irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060607

00:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:12.15Guillotineheh... <<- best lab report ever
00:17.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:20.59cladhaireAnduinLothar: You get a chance to play with the code at all?
00:22.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:32.21kasoExtra guards in Cenarion Hold in 1.11 my dreams have come true!
00:37.43AnduinLotharnot yet clad
00:38.54snurre is teh shitz
00:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
01:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:13.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:14.04*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
01:15.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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01:25.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
01:33.36IrielI'd probably pre-build a table of binary representations, if you're going to stick with binary
01:33.44IrielIgnore that if you're not cladhaire
01:35.55IrielI meant so you could dump the data in a form that addons could load
01:36.14IrielSomeone teach my fingers how to use /msg properly, thanks.
01:37.47cladhairedoesn't bitchX have a reply binding?
01:45.11IrielYou can escape quotes in a quoted string
01:45.44IrielI'm trying to spare everyone spam and then I keep forgetting to /msg
01:46.04zenzelezznot like you're interrupting anything anyway ;)
01:46.13IrielOther than silence, true
01:47.12Cairennbesides which, others may be interested in the discussion
01:48.05cladhaireI could paste it here, but it didn't start nearly as interesting
01:48.18cladhairemore like me begging Iriel to break my code apart =)
01:48.22ckknightstruct.unpack('f', string) in python
01:48.28ckknightcladhaire wants it in lua
01:48.36cladhairei wrote it in lua =)
01:48.56cladhairei may work on a set of lua native functions.. since the only ones available are binary modules.
01:49.22IrielThat reminds me, did your mantissa turn out correctly?
01:49.33cladhaireIn the cases I tested, yes.
01:49.59cladhairetho i couldn't remember what a mantissa was prior to this morning =)
01:50.03cladhaireIEEE 754 owns me =)
01:50.52cladhairethe code in question is here:
01:51.04ckknightm is the mantissa
01:51.05ckknightor something
01:51.25IrielI didn't see the implied high bit in your code, but perhaps it's sneakily present.
01:51.42cladhaires*m* 2 ^ (exp)
01:51.44Irielalso you didn't handle NaN and +/i inf
01:51.46cladhairewhere s is the sign but =)
01:52.01cladhaireIriel: I know, it was a proof of concept =)
01:52.01Irielnot the sign bit
01:52.19cladhaireno, 1 is the sign bit is 0, -1 if the sign bit is 1
01:52.26Irielthe mantissa has an implied set high bit before the exponent is applied.
01:52.38cladhaireIriel: What do you mean by high bit, the implicit 1.0?
01:53.32IrielIf E is 0 then it's much simpler:  If E=0 and F is nonzero, then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (-126) * (0.F) These are "unnormalized" values.
01:53.44cladhaireYes, I just add the results to 1
01:53.49cladhaireand i dont handle E being 0 in that code
01:54.19cladhaireits in bin2float() not that it belongs there
01:54.54IrielAhhh.. I see
01:54.58IrielI missed that
01:55.19cladhaireIriel: The questino of the night.. tabs or spaces or indentation?
01:55.48IrielSave with spaces, edit with whatever the hell you want 8u-)
01:56.07IrielI have emacs untabify my buffers before saving
01:56.47clad|sleepi can sleep happily, now that I know how you edit code =)
01:56.57clad|sleepemacs is my guilty pleasure
01:57.04clad|sleepgoes against everythign i believe in software
01:57.06clad|sleepbut i can't help it =)
01:57.11Iriel15 years and counting
01:57.25Iriel(since I started using emacs, that is)
01:57.39clad|sleepwhat did you use prior to that?
01:57.43clad|sleepand GNU or X?
01:58.03Irielprior to that was whatever I had to hand, I learned emacs shortly after discovering unix.
01:58.06IrielAnd GNU
01:58.19clad|sleepwindowed or console?
01:58.26clad|sleep(i'm really going to bed in a minute)
01:58.33IrielThese days windowed, but I hung onto console for a LONG time
01:58.41IrielI still use it in console remotely
01:58.49Irielbut I like font lock too much
01:59.05Iriel(though these days it does a moderately okay job colorizing consoles)
01:59.25clad|sleepdo you have your own lua-mode, or do you use the "standard" one that's out there?
01:59.26Iriel80 column width, always, also.
01:59.51IrielI use the standard one, it's only got the one irritation with [[ ]] quotes and that rarely bothers me
02:00.02Irielnxml-mode for XML, I have an RNC of Ui.xsd
02:00.28clad|sleepis there any support for calltips of any sort in emacs?  I haven't used it for lua yet, and never needed or wanted calltips before.
02:00.57IrielI'm not familiar with the term calltips?  is that a context sensitive function tooltip?
02:01.19clad|sleepaye.. typing table. would give you some idea of what the underlying functions are would list table.getn, etc.
02:01.34clad|sleepi've grown quite font since i converted the widget wiki to calltips for scite.. Frame: gives me all my options =)
02:02.31IrielI havent run into one, but that doesn't mean there isn't one out there, I tend to shy away from those sorts of things because I dont pause in my coding, mind you tab completion on functions can be handy (I use tab completion in nxml-mode a lot)
02:02.57IrielThe widget wiki is script-generated, if there's a particular format for scite I might be convinced to write an outputter for it
02:02.59clad|sleep is a good example
02:03.05clad|sleepsomewhat handy
02:03.43clad|sleepIriel: Scite can't handle colons in calls in the current version, there's a patch-- but I dont want to recompile just for that.. so we're just limited to completion, no description or usage information.
02:04.26clad|sleepbut I'll keep that in mind =)  ONe thing that would be mighty handy is having the inherited methods included in the API usage, so you don't have to march the inheritance up to Frame to see whats available =)
02:07.25clad|sleepThanks for letting me hijack the channel =)
02:07.31clad|sleepHave a good night everyone.
02:07.37Cairennnight clad|sleep
02:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
02:08.14*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
02:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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02:41.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
02:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
03:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:20.58EsamynnEvening all
03:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
03:31.33Wobinmaths, games -and- a movie reference!
03:58.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
04:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
04:34.32fatbrainHello, what player/unit frame could I use if I'm looking for a smil one?
04:35.20Cairennwatchdog, discord, perl, minigroup ...
04:36.50fatbraindo you know which is?
04:37.09fatbrainthe bar at top-left & center-screen.
04:38.00CairennYeah, I see them, but I don't recognize them.  Hopefully someone else does
04:38.04Wobinnor I
04:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:38.21Cairennmind you, the image is so small, it's hard to get a really good look at them
04:38.41Cairennthey *could* theoretically be any of the ones I mentioned, just modified
04:39.00fatbrainI don't like the word "modified"
04:40.31Cairennsorry, can't say for sure what bars they are
04:41.04fatbrainno worries, thanks anyway :)
04:42.53WobinEee. Shag needs to embed his libraries =(
04:43.25WobinHaving all the folders in the root level is horrible for upkeep
04:43.44WobinEspecially since they're all named differently
04:43.47fatbraina good bars-mod, that works right out of the box?
04:44.02fatbrainWobin: for what mod?
04:44.06krkai like minigroup2 personally
04:44.52WobinI need to get back into a nice unitframe
04:45.05WobinBut then again, I'm waiting for Otravi_UnitFrames =P
04:46.13fatbrainI don't like the setup involved with the high-end customizable frame-mods.
04:46.20fatbrainshould work out of the box without the fuglyness.
04:46.32Wobinhehe Discord =)
04:47.18fatbrainand people who release ui-mods really should learn to add screenshots of em on their website.
04:47.35fatbraindiscord is too customizable.
04:48.17fatbrainand if somethings wrong with the pre-defined, like you'r missing a frame or something, it's virtually impossible to fix it. I spent 1h trying to get my target-frame into 'view'
04:49.52fatbrainI mean wtf is this about >
04:50.00fatbraincan he add more junk to his ui!?
04:50.41Cairennyou'd hate mine then
04:52.53fatbrainas long as you'r not using archud with that crappy 3d-model thingy :O
04:53.12IrielYou sure do whine alot
04:53.25fatbrainI do, sometimes.
04:57.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Depress (
04:57.26Cairenndifferent strokes for different folks ... that's the beauty of a customizable UI
04:58.38fatbraincustomizable customized-ui ftw ^-^
04:58.46Wobinis my current one
04:59.03WobinI just installed archud... is it any good? =P
04:59.33fatbrainno. not if you'r not acustomed to it
05:00.09fatbrainand party-rings really sucks, since they eat up mouse events when clicking on them...
05:01.22Wobinie, they get in the way?
05:01.22fatbrainbut you should definitly give it a test-spin.
05:01.29fatbrainbut you can disable them.
05:01.33fatbrain/archud options
05:01.37WobinI'll give it a whirl =)
05:02.12Cairennsomething I don't typically do, but there you go, a shot of mine
05:02.20fatbrainis that FuBar?
05:02.47fatbrainlets see if I can dig up what I had before I deleted the interface directory.
05:03.08Wobinhehe is that a travellers backpack I see? =)
05:03.17Wobintwink =)
05:03.22Cairennheh, a bit
05:03.27WobinNot that I can talk =P
05:03.42WobinI'm weilding a mug o' hurt and a wirt's third leg =)
05:03.45Cairennshe's got that and 20g, she's SOOOOO twinked :p
05:03.56IrielI found a mug o hurt in a chest once
05:04.02Irieljust laying around in Azshara
05:04.26WobinMine dropped off a yeti in Feralas =)
05:05.08norgannatwink is the only way to go
05:05.12WobinToo true
05:05.21Wobinit makes a new character so much easier
05:05.28norgannai even twink chars i freshly create on a server
05:05.36WobinHow do you manage that?
05:05.52norgannausually grind skinning/herbing/mining
05:06.04Wobinstill takes some time
05:06.11norgannanot all that long
05:06.15Wobinskinning/herb is usually the way to go
05:06.23norgannacertainly not 40 lvls
05:06.23fatbrainbah, it was in .tga, have to change that
05:06.37norgannaprobably can get 20g in 4-8 hrs
05:06.49WobinI found mining difficult to grind after a certain point, but then I was after levels, not money
05:07.01Wobinsince you could probably just stick to copper for a good while =P
05:07.45norgannai get a char to 15, then slam the gathering for a few hours to get $G$ for greens/cheap blues
05:08.28Wobinhuuuge =(
05:08.32fatbrainya, sorry
05:08.35Cairennyeah, really =.
05:08.55fatbraindidn't really know how to resize it in stupid gimp
05:09.14norgannafatbrain - unix? or windows?
05:09.16WobinImage scale
05:09.28Wobinimage -> Scale image
05:09.41fatbrainI'll write that down
05:09.52fatbrain<- 7h past his bedtime
05:10.58norgannafatbrain: xnview is what you want
05:11.23fatbrainbookmarked, will look at it in a few hours
05:12.16fatbrainall-bag-in-one > what's the best one?
05:12.16fatbrainI used ot use bagnon.
05:12.19WobinI liked bagnon
05:14.26fatbrainmm, I'll stick with bagnon
05:14.35fatbrain<- sleepytime, back later, thanks
05:15.30Wobinnight =)
05:20.04norgannaoh, also fatbrain, that xnview viewer can view and convert BLP files as well, so it's pretty handy for an addon dev to have around.
05:22.39norgannaand it works on unix, osx and windows as well. it's one of my favourite utility programs (and free)
05:33.11Wobinsounds useful =)
05:34.56*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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05:44.00Esamynngood night all
06:07.02*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:17.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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06:22.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:51.41Irielnight all
07:52.15Wobinnight iriel
08:11.31s|loupcan anyone give me a regular expression for parsing a list of words parted by commatas?
08:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
08:15.43Wobinwith how many words?
08:16.03Wobinregexp would only help if you were after a certain number of words
08:16.06s|louponly one word each
08:16.22s|loupname1, name2, name3, ...
08:16.25Miravlixsĺoup... a regexp can't handle random
08:16.32Wobinotherwise you'll be better off splitting the line into a list
08:16.50s|loupi want to splitit by string.gsub and do a foreach
08:17.06krka|workregular expression in what language?
08:17.11krka|workah lua
08:17.28s|loupforeach(string.gsub(text,expr)) do ...
08:17.28MiravlixYou need an entry for each possible name
08:18.04MiravlixThats not really going to be any better
08:18.16Miravlixhow is gsub going to know what number it should pick?
08:18.57MiravlixI think you need to do a for k in split(text, " ")
08:19.37s|louplua doesnt have split did it?
08:19.53MiravlixOh you removed ReloadUI in channelmanager, nver mind
08:19.58krka|workfor match in string.gsub(text, "[^,]+") do
08:19.58AnduinLotharSea does
08:20.16krka|workoops, gfind i mean
08:21.58krka|workyup, that worked, if you use string.find
08:22.05krka|workdoesn't find empty strings though
08:22.26krka|workwhich may or may not be a problem for you
08:23.01MiravlixYou forgot ( )?
08:23.25MiravlixAnd didn't he say seperated by spaces
08:23.39krka|workno, commas
08:23.41MiravlixSea.util.split can be found in Sea.util.lua
08:23.50MiravlixThen there is most likely a space
08:24.08MiravlixPeople tend to write text1, text2, text3, text4
08:27.20s|louphm my problem: i have a list and want only the words, so i thought i can take a regular eexpression and dearch for each word in that field and then process ist without change the source
08:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
08:28.15s|loupso like give me every word without comma and spacing
08:29.05s|loupand for each word i will put the copy or whatever in a second list
08:29.23_BBut since LUA regex is absolute toss, you almost certainly cannot do that
08:30.31Miravlix"([^,]) "
08:30.39_BYou are right in thinking that something like regex would be ideal for that problem, but LUA regex is 'nerfed' to a point to which it serves no purpose
08:30.40Miravlixdoesn't catch the last one
08:31.03MiravlixI don't agree there B
08:31.07_BYou wouldn't
08:31.17_BHowever if you do not agree then you are simply wrong
08:31.22MiravlixYou just want regexp + recursion
08:31.48MiravlixDoing the recusion yourself is hardly nerfing of regexp
08:32.41krka|worklua doesn't have regex
08:32.47_BWith aquired skill, it is possible to craft regular expressions that are guaranteed to get what you want and not get what you don't want. In most cases, this capability is nonexistant for most tasks ascending above anything but the trivial in LUA
08:32.49krka|workdont know why everyone assumes so :P
08:33.23_BAnd for the purposes of making a point I am inclined to agree with krka
08:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:34.04Miravlixregexp is just one way of doing thing
08:34.16MiravlixI've written code without regexp for years
08:34.46MiravlixIt's supposed to make certain things easier, but I've never found the easy part compared to writing your own parser
08:37.25_BYeah writing your own fully featured flawless regex engine is a 5 minute job isn't it
08:37.39_BAnd of course including that with every script doesn't count for any overhead
08:39.57MiravlixNo, I code in a language without regexp
08:40.04MiravlixBetter known ad C/C++ :p
08:41.48MiravlixSo I had no choice but to learn to program parsers myself, so now it is just as easy and fast as trying to get regexp right.
08:42.09_BGuess you never heard of libraries then
08:42.29MiravlixI started codeing 20 years ago
08:42.37_BYou can get one of the best implementations of regex for C++ now
08:42.41MiravlixDidn't have access to any libraries back then
08:42.48MiravlixExcept what came with my linker
08:43.12MiravlixIf I wanted something, I had to write it myself.
08:43.23MiravlixOr pay someone 100K$ for it
08:43.32krka|workyou had linkers? i had to scream at the computer to put the correct bits everywhere
08:47.10MiravlixAnd giving me an URL is rather pointless, 20 years ago the Web wasn't invented yet. :p
08:51.22WobinI think B was saying more that you -can- use the library at the end of the link now, and don't have to write your own
08:51.40WobinNot that you should have used that nonexistant library 20 years ago =P
08:52.01_BIn case you hadn't yet realised, today is not 20 years ago
08:52.15AnduinLothararguing about nothing
08:52.36MiravlixNo, but I have 20 years of experince writing parsers, so it's still way easier for me to do than regexp
08:52.37WobinPretty standard =)
08:53.33MiravlixI don't like regexp because it's nearly impossible to debug someone elses regexp, it's so darn unreadable.
08:54.49_BSometimes, people include comments in code
08:55.06AnduinLotharzomg comments!?
08:55.16MiravlixVery seldom does a super small miniority use comments
08:55.41MiravlixError Checking and Comments is the least used programming tools
08:56.12_BYou strike me as a bullshitter
08:56.45_BAnd that's all I'm going to say
08:57.05AnduinLotharhe's not, he just doesn't know whento quit. And you're not helping any either being antagonistic.
08:57.09MiravlixWell, I've had 20 years to develope my bullshit in, so who gives a fuck?
08:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
08:57.42AnduinLotharSo how bout you both just chill
09:00.35MiravlixI don't see the fucking point in getting all upset over someone having a different point than you, and having to get all personal.
09:01.27MiravlixThe world is big enough for everyone to have there own opinion and to talk about the differences
09:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
09:10.36MiravlixError: Host Not Accessible
09:10.36MiravlixThe web host is not accessible.
09:10.51MiravlixDNS error for
09:10.59Miravlixhow amateurish is that
09:13.07s|loupthats the same as ever before
09:21.45norgannamiravlix - i aggree with you. regex is all fine and dandy, but often these days i find myself needing more speed than regex can supply. custom built parsers and purpose-optimized automatons are the way to go.
09:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (i=usr68902@
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11:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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12:25.21s|loupis it guildmembers or members of guild? *duck*
12:46.19Kaelten|sleepinhow much lag or whatnot do you guys think it would cause to scan your inventory every second or so for changes?
12:46.48Endlike just comparing item ids?
12:47.03Kaelten|sleepinand qty of them
12:47.15Enda little maybe, but probably not too much
12:47.35Kaelten|sleepinmy problem is that there are instances where your inventory can change and an event not get fired
12:47.43Enddoing the same thing with tooltip scanning would be awfully laggy though :P
12:47.44MoonWolfKaelten|sleepin, a lot
12:47.51MoonWolftry being a hunter with bad bag mods
12:47.58MoonWolfevery shot you fire causes an inv update.
12:48.00MoonWolfits hell.
12:48.17JoshBorkewhat doesn't trigger the events?
12:48.40Kaelten|sleepinsometimes switching an item either to or from your bank doesn't set it off properly.
12:48.48Kaelten|sleepinI forget which one it is
12:48.59Kaelten|sleepinit'll set off either bank or bag update but the other won't get updated
12:49.18Kaelten|sleepinalso sometimes when you make items the mats disapearing won't trigger an event
12:49.31JoshBorkei think something that only scans every second while the bank is open would be tolerable
12:49.52Kaelten|sleepinor something that scans it while the TS window is open
12:50.16JoshBorkeas long as it doesn't cause too much lag
12:50.18Kaelten|sleepinhmm I've got to fix my cache bugs and SpecialEvents is only half way taking care of it.
12:51.06Kaelten|sleepinhmm I've got some ideas to workwith now
12:51.11Kaelten|sleepinanway, off to work
13:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
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15:56.08zenzelezzARGH! "Another action is in progress"
15:56.14zenzelezzanyone know why that gets stuck
15:59.54zenzelezzseems to happen when I get feared sometimes, but not sure if that's the only time
16:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
16:03.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:25.32WobinHas everyone seen
16:25.42WobinCause if you haven't, gogogogogo! =)
16:29.39KirkburnNinjas r kool
16:30.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:43.12KirkburnLol, didn't know this:  Lionhead Studios is named after a dead hamster of one of the original members.
16:44.03KirkburnThey were discussing the name, when one of the members went to check on his hamster, called Lionhead. He found it, dead. :/
16:46.03KirkburnNot sure the logo is an accurate depiction of the hamster though :)
16:47.00wereHamsterdead hamster ?!? Waahh.. :'(
16:48.40WobinDon't worry were, I'm sure they didn't use silver
16:50.13JoshBorkehi wereHamster :-)
16:55.49JoshBorkejust wanted you to know i really like HealSync, seems to work really well. Only issue is i can't seem to move it :-(
16:57.40wereHamsterblue button somewhere around the minimap..
16:57.52wereHamster.. between the zoom buttons.
16:57.59JoshBorkeahaha! nothing appeared to happen before
16:58.32wereHamsteror you can use "/ifm start" and "/ifm stop" .. in case you don't have the minimap buttons..
17:00.01JoshBorkeyou disabled SPELLCAST_DELAYED in the newest version?
17:00.21wereHamsterIt has been disabled since the beginning..
17:00.41JoshBorkemay i ask why?
17:00.51wereHamsterI don't know how much lag that would cause at encounters like vael where all healers get constant damage
17:00.56JoshBorkei see
17:01.20Endvael is a laggy fight to start with
17:01.38wereHamsterif it's true that the limit is at 256char/sec then it would be no problem to enable it IMHO...
17:01.39WobinwereHamster: You're Shag?
17:01.50wereHamsterI should teach purl that..
17:01.54Wobin*pokepoke* embed your libraries please =)
17:02.09purl[werehamster] not scary.
17:02.30Wobinno purl, wereHamster is not scary, but Shaggy
17:02.54Wobinpurl no, wereHamster is not scary, but Shaggy
17:02.56purlWobin: okay
17:03.03purlwell, werehamster is not scary, but Shaggy
17:03.03wereHamsterWobin, I didn't really look into embeded libraries..
17:03.44WobinIt's just easier to have embedded libs than having a number of libraries on the root directory level
17:03.54WobinEasier to trace what belongs to what anyway
17:04.26Wobin(Of course you could tack on a Shag_ to each folder...)
17:04.52JoshBorkeis it 'good' coding practice to prefix local variables with _?
17:04.57Wobinpurl, Shag is a wereHamster on the full moon.
17:04.58purlACTION gives is a wereHamster on the full moon. a good seeing to
17:05.17Kirkburn"Did you know Intel has actually trademarked the non-gender specific term 'BunnyPeople', refering to the colloqial name for chip engineers dressed in their atmospherically protective, dust free suits."
17:05.45Kirkburnsilly purl
17:05.57WobinJoshBorke: I believe as long as you're consistant in your naming scheme you can do whatever you like =)
17:06.02MoonWolfKirkburn where the hell do you gind such uselss funny information ?
17:06.23JoshBorkeconsistency! HA!
17:06.30Wobin~literal shag
17:06.31purl"shag" is "<action> strips and bends over.. give it to me baby ;)"
17:06.55WobinYou chose an unfortunate name, WereHamster =P
17:07.18KirkburnMoonWolf, teh internets
17:07.50JoshBorkethere's more than one!
17:07.53MoonWolfthe internets, what would we do without them.
17:08.21Cairennbe a lot more productive
17:08.34JoshBorkeCairenn's here! hi Cairenn!
17:08.41Cairennhey JoshBorke
17:09.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:09.26MiravlixCairenn: I work 60+ hours a week and most of it requires some assistant from the internet.
17:09.29JoshBorkei think someone is defining a global variable named 'target' :-(
17:09.32Kirkburn^ A colony of bunnypeople, in fact
17:09.38MiravlixI would work a hell of a lot less without the net.
17:09.50Cairennit was a joke, sheesh :p
17:09.52MiravlixProlly just lie in bed and do nothing without it.
17:10.25EndJoshBorke, at least it isn't message ;p
17:10.34JoshBorkelol end
17:10.36KirkburnOoh, ohh, I wants!
17:10.50MiravlixCairenn: So? Who says my response isn't a joke too?
17:11.03End(message is a function defined in BasicControls.xml for those who have forgotten)
17:11.18End(and..someone was writing over it ;p)
17:11.38JoshBorkeend, was that you? :-P
17:11.45Endno, it was Cide :P
17:12.18Cide-yep, I failed
17:12.21End(I had fun trying to figure which AddOn was doing it)
17:13.09Wobinglobal search =)
17:13.25JoshBorkeare variables defined globally by default?
17:13.33Endpretty much
17:13.38JoshBorkeyea, that's what i thought
17:18.13Wobinthe only time they're not is if they're in a control structure like 'for' or something
17:23.19WobinEU regulators have set a deadline of the end of July for deciding whether they will charge Microsoft with the $2.57 million (U.S.) fine per day for failing to make good on compliance terms outlined as part of a 2004 antitrust ruling.
17:23.36Wobintalk about an overdue library fee =P
17:25.28kasoholy crap
17:26.29MoonWolfGo eu regulators.
17:26.46MiravlixIt's 5 months overdue fine
17:27.03Miravlix5 * 30 * 2.57 to get an estimated fine
17:27.40Miravlix385,5 million $ fine if they put it out
17:28.02Wobinoh wow
17:28.08MiravlixThats going to put a hole even in Bill's pockets
17:28.11WobinI was thinking "From the end of july"
17:28.25Wobinbut this is -really- about overdue library fees =)
17:28.42MoonWolfCan i have 5% of the fine money. *pupy eyes*
17:28.52WobinI'd be happy with 1%{
17:28.53MiravlixIt's from December or November last year
17:31.24MiravlixThey managed some trick to delay the fine a while ago, but they are setting them self up for disaster here, the longer they delay the bigger a fine they have to preasure them with.
17:39.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
18:07.42KirkburnVery interesting read:
18:07.50Kirkburn(all about Blizzard and WoW)
18:08.10Kirkburn(click next, bottom right)
18:11.48wereHamster <= readable version ;)
18:12.51KirkburnShush, you, I think pretty pictures
18:13.11KirkburnThere's a second article in the issue specifically about WoW
18:13.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
18:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
18:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
18:37.24kasoif i do local fred={} bill={} will both fred and bill be local or just fred?
18:37.27ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
18:37.33Cairennhi ComicSansMS
18:38.15ComicSansMS@kaso both.
18:38.44kasocool, never knew if you had to use commas or not
18:45.33Wobinbill will be declared global I think
18:45.43Wobinat least according to tests =P
18:46.31Wobin> do
18:46.31Wobin>> local bill = 1 fred = 2
18:46.31Wobin>> if(bill) then print("yes") end
18:46.31Wobin>> end
18:46.31Wobin> print(fred)
18:46.35Wobin> print(bill)
18:48.16Wobinyou'd want local fred, bill = {}, {}
18:54.36kasohmm, thanks
18:55.07kasonever seen var,var=val,val format before,
18:55.59Kirkburnlol, must be one of the most often vandalised articles on the Wiki :/
18:56.49ComicSansMSarg, sry kaso, had a typo in my testscript... wobin's right of course ^^
18:57.35Wobinkaso: It's often used for functions that return more than one value like itemName, itemType = GetItemInfo(id)
18:57.58kasooh yeh, never thought of it like that before
18:58.19WobinYou're just bypassing the function call =)
18:58.44kasoits annoying trying to fit macros into 255 charaters ;<
18:58.52WobinThat's what addons are for =)
18:59.48kasotrue but i mean for a macro that just eats and drinks in one click its hardly worth writing an addon
19:02.20WobinDepends on if you can fit it into a macro or not =)
19:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
19:02.41kasoive just about done it i think
19:02.54Josh_Borketaken over the internets?
19:03.48ckknightoh noes
19:04.35Josh_Borkeckknight: any FuBar plugins that use a slider in DewdropLib that I can look at? besides transparencyFu?
19:04.53ckknightTransparencyFu is deprecated
19:05.05ckknightFuBar proper uses it
19:05.09ckknightso does TabletLib
19:05.16Josh_Borkeawesome, thanks :)
19:05.20ckknightno plugins use it, but nothing's stopping them, it's just not needed
19:05.25ckknightjust grep for sliderFunc
19:05.41Josh_Borkewindows :-/
19:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
19:09.22WobinJosh_Borke: Grab EditPlus
19:09.37Wobinyou can do regexp searches of directories
19:09.40Wobinand subdirs
19:10.59Josh_Borkeinteresting, and editplus is free?
19:11.15Josh_Borkebecause i could just not be lazy and run cygwin to do my grepping for me
19:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
19:15.06wereHamsterkaso, I'm sure you've seen 'var, var = val, val' before... just replace 'val, val' with a function that has more than one return value and voila ;)
19:15.47Wobinnot exactly free
19:15.52Wobinjust nagboxy
19:16.10Wobinbut one that doesn't lose functionality after 30 days
19:20.46Cairennwb Josh
19:24.10grimmanWobin: Support the damned author. ;P
19:24.29Wobingrimman: I have =P
19:24.44grimmanI see.
19:25.24grimmanFind anyone you like?
19:25.30Cairennsomeone want to tell me what that was about?
19:25.34grimmanBuy two, pay for three!
19:25.35KirkburnDamned: Him, him, him, him, her, him, him, him, him, her, him
19:25.49Josh_Borkehey! that sounds like the ratio at my school!
19:26.02grimmanCairenn: Wobin pointed out that EditPlus wasn't free, but rather "nagboxy". ;D
19:26.07WobinCairenn: Just a 'buy shareware' comment
19:26.48Kirkburn(I thought he'd said 'spot the damned author'!)
19:27.51WobinIt's like Where's Wally
19:28.08Wobin(Or Where's Waldo, for you Americans)
19:28.19Wobin(although I never understood why they changed his name)
19:28.33KirkburnPeople come up with such stupid ways to invoke Godwin's law ... someone just compared 6.5 million people not being wrong (about playing WoW) ... to the holocaust.
19:28.57Kirkburn(Where's Wally rocked! I have them all)
19:29.21WobinWell, you see, 6.5 million people can't be wrong, it's just like orange ninjaphants
19:29.38grimmanCan't be wrong, eh?
19:29.42zenzelezz"Godwin's law"?
19:29.46grimmanI'm quitting WoW in ~1 week.
19:30.15Wobinzenzelezz: If you invoke 'compare the opponent to Hitler' in an argument , you lose
19:30.45WobinJosh can probably give you a wikipedia link =)
19:30.47Kirkburngrimman, ?
19:30.53WobinOh sorry
19:31.04Kirkburnwikipedia can probably do that too, if you tried visiting it.
19:31.13WobinAlas for me =)
19:31.15Josh_Borkewho's josh?
19:31.16WobinIt's far too much trouble
19:31.23grimmanKirkburn: All guilds who do raids demand 5+ hours of DAILY attendance.
19:31.25WobinI have to go through anonymouse to read wikipedia
19:31.38KirkburnThen don't join with them?
19:31.41grimmanFor stuff you've already done a thousand times already.
19:31.46grimmanWell, what else is there to do?
19:31.52WobinI dunno =P
19:31.54WobinFun stuff?
19:31.57grimmanPVP is boring now, grinding remains the third and last option.
19:31.57KirkburnMy guild doesn't demand that :/
19:32.03grimmanAnd zzz @ grinding.
19:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:32.10WobinStart anew on another server
19:32.16WobinMake new friends!
19:32.17grimmanWobin: Not again. ;P
19:32.20Kirkburn:( Dragonblight rocks
19:32.22WobinDo the other faction!
19:32.30Josh_Borkemy guild doesn't demand that
19:32.48WobinActually, bugger all that.
19:32.53WobinGo play Oblivion for a bit =)
19:33.08grimmanDid play it for a bit.
19:33.19grimmanEnded up killing all the civvies I could find outside major cities.
19:33.22WobinGo play D&DO?
19:33.38KirkburnI'm never going to start raiding, personally ... I'm doing the fun stuff (any remaining quests/small dungeons)
19:33.44grimmanNaw, I'm gonna do some proper programming and play F.E.A.R. and wait for Warhammer Online.
19:33.52KirkburnThen when BC comes out, I'll be in wonderland :D
19:33.58grimmanAnd secretly hope that EA starts the EnB servers back up.
19:34.18KirkburnAt least you're not saying they're gonna 'destroy WoW' =)
19:34.39Josh_Borkei'm looking forward to BC when I can go through Nax with a 20man
19:34.47grimmanAND when my subscription time is about to expire I'm gonna gquit and post a shitty remark on the guild forum. ;P
19:34.48MiravlixWhy don't they just release the source
19:35.03Josh_Borkegrimman: why wait?
19:35.12MiravlixA big free MMORPG would hurt the people that put them out of business
19:35.14grimmanJosh_Borke: Cause I might feel like getting back on to try an addon.
19:35.36grimmanThat was my 5 minutes of logged on time today.
19:36.52Josh_Borkei do the same thing :)
19:37.07Josh_Borkethankfully my guild is raider casual? no required attendance
19:37.09grimmanWobin: Earth & Beyond.
19:37.22grimmanI'm a sci-fi nut really. Fantasy is just... getting a fix. No more.
19:37.29WobinI liked Eve
19:37.45WobinI got into that far more than I do WoW
19:37.46grimmanEVE wasn't even close to the excellency of EnB.
19:38.16grimmanAnd I was sooo hyped when I first saw EVE after the EnB servers were killed off.
19:38.21Josh_Borkeomg, i hate
19:38.29grimmanSo don't go there, Josh_Borke. ;P
19:39.07Josh_Borkemust find articles for an assignment
19:39.10Josh_Borkegetting desperate
19:40.20grimmanI see.
19:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:51.28Josh_Borkeok bye all
19:53.20KirkburnI feel like I've stepped into a Ren and Stimpy timewarp with latest Weebl offering :)
19:53.33zenzelezzmy server is being slow tonight
19:54.24zenzelezzand to help out, the technical forum is tossing an error
19:59.33KirkburnWhich is real and which is Crysis? :)
20:00.33wereHamsterKirkburn, where is it?
20:00.45KirkburnNo idea :/
20:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:01.41kasoholy crap thats crazt
20:02.31KirkburnWell the top one does rather look like Bryce, that'd be better to see in real-time
20:05.56grimmanIt still looks a bit CG, but... rawr.
20:11.33EndApparently the ghouls have a mount point defined on them :P
20:11.51Wobinon their arm? =)
20:12.09Endwhere else would it be! ;p
20:13.02kasothe gnome looks like he's having fun
20:15.57KirkburnCan anyone explain this ...
20:16.20EndLooks like a pig to me
20:16.31Kirkburnlol, I've got the version of modelviewer that did that ... was very ood
20:16.38KirkburnYes, but a _Windows Live_ pig?
20:16.58krkaw00t, 55k users for our game
20:17.14Endlet's just leave it at it looks like just a pig to me
20:17.37grimmankrka: "Our game"?
20:17.41Kirkburn(there was a version of model viewer that automatically mounted every character on itself)
20:18.03krka(our company's game)
20:18.16grimmanUgh, sports.
20:20.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
20:20.55krkai am not a huge sports nerd either
20:21.00krkabig customer base in sweden though
20:32.16KirkburnThat's probably because it's in swedish :)
20:35.18zenzelezzhrm... I don't really mind if it takes a little bit to sort server trouble out, if only they'd make a "we have reports and are looking into" post before the forums melt from the flames
20:54.16grimmanTihi, just made a micro winamp-release. 700k, winamp 5.23 (released today afaik).
20:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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21:53.11MiravlixHmm, my computer just ran out of handles.
21:54.01KirkburnOooh, Panza!
21:54.16JoshBorkesounds like that could be a problem
21:54.19KirkburnFirst Panza beta is out (Paladin Assistant, but supporting more classes)
21:54.31JoshBorkeooo, where?
21:54.32grimmanWhat does it do?
21:55.00MiravlixGoogle Web Cache ran at 25K handles and I have another application that forgets to close handles (handle leak), so I ran out. :p
21:55.37KirkburnA very *very* advanced buffing and healing engine
21:56.36grimmanThe buff parts look like what I had in mind for an addon of mine actually.
21:56.41grimmanExcept there's a GUI. ;P
21:56.43KirkburnDon't know how complicated it is atm, but it's been amazing for my pally
21:57.01grimmanHm. What's your pally name?
21:57.23KirkburnShe's only 43 atm
21:57.29grimmanSome pally from VoM was running around buffing me yesterday in EP. ;)
21:57.33JoshBorkecooperative healing
21:57.43JoshBorkethat's an interesting idea
21:57.44Kirkburn:) and :) :) :)
21:58.21KirkburnYeah, the coop thing is a great idea
21:58.33JoshBorkeshould be interesting
21:58.43KirkburnYou can also set what buff you get by merely whispering the buffer
21:59.07KirkburnFor example, type '/w bow' at them, and they'll automatically give you Wisdom next buff cycle
22:00.45KirkburnIt's one of those mods that's got so big, it's started using an svn
22:02.43JoshBorkeindeed, too large for my tastes :-) but i've always measured my mod up to PA :D
22:04.30KirkburnIt really deserves more recognition than it has got, though
22:05.12*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:11.51Endlua: foo.lua:3: 'setn' is obsolete
22:12.07Endstupid lua interpreter
22:12.29Ends/interpreter/command line that's up to date/
22:12.50End(or at least, somewhat up to date)
22:13.07Endyup, I guess I'm running 5.1 now
22:13.32Endeither WoW needs to upgrade or I need to downgrade so I can go back to happily testing things
22:14.23grimmanHow exactly do you go about testing code outside WoW?
22:16.36Endjust lua snippets
22:16.46Endgeneral purpose code usually
22:24.12zenzelezzI still feel that quit message lacks a word
22:24.58zenzelezzI doubt the remote banana did it, but who knows
22:29.42AnduinLotharok.. advanced svn question.. does anyone know how to get the change log for svn-externals to be included in the log of the parent directory?
22:30.14AnduinLotharor perhaps easily merge 1 or more change logs?
22:30.19KirkburnAsk the remote banana :9
22:32.43CairennKirkburn: is that somewhere between AskANinja and The Magic 8-ball?
22:33.04KirkburnWell, it's far away, I know that
22:34.01KirkburnI miss Ren & Stimpy :(
22:35.49*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
22:37.35KirkburnThis page is fun :D .... methinks 'landslide' is an appropriate description
23:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
23:14.32AnduinLotharclad's an svn fan.. have you ever done log merging?
23:16.28Cairennawwwwwww, so cute
23:17.21JoshBorkewoot! an even 4000 downloads!
23:20.45JoshBorkelol, at the end that is funny
23:23.33KirkburnZomg! Vista beta 2 is public!
23:24.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:24.55KirkburnMe wanna kitten!!! waaaaaahhh!!!
23:24.56JoshBorkeoh no! the sky is falling! the sky is falling!
23:28.48JoshBorke*cry* someone broke my even number :-(
23:29.20KirkburnWhere my kitten? :(
23:29.33KirkburnYou take my kitten?
23:29.44JoshBorke( Kirkburn ): at the pet store, kept safe from you?
23:29.50KirkburnHate you!
23:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
23:45.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
23:45.54KirkburnAww, this is just too cute:
23:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
23:52.59Cairennthat was cute
23:55.32JoshBorkesomeone else used Godwin's Law!
23:55.41JoshBorketwice in 1 day i've seen it used!

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