irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060611

00:03.06KirkburnLegorol, all I can say is, you're not the only one with the problem
00:05.04IrielExactly how large is it anyway?
00:05.46KirkburnExample thread:
00:06.09Irielhow many bytes
00:06.14Kirkburn"The x64 DVD image is over 4096MB. If you remember, this is the magical number of maximum filesize supported by FAT(32) filesystem."
00:06.34Kirkburn"However, this same limitation also occurs in many web browsers and file managers even if the file system does support files over 4096MB.
00:06.41IrielThat was my guess
00:06.50Irielthat it's 13.7 MB over 4GB
00:06.58Irieland ie, being the piece of crap that it is, can't handle the length
00:07.12KirkburnNeither can FF or Opera it seems
00:07.33LegorolIriel, that still doesn't explain why:
00:07.41Legorola) my download manager gets 13.7 when not going via tunnel
00:07.52KirkburnDownload manager needs updating?
00:08.02Iriela) Because your ISP's cache can't handle big files either
00:08.04Legorolb) I packet snooped on IE and (when not going via tunnel) it recieves a Content-Length of 13.7Mb in the HTTP response
00:08.19Irielb) Because your ISP's cache cant handle big files either
00:08.41Legoroland finally, why does IE get 13.7 when going via the tunnel?
00:08.56Irielc) Because IE' being the piece of crap that it is, can't handle the length
00:09.00Legorolas a piece of software, i am sure it can handle the size, since other people could download with it
00:09.07IrielFF at least tells you the right size, even though it fails to download it properly
00:09.09KirkburnI suggest torrenting it
00:09.20LegorolI don't beleive that MS's browser would fail to download from MS's site
00:09.23KirkburnWhich version of IE btw?
00:09.43IrielYou've obviously not been paying attention to microsoft for the last decard then
00:09.45Irieldecade, even
00:10.09KirkburnAre you using the MS downloader app then?
00:10.19Legorolthat one doesn't work either
00:10.25Legorolbut that could be because of my ISP, again
00:10.37Legoroli can try and force the MS downloader app via the tunnel
00:10.49Legorolwhen i say "download with IE", i am referring to feeding the direct download link to IE
00:11.40KirkburnWho is your ISP btw?
00:12.40Legorolnot that it will mean much to you, I'm in the UK
00:12.46KirkburnThought so (well, it's what your 'info' thingy said)
00:12.46Legorolit's one of the bigger telecom companies
00:13.11KirkburnI'm english, and so's Iriel (even if he abandoned us)
00:13.17Legoroloh, you are, cool
00:13.24Legoroli know about Iriel's british ancestry ;_)
00:14.00KirkburnI would be surprised if NTL have that problem :/
00:14.39Legorolbut they do
00:14.48Legoroli already had some arguing with them about their stealth-caching of HTTP
00:14.53Legorolbut i will do some shouting this time
00:14.59Legorolok, new result:
00:15.13Legorolif i force the MS suggested download manager (Akamai thingy) through the ssh tunnel, it does get 4 gig
00:15.15Iriel4GB == 32 bits
00:15.38IrielThat's why everything has such a problem
00:15.46LegorolOk, comprehensive summary:
00:15.50Legorolvia ssh tunnel:
00:15.52Legorol- IE doesn't work
00:15.58Legorol- Akamai download manager works
00:16.03Legorol- my other manager works
00:16.06Legorolwithout ssh tunnel:
00:16.08Legorolnone of them work
00:16.13KirkburnI think you're right
00:16.22KirkburnAll the posters with the problem are from the UK
00:16.39KirkburnSee this thread ...
00:16.44Legorolwell it seems to be a combination of one or more of: ISP, Akamai and/or IE
00:17.02Legorolthe fact that IE doesn't work even via the tunnel means it's not 100% the ISP's fault
00:17.20IrielI think we're pretty sure Akamai is fine
00:17.39IrielIt's that both IE and your ISP's "transparent *cough* proxy" are broken.
00:17.51Kirkburn(On top of that, Neowin is not a UK-only website)
00:18.05IrielIn fairness, few people in their right minds put a 4.1GB file as a single download
00:18.28IrielSingle HTTP download, that is
00:19.00KirkburnTorrent it, I say
00:19.11LegorolMS are idiot for having such a large download
00:19.16Legoroland it not working with IE is just plain stupid
00:19.27Irielamusing though, in its own special way
00:19.33SinePis/for having.*//
00:19.42KirkburnWell, when IE6 came out, no-one even thought to have 4.1gig files
00:19.46Legoroladmittedly no one in their right mind should download 4 gigs with a browser
00:19.56Legorolyay for weird size limitations!
00:20.15Legorolhard disk sizes, number of digits in a year (y2k), RAM sizes, you name it, we got it
00:20.20KirkburnSame goes for FAT and hd size limitations
00:20.25Legoroli am just about fed up with people using too few bits for things :)
00:20.46IrielIt's not about using too few bits at all
00:20.51Irielit's about using the wrong tool for the job
00:20.55Irielyou dont use FAT for massive files
00:20.59Legoroli'm going to petition slouken to make Lua use 256-bit floats, and 256-bit unsigned ints for bitlib
00:21.07Legorolthen again, i shouldn't be so shortsighted
00:21.14Legorolmaybe i should ask for 1024 bits
00:21.15KirkburnI know the starter version of Vista will be severly crippled in that respect
00:21.24Irieljust like you dont use plastic fast food knives to carve raw meat
00:21.32LegorolIriel: what does this problem have to do with FAT?
00:21.41IrielFAT cant' handle 4GB files either
00:21.48Legorolyeah, but that's not relevant for me here
00:21.55KirkburnAh, but it could have been :P
00:22.11Legorolcould have been, yes
00:22.31Legorolbut what annoys me now is that no matter what tool i pick, even if i pick the correct one, i can't download the damned thing
00:22.33Legorolthanks to my ISP
00:22.46Legoroland i really liked NTL so far..
00:22.48IrielUnless you find either (1) a site that's split it into 2 downloads or
00:22.50Legorolthey have excellent tech support
00:22.51Iriel(B) a torrent
00:23.02Legoroli am not happy downloading my OS from 3rd party source, sorry :(
00:23.04Legoroltoo paranoid
00:23.06KirkburnI seem to recall suggesting B a couple of times
00:23.14IrielSudden change from numbers to letters an accident, sorry
00:23.24KirkburnCheck the hash when it's done?
00:23.29Legorolactually i like one thing about my ISP's tech support
00:23.35Legorolthey have several "levels"
00:23.50Legorolif the person you initially talk to can't help you (that's level 1), they pass you on to level 2
00:23.58Legorolthe higher level you get to, the more technical knowledge the person has
00:24.04IrielPretty much all large tech support organizations work that way
00:24.06Legorolyou can start having intelligent conversations at about level 3
00:24.14Legorolwell this was the first one where i had that..
00:24.15Irielthe real question is where you start finding someone with a clue
00:24.29Legorolso nowadays i just ask straight for level 3 when i phone them :)
00:24.44IrielHm, any place i've dealt with that didn't have that was usually BETTER because everyone had a clue
00:25.07Legorolany place i had come in contact with over the phone that didn't have levels had only one level, and they knew squat :(
00:25.15Legoroland that includes Blizz's phone tech support :/
00:25.21KirkburnI see a Vista x64 torrent on isohunt
00:25.58Legorolat one point, Blizz Europe messed up the download of the ELPs for those without p2p access
00:26.15Legorolit's a problem i have seen before, because they did it back during the European Beta too, so I knew what and why they messed up
00:26.23Legoroli phoned up their tech support, and tried to explain
00:26.26Legorolno luck
00:26.31LegorolEuropean Language Pack
00:26.36Kirkburnah yeah
00:26.51Legorolback when ELPs were released, the way blizz downloader worked was that if you disabled p2p,
00:27.04Legorolit would get the file from Blizz's server via HTTP, in chunks of 512k i think
00:27.27Legorolone thing Blizz did during the EU Beta is that one of the chunks on their server was corrupt
00:27.41Legorolso anyone trying to get the client without p2p would get stuck at exactly 82%
00:27.52Legorolyou might even recall the amount of posts about this on the tech support forum during the Beta
00:28.02Legorolit was the infamous "stuck at 82%" issue
00:28.21Legorolthe cause of that one was a corrupt chunk on the server
00:28.24Kirkburnlol, I wasn't around that far back
00:28.49Legorolwell anyway, they did the exact same thing with the ELPs
00:28.54Legorolcorrupt chunk
00:29.06Legorolbut i had absolutely no luck with the tech support person on the phone
00:29.11KirkburnActually, well, I'm not sure ... I could have been. Learning about WoW was just a haze of excitement and anticipation
00:29.42Legorolhm, here's a question:
00:29.43KirkburnI remember finishing Uni at lunchtime and running into town to find any copy anywhere
00:29.49Legorolhow can i snoop on packets travelling via an ssh tunnel?
00:29.59Legoroli have control over both ends of the tunnel, just not sure how to snoop on it
00:30.15LegorolKirkburn: was that on release day?
00:30.17KirkburnThey offered me the collector's edition - oh how I wish I'd got that instead :(
00:30.18Legorolor later
00:30.24KirkburnYeah, release day
00:30.33KirkburnNorthshire was great fun :D
00:30.36Legorolyou mean they were actually seling CE's in the shops?
00:30.41Legoroli thought that was just a legend..
00:30.46KirkburnUnder the desk in Game, yeah
00:31.03KirkburnThe person who went into the shop after me got one - he might have reserved it though
00:31.08Legorolthe official pre-order campaign for CE's was insane
00:31.17Legorolyou had literally a 10-hour window to per-order yoru copy of CE
00:31.32Kirkburnlol, I remember that!
00:31.52Legorolby the evening of the day they made them available online, they were all sold out
00:31.54KirkburnI didn't make up my mind quickly enough :/
00:32.09KirkburnYou were in the beta then?
00:32.10Legorolwell luckily i was on my toes and was checking for pre-orders daily
00:32.17Legorolonly in the public beta
00:32.37Legoroldidn't get into closed one, despite the number of applications *cough* me, my entire family, including grandparents, sent in
00:33.14Legorolgrandparents, they didn't even have a computer back then, but they were so keen on WoW they signed up for the beta ;-)
00:33.43Legorolbut thanks to pre-order, i got my WoW before the servers went live
00:33.52Legoroli was in the initial mad rush to create account at midnight
00:33.53Legorolthat was fun
00:34.17KirkburnCoolness ... Amazon messed me up on that. They kept pushing back my delivery date so I cancelled with them
00:34.30Legorolyah i went with the official pre-order campaign
00:34.33KirkburnWhere did you go first then?
00:34.35Legorolfigured that they can't screw it up
00:34.45Legoroli didn't go anywhere until the official campaign
00:34.52Legorolthen i went to the site that was officially linked to Blizzard
00:34.57KirkburnIn the game, first login
00:35.39Legorolah right
00:35.41KirkburnMy first char became my main ... I didn't even want to choose a warlock, thus I never named him Kirkburn :)
00:35.51Legorolhehe, i am in similar sort of situation
00:35.55Legorolmy first char was Legorol
00:35.58Legorolmade it to secure the name
00:36.13Legorolit's a warrior, because that's a class i haven't tried yet during the beta
00:36.19Legorolso figured heck, i'll see what it's like
00:36.32Legorolcurrently it's my highest level char, soon to reach 60, and i don't like warrior :/
00:36.41KirkburnOoh, you've yet to reach 60?
00:36.58LegorolLegorol has a /played time of 28 days
00:36.58KirkburnLeveling alts or just taking in the sights?
00:37.01Legoroland is a proud lvl 51
00:37.19Legorolthose two, and lot of /played accrued by sitting around typing /reloadui :)
00:37.39Legorolat periods, i'd say i was coding 80% of time and playing 20%
00:37.52Legorolnowadays i decided i will go for that 60
00:38.00KirkburnTook me 18 days myself ... I had a competition going with my friends
00:38.01Legoroland since Legorol is highest at the moment, i've started focusing on him
00:38.03IrielI remember going into work late to pick my copies of WoW up at the store
00:38.18LegorolIriel late for work? outrageous!
00:38.46Legoroli do have fair few alts
00:38.51Legoroli get too bored just playing one char
00:38.57Legoroli have chars on pve, pvp, rp, rp-pvp
00:39.10KirkburnAll because of me, my friends all play .. although one stopped, cancelled his account and deleted his chars, the bastard. I'm determined to get him back in come BC...
00:39.17Legorolplus i waste inordinate times on little "projects" of my own
00:39.28KirkburnI'm only on PvE, but I keep meaning to try an RP server
00:39.30Irielwhy would ANYONE delete their chararacters?
00:39.41KirkburnHe did it twice, too
00:39.42Legorolbecause we are only human?
00:39.51KirkburnHis bro did the same :/
00:39.56Legorolactually, Iriel, if you have used up your 10 slots per realm
00:39.59Legoroland you need free slot
00:40.01KirkburnHe was getting a bit too 'into' it
00:40.05IrielI'm not talking about that tho
00:40.11IrielI'm talking about the delete+cancel thing
00:40.15Legoroli can also perceive two other reasons:
00:40.17IrielSure, cancel, but why delete?
00:40.19Legorol1) impulsive
00:40.24Legorol2) to remove temptation
00:40.33Legorolif you want to quit an addiction, a good start is to destroy the goods
00:40.35KirkburnI think those were why
00:40.48IrielI would imagine you'd just make it worse because next time around you'll have to get up to 60 again
00:40.50KirkburnSilly though, he could have just cancelled and uninstalled
00:41.06Legorolspeaking of uninstall..
00:41.12KirkburnI have a plan though ... "ooh, look how cool the Draenei/Blood Elves are!"
00:41.23Legoroli reinstalled WoW recently, and for some reason the retail-to-1.10 patch kept failing
00:41.27Legorolin different places each time
00:41.34Legoroland worked on the 4th time or so
00:41.38Legorolfor no apparent reason whatsoever
00:41.50Legorolall the relevant hardware pieces involved are in good condition
00:41.55Legorolchecksums verified etc.
00:42.10KirkburnWhat type of error?
00:42.22Legorolnot much detail, just patch failed
00:42.28Legoroli think complained about some corrupt file
00:42.37Legorolbtw, the blizz repair tool seems utterly useless
00:42.41Irielhm, bad ram? overclocked CPU?
00:42.50Legorolnot likely, and nope
00:42.57Kirkburnheh ... I remember when patches would fail because it didn't exist
00:43.14Legoroli had really bad experiences with blizz repair tool
00:43.26Legorolit would claim tons of files corrupt on a fine install
00:43.43Kirkburn(irony ... patching fails because the repair util is missing)
00:43.50Legorolah, yeah, that one..
00:43.54Legorolfortunately i haven't had that
00:44.18KirkburnVery strange
00:44.34Legorolactually, i am not sure how you would go about deliberately engineering a scenario like that
00:44.38AnduinLotharmy favorite is it not letting me patch because i renamed the background downloader and it can't find it
00:44.40Legorolshort of deleting the repair utility manually
00:44.44KirkburnYou got around it by doing stepped updates U guess?
00:45.04Legorolwhat do you mean by stepped updates?
00:45.04Kirkburnlol AnduinLothar
00:45.14Legorolif you reinstall, you need to go straight from retail to 1.10
00:45.20Legorolyou don't get another choice
00:45.21Kirkburn1.8 -> 1.9 -> 1.10
00:45.31Legorolnah, you can't do that
00:45.33Irielyou'd need to have all of those patch files saved somewhere
00:45.34KirkburnWell, unless you download the small patches
00:45.36Irielyou CAN do that
00:45.38Legoroleven if you do the full 1.8 patch,
00:45.41Irielbut it's very difficult
00:45.44AnduinLotharYOU don't get another choice. i have all the patches from beta to 1.11
00:45.58AnduinLotharmac versions of course
00:46.01Legorolhmmm.. but some of them are not downloaded via a downloader
00:46.05Legorolso i wasn't able to save those
00:46.10Legorole.g. some minor patches
00:46.14IrielThey all end up in your wow directory dont they?
00:46.14AnduinLotharcourse then, the mac vers doesn't even have a repair utility
00:46.16Legorolsometimes they come with a downloader, but sometimes not
00:46.20LegorolIriel: nope
00:46.28Legorolsome minor patches vanish after the patching is complete
00:46.43Irielbut before you click 'okay' the file is there
00:46.47Irielripe for the picking
00:46.51AnduinLotharthe next major patch usually contains the previous minor patch
00:46.56KirkburnHe's right, I've got no 1.9.3->1.9.4
00:47.14Irielor Finished, or whatever the final click is
00:47.19LegorolIriel: yes, technically an mpq is there that you could make a copy of
00:47.29Legorolhowever, i am unsure as to how you'd force WoW to make use of it
00:47.41Legorolfor patches that remain in the WoW folder as an exe, yes you can run them later
00:47.42KirkburnWell anyway ... you got it sorted though, obviously?
00:47.45IrielI meant an exe
00:47.51Legorolbut that's what i am saying..
00:47.56Legorolfor some minor patches, there is NO exe
00:48.04Legorolonly an mpq
00:48.05IrielI'm pretty sure it's there, until you click 'Finished'
00:48.08Irieland then it's removed
00:48.18IrielBut I could be mistaken
00:48.18KirkburnThis is true, the tiny ones just downloaded straight from the servers
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00:48.28Legorolok i guess Iriel is right,
00:48.39Legorolone could save the mpq file and the BNUpdate.exe thing that happens to be there at the time
00:49.18KirkburnEventually WoW and Steam is gonna take over the hd in this poor laptop :/
00:49.20Legorolbearing in mind that there are a gazillion versions of BNupdate, so you'd have to make sure you save the right one with each mpq
00:49.31KirkburnThey already take up over a third of the drive
00:50.39KirkburnSo, what was the beta like?
00:50.49Kirkburn(at all)
00:52.13Legorolthe open beta was no different than the current game
00:52.23Legorollots of people on about 10 realms
00:52.39Legorolinitial rush, then levels get spread out
00:52.44AnduinLotharit's a lot less laggy now tho, despite complaints
00:53.05AnduinLotharthe stress tests 1 and 2 were abysmally laggy
00:53.09Legoroldunno about US, but in EU i had no lag problems ever in beta
00:53.28Legorolbut that's the open beta
00:53.47KirkburnThe EU open beta was basically the same client as the US release, no?
00:54.08Legorolno, the EU beta was 1.1.2
00:54.13Legorolopen beta that is
00:54.17LegorolUS release is 1.0.0
00:54.21KirkburnAnduinLothar, yeah ... if you could go back in time people would probably notice the difference
00:54.32Legorolby the time EU open beta rolled around, US was up to 1.1.2, so they used that
00:54.46KirkburnAh yeah ... I mean it wasn't really 'beta', except for the servers
00:55.02Legorolbecause the game was already sold in the US
00:55.11AnduinLotharthat and pallies owned face in the betas
00:55.17Legorolyup :)
00:55.23AnduinLothartill they got nerfed in the first patch, lol
00:55.24Legoroli remember that
00:55.37Legoroli played in US stress test, that was fun
00:55.48Legorolthat was my first WoW experience
00:55.57Legoroli finally got to try out AddOns I wrote :)
00:56.06Legorol(yes I wrote AddOns before I had WoW)
00:56.09AnduinLotharafter the pally hit 200 and got his hammer ti was good game
00:56.41KirkburnDamn I was gonna say ... they really nerfed the levels :P
00:56.46Legorolactually i was learning XML and Lua by getting hold of US client, and just modding Glue
00:56.52Legorolnot having an account to log in with
00:56.54Legorolthat was fun
00:57.12Legorolthose were the days when you could still mod Glue...
00:57.27AnduinLothari wasn't that hardcore. I didn't get into coding til after i hit 60 and made a leet translator for xfaction comm
00:57.38Legorolyou weren't the only one ;-)
00:57.48Legorolthe very first AddOn I did (when i had no WoW) was a translator
00:57.53Legorolvjeux had one too
00:58.16Legoroli was asking people in #cosmostesters to try it for me
00:58.21Legorolnoone was willing though :)
00:58.36Legorolthen i got to try it during US stress, and it actually worked so i was happy
00:58.42Legoroli had a very crap system for encoding though
00:58.49Legorollater AddOns were much better
00:59.09AnduinLotharyeah, till we made UT and there were rummors of people getting banned
00:59.37Legorolthe thing is, my original one still works
00:59.50Legorolbut now it's specifically against the ToU
01:00.07AnduinLotharwhich was that?
01:00.10Legorolmy encoding was so crappy it survived the nerf
01:00.25Legorolit had no name
01:00.31Legorolit was just a hack to ChatFrame.lua
01:00.35AnduinLotharhow so?
01:00.54Legoroli was using the letter A and spaces to encode text
01:01.05AnduinLotharlol, ownage
01:01.08Legorolsince word-length is not changed during garbling, this still works
01:01.24AnduinLotharcan't make long msgs tho
01:01.33Legorolit can split it up
01:01.42Legorolin principle, although i never coded that up
01:01.43AnduinLothar:) haxors
01:01.55Legoroli never made it into a proper addon
01:02.00Legorolsince this was before addons even existed
01:02.11Legoroli still have a copy of a hacked ChatFrame.lua somewhere with the code
01:02.23Legorolaaaaah, the history of wow modding...
01:02.34Legorolif i consider the fact that today you can't even mod ChatFrame.lua
01:02.45Legorolback in the days, that was THE way to mod ;_)
01:03.12Legorolspeaking of which, i have a 100 Kb or so Zip file called Cosmos 1.0
01:03.15Legorolit's pretty nostalgic
01:03.23Legorolit's about 10 files that go in FrameXML
01:04.04AnduinLotharmost of those survived until i rewrote them
01:04.32Legorolah, i remember that yeah
01:04.48Legorolthe joy when the last framexml mod was gone
01:06.56Cairennhated those, what a complete pita for user support :p
01:07.26Legorolbut at least back then those who wanted ui mods had some clue
01:07.44Legorolnowadays, user support is about "mmm so how do i unzip a file into my interface\addons\interface\interface folder"?
01:07.54Cairennit was those gd framexml mods that led to the "stress relief" threads
01:07.57AnduinLotharwhat's a zip?
01:08.04Legorolthe thing on your pants, AnduinLothar
01:08.16LegorolCairenn: aah, nice bit of history
01:08.28Legorolwow modding has come such a long way..
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01:08.35Legorolit's very nice to see it has evolved with the game
01:08.48Legorolnot just the support for it from Blizz's side, but the community and its acceptance by players
01:09.04Cairennlol, remember the very first stress relief thread? that's when I kidnapped slouken, and we all discovered he was a real human and had a great sense of humour
01:09.16Legoroli remember that, yes
01:09.18Legorolthat was fun
01:09.29Legoroli also find it nice how Blizzard incorporates those features into the game that turn out to be "must-have" addons
01:09.42Legoroli think this is a good way of giving power to users
01:10.00Legoroli hear many people grumble that Blizz is freeriding the community, and steals ideas etc. etc.
01:10.06Legoroli think the opposite, i think it's rather nice
01:10.11Legorolwe can lead the way, show what we want
01:10.15Legoroland then the company follows
01:14.18Cide-yeah, I agree
01:15.03Cide-while I can find it somewhat frustrating (for example, adding the two "main" ctra features), I definitely see it as a good thing overall
01:15.31Cide-and for what it's worth, I guess it also serves as a limited form of recognition
01:16.17Cairennand depending on just how "wholesale" they lift it, they do give actual recognition within the mod itself ... *points at Iriel's name in one part*
01:16.18AnduinLothartoo bad they don't actually say that you inspired it
01:16.37Cide-yep, Cairenn
01:16.42Cide-they're definitely not thieves :)
01:17.04Cide-if they incorporate an idea, they either do their own version of it, or give credit appropriately
01:17.35Legoroli am extremely happy with the new ready check, target of target etc.
01:18.06Cide-I love the new ready check
01:18.26KirkburnStress relief thread??
01:18.27Cide-though I was hoping they'd add an event for clicking READY too
01:18.44Legorolto be honest, despite what people whine about on the forums, I think Blizzard is very open and listens to the community
01:18.52Legorolyes often they have a specific game design and they force it through
01:18.54Cide-oh, definitely
01:18.59*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
01:19.03Legorolbut on the UI front, they are very open
01:19.19Legoroli am sure that slouken deserves more cookies than he lets it known on the forums ;-)
01:19.26Miravlix_Slouken is open
01:19.28Cairennhe does
01:19.29Legoroli don't know how much say he has in UI design decisions
01:19.39Cide-it's just that it's human nature to bitch and whine when things are wrong, and be silent when they're fine
01:19.52Miravlix_I think this is a case of the man making the difference not a company policy
01:19.55Legorolbut if he has anything to do with features getting incorporated (which i wouldn't be surprised if he did), then cookies for him
01:20.02Cide-so the forums tend to give a pretty negative view of things :)
01:20.21Legoroli think Blizz as a company is not as inhuman as people love to paint on the forums
01:20.37Legorolexcept when they nerf AutoTravel
01:20.55Legorolthose inhuman, hearless, money-grabbing greedy folks
01:21.06Legorolthey want me to spend more time in-game, that's what it is, so they get more of my ...
01:21.10Legorol.. ehm...
01:21.11Legorolwait a mo
01:21.17Legoroli pay a fixed subscription fee, d'oh
01:21.18Miravlix_My first 6 months of addon development doesn't exist due to Blizzard API changes
01:21.25Miravlix_It all just fizzled
01:21.34Legorolthere there, have a cooki
01:21.44Cide-even though I can agree that it can be annoying to run at times, their design decision is still 100% right
01:21.49Cide-automation in general = bad
01:21.56CairennLegorol: are you suffering the same problem as that thread the other
01:22.05Legoroli agree that the problem with AT was that it allowed you to go afk yet keep traveling
01:22.26Legoroli think a solution where you have to stay non-afk (e.g. it stops if you alt+tab or are inactive) but still lets you walk is fine
01:22.32Legorolso that you can e.g. chat in guild
01:22.58Legoroli did contemplate at some point reworking AT so that it's driven by the keypresses you use to type in the chat box
01:23.14Legorolso as long as you keep typing and chatting, it works ;-)
01:24.24Cide-haha, that would be... interesting
01:25.02Legorolit would need some trickery, but i think it's doable
01:25.12Legorolwhen chat box opens, take away the focus,
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01:25.28Legorolfeed all keypresses through a custom frame
01:25.40Legorolmove AT, and add each letter to the chatbox using SetText say
01:26.15IrielExcept that movement's protected now
01:26.34Irielthat'd be a bit of a damper on 'think it's doable'
01:26.34Legoroldarn, i forgot about that
01:26.38Legorolthis idea was back when movement wasn't protected yet
01:26.49Legoroloh wait, wouldn't i be able to rebind movement dyanically?
01:27.00Legorolhm no
01:27.03IrielYou'd lose your keypresses though
01:27.24Legoroli guess i just have to resume my attempts at finding a hole in the taint
01:27.31Irielthough perhaps there's some OnKeyDown trickery you could use
01:27.52Legorolnah, if you have an OnKeyDown, bindings don't trigger
01:28.18Legorolthe problem though is that you don't know what key will be pressed next
01:28.26Legorolso you don't know which one to bind to the movement you want next
01:28.35IrielWell, you'd use space
01:28.43Legorolnot frequent enough
01:28.45IrielI dont think that'd be much of a problem for anyone who was TALKING 8-)
01:28.50IrielSpace and enter?
01:29.04IrielMuch of the time during a conversation most of the people are silent anyway
01:29.48Legoroli'm not happy they nerfed the right-click casting though
01:29.54Legorolno more fast cast, yet again
01:30.06Legorolas in you can fast-cast
01:30.16Legorolbut you can't loot and recast when fishing with one press
01:32.54Legorolyou know how a 3rd party app isn't allowed to interact with WoW
01:32.58Legorolbut what about Windows?
01:33.07KirkburnWoW, but crazy anime cartoon action kinda thing! Yeah!
01:33.20Legorolbecause it takes a 3 line Windows script to feed keypresses to WoW... ;-)
01:33.30IrielAnd that script is a 3rd party app
01:33.41Legorolno, that script is scripting Windows
01:33.47LegorolWindows is the app that's interacting with WoW
01:33.50Iriel.. and it's a 3rd party app
01:34.02Irielthat's a lame attempt and you know it
01:34.06Legorolhehe :)
01:34.15Legorolbut so are all the 3rd party video drivers
01:34.30Legorolheck there are millions of 3rd party apps interacting with WoW when it runs
01:34.45Irielindeed there are
01:34.52Legorolso we are all violating the ToU
01:34.54Legoroloh noeees
01:34.55Irielblizzard can declare any of them a violation
01:35.06Legorolthat one is very guilty!
01:35.11Legorolit scans the binary
01:35.13wereHamsterwho cares if it's allowed or not if they won't find out ;)
01:35.46LegorolIriel, on a serious note
01:36.07Legorolfortunately Blizzard themselves have now recognized how grey these lines previously thought as clearcut could be
01:36.22Legorolso they have made statements about what is considered unaccaptable behaviour
01:36.35IrielI doubt they ever though it was that clearcut
01:36.38Legorol(some blue posts about acceptable/unaccaptable uses of G15 and the likes)
01:36.46Irielbut i've yet to see a real "grey area" question
01:36.51KirkburnWait, isn't that two different similies ... grey and clearcut? Surely grey and black/white ... or clearcut and fuzzy
01:37.03Legorolwhat i am trying to say is that most questions you can answer if you ask your concience
01:37.04IrielAnyone with half an ounce of common sense can answer the questions
01:37.11Legorolbut the declarations in the ToU are nowhere near enough
01:37.35Legoroli do think the G15 was a grey area initially
01:37.54Irielthe ToU establishes a tone, and provides a generic enough mechanism to penalize those who violate the sprit of the agreement
01:37.55Legorolespecially because Blizzard said it's fine to use
01:38.18Legorolyes i understand the ToU is not allmighty, and it makes the intentions fairly clear
01:38.19IrielI'm typing on a G15 right now, I dont think there's ANY question on whether a G15 is fine to use
01:38.24Irielnor has there ever been
01:38.27KirkburnThe G15 is fine to use, but it's *how* you use it
01:38.36Legorolok Kirkburn is right
01:38.40IrielThe question is whether complex macros with time delays are allowabe via any means
01:38.49Legorolbasically people wanted more firm guidelines about what's acceptable witha  G15 and what's not
01:38.52IrielMy G15 has none of these features
01:38.55Legoroland Blizz themselves changed their stance
01:38.59IrielThe Windows Drivers have all of the features in question
01:39.06Legorolthey initially came out and said using G15's functions is fine
01:39.14Legorollater they said actually, macroing it is not fine
01:39.33Legorollook, i am not talking about me here, because i have at least half a brain
01:39.41KirkburnWell, they probably didn't realise the impact
01:40.21IrielI'm not referring to you here either, but even the general idea that blizzard needed to say something because they iddn't think abotu it first is, i feel flawed
01:40.23KirkburnBlizzard doesn't act as a single unit, so there's bureacracy to take decisions and make something policy
01:40.24Legorolthere are enough people on the forums who aren't clear at all about what's fine and what isn't
01:40.31Legoroland you can't tell them just use your common sense
01:40.35IrielIf blizzard underestimated anything, it's the beligerance and sheer stupidity of their userbase
01:40.35Legorolthe best example is model modding
01:40.57KirkburnTrue, the community has to police itself
01:41.01Legoroli think they are well aware of that, Iriel :)
01:41.10Legorolabout model modding:
01:41.27Legorolthe number of people that say: how can this possibly be bad, if it doesn't give me any advantage, since it's client side only?
01:41.46Temah, but some of it isn't just client side
01:41.50Legorolthat's just one example of how you can't rely on people's sane judgement to decide what's acceptable and what not
01:42.10KirkburnI think there should be a check to make sure the models have not been replaced
01:42.12Legorolthat's why people ask if G15 is legal ornot, if macroing it is legal or not, etc.
01:42.31IrielSo steroids in sports are okay because they're client side?
01:42.41IrielReally, it's a stupidly obvious question, always.
01:42.51KirkburnSure there would be people annoyed about not being able to change colours, but there has to be a line ... and changing data files is pushing it
01:42.53Legorolno i don't agree with it being obvious
01:42.57Legorolthat's exactly the point i am making
01:43.02Legorolit's obvious to you, but not to many other people
01:43.30KirkburnMany wouldn't think of the nefarious ideas people have
01:43.35IrielI'm not talking making spiders into worms or something "non-imbalancing"
01:43.43LegorolKirkburn: what i am saying is, if Blizzard just said "decide whether you can mod models or not based on whether you think it's in the spirit of the game or not"
01:43.50Legorolthen lot of people would get it wrong
01:43.55IrielI agree in those cases there IS a difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law
01:44.32IrielBut there needs to be a pretty clear ruling, and I think THAT is obvious
01:44.42Legorolonly because Blizz came across and explicitly said: NO
01:45.02IrielOh come now, does ANYONE in this channel seriously think blizzard would EVER have said 'YES' ?
01:45.06Legoroli guess what i am saying is that unless Blizz is explicit about some things, there will always be people who won't find the right "spirit"
01:45.14Legorolno, i don't think they'd have said yes
01:45.18Legorolthat's not what i am saying
01:45.35Legoroli am saying you can't rely on your playerbase making sane judgmenets about these questions
01:45.42IrielI agree with that
01:45.43Legoroli do think that as clear guidelines as possible are necessary
01:45.53Irielbut that says nothing about whether blizzard HAVE to make clearer guidelines than exist
01:45.59Legoroland whilst the ToU is a start at defining things, it's
01:46.02IrielThere are people who dont take NO as NO
01:46.03Legorola) too legalese
01:46.06KirkburnHere's a thing ... why are the data files not locked down anyway?
01:46.09Legorolb) too wide
01:46.15Irielso it's a somewhat pointless argument once you get past the "everyone with any common sense knows the answer"
01:46.28LegorolKirkburn: we debated that a while back, it's probably for easier development
01:46.33IrielKirkburn : That is a valid question, i suspect the answer is 'performance'
01:46.36Legorolif the files are locked, each time you change something you have to re-sign it
01:46.44IrielIt would be easy enough to lock them down in release versions
01:46.52Legorolthat's true
01:46.55Legoroli don't think it's performance though
01:46.58KirkburnJust like UI files
01:47.06Legorolshould be easy enough to stop the file loader loading from outside mpqs
01:47.12IrielBut for it to be meaningful, there would need to be some kind of code signing, and those files are very numerous (far more than the UI files) and loaded often (unlike the UI files)
01:47.46KirkburnI wouldn't like them to lock the fonts folder though, so perhaps I should actually be against it :D
01:47.59Legorolthe main issue i see is that they load files from outside the mpq
01:48.09Legoroleven if they didnt' sign (so no performance hit) but they took that away, that'd be a start
01:48.11KirkburnIn fact, I personally would like them to add font options into the game
01:48.34LegorolKirkburn: with the new dynamic font system, do you still need to be able to override fonts?
01:48.47KirkburnFor some addons, yeah
01:49.01KirkburnIf they define their own fonts, I have to do the file override
01:49.17Legorolah, they define their own fonts, and refer to one of Blizz's one?
01:49.25Legorolbut then you can just mod the addon
01:49.42KirkburnIf they refer to a Blizz font, all is fine normally ... but sometimes that decide they should refer to the font file itself
01:50.03Legorolmm, that'd be a badly coded addon then
01:50.09Legoroleveryone should use the new font system
01:50.32KirkburnYup, and stop making their own styles
01:50.57Legorolare there any font files that are not defined in Blizz code as a Font object?
01:51.01IrielYou can still get around that at runtime Kirkburn
01:51.36IrielHooking, or occasional OnEvent/OnUpdate triggered checks
01:51.49Legorolwhat do you do with font file paths hardcoded in XML?
01:52.45IrielCall SetFont on the objects later
01:52.45Legorol(being devil's advocate here)
01:52.50IrielYou can enumerate all frame objects
01:52.59CairennLegorol: you? never!
01:53.29KirkburnI'm intrigued by this possibility
01:53.55KirkburnI could go searching for fonts?
01:54.08Irielit's not necessarily a great idea
01:54.11Irielbut it's entirely possible
01:54.46KirkburnI already have ClearFont loading every time an addons loads, I don't want to be going ott with it :)
01:56.17KirkburnAdding a font options screen to WoW shouldn't be that hard to code, I wouldn't have thought
01:57.00KirkburnI suppose the problem is 'is it high-priority'
01:57.05Legorolbtw, does anyone remember Blizz hinting that you'd have an 8 character limit per account, back in the beta?
01:57.10Legoroli remember the outcries about it..
01:57.20Legorolthen it all got forgotten as Blizz silently "forgot" to make this restriction
01:57.25KirkburnThat would have been crazy
01:57.48Legorolit's what they were initially saying they'd do
01:58.02IrielHow initially?
01:59.28KirkburnIs this 'initially' with 5 stanzas and a silent q?
02:00.20IrielThat's one of my problems with guild wars, not being able to create as many characters as there are class combinations
02:01.30KirkburnWhat's the limit there?
02:01.58Iriel4 for a normal account, 6 if you have both games
02:02.22Irielthey said they'll be adding the ability to buy new 'slots' this summer
02:02.28IrielTo their credit, it's a non-subscription model
02:02.34ThraeIriel: I need to grab you for a sec.
02:02.55KirkburnBad pun moment :)
02:03.21ThraeWhy does Button:SetWidth( Button:GetTextWidth() ) set the Button's width to half the text width?
02:03.39KirkburnBut how exactly does the number of slots have any bearing on costs???
02:04.04ThraeIf I do Button:SetWidth( Buton:GetTextWidth() * 2 ) the button is sized correctly according to the width of the text, but then the click region is messed up.
02:04.15KirkburnI realise they need to make money, but that seems, well ... money for money's sake
02:06.11IrielKirkburn : Storage costs in their data center?
02:06.24IrielKirkburn : Again, it's all a one-time fee
02:06.49IrielThrae : Well, is the text on the button filling the whole button?
02:07.24ThraeIriel: If I do Button:SetWidth( Button:GetTextWidth() * 2 ), then it is. If I don't multiply by 2, then it's half too small.
02:07.51ThraeAnd by "is the button filling the whole button", I assume you mean, "Is the text filling the whole button"?
02:08.04KirkburnTo bed! Night night all :)
02:08.05IrielThrae : Yes, sorry 8-)
02:08.23IrielThrae : You haven't scaled the text or anything have you?
02:08.53Industrialnn Kirkburn
02:09.12IrielUnfortunately in 1.10 it's hard to get at the font string (unless you named it in your XML) to see
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02:09.23ThraeIriel: No, but I am using a fontstring to anchor it.
02:09.37ThraeI'm doing this on the 1.11 test server because I need fontstring anchoring.
02:09.45ThraeLemme paste my code, one sec...
02:12.23ThraeUhhh,'s giving me errors, one moment...
02:14.21ThraeThis is that "simple GUI settings window" lib I've been working on.
02:15.40IrielWhat does self:ReadjustSize do?
02:15.55ThraeNow with that, the buttons are the correct size to hold the width of the text, but their clickable regions extend 1.5x longer then they should.
02:16.17ThraeIt readjusts the size of the main frame for additions of new elements.
02:16.35IrielI would suggest trying an fs:SetFontObject(f:GetTextFontObject())
02:16.54IrielBefore you call f:SetFontString
02:17.04Irielit's entirely possible that the settings aren't applied until the button is rendered
02:18.47ThraeIriel: Nope, same problem.
02:19.29IrielIf you display the text width in this module, and then again later, is it the same value?
02:20.33ThraeYou mean if I hide and show the object?
02:20.44AnduinLotharjust re show
02:20.49IrielJust later, once it's actually on screen
02:21.35IrielAlso, you're calling SetWidth on the frame, I assume that ReadjustPoint does **NOT** set more than one point of the button?
02:21.57IrielAlso, why would you do getglobal("GameFontNormal") instead of GameFontNormal ?
02:22.37ThraeI thought getglobal(globalvar) is a "safer" way of getting the global variable?
02:22.48IrielIt's only safe if you have no control over your local variables
02:23.08IrielYou're calling CreateFrame as a global
02:23.18Irielso if you were trying to be 'safe' you'd also want to be getglobal'ing that
02:23.32IrielIt's required if you ever play silly games with setfenv
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02:27.46ThraeThere's ReadjustPoint, not sure what you mean by "more then one point", unless you mean the anchor point vs the relativepoint.
02:27.50IrielDoes anyone remember if freshly CreateFrame'd frames have all points set or not
02:28.14ThraeIn which case I always set both the anchor point and the relative point.
02:30.28wereHamsterIriel, no points set..
02:30.30IrielDoes line 72 get a different value for GetTextWidth than line 76?
02:31.54IrielAnd does the text change properly with button state at the moment?
02:32.01IrielOr does it always remain normal?
02:32.31ThraeIriel: Text font changing with state is fine, and f:GetTextWidth() always returns the same value.
02:33.07ThraeThat f:GetTextWidth() / 7 is just a hack I threw in that worked, but now I realize my clickable region vs texture region is screwed up.
02:33.36ThraeI should say, mouse-enabled region width vs texture width.
02:34.27ThraeIs there a way to change the size of the texture without changing the size of the mouse-enabled region?
02:34.46IrielYou'd change the hit rect on the button
02:34.59Irielthough I dont know if that affects only clicking, or also OnEnter/OnLeave
02:36.03ThraeAhhh, SetHitRectInsets
02:36.29ThraeNow the question is, why do we need to do this in dynamic frame creation vs pure XML?
02:36.47ThraeAm I doing something wrong?
02:37.08IrielThat would depend on what your "equivalent XML" looked like
02:37.30ThraeIriel: OptionsButtonTemplate, going down its inheritance chain.
02:39.35ThraeIriel: Actually, more specifically, UIPanelButtonTemplate
02:42.23Irielwell, the standard one has a fixed size
02:43.21IrielSo that's hard to say
02:43.35IrielThey also set texcoords on all their textures
02:43.40Irielwhich you've completely ignored
02:44.21ThraeIriel: How do I set TextCords or use a pre-existing template?
02:44.50IrielYou'd need to create Texture objects, instead of just specifying a path
02:45.00Irielor call :GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoords()
02:45.07IrielOf course, since this is 1.11 you can just do
02:45.32IrielCreateFrame("Button", nil, parent, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
02:45.44Cide-oh, that's in now?
02:46.07IrielI'm not sure if it's live on test, to be honest i've been working more or less solidly for the last 3 weeks
02:46.37Cide-I tried.. CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, UIParent, "ActionButtonTemplate") a while ago
02:46.45Cide-but it seemed to just create a normal checkbutton
02:46.50Cide-granted that was ~2 weeks ago
02:47.48ThraeAha! Yes, that worked, inheriting from "OptionsButtonTemplate".
02:50.17ThraeWell as long as Blizzard doesn't decide to remove some of their templates, this should work out nicely.
02:51.47ThraeIs there really any danger using the templates provided in FrameXML?
02:52.39Irielno more than any other reliance on blizzard stuff
02:52.49IrielYou always have the chance that it'll change in a patch
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03:20.25ThraeIriel: What's the equivilent of <Texture alphaMode="ADD">? Is it Texture:SetBlendMode() ?
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03:36.27ThraeIriel: Do both Button:SetNormalTexture(filepath) and Button:SetNormalTexture( textureObject ) create a new Texture object?
03:37.09IrielThe latter consumes the texture object you give it
03:37.11Irieland uses that
03:37.33ThraeWhat if the later is a virtual object?
03:37.41IrielThere's no such thing
03:37.49ThraeWell, a virtual XML object.
03:37.54IrielYou'd need to instantiate it with CreateTexture first
03:38.13IrielAgain, there's no lua object for an XML virtual object
03:38.55Iriel(Fonts appear to work that way but for very silly reasons that are holdovers of the old implementation)
03:40.25ThraeOK. So why isn't this working:
03:44.08IrielI dont know, you can instantiate virtual textures in a similar manner to frames
03:44.42Irielf:CreateTexture(nil, "UIPanelButtonUpTexture") or something like that, I forget the exact signatuer
03:44.49Irielsignature, even
03:45.12IrielWhy are you storing them, by the way?
03:45.23IrielThey should be local and transient, once you've given them to your button y ou can't use them somewhere else
03:47.41ThraeI was trying to get rid of all my dependencies on virtual templates via XML, especially external to my code.
03:48.06IrielWell, try that code without the storage in data
03:48.10Irieljust local T = f:CreateTexture()
03:48.36IrielAs I said earlier, the texture you create is consumed by the button
03:48.42Irielyour attempt to 'cache' them will fail horribly
03:49.32ThraeIriel: But you said earlier that if SetNormalTexture is given a texture object, it'll just use that object instead of making a new one.
03:49.42IrielYes, it will
03:49.47Irielbut it takes it for its own
03:49.58IrielIt doesn't copy the one you give it
03:50.01ThraeOK, so you mean it makes a new table and copies the information to that table regardless?
03:50.01IrielIt OWNS the one you give it
03:50.15IrielThe actual functions are working on the C++ objects
03:51.27ThraeHmmm. I was trying to equate what I'm doing vs how XML virtual elements are handled.
03:52.20ThraeAre inherited XML virtual elements not real Lua objects until they are instantiated?
03:57.15ThraeIriel: Well I switched everything to locals, but it still doesn't work.
03:58.52IrielXML virtual elements are just internal instructions on how to instantiate things
03:59.13ThraeYeah, that makes sense now.
03:59.27IrielThat code looks better, in what way is it failing?
03:59.46ThraeNo textures are showing up for the buttons.
04:00.39ThraeText is OK, and the HitRec is OK where the text acts like its suppose to.
04:01.47IrielTry t:SetAllPoints(f)  T:Show()
04:01.53Irielsorry, t:Show()
04:03.47ThraeAhhh that did it, t:SetAllPoints(f)
04:04.34Irielthat's one of those things the XML does implicitly unless you tell it not to
04:04.43ThraeSorry for being such a blunderhead with all this stuff ;)
04:05.05IrielDont feel bad, lots of this dynamic creation stuff is very new and partially untested
04:05.11Irielby us, at any rate
04:06.12ThraeI also was under the assumption that it would be easier to cache the stuff like CreateTexture(). So each time CreateTexture() is called, a new object in memory is made, right?
04:06.34ThraeRegardless of the texture used in dynamic or pure XML code?
04:06.39IrielYou can't though, because each button needs a texture
04:07.23IrielInternally the client does cache the file, so if you have 8 textures all referring to the same file the file is only in memory once
04:08.41ThraeWell of course I assume that, but what about the Texture object itself? Does calling CreateTexture or XML instantiation create a new array / list entry for each texture?
04:09.24Irielboth would create a new Texture object
04:09.48ThraeWell, I guess this dynamic way isn't eating up anymore memory then the XML way.
04:10.01Iriel(technically from XML it's not visible in the lua environment until you reference it, but the overhead there is relatively small)
04:10.04IrielI wouldn't worry about it.
04:11.10ThraeSorry, my pasttime with C coding is working on machines with 8MB of memory, so I'm having trouble letting go of memory concerns ;)
04:11.54IrielBeing concerned is good, but in this case you dont have to be overly worried
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05:17.04ThraeCrap, now my dynamic frames aren't wrapping their text anymore and I don't know why...
05:17.40IrielDid you tell them to?
05:18.41ThraeIs there anything else other then FontString:SetNonSpaceWrap(true) ?
05:19.56IrielMaking sure your font strings have a fixed width or anchors on both sides
05:21.49ScytheBlade1What's lua's concat function? :/ (It's been too long)
05:21.59ScytheBlade1That's right
05:36.01ScytheBlade1Is there a good lua equal to a DEFINE (commonly seen is... a lot of languages)? Or just use variables?
05:36.22ScytheBlade1blah, I had hopes
05:36.32ScytheBlade1They may function the same, but it's the thought :/
05:36.36Irielwell, what do you need a DEFINE for specifically?
05:36.43IrielOften in lua a string constant is just as good
05:37.02Iriel(Unless you're looking for "parse-time" validation, in which case, not so good
05:37.06ScytheBlade1Sure, and it'll work for this
05:37.15ScytheBlade1But it's mostly the thought/semantics of how it "works"
05:38.06ScytheBlade1k, wrap your head around this ;)
05:38.15ScytheBlade1I'm making a small addon in place of a macro due to length
05:38.23ScytheBlade1Basically, it just pops my mage cooldowns then a spell
05:38.40ScytheBlade1I'm looking for a good way to check to see if a certain spell - or trinket - is on cooldown still
05:40.13ScytheBlade1The closest I've come is GetSpellCooldown, which seems to depend on SpellId - and as far as I can tell, that number is dynamic based on the amount of spells in your spellbook
05:40.32IrielCache them as you look them up
05:40.42Irielclear the cache whenever you see the SPELLS_CHANGED event
05:40.54Iriel(or whichever one it is that fires when you gain/lose a spell)
05:41.11ScytheBlade1Right. How would you recommend looping through that?
05:41.34IrielLooping through what?
05:41.46ScytheBlade1The SpellIds
05:43.53IrielWell, there's GetNumSpellTabs
05:43.56Irieland GetSpellTablInfo
05:47.38ScytheBlade1cool, ty
05:58.35ThraeFontString:GetStringWidth() / ( FontHeight / 2 ) seems to work...
05:59.18ThraeCrap, it was just a coincidence.
05:59.53IrielWhy not do it based on the height of the FontString ?
06:00.06ScytheBlade1If I wanted to cast the first spell on the third page, would the SpellId be (number of spells on page one) + (number of spells on page two) + 1?
06:01.12ThraeIriel: Ah duhh, I didn't realize the height was automatically adjusted.
06:01.35IrielScytheBlade1 : more or less, yes
06:01.43IrielThrae : It is as long as you dont force a height
06:01.47ScytheBlade1Iriel, less? ;)
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06:02.31IrielScytheBlade1 : Assuming all the pages are filled, yes
06:02.56IrielScytheBlade1 : Each tab has an offset, which I think is the spell ID of its first spell
06:03.12ScytheBlade1name, texture, offset, numSpells = GetSpellTabInfo({spellbookTabNum}); <-- numSpells returns a multiple of 12 always?
06:03.53ScytheBlade1So then that should work
06:09.36ThraeIriel: How does one get the maximum width of a font, in pixels?
06:09.50IrielI'd imagine you iterate over all the letters and see which is widest
06:09.56IrielI dont know of any easy way
06:10.05ThraeHmm, that's decidely evil.
06:12.06ThraeI've noticed that FontString:SetWidth( pixels ) doesn't seem to take into account the width of the characters when doing text wrapping, and usually goes far out from the set width in pixels.
06:13.12ThraeErrr, my brain is shutting down. The pixel width of each line after wrapping is still greater then the pixel width set by fs:SetWidth().
06:15.19Cairenn|sleepnight all
06:28.39ScytheBlade1Aw crap
06:28.45ScytheBlade1The rank for the spell is "Rank X"
06:28.48ScytheBlade1instead of just X
06:30.09ScytheBlade1Would "Rank 2" > "Rank 1" eval as true in lua?
06:30.17Tem_so, I just got off the PTR playing with undead invasion
06:30.24Tem_and, it's hella cool
06:30.32IrielScytheBlade1 : Yes
06:30.39IrielScytheBlade1 but "Rank 9" > "Rank 10"
06:30.45Tem_I really hope the 5 rep for each mob carries into revered
06:30.46IrielScytheBlade1 : So be careful with that
06:30.50ScytheBlade1So close :P
06:30.54Endyeah, it's just strcmp
06:31.04IrielScytheBlade1 : Aren't the spell IDS always in rank order?
06:31.22Tem_but only for spells that aren't really r
06:31.46ScytheBlade1Recommended way to check that?
06:31.47Tem_I'm talking about the conjure mana gem spells
06:32.02Tem_they aren't marked as "conjure mana gem rank X"
06:32.11Tem_they are "conjure mana ruby"
06:32.17Tem_"conjure mana jade"
06:32.29Tem_and their IDs aren't in order
06:32.54ScytheBlade1So the question is, can I cound on a higher rank being a higher number 100% of the time
06:33.01Tem_so, it's probably safe to assume that spells are in rank order
06:33.23ScytheBlade1That does make it easier
06:33.32ScytheBlade1But likewise, it just seems like so much could go wrong :P
06:37.48ScytheBlade1Well, that got me my highest rank of Pyroblast.. but it just feels kinda dirty
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07:35.21WobinI fear I'll have to respec into a dagger or sword spec soon =(
07:35.30WobinNot enough nice maces around
07:56.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:57.15zesprisorry for the noob question - where do I buy troll mount?
07:59.29WobinDown at the troll town south near the newbie area?
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13:45.11wereHamsterwhat do you think of my new player/target/targettarget frame for tanks? It's the frame in the center of the screen:
13:48.41zenzelezzthe thing with three yellow bars?
13:48.47MoonWolfits so yello
13:48.56zenzelezzif that's the one, then I like it
13:59.28wereHamsteryep.. the yellow one with three bars..
13:59.59wereHamsterit's yellow.. like the HL2 UI ;)
14:00.29MoonWolfslightly to much yellow if you ask me.
14:00.51wereHamsterthat can be changed..
14:01.32wereHamsterbut yellow on black is very clear..
14:03.07wereHamster.. unlike green/blue on black
14:03.18MoonWolfgreen on black is clear.
14:03.53zenzelezzdepends on the shade of green... I find that orangeish color in the screenshot easier on my eyes than most greens on black
14:04.00zenzelezzjust make it possible to change ;)
14:04.52wereHamsterand the best of all is.. it's only 119 lines of lua code and two textures :)
14:06.35wereHamsterI think I'm really good at making small code..
14:06.55zenzelezzwhat he fails to mention is that each line is 2000 characters wide ;)
14:07.33MoonWolfperl coders ftw
14:12.26wereHamsterwc for the addon directory: 122     236    3168 total
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14:15.48zenzelezzwhat are those first two numbers?
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14:18.55wereHamsterlines, words, bytes
14:19.40zenzelezzaha =)
14:22.57Cideheh, so you are averaging less than 2 words per line?
14:23.43zenzelezzlot of space between functions? :-o
14:23.51wereHamsterI guess this is considered one word:"Interface\\AddOns\\Exposure\\Textures\\Solid")
14:28.05WobinJust linking some nicknames =)
14:28.16zenzelezzaha :)
15:04.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
15:06.02MiravlixThats it I think. When I turn on the machine now it runs for a few seconds then turns off, due to the power spike the disk must be generating.
15:06.53MiravlixBut dang it was strange that it after 200+ days of not working and me booting every now and then in the wain hope it would work, it works for 12 hours just today and I manage to backup all data.
15:08.03MiravlixBut now I have to add some SATA harddisks to my shopping list, to replace it.
15:21.29Tainheh I'm looking at SATA drives right now, trying to find a good place to buy 4 300s to make a RAID5.
15:23.38JoshBorkeace svn doesn't appear to like me atm
15:28.36KirkburnLol, I love this clip ... maybe I'm evil, but I think he misses an important use:
15:36.21ScytheBlade1Hmm - is there any good way to tell if a spell is out of range or not?
15:39.17ScytheBlade1How do you determine the "Action Slot" though?
15:40.46TainOh that's if the spell is on a button.
15:41.02ScytheBlade1Any way to tell otherwise?
15:42.11MiravlixThe spell system is very limited unless it's on a action button
15:43.21ScytheBlade1I've got a (very) small addon that checks to see if a bunch of stuff is on cooldown, then fires off the spell (AP + PoM + Trinkets, surprise!)
15:43.42ScytheBlade1I'm having trouble finding what to use to check if it's in range or not.. ;P
15:44.49KirkburnJapanesae TV and Robin Williams ... they go so well together!
15:44.51TainPut it on a button. :)  Like Miravlix said I don't think there's another way.
15:45.44ScytheBlade1That's kinda depressing - how do the buttons know? ;)
15:45.56TainThey get to use IsActionInRange()
15:52.47CodayusYeah, it's a bit annoying.
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18:06.11KirkburnAnduinLothar, it's all your fault ... I've been watching Whose Line is it Anyway all day, and I can't stop :D
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18:25.42TainThe English Whose Line is it Anyway?  Or American?
18:35.33KirkburnAmerican ... most of the UK ones aren't on YouTube :)
18:36.25KirkburnI wondered why it disappeared from UK tv, didn't realise they all went to the US :(
18:47.10krkahave you found it useful clad|work?
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20:32.33Guillotinelol...   most pointless addon ever
20:34.11Suntigerbut fun
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20:40.18Guillotine_*sigh*. still have a d/c problem...
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21:11.04AnduinLotharso guess what email i just got...
21:11.21AnduinLotharCharacter Name Violation
21:11.43AnduinLotharafter 2 years using this name I now can't log in with out changing it.
21:12.49AnduinLotharI've sent back a dispute email, but I guess I'm not doing bwl today.
21:13.30IrielOn what grounds does 'AnduinLothar' violate the naming rules?
21:14.41AnduinLotharI was on the verge of threatening to quit wow, but i didn't think that would go over well
21:15.24zenzioare you not allowed to name yourself from lore characters?
21:17.04KirkburnWell, tbh, I'm a little surprised it's taken this long
21:17.23krkaor maybe that was just for RP-servers..h m
21:17.55krka"Include names of World of Warcraft realms, zones, or names of major characters from Warcraft lore"
21:18.41AnduinLotharunderstood. If they had complained a year and a half ago i would have changed it
21:18.44krkayou could argue that this isn't enforced very much at the moment
21:19.04KirkburnAnduinLothar, this wouldn't have been Blizzard's choice ... someone else reported it, they have to act
21:19.30KirkburnThey can't start having double standards just because no-one complained for a long time :/
21:19.59KirkburnVery very annoying though
21:20.06KirkburnAny thoughts on what you might choose?
21:20.11AnduinLotharbut atm i am recognized by hundreds of thousands of WoW players by this name and would suffer not only emotional trauma by dissaaociating myself with an alias I has become quite attached to, it would also hinder my ability to address addon support on the forums
21:21.01krkai wonder if krka fails under this: "    *  Consist of a string of letters which do not produce a pronounceable name (i.e. Asdfasdf, Jjxccm, Hvlldrm)
21:21.22KirkburnI can pronounce it
21:21.46KirkburnAnduinLothar, only one one realm!
21:22.08KirkburnBesides, you could make a lvl 1 Anduin alt :)
21:22.10AnduinLotharno, I post by that name on the forums
21:22.17AnduinLotharand i already have a lvl 1 alt
21:22.22KirkburnOn another realm?
21:22.52krkamy new project shall be to do a lot of /who and figure out which rule the name fails and submit a ticket
21:22.58krkai shall spam them with tickets
21:22.59AnduinLotharI don't fucking care how I can get around it. If they make me I am going to put up a giant stink on the forums
21:23.01krkaand all shall be valid
21:23.43KirkburnInteresting situation ... you *are* breaking the rules, but it wouldn't have a 'good' result
21:24.18AnduinLotharI am not breaking the rules now. I broke them when i named it.
21:24.36KirkburnWhatever excuse you make, the name breaks the rules.
21:24.59KirkburnAnd no, i'm not saying changing it is a good thing! :)
21:25.03AnduinLotharHell, I had the character copied on to internal QA servers and NO ONE complained.
21:25.33KirkburnDoes that really surprise you?
21:26.29KirkburnAnyway, you're in a better situation than most to get it sorted
21:26.51krkacrap, krka is a river in croatia so i fail on this: "d the character copied on to internal QA servers and NO ONE complained."
21:27.15Cidenot really
21:27.21CideI don't think that river falls under "very well known"
21:27.27Cairennit isn't "well know ...
21:27.34krkahow do you define "well known"?
21:27.42KirkburnWell known to players?
21:27.45krkawell known in croatia, most likely
21:27.54krkaand I do play in EU
21:28.04Cideknown to more than 10% of the player base?
21:28.31CairennI could, theoretically, have someone complain about my name, as well
21:28.52krkaso you're suggesting blizzard should perform a survey for every such name-dispute?
21:29.10KirkburnWell known to the GM, then
21:29.11krka"Hello, would you mind answering a question? Is "krka" a well known place to you?"
21:29.24KirkburnHey, they did add the survey thing in 1.11!
21:29.28krkaif result is more than 10% of players say yes, it's banned?
21:29.45krkapeople are generally assholes and will probably all say yes
21:29.56krkaatleast i would have!
21:30.10krkawhat category does cairenn fail under?
21:30.31zenzioCairenn: what isn't well known?
21:30.59Kirkburn"You can't be called John, cos several celebs have that name, and I know someone called John! Change it at once!"
21:31.12ThraeArgh, there must be a way to do this. If I give a fontstring a width, why isn't that the point where the text breaks?
21:31.22krkathat perhaps?
21:31.38Cairennzenzio: the conversation about krka's name
21:31.52krkathe conversation isn't well known?
21:32.05KirkburnWe must publicise it!
21:32.25KirkburnWhere?! Where?!
21:32.37krkai wonder if "grep" would be an illegal name
21:33.04krkayay for generic rule: "# Are otherwise considered inappropriate for the game world "
21:33.08Cairennafk a few, back shortly
21:33.28krkabasically, they can ban any name
21:33.29krkabut we already knew that i guess
21:33.33Elkanokrka, so they'll have to ban 99% of player names?
21:33.33Cidethey could anyway :)
21:34.37ElkanoThere are so many chars running around that don't have any real name at all :/
21:36.10KirkburnYou can tell those who were stuck for names and looked around the house ...'Spoonfish', 'CableTV', 'Bumsalad'
21:36.20KirkburnOne of those is real ...
21:37.02CideI saw "Kiksumas" a day or two ago
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21:37.54krkashould ban all taurens that have a name with "hoof"
21:38.00krkaand all nightelves with "moon"
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21:38.27Elkanowell, the hoof-names would be surnames, won't they?
21:38.36KirkburnI wants surnames!
21:38.46SinPiget flagRSP, you'll have surnames.
21:38.58Elkanobtw: my last charname was choosen via wikipedia, resulting in: Irmintraud ;)
21:39.27krkawould be cool if blizzard automatically generated a name for you
21:39.36krkabut it would be unknown to you until you get to level 10
21:39.45krkajust use some existing name generator
21:40.20SinPikrka: and then you learn that your surname is Lardbloat or Toadstench? :>
21:41.29krkayes, if you're undead
21:42.11Elkano"I'm a proud Orc. I've honor and can't live with shame of such a surename. Anyone willing to assist me?"
21:43.32EndI got the Arcanite Fishing pole! :D
21:43.33krkaspec 10 points into honourable name
22:19.22Crispix_Anyone got any recommendations for UnitFrames?  Mini's not working out when I enter raidparties
22:28.44Cidethere are.. a lot, Crispix
22:28.50Cidewhat're you looking for, more specifically?
22:34.55CrispixSomething small..
22:35.06Crispixnice... like mini unit frames..
22:35.33Cairenntry watchdog
22:36.02Crispix ?
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22:36.18Kremonte'lo peoples
22:36.40Crispixlooks pretty nice Cairenn
22:36.50Cairennmost recent version
22:37.24CrispixTanke Cairenn ^_^
22:37.40Kremontequestion w/ dynamic frames: to register event, do i have to use a frame name and do that:RegisterEvent, or can the handler from CreateFrame be used?
22:38.53Irielalways use the object
22:39.02IrielUsing names is inherently dodgy
22:39.11Iriel(because there might be a duplicate)
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23:00.05ToastTheifanyone seen id?
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23:37.29Crispix_Cairenn was it you who said to use watch dog?
23:37.32Crispix_or who?
23:37.36CairennI suggested it
23:37.37Crispix_because I lurrrrrrrrrrrrve it :D
23:37.46Cairennwell, thank Clad, not me
23:38.02Crispix_well you suggested it.. so I'm thanking you :)
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23:59.11zenziohm... I remember the patch notes for/before 1.10 mentioning the armor upgrade quests, and talking about casual players... I'm having trouble picturing casual players farming gold for hours and going through most of the boss fights for it
23:59.51zenziomaybe not patch notes, but development notes or whatever it's called

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