irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060516

00:05.31SlackyWell im back surprise surprise. Just a quick one, could you explain how to combine a running value "i" in a for-loop with the static part of a FontString-Name? ("main_row[i]_font1" --> main_row1_font1 , main_row2_font1 , etc)
00:06.04SlackyI tried every . and .. combination i could think of but no good.
00:06.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
00:06.28ckknight"main_row" .. i .. "_font1"
00:06.54Slackyhmm I tried that... just a sec
00:07.55Slackywell my line looks like this
00:08.24Slackyand I get an "unexpected symbol" error
00:08.45Irielyou need getglobal
00:09.26Slackyohhkay trying
00:20.20Slackythanks, works like intended
00:38.11MiravlixAnyone know a CRC16 or CRC32 lua code?
00:38.16AnduinLotharor md5
00:38.35IrielI saw an md5 implementation floating out on the net
00:39.12Cairennawwwwww  *sniffles*
00:39.35IrielEmpty page with some text?
00:39.40MiravlixMD5 homepage has one
00:39.52Cairennbleh, let me guess, you guys can't see it?
00:40.10IrielOh SWF
00:40.13IrielThat'd be why
00:40.35MiravlixE3 montage sample, playing fine for me
00:40.37IrielMiravlix : That links to a C implementation
00:40.47Cairenngo all the way to the end ...
00:41.04MiravlixI bet MD5 is too slow in Lua anyway
00:41.12MiravlixProlly have to be CRC16 or 32
00:42.00AnduinLotharwell the texts are only about 2000 chars
00:42.16AnduinLotharyou could probably make up your own
00:42.34AnduinLothargrab every 85th character
00:43.05AnduinLotharit doesn't need to apply for fringe cases like large white spaces
00:43.53AnduinLotharare there many quests that just change a small amount of text?
00:43.59AnduinLotharwith the same name?
00:45.08IrielHow often do you have to run the comparison?
00:45.40TainCairenn: That's awesome. :)
00:46.25Cairennthe dancer makes me jealous though ... I *used* to be that good, but I'm so long out of practice ..
00:46.41Tainhaah and here I was thinking, "OK get the hula hoop girl out of the way so I can see what game that is."
00:47.05CairennI just can't believe they dedicated it to me *sniffles*
00:47.10AnduinLotharevery time a non-cached party member quest text is requested by the user
00:47.17Taincome on, seen one half-naked chick dancing around on stage, seen 'em all.
00:47.37TainUsually have an ample supply of dollar bills for them as well.
00:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
00:56.06JoshBorkemy head goes into my horse :-(
00:56.17JoshBorkeoh yea, hi all :-)
00:56.31Cairennhi JoshBorke
00:57.05Cairennand no, I'm *not* trying to interpret that statement :p
00:59.06JoshBorkewhenever i jump
00:59.12JoshBorkemy horse clips over my head
00:59.17JoshBorkeanyone watch grey's anatomy?
01:06.56cladhaireNo, but apparently we're going to start next season
01:07.07cladhaireI'm watching Deal, or No Deal.. then Apprentice
01:09.07AnduinLotharSg1 ftw
01:10.59JoshBorke3 part season fanale's stink :-(
01:11.17TainI'm watching.. erm.  You know what I'd just as soon not say.
01:11.35JoshBorkewhat was izzy thinking?!
01:11.54GenNMX|ThraeIs there a mod like SpeakEasy which hooks CastSpellByName?
01:17.08AnduinLotharfor what?
01:18.48GenNMX|ThraeIE, random /say for an action.
01:19.54AnduinLotharso like healix with a random sellection from a list of optiosn for that spell?
01:19.55MiravlixYeah it has a database of combat yells fx.
01:20.34GenNMX|ThraeHmmm, I can use Macromatic for this.
01:20.53MiravlixHmm, found a crc32 thing in some Scite lua script, trying to load it in WoW Lua.
01:21.33GenNMX|ThraeAnduinLothar: Like having a 40% chance to do "/emote jumps out of the shadows and plunges his knife deep into the back of %t!" on Backstab.
01:22.23AnduinLotharnever heard of anything of the sort
01:22.40AnduinLotharshouldn't it use events anyway?
01:22.47MiravlixI wanted to create something like that though, but don't have time.
01:23.06GenNMX|ThraeMiravlix: It's already been created, it's called Macromatic by Rowne.
01:23.15GenNMX|ThraeAnd it uses events, not hooks.
01:23.22cladhaireSomeone else did one too, after that
01:23.42GenNMX|Thraecladhaire: You mean besides Macromatic and the original idea, Reactive Macros?
01:24.31cladhairethere was another Ace one that someone came up with
01:24.37GenNMX|ThraeWhat's it called?
01:25.59cladhairehad to look for it =)
01:26.13cladhairedont think it hooks CSBN, but could be modified to do so
01:26.47GenNMX|ThraeYeah it hooks keybindings or buttons, which wouldn't work well for me, since I play a Druid.
01:27.11Cairenndoes anyone recall off the top of their head the formula for agi -> atk power?
01:27.18cladhaireCairenn: What class?
01:27.19CodayusFor whom?
01:27.19AnduinLothardepends on class
01:27.30Codayus1 agilility = 2 RAP.
01:27.39CodayusEr...agility, too.
01:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
01:32.31MiravlixThe scite thing doesn't work in WoW lua. :p
01:34.19AnduinLotharwhy not?
01:35.04zespriit worked ok for legorol, he is a big fun of it, Miravlix
01:35.36MiravlixNot sure, it gives me errors
01:36.12Miravlixzespri: Hmm?
01:36.47LegorolScite has Lua engine with which you can script the editor, just like you can script WoW
01:36.52Legorolbut the exposed API is different
01:37.03Legorolplus the basic functions of Lua 5.0 they expose is different too
01:37.15cladhaireLegorol: Thanks for your example today.. I got a nice set of dynamic scroll frames working using your GenericScrolLFrame =)
01:37.17MiravlixWe are talking about a crc32 lua code I stole from some Scite code
01:37.36MiravlixIt has nothing to do with Scite the editor, how to use it or anything.
01:37.39cladhaireMiravlix: Do you have the code, It may just need some magic =0
01:37.40Legorolthat should work if it doesn't use any functions that WoW doesn't
01:37.56LegorolMiravlix: yes i understand
01:38.04Legorolcladhaire: great
01:38.17Legorolwhen you got it working, i'd be very interested in it :)
01:38.20MiravlixYeah, I imported it straight into a wow lua and it seems okay, until I try to use it.
01:38.29cladhaireMiravlix: DO you have the code somewhere?
01:38.34GenNMX|ThraeHmm, what's a good WoW Lua memory audit addon?
01:38.37cladhaireLegorol: I'll toss it up once IVF goes gold =)
01:38.50TainAnyoen know the name of the breath meter frame offhand?
01:39.00IrielIs it MirrorFrame ?
01:39.57MiravlixIt fails on line 39
01:40.10MiravlixWhen I do nullzip_crc("This is a string")
01:40.31cladhairei dont think we have string.char =)
01:40.42cladhaireno we do
01:40.46MiravlixBad argument #1 to char, invalid value
01:40.58GenNMX|ThraeTain: MirrorTimer1, MirrorTimer2, and MirrorTimer3 are the three timer frames. They inherit MirrorTimerTemplate, virtual.
01:41.35TainOk thanks!
01:43.29MiravlixUsing nullzip_update_crc(0, "This is a string") and it returns -2044530237
01:43.46cladhairei'm getting values
01:43.50cladhairefor c0,c1,c2,c3
01:44.20cladhairei dont think string.char likes negative values.
01:44.29Miravlixhmm, actually "This is a string" gives -1755717568
01:44.39cladhaireits the negative numbers
01:45.08MiravlixI don't understand why it's giving a negative number
01:45.19MiravlixThat isn't a crc32??
01:46.21MiravlixHmm, that I didn't know you could do
01:46.40cladhairei'm looking
01:47.10cladhairei get entirely different values outside of wow =)
01:47.12cladhairelemme trace this back
01:47.36MiravlixYeah, I think it's broken in wow.
01:47.55cladhairemay be bitlib
01:48.08MiravlixIt doesn't use bitlib
01:48.12MiravlixIt checks if it's there
01:48.31cladhaireyes, and wow uses bitlib
01:48.35cladhairei dont have bitlib on my local install
01:48.44cladhairelemme take that out.
01:48.53MiravlixHmm, we have bit in WoW?
01:49.22cladhairesuprise =)
01:49.39cladhaireworks if you get rid of bitlib
01:49.55MiravlixDamn I'm tracing the wrong functions
01:50.04cladhairecomment that code out, "This is a string." = 2818518614
01:50.21Cairennlater Iriel
01:50.27MiravlixBut why is our bitlib broken?
01:50.27cladhaireSave travels!
01:50.37cladhairethat I dont know =)
01:50.45MiravlixIs this something that should be reported to Slouken perhaps?
01:50.55cladhairewe'd have to figure out where the issue lies =)
01:51.21MiravlixI couldn't write a crc32 routine, so I have no clue whats going on
01:51.26Legorolhow about issues with how many bits are variables use?
01:51.41Legorolafaik the size of an integer can be changed depending on how Lua is compiled in
01:51.47Legorolwhich might matter
01:52.01cladhaireLegorol: But what I understood was it was vanilla integer sizes
01:52.32Miravlixinteger in C is the optimal speed size for the hardware
01:52.43Legorolok, what bitlib are you using out-of-WoW?
01:52.49cladhairewe aren't.
01:52.58cladhairethe crc code has two sets of functinos, ones using bitlib, and ones NOT using bitlib
01:53.04cladhairethe non-bitlib functinos work
01:53.04Legorolyes i saw that
01:53.12Legorolare they supposed to produce the same result?
01:53.15cladhairei haven't tested with an outside bitlib
01:53.29cladhaireLegorol: Well the bitlib v ersino in wow doesn't produce a positive number, just negatives to string.char
01:53.29MiravlixLegorol: Thats the point of crc32 is ALWAYS return the same result
01:53.46Legorolit's always the same for the same input
01:54.00Legorolbut it's not necessarily the same for a different algorithm
01:54.11cladhairethey should be functionally equiv.
01:54.12Legorolok just ignore me, i'm probably talking nonsense
01:54.16Miravlixcrc32 is always crc32
01:54.20cladhaireno you're making complete sense.
01:54.21MiravlixIt's a RFC standard
01:54.35MiravlixIt's same for MD5 it always return the same
01:54.38Legorolfor starters, crc32 is not a single big integer, but a sequence of bytes
01:54.55cladhairebut Mira is correct, and the fact is something in the bitlibversino of the algorithm breaks the algorithm
01:55.02cladhaireLegorol: Correctly, concatenated sequences.
01:55.02Legorolfair enough
01:55.10cladhairebut its just a long number =)
01:55.42MiravlixAnyway, thats a working crc32 library.
01:55.44cladhairevery odd tho =)
01:55.53cladhaireMira, I'd take the conditional declarations out ant put them above.
01:55.58MiravlixMissing some credits for the one I stole it from.
01:56.06cladhairethen in wow, hook the bitlib versino, and run it through the other version too
01:56.09cladhairesee if they compare
01:56.14cladhaireif not, that way we can figure out whats failing.
01:56.22GenNMX|ThraeHmmm, OnEventWatch is good, but how do you debug which addon is taking up the most time with events?
01:56.46Miravlix-- zero-compression zip writer from nullzip.lua ver 0.9.5, by KHMan
01:56.53MiravlixAah the credits is there
01:57.20MiravlixNow I just have to find out what licensing he use.
01:58.15cladhaireWhat are you using the crc for?
01:58.43cladhaireif you dont mind my asking =)
01:59.44MiravlixMIT style licencse
01:59.44cladhaireI should add crc version checking for libraries =)
01:59.51cladhaireI'd need a way to hash a table consistently tho
01:59.55Legorolhm, just looking at the bitlib and non-bitlib versions of the code, i see at least one place where the two can give potentially different answers
02:00.01cladhairethat may be something fun to play with
02:00.16cladhaireLegorol: The issue is negative numbers.. you can't string.char a negative number regardless of the differences
02:00.21MiravlixThats good, you can steal it as long as you don't claim you made it.
02:00.33cladhaireAye, MIT's a fun license.
02:00.38cladhaireI like that and BSD for a lot of my code.
02:02.10cladhaire"Do anything.. just dont say you wrote it"
02:02.28cladhaireactually, "Do anything.. just include this message or ELSE."\
02:03.02AnduinLothari should write my own
02:03.56AnduinLotharsomething like, maintain a list of authors who have worked on this code..
02:04.32MiravlixThe guy writing the lua version of the Scite exporter actually breaks the mit license
02:04.45MiravlixHe doesn't include the license. :)
02:05.18GenNMX|ThraeI love Saien. User: "Hi, can we get a slash command to access MCP to resolve the MCP / MoveAnything conflict?" Saien: "I don't like slash commands. Your request for one is refused."
02:05.25MiravlixAnd as for use, it's for PartyQuests communication
02:05.42MiravlixSo we can crc32 quest text to make sure it's unique
02:05.50MiravlixWell, as unique as crc32 is
02:06.00MiravlixIt's nowhere near a md5 uniqueness
02:06.06AnduinLothar"this liscense binds you to the agreement as it appears on my website X, or whatever it may be at the time you read it"
02:07.06Miravlixcladhaire: That way we can avoid transfairing text we already have across sky, with all Blizzards annoying data limits
02:07.26AnduinLotharbasicly just a way to identify quests as unique
02:07.42cladhaireVery cool
02:07.44cladhairegood use of it.
02:08.04MiravlixAnduinLothar: SeaCRC?
02:08.07AnduinLotharalthough... mira... if it's one we share... we would know that we share it
02:08.11cladhaireSeaRC =)
02:08.37MiravlixBecause C sounds like Sea?
02:08.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
02:08.50AnduinLotharso the only time it wouldn't be unique would be if one of us had multiple with the same name
02:09.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
02:09.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:09.21AnduinLotharof course we could also match against other cached quests... in which case we dont have that luxury
02:09.58MiravlixWe also need it to know we updated libram to another quest, it has a bit of trouble with that
02:10.04AnduinLotharWoWCRC would be fine. there's not much benifit to adding things to Sea at this point
02:10.54AnduinLotharunless it was just it's own adodn that used the same naming convention
02:11.04AnduinLotharin which case it's still easier to make it sepperate :P
02:11.28MiravlixFully Embedabble design offcourse
02:12.46cladhairenaturally =)
02:12.48AnduinLotharsounds good to me, get it working
02:13.04cladhaireIf you get really creative, come up with a way to serialize tables =)
02:13.06cladhaireand then CRC those
02:13.15AnduinLotharalready done
02:13.23AnduinLotharSea has table serializations
02:13.37AnduinLotharCRC you can lay on top
02:13.51cladhaireAnduinLothar: INcluding function serializations?
02:13.56cladhairei.e. between sessions of wow
02:14.21AnduinLotharno, that's not really possible unless you store the function as text and execute on demand
02:14.53AnduinLotharwhich is what ItemRack does for its event drivers
02:14.57cladhairei don't need to re-load it, just would like a way to CRC versions
02:15.03cladhaireof libraries, for example
02:15.07cladhairebut its kinda a nightmare =)
02:15.50AnduinLotharmmm, well I don't know how Sea handles functions atm, prolly ignores them or just asses <function> that evals to an empty func or something
02:16.20AnduinLotharfairly sure it doesn't try to serialize the memory footprint
02:16.30AnduinLotharnot sure how you would do that anyway
02:17.58cladhaireme neither =)
02:18.09cladhaireyou could string.dump the function then CRC that and store that =)
02:18.15AnduinLotharah, there we go, fixed that last khaos localization quirk.. hmm MP's not here
02:18.35AnduinLotharwhat would you pass as args?
02:18.42cladhaireyou're misunderstanding.
02:18.48cladhaireI want to take Library table A
02:18.50cladhaireand Library table B
02:19.00cladhairetheir tables will be different, as will their members.
02:19.23cladhaireand have a way to see if they're the same =)
02:19.23AnduinLotharif the keys were identical and all functions how woudl you tell the difference?
02:19.32cladhairein a sneaky-you-shouldn't-be-doung-this kinda way
02:19.36cladhairethe functions wouldn't be the same
02:19.40cladhairehence the need to string.dump them
02:19.41cladhaireand compare that
02:19.44cladhairebut i'm not even sure that would work =)
02:19.53AnduinLotharsince when can you string.dump funcs..
02:20.27zespriI don't know what you guys are smoking, but crc32 of "This is a string." is 3099244828 and crc32 of "This is a string" is 141976383
02:20.35AnduinLotharalways retruns "LuaP"
02:20.54AnduinLotharya zes, we know
02:21.06zesprioh? cool =)
02:21.25AnduinLotharclad asked about serializing a function
02:21.42cladhaireAnduinLothar: You can string.dump a functino and you get LuaPh}A\00\000\dbasdbadskdjhsadjaskdsadjd etc
02:21.49Miravlixzespri: Yes and thats what it returns in game too
02:22.11cladhairebut a string.dump of two of the same functions are different =)
02:22.37cladhaireif they use the same whitespace
02:22.39cladhairethey're the same =)
02:22.41AnduinLotharif you say so.. I'm not seeing anything in game other than "LuaP"
02:22.51zespriMiravlix, so problem solved?
02:22.53cladhaire./dump it.. there are escape codes
02:23.18AnduinLotharthen i'd have to have devtools installed
02:23.29cladhairestring.dump(function() end) == string.dump(function()   end) is true
02:23.34cladhaireAnduinLothar: Well, thats why you do it.. escape codes, etc.
02:24.28AnduinLotharok, you're right. you can dump them and compare
02:24.41cladhaireso in theory you COULD do it
02:24.42AnduinLotharonly works for comparison tho
02:24.44cladhaireit'd just be silly
02:24.45cladhaireand useless =)
02:24.59AnduinLotharwhereas serialization is full reconsruction
02:25.08cladhairei dont need full serialization
02:25.12cladhairei have a method if i do
02:26.42cladhaireI was thinking when building a library, I could run this crc method on the library.. and avoid declaring anything by comparing it with the CRC or the other versions..
02:26.47cladhairebut it has the same fault points as manual versions =)
02:26.58cladhairemore of an academic questino than a practical one
02:27.12AnduinLotharmight as well just version it like normal people
02:27.25cladhairesince when do i do things normally =)
02:27.31cladhaireyou know i'm gonna write this at work tomorrow =)
02:27.58TainI have a job interview tomorrow with a hospital, I'm almost scared.  hehe
02:28.17Wobin_WoWI needs a changelog section
02:28.25cladhaireWobin_: Suggest it
02:28.29Wobin_So it can post the latest changelog entry on the RSS feed
02:28.59AnduinLotharwell, versioning is more efficient, faster and simpler for most cases
02:34.05*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
02:34.05cladhaireAnduinLothar: Like I said, it has no practical use at all =)
02:34.28fatbrainWhere can I get the icon used to display an item?
02:34.36fatbrainlike, what icon to use.
02:35.14clad|Sleepsearch on thottbot, and check the picture properties.
02:35.16clad|Sleepis normally how I grab it.
02:35.47clad|Sleep is /Interface/Icons/Spell_Nature_Earthquake.jpg
02:35.48AnduinLotharya, and i grab item id's from ala
02:35.48fatbrainI have the picture, but I want to know how I can get the icon-url from within the game or from some .wdb
02:36.15clad|Sleepaah, the itemid you can grab from alla like AnduinLothars said
02:36.18AnduinLotharhow did you get the image?
02:36.20fatbrainLike, if I've encoutered the item ingame, I can store the item-location.
02:36.36Cairennand hello to you, fatbrain
02:36.43Wobin_You can get the path from the texture identifier
02:36.53Wobin_with getinfo I think
02:37.06fatbrainI wrote an app that extracts the mpq and converts the .blp to .png.
02:37.44fatbrainAnduinLothar: that's ingame, what if you have the .wdbs?
02:37.49AnduinLotharif you got it from the mpq than you already know the path
02:38.05fatbrainI have a lot of images, but I need the <name>
02:38.27AnduinLotharlike i said. you need the path to extract it from the mpq..
02:38.28fatbrainI have the item-id, like 6037, which I need to translate to Truesilver Bar.
02:38.49fatbrainI have all the files in a folder on my desktop.
02:38.57AnduinLotharand the name of the item is not equal to the name of the path file
02:38.57fatbrainthousands of them
02:39.01fatbrainI know
02:39.22fatbrainlet me rephrase, I have the item-id, and I need that to translate to INV_XXXXX
02:39.35fatbrainI have the item in the a .wdb, I also have all the .dbc files.
02:39.37AnduinLotharthey don't translate
02:39.42fatbrainbut the ItemDisplayInfo.dbc seems fubar.
02:39.55fatbrainthey should :P
02:40.02Wobin_You'll possibly have to scrape Alla =P
02:40.12Cairennwhy should they? icons are used more than once
02:40.13fatbrainalla? the thottbot site?
02:40.22Cairennthe same icon can be used for multiple items
02:40.23AnduinLotharyou can get the texture from the item id's in game if you've seen the item before
02:40.57fatbrainCairenn: item id 333 translates to INV_ABC.blp in some "translation-table" at the same time 456 also translates to INV_ABC.blp
02:41.06fatbrainI don't mean that it's reversable.
02:41.09AnduinLotharalla for short cause no one can remember how to spell it
02:41.15fatbrainLike one item / icon.
02:41.34fatbrainhm, not good enough :/ I'll keep on digging.
02:41.49AnduinLotharif you have the item id you can get the texture path/name in game
02:42.23clad|Sleepif you need names, you can grab them off thottbot:
02:42.25clad|Sleepthat's 333
02:42.34fatbrainI think I have to have "seen" the item before I can extract the texture.
02:42.58AnduinLotharotherwise the data is not going to be in you wdb anyway
02:43.06fatbrainwhich is ok, but I would like to be able to extract it from the wdb/dbc.
02:43.14AnduinLotharand it's not avail anywhere except maybe an online database
02:43.32fatbrainand it's not like GetXXX allows you to qauery master-server for item-information.
02:43.33clad|SleepNight folks
02:43.57Cairennnight clad|Sleep
02:44.01AnduinLotharso WHAT do you want? A giant list?
02:44.51fatbrainI want... from an item-id, be able to query some .wdb, and if it's in that wdb, extract the icon-texture url.
02:45.02AnduinLothari know you can query alla with a name and get back a texture..
02:45.17AnduinLotharwell, an image
02:45.24LegorolOk, it's definite, WoW's bitlib implementation is broken.
02:45.25AnduinLotharnot sure if they renamed the images
02:45.36clad|SleepLegorol: Thanks for looking at it.. what did you find in particular?
02:45.50Legorolin WoW, bit.bxor(3988292384, 0) gives -306674912
02:46.00clad|SleepOh wow.
02:46.05clad|Sleepthat's.. definitely not right =)
02:46.24clad|Sleeprunning into MAX_INT issues?
02:46.25Legorolwe'd need Iriel or slouken, who know more about innards of Lua and WoW
02:46.31Legorolcould be..
02:46.43Legoroli know WoW Lua can represent 3988292384
02:46.50Legorolthat is not too big as an integer
02:47.03Legorolbut the whole business about all numbers being floats..
02:47.05Legorolwho knows
02:47.26clad|Sleepits always fun to play with
02:47.40Legorolanyways, a non-WoW version of Lua+bitlib gives, for bit.bxor(3988292384, 0), as 3988292384
02:47.54MiravlixHmm, bit more testing and CRCLib goes live
02:48.09clad|SleepMiravlix: You just cut out the conditinoal code, correct?
02:48.34Legorolclad|Sleep / Miravlix: mind if i make a post for slouken?
02:48.35clad|Sleepi'll check the cosmos svn tomorrow and play with it
02:48.38fatbrainproblem solved.
02:48.45Legorol(since you are the "discoverers")
02:48.51clad|SleepNo, please do =)
02:48.55Legorolbah, forums down, point is moot
02:49.02Legoroli'm going to sleep, someone else post it when it's back up :)
02:49.03MiravlixI included my simple embedder
02:49.10clad|Sleepif you want shoot me an email with the details
02:49.10Miravlixand put it into a table
02:49.14clad|Sleepi'll post it at 8am EST
02:49.19Legorolclad|Sleep: i don't have any more details
02:49.28Legorolyou just need to say:
02:49.31clad|Sleepi wa sjust being too lazy to copy paste =)
02:49.42clad|Sleepi've got it =)
02:49.50Legorol/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(bit.bxor(3988292384, 0)) gives -306674912
02:50.01Legorolok fair enough
02:50.29fatbrain<- sleep, tight
02:52.56danonlinedotnetWobin_, you still here?
02:53.43danonlinedotnetReverse Engineering is an awesome idea and a kickass name.
02:54.09Wobin_Hehe thank Tekkub for the name suggestion =)
02:54.23Wobin_And thank you =)
02:54.24danonlinedotnetWill do.
02:54.42danonlinedotnetJust wondering, does 1.1 have any known problems?
02:55.02danonlinedotnetWhoa, when did 1.6 come out?
02:55.34Wobin_Just then =)
02:55.51Wobin_I'm actually a bit confused over my versioning =P
02:56.15Wobin_I think 1.2-5 occurred with a few bugfixes people asked for
02:56.53danonlinedotnetI was getting an error with 1.0 and 1.1 on UI load.
02:57.18danonlinedotnetattempt to index global 'CompostLib' (a nil value)
02:57.21Wobin_Ah, that would have been the typo I made =)
02:57.45danonlinedotnetSo it should be fixed in 1.6?
02:58.08danonlinedotnetThat's awesome.
02:58.53danonlinedotnetHere I thought I was going to have to open it up and provide a patch or figure out why it was only happening on my setup, and I come here to ask you about it, and you've *seen into the future* and uploaded a fix before I could ask you! Thank you so much!
02:59.05danonlinedotnetBest customer service ever. :)
02:59.56Wobin_hehe =)
03:00.48Wobin_I'm just lacking in updating WowI often enough =(
03:00.58Wobin_The SVN is so much easier =)
03:01.02Mr_Rabies2<danonlinedotnet> Reverse Engineering is an awesome idea and a kickass name.
03:01.06Mr_Rabies2what is it? :O
03:01.16Wobin_It's a drilldown tradeskill mod
03:01.18Mr_Rabies2what does it do, rather
03:01.29danonlinedotnetDang it, had the link a second ago.
03:01.37Wobin_you can click on craftable reagents in your tradeskills and it jumps down to that reagent
03:01.37danonlinedotnetLook it up on wowi
03:01.46Wobin_And then pop back up the tree
03:01.51Wobin_to your original item
03:02.05danonlinedotnetIt's such a simple and elegant idea.
03:02.21Wobin_I'm honestly surprised no-one's thought of it before
03:02.40danonlinedotnetNo, it's definitely one of those things that's only obvious after you hear about it.
03:02.42Wobin_It didn't occur to me until I took up Engineering =)
03:02.58danonlinedotnetOr think of it in your case.
03:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:04.36EsamynnEvening all
03:05.15Wobin_Evening Esamynn
03:06.27MiravlixThere CRCLib is submitted to WoWi
03:06.32Mr_Rabies2definitely picking up RE, it's really nice
03:06.58Mr_Rabies2be nice if you managed to get some support for other professions, but one step at a time :D
03:07.18Mr_Rabies2engineering's definitely the main one to need that functionality though
03:07.27AnduinLotharit works?
03:08.15Wobin_oh it works for all tradeskills
03:08.18Wobin_except enchanting
03:08.26AnduinLotharmeant the crc
03:08.26danonlinedotnetI'd be able to test it out if I could freakin' get into wow. I love having an "auth server fixed" message right next to the dialog box that tells me the auth server is down. :)
03:08.38Wobin_I guess I should make that clearer in the description
03:08.57zespriit work if you don't use bitlib from wow as far as I understood
03:09.38Wobin_In regards to RE: if you use it with any other crafting mod, let me know if there are issues
03:10.26Wobin_(Gah, I have loituma stuck in my head now)
03:10.31Wobin_(And I don't even know the words)
03:10.38Mr_Rabies2yeah, it sucks having a song you can't sing stuck in your head
03:10.42Wobin_(This is worse than Dragostea Din Tea)
03:11.00Mr_Rabies2at least you could get somewhat similar to dragostea din tei
03:11.14Mr_Rabies2in singing, loituma sounds like utter gibberish to me :P
03:11.23Wobin_Oh no, it's a real dialiect =)
03:11.28danonlinedotnetIt helps if yo listen to the full loituma, rather than just the 30 second clip
03:11.39Mr_Rabies2oh, i know it's a real language, i just don't know it :P
03:11.41Wobin_Just a finnish one
03:11.51Mr_Rabies2 too lazy to click on firefox
03:13.00Wobin_The thing about our complete non-understanding of the lyrics means that the 30sec loop seems utterly seamless to us =)
03:13.38danonlinedotnetBy helps, I mean helps get it out of your head.
03:13.44danonlinedotnetI don't understand the thing.
03:15.09Wobin_Hehe cause it actually ends
03:15.18Wobin_You're right, it works!
03:18.50Mr_Rabies2it's like crazy finnish jazz polka
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03:49.28MiravlixAnother day, another release.
03:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge insatia (
03:57.52insatiaSo, anyone available to answer noob scripting questions?
03:59.08Wobin_Sure, ask away =) Can't guarantee answers, though =)
04:00.54insatiaCan you have an event trigger when you mouse over something int he worldframe, such as a forge?
04:02.29MiravlixI think the on mouseover event triggers if there is a tooltip created
04:02.30Wobin_Not afaik, only living targets I'm afraid
04:02.51Wobin_I wanted to take over the herbalism toolitp =P
04:03.26Wobin_Alas, to not being able to log in to check
04:03.29MiravlixHmm, it doesn't trigger for all things that does tooltips?
04:03.37Cairennmods without screenshots are now showing up on the front page when new/updated
04:03.50Wobin_Cairenn: Woot =)
04:04.31MiravlixHmm, isn't there some tooltip events you can use instead then, if mouseover doesn't trigger?
04:04.38insatiaOkay, so what event would hear my mouse over the forge?
04:05.05insatiaOr rather the tooltip?
04:05.10MiravlixLog in, RegisterAllEvents() and mouse over a forge. :)
04:05.39insatia=D, I just learned something new, TY Mir
04:06.11MiravlixErr, is RegisterAllEvents in current wow or 1.11?
04:07.09Wobin_1.11, isn't it?
04:07.20Wobin_lemme check =P
04:08.22Wobin_* NEW Frame:RegisterAllEvents() - For debugging purposes only!!!ZOMG!!!
04:08.57insatiaSo I can't? :(
04:09.24insatiaGot another suggestion for my sleuthing?
04:09.50MiravlixJust have to go grab the events manually from the wowwiki
04:11.04insatiaI looked through them all and I couldn't make heads or tails of it, oh well, I'll keep looking, thanks
04:11.43Wobin_I wonder what that can return
04:14.45insatiaA forge wouldn't count as a unit. would it?
04:15.37Wobin_not for that event you're thinking of
04:18.26MiravlixOnCursorChanged is for changing of the mouse curosor graphics
04:18.46danonlinedotnetFinally got into WoW. ReverseEngineering is freakin AWESOME!!!!!oneuno
04:18.49MiravlixIt happends for sell cursor and dressing room cursor
04:19.44Wobin_I was thinking of using it for herb and mining
04:20.06Wobin_hm, but do I hook the worldframe for that event?
04:20.15Wobin_(er script)
04:20.25Wobin_danonlinedotnet: =)
04:27.12Corrodiasgot into with what?
04:27.27Corrodiasi just got here and don't quite care enough to search my buffer for information
04:36.46Wobin_WoW has been having authentication issues
04:41.40CrispixWhen doesn't it have authentication issues?
04:43.54Esamynnwell hopefully it won't once they finish their upgrades of the auth server ;)
05:02.52MiravlixWoops my 0.1 version of CRCLib wasn't very good, it returned the value as a binary string, but for WoW there is no point in having it as a string, when you can just work with the decimal CRC32 value.
05:06.36Miravlix0.2 just uploaded returns it as a decimal value thats much more convenient to use in WoW.
05:34.11ckknightis there any way to check if a mouse is currently over a frame?
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07:34.32Kalrothshiny, happy people!
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09:47.56KasoWhy does wow still load files outside the interface folder -_-
09:49.18KasoLike files from Data and stuff
09:50.18Codayuswhy not?
09:50.42KasoWell Blizzard have said they dont want us changing models and textures, so why does the game allow it?
09:51.07Industrialwhere else ya gotta put it
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09:51.37Kasoeh? i dont understand
09:51.49Industrialthe models and files
09:52.02Industrialyou cant get them to load from... nothing
09:52.22Kasoyou get them to load from the MPQs surely?
09:52.53Industrialyea and where are the MPQ's?
09:53.22Kasookok, perhaps i wasnt speicifc enough, Why does wow load files that arent MPQ that are in Data etc
09:53.58Industrialbecause you touch yourself at night
09:54.00Industrialckknight: :P
09:55.14KalrothKaso: it's mainly a developer feature
09:55.31KalrothSo they don't have to repack MPQ everytime they modify a file
09:56.44KasoMakes sense i guess, but they disabled FrameXML folder, surely that has the same effect dont they need to repack Interface.MPQ each time they change something on the UI
09:57.16Industrialgo ask on the forums
09:57.24Industrialno blizzard employees be here
09:57.41KasoIm on EU, no blizzard employees there either
09:57.51Industrialuh, yes there are
09:58.06Industrialwe even have an interface forum with an interface dude
09:58.10Industrialto answer all your questions
09:58.13Kasothats a joke, i mean that noone cares what we say, our CMs are just for show
09:58.43KasoAeus is a cool guy but he has alot to do in his job, he's rarely hanging around the Interface forum
10:01.34Mr_Rabies<Kaso> Well Blizzard have said they dont want us changing models and textures
10:02.19Mr_Rabiesdespite this, honestly, there's no way they could tell, that's mostly just to keep people that wouldn't enter the files anyway from downloading a giant wsg flag mod or something
10:02.41Kasothats my point, why have the ability to do it if we're not allowed, it just leads to 1000 billion posts in the forums whining about
10:03.18IndustrialMr_Rabies: i liked that
10:03.24Industrialso easy to loot piles of mobs :P
10:03.38Industrialwheres that thing, i want it now
10:03.42Mr_Rabieshrm? :O
10:03.51Industrialthe flag loot thingy
10:04.04Kasoit was on worldofwar last i checked
10:04.20Mr_Rabieshell i dunno, i was just using a giant wsg flag as an example
10:04.25KasoBut You're not allowed to use it! :>
10:04.34Industrialblizz my ass :D
10:04.52Mr_Rabiesyou're also not allowed to install most programs on multiple computers
10:05.09Kaso"LootFX Flag "
10:05.10Mr_Rabiesmost *retail* programs
10:05.14Industrialthatt we go
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11:08.09Kasomummy he said a bad word
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11:21.19IndustrialWhat happens if you make two addons with the other as dependency
11:21.48KalrothWoW will generate a black hole and suck your computer into another dimension
11:22.21Industrialwill that take me back to my home planet, earth?
11:22.47[MoonWolf]not really
11:22.55[MoonWolf]but it will feel really funky
11:23.59Kasothats a intersting idea :>
11:24.02[MoonWolf]kinda like having all the atoms in your body ripped apart, being turned into a goat, turned inside out, dunked into a bucket of ice water.
11:24.16[MoonWolf]and then you come out the other side.
11:24.35[MoonWolf]wet, cold, weird feeling in you stomache and with goat hair all over you.
11:27.17LegorolKaso, to answer your question about why you can still put files outside the MPQs and WoW loads it:
11:27.28Legorolbecause, as others said, it makes it easier for them to work with it
11:27.37Legorolit is not true that you can't do the same thing with Interface files
11:27.55Legorolyou *can* put them outside an mpq, if you work at Blizzard ;-) and you know how to sign the files
11:28.13Legorolthen you might ask, why not sign *all* files, not just the interface ones?
11:28.39Legorolthe answer to that is that signing the files would require reading every single one of them when the game starts. You don't want to have to read nearly 3 Gb of data
11:29.18KasoAh, that's certainly a comprehensive answer, thanks
11:31.22Legoroli think they will do something about it eventually..
11:31.27Legoroljust not clear what :)
11:31.52Legoroland the logic that "we are not supposed to, so why can we still do it" doesn't fly
11:32.13Legorolthere are so many things you can do with WoW that is agains the ToU that they don't stop explicitly using software measures
11:32.50LegorolFor example, cross-faction communication. They took some steps to prevent it, most of the mods (e.g. Universal Translator) died, they put a sentence in the ToU prohibiting you from using them, and that was that.
11:33.03LegorolYou could still write an AddOn that does it, it's not impossible from the programming point of view.
11:33.11KalrothYes it is :)
11:33.23Legorolit is not impossible to do it
11:33.31KalrothUhm, yes it is
11:33.42KalrothThey use a one-way obfuscation routine
11:33.48Legorolthat doesn't matter
11:34.01KalrothWhy not?
11:34.06Legorol*sigh* methods of writing cross-faction communication AddOns have been discussed at length, and there are a variety of ways of making one
11:34.31Kalrothoh sure, like making your own alphabet etc. sure
11:34.42KalrothI was talking about current ingame text messages :)
11:35.17LegorolI was mentioning an example where they have taken some steps on the software side to prevent something from working, but they haven't completely made it impossible
11:35.20Legorolyet you are not allowed to do it
11:35.32Legorolit was just an analogy to go with model modification
11:35.54Kalrothah ok
11:36.43KasoI understand your point there legorol, you're right, but it still seems odd they meticulously remove functions from the API etc to prevent us doing certain things, and yet do nothing to prevent us doing other things
11:37.08Legorolthey have finite amount of manpower and a priority list
11:37.25Legoroli woudlnt' say they do nothing, they have posted on the forums about it to make it clear ;-)
11:37.58KasoTrue, that doesnt stop the 100's of posts a month about it though ;<
11:38.06Legorolthat is true
11:38.34Legorolthere are many topics however where you get the same question asked all over again (not just in UI forum), even though it's in a sticky already
11:38.45Legorolthat is not unique to this situation, and would happen anyway with any number of questions
11:38.55LegorolI agree that the less causes for repeated questions, the better,
11:39.09Legorolbut it probably requires too much effort on their part for too little gain
11:39.26Legorolbesides, avid forum goers will answer instead of CMs without Blizzard having to answer it themselves ;-)
11:40.14Legorolbtw, a very belated welcome to wowi-lounge :)
11:40.18Legorolare you new around here?
11:40.52KasoHi, Im fairly new, i only found this place the other week, and im usually very quiet
11:41.09Legorolgood to see new people :-)
11:41.25Legorolindeed Industrial, banzai!
11:41.44Legorolon that note i shall eat lunch
11:41.46Kasoit was kinda hard to find out about this place, i'd looked for scripting Channels before and come up with nothing
11:41.47Industrialhey Legorol, are you a cosmos dev?
11:41.54Legorolyes i am
11:41.58Legorol(not completely poofed yet)
11:42.02Industrialill ask you when you get back
11:42.06Legorolno no go ahead
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11:42.11IndustrialOk um
11:42.12Legorolyou made me curious now :D
11:42.37Industrialbesides from the 'cosmos' addons in the compilation (cause thats what it is)
11:42.50Industrialare all the other ones that are functional without cosmos released as such?
11:43.00Industriali know that i use EquipCompare - wich i titally cant live without
11:43.27Industrialbut i was wondering if there will ever be a page on the cosmos website with standalone downloads
11:43.42LegorolCosmos has two types of AddOns, those that we write ourselves, and those that are imported from 3rd parties (with their permission ofc)
11:43.47Industrialbecause i dont  need/want the cosmos tweaks and profiles stuff
11:43.51Legorolthe 3rd party ones you can find on the usual sites
11:44.03Legorolthe ones we write, most of them have standalone versions on Curse mostly
11:44.09Industrialhm, k
11:44.20Legoroland yes, we do plan to implement a system on our website where you can pick and choose which ones to download
11:44.31Industrial(after much nagging xD)
11:44.36Legorolbut that's only in the "dreaming" stage of development
11:44.49Legorolin the meantime,
11:44.55Industrial*drum roll*
11:45.01Legorolno harm comes from downloading the zip and just getting out the ones you need/want
11:45.20Legorolit's pretty well modularized, so you should be able to just gut the Cosmos distro as much as you like
11:45.32Industrialthats nice
11:45.44Legorolthe only thing you will run into is that a lot of the addons depend on the core libraries like Sea, Chronos, Sky
11:46.03Legorolso it might be that you like one AddOn in Cosmos, and you take that, and you have to take the core libraries too
11:46.14Industrialill see :)
11:46.38Legorolone thing that AnduinLothar etc. are working on is making the core libraries embeddable, precisely so that you can distribute standalone versions of AddOns
11:46.51Legorolwith the dependent libraries inside them
11:47.14Legoroland no, Cosmos is not just a compilation :)
11:47.20Legorolunfortunately, most people perceive it as such :(
11:47.26IndustrialWell, i know.
11:47.38Industriali dont like the Khaos thing
11:47.42Industrialthe profiling and stuff
11:48.07Industrialmostly because it seems the whole cosmos thing was designed more for the 'newbie' users
11:48.13Industrialit even has an 'advanced' mode
11:48.14Legorolit is
11:48.26Industrialwell im not :>
11:48.27Legorolwell there are a few things behind the scenes that most users don't realise
11:48.35Legorolyou see, Cosmos is like an onion
11:48.38Legorolit has 3 layers
11:48.46Legorolwhich serve different purposes :)
11:49.04KasoIndustrial: Two inter-dependent Addons works fine :>
11:49.09LegorolLayer 1 is the core libraries (Sea, Chronos, Sky etc.) and the core GUI config framework (Khaos)
11:49.11IndustrialKaso: heh k :D
11:49.29Legorolthe idea about this layer is supposed to be that 3rd party developers can use it too to rapidly develop addons
11:49.30IndustrialKaso: i was wondering because how is wow going to figure out wich one to load first
11:49.41IndustrialLegorol: k
11:50.00LegorolAlthough it has very bad PR at the moment, the idea is supposed to be that it's a bit like Titan or Ace or any other "framework"
11:50.10Industrialyea i understand
11:50.22LegorolLayer 2 is AddOns we write ourselves using the framework
11:50.46Legoroland Layer 3 is 3rd party AddOns that are just simply put into the distro (partly due to popular request) to make it an all-round useful compilation
11:51.04Legorolmost addons in Layer 3 don't use the framework, or if they do it's because someone on Cosmos team modified the original addon to do so
11:51.06IndustrialSo I could take these 'core' things and start developing and shipping my own 'compilation' of addons with them ?
11:51.15Legorolif you wanted to, yes
11:51.20IndustrialI get a bit bored of ace's chat commands
11:51.24Industrialto config stuff
11:51.43Industrialbut i CBA to write GUI for configging myself
11:51.43Legorolyou can write your own addons with very little effort that is configured via Khaos
11:51.49Legorolit does have a bit of a learning curve
11:51.56Industrialthats ok
11:52.03Legoroland very poor documentation :/
11:52.08Legorolbut we can always answer any questions you have
11:52.18Legoroland here is a high-profile reference: Auctioneer, Enchantrix etc.
11:52.29[MoonWolf]ace chat commands are fully documented.... o right. its only has like 5 things to tell about it.
11:52.40Legorolnorganna's team added Khaos configurability to them, so if you have Cosmos and those addons, they show up in the Khaos config list with all their options with a nice GUI
11:53.15Industrial[MoonWolf]: personally i dont like the chat commands
11:53.16Legorol[MoonWolf]: i don't think the issue is Ace's chat commands, but ace-dependent AddOns' chat commands
11:53.16Industrialonly for one thing
11:53.18Industrialthe chat
11:53.26Industrialthe chat sucks
11:53.29Industriali want a console
11:53.35[MoonWolf]well, we dont have one.
11:53.38Industriali know
11:53.44[MoonWolf]well blizzard has one.
11:53.50[MoonWolf]but we cant use it.
11:54.01Industrialworst thing about the chat is that it doesnt dupe a sentence but alters the last one with you use up arrow
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11:54.14LegorolIndustrial: i think that's on purpose
11:54.26Legoroland it should be possible to change that with an AddOn ;-)
11:54.32Industrialits soanoying! :P
11:54.43[MoonWolf]its counter intuitive for anybody who has worked with any console ever.
11:54.45Legorolyes i know what you mean, hehe
11:54.53IndustrialI might even make a real post on the EU forums about it
11:54.57Industrialin face, i WILL
11:55.08Elkano~seen hyperChipmunk
11:55.11purlhyperchipmunk is currently on #wowi-lounge #hosernet #wowace. Has said a total of 456 messages. Is idling for 2d 11h 17m 1s, last said: 'apparently!'.
11:55.12Industrialjust plainly ask them WHY
11:55.17Legorolgo right ahead, blow of some steam, then watch the post slide into oblivion :)
11:55.18[MoonWolf]also, it took me half a year to find out the default edit box can actually move and get back the last commands by holding alt.
11:55.34LegorolIndustrial: the WHY is that the chat box isn't supposed to be like a console
11:55.37Industrial[MoonWolf]: ouch
11:55.45Legoroland to be honest, to most wow players, who are not used to command prompts,
11:55.56Legorolit's more intuitive that when they edit an existing line, it edits the existing line
11:55.58Legoroland doesn't make a duplicate
11:56.10Legorolyou have to think of the remaining 5 million average WoW users here
11:56.10[MoonWolf]that isnt a reason to redefine a pretty accepted way of having things work.
11:56.19Legorolbut the chat box is *not* a console
11:56.34Legoroland why not redefine things if you think it's better for your users?
11:56.41Legorolyou don't have to stick with existing stigmas all the time
11:56.53Legorolhaving said that, i would want it to duplicate too :)
11:57.02Legorolbut i do beleive that for the average user that'd be more confusing
11:57.02IndustrialI want my own chat frame :P
11:57.12Legorolin what sense?
11:57.14Industrialyeah why not
11:57.19Industriallike, the real thing
11:57.22Industrialwith tabs and stuff
11:57.44Industrialit doesnt have to look like the current one, it can just be a window
11:57.47LegorolIndustrial, sorry i don't get you
11:57.55Legorolwhat would you use it for?
11:58.01Legorolyou mean as a console?
11:58.03Industrialreplacing the current one
11:58.10Industrialeverything :D
11:58.26Legorolmm, so why not just mod the current one so it works the way you'd like it to?
11:58.36Legorolthe whole tabbed thing is pretty hard to code from scratch ;-)
11:58.49Legoroli'd just go with hacking the existing system until you have something that works like you want it to work
11:59.15Legorolunless there is something that just plain can't be done with the existing one
11:59.24Industriala new tab for every tell
11:59.37Industrialevery person*
11:59.42LegorolTellTrack in Cosmos has (almost) something like that
11:59.52Legorolit's not exactly a new tab for every tell, but it's close
12:00.05Industrialdid you ever play Anarchy Online?
12:00.08Legorolwhat it does is that it creates a single dedicated "TellTrack" tab on the main chat box,
12:00.10Legorolno i haven't
12:00.14Legorolbut i have used IRC :)
12:00.18Industrialyou could click a name and it would open an IM like window
12:00.21Legoroli think i know what you mean
12:00.23Industrialfor a person
12:00.31LegorolIndustrial: i am trying to explain how TellTrack does jut that, or very close to it
12:00.35Industrialyeah the whole addon would look a bit like a windowed irc client
12:00.56Legorolit doesn't quite look like a tabbed chat interface, but it's pretty much the same thing, functionality wise
12:01.01Legorolit separates your tells per person
12:01.05Legorolyou get a list of people you are chatting to
12:01.21Industriali really like the new curse design
12:01.39Industrialuses ajax just like google to et the popup thing in the search that shows you matches as you type
12:01.44Industrialto get*
12:01.47Legorolah, there you go, that's the one i'm talking about ;-)
12:02.12Elkanobut it lacks some things: visual info on updated favs or new comments to your addons :(
12:02.39[MoonWolf]ask netcurse. he wont bite.
12:02.42Wobin_Tuesdays suck
12:02.50LegorolElkano: Net knows about those, they are working on it
12:03.24Elkanowell, he told me 'tomorrow' when I asked him a couple of days ago ;)
12:03.46LegorolAnyways Industrial, although TellTrack is not 100% what you want in terms of the GUI, but it's what you want functionality-wise, i think
12:03.57IndustrialLegorol: noted :d
12:03.59Legorolit does the main thing which is separating each person's tells
12:04.18Wobin_If you want to have a look at what I've done so far, it's up on the SVN under SwitchBoard
12:04.32IndustrialWobin_: also noted.
12:04.42Industrialmy todo list gets big >_>
12:04.48Industrials/gets/is getting/
12:13.43KasoHa ha thats great
12:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
12:18.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
12:18.17KasoIs it possible to get mIRC to auto-join two servers when you open it?
12:20.21Gngskbut it's kinda wonky
12:21.38Gngskif you disconnect from the first server, you'll initiate a duplicate connection on the second server with your temp nick
12:22.18Kasohmm :/
12:22.53Gngskthere's probably a way to avoid it, just couldn't find it in the short time I searched the help file
12:23.00KasoIts annoying having to manually make a new connection to freenode each time i open, i keep forgetting, then again i very often disconnect.
12:23.29Gngskwell, the manual command to do it w/o going through the GUI is /server -m
12:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr10490@
12:26.33KasoWell that worked ok
12:28.45Industrialget a real client?
12:29.14dieckHi. Does anyone know if an (and if yes, what) event is triggered when some declines your invitation to group or he/she is already a member of a group?
12:29.52dieckthere is  PARTY_INVITE_CANCEL, but it's "Fired when _you_ decline a party invite." (wowwiki)
12:29.53Gngskirssi for windows?
12:30.15dieckirssi works with cygwin, afaik
12:30.29Gngskwhat about the gtk version?
12:30.57Industrialthere is no gtk
12:31.11Industrialis ther?
12:31.11Gngskoh, right
12:31.16Industrialno, there isnt :p
12:31.20Industrialthats xchat you mean
12:31.25Gngskwell, I think there was, but this was a few years ago
12:31.36Industriali use irssi with screen on a remote box
12:31.38Industrialit pwns
12:31.44Industrialnever have to leave irc, ever
12:31.52IndustrialIrssi uptime: 36d 0h 54m 8s
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12:31.56Industrialexcept for server reboots
12:33.21KasoDieck of the top of my head i think its a generic CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
12:33.47dieckKaso: ok, I'll have a look.
12:34.20dieckI heard of a mod that simply shows all events as they are triggered, can anyone tell me if that exists?
12:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
12:45.27Endahhh, Industrial beat me
12:45.29EndIrssi uptime: 25d 10h 28m 38s
12:46.23End(although I did have over two months once)\
12:49.31grollanyone with a us account that could link a post i made on the eu forums?
12:51.09grollCairenn u here? :D
12:52.08Kasoim curious, which post is it?
12:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
12:52.32grollthey asked for input in that way so i did it :D
12:52.47Gngskok, I figured out how to stop the duplicate second server window
12:52.57Kasowoot, how
12:53.09Gngskmake an alias
12:53.11Kasoah, boring non-UI stuff groll :<
12:53.17grollyes :D
12:53.44Gngskfreenode { if ($scon(0) == 1) server -m }
12:54.38Kasoahh, nice one so /freenode will connect to freenode only if its not already
12:54.42Gngskthen add a perform entry for the first server you connect to and add /freenode
12:54.56Gngskyea, if you add it to the perform section it'll automatically run when you connect to the 1st server
12:55.06KasoSweet, thanks alot
13:02.54grollCairenn i need a favor again ;P
13:03.03Cairennuh huh
13:03.06grollpretty plz :D
13:03.16Cairennso ask
13:03.24grolllink this post on the us shammy forum and use the same topic plz
13:03.33grollpretty plz :D
13:03.43grolli'll give you milk and cookies :D
13:03.45Cairenncan't log in to the US servers right now, we're down for weekly maintenance
13:04.05Cairennremind me in a few hours and I'd be glad to help
13:04.11grolli'll come bag bugging you later then ;)
13:04.19Cairennno worries :)
13:04.23grolland thanks for always helping out :D
13:04.35Cairennany time huh, you know that :)
13:06.47grolloh well showertime :D
13:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:21.13IndustrialEnd: :P
13:22.01MoonWolf <- how do you get your icons seet like that ?
13:23.04Industrialits not mine
13:23.13Industrialyou do it by hiding the button background
13:23.30Industrialits not hard i think
13:23.37Kalrothhow do you read the text on the player green bars (health?)
13:23.38Industrialjust have to do some magic with drag drop i guess
13:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kenman_ (
13:29.20[MoonWolf]who owned that screenshot again.
13:29.26[MoonWolf]I forget things.
13:29.40Industrialwow eu ui forum show-off thread
13:29.45Industrialfirst page
13:41.45Cairennno patch, at least not yet
13:41.49Cairennjust maintenance
13:42.57[MoonWolf]seeing as the new battelplan said that even minor patches would be on the PTR and no PTR was there.
13:43.40Cairennnow listen [MoonWolf], what are you doing trying to be all logical and stuff? sheesh!
13:43.48[MoonWolf]sorry :9
13:43.59[MoonWolf]must be this brain thing of me
13:44.08Cairennyou're forgiven, this time. Don't let it happen again though!
13:44.13[MoonWolf]Yes mistress.
13:44.28Cairennbaby, you could only wish
13:44.43[MoonWolf]not really
13:44.47[MoonWolf]im not into that.
13:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:49.02Maldiviawell, for some reason, I don't think very minor patches will be on PTR, patches such as fixing the "where did my chatframe all of a sudden go" bug...
13:52.21[MoonWolf]yeah okay
13:52.45[MoonWolf]didnt we abandon logic 5 minutes ago anyway
13:53.12Maldiviathat would be the logical conclusion... so no?
13:55.13Industrial[MoonWolf]: whatever floats your boat dude :P
13:55.38[MoonWolf]air ?
14:00.17Maldivia*cough* EU server :)
14:00.25Cairenn*cough* how?
14:00.28KalrothGet an EU account! You get to play during US downtime and I'm there! Best of both worlds!
14:01.11Cairennright guys ... I can barely afford to pay my subscription fees for 1 account, how would you suggest I pay for 2?
14:01.31Maldiviahmm... get someone to sponsor it...
14:01.40Cairennnot my style
14:01.41Maldivia... get a hold of one of the 25 years game cards ?
14:02.03Cairennlol, there is such a thing? that's hilarious!
14:02.21Maldiviacan't remember if it's 10 or 25 years...
14:02.48Kalroth"Hrmm, I save $70 if I pay for 10 years of WoW!"
14:03.01Maldiviathe CSR people get a few for free, to use themselves / give to family
14:03.29Cairennand I'm *not* CSR, so, ummm, next?
14:04.01Maldiviahmm... stop paying for EQ, and then you can afford 2 wow accounts!!
14:04.15CairennI don't pay for my EQ account
14:04.38Cairennthe one and only game I ever got comp'd
14:05.43Cairennand even if I didn't, I can't
14:06.17Cairennjust like I have to keep a subscription for EQ2 and will have to for Vanguard when it comes out, and any other games we run sites for
14:06.52Maldiviawhy isn't your subscription being payed for, then +
14:07.20Industrialjust take it off your salary...
14:07.34Cairennah Indu, you're funny
14:07.44Maldiviahmm... tax deductable..? :)
14:08.02Cairennokay, for (what is, I hope) the last time ...
14:08.12MaldiviaI know :)
14:08.21Cairennyes, Industrial, really
14:08.25Industrialok heh
14:08.43Maldiviabut can't you write of voluntary work ?
14:09.14Cairenn*you* try and convince my gov't that this counts as "voluntary" work
14:09.35Maldiviawell, it would here :)
14:09.47MaldiviaI'm quite sure it would be tax deductible here
14:09.56[MoonWolf]work you do without pay would be voluntary
14:10.43Maldiviabut then again, you don't pay that many taxes, so don't know how much it would save you...
14:10.52Maldiviaor well, not compared to Denmark
14:14.19KalrothCairenn: It's ok to kick people that's being silly! (Except me of course!)
14:14.50KalrothSpeaking of which, time to head home
14:14.56Cairennlater Kalroth :)
14:16.19MaldiviaWell, there's always the possibility that the companies that make/publish the game are willing to sponsor an account, since administrating such a site is great for their community, and thus a great advertising for their game :)
14:16.42Cairennwe'll see how things change with the Allakhazam merger
14:16.57Maldiviahow is that comming along?
14:17.27CairennI'm a mushroom
14:17.47MaldiviaBadger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom....
14:17.58Cairennkept in the dark and fed bullsh!t
14:18.21CairennI know the site
14:26.42MiravlixOh dang, I finally have the money to order my new monster PC.
14:27.10MiravlixIt's actually a problem, now I have to really decide what I buy.
14:31.16MiravlixTimes like this, I wish someone else was the computer geek in the family so you could ask them for advice.
14:31.46MaldiviaThe problem is, there will always be something bigger and better tomorrow, at the same price...
14:31.57Maldiviaso no matter what you buy, don't look at prices for the next 6 months :9
14:32.09MiravlixWell, thats not the issue
14:32.19MiravlixIt's buying the right things
14:32.40Maldiviadual core?
14:32.42MiravlixI don't buy pre-made computers, but buy parts, so I have to make some choices
14:33.02MaldiviaIntel or AMD...
14:33.23Maldiviaare you reusing any existing components?
14:33.23MiravlixWhats the right RAM, what CPU goes in what motherboard, what motherboard is a good choice, etc.
14:33.55MiravlixAMD 64 x2 4800 Nvidia 7800 GFX and 2x1024 Dual RAM
14:34.07MaldiviaOk, that calibre...
14:34.24Maldivia939 or AM2?
14:34.43MiravlixBut a Dual Core motherboard isn't just a dual core motherboard, there is SLI or Single
14:35.32MaldiviaWill you ever run with SLI - if not, there's no use at wasting money for SLI support and an extra PCI-e 16
14:37.00MiravlixI don't know what kind of performance gain there is from SLI.
14:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
14:38.49MiravlixHey grimman
14:38.51Cairennhello grimman
14:39.04Maldiviawell, depend which games you're running
14:39.37MiravlixThats pretty much it, I might be running other MMORPGs in the future, but no FPS thye make me car sick
14:39.48KasoNo point getting SLI for WoW unless you have a screen the size of a football pitch
14:39.55Maldiviayeah, exactly
14:40.09MiravlixNice, thats something I can use to make a choice.
14:40.14grimmanMiravlix: "Head bobbing" in FPSes make me sick too, but most of the time you can turn that off. =)
14:40.26MaldiviaSLI is only graphical performance, and WoW is not heavy on the  gfx
14:42.03MiravlixDFI Lanparty UT Ultra NF4 then
14:44.29MiravlixBuying a plexiglas side case so you can see the motherboard and a Blue Orb II CPU cooler.
14:46.04KasoTo me Money spent on a case is money i could have spent on other components, yay for £13 case!
14:48.03MiravlixWell, I have the cash for the top of the line machine + making it look good.
14:48.32Kasosucky cooler
14:48.36grimmanMaking it look good is a waste of time imo, unless you plan on maintaining the good looks. ;P
14:48.44MiravlixI don't think I can buy anything better than what I have.
14:48.48grimmanDust gathers, plexi may get scratched and other crap.
14:49.50grimmanAlso, I know your name now. ;P
14:50.16*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre_ (
14:50.17Kaso Best cooler around imo
14:50.27MiravlixYou can get my home address and phone number too by looking up my domain
14:50.46grimmanSame for me I guess...
14:50.53MiravlixSo I'm not too concerned about ppl knowing my name, due to that information is already out there
14:51.01grimmanJust saying.
14:51.09MaldiviaKaso: I like Zalman CNPS9500 :)
14:51.13grimmanI think it's kinda weird for the site to display your name like that.
14:51.36MaldiviaMiravlix: tjaa, det er så let at finde informationer om folk nu til dags :9
14:51.59GenNMX|ThraeMiravlix: By the way, please turn your head more towards the lamp when you're speaking.
14:52.16KasoZalman's are always so pretty, anyway, just go water cooling, pwns it all :>
14:52.17MiravlixDon't have a webcam. :)
14:52.40GenNMX|ThraeIf you have a Camera Phone, or any digital camera, you have a webcam ;)
14:52.55MiravlixI don't. :p
14:53.13MiravlixAnd no microphone connected either.
14:53.30Maldiviaif you have speakers connected, you have a microphone connected :9
14:53.33GenNMX|ThraeIf you have a mouse, you have a webcam
14:53.53Kaso MM now thats a class cooling system1
14:54.02GenNMX|ThraeNSA has been secretly installing cameras in mice since 1942
14:54.13MiravlixMy god it's ugly
14:54.20Miravlixand totally ruined by the box being open
14:54.27GenNMX|ThraeIn 1976 they switched from live mice to the computer kind :D
14:54.38KasoAs i say, money wasted on prettys is money that could be use on compents
14:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
14:54.56MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: the problem with the live mice, was also the (at the time) 5 kg heavy battery they have to carry around aswell
14:55.22grimmanMaldivia, do you live in or near Christiania? ;P
14:55.25MiravlixDoes watercooling include PSU's?
14:55.29Maldiviagrimman: no
14:55.31GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: Did you know urine can hold a charge? :D
14:55.35Maldiviagrimman: or well, we all live near it
14:55.48Miravlixgrimman: Denmark is a small country, we are never more than two hours away from Christania in any part of the country
14:55.52MiravlixSo define close...
14:56.00MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: I've tried peeing on an electrical fence... so yes...
14:56.12Kalroth2 hours? even if I drove fast it'd take me ~3.5 hours :)
14:56.16grimmanWell... that brings me into your definition of close too then I guess.
14:56.21MiravlixKalroth: Slow car. :p
14:56.25GenNMX|ThraeUrine has a natural charge around 0.5 volts, enough to power very small, simple devices.
14:56.26MaldiviaMiravlix: well, I'd like to see you drive from Skagen to Christiania in 2 hours :9
14:56.28KalrothMiravlix: lega speeds :p
14:56.52MiravlixPffft, why have a car if your not going to floor the pedal.
14:57.12KalrothMy car can't outrun the coppers ><
14:57.14Maldiviabecause, flooring the pedal makes you loose your drivers license
14:57.28MiravlixOnly if they catch you.
14:57.37grimmanOr if they see the plates.
14:57.47grimmanBut you have to plan ahead. D;
14:57.51grimman;D even
14:57.52MiravlixMuddy plates ftw!
15:00.28KalrothJames bond plates ftw!
15:00.56grimmanI was thinking that...
15:01.24Maldiviaanyawy, I'm off...
15:14.02MiravlixBought the machine, now I home it will be my last playstation.
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15:43.22TemI *can* switch servers
15:43.40Cairennheh, told ya ;)
15:43.54TemI didn't try, but I just assumed the webclient would suck
15:44.02grollCairenn forums up yet? ;P
15:44.25*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-1746 (
15:44.27grollwee :D
15:44.34grolllink this post on the us shammy forum and use the same topic plz
15:44.42Temstupid tabs...
15:44.47grollor you could just copy paste the post so ppl actually read it ;P
15:45.10grolljust write it's a posting for me from eu :D and nick should be Groll
15:45.53Temlol... I get it to work, and it's time to go do actual work again ><
15:46.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|Sleep (
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15:49.35grollthanks Cairenn :D
15:50.37Cairennwe aim to please
15:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
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16:17.17grimmanYarr. Bought new hosting solution for my domain. ^^
16:21.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
16:24.30Kasocan someone tell me what happens if you table.getn() an table, i cant log onto wow to check
16:25.04Kasoan empty table even
16:25.15TainAn empty table returns 0
16:26.23TainThat's a defined, but empty table.  A nil table gives an error.
16:26.49TainIt's handy to set up the standalone Lua executable on a PC to test functions like that when you're not online.
16:28.00Kasonever even thought of that :>
16:31.08wereHamsterlong live lua -e '...' ;)
16:32.26Kasowhats luac
16:42.54Kasohelp, how do i quit the console
16:43.52*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
16:44.44grollnetcurse i'm back
16:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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17:07.15KasoCan anyone spare a few minutes give me a hand with sorting, i always sucked at that at college
17:08.49Cairennhow hard is it?  hot/not hot, clean/dirty, edible/not edible
17:09.18Kasoha ha :>
17:09.56KasoI want to arrange a table in order of the key's length, i cant think how to do that with table.sort and the thought of writing a sorting function myself makes me cry
17:12.20Maldiviatables can't be sorted, only when indexed with numbers
17:12.33Kasoargh darnit
17:12.56Kasoso i'd have do do some trickery with table.foreach ?
17:13.38Maldiviaforeach will return the table in "random" order
17:13.52Kasooh? i didnt know that
17:13.58Kasodarnit, that ruins my whole plan
17:14.05Maldiviait's returned in the order their appear in the internal hash-structure
17:14.57Maldiviaso, either you have to copy all the keys to another table (in array form), sort that, and then use that to determine the order of the original table
17:15.02Maldiviaor find some other way...
17:15.28Kasoyeh, i think i'll do the first
17:17.09*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
17:17.39Maldiviathen you should be able to sort it, ala table.sort(keyList, function(a, b) return string.len(a) > string.len(b) end);
17:17.46Maldiviaor is it the other way around, can never remember :)
17:18.40Kasothat works wonderfully, thanks
17:22.00Maldiviaohh, btw figured you were using strings as keys :)
17:22.31Kasoyeh :>
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18:05.44Cairennhey Iriel
18:07.33IrielHey there
18:10.40IrielSometimes I really hate the retail development calendar, the summer months suck
18:14.04IndustrialIf i want to use ... as the argument how do i access that table again?
18:14.36Industrialargs right?
18:25.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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18:44.46Shouryuurawr and all that may follow
18:44.56IrielIndustrial : 'arg'
18:46.19Shouryuuok could anyone explain to me what ""Tis true, 'tis day, what though it be?" Means? The "what though it be?" part?
18:47.11TemIndustrial: **DON'T** use ... for a chat frame AddMessage hook
18:47.38Maldiviagc hell
18:48.25Temthis is why we should have lua 5.1
18:48.34Maldiviaone of the reasons...
18:48.57Maldiviabut doubt it'll justify the required time it would take to implement int
18:49.07IrielShouryuu : I read it as something along the lines of 'but what does that mean'
18:49.16IrielShouryuu : I.e. what does day mean to us
18:49.29IrielShouryuu : Especially given the context (google FTW)
18:49.35ShouryuuThat makes sens with what comes next :P
18:50.07ShouryuuI just keep mistaking Thou, thought, tough, though
18:50.08Maldiviareading poetry?
18:50.15IrielIt's the only reason I've found to REALLY want 5.1
18:50.52Maldiviaohh, I would have thought the metatable on everything, would appeal to you
18:51.29Irielwell, it'd be nice, but it's not something that we really HURT for now
18:51.36Irielwhereas the ... thing is a constant pain in the ass
18:52.37TemIriel: Incremental Garbage Collection
18:53.08TemI also really like the new select operator
18:53.15Temand the module system rocks too
18:53.30IndustrialTem: well do you have a solution? i cant figure it out
18:53.36Industrialand i read AceHook.lua
18:53.38IrielTem: Do you really feel that GC is that bad now?
18:53.49TemIriel: it's not *that* bad, but I think it would certainly help
18:58.24krkadoes GC freeze the comp temporarily for you windows users? i never actually notice gc in linux
19:04.10IndustrialI usually dont notice
19:04.16Industrialbut it seldom happens anyway
19:12.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
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19:24.32KasoThink we'll ever get a offline UI sandbox thingy? -_- I hate it when my internet craps up when im coding
19:24.58ShouryuuStrongly doubt it
19:25.29ShouryuuThey won't go through the trouble of making one for a total of maybe 100 people
19:25.40Kasotrue, true
19:25.56ShouryuuBut I want one though :P
19:26.09ShouryuuI hate not being able to code because I don't have the game
19:26.56KasoWhenever i code i log onto my alt in tainted scar, thus i do two things at once, i'm clever!
19:30.13MiravlixActually, clever isn't the word I would use, your addiction level is rather scary
19:31.32Kasoits not that bad is it :<
19:32.05MiravlixYour so addicted, you can't even take 1 min away from the game to code.
19:34.19Kasoi guess :<
19:34.51IrielIf we get one, it'll be one of us that does it.
19:34.59IrielBlizzard have no reason to build one
19:35.05KasoIll go cry in the corner with Sad Firefox ->
19:35.17IrielI'm sure they'd rather commit their resources to making wow available 24 x 7
19:35.55Kasotrue true.
19:36.08krkahmm... could just catch all packets in and out of wow and simulate :P
19:36.12MiravlixDon't think we will ever get 24/7 wow
19:36.28MiravlixWill always be the 8 hour or so maintenance window
19:36.55wereHamsterI'm wondering what they do during the eight hours..
19:37.12MiravlixDownloads porn with there big pipe?
19:38.35Wobin_<Miravlix> Your so addicted, you can't even take 1 min away from the game to code.
19:38.43Wobin_There's something strangely ironic with that sentence =)
19:47.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
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20:01.41ShouryuuTotoro is just so good...
20:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
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20:28.04kozdoes guillotine still come by here often?
20:28.42kozah, any chance you know how he figured out how to convert files back to WDBC?
20:32.00koztrying to edit CharHairGeosets.dbc.. any ideas? :O
20:32.20AnduinLothari haven't done any datamining myself
20:32.39KirkburnCan anyone check whether works for them?
20:32.54Wobin_error 403: Forbidden!
20:32.55Wobin_The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
20:33.06KirkburnWhich makes no sense.
20:33.07AnduinLotharwow kirk.. you register a domain..
20:33.32KirkburnDoesn't cost much :)
20:33.49Wobin_I like the fact they spell Authorisation like that for a site =P
20:33.49KirkburnAll of my other sites on the host work fine
20:34.35KirkburnFor example, my own site (, and is in the adjacent directory :/
20:34.56KirkburnOkay missed an important word ... my own site *works*
20:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
20:37.26AnduinLotharhmmm, black MacBook is sexy
20:37.39ShouryuuWhat's that?
20:37.41AnduinLothar2ghz core duo
20:38.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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20:40.35AnduinLotharcourse I'm a sucker and would go with a MacBook Pro 17" if I could afford it
20:41.26AnduinLotharaww, those 5400 rpm drives make me sad... or grad I have a desktop
20:41.45ShouryuuI understand so little of what you're saying :P
20:42.08KirkburnCan someone check now? I moved the file folder ...
20:42.31Wobin_Works Kirkburn  =)
20:42.46Wobin_You might want to centre the frame =)
20:42.47KirkburnCool. Made no sense whatsoever, but hey - it works :D
20:42.51GenNMX|ThraeSpeaking of non-Windows, I'm about ready to ditch Windows on my "main workstation" here.
20:42.56AnduinLothari need to get a 10k rpm drive for wow/bookup
20:43.04KirkburnFrame is centred Wobin_ ... ?
20:43.13GenNMX|ThraeMaybe it's just me, but I find it soooo much easier to get Linux to do exactly what I want it to do then Windows.
20:43.20AnduinLotharplanning on going mac or some *nix flavor?
20:43.52ShouryuuLol I've had my dose of trying to install linux for a while
20:44.01Wobin_hm, it's showing up as left aligned on Bon Echo..(the whole text frame is on the left side of the page)
20:44.08GenNMX|ThraeLinux has always been an easy install for me...
20:44.23ShouryuuUbuntu and Kubuntu bothed failed for me =(
20:44.40GenNMX|ThraeWhat'd they fail at?
20:44.55ShouryuuThe screen just went black after the first attempted boot
20:44.57KirkburnWobin_, hmm same in 1.5 ... very odd! Never seen that problem before
20:45.00Shouryuuno erros, nothing, black
20:45.45ShouryuuAsked some help on the Kubuntu channel and no one succeeded in solving my problem =(
20:45.51GenNMX|ThraeShouryuu: You're an addon coder, right? Have good programming experience?
20:46.08ShouryuuGenNMX|Thrae Lua is the first language I've ever "learnt"
20:46.18GenNMX|ThraeAh, I see.
20:46.37KirkburnShouryuu, was that before or after English and French? ;)
20:47.04ShouryuuFine, mock me all you want =(
20:47.05GenNMX|ThraeI was going to suggest "pure" Debian, which is more interactive and less intuitive then Ubuntu.
20:47.43ShouryuuYup, debian worked fine, but once I got to the terminal I went "Hummmm now what?"
20:47.51Shouryuustayed like that for about a week, went back to windows :P
20:48.05GenNMX|ThraeShouryuu: "apt-get install xorg-server" :D
20:48.55AnduinLotharget a gui for aptget and make your memory happy
20:49.06ShouryuuI might try something like debain, and buy a Debian for dummies book, but buying something on how to use a free software just feels dumb :P
20:49.15ShouryuuDebian has a GUI for aptget
20:49.17AnduinLotharnot at all
20:49.20Shouryuuaptitude, I think
20:49.34AnduinLotharmost people make money from OS by sellign services
20:49.57AnduinLotharso just think of it as contributing to free
20:50.04Shouryuuindeed :P
20:50.31AnduinLothareither that or get used to ahrd research
20:50.32KirkburnHow would I centre a table in CSS?
20:50.47AnduinLotharalign=center ?
20:51.02AnduinLotharbeen a long time since i did much css
20:51.38Shouryuuarghh forums are still down =(
20:51.47[MoonWolf]thats a good thing
20:51.51[MoonWolf]less hate in the world now.
20:52.16Wobin_margin-left: 10%;
20:52.16Wobin_margin-right: 10%;
20:52.20Shouryuumroe boredom for me... And yes, I need to consider getting a life/gf *one* day, but just not now
20:52.27Wobin_for a dynamic centering
20:53.20KirkburnI want it to stay 900px wide
20:53.44AnduinLothari find that having a life/gf for 3 months out of the year allows me to focus the rest of the year
20:53.47Wobin_margin-left: auto;
20:53.48Wobin_margin-right: auto;
20:53.48Wobin_width: 50em;
20:53.57Wobin_or 900px in your case
20:55.17KirkburnWorks :)
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20:59.55ShouryuuI hate my internet
21:00.12AnduinLotharmine was out all night, starting at midnight, sucked
21:00.27ShouryuuI can't even connect to MSN =(
21:03.01AnduinLotharif you CreateFrame it starts hidden, right?
21:03.15AnduinLotharor does hidden default false
21:04.13ckknightdefault shown
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21:17.13Industrialfucking bastards
21:17.14Industrialits a missile! are they blind?!
21:20.13ShouryuuUgh, conspiracy theory
21:22.34ShouryuuI've never beleived in conspiracy theories... If the US Goverment wanted something to stay hidden, no *one* on earth would know about it... And anyone who would by chance learn about it, would coinicidentely fall out their window a few days after.
21:23.00ShouryuuStarGate 1?
21:23.05AnduinLotharIT DOES EXIST!
21:26.25MiravlixOh the Irony, I get a air plane advert while waiting the 9/11 pentagon hit
21:27.01AnduinLothartextual ads ftl
21:29.09KirkburnErm, Industrial ... what happened to the plane then? (assuming you're bing serious)
21:29.21AnduinLotharhe isn't
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21:29.41Kirkburnphew :P
21:29.44ShouryuuAnd wow if someone managed to make something out of those videos...
21:30.08KirkburnI find it strange there's no method in CSS to define whether scroll bars should appear or not
21:30.11AnduinLotharpretty slow fps
21:30.35ckknightKirkburn, there is, I forget what it is
21:30.56AnduinLothari know there's css for modifying what the scrollbar looks like..
21:30.57KirkburnFrom reading message boards there are workarounds, but no actual code
21:32.52Kirkburnheight: 101% seems to be the easiest method
21:34.42Wobin_yuck =)
21:34.57Wobin_That's a horrific workaround =P
21:35.08KirkburnThere's not much better
21:35.25KirkburnAlso ... height 100% margin-bottom 1px
21:47.33KirkburnWow, I'm having a great day with online stuff - the height thing works on one page, but not another
21:48.08AnduinLothartypical css ;)
21:51.28Wobin_Unfortunately so very true =)
21:51.49IndustrialHow do i abandon my imp pet again to summon a new one to get a new name?
21:51.52Industrialthere was a lua command
21:52.28SlackerJerI don't think that works anymore. I saw a forum poster complaining that it had been "fixed"
21:52.59KirkburnNope, doesn't work no more :(
21:53.19KirkburnI'm happy with Targup :P
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21:54.51Industrialmy minimap is usually off
21:54.54KirkburnFound out why the height thing won't work ... because I put a doctype on the page :/
21:55.18Industrialdoctype? hm what?
21:55.22Industrialsounds like work >_>
21:55.29KirkburnWell, that's minimalistic
21:57.12AnduinLotharyou have all the hotkeys memorized?
21:58.12Industriallowest bar 1-12, second shift+1-10, top ctrl/caps+1-10
21:58.25IndustrialI have DD spells on the first row
21:58.37Industrialabove that Dot's
21:58.43Industrialand above that drains fears etc
21:58.51Industriali only use the first 5 buttons myself
21:58.53TainYeah gotta get your hotkeys memorized.
21:59.04Industriali dont even look at my hotkeys
21:59.08TainIf you have to use a mouse to find it then you're too slow.
21:59.08AnduinLothari see like 6 buttons, rest show on mouseover?
21:59.09Industrialthey are just there
21:59.25Industrialthe buttons on the right are the edges of the bar ;)
21:59.45Industrialthe unfilled ones dont show
21:59.54Industrialsomehoe the blizzard ActionButton template does that
21:59.58wereHamsterKirkburn, works for me..
22:00.20AnduinLothari switch back and forth between mouse and hotkeys
22:00.30KirkburnWhat's that wereHamster ?
22:00.41wereHamsterforget it... I had scrolled way up in the chat-window ;)
22:00.56AnduinLotharmostly cause my memory sucks
22:00.58wereHamsterto the place where you asked if works..
22:01.19Industriallemme set up my pet frame and party frames :-)\
22:01.24AnduinLotharso i have liek 10 hotkeys memorized
22:01.41AnduinLothar1-5 and shift+1-5  alt self casts those
22:02.12AnduinLothar= is mount, 8 is exorcism... rest I use my mouse for
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22:02.37AnduinLotharusually with auto target sellection or use my current target
22:03.21AnduinLotharif I have any speed problems it's either from hitting the wrong hotkey or fps lag
22:05.57AnduinLotharhave to have the buttons visible for double checking the hotkey usually tho
22:07.16Industrialhows that for HUD
22:07.55AnduinLothartarget bellow player?
22:08.13KirkburnFiiiinally, I've managed to get the scrollbar thing working all properly
22:08.25IndustrialKirkburn: \o/
22:08.27AnduinLotharwhere are the buffs shown for pet/target/player?
22:08.36Industrialoh right
22:08.41Industrialonly buffs for target ;)
22:08.48Industrialbuffs are default here
22:08.52Kirkburn shows it! :D   *grumbles at Firefox*
22:09.03AnduinLotharno player buffs on screen?
22:09.45IndustrialAnduinLothar: default loc
22:10.34ckknightKirkburn, I'm using Opera and can see the scrollbar
22:10.50KirkburnThat's the idea :)
22:10.51AnduinLotharspose that works for a warlock, you use that for other classes?
22:11.27IndustrialNo, i just set it up
22:11.50IndustrialActually, what class needs to see his own buffs all the time?
22:12.01ckknightokay, I'm splitting FuBarUtils into 3 libs: one to handle color, one to handle formatting money/duration, and one for versions.
22:12.06Industrialyou only need to look at them very briefly once in a minute or so
22:12.08ckknightandyone think of any good names?
22:12.15AnduinLotharI find as a buffing/decursing class I need to be able to have my buffs/debuffs near center screen and target/party buffs/debuffs visible
22:12.44KirkburnOoh, I need one other thing tested ... on when rolling over "The Apartments", does it always reload the image from the server? It does it for me, and I can't work out why
22:13.15ckknightKirkburn, not for me, it seems
22:13.27IndustrialFubarColor, FubarCount, FubarVersion (or uh, Compat?)
22:13.48KirkburnOdd - in FF and IE it always reloads that image every time - but it's fine with the others being done from the cache
22:14.09ckknightIndustrial, they have nothing to do with FuBar
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22:14.26Industrialckknight: oh
22:14.28AnduinLothardescribe 'handle'
22:14.40IndustrialKirkburn: didnt in IE nore FF for me
22:14.51ckknightGetThresholdColor(percent) returns a color based on percentage
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22:14.54ShouryuuMelanin for the colour one?
22:15.01ckknightI already got a good name for that, though: CrayonLib
22:15.15KirkburnAh well, thanks for checking!
22:15.20Tainehn.. it's a name.  I'm not sure I'd qualify with, "good."
22:15.32ckknightbetter than nothing
22:15.42ckknightunless I or someone else comes up with something
22:16.05Industrialshit whats that word again
22:16.11Industrial'telraam' in dutch ... :|
22:16.20Shouryuuit''s... hummm
22:16.25Shouryuudamn, forgot it too
22:16.27Industrialwooden frame with iron bars with marbles to cont shit
22:16.42ShouryuuThe chinese thing?
22:16.46Industrialfor the money/duration thing
22:17.00ShouryuuAbacus... didn't know that
22:17.12ckknightI guess it works
22:17.22IndustrialCrayonLib, AbacusLib, GradeLib ? :P
22:17.33ckknightprobably gonna just call it VersionLib
22:17.42ckknightit's pretty simplistic
22:17.43Industrial(sorry has this school theme in my head :pp)
22:18.19ckknightit just turns a string of digits representing a version into a number
22:18.48KirkburnIt turns digits into a number!??! ZOMG
22:19.06ckknightlike turns into 102.00030004
22:19.12Shouryuuwell night folks
22:19.14AnduinLotharwait wait... percent of color in what format?
22:19.29ckknightAnduinLothar, 0 is red, 0.5 is yellow, 1 is green
22:19.42AnduinLotharO.o why
22:19.52AnduinLotharwhy not use rgb?
22:19.53ckknightAnduinLothar, also, you can specify arbitrary thresholds if you want
22:20.05ckknightAnduinLothar, because 0.1 is reddish-orange
22:20.12ckknightit turns the percent into rgb
22:20.13krkayou need a lib for that conversion? O_o
22:20.41Kirkburnckknight likes his libraries, he does :)
22:20.54AnduinLothari'm still confused how you ever started thinking of color as a single 0-1 float..
22:21.07AnduinLotharso limitting..
22:21.09KirkburnHow is it possible?
22:21.32AnduinLotharit's possible, it's just almost as bad as 16bit greyscale
22:21.32Kirkburnnvm, I see how
22:21.38krkajust choosing the hue
22:21.42krkanot the other two parameters
22:21.45krkaforgot their names
22:21.55ckknighthue saturation value
22:21.56AnduinLotharyour choice of color is ver limitted, is that the idea?
22:22.10ckknightbad to good
22:22.12ckknightred to green
22:22.16ckknightthat's what it is
22:22.30ckknightit's for a percentage-based conor
22:22.33AnduinLotharthat's used in more than one mod?
22:22.39krkaah.. i get it now
22:22.42ckknightall over FuBar
22:22.59AnduinLotharso.. why not just a fubar function..
22:23.07AnduinLotharit's only like 1 function anyway
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22:23.35ckknightI don't want it limited to FuBar
22:23.43ckknightI'm very much for modularization
22:23.52ckknightby taking FuBarUtils out of FuBar, all that's left is the core
22:23.55AnduinLotharya, but who else is gonna use it..
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22:24.19ckknightI don't care who else uses it
22:24.23ckknightbut they can.
22:24.57AnduinLotharok, well i can understand splitting up Sea into parts... but 1 function per lib is a lil overboard..
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22:26.15ckknightAnduinLothar, it's like 10 functions
22:26.20ckknightit's the most important one, though
22:26.43AnduinLotharpastebin is being slow atm
22:27.10ckknightthere's also a gray to green to yellow to red function
22:27.19ckknightand all sorts of static colors
22:27.57AnduinLotharhowbout ColorShop
22:28.16ckknightgonna go to a Cubs' game now, cya later
22:29.03Wobin_AL: ><
22:29.10Wobin_Bad pun =P
22:29.30AnduinLotharare there any good puns?
22:31.36DepheriosThe goodness of a pun is judged almost solely on it's badness... therefor yes, there are good puns, but it's all based on your point of view XD
22:32.23AnduinLotharit seems the 90's bad = good has gotten perminently stuck
22:32.51Depherioslike my collection of "Terrible" Sci-fi movies? (remember Terrible = awesome)
22:33.07AnduinLotharya, I got a bunch of those
22:33.26AnduinLotharsci-fi horror is the 'worst'
22:33.36DepheriosXD I don't do much sci-fi horror
22:33.47AnduinLotharme either
22:34.05AnduinLothar'Event Horison' is definitly jsut Bad
22:34.46DepheriosI'm talking stuff like Black Hole, Evolution, Jhonny Mnemonic
22:35.44AnduinLotharya, those are 'terrible'
22:36.56DepheriosI need to get Event Horizon, I have the novel though, which is far worse than the book
22:37.01Depherioserr movie
22:37.43AnduinLotharBeautiful Sunshine, Being John Malc, Chronicles of Riddick, Fifth Element are more pop sci-fi
22:37.50AnduinLotharBattlefield Earth is 'terrible'
22:38.09DepheriosI won't get that
22:38.13DepheriosI like the book
22:38.38AnduinLotharDonnie Darko ftw
22:39.33AnduinLotharcant forget Butterfly Effect too
22:39.46Wobin_Event Horizon was creepy
22:39.53Wobin_Donnie Darko was fun
22:39.58Wobin_(Chut up!!)
22:40.04AnduinLotharbut those are less 'terrible' and more '... damn...'
22:40.28Depherioswhat about Minority Report? XD
22:40.35AnduinLotharalso int he list
22:40.58DepheriosAI, Dune...
22:41.05IrielI really liked Gattaca
22:41.08AnduinLotharFifth Element is close to 'terrable' but also 'classic'
22:41.17AnduinLotharGattaca is 'classic'
22:41.19DepheriosBlade Runner, Postman, Lost in Space XD
22:41.22IrielFifth Element is 'bad science, great movie'
22:41.31Wobin_BR is classic
22:41.32DepheriosI don't own fifth element yet T_T
22:41.37AnduinLothar'Blade Runner' is 'terrible'
22:41.44IrielBR is not terrible
22:41.47Depheriosmost people hate blade runner XD
22:41.52Depheriosditto gattaca
22:41.57Wobin_Aw, but Vangelis!
22:42.05AnduinLotharLost in Space is 'terrible' too
22:42.11AnduinLotharPostman i missed
22:42.11Wobin_no no
22:42.17Wobin_Lost in Space is just terrible =P
22:42.40IrielYeah, Gary Oldman was wasted on that movie
22:42.40AnduinLotharno no, go watch Screamers
22:42.46DepheriosPostman I got because I <3 the book
22:43.00DepheriosLost in space because it has a robot
22:43.04Wobin_Almost as bad as Waterworld =P
22:43.11DepheriosI like waterworld
22:43.13TainMany movies have tried to capture the environment feel of Blade Runner and all have failed.
22:43.13MiravlixYou guys have no taste
22:43.16Depheriosbut I only watch the first half an hour
22:43.32DepheriosMiravlix, that's why I call it "Terrible"
22:43.35Wobin_Miravlix: That's the -point-
22:43.47IrielBut some of the listed films are not terrible
22:43.52TainEnlighten us then, Miravlix.  What is, "good."
22:43.57Depheriosbut some people think they are
22:43.58AnduinLotharno no, I listed a bunch that were good
22:44.03IrielI have a real problem lumping 'Blade Runner' in with 'Lost in Space'
22:44.14Depheriosmost people disliked Blade Runner and Gattaca
22:44.16Cairennremember folks, as with everything, it's all a matter of personal opinion ....
22:44.20Depherioswhile I think they're both fantastic
22:44.25AnduinLotharthat's cause Blade Runner is classicly terrable
22:44.26KirkburnZOMG, you're crazy Cairenn!
22:44.28Depherioson the other hand, I enjoy waterworld
22:44.30TainYou shouldn't be able to even say Blade Runner and Lost in Space in the same IRC channel. :)
22:44.38Wobin_Blade Runner
22:44.45AnduinLotharwhere as Lost in Space is old school terrible
22:44.52IrielI deeply enjoy Armageddon, but it's a horribly flawed sci fi film
22:44.53Cairennyeah yeah, I know, me and my radical thoughts
22:45.02AnduinLotharArmageddon was meh
22:45.05IrielBut it's the pinacle of hollywood's movie and emotion magic
22:45.09AnduinLotharentertaining tho i admit
22:45.11Depheriosoh another one I don't have, and need
22:45.12IrielAnd for that it deserves some credit
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22:45.23TainThere's not really a lot of what I'd call, "great" science fiction films.
22:45.24DepheriosI sold Independance Day
22:45.25IrielDitto The Rock, awesome fun film, deeply flawed
22:45.26Depheriosand MIB
22:45.27Wobin_I enjoyed Armageddon for their rendition of Leaving on a Jet Plane
22:45.32AnduinLotharThe Rock was great
22:45.38Tainhah but The Rock was all because of Connery.
22:45.45DepheriosTain: Agreed
22:46.00TainIt's hard to suck when Sean Connery is involved.  Not that people don't try their damndest sometimes.
22:46.02IrielTain: 90% connery, use of location gets it some points
22:46.06IrielTain: Avengers
22:46.09IrielTain: Take that back 8-)
22:46.17TainI said hard to.  Not impossible. :)
22:46.18Cairennmmmmmm, Sean ...
22:46.30Wobin_Tain: LXG
22:46.38TainLXG had redeeming qualities.
22:46.40Wobin_(Oh god, LXG =P)
22:46.43TainNot enough to make it a good movie.
22:46.44IrielLXG had such promise, poor thing
22:46.45TainBut redeeming.
22:46.54Wobin_The special effects were anything but =P
22:46.58TainHey now.
22:47.16TainMr. Hyde was done great.
22:47.20Wobin_No really =P
22:47.36Wobin_When a building explodes, you should be able to see something affect the ground around it =P
22:47.46IrielOh for a flawed but good movie: Dark City
22:47.55Wobin_When a tidal wave rushes through a broken hull, it should at least slow people running full pelt through it =P
22:48.04Tainpssh whatever!
22:48.05IrielClassic Sci-fi: Andromeda Strain
22:48.11AnduinLothargood movie
22:48.24TainClassic: Brazil
22:48.34Cairenngood enough to scare the beejeebers out of anyone (Andromeda Strain)
22:48.46IrielYes! Brazil
22:48.50MiravlixFlash Gordon
22:48.51IrielI love that film
22:49.00IrielFlash Gordon is AWESOME< but only because it's so campy
22:49.01TainFlash Gordon with the Queen soundtrack.
22:49.03IrielI wish it was still in print
22:49.04TainI'll take it.
22:49.12Wobin_SAviour of the universe!
22:49.26AnduinLothartip: avoid wells
22:49.33TainThat's EXACTLY what I see as Ace's tagline.  "Ace!  Aaaaah! "
22:49.58IrielFrom Queen we can jump (indirectly) to the original 'Metropolis' for another classic film
22:50.01AnduinLothar'run for your lives'?
22:50.04Wobin_Ringgu =P
22:50.15TainI love Metropolis also.
22:50.20IrielI only saw the US remake of the ring and I'd like those hours back
22:50.34Wobin_Yes... well it's a US remake
22:50.39TainThe first Ring seems almost reasonable after you see Ring 2.
22:50.45IrielThe 'modern (80's)' remake with the rock soundtrack was okay too, but it lost a whole lot of story depth
22:50.47Wobin_One thing the Japanese can do is freak people out
22:51.06TainOf course for guilty SciFi pleasures, Titan A.E.
22:51.18AnduinLothari avoided the ring and was rewarded by moaning friends who saw it
22:51.35AnduinLotharTitan A.E. was meh... not tooo bad..
22:52.02AnduinLothargood to see with the parents
22:52.08AnduinLotharor the kids
22:52.09TainStar Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan
22:52.26AnduinLotharya ya, i got all the ST ones too. those don't count. SW either
22:52.39TainNo no the rest are litterbox filler.
22:52.48TainKhan stands on its own.
22:53.00AnduinLotharif you say so
22:53.03TainI just did!
22:53.11AnduinLotharif you did
22:53.33KirkburnDid you?
22:53.37AnduinLothari didn't
22:53.45TainOne of my cousins watched 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time recently.  She said, "I didn't get it at all."
22:53.58AnduinLotharthe movie is lame imo
22:54.09TainAnd it occured to me that people have that opinion because they didn't see it when it came out.
22:54.12AnduinLotharthe book was decent
22:54.23KirkburnWhat's annoying is that nearly all of the films you've been mentioning, I've yet to see
22:54.34Wobin_Kirkburn: Well? Get started!
22:54.37TainSort of like people who read Tolkein for the first time after being innundated with everything else and don't see what the big deal is.
22:54.40KirkburnOooh, Brazil I've seen
22:54.41Wobin_Hie ye to the video store!
22:54.54Wobin_I read LotR once
22:54.59Wobin_I could never read it again
22:55.07KirkburnI read it coming up the the films
22:55.12Kirkburn*to the
22:55.41KirkburnNot sure I could either, I'd need a condensed version :)
22:55.48AnduinLotharStarTrek 1 and 2001 are too slow for movies imo. they want to make you think DURRING the movie...
22:56.19Iriel2001 is a movie from another era of storytelling
22:56.26AnduinLotharmovies are sposed to let you escape and them reflect... if you want to think durring get a book
22:56.27KirkburnI hate films with long pauses in speech with a passion
22:56.29IrielFew other movies could get away with the same lengths of silence, for example
22:56.48TainI actually would say Star Trek The Motion Picture and 2001: A Space Odyessey don't belong in the same comparison either.
22:56.51Iriel(Oh, one of the sci-fi movies I really like even though it's got many holes -- Contact)
22:57.02KirkburnNo conversations ever involve staring at each for about 2 minutes, so why have it in films?!
22:57.08*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
22:57.19Kirkburns/each/each other/
22:57.21IrielNo people fly to jupiter in a ship controlled by an AI either
22:57.23Wobin_Kirkburn: Depends on how in love you are =)
22:57.24Irielso why have that in films?
22:57.36AnduinLothartain, you dont think 3 hours of pannign past the modle of the ship counts?
22:57.37zespriHello everybody
22:58.23KirkburnYes, but at least that's interesting Iriel :)
22:58.23zespriSo Iriel, have you been told about misfunction of bitlib in wow?
22:58.23AnduinLotharequivelent to flashing lights on the screen for 3hrs
22:59.12IrielI saw the post about it, I'm wondering if it's an initialization problem or just plain wierdness
22:59.12TainOh actually another one I'd never have expected to even like, never mind put it in the category of what I think is a very good science fiction movie is, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
22:59.12zespriIriel: ok cool, just making sure you know about it =)
22:59.12AnduinLotharya, already mentioned
22:59.20AnduinLothargood movie
22:59.34TainI almost forgot.
22:59.39TainTwelve Monkeys
22:59.44AnduinLotharmissed that one
23:01.21IrielDare I mention Time Bandits as a classic ? 8-)
23:01.21Tainhehe I don't know but I love Time Bandits
23:01.21QzotMt ya.sogkd ,sfph ja.d ks nd Haov :kaoe
23:01.21Wobin_I quite liked 12 monkesy
23:01.22MiravlixBill and Ted Exelent Adventurer
23:01.22AnduinLotharmissed that one too
23:01.22AnduinLotharer  Time Bandits
23:01.26QzotMy favorite would have to be Dark Star.
23:01.35AnduinLotharbill and ted is an entertaining saturday flick
23:01.42IrielI enjoyed Dark Star, but haven't seen it lately
23:01.50QzotHmm. That gives me an idea...
23:01.52Kirkburn"Digital music player business Creative is trying to ban the sale and advertising of iPods in the US in a patent row."
23:01.52TainThe Road Warrior (forgot to mention when someone said Waterworld)
23:02.02AnduinLotharSpaceballs is 'terrible'
23:02.04MiravlixMad Max
23:02.12Qzot[Dvorak] G odappt pgvd Ngpp alh Kdhq; ah.dlkfode
23:02.24AnduinLotharCreative's gonna be bit int he ass by the counrts
23:02.30TainAnd how could I forget Tron.  :)
23:03.01AnduinLotharseeing as they just passed an anti- patent troll bill
23:03.22MiravlixWoW wont reload
23:03.30TainForbidden Planet, another one I forgot all about.
23:03.32MiravlixIt dies until it timeout disconnects
23:03.39MiravlixPlanet of the Apes
23:03.39AnduinLotharPQ as usual
23:03.45IrielI love Forbidden Planet
23:04.13AnduinLotharguys are going too far back for me
23:04.37KirkburnBride of Frankenstein
23:04.37Miravlixto far back is all the SciFi Horror movies with big bug monsters
23:04.49KirkburnWhich? :)
23:04.54TainOf course if we want to go "terrible" that I still loved, Total Recall.
23:04.55QzotI especially like talking the bomb back in in Dark Star.
23:05.23AnduinLotharright, but there's a time period of pop movies i completely missed in between my parent's college age and my adolecence
23:05.26TainAnd Starship Troopers
23:05.26Wobin_"Consider that a divorce!"
23:05.28QzotEpistemology 101 for AIs.
23:05.50AnduinLotharStarship Troopers is just bad
23:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenom (i=Xenom@
23:05.59IrielStarship Troopers is awesome
23:06.17IrielIn its own special way, admittedly, but still
23:06.22QzotStarship Troopers requires a lobotomy for full enjoyment.
23:06.22MiravlixStar Trek Genesis
23:06.33AnduinLotharyou mean Generations?
23:06.45MiravlixNaah thats much later
23:06.54IrielYou mean Wrath of Khan, I assume?
23:07.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Xenom (i=Xenom@
23:07.04Irielwith the genesis project ?
23:07.05MiravlixOriginal Star Trek crew stuff
23:07.28QzotOriginal crew * 1.5, considering the collective weight gain.
23:07.41IrielOn a more recent note, what's the general feeling on 'The Island'? I actually was pleasantly surprised by it
23:07.45AnduinLotharThe Motion Picture, The Wrath of Khan, The Search For Spock, The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier
23:07.58AnduinLothari missed the island, wanted to see it, have to rent
23:08.03TainDidn't see it.  Actually haven't seen many new movies in the last few years.
23:08.22IrielI feel it's worth seeing.
23:08.31TainJeff Goldblum's The Fly
23:08.41IrielMy Buy:Watch movie ratio is at about 25:1 at the moment, whihc I need to remedy
23:09.17MiravlixMovies is to short for me
23:09.17TainOh man.  Barbarella
23:09.20MiravlixI need a 7 season series in one go
23:09.52Wobin_The Island is actually quite good
23:10.16Wobin_I wasn't expecting too much out of it, but it delivered =)
23:10.39IrielI was expecting 'silly summer action movie' but got much more.
23:11.05MiravlixScifi is best as books or series, movies is just to short to fully enjoy the universe created.
23:11.09Wobin_Sean Bean was great =)
23:11.18IrielI'm one of the lucky folks who got to see The Matrix without knowing anything about it whatsoever
23:11.26IrielI wish I could see it again that way
23:11.29Wobin_The first Matrix was great
23:11.34Wobin_The second... meh
23:11.39Wobin_the third? even meh'er
23:11.55Wobin_It was a concept that could have been pulled off a whole lot better
23:12.14AnduinLotharhard to pull of a concept well when lot of people want it now
23:12.16IrielIt felt like they got lazy, or perhaps just couldn't keep that level of quality up in a hutty
23:12.33Wobin_Iriel: I would have waited =)
23:12.40Wobin_I mean, look at LotR
23:12.47IrielLotR is different
23:12.53Irielbecause the story was already written
23:13.02Wobin_but they didn't rush production as such
23:13.17AnduinLotharthey had a crap load of funding
23:13.56IrielI suspect the studio didn't want a second revolutionary movie
23:13.59Irielthey wanted 2 sure things
23:14.05Wobin_I'm pretty sure the Matrix had good funding
23:14.14Wobin_They didn't skimp on effects
23:14.23Irielbut they invented a whole new set of things to try
23:14.26Irielit was out there
23:14.28Irielit was different
23:14.30zenziothe original Matrix didn't have a huge budget... the two sequels did
23:14.37Iriel(true, it became the mainstream AFTER that)
23:14.41zespriWhen brazil is mention in the same context as monkey an old russian movie immideately sprang to mind
23:14.42zespriThere was a play by Brandon Thomas - an ancient one, named Charley's Aunt's_Aunt written in 18** something
23:14.42zespriAnd the was a russian movie (1975). The movie was absolutely hilarious, it got quite old since though. Actually it's quite a shame we had lots and lots excelent movies in soviet union, and after the SU crahed our movie industry crashed with it.
23:14.42zespriIn SU everything was based on government fundings, movie production included
23:14.43zespriSo when funding was lost nobody could afford shooting movies. And nowadays the movies that they do mostly sub-par.
23:14.46zespriWhich is kind of sad. Some try to imitate hollywood movies, some shoot movies about russian mafia, that I'm personaly sick of.
23:14.49zespriI guess we won't see a decent movie shot in russia in next 50 years (not in my lifetime)
23:14.51zespriNot that you guys care, I for example could care less about fiji movie industry =)
23:15.05TainI personally struggle with where I think The Matrix fits in history of film
23:15.25TainThe second and third I don't struggle with, they belong in the toilet.
23:15.34Wobin_(completely off topic, but I want to see someone do a WoW bollywood movie with the male Draenei dancing =P)
23:17.41IrielTain: I can understand the uncertainty
23:19.22IrielDear god, how did we have a conversation about classic Sci-fi without bringing up Close Encounters?
23:20.02Iriel(or Alien/Aliens)
23:20.27Wobin_The Abyss
23:20.35Wobin_ET =P
23:20.45AnduinLotharmeh, back to terrible
23:20.47TainDAmn Close Encounters popped into my head while I was typing something else and forgot to go back to it
23:20.53AnduinLotharok, et wasn't terrible.
23:21.16TainAnd Alien (dunno if that was mentioned)
23:21.17AnduinLotharanyone seen The Cave? it was actually pretty cool
23:22.16AnduinLotharmostly cause the sets were mostly on location
23:22.17IrielNope here too
23:22.20TainFrankly I'm just happy I'll get the original, un-molested, Star Wars movies on DVD in September.
23:22.21AnduinLotharrather than sets
23:23.09AnduinLotharand the filming was good real cave footage mixed with cg
23:23.42AnduinLotharI thought it was very well done. whether or not you liked the premise non-withstanding
23:23.57AnduinLotharer, that sentance sucked
23:31.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:33.12zespriw/e is your three favourite keys, Anduin
23:34.02KirkburnWhat does it mean?
23:34.10Kirkburn(and what about Night Watch as a russian film?)
23:35.46zesprilike keys on keybioard, you know
23:35.54AnduinLotharfor what?
23:36.15zespriforget it. I just was saying that you like typing "w/e" a lot
23:36.43zespriKirkburn, have you actually seen the Night Watch?
23:36.57AnduinLotharthat's just cause i hit enter before rereading my text a lot
23:37.00zesprilol - that's what I mean =)
23:37.27AnduinLotharwell, would you rather have my thoughts real time or have me clean them up for you?
23:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:37.53zesprimy last remark was directed to Kirkburn
23:37.53KirkburnAh, apparently it means whatever?
23:38.01zespriyes it does
23:38.05KirkburnI always think of 'weekend'
23:38.22AnduinLotharah, i misread you question, lol
23:38.36AnduinLotharthought it was a question
23:38.38Kirkburn*group hug*
23:38.49AnduinLotharand not a statement
23:38.58KirkburnUrban Dictionary on w/e "A slang used by ****tards who don't want to take the bloody effort to type "whatever", mainly because it pisses off good people like me.
23:39.01AnduinLotharw/e ;)
23:39.47AnduinLotharI prefer to think of it as the user giving up specificity for speed and assuming that you know what he means
23:40.20AnduinLotharI'm a very intuitive person. Most of the time I talk to other people, assumign they will know what I mean.
23:41.23AnduinLotharwhether they are intuitive enough to cope with me is usually readily apparent
23:42.10KirkburnWell, you're obviously not intuitive enough to intuit that I didn't understand w/e.
23:42.21AnduinLotharbut you figured it out
23:42.31KirkburnAfter looking it up :)
23:42.40AnduinLotharand i wasn't talking to you, and zes knew exactly what i meant
23:43.08AnduinLothari'm glad you looked it up rather than asking tho. that's always a good sign
23:43.27KirkburnAh you also used it in general conversation 1:10 ago :P So ner-ner
23:44.05AnduinLothari maintain that you figured it out
23:50.48KirkburnBtw, the forums are working again
23:55.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
23:55.58Shouryuurawr and so forth
23:57.09Cairennpurr and etc

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