irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060627

00:00.08KirkburnSurely it's 31 days a year? ;)
00:00.13KtronThrae, do you mean orthonyms?
00:00.21zenzelezzthen it would be "May days"
00:00.25TainI had an ornithopter once.
00:00.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
00:00.52zenzelezzgod I hated those witches by the end of book six
00:01.20TainI read up through Chapterhouse: Dune, and I still don't think any of them were worth reading after the first.
00:01.21ThraeKtron: I'd have to look that word up, but from my basic knowledge of Greek and Latin that doesn't sound right :D
00:01.28KirkburnThe 'feedback' of New Scientist is great for these kinds of things
00:01.29kergothi only read the first
00:01.44KtronThrae, I created that word just for you. You may use it or discard it freely :)
00:01.45zenzelezzTain: in hindsight I agree
00:01.48Kirkburn*feedback page
00:01.59TainIt just got really weird and started using crazy excuses to throw sex in all over the place.
00:02.03zenzelezzI never trust other people's opinions
00:02.13KtronThe first Dune was good, enough people told me to stop then that I did
00:02.22TainAlas, I had no such positive influences.
00:02.37ThraeIt's already on the Internet, it seems like it's used to describe a way of making authors' pen names.
00:02.53KtronThrae, really?
00:03.16KirkburnHah, quoted from ... "If you are contemplating suicide, please email us. We want to pray for and encourage you."
00:03.45kergothriiight, since when you're depressed and pondering suicide, just what you want is prayers and encouragement
00:04.08zenzelezzI actually started reading the Dune books because of the Iron Maiden song
00:04.31TainI do still really like the first book.
00:04.47ThraeI liked the 2nd version of the movies, but the 1st version had Patrick Stewart!
00:04.54TainAnd I did like the first movie, regardless.
00:04.54KirkburnI could spend the evening regaling you with stuff from New Scientist :P
00:05.25TainHe who controls the spice, controls the universe!
00:05.27KtronHere's an idea for churches-- make a website that called "54 ways to commit suicide and which one is right for you" and when you click on it have it email them and redirection you to a happy page with louis armstrong singing "It's a beautiful World"
00:05.48ThraeAnd then people will commit suicide right then and there, eh?
00:05.58kergothKtron: yes! then they wont just want to kill themselves, they'll want to kill the people who are responsible for that, too
00:06.06Ktronit'll take more time
00:06.15Ktronauthorities can move in :)
00:06.16ThraeWeeding out the people that don't like Louis Armstrong, aka the EMOS
00:06.32TainIt is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
00:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:06.55kergothlouis armstrong is great.  i love that knows my tastes well enough to play his songs, then jump right into some crazy norwegian viking metal
00:07.15KirkburnAwww, evil scientific paper: "Castration-induced vocalisation in domestic piglets, Sus Scrofula: Complex and specific alterations of the vocal quality"
00:07.20Ktronheh, kergoth, did you see the video of the vikings with rock guitars?
00:07.24Ktron(kind of a cartoon?)
00:07.54Kirkburn(so basically, they recorded piglets being castrated and concluded that, yes, their squeals probably did indicate pain)
00:07.59KtronI'll find it for you
00:08.23Ktron <-- classic cartoon video, rated G for GO THERE NOW!
00:11.32Ktronvikings, rock and roll, gitaroo man, and transformers... what else could you want?
00:12.20Josh|Gone( cladhaire ): hello
00:13.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:15.14KirkburnAhaha, nice comment from Eyonix:
00:18.37Josh|Gonelol, that's pretty good
00:19.05KirkburnWow, this is bad ... looking for e-cards, checked ... they try their absolute hardest to hide the fact you have to pay. You have to give them your email before you get that info (which I refuse to do)
00:19.50KirkburnI mean, look at this page:
00:19.52WobinThey used to be free
00:20.04KirkburnWhat the hell does 'best value' mean, when you aren't even shown the price?
00:20.23KirkburnApparently no longer
00:20.34Josh|Gonethey used to have 1 or 2 free cards
00:20.35Grypheni use hallmark
00:21.10KirkburnThanks Gryphen :)
00:21.10WobinWell. Apparantly, eCards + Collect and Print = Get Both
00:27.02Thraeckknight's been busy -- when I mouse over any mod in WoWI-lite, it shows ckknight as the author!
00:27.23ThraeOh, wait, I found their bug.
00:27.39ckknightMy name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
00:28.12ckknightI wonder if WoWI has some kind of profit-sharing system...
00:28.30KirkburnWhy would a King require money?
00:29.21ckknightI get hungry.
00:33.00AnduinLothardo mobs of the same name with a small level difference have the same loot table?
00:33.32zenzelezzthink so
00:34.40KirkburnYeah I think so too
00:34.55KirkburnOnly difference is the XP
00:35.58AnduinLotharand hp/mana
00:36.08WobinAnd parents
00:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge net\afk (
00:40.23*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
00:40.47KirkburnDammit, WMP is too good at cacheing albums from my external HD, it keeps having to restart the drive when I try and change it :P
00:41.30WobinAnyone know of any good level 50 (around) one handed maces?
00:41.42Wobinlike dungeon drops or something
00:42.11ThraeWobin: the ever-evil
00:42.31Wobinhm, point
00:42.34ThraeI use Thott liberally.
00:42.36WobinI shall investigate!
00:42.45WobinIf I'm not back in five minutes....
00:42.48Wobinwait for me a bit longer!
00:43.27TainI like the Viking Warhammer
00:43.32TainBecause Vikings used it!
00:44.56WobinPillage and Burn!
00:45.19TainOoh is there a Pillage and Burnhammer?
00:49.32KirkburnHmm, the wowwiki needs a declaration about capitalisation of race names
00:50.10KirkburnAnyone got an idea about a good way of asking Blizz?
00:51.04Kirkburn(it would appear, following the latest lore pages, they're all lowercase)
00:51.05zenzelezzask if it's like nationality
00:51.38KirkburnI mean, a method :P I would ask Cairenn, but she's afk :/
00:52.11KirkburnFor example on the earlier race pages, e.g. dwarves, it's capitalised. On the draenei and naaru stuff it's always lowercase
00:52.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dan5981 (
00:52.40TainI vote for capitalization.
00:52.50zenzelezzI would imagine it being similar to hispanic, caucasian, etc
00:52.52KirkburnPerhaps, but I'm not sure that the EU CMs would get the info easily
00:53.14KirkburnTain, but we don't capitalise Human, do we :P
00:53.30TainHrm, I was thinking more like Irish, Chinese, Russian, but I guess that makes more sense.
00:54.34dan5981Hi everyone, this is my first time on IRC
00:55.09dan5981my name's Dan, I'm the dev of the Atlas mod
00:55.17TainThe rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
00:55.24TainWelcome Dan!
00:55.27TainThis sounds like an AA meeting. :/
00:55.36KirkburnWow, my guess was correct
00:55.44dan5981lol yeah I just realized that
00:55.53KirkburnI saw Dan, thought 'I bet that's Atlas Dan'
00:55.59KaeltenMy Names Kaelten and I'm an overworked dev.
00:56.10Tainhaha Atlas Dan.
00:56.10dan5981Hi, Kaelten
00:56.16kergothmy name is kergoth, and i'm a lazy bastard. *steps down*
00:56.27TainI like cake.
00:56.28Kaeltenbut at least he's honest folks, give him a hand
00:56.32KirkburnI'm weird, and I'm ... no, er, I got that wrong, right?
00:56.43zenzelezzI would, but I need both my hands for tanking
00:56.53WobinHi, I'm Wobin. I've not modded for... oh... 5 hours now.
00:57.03KirkburnMmmm, beer tanking
00:57.22WobinPS <3 Atlas =P
00:57.26dan5981I'm a lazy bastard too, and a pretty shitty programmer
00:57.28KaeltenI hate the retrieving character thingy mabob
00:57.34zenzelezzI don't tank beer well... tried it a few times, but it pwned me
00:57.34kergoth~emulate kergoth
00:57.37purlACTION hacks on OZ, OE, bitbake, and other projects.
00:57.44TainI still remember a raid where someone mentioned they were drinking and someone else said in gc, "I don't think we should have someone drinking pulling."
00:57.48Kaelten~emulate Kaelten
00:57.49kergothaw, thats not the one i wanted
00:58.00TainAnd there was a split second of silence before half the guild piped up.
00:58.11KirkburnI forget mine ...
00:58.14Kirkburn~emulate Kirkburn
00:58.16purlThat sounded more normal in my head ...
00:58.18Tain"I'm always drunk playing."  "I haven't raided sober in months."  "I'm high right now."
00:58.27kergoth~emulate kergoth
00:58.28purlACTION wields a mean spiked metal cluebat
00:58.32kergothbah, i give up
00:58.38dan5981someone I used to live with would play on acid
00:58.40Kaelten~emulate kergoth
00:58.41purlACTION wields a mean spiked metal cluebat
00:58.45TainI couldn't handle that, Dan.
00:58.50Kirkburn"That sounded more normal in my head ..." ... story of my life
00:59.19dan5981he would get very very distracted and usually end up drowning
00:59.36zenzelezzin-game I hope
01:00.04KirkburnAnd there was me thinking he played sitting in a bath of hydrochloric acid
01:00.24WobinAlas. It appears I'm currently using some of the better maces for my level already =\ Blesswind Hammer of the Monkey and Fist of Stone (I still can't believe I'm using a mana regen mace as a rogue =P)
01:00.47zenzelezza mace rogue?
01:01.00Kirkburna rogue?!
01:01.05Shadowedburn him!
01:01.11dan5981so guys, is this a good place to discuss technical modding things, or is there another room for that?
01:01.11TainAw come on, mace rogue is fun
01:01.16WobinHell, the priest in the party didn't want him =(
01:01.18Wobiner it
01:01.27TainYeah Dan, we do a lot of technical talk as well as general silliness.
01:01.35WobinThis was the priest that says "Lemme shadowheal cause I can outdps you"
01:01.42Wobinon Landslide
01:01.48dan5981awesome, this is pretty much what I
01:01.49Wobin(being the only healer in the party)
01:01.59WobinShadowed: Vampiric Embrace =P
01:02.13dan5981*what I've been looking for--never found a good forum for more advanced modding stuff
01:02.15Wobinand Mace rogue is hella fun
01:02.17zenzelezzI had a fun Scholo run yesterday... priest kept running up to me to melee the targets
01:02.20TainJust ran Mara with 2 Paladins, a Mage, and a Rogue today.
01:02.37WobinTain: What were you?
01:03.04TainWe started with a different Paladin who was so bad I almost started bandaging people.
01:03.38TainBut we beat up on the Princess all th esame.
01:03.41TainAnd got crap crap crap.
01:04.04TainThen a little mushroom popped up and said, "We're sorry, our princess is in another castle!"
01:04.04zenzelezzhad a great Baron run today... paladin went LD during the abomination thing, never came back... still managed baron with me (warrior), druid, mage and rogue. Naturally he dropped Lightforge
01:04.34TainPeople weren't that bright though, had people bidding greed on BoP things they couldn't use.
01:06.07TainIt's ok though, I just run instances to kill time between Auction House raids.
01:06.11WobinI'ma little Ninja; short and stout, Grab all the loot, then hearthstone out. All the peeps on Teamspeak, scream and shout, I'm the Rogue in full Devout
01:06.12Kirkburndan5981, seriously though, we do discuss the UI normally ;)
01:06.45zenzelezzhaha Wobin
01:06.59dan5981heh, no worries, I haven't been able to play for about a year--I just started again
01:07.00kergoth~emulate chris
01:07.02purlIt's partially an expression of my teenage angst...but mostly, it's a moo cow!
01:07.39TainI watched 2 episodes last night.,
01:08.16KirkburnThat's amazing Tain. I have no idea what you watched, but it sure sounds great =)
01:08.17Legoroldan5981: this channel gets very, very random often :)
01:08.28Legorolbut it's by far the most technical place for UI modding discussions too ;-)
01:08.34Wobin~Dr. Tran
01:08.35purlJust passin' 'em out!
01:08.36TainTwo episodes of the show that the quote directly preciding my statement originates from.
01:08.38dan5981I think he was talking about family guy?
01:08.40KirkburnThe two go together well, Legorol :)
01:08.42zenzelezzdon't let it stop you from asking/discussing serious stuff though
01:08.47LegorolKirkburn, inded
01:08.58WobinAye, if you have any questions et al, just throw them out
01:09.08WobinWe'll do our best to look puzzled and wait for Iriel =)
01:09.09KirkburnAim for the bin ;)
01:09.10Legorolor if you have answers..
01:09.18Legorolthose are also valuable, but often we just question..
01:09.30LegorolIriel: why not?
01:09.31IrielOh.  I see.
01:09.33TainHe has invoked the name of the Iriel!
01:09.46IrielI didn't read the context when I saw my name float by
01:09.49Wobin(damnit, should have gotten the new rank)
01:09.51LegorolIriel: you do?
01:10.19KirkburnContext sux
01:10.31zenzelezzI like ConTEXT
01:10.40dan5981cool, well I've been having a bitch of a time with SetTexCoords, it works just fine 98% of the time, but some textures are getting all squashed up by it
01:10.58LegorolIriel's your man! he is the texture guy
01:11.01Legoroland everything else guy too ;-)
01:11.01TainI wasn't a big fan of ConTEXT.  I mean it was better than most.
01:11.09TainBut not good enough!~
01:11.14zenzelezzthat's true
01:11.21Irieldan5981 : Is it possible your input data is wrong?
01:11.27zenzelezzI really love VC++, but it doesn't do WoW/Lua
01:11.54TainYou mean Visual Studio's IDE, zenzelezz?
01:12.01dan5981Iriel: I'm using the general function for asine (sp?) transforms I found on wowwiki
01:12.15zenzelezzTain: I only use VC++(2003.NET), so I don't know if the rest use the same
01:12.20zenzelezzbut I suspect they do
01:12.43TainYeah there was a plugin someone did to support Lua highlighting in Visual Studio, but it only worked with one version.
01:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:12.58zenzelezzI read about it, but it sounded hackish
01:13.07zenzelezzConTEXT works well enough for my Lua/XML needs
01:13.22dan5981Iriel: all I need to do are 90 degree rotations, so it seems like a matter of sticking in the rotation matrix and then transforming by 1 in the right direction
01:13.28Irieldan5981 : The stuff here: ?
01:13.31LegorolSciTe ftw for WoW coding stuff
01:13.36Legorolalso XMLSpy
01:13.37TainI do like SciTE. :)
01:13.41dan5981Iriel: yes, that's the page
01:13.41Legoroland wowuides and wowbench
01:13.44Legoroli love Scite
01:13.55Legoroli never had a programmers text editor i felt this comfortable with
01:14.00TainXMLSpy pisses me right the hell off though with it's BS "free" home version popping up nag screens every single time it loads.
01:14.06IrielFor 90 degree translations you're right, it's really easy
01:14.18zenzelezzI don't like using several programs when one can do both/all the tasks sufficiently
01:14.20IrielYou just have to get your coords in the right order
01:14.59LegorolTain: i never had a nagscreen in the free version
01:15.04KirkburnOfficial 1.11 Known issues thread!
01:15.21LegorolXML spy is awesome, the only thing i'ts missing is folding
01:15.25Legorolonly in the paid-for version :(
01:15.33IrielI wouldn't really worry about the translation function so much as just playing with getting 1's and 0's in the right order in the call to SetTexCoords
01:15.38Legorolso when i do overall structure, or reading XML, i use Scite
01:15.46Legorolwhen i validate and twiddle attribs, i use XMLSpy
01:15.58TainEvery single time I open XMLSpy I get a nag about buying the premium!
01:16.03dan5981Iriel: here's the strange part--I'm rotating minimap blocks, since for some reason they're never oriented correctly with the actual instance, and almost all of the rotate just fine, but just a few are getting mangled
01:16.06IrielI only use XMLSply for XSD work though, really.
01:16.12zenzelezz"The icons of negative effects on that appear on the player now have a color to indicate their type. Curses are purple, disease is
01:16.12zenzelezzyellow, poison is green and magic is blue. In addition when a party member is struck by one of these four types of negative effects,
01:16.12zenzelezztheir portrait will pulse the appropriate color for 30 seconds or until the effect is removed." <--- moved back from 1.11? I seem to see colored edges around the debuffs at least
01:16.17zenzelezzarr, nasty copy+paste
01:16.49Wobinzenzelezz: I've seen the full shaded ones
01:17.03Wobinusually when dead =P
01:17.08Irieldan5981 : Mangled how though? stretched in one direction, or more complex than that?
01:17.26zenzelezz"Eladriel, the skinning trainer in Darnassus Craftman's Terrace, is selling shields instead of offering to train the Skinning Profession." <-- now that's a cool bug
01:18.20dan5981Iriel: they're too thin or thick, the aspect ratio after the transform isn't preserved
01:20.03zenzelezz"It is possible to become fatigued and die while on a flightpath." o_O
01:20.08Wobinhehe wow. "EVE Online Newsletter Vol 8"
01:20.24Kirkburnnote that keyrings will only hold dungeon keys. When a player logs into a character that has a valid dungeon key, the keyring icon will be displayed (between the latency bar and bags on the bottom bar of the User Interface). Anytime that a player logs into another character on that account, regardless of whether or not that character has valid keys, the keyring icon will be displayed.
01:20.30WobinGryphon: I dunno, Boss, he just sort of fainted.. and fell off =(
01:20.41KirkburnWobin, hey, I just got that too :P
01:21.02TainI still really enjoy Eve Online.
01:21.05Irieldan5981 : How do you 'get' them in the first place? Do you have a size for them?
01:22.20dan5981Iriel: the textures themselves are referenced via their md5s found in md5translate.trs, the height and width of each texture is also stored in a table
01:22.58Kirkburn(That appears to be the full known issues thread, not stuff that was introduced in 1.11)
01:23.12dan5981Iriel: I tried doing a SetHeight and SetWidth prior to the transform, but no luck
01:23.30IrielAre you remembering to 'rotate' (i.e. swap) width and height?
01:24.06IrielAnd, depending on how you've got your texture anchored, anchoring only on one corner or the center if you're using SetWidth and SetHeight?
01:24.13dan5981maybe not, what do you mean? (everything I know about SetTexCoords I learned today ;)
01:24.48Wobinyay for seatofthepants coding! =)
01:24.49IrielIgnore SetTexCoords for a minute, that just says how you stretch the image over the Texture object
01:25.03Irielto show it on the screen there's a Texture object, and it's THAT which needs the right width and height
01:25.47IrielSo the question is, is the Texture on the screen the right size for the image, that's the thing which needs the right aspect ratio
01:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
01:26.25IrielAnd there's 2 ways to size on-screen objects, explicit Height/Width, or anchors on opposing corners
01:26.31IrielAnchors override width/height
01:27.03dan5981so I can set 2 anchors to define the box of a texture?
01:27.25cladhaireDid Elkano ever give an update on his spell timer mod?
01:28.03Irieldan5981 : If they're on opposite corners, yes
01:28.04Wobincladhaire: Update?
01:28.27Wobinoh Spell timer
01:29.18KirkburnHahaha, this is great - about a stupid mage (read the second post, then the first)
01:32.40WobinKirkburn: eeeevil =P
01:33.31dan5981Iriel: I'm going to link an image, might help / might not ;)
01:33.39KirkburnMoral of the story: don't play WoW on "ecstay and shrooms"
01:34.17TainOne or the other is ok, but don't do both.
01:34.38zenzelezzfrom the first (or second, whatever you prefer) post I was starting to think "poor guy"... but that suddenly changed :-p
01:34.41KirkburnThis is also humourous, but in a different way: how reliable is Vista Beta 2? Not very for Paul Thurrot:
01:35.01TainWell it is a beta.
01:35.06KirkburnJust reading the list of daily problems he had is funny :P
01:35.35KirkburnIndeed ... the newest beta is absolutely excellent according to nearly all reports I've seen
01:36.08TainOk it's funny and all, but he's having a lot of trouble with beta software (MS Office, Messenger, etc.) on a beta OS.
01:36.53KirkburnYes, I know =) He's not being stupid in that article though, just reporting the facts
01:40.03dan5981Iriel: take a look at
01:40.53zenzelezzhehe, nice second message there
01:41.21zenzelezzwasn't lilo  the very one that got compromised+
01:41.30Wobinyep =)
01:42.50Kirkburndan5981, sexy screenshots :P
01:43.42dan5981heh, I'm working on a rewrite of Atlas, it's waaaay above my programming capabilities
01:44.02zenzelezzWailing Caverns?
01:44.34dan5981sure is
01:45.24kergothnothing better than taking on a task thats beyond your capabilities to raise them.
01:45.34KirkburnHehe, World of Colbertcraft:
01:45.51dan5981true enough kergoth
01:45.58zenzelezzaye kergoth
01:46.37zenzelezzI love nothing more than closing down the coding programs in fury over something not working only to return 30 minutes later and continue =D "I WILL get this working"
01:46.48Tainhaha awesome Kirkburn
01:47.12kergothYour request was denied because of its content categorization: "Games;Streaming Media/MP3s"
01:47.15kergothi hate proxies :(
01:47.29dan5981I have a high tolerance for something working or not working--but when it sort-of-works is when I get frustrated
01:47.56kergothi get sucked into what i'm working on and refuse to leave until it functions, usually.  often forgetting to eat or do anything in the process
01:48.56TainMe too, until I'm too drunk.
01:48.56zenzelezzI will try things out for a while, until my frustration over not understanding what is going wrong boils me over for a bit
01:48.56kergoth~emulate kergoth
01:49.11purlACTION hacks on OZ, OE, bitbake, and other projects.
01:49.24zenzelezzfew things feel better than the "HAH! Got it" feeling when things finally work
01:49.25kergothterrible lag
01:49.27kergothzenzelezz: indeed
01:49.37kergoth~emulate kergoth
01:49.39purlWhy don't you go away, and come back when you've got some clue?
01:49.45purlaw, gee, kergoth
01:51.21Legoroland who said there is no world PvP?
01:51.21Legorolwe start to kill some random guards in a horde town, and the Horde 60s show up..
01:51.21Legorolmassive PvP ensues
01:51.21Legorollots of fun!
01:51.22Legorolthis on a PvE server
01:52.06dan5981a 90-degree rotation should be counter-clockwise, correct?
01:52.24KtronLegorol, or they just ignore you on occasion
01:52.30Ktronand that only works for 60s
01:52.58Ktronand lastly, there's grossly less reward for world PvP than BG PvP
01:53.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:53.51kergothi miss the massive pvp battles including people of huge ranges of levels at crossroads
01:54.04kergothhey Cair
01:54.09KirkburnNext cool link of the day:
01:54.17KirkburnHey Cair
01:56.05TainI dunno, after seeing massive pvp battles in Eve Online everything else severely pales.
01:56.38Wobin"Number of deaths in this sector: 1,223"
01:56.52TainHuge battles are just mesmerizing.
01:57.02TainLike watching a great movie.
01:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk1 (
01:58.31cladhaireanyone happen to have a character on Kael'thas?
01:59.56Cairennnot I, sorry cladhaire
02:00.39cladhairethis is gonna suck
02:01.52zenzelezzI really want a core hound pet... even a non-combat one
02:01.54cladhairefarming rep
02:03.53ShadowedFarming AD rep?
02:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Zino (
02:06.05Mikk1crazy frostmage in my guild finishes one of those pylon thingies in 4 pulls
02:06.11Mikk1each aoe pull knocks 25% health off it
02:06.25Mikk1(yes, he's haxing like hell)
02:06.41dan5981HAH! Got it! lol
02:06.43Mikk1apparently pulling mobs off a ways causes new ones to spawn. then he runs away.
02:06.53Mikk1and repeats this until there's 50+ mobs in a single pull
02:06.58Mikk1then he goes AoE frenzy on their asses
02:09.33Mikk1and if i beg for rep on my lvl50 rogue he laughs at me. bastige :P
02:10.05dan5981nice to meet all of you, take it easy
02:11.10Kirkburnzomg, 'bastige'
02:11.17ZinoIs anyone alse getting spurious "?" instead of nil in tables? Both flightmap and Average XP deluxe have this problem since the patch and I can't really see where the "?" is supposed to come from unless something changed in Luas basic table behaviour.
02:11.44IrielZino: I think you can be pretty sure that lua's basic behaviour did NOT change
02:12.17ZinoYes, that would have broken a lot more... Mo own addons to start with...
02:12.22ZinoMy even.
02:12.58KirkburnNight night!
02:13.06Cairennnight Kirkburn
02:13.08Mikk1Random idea: Running close to out-of-ram causes some evil new bug?
02:13.14Mikk1Script RAM that is
02:13.32Mikk1Sounds a bit far fetched, I know
02:13.44KirkburnSince I never get to say night night to Americas people ... for you all: Sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite :P
02:13.48ZinoI don't think it's that in this case. I have about 50MiB free for scripts, and my guildies are reporting the same problems.
02:13.58Mikk1Ah, very unlikely indeed
02:14.02Mikk1gnite Kirkburn =)
02:14.29ZinoI will just have to sprinkle with more printf debug.
02:14.42Mikk1 ftw?
02:15.36Mikk1Ohwait. I just thought of something. Blizzard change the SavedVariables code in 1.11. Maybe that's what's fubard?
02:15.51ZinoMight be. Do you have some pointers?
02:16.07Zino(To known changes that is.)
02:16.10Mikk1Only a statement that saving very long strings in SavedVariables will no longer cause problems
02:16.15Mikk1In patchnotes iirc
02:16.44ZinoOh. Hmm. That is probably not it.
02:16.46Mikk1It'd be a sane explanation of two unrelated mods suddenly seing their data corrupted
02:16.53Mikk1Unless the vars in question never get saved >.<
02:17.33ZinoIn at least the case of AvgXPDeluxe the variables in question are local and not saved.
02:17.44Mikk1_local_ even?
02:18.19Mikk1You using any sort of function library to fiddle with the tables perhaps?
02:18.32ZinoI'll go manually trace the code a bit. One moment.
02:21.03CairennMrs. Grey in the Library with the Candlestick
02:21.38WobinProfessor Plum in the Conservatory with the Rope
02:22.09ZinoHmm. I wonder... Can Unitname("target") return "?" ?
02:22.38MentalPowerI don't think so
02:22.48Mikk1There's an issue in 1.11 where things end up displaying as "???" on-screen sometimes
02:22.50Shadowedreturns nil if it doesn't find a target i though?
02:22.55Mikk1Though I heard that was only display related
02:22.57MentalPowerI believe it returns "Unknown Entity" for unknowns
02:23.43ZinoOk. Still searching then.
02:24.45Cairennnight clad|sleep
02:27.20clad|sleepnight cair
02:31.21AnduinLotharthis mc run has zero mages..
02:31.35AnduinLothar7 wars, 6 rogues, 6 locks...
02:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:33.10Mikk1domo will be fun
02:33.17Mikk1otherwise mages are totally dispensable in MC
02:33.33AnduinLotharwe're gonna hellfire domo
02:33.40Mikk1agghkk =)
02:34.12Mikk1locks are gonna die so hard
02:34.43Mikk1unless some druids go and tank a healer
02:35.20Mikk1Speaking of "gaahhghggkkk"
02:35.27Mikk1Logged onto wow for the first time today
02:35.36Mikk1And got told this tale of how the guild 15manned Azuregos.
02:35.39Mikk1Except they screwed up
02:35.46Mikk1So only one paladin and the main tank was alive
02:36.15Mikk1Apparently, he kept the MT up until people came back after the frozen debuff wore off and could finish Azu
02:36.54Mikk1(Additional information: There was another guild waiting for the wipe so they could go in. Couldn't let that happen =P)
02:37.29zenzelezzsaw the pig polymorph for the first time today... must say I find it neat :-p
02:38.20Mikk1arf. i need multisession support in WoWBench.
02:38.23Mikk1I thought I was done >.<
02:43.24AnduinLotharwe got 6 priests, 5 pallies and 3 druids.. healing should be fine
02:45.28Legorolwhat happened to Iriel's 1.12 thread?
02:45.46Cairenngood question
02:46.00Mikk1Ohyeah... speaking of.. Iriel: What happened to MovieFrame, WorldFrame, TaxiFrame in [[Widget API]]?
02:46.11Cairenngiven the amount of stupidity that was going on in it, wouldn't surprise me if he asked Slouken to just delete it
02:48.09zenzelezzI don't know what it is about this "C'thun survivor guide" movie, but I can watch it a dozen times and still find it hilarious
02:49.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
02:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:00.21Tem_(the best staff in the game)
03:00.34Tem_(until some bastard gets Atiesh)
03:01.05WobinIs that the Corn Staff?
03:01.05Tem_oh man
03:01.10Tem_I'm not done shaking
03:01.13WobinThe STAFF of CORN
03:01.21Tem_this is the dragon head
03:01.33Wobin(You AMAZE me, HERO)
03:09.36IrielIt got killed due to spam (by slouken)
03:09.41IrielAnd with that, i'm off.
03:09.46Cairennlater Iriel
03:10.00IrielMikk1  There's no TaxiFrame, and I forgot to re-add WorldFrame (it's just a Frame anyway)
03:10.01Cairenn(and, called it, didn't I?
03:10.05IrielCan we create MovieFrame's?
03:12.14Tem_What got called off?
03:12.49CairennIriel's 1.12 thread got deleted due to spam
03:13.08Temso there is /console gxrestart
03:13.12Temis there one for sound?
03:13.56zenzelezzsound restart?
03:14.18zenzelezzwhen my Audigy barfs up sometimes, I just hit Ctrl+S twice
03:14.20EsamynnCair: I don't think I've ever seen a changes thread go to the dogs so quickly, I think our forums are degenerating
03:14.31Cairennthey are
03:14.32Temno help
03:14.47Cairennand thus I've taken a break from them
03:15.03WobinWere they ever generating? =)
03:15.18Cairennthey were semi-decent at one point
03:15.23EsamynnWobin: they used to resenble some sort of sanity
03:15.36WobinAnd then people found out about them =P
03:15.58Cairennhonestly, just use the WoWI forums if you want reasonable conversation still
03:16.07Wobin"BUY GOLD!" =)
03:16.09Temsound engine restart?
03:16.25Cairennyeah, and it stayed how long Wobin?
03:16.43Wobin(damn, need a winky smiley)
03:16.50Cairennhad that been on the Blizz forums, it'd probably still be there
03:17.03Cairennthere is one ... ;)
03:17.15CairennTem: I'd answer if I could
03:17.16Wobinnot for my style of smiley =(
03:17.40CairennWobin: aye, I tend to use = instead of : too, unless trying to wink
03:17.52Wobin(Worst winky smiley ever =P)
03:42.09LegorolFor those of you interested, here is an explanation on why casting multiple spells with a single button press is actually possible:
03:42.15Legorol(this includes spells on a cooldown)
03:42.40LegorolSince Iriel already made it clear that this is possible, I decided to explain what I think goes on behind the scene
03:43.55ThraeLegorol: Already deleted
03:44.01Legorolehm.. .what?
03:44.14ThraeI can't bring it up.
03:44.32Legoroli can..
03:44.37Legorolpost no. 14
03:44.50ThraeAh, there it goes
03:45.56Legorolbtw, if anyone feels that this post shouldn't be made public, let me know and i will pull it
03:46.12Legoroli think it's a borderline case
03:47.27ThraeWell, you didn't start the post, Iriel is the one which gave it the "MVP" logo ;)
03:48.23ThraeYou should post the info on WoWI in the meantime, at least there it won't get deleted :D
03:48.41Legoroli don't mind if it gets deleted
03:48.51WobinIt would be useful for bots
03:48.52Legoroli am not trying to start a controversy, just explaining it
03:48.59Wobinthe chained casting
03:49.03Legorolfyi, slouken has known about this for a long time
03:49.05WobinAlthough maybe not really
03:49.06Legoroland no, not useful for bots
03:49.13Legorola bot can just generate keypresses
03:49.19ThraeSo anyway, why do you lock up the client? Could you use an OnUpdate timer?
03:49.20WobinThe bots are more likely to have more complex mechanisims
03:49.21Legorolwhich is much more useful, since it gets feedback
03:49.29LegorolThrae, no OnUpdate won't work
03:49.37WobinThe whole point is to lock the system up
03:49.38Legorolbecause you have to stay in a single Lua session
03:49.46ThraeAhhh, gotcha
03:49.52Legorolotherwise you use the privilege granted by the hardware event
03:50.25ThraeWhat if you hooked everything you could and let all of that run while waiting for x amount of time?
03:50.39Legorolhow do you propose to "let" things run?
03:50.47Legorolthe only way you can let non-Lua code run is to return from Lua
03:51.04Legorolat which point you lose the hardware event
03:51.41ThraeAh, I didn't know that, I thought Lua was in different thread(s) then the main game engine. But I guess you're right, since I can easily lock up the client with a stupid always true while loop.
03:52.03Legorolthe only thing the client seems to do whilst you are in Lua is to bufffer incoming messages from the server
03:52.23Legorolthere is one good reason for this that i can see:
03:52.33Legorolimagine that the client did process messages in parallel with Lua execution
03:52.41ThraeI should say, I would have *expected* Lua is in a thread, but I guess they didn't want to bother with making everything Lua needs thread-safe.
03:52.45Legorolit would then suddenly find itself having to trigger events, and start another Lua thread
03:52.52Legoroland running two of those in parallel would be a bad idea
03:53.25LegorolWoW is essentially very synchronous
03:53.30Legorolit never drops a single event
03:53.34ThraeWell, I meant a thread that's started upon UI load which is kept separate from the main game engine.
03:53.36Legorolall events are guaranteed to trigger
03:53.42Legorolmultithreading makes this much, much harder
03:53.48ThraeYes, I agree there.
03:54.12Legorolthe point is if you allowed multithreading, a single Lua thread is not enough
03:54.24Legorolbecause you might want to trigger an event that needs Lua response
03:54.32Legorolwhilst the Lua thread is already doing something
03:55.07Legorolso the non-Lua thread(s) have to halt when they are about to enter Lua, if it's already running
03:56.27ThraeI've done something like that before with Windows, but I'm too tired to recall.
03:56.59ThraeLong ago, when I tried my hand at game development, then realized, "Wait -- I can't make 3D models, period."
04:04.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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04:06.42EsamynnCair: behave yourself...
04:07.01Cairennno wai!
04:08.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:09.04Cairennno wai!
04:09.41Cairennmost welcome!
04:09.51EsamynnCair: you're right, what was I thinking
04:09.54Esamynn~lart me
04:10.42Esamynnhey, any Gatherer users here who have recorded a fish node or 3 in their database?
04:11.02ThraeYes, but I use FishingBuddy.
04:11.13CairennEsamynn: it's much more fun to misbehave ;)
04:11.51Fanooki have
04:11.59Fanooki think
04:12.06EsamynnI'm just wondering about something in the code here, does Gatherer record the full name of schools or does it just call fish node schools?
04:12.26Fanookhaven't seen one in a while, but i think it's just school
04:12.39Esamynnk, thats what it looked like from the code
04:12.44ThraeFishingBuddy gives a lot more info
04:13.02ThraeBut Gatherer is technically more correct, since it can be random
04:13.08Esamynntrying to re-write half the code in the AddOn without being experienced in using it is somewhat "interesting" at times
04:14.31Esamynnbut it has been an interesting challenge so far
04:14.55ThraeEsamynn: You could just steal the code from FishingBuddy, it works with Gatherer.
04:15.17Esamynnnah, i'm not trying to upgrade any functionality, I'm upgrading the database format
04:15.30Esamynnonce I'm done the database will use less than half the memory it did before
04:15.46Esamynnbut of course, that involves rather sweeping changes to the code
04:15.48ThraeOoo, nifty. String conversion?
04:17.31Esamynncleanup mostly, the code is suffering from both age and neglect
04:17.58ThraeYeah, Gatherer is useful but it takes up a big 'ol dent in my memory.
04:19.03Esamynnnot to mention that Gatherer itself hasn't ever cleaned up old formats, so there is all sorts of code to account for possible different return types from the same field :(
04:19.18ThraeMaybe backwards compatibility?
04:19.49Esamynnyou can provide backwards compatibility by automatically upgrading older formats
04:20.56ThraeYou CAN, yes ;)
04:29.37Wobinpost warning
04:29.41Wobinit's not pretty =P
04:29.49Wobinas the poster said...ohmygod =P
04:31.42Esamynnno, I'm not ack!!!'ing because of Wobin's link
04:33.11Esamynnsigh, sometimes this code is just PAINFUL!!
04:33.52Esamynnoh wait, I take it back
04:34.09Esamynnthere is actually some method to this particular peice of maddness
04:35.19Cairennnight KaeltenAway
04:35.30Esamynnnight Kaelten
04:35.34KaeltenAwaygnight guys
04:35.43Esamynnalthough, it still would have been cleaner if they used a regular expression
04:36.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:39.24WobinEsamynn: But whyever! When they can write their own parser! =P
04:40.01Esamynnactually, what the code does it do a find for a string, and then use string.sub with values specific to the "find" string
04:40.21Esamynnfor now I'm making a mental note to come back to it later
04:41.05Wobinas opposed to ... retrieving the arguments using find?
04:41.21Wobin_, _, womble, frog = string.find(..)?
04:41.55Esamynnexactly, but for now it works, so I'll fix that later, if I tried to fix every little peice of code that does funny stuff like that, I'd never finish
04:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
05:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Llyrian (
05:04.27LlyrianHi, I sorry for the question, but Im just starting using Lua and Im having trouble finding a stand alone program to execute my .lua files in for testing. I was hoping someone could help.
05:05.23Grypheni think that is what wowbench does on wowinterface
05:05.35krkahere's a good start:
05:06.28LlyrianAwesome, thank you krka, I think these files are exactly was I was looking for. Was getting frustrated. lol
05:06.55krkaof course, if you're using debian, you can simply apt-get install lua
05:07.20LlyrianNo, I have to make it as hard as possible on myself and use Windows :P lol
05:10.31Fanookis that what wowbench is? i assumed it was a benchmarking suite for WoW :P
05:10.37Temour fastest MC ever
05:10.56LlyrianNot bad.
05:11.01CairennFanook: you remember what "assume" means, right?
05:11.10Temright after my Shadow Flame drop :)
05:13.04Fanookyes, cair
05:13.16EsamynnWhen you assume something you make an ass out of you and me. :P
05:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:30.06LlyrianOkay, question. I have my lua and luac .exe and I have a .lua file I want to try and run. How exactly would I go about running the .lua file to test it out?
05:33.38krkalua luafile.lua
05:34.01LlyrianOkay, he's the noob question of the day... where do I type that?
05:34.32krkafor windows, in a command prompt
05:34.45Llyrianin the directory where lua.exe is?
05:34.49LlyrianOr anywhere?
05:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge roadChip_ (
05:37.52Esamynnif you put the Lua exe on your Path then you can call it from anywhere
05:37.59krkahe left!
05:38.07Esamynnyah, just realised that
05:43.28Esamynngood night all
05:43.48Cairennnight Esamynn
05:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:16.31Cairennhey s|loup
06:18.13s|loupcladhaire here?
06:18.38s|loupah clad|sleep right?
06:19.13s|louphm maybe you can help me i didnt understand what clad means by his reply
06:19.30s|louphow can i track the targets manually?
06:19.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:19.55Cairenn'fraid I'm not much help, sorry
06:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:20.22Cairennhopefully someone else can help
06:21.08MoonWolfhelp how ?
06:21.19MoonWolfand good morning
06:21.21Cairenn(02:19:07) s|loup: hm maybe you can help me i didnt understand what clad means by his reply
06:21.22Cairenn(02:19:10) s|loup:
06:21.22Cairenn(02:19:25) s|loup: how can i track the targets manually?
06:21.25Cairennand hello MoonWolf
06:21.39s|louphi moon
06:22.39MoonWolfI think clad means that you manually grab the targets off all the raid members.
06:23.24MoonWolfbut... I was never good at interpreting intend out of text.
06:23.45*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Kebinusan (
06:24.41s|loupif you check all 40 targets i think this will be long winded
06:25.24s|loupblizzard saves the targets which get a icon so they can tell us what is raidtarget by index
06:25.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
06:26.23s|louphey cide do you have worked with the new raidtarget system?
06:26.51Wobins|loup: have a look at PaintBall
06:27.12s|loupis this a mod? *duck*
06:27.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
06:27.57WobinBut really, at the moment, you have to scan through them all, and test for Raidtargettyness
06:28.21WobinPaintball checks if someone is targetting the RT'd mob
06:28.32Wobinand if not, uses mouseover to scan for it
06:28.40WobinThanks Cair =)
06:28.47s|louphow do you resolve the icons?
06:29.21s|loupfound it in code or is there a function to get texture of icon?
06:29.25WobinBy index
06:29.32Wobinbut yes there is
06:29.36Wobinin targetframe.lua
06:30.00WobinThere's a function that you pass in the texture (with all the symbols in one) and an index and it sets it to the right symbol
06:30.23WobinI had to do it differently in Paintball because I couldn't influence the icon directly with Dewdrop
06:30.28s|loupSetRaidTarget("unit", index)
06:30.42Wobinindex being 1-8
06:30.57Wobiner that's not the function that gives you the texture though
06:31.15s|loupjust set the unit as raidtarget at specific index
06:31.33s|loupi havents seen a function to resolve the texture by index
06:32.06Wobinfunction SetRaidTargetIconTexture(texture, raidTargetIconIndex)
06:32.54s|louphm you can set the icontexture by your own?
06:33.20s|loupcan you also request the normal blizzard textures?
06:33.35s|loupGetRaidTargetIconTexture ?
06:34.03Wobinbecause the texture used for the symbols is a single texture
06:34.21s|loupah like the class texture
06:34.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:34.32WobinThe function just changes the coordinates so that it points to the right symbol
06:35.22WobinYou get the index with GetRaidTargetIndex("unit")
06:37.14WobinWhat are you trying to do?
06:38.06s|loupmaybe to create a list of raidtargets as they set
06:38.15s|louplike unitframes
06:39.17s|louplike mt targets
06:39.19WobinI don't think it's going to be easy to keep them updated
06:39.37s|loupyaeh thats the problem
06:39.39Wobinespecially for same named mobs
06:40.00s|loupi thought the system can tell me the unit by using a function
06:40.10s|loupbut thats not implemented
06:40.24Wobinunless your unitframe continuously checks for the RTicon
06:40.27s|loupso i think the raidtarget system is a littel bit stupid *g*
06:41.05s|loupthe raidtargets are also saved if the target saved isnt a target of one of your raidmembers right?
06:41.26s|loupso they must save the raidtarget separate
06:41.59Wobinwho saves the raidtarget?
06:42.11Wobinoh yes
06:42.13s|loupi dont know
06:42.18s|loupmaybe the server
06:42.21s|loupmaybe the client
06:42.29WobinBlizzard obviously saves the raidtargeticon to the mob
06:42.38Wobinwe just can't access it from the API directly
06:43.13WobinIt could be the way they implemented it though
06:43.26Wobinin that it's atomic to the mob itself, and doesn't actually register with anything else
06:43.48Wobinbut that can't be so
06:43.55Wobinotherwise you wouldn't be able to reassign the symbol
06:44.11Wobinmeh, Blizzard knows =P But they aren't telling =P
06:46.30MoonWolfwe will find out
06:46.38MoonWolfsomeone alway's finds out.
06:48.42*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
06:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
06:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:05.28*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Kebinusan (
07:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
07:18.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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07:54.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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07:58.20ShadowedSo I take it theres no way we can tell if the game is doing a reloadui VS the playing is entering/leaving the world?
08:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
08:11.22Kalrothmoin Karl!
08:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
08:16.53KirovShadowed - you can hook ReloadUI()
08:17.48krka|worknot really reliable
08:18.12krka|workanother addon could do local ReloadUI = ReloadUI before the hooking
08:20.26Maldiviahmm... what are you trying to do ?
08:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:29.02AnduinLotharno, you cant hook ReloadUI anymore
08:29.57krka|workyou can't?
08:33.29MoonWolfneeds a hardware event
08:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (n=kristofe@
08:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=Jonathan@
08:50.30ShadowedAh sorry was in a WSG game.
08:50.58Shadowed( not sure if any of you are here still ) Was just trying to figure out a quick hacky solution to causing a channel to not bugup on /console reloadui but not really thatbig of an issue
08:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
09:07.02*** join/#wowi-lounge SinePi (
10:08.33KasoDoes editing /Interface/Icons work this patch
10:16.06[Wobin]don't believe so
10:20.24Mikk1Evil. You made me click your name.
10:27.48Mikk1function SomeGlobalFunc() function somelocalutil() ... end;  do stuf... somelocalutil();.. end
10:27.52Mikk1What does Lua do here?
10:28.12Mikk1And what does it suggest for nil:ing out global function references?
10:28.55Mikk1Obviously it can't re-parse from file each time because there's only a single parser pass (and Lua can indeed work on stdin where you can't even rewind back)
10:35.35Mikk1Then again I suppose it might count the parent function as a reference to the child function and avoid GC because of that.
10:36.19krka_what are you talking about?
10:36.30Mikk1Garbage collection of functions
10:36.41krka_it doesn't nil out SomeGlobalFunc unless you write SomeGlobalFunc = nil
10:36.58Mikk1Arf, pardon. That was in reference to something yesterday or so
10:37.07Mikk1Where someone wanted to get rid of a oneshot function by nil:ing it out
10:37.15Mikk1(And it was a global)
10:37.26Mikk1Concensus was that Lua probably GCed it once it was nil:ed
10:37.49Mikk1But in my case above, "somelocalutil" goes out of scope as soon as SomeGlobalFunc() returns
10:38.03Mikk1But obviously it can't GC the local function because then it'd fail horribly next tim
10:39.00krka_you have to seperate function and closure though
10:39.08krka_functions dont get GCd, closures are
10:39.22krka_atleast i think so
10:39.30Mikk1aghk. i still haven't grasped closures yet.
10:39.36Mikk1<- low level weenie. gifv C and assembly.
10:39.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
10:39.57krka_basically, a closure is function + it's environment / variables
10:40.16krka_and you never see a function directly in Lua
10:40.40krka_so, everytime SomeGlobalFunc runs, it creates a closure for somelocalutil
10:41.05krka_that closure gets garbage collected as soon as it gets unused
10:41.07Mikk1So what we're calling "a reference to a function" is basically a closure with no extra info?
10:41.32krka_no extra info isn't true though... it has a reference to the global namespace for instance
10:41.52Mikk1yeah ok
10:43.48Mikk1hokay, let's see if i'm succeeding in making a fully-dereferenced copy of the entire global environment now
10:44.14Mikk1(mumble, have to update all table keys that use tables as keys aswell.. grmbl..)
10:44.56krka_now you lost me :) have fun
11:00.27Mikk1wtf =)
11:00.46Mikk1VOICEMACRO_20_Or_0: "I will crush and destroy and... ooo... shiny..."
11:00.50Mikk1Who the hell says that? =)
11:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:11.59Maldiviashiny ones....
11:12.40MaldiviaMikk: Or_0 = Orc Male
11:13.47Mikk1haha damn. too long since I played horde =)
11:19.07KalrothI say that all the time!
11:19.39Mikk1been almost a year now. scary.
11:20.02Mikk1not so much scary that it's been that long since i played _horde_. but that i'm still playing and am able to say that.
11:22.00Mikk1eek. collaborative multitasking in Lua = kinda fun
11:22.16Mikk1not just multithreading. multitasking. each "process" runs in its own environment :P
11:22.24Mikk1except it's not working quite yet =)
11:23.07Mikk1it's a bit weird. seems like setfenv() isn't taking.
11:23.54Mikk1SomeGlobal=1; mytable.SomeGlobal=2; setfenv(0, mytable); print SomeGlobal;
11:26.19krka_didn't know you could do that for the current environment
11:26.59Mikk1"As a special case, when f is 0 setfenv changes the global environment of the running thread."
11:27.05Mikk1I've tried it for a function too
11:27.34krka_ah yes...
11:27.41Mikk1wait now it kinda works
11:27.42krka_wait a second
11:27.48Mikk1tried it with a function again
11:27.55krka_if you setfenv(0, mytable), how can you access "print"?
11:28.09Mikk1there's a loop before everything that makes a copy of _G =)
11:28.25krka_i see
11:28.32krka_why not just use a metatable?
11:28.50Mikk1mostly because i wanted to know what was happening
11:29.03Mikk1and because in the final case, i really do want a new copy of 99% of everything
11:29.19krka_deep or shallow?
11:29.19Mikk1could probably just __index lua internals but .. err.. the script uses like 150MB ram
11:29.26Mikk1the final is deep
11:29.40Mikk1just fooling with a test script now since the big one refused to work
11:29.56Mikk1oho i think i see now
11:30.12Mikk1when you setfenv a function, you really do only change THAT function
11:30.20Mikk1i thought it'd get inherited
11:30.55Mikk1hokay.. now how the hell do i do this o.O
11:32.03[Wobin]Mikk1: <Mikk1> Evil. You made me click your name.
11:32.20Mikk1The brackets
11:32.31WobinWhat about them?
11:32.51Mikk1My IRC client doesn't display <>s around names, so you triggered my WoW reflexes with your brackets
11:33.33Mikk1"wonder what class wobin is." *shiftlcick*
11:33.46Mikk1nm =)
11:34.08krka_what irc client?
11:34.16Mikk1Heh. Opera's builtin =P
11:34.38WobinMikk1: use
11:35.34Mikk1I'd normally run IRCII-Epic4 under *nix, but my userdrive has been on the blinkn for the past year and is mounted readonly =P
11:35.49WobinHello! I'm posting this from the huge line at the vatican to see the sistine chapel. Its crazy. We've been in line for an hour, and its now started moving. This is the most massive line ever! Its so hot here, i'm melting. Also romans laugh at us for losing yesterday. Sad. We managed to find a pub full of aussies to watch the game at! Wapping sux. Nearly at front of queue now hurrah! Temp reached high 30's yesterday. American tourists in rome are loud a
11:35.49Wobinnd fat and full of nasal. Bye!
11:36.08Wobinstreamofconsciousnespostingfromfriend =P
11:36.32Mikk1"full of nasal"
11:36.55Mikk1  <- setfenv funkiness
11:37.51Mikk1So urm how the hell do I fix this?
11:37.53Mikk1Swap out _G?!
11:39.11WobinI honestly have no idea =)
11:39.20WobinThis is waaay beyond my lua knowledge
11:41.26krka_not really sure how you solve it
11:41.35krka_swapping out _G might work
11:42.03krka_iterating through function closures somehow and setting env
11:42.09Mikk1yeah just thought about that
11:42.14Mikk1since i'm making a copy of everything anyway
11:42.34krka_make a special function for calling functions with a specific environment
11:42.45Mikk1that'd be a royal mess
11:43.05Mikk1since among the functions i want to run in the 2nd environment is people's AddOns and the entire FrameXML
11:43.35Mikk1(I want WoWBench to have multiple characters logged on, with unique environments)
11:43.43krka_function envcall(env, f, ...) local oldG = _G _G = env res = { f(unpack(args)) } _G = oldG return unpack(res) end
11:43.50krka_(i know, it's ugly)
11:43.58Mikk1oh ah
11:44.52Mikk1replacing _G doesn't work =)
11:45.02Mikk1replacing everything _IN_ it might
11:45.05Mikk1but erhm that takes a while
11:45.30Mikk1so... poking fenv for all function closures seems to be the way then
11:46.16Mikk1nah. didn't work either. hadda try =)
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11:49.43WobinI have this irrational want to write code to have a stupidly flowy circley outflow of buttons from a single mouseclick over a trigger
11:49.51Wobinsort of like a flower opening
11:50.11MaldiviaLike the selection circle mod ?
11:50.17Mikk1was just gonna say
11:50.20Mikk1except that one doesn't flow out
11:50.22Mikk1it just rotates
11:50.24krka_can't replace _G? hmm
11:50.34WobinKinda like that
11:50.41Mikk1it makes sense.  _G is just a representation of the environment
11:50.42Wobinexcept just as a storage method
11:50.49MaldiviaMikk1: it "flows out" aswell
11:50.52Mikk1oh ok
11:51.02krka_ah of course, each function has its own direct link to _G, and doesn't go via _G
11:51.23krka_i think metatables would be best here
11:51.25WobinI was thinking more a 2dimensional unfurling
11:51.33krka_just set _G:s metatable
11:52.16Mikk1that's horrible =P
11:52.24Mikk1W T F
11:53.13krka_syntax error!
11:53.29Cidetype("v") will always be string? :)
11:53.32Mikk1yea =)
11:54.36krka_type("v") will always be "string" :P
11:54.53Mikk1meh. it doesn't let me setfenv() copied functions. "'setfenv' cannot change environment of given function"
11:55.45Mikk1  <- spot anything obvious?
11:55.45krka_copied functions?
11:55.47MaldiviaWobin: GRRR... Now I have to play with that for the next hour or so...
11:55.57WobinIt's SO PRETTY =(
11:56.03krka_hmm... pastecode instead of pastebin? what did i miss?
11:56.08Mikk1it doesn't lag
11:56.11Cideis there even such a thing as copied functions? seeing as they should all be references...
11:56.19Mikk1sorry. copied closures.
11:56.35Mikk1or something
11:56.47krka_don't think you can copy a closure
11:56.53krka_closures are also references
11:57.02krka_you can create closures with function() ... end
11:57.37Wobinclosures are just references to... meh
11:57.44Wobinall functions are references
11:57.57Wobinclosures are just references to an anonymous function
11:58.12Wobinwith added bonuses
11:58.39WobinI kinda like how lua is so... atomic at the base of it all =P
11:58.43Wobin"Everything's a table!"
11:58.53krka_... except this and this and this
11:58.55Elkano^wtfeven tables?
11:59.09Wobinexcept like... the stuff that isn't
11:59.16krka_strings and closures and primitives aren't tables
11:59.20krka_only tables are tables
11:59.37WobinThat's the word I was after
11:59.48Cide(totally unrelated to what's currently being discussed, but what the heck!) -- this code will be run pretty often, so I'm wondering, could anyone help me spot stupidity and/or point out things I could optimize?
11:59.48WobinMy vocab has truly shrunk since I got here =(
11:59.54Mikk1absolutely right. manipulating the fenv of tab.somefunc means somefunc gets manipulated also
12:00.06Mikk1just tried it
12:00.20Cidebasically, GetUnitBuffs will be called on every UNIT_AURA
12:00.41krka_lots of improvements :)
12:00.44Mikk1so when i find functions in my copy, i actually have to set up a totally new closure
12:01.00Mikk1e.g. function() end, and then change fenv, and then change what function actually gets called
12:03.49krka_Cide, you could make it do stuff on demand instead
12:04.02krka_i just set a dirty flag upon UNIT_AURA
12:04.28Cideoh, I will
12:04.49Cideit's only called if the unit's frame is visible
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12:05.56krka_second of all, you can use a lookup table for GetUsefulBuffIndex
12:06.20Cideah, true. good point
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12:06.55Mikk1aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh they're screwing me over
12:07.04WobinWhy did he name it KLM Threat Meter?
12:07.15WobinI can -never- figure out the slash command =P
12:07.17krka_why not?!
12:07.20Wobinklm? ktm?
12:07.33Mikk1i can't setmetatable() on a function becuase it isn't a table. and i can't setfenv() a table!
12:07.46Cidemakes sense to me ;)
12:07.58Mikk1Though i can set __call in a table just fine
12:08.06Wobinwhich makes it a function
12:08.09Mikk1And make it behave as if it was a function
12:08.13Wobinbut then you've got the metatable already =P
12:08.18Mikk1But I still can't bloody setfenv it!
12:08.58krka_just give up :P
12:09.03Mikk1NO! =)
12:09.09Mikk1I need multisession support damnit =)
12:12.57Mikk1Having multiple players logged into WoWBench simultaneously with their own unique environments
12:13.27Mikk1An alternative would be to run multiple Lua processess and use some form of IPC
12:13.35Mikk1But then we're talking more than double the loading time
12:14.04krka_but cloning _G and stuff will reduce performance
12:14.18Mikk1it takes a little time to clone it yes
12:14.22Mikk1but far from double the time
12:14.48Mikk1And WoWBench isn't exactly FPS sensitive so I really couldn't care less about prolonged GC runs =)
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12:15.34Mikk1Hrmz.. I should just hack the Lua interpreter, really...
12:15.46Mikk1When the script reaches a certain point, just clone everything from the C end
12:16.53Maldiviais 1.11.1 today?
12:17.34Maldivia... and what happened to the 1.12 thread, did Iriel delete it, because of all the morons postin 1st to 7nd ?
12:18.04LegorolMikk1: i've scrolled back and read some of the discussion, i might have missed the point, but:
12:18.28Legorolcouldn't you just setfenv() on every function that a particular "player" session uses?
12:18.35Legorolthat would separate it from the other players
12:18.49Mikk1I'm trying that now but it doesn't want to work it seems
12:19.00Legorolwell you'd also have to setfenv the API too
12:19.04Mikk1env1.somefunc = somefunc
12:19.05Legorolto have the same environment as the client
12:19.07Mikk1env2.somefunc = somefunc
12:19.13Mikk1setfenv(env1.somefunc, env1)
12:19.19Mikk1env2.somefunc will now use env1
12:19.38Legoroloh i see the point
12:19.38krka_easier to just use different lua instances, imo
12:19.50Legorolhmm, let me think, there's got to be a solution ;_)
12:19.59Mikk1i'm rather hoping there is =)
12:20.02krka_hm hm hm
12:20.15Legorolthe separate Lua instances make transferring data a pain, krka
12:20.15Mikk1I mean, ok, I could branch this much much earlier
12:20.16krka_doesn't functions inherit env upon creation?
12:20.23Mikk1they do
12:20.23krka_just set the environment before loading up
12:20.35Mikk1But then I'm back at +100% loading time
12:20.35Legoroloh i see what you mean by creation
12:20.39Legorolanyway taht doesn't work, krka
12:20.46Mikk1Sure it could
12:20.47krka_atleast i can spell "that"!
12:21.01Mikk1I'd just have to have one master file that re-loads the whole of WoWBench once for each session
12:21.05Legorolyeah i think you are right, it could work
12:21.06Mikk1But ... loading time
12:21.18Mikk1Right now, I load framexml and all addons without running <OnLoad> and <Script> code
12:21.23Mikk1then make a copy of _G for each
12:21.32Mikk1And then I thought I'd run the onloads and scripts inside each env
12:21.36Mikk1Bit ugly but "should" work
12:21.38Mikk1And fast
12:21.42Legorolyeah that'd be good if it worked
12:21.49Legorolbut it deosn't because of the problem you pointed out?
12:22.00Legorolkrka: you have a nice red tongue
12:22.03Legorolthanks for showing it ;-)
12:22.07Mikk1I suppose I _COULD_ create function wrappers for everything
12:22.11krka_i am very proud of it
12:22.11Mikk1Would run a bit slower though =(
12:22.27krka_not very much slower, i think
12:22.43krka_hm... but my test only wrapped all handler-functions
12:22.50LegorolMikk1: would you be able to tell at every point in time, which environment you are in?
12:23.01Mikk1There could be one shared global structure
12:23.03Legorolas in, wowbench itself is aware of which player its currently running, right?
12:23.09krka_Mikk1, what about rebuilding the lua code?
12:23.28krka_so that all function calls / definitions take an env as parameter
12:23.47Mikk1define "lua code"
12:23.54krka_all the addon code you're loading
12:23.56Mikk1Every function in every .lua file?
12:23.59Legorolkrka, that'd make it unusable on standard Lua interpreters
12:24.12Legorolhow would people use it then?
12:24.19krka_automatic rebuilding, i mean
12:24.23krka_think "compiler"
12:24.24Legorolthey'd need to either recompile wowbench themselves from Mikk1's source
12:24.35Legorolor Mikk1 needs to distribute binaries for different platforms
12:24.40Legorolboth of which i would recommend against
12:24.50Legorolkrka: what about windows?
12:24.52krka_wowbenchs loading could first read the addon files and then rebuild them, and then load them
12:24.54Legorolmany addon coders have no compilers
12:25.05Kalrotha custom compiler
12:25.07krka_they don't need it
12:25.18Kalrotha wowbench compiler, if you want
12:25.20krka_ok... i must be missing something about how wowbench works
12:25.23Legorolso you are proposing a pure Lua solution, i see
12:25.36Legorolkrka: wowbench is pure Lua
12:25.42Legorolafaik, it just executes the Lua files
12:25.44Mikk1and i'd like to keep it that way if poss
12:25.45krka_at some point, wowbench reads the addon files, yes?
12:25.49Legoroland leaves the compiling to the Lua engine
12:26.03krka_at that very point, rebuild the file you read and then run it
12:26.09Mikk1but realize that if i start manipulating every single file, loading time goes up by a factor of 5
12:26.10Legoroltaht requires parsing
12:26.21Kalrothkrka can supply the regexpr syntax!
12:26.26Mikk1right now, it's faster than WoW, but only because I'm cheating with precompiled Lua
12:26.27krka_FAIAP to the rescue!
12:26.29Legoroli've never run it so i don't know, but my guess is that wowbench currently doesn't use parsing
12:26.37Mikk1only XML
12:26.40Mikk1Lua is run&go
12:26.46Legorolthat's what i thought
12:26.53krka_maybe you could simply wrap the lua files?
12:27.01krka_something like this:
12:27.22krka_function foo() <insert actual file here> end
12:27.27krka_and add stuff there to make it work
12:27.30Mikk1multisession.lua: for i=1,5 do setfenv(...); dofile(wowbench.lua); end
12:27.32Mikk1i know, that works
12:27.42Legorolyeah, but sloooooooow
12:27.56krka_not sure you can beat that
12:28.01krka_if you really want multisession
12:28.24LegorolMikk1, what i was actually thinking is this:
12:28.54Legorolevery time you call a user-defined function, you know which player's context you want to call it in, right?
12:29.02Mikk1aye, i won't swap very often
12:29.12Mikk1i was thinking i'd only swap on explicit console commands
12:29.14Legorolthat doesn't matter, as long as wowbench always knows the context
12:29.17Mikk1it does
12:29.25Legorolanyway, what i thought is:
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12:29.39Legoroluse the __newindex and __index metamethods on the global env.
12:29.40wereHamster.join #django
12:29.48krka_Mikk1, that is the same thing as O(n)
12:29.51Legorolwhenever a function touches the global env. you instead redirect it to a player specific table
12:30.03Legorolthis means that: all local stuff is separate,
12:30.15krka_yeah, metatables might solve this
12:30.20Legorolall the preloaded functions are common,
12:30.31Wobinokay, newbie question of the day. What is the difference between SetParent and SetPoint? What does the child frame 'inherit' in both cases?
12:30.31Legorolbut any new functions they create at runtime are separate
12:30.52LegorolWobin: the parent-child relationship defines more than just anchoring
12:31.05Mikk1i'd need to move everything out of _G into the indexed table tbh
12:31.06Legoroland SetPoint you can also use between two objects that are not parent-child
12:31.10Mikk1otherwise changes to global data hurts
12:31.13Legoroli.e. you can anchor relative to something other than your parent
12:31.21LegorolMikk1: yes
12:31.23Legorolbut that's not an issue
12:31.26WobinBut will changing that relative parent change your child?
12:31.36Legorolyou'd have to separate data for different players anyway
12:31.45Wobin(positioning, scale, visiblity)
12:31.49Mikk1ya know.. this might be it
12:31.56Legorolthere is one more plus to this solution
12:32.00Legorolthink hooking
12:32.09Wobin5 dollah?
12:32.14Legorolone of your biggest problems is how to do 5 different hooks of the same 1 shared function
12:32.15Mikk1just fiddle with _G.__index and _G.__newindex instead of fenvs
12:32.21krka_no, the cheap kind
12:32.26Wobin1 dollah
12:32.38Mikk1One problem remains though
12:32.43Legorolbrb afk
12:32.59Mikk1If some fancy-schmancy addon/lib gets into its head to setfenv() something, shit will break
12:33.10krka_so hook setfenv :D
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12:33.22krka_might need to hook setmetatable too
12:35.49krka_why do you need multiple sessions btw?
12:36.15LegorolMikk1: setfenv is not a problem for you
12:36.24Legoroloh wait
12:36.27Legorolmaybe it is, hmm
12:36.48krka_not sure how it is... can't access anything outside its scope anyway
12:36.59Mikk1function closures are shared =(
12:37.00krka_maybe for shared stuff
12:37.39krka_still don't get why you need multiple sessions
12:37.48Legorolto test stuff like being in a party?
12:37.57Mikk1i'm adding online sync of data to a mod
12:37.59Legorolinter-addon communication
12:38.23Mikk1just testing a single char in a party is not a problem, the other chars can be duds
12:38.32Mikk1but actually communicating...
12:38.36WobinSo, what does SetParent do that SetPointing doesn't?
12:39.01Mikk1and ui scale
12:39.08Mikk1and alpha inheritance
12:39.18WobinAh, okies. SetPoint only follows direct positioning?
12:39.40Legorolyou know, i just thought of something
12:40.04Legorolif i remember correctly, Lua has a trapping feature, where you can ask it to call one of your functions first each time it's about to call a function
12:40.05Mikk1the multisession.lua approach is starting to sound good. i wouldn't put it past Ace to play around lots with metatables and stuff =(
12:40.15Mikk1Legorol: lol. correct.
12:40.18Mikk1that's ugly =)
12:40.29Legorolyeah, but it allows you to setfenv the function on the fly
12:40.36Legorolthe one that is about to be called
12:40.44Legorolwouldn't that work?
12:40.53Mikk1still breaks if someone setfenvs stuff tho
12:41.01Legorolnot if you hook setfenv..
12:41.27Mikk1i think it might be a lot slower than __index/__newindex though
12:41.29Legorolit sounds to me that no matter what your solution, as long as you have shared functions, you have to hook setfenv
12:41.47Legorolyeah the index/newindex is prolly faster
12:41.53Legoroland less pain to code
12:41.59Legorolforget my other idea then :)
12:42.20Mikk1Not found!
12:42.48Mikk1And noone's poking __fenv either!
12:43.30Mikk1Fine. I'll just do the index dance and call setfenv Someone Else's Problem =)
12:44.17Legorolactually to be honest i'd just simply load multiple times
12:44.21Legorolyes, it's slow, but its most robust
12:44.26Legorolyou don't have to load many players
12:44.32Legorolit's the most painless solution
12:44.45Legorolyou can always load players on-demand, in response to a console command
12:44.45Mikk1I know =(
12:44.49Legorolhow long is loading taking?
12:45.07Legorolit shouldn't be much more than about 30 seconds..
12:45.07Mikk1hell no
12:45.40Legorolyou just start with 1 player, and if the coder wants more, he can load them one at a time until he has enough
12:46.13Mikk110 seconds on my box, once FrameXML is precompiled
12:46.31Mikk1which it will be after the first pass
12:46.54Legorolthere you go
12:47.06Legorolif it's that fast, seriously just go with full load
12:47.30Mikk1butbut. it's so .. so ... stone age =)
12:47.31Legorolotherwise you will end up coding tons for all sorts of odd cases like setfenv / setmetatable
12:49.18Mikk1aight. it'll still hurt if some bastige setfenv()s standard lua libs but i suppose i can live with that =)
12:50.00Mikk1actually... it probably won't hurt at all
12:50.11CideI'm sure any programmer could screw things up, however you code it
12:50.14Mikk1seeing as how they don't use the environment
12:50.25Mikk1Cide: yeah, it's a probability game
12:50.28Cidequestion is if it's worth taking into account or not :P
12:50.46Mikk1"Oh noes! If some programmer fiddles with WOWB_BaseEnv shit will break!"
12:51.10Cide/gasp! you need to make it a read-only table
12:51.49Mikk1I just realized something
12:51.58Mikk1I _HAVE_ to do it the stoneage way
12:52.16Mikk1Because some bastiges hook FrameXML functions directly during the first pass
12:52.47Cideit's easier than during, say, PEW :P
12:53.20Cideand during onload :P
12:53.31Mikk1Aight. Stone age it is.
12:57.49Legorolyou should do stone age, but hooking FrameXML on first pass is not the reason
12:57.55Legorolyou can deal with that via index/newindex ;-)
12:58.14Legoroloh wait
12:58.18Mikk1not easily
12:58.21Legoroloops, you're right, you can't
12:58.25Legorolbecause you can't tell
12:58.34Legoroli bow my head in front of thee wisdom
12:58.47Legorolor whatever the spelling is
12:58.58Mikk1nah, i could do the copy just after framexml is loaded or something funky like that
12:58.59Legorolok, i think after all this discussion, it's time for me to download wowbench :)
12:59.04Mikk1but then it's getting veeeeery hacky
12:59.24Legorolwell and it also means that any addon that does tricks, will apply to all envs
12:59.34Legorolwhat if an addon does something crazy like character-dependent hooking
12:59.42Legorolcrazy as it may sound
13:00.34Mikk1That could be solved with "Too bad dude, you don't get to use multisession in WoWBench of you do that" tbh =P
13:00.34Legorolok, so wowbench, do i get it from SF or SVN ;_)
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13:00.34Mikk1SVN = slightly newer ofc
13:00.41End-afkokay! (updates)
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13:27.40KirkburnOne of the new startup tips: "Enjoy Azeroth with your friends but remember to do things with them outside of Azeroth too."
13:28.07Wobinlike "Do everything in moderation, Including World of Warcraft!"
13:28.24KirkburnI think it's a good idea, very altruistic ;)
13:28.37WobinI like the exclaimation at the end
13:28.44Wobin"God forbid!"
13:30.10Mikk1heh, whaddayaknow. it's impossible to setfenv(dofile)
13:30.30Mikk1"cannot change environment of given function"
13:30.51Mikk1suppose i'll have to load it and setfenv the chunk
13:32.10LegorolD:\wowbench>lua wowbench.lua -f
13:32.10Legorol[WoWBench v1.11.0.a2]
13:32.10Legorollua: ./api.lua:414: bad argument #1 to `lower' (string expected, got nil)
13:32.10Legorolstack traceback:
13:32.34Legorolany suggestions?
13:32.50Legoroli followed standard install instructions, created a wowbench/wow and copied Interface/WTF in there
13:32.59Legoroli think i set things up correctly in config.lua
13:33.18Legorolah well, i can debug this for you if you like
13:33.21Legorolbut first:
13:33.40Mikk1dump 1:varname
13:33.59Legorolcan't, since the program crashes back out to the command line
13:34.05Legorolas in Windows command line
13:34.15Mikk1should jump to built-in debugger
13:34.17Mikk1did you mkdir tmp?
13:34.33Mikk1starting to become a classic that one =P
13:34.50Legorolok same error
13:34.56Mikk1but debugger this time?
13:34.59Legoroli swear i did read that part in the install instruction
13:35.01Legorolno debugger
13:35.14Legoroli swear i read that line and went: "mmm yeah i remember Mikk complaining about this,i better not forget to make it"
13:35.19Legoroland then... :D
13:35.24Mikk1go have lunch
13:35.26Mikk1poke me when you're back
13:35.53krka_can't you make wowbench do a sanity check of the installation?
13:35.57krka_and complain appropiately?
13:36.01Mikk1of course
13:36.15Mikk1this is why it's "alpha" =)
13:36.44Mikk1(actually, it should just bloody create "tmp" if it doesn't exist)
13:37.05Endhow are you going to create tmp?
13:37.07Legorolwhat's with the _ krka?
13:37.16krka_i timed out before
13:37.17Endplease don't say os.execute :(
13:37.17Mikk1system("mkdir tmp") ftw =)
13:37.41Mikk1it works =P
13:37.42Legorolbtw, has anyone tried wowbench under Linux
13:37.46Mikk1it works
13:37.48Legorolyes it does work, on DOS and Linux
13:37.51Legorolbut where else ;-)
13:37.57EndFreeBSD ;p
13:37.57Legorolalthoguh mkdir is pretty universal
13:38.02Mikk1the precompilation doesn't work under Linux yet
13:38.05Mikk1but everything else does
13:38.13Mikk1os.execute again =(
13:38.42Endunfortunately, the default lua library is a little limited
13:38.47Endwhen it comes to that sort of thing
13:38.56Mikk1i could require the fs extension lua lib
13:39.05Mikk1but then i'm locked to linux because there isn't one for everything else
13:39.10Mikk1fail to see how that's better =P
13:39.21Endok, so, here's a question
13:39.28Endhow are you going to detect linux versus dos?
13:39.49Mikk1there's lots of ways. depends on how ugly i want to be =)
13:39.52Endtry to read an expected file?
13:39.59Mikk1that's one way
13:40.05Mikk1os.execute("set") is another =P
13:40.06krka|workuname --a
13:40.29Endplease don't use --a
13:40.31Endjust uname
13:40.33Enduname: illegal option -- -
13:40.34Endusage: uname [-aimnprsv]
13:40.53Mikk1Yeah uname ftw i think
13:41.10Legorol'uname' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
13:41.10Legoroloperable program or batch file.
13:41.12krka|work--a rocks!
13:41.23Endkrka, I only know about uname -a, not --a
13:41.25Mikk1Legorol: yup, that's how to detect windows =)
13:41.43Mikk1Go eat already =P
13:41.47Legoroli am
13:41.51Mikk1oh ;)
13:41.56End(ok, and honestly, why use a long option name when it is only one character?)
13:43.10Legorolthere is one part of the standard lua that i know of that is OS dependent, and thats loadlib
13:44.56Legorolactually nvm, it's not useful for anything
13:46.24Wobindoes anyone know any good jostle algorithms that will spread frames out so they don't overlap, but minimise losing their relative positioning?
13:48.08krka|worknot really
13:51.41Endset is a bad test for windows
13:52.07Mikk1uname ftw
13:52.28EndI just tested and it's a sh builtin
13:52.42Mikk1i was proposing look at the return values
13:52.44Mikk1but uname is better
13:52.52Mikk1ohwait. os.execute under linux doesn't run sh?
13:52.52Endoh wait
13:52.55EndI'm on windows
13:52.56KirkburnHeh, one of MSs new logos is a bit ... familiar:
13:52.59EndI mean
13:53.03EndI'm on windows -too-
13:53.09EndI can check to see how the output differs
13:53.15Endbetween set on unix and set on windows
13:53.15KirkburnWindows 2? Isn't that a bit old =)
13:53.30EndKirkburn, this isn't spoken communication, kthx
13:53.52Endthat's bad
13:54.07Endsh's set and windows set print very similar output
13:54.59EndI could grep ver output for the string "Windows"
13:55.09Endhell with it
13:55.23EndI was writing a system type detector
13:55.32Endwas going to have windows, unix and unknown as options
13:55.35Endscrew unknown
13:55.40krka|workwon't os.getenv help for detection?
13:56.37Legorolwhat does Kirkburn's link have to do with Windows 2?
13:56.43Legorolbut yeah M$ seems to have screwed up with that logo
13:56.55Legorolexpect a TM-dispute lawsuite (sp?)
13:57.01Legorolhow do you spell lawsute...
13:57.09KirkburnAbsolutely nothing to do with Windows, I was being silly =)
13:57.26EndI suppose you could check for lack of /
13:57.28KirkburnBut yeah - it's a bit too similar
13:57.34Endyou couldn't
13:57.36Legoroloops sorry Mikk1
13:57.43Legorolstill eating, so can only pay attention to one window
13:57.50Legorolyou know, eye-mouth coordination :D
13:58.08EndI have home defined on my windows installation
13:58.14Enduser...perhaps not
13:58.34Legorolyou can try SystemRoot which works on Windows
13:58.40Legorolas in os.getenv("SystemRoot")
13:58.46EndSystemRoot is unlikely to be defined under a unix system
13:58.59krka|workbut not impossible :)
13:59.02Legorolah, also the type of slashes returned
13:59.10LegorolWindows returns \ in paths, Linus presumably does /
13:59.11krka|workyeah, that's the best giveaway
13:59.26krka|workbut just scanning through files might be best
13:59.32End<paranoidmode> windows can use either type though
13:59.45Endyou can usually give / and it'll be like okay dokay
13:59.58krka|workno wai
14:00.06Mikk1ah ok, i thought you were done eating and just missed my window
14:00.08Mikk1np then =)
14:00.10Endkeep in mind though
14:00.24Endchecking from command line might not show that
14:00.38Endsome windows utilties use / for options
14:01.27EndI just had a strange idea
14:01.35Mikk1i use "/" internally in wowbench but have to convert when i do "dir" to get file ages
14:02.06End(it's a very strange idea)
14:02.06Endtesting, hold on
14:02.27KirkburnMmmm, the new Intel Woodcrest CPUs sound very nice :)
14:02.47Kirkburn(tasty chips, buh-dum-chm)
14:05.03Legorolmm i shouldn't multitask lunch and IRC
14:05.06Legorolbad for your digestion
14:06.17Enddidn't work
14:06.52Endincidently, either lua is fixing the test so it works -for- me
14:07.11Endor, .\\//\\//\\//\\ is a way to specify the current directory :P
14:07.29End(I started with something much simpler)
14:07.31krka|worki make sure that that's always my current directory
14:08.36Endactually, wait a sec
14:09.23Endduh, just check one of our own files
14:09.48Endif .\utiles.lua exists
14:09.51Mikk1wowbench does that
14:09.52Endif it does, it is windows
14:09.55Mikk1it checks for wowbench.lua
14:09.58Endif not, unix
14:10.15Endthe backslash is the important part
14:10.32Mikk1aye i just spotted it =)
14:10.50Endand we hope that the user on unix isn't creating files that randomly start with backslashes
14:11.06Endsince .\utils.lua is a possible name for a hidden file :P
14:11.21End(unix only disallows / and the nul char from filenames)
14:13.59EndI did touch .\\utils.lua
14:14.05Endand I was like...why didn't it create a file?
14:14.14End08:11 < End> since .\utils.lua is a possible name for a hidden file :P
14:14.36KirkburnThe film 'Hackers' ... scarily realistic, it is :P
14:14.43krka|workdoesn't it depend on filesystem and stuff?
14:14.50Mikk1it does
14:14.52Mikk1very true
14:15.18Endit don't think it is filesystem specific
14:15.29EndI'm pretty sure it is up to the utility/program doing the listing
14:15.42Endunless you mean allowable characters, not hidden files
14:15.52krka|workdon't think you can name stuff however you want in FAT32
14:15.57krka|workeven if you're running unix/linux
14:16.41Endyeah.  and the last time I tried, it "let" you name the file, but reading back was unpredictable by the same name
14:17.07Endmaybe not unpredictable
14:17.09EndI'm not sure
14:19.35EndI think it's the "normal" filesystems like ext2fs/ufs/etc that all allowed the characters I listed.
14:20.05Endit matters very little for what we're doing though I suppose
14:23.25KirkburnStop ignoring my links ;) This rocks ...
14:26.37WobinDoes this make sense?
14:26.45WobinIs there a better way of doing things?
14:34.08WobinDidn't want your opinion anyway krka =P
14:34.30krka|workfigures :(
14:34.49krka|workactually, i was tddu
14:35.13EndMikk1: hmm, I think my code works...
14:38.02Mikk1oh =)
14:38.18WobinKirkburn: Hackers: A Classy Movie as long as you Suspend All Belief =P
14:38.30KirkburnYeah, ALL belief :P
14:38.36Mikk1End: have you fixed the "dir" snafu under Linux too?
14:38.38WobinBut entertaining all the same
14:38.39Mikk1i.e. use ls instead?
14:38.48Mikk1can you fix "mkdir tmp" while you're at it? =)
14:38.57Mikk1arf =)
14:39.00EndI'm just testing remove file
14:39.39Enddoes GetAddOnMetadata even exist?
14:39.42Endin wowbench?
14:39.59Endthat would explain why it complains it doesn't exist ;p
14:40.07Mikk1would be quite easy to add though i think
14:40.18Mikk1The TOC parser isn't completely stupid.
14:40.47krka|workstupid is a good thing!
14:41.01krka|workit's the clever stuff that breaks
14:41.14Tainooh I got an email from Bill Gates
14:41.38WobinIs he offering you a cookie recipe?
14:43.23TainMS Oatmeal Raisin.NET 2006
14:46.16KirkburnThis should humour you for a while ...
14:46.44Endthat's messed up
14:47.15Endit generated a conflict
14:47.22KirkburnI can't stop watching the TV clip ... "this guy climbed Mt Everest, but ... he's gay! I'm mean, er, blind..."
14:47.29Endbut the .r33 section is empty
14:48.05Endyou removed two spaces
14:48.15Endyou bastard
14:48.35End(er, two lines)
14:48.39End(two -empty- lines)
14:48.48Endthose two empty lines were close enough to my changes to generate a conflict
14:48.55Mikk1sorry =)
14:49.25EndI think it should generate tmp -nicely-
14:49.25Mikk1YouTube is being stupid
14:49.31Mikk1it's telling me that i don't have flash
14:49.34Endit tries to create a file in tmp for writing
14:49.41Endif it can't, it tries to do a mkdir
14:49.47Endmkdir works on windows too, right?
14:50.20Endok, committing, as it worksforme
14:50.51Endok, I generated a strange error somewhere else now, but I blame your changes
14:50.57Tainhaha J.K. Rowling did an interview talking about the possibility of killing off Harry Potter in the last book.
14:51.14Mikk1yeah might want to do a full update
14:51.19Endit stopped generating stack tracebacks
14:51.38ScytheBlade1Sooo, who in here can talk to a blizzard dev?
14:51.41EndI -am- updated
14:51.44Corrodiasdid an interview? and what was his/her response?
14:51.55Kirkburn2 people die
14:52.07Mikk1End: Remember that the debugger doesn't kick in until WOWB_Main() is called
14:52.13TainHere it is:
14:52.16Endthis is in OnLoad
14:52.24Mikk1shit, sounds like my problem
14:52.30Endit better be
14:52.36TainPoor kids would be traumitized for life.
14:52.37Endautomatically creating tmp shouldn't do that
14:52.45Mikk1except it works for me
14:52.53Mikk1my problem appears when i try to go multisession
14:53.16Mikk1comment out lines 13-20
14:53.30KirkburnFainting goats!
14:54.00Corrodiashermione and harry finally get it on, but they explode. oops. the end.
14:54.11Endthose are the changes
14:54.58Endhold on
14:55.01Endstill committing :P
14:56.42End(my commit doesn't comment out your lines though ;p)
14:56.47Mikk1nope. worksforme
14:56.57Corrodiasreminds me of Gungrave...
14:57.03Mikk1onload in what addon?
14:57.17Endmy rewrite of yatlas
14:57.29Endit breaks when it gets to a notimplemented function though
14:57.47Endinstead of printing out something interesting, it prints out the line in OnLoad that broke o_O
14:57.52TainI was just reading about "top years in gaming" and realized that 1998 may have been the single greatest year for gaming.  Releases of Half-Life, Starcraft, and Zelda: Ocarina of Time
14:58.14Wobinie games that -didn't- suck
14:58.20WobinIt's been downhill since then =P
14:58.40Wobinokay, so I exaggerate a bit
14:58.44Wobinbut not too much
14:58.59krka|work1994 was a good year too
14:59.01Mikk1been a while since we had starcraft tournaments at work though
14:59.07Wobinwhee, thunder so loud it sets off car alarms
14:59.34Corrodias'97 wasn't bad, but i can't remember why
14:59.39Corrodiasthat princess died, for one thing
15:02.17TainFunny thing is EverQuest narrowly missed 98, releasing in March, 99
15:02.36TainI'm not sure EQ should be considered a high point of gaming, but it sure changed things.
15:03.39krka|workhm, doom 2 was 1994, war 2 was 1995
15:03.54krka|workDay of the tentacle was 1993
15:04.30EndI played a lot of doom and war2
15:04.42Wobindott was great
15:04.55EndI played dott too, but that wasn't til years later
15:05.36TainAh DOTT
15:05.42End(the first time I tried to get it, the place I ordered it from when out of stock very quickly, and it was a while before I tried getting it again)
15:10.26Mikk1it's working
15:10.33Mikk1i have two WoWBenchs running inside WoWBench
15:10.49Mikk1Lua rocks!
15:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
15:11.27Mikk1it's also eating close to 300MB RAM but.. hey.. my box is specced to run WoW =)
15:12.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
15:12.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
15:12.07Corrodiaswhether or not that is a large amount depends on what wowbench is...
15:12.11zenzelezzhearts in chat o_O
15:12.15Cairennmorning Beladona
15:12.42Mikk1I'll call it "big, but acceptable"
15:13.30Corrodiasfrom reading the quick overview description, i'd say 300mb for three instances is not at all unreasonable
15:14.43krka|workMikk1, can you make a graphical ui to wowbench too? kinda similating in game wow? :)
15:14.53Mikk1it's possible
15:15.02Mikk1but i'm not going to be the one to do it =)
15:15.23Mikk1  <-- Lua with a window manager
15:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
15:16.34krka|workactually... maybe we _should_ write a c/c++ wow client-simulation
15:16.43krka|workand include lua the same way
15:16.48Legoroloand then a server simulator too!
15:16.52Legoroloand then use the two!
15:16.58Legoroloand then no more subscription fees, weeeeeee
15:17.01Mikk1there is actually a server simulator already
15:17.05Legoroloyeah i know
15:17.27Mikk1I came across it when I tried to come up with the project name
15:17.33Mikk1"wowemu" struck me as a good name but ... taken
15:17.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:18.50Legorolo"taken" is an understatement :)
15:19.22Legorologah, SF wants https SVN access
15:19.27Legoroloand my svn client isn't compiled with ssl
15:19.49Legorolohow i hate Linux...
15:19.52Legorolooops, did i say that out loud?
15:19.58Endsay what?
15:20.18Mikk1you really want something with a package management system to make Linux bareable imo
15:20.34Mikk1compiling your own was fun back when you had a single box
15:20.40Mikk1i have.. urm... 8 boxes at home
15:20.49Mikk1i think
15:21.02Mikk1yeah 8
15:21.35krka|workdebian FTW
15:21.47krka|worki'd be helpless without dpkg :(
15:22.08Mikk1i'm just amazed at how it insists on refusing to break
15:22.36krka|workdebian broke a couple of times for me actually
15:22.40Mikk1i gave up on redhat back when i needed an upgraded package manager to upgrade the package manager
15:22.47krka|workmostly fixed itself by waiting a few days
15:22.56Mikk1ah, not running stable then i hope?=
15:23.09krka|worknope, unstable at home
15:23.21Mikk1yeah ok. gotta expect stuff like that then =)
15:23.40krka|worki suppose i should expect a problem now and then... but after awhile you forget it's unstable because it's so stable
15:24.07Mikk1i find that stable + ... urm.. i forget the url.. there's this nice site that backports new stuff to work on stable.... works well for stuff you want semistable but still want newer major releases
15:24.16KirkburnWhee, Quantum Leap in italian :D
15:24.39Mikk1that's the one =)
15:27.30Legorolothe problem is: i am using a Linux system where i'm a restricted end-user
15:27.34Legoroloso no package management for me
15:27.42Legoroloall compiling and installation i must do in my own dir
15:27.58Legoroloso i often have to fiddle with ./configure arguments so that it doesn't try to install in /usr/lib
15:28.07TainDon't most package managers have a local user mode?  I thought they did at least.
15:28.15LegoroloTain: i have no access to it
15:28.16TainBut I could be wrong!
15:28.18Legoroloyes, sysadmin is evil
15:28.26Endthat varies a lot
15:28.29Legorolohe is a BOFH
15:28.38Legoroloor wahtever that acronym is
15:28.47Mikk1BOFH yes
15:28.49krka|workwork stuff? school stufF?
15:28.55Legorolowork stuff
15:29.16EndLegorolo, Mikk1 is your bofh!  just look at /who
15:29.16Legoroloanyway, it let me learn more about Linux, ./configure and compiling for yourself
15:29.16End#wowi-loun Mikk1     H   0
15:29.40Mikk1did i mention that I idle in bofhnet also? =P
15:29.44Legoroloi had quite a fun downloading and compiling different packages and libs in their own little neat dirs
15:29.52Corrodias./configure is just a convention, a program that ... i dunno, configures the makefile for the available libraries on your system
15:30.04LegoroloCorrodias: yes i know
15:30.11Legorolobut i often have to teach it to work with my unique setup
15:30.18Legorolosince i don't have stuff in their default locations
15:30.26Corrodiasi have only seen a little bit scroll by on the few occasions that i've been forced to compile something
15:30.39Legoroloit's quite a nice system actually
15:30.54Mikk1nice to use. bloody hell to convert your package to =P
15:31.12Endand libtool is the devil
15:31.19Endsort of devil
15:31.37Endit helps in some ways, hurts in others
15:31.50Mikk1kinda like microsoft
15:31.53Mikk1just drink the koolaid
15:32.37Legorolo./configure --prefix=~/svn --with-ssl
15:32.42Legorololet's see if that will do the magic :)
15:32.57Endnow just hope neon was compiled with ssl :P
15:33.07Mikk1that's assuming $BOFH has installed SSL correctly =P
15:33.10Legoroloit will auto-configure neon for me, End
15:33.15Legoroloi did check that in the documentation
15:33.22Legorolothere is a bundled version of it in the package
15:33.31Legoroloactually that's a good point
15:33.37Legoroloi have OpenSSL in a custom path too
15:33.40Mikk1obtw Legorolo: it works it works it works =)
15:33.41Legoroloi better clue it up about that too :)
15:33.42Endwell, my neon install is seperate
15:33.49Legoroloyeah, but i don't have a neon install
15:33.50krka|workpoor lego :(
15:33.55Legoroloso i use the bundled version
15:34.15Legorolonow if only i remembered where i installed OpenSSL :)
15:34.29Legorolooh i remember now
15:34.35Legoroloi compiled it, installed it, then zapped it :)
15:34.41Legorolothat's why i'm missing it
15:34.46Endthat' a problem
15:34.51Legorolodisk quota..
15:34.54Legoroloonly kept the .tgz
15:34.57Mikk1gah that too
15:35.04Legorolobetter get new version of that too whilst at it
15:35.05Mikk1he really is a bofh
15:35.16Legoroloyou know how much disk space i have? 425 Mb
15:35.26Legoroloand that's after begging and having my diskspace upped twice
15:35.45Legoroloand only because i develop stuff for work, and need the space for multiple dev versions of the code
15:37.46Mikk1cmd> exit
15:37.46Mikk1[Exiting WoWBench v1.11.0.a2]
15:37.46Mikk1cmd> exit
15:37.46Mikk1[Exiting WoWBench v1.11.0.a2]
15:37.46Mikk1cmd> exit
15:37.46Mikk1[Exiting WoWBench v1.11.0.a2]
15:37.58Mikk1something tells me new sessions shouldn't start their own commandline parsers =)
15:38.19TainI have... my own personal 750GB array to play with. :)
15:38.36Corrodiasthen run them in the background...? >_>
15:38.46Mikk1er, wait, they have to
15:38.47Corrodiasimplement a background
15:39.21Mikk1This requires filtered air. And lots of it.
15:39.30Corrodias[away] @ sleepy x.x
15:40.12LegoroloI never installed Linux on any machine that is mine
15:40.17Legorolothat's why i only have experience as an end-luser
15:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:41.59krka|worki see.... don't have any old machine at home to play with?
15:41.59krka|workor a new to dual boot?
15:42.20Legorolokrka: you are missing the point, so i will reiterate
15:42.25Legoroloi'm not fond of Linux
15:42.37Legoroloas simple as that :-)
15:42.59Legorolomy greatest moment was when i managed to download, configure and compile (again, as an end-user) the program rdesktop
15:43.14Legorolowhich is a Linux-based client for M$'s remote desktop service
15:43.25Legoroloso i can use my home machine :)
15:43.39Legorolothat had some dependencies too, among them ssl..
15:43.44Legoroloi mean openssl
15:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (n=kristofe@
15:44.21Mikk1ah. just fall out of the commandline parser, set shared variable on what to call next
15:44.29Legorolowb krka
15:44.37Legorolodid you miss my rant then?
15:44.46krka_but now i'm going home, so bye again :)
15:44.53krka_yeah, missed it
15:45.08krka_i can read the logs from at home :P
15:45.17Legoroloi wasn't ranting at you..
15:46.24KirkburnMe = bored = alt time!
15:46.53KirkburnI'm going to ... hrm ... finish Mulgore
15:47.20KirkburnOnly start areas I've got left to finish are mulgore and undead thingy
15:47.32WobinAnyone want to look at my jostle code and tell me if I'm going wrong?
15:47.34KirkburnStop envying me =)
15:48.28CodayusUndead area is the most fun on horde side.
15:48.43Mikk1Starts out with an insult. Doesn't get better =)
15:49.07CodayusA) Doesn't involve barrens.  B) Prettier than durotar.  C) No barrens.  D) Funnier quests.  E) Isn't even on the same continent as the barrens.
15:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:49.26Mikk1Except you kind of have to go to barrens for a bit
15:49.34Mikk1Can't really get you all the way from 10 to 20
15:49.36CodayusYeah...well, nothings perfect.
15:49.40WobinMulgore is very pretty though
15:49.50Mikk1Mulgore is devastatingly boring
15:49.52Mikk1and pretty
15:49.54EndI like Mulgore, even if it is a little big
15:49.55CodayusWobin: I dunno, a bit...empty.  And boring.
15:50.06WobinMuch like the barrens
15:50.20WobinTeldrassil is pretty
15:50.34Wobinbut you get eyestrain from the purple
15:50.34Endyeah, but the barrens is uglah
15:50.34Wobinomg purple
15:50.40KirkburnI find the best areas are Elwynn and Dun Morogh
15:50.43Endand filled witth chuck norris chat
15:50.44CodayusMeh, teldrassil is a bit fruity for my tastes.  And the NE quest lines are all disturbingly psychotic.
15:50.49EndCHUCK NORRIS!
15:50.52Legoroloi love the undead starting place
15:50.55KirkburnI'm not a fan of Teldrassil either
15:50.57Codayus"We move live in harmony with nature.  Please kill 200 random furry creatures."
15:50.59Legoroloand Mulgore because i haven't done it too often yet
15:51.15LegoroloCodayus: clearly you haven't read the quest texts properly
15:51.15KirkburnOkay, suggest me a class
15:51.21WobinMulgore is one of the brightest
15:51.22EndI've done Durotar way too many times
15:51.28Codayus"I'm sorry to ask you this, but...please kill another hundred fluffy creatures, then bathe in their blood.  It's For Nature!(tm)
15:51.35KirkburnA fun class which isn't rogues, rogues are too intense for me
15:51.38Legorolo"some evil force has made cute furry animals reproduce rabidly, more than they should. we need to maintain the balance"
15:51.46Mikk1"Talk about bovine intervention! I've herd of this and it's udder bull!"
15:51.47LegoroloKirkburn: mage
15:51.50LegoroloUD mage or lock
15:51.52CodayusLegorolo: That's obviously just a poor excuse.
15:51.56WobinKirkburn: lock
15:51.58Enddoesn't Kirkburn have a lock?
15:52.02CodayusThe NE's are psychotic killers, and you can't convince me otherwise.
15:52.04KirkburnHe is my main :P
15:52.11Wobinmage then
15:52.20Wobinfrost mage =)
15:52.24KirkburnAnd I just started a mage :/ Doing well, aren't we :P
15:52.36Wobinalthough I'm finding soloing as a mage more intense than soloing as my rogue
15:52.40Mikk1Warlock -> Warlock -> Paladin -> Rogue -> Mage
15:52.43WobinShammy then
15:53.12WobinIf you want less intense, you could always go Pally =P
15:53.12KirkburnNot a drood?
15:53.18CodayusStart a warrior.  They're fun.
15:53.23KirkburnHah, my main alt is a 42 pally :)
15:53.38Mikk1I was so close to giving up on my pally. Multiple times.
15:53.40Wobinwhat classes/races -haven't- you done?
15:53.46KirkburnUm, none?
15:53.51WobinI never want to roll a pally =\
15:53.59WobinThey just don't appeal to my playstyle
15:54.01KirkburnActually priest and drood are the main ones I've not really played
15:54.11Wobinpriest is fun
15:54.14TainI got kind of bored of Warriors, I've tried a couple of times.  Just not enough "stuff" going on with them for me.
15:54.15Wobinbut tough at first
15:54.15Mikk1I mean. there I was with a 400dps dpsmonster warlock. And then gogo 75dps pally
15:54.25Endpriests definitely start out a bit tough
15:54.27TainAt least Paladins you have stuff to do.
15:54.30WobinLike driving a yugo =P
15:54.33Mikk1i beg to differ
15:54.34TainWhich I still got bored of.
15:54.38Endwhich is why my priest hasn't passed level 16
15:54.40CodayusI'd like to HAVE a 60 pally...levelling one...erg.
15:54.51Mikk1Spec Fury.
15:54.57Mikk1Gets as busy as rogues.
15:54.57TainHunter is still my favorite class I could never level.
15:55.04WobinI'm <3'ing the fact that I'm hitting a constant 200dps on my level 50 rogue
15:55.05TainNah, not really.
15:55.11TainI mean I know Warriors have stuff to do.
15:55.20WobinTain: Hunter is one of the easiest classes to level
15:55.22TainBut Rogues have more options overall in my mind.
15:55.24CodayusPriests take off around mind flay, and accelerate fast after shadow form.  The start isn't that slow...
15:55.47WobinMindflay is only -really- useful if you have the shadowreach
15:55.48KirkburnHunter: send pet, fire, fire, fire, dead .... send pet, fire fire fire, dead .... send pet, fire, fire ....
15:55.56CodayusTain: Warriors get more fun and complex as you get higher level.  Need to wait for some of the cooler abilities to kick in.
15:55.56WobinKirkburn: exactly
15:55.56TainI know Wobin.  But I can't level a Hunter.  I got obsessive pet collecting disorder.
15:56.02Wobinoh no!
15:56.06WobinAnd only three slots =P
15:56.13TainI tried once.
15:56.18TainIt was bad.
15:56.27WobinTain: be a warlock
15:56.29MoonWolfget a wolf, stick with it.
15:56.34WobinLearn how to kill your pet all the time =)
15:56.37MoonWolfor a boar.
15:56.43Kirkburn'Lamian' is my hunter's name ... can you see what I did there?
15:56.55CodayusA SFK wolf is a good choice.
15:56.57WobinYou're a half snake lady?
15:57.03TainYeah actually I've never played a Warlock, ever.
15:57.09MoonWolfi prefer the wolf model in ashenvale
15:57.12CodayusNice all round pet, decent attack speed, nice abilities.
15:57.13MoonWolfthe really white ones.
15:57.14TainI created one once.  Tainlock.
15:57.15KirkburnTain, you're missing ooot!
15:57.27WobinWarlocks trained me to be able to sacrifice my pet on a whim
15:57.38CodayusI have a lvl 30 mage, warlock, and paladin.  Just got bored with them.  And a lvl 49 hunter...
15:57.44KirkburnI've never managed to make myself sacrifice my lock pet
15:57.55WobinKirkburn: You need demosac =)
15:58.00MoonWolfsuriviving bad fight the hunter way, feigh death, keep your pet attack, run away till your despawns
15:58.09MoonWolftaday, no hapiness los no death.
15:58.11KirkburnThere are many warlock things I don't do, in fact :P
15:58.32KirkburnI don't stockpile shards, and never soulstoned myself, never sacced my pet, never used anything other than a VW
15:58.43WobinKirkburn: You're a hunter in disguise =P
15:58.48KirkburnApparently so :P
15:58.56MoonWolfKirkburn, you are not warlock material
15:58.58TainOf course I realized I missed the boat when I tried my last warrior.  I have a perfect name and I missed it. :(  So although I do like my Warrior named, "Whatfor" if I ever try again it will be the birth of, "Taink"
15:59.12WobinI like Taink
15:59.21MoonWolfTaink is brilliant.
15:59.46TainTainadin is out there somewhere too, on some server.
16:00.55KirkburnTainage, Tainst, Tainan, Tainlock, Taink, Tainter,
16:01.13WobinTainter is your poisonspecced rogue?
16:01.30MoonWolfor a good affliction lock name.
16:01.42Kirkburn(I was actually adding hunter+tain)
16:01.51KirkburnBut those are cooler :P
16:02.49KirkburnKirkburn don't lend itself well to names :(
16:04.10KirkburnI need a server
16:04.39Kirkburn*click, click*
16:04.51Wobinoooh you're one of -those- =P
16:05.01Beladonaugh, long delay. Hi all
16:05.01KirkburnI pity the fool ...
16:05.11Wobinheya bela
16:05.12KirkburnSo, a realm - any suggestions?
16:05.25WobinI know nothing of your odd european realms
16:05.34KirkburnCiao Bela
16:05.34BeladonaI am on Ajhol Nerub with Cairenn
16:05.48Beladonabut thats not EU
16:05.53CodayusAn EU realm?  Sorry, can't help.
16:06.04KirkburnGet that Legorol over here!
16:06.25Kirkburn(or Legorolo, whatever he is today)
16:10.12TainActually heh.. my Rogue now is named Perferator.
16:10.51WobinHe should be a mace rogue for the irony
16:11.01Legorolohelo, did you call me?
16:11.09Wobinbtw, I now have the Viking Hammer =)
16:11.20WobinAnd the Blesswind hammer of the monkey
16:11.23Kirkburn|wowI had my mouse hovered over 'play'
16:11.32Kirkburn|wowI'm looking for a server, Legorol :)
16:11.42Legorolowant an old or a new one
16:11.44Legorolowhat type
16:11.49Kirkburn|wowPvE, new
16:11.53Legoroloi recommend RPPvP
16:11.57Legorolonew PvE, roger
16:12.01LegoroloAerie Peak is brand new
16:12.02Legoroloonly few weeks
16:12.04Kirkburn|wowWhy RPPvP?
16:12.07Legorolowhy not?
16:12.12Legorolosounds like fun..
16:12.29LegoroloAerie Peak is brand new PvE if that's what you want
16:12.31Kirkburn|wowAn RP realm is a good idea actually, I've been meaning to try one
16:12.42Legoroloare you very adverse to PvP realm?
16:12.58Kirkburn|wowI think I could cope =)
16:12.59Legorolofor RP, you can go one of the olds ones (e.g. Emerald Dream or Argent Dawn)
16:13.02Legoroloor a new-ish one
16:13.15WobinYou have an Argent Dawn?
16:13.22Wobin(PS Legorol EU)
16:13.39Legorolohmm, i should really make somehow sortable
16:13.49LegoroloWobin: yes we do
16:13.58WobinDo you have a Blackrock?
16:14.15Wobinand do you get griefed by hundreds of level 1 gnomes whenever it goes down?
16:14.42LegoroloKirkburn|wow: we have 5 RPPvPs
16:14.45WobinIt's horrific
16:14.51LegoroloDefias Bro and Venture Co are old
16:14.53WobinThey made a guild called BlackRockDown
16:14.59Legorolosorry 4
16:15.06LegoroloScarshield Legion is 25/01
16:15.17LegoroloRavenholdt is 6/04
16:15.40Kirkburn|wowHmm, Ravenholdt then
16:15.43Legoroloperuse and i'm sure you will find something
16:15.48Legorolothat's a smart decision
16:15.53Kirkburn|wowJoin me? :)
16:15.55Legoroloespecially becuase i already have a lvl 5 priest there :)
16:16.04Kirkburn|wowWhich side though?
16:16.14Legorolothen not Ravenholdt
16:16.19Legoroloor just make a horde there
16:16.27Kirkburn|wowI shall, and you shall join me =)
16:16.27Legorolodon't let it put you off on my account
16:16.34Legoroloi'm not deleting my priest
16:16.43Legoroloshe's a dwarf, and went to the trouble of travelling to Teldrassil
16:16.49Legorolostarted levelling there from the first quest
16:16.58Kirkburn|wowweirdo =)
16:17.01Legoroloon the day the server was launched
16:17.09Legorolopeople were quite amused
16:17.15Legoroloi mingled with the mass of lvl 1 NEs
16:17.33Wobinwhat was the percentage of hunters? =P
16:17.35Legoroloit was hilarious, some reacitons were pretty funny
16:17.38LegoroloWobin: don't know
16:17.58Legorolobtw, i like running low level toons to Shadowglen
16:18.13Legoroloon a PvP server (I think Dragonmaw), i have a lvl 2 Troll permanently stationed there
16:18.19Legoroloyeah, NE start area
16:18.34Legoroloi occasionally log in to ... well... troll the lvl 1 NEs :)
16:18.44Legoroloit's always hilarious
16:18.52Wobinomg TROLL
16:18.53Legorolosome lvl 4s are really aggressive and kill me
16:19.02Legoroloyes troll
16:19.05Legorolodid it just click?
16:19.14WobinI was pretending to be a lvl1 NE
16:19.31Legoroloit's a pain though, you wouldn't be able to do it anymore
16:19.38Legorolothey put guards at the entrance to shadowglen
16:19.45Legoroloi ran the troll before they did that ;-)
16:19.56Wobincan't corpserun?
16:20.07Endit's kinda hard to stealth through them even
16:20.09Wobingranted, that's corpserun a few feet each time
16:20.33Legorolothe hardest part was corpserunning through rut'theran village
16:20.38Legoroloand making it to the portal
16:20.52Legorolobecause if you die in rut'theran, your ghost is in Darkshore
16:21.01Legorolonear Auberdine
16:21.14Legoroloso i had to take the boat as a ghost :)
16:21.45Legorolobut you only need to do that once
16:21.53Legorolowhen you rez, you just jump straight in the portal
16:21.56Legorolobefore the guards get you
16:22.07Legoroloonce you are in DN, if you die, you go to the grave in Dolanaar
16:22.50Legoroloi actually use this lvl 2 troll to quest with lvl 1 NEs
16:22.55Legoroloi help them kill the furry animals
16:23.06Legorolosome of them are nice, and you can converse with them using emotes
16:23.11Legorolosome just gank you
16:23.21Legoroloi had occasions where some evil level 6 kept ganking me
16:23.38Legorolothose brutal NEs...
16:24.45Legorologah, Neon doesn't want to configure with my openssl install
16:26.45Legorolocan some Linux guru help me out here?
16:26.49Legorolohere is my problem:
16:27.24Legoroloi have compiled openssl, it created two library files libcrypto.a and libssl.a
16:27.52Legorolowhen i try to ./configure Neon, it checks for the presence of RSA_new, and finds it in lib crypto
16:28.05Legorolowhen it checks for the presence of SSL_library_init, it doesn't find it
16:28.05Kirkburn|wow(bah, I chose Aerie Peak, Faleya a tauren drood)
16:28.13Legorologood choice
16:28.38Kirkburn|wowTime to level :)
16:28.57Legorolofor some reason Neon's configure doesn't seem to find libssl or the fact that SSL_library_init is in it
16:29.01Legorolowhat do i do?
16:30.55Wobin"When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."
16:31.06Legoroloyay for that
16:31.38Kirkburn|wowwow, it's busy on aerie peak
16:33.22Kirkburn|wowDammit, *all* my addons loaded
16:35.57Wobinhehe I hate that on a new server =)
16:36.07WobinIt's like OMG NO FREE SCREEN
16:38.15*** join/#wowi-lounge mjc (
16:38.16Kirkburn|wowI had to disable about 30
16:38.21Wobinoh no
16:38.24Wobinnot another one
16:38.30WobinWhen will the horror stop?
16:39.48*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
16:40.43*** join/#wowi-lounge yammygirlcoding (
16:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:40.59yammygirlcodinghello everybody! :D
16:41.32yammygirlcoding*brasil*! :D
16:41.37SilverShadowI take it people have already noticed what file planet is diong?
16:41.53Kirkburn|wowWobin ... gotta love Uwe Boll, eh? Oh, no wait  *fetches knife*
16:41.57yammygirlcodingwhen the server is down how u guys test the code? :)
16:42.19Wobinyammygirlcoding: We don't =P
16:42.26WobinWe write and hope for the best =P
16:42.48Kirkburn|wowThere's always Mikk1's thing
16:42.56yammygirlcodingwhat an easy goal !! even me can do that!
16:43.28WobinAshbringer's voice is... weird
16:43.46Kirkburn|wowWhat do you expect
16:43.49Kirkburn|wowIt's a sword :P
16:44.00WobinI'm trying to place the accent
16:44.17FanookSilverCat: oh how nice, they're hosting mods.....I hope they got permission first
16:44.21yammygirlcodingdont u guys have any underground server to test codes? :)
16:45.07yammygirlcodingwe used to have one in brasil but I dont know if it's still up :]
16:45.51Kirkburn|wowFanook, methinks not
16:47.55yammygirlcodinganyone have the server time over there?
16:48.35Wobinserver time for my server is... 12:48pm
16:48.54yammygirlcodingO.o are un in china?
16:49.04WobinI am =P My server isn't
16:49.14Wobinit's 12:48am here =P
16:49.19yammygirlcodingaaah :D
16:49.40SilverShadowheh.. i hope so to Fanook.
16:49.43yammygirlcodingand when server is suposed to back?
16:49.48Wobin2 hours?
16:49.52Wobiner 1?
16:49.55WobinI think
16:50.09yammygirlcodingduno. i'ts 10am for global server time, now?
16:50.12Fanooknormal maintentance? or extended today?
16:50.18yammygirlcodingnormal i think
16:50.20Kirkburn|wowHeh, everyones a male Tauren on this server, I'm the only female tauren :P
16:50.26Fanookanother hour then
16:50.50yammygirlcodingKirkburn|wow I'm female tauren that is actually female person too ;)
16:51.00SilverShadowI do believe it's usually up 1-2pm EST..
16:51.25WobinKirkburn|wow: Have you got fubar running?
16:51.51Fanookfor the bored people (flash content):
16:52.29yammygirlcoding\o/ brasil brasil brasil :)))))
16:52.44Kirkburn|wowNo, titan still
16:53.08Kirkburn|wowI'm planning on changing over when Ace2 is done
16:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:55.14GryphenFilePlanet contacted us before posting Cosmos
16:55.33yammygirlcodingcomplaining about too much download income? :)
16:55.55Wobinanyone currently on who's using FuBar?
16:58.21Kirkburn|wowzomg level 2
17:00.32SilverShadowgrats Kirkburn|wow
17:05.28KaeltenAwayI have fubar running
17:05.41WobinCan you remove the icon -and- the text from a plugin?
17:05.54Wobin(and by 'on' I meant currently playing =P)
17:05.56KaeltenAwayI think it depends on the plugin
17:06.07KaeltenAwayare the servers even up atm?
17:06.22WobinI was hoping for an EU response =)
17:06.24FanookEU servers might be
17:06.35FanookUS servers are still down for another hour
17:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:11.40Kirkburn|wowIf there's one god thing abut Mulgore, it's that I can task switch without fear of dying. Or reaching my destination.
17:14.13Wobinwithout fear of reaching your destinatoin? =)
17:25.42Kirkburn|wowIf only t'were a joke
17:25.49Kirkburn|wow*twiddles thumbs*
17:26.58zenzelezzMulgore isn't bad like that... The Barrens is
17:27.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:29.06purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
17:29.13Legorolook, i really really need a Linux guru now
17:29.22Legoroloi have got openssl and compiled it
17:29.33Legoroloit generated libopenssl.a and libssl.a and it's all fine and dandy
17:29.44Legorolooops i mean libcrypto.a and libssl.a
17:30.10Legorolowhoever, when i try to configure Neon, which depends on these libs, i am getting these error messages:
17:30.49Legoroloconfigure:28149: gcc -o conftest -g -O2  -I/scratch/zr205/openssl/include  -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DNE_LFS  -L/scratch/zr205/openssl/lib  conftest.c  -lssl -lcrypto  -lz >&5
17:30.49Legorolo/scratch/zr205/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x247): In function `dlfcn_bind_func':
17:30.50Legorolodso_dlfcn.c: undefined reference to `dlsym'
17:30.59Legorolocan anyone explain ?
17:31.35Legorolowhy is the linker not able to find the dlsym (and others like dlopen, dlerror and dlclose) referenced from libcrypto?
17:31.53kergoththats expected
17:31.56Legorolois it?
17:32.01Legoroloplease do clue me up :)
17:32.03kergothit was relying on the pulling in libdl
17:32.08kergothbut static librareis cant dont that, only shared
17:32.17Legorolowhat's libdl?
17:32.18kergothso you need a -ldl in the libs for neon
17:32.23kergothor build openssl shared, which i'd advise
17:32.40Legorolokergoth: did you mean to say libcrypto.a?
17:32.42Legorolowas that a typo
17:32.42kergothlibdl is for dlopen/dlsym & friends.  loading dynamic code at runtime rather than link time
17:32.52Legorolobut i don't have
17:32.57Legoroloi have libcrypto.a
17:33.02kergothWHICH IS THE PROBLEM
17:33.04kergothread what i wrote again.
17:33.17kergothshared libraries have the ability to implicitly pull in that which they depend upon
17:33.20kergothstatic libraries do not
17:33.22Legoroloyou said: "it was relying on the pulling in libdl"
17:33.24kergothneon relied on that
17:33.32Legorolook, then the reason why i'm confused is that
17:33.40Legoroloif i am not using, why is there a problem
17:33.42kergothneon expected to be built against the shared library
17:33.50Legoroloif it's that needs libdl...
17:34.02Legorolodoes libcrypto.a also need libdl?
17:34.02kergothand libcrypto.a _is not able to pull in itself_
17:34.23kergothstatic libraries cannot pull in their shared library dependencies.  shared libraries can.
17:34.43kergothso neon needs -ldl on th elink line with -lssl and -lcrypto in order to build against the static openssl
17:34.50kergothso either add that, or rebuild openssl with --enable-shared
17:34.51Legoroloso any way i can compile openssl with static libs with static dependencies?
17:34.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:34.57kergothit isnt openssl thats the issue.
17:35.13kergoththe gnu linker defautls to shared unless you specify otherwise exists, so it uses it
17:35.21kergoth(in the openssl build)
17:35.26Legorolocan't i compile libdl into the openssl libs somehow?
17:35.48Legoroloi can't recompile openssl with shared libraries for various reasons
17:35.49kergothnto easily. you can build it completely static, which will pull in libc.a and the rest of the owrld, making your libcrypto like 10 megs
17:35.56kergothi'd suggest fixing that.
17:36.20Legoroloone of the reason being that the openssl docs say that dynamic openssl libs are experimental and not supported
17:36.31kergoththe docs are full of it.
17:36.35kergothevery major distro includes shared openssl
17:36.41kergothfedora, ubuntu, debian, all of them
17:37.13kergothi need a caffeine IV
17:37.27Legorolofrom INSTALL in the latest openssl distribution:
17:37.40Legorolothis scared me off
17:38.05kergoththat's why most distros include _seperate packages_ for each major shared openssl
17:38.16kergothso that in the event of a binary compatibility break, apps dont break
17:38.29Legorolothat sounds like a pain
17:38.40kergoth~/.homefiles/.vim$ apt-cache search libssl0
17:38.42kergothlibssl0.9.7 - SSL shared libraries
17:38.42kergothlibssl0.9.7-dbg - Symbol tables for libssl and libcrypt
17:38.42kergothlibssl0.9.8 - SSL shared libraries
17:38.44kergothlibssl0.9.8-dbg - Symbol tables for libssl and libcrypt
17:38.44kergothlibssl0.9.6 - SSL shared libraries (old version)
17:38.47kergothnot really
17:38.59Legorolook so i need to go the path of telling Neon to use -ldl
17:39.11Legorolosince i'm clueless about how configure scripts work, how do i go about adding -ldl
17:39.19kergoththat depends.
17:39.31kergothbut give LIBS="-ldl" ./configure a try
17:39.41kergothisnt likely to work, since most configure scripts dont expect environmental overrides (idiots)
17:39.45kergothbut what the hell
17:40.25Legoroloby the way, all this just so that i can compile an SSL-enabled svn client
17:40.26Legoroloso much pain
17:40.32Legoroloi hate Linux :)
17:40.35kergothyep, svn is dependency ridden
17:40.55Legoroloi don't mind dependencies... if they work
17:40.59kergothcan you build svn without the apache/apache2 modules?  thats a bit less painful
17:41.07kergothwhy are you doing this manually, anyway?
17:41.09kergothwhat distro is this?
17:41.14Legoroloi need to compile svn myself
17:41.19Legoroloi'm an end-user on this Linux system
17:41.29kergothahh okay
17:41.31Legoroloi need to compile every dependency for myself and install it in my own directory
17:41.39kergothknow how ya feel, i had to do that on my _development box_ at work
17:41.44kergoththey dont trust us lowly engineers with root
17:41.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
17:41.58Legorolomy pain is why is Neon doing it like this
17:42.03Legorologiven that it depends on OpenSSL,
17:42.14Legoroloit should work with the *default* install of openssl
17:42.17Legorolowhich is static
17:42.29Legoroloand with the dynamic libs, for which one would need explicit options when compiling it
17:42.37Legorolos/and with/and not with/
17:42.39kergothyep, it should, and it probably has configure optiions to specify where the openssl is
17:42.45kergoth./configure --help|grep openssl
17:42.46kergothin the neon dir
17:42.49Legoroloyeah that's not the issue
17:42.53Legoroloi can set it the path
17:43.07Legorolothe issue is that it specifies -lssl -lcrypto when configuring, but not -ldl
17:43.18Legoroloit finds the ssl libs just fine
17:43.19kergothohh, its the system openssl that has no shared libs?
17:43.23kergothi thougthj you had built that
17:43.26Legorolowhat system openssl
17:43.33kergoththe one installed in /usr where it belongs.
17:43.36Legorolothere is no openssl on this box, i had to compile it myself
17:43.38kergoththe one not installed in yoru home directory
17:43.41Legorolothere isn't one
17:43.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
17:43.49kergothokay, so why arent you building openssl shared again?
17:43.57Legorolobecause that's not the default
17:44.04Legoroloi am complaining that Neon doesn't compile with the default build of openssl
17:44.09Legorolothat's all
17:44.20Legorolosoryr i have to run, bus to catch
17:44.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
17:44.26kergothit probably expects to be built for any current system or major distribution
17:44.32kergothnot a user's openssl build
18:03.07Cairennhey JoshBorke
18:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagen (
18:19.53JoshBorkeanything interesting going on?
18:21.22Cairennbesides a number of servers being down for another few hours cause they screwed up? not much
18:22.09Cairenns/of/of (US)/
18:24.15Dagenhey, my server isnt screwed up for once
18:24.58ScytheBlade1They don't like you telling people to do a /chatinfo 4
18:25.13ScytheBlade1To the point where anything in /4 that contains any of those letters in sequence
18:25.17ScytheBlade1You can't send to the channel
18:28.56JoshBorke( clad|sleep ): are you herea/
18:29.42gnorlishanyone else find it odd
18:30.03gnorlishthat their processes they use to AUTOMATICALLY calculate honor
18:30.08gnorlishsomehow screwed up
18:33.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
18:37.23Mikk1bloody guestbook spambots driving me crazy
18:37.51Mikk1Having an upload rate of something like 200 spams a day on a site I manage for my parents' club
18:37.52Endcurse less wildly please
18:38.07Endwe demand more controlled cursings
18:38.24JoshBorkewhy does wanding initiate a global cooldown?
18:39.25Dagenso you guys are all MOD developers right?
18:39.48Mikk1Yes, except for Kirkburn. He's some kind of  dwarf.
18:39.52Mikk1Except he smells worse.
18:40.25Mikk1Bah. He's not even here. No fun.
18:40.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
18:41.06JoshBorkei only play one on tv
18:41.36DagenI just kind of started trying to make a MOD.. I've been programming for a while and I don't usually have too much trouble, but I must say... this game is frustrating when it comes to programming
18:42.00JoshBorkehow so?
18:42.12krkai've had the opposite experience
18:42.25krkathen again i only made simple useless stuff :)
18:42.33kergothi've not found that to be the case.  lua is the perfect scripting language for this.  one does get annoyed with blizzard's api at times, but its nothing that becomes a barrier
18:43.18DagenWell, right now I'm getting an "attempt to index a nil value" error on a line of code that is executing perfectly.. but I get an error
18:43.28Dagenit makes no sense
18:43.40krkapaste the code?
18:43.45kergoththen you're not doing something right.  its your error, not the game's
18:43.47kergothindeed, please paste
18:43.53kergoth(to a pastebin, not here)
18:44.01krkaif you're getting that error, your code will definitely halt at that point
18:44.11Dagenits on this line: getglobal(frame:GetName().."Middle"):SetWidth(width - 9);
18:44.20Dagenit doesnt halt though, thats why I'm confused
18:44.34Dagenit gives an error, but it still does what it should
18:44.36mjcis width nil?
18:44.37kergothhm?  the game doesnt halt, only your particular lua does
18:44.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:44.45kergothwidth isnt nil, thats not the error
18:44.52kergoththat getglobal is returning nil, i'd say
18:44.55krkano, it's probably getglobal that returns nil
18:45.01krkaor frame
18:45.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
18:45.21Dagenwell...this is setting the width of a column header...
18:45.28Dagenand its actually doing it
18:45.36Dagenand when you comment out that line, it doesnt do it
18:45.53Dagenso...its executing, but I have an error
18:46.01krkamaybe it's executing twice
18:46.09krkaonce it works, second it hangs
18:46.12krkathus producing that effect
18:46.20kergothadd debug output.
18:46.37Dagenactually you may be on to something there because I did print some messages earlier and it gets called 3 times
18:46.40krkaprint the value of frame perhaps
18:46.51krkai am always on something
18:46.59kergothremember to tostring(frame) directly, some print functions dont do so implicitly
18:47.22krkaand get DevTools if you don't already have it
18:47.38Dagenthis is probably from me trying to copy code from another mod and trying to make it do what I want hehe
18:47.52TainI'd print the value of everything.  heh... print frame:getname, print width, hell make sure getname.."Middle" is valid!
18:48.19DagenI think I might know what it is now...
18:48.32krkaon what event are you running it?
18:48.50krkacould dump this / this:GetName()
18:51.06krkashouldn't run more than once if it's OnLoad
18:51.19JoshBorkesomeone add perl support to clique for me =/
18:51.43JoshBorkeall of a sudden i found a use for AT
18:51.56krkai am intruiged
18:52.07krkaerr... spelling
18:52.08JoshBorkecoding while traveling
18:52.25krkawell yes, that was the original intention basically
18:52.42krkacoding / checking talents / spells / chat / et.c.
18:53.07Dagenwell I could be calling it in a different button's OnLoad, I'm checking them all
18:53.12krkahm... i wonder if this explains my lack of productivity
18:53.22krkai dont have any "deadtime" in game anymore
18:53.33krkaexcept when flying
18:53.34Dagenyeah that was it
18:55.34Dagenthis would be so much easier if the game had a built in debugger :P
18:55.34JoshBorkei like to define all my functions so that i can run them from in-game
18:55.35krkadebugging in game isn't so hard really
18:55.40krkadevtools FTW
18:55.51krkaand LuaSlinger or similar for quick code tests
18:56.26Dagenwell, having breakpoints and stuff is so nice
18:57.03DagenVisual Studio has pampered me :P
18:58.03IrielYou know, I used to live and die by breakpoints, these days I hardly ever notice I dont use them (And that's in any language)
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18:58.59krkabreakpoints are for people who haven't thought their code through properly :P
18:59.04Dagenyeah, when I was first learning to program I never used them and I got by just fine
18:59.37ckknighthey all
18:59.47Dagenbut...if I have them, I use them well
19:00.24Dagenmakes finding errors so much faster, I literally spent about 4 hours on this stupid problem
19:01.03krkaESP-FRA now!
19:01.16kergothkrka: well, i agree to a certain extent.  thats essentially the argument linus makes against merging kgdb
19:01.26kergothif you know the code, printf/printk debugging is usually sufficient
19:01.56kergothunless you're writing drivers for hardware, in which case you need to debug more than just software, and a logic analyzer is your friend :P
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19:12.50Dagendoes the inherits property not work right with $parent or something?
19:14.35IrielI think the answer to that is almost definitely "it works right, what are you trying to do?"
19:16.36Dagen<Button name="$parentColumnHeader1" inherits="$parentColumnHeaderTemplate" text="GuildBanker_TEXT_Itemlist_ItemName_Column_Title"> doesn't work (I've checked by displaying the button name, and $parent = "GuildBanker_BankFrame_") but...
19:16.41Dagen<Button name="$parentColumnHeader1" inherits="GuildBanker_BankFrame_ColumnHeaderTemplate" text="GuildBanker_TEXT_Itemlist_ItemName_Column_Title"> works
19:17.20wereHamsterI don't think you can use $patent in inherit="..."
19:17.52Beladonaanyone know of any addons out there that demonstrate docking capabilities well?
19:18.07Beladonaas in docking to edges of screen, or other frames
19:18.15wereHamsterJosh knows..
19:18.17JoshBorkeooo, iFrameManager i believe is the name ;-)
19:18.24wereHamsterdon't you? :-P
19:18.32JoshBorke( wereHamster ): =D
19:18.35IrielAh, I see what you mean then.. I'm not surprised that inherits doesn't expand $parent, it would be far too fragile
19:18.49JoshBorkealso, there is stickyframes, but that requires you to register the frame before hand
19:19.01wereHamsterso does IFM..
19:19.04IrielSince $parent is the runtime name you're instantiating, not the name of the template
19:19.09Dagendoes $parent == "GuildBanker_BankFrame_ColumnHeader1" or something stupid like that at that point?
19:19.12kergothIFM is stickyframes wbut with capsule management, afaik
19:19.24BeladonaI like the registration of frames better
19:19.32Beladonaso you can limit what it sticks to
19:20.22kergothyeah, ifm is too flat a model imo.  every frame sticks to every other ifm frame, but you can easily end up with too many frames involved.  and eentering edit mode to move those frames around can get cluttered with so many visible at the same time
19:20.42IrielDagen: it would depend what the original $parent was.
19:21.23wereHamsterI've never ended up with many frames on the screen.. AFAIK only my addons and PCUF support IFM
19:21.24Dagenohh.. its using the parent of whatever the template is?
19:21.33Irielso if your whole thing was inside say <Frame name="Bob" inherits="DagensTemplate"> then $parent would be Bob
19:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
19:21.55IrielIt's the FRAME NAME of the INSTANTIATED parent frame
19:22.08Beladonathat is why I like lua frame creation better. You have a little more control of things like that
19:23.03Dagenthis is my first attempt at writing a MOD, so I've got much to learn =/ I've never done LUA programming either which is making this even more interesting
19:23.17Beladonayou will get there
19:23.21Beladonajust take time, and practice
19:23.40Dagenyeah, one thing I've discovered is...there isn't a whole lot of good info out there..just bits and pieces scattered around :P
19:23.53JoshBorkeyea, you should see my first mod, it's awful
19:24.02JoshBorkehave you seen dagen?
19:24.02Beladonayour best resource, is other addons
19:24.08Beladonaand the default blizzard files
19:24.12Beladonaand wowwiki / wdn
19:24.23Beladonaleast that is what I use
19:24.27Dagenyeah, I found a MOD that has an interface really close to what I wanted
19:24.35Dagenso I grabbed that and started picking it apart
19:25.04Dagenand its really well written, thankfully so it hasn't been to difficult
19:25.32kergothwereHamster: well, thats the point, it doesnt scale, but nobody notices, since hardly anything supports it :) i started adding ifm support to a number of addons in my addon set :P
19:25.47Dagenmy first MOD admittedly might be a little optimistic in terms of complexity :P
19:26.09Legorolkergoth: thanks for helping out earlier with my compile troubles
19:26.17JoshBorke( wereHamster ): for PUF, do I need to enable an option to get it working with IFM?
19:26.19Legoroli had to catch a bus so i never quite got to thank you :)
19:26.26Dagenbut, I haven't seen something like this done really well yet.. and its badly needed, I think
19:26.34Legorol[19:42] <krka> then again i only made simple useless stuff :)
19:26.35kergothLegorol: ah, you got it fixed then? no problem
19:26.40Legorolno not yet
19:26.52Legorolkrka: don't be so blatantly modest
19:27.00Legoroldoesn't look good on you ;-)
19:27.13Legorolkergoth: i will try and fix it now
19:27.21Legorolcould you answer something for me:
19:27.27DagenJosh: sorry I missed your question to me.. yeah I've been to
19:27.34Legorolif there is an -lxxx option on the compile line, will it look for libxxx.a or
19:27.37Legorolwill it look for both?
19:28.00kergothLegorol: it will look for both, preferring the latter, unless the link line has -static, in which case itll only use the former
19:28.16kergothgnu ld does, anyway.  other linkers almost certainly behave differently
19:28.22Dagenand its good if you already know what you're doing because basically seems like a function reference more than anything
19:28.30kergothgnu ld does have an option that lets you force a link of static/shared for individual -l's on the link line
19:28.34Legorolso if i recompile openssl with shared support, the Neon makefiles should still work fine
19:28.38kergothbut its sort of voodoo
19:28.45wereHamsterJoshBorke, PCUF uses it when you have IFM installed
19:28.45Legoroland what about the other way around..
19:28.53Legorolhow would i coerce Neon into using the -ldl
19:29.00kergothit doesnt need to if openssl is shared
19:29.02Legoroloh, you answered that already, didn't you.. LIBS or something
19:29.05Legorolyeah i know
19:29.07kergoththe gnu linker supports one shared lib pulling in another
19:29.08Legorolbut i'd prefer the static solution
19:29.21kergoththen yeah, its generally LIBS or so, but it depends upon the buildsystem
19:29.36wereHamsterkergoth, I have never really gotten feedback from developers .. so i don't know how I could improve it further..
19:30.12kergothi really do love ifm, maybe i'll send over some feature requests
19:30.21kergoth~emulate kergoth
19:30.25purlACTION hacks on OZ, OE, bitbake, and other projects.
19:30.31kergothaw, wrong one
19:30.55Dagenheh, I just realized kergoth is very close to a guy I know that used to play who's name is kaergoth :P
19:31.29Legorolyay, specifying LIBS before ./configure worked at least
19:31.34Legorolnow let's see if i can get it compiled
19:32.41kergothgood luck
19:32.47Legorolkergoth, one reason i'd prefer static is that i only tend to have the openssl libs around for compiling
19:32.49Legorolthen i zap the whole thing
19:32.57Legorolif it's a shared library, it'd have to stay, right?
19:33.15kergothi tend to just install everything into ~/.root, deps and all, and forget about it
19:33.29Legorolok, one more question:
19:33.45Legorolif i specify LIBS=-ldl, does it mean that the dl lib also gets statically linked into the final executable
19:33.58Legorolor will it depend on the dynamic version of dl
19:34.11kergothnot static, as does exist (almost certainly)
19:34.15kergothls /usr/lib/libdl.*
19:47.07Mikk1Dagen: Debugging for WoW? You want
19:47.51krkaLegorol: blatant modesty is what i do best!
19:48.00krka1-1 ESP-FRA w00t!
19:48.28Legorolwhat is ESP-FRA?
19:48.31Legorolis that some new AddOn?
19:48.37krkaMikk1, is wowbench in any usable state yet?
19:48.43krkaspain - france
19:48.59krkabut you already knew that :P
19:49.04Legorolkergoth: there is both libdl.a and
19:49.30Mikk1krka: yes
19:49.36Mikk1all depends on what APIs you use
19:49.38Mikk1and what you need to debug
19:49.48Legorolkrka: would i've asked if i've known that? ;-)
19:49.49krkahow much of the api is implemented? in rough figures
19:49.55LegorolMikk1: i never got to reply, grats for getting it working
19:49.59Legoroli'll try it out :)
19:50.04Legorolis it on SVN?
19:50.18Mikk1just "newses Playername" and switch with 1,2,3,4 =)
19:50.21krkai promise to try wowbench out next time i take the time to write something
19:50.41Legorolkrka: i've only just installed it today myself
19:50.44Legorolvery curious about it though
19:51.05krkai bet i'll love it, since i hate developing with wow running
19:51.10krka1) it's distracting 2) it's inefficient
19:51.20krkawhich is why i've done so many algorithmic-heavy addons
19:51.25LegorolMikk1: yay, you fixed the quotes too :)
19:51.29krkathey can easily be tested without wow running
19:51.42Legoroli thought you only did simple addons :p
19:51.45krkaFAIAP was written almost completely without using wow
19:51.55krkathat's equivalent
19:52.02Mikk1Legorol: Quotes? o.O
19:52.04krkasimple = algorithmic heavy
19:52.05JoshBorkefor all indents and purposes =D
19:52.10krkadifficult = gui crap
19:52.26Mikk1yeah =)
19:52.43wereHamsterFAIAP is very useful .. :)
19:53.12Mikk1now i've just got to get the sessions to actually communicate with eachother
19:53.19Mikk1i.e. queue up chats for now
19:53.49Mikk1Shouldn't be more than a matter of queueing events in the appropriate session(s) really
19:54.29krkahm, i'm pretty sure i've plugged FAIAP to you lego
19:54.54krkaMikk1, does that mean some sort of simplistic server model?
19:55.08krkawith whisper forwarding at its simplest+
19:55.17kergothsomewhere on my drive i've got a crazy .lua that parses wow color codes and emits the escape codes to show that color in an 88/256 color rxvt/xterm
19:55.42kergoth(had to convert from rgba to the appropriate color cube)
19:56.00krkathat's neat
19:56.04kergothi was bored, what can i say
19:56.15krkaboredom is the source of all things neat
19:56.26TainFAIAP is one of the single greatest addons ever conceieved!
19:56.26Mikk1krka: nothing serverish for now. just have the clients "processes" queue events in eachother
19:57.07Mikk1Err I mean I'm fully utilizing the power of the modern P2P concept, thereby gaining synergistic blahblahblah
19:57.19krkameh, faiap is too simple. give credit to the huge ones... ctra, gatherer, auctioneer, et.c.
19:57.24kergothdamn, and here i am not playign buzzword bingo
19:57.32Legorolwow, i just did a dump of GameTooltip
19:57.34krkabuzzwords be gone!
19:57.42Legorolfrom the amount of info, it seems like you do serious parsing of the XML...
19:57.50Mikk1I parse everything
19:58.14Mikk1Go look at whatever FrameXML element you like
19:58.19krkabtw, a friend of mine suggested an in-game quest helper slash quest data gatherer
19:58.25kergothhmm, luasocket's ltn12 looks neat.  implementation of filters, sources, and sinks
19:58.26krkadoes such a thing exist? if not, why not?
19:58.35krkakitchen sinks?
19:58.45Legorolkrka: yes it does
19:58.53Legorolbtw, what is FAIAP
19:58.54Mikk1there's several quest data gatherers
19:58.57Legorolyou know drive me crazy ;-)
19:59.00krkai am thinking gathering quest start location, quest end location, quest item location, mob locations
19:59.04Legoroli personally use QuestHistory
19:59.08kergothkrka: questhistory does that
19:59.12Legorolwell not all of it
19:59.17krkacan you download quest data?
19:59.18Mikk1not mob locations i don't think
19:59.20Legorolit does do quest text, quest start location/NPC
19:59.28Mikk1i.e. target locations i
19:59.29Legorolfinish location, reward etc.
19:59.30krkaand put markers on the map?
19:59.37Legorolit doesn't record though where you complete steps of the quest
19:59.41Legorolnor put markers, no
19:59.48KarlKFIrawr, svn doesn't like my huge commit msg
19:59.49krkasharable data?
19:59.58Legorolin principle, not in practice
20:00.03Mikk1KarlKFI: Check in commit123456.txt and point to ti =P
20:00.03Legorolin fact, that's one thing that's a big pain about it
20:00.09Legorolsince you have to have it running to not miss quests,
20:00.22KarlKFI:P that's cheating
20:00.31Legorolif you move PC and you don't have the addon running, or you do but it starts with clean data,
20:00.37Legorolmerging the dat between your two PCs is a major pain
20:00.46KarlKFIis there a way to specify a file for message contents?
20:01.04krkahmm... merging shouldn't be so hard
20:01.05kergothi hate to say it (well  no, i really dont) but rtfm
20:01.36Mikk1I think KarlKFI has a problem with SVN not accepting the size of his message
20:01.40LegorolZOMG krka
20:01.47krkathe size of the message is unimportant!
20:02.04Mikk1Which is something other than putting "get my message from this file" on the command line
20:02.17krkayou hadn't seen it before Legorol? i could swear i bragged about it for ages before
20:02.20krkai still do!
20:02.25KarlKFIi would but my console hung when i tried to commit, but i'm not sure it's hung trying to commit the 5 megs of files or whether it jsut broke
20:02.41Mikk15 megs?!
20:02.42kergothif you're specifying the message with -m, be careful of commandline length limits.  most shells have them.
20:02.45Dagenwow one of these scourge things in stormwind unleashed a fear bomb and nearly crashed the game
20:02.50kergothhence, using a file to hold the message
20:02.54krkaooh, back to football game
20:03.14KarlKFIhmm, yeah prolly the shell's limit
20:03.26Mikk1rtfm nub =)
20:03.26krkaanyway Legorol, i think it parses the lua language 100% correctly, so it's kinda neat
20:03.44Legorolkrka: now i remember, you did complain about indendting etc.
20:03.45krkapastebin / emacs / et.c. fails
20:03.45KarlKFIyeah, but which manual..
20:03.45Legoroli remember discussing pains with positioning in editboxes etc.
20:03.50Legorolbut then i forgot about it all
20:04.04Legorolwell there was this one bit where you wanted to know how to find the cursor
20:04.07Legorolwithout parsing the whole editbox
20:04.09Legorolor something like that
20:04.10Mikk1KarlKFI: svn help commit
20:04.13kergothvim does pretty well, though it doesnt recognize that a given 'do ... end' block is a part of a 'while' statemetn, so they're highlighted differently
20:04.20kergothone of these days itll annoy me sufficiently and i'll fix it
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20:04.37wereHamsteris there any way to tell svn to ignore all *.pyc files?
20:04.43LegorolMikk1: so ehm.. if wowbench can't be started without arguments,
20:04.44kergothsvn propedit svn:ignore .
20:04.52Legoroland if all arguments do something..
20:04.59Mikk1Legorol: I know. It's a "duh" =P
20:05.01Legorolhow do i get a session where none of the arguments are in effect?
20:05.14Mikk1Legorol: Oh erhm argh arrf
20:05.21Mikk1Use "-v"
20:05.24Mikk1It doesn't hurt anything
20:05.26Legorole.g. i don't want quick, nor verbose
20:05.32Legorolyeah i was going to use verbose
20:05.39Mikk1Very good point there
20:05.46Mikk1I keep defaulting to loading the mod i'm working on
20:05.49Mikk1Didn't catch that one
20:06.07Legorolyou mean it doesn't load mods?
20:06.11Legoroldid i miss something?
20:06.16Mikk1It only loads what you tell it to load
20:06.27Legoroli thought it loaded the whole interface folder
20:06.36Mikk1nah. that'd take unnecessarily long
20:06.45Legorolbut... i'd like that
20:06.46Mikk1plus probably croak on some mod that's doing something ugly
20:06.51Legorolno wonder you get 10 sec load time :)
20:07.19Mikk1well i don't bloody need ct_raidassist and all of lootlink and auctioneer and questhistory when I just want to fiddle a single mod =)
20:07.31Kirkburn|wowOooh, patch:
20:07.33Endyou need them all
20:07.34Mikk1that's 10 megs of Lua shaved off right there =P
20:07.35EndALL OF THEM
20:07.58*** join/#wowi-lounge dan5981 (
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20:08.07Mikk1fwiw, FrameXML is bloody huge though
20:08.07LegorolMikk1: ok, another question
20:08.18Legorolwhich of the luac* files has the FrameXML precompiled code
20:08.22Legoroli see luac1, to luac10
20:08.25Legorolwhat are they :)
20:08.43Mikk1They're a workaround for the command line not handling all of framexml's files
20:08.56Mikk1It's in FrameXML/FrameXML.toc.luac
20:09.01krkabtw lego, i think you would appreciate some of the code in faiap, it's way cooler than at
20:09.39Mikk1Regular addons just get compiled to their foo.toc.luac files right off, but if the list is too huge it builds some intermediates like that and then combines them into the final luac
20:10.37krkagood stuff cair
20:10.38Mikk1It's kinda spiffy. It takes all of FrameXML's Lua, plus all of FrameXML's XML (converted into raw Lua!), and compiles it into one big luac
20:10.41Mikk1Gets quick =)
20:10.57kergothwhat do you use to parse the xml?
20:11.02Mikk1built-in parser
20:11.34Mikk1it basically translates XML elements that it encounters into lua code, and dumps the hardest job on the Lua parser =)
20:11.45LegorolMikk1: ok i am missing something
20:11.50Legoroli don't see a FrameXML.toc.lua
20:11.55Legorolall i see is 10 files in /tmp
20:11.55kergothah.  surprised you didnt use luaexpat
20:12.09Legorolwhich are named luac1, luac2, luac3 etc.
20:12.23Mikk1it's in the framexml dir
20:12.26KarlKFI--editor-cmd vim is pretty nifty
20:12.37Kirkburn|wowWait, no patch
20:12.44Kirkburn|wowPatch tomorrow: There is additional testing needed on this patch and is expected to be applied tommorrow 06/28/06.
20:12.45Mikk1kergoth: might have if i knew it existed =P
20:12.49Legorolright, so you are spewing stuff in the BlizzardInterface
20:12.52Legorolok that wasn't obvious
20:12.52Mikk1yea :P
20:13.05EndKarlKFI: for svn?  couldn't you just set SVN_EDITOR?
20:13.14Legorolbtw, editdump is awesome
20:13.18Legoroltied right in with SciTe
20:13.29Mikk1Aye. I'm using UltraEdit to do the same =)
20:13.40Mikk1Expand/hide subtables and all =)
20:13.47Legorolsame for SciTe
20:13.50KarlKFIif i knew how to do that end, maybe i could
20:13.56Legorolthe thing i love about SciTe is its inbuilt Lua interpreter
20:14.03Legoroledit a lua file, press F5 and it executes :)
20:14.22Mikk1oh? i just have a command defined in UltraEdit that runs my file under lua.exe
20:14.24Mikk1works too =)
20:14.27Legoroland the editor itself is customizable via, gosh, Lua!
20:14.39Mikk1i need to look at SciTe one of these days
20:14.45Legorolyou can add new menu items that execute Lua script ;_)
20:14.49Mikk1I also need to find a working Lua debugger
20:14.52Legorolunfortunatley the API documentation is poor
20:14.57Legorolwhich is to say its nonexistent
20:15.00EndKarlKFI: depends on your shell mostly
20:15.09Legorolwell i tried some..
20:15.10Mikk1Legorol: familiar situation then =)
20:15.12Legoroldid you try Blua?
20:15.15Legoroli haven't
20:15.17IndustrialHowmuch percent does rested add to what you gain? 100%? 50%?
20:15.25Legorolbut i tried LuaIDE, i think that had some debugging
20:15.30Legorolbut i don't know a good one
20:15.34Mikk1I've tried a bunch of debuggers but they all suck
20:15.39Mikk1Either they crash after 3 lines
20:15.43Mikk1Or can only handle a single file
20:16.03Mikk1Or fail to start at all regardless of how much massage I give them
20:16.11Legorolhehe, i had that too
20:16.18Legorolone of them outright crashed when i started it
20:16.19Legorolevery time
20:16.23Mikk1sounds like we've tried the same ones then =)
20:16.26Legorolcan't remember which one
20:16.49Legoroli would give UltraEdit a go if it was free
20:16.53Legorolpeople say its awesome
20:17.08Mikk1What? It isn't free?
20:17.10Legorolone thing i miss in SciTe is the ability to replace in multiple files at once
20:17.27Legorolit can replace (even using regex!) in all open files
20:17.33Legorolbut you first have to open all the files you are interested in
20:17.39Legorolit can search in multiple files
20:17.45Legorolbut still, you have to then open them
20:17.48Legorolso that sucks
20:18.03Mikk1sounds like a damn quick hack to do the last bit then
20:18.07Mikk1surprised it isn't done already
20:18.15Legoroli did manage to integrate it very nicely with windows explorer
20:18.22Legoroldouble-click a .lua and it opens in a new tab in SciTe
20:18.32Legorolwas an obscure option i had to set for that to work though
20:18.33Mikk1i mean, as a last resort, they could just find+open+replace everything and leave the windows floating for the user to save
20:18.42Mikk1(via save all presumably)
20:18.47Legorolstill a pain when you replace in 50 files
20:18.50Legorolyeah true
20:18.59Legorolit's only one step from the list of results for the search,
20:19.03Legorolto actually opening all those files
20:19.19Legorolat the moment it dumps the result of a search in a list,
20:19.23Legorolyou can doubleclick entries to open that file
20:19.32Legorollike in a usual IDE, it jumps to the line it found the entry on
20:19.42Legorolso it's gotta be trivial to make it open all search results
20:21.32TainI personally like SciTE better than UltraEdit
20:22.55Legorolyou're my man
20:23.10Beladonapart of the reason I love Dreamweaver is the ability to search, and replace in multiple files in a folder
20:23.20Beladonainsluding regex
20:23.59Beladonatis much faster to do it from the same program I am coding in
20:24.09Legorolvictory! finally compiled svn with ssl support
20:24.14kergothLegorol: grats
20:24.15Legorolthanks kergoth
20:24.19kergothno problem
20:24.21Legorolworked with the static openssl libs too
20:24.33Beladonagood work Lego
20:24.46Cairenn~applaud Legorol
20:24.55purlACTION pins Legorol to the wall with steak knives, then gives Legorol a hanging ovation
20:24.55JoshBorke~cheers Legorol
20:24.58BeladonaI am still on the lookout for a "personal" svn-like system
20:25.09Beladonasomething for someone to use who doesn't care about multiple people accessing it
20:25.19Beladonajust for code history, etc...
20:25.41Legorolok i hate Linux a bit less now..
20:25.44JoshBorkeyou know, clad|sleep is one tough cookie to get in touch with...
20:25.48Legorolfeeling better now that i managed to get it to compile
20:25.59CairennJoshBorke: you just need the right touch ;)
20:26.06BeladonaI never had an issue
20:26.11Beladonacontacting clad
20:26.23Beladonabut tahts because clad is my hero
20:26.46TainYou've got the touch.  You've got the power.
20:27.01CairennTain, no.  Just, no.
20:27.17Mikk1Beladona: that'll be SVN operating on top of a straight filesystem repository
20:28.13Mikk1I use it myself for that at home. Put the repo for computer 1 on computer 2 and vice versa for backup purposes
20:28.28Mikk1(Just remote mounting the hard drives back and forth)
20:28.57Legorolehm.. Mikk1, i am having some problem here with wowbench
20:29.01Legoroldo you think i can run it by you?
20:29.09Legorolsorry to go on about it so much today
20:29.13Legorolbrand new toy and i'm lovin' it ;-)
20:30.56Legorolok, so i am trying:
20:31.01Legorollua wowbench.lua EquipCompare
20:31.27Legorolwhat i get is:
20:31.55BeladonaMikk1: already had something like that, but I am talking more simple than that. I don't necessarily like running server systems on my desktop
20:32.12Beladonaguess its a personal pet peeve of mine
20:34.07LegorolBeladona: you don't need a server
20:34.17LegorolTortoise is capable of using a file based repository
20:34.19Legorolwith no server process
20:34.37Legoroli am sure that under Linux too there is some way for the svn command to work off-of a simple file-based repo
20:34.46kergothsvn co file:///var/lib/svn/foo
20:35.05Legorolthere is also RCS
20:35.11JoshBorkedon't you have to give it a repository?
20:35.25JoshBorkebut you can create a svn repo in linux quite easily
20:35.54kergothJoshBorke: yes, thats whats being discussed, and what that svn co command uses
20:36.02Endra_local ftw
20:36.41Legorolkergoth: i just tried, for me that doesn't initialise a repo
20:36.49Endsvnadmin create
20:36.53Legorolhow do you initialise it?
20:37.01kergoththats a checkout, not a repo creation
20:37.03JoshBorkewhat end said
20:37.05Legorolunder Tortoise you don't even need that ;-)
20:37.06kergothmake sure you use --fs-type
20:37.12kergothit defaults to bdb, which sucks
20:37.21Endkergoth: only on older versions of svn
20:37.23kergothuse svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /path/to/repoyouwant
20:37.28Endcurrent version defaults to fsfs
20:37.32kergothah, good
20:37.52Endbdb is faster one like one or two things, but a lot less reliable
20:37.59Endand fsfs is faster on other things
20:38.16Endand fsfs doesn't require write access to read
20:38.24Endfsfs > bdb
20:38.40Legoroland bdb needs me to get yet another dep, and struggle with compiling it ;-)
20:38.46Endthat's true too
20:38.46Legorolwhereas fsfs works off the bat
20:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Zino (
20:39.03EndI don't think I even have bdb support compiled into my server
20:39.51Mikk1Beladona: Hum? It's not a server thingy
20:39.55Mikk1You're just running the svn client
20:39.59Kirkburn|wowSpiderman 3 trailer!
20:40.14Endwhoops, I did svnadmin create help instead of svn help create
20:40.15LegorolMikk1: did you see my PM?
20:40.23EndI was like, I wonder what the help message is
20:40.29Endinstead I ended up with a repository called help
20:40.51EndI used to put dotfiles in CVS
20:41.01Endbut when I switched over to svn, I got lazy
20:41.01kergoth :)
20:41.30Endplus, that was around when I started playing WoW, so I started spending a lot more time in windows
20:41.45kergothcedega! :)
20:42.59kergoththe two weeks of a job after giving notice suck
20:43.32TainSo do the first two weeks of starting a new job.
20:43.38TainOh, and the time between the two.
20:43.40kergothand all the weeks in between
20:44.06KarlKFIlol work sux
20:44.20Endyeah, but whatcha gonna do about?
20:44.29TainBuy lottery tickets.
20:45.03Kirkburn|wowBah, nearly a year until Spiderman 3 :(
20:45.17TainAnd still a couple months until Snakes on a Plane.
20:45.19KarlKFIdamn, HD trailer
20:45.26EndI don't think Kirkburn|wow is really playing WoW
20:45.32EndI think he's distttracted
20:45.56KirkburnGot my druid to level 7 :)
20:46.34KirkburnThen got distracted by food and the France v Spain game
20:49.32KirkburnNice optical illusion:
20:56.19krkadamn it france won
20:56.33krkathe teams i've cheered for have consistently lost
20:59.21clad|sleepJoshBorke: You can always email me =)
20:59.25clad|sleepi respond to email in 0.2 seconds
20:59.42Cairennkrka: solution for you - cheer for whomever you want to see lose
20:59.55krkait's hard :(
21:00.02kergothcladhaire: why do you nil out your local at the end of the plugin .lua?  it's a local in that function/hunk scope anyway, will get gc'd regardless
21:00.16cladhaireyeah i know
21:00.17cladhairehabit =)
21:00.21cladhairein case peopel dont make them local
21:00.24cladhairemaube they'll nil them
21:00.32kergothcladhaire: on another note, clique's ui is somewhat unintuitive at first... once you get how its done, its a breeze, but at first it isnt clear, and i'm not sure how that can be improved
21:00.37JoshBorkeah ha!
21:00.41cladhairekergoth: Tutorial =)
21:00.58cladhairekergoth: other than that, I'm not sure what I can do.. bt i'm planning a tutorial
21:01.04cladhaireif not FRAPS'd, in-game
21:01.10kergothsome in game tooltips might help.  when i mouseover a spell with clique open, tell me what clicking on it will do?
21:01.13cladhaire*hug* Cairenn
21:01.19cladhairekergoth: tootlips were just added
21:01.27kergothoh, great, thatll be a big help
21:01.29JoshBorkeooo, time to update...
21:01.30cladhairetoday pushed Clique 0.0001 from Beta =)
21:01.35cladhaireJoshBorke: DONT
21:01.36cladhaireits broken
21:01.36cladhairei bet
21:01.38Kirkburnkrka, can you cheer for Portugal then?
21:01.39cladhaireuntested code
21:01.40JoshBorke( cladhaire ): lol
21:01.50JoshBorke( cladhaire ): i put in Perl CLassic Unit Frames support
21:01.57Mikk1did sweden get kicked out yet?
21:01.58JoshBorkebtw, PCUF SUCK for putting in support
21:02.02cladhairecool, you'll probably need to report it.
21:02.03krkai am cheering for portugal!
21:02.04cladhaireyeah they do
21:02.22krkayup, sweden is out
21:02.31Mikk1ah. frenzy over then. mostly.
21:02.39KirkburnYay, cheer for portugal :) England needs the support ;)
21:02.55cladhaireonly five errors
21:03.02KirkburnNoob sweden lost to germany
21:03.31Mikk1hehe whatta nubish thing to do =P
21:03.32krkagermany played pretty good... or sweden played pretty bad
21:03.34krkaor both
21:05.09kergothjesus, 181 addons in my addons dir, not counting the ones i'm testing out
21:08.31Dagenheh.. I have 58
21:08.47DagenI like fast load times :P
21:09.22kergothhehe. i should trim, i miss fast load times :\
21:09.54Dagenyeah, when I'm testing my own addons I go further and just disable every addon besides the one I'm working on
21:10.22Dagenand lower all settings to the minimum so I can reload the ui faster
21:11.37krkahm.... why does sweden have so many addon coders. it's spooky
21:12.14TainIkea isn't hiring?
21:12.42krkamust be it
21:12.50TemKarlKFI, you around?
21:12.56Dagenanyone here from Dragonmaw by chance?
21:13.10TemI require knowledge of how to make an edgefile
21:13.36Dagenoh well, it was worth a shot... :P
21:14.04TemIs anyone around that knows how to make an edgefile?
21:14.32krkawhat is it?
21:14.57Temfor use with frame:SetBackdrop
21:15.33Dagenis there some way to make Visual Studio able to parse lua and do all the syntax highlighting and stuff?
21:15.39Dagenfor VS 2003
21:15.54JoshBorke( cladhaire ): i'm having some trouble with clique =/
21:15.58Tembut I wouldn't bother
21:16.03Temget SciTe or something
21:16.07KarlKFIanyone know how to catch how much $ drops on a mob?
21:16.12TemVS is so... bloated
21:16.19KarlKFIGetLootSlotLink9i0 will be nil..
21:16.24Dagenwell, for the other part of my addon I'm using C#
21:16.35TemKarlKFI, ya gimme a second to look up ho wI did it in my code
21:16.40JoshBorke( cladhaire ): i can't click cast on myself
21:16.41Dagenand yeah its bloated, but I love the editor
21:16.42Mikk1Devstudio is down at the bottom
21:16.48TemKarlKFI, edgefiles
21:17.45krkaweird... why isn't emacs mentioned?
21:17.55TemKarlKFI, LootSlotIsCoin
21:18.00JoshBorkebecause emacs is the devil
21:18.01Temand GetLootSlotInfo
21:18.01cladhaireJoshBorke: ... what version?
21:18.04*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
21:18.17krkalike that's a bad thing
21:18.17kergothkrka: emacs didnt get a lua-mode until recently
21:18.21TemKarlKFI, you made an edgefile for ChatBar
21:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
21:18.23kergothso maybe its that
21:18.26cladhaireJoshBorke: hrm?
21:18.30Temcan you explain to me how to make them?
21:18.35krkaerr.. it's been around for a while
21:18.45krkaway before wow
21:18.50Irielkergoth : You're using 'recently' in the "several years" sense
21:19.16TemIriel, have you messed with edgefiles at all?
21:19.23Iriellua-mode started in 1997
21:19.27Dagenwell...crap, this doesnt have the collapsing feature with it..oh well
21:19.31Temor is this another mostly unedplored territory
21:19.34krkawhat hasn't iriel done?!
21:19.35IrielTem: What's an edgefile?
21:19.48IrielYou mean the backdrop things?
21:19.54kergothi must be thinking of it being merged into emacs proper, not the creation of it.
21:19.55Tem{edgefile = ... }
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21:20.21IrielI got to the point that I think I understand how they work, but I admit I haven't actually validated that
21:20.25krkahmm... i wonder if FAIAP would get removed if i added it here:
21:20.30TemI'm trying to make one
21:20.36KarlKFIedgefiels are evil
21:20.54KarlKFImore voodoo than xml
21:20.54IrielIsn't it just a box that's stretched appropriately?
21:20.54IrielOr are they more fiddly?
21:20.57Temthey are fidly
21:21.15Temthere seems to be 2 corner sections
21:21.20KarlKFIbest advice i can give you is to mess with TellTrack or ChatBar
21:21.29Temk, thanks
21:21.37KarlKFIi tend to reinvent the wheel every time i do it
21:21.39IrielDo you have one in non-blizzard form I can look at?
21:22.07KarlKFIand CHatBar is so hax cause it has more layers than 1 frame can take
21:22.59KarlKFIlot of trial and error
21:23.01KarlKFIesp getting the alpha to work
21:23.13KarlKFIi can dig up the psd file maybe
21:24.02KarlKFImaybe not
21:26.15KarlKFIthink it's liek top, bottom, left, right, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright
21:26.47KarlKFI<AbsValue val="8"/>
21:27.07KarlKFIval being the width of each part in the tga file
21:27.42KarlKFIso the file would be 64x8
21:28.22Mikk1here's a random idea
21:28.29Mikk1document it on the wiki when you've figured it out =)
21:28.36Mikk1Category: UI Technical Details
21:29.00KarlKFIthen I'd have to make a whole page and organize it and make a tutorial..
21:29.10Mikk1Stub/API gogo =)
21:29.14IrielLooking at this file it doesn't look that difficult
21:29.22IrielLet me throw together a simple version
21:29.36KarlKFIit's not really that difficult. it's just implimenting it and making it look good that's difficult
21:32.03Temwhere can I get Tell Track?
21:32.17KarlKFICosmos or curse
21:32.29IrielI grabbed it from curse
21:33.09Temya, I found it there too
21:33.40Temok, here's what I don't understand
21:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge mjc (
21:34.55Temhow does the rendering engine figure out where each section is?
21:35.10Temis it some kind of fraction of the image size?
21:35.18KarlKFIi jsut told you
21:35.42KarlKFI[14:26] <KarlKFI>      <AbsValue val="8"/>
21:35.42KarlKFI[14:26] <KarlKFI>     </EdgeSize>
21:35.42KarlKFI[14:27] <KarlKFI>val being the width of each part in the tga file
21:35.42KarlKFI[14:27] <KarlKFI>so the file would be 64x8
21:36.00Temoh I'm sorry
21:36.06Temthe chick from the helpdesk came in
21:36.12TemI was ... distracted
21:36.14IrielThe image size shouldn't matter at all
21:36.23IrielThe engine just splits the image into 8 slices
21:36.32IrielEdgeSize says how wide a slice is on the screen
21:37.07IrielThat's a WILD GUESS based on how the rest of the engine works.
21:37.15IrielBut I document it as fact on the wiki and wait for tem to test it 8-)
21:37.29IrielI'll let Mikk categorize and stubify it 8-)
21:37.35TemI'll try to hack something together this afternoon
21:37.37IrielTeam work and delegation, you see 8-)
21:37.41Temand once my boss leaves I'll test it
21:37.56KarlKFIthe real fun part is getting a patterned bg and border to look good together
21:37.58IrielPersonally I'd make a test file with each piece a different color and verify the assumptions that way
21:38.10IrielKarlKFI : The edge is repeated rather than stretched, right?
21:38.19TemI won't be using a pattern
21:38.32TemI just want something very similar to the tooltip border
21:38.34Mikk1Iriel: Done, and that ain't a stub. I know what stubs look like =P
21:38.35KarlKFImmm, i dont remember
21:38.46Temonly different enough to be different
21:38.54Tem(and clearly not a tooltip)
21:38.55KarlKFIthink the edge is streatched
21:39.05KarlKFIand bg is tiled
21:39.16KarlKFIbut i think you can set the tile size
21:39.25KarlKFIso you can make it stretch and tile
21:39.29KarlKFIthe bg
21:39.52Temso, does the hight matter?
21:39.55KarlKFIlike i said, i tend to forget in between uses
21:40.30KarlKFIthink height is same as piece width
21:40.49Temthat would make sense
21:41.46IrielThe IMAGE size should make no difference whatsoever
21:41.57Irieldoing so would be inconsistent with every other part of the UI
21:42.22Irielall that matters should be the EdgeSize, which says how wide it's stretched. I imagine the UI engine pretends each of the slices is square
21:42.58KarlKFIwell you test that and tell me cause even after makign two successful edges i still dont know
21:47.08KarlKFIbut then it's not really surprising my tiral and error techniques
21:50.00IndustrialWho here plays paladin?
21:50.11IndustrialI need a talent template to level
21:51.40KarlKFIit's been a really long time since i leveled
21:54.17KarlKFIholy ret is prolly best lvling
21:54.28KarlKFIget seal of command and pursuit of justice
21:54.57KarlKFIspiritual focus and illumination
21:55.09cladhaireWow.. i hate when an error trips you up,and its something stupid like "Hostile" instead of "Friendly"
21:57.34JoshBorkelol cladhaire
21:57.39Industrialpursuit of justice seems useles.. :|
21:58.42cladhaireJoshBorke: That version should be good.. we can work on plugin stuff whenever you're ready =)
22:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
22:01.11JoshBorkesec, fighting a dumb druid :D
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22:12.53Industrialwtf is up with that
22:13.01IndustrialWOHOO 1 MORE DAMAGE HUH!!!!
22:13.49Gngskthe point is to double the mana cost
22:15.17JoshBorkenerf paladins =D
22:15.32JoshBorkepursuit of justice IS useless =D
22:15.51Industrialthats just crap
22:15.57Industrialbut i will move on
22:16.05Industrial20 my tomorrow
22:16.07IndustrialI hope
22:17.14Gngskonce you get to 30, you can use the imba leveling guide that was linked here last night
22:17.24Industrialurl? xD
22:17.30kergothwhat's imba mean, anyway?
22:18.02GngskI only read the 30-41 section, but it's really nice
22:18.03Industrialwow nice site
22:18.22Gngsktells you which quests to snag, where to set your hearth, which flight paths to pickup and everything
22:21.26KarlKFIpursuit of justice is useless at 60
22:21.46KarlKFIseems to me it'd be fairly nice to have till you have 3 sets of gear tho
22:22.31KarlKFIor.. instead of using a guide.. you could actually play the game
22:22.58ShadowedKarlKFI: Not sure about a paladin, but for Warriors/Rogues if you PVP with run speed to boots for about  aday you'll love it
22:23.06TemPursuit of Justice is the run speed thing, yes?
22:23.10Gngskguides are meant for 2nd, 3rd and 4th toons, etc
22:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:23.39KarlKFIrun and moutn speed
22:23.41Temthat owns in pvp
22:24.08KarlKFIit's great if you want to use other enchants or dont have gear swappign mods
22:24.21KarlKFIbut 3 mount speed enchants is faster
22:25.34Cide- - paid char transfers (only 5 realms so far)
22:25.36ShadowedWell, if you're using it for mount speed then it's a waste of talent points.
22:26.00ShadowedBut my DPS boots on my Warrior/Rogue both have it on and it's invaluable
22:27.39KarlKFIright, run speed is why it's good. but it doesn't stack
22:27.56KarlKFImight as well get the AB boots
22:28.14ShadowedDoes anyone know if you're allowed to transfer to any server off of the 5 listed?
22:28.37ShadowedKarlKFI: I'd rather have chromatic boots with run speed then AB boots really, better DPS
22:29.20TainThere's a list, Shadowed.
22:29.21TemOk, I'm doing something stupid
22:29.22*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
22:29.27TemI can't seem to show a texture
22:31.17ShadowedYes! Icecrown isn't on the list
22:31.18Temis texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\Test\\texturename") wrong?
22:32.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
22:32.49KarlKFIshould work tem
22:32.59KarlKFIthe file was there when opennign the game i hope
22:33.49*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:34.20Temwhatever, I'll fool with it later
22:35.05Endhmm, my realm isn't eligible to transfer to
22:35.21End(which is probably a good thing)
22:38.38Dagenoh god they're allowing transfers to my realm.. nooooo!
22:38.58Cide-which realm?
22:39.00Dagenour server is so freaking laggy as it is during raid times
22:39.23Cide-they're allowing transfers to most realms
22:39.27Cide-I doubt you'll notice an increase
22:39.43DagenI mean its gotten so bad that we've had complete lockups for a solid minute during boss fights consistently.. and we'd have to cancel raids
22:39.56Dagenits so bad
22:40.25KirkburnInstances aren't on the same server btw
22:41.10DagenI know, but if you let more people transfer over they will most likely be raiding too... which just means even more lag
22:41.35KirkburnI can't actually find that thread :/
22:41.54KirkburnWhere is it mentioned?
22:41.54Endmost of the lockups I've seen occur in ZG o_O
22:42.26Enda couple nights ago, right in the middle of engaging a boss, and the...nothing happens
22:42.50Endabout a minute later half the raid is dead
22:43.02Dagenit happened to us last week in BWL...we were on firemaw and the game locked for everyone for like a solid minute
22:43.33Dagenits so frustrating.. cause wiping like that isnt cheap
22:43.41Endyeah I know
22:43.53Cairennummm, guys, those are the realms that you can transfer *from*
22:43.56Dagenyou're talking like around 100g per raid wipe =/
22:44.12KirkburnPaid Char Transfers have just gone active?
22:44.13Dagenwell, there's like 5 realms you can transfer from
22:44.24CairennKirkburn: yes
22:44.34KirkburnI just saw it on the website :P
22:44.36Cairennbut that list is the ones that you can transfer *from*
22:44.45DagenI know.. my realm isnt listed there
22:44.57Dagenbut, those people can transfer to my realm
22:45.00Cairennnot the list that you can transfer *to* ... you can transfer *to* any realm you want, within the guidelines
22:45.12Dagenyes, thats what I'm complaining about :P
22:45.17Cairennokay, just the way you were saying it
22:45.26DagenI dont want more people transferring to my server lol
22:45.27KirkburnCripes, you're complaining because there's the *possibility* of it occuring?
22:45.38KirkburnWhy would anyone choose Dragonmaw?
22:45.39Dagenwe have too many already!
22:45.45KirkburnIf you've got problems
22:45.48Dagenback when I started, it was a low pop server
22:45.51Dagenwhich was nice
22:45.54Dagenno lag at all
22:46.06Dagenand all my friends were on it
22:46.21Dagenso there you go :P
22:46.33KirkburnFailing to see the connection :)
22:46.41EndCairenn: it shows realms you -can't- transfer to as well
22:46.46Endand that's what we were looking at I think
22:46.49Dagenits not that hard...I got the game to play with my friends
22:46.50CairennEnd: it does? where?
22:46.59Dagenmy friends were on Dragonmaw, so I went there
22:47.05ThraeIriel around?
22:47.14Endon the linked page
22:47.19kergothis there a page with the list of valid fields for a .toc file?
22:47.25KirkburnDagen, but why would everyone choose Dragonmaw now? It'll spread over allll the realms
22:47.31Endbelow the five is another 30 or so
22:47.31DagenI dont know
22:47.41Cairennuh huh, and do you know why?
22:47.41Endand the 30 are the list of invalid desitinations
22:47.42KirkburnYou worry for no reason ;)
22:48.12Cairennbecause (I'm guessing here), the ones opened up are PvE ... you aren't allowed to transfer PvE to PvP
22:48.26Endaren't there more pvp realms than that?
22:48.27IrielThrae : Partly
22:48.27Dagenwell, we might get a bunch of 15 year old kids joining our server because some douche created these stupid staged pvp videos on our server that is fairly popular
22:48.53EndAegwynn is a pvp server
22:49.04Endand it isn't in the ineligible list
22:49.07KirkburnMore fool them for not researching properly ... I really wouldn't worry about it =)
22:49.13ThraeIriel: Is there an easy way to make sure my mod registers for an event before any other?
22:49.14EndCairenn, I think you are wrong
22:49.25Cairennodd, but one of the things they said is that you can't transfer PvE => PvP
22:49.26End(I just looked at the first pvp realm on the realm status page)
22:49.30Endwell yes
22:49.37KirkburnNot PvP --> PvE?
22:49.44EndAlter of Storms
22:49.47CairennPvP => PvE is fine
22:49.47Endis a pvp realm
22:49.52Cairennbut not the other way around
22:49.53Endnot pve
22:49.57ThraeIf I rename it !TinyTip, then it registers first and everything's fine, but that's hacky.
22:50.10KirkburnAh yeah, just checked the FAQ, indeed so :P
22:50.16EndCairenn, I'm not sure why you assumed all five initial were pve
22:50.22Cairennas I said, I was guessing
22:50.23DagenI think it would be cool if I could transfer to a low pop realm, thing is I dont think the rest of my guild would
22:50.28Endwell, here's my guess
22:50.38Cairenn(18:48:05) Cairenn: because (I'm guessing here), the ones opened up are PvE ... you aren't allowed to transfer PvE to PvP
22:50.42IrielThrae : No.
22:50.48Endthe ineligible are most of the high/full :P
22:50.53IrielThrae : and the naming trick doesn't work for all OS'es
22:51.20ThraeIriel: So what am I left with?
22:51.25KarlKFIwhich OS's doesn't it work on?
22:51.50End(ok, maybe all of the high/full)
22:51.52IrielKarlKFI : Any with a filesystem that returns values in an order other than name order
22:51.58End(I thought there was more that were marked high)
22:52.00IrielKarlKFI : Possibly windows, or mac, or wine on linux
22:52.10IrielThrae : You're left with "You can't guarantee that, ever"
22:52.40ThraeOK, I'll just rename to !TinyTip and let those few suffer.
22:52.43Endok, a "low" pop realm is on the ineligible list too
22:52.58Cairennnot sure what their criteria are, then
22:53.03KirkburnIt's probably technical thing there a way to check if an event has already been registered by a non-Blizzard addon?
22:53.17IrielGenerally needing to get an event 'before everyone else' is the sign of a fragile design
22:53.33Endactually, only one of the transfer from is RP, rest are pvp
22:55.00ThraeIriel: UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT is used by most tooltips to add information to it. Since TinyTip starts with a T and MonkeyQuest and MobInfo start with a M, TinyTip's event fires after them.
22:55.25ThraeIn both cases, MonkeyQuest and MobInfo2 are suppose add info to the tooltips after every other mod does.
22:55.53Thraes/fires after them/fires after them on most machines, including mine/
22:56.12kergothThrae: sounds like you need to parse the tip you're given to grab any extra lines before you manipulate it
22:56.16kergothor something
22:56.46IrielSo why aren't you hooking the tooltips' Set methods?
22:56.55IrielOh, nevermind, the mouseover one
22:57.08ThraeIriel: Eh?
22:57.10Irielthat's a bit tricky, though you can always do :SetUnit("mouseover") and be done with it
22:57.21KarlKFII dont spose there's any way to track xp except by parsing chat
22:57.23IrielWell, the mouseover unit doesn't call SetUnit on the tooltip object explicitly
22:57.40Gryphenxp bar?
22:57.47ThraeIriel: I already hook SetUnit, but that's not called by default with UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT.
22:57.55KarlKFIi need to know what mob it came from :/
22:58.35ThraeWhen the tooltip's parent == UIParent, SetUnit is not called. When it's from any other frame, SetUnit is called. UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT is an event only called when the tooltip owner is UIParent.
22:59.48KarlKFIbeen so long since i got xp i don't even remember how it works..
23:00.42Thraekergoth: Sometimes NPCs can have extra information added to their tooltips, like "Baker", or "Saber Handler". Not sure if there's a way to get that information otherwise.
23:00.52JoshBorkekirkburn: you here?
23:01.11JoshBorkethat would be a no...
23:03.52KarlKFIwow, all the COMBATLOG_XPGAIN are in the global strings, and there's a ton of them..
23:16.48Temwhy does this not work>?
23:18.46Tem(and by "not work," I mean that the texture isn't shown
23:22.29Cide-2^x * 2^y dimensions?
23:23.16Tem32 x 256
23:23.38Temreverse that
23:23.52Tembut ya both dimetions are powers of 2
23:25.36Temok, I got a different texture to show up
23:25.41Temso now I'm just baffled
23:26.56Temok, so at least I know I'm not crazy with the coding side
23:27.40Cide-missing alpha?
23:27.55Temno, I have an alpha chan
23:28.00Temperhaps I'm backwards?
23:28.17Cide-what do you mean?
23:28.38Temblack is hide fully transparant; white is fully opaque, yes?
23:29.01Tems/hide //
23:29.15Tem(in the alpha channel)
23:29.34Cide-I can never remember, I usually just reverse it and see if it works better :P
23:30.18Temguess I'll try that then
23:34.10TemI'm graphically retarded
23:35.57Temwell, I had the alpha channel right
23:36.23Tembut, something is making the parts of my texture that should be visible, transparent
23:37.34IrielUpload your .tga ?
23:38.39TemI'm going to try one more thing
23:38.40Temthen yes
23:41.38Temnow it's ignoring my alpha channel
23:41.52TemI *hate* working with textures
23:42.28KarlKFItakes a bit of effort
23:43.11TemI'm not very good at it so I get frustrated quickly
23:45.49Tems/not very good/terrible/
23:47.07TemI had to name it .zip
23:47.11Temrename it to .tga
23:47.29Tem(yes, I'm too lazy to actually zip it)
23:51.59TemIriel, anything jump out at you when you look at it?
23:57.45Tem(this time it's a real zip)
23:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
23:59.55IrielHm, it has no alpha layer

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.