irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060620

00:02.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
00:06.05Cidehow do you do a stack trace (kinda) in wow?
00:06.10Cidesecond parameter to message()?
00:07.27CideI have seemingly forgotten
00:07.52cladhairelocal text = debugstack()
00:08.09cladhairedebugstack([start, end]) specifically
00:08.11cladhairedefaults to 10, 10
00:09.10Cideah, that's easier
00:09.15Cidebut I believe there was something else also?
00:09.57cladhairethats all i know about
00:10.22Cidesomething about specifying depth as second parameter to some function
00:10.38cladhaireyou can do that in error, but that stops excution
00:11.02Cidewell, I just need to figure out where I'm calling Show :)
00:11.39cladhairejust print the debugstack, 2,2 or such
00:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:15.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:15.49Cidehmm, did blizzard add a way to set default loot type? someone said so way long ago, but I haven't heard or seen anything, so I'm assuming no
00:16.49cladhairedont remember
00:17.39JoshBorkefor raids?
00:17.46JoshBorkewb Cairenn
00:18.04CideJoshBorke: yes
00:18.09Cideor parties, but I assume raids
00:22.44zenzelezzhow do unit frame replacements work; do they simply hide the default ones or do they disable them somehow?
00:22.58cladhairedepends on the replacement
00:23.07cladhairesome hide, others hide, hook the hide/show functions and disable the events.
00:23.53Cidedisabling the events is probably the easiest one to make sure it stays gone
00:24.51zenzelezzsimply hiding was the first thing that came to mind, but it seemed a bit silly if they'd still do all the processing... so disabling sounds more "reasonable" in that way
00:25.41cladhaireit just gets messy if you want the user to be able to enable/disable them on the fly
00:25.54cladhairecause then you actually have to track what events need to come back
00:25.58cladhaireor just be mean and dont let them do that =)
00:27.00Cidewell, it's fairly unnecessary for a unit frame replacement, usually :)
00:27.01zenzelezzthat'd be no problem; if I make this thing it'll probably be just for me anyhow =D (and the same as all the others already out there, but what fun is it to use them...)
00:27.26cladhairethen use UnregisterAllEvents() like whoa =)
00:27.39cladhaireCide: You'd think so, but users have been weird =)
00:27.50Cidecan't say I haven't noticed :)
00:37.36Tarogfound my cds ^^
00:41.25OsagasuYAY!  New forum CM!
00:43.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
01:16.54Cidehm, is a metamethod invoked when a table key is set to something else?
01:17.11Cide(or, set at all)
01:17.12cladhairei dont believe so.
01:17.16cladhairejust on index
01:17.20cladhaireand newindex
01:17.37Cidenewindex would be called if the key doesn't exist...
01:17.41Cidethis is a huge hack, heh
01:18.13cladhaireand index is called anytime its indexed.. so you can make read only tables, etc.
01:26.31Mikk1Not really
01:26.47Mikk1You can overwrite stuff just fine. Not in the pointed-to table.
01:26.53Mikk1s/Not/Just not/
01:30.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:40.24Cideheh, wow
01:40.29KirkburnBing :)
01:40.35Cidethis *huge* hack just because blizz decided to hardcode some stuff into UnitPopup.lua makes me cry
01:43.36zenzelezzwhat's that?
01:47.16CideI wanted to edit the dropdown when rightclicking the player portrait
01:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
01:47.36AnduinLothari've done that, justa couple of hooks and a table change
01:47.43Mikk1  <-- shameful.
01:47.52CideAnduinLothar: yes
01:47.53Mikk1"blizzard employee and forum poster"
01:47.58Cidebut I need it to show checkboxes
01:48.05Cidealong with the text being the same as loot type
01:48.07AnduinLotharwhy'd that harD?
01:48.17Cideand it's hardcoded to set a checkbox at the current loottype, if it matches
01:48.23Cidebut I'm using it for *DEFAULT* loot type in CTRA
01:48.28Cidewhich may differ from current one
01:48.36ckknight_regarding an OO framework, do you people think static methods should inherit from one class to the next? Normal OO frameworks don't.
01:49.12AnduinLotharisn't that a little to abstract of a question..
01:49.22ckknight_Alpha = Class(); function Alpha:StaticMethod() print("thingy") end; Bravo = Class(Alpha)
01:49.27ckknight_should Bravo:StaticMethod() exist or not?
01:49.35Mikk1Cide: Wishlist: CTRALite. Rip all frames, buff stuff, etc out. Keep only the "light" utilities that cannot possibly cause any amount of noticeable extra load.
01:49.49CideMikk1: working on it (kinda)
01:49.52Mikk1I'm wishing it because some of my guildies refuse to run it =(
01:50.04Cidecan't think of a better way to do it
01:50.23CideI could just override .selectedLootMethod, but that's set inside the function called (UnitPopup_ShowMenu)
01:50.39Cideso I had to nil it, and then set a __newindex to override the call :(
01:51.17Mikk1Why this elaborate dance btw? You want to keep (A)s from changing the loot method set in CTRA?
01:51.45Cidethere's a default loot method feature
01:51.52Cidewhere you can change what loot method it uses when forming a raid
01:52.19CideI'm moving it from its dropdown to a dropdown in the player right-click menu, since blizzard uses up the space where it has been before (there's a Raid Info button there, now)
01:52.31KirkburnMikk1, I didn't make the slouken one :P
01:52.41Mikk1No, but you can FIX it! =)
01:52.52Mikk1Cide: ahh
01:53.02KirkburnI shall, and you must link him on an interface page
01:53.05AnduinLotharwhy not just have it show when not in aparty
01:53.29AnduinLotharor always show
01:53.37AnduinLotharin addition to current one
01:54.31Cideyou lost me
01:54.49KirkburnRemind me of the name of the other interface poster?
01:56.02KirkburnThe ninja!
01:56.12Cairennoh, yeah, rislyn
01:56.15cladhairei cound be completely wrong
01:56.54KirkburnComing up roses here :)
01:57.44AnduinLotharok, cide what exactly are you doing there?
01:58.50Cidewhat do you mean?
02:01.06Cairennnight clad|sleep
02:01.27clad|sleepnight hun
02:01.36AnduinLotharto the menu
02:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
02:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:05.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:06.08IrielSo, does anyone know offhand what changed in the EULA for 1.11?
02:09.01JoshBorke,'how do i fix a stack overflow that only happens when zoning?
02:09.08JoshBorkeand then persists :-/
02:09.36Irielfind something that installs a hook on P_E_W
02:09.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:09.51IrielAnd make it not run twice
02:10.29JoshBorkethe function is GameTooltip_ClearMoney()
02:11.05IrielThen you likely know which hook to look for
02:11.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
02:12.05JoshBorkeOH! I KNOW WHAT IT IS!
02:12.05KirkburnWell, confirmed patch 2moro:
02:12.09JoshBorkeman i'm dumb
02:12.39JoshBorkei'm rehooking when PEW
02:12.47IrielIsn't that what I said ? 8-)
02:13.07JoshBorkeblast you iriel and your intelligence!
02:13.28Cairennpatch tomorrow was already confirmed, hours ago :p
02:14.14KirkburnThis is confirmed confirmed ;)
02:14.24KirkburnAlso, you smell.
02:14.43IrielThat's okay as long as she smells good
02:16.35IrielOk, time to 1.11-ify all my addons, i'll be idle for a bit
02:16.41OsagasuNew forum CM and patch! Double the terrorizing! All in the same day!
02:17.50zespri_workwhat is the most accepted spelling of mantichora? manticora? manticore? other variant?
02:18.10Osagasumanticore is singular.
02:18.26KirkburnAh, of course .... /me reminices Castle of the Winds
02:18.45KirkburnBloody manticores, they always killed me :(
02:19.04zespri_workok thanks =)
02:19.48Kirkburn ??
02:20.35zespri_workyeah, it's jsut there are different spellings, some are more mainstream and some are less
02:20.42KirkburnLook at the evil little bugger:
02:20.54KirkburnKilled me far too many times
02:21.10zespri_workLirkburn, the image is scary
02:22.12zespri_worknow if you are in uber guild and have two 60s, are your 60s ususaily share dkps or have them separate?
02:22.36KirkburnSuch a great game though ... played it through several times (though, on a laptop it's a bitch since I don't have a 8-way keypad)
02:22.39zespri_worklike dsp per player or per charkter
02:22.57zespri_workwhat am I typing. my fingers don't want to behave
02:23.06KirkburnMostly depends on the guild I would guess
02:23.21KirkburnSharing sounds like the nicest way, though
02:24.57zespri_worksure but what is most common? you see if you share then it encorage you to equip character that you play less with. and this is bad for the raid, because raid's best would be you equipping your most played char properly (or let other ppl do, instead spending this valuable gear on a twink)
02:25.46AnduinLotharyeah so iriel, can get that size thing to work for scroll offset
02:27.57IrielAny trickery involved?
02:28.34Shadowedzespri: most common is accounts share the same DKP and you have rules regarding alts and buying items
02:28.56ShadowedUsuaully it'll be like you can get an item for your alt at a discount, or for free but no members/apps can be trying to get it
02:29.22zespri_workshadowed, thanks, that makes sense
02:29.29AnduinLothari tried haxors + trickery
02:29.33AnduinLotharall failed
02:29.50JoshBorkewhat's the new toc?
02:29.51IrielAh well, time for an API request thread 8-)
02:29.53AnduinLotharcan't get ScrollingMessageFrame or MessageFrame to size dynamicly liek an editbox
02:30.06JoshBorkewell now, that's nice :-)
02:34.10*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Mod Dev Discussions. 1.11 goes live 20 June. New TOC is 11100
02:36.57Mikk1Shadowed / zespri_work: Our guild uses split accounts for alts and mains. Which basically means that alts that get played a lot can actually get some loot. (But "please use your heads, folks" applies)
02:38.01KirkburnWow, it's late
02:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge pbnj (
02:38.40Kirkburn04:48 be it ... night night!
02:39.01pbnjGreetings internet pals.
02:39.19Cairennnight Kirkburn, greetings pbnj
02:39.22zespri_workMikk1, this also means that alt that get played a little bit doesn't get a chanse in hell
02:39.45Mikk1As is fair imo =P
02:39.54ckknightgreetings, pbnj
02:39.55Mikk1Well actually, that's not true
02:40.01Mikk1Our alts have lots of MC gear =P
02:40.41Mikk1Point is, you're basically applying the same rules to alts that you're applying to players. Contribute lots -> get lots. Contribute little -> get little.
02:40.41pbnjSo, pardon my ignorance -- do you guys discuss just UI stuff, or is library type dev talk acceptable as well? Basically looking to get hooked into a dev community. People seem to look down on mods on my server.
02:41.01Mikk1Anything Lua or XML goes
02:41.05Mikk1And random chitchat =)
02:41.07Cairennwhy wouldn't we talk about libraries?
02:41.20pbnjWho knows. It's IRC. It's worth verifying..
02:41.24Kebinusancause they are evil places filled with books
02:41.24KirkburnHah, when I'm here it's VERY random chitchat
02:41.24Cairennthey are part of the WoW modding community
02:41.35Mikk1~whaleslap Kirkburn
02:41.36purlACTION beats Kirkburn upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
02:41.45KirkburnNow I'll never sleep :(
02:41.48Cairenn~whaleparry Mikk1
02:41.50purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Mikk1's attacks.
02:41.50zespri_workCarienn, who knows, what if the channel has strict "no libararies talk" policy?
02:42.01Mikk1that'd be a stupid channel =P
02:42.04Cairennlol zespri
02:42.12KirkburnPhew, thanks Cairenn =)
02:42.21Cairennthe only "rules" in this channel are that you treat one another with respect
02:42.30Mikk1except Kirkburn
02:42.37Cairenndebate is fine, nasty mean arguements aren't
02:42.58KirkburnOne down, 30 to go
02:43.02Cairennnight Mikk1|Zzz
02:43.05pbnjI'll throw this out there then, I've been working on a generic spell wrapper lib with the hopes that other people could find use in their programs. Basically scanning spellbook, gathering data and mapping against a library of buff/debuff type stuff so that when you CastSpellByName() there's some logic behind if you actually try to cast it or not.
02:43.13zespri_workyou know guys, yesterday we had a power cut, and spent 4 hours without power.
02:43.13pbnjDoes that sound useful to you guys?
02:43.22zespri_workI was in teh middle of cooking dinner
02:43.30Cairennzespri: ewww
02:43.39zespri_workso I had to leave un-cooked yet liver on the stove
02:43.43zespri_workit was sad
02:43.55zespri_workand without a heater it's 10 degree in the house
02:43.56KirkburnLiver: eww
02:43.56pbnjI'll put Mikk1 down as a 'yes' I suppose.
02:44.04zespri_workso I was prparing to be dancing all night long
02:44.17zespri_workby thankfull they repeared power by midnight
02:44.24KirkburnBetter than it being close to 30 at night
02:44.29KirkburnAnyways, really night night now
02:44.30Irielpbnj : There are some of those around, or at least, there are some of those that have been discussed before, I dont know how  many are out in the wild, but doing that well could be handy, and it'd be a learning experience if nothing else.
02:45.35pbnjYah. That was my thinking. I couldn't find anyone who does everything I want, but bits and pieces exist here and there. I'll continue the work and see what unfolds. I'm going through the DCB files right now to establish buff/debuff logic but some things are just kind of esoteric.
02:45.46pbnjLike elementals being immune from bleed damage.
02:45.54pbnjI can't find a place where random stuff like that is documented.
02:46.13zespri_worki don't beleive it;s documented anywhere
02:46.27pbnjI mentioned it on wowwiki. ;)
02:46.32pbnj<-- trendsetter!
02:46.36zespri_workI guess it's just part of specific mob design
02:46.50zespri_workand there are several dozen of different mobs
02:47.15zespri_workwell wowwikik is a good place to mention it for sure
02:49.02pbnjHuh. Now that you mention it, I should just look in the dcb files.
02:49.11pbnjIt's probably referenced there if its game logic.
02:49.23zespri_workShadowed/Mikk1 how do the raid changes is handled in regards to loot? If someone should drop half-way and somebody else taking his place, the only ppl who present at actuall boss downing get to be elidgible for the loot?
02:54.45zespri_workIt's 14:54 in auckland, 06:54 in Moscow and 19:54 in Seattle
02:54.53IrielOpinion question -- Since the standard UI now allows the wheel to be bound to action buttons....
02:55.10Iriel... should I simply discontinue WheelBindings, or should I update it to 1.11 toc so people can transition?
02:55.23JoshBorkehow much of an update is it?
02:55.53IrielChanging 11000 to 11100 and uploading it 8-)
02:56.21zespri_workIriel, if you are most concerned with players convinience - update, if you most concerned with dev's best practices - discontinue
02:56.40IrielIt's more whether I should protect my users from themselves and force them to change
02:57.35Shadowedzespri: sorry in MC. you are elidgible as long as you are in the raid regardless of how long
02:57.38Shadowedif you have the DKP you can buy it
02:57.55AnduinLothardkp ftl
02:58.01AnduinLotharmy guild has leet AP
02:58.12zespri_workshadowed, take you time I'm in no way in a hurry =)
02:58.25zespri_workAP? how is it different?
02:59.12AnduinLotharwe delegate purples in a comitee of officers and a random raid member who doesn't need the items
03:00.02AnduinLotharyou get AP from attendance and you have a ratio based on AP/Items recieved
03:00.22AnduinLotharratio is not a hard science, just something to help the grp decide who deserves it more
03:00.50AnduinLotharthen we look at what they're going to replace and how dedicated they are
03:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
03:01.23zespri_workwhat do you mean by delegate?
03:01.25zenzelezzsounds time consuming
03:01.37IrielThat wouldnt' work well in guilds of convenience (i.e. where everyone's a stranger), but sounds good for guilds that are fairly tight
03:01.59AnduinLotharit works just fine, we have 80 people or so in the guild
03:02.00zespri_workdoes it mean that you don;t get loot right after, only after the officers decides who gets what which can happen like tommorow?
03:02.31AnduinLotharit means someone stays to hold the corpse and eveyone else moves on, loot is distributed as it is delegated
03:02.41zespri_workwho know how exaxtly do you bind stance change to a key?
03:03.15AnduinLotharit works fine for strangers cause the officers tend to know everyone, esp their class
03:03.30AnduinLotharand we tend to give new people loot on their first run
03:04.03AnduinLotharplus if you don't know them well you have their ratio and current gear to base your vote on
03:04.56AnduinLotharsomeone replacing a blue would usually get it over someone who already has a purple if they have the same ratio
03:05.40AnduinLotharand people who raid more get naturally more geared which helps raiding
03:05.44zespri_workinteresting. I guess if the guild grows to 300 ppl it will became increasingly difficult
03:06.08AnduinLotharmaybe, but guilds that size tend to have other problems too
03:07.16AnduinLotharwe're big enough to schedule 40 man raids every other day and do 20 man pugs, pvp and instances in between
03:07.43AnduinLotharbut not big enough to get 40 man pug grps
03:07.57AnduinLotharwhich you can usually do in 300 man guilds
03:08.21AnduinLotharit works for us
03:08.28AnduinLotharand is a lot less stressful
03:08.37AnduinLotharless competitive
03:08.44AnduinLotharmore colaborative
03:10.12AnduinLotharand you basicly bid on anythign you would use
03:10.28AnduinLotharand let other people worry about if you deserve it or not
03:11.13IrielHm, IronForge is creepy on the PTR
03:14.43zenzelezzhow so?
03:14.57IrielThere's nobody there
03:45.37SinePiHmm. Odd.
03:46.08SinePiThere are no publicly available .m2 editors, are there.
03:46.46SinePiSo, what is the function of this - to change my minimap player position arrow to an orc model half a screen big, or what?
03:49.11SinePierr, like, that like proved my point :)  The only thing one can do with an .m2 now is import it into 3dsmax, and that without animations or anything.
04:09.50IrielAny Bookworm users here?
04:10.13Cairenn<== previously
04:14.23IrielNow to upload them all
04:14.31KtronOut of curiously, bookworm does what?
04:14.58IrielStores the contents of books
04:15.01Irielso you can read them later
04:25.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:30.15KyahxCairenn: I posted an Ace mod on WoWI today and it got catagorized wrong (probley my fault).
04:30.28KyahxI didnt see an Ace catagory in the upload interface.
04:30.43Cairennlink to it, and tell me where you want it
04:31.39Kyahxgotta find the appropriet ace sec
04:31.55Cairennnm, will move it to corresponding
04:31.56Kyahxwell, Inventory I guess :P
04:37.30KaeltenAwaynight guys
04:37.37Cairennnight KaeltenAway
04:39.32IrielAll up to date on WoWI 8-)
04:39.37IrielWell, as best as I can be
04:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:44.12EsamynnEvening all
04:44.13Cairennevening Esamynn
04:44.26EsamynnIriel: don't you wish you had moderation powers over the changes threads? ;)
04:44.41IrielYes, I'll invoke Power Of Slouken (Rank infinite) at some point
04:45.43Esamynnlol, I like that plan
04:46.43IrielPhew, all the 1.11 updating I can do for now done
04:46.56IrielNow for my Actual Changes thread, and updating the widget API on the wiki
04:47.04Esamynnjeez, they waited late enough in the day to announce the patch
04:47.15IrielPTR's still up 8-)
04:47.26Esamynnoh good, anyone on it atm?
04:47.38TainSome days I think, "I'd like to create something that is loved and adored by the WoW community at large."  Other days I think, "Hey look, TV."
04:47.52EsamynnTain: I know the feeling
04:48.12IrielEsamynn : Other than me, I dont think so
04:48.38Iriel9 Alliance total on RPPVP
04:49.03Esamynnsigh, I still haven't managed to get into Nax long enough to get the exact wording of the reset time message
04:50.38Esamynnit didn't help that I finally got Broodlord's head recently so I could start working my way through the scepter quest line
04:52.57Cairennnight sedatedChipmunk
04:55.58Esamynnoh well, i'm off to prepare for the patch, night folks
04:56.21Cairennnight Esamynn
04:58.00IrielMy new favorite API call name is KeyRingButtonIDToInvSlotID
05:06.18Mr_Rabies2what functionality will that provide? aren't stuff in keyrings pretty much just there, permanently? D: (i don't know lua, so i'm most likely missing something)
05:06.46IrielI'm not sure what it's for yet, probably soem strange internal mapping
05:06.54IrielThe bank has similarly peculiar mapping functions
05:07.15AnduinLotharya for long descriptive names
05:07.36Mr_Rabies2yeah its probably just for when you move something, it uses that API call internally or something
05:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
05:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
05:50.25Esamynnsigh, I have a silly question, where is the test server npc to get into Naxx?
05:51.04Esamynnpeople were standing on him
06:00.48Ktronslap them aruond
06:01.00KtronI want to download the patch _now_ heheheheh
06:01.02Esamynnoh well, I got in
06:01.11Esamynnhaven't you already downloaded most of it?
06:01.26Ktronis there a way to check how much you have downloaded?
06:02.50KtronI think I downloaded one of the 'this is what you've probably downloaded hopefully' patchish things
06:02.51Shadowedthey've only released about 127 MB of it i believe
06:02.51Esamynni've got a 100MB file and a 30Mb file in my wow-patch folder
06:02.57KtronI'll look
06:03.21Ktronyep, ditto
06:03.22Shadowedwow-patch = 127 MB is what i have
06:03.25Esamynnwell actually they aren't quite that big,
06:03.32Esamynnbut yah, 127, that should be most of it
06:03.36Ktronwow-partial-1.MPQ and wow-partial-2.mpq
06:03.46Shadowedbut usually the downloader doesn't work too well so i just download it directly
06:06.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
06:07.16Esamynnit has always worked fine for me
06:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:10.20Cairennhey s|loup
06:21.07IrielI see the new instance API's return instance reset time in seconds
06:22.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:23.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
06:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
06:28.18MoonWolfHow is the patchday hit coming along so far ?
06:28.57Shadowedrighteous orbs have gone up to 150g and arcane crystals up to 100g on icecrown. whats that count as?
06:29.34KalrothI bought 3 orbs for less than 30 gold two days ago
06:29.52Kalrothand got a stash of 15+ arcane bars
06:29.58Shadoweda few guildies sold crystals for 100g too
06:31.11Shadowedbars probably wont go up that much since only thing that needs it is nax gear and plate FR
06:31.20IrielActual API changes thread
06:32.13ShadowedOh, how hard would it be to block those new raid icons? one of my guilds officers is going to use them to annoy me and i need to disable them!
06:32.18Esamynntook you long enough :P
06:32.29IrielYeah, I've been busy, slouken's been hassling me about it too!
06:32.33Shadowedbtw your bold tag is broken for the instance management ones
06:33.05Shadowedfinally IsInInstance()
06:33.16haste_"new rction function"
06:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (n=none@
06:33.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (n=none@
06:34.36IrielGot them, I hope.
06:35.42Esamynnwow, short list this time
06:38.27IrielWell, it's short on 'API' changes, big on 'Widget API' changes
06:39.45IrielHm, I never noticed the bellows outside the forge in Goldshire actually have a sound effect
06:40.00MoonWolfthey do ?
06:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
06:40.28IrielIt's actually pretty believable
06:40.40Esamynnamazing what you don't notice because it sounds so damn real huh?
06:40.47IrielWheezing of air and crinkling of leather
06:40.54IrielI just dont know if i've ever been so close to them before
06:42.01IrielLeft handed navigation while typing here FTW!
06:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Kebinusan (
06:44.28IrielOh, back to the EULA
06:44.37IrielI forgot I was going to diff that
06:45.33KasoBah why is 1.11 today :< i hadn' finished Transmuting all my essenses of water or Summoning all my lords :<
06:47.08KasoSo i planned to have them all on the AH for rediculous profit as soon as 1.11 came around
06:47.33IrielHeh, new CYA wording in the EULA: If your hardware meets the minimum requirements, the installation of the Game Client will enable you to play the Game by accessing your account with the Service (your "Account")
06:50.51IrielAh, new language explicitly prohibiting connection to emulated servers
06:51.28IrielOoh, and a Consent to Montior - in ALL CAPS
06:51.35IrielMonitor, even
06:52.06MoonWolfnew language ?
06:53.20MoonWolfI think I am missing something here, I blame my Dutch nationality.
06:54.24IrielThere's the new wording
06:56.40IrielSo the only big changes are 1) Toughening up of the anti-emulation wording, 2) The Consent to Monitor
06:56.55MoonWolfINTERCEPTS, “MINES,” OR OTHERWISE COLLECTS INFORMATION FROM OR THROUGH THE GAME. <- isnt that eeeuh, thottbot, alakazham, goblin workshop, wowguru
06:56.57IrielOther than that there's some tightening of language here and there.
06:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:58.09Wobinno Kirkburn
06:58.10IrielIndeed, there's always been a prohibition on that, though the wording has been slightly vague
06:58.36MoonWolfso its simply tolerated ?
06:59.06s|loupjuhu we can resolve the debuff type THANK GOD!
06:59.34s|loupor iriel? ^^
06:59.49krka|workwe could before too, but it required lookup tables
07:00.05s|loupi hate lookup tables
07:00.29s|loupdoes anyone know if you need a hardware event for DoReadyCheck()  ?
07:00.31MoonWolfi prefer a simple get function too
07:00.41MoonWolfwould not suprise me.
07:01.19ElkanoIriel, you forgot to put Bookworms 0.12's changelog on curse :)
07:01.20s|loupwithout hardware event it would be simple to outfox the system
07:02.04IrielElkano : Bah, I've been trying to get out of putting the changelogs on the addon sites, though WoWI has automatable uploads now I need to write a script for
07:02.25IrielElkano : The changelog is basically "Fixed scrollbar bug, Cleaned up font code"
07:03.46Elkano:) ok, as I expected :)
07:04.21EsamynnIriel: automated uploads, where do I find details?
07:05.00*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
07:05.48Shadowedautomatable uploads?
07:06.47chuckg_WoWI on lowbandwidth mode?
07:07.01Shadowedso they actually have a server tomorrow!
07:07.22Cairennaye, to both the question and the answer
07:07.47Shadowedi'd imagine it starts picking up at this time where people start refreshing like crazy to get new mod uploads
07:08.27s|loupdoes anyone know if the background downloader will get an update with the patch?
07:08.51ShadowedFrom what they've said i'm pretty sure it will work just like it has before, except you wont be downloading the stuff you already did
07:08.56Shadowednothing new will really change besides that
07:23.29Iriel(re automation)
07:30.35IrielWell, methinks it's time to go to bed
07:33.07Cairennnight Iriel
07:33.22IrielGood luck with the patch crunch
07:33.36Cairennto all in channel ;)
07:45.55Cairennokay, sleep time for me
07:53.28AnduinLotharhawt, got LF chest in ubrs, downed val in the beast's room, did a 45min strat and got lf chest and 21 fr ring and did 4 dukes today...
07:53.46Shadowedyou got LF chest twice?
07:54.04AnduinLotharsoryy, pants in bd
07:55.22AnduinLotharyeah, very productive day
07:55.23ShadowedNobody happens to know the secret enterance into undercity do they? need to go inside as alliance :(
07:56.33Cairenn|sleepas you're coming from SilverPines into TrisifalGlades, the road curves around the walls of the city to the right ... don't follow it, instead go off the road and follow the mountain line / zone edge to the left, you'll find the entrance to the sewers
07:58.25Kalrothg'night Cairy :)
07:58.39KasoAnyone know where the secret enterance to IF or stormwind is? oh wait there isn't one -_-
07:59.37ShadowedYou get WoTF to make up for it
07:59.50Shadowedand less stupid people!
08:00.05s|loupthe main enterance is the secret enterance ;)
08:00.24Shadowedi don't really know where i'm suppose to go so i can't just force my way through, trying to get Draconic for dummies
08:02.41Shadowedthe secert enterance exit is on the otherside of where i'm suppose to go. this should be fun
08:23.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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09:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tentacled (
09:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
09:12.45s|loupare there new events for readycheck?
09:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
09:31.53Kasos|loup its READY_CHECK
09:32.32s|loupok thx
09:33.20KasoDoes anyone know if wow requires anything in the way of Registsary entries to run? I'm thinking of getting a Portable HDD and installing wow on it for when i want to play on a computer that isnt mine.
09:35.46Shadowedpretty sure all of the data is stored in the WTF directory
09:36.59Kasoi guess that makes sense seeing as it works for Mac as well as windows
09:37.14KasoI wonder what sort of performance hit i'd take from running of USB hard disk
09:37.49Shadowedi don't think thats really possible
09:37.58Shadowedah hard disk not thumb drive, nevermind!
09:38.48Kasosomeone is advertising a 10GB portable HDD for quite cheap, though 10GB would be cutting it close
09:39.56Shadowedas  long as you don't store to many screenshots you should be fine
09:40.08Shadowedmines only about 6-7g big
09:40.17Kasodear god ive got nearly 4gb of screenshots!
09:42.51AnduinLothari've run wow from an ipod before, works fine
09:44.01KasoHmm, might be worth it then
09:44.14Kasodepends if i have money spear
09:45.14Kasoor spare even.
09:46.03AnduinLotharincreases loading times a bit, but if you have firewire it's not that bad, lil slowere usb2
09:46.18AnduinLothardef not as good as a 100k rpm drive tho
09:46.25AnduinLotharor even 7.2k
09:46.58*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
09:47.42Kaso100k drive hu? where can i get one of these sweet machines?
09:48.58AnduinLotharSATA 10k drive, usually only 10-20gb
09:49.16AnduinLotharsorry, not 100k
09:49.37AnduinLothartho there are also new 750gb drives out
09:50.25KasoAnyway hard drives are so old hat, give me a ramdrive anyday
09:51.39Tentaclederrrm. Is is normal that on PST instead of the experience bar I have 35500/36000 reputation bar for Bloodsail Buccaneers that my reputation pane shows I've never even seen..?
09:52.00Kasoyeh mine was like that.
09:52.43Tentacledwell then, if it's a bug, where do I report it? through GM tickets on the PTR?
09:53.36Kasono GMs on PTR its not really a bug, its just the way the premade chars are set up
09:54.25Wobinwell you're 60 on the PTR, aren't you?
09:54.52Wobinso no experience =)
09:54.58Tentacledset up to contain an inconsistency? quite odd, I'd say.
09:57.21Tentacledsimilarly when I first opened the First Aid tradeskill panel, both filtering dropdowns said "Alterac Mountains", instead of filtering options. Huh.
10:02.40Kasois EU ptr still up then?
10:02.58Tentacledand, errr. Any idea for a reasonable use of Minimap:SetPlayerModel(...) ?  Seeing as we don't have any .m2 editors/exporters, only viewers?
10:03.05TentacledKaso: I guess so.
10:03.41KasoI didn't understand that when i read it, why is there a model on the minimap
10:03.52Tentacledthat's the model of the center arrow.
10:04.05Tentacledit can now be changed to a different .m2 model.
10:04.12Kasoits not a texture?
10:04.23Tentacledit is, but placed on a model. Odd, but true.
10:04.41TentacledA minimap ping is a model too - with three rectangles overlapping and animating with textures.
10:04.43Kasooh bizzare
10:04.58WobinNah =)
10:05.02Tentacledanyway, the player indicator is a square with a texture.
10:05.12WobinI can't recall who, but someone used that arrow model to write a compass mod =)
10:05.19WobinIt was a very nifty use
10:05.31TentacledWobin: okay, but they used the arrow model, which is quite fine.
10:05.45Tentaclednow it's possible to change what the minimap uses - but change to WHAT, I wonder.
10:05.45WobinWell they used 'getdirectionfacing' on that model
10:05.56Wobinto figure out the arrow
10:06.02KasoAh the good old days.
10:06.44Tentacledchange minimap player model to... say... a big hulking ogre model? hardly. Well then, what other map-usable models are there, if we still can't make our own?
10:07.22Kasothat'd be quite amusing
10:10.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
10:10.48WobinI think having a topdown view of a cat or something would be cute
10:10.56WobinAnimate it running
10:11.05Tentacledif you could scale it down, perhaps.
10:11.14Tentacledyou can't, however, at least not now.
10:11.28Wobinhehe change the player model to the arrow model =)
10:11.36Tentacledoh. :D
10:11.49TentacledDay of the Tentacle! :D
10:12.01KasoAnyone happen to have Wow- on a http or ftp ?
10:12.40Tentacledknock yourself out
10:13.12Kasospend like 15min on the first 200kb from the downloader
10:14.32Tentacledthat's because blizzard sucks for inventing a background downloader but not background UPloader, even though they're using torrent. Talk about shooting their own foot.
10:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
10:20.59Wobinwhile holding the gun with their feet
10:21.31Tentacledmad ricochet party... or they have four feet. Hardly surprising.
10:22.08Wobinoh that's new
10:22.17WobinThey now show the server list, but with 'offline'
10:26.00KasoWhats this?! no errors at all on any of my addons on the test server, this cannot be!
10:27.39Tentacledlet me know when you download the patch from me so that I can pull it down.
10:28.13Tentacledoh. err. My perception is on the downside today.
10:29.29Kasoha ;>
10:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:06.58s|loupfor what are the new GM survey functions?
11:07.53Kasoits some quality assurance feedback survey type thing.
11:08.20Kasovarious radio box asking you to rate your GM experance from 1 to 8
11:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
11:17.07clad|sleepis there a patch to download this morning
11:17.14clad|sleepor should I leave my PC off? =)
11:17.21clad|sleepchannel topic
11:17.22clad|sleepi lose.
11:17.35clad|sleepwhatever i'm still sleeping =)
11:19.09clad|workGood morning Clad.. how are you doing today?
11:19.14clad|workclad|work: I'm well.. thanks for asking.
11:20.18Kasois there a way of seeing if a table with strings as keys is empty or not without doing foreach?
11:20.30clad|workKaso: next(tbl)
11:20.35clad|workif it returns nil, the table has no pairs
11:20.53clad|workif not next(tbl)
11:21.43clad|workKaso: next() is just the iterator returned when you call pairs() which works on arbitrary keyed tables, as well as integer indexed keyed tables
11:22.27krka|worki usually define this function, but next works too: function isEmpty(t) for k in t do return false end return true end
11:24.24s|loupindex - GetRaidTargetIndex("unit")  <- anyone knows for what index stands for?
11:24.50clad|workthe icon over their head i believe
11:25.14s|loupthe index of the icon? or the index of a list of targets?
11:25.27s|loupor the index of the unit in raid?
11:25.53clad|worki'm not sure, haven't had a chance to play
11:26.13s|loupsame as me ;)
11:26.39clad|workcheck iriel's change thread
11:26.45clad|workor wdn to see if you can find the usage
11:26.58clad|workis the new FrameXML and Blizzard Addons
11:27.58zespriwho remebers the url of norganna's blizz forum shredder?
11:28.00Legorolhi folks
11:28.04Legorolanyone on US, is the patch up yet?
11:28.06s|loupwow didnt know that site before
11:28.16zespripatch is not up, but servers are down
11:28.43KirkburnWhat time is it there?
11:29.26clad|workits 7:30 here
11:29.29clad|workpatch not available.
11:29.32Wobin <-- Pure Essex
11:29.49Wobin(Even though she's not really from Essex... she embodies it anyway =P)
11:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:29.56clad|workhave a good day everyone.
11:30.06Cideyou as well, clad|work :)
11:30.08Legorolyou too, clad|work
11:30.11Kalrothbye clad!
11:30.14clad|worki'll be conspicuously absent this week.. my sister comes into town with my niece and nephew!!!!!!
11:30.36KalrothSuuure, you're just making up excuses to miss out on the patch madness
11:31.43CideI see... my... friend's grandfather's sister's brother's dog's previous owner's hamster has died. as such, I will not be here today.
11:31.55KalrothOh no you don't
11:31.56Wobin"I think I left the stove on"
11:32.06krka|workmy condolences :/(
11:32.20krka|workit's always painful to lose a friend's grandfather's sister's brother's dog's previous owner's hamster
11:32.36KalrothCide: if CTRA isn't fixed by tonight then you'll hear angry raiders knocking at your door!
11:32.37WobinIt happens far too often
11:32.37Cideheh wow, PTRs are still up?
11:32.47Cideit was never broken :)
11:33.20krka|workCide, when you decide to quit wow modding, can you in your final release include some code that mails money to people? :)
11:33.35krka|workthat would pwn
11:33.42Cidewe'll see :)
11:33.54krka|workjust include a table with servers / characters / faction
11:33.56CideI shall make a character on every server
11:34.04Cideand become rich (and famous)
11:34.14krka|workthe most hated man in wow :)
11:34.26Cideit'd probably make it into the newspapers
11:34.41Cidethat would be quite a scam
11:34.48Kalroth[CTRA] WARNING: Please move to a mailbox.
11:35.08CideI'd just make it show the mail icon, but blinking :)
11:35.26KasoYou'd have to put it on a timer, say to start happening a week after patch day, otherwise the news would get out before people update :>
11:35.38Kalrothlol, Cide has already thought it of
11:36.12Legoroland the scary part is: you'd get away with it, and at worst get a ban
11:36.18Legorolbut even that's not necessarily the case
11:36.29Legorolyou'd probably get banned under malicious UI
11:36.35krka|workwho would they ban?
11:36.48krka|workthat assumes that blizzard can connect cide the player with cide the coder
11:36.57krka|worki _know_ blizzard can't do that for me, for instance
11:37.04Legorolit doesn't take a genius to open up CTRA and notice that it's mailing money to specific characters
11:37.04Kalroth<Cide> It wasn't me, it was C1de!
11:37.08Cidewell, it'd be fairly obvious
11:37.14Legorolyou go check those characters, and lo and behold, they are all on the same account
11:37.15krka|workmail to random people
11:37.19krka|workthat would be even funnier
11:37.20Legorolthen you ban that account
11:37.26Cidethat would be funny
11:37.29Legorolthat's true
11:37.36Legorolit's a pity they took out /splitmoney
11:37.49Legorolotherwise, you could've put it in so that raids become communist:
11:37.55Legorolthey share all their money with each other
11:37.55CideI've been thinking about showing wrong health values for alliance guilds on certain dates
11:38.06Legorolno, do it for Horde!
11:38.21KalrothCide: hahah
11:38.49Cideif ( event == "UNIT_HEALTH" ) then --local health = UnitHealth(arg1);\n local health = math.random()*UnitHealthMax(arg1) end
11:38.52Cidethat'd be pretty funny
11:39.37Cideor just hook UnitHealth to return math.random.. hmm! :)
11:39.39zespriwas splitmoney ever in?
11:39.43Elkanowhy do I feel reminded of the code that put linen for 1c in the AH ^^
11:39.45Cidezespri: yes
11:39.56CideElkano: that was for my own purposes
11:39.58Kalroth"New CTRA Naxxaramas update, required for a few competing alliance guilds on my server. Thanks!"
11:40.09Cideand it never ran without typing in some /script commands
11:40.33Cide(I was in charge of material transfers horde<->alliance on our server.. oh god :()
11:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
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11:53.53KirkburnI need something to type to make an error appear
11:54.02KirkburnSuggest me something :)
11:54.33Cidetrue = false
11:54.45Legorolas in, type :)
11:54.53LegorolKirkburn's idea works too
11:55.06Legoroli just realised Kirkburn asked it first
11:55.31Legorolnvm, comatose... didn't have my coffee yet
11:55.52KalrothKirkburn: use this one:
11:56.18Kalrothreplace 'scanner' with Addon
11:57.06Cidehaha, that's awesome
11:59.05KirkburnWhat's the error frame in the UI files?
11:59.48Cidehaha, wow
12:24.25Legorolwow, Curse has gone nuts
12:24.42Legorolhas anyone else got an email from them saying they are disabling account logins for the next two days?
12:24.56KalrothI guess it's to prepare for the patch madness?
12:25.06Legorolwell ok, let's have a look at the issues:
12:25.18Kalroth"In an attempt to rise above the challenges that are brought to us on every Blizzard patch day, we will be disabling all accounts on Curse Gaming for the duration of the two-day patch period. To componsate for author's not being able to update their files due to this, we have setup a different page temporarily which will allow you to login and update your files should the need arrise"
12:25.32Legorol"should the need arise"
12:25.42Legorolok, so they have a solution to one issue:
12:25.46Legorolauthors can log in and update
12:25.56Legorolbut will these files, submitted to their beta site, make its way to the live site? who knows
12:26.01Legorolthere is another issue too
12:26.08Legorolusers who want to log in to check their favourites
12:26.25Legorolnow, on patch day, when you have to download about 50 addons, you have to hunt down each and every one of them manually
12:26.29Legorolbecvause you can't access your favourites!
12:26.40Kalrothdunno, I don't use my favorites
12:26.43KalrothI prefer search
12:26.52Legorolyes but a vast majority of the users do
12:27.01Legorolthe whole *point* of favourites is that you can see which addons are updated already
12:27.03JoshBorkemorning all
12:27.17Legorolam i the only one that thinks it was silly of CG to do this?
12:27.23Legoroli understand patch related load etc.
12:27.24Cidethat's why I like CG :)
12:27.41WobinSelect all rightclick update =0
12:27.54Cideand no Legorol, that's quite silly (though somewhat understandable.. still a rather weird solution to the problem)
12:28.13Legorolfunnily enough, i can still log in just fine
12:28.39Kalrothsame here
12:30.39Legorollol, look at the thread:
12:30.53Legoroltwo posts by a moron, and three feature requests already
12:31.01JoshBorkeso cide, how's CTRA 2 coming? ^_^
12:31.21Cideseeing as I'm almost level 60, I can start soon!
12:31.32KalrothCide: you made a new alt?! :)
12:32.11CideI rerolled
12:32.29Kalrothlet me guess, you're a night elf female rogue now!
12:32.37krka|workanyone know when we will be able to transfer characters over accounts?
12:32.57KalrothNot Too Soon(tm)
12:33.20Kalrothrumours goes that it'll be quarter 4 this year, but ..
12:33.51krka|workmy money scheme will suffer
12:35.52Legorolafaik, they never said they'll do characters over accounts
12:35.56Legorolonly paid server transfer
12:36.11krka|workthey never said that? :/
12:36.18LegorolIn fact I'd be pretty sure they won't do characters over accounts, even though it would make sense
12:36.31krka|worki heard something about transfering over accounts if both accounts were registered to the same household
12:36.42Legorolthat'd be awesome if they did that
12:36.44Legorolbut i haven't seen it
12:36.47krka|worki have no source or anything
12:36.51Legorolkrka: gief link or die!
12:37.26krka|worki wonder if i could report Legolor as an illegal name (too close to legolas :P)
12:37.32krka|workerr, legorol, i mean
12:37.48Legorolif anything, you could report me for TM violation because it's too close to Lego ;-)
12:37.52JoshBorke( krka|work ): i read the same thing, it was part of Battle Plan 3
12:38.03Legorolsince Lego is what i had in mind (not stupid Legolas, bleh)
12:38.14krka|workbattle plan 3?
12:38.27Legoroldarn, US forums gone restricted
12:38.30Legorolno more posting :(
12:38.49krka|workhmm? even more restricted?
12:40.03Legorolright now, not only EU can't post on it, but US can't either :)
12:40.59JoshBorkewell blast, looking back through i don't see it...
12:41.42Legorolthey only said realm transfer
12:41.51JoshBorkeYes we will allow account-to-account transfers. We will only allow account transfers within the same household to prevent abusive behavior. We will release the details as we get closer.
12:42.03JoshBorkepost 40 on page 2
12:42.15EndI live in the same powerleveler....
12:42.31End(not that'd I'd ever pay to get a char leveled for me)
12:42.33LegorolJoshBorke: thanks!
12:42.48Legoroli think there is no 100% way of doing restricted account-to-account transfer
12:43.00Legorolpowerlevelers will always get around it
12:43.05Legoroland the people that suffer will be the end users
12:43.08Legorolexample scenario:
12:43.15Legoroli get my GF hooked, she plays on my account for a bit
12:43.19Legorolnow she wants her own account
12:43.29Legorolshe goes and buys, and she can't transfer... because she hasn't moved in with me yet!
12:43.34Legorol(hypothetical scenario)
12:43.54Legorolallowing account-to-account transfer is a good idea from Blizz, definitely
12:44.06Legorollet's face it, a large number of people get hooked to WoW by friends, who let them try it out on their account
12:44.18IndustrialYay for character trading
12:44.31Legorolmany of these don't buy an account only because they'd have to start over
12:44.32EndI think that's why they added the recruit a friend thing, but now you can have 5 trials out at a time
12:44.41Legorolrecruit a friend is useless
12:44.47Legorollet's face it, the 10-day max. lvl 20 is nothing
12:44.57Legorolmany people play on friends' account way beyond that
12:45.10Endyeah, it is awfully limited
12:45.22Legorolamong my friends, i don't know anyone who bothered with it
12:45.29Industrialits supposed to be limiting
12:45.33Legorolanyone that i know that got hooked due to a friend, played on their friend's account first
12:45.45LegorolIndustrial: yes, limiting trial accounts is fine
12:45.46Enda friend of mine used it, since he knew he was buying the game anyways
12:45.51krka|workomg angola is going to kick all sorts of ass in their next match
12:45.54krka|workmany points for me!
12:46.05Endso he was willing to do it to get me a free month ;p
12:46.22Legorolmakes sense
12:47.24IndustrialIt explored all over my face :<
12:47.32Cide <- updated for 1.11 if anyone cares
12:47.39Legorolbrilliant forum post, check this out:
12:47.40LegorolRe: ugh, how much longer is this going to tak | 6/20/2006 4:47:39 AM PDT
12:47.40Legorolisn't it 11:45 AM PST now
12:47.56Endhah, what?
12:48.01Legorolcheck the time it was posted
12:48.13Legorolthat guy is 7 hours out of sync
12:48.28EndI saw that
12:48.51LegorolIndustrial: ouch about the bottle
12:48.58Legorolbut you see, water and ice has this curious property...
12:49.34JoshBorke( Industrial ): lol, i've done that many a time, though usually it doesn't explode...
12:50.13Legorolyou see, it all happens because water-ice has a negative thermal expansivity
12:50.36krka|workbig words for saying that ice is bigger than water :P
12:50.46Legorolkrka, don't spoil me fun :)
12:50.51Legorolbut it isn't though
12:50.54EndI wouldn't say bigger
12:50.58krka|workas opposed to most other substances, where the solid is smaller than the liquid :P
12:51.04Legoroli have a 1L bottle of water, definitely bigger than this ice cube in my cup
12:51.09Endless dense is a better way to put it
12:51.16Legorolso krka, you are talking nonsense..
12:51.29krka|workyou know what i mean
12:51.32Legorolhehe, got ya
12:51.42krka|workyou're the dense one, not the water :P
12:51.45Legoroli do, but you are not explaining it to me, but to Industrial ;-)
12:51.49Endof course, we just have to pick at everything you say
12:54.02EndI can't believe it's not butter!
12:54.32Industrialdat is juzt schweet
12:54.59krka|workgive pic please
12:55.06CideIndustrial: re-upload it on.. say,
12:55.13Industrialwhy.. its there..
12:55.19Kalrothyou need an account to see it
12:55.22krka|workdont have account
12:56.30krka|workthanks! but do it faster next time :P
12:56.41Industrial~stab krka|work
12:56.48purlACTION runs at krka|work with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
12:56.48Industrialget an account
12:56.48JoshBorkethe fubar thing is awesome
12:57.30krka|workcool, looks like super mario bullets
12:58.24Cideyou should so use :P
12:58.34Cideimageshack is the slowest of the slow :(
12:59.14IndustrialCide: you upload it there please
12:59.17Industriali need an account
12:59.21Cidedo Temp Upload
12:59.29Cideno access necessary (unlike Ace, ha!)
12:59.42Industrialbut um.. ace has interesting stuff... ha!
12:59.57Endyour face is interesting
13:00.13Cideit's still loading for me :(
13:00.29Endloaded fine for me
13:01.15JoshBorkei think cide is just slow
13:01.22Cidewtb link!
13:01.44Industrialboo :p
13:01.53Cideloaded! see? lightning fast :P
13:02.08Endthat is faster
13:02.27Endimageshack wasn't bad for me, but that was like lightning fast
13:02.52JoshBorkewhere do the buttons go?
13:03.28Endwhat buttons?
13:03.42Endwe don't need no stinken buttons
13:06.07Cideimageshack finally loaded
13:06.22Kasoimageshack sucks!
13:06.34Endyour face su...
13:06.54EndI'm done with your face
13:07.05JoshBorkei'm just gonna go now...
13:07.06Endthat's not what I meant
13:07.16JoshBorkeleave you guys alone...
13:08.13KasoCHAT_MSG_SYSTEM is the one for Fred rolls 54 right?
13:08.52Kasohmm =/ why isnt it detecting them then :<
13:09.02Cidemaybe I'm wrong :)
13:09.43Kasoguess ill test it, why did i disable my event testing addon anyway :< now i have to relog.
13:09.56Kalrothisn't it only for afk's and such?
13:10.04Cideit's for a lot of stuff
13:10.29Kasoits the right event
13:10.41Kasoguess my string.find must be wrong somehow
13:11.00Cidewhat are you using?
13:11.23Kasolocal name,roll,min,max = string.find(msg,"(.+) rolls (%d+) %((%d+)%-(%d+)%)")
13:12.52EndI think you are missing ranges
13:13.02Endas in
13:13.09Endlocal _,_,etcetc
13:13.22Cidereturns nil
13:14.05Cideor maybe not..
13:14.21Kasotis working now
13:14.33Kasonoob mistake
13:14.43Cidehaha, okay. I failed at copying the message
13:16.40KirkburnIs the damage number appearing over your portrait an addon or part of the standard UI?
13:16.53Endstandard ui I believe
13:19.37JoshBorkeis the patch up to be downloaded yet?
13:20.32WobinStandard ui
13:20.44KirkburnHrm, I've never realy noticed it
13:22.11EndI just don't have a standard player frame :P
13:22.17JoshBorkeok, so what does "+gP mean in key sequences?
13:22.37JoshBorkewhen i try typing " then gP it doesn't work :-/
13:22.59JoshBorkeit supposed to dump my clipboard contents in gvim :-/
13:23.53Endmaybe the entire key sequence in order?
13:24.20JoshBorkeblasted, hush
13:24.38JoshBorkei'm just gonna crawl in my hole now
13:24.44Endwell that's neat
13:24.48Endit works through putty too
13:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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13:35.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:36.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Arog (
13:38.43JoshBorkemorning arog
13:38.50Arogdo you guys have any links to any good looking UIs that are clean and not too messy
13:41.35wereHamstercompilation or single addons?
13:41.57Arogwith discord an dsuch
13:42.08Arogthese are some of my favs so far
13:42.42Arogfor the second one - what are those 2 bars at the top That has the person's name nad 100% health
13:42.44Arognad = and
13:44.30JoshBorkelooks like target's target and target's target's target
13:44.37JoshBorkeprobably done in DUF
13:45.41Arogheh alright
13:45.52Aroghow do you change the font too
13:46.03Aroglike in guildchat and stuff
13:46.05Aroglooks different :S
13:46.12BeladonaI am working on one, but it isn't a compilation, and it won't be done for a while
13:46.22ArogI have time
13:46.27ArogI am not even playing right now
13:46.33Aroggoing to start playing from August
13:47.02BeladonaI am starting with basically a total ui recreation, and then creating a theming engine based on it
13:47.15Beladonacomplete with widget-like modules
13:47.21Beladonafor adding more stuff
13:47.31Arogcool cool
13:47.37Arogtoo advanced for me :(
13:47.49Arogin the second ui is she using CT RA there?
13:48.16Beladonaearly concept -- I have changed the bars a little since this
13:48.32Aroglooks nice
13:48.43JoshBorke( Arog ): i like clearfont, it just works
13:48.48JoshBorkethere's also fontabulous
13:48.57Arogalright sec
13:49.17Arogon the bottom that huge ba
13:49.20Arogwas that using DART?
13:49.59JoshBorke( Beladona ): quite pretty
13:50.11JoshBorke( Arog ): taking a really long time for the first one to load
13:50.20Arogjosh I know
13:50.25Arogbut its there on the second one too
13:50.30Arogthat huge background
13:50.48Arogbar thing
13:51.23JoshBorkeprobably done in dart
13:51.57Arogso I will have to make those textures then?
13:51.59Arogor something lik ethat? loads fast!
13:52.48Beladonatrying to find you a screen of a newer statusbar but can't get in game of course =(
13:53.21Cidethey should totally give us an offline sandbox for development!
13:53.22JoshBorke( Cide ): what does the T in CTMod stand for?
13:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Sidely (
13:55.24Arogyou made CT
13:55.27JoshBorkeis he still helping with CTMod/CTRA?
13:55.32CideArog: yes
13:55.37Beladonaa wow rendering engine would be kick ass
13:55.54CideJoshBorke: we're still a team, yes
13:56.28Arogheh cool
13:56.33Beladonacould make it debug level, allowing you to simulate events, but not include anything other than the interface
13:57.06Arogwhat addon shows your effects like the second pic
13:57.08Arogthe blue things to th eside
13:57.32Cidethat screenshot likely shows Gypsy's version though
13:57.44Cidesince it has a background (which CT_BuffMod does not)
13:57.47JoshBorkeclass time, bye :-)
13:57.58Beladonaupdated screen cap =)
13:58.08Cidesadly, the author of Gypsy ripped off the code :(
13:58.23CideBeladona: that's pretty clean looking
13:58.31Beladonathats what I am going for
13:58.37Beladonasmall clean ui
13:58.40Endyes, it looks nice
14:00.01wereHamsterI liked the first version more..
14:00.04Arogme too
14:00.07Arogprettier lol
14:00.22zenzelezzI prefer the newer one
14:00.30Aroggive the option to choose
14:00.36BeladonaI did the second one because it is more sharp and professional
14:00.38IndustrialBeladona: omg that screenshot looks amazing
14:00.43Beladonathe first one used existing artwork
14:00.45TainI support a player's right to choose!
14:00.50Beladonasecond one is my artwork
14:01.03Beladonabut when I am done, you can have either (themes)
14:01.27EndI liked the first one a little bit more, but I think they both look very nice
14:02.00IndustrialI very much like the second one
14:02.18Arogthey are both nice lol
14:02.26Arogwonder if you can remove the background
14:02.39TainI just like the more muted color of the first.  The second does look great, but too neon-ish for my tastes.
14:03.10TainAlthough that does bring to mind the possibility of a complete Las Vegas style neon-light UI.
14:04.05Cidepatch is up if you connect to wow, btw
14:04.19TainYeah but I'm stuck at 83%
14:04.25Wobinhm, the US will be back up in how many hours?
14:04.30CideTain: sam
14:04.31Endhrmph, I'm not exactly in the position to connect to WoW right now :P
14:05.25Arogdo any of you play a priest?
14:05.35CideI do
14:05.46Enduh...I have a level ....16? priest I think? :P
14:06.01ArogWobin, Cide do you raid with it?
14:06.11Arogcan yo ushow me your UI please
14:06.13Cide ;)
14:06.18TainYay patch is moviong again.
14:06.18WobinNot at the moment =)
14:06.24Arogah alright
14:06.28Cidesec arog
14:06.31CideI might have a screenshot
14:06.38Arogwow nice gear
14:06.43WobinBut basically, I use Squishy, HealersAssist and oRA for mods
14:06.52Arogdidnt change your bars?
14:06.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Sidely (
14:06.57BeladonaI am still toying with the idea of having the background toggleable as being always on, or on hover
14:07.10Cidebest healing wand in the game, actually
14:07.11ArogBeladona or off all together
14:07.16EndI believe it
14:07.25Wobinhehe '1' =)
14:07.40Cidethat is rather old
14:07.47Cidebut it's pretty similar
14:07.49EndI saw a -crazily- geared mage once...same deal, green wand
14:07.55Wobinnice on that +heal
14:08.38Cideheh, thanks
14:08.46Arogfull tier 2 lol
14:08.49WobinI'll never get that =P
14:08.53CideI reached 900 earlier
14:08.57WobinI'm only half that =P
14:09.03Cidebut then I swapped in trans boots for 8/8
14:09.05Wobin(but then again, I don't even have full tier 0.5
14:09.29Wobinor any other epics, for that matter
14:09.44Aroglol wobin
14:09.50Arogthat was my rogue
14:09.54ArogI went to so many raids
14:09.56Arog0 epics
14:10.01Arogdamn stupid guild
14:10.07CideTain: you got past the dreaded 83%?
14:10.12KasoCide whats the [#] a link to the timestamp or something?
14:10.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
14:10.30TainYes Cide, at 85% now
14:10.38Wobinit shows where the source of the chat comes from
14:10.42Wobindebugging purposes
14:10.46Kasohmm interesting
14:10.52Wobinverra useful
14:10.59Arogcide, is there enough viewing space if you are playing in the 'blackbox' mode?
14:11.00CideI'm guessing it was preloaded to 83% or something
14:11.03KasoI'll have to look into that.
14:11.12CideArog: see for yourself :) but yes, I think so
14:11.24CideI find it too hard to read chat (especially in raids) without having a black background
14:11.44WobinFer shame Cide! Your cooking is only at 8 =)
14:11.54Cidehey, at least I was being honest ;)
14:11.54WobinGet back in the kitchen =)
14:12.04Endcreating small fires, hmm?
14:12.11Endor does that even give a skill up
14:12.39Endcan't say I'm surprised
14:12.47WobinCide: *agrees with the black background thing*
14:13.04WobinI dislike having to squint to read
14:13.24zesprithe patch is up on US
14:13.41TainI also black-bar it, but my chat windows are always dark to begin with, none of that fade-in out
14:13.44Cideyes, I have lightwell :P
14:13.53WobinDo you find it useful?
14:14.00Cidemore so than people think
14:14.09Cidebut it's not worthy of a 31pt talent really
14:14.19Cideit should be improved some, but still not bad
14:14.20WobinI'd agree with that
14:14.24ArogI dont like the fact that it stops healing when yo uget hit
14:14.35Endthat was the assessment of my guildies: nice, but does it need to be 31 points?
14:14.35Cideoff the top of my head, it's useful for...
14:15.10TainYou know what though, if you go across the level 31 talents for all classes very few of them seem worth it for a 31 pointer.
14:15.20Cide(BWL) razorgore, firemaw, flamegor, chromaggus, nefarian (eh, not really) (AQ40) royals, sartura, huhuran, twin emps
14:15.27KirkburnThe Summer Fires event will be active :)
14:15.38WobinAdrenRush is a nice 31pointer
14:15.44zenzelezzwhat does a lightwell actually do?
14:15.54Arogmake a mooonwell, person clicks on it and is healed over time
14:15.57Arogif the person gets hit
14:15.58Arogheal stops
14:16.11Kasoits a 31 point bandage with 5 charges and 10min CD :<
14:16.12TainThere are nice 31 point talents.  *Most* of them aren't.
14:16.17Kasothe cooldown is far too long
14:16.22WobinI'd like for the well to last longer too
14:16.23KirkburnIt's even got maypoles :P
14:16.32Cideswiftmend is godly
14:16.37SidelyIf it was a three minute cooldown it'd be a much better talent.
14:16.47Cideso druids had a godly talent.. and got it as base, only to get a new godly talent
14:16.49WobinOh yes. I like Swiftmend
14:17.23Arogwhat is CD on swiftmend
14:17.37Aroghow much does it heal for?
14:17.45SidelyThe full value of the HOT, I think
14:17.46Endhot portion
14:17.57Arogso what is remaining on HOT?
14:18.05Cideroughly 1k with a decent amount of +healing
14:18.11Arogthat is like 2x Hot
14:18.16Endit's very good with main tank healing
14:18.16Arogbut instant
14:18.22WobinCan you cast it on someone elses HOT?
14:18.28Cideno clue
14:18.30End-that- I didn't test
14:18.33EndI hope so
14:18.38Kasothe wording makes me think so
14:18.38Endatm, I don't have highest rank of rejuv
14:18.45Kaso"Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect"
14:18.58SidelyI dunno, can you cast conflag on other warlocks' immolates?
14:19.12Endgood question
14:19.13SidelyThey'd probably use the same mechanic.
14:19.32Arogyou should make a mod that shows everyone in th eraid who has rejuvenation/regrowth
14:19.37Arogthen people cna just cast swiftmend lol
14:19.40TainMy patch download finished, by the way.  So it is fully out there.
14:19.58EndArog, I was thinking of doing that
14:20.08Endthen it'd be very good for raid healing too
14:20.18End(obviously with timers)
14:20.21Arogor at least show who you casted rejuv/regrowth on
14:20.35End(to get more benefit...)
14:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
14:21.32EndI suppose I could make a macro that does /cast Swiftmend /cast Rejuv
14:22.08Arogcan your macros have timers
14:22.08EndI'll have to think that through more though
14:22.21Arogeg - /cast rejuv...wait /cast swiftmend
14:22.26KasoApparntly Swiftmend is on global cooldown
14:22.33EndI can't use timers
14:22.36Endlike that
14:22.40Aroglol too bad
14:22.45EndI could make it pop up a button
14:22.53Endor something like that
14:23.04Arogthe button could have a countdown
14:23.33EndKaso: yeah, I suspect so
14:23.46Arogcan DART change minimaps to a square?
14:23.51Kasoaccording to :
14:24.12zenzelezzare the final patch notes up yet?
14:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
14:24.23Arogcheck on the patch
14:24.33zenzelezzI'm on EU, I'll have to wait
14:24.42KasoAlso: My warlock friend says you can't Conflag someone elses immolate.
14:24.44Endthe spellid for innervate became swiftmend's spellid
14:24.52Endand they made a new spell id for innervate
14:25.05Endso you are seeing all these comments about innervate on swiftmend's page
14:25.26EndI'll probably forget to train innervate though
14:25.49Legorol^End: what's a spellid?
14:25.55Arogdo druids have easier chance of geting into raiding guilds than priests?
14:25.56Legorol^do you mean the in-game one, in the spellbook?
14:26.02Legorol^or something else
14:26.03Endthe internal one
14:26.08Endthe one thottbot uses
14:26.18Legorol^ehm.. how does thottbot know them?
14:26.18Endbecause they just pull the spell list from the data files
14:26.25Legorol^i nkow other sites know them because they data mine
14:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
14:26.37Legorol^hm, i thought TB strictly pulls them from client
14:26.39Legorol^oh well
14:26.47Legorol^btw, is the US patch available yet?
14:27.01Arogi think final patchnotes are
14:27.06Arogdont think a lot of stuff changed from there
14:27.12Endthottbot has mob spells too, and those you can't really pull from ui
14:27.19Legorol^good point
14:27.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:28.18zenzelezzArog: probably not many changes, but that's still why I asked about final :)
14:28.21KirkburnI wants finally final final notez so I can be all cool and stick em on the wiki
14:28.31TainYes Legorol the US patch is available, I just finished patching fully.
14:28.37Legorol^thanks Tain
14:28.41Endplus, the spell ids match wowguru, and I'm pretty sure wowguru datamines them
14:30.44Arogcan DART make minimaps a square?
14:31.12TainUnless they added specific minimap support, no.
14:31.29Arogwhat mod makes a squar eminimap then
14:31.34TainThere's a bunch out there.
14:31.47Arogbut some of them i Found
14:31.50Arogon ui.worldofwar
14:31.54Aroghave not been updated
14:31.56Arogwill it still work
14:32.06Enddepends on how they work
14:32.18End(I guess)
14:32.41End<-- too vague?
14:32.45TainMany addons work fine across patches, which is why they don't get updated.  Sometimes if they just work no one updates anything since there's nothing specific to change.
14:32.47zenzelezzonly way to be sure is to try
14:36.23KirkburnPatch notezzzz!
14:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
14:37.03EndI see <p>
14:37.08Endand </ul>
14:37.11EndFix yer tags
14:38.08KirkburnI am
14:38.09Arogrogues got decent buffs
14:39.05TainDetect Traps is a nice change, but screws Hunters for PVP.
14:39.43ArogPoisons will now persist through zoning.
14:39.58TainYeah, that's for all temp weapon buffs.
14:40.13Arogwas it in 1.10 they added rogues can see traps/flares?
14:40.22Arogthought that was going in 1.11
14:40.42TainRogues had a Detect Trap skill forever, but you had to activate it.  Now it'll be a passive ability, always on.
14:40.56KirkburnShould be more presentable now
14:40.56Arogthe detect traps skill would not detect the trap would it?
14:41.02Arogor flare
14:41.15Arogbah who knows
14:42.45TainOf course I don't PVP so it doesn't even affect me.
14:43.01ArogI thought AV would be fun
14:43.03Arogbut it sucks
14:43.35Arogwsg is fun with twinks
14:47.18MoonWolfi agree
14:47.23MoonWolfbut its not fun for the other players
14:47.39TainTeaches them a lesson!
14:47.40MoonWolfpeople with certain items and condictions should be placed in a seperate queu
14:48.06MoonWolfif you walk around with fiery enchants or +100hp you get to go to the twink queue
14:48.11TainI disagree.
14:48.14TainAnyone can do it.
14:48.22Kasothat'd be too hard to do i think, where do you draw the line between a twink and a well geared person.
14:48.36TainJust because some do, and some don't doesn't mean you should single them out.
14:49.05KasoTain: someone who's just started wow and wants to try out battlegrounds with his level 20 char cant do it.
14:49.06MoonWolfon certain servers its simply impossible for a normal geared class to do ANYthing in a bg.
14:49.09TainIf it's really that big an issue then make things more level restrictive and don't allow the level 19 guy to have high level enchants.
14:49.45TainKaso: Yes he can.  Can he do it solo, playing by himself, never doing anything more?  No.  But his character is allowed to do it.
14:49.58TainAnd as long as it's allowed by the game artificial limitations on players is not a good idea.
14:50.44Arogdo you guys listen to WCRadio
14:50.50MoonWolfi do
14:51.00ArogI am listenning to it for the firs ttime
14:51.05ArogEPIC pretty funny
14:51.17Arogya I am in there too
14:51.58EndI think the issue with twinks is pretty similar to green/blue 60 vs. epic 60 you see in the level 60 battlegrounds anyways
14:52.40Arogtbh, I think anyone cna get epics
14:52.44Arograiding is not that hard
14:53.09Endanyone can twink an alt too
14:53.10MoonWolfbut you should be able to have fun in bg's from time to time without needing to invest the raiding time.
14:53.10TainIt is different only in the fact that it's a lot easier for a level 19 to be supplied money and enchants and equipment by a higher level than it is for someone to get that stuff without a higher level.
14:53.35Endyes, that's true
14:53.52Aroganyone can get epics and raid, raids only take 2-3 hours
14:54.03Arogand 2 hours is not a lot
14:54.11MoonWolfah yes, but it also takes being in such a guild
14:54.11Arogjoin a guild that does MC over 2 nights or whatever
14:54.14TainWell, once you have been doing MC as a guild for months it takes 2 hours.
14:54.24Endare you sure you'll get any epics in one run?
14:54.43ArogEnd, you should get 1 epic every 2 weeks
14:54.44MoonWolfand we are talking about doing this for a few months arog.
14:54.50Arogwith BWL too
14:55.01ArogZG/AQ20 can be done 2 times a week
14:55.12Endthat's a lot more time than you first implied
14:55.12MoonWolfyou need to build up your DKP in certain guilds, some guilds have huge trail periods
14:55.22ArogEnd 2 hours a day thats not a lot imo
14:55.22MoonWolfits not as easy as investing 2 hours per week.
14:55.26TainIt's not 2 hours a day.
14:55.33Endit's more than 2 hours a day
14:55.34TainIt's many hours of learning those instances first.
14:55.53End-if- your guild is farming BWL/MC, you come close
14:55.53Legorol^- Low level boars/wolves drop boar meat and wolf meat much more
14:55.54TainSo two months down the road when your guild is already equipped with MC gear sure you can run MC in 2 hours.
14:56.12Endbut then your guild is probably working on AQ40 now, and that takes lots of time
14:56.14TainOh sure after I got my cooking to 300!
14:56.25ArogEnd I am saying join a casual raiding guild. My friend is part of it, they only raid on Saturday, Friday, Wednesday
14:56.26MoonWolfhow about mobs start dropping high level meats
14:56.31Arogand Thursday
14:56.34Legorol^it only takes you through the first 30 levels or so, Tain
14:56.34Arogwed/thurs - MC
14:56.38MoonWolftry getting your pet happy at 60 with dropped meat.
14:56.40ArogFri/Sat - ZG
14:56.43Tainhehe casual raiding is 4 days a week?
14:56.55Arogthey are not doing BWL yet
14:57.02Arogand they only spend maybe 2 hours a day
14:57.08Legorol^i like this cooking change, it was a pain to get started on Cooking if you decided to take it up later on
14:57.13EndArog is pretty easy by raiding standards :P
14:57.26TainYeah Legorol is is, the only way (to me) was hit the Auction House and hope.
14:57.32EndMC is pretty easy by raiding standards :P
14:57.35Legorol^I would like to ask a philosophical question:
14:57.43Legorol^the words "casual" and "hardcore"
14:57.48Legorol^what would you say is their best definition?
14:57.55Legorol^as used by the majority of players..
14:58.06ArogI consider myself to be casual, I would play WoW after coming back from work
14:58.12Arogmaybe 6-10
14:58.16MoonWolfthere is no casual and no hardcore. stop this discussion.
14:58.26ArogMoonWolf I agree
14:58.29Aroglistenning to Epic right now
14:58.32Legorol^ok, so do you beleive that these two words are used by most players to refer to the amount of time you play?
14:58.44Endin any case
14:59.01TainI personally view hardcore (as much as I despise the word) as a guild whose intention is to drive towards conquoring the highest end content quickly.
14:59.13MoonWolfthere are players who are willing to invest time into stuff (through honour, instances, world drops, etc)
14:59.16MoonWolfand people who are not.
14:59.16EndI haven't gotten any gear from MC or BWL in two months, because I need nothing from MC, the only thing in BWL that has dropped that I can even used I got outbidded on
14:59.23EndStormrage won't fucking drop :(
14:59.34Endbut we have plenty of warlock mage and shaman gear!
14:59.36ArogEnd, tried changing raid leaders?
14:59.41TainDo you still go to MC, End even though there's nothing good for you?
14:59.41Arogwe had that problem
14:59.44MoonWolfthe only hardcore i know are the people who get rank 14, absolutly have to get C'thun down first.
14:59.46ArogTain, yes
14:59.56Arogyou go hoping you get ingots to make legendary stuff
15:00.11Arogand we often take level 60s with green with us for fun
15:00.17EndTain, I do.  I get dkp, and other people need gear from there still.
15:00.25TainNo, I mean individuals specifically.  There are people who won't go once there isn't anything they need.
15:00.26Kaso"(Arog) End, tried changing raid leaders?" are you serious?
15:00.35ArogKaso, it worked for us
15:00.39TainOf course we call those people, "Former guildmates."
15:00.43Arogwe were getting a lot of pally, warrior and rogue shit
15:00.47MoonWolfThose people are egotistical bastards
15:00.48Arogso we tried changing leaders
15:00.54MoonWolfpeople helped you, now you help others.
15:00.54EndArog, Incidently, we did try that originally, but it didn't do jack for us
15:00.57Arogand we ended up getting mage, priest etc
15:01.08KasoIm afraid its just randomness. nothing more.
15:01.11Arogya maybe
15:01.12End(not that we expected it to work)
15:01.20End(but we figured it was worth a shot)
15:01.24TainOh yeah there was that silly theory out there that the drops were somehow keyed to who the raidleader was.
15:01.26MoonWolfthere is no secret system.
15:01.36MoonWolfif there was a secret system, it would make more sense.
15:01.51ArogI believe that all items that will drop are set the moment you key yourself to the instance
15:02.05TainI don't.
15:02.11TainBut that's the great thing about unverifyable beliefs!
15:02.20ArogBLizzard can say anything they want
15:02.21MoonWolfWe know that items that drop are detirmed at the moment you open the corpse.
15:02.29ArogMoonWolf we do?
15:02.31MoonWolfwell not factually
15:02.34MoonWolfbut very good idea
15:02.35Endhow do we know that?
15:02.35Legorol^from GM comments
15:02.39Endafaik we know, we don't know anything
15:02.44MoonWolfit explains why you can have empty corpses with sparks.
15:02.46Ends/we know/
15:02.48Legorol^because GMs often stated they can't reimburse items if the corpse hasn't been looted yet
15:02.50TainIn EQ drops were determined on something when it spawned.  At least that was something you knew!
15:02.52Kasowell a while back this GM was on SomethingAwful forums and he said through the GM console he could see the drops on any mob living or not.
15:02.54End(stupid missing slash)
15:03.04Arogtbh, GMs do not know anything
15:03.13Arogthey are just moderators not the devs
15:03.23MoonWolflook, i have seen gm's say that anything with the word hack in it is bad.
15:03.27TainI ah.. don't know what I'd cite the Something Awful forums as a legitimate research point.
15:03.29MoonWolfso even if he is a gm
15:03.31Legorol^MoonWolf: good point
15:03.33MoonWolflots of salt.
15:03.40zenzelezzKaso: sure he meant drops when killed, not the drop table?
15:03.49Enda huge bucket of salt?
15:03.50Legorol^ok, here is a good way to test:
15:03.52Legorol^quest item drops
15:04.03EndI talk all things GMs say with a huge bucket of salt
15:04.04Legorol^let's say you are in a party and you both collecting the same quest item
15:04.24Kasoi'll find a quote but as i remeber it was that he could see drops that would drop when mob x is next killed, but as others have said, we cant really prove he was even a GM
15:04.32Legorol^actually, i just thought of a much simpler test
15:04.46Legorol^go out on a quest which needs a quest item
15:04.52Legorol^kill a bunch of mobs, and have them sparkle
15:05.01Legorol^you start looting, and you complete the quest
15:05.09Legorol^the next mob, when you loot it, should not have the quest item on it
15:05.13TainYou'lls till get more quest items.
15:05.24Arogyou sure?
15:05.26Legorol^not those that are not tradeable
15:05.30ArogI have gotten more sometimes
15:05.32Legorol^Tain: i have never seen it happen, have you?
15:05.34TainI've had quests that I have gotten more.
15:05.42Legorol^was that in a party or solo?
15:05.43Aroglike 15/14
15:05.50Endeven if it wasn't "on the corpse", it could just conditionally hide it
15:05.52MoonWolfactually, i think this behaviour is incosistent.
15:05.53TainAbsolutely 100% sure it's happened to me.  Can't say it was all quests in all circumstances, but more than once.
15:06.01Legorol^and was this on quest items that can drop multiples?
15:06.06Legorol^because that's a different issue altogether
15:06.14Aroghmm I guess
15:06.15Legorol^if you have only 13/14 and you go loot,
15:06.17Legorol^it can drop 2
15:06.27Legorol^i am talking about a situation where you complete the quest *before* you loot the next corpse
15:06.32Legorol^have you ever seen a quest item in that case?
15:06.40Endthe corpse might still "have" it though
15:06.43ArogNever tested it
15:06.43Endeven if you can't see it
15:06.48MoonWolfMost likely the corpse would not be lootable by then.
15:06.51MoonWolfbecause of travel time.
15:06.55TainNever gone to the quest giver and completed the quest and gone back to loot.
15:07.06ArogI think he means
15:07.07Legorol^Tain, not even that
15:07.08Endif you are grouped, and you finish the quest, but your party member has not, you won't see the items
15:07.15Legorol^just simply having the required amount in the bad
15:07.20End(by items I mean quest items)
15:07.24KirkburnI suppose, having spent an hour sorting the patch notes, I should READ them =)
15:07.44TainIf it's collect 10 of something, I have killed 3 things, looted the quest item from one corpse to finish my quest at 10/10, then looted teh next corpses and gotten more.
15:07.46MoonWolfeven if its vague on wich part, death or opening, i am fairly sure that it doesnt happen on spawning
15:07.53MoonWolfthe amount of memory it uses would be wastefull.
15:08.12Legorol^ok, a related question:
15:08.15Arogisnt buyback stored on your own computer?
15:08.18Legorol^about loot eligibility
15:08.27MoonWolfArog, i think its stored per session.
15:08.31Legorol^i heard that if someone is dead and released, they are not eligible for loot
15:08.36Legorol^under what circumstances is this true?
15:08.40ArogMoonWolf so its stored on the server? that seems a bit too much
15:08.42Legorol^a) does it depend on the loot method in use
15:08.54zenzelezz<Tain> If it's collect 10 of something, I have killed 3 things, looted the quest item from one corpse to finish my quest at 10/10, then looted teh next corpses and gotten more. <--- I've seen this for items that are used in more than one quest, or for more than just the quest... but not for items that are only for one quest
15:08.59MoonWolfThere is only 12 buyback items at any one time.
15:09.01EndI haven't seen that to be true, but we usually master loot
15:09.03ArogLegorol, I think if a person dies before the thing is called and released before it is killed too, they are inelligable
15:09.05Legorol^b) does this happen if he is already released on death of the mob, or only if he is already released at loot time
15:09.09Kirkburnzenzelezz, agreed
15:09.11TainIf you die and release before the mob is dead I think.  Maybe.
15:09.23Legorol^ok, lots of maybes, i see :)
15:09.34ArogMoonWolf but 12*1000 people
15:09.39Arogthat is a lot of memory on the server side
15:09.45Legorol^zenzelezz: exactly my point
15:09.46EndI think people who have released on ony fight get loot for us
15:09.54EndI didn't die on onyxia once
15:09.54Legorol^there is difference between tradeable and non-tradeable quest items
15:09.55MoonWolfnot really
15:09.58Endwas there from start
15:10.00MoonWolfits only an item link
15:10.00Endcouldn't get loot
15:10.01Legorol^tradeable ones of course can drop more
15:10.16TainActually even with my looting example of multiple stuff I can't even say that I know it 100% since I wasn't strictly watching for the circumstance, there may well have been other things like zenzelezz said, items still for another quest.
15:10.20MoonWolftry the avarege kci or auctioneer database
15:10.27MoonWolfit contains about the same amount of information
15:10.29TainOr possibly looting 2 things from the last corpse that put me over the edge.
15:10.30MoonWolfnow for mobs
15:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Daokrotz (
15:10.45MoonWolfget that number and increase it with omgwtf.
15:10.47Beladonapatch taking forever =(
15:11.03Arogare servers online yet
15:11.06DaokrotzHello.. Anyone out there who got a nice addon package for Priests? Just started a priest and I'm looking for some nice stuff =)
15:11.13Legorol^Arog: it's not 11am PDT yet, is it?
15:11.18Arogest heh
15:11.18Endit is not
15:11.33Endit's 8 am I think pacific?
15:11.40Legorol^yes it is
15:12.02Endso, a few more hours to go :P
15:12.08EndDaokrotz: maybe?
15:12.11ArogDaokrotz try looking at some UIs in the UI/Macro and Priest forum
15:12.14Arogsee if you like anything
15:12.20Arogany of the individual addons
15:12.24Arogand then download those
15:12.38Beladonastupid fileplanet was supposed to have the patch when it was available
15:12.42TainThere's really no all-in-one addon package that I think is any good.  You have to pick and choose things that you think will help.
15:12.47Beladonalooks like they don't yet
15:12.49Beladonawhat use are they
15:12.58Endlame-o use
15:13.03Endthat's what use
15:13.06TainFileplanet has a great use!  They suck money from customers to line their pockets. :)
15:13.09MoonWolfFileplanet is usefull for advetising.
15:13.22DaokrotzArog: Well I downloaded some stuff from another page, but all was messy and much didn't work proper, got an error frame that I couldn't close :/
15:13.23Endwait, -fileplanet-?
15:13.29Beladonathey haven't had any good betas for a couple months either
15:13.30Legorol^taling of death.. did you see this:
15:13.31Legorol^- Release timers have been be removed from instances. This includes
15:13.33Endfileplanet annoys me
15:13.39ArogLegorol ya
15:13.44Arogits nice
15:13.44Beladonafileplanet has been good in the past
15:13.46TainYeah Legorol it's good for raids.
15:13.47MoonWolfwe all have seen and rejoiced
15:13.53Beladonabut in the last several months I have seen serious decline
15:14.06Beladonamight make me stop paying for it
15:14.13Arogever since they started that new service to buy games
15:14.20Arogforgot the name
15:14.25TainFileplanet was just too much money for me to justify the amount I could ever possibly use it.
15:14.47DaokrotzIs there anyone who got a priest and have a nice UI that can help me? pls if so speak in private :)
15:14.49Arog- Many items that can be equipped have had their cooldown category
15:14.49Arogremoved and will be controlled exclusively by the item's self
15:14.50Arogcooldown. For example, the Gnomish Mind Control Cap should no longer
15:14.50Arogtrigger the cooldown of the Talisman of Arathor.
15:14.56MoonWolfA service that allows you to join the founders group makes no sense
15:15.03ArogDaokrotz ---
15:15.05MoonWolfyou cant become a founder 5 years after something was founded.
15:15.05Arogcheck that out
15:15.19Arogits not mine
15:15.27Arogso I cannot compile it for you
15:15.51Endhrmph.  I swear, noggen fogger, dreamless sleep potions, greater dreamless sleep potions, and now Eternal Quintessence don't all need to have the same item graphic :(
15:16.07Endin the past, I've put myself to sleep instead of a skelly
15:16.09DaokrotzArog: that's  nice =) where can I get it?
15:16.14EndI read tooltips much more closely now
15:16.16ArogDaokrotz like I said its a bunch of mods
15:16.20Arogsome of the stuff I can see
15:16.32Daokrotzoh kk
15:16.41ArogDiscord Action Bars, Discord Unit Frames, Discord Frame Modifier, Discord art, Gypsy BuffBar, CT Raidm
15:16.55Arognurfed Combat Log
15:16.59Legorol^this change i'm ambivalent about:
15:17.00Legorol^- The Repair all button on NPC's that repair will now repair all of the
15:17.12Legorol^on one hand yes this is convenient
15:17.23Legorol^but on the other hand, it means that if you want to repair only the stuff you have equipped,
15:17.28Legorol^it now takes ages to click through them
15:17.37Arogwhy would oyu not want to repair stuff in bag
15:17.38Legorol^you only have green lot in your bags
15:17.42Daokrotzbeen playing my lvl 60 Rogue without any addon, only CT mod
15:17.44BeladonaMoonwolf: it is just a marketing name for a service level, I do think "Founder" is a bad name for it though
15:18.10AnduinLotharzomg, they implimented RealRepairAll?
15:18.18Legorol^this repair change is for the 60s who carry multiple armor sets
15:18.39Legorol^it's a negative change for anyone who carries looted items they may not want to repair
15:18.40AnduinLotharguess that mod goes buh bye
15:18.42MoonWolfor the level 10+s with more then one bow/weapon
15:18.42ArogLegorol dont you have to repair things before putting it on AH?
15:18.49Endyes, you do
15:18.53Arogso might as well repair it
15:18.56Beladonathey should have made an option
15:19.04Beladonato repair all, or not
15:19.04Legorol^i do think they should, yes
15:19.06Endif you want to vendor it though, that's the problem
15:19.11Endlike, quest rewards
15:19.12AnduinLotharjust sell before repairing
15:19.14Legorol^as End says
15:19.16Arogend ya I suppose, just sell before repairing
15:19.25Legorol^hm, that's true
15:19.27EndI don't always sell where I can repair
15:19.34Legorol^but then auto-repair mods can't be used :)
15:19.38Beladonahell, make a popup window that says "would you like to repair everything, or only equipped items"
15:19.48Beladonaand let them choose at each repair
15:19.52Legorol^nah Beladona, i think that's not a good idea
15:19.54Arogmaybe you can make a mod for that
15:19.55AnduinLotharaddon :P
15:20.00Legorol^let it be an option in Interface or something
15:20.01Endselling where you can repair doesn't matter
15:20.04Endwhat am I saying
15:20.07ArogEnd lol
15:20.09AnduinLotharTHAT is what addons are for
15:20.10Endthat particular bit is a non-issue
15:20.28Aroghow long did it take you guys to get epic mount
15:20.31Arogif you have epuic mount
15:20.31Legorol^another reason why i'm not 100% happy about this, only 80%:
15:20.36Beladonaan interface option is less usable from an accessibility standpoint than a selection at repair-time
15:20.37Legorol^i often run around with 0 durability items in my bags
15:20.45Legorol^which i will repair later, when i know i am not getting hit anymore
15:20.58Legorol^these i wouldn't want to repair if i know they will still keep losing durability
15:21.09AnduinLotharyou're weird
15:21.34Legorol^there is a simple reason: i often res at spirit healer
15:21.40BeladonaAnduinLothar, do you know if the repair all option is toggleable?
15:21.43Legorol^so my looted greens gradually go down to 0
15:21.50Beladonaif so then an addon would be good yeah
15:21.51Legorol^i'd like to repair up my armor, but not those items
15:21.56Arogcan you sell 0 dur items to vendors
15:21.59AnduinLotharah, i dont. I carry 3 full sets of gear
15:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:22.02Legorol^Arog: yes
15:22.09Arogits cheaper though right?
15:22.09Legorol^but as i said, it's items i do intend to repair later
15:22.11AnduinLothari NEVER spirit res
15:22.14Legorol^Arog: yes
15:22.18Endyeah, I don't spirit rezz either
15:22.27Legorol^I do, because often running back to the corpse takes long,
15:22.27Arogtoo expensive
15:22.31Arogespecially with epics
15:22.34EndI have all 18 slot bags, and about 2/3 is gear, 1/4 is consumables
15:22.35AnduinLotharspirit res = 20g repair bill
15:22.35Legorol^and instead i res at healer and spend the 10 minutes crafting
15:22.37Beladonabut something tells me there isn't a function that can be modified to either repair all, or repair equipped based on a toggle -- although it would be nice if Blizz thought ahead and did that
15:23.13Legorol^i think for now (without an addon) the quickest thing is just to select the repair icon, and click through my equipped items
15:23.32Legorol^i do keep items at 0 durability to reduce cost
15:23.39Beladonamore work for those of us that like the old method
15:23.42Arogmaybe you can make a mod to repair each item individually in a sort of a loop
15:23.48Beladonaless work for people that repair everything
15:23.50AnduinLotharcna just make a mod for the opposite, go modify RealRepairAll
15:23.55Legorol^Arog: you already can repair items individually
15:24.01Legorol^AnduinLothar: aye
15:24.07ArogLegorol but you can make a mod that will run through each item
15:24.16Legorol^i'm not complaining about the change per se, because i think the overall utility of the new method is better
15:24.16Arogthat you have equipped
15:24.22Legorol^i just think they should've made it togglable in some way
15:24.31EndI agree, Legorol^
15:24.38Beladonasuggest it
15:24.48Beladonamaybe they will actually listen
15:25.07AnduinLotharzomg THREE repair buttons
15:25.19Endthat might be the best answer
15:25.20TainThere should be a separate repair button for every slot in your inventory!
15:25.27Beladonaconsidering the reason they changed it in the first place, I would have thought they would have been smart enough to make it a toggle
15:25.32Legorol^hm, the Target of Target display only comes up for raid/party
15:25.32End~whaleslap Tain
15:25.33purlACTION beats Tain upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
15:25.38Beladonanot everyone would like that change
15:25.44Legorol^that's annoying, i'm going to have to mod that so it always shows up if you enable it
15:25.52AnduinLotharyeah leg, there's an optionf or that i think
15:26.01Endand I will use such an addon!
15:26.02AnduinLotharand I think someone already made a mod
15:26.12Endor continue using ctmod's
15:26.24Beladonamake a repair window! have it list items based on a filter
15:26.27Legorol^cool AnduinLothar
15:26.31Beladonathen repair them at a button press
15:26.32AnduinLothari wonder if i should Archify it
15:26.43AnduinLotharit's tiny
15:26.53Beladonaall items, equipped items, armor, weapons, bags only, etc...
15:27.01Beladonahmm, maybe I will make that addon
15:27.14TainI use KC_AutoRepair, not sure how granular it gets though.
15:27.21TainI just repair everything, everywhere.
15:27.29AnduinLotharoh noes, repair YOUR RAID's gear too!
15:27.40Beladonaa gnome running around with a hammer
15:27.43Beladona"HOLD STILL DAMNIT"
15:27.50AnduinLotharhammer hammer hammer
15:28.06Beladonathat actually would be interesting
15:28.10Beladonainstead of bandages
15:28.16TainHey Warrior!  Stop!
15:28.19TainHammer time!
15:28.23AnduinLothari always said BS should have repair option
15:28.35Arogtime for classes
15:28.38AnduinLotharmake the damn profession useful
15:29.08Legorol^- Using B at the bank will now toggle open/closed all of your bags and
15:29.24Legorol^this must be a nasty API change
15:29.27Beladonabut only at the bank
15:29.31Legorol^since B is still bound to the same funciton
15:29.42Legorol^Beladona: there is already a function you can bind a key to that opens all bags at once
15:29.48Legorol^(by default, bound to shift+B)
15:29.52Beladonawhy? just put a check in the function to see if you are at the bank
15:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
15:33.42Legorol^interestingly enough, i don't see any sign of this funcitonality in the Blizz UI cod
15:33.51Kasogreat, for some reason my error() isnt working i've no idea whats causing it cos, error() isnt working!
15:33.56Legorol^B is by default bound to ToggleBackpack(), a UI function
15:34.05Legorol^just looked at it, nothing in it about banks
15:34.48Legorol^oh god, don't tell me they put this functionality on the C side into ToggleBag(0)
15:35.01Legorol^that'll make me cry
15:37.06AnduinLotharoh noes, can't hit stealthed units i cant see, /cry
15:38.25AnduinLotharlol, they say they fixed Blessing of Light, AGAIN
15:40.25AnduinLotharlol, sad: ? Deathdealer's Spaulders were unintentionally given higher stats than they should have had for an item of their level, this has been corrected.
15:40.56AnduinLotharVERY sad: ? The Spirit of Zandalar will no longer persist through death.
15:41.48AnduinLotharNOOOO: ? Holy Mightstone: The spell damage bonus from this item will no longer increase the melee damage done against undead. The attack power bonus will still function as intended.
15:41.59AnduinLotharI just used that yesterday to down baron in like 3 seconds
15:42.31AnduinLothar90% of my swings were record crits
15:43.15AnduinLotharsweet: ? Primal Hakkari Tokens: These items from Zul'Gurub now identify which classes can use them in their item descriptions.
15:43.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:44.15AnduinLotharyay, BS firey plans had their mats nerfed
15:44.18KirkburnOut of interest, what doc type should I aim for? XHTML 1.1? XHTML 1.0?
15:44.39KirkburnI've decided I hate the ClearFont website :P
15:44.47EndHTML 2.0
15:45.23End(incidently, the default apache error page has a doctype of HTML 2.0)
15:45.28AnduinLotharooo: ? New quests available in Zul'Gurub and Light's Hope Chapel for head and leg resistance enchantments.
15:46.10AnduinLotharooo: ? A new quest is available at Cenarion Hold for players who wish to turn in Combat, Logistics and Tactical Badges for reputation.
15:46.32Kasolovely, i've got tonns of those spare
15:46.35Kasoshame in exhalted :<
15:47.08EndI've got a ton spare
15:47.13Endgood thing I've been lazy
15:47.26Endand not gotten exalted
15:47.27AnduinLotharlol: ? Unsigned Field Duty Papers now need to be "prepared" by players by right-clicking on them. This action has a 3-minute cooldown.
15:47.39Endyeah, to prevent people from getting two in one fight
15:48.11AnduinLotharoo non-consumable version of Aqual Quintessence
15:48.30Kaso^_- what the fuck, my addon has a bug, and that bug somehow makes error() stop working! this is terribly confusing.
15:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:49.27EndI might have to get some of the revamped ZG gear
15:49.35Endit's better than cenarion :(
15:49.39Endstupid cenarion
15:50.17AnduinLotharaww, they nerfed rajaxx
15:50.21End(ZG bracers didn't have any +healing, now they have more than cenarion!)
15:50.34Endthey did
15:52.46Beladonawhy would you want to use HTML 2.0?
15:52.59Endyou probably wouldn't
15:53.19MoonWolfwhat is wrong with xhtml or 4  ?
15:53.34Beladonado xhtml 1.1
15:53.43End(clearly, I need to make it more clear I'm trying to be funny)
15:53.45Beladonaat least that is what I usually use
15:53.46AnduinLotharyay: ? Additional action bars now have range indicators on them. If a button in one of a players additional action bars has a range component, it will display a red dot when a target is out of range
15:54.29TentacledAnduinLothar: for those poor chaps without additional bars? :>
15:54.49Shadowedhmm, i take it nobody has found a 1.11 patch download besides blizzards yet?
15:55.07AnduinLotharyay: ? You can now target a player by  clicking their name from the chat log and selecting the "Target" option.
15:55.13Beladonayou might need xhtml 1.0 though if you have a lot of legacy code
15:55.35AnduinLothari was gonna make an adoon to do that, now i dont have to
15:55.44Cairennis everyone else stuck at 83%?
15:55.57TainIt was for me, it picked back up after a few minutes at 83
15:56.02CideCairenn: Tain and I both were.. it took a while to get past it
15:56.03TentacledAnduinLothar: please do make one that will add an "ignore" option there, though, if you have the time :)
15:56.06Cidebah, Tain!
15:56.12AnduinLotharalready did
15:56.23AnduinLotharChatIgnore's been on wowi for months
15:56.37TentacledOh. I am retarded as always, then.
15:56.38Shadowedi've downloaded about 32 KB in the last 20 minutes Cairenn
15:56.39Beladonamy patch dl is still only at 24%
15:56.56AnduinLotharmy patch dled in 5 min and patched in 2
15:57.04gnorlishfind the torrent the downloader is using and put it in a real torrent app
15:57.14gnorlishi can't find the torrent or i'd do exactly that
15:57.32Beladonagotta love torrent downloaders, without any of the torrent benefits....
15:57.33Shadowedi've heard people talk about doing that, but could never find it :(
15:57.38Dolby-wowi<- 82% :(
15:57.56TainSearch for wowtorrentx
15:57.58Legorol^<- 0% and won't progress till tomorrow
15:58.02AnduinLotharwait wait, how did they do this: ? The icons of negative effects on that appear on the player now have a color to indicate their type.
15:58.31AnduinLotharhope that wont break my green positive buff borders in arch
15:58.57AnduinLothartho their green posions might clash
16:00.12Cairennhard to put up patch notes and stuff when I can't get them myself
16:00.40AnduinLothar? When you kill a creature, the combat log will report "You have slain !"
16:01.02TentacledI bet it was "You have slain %s!" that became broken :>
16:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
16:02.03Tentacledthough this smells of DIKU MUDness. "Your powerful smite ***!OBLITERATES!*** little pink rabbit"
16:02.38Cairennthanks KarlKFI
16:02.46TainThat pink rabbit had it coming.
16:02.59Cairennany major difference between them and the test server notes?
16:03.06AnduinLotharno idea
16:03.21Dolby-wowipatch notes...
16:03.49AnduinLotharwow, they mentioned an addon
16:03.55AnduinLothar? Fixed a bug which could cause improper on-screen positioning of game scene when using a mod such as CTWorldFrame, in conjunction with fullscreen effects such as the glow & death effects.
16:04.38Cidetoo bad they used the wrong name :)
16:04.40EndI'm not sure if it is all there
16:05.47End(incidently, that's a site I found at random)
16:05.48AnduinLotharoo... ? Frame XML Change - There is a new "clampToScreen" attribute, which will prevent the frame from being dragged off the screen.
16:05.56End(so trust it as much as you are willing to) should be accurate
16:06.18End(only as much as I mean)
16:07.12Cairennah, there's only one change
16:07.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
16:07.19WobinTentacled: The Little Pink Rabbit's <redflash>DEATH CRY</redflash> echos through the land!!!1!
16:07.28Cairenn"  Elemental Mastery: If you have this effect and      Clearcasting at the same time, the Clearcasting effect will be consumed      first.  " has been deleted in the live version
16:07.37Temso, do we have confirmation that the patch goes live today?
16:07.48EndTem: I'd say so
16:08.19AnduinLotharoh wow ? MessageFrame:Clear()  i was jsut complaining about that yesterday
16:13.12ShadowedAnyone remember the pre-quests required to start turning in tier 3? can't seem to find it off of wowwalkthroughs
16:17.06Legorol^LOL @ Tem
16:17.29Legorol^Shadowed: the patch hasn't even hit yet and you are already looking for spoilers?
16:17.34Legorol^why not try and find it in-game ;-)
16:17.36Cideyou have to kill a couple of trash mobs or bosses (I forgot which)
16:18.20ShadowedSo I can tell someone who posted on guild forums that we don't need to hit all 4 wings to get the attunement quest :p
16:18.33Shadowedsince i only remember it requiring trash from two wings
16:18.42Cideyes, it's only 2 types of mobs
16:20.47Beladoname likes this patch
16:20.57Beladonaat least the ui changes
16:22.28Legorol^i mostly love this patch
16:22.36Legorol^it's the first one i'm getting really excited about in a while
16:22.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (n=dragon@
16:23.57Cairennhi Miravlix
16:24.47KasoUther's Strength is now properly flagged as Bind of Equip. ( can i get mine unbinded then ? )
16:26.22Shadowedfull 1.11 patch link[Full-Patch]
16:26.31Shadowed454 MB though :(
16:26.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Sidely (
16:28.50Kebinusan1.10.2 ==> 1.11 is up to 90% for me
16:29.00SidelyHi there folks. Quick question: Does UnitBuff have a real second return in 1.11? Previously it was always a return of 1, regardless of the true number of applications/charges on the buff.
16:29.03zenzelezz"Fixed a bug that caused abilities to lock up after being feared, charmed, or polymorphed. " <--- happy panda fix
16:29.53Legorol^Sidely: quite possibly yes
16:30.06Legorol^i read something in the patch notes about how buffs now display charges
16:30.34SidelyYeah, but that's a separate function. I already looked through the updated BuffFrame.lua, and it makes a call to GetPlayerBuffApplications.
16:31.22SidelyIt'd be nice to see charges remaining on party members' buffs. I'll have to test this when the servers are up.
16:33.57Beladonahooray Fileplanet
16:34.15Shadowedit's a 30 min wait for the full one though
16:34.31Endheheh, the 1.10.2 ui changes thread finally got unstickied
16:37.20Legorol^:( sad
16:37.22Legorol^those were the days
16:37.25Legorol^it has lots of good info!
16:37.36Legorol^should save it to the Wiki i guess..
16:40.42KirkburnAh, FF is really annoying me right now
16:41.15KirkburnIt won't show a line with <hr />, and it's ignoring when I tell something to have a black background
16:42.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
16:43.40Kebinusansomeone posted a patch torrent on the wowace svn
16:44.06Kebinusanmight be worth a shot if the bliz downloader is giving you trouble
16:44.07KirkburnIt doesn't make any damn sense! :(
16:44.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:44.31OsagasuGoood afternoon
16:45.38OsagasuI don't really think much broke this time around, did it?
16:45.54SidelyNot terribly much.
16:46.36OsagasuI know Khaos broke, and I was having a few problems with AceGUI, but that's quite possibly another addon...
16:47.19AnduinLotharEarht that broken Khaos has already been updated
16:47.44OsagasuI know, I've already gotten the new distro
16:48.27OsagasuI'm dreading logging onto my mage...
16:48.43KirkburnPhew, sorted the colour problem ... now why on earth won't FF show a horizontal line when I use <hr/>
16:48.48OsagasuI still have to decide which of the builds I made to test. :<
16:51.14OsagasuThe funny thing is there isn't any guild on the server powerful enough to do Naxxramas.  Noone's even been able to finish AQ40 on Twisting Nether
16:51.52Shadowedhow far into AQ40 are they?
16:52.31Kirkburn(woop, FF is no longer a nonce)
16:53.10OsagasuI'm not sure, forums are down so I can't check the progress thread
16:53.21Osagasuthe website is
16:53.44Osagasusilly me
16:54.38ShadowedYeah going to have some issues with naxx then!
16:58.42ScytheBlade1Shadowed, what speeds are you getting on fileplanet?
16:58.50AnduinLotharhmm, it's been a while since the last Cosmos release..
16:59.04wereHamsterregarding guild progress in instances.. my brother created a nice page to track the progress:
16:59.05AnduinLothar6 pages of condensed changes..
16:59.06ShadowedI gave up on fileplanet and went for a link posted on the forums, getting 81 KB/s from the IP link
16:59.25Shadowedbut it keeps degrading, was 130 KB now it's 80 KB :/
16:59.30ScytheBlade1where's this link?
16:59.58KebinusanwereHamster, thats pretty hot
17:00.14Kebinusanany chance of sharing it
17:01.41wereHamsterI know that one other realm uses his code..
17:02.17KebinusanI'd certainly be interested in it for our realm
17:02.46wereHamstermaybe I should teal the code and put it online somewhere ;)
17:02.59ScytheBlade1I would LOVE for the ability to adjust the upload rate on this... magically, my download rate would nearly triple...
17:03.27Kebinusanheheheh, well permission would be better :-) it certainly looks very well thought out
17:04.08ScytheBlade1Meh, that's why wowwiki exists ;)
17:05.47wereHamstermaybe a site for all realms would be nice.. but I'm not sure if he'll be willing to code it.. and our server definitely can't handle much more than our realm.. >2GB traffic/month
17:07.24Kebinusanheh yeah, and most people dont care about other realms
17:07.58KebinusanI certainly think it'd be sexy to do for my realm, I just linked it to a few guildmates on vent they really like his work too
17:08.02wereHamsterbut would be nice to have one central place like blizzard had for the war effort ;)
17:08.27Dolby-wowinot sure of a free solution but lets you adjust up/down of each program or service using the network
17:09.40wereHamsteryeah.. he sai he could release the code under the GPL :)
17:09.52Kebinusanthat would be pretty hot
17:10.04KebinusanI'd download it :-)
17:12.11wereHamsterI would really like to put it somewhere public (svn etc) so other people can work on that, too
17:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
17:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:19.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
17:20.37IrielMorning all.
17:24.57CideIriel: I hear there's a new DevTools out? any new features, or just patch changes?
17:25.30EndI didn't just hear, I saw
17:25.35Endactually, I didn't hear at all
17:25.40EndI only saw
17:26.10grimmanAny new patches on the live-servers?
17:26.19IrielRight now just a toc change, I haven't quite integrated the loose ends of the new functionality
17:26.34Endthe new functionality?
17:26.44Cairennhi Iriel
17:26.46SidelyAbout how many lines can one paste into a multi-line edit box before it takes so long that it may as well have made an infinite while loop?
17:28.57Cidetheoretically, you can paste infinitely many without getting an infite while loop... it just takes a while is my guess :)
17:29.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:29.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:30.07IrielEnd: Some submitted features, and some I've been working on myself.
17:30.10SidelyWell, yeah, but about how many characters can you paste before the screen freeze exceeds five seconds? I thought the Khaos developers dealt with this when trying to copy configurations.
17:30.29AnduinLotharwe got Khaos cut/paste importing/exporting of configurations to work but it takes a year to paste
17:30.30Endcool, I look forward to seeing what they are, Iriel!
17:31.16End(whenever you get all those loose ends tied together)
17:31.26Cide(graphical table view, perhaps?!)
17:31.54End(I do remember mention of that)
17:32.12Beladonaanyone know what the full version number is for wow.exe after the patch? my patch is still downloading, and I was just wondering
17:32.20KtronCide, wouldn't the paste hit a memory limit eventually/
17:32.36CideKtron: practically speaking, yes :)
17:33.31SidelyBeladona: 1.11.0 (5428)  ... unless you were asking for the TOC number, which is in the topic.
17:33.49IrielMy guess is 1.11.0-5428, but it'd be nice for confirmatoin
17:33.51Irieland there it is 8-)
17:34.58Cidefile version seems to be
17:35.16SidelyYeah, from the Version tab of the Properties screen.
17:35.47Cidein-game it is indeed 1.11.0 (5428)
17:36.25OsagasuSo Cide, ya'll are keeping the raid alert stuff in CTRA?
17:36.30Ktronany serious problems with the new patch as of yet?
17:36.43OsagasuServers aren't up
17:36.44IrielI have one problem with it.
17:36.51OsagasuThat's my problem.
17:36.57Ktronheh, /agree Osagasu
17:36.58CideOsagasu: nothing, yet
17:37.08Iriel(That being that i'm at work and not at home where I could play)
17:37.18Ktronwhat's that, Iriel?
17:37.18CairennI have a problem with it
17:37.23Ktronand Cairenn?
17:37.35Cairenncan't frigging well get the damn thing to finish downloading, and I'm trying like 3 different sites
17:37.41KtronFinally, here comes the thunder and rain:)
17:37.44EndI have the same problem as Iriel
17:37.45CideOsagasu: oh, I misread :), we're keeping our own for now
17:37.55Endanyone have any fix to our problem? ;p
17:37.55Shadowedi'm downloading the IP one from the link i posted a bit up, it's going slowly but it's going
17:38.11Cairennplus, I can't get to the blizz site so that I can flesh out my front page news post
17:38.17Cairennand I can't get to
17:38.20Cairennand I can't get to
17:38.24Cairennand ... argh
17:38.34OsagasuAny particular reason why, other than convinence?  I'm afraid I didn't get into a raid to test it.
17:38.34EndI can't get to the wow site either
17:38.55CairennI can't get to the Alla site
17:39.01OsagasuI can't either Cair
17:39.03Shadowedi love patch day
17:39.09Cairennand on and on and on ... *goes crazy*
17:39.12CideOsagasu: why we're keeping it?
17:39.29ToastTheifso how's the downtime treating everyone?
17:39.32Cidebecause we're rewriting CTRA as a whole, and didn't feel like making huge changes when they will soon be overridden
17:39.34WobinServers starting in 20min? or 2hr20?
17:39.41OsagasuThat's a good reason.
17:39.48OsagasuVery good reason.
17:39.49Endin theory, 20 min I guess
17:39.50Cairenntheoretically 20 mins
17:39.58Wobinoh good =P
17:39.59Endbut, that's assuming everything is read
17:40.16Endalla is just slow
17:40.49OsagasuI'd ask for help choosing a spec, but all three of them are on the WoW talent page
17:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:41.21Ktronspec for a what?M
17:41.36KirkburnWhat do ya think?  (ignore the address, I'm still waiting for to activate)
17:41.47Cairenn(not you Kirkburn)
17:41.47OsagasuMy mage
17:42.01KirkburnOh wait, I didn't update it!
17:42.27Ktronheheh lotlnitm
17:42.27AnduinLotharCosmos 1.11 Release 6/20/06 Change Summary:
17:42.30zenzelezzI find the gradient thing that stops suddenly next to the text in the heading odd
17:42.47Kebinusanpeople still use cosmos?
17:42.51KirkburnEr, go there again - it's updated now:)
17:43.02zenzelezzmuch better
17:43.04Kirkburnlotlnitm = great name :P
17:43.25AnduinLotharYes, a few thousand people still use Cosmos
17:43.26KirkburnYou don't have to put on sunglasses for this website :P
17:43.29Ktronheh, yeah, a lot do... I take a lot of addons out of Cosmos, they do a good job of having working, updated addons :)
17:43.31Endspeaking of which, whatever happened to futrtrbl?
17:43.38End(the person)
17:43.43Enddidn't he used to hang around here?
17:43.44Kebinusantrue enough
17:43.51KirkburnGood question
17:43.52Ktronyeah, he did... i don't know Rmf
17:43.57KebinusanI used to do that too with Insomniax
17:43.59Cairennhe left
17:44.06Endah, well, I was just curious
17:44.21Cairennrl has him too busy
17:44.22KtronIt was all your fault Rmf. heh heh
17:44.59Ktront; od pbrttsyrf
17:45.10Cairennlol Ktron
17:46.11Ktroneveryone who wasn't around for that yesterday is like eyg
17:46.18Ktronor manybe qrd
17:46.42CairennI was around, but it still looks funny ;)
17:46.52EndI get it now
17:47.36Endyeah, I was there whenever that was
17:48.18Ktronoy vsm nr epeo'd drvtry vpfr og upi esmy jrj jrj
17:49.09Beladonayeah, it won't download fast enough
17:49.35Beladonablizz needs to do something with their patch seeds
17:49.53Ktronlike release them publicly ;)?
17:50.24BeladonaI am all for using torrent technology, but it kinda defeats the purpose when it is closed
17:50.45Cairennfor those that haven't caught on, what Ktron just said was:  "it can be wowi's secret code if you want heh heh"
17:53.36Ktronlike, new guy walks into the channel and is like "Can any1 hook me ^ with a cool ui?" and we can be like "yjod hiu od s ypys; mppn, ;ry'd ,slr jo, fr;ryr dpmryjomh o,[ptysmy
17:54.43Kaso"A boss in the Graveyard in Scarlet Monastery, added in Patch 1.11. He spawns after you kill Bloodmage Thalnos, is a level 34 Elite, and looks like Ras Frostwhisper." - i cant find him :<
17:56.09Shadowedcan you target him?
17:56.50Kasounless he's in the area where the scarlet guysa re
17:57.47OsagasuWhere's it say that?
17:57.57IrielIt's in the patch notes somewhere
17:58.03IrielI recall reading it at one point
17:58.23OsagasuI can't find it in the ones on WoWI
17:59.37Kasobah perhaps hes bugged, ill get a chance to try out the instance reset
17:59.51OsagasuAnd I did a search in the patch notes text file, the only think I can find is a comment that says Ras Frostwhisper will always drop two rare itesm
17:59.59KtronKaso, does that mean your server came up?
18:00.10KasoNah, the EU ptr is still up.
18:00.35OsagasuMaybe it WAS in there, but they took it out?
18:01.05Kasoseems odd, im gonna try reset and try it out maybe it bugged somehow
18:01.41OsagasuCause it isn't in the patch notes
18:02.58Kasoits listed as one of the un-documented Changes on wowwiki
18:03.05KirkburnLol Kaso, I wrote that ;)
18:03.05Kasoand people i know have seen him
18:03.22KirkburnI've seen screenshots of him
18:03.34Kasoill give him 1 more try
18:03.48KirkburnOnce you kill him he's supposed to start wandering in the fgraveyard
18:03.58KirkburnI've never been there, so I can't describe it well :P
18:04.19KirkburnSomething about him coming towards the entrance to something
18:04.26Kasoive just reset so ill try it again
18:05.00Osagasuhe drops a nice necklace
18:05.09Osagasufor... level 34s. >.>
18:06.11IrielEsamynn is slipping, I managed to trim 8 chararacters of a macro declared as "As short as it will go"
18:07.24Cidepaste it in here and let's see if someone can beat you, Iriel!
18:07.27CideJoshBorke: hi again
18:08.16IrielIt's: /script local c,s,x=CastSpellByName,strfind x=GetInventoryItemLink("player",13)if s(x,"item:20036")or s(x,"item:11832")then UseInventoryItem(13)end SpellStopCasting()c("Arcane Power")c("Pyroblast")
18:08.18JoshBorkeswell, my patcher broke :-/
18:09.29Kasoyou could have declared the vars as global to save 5 chars :>
18:09.36Cairennyay, finally finished downloading
18:09.39IrielThat's against the rules
18:09.53Kasorules smules
18:10.47Wobincouldn't you have "m:20036" or something similar?
18:10.53IrielI suggested that in the thread
18:11.00Shadowedpatch 89% and it times out :(
18:11.38WobinCome back, realms! All is forgiven!
18:12.23CideIriel: why c,s,x=... x=...?
18:15.50Wobincouldn't you do  local c,s,x=CastSpellByName,strfind,GetInventoryItemLink("player",13)
18:17.33Cidethat's my point :)
18:19.32AnduinLotharhas anyone made a mod to sellect reputation bar faction by dropdown?
18:19.54Tentacledwhat patch are you guys talking about..?  I see no big patchfile, besides the newest 5 MB 1.11 update on PTRs... eh?
18:20.16AnduinLothar1.11 is live in US
18:20.19Shadowed1.10 -> 1.11 live one
18:20.28TentacledUS schmUS.
18:20.31Tentacledpft. :>
18:20.41Tentacledbut hey, they get all the bugs earlier. :D
18:20.55AnduinLotharyay bugs!
18:21.08Wobincome back realms
18:21.52AnduinLothari should do somethign productive instead of waiting around for the realms..
18:22.11AnduinLotharnap time
18:22.23Shadowedoh for
18:22.23Dolby-wowia nice productive nap
18:22.26Dolby-wowii need one
18:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:22.36Shadowedfileplante times out, blizzard background downloader wont work, other download times out
18:22.41Shadowedsomebody doesn't want me playing WoW today
18:22.53Wobinhm, there's a torrent on the AceSVN
18:23.03Dolby-wowii was able to download from the fileplanet midwest server
18:23.27Shadowedi was like 1,000 in line at fileplanet but it went to this page cannot be displayed
18:23.35ShadowedWobin: Do you have a link? When i checked AceSVN i didn't see it
18:23.47SidelyBy the by: /script local c,s=CastSpellByName,strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13),18,22) if s=="20036" or s=="11832" then UseInventoryItem(13)end SpellStopCasting()c("Arcane Power")c("Pyroblast")
18:24.36SidelyThe length of the string prior to the item's base ID is always the same, making string.sub perfectly suitable.
18:24.45Wobinunder PatchTorrents?
18:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
18:25.31Shadowedmissed that, thanks.
18:27.37Cairennnew download link:
18:28.46WobinI'd suggest i={20036=1,11832=1} and then use "if i[s] then" but it won't work easily with integers
18:29.50Cairennwow-patch- (159 MB) (157 MB)
18:30.35Sidely:o indeed.
18:30.53WobinI'd suggest i,c,s={20036=1,11832=1},CastSpellByName,strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13),18,22) if i[s+0] then UseInventoryItem(13)end SpellStopCasting()c("Arcane Power")c("Pyroblast")
18:31.05Gryphenhehe the first like was plenty hehe
18:31.07Wobinmaybe it's shorter =P
18:31.08Gryphenthat was my :o
18:31.30Cairennfor those that are lazy and wanted the direct links ;)
18:31.44Cairennthe middle part was a goof on my end
18:32.55SidelyI think that's two characters shorten, Wobin.
18:34.10Endwell, you do have some excess whitespace now ;p
18:35.15Wobinquite likely =)
18:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:50.02Shadowedfinally, only took about 3 hours, 4 failed downloads but i have the patch
18:50.20Wobinall the servers appear to be in flux
18:50.29Shadowedi'd upload the patch to my server, but it's down :(
18:55.46KirkburnGah, it's so annoying when FF and IE display stuff differently
18:55.57Shadowedthats what makes HTML interesting
18:56.06KirkburnAlso, I keep finding bugs in FF
18:56.10ShadowedWheres the fun if you don't have to work with 3-5 browser standards at once!
18:56.30KirkburnI refuse to install another browser :P Two is more than enough
18:56.55KirkburnRight at the moment it's the lists that are displaying differently :P
18:57.24IrielI dont like it when the spec is ambiguous enough that both are technically correct.
18:58.00IrielWe've run into some awkward CSS differences with spacing that fell into that category.
18:59.19KirkburnSounds like fun :) The bug I've found is FF rendering badly - renders a 1px line as 2px :(
18:59.27Kirkburnbut only *some* of the time
19:00.57IrielYou mean you reload and it's different?
19:01.07IrielWith the exact same source?
19:01.32Ktronheh, they must be coming up... there's a small list of servers coming up for me now with 'offline' as their status
19:01.47Cide/script s,i=CastSpellByName,{["20036"]=1,["11832"]=1}SpellStopCasting(i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13),18,22)]and UseInventoryItem(13))c"Arcane Power"c"Pyroblast"
19:01.50Cidewonder if that works
19:02.02CideWobin: yours errors
19:02.06ShadowedKtron: They keep coming up and down
19:02.07Tarogwoo! servers are coming back up
19:02.09Wobinalas =)
19:02.13Wobinwhat's the error
19:02.15ShadowedOne second a server is up, another second it's down
19:02.18TarogI'll shut up
19:02.32Cideneed ["..."] like I have
19:02.36chuckgUpdate your mods!
19:02.45Wobinno, that's what the s+0 should do =\
19:02.48Ktronare the sites hammereds yet?
19:02.59Cideyeah, but that's a syntax error
19:03.16Wobinoh well =P
19:03.31Cidenow beat mine :)
19:03.33IrielNone of these macros handle null very well
19:04.16CideI don't get why {20036=1,11832=1} doesn't work.. Iriel, care to enlighten me? :)
19:04.19Ktronanyone remember a simple program that merely let you see if you're dependancies and interface numbers were up to date?
19:04.32Ktron(for all your mods, not just one, one would be easy to do)
19:04.36KirkburnIriel: no, it occurs in the same place each time ... it may be because I'm using an LCD, I guess it attempts to render the line between two pixel lines, but instead renders on both.
19:05.43IrielKirkburn : Does your graphics card resolution not match your panel's native resolution?
19:05.52KirkburnI'm seeing it on here on the side highlight boxes:
19:05.58KirkburnNope, perfect match
19:05.59IrielKirkburn : Or are you using non-pixel positioning?
19:07.10KirkburnIt's pixel positioned (I think, since I'm guessing what you mean)
19:08.24IrielYou have a 1pt border, not a 1px border
19:08.28IrielMaybe that's your problem?
19:09.49WobinCide: /script s,i=CastSpellByName,{[20036]=1,[11832]=1}SpellStopCasting(i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13),18,22)+0]and UseInventoryItem(13))c"Arcane Power"c"Pyroblast"
19:10.07Cideah, that works too
19:10.12IrielWobin: That fails if the slot is empty
19:10.17CideI didn't try with integers in []
19:10.20Wobinah, nil + 0
19:10.45IrielWhat's the point of that version? It's longer and more fragile?
19:10.50KirkburnThanks Iriel! :) Stupid template ...
19:10.56WobinShortening for the sake of absurd shortening!
19:11.02Wobinwho needs reasons =P
19:11.06ShadowedThink they are trying to one up eachothers shortening
19:11.12IrielBut cide's should be shorter
19:11.13Shadowedjust because they can!
19:11.20WobinExactly =)
19:11.30Iriel"20036" and [20036] are the same length, and cide's doeswn't need +0
19:11.42Cidemine's [""]
19:11.46Wobinah, cide was using [""]
19:11.50Wobinbut really he didn't need to
19:11.57Irieloh, actually, does he need to, I dont recall
19:12.17IrielAh, never mind then, hm
19:12.17Wobin"20036"=1...etal works just as well
19:12.21Cideusing "20036"=1 ... errors
19:12.27Wobinoh? =\
19:12.37Cide'}' expected near '='
19:12.47Wobinoh yeah
19:12.48Wobinthat's right
19:12.49Cidewhich was my question to Iriel, heh.. how come?
19:13.03IrielSorry, wasn't thinking that though entirely
19:13.21IrielOnce you add support for the slot being empty, I think cide's will win
19:14.06IrielAnd you can't remove the local
19:14.13IrielThat's against the rules
19:14.28Cideah yeah, I missed that
19:14.30GryphenCT_RABossMods.toc has two ## Version: fyi
19:14.41Cidehm? I'm guessing our auto-updater failed
19:14.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
19:15.03Shadowedmine does and i didn't use an auto-updater
19:15.22CideI mean, our script to update the version
19:15.23IrielThe SpellStopCasting trick is cute, but i'm not sure it's safe
19:15.35Shadowedmissed that!
19:15.37Iriel(It's safe NOW, for sure, but I mean in general as something to be encouraged)
19:16.23GryphenTwo Version, and no Title
19:16.26WobinCide: Post it up =)
19:16.34CideI'm lazy, you do it!
19:17.51Cideok, so I briefly tried SetCursor
19:17.56Cidehas anyone gotten that to work?
19:18.07Cidewith a 32x32 file, I mean
19:21.08Cidetried both a blp and a tga, haven't managed to get it to work
19:21.24IrielTry that again
19:21.29IrielCide: /script local i={["20036"]=1,["11832"]=1}i=CastSpellByName,i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13)or'',18,22)]and UseInventoryItem(13)SpellStopCasting()i"Arcane Power"i"Pyroblast"
19:21.49Wobin/script local s,i=CastSpellByName,{["20036"]=1,["11832"]=1}SpellStopCasting(i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13),18,22)]and UseInventoryItem(13))c"Arcane Power"c"Pyroblast"
19:22.05Wobinyou have two i='s
19:22.15IrielI know
19:22.26IrielYou have 2 variables
19:22.38CideIriel: executes fine
19:22.42Cideno errors or anything
19:23.04CideWobin: not nil safe for missing inventory link
19:23.08Wobinoh that's just scary, Iriel =P
19:23.13Ktronlotlnitm, i approve
19:23.18WobinNo, that was yours =)
19:23.24WobinI just pasted it for comparison
19:23.31Cideok, mine's not nil safe!
19:24.15Cide/script local s,i=CastSpellByName,{["20036"]=1,["11832"]=1}SpellStopCasting(i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13)or"",18,22)]and UseInventoryItem(13))s"Arcane Power"s"Pyroblast"
19:24.36Wobinlonger I think?
19:24.41Wobin(just from eyeballing it)
19:24.45CideI added or ""
19:25.02IrielSame length as mine I think
19:25.12Cidehaha, yep
19:25.13Cideboth are 183 chars
19:25.14IrielBut mine odesn't break if SpellStopCasting ever starts taking an optional argument
19:25.43Cidewell, it should always return false (which should/will be default)
19:25.49IrielActually, isn't there a missing or misplaced SpellStopCasting
19:26.02Cidein mine?
19:26.59IrielIn all of them
19:27.06Irielbetween Arcane Power and Pyroblast
19:27.20Cidehmm, yes
19:27.23IrielIsn't it: /script local i={["20036"]=1,["11832"]=1}i=CastSpellByName,i[strsub(GetInventoryItemLink("player",13)or'',18,22)]and UseInventoryItem(13)i"Arcane Power"SpellStopCasting()i"Pyroblast"
19:27.38Cideneed two SpellStopCasting, no?
19:27.48IrielSomeone in the thread said you dont need one for the trinket
19:27.54IrielI dont play such games so never really know
19:28.00Cidesame, I have no clue :)
19:28.10CideI would guess that it does, since it's a spell like anything else.. but who knows
19:28.11Shadowedi don't think you did
19:28.13Kebinusanlol the lfg channel seems broken, guildmates are saying you can talk to horde
19:28.15KasoI know you didnt have to but i think it might have been changed
19:28.19WobinI think it ceased becoming a valid exercise long long ago =)
19:28.36Cidein any case
19:28.47WobinKebinusan: How are they logging in? From what I'm seeing, all the clusters are cycling =(
19:28.51Shadowedactually i take that back, I think you may need it
19:28.54CideI don't think it can be trimmed down much further than 183 chars
19:29.00BeladonaI think we should be able to hire gnomish translators to allow us to talk to horde for limited times
19:29.05Beladonaok that was a joke
19:29.27CideI was hoping to do ({["20036"]=1,{"11832"]=1})[...], but that doesn't work :(
19:29.40Beladonait would be like the UN
19:29.53Beladonaor badly dubbed japanime
19:30.10KasoJust checked: you dont need spellstop for trinket
19:33.54ScytheBlade1Say what?
19:35.02Kaso(Cide) need two SpellStopCasting, no? (for trinket)
19:35.17ScytheBlade1And you don't, huh?
19:35.19ScytheBlade1Wow, nice
19:35.21Cideyou just said that it isn't needed
19:36.18KasoIm confused now
19:37.04ShadowedYou only need one spell stop casting if you don't need it for trinkets since you're only casting arcane power and pyrblast
19:37.36ShadowedTrinket -> Arcane Power -> Spell stop -> Pyroblast. shouldn't need two spellstopcasting then
19:37.38WobinWell there's a POM thrown in there too
19:37.46WobinBut we've ignored that completely =)
19:38.00Shadowedwell that changes it completly! :p
19:38.43ScytheBlade1my server is up
19:39.30Shadowedyou'll be back in 5 minutes!
19:39.40Shadowedoh wait mine is too
19:39.49Wobineveryone deserts the channel =)
19:39.57Wobinexcept those weird EU people
19:40.18ShadowedIs there anything special to read or know before updating some of the global functions on the wiki? Was thinking of updating some of the battlefield info since it's somewhat outdated.
19:40.34Shadowed(meant to ask a while ago)
19:41.04Shadowedbesides the "How to edit API pages" and "API Notation and conventions" ones
19:41.09IrielKirkburn : Now make the text not move when rolled over, and make the text in the top left corner look less fuzzy.
19:41.41IrielShadowed : No, really i'd say the guidelines are (1) follow the established layouts (2) dont correct something unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure it's wrong
19:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
19:42.41Kirkburnta daa! :)
19:42.56ShadowedIriel: Alright thanks
19:44.30IrielKirkburn : (1) yay (2) linebreak? why?
19:45.39KirkburnWhat should I use instead?
19:46.45Ktronbovyptu od ,omr@@
19:47.24IrielKirkburn: I just figured you'd have the same text with crisper outlines, that was all
19:48.26KirkburnI'm not decided on whether to keep it anyway :P
19:50.15Beladonafinally, wdn changelogs are up
19:50.32Ktronpurl, coke:mentos is approximately 2 liters to 1 sleeve for maximal reactions.
19:50.33purlKtron: okay
19:51.40KirkburnCool Bela :)
19:51.58KirkburnI got rid of it ... much cleaner design without it =)
19:52.51Endwhat the hell, I'm have a productive day :O
19:52.55purlyay! i mean.. boo.
19:53.06End(erm, having)
19:54.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
19:54.34KirkburnAnyone have any suggestions about this, before I start doing the rest of the site?
19:55.50Industrialno, its nice
19:55.57Industriali'd ask Beladona in #wowi-lounge
19:56.15Beladonawrong channel?
19:56.40BeladonaI like the design Kirkburn
19:56.41KirkburnVery confusing ... =)
19:56.43Beladonanice anc clean
19:56.51IndustrialKirkburn: thought tis was in #wowace :P
19:57.10Industrialwe should merge, but I think some people would object
19:57.11KirkburnIf anything, it's a bit easier on the eyes than the current one (
19:57.12BeladonaI can join wowace if they had a question
19:57.23Endusing ircII or something? ;p
19:57.30Industrialso yes
19:57.37Endirssi is completely different :P
19:57.44Industrialnot much
19:58.21Endas two terminal based irc clients go they are completely different, not in terms of all irc clients
19:59.52Cairenngod I love QC:
19:59.54Industrialsecond is just the theme i use
20:00.44Industriallol Cairenn
20:00.47Endhrmph, maybe I was thinking of a different irc client
20:00.48Industrialyay new comic to read
20:00.59Cairennyou've never seen QC before?!?!
20:01.03Industrialno :<
20:01.10Cairennwow, you're missing out
20:01.20IndustrialI need a good comic reader app that will just show me the comics
20:01.33Industrialand the new ones automatically
20:01.39Industrialtheres just too many
20:01.57Industrialdilbert, vgcats, ctrl-alt-del, oot, etc
20:02.00Endhrm, ok, I don't know -what- irc client I was thinking of
20:02.13BeladonaI recently added google analytics to wdn.wowinterface -- it is interesting to see who is coming to the site
20:02.29Endor else, ircII is -really- customizable, and I didn't know it had a split screen mode
20:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Net (
20:03.02IndustrialI dont know much of ircII, but I know that bitchX and irssi are based off of it
20:03.34EndUnlike some text mode IRC clients, Irssi is not based on the ircII code, a
20:03.40Beladona2 people from Beijing like wdn
20:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
20:03.46Endso in this case, not based on ircII actually
20:03.55End(or at least, according to wikipedia)
20:04.10IndustrialBeladona: bet thats wobin
20:04.21Beladonaahh is he over there? didn't know that
20:04.35WobinI haven't looked at wdn for a while
20:04.40WobinCertainly not recently =)
20:05.53IndustrialWobin: sorry Ijust have to ask
20:05.54Beladona4 people from Mountain View, CA\
20:05.59IndustrialIs your real name Ed?
20:06.06Industrial*badoom tisch*
20:06.18Industrialoh, would have thought robin
20:06.25Endno, that's my name
20:06.34WobinWhere did you get Ed from? =P
20:06.53WobinSorry End, I had it first =P
20:06.53End(do a /who on me)
20:07.03Wobinoh Robin
20:07.06WobinNot Ben
20:07.14IndustrialEnd: ;P
20:07.24Endyeah, I suppose I wasn't terribly clear :P
20:07.36WobinWobin -did- come from Robin though, somewhat indirectly
20:07.38EndIndustrial likes to finger me!
20:07.49Industrialhaha :P
20:07.50WobinIn that I started with Puck, moved to Robin, then to Wobin
20:09.07AnduinLotharhmm, only mod of mine that broke is... EasyRaid
20:09.24Beladonanice, majority of people visiting wdn are Firefox users
20:09.24WobinI can say right now
20:09.32WobinWorldLinked LFG was a bad idea =(
20:09.59AnduinLothari dissagree
20:10.01KirkburnLol @ the Curse Gamign banner ..... Users Online: Too many
20:10.15WobinAL: Well, it's horrifically spammy atm
20:10.15Beladonaahh pardon, that was browser / platform combo, it is actually 60% firefox total
20:10.16Endthat's awesome
20:10.33WobinAnd I've seen maybe one request for a LFG
20:10.34Endapparently curse disabled user logins for the time being :O
20:10.39AnduinLotharmine's just lfgs. looks legit
20:10.41KirkburnI've noticed
20:10.50KirkburnSo much for posting an update :/
20:11.02AnduinLotharthere's the other server, yeah
20:11.03KirkburnOoh, cool
20:11.04Industrialmy gawddd hilarious
20:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Arog (
20:11.22EndI got an email saying login was disabled, and go use the beta1.blahblah site that netcurse just linked
20:11.27GryphenDidn't you get the email Kirkburn?
20:11.33Wobin[4. LookingForGroup] [Rubius]: because it's world linked now, everyone can see everyone's chat, that's why they're doing it
20:11.34Wobin[4. LookingForGroup] [Noctemar]: Because everyone can hear you, and we're all attention whores.
20:11.34Aroge-mail for what?
20:11.35End-I- got the mail
20:11.42GryphenThe email about Curse
20:11.59GryphenNot your Arog
20:12.09GryphenYou are joining the middle of the convo lol
20:12.10EndI'll paste it, just to spam
20:12.16EndIn an attempt to rise above the challenges that are brought to us on every Blizzard patch day, we will be disabling all accounts on Curse Gaming for the duration of the two-day patch period. To componsate for author's not being able to update their files due to this, we have setup a different page temporarily which will allow you to login and update your files should the need arrise
20:12.19KirkburnOoh, I did ... didn't get around to reading it :P  /me slaps myself
20:12.28WobinArog: Remember, it's Down the Road, not Across the Street =P
20:12.32Endand then they say go and log into the beta server
20:12.35Arogalright wobin
20:13.03Beladonahold on a second
20:13.25Beladonaso... Curse disables logins to ease patch day traffic, but puts another page up?
20:13.36Industrialyes only for authors
20:13.40Industriallike 7% of the community
20:13.45Beladonaahh ok
20:13.52Cideauthors can log in and update
20:13.55BeladonaI was gonna say, it seems anti-productive
20:13.57Cidethe rest can download from the normal site
20:14.03EndAuthors are shpecial
20:14.09Arogall of you are authors?
20:14.20Endwell, many of us :P
20:14.29ArogI should make something
20:14.33Arogbut I do not know xml
20:14.37Beladonasome are wowinterface exclusive though
20:14.40Beladonalike me
20:14.41Endyou don't -have- to use xml
20:14.41Industrialto hell with xml
20:14.42Industriallua ftw
20:14.47ArogI dont know lua either
20:14.50Arogbut I know C#, VB
20:14.54Industrialwell its very easy to learn
20:15.00Endnot knowing lua will slow you down a bit
20:15.01IndustrialASP? what kind of asp?
20:15.04Cairennthe majority of the folks in this channel are UI mod authors, since the channel is intended for them ;)
20:15.05Endthe snake type
20:15.06Arog.NET and Oriignal
20:15.09ArogASP VBScript
20:15.12Endyou know, the type that bites you
20:15.16Industrialno .net here
20:15.20Arog.NET is nice
20:15.23Arogwith C#
20:15.35Beladonaif you can learn html, you should be able to handle xml
20:15.41Industrialwell if you know C# then lua is pissss easy
20:15.52Arogis lua OO or subprocedural
20:16.00Arogor neither
20:16.06Endyou can make lua do OO
20:16.07WobinYou can pseudoOO lua
20:16.13Endbut it tends not to be
20:16.19Industrialfunny dead men hanging on the wall :D
20:16.22*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
20:16.35Industrial<-- bow weapon sadist
20:16.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
20:16.48Endthat weapon is cool
20:17.15ArogCairenn guess I am the only non author here :(
20:17.28Endnot only
20:17.34CairennArog: not the only one, but in the definite minority
20:17.35netcursei m not an author :)
20:17.37EndCairenn isn't a addon authoer either :P
20:17.40Cairenndoesn't mean you aren't welcome
20:17.50CairennEnd: yes, actually, I am ... just not for WoW
20:17.50End(ack, kan't spel)
20:17.59Endright, eq?
20:18.03Endor something like that?
20:18.16Arogpeople still play eq?
20:18.48WobinI don't know if I want to bother trying to log back in
20:19.44OsagasuI don't suppose there's a macro floating around to mute the LFG channel?
20:19.51Arogyou can close i
20:19.59Arog./leave 4
20:20.00Cairennsure Osagasu ... /leave [number]
20:20.18OsagasuYeah, but I have to unlock my chat settings to get it back later. :P
20:20.18Endor you can be in it, but not show it ;p
20:20.30End(if you right click on the chat tab)
20:20.36ArogOsagasu you just have to type /join Lookingforgroup
20:20.38Endnot sure how that is any better
20:20.54OsagasuAddons can still pick it up
20:20.56Endbut, it is an alternative way going about fixing your problem. :P
20:20.57Arogand I dont think you have to unlock it
20:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:22.12Guillotinewell... this patch isn't doing too badly for my mods
20:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
20:22.52Endyeah, this patch is less desctructive than others
20:23.29Guillotinelast patch (or was it 2 patches ago?) was the worst... the one where they switched the way scaling works
20:24.19Endthat one was pretty painful
20:24.26Endand it was 2 patches ago I think
20:24.42Kebinusantip buddy seems even more broken now *cry
20:25.00Kebinusanlove patch day
20:25.06Kebinusangetting 10 minute item lag in game
20:25.37Guillotinewhats wrong with tip buddy?
20:25.39KasoWhat's up with tipbuddy? it was working on PTR.
20:25.57Guillotinewhat is it doing incorrectly?
20:26.17Kebinusanit seems you get the tooltip at the cursor
20:26.20Legorolrofl: i just noticed what CG says at the top: Users Online: too many
20:26.22Kebinusanand locked in the bottom right corner
20:26.35AnduinLothar:P scroll up
20:26.36Guillotinelegorol: heh. ya. CG is doing suprisingly well this patch day
20:27.18AnduinLotharYAY BAG SPACE!
20:27.21EndLegorol: yeah, that's great
20:27.41Guillotinekebinusan- made sure a parent is declared in the xml file. I havn't looked at how slouken did the Screenattachment thing, but he said he may do it where it was when no parent was attached...
20:27.46AnduinLotharnow what am i gonna do with these 4 extra key spots..
20:27.55LegorolAnduinLothar: skeleton keys?
20:27.57Guillotinepet rocks for me
20:28.04Guillotineoh. in your key ring
20:28.11Guillotinethought you meant the places cleared up by moving your keys
20:28.22GuillotineLegorol: I'm pretty sure skeleton keys don't go on the keyring
20:28.30Legorolis the live build same as the ptr?
20:28.47AnduinLothari have the 'Skeleton Key'  you mean BS ones?
20:28.47Endconsumable keys don't go in the keyring
20:28.51Legorol5184 i beleive
20:29.01Legoroli mean 5284
20:29.03BeladonaI think I need to put links to the full source on the Comparison Detail pages on wdn
20:29.17LegorolBeladona: you are missing a few test builds :p
20:29.18AnduinLotharactually if BS keys did go in the key ring i might actually use them..
20:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:29.46ToastTheifI love patch day
20:29.46Legorol5428 :p
20:29.58GuillotineI agree. I'm really dissapointed that they didn't put the maraudon sceptar or the UBRS/onyxia necklaces on the key ring
20:30.14Beladona5428 was release only wasn't it? it was just internal changes that didn't make it to test
20:30.18ToastTheifAce seems to be having a few problems with 1.11
20:30.20Legorol5428 was on test
20:30.25GuillotineI didn't expect blacksmith keys to go on it, but those 3 things I did
20:30.36LegorolEU test realm is still up
20:30.38Legoroland it's 5428
20:30.42Endwell, technically they -are- keys
20:30.49Endconsidering they manipulate locked objects
20:30.52Endbut...I dunno
20:31.04AnduinLotharthey are mjic, they dont manipulate anythign
20:31.05EndI guess they decided it has to rememble a key in physical form
20:31.54Endactually, that's true the ony key -doesn't- manipulate a locked object
20:32.03Endand I'm not sure about the ubrs come to think of it?
20:32.09Guillotineubrs actually opens the door
20:32.12Enddo you actually have to right click on the door?
20:32.31Guillotinewhile it doesn't make sence lore wise, I think it still should have been done
20:32.40Guillotinebut then, theres lots of stuff that doesn't make sence realistically
20:32.46Guillotinemounts appearing from nowhere anyone?
20:32.47AnduinLotharwhat're u talkign about
20:32.57AnduinLotharubrs u just have to stand next to the door
20:33.16AnduinLotharony you have to click
20:33.39Guillotinepretty sure its the other way around... or you'd only need 1 person from the raid to be attuned for onyxia to open the door
20:33.55Endthere is a a huge thing in the way to get into onyxia's cave
20:34.00Kasoyou dont need the key to open the oynxia gates im pretty sure.
20:34.05GuillotineI dunno. I've always been summoned inside the giant gate
20:34.09Kasoyou just need it to get through th portal
20:34.17EndI'm pretty sure the key prevents you from entering the...yeah, the portal
20:35.40Guillotinewell, I still would have liked it if those 3 things had gone on the keyring. even if they don't manipulate anything, they are essentially keys in practice
20:36.32WobinEnd: I'm loving FullError, btw
20:36.46EndWobin: thanks, that's good to hear :)
20:36.48Guillotinefullerror? linky linky?
20:36.54BeladonaI am gonna need the test realm files for 5428 then. I know there probably aren't any changes, but I like to make sure
20:37.09EndI'll upload it to wowi and other sites before too long
20:37.30Endit's basically an error frame...that shows the callstack
20:38.49WobinAlthough, I'd like to be able to bring the errorframe back up again
20:39.13Endyeah, I'd like that too, which is a good sign for that feature being added ;p
20:39.25Wobinwoohoo! =)
20:39.56Endold screenshot btw, for those who haven't seen it:
20:40.11zenzelezzwhat on earth possesses a mage to roll need on Breastplate of Valor?
20:40.42Cairennand down go the Blizz forums, kaboom!
20:41.01AnduinLotharKil'jaeden jsut bllew up too
20:42.37AnduinLotharlol, no more "This Character Already Exists" instead it just cancils log otu w/o the pop up :P
20:45.01Guillotineyay for blizz geniousness
20:45.19Industrialoh arse
20:45.29IndustrialHow do I get my suit when I already have it in HL2?
20:45.34Industrialstupid intro scenes
20:45.34Guillotineso... did anyone else try dling the patch from CG? its exiting the blizz dler after it finishes without updated it...
20:45.55Guillotinepress escape to skip an intro scene
20:46.15Industrialnono i impulse 101'ed
20:46.18Industrialto play with guards
20:46.23Industrialso i have the suit so i cant pull it on
20:46.32Industrialah wait Im at chapter 2, i can start a new game there
20:46.52Guillotineyou're not talking about WoW, are you?
20:48.01Industrialmy laptop used to do 20
20:48.06Industrialnew pc, wanted to try it :-)
20:48.26GuillotineARGHHH. my blizz dler says its finished and is exiting, but its not updating >_<
20:48.31Industrialdeveloper 1;fps_max 999;cl_showfps 1
20:51.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
20:55.02Guillotineso this dl from curse included "WoW-" and "". anyone know what to do with it? when I do it outside of the WoW folder, it finishes, says its  comlete, but then doesn't ever open up the update program. If I do it in the WoW folder, it tries to re-dl it
20:55.08KirkburnMikk1 has gone and made the wiki all weird :P
20:55.50netcurseguillotine their is a trick
20:55.51netcurselet me see
20:56.11Guillotinehey, its net :D heya
20:56.17netcursehello :)
20:59.06KirkburnIndustrial, played Ep1?
21:02.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:07.16KirkburnIt's gone so quiet! :(
21:08.03Wobinokay, if you insist
21:10.18WobinEnd: Also, could FullError show the line number of the actual error? at the moment, it's only showing the error text (and it's uncopypastable) =(
21:10.47Endthe first copyable line is the line the error occured on
21:10.49Endor it should be
21:10.58Mr_Rabies2Damage of General Rajaxx has been lowered.
21:11.02Mr_Rabies2THANK GOD
21:12.25JoshBorke( Cairenn ): what is the link to the downloader again?
21:12.52Cairennrequires premium membership though
21:13.43Guillotinewow. this patch must be freakin big. it says "Sorry, the installer was unable to start up. you may be out of hard drive space". I mean, hell, I only have 207 gigs unused...
21:14.23zenzelezzon the Windows partition?
21:14.23netcurseCairenn why linking alla when their is tons of free link all over?
21:14.29KirkburnOmg, no more Top of the Pops!
21:14.36Guillotinezenzelezz: this compuer isn't partitioned
21:14.38netcurseespecially a website owned by ige
21:14.55zenzelezzwonder if it's like the 2GB thing before, that some file operations just aren't aware of more
21:15.23Guillotinenet: it isn't technically owned by IGE. its just owned by the same people as IGE...
21:15.40KirkburnLet us not go into this again
21:15.42netcurseya right ok :) i won t start with this:)
21:15.47AnduinLotharoh nice... it now says how many of an item you recieved
21:15.57EndAnduinLothar: yes, but does it work properly?
21:16.00Guillotineanduin: lol. yah. someone didn't read the patch notes?
21:16.10AnduinLotharYou recieve item [Symbol of Kings]x20.
21:16.22AnduinLothari read the patch notes, didn't see that in there
21:17.20Endthe issue is that it was miscalculating because it was just looking at stack size (mostly)
21:18.17Cairennnetcurse: to answer your question:
21:18.38Cairennand no, we are NOT owned by IGE and I'm bloody well sick to death of this gd conversation
21:18.41Cairennget your facts right
21:18.58netcurseya right :)
21:19.44JoshBorkebah for world PvP in EPL
21:20.08zenzelezzthankfully I solved that problem by rolling this warrior on a PvE server
21:21.44JoshBorkehopefully i can log in and find myself dead
21:21.48JoshBorkeand maybe be able to move around
21:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
21:25.27zinorHello all
21:25.56*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
21:26.05netcursehi zinor
21:26.22Guillotineheya ;)
21:28.11Legorolhow big was the patch download for those people who let the background downloader get the 130 Mb or so already?
21:28.57Legorolreally? 150 more on top of the 130?
21:29.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:29.16Legorolso you only needed to get 20?
21:29.34Mr_Rabies2something changed in the EULA
21:29.38zinorI like their new patching system
21:29.44Legorolit's good, yes
21:29.46zinorexcept that its hard for people to download patches w/o it now
21:30.16zenzelezz150*0.83=124.5... sounds about right with people saying they were "stuck" on 83% earlier today
21:30.48Guillotinethe blizz downloader doesn't work at all for me :(
21:30.59Guillotineso I'm trying to dl it from someplace else like usual
21:31.14Guillotinebut nobody has one that works...
21:31.18Guillotineat least not on my computer
21:31.20AnduinLotharbuy a mac :P
21:31.30zinorGuillotine, this site seems to have them
21:31.36zinori havent tried it myself, since wow wont run on vista
21:31.36Mikk1damn. not @
21:31.42zinorerr for me at least
21:35.06KirkburnIf you find/want a mirror link - go there ^
21:35.23Kirkburn(and add it)
21:43.42*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:45.37Guillotinenice... tnx kirkburn
21:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Buttink (
21:46.39LegorolDoes anyone know if/how is it possible for an AddOn to utilise CTRA's channel for message sending?
21:46.50LegorolI vaguely remember Cide saying something about it..
21:46.51Gryphenyou can use any channel
21:46.57EndI know if, but not how :P
21:47.08Endand by how, I don't know how to find out what the ctra channel is
21:47.16End(obviously some variable though)
21:47.22End(or something similar)
21:47.23AnduinLotharbut why do you want to
21:47.27Legoroli'm not talking about just simply sending stuff over that channel
21:47.44Legoroli meant making use of CTRA's features for passing large amounts of data, so it schedules it and encodes it for you
21:48.10LegorolAnduinLothar: because no matter how much we'd like, not everyone has Sky
21:48.13Legorolbut everyone has CTRA
21:48.14Buttinkwhat do u mean by features??
21:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:48.26LegorolCTRA's message passing routines are smart
21:48.35AnduinLotharit's embeddable
21:48.37Legorolit chops up large messages etc. so you don't get disconnected
21:48.47Buttinkuse there fuctions lol
21:48.55LegorolButtink: that's exactly what i was asking about
21:48.57Legorolhow do i do that
21:49.13Guillotineoh. you just said the channel ;) you'd have to look at the code to use the functions
21:49.19Buttinkwait let me see if i can find um i had to use a few myself for my mod
21:49.28Legorolsorry, i was ambiguous Guillotine, you are right
21:49.36Guillotinemost addons I've seen just hook the command in order to find out which channel CTRA is using. that may be easier anyway
21:49.52Legorolthat's not enough for me :(
21:49.57Guillotineunless you plan on your addon actually communicating with CTRA like Ora?
21:50.00Legoroli need to send large amount of data over to the entire raid
21:50.09Legorolno i don't want to communicate with CTRA
21:50.10Buttinklook under CT_RaidAssist.lua its most likley in there
21:50.14EndI have nothing to suggest other than an exploratory mission to the CENTER OF THE SUN
21:50.20Endthat'll fix your problems
21:50.21LegorolButtink: i figured that much :)
21:50.31LegorolEnd: indeed
21:50.32Endexploring the center of the sun always fixes -my- problems at least
21:50.44Legorolbecause once you have done so, you don't have any more problems?
21:50.46Buttinki hate exploring the center of the sun
21:51.00EndI didn't say I didnt have any
21:51.05EndI said it fixed them
21:51.23Legoroldoes it fix them, or you just don't care about them anymore after the trip
21:51.32CideLegorol: sorry, back
21:51.41Legorolhi Cide, you are the man i need
21:51.54Legorolis it currently possible for an AddOn to get CTRA to send data on its behalf?
21:52.08Endwell, it's not about caring
21:52.10netcurse16K users on curse and still up /flex
21:52.17Legoroli'd like to pass large quantities of data, and i need stuff like disconnect protection,
21:52.22Legorolencoding of "s" and so on
21:52.25Cideyou can send data, yes... receiving *FROM* ctra is rather tricky right now
21:52.28Legorolafaik, CTRA can do that, but how do i go about it
21:52.43Cide(which I'm changing in the new version, but that's not due yet)
21:52.51Cideto send, just use CT_RA_AddMessage(message)
21:52.54Legorolok, if you don't have time right now, can you give me some pointers?
21:53.02EndI like to shit on this shlippery shlope ...hic!
21:53.13LegorolCTRA_AddMessage does what, does it just add the message to a queue of things to be sent out?
21:53.26Cideand encodes the stuff you mentioned
21:53.34Cideflood protection, split, etc
21:53.36Legorolwhat method are you using to prevent disconnect?
21:53.50Cidejust a simple limit + flush every X seconds
21:53.52Legorolin practice, what's the largest message size you send out, and at what frequence
21:53.55End(oh, I know what it encodes)
21:54.08Cideum, 255 chars I believe
21:54.29ButtinkGAR why doesnt <OnLoad> Funcname(arg1); </OnLoad> always say that my function Funcname(time) ALWAYS said time doesnt exist what am i doing wrong lol
21:54.30Legoroldo you properly buffer it if CTRA_AddMessage is getting called more often then it can send stuff out?
21:54.47Endwhat is time?
21:54.59CideLegorol: yes
21:54.59Mikk1does onload pass a time parameter? o.O
21:55.01Buttinktime elapsed
21:55.14Legorolthanks Cide
21:55.15EndOnLoad cares about time?
21:55.16Mikk1Thought only onupdate did that
21:55.18Buttinkim trying to follow this wowwiki walkthough but its confusing me
21:55.23Endthat's what I thought too
21:55.23Legorolany pointers to how i'd go about receiving it?
21:55.31Legoroleven if tricky... i am happy to poke in the code
21:55.34Endand it'd be time since what?
21:55.41Mikk1Buttink: figure out what's wrong and edit the page please =)
21:55.41LegorolButtink: link
21:55.45CideLegorol: it sends at most 4 messages per second, it checks the queue every .1 sec, if there's more than one message, they're clumped together
21:55.54Mikk1Yeah, that's particularily about OnUpdate
21:55.58LegorolCide: that's clever
21:55.59Mikk1OnLoad doesn't work liek that
21:56.07Mikk1All events do different things
21:56.09Buttinkthen how do i use OnLoad
21:56.16EndOnLoad isn't even listed on that patch
21:56.18LegorolButtink: ok, here is the thing
21:56.21ButtinkNO NO not ONLoad i meant onupdate
21:56.25Legorolarg1 is a global variable, NOT an argument
21:56.40Mikk1can be passed in as an argument though, but it's slightly silly =)
21:56.40End<_< >_>
21:56.42Legorolit gets set to the time that has elapsed since the last time OnUpdate was called
21:57.17Legorolin the XML, you need to have something like:
21:57.21Buttinkand my actualy function is "function CT_Heal_UpdateButtons(time) blah blah blah insert code here"
21:57.21CideLegorol: what you want to do
21:57.24Legorol<OnUpdate> funcname(arg1) </OnUpdate>
21:57.32CideLegorol: is to hook CT_RA_ParseMessage(playerName, message)
21:57.37LegorolCide: i have one large block of data i'd like to send out to all raid members
21:57.38CideplayerName is the nick of the person who sent it
21:57.46Legorolwith flood/size protection and encoding
21:57.53EndMikk1: yes, I know about -that- page
21:58.00Endbut the page -he- linked doesn't mention it
21:58.04Mikk1ah =)
21:58.12LegorolButtink: once your XML looks like that, then in your Lua, you want
21:58.22Legorolfunction funcname(anyvariablenameyoulike) ... end
21:58.28Buttinkwiat wait wait here let me link
21:58.34Legorolinside the function, you can use the anyvariablenameyoulike
21:58.47Mikk1fwiw, i wouldn't use "time" =P
21:58.50Buttink- <Scripts>
21:58.52CideLegorol: CT_RA_ParseMessage performs the check to make sure that the playerName is in the raid (rather stupid I know, but that's how it is right now)
21:58.58Buttinkthats my script IGNORE th e-
21:58.58Mikk1Buttink: you're not passing in arg1
21:59.26Buttinkwiat wait i had it in there lol
21:59.34LegorolMikk1: you don't have to
21:59.38Mikk1i know
21:59.43Legorolthere are two alternative ways of doing it, at least
21:59.44Mikk1but if he wants it named "time"; he does
21:59.54Legorolthat's correct
22:00.00Buttinkok ok i fixed that lol now i get new error
22:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:00.20LegorolCide: thanks
22:00.32CideLegorol: so pseudocode would be.. newCT_RA_ParseMessage(playerName, message) oldCT_RA_ParseMessage(playerName, message); if ( playerNameIsInRaid(playerName ) then -- Do stuff with playerName and/or message end end
22:00.58End~whaleslap Mikk1
22:01.04purlACTION beats Mikk1 upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
22:01.05LegorolCide, that seems easy enough, but
22:01.16Legorolin that pseudocode, at what point does message get decoded?
22:01.18*** join/#wowi-lounge maia (n=maia@
22:01.24Cidebefore that code is called
22:01.29Cidemessage is the decoded message
22:01.34Legorolok cool
22:01.43Cideone thing worth mentioning
22:01.47Buttinkwhats this concatenate local "nameofmyvar"???
22:01.51Cideyou can't send one message that is longer than 255 chars
22:01.57Legorolso if i'm sending my custom message, wouldn't i want to hook it so i execute before the old CTRAParseMesage?
22:02.03Legorolso i can swallow the message
22:02.10Legoroland only call ParseMessage if it's not one of mine
22:02.11Cidetrue, that'd be better
22:02.19maia1.11 dev question: anyone noticed problems with PlaySoundFile()? No matter which addon, they all don't play sounds anymore.
22:02.37LegorolButtink: ok, Lua basics 101
22:02.50Legorolfunction MyFunc(name) ... end
22:03.12Legoroldefines a function where inside the function, you refer to the argument with the name "name"
22:03.17Legorolgah, name is a bad idea
22:03.20Legorolwhy don't i just pastebin an example
22:07.54Legorolhm, pastebin misbehaving
22:08.04Legorolok Buttink: on the XML side, you put arg1 in the bracket
22:08.21Legorolon the Lua side, in the bracket you put a name, any name, by which you want to refer to the time inside your function
22:08.22Buttinkoh i got that to work
22:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
22:08.58Buttinknow im just having problems with functions in diffrent files and vars and all this crap (shitty code lol)
22:09.25Legorolin your .toc file, you have to list the lua file that defines the function before the xml file that uses it
22:09.54Buttinkyah i think i have my config listed befor my main i am aobut to check
22:12.03*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
22:12.09ButtinkNOOB QUESTION about xml..... i can load ANY lua as long as i <Script file = "name" /> right...
22:12.26Endyou can list the lua files in the .toc file as well
22:12.55*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:13.02Endand...there might be restrictions on where they can reside, but I'm just guessing about that...
22:13.06Buttinkso if i have file1.xml file2.lua and file3.lua       file1.xml cna use funcs from BOTH as long as they are listed in the toc
22:13.21Buttinkand loaded in the right order
22:13.34Endas long as the functions are global
22:13.43Buttinkok sweet
22:13.46Endand you don't try to use them before the file has been loaded
22:14.09LegorolButtink: avoid using the <Script> tag in the XML
22:14.16Legoroljust list the Lua files before the XML in the toc
22:14.30Legorolthe <Script> tag is considered deprecated
22:15.27Buttinklets see if this stuff works..
22:15.30Industrial< Kirkburn> Industrial, played Ep1?
22:16.29Legoroli forgot they are bringing down EU authentication servers..
22:16.39Legoroland you are supposed to stay logged in to the game if you want to carry on playing
22:16.44Legoroland stupid me, i logged out for a moment
22:16.56Legorolno more WoW tonight for me :( even though maintenance isn't for 3 hours
22:17.13Buttinkwell will mess with this later (no errors HELLZ YAH) going to ZG .... dont relay need anything though
22:17.51MoonWolfnight everybody
22:18.49IndustrialCairenn|afk: besides ME, what is 'indie'?
22:20.32End~dict indie
22:23.02Irielindie being "Independent"
22:23.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:23.12Irielin case there was any doubt
22:23.21IndustrialCairenn: love the cartoon gunna read all of it
22:23.25IndustrialIriel: nay
22:24.10Industrial'no poo on the pee-pee' how brilliant
22:26.39JoshBorkewell that's swell, raid leader sends a new message now :-/
22:27.01Mikk1Legorol: Great time for you to help out fix the sodding Widget API updates in WoWBench then =)
22:34.16Dolby-wowiI'll have to watch it when i get home. no sound at this comp at work
22:34.17JoshBorkeerm, i now have 2 tooltips with tipbuddy?
22:34.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:36.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
22:38.59Mikk1I'm half of a mind to show that to my gf
22:39.03Mikk1She's playing Civ4 right now =P
22:39.29Mikk1Been going "Just one more turn and then I'll go to bed" for .. oh.. closer to an hour now =)
22:39.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
22:42.31JoshBorkehello tain
22:42.44Guillotinethats pretty dang cool
22:43.43JoshBorkei like CTRA's raid leader highlighting better
22:45.12AnduinLotharha, we bugged out a rune, wont die, infinite runes and stones
22:46.30Guillotineis this on live servers or as QA?
22:46.56AnduinLotharshard on live
22:47.38Guillotineheh. nice
22:49.12Guillotinehow'd you bug it out? I could use all those runes and stones... :P
22:49.30zespri_workwhat is rune?
22:50.19Guillotinethe things you turn in for the invasion rewards I believe
22:50.35zespri_workoh ic
22:53.05zespri_workIriel, so how dod you single out these ones form all the items in the sticky post?
23:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
23:02.08JoshBorkethey need an option to open bags+keyring
23:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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23:04.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:08.54Guillotineanybody know the API command to open a keyring? can't find it on wowwiki
23:09.21KirovI haven't exported the .xml yet
23:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge iamwatchingyou (
23:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
23:20.18Cairennhey Qzot
23:20.35QzotQuestion for you: Which patch put AHs in all capitol cities.
23:20.57CairennQzot: I wasn't mad, I was just saying, why not save yourself time and effort and save the list the spam
23:21.12QzotI had no reason to think you were mad.
23:21.26Cairennokay, just the way you responded, thought perhaps you took my comment wrong
23:21.27QzotDid my response make you wonder?
23:21.33QzotNope. Not at all.
23:21.45QzotI thought it was a good suggestion.
23:22.01JoshBorke( Qzot ): i think 1.7 or 1.8
23:22.11Arogah bac
23:22.25QzotThat sounds more right. imho.
23:22.31QzotExcellent. Thanks!
23:22.38Cairenn"With the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, new Armor Models, Linked Auction Houses, Multiple Battleground Queues and much more, the eagerly awaited 1.9 Content Patch is now live!"
23:23.40Qzot1.9 went live Jan 3?? o.O
23:24.18QzotTime flies.
23:24.28Cairennthat it does
23:24.49Qzot has a musing about whether that patch caused a change in people's behavior.
23:25.18QzotPlayOn actually has enough data to quantify that into an analysis, but needed to know the transition date.
23:25.37Cairennwell, now you know
23:25.43QzotI do.
23:25.52QzotAnd a few more hours of work, and I'll have an answer.
23:26.38zenzelezzQzot: tell us the result when you get it
23:29.07Arogdo most of you play on pvp or pve servers
23:29.40maiaanyone having problems with PlaySoundFile() on 1.11? It does return true for me, but it doesnt play anything.
23:29.42Cairennpve by preference
23:30.34ArogI am trying to find a good PvE EST server
23:30.36Arog:( no luck
23:30.57TainOften I feel more like I play PvMyComputer
23:31.16AnduinLotharanyone have any idea why a multiline editbox would truncate and add ... ?
23:31.59Kaeltenanyone point me to some documentation on the button changes?
23:33.38Cairennyou mean beyond what was in the changes threads?
23:33.44Mikk1Anything in particular you're wondering about?
23:33.56Cairennor what can be found on wdn?
23:33.56AnduinLotharGetHistoryLines(), GetMaxBytes()  == 0
23:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:35.25IrielAnduinLothar : What about GetMaxLetters() ?
23:35.58AnduinLotharwas 0 till i set it to an obscenely large number, no effect
23:39.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:45.14zenzelezz80085 ?
23:47.11AnduinLotharlemme see how many chars it fits.
23:48.21AnduinLothar128 lines..
23:48.40AnduinLotharall copy fine, but the text trunkates
23:49.36Guillotinewoohoo! found a bug
23:50.01zenzelezzsquash it
23:50.11Guillotinehas to do with the [Conjured water]X4 thing. if you do that more than once, it only shows the "X Y" in the first cast
23:50.21AnduinLothar2205 vissible characters... but at least 16 invisible per line
23:50.54QzotHeh. I never realized just *how* unused Darnassus is.
23:51.07IrielGuillotine : Is it related to the stack overflow / non-overflow difference
23:51.21IrielQzot : It's a total ghost town most of the time
23:51.37Arogdo you think there is any guild that will recruit a level 1 dwarf priest (who promises to get to 60 within 1.5 weeks)?
23:51.41Aroga raiding guild
23:51.44Arognot any casual guild
23:52.09QzotNo. What would be the advantage to you, anyway?
23:52.27ArogQzot I rule?
23:52.38IrielWhy not just get to level 60 in 1.5 weeks THEN ask?
23:53.02QzotNot many individuals can get a toon to 60 in 1.5 weeks, anyway.
23:54.17zenzelezzI doubt they would anyway... you may be 60, but you can hardly farm raid-worthy equipment in the process if you only spend 1.5 weeks
23:54.48Arogwell they can take me through MC or whatever
23:54.52QzotMost require at least tier 0 equipment.
23:55.04Guillotinenot on my server
23:55.14Arogwhat does your server require
23:55.17zenzelezzArog: they could... but why would they, when there are likely to be better-equipped priests around? :)
23:55.18QzotIf you are aggressive enough to level a toon in 1.5 weeks ...
23:55.20GuillotineI'm only level 51 dwarf priest and I have plenty of invites waiting for raiding guilds
23:55.22Arogzenz :(
23:55.28ArogGuillotine what server
23:55.32Qzot... then you wouldn't want to join any guild that would accept you in that condition.
23:55.32Guillotinefor anything else they require good gear, but not dwarf priests
23:55.33ArogI want to join a pve EST server
23:55.42GuillotineArog: its PST. Draenor
23:55.48ArogI was on a PST server
23:55.51Arograid times screwed me
23:55.53GuillotineArog: There seems to be lots of mid-day raiding though
23:55.57Guillotinemuch more than evening
23:56.04Guillotineso it would be evening for you
23:56.18QzotAren't you planning to be on pretty much 24/7 anyways?
23:56.21Guillotineyah. kind of sucks for me, but...
23:56.23Arogqzot just for 2 weeks
23:56.36ArogMy exams/semester finishes on the 11th of august
23:56.40Arogwork starts from 1st september
23:56.43Arog2 weeks to go crazy
23:58.05GuillotineArog: my server isn't very hardcore though. Only a couple guilds have downed AQ and those ones probably wouldn't let in someone without tier 1 gear
23:58.13Endurk, I'm at 99% of the patch download
23:58.16Guillotinethe ones that let you in no matter what are mostly working on rag
23:58.25KirkburnFinally! It is done ... can someone check this over please =)
23:59.10GuillotineArog: though I'd still guess you'd get more raids your time on a EST server
23:59.15GuillotineArog: but mine does have some
23:59.50ArogGuillotine i am not looking for that hardcore

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