irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060522

00:12.00KirkburnIt's quite fun randomly updating pages on the wiki
00:13.37LegorolIriel, one important point to consider is that if/when/once people start addend documentation for the widget methods,
00:13.47IrielLegorol : I already have to deal with that
00:13.59Legorolyou would want to have the page as basetype:method
00:14.11Irielthe LINK is basetype:method regardless
00:14.20Legorolclever ;-)
00:14.30Legorolbut that might cause confusion
00:14.40Legoroli'd go with basetype:method
00:14.44IrielYeah, I like how it looks with the explicit base type anyway
00:14.47Irielso that's how i'll leave it
00:15.00IrielI updated my script for multiple inheritance
00:15.07Irieldue to the font stuff
00:15.09Legorollooks like a great job well done!
00:15.33IrielI might add a "Do not edit this page, edit the widget API" message to the summaries
00:17.38Legorolso how do you envision things, how many different types of pages are needed per widget?
00:17.44Legorolwe have this summary page of yours,
00:17.58Legorolone would need a page for XML reference for the widget,
00:18.06Legorolone for tutorial/how-to code with it
00:18.30Legoroldoes it make sense to have these many separate pages for each widget? i think so
00:18.36IrielNot including the XML I see 2 pages per widget, and 2 'synopsis' pages for all widgets (one for the methods, one for the handlers), then a page per method, and a page per handler
00:19.10IrielOf those, the summary is generated from the synopses, more or less
00:19.25Irieland I agree, the XML one likely should be a separate page
00:19.39Legorolso the 2 pages per widget, what would they be?
00:19.58Legorolone is your summary page, the other is the how-to page?
00:20.28LegorolA how-to page would tie together the XML, methods and anything else pertinent, in my opinion
00:21.48IrielOne is the summary I was just asking about
00:21.58Irieland the other is the existing UIOBJECT one, like you did for GameTooltip
00:24.15Legorolright, that's what i head in mind too
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00:39.43MentalPowerquestion, is GameTooltip:AddFontStrings(leftstring, rightstring) supposed to be the fixie dust for dynamically generated tooltips?
00:40.49cladhaireAnyone have a link to wowscite?
00:40.57cladhairethe only one I have is teh broken.
00:42.40cladhaireYeah, its a SCITE with lua 5.0.2 and most of the wow API in calltips
00:42.49cladhairei just can't find the install
00:46.43IrielMentalPower : That's my understanding, yes
00:47.20MentalPowerI'd test it but alas the PTR queue is 6k people big
00:52.53KirkburnMeesa going to bedsa!
00:53.12KirkburnNight night
01:01.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
01:21.37Miravlixlocal tourist = GloryLib:GetInstance("1.0")` Can't I just do GetNewestInstance?
01:22.00IrielYou always want to specify the appropriate MAJOR version
01:22.08MiravlixNo. :)
01:22.09Irielin case there's a divergent branch installed
01:22.17MiravlixBut then we look at libraries differently.
01:22.17IrielIt'll pick the best MINOR version for that MAJOR version
01:23.10IrielFor anyone who cares:
01:23.19IrielA provisional 1.11 widget API
01:23.36IrielAll the methods are there, but I haven't done all of the comments or arg lists yet
01:23.44Wobin_The minor versions are ones that have no difference in functionality, ie, any code written for a certain major version will work with all minor versions of that library. A major version change may mean that the functionality is different, ie different API or something
01:24.07Wobin_So if you use GetNewestInstance, you may be trying to access an API that is no longer existant
01:24.07MiravlixWobin_: My libraries work whatever it's version 1.0 or version 100.0
01:24.25IrielMiravlix : Because you'd change your library's name if you changed its functionality
01:24.29MiravlixThe problem is if a addon written for version 100.0 gets on a version 1.0
01:24.30Wobin_You must have a lot of backward compatibility
01:24.31IrielMiravlix : Our system is slightly different
01:25.09MiravlixI'm not even allowed to use version 2.x
01:25.41MiravlixThats a bit extream planning to break compatibility ahead of time?
01:25.53Wobin_Well, not really
01:25.56cladhaireNo, not at all
01:26.09Wobin_if a addon uses version 1, since it's embedded, it will always use version 1
01:26.24Wobin_if another addon has version 2, then there will be two instances in memory, 1 and 2
01:26.33MiravlixAnd I don't use new names, I just write well designed code that can upgrade without breaking backwards compatibility. :p
01:26.53TainThere's so much subjective-ness in that statement I don't know where to begin. :)
01:26.55IrielThis isn't about breaking backwards compatibility via carelessness
01:27.00Wobin_Easy enough if you're the only coder =)
01:27.02IrielIt's about deliberately forking a library
01:27.06MiravlixSimple thing like function(x, y) to make new functionality I can simply do function(x, y, z)
01:28.30cladhaireIts not that simple at all
01:28.51MiravlixCosmos is developed by quite a few people and use backwards compatibility design
01:29.17Wobin_so version 10000 will have function(x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)?
01:29.17cladhaireYes, we know that.
01:29.18Corrodiashas cosmos changed since i quit to be more than a package of Khaos + a bunch of other addons?
01:29.44TainCorrodias: It also eats babies
01:30.09MiravlixCosmos has always been a set of libraries, with some addons added on.
01:30.33MiravlixA GUI development framework or some sutch.
01:31.37cladhaireMiravlix: You can't concieve any circumstance where you would make a change to a libraries  functionality that wouldn't be backwards compatable?
01:31.38MiravlixWell, not always offcourse, it started way back as a Addon Bundle, then the framework got developed over time.
01:32.17MiravlixI've used the same C libraries for 20+ years with minimal changes
01:32.28cladhaire'that's not what I asked.
01:32.52IrielTo cladhaire's question -- I'm seeing your dismissal of our system as a failure of imagination
01:32.57MiravlixSo no, I do not see a need for developing libraries that isn't backwards compatible
01:33.49Wobin_But the point is that they're not 'not backwards compatible'
01:34.10MiravlixThen why can't I do GetNewestInstance()?
01:34.13Wobin_They just don't require backwards compatability to function
01:34.15cladhairewhats new?
01:34.19cladhairedefine new
01:34.32MiravlixI'm only allowed to use 1.x or 2.x not x.x
01:34.46IrielYou're getting hung up on the choice of version number
01:34.50Wobin_Cause there's no point in using a library for which code has not been written
01:34.57IrielThe major version could be "spam and eggs"
01:35.32cladhaireSay I take Seahooks, and extend it
01:35.32Irielor "NewCoke"
01:35.32Tainmmmm eggs
01:35.32cladhaireto add things not there.
01:35.33Wobin_NewCoke =(
01:35.33cladhairenow.. you have to eitehr accept that into your branch and be magically backwards compatable.
01:35.33cladhaireor I have to fork it
01:35.33Wobin_New coke makes me a sad panda
01:35.33TainOk if something has a version number of NewCoke I'm NOT using it.
01:35.33cladhaireif I fork it.. how to I makethem co-exist?
01:35.33cladhairewhat if other people want to use my library
01:35.34cladhaireyou're being far to narrow sighted.
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01:35.47TainNo one wants to use your smelly library, cladhaire!
01:36.00IrielWhat if I want to **RELEASE** an experimental version of my code to a whole bunch of people who ALSO need to use the stable version for other addons?
01:36.02MiravlixI don't have a problem with including your changes in the library.
01:36.19Wobin_Wouldn't that bloat the library though?
01:36.26IrielWhat if cladhaire's changes include appending "bork bork bork" to every message?
01:36.40TainI'd run that library.
01:36.45Wobin_Swedish Chefs around the world would rejoice
01:36.49MiravlixThats we use a table structure for, so you can split of parts of the library (SeaHooks) (SeaSpellbook)
01:37.05Wobin_Tain: What will it do?
01:37.06cladhaireExplain what you mean
01:37.22cladhaireNo, I'm editing and making every mesage print BorkBorkBork
01:37.22MiravlixTogether it's Sea, stand alone, it's SeaHooks, SeaSpellbook
01:37.24Corrodiasyou cannot bloat a library!
01:37.28IrielYou keep thinking 'extend' when we keep talking about 'change'
01:37.30cladhairenot making a new table.
01:38.03Wobin_Corrodias: It depends on if you have enough whale blubber...
01:38.08IrielLet's take a damage tracking library for an example
01:38.09MiravlixExtend and embrace
01:38.38IrielIt's quite possible that someone would disagree with the math used in the 'main' version of one, but want to use much of the same infrastructure
01:38.50IrielThey could fork the library and replace all of the calculations with some they feel are more accurate
01:39.11IrielWith your system, you'd have to rename the 'new' version if it was to coexist with the old
01:39.13Tain7 bork 8 equals thirteen
01:39.18MiravlixSo it's a simpler way to avoid renaming?
01:39.21IrielIn ours, it just has a separate major version number
01:39.41IrielIt's a way of saying "We fully expect branches to occur, and built them in from the start"
01:39.48cladhaireand adding yet another table to the Sea library doesn't make sense in that situation
01:39.48TainYou're not avoiding renaming, there's no reason to rename in the first place.
01:39.55IrielIn keeping with the philosophy of "never, ever, change the stub"
01:40.28cladhaireThe deal is, re-use code when you can, but if you have a specific change that you expect you should be able to use it.
01:41.27MiravlixIt's reused on disk, but not in memory, since it will have multiple full versions
01:41.50TainThat... doesn't make any sense.
01:41.51cladhairenot true at all
01:42.06cladhaireAceHook 1.3 only exists ONCE in the system
01:42.35MiravlixYes, but AceHook-Lix 1.3 and Acehook 1.3 exist
01:42.49cladhaireyeah.. cause they're completely different versions.
01:43.05MiravlixI changed one function to return a different calculation
01:43.08MiravlixThat was our example
01:43.35cladhairehow do you resolve that in the magical mystical cosmos?
01:44.39MiravlixLike we do with the Blizzard API, hook and replace?
01:44.47cladhaireoh jesus
01:45.04TainHelp me Jesus help me clean my wounds.
01:45.16cladhaireyou would hook your own function to change the functionality?
01:45.24Wobin_(hm, I used to know the latin for that...)
01:46.16TainHook a function from .. hmm... you know I couldn't even make that up trying to be funny.
01:46.21MiravlixHook it, include your own function you call, whatever.
01:46.37MiravlixDepends on what your trying to do
01:46.54cladhaireAnd then you add the runtime overhead of a function call every single time you want to do anything
01:46.57MiravlixIf your trying to make all addons use your different math, then hook sounds like a good idea.
01:46.58cladhairewhich, is bad.
01:47.09cladhaireMiravlix: The goal isn't to make ALL addons use yoru math, just yours.
01:47.12cladhairethat's the whole point.
01:47.31MiravlixSo it's better to clone a library, than replace what you change?
01:48.16cladhaireYou're refusing to exist outside of Cosmos, and understand that there are reasons people would want to do things like this.
01:48.22cladhaireWhen it comes down to it.. it doesn't happen-- we dont change majorversinos
01:48.24cladhairebut we CAN.
01:48.35MiravlixHmm, wouldn't it be possible to use your library model that creates and reuse code?
01:48.40cladhaireand our minor versions always update properly and the newest version is always made available to us.
01:48.53MiravlixIt creates the versio branches, either re-using a function or replacing it with a new?
01:48.54cladhaireMiravlix: I dont understand that last question
01:49.22MiravlixSince everything is referances you could avoid cloning
01:49.22cladhaireIn theory, it could be added to the stub-- but there's frankly no point
01:50.13cladhaireYes, that would be an improvement
01:50.30cladhaireBut the fact of the matter is, what we have is already leaps and bounds ahead of even the perspective you're coming to the table with.
01:50.38cladhaireas far as flexibility
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01:51.25MiravlixI was just suggesting a improvment, just took a while before you got it.
01:51.46cladhairewhat about the improvements we've suggested to you?
01:51.49Irielwe dont have the capabilities to implement reliable cloning though
01:51.55cladhairethat you've casually dismissed without any discussion?
01:52.11Corrodiascloning? man, WoW technology has come a long way in a few months. :o
01:52.11cladhaireIriel: It would be hacky at best, and there's no point-- due to the extremely low overhead of a function definition
01:52.28cladhaireCorrodias: You should check out DollyLib =)
01:52.52IrielWell, my problem with it is that it'd be too easy to break something. One of the purposes of the major version syste, is that you just have to pick major versions nobody else would
01:52.53MiravlixWe have clone libs now, but the cloning isn't perfect.
01:52.58MiravlixIt has mutations
01:53.03Corrodiasclone me some troll chicks, eh?
01:53.22Irielas soon as you want to try doing a mutation then unless you also carried the original with you, you'd have to somehow determine that the clone wasn't different from the original
01:53.30MiravlixThe idea was not to clone...
01:54.04IrielSorry, when I say 'clone' I mean 'clone references and replace only changed functions'
01:54.18cladhaireMiravlix: Theres no guaranteed way to do that.  What we have works 100% of the time, and re-uses as much code as possible while still having the correct level of confidence.
01:54.30MiravlixSetting up setMutation("functioncallname")
01:55.39Wobin_As long as you don't feed it after midnight
01:55.45Wobin_Or get it wet
01:59.23TainAfter midnight we're gonna let it all hang out.
01:59.38cladhaireI don't plan to
01:59.42cladhaireI'm hopefully in bed at that point
01:59.49Corrodiaswhat a silly thing, don't feed it "after midnight"
01:59.54cladhaire--[[ Begin Hijack ]]--
02:00.12Wobin_Midnight, not a sound from the pavement
02:00.13TainI could be in bed.  Never can tell.
02:00.15cladhaireMiravlix: This is more a personal criticism than professional with regards to the code we write, but I hope you realize you come across as pretending that you're better than everyone else, and that your knowledge is immediately more credible than anyone elses.
02:00.36cladhaireMiravlix: I have not seen you for one moment in this entire channel express a second of humility or deference to other people who have far more experience than you have, when they exist.  I may come across as a dick, but at least I admit when I'm wrong and don't live in a glass castle.
02:00.40cladhaire--[[ End Hijack ]]--
02:00.47cladhaireabout the spam, not the content
02:01.38MiravlixI find that funny, considering how I continue to get attacked for having a different opinion here.
02:02.01MiravlixBecause I look at libraries differently you get all upset.
02:02.04cladhaireYou don't think you have a different opinion.. You think your way is the only way and come across like we're doing something wrong.
02:02.09MiravlixAnd claim I'm wrong
02:02.21cladhaireNo one here claimed you were wrong (at least I didnt)
02:02.38MiravlixYou have many times attacked my point of view.
02:02.53cladhaireNo, I've attacked the fact that you're NEVER willing to discuss or comprimise.
02:03.00cladhaireI can't have an intelligent conversatino with you
02:03.08cladhaireIts always an argument, or talking to a brick wall.
02:03.16ckknight_you know what this reminds me of?
02:03.18cladhaireYou come across that the cosmos way is the only way, and its infallible.
02:03.26Wobin_Mmm. Chocolate
02:03.33ckknight_yes, delicious chocolate
02:03.39EndThis reminds me of chocolate too.
02:03.41ckknight_I've had some good times with that
02:03.42netcurseshould live in swiss then
02:03.49cladhaireI love the cosmos devs, dont have a single issue with any one of you... and I've worked with Karl on a bunch of things, and always been quite successful.
02:04.07cladhaireI took changes of his into AceHooks, and he took ideas of mine into SeaHooks.
02:04.08ckknight_I'm gonna go get a chocolate chip cookie
02:04.13Wobin_I dunno. British chocolate isn't too bad
02:04.25Wobin_Cadbury's for example
02:04.39ckknight_oh man
02:04.39netcursei lived near nestle factory some month ago .P
02:04.42ckknight_Cadbury's are great.
02:04.47MiravlixWell, to me several of you established names has given me a tongue lashing several times, because I don't happend to do things your way
02:05.09TainActually that's a misunderstanding of the reason for said interpreted "tongue lashing."
02:05.14cladhaireYou are welcome to do things however you want.. people typically won't tell you they're wrong.. but accepting constructive criticism goes a LONG WAY
02:05.33MiravlixThat has offcourse pushed me into a defensive mode, because I don't feel there is something wrong with my point of view.
02:05.58cladhairerather than blindly defend things without considering another coding style or alternative.  Collaboration is what makes this community strong-- and I dont feel you've collaborated with anyone in this channel.. and thats unfortunate because you have a novel perspective to bring to the table.
02:06.21cladhaireBut we can't all come to the table unwilling to even LOOK at anything else-- if I wanted a social chat room I wouldn't be hanging out with a bunch of WoW lua devs =)
02:06.30MiravlixI've developed my skills over 20 years as a programmer, so I admit, I'm prolly very set in my ways, due to having used things for so long.
02:06.35Corrodiasyes, compliments make it sound even worse to reject you now
02:06.47MiravlixDoesn't mean I can't learn from others and I do it all the time.
02:06.50cladhaireMiravlix: Your experience is irrelevant, many of us have the same (if not more) level of experience.
02:07.00Corrodiasooh, there's a slip
02:07.14TainAre you experienced?  Or have you ever been experienced?
02:07.17TainI have.
02:07.18ckknight_one man's worth of 5 years experience can be another's 15 years
02:07.22cladhaireMiravlix: It just seems like that learning process for other people working with you has been somewhat more painful than the rest of the community.
02:07.22ckknight_people learn at different rates
02:07.37cladhaireagan, just my opinions.
02:07.40ckknight_and also if you know 2 or 3 languages vs. 10 or 15 makes a difference as well
02:08.04TainAh, I don't know about that.  I'm more of the opinion that technique is more important to know than languages.
02:08.06Corrodiassaying they're irrelevant is hardly as condescending a tone as the rest of that monologue was
02:08.07cladhaireckknight: is a perfect example.. we're entirely different.. and we disagree and argue
02:08.09cladhairebut we learn from each other
02:08.11cladhaireand we BOTH know that.
02:08.26ckknightI mean, cladhaire smells funny, but that doesn't mean I won't take his opinion into consideration
02:08.32ckknightjk ;-)
02:08.53ckknightbut he's right, we don't agree on all issues
02:09.03ckknightbut I still show him respect
02:09.07MiravlixThat jk was bad, your just kidding about taking his opinion into consideration. :)
02:09.23ckknightyea, it was supposed to make you scratch your head
02:09.26cladhaireI don't want to change you, but I think the community can be more productive for both of us.
02:09.29Wobin_ckknight does, and has shown to, despite what he jokes about =P
02:09.31TainI show clad mad props yo
02:09.47cladhaireThis conversatino is the perfect example of that, unfortunately
02:09.57cladhaireerr rather, the previous one actually
02:10.11ckknightmy cookie's gone *sniff*
02:10.48TainIs the cookie gone?  Or is it you who are gone from the cookie?
02:11.16ckknightit is inside me.
02:11.43Corrodiashere's a good example of why english needs more specific words for different levels of desire.
02:12.16Corrodiascladhaire saying that he doesn't want to change Miravlix is clearly not true on one level, though it may be on another.
02:12.52ckknightword of the day: pants-creaming-tacular
02:12.56Wobin_Does he say that?
02:13.01cladhaireCorrodias: Correct, I dont want to change the way Miravlix codes, but rather the way Miravlix interacts with this community.. I feel teh past interactions have been less than stellar, far too confrontational and a detriment at some times.
02:13.42MiravlixAnd I feel, I recevied a very aggressive response from several people due to having a different opinion.
02:13.54Corrodiasi wish for different words for wanting something in the current context and wanting something in the absence of certain factors
02:14.13cladhaireMiravlix: Could peopel approach you better, yes.. and maybe we'll all make a better effort to do that.
02:14.16Corrodiaspeople are aggressive about their opinions. that's what makes them opinions.
02:14.34cladhaireMiravlix: But perhaps approaching things from the defensive point of view from here on out isn't the best way to go.
02:14.34Corrodiasif they expressed them as possibilities with certain benefits, they would not be called opinions at all.
02:15.15Corrodiasi'm going to stop trying to hijack the conversation
02:15.16CairennI would certainly appreciate seeing more respect given all round
02:15.40cladhaireMiravlix: I have myself been confrontational, and that has been based on our previous interactinos-- about the same subject as a matter of fact.
02:15.52cladhaireMiravlix: And I'm willing to do anything possible to behave better in that regard.
02:19.19ckknightI try to be helpful before I become judgmental, though sometimes my lack of tact while doing so has gotten me into issues
02:20.46ckknight~emulate cookie monster
02:20.53purl"C" is for cookie, that's good enough for me. Oh....cookie,cookie,cookie starts with "C".
02:25.11Wobin_Hm, it'd be easier for me to physically rotate a texture before using it (graphically) than trying to do so in lua?
02:25.22IrielIt depends on the texture
02:25.35IrielTexture rotation with SetTexCoords is pretty easy if it's got a transparent border
02:25.53IrielSee and look for TextureSpinTest
02:26.09Wobin_Cool, thankee, Iriel
02:26.40IrielActually, it's not in random, it's just in downloads
02:34.08MiravlixHmm, Googles new Nootebook seems nice
02:34.30Wobin_What's it do?
02:34.52ckknightI haven't heard of it
02:36.33TainI've just started using it
02:36.37TainI think I'll really like it.
02:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiana (
02:38.39ckknightOpera doesn't work with it
02:38.58Wobin_What's the defaHm, nice
02:39.09Wobin_Ahem =P
02:39.14Wobin_Hm, nice =P
02:39.45Wobin_Bah. It refuses to recognise Bon Echo as Firefox =P
02:41.06TainBon Echo screwed up all my normal Firefox settings on me.
02:41.10Tainand annoyed the hell out of me
02:43.02ckknightwhat's Bon Echo?
02:43.18Corrodiastry again without an acronym? :(
02:43.23Wobin_Sorry, Firefox
02:43.29TainFireFox version 2 milestone 2
03:07.22CorrodiasHOWDY HO NEIGHBOR
03:08.51AnduinLotharcompilers making my head hurt
03:09.39AnduinLothartype checking.... passing all the silly named regrences through liek 5 functions by return statements..
03:09.44TemCorrodias: Hidey Ho
03:10.23AnduinLotharand for some reason it reports the next line number if it errors near the end of the line... haven't figured that one out yet..
03:10.26Wobin_Iriel: *whimper* matrix maths.
03:11.39Wobin_er. scratch that comment =P
03:21.43ckknightWobin_, matrix math is fun!
03:22.01Wobin_alas =)
03:22.09Wobin_Hey, is there any way to rotate text as well?
03:22.49ckknightnot that I know of
03:22.58ckknightif there is, I'll have to have vertical FuBars.
03:23.02TainTurn your head.
03:23.28MentalPowerwohoo! I crashed WoW!
03:23.38ckknightMentalPower, grats
03:23.42CairennMentalPower: did you get my message the other night?
03:23.44ckknightyou gain 5 points
03:23.57MentalPowerCairenn: err... I don't think so
03:24.04Cairennhe had forgotten about it, he's subsequently been reminded ;)
03:24.04MentalPowermessage where, here?
03:24.11MentalPoweroh, thanks :)
03:24.29MentalPower*loves Cairenn*
03:25.00ckknightno! she's mine!
03:31.35Endwobbly wooogle whoooala
03:34.58Endif you have to ask, then I'm probably babbling
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04:13.18MentalPowerok, who/where do I tell of a WoW bug? specifically a hard #132 crash (reproducible of course)
04:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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04:31.06ckknightMentalPower, file the report deal that pops up
04:31.20MentalPoweralready did
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04:33.53ckknightthat's about all you can do
04:34.50MentalPowerAnduinLothar: I admire your patience with the person in #CosmosTesters
04:35.45AnduinLotharbout to strangle him
04:36.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
04:45.50ckknightI'm intrigued...
04:46.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
04:47.52Cairennwhatever, you know what I mean
04:49.37MentalPower_lol :)
04:50.16MentalPower_Iriel: I managed to crash WoW with #132 errors repeadetly trying to make dynamic tooltips bahave
04:50.27IrielUh oh 8-(
04:50.36*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
04:50.50IrielPoor error checking in the blizz code?
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04:50.58IrielOr just something that doesn't quite work right?
04:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
04:52.34MentalPower_I'll paste the macro that I was using, one sec
04:53.38IrielHm, interesting new API functions.. ActionHasRange, IsInInstance
04:53.54Temaction has range?
04:54.05Temthink maybe that's what people are always asking for?
04:55.04IrielIt's just a boolean that says whether the action can be in and out of range, as far as I can tell
04:55.51IrielI wonder if IsInInstance  is player only or if it takes a unit id
05:03.30MentalPower_Iriel: /script TOOLTIP = CreateFrame("GameTooltip") for i=1, 30 do TOOLTIP:AddFontStrings(TOOLTIP:CreateFontString(), TOOLTIP:CreateFontString()) end TOOLTIP:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_TOP") TOOLTIP:SetHyperlink("item:6144:0:0:0")
05:03.50MentalPower_oh and its a #124 error
05:03.58MentalPower_ERROR #124 (0x8510007c) Memory Invalid Block
05:04.12MentalPower_SMem3: Pointer does not refer to a valid allocated block of memory
05:07.35IrielYou may need to give your font strings names, does it work then?
05:10.41*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
05:11.15MentalPowersame crash
05:16.18IrielHm, can you post on the US forums?
05:19.16IrielCan you post a slouken thread, include the script and the exact error
05:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Eats (
05:23.39MentalPowerwelcome Eats :)
05:25.43MentalPoweris there a [pre] or [code] tag in BML?
05:38.13MentalPowerok, posted
05:39.28MentalPowerhowever, I'm trying to post a #132 error that I also got, but its giving me a "Body Invalid" error
05:39.28MentalPowerany ideas?
05:42.41Cairennanyone have any ideas for this guy?
05:43.42Cairennalso posted here, with the one idea I had already shot down, and a tad more detail:
05:44.52MentalPowerthat is positively wierd
05:45.06Cairennyour bug or his?
05:45.33MentalPowerat first thought it was the standard "Load out of date AddOns" thing, but if the .lua's are getting deleted I'm at a loss
05:45.57Cairennand it isn't missing dependencies, that was the idea I floated
05:46.04hastesounds like the HD is acting up :o
05:46.26Cairennsounds flakier than just that
05:48.31Cairennsomehow something has gotten set to read-only?
05:48.53MentalPoweranyways, I'm out
05:49.46Cairennnight MentalPower, sweet dreams
05:50.09MentalPowerthanks Cair, same to you :)
05:52.23Tem|Sleepnight guys
05:52.35Cairennnight Tem|Sleep, sweet dreams
05:52.48Tem|SleepI hope I remember my dreams tonight
05:52.58Tem|Sleepsince I never do
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06:45.02Cairennnight all
06:59.01Irielnight all
06:59.10Elkanonight Iriel
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07:28.43CrispixCan anyone perhaps help me?
07:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
07:29.37CrispixI know theres an addon out there to compare gear you currently have, to gear your thinking about buying in the AH, but I Can't seem to find it.. I forgot where I saw it..:(
07:29.39AnduinLothardamn it.. i watched the last ep of season 9... now I actually have to WAIT to see what happens... :'(
07:30.10IndustrialEquipcompare <3
07:30.17IndustrialEquipCompare <3
07:30.26Crispix  <-- ?
07:30.29AnduinLotharya, it's sad Flisher went awal
07:30.41Elkano^wtfhasn't the AH implemented that anyways?
07:31.01AnduinLotharlol, no
07:31.10Elkano^wtfafair ah and merchant use the shopping tooltips
07:31.17Crispixnupe.. I just got out of game, and its pretty lame that its not
07:31.24AnduinLotharthat's EC
07:32.35CrispixWhich one are you recommending Anduin?
07:32.41Elkano^wtfhave a look at [09:03] <[MoonWolf]> that would be food.
07:32.41Elkano^wtf[09:03] <[MoonWolf]> good*
07:32.53Elkano^wtfdamn c&p..
07:32.54Elkano^wtf[09:03] <[MoonWolf]> that would be food.
07:32.54Elkano^wtf[09:03] <[MoonWolf]> good*
07:33.23AnduinLotharnot sure where the latest one is. someone picked it up and we've been keeping it functioning in cosmos
07:33.26Elkano^wtfthere IS code to compare in the original files
07:33.38AnduinLotharso my titan stopped working when 1.10 came around and i never bothered to update.. I don't really miss it, but I'd like to keep compat with wardrobe alive, maybe add fubar... suggestions on which versions to use?
07:34.31AnduinLothari think i was using one from 1.7 that i had kept hacking to stay kicking.
07:34.45AnduinLotharbut i know someone maintains one somewhere..
07:35.41CrispixTime for bed..
07:35.45CrispixNini everyone :)
07:35.46AnduinLothardo i have to go to for the last?
07:37.31AnduinLothari see a 2.18, that sound new enough?
07:40.26Elkano^wtfAnduinLothar, wrt item compariosn, here'S a code snippet from the AH code:
07:40.43Elkano^wtfif this isn'T for item comparison, I don't know what it's for...
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07:56.28AnduinLotharis there a workign ColorCycle somewhere?
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08:02.54Elkanoany EU online that could tell me if I'm the only one that can't connect to the login server?
08:04.23s|loupi will ask pls wait
08:07.08Elkanook, now it worked but half of the servers are down :/
08:09.39s|louplooks like they get problems for some in germany the login is also down
08:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
08:11.08Elkanoah, blue post: problem known, tech staff working on it
08:17.45Elkanook, servers back online :)
08:22.23KalrothI don't know what Blizzard is doing, but all the servers has been running really poorly lately :(
08:23.04Industrialyesterday i had 5 LD's
08:23.20KalrothWe had to abort C'Thun attempts because people kept going offline
08:31.48[MoonWolf]our premade wsg kept dropping our leader.
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08:54.36AnduinLotharwhat's the name of that mod that you can do football moved in raid dungous?
08:54.49AnduinLotharwith class icons..
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10:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
10:16.43Wobin_Can't remember offhand, but I -think- it was on ui.worldofwar?
11:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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11:41.18KirkburnNow _this_ is how to kill Ragnaros :D
11:43.15Kalroththe 35 mage one? :p
11:44.05Corrodias33, but otherwise, yes
11:50.10[MoonWolf]why are they playing firestarter when they are clearly ice mages ?
11:53.47Maldiviawas thinking the same thing... but damn, Ragnaros is a wuss against 33 mages :)
11:54.00Maldiviawell, he's a wuss normally aswell, but anyway :9
11:59.00Corrodiaswell. now, i have seen Gungrave.
12:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr1843@
12:43.22KasoHow do you exit the lua console,on the stand alone version
12:49.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
12:52.09Kasostdin:1: invalid control char near `char(4)' :<
12:53.58krka|worknever tried the console lua in windows though
12:55.28Kasois there a way to Reload my code file without reloading lua.exe
12:58.06wereHamsterKaso, taskmanager => kill process
12:58.16Kasothats what ive been doing, slightly annoying though
12:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:59.47krka|worktry os.exit(0)
13:00.49Kasoworked lovely thank you.
13:03.45Maldiviactrl-c works fine :9
13:04.08Kasohmm, im sure i tried that one
13:04.23Kasobah, guess im stupid
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13:48.41Maldiviahmm, anyone have a mirror for the us PTR patch ?
13:52.14wereHamsterI can give you the downloader..
13:52.24wereHamsteror the torrent if you  want :)
13:53.32Maldiviawell, I can't use a torrent here :)
13:54.48wereHamster100MB is too big to upload to my server ..
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14:08.29Maldiviaok, found a mirror :9
14:08.45Maldiviaand downloading from it with 1400kb/sec :)
14:10.19KasoI barely get that fast from my LAN DC++ hub let alone off the internet :<
14:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
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15:00.31Maldivia*smirk* new fake legendary
15:03.32MaldiviaI would be sorry for the warrior who uses it, and when it procs, and puts his shield wall on cooldown :9
15:03.49Kasothats not even that stupidly statted like the rest, cept the proc ofc
15:04.28Kasois statted even a word? It is a mystery
15:09.49Maldiviahmm... wow... the thaddius fight in naxx... sounds awesome!
15:14.48jb55Madivia, it's fake
15:15.00jb55I added a record to my itemcache and uploaded it :P
15:15.04jb55alla is so easy to fake out
15:15.17jb55would be a nice tank weapon though
15:15.56Kasowarriors need less legendaries anyway
15:16.01jb55we need more!
15:16.09jb55we need a legendary shield
15:16.46Kasohow about a legenerday warrior tabbard too?
15:17.28jb55legendary bracers
15:17.53Kasoattually, in real news, the Argent dawn and Scarlet Crusade tabbard in 1,11 fills me with joy
15:18.26Maldiviajb55:  <Maldivia> *smirk* new fake legendary <-- I know :)
15:18.47jb55guess the shield wall proc gave it away
15:18.55Maldiviato me anyway :)
15:19.28Maldivianice try, but I guess I know too much about the game, and it's items and spells to fall for it :
15:20.09Maldivia -- nerf shamans! (yeah, I know it's luck, the mage is sitting etc :)
15:20.34Kasopeople should fake epics in a believeable way and watch the ensuing debate as they guess which neaxx boss its from
15:21.03Kasoof even better give it stats that like 4 classes can use then watcht the OMG X ITEM hillarity ensue
15:21.13MaldiviaMake an cloth belt with +45 Spirit, and a +10 mana/5sec :)
15:25.54Temno int or healing bonus?
15:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:26.32Wobin_meh, I'd be happy with the 10mp5 =)
15:36.23KasoIs there any reason other than the extra effor it'd take to change why so many addons dont use SavedVariablesPerCharacter
15:39.57TainEffort is a good bar for some people.
15:40.37MaldiviaI use it in almost all my addons that saves variables...
15:40.44Maldiviaor well, a mix between global and per-chat
15:41.34Maldivia(and ok, I need to get away, I laughed a bit when I read char*, as a correction for chat)
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15:44.15End-sleepTo copy variables between characters you must copy out of game, and some AddOns already have an interface to copy between chars in game
15:44.30Endso they can't switch
15:45.20EndI always forget to copy settings over until I'm in-game anyways, logging out is annoying
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16:33.05Kasodoes the guy who owns ui.worldofwar come here ever?
16:41.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
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16:45.53grimmanThat'd be Rush I think...
16:47.56grimmanYou could leave a comment in the ui.wownet shout box, I think he reads that quite alot. But I don't think I've ever seen him here... not that I've been around much.
16:48.06grimmanAnyway, gotta go. /afk
16:51.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
16:51.23Kasoty for the info
16:52.33TemCide: you around?
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17:01.10CideTem: yup
17:01.28TemI have a suggestion for how CT_RA should handle /readycheck
17:01.56Cideshoot, I'm still debating what to do :)
17:02.36Temsince the event system doesn't send a "READY" event when you click ready (it does send a NOT READY event) have CTRA users also send a "READY" over the channel
17:02.43MaldiviaIriel: have you started your "actual API changes" list yet ?
17:03.13Cidewhat bothers me the most is that only the raid leader can call one
17:03.14Temso you can mark people ready/not ready as they respond to the prompt
17:03.23Temyeah, I'm not completely cool with that either
17:03.38TemI frequently do the readychecks, but I'm *never* the RL
17:04.10Cidepretty much
17:04.24TemI'm gonna make a post about it
17:04.35Cidesame thing goes with the targets
17:04.43Temanyone can set those
17:04.55Cideoh :) I was just gonna say, I haven't verified that though
17:04.59Tem(where "anyone" is a raid officer)
17:05.02Kasocan't you make it so non-raid leaders with CTRA can start a readycheck via the raidleader
17:05.12CideKaso: yes, but that's a very annoying way to do it
17:06.36KasoI does seem odd blizzard's one doesnt allow promoted to do it
17:07.55Cideif they "fix" that, then I can mostly get around by changing the annoying sound it uses :P
17:08.36CideTem: hmm, you said that a "NOT READY" event is sent - is that the second they press it?
17:08.48Maldiviatexture, application, type = UnitDebuff(unit, index)
17:08.54TemCide, yes
17:08.59Maldiviano more tooltip scanning for finding the type
17:09.06Cideyeah, saw that Maldivia
17:09.09Cidethat's nice
17:09.18CideTem: ah, good
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17:10.35TemCide: yeah it's a CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
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17:15.53Maldiviahmm, there should be an IQ test or something, before people can log on to the test servers...
17:16.41wereHamsterMaldivia, yay for the new UnitBuff() return value :)
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17:17.26Maldiviayeah, noticed the new API function GetPlayerBuffDispelType - so figured I'd test if UnitDebuff returned it - otherwise request it :)
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17:20.14wereHamsterwhat does GetPlayerBuffDispelType() do?
17:20.46MiravlixIt gets player buff display type and returns it to you
17:20.53Maldiviareturns "Magic", "Curse", "Poison" or "Disease", depending on what type of debuff it is
17:21.16Cide-localized or not?
17:21.27Temhopefully not
17:21.33MiravlixOh, one less thing to SetBuff
17:21.37Maldivianot localized
17:21.52wereHamsterwhy not just add an additional return value from PlayerBuff()
17:22.13Maldiviaor well, the strings are hardcoded in BuffFrame.lua, so doubt they are localized
17:22.34MiravlixGlobalStrings.lua is localized, so why not BuffFrame.lua?
17:22.50MaldiviawereHamster: well, because there are seperate function for texture, application etc for PlayerBuffs
17:23.06Maldiviabecause GlobalStrings.lua is auto-generated, BuffFrame.lua is not
17:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
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17:42.57Qzot2I'm thinking of an addon that redirects output sent to the chat frame to party/guild chat for the duraction of an included /command. Has something like this been written already?
17:43.09Qzot2Example: /2party /sl list
17:43.35Qzot2...would do a /sl list, intercept the output, and re-send it to the party channel.
17:48.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
17:52.08MiravlixProblem is you would intercept everything send to chat
17:52.26MiravlixIt can't guarentee it will only be the /sl list
17:53.22MiravlixYou can narrow it down with /system2party /sl list but then the user has to know what channel the output of a command goes to
17:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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17:59.25IrielMaldivia : I started collecting my notes for it, but I haven't posted it yet
17:59.29IrielMaldivia : Probably tonight
18:00.07MaldiviaIriel: UnitDebuff now returns debuffDispelType aswell ("Magic", "Curse", "Disease", "Poison" or nil)
18:01.27Maldiviathere are actually a lot of new API functions this patch
18:03.32IrielYeah, I diffed the API lists
18:03.33krkahm... i wonder if this 95 line limit applies to all editboxes
18:03.38krkaor if this one is special
18:03.46IrielThere's a bunch of unmentioned Widget changes too
18:04.24IrielThey're all here:
18:04.30Maldiviawas the "clampedToScreen" xml attribute codumented ?
18:04.36krkaprobably a scrollframe bug... hm
18:05.16IrielTexture:SetTexCoordModifiesRect for example
18:05.38IrielMaldivia : The API call to do that was documented, we rarely if ever get told about corresponding XML changes
18:05.46Maldiviayeah, true
18:05.58Maldiviahmm, SetTExCoordModifiesRect sounds fun
18:08.48krkaIriel, do you have any guess as to why my editbox gets rendered oddly after 95 lines?
18:09.27krkaactually, may not be exactly 95
18:09.32krkai forgot to consider wraparounds
18:11.11krkacould be the height of the container or something.. hm
18:12.25Qzot2Miravlix: I don't think this is a serious problem. The output would *only* be hooked for the duration of the execution of the /sl command.
18:13.41Qzot2I think that probably means that the back end probably can't even interrupt, because of the way the Lua VM works.
18:14.03Qzot2(Were there enough 'probably's in the last sentence to leave me some weasel room?)
18:17.09Miravlixbecause of the way that Lua VM probably works?
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18:34.08Irielkrka: I have no idea 8-)
18:35.12krkathen i'm screwed :P
18:35.53IrielWhat was that about the lua VM?
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18:37.04krkayeah, probably
18:37.14IrielInteresting, ReloadUI now requires hardware input
18:37.48wereHamsterdoes it mean /reload won't work anymore?
18:38.38IrielIt works fine
18:38.46Irielchat entry became a hardware event in 1.10
18:39.01MiravlixIt's Cosmos ReloadUI with emote support that breaks.
18:39.10wereHamsteroh.. I didn't know that :)
18:39.13MiravlixIt has a timer before it reloadui
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18:40.37MiravlixAnd I can't make emote handling work without a timeout before the reload
18:40.55KasoWhy an emote?
18:41.15MiravlixSo others can see I'm 'not' there
18:41.44MiravlixProblem is the DoEmote("sleep") is delayed and wont get processed before the ReloadUI()
18:41.55krkai bet blizz broke it just to spite you :P
18:42.00MiravlixSo since my code does a DoEmote("sit") on PeW
18:42.15IrielI suspect they broke it to work around an AFK avoidance issue
18:42.20MiravlixIt unfortunately still sleeps after it's loged in
18:42.33krkaIriel, or communication with the world
18:42.38MiravlixI still go afk right on login when I do /reload
18:42.56IrielOh, maybe it's a different thing people are doing then
18:42.59MiravlixSo I don't see where reloadui caused a afk avoider
18:43.34IrielPseudo-real-time updates of data or something via automatic reloads, I'm sure there's SOME reason for it 8-)
18:44.19MiravlixJust to bad the delayed emote gets send back to my client so late.
18:44.37MiravlixThat even using PeW isn't late enough for doing the wakeup emote
18:45.01MiravlixHmm, perhaps Chronos.afterInit would be late enough
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18:50.20MiravlixI'm already doing it using Chronos.afterInit so no dice. :p
18:59.58Cairennclad|sleep: well duh, of course we'll host it for you
19:02.19kremonteany people here who could translate something to german for me? doing a french project for humor :3
19:05.29Qzot2(Just back from a meeting. Iriel: Will re-send the original musing...)
19:05.47Qzot2I'm thinking of an addon that redirects output sent to the chat frame to party/guild chat for the duraction of an included /command. Has something like this been written already?
19:05.56Qzot2Example: /2party /sl list
19:06.06Qzot2...would do a /sl list, intercept the output, and re-send it to the party channel.
19:06.18Qzot2Miravlix: I don't think this is a serious problem. The output would *only* be hooked for the duration of the execution of the /sl command.
19:06.30Qzot2I think that probably means that the back end probably can't even interrupt, because of the way the Lua VM works.
19:06.38Qzot2(Were there enough 'probably's in the last sentence to leave me some weasel room?)
19:06.48Qzot2[End of replay]
19:07.11MiravlixHmm, ChannelManager has a ReloadUI() delayer that seems a bit more complicated to remove
19:07.18Wobin_I was thinking "Wow, covering all the bases and possible replies all at the same time.."
19:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
19:08.34Cidewhy delay ReloadUI()?
19:09.51Qzot2And...? Has something like this been written already?
19:10.10LegorolIriel, did you mean to convince us that you exist?
19:10.52MiravlixHmm, how do you /afk in a script?
19:11.11Kasosendchatmessage(msg,"AFK") isnt it
19:13.06MiravlixI get a cached message about being afk, that happends at PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, when doing DoEmote("sleep");ReloadUI()
19:13.16MiravlixAbout sleeping
19:13.39IrielQzot2: I'm not aware of something that does that
19:14.13Qzot2k. If I can reach the end of it, I'll add it to my to-do list.
19:14.18IrielQzot2: The comment about interruption is probably largely correct, but there **ARE** some events that can be delivered during the execution of normal code
19:14.25MiravlixHmm, no when I turn on my event watcher, I can see it happends quite a bit later than PeW and thats my problem
19:14.42IrielQzot2: Your code can't be pre-empted, but certain API calls can dispatch an event before their return.
19:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
19:14.44Qzot2Even the occasional glitch should not be that problematic.
19:14.54MiravlixIt's really hard to find an event to fire on to do my DoEmote("sit") after it
19:15.04Qzot2Iriel: Fascinating. I didn't know that.
19:15.14IrielQzot2 : Target changes, for example
19:15.49Qzot2But even in that case, it might be reasonable to divert any chat output generated because of the event call.
19:16.27Qzot2The only problem would be diverting chat output that was generated by *incoming* chat that came during the execution of the command. That can't happen, can it?
19:17.59IrielThat wouldn't currently happen, correct
19:18.18Irielserver-generated events aren't dispatched mid-execution of something else
19:18.32IrielMake sure you use pcall to tidy up if the thing you call breaks 8-)
19:19.13KasoIs there anyway of getting your Name and Guild tag above your own head?
19:19.26IrielKaso: Short of drawing them on screen with a marker, no
19:19.31Kasoaww :<
19:19.43IrielKaso: (Or doing an addon that's the equivalent of the drawn-on-screen labelling)
19:20.16Kaso2D pastes onto 3d enviroment suck
19:20.34KasoI want to show my my awesome <Kaso> Guild tag
19:26.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Rokka (
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19:27.32Maldiviahmm, drone storm... my backlog in #C++ is 85% has quit (K-Lined)
19:28.53MiravlixHmm, something has changed the cached sleep happends just micro seconds before Chronos.afterInit
19:29.47Rokaris it possible to change a characters hairstyle in the same way you can change their race/gender?
19:38.14MiravlixFOR THE LOVE OF GOD, this freaking sucks
19:38.38MiravlixUsing CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE event to capture the cached DoEmote("something");ReloadUI()
19:38.54MiravlixAnd my event is exectued BEFORE the event
19:39.17IrielWhich event is which?
19:39.52MiravlixDoEmote("sleep") creates the event CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE,You fall asleep. Zzzzzzz.
19:40.09MiravlixThat event isn't sent to my client before a bit after PeW.
19:40.54MiravlixSo I though I was smart in event catching it, but CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE is given to my event handler, before it's processed
19:41.07Kaso(noob question: PeW?)
19:41.20MiravlixSo my DoEmote("sit") ends up being executed before the cached DoEmote("sleep")
19:41.30zenzelezzKaso: PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
19:42.18Wobin_(I would so <3 Blizzard if they put that event in)
19:42.21MiravlixYour raid crashed and is all login back in?
19:43.34IrielSo let me get this straight...
19:44.06Irielwhat do you mean by "is given to my event handler, before it's processed" ?
19:44.21IrielDo you mean your client gets the notification before your character actually performs the action?
19:45.19MiravlixUsing a Chronos.schedule(1 second in the future to fix it.
19:45.43IrielIs that because you get the notification and that triggers both the message and the START of the animation, which then takes time to happen?
19:46.16MiravlixI don't know where in the UI it tells the GFX to do the emote
19:46.53MiravlixBut emotes is lagged.
19:46.55Wobin_Could be lag?
19:47.43Irielwell, you could tell, visually
19:47.58MiravlixIt caches a DoEmote("sleep");ReloadUI() until after PeW, so it's way lagged
19:48.05MiravlixSome kind of synchronization
19:48.11IrielAs we talked about when you were first playing with this, your client is reacting to asynchronous events going via the server
19:48.14krkaMiravlix, just make a a macro that uses two keypresses
19:48.26krkaonce to sleep, twice to log out
19:48.26IrielI bet if you had 2 computers logged in, the first one would see you fall asleep as you reload
19:48.30MiravlixIt's the ReloadUI addon
19:48.30Irielon the second
19:48.50Irielbut the second one doesn't get to process those events until after it's done reloading, thus the apparent delay
19:49.05MiravlixI could do a for i=1, 1000000000 do end
19:49.17MiravlixDo create intentional lag for the emote to take effect
19:49.39IrielThat wont help you
19:49.51IrielThe problem isn't the emote taking effect, it's your client being able to react to it
19:49.57IrielAt least, that's my theory
19:50.15MiravlixIf the emote is handled before my client reload
19:50.33MiravlixThen it wont synchronize with the server after a reload
19:50.58Irielbut it can't be handled in the middle of a busy loop
19:51.01Irielit'll be in the event queue
19:51.02MiravlixThats why a DoEmote("sleep");wait 3 seconds;ReloadUI() was nice
19:51.21Irielthe question is whether the client's event queue is preserved during a reload
19:51.37AnduinLotharyou could just make a global flag and hit the emote twice..
19:51.39IrielIf it's not, then the busy loop might help (And you can use GetTime() in the loop)
19:51.42MiravlixNaah, it's some synchronization with the server
19:51.59IrielIf it is, then there's nothing you can do about it
19:53.24IrielI dont THINK this is all that mysterious, there are 3 components involved
19:53.43Iriel[Asynchronous UI] [Threaded WoW Client] <------> [Asynchronous WoW Server]
19:53.58Irielwhen you execute DoEmote("sleep") that triggers a message to the server
19:54.12Irielwhich is processed, and the event responses come back shortly after to the client and then eventually to the UI
19:54.22MiravlixAnd the feedback is queued, due to my client doing a ReloadUI()
19:54.23IrielReloadUI() however, is processed immediately by the UI
19:54.27MiravlixI know that already
19:54.47MiravlixOther players sees me as sleeping
19:55.00Irielthe question is, if you execute a busy wait in the UI, long enough that the server would have responded to the event, does that event get queued in the client, or discarded during the reload
19:55.21MiravlixMy problem is finding a way to wake up after I log in again
19:55.21IrielIf it's queued, then there's no point in waiting, you're going to have the same issue when you come back anyway.
19:56.27IrielAnd just firing DoEmote("sit") on PEW doesn't cut it?
19:56.33MiravlixI haven't bothered with any delay solution at all, because there isn't a way to call the wow event handler, to finish things up, even if I could loop
19:56.48MiravlixNope, because the cached sleep event happends after PeW
19:56.49IrielMiravlix : Well, there IS a way, but you sacrifice your hardware event 8-)
19:57.00IrielTrue, but why is that a problem?
19:57.06IrielThe sit event should follow it
19:57.11MiravlixBecause DoEmote("sit")
19:57.19Irielafterall, everyone else sees you as sleeping already
19:57.20MiravlixWill be overruled by the cached event
19:57.24Miravlixand I will stay sleeping
19:57.33IrielReally? that's weird, are you sitting to everyone else?
19:58.00MiravlixI'm still sleeping, so somehow the DoEmote("sit") is ignored
19:58.32IrielSo no matter when you send sit, if it's before your client's seen the sleep, it gets ignored?
19:58.34MiravlixExcept when I Chronos.schedule(longenoughdelaytobeafterthecachedsleep
19:58.48IndustrialI'm rick james bitch:
19:58.55MiravlixIriel: Yeps
19:59.02IrielCan you just send a sit on PEW, then if you see a sleep anytime in the next say, 10 seconds, send a second sit?
19:59.24MiravlixBecause if I see the emote it's still before the emote happend
19:59.46MiravlixSo it would still be DoEmote("sit") while the server is processing the sleep
20:00.08IrielWell, you have chronos, so you can send that second sit a timed period later
20:00.23IrielIt's still more reliable than randomly offsetting a sit from PEW
20:02.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
20:02.24cmunnWow, It almost looks like Blizzard's trying to absorb CTRA with 1.11, lol
20:02.32MiravlixI hate non atomic programming
20:03.19MiravlixHmm, what I do now is watch for the chat event, then execute DoEmote("sit") a second later, that seems to work reliably.
20:03.45MiravlixBut unfortunately my UI isn't lagged at the moment, so Chronos.afterInit actually works too.
20:04.04MiravlixHmm, if I set it to 5 seconds, it should guarentee even with bad lag, that it gets done.
20:05.47Kasothis seems alot of effort just to /sleep when you reloadUI
20:06.06MiravlixTell that to Slouken he made ReloadUI a hardware event
20:06.49MiravlixIt was a few lines of code before 1.11 now I had to remove the delayed reloadUI() call and all this nonsense
20:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:08.13IrielMost of us just stay standing when we reload 8-)
20:08.43MiravlixWell, I'm a social creature, it's quite annoying for others not to know if I'm there or not
20:09.01AnduinLotharyou get all their msgs..
20:09.04Gryphenhow long is your reload?
20:09.18MiravlixI have 10 pages of spam on login
20:09.23CideI have never missed any
20:09.27MiravlixMy reload is 30+ seconds
20:09.35IrielWouldn't removing the spam be a better solution?
20:09.35Grypheni havent ever noticed any missed messages
20:09.39AnduinLotharso is mine... I've never had a problem
20:09.53MiravlixI do
20:10.02IrielThe events are queued, as noted by this problem, the question is whether they're still on the screen after all your other stuff happens
20:10.10cmunnOr if you've got that much spam, create a new chat tab and only select say, yell, whisper, guild, etc
20:10.45MiravlixI have 4 chat tabs already
20:10.53cmunnThen what's one more <3
20:10.54MiravlixNo room left in my UI for more.
20:11.23MiravlixThen I would miss even mroe since I had to change tab to read it all
20:11.43cmunnthen you're getting too many messages.  I suggest burning some bridges
20:12.04AnduinLotharya, what happened to not being social?
20:12.30Cideprogrammers are not meant to be social. you're destroying the stereotype.
20:12.32cmunnLast I heard that was a prerequisite for coding.... Are you hacking?
20:12.34Cidestop it immediately!
20:12.36MiravlixI like it this way, I DoEmote("sleep") so ppl can tell I'm gone and DoEmote("sit") when I return
20:13.03Kasowhat if people you're talking too arent near you?
20:13.25Miravlixconsidering a timed queue of last channel/whisper communicates to send to those too
20:13.36AnduinLotharspam ftl
20:13.41MiravlixBut I'm just going with adding /afk
20:13.58AnduinLotharbetter idea
20:14.14AnduinLothardouble click macro for ju!
20:14.36cmunnOr you could try SendChatMessage("Thanks for all the epics!", "GUILD"); GuildLeave():
20:14.50MiravlixSo when are they going to make DoEmote require a hardware event?
20:14.53cmunnerr... GuildLeave();
20:15.07MiravlixLoss the ;'s
20:15.23cmunnEven if it's on one line?
20:15.30IrielYou dont need them
20:15.33Cidelose :)
20:15.33MiravlixThey are totally pointless
20:15.35IrielBut they're not hurting
20:15.39CideI still prefer semicolons
20:15.41Irielunless you run out of space 8-)
20:15.45Grypheni prefer em too
20:15.46IrielI find they aid readability
20:15.48Cidethey're not entirely pointless, no (like Iriel described)
20:15.49ckknightagreed, Miravlix
20:16.04ckknightI typically use semicolons if things are on the same line (which I only do when sending someone a message)
20:16.04Cideaye, I agree with Iriel. it helps a *lot* when you code several different languages (a lot of languages require them)
20:16.04MiravlixI use comma when it's required
20:16.05Gryphenespecially cross coding where a lot of other languages need em
20:16.06IrielThere's also a fringe case where they're REQUIRED
20:16.06Kasothey make my eyes hurt :< give my plain old any day
20:16.15Irielcomma is worse than semicolon
20:16.22Irielsince comma means the language has to build up a list
20:16.28ckknightthey're pointless in lua, though, except for a few fringe cases
20:16.35Iriellogically, it may be smart enough to optimize it
20:16.46Kasowhich finge cases?
20:16.48Cideckknight: so not pointless? :)
20:16.49Miravlixtable = { this = "test", huba = "hoba", }
20:17.05MiravlixI find comma in those much more usefull
20:17.12ckknightI agree, Miravlix
20:17.21AnduinLotharmeh, i use whatever strikes my fancy at the time
20:17.22IrielIn tables, yes, comma in a table constructor
20:17.31IrielI thought you meant within a statement
20:17.32MiravlixEspecially since they aren't confused with all the ppl dropping ; everywhere
20:17.46MiravlixIriel: Comma and ; works the same in that table
20:17.59MiravlixIt just have to be a seperator
20:18.00IrielMiravlix : I know
20:18.15IrielMiravlix : I thought you meant /script a(),b(),c()
20:18.24MiravlixCan't you do DoEmote("sit"), ReloadUI() too?
20:18.41AnduinLotharwho want to test wardrobe before I release it to the wild?
20:18.45IrielActually, I guess /script local _=a(),b(),c()
20:18.56MiravlixNot me your last beta screwed me over. :p
20:19.44AnduinLotharback up your wtf silly
20:20.14cmunnOr buy a second machine for UI testing, like all the cool kids
20:20.17AnduinLotharfine then I'll sick it on the users and see who dies first
20:21.19ckknightIriel, why would you do that?
20:21.54Irielckknight : I have no idea, but that's what I thought when I read "<Miravlix> I use comma when it's required"
20:22.06ckknightokay, I don't think he was implying that case
20:22.12ckknightjust for tables and such
20:22.12IrielHe wasn't
20:22.15Irielhe was referring to tables
20:22.17ckknightalright then
20:22.44MiravlixIsn't this how you do /afk in scripts? /script SendChatMessage("Reloading UI", "AFK")
20:23.42IrielThat's what the UI does for /afk
20:24.10MiravlixHmm, I can't include a message
20:24.16Miravlixit works if I do "", "AFK"
20:25.14IrielSlashCmdList["CHAT_AFK"] = function(msg) SendChatMessage(msg, "AFK"); end
20:25.19IrielThat's the standard /afk command in blizzland
20:26.27MiravlixI am a bit mistifyed why I can't set the afk message
20:29.30MiravlixSendChatMessage("", "AFK");ReloadUI() doesn't work
20:30.43AnduinLotharmmm, curse added 'Support Author' paypal buttons, nifty
20:31.11ckknightMiravlix, sometimes I reloadUI and don't want to /afk, such as if I'm in BG
20:31.37ckknightAnduinLothar, yea, pretty neat
20:32.07AnduinLotharany idea what the #'s next to the dependancies is for?
20:32.12MiravlixSilly me
20:32.30MiravlixYou can't send a SendChatMessage("something", "AFK") when you are afk
20:32.32AnduinLotharand why they dont list with spaces and commas..
20:32.50AnduinLotharoh, curse id
20:34.41Miravlixckknight: I was thinking of making /rla and /rl so you can choose
20:35.40Kasowhy not use DND instead?
20:35.50Qzot2Iriel: I thought commas and semicolons were interchangable, since you can use both in a list.
20:35.54krkathat's a completely different game
20:36.25MaldiviaQzot2: in table constuctors, they are
20:37.15Maldiviaeverywhere else they have a different meaning
20:41.38MiravlixHow do I detect DND status on self?
20:42.22Kasowhisper youself? :>
20:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
20:42.56MiravlixI can't catch events
20:43.06MiravlixI need hardware events...
20:43.32MiravlixI could monitor DND and have a flag telling if it's on or off.
20:44.05Kasothink that might be the only sensible way
20:53.31TainIs there anything to keep yourself from auto-flagging afk?  Not looking to avoid disconnect on inactivity, just the afk flag coming on.
20:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
20:59.14*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (i=the_real@
21:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
21:01.13zespri|homelol flight master in rachet! now horde has very easy time questing up to lvl 30 =)
21:01.24duke|ibwhat? lame :(
21:01.37duke|ibi wish the alliance had a zone like the barrens
21:02.12Wobin_What, like Westfall/Darkshire/Redridge?
21:02.18The-RealI head lightning strike nearby... and suddently, I had no Internet... :)
21:02.33zespri|homewhat zone Talendris Point is in?
21:02.39duke|ibWobin_: make darkshire and redridge alliance territory, then we've got a deal
21:03.03Wobin_The-Real: Maybe it's connected! =)
21:03.11The-Realyou think ?
21:03.20Wobin_Quick, check if your milk has gone sour!
21:03.36Wobin_I bet you milk turning sour will make your internet fail!
21:09.01Industrialredridge sucks
21:09.04Industrialwestfall is ok
21:09.07Industrialdone it too much
21:09.13Industrialdarkshire is cool
21:09.27The-Reallock modan...
21:09.31Industrialsucks also
21:09.47Industrialwheee im so happy
21:09.48The-Realbut done them a lot of times :)
21:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
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21:18.31KirkburnDoes anyone have the latest Office beta or Vista beta on their system? If so, I need a favour :)
21:19.02Kirkburnzespri|home, it's Azshara
21:19.29KirkburnI'm sure you've already found that out though :P
21:19.48KirkburnRedridge ain't that bad - there's loads of quests right next to the town
21:20.04KirkburnIgnore the orc quests and you don't have to go far at all
21:28.08*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
21:43.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Crazy (
21:47.03Shouryuu|Crazyfine, don't act scared
21:47.39Wobin_oh noes I is escared I need a huggle
21:47.58Wobin_I can't do it as well as Gryph =(
21:48.09Shouryuu|CrazyHe's had lots and lots of training
21:51.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
21:58.43KirkburnAaaaaHhhh!!! Shouryuu|Crazy is scary!!!!  /cry
21:58.59Shouryuu|CrazyYeah I've gone mad
21:59.24Wobin_It finally happened. Happened
21:59.26Wobin_It finally happened. Happened
21:59.35Wobin_It finally happened, he's slighty maaad
21:59.40Wobin_So very slightly maad
22:00.30Shouryuu|CrazyI'm going slightly madddddd
22:00.34Shouryuu|CrazyI'm going, slightly mad....
22:02.31KirkburnGawd wowwiki is sloow when editing stuff
22:02.45Shouryuu|CrazyGawd I'm bored
22:02.58KirkburnUpdate the wowwiki then
22:03.52KirkburnWatching it load is like watching paint dry
22:04.06Shouryuu|CrazyI wana I wana
22:04.12Shouryuu|Crazypick me pick meeee
22:13.16Qzot2Did you guys catch the paint-drying playoffs this weekend?
22:14.32KirkburnI'm still watching them ... :-/
22:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
22:19.04TemIriel: you around?
22:19.42Temer, well, it doesn't have to be him..
22:20.09TemAnyone have any suggestions for graphically representing an "object tree?"
22:20.25IrielTem; Yes
22:20.36IrielYou mean a type tree, or an instance tree?
22:20.37Qzot2What do you mean by "object tree"?
22:20.41Temtype tree
22:20.46Temclass A
22:20.51Temclass  B extends A
22:20.56IrielUML ?
22:21.24Iriel(Only the class hierarchy parts of UML tho)
22:21.33Wobin_UML works well enough
22:21.34TemI'm not familliar with it
22:21.45Temhow steep of a learning curve does it have?
22:21.48qw`Design Class Diagram, look up UML to find it, or Rational Unified Process under planning stage
22:21.49IrielIt's basically boxes and arrows with appropriately shaped heads
22:22.10purlrumour has it, uml is User Mode Linux, which allows you to boot a kernel in user space.  Unified Modelling Language, or at, or has been integrated in ac patches
22:23.09IrielQzot2: Bad UML experiences?
22:23.20Qzot2Um. What made you say that?
22:23.25Wobin_There are -good- UML experiences? =P
22:23.54Irielwell, there are 'I needed to draw a class hierarchy and used UML symbols because I had templates for them in my visualization package' experiences
22:24.10IrielI dont buy in to the greater UML vision, I must say
22:24.58Qzot2Agreed. But in general, I place UML in the same category as model-driven design and J2EE.
22:25.21Qzot2I'm sure there's a kernel of a good idea in them somewhere...
22:25.21qw`UML is just a tool to abstract information into chunks and speed up the information sharing, imho
22:25.39Qzot2I see UML where people are trying to compile it. :P
22:25.53Wobin_I see dead people.
22:25.53Qzot2Or generate it automagically from the source. :P
22:26.20EndI usually only see living people.
22:26.26qw`Ah, generated UML usually suck. But using UML as a tool during design and testing is very useful
22:26.59Qzot2Yes. Iran is only going to use the uranium for peaceful purposes.
22:27.27Qzot2Sorry, qw. Uncalled for. I agree with you completely.
22:27.27EndAnd I only spend 100% of my time at work working.
22:28.02Qzot2But it's hard to strain out the utility of UML from the imbecility I see it connected with.
22:28.49TainYou're writing a kernel in UML?
22:29.17wereHamsteryay.. PTR character copied :)
22:29.25qw`When did UML become a programming language? :P
22:30.02IrielIT's a modelling language, but people wrote tools to create code from the model
22:30.51qw`Yeah, I tried out Eclipse with Omondo UML, but it only generates the shells of a class afaik, you still have to implement the logic
22:31.11Wobin_PlzWriteMyPrgrm4Me? =)
22:32.45qw`But maybe the proprietary tools, like Visual Paradigm, can engineer entire java applications from drag and drop UML. I never got to try the expensive versions
22:33.17Wobin_It may be able to engineer the systems... but how well coded is it?
22:33.38Qzot2Heh. It all amounts to the same thing...
22:35.04qw`Too much UML; lack of tits detected. Therefore I link you this ->
22:35.05Qzot2There's a difference between providing excellent tools that help a software engineer/programmer/analyst do her job, and trying to eliminate the engineering aspect altogether, i.e., trying to make it so that any manager/monkey/person-off-the-street can develop software. The two are *often* confused.
22:36.03qw`you have to throw efficiency into that mix. A tool like UML used correctly is awesome for making a monkey / manager understand some of the concepts
22:36.06Qzot2You can provide excellent tools that help someone engineer well, *without* removing the engineering inherent in the process.
22:36.19Qzot2Qw: Agreed.
22:36.50Qzot2COBOL was designed so that managers could check their programmers' work.
22:37.22Qzot2In the end, COBOL programs grew complex enough to prevent that, in spite of the verbosity.
22:39.05qw`UML is kind of like RUP, you have to pick the tasks and artifacts you want to make that suits the project and drop the rest that will only create overhead. Less document wanking imho and more time spent on actually developing the software. I'm a big fan of iterative and domain centered development
22:41.01qw`Even though it feels very uncomfortable from a project lead viewpoint when the specifications aren't set in stone from the get go
22:44.33KasoIs there any way of getting the last line of ChatFrame, like for a macro so no hooking or anything.
22:45.32Temnot that I know of
22:45.50qw`.//echo -a &1-
22:45.56Qzot2Qw: Agreed. That's what RUP even says to do. But as Boehm points out, that's not what usually happens. The most frightened stakeholder in a project usually insists on doing everything available in the process.
22:46.42qw`ignore my echo thing, I was going to see if I remembered the mIRC way to echo the last line
22:47.51qw`Qzot2 - I'd like to see a three week project utilizing the entire RUP suite :P
22:50.49Qzot2Qw: Exactly.
22:51.00qw`Qzot2 - I'm not sure if it's because the stakeholder is frightened; people have a problem relating to an iterative model vs the plain waterfall method of doing things, and documenting every nook and corner != iterative
22:51.20Qzot2I think we're in violent agreement.
22:51.46Qzot2(And even the original proposer of the waterfall model viewed the stages as linked feedback loops.)
22:51.48qw`I think I like violent agreements
22:53.22qw`I tried explaing this to someone I know why it's so hard to understand. The best analogy I could come up with was that outside the software world things just doesn't happen iteratively. You don't build part of the foundation of a house, part of the bathroom and part of the livingroom at the same time, everything goes stage #1 -> stage #2 -> stage #3 -> finish with a huge blueprint to boot
22:54.37qw`Would probably be an interesting house thoug
22:54.49IrielThere's no reason you can't build software that way
22:55.17qw`Yeah, hence outside the software world
22:55.25IrielThe metaphor works best when you consider a complex single entity like say, a foundation
22:56.12IrielThe construction plan doesn't lay out every microscopic detail of its construction and expect there to be no changes
22:56.28Irielit either says 'put this kind of foundation here' and leaves it for the people on-site to figure out how to address unexpected issues
22:56.45IrielOr it lays out excruciating detail INCLUDING what to do when something unexpected happens
22:57.02qw`But you can't change the foundation when you're laying rooftiles, which is the major derivation from an agile and iterative software approach
22:57.12IrielI find real construction and software has more in common than people give it credit for
22:57.25Irielthe difference is that in software you can throw a house away and start again, re-using work you did before
22:57.47IrielYou really CAN change the foundation when you're laying rooftiles
22:57.50Irielbut it's expensive
22:57.55Irielthat's true in software also
23:03.11qw`The ramifications of changing the foundation on a house because you CAN do it != it's as simple as it is in a project that is planned for changes, big or small, which is my point that building a house is mainly waterfall thinking.
23:18.15kremonteis strlower() any faster than string.lower()? :x
23:19.28Wobin_syntactic sugar I imagine
23:19.35Irieltechnically it is
23:19.44Irielsince string.lower requires a second table dereference
23:19.57IrielBut dont use strlower
23:20.08Irielif you have to call it a bunch of times locally alias it anyway
23:20.29Irielstring.lower is the 'right' function, strlower is a compat.lua crutch for old code
23:20.30kremonteah was just wondering if it helped either; just calling it twice in this function
23:21.09IrielNot that it's likely to go away anytime, but from a best practices perspective...
23:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Crazy (
23:24.54kremonteanyone around that can translate a sentence to german for me? :x
23:25.17Shouryuu|CrazyNot I
23:27.46KirkburnSaid the wolf.
23:28.06KirkburnBut was he wearing sheep's clothing?
23:28.06Shouryuu|CrazySaid the wolf.... hummm what are you quoting?
23:28.22KirkburnRandom stuff =)
23:28.37Shouryuu|CrazyKirkburn You in Rome right?
23:28.53Kirkburn'Oook' - The Librarian?
23:28.59KirkburnNo, Perugia
23:29.26Kirkburn(you would have to have read Discworld novels to understand why a librarian might say 'oook' :)
23:29.45Shouryuu|CrazyDidn't do that, sorry =(
23:29.54KirkburnI was thinking of going to Rome tomorrow, but I'm too tired/lazy
23:30.23KirkburnI went last week though - does that count? =)
23:30.49Shouryuu|CrazyYou're studying there right?
23:30.57Shouryuu|CrazyIn Italy
23:31.00KirkburnYeah, got about 1 more month here
23:31.27KirkburnThen I can finally get to see my girlfriend again! :D :D :D :D
23:31.35Shouryuu|CrazyThen you're going back to England or whereever you were>
23:33.01KirkburnI've got the apartment here until July, so we may have a short holiday here before I go back to england
23:33.21KirkburnI haven't seen her since her birthday on the 14th Feb :-/
23:34.10Shouryuu|CrazyWell I'm going to go back feigning sleep
23:34.16Shouryuu|Crazyrawr out
23:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:46.35AnduinLotharwow, that's odd. I think they changed the way the mployee accounts work
23:46.50AnduinLotharused to say 300 month game card
23:46.52Qzot2Who? How?
23:47.01AnduinLotharbut mine got revoked
23:47.08AnduinLotharand they charged me for this month
23:47.28Qzot2You are/used-to-be an employee?
23:47.39AnduinLotharwas qa for 2 months
23:48.44AnduinLotharand my friends/family accounts got revoked too, went back up to full price
23:49.09IrielPerhaps it's just them finally catching on to you not working there?
23:49.32AnduinLotharbut two still work
23:49.37AnduinLotharonly one got revoced
23:49.43Qzot2Ouch: QA rarely gets the respect/resources/relationships needed to do a good job. Plus, a 2-mo stint doesn't sound like fun.
23:50.40AnduinLothartheir QA is pretty large and a cool group of people, but it's self limitting. Wasn't much place for improvement or creativity
23:51.23AnduinLotharand of course the people above you wish they had been promoted 6 mo ago so they're not to hot on you going anywhere or having more than they have
23:51.51AnduinLothar2 months was enough for my personality
23:51.55Tem~Dr. Tran
23:51.58purlCowboy hat!
23:52.26Temrofl. awesome
23:53.36AnduinLotharya, only my main account got revoked. My testing account was still exempt and I was able to use my last subscription number to get my main account exempt again... just odd... not really something i can complain to blizz about

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