irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060606

00:00.31AnduinLotharis that avail ck?
00:01.45EndAnduinLothar, if you look hard enough, you can find specifications for the file format that people have reverse engineered ( and wowguru come to mind)
00:02.00AnduinLotharthat's not the problem
00:02.12Endthen...what's the problem?
00:02.27AnduinLotharwriting a parser... i don't want to
00:02.27Endonce you know the file format, it shouldn't be too hard to write a parser
00:02.38Endpff, that's just lazyness speaking ;p
00:02.44CideEnd: neither of us (the two coders @ CTP) know python, though :)
00:02.46cladhairegimme a spec
00:02.48cladhairei'll write one.
00:02.52AnduinLothari know python
00:02.57Endyou don't have to write it in python though :P
00:03.12Cidewe didn't! we used php ;)
00:03.18AnduinLotharturns out curse has a public parser, but the parser source isn't public
00:04.15cladhaireAnduinLothar: No really, I'm serious =)
00:04.20cladhairethats the sort of thing i can do at work np np
00:04.31AnduinLotharoh ok..
00:04.55AnduinLotharwhat lang?
00:05.09cladhairelua /python/perl
00:05.14cladhairewhichever works best with the spec im
00:05.30AnduinLotharphp ftl
00:05.32cladhaireyes, yes,.. i could do php as well =)
00:05.37CideI kind of like python, I've been looking at it lately
00:05.37cladhairei'll write it in native C =)
00:05.39AnduinLotharlua or python is prefered
00:05.54cladhaireAnduinLothar: Have a link to a spec handy? (just PM)
00:06.02EndC would probably be easiest actually :P
00:06.15Endjust snarf chunks of the file into structs
00:06.28AnduinLotharexample in action:
00:06.35cladhairei'll play with this and let you know via email
00:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:14.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:16.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
00:36.15grimmanUgh... just found out... and get this, through a random internet forum, that an ex is getting married.
00:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:40.23ckknight_yea, I got the curse source for that
01:05.37QzotI'm looking for comments: It seems to me that WoW allows a PC to have 1 combat pet (locks/hunters), 1 non-combat pet, 1 guardian (engineering dragonling, yeti, scarlet hound, etc), and up to 4 creations (shaman totems, battle chicken). I'm really unclear about the "creations". Does this sound about right to people?
01:06.14QzotAnd are there other thingamabobs that don't fit into one of these categories?
01:07.43Qzotgrimman: Sounds surreal.
01:10.09AnduinLotharcide were you able to nail down what the 4th item id part is?
01:10.23Cidepretty sure it's crafter
01:10.32Cidebut I don't really know
01:10.35grimmanMaking myself happier with some FEAR-playing;
01:10.51AnduinLotharsome blue drops and quest items have it tho..
01:11.01QzotSometimes it's clearly crafter. Sometimes it's clearly something else, but I don't know what.
01:11.06grimmanOr if that doesn't work, go to and download fear_minigame.avi
01:11.14Cidemaybe something like "additional information id"
01:11.34AnduinLotharso i take it you just ignored it for databasing
01:11.39QzotI think for things which have a certain number of charges, it probably encodes that, too, but not in an obvious way.
01:12.06AnduinLotharso i'm seeing that item chat links don't contain temp enchants or crafter...
01:12.15AnduinLothareven if they have a 4th arg
01:12.37QzotAre temp enchants ever encoded there?
01:12.57QzotI had assumed (maybe incorrectly) that temp enchants were essentially a buff on the person.
01:13.02AnduinLotharno idea, but both those things show up in bags/char page/inspect tooltips
01:13.28QzotEasy to test, I guess, by turning on item id.
01:13.42AnduinLotharand temp enchants are definitely item specific since you can have multiple on diff weapons at the same time
01:14.27AnduinLotharGetInventoryItemLink is exactly what is linked to chat..
01:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge coreybif (
01:15.09AnduinLotharit seems the tooltip:SetXXXItem has access to stuff not in the link
01:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
01:16.48QzotAnduinLothar, if it would help you play around and test, I could email a package I have to mung links by copying fields from one object to another. Probably overkill, tho.
01:17.09AnduinLotharalready have a tool to grab links from chat links
01:17.45QzotUm. That doesn't sound the same.
01:18.14cladhaireI'm 12 bytes short, and I dont know why
01:18.44QzotI have an extra 9 bytes I can send you, if you can get 3 more from somewhere else. :P
01:19.01cladhairebut i'm consistently 12 bytes short.. *ponder*
01:19.38cladhaireAnduinLothar: I wonder if that spec you sent me is off.. but I dont see where O.o
01:19.59AnduinLotharmaybe part of the 'unknown' field
01:21.50cladhaireno, thats listed as 4 bytes.
01:21.58cladhairei need an item with a description.
01:23.06AnduinLothardo any locals have the suffixes as prefixes int he names?
01:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
01:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
01:24.50EsamynnEvening all
01:38.54AnduinLotharCHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM is incomming right?
01:42.32Cideno, outgoing
01:44.43QzotShutting down. Catch you all later from home.
01:45.53Cairennlater Qzot
01:47.48*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=ken@
01:48.19Cairennhey Norgs, Kael
01:48.27Kaeltenhey cair
01:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:54.51Esamynnnorganna: just the person I was hoping to run into
01:55.44EsamynnCai: am I scary?
01:56.31Cairennnot as scary as I am though, so no worries
01:58.04Esamynnnorganna: in Gatherer, the comment in the GatherMain_Draw() function indicate there have been problems in the past with large numbers nodes, do you know enough about that issue to provide a bit of detail?
01:58.37Esamynn~lart Tain
01:59.07TainWait!  I'm ok, I never do Public Displays of Affection.
01:59.45norgannaEsamynn: yes
02:00.13norgannathere used to be a problem when toplevel was set on the icons
02:00.34Elessdyi know that large numbers of nodes can take a very long time to load...
02:00.41Elessdyor it used to be that way, anyway
02:00.43norgannatoplevel frames take a really long time to move/hide/show etc
02:00.52Esamynnahh ok
02:00.58norgannanon-toplevel frames are *really* fast
02:02.00Esamynni'm planning to redo the draw function with dynamic frames as part of the DB rewrite, but I wanted to get some more information about that historical issue ;)
02:04.34norgannaEsamynn: uhm, i actually have some new capture code that I want to put in there
02:05.10norgannait's based off some enhancements to the enchantrix code
02:06.08norgannainstead of reading/parsing chat log to work out what got gathered, it tracks the actual spell
02:06.39Esamynnyou may want to take a look at what I have already done with that function in the branch then, it was heavily impacted (not surprisingly)
02:06.49Esamynnat this point i'm still in the pre-test phase of the conversion because I haven't finished enough of the conversion for the branch to even be close to stable yet
02:07.22norgannawould you mind if i merge in some of my changes to the same branch?
02:08.00Esamynnoh, the capture code, you mean the Gatherer_AddGatherHere function and the stuff that calls it?
02:08.28norgannaalso I want to standardize some of the mapping functions etc
02:08.51Esamynnoh, not a problem then, I left that more or less instact, and just hijacked AddNode into the library code
02:09.05norgannai mean universalize some of the mapping functions
02:09.43norgannaso that zoneid's are more consistent across different clients
02:10.29norgannas/more //
02:11.35Esamynnahh, I was thinking of doing something related to that but i decided to leave it for later
02:12.15AnduinLotharUNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED also does bag changes?
02:12.18Esamynnmaybe index the zones by a non-localised string index, instead of by number
02:12.33EsamynnAnduinLothar: I believe so
02:13.17AnduinLotharno wonder... i hate that event
02:13.37Esamynnyah, no kidding
02:13.41norgannaEsamynn: actually, i'm using bitlib to store the entire zone/x/y coordinates in a single number
02:14.35norgannaand i have a non-client-dependant way to index the zone to my own zone numbering system
02:15.08Esamynnwhat is the benefit of that exactly?
02:15.32norgannabenefit of which? the bitlib stuff?
02:16.40Esamynnyes, it seems that storing all of that information in a single value would be more trouble than it was worth
02:17.41norgannait's very small (memory efficient)
02:17.54norgannaand very fast to access (faster than splitting a string)
02:18.57clad|sleepdoes Alla have itemids?
02:19.03AnduinLotharin the url
02:19.08clad|sleephrm.. thanks.
02:20.33Esamynnbut if the zone and coordinates are all stored in a single value, what happens to the DB structure?
02:21.18norgannai haven't thought that far yet :p
02:21.37Esamynn~lart norganna
02:22.08norgannai do have some ideas for dividing the global coordinates into a grid however
02:22.35norgannaso it's easier to find "close" nodes
02:23.25norgannai was thinking of using the single coordinate value as more like a global identifier for the node
02:27.14AnduinLotharis LOOT_OPENED when you change page?
02:27.32Esamynnon the loot frame?
02:27.37EsamynnI don't think so
02:27.57Esamynnnorganna: and make the table flat?
02:30.40norgannasay divide the world coordinates into an 8x8 grid, number the grids from 1..256 call these grid-cells "buckets", insert each coordinateid into the corresponding bucket
02:31.29norgannathen you have the per-zone table that is indexed by zone then coordinateid
02:31.53AnduinLotharbucket O.o
02:32.18AnduinLotharcoord zone
02:32.36norgannayup, so it's like a hash table, except the hashing function is based off the coordinates
02:34.29EsamynnI need to go afk for a bit, probably 15 minutes, I'll be back
02:34.49Cairennquick, everyone hide while he's gone!
02:35.25clad|sleepAnduinLothar: You awake still?
02:38.44AnduinLotharinteresting. not quite csv tho
02:39.07clad|sleepit'll take 2 seconds to make that csv
02:39.10clad|sleepand the bitmasks are off.
02:39.12clad|sleepsnob =)
02:39.58AnduinLotharthx :D
02:41.22norgannahey wow!
02:41.39norgannaanyone not seen the easteregg on: ?
02:42.25Cairennthose are cute
02:42.28norgannaif you go to the warlock, there's some hidden text after the "Type: debuffer" text
02:42.49Cairenndid you see the one on races?
02:43.13Cairennerrr, sec
02:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
02:46.28norgannai can't see it!
02:47.03CairennFire Wind Earth Water
02:47.23CairennBy Your Powers Combined
02:47.29CairennI am
02:47.35CairennCaptain Planet
02:48.05CairennGrrr, Mrrr, Zzzt, Reported!
02:48.08norgannaexcellent :P
02:49.07CairennNeed a Light? No thanks trying to quit! Beer: it's what's for dinner. I don't know these people, I swear, I don't ...
02:51.57norgannaFirst the Orcs come...    then the Scourge, and now...    But I shall succeed where the Burning Legion has failed!
02:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
02:53.16norgannaI think it's "over our dead undead bodies"   - lol
02:53.31Esamynnnorganna: from my point of view, I'm not sure I see a real benefit of going in that direction, at least not for the primary storage anyways
02:54.35norgannawhy does everyone argue with me these days? :)
02:54.48WobinWe don't argue with you!
02:54.50Esamynnit might be better to make that storage format an index of current format
02:55.17Esamynnseeing as once I can get these changes out the door the DB will be at least 2/3s smaller in memory anyways
02:55.41norgannabut why settle for merely 2/3rd?
02:56.30norgannapacked coordinates are the way of the future! (tm)
02:56.51Esamynnnorganna: so each node would then store what information in it's info table?
02:57.23norgannaEsamynn: well, i have 2 ideas... both are seperate from each other
02:57.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:57.53norgannabut the inclusion of the zone id in the packed coordinates is essential to the second idea
02:58.21norgannaand the second idea's purpose is to reduce the amount of cpu-power needed for minimap updates
02:58.38Esamynnat the cost of complexity in EVERYTHING else
02:58.39norganna(by increasing slightly the amount of memory used)
02:58.56clad|sleepAnduinLothar: Need to work out how the bitmasks are working, specifically.. then I should be good to go.
02:59.01norgannanah - it's an additional table only for use by the minimap updating
02:59.13Esamynnahh ok, its an index of the main dB
02:59.32Esamynnk, I was thinking that, but you hadn't said that so that I got it ;)
02:59.50norgannabut in order to keep the same id in both the main table and the global table, they both need the zone id in there
03:00.17Esamynntake a look at the library i'm building in the branch, it will be perfect for correct maintenance of such and index
03:01.19Esamynnnorganna: or instead of going for completely seemless, you could have the index store nodes by their X-Y coordinates only on a per zone basis
03:01.24norgannaif the main table doesn't use the same id, then the global index would have to re-synthesize a new coordinate pair every time it wants to find something in the zone table
03:02.13Esamynnnorganna: you can just store the "node" tables directly in the index silly
03:02.53norgannayou are of course correct... i didn't think of that
03:03.04norgannaof course it would need to be rebuilt every time
03:03.16norganna(every time the addon loads that is)
03:03.37norgannabut it is a heap more efficient
03:03.57Esamynnyes, but that initialisation could be spread accross the first few minutes of game play instead of doing it at login
03:04.19norgannaor on an "as needed" basis
03:04.19Esamynnan you simply have the library use the old method until the index is ready
03:04.38Esamynnthat too
03:05.06norgannaif the cell == nil when you want to find something in there, you simply build it
03:05.19Esamynnthe only issue I see is that in the new DB format, Name, gtype and icon aren't stored in the node tables
03:06.01Esamynnalthough, there is even a way around that, albeit a bit of a pain to maintain
03:06.26*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
03:07.04EsamynnCair: have you been taking in strays again?
03:07.50Cairennthey just wander in here on their own
03:07.57Esamynntis true
03:07.58Cairennguess they know a nice place when they see it
03:07.58TainDo the stray cat strut.
03:08.48Esamynnbah, I hate it when my finger slips
03:08.55norganname too
03:09.56Esamynnoh, on another topic, what is the file header format?  I can't seem to get the repository to update the header on my Library file
03:12.18Esamynnewww: Gatherer_FindClosest() is the next function in line for conversion.....
03:12.48EsamynnI thought GatherMain_Draw() was bad
03:14.15norgannaheader? like the <%version%> thing?
03:15.37Esamynnoh no, not that
03:15.39Esamynnjust a sec
03:15.43norgannathat only gets filled in when the package is built
03:15.50norganna$Id$ ?
03:15.55Esamynnyes, that
03:16.29Esamynni've got: Revision: $Id$
03:16.32Esamynnbut that didn't do it
03:17.23norgannaright click the file(s), select properties, goto svn properties, add "svn:keywords" = "Author Date Id Revision"
03:20.45Esamynnsigh, i'm truly tempted to skip find closest for now so I can get to something that is testable
03:22.00Esamynnnorganna: is Gatherer_Show() really for what it seems to be for?
03:23.31norgannait's been ages
03:24.30Esamynnit looks like it just prints out a sentence describing EVERY node in the DB ;)
03:26.25EsamynnI ment, for each node in the DB, it prints out a sentence describing it, jeez, what a ton of spam ;
03:29.12norgannasounds familliar
03:29.21norgannait was good when i had like 3 nodes
03:29.31norgannaback in the old testing days
03:30.54Esamynnoh jeez, I think I might have something that I could debug and test now! :D
03:36.20Esamynnoh wait, dang, I need to finish the conversion code
03:44.17AnduinLotharyay peacekeeper boots
03:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhum (
03:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhum (
03:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhumkit (
03:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhumkit (
03:56.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Rhumkit (
03:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhumkit (
04:01.50Esamynnwow, I just heard that one of the guilds on my server gave a Thunderfury to a Rogue, you don't see that very often
04:02.49AnduinLotharcouple on my server, one is a wsg devil
04:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:03.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
04:16.28Esamynnlong day?
04:17.26IrielYes, one of many in succession (excepting the weekend, for a change)
04:18.01IrielOn the bright side I finally convinced new egg that they need to replace my tv rather than have panasonic try and repair it
04:33.09AnduinLotharAssertion Failed!
04:33.25Endzomg, not a number!
04:39.37IrielYou lucky mac people with your enabled assertions
04:39.57Esamynnours used to be....
04:42.55norgannai wonder if we could convince bliz to give us addon devs access to the assertions enabled windows build....
04:49.17IrielI'm a little surprised the test build doesn't produce assertions on the PC
05:00.50Esamynnyes, you would think so wouldn't you
05:02.21Esamynnnorganna: so I think I have a "testable" branch now, and by testable, I'm going to run it to iron out the bugs and see if what I've done so far is anywhere close to usable ;)
05:17.50Esamynnjust in case you were curious about where I was
05:47.07Endgrr, xmlspy crashes on my home machine
05:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
06:06.17Cairennnight all
06:13.38Esamynnnight all
06:13.45norgannanite Esamynn
06:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:19.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:25.14AnduinLotharsweet, got my tabbard too. Zandalar chest after patch!
06:25.31AnduinLotharthe pally zandalar chest is phatty
06:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge stray (
07:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
07:16.48WobinHe just wanders in and out =)
07:27.29AnduinLotharlol, that was awsome
07:27.36AnduinLothartwo pallies in our zg raid
07:27.56AnduinLotharone is #1 on damage chart, and the other is #1 on healing
07:28.18AnduinLotharpallies win
07:29.15Elkanodid the other 18 ppl ever move? since pallies are known to be best in being inferior ;)
07:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
07:29.59AnduinLotharwell if they didn't move than the two of us downed all the priests and hakkar by ourselves
07:34.26*** join/#wowi-lounge stray (
07:44.39WobinPS Happy Evil Day, everyone
07:48.55AnduinLotharso, i'm kinda surprised the test server is still up
07:49.20AnduinLotharit usually goes down before patch day, doesn't it?
07:50.08MoonWolfits patch time ?
07:50.24MoonWolfi thought the test realm was still damn buggy
07:51.22AnduinLotharword ont eh street is patch day is today... while I'm really anxious about the patch I do think it might need another week of debugging
07:51.49WobinBlizzard just wants to take advantage of Evil Day
07:52.06AnduinLotharwouldn't surprise me
07:52.24ElkanoMoonwolf, did that ever stop Blizzard from releasing a patch? ;)
07:52.55MoonWolfgood point.
07:53.20AnduinLotharonly liek 24 peeps on the alliance side on the test server
07:54.59AnduinLotharlove having 30 fps in IF!
07:55.18Irielnight all
07:55.37AnduinLotharnight iriel
08:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
08:34.56ckknightanyone French/German?
08:36.54Elkanonope... ;)
08:37.07Elkano(you should know better by now :) )
08:38.53ckknightwasn't sure you were here
08:39.04ckknightwhat's "A library to help with localization."
08:42.40Elkanosometimes it sucks being native... ;) most likly "(BabbleLib ist) eine Bibliothek, die bei der Lokalisierung helfen soll." (I'd add the part in () since otherways the sentence is missing a verb)
08:43.08Elkanoleading to the famous "this sentence no verb"
08:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
08:47.13ckknightdoes your people really need verbs?
08:47.20ckknighthave you no fragments?
08:58.46Elkanowell, people would understand it as a fragment, too. But to some it may look strange
08:59.10ckknightoh well
08:59.25ckknightI just did a major change to BabbleLib
08:59.30ckknightupped the version as well
09:01.44ckknightbasically, instead of using capitalized words to translate to a localized version, you just now use English
09:01.44ckknightand __call works on the libs too, as a translator
09:01.45ckknightlocal C = BabbleLib:GetInstance("Class 1.2")
09:01.49ckknightC"Warlock" == "Hexenmeister"
09:04.15WobinYou love that example, don't you? =P
09:08.45ckknightwell, it's the coolest sounding class
09:09.03ckknightplus, no umlauts
09:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge stray (
09:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:37.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
09:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
10:03.20CodayusAnd my server's down...
10:03.25CodayusNow what do I do?
10:03.31CodayusWonder if the test servers still up?
10:19.09AnduinLotharyes, test servers are still up here
10:19.45AnduinLotharand there's 10x as many people as there was 2 hrs ago
10:20.00*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
10:25.39*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (i=usr63926@
10:30.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:58.53CodayusSeen on the PTR:
10:58.57CodayusIn a yell.
10:59.28Codayus"LFG realy cool instance it is on the other side of the world 40man raid u can get a mount called a batle tank there its like a bug still lokking for 39 more pplz
11:05.52AnduinLotharwow the AD revered and exaulted quest rewards are hawt
11:06.14AnduinLothar18 slot bad at revered... i hope that's repeatable
11:06.31AnduinLotharand a damn nice healign ring
11:07.00AnduinLotharand medalian of the dawn rivals eye of hakkar
11:07.24AnduinLotharand the tirnket is like a 2nd ZHC
11:11.30AnduinLotharand those consecrated sharpenning stones are hawt
11:14.59AnduinLotharso.. no patch download..
11:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:32.35WobinAnyone know of a tool that can export from a savedvariable to say xml or something?
11:32.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:38.23zespriIt's gonna be a t-shirt. I want that t-shirt =)
11:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
12:34.15JoshBorkemorning guys
12:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
12:37.05JoshBorke( ckknight ): i like the new changes to BabbleLib :-)
13:25.47zenzelezzwoot... upgrade my pistol and then forget to bring it to the mission
13:31.57WobinWell aren't you a silly sausage?
13:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
13:41.38Endwtf is a silly sausage?
13:44.35kasoa meat product that isnt very intellegent?
13:44.52KirkburnIn what context?
13:45.21KirkburnIf someone is being called a 'silly sausage', it's a mild way of telling someone they're being ... er ... silly
13:45.31WobinIt's something you say to cihldren instead of "WTF OMG U NOOB"
13:45.37zenzelezzwell, they obviously fell for the "who wants to take a trip to the butcher?" trick, so they can't be very smart
13:47.25KirkburnAnyone know what the GM Survey stuff is?
13:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (i=usr64880@
13:47.52kasostupid internet
13:48.27KirkburnIt's been added to the FrameXML
13:48.29kasothat in 1.11?
13:48.37Kirkburner, UI
13:49.06KirkburnIt's got ratings, and places to enter comments
13:49.58MiravlixIs rating system more to give ppl a feeling they have a place to vent or is it to improve the GM system?
13:50.57KirkburnGlobalstrings doesn't give much away
13:51.09KirkburnGMSURVEY_REQUEST_TEXT = "Please answer the following questions:";
13:51.26kasowell thats interesting isnt it
13:51.26kasoSo we get to review each gm we deal with?
13:51.26kasobecause i can see that leading to alot of "OMG HE SUX I DIDNT GET MY EPICS BACK WHEN IT WAS NINJAED" comments
13:51.53zenzelezzmaybe it's something only the GMs can use
13:51.58zenzelezz"this asshat again?"
13:52.09KirkburnGMSURVEY_SUBMITTED = "Your survey has been submitted";
13:52.18TainMaybe it's for GMs to leave feedback to other GMs on players.
13:52.28zenzelezzthat's what I said :-o
13:52.41Tain"How would you rate this user's petition on a scale of 1 to 10"
13:52.53Kirkburn1-5 actually
13:53.03KirkburnGMSURVEYRATING5 = "Excellent";
13:53.05kasosurely if it was they'd have added to the GM's seperate UI
13:53.08TainCould be for generic questionairres.
13:53.09KirkburnGMSURVEYRATING1 = "Bad";
13:53.30TainAlthough naming it GM... doesn't make it seem like that would be the case.
13:54.40zenzelezzmaybe it's guild master surveys
13:55.02Cidemaybe it's for grand marshals only
13:56.10KirkburnGM only refers to Game Masters in the Globalstrings
13:56.25TainOoh Grand Marshals get to create their own surveys, another perk!
13:57.02TainGuildMasters.. "How would you rate the organization of our last Molten Core raid"
13:57.15TainThere's potential there!
13:57.15KirkburnAha! surveyQuestion = "How would you rate your GM experience?";
13:57.20kasoNo High Warlord?! omg alliance favourtism!
14:00.42kasotried doing GMSurveyFrame:Show() ?
14:03.40Cidethough it's very incomplete :P
14:03.58Cide6 boxes of "How would you rate your GM experience?" and one box for Additional Comments
14:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
14:04.18Kirkburn1That was odd...
14:06.44WobinThey really want to know how the experience affected you =P
14:06.55kasohmm thats cool
14:07.25kasohas there ever been radio buttons in the ui before?
14:07.33Cidethey have been available
14:07.38Cidebut I'm not sure if they've been used
14:07.44CideI've used them myself in a few addons
14:07.45Endsee, on each one you can give a different answer
14:07.58Endbecause there are 6 of them with 6 choices
14:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:15.24Kirkburn1I wonder how you could justify putting N/A
14:16.48Kirkburn1Waitasec, how will they know it's a 'proper' submission if you can open it with a command?
14:19.57zenzelezzshould be simple, they just send some sort of ID and check it against recent petitions?
14:22.28Cidehmm, in wow: ( bit.bnot(1) == bit.bnot(2) ) == true
14:22.46Cideis it just me or is that wrong? :P
14:35.56MiravlixThe bit lirbary is broken
14:36.15MiravlixI found that out when I tried to use it with the CRCLib
14:36.38MiravlixBut I never bothered to find out why it was broken
14:36.39CideI thought it would be fixed in 1.11
14:37.09MiravlixHmm, I haven't told Slouken and not sure anyone else has
14:37.47MiravlixI need to compile a bug list and get it sent off, it's growing big.
14:39.28Cidebut yeah
14:39.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (n=Wobin@
14:39.36Cide~1 != ~2
14:39.41Cidebut it evaluates to true in wow
14:39.50Cide(~1 == ~2) == true, that is
14:49.49ElkanoMiravlix, there was a change with bitlib in 1.11, I think it was changed to 64bit
14:50.18Cidestill seems screwy
15:16.02kasodid i read somewhere that in 1.11 Shift R will reply to last person you whispered
15:16.31ElkanoI read sth like that, too
15:17.26zenzelezzthat's in 1.10
15:17.30zenzelezzyou just have to set a binding
15:18.41kasooh cool
15:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:42.39Kirkburn1wtf, a lady is watering some trees outside ... IT'S RAINING
15:42.57Kirkburn1It's been raining for about 6 hours
15:43.34Endcrazy lady :P
15:43.39Kirkburn1Ooh, this looks a bit more sensible, she's moved onto some cars. Which are sitting in the rain.
15:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
15:44.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
15:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:58.13CairennHey Beladona :)
16:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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16:26.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:32.15*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Mod Dev Discussions. 1.11 PTR up.
16:37.06Beladona1.11 IS OUT NOW?
17:04.33TainHow about now?
17:07.11Cidestill no!
17:07.22CideI'm in a raid group
17:07.37CideI register for RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE in OnLoad, and print a chat message when it fires
17:07.49Cideif I log out to char select and back in, I only get a chat message about 50% of the time
17:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
17:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:39.20*** join/#wowi-lounge afk3days (
17:40.03kasoHmm, im seeeing that too, but quite rarely, is that what causes the bug where you get all the people in your group on CTRA
17:45.56kasothats odd indeed.
17:46.32kasoand yet you still get the "You Have Joined a Raid group" message even when the event doesnt fire
17:48.04CideI'd make a post on the forums, but the login server is down
17:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
18:15.12Beladonaanyone else having issues getting to wowwiki?
18:16.06ckknight_JoshBorke, I'm glad
18:16.17kasoBeladona its slow but still loads
18:16.19ckknight_the best thing is the L"The Barrens" bit, imho
18:16.21kaso(for me)
18:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain_ (
18:16.27zenzelezzseems slow, but nothing more
18:22.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Joy (
18:22.57Shouryuu|Joyrawr and so forth
18:23.43fatbrain_Question, tooltip in-game, where can I learn the layout of its properties...?
18:25.19Shouryuu|JoySorry to disapoint but I have strictly *no* idea :(
18:26.03wereHamsterfatbrain, extract the UI and look into FrameXML/GameTooltip.xml
18:26.17fatbrain_wereHamster: thank you.
18:26.18wereHamsteror maybe GameTooltipTemplate.xml
18:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
18:26.38fatbrain_wereHamster: I'll find it, thanks :)
18:27.34wereHamsterYou have 30 lines, each line has a 'Left' and 'Right' text-label
18:28.15kasothe tooktip is limited to 30 lines then?
18:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
18:30.25wereHamsterkaso, yes, unless you add some lines yourself.. and ShoppingTooltipTemplate has only 24 lines..
18:31.08kasoThey're gonna have to add some more to the Default UI soon enough what with every item haveing about a million lines of Equip: on them nowadays
18:31.24Elkano+ the set lines
18:31.27MaldiviaHmm, if we create a tooltip with CreateFrame, and add fontstrings to it, using the Widgeet API, can we get tooltips to have more than 30 lines (that the tooltip can manage with AddLine)
18:32.28QzotThere are 3 mods I want to use, and I don't know if anyone has written them yet... :P Can anyone tell me if someone has something like these floating around?
18:32.54Qzot(1) Inertial guidance. Attempts to track coordinates inside instances, based on your movement.
18:33.39Qzot(2) Dragon Care. Tries to monitor the health of your guardians/creations, like mechanical dragonlings and battle chickens, so you can know when to try to heal them.
18:33.50Maldiviahow will you trace movement inside instances? You can't get the distance traveled, and you can't hook movement commands
18:33.58wereHamsterQzot, (1) not possible.. in an instance, the coordinates are always (0,0)
18:34.15wereHamsteroh.. based on the movement -.-
18:34.21Qzot(3) Audit Trail. Tracks every trade, AH posting/expiry/sale, items/money mailed from/to, as a basis for other addons.
18:34.58QzotMaldiva: You can no longer know when the player has initiated movement?
18:35.13QzotScratch that idea.
18:35.38Maldiviaunless there's some funky way to do it... hooking the movement commands is out of the question
18:36.06QzotAnd it's not possible to monitor the state of the buttons used for movement in OnUpdate?
18:37.00QzotwereHamster: Yes, fully aware of that.
18:37.18Maldiviawell, not entirely true, since you can track mouse downs on the worldframe, so if you use both mouse buttons to run, then you can track it - but not WASD
18:37.34QzotWas attempting to construct synthetic x,y based on inertia, but Maldiv says the resources needed even for that are no longer available.
18:38.28QzotCan we dummy up our own replacements for WASD, and ask the player to bind them?
18:38.42Maldiviaheading is posible to get currently, by the use of (most likely) a fluke...
18:38.58QzotYeah. That's what created this idea, Maldiv.
18:39.17Maldiviayou can't call any of the movement commands, so you can rebind the key, but won't do you any good
18:39.57QzotWow. Obviously, I have not been tracking. You can't even call the movement commands with a hardware event in your hot, little hands. Ouch.
18:40.21Maldiviano more autobuffers
18:40.39QzotThat's different.
18:40.43Shouryuu|JoyAt bloody last!
18:40.43QzotRelated, but different.
18:40.51QzotAutobuffers rely on hooking.
18:40.58Shouryuu|JoyI've managed to get subtitles for this dumb movie I've been trying to watch for about, hummm, 3 month now
18:41.06wereHamsterhow does the starndart UI call the movement function?
18:41.22Cidesigned code
18:41.24Maldiviait calls them directly, but the default UI is signed
18:41.56wereHamsterah.. let's crack the signature ;)
18:42.23wereHamstercosmosui could sneak a cracket to their exe :)
18:42.26Maldiviaso far, I don't think anyone have found a hole in the restricted code
18:43.17QzotAre movement commands from unsigned code ignored? Or do they cause a d/c?
18:43.18Maldiviaand I'm sure a few or more in this channel have tried :)
18:43.26Maldiviathey cause an error box
18:43.37ElkanoQzot "not allowed to hook -> disabled"
18:43.39krka(and are then ignored)
18:44.01QzotThat's the message from hooking them, or from calling them? Or both?
18:44.08Maldiviafrom calling them
18:44.21QzotLol. Lousy error message, then.
18:44.23Maldiviayou can hook them just fine - but you get the error when you try to call them at the end of the hook-chain
18:46.06Maldiviait doens't exactly say what Elkano wrote - it's a more user friendly error :
18:47.01Maldivia"A macro script has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI"
18:47.20QzotAh. Makes more sense.
18:47.43Cideand the addon name (if applicable)
18:47.47Maldiviaand a similar for addons:
18:47.55MaldiviaAddonName has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI.
18:47.55MaldiviaYou can disable this addon and reload the UI.
18:47.58QzotHmm. An insidious idea begins to take shape...
18:48.22QzotAh. Nm. Won't work.
18:49.11Shouryuu|JoyAwww greatmy subs have a 10 sec desync with the movie
18:49.17QzotYou can bind Ctrl-A or Alt-A to an action, but you can't bind Ctrl or Alt.
18:49.44QzotAnyway, deep six idea #2. Anyone done #s 1 or 3?
18:49.59MaldiviaShouryuu|Joy: then add a delay in yuor player
18:50.15Shouryuu|JoyI know but I can't find teh option!
18:50.24Maldiviawhich player?
18:51.25Shouryuu|Joyand VLC
18:51.31Qzot(2) Dragon Care, and (3) Audit Trail
18:51.41Shouryuu|JoyI can't remember which one has one
18:51.45Shouryuu|JoyI know I have one that does!
18:52.55Maldiviapersonally, I use mplayer - it has it :)
18:53.03Shouryuu|JoyAnd I don't feel like addin 10 seconds to every sub in the movie...
18:53.13Shouryuu|JoyMedia player classic, or just media player?
18:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
18:57.57Shouryuu|Joyooook adding 10 seconds to the subs seems like the way to go
19:00.53MaldiviaMPlayer... as in
19:01.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:06.31Shouryuu|BreakDoMYy computer just felt like not playing any sounds anymore
21:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:18.38*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions. 1.11 PTR up.
21:18.47clad|gymi'll probably write it in python next
21:18.49clad|gym~botsnack purl
21:18.49purlaw, gee, clad|gym
21:18.58clad|gymi dont like python
21:19.02clad|gymbut its a good exercise =)
21:19.04AnduinLotharwhy not?
21:19.21clad|gyma few reasons, most of them being irrational =)
21:19.44EndI don't like the way python uses indentation
21:19.54EndI mean, I could probably jump in, and handle it just fine
21:19.58clad|gymindentation influencing syntax bothers me about haskell and python, the breadth of python bothers me a little too (i'm kinda a minimalist kinda guy) don't like it
21:20.01krkathe way it uses, or the fact that it uses it at all?
21:20.18krkabreadth of python?
21:20.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:20.29clad|gymkrka: The amount of libraries.. how muddled it CAN get one systems.
21:20.36Endwell, that it uses it at all I guess
21:20.42clad|gympeople get to the point where they try to do everything and anythign with python, just because.
21:20.46krkathe language itself is clean imo
21:20.50clad|gymand i'm very much about using the right language for the right jonb
21:20.58clad|gymkrka: I agree.. I lke the lua principals a bit better,. but I agree 100%
21:21.07krkai like Lua more too :)
21:21.25clad|gymthe whole (using words instead of symbols) is right up my alley.
21:21.37clad|gymin a pedagogical kinda way =)
21:21.55EndI'm more used to symbols, but I don't mind words
21:22.13Endit's more of a pain when I'm using more than one language within short periods of time :P
21:22.17clad|gym&& versus & versus ^ versus and =)
21:22.39clad|gymi just like having the right language for the right job =)
21:22.50clad|gymthus my lack of python, and need to learn it with gtk bindings and such.
21:22.55Endwhat probably gets me more is that lua doesn't require semicolons, and then trying to go without them in perl
21:23.14Endand . in perl and .. in lua
21:23.16clad|gymEnd: I like those differences, becasue it keeps me in the right more for each language
21:23.21clad|gym.= in php, etc.
21:23.31clad|gymi love all the semantics.. but then again i'm a sick individual
21:23.55Endhere's the thing though: using .. is valid syntax
21:23.59Endin perl
21:24.10Endit won't complain, but it won't do what you want either
21:24.25End(actually, do I have warnings on?)
21:24.28End(maybe that's it)
21:27.16EndI know what it is doing now
21:27.40clad|gymI have a mosquito bite on the back of my knee
21:28.35End.. basically makes an array
21:28.56Endforeach (1..10) <-- go from 1 to 10
21:29.07Endand .. somehow works with strings
21:29.23MiravlixDo people really fall for these morons
21:29.37Miravlix"Want a 1h sword than does 600+ Dmg? What about two of them!?
21:30.17Endwell...execute doesn't require a two-handed weapon, does it? ;p
21:30.59End(in fact, it apparently specifically does 600 damage + rage, any melee weapon)
21:32.46zenzelezz600 on 0 AC
21:32.55zenzelezzon highest rank
21:33.59zenzelezzfor a max of 1875 damage
21:34.11MiravlixI bet the program steal there passwords
21:34.13zenzelezzsomehow mine never crit
21:34.30MiravlixAnd then the guy log in on there account steal all there stuff and sell it to IGN
21:34.34kasoha ha thats the best thing ever
21:34.50MiravlixThey are literally paying someone 20$ to rip them off
21:36.05snurrelol @ that site
21:36.08MiravlixWhat I don't get is why Paypall is allowing this shit
21:36.17snurre"I Guarantee this to be working on REAL servers (not private or emulation) or I will refund your money!"
21:36.22MiravlixThe guy can only do it because he can get the cash
21:36.53snurre"create bugged item"
21:36.58snurregod you have to be stupid to fall for that
21:38.00zenzelezzpfft, next you'll tell us your character data isn't 100% stored on your computer either ;)
21:38.20snurreofc it is
21:38.25snurrehow else would it load so fast?
21:38.45snurreyou know how bad the lag is on the servers, no way chars could be loaded that fast to login screen
21:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
21:39.26grimman*glee* New ATI drivers. ^^
21:44.56Shouryuu|DepressI can't believe the guy who directed World Record in the animatrix is the same guy who directed Ninja Scroll
21:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:51.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
21:52.52Maldiviaclad: you ignore the header?
21:54.47TainI loves me some Ninja Scroll.
22:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
22:04.51QzotI am, there I eat.
22:05.07KirkburnStupid thread of the day ...   (gets interesting on page 3!)
22:07.05QzotThat has to be the *most* stoopid thread I've *ever* re
22:11.35QzotHey! Ou
22:11.59Cairennhah serves you rig
22:14.03kasoeyonix wins.
22:18.26zenzelezzit's "zomgs blizz sucks stop backing up ffs!!!!!11111111" time on Euro servers \o/
22:18.50TainI like how even the people taking shots at CMs in that thread stick to it.
22:19.13zenzelezzevery Tuesday around around midnight, never fails
22:19.50Endwell, to be far, like Coreiel said, Coreiel is not a CM, just a foru
22:21.15Thraes/forum/forum moderator/
22:21.26ThraeThrae += INF!
22:21.28TainAfter five days of going up and down to the third floor moving things in my body is finally saying, "Screw you asshole."
22:21.31Cairennlol Thrae, read the thread, then you'll unde
22:21.32EndThrae, did you read the thread? ;p
22:21.39zenzelezzobviously not
22:21.56EndCoreiel really did call herself a foru
22:21.57ThraeIs this the Leeroy E3 thread?
22:22.09zenzelezzscroll up, about 20 lines
22:22.09ThraeAh, then I didn't read it
22:23.47ThraeBah, and here I thought I would see a typo ;)
22:25.47ThraeHey, I have a Female Tauren named "Moora" and a Male Tauren named "Rahm", I forgot I made those.
22:26.58krkai only have one tauren and it's called hoofhoof
22:28.16TainI have a Tauren named Testerfellow.
22:29.36KirkburnMy Tauren has never got past level
22:31.19AnduinLotharshaman on my server "wootwootwoot"
22:32.24QzotDoes wowwiki have info on developing against Ace?
22:32.45KirkburnWhat, like countermeas
22:33.19AnduinLotharnever understood 'developing against' myself..
22:33.30QzotWhere is stuff on Ace?
22:33.33TainAce addon detected!  Prepare counter-attack!
22:33.43Qzot(There. That was all single-syllable words. :D)
22:33.45TainMainly, Qzot
22:33.49ThraeQzot -- They have an article on Cosmos/Khaos, so probably they have anti-Ace tactics too ;)
22:34.23AnduinLotharit's more like the Cosmos Team uses wowwiki as it's documentation
22:34.41TainPlus I heard all people who use Ace habitually smoke the marijuana cigarettes.
22:34.47AnduinLothari have no iudea what ace does for documentaion
22:34.47KirkburnCripes this took me a long time to write ...
22:35.15AnduinLotharwith an e even
22:35.42KirkburnDoubting Thoma
22:35.55EndI went to Ac just in case :P
22:35.56ThraeRight, that too. "Appendix XI of Cosmos Documentation -- Khaos may overwrite your Ace, Timex, and Visor-dependant addons with Sea,Earth,Chronos, etc. to ensure maximum compatibility with Khaos..." ;)
22:36.00Endtoo bad there is nothing there
22:36.06QzotLol. It shouldn't have taken you so long.
22:36.22QzotYou should have just copied from
22:36.25AnduinLotharum, actually it's more the other way around
22:36.26QzotThey're almost the same!
22:36.43AnduinLotharif i remember correctly Timex was the one that tried to overwrite Chronos
22:36.49KirkburnThems crazy thoughts Qzo
22:37.04EndKirkburn, what is with your fi
22:37.07ThraeWe all know your secret plot to cause invalid errors in Ace addons, AnduinLothar ;)
22:37.18KirkburnMy hand keeps seiz
22:37.22Endsekret invalid erro
22:37.24ThraeOverRIDE, not overwrite, heh.
22:37.39QzotTwo pages in .... lack of interesting links.
22:37.59ThraeWait, I guess it "overwrites portions in global namespace", so yeah. Overwrite works too.
22:38.05QzotI take it the next step after reading is to read the Ace code?
22:38.22AnduinLotharno tutorial for ju!
22:38.39GryphenThey have a wiki, that is currently broken
22:38.47ThraeQzot: Download AceDev, it comes with a basic template to get you started and more documentation.
22:39.04Thrae1.3.0 is the newest Ace, yes.
22:39.21ThraeNext will be embedded Ace 2.0!
22:39.42AnduinLotharbout time
22:40.05ThraeBy the way, does everyone know today is the day of the devil? 6-6-6!
22:40.12Endyes, we know about King or Joker?  or Queen?? and where's Jack!?
22:40.19AnduinLothartho you know Timex embeable and Chronos embeddable is sure to cause mass explosions
22:40.34Ends/, we/, but what do we/
22:40.38KirkburnGottas love error messages:
22:40.45ThraeOh, is someone working on an embeddable Timex?
22:40.52AnduinLotharno lol
22:40.56Endlol Kirkburn
22:41.20AnduinLotharwhy would you. I already trimmed out the threading code in Chronos that they always said was useless
22:41.33ThraeIs Chronos embeddable?
22:41.36AnduinLotharit'd be liek the exact same thing
22:42.04ThraeWell, Timex hasn't been updated in a loong time. I use Metrognome right now.
22:42.29KirkburnAs I recall, I got the Timex page deleted from CG, as it was so inflammatory and out of date
22:42.29TainI thought Timex was being updated a lot, well a lot of betas maybe.
22:43.01ThraeYeah, there hasn't been a release of Timex for a long time.
22:43.13ThraeI think various people work on it, not sure if there's a new dedicated author?
22:43.26AnduinLotharcan't find Metrognome, got a link?
22:43.35Gryphenwowi i thought
22:43.39TainI think there is.  Honestly I haven't followed much, but there's a dedicated Timex thread on
22:43.42Endhmm, I see a branch called AceLibrary
22:43.51ThraeAceLibrary is from Ace 2.0.
22:44.06EndI see.
22:44.14ThraeAnduinLothar: Tekkub mostly posts his addons on WoWI these days.
22:44.25QzotHmm. Is it worth using Ace when the addon itself is 2-300 lines long?
22:44.27ThraeEver since he beta-tested their new author portal system ;)
22:44.39AnduinLotharthe description is sad
22:44.48TainTekkub is not one for descriptions.
22:44.53QzotThe HelloWorld example is 150 lines.
22:45.24ThraeQzot: It's up to you if you want to use Ace for a tiny addon.
22:45.25AnduinLotharwell it says the docs are on the ace wiki... gg
22:45.44ThraeIf you download the lib, it comes with all the docs too -_-
22:45.48TainQzot: There's also threads of instruction and learning on in the forums.
22:45.53QzotThrae: I realize it's up to me. I'm seeking your opinion, however.
22:46.06KirkburnNo! I must decide!
22:46.09ThraeQzot: Well, what are you looking to make?
22:46.15TainYou're not the decider!
22:46.15AnduinLotharmy oppinion is it will confuse you more until you knwo what you're doing
22:46.48QzotI don't want to describe it fully, yet. But I want to do something very event-driven, a la ItemRack.
22:46.50ThraeTain: I love their comic spoof.
22:47.03TainIt's so funny Thrae
22:47.59ThraeQzot: One of the goals of Ace is to make events easier to handle for the end coder while handling them as efficiently as possible behind-the-scenes.
22:48.08Qzot*sigh* Getting answers out of you reminds me of getting answers at a theologians convention.
22:48.54QzotThrae: ItemRack exposes those events to the sophisticated end user.
22:49.25ThraeQzot: Using Ace and doing it yourself depends on how confident you are in your own abilities. Some feel that Ace makes coding easier. Some feel that Ace makes their mod more efficient then they could do by themselves. Some feel that you should know as much about your mod and its dependencies as possible, and work on efficiency alone.
22:49.28QzotI'll want to do something similar.
22:49.58QzotI optimize efficiency of the human programmer. :P
22:50.05QzotWhen I can, at least.
22:50.30KirkburnNow, there are many ways that can be taken...
22:51.09ThraeQzot: Ace is basically a collection of various people's implementation on efficient WoW Addon coding. It doesn't restrict you in any way except the initial learning process of Ace vs normal WoW coding. However, I don't think there's such a big step from knowing little about normal WoW addon coding to starting out with doing it the "Ace Way(tm)".
22:51.42KirkburnSo long as you don't mind selling your soul to the devil
22:52.23ThraeQzot: What Ace handles doesn't restrict you at all, except for the fact it's handling in the Ace Way(tm) (IE, supposedly more efficient) rather then the default way.
22:53.44ThraeQzot: In fact, Wardrobe, an item management addon like ItemRack, has already been converted over to Ace. You might want to start there.
22:54.15ThraeAlthough I seem to recall 1.9 or 1.10 broke Wardrobe...or did it just need the tooltip owner patch?
22:54.17TainTo clarify though it's not that using Ace means you will create addons that run more efficiently than not using Ace.  It's that the Ace community shares concepts and ideas and help each other with improving their code, if people want to participate.
22:54.30QzotI know people using Wardrobe.
22:54.35Cairennwhich is the same as this channel
22:54.42Endand it's a library, so you don't have to reinvent parts of the wheel ;p
22:54.53ThraeYes, I think I was fairly careful saying "trying to be more efficient" and "supposedly more efficient" ;)
22:54.57QzotRawr. Us durids needs Rawdrobe or Itmerack.
22:55.08AnduinLotharhe means AceWardrobe of course
22:56.05ThraeI'd love to see a more efficient version of ItemRack myself, whether it be another mod or ItemRack itself. The author of ItemRack is still making improvements on it, and the mod is pretty efficient compared to the older item management mods.
22:56.38Qzot"Efficient" = "places minimal load on the client"?
22:56.43TainTo be honest one of the things I personally like most about using Ace is having a structure, a common way of doing chat options across all addons for example.  I like being able to use a "template" in a way.
22:57.06ThraeI think one of the bottlenecks of item management mods is the item management WoW API itself, or at least the way the server and client allow it.
22:57.22AnduinLotharvery much so
22:57.43ThraeOtherwise we would have been able to eliminate that damn 1-2 second lag when switching gear(s).
22:57.54Thrae5 seconds for some slower clients.
22:58.04QzotTo be clear: I'm not thinking about doing item management. What is similar about ItemRack is that it has a UI for describing when "things" should happen.
22:58.08AnduinLotharit's not that bad in my experience
22:58.32AnduinLotharQzot, why not just use LuaSlinger on event execution
22:58.35QzotI want to drive something different from that same flexible event type of schema.
22:58.43TainI look at it as a happy medium.  Using only as much client resources as needed, but still providing some level of abstraction to the coder to not have to code to the bare metal every time.
22:58.50ThraeAnduinLothar: I usually get 0.5-1 second "hiccup" on my high-end machine. Of course, that could just be from trying to play all those sounds in succession.
22:58.53QzotUm. Because I have never heard of LuaSlinger, maybe?
22:59.07EndLuaSlinger is really nice to have
22:59.12TainLuaSlinger or Tinypad.
22:59.35EndI live having it with the For All Indents and Purposes addon :P
22:59.37AnduinLotharlike system hickup?
23:00.09ThraeQzot: Not to discourage you, but there are addons already out there which have the sole purpose of allowing people to give functions in-game to run when an event happens.
23:00.38ThraeAnduinLothar: No no, "hick up" only happens when the amount of family members currently in my house increases by one ;)
23:00.43Ender, like, not live :P
23:01.10QzotThrae: Not specifically what I'm doing, but could function very well to prototype. Specific suggestions?
23:02.23ThraeQzot: If you tell us exactly what you're looking for, we might be able to tell you if there's something already out there that's similiar enough to start with.
23:02.42QzotLuaSlinger looks like a pretty printer for lua-oriented addons. I'm not seeing how this is relevant.
23:02.47AnduinLotharcalling 10+ server calls at the same time that all have UI feedback tends to lag, yes
23:03.00EndQzot, it's more of an in game lua editor
23:03.01QzotThrae: True enough. But I'm to shy. ;p
23:03.08AnduinLotharwhat someone needs to do is chronos delay the ui feedback on item swap
23:03.31AnduinLotharwhich i may do, next Wardrobe release
23:03.35EndI use it for testing ideas, as well as one script to automatically execute a few actions when I enter the game
23:03.43ThraeQzot: You can /msg me alone if you want ;)
23:03.48End(you can save multiple scripts)
23:04.07QzotWait. LuaSlinger isn't here. I'm looking at For All Indents.
23:04.12QzotOnly a reference to LuaSlinger.
23:04.50Endyeah, For All Indents does syntax highlighting and indentation
23:04.59ThraeAnduinLothar: We need more queuing power for Client->Server communications. But from the way it looks like to me, the server/database people are working overtime already.
23:05.11QzotAnd provides it to LuaSlinger. But I don't see LuaSlinger on wowi.
23:05.29AnduinLotharmyy bad LuaSlinger is on worldorwar
23:05.37EndI know it is on ui.worldofwar...and dammit, now firefox is updating
23:05.45Endthat'll teach me not to close firefox
23:06.17ThraeWhat's the other one? FuncPad?
23:06.34ThraeBesides LuaPad, I think Rowne made one too.
23:07.46ThraeI just realized the perfect name for an addon like LuaSlinger -- Funcky.
23:08.08ThraeIt's a double entendre!
23:12.07zenzelezzmy imagination usually only stretches to things like ScriptEd
23:13.34QzotHmm. LuaSlinger looks excellent, and might be useful for prototyping, but no real overlap with where I'm headed.
23:13.59QzotBtw, for a UI widget, is RegisterForEvent(EVENT_FOO) idempotent?
23:15.17QzotOr does calling it twice for the same event cause there to be two calls to the event handler per event?
23:15.55ThraeQzot: One of the ideas of Ace is to keep your event handlers down to a minimum. IE, have only one handler for UNIT_HEALTH and don't bind it to a frame.
23:16.28ThraeIn other words, Ace tries to do away with <OnEvent></OnEvent> for most applications.
23:17.42QzotBecause it's believed that lua-based event distribution is more efficient than having the client do that directly?
23:17.55AnduinLotharbs if you ask me..
23:18.30AnduinLotharjust easier to code
23:18.37KirkburnIsn't discussion fun :)
23:19.10QzotSo. Um. Don't you all think President Bush is just the greatest?
23:19.28KirkburnNo, the damn homophobe
23:19.53ThraeQzot -- If you actually want to get intellient answers, don't ask me, ask the people in #wowace (if you plan on trying out Ace).
23:20.11Gryphenintellient answers hehe
23:20.47QzotGood grief. Even intellient people make spelling misteaks.
23:21.03QzotOr typinf mistakes.
23:21.05KirkburnMmm, tasty misteaks
23:21.20AnduinLothardamnit i was already hungy..
23:21.31ThraeI'm just saying, I'm probably not the best to explain to you how to make your mod more efficient when it comes to events, so I'll shutup about it ;)
23:21.53KirkburnAnduinLothar, so how exactly does it make it worse? If you were already hungy ... :P
23:22.05AnduinLotharnow i'm MORE hungy
23:22.25QzotThe answer should be interesting. Food for thought.
23:22.40Cairennhahaha :p
23:22.49QzotErr. Thought for food?
23:22.50ThraeAnduinLothar: Are you using Cialis? Does it work?!
23:23.18KirkburnIsn't that like viagra....?
23:23.35ThraeI thought it was an "equipment enhancer"?
23:23.37AnduinLotharit was an attempt at insult
23:24.01CairennI actually thought it was an attempt at joking around ...
23:24.19AnduinLotharprobably prompted by the large amount of spam in his mailbox
23:24.33KirkburnI thought it was a hot juicy steak, covered with tasty sauce, with a side dish of delicious chips
23:24.40AnduinLothardamn you!
23:24.56Cairennoh Kirkburn, now why'd you go and do that? damnit, now I'm hungry too
23:24.59Kirkburn*munch munch munch* Damn this tastes good!
23:25.07ThraeMany men have been tempted by the "natural herbal/synthetic equipment enhancers", I'm no exception.
23:25.49AnduinLotharcan't say that i'm in need of any such enhancement, for multiple reasons I'm sure you can deduce
23:26.09KirkburnWell, I'm hungy too, but, er, it's 1:30am and I've got no food :/ More fool me
23:26.53ThraeAnduinLothar: Way to roll the salt in my wounds, meanie =(
23:27.09KirkburnYou don't look so well-endowed to me ...
23:27.36zenzelezzwhy do you think his tabard is so long?
23:27.36KirkburnAlthough, that tabard is quite long ...
23:28.01KirkburnHah, well you're old and balding
23:28.56Kirkburn... even if you are hung like the proverbial something
23:29.31KirkburnIs this how sylvanas looks in-game?
23:31.40KirkburnSo apparently, you're all dead. Must check the news, see if something has happened ...
23:31.47ThraeSylvannas in-game currently has a Female Night Elf model, slightly alterred.
23:33.57KirkburnThis is the in-game version:
23:34.30KirkburnWonder what the other models are from (in Warlock's folder)
23:38.37QzotAre you guys all back yet?? That had to be the WoW event of the year.
23:40.18QzotNm. Was trying to give Kirkburn a hard time. "So apparently, you're all dead."
23:46.00zenzelezzthat sure was a funky first attempt
23:47.57KirkburnWhat did I miss?!?! What?! What!?
23:48.08Kirkburnzomg, was the portal opened?!?!?
23:48.58QzotSorry, Kirkburn. The WoW equivalent of the rapture. Only the 2 of us left. To enjoy each other's company.
23:48.59KirkburnWhy do I get the feeling you're all being mean again :(
23:49.20QzotSo, did I ever tell you about my childhood?
23:49.25KirkburnWe ... er ... don't have to repopulate anything, do we?
23:49.28QzotI was born at an early age.
23:49.51KirkburnReally? I thought life started at 60?
23:50.10QzotFor those who were included in the 144000.
23:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:51.20KirkburnWe're we not included?
23:52.12KirkburnI didn't press the apostrophe button then, I promise. Did it itself, guv'nor.
23:59.43kasoIs there any way of getting the itemlink of the item from that of the recipe without having to keep a database
23:59.59QzotCatch you all later.

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