irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060614

00:00.22kasoha, didnt even notice them.
00:00.30kasodamn lousy monitor
00:02.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:06.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]ScytheBlade1 (
00:07.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ostoles (
00:23.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
00:28.40zenzioI can't quite decide if I'd want my tombstone to read "Operation timed out" or "Remote host closed socket" :-(
00:29.57EndConnection reset by peer
00:30.37zenziono, that's too standard
00:30.42zenzioevery IRC noob can do that
00:31.16Endme, I'd go for Segmentation fault
00:32.07zenzio"Received SIGTERM"
00:33.06zenzioor if I died from a heart attack, "Kernel panic"
00:33.34AnduinLothar"Death By Chocolate" will eb mine
00:35.06zenzioint 3
00:37.57*** part/#wowi-lounge ostoles (
00:39.06Legorolthe best funny tech support story i just read:
00:39.22Legoroli'd been reading them funny stories for a while now, but this one's got to be the most hilarious
00:39.47Wobinckknight: Sigh
00:39.54WobinI've been reading those
00:40.00WobinThey're just making me depressed =P
00:45.41LegorolCairenn: yes i know, it was a deliberate word alteration
00:45.51Legorolthose -> them
00:46.11Legorolstill, that's a funny story!
00:46.28Legorolhow're you by the way? i haven't been around much recently
00:49.37Cairenndoing well enough, yourself?
00:57.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
01:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio_ (
01:02.08Legorolfine, but very hot and wet around here..
01:02.48Legoroli just had an excellent day, i had managed to get through to a technical support representative at my ISP who actually understood what i was talking about
01:03.13Legorolnot before being connected to a call center in India twice, though
01:03.44zenzioalways some trouble with tech support
01:03.57Legorolanyways i won't repeat the whole thing, you can read it if you scroll back up
01:04.19Legorolnot worth the hassle though
01:04.32Cairennread it, amusing
01:04.50Cairennsad and pathetic, but amusing none the less
01:05.01zenzioonce when our connection was about as stable as the Eiffel tower turned upside down we kept calling them and they insisted we try connecting from a Windows machine (since we use a Linux gateway) and such junk, until finally we reached some guy who said straight away that "he could see there was something very wrong"
01:05.39LegorolCairenn: it was really cool, this guy actually new what an RFC is!
01:05.50Legorolwe discussed HTTP content headers, transparent proxies etc.
01:06.09Legoroli think i got lucky and among the endless phonecalls and being transferred i landed with a higher tier support representative
01:06.42Legorolat the end of the conversation he agreed taht the fault could be with their servers, and was interested in the network packets i sniffed and asked me to email them to him
01:06.47Legorolhow cool is that for tech support
01:06.51Legorolso i duly complied
01:06.57Cairennvery very nice indeed
01:07.37Legorolthe best part is: i complained to him how it usually takes me ages to get past the first line of their tech support defense, when i know what i'm talking about and the tech support person doesn't
01:07.49Legorolso he told me his name, gave me an email addy etc. i can use to contact him in the future
01:08.37Legorolplus he thanked me and appreciated me taking the time and diagnosing the problem with their servers :)
01:08.40Legorolso that just made my day
01:09.02Legorolusually when there's something i can figure out on my end, it's extremely frustrating when i can't get that information across to the right person
01:09.26Legorolthat's one reason why i love WoW and UI modding and slouken
01:09.31Legorolhe is directly accessible to us
01:09.42Legorolif there is something wrong, and we have enough technical details, we can easily get it to him
01:09.48Legorolthree thumbs up
01:09.55Legorolok i'll shut up now
01:10.21Legoroloh and i also met a cool bus driver
01:10.34Legorol(btw, shoot me when you don't want to listen to me rant)
01:10.38Legorolyou see, my bike broke
01:10.49Legorolso nowadays, whilst i figure out whether it's worth fixing or just buying a new one,
01:10.52Legoroli take the bus
01:11.06Legoroli have memorised the time table, and it's extremely frustrating when buses leave their stops too early
01:11.19Legoroli don't like waiting, so i tend to get there just on time for when the bus is supposed to leave
01:11.25Legorolbut at minor stops, they don't wait around
01:11.40Legorolso i often just miss the bus
01:11.53Legoroli guess it's my fault, i could be there a few minutes earlier, accounting for them not waiting
01:12.14Legorolanyways, this driver today was waiting for like two minutes at the stop, just idling, because it wasn't time for him to leave just yet
01:12.17zenzioshould always show up a minute or two ahead anyhow
01:12.29zenziosooner or later your watch will be off compared to theirs
01:12.30Legorolyeah but i'm talking 5 minutes earlier than advertised
01:12.40Legorolyeah i account for potential watch mis-synchronization
01:13.01Legorolanyways, i went up to the driver and thanked him for waiting around
01:13.09Legoroland lo and behold, one guy just managed to make it to the bus
01:13.14Legorolhe wouldn't have made it if the driver didn't idle
01:13.28Legoroland it wasn't just lucky, that person knew the timetable as well
01:13.53Legorolok, why am i rambling about bus timetables?
01:14.02zenziomy watch has been remarkably on time... one of those funky ones that recharge from light. Think I bought it about three years ago now, never touched the battery
01:14.05Legoroli should be grinding to lvl 60..
01:14.34Legoroli have a casio that i got 8 years ago, never changed battery
01:14.49Legorolit gets about a minute fast over about a month or so
01:15.04zenziowhat does it recharge off; light or kinetic energy?
01:15.14Legoroljust a standard wristwatch
01:15.18zenziostrong battery
01:15.26Legorolwell i guess i'm lucky
01:15.32Legorolcame with the watch, not like i bought it
01:15.37IrielAll of my fancy watches stop working far too fast
01:15.40zenzioI've never had a normal one last more than ~two years I *think*
01:15.57Legorolhey Iriel, how're things
01:16.15zenziowell, the only fancy part about my watch is that it recharges... I don't like the ones with a million "featuers"
01:16.28zenzionor features for that matter
01:16.38Irielthings are far busier at work than I enjoy
01:16.42Irielbut newegg replaced my TV
01:16.46Irielso I suppose I'm not so bad.
01:17.11Legorolah it's a shop
01:17.17Legorolgood for you
01:17.24IrielOnline retailer
01:17.39Legorolbtw, was it you that suggested the idea when i was complaining about corrupt vista download that it could be my ISP's fault?
01:17.42Legoroli can't remember..
01:18.10Legorolin case you care, the end of the story: packet sniffing revealed that my ISP's proxy server corrupts the Content-Length field of the HTTP response
01:19.30IrielYes, I suggested their proxy only knew 32 bits
01:19.50Legorolah yeah thanks for that
01:20.01Legorolseems like you were right about that one
01:20.11Legoroleven though, strangely enough, it can handle more than that in the Content-Range field
01:20.30Legoroli managed to catch a weird packet where Content-Length was corrupted, but Content-Range wasn't, and had a value greater than 32 bits
01:21.04Legorol(semi-)happy ending: after much phone calls and fighting, i managed to get in touch with someone at my ISP who actually understood what i'm talking about
01:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:21.15Legorolsent him off the packet captures, and he said their server team would look at it
01:21.34ScytheBlade1Who's your ISP?
01:21.34Legorolof course i can't expect overnight changes, if they even bother to fix their software, it would take ages for it to go live on their servers
01:21.40LegorolNTL in UK
01:21.55ScytheBlade1Small ISP?
01:22.04Legorolso i still don't have vista download, but i will sleep happily knowing that the technical details reached their destination
01:22.12LegorolScytheBlade1: nope, this is the 2nd largest telco in the UK, after BT
01:22.20Legorolthey do cable, phone, TV, broadband, everything
01:22.46Legoroli think Iriel mentioned that it's not uncommon for server software to only handle 32 bits though
01:22.55Legorolso it's not really their fault, but whoever wrote their proxy software
01:28.39IrielOlder software, yes
01:30.17Legoroli have come across a great forum though in the process
01:30.39Legorolit's for end users to discuss cable services in the UK, but it's mostly seemed to be focused on NTL
01:30.46Legorollot's of nice stories, discussions etc.
01:31.10Legoroland lots of people having the same problem with vista download as me ;-)
01:31.34Legorolthere's a thread about why NTL even bothers with transparent proxies
01:31.44Legorolit does cause a lot of problems, since they aren't that transparent at all
01:32.12Legorolfor example, the proxy alters the source IP of the HTTP request, so any web service that checks the source IP is confused
01:32.28Legorolas a result, i have trouble downloading from rapidshare, but more importantly, I can't log in to
01:33.46LegorolI still don't have the vista beta btw... I dont' suppose anyone knows a 3rd party proxy address that I could use and waste 4 gigs of bandwidth on? :)
01:34.00ScytheBlade1Oh right
01:34.05ScytheBlade1You need the x64
01:38.20Legorolyay, they actually have it now
01:38.25Legorolthey didn't yesterday
01:38.36Legorollet the swarm begin!
01:39.37ScytheBlade1problem solved ;)
01:40.11zenzioremember not to try to save on a FAT32 partition
01:59.07zenziois there any way to turn the WoW cursor invisible? (other than moving it to the very edge of the screen)
02:01.46ckknightin 1.11
02:02.03ckknightyou can change the cursor to arbitrary images
02:02.15IrielYes, indeed
02:02.26IrielIn 1.11 you can, before 1.11 you can't
02:02.26zenziosuch as a blank one then?
02:02.39zenziopure alpha
02:03.33IrielThat'd be the thing to use, yup
02:03.50zenzioneat, cheers
02:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:12.40Legorolis there a quick and easy way to convert hex string into numbers in Lua?
02:12.53ckknighttonumber("ff", 16) == 255
02:14.01Legorolah yeah thanks
02:17.06AnduinLotharyeah, and i think there's a Sea.string.toHex  but i think it does it manually, which is silly and should be changed
02:18.31Legoroland what about the reverse, converting a number to a string in a particular base?
02:19.02Iriel> return string.format("%.2x", 200)
02:19.23Legorolumm.. what's the .2 and the x?
02:19.30Legoroli am not looking for base 16, but arbitrary base
02:19.50AnduinLotharx is to hex i believe
02:19.58IrielYou need to do it yourself for other bases
02:20.01Legorolthat's what i was afraid of
02:20.05IrielIt's remarkably easy though
02:20.24AnduinLothardid find that you can round easily using format too
02:20.31zenziomust... refrain from... all your base...
02:20.45AnduinLotharto an arbitrary decimal place
02:21.23purlhandle it!
02:22.05AnduinLothartonumber(format("%."..decimalplaces.."f", num))
02:23.20AnduinLothareasir that multiplying 10 by the decplaces and dividing from the number before and after a +.5 floor
02:24.03AnduinLotharnot that that's at all useful to you
02:25.04AnduinLotharSea.math has intFromHex and hexFromInt
02:25.18Legorolmeh, how about an easy way to replace the nth character of a string with something else?
02:25.27IrielLegorol : Strings are immutable
02:25.32Legoroldo i have to do string.sub(1,n-1)..c..string.sub(n+1)
02:25.35IrielLegorol : So it's 2 substrings and 2 concats
02:25.53AnduinLotharcould regex it, but why..
02:25.54Irielit's 2 substrings and one big concat when it's executed
02:26.11IrielSo about as efficient as you can get
02:26.45Legoroldarn, i wish string.sub(s,-0) would return empty string
02:27.11Legorolactually, why doesn't it?
02:27.28Legorolsince sub(s,1) is the whole string, sub(s,-1) is last char, shouldn't sub(s,0) be empty string?
02:27.36AnduinLotharnil, isn't it?
02:27.45Legorolno, sub(s,0) returns whole string
02:28.08Irielbecause -0 is 0
02:28.27Legorolbut why does sub(s,0) get the whole string, when so does sub(s,1)?
02:28.58Legorolwell that's how it works, so i have to code around it..
02:32.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
02:36.54Cairennyou have GOT to see this!
02:41.34Cairenncan you say "undead mage"?
02:41.55ckknight_I was thinking he was an Eredar
02:41.57Cairennhey! ckknight_!
02:41.58AnduinLotharlooks kinda like a character in DotA
02:42.38Cairenngimmah an option to turn OFF all the money details! I just want to have the nice little total display on my bar
02:42.52CairennI don't want all the rest of that stuff, dun care about it, let me turn it off
02:43.01Cairennpretty please?
02:43.24ckknightyou have the nice little display
02:43.31ckknightyou want it to not show as much in the tooltip?
02:43.44Cairennall the stuff when you mouse over
02:43.55Cairennit can all just go away, don't care about any of it
02:44.10Cairennand definitely the per hour junk
02:44.16ckknightum, don't move your mouse over it
02:44.25ckknightand tada, no more issue
02:44.47Cairennannoying when moving mouse up to mouse over something else and get that thing
02:45.21ckknightit goes away as soon as you mouse off
02:45.24CairennI imagine some people love it, and that's great, but allow the option to turn off stuff you don't want
02:46.06ckknightso you don't want a tooltip at all or what?
02:47.01Cairennit wasn't "so" bad when it was just the amount, but the per hour stuff really drives me crazy
02:47.22TainYeah actually I'd like a no tooltip option.
02:47.22ckknightlol, why's that?
02:47.31ckknightinformation overload?
02:47.38AnduinLotharsilly minimalists
02:47.39ckknightTain, just don't mouse over
02:47.48zenzioif everything was meant to have tooltips they would never vanish
02:47.49AnduinLotharor make it OnClick
02:47.52ckknightI won't have there be no tooltip
02:47.56Tainckknight do you really honestly feel that's a solution?
02:47.59TainDont' mouse over?
02:48.10Cairennit really isn't =/
02:48.11TainJust checking.
02:48.18ckknightthat's the only time tooltips show up
02:48.21Tain"Doctor it hurts when I do this!"  "Don't do that."
02:48.21ckknightwhen yuo interact
02:48.47CairennI don't mind seeing what my totals are on each of my characters, but the "how much I made today, yesterday, last week /per hour" I could care less
02:49.06TainActually ckknight it's really a lot better for you to just say, "I won't do it." than try to justify why other people are wrong for wanting it.
02:49.12ckknightI'll add that option, Cairenn
02:49.18Cairennthank you
02:49.28ckknightTain, I won't do it: I'm sleepy.
02:49.29Cairennso you'll allow the option to turn off all the rest of the stuff?
02:49.42ckknightCairenn, I'll have a "simple" tooltip option
02:50.07ckknightthat'll show your money amount, and your realm's total amount
02:50.37Cairennthat would be lovely, thank you
02:50.58ckknightI have to go to a Rotary meeting soon, though...
02:51.05ckknightCairenn, file a feature request
02:51.08ckknightotherwise I'll forget
02:51.11Cairennwill do
02:52.37ckknightI've been neglecting FuBar lately :-P
02:52.42ckknightworking on Ace2 and whatnot
02:53.20ckknightI have been fixing people's bugs in the svn, though
02:53.24ckknightI should release
02:53.27ckknightbut it's such a pain...
02:54.05AnduinLotharautomate it
02:54.20ckknightI have been, AnduinLothar
02:54.27ckknightit zips and makes a changelog
02:54.32ckknightI still have to upload, though
02:54.39AnduinLotharautomate that :P
02:55.03ckknightyou know what?
02:55.07ckknightI've been trying
02:57.07ckknightI originally posted that request on 4-29-2006
02:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
02:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:58.33fatbrainHello, any good resto 1.11 builds out there?
02:58.34AnduinLotharwhat was a few weeks ago
02:58.35ckknight_<ckknight> I've been trying
02:58.39ckknight_<ckknight> I originally posted that request on 4-29-2006
02:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:01.10AnduinLotharwhen you get it working make a simple command line uploader and we can automate our own setups
03:01.23ckknightthat was the plan
03:01.30ckknightbut it's not up to me
03:01.39AnduinLotharright, you're waiting on dolby
03:01.41ckknightit's in Dolby's hands for now
03:02.05ckknightunless I set up a rival addon site and somehow get everyone to migrate over
03:02.11ckknightbut that'd take effort
03:02.13ckknightand bandwidth
03:02.30AnduinLotharthat would be fairly sexy and might motivate me to actually revision my standalones rather than do it manually
03:02.44ckknightyea, mine's hooked up to the SV?N
03:02.58ckknightgenerates changelogs from it and everything
03:03.05Gryphensame with ours ;)
03:03.24AnduinLotharyeah, I have most of mine in the Cosmos SVN, but all my non-cosmos standalones i still do manually
03:03.38ckknightall my stuff is on Ace's svn
03:03.42ckknighteven my libs
03:03.42AnduinLothardealing with optional and embeddable dependancies is a pain
03:03.46ckknightwhich aren't ace connected
03:03.54ckknightsvn:external ftw.
03:03.59AnduinLothardoesn't work
03:04.06ckknightworks for me ;-)
03:04.09AnduinLotharnot when you jsut need to change the toc
03:04.27ckknightwhat about the toc?
03:04.52AnduinLotharsvn:externals only work for directories and not single files afaik
03:05.04ckknightthat's why my libs all have a Lib folder in them
03:05.14AnduinLotharright, but how do you load them?
03:05.30ckknightSpell\BabbleLib-Spell.lua in the toc
03:05.45ckknightor what have you
03:05.48AnduinLotharok, and packaging without the embeddable?
03:05.54ckknightwith the embeddable
03:05.59ckknightsvn external to
03:06.00AnduinLotharthat's what i'ms aying
03:06.18AnduinLotharCosmos addons don't use embeddables, but my standablones do
03:06.41AnduinLotharthe only difference is usually a line in the toc to load it and the embedable folder in the addon dir
03:06.50ckknightpretty much
03:06.58AnduinLotharbut i can't just change the toc easily
03:07.00Gryphenjust leave the line there whether its in cos or not
03:07.15ckknightpretty much
03:07.17AnduinLotharstill need to add reqdeps
03:07.18ckknightno harm no foul that way
03:07.25AnduinLotharfrom optdeps
03:08.33AnduinLotharno way i can find to do that with svn, would have to write a shell script
03:09.06AnduinLotharand then checkout would be a pain
03:10.08AnduinLotharthat's why i haven't versioned it
03:10.18Legorolthere is a way, but you won't like it
03:10.29Legorolhave all the AddOns' files, except the toc, in a subdirectory
03:10.35Legorolthen you can external the whole addon
03:10.46Legoroland just have a different toc
03:10.48Legorolit's ugly though
03:10.53ckknightquite ugly
03:10.53AnduinLotharpossible. but yes, ugly
03:11.22AnduinLotharok, off to study for finals
03:11.27Legorolbut frankly, i think the current system is over-stretching the boundaries of svn:externals
03:11.29Legorolgood luck
03:11.51Legoroli'm frantically thinking of a better way to do it
03:11.53Cairennlater AnduinLothar, good luck
03:12.43Cairennlater Iriel
03:13.16TainI do think people should be tagging versions on the Ace svn and using svn:external to a specific tag.  Too much assumption that what's in trunk is just going to work.
03:14.36Legoroldoes anyone know the reason why svn up isn't recursive?
03:14.46Legoroli mean
03:14.50Legorolwhat do i mean..
03:17.06Legorolno comment
03:17.46TainI'm just so relieved to have my Linux system back up and running I could weep.
03:18.56Legorolgood job Tain
03:19.10Legorolwas it very messed up
03:19.34TainI have to buy a new system.  I was having trouble with a drive that has almost 300gb of stuff I want with no backups.
03:19.52TainI really need to just spend the money and create a RAID system.
03:20.30Legorolis it really 300 gb that is totally irreplacable?
03:20.40TainNah, just annoying if I lose it.
03:20.43Legoroli found that most of my stuff is ok if it gets lost
03:20.47TainA lot of time invested.
03:20.55Legorolbut i have some important data that i wouldn't want to lose
03:21.04Legorolso i just do small automatic backups of the important stuff
03:21.10Tain200gb is MP3s from my DVDs that I spent many hours ripping.
03:21.19Tainer CDs
03:21.20Legorolok, let's say you download movies.. not worth backing up, imho
03:21.22TainNot DVDs.
03:21.24Legoroleventually archive, yes
03:21.36Legorolbut archiving and backing up is not the same
03:22.07Legorol200 gb? whoah, that's a lot of music
03:22.13Legoroli think all of mine would fit on a DVD or two
03:22.26TainYeah I have a lot of CDs.
03:22.39TainSo obviously if I lose the drive I don't lose the music.
03:22.41Legorol*cough* and were busy downloading?
03:22.56Legorolhm, i wonder how many CDs are 200gb
03:22.59TainI've actually bought almost anything I've d/led and liked.
03:23.05Legorolabout 100 Mb max for a CD, would you say?
03:23.07Legorolor less
03:23.25Legorollet's say more like 60 Mb
03:23.28TainMost CDs would average 50-70 MB
03:23.39Legorolthat'd be over 3400 CDs
03:24.04Legoroli can understand why you wouldn't want to rip them again :)
03:24.21*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
03:24.38TainI did put them in binders and toss out the cases, at least.
03:25.22Legoroli wonder how much music is that in terms of play time
03:25.34Legorola CD is say what, an hour long?
03:25.37Legorolnot even that probably
03:25.51Legorollet's say an hour
03:26.17Legorolnice, it'd take you 425 hours to listen to it all, if listening 8 hours a day
03:26.18TainYeah I generally assume about an hour.
03:26.26Legorol425 days i mean
03:26.39TainI like having a variety available. :)
03:26.50Legorolfair enough
03:28.02TainI was having a good discussion with a friend this weekend, he's of the opinion that CDs will be obsolete within the next few years and digital distribution will really start to become primary.
03:28.39TainI do think it will take longer than a couple of years, but I do have to believe it will be the case eventually.
03:29.43LegorolCDs will be obsolete for other reasons too
03:29.50Legorolthey actually don't last longer than about 5 years
03:30.08Legorolin terms of reliability of storage media for archiving purposes, the most durable is paper
03:30.15Legorolthan LPs and stuff
03:30.19Legorolthan magnetic media like tapes
03:30.24LegorolCDs are really poor
03:31.02Legorolof course paper has a problem with water, fire, wind and dirt... you gotta love the elements
03:31.08Legorolapart from that it's the best one
03:31.44Legoroli'm goin to start archiving my videos on paper, i tell you!
03:43.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
03:43.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
03:46.24*** join/#wowi-lounge afk3days (
04:23.23Temso we just found the Chrommaggus-pull-the-entire-instance-at-once bug
04:23.43Temlab packs + 4 bosses = fun
04:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
04:59.00Cairenn*apparently* Kael has his IRC stuff sorted out, so I've removed his ban ... we'll see how it goes tomorrow
05:03.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
05:10.42ScytheBlade1If not, I hope that he at least got it working so we can shut him down :D
05:11.29Cairennwell, if it starts up again, he just gets banned again
05:13.58CairennOtoh, you almost have to admire the makers of whichever IRC client he had been using.  Rather an effective way to deal with people using cracked versions of their software, I'd think.  Nothing like publicly embarrassing them, along with making them an extreme annoyance.
05:17.29ScytheBlade1On the flip side
05:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge _B (i=isis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:17.37ScytheBlade1Good luck getting people to use it
05:18.16CairennI know I certainly wouldn't, after having been subjected to that.
05:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
05:22.42CairennIf I weren't quite so tired and yucky feeling, it could almost be an interesting topic for discussion/debate, but I am, indeed, too tired and yucky feeling
05:27.30ckknighthrm, Rotary was good tonight
05:29.45Cairenngood to hear
05:30.47*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
05:39.35Cairennckknight: posted the feature request
05:39.59Cairennnot sure if that was still in your buffer or not
05:42.43ckknightsaw it
05:42.51ckknightI have an rss feed to it
05:43.02ckknightbtw, there should be a feed to the admin part
05:43.16ckknightso I don't have to go to the admin part and find it again
05:43.27Cairenn ;)
05:43.34ckknightalso, why can't I change the status of feature requests while in the request?
05:43.45ckknightlike I can with bug reports
05:44.23ckknightCairenn, sorry, don't feel like it
05:44.45Cairennwell, hopefully Dolby-wowi will see this then
05:44.58ckknighthe hasn't fixed other things I've pointed out
05:45.22Esamynnoops, sorry
05:45.24ckknightso I doubt he'll fix that.
05:45.26Cairennwhat's with the 'tud?
05:46.47ckknightwell, as I said, Dolby, though he has fixed some things, the other parts I've pointed out haven't been fixed, so I feel it's honestly not worth my time to report something that won't change (based on past experience)
05:46.48Cairennyou do realize that Dolby has an actual life and job outside the sites, right? and that he does all the coding completely by himself for 4 different sites, right?
05:47.21Cairennso, he has fixed some things, but they don't count?
05:47.30ckknightnot if they make up the minority
05:47.39ckknightI like to work with percentaes
05:47.48Cairennonly the things that he hasn't had the opportunity to fix as of yet count?
05:47.49ckknightI do commend him for the things he has done
05:48.29ckknightI don't know why you're so aggressive, I'm merely being pragmatic
05:49.21Cairennso, the various bug reports and feature requests that have been made of you which haven't dealt with as of yet count for more than the stuff you have done?  as for my "aggression", that came after you decided to start slamming Dolby who works his ass off for you
05:49.31Cairenn(you being all users of our sites)
05:50.30ckknightI don't want to start an argument
05:50.57ckknightmy words might stir up too many emotions and hurt feelings
05:58.41EsamynnO_o who sedated the Chipmunk?
05:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:59.39Esamynnoh well, night all
05:59.44Cairennnight Esamynn
06:00.25Dolby-wowickknight, i read all bug / feature reports. make a list and do the ones I feel will effect the most amount of people first. :)
06:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
06:01.34Dolby-wowiwhen i fix something or add something i don't always post that's its been done
06:01.34Dolby-wowisomething i should really do
06:03.32Dolby-wowiyou should be able to change the status of a feature request when viewing it when in the admin view. I guess i could add that drop down to the non admin view too
06:06.05Dolby-wowiwow now I'm going crazy, your right
06:06.11Dolby-wowihow the heck did that happen
06:06.30ckknightit irks the hell out of me
06:06.42Dolby-wowifix it in a sec
06:06.50Dolby-wowiits a template problem
06:07.01Dolby-wowithe code to do it is there in the php
06:09.11*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:09.48Cairennhey s|loup
06:17.13WobinJoshBorke: You about?
06:18.32ScytheBlade1The frost mage in my guild just gave me rank 12 fireball
06:19.26Dolby-wowickknight, the selector is now in Feature Requests. It was there awhile ago but i must have did something to that template.
06:20.32Dolby-wowitook me a little bit to rebuild the selector box. hehe
06:23.09Cairenns|loup: you can only post on the EU forums, correct?
06:23.45ckknightum, why did one of my feature requests change to "Currently being worked on"?
06:24.00Dolby-wowisorry, forgot to change it back
06:24.11ckknightah, okay
06:24.13Dolby-wowiwas just testing
06:25.42Dolby-wowidoh, i see a bug now
06:26.11*** join/#wowi-lounge SinPi (
06:27.46ckknightI posted this up: More RSS feeds. for ones own portal, I'd like to be able to have links directly to the admin section instead of the normal section. Failing that, I'd like a direct link from a normal page to the admin page. I'd also like a feed for bug/request comments.
06:29.16ckknightalso a feed for comments on your addons themselves would be handy as well
06:29.34ckknightI know Curse can send you an aggregate email every day that has all your comments and whatnot
06:29.54ckknightthat'd be a reasonable alternative as well
06:30.50ckknightoh, and a paypal logo deal could be handy, I think put that up after Curse did
06:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:31.00ckknightthat's all I can think of for now
06:31.02ckknighthey Elkano
06:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:33.44Cairenns|loup: he asks that you post it on the Blizz EU UI forums and give me a link, then I'll cross post it to the US side so he can respond
06:34.28s|loupits regardless which eu forum?
06:34.40Cairennthe UI one, please
06:34.56s|loupk just asking for uk, ger or french ;)
06:35.05Cairennoh, don't care
06:35.24Cairennjust post it in English though, please, don't believe he can speak german or french
06:36.17ckknightoh yea, in my addon, there's an edit button for all the comments, yet when I edit one that's not my own, it goes to an unauthorized page. Likely, the edit button shouldn't be there at all
06:36.38Elkanoho ck :)
06:38.57CairennDolby-wowi: that was directed to you
06:39.51Dolby-wowireally Cairenn? =p  didn't have irc to the front
06:40.42Cairennthat's why I said your name, so you'd get beeped
06:41.14Dolby-wowidon't have a bleeper
06:41.22Cairennsilly boy
06:42.28purlhit it like you mean it!
06:42.30Elkanonice :)
06:43.34Elkanobtw: dolby, the comments on the download page still have the problem that you are taken to the last page instead of the latest post after you posted sth
06:44.15ckknightthat's also odd
06:44.31ckknightwhenever I comment, I see the comment that says "I love you"
06:44.45ckknightalthough it brightens my day, I'd really prefer to see the front instead of the back
06:44.54Elkanoaccording to the link it tries to do it right, but it doesn't
06:45.17s|loupCairenn cant post on forums because maintenance i will post in in the evening and give you the link in query
06:45.37Dolby-wowiwhat template are you using Elkano?
06:45.51Dolby-wowiit brings me to the front page for me
06:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (i=usr11393@
06:46.30Dolby-wowi[wednesday 01:44AM] ckknight: whenever I comment, I see the comment that says "I love you"
06:46.31Dolby-wowi[wednesday 01:44AM] ckknight: although it brightens my day, I'd really prefer to see the front instead of the back
06:46.35Dolby-wowiI'll fix in a sec
06:46.42Dolby-wowiwas an oversight  hehe
06:46.43ckknightfigured :-)
06:47.06*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (i=usr11393@
06:47.39Dolby-wowickknight, with the edit button. does it only show on comments under your mods?
06:47.52ElkanoDolby-wowi, I use the default one
06:48.31Dolby-wowiis there a comment in the lastest comment box on the front page of the downloads area that does it now for you?
06:50.38Elkanothese links seem to work fine
06:51.10Dolby-wowithere are some comments that are multipage on that list and it works fine
06:51.14ckknightDolby-wowi, no, on all comments
06:51.25Dolby-wowithis was an issue that i fixed about 2 - 3 weeks ago
06:51.41Dolby-wowidifferent issue ckk
06:51.47Dolby-wowijust fixed your issue
06:51.57Dolby-wowion posting a comment and being redirected
06:53.30Dolby-wowilet me check the template, the site does use different links when cookies are disabled and the site needs a session hash in the url to keep track of ya
06:54.29Elkanook, dolby, it's working :)
06:54.40Dolby-wowihmm nope the link is fine there too...  when did you experience the problem Elkano
06:55.41Elkanoas I said: when posting a comment on a download tht has multiple pages. but right now it did work :)
06:56.07Dolby-wowiohhhh that issue i fixed 2min ago
06:59.14kaso|What's the targetting range on wow?
06:59.32s|loup40-60 yards i think
06:59.37ElkanoDolby-wowi, could have been fixed since weeks ;)
07:00.05s|loupmaybe more depending on the visibility?
07:00.40kaso|I thought there was a fixed distance that targetted units dis-targetted if they whent out of and they're models stop rendering etc
07:00.54Elkanoclick or tab targeting?
07:01.09Dolby-wowiElkano, havent really had time until now
07:01.11kaso|im talking about TargetUnit ing
07:01.20Dolby-wowiwas in fixing other things figured I'd do this too
07:02.14Elkanonvm :)
07:04.50Elkanois it true that flight paths beneft from eg carrot on a stick?
07:05.08Cairennor rather, I know they did back in beta
07:06.54MoonWolfmounts should be sprintable , the taxi mounts too.
07:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:08.10Elkanobtw: it seems like today is 'international child labour day'... so get to work brat...
07:08.41MoonWolfi'm 19!
07:09.53Elkanowasn't ment on a specific persion, just sth that came to my mind :)
07:11.09ckknightcongrats, MoonWolf
07:11.28ckknightthought it was your birthday or something
07:11.35krka|workbest misinterpretation ever :)
07:11.38MoonWolfthats 24 december.
07:12.40Dolby-wowiapple is using child labor so it must be ok
07:12.55ckknightfor some reason my mum came in and tried to take an interest in what I was doing, so I showed her the code to AceLibrary and AceOO
07:13.24krka|workdid she approve?
07:13.51IndustrialMy dad stopped taking interest in what I do with the comupter (hes senior technical specialist)
07:14.28Industrialbut maybe thats because i tell him how i 'gank newbz for kicks in teh bee gee'
07:14.28ckknightkrka, yea, she made my dad look at it, too
07:14.46ckknightyesterday, I explained to her what an "algorithm" is. She still can't pronounce it
07:14.51MoonWolfindu :O
07:16.14MoonWolfckknight, tell her more and she is going to think your a 1337 h4xxZor
07:16.39ckknightshe already knows I'm "special"
07:16.53Industrialburlol :P
07:17.43Elkanobtw, moonwolf, I should slap tekkub a bit for using 'recepie' instead of 'recipe', shouldn't I?
07:20.04AnduinLotharah, but you are special
07:20.12AnduinLotharin a normal sort of way
07:20.59Elkanobtw: in mendeleev, when generating the 'used in recipe' list, you have a nested check on z
07:21.37ckknightAnduinLothar, when I went to school, we had short buses
07:21.39ckknightfun fact
07:22.16AnduinLotharin jr. high it depended on how many children lived on the route. I was one of the furthest away and rode a long bus
07:22.38AnduinLotharin high school i rode the city bus before i got a car
07:22.38krka|workeveryone is special!
07:22.43MoonWolfElkano, wowi portal.
07:22.46ckknightkrka, if everyone is special, no one is.
07:22.54AnduinLotharnormal people are
07:22.56ckknightAnduinLothar, I went to boarding school
07:23.11AnduinLotharthere were boards at my school..
07:23.12ckknightAnduinLothar, obviously you didn't catch the Ayn Randian reference
07:23.31AnduinLotharin fact, i sat on a board
07:23.51AnduinLotharsometimes when i was bored i sat on a board at lunch too
07:24.15ckknightyea, but my parents kicked me out at 13, shipped me across the country, then I went to regular school for a year, then I went to a "special" school, that was also a boarding school, for 3 years
07:24.17ckknightgood times
07:24.23AnduinLotharthe choir rafters were made out of boards too
07:24.31ckknightyou mature a lot without parents watching out for you
07:25.03MoonWolftry having a malicous stepmother who thinks she knows spychology.
07:25.09AnduinLothari matured in some areas and not in others and now i try and avoid it all together
07:25.14MoonWolfthat will a. mature you the hell up b. fuck you up for life.
07:25.22MoonWolfc. both.
07:25.27Industrialat 13.. what did id do at 13... oh i remember! my first joint!
07:25.27Elkanomoonwolf, it's not a bug only not needed :) noticed it because I was going to look into building a treeview
07:25.34ckknightlol, Industrial
07:25.41MoonWolfIndustrial, i was 14.
07:25.45ckknightMoonWolf, I picked c
07:25.51ckknightI would've been 17 for that experience
07:25.58ckknighthaven't tried since
07:26.00ckknightno inclination
07:26.04Industrialthat was kickass, holiday in france and stoned 'like a shrinp
07:26.13MoonWolfits yust a fun thing to do from time to time.
07:26.23MoonWolfwalking around stoned in a forest, or a beach.
07:26.25MoonWolfits fun.
07:27.05Industrialbeing with your girl - both stoned - is fun too i can tell you :D
07:27.09MoonWolfElkano, any luck on the treeview ?
07:27.32MoonWolfhmm, i only have one night things, ill have to get something more lasting for that.
07:30.01Elkanowell, just started again ^^'
07:32.32AnduinLothari hate it when people ask for addons without searching for them first..
07:32.36IndustrialI wish wow was more like XHTML+CSS
07:32.48IndustrialI wish XHTML+CSS was more like SetPoint
07:33.07MoonWolfI wish the matrix was in lua.
07:33.16WobinI wish I had chocolate
07:33.19IndustrialAnduinLothar: dont answer, lock, delete, scold them, post a picture of flames, etc
07:33.26AnduinLotharnot my forums
07:33.47AnduinLotharhell, someone even wrote the damn addon before googling for it
07:34.31AnduinLotharnot even just 1 person
07:34.41AnduinLothar6 people
07:34.54AnduinLotharand there's 2 addons that do it..
07:35.24AnduinLothargroup stupidity at its finest
07:36.13WobinMan, what did poor ZiggyTar ever do to you Anduin? =)
07:36.26AnduinLotharhe was spamming in IF general i believe
07:36.46WobinWow. Forever branded =)
07:36.56AnduinLotharand i don't care enough to edit ss's to obscure names
07:37.51AnduinLotharif they're cool and helped make a ss then they get to be in it, if they were spamming they get to be branded. i see no laws against posting pictures of other people's virtual representations
07:38.04AnduinLotharwith or without permission
07:38.20ckknightnot like there are privacy issues, either
07:38.22ckknighttoo badly
07:40.13MoonWolfi dont think privacy laws include digital avatars of yourself in a game.
07:40.19AnduinLotharis there a way to bind the windows key?
07:40.31AnduinLotharor dissable it
07:40.45MoonWolfthere is
07:40.57MoonWolfbut i dont know an application to do it from the top of my head
07:41.02MoonWolfmy shell takes care of it.
07:41.33Wobindo a google search on AutoHotKey
07:41.44WobinI use that for remapping
07:41.58WobinAlthough there are probably better ones out there
07:44.25WobinWhat's the latest version of Watchdog?
07:44.56Industriali use the registry
07:48.41Wobinta Cair
07:49.40Cairennde nada
07:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
07:53.08*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
07:54.26kremontei should stop coming in just to ask questions :Q (stupid crashes) - but yea, anybody know why this won't work?:
07:54.30kremontelocal foo = CreateFrame("foo", nil, "GameTooltip"); foo:SetScript("OnShow", fooOnShow); fooOnShow = function() DevTools_Dump("gametooltip shown"); end
07:54.43kremonteCreateFrame's never like to work =(
07:54.47Wobinon 1.11?
07:54.54ckknightooh, I know why it doesn't work
07:55.00kremonteon 1.10
07:55.12ckknighttwo reasons
07:55.18kremonteoh thats never good
07:55.28ckknightfirst, when you set the script, fooOnShow is nil.
07:55.30Industrialyour frame name and lua object name are the same, and you forgot a :
07:55.44kremonteCreateFrame is Frae
07:55.50kremontei just typed that up as an ex
07:56.01ckknightalso, it's shown by default
07:56.04kremontefooOnShow can't be nil when i set the script in the first place?
07:56.09ckknightso you need to do foo:Hide() foo:Show()
07:56.11ckknightno, kremonte
07:56.26kremonteer wait, foo:Hide()foo:Show() when?
07:56.36ckknightright after, if you want
07:56.39ckknightthat'll show it
07:56.46kremonte(pretty much when a variable is 1, i want to override GameTooltip with a SetHyperlink)
07:56.46ckknightit'll call the OnShow event
07:56.48ckknightit's already shown
07:57.25ckknightwell, first, make fooOnShow declared before
07:57.47ckknightlocal foo = CreateFrame("foo", nil, "GameTooltip"); foo:SetScript("OnShow", function() DevTools_Dump("gametooltip shown") end)
07:58.03kremontewell the simple function was only for practical IRC purposes =p
07:58.10kremonteit's a 20 line func in luaslinger
07:58.14AnduinLotharCreateFrame("foo", nil, "GameTooltip"); foo:SetScript("OnShow", function() DevTools_Dump("gametooltip shown"); end);
07:58.43ckknightpretty sure I beat you, AnduinLothar'd be CreateFrame("Frame, ~) right? :X
07:58.59AnduinLotharyours is still local
07:59.02kremonteCreateFrame is EVIL
07:59.21ckknightno it's not
07:59.23ckknightit's great
07:59.31AnduinLotharlocal foo =
07:59.37ckknightwhy, kremonte?
07:59.40AnduinLotharis unnecissary
07:59.46ckknightyou just don't understand it
07:59.54kremonteexactly =p
07:59.59kremontethat which i do not understand can only be.. EVIL
08:00.32ckknightdo you understand bunnies?
08:00.41kremonteas much as i need to.
08:00.53ckknightyou sure?
08:00.58kremontei understand that they are evil critters who poop way too often and smell like... well, a cage full of poop and a bunny, that's what
08:01.01ckknightand wouldn't that mean they're partly evil?
08:01.06kremonteYES THEY ARE.
08:01.13AnduinLotharbunnies ARE evil
08:01.20ckknighthow bout kitties?
08:01.35AnduinLotharthey stink, eat gardens and reproduce like mad
08:01.45AnduinLotharkitties are evil too
08:02.21AnduinLotharthe poop all over, tear up the furniture and require constant attention
08:02.44ckknightwhat about humanity?
08:02.47Industrialdogs < *
08:02.55AnduinLotharhumanity in general is evil too
08:03.05IndustrialI am anti dog
08:03.18ckknightwhat isn't evil?
08:03.23AnduinLotharsingular people can be good, groups of people can only be bad
08:03.41Industrialdefine good
08:03.42kremontekitties are nice, dogs suck and are the most evil thing in existence (they smelltheyre loud they dump my trash all over my carpet when i'm not home they bite holes through my wires) bunnies smell as well as all other rodents and creatures of that sense
08:03.44kremonteand ummmmm
08:03.54kremonteyeah animals in general suck except for my black cat Maximus :o
08:03.54AnduinLothara bunch of good people with good intentions eventually becomes worse that the individual parts
08:03.59kremontehe'll kick your cat's ass.
08:04.08kremontebecause he has a hole in his ear from some badass cat street fight
08:04.24kremontemiddle of the night he comes into the house with another cat's paw and a hole in his ear
08:04.27kremontethat was fucking AWESOME.
08:04.34kremontesorry, i got carried away
08:04.43ckknighthow bout Jews, are they evil?
08:04.48Wobinfanboying Maximus =)
08:05.03ckknighthooray for catch-22's.
08:05.39AnduinLotharhow is that a catch 22? even God got angry at the jews and decided that they weren't gonna be the only way for people to know him
08:05.55kremontewhy won't that work
08:06.08CairennAnduinLothar: I'd suggest you stop right there
08:06.19Industrialkremonte: because you need to pay it to work
08:06.34ckknightyea, gonna go with Cairenn
08:06.37kremontemy friend's jewish. once a week, he brings in tomato soup and a fan, and parts the red sea
08:06.44Cairennckknight: you started it with the question
08:06.45kremontebecause he is MOSES
08:06.47AnduinLotharhe's an individual
08:06.57kremonteanyway, why am i having this CreateFrame conundrum
08:07.00kremonteit does nothing :X
08:07.03AnduinLotharindividuals can be good
08:07.33kremontei never should have said that createframe was evil ._.
08:07.39AnduinLothari don't hate jews, don't get me wrong.
08:07.47ckknightkremonte, OnShow doesn't happen when IsVisible changes, it happens when IsShown changes
08:07.50Cairennjust. stop.
08:07.56kremonteWHAT DOES THAT MEAN
08:08.00kremontewhy are they different :'(
08:08.13ckknightkremonte, what you're doing would be better with proper hooking.
08:08.15AnduinLotharIsShown is Show/Hide
08:08.24IndustrialCairenn is gunna explode and become super sayaian lv 5 HUAH
08:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]ScytheBlade1 (
08:08.30AnduinLotharIsVisible depends on if the parent frame is vissible too
08:08.31IndustrialCairenn: hi, btw :X
08:08.40kremonteso how would i go about doing this ._.
08:08.50kremonteckknight: i don't know what function to hook
08:08.54kremonteGameTooltip_OnShow is nil
08:08.54ckknightkremonte, hook GameTooltip's OnShow
08:09.05ckknightglobals are bad, kremonte
08:09.10CairennIndustrial: hello
08:09.21kremonteckknight: this is just for testing, i could care less about my global namespace
08:09.24s|loupkremonte you create a frame without a name?
08:09.36ckknights|loup, that so bad?
08:09.36kremontes|loup: isn't that all the rage nowadays?
08:09.40AnduinLotharSea or AceHooks can hook it nicely for you in a single line
08:09.41kremonteCreateFrame returns a handler
08:09.46krka|worki hate jews, but not more than the rest of the world population in general :P
08:09.52kremontelibrary for a 20 line addon no thanks
08:09.53s|louphm thought all elements must have set a name
08:09.58kremonteckknight: thanks
08:09.58ckknightkrka, stop while you're ahead
08:10.04krka|worki was never good at that
08:10.08Industrialkrka|work: kekburlol :P
08:10.14AnduinLotharsee, now i have no problem arguing this, but cair said stop
08:10.34AnduinLotharand i happen to respect cair, because she's a good individual
08:10.35krka|workhooking is like two simple lines without any library, i don't see the need :P
08:10.37ckknightyea, and it'd be too much effort to go somewhere else to argue
08:10.37kremonteshiashlol :p ^_^
08:10.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix__ (
08:10.40IndustrialAnduinLothar, krka|work; #argue
08:10.57AnduinLotharwhere as you all as a group..
08:11.00s|loupkremonte where do you set the frame to show? as i can see you only sho it in the OnShow event?
08:11.16kremonteer, ckknight: GameTooltip:GetScript("OnShow") = empty result ><
08:11.23s|loupbut the OnShow will not triggered without calling Show() ?
08:11.31krka|workLook, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position!
08:11.36ckknightkremonte, so just put your function into GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", func)
08:11.36krka|workYes but that's not just saying "no it isn't".
08:11.36kremontes|loup: i was going off an old piece of code that added a line to gametooltip, but its not working soooooo
08:11.39krka|workYes it is!
08:11.42AnduinLothartho i don't see how my group theory is in any way religious, ck was the one that brought in the jews
08:11.59ckknightJews don't have to be religious
08:12.05AnduinLotharif you make it addon local the frame doesn't need a name
08:12.06kremonteckknight: could compatability issues arise? for somebody that has a mod that has GameTooltip setscript'd?
08:12.09ckknightdidn't you see the Ninja talking about em?
08:12.15AnduinLotharor at least a global name
08:12.18ckknightkremonte, this is why we have hooking libraries.
08:12.36kremonteit's a 20 line addon, i shouldn't need a library -_-
08:12.37krka|workhooking is perfectly safe without using libraries
08:12.41krka|workand is very easy
08:12.54AnduinLotharit just requires you to understand what you're doing
08:13.05AnduinLotharwhere as libraries you can use while staying ignorant
08:13.17kremonteAnduinLothar: i know how to hook, i was just wondering about compatability issues in this particular case
08:13.32kremontewhich is no problem anyway, 5 extra lines of code lol
08:13.46AnduinLotharif you hook it right you don't need to worry. if you hook it wrong you do, if you hook it with a lib your shouldn't have to worry at all
08:14.03krka|workhow do you highlight stuff on pastebin?
08:14.05AnduinLotharheck SeaHooks is embedable
08:14.09kremontewell i'm not releasing it so i shouldn't need to worry about hooking it wrong :D
08:14.14krka|workah never mind
08:14.18krka|workthere's how you hook
08:14.20kremonteit's 20 lines, i don't want/need libraries
08:14.22krka|workonly two extra lines needed
08:14.24krka|workand it's dead simple
08:14.29kremontelol i already finished it =p
08:14.35kremontehooking is easy
08:14.35AnduinLotharif you're not releasing it then just use a lib you already have
08:14.45kremonteit was just the GetScript being nil i was worried about
08:14.53AnduinLotharand save yourself coding time
08:14.54kremontei don't want a lib, i said that a dozen times
08:15.08krka|worktwo lines, one being an assignment and one being a function call... doesn't get much simpler :P
08:15.08kremonteit's less than half a dozen lines, wasting time arguing on it is wasting coding time, afk
08:15.23AnduinLotharand an if statement for nil
08:15.28ckknightbtw, we're actually in #argue
08:15.43AnduinLotharand possibly a global function name
08:15.47AnduinLotharor addon local
08:16.50AnduinLotharput it this way. If you understand hooking you don't need to ask about hooking. If you ask about hooking I'll either tell you to look it up or use a lib.. standard policy
08:17.34AnduinLotharso, now that i'm thuroughly unwanted here, i'll leave
08:17.45CairennAnduinLothar: you don't have to leave
08:17.45krka|workcrap, 4 extra lines for this hooking:
08:17.57ckknightwe still love you, AnduinLothar
08:18.15Cairennno one said you are unwanted
08:18.37chuckgIt was written all over your faces!
08:18.44chuckgEmbedded deep within his own sarcasm.
08:22.52ckknightwhat steps should I take to start my religion?
08:25.23MoonWolfget followers
08:25.50ckknightI suppose
08:26.18chuckgMartyr yourself.
08:26.26chuckgThen use a prophet to write your words down.
08:26.35ckknightI figured I should stabilize the belief structure and write it down
08:26.35chuckgMake him wear a shirt made entirely of reptile scales.
08:26.49chuckgAlso, try not involving the Jews.
08:26.52chuckgThey've had enough trouble.
08:27.00ckknightbut they're a tough people
08:27.19chuckgTry using the Germans.
08:27.40chuckgOr a nice little "church" tucked away in the bowels of Iowa.
08:28.04ckknightwith the downstairs covered in upside-down pentacles?
08:28.10chuckgCan't say I haven't thought about this before.
08:29.22MoonWolfpentacles are old
08:29.27MoonWolfgo for something new
08:29.55chuckgUpside down turtle shells.
08:30.01ckknightyou're right, I do need a symbol
08:30.01chuckgOr ... phallus.
08:30.05ckknightthat's easy to draw
08:30.11ckknightI already have a name: Cocoonism
08:30.17ckknightit sorta represents my religion, and it's not taken yet.
08:30.51kremontewith a hooked GameTooltip
08:31.00kremontewhen i sit with it visible my UI mem soars
08:31.10kremontefrom .03kB/s to 300kB/s
08:31.11ckknightnah, the Jews already got 2 triangles for them, if I just have one, I'd be like, not as good as them
08:31.18ckknightlol, kremonte
08:31.27ckknightStar of David ftw, btw
08:31.38MoonWolfa big C
08:31.53ckknightor this special "K" symbol
08:32.00chuckg3 K's.
08:32.06chuckgIn big, red, capitol letters.
08:32.30chuckgAnd call yourself Grand Marshall Master Dragonslayer.
08:32.51ckknightwell, my beliefs do state that we're in a giant MMORPG
08:33.10chuckgI put my talent points in the wrong tradeskills.
08:33.20chuckgShoulda gone with strip tease'n.
08:33.36chuckgDoes youre religion allow rerolls?
08:33.45chuckgAnd sell destruction? (hellfire)
08:33.47chuckgOr fakers?
08:34.07ckknightyes, chuckg
08:34.08ckknightrerolls are fine
08:34.13chuckgI'm all in.
08:34.25ckknightgood stuff
08:34.55ckknightbasically, there is no Karma or anything, we all made this world and we chose to envelop ourselves into it, because immortality is boring.
08:35.43krka|workbut immorality is not =)
08:35.52ckknightyes it is
08:35.59ckknightwhat are you gonna do if there is nothing left to do?
08:36.33MoonWolfckknight, hinduism has the awnser.
08:36.37chuckgMake an alt.
08:36.46ckknightexactly, chuckg
08:36.50ckknightwe make an alt.
08:37.35ckknightor basically, we make a main and play the MMORPG until we die, then we have to make a new main
08:37.52MoonWolfonly one char slot :(
08:38.00ckknightno twinking
08:38.12ckknightyou could, if you chose the right family
08:38.13MoonWolfI want a pve realm!
08:38.21ckknightsorry, it's all Arena here
08:38.44MoonWolfand where are the dragons.
08:38.56ckknightin the other game
08:39.16ckknightif there is one
08:39.26ckknightwhich there theoretically could be
08:40.17ckknightpretty much, it's very much like Hinduism, but without the Brahman or any sense of Karma
08:40.39krka|workthey have a bra-man?
08:40.47krka|workthat's it, i am converting!
08:41.21MoonWolfthe great things about hinduism
08:41.31MoonWolfyou dont have to beleive in it to reincarnate
08:41.33ckknightBrahman is a panentheistic entity of the Hindu/Vedic faith. In it, the goal of life is to eventually merge with the Brahman
08:41.36MoonWolfyou reincarnate anyway.
08:41.47WobinSounds hivemindy
08:41.55ckknightWobin, sorta
08:42.01ckknightalso, I don't belief in reincarnation into bugs or animals
08:42.03MoonWolfWobin, become one with the Brahman is acheiving a god like state.
08:42.21WobinEnlightenment et al?
08:42.22ckknightit also involves the loss of Ego
08:42.35krka|workdon't take away my ego :(
08:42.50MoonWolfkrka no god for you!
08:42.56ckknightkrka, yea, it's hard for me to comprehend, so there is no Karma or Brahman in my faith
08:43.56ckknightthere is no God, since we are God
08:43.58ckknightand all that
08:44.01ckknightI should write this down
08:44.07ckknightsurely that would get some followers
08:44.15MoonWolfthats gnostic i think ckk
08:44.30MoonWolfchristians wiped those out some time ago.
08:45.12ckknightcurse those handsome devils
08:52.28ckknightharder than I thought
08:53.20WobinMoonwolf, was it you that posted that image of the cartoon Ninja Turtles facing away from the camera with thought bubbles?
08:53.41MoonWolfi think it was.
08:54.06WobinCan you recall the link?
08:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
08:54.52MoonWolfthere you go.
08:55.55Wobinwoo ta
09:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge SinePi (
09:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:17.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
09:19.32Crispix_my computer is acting oddly
09:33.09kaso|Fire is the only cure.
09:34.02MoonWolfim a fan of acid myself.
09:34.52KasoServers down :< that's blizzard's way of telling me to do that scripting ive been putting off for the last couple of days!
09:37.01MoonWolfget to wrk
09:37.32Elkanohappy "child labour day" ;)
09:37.53Kasothat sounds, well illegal.
09:40.52ckknightsperm donation is a lot harder than it seems like in the movies.
09:43.29CodayusIs there a way to check if a frame is registered for an event?
09:45.09s|loupa specific event or the handler?
09:45.43CodayusA specific event.
09:45.54WobinFrame:GetScript("handler") ?
09:46.01ckknightthat's a script
09:46.03ckknightnot an event
09:46.07s|louphm i thought there was a table where you can lookup
09:46.23ckknightnot to my knowledge
09:46.49CodayusBasically, I'm trying to write a toggle - so it calls RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT"), or if its already registered, UnregisterEvent()
09:47.13Cideyou can't, no
09:47.24s|loupthan work with flags
09:47.26Cideif you want to, you can hook RegisterEvent/UnregisterEvent and check
09:47.33CodayusOh well, hm.  Guess I could make a variable which holds ...yeah, what s|loup said.
09:47.40Cideor just use a variable, if you control the frame
09:47.43CodayusI do.
09:58.49CodayusIs there a way to hook SpellStopCasting so that if I hit escape the game menu does NOT open?
10:00.50CodayusNope, still doesn't work.
10:00.56CodayusClarification:  I hooked SpellStopCasting() to call a function which tidies up a couple things, and then unhooks itself.  This *seems* to work, but if I hit escape, it opens the game menu...
10:02.20CodayusWait, I could just hook ToggleGameMeny()!
10:02.43CodayusWhy do I never think of the easy way to start with?
10:02.51CodayusPlease pardon my incoherent rambling.
10:03.36ckknightit's cool
10:06.29Wobinthis'll be fun =P
10:09.01CodayusI routnely run Squishy and NeedyList
10:09.20CodayusNeedyList handles monitoring buffs pretty weel.
10:09.22Codayuswell, even
10:09.32CodayusI turned off its attempt at monitoring health long ago.
10:10.04CodayusI'm running Squishy, AceHeal, Genesis, SquishyHealer, and NeedyList.  And sometimes CorkFu, although not at the moment.
10:10.07WobinThat's an idea
10:10.16WobinSquishy Healer?
10:12.45Industriallv 16
10:14.45ckknightcool game.
10:15.36Industrialcan you beat 16? ;)
10:15.47Industrialtheres 23 or so levels
10:17.38ckknightdone 10
10:18.26ckknightI love pattern finding
10:18.43Kasothe control mechanism is wierd, i keep colouring over the wrong cells ;<
10:19.51ckknightdone 13
10:20.08Industrialckknight: yeah the feeling when you see it, the 'ahhh' moment
10:20.14Cidewhen does it start getting "hard"?
10:20.27Cideat 11 now, so far it's been pretty easy :P
10:21.09ckknightdone 14
10:21.15Elkanowhat was the command to use /dump from inside lua?
10:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
10:24.36ckknightomg 15 is tough for me
10:24.49s|loup16 is hard
10:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
10:24.58Cide15 isn't that bad
10:25.13MaldiviaCide: so you've noticed the lack of RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE aswell
10:25.20CideMaldivia: yeah :)
10:25.36ckknightgot it
10:25.44Maldiviaposted about it 2 weeks ago, and bumped it a few times, on both test and ui - no response at all
10:26.38ckknightomg 16 was easy.
10:26.50MaldiviaCide: you can log on, be in a raid, but GetRaidNumMembers() returns 0, UnitName("raid1") returns nil etc
10:27.09Industrialckknight: :(
10:27.12ckknightgot it really fast
10:27.16Industriali dont
10:27.48IndustrialWonder if you can program to solve this
10:28.34ckknightof course
10:28.39ckknightyou can always code.
10:29.24ckknightdone 17
10:30.01ckknightdone 18
10:32.20ckknight19's pretty tough
10:33.49s|loupdamn i cant kick 16
10:34.06ckknightgot 19
10:34.19ckknightfind the pattern, s|loup
10:34.22ckknightthat's all I can say
10:34.32ckknightsee through it to the meaning underneath
10:36.05ckknightgot 20
10:37.43ckknightgot 21
10:39.09ckknightgot 22
10:39.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
10:40.43Elkanockknight, for some reason, HonorFu didn't reset stats today :/ (didn't do it last week, too :/)
10:41.25MoonWolfit did for me
10:42.32ckknightomg 23's a bitch
10:42.42ckknightI shall tame her
10:42.51ckknightand I she shall make me pancakes.
10:46.00s|loupbah i cant see the underneath argh
10:48.00ckknightturn it into something you can relate to
10:48.04ckknightor something intuitive
10:48.09ckknightlike trying to find the clitoris.
10:48.21Elkanockknight, is there a command to reset manualy?
10:48.37ckknightI don't know, though
10:49.12s|loupbah 1 damn point
10:49.39Elkanock, it looks like this:
10:49.48ElkanoMoonWolf: :)
10:50.02MoonWolfyou did it.
10:50.28MoonWolfcan you mail me the code ? or put it in the svn under a branch if you can ?
10:50.43*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
10:50.59Elkanowell, as you can see it outsizes the tooltip for eg copper :(
10:51.27wereHamster .. the first picture is there :)
10:51.50Elkanowe are still looking for the pr0n page he took it from
10:53.11MoonWolfElkano, you cant escape that, you only have so many lines of tooltip to work with
10:53.35ckknightokay, I got 23
10:53.41ckknightthere's more :-[
10:53.44Industrialckknight: help meeee on 16 lol
10:53.53ckknightI forget what it looks like
10:53.56ElkanoI know :( i've already started work to have it only list subtrees that have at least one item of skill x
10:54.06ckknightindie, see the pattern
10:54.08Industrialnew tab, do it again :DD
10:54.22MoonWolfwhat are you doing ?
10:54.49ckknightapparently I'm better with patterns than Indie ;-)
10:55.25Industrialoooh nice @ tree thingy Elkano
10:56.26ckknightI know the issue, Elkano
10:56.28ckknightI think
10:56.35ckknightI'll code a fix once the game ends.
10:56.45s|loupthis game ends?
10:57.33ckknightdone 24
10:58.07ckknightdone 25
10:58.23s|loupoh common my brain is cooking
10:59.40ckknighttip: see the creator of the maze as a sadistic individual
11:01.05Legorolawesome puzzle!
11:01.12Legorolup to 12 only, i hope it gets tough soon
11:01.44ckknightLegorol, lvl 15 got tough for me
11:02.02IndustrialWOO made 16
11:02.14Industrialtogether with a coworker
11:02.18Industrialeliminating options
11:02.39wereHamsterdo you work or play games?
11:02.56Elkanook, at 16 now :)
11:03.03ckknightdone 26
11:03.28ckknightdon't think so.
11:04.01s|loupindustrial who
11:04.03Legoroloh, i don't actually have to color all the cells?
11:04.13Industrialerr, 18
11:04.15Industrial19 now
11:04.20Legorolthat makes it easier..
11:04.22s|loupman tell me hwo to get 16 ^^
11:04.28Industrialno hehe
11:04.29Cideheh, wow
11:04.30Industrialtook me 1 hour
11:04.32Cide16 was a lot easier than I thought
11:04.39ckknightyea, Cide
11:04.43ckknightI did it in 10 seconds
11:04.45Legoroland here i was, thinking i have to make the paths such that they cover all squares
11:04.58Cideif you get locked into a way of thinking it can screw you up
11:05.01ckknightLegorol, hehe, not quite
11:05.38Legorolwell either way, so far so good
11:06.04Cide17 was...
11:06.07Cidesimple as hell
11:06.20ckknightgot 27
11:06.50ckknight28 starts 6x6x6
11:07.03ckknightunless I wasn't paying attention
11:09.14ckknightgot 28
11:10.15Industrial19's a biotch :(
11:10.30ckknight29's easy
11:12.10ckknightgot 30
11:12.11ckknightI win.
11:12.21Industrialyay :)
11:12.31ckknightpatterns are fun
11:13.03Industrialthought you'd like it :P
11:13.50ckknightsadly, I still don't have pancakes
11:14.07ckknightthe biggest tip I can give is to view to the author of the puzzle as a sadist
11:14.28Legoroli find that sometimes taking pen and paper helps a lot
11:14.29ckknightit makes doing em easier
11:14.31ckknightat least for me
11:14.39Legoroljust reorganize the problem so it has same topology but you can see it better
11:14.39ckknightLegorol, if you need that :-P
11:14.49Legorolfor 14 i found it easier that way
11:14.52s|loupi cant think about sadists :/
11:14.58Legoroli just find it quicker sometimes
11:15.15Legorolwell if i put it on paper, i do away with random kinks that are confusing the eye
11:15.20Legoroland i reduce the problem to abstract form
11:15.36ckknightgonna do it again, so I can help Indie
11:16.53s|loupindie need no help i need help ;)
11:17.09purldps very, very slowly - I mean f*cking slow
11:17.11ckknightwhat level you on, s|loup ?
11:17.19IndustrialMINUS 50 DEE KAY PEEE
11:17.21s|loup16 as 30 minutes ago ;)
11:17.46ckknightah, okay
11:20.28ckknightat 15 now
11:20.37Industrialstill 22 for em
11:22.16ckknightokay, at 16 now
11:23.16ckknightgot 16, s|loup
11:23.31ckknight(with 1 block missing)
11:24.09Legorolok, let's see this 16 :)
11:24.22ckknightstart at the top corner
11:24.25ckknightgo right
11:24.30ckknightdon't stop till you hit the same color
11:25.18ckknightany help or should I go on?
11:26.22ckknightfrom the point you just hit, select the color 2 blocks up, go 1 block down, then all the way to the right, hitting the color
11:26.30ckknightyou now have 2 connections
11:27.45ckknight2 blocks up from that, select that color, go north till you stop, then southwest 1 block, connecting that color
11:27.57s|loupblue one line
11:28.05s|loupfrom top right side to bottom?
11:28.27ckknightcolors are random
11:28.55ckknightthe north corner, go southeast and hug the wall
11:29.12ckknightdon't stop till you hit the same color
11:30.38Elkanothx ck :)
11:30.48ckknightElkano, what for?
11:31.04ckknighthaven't gotten to your bug yet
11:31.25Elkanofor 16 ^^
11:31.32s|loupi have now 4 connections right?
11:33.29s|loupi have bottom lft to right side until top
11:33.48s|loupalso bottom left 4 points to bottom right
11:34.11s|loupthen bottom right 4 points to top
11:34.48s|loupoh goodness
11:35.14s|louplooks like im to stupid to see the right way
11:35.21s|loupthanks ;)
11:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
11:41.21Elkano19 giving me headaches again :/
11:45.26ckknightlemme get to it
11:49.18Industrialif you get to 23..
11:53.15ckknightokay, got to 19
11:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
12:00.13ckknightgot 19
12:00.51Elkanook, how?
12:03.14ckknight20's real easy
12:03.22Elkanothx :)
12:04.30Elkanoyes, it was
12:05.56ckknightjust got 21
12:05.58ckknightslightly complicated
12:07.06Industriali stopped
12:07.08Industrialmy opera crashed
12:07.47ckknightthat sucks
12:07.54ckknightI just got 22, too
12:08.21ckknighteither way, patterns are fun
12:09.21ElkanoI'm at 22, too
12:10.28Maldivia"You win"
12:10.46ckknightgrats, Maldivia
12:10.58Maldivia20 are real easy
12:11.03Maldiviathat is
12:11.26Elkanogot 22
12:15.32ckknightdone 24
12:16.08ckknightand 25
12:16.35zespriso why my alt cast doesn't work with all addons switched off?
12:16.45zespriI though it was wow built-in feature?
12:16.45ckknightand 26
12:16.52ckknightgranted, I remember these ones
12:17.02ckknightzespri, check key bindings
12:17.22zespriwhat should I check in key bindings?
12:19.15ckknightfor self-cast action bar 1
12:20.35zesprioh, silly me
12:20.43zesprithat's what it means!
12:21.03zesprii thought about alt click cast, which was never built in!
12:21.08zespricool thanks
12:25.54Legorolway, managed 16!
12:26.48ckknighteven after I posted up a picture of it
12:28.49Legorolyou did?
12:28.52Legorolwhat for...
12:30.24ckknights|loup was having trouble
12:33.30Legorolfair enoguh
12:33.39Legorolhowever, i think getting 16 put me in a different mindset of looking at this thing
12:33.45Legorol17 seemed lot easier afterwards
12:33.49Legoroleven though i don't think it is
12:35.27Legorolfrom 16, i started playing it like minesweeper, rather than trying to see the whole pattern at once
12:35.33Legorolstart filling in things you know must be true
12:35.41Legoroland eliminate
12:38.05ckknightpretty much.
12:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:12.31Wobinhm, HealerAssist is a nice addon...
13:12.51WobinNow if only it sync'd properly =\
13:24.50wereHamsterI need a faster uplink :( .. uploading 120MB takes too long
13:27.03KasoUnicode confused me :<
13:28.00Legorollol, looking at 19, with systematic elimination, so far i have managed to prove that it's impossible to solve :p
13:28.00Legoroli better look again
13:31.26zenzioI know people have different interests, but I feel sorry for people who find it funny to run your horde character to Ironforge just to spam a /shout
13:31.54ThraeIt's a rite of passage for anyone who just got their epic mount!
13:32.58zenzioI remember when I was leveling my warrior in Elwynn, for a few days there was an orc corpse lying on the road a bit east of Goldshire
13:35.24krka|workwhoa... what has 3d got to do with that puzzle? it's easily mapped to 2d
13:35.26wereHamsterhm.. is it impossible to upload a >100MB video to without  windows?
13:35.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:36.29wereHamsteroh.. there IS a linux version.. didn't see that :-/
13:37.22krka|worklooks like a trivial puzzle, algorithmically
13:44.22wereHamsterWobin, the author contacted me some time ago ;)
13:45.28Legorolkrka: the puzzle is way cool
13:45.35Legorolthe 3D just makes it look nice
13:46.03Legorolif you tried to map to 2D, you wouldn't get such nice shapes and arrangements
13:46.39Legoroli think the puzzle is actually less than 2D
13:46.40wereHamsterbut I find it too much information.. I don't believe one can read and fully understand everything that is displayed in this addon in the heat of a battle.. it's just too much numbers, text and bars.. IMHO
13:46.44Legorolin the sense that you are just finding lines
13:46.51Legorolsuch that they don't cross
13:47.09Legorolall of them can be mapped to a set of lines, so ... well.. maybe 1.5D? :)
13:47.41wereHamstersqrt(2)D ?
13:56.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
13:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:03.13MiravlixJust what I need a 300$ mousemat
14:03.24Miravlixand it doesn't include mouse or cat
14:03.36KasoThats a might expensive mousemat
14:03.48Kasoand i thought paying £25 for my icemat was pricey.
14:06.11MiravlixIt's a Formel 1 accessory
14:06.25MiravlixFunny I can get a F1 watch for 100$ more
14:06.49MiravlixMousemat or watch and sameish price...
14:07.06MiravlixI think something is fairly wrong with there pricing or the watch is pure crap
14:29.22Wobinstuck on 23
14:30.32s|loupstop playing that game ;)
14:30.57SinePiwhat are you playing, eh?
14:31.14s|loupit was brought by devil to stop working on addons *g*
14:34.00krka|workit's evil
14:34.03krka|workall puzzles are evil
14:34.23krka|workthough now i'm not sure it's trivial to solve algorithmically
14:34.52krka|worki've seen a programming competition problem that was more or less identical, but i didn't solve that problem either :P
14:39.00SinePihmm. Are the PTRs down, or what? I've generated a character from the provided ones, and I cannot choose a realm with the test client...
14:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
14:40.56Endthey are wanting to bring them back up today
14:41.00Endbut they don't have an ETA
14:44.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:46.26Corrodias15 is the first challenging level... and by that, i mean the one that has me stuck for a moment
14:51.39Corrodiasi solved it, but my ability to visualize the puzzle does not extend to that point and certainly not beyond
14:58.50KirkburnHehe... what do you get when you cross a crazy english girl, Pepsi and some Mentos:
15:04.26KirkburnOh, and this is very very good :)
15:10.01KasoIndeed it is
15:10.10Kasoshame ebaum stole it, dirty thief
15:10.27Kirkburn|outDoesn't surprise me :/
15:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge AcidFlow (
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16:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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16:11.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
16:22.50JoshBorkelol Ratbert_CP
16:28.15KasoHow much can you spam ChatMessages before you need to worry about being DCed for flooding
16:30.24Cidea lot, usually
16:30.46Cidesay, 3-4 messages a second should be fine
16:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
16:41.36Kasoperhaps i'll do some testing, do SavedVars get saved when you DC?
16:42.05CideI believe so
16:42.17Cideand I don't think it's a hardcoded limit
16:42.28Cidewell, it might be, but it includes the client's normal data flow too, I think
16:42.41Kasohmm i see
16:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:47.21KirkburnAnyone have a view on whether you think the hackwow wiki should be allowed to be linked on the wowwiki?
16:48.33KirkburnI mean, how 'hacky' is it really?
16:49.25ScytheBlade1That looks like a pretty legit site
16:56.26ScytheBlade1google "hackwow"
16:56.32ScytheBlade1It's actually a pretty upstanding site
16:56.41Gryphenit's zeegs
16:57.14Gryphenhe moved the wiki that was on wowguru to there
17:02.08JoshBorkei found a bug in one of wereHamster's addons! WOOHOO!
17:06.26*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
17:06.42kaidenis there anyway to invoke a slash command from within macro from luaslinger for instance?
17:09.30zenziosuch patience
17:11.17ElkanoMoonWolf, I'm still tweaking my algorithem a bit in order to not spam too many lines. If you have some time to asist me a bit, I'll try to put it into a branch then :)
17:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
17:13.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:25.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
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18:14.19JoshBorkecan someone confirm something for me?
18:14.27JoshBorkei seem to be having some oddities in the way events are fired
18:16.54JoshBorkeif I just cast a heal on myself one time, i get CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF followed by SPELLCAST_STOP
18:17.45JoshBorkehrm, even weirder
18:18.07JoshBorkeif i cast Holy Light (2.5 second cast) I get CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF followed by SPELLCAST_STOP
18:18.25JoshBorkeif i cast Flash of Light (1.5 second cast) I get SPELLCAST_STOP followed by CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF
18:18.53krka|workmaybe there's not clearly defined order of those events
18:19.11JoshBorkewell that stinks!@
18:20.42KasoI always get Self_Buff before Stop
18:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
18:22.35Kasooh hello
18:22.56KasoIf i heal someone else it goes in the oppoiste order
18:23.32JoshBorkeit appears to swap for me when I go from Holy Light to Flash of Light 'rapidly'
18:24.10JoshBorkeactually, with FoL i'm getting 2 spellcast_stop's
18:24.18KasoWell the chat_msg has always been an aproximation, what your client think's going on.
18:24.48JoshBorkeisn't it sent by the server?
18:25.28KirkburnGreat, another bloody vandal on the wiki
18:26.17Kasowell i guess it must be somehow, but i mean you often get teh combat log getting order of things wrong
18:26.17KirkburnOh crap, he's going mad
18:26.43Kasolike Fred's heal hits bill for 2000, mob hits bill for 100 bill dies. stuff
18:27.22Kasoha ha nice name on the vandal
18:29.08KirkburnI'm not impressed.
18:29.22Kasoyou gonna wait to revert or keep going?
18:29.56Kasobah, Mexi-fry as well
18:30.08KirkburnDunno, hopefully he'll get bored soon
18:30.42Kasois there a way to see all of a user's edits?
18:30.47KirkburnAh, he's just redoing it over my reverts, he must be having fun
18:30.57KirkburnGo to his user page, bottom left toolbox
18:31.22Kasoah lovely
18:32.21KirkburnYou just gotta wonder what kind of mindset makes you do that
18:32.44KasoI dont know he;s been going for like half an hour, i cant be that entertaining can it?
18:32.49JoshBorkeis wowi ever gonna offer SVN service? ^_^
18:33.42KirkburnIf he wants to do it to every single article, it's gonna take him a while. And then it'll all disappear when an admin appears
18:33.46Gryphenopensvn, nice free service, havent had any trouble
18:33.56Kasocan admins do mass reverts?
18:35.16KirkburnI've been told so
18:35.43Kasomakes sense i guess
18:35.46KirkburnThey need to add more admins though
18:35.57GryphenI just alerted Alex, he is banning them
18:36.09KirkburnOh great, more than one!
18:37.27KirkburnThanks Gryphen
18:38.20KirkburnCo-ordinated attacks, eh, they must really be bored
18:39.28KirkburnHumourously, I now know the name of the 'fumf' guy, as his friend wrote it in one of the vandalisms ... Mark
18:39.48KirkburnHe's back!
18:39.57GryphenAs what?
18:40.02Kasoha ha how stupid is he
18:40.17Kasotaking bets on how long till ban, 30 sec, 40 maybe?
18:40.28KasoThis is more entertaining that TV!
18:41.37KirkburnAlso 'Rabbitt', it appears
18:42.53KasoFried too
18:43.55KirkburnAnd Sasume
18:45.51Kasowhats the policy on things like User:Polymorphmebaby a spam userpage
18:46.29KirkburnIf it's just spam, and not a proper user, you can probably tag it {{speedydelete}}
18:46.44Gryphenis he testing?
18:47.29KirkburnHmm, odd page that
18:48.39KirkburnIt's categorising itself atm, which isn't technically allowed, but it's probably best to see what he does
18:51.06*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
18:52.04Kasowell that was a nice 10min of drama
18:55.27Kirkburn'Mark and friends' they shall henceforth be known as :)
19:01.15AnduinLothar2 down, 1 to go
19:02.38JoshBorkegood luck
19:02.42zenzio <-- whoever wrote this was wrong about drop location
19:05.19KirkburnFix it?
19:06.13Kasoah the wonders of wikis :>
19:06.15zenzioI only view wikis
19:06.23zenziothey confused me
19:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
19:09.42KasoEnjoy Zenzio
19:15.56KirkburnHmm, a tangled web of intruige I spy on the wiki ... someone is blaming their brother for what happened. Someone called Mark.
19:16.08AnduinLotharmark up?
19:16.27KasoI saw you deleted it from the vandles page
19:17.16KirkburnYeah, until he responds I'm not gonna start blaming him
19:17.26Kasobut im confused greatly now
19:17.52KirkburnHave a look at the last few edits he made
19:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
19:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
19:20.02Kasobut didnt he delete all the crap to add his "Sorry" message
19:20.35KirkburnIndeed so, so I'm gonna be watching him closely
19:21.00KirkburnOf all the methods of apologising, more vandalism isn't one :P
19:21.04ScytheBlade1Is it possible to enumerate all known patterns for a profession?
19:21.33ScytheBlade1(Patterns, Enchants, Recipies, whatever)
19:21.33KirkburnI think so
19:21.57ScytheBlade1I'm looking for something that'll basically let me copy+paste (or upload SavedVariables) to a website
19:22.01KirkburnKnown to whom, tho?
19:22.05ScytheBlade1That'll list all professions
19:22.08AnduinLotharyes, but it's a pain in the ass
19:22.18ScytheBlade1See, that's what I was afraid of ;)
19:22.33AnduinLotharsame thing as enumerating quests
19:22.48AnduinLotharyou have to save the state, expand them all, enumerate and restore the state
19:23.33ScytheBlade1Don't suppose you know most all of the API calls that I'd need to use off the top of your head, do you?
19:23.55AnduinLotharlook at one of the mods that organizes it
19:26.18ScytheBlade1What do you mean by save/restore the state?
19:26.39AnduinLotharwhat's expanded and visible
19:26.48AnduinLotharint he tree
19:26.58ScytheBlade1oh okay
19:33.49KirkburnOoh, Germany v Poland atm
19:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
19:54.00AnduinLotharwhy doesn't this work: string.gsub(CHAT_MSG_GUILD, "%[", "%%[")
19:54.12AnduinLotharshould replace [ with %[
19:54.21AnduinLotharbut it doesn't find any
19:54.48zenziowhy the % before the [?
19:54.58AnduinLotharescape char
19:54.59Wobinmagic character
19:55.06Wobinwhat's CHAT_MSG_GUILD?
19:55.12zenzioin that case shouldn't it be %%[ in the second?
19:55.16WobinThe event?
19:55.18zenzioarr, three %s
19:55.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
19:55.41WobinI don't think the escape chars are needed for the 'replacement'
19:55.56WobinIt's just a string [Guild]?
19:56.04AnduinLotharin english, yes
19:56.57Wobinreturns %[Guild] for me
19:57.54AnduinLothar... that would be logical... but running it command line i get 0 replacements
19:57.55Abenadiquestion: my mod queries talent tree and i noticed it doesn't always work when I do it right away in the onload function. What event would be a more appropriate time to check talent spec?
19:58.36AnduinLotharunless the lua pritn function uses escapes too..
19:59.00zenzio/script message(CHAT_MSG_GUILD); -> Guild
19:59.06zenziodoes message() script []?
19:59.11zenzioer... strip
19:59.22zenzio(somehow I can't type tonight)
19:59.27AnduinLotharlol silly me
19:59.42AnduinLotharCHAT_GUILD_GET = "[Guild] %s:\32"
19:59.50AnduinLotharCHAT_MSG_GUILD = "Guild"
19:59.51WobinThat'd do it
20:00.45AnduinLotharthat's better
20:02.02zenziowhy the \32, does it normally tirm trailing spaces?
20:02.08zenzioffs, trim
20:02.19AnduinLotharno idea
20:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
20:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
20:21.31MikkOk, Kirkburn, you owned me. I'm here. Now what nick are you hiding behind? :-)
20:21.45KirkburnHello :)
20:21.47MikkOh, kirkburn.
20:21.57KirkburnStrange, that :P
20:22.22KirkburnWhat a fun evening it has been on the wiki ...
20:22.48MikkAye, 12 year olds with too much free time ftl.
20:23.27MikkOops, sod it, NickServ is telling me that I'm stealing someone's nick.
20:23.54KirkburnSeems User:Rabbitt may have had something to do with it, but it's hard to work out the truth
20:24.14_MikkYeah he edited one of the vandalisms and said something about his brother and please don't ban him etc
20:24.31KirkburnFun whilst it lasted though :P
20:24.32_MikkAlex would probably be able to tell from IP address logs
20:24.35_MikkNot that it's important
20:25.06KirkburnWell, anyway, welcome :)
20:25.18ckknightI'm pretty sure you can force the fake Kirkburn off with your nickserv pass
20:25.29ckknightthe command is ghost or something
20:25.32KirkburnI'd rather you didn't!
20:26.16MiravlixIt's /msg nickserv recover <nickname> password
20:26.19ckknightI am horribly confused about the situation
20:27.04_MikkWho am I insulting btw? :-)
20:27.05Kirkburnckknight, Mikk's name is already taken, not mine!
20:27.26ckknightI see
20:27.35KirkburnIt's best to spread it around, insult everyone, don't have favourites :P
20:28.33_MikkGood point, you odiferous clay-brained whey-face!
20:28.57TainUwe Boll wants to get into a boxing ring with anyone who wants to badmouth his movies.
20:29.07Kirkburnheh. [No, I am not also going to look up an insult generator]
20:29.27KirkburnSo I hear, Tain :D
20:30.42Kirkburn(btw, to those who don't know, Mikk is 'guy who is overhauling the wowwiki')
20:31.00TainYou can't keel haul the wiki!  We love it!
20:31.06TainOh.. overhaul.
20:31.35Kirkburnriiiight ... sailor
20:32.21Kirkburn(I'm not sure if that was going to turn into an insult :)
20:32.58TainAn insult!  Why you... insulter.
20:34.10KirkburnFamiliar ... :)
20:34.22_MikkI still laugh at it every time I see it though :-)
20:34.35_MikkDamnit, the wiki has made me revert to oldtime smileys
20:34.51_MikkModern ones look like frogs in sans serif
20:35.23_MikkNo space between eyes and mouth, and extremely wide mouths
20:35.58Kirkburnaah, I see :) :) :) :)
20:36.19KasoIm a triangular brackets smilie sorta guy
20:36.33_MikkNot that I see the difference atm. I haven't installed a sane IRC program since my HD ate itself, so I'm using Opera's builtin. And it comes with... *shudder*... automatic emoticons that can't be turned off.
20:36.37KirkburnDamn, you reminded me of those new Apple adverts again with that 'touche' .... *grumbles*
20:36.53_MikkPwnd. I don't watch TV anymore ;)
20:36.56KasoOh man i hate those so much.
20:37.27KirkburnWho wants to watch TV when you can edit a wiki for 12 hours in a row
20:37.27ckknight;-) :-P
20:37.54_MikkI moved ~2 years ago and got crap all reception in the living room. Meant to fix an antenna on the roof, but never got around to it. Suddenly I realized that bittorrent was all I really needed.
20:38.22_MikkI've pretty much given up on the antenna project now :-)
20:38.23KirkburnI'm in italy, so torrents are about the only way I can get good TV
20:38.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
20:39.05_MikkI sure don't miss the commercial breaks, that's for sure.
20:39.26TainJust put in my satellite radio home bracket!
20:39.46KirkburnHah, that's why being british is so great, watch the BBC and never be bothered by them again :D
20:40.04_MikkSo, anyway... *rewinds a bit*  Overhauls... I'm not sure I'll be doing that much more atm, I'm kinda dry on good ideas right now. Can think of a couple of things but I'm not sure how much they'd actually _help_.
20:40.07KasoBBC is truely great.
20:40.18_MikkThinking I'll actually get started on posting the stuff I came to wowwiki to do :-)
20:40.22Kirkburnzomg, you're slowing?!
20:40.37_Mikk(Ooooo, hey, this is the right place for that, come to think of it)
20:41.09KirkburnWhy'd you think I made you come here :)
20:41.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
20:41.44_MikkAnyone care to lend a helping hand to a command-line WoW API emulator implemented wholly in Lua?   I have the XML parser and basic APIs in place to allow the majority of mods to load and get past the initial bout of system events :-)
20:42.30wereHamsterJoshBorke, tell me about the bug ;0
20:43.06Kaso_Mikk that sounds pretty awesome
20:43.10_Mikk(I'm basically not thinking of it as "my" project. Ultimately, it's too much work for any single person. I was thinking I'd mostly just dump an intro on wowwiki and let people add whatever APIs they need themselves and plug it as a community project or something.)
20:43.36_MikkYeah, I'm liking it so far for my own development. Debugging becomes a whole hell of a lot easier
20:44.00_MikkNot that I've actually gotten a real Lua debugger to WORK. The ones I've found tend to either crash and burn when you sneeze on them, or just be able to debug a single Lua file.
20:44.19_MikkBut I've implemented a command-line debugger that allows you to look at call stacks, examine local+global variables, etc...
20:44.34ScytheBlade1_Mikk, and OS limitations?
20:44.38KirkburnGetting stuff on the wiki about it would be an excellent idea
20:44.48_MikkScythe: It's Lua. It runs everywhere :-)
20:44.55ScytheBlade1Just asking :)
20:45.14_MikkWell ok I have some file fiddling that's currently win32 cmd.exe calls, but they're only a handful. Could easily fix it up to talk bash too.
20:45.23ScytheBlade1mmmmmm bash
20:45.34ScytheBlade1oops, forgot my time zone
20:47.10_Mikkfook knows :-)
20:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:52.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
20:54.20_MikkMy only real dilemma now is where to put the whole shabang
20:54.54KirkburnDevelopment help addons?
20:54.59_MikkOne idea is to upload it to one of the addon sites, but then there'd have to be a couple people with account name and password, and they'd have to sync patches with eachother, and accept submissions for others.
20:55.12_MikkThe actual code I mean :-)
20:55.18KirkburnAh, I see
20:55.23ScytheBlade1What are you looking for?
20:55.35_MikkJust a sane place to upload the actual project
20:56.01_MikkMeh. :-)
20:56.02ScytheBlade1SVN? CVS? What are you looking for?
20:56.02Legorolpublically readable svn,
20:56.07KirkburnPaladin Assistant has a similar setup ... releases on worldofwar, but dev goes on on sourceforge
20:56.12Legorolwith those with write access that you choose
20:56.30_MikkThat means I'd have to fix my bloody linux box :-)
20:56.39ScytheBlade1Google tortise svn
20:56.43_MikkSVN for win32
20:56.43ScytheBlade1Only spelled correctly
20:56.44Legoroldefinitely some form of SVN though
20:56.44_MikkYeah I just remembered
20:56.52Legorolmost addon codes seem to prefer SVN
20:56.57Endunless you feel like using cvs YUCK YUCK
20:56.58ScytheBlade1How big is the project? (kB)
20:57.09_MikkOnly been using SVN under *nix so far. Totally forgot there was a windoze version too
20:57.11Endcvs is a really big mess in win32 :P
20:57.17_MikkI hate cvs with a passion
20:57.19Endso yeah
20:57.20_MikkDon't worry :-)
20:57.21Endjust got svn
20:57.22Legorolsvn has nice client and server support in windows
20:57.37Legorolthat's actually a word :)
20:57.41EndI don't think he wants git
20:57.46Legorolprobably not, no
20:58.04Gryphenopensvn :)
20:59.19_MikkTortoisesvn ftw
20:59.25_MikkRight.. project size
20:59.58_MikkAbout 200kb
21:00.05ScytheBlade1Not bad
21:00.14_MikkIt was a busy week :-)
21:00.19ScytheBlade1I'd say so
21:00.57Legorolhow far did everyone get with
21:01.09Legorol(no ? at the end)
21:01.29Kaso13 :< damn logic puzzles.
21:01.37KirkburnStill works with the '?' :)
21:01.45Endonly 16 or 17 but I stopped with the intention of going back :P
21:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
21:02.52Kirkburncool game
21:02.58*** part/#wowi-lounge _Mikk (
21:03.19KirkburnUtterly confusing at first, but cool afterwards
21:04.38Legoroltotally addictive
21:04.45Legorolckknight last reported being on 28
21:04.50Legoroli'm on 23 and going
21:05.09Legorolgoing slowly, that is :)
21:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge _Mikk (
21:06.19_MikkTruth be told though. Half my time on wowwiki has been cleaning up after SilverStub :-)
21:08.56KirkburnAlso known as "The Mentor"
21:09.20_MikkNo, he's "The Smentor" now
21:09.30KirkburnThanks to us, yeah :P
21:10.43KirkburnI do reckon the wiki does look a lot better than a month ago now. When I came across the Blood Elf page it looked like an newbie html conference
21:11.06_MikkHuh, did I change anything that affected _that_? :-)
21:11.32_MikkAh, no, that was your job :-)
21:14.49Endhuuaaaah huuuaaaah?
21:16.31KirkburnI'm stuck on level 16 :(
21:16.38Legorolyeah, that's the first tough one
21:16.40Legorolit's a milestone
21:16.52Legorolit's thoroughly recommended you figure that one out yourself without a spoiler
21:16.56KirkburnI just can't get the green and yellow to fit
21:16.58_MikkOkay... stumped at step 1. I start creating an account, and the verification mail hasn't arrived yet. Question is: is the mail just lagging, or does the message "Before registering an account, you should review our Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy." meant that they've given me the finger?
21:17.00Legorolbecause it forces you to think about the game in a different way
21:17.15LegorolKirkburn: the coloring is random, so saying green and yellow doesn't help
21:17.26Legorolunless you post a screenie of it
21:17.47Legoroli can give you a general tip though if you like, without spoiling it
21:18.35LegorolOn 16, you have to start thinking like you do in minesweeper:
21:18.47Legorolinstead of thinking about what can i do here, you have to start thinking "ok, what *can't* i do here"
21:19.29Legorole.g. things like: ok, this color can't possibly go this way because blah blah
21:19.47Legorolif you can't solve it, i can give you further hints
21:19.58_MikkAh, it actually meant that they gave me the finger. Reading their policies and filling out my stuff again worked.
21:20.04_MikkExcept now they're telling me to wait up to 24 hours
21:20.23Legorolyou know, finger used to be a cool utility...
21:20.46Legorolstill is, at my university, you can finger almost anyone
21:20.49_MikkAye. Replacing the fingerd with fun stuff never ceased to amuse me :-)
21:22.06Kirkburn"at my university, you can finger almost anyone" ... great quote :D
21:22.18_Mikkfinger @
21:22.27_Mikkhave no idea if it'll actually work today but... worth a shot
21:22.44_Mikki'm sorely lacking shell boxes outside my home network atm :(
21:23.44KirkburnI need another hint :/
21:23.51EndI was asking for a finger, I using the finger!
21:24.33KirkburnDid it!
21:24.42_MikkI think
21:24.43ScytheBlade1So are they going to run another round of PTR, or is it patch day next tuesday?
21:25.00Legorolgrats, Kirkburn
21:25.03KirkburnSix days away, lots can change
21:25.21ScytheBlade1... that answers neither question ;)
21:25.30_Mikk(Anyone that's registered to slowsforge lately know if I actually have to wait for human interaction before I can use it? Or is their mail server just being a bit laggy?)
21:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
21:35.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:45.42KirkburnLevel 26!
21:48.44KirkburnDid you reach 30?
21:49.14ckknightI don't play WoW
21:49.42ckknightthe 3d game?
21:49.44ckknight3d logic?
21:49.51ckknightthat what you talking about?
21:50.03ckknightI was the first one to beat that, here
21:50.17KirkburnDarn you, 28 now :)
21:50.17_Mikk(Pardon for sticking my nose in but ... erm... why is someone here that hasn't played WoW? :-))
21:50.38_Mikk(Or "how come", rather.. not "why")
21:51.02ckknightbecause I code instead
21:51.16Kirkburn*cough* Fubar *cough*
21:51.21ckknightbecause the light of creation burns inside of me, and without placating it, it will devour me.
21:51.35Kasoyou have a wow account though?
21:52.02_MikkIf he doesn't, I want what he's been using for development.
21:52.08_MikkSo I can scrap mine.
21:52.37Kasowell you could be really good at coding write all the code from your mind then get someone else to test it :>
21:52.39_Mikk(Hrm.. just remembered that WoWEmu exists... nm that)
21:52.42chuckgHahah what the hell.
21:52.47_MikkKaso: HAHAHAHAHAHA
21:52.49chuckgckknight, you don't even play WoW?
21:53.10chuckgSo you make something, see that it works and start making something else?
21:53.23ckknightas I said, if I don't continuously placate my need to create things, I grow malcontent
21:53.35chuckgAnd start trying to create religions?
21:53.50_MikkCreate a couple level60 tier2 equipped wow toons. That'll keep you busy for a while :-)
21:53.54ckknightthat's mostly a social experiment
21:53.58ckknightI'm working on Ace2 now
21:54.00ckknightand such.
21:54.06Kasothats a good idea chuckg, look at old L.Ron he made a forture
21:54.14ckknighthells yea
21:54.19KirkburnFubar, converting you to the ckknight cult little by little
21:54.31ckknightit's called Cocoonism, Kir
21:54.50chuckgWho's 'project lead' on that?
21:54.57chuckgOr working on it, rather?
21:54.58KirkburnIt's like Ace, but with a 2 after the name
21:55.05ckknightKaelten, but I've been the only one coding on it for a little while
21:55.34chuckgWhat's Ace2 bringing to the table Ace doesn't? More blaot!?
21:55.42chuckgThat's a bloat.
21:56.00ckknightare you one of the anti-Ace people?
21:56.04chuckgNot at all.
21:56.09ckknightoh, okay
21:56.12chuckg"More bloat" might imply that ace has none or a lot.
21:56.13ckknightwell, Ace2 is fully embedded
21:56.22ckknightit also
21:56.30chuckgEmbedded in what?
21:56.38_MikkAye I was just gonna ask :-)
21:56.41_MikkInside Ace?
21:57.12chuckgEmbedded inside it's bed of embedding.
21:57.50_MikkHe hid it all inside _G._index !
21:59.53chuckgI'm wondering if it'd be better to make my own frame creation code or just use Iriel's.
21:59.59chuckgProbably iriel's.
22:00.18KirkburnYay, I won!
22:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
22:01.39KasoWhoever linked that game first, consider yourself on my list of first to die when i take over the world, its so bloody annoying!
22:02.04KirkburnLegorol did it! /points
22:03.17Kasoand im still just on level 17 :<
22:03.39Legorolactually wasn't me ;-)
22:03.42Legorolsomeone else started it
22:03.44Legoroli just continued
22:04.35Kasojust when you think its going sooo well, bam you've got a blue that's cornered in!
22:05.42_Mikkvows too
22:06.14Kasowow on the mind
22:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
22:12.51ckknightkaso it's fun
22:12.57ckknightI love pattern finding games
22:13.10KasoIt fills me with the rage of a thousand suns
22:13.15ckknightAce2 is an embedded framework
22:13.20ckknightso you include it in your addon
22:13.46KirkburnWell, I'd say it's more like a black hole, sucking you in
22:14.50KirkburnHere's how italian TV is stupid ... The Osbornes is DUBBED
22:15.14KirkburnWhat were they thinking??!
22:16.38SinePieverything in Italian TV is dubbed, isn't it?
22:17.25KirkburnPretty much, it's a dire state of affairs
22:18.01SinePiif they dubbed it well, I wouldn't complain, though...
22:18.19KirkburnAlthough, I am currently watching a advert for rimjobs
22:18.22_Mikkckknight: aaaaaahh, nice one.
22:18.26Kirkburn(in english)
22:18.38_Mikkthat's something i've been missing, really, from function libraries in general
22:18.56_Mikkit's not as if people running wow are going to go out of disk space by having a few more copies of a library
22:19.22_Mikk(Though I suppose the Lua parser memory pool might suffer)
22:19.49KirkburnYeah the problem with libraries so far has been that people don't like downloading more addons
22:19.54_MikkHeck, I even don't like it myself
22:20.16KirkburnIf you effectively hide the fact they are, all is good :)
22:20.18_MikkLuckily I'm teh uberz skillz c0der so I don't need to depend on libs ;)
22:20.44KirkburnHave you released many?
22:20.50_MikkHaha no
22:20.55_MikkJust inter-guild stuff
22:21.34_MikkHaven't done much WoW development. Only started recently. My Copies Free Time the past year was eaten by actually _playing_ WoW.
22:21.41KirkburnHow awful for you :P
22:22.28_MikkI've been writing software for ~20 years though >.<
22:22.34_Mikk(aye, started young :-))
22:23.00SinePiand you're?
22:23.06_Mikknow? 31.
22:23.15SinePibooya. :P
22:23.57SinePi26, coding since 5. Yes. Basic on a ZX. Pwnd! pissfight commence :P
22:24.17_MikkOk, I started when I was 9. It's actually 22 years now.
22:24.24_MikkBasic on an Atari 600XL
22:24.28_MikkFollowed by a ZX
22:24.34_MikkMy fingers still hurt when I think of that one
22:24.38TainI hacked my mom's DNA in Assembly while in the womb.
22:24.47ckknightyou know
22:24.51ckknightI made the universe.
22:24.55ckknightbeat that.
22:24.58TainI have bug reports to file on that.
22:25.04SinePickknight: and it sucks, beat that.
22:25.07_MikkYou're just a figment of my imagination. I don't need to beat you.
22:25.10ckknightyea, there are bugs.
22:25.11ckknightI know
22:25.17TainMS Universe XP
22:26.18_MikkOk sine, you pwn me on starting young. I use the fact that were bloody no home computers until I was 9 as an excuse :-)
22:27.55ckknightI'm still gonna go with my universe-creation deal
22:28.29_MikkHush figment, stop competing with me. You can't win.
22:28.59_Mikk(That's almost Shakespearean that is.. being referred to as a figment.)
22:29.39Kirkburn(but mostly it's just weird)
22:30.09ckknightI've been using a computer since I was 4 or so
22:30.14KirkburnI would have started coding young if I'd had something to code on :/
22:30.40ckknightI created a microbiological simulation in C++ when I was 10 or so
22:31.02ckknightit was a bunch of cells in an aqueous environment
22:31.09ckknighthad to find food and such
22:31.17TainHello world!
22:31.29KirkburnI started using a computer about the same time as you (er, I'm 21, so if that's earlier or later I dunno), but I never got past Basic :P
22:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
22:32.01SinePi_Mikk: quite well excused, actually. Can't beat the lack of hardware accessible, can you. :)
22:32.36KirkburnTru dat
22:32.52Kirkburn"According to, a large shipment of black DS Lites bound for Europe, along with a stockpile of DS games, has gone missing in Hong Kong. The estimated value of the merchandise, which was sealed in a cargo container, is 18,000,000 Hong Kong dollars (roughly $2.3 million)."
22:33.05TainIt was pirates!
22:33.10TainPiracy is killing the game industry!
22:34.16ckknight^--- great
22:34.30ckknightwell, it involves Mario
22:34.34ckknightand everyone loves him
22:35.59KirkburnWhat an odd selection that website gave me
22:37.25*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
23:04.03KirkburnZomg, it's Casino Royale!
23:10.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:10.59KirkburnYay for the wiki vandal returning :/
23:11.10_MikkWhat a twat
23:11.12KirkburnSame guy
23:11.27KirkburnFortunately, he's already been blocked :)
23:11.36QzotWhat's he been up to?
23:11.45_MikkShould create some choice insults on his talk page tbh
23:12.07_MikkSomething regarding the inadequate size of his genitals and how he'd be better off learning how to be a human being
23:12.48KirkburnHe's been wiping loads of pages, replacing it with insults or telling us he loves us
23:13.18QzotOn wowwiki?
23:13.33_MikkLooks like he's just doinking "random page" and then pasting his crap
23:13.38_MikkThere's no logic to where he's editing
23:13.57Gryphenlooks botted
23:14.31KirkburnHe deleted a reference to his possible name last time though
23:14.51_MikkNah, not fast enough to be botted. He's vandalizing two pages a minute.
23:14.59QzotThings like this make me despair for the human race.
23:14.59_MikkA bot would have been at 10ish
23:15.08KirkburnSee here:
23:15.51KirkburnI mean, he's not even funny like the willy on wheels guy
23:16.01_MikkGuy's actually just being a total dickwad and sitting there manually trashing stuff
23:16.03Kirkburn(impersonator, anyway)
23:16.23_MikkToo much free time and too many pimples still on his face
23:17.02KirkburnLeast he was stopped more quickly this time :)
23:17.26_MikkWatch him set his alarm clock for 4 in the morning and get up and vandalize half the wiki before mommy calls him down for breakfast
23:19.37KirkburnGryphen told me to message Alex on AIM if he returns ... if only I had AIM :P
23:20.16_MikkIM is satan
23:20.36KirkburnHmm, maybe not then :)
23:21.35_MikkTurns you into a slobbering baboon just hovering over your computer waiting for the next "Dinngggggg!", completely and utterly keeping you paralyzed and unable to go do anything else :P
23:21.49_MikkMuch like IRC >.<
23:22.13_Mikk(Except IRC doesn't ding so you can actually forget about it occasionally)
23:22.25KirkburnNice pic:
23:24.27Kirkburn:) I'm off to bed ... g'night all!
23:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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23:39.04_MikkDo I go all-out evil and GPL the thing, or do I just Public Domain it?
23:42.23_MikkGPL = Noone can benefit from my hard work!  PD = Go ahead and sell it if you like, as long as it's free to everyone that's smart enough to look.
23:42.48Kasoah right i understand whathcha getting at
23:43.13TainThat's a fairly mis-stated explanation of the GPL.
23:43.31_MikkIt carries truth though :-)
23:44.21_MikkI currently have the distinct displeasure of choosing an OS platform for a piece of networking software at work.
23:44.25_MikkI'd like to say "Linux!"
23:44.30TainNah, not at all.  Maybe if you define "benefit" as "sell for cash" then you could almost justify stretching it.
23:44.38_MikkBut I find myself not daring to because of GPL
23:44.48_MikkGPL says that userland applications never count as derivative work
23:44.56_MikkBut it has no such exception for kernel plugins
23:45.09_MikkDoesn't even matter if they've existed for 10 years before getting compiled as a kernel module
23:46.22_MikkI like the BSD license. I don't like the fact that the only BSD that'll run on the platform in question is TheoBSD :-)
23:46.27ckknightit's basically public domain with attribution
23:46.41TainYeah, I'm actually researching right now if the hardware I'm buying will work with fBSD ok for a SATA RAID5 fileserver.
23:46.48ckknightI'm talking about the license, not the OS
23:47.03_MikkAye I know
23:47.55_MikkYeah, calling it a BSD license with attribution to "The WoWBench development community" works.
23:47.59_MikkI'll pick that.
23:48.23TainI like the FU license.  Do whatever you want with it but if you try to blame me for anything.. FU.
23:48.47_MikkThat'd be PD + "you can't sue me!" clause then ;-)
23:49.24ckknightBSD also has a no warranty clause
23:50.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:53.03_MikkSilly sourceforce. It doesn't have Games/Entertainment:MMORPG.ö
23:53.18_MikkIt has MUD and FPS AND RTS. But not MMORPG.
23:57.01ScytheBlade1Just how complete is this project of yours?
23:57.13_MikkDepends on your mod.
23:57.18_MikkSome mods can go from alpha to release in it
23:57.20_MikkSome... not.
23:57.25ScytheBlade1What's missing?
23:57.30_MikkRandom APIs
23:57.36_MikkAll depends on what APIs you call
23:57.53_MikkI've only implemented what I've used myself.... well, and the mods I've been testing with.
23:58.02_MikkOf course, the widget API is one huge hoax atm
23:58.10_MikkDidn't see much point in doing anything properly in a text mode program.
23:58.36_MikkOne could conceivably run under LuaCheia, which has a window manager, and plop up dialogs that look more or less like they do in WoW
23:58.41_MikkBut it ain't gonna be me :-)

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