irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060625

00:02.53KirkburnIt causes errors?
00:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge yammygirlcoding (
00:06.33*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:06.37yammygirlcodinggood evening all !!
00:07.05yammygirlcodingCide- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:10.45yammygirlcodingguys anyone has already worked on the bug with ct_movablebags and the keyringbag?
00:11.00yammygirlcodingI'm trying to fix the bug myself but i'd like to have some tips :)
00:11.04KirkburnThe exclamation marks, they attack me so :(
00:11.43Cide-yammygirlcoding: hi :)
00:11.50yammygirlcodingcide! \o/
00:12.05yammygirlcodingkael gave me good recomendations about u :)
00:12.26Cide-but yes, we have fixed it
00:12.45yammygirlcodingah u have? it seems the coder abandoned the addon :(
00:13.08Cide-I have no clue who originally wrote it
00:13.14Cide-I have edited it quite a bit though
00:13.18yammygirlcodinga 'pos' guy
00:13.36yammygirlcodingI'm trying to fix it but i'm not very skilled with lua yet :(
00:15.16yammygirlcodingI get this : attemp to index local 'mover' ( a nil value )
00:15.43yammygirlcodingI'm guessing if I put a if( mover ) before using it it will work. but i'm not sure if this is enough
00:15.49yammygirlcodingany suggestions?
00:15.50Kirkburn(woo, MsgPlusLive 4:
00:16.21yammygirlcoding( ct_movablebags bug )
00:18.13Cide-that would just circumvent the problem
00:18.21Cide-it wouldn't error, but it wouldn't work
00:18.30Cide-if you can, fix the root of the problem :)
00:18.56yammygirlcodingI know very little of lua here hehe *blush*
00:19.15Cide-it's going to be quite hard to 'fix' then
00:19.18yammygirlcodinghow can I track this root? :)
00:19.34Cide-you need to figure out why it errors
00:19.45Cide-and then fix that
00:19.46yammygirlcodingany idea if the keyring bag is movable?
00:19.55Cide-my updated version does that
00:20.39yammygirlcodingu have a workin updated version for movable bags?
00:20.46Cide-(the bag has an index of -2, whereas the mod only checked for 0 through 10 before)
00:20.59Cide-and download CT_Addons
00:21.54yammygirlcodinghmm i've reached to that very part. I took this -2 id and was like 'why the hell it is negative' hehe
00:23.02yammygirlcodingi downloaded the lastest ct pack, but it is still bugged :(
00:24.05Cide-not for me :)
00:24.17Cide- (make sure you aren't getting fooled by your cache)
00:26.53yammygirlcodingI got this same version today, 1.855. and the movablebags still error. doesnt error with you?
00:29.52yammygirlcodinghmm lookin in the code it remains the same as mine
00:32.00yammygirlcodingyay!! worked! :D
00:32.32yammygirlcodingso this version is newer than curse version - should have a diferent version, cause both are 1.855
00:32.41yammygirlcodingand curse's are still bugged
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00:38.15yammygirlcodingwell! thank you guys! no more bugged addons left here :)
00:56.07yammygirlcodingguys! anyone have cooldowncount installed over there?
00:58.15yammygirlcodingis it still workin?
00:58.34yammygirlcodingmine just disapeared from titan bar : ( and no error either
00:58.44Legorolit was on titan bar?
00:58.48yammygirlcodingit was
00:58.50Legoroli never knew
00:59.29yammygirlcodingi can still do the /cooldowncount enable.. but nothing shows :(
00:59.37Legorolok lemme check
01:01.13Legoroli'll check in a moment, need to swap over to gaming interface from dev interface
01:01.17Legoroland then log in with 100 or so addons :)
01:03.10yammygirlcodinghehe i also have 100+ addon. it's a pain to get them updated after patch ! : p
01:03.44Legorolok CC is working for me
01:03.51Legorolhowever, my version doesn't have titan support, or so it seems
01:04.07Legorolhow does CC work with titan?
01:04.22yammygirlcodingit shows at the bar
01:04.32Legorolehm.. it shows what?
01:04.45Legorolyou must have a different version from me..
01:04.55yammygirlcodinglike if u have 3 professions with free cooldown, it shows 3/3 cooldown
01:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
01:05.09yammygirlcodingif one. it shows 1/3
01:05.59yammygirlcodingah ah ! i remembered a bug in CT ! nurfed is hiding the MainMenuBar which makes CT_bottom bar useless.. Anyone here is responsible for CT ?
01:06.11Legorolwhere do you get CC from? Cursre?
01:06.17yammygirlcodingcurse. yes
01:06.44yammygirlcodingaah sorry!!
01:06.59yammygirlcodingits not cooldowncount. i confused the name.
01:07.05Legorolhehe, that makes sense :)
01:07.31yammygirlcodingaaah titan trade cooldown ! :D
01:07.38yammygirlcodingnvm it was disable hehe
01:07.52yammygirlcoding*too many addons too many addons*
01:08.37yammygirlcodingI need to add this method in CT_BottomBar >> MainMenuBar:Show()
01:09.04yammygirlcodinganyone here can tell the coder to add this to the last release? :)
01:12.07yammygirlcodingit gets bugged because nurfed happens to hide the MainMenuBar, cause I think Tivoli didn't know CT_BottomBar yet :)
01:14.05zinorasleep :s
01:15.53LegorolEU is asleep or drunk, US is just about to go out and start getting drunk
01:15.53cladhairewell, you just told the author of CT_BottomBar, so there's not much to say
01:15.53cladhaireLegorol: Amen
01:15.54cladhaireLegorol: In that case, I think its time for a drink
01:16.20Legorolhere here!
01:16.25Legoroli'll drink with you..
01:16.28cladhaireall i have is rum
01:16.36cladhaireyou should send me a bottle of apple brandy from wales
01:16.52Legorolthat's a long drive, and my car is in a different country
01:17.03Legoroland i don't feel like cycling that far
01:17.19cladhaireyou can get it mail order =)
01:17.28cladhaireyou can be my supplier :P
01:17.28Legorolwhy not order it onlinie?
01:17.36cladhairei dont think we can import it or something stupid.
01:17.39cladhairebrb alcohol
01:17.47Legorolbut i can send it as a gift?
01:18.14yammygirlcodingi dit? the author is here? :)
01:19.23yammygirlcodingaah Cide! hehe
01:19.48yammygirlcodinghmm but i think hes not reading by now :( I'd like to know if my fix is enough :)
01:20.00Kirkburn|wowYou're absolutely mad, you know that? =)
01:20.32Kirkburn|wowIt's like a breath of fresh air from the jaded bearded old men you normally find in here ;)
01:21.19cladhaireyammygirlcoding: We all scroll back.. its an obsessive thing.
01:21.24cladhaireSO what should I do right now,
01:21.26yammygirlcodingboy. i spent the whole day passing from one addon to another trying to read the code and fix the bugs... now I'm litle woohoo :)
01:21.50Kirkburn|wowCoding does that to people ...
01:21.53yammygirlcodinglol i rarely scroll back hehe
01:22.35yammygirlcodingcladhaire and me! raid with my shaman, or my rogue, or my lock, or my druid, all 60? hehe
01:22.47Kirkburn|wowLegorol, I'm not asleep or drunk ... am I doing something wrong?
01:22.53Cide-yammygirlcoding: what were you saying? :)
01:23.04cladhaireKirkburn|wow: Yes.
01:23.06yammygirlcodingCide- !! the one! :D
01:23.20cladhaireI dont have any whiskey
01:23.22LegorolKirkburn|wow: you are playing WoW
01:23.24Kirkburn|wowDarn :P I have a bottle of red wine behind me though
01:23.25yammygirlcodingI spent some of the day fighting with nurfed and ct_bottombar :D
01:23.33cladhairei have wine
01:23.35LegorolKirkburn|wow, that qualifies
01:23.40Legoroli have two bottles of champagne
01:23.42Cide-are you saying nurfed is hiding MainMenuBar?
01:23.43Legorolvery out of date though
01:23.50JoshBorkecladhaire! just who i was coming to see!
01:23.50Legorolcan anyone suggest a good use for old champagne?
01:23.51yammygirlcodingCide- but I fixed the damm bug! ya!! nurfed hides it !!
01:23.57Kirkburn|wowI can't actually get back into playing WoW though - I think I need the expansion :(
01:24.07Cide-that's not very multi-addon-friendly
01:24.11LegorolKirkburn|wow: have you played both factions, all quests in all zones?
01:24.14Cide-a better solution is to move it off screen
01:24.15Legorolif not, plenty more to explore ;_)
01:24.24yammygirlcodingCide- I had to add MainMenuBar:Show() to bottombar.lua. but i wonder if it's enough to fix :)
01:24.31Kirkburn|wowI started horde, but I haven't got that far yet
01:24.32cladhaireJoshBorke: *gasp* whats up?
01:24.40LegorolKirkburn|wow: are you originally Alliance or Horde?
01:24.49Cide-yammygirlcoding: if nurfed is hiding it, then you should seek out that author
01:24.51JoshBorkehow can i add CTRA support to clique? ^_^
01:25.02cladhaireThis is an $8.00 bottle of white wine... and this class holds 2/3 of a bottle
01:25.05Kirkburn|woworiginally alliance, I've experienced pretty much everything except raiding
01:25.19yammygirlcodingi know!!! i put a big post at Tivoli's forum about how that action of him is a very big no-no :) everyone is complaining at him ! I decided to fix myself! :D
01:25.45yammygirlcodingI added a MainMenuBar:Show() in your bottombar.lua :)
01:25.54yammygirlcodinghe hides, I show back ;)
01:26.10LegorolKirkburn|wow: are you on EU?
01:26.24Legoroloops i'm an idiot
01:26.25Legoroli meant to say
01:26.29yammygirlcodingCide- what do you think? that's enough to fix?
01:26.31Legorolare you currently playing on EU
01:26.33cladhaireJoshBorke: Clique:RegisterModule("CT_RaidAssist", nil, nil, function() CT_RA_CustomOnClickFunction = Clique.ThisUnitOnClick end, function() CT_RA_CustomOnClickFunction = nil end) Clique:EnableModule("CT_RaidAssist")
01:26.34cladhaireright now.
01:26.35Legorolof course you are EU, i know that, d'oh
01:26.36Cide-yammygirlcoding: no clue, sorry
01:26.37Legorol<- stupid
01:26.50Legorolanyways, if you are currently getting bored..
01:26.57Kirkburn|wowOoh, yes?
01:27.00yammygirlcodingCide- you realy wrote the code, darling? it seems i know it more than you here hehe
01:27.09Legorolhow'bout we start a random pair of lvl 1s somewhere?
01:27.09JoshBorke( cladhaire ): that's what I thought. (something along those lines anyway). is that safe hooking?
01:27.15Cide-yammygirlcoding: I wrote all of ctmod, yes
01:27.19Legorollet me finish getting flame from Orgri first though
01:27.22Legorolthere's motivation..
01:27.25Legorolduoing is fun
01:27.26Kirkburn|wowThat's an interesting idea!
01:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:27.29yammygirlcodingCide- so are you little woohoo today? :)
01:27.38Cide-yammygirlcoding: however, I have no clue if that fix will work for you, since I have no clue when or how nurfed is hiding it
01:27.40cladhaireJoshBorke: Yes
01:27.47cladhairewell, no
01:27.49LegorolKirkburn|wow: partying in WoW is better than soloing
01:27.53cladhairebut in this case it doesn't matter
01:27.55JoshBorke( cladhaire ): meh.
01:27.59Legorolpartying and especialy duoing with someone you know: wins all
01:28.05yammygirlcodingCide- I tested the fix. It works. :)
01:28.12Legoroland i am always up for starting a new lvl 1 for the hell of it!
01:28.15Cide-yammygirlcoding: there you go, why are you asking then? ;)
01:28.27yammygirlcodingCide-  Just wondering if you agree with the fix :)
01:28.32Cide-like I said, no clue!
01:29.16yammygirlcodingCide- hehehe  Install nurfed and you'll see the big empty space where the wow mini menu was supposed to be. It causes a nervous feeling :) like traped in a room with no doors
01:29.33Cide-I'd rather use my own mods ;)
01:29.34yammygirlcodingyou'll feel what I felt hehe
01:30.10yammygirlcodingCide- your mods are great by the way :D
01:30.19LegorolCide-: what's with the hyphen
01:30.20Cide-thanks :)
01:30.23Legorolfeeling in a drawn out mood?
01:30.31CideLegorol: just my alternate name, I think I got dc'd earlier :)
01:30.42yammygirlcodinghmm :)
01:30.48Legoroland here i was thinking it was a symbol of great things
01:30.55yammygirlcodingi guessed it was an 'afk' mark :)
01:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
01:32.07Cidenothing like that Legorol, sorry to disappoint you
01:32.10JoshBorke( cladhaire ): thanks :-)
01:32.11Kirkburn|wowHey, stop ignoring me Legorol :P
01:32.24Legorolehm.. what?
01:32.25JoshBorke( Cide ): any news on the CTRA raid leader not being able to broadcast channel?
01:32.32LegorolKirkburn|wow: i haven't received any PM from you
01:32.39Kirkburn|wowoh riiight oops
01:32.40cladhaireJoshBorke: let me know if you run into issues
01:32.46Cideit's a somewhat easy fix, but I haven't released one yet, n
01:32.46cladhaireJoshBorke: I'm getting drunk them I'm gona code.
01:32.54JoshBorke( cladhaire ): lol
01:32.59JoshBorke( cladhaire ): i'll pastebin what i did
01:33.16cladhairethe registration system will be changing a bit,.
01:34.17JoshBorkehm, that doesn't quite work
01:34.49yammygirlcodingah ah ! today early I've seen many bugs complaining about something with HighlightText string. Anyone can say anything about this? I just commented the lines, but I'm afraid it will cause some side effects later :[
01:35.25cladhaireyammygirlcoding: The button structure changd, thats really it
01:35.27cladhaireits not a simple fix.
01:35.55yammygirlcodingthe addons still remained working after the comments. any way I can force a side effect to happen?
01:36.16cladhairemouseover text changes won't happen
01:36.28yammygirlcodinghave been removed?
01:37.07yammygirlcodinggladly this is not a critical bug :)
01:41.23JoshBorke( Cide ): what are the params to CT_RA_CustomOnClik?
01:41.46Cidethey're outlined at the top of CT_RaidAssist.lua
01:41.58Mikk1*whine* *complain* Standard Lua doesn't grok unicode. Blizzard's does.
01:42.11Mikk1And localized mods use unicode >.<
01:42.13JoshBorkeit's so much easier to ask than look while in the middle of MC...
01:42.29Mikk1If you have time to code, you have time to look =P
01:43.56JoshBorkelet's see if this works
01:45.29cladhaireJoshBorke: What are you doing?
01:45.43JoshBorke( cladhaire ): trying to get clique working with CTRA :D
01:46.56JoshBorkeand i finally got it working right =D
01:47.30LegorolMikk1: what do you mean by "groking" unicode?
01:47.40Legorolneither standard nor Blizz Lua has any special allowances for unicode
01:47.53Legorolboth treat strings as sequences of 8-bit characters
01:48.20cladhaireWow allows unicode characters in strings, in my experience.
01:48.39cladhairebut i can't test at them oment, i'm in WC3
01:48.48Legorolcladhaire: what do you mean by "unicode characters"
01:49.02cladhairehigher than 8 bits
01:49.05LegorolWoW *displays* UTF-8 encoded unicode strings properly
01:49.08cladhaireextended ascii
01:49.14cladhairei think they make it into LUA
01:49.17Legorolbut the Lua portion treats it as sequences of bytes
01:49.26Legorolno they don't make it into Lua the way you think they do
01:49.26cladhaireand i know LUA can be compiled with wchar support
01:50.01Legorolin Lua, everything is 8-bit, so if you say type into the chatbox, it gets UTF-8 encoded when passed to a Lua string
01:50.14cladhairei trust you
01:50.17cladhairei just thought otherwise =)
01:50.26cladhaireand i certainly will play later
01:50.35Legorolwell i did a lot of localization stuff so..
01:50.43cladhairemakes sense
01:50.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
01:50.53Legorolbasically, if you want to represent a Unicode char in Lua, you do so by UTF-8 encoding it
01:51.05Legorolyou have two ways of doing that, when typing in e.g. a hard-coded string in yoru lua file
01:51.10cladhaireagreed 100%
01:51.10Legoroli think an example is best
01:51.12cladhairei apoligize
01:51.22Legorolapologize? for what?
01:51.26cladhairebeing incorrect
01:51.29cladhairei'm certainly sorry about it =)
01:51.38cladhaireon occasion =)
01:51.38Legorolif you like i can elaborate
01:51.41Legorolor am i too patronising?
01:51.42cladhaireMikk1: So what do you mean?
01:51.52Legoroli was only going to explain not because i wanted to rub it in, but because i thought you might be interested
01:51.59cladhairei am =)
01:52.03net\afkGood evening Lord british Legorol
01:52.09Legorolehm... whaaaa?
01:52.24net\afkjust j/k :)
01:52.58KirkburnLegorol - Richard garriot?
01:53.09cladhairesomeone uncorrupt the DSDT on my laptop please.
01:53.11net\afki m geting some old school memory of ui
01:53.12cladhairewhere's kergoth =)
01:53.18Mikk1cladhaire: Some localized AddOns use Unicode files. The standard Lua parser barfs on the Unicode lead bytes (FF FE). Which means WoWBench can't load that AddOn.
01:53.42Legorolok, so
01:53.49LegorolMikk1: ouch
01:53.56LegorolWoW parser passes the lead bytes
01:54.03Legorolas in it ignores them
01:54.06Mikk1I suspect I can just load the whole damn file into ram, snip out the two first bytes, and
01:54.12kergothcladhaire, you rang?
01:54.21cladhairekergoth: You're actually in here?
01:54.24LegorolMikk1: if the file is starting with FF FE, then its' not good
01:54.29cladhairekergoth: Have you worked with DSDT ACPI shit at all?
01:54.30Legorolit needs to start with the 3-byte sequence
01:54.31Tainhaha I'm still amazed by that, cladhaire
01:54.36Legorolmaybe that's why it's barfing?
01:54.36Mikk1Legorol: o.O
01:54.41Legorolok, let me elaborate
01:54.56cladhaireTain: *giggle*
01:54.56Mikk1FF FE just means "there's gonna be unicode here".
01:55.01Legorolehm.. yes and no
01:55.16Legorolnot in UTF-8, no
01:55.17kergoththe byte order mark isnt utf-8
01:55.19Legorollet me elaborate
01:55.26kergothits utf-16, since it can be either endianness
01:55.28Mikk1err lemme check what it actually says. my unicrap is rusty.
01:55.32LegorolUnicode defines a set of characters
01:55.39KirkburnReminds me of a certain bug in Windows Notepad
01:55.41Legorolone of those characters is FFFE
01:55.55Legorolthere are also standards for encoding Unicode characters
01:55.59kergothcladhaire, fraid not, i do everything i can to avoid screwing with acpi.  only stuff i've messed with in that regard is adjustments to when it activates my system fans and all.  and i generally apply the latest acpi patch(es) to kernels i build
01:56.00LegorolUTF-8, UTF-16 etc.
01:56.04Mikk1Yeah I know about those
01:56.13Mikk1And this file is UTF-16 right now. Wonder if I mangled it.
01:56.24cladhairekergoth: Aaah, my battery doesn't report charge levels or status to the kernel, the DSDT is corrupt afaik
01:56.26Legorolthe character FFFE is used as the beginning character (note i am talking about character and not bytes) because it allows you to distinguish encodings
01:56.32kergothlow level power management i know, and I know APM since i've read the code to emulate APM on ARM, but not higher stuff
01:56.51Mikk1Legorol: yeah, big vs little endian
01:56.54Legorolwhen UTF-16 encoded, FFFE ends up as either FF FE or FE FF, depending on endianness
01:57.08Mikk1It's coming back to me now =)
01:57.19Legorolwhen UTF-8 encoded, the character FFFE ends up as a 3-byte sequence
01:57.22cladhairekergoth: Which is problematic when running BSD/Linux on this machine
01:57.28kergothevery developer needs to read joel on software's guide to i18n, if they havent already
01:57.29Legorolcan't remember exactly which 3 bytes, i coudl look it up
01:57.48Mikk1Isn't the UTF-8 byte ordering fixed tho?
01:57.59Legorolit's a byte stream
01:58.02Mikk1So it's just there as a marker then
01:58.14Legorolit allows a text parser to detect that it's a UTF-8 stream
01:58.21Mikk1Yeah, it seemed painful to me to even try and swap the bytes around =P
01:58.26Legoroland also happens to allow you to convert the file to UTF-16 instead
01:58.33Legorolback and forth
01:58.39Legorolwithout changing the *characters* in the file
01:58.43Legorol(only changing their encoding)
01:59.10Mikk1hrmps. wonder if my editor is being too clever for me here.
01:59.46Legorolsorry let me correct something
01:59.53Legorolthe special char is not FFFE, it's FEFF
02:00.17Legorolhere are the possible ways of encoding the Unicode char FEFF in different encodings:
02:00.17LegorolBytes Encoding Form
02:00.17Legorol00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian
02:00.17LegorolFF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian
02:00.18LegorolFE FF UTF-16, big-endian
02:00.18LegorolFF FE UTF-16, little-endian
02:00.20LegorolEF BB BF UTF-8
02:00.31Mikk1yeayea its x86 crapola byte ordering, i know =)
02:00.48Mikk1My editor claims that the file is utf-8
02:00.52Legorolanyways, in WoW, you localize like this:
02:00.57Mikk1but when i pop up its hex editor, it's showing me utf16
02:01.03Mikk1but i wonder if the editor is being smart
02:01.04Legorolwhat's the editor
02:01.20Legorolwell, what are the first two (or three) bytes of the file, physically..
02:01.33LegorolMikk1: you can do a simple check
02:01.39Legoroltype a single A in the file, save it, and see how many bytes is it
02:01.50Mikk1good idea there =)
02:01.52KirkburnWhy must it be so hot in here :(
02:02.18Kirkburn30 degrees at 4am in the morning with the windows wide open - they take up an entire side of my room, too!
02:02.32Mikk1Legorol: it's utf8
02:02.41Mikk1It's just trying to be clever on my behalf when I'm popping up the hex editor
02:03.44Mikk1And good ole "type" actually displays it nicely, along with a few crap bytes at the top
02:03.46Mikk1So, yeah, utf8
02:03.51Legorolso in WoW Lua, you have two options
02:03.55Legorolthe file can be plain text,
02:04.05Legorolor start with the UTF-8 marker EF BB BF
02:04.24Legoroleither way, it can have UTF-8 encoded string literals
02:04.36Legorolto type them in, for example to have the string "á"
02:04.43Legorol(single small a with accent)
02:05.00Legorolyou need to have one of these two in the Lua file:
02:05.30Legoroleither an escape sequence such as "\195\161"
02:05.42Legorolthese two bytes being the UTF-8 encoding of the letter á
02:05.48Mikk1or those two bytes harcdoed into the string
02:05.58Legorolnow what happens in practice is that
02:06.11Legorolif you have a text editor that support UTF-8 encoding, you can just type in the letter á in the string
02:06.15Mikk1and both work because all unicode stuff is >=0x80
02:06.16Legorolit will save the correct 2-byte sequence
02:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
02:06.32Legorolwell, no, both work because the resulting Lua string is identical
02:06.57Legorolso in a good text editor, if you type in "á" and save as UTF-8,
02:07.04Legorolit converts to the two-byte sequence and saves that
02:07.09Legoroland adds the marker at the beginning of the file
02:07.17Legorolthe reverse is also true in WoW
02:07.20Legorolyou can try this:
02:07.23Mikk1What I meant is that you can't paste UTF16 into a string. That's bad =)
02:07.30Legorolin the chatbox, type:
02:07.37Mikk1Or any nutty encoding that results in e.g. quotes in the encoded output
02:07.45Mikk1Was just making a point that UTF8 is nice that way
02:07.51Legorol/script a="<Alt+0228>"
02:07.57Legorolthen /script string.len(a)
02:07.59Legorolit will give you 2
02:08.25Mikk1but stick it into an editbox and GetCharacters() will say 1 =)
02:08.36Legorolthat's odd
02:08.42Mikk1GetBytes will say 2 though
02:09.31Mikk1GetNumLetters vs GetNumBytes even
02:09.46Mikk1ah barf GetNumBytes doesn't exist
02:09.57Mikk1Though there's both GetMaxLetters and GetMaxBytes
02:10.40Mikk1EditBox:GetNumBytes() return strlen(self:GetText); end   <-- there. now try again =)
02:11.33Mikk1but argh. more errors there too. never mind my late-night free-form Lua jotting Skillz.
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02:21.42Mikk1anyway.. solution is to open lua files myself, check if they start with the magic 3 byte sequence, if so load myself and chunk the string
02:22.10Mikk1which breaks .luac compiling :<
02:53.34JoshBorkeanyone know if you can get a second eternal quintessence if you destroy your's?
03:06.29cladhaire1.12 you won't need another.. they're permanent after revered
03:06.31cladhaireand i dunno
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03:17.03Bela|sleepnight all
03:22.03JoshBorkethey are already permanent i thought
03:26.49yammygirlcodingCide ! are u planning to make the keyring bag show with the other bags for ct-allbags ?
03:28.04JoshBorkebah! i thought you couldn't link items you haven't seen on someone
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04:21.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions - Patch 1.11 is live, the new TOC is 11100
04:21.44JoshBorke12(10 Cide 12): anyway to have resurrection monitor show double rezzers in red?
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04:22.02Cidethe new version highlights rezzers that have your current target
04:22.13Cidebut that's pretty much it for now
04:22.16JoshBorkeah! i wondered why things were yellow =D
04:22.26CideI'll see what I can do for the new version
04:22.43JoshBorkewhere is it so i can change the color?
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04:23.50Quindoevening/morning (depending on where you are)
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04:24.32QuindoI've got a question I hope some more experienced coders can answer
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04:25.19Fanookquindo: more cowbell
04:26.28Quindo:) alright, it's about tipbuddy, I'm sure most of you have at least heard of it, I'm currently working through some issues that have popped up with the patch, concerning the faction details of NPCs
04:26.55Quindowell, I fixed the issues with the patch, and thought I'd look into that issue as well
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04:27.43Quindofrom everything I've been able to find, there is no specific command to get what faction an NPC belongs to (Ironforge, Syndicate, Cenarion Circle, etc), correct?
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04:28.31FanookUnitFactionGroup, using the standard unitID's
04:29.42Quindoyeah, tried that, it only returns anything on players, and only there if they're alliance or horde (at least those I tested it on)
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04:29.54Fanookhrmm, yeah. seeing that now
04:30.48Kebinusanif you can figure out why target of target stuff cycles through things I'd have to send you a case of beer.  Never looked at it, but its soo annoying
04:31.48ShadowedI always remember having to hook the tooltip and checking it from that
04:32.05Quindoalright, was pretty much what I expected after that search, chester (the author of TB is using a selfwritten table with some of the factions in it, I thought of completing that one in the case there was no call, would you know of any place I could find a list of such factions (not only those not showing up in your reputation tab)
04:32.57Quindoso far, thott seems to have the most factions listed, but most of them are invalid, or not really in the game, and it's a bit confusing
04:33.29Cidethat's because they're in the game, but not used ("publically" anyway)
04:33.37Cideand by 'most' you mean 'all'
04:34.49Quindoheh, well, there IS a Syndicate in the game, which is also on thott, but there's also an Emerald Circle in the game (felwood) that doesn't show up there, as two examples
04:35.13JoshBorke12(10 Cide 12): another question about CTRA =D any chance of getting the Raid target icons in the MT window somehow?
04:35.15Quindochesters table is woefully inadequate
04:35.16Cidethen it's not a "faction" as the game thinks it
04:35.30CideJoshBorke: yes, but not in current versions
04:35.59JoshBorke12(10 Cide 12): <3
04:36.37Quindono it's not, there's nothing but a bunch of NPCs there with that tag, but if wouldn't show up in the tipbuddy tooltip because it's not part of any other detail of an NPC, and that's mostly what I'm after
04:36.37Cideby the way, those auto complete colors look horrible on black :)
04:36.57Quindoit wouldn't*
04:40.38QuindoI'm not really that familiar with lua coding, I mostly just tinker with stuff... what I found chester doing to determine the factions was to have a bunch of ifs comparing the tooltip to known values, and if it's not part of the unit details or said table that he put together with the factions, the tooltip doesn't display it
04:41.58Fanookthat seems hackish
04:42.50Quindoit's understandable, if you have no other way of getting the information, at least I wouldn't know of any other way to get it
04:44.08Quindowhich brings up a point, I have no option of posting this on the US forums (EU player here) but if someone could suggest to have an NPCs faction returned on query, I'm sure that could be used to nullify that
04:44.33Quindoand from looking at the EU forums, I don't really believe that stuff gets passed on -_-
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04:44.59Cidewell, if the faction doesn't show up in thottbot's listing, the game wouldn't know it actually HAS a faction (such as the Emerald Circle example)
04:45.09Cideso if you want to display that, you have no other option than to hardcode it in
04:46.18Quindotrue, but I believe that such things are more of an exception than the rule, if there was a way to get that info directly without comparing it to a handmade table first (that will almost always be out of date), it would be a huge step in streamlining such things
04:47.08Cidewhat about UnitFactionGroup? no clue what it returns
04:47.15Cidemight only be Horde/Alliance
04:47.30Quindoon players it returns alliance and horde, on npcs nothing
04:47.57CideI think your best shot is to compose a table of what's useful from thottbot
04:48.16Cideand add in whatever you can think of that's not a "real" faction
04:48.36Quindommhmm, probably, since it was the only real table I found that was (if a bit confusing) at least accurate
04:49.02Cideyes, it will be outdated if they add in more, but if you're maintaining it, you should release an updated version with a current .toc anyway :)
04:50.37Quindoheh, if I would maint it, then only for myself, since it would be too much work to completely take over tipbuddy, I barely understand a tiny portion of what that thing does, as I said, I don't know lua coding that much, just basics from general programming experience (and even that is old :)
04:51.17QuindoI was thinking more of just assembling the list, correcting what I found wrong, and give it out for someone more experienced to take over, if the original author doesn't return
04:52.02Mr_Rabies2is there any kind of script command for "Jump"?
04:53.18Quindojump as in hop up and down? or as in go to that point in the script? (not that I know either really ;)
04:54.01Fanookhop up and down is Jump(); needs a hardware requirement tho
04:54.29Mr_Rabies2that's fine, fanook
04:54.37Mr_Rabies2just gonna make one that jumps and fires arcane shot rank 1
04:54.47Mr_Rabies2for pulling, jumping will sometimes clear LoS problems
04:55.04QuindoI just tested that, says 'macro has been blocked blabla default UI only'
04:55.41Quindoprobably because of that no movement hooking from a patch back
04:56.47Mr_Rabies2i just tried it too
04:57.38Fanookah, missed this sentence "As of patch 1.10 many of these functions were protected for use of only Blizzard signed code."
04:59.06JoshBorkehm, no services atm...
04:59.24Quindowell, anyway, I got the answers I came here for, if not what I hoped I could get, thanks for your help, I'm gonna go off again, maybe I'll hop in from time to time when I tinker a bit more :)
04:59.27Quindocya guys
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05:14.41purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 10~ sec! ***
05:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
05:21.14Gngskfps in jin'do's room sux
05:29.04WobinServer Too Busy rararar
05:29.43Mr_Rabies2rararar indeed
05:30.16Wobin=\ Where's Iriel when you need to ask him something?
05:31.13Tarogand no one else here can answer your question?
05:31.40WobinCan you help with SetCursor?
05:31.47WobinI can't seem to get it working
05:32.24Tarogwhat about it?
05:32.39WobinIn that I can't get the custom texture thing actually doing anything
05:33.53TarogI haven't tried since the patch, lemme see if I can get it to work.
05:35.35WobinThe only path I can get to work is Interface\Cursor\(something, eg GatherHerbs/Fight/standard cursoretc)
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05:38.46Tarogwell the texture has to be 32x32
05:39.37WobinWhich I'm sure of
05:39.48Tarogdo you have a custom texture you are trying to use?
05:40.03Wobinone sec, I'll link
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05:49.56ToastTheifdoes anyone else have a problem where the background of your chat dissapears now and then? and you have to reloadui to get it back
05:50.37Wobinnot disapparing, only flipping to the wrong chatframe (ie the last one) so far
05:50.40ToastTheiflike that black transparent backgground
05:50.49ToastTheifno, not that probally Wobin
05:51.08ToastTheifthe black transparent background of the chat, after awhile of playing it stops showing up
05:51.17WobinNot I, I'm afraid
05:51.28Tarogneither am I
05:51.31TarogI'm not sure Wobin
05:51.48Tarogit's not even working with 32x32 textures in the default UI
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05:51.59WobinTarog: Aye, it -should- work, but it doesn't... outside that path
05:52.08ToastTheifI'll post a SS of what Im talking about
05:53.01ToastTheifgimmie a min to upload it
05:53.26Tarogwhat's the path that has the cursors again?
05:54.14WobinYou can have GatherHerbs, Buy, Attack, Cast...
05:54.21WobinRepair, etc
05:54.46WobinI've found it works when you leave your mouse over your inventory then use SetCursor() for testing
05:54.56Wobinsince it resets the cursor if you're over nothing in particular
05:59.08ToastTheifthis is the good chat  SS
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05:59.22ToastTheifand this is the SS where the background dissapered
05:59.52Tarogdoesn't happen for me, using any addons?
05:59.56WobinAre you using any ..
05:59.59Wobinwhat he said =P
06:00.06ToastTheifof course I use addons lol
06:00.11Wobinchat specific ones =P
06:00.25ToastTheifa modified version of idchat
06:00.55Wobintried disabling it?
06:02.01ToastTheifIm raiding ><
06:02.30Tarogit just happened to me
06:02.55Tarogyou're contageous ToastTheif
06:03.10ToastTheifare you using idchat?
06:03.19Tarogcurrently I have all my addons off
06:03.29Tarogit's never happened before
06:03.42ToastTheifyou probally just didnt notice it
06:03.50ToastTheifbut I always notice it, it bugs the hell outta me
06:04.28Tarogit would bug me
06:04.32WobinSeems it's happening to a few people
06:04.32ToastTheifso, this is a blizzard problem like I had thought
06:04.34TarogI woulda noticed
06:04.56TarogI use a chat mod usually
06:05.02Tarogcould have been preventing it somehow
06:05.55ToastTheifwhat mod?
06:07.46TarogChat Frame Extender
06:08.10ToastTheifSatrina's addon right?
06:08.26TarogSatrina and I develop it together now, but yeah
06:08.50ToastTheifyeah I remember it, back from when I looked at it I didn'tsee any code that would prevent that
06:09.16ToastTheifSetChatWindowAlpha(index,alpha)   - Sets the Alpha value(transparency) of ChatFrame<index>
06:09.21ToastTheifthink that would help?
06:09.57TarogI think changing the color or Alpha of the background would fix it
06:10.05TarogIt did when I changed it using the Default UI
06:10.25ToastTheifalpha= GetChatWindowInfo(frameIndex)
06:10.27WobinI want a 'startup' thingie where I can dump script commands =P
06:10.58ToastTheifcheck then alpha
06:11.05ToastTheifand if it's 0 set it to comething?
06:11.51WobinThat'd work
06:12.49Tarogofcourse I wouldn't notice
06:13.02Tarogmy chat frames are over a black area
06:13.11Tarogon the second monitor
06:13.42ToastTheifI will get to work on an addon
06:13.44ToastTheifbut I warn you
06:13.46ToastTheifI suck at lua
06:14.04Tarogonly way to get better is to use it
06:14.08TarogI'm off to bed
06:14.11Tarognight all
06:16.25ToastTheif[string "SendChatMessage(alpha = GetChatWindowInfo(1), "SAY", nil)"]:1: `)' expected near `='
06:20.09ToastTheif./script local name, fontSize, r, g, b, alpha, shown, locked = GetChatWindowInfo(1) SendChatMessage(alpha, "SAY", nil)
06:20.11ToastTheifthat seems to work
06:20.49ToastTheifnow I just need to wait til the background dissapears
06:26.08ToastTheifI can't find any events like ChatFram_Trasparenty_Change
06:26.43ToastTheifyou still here Wobin?
06:27.14ToastTheifwhat do you think?
06:27.41ToastTheifwhat would be the best event to check trasnparency at?
06:28.02WobinWhen you enter a channel?
06:28.18ToastTheifwell it changes when you're in the channel too
06:28.27ToastTheifit happens at random times
06:28.38Wobinhave a timer that runs every 30seconds?
06:29.02ToastTheifyeah I Was thinking periodic, but isn't that kind of bad?
06:29.36WobinWell, it's hopefully only a stopgap measure until Blizzard gets their act together =P
06:29.45WobinSo you can blame Blizzard for any loss of performance =)
06:30.05WobinAnyway, since it happens randomly, there's not much an event can do for you
06:30.31ToastTheifwell if it would hurry up and dissapear already
06:30.42ToastTheifI could check if the transparency really is the problem
06:30.58WobinBug faster, damnit!
06:37.20ToastTheifthe results are in
06:37.42ToastTheifand.. the transparency with a bugged background is still 0, the r,g and b are all still 0 also!
06:37.46ToastTheifso.. hmm
06:37.55ToastTheiflets try changing the transparecy anyway!
06:39.31ToastTheif./script doesn't seem to workSetChatWindowColor(index,r,g,b)
06:39.46ToastTheifnor does
06:39.52ToastTheif./script SetChatWindowAlpha(1,0)
06:40.37ToastTheifgot any ideas Wobin?
06:42.00Wobin/script SetChatWindowAlpha(1,1)
06:42.07Wobinor (0,1)
06:42.21WobinAlpha 0 is fully transparant
06:42.34ToastTheifAlpha 0 is the normal
06:42.48ToastTheifbut even when the background is GONE, it's still alpha 0
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06:45.07ToastTheifokay I made some progress
06:45.35ToastTheifI fixed it
06:45.48ToastTheifbut it took some manual labor
06:46.45ToastTheif./script SetChatWindowColor(index,r,g,b)
06:46.48ToastTheifdoes not reset it
06:47.11ToastTheifBUT when you go into the chat options and go to the background options and do nothing but press okay
06:47.13ToastTheifit resets it self..
06:48.44ToastTheifso how can I do that with script?
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06:49.28ToastTheif./poke ckk
06:52.07WobinNot sure tbh
07:33.22Wobinshutting down?
07:42.33KemayoAw, man.  A whole new Ace API to learn...  ;_;
07:42.57ShadowedThink of it as something to do while waiting in a server queue, or while taking those 10 minute gryphon rides
07:44.04KemayoI complain for the sake of form, really.
07:46.07WobinCause like... Ace2 == Cool
07:47.42KemayoIt appears nifty.
07:58.37Mr_Rabies2hrm, i wish someone would write an addon that let you left click on buffs to recast them :[
08:00.01Mr_Rabies2look at your MoTW, notice it's got 30 secs left, left click on it and BAM rebuffed
08:02.18Cidect_raidassist does that in raids :)
08:02.31dreamssi miss OHW/AQ rabies
08:03.17Mr_Rabies2what's OHW/AQ? D:
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08:35.11WobinAnyone know the path to the RaidIcons?
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10:13.56Kirovdoes SetClampedToScreen have an XML equivalent
10:14.18KirovOr do you _have_ to set it through lua
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10:23.42Kirovaparently it's ClampedToScreen="true"
11:26.54ThraeStupid question - how can I register for events without making a new frame?
11:31.30Wobinevent registering is done on an object basis, isn't it?
11:31.47ThraeHmm, does the object need to be a Frame?
11:33.32Wobinnot afaik?
11:33.57ThraeOK, so if all I want is OnEvent, then how could I do this in pure Lua?
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13:08.29yammygirlcodinggood morning all !!
13:18.26yammygirlcodingtoday I have a simple task. I want to get a var true whenever I do a crit damage on anyone. I think I could use SCT methods. any idea ?
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13:19.38zenzelezzsounds likely, but I can't really say... never used that
13:20.06yammygirlcodingof course u never used. I just had the idea! hehe
13:21.47Mikk1Sounds like you can plug into SCT, yes.
13:22.01Mikk1You don't want to start parsing combatlog messages on your own. It's a mess.
13:22.18Mikk1Plugging into e.g. Recap or DamageMeters should work too.
13:23.07Mikk1 <- Hth, hand =)
13:25.50yammygirlcodinghmmm lets see
13:27.59yammygirlcodinghmm nice thing this hook function thing :)
13:28.21WobinBe sure you return control to the hookchain
13:28.52yammygirlcodinghow u do that?
13:29.27WobinIt should be covered in that howto
13:32.11yammygirlcodingit just says: function newx = { x(); otherstuffafterx(); }
13:33.22Mikk1I don't like those examples. I'll modify it.
13:35.07yammygirlcodingpeople should write examples for a monkey read :)
13:37.10yammygirlcodingi wonder if i can just grab the crit messages from original combatlog, to keep it simple
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13:39.37Mikk1yammygirlcoding: that still requires you to hook functions. And not just one function, now you have to hook all 7 chatwindows =)
13:39.51yammygirlcodingO.O why?
13:39.52Mikk1yammygirlcoding: I've modified the example somewhat. The first section should be a bit easier to understand now. Imo.
13:40.20Mikk1Err. I'm wrong.
13:40.25Mikk1You only have to listen to the right events.
13:40.49yammygirlcodinglike. I dont want exactly to change the damage messages or grab them. I just want a boolean value, if crits , return me true. just it.
13:40.49Mikk1Though if you're doing something to give away to others, you run headfirst into localization problems.
13:40.51yammygirlcodingI want like a listener
13:41.02Mikk1Which is why hooking into existing mods makes sense.
13:41.11Mikk1Offload the language problems on someone else.
13:46.14yammygirlcodinghmm lets see if i get it. var originalx; function hookmyx = { originalx = x(); x = myx(); return originalx; }
13:48.17Mikk1remove the ()s
13:48.26Mikk1otherwise you're _calling_ the functions, not just getting their references
13:48.31Mikk1plus "var" should say "local"
13:48.47Mikk1and you don't need to "return originalx"
13:49.10yammygirlcodinglocal originalx; function hookx = { originalx = x; x = myx; return originalx; }
13:49.44yammygirlcodinghow it will know wether its a var or a method without the ()s ?
13:49.51Mikk1it doesn't
13:49.58Mikk1there's no difference between variables and functions in Lua
13:50.05yammygirlcodingx and myx are variables or methods?
13:50.25Mikk1"function MyFunc(a,b,c) code here...; end" is just another way of writing "MyFunc = function(a,b,c) code ehre...; end"
13:50.47yammygirlcodinghmm interesting
13:51.03Mikk1of course, if you do "Something = 123; Something();", it'll complain when you try to call a number.
13:51.03yammygirlcodingso everything is a variable for lua, even methods..
13:52.58yammygirlcodingright.. Now I need to get a var true or false, whenever I do a crit on someone. where do I start from?
13:53.20Mikk1Which approach are you going to use?
13:53.22yammygirlcodingi guess it has to do with a listener
13:53.35yammygirlcodingmaybe there is a combat listener, but i dont know :)
13:53.46Mikk1Are you going to hook another mod, or roll your own?
13:53.50yammygirlcodingi have no idea where to start :)
13:54.12yammygirlcodingi guess someone may have writen this listener already
13:54.44yammygirlcodingand i could use it to check if it's in combat and parse the combat messages. but i'm just guessing
13:54.59Mikk1  <- Where to start with rolling your own
13:57.38yammygirlcodingso am I trying to write an event at first place?
13:58.45Mikk1yes. that's how to get hold of combat messages.
13:58.52Mikk1what you were calling a "listener"
13:59.28Mikk1And, yes, event handlers have been written several times. It's how to react to anything happening around you, so there's like half a dozen of them in any given mod.
13:59.35yammygirlcodingan event works like a listener? like always runing to see if it changes?
13:59.50Mikk1no, it's a callback
13:59.57Mikk1the game calls you when the event occurs
14:00.02Mikk1rtfwiki =)
14:00.21yammygirlcodinghmmm ah so I guess i have to grab the 'combat start' event first?
14:00.57Mikk1just register for the combat message events
14:01.01Mikk1the ones you need
14:01.16Mikk1you hitting and/or casting spells on mobs
14:02.22KirkburnMorning, all!
14:02.25yammygirlcodingno idea. i have never writen my own lua before. I'm just able to read the code and fix some sintax bugs by now
14:03.08yammygirlcodingyou'll need to treat me as kid, 5 : )
14:05.25Cairennhi Kirkburn
14:06.02*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
14:06.26Mikk1Nah. Shoving a pizza in the oven =P
14:07.50KirkburnHmm, it's gone 4pm ...I should have breakfast
14:08.10yammygirlcodingits 11am here :)
14:09.04yammygirlcodingu guys never sleep? :)
14:10.50Cairenngiven the international nature of this channel, it's usually a good bet that at least one person is awake
14:10.57Cairennat any given time
14:11.58yammygirlcodinggood for me ^^
14:13.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
14:20.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:26.04ElkanoCairenn, you're there? nasty gold spam in the forums :(
14:26.24JoshBorke( cladhaire ): are you here?
14:26.45CairennElkano: thank you, not for long
14:28.12zenzelezzvoice chat - the art of having an entire raid speak at the same time
14:29.53CairennElkano: all gone
14:29.59Elkanothx :)
14:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
14:32.43KirkburnI just had a genius idea so I don't have to make an options menu for ClearFont :D
14:33.00Kirkburn(yet, anyway)
14:33.05KalrothAnyone good with events? :)
14:33.48Kalrothcombatlog events, to be specific
14:37.17cladhaireJoshBorke: Sup
14:37.26cladhaireKalroth: Depends on what you need
14:37.28JoshBorke( cladhaire ): i think your latest Clique commit broke clique
14:38.20JoshBorkeyou deleted quite a lot of functions and now I receive an error "Clique.lua:89: attempt to call method 'ClearTable' (a nil value)"
14:38.32cladhairenah, i probably didn't update the toc
14:38.36cladhairell play with it in a few
14:38.47Kalrothcladhaire: well basically something to link various combatlog events to their constants
14:38.58KalrothI checked the wowwiki list, but it's rather lacking ><
14:39.29cladhaireDo you have DevTools installed?>
14:39.42JoshBorke( Kalroth ): have you seen this page?
14:39.45KalrothNope? There is a thing that'll list the event ingame?! please?! :)
14:39.48cladhaire and type /dtchatevent
14:40.14JoshBorkei <3 DevTools
14:40.36Kalrothmany thanks, cladhaire!
14:40.43KalrothI was looking for something like that yesterday
14:40.56cladhairethere's also MessageEvent which I wrote, but Iriel's version is nicer =)
14:45.48Cairenndev tools = yummy
14:52.18krkacair is developing now? O_o
14:53.25Cairenndoesn't mean I can't appreciate a useful set of tools though
14:54.45Cairennbah, hammers are used as screwdrivers and screwdrivers as hammers, this is not news
14:55.09Mikk1darn =)
14:58.14ThraeI need Germans and Frenchmen to help with a translation!
14:58.44Kalrothoh DevTools is SEXY!
14:58.59JoshBorkeanyone have a simple macro or short lua script to handle debuff curing as a priest ^_^
14:59.15KalrothNow I just need a bigger combatlog buffer ><
14:59.18ThraeJoshBorke: IsBuffActive, search for it on Curse
14:59.35ThraeJoshBorke: Example of one for a Druid can be found in ThraeFuncs on WoWInterface
15:00.07ThraeIf you make up your own function, I'll add it to ThraeFuncs
15:00.41cladhaireJoshBorke: I'll be writing a new one for 1.11
15:00.46cladhaireno need for IsBuffActive or bullshit
15:00.50cladhaireit'll be in Clique
15:01.22ThraeIs there a more efficient way to get buff information then scanning a tooltip?
15:01.41ThraeI thought UnitBuff and UnitDebuff were not always right, as some buffs could have the same texture.
15:02.47cladhaireUnitBuff now returns whether its  a poison, magic, curse or disease debuff.
15:02.53cladhaireit doesn't matter WHAT the buff is =)
15:03.03ThraeOoo, that's spiffy.
15:03.09cladhairethat combined with the debuff curing filter
15:03.38JoshBorke( cladhaire ): wootage!
15:05.56cladhairethey gave us all the tools we need for a zomg dispel button
15:05.59ThraeHmmm, how can I stop other mods from using the default GameTooltip?
15:06.21ThraeMyRoleplay is overriding my tooltip addon, even though my addon is cooler.
15:06.36krkaThrae don't load them :)
15:07.02ThraeMyRoleplay is beta, it doesn't have an option not to hog the tooltip yet. It does a lot of other things other then hogging the tooltip.
15:07.36ThraeLemme see how CCTooltip does it.
15:07.57Mikk1Thrae: Go hook something evuhl inside MyRoleplay to make it stop hogging the tooltip.
15:08.08Mikk1MyRoleplay_SomeCentralFunc = function() end;
15:09.46Mikk1In other news, I pushed out WoWBench 1.11.0.a2. The Widget API is now up to snuff for 1.11. Time to put it up on wowinterface =)
15:12.05cladhaireJoshBorke: Can you try downloading now?
15:12.49JoshBorke( cladhaire ): ko
15:16.27JoshBorkeyou can no longer auction conjured items
15:16.34JoshBorkeIE no more auctioning of rose petals =(
15:17.22JoshBorkeman that stinks =/
15:19.43JoshBorkesorry, appears to work cladhaire =D
15:20.13Mikk1Cairenn: There we go
15:20.30Mikk1First time I post something on WoWI. Scream if I snafud.
15:20.48Mikk1Ack. Screenshot.
15:21.12ThraeBah, I'm not a very good Hooker
15:21.29JoshBorkethey need to make skinning bags =/
15:21.29Thraecladhaire: You must teach me how to be a better Hooker! This isn't working.
15:21.57CairennForget to tell me something there luv?
15:22.55ThraeCC_Tooltip, an Ace mod, overrides MyRoleplay with its AceHook of GameTooltip, even though both Ace and CC_Tooltip should be loaded BEFORE MyRoleplay.
15:23.19JoshBorkeace probably delays hooking
15:23.29ThraeWait wait. Maybe I should add another event and hook THEN.
15:23.49ThraeI'll look through the events...
15:24.58Industrialspam spam spammmm spammedy spammmm
15:27.06Elkanohmm... I managed to break StatusBar :/
15:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
15:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cReDiAr (
15:32.11cReDiArI have a problem with hook the functions of the tradeskill frame
15:32.45cReDiArI can hook any other function but the ones of the tradeskill frame don't work
15:33.49Thraecladhaire: What event does Ace use to delay its hooks?
15:33.58ThraeWait, wrong channel.
15:35.32SinePihmmm. Is Lore conflicting with CTA anyhow..?
15:35.57SinePior is it FlagRSP...
15:36.08ThraeSinePi: Lore + MyRoleplay + CTA works fine for me.
15:36.57SinePiI got a "<D03>cky as to see her belly you will also see a small belly button piercing.....\eod" in a CTA group description...
15:37.09SinePiseems like a misplaced or misdirected FlagRSP tag.
15:37.43ElkanocReDiAr, do you wait with hooking until the tradeskill frames has actualy loaded?
15:38.02cReDiArI think I found the problem
15:38.03Beladonalotsa netspits last night ehh?
15:38.09cReDiArlooks like blizzard renamed it
15:38.27Fanookbela, not really, just an idiot who decided to take down freenode
15:38.31cReDiArso there is Blizzard_TradeSkillUI and Tradeskillfram but only the first is used
15:38.41Beladonathat was renamed several patches ago
15:38.56cReDiArmissed that :(
15:39.46BeladonaTradeSkillUI was moved to an addon in 1.7
15:40.27Beladonaahh I see what you mean though
15:40.37Beladonathe actual functions in the lua file retained their old naming scheme
15:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
15:42.05Mikk1Heya Legorol. You wouldn't happen to know where the special frames (movie, world, etc) went in [[Widget API]] would you? Are they simply no longer accessible from Lua?
15:42.12Beladonanm, functions sitll use the same names
15:42.24LegorolMikk1, they should be three
15:42.33Legorolif they are not, nag Iriel :)
15:42.34Mikk1Oh. They're not.
15:42.48Legoroli meant they do belong on that page
15:43.50Elkanoanyonw wanna have a look on my latest addon in development?
15:45.36cReDiAryeah the functions have the same name but why doesn't hooking them work :/
15:46.53JoshBorkelooks spiffy Elkano
15:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
15:47.50cladhaireI like it Elkano
15:48.30Elkanobut I cant take 100% credit for the look. it's build after a modded Gypsy BuffBar I had found but I cleaned up the XML, made it OO and using CreateFrame and support buff stacks, debuff border nad weapon buffs :)
15:48.49wereHamsterdo Korean players have 'SET realmList' in their ? or do they have a completely different logon url?
15:48.56Elkanoonly a few thinks left to implement/fix but I'll hopfully finish it next week :)
15:49.58Elkanothinks to do: write own algo to obtain buff names (atm I simply called Gypsy's), find a way to get the names of the temp weapon buffs and find a way to fix OO OnUpdate :/
15:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
15:52.42Elkanoso, in an OnUpdate function, do I have to define the elapsed parameter myself? ( MyClass:OnUpdate(elapsed) ) using self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(elapsed) this.owner:OnUpdate(elapsed) end) gave me nil on elapsed in my function for some reason :/
15:58.22cReDiArwhat does 'Secure' in a .toc file mean ?
15:58.38cReDiArsince the TradeSkillFrame has this value set to 1
15:59.16Elkanosigned by blizzard so it's allowed to call some functions other addons aren't
16:02.57cReDiArwould this also mean that this addon is protected from being hooked ?
16:04.18Mikk1Though unless they've screwed up immensely, your code can't do the things that theirs can, even though you hooked it.
16:04.33TainTip: It is better to quest and die then never to have quested at all.
16:04.51Mikk1AoE xp grinding ftw!
16:04.52Beladonaanyone know of a way to perform multiple "search and replace" commands on a file based on regex?
16:04.55Elkanobut I don't know what will happen if you hook a function that will call a function that only secure addons are allowed to call.
16:05.02Beladonahaven't found a tool that can do multiple
16:05.04Fanook*sobs* I don't want the standard loading tips....
16:05.14cladhaireBeladona: YOu need to do multiple, or just onefile?
16:05.23Beladonamultiple in multiple files
16:05.32cladhairesed should be able to do it, or at least piping sed
16:05.49Mikk1we talking unix or windows here?
16:06.13Mikk1There's several programmers's editors out there that will do regex replace over multiple files. Just one file at a time.
16:06.31Mikk1But yeah, for looping files and piping sed should work also. Will need to use a tempfile though.
16:06.43BeladonaI already have a tool that can do that
16:06.49BeladonaI do that every patch for wdn
16:06.54Mikk1  <- sed & co as standalone .exes for win32
16:06.55BeladonaI was hoping to automate it
16:07.01Beladonabecause my changes are always the same based on regex
16:07.17cladhairejust write a shell script
16:07.21cladhairethat goes over and does it on each file
16:07.40cReDiArok somehow my hook is being removed
16:08.10Mikk1cReDiAr: That sounds unlikely, since other addons will have no bloody idea what your hook will call in the end.
16:08.20Mikk1Unless they've run code earlier that found out the original pointers
16:08.25Mikk1Which sounds a bit far fetched
16:08.31cReDiArbut if I hook the function directly after the TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE it works
16:08.48Kirkburnzomg, Vista is finally getting new pointers/cursors =)
16:08.57cReDiArI just hace sct loaded
16:09.06Mikk1Sounds like some mod is hooking the function after yours is, and then decides to not call the original function for some reason. Classic hooking problem.
16:09.08cReDiArwhich shouldn't affect the tradeskills
16:09.17KirkburnNo more hourglass :P
16:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
16:09.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
16:09.49Beladonathat was screwed up
16:10.12BeladonaI was typing so fast, I somehow hit the keyboard sequence for "standby"
16:10.49BeladonaI am not even sure what the sequance is
16:11.02TainI accidentally ctrl-q/ctrl-s way too often.
16:11.08WobinYou have the skillz
16:11.28WobinThere's an odd combo of keys that prints something like 'cfjworksjhrdl' every now and then
16:11.30Beladonais there a way in windows to disable that shortcut?
16:11.37WobinI think it's a password generator of some sort
16:11.39Beladonacause yeah, that won't be the last time
16:11.43Wobinbut I can't figure out the keycombo
16:11.59WobinBeladona: Laptop?
16:12.26WobinHave a look under power management
16:12.47Beladonathat is all disabled
16:12.55Beladonait doesn't stop the shortcut though
16:16.03Beladonafound a reg hack that disables it
16:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
16:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:26.52Elkanook, strange... doing frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(elapsed) [...] end) elapsed is nil on call but arg1 isn't :/
16:29.31Elkanoif someone of you also considers this being a bug would that person be so kind to inform slouken?
16:30.05Mikk1why's that strange?
16:30.37Mikk1You never pass arg1 as the first argument of the function anywhere.
16:30.53Mikk1That function will get called with zero arguments all the time.
16:31.40Mikk1You could do: function() local function myfunc(elapsed) do stuff with elapsed; end; myfunc(arg1); end
16:31.47Mikk1But that seems unnecessary work =)
16:32.27Elkanooh, I've got to force pass arg1? k :)
16:32.57Mikk1yeah, all the arg[n] just live out in global namespace land. they never actually get passed as function parameters unless your code does it.
16:33.17Mikk1I.e. <OnUpdate> MyOnUpdateFunc(arg1); </OnUpdate>    <- that's an explicit parameter pass
16:41.06Beladonaactually some do when they are activated as On* scripts
16:41.47Beladonaexample: frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(event) [...] end) would theoretically work
16:43.50Elkanook :)
16:44.03Beladonayou would need to pass elapsed to the child function though
16:44.09Beladonain that he is right
16:44.14ElkanoIs there any better way then scanning tooltips to obtain the name of a buff/debuff?
16:44.28Beladonaframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(elapsed) myFunction(elapsed) end)
16:44.34ElkanoAnd is there an easy way to obtain the name of a tem weapon enchant?
16:44.58Elkano<Beladona> frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(elapsed) myFunction(elapsed) end) <-- that didn't work
16:45.00TemI didn't know that I could enchant weapons
16:45.26Elkanowell, poisons, shaman enchants, ...
16:45.47Elkanooh ^^ tem -> temp
16:47.54BeladonaElkano: frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() myFunction(arg1) end)
16:48.00Beladonasee if that works
16:48.12Elkanothat's what I did now :)
16:48.22Beladonaand it didn't?
16:49.21Elkanohmm... creating a Tooltip via CreateFrame, what would be the frame type?
16:49.34wereHamsterBeladona, you example won't work.. SetScript("OnEvent", function(event) [...] end) .. event will be nil inside the function
16:50.04Beladonafunny, it works for my addons
16:50.32wereHamsterhm... =-O
16:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:51.10wereHamsterElkano, CreateFrame("GameTooltip", [name], [parent], "GameTooltipTemplate")
16:51.25Elkanothx :)
16:52.27Beladonawhy are you creating your own custom GameTooltip?
16:52.32Beladonawhy not use the default one?
16:52.43krkablizzard doesn't pass any parameters when calling your event functions
16:52.53krkaso don't use event / elapsed / et.c. as parameters
16:53.15Beladonahow does it pass them then
16:53.24Beladonabecause I swear one I set that way does in fact pass the event
16:54.10BeladonaI use it this way though
16:54.21Beladonaself.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function() self:OnEvent(event) end);
16:57.15TemElkano, and if you don't want to name each line like the blizzard template does, you need to use the AddFontString api
16:57.31wereHamsterBeladona, in 'tion() self:OnEvent(event) end' , the variable event is accessed when teh function executes
16:57.57wereHamsterand at that time, WoW.exe will have set it to whatever event is dispatched
16:58.12BeladonaI agree that passing event in function(event) would make it nil, I thought you were talking about my second example
16:58.38Beladonawas a mistake of your statement coming after my second statement, sorry
16:59.01wereHamsternp.. ;)
16:59.26ElkanoBeladona, I use the tooltip to scan for buff names
17:02.07Mikk1Blizzard should stop mucking about and just expose the APIs and move all tooltip functionality to FrameXML where it belongs
17:02.49Mikk1This elaborate frog leaping where the API knows that there's a tooltip object named "GameTooltip" and has strings inside it and so forth is just silly imo =P
17:02.57Beladonaor simply create a GetTooltip function that returns all lines as a table
17:03.01Mikk1Works too
17:03.13Mikk1And would likely be a very minor rewrite
17:03.20Mikk1While creating APIs would indeed be more work
17:03.49Mikk1I'd much prefer having the APIs to avoid localization problems though :<
17:04.28krkablizzard only sends parameters by setting global variables
17:05.50Beladonathe tooltip is too multi-functional. I am not sure exposing the api for it would solve the problem
17:06.15Beladonathe way it gets called now, it could only return strings
17:07.00Beladonafor you to be able to get what you are talking about would require a complete reqrite of how gameTolltips are created
17:07.43Beladonathe solution is probably more one of giving us other ways to get the information we want, and NOT from tooltips
17:19.47yammygirlcodingguys!! Is there a way to add a new rank into the Guild Control, and move it to another position but the first one?
17:24.08SinePigawd. NOW I know why CallToArms was picking up some random garbage from FlagRSP.
17:24.19SinePi"a halfmoon tattoo" in someone's description.
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17:26.43cladhaire for those who haven't caught it yet.
17:27.36KirkburnWhen was that??
17:29.39Fanookyesterday night
17:31.05KirkburnWell, tbh, it hardly earth-shattering
17:31.22cladhairei know
17:31.24cladhairejust passing it along.
17:31.38KirkburnNo, no, I know :P I didn't mean that :)
17:32.05KirkburnI just meant even if any passwords were compromised - it doesn't exactly do much
17:33.19cReDiAris it possible to replace xml elements without changing the xml file ?
17:33.41cReDiAr(the target xml file)
17:34.09KirkburnOdd name choice?
17:34.16WobinNot particulary =)
17:34.55KirkburnConfusing ... >_>
17:35.02Wobinyes =)
17:36.14cladhaireopinion question.
17:36.36cladhaireIf you click-cast on the target's target.. should you end up targeting the unit you cast on, or return to the original target?
17:37.09cladhaireit doesn't really apply to parties and raids, since those will cast without changing targets at all
17:41.51Wobinso solo, eh?
17:42.19yammygirlcodingguys!! Is there a way to add a new rank into the Guild Control, and move it to another position but the first one?
17:43.23Wobinbut the first one?
17:55.18WobinAnyone had experience with the new custom mousecursor textures?
17:55.57Wobin~seen Iriel
17:56.05purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 16h 39m 44s ago, saying: 'AnduinLothar : Dont you have to hope your cursor isn'[t over someone then?'.
17:56.25WobinCome back Iriel! All is forgiven!
18:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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18:36.45SinePiHmm. Can a chatframe be locked/unlocked from script?
18:39.55Mikk1Go read ChatFrame.lua in FrameXML
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18:42.31SinePihm. Indeed.
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19:06.16ThraeCairenn: You around?
19:09.01SinePiEhh. "Disappearing chat frames" bug strikes again.
19:10.32SinePiI had "General" and "LookingForSpam" docked into each other as tabs. Now, after some time, the tabs disappeared, and I was unable to switch to LFS. When I forced it into visibility by /script ChatFrame3:Show(), it became visible... in front of the other window, still with no control tabs. Any way you'd suggest me to try to get things working again..?
19:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:13.56WobinSinePi: eugh
19:15.31SinePiTurning Lock Chat Settings off and on again fixed the tabs, oddly enough. And the overlapping. Oh well.
19:21.18WobinBlizzard should so add in the OMG and HAX folders
19:21.48SinePiI'd add STFU and NUB too.
19:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:24.47ToastTheifwhat's the code to open your main bag?
19:26.12WobinOr possibly OpenBackpack
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19:26.29ToastTheif./script OpenBag(0) works
19:27.05ToastTheifcan't you add custom textures to macros some how now?
19:27.47Mikk1Probably can be forced somehow runtime.
19:27.52Mikk1Don't see it getting saved though.
19:28.07ToastTheifoh well
19:28.11ToastTheifdoesn't matter
19:28.22ToastTheifnow back to figuring out the chat frame problem
19:29.03Mikk1This is how macro definitions are saved: MACRO 1 "Decurse" Spell_Holy_FlashHeal
19:29.42Mikk1I guess it could be worth a shot to give it a full path e.g. /Interface/AddOns/MyAddOn/asdfasdfasf.blp
19:29.48zenzelezzthe last line being the icon?
19:29.50Mikk1Wouldn't count on it working
19:29.51ToastTheifit's cool, the texture doesn't matter much
19:29.54zenzelezz*last part
19:29.58Mikk1zenzelezz: yea
19:30.09Mikk1Err scratch the ".blp" on the end there
19:30.11Mikk1Longshot either way
19:30.30ToastTheifI started working on that last night
19:34.46ToastTheifany ideas?
19:42.40WobinSound samples are currently bugged, aren't they?
19:50.06Legorolcladhaire: has FreeNode fixed the stolen account?
19:50.08Legorolor whatever
19:50.11Legorolis it safe now :)
19:52.23cladhaireyeah its safe
19:52.30cladhairebut use /ns /nickserv or /identify command
19:52.32cladhaireif you can
19:52.35cladhairejust in the future =)
19:52.41cladhaireor change your password to somethingyou dont use anywhere
19:52.44cladhairelike "zomghicladhaire"
19:52.47cladhairethat's my password
19:53.27zenzelezzhm, I remember X on Undernet only accepting a login if you used the or whatever it was a few years back
19:53.36cladhairethats the other way
19:56.35zenzelezzjust don't make it Mikk2001 or anything like that
19:57.21Industrialnore 2k1
19:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:03.28Wobin"Mikk" was last seen six weeks ago
20:03.39Wobinso if you give it a bit more time, you can reclaim the name =P
20:05.46Legorolcladhaire: that news post about FreeNode being compromised, says that they might have collected passwords submitted to NickServ
20:05.52Legorolwhich i did, via identify
20:11.34cladhairewell, /identify
20:11.37cladhaireor /msg nickserv identify?
20:11.58cladhaireit was only casual messages that were the problem
20:13.26zenzelezzmsg nickserv hey there honey, how are you? btw my password's johniscool
20:13.38Elkanowhat about using the password as server password?
20:23.58KirkburnThis Portugal-Holland game is going crazy :P
20:24.12KirkburnJust had a but of a brawl on the thouchline
20:24.14zenzelezzquite entertaining after all
20:27.16zenzelezzI find it odd that you can Shield Slam a target that is behind you
20:31.34zenzelezzuh oh
20:33.08KirkburnOkay when I said it was getting crazy
20:33.13KirkburnWe're getting into fight territory
20:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge SBird (
20:34.56Legorolcladhaire: i thought /identify is just an alias for /msg identify
20:35.17KirkburnEleven yellow cards :/
20:35.53KirkburnNo, make that 12
20:36.14*** join/#wowi-lounge _Grem_ (
20:36.27zenzelezzthree red
20:36.28KirkburnAnd ANOTHER red card
20:36.39Kirkburnbloody hell
20:36.47KirkburnThey should just stop the game
20:37.18zenzelezzwhat I always wonder is why people do what Deco just did... they KNOW they'll get a yellow card no matter what
20:37.35Legorolwhich match is this?
20:37.42zenzelezzPortugal - Netherlands
20:37.50Legorolwhich sport?
20:37.55chuckgWhat's the fastest way to drop an action into the trade window?
20:38.06chuckgI see putinbackpack/bag, not trade.
20:38.54Legoroli was wondering if anyone will actually answer that one ;-)
20:39.12Kirkburncripes, now the goalies down
20:39.46Kirkburn15 yellow cards, 3 reds
20:39.51KirkburnWhat next? :)
20:39.57Legorolsuspend the match?
20:40.04Legorolpostpone it for the next 4 years?
20:40.08Legoroldisqualify both teams?
20:40.16Legorolheck, why not disqualify all teams..
20:40.21Legoroljust cancel the World Cup alltogether
20:40.26Kalrothban soccer in general, I'm up for that
20:40.27Legorolnot just for this year, but forever
20:40.31Kalrothruining our raids!
20:41.01Legorolno matter how hard you try, you can't shut the world cup out of your live
20:41.14Legorolthe world has just gone crazy around me these last few weeks
20:41.43_Grem_I have a WoW interface question if anyone minds helping
20:42.09zenzelezzbetter ask it then so we see if anyone knows :-p
20:42.13_Grem_Im just looking for a basic response, nothing in-depth
20:42.19KirkburnHeh ... if portugal win, they'll be missing loads of players ... then playing England!
20:42.44_Grem_I need to modify the window where an NPC is giving you a quest
20:42.59_Grem_Basically, I want to reformat certain parts of the 'quest granting' interface window
20:43.25_Grem_What event is that?  Or where would I start in retrieving the window?
20:48.13KirkburnHave you checked the wiki?
20:48.53_Grem_Yeah, ive been reading up
20:49.14_Grem_There's lots of information and guides for modifying the quest tracking window
20:49.29_Grem_but I cant find any examples on modifying the NPC conversation window when the NPC is giving a quest
20:50.12zenzelezzsix minutes additional time o_O
20:53.57KirkburnAnd here we have ... another red card
20:55.21KirkburnIf it was accurate, it would have been more like 15 mins of extra time
20:56.40Kirkburn16 yellow cards = equals the record, 4 red cards = new world record :P
20:59.43WobinGo Portugal/Netherlands!
21:01.05Industrialwe lost!
21:01.16Industrialfinally all the fucking commercials will go away
21:01.26Industrialand the supid decorations
21:01.43Industriali mean.. _normal_ fans  just have a scarf or whatever
21:12.26KirkburnThis is just beautiful
21:14.16krkawhoa... weird match
21:16.49WobinThat's just... pretty
21:19.55krkaneeds more explosions
21:20.23KirkburnThe new Vista beta out today is getting very very good reviews :) It's looking up =)
21:21.33Kirkburn(one such review:
21:33.04Mikk1Why not?
21:33.08KirkburnFair enough
21:33.27KirkburnI had a friend who kept telling me 2K was better than XP
21:33.41Mikk1Depends on how you define better =)
21:33.56Mikk1Less puppies n shit. Less RAM usage. Deffo.
21:34.23KirkburnFor a while RAM usage hasn't really meant much, since it gets freed when needed
21:34.40Mikk1Orly? Try running XP on a box with 256 megs of ram >.<
21:34.53KirkburnYes, well I didn't mean that :P
21:35.41KirkburnWhen people complain that Vista takes more than 1/2 of a computers RAM when idle, then it's especially relevant
21:36.01Kirkburn(When a computer is idle, who the hell cares what's using the RAM? :P )
21:38.20WobinWell does it continue to use half that ram when active?
21:38.23Wobinor does it use more?
21:39.49KirkburnNo, it gets freed up
21:39.50*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:39.56KirkburnFor whatever needs it
21:40.05WobinSo why does it use it?
21:40.18Mikk1Preload half the internet? =)
21:40.26KirkburnKeeps stuff you're likely to use in the memory
21:40.35KirkburnHeh, IE7 seems to do that
21:40.59KirkburnGoes up to about 200mb usage ... it all gets clearer when you minimise, goes down to about 3mb
21:41.57Kirkburnno wait
21:42.02KirkburnI meant *cleared
21:55.48ThraeAlright, I've come to the conclusion that tonumber( num, base ) does not work with bases higher then 10.
22:06.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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22:09.33Mikk1Vegnagun, Level 53 Nigh Elf Hunter @ wow-interface-customization:
22:09.34Mikk1"Anyone know when patch 1.11.1 will be out. It seems their is a bug in the current patch I am assuming it won't be too long since it is a minor bug and shouldn't take too long to fix.
22:09.34Mikk1well keep me posted."
22:11.43*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
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22:20.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
22:27.51EndThrae: worksforme
22:28.13End(about tonumber)
22:28.23ThraeAre we talking about tonumber() ?
22:28.29End(iirc, it works on bases up to base 36)
22:28.57ThraeI did tonumber(255,16) and I got 597
22:29.39EndI don't think it works in that direction
22:29.50Endit works in the -other- direction
22:30.00ThraeYou can't use to convert decimal to hex?
22:30.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
22:30.09Enddon't think so
22:30.14Endit normally accepts a string
22:30.21CideEnd is right
22:30.35Endso you can do tonumber("FF",16
22:30.56Cidetonumber(110101,2) returns 53 (1 + 4 + 16 + 32)
22:31.09Endin any case
22:31.18Endyou can use string.format if you want to do hex
22:31.28Endstring.format("%x",255) => "ff"
22:34.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|playing (
22:38.35Kirkburnnetcurse, you around?
22:40.46KirkburnHrm, I'm having trouble with CG :(
22:41.02KirkburnDoes this work look right to anyone?
22:42.01Gryphenbroken sshots, but seems ok otherwise
22:44.22KirkburnI just added a new version
22:44.30KirkburnAnd I updated the screenshots
22:44.37KirkburnAnd I changed the name to just "ClearFont" :P
22:46.43KirkburnAnd non of them seem to have worked :/
22:46.45zinorwe changed some things Kirkburn
22:46.49zinor=one sec
22:46.59KirkburnI noticed the test addon :P
22:47.10zinorstrange that screenshots arent working
22:47.24zinorbut it may take up to 30 mins for the page to refresh
22:47.28KirkburnI changed the name a couple of times - related?
22:47.52zinori wouldnt think so
22:48.08KirkburnIt all appears correct on the 'edit' pages, so I'll wait and see ;)
22:48.09zinorso basically
22:48.11zinoryou deleted old ones
22:48.13zinorand added new ones
22:48.18zinorya i see the problem
22:48.27zinorwe're working on a solution so it doesnt have any delay
22:48.37zinorbut its on multiple servers so it gets tricky
22:48.42KirkburnFair enough :P
22:49.23zinorthe problem existed before, but only 4/5 of the users issues during the delay, so not everyone realized it
22:49.39zinorbut now everyone does because i did some major changes to the way the site functions yesterday so it would stay speedy :)+
22:54.27Wobinnot seeing a namechange, Kirk
22:55.04KirkburnIt's correct on the update pages :P
22:55.59KirkburnJust checking in FireFox, everything's right except for the name :)
23:18.02*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
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23:22.04AnduinLotharwow, i think that's the fastest i've ever connected to this server must be speedy
23:22.54kergoths/server/network/ i presume
23:25.45WobinCan you approve of PaintBall for me? =)
23:26.08CairennI already did
23:26.16Cairennduh :p
23:26.44AnduinLothari had a SC paintball mod that made the marines guns colorful
23:26.50WobinRaidIcon targetter/autotargetter
23:27.06kergothThrae, getting duplicated targeting lines with current svn still, it seems
23:27.21AnduinLotharloops through the raid to find the desired target icon i assume
23:27.55AnduinLotharI was thinking of writing unit frames for the raid icons
23:28.10AnduinLotharusing the builtin raid interface
23:28.22AnduinLotharproviding someone is targetting them
23:29.01AnduinLotharace + fubar? odd combination
23:29.08AnduinLotharwell i spose not
23:30.51WobinIt's independant of FuBar
23:30.57WobinBut will take advantage of it
23:31.09WobinIf FuBar isn't there, it'll reside as a minimap button
23:31.49Wobinand aye, does the raidtarget loop
23:31.53AnduinLotharusing fubar's embadable thing i assume
23:32.09WobinBut if noone is targetting your mob, it switches to a mouseover mode
23:35.17ScytheBlade1So, is the rumor true? The one that as of 1.11, you don't need to use things such as ntmysFixLoadingTimes?
23:35.51ScytheBlade1It's done by default now?
23:35.55Wobinwell. all those were supposed to be stopgap measures until Blizzard fixed it in 1.11
23:36.12WobinAlthough I've heard reports that things still run faster with Catalyst =)
23:36.22WobinDon't know the veracity of that though =P
23:36.38ScytheBlade1Catalyst, eh?
23:38.03AnduinLotharfaster yes, i wont vouch for it's safety tho
23:38.16ScytheBlade1What's that supposed to mean?
23:38.28AnduinLotharit stops events from firing.
23:38.46ScytheBlade1Same with ntmys, right?
23:38.50AnduinLotharso it may or may not break an addon or two
23:39.02AnduinLotharthey are slightly different in implementation
23:39.45WobinI think there's a link on the Catalyst page on WoWi that outlines the differences between the various ones
23:39.51Wobin(or maybe in the comments)
23:41.41cladhaireAnyone know what the mouseover tooltip is called?
23:41.52cladhaireis it still GameTOoltip:?
23:41.57AnduinLotharnever changed
23:42.04cladhairei meant in the world.
23:42.09AnduinLotharsame thing
23:42.09cladhaireand it is.
23:42.14cladhairei'm just having an issue atm
23:46.53Wobin=( Where is the Iriel?
23:47.42cladhaireAnyone see any reason why we can't hook GameTooltip:SetUnit() ?
23:47.52cladhaireor am i completely out of the loop
23:48.01ThraeI'm hooking it OK myself...
23:48.06AnduinLotharyou can, it's been done
23:48.24ThraeWhat are we talking about?
23:48.29cladhairedefault UI live servers, /script GameTooltip.SetUnit = function(tt, unit) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hello") end
23:48.33cladhairenever get hello
23:49.07ScytheBlade1Bah - what's the name of that addon which makes a much larger map out of the minimap data?
23:49.07AnduinLotharGameTooltip.SetUnit = function(self, unit) blah end
23:49.15cladhaireyeah, doesn't work.
23:49.20Mikk1SetUnit doesn't get called from Lua
23:49.22AnduinLotharworks here
23:49.29Mikk1The actual functionality is in the game engine
23:49.44cladhaireyes, but that's not the point here.
23:49.46AnduinLotharoh you mean for world mouseovers?
23:49.52Thraecladhaire: Make sure you have every single addon that might be doing something with the tooltip disabled.
23:49.55AnduinLotharyeah for that you have to hook something else
23:49.57cladhairei have no addons enabled.
23:50.02ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar, thank you!
23:50.13cladhairei'm talking for world in particular
23:50.26cladhairethis is what i used to always use... hrm
23:50.35AnduinLotharwell if you mosueover an action bar it calls setunit
23:51.24AnduinLotharworldframe mouseovers require a unit mouseover event i think. would have to look it up
23:51.37Legorolcladhaire: the engine used to call the Lua SetUnit in the past, if i remember correctly
23:51.44Legorolbut it hasn't been doing so for a while now
23:51.48cladhaireLegorol: Yeah, this is really old code =)
23:51.58Legoroli vaguely remember a change a while back
23:52.20LegorolAnduinLothar is right, the only way to handle worldframe mouseover is to react to the unit mousever event
23:52.58LegorolMikk1, i don't think you were wrong
23:53.06cladhaireMikk1: You weren't,. but it hasn't always been that way
23:53.11Mikk1aigh t=)
23:54.11AnduinLotharjust us old timers quibling over specifics ;)
23:55.23AnduinLotharuh, my yahoo address gets so much spam..
23:55.56Mikk1heh, aren't yahoo supposed to have an omfgbadass spam blocker? =P
23:56.19Mikk1they surely have everything in place to have one
23:56.22AnduinLotharit's dissabled.
23:56.28Mikk1..... doh
23:56.43AnduinLotharI do all my spam filtering on my home box which is trainable
23:57.02Mikk1oh, ok, disabled by you
23:57.06Mikk1i thought "yahoo stopped doing it"
23:57.21AnduinLotharbut when i'm  not on my home box... i use the online system and i have to look at it all :/
23:57.24cladhaireWhat IS this magical unit_mouseover event?
23:57.38AnduinLotharlets see..
23:57.46cladhaireit was hiding. =)
23:57.49cladhairegrep found it.
23:58.59ThraeUhh, that's not good when ChanServ quits ;)
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