irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060515

00:00.43GnarfozItemIdText = string.gsub(ItemLink,"|","!"); <- something like that?
00:02.11Gelloyou would probably need to put it in the mod and not type it into chat tho, since |'s are made into ||'s
00:02.46Gelloyou could do txt="" for i=1,strlen(link) do txt=txt..string.sub(link,i,i).." " end print(txt) too
00:05.54JoshBorkehello :-)
00:08.01Cairennoh, by the way ....
00:08.19Cairennwe've got you now! no running away!
00:10.04cladhaire<3 Gello
00:10.28cladhaireAnd fully-working spellbook complete =)
00:10.57Cairennwell, Gello, you are most welcome to come babble nonstop here, too, you know
00:11.03Cairennwe lubs j00!
00:11.29Gellohehe sorry AV popped. been in AV queues for ~10 hours this weekend
00:11.40Cairennhave fun :)
00:12.17Cairennbut stay in channel anyway!
00:14.13Kirkburn|StudyNight night, all! I have to get up in 3 hours :/
00:14.24Cairennnight Kirkburn|Study
00:14.41Gnarfozanyone know a nopaste with lua highlighting besides which has a CAPTCHA that doesn't work? ;D
00:14.58GnarfozI'm stuck :\
00:15.02Kirkburn|StudyI have to go meet one of my professors in Rome, as one does ... 6:45 train :(
00:15.22Gnarfozhave a good trip
00:15.32Kirkburn|StudyThanks :) I'll be sleeping most of it!
00:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:18.16TemYou Gain Flip Out.
00:19.31Temwhen did this happen?
00:19.32Cairennhe's in AV right now though
00:19.48TemI was about to go post on the UI forum
00:19.49Cairennshortly after I asked him too, because you were looking for him
00:19.59TemI wasn't particularly looking for him
00:20.13Temjust... you know...
00:20.14Cairenn"Tem: WTB 1x [Gello in #wowi-lounge] PST"
00:20.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
00:20.30Temthe more folks around here that I admire, the more I get out of the place
00:20.35zenziohe wasn't looking for him, he just likes the aura
00:21.09TemGello has Aura of Sexy-Guis
00:21.22Cairennwish we could get Ty to hang out more too
00:21.26TemI'm *so* gealous
00:21.51cladhaireThe answer to that question is always no
00:21.51zenziothe more gold I get, the fewer Forors I see in the AH... and the more expensive they get >.<
00:22.47ElvisoI must be out of the loop, who's Ty?
00:23.23Gnarfoz <- anyone able to help me see what I seem to not see? this should only add a message to the chatframe if the ItemLink cotains one of the ItemIds in the list. it does for every itemlink I pass to it. I'm confused :D
00:25.26TemGnarfoz: it would probably be easier if you stuck the ids as keys rather than values
00:25.52Temand if you're just using the first part of the id, there's no reason to store it as a string
00:31.45Gnarfozhm let me see if I even understand that... *thinks*
00:33.20Gnarfozno, I don't seem to :D
00:34.35Gnarfozdo you mean something like ItemList = { 1234, 5678, 9012 }? That's what I used before, didn't work either
00:36.30Temgimme a sec
00:36.33TemI was writing it out
00:36.37Tembut I had to log in
00:36.39TemBWL time
00:37.13Gnarfozheh, it's 02:36am here :>
00:38.22Gnarfozhave fun in BWL :) are you farming it from razor-nef or are you making your way still?
00:43.39GnarfozTem: thanks a lot, I'll try that out
00:44.02netcurse if you havn t see:>
01:03.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
01:07.32TemGnarfoz: we got our first broodlord kill last week
01:07.38Temgoing back for another
01:07.42Temand maybe a drake or two
01:07.47Gnarfozgood luck
01:08.01Gnarfozheh, the drakes are easy if you know what to do, really
01:08.11Gnarfozafter downing broodlord we rushed through all three of 'em
01:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=chatzill@
01:12.14Temwe got broodlord first try
01:12.30Temso I expect us to take down the drakes pretty fast
01:13.53netcurseCongratz tem :)
01:14.41Temwe're retardedly good at raiding, we just don't raid enough to be one of the "uberoldgodkiller" guilds
01:14.53Temthat and we just stareded in december
01:15.50GnarfozTem: your code helped me get it to work, after two little corrections (guess you kind of wrote that straight off the top of your head, which, by itself, is awesome), thanks
01:15.52netcurseI have been radiing 6 days a week for 1 year
01:16.11TemGnarfoz: yeah, I didn't test that
01:16.26netcurseWhat s your guild progress tem in bwl ?
01:16.43cladhaireSo, I hate scroll frames
01:17.20Temcladhaire: psh
01:18.08Gnarfozone problem solved, straight to the next one :|
01:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:19.18netcurseMentalPower hi :)
01:19.27MentalPowerhey net
01:20.06MentalPoweroh net, I've been looking for the link to your IRC channel but I can't find it in the new website
01:20.35netcurse ?
01:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix__ (
02:15.34Gngskran bwl tonight with bigwigs
02:15.36Gngskand bossblock
02:15.40Gngskit was so totally sweet!
02:27.10Gnarfozstill awake, argh :> can I somehow concatenate the iterator of a for-loop to a frame name inside the loop? like: for i=1,5 do FrameFontstring..i:SetText("blah");
02:27.35Gnarfozi thought i had seen something like that in one of the addons I use
02:31.59Wobin_Can you think of any situation where an applied texture would not actually show up?
02:32.26Wobin_Gnarfoz: You'll need to use getglobal("FrameFontstring"..i)
02:32.55Gnarfozthanks Wobin_, found it in ItemRack, though :>
02:39.36Wobin_Can anyone think of why a texture might fail to actually show, even when properly setpointed, and definitely loaded? I'm getting a greyed out mask sort of thing in place of the texture
02:40.07Irielcorrupted file? Wrong blend mode? vertex color set? bad alpha?
02:40.31Wobin_Maybe vertex colour set... but I can't see how...
02:41.07Wobin_Thank you =)
02:41.19Wobin_I was reusing a texture that had a vertex colour previously set
02:41.28Wobin_Hm, any way to 'reset' it?
02:41.43Wobin_ie will nil work?
02:42.05Iriel1,1,1,1 should be fine
02:44.42Wobin_okay, now... is there any way to make all the textures for an object on the same level?
02:45.00IrielPut them in the same DrawLayer ?
02:45.11Wobin_like BORDER?
02:46.00Wobin_I have =\
02:46.23IrielSo what are you seeing that makes you think they're not "on the same level" ?
02:46.40IrielNoting of course that 2 overlapping textures on the same level will be rendered in an arbitrary order
02:46.48Wobin_yeah =) That problem
02:47.01Wobin_In that moving one of my created frames past another causes a cubist effect =P
02:47.30IrielGive each of your frames a distinct FrameLevel?
02:47.42IrielTypically a frame has it's parent's FrameLevel + 1
02:48.15Wobin_hm. Aye, that should work nicely, thank you
02:49.46JoshBorkemy mod works with one spell but not another
02:50.12Wobin_Is there a limit to the framelevel?
02:50.20IrielI dont think so
02:50.36Irielthough the ui used to get a bit strange when it got really high
02:50.40IrielI THINK that got fixed
02:51.56clad|sleepIriel: If I remember correctly, it wasn't an issue with the high numbers, but with the frames constantly fighting each other and setting their frame levels.  I haven't seen it get very high at all since slouken stopped that fight  =)
02:52.56IrielI may have indeed been remembering the symptom rather than the cause
02:55.14JoshBorkethanks for the approval :-)
02:55.44Wobin_JB: Heal watch?
03:02.21Wobin_What does the "IsTopLevel" return? Whether that frame has the current top frame level?
03:02.42IrielIt's whether clicking on it will make it increase its frame level above everyone else
03:03.28IrielMost 'interactable' windows would have that set to true
03:15.10Wobin_Hehe =) *sets his frames to resizable, and watches as it all jigsaws around the screen*
03:25.32JoshBorke( Wobin_ ): yes
03:25.47Wobin_What's the spell it's not working with?
03:26.05JoshBorkehealing touch
03:26.22JoshBorkefor some weird reason, it works when the druid is not in the same group
03:26.34JoshBorkebut put the druid in the same group as the person checking, and it doesn't show up
03:26.54JoshBorkewith my newly working communications :D
03:27.14Wobin_That's got to do with that damned HOSTILE event thing, isn't it?
03:27.41JoshBorkeyea, and the fact that party events aren't nearly as nicely populated as friendly player events
03:32.46JoshBorkeoh well, eventually i'll figure it out
03:32.46JoshBorkei'm just stoked that i finally got the communications working
03:35.50*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
03:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:36.15[Cu]NeThere we go superb talent calculator!
03:36.28[Cu]NeTwtb my name
03:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
03:36.59[Cu]NeTI ll wait till it get out :p
03:37.02[Cu]NeTgonna go sleep :D
03:37.18Cairennyou're welcome
03:41.00Cairennhey KarlKFI
03:41.10Cairennhow was dinner with the matriarch?
03:42.30KarlKFIfabulous, sis came home an brother was around, so the three of us cooked gourmet
03:42.45KarlKFIhappy mothers day to you are well
03:42.54Cairennthanks :)
03:44.44KarlKFIdid I miss anything exciting?
03:45.01Cairennnot really
03:45.27Cairennyou know how quiet the weekends tend to ge
03:45.38Cairennalthough, Gello was in channel for a bit, was kinda nice
03:46.08KarlKFIwell, I was semi inspired to write the ultimate chat addon... then I realized that there were already half a dozen or so trying to do the same thing..
03:46.28Cairennthey do seem to be a popular passtime atm
03:46.41Cairenn(the attempt to write the ultimate, that is)
03:46.55KarlKFIya, problem is they keep wantin gmore features
03:47.07KarlKFIand you can never keep up
03:48.49KarlKFIspose i could just do a few things well..
03:49.11JoshBorkeno, you must do all things horribly!
03:52.30Gnarfozis there any way to easily disable moving (and possibly enabling click-through) if I (ab)use a TitleRegion the same size as my frame to make dragging possible?
03:53.12Wobin_Dragging a frame isn't too difficult to set up
03:53.18Gnarfozyeah I know
03:53.50Gnarfoz is pretty easy to understand :D
03:53.52KarlKFIframe:EnableMouse() should work..
03:54.06Wobin_Once you set the scripts for start and stopdrag
03:54.12Gnarfozhm, I'll give that a try :>
03:54.37JoshBorkeif you EnableMouse() to turn it off, what about the buttons?
03:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
03:54.49JoshBorkewb gello
03:54.57Gellothanks :)
03:55.11KarlKFIif you EnableMouse on the frame the button childen should still have them enabled
03:55.17Cairennwelcome back Gello
03:55.18Gnarfozenablemouse(false) does exactly what I want (at the moment, I guess I'll come around to do real dragging later). thanks KarlKFI
03:55.25JoshBorkeand if you disable mouse?
03:55.30Cairennyou and Tem are having fun just missing each other, aren't you?
03:55.49Gellohehe yeah. i think this is a ploy to make me get in the habit of hanging out here
03:55.56KarlKFIEnableMouse does not effect children that have EnableMouse set explicetly, like buttons
03:56.03JoshBorkek, cool
03:56.12JoshBorkewas merely just curious though
03:56.21Cairennyo, Tem~
03:57.18Gelloheya tem
03:57.46Cairennfinish raid, just making you aware that he's back
03:58.04Gellooh i should be here an hour or two
03:58.34Cairennper day
03:59.01JoshBorkeper half day you mean, right cair?
03:59.03Gelloanyone know if iriel is making a 0.6 of virtualframes? that thing is awesome
03:59.19Cairennerrr, yeah, that
03:59.24IrielAs soon as 1.11 is available i'll be filling in the holes
03:59.27KarlKFII made a few modifications myself, but nothing too impressive
03:59.58Irielcladhaire's been finding bugs (one of mine, one of slouken's)
04:00.25Gellooh i haven't found any, tho i've been playing only with ActionButtonTemplate
04:00.38Temfirst firemaw kill
04:00.41Cairenngrats Tem!
04:00.53Temgod that was so easy
04:01.22JoshBorkewoot! grats
04:01.39Wobin_Tem: Now you've done it. You went and said it. Now your raid will wipe on trashmobs =)
04:01.58Temoh ffs,
04:02.00Temmore wrath
04:09.56KarlKFItough choices.. work on a chat addon, work on wardrobe, make chronos embeddable.. or watch stargate..
04:10.19Cairennno contest
04:10.55Gellowhat does the chat addon do?
04:11.02KarlKFInothing yet
04:11.18KarlKFIbut i have a list of like 12 features i'm toying with
04:11.22Cairennthe on-going search for the "perfect" chat addon
04:11.46KarlKFIbut they're top secret. cause if i tell you I'll be out of creative content for the week
04:11.48Cairenna noble pursuit
04:11.56Gellohehe no worries
04:12.12KarlKFImy creativity onyl comes in bursts
04:12.32KarlKFIso now that i've had mine and written it down i'll become increasingly lazy for a week
04:12.35Cairennanyway, night all, sleep time for me
04:12.45KarlKFInice cair
04:13.19Gellothe new itemrack is like two months later than i planned :( i keep redoing how the bar works
04:13.32Wobin_I'm working sorta on a chat addon...
04:13.45KarlKFIya, Wardobe needs some love
04:14.23JoshBorkenight cair
04:14.40JoshBorke( Gello ): great job on itemrack :-P
04:14.44JoshBorkei <3 itemrack
04:14.49Gellohehe thanks
04:16.12norgannakarl: def. sg1
04:16.14Tem28k frostbolt
04:17.06Gellobet you wish you had an ice deflector ready
04:17.30TemI was the caster of said frostbolt
04:17.45Gellooh bet you're glad someone didn't have an ice deflector ready
04:17.47Temfrost vulnerable mob in BWL
04:18.22Gellocool. we're doing AQ20 for "first" time tommorow. our guild is tiny but i burned out on raiding in eq
04:18.25KarlKFII'm almost tempted to just give up wardrobe and let itemrack have its users, but then I figure a lil competition is healthy
04:18.36Gellooh no keep at it
04:18.55Gelloi really want to move focus back to the bar bit like the mod was originally made
04:19.22KarlKFIi consider it a cleanup project, i wouldn't have designed it the way it was
04:20.49Gelloan embedded library to swap sets would be really cool too
04:21.58Wobin_Gello: What, one that you pass in itemids and it does the equipping for you?
04:22.04Gellobecause it's a pretty big job and a lot of little details that need taken care of
04:22.28Gellooh it would have a standard for sets likely, a table of item id's and the slot they go to
04:22.52Wobin_hm, I wonder if PT could do that...
04:23.10KarlKFIWell, I have the code
04:23.16Wobin_But yeah, that's a lot of datamining
04:23.23KarlKFIIt's just not it's own addon
04:24.09Gelloyeah. i thought of maybe creating an embedded library for equipping a set. but then i realized i'd be expected to maintain it hehe
04:24.28KarlKFIstill not sure why you would want it to be embeddable
04:24.53Gellooh so more gear-swapping mods could be made. i think there's room for many
04:25.05KarlKFIfor what?
04:25.11Wobin_event based ones?
04:25.22Wobin_like stealthed weapons and combat weapons
04:25.30Wobin_or stance weapons
04:25.47Wobin_granted,that's not -really- going to help for set based swaps...
04:25.55Gelloyeah one could focus on events. one could focus on sets-by-stats. another can be a byproduct of what it also does
04:26.21Wobin_hehe, one that calculates the best +stat/bonus combination =)
04:26.29Wobin_(aka plzplay4me)
04:26.46Temwow.. these pulls after firemaw are a bitch
04:26.58Wobin_What did I tell you Tem? You jinxed it =)
04:27.12TemI got a bigass frost crit
04:27.14Tembut... damn
04:27.50Gellotho i guess in retrospect an embedded library wouldn't be necessary, since a person is unlikely to have more than one mod that swaps sets around.  it'd be more a development tool which is cool too
04:28.40KarlKFIthe only reason to make it embeddable is cause people whine about dependancies
04:29.06Temand god how people whine
04:38.04JoshBorke( Cairenn|sleep ): you're supposed to be asleep :-P
05:07.14MentalPowergnight guys
05:07.47KarlKFIever figure out your dropdown problems mp?
05:08.43MentalPowerI've chucked it to a Khaos issue with passing a function instead of a table
05:12.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
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05:58.34KarlKFISo... I picked none of the above and decided to redo some Thottbot code instead
06:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
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06:05.00KarlKFIoi, hate the way thott writes..
06:05.07KarlKFIwell, I've seen worse
06:05.20KarlKFIjust the functions are all squished together
06:07.05*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:11.57KarlKFImmm, on to chronos
06:15.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (i=dragon@
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08:35.07Mr_Rabieshrm, wowmodelview is no longer on curse @_@
08:39.22Mr_Rabiesaha, i feel dumb now :P
08:41.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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09:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower__ (
09:18.54Mr_Rabiesraiding is so easy to burn out on
09:19.01Mr_Rabieser, wow, scrolled up, nvm :x
09:19.29Mr_Rabiesconversation from hours ago, woot
09:21.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
09:22.09AnduinLotharhmmm, I think I win
09:25.07Mr_Rabiesblarg, trying to get my ie7 beta working
09:26.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr99086@
09:36.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
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09:43.18AnduinLotharthat just seems wrong to me..
09:44.24[MoonWolf]mac users stay out of this.
09:44.45AnduinLotharheh, why? cause we never have to try?
09:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
09:47.02AnduinLotharwell I've gotten Chronos embedable
09:47.25AnduinLotharonly problem is trying to figure out what thottbot is doing with two of the functions that no one else uses
09:49.16[MoonWolf]well, normally I would say, read the code.
09:49.20[MoonWolf]but eeuh, yeah.
09:49.35AnduinLotharthus my problem :P
09:49.46[MoonWolf]contact thott
09:49.47AnduinLotharthink i got it.. just need to check tloc
09:50.04AnduinLotharhe wrote it so long ago i doubt he even knows
09:50.17[MoonWolf]I am suprised it still works!
09:50.22AnduinLothari could get an unobfuscated from him prolly
09:50.36Industrialthe ups man can deliver her at any moment ^o^
09:50.42AnduinLotharok, so i need coords
09:50.56AnduinLotharbut thottbot doesn't seem to have any inside if
09:51.15[MoonWolf]it has to get them somewhere.
09:52.57AnduinLotharer, cant find coords on thott..
09:54.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower____ (
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10:18.09zespriwill a frame that is anchored to a hidden frame be visible?
10:18.31zespriif this frame has parent of UIParent
10:18.43zespriand not the hidden frame
10:18.56Legorolshould be, although you might need to show the hidden frame at least once
10:19.03Legorolso that the UI engine calculates its size/position
10:19.05Legorolthen you can hide it again
10:19.09AnduinLotharwhy look, it's you two
10:19.26AnduinLotharany idea how tloc is sposed to work on the main map?
10:20.00zespribut it does work, doesn't it?
10:20.01Legorolit's just a percentage value, isn't it? distance of cursor from edge/total width of map
10:20.42AnduinLotharwhat's a percent value?
10:20.44Legorolso that it's always between 0 and 100
10:21.06Legorolok, let: left = Left edge of the world map (usually 0 or very close to it)
10:21.09AnduinLotharI dont see any sort of display on the main map, tho i'm sure there's sposed to be
10:21.23Legorolright = Right edge of the world map (say 1024 or close to it)
10:21.28Legoroloh that
10:21.35Legoroli don't think there is display on main map
10:21.43Legoroldisplay on main map is done by WorldMapInfo
10:21.53zespriThe thing is I'm trying to hide CastingBar but still have a CastTimeFrame (from CastTime addon) to be visible. for some reason it doesn't want to be visible, when CastingBarFrame is hidden, so I wonder if it's because it's coded so in CastTime or because blizz engine works this way
10:21.57AnduinLotharwhat's with the manually set #'s for tloc then?
10:22.11Legorolhmm, i never used that
10:22.13AnduinLotharzes, make the parent UIParent
10:22.37Legorolthe only thing i ever saw with tloc is /tloc which puts the numbers below the minimap
10:22.45LegorolAnduinLothar, maybe you are thinking of MapNotes?
10:22.50zespriparent IS UIParent
10:23.08zespriAnduin, tloc works fine for me - I can see the marker on the main map
10:23.18Legorolok never mind me then, listen to zespri
10:23.22AnduinLotharya, that's all i can get working, but it looks liek there's sposed to be something on the minimap that's not working but the code for re locating the display is in the obfuscated part
10:23.38AnduinLotharmain map*
10:23.46AnduinLotharwait, zes. yours makes markers?
10:24.04AnduinLotharlike the flags?
10:24.29zesprido you want a scrrenshot or what? it just show a red dot on the main map
10:24.37Legorolwhat's the slash-command for it?
10:24.42zespriwhen you do /tloc 30,30
10:24.54AnduinLotharya... I'm not getting anything on my main map..
10:24.59zesprithis is in MapNots, not in Thottbot, mind you
10:25.01Legorolnice, i never used that :)
10:25.03zespriI don;t use thottbot
10:25.05Legoroloh that explains it
10:25.15AnduinLotharthottbot has half the code..
10:25.25Legoroli remember that there was a slash-comm in mapnotes that puts up a marker at a given location
10:25.42AnduinLotharright... did mapnotes overridded thott's slash command?
10:25.44zesprimy thottbot is disabled, and tloc from MapNotes works just fine
10:26.16zespriI don't even have thottbot in the addons folder tbh
10:26.20AnduinLotharok... i think thottbot is sposed to do something simmilar but it's been broken ever since we added map  notes but no one's noticed..
10:26.27LegorolTB might have hade code at some point to put marker on the map, but i don't remember it ever working
10:26.41AnduinLotharok, I'll just remove it then
10:27.44zesprinoone noticed? you got to be kidding! there are at least a coupole of report every month for last half a year on the forums
10:27.55AnduinLotharok, well no one fixed it
10:28.08zesprihow do you fix it if it's obfuscated???
10:28.10AnduinLotharbut it's not hard to understand why
10:28.32AnduinLothari'll just delete it then, since it's misleading
10:28.41zespridelete what?
10:28.47zesprifrom where?
10:28.49AnduinLotharthe code for the broken feature
10:28.57zesprifrom thottbot?
10:29.06zespriyes, that's right
10:29.45zespribut I think that /tloc without arguments works in thott, so make sure to leave it there
10:29.58zespriI mean for displaying the number under minimap
10:30.10AnduinLothari know
10:31.49Mr_Rabies/tloc works without thottbot addon :x
10:32.08Mr_Rabiesi haven't had it running for a while, cause i was getting some issues with it :P
10:32.10AnduinLotharright... read the whole convo silly
10:34.03AnduinLotharthottbot never even got french translated
10:46.46AnduinLotharso Legorol, hiding from us, eh?
10:47.34Legorolnot hiding per se, but i have a lot in RL at the mo :(
10:47.34AnduinLotharthx, love you too
10:47.58Legorolyes i am around a lot less :/
10:49.58AnduinLotharwhatcha been up to?
10:53.25AnduinLotharha, now i really win
10:53.39AnduinLotharChronos 2.0 == embedable
10:55.05AnduinLothartoo bad it's 4am or i'd work on Sky..
11:00.03Mr_Rabies2well, then, i figured out why the newer patcher bugged out on me
11:00.17Mr_Rabies2i managed addons and protected non-cosmos before they were flagged as cosmos
11:00.28AnduinLotharthat'd do it
11:00.36Mr_Rabies2it's working smoothly now
11:00.41AnduinLotharglad to hear
11:00.42Mr_Rabies2and my addons folder is a lot less confusing
11:00.50AnduinLotharlife is good
11:00.56Mr_Rabies2deleted all my .nopatch folders and files, and all my 0 byte folders
11:01.21Mr_Rabies2i've got a ton of addons :x
11:01.28AnduinLotharjoint he club
11:02.05ElkanoI got a bunch of addons without using cosmos, so it's not a cosmos 'bug' ;)
11:02.14Mr_Rabies2still trying to find one that lets me click on urls to copy them or something :x
11:02.26AnduinLothari made one
11:02.40AnduinLotharputs it in your edit bow
11:02.48Mr_Rabies2urlcopy randomly died on me, what's yours called?
11:02.55AnduinLotharit's not public
11:03.02Mr_Rabies2thats what i was about to ask
11:03.05Elkano ?
11:03.18AnduinLotharmeh, makign a new editbox is silly imo
11:04.10Elkanocurse uses ajax? Oo
11:04.44Mr_Rabies2including cosmos and blizzard, i have 151 addon folders
11:06.00Wobin_I need to clean up=P
11:06.03Wobin_I have 228 folders
11:06.07Elkano195, but not all aktive
11:06.18Wobin_I've probably not used half of these
11:06.21Wobin_in ages
11:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
11:32.19AnduinLotharkk ReUrl is better now
11:32.25AnduinLotharmaybe i'll upload it..
11:32.30AnduinLotharmaybe not..
11:37.41AnduinLotharMr_Rabies2, that's for you
12:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:10.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
15:14.21KirkburnRome is beautiful =)
15:15.01KirkburnGetting up at 5:30 isn't, but whatchagonnado
15:17.17Wobin_bad boys bad boys
15:17.32KirkburnOkay, you've got me stumped
15:19.18KirkburnRome is like a piece of well-coded LUA?
15:19.46TainRome is like a box of chocolates.
15:20.05KirkburnBloody expensive?
15:20.50TainI don't like bloody chocolates though.
15:21.06KirkburnBest kind 8-)
15:22.03TainMy Bloody Valentine
15:22.18KirkburnPeople may think you're a vampire after a few, but as long as you can avoid the pitchforks and stakes, you should be able to enjoy them ...
15:23.14KirkburnI'm gonna watch Green Wing ... ttyl!
15:23.35Cairennlater Kirkburn|Greeeen
15:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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15:45.39Kirkburn|GreeeenMetzen responds! He's really apologetic, and I feel for the guy ...
16:02.49Kirkburn|GreeeenRobin Williams plays with Spore!
16:03.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
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16:06.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:06.49Kalrothhello happy people!
16:12.39Kirkburn|GreeeenCiao! Oh btw, longer, better video of Robin Williams playing with Spore:
16:12.50Kirkburn|GreeeenAs Mork.
16:13.38Kirkburn|GreeeenI miss Mork and Mindy :(
16:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
16:17.41Legorol^good afternoonsies
16:18.21Legorol^i am looking for a link: someone a few days ago linked to a page about a "cat conspiracy" in WoW, showing a druid in cat form (with 3 claws) and its pawprints (with 4 marks)
16:18.27Legorol^does anyone have that link?
16:19.10MiravlixMight have it in my history, not sure I can find it.
16:19.11Kalrothsorry, no :)
16:19.38MiravlixWish I had my linux server running, I have an url grabber in my irc software there.
16:19.53MiravlixHmm, isn't this channel logged?
16:20.56purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
16:21.01Wobin_oh. I have that link
16:21.03Wobin_one second
16:22.18Wobin_Legorol: The cat mounts have that problem too =)
16:22.40MiravlixReal cats has 5 claws I think
16:24.43cladhaireAnyone have good experience with scroll frames, I'm just dipping into them for the first time now.
16:26.27Kirkburn|GreeeenThe cat conspiracy will be the downfall of WoW! Muahaha!
16:26.31MiravlixCan't say I have good experince with them, but thats because I try to save and restore them in PartyQuests and TCTStateSaver
16:39.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:42.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:56.47Legorol^cladhaire: i do have some
16:57.02Legorol^Miravlix: yes real cats do have 5 very painful claws (from personal cat-owning experience)
16:57.14Legorol^Wobin_: thanks for the link!
16:57.53Wobin_np =)
16:58.40Legorol^of course, the whole conspiracty theory is wrong..
16:58.49Legorol^those are not claw prints, but finger prints
16:59.02Legorol^so the real question is: why do cats with 5 fingers have 4 prints and 3 claws?
16:59.20Legorol^a cat doesn't walk around with its claws out, so the prints are left by the fingers
16:59.27Legorol^(or toes or whatever you wanna call it for a cat)
16:59.54Legorol^so a paw is made of pads?
16:59.59Beladonamaybe one toe has two pads
17:00.09Shouryuuno the black stuff under the paws are pads
17:00.18Beladonayes, and those are what make the prints
17:00.39Legorol^so what do you call the "thing" that is the pad+claw
17:00.51Legorol^the equivalent of what finger or toe would be for a human
17:01.22ShouryuuI don't think their is a word for that
17:02.26Shouryuuwhere do you come up with that stuff...
17:02.50Beladonatalking about what Lego was talking  about?
17:02.53Beladonaor what I linked?
17:03.00Shouryuuthe link :P
17:03.06Beladonaefficient use of google
17:03.21Beladonagoogle is your friend
17:03.29ShouryuuGoogle... hummmm.. never heard of him
17:05.34TainThe GoogleFu is strong with this one.
17:06.08ShouryuuHumm would anyone be willing to explain to me how I could execute the following code after each call of CastSpellByName: "CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = 1 ChangeActionBar()"?
17:07.12Beladonaother than hooking CastSpellByName directly?
17:07.26ShouryuuNope that sounds like a plan
17:07.38ShouryuuI'll take a look at the HOW TO on the wiki
17:07.52ShouryuuI wasn't sure if I could hook CastSpellByName...
17:07.58BeladonaI am not a fan of hooking, but it is necessary in some cases I guess
17:09.37Beladonain a perfect world, a function fire would trigger an event with the function name as an identifier, allowing you to register for a specific function, and react to it, instead of hooking, but that could probably be abused
17:09.39ShouryuuWell I'm still pondering on my pseudo-binding addon, and having the action bar changed back to default after each call of CSBN seems like the only fulproof way of doing it...
17:09.51ShouryuuBut the world isn't perfect =(
17:11.54Beladonaone issue with hooking that function though Shouryuu
17:12.02BeladonaI believe it requires a hardware event
17:13.47ShouryuuChangeActionBar() ?
17:18.18krkahmm... how does the questlog scroll work?
17:18.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:18.25krkai want a copy of it
17:18.36krkawhat are the names of the actual items?
17:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge danonline (
17:22.37krkahm... why don't QuestLogTitleN  have QuestLogFrame as parent?
17:22.38krkaor something
17:22.41krkadoesn't have any parent
17:23.02krkanever mind me
17:23.05krkai'm being stupid as usual
17:23.11krkathe parent is implied by the xml structure
17:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:25.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
17:25.45IrielMorning all
17:28.27danonlineIriel, just wanted to say you've been the most helpful person I've ever seen on the WoW forums. Thank you for all your work. Assuming you're the same Iriel.
17:29.05Cidepretty sure he's the one and only Iriel, yep
17:29.08IrielThank you 8-) (And yes, same Iriel)
17:29.45Cidehmm, I wonder if there's a better solution to this
17:29.59krka(no, that link probably doesn't work)
17:30.05IrielThe whole UI community in general has the most helpful group of forum folk I've ever seen, I feel several of the others (Cairenn especially) are at the very least just as helpful as me. 8-)
17:31.40*** part/#wowi-lounge danonline (
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17:32.41Kirkburn|Greeeenerm, fail?
17:33.02danonlineDid I? Dang.
17:33.19Wobin_try just /nick danionlinedotnet
17:33.21Kirkburn|GreeeenYou can change your name without logging out, surely
17:33.33Wobin_er dan
17:33.53danonlinedotnetThanks. Yeah, but I wanted to change it permanently in my client's preferences, so I figured why not log out.
17:34.25Cide -- I'm not sure if there's a better way to accomplish that, I don't like creating temporary tables but if I insert the values I need directly into the table items, they're stored in the real copy since it's a reference
17:34.28Kirkburn|GreeeenHello there danonlinedotnet :P
17:36.11Kirkburn|GreeeenBack to watching Green Wing for me - the weirdest program ever ...
17:36.15IrielCide: All I can think of is using some kind of table re-use scheme
17:37.49Wobin_Compost can do that
17:37.50cladhairelocal function ClearTable(tbl) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = nil end table.setn(tbl, 0) end
17:38.15Irielcladhaire : well, in cide's case he needs to hang onto all the little sub-tables too
17:38.51cladhaireAck.. that makes it a pain
17:39.00Cideeach value inside the table is a subtable, yep
17:43.03krkainfinite loops FTL :(
17:49.37krkano, infinite loop
17:49.57IrielInfinite recursion at least has the good manners to die with a stack overflow eventually 8-)
17:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
17:51.04danonlinedotnetSorry, I was referring to a possible solution for Cide.
17:51.30danonlinedotnetIriel, not neccessarily infinite tail-recursion. :)
17:52.22Irieldanonlinedotnet : True, lua does do that properly
17:52.47danonlinedotnetDoes it? Cool.
18:00.58cladhaireDoes anyone have a very simple scrollframe example that works-- I want to test creating it dynamically and see if I can get it working.
18:01.49Cideactually, yes.. but I'm having an issue that I'm trying to track down :)
18:01.54CideI can simplify it once I get it working
18:02.30cladhaireGreat, just let me know =)
18:03.39Legorol^cladhaire: i have an example where you can scroll a texture in a frame up/down and left/right
18:03.48Legorol^it's very ugly looking though on the screen :D
18:04.00Legorol^it's mostly XML though, not dynamically made :(
18:04.04cladhaireHehe, all I really need is a simple scrollframe that has one or two text elements
18:04.04Legorol^if you are interested.
18:04.12cladhaireI can convert from XML to dynamic if you wanto toss it over
18:04.19Legorol^ok lemme try find it
18:04.25cladhaireIdeally yeah, but this would probably get me there too
18:04.46Legorol^ehm... i have example of scrollable editbox too if that's what you
18:05.11Legorol^it all depends on whether Windoze's remote desktop works or not :D
18:05.23cladhairethanks guys
18:06.24AnduinLotharsounds iffy
18:07.01AnduinLotharmorning here, *yawn*
18:07.10*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
18:07.15netcurseya nearly the morning for me also but i m in a strange timezone
18:07.23netcursei sleep at 7 AM :D
18:09.14AnduinLotharmmk, one project down... what's next...
18:14.30Legorol^cladhaire: if you go to now, there are two posts by me
18:14.53Legorol^one is the XML the other is the Lua for a (pretty hacked) example of a frame you can scroll both horizontally and vertically
18:15.01Legorol^it's mostly using default Blizz UI code
18:15.41Legorol^it uses Blizz templates to is not very dynamic :/
18:15.59cladhairethanks Legorol I'll take a look at it.
18:16.05Legorol^links: (XML) and (Lua)
18:16.14Legorol^you also wanted scrollable text?
18:16.58Legorol^ok so that example i linked works with anything where you have a fixed-size frame (such as a texture or anything else) that you want to scroll around
18:17.11Legorol^if you want to be able to scroll something whose size changes, it gets more ugly
18:17.40Legorol^final note: all of the Lua in there is just copied from Blizz's code, which has code for vertical scrolling but not for horizontal
18:18.21cladhairewe'll see where this gets me with dynamics =)
18:19.01AnduinLotharyou can have iriel use his script and convert it to a IVF template in lua
18:19.05Legorol^prolly not very far :(
18:19.13Legorol^IVF template?
18:19.31Legorol^mmm sounds kinky
18:19.56AnduinLotharit's an embedable addon for making and using xml templates in lua
18:20.04Legorol^very nice
18:20.10Legorol^can it handle Blizz's templates?
18:20.17Legorol^or only ones you make
18:20.19AnduinLotharI used it in making Localization, tho I took out the file with all the default templates
18:20.38AnduinLotharit has most of blizz's templates hard coded for use
18:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
18:23.51IrielExcept they'r enot "hard coded"
18:24.03IrielThe code is generated from the blizzard templates via XSLT
18:25.08Legorol^Iriel: figures
18:25.24Legorol^how did you deal with Lua embedded directly inside the handlers?
18:25.27AnduinLotharimo the best part is being able to code something in xml and then convert it and use it in lua
18:25.33Legorol^i guess it doesn't matter, it's all done with SetScript i'd imagine
18:26.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
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18:37.41*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
18:39.59NatasemWhat the holly hell....
18:41.26Kirkburn|GreeeenWait, surely that was a really stupid idea ... a lvl 60 who will now be investigated. *Especially* as the link goes to a chinese website ...
18:41.49Natasemi hope Iriel can forward that to the proper athorities and get that thread removed
18:42.16Kirkburn|GreeeenThere's the report button, of course
18:42.28Miravlixsomeone got hacked
18:42.30Natasemya but i reported it a while ago when it first poped up
18:43.03Kirkburn|GreeeenMiravlix, possible, yeah
18:43.07Natasemthe longer it stays up the more a "noob" with download it and get forked
18:43.23Kirkburn|GreeeenIt'll get rid of those who want to buy gold =)
18:43.43Kirkburn|GreeeenWaitasec, that's genius!
18:43.57Kirkburn|GreeeenFlood the gold buying links with nasty stuff :D
18:44.10AnduinLotharshould make gold adds on gaming sites that all lead to viruses
18:44.44AnduinLotharthen put it in tos when they login
18:45.43AnduinLotharhmm, stuck at authenticating again..
18:46.15krkathat link doesn't work for me
18:46.37AnduinLotharthread just deleted
18:46.39danonlinedotnetIs it down already?
18:46.49Kirkburn|Greeeenkrka, you realise what that sounded like?
18:47.21Kirkburn|GreeeenBurn the witch! Burn the gold-buying witch! :P
18:47.52krkalike it's anything wrong with it
18:47.58Natasemya i posted it to the Customer Servers forum and as soon as i hit post it was gone the next 30 seconds lol
18:47.58krkafree trade ftw
18:48.01Kirkburn|Greeeen(I'm suggesting you tried to click the gold link)
18:48.27Kirkburn|GreeeenSeveral things are wrong with it, yes.
18:48.39krkadidnt even get that far :P
18:50.40AnduinLotharlogin problems ftl
18:50.56Kirkburn|GreeeenThe new authentication servers are incoming
18:51.50Kirkburn|GreeeenOrdinn just said this, not sure what to make of it: "New Oceanic realms are dependant on the upgrades we are planning on doing with our authentication system. We should be able to provide you with more info, and more importantly a time when you can expect new realms, by tomorrow."
18:52.13Kirkburn|GreeeenWhich *could* mean the new system could be installed 2moro?
18:52.45MiravlixNo thats when they know when the new login server system is ready
18:53.04Kirkburn|GreeeenWell, that's kind of what I meant
18:56.22AnduinLotharwell, can't log in.. guess Im not testing anything then
19:00.13cladhairedamn.. i should have payed attention
19:00.23cladhairei camped to change something, now i can't login
19:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
19:02.15Kirkburn|TrekkiePoor guy:
19:02.29krkawhy do blizzard editboxes start to behave to strange for large texts?
19:03.04danonlinedotnetAuth just succeeded for me. (US server)
19:03.06AnduinLotharbecause whoever made them didn't have any forsight
19:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
19:04.02krkabehaves _really_ odd
19:04.08StylpeChu! >:(
19:04.20StylpePeople are stupider than ever!
19:04.34AnduinLotharcause it was only designed to handle what it is used for in-game and no one's bothered to re-engineer it to allow us mod makes to have any fun
19:04.49AnduinLotharthx,danonlinedotnet. im in too
19:05.02Kirkburn|Trekkiekrka ... similar issue to this?
19:07.12StylpeDoes anyone here ahve a hitman in their family?
19:08.31[MoonWolf]Wi double as one.
19:08.35[MoonWolf]i will*
19:09.14AnduinLotharO.o why does the CTAChannel use JoinChannelByName every 3 seconds..
19:09.42krkano, no delay
19:09.48krkait just fucks the text up
19:09.57krkait shows _wrong_ text
19:10.32StylpeOkay, I would like to have Marthisdil killed. He posted a shockingly stupid question regarding KIC
19:11.59[MoonWolf]Where does he live ?
19:12.17StylpeI'll leave that as an execise to you
19:12.38[MoonWolf]in that case, plase wait 2 months.
19:12.49StylpeSure, just get it done
19:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
19:20.18ShouryuuRRRRRAAWWWW *cough cough choke choke cough* hey everyone...
19:22.17krkahm... doing SetMaxBytes on every SetText is a bit weird :P
19:22.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
19:22.26krkai want a GetMaxBytes
19:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:25.16ckknighthey all
19:29.36Stylpehiya ckknight
19:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
19:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
19:37.46StylpeMy god, the account management pages are slow today
19:38.07ShouryuuDoes ActionBarChange() requier a key press?
19:40.30ShouryuuYes. no, maybe?
19:42.09ShouryuuI ment ChangeActionBarPage
19:42.28AnduinLotharprolly not, why
19:43.01ShouryuuSo I can make my pseudo-binding add on thingy, one day
19:44.37AnduinLotharha, I win
19:44.47AnduinLotharwhy was that so much work..
19:45.01ShouryuuWin what? Where? How? When?
19:45.19AnduinLothartemporary silent join/leave channels
19:45.24IrielNo, it doesn't
19:45.29Iriel(require a key press)
19:45.57AnduinLotharJoinChannelByName(channel, true) now mutes the join print msg
19:46.49AnduinLotharsame with leave
19:53.29Shouryuudo I need to do anything different if I hook a function that has an argument, CastSpellByName for example?
19:53.50AnduinLothardepends on how you're hooking it
20:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:06.59ShouryuuI don't know :S I've never hooked a function... I basicaly want to to change the action page to 1 after each call of CastSpellByName
20:07.14AnduinLotharheh, Draka's perma raid has 8 offline peeps in it :)
20:07.59AnduinLotharwell, you have to pass all the possible arguments if you're manually hooking it
20:08.14Shouryuuthat sucks
20:08.32ShouryuuSo I have to hook it for every possible spell>
20:08.34AnduinLotharwell, you could use a Sea before hook
20:08.42AnduinLotharjust pass the variable
20:09.03ShouryuuDamn this is going to be more complicated than I thought it would...
20:13.05ShouryuuIs there a easier way to do what I want then? Like is there an event that fires each time I *try*, regardless of sucess, to cast a spell?
20:13.05AnduinLotharnow... to log in a 2nd character..
20:13.31AnduinLotharno... hooking's not that hard
20:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
20:14.49ShouryuuWell would you have an example of hooking a function that has arguments?
20:16.36Kasosomething like:
20:16.37Kasofunction new_CastSpellByName(name,onself) old_CastSpellByName(name,onself) --do stuff end old_CastSpellByName = CastSpellByName new_CastSpellByName=CastSpellByName
20:16.51ShouryuuI really don't understand people who refuse to use addons
20:17.25Kirkburn|TrekkieAuthentication Upgrade news ...
20:17.53Kasoi got the last = bit the wrong way around -_-
20:18.20GenNMX|ThraeShouryuu: They're the type of people that never ever look at a game guide, and would rather just stop playing the game entirely if it meant looking at one. They feel any addon ruins the "authentic challenge".
20:18.47ShouryuuYeah but they don't mind using macros...
20:19.06GenNMX|ThraeThe support for macros is built into the default engine ;)
20:19.22Kasobut you can also argue that the support for addons is too
20:19.36GenNMX|ThraeReally, it's the old EQ mindset. They don't realize exactly how Lua and WoW interoperate.
20:20.19Shouryuuand thanks Kaso, for the example :P
20:20.20Kirkburn|TrekkieThey're n00bs, and were 1337, that's the difference
20:20.22GenNMX|ThraeIE, that addons in WoW are designed to be part of the game, not some flukey third-party thing.
20:20.45ShouryuuKirkburn|Trekkie *Nod*
20:20.47KasoShouryuu swap the arugements of the last equality around
20:20.54Kasoim stupid
20:20.56Shouryuuyeah, read that part :P
20:22.26KasoBut yeh i agree, a person i know thinks that addons are tantamount to cheating, he wont even use macros
20:22.29KasoHe makes me cry :<
20:24.34ShouryuuSome addons do give some advantage on people using the stock UI
20:25.00KasoSucks to be them
20:25.27KasoFew addons can do more than you could manually it'd just be harder manually
20:25.27CodayusMy UI setup gives me a huge advantage for PvE healing.  :-)
20:25.37CodayusWell, maybe not *huge*.
20:26.27Kasogive SpellStopCasting() back :<
20:26.39CodayusBut clickcasting and some good raid frames  seriously reduces the lag between "someone getting hit", "realizing they need a heal", and "heal landing".
20:26.46Shouryuuno that sucked :p
20:26.58ShouryuuCodayus nod
20:27.43KasoWhy can you cast spells on Target Change since 1.10
20:28.06CodayusNot sure.  Couldn't you do it before 1.10 too?
20:28.10CodayusI never tried though...
20:28.14KasoI dont remeber being able to
20:28.31Natasemquestion... does this tyoe of mod exist?
20:28.53CodayusUh, yeah, pretty sure.  It's not my style.
20:28.55KasoBut i mean they remove movment hooks to stop autobuff, i just re wrote a copy of autobuff to use target change as a trigger
20:29.03CodayusBut A) Sounds trivial, and B) I think Rowne wrote one.
20:29.43CodayusKaso: Well, it's possible that target change was just an undiscovered loophole...
20:30.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
20:30.21Kasocould be, we tried to make a noise about it on the EU forums but hey, we're second class customers in europe :>
20:30.37KasoI like the quotes on that post :>
20:33.58ShouryuuNatasem Speak Easy?
20:34.25IrielIt's not a loophole
20:34.57IrielI suppose it depends on your definition of loophole
20:35.54NatasemShouryuu: i'll take a look at Speak Easy
20:36.01IrielIt's a loophole in the sense of "A frequently pressed/clicked thing which you can 'hook'
20:36.27IrielBut it's not magically allowing hardware events when one wasn't present
20:36.35ShouryuuI know it allows you do that with phrases, most probably with emotes. If not I'm sure I could try and conjure one :P
20:37.47Shouryuuwould this be the proper way to achieve what I want, which is changing the action bar to page 1 after each call of castSpellByName?
20:38.19ShouryuuNo that wouldn't
20:38.31KasoI guess you're right, its not like its that useful to be honest i dont use the modified version of autobuff i wrote up, its not very good.
20:39.05ShouryuuThe way I'm doing it I'm not taking in the arguments of the original castSpellByName... I think
20:39.42ShouryuuBeing a noob sucks so much
20:39.51Natasemthanks Shouryuu , that looks almost exactlyu like i was lookin for
20:40.02Kasothe arguments that you pass to your hooked funciton are passed onto the orginal function, it looks ok to me
20:40.07KasoWhy do you want to do that Shouryuu out of interest?
20:40.10Shouryuuhehe no problem :P I know my addons
20:40.57ShouryuuKaso I'm trying to write a pseudo binding mode, so I can bind keys to stuff like y + 3. Press y changes my page to some other page, and pressing 3 (so calling castSpellByName) changes it back to 1
20:41.16Shouryuu*pressing y
20:41.31KasoDoes pressing actionbar buttons call castspellbyname?
20:41.56ShouryuuNope but doesn't casting a spell call CastSpellByName?
20:42.30Kasoi think (i assume) it'd use CastSpell() but im unsure, cant you just hook UseAction()
20:42.36TainNo it uses UseAction()
20:42.45ShouryuuAhh that is indeed *far* smarter
20:43.04ShouryuuLike that it will even work with pots!
20:44.11ShouryuuSo this should work?
20:44.53KasoUseAction(slot [,checkCursor] [,onSelf])
20:45.35Shouryuu*that* I did not know
20:45.36ShouryuuThat's what I get for not checking the wiki =(
20:46.31ShouryuuCool, there, I wrote my addon :P
20:46.36KasoThough even the wiki can sometimes lead me wrong, i was trying to Hook SetItemRef but wiki info was old so it was causing a bug, took me a while to work it out, then a longer while to write a new wiki article
20:51.26ShouryuuWell thanks folks!
20:51.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
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21:33.19IrielHm, that might be the nastiest hack I've had to do in some time
21:33.41Cidewhat'd you do?
21:34.06danonlinedotnetOh noes, don't say "hack" or a GM will think you're botting? ;)
21:34.06IrielIn a language that doesn't allow for runtime function definition I needed to do function hooking, so I ended up writing a temporary file containing the code and having it include that file to execute it
21:34.18cladhaireOh wow.
21:34.40danonlinedotnetIs it a compiled language, Iriel?
21:34.42IrielLuckily I can cache the wrapper functions afterwards so it's only igly once.
21:34.47IrielSomewhat compiled.
21:35.01danonlinedotnetWhat language, may I ask?
21:35.09IrielColdFusion MX
21:35.50IrielWhile they constantly improve the language in good directions they seem intent on leaving little shortcomings here and there to make life miserable when you want to do something clever
21:36.26danonlinedotnetPerl has that going for it at least, that it doesn't penalize cleverness.
21:36.50danonlinedotnetThe downside of perl is that simple things sometimes require that cleverness. :)
21:38.13cladhaireIriel: I almost grabbed a job as a CF dev, but its been a while since I've done anything (back on CF running on Netscape Enterprise) and they asked me to code a string reversal in CF.  I had no idea about the current API/syntax/anything, so I gave them basic pseudocode.. was quite embarassing given that CF wasn't stressed in the job description-- and they kinda just sprung it on me.
21:39.33cladhaireit was back at my alma mater, and was a great opportunity.  I was disappointed when it didn't work out.. they really liked me-- but they grabbed a solid CF dev (even tho they were migrating to ASP/PHP-- which I have tons more experience in)
21:40.01IrielI've been able to get us to do some great things with CF but largely by using it like it was a more traditional language
21:40.19IrielI'm encouraged by CFMX because I can write the 'hard stuff' as java code
21:40.34Irieland since CFMX translates the CFML into java at runtime, it integrates quite nicely
21:41.29IrielYour job experience seems very bizarre given the transition route
21:42.30cladhaireThe university is very odd with their hiring.
21:42.46TainAll that learnin' goes to their head.
21:43.58cladhairemy old college is looking for a system administrator (I'm working on 8-10 years experience, plus my masters) but they won't cosider any experience that isn't solaris in a production environment.  As opposed to Net/Open/FreeBSD production administration.  *shrug*  They still haven't filled that position-- solaris admins aren't exactly trying hard to get INTO upstate, NY
21:44.28cladhairein the three months they had the position open, I could have been more than up to speed on their environment.
21:45.02TainSolaris Admins at my old place had very strict job requirements.  Namely knowing how to call Sun and make them fix every little thing.
21:45.11cladhaireyeah, pretty much it.
21:45.27cladhaire"Solaris Unleashed" + 1800-HELP-SUN
21:45.45[MoonWolf]do they have certifications for that ?
21:45.49cladhairewhat i really need now is win32/mfc/net app development then i'll be rounded out where I need to be
21:46.00cladhaire[MoonWolf]: Yeah they do, but they weren't even looking for that much
21:48.22AnduinLotharsome companies even try to avoid cert holders, cause they figure experience means more
21:48.34*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
21:48.40cladhaireyeah, getting my masters kinda screwed me-- I can't get entry level in lots of places =(
21:48.46cladhaireeven willing to take the pay cut
21:48.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
21:48.59TainYeah you can't do anything there, clad.  It sucks.
21:49.25[MoonWolf]your overqualified, go way, ill take the paycut, overqualified!
21:49.27TainI don't have a degree but I've heard places tell me they think I'm overqualified, or whatever.
21:51.18cladhaireWell now my dilemma is, I'd like to end up teaching in college (I love it, and I happen to have some nice into curriculum ideas), but to do that I either need to be adjunct faculty- or get my Ph.D.  which scares me even more.
21:51.44TainI'd be scared to be introduced to Dr. Cladhaire as well.
21:51.55[MoonWolf]oh god, Dr. Cladhaire.
21:52.00[MoonWolf]id so take those courses.
21:52.16cladhaireThe fact that my name is Cladhaire is odd to begin with, I'm normally Cyprian.. but someone camped the name on Stormrage
21:52.27cladhairebut since then, all my chars are the Irish word for the class name =)
21:52.27Tain"For extra credit try to wtfpwn me in AB tonight."
21:53.35*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:54.12AnduinLotharoops, sky started sending msgs in the wrong order.. that's no good.
21:54.17cladhairemy alma mater is taking into C out of the curriculum because they'd yet to find someone who can teach it well.. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to teach it.. I have a knack for explaning the complicated topics, and tying everything together.  I've been able to teach the most inexperienced users some of the more complicated concepts of the language-- and I love it, cause i'm insane =)
21:54.19AnduinLothartho it SHOULD be able to handle that..
21:54.22cladhaireAnduinLothar: Ack.. how'd that happen? =)
21:54.41[MoonWolf]cladhaire, please tell me that they are not replacing it with java.
21:54.43AnduinLotharmmm, stack of outgoing. delay was pushing onto the top and not the bottom
21:54.49TainYeah I have a naming system.  Tain, Huntain, Tainadin, Taink, Tainlock
21:54.51[MoonWolf]insane teachers are the best.
21:54.59cladhaire[MoonWolf]: Nope, I think they're planning on having the progression being Haskell, then Scheme.
21:55.00cladhairewhich is a bad idea.
21:55.02[MoonWolf]all mine are pretty fucked up.
21:55.19cladhaireDr. Clad.
21:55.25[MoonWolf]haskell does that even have any real world use ?
21:55.29AnduinLotharoi, haskell and scheme ftl
21:55.40TainSince when does real world use enter into university learning?
21:55.44cladhaireNo, Haskell has no real world use unless you need list comprehension =)
21:55.48cladhaireScheme however is fun =)
21:55.49AnduinLotharok, haskell was at least interesting
21:56.03cladhaireScheme/Lisp/Elisp is tons of fun =)
21:56.07AnduinLotharnah scheme eats babies, it's so boring
21:56.26TainThe parentheses made my eyes water.
21:56.30AnduinLotharthat si the extent of scheme
21:58.21cladhaireI need a name for my Shaman.
22:00.59Kirkburn|TrekkieShahaire is actually quite cool
22:01.03[MoonWolf]tauren troll or orc ?
22:01.25Kirkburn|TrekkieProbably not Manhair, that's not so good
22:01.49TainM. Knight Shaman
22:02.26TainAt the end of every fight you can yell, "Surprise!"
22:03.20Tain"I see dead people."  "Yeah I know, we wiped, just wait for a res."
22:03.26Kirkburn|TrekkieI've never seen one of his films, actually
22:03.53[MoonWolf]Caledvwich — the name of Excalibur in Welsh legends. <- let people get that references.
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22:04.26Kirkburn|TrekkieGenius, Tain.
22:04.56[MoonWolf]you peope can come up with no original or cool names.
22:05.06TainHow about MoonWolf
22:05.07Kirkburn|TrekkieElementor is cool :(
22:05.19[MoonWolf]its moonwolf and suntiger damnit
22:05.49[MoonWolf]actually the only remaining combo would involve star something
22:06.18AnduinLotharoic.. the order doesn't matter, already taken care of
22:06.21Kirkburn|Trekkie(oh really, no others, Moonwolf?)
22:06.22[MoonWolf]and it cant be a kat or a wolf family animimal.
22:06.40AnduinLotharproblem was the expiration timer was triggering for long messages due to the outgoing cap
22:07.05AnduinLotharapparently 15 seconds isn't enough to send 9 full messages at max 500 chars per sec
22:07.09[MoonWolf]its (stelar light giving body) (animal)
22:07.20AnduinLotharhmmm, with a 3 second retry timer
22:07.31AnduinLotharspose i can speed up retry
22:07.42Kirkburn|Trekkiedammit Tain, I was writing a brunch one :(
22:08.26[MoonWolf]oh god
22:08.33Kirkburn|TrekkieFilms don't count :P
22:08.58TainIt's a star, damnit!
22:09.16[MoonWolf]but its not real!
22:09.17Kirkburn|TrekkieYeah, yeah, whateva
22:09.38Tainhmmm star...  BradPittCaterpillar
22:09.40Kirkburn|TrekkieBetelgeuse isn't real? That's a new one ...
22:09.44[MoonWolf]when did banana's become animals ?
22:10.02Kirkburn|TrekkieWe logn abandoned any pretence of sense, [MoonWolf]
22:10.26TainDid you pick one of those, cladhaire?
22:10.31TainSome excellent choices in there.
22:10.34cladhaireNo, i didn't make a character =)
22:10.39cladhairebut i wrote them down =)
22:10.56TainI like Shamanlamadingdong
22:11.23TainOr Kate.  Either way.
22:11.25Kirkburn|TrekkieFine, well, my next char will be called BrunchSquirrel
22:11.35Kirkburn|TrekkieOr is it Bob, Tain? ;)
22:11.36[MoonWolf]my suggestions win for having more then shallow value.
22:11.53TainNeil and Bob
22:12.10Kirkburn|Trekkieuh, er, I was making a Blackadder reference
22:12.22[MoonWolf]i hate blackadder
22:12.29Kirkburn|TrekkieI'm sure he hates you too
22:12.31TainBlackadder was great!
22:13.25ckknightfor anyone who has optional FuBar support in their addons, I've added support for plugins not needing FuBar at all
22:13.26Kirkburn|BladderI'm not certain that name is better ...
22:14.13Kirkburnckknight, I'm not sure I understand?
22:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge KirkburnTest (n=XjzjItMc@
22:15.58ckknightwell, let's say you have a plugin that bakes pies for you
22:16.05ckknighterr, addon
22:16.12ckknightand you want to give it a GUI + menu
22:16.37ckknightpreviously, you could've checked for FuBar and whatnot, given it an optional gui that way
22:17.03ckknightnow you can just put FuBarPlugin.lua into the dir, inherit from it, and you'll have a little minimap button for your addon
22:17.10ckknightif FuBar is present, it can be placed on there
22:17.21ckknightif not, it'll work without it
22:18.16KirkburnTest(just testing the Azureus IRC client)
22:18.27AnduinLotharembedable middleman
22:18.28ckknightI'm very much a fan of modularity
22:18.46ckknightwith this, the FuBar core is a chunk smaller
22:18.51AnduinLotharbasicly what MCom does for slash commands and khaos, only with a minimap button
22:19.21ckknightthe only lost functionality is the text that would show on the panel
22:19.27ckknightthe icon shows on the minimap button
22:19.31ckknightand the tooltip shows on mouseover
22:19.36ckknightand the menu shows on right-click
22:19.48KirkburnHow's the skins going?
22:19.59AnduinLotharyou could make a text display that pops up when the text changes
22:20.01AnduinLotharand fades
22:20.10ckknightnot just yet
22:21.39KirkburnEr, why are your screenshots such low quality?
22:22.13AnduinLotharoverzealous bandwidth conservation would be my guess
22:22.41KirkburnThe limit on WoWI is apparently more than 1Mb
22:23.24Kirkburn(Maximum image size is 1600 x 1600 or 1.17 MB) ... I'm just intruiged - I feel my addon is being violated ;)
22:23.38AnduinLotharwell, they thumbnail them and load each on its own page
22:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
22:24.38KirkburnWhen I get back to playing WoW, I think I may just have to get rid of Titan Panel and Shouryuu
22:25.15Shouryuufine, get rid of me
22:25.17Shouryuusee if I care
22:26.07KirkburnWhat's with all the coming and going today?
22:26.25ShouryuuNo sleep =(
22:27.49KirkburnHmm, I really should get some sleep tonight myself - only got about 1 hour last night
22:28.09Shouryuuracked in 4h last night :P
22:28.34KirkburnYou probably didn't have to get up at 05:30
22:29.05ShouryuuI got up at 7 =(
22:29.29KirkburnI hate anything before 11am, everything else is far too early.
22:29.50KirkburnPeople always tell me I'm missing the day ... doesn't bother me, I use the night instead.
22:30.06ShouryuuHehe same here
22:31.47KirkburnI love the title of this thread ...
22:32.01Kirkburn(can see why Tseric replied!)
22:35.26Mr_RabiesAnduinLothar, just now scrolled up, thanks :D
22:35.51ShouryuuAnyone have a list of things to do in order to fall asleep?
22:36.24ShouryuuI don't have any short movies, and starting a full movie now will just make me fall asleep in 2 hours, which I don't want
22:38.47Mr_Rabiesi usually wait until i'm barely able to walk to the bed to fall asleep
22:38.50Mr_Rabiesthat tends to work well
22:39.12Mr_Rabiesunless i, infact, am too tired to go to bed
22:39.24ShouryuuI hate it when that happens
22:39.33KirkburnDo something really repetetetetetititive
22:39.39KirkburnRead a book?
22:39.58KirkburnTurn off lights?
22:40.02Mr_Rabieswatch c-span
22:40.15Shouryuucount to 1000 sounds like a plan
22:40.25KirkburnDiscuss french politics
22:40.33Mr_Rabiesworks pretty well.
22:40.35ShouryuuKirkburn loool
22:40.58ShouryuuBurnnnnn tea
22:41.14ShouryuuIf I'm going to fall asleep, it's on my own! I don't need some gay tea's help!
22:41.27Mr_Rabiesit's good tea :[
22:41.33Mr_Rabiesit has a bear on it
22:41.55KirkburnOmg, scary
22:42.00KirkburnIt'll probably eat you
22:42.06ShouryuuOh noez!
22:42.22KirkburnDo you look like Goldilocks in any way, Shouryuu ?
22:43.07AnduinLotharhmm, wow.. I got my Surround sound working
22:43.21ShouryuuNo not really kirk, sorry
22:43.40AnduinLotharunfortunetly the psudo stereo->5.1 eats processing power
22:43.42KirkburnThat could be a good thing, at least they won't think you ate their porridge and slept in their bed
22:44.01AnduinLotharand my poor computer doesn't like doing it with 2 wow's open + itunes
22:44.04KirkburnAnduinLothar, on-board sound?
22:44.17AnduinLotharnah, onboard surround works fine
22:44.28AnduinLotharbut it's only optical out, not analogue
22:44.42AnduinLotharso i have a Revolution 7.1
22:44.57Mr_Rabiesi was about to tell you how to fix onboard sound causing you some issues in windows, and then i remembered you're a mac user :x
22:44.57KirkburnHeard of it, I think
22:45.14AnduinLotharwhich has been very finnicky for over a year
22:45.16KirkburnAlso, two WoWs?
22:45.17Mr_Rabiesthere's a registry key in windows that turns off the internal processor in most onboard sound
22:45.46AnduinLotharya, doing Sky/PartyQuests tests on two clients
22:46.07KirkburnBut how?
22:46.13AnduinLotharteo accounts
22:46.20KirkburnBut why?
22:46.32KirkburnBut, but... :(
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22:46.56AnduinLotharlosg as i get >5fps on each client it works
22:47.04KirkburnYeah, sounds damn useful
22:47.08AnduinLotharwas getting 10 till i started itunes and surround
22:47.34AnduinLotharbut now response time is like 2 seconds
22:48.08AnduinLotharbut my 10" subwoofer's geting use, so i'm happy about that
22:48.48AnduinLotharfor some reason i always get static bursts using the psudo 2.0->5.1  but i got it to work by changing sampling frequency a couple times
22:49.21AnduinLotharbut sampling at 192 khz makes my processor sad
22:49.51AnduinLotharbut sampling at 92 khz sounds liek crap
22:51.21AnduinLotharanyway.. think I'm getting somewhere... halved Sky output cap to 500charPerSec and increased outgoing message retry to 1.5 seconds
22:52.55AnduinLotharso now quest texts get through in the same time frame of 10-15 seconds but don't cause as high bursts, which should allow it to be more friendly when other insensitive people try chan comm at the same time
22:53.59Shouryuunight folks
22:57.12cladhaireAnduinLothar: How is everything with SKy going these days?
22:57.44AnduinLotharup and down.  What i really need is another machine to test with
22:57.59AnduinLotharotherwise i basicly have to try something and wait for complaints/feedback
22:58.05cladhaireack that's no good
22:58.11cladhaireisn't there someone else on the team that can help you?
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22:58.30AnduinLotharmost of the team now is on euro time
22:58.37cladhaireAck.. no good.
22:59.21AnduinLotharya, I also have lots I would like done, but don't really have enough people to delegate them too
22:59.45AnduinLotharso progress is held back by a lack of resources
23:00.08cladhaireI wish Sky/Satellite would have taken off and been used elsewher, and I know why Sky didn't initially-- and Satellite never made it past the "I have a name for this new library" stage =)
23:00.09AnduinLotharI was gonna try and make it embeddable today, but got held up on other peoples that need to be resolved first
23:00.57Elviso, I think
23:01.05AnduinLotharfixed a few outstanding issues today tho
23:01.12cladhaireDo we get a SPELLCAST_START for Aimed Shot?
23:01.20AnduinLotharis it instant?
23:02.32cladhairebut it doesn't show a casting bar
23:02.36cladhairemst annoying thing about hunters
23:02.47cladhaire3sec casting time
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23:03.03AnduinLotharno idea :/
23:09.18AnduinLotharwell, just cleaned up some sky changes, fixed a few bugs... feel pretty good about it. always more to do
23:10.42AnduinLotharshould limit disconnects from Sky sources
23:10.52AnduinLotharso we can blame other addons :)
23:11.01TainI blame Ace!
23:11.29AnduinLotharmy scapegoat of choice
23:11.37AnduinLotharbut not really for disc..
23:11.41Slackyhiya fellow devs. im building my first own addon and would like to dynamically add/show rows to a list of players with stats and things. is there a way to load a frame from a template within the lua files?
23:11.50ckknightwait, what for?
23:11.53TainAnd Canada.
23:12.02ckknightdamn icebacks
23:12.03TainAce and Canada are the ruin of everything.
23:12.12AnduinLotharSlacky IrivelsVirtualFrames
23:12.25Slackyon wowi?
23:12.28AnduinLotharhave to ask Iriel tho, cause it's not public
23:12.52cladhaireyouc an download the library
23:12.55AnduinLotharotherwise you got a lot of research to do to write it from scratch, tho it's possible
23:12.56Slackyread about that CreateFrame() thing but hey i just started this stuff..
23:13.02cladhairethe xslt he hides =)
23:13.18cladhaireI made a full-working replica of the SpellBookFrame for Clique tho =)
23:13.33TainI made a mess.
23:13.42AnduinLotharI made a frameless dropdown
23:13.48ckknightwe all have accidents sometimes, Tain
23:13.51AnduinLotharand an embeddable language sellection panel
23:13.56ckknightremember, it's okay to cry.
23:14.09AnduinLotharcry, but dont forget to blame ace
23:14.24cladhaireand Canada
23:14.43Slackyso are all those more popular addons like *duck* DamageMeters still static?
23:15.09Slackysince they ve got a list of palyers like mine s supposed to have
23:15.22ckknightbecause they suck.
23:15.29ckknightplain and simple
23:15.31ckknightthat's about it
23:15.40AnduinLothar99% of all addons are still statix xml
23:15.57AnduinLotharand frankly, most of them should be
23:16.06Slackyoh well, then ill just blend into the crowd..
23:16.11ckknightsays you.
23:16.14AnduinLotharthe effort required to make it lua only is not always worth it
23:16.19ckknightall the popular kids use Lua
23:16.33cladhaireckknight: You're amusing tonight =)
23:16.36AnduinLotharand I only recommend it if you need it to be lua for some reason
23:16.49AnduinLotharor if lua makes it easier
23:16.57Slackydoesnt it safe memory?
23:17.03TainWell knowing Lua better than WoW's XML is a good reason.
23:17.07AnduinLotharfor things liek CooldownCount where you can make the frame 1ce and run 20 for loops
23:17.23TainIt doesn't save memory inherently, Slacky.
23:17.33TainCreating 10 frames in XML is the same as creating 10 frames in Lua.
23:17.40AnduinLotharit only saves memory if you dont end up making frames you aren't going to use
23:17.42TainBut what people do with XML is create more frames than are always needed.
23:17.48Slackyyea but the lua frames are load on demand right?
23:17.53TainSo that's where you save money by creating them only when you need to in Lua.
23:18.41Slackyi mean you can't load of demand parts in XML. Its all created at startup. Unless Im utterly mistaken.
23:19.14SlackySomeone tell my I am.
23:19.24AnduinLotharwell LoD is something inherently different
23:19.41AnduinLotharLoD refers to the whole addon
23:19.58AnduinLothartho you can 'Create as Needed' with lua
23:20.29AnduinLotharhowever, with xml the template is discarded after it loads, but in lua the template is saved in case you need to make more..
23:20.35AnduinLotharso you use memory that way..
23:20.53Slackyi understand i think
23:21.43AnduinLotharbut in most cases if you have a small feasable maximum amount of frames it's easier to use xml
23:21.43AnduinLotharlike 20
23:21.44AnduinLotharbut lua would allow you to not need a max..
23:21.55TainThat's only if you already understand how WoW's XML works and don't absolutely hate it.
23:22.23AnduinLotharthe lua is often less code
23:22.45AnduinLotharbut the xml is easier to format so that it makes sense imo
23:23.05TainIt's probably less characters.  heh but I do think the important thing, well for me, is that I can actually visualize it better in Lua as counter-intuitive as it may seem.
23:23.54TainIt's easier and faster for me to scan Lua code and see numbers than XML.
23:24.06AnduinLotharchange your color coding?
23:24.23SlackyWell seeing how it takes about 30-40 lines of code just to create a Button I'm kinda scared of what a complete frame looks like.
23:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:26.39SlackyOh well Ill just guess the max amount of people using the mod and hardcode it in XML. Thanks for the tips, prepare to be questioned again (and again).
23:30.57KirkburnG'night all!

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