irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060601

00:00.18QzotCairenn: Also changed.
00:00.33QzotThrae: YES, YES, YES!!
00:00.46QzotPretty please??
00:01.00ThraeIf I need to go through all the trouble of making a GUI for my mostly GUI-less addon just for settings, I might as well make it into a library so its useful.
00:01.17ThraeConsidering I don't find GUI settings windows useful ;) I like slash commands!
00:02.13IrielI have snippets of one around from StatRings, it didn't get finished because I was waiting on 1.10 then got busy in real life
00:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:03.51ThraeIriel: How far did you get?
00:04.45IrielNothing really generalizable, it was pre 1.10 so the dynamic widget suff wasn't readily available.
00:04.51IrielSo I have a solid conceptual model, and very little code
00:05.06IrielI do have a whiteboard covered with random notes on all manner of things for when I have time to continue
00:05.47QzotThe other idea I've had instead of a config gui, is a pointer to a good readme file, describing how a recompilation author can create their own configure with a /script command to suit their preferences. I suspect very few people *really* need to customize.
00:07.18IrielThat's the thing really, different addons have very different requiremetns
00:07.35Irielsome expect active user configuration, at least to set up
00:07.48Irielfor others configuration is just tweaking for the power user
00:09.16QzotCatch you all later.
00:09.40Cairennlater Qzot
00:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:12.45QzotCairenn: Tweaked version updated, and uploaded. Pending approval.
00:13.21ThraeYeah, it makes even more sense to use shared, embedded settings frames when you think about how easily they could be reused.
00:14.01Irielmy motivation was more about not having to screw around with layout all the time
00:14.10QzotKeep me posted. Would love access to such a tool. Thrae.
00:14.30Thrae150 tiny addons with GUIs Settings can be at least 150 separate frames, but who would have more then one settings frame open at once?
00:14.39ThraeIriel: Well that would be the main goal, yeah.
00:14.45CairennQzot: you need to start adding a Change Log to your updates, so folks know what has changed/why they need to update
00:15.08QzotCairenn: Yeah. You're right.
00:15.23Cairennjust for future reference
00:15.23QzotCairenn: But at least I'm not orphaning this one right away, no?
00:15.47Cairennmind you, if you are running a portal, you can just put your change log there
00:15.51Cairennif you prefer
00:15.57ThraeIriel: When you say a common layout, are you talking about trying to make a layout that would appeal to most people, or just making a layout easier?
00:16.12Thraes/or just making/or just making the action of making/.
00:16.18TemQzot, you still around?
00:16.21QzotCairenn: I'll try to set up a portal tonight.
00:16.23Cairennbut *most* authors put at least the last couple changes in their description on the download page so their users know
00:16.30QzotTem: Barely. Gtg soon.
00:16.34TemWhat happened to the CONFIGURATOR?
00:16.49IrielThrae : I was thinking along the lines of basic layout rules with the options, but the config manager takes care of actual placement
00:16.49QzotTem: You're so mean.
00:17.10ThraeTem: Eh?
00:17.26QzotI was hoping to write the configurator to get out of GUI work. Having Thrae do the work seems better to me, no?
00:18.37QzotBye, all.
00:19.35ThraeIriel: Ahhh! So you'd just call something like lib.AddSlider(min,max,getmethod,setmethod), and that would just try to throw it on the page without you needing to give it a physical X and Y value within the frame?
00:20.35IrielSomething like that
00:21.58ThraeI hope besides top-left x,y values, widgets can give you real width and height pixels, right?
00:22.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:22.16ThraeIE, if a drop-down listbox changes size from a larger text value.
00:23.14Irielthey can, or you can just anchor everything relative to everything else
00:23.30ThraeOh yeah, duh.
00:39.06straysomeone should write a GUI for dummies, wow version
00:56.29Mr_Rabies2is there an addon that increases the chat log length? i know it's macroable, but it's a pain to hit a macro every time i login
00:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
00:57.21Corrodiasso just write an addon that performs that function on startup, or player entering world, or something
00:58.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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01:01.53AbenadiI have a question about WoW UI Designer... I have a line in my xml file like: <Script file="MyMod.lua"/>. WoW UID takes this line out every time I use it to edit my frame, but if its not there I get errors when I call global functions in my lua file from my xml file. Am I doing something wrong?
01:02.39IrielPut that into your .toc
01:02.43Irielright before you include the .xml file
01:03.23Abenadioh ok right now the line "MyMod.lua" is after the line "MyMod.xml". It needs to be before is that the problem?
01:03.45Irielyes, assuming you want to call things in it from OnLoad code
01:03.55Abenadiok thank you
01:10.02Miravlix_But if you want to access gametooltip it needs to be the other way around. :)
01:10.14Miravlix_It's really fun with recursive dependencies.
01:10.57Miravlix_I'm loading XML last and using SetScript to configure the code running in the XML
01:11.08Miravlix_Err first, even
01:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:37.45ThraeIriel: You still around?
01:46.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (n=Wobin@
02:15.04MiravlixHmm, any idea what format the options for: SetMoveable, SetToplevel, EnableMouseWheel is?
02:15.27MiravlixIs it true, "TRUE" "true"?
02:16.07MiravlixYes, all of above?
02:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:17.10Irielin the XML?
02:17.27MiravlixNo Frame:Functions
02:17.35Iriel1 / nil or true / false
02:18.00IrielI suspect any true value, or nil/false for false, but some of their functions take 0 as false as well, not sure on those specific ones
02:21.42MiravlixInteresting Frame:IsToplevel( nil ) doesn't work
02:21.53Miravlixerr SetTopLevel( nil )
02:22.21MiravlixIt returns 1 / nil, but you set it with true / false *boggle*
02:23.59Irielthat is odd
02:24.28MiravlixAnd 1, 0
02:30.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:39.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
02:39.23Endwhoa, 40 second lag to irc o_O
02:39.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
02:39.28EndI think it lies
03:02.34Tem_hmm, that's odd
03:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
03:02.54Tem_the background downloader is downloading a file the same size as the PTR patch...
03:03.03Tem_and it's calling it "wow-patch"
03:03.26gnorlish1.11 can't hit until i get my zg enchant
03:03.32gnorlishit's not allowed
03:03.59Endyeah, it sounds like 1.11 is very very soon
03:11.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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03:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
03:19.18zespriSo what's inside this pre-patch that backgrownd downloader downloaded?
03:19.22MiravlixInteresting little excersize, copying FriendsFrame.xml to CreateFrame lua
03:19.38Miravlixzespri: Whats on test
03:19.52MiravlixIt's the early version of the 1.11 patch
03:20.13MiravlixThen they are going to make some increment patches until we have live.
03:21.14zespriyeah, but it would be logical to think that they have stuff there that is not supposed to change - such as some graphics and stuff. I don't suppose that it has new luas because this thing is likely to change before the final patch
03:21.26zespriso I guess I'm  asking if anyne knows for sure
03:21.55MiravlixIt's the patch that test server has
03:22.20MiravlixThe difference betwen current test server and 1.10
03:24.05MiravlixThey are just relasing what they have and to avoid early data mining, they release it when it's public on test first
03:24.17zespriare you sure? I would be quite surprised if it's true. I don;t really beleive that background downloader can download incremental patches before the previously downloaded patches are installed.
03:24.42EndI don't see why it couldn't
03:24.44MiravlixYou can download a million diffs and apply them
03:25.17End(personally I don't think they did, but there is nothing -really- stopping them...)
03:25.23zespriin theory. but is it what the backgrownd downloader does? I don't know
03:25.25MiravlixOur SVN server is a million diffs to revision 0
03:26.02MiravlixThis technoligy has existed since 1970's so I would expect Blizzard to be able to do it.
03:26.49MiravlixOn Patch Maintenance day there will be a smaller patch to get the last fixes.
03:26.52Endinternally I think the patchers only diff against current game data anyways
03:28.29MiravlixUS patch doesn't work for EU, even while both is English, so they put up both clients on a server and run there diff program to create the patch.
03:30.12MiravlixSince they have all versions they can create a million patches tos end to us. When the huge Expansion Patch for non upgraders come, it will come as multiple files over a period of time.
03:31.43Endsome of the expansion (very little) data has been appearing already, especially in the last patch or two
03:32.23MiravlixAn Almost perfectly copied FriendFrame in lua:
03:33.36MiravlixOne issue left, for some reason I have small button textures in Lua than exist in XML
03:33.57MiravlixMaybe I have to CreateTexture them or something
03:34.01zespriwell I guess it's possible to replace a torrent that contains only one file with a torrent that contains two. I jsut beleive that BD always use the same .torrent file
03:34.50MiravlixWhats the downloader got to do with what the downloader copies after it downloads
03:35.35MiravlixIf you erase your WoW and patch from release, it gets all patches.
03:35.56MiravlixSo the torrent is multiple files already
03:36.15zespriwhen you run downloader it goes to blizz serv and look for the torrent. torrent says which files should be downloaded. downloader then checks the files curently on HD for checksums to make sure that they are complete, or download them if they are not
03:37.00zespricurrenlt the BG downlods a single file named wow-partial-1.MPQ
03:37.02MiravlixPatch1.10.patch Patch1.11-part1.patch
03:40.22MiravlixOh nice
03:40.49MiravlixHmm, how the hell do they manage that though.
03:41.13*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
03:41.27ScytheBlade1Hey guys, stupid question..
03:41.33ScytheBlade1DPS = (min+max)/2/casting time
03:41.51MiravlixThere is a id code for the full file in torrents, so how can they make partial files without having the full data
03:42.58MiravlixSo my guess would be that partial file isn't something torrent handle making a full file, but some Bliz extension to concatenate increment patches
03:42.59Endprobably they just add moew wow-partial files...starting with wow-partial-1.mpq, then do wow-partial-2.mpq just as zespri was suggesting, then let the patcher worry about combining it all
03:43.12MiravlixPerhaps the make a patch against the partial file
03:43.52MiravlixEnd: yeah but if there is only one tracker
03:44.03MiravlixThis has to use the torrent system somehow
03:44.31Endwell, the downloader will grab the newer torrent file when it becomes available
03:44.33MiravlixSince people of tomorrow wont get partial file, but the 1.11-#### patch
03:44.46Endand the torrent file with know about -both- gfiles, and so forth
03:45.17MiravlixI don't think they are modifying torrent with incompatible standards
03:45.24MiravlixThis works in real torrent clients
03:45.28Endnot modifying
03:45.38Endit is a new torrent file each time I think
03:45.53Endmost people will use the blizz downloader, so it will automatically get the next torrent file
03:46.04End(this is just my theory though)
03:46.51MiravlixAnyone has the current tracker?
03:47.12MiravlixI want to see whats downloaded in a full torrent client
03:53.20zespritracker url is if that's what you mean
03:53.33zespribut i doubt that it'll help you much
03:54.54MiravlixIt's a new torrent every time, just same location it gets the torrents from
03:56.57zesprithis is the torrent file:
04:00.46Endwait, what did you do, sniff the downloader traffic?
04:00.56Endthat's the actual blizz site :O
04:01.29End(good idea though)
04:04.13MiravlixThat torent, gets one 97 MB file
04:04.37zesprihow dare you! I would never shiff the downloader traffic! I just figured up that this may be a good place to store the torrent, and when I checked indeed it was!
04:05.00MiravlixNot all patches since release, so they handle the torrents seperately from the download system
04:07.26MiravlixI would need a lot of torrent files to get everything since 1.00
04:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:27.48MiravlixHmm, Blizzard menus ScrollFrame, makes room for themself
04:28.47MiravlixHmm, wrong
04:29.12MiravlixIt's actually only the Guild Frame that has inteligent scroll frames, have to figure out how it's done and make it universial.
04:30.50MiravlixWho and Guild has advanced scrollbar handling
04:50.59WobinWelcome to Summer, Crispy? =P
04:52.46WobinAh, I thought you'd have had your seasonal change of desktop
04:56.22Abenadiso I started making an interface for my mod using WoW UI Designer, now my OnUpdate method isn't being called for some reason
04:56.54Endis the frame being shown?
04:57.25Abenadiit doesn't do it whether i show or hide the frame
04:58.04Abenadihold on, maybe it is...
04:59.33Abenadiok I guess its just that i can no longer reference CastingBarFrame.casting?
05:01.07Abenadior maybe i can... sorry i'll do my OWN debugging for a min ;P
05:02.37Abenadiok you were right, it only works when the frame is visible
05:03.32WobinThat's how OnUpdate works
05:05.24Abenadik i think i can fix it
05:05.43MiravlixIf you need an OnUpdate independent of visual frame, just make an empty one
05:06.03Abenadiyeah that's what i did
05:06.12Abenadior am doing
05:07.33Abenadiworks great thanks for your help End/Wobin/Miravlix
05:07.36ckknightAbenadi, also see Metrognome, it's a handy lib for repetitive OnUpdates
05:07.47ckknightyou register, start and stop the timer
05:08.24ckknightembedded lib, btw
05:08.48Abenadiembedded meaning? included with WoW?
05:09.04Endno, it means each addon which requires it has its own copy
05:09.04ckknightyou can embed embedded libs into your addon
05:09.19WobinMeaning that you don't have to have it as a dependancy, only as integrated in your code
05:09.20ckknightyea, but it only uses the newest
05:09.40ckknightif you have 5 of the same version of the lib
05:09.47ckknightit'll use the newest version
05:09.48WobinHas it's own copy, perhaps, but only one is resident in memory
05:12.55MiravlixHmm, what am I missing in copying UIPanelButton template. :/
05:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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05:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
05:28.15wereHamsterckknight, ping
05:29.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:30.28wereHamsterckknight_, I've read that BabbleLib is auto-generated.. could you release the source script that you use?
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05:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
05:47.34Endkinda like improved error frame
05:47.59Endbut it uses debugstack() to get a traceback
05:53.50MentalPower_whats wrong with debugstack?
05:54.56EndI'm..not sure what you are ...asking?
05:56.11EndI'm the one using debugstack
05:56.34MentalPower_<End>kinda like improved error frame
05:56.35MentalPower_<End>but it uses debugstack() to get a traceback
05:56.37MentalPower_Sounds like you don't like IEF using debugstack()
05:56.46EndIEF does NOT use debugstack()
05:56.50End-I- do
05:57.05Endlet me rephrase
05:57.26Endkinda like improved error frame, except I use debugstack() to get a traceback
05:57.48MentalPower_ah, I get it now
05:57.52MentalPower_nm then
05:58.09IrielI parsed it the way you intended it, for whatever that's worth
05:59.00Endwell, at least someone understands me ;p
05:59.25MentalPower_I came in mid convo (i think) so that might be why
05:59.57Endno, you were there for the whole thing ;p
06:01.14End(the thing is, I've been planning on writing that addon for a while, even before debugstack (pcall/error ftw), but I never got around to it til now)
06:01.32End(and I couldn't shoehorn it into IEF, IEF didn't like multiline lines)
06:03.56Endanyways, I'm off to bed now
06:09.33*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:11.01MiravlixAah, tons of reload with code changes still crashes wow every now and then.
06:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:22.00EsamynnEvening all, anyone on the test server atm?
06:22.08wereHamsterEU or US?
06:22.23Esamynndoesn't matter, I want to confirm a bug
06:22.50Iriel(And apologies for being less useful than usual, hopefully work will be sane in a week or two)
06:23.14Cairennnight all, I'm out too
06:23.21Esamynnsane is overrated! :)
06:24.06Esamynnwhen you try to swap a bag in your bag that has items with it, with a bag on your character that has items in it, you get a "That bag is full" error
06:24.14Esamynncan anyone confirm that for me?
06:26.07wereHamsterDo you know where the portal to naxx is? I'm dead right now :)
06:26.24Esamynnnot a clue
06:27.54Esamynnok, Swiftmend is going to be very very nice! :D
06:28.12Esamynnthe best part of the patch is still the keyring imo though :)
06:30.25Esamynnsigh, now that I'm on the test realm finally, I can't remember anything that I wanted to test :(
06:30.37EsamynnI need to make myself a list
06:31.24wereHamsterthe bag swapping :)
06:32.02Esamynnyes, I remembered that ;)
06:32.09Esamynndid you find the portal?
06:33.07wereHamsterno.. I'm also on a normal realm.. computer tends to get very slow when running two instances of WoW..
06:34.36Esamynnmine constanly complains about adding to the size of my swap file ;)
06:35.02Esamynnok, this is wierd, if you try to swap a 16 slot bag from your bank with an 18 slot on your character, it works, but not vice versa
06:35.56MentalPowerthe Naxx portal is in the slaughterhouse of Srath
06:36.32MentalPowerBTW, who maintaind WDN?
06:36.38MentalPowerits kinda lagging
06:36.54MentalPoweror should I say, its lagging behind the test server updates
06:37.45Cairenn|sleepWDN is Beladona's baby, but he's been absolutely swamped at work lately so hasn't had opportunity to keep it up
06:38.03Cairenn|sleephe'll get it caught up
06:41.05MentalPowerok, sounds good. just wondering what was up.
06:41.17MentalPowerBTW, aren't you supposed to be sleeping? :)
06:42.28EsamynnShe likes to pretend
06:45.24*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
06:49.55EsamynnwereHamster: any eta on that test?
06:50.08MiravlixI can't duplicate FriendsFrame.xml in lua, there is issues with SetNormalTexture and friends, but with a work around I have it going
06:50.47wereHamsterbag test?
06:51.39MiravlixSlouken should prolly be told about the SetNormalTexture issue.
06:53.39EsamynnMiravlix: what's wrong with it?
06:55.13MiravlixIt doesn't set there size correctly compared to how XML works
06:56.00Miravlix<NormalTexture inherits="UIPanelButtonUpTexture"/>
06:56.04MiravlixThats the code in XML
06:56.06Esamynnok, this is weird, normally the druid only flight point in moonglade opens a flight map, on the test server, I clicked it and I immediately started flying VERY SLOWING while still on my mount
06:57.23MiravlixSo I would think object:SetNormalTexture( UIPanelButtonUpTexture ) should give the same result
06:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:57.50MiravlixBut I've instead had to create a temp frame with texture objects with special positions and size parameters
06:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:58.41MiravlixSetText is on the same button and has no problems
06:59.42*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
07:00.05Esamynnobject:SetNormalTexture wasn't designed to take a virtual template, it takes an actual texture object
07:00.37MiravlixWork with objects or textures
07:02.15MiravlixIt works fine for SetNormalText stuff, I can referance virtual xml stuff from onload code.
07:02.55MiravlixBut I use the actual texture in the posted version.
07:04.04Esamynnyou create an actual texture from the template that you then try to assign using :SetNormalTexture in the real code?
07:04.29MiravlixRead the code?
07:05.13Esamynnoh didn't see the link
07:05.48MiravlixIt's 400 lines of Lua code due to the bugfix textures vs 3000 lines of XML
07:06.53MiravlixAnd when you get all the confusing details of it all put into a library, this is going to be way easier than XML for many people.
07:07.18MiravlixYou can even write an addon to design a frame
07:07.50MiravlixMoveable, dragable, super size me and you has an amazing tool
07:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
07:10.54Esamynnon a completely different topic, DAMN IT, WHY DID THEY GO AND CHANGE HOW THE DRUID ONLY FLIGHTPOINT IN MOONGLADE WORKS!!!! :(
07:13.42krka|workwhat do you mean?
07:14.59Esamynnit's no longer linked to the rest of the flight system, instead of bringing up a flight map with you click the gossip option on the npc you start flying immediately
07:15.11Esamynnand if you click it while mounted, you start flyign on your mount!!!
07:15.33Esamynnand you can't use the chained flight system to fly from that point to somewhere else on the contienent :(
07:15.49MentalPowermethinks thats a bug
07:15.53MentalPowerbetter go report it
07:16.06Esamynni'm going to, just taking screenshots now
07:16.14Esamynnbut I have no idea where I'll upload them to
07:16.26MentalPowerimageshack is usually a good place
07:17.46EsamynnI don't know why the heck they would have changed it :(
07:18.14MentalPowerprolly a sice-effect of some other change
07:21.23Esamynnhopefully, it was nice being able to get to AQ by teleporting to moonglade and then just doing something else for 20 minutes
07:30.14Esamynnfor those who are curious: on the live servers it looks like thiat:  leads to
07:30.27Esamynnon test, leads to
07:31.37krka|workwhere does horde druids fly?
07:32.18krka|workseems much longer
07:32.37Esamynnheh, the "ride" on my tiger is VERY VERY slow
07:32.53Esamynnnot normal flightpath speed at all
07:33.06Esamynndamnit, forums are down :(
07:35.28Esamynnoh well, i'll post tomorrow
07:35.39EsamynnwereHamster: did you ever do that bag test?
07:36.44wereHamsterEsamynn, what exactly do I have to do?
07:41.56Esamynndo you have bags in your bank?
07:42.29wereHamsterI'm not at a bank now.. I'm in EPL.
07:43.11Esamynnk, the bug is when you try to swap a bag in your bank that has items in it, with a bag on your character that also has items in it
07:43.25Esamynnon live it lets you do it, on test you get a "that bag is full" error
07:44.02EsamynnI just wanted someone else to confirm it before I posted
07:58.46Esamynnnight all
08:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
08:09.15*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
08:13.17wereHamsterDid anyone else notice that Tooltiop:Set??() also :Show()'s the tooltip?
08:14.09grimmanOn the PTRs?
08:14.14wereHamsterI had to add :Hide() to the SuperInspect tooltip.. otherwise it shows up in the top right corner of the screen..
08:14.16wereHamsteryep.. PTR
08:14.30grimmanUgh... annoying.
08:14.46grimmanDoesn't it blink when you do that though?
08:15.01wereHamsterno.. just stays there..
08:15.15wereHamsterI mean.. no .. it doesn'
08:15.19wereHamstert blink.
08:15.23grimmanI mean if you :Set() -> :Hide().
08:15.47wereHamster:Set??(); :Hide() happens before the UI engine draws the frames
08:17.26grimmanI still don't like it though.
08:17.47grimmanWouldn't it be easier to anchor the tooltip off the UIParent somewhere?
08:17.48krka_[enter new frame] -> [ui code] -> [render frame] -> [enter new frame] ...
08:19.07krka_it will go faster if it's hidden
08:19.12krka_i think
08:20.35wereHamsterthe [render frame] happens after [ui code] has been executed for all frames..
08:21.34wereHamsterfor_all_frames(OnEvent); for_all_frames(OnUpdate); for_all_visible_frames(Render);
08:22.10wereHamster.. for_all_visible_frames(OnUpdate)  -.-
08:25.06grimmanIf you remove the toggling alltogether you have one less thing to perform... it seems reasonable to assume this is faster.
08:25.34grimmanAlso; crap... got a information meeting in <3 hours.
08:29.01wereHamsterI think :Show() doesn't du more than just flag the frame as visible..
08:29.20grimmanSome support job if you're wondering... anyway, I need a personal letter(?) and a resume. What stuff would be important to include?
08:29.34grimmanThere's also gonna be a test which I'm planning on acing. ^^
08:42.09ckknight~emulate swedish chef
08:42.16purlYorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!
08:44.11wereHamsterckknight, morning
08:44.19ckknighthey there
08:44.27wereHamsterBabbleLib is auto-generated, right?
08:44.27ckknightsomeone was talking in #curse-wow in Swedish
08:44.30ckknightso I had to
08:44.37ckknightwereHamster, just the spells part
08:45.04wereHamstercould you publish the source script?
08:46.58ckknightsorry, no
08:47.01ckknightit's on my server
08:47.04ckknightwhich is on its side
08:47.05ckknightwhich is dead
08:47.13ckknightmay it rest in piece
08:47.21ckknightgranted, I could recreate it in half an hour
08:47.28ckknightpython spider that crawled wowguru
08:47.47wereHamsterhehe.. I crawled thottbot ;)
08:48.02wereHamsterusing wget and grep ..
09:00.00grimmanOlive shampoo smells like dentist.
09:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:27.47grimmanAnd for the record, I <3 In Flames.
09:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
09:56.58krka_anyone know of an alternative to jsp that isn't so slow?
09:57.58ckknightDjango's pretty shiny
09:58.07krka_not leaving java entirely
09:58.29ckknightokay then
09:59.17krka_thanks anyway :
10:13.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr37087@
10:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
10:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
10:43.15KirkburnBloody MPAA ...
10:54.10ckknightread that
10:54.17ckknightmakes it seem like they were totally behind it
10:54.50ckknightpictures of the farm after the police raid:
10:56.05KirkburnI notice they say they're gonna be back up again very soon
10:56.52ckknighton the 1st or 2nd
10:56.59ckknightcause they found no copyright files
10:58.38ckknightjust metadata
10:58.43ckknightin the form of .torrent files
10:58.51ckknightwhich is legal by Swedish law
10:59.11*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
10:59.34ckknighthey chuckg
10:59.39chuckgHello there.
11:00.02chuckgI have an itch I need to scratch, I hope it's not too late.
11:01.20chuckgHah! I have a sinking feeling it's not possible but ... a guild member of mine had the bright idea of perhaps "overlaying" the dots on the minimap with either a) the appopriate name (truncated) or b) the # they are in the party.
11:01.49chuckgI'm thinking this type of thing is no accessible unless the mouse pops over the minimap, or not at all since it's a part of the engine.
11:01.56Kirkburnzomg, I have an american housemate
11:02.04ckknightis that bad?
11:02.16KirkburnNo, it's very good :) Even less reason to speak italian
11:02.29chuckgThe language of love, or is that french?
11:02.38ckknightFrench is supposed to be
11:02.48chuckgckknight, nope meaning "nope not possible" or "nope' meaning "nope you're doomed anyway goodluck have fun".
11:03.13KirkburnIt's the language of surrender monkeys, that's what
11:03.24ckknightchuckg, well, you could try to solve it in one hand and shit in the other
11:03.33ckknightsee which one fills up first
11:03.46chuckgYou had me at "shit in the other".
11:04.33chuckgGuess it's back to my piss poor excuse of a raid status for the delight that is FuBar.
11:04.43chuckgI mean that in a good way.
11:05.01ckknightit's impossible, by the way
11:05.18chuckgWell, I just wonder how Gatherer gets away with redrawing icons on the map.
11:05.29KirkburnIn my time here I have lived with an indian, german, frenchman, Montenegrino, american, japanese guy....
11:05.32ckknighthaven't looked at the code
11:05.51ckknightKirkburn, live with a gay guy - see how that turns out
11:06.01ckknightthey're a lively bunch
11:06.24chuckgThe other problem is there is no "location" when you're in an instance, so  .... yea.
11:07.00Elkanowrt multicultural: just ordered a shirt with text saying sth like "it's wrong to be French" ;)
11:07.33ckknightI figure the best way to take a political seat is to make fun of the French
11:08.09chuckgOr proclaim you're going to end terrorism, one Islamic nation at a time.
11:08.16chuckgThat seems to be a real hit, lately.
11:08.34ckknightbecause people take that stuff seriously
11:08.43ckknightand the Islamists would fight back
11:08.51chuckgOh that's right, who needs serious politicians.
11:08.52ckknightyou make fun of the French, they won't do anything
11:09.06chuckgThey'll give cigarettes to babies.
11:09.06ckknightand everyone likes to make fun of them
11:09.15chuckgThat'll teach us.
11:14.20KirkburnOooh,  HL2 Ep1 is released in 5 hours 45mins, 30 seconds
11:17.13KirkburnCool, and it's already getting great reviews :D
11:19.38KirkburnBtw, if anyone didn't know already, the background downloader has started downloading 1.11
11:25.21KirkburnWoohaa! It's a national holiday 2moro :D
11:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
11:28.02Maldiviahmm, ZHC was changed... again
11:28.53Kasowhat now?
11:29.30Kaso(more politely : what have they done to it now?)
11:30.27KirkburnChanged how?
11:31.06Maldivia1.10: 8 charges of 35, 1.11v1: 8 charges of 25, 1.11v2: 12 charges of 17
11:32.12Maldiviaalthough, the item tooltip wasn't updated, but the buff you get drops by 17 each time, and you start with 12 charges
11:33.01Kasothats a buff isnt it?
11:35.05Maldiviafrom v1, yes
11:36.19Maldiviaa small nerf from 1.10
11:37.16Maldiviawell, huge nerf in burst damage, but small in dps over the 20 secs
11:38.13zenziodid they fix Deep Wounds yet?
11:38.17Maldiviano idea
11:39.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
11:40.42KasoWhy does ZHC even have diminishing power its stupid, it's meant to be a PVE item not a PVP item
11:41.33KirkburnWhy do you say that?
11:41.50Kasothe its stupid bit or the pve not pvp bit?
11:42.49Maldivialol... you can sell craftman's writs on the AH :)
11:45.18KasoKirkburn: firstly it shouldnt have diminishing power for pve, when you're fighting bosses high damage on the first hit is worse than constant damage over a serise of shots,and as for the pve, pvp thing, how is it fair that certain classes get gear to help they're pvp abilities in pve instances, where as others (healers) dont
11:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
11:45.33wereHamsterckknight, how did you auto-generate the spells from wowguru? The spell IDs don't match for german and english spells..
11:46.14KirkburnKaso, you're starting to sounds like a whiner ... does everything have to be perfect in this game?
11:46.20ckknightand/or translations at the bottom of the page
11:46.43Kasoit is whining, doesnt make it any fairer.
11:46.46KirkburnIf all PvP equip was found only by doing PvP, and vice versa, it'd be pretty boring
11:47.21Kasoi agree, but when *the* best caster pvp item is from a pve it seems wrong to me
11:48.29KirkburnI can't see that it really hurts anyone
11:48.43Kasohurts me! :>
11:48.49KirkburnYou don't raid??
11:49.12KasoNope, i lag to much to do anything other than solo atm
11:50.44Kasobut, yeh as you say, it is me whining, but it makes me feel better
11:51.27MaldiviawereHamster: the spell IDs are the same across localization
12:00.03KirkburnWoop, last lecture until monday
12:00.59KirkburnTime to listen to "I've gotta a lo-ve-ly bunch of coconuts" before I leave
12:04.08KirkburnRoight then ... taraa
12:09.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
12:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
13:01.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:06.05Abenadii've tried onvaluechanged and onhorizontal scroll for a slider to call a function, is it something else?
13:08.49s|loup<OnValueChanged> should be correct
13:09.51Abenadii'm using WoW UID that doesn't seem to trigger it for me
13:10.50s|loupi havent any experience with it i just test it directly in wow
13:13.20Abenadiand is it slider:GetValue() to get the value of the slider?
13:13.58Abenadibecause that is what it seems its supposed to be but I'm getting a nil value method error
13:14.16s|louphm have you set a value for the slider?
13:15.02s|loupcan you post your code here ?
13:15.21Abenadii haven't set a value
13:15.27Abenadidoes it not have a default value?
13:16.29s|loupmostly 1.0 is default as i know
13:18.33s|loupthe xml code as well pls ;)
13:21.12Abenadiok now that i went digging in there I found it
13:21.21Abenadiit just needs to be pcFrameComponent12Slider
13:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:57.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:11.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:12.48MiravlixHmm, whats the easiest way to make an old computer withoout cd-rom and disk drive, but with network and Win98 switch to Linux?
14:13.39krka_boot from usb drive
14:13.39Endif you are lucky, the nic might support pxe
14:13.41Maldiviathrow the installer on a USB thumb drive, and boot from that
14:14.12krka_or put the installer on a harddrive and boot from that :)
14:14.20Endback when win98 was around, my computer didn't have a usb port :P
14:14.24JoshBorketake the hard-drive out and put it in another computer to install it
14:14.48MaldiviaEnd: I had USB in the computer I had Win95 on!
14:15.06Endwell, my computer was a little older >_<
14:16.18MiravlixGoing out and spinding $ on a USB drive is not easy
14:17.01MiravlixIBM ThinkPad 768D haven't used it in 5+ years, so not sure what it has anymore
14:17.11Maldiviadont you have a USB thumb or something ?
14:18.45krka_not even a mp3-player with usb?
14:18.50Endusb thumb drives are cheap
14:18.52krka_or a camera with usb connection?
14:19.42MiravlixI'm not going to buy some crap equipment, it has Win98 and a network connnection that gotta be enough
14:19.52krka_if you say so
14:20.05WobinI hate installing stuff over Win98 network =)
14:20.16WobinIt  == the pain
14:20.47MiravlixWhats wrong with the internet?
14:20.53krka_it's full of stupid people :(
14:21.07MiravlixI just need a dist with install over Windows capabilities
14:21.22Endit's full of smart people too, but they tend to make themselves harder to find ;p
14:22.05MiravlixThen after I get it running I can switch to Dabber Drake
14:24.19MiravlixThere, it's up and running with a spare monitor and keyboard, hmm, or not, no monitor activity.
14:25.18MiravlixUhh, memory is an evil thing, think I had to switch to use a real monitor
14:27.32MiravlixAny bets on how long it takes before it's virus infected?
14:27.52MiravlixI think it's usually 15 minutes, but sometimes it's faster
15:25.26wereHamsterwhat is your opinion about Timex? is it well written or should I avoid it?
15:26.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:26.40MiravlixSeek and you shall find
15:27.00MiravlixI found some Instlux project that makes Windows installers for SUSE and Ubuntu
15:27.37MiravlixWindows is hard to use without a working mouse.
15:28.45MoonWolfi can do a whole damn lot without a mouse
15:28.52MoonWolfit takes more time though
15:29.09MiravlixYeah except it takes 100 times longer to tab through a modern day web page
15:29.56MiravlixTried to walk though a sourceforge web site?
15:30.03MoonWolfi think there is a mouse cursor program thingy in windows that responds to the arrow key's
15:30.07MoonWolfor the num keys
15:30.08MiravlixIt's atleast 20-30 click to get to the file
15:31.38krka_wereHamster, personally i'd avoid it and just use OnUpdate
15:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
15:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
15:39.30krka_from it's  3 clicks
15:39.39krka_not too bad, imo
15:41.26KirkburnWhat's that?
15:41.38krka_a website
15:41.43KirkburnI use azureus, so I'm intrigued :P
15:42.02MaldiviaMoonWolf: yes, standard part of Windows
15:42.09krka_what did you ask exactly?
15:42.22krka_you use azureus but dont know what it is?
15:42.42MaldiviaMoonWolf: Control Panel -> Accescibility Options, and then MouseKeys
15:42.48KirkburnNo :P I just arrived and saw you write "from it's  3 clicks", so I'm intrigued :)
15:43.03krka_ah sorry
15:43.15krka_<Miravlix> Tried to walk though a sourceforge web site? <Miravlix> It's atleast 20-30 click to get to the file
15:43.18krka_it was a response to that
15:43.33KirkburnAh, it's true for unmodified ones it seems
15:44.10KirkburnThey don't exactly make SF 'friendly' by default, it's left up to the devs :/
15:45.35MiravlixI don't see how you can 4 click
15:45.51MiravlixThere is 8 tabs just to get past there header
15:46.09MiravlixOSTG ThinKGeek SlashDot ITMJ is a tab each to get past thek
15:46.19krka_oh, without a mouse?
15:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge vicont (n=vicont@
15:50.20Miravlix[17:29] <Miravlix> Yeah except it takes 100 times longer to tab through a modern day web page
15:52.08Maldiviathat why you use firefox, and it's search utility :)
15:53.17krka_or even links/lynx
15:58.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:58.47KirkburnYay for sueing people for extortionate amounts of money!
16:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
16:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
16:13.34QzotGuten Morgen.
16:13.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi[FoF] (n=mtgother@
16:17.00Endin the little web clip links thingy gmail has above the mail message list, if you are in the spam folder, it gives you links to wacky spam recipes
16:17.09Endlike spam quinche
16:17.31Endand spam fajitas
16:17.56Endand it says Spam Recipe off to the side
16:18.05Endso I think it is intentional on the gmail's part
16:18.26KirkburnSurely not!
16:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:38.29ElkanoO RLY?
16:40.56Qzot_B: Do you know of any anti-Feign mods out there?
16:41.22WobinAnti feign?
16:41.49Wobin"Say No to DramaHunters"
16:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
16:45.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Sleepy (
16:51.36Elkanowhat ammunition do Xbows use?
16:55.10MiravlixArrows in WoW
16:55.14Cidemaybe arrows too?
16:55.16KirkburnDon't they use CDs?
16:55.24Cidehaha, maybe they removed bolts
16:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
16:55.44Cideor maybe I'm thinking of diablo 2... don't ask me, I'm tired
16:55.45KirkburnOh no, that's Xboxes
16:55.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
16:55.55Elkanook, so I should wait untill I can built that ammunition you can trade in for arrows :/
16:55.57KirkburnHey Iriel
17:00.37Kirkburnheehee, Cairenn can't spell *dances*
17:01.08KirkburnOw! :_(
17:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:02.43Cairenn|afkI poked, not punched, sheesh
17:03.08KirkburnRoight inna kidneys!
17:04.01Kirkburn(yes, that is how english people speak)
17:15.30Shouryuu|SleepyKirkburn Green Wing is amusing, but not that hilarious
17:15.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
17:15.49KirkburnThen you've been watching something else :)
17:16.29KirkburnOne of the above comments was aimed at AnduinLothar ... but which one? :P
17:16.46Shouryuu|SleepyIt's english humour... I;m French :D
17:16.59KirkburnAye, true
17:17.05KirkburnAnd it's such a pity
17:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
17:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:22.39MiravlixUbuntu Dapper didn't like booting on my machine. :/
17:23.10MiravlixIt is 7 years old, but still.
17:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
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17:39.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
17:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
17:39.57CairennQzot: you actually there?
17:40.37QzotNot here at all.
17:40.40Cairennokay, good
17:40.44QzotThis is a Turing testbot.
17:40.56IrielI think it just failed by revealing its identity
17:41.16QzotTell me more about your identity.
17:41.51Cairennwell, when you are here:  mousing over an arrow pointing to a city or what have you pops up a message "unknown entity" in the middle of your screen
17:42.19QzotDoes the unknown scare you?
17:42.20Cairennalso happens when I mouse over certain addon minimap buttons
17:43.04QzotPops up a dialog with "okay"? Or just a transient warning.
17:43.18Cairenntransient warning
17:43.39QzotAlso, ManHunt ended up in the quest mods. I thought I had put it in map mods.
17:43.40Cairennlooks like a combat damage message
17:44.09QzotI might have no way to work around that. But could probably make it happen less often.
17:44.20Cairennmoved it
17:44.32QzotFrom and to?
17:45.01Cairennwell what do you think? :p
17:45.16QzotAs in, "moved at my recent request?" (wow, that was fast!), or "moved it from map mods to questing" (why in blazes did you do that?).
17:45.33Cairennthe first
17:45.45QzotWow, that was fast!
17:46.12Cairennno big deal
17:47.23QzotIriel: No any way I can hook error grumping as a direct result of my calling TargetByName??
17:48.15IrielHm, it would depend on what kind of error it is
17:48.24Qzot"Unknown Entity"
17:48.53QzotFor example. *cough*
17:49.07IrielWhere though?
17:49.10QzotThink an xpcall or a pcall would do it?
17:49.21Irielit would depend how the error is being propagated
17:49.53QzotMy code calls TargetByName, and Cairenn is seeing Unknown Entity error, even tho I restore the original target.
17:49.56Irielif TargetByName is throwing an error, then pcall/xpcall will work fine.
17:50.12KirovAnyone want to get 3200 mpg in their car?
17:50.17IrielIf it's something that's acting on a PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event and producing the error, then you're screwed
17:51.08QzotI could also catch that event, because I would know if there's good reason to suspect a bogus target within the last n ticks.
17:51.24QzotOh, nm. Brain fart.
17:51.53QzotI would have to hook the specific event handler that's posting that error to the user.
17:52.32MiravlixOr hook chat to capture the error.
17:52.50Cairennand just to make you really scratch your head ... it pops the message when I hover over some minimap icons, but not all of them
17:52.59QzotCairenn: You're seeing the error message via SCT, or something similar?
17:53.21Cairennit looks like SCT, or the default dmg messages, but no, I don't have anything like that installed
17:53.43QzotProlly the default dmg messages, then. Bleah.
17:53.46Cairennit pops up as red text in the middle of the screen, not as an "error box"
17:53.47MiravlixOh wait
17:53.57MiravlixIt's Blizzard that pops unknown entity
17:54.02Miravlixit's a system UI Error
17:54.57MiravlixDone because some addon is trying to do a /target when mousing over stuff
17:55.11Cairennbut something in your mod is triggering it, since it has only started after installing your mod
17:55.12QzotYes. My addon.
17:55.17MiravlixWithout checking if it is a target?
17:55.24QzotOh. Yes, fully understood, Cairenn.
17:55.45QzotI'm doing temporary retargeting to get potential info about a possible target.
17:55.48CairennI just found it odd that it does it over some but not all
17:56.12MiravlixQzot: If UnitClass("mouseovertarget") then
17:56.26Cairennit isn't consistent
17:56.27QzotNot mousing over targets in the 3d world.
17:56.34MiravlixJust check for whatever it's a legal mouseover
17:56.40QzotMousing over dots in the minimap. ManHunt on wowi.
17:57.13MiravlixHmm, might have to create a table with ignored tooltips then
17:57.25Cairennit consistently does it over a town arrow, and over one minimap icon, but it consistently doesn't do it over others
17:58.02QzotCairenn: Probably depends on whether the associated text "looks enough" like a mob or player name.
17:59.43QzotI can either build a table of things to ignore, or also dynamically build that list based on attempts to target which fail.
18:00.13IrielCan't you check to see if the item under the cursor is theminnimap?
18:00.17IrielGetCursorFocus or whatever it is
18:00.26QzotYes. I do that already.
18:00.37IrielThat's the one.
18:00.56MiravlixI think thats your best bet and weed out the wrong frame types
18:02.34QzotActually, I'm using if (MouseIsOver(MinimapCluster) and GameTooltip:IsVisible() and GameTooltip:NumLines()==1) then
18:02.58MiravlixDo you check what tracking is active and disable yourself when it isn't anything that shows things usefull for you?
18:03.43QzotWell, quest NPCs are always active.
18:03.51MiravlixGetMouseFocus:GetName() would return dot or arrow
18:03.57QzotParty members are always active.
18:04.09MiravlixYou know party members names
18:04.17QzotTrue enough.
18:04.20MiravlixSo verifying those with the party is a snap
18:06.45Endunless they name themselves something strange :P
18:06.57MiravlixNo problem
18:07.13MiravlixIt would still target the player and get the info even on a false positive
18:07.27EndI think the best was when I would mouseover someone named mooncloth, and auctioneer would give me auction prices and whatnot :P
18:07.32Endthat's true, here it is a non-issue
18:08.24Endfortunately, most quest npcs have mutlipart names
18:08.26QzotLol. I always name my hunter pets with my character's name, just to generate this kind of confusion for addons which use TargetByName. :P
18:08.30MiravlixBut analying GetMouseFocus:GetName() could prolly remove false positives
18:08.31Endunfortunately, so do non-quest npcs
18:08.38Endyou'd want to target all those, wouldn't you
18:09.24End(I'm not sure I understand the issue enough, reading scrollback)
18:09.42QzotNon-quest NPCs can only be targeted by hunters, anyway. Tbh, the only time I bother using ManHunt to target quest NPCs is in really crowded areas. I know he's there, but I can't find him.
18:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
18:10.35QzotVery little value in targeting quest NPCs. Not a good reason to install ManHunt.
18:11.10EndI came late into the conversation :P
18:11.20EndI just started blabbing :P
18:11.25QzotActually, if ManHunt had provided a way to put an addon to two of the class categories, I would have put it into hunter and durid, since they're the primary targets.
18:12.00Endwell, as a druid, I could possibly seeing myself use it, but not as much as a hunter
18:12.03MiravlixWhy only hunters?
18:12.20Endthere are potions
18:12.22MiravlixPaladins and Druids get trackers too.
18:12.22QzotIt's main value is letting to select targets through the minimap.
18:12.32QzotYes, there are. Undead comes to mind.
18:12.36Endand demons
18:12.59QzotOh, right. But would you install an addon to enhance potion use? Maybe.
18:13.01Endthe two both look like superior health pots :O
18:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
18:13.14Endmaybe if you use those pots a lot, I dunno
18:13.50MiravlixDoesn't matter how much you use the enhancement
18:14.04MiravlixIt's important to have the functionality when it's availble
18:14.17QzotFair enough.
18:14.51Abenadianyone here a wiz at UI designer? I'm struggling with the behavior of sliders...
18:14.59Endwell, it's useful for everyone at least a little bit, but 95% of the people who are going to bother installing it are probably going to be hunters :P
18:15.15EndI'm not sure if it -should- go in the hunter class
18:15.17QzotOr cat durids. That's my prime use.
18:15.30Endyeah, that'd be 4.5% :P
18:15.57Endwell, maybe my percentages are a little off
18:17.06Qzot*cough* Nm. Definitely an abusive application.
18:17.21MiravlixGotta reboot to re-install my firewall/virus scanner, it decided to go into this weird steal focus mode, bit annoying to have irc de-selected in the middle of typing. Or my editor.
18:28.27QzotCairenn: I may put out a version of ManHunt which allows a /script command to enable some debug messages. First I'll try to test a couple of things myself.
18:40.18Abenadihaving some problems with sliders in WoW UI Designer, if anyone can help ->
18:43.04Endiirc, sliders have a low and high fontstring kid that you have to change
18:43.13End(well, two kids)
18:43.46Endit looks like you may have figured that out a bit
18:44.29EndI don't use the ui designer though
18:44.57Abenadiwhat do you use, a text editor?
18:45.04Endyeah, pretty much
18:45.11Abenadithat's so.. much... text
18:45.15Abenadiand i'm not an xml person
18:45.23EndI'm not an xml person either :P
18:45.34EndI can "do" xml
18:45.49Endand I do all the ui layout in xml
18:46.03IrielI still prefer the 'draw it on paper/screen/whiteboard then translate it to code' approach
18:46.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Nam|Groll (n=hepp@
18:47.16Endwell, I do try to figure out what it looks like first
18:47.21AbenadiI couldn't do the ui layout from scratch in xml text, but I could probably work within the framework generated by WoWUID to customize it. Still it would be nice if I could use WoW UID for the whole thing but it appears that some of the changes I want to make don't get saved
18:47.28Endalthough I'm not all that faithful to my original plans sometimes :P
18:53.25KirkburnSo, yeah, HL2 Ep1 is now out, and I CAN'T BLOODY PLAY IT
18:53.56KirkburnIt kept refusing my credit cards
18:54.06KirkburnTo the point where they are no longer accepted
18:54.12Abenadimaybe you have a bigger problem...
18:54.22KirkburnMy details are apparently wrong
18:54.58KirkburnWhich is just annoying - I've only ever had a problem with steam with them
18:55.26Kirkburn*Yet*, I've managed to buy two games on steam before ... I just didn't write down exactly what I put in the details boxes
18:55.29IrielI had a wierd steam CC problem at one point with HL
18:55.48IrielBut I pre-order so I work those issues out before launch day
18:56.02KirkburnIt annoys me that they ask for first name and last name rather then 'name on card'
18:56.04IrielOn the grounds that they'll be busy that day, so it's silly to put my playtime in jeapardy
18:56.20KirkburnI tried buying it about a month ago, got my cards blocked then :/
18:56.48KirkburnI've never had a problem with any other online business :(
18:57.27IrielIts probably just the way they format their request to their payment verification provider
18:57.31KirkburnThree cards, all useless with Steam ... I should probably do something abut unlocking it
18:57.44KirkburnYeah, it's incredibly picky
18:57.46IrielYou would not believe how non-standard and bizarre credit card verification really is
18:58.05KirkburnI think I've experienced it though :P
18:59.08KirkburnThe support article showing how exact it is ...**&p_li=&p_topview=1#declined
18:59.19Kirkburn(so much for the 'semantic web')
19:14.17KirkburnSubmitted a steam ticket ... hopefully they'll unblock my cards, and I can have another couple of attempts at buying stuff
19:14.42Kirkburn(I think my credit card may have been properly blocked though, which isn't, er, good)
19:18.50QzotMiravlix,Iriel: Well, GetMouseFocus():GetName() returns the same result for dots as for city/town names.
19:20.00QzotI can probably decrease some of the addons problems be screening for GetMouseFocus():GetName() (or just GetMouseFocus() directly), but I'll still have a problem with city names.
19:20.58KirkburnDammit, Cide, CTUnitFrames isn't overridden by ClearFont :P
19:21.14Cidedue to? loading order?
19:21.32KirkburnNot sure, just had a couple of reports in the last few days about it
19:21.40KirkburnI'm gonna take a look at it in a few mins
19:21.56KirkburnI doubt it's loading order, ClearFont reloads every time an addon loads :)
19:22.08Cidenot sure then
19:22.12zenziorar@! "Logging in to game server"
19:22.25KirkburnCide, does it specify it's own fonts?
19:22.26zenziobastard works for other realms, just not the one I want to
19:22.40CideI can't remember
19:22.50KirkburnOkay, I'll get back to you about it
19:22.52CideI'd check but I'm trying to level a new character :(
19:22.59KirkburnHave fun :)
19:23.08CideI don't particularly like it, but I'll try, thanks :)
19:23.16KirkburnIt really starts to hot up about level 2 ;)
19:24.41QzotIriel: Why does wowwiki look so miserable on Mozilla Thunderbird?
19:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio_ (
19:28.03QzotIriel: Is this a general incompatability with wowwiki and Mozilla *cough* Firefox, or do I have my settings wrong?
19:28.09Qzot(I meant Firefox before.)
19:28.16Abenadimy FF works fine on wiki
19:28.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
19:28.26ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
19:28.26QzotOkay. Must be mine.
19:29.03QzotI don't get the nice shading, and tables are jumbled and overlapping, esp on the API pages.
19:29.10QzotI always end up firing up IE.
19:31.54KirkburnHello ... the wiki has problems in IE7
19:32.12KirkburnBut only for those who are logged in :/
19:32.51KirkburnI've never noticed any actual page problems in FF though
19:33.20KirkburnSo, who knows why the 'funnybone' is so called?
19:38.51*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:40.51KirkburnQzot, maybe you could do a screenshot, and I'll see if I can make anything of it?
19:43.13Qzotk. Probably later.
19:43.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
19:43.54QzotCairenn: Haven't found a way to prevent the "Unknown Entity" yet.
19:44.14QzotShort of listing all towns that might be in WoW.
19:48.14IrielHave you tried checking what kind of arrow the cursor is over?
19:48.25IrielThat may be nasty tho
19:48.36QzotI'm looking at Minimap.xml right now to see if that's possible.
19:48.39IrielYou could try querying the maps for points of interest, that may give you town lists, but would be a nasty hack
19:48.44IrielDont look at the XML, it wont help you
19:48.55IrielLook at GetChildren / GetRegions on the minimap frame at runtime
19:51.32QzotBy looking at the xml, I'm guessing that the city direction arrows are hard-wired, like the minimap dots.
19:52.18Irielbut they do have a lua presence if you call GetChildren on the minimap
19:52.41IrielUnfortunately for you, GetChildren returns a list of results so you have to create a temporary table to wander through it in code
19:52.46Irielwhich is a bit nasty
19:53.14IrielAre there no color cues you can use to differentiate?
19:53.23Iriel(I'm only asking because I dont remember)
19:53.24JoshBorkeanyone currently on thy PTR?
19:53.30KirkburnCide, it appears it is indeed working with CT_UnitFrames ... wonder what's up with the reporters' versions
19:53.37Cideheh, weird
19:53.53KirkburnAlthough, I would have suggested it used the NumberFonts rather than GameFonts
19:54.29Cideyeah, I haven't gotten around to changing it yet
19:54.56KirkburnIt works though, which is nice
19:55.33KirkburnI will never understand how the system works though
19:56.28KirkburnSome people are so jumpy that they complain that ClearFont changes the login screen fonts
20:06.11Shouryuu|SleepyOk Patlabor sucked
20:06.20Shouryuu|SleepySo disapointed
20:06.32JoshBorkeso this morning I was on teh PTR, and it didn't seem that a SPELLCAST_STOP was firing when I cast a buff on myself that I already had
20:06.55AnduinLotharthat would suck
20:07.30Shouryuu|SleepyDoesn't your "buff timer" update then?
20:07.37KirkburnWhat's the name of that warlock addon that puts a circular thing on your screen?
20:07.43JoshBorkeyea it does. i wanted someone to check for me :-)
20:07.52JoshBorkenecro something
20:08.01KirkburnNecrosis sounds right
20:08.13KirkburnIt's still updated, right?
20:08.37chuckgMore or less.
20:08.45chuckgIt's a bit "heavy".
20:08.46Shouryuu|Sleepymore or less
20:08.55chuckgAnd it's spell timers are severly lacking.
20:09.28chuckgBut that's my own personal evaluation :)
20:11.39Shouryuu|SleepyI hate it when you write a macro for someone, and he just never answers as to whether it worked or not
20:13.13Shouryuu|SleepyYeah I know, I guess I shouldn't spent too much time on the forums then, but still
20:14.58KirkburnUh, Cide, you know what I said earlier
20:15.16KirkburnIt works on the self unit frames, but not the party ones
20:16.29KirkburnThe party numbers didn't get overidden
20:18.30KirkburnAha, I'll PM you why
20:21.22KasoShouryuu|Sleepy : even worse when you write a whole addon for them like happened to me a week or two ago =/
20:21.40Shouryuu|Sleepylol same
20:21.54Shouryuu|SleepyMy second add-on, BG Flag info was actually written for one guy
20:22.17Shouryuu|SleepyI spent a week debugging it with him (didn't have the game), and when I got it to work, he never answered :(
20:22.31MentalPowerMan, using Azureus for downloading the pre-patch is so much more efficient
20:22.42Shouryuu|SleepyGet mutorrent!
20:22.48KirkburnMentalPower, how?
20:22.55AnduinLotharrather than the bg downloader you mean?
20:23.00Kirkburnor, perhaps, MentalPower, link?
20:23.20AnduinLotharyeah i never did like the idea of the bg townloader when it was in testing
20:23.55MentalPowerthe thing thats getting transfered with the Blizz background downloader
20:23.57KirkburnWhere should the file go?
20:24.05AnduinLotharbut the idea is it downloads slow enough you can play uninterupted at the same time
20:24.49Shouryuu|SleepyYeah but are we a patch day?
20:25.04KirkburnAre we?
20:25.05AnduinLotharno, it sends out a prepatch
20:25.12KirkburnAny patch days in here?
20:25.15Shouryuu|Sleepydidn't know that
20:25.27Shouryuu|SleepyKirkburn I hate you :P
20:25.34KirkburnAww, I hate you too :x
20:26.00KirkburnIt's a hate-hate relationship, only the best
20:26.04Shouryuu|SleepyHow do you write scheduel, or something like that
20:26.12Shouryuu|SleepyI love hate hate relationships
20:26.12KirkburnWith a pencil ;)
20:26.20Shouryuu|SleepyI *really* hate you
20:26.26Shouryuu|SleepyI mean with a passion
20:26.34KirkburnI love *really* hate love hate hate relationships
20:26.59Kirkburnschedule, but how you say it is another matter
20:27.01Kasoim confused muchly now
20:27.04Shouryuu|SleepyThanks :P
20:27.11Shouryuu|Sleepy(read: Burn)
20:28.02KirkburnWell it's downloading rather faster than the BG downloader managed
20:28.07KirkburnWhich was 0kb/sec
20:28.39Kasoi'll just get it all from a ftp on patch day
20:28.42KirkburnWhere does thou wow-partial-1.mpq go though?
20:29.33KirkburnThat's not very community spirited of you :)
20:30.05KirkburnWaitasec, I'm downloading a US version I bet
20:30.34KirkburnSo, er, can I have an enGB version this time?
20:31.31KirkburnI thought it a bit odd when the FAQ for the patch said not to worry about the fact people can hack the download ... because 'they're already hacking the test realm version'
20:33.25Kasoblizzard said that?
20:33.34KirkburnWill users be able to hack into the data that is gathered from the background downloader?
20:33.39KirkburnThe new data that is gathered will already be available to users on the Public Test Realm.
20:34.08Kasothe word hack is an odd one to use
20:34.26KirkburnNot a great choice :/
20:35.50Kasoif i was un-technially minded that question would worry much more than put me at ease
20:37.41KirkburnV true
20:38.11Kasoah well, not like many people wil attually read that faq
20:38.20QzotIriel: Are you saying that the Minimap has structure that's not directly exposed through the API?
20:39.01QzotI.e., that altho the API doesn't provide a means to query the mm dots, that there might be a way to do it through the UI?
20:41.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
20:42.17KirkburnI think my kidneys have recovered now :P
20:44.14KasoFrame:Function() is the same as Frame.Function(Frame) right?
20:44.49Shouryuu|SleepyWhat happened to your kidneys Kirkburn>
20:44.50Kasowell thats confusing
20:45.02AnduinLotharignore me
20:45.09Kasook :>
20:45.50Kirkburn[19:00] * Cairenn|afk pokes Kirkburn   <-- that's what 8-)
20:45.50QzotAs per Lua, foo:bar(x,y,z,...) is syntactic sugar for,x,y,z,...)
20:46.28KirkburnShouryuu, when you're bored, why don't you get involved on the wiki?
20:46.49Shouryuu|SleepyWell I don't have the game... Hard to fill the wiki without any info
20:47.24wereHamsterCairenn, how can I change the category for my addon?
20:47.55KirkburnThe wiki needs admin type help ... it's kinda disorganised, so you don't need to be an active player :P
20:48.23AnduinLotharif you want non-admin type help the addon pages always need updating
20:48.42AnduinLothardescriptions/change logs/features/place to dl
20:48.54AnduinLotharbasicly documentation
20:49.43Shouryuu|SleepyYeah why not
20:49.59KirkburnI think you could describe my role as 'formatter'
20:50.02Shouryuu|SleepyI should have two-three weeks of free time in-front of me
20:50.09AnduinLotharif you want to be helpful to me personally you can start with the Cosmos addons that have nearly empty pages
20:50.19Shouryuu|SleepyWell no home-wrok, just class and hangovers on the week-end
20:50.37Kirkburn(well apart from the hangovers bit)
20:51.01Shouryuu|Sleepyhangovers are fun!
20:51.24AnduinLothar is a good example
20:52.20AnduinLothar is a good example of one that needs desperite attention
20:53.20Shouryuu|SleepyOk I'll work on that, just not tonight :P
20:55.34Shouryuu|Sleepyok Kirkburn Green Wing is getting funnier :p
20:56.15KasoI love green wing, though i missed most of this season due to not having a TV at uni
20:56.58KirkburnAnduinLothar, should I change the patcher credit from Thott to, uh, who is it now?
20:57.14KirkburnIt most certainly does rock
20:58.12KirkburnMiravlix should be on the Active Dev list, no?
20:59.01KirkburnWhat should I credit him as?
20:59.41Elkanois there any formular know to calculate the MSV value for an 100% intact, unbound item given the MSV for the damaged an maybe soulbound version?
21:00.27AnduinLotharCoder is fine
21:01.16Endick, ups software is reporting the ups as having no battery, but at 100% battery capacity and 34 minutes of runtime and having a battery voltage
21:01.33Endit's the phantom battery
21:01.42AnduinLotharmy ipod was fully charged and died after 1 song..
21:02.14Shouryuu|SleepyOhh I had that
21:02.21Shouryuu|Sleepypaid 200$ to get that repaired
21:02.23Shouryuu|Sleepypissed me off
21:02.27AnduinLothari've even replaced the battery
21:03.01AnduinLotharspose i can turn this one in and get some $ off a new one
21:03.05Shouryuu|SleepyMy Ipod broke down about 4 times in 1 year
21:03.28AnduinLothargonna open it up and see if the battery conenction is lose or something tho
21:04.10Shouryuu|SleepyHow in god's name do you open a Ipod?
21:04.26AnduinLotharthere's a tool to take off the back
21:04.28AnduinLotharit's not easy
21:04.58QzotIriel: You there?
21:08.00chuckgPoor poor Rustak.
21:08.15chuckgDoesn't have time to talk on IRC and his wiki can barely load half the time! D=
21:13.30Iriel(to the 'am i here' question)
21:20.12JoshBorke( ckknight ): are you here?
21:25.49QzotIriel: With some crude tests, I'm not seeing an significant structure to the frames MinimapCluster and Minimap.
21:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
21:29.30Shouryuu|SleepyIQ tests FTW!
21:30.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:36.02AnduinLotharya, the battery connection must have been loose or soemthing, i openned it up and took it apart, tested it and put it back together and it seems to work fine now, full battery
21:40.56CairennwereHamster: you tell me what mod you want moved and where you want it moved to
21:44.12grimmanI accidentally kicked a hedgehog today.
21:49.34Maldiviahmm... I was wondering why the game was so slow to start suddently... then I deleted the Blizzard Art/Data dirs in wow and wowtest, and vupti :)
21:51.50Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
21:52.14grimmanMerely watching the column for SS damage, but it's a nice comparison.
21:52.30Shouryuu|SleepyYeahhhH! I'm not the only one to huggle Gryphen
21:52.33grimmanNot that it brings anything new to the table, it just lets me know what to expect.
21:52.41Cairennckknight: you awake?
22:01.27grimman  << Tagged as NSFW + bad spelling
22:01.41grimman+ good artwork + bad storyline + amusing
22:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
22:04.26Shouryuu|Sleepynight folks
22:04.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Sleepy (
22:05.21ckknightCairenn, I was at a job site
22:05.33ckknightand hey, JoshBorke
22:05.51Cairennno worries ... catching up with kiddo, will get back to you in a bit
22:12.55QzotHours waster, you are warned:
22:15.11ckknightI'm already tired of it
22:15.11grimman << I can see the MPAA/RIAA tearing their organized hair out now.
22:15.47grimmanQzot: That's a good thing.
22:15.51ckknightit is
22:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
22:16.20ckknightwhy is it bad?
22:16.22QzotConcerning thepiratebay.
22:16.32QzotRelative market share.
22:19.43grimmanHoot, a new version of Sensible Soccer!
22:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:26.50grimmanAnd I want it.
22:27.32grimmanSilly games ftw. ^^
22:28.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:30.56Abenadi look at Seattle, WA under Cities
22:34.55JoshBorke( ckknight ): any way to update the contents of the menus in DewdropLib in realtime?
22:35.35JoshBorkei scared him off
22:44.06*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:51.18KirkburnI think I've done enough wiki editing for today
23:08.43CodayusJoshBorke: Realtime?
23:18.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:28.52KirkburnJust one more reason to hate fox:
23:30.23Kirkburn(well, that branch, anwyay)
23:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:44.08QzotAre the values returned by frame:GetChildren() also frames?
23:45.19*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:45.32QzotAre the values returned by frame:GetChildren() also frames?
23:46.18MentalPowerits a table with frame references, yes
23:46.56MentalPowerwell, scratch that. its a table with references to UI objects (frames, textures and fontstrings)
23:47.02QzotUm. GetChildren() doesn't return a table, but a set of values (that you can put in a table).
23:48.05Kirkburn"In May spam mail accounted for 87.4% of email traffic"
23:48.55QzotMentalPower: I.e., I can only expect the values returned to be UIObjects.
23:52.20EndKirkburn, about your fox link: It's magic it's magic!
23:52.20MentalPowerI stand corrected
23:52.28MentalPowerIn my code I have children = {someFrame:GetChildren()}
23:52.43MentalPowerhence why I thought it returned a table
23:56.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (

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