irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060621

00:00.08ArogI just want to join a raiding guild that (around september) is doing MC/BWL/AQ40/ZG/AQ20
00:00.12Arogand I think that is reasonable
00:00.25zenzelezzlooks good Kirkburn
00:00.26GuillotineI can give you the websites of a coupel guilds on my server and you can check out their raid times
00:00.26ArogMC/ZG/AQ20 should be done by now
00:00.30Arogsure Guillotine
00:00.32Arogthat would be cool
00:00.35Arogit is PVE right?
00:00.44Arogie: PVE realm
00:01.03Guillotinepve, not rp
00:01.17Guillotineand some really nice people on it ^_^
00:01.23Guillotineme at the top of the list of course
00:01.43KirkburnThanks zenzelezz =)
00:02.14GuillotineArog: check out
00:02.18Guillotineit should be exactly what you need
00:02.57Guillotineand check out Heart and Mind in that list. they are EXTREMELY nice and will send you all BoE tier 1 in the mail when you join the guild
00:03.05Guillotinewell, if they like you
00:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
00:03.09Guillotineapparently they really like my gf
00:03.09zenzelezzI switched from US to EU server in late February because I wanted to be able to join a raid guild with decent raid times for me (being EU and all ;)... only recently got the gear to get accepted into one, but still need to work on it
00:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
00:05.58Arogthe last realm I was on was - Kael'Thas
00:06.02Arogit was a fairly new realm
00:06.06ArogI was playing from Jan - Apr
00:06.13Arogthe realm was made Oct 05
00:06.20Aroganyways, alliance side, there are 4 raiding guilds
00:06.43Arog1 of them are elitists who came from another server who were just rolling through content, BWL cleared in 4 months from server open date
00:06.54Aroganother guild was also pretty hardcore, they were not too far back from this one
00:07.03Arogand other 2 guilds were kinda sucks
00:07.13ArogI couldn't get into the elitist guild (being a rogue and all)
00:07.42Arogso I got into the worst guild, they had 87 level 60s...and about 11 rogues, which 9-10 came on time to the raids
00:08.01Arogso hard getting into any raids, and I had to be on the waiting list way too long
00:08.10Arogdon't want to join a server like that again
00:08.23Arogprefer servers where there are like 9-10 raiding guilds (on 1 faction)
00:08.25Guillotinemy server's kind of like that with unters
00:08.28zenzelezzI've had trouble finding a raid guild since I'm a warrior, which they all seem mostly full on on my server... finally seem to be getting somewhere, but still just on trial \o/
00:08.44Guillotinewe have lots of raiding guilds. our server has been out since release
00:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:08.57Arogyour server opened jan 05
00:08.59Arogthat is not release ;)
00:09.07Arogfeb 05 sory
00:09.08QzotIriel: And the answer is...
00:09.22QzotIriel: The shift is obvious, but not huge.
00:09.23Arogya the funny thing is that
00:09.34ArogI go to a school that is set up like - 4 months study, 4 months work, 4 months on
00:09.49Aroganyways I play WoW during the work term, because I come home at 5 5:30 and I have nothing to do
00:09.51GuillotineArog: how is that possible? I started playing 2 weeks after release and I've never changed servers...
00:10.01Arogthe welcome message
00:10.04Arogis dated 2/7/05
00:10.11Arogmaybe it was added later :)
00:10.40Aroganyways, I quit wow because school was starting in a month and I was kinda burned out I guess
00:10.47ArogI quit and the rogue population drops like 40%
00:10.54Arogevery guild is recruiting rogues like mad
00:11.22zenzelezzso Arog... which part of "2/7/05" is January? :-o
00:11.28Endhmm, the patcher gives less details on what files it is patching
00:11.39Endit just says "writing terrain data"
00:11.50End(right now)
00:11.53Arogzenz I said feb
00:11.55Arog<Arog> feb 05 sory
00:12.07zenzelezzpfft... you write too many lines to rad
00:12.10zenzelezzread too =D
00:12.20Cairennor raid
00:12.36CideDolby-wowi: you around?
00:12.38Arogsorry I write until I hit the end of the window, and my window is not maximized
00:12.56zenzelezzArog: I was just making an excuse for being wrong ;)
00:13.23ArogI was kidding too lol
00:13.37Cairennwell, I wasn't!
00:13.52zenzelezzgenerally shouldn't matter unless someone's using flood protection
00:13.55Arogyou are raiding today/
00:14.04zenzelezzI saw the most ironic ChanServ kick once
00:14.12Arogkicked itself?
00:14.40zenzelezznah... don't think I have it logged, but let me check
00:14.57ArogI saw that once on a bot. 7 guys just spammed, all of them got kicked and the bot replies - FINISH the bot got kicked lol
00:15.12Arogthats what the bot replies when it kicks someone
00:17.16zenzelezzseems like I lost it... anyhow, I warned a guy to be careful because he liked to write a lot of short lines instead of a few long ones, and he said something like "yeah, I'll get kicked eh? lol"... and that was one line too many for ChanServ
00:17.51zenzelezzgot banned though... naughty chanserv on that network
00:20.21Cairennafk a bit, cool enough and dry enough (hopefully) to try to get the lawns mowed, finally
00:25.09ArogPST is 3 hours behind EST right?
00:26.09zenzelezzbelieve so
00:26.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
00:29.01Arogwow these times are nice
00:29.06Arogstart at 5-end at 9
00:29.09Arogso that is like 8 -12 :)
00:30.58KirkburnCan someone check if is going to the new site (the blue one) ... it's not changing yet on my end :)
00:31.09zenzelezzfrom what I've seen on my server's raid guilds' sites, their raid times vary widely in length... but tend to be sometime between 19:00 and midnight almost without exception (can't speak for horde, but I can't imagine it being very different)
00:31.45ArogKirkburn ctrl + f5
00:31.51Aroghard refresh
00:31.58KirkburnI'm doing it! :(
00:32.01zenzelezzlooks correct to me Kirkburn... never been to that URL before and I believe I'm getting the same as I did from your test-URL
00:32.04Arogits blue to me
00:32.14Arogare you using IE?
00:32.19KirkburnI'll take you words for it
00:32.25ArogIE - clear temp directory
00:32.32zenzelezzUpdated: Wednesday, 21 June, 2006 1:08 AM
00:32.33Arogctrl + f5 is in firefox I think
00:32.38zenzelezzI'm assuming this is the new one
00:33.14Arogdo you plan on providing more fonts kirk
00:33.31Kirkburn(didn't work in FF either ... I'm going to clear the temp, good idea :)
00:33.37KirkburnIt's possible yeah
00:33.52Arogwould be nice if you give more font choices heh
00:34.06Arog Is this normal WC font?
00:34.07KirkburnI need to get around to doing the full options menu coding. And learn how :P
00:34.09Arognormal WOW font
00:34.27Aroglol wonder why it looks so nice
00:35.03KirkburnI definately have some ideas of other font choices :)
00:35.13Arog I like this
00:35.46zenzelezzdid the realm status page ever auto-refresh every now and then (in your browser)? I seem to recall it doing so, but it doesn't seem to anymore... if it ever did
00:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:38.58Wobinzenzelezz: It's done it before
00:39.03KirkburnArog, took me a while to open Word to check ... but Franklin Gothic looks similar to that
00:39.04Wobinusually when I'm not looking
00:39.37Arogah alright kirk
00:40.31KirkburnTwo versions seem similar to me ... Franklin Gothic Demi Cond and Frankling Gothic Medium Cond
00:40.45KirkburnObviously that only helps if you have it ;)
00:45.26KirkburnOne man went to mow One man went to mow, Went to mow a meadow
00:45.38Cairennhi MentalPower
00:45.52Cairennit was neither cool enough nor dry enough, but they're done anywaqy
00:46.29KirkburnDid you sing:
00:46.33MentalPowerPatch 1.11 has momentarily pulled me from my university studies
00:50.18snurregivf 1.11
00:50.34ArogThis sucks
00:50.42Arogwish school finishes tomorrow
00:52.40snurregot work tomorrow
00:52.43snurreomg, the workload
00:52.49snurrei love and hate patches
00:53.30snurredont even wanna imagine how much this patch fucks up
00:53.47snurreconsidering it's the most extensive patch ever
00:54.00KirkburnLol, that was weird ... the signer I'm listening to just started singing "edit, edit, edit, edit" ... just as I clicked to edit a page :P
00:54.00IrielFrom a game perspective? Or a UI perspective?
00:54.15snurregame perspective, iriel
00:54.18Irielbecause from a UI Perspective it's not that bad
00:54.30snurreit touches nearly everything in the game
00:54.36snurresmall updates everywhere
00:54.48snurrelargest patch in size too
00:54.49AnduinLotharUI perspective is dreadful when you have 30 addons and no automated packaging set up..
00:55.03snurrei dont really mind that
00:55.04KirkburnIt's also very very well tested though
00:55.16snurrei mind the amount of hours i have to work overtime due to it tho :(
00:57.11WobinCan anyone connect to wowi?
00:57.43Cairennnope, we're down =/
00:57.47IrielSo has disabling Data overrides been confirmed yet/
00:58.04zenzelezzloads for me
00:58.16IrielYou're back now it seems
00:58.18CairennIriel: everyone keeps saying that, but I'm still using my T.King mod that overwrites mod graphics
00:59.22IrielWe've been told mod graphics were ok, so that's not TOO surprising. I mean non-UI overrides
00:59.25chuckgWoWI is hosered.
00:59.30Irielit would appear they closed the hole on that
00:59.48Cairennchuckg: no, we're back up now
01:00.00chuckgNeeds more cowbell.
01:00.00Cairennjust a momentary burp
01:00.23WobinWe all need a little more cowbell
01:00.52zenzelezz <- seems to touch data overriding
01:01.23WobinAnd now
01:01.32WobinI've forgotten what I was going to do at wowi
01:01.33zenzelezzfor something completely different
01:02.07TentacledServers down. Finally. :)
01:03.32Wobinanyone have a link to the SM tabard?
01:12.32Arogwobin, its just the normal SM tabard
01:13.31Wobinwhassit look like?
01:16.04MentalPowerred flame thingy on white background with red trim
01:16.10zenzelezzjust a guess, but something like ? Can't remember if that's what they all look like
01:16.44MentalPowerhowever there are some other SM tabards that are different colors (2 additional ones) that you can see using wowmodelviewer
01:17.14WobinI wonder if it's worth getting
01:17.21zenzelezzdoes wowmodelviewer allow you to "equip" armor to models?
01:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:17.41AnduinLotharwhat rep do you need for the tabard?
01:17.44MentalPoweronly to those on the character folder
01:17.59MentalPowerso all the currently playable races + goblins
01:19.04zenzelezzI like Allakhazam, but I swear half of the ad servers take an eternity to respond
01:19.18MentalPowerzenzelezz: use AdBlock
01:19.27MentalPower(FF extension)
01:19.47zenzelezzI do, but apparently my current settings aren't the right ones for Alla :)
01:20.27WobinAnduinLothar: Apparantly the SM tabard drops from mobs after Herod
01:21.11AnduinLotharorly? time to solo him... i can stealth to him on my pally and only kill the first 2 guys
01:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
01:25.39DarklinGood evening, anyone out there know where I can find a working copy of Nurfed_ActionBars for 1.11? It's giving me fits.
01:25.56DarklinAnd the Nurfed forums are barfing every 3 seconds because of some database error.
01:27.14_BBARF! BARF!
01:28.56CairennI don't believe they update them anywhere other than their own site any longer
01:29.08CairennI could be wrong
01:29.11DarklinI may have just been able to DL a copy of the Alpha
01:30.08Cairennlater Iriel
01:30.34gnorlishanyone know how to get the newest mage food + frost ward
01:30.35zenzelezzfood ward?
01:30.43gnorlishif only
01:30.46gnorlishthat would keep the farmers away in org
01:31.39zenzelezzis the WoW-US website down?
01:31.54gnorlisheither that or very very slow
01:32.13zenzelezzI seem to get an utterly quick "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"
01:32.57Kirkburnutterly quick?
01:33.11KirkburnThat fast, eh :P
01:33.11zenzelezzalmost as if it doesn't try
01:33.35KirkburnOkay with all other websites though?
01:34.10zenzelezzyeah. It managed to connect now, just "waiting" ;) Must be expected on patch day anyway
01:34.28KirkburnSame thing here, slow and a crippled snail
01:35.27KirkburnWell, it is. It's very very very slow :)
01:38.36KirkburnAre the US servers up now, then?
01:39.18KirkburnBasically, I want some to test ClearFont before I go to bed so I can go to bed content that all is good with the world ... please? *puppy-dog eyes*
01:39.41KirkburnDon't make me pout :(
01:39.53gnorlishwhat did you do to it
01:39.56gnorlishmine is working fine
01:40.00KirkburnThe wind might change and I'll get stuck that way ;)
01:40.03zenzelezzsure, go ahead Kirkburn, we're not stopping you
01:40.25KirkburnI just updated to the release version, a few little changes from the last beta
01:41.21KirkburnAh, good point .. you just reminded me to update my bookmark - I should change that on the website =)
01:42.30gnorlishi'll check it now
01:42.49CairennI'd test for you, but if I logged out to install, I probably wouldn't get logged back in
01:43.05gnorlishsatrina's buffmod definitely broke my ability to inspect,invite,kick people and so on
01:46.05gnorlishkirk, loaded fine for me
01:46.07AnduinLothar:) you can reset instances w/o a party
01:46.10gnorlishanything in particular you want me to look at
01:47.22KirkburnNothing in particular ... it works, all is good :)
01:47.28KirkburnThanks muchly
01:55.06Kirkburn(damn, it was the Google Web Accelerator that prevented me from seeing the updated website)
01:55.56KirkburnI always for get about it :/
01:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
02:11.32ArogI should go design a UI now
02:12.07Arogactually I am going to sleep
02:12.08Arogcya tomorrow
02:19.13KirkburnNight night everyone!
02:20.03Cairennnight Kirkburn
02:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:22.32chuckgWoot Naxx resetting already.
02:22.33chuckgForced reset.
02:23.30CairennWhat is the CTRA install folder named? CTRA?
02:26.27Dolby-wowisorry for the caps, was just copy/paste
02:27.24CideCairenn: CT_RaidAssist
02:27.33Cairennyeah, got it, thanks Cide
02:28.31KaeltenDolby-wowi:  thats kinda sad
02:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:34.46MentalPowerZOMG! Cairenn raids!!!!
02:35.02Cairennhell no, who's got time?
02:36.01MentalPowerjust messing
02:36.04CairennI know
02:36.13MentalPowerhmm... I need someone to pick on
02:36.34MentalPowerI'm installing WoW on WinVista and its slower than molasses on winter
02:37.48Dolby-wowiCairenn 50 boxes her own raids
02:45.03Mikk1@Nurfed. Wholly-db-driven sites are EVIL. EVIL.
02:45.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:45.44Mikk1There's too much SQL in the world.
02:45.55Mikk1So much could just be done with regular bloody text files and everything would be so much faster.
02:46.52Mikk1Did I mention that I've written a bug tracking / change management web ui that contains more information than Bugzilla, and is roughly 10 times as fast on the same hardware?  Well, slightly less.. 8-9 times as fast.
02:47.02Cairennas opposed to oldfangled idiocy?
02:47.11Mikk1oldfangled idiocy is ok =)
02:47.15MentalPowerwowi down again?
02:47.36Cairennnope, fine here
02:47.51MentalPowerWDN gives me a 404 error
02:47.54Cairennyou are correct, that is down
02:48.01Cairennand Bela isn't on
02:48.17CairennDolby, anything you can do from your end to fix wdn?
02:48.21Dolby-wowiyeah wdn is disabled for a sec, think its the cause of some crazy loads
02:48.30Cairennah, okay
02:50.54AnduinLotharwhere do i want to eat tonight?
02:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Buttink (
02:55.38Buttinkhello again :)
02:57.34Buttinkthe joys of figuring out how to save vars!!
02:58.06Gryphentoc entry?
02:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:58.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:59.04Cairennwb Iriel
02:59.17WobinWhere's Kirkburn when you want to gossip brit stuff =P
02:59.20Buttinki have it in my toc just hopeing that it works
02:59.24Cairenngone to sleep
02:59.26IrielHe's not the only brit around you know
02:59.43Cairennyou don't count, you defected
03:00.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
03:01.27ckknightI figured out my dad is hiring an illegal immigrant today
03:01.36ckknightyea... turns out he's from Victoria
03:01.58ckknightin Canada
03:02.07WobinWe got one of those too
03:02.11ckknightit's mostly really funny
03:02.22ckknighthe's on a student visa or something
03:04.43WobinWoWi back down? =\
03:04.48Cairennif he's on a student visa, then he probably isn't "illegal"
03:04.55Cairennyes, we are, Dolby is busy tweaking stuff
03:05.03WobinCool =)
03:06.03Mr_Rabies2Why does the game choose my LAST chat panel instead of my first by default when logging in
03:06.21WobinI've noticed that too
03:06.26Mr_Rabies2it  shows my healer chat by default, instead of General
03:06.35WobinIt is Odde and Disturbing
03:10.18Buttinkso if i get my variable lets say "variabletosave1" in my toc as ##SavedVariablesPerCharacter: variabletosave1    it will auto load it when EACH char logs on
03:10.35IrielButtink Well, that character;'s version will
03:10.41IrielButtink : if it was saved already
03:10.52Buttinkotherwise it woudl go to my default
03:11.58Buttinkhmmm... HMMMMmmm wonder why this doesnt work then my addon works as a hole but only if u input the 1 var i have lol
03:13.00Buttinktime to double check spellings
03:13.19Cairennwe're back
03:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
03:28.32MentalPowerButtink: simple question, is the variable that you're trying to save a global one?
03:31.05ButtinkWOoooooooooooo yes and i got it to work
03:32.02Buttinki can get anything to work if i just keep typing stuff out untill it works
03:33.35Buttinkthere woudlnt happen to be a way to tell if anouther addon was loaded without editing the other addon
03:34.27Buttinki love u
03:36.35Buttinktaht woudl be a if(IsAddOnLoaded("Flexbar") == true)          correct
03:36.43IrielWithout the == true
03:36.50Buttinkno need for true
03:36.52Irieljust if (IsAddOnLoaded("Flexbar"))
03:37.13Irielthe true will likely end up giving you the wrong answer, because /most/ of the API functions use 1 for true and nil for false
03:37.38Buttinkto used to C++
03:38.02Cairennwdn back
03:38.25IrielNow fix my realms! 8-)
03:40.19Mikk1Re: variables and spellings... That's one aspect of most scripting languages I'm not too fond of. I want my scripts to complain if I'm trying to access something that was never created. =/
03:40.57Mikk1Heck, give me strict typing while you're at it >.<
03:41.10IrielMikk1 - Create yourself a namespace table, give it a metamethod that checks for unknown values
03:41.27IrielMikk1 - And give it 'read through' to the global environment, then setfenv all your code to use that by default
03:41.40IrielI think strict typing in lua would be a liability
03:41.48Mikk1Aye that works, sort of, except i have to do it to all my tables too =)
03:41.55Mikk1(Nice idea btw =))
03:42.10Mikk1Iriel: How so?
03:42.23Mikk1I mean, yeah, as everything WoW related today is written, definitely.
03:42.34Mikk1But just considering Lua as a langauge...?
03:43.18IrielThe beauty of lua as a language is the supreme flexibility of everything
03:43.31Buttinki still like c++ more
03:43.32zespri_worklua has very specific target area - it's a language that you embedd to other software. It mostly designed to allow for quick scipting
03:43.34Irielstrict typing would start breaking things in unexpected places
03:43.43zespri_workand strict typing as less flexible
03:43.47IrielI wouldn't write the things I write in java or C++ in lua
03:43.51DarklinI wish I could script the wow ui in Python. At least I know that. Lua huts.
03:44.08ButtinkLUA gives me tumors
03:44.10Mikk1Bah, Lua is a nice friendly language
03:44.29DarklinEh, it's not terrible. I just like python better. I'm a language pedant tho.
03:44.30IrielI'm fairly close to looking for lua engines written to run within a jvm at times tho -)
03:44.31Buttinkyah but i still now C++ better so its just diffrent
03:44.36Mikk1And tbqph, the inventors were bloody geniouses to accomplish all the flexibility they've managed in as few lines of code as they have
03:44.48IrielOddly enough, python's managed to rub me the wrong way every time I try and get started in it
03:45.10DarklinI don't think it's for everyone. I like it tho, but i'm used to it.
03:45.18DarklinEvery language has its nuances.
03:46.07IrielI can't put my finger on why I dont like it though, and that bothers me too 8-)
03:46.18IrielI get similar reactions to it as I did to Tcl
03:46.46Mikk1Python fascinates me to some extent
03:46.48DarklinReally? That's odd because TCL and Python have very little in common.
03:47.00IrielI know, but I really disliked tcl
03:47.02Mikk1I've never really written anything useful in it but the indent-as-scope features is kinda "whoa!"
03:47.11DarklinAside from the being dynamically typed and being a scripting language.
03:47.24DarklinAdd to that the apparently "Disliked by Iriel" status and that's about it.
03:47.59IrielIt may just be not finding the right book to get started
03:48.03Irielor the right problem to get started
03:48.13DarklinIt feels natural to me. And encourages it's own idea of good programming style.
03:48.23DarklinWhich is one thing alot of longtime coders don't care for
03:48.26zespri_workIriel, have you ever looked at forth? =)
03:48.28DarklinSo that may be it, Iriel.
03:48.32IrielI loved forth
03:48.36Irieland PostScript
03:48.49Iriel(and Ample, for any oldschool UK folks)
03:49.06zespri_worknever heard of Ample though
03:49.20DarklinDamn, I both love and completely hate the new Nurfed ActionBars.
03:49.29zespri_workI used to have a computer with forth when I was a kid
03:49.39IrielAmple was (is?) a forth-based music language
03:49.48ButtinkFLEXBAR ftw
03:49.57DarklinBah. Flexbar makes my nose bleed.
03:49.57zespri_workwhat in heck is a music language????
03:50.07Irielsomething you use to program a music synthesizer?
03:50.17Buttinki love flexbar so much flexability lol
03:50.21Irielin this particular case, a sequencer + sythethizer
03:50.24Irielspelled right
03:50.27zespri_workoh sure
03:50.54DarklinMikk1: Aye, you said that.
03:50.55IrielWhat the hell... I got D/C'ed on the theramore boat
03:51.02zespri_worknever were to close to music so it didn't occure to me at first
03:51.06Buttinksucks to be u
03:51.07DarklinBleh, nm.
03:51.09IrielI logged back in UNDER the Boulderslide Ravine, and died from falling
03:51.14DarklinSomehow I scrolled up.
03:51.39DarklinButtink: Flexbar is far too complex for what I'm after.
03:51.48Buttinklol my UI has buttons
03:51.58DarklinSadly, noone seems to make what I'm after. So I'm going to end up having to make it myself.
03:52.04Mikk1(no, not python. the other one)
03:52.21Buttinkwhat do u want?
03:52.21zespri_workpascal, prolog?
03:52.24IrielHey, the widget API page is a perl script 8-)
03:52.24Dolby-wowiperl ?
03:52.37DarklinButtink: Ever play with the old Nurfed_ActionBars?
03:52.45DarklinThree button bars stacked up
03:52.47Buttinkthe ond ones yah they rocked
03:53.01DarklinThe bottom button bar could still be <SHIFT> swapped
03:53.08Buttinkoh a 3X2 2X3 and stuff like that
03:53.11zespri_workor even PL/1
03:53.15Dolby-wowiwhats a modem?
03:53.15WobinSqueeeeeel enow enow enow brrrrrt chhhhhhhhhhhhh
03:53.36zespri_workI know many names of the languages that start with pee
03:53.48Mikk1Wobin: Old skool modem. No error correction.
03:54.47WobinWow. we were geeks =P
03:54.50DarklinFor some reason, 1.11 broke some trick of something that Nurfed_ActionBars was using and now I can't get it working properly again without a gajillion errors.
03:54.50Mikk1Squeeeeeeeel enow enow enow brrrrt chhhhhhh choioioiouoiuo *ponggg* ... *pong*... *pongggg..*' chhhhhhh <-- error correcting modem =)
03:55.19Buttinkmy SCT doesnt work with rep anymore and it doesnt display anything only errors when rep gain
03:55.33*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
03:56.26Cairennnight KaeltenAway
03:56.34Darklingetglobal(name..i.."NormalTexture"):SetWidth(texturesize*scale); < Right there is one of the things that's killing it
03:56.37ButtinkI want to make an addon that makes 10 frames over the CT_RAMTGroup frames so u can SHIFT click and it would auto heal a selected heal
03:56.39IrielHm,s o now i'm dead and can't log in. 8-(
03:57.15DarklinButtink: Why not just mod CTRA
03:57.31DarklinOr write a mod that hooks the CTRA frames
03:57.38Buttinkthen i would have to copy paste ever CTRA plus kind of want to give to my guildies
03:57.45AnduinLotharso yeah iriel, never really figured out why the editbox was truncating
03:58.01DarklinSo just write one that hooks the event handlers for the CTRA frames
03:58.04IrielAnother one for the pirate eh?
03:58.31DarklinThen do a Check to see if SHIFT is pressed and if so, create a mechanism to set up what spell to fire.
03:58.36Cideor see CT_RA_CustomOnClickFunction
03:58.40AnduinLothari guess. I'll have to figure out what the cap is.
03:58.40Cairennthe pirate is a poopyhead!
03:59.00Cidesee the top of CT_RaidAssist.lua
03:59.11AnduinLotharI'm dissapointed i can't find a workaround, I've tried so hard to make this hack work
03:59.33Buttinkwould be simple wouldnt it ... will probly add to the one i have right now it takes Flexbar buttons you pick like 1-10 and puts them exactly next to your MainTank list and hides if they are visable or not is hides and junk its sweet almost finished
04:00.28AnduinLotharSo cide, what'd you end up doing with the features wow implemented? remove them, augment the blizz ones or just leave um in?
04:00.37IrielWell, since I can't log in, i'm going to idle off somewhere and watch a movie or something
04:00.41Cidenothing, yet
04:00.55Buttinklv 60 paly ... aka shitty priest in plate mainly why im doing this
04:01.03Cairennhave a good evening Iriel
04:01.08Buttinkgot boired of 2 heals
04:01.13Buttinkgot to make it interesting somehow
04:01.25AnduinLotharyeah pally healing isn't very inspiring, but it's very efficient
04:01.42Buttinkyah very mana efficient and like no agro
04:01.49AnduinLotharjust spam 1 button and have a mod do targetting is about all that's required
04:02.08AnduinLotharsame thing in 5man as in raid
04:02.17WobinI picked up a nice 3k crit heal from a pally
04:02.19Buttinkyah but thats cheating lol
04:02.25Buttink3k is low lol
04:02.33AnduinLotharonly diff is in 5man if you're main healing you need to stun things and shield more
04:02.33WobinWell, I was appreciative =P
04:02.47Buttinkfind the healadins in plate with 4kcrits
04:02.49Buttinkim one of them
04:02.55WobinSince I only have 4k health, 3k was plenty =P
04:03.05Buttinkholy light rank 9 ftw
04:03.08AnduinLothari have +400 healing and 40mp5 on mine
04:03.20AnduinLotharyeah rank nine will hit 4k
04:03.43WobinI have +400ish healing... but I need some epics to cover for lack of int
04:03.50AnduinLothari personally like 1500 flashes tho
04:04.14Buttinki can only get 1500 flashes with ZHC + divin favor
04:04.33AnduinLotharand BoL
04:05.05Buttinkblessing of sancuary is useless why do we even et it
04:05.26AnduinLotharit's not bad if you're a prot tankadin with ashield
04:05.30*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:05.41Buttinkyah but what end game guild actualy lets a paly tank
04:05.48AnduinLotharand it's not bad if it's the 6th blessing in a 40man
04:05.58AnduinLotharheya slou
04:06.06Wobinhiya Slouken
04:06.07AnduinLotharwas just talkign about you actually
04:06.15sloukenYou got it all wrong, I'm fast. ;-)
04:06.16Buttinkits a bonus but i would rather have like a + 20 defence buff
04:06.28sloukenHi Wobin
04:07.04AnduinLothartrue, +defence aura or +crit would be uber, but i spose other classes have similar things
04:07.20AnduinLotharanyway slouken, do you know of a max editbox text size?
04:07.51sloukenThe font system probably can't render more than 4K or so of text... otherwise, not that I know of.
04:07.51AnduinLotharI've got mine truncating with ... even with no max set
04:08.01sloukenThat's a size limitation there.
04:08.06CairennARGH!  It's a Pirate!  Get him!  He's a poopyhead!
04:08.20AnduinLothar4k text is like 20000 lines of text tho
04:08.22WobinCairenn's a ninja?
04:08.39Buttinkor a legendary +healing wep for palys (not complaining about hand of rag just saying dont realy get to show it off in raid)
04:08.40AnduinLotharmines truncating at less than 128
04:08.47sloukenThat's size, Anduin
04:08.59AnduinLothar4k characters?
04:09.10sloukenThe size of the editbox on screen.  You need to make it bigger, or scrolling
04:09.17AnduinLotharit's scrolling
04:09.48AnduinLotharbut sometimes it truncates in the middle of the line which is odd..
04:10.07AnduinLotharstressful patch?
04:10.23sloukenNot bad, actually. :)
04:10.29sloukenMmmm, noodles!
04:11.27AnduinLotharoh ok, another question: have any idea how to make a MessageFrame grow to fit the text in it like an editbox does inside a ScrollFrame?
04:14.17ButtinkYO all palys ... hell everyoen GO HERE
04:14.25ButtinkPOST PLZ!
04:14.34CairennButtink: lose the caps, hmmm?
04:14.51Buttinkpeople must go see it though
04:15.01AnduinLotharyou don't want to look like a power ranger?
04:15.09Buttinknot realy
04:15.27Cairenn~whaleslap slouken
04:15.33purlACTION beats slouken upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
04:15.37Buttinki can deal with being a healadin even though i want to do damamge but being a power ranger is just to much
04:15.55AnduinLotharthen get some damage gear
04:16.01Kyahxand change your spec
04:16.08Cairenncan we take the mass hysteria elsewhere please? it really doesn't fit in this channel
04:16.18Buttinklol ok who here HAS a lv 60 paly in an end game guild
04:16.49Buttinkhow many times can u roll on warrior/damage gear
04:16.56KyahxActually, while Slouken is in here, I've got a question for him...
04:17.15Kyahxwhy can't I do CastSpellByName("Flash Heal", "raid23")
04:17.16AnduinLotharI got a medalion of steadfast might last mc 'raid'
04:17.22Kyahx:P that would be endlessly usefull
04:17.27AnduinLothartank gear, not damage
04:17.45AnduinLotharbut i also have an Obsidion edge blade
04:17.55AnduinLotharand halberd of smiting
04:18.09Buttinki have a manslayer of that q word
04:18.20EndKyahx, you might want to make a forum post about that instead of asking him here
04:18.37AnduinLothari can bid on whatever i will use
04:18.52Kyahxheh, probley should :P  I don't go on the forums much =/
04:19.03AnduinLotharif it's plate damage gear I get the same treatment as a war
04:19.16Buttinkwe do guild progresson first so palys get damage armor and weps last
04:19.18AnduinLotharbecause they know we can dps
04:19.32AnduinLothara pally in our guild has the only hand of rag
04:19.40Buttinkon your serfver?
04:19.49AnduinLotharme and him can get top 2 in damge meters in 40 man raids
04:19.55AnduinLotharno, only hand in the guild
04:20.04slouken~tickle Cairenn
04:20.05purlACTION jumps on Cairenn, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
04:20.20AnduinLotharand in my healing gear i can get top healing
04:20.33AnduinLotharif you gear for it you can do whatever as a pally
04:20.49AnduinLotharcan't range dps..
04:20.49Buttinkwaht guild are u in? and what server
04:21.05AnduinLotharThe Collective, Kil'jaeden
04:21.36AnduinLotharnot one of the server's bests, but we're in bwl workign our way through
04:22.10Buttinkah im on Illidan guild payon
04:22.22Buttinkwe have done all of MC/BWL/AQ20/ZG
04:22.34Buttinknow we get to work on AQ40 and NAXX!!!
04:22.52AnduinLotharit'll be a while before we get to nax
04:24.49Buttinkwell after i got us all off topic
04:25.33AnduinLotharit's ok, slouken wasn't being esp helpful from his spot ont he beach
04:25.56AnduinLotharand iriel is movieing so i guess i get to trial and error for a few hours
04:26.23Buttinkgoign to kill stuff for AD rep see yah
04:33.41zespri_worknew lfg channel sucks big time. this is what I was afraid of. everybody is spamming offtopic there like crazy.
04:34.20zespri_workI don't even know if this is a good change or bad. It's sure didn't mae finding a group easier.
04:34.21ckknightit's no longer per zone?
04:34.35zespri_workyeah, it's seems to be global now
04:37.44Wobinzespri I agree
04:42.47AnduinLotharwow stopped respawning
04:42.54AnduinLotharat ony..
04:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:44.10slouken!@#$ing windows update!
04:44.18sloukenI mean "hi!" :)
04:45.23AnduinLotharget disc at ony, log in dead
04:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
04:47.51Cairennhey Thrae
04:48.42ThraeI'm not having a good night. I have to play "Find the addon broken with 1.11" sometime, which I couldn't do today because I needed to reinstall Debian on my server.
04:48.53ThraeThat'll teach me not to backup my root directory.
04:51.09ScytheBlade1What's the command for the built-in raid broadcast-text-to-the-center-of-everyone's-screen?
04:52.28JoshBorkewhat's the new command for the blizzard ready check?
04:52.34JoshBorke( ScytheBlade1 ): /rw and /rs?
04:52.47ScytheBlade1/rw is it :)
04:54.09ScytheBlade1/raidinfo isn't the ready check
04:54.16ThraeWell it isn't /rw either
04:54.29ScytheBlade1/rw is the broadcast
04:54.50JoshBorkereadycheck is it
04:54.54JoshBorkefound it in the patch notes
04:54.58ThraeI thought it was a command off /raidinfo
04:55.19ScytheBlade1/rc doesn't work
04:55.35JoshBorke( Thrae ): it is
04:56.38ThraeYeah, it's /readycheck, I got confused because they added a button for RaidInfo and the /raidinfo slash command stuck in my head for some reason.
05:05.39Cairennnight MentalPower
05:18.18ScytheBlade1I need to know how to make a button, I can drag onto a toolbar
05:18.50ScytheBlade1How in the bloody crap would I even start with that? ;)
05:19.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
05:19.37Mr_Rabies2where IS this ghost leatherworker that they mention?
05:47.40CodayusDoes anyone know offhand the script command to set a raid symbol over a targets head?
05:49.12Mikk1Hunt around in FrameXML for GetRaidTargetIndex() and you might find something nearby
05:49.38CodayusHmm, there was a blue post...which I can't find.
05:49.41Mikk1And please document it at  :-)
05:50.21Mikk1Not blue, it was our local hero =)
05:52.05Mikk1* NEW index = GetRaidTargetIndex("unit") - Get the raid target index assigned to a unit.
05:52.05Mikk1* NEW SetRaidTarget("unit", index) - Set the raid target index for a unit.
05:53.42Mikk1ScytheBlade1: Tell users to make a macro that calls something in your mod?
05:53.55Mikk1(Fwiw, it's ActionButtons you want to be dealing with)
05:53.59*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
05:55.02CodayusMikk1: Naa, a blue posted on the test forum a while back
05:55.03wereHamsterDoes 1.11 work under wine? Or do I need a special patch?
05:55.06CodayusBut, that IS the command.
05:55.10Codayusso yeah, thanks
05:58.32AnduinLothar~lart Mikk1
05:58.46Cairennthat's not a lart, that's a promise!
05:58.53Mikk1A proper lart is way more blunt
05:58.58Mikk1Think clue-by-four here
05:59.38Mikk1I lost my clueby4 domain last week. Forgot to pay =(
06:00.02sloukenGood night everyone
06:00.11Mikk1gnite =)
06:00.11*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:00.13Cairennnight slouken
06:00.15*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:00.45Mikk1Whoa?! It hasn't been stolen by a domain camper yet?! Wtf, I thought that happened automagically.
06:01.10TainEA bought Mythic Entertainment?  Poor Dark Age of Camelot.
06:01.37TainAnd poor Warhammer Online. :(
06:01.42ScytheBlade1Mikk1, that defeats the point of the buttons :)
06:02.00ScytheBlade1Mikk1, and more importantly, macro'd buttons spams the chat history log.  -.-
06:02.38Mikk1On a slightly more on-topic note... Does anyone here have any kind of addon that uses new or changed 1.11 functionality to any meaningful extent? Doesn't matter if it's not finished. If it's supposed to survive loading, it'll be plenty help to me =)
06:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:03.11wereHamster:( .. there he was.. slouken
06:07.08Mikk1Whoa! My LART site is still on my hard drive!  <-- woot =)
06:15.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:20.12Mikk1* UnitSex("unit") now returns 1=unknown,2=male,3=female instead of 0=male,1=female,2=unknown   <== Err, ok, thanks for THAT pointless compatibility-breaking change
06:20.47Depherioslol yeah
06:20.56TainThere is a point to it and it was explained in the UI forum.
06:21.46Depherioslink? -- I missed it O_o I don't check much beyond Iriel's sticky... too many silly questions
06:21.59Depheriosor if the answer is short... eh... I'll google it
06:22.07DepheriosI'm not lazy ^_^
06:22.41Mikk1"This was a change, for localization"
06:22.58Mikk1And yeah I can see how you want to use 1-index in Lua arrays, but... erhm... UnitSex()+1 anyone?
06:22.59Depherioshmm okay
06:23.18ScytheBlade1Mikk1, show me ONE other 0-based WoW lua thing ;)
06:23.21ScytheBlade1I have yet to find one
06:23.35Mikk1GetMoney() on my account =)
06:23.45ScytheBlade1It wasn't for localization, it was for consistency
06:23.49ScytheBlade1Well, that's for a reason ;)
06:24.05Elessdynot a good enough reason, i'd think, but apparently they felt otherwise
06:24.23Mikk1I'd have made a new UnitGender() and have that return the new values instead
06:25.18Mikk1(Which means that everything is very well documented, down to and including bugs, but nothing ever gets fixed or changes =))
06:29.06ScytheBlade1A better, more accurate way to tell your latency
06:29.13ScytheBlade1Look at how negative the casting bar goes ;)
06:29.38Mikk1Write an addon!
06:30.10ScytheBlade1I'm trying. You told me to make macros with slash commands ;)
06:30.36Mikk1To accurately measure latency, I mean =)
06:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:42.27KtronI realized that I can just use an argument from the event
06:43.14Mikk1So, um now that I've spammed away my question, I'll just ask once more: If anyone here has a mod that uses 1.11-specific functionality, I'd love a copy for some WoWBench testing. Doesn't matter if it's not finished or whatever. As long as it's meant to survive the loading process, it helps!
06:51.35KtronAlright, time to see if I can convert a luaslinger lua script into a standalone addon
06:52.04Elkanosome people really deserve to be beaten...
06:54.51Cairennthat's just sad
06:54.52ScytheBlade1That's his guild bank
06:54.54ScytheBlade1Being ebayed
06:55.49Ktronpff, his numbers are off though
06:56.29ScytheBlade1That's a heck of a guild that disbanded
06:56.34Ktronjade, star rubies, aquamarines-- all worth less than 1g each on all 4 servers I've played on
06:56.53Ktrondoes ti say they disbanded, or is he just ripping them off?
06:57.37ScytheBlade1" Now that the guild has disbanded, I decided to get the last laugh and liquidate everything."
06:58.15MoonWolfwith the amount of money on that account you could totally dominate the ah.
06:58.27MoonWolfbuy all felcloth and resell it with profit
06:58.29ScytheBlade1And with those mats.
06:58.33MoonWolfthose things.
06:59.09KtronServer is Emerald Dream, btw
06:59.19ScytheBlade1How can you tell?
06:59.26KtronRhonse, from one of the screenshots is in the guild The Blood Stained Angels, and...
06:59.34Ktron a quick search found me this
07:00.26ScytheBlade1How can you tell that the bank belongs to them?
07:00.58wereHamsterWhat makes you think his name is Rhonse?
07:02.01wereHamsterah.. you just wanted to find out on which realm he is.. -.-
07:02.04ScytheBlade1I need sleep
07:02.11ScytheBlade1I demand sleep, night
07:02.21Ktronyeah, one of the screenshots has Rhonse in it, and I found a match with name and guild
07:02.39Ktronchances that there are another duplicate of that, especially with a guild name like 'blood stained angels' I think is pretty low
07:04.46wereHamsterDoes anyone here use fraps or similar tools to record WoW?
07:05.32KtronI tried, used gamecam a little
07:05.52CairennI played with gamecam a teeny bit
07:06.09wereHamsterI'm having problems with editing the video..
07:06.32wereHamsterno application can handle >2GB AVI files :(
07:06.56Ktronnever got that far
07:08.29wereHamsterIt would be nice to create a guild presentation video.. something that looks professional :)
07:10.28Elkanoeven vdub can't?
07:10.42krka|worknot an os / filesystem limit then?
07:11.06wereHamsterQuickTime can play the video fine, WMP stops after 2GB..
07:11.27wereHamsterMPlayer/VLC can, as usual, play the video, too
07:12.09Ktronhow, w/o using xml, do you setup a function in lua to run every time a particular event fires?
07:13.14wereHamsterthis=CreateFrame("Frame");this:RegisterEvent("...");this:SetScript("OnEvent", function() ... end)
07:13.39wereHamsterElkano, I would like to add sound and edit the video more than just cut scenes..  That's why I've tried Adobe Premiere...
07:13.46KtronwereHamster, I need to have a frame like that?
07:14.09Ktronwhat about self:RegisterEvent("...")?
07:14.23wereHamsterif 'self' is a frame..
07:14.36wereHamsterand doesnm't already have a OnEvent script..
07:15.10Ktronalright, so I should just do it the way you mentioned... okay
07:23.20Ktronwell pastebin is going slow, and I'm sure this error is bigger than I can handle tonight
07:23.23Ktroncatch you all tomorrow
07:25.39Elkanobtw: is there a way to pass self when an event is called?
07:26.34wereHamsteras an upvalue?
07:27.42krka|workthat would be my solution too
07:27.56krka|workexcept it creates a new function closure
07:30.59ckknightthis.self = self
07:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr16226@
07:46.58KasoIs anyone on their server at US yet ?
07:47.36KasoDo you happen to have a Primal Hakkari in your bank or itemlink or something?
07:47.52Depheriosactually... yes I do... need to go turn it in now lol
07:48.19KasoCan you confirm that theres 4 lines now, and line 3 is the class req ?
07:48.32DepheriosPrimal Hakkari Stanchion
07:48.34DepheriosBinds when picked up
07:48.38DepheriosClasses: Priest, Warlock Druid
07:48.46Depherios"A legendary Paragon of Power
07:48.55Depheriosfrom the old Gurabashi Empire."
07:49.10DepheriosAKA "yes"
07:49.21Kasoha, thanks
07:49.46Kasogotta change my addon that added my custom class info onto them
07:50.29Kasooh shit, the bijou aren't used for the quests now either arent they?
07:51.04Kasoare Idols still used?
08:08.16Wobin"As a guest of Uwe Boll they will be given the chance to be an extra/stand-in in Postal and have the opportunity to put on boxing gloves and enter a BOXING RING [emphasis in the original] to fight Uwe Boll. Each critic will have the opportunity to bring down Uwe in a 10-bout match.
08:08.28WobinThat's brilliant =P
08:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:29.18Mr_Rabies2the head administrator for a forum i go to is on this list :P
08:50.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
08:57.42Wobinrofl I love ursulav
08:58.02Wobin"and suddenly there was this shot in my hand, and I thought "My god! Refusing to drink this would be like kicking a puppy in a business suit!"
09:06.01*** join/#wowi-lounge SinePi (
09:15.52Mr_Rabies2that sounds like something Hunter S. Thompson would say
09:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:36.22Maldiviaa thunderstorm monday struck down right in my cable provider...
09:36.34Maldiviabeen without internet ever since :|
09:36.48Maldiviaonly have access via work at the moment
09:37.05wereHamsterno neighbour with wlan?
09:37.27Maldiviaall my neighbors use the same provider :9
09:37.48Maldiviabut it should come back today...
09:38.49Maldiviahmm, anyone knows what changed in the EULA?
09:42.26Kasoiriel was say some of the changes yesterday, i cant remeber if there was a link to them or not
09:52.01Kaso"Heh, new CYA wording in the EULA: If your hardware meets the minimum requirements, the installation of the Game Client will enable you to play the Game by accessing your account with the Service (your "Account")"
09:52.09Kaso"Ah, new language explicitly prohibiting connection to emulated servers"
09:52.19Kaso"Ooh, and a Consent to Monitor - in ALL CAPS"
09:52.30Kaso(@Iriel) So the only big changes are 1) Toughening up of the anti-emulation wording, 2) The Consent to Monitor
09:52.55Kasothats all i have in my chatlogs Maldivia, there was a pastebin link but it's timed out.
09:53.30MaldiviaOk, thanks
09:53.50Maldiviajust noticed the date was bumped - read through it, but couldn't remeber the old one :9
10:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
10:03.55Legorol^hello people
10:04.04Legorol^it's started... i spotted the first "remove the global LFG" post
10:04.11Kasoha ha
10:05.05KasoI think someone should get around to writing some sort of level-based filtering addon.
10:06.26wereHamsterwhy not just /leave Global LFG ?
10:06.49Kasowell what if you're a level 10 and you need to find a group for hogger or something?
10:07.06MaldiviaKaso: so you want to do a /who lookup, everytime someone sends a message to that channel ?
10:07.17Legorol^wereHamster: in and of itself global LFG for the purposes of level 60s is not bad
10:07.25Legorol^you can leave it if it's spammy, and join it when you are genuinely LFG
10:07.33Legorol^however the big problem is that it *replaced* the local LFG
10:07.38Kasowell that'd be impossible ofc, but maybe some sort of keyword filtering, so a level 20 gets LFG WC rather than LFG UBRS
10:08.54wereHamsterBlizzard should find a *real* solution to the LFG problem.. didn't they say they will implement something like CTA?
10:08.58Legorol^hehe, and EU is on the fritz..
10:09.05Legorol^site is down, forums are down, not able to log in
10:09.17Legorol^that's what they get for deciding to swap out their authentication servers
10:09.41Legorol^i'm guessing no auth. servers for a few more hours, than a massive invasion of complaints on the forums
10:09.48Legorol^Iriel: how did it go in the US way back?
10:09.55Legorol^when they swapped auth servers for you guys
10:10.05Legorol^hold on... Iriel? what are you doing up  so late
10:10.12KasoHow about this: you periodically do /ChatInfo General and then you only recive LFG messages from those in your zone which youve got from the chatinfo.
10:10.13Legorol^you are not normally around at this time
10:10.16MaldiviaI actually like the EQ2 "LFG" channels, which are devided in level 1-9, 10-19, 20-29 etc
10:10.32Legorol^Kaso: many people leave General
10:10.51Legorol^i think the best solution would've been a global LFG on top of the local one
10:10.59IrielI got sucked into From the Earth to the Moon (One of the best series i've /EVER/ watched, I decided to watch some of it again and couldn't stop)
10:11.04Legorol^or, seeing that wuld occupy yet another channel slot,
10:11.47Legorol^maybe an option to switch if LFG is local or global
10:11.58IrielActually I watched Apollo 13 first, then 3 episodes, but really it's better to watch Apollo 13 in the appropriate slot in the series (then watch the series episode about the same mission)
10:12.13Legorol^I love Apollo 13
10:12.18Legorol^one of my favourite movies ever
10:12.27Legorol^in fact, that was the first ever movie I bought on DVD
10:12.31IrielThen I suspect you'll like from the earth to the moon
10:12.38IrielIt's an HBO series, if that makes your search any easier
10:12.47IrielNo idea if there's a EU region version
10:13.05Legorol^as long as it's *cough* from my local *cough* video store, region doesn't matter
10:14.10Legorol^yay, the EU beta forums work!
10:14.14Legorol^that's where i shall be ranting then :)
10:14.39Maldiviauhh, eu beta forums are up ?
10:14.47Legorol^seems like separate server
10:14.54Legorol^Maldivia: i forgot, which country do you play from?
10:15.18Legorol^so, US people, when you had your auth servers swapped out, did they go overtime with the maintenance?
10:15.20Legorol^how was it?
10:15.26Maldiviathey did
10:15.35Legorol^for us, they were supposed to have been finished 15 minutes ago
10:15.39Maldivia*grumble* getting login error in the beta forums
10:15.55IrielMy problem was that when I got back, I got D/C'ed on a boat, came back to find myself underground on the other side of the continent, and then couldn't log back in
10:16.05Iriel(Well, I died first, during my underground adventure)
10:17.20IrielAnyway, sleep
10:17.22Irielnight all
10:18.00Legorol^Maldivia: lol yeah i noticed too
10:18.14Legorol^gnight Iriel
10:18.21Legorol^i guess the beta forums use the same auth servers
10:18.28Legorol^should've guessed from the lack of rants :)
10:18.50Legorol^oh, i just noticed a nice little feature about beta forums that i was missing before, but didn't conciously realise:
10:19.08Legorol^a little arrow next to the Forum Nav dropdown that you can click to go to the forum that is currently selected
10:19.25Legorol^before, you had to click a different entry in the list to activate it, then come back
10:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
10:21.27Legorol^lol, did Iriel start a fresh 1.12 Changes thread, or did slouken wipe all the random entries in it :)
10:25.21Elkanothe latter
10:25.23wereHamsterIt's a fresh thread.. the old one is still there
10:30.08Legorol^so, i see no more remodelling
10:30.16Legorol^anyone has any details on what the exact restriction is|?
10:30.58Elessdythey're finally preventing users from using their own models in their own games?
10:31.45Kasoi've seen that you can still replace your itemcache.wdb to replace models apparently
10:32.23Elessdyi really don't understand why they would bother to remove that ability. is it explained somewhere?
10:32.56KasoWhy they removed it? cos they've said numorous times they dont want people chaning models perhaps?
10:32.58Legorol^Elessdy: yes they did explain it in blue posts
10:33.04Legorol^and it's necessary to remove because it was being exploited
10:33.26Kasosee: for apparent work-around
10:33.32Elessdyit makes sense that someone would eventually determine a way to exploit it. i am curious what they did.
10:33.40Legorol^very simple things:
10:33.43Legorol^make WSG flag 10 times bigger
10:33.48Legorol^so you can see it anywhere from the BG
10:33.51Legorol^make walls transparent
10:34.05Legorol^change model/texture for stealthed units
10:34.05Elessdyah, interesting
10:34.17Legorol^give big red nose to enemies so you can see them coming from miles away
10:35.06Legorol^these are mostly things that give you advantage in PvP, but as you can imagine PvP is one of the most competitive aspect of the game, so cheaters will go to any length to gain advantage
10:37.05wereHamsterI .like the big red nose..
10:40.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:40.32Kasogetglobal() isnt a default LUA command?
10:41.35KasoI never knew that
10:41.41Kasois there an equilant?
10:42.52wereHamsterIn LUA you can simply access _G - the global environment table
10:43.11Kasoi can can i ^_-
10:43.23wereHamstergetglobal()["foo"] would be _G["foo"]
10:43.31Kasoah ok cool
10:53.25Legorol^wereHamster: not exactly
10:53.28Legorol^_G is not defined
10:53.35Legorol^what you have however is getfenv(0)
10:53.46Legorol^which returns a table that has the global environment
10:53.51Kasohm? _G["stuff"] worked fine.
10:54.33Legorol^it appears you are right, and i'm talking nonsense
10:54.46Legorol^getfenv(0) however works in both WoW and normal Lua
10:57.41wereHamster-.- ... I misread getglobal() as getfenv()
10:58.55wereHamstergetglobal(var) is just a wrapper around getfenv(0)[var] .. right?
11:02.40Legorol^however, getfenv(0) didn't use to be available
11:02.45Legorol^getglobal() always was
11:04.09Legorol^EU announcement: the downtime will be a little longer than expected. No ETA.
11:04.45Kasoi cant even get the download to start so its a moot point.
11:05.11Maldiviathe patch ?
11:05.32Kasobeen stuck on 250kb for ages
11:05.47Kasomy crapp network to blame, ill have to wait for a http mirror to appear
11:06.54wereHamsterseems like the tracker is down
11:07.06MaldiviaKaso, you dont have it pre-downloaded?
11:07.38Kasonope, i disabled the background downloader, it was making my usual crappy lagg, turn to totally unplayable lag.
11:08.19Legorol^Kaso: noone can download the patch
11:08.28Legorol^since the auth servers are down, you can't even log in to get started
11:08.28Kasohow sucky
11:08.28Maldiviahmm, don't know if the US files will work, but you can try to put them in the patch folder, and the have the downloader check them, might save you 100MB or so from downloading through the downloader
11:08.54Legorol^Kaso: how did you even get the downloader to come up?
11:09.03Legorol^i haven't even seen a sign of the enGB downloader yet
11:09.14Kasoi had a http link to the downloader eariler
11:09.23Legorol^could you dig it out? i am very curious..
11:09.30Kasosec ill upload it to my space, i forget the link
11:09.35Legorol^i don't think anyone should've been able to get the enGB downloader yet
11:09.42Legorol^since you can't get past auth servers, the game client doesn't fetch it
11:09.44Legorol^how curious
11:09.51Legorol^no i would need the link
11:09.53KasoWoW- 737KB :>
11:09.55Legorol^i don't need the downloader
11:10.10Legorol^what i'm curious about is how did anyone get hold of it
11:10.21Kasolemme check my IRC logs
11:10.39Kasoi ive been loged in for a few minutes eariler its not totally down
11:10.40MaldiviaKaso, want to try the US patch files, I can put them up for you
11:11.03Maldiviathere's a good change 90% is correct
11:11.13Kasodoes the download accept partial differences
11:11.22Kasotry it then
11:11.32Maldiviathe downloader will identify the correct parts, and redownload the wrong parts
11:12.30KasoLegorol^ :
11:13.08Maldivialet me just put it on a server, takes a few mins
11:13.29wereHamsterthe enUS patch torernt is in the aceSVN repo ;)
11:13.33wereHamster.. the enGB, too
11:15.13Maldiviahmm, the conncetion is a tad slow today, only upping with 600k/sec :|
11:15.40KasoOh however will do you cope.
11:16.09Maldiviahehe, well at home it's more like 40k/sec :|
11:17.20MaldiviaOk, try
11:17.56_BI win, installing EU patch now
11:18.10Kasooh _B ?
11:18.20_BDHT network FTW
11:18.57Legorol^but how how how...
11:19.02Legorol^how did people get the downloader..
11:19.09_BDownloader is useless
11:19.14_BTracker is broken
11:19.15wereHamstermagig.. it's all magic
11:19.16Legorol^that's not the point, _B
11:19.27Legorol^someone somewhere had to get the downloader first, to extract the torrent
11:19.29Kasosome people got onto the server legorol.
11:19.29s|loupmaldivia en patch?
11:19.38Legorol^Kaso: that's the part i find mysterious
11:19.44Legorol^from what i could tell, auth has been down all the time
11:19.52Legorol^i guess there must've been brief periods when it wasn't
11:19.58Maldivias|loup: it's the US mpq patch files, testing it they are the same as the GB
11:20.02Kasoi got on for at least 4min about 30mina go
11:20.06s|loupah ok
11:20.08Legorol^Kaso: ok
11:20.11Legorol^that makes more sense
11:20.23Legorol^btw, i'd not trust exe files from 3rd party sources
11:20.38KasoI'm a trusting guy.
11:20.41Legorol^then again, i'm paranoid
11:20.57Legorol^i'd download the patch itself,
11:21.02Legorol^then wait for the official downloader
11:21.10Legorol^and just run the downloader to verify the integrity of the patch
11:21.11Maldivias|loup: there's a good chance that a lot of the data is correct (personally I'm guessing the 2 partial files are the same for all locals, and it's the final file that differs)
11:21.42Legorol^Maldivia: isn't that irrelevant though? if he has the downloader, he'd just have to download the same amount either way?
11:21.44Legorol^or am i missing something
11:21.45MaldiviaLegorol: I always download the downloader from the game, and have it verify the downloaded patch
11:21.54Legorol^yup, that's what i do
11:22.18_BWriting model data into "patch.MPQ"...
11:22.24_B96% - Blizzard Updater
11:22.42MaldiviaLegorol: well, considering the downloader is very very slow at the moment, this can speed it up in the end, if you can get 90% of the data this way, then you only need 10% from the downloader
11:22.50Legorol^ok that's true
11:22.52_BThe update was successful.
11:23.06Legorol^_B: considering that you can't log in at the moment, it's all moot
11:23.16Legorol^and as soon as i can log in, i can patch as well.. so what's the hurry?
11:23.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:23.33_BBragging rights
11:23.37Legorol^i never really understand why people are willing to risk security risks and get the patch from 3rd party sources,
11:23.43Legorol^when all you gain is maybe 5 minutes
11:23.45_BI didn't use any third party sources
11:23.51MaldiviaI'm using the US client, so I never have problems getting the patch, since next day when it's EU patch time, there are numerous site with mirrors, and the US downloader isn't crowded the next day :9
11:23.52Legorol^well in that case..
11:24.17Legorol^Maldivia: so you do normally get the US patch, rename it, and then let the EU downloader onto it?
11:24.34MaldiviaLegorol: no, playing with the US client on EU servers
11:24.47Legorol^that's clever, i should do that :)
11:24.51wereHamsteris that possible ? =-O
11:24.57Legorol^by changing
11:25.04Legorol^in fact, there are funnier things you can do
11:25.07wereHamsterbut not the opther war round.. EU client and US servers
11:25.16MaldiviawereHamster: can be done aswell
11:25.16_BFirst of all I downloaded the patch manually using 10 threads from which if you query that IP is owned by Blizzard-FR
11:25.17Legorol^you can get the US client to display quest and other in-game texts in German or French :)
11:25.20hasteboth are possible
11:25.21_BSo how is that third party
11:25.27Legorol^wereHamster: other way around works too
11:25.29Legorol^i did it just fine
11:25.30hastethe problem is that they release different patches at times in the EU
11:25.39wereHamsteris there a difference between enUS and enGB clients?
11:25.51MaldiviawereHamster: yes - but only minor
11:25.56hastewereHamster, They release different patches at times
11:25.57Legorol^hence the different patches, wereHamster
11:26.17MaldiviawereHamster: for instance I see United States / Oceanic, on the realm selection list :9
11:26.21Legorol^_B: indeed, that is not third party
11:26.22wereHamsterhow stupid.. if they don't even localize colour..
11:26.29Legorol^i take it you extracted the non-P2P IP from the downloader,
11:26.37Legorol^and got a multi-session HTTP download manager to get it?
11:26.55_BHow can I get the IP for the downloader from the downloader
11:27.02Legorol^not the IP for the downloader
11:27.09Legorol^the IP that the downloader gets the patch from
11:27.13Legorol^when running in non-P2P mode
11:27.18_BYou're making 0 sense right now
11:27.32Legorol^ok, the IP address that you mentioned,
11:27.34Legorol^how did you get that?
11:27.37_BFrom the game
11:27.43Legorol^and what are you using to download from it?
11:27.43_BIt tried to connect to that IP to download it
11:27.54MaldiviaLegorol: click "Show connections", and you'll see a list of connections.
11:28.01_BBut fails because too many people are trying to get it
11:28.01wereHamsterdid anything in 1.11 break CTRA?
11:28.01Legorol^Maldivia: yes i know
11:28.04Legorol^but those are the P2P connections
11:28.07MaldiviaLegorol: and if the IPs aren't listed there, then netstat in a prompt
11:28.17Legorol^yes i am well aware of how to see what IPs you are connecting to
11:28.22MaldiviaLegorol: it's easy to see which are players and which as blizzard servers
11:28.23_Bnetstat is one way, but not what I used ;3
11:28.30Legorol^what i was puzzled by is the comment that _B has 10 connections to that IP
11:28.40_BI used FlashGet for that
11:28.48Legorol^ok, that's what i am asking exactly
11:28.55_BThat way I get more than my fair share of bandwidth to pull the file down
11:28.56Legorol^FlashGet needs an IP
11:29.03Legorol^an IP taht is willing to server NON-peer-to-peer data
11:29.12Legorol^my point is:
11:29.20_BThen used WoWTorrentEx.exe to get the torrent out of the downloader
11:29.37_BThen used BitComet's DHT network to query other people who came up with the same idea as me and shared the completed patch data
11:29.46Legorol^ok, here are my questions:
11:29.53Legorol^what port is FlashGet using to connect ot the Blizz server?
11:30.00Legorol^ok here is the point i am trying to make:
11:30.04Legorol^FlashGet is not a BT client
11:30.11_BI'm not going to spell it out for you any more than I already have
11:30.16Legorol^wait wait
11:30.24Legorol^please understand what i am trying to say
11:30.32Legorol^Blizzard servers serve two types of data:
11:30.37Legorol^torrent data and plain HTTP
11:30.50Legorol^my question is, are you getting FlashGet to get the data via HTTP?
11:31.19Legorol^ok, let me try and explain in more detail
11:31.27Legorol^you have found a Blizzard IP, great, no problem so far, i understand that
11:31.28_BFlashGet doesn't support torrents
11:31.36Legorol^that is exactly my point as well
11:31.40Legorol^you gave this IP to FlashGet
11:31.51Legorol^what is the URL you gave to FlashGet?
11:32.01_BFind it out yourself
11:32.12Legorol^why are you being so mean, i am just trying to understand what you did
11:32.19Legorol^FlashGet needs a URL, not just an IP
11:32.28_BWhat's the point
11:32.29_B<Legorol^> when all you gain is maybe 5 minutes
11:32.39Legorol^i am very curious about technology and methods
11:32.43Legorol^i don't care about how soon i get the patch
11:32.52Legorol^that's the point
11:32.59_BWell you should get Ethereal if you want to be pro
11:33.03Legorol^i do have it
11:33.05Legorol^and packetyzer
11:33.11Legorol^so i can snoop on the URL the downloader is querying
11:33.17Legorol^i am well aware of what the downloader does
11:33.18wereHamsterdid 1.11 change something that makes older versions of CTRA non-compatible?
11:33.26Legorol^what i am trying to etablish is whether you found out anything i didn't know before
11:34.09Legorol^I am aware that the downloader can run in two modes: p2p and non-p2p
11:34.20Legorol^I am aware that if you specify non-p2p, it contacts a Blizzard server and gets the patch via plain HTTP
11:34.31Legorol^i am also aware that you can snoop this URL using ethereal
11:34.39Legorol^I am trying to establish if this is what you did
11:34.44Legorol^or if you found a different method
11:35.12Legorol^because what Maldivia was talking about is checking IPs that you are connected to within the downloader
11:35.15Legorol^those are P2P connections
11:35.28Legorol^so there is no guarantee whatsoever that those IPs can be used for HTTP download
11:35.48Legorol^ok i see you gave up on me
11:35.49MaldiviaLegorol: if you look in the downloader, you'll notice peer listed as "Direct HTTP Download"
11:36.02Legorol^Maldivia: ok where, i haven't seen that one before
11:36.11Legorol^i must've missed it
11:36.22MaldiviaLegorol: sometimes you connect to it, sometimes you doesn't
11:36.42_BWhat boss is this by the way:
11:36.47_BI can't find it on thottbot
11:37.07Maldivia_B: Immol'thar ?
11:37.08Legorol^_B: i am not curious about DHT
11:37.12Legorol^that's irrelevant for what i'm asking
11:37.32Maldivia_B: the one in the prison in Dire Maul
11:37.44Legorol^Maldivia: right, so what i was trying to get _B to explain is this: when you *don't* see a direct HTTP download in the downloader, how do you get the IP of the HTTP server
11:37.46_BI only ever went to Dire Maul once
11:37.59Legorol^as i was saying, what i would've done is disable P2P in the downloader, and then snoop on its conenction
11:38.07Legorol^but _B is unwilling to tell me if that's what he has done or not
11:38.21Legorol^and if not, what did he do
11:38.21_BLegorol: you seem grossly confused
11:38.21MaldiviaLegorol: you disable the p2p part of the downloader, then it pops up (when you get a slot)
11:38.28_BAnd I have no idea what you're even talking about any more either
11:38.36Legorol^_B: I am not confused at all
11:38.39Legorol^i am asking questions
11:38.42Legorol^and you are not answering
11:38.49Legorol^if i am confused according to you,
11:38.50_BYou fail to make any sort of distinction between aquiring downloaders, patchers, patches or whatever
11:38.51Legorol^then help me out here
11:38.55Legorol^no i am not
11:39.01Legorol^the downloader is a P2P client
11:39.07_BYes well done
11:39.08Legorol^the patch is the data it downloads
11:39.15Legorol^the downloader can operate in two modes:
11:39.20Legorol^P2P and non-P2P
11:39.24_BI didn't even USE the downloader
11:39.30_BApart from to get the torrent data out of it
11:39.39Legorol^ok, then that's what i am asking
11:39.42_BDownloader is useless because the tracker is down
11:39.47zespri seems to return wrong information about repair cost
11:39.48Legorol^you got the torrent data out, then what
11:39.57Legorol^did you give it to a torrent software?
11:40.02Legorol^if not, what did you do with it?
11:40.09_BI have told you twice already
11:40.42_BIn fact I think that makes a fourth time
11:41.09zespriThis is really bizare. When I mouse over an item the cost is 1 silver and 2 coppers and SetBagItem returns 113
11:41.17zespriI have no explanation for this behaviour
11:41.19Legorol^so you fed the torrent you extracted to BitComet?
11:41.27Legorol^where does FleshGet come into this?
11:42.51MaldiviaLegorol: he got the http information from the downloader, downloaded it using flashGet, and is now sharing it via the torrent over DHT
11:43.47Maldiviazespri: hmm, 10% discount (1s13c - 10% = 1s 2c)
11:43.58Legorol^Maldivia: that contradicts to what _B said
11:44.02Legorol^he said he didn't use the downloader
11:44.15Legorol^_B: I didn't even USE the downloader
11:44.27Legorol^that's why i still don't get it
11:44.28zespriMaldivia, brilliant! thanks
11:44.41Maldiviazespri: well, just a guess :)
11:44.43Legorol^_B got hold of the downloader, i understand that part
11:44.51Legorol^he extracted the torrent from it, i understand that too
11:45.00Legorol^he used that torrent in conjunction with BitTorrent, i get that too
11:45.05zesprimaldivia looks like the right guess
11:45.12Legorol^where does FlashGet and the 10 connections to Blizzard's server come into this?
11:45.18Legorol^that's the bit i am missing
11:45.32_BThat's all I'm going to say at this point, just lol
11:45.46Legorol^_B: i would really appreciate it if you clarified this for me
11:46.06Legorol^as others will attest, I am technically very competent and very helpful person, but I do like to get to the bottom of things
11:46.09_BThis is fucking IRC, not a spoken conversation. I don't see why I should have to repeat myself when you can just scroll up
11:46.10Legorol^please help me out
11:46.18Legorol^_B: i did scroll up
11:46.22Legorol^and read everything you said, twice
11:46.32Legorol^i am asking for clarification because it wasn't enough
11:46.43Legorol^ok, answer this for me:
11:46.52Legorol^did you use FleshGet to get the *downloader* or the *patch*
11:46.59Legorol^or both
11:47.23Legorol^and there is no need to use swear words
11:47.34Legorol^just because I don't have a clear picture yet
11:47.54_BDownloader, obviously
11:48.13Legorol^ok, let  me quote you:
11:48.14Legorol^_B: First of all I downloaded the patch manually using 10 threads from which if you query that IP is owned by Blizzard-FR
11:48.23Legorol^this is what was confusing me
11:48.28Legorol^you use the word "patch" in that statement
11:48.37Legorol^so you meant "downloader" there
11:48.52krka|workw00 go lego! pwnage
11:48.58_BThat would be a mistake if it wasn't for the fact that at that time I had no itention of getting into specifics, so to keep thinks understandable I just generalised the entire thing as 'patch'
11:49.00Legorol^as you can see, your statement wasn't 100% accurate, so it supplied incorrect information and hence led to the confusion
11:49.15Legorol^generalising without being exact doesn't make things simple
11:49.19Legorol^it confuses them, as you can see
11:49.35_BBut that statement was prior to any detailed explanation
11:49.45_BAnd thus was not part of the portfolio of explanation
11:49.45Legorol^as you yourself tried to poke me, there is distinction between downloader and patch data
11:49.49Legorol^you should've made that distinction yourself
11:50.01Legorol^ok, but then later when you were explaining, why didn't you clarify it
11:50.10Legorol^seeing that i had clearly been misled by your original statement
11:50.20wereHamster_B, but then you have no right to tell us 'scroll up, I already said everything' .. just MHO
11:50.27Legorol^i agree
11:50.34Legorol^when you did, i went back and read that line twice
11:50.36Legorol^it said "patch"
11:50.42Legorol^i tried to work based on that information
11:51.43Legorol^Unfortunatey, I have a habit of taking everything people say literally and exactly
11:52.05Legorol^Seeing that we are discussing technical details, I think that's understandable though
11:52.13MoonWolfi agree there.
11:52.44Legorol^anyways, now that it's all cleared up, thanks for your explanation
11:53.09Legorol^in the future though, i'd appreciate it if you didn't call me "confused" and "making zero sense" when you caused the confusion yourself
11:53.47Legorol^Plus, as everyone else here can attest, my technical knowledge is usually pretty good. So usually (but not always), if I'm confused, it's not because I'm a n00b, but because I had incorrect information.
11:54.00Legorol^then again, sometimes i just simply get confused :)
11:55.55MoonWolfdoes it matter ?
11:55.58MoonWolfhe can read up :P
11:56.44wereHamsterusing the enUS patch as the base for enGB doesn't work.. at least with azureus.. it completely ignores wow-final.mpq and wow-partial-2.mpq
11:56.58Legorol^wereHamster: that's because the torrent is for the full patch
11:57.06Legorol^you would need to use the blizz downloader
11:57.14Legorol^which is aware that it needs to grab some of the data from those files
11:57.27Legorol^oh, and you'd have to place those two files into World of Warcraft\wow-patch
11:57.36Legorol^the background downloader makes a folder with that name
11:57.39Legorol^and puts them there
11:57.45Legorol^so that's where the blizz downloader will probably expect them
11:59.00Legorol^additionally: on my computer, the two files are named wow-partial-1.mpq (100 Mb) and wow-partial-2.mpq (30 Mb)
11:59.05Legorol^in case that helps
11:59.08_BThe background downloader just saves it to the WoW game root
11:59.21_BIt's incidental that "wow-patch" happens to be a folder embedded into the torrent description
11:59.31Legorol^_B: that statement directly contradicts with what i have on my computer
11:59.45Legorol^i have only run the background downloader, over the past week, and it saved them in a folder named wow-patch
11:59.46_BLegorol: I don't give a shit what it contradicts
11:59.52Legorol^please don't use that language with me
12:00.08krka|workyeah, english sux :(
12:00.17Legorol^exactly, i prefer Japanese
12:00.56Legorol^_B: i would also like you to notice that i didn't say you were incorrect about the torrent
12:01.02Legorol^all i said is what i have on my computer
12:01.18Legorol^unlike you, i am being specific and giving out as much information as i have, to help out wereHamster
12:02.12MoonWolfLegorol ,nothing negative on you, but man, you should win some kind of monologue award.
12:02.49MoonWolf5 lines of legorol^ one line someone else 4 lines lego
12:03.07Legorol^hehe thanks, MoonWolf
12:03.19Legorol^i'm waiting on something atm with nothing better to do :)
12:03.24Legorol^but if that's a hint, i will shut up
12:03.28MoonWolfits not
12:03.35MoonWolfyust it kinda stood out.
12:04.15Elkanodamn... 1 block to go :/
12:05.49Legorol^btw, I wanted to elaborate on the part about the downloader
12:06.02Legorol^the Blizzard downloader, as i am sure you guys know, has an option to turn off p2p mode
12:06.26Legorol^when you do that, then it contacts a Blizzard server and attempts to download the patch data via plain HTTP
12:06.39Maldiviayes, and it downloads the patch from a list of 5-6 http urls, embedded in the downloader
12:06.40Legorol^the URL used for this purpose is directly embedded in the downloader
12:06.59MoonWolfbut those are even more hosed then the p2p is right now I think.
12:07.14ElkanoLegorol^, it will also do so when p2p is active
12:07.24Legorol^so what I was trying to say is that, would it theoretically be possible to get this URL, feed it to a download manager, and let the download manager open up multiple connections
12:07.35wereHamsterI'm d/l'ing with 300K/s .. using bittorrent
12:07.36Maldivia*cough* wget -U "Blizzard Web Client" http:/7.... ? :)
12:07.37Legorol^Elkano: ok i didn't know that
12:08.00Elkanothey will be listed as HTTP Direct Download
12:08.13Legorol^i have never seen that one come up, interesting to know
12:10.19Legorol^well, at least i am getting the downloader now :)
12:12.16_BI can log in, but no realms are up yet
12:13.07krka|workwould be pretty nice if blizzard just released it to various torrent sites first :)
12:13.26Legorol^which they probably will never do
12:13.29wereHamsterTPB :)
12:14.07Legorol^i don't think they will ever officially support any torrents other than their downloader
12:14.10_BThey should just distribute the .torrent instead of their torrent-with-an-inadequate-client-taped-over-the-top bollocks
12:14.25_BWould drastically reduce traffic
12:14.34Legorol^you have to consider the vast majority of players who dont' even know what a torrent is
12:14.47_BThat's the only reason they insist on wrapped it in a client
12:14.47MoonWolf_b and confuse 80% of the userbase with complicated stuff ?
12:14.48Legorol^you are computer savvy, but most players aren't
12:15.17Legorol^imo the downloader is fine as it is, the technically savvy will get the torrent out of it and be happy
12:15.44MoonWolfthere is a difference bewteen, techincal can use torrents
12:15.59MoonWolfis able to get resource files out of binaries.
12:16.07Legorol^that's true
12:16.14_BIt's not in the resource section
12:16.32_BThey didn't make it that easy
12:16.39MoonWolfthats yust plain silly
12:16.50Legorol^MoonWolf: but i think someone who knows what a bittorrent is and what to do with a torrent file will be able to download and use a tool that extracts the torrent
12:16.56Legorol^even if they wouldn't be able to code one
12:17.00MoonWolfthat is true.
12:23.32_BThey've added a Spanish language tab
12:23.39_BIn the realm list
12:24.46krka|worki think they should atleast provide the option of using a custom torrent client
12:24.46Kasohow do you get the downloader to verify files?
12:24.57krka|worksuch as, just giving a plain torrent url
12:25.03krka|worki bet it would be seeded much better
12:25.21_BWell yeah because the downloader quits as soon as you have 100%
12:25.23Legorol^Kaso: you just run it
12:25.36Legorol^if you have a file with the name of the patch, it will first verify existing data
12:26.12_BExcept that it will do it 10x slower than a well written client
12:26.42krka|worktorrentflux FTW!
12:28.36Legorol^i wonder why Blizzard allows connections to the tracker from anything other than its downloader
12:28.46Legorol^i know that it could be faked anyway, but at least they could try and check
12:36.55MoonWolfwhy refuse those connections legorol? what would be the gain ?
12:38.02wereHamsterWhat would be the loss?
12:39.25MoonWolfnothing, but he wants to change the current situation so thats not the correct question IMHO.
12:39.30Legorol^well i don't think they like the idea of people using 3rd party torrent clients
12:39.42Legorol^here is the way i think about it:
12:40.04Legorol^whilst people complain about the downloader being much slower than other torrent clients, i am not convinced that's because Blizzard is incompetent
12:40.04Elkanoseeing the new deDE locals in the patch notes, anyone knows if the demo client is a full client?
12:40.20Legorol^Elkano: the demo client should bbe a full client
12:40.27MoonWolfthe client is full
12:40.30Legorol^what patch notes?
12:40.30MoonWolfthe account is limited.
12:40.41Elkanohas anyone leaked the urls for the demo client?
12:40.42Legorol^sorry i mean what deDE locals in the patch notes?
12:40.55Legorol^Elkano: can't you just register for free?
12:41.10Legorol^anyway, about the downloader:
12:41.24Legorol^in the past the downloader did have issues, for example it didn't handle upload capping very smartly
12:41.43Legorol^so it would max out your upload bandwidth and hence choke your download too
12:41.46Legorol^but they sorted that
12:42.03Legorol^What I think however is that they are deliberately trying to balance download/upload ratio more than with a regular client
12:42.15Legorol^Exactly as _B said, the downloader finishes as soon as you hit 100%
12:42.20Legorol^so you'd want to keep it open longer
12:42.31Legorol^with a regular BT client, you can get huge downloads with little upload
12:42.42Legorol^imagine that people could do that: get the download done quickly, then close it
12:42.56Legorol^their client forces you to share more than a regular client
12:43.21Legorol^However, this might just be me with a conspiracty theory, and in fact they are simply incompetent :)
12:49.36Legorol^hm, someone good with buffs could clarify something for me:
12:49.46Legorol^buffIndex, untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(buffId, buffFilter);
12:49.55Legorol^if i specify a filter, e.g. "HELPFUL",
12:50.26Legorol^do the buffIds still run continuously?
12:50.39Legorol^e.g. if i have both harmful and helpful buffs, which were applied alternately,
12:50.51ElkanoLegorol, this is the localization part for deDE patch notes:
12:51.10Legorol^would i need to skip some buffIds when iterating the helpful ones?
12:52.34zenzelezzis something up with EU authentication? I'd check the forum but it doesn't seem to load
12:53.51Legorol^zenzelezz: yes
12:53.58Legorol^they've upgraded the auth servers with this maintenance
12:54.06Legorol^they don't seem to be fully functioning yet
12:54.12Legorol^you can occasionally log in, but it's not always on
12:54.23Legorol^Blizzard said no ETA for when it will be fully working
12:54.38Legorol^forums are connected to it
13:02.42zenzelezzwish WoW would check for a patch before it tried logging in... but for now FileFront seems to work (zomg)
13:03.48Maldiviazenzelezz: it does
13:04.15zenzelezzMaldivia: depends what you mean by logging in... I mean before doing anything login-related, like authenticating
13:04.28zenzelezzbut mentioning FileFront seems to have changed its mind and now it works for me
13:04.31Maldiviazenzelezz: you can enter bogus username and password, and it will notice the version mismatch before the wrong auth
13:04.52zenzelezzhow come it doesn't notice it with a real username and password?
13:05.27Maldiviawell, it's the auth server that validates the version, if it can't connect to the server, then you're in trouble :9
13:05.54zenzelezzthat what I was saying :) But it decided to work after all
13:06.04Maldiviathe order is something like: connect to auth server, validate version, validate login, validate warden, show realm list, disconnect from auth server
13:16.24Kasoi should comment my code more -_-
13:17.24zenzelezzI always say that the day after
13:17.51Kasowhen you're sitting staring at code thinking "what the hell does this do?"
13:19.55zenzelezzbut when you coded it, it was "duh, this is obvious"
13:20.49krka|workit was hard to write, it should be hard to read
13:21.03Endthe code frobs the internal flux capacitor to maximum logarithmic harmony so that the Reese's Pieces algorithm can utilize full yarp coefficient
13:23.37MaldiviaEnd: that explains a lot...
13:24.03Endit does, doesn't it?
13:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
13:30.07KasoAnyone on EU have the partial files and can md5 em?
13:31.04ElkanodeDE or enGB?
13:31.18Elkanosorry, no can do
13:31.40KasoI've got myself into a real muddle i cant work out what i have what i dont and what i need
13:31.41zenzelezzgetting a blank server list o_O
13:31.45Kasoits all so terbbily confusing
13:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
13:32.35zenzelezzbut then again it looks like that could be because nothing's up yet
13:39.11Mikk1Bah. Why am I even trying to cheat the blizzard downloader out of its work. I'm in no hurry.
13:39.23Mikk1Haven't bloody played for over a month anyway =P
13:39.29Kasoha ha
13:42.59Legorol^Kaso: i can MD5 them for you
13:43.07Kasotis alright got some already
13:43.10Legorol^i am part-way through the download using the downloader, and so far i see 4 files:
13:43.39Legorol^out of these, the last 2 were there before today
13:43.46Kasoare you enGB ?
13:44.01Legorol^the first one has a constant size of about 1.3Mb and appeared today
13:44.14Legorol^the second one is a few Mb and grows as the downloader gets more stuff
13:44.33MoonWolfi dont know what path.mpq is
13:44.45MoonWolfthe partials were downloaded by the backgroud and are mostly artwork sounds etc
13:44.48Legorol^is that a typo, MoonWolf?
13:44.48_BLike your level of incompetence grows as the day gets on?
13:44.54MoonWolfthe final is mostly code.
13:45.00MoonWolfyes typo.
13:45.13Legorol^i imagine that one is the one that the client downloaded, and extracted the downloader out from that
13:45.16Legorol^but i can check that
13:45.40Legorol^_B: thank you for that comment, i think that was the last one i needed
13:45.49_BI see files. Some of them have bytes in. Some of them have more. Some of them are growing. Some are constant.
13:46.03Legorol^look, debating technical points is one thing
13:46.06Legorol^insulting other people is another
13:46.16_BYou insult yourself
13:46.21Legorol^when they wake up, i will be asking the ops here to deal with you
13:46.25Legorol^that's all i can say
13:47.02_BThat's presumably why you are not one eh, chap
13:48.06MoonWolf_B, the reason legorol is no op is because he is not a mod on wowi.
13:48.46Endindeed, afaik, all mods on wowi are ops and all ops are mods on wowi
13:48.52MoonWolfno other reason.
13:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
13:49.36TainThe rest of us are mostly members of the human race.  Then there's _B...
13:49.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:49.44MoonWolfindeed, and mods for wowi are not selected because they act nice.
13:49.50MoonWolfTain, hehe.
13:50.53Legorol^Tain: are you implying the ops aren't human ;-)
13:51.05Legorol^you'd be right about ChanServ, but the rest...
13:51.17krka|workwow _B you really are an ass aren't you :/
13:51.21Endok, I don't think ChanServ is a mod on wowi
13:51.28MoonWolfCairenn is mostly human, but i have my doubts about dolby.
13:55.23Endhmmmmm, that's interesting, I didn't know about func{tablejunk=blah} or func"blah" (or any variations of how you could create a string) until now
13:55.58Endmaybe I should do less avoiding of documentation
13:56.01Legorol^yeah, useful
13:56.16Legorol^i meant the various ways of calling the function, not the doc part ;-)
13:57.14krka|workfunc"blah" creates a string?
13:57.20krka|workam i missing something? :
13:57.23Endit's basically func("blah")
13:57.37krka|workyeah, i know that part
13:57.48Endyou can do func[[blah]]
13:57.49Endas well
13:58.25Endthat's where my "or any variations of how you could create a string" came from
13:58.34krka|worki thought you could only make strings with 'bla', "bla", [[bla]] and {bla = whatever}
13:59.49Legorol^krka, any time you have a string literal in code, it forces Lua to add that string to its global string pool
13:59.58Legorol^so func"string" would also "create" one in that sense
14:00.07Legorol^just like func("string") would
14:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
14:00.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:00.39krka|worki know
14:00.47krka|workbut it's not the function call that does it
14:00.50krka|workit's the "
14:02.36_B | Win or fail?
14:02.37Endwell, I was refering to the fact that you could do funcSOMESTRINGHERE and SOMESTRINGHERE would be any possible method for specifying a string
14:02.56WobinAnyone got a good poison buying/making addon?
14:03.50TainI use Poison Master, Wobin, but it's not exactly great.  It doesn't handle buying multiple types of potion reagents well.
14:04.05TainBut if you do one type of poison at a time it works fine for me.
14:04.41Wobinhm, maybe I should write one then
14:05.20WobinPS yay for the new stacking
14:07.59zenzelezzwere the US servers down past the initial estimated downtime too?
14:09.39Legorol^not this time, zenzelezz
14:09.46Legorol^but they were when US got the auth. upgrade
14:09.53Legorol^US got it back in May I think
14:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:11.32zenzelezzforums all of a sudden responded, but still not getting a server list
14:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
14:15.39KirkburnPhew .... doing the housework when it's almost 30 is pretty tiring (and probably pretty silly) :/
14:22.42KirkburnDammit ... why can a first patch release of ClearFont never work :(
14:23.15KirkburnAnyone got any ideas why that might happen?
14:23.24Kasoah! its clearfont thats causing that?
14:23.29KirkburnSeems so
14:23.55KirkburnExcept I can't get online to test yet :/
14:24.45Kasoive seen people complaing about the same issue but on theyre rep window
14:24.45zenzelezzcould it be too big?
14:24.53zenzelezzI want to play >.<
14:25.32KirkburnYeah, my guess is it's going outside the bounds of the line and is changed to a ...
14:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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14:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr16581@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:31.15Kasomm splitty goodness.
14:31.50KirkburnHmm, for the patch I'm getting no response from the tracker :/
14:32.03Kasoits fucked.
14:32.30zenzelezzKirkburn: same, I got it from FileFront instead
14:32.36Kasoalot of people are downloading the various parts from mirrors, if you like to live dangorously like that.
14:33.08KirkburnAlso, the Blizzard site is crashing my browser :)
14:38.59zenzelezztracker not responding seems to be a recurring theme on the forum
14:41.14KirkburnI can't find any useful mirrors ...
14:41.29Kasohold on a moment
14:41.32zenzelezzthe FileFront one linked on WoWWiki worked for me
14:41.38KirkburnBy useful I mean fast
14:41.48KirkburnCan't find enGB on filefront
14:41.49zenzelezzwas a steady 160 kbyte/sec
14:42.20KasoHmm, all the ones i used are down now
14:42.53KirkburnI've found one with the small part I need :)
14:43.18Kasowow-partial-1.MPQ 5e54013bcddfd463f904339aefc5dda1
14:43.18Kasowow-partial-2.MPQ 011e63b25c3648b3942082b38dd531e8
14:43.18Kasowow-patch-backup.MPQ bc0ddec686c5ec139ed336faea6880f9
14:43.28Kasoin case you need to verify
14:43.28zenzelezznot much use without servers though
14:46.48KirkburnHow can I check the hash of a file?
14:47.15Kirkburn(or whatever the correct term is ... MD5 is a hash?)
14:47.35Kasomd5 hash yeh, just search google for Windows MD5 or something
14:47.38zenzelezzsounds familiar, though I also often just hear MD5 sum
14:48.27Ktron|zzzpastebin is moving nearly as fast as molasses for me right now... that a reality for most people?
14:49.30TainA lot of people have complained about that in the last few days, Ktron.
14:49.49KtronTain, ah, I was wondering
14:49.59TainIt may be entirely coincidence but I also noticed a few days ago that google now searches pastebin which I didn't remember happening before.
14:50.29zenzelezzpastebin loaded fast for me when I didn't click a post... when I tried to click a post then it was very slow
14:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:51.44KirkburnYay for clicking the wrong close button :P
14:54.47Ktronheh, well... I'll use pastecode then for now-- this is a lua file, I'm 95% sure I have the write toc to load it, but I get errors about arg* not being recognized... I know I must be something major wrong, but I'm not postive what-- not much for documentation on writing lua files w/o an xml one that use events
14:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae_ (
14:56.35Mikk1WoWWiki WoW API page updated with everything from Iriel's forum post.
14:57.25Kirkburncool :D
14:58.22Ktronah well, I guess I'll try looking for some other addons to reference
15:03.36zenzelezzI wonder what sort of problems they ran into with the EU servers
15:04.54KirkburnNew authentication stuff tofay too
15:05.14zenzelezzbut that part seems to work; authentication is lightning fast for me
15:05.19zenzelezzjust no servers online =D
15:05.20Kirkburncool :D
15:05.33Kirkburnnotsocool :B
15:05.37Ktron~lart world of warcraft
15:06.07KasoI wonder if the auth will survive the "omg severs up" rush with its new update.
15:06.26zenzelezzthat's a good question
15:08.14KirkburnWow, looking at the foums is so disheartening ... "zomg you RUINED my day! I demand compensation!"
15:08.41KirkburnWe're gonna get a free day, I should think that's obvious by now :/
15:10.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:13.03Mikk1gifv fewer idiots @ forums kplzthxbai
15:13.13Mikk1"you ruined my day" indeed. morons.
15:14.16KtronAlright, more general... anyone familiar with getting variables from events?
15:15.38Kasoi've always passed the args, even though people shout at me saying you dont need to.
15:17.24Mikk1Ktron: just access arg1,arg2,arg3 etc from inside the event handler
15:17.34Mikk1you don't need to pass them as function arguments if you don't want to
15:17.38Mikk1but doing so is perfectly ok too
15:18.02KtronThen I must have my event handler set up incorrectly
15:18.17Mikk1"event", "arg1", "arg2" etc are globals
15:18.34Mikk1pastebin it?
15:18.43KirkburnGenius ... just looking at a survey. Age options are 16-18, 18-21, 21 and over. So, er, what do those aged 18 or 21 put?
15:19.06Mikk1Add ".0000" after the integers =)
15:19.32TainIf you'd rather be with 18 year olds and you're 21 then pick 18-21.
15:19.37TainOtherwise 21+ :)
15:19.39Mikk1"21 and over"
15:19.47Ktronno, I imagine 21 and over is if you're over 21, even 21 and a day
15:19.50Kirkburnheh, I'll join you Mikk :)
15:20.01Mikk1Am I really in such a small demographic?
15:20.05Ktronjust like 18 and 1 day with be in 18-21
15:20.11Mikk1Heck, the majority of my guild is 21+
15:20.19Mikk1(Then again perhaps there's a reason I'm in that guild)
15:21.05KirkburnYeah, agreed Ktron
15:21.14KirkburnI'm in an 18+ guild myself
15:21.28Mikk1Urhm did I forget a 1 after my Nick? Why isn't NickServ bitching at me? o.O
15:21.42Mikk1No i had it right
15:21.59Mikk1(Opera's client confuses me. It displays my "name", not my nick)
15:22.04Ktronthis is what I think I need (slash was told yesterday) to do to have a function run every time the event CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL fired...
15:22.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:22.33KtronI didn't know Opera had a irc client... is it tabbed into the browser?
15:22.57Mikk1It's surprisingly useful for a built-in
15:23.23Mikk1Can be styled pretty much however you like by tweaking css files. Has tab completion. Can talk to multiple networks...
15:23.28Mikk1Can't do scripts and fancy stuff but .. bah.
15:23.47KtronI wish Thunderbird could be tabbed into Firefox, or even if they just were tabbed like that in the Suite... maybe now that the suite is taken over and called Seamonkey we will see it happen
15:24.09Mikk1Aye running thunderbird and firefox at the same time makes zero sense RAM wise
15:24.28Mikk1Ktron: I think the frame needs to be visible for events to be delivered
15:24.46KirkburnThis is what I was looking at ... after you answer the questions you can see the advert they've been showing on TV, it's quite cool
15:24.52Mikk1(bit foggy headed from lack of caffeine still but that's what I seem to remember)
15:25.20Mikk1Why on earth would I want to exert effort to see an ad? =P
15:25.37Mikk1Unless it has boobs in it of course.
15:25.38KirkburnThere's a spanish server tab I notice ... new?
15:25.58KirkburnEr, no boobs, no. Explosions though
15:26.14Mikk1Ktron: Your problem is GhostOfficerFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", GhostOfficerMain())
15:26.18Mikk1Remove the ()
15:26.21wereHamsterKtron, GhostOfficerFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", GhostOfficerMain()) -- inless GhostOfficerMain returns a function this won't work
15:26.29Mikk1*5* wereHamster
15:27.00Mikk1What happens there is GhostOfficerMain() gets called, returns nil, and then you do SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
15:27.36KirkburnHow about the Xbox 360 waterballoon fight ad? Seen that?
15:27.37KtronAh, alright, that makes perfect sense now, but it was invisible to me a moment ago heh
15:28.22Mikk1Kirkburn: Dude, I have analog swedish broadcast TV, which I turn on about three times a month. There's 2 public service channels and 1 ad driven channel in the analog network.
15:28.45KirkburnUK is best in EU for that I think
15:28.59Mikk1Aye BBC rocks
15:28.59KirkburnOne of the wonders of the BBC
15:29.16KirkburnThat was good timing =)
15:29.20KasoEU servers online
15:30.12KasoDAMNIT every fucking patch i forget to click the Load Out of date button!
15:30.14Mikk1Of course, it's entirely possible that there's other countries with amazing public service TV, but neither you nor me would know about them =)
15:30.35EndKaso: you and nearly everyone else ;p
15:30.48zenzelezzwhy is it that after every single patch I forget to enable my addons
15:30.49End(I saw nearly because I'm sure someone will say "but I didn't forget!")
15:31.01EndI need to learn2nottypo
15:31.04Mikk1I've never forgotten to forget.
15:32.14zenzelezzneat, mail from Argent Dawn
15:32.51Endin the last weekish I had 3 pieces of mail, and they were all from npcs o_O
15:33.26KasoAD have mailed everyone? man poor guys
15:33.53EndI don't remember...
15:34.02Enddid the mail show up in the mailbox right away?
15:34.10Endor did it take a bit to show up?
15:34.28zenzelezzwent as fast as it always does on logon for me
15:34.49Kasook this is wierd
15:34.54EndI'm wondering if the mail was really sent to everyone or it was an on-login sort of thing
15:35.06WobinI didn't get any =(
15:35.08KasoRAID_ROSTER_UPDATE is firing each relog even though im not in a raid
15:35.23KirkburnErm, I'm not seeing problems with ClearFont
15:35.37Enddoes RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE get called when you leave a raid?
15:35.46Enderm, fired, not called I mean
15:36.32Kasolemme check
15:38.27EndI wonder if it is a safety catch for disconnect, raid disband, reconnect
15:38.42Endso that it doesn't have to remember
15:39.01End(plus, you could have people leaving/joining/moving around when not aware anyways)
15:39.08Kasomakes sense
15:39.22Kasoannoying though, it'll add time to my loadup as CTRA checks.
15:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:42.02zenzelezzLight's Hope is alive
15:42.37KasoKirkburn: im not seeing that problem with clearfont
15:42.45Ktronto have a SavedVariable for an addon, you just need to list the name of it in the .toc, right?
15:43.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:43.45Mikk1Well erm
15:44.22Ktronif the erm is 'don't name it something stupid' then I know that... 'GhostOfficer_DB' is probably a reasonable name for the GhostOfficer addon
15:44.41EndI would hope so
15:45.42KtronMikk1, oh yeah, knew that, thanks though
15:47.50Tainhaha wow I never even knew you could localize different parts of the toc like that.
15:47.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:48.09TainMe and my American-centric world. :)
15:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
15:49.23KirkburnKaso: you don't see it either?
15:49.38KasoNope, my clearfont appears to be 100% working
15:49.42KirkburnI've tried several UI sizes, can't make it break
15:49.55KirkburnWhat are your settings?
15:50.12KirkburnResolution etc
15:50.24Kaso1280x1024 0.64 UI scale
15:51.15KirkburnPretty same as me :P
15:52.01KasoShall i ask the two guys on SA forums that said they had it for there settings ?
15:52.11zenzelezzhey, my additional bottom-right action bar doesn't just show range now, it also shows the bound key :-o
15:53.04KirkburnPlease :)
15:53.31Kasoi'll shout you if they reply anytime soon
15:54.07wereHamsterI can't get CF to work :(
15:54.32KirkburnIn what way?
15:54.43Elkanook, now let's see how many addons didn't survive the patch ;)
15:55.05KirkburnI shall point out that the zip structure changed
15:55.33TainI swear no matter what the patches change/update/break/etc. nothing annoys me more than the fact that they always turn off "Load out of date addons" on you.
15:55.43wereHamsterthe chatframe font doesn't seem to be overriden
15:55.47zenzelezzTain: aye
15:55.49EndTain: I agree.
15:55.53Tain"Why does my UI look diff... oh damnit!"
15:56.28TainAnd there's just enough time between patches where I forget every time.
15:56.30wereHamsterTain, make WTF/ read-only ;)
15:56.31zenzelezzthey could just give a message box when you first log in to the character selection screen; "It may be safer to not load out-of-date addons. Do you still want to enable them?"
15:56.52TainAnd do I really have to accept multiple EULAs every patch?
15:56.54TainCome on.
15:56.55Endzenzelezz, it used to do something like that
15:57.27Mikk1Caused too much support eh
15:57.38KirkburnwereHamster, works for me :/
15:57.41wereHamsterAnd in the chatframe, I can only choose between four font sizes.. 12pt-18pt
15:57.48KirkburnHave you got it turned on? ;)
15:57.50wereHamsterI used to have more
15:57.53KirkburnCause it doesn't sounds like it ...
15:57.56Mikk1Hmmm, I wonder if I'd be legally bound by their EULAs if I were to attrib +r by mistake
15:57.57zenzelezzI'm not yet sure if I like this global LFG channel... it's nice not to have to be in special zones to find a team, but at the same time I don't really want all these Booty Bay/SM/... messages...
15:58.12Mikk1Well aeruhmm I'm not legally bound by them to begin with. Silly question.
15:58.33KtronWoah, I've got an idea for an addon :)
15:58.41wereHamsterwhich version should I download .. beta-1 or beta-3?
15:58.50EndI think mostly the eula is just a "we can ban you kthx"
15:59.23Mikk1zenzelezz: Aye, the global one needs to be a separate channel. Possibly with a minimum level restriction even.
15:59.30KirkburnThe release version?
16:00.19KirkburnIt sounds like you've got the fonts in the WoW/Fonts folder, but you haven't actually got the addon itself running
16:00.47Mikk1Ergh scratch that minimum level restriction unless they're looking at all of your chars on the server. It'd mean that I couldn't idle on an alt and look for instance runs for my high level chars =(
16:01.32zenzelezzI'm pretty pleased with the Bloodrage/Improved Bloodrage change... 15 instant rage instead of 10 seems nicer to me than retaining a small fraction of health
16:02.01wereHamsterone gotta hate file-roller :-/
16:02.33zenzelezzheh, servers are lagged (as expected) now... landed in Menethil and didn't see a single NPC until boom! the ship was there
16:02.34KasoWand of Eternal Light On Use: Mana regen is now On Equip as it should be, yay!
16:02.57wereHamsterfile-roller is to gnome what winzip is to windows..
16:03.22wereHamstersut it somehow sucks at overwriting existing files..
16:04.04KirkburnStupid thing
16:04.30Kirkburn(I just tested without ClearFont loaded, still can't break it, but I saw wereHamster's problem)
16:06.34Ktronhow do you hide a particular chat message? using RemoveChatWindowMessages?
16:07.09_BAnyone else notice that WoW-EU gets stuck on retrieving character list?
16:07.20Elkanopositive on that
16:07.40KasoKtron what do you mean exactly?
16:07.56Kasoas in stop "[Fred] Says: boo" from appearing/
16:08.21wereHamster_B, me.. but only on some servers
16:08.23Ktronyeah, or channel garble (as GEM and GuildMap and CTRA) does
16:08.31_BApparently all my servers ;3
16:08.53Kasowell if its just a channel you can just choose not to show that channel, but if you just want part of that channels text hiding oyu need to hook
16:09.00zenzelezzI'm logged in, but seeing the old "aaaargh everyone's trying to log in!" lag
16:09.17Ktronyeah, I want to show some and hide others, and hooking sounds right
16:09.36Kasohold on for a link
16:09.55Kirkburnlol, so much for that idea
16:10.09Mikk1 <-- needs to be hooked
16:10.12Kirkburn(_B, yeah I got that too for a about a minute)
16:10.29KasoIm stuck on a zeplin thats going nowhere
16:10.42Mikk1ChatFrame AddMessage, I meant
16:10.43KirkburnI just tried making ClearFont HUUUUUUGE, to see if it turned everything into ''...'' - no, it just made everything HUUUUUUGE
16:10.44zenzelezzKaso: I'm stuck on the boat :)
16:10.53KirkburnVery odd to look at
16:11.03_BYay, zepplin to nowhere :D
16:11.05Ktronscreenshot it Kirkburn
16:11.14Ktronheh, which means I need to learn how to hook later
16:11.51KasoKtron i wrote a post about hiding whispers for some guy the other day
16:11.57Kasobut forums are slow atm
16:12.24Mikk1AXR_Orig_ChatFrame1_AddMessage = ChatFrame1.AddMessage;
16:12.24Mikk1ChatFrame1.AddMessage = AXR_ChatFrame1_AddMessage;
16:12.32Mikk1(and so on for all 7 chatframes)
16:13.23Mikk1function AXR_ChatFrame1_AddMessage(self, msg, ...)
16:13.23Mikk1if(msg and MyIsHiddenTest(msg)) then
16:13.23Mikk1AXR_Orig_ChatFrame1_AddMessage(self, msg, unpack(arg));
16:14.28Mikk1Arf, I should have pastebinned that. Anyway, notice the "..." -> "unpack(arg)" cleverness which means that you never have to worry about the number of arguments actually supplied and passed on.
16:14.45Mikk1If you want to access them, you can do so via arg[1], arg[2], etc
16:14.49Ktronheh... I think I followed that Mikk1
16:14.55Ktronlet's see if I did :)
16:15.18Kasohook all 7 chatframes in a loop, thats how the cool kids do it :>
16:15.38Mikk1Aye getglobal/setglobal madness ftw =)
16:15.49KtronKaso, I'm working on following your example
16:16.32Kasothat code can be improved, i forgot about unpack()
16:17.33Kasobah, all i want to do is fix my addons! what are all these noobs doing causing the server to lag!
16:17.42zenzelezz"Disconnected from server" =D
16:18.35Kirkburn^ that'll be my next version ;)
16:18.36Mikk1Oooooo hey here's an optimization. Make 7 tables of your own, that all have an AddMessage() function (same damn function), and use a member var to point to the right frame.
16:18.40Ktronniec Kirkburn :)
16:18.43Mikk1Damn, this deserves a wiki howto
16:19.50Kaso(CPU) 1-Unknown CPU Typ, 1670MHz, 512KB (100% Load) .:. (RAM) usage: 414/1024MB (40.43%) .:. (GFX) NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT, (Display) 1280x1024/32bit/60Hz
16:19.50Kaso(OS) Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600), (installed for) 74w 1d 17h 45m, (uptime) 6d 4h 6m 18s .:. (HDDs) 25.2GB/298GB(8.5%) free
16:19.51Ktronalright, bbl, need to go to a job interview
16:19.53Ktronwish me luck
16:19.57Kasohey! stop that!
16:20.06KasoWhy did my MIRC paste that crap
16:20.22Kasoi dont want people to know about my noob system
16:20.23zenzelezzlooks like a script "feature"
16:21.28Kirkburnscratch that, too big HD for a laptop
16:21.39Endyeah, that was my thought process
16:21.52KirkburnIn comparison, mine is only 40gig :/ So small :(
16:22.15Kasothe processor is underclocked, for some reason im too lazy to put it to the right speed
16:22.49KirkburnFor newer processors MHz means nothing anyway
16:23.00Kasoi clocked it down one day when it was crashing due to heat then i havent got around to reclocking it up
16:23.08Endwell, it means something, but not what people want it to mean
16:23.59KirkburnMy laptop has a low clockspeed but it's as fast or faster than my 1.8 desktop
16:24.34KirkburnNot that I've seen my desktop for a veeeeery long time
16:24.53Mikk1Uh, wait, what's keeping me from storing my old AddMessage pointer inside the chatframes themselves?
16:25.21KirkburnEnough of computery stuff, it's sunny and hot outside. I'm going for a walk :)
16:25.44Kasothink of all the poor clearfont users man1
16:25.54KirkburnHey it works, they're doing something wrong ;)
16:26.08KirkburnI hope it's not something stupid like it works for EU people, but not for US people
16:26.14Endit works for me
16:26.15Kasoha that'd be great
16:26.19Endand I'm US
16:26.29KirkburnAh, good, that's okay then :D
16:26.48Endnot...that I'm using the most up to date version ;p
16:27.01zenzelezzI find it a bit annoying to hear the "player logged in" sound when I'm still stuck on the login screen
16:27.09Kirkburnheh, shouldn't make a difference though
16:27.23KasoThe sound plays on PEW doesnt it?
16:27.41zenzelezzI mean the one you get when friends log in
16:28.05zenzelezzhad it at least twice now, on my 10-minutes+ of loading screen funnage
16:28.12zenzelezzpoor servers
16:29.28Kirkburnwoop, Object Desktop updates :) Soo glad I bought that
16:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
16:31.27zenzelezzhehe, "Disconnected from server" after ages without leaving the login screen... now sounds like the time to make some food :)
16:33.52wereHamster? DISPELLEDSELFOTHER doesn't exists anymore
16:34.28Mikk1  <-- Reality check please. No WoW up to test with =)
16:35.02KasoI'll check it over for you if you like
16:35.26Mikk1That'd be great =)
16:35.34KirkburnBack later =)
16:35.57Kirkburn|ShoppinOkay, it appears I'm from the 'hood. Nevermind
16:36.20End-hoppinyo dawg
16:36.53Kirkburn|ShoppinYous all me biatches
16:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
16:38.24EndKirkburn|Shoppin: run man!'
16:42.52KasoMikk1 almost perfect
16:43.57Kasothe only problem is its its NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS not its NUM_CHAT_FRAMES
16:46.11wereHamsterwasn't there a GetFrameType() ?
16:48.46cladhaireMikk1|Eatin-n-al: You can't safely unhook those hooks.. just deactivate them
16:49.42cladhaireMikk1|Eatin-n-al: Actually, you should be able to unhook them given the fact that you're using the same function for each.. *ponder*
16:50.36cladhaireMikk1|Eatin-n-al: I would avoid storing the original functions in the ChatFrame object tho, its volatile and we have no control over it, its probably better to handle it within your own namespace
16:50.58cladhaireMikk1|Eatin-n-al: The unpack() will be VERY VERY VERY expensive.. and will create garbage like you wouln't believe.. so I'd specify the arguments explicitly
16:51.03cladhairebut it looks good =)
16:54.21wereHamsterdid the name of the pet action bar change?
16:54.30wereHamsterPetActionBar doesn't exist anymore
16:59.45Maldivia*grumble* button changes backward compatible ny *ass*
16:59.53Maldiviaehh, my *biib* :)
17:02.29zenzelezzyour boob?
17:02.37Endyour bob
17:03.12zenzelezzTip: A Blizzard employee will NEVER ask you for your password.
17:03.19zenzelezznice loading screen tip
17:03.57Mikk1Kaso: Thanks!
17:04.32Mikk1And yeah, I suppose the combat log spewage will create a bit of garbage, at that. Probably shouldn't use a table there =(
17:05.49zenzelezzI just get back in and I see [SERVER] Restart in 15:00
17:05.51Mikk1And it's basically never safe to unhook manual hooks either way. Gotta use a hook management library.
17:06.40Endunless hook management libraries know about all other hook management libraries, it isn't even safe for them
17:07.57Mikk1And re: storing my orig ptr in the frame ... err.. if we can't trust the ChatFrameX tables to remain in ram, we can't even trust the hooks to remain. I'll ignore that for now =)
17:16.01Mikk1End: <nitpicking> No, it might not be safe for the hook mgmt libraries to remove their own hooks, but it's safe to stop calling hooks in addons that's registered with the hook management library!
17:17.05Endwell yeah...
17:17.07Mikk1(How the hell do hook management libraries know the number of arguments and return values btw? o.O)
17:17.17Mikk1(Lots of tables, or kept up-to-date with specs?)
17:18.11Mikk1Err ... has to be lots of tables.
17:18.14Mikk1Or insane amounts of locals.
17:18.28Mikk1Can't see a hook mgmt library knowing everything about framexml.
17:18.30Elkanook, most addons seem to have survived it :)
17:18.56Mikk1Elkano: grats =)
17:19.29Kasoit always seems to me that with all the overhead from the hook management you might as well just de-activate your hooks instead
17:19.40Endlocals is probably the answer
17:19.41ElkanoItemDB broke (fixed), FishingBuddy broke, I've two tooltips for units and I'm wating for Gatherers 1.11deDE file
17:19.57Mikk1Aye. The only problem with an if() check inside your hooks is if you've fubard the argument and return value passing
17:20.02Mikk1Which has been known to happen =(
17:20.07Elkanoand curse wont let me login to update my versions :(
17:20.18Mikk1use curse's beta site
17:20.18Kirkburn|ShoppinUse the beta1 server
17:20.24Kirkburn|Shoppinchange www to beta1
17:20.46Kirkburn|Shoppinner ner, too slow
17:20.50Mikk1Oh and give them your current e-mail address, and you would have known about it already =)
17:21.57Kirkburn|LordinCairenn may deny it, but I is lordin' over yous all :)
17:22.30Mikk1roflskates. My talk page has twice the amount of hits of Category:UI_Technical_Details
17:23.24Mikk1Hm, is it just me, or does archiving Iriel's change summaries somewhere on the wiki sound like a good idea?
17:25.00CairennElkano: you're approved on WoWI
17:25.10Elkanothx :)
17:25.20Elkanothe only page I was able to upload at :/
17:25.35CairennMikk1: I'd started archiving them on WoWI, plus there is the wdn
17:25.49CairennElkano: so sorry we're the only ones :p
17:25.54Elkanook, next is curse :)
17:26.00Kirkburn|LordinIt appears we already have a nickname for the raid icons:
17:26.42Endyes, but where are the red balloons?
17:27.39Mikk1Cairenn: I meant API changes rather than FrameXML changes (which wdn kicks utter ass for =))
17:28.07Mikk1Where are you archiving them on wowi? I might just point there.
17:28.42CairennAs I said, I'd *started* to, but I stopped, seemed redundant
17:28.48Mikk1Oh o.O
17:29.05Mikk1Seems useful to me, seeing as how blizzard's forum topics go away
17:29.20Mikk1Aight, I'll start on the wiki then =)
17:29.21Cairennyeah, well, don't think I'm not kicking myself now :p
17:29.49Cairenndon't forget about helping get that stupid faq sorted :p
17:29.58CairennI've got all the info transfered over
17:31.29Mikk1It's on my to-do list (yep, I actually have one, on dead trees!) but 1.11 got in the way
17:33.05CairennI'd had like 4 of them archived in a separate forum in the dev section, and stupid me, I poofed them
17:33.08Kirkburn|LordinAt some point, it should probably be integrated with the wiki Interface Customization FAQ
17:33.33CairennKirkburn|Lordin: hush you
17:33.48Cairennyous in trouble boyo, call me your biotch will you?
17:33.59Kirkburn|Lordinuuuh, err
17:34.21Kirkburn|LordinThat was surely someone else, I am much more eloquent than that!
17:34.27Cairennuh huh
17:37.19Endusing dark and secret magicks I think I can get most of the API changes threads
17:37.30wereHamsterJoshBorke, ping
17:37.40CairennwereHamster, pong
17:37.57EndwereHamster, oing
17:38.09Kirkburn|HushinwereHamster, oink
17:38.15End(at least, back to 1.5)
17:38.22End(I'm not seeing any before 1.5)
17:38.30zenzelezzI don't seem to understand this summer flame thingie
17:38.42CairennEnd: that's when Iriel started them
17:38.54EndCairenn: Iriel didn't start them it looks like o_O
17:39.10EndVika did
17:39.18EndIriel took over around 1.7 it looks like
17:39.31Cairennforgot that
17:39.44Endso did I
17:39.56KirkburnI is restartin'
17:41.16Endhmm, I'm missing 1.8
17:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
17:46.14zenzelezztossed off the server again x.x
17:46.18KirkburnDid you miss me?
17:46.41Legoroloh yeah!
17:46.59LegorolKirkburn, those 5 minutes... felt like an eternity
17:47.27zenzelezzthis is going to be a tiresome night
17:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
17:48.11Mikk1Does anyone have the 1.10 changes stored?
17:48.22Mikk1I cba to go dig for earlier stuff, really. It was too long ago.
17:51.47KirkburnCheck the bluetracker
17:52.01KirkburnIt's all archived there
17:52.04Endbluetracker is bad for that
17:52.08Endbecause a blue didn't post it
17:52.10EndIriel did
17:52.21Endit doesn't see the edits
17:52.22KirkburnIt archives stickies too
17:52.24TainWell someone's going to have to start an mvptracker.
17:52.26KirkburnAnd yes it does
17:52.35KirkburnIt does!
17:52.45EndI was just there!
17:52.55KirkburnAh, the edits, sorry
17:53.36Endactually, I have almost all of them now
17:53.46Endbut I used dark magicks
17:54.01QzotAnyone already written a filter for the new /4 world spam channel?
17:55.04TainYeah, /leave 4
17:55.37QzotI like LFG. Don't like the crap it's riding with.
17:56.08TainOh if you actually use it, no idea.  I always leave it immediately on creating a character.
17:56.32Mikk1End: hm?
17:56.39QzotI used to spin it off to a separate window, and would check it when I wanted to find a PuG.
17:56.55KirkburnIt's a novelty atm, it'll wear off
17:57.09QzotBut now, even in its own channel, it's 90% zomg and chuck norris, and nub help requests.
17:57.22QzotIt'll wear off? Just like Barrens chat?
17:57.42QzotI suspect that the same things which feed Barrens chat will keep it going indefinitely.
17:57.55QzotSame idiots as in the Barrens, only moreso.
17:57.58KirkburnWell that's just cause it's large and new people
17:58.16KirkburnDo it on LFG and you'll get banned speedy-like
17:58.25EndMikk1: it's not complete, but google caches them, and often other people make copies
17:58.36QzotTwo ideas I've had, and was hoping someone had already implemented:
17:58.39EndMikk1: one or two changes per might be missing
17:59.11Qzot(1) Filter LFG and drop any message which don't include a standard instance name, like ZG/ZG/VC/etc.
17:59.53Qzot(2) Create a very-easy-to-use (that's hard) tool which emits LFG message in a very standard format, and only show conforming messages.
18:00.25KasoHow many spelling permintations would you have to do for (1) :>
18:01.02QzotAnd if it became popular, people would send spam like, "ZG How would chuck norris change a lightbulb?"
18:02.08Mikk1End: Duh. "l2google". I'm on it, thanks =)
18:06.23Mikk1 <- boing!
18:07.40Mikk1Ahh cool, thanks much.
18:08.35Gryphenhow i found
18:11.01Mikk1Arf, I've already forgotten. What was the last TOC? 11020 or 11002?
18:11.05Cairennhi Kaelten
18:11.16Kaeltenheya Cairenn  hows it going?
18:11.21Cairennit goes, you?
18:11.25Endtoc isn't updated for the fix patches
18:11.26Kaeltensame :)
18:11.28Endjust content patches
18:11.33End(at least, so far)
18:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
18:16.17TainOk who titled the section on wowwiki "Holy Writ"
18:17.52Enddoes anyone know what anonymous frames call themselves when you do :GetName()?
18:20.05WobinThey return nil, don't they?
18:20.33WobinThey appear to return nil
18:20.41Endok, thanks
18:21.05EndI was pretty sure it was that or return something like doing tostring(anyordinarytable)
18:21.43End(by ordinary I mean doesn't have a metatable with __tostring)
18:22.44KasoUnknown Enitiy seems to have been renamed simply Unknown
18:24.33QzotSomeone here asked for results when I got them vis-a-vis shifts in city population after the other auction houses opened up. Likely as not, that someone's not here, but I do have the results.
18:25.06Qzot for anyone who cares.
18:25.09Cairenna number of us were curious
18:25.47Cairennrepaste the link later, when Iriel is on
18:25.47QzotIt appears that the change is obvious, minor, and ongoing.
18:26.11TainThe bottom line is:  Everyone still hates Darnassus.
18:26.19QzotYou got it.
18:26.27QzotI need to run the same analysis for horde.
18:26.31EndI think horde-side would be a lot closer
18:26.38Endalthough orgrimmar would still maintain a lead
18:26.47Cairennthey really need to add more stuff to Darnassus
18:26.56TainOr get rid of it entirely. :)
18:26.58CairennI bet TB will be the low one on Horde side
18:27.10Endyeah, TB would be lowest
18:27.28CairennOrg and UC will be close
18:27.37EndTB isn't as mind boggling out of the way as darnassus though
18:27.38TainTB is actually nice for someone who does auction a lot, the mailbox is very close, closer than other places I think.
18:28.06Wobinfor AH/Mailbox/Bank functionality, TB wins hands down
18:28.20Cairennand most likely BB for the neutral ones
18:28.37Mikk1I like Gzan. But I'm engi =)
18:28.48Cairennagain, same thing, most easily accessible for multiple levels, and AH/Bank/Mailbox all right there
18:28.58QzotI love TB for engr and BS. But it sucks for questing and instances.
18:28.59Mikk1BB blows ass for alliance =(
18:29.05TainOf course Alliance side I love Ironforge the most, it's the easiest city to get around in to me.
18:29.30Mikk1I've played horde too, and took quick BB trips basically for granted (due to Grom'Gol)
18:29.39Mikk1Alliance side? BB is so far out of the way it's not even funny
18:29.50WobinNow, if only the neutral AH was viable =P
18:29.59TainOh did they add that Alliance flightpath near Ratchet?
18:30.03QzotArgh. You've got that right, Wobin.
18:30.13Mikk1Cool =)
18:30.45QzotThere's really no excuse for transport for high levels to be as hard as it is in this game.
18:31.07SinePineutral AH sucks troll balls
18:31.48QzotI was hoping adding a neutral AH in BB would help, but it didn't.
18:32.52WobinQzot: The fees for the neutral AH are too prohibitive to use effectively
18:33.22Endpre-ZG, the only thing really significant was pristine black diamonds
18:33.28Endnow, nothing is significant
18:33.57Wobinheh now normal black diamonds cost more than the pristine ones
18:34.18End(which is stupid)
18:34.33End(how is being pristine being a -worse- quality)
18:34.53End(then again, perfect "synthetic" diamonds are "worse")
18:35.06End(erm, artificially created I mean)
18:35.15zenzelezzit's all about how much they're used for, and how easy they are to get
18:35.43QzotWobin: I disagree.
18:36.06Wobinabout the fees?
18:36.16QzotWobin: My AH data indicates that there are still many, many items which abritrage >50% difference between horde and alliance.
18:36.38Wobin~dict arbitrage
18:36.47Wobin(sorry, my vocab is failing me =))
18:37.08Ktron|afk~dict n00b
18:37.13zenzelezzhm, I'm seeing an invisible name in chat
18:37.29zenzelezz[3. LookingForGroup] : <...>
18:37.39Wobinshiftclick it?
18:37.39Qzotarbitrage == exploiting a difference in price between two different markets
18:37.54WobinThat could be class dependant
18:38.00Wobinie pally gear or shammy gear
18:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:38.05zenzelezzWobin: can't, nothing to click (tried)
18:38.09QzotSome of it is. Some isn't.
18:38.23Wobinhm, I've just never seen too much -on- the neutral AHs
18:38.34WobinI mean, maybe a few hundred objects
18:38.44Wobinas opposed to the thousands on either side
18:38.51QzotThere are several trade supplies, for example, which are regularly on the alliance AH, and are farmed and bought, while no significant market forms for them on the horde side. Prices tend to be higher.
18:38.56zenzelezzdear god... global LFG was an invitation for spammers (and I mean repeat-spammers)
18:39.10QzotWobin: *That* is completely true.
18:39.10zenzelezzsome guy is rolling new chars every other minute to spam
18:39.23Endzenzelezz: report his ass
18:39.26WobinI know stuff like Wild steelbloom is more prevalent on hordeside due to the Barrens/Stonetalong
18:39.28zenzelezzwe are :-p
18:39.29Endreport his cow as well
18:39.32Endand his horse
18:39.37Endreport all his farm animals
18:39.49QzotFrom what I've seen, alliance AH usu has about 6000 items, horde 4000 items, and neutral 100 items.
18:40.01Endwith a cluck cluck there and a cluck cluck here
18:40.42WobinAlthough I want to get my Taran Icebreaker over onto the hordeside
18:40.49WobinSince it's never going to sell on Alliance
18:41.08QzotMy guess is that the population differential between horde and alliance, combined with different self-selection characteristics means that there is a shift away from tradeskills on horde. That's pure speculation on my part.
18:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse- (
18:41.31QzotThat's my opinion, at least.
18:41.35WobinSo there are more crafted items on the horde AH
18:41.41Wobin(since they don't make it themselves)
18:42.05QzotAt the high end, horde probably has as much interest in tradeskills, but it's very instrumentally focused: How to get through instances/pvp, etc.
18:42.16WobinYou'd think the Taurens would have gathering skills due to their racial bonus
18:42.33QzotI posited a shift *away* on the horde side. Less crafted items, until you get to the high end.
18:43.05Wobinso more dropped greens et al low to midrange
18:43.06QzotI think gathering profs are also unpopular horde side.
18:43.20Wobin.. What do they -do- with their time? =P
18:43.27Endpvp, duh!
18:43.32Wobinoh =P
18:43.33End(I dunno)
18:43.43netcurse-Qzot where all these theorys coming from?
18:43.47End(I don't pvp much on my horde characters)
18:44.04WobinI mean, tradeskills are the only thing that makes new characters interesting
18:44.14WobinAfter you've tried all the classes/races
18:44.24QzotThey're coming out of my head. Speculation, as I said.
18:45.05QzotThey're based in *small* part on my experience as a major AH player both as alliance and as horde, and on some data that PlayOn has collected, but not seriously analyzed.
18:45.07netcursewell it doesn t depend of horde or alliance
18:45.16netcursejust depend of the status of the players
18:45.27WobinHow new the server is, you mean, net?
18:45.38netcursefor tradeskill i mean
18:45.59Wobinhow do you mean 'status'?
18:46.11netcursehight end players; casual; etc
18:46.11Qzotnetcurse: If I understand you, I agree. But there is data to suggest that different personality types tend to select to play alliance or horde.
18:46.28Qzotnetcurse: Yes. Agreed.
18:46.33WobinThe 'pretty' races et al
18:46.46QzotSide note: What's the official name for Thunderbluff?
18:46.57WobinIsn't it Thunder Bluff?
18:47.13EndI..think there is a space
18:47.14QzotUgh. Okay. I need to re-run the numbers. Again.
18:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:47.29WobinI don't have a hordie on atm to check
18:47.51CideThunder Bluff, yes
18:47.58Cairennand a good morning to you too, Ktron
18:48.02Endyeah, I can confirm
18:48.04Endthere is a space
18:48.09QzotYup. Has a space.
18:48.23Ktronjpe hprd oy, Cairenn?
18:48.41netcurseQzot, the horde players vs alliance players personality is true tho :)
18:49.13WobinI think that has a lot to do with the prettiness of the alliance races
18:49.39Wobinpeople with less of a secure self image are going to choose the 'pretty' races
18:49.52Qzotnetcurse: I suspect it is. But the only hard research data is (afaik) the Daedalus project, which is survey data, and therefore less reliable.
18:50.05QzotWobin: Lol.
18:50.30WobinIt's true =)
18:50.38KtronLast time we had this discussion, I think the two most relevant points were that most people don't on a whim pick whether they want to be good or bad, and age ranges drastically affect whether they want to be the conquering good guys or the rampaging bad guys... Plus, at the end of wc3 it's not like horde had any kind of upperhand at all
18:50.45WobinThat's why there's a huge numbers of NightElfs =)
18:50.56QzotWobin: My suspicion is that is has to do more with player type. Are you an achiever, an explorer, a socializer, or killer?
18:51.02netcurseQzot what info you would like to see
18:51.16WobinQzot: Depends on whether you're a seasoned gamer or not
18:51.33WobinYou only ever fall into those categories on choice of race/class if you've been playing a while
18:51.39KtronThey added flower pots in IF?
18:51.40QzotWell, maybe I don't. Depend on your definition of 'gamer'.
18:51.47Wobin(cause you can identify characteristics that match)
18:51.52netcursewe will release on curse all the auction house price in 2-3 weeks in the database with the inflation of the last 1 year and half :)
18:51.54WobinKtron: Firepots
18:52.07Endnetcurse: neat!
18:52.40Wobinbut most of the first time MMORPGers will choose a race they find attractive in some way
18:52.56WobinCause at that point, they have nothing to compare it against
18:52.59QzotNot necessarily. A socializer (i.e. someone who would enjoy SL), probably would end up alliance as an RPer. Very few horde RPers, as our culture doesn't support as much of a multidimensional mythos for 'evil' characters.
18:53.44Ktron"bunny bunny bunny bunny... BU, NNY, BU, NNY, BU NNY BU NNY BUNNY!
18:53.45Qzotnetcurse: Way cool!
18:55.14KtronIf you don't know my reference,
18:55.37QzotUC sucks almost as much as TB and Darnassus, at least in the minds of players on this one server I have data for.
18:55.41Ktrondamn, I forgot the 'must kill' part
18:56.03Wobingooglevideo =(
18:56.09Wobinis blocked for me =(
18:56.22Ktronlet's see if I can find a non-googlevideo version
18:58.11Ktronnot looking good Wobin
18:58.15EndQzot: that's not what I expected
18:58.44QzotEnd: Me, neither.
18:59.09QzotThis is preliminary, only looking at the month before and the month after the change.
18:59.19QzotCan you guys access ?
18:59.38Wobinwow that's horrible =)
18:59.54WobinWhat happened on 1/3?
19:00.04Wobinthat the switchover?
19:00.46zenzelezzlooks like everyone was trying out Thunderbluff and realized it still sucked
19:00.54QzotYes. 1/3 is the switch.
19:00.58WobinUC as a city is horrible to get around
19:01.06Qzotzenzelezz: Lol.
19:01.24WobinI'd say IF is one of the easiest laid out cities (apart from the bloody gutter)
19:01.24Endfor someone unfamiliar with it, UC is really bad, but's okay when you know where things are
19:01.38QzotI often see one-day spikes in the data. Could be caused by a raid or an RP event. Don't know.
19:01.39WobinEnd: If they had a fireman's pole to get in, I'd go to UC
19:01.41EndI got so lost the firce time I went to UC
19:01.51Wobinand a catapult to get out
19:01.55EndI got killed by the elevator last night :(
19:02.01Ktrondamn stupid chat thing
19:02.05WobinI'd pay a few copper for that privalidge each time
19:02.07QzotHeh. I hate being killed by the elevator.
19:02.13Enddoor to elevator opened, I ran in and fell to my death
19:02.16Wobinhorrible H&S risk =P
19:02.37QzotMy problem is that if you stall getting out of the elevator, you drop after the elevator does.
19:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
19:02.44Ktronheh, Kaso's code from early is broken... alright, time to see if I can pull this off
19:02.55Endwell I was dead at the bottom of the elevator
19:02.58Endso I rezzed outside of it
19:03.52End(I'm not even sure -where- the actual elevator was when it killed me...)
19:04.18Mikk1Sucks having pets in UC I tell you
19:04.26Kasoyour not a horde unless youve been killed by the UC at least once
19:04.35Wobinor multiple times
19:04.59EndI had never been killed by the elevator til last night
19:05.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:05.20Mikk1nn. nnnnnn ... n .nnnn.  nub!
19:05.34Endanother thing about UC: I keep forgetting I can use my mount
19:05.35TainI once died multiple times in a row at the same elevator trying to get back
19:05.37QzotI thought about asking a favor of an alliance toon to drag the innkeeper from Brill to the top of the zep tower, and let me set my hearthstone there.
19:05.55Mikk1Is that even possible?
19:06.01QzotDunno. I've heard it is.
19:06.08Kasodoest seem right
19:06.11Ktron will that code hook AddMessage correctly, and add '>>' before every line?
19:06.16Kasoi assume they'd have a fixed teleport point
19:06.27TainMy initial thought would be, "Not likely."  But I'm not willing to stake anything on it. :)
19:06.42QzotI think it actually remembers *your* position and orientation at the point you set your hearthstone.
19:06.42KirkburnSurely you can't interact with an NPC under attack
19:06.43Mikk1Ktron: no
19:07.03zenzelezzis it just me or did they improve weather effects in 1.11?
19:07.11Kirkburnooh, how?
19:07.16TainDunno zenzelezz, I just see smoke everywhere.
19:07.56KtronMikk1, ah...
19:08.05Kasodont you need . instead of : Mikk1
19:08.24Mikk1Arf yes
19:08.30Mikk1Don't blame me
19:08.46Ktron then
19:08.48QzotGrabbing some lunch. Brb.
19:09.02Mikk1Seems about right
19:09.03KtronYeah, Mikk1 was trying to fix my code
19:09.58Mikk1Will obviously only work for ONE window, so is what you want =)
19:10.30SinePizenzelezz: you mean, Stormwind getting all foggy and gloomy under the rain?
19:10.45Ktronmine didn't work
19:11.07Mikk1mine does =)
19:11.09Kasodid you call MyMod_HookAllChatFrames()?
19:11.10Mikk1at least Kaso says it does
19:11.19zenzelezzI mean the weather effects in general... I don't recall them being this good in 1.10
19:11.28zenzelezzthe rain seemed "simpler" in Un'Goro, etc
19:12.12KirkburnIt wouldn't surprise me if it's been improved
19:13.02Kirkburnit's not something you stick in the changelog, cause you'd only get flamed when the difference isn't noticeable
19:13.36Mikk1Plus they basically said they'd be tweaking weather in the future in 1.10 patch notes
19:14.01Kasochcked that hook code again, it does work.
19:14.06KirkburnTa have it in the cities would be nice
19:14.24Ktron is running in World of Warcraft for me right now, shouldn't it hide any line with 'autohidethis' in it?
19:14.28Ktronbecause it isn't
19:14.29KirkburnYes, not IF obviously
19:14.50Kirkburn(Ironforge, not me having problems with code there!)
19:14.58KasoKtron you need to called LFGRelevance_HookAllChatFrames() before itll start hiding
19:15.03Endor undercity
19:15.10Kirkburnheh, no
19:15.17KirkburnI've never ever been to undercity, it's crazy
19:15.25KtronKaso, oh, that's true... if I just put that at the end, will it work?
19:15.34KirkburnI rode Warburn to the entrance once, but that's it
19:15.39KtronKaso, or do I need to make an OnLoad thing?
19:15.45WobinI'd so want this for my priestess
19:15.49Kasoput it in the Onload
19:15.53Wobinbut I can't see her doing the horde city run
19:16.03Mikk1Both will work, but Onload is the "right" way to do it
19:16.25Ktronwell, that means I need to look back and figure out how to hook events in lua
19:16.47KasoHooking is great once you figure it out
19:17.15Mikk1Heck, even this works:
19:17.16Mikk1local oldSomeFunc = SomeGlobalThing(foo)
19:17.16Mikk1function SomeGlobalThing(foo)
19:17.27Mikk1err, stick in an oldSomeFunc call in there
19:17.36Mikk1It's ugly as heck but it works =P
19:17.49Ktron perhaps?
19:18.10EndMikk1, is the (foo) intended on the first line there?
19:18.19Mikk1err no
19:18.20Ktronheh, nope, causing stack overflows now
19:18.27Mikk1Ktron: you're re-hooking on every darn chat message
19:18.40Ktronlol, forgot to change the event heh
19:19.29Mikk1and since your function was the one on the top, you store a pointer to your function and call it from your function, which calls your function, which calls your function, etc...
19:19.37WobinRogue Review
19:19.49Ktronwhat event do I want?
19:20.04Ktronokay, thanks
19:21.23Ktron still causes stack overflows heh
19:22.24Kasoyou'll need to put some event handler in to tell if its a LOADED or Chat msg even
19:22.31wereHamsterKtron, you should check for arg1 == "YourAddon" in the event handler
19:22.34Wobin"The thrasher pecks and scuffs at the crumbly dirt, then wallows belly down in it, feathers sticking up, tail spread, looking about as undignified as a bird can look without a beanie and a kazoo."
19:22.40WobinI love this woman's way with words
19:23.10wereHamsterotherwise you'll hook the chatframe functions everytime an addon is loaded which can be quite a few times..
19:23.37Wobin"The Rose of Sharon hedge bloomed. It is lavender. I am not opposed to lavender, but that particular shade--Regrettable Bridesmaid Dress Lavender--will take a little getting used to."
19:24.27KtronYep, that did it :)
19:24.35KtronKaso, Mikk1, kudos
19:25.15KasoI need to move some of my addons over to using CreateFrame
19:25.25Kasoim too stuck it the old ways
19:25.55WobinCreateFrame is the wave of the future
19:26.14wereHamsterKtron, and why not simply hooking the chatframe functions right away instead when you receive the event? ChatFrame1 etc should be available when WoW parses the lua files
19:26.52Ktronbecause I was told it was better practice to have them hook on an event I think?
19:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
19:27.52wereHamsterI don't see a difference in hooking at an event or right away.. can someone please explain why it's better practice?
19:28.44QzotBecause bigger is bigger, and more is more:
19:31.07KirkburnWoop, this proves it's not my fault people are getting '...'
19:31.11zenzelezzwhat is the vertical scale? (Ie. what does "1" mean?)
19:31.13Kirkburn(sorry about the name)
19:31.51End(well, maybe not percent by definition of per 100)
19:31.55Qzot1 = 100% of the population found in capitol cities right then.
19:31.55End(per one?)
19:33.17Kirkburncapital, capitol is a building :P
19:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:33.57ToastTheifokay, Im having some visor troubles
19:34.26ToastTheifI'll go ask in WoWAce
19:35.11QzotKirkburn: ty
19:36.09QzotSlighly updated:
19:37.29KirkburnNo worky
19:38.19QzotYeah. *Now* it's updated. I hope.
19:38.49Mikk1Arf just plot standard deviation symbols =P
19:39.21Ktronin regex for lua, how do you match a '['? '\[' doesn't seem to work, and I'm looking at the wowiki page but not seeing it
19:39.35Mikk1%[ innit?
19:39.43QzotLua doesn't really have regex.
19:39.57KirkburnOh worky now
19:40.01QzotMikk1 is right, I think.
19:40.10Mikk1Lua doesn't use \ for regex escaping since they have to obey string escaping rules as well
19:40.15Mikk1so you'd have to do \\[
19:40.34QzotThe other approach is to use [[ ]] strings.
19:40.54Mikk1[[ foo ]] is a string?
19:41.05QzotYes. With 5 chars.
19:41.15QzotAnd *no* escaping.
19:41.24Mikk1Does it grok multiline?
19:41.37Mikk1(And will it use the embedded LFs?)
19:41.40Qzotfoo = [["I want all of Grandma's string," she said.]]
19:41.50QzotOh, yes.
19:42.01QzotI just did.
19:42.35QzotI esp like multiline strings with string.gfind(s, "[^\n]*") as in iterator.
19:45.16Endthe problem is if you want ]] in the string
19:45.47Ktronso, [[[]] or \\[
19:45.47QzotInstead of ]], you must use ]] + "]]" + [[
19:46.18QzotIn practice, I have not found this to be a serious detriment.
19:47.00Endor, you convince slouken to upgrade to 5.1 :P
19:47.10QzotSomething changes in 5.1?
19:47.13Endthere is a [=[ sort of format
19:47.34End"long brackets"
19:47.44QzotDoesn't sound like the strongest reason to get them to upgrade. :P
19:47.45Mikk1Ah, I see --[[ ]] is actually [[ ]] at work.
19:48.06Endpffft, it's a great reason to upgrade!
19:48.28Mikk1Upgrading to 5.1 will break so many mods it's not even funny
19:48.29QzotBlizz generates *network* issues with every content upgrade.
19:48.41Mikk1"for a,b in sometable do" <-- forget that
19:48.54Endmost people don't use that form anyways I think
19:48.55QzotI would just as soon they leave lua alone, thankyouverymuch.
19:48.57Ktronlocal x = string.find(msg, [[[7]]); still doesn't work... I need to match '[7' w/o quotes
19:49.09Ktron~lart lua
19:49.22Mikk1Ktron: string.find(msg, "%[7%.")
19:49.35Mikk1or did you want the period?
19:49.49Mikk1string.find(msg, "[7.", true) works also
19:49.54Mikk1no wait
19:50.01Mikk1string.find(msg, "[7.", 1, true)
19:50.01Endyeah you need to "escape" the [
19:50.08Ktronit doesn't matter if I find it or not, just trying to make sure I've got a line of channel 7
19:50.13Endor specify plain
19:50.18Endlike Mikk1 is doing with the true flag
19:50.18Mikk1(which i did above)
19:50.46Mikk1Though I'd want something a bit more thorough that doesn't match random occurences of [7. in the middle of the line
19:51.05QzotTry string.find(msg, "[7", 1, true)
19:51.14Mikk1~lart Qzot
19:51.17Mikk1I already said that!
19:51.23Mikk1Omg I got an uberlart
19:51.28Endstring.find(msg, "[7", 1, true) == 1
19:51.34End(I think)
19:51.37QzotAh. But I hadn't. And that's what was import.
19:51.49End(I don't remember, is there anything before [7. Blah?)
19:51.51Mikk1End: Hm, no, I think there's colorization bullshit in the beginning
19:52.06EndMikk1: hmm, possibly
19:52.14Endand timestamping addons might mess you up as well
19:52.26Mikk1string.find(msg, "[7", 1, true) < 10   <-- perhaps
19:52.29Mikk1absolutely true
19:52.49QzotMikk1: What are you trying to do, exactly?
19:52.52KtronMikk1, that's true
19:52.56Mikk1I'm not,  Ktron is
19:53.12QzotMikk1: What is Ktron trying to do, exactly?
19:53.15KtronQzot, I'm trying, at the moment, to be able to selectively hide messages on channel 7
19:53.42Mikk1I'd filter by channel name, not number
19:54.05Ktronthere's lots of addons that hide channel names though
19:54.11Mikk1"%[LFG.*spam" -> /dev/null
19:54.14Ktronmost keep at least '[#.'
19:54.48Ktronand truthfully, the channel I have in mind is LFG
19:54.59Ktronso... it will always be 4, 7 is just for testing
19:55.00Mikk1Ktron: save a bunch of chat messages to a SavedVariable and inspect it with a regular text editor
19:55.11Mikk1It'll tell you much more about what actually comes flying in the string
19:55.23Endarg1, arg2, etc etc are probably still preserved
19:55.50Mikk1oooooh good point there End
19:55.51Cideif you're capturing a chat event
19:55.53Mikk1bit ugly but
19:56.07Mikk1maybe even "event"
19:56.12Mikk1damn, i need to make use of that in my addon
19:56.13Cidethere's an arg# variable with channel number, I believe
19:56.19Mikk1I'm doing butt-ugly regexp filtering atm
19:56.31Endbut it has channel name in it too
19:56.39Ktronarg8 is just number I believe
19:56.56Endewww, long url :(
19:57.07Cidearg8: channel number
19:57.08EndKtron: oh, you're right
19:57.16EndI don't look that far down :X
19:57.20Mikk1I still think someone should just rip out blizzard's ChatFrame implementation and replace it with Something Better
19:57.44Ktronheh indeed
19:58.39Mikk1I want ctrl-f in chatframes! I want MORE chat frames! I want dockable frames in more than just one spot!
19:58.47Mikk1I want shared chat frame settings between characters!
19:58.51Mikk1I.. i.. i...
19:58.52EndMikk1: so write it ;p
19:59.08Mikk1#include <default-wowi-lounge-excuse.txt>
19:59.28Endint main(int argc, char *argv) { abort(); }
19:59.56Mikk1you forgot char makeproglookbig[64*1024*1024];
20:00.04EndI didn't even get my args right
20:00.05WobinThe midsummer maypole thing is highly reminsicent of Revenge of the Sith
20:00.17Endin particualr, argv
20:00.37Mikk1Wobin: Go to austria or sweden then =P
20:01.01WobinI mean ingame =)
20:01.05Mikk1(Then again, I have no idea what you're talking about since I haven't even bloody logged on)
20:01.11WobinOh, you'll see
20:02.58Mikk1Speaking of writing stuff... has someone already written a mod that can /who  basically the whole damn server?
20:03.11Endsounds a bit like Census+
20:03.33EndI haven't used that addon in a year probably though
20:04.07Mikk1It seems fairly simple to me... Just iterate /who "a", whoops too many, "aa", "ab", "ac... "az", "b", whoops too many "ba", whoops still too many, "baa", "bab"..
20:04.18Endit does it by level and class first
20:04.27Endif that fails -then- it does by name too
20:04.42Mikk1Aye but I was more thinking along the lines of /who molten core and stuff like that
20:05.00Endthat's different than census+
20:05.09Endsince census+ was all about the numbers for the most part
20:07.35Kasotheres a 3 second delay on whos isnt there?
20:07.55EndI think between whos
20:08.11Kasoyeh i meant between sorry,
20:08.15Mikk1And just having a mod that reacts on the server refusing to send a response and re-sending it would be great too
20:08.16Endso you can do /who blah (delay) /who blarg (delay) /who butter
20:08.36Ktronthere's QueueWho I think
20:08.57KtronWhich automatically queues up and sends them when enough time has past between requests
20:13.08Ktrona%d?a matches a0a through a9a and aa right?
20:13.49KirkburnCan someone reply to this thread for me to the effect that it's not ClearFont doign i
20:13.57Ktronawesome, one day I'll get the hang of this
20:13.57Kirkburnbleh, damn enter button
20:14.27Kirkburn(please =)
20:14.43LegorolKirkburn, i'll see if i can log in
20:15.16netcurseHi kirk
20:15.24KtronKirkburn, done
20:15.29Legorolhey netcurse, did you get my comment?
20:15.33netcurseNo sir
20:15.53netcursei left the other irc online at my sister s flat
20:16.01netcurseforgot to turn it off:)
20:16.11Legorolok then I'll PM you
20:16.36KirkburnHey net
20:17.43wereHamsterKirkburn, did you find out what's causing the font issues?
20:18.58KirkburnNope, but it's not ClearFont
20:19.04LegorolKirkburn: done
20:19.13wereHamsterhow can you be sure?
20:19.28KirkburnNo sign of my addon in that screenshot
20:19.49netcursewereHamster wie gehts?
20:20.07wereHamstersehr gut, danke der nachfrage netcurse ;)
20:20.23KirkburnLegorol, you could have been a little less, er, definite, y'know ;)
20:21.35KirkburnKtron, I never saw a comment from you appear?
20:21.47Ktronit's there now, forgot to pick the person
20:21.55EndKirkburn: ok, I added a post to that effect
20:21.59KtronI'm 'Devis'
20:22.47LegorolKirkburn: nothing wrong with having self-confidence ;-)
20:22.53Legorolbeleive in yourself!
20:23.15Mikk1"Clearfont author states that he would prefer if people not talk about him so much in passive tense and third person."
20:23.21EndLegorol: I have passed Kirkburn's second message along that is addressed to you so that you don't have to post it yourself
20:23.35KirkburnYeah, I noticed :P
20:23.51KirkburnHeh, Mikk1, if only I could post there ;)
20:23.59Mikk1same =P
20:24.22Mikk1I'd kill for US Interface Customization forums access sometimes
20:24.29Mikk1The EU ones are "huhwah?"
20:24.57Mikk1"PLZ HELP"
20:25.18KasoHa ha
20:25.19Kasoso true
20:25.26Mikk1"Cna someon write a macro to cast <spell 1> and then <spell 2> Thx!"
20:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Sidely (
20:26.12Mikk1"A friend of mine had this really cool UI, and it had bars on the left that were yellow, but I can't find it. Does anyone know where to download it?"
20:26.27Ktronmy favorite golden oldie is "i ned a fshing mcro 2 fish 4 me any1 plz help!!"
20:26.34Ktronexcept I forgot it should have been in all caps
20:26.49SidelyHi there folks. Just stopping by to raise awareness about a bug in BuffButton_Update. Details here:
20:27.06Cairennhi Sidely, thanks for the info
20:30.14Qzot"No. I knwo you cna cast 2 spellz in 1 macro. I saw my freind do it."
20:30.43zenzelezz"[an error occurred while processing this directive]" -- blasted Alla
20:31.51QzotQuery: I conjecture that farmers in capital (see, Kirkburn?) cities are nearly 100% level 60 or level <5. Agree?
20:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
20:33.28zinorhi all
20:33.48Ktronfarmers do buy skills, don't they?
20:34.18QzotBuy skills?
20:36.38zenzelezzcolor me disappointed at the "improvement" in logging back in after you get disconnected
20:37.02gnorlishdid they just take away the msg or is it just me
20:37.03QzotNow, you can get immediately re-disconnected.
20:37.20zenzelezzgnorlish: that's the only thing I see
20:37.25zenzelezztook me a few tries before I even figured that
20:37.32zenzelezz"wtf, didn't I just click "Enter"?
20:37.38zinoryou got that much money for WoWI?
20:38.02zinoryou should giver me some :)
20:38.17zinori need car
20:38.35Cairennthat is SO funny, honestly
20:38.40Qzot275k??? o.O
20:38.50zenzelezztoo much info
20:38.58QzotCnet said is was only like $135k.
20:38.58zinoroh its not true?
20:39.16Cairennyeah ... if I had gotten 275k for the site, I wouldn't be in the process of declaring bankruptcy next week ... next?
20:39.28netcurseQzot what?
20:40.08zinori thought ige paid a lot for sites?
20:41.34zinoryou should have told them you wanted 2 millon i think
20:46.25SinePiHmmm. I'm collecting virtual bids now. What would you bid on - that Blizzard will come to their senses within a day or two and revert the totally broken LFG channel to how it was before the brilliant idea to make it global, or will they leave it like it is for a week or two? :P
20:47.34QzotOr find a 3rd option to save face.
20:47.46gnorlishwe already know their save face option
20:47.50QzotI.e., go to an EQ2 style which is at least level graded.
20:47.55gnorlish"working as intended"
20:48.07Endgnorlish: they already said that ;p
20:48.15gnorlishthen they're done commenting on it
20:48.20zinordid they not give you anything Cairenn?
20:48.33QzotI'd like the spam, spam, spam, spam, LFG, spam and spam, please.
20:48.38zinorthats mean :(
20:48.42Cairennthis is not news folks, we've been over this before
20:49.13QzotOh. But Cairenn, there are *new* vultures to feed. :D
20:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:00.13Guillotineheya. we have a noob invading the WoWI forums. I hate how every mod site is becoming overrun with them... including the official UI& Macros forum
21:00.50QzotI resent that, Guillotine. I'm not a *complete* noob. :P
21:01.07GuillotineO RLY?
21:01.18Guillotine(sorry. it was too tempting ;P)
21:01.25Qzot(I know.)
21:01.59CairennGuillotine: your response isn't quite accurate, btw
21:02.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
21:02.10Qzotuh oh
21:02.16GuillotineI guess I'm the noob :(
21:02.43Guillotinewell, at least I said in the post that I didn't know all the facts
21:03.17zinorige bought ogaming a long time ago
21:03.20zinorfrom what i understand
21:03.25zinorbefore ogaming aquired wowi
21:04.08Guillotinewell, either way, the money goes to the parent company, not to IGE (again, just what I heard)
21:04.25zinorfrom what i understand
21:04.34zinorogaming was owned by one guy, who couldnt afford it, when ige was just starting
21:04.39zinorige bought ogaming and employed that guy
21:04.46zinorthat guyt hen purchased thottbot through ige
21:04.56zinorand later quit ogaming/ige
21:05.03zinorige then founded rpg holdings
21:05.16zinorerr well
21:05.20zinorya i think its in that order
21:05.28netcursethe guy= yantis
21:05.30zinorand rpg holdings now "owns" ogaming, and bought allakhazam
21:05.31Cairennlalala, and here we go yet again on a topic that has been beaten completely to death
21:05.38zinorim just clariying the situation
21:05.51netcursethat s the guy that tried to buy curse last time is basically ige's attempt to unify all their assets because they are losing a lot of money on sites lke thottbot now
21:05.53TainMy brother's friend heard someone at Walmat say he read a website that printed a rumour that Bill Gates owns IGE
21:06.21GryphenI'd sell to IGE in an instant
21:06.24zinorTain, except the "someone" in this situation is the founder of ogaming as well as someone who just got fired from ogaming, and walmart is the internet :)
21:06.25Mikk1wowi peeps: If I wanted a rough "wowi has X addons available", I'd look in the statistics box at the bottom and get 1,111, correct?
21:06.28GuillotineDead Horse takes 15 damage
21:06.30GuillotineDead Horse dies.
21:06.30zinor(I just got done talking to her 10 mins ago)
21:06.31GuillotineYou attack Dead Horse
21:06.34zinorGryphen, me too :)
21:06.41netcurseme not
21:06.57TainYeah love the clarifying. "I think this happened and I talekd to someone who said this."
21:07.00Guillotineguys, I think you have to own a website to sell to IGE...
21:07.03TainOf course the bottom line is, "Who cares."
21:07.12CairennTain, precisely
21:07.24zinorTain, the thing with this is, a lot of people care
21:07.37zinorthats why it always gets brought up i think
21:07.55TainIt gets brought up because people love fictional conspiracy theory drama.
21:08.07Guillotineyou know, the CIA is trying to kill me :(
21:08.08zinorfiction implies false
21:08.12zinorGuillotine, you too? :)
21:08.19Guillotinejust b/c I'm paranoid doesn't mean their not after me
21:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
21:08.26Gryphen<Guillotine> guys, I think you have to own a website to sell to IGE...
21:08.29Gryphenhow many do they want?
21:08.32Temwhich one of you is Shag?
21:08.34Mikk1Cairenn: If I wanted to say "wowi has about <foo> addons total", I'd look in the box at the bottom and say "1,111", correct?
21:08.40Guillotinegryphen: you have a website?
21:08.49GuillotineMikk1: ROFL
21:08.51Cairennyes, Gryphen does
21:08.56wereHamster~emulate wereHamster
21:09.02CairennMikk1:  yess
21:09.11Guillotinewell, that I didn't know
21:09.12wereHamsterpurl, tell Tem something about me
21:09.13TemwereHamster, purl hateses you
21:09.17zinoryes Gryphen is website monster :)
21:09.17Mikk1(just trying to drive home the futility of Category:AddOns on the wiki)
21:09.21Cairennbottom of the downloads page, download stats
21:09.50TemwereHamster, you're Shag, yes?
21:10.07wereHamsterpurl should know that... but yes, I am..
21:10.11Temwhy do people run and hide when I'm looking for them?
21:10.16Guillotinewho's shag?
21:10.19GuillotineTem: try a shower
21:10.39TemwereHamster, PM
21:10.41netcurseso you would be me
21:10.52netcurseyou would have accept that 2 millions 500K dollar offer they made me ? :)
21:11.09GryphenI would accept 5k
21:11.19zinorGryphen, they're rich, you can at least get 10x the value ;)
21:11.20KirkburnBtw, I think Mikk was trying to point out there's exactly 1,111 addons on WoWI atm
21:11.33netcursemaybe i m just the only one that wouldn t sleep well in making such money on the back of other people work :)
21:11.48Gryphenyou are one of the few
21:11.53Gryphenthat is how every site sold is done
21:12.08Gryphenby other people input to sites make them worth what they are
21:12.13KirkburnIf you have principle, stick to them.
21:12.24TainMaking money on teh backs of other people's work is the American way!
21:12.37zinorah so Cairenn you dont make any money?
21:12.37Gryphennet isnt american, that is why :D
21:12.43zinoryou should tell them you want a cut since you do most of the work
21:12.51Guillotinenetcurse: I do kind of agree with that. I mean, if it was a website who's success was built on its owner's content, yay, sell it. but when the entire success (well, most) is from users...
21:12.52KirkburnIt's a silly topic anyway, as pretty much *none* of us can actually give a real answer
21:12.55zinornet is foreign like me!
21:13.30Kirkburnheh, I think most here are :)
21:13.38netcurseKirkburn i can give any answer tbh :) ige has been around me for more than one year, even yantis tried to buy curse after he left ige:)
21:13.55KirkburnWell, yes, you can :) But few others :P
21:13.55Cairennthis is the internet, no one is "foreign"
21:14.01netcursei m prolly the best personn to talk about that but i don t do it, i m not realy  a drama whore :)
21:14.05Guillotineya, how can you be foreign?
21:14.13Gryphennetcurse: fooled me :D
21:14.18Cairennit's an international community
21:14.19KirkburnIf you're from another planet?
21:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:14.28Cairennperhaps then, yes
21:14.29Kirkburn(that'd make me foreign, natch)
21:14.34Cairennhey Iriel :)
21:14.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
21:14.46Guillotinehey Iriel. we're beating a dead horse ^_^
21:14.56KirkburnJoin us!
21:14.58IrielWhich one? There are /so/ many to choose from?
21:14.59zinornet is foreign!
21:15.12GuillotineIriel: IGE and all the sites
21:15.18TainKeep illiegal immigrants off of the Internet!
21:15.18KirkburnThis one has IGE written on it
21:15.28IrielOh, that one, that's not even an interesting dead horse
21:15.50KirkburnIt's so old, it's rotting and gooey
21:16.02Kirkburnit's more like ....
21:16.20Gryphennot only old, but not going to change anything no matter how much it's talked about
21:16.39KirkburnHaven't we just acheived what the troll wanted? ;)
21:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:18.40Tem"Movepad has been blocked by an action only available to the standard interface"
21:18.52Guillotinebut... isn't that the one Slouken made?
21:18.58Temthink the signing expires when it goes out of date?
21:19.09Guillotinecould be. or they changed the function
21:19.16Temor rather only works if the interface version is correct
21:19.19Guillotineyou should probably post something about it on the ui boards
21:19.30IrielYeah, all we need is yet another stupid movepad post
21:19.31KirkburnI would guess the signing out of date thing
21:19.44Kirkburn(as in it's signed for 11000 only)
21:20.10KirkburnThat way, if the addon is no longer allowed, people can't keep using it
21:20.22Guillotineyup. that makes sence
21:20.50IrielOr else they changed the signing mechanism and forgot to update movepad
21:21.02CairennI've reminded the pirate about it
21:21.11Guillotinethats what I said (or meant anyway, with the changin the function thing)
21:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
21:21.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o ChanServ] by
21:22.09KirkburnTime for some Kakuro
21:27.13Mikk1Iriel: :-)
21:27.28Mikk1Seemed like a good idea =)
21:29.10TemCide, you around?
21:29.32Temwhy does CTRA still use player-created channels?
21:29.52Tem(by that I mean why not generate the name so you eliminate the need for channel broadcasts and all that nonsense)
21:30.27Temthe only disadvantage I can see is it's tough to keep backwards compatibility in
21:30.59Tem(but I've always said "screw you" to people running outdated versions of things)
21:32.09Mikk1  <== Plx vote :-)
21:32.28GryphenSky for CTRA! :D
21:33.07IrielMikk1 : It's a great idea as long as *I* dont have to do it 8-)
21:33.17Mikk1I'm teh wikignome =)
21:33.36Mikk1<-- 3500+ edits in one month
21:33.54IrielWhen I had more free time I was quite active
21:34.08chuckgAnyone know what hte new colors around debuff signify?
21:34.08IrielAs you no doubt noticed from the plethora of dated talk entries
21:34.10chuckgBlue vs green vs red?
21:34.14chuckgIs that some type of priority?
21:34.16Irielchuckg: Type of debuff
21:34.18KirkburnWhat about me Mikk? ;)
21:34.33Mikk1Erhmm.. you're some type of smelly dwarf I believe
21:34.44TemGryphen, I think at least we need a common "standardized" way to generate raid/guild channel names
21:35.10Mikk1Tem: How do you generate a channel name from a raid group in a way that's guaranteed to be unique and repeatable?
21:35.19Temgo with the raid leader
21:35.23Mikk1Raid leaders change
21:35.27Tema problem with that is that raid leaders change
21:35.28GryphenI believe Cide mentioned he liked the concept, the reason for no change yet is backwards compatability.
21:35.38GryphenAt least that is what I got from a convo I saw him have
21:35.50chuckgSo waht falls under what?
21:35.53chuckgIt's not magic vs non-magic.
21:36.00TemI know we change leaders a few times during the raid
21:36.04Irielchuckg; see the 'ACTUAL API CHANGES' thread on the forum
21:36.11CideTem: what do you mean with 'player-created channels'?
21:36.20GryphenMikk1: when raid leader changes with Sky, the channel changes
21:36.22Tembecause different officers know how to set up the groups better
21:36.45Mikk1Gryphen: good point there I think
21:36.47CideGryphen: the concept of what?
21:36.51Mikk1chuckg: or
21:36.57Iriel"Magic", "Curse", "Disease", or "Poison"
21:36.59TemCide, I mean why allow the players to set the channel at all? Seems like addon generated channels would make it easier to manage
21:37.06TemIriel, or none, yes?
21:37.07GryphenSky channels
21:37.18Irielor nil
21:37.18GryphenI probably read more into your text though
21:37.25Temnone is red, right?
21:37.29wereHamsterI would not go for something addon-specific..
21:37.41Temwe just need to standardize it
21:37.46Temso everyone does it the same way
21:37.59IrielThe colors come from a lookup table in the UI code
21:37.59Temso even people using other things can share channels with Sky or CTRA
21:38.04Irieland nil maps to "none"
21:38.07wereHamsterjust define a standardized algorithm so addons can join the same channel independently
21:38.07Irielas a key
21:38.11GryphenThere have always been 'standards', people like to do their own thing to be wholey in control of it
21:38.25Tembut this is so... simple
21:38.40CideTem: because 1) users "can" use the same channel for several addons if they want to, when they have a choice, 2) they can have a common channel for everyone amongst a group (ie the whole server) if they so wishes, and 3) they can choose NOT to have the same channel, to reduce lag
21:38.43Temand I think it's important for us to do it the same way in this one
21:39.04IrielI can't think of any persistent generatable identifier
21:39.15Temonly thing I can think of is instance ID
21:39.17IrielUnless you just randomly generate something and then communicate it
21:39.23Irielwhat if you're not in an instance?
21:39.26Irielor haven't been in one?
21:39.39Mikk1Using instance ID would solve 99% of stuff though
21:39.44Cideno it wouldn't
21:39.46Temand not all instances have an ID
21:39.48IrielYes, but you'd need ot have one, and need to all have the same one
21:39.52Mikk1cide: i suck
21:40.02Irielyou can't use members
21:40.05CideUBRS doesn't have a reset timer
21:40.07Temmembers change
21:40.12Irielbecause a raid can outlast any of its members
21:40.23Cideoutdoor raids aren't even in instances
21:40.23Temthe best "solution" I can think of is what Sky does
21:40.26Tembase if off the leader
21:40.33Temand have the channel change when the leader changes
21:40.38Mikk1you get glitches as you're changing though
21:40.42Temwe don't change leaders often enough for that to be an issue
21:40.44IrielKludgy tho
21:40.59CideI know my guild used the same channel for CTRA and DamageMeters
21:41.01IrielThe random ID with a 'discovery' mechanism approach is, IMHO,cleaner
21:41.02Temoh, that brings me to feature request, Cide
21:41.03Cideto reduce channel lag
21:41.03Mikk1then again you probably don't chagne leaders mid-battle a lot
21:41.08Cideerr, number of channels used, sorry
21:41.10KirkburnWow, this is baaad ... this is a guy trying to cancel his AOL account:
21:41.24Irielor even, for that matter, whatever damn mechanism for picking the channel name you want, combined with a robust discovery mechanism
21:41.25TemCide, a way for assistants to move people in the raid
21:41.41Cidenot a bad idea, but rather hard to implement
21:41.48Irielwhisper the leader
21:41.53Cidenot hard code-wise
21:41.53Irielhave them auto-respond
21:41.59Mikk1iriel ftw
21:42.19Mikk1if it fails, go whisper an (A)
21:42.30CideI'd have to make the leader allow/disallow certain people
21:42.40Temallow all raid assistants
21:42.54Cidethat wouldn't work
21:43.00Shadowedpeople would complain
21:43.04Cidethat, yes
21:43.13Mikk1whichwha? what do you have to allow and disallow?
21:43.13Temdo you promote sick numbers of people?
21:43.14Cideour guild has all officers, all hunters and all warriors as (A)
21:43.17IrielWell, there's got to be some protocol now by whihc you manage entry?
21:43.20Shadowedno, but i'm sure someone does and will complain
21:43.32Cideofficers because, well they're officers
21:43.33IrielOr is it 'hope nobody tells the wrong person the channel' ?
21:43.38wereHamstersimply.. if someone repeatedly requests an A, kick him our of the raid..
21:43.39ShadowedWarriors for boss mods?
21:43.42Mikk1you just have to check that whoever is whispering you is in the raid
21:43.47Cidehunters for pulling, warriors for assist calls
21:45.23Mikk1And tbh the transition from manual to automatic wouldn't have to hurt one bit
21:45.28Mikk1Can still announce via raidchan
21:45.41TemI could see issues
21:45.51Temwhere someone with an old version broadcasts the wrong channel
21:46.08Mikk1that's an issue today also
21:46.12Mikk1anyone can screw it over today
21:46.44Mikk1and tbh if you have idiots in the raid you have a far greater problem than ctra misbehaving
21:46.45CideShadowed: that too
21:46.56ShadowedActually, while were on the subject of bugging Cide about CTRA
21:47.04TemI don't see why anyone would complain about that
21:47.10Temit's a convenience
21:47.16Shadowedbecause you don't always want all your assist to be able to move
21:47.20Temif people abuse you bitch at them
21:47.35Temit's the same with /rs
21:48.09TainActually can you add something to CTRA so that a raid leader can stop dumbasses from running around?  Have CTRA lock out their movement controls maybe?  I'd like that.
21:48.20Cidethat'd be sweet
21:48.44ShadowedIs there a reason the C'Thun boss mod uses PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED to start the C'Thun encounter? Since it's not accurate unless the person whos running in is using it
21:48.54IrielDo any of you folks run high end (SLI etc) video setups, or are you mostly like me on GeForce 6800 ish cards?
21:49.09TemI wish I was on a GeForce 6800 card
21:49.15wereHamster7800GTX.. but no SLI
21:49.22Shadowedsame as wereHamster
21:49.40Cideheh, that mod wasn't supposed to go live since we aren't finished with it
21:49.53Tain7900GT here, was tempted to go SLI and have a MB for it, but haven't justified it.
21:50.24ShadowedNot sure if you guys used this, but if you check CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_DAMAGE and CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_SELF_DAMAGE you can search for "Eye of C'Thun's Eye Beam" to get something more accurate for anyone
21:50.25IrielI've been having some frustrations of late with performance or visual quality in some games
21:50.41IrielI'm really torn on whether I should start saving for a new machine, or just put up and shut up for another 6 months
21:50.53netcursei m going to buy a sli 7900gt
21:50.59Shadowed( have to take 2 seconds off any timer you start using that though to make it accurate )
21:51.05netcursei have 2 vanguard account and i can t play it
21:51.08netcursebecause of my comp
21:51.21zenzelezzmy only problem is that too many developers keep thinking that everyone is willing to spend a fortune on a computer barely able to run their games on medium settings, and still neglecting gameplay
21:51.25zenzelezz"but look at the reflections!"
21:52.35TainWell that's not always true, it's more that devs start developing for the top hardware available today since the game wont' be out until that's mid-range hardware.
21:52.59TainBut there is a lot more emphasis placed on graphics where gameplay needs work, yeah.
21:53.08IrielI dont mind that if the game at least lets me dial down to a point I can run and look decent relative to other games on the same H/W
21:53.55IrielBut for example, I can't get Rise of Legends to run smoothly on my machine no matter what I try without sacrificing screen resolution
21:54.01TainI've been testing Dungeon Runners, it doesn't need much for hardware.
21:54.09TainBut it doesn't have much for gameplay either.
21:54.20netcursedungeon runners 3D engine is like
21:54.25Irielwhich for a 1920 x 1200 LCD monitor isn't really an option, since there are no clean smaller resolutions
21:54.32netcursei m sure my voodoo 2 could run it
21:54.46TainYeah Iriel that's the big thing about LCDs, especially widescreen.  You better be able to run at native or else.
21:55.09IrielIronically it's smooth on my other lesser machine at 1280 x 1024
21:57.15netcurseTain btw you got in the DR beta from a ncsoft friend?
21:57.21netcurseor you applied
21:57.45TainFriend got it from someone he knew at ncsoft, and got me an invite.
21:58.05netcursebecause the current beta is very private so i was surprised :)
21:58.26TainI can't even deal with it, the game is not very good in my opinion.
21:59.04netcurseFree game :)
22:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:04.51KirkburnWho the hell thought up THIS advert?
22:05.39TainOk Rez is a fantastic game.  And it's not homoerotic.  That commercial is faulty!
22:07.32Legorolin that case, you guys probably don't even want to know what the female voiceover means ;-)
22:08.04Legorolbecaust THAT my friend, is even worse
22:08.34KirkburnNO WAI!
22:08.59Legorolok, by popular demand: the female voice at the end says:
22:09.00Kirkburn*pretends forehead has now appeared*
22:09.07LegorolShoot it! Ride it! To the peak!
22:09.07TainOf course for some reason Rez draws some odd things.  Like this:
22:09.10Kirkburns/forehead/forehead man/
22:09.28KirkburnLegorol .... nice ....
22:10.13Legoroli can translate what the guys say too, but you probably don't wanna know
22:10.15KirkburnTain, I remember reading that :) Shocking!
22:10.22TainRez really is one of the best games that I've played.  You'd never get the experience from watching a video, you have to play.
22:10.34KirkburnProbably something like "More! More! Give it to me!"
22:10.55KirkburnGuys turns to his friend "Do you want to sleep here tonight?"
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22:11.58Mr_Rabies2rez is indeed awesome
22:12.17Mr_Rabies2I uh...bought a copy online like a year ago for the Dreamcast
22:12.45chuckgIriel, I don't know what the API 1.11 change is supposed to tell me.
22:12.52chuckgI don't see anything about buff/debuffs.
22:14.09KirkburnIf you haven't seen this, you must watch it now!
22:14.22Mr_Rabies2key came off keyboard and it's right next to enter :[
22:16.14Irielchuckg : The 'Actual API' changes one:
22:16.15WobinKirkburn: That's a brilliantly done one
22:16.30chuckgThanks :)
22:17.06chuckgSo what does Deepwounds fall under? D=
22:18.54ShadowedProbably nothing
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22:22.14LegorolKirkburn: that animation is brilliant!
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22:22.49Legorolyou know, all i have to do is sit in this channel,
22:22.53Legorolwatching all the links you guys paste
22:22.58Legoroland my evening entertainment is sorted
22:23.27QzotIriel: You still around, and did you get my city migration results already?
22:23.32LegorolIf you are into cool WoW videos, watch Tales of the Past and Tales of the Past 2
22:23.36KirkburnThis shall humour you all:
22:23.38Legorolthe second part is even better than the first
22:23.45Legorolyou can find both on
22:23.55Legorolteaser trailer:
22:24.00Mr_Rabies2* "Disable All Addons" will obey the character/all selection.
22:24.05Mr_Rabies2why can't they do that in 1.11.1 :[
22:24.12Legorolbecause 1.11 is out already? :)
22:24.48IrielQzot: Yes / No (other than a one line comment that it was noticable(
22:24.52Legorolactually that comic is unfair
22:24.58Legoroli do beleive the background downloader is a brilliant idea
22:25.14KirkburnSame here
22:25.23KirkburnTycho goes on a rant on the news page
22:29.44Legorolwho is tycho?
22:29.51Gryphenpenny arcade
22:29.53KirkburnThe artist
22:30.05KirkburnWell actually
22:30.10KirkburnCo-artist thing
22:30.11QzotIriel: for the official version
22:30.45KirkburnI do love Google Earth - so cool to be able to zoom in on my home from space :D
22:31.18Gryphengoogle earth + sketchup network = h0t
22:31.51Qzot for horde
22:32.54KirkburnThey say they've got about 1/3 of the world's homes in high-resolution now
22:33.02GryphenKirkburn if you haven't tried it
22:34.03KirkburnI keep meaning to look at SketchUp! ... not enough space on this laptop though
22:34.18Gryphenits pretty fun
22:35.33KirkburnI *think* I've seen it in action
22:35.57KirkburnThe prog I saw gave you a box which you could push and pull stuff out of
22:38.19KirkburnI'm looking at the Pisa Piazza del Duomo in 3D atm :D
22:38.30*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:38.40KirkburnAnd all I can saw is ... WOW
22:39.14ScytheBlade1I need to know how to make a button I can put on the action bar
22:40.31KirkburnGryphe, thank you thank you thank you ... so cooooool
22:40.37Kirkburn*Gryphen, natch
22:41.26KirkburnThe attention to detail on some of the stuff ... it's weird seeing stuff I'm walked on
22:41.38Kirkburn(Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol is one)
22:42.10KirkburnThey missed the "Call the Samaritans before you jump" sign though :P
22:42.19IrielI think the real focus of the rant is bit-torrent over /me works in san francisco so most of these sketchup things are familiar
22:42.51Irielhm, see what happens when I get distracted.
22:43.07IrielThe first half was supposed to be 'the real focus of the rant is bit-torrent over vendor-hosted data'
22:43.14Irieland then the latter part was about the google thing
22:47.07Grypheni dont recall seeing a 30 foot tall giant pack of Marlboros last time i was in seattle though
22:48.08Legorolwow, CG is down
22:48.18LegorolIriel: anything new in Devtools for 1.11, or is it just a toc change?
22:50.17IrielRight now a toc change until I get time to finish the in progress additions
22:51.14Legorolis it just me being blind, or wowi's lite site doesn't allow adding addons to favourites?
22:51.17zespri_workhmm... UNIT_PVP_UPDATE isn't used in the standrad UI at all
22:51.42zespri_workI guess UNIT_FACTION even took its place
22:51.46ThraeI'd be cool if DevTools had its own frame, where it could output information without fear of being truncated (large databases, frames, etc.)
22:51.57CairennLegorol: just allowed me to add one
22:52.10QzotIriel: Hot data. The shift is much more dramatic on one RP server we track.
22:52.14LegorolCairenn, i must be blind... where is the add to favourites button?
22:52.23Legorolroughly, when i'm looking at an addon's page
22:52.26Cairennunder the big download button, same as always
22:52.42Legoroli deserve idiot of the day award
22:52.49Legorolthe addon i was trying to add to favourites is already there :D
22:52.51QzotThat's spelled D-O-W-N-L-O-A-D...
22:52.52Cairennno, my husband is getting that one
22:52.54Legorolthat's why i couldn't see the button
22:53.01Cairennwould explain it, yes
22:53.12Cairennif it's a favourite already, it has a shiny heart
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22:54.24QzotCan we self-nominate for idiot of the day?
22:54.52Cairennno, as I said, it has already been awarded
22:55.03Cairennalong with idiot of the week, month and year
22:55.09MaldiviaCairenn: wowi still under heavy load ?
22:55.11QzotUh oh.
22:55.15Cairennnot really
22:55.22Cairennwe're running just fine
22:55.32Cairenn3k users on atm
22:55.45Maldiviayeah, not noticing any slowdowns, was just wondering when you would change to normal (non-lite) version...
22:56.02Cairennah, probably back to normal over the weekend or early next week
22:56.10Legoroldarn, CG is down, why can't i get my addons, iwant them now, they say outofdate and throw erros, whatdo i do?
22:56.21QzotIriel: New data. Our RP alliance data shows a much bigger shift:
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22:56.51Legorolit doesn't fit me :)
22:57.11Legoroli was especially bad at the expletives, i think i was missing a few
22:57.16GryphenCG seems ok under the author addy
22:57.28Legorolmm, i tried a few zips, they seem to land corrupted
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22:57.33Legorolbut that could just be my fault
22:58.53zespri_workmy herod's shoulder texture is stil broken. I gues I should petition GM
22:59.59IrielThrae: Sending the output to a chat frame of your choice is one of the enchancements I was mailed
23:00.19IrielLegorol : Curse mailed all the authors with a link
23:00.26MaldiviaCairenn: did you remove the need for approval for updated addons?
23:01.33LegorolIriel: yes i know that one, thanks anyway
23:01.44LegorolCide, are you around?
23:01.53Legoroli just downloaded CTRA from the lite site
23:01.58Legorolthe stuff that comes in the zip seems outdated
23:02.05LegorolCTRA is v1.536 with toc 11000
23:02.11Legorolbossmod is v1.0 with toc 10900
23:02.12MaldiviaCairenn: hmm, the lite version doesn't have a warning for "not approved yet" then ?
23:02.16Cidehm, what the hell
23:02.19Legorolcould just be a cache issue on my end
23:02.25Legoroli will try and verify that
23:02.26Cairennthere's nothing in the approval queue
23:02.42Cairennmacrostop? already approved :p
23:02.48Cideno, you're right, Legorol
23:03.34MaldiviaCairenn: my bad, think I forgot to check the "new file" radio button when uploading :)
23:04.02Cairennjust so long as it wasn't that we did something wrong on our end
23:04.25zespri_workLEgorol, _all archive has the right versions
23:05.16MaldiviaCairenn: yeah, I fucked it up, it seems :)
23:05.40netcurseLegorol log with author site
23:05.55Legoroli did, trying with that now
23:06.33netcursethe site isn t dead but we doing 300 000+ page a hour since this EU realms went up:/
23:06.46ThraeUsers Online: Too Many ;)
23:09.07MaldiviaCairenn: is there a way to change the version stamp for archived files?
23:09.23Cairennyeah, you ask me and I go in and fiddle with it ;)
23:09.50Endthat's actually the answer I expected :P
23:09.58MaldiviaCairenn: hehe, because I apparently bumped both archive files to 1.11 without actually uploading the new files :)
23:09.59CideLegorol: I updated it, thanks
23:10.34Cairennokay, this is how you fix it ... you upload the actual changed file, and you call it 1.11.00a
23:10.38IrielPersonally that;s my biggest gripe with the WoWI upload process
23:10.45Irielit's far too easy to mess up this particular way
23:10.54LegorolCide: np
23:11.01Cairennthen after I approve it, I go in, delete the wrong archive and change the number
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23:11.21CairennIriel: so post suggestions on how to fix it, silly boy, you're staff and all :p
23:11.24Legorolok for some reason any zip i get from CG appears to be corrupted
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23:12.19netcurselego could you past one here
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23:12.39netcursedownload url that is
23:15.08Cairennwheee, minor net split!
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23:15.12QzotLua question: In the standalone Lua interpreter, is there a way to redirect print output to a file?
23:15.12Cairennwelcome back
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23:16.23LegorolQzot: the only way to do that would be the run the file from the command line like this:
23:16.23Legorollua yourfile.lua > output
23:16.24Legorolyou could redefine the print function as well
23:16.24QzotLegorol: Under program control, I mean.
23:16.24Mikk1redefine print
23:16.24Legorole.g. function print(...) io.write(unpack(args)) end
23:16.24QzotMikk1: That's my backup plan, yes.
23:16.42Mikk1you CAN redirect stdout
23:16.50QzotI thought I read about a way to do it, but I can't seem to find it in the 5.0 manual.
23:17.00Mikk1it's in there
23:17.13Legorolyeah with io.output(filename)
23:17.19Legoroli am not sure it affects print?
23:17.38Mikk1how could it not?
23:17.40Legorolhm, it doesn't..
23:18.05Legorolah, there it is!
23:18.13Legorolio.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
23:18.25Mikk1I mean.. this is just a thin wrapper on top of the C stream libraries
23:18.30Mikk1redefine stdout -> print output goes elswhere
23:18.49Legorollet me try something
23:18.58QzotAh. so io.stdout =, "w") ?
23:20.22Legorolhm, no matter what
23:20.27LegorolQzot, i just tried, doesn't work
23:20.49QzotOkay. I'll do it another way. Was trying to avoid a rewrite of a simple hack, anyways.
23:21.22KirkburnDoes ct_unitframes have a text size option?
23:21.56ArogI should make some mod
23:21.58Aroganyone have any ideas
23:22.49QzotArog: I want a mod to ignore anything received on the LFG channel that does not have a standard abbreviation for an instance.
23:23.33Aroghow do I code that?
23:23.55ArogI think I know how to
23:24.09QzotArog: So I would see "[4. LookingForGroup] Uberpreist: LFG ZF" but wouldn't see "[4. LookingForGroup] Why did Chuck Norris cross the road?"
23:24.12Mikk1qzot: io.output("filename") ?
23:24.26Mikk1lego tried it
23:24.29ArogI dont know how efficient this would be
23:24.30ThraeI find CallToArms is VERY useful with this new LFG channel. It already has that functionality built in.
23:24.35IrielBut you would see 'Why did Chuck Norris roll a Paladin for ZF'
23:24.43Arogbut would you think this would work:
23:24.54QzotMikk1: D'oh!
23:25.01QzotIriel: Yes, I would.
23:25.03Arognever midn
23:25.08Arogthat is ineffieicnt
23:25.16ThraeI just supress output from LFG and use CTA.
23:25.27Mikk1Noone uses CTA on my server
23:25.34QzotIsn't CTA itself going to be flooded now?
23:25.46ThraeYou don't need to join the CTA channel to get the benefits from parsing LFG.
23:25.48QzotSome versions of CTA scan LFG for input.
23:25.48Mikk1Oh. CTA can pick up on stuff in the LFG channel?
23:26.04Legorolyes Mikk1, and you can even customize it
23:26.32Mikk1Heh, CTA authors could certainly ride on this idea.
23:26.34QzotBut the way CTA (which scanned) used to work, it would pick up garbage comments as well.
23:26.53ThraeI've been using it for a while and never saw garbage comments with my version
23:27.33ThraeAnyway, with the new global LFG, I'd like to see a version of CTA that just uses the LFG channel with a specially made string which is human-readable
23:27.49QzotThrae: I was thinking exactly the same thing.
23:28.10Arogyou know what would be cool
23:28.12QzotAnd rejects input if it has *any* extra data at all.
23:28.28ThraeCTA can already automatically output to Say,LFG,Guild,etc.
23:28.37ThraeSo the change would be minimal.
23:28.51Arogor I am thinking sometihng along the lines of - all you can type are dungeon acronyms, eg - BFD, SFK, SM etc
23:28.56Arogand then it would automatically send
23:29.09ArogLevel XX Class - BFD
23:29.14Arogor whatever
23:29.21ArogLEVEL XX Class - UBRS
23:29.46LegorolCide, let me know when i should try the CTRA download again..
23:29.54Legorolstill old version
23:30.22ThraeWell, the first thing you put in such a mod would be an anti-Chuck Norris...string.find("chuck"), string.find("norris") ;)
23:31.19zenzelezzI remember seeing an anti-Chuck Norris chat mod on WorldofWar
23:31.24Arogthere is a function called string.find?
23:31.31ThraeChatBox has an anti-Chuck Norris feature.
23:31.49Arogif there is then, just do if then else..
23:31.53Arog16-17 of them
23:32.04Arogvery ineffecient, but deal with it I guess
23:32.33Arogor you can have a loop, that goes through an enum object
23:32.41Arogif enum is possible in lua
23:33.06DepheriosIs there a way to modify a texture's alphamode outside of XML?
23:33.24IrielDepherios : SetBlendMode
23:33.25ThraeDepherios: Texture:SetBlendMode
23:33.30Depheriosahh thank goodness
23:33.31IrielOr something similarly named if i'm mis-remembering
23:33.36CideLegorol: which mirror?
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23:38.34KirkburnUndocumented changes:
23:39.30zenzelezz"?All bank bags open when you open bank" -- I didn't notice this
23:39.49Depherios•Bags that you are carrying now have a brown background when opened and bags that are in your bank have a gray background when opened. This will allow a player to more easily tell the difference between a bag they are carrying and one that is in their bank. <-- and that is documented
23:39.50KirkburnOooh, updated!
23:40.00KirkburnSome of them aren't
23:40.20KirkburnCross realm BGs in 1.12!  *shock* ;)
23:40.58KirkburnI mean, that came totally out of the blue. No-one expected it ...
23:41.06Arogpost it on forums
23:41.09Arogbefore blue does
23:41.28KirkburnRoll your mouse over the chars in the banner :)
23:41.41Kirkburn(they broke the page in IE7 I notice :/ )
23:41.57Aroggo go goooo post!!!
23:42.08Kirkburnsilly man
23:42.41ArogI would if my account was active
23:42.55zenzelezzwhy isn't it?
23:43.37ArogI told you yesterday!
23:43.43Arogim in university right now
23:44.00KirkburnLike that ever stopped me
23:44.02Arogspending so much time on WoW with my inactive account. Imagine if it was active
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23:44.22netcursethis has been post this morning
23:44.46netcurseUnderdev page updated
23:44.46netcurseNeT @ Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 09:44 am
23:44.48zenzelezzhrm... I know I /ignored at least four people whose name started with V earlier (because it was the same guy spamming the global LFG)... and the ignoring worked... but none of those now show up in the "Ignore" part of my friends list o_O
23:45.10Arogzenzelezz too many on there?
23:45.17Kirkburnnetcurse, bah, you win :)
23:45.33zenzelezzArog: could be, but I can't see how the ignoring worked in that case
23:45.45Arogis it working?
23:45.53zenzelezzlike a charm
23:45.54Aroglike cna you ignore poeple
23:46.04Arogeven if you add them now
23:46.07Arogthen I suppose it works
23:46.39Depherios....... why is the shaman on that underdev page using a sword...
23:46.56Depherioslol blizz' use of modelviewer cracks me up
23:47.07IrielKirkburn : Are you being sarcastic (re: cross-realm BG's) ?
23:47.20netcurseDepherios hehe yes :)
23:47.27KirkburnNo, I'm never sarcastic.
23:47.31netcursei was talking about this with darjk
23:47.43zenzelezzKirkburn's not sarcastic, he's British
23:47.44KirkburnI'm the most serious person on the channel, Iriel :|
23:47.47zenzelezzthough there's a fine line
23:47.50Depherioslike on the .5 sets... trolls all had shoes
23:47.54KirkburnIt's in my blood
23:48.10KirkburnI can't deny my heritage!
23:48.12netcurseDepherios i m gonna sue blizzard!
23:48.26netcurseactually i m sure we could :)
23:48.30Depheriosand is that rouge using the spelldamage dagger?
23:48.44Depheriosrogue even
23:48.46KirkburnPluto’s two moons discovered recently have been named: Nyx and Hydra
23:48.52ThraeNew in 1.13 - There is a rare 0.05% chance that a pair of shoes will drop exclusively for the Troll class! These are Cloth, with 1 Armour.
23:49.09zenzelezzI swear my bow skill is stuck at 299
23:49.20IrielThrae : I assume they'll be BoP as well
23:49.27ThraeIriel: Of course.
23:49.38KirkburnAnd only drop for Tauren, Orcs and Undead?
23:49.42netcurseDepherios url please
23:49.46zenzelezzof course not Kirkburn
23:49.50zenzelezzthey drop for NEs too
23:49.53ThraeThey only drop in the area beyond the Dark Patrol.
23:50.10KirkburnDo they wear all black clothing Thrae?
23:50.21ArogThrae where are those  from
23:50.26KirkburnOr are they just shifty and evil
23:50.35IrielKirkburn : I was thinking along the lines of the rogue only BoP items that drop in Westfall for everyone
23:51.07Depherios <-- troll priests in tier 0 rather
23:51.14KirkburnAh, I was just going for the obvious :B  ... ah the bandanas, of course
23:51.17DepheriosI think all troll tier 0, not sure
23:51.32ScytheBlade1All right, apparently I fail at asking the correct question
23:51.52Depheriosyeah, all troll tier 0, they're wearing shoes XD
23:51.56ScytheBlade1Where in the FrameXML can I see an example of the code needed to produce a button that can be dragged and dropped onto an action bar?
23:51.57Kirkburnlol, that was over an hour ago
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23:52.23LegorolCide: how can i tell which mirror?
23:52.28Legoroli am getting it from
23:52.38Thrae"There will be a small chance that Human, Night Elf, Gnome, or Dwarf BoE gear will drop in the Barrens. We do not expect this will impact Horde questing at all."
23:52.48IrielScytheBlade1 : the container frame or spell book?
23:53.05ScytheBlade1Iriel, I need to make a button for my addon which can be dropped onto an action bar.
23:53.24CideLegorol: that shows up fine for me now
23:53.25Iriel"Buttons" dont drop onto an action bar, their contents do
23:53.32Cide(.toc 11100, version 1.537)
23:53.37ScytheBlade1Iriel, that's more than I've got out of anyone else so far ;)
23:53.48ScytheBlade1Iriel, know of any good example code?
23:53.50LegorolCide: now that i emptied my cache, it seems fine here too, let me check something else as well...
23:53.51Thrae"The new flightpath in Ratchet was added so Alliance could get easy access to this Epic Level 60 gear."
23:53.52IrielThe correct terminology would be that you need to make a button froom which you can pick up an item or spell from
23:53.57IrielScytheBlade1 : See my previous suggestions
23:54.37ScytheBlade1Iriel, container frame or spell book?
23:57.37LegorolCide: you did have the old version up before i let you know, right?
23:57.47Legorolit seems like my ISP's cache still has that copy
23:57.56Legorolit's sending a copy that is about 3 hours old
23:58.06Legorolmy ISP utilises transparent proxies, so meh...
23:58.17Cidecan you accept DCC?
23:58.22Legorolit's ok, i got it
23:58.26Cideokay :)
23:58.27Legoroli have already figured out what to do in cases like this
23:58.34Legorollately my ISP has been messing up a lot of my downloads
23:59.08Legoroli just wanted to ask you, is there any way you can tell your server to send out appropriate HTTP header fields, such as the file is non-cacheable, or expired or whatever
23:59.10Legoroli don't know all the details
23:59.24Legoroli mean i don't know how to do something like this
23:59.51Cidetheoretically yes, but I'd have to rewrite the page
23:59.56Cide(I'm lazy)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.