irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060521

03:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (i=Cide@
03:21.14cladhairedamnit, tem ran away
03:21.44Wobin_Sea =)
03:22.08Wobin_Sea has dropped it into the global namespace =)
03:22.46AnduinLotharmmm, shouldn't be
03:22.47Wobin_I may have an old version
03:22.48AnduinLotharbut i know a lot of addons that define print themselves
03:22.51Wobin_hrm, that's true
03:22.59Wobin_anyway, I'll go edit my post
03:24.07AnduinLotharso I got Earth working
03:24.16cladhairehow much change?
03:24.19AnduinLotharkhaos itself has no bugs
03:24.32AnduinLotharwell i had to update 6 or 7 files
03:24.48AnduinLotharbut it was all in relation to the Button Text format change
03:24.50cladhairerelatively painless i hope?
03:25.49AnduinLothartracking it down was a pain, but the updating wasn't too bad. Most of the things allowed for less code because we previously had to resize all three FontStrings, but now it's just Font objects with a single FontString
03:26.39Wobin_I <3 that
03:26.47Wobin_It makes things so much simpler
03:27.16AnduinLotharyes, it does. but i dont remember reading about it in warning in the change thread
03:28.47Irielthere was a big post about it
03:29.02AnduinLotharlazy.. unobservant...
03:33.32AnduinLotharam i crazy or can the minimap zoom out further?
03:35.07Legoroldoes anyone have experience using the Blizzard repair tool?
03:35.30LegorolEach time I run it, it comes up with a different list of files that are apparently corrupted
03:36.01Legorolif i let it download and repair stuff, it downloads a few files, then it claims it's repaired my WoW
03:36.17Legorolif i run it again, it finds more corrupted files (different ones) and proceeds to download those too
03:36.19Legorolwhat's going on?
03:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
03:36.58IrielHm, is your hard drive happy?
03:38.11Legorolit's a brand new one, bought a few weeks ago
03:38.29Legorolwhat's even stranger is that the Repair utility does this to a fresh install of WoW, off of a retail copy
03:38.49LegorolI have verified the retail media by copying the installer tomes to my HD and checking their MD5 sums
03:38.53Wobin_maybe your repair util is the one thats corrupted? =)
03:39.03Legorolthey check out, so I know my DVD is not damaged
03:39.16LegorolWobin_: quite possibly
03:42.53TainMaybe the repair utility has been drinking.
03:43.13AnduinLotharwow, never know yatlas had a full screen mode
03:43.35AnduinLothartoo bad it's laggy when you zoom out a lot
03:46.08AnduinLotharheh, yatlas goes crazy on the new resized east plagues
03:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
04:24.55*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:25.27Taingood evening slouken
04:25.40sloukenHey Tain. :)
04:26.27sloukenSo is the sky falling yet? :)
04:26.49MiravlixYes, but I mentioned that earlier.
04:27.08TainThe sky has been falling for the last few weeks here in New England.
04:27.11TainBut it can't rain all the time.
04:27.34AnduinLotharspeaking of sky the new dymanic clouds are nifty
04:28.28Temweren't they always like that?
04:28.35Temjust very, very slow change?
04:28.38AnduinLotharmmm, maybe..
04:28.52MiravlixThere is lots of Thunder in Teldrassil
04:29.00MiravlixI've never noticed it being that noisy there before
04:29.01AnduinLothari dont remember the weather changing in between zones tho
04:29.17Temhmm, is the login server down?
04:29.25TemI'm unable to login to account management on the site
04:30.08TainActually I have to say I really liked the visuals of rain in Stranglethorn.
04:30.38TainThe combination of rain coming down, and mist from it, was really nice.
04:30.57IrielClouds have always been dynamic, yeah
04:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:31.11AnduinLotharlazy.. unobservant...
04:31.24TainIt can't rain all the time, the skies won't fall forever.
04:31.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:31.43Temyeah, on my 24 ish undead rogue, I was knocked off the zepplin by typical server nonsense in STV
04:31.47Temwhen it was raining
04:31.48*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:31.50AnduinLotharanyway, the Earth fixed all but like 2 cosmos bugs
04:32.06TemI sat there for like... 40 minutes, just watching it rain
04:32.31AnduinLotharsct has a globals issue and MapNotes has the same button issue
04:32.45AnduinLotharbut ya... login is fubar atm
04:33.00ckknighthooray for fubar
04:33.10MiravlixHow do I include spaces in SVN:Externals local directories?
04:33.10TainNo, hooray for booies.
04:33.25AnduinLotharsurround in "
04:34.07MiravlixHmm, nope, doesn't like "Cosmos tests"
04:36.34Tainhaha just found an old sig I made.  I need to update it with a current character.
04:37.32ckknightTain, I agree. hooray for boobies.
04:37.46ckknightMiravlix, Cosmos\ tests
04:38.07MiravlixI'll look it up in the documentation. :)
04:38.42MiravlixWell, I just used a _ instead of a space, to lazy to look it up right now.
04:39.25ckknightthat works
04:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
04:40.40MiravlixI've grown quite fond of using my local SVN to setup SVN:Externals setups so I can Update everything at once
04:41.08IrielCoincidently, playing with externals are on my list of things to play with this weekend
04:41.31Miravlix<directory> <svnurl>
04:41.33TainThe weekend is half over, better get on it.
04:41.38MiravlixIt's simple
04:41.50MiravlixI wish you could do filename <svnurltoafilename>
04:42.03MiravlixBut no can do, has to be directories.
04:42.47ckknightIriel, they're handy. FuBar uses svn:externals quite a bit, there are like 17 in the FuBar directory alone
04:42.57ckknightthat does make things a bit slow, though
04:43.05ckknightbut it's great for modularity
04:43.22IrielI just need to know if they have any quirks
04:43.38ckknightMiravlix, what I do is have a Lib/ folder in my folders, that way I have an external to that and only that
04:43.41TemI don't think you can specify a revision for the external
04:43.46ckknightand the Lib/ folder has a single lua file
04:43.52ckknightTem, you don't
04:44.00MiravlixYeah, Sea\SeaSpellbook
04:44.03Temso if you ever update the lib beyond compatibility
04:44.25MiravlixThen in the SeaSpellbook standalone I do SeaSpellbook\main pointing to Sea\SeaSpellbook
04:44.35ckknightMiravlix, what you'd basically do is have SeaSpellbook/ with your toc, readme, API, etc. then SeaSepllBook/Lib that contains SeaSpellbook.lua
04:44.43ckknightthat's how I do it, at least
04:45.01MiravlixI have Toc, PostLibLoader, PreLibLoader
04:45.21ckknightwhat do those do?
04:45.46ckknightthe loaders, I mean
04:45.48MiravlixMy file isn't embedded, it's all in post/pre
04:46.17TainYou can extern to a tag though instead of current trunk which is a better idea (when someone uses tags)
04:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
04:46.53ckknightTain, yea, that's the only way, and typically a more stable way
04:47.00ckknightMiravlix, ah, okay then
04:47.08ckknightI like having all my libs embedded
04:47.12ckknightit's happy that way
04:47.33MiravlixThere is no point it loading embedding code when the library isn't embedded
04:47.43MiravlixIt just need to support an embedder loading after it.
04:47.43ckknightlike a big old bundle of fluff that you want to hug and hug so hard that you accidentally break the puppy's spine
04:48.09TainI want to complain about embedding since it has the potential to take up more harddrive space with multiple things using an enbedded lib but.. well it's hard to make a valid argument about drive space these days.
04:48.10ckknightI hugged it to hard
04:48.42ckknightTain, my libs are like 50 KiB average, if that
04:49.27TainI come from a world of everything existing on 360k floppy disks.  I still have a minimalizing space mentality.
04:50.00Iriel360K? You lucky devil!
04:50.02MiravlixI remember when a good program used 300 KB memory
04:50.15MiravlixNow you can't even load Hello, World in 300KB
04:50.43Legoroli remember when computers only *had* 64KB of memory
04:50.44Endyou can cheat and link shared
04:50.48TainActualy I only say 360k because I can't remember what the equivilent would have been in Commodore 64 floppy drives.
04:50.57Endof course all the libraries end up making it big anyways :P
04:51.04MiravlixEnd: It still uses the libraries so thats part of the memory usage
04:51.18MiravlixWhatever external or in the exe file itself makes no difference.
04:52.15MiravlixWindows Vista is 1 GB memory for the OS
04:52.27MiravlixThats just insane.
04:52.47EndI'd be surprised if you couldn't run it in less
04:52.54Endit'd just be sucky as hell if you did
04:52.57MiravlixIt can run in under 512 MB
04:53.01MiravlixBut not well
04:53.02TainIt takes a lot of resources to prevent people from doing what they want to.
04:53.06Endlol Tain
04:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:53.11Endgood point :P
04:53.35End(I think, I wouldn't be surprised if that was yet anbother thing they strip out of it
04:53.44MiravlixBut when the OS uses 1 GB, then there is only 1 GB for software
04:53.56Wobin_I'll be happy with that if they ship 1gb free memory with the OS =P
04:54.01Miravlix2 GB memory limit on non 64 platforms
04:54.31Legorolwhy would memory limit be 2 GB?
04:54.32End4gig actually
04:54.32Legorolit's 4
04:54.38Legorolslightly less
04:54.42MiravlixHmm, it's 2 GB in Windows XP
04:54.43Legorolaround 3.5
04:54.50MiravlixIt can use the other 2 GB for cache
04:54.50Endmemory addresses aren't signed :P
04:54.53Legorolno Miravlix, it's 4 b in XP
04:55.06MiravlixNot for programs Leg. :)
04:55.17MiravlixIt can use 4 GB for if 2 GB is cache
04:55.18Legorolin practice, it is slightly less than 4 Gb
04:55.43ckknight_the theoretical limit for RAM on a 32-bit system is 4 GiB
04:55.46MiravlixWindows XP 64 don't have that issue.
04:55.52ckknight_pragmatically, it's less than that
04:56.23Legoroli don't know about how Windows XP perceives a 4Gb machine, as i haven't actually tried
04:56.27Legorolso Miravlix could be right
04:56.29TainWindows XP 64 doesn't have that issue.  Of course it introduces a slew of other issues.
04:56.31MiravlixI was considering 4 GB for my new system.
04:56.37Legoroli just find it hard to beleive that XP wouldn't be able to handle 4Gb
04:56.41MiravlixBut then I read about Windows XP only using 2 GB
04:56.51Legoroldo you have a linkie?
04:56.55MiravlixAnd shelved the idea
04:57.10Legorolfrankly, if it's not from MS, i wouldn't trust random reviews
04:57.24MiravlixYou trust MS?
04:57.38Legoroli trust MS more than I trust 3rd party reviews, with a few exceptions
04:57.48Legoroli don't mean reviews
04:57.49ckknight_about their own operating system
04:57.51Legoroli mean technical data
04:58.38MiravlixI didn't write it down, but I did quite a bit of research when I was getting my new system, to see what to get.
04:58.46Legorolfiar enough
05:01.59MiravlixThis 4GB space is evenly divided into two parts, with 2GB dedicated for kernel usage, and 2GB left for application usage. Each application gets its own 2GB, but all applications have to share the same 2GB kernel space.
05:02.35MiravlixSo for programs, they have 2 GB memory.
05:03.41TainWell whatever system needs more memory to let me actually log in gets my vote.
05:04.53LegorolMiravlix, where did you find that quote? i don't see it on that page, but it's rather intriguing
05:05.05Legoroli do see people discussing Windows 98 etc.
05:06.50MiravlixI use 200K kernel memory
05:07.15MiravlixSo having 2 GB Physical memory for 200K kenel + cache seems pointless
05:07.18Legorolok i see, that's an interesting article
05:07.37Legorolhowever, it doesn't say that your applications can't use more than 2GB in total
05:07.47Legorolall it says is that an *individual* application can't use more than 2gb
05:08.04Legoroltwo applications can use 1.5gb each
05:08.09MiravlixYou can use page swapping
05:08.17MiravlixIf you have multiple 4 GB memory
05:08.30MiravlixBut it can't split up one 4 GB segment
05:08.48MiravlixYou can put 64 GB memory in a 32 bit computer
05:09.10MiravlixDon't know any motherboards supporting it though, but I think Windows XP does
05:09.26MiravlixThen they can Page Swap between 4 GB segments
05:09.37MiravlixTakes a insane amount of time
05:10.04MiravlixThats why 64 bit is needed for accessing more, so you get the full address range in one page
05:13.37MiravlixNow what I don't know is if Windows XP has the same 2 GB Kernel address space, 18 Terabytes Program address space. (64 applications only)
05:14.04*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:14.21MiravlixBut from the sound of it, 2 GB is the practical memory limit in Windows.
05:14.53MiravlixExcept if you have a need for 2 GB cache for a fileserver.
05:16.45Legoroli think you are confusing virtual and physical address space
05:16.58Legorollet's say your computer has 4GB of physical RAM sticks installed
05:17.14Legorolyou can then run several applications. each individual application can use a maximum of 2Gb of memory
05:17.20Legorolbut together, they can use more than that
05:17.33Legorole.g. two applications together can use 3 Gb, without having to swap to the hard disk
05:18.13Legorolthe 2Gb kernel limit is an upper limit on how much the kernel can use, it's not how much it always takes off of the physical RAM
05:19.44MiravlixIt has to address the memory
05:20.02MiravlixSo it sets up 2 GB to be addressable by the kernel
05:20.36Legoroldo you know how virtual address space vs. physical addresses work in Windows?
05:20.51Legorolthe 2GB addressable by the kernel is a *virtual* address space
05:20.59Legorolit has nothing to do with the physical ram
05:21.25MiravlixOn a 32 bit system, you have 4 GB of addresses
05:21.36MiravlixVirtually it's a completely different story
05:21.36Legorolyou have 4GB of *virtual* addresses
05:22.49Legorolyou can have more than 4Gb of physical storage. e.g. a machine with 1 Gb physical RAM sticks and a 6 Gb swap file on the hard disk has 7 Gb total of storable information
05:23.02Legorolwhat matters is how much a program can see at a time, which is 4 Gb
05:23.08cladhaire really explains it all
05:23.21cladhaire<3 memory management.. the BSD subsystem is crazy =)
05:24.34cladhaireMiravlix: As far as the specific windows implementatino, that article is correct as far as I understand.
05:25.32MiravlixThe virtual address space is devided into 2 GB kernel memory and 2 GB application memory in Windows XP
05:25.42cladhaireyes, so says the article.
05:25.47MiravlixThe 2 GB kernel memory is shared among all applications
05:25.58Legorolso the kernel can't use more than 2 Gb
05:26.05Legorolbut that's an upper limit
05:26.24Legorolthis doesn't mean that your *physical* ram is divided into two parts, one for applications and one for the kernel
05:26.51Legorolthat 2gb division is occurring in the virtual address space
05:29.47LegorolWhat that articles is saying is this: If you have two applications, each with its own 4 Gb of virtual address space, the 2 Gb kernel portion of that address space is shared between the two apps
05:30.16Legorolthe other 2 Gb is not shared between the two apps, each app gets its own 2 Gb
05:30.28Legoroland the kernel doesn't have to use 2 Gb of *physical* memory if it's not in demand
05:30.54Legorolthe 2Gb kernel portion of the virtual address space doesn't all have to have physical memory allocated to it
05:33.31LegorolYou have to remember that when you say that an application gets 4 Gb of virtual address space, it means that's the amount of memory it can use at most. In practice, a normal app uses much less memory than that, but it still sees it as if it was the only application running in a computer with 4 Gb of memory
05:34.02Legorolit is up to the OS to make sure that, if necessary, there is real physical memory behind any part of that 4 Gb address space that an application is actually using
05:34.18Legorolah well i'm probably not making sense here
05:34.22Legoroli'll go to sleep, g'night
05:34.57MiravlixThere is some issues, sutch as needing continues memory and other stuff.
05:35.37MiravlixBut I can't find a definitive guide on how Windows XP deal with 4 GB physical memory right now.
05:37.18MiravlixBut to the best of my knowglede you can't swap out kernel memory
05:41.03MiravlixOnly core parts of the operating system kernel bypass this address translation and use real memory addresses directly.
05:41.23MiravlixFound some details on it, kernel use physical addresses, not virtual.
05:52.48Legorolhm, couldn't quite go to sleep without checking what the MSDN library has to say on this
05:52.53Legorolif you are interested, start from here:
05:53.19Legorolread the "Virtual Address Space" sections
05:56.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
05:57.54Elkanowoken up hours too early by an emergency that wasn't one here I am: good morning
05:58.25fatbrainAnyone into Spell.dbc?
06:00.59Elkanofatbrain ->
06:01.06Elkanohope that helps
06:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
06:35.00Shouryuu that guy is a genius
06:35.13Shouryuuand I am sooo holding on to this site
06:38.15ckknightcooltastic, Shouryuu
06:38.27ckknightI want a big "Kapow" above my head when I crit
06:38.35ShouryuuSame :P
06:39.33Mr_Rabies2|awayrofl, my SCT uses the comic-ish font too
06:42.36fatbrainElkano: that's outdated.
06:42.55Elkanohmm... k
06:43.42fatbrainthere's 170 columns in the dbc, wowguru only describes 167.
06:43.53fatbrainI blame zeeg ^-^
06:45.09Mr_Rabies2|awayi need to find the "shapeshifting" sound in the files somewhere :[
06:45.41Mr_Rabies2|awayi want to change it to the classic "eank-erk-erk" transformers noise :D
06:47.43AnduinLotharCritman is great... i crit soo much..
06:48.06Mr_Rabies2my drood's up to like ~33% now
06:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
06:48.24AnduinLothargot my pally to 24% unbuffed
06:48.28Mr_Rabies2testing a mirc script, sorry if it flips out, i'm still really rusty :P
06:49.37*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
06:49.57Shouryuu are quite nice
07:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
07:29.21Elkanobtw: with "find traps" becoming passiv, how will the rogue's quest in Hillsbrad Foothills work? It has to be changed somehow since it's pointless if you allways see that trap...
07:31.29MiravlixThe trick is to avoid the chest in that quest.
07:31.54MiravlixSince everyone and there mother can already look that up on thottbot there isn't really a point to the quest anyway
07:32.25MiravlixStatic 'tricks' only matters to the 3 first players that try it
07:35.46Elkanonot everybody does a lookup on thott or allakazham before each quest... some enjoy not knowing what will happen
07:37.26ShouryuuThat's absurd!
07:44.41AnduinLotharany wardrobe requests while I'm updating?
07:49.12MiravlixMake it give free beer?
07:49.27ShouryuuI win button?
07:51.18ShouryuuWhat is a Celestial Orb?
07:51.21ShouryuuAn off hand?
07:54.00ShouryuuYup took a look
07:57.05ShouryuuOk I need to keep a value oscilating between 1 and 2 in as few characters as possible, what's the best way?
07:58.08Shouryuuok found out
07:58.52ShouryuuSomeone needs to write a puging in firefox to count the number of chars in your selection...
07:58.58Elkanosin(x) + 1?
08:00.13Shouryuualthough b[k+1] k=1-k takes less chars
08:00.24Shouryuuthan b[k] k=sin(k)+1
08:01.44Elkanowell, depends on the kind of oscilation you need :)
08:02.25Shouryuuyour's was fancier, I will hold on to that one:P
08:03.00Shouryuuahhh 50 chars too long
08:03.01Elkanowell, but you have to ajust sin so it gives you the values you need wrt the parameter
08:03.19Elkanooh, macro coding? :)
08:03.41ShouryuuI'm trying to do something too fancy anyways
08:05.53Shouryuucan you put stuff like "end" as a variable, like "a=end if somestuff then somemorestuff a"?
08:08.13Elkanono, since it's a variable and not a define it would result in a syntax error
08:09.18Elkanoso should write macrotools giving you iif(condition, true clause, false clause) ;)
08:09.34ShouryuuI hate it how on the boards ,j looks like a single j :P
08:26.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:27.24Shouryuu271 chars...
08:28.45ckknightprint it here
08:29.01ShouryuuI don't think it's shortenable anymore
08:29.12ckknightjust print it here
08:29.34ShouryuuHe wants to use his Celestail Orb on first click, mana agate on second, and mana potion on third
08:29.36Shouryuuscript b,c,e={"a Agate","a Potion"} ,string.find,2 e=math.mod(e+1,3) if e==0 and GetInventoryItemLink(c("player",17),"Cele") then UseInventoryItem(17) end if e~=0 then for i=0,4 do for j=1,16 do if d(GetContainerItemLink(i,j),b[e]) then UseContainerItem(i,j) end end end
08:30.00ckknightstring.find -> strfind
08:30.31ShouryuuI could take out the name finding thing and force him to manualy put the items into specific slots, that wouldn't be as fancy!
08:30.51Shouryuu10 more chars now :P
08:31.18ckknightchange e==0 to e<1
08:31.25ckknightand e~=0 to e>0
08:31.42Shouryuusmart :P
08:31.52ckknightyou can put letters after numbers, a la 0and
08:31.54Shouryuu264 chars, so close
08:32.01Shouryuua cool
08:32.12ckknightand letters after symbols
08:32.46Shouryuuhaha 256 :P
08:32.55ckknightprint out what you have
08:33.04Shouryuuscript b,c,e={"a Agate","a Potion"},stfind,2 e=math.mod(e+1,3)if e<1and GetInventoryItemLink(c("player",17),"Cele")then UseInventoryItem(17)end if e>0then for i=0,4 do for j=1,16 do if d(GetContainerItemLink(i,j),b[e])then UseContainerItem(i,j)end end end
08:33.11ckknightstrfind, not stfind
08:33.17Shouryuuyeah just saw that =(
08:33.33Shouryuuthat sucks
08:33.35ckknightokay, you reset e each time?
08:34.02ckknightand math.mod => mod
08:34.07ShouryuuTheerre we go :P
08:34.23ckknight4 do -> 4do
08:34.27ckknight16 do -> 16do
08:34.40Shouryuuwasn't sure we could do that
08:34.43Shouryuucool thanks =D
08:35.15Shouryuu251, you rock
08:36.19ckknightbtw, your logic seems flawed to me
08:36.39ckknightyou set e at the beginning each time
08:36.52ckknightand then right after, you set e to mod(e+1,3) => 0
08:37.15Shouryuuoh true dat
08:37.29Shouryuui thought it would only set e if it didn't have a value
08:39.16ckknighteasy fix
08:39.22ckknighte or2
08:39.42Shouryuue=mod(e+1,3) or2?
08:40.18ckknightscript b,c,e={"a Agate","a Potion"},stfind,e or2 e=mod(e+1,3)if e<1and GetInventoryItemLink(c("player",17),"Cele")then UseInventoryItem(17)end if e>0then for i=0,4do for j=1,16do if d(GetContainerItemLink(i,j),b[e])then UseContainerItem(i,j)end end end
08:40.42Shouryuuthank you very much :P
08:40.57ckknighterr, strfind, not stfind
08:41.27Shouryuuthe asshole I wrote it for better try it or I'll be pissed!
08:42.06Shouryuuand while I have your attention, will doing "a=5 for i=1,a do a=i" loop once, or forever?
08:42.34ckknightonce, afaik
08:42.43ShouryuuColl thanks :P
08:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:45.13Elkano~seen Maldivia
08:45.34purlmaldivia <i=the_real@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 17h 26m 17s ago, saying: 'hmm, next time blizzard should put the eu and us ptr copy on different servers... :)'.
08:45.56Elkanowhy do I allways miss her :/
09:04.36Shouryuurawr out
09:04.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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09:41.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
09:48.15AnduinLotharnot reall sure why it wasn't this way to begin with, but Khaos now allows for ordered lists as dropdowns
09:48.47AnduinLotharof course, it conserves backqward compat for unordered tables as well
09:51.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
10:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:16.44Mr_Rabies2oh wow
10:17.36Mr_Rabies2i open the khaos pane on the test realm, and it's like "[ ]                      Hey hey                    Low----[     ]----High"
10:17.43Mr_Rabies2over and over
10:19.23AnduinLotharin text realm, ya
10:19.33AnduinLotharcause erth was broken
10:19.48AnduinLotharthose are just the defaults with all the frames visible
10:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
10:20.27AnduinLotharI fixed earth, but it's only on svn 1.11 branch atm
10:20.40AnduinLotharcause it doesn't work with 1.10 obviously
10:21.09Corrodiasand AnduinLothar suddenly surpasses Iriel in scripting reputation as he suddenly reveals his fix for the entire earth.
10:21.23Corrodiashow sudden
10:22.02AnduinLotharya, just have to fix the button templates
10:22.11AnduinLotharEarth is full of buttons
10:22.27Mr_Rabies2stop revealing secrets of the universe over irc
10:23.02Corrodiasugh.. my video card fan just started making a whole new noise. it's going to die, soon.
10:23.21Mr_Rabies2the fan on mine died a while back
10:23.23Mr_Rabies2had to replace it
10:23.27Mr_Rabies2what kind of card do you have?
10:23.41Corrodiasgeforce 4600 with some aftermarket cooler from the retail place that sold it to me
10:23.48AnduinLotharmeh, Khaos really wasn't meat to handle the kind of dropdown I'm forcing it into
10:23.51Mr_Rabies2same thing, only default cooloer
10:24.07Mr_Rabies2lemme link you to a nice cooler for like 15 bucks
10:24.19Corrodiasexcellent. now, let's see if our power line can handle my new computer as well as these other two.
10:24.48AnduinLotharmy electricity bill was 100$ this month... 3 room apt.. O.o
10:25.21AnduinLotharnormally like $50-60
10:25.29AnduinLothari blame sumem rmonths
10:25.36AnduinLotharsummer months
10:26.02AnduinLothareveryone else using their air conditioners driving up prices for poor old me just using a fan...
10:26.14AnduinLotharstupid fridge eats energy too
10:26.26AnduinLotharand prolly the 3 computers had something to do with it
10:28.36Mr_Rabies2blarg i can't find it on newegg or xoxide, its called an nvsilencer 1
10:28.50Mr_Rabies2by arctic cooling
10:29.09Mr_Rabies2cheap, does the job well, and probably cheaper than buying a new card when yours goes out
10:30.53Corrodiasby the way, i'm using two routers, in this setup. <3
10:31.47Corrodiasi don't trust my parents' computer to stay free of viruses and exploits, so i have my other two on another router connected through the one theirs is on
10:32.50Corrodiasand thanks for linking me
10:33.42Mr_Rabies2can't tell you if the site is reliable or not, but the part is
10:33.50Mr_Rabies2search around, maybe you can get one on the cheap
10:34.00Corrodiascase-mod... i believe i may have bought one of my fans from there
10:34.12Corrodiasoh, here's a fun little anecdote:
10:34.27Mr_Rabies2best part is that it uses the default fan power cable thing, so you don't have to use a molex
10:34.33Mr_Rabies2and it runs fine on it
10:34.39Corrodiasi tried putting a cutout and flattened piece of heater filter in front of the high-output fan that blows directly onto my hard drives.
10:34.42Corrodiaszero air flow
10:35.07Mr_Rabies2i broke a capacitor off my geforce 2
10:35.10Mr_Rabies2er, 4
10:35.17Corrodiasthat doesn't sound good
10:35.18Mr_Rabies2it's been running almost 2 years no problem
10:35.21Mr_Rabies2minus a capacitor
10:35.28Corrodiasyeah, just wait till the vertex shaders kick in, yo
10:35.56Mr_Rabies2i also spilled soda on it, and didn't know, it ran a good month before i realized it and cleaned it off with alcohol
10:36.06Mr_Rabies2this card was like made in soviet russia i swear
10:36.54Mr_Rabies2i've as of late replaced it with a 6800 ultra, but still, it holds a special place in my heart
10:37.46Corrodiassay, could i have it? lol
10:37.57Corrodiasno, i kid!
10:39.10Mr_Rabies2i spent freaking 400 bucks on this ti4600 back in the day :[
10:39.13Mr_Rabies2now it's worth like, 50
10:39.32Mr_Rabies2i spent 150 on the 6800 though :D
10:39.36AnduinLotharsame with my 9800 pro
10:42.15Corrodiasordering and installing a new fan will cost less. sigh.
10:43.07Corrodiasi wonder what would happen if i put the filter before the fan..
10:43.23Mr_Rabies2hrm, AL, do you know how the cosmos patcher stores it's stuff? can i just copy it to the wowtest folder and change what svn i want to use and it'll work fine for that one .exe?
10:44.32Corrodiaseh... just amusing results of the filter hitting the fan and leaping in my hands
10:44.42Corrodiasthis thing makes an incredible amount of noise, though. >:/
10:45.01AnduinLotharmm, think you just have to repick your wow folder as the test folder
10:45.08Mr_Rabies2mine sounded like a saw
10:45.18AnduinLotharbut earth wont work on test atm
10:47.39*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
10:52.38Corrodiasmy new mousepad is a cutting board.
10:53.36Mr_Rabies2that's essentially what a ratpadz is
10:53.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
10:57.32Corrodiasi was considering getting one of those, but the reputation of wearing down concerned me
10:57.47Corrodiasi can't assume a cutting board will fare better, though
10:58.14Corrodiasstill, it kicks way more ass than the book with a piece of plastic taped on its top that i was using before
11:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
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11:38.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
11:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
12:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
12:37.12ShouryuuI;m going sligthly maad!
12:37.33grimmanTrying to register shapeshifting events? ;P
12:37.47Shouryuualmost but no
12:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:43.34ShouryuuGawwd I feel like a hyper active chikd
12:43.50grimmanUh huh.
12:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge haste_ (
13:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
13:48.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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14:17.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
14:23.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Crazy (
14:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:32.00KirkburnGood afternoon ... how're the PTRs today?
14:33.19Wobin_absorbing, probalby
14:37.10KirkburnSeems so
15:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
15:11.06KirkburnLol "Please be aware that there is currently no way to exit Naxxramas short of a mage portal, hearthstone, or death."
15:11.18KirkburnNow how did I manage to make that bold?
15:12.04wereHamsterI'm doing this in the OnEvent handler... :-P   event = nil; arg1 = "target"; this:GetScript("OnEvent")()
15:15.16Elkanohave you found anyone to provide frFR strings for EnchantMe, yet?
15:16.14Elkanowould you mind putting the current version with deDE live?
15:16.43Maldiviasure, let me upload it
15:23.41Maldiviashould be there, when approved
15:31.09MaldiviaIf I have misspelled something (the categories), let me know, and I'll fix it :)
15:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
15:34.06ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
15:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
16:03.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Crazy (
16:08.17Shouryuu|CrazyI feel so godly!
16:08.26Shouryuu|CrazyI'm explaining programming ot my classmates!
16:08.30Shouryuu|CrazyI am a god amongst men!
16:08.47KirkburnNice :D
16:09.05Shouryuu|Crazyy=0 for i=0,10 do y=y*x+i end "OMG! WTF IS DAT!"
16:09.07KirkburnIt's fun isn't it :)
16:09.08Shouryuu|CrazyI feel so special!
16:09.27KirkburnSunday threads on the Blizz boards, when stupidity reaches new levels - "Give us offline mode!"
16:09.41Kirkburn"Make blink crit!"
16:10.04KirkburnActually the second one isn't too stupid, but the thread is :P
16:10.19KirkburnYour Summon Felhunter crits for 2
16:10.49KirkburnYour Undercity Teleport crits. The city is ported to you
16:11.23KirkburnYour Vanish crits. You have disconnected from the server.
16:11.52zenzelezzYour Rend crits. Your opponent has been permanently dismembered.
16:12.45KirkburnYour post critted.
16:12.47KirkburnYour post critted.
16:12.48KirkburnYour post critted.
16:13.13[MoonWolf]You gain 2 posts from windfury post!
16:14.16KirkburnImagine critting with conjure water :P "The world's sea levels rise by 5 metres"
16:14.44zenzelezzYour Power Word: Shield crits. You can now wear plate.
16:15.06[MoonWolf]Your vanish crits, you are permanantly invisible.
16:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
16:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
16:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
16:37.14ToastTheifwhat's the WoWGuru channel?
16:37.45CairennToastTheif: go to the wowguru board and find out
16:38.06ToastTheifIm trying =P
16:41.00ToastTheifthere needs to be a contact us link or something
16:42.14ToastTheifis the ace channel not ##ace?
16:42.54ToastTheifI knew that
16:53.46ToastTheifwell I found it
16:53.51ToastTheifbut zeeg is not there, so oh well
17:03.59krkaCairenn, your email never got through
17:04.15Cairennkrka:  weird
17:04.39Cairennkrka: but, you don't need it any longer, you have alternate access to the info
17:04.41krkatry my gmail?
17:04.44krkaah cool
17:05.03Cairennthat other medium
17:10.30IndustrialWhat does agi mean for a rogue?
17:11.26krkaactually, that's what it means for all classes
17:34.53Industriali love those weapons
17:35.01Industrialthey need more kinds of weapons in wow
17:35.13Industrialdont care if they are counted as blunt, flails own
17:35.22Industrialand chains and shit
17:35.27Industrialand way more knuckle weapons
17:37.02krkai want a gnomish chain-saw
17:41.41KirkburnOh, cool ... Burning Crusade I hadn't seen before:
17:41.51KirkburnHe goes loads of places
17:42.05KirkburnNagrand, Terokkar, Kharazan, lots :)
17:42.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:48.44krkahmm... wow really seems to have it's own limit in editbox text length
17:48.57krkaand setmaxbytes/letters won't override
17:49.21CrispixDoes anyone here know what level Pallies get res?
17:49.29Crispix doesn't seem to have that info
17:49.50Crispixnever mind :D
17:49.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
17:49.55Crispixwasn't reading right -_-
17:50.16krka7545 seems to the limit
17:50.26krkaway too little to me :(
17:55.26*** part/#wowi-lounge AndreasB (
17:56.19KirkburnLol, politics is fun :D
17:59.28Endhmm, I can't get blizz's target of target to work consistantly
17:59.36krkain what way?
17:59.40EndI saw it once when it wasn't even on
18:00.05EndI turned it on, and it won't show up
18:00.14krkaturned what on?
18:00.32Endthe target of target option in interface options
18:00.58krkaah, i see, never tried that one
18:01.06krkabut the api functions for targettarget work perfectly
18:01.35Endwell yeah, normally I use ctmod's frame to do it
18:04.37hastethe ToT in the blizz UI is raid only tho'
18:04.40Endit only works in party or raid? o_O
18:05.11Endit says party or raid
18:06.12hasteokey, it was party also
18:06.17hastejust checked the code :p
18:06.28hasteI haven't been able to login myself yet :(
18:06.48EndI'm logged in right now
18:09.02hasteI remembered wrong from when I looked at it earlier today
18:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:21.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
18:27.09krkagah... this limitation seems so extremely random
18:27.29krka(editbox text rendering gets screwed up at 7546 bytes or more for me)
18:28.43zenzelezzis it for your in-game editor you're seeing this?
18:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Rokka (
18:29.57krkai guess i should investigate it more
18:34.32IndustrialNo but seriously
18:34.36Industrialwhat does agi do for a rogue
18:34.44Industrialbecause i have 75 now at lv 17
18:34.48Industrial(pretty much)
18:36.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:39.19Endfor a rogue, agi gives you AP as well as the usual dodge/crit/whatnot
18:39.58TainUntil you start getting top gear just go find, "...of the Monkey" everything for your Rogue. :)
18:40.07Endyeah, pretty much
18:52.49Industrialwish i could show you all my armor.. ill eed some profile thingy..
18:55.42KirkburnIndustrial, it should say what agility does on the tooltip
18:56.00IndustrialNo thats howmuch..
18:56.12IndustrialI mean does it increase combat speed?
18:56.14Industrialrunning speed?
18:56.21Industrialdps for a rogue?
18:56.23Endno, no, really, read the tooltip
18:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
18:56.44Endmouse over agility in your character frame
18:56.54Industrialoh that tooltip :o
18:57.22Endand yes, an increase in attack power is an incrase in dps ;p
18:58.19IndustrialWhats a good profile site?
18:58.31Industrialso i can show off my twinkie and/or get advice
18:58.38Industrialalsmost have ym dual Cruel Barb swords
18:58.47Industrialim in Deadmines now hunting or my second :p
18:58.48TainI just use myself
18:59.11TainWith wowreader
18:59.37TainBut I've never used any other besides that or thottbot so I don't know how it compares.
18:59.45TainI do like how you can have it suggest upgrades for you though.
19:01.01Industrialcool ;)
19:01.28IndustrialYour auction of linen cloth sold
19:01.29IndustrialYour auction of linen cloth sold
19:01.31IndustrialYour auction of linen cloth sold
19:02.14Elkanoit wasn't me *hides*
19:04.55ckknightmmm... delicious clothing
19:07.49MaldiviaElkano: is the translation good enough?
19:08.17ElkanoI know I forgot to check sth ^^'
19:13.22Elkanowas working on deDE loc for GloryLib
19:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
19:16.11KirkburnIndustrial - there's also the CT site, the Worldofwar site, Thott, take your pick
19:16.31KirkburnAnd grats on the cloth auctions :P
19:16.43KirkburnI wish I was so rich :)
19:16.44IndustrialKirkburn: 30G, lv 17
19:17.05Industrialsmall-pinpin yo
19:17.10Industrialpimpin, even
19:17.38Maldiviamy new mage will soon be poor :|
19:17.43Wobin_The Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines apologized for disrespecting President Bush during a London concert in 2003. But now, she's taking it back. "I don't feel that way anymore," she told Time magazine for its issue hitting newsstands Monday. "I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."
19:18.06Wobin_It's nice to see honesty in our popular media =)
19:24.27MiravlixEvery living thing deserve some respect, simply for being alive.
19:25.55Wobin_And what some things do with that respect is often quite sad
19:26.20Wobin_But no. not exactly. Respect is earned, not automatic.
19:26.32Wobin_It's also easily lost
19:26.43Wobin_Becaiuse we are fickle fickle creatures
19:27.14MiravlixYou might say that, but isn't being born earning you respect in the first place?
19:27.38Wobin_Well, yes
19:27.50Wobin_but you can still lose that respect later on for stuff you've done
19:28.05Wobin_It's not a permanent equation
19:28.09Wobin_er value
19:28.11MiravlixWell, I'm not one for death penelity, so can't agree with that
19:28.26Wobin_who said anything about the death penalty?
19:28.41Wobin_Just because you don't respect someone, just means you don't care for their opinion
19:28.52Wobin_sorry, rephrase.
19:29.03Wobin_When you don't respect someone, you don't care what their opinion is
19:29.11MiravlixI'm talking about respecting that someone is alive
19:29.19MiravlixThere is many facets to respect
19:29.31MiravlixYou can't just say you all out disrespect someone.
19:29.35Wobin_I'm talking about the respect that MsDixie Chick is talking about
19:29.49MiravlixNaah, she goes to far
19:29.54Wobin_Disrespect and no respect are different things
19:30.04Wobin_~define respect
19:31.22IrielI think this discussion may be borne of a language/interpretation disconnect
19:31.22Wobin_I've already stated my definition =)
19:31.23Irielrespect means several things when applied to different facets of a person
19:31.23MiravlixBush should get some respect for being a human being and I don't think the Dixie Chick is showing him the minim respect
19:31.23Kirkburn(also depends on who is saying it)
19:31.23Wobin_So she should say "Well done for being born, but I don't care for you whatsoever"?
19:31.28zenzelezzpersonally I think you start out with no respect (neutral)
19:31.33KirkburnShe didn't say she wished he was dead ...
19:31.36zenzelezzno respect, no disrespect
19:31.47MiravlixBut that line doesn't respect him being born
19:31.58Wobin_Of course, I don't know precisely what she said
19:32.02Wobin_So I can't argue that point
19:32.03MiravlixYou don't care if he is alive or death in that sentence
19:32.16Wobin_Did she say "I don't care if he's dead?"
19:32.20Kirkburn*sigh* this is a pointless conversation, eh :P
19:32.24Wobin_totally =P
19:32.32MiravlixYou used a different way of saying it.
19:32.40Wobin_Miravlix: I don't care =)
19:32.51Wobin_This isn't a structured arguemnt
19:32.58Wobin_Kirkburn: Doesn't it!
19:33.00MiravlixIf you don't care for him whatsoever, how can you care he is alive?
19:33.04KirkburnLet's discuss :)
19:33.12Wobin_It's sweet
19:33.23Wobin_and chocolatet
19:33.33Kirkburn:D Aye, tis true
19:33.39KirkburnI heard it contained Cocoa!
19:33.42KirkburnIs this true??
19:33.48Wobin_I hear that's true!
19:33.49IrielThe phrase 'I have no respect for <person X>'
19:33.59Irielmeans that you have no respect for their actions, choices, opinions
19:34.02Kirkburn... will make you sound like a robot
19:34.04Irielnot that you wish they were dead
19:34.13IrielChocolate is good
19:34.26Wobin_Yay! welcome to the dark side, Iriel
19:34.28Endchocolate is easier to argue anyways, and the answer is Yes.
19:34.29zenzelezzI agree with both of Iriel's points
19:34.31Wobin_We have chocolate
19:34.32MiravlixBut there is more important things in life
19:34.36KirkburnNo, I'm a milk choccy person
19:34.39Wobin_like Chocolate
19:35.26KirkburnI only rarely go to the dark side
19:35.27Cairennmilk chocolate = crap, dark chocolate = divine
19:35.27Wobin_Sometimes you need the chocolate shock that only dark chocolate can provide...
19:35.27KirkburnOooh, controversial
19:35.27KirkburnOrange chocolate?
19:35.33Wobin_Only in that chocolae orange thing
19:35.40Cairennmint, or raspberry
19:35.46KirkburnRaspberry?! Ewww
19:35.47Cairennbut only with dark
19:35.48Wobin_and only cause you can make the cool *pock* noise opening it
19:36.30KirkburnCadbury's Dairy Milk is best in my eyes - is it actually sold anywhere else?
19:36.54IrielThe raspberry one is kind of wierd, i find it has a nasty chemical aftertaste
19:36.59CairennSpecial Dark = better
19:37.08CairennIriel: actually, I agree with you
19:37.10KirkburnIt's not sold on continental europe =(
19:37.13Wobin_I use it for making brownies
19:37.27Wobin_Europe has Milka and stuff, which isn't so bad
19:37.39Wobin_and swiss chocolate =)
19:37.39KirkburnTrue, true, but it's so expensive
19:37.41krkachocolate FTW
19:37.45Wobin_alas for that
19:37.59KirkburnYorrick agrees
19:38.34Kirkburn(it's about the only shakespeare thing I know)
19:39.01KirkburnAt least they sell Coco Pops here :)
19:39.06Wobin_For you knew him well? =)
19:39.18Wobin_Kirkburn: True that. I'm glad there's something familiar
19:39.43Wobin_Speaking of which, I need some breakfast
19:40.02Wobin_Nothing left but the nasty cereal that goes soggy too fast =(
19:40.12KirkburnAll of them?
19:40.34Wobin_This one is particularly quicksoaking
19:40.43KirkburnAnd it is ... ?
19:40.46krkahmm...are you female Wobin_? because i suspect it's mostly girls who dislike it when things get soggy too fast
19:41.02Wobin_er me? No =P
19:41.08Cairennewww, soggy cereal
19:41.08Wobin_damn irc reflexes
19:42.21krkaright, cereal
19:43.02Industrialhows that for a twink? :P
19:43.09KirkburnHo-hum, generic cereal then
19:43.12KirkburnI need some dinner ... don't think it'll be Coco Pops though
19:43.14Industriali still need enchants but i know my iems are not the best
19:43.26Wobin_Industrial: You need the defais set =)
19:43.31Wobin_er defias
19:43.32IndustrialWobin_: no wai :P
19:43.33KirkburnBloody twinks
19:43.35IndustrialWobin_: mine is better
19:43.41Wobin_Sure, now that's -really- twinked for a horde =)
19:43.45KirkburnCompulsory XP ftw :)
19:43.55IndustrialKirkburn: nay!
19:44.03Industriali love the tickets i dont turn in
19:44.39KirkburnI've never got any tickets to hand in!
19:45.07KirkburnThe one time I should have got them, I didn't :(
19:45.39KirkburnHmm, perhaps I will make a twink some day
19:48.09AnduinLotharwow blew up
19:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
19:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:48.52IndustrialKirkburn: just go into wsg with your main? :p
19:48.56AnduinLotharit just closed... no assertion... no 'this process has quit unexpectedly'..
19:49.06KirkburnCrazy idea Industrial :)
19:49.07AnduinLotharwas logging in
19:49.27AnduinLotharodd.. my realm is now offline
19:49.27KirkburnTest client?
19:49.43KirkburnYeah, just guessed that :P
19:49.48KirkburnV odd
19:50.02AnduinLotharlooks like my realm crashed while i was loading and the app just silently closed..
19:51.03MiravlixNews at 11, Cosmos Dev crashes server
19:51.22AnduinLothari didn't do it!
19:51.38MiravlixI did, I crashed PTR PVP
19:52.04AnduinLotharI did manage to get rid of wardrobes silly dropdownmenu
19:54.07AnduinLotharya, it has it's own frame..
19:54.44AnduinLotharwhich is silly considering you don't even need a real frame to make a dropdown, much less one that instantiates it's own buttons and silly stuff like that
19:55.05Cairenndamn you all!
19:55.27AnduinLothari need some chocolate..
19:55.37MiravlixAah, XML stuff is still black magic to me
19:56.23AnduinLotharthe real black magic was getting the same menu to show up in Khaos
19:56.37Wobin_Elkano: Cookies =)
19:57.09Elkanoit's an o and not a c.. it's just my bad handwriting... *hides*
19:57.20Wobin_I'm not quite depraved as Cairenn. My -first- mental image was of two birds sandwiching chocloate =P
19:57.43Wobin_since cockies can be short for cockatiels =P
19:57.45CairennWobin_: and how do you know what my first mental image was, hmmmm?
19:58.02Wobin_Cause you wouldn't have choked otherwise =P
19:58.04Cairennwho has the dirty mind?
19:58.05Irielbecause deep down we /all/ know 8-)
19:58.07IrielYou do
19:58.14ElkanoI do...
19:58.58CairennI'd like to see anyone who would be able to eat two birds with chocolate sandwiched between them that *wouldn't* choke ...
19:59.17Elkano(I could say it was intentionaly but then they would either not believe me or never talk to me again... :/ )
19:59.21Irielnice try
19:59.24EndCairenn is never innocent
19:59.40EndCairenn just -looks- innocent
19:59.45Endbut we know better now
19:59.49Wobin_It's a cunning facade
20:00.00Wobin_To lull us into a false sense of security
20:00.06Wobin_Then she'll POUNCE
20:11.42AnduinLotharoh yeah, removed 500 lines of useless dropdown code
20:13.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
20:14.28kaidenHey guys(and gals ;)) i'm doing some CreateFrame calls to make a xml'less interface, however, I just added another frame and i am unable to show it the way i do one just like it, i made sure there were no naming problems
20:14.31Cairenn- to try to win over the affections
20:14.35kaidenthis is for a targethealth frame then a targetmana frame
20:14.51Irielkaiden : 1.10 or 1.11 ?
20:14.52kaidenthe targethealth frame's SetScript onevent for PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED works fine, however the targetMana frame wont show
20:14.58wereHamsterdoes someone have the PTR patch downloader for the enGB client?
20:15.16IrielDid you verify that CreateFrame returned a non-nil value?
20:15.36kaidenIriel, positive it did, because i can call theactualframename:Show(); and it shows fine
20:15.49kaidenhere i'll paste my code to a paster service
20:15.54Irielplease do
20:16.03IrielYou probably forget a RegisterEvent
20:16.19Iriel(or called iton the wrong frame)
20:18.12kaideni've checked all that multiple times though :(
20:18.56kaidenignore the addChat("GOT HERE MANG"); ;) that's just me checking to see if it even catches the event, and it's not btw
20:19.21IrielYou set event and arg1 in your handler
20:19.27Irielso you screw up every handler that follows it
20:19.40IrielNEVER, EVER change the event/arg globals unless you put them back afterwards!
20:20.21Irielthose are globals, and wow only sets them at the start of the event dispatch chain
20:21.18kaidensorry just building off of code that the ColdFusion guy wrote so i can have a target mana bar :)
20:21.20Wobin_I'm not sure. wouldn't it be better to say targetMana:SetPoint("LEFT", targetHealth, "RIGHT", 16, 0) ?
20:21.37Wobin_if the code is in the same scope
20:21.39IrielWell, his code is broken too 8-)
20:22.18IrielI suspect he lucked out by having his addon load after any other PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED users
20:23.44kaideni was wondering why discordunitframes was broken after using that
20:23.46kaidenLOL ;)
20:24.11kaidenperfect, stripped out the bad code in both targetHealth and targetMana and it works like a charm now
20:24.26IrielYou should mail the other author and inform him of his bug
20:24.40kaidenwell he only released it to me as a request on the wowi boards, i'll let him know though
20:24.50kaideni'm sure he's still developing it and getting it ready to actually release it
20:25.06kaidenit's an extension of the dLx_Hud (well a complete rewrite to not use xml and actually look nice)
20:25.31kaideni'm just incorporating a few of my idea's ie replacing his percentage bars on the mana fields with combo point bars, and adding those things
20:25.44kaidenerm mana frame, and making them movable
20:26.20krkai have decided it's best to use xml for stuff that i have a fixed amount of and dynamic for the rest
20:29.34Irielkrka: That's my position also (except for one or two embedding cases when I need an event catching frame)
20:30.00krkayeah, embedding is an exception
20:30.30AnduinLotharif I just need an event frame I do it in lua now
20:30.52Wobin_easier to test
20:31.00Wobin_with reload rather than restart
20:31.10IrielWobin_ : Eh?
20:31.14IrielXML reloads on a reload
20:31.25Wobin_what am I thinking of? Oh Toc
20:31.26AnduinLotharand in 1.11 toc does too
20:31.34IrielAnduinLothar : it does?!?
20:31.42Wobin_AL: on RL? I thought it was just logout
20:31.43AnduinLotharon my limitted tests it did
20:31.51AnduinLotharoh, my bad
20:31.56AnduinLotharnot exit
20:31.57IrielAnduinLothar : Toc always reloaded, but wouldn't find new files
20:32.12AnduinLotharnews to me
20:32.20IrielWell, i should rephrase that
20:32.29ElkanoIriel, changing saved vars didn't work with reload, too
20:32.31IrielThe non ## part of Toc always reloaded, but wouldn't find new files without a client restart
20:32.58Irielthe ## required a restart (or maybe just a logout, I rarely change that part)
20:32.59Wobin_but since all the non ## part of the toc -are- files...?
20:33.04AnduinLotharya, well i changed a dependacy and it worked on logout
20:33.17Legoroli don't *beleive* this
20:33.21IrielWobin_ : Well, sometimes I create placeholder files for stuff i'm not done with
20:33.27Legoroli had four character copies for the test realms, used them all up
20:33.32Legorolnone of the chars show up :(
20:33.39Cideare you on the right server?
20:33.41IrielWobin_ : And then add them to the toc as I make them
20:33.47Legorolthe one and only, Cide
20:33.52Cidethere are two servers
20:33.54Legoroland yes i did make sure ;-)
20:34.04Legorolyeah i know there are two, i checked both
20:34.24Legoroland if it's going to stay like this, very disappointing :(
20:35.13TainThey're testing.
20:35.19TainIn this case, testing your patience. :)
20:36.47AnduinLotharthere we go, got Wardrobe some Khaos options
20:37.53MiravlixI tried to do Khaos in my debug addon, but Khaos keeps calling callback early
20:38.21MiravlixAnd it defaults to setting it on
20:38.28MiravlixYeah before variables loaded
20:38.36AnduinLotharum, no
20:39.06IrielPerhaps before YOUR VARIABLES_LOADED?
20:39.09MiravlixWhile the addons is loaded my addon thinks it's turned on
20:39.34MiravlixIn the addon default is turned of
20:39.37IrielDoes Khaos do its initialization when Khaos sees VARIABLES_LOADED ?
20:39.52AnduinLotharnope, Chronos.afterInit
20:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
20:40.35krkaif anyone feels like investigating text limitations of editboxes, i'd appreciate it
20:40.58krkamy _limited_ tests show that for lengths >= 7546 characters, the rendering gets messed up
20:41.01kaiden... i keep smelling maple syrup for some reason :(
20:41.09AnduinLotharafterInit == after VARIABLES_LOADED and after all the channel colors have been updated
20:41.17Wobin_kaiden: Pancake gnomes?
20:41.30kaidenmmm pancake gnomes
20:41.52krkahmm... i just thought of something
20:42.09krkamaybe i can build my own editbox from multiple singleline-editboxes
20:42.10Wobin_Notify the press!
20:42.14krkai will!
20:42.25krkahighlighting will be tricky though
20:42.59IrielUsability will be teh suck
20:43.23MiravlixAnduinLothar: It does a callback call when I register.
20:43.49Wobin_Meh, I hate the air here. I want to freshen the air in my room, but the last thing I want to do is open the window to do it =(
20:43.57MiravlixHmm, wait thats checking KhaosFrame.variablesLoaded
20:44.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|Crazy (
20:44.21krkahaven't really thought it through... but navigating around multiple singleline editboxes shouldn't be too hard
20:44.47Shouryuu|Crazyoh my god... I've just done about half my classe's homework
20:46.23KirkburnLol, this episode of Enterprise is weird ... mirror universe Star Trek :P
20:46.24MiravlixChronos.afterInit(function() Chronos.schedule(.5,KhaosCore.runCallbacks); end);
20:46.28MiravlixThats done on load
20:46.43MiravlixNeed to move it to variables loaded?
20:47.08MiravlixIt's an afterInit call. :(
20:48.36MiravlixMy brain is fried.
20:48.49MiravlixAnyway it's in Khaos_Frame_OnEvent()
20:50.57AnduinLotharwell if your load is esp long it also calls 5s after vars loaded..
20:51.20AnduinLotharwell anyway, i have changes to commit
20:51.27AnduinLotharfor less callbacks
20:52.32MiravlixI can't figure out why it's messed up
20:52.46MiravlixI create my Khaos menu at variables loaded
20:53.20AnduinLotharshould work, MF does the same thing
21:00.03MiravlixWhat have you done to Khaos, FeralSkills fails to validate
21:00.47AnduinLotharyou'll have to be more specific
21:01.09AnduinLothardoes it ask for a default value?
21:01.55MiravlixFeralSkills has no khaos options anymore, it's gone because it doesn't get validated
21:02.20AnduinLotharno shit. tell m ewhat the validation error is
21:02.47MiravlixI'll fix it. :p
21:02.56AnduinLotharno. don't touch it
21:03.09AnduinLotharI have a modified khaos here I'm working on
21:03.20MiravlixI mean FeralSkills
21:03.31AnduinLotharit's probably not broken
21:03.54wereHamsterIriel, all UI elements that are rendered by WoW.exe (speech bubbles, HP-bars above enemies, damage text above enemies) are scaled by the screen size, not the size of the WorldFrame. It's not nice when a single chat-bubble covers half of one monitor (and thus half of the WorldFrame) and the damage text doesn't scale very well to that size and I can see the pixels.
21:03.55AnduinLotharI might have added erronious validation while I was modifying the dropdowns
21:04.35IrielwereHamster : I haven't gotten a response on your last speech bubble issue, but when I do i'll add that
21:04.55MiravlixId Shred.Pounce Modifier requires a disabled.value table
21:05.10AnduinLotharyes, that's what i thought. I got it
21:05.13wereHamsterIriel, that's ok.. it doesn't hurry :)
21:05.15AnduinLothari'll fix it
21:05.36MiravlixHmm, just after variables_loaded Khaos calls my callback with true
21:05.38Shouryuu|Crazynight folks
21:06.30MiravlixBecause the real variable processing isn't done until Chronos.afterInit is executed much later?
21:06.55AnduinLotharwhat callback type?
21:07.34MiravlixStandard K_TEXT one?
21:07.43Miravlixcallback = function(state) Lix.Dprint(Lix_debug, "Lix: debug ", state.checked ) Lix_Config.debug = state.checked end,
21:08.59AnduinLotharwhat does it do what?
21:10.34AnduinLotharwhat does it do when?
21:10.34MiravlixIt starts calling callbacks after variables_loaded, but it doesn't process saved variables until Chronos.afterInit?
21:13.53AnduinLotharshouldn't be
21:14.01AnduinLotharanyway i gtg. I'm uploading khaos changed
21:14.21MentalPowerwhat classes are needed on the PTR?
21:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
21:26.26KirkburnProbably not mages or shamans :P
21:27.08CodayusHmm, anyone know of a source for the PTR patch other than Bliz's downloader?
21:27.58KirkburnThere are some possible places to look at the bottom of this page:
21:40.26CodayusKirkburn: Thanks
21:40.48KirkburnNo problem ... I'm just trying to learn how to edit a wiki atm
21:42.22Endgrrr, how is lard's lunch not an elite quest
21:42.58Endsure, the guys that jump you aren't elites, but there are 3 of them!
21:44.14Endoh well, the one I killed had his lunch
21:45.12Wobin_End yeah, that's a bloody tough quest
21:45.14Kirkburnzomg, I edited a wiki!
21:45.25KirkburnLard's Lunch?
21:45.35Endhorde quest in the hinterlands
21:45.45Endyou rescue this ogre's picnic basket
21:45.50Endbut it's a trap!
21:50.10CodayusBlah, none of those sites have it.
21:50.17KirkburnChrist, the wiki is sloooow
21:50.44KirkburnI must have killed it with my uber edit
22:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
23:36.18IrielWithout commenting on the lack of actual content, what do you all think of this:
23:38.41KirkburnYou're 'flickering'?
23:39.20KirkburnAha :) Looks well organised
23:39.35IrielIt's machine generated, so there's hope for it
23:40.13IrielI cant decide if all of the method names should be 'CheckButton:*' or '<AppropriateBaseType>:*'
23:41.25KirkburnI have no opinion either way :)
23:42.24Wobin_Can SetFrameLevel take a negative argument?
23:42.37IrielI dont know
23:42.57IrielFor method name comparison:
23:43.06Wobin_Alas not
23:44.41Wobin_Which is easier for you to lay ouy?
23:45.10Irielchanging between the formats is as simple as commenting/uncommenting 2 lines of code
23:45.30Wobin_I'd say more the <AppropriateBaseType>
23:45.37IrielSo the EditBox version?
23:45.41Wobin_That way you emphasise the fact that it's inherited
23:46.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (

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