20:31.08Cidenah, I linked the xml one
20:31.12Cide for xml
20:32.18Canislupusawesome, thank you
20:33.14Cideput the .syn files under TextPad\Samples
20:33.44Cideand then you create a new document class and yadda yadda :)
20:35.13Canislupuskk, thx
20:38.13wereHamsterWhat did blizzard think when they added the code that unchecks 'disable out of date addon' ?!? I log in, see that all my addons didn't load and when I enable them all the UI positions have been reset *arghh*
20:38.42Endyour ui positions are getting reset?
20:39.05KirkburnThe Transformers trailer!
20:39.15Canislupuswell as editors go Zeus seems like a pretty good app, IMO.  I would really like it to function the way they intended it to, by having all the lua classes wow uses show up in the class browser
20:39.39wereHamsterEnd, when an addon doesn't load, its layout setting will be resetted
20:39.39Canislupusi imaging if i mess with it long enough i will figure out how to get that working
20:40.28EndwereHamster, are you sure?
20:40.40EndI've never had my ui positions reset
20:40.43wereHamsterEnd, that's what I've been seing ever since
20:40.47Canislupusanyone ever lose all the files in an interface folder while editing a .lua file with WOW running??
20:40.50EndI've never seen that
20:41.09Endeven while intentionally disabling all addons
20:41.32EndCanislupus: that sounds bad
20:42.25wereHamsterwho kinows how WoW handled the layout-cache.txt file :-/
20:42.46kergothsomeone else told me the other day that the addon's bits in the layout cache go away if it gets disabled
20:42.46EndI just sort of assumed it left old frames in the layout-cache.txt
20:43.08Endsince I never had a problem with disabled addons
20:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
20:43.29Canislupusanyone use ChatBox?
20:43.53EndwereHamster: I wonder if editing might help
20:44.07Endthere is a checkAddonVersion
20:44.13kergothnever tested it
20:44.13kergothits nonsensical
20:44.29KirkburnCanislupus, I do
20:44.47wereHamsterEnd, where is that file?
20:45.16Endin WTF I think
20:45.26EndI dunno, I remember it existed, and googled it to find the cvar name
20:45.27Canislupusyou having trouble with the playerframe dropdown /who function as well?
20:45.39wereHamsterI only have there
20:46.15KirkburnHaven't played enough to notice yet, but yeah I've heard of the issue :P
20:46.50wereHamsterSET checkAddonVersion "0" is ion but WoW resets it everytime it installs a new patch (along with the accept TOS etc..
20:47.02Endyeah, I know it resets it
20:47.11EndI thought it reset it by running
20:47.23Endit's possible might only be in the mpq come to think of it
20:47.57wereHamsterI'll just make that file read-only :-/
20:48.08Endthat might not work
20:48.16Canislupusi am using that issue to stimulate my knowledge in LUA, and hopefully figure out what the heck changed in 1.11 that could have affected it
20:48.44Endsince it might be like: load, load, do everything else.  so you'd get into game and the checkAddonVersion would be "1" til restart
20:48.55Canislupuseither way, i haven't made much progress.. lol
20:48.59wereHamsterEnd, sure it will work.. chown root:root, chmod 0444 :)
20:49.09Endno, I don't think you understand me
20:49.16Endyou'll keep it from -saving-
20:49.20Endnot reseting in memory only
20:49.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
20:49.37KirkburnCanislupus, I hope someone does :P
20:49.40wereHamsterah I see. but that has worked for me the last time I tried
20:49.47Beladonadoesn't it need to read the file to know what to do in memory?
20:49.49KirkburnThe author hasn't visited worldofwar since the 18th :/
20:50.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
20:50.44Beladonaanyway, homeward I go!
20:54.45Legorolhm, i think someone found a bug with RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE the other day, who was it, what was the bug, and did you post it to slouken?
20:55.47End03:20.42cladhaireBlizzard is firing RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE after login, and its loading the RaidUI
20:55.50End03:20.45cladhairebefore I can even get to it.
20:55.52Endthat one?
20:56.22Endsays he was posting
20:57.31Kirkburn^ that's the post
20:57.49Legorolnow, is it just me, or you can't log in to US forums?
21:00.11EndI can log in
21:00.23Endit was slow as hellish slow hell
21:02.17Gryphenmm draggin tabs
21:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge purl_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:09.57*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions
21:12.11Tentacledehhhh, do any of you on european realms - argent dawn, perhaps? - get horrible lags and disconnections today..?
21:15.55CanislupusI only wish i knew what happened to good ol Norbet, creator of ChatBox, or who else has summited updates to the mod
21:17.10Canislupusa large chunk of his code was block commented out for some reason, presumably to make the mod work under 1.10
21:23.32Canislupusthere is no reason the word "button" cannot be used for a local variable is there?
21:23.47clad|worknot at all
21:24.49Canislupusok, now what if another mod is defining that variable as a table and not just a simple variable?
21:25.08Canislupusstill only local though i would assume
21:25.17clad|workvariable typing doesn't matter
21:25.18clad|workwhats the context?
21:26.03Canislupuswell, ChatBox 1.20 uses a function to set up what it calls "player link menus"
21:26.19clad|workif you're getting a table its likely "self" and the code is not defined properly
21:26.24clad|workcan you pastebin the offending code?
21:26.58Canislupusin that function is the variable "button" to determine which selection has been chosen from the "friendsframe.dropdown" or whatever
21:27.44Canislupusyes if you dont mind...
21:28.07Canislupusfunction ChatBox_UnitPopup_OnClick()
21:28.07Canislupuslocal index = this.value;
21:28.07Canislupuslocal dropdownFrame = getglobal(UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU);
21:28.07Canislupuslocal selected = UnitPopupMenus[this.owner][index];
21:28.07Canislupuslocal unit = dropdownFrame.unit;
21:28.07Canislupuslocal name =;
21:28.12Canislupusif ( selected == "WHO" ) then
21:28.15Canislupuselseif ( selected == "TARGET" ) then
21:28.19Canislupuselseif ( selected == "IGNORE" ) then
21:28.31Canislupuselseif ( selected == "REMOVEFRIEND" ) then
21:28.32Endpastebin please!
21:28.34cladhaireyou should never post code here.
21:28.41Canislupusif notFound then
21:28.53Canislupushope i didnt show my noobness too much... sorry
21:29.02Endpastebin it next time
21:29.27Canislupusi bet at least one of you saw that coming too, huh?
21:29.40cladhaireok, and whats the issue with the code?
21:30.26Canislupusnot sure there is one, except when you select "WHO" or "IGNORE" or "ADDFRIEND", nothing happens
21:30.36Canislupusno error, no chat output at all
21:30.49Canislupusand again, sorry for the spammage
21:31.17cladhairenot a problem
21:31.25cladhairethe way dropdowns/popups work changed a little bit
21:31.32cladhaireand you'd need the supporting code to see why it didn't work
21:32.01Canislupuswhich wow file changed?  a lua?  an xml?
21:33.27cladhairei'm not sure of the specifics
21:33.33cladhaireagain the code is somewhat out of context
21:33.40cladhairei dont see anything evil with it immediately =)
21:34.10Canislupusi have done a bit of looking around at this site:
21:35.21Canislupusi guess the main point of that part of the mod is to set up drop down menus for when you right-click a player name in chat
21:35.24Kirkburn(yeah, that's the best site =)
21:36.01KirkburnOne solution would be to remove that function, I suppose
21:36.24Canislupusfriendsframe and playerframe seemed to be the most relevant files to have changed that would have broken this feature
21:37.16Canislupussadly, this feature is about the only one i use from the mod, aside from colorization of player names in chat, based on class (and SCCN does that too)
21:37.44KirkburnPastebin the code, easier to look at then
21:37.48Canislupusthe original idea was taken, i believe, from a mod called PLM
21:39.42Canislupuskk, i am on it
21:40.05Canislupuswait, the enitire lua?
21:40.51KirkburnI just copied the menu code
21:41.01Canislupusthx Kirk
21:41.43KirkburnSo ... anyone see a problem with that code?
21:43.37Cidehas anyone dynamically created a FauxScrollFrame?
21:45.03Kirkburn<Canislupus> there is no reason the word "button" cannot be used for a local variable is there?
21:45.09KirkburnI think that's actually now untrue
21:45.21KirkburnSee the last few lines:
21:45.22Canislupusso i was right?
21:46.00Canislupusahh button is now a global variable?
21:46.49KirkburnEr, I don't know .. but if that's what it's showing
21:46.51Canislupusguess i will actually study it now before opeing my mouth again
21:47.08Canislupusone bit of info though...
21:47.31KirkburnMight be an idea to change all references to button to button1?
21:47.58Canislupusi use myDebug in wow, and if i call the value of button, i get a table, not a single text value like the function is looking for
21:48.32Kirkburntbh, I don't really know lua, so I'm at the extent of my knowledge here :)
21:49.17Canislupuswell i am pretty green at it myself, but i am extremely grateful for your help
21:49.51Canislupusand i do believe i had missed the changes to UIDropDownMenu.lua
21:50.32Canislupusi will study it and see what changed there that might have broken the code
21:51.02KirkburnI'm going to try it with just changing button to button1, loading wow
21:53.51KirkburnNow I need someone to talk :P
21:54.24KirkburnEr, wait, remind me what the problem is again?
21:54.50Canislupusyeah... right click on a [playername] in the chat window
21:55.11KirkburnI get invite whisper target and cancel
21:55.25Canislupusok, now type /plm on
21:55.41Canislupusthen try it
21:56.07Kirkburnlol, er I don't think I loaded the addon
21:56.16Canislupuslol oops
21:56.20Kirkburnstupid bloody patch :D
21:56.31Canislupusno /plm slash command then?
21:56.38KirkburnWhat's that?
21:56.52Canislupuswell, that is how you activate it
21:57.04Canislupusotherwise you will get default dropdown
21:57.21Canislupusit is not "on" by default when you install the mod
21:57.47Canislupuswhich explains why few ppl even know it is bugged, i assume
21:58.28KirkburnIt's just going straight to whisper :/
21:58.53Canislupusoh, RIGHT click
21:58.57Canislupusnot left
21:59.18KirkburnI know, still goes straight to whisper
21:59.36Canislupusnever had that effect...  strange
21:59.49KirkburnThat was after swapping button for button1 in the lua
21:59.51Canislupusno dropdown menu or anything eh?
22:00.17Canislupusdid you do a "search and replace" on the entire lua?
22:00.35Kirkburnhmm, may have found the error
22:02.39Kirkburnthis is fun ... I have the menu back, but the commands don't work still
22:02.57Canislupuswhat did you change?
22:03.27Canislupusoh, and you will find that the "TARGET" function actually does try to target the player
22:03.48Canislupusso that selection DOES work in the unmodified code
22:04.00Kirkburnoh yeah, target worked
22:04.12KirkburnAddFriend, Ignore and who didn't
22:05.06Canislupusand the function "SpecialSendWho(player)"  that is defined in that lua, also works
22:06.02Canislupusso the code that SENDS the /who works fine, it seems to be broken where the program tells the function who to perform the "who" on
22:06.33Kirkburnoops, I just messed up Titan :/
22:06.51Canislupusif i list the variable "name" in my wow interface, i get my pet's name, not the last player i right clicked on, as i would have assumed
22:07.22Kirkburnnot sure how, think it was because I just changed a Titan addon
22:08.49Canislupusany chance any of you gurus are following along with us?
22:10.40Canislupusis it acceptable to paste.. say 2 lines of code in the irc window, or is that bad form?
22:11.50Endwe probably won't yell at you for 2 lines
22:12.03Kirkburnphew, got titan back to normal
22:12.06Canislupuslol, thx for your patience
22:12.51Canislupusif ( button == "RightButton" ) then
22:12.51CanislupusFriendsFrame_ShowDropdown(name, 1);
22:13.06KirkburnI changed that to button1 ... broke it :P
22:13.29Canislupusthat part seems to work fine, or we wouldnt see the drop down at all
22:13.35Kirkburnyeah, that part works
22:14.19Canislupusso that leads me away from using "button" as a local variable being an issue, even though it's value in-game appears to be a table
22:14.47Canislupuswould appear the variable at least works locally
22:15.26Canislupuswait... lua is an object oriented language, right?
22:15.33Endsort of :P
22:15.42Canislupusis button considered an "object"?
22:15.55Endin your case, it looks like it
22:19.04Canislupusdo most add-on writers have the mpq files extracted so they can examine them?
22:19.56Canislupusseems it would be hard to use any of blizzards functions if you couldn't look at their code
22:20.18kergothlua is a language that focuses on doign more with less.  you can code in an OO fashion, but generally have to implement the classes/objects yourself.
22:21.09*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:22.27Canislupusmany of which are defined by blizzard in the wow/interface folder (assuming they are extracted)
22:22.35zespri_workyesterday I couldn't login about an hour after I patched. It just load the world and immideately kicked me back to the character selection list
22:23.12zespri_workI guess this this the new iprovement - you don;t get the annoyed message such as 'there is always such char on the realm' you are just silently kicked
22:23.17Canislupusbeen happening to a lot of ppl, zes, since the 1.11 patch
22:23.18zespri_workgood fix
22:23.50Canislupuslol, yeah delete the error message... error is gone!
22:23.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
22:23.56Corrodias"LOL PATCH"
22:23.59zespri_workyeah, figured, that it was not myself only =)
22:24.24zespri_workI mean look at this progreseeion
22:24.40zespri_workbefore 1.1o they displayed you this message ' char already exists'
22:25.12zespri_workin 1.11.0 they started to not letting you in to the char selecting screen with 'Retreiving list of characters'
22:25.28zespri_workand in 1.11.1 they just kick you out once you logged in
22:25.43zespri_workit's obvious they are working hard and diligently
22:25.53Canislupusyeah you think that is bad try passing a double escape (or CR, not sure) to the chat window
22:25.54zespri_worksuch an obvious progress!
22:26.22Canislupusno error, INSTANT disconnect
22:27.27Canislupusone of my old mods was doing it before i updated them
22:27.40Canislupusmade raiding and alterac valley fun
22:28.03Canislupuswait 4 hours to get in... BOOM! disconnected
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22:30.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
22:31.24KirkburnSorry, I've got involved in levelling my tauren :P Harpies must die!
22:31.28zespri_workwell this one you can justify somehow... they put this disconnect there very intentionaly, first to send a clear message across, what you are trying to do is a no-no
22:31.40zespri_workbecause it's associated with an exploit
22:32.04Canislupusharpies are almost as annoying of a sound as murlocs
22:32.16Canislupusbut... harpies are hot
22:32.34Canislupussorry... off topic there
22:33.07KirkburnHmm, could make some kind of 'bird' related comment now
22:33.16zespri_workthere is a uest in barrow den for young night elves. level 9. the most annoying low-level quest ever. I wonder which night elvel class has no problem doing this quest on level 9 =)
22:33.56Canislupusthe furlbogs?
22:33.56Kirkburnwhy not to task switch ... people steal your kills
22:33.56zespri_workI think I already tried two classes. You need to level to 11 to do this quest without dying 10 times
22:34.15KirkburnWhich quest is that?
22:34.21zespri_workyeah,furblogs, especially shamans
22:34.24KirkburnMy tauren girl is now level 11 :)
22:34.25Canislupusi hate that cave, i have wiped it twice since i hit lvl 60 just for revenge
22:34.35zespri_workyou just dont have interrupts and they keep healing
22:34.43Canislupusyou have a heiffer?
22:35.13zespri_workheiffer? what is heiffer?
22:35.23Canislupusa young, female cow
22:35.38zespri_workoh, looked it up already =)
22:37.05Legorolzespri: i don't remember having problem with furbolgs at level 9
22:37.10Legorolare you sure you were in a group when you tried?
22:37.10zespri_workactually yes, I was thinking, "I need to come hear with my high-level char and wipe the shit out of these furbolgs!" and then I checked myself - how silly of me to hate midless mobs =)
22:37.23KirkburnYou're just toooo uber, Legorol :)
22:37.24Legorolit's a common mistake to not be in a group when doing NE start area quests..
22:37.32Legorolthat's the trick to it :)
22:37.38zespri_workoh come on
22:37.42zespri_workit's not an elite quest
22:37.47zespri_workyou are supposed to dolo it
22:38.01Legorolthere are plenty of non-elite quests at all levels which are very hard to solo
22:38.04Legorolif you try and do it at that level
22:38.10Legorolthat furbolg is not the only one
22:38.20Legorolfor example:
22:38.27Legorolthe Bloodsail Buccaneer captains
22:38.35Legorolit's not an elite quest, there is no way you can solo it at level 45 though
22:38.47zespri_workhow about similar level quests?
22:38.58zespri_workactually I soloed the captains at 47
22:39.09zespri_workbut not at 45, you are right
22:39.23Fanookzespri: i went back to pyrewood village and wiped it out at lvl 43, most fun i've ever had there
22:39.28Legoroli think it's a mistake taht you can check the exact level of the quest
22:39.42Legorolit really is only a guideline, many quests are marked as a few levels away from when you can really do it
22:40.13zespri_workwell, Legorol, the quest level determines xp reward that you get
22:40.22Legorolthat is correct
22:40.27zespri_workso knowing the number is advantageous
22:40.30Canislupusi solo'd almost everything except BFD until i hit lvl 40 or so
22:40.31Legorolwhat i am saying is that not every quest level is absolutely spot on
22:40.44Legorolin terms of the difficulty
22:41.17Legorolthe quest level is often (but not always) simply set to the level of the mobs involved
22:41.26zespri_workthink about it, those who designed quests, had to to the quests themselves at least once
22:41.29Legorolwhich therefore makes a big difference in the actual difficulty
22:41.51Legorolbesides, what's wrong with a difficult solo quest ;_)
22:42.20zespri_workI had to corpse run from the fricking barrow den
22:42.29Legorolare the furbolgs really that hard at level 9?
22:42.45Legorolim going to have to try them now that we talked about it :)
22:42.58zespri_workthere is not place in the whole den when you can ressurect and not get attacked immideately
22:43.14Legorolthat's true for many small caves
22:43.14Canislupusat least troubleshooting this mod is teaching me an assload about scripting and wow interface programming
22:43.28zespri_workso when you died, that's basically it
22:43.33LegorolCanislupus: btw, i was meaning to reply to a comment of yours earlier
22:43.38LegorolNo, we don't extract the MPQs for modding
22:43.51Legorolthe MPQs contain exact same thing as you get when you run the Blizz Interface Customization tool
22:43.59Legoroli.e. the XML and Lua code for the default interface
22:44.30Legorolyou can have a look at the code of functions that Blizzard defined in Lua
22:44.30Canislupusand they are not modifiable, am i correct on that?
22:44.41Legorolhowever, most of the API functions are defined in the C source, which we don't get to see
22:44.49zespri_workLegorol, did you receive my mail?
22:44.51Canislupusi see
22:45.08Legorolbear in mind that there are two types of functions: internal API functions exposed to Lua
22:45.14Legoroland global functions defined in Lua
22:45.19Legorolzespri: nope
22:45.20Legoroli will read it
22:45.36LegorolCanislupus: well you can't modify any file in Interface\FrameXML
22:45.58Legorolhowever, the scripting environment is powerful enough that you can pretty much modify any aspect of any existing Blizzard defined frames or Lua functions
22:46.06Legorolwith an AddOn
22:46.17Legorolthere are a few exceptions, but those are there on purpose to prevent botting mainly
22:46.27Canislupusso the functions listed on wowwikki probably dont include the glogal functions blizzard defines in their LUA files, correct?
22:46.35Legorolsome are listed
22:46.41Legorolthey are marked with a little "UI" tag in front of them
22:47.16Canislupusi see... those are the global functions defined by blizzard in their interface files
22:48.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk1 (
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22:48.48Canislupusi haven't even installed the ICT yet, i was actually reading some web site about how to extract them manually... i will check out the Blizzard ICT first
22:49.06zespri_workLegorol, did you not receive, or you just didn;t check?
22:53.56Canislupuswell i am not giving up until i figure out what the heck is wrong with the right-click menu in this mod
22:54.22Canislupushaven't even played wow lately, it that bad
22:54.45Canislupuswhat aggravates me is i KNOW it is something simple, and i don't like it that i can't find it
22:55.39zespri_workmy friend played guildwars. was very reluctunt to take op on wow because of the subscription fee. I persuaded him. He leveled a warrior to 49 and discovered a buttlegrounds. Now he spending hours writing macroes that helps them to kick ass in BG. I found this amusing =)
22:56.06zespri_workAnd he is not going to level any further - this is his only char
22:56.16Canislupuslol yeah and good macros make ALL the diff in BGs too
22:56.23zespri_workHe is saying that leveling another one would take to much time, lol
22:56.52Canislupusblizz will fix that soon enough, they already give you experience when you turn in badges
22:57.40zespri_workfix what? that one can artificaily stop leveling?
22:57.49zespri_workI don't think they indednt to fix this
22:58.00zespri_workAll the twink holder would be fubar
22:58.40zespri_worknot so long ago a night reaver dropped on me
22:58.56zespri_workthis is a blue sword, but it's priced around 100G
22:59.00Canislupusthey will... blizz can't leave well enough alone.  if it doesn't match the goals THEY want to set for you in game (leveling, gaining gold) they will ZAP it
22:59.05zespri_worklvl 18 mind you
22:59.25zespri_workand this is only because this is one of the best weapons wor warrior twing in BG 10-19
23:00.12zespri_workNah, doesn;'t make sense
23:00.21Canislupuswell that is my main point anyway.. any new player who doesn't have 3 lvl 60s on the same server who wants to have blue items, can't afford them
23:00.29zespri_workyou rarely want to stop leveling if it's not your alt
23:00.36zespri_workso you will always want to level
23:00.52Canislupusblizzard will nerf twinking because it takes away from the game for new players
23:00.54zespri_workand what harm do twinks for the business? none I think
23:01.33Canislupusthey are good for the economy if you are a lvl 60.. and maybe good for it in general
23:01.47zespri_worknot drastically.
23:02.13Canislupusbut Blizz can't really turn their baby out in to the world and let it blossom, it has to grow the direction they want it to
23:02.27Canislupusthat is only my observation, and i could be wrong
23:02.47Canislupusdo twinks turn in their bg badges?
23:03.02snurreit's been growing rather nicely in the direction they want it, so why not keep it that way?
23:03.18snurreit's a business, not a charity
23:03.18Canislupuscause i get pretty good exp from turn ins of those badges
23:04.18Canislupuspersonally if you knew me you would know i have nothing against twinks, i am only predicting blizzard will end it in a patch soon
23:04.36zespri_workwe''ll see we'll see
23:05.22Canislupusblizz changes lots of things that make me wanna strangle them, cause they can't stand ppl doing anything outside their original intent
23:05.36Canislupusdouble frost trapping was a good example
23:06.06Canislupusnot an exploit, just using the class' skills to the best of one's advantage
23:06.33Canislupusthey kept messing with it until it's nearly impossible now
23:06.48snurrethen they probably didnt intend for it to be used that way
23:07.49snurremany abilities that have an intended function can be used in other way and produce a far greater potential, and sometimes it gets unbalancing and needs to be corrected to get in line with the intended usage
23:07.50zespri_workagain they have a point. they balance stuff around what they deem intended. if you find a work aroung, allowing you to do stuff that they didn't intend it's now not balanced and should be fixed. as simple as that
23:08.12zespri_workexactly, snurre
23:08.55Canislupusand that is exactly why i say twinks are going the way of the dodo
23:09.08snurreanarchy online did not balance it that way, and tbh that game ended up badly imo
23:09.13Canislupusthus says the great prophet Canislupus
23:11.03zespri_workCanisplus, I think you are wrong, because the simplest way to prevent this is to disallow money transfer between chars of a same player. They allowed it from day one and always inteded this feature to be accesible
23:11.35Canislupusdoes anyone want to work on this ChatBox thing with me? i am a bit over my head until i learn a bit more...
23:12.11Canislupuszespri: yeah i would really hate it if they nerfed that
23:13.01Canislupusbut $$ xfer between chars HELPS you reach lvl 60, which IS one of blizzard's intended goals for a player
23:14.13Canislupuspursuit of $$, experience, and Epic items.  if you read some of the blue posts they mention that a lot.  the last one i read excapes me but it was only yesterday i read it
23:14.20zespri_workthey won't
23:15.05Canislupuswell i dont pretend to know much, but i would love to bet on it some time
23:15.43CanislupusOH!! i know what the post was about...
23:16.46Canislupussomeone asked blue in the forums why professions sucked so bad, and why the crafted items were so undesirable compared to tier2 epics and the like
23:17.23snurreblacksmithing doesnt suck.. arcanite reaper hooooo
23:18.29Canislupusblizzard rep responded that for crafted items to equal t2 epics would take away from blizzards intended goals, that of bettering your character by killing mobs and raiding (social)
23:19.11Canislupusyeah well try leatherworking some time
23:19.39zespri_workCanislupus, I read this conversation, it does make sense, most people whant combat game and not crafting game, so they put emphaisis on combat and not crafting. they can't do both because they have just so much resources
23:22.00Canislupusyeah, and i think the way they originally marketed the game was more like "chose your own path.. be a tailor, a leatherworker, blacksmith.. etc"  and the mental image you were supposed to draw from that was that of someone kicked back, crafting items and making (like a merchant)
23:23.07zespri_worknot convincing =) everybody who plays this game knows what the game is about =)
23:24.13Canislupusregardless of how i feel about crafting not being profitable (aside from alchemy), i love the game and have no complaints except for the occasional nerf, and a slightly dissapointing end-game
23:25.58Canislupusthey should leave the twinks alone and let ppl who already have lvl 60's have something else to do besides sitting around all week waiting for MC to reset
23:26.10Canislupusbut.. i still doubt they will
23:26.14zespri_workI think the big question is "can this game be even better?" and blizz try to answer that to the best of their efforts. But you know, sometimes that one lucky idea just doesn't come to sombodies mind. And there is zillions of other ideas that jsut don't fit.
23:26.58Canislupusthey need to give us a bit more solo content at lvl 60, in my opinion
23:27.20Canislupusthat is why i got involved in BG's in the first place
23:27.40Canislupusi never went in a BG before i hit 60
23:27.52zespri_workThe thing is they think about the game not less then we, maybe more, and they asked themselves all the questions we asked and they have an answer for themselves (not that they would share this answer with you and me) and then they do what they deem best. they are not stupid, no, and they want to sell too
23:29.36zespri_workit's not like that MAJORITY of palyers wants something and this would improve the game and it's relatively easy to implement but they won;t do this, just because they have "hidden goals". If they don't do this then there is a reason... I think
23:30.53snurretbh i think most ideas are easier to be invented that actually implemented
23:31.16Canislupuswell, new subscriptions probably have a bit of precedence, say, over keeping the hordes of monthly subscribers all perfectly happy, considering they will probably not delete the lvl 60 chars they have devoted 500 hours of their life leveling, wouldnt you agree?
23:31.57Canislupusand more subscribers=more $$
23:33.34Canislupuslevel 25 is not near as much fun if you are wearing ALL grey armor, b/c all of the Twinks bought up/raised the value of good armor, and on top of that if you do manage to get into battlegrounds you will get FARMED by all the twinks
23:33.40zespri_workyou have to get new subscriptions but you as well have to keep old subscribers the best you can
23:34.11Canislupuskeep in mind the only way being a TWINK has any advantage is if there are ppl to play against who DONT have the same gear you do
23:34.39Canislupuseveryone wants to be one of the HAVE's not one of the HAVE-NOT's
23:34.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:35.25Canislupusand if you are a new player, level 25 you are not going to have 400g to spend on blue armor
23:35.46Cairennanyone want to come help me put my tent up? hard to put up an 8-man tension-pole tent without someone standing on the other side holding the pole to its anchor and helping -lift- as you do
23:35.56zespri_workSometimes when I call Tooltip:SetAction and DAB is installed 'this' pointer magically changes. So I have to store it before SetAction and restore after. never hapens without DAB. Any idea what may cause this?
23:36.27Kirkburnzomg, so much text to read :/
23:36.40LegorolCairenn: sure, will you pay my airfare?
23:37.01KirkburnFind a wind rider master
23:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
23:37.28Cairennlol Kir
23:37.36Cairennhey sancus
23:37.38zespri_workLegorol, no when you replied to Cairenn, could you reply to me as well please? I know I'm not as apealling as Cairenn, but this is the way life is.
23:37.48sancusIsn't there a mod that lets you do quick free-form timers with a raid announce with macros?
23:38.22Legorolzespri: i am looking for your email as we speak
23:38.27zespri_workcheers =)
23:38.36Cairennzespri: I'm sure he will, mine was a quick two-word answer, yours will take considerably more time and thought
23:38.37Legoroli will also reply to your OnUpdate
23:38.41Legorolyou are not neglected
23:38.58Cairennsancus: no idea
23:39.40Fanookwould cosmos's in() function do the trick?
23:39.45zespri_workCairenn, lol, I think the question "did you check you mail" requires quite a simple answer too.
23:39.53Cairennand zespri, I am not all together sure just how appealing I am right now, soaked to the skin and cursing because I don't have a second set of hands
23:39.53zespri_workBut who am I to compliain =)
23:40.21Cairennthat's the other little thing I neglected to mention in my plea ... it's also POURING rain here
23:40.47TainI just inherited a cat.
23:40.56Cairenngrats Tain
23:41.04zespri_workCairenn, you have pretty good idea what a male can think of a female in highly visible position in male dominated industry p)
23:41.13zespri_workof her apeal and such
23:41.20CairennTain: you can hug him and squeeze him and love him and call him George
23:41.38kergoththats from bugs bunny, isnt it?
23:41.46TainYep :)
23:41.51TainBut his name is Brooklyn.
23:42.00TainAnd right now he's rubbing all over my feet.
23:42.13CairennI believe that was the original usage of it kergoth, yup, but it's been adopted by many
23:42.34*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
23:42.45Fanookit was said by the walking pile of red hair in the frankenstien parody that i can't remember the name of
23:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
23:43.04TainI think it was first the Abominable Snowman though.
23:43.11TainBut that guy also said it.
23:43.13Fanookhmmm, might be
23:43.33TainMind you I'm not willing to place money on my intimate knowledge of cartoon history.
23:45.49Canislupus"my own little bun-ny rabbit"
23:46.36Canislupusyou guys all hang out in cosmos irc too, eh?
23:46.43Cairennnot all
23:47.10Cairennnot even half, actually
23:47.12Canislupuswell "all" was a bit eager on my part
23:48.07Canislupusany other good irc channels for wow mod devs?
23:48.07KarlKFIjust the cool people
23:49.06Canislupusi heard all the best hang out here, and i thought "wow, that is the place for you, canislupus"
23:49.18TainI heard the Cosmos people all habitually smoke the marijuana cigarettes.
23:49.21Canislupusi call myself that sometimes
23:49.33kergothi love the abomidable snowman from bugs
23:49.38kergothwhen he follows bugs to the carribean
23:49.47kergothas he's melting, he says "Gosh it's hot."
23:49.55Canislupusyeah that is why nobody has posted anything there in the last 3 hours i imaging, Tain
23:50.14Canislupus"and i never saw my bunny rabbit again..."
23:52.04Tainwow Microsoft has a new, "Ultimate" keyboard coming out.
23:52.56Corrodiasit's bent. points off
23:53.25Corrodiasthe picture has a man holding a wireless device next to his sperm. fertility decreased! :D
23:54.07Canislupusit has built in vibration... he is probably in one of those adult chat rooms
23:55.11Corrodiasso... it's bent, it lights up, and it is wireless? this is their ultimate keyboard?
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23:55.36KarlKFIbent + wireless = bad idea
23:55.42Corrodiasi admit i went into it skeptical, but they didn't do anything to convince me i was wrong
23:55.45Canislupuslogitech is SO far ahead of them
23:56.11cladhaireDoes ANYONE here use Perl Classic Unit Frames?
23:56.28KebinusanIf I say yes, do I get a cookie :-P
23:56.33TainI did once.. but that was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
23:56.45KebinusanI did for about 5 minutes once
23:56.59Canislupusso seriously anybody bored and want to troubleshoot some code with me?
23:57.07TainIt was the best of frames, it was the worst of frames.
23:57.31KarlKFII AM a unitframe
23:57.32Canislupusre-frame yourself, tain
23:57.42TainThese are the unit frames of our discontent.
23:58.04Canislupusnow is the time for all good frames to come to the aid of our interface
23:58.21TainAlas poor Perl.  I knew him, Horatio.
23:58.32KarlKFIi made the orig unti frames. Before me there was jsut framexml hacks
23:58.44KarlKFIwait.. that's nto a quote
23:58.48TainThe unit frame author doth protest too much, methinks.
23:58.53CanislupusTo perl, or not to perl, that is the question
23:59.15TainWhether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outreagous 3d unit frame models.
23:59.24cladhaireanyone here have a priest, that has rank 10 renew (from AQ), can log in, and could check something in Clique for me?
23:59.29Canislupus%She wore a perl necklace%
23:59.42TainThere I cannot help you.
23:59.55TainWhere did we leave the priest we got from the Albino?

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