irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060514

00:02.42JoshBorkewb Cairenn
00:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
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00:29.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
00:29.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
00:35.01Kaeltenhows it going guys?
00:38.09Cairennman, can you ever tell that we're hosting a play-offs game in town this evening ... it's like someone went out and rolled up the sidewalks
00:38.15Cairenneveryone's out at the arena
00:40.02KalrothAny good looking chicks out there?!
00:40.15Cairennno idea, I'm not there, obviously
00:40.27KalrothWell you probably don't have a camera anyways
00:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
00:51.54EsamynnEvening all
00:52.13Cairennhi Esamynn
00:58.40KarlKFImeh, done
00:58.45KarlKFIstupid compiler
00:59.23KarlKFIpeace peeps! I'm out to pay respects to the matriarch
00:59.46Cairennlater KarlKFI
01:02.07Esamynnok question, anyone know what the cache.md5 file is for exactly?
01:07.01KirkburnWhere is it?
01:07.49Cidehmm, is anyone here playing a druid (or someone with decent knowledge of the druid talents)?
01:08.01Esamynnit's in the root of each account WTF folder
01:08.06EsamynnI do Cide
01:08.29Cidedruids have two talents that reduce the mana cost for healing touch; tranquil spirit & moonglow
01:08.36CideI'm wondering, are they multiplicative or additive?
01:08.49KirkburnNot sure Esamynn ... anyways, I'm off to bed! Night night everybody
01:09.05EsamynnI don't know, it would be VERY unusual to have both, but most talents like that are additive
01:09.18Cideoh? I thought most talents like that were multiplicative
01:09.32Cidewell yeah, but this is kind of theoretical so it must be correct
01:09.45Esamynnwhat do you mean by multiplicative?
01:09.51Cairennnight Kirkburn
01:09.51Cideas in..
01:09.57Esamynnnight Kirkburn
01:10.05Kirkburnnight =)
01:10.05CidemanaCost = baseManaCost*0.9*0.91 for having both
01:10.28Cideas opposed to manaCost = baseManaCost*(1-0.1-0.09)
01:10.49Esamynnhmm, I was under the impression that talents like that were the latter
01:10.58CideI don't know, honestly
01:11.09Cidepriests only have one manacost reducing talent
01:11.30Cidefor increased healing & damage it's multiplicative as far as I know
01:12.13Cidewell, another druid said he "thought" it was additive too, so I'm going to go with that for now.. thanks!
01:12.29Esamynnhmm, I thought talents were alway additive with each other, just not always with other affects
01:12.44Esamynnnot something I have ever tested though
01:12.47Cidepriest damage increasing talents are definitely multiplicative
01:13.18Cideand also calculated AFTER +dmg for the most part
01:13.26Cideas opposed to our healing talents, which are BEFORE
01:13.30Cide(which makes me sad)
01:13.43Esamynnsigh, so much for consistency
01:14.06Cidethe consistency for different stats are also nice
01:14.28Cidefor parsing the random property (ie items that can have random properties) database for ctprofiles
01:14.44CideI found a total of 9 different ways they have described +spell damage to a specific school
01:15.00Esamynnsigh, i'm trying to put my saved variables under version control because i'm tired of regretting the loss of data from a couple backups ago, but I don't know what this silly cache.md5 file is for :(
01:15.14Cide"+X Arcane Spells", "Arcane Spells +X", "Increased Arcane Spells +9" etc
01:15.41EsamynnI'll bet that drove the person who wrote BonusScanner nuts!
01:16.00CideI bet
01:16.03Cideit's easier to parse it in PHP
01:17.28Esamynnoh, I know what else I was going to ask you Cide, why is the setting for the CTRA comunication channel global instead of per character?
01:17.55Cidebecause I wrote it before that existed :)
01:18.04Cidebut you're right, I should change it
01:19.17CideI'm writing this calculator and it's becoming more and more hardcoded the more talents I add in
01:20.03Esamynnyou mean how each talent interacts with other ones that do similar things?
01:20.10Esamynnor the talent data itself?
01:20.19CideI need to add in innervate
01:20.40Cidebut at the point where I calculate the talents, I have already defined the variables that it will modify
01:20.51Esamynnheh, I wouldn't worry about Innervate, its a core ability in 1.11
01:21.00Cideyes, but it's still a part of the calculation
01:21.05Esamynnahh ok
01:21.16EsamynnI thought it was talent specific
01:21.42Cidewell, I'm adding it in for druids just for fun
01:21.55Esamynnwhat does the calculator do?
01:22.02Cideso they can see what their efficiency looks like if they wanted to cast innervate on themselves every 6m
01:22.20Cideeasier to show than to describe :)
01:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
01:25.20Esamynnvery neat
01:25.42Cideit's not done yet, but it's showing some interesting results already
01:26.04Esamynnbut anyways, if the data is becoming hard coded, I would suggest you take a break and devise a data structure that will fit your needs
01:26.37Cideit basically tells you how high damage healed/sec you can output without running out of mana during the fight
01:27.23Cidefive second rule
01:28.05Esamynnhmm, anyone know if Stormrage 3 pecie set bonus stacks with Reflection
01:28.17EsamynnI mean in what way does it stack
01:28.19Wobin_How do you determine the amount of time in FSR?
01:28.28Cidethrough the use of addons :)
01:28.40Cidegenerally, it's about 50% (for priests, anyhow)
01:28.41Esamynngreat, I thought I remembered that being the case :)
01:28.51EsamynnParse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in c:\program\apache group\apache\htdocs\healingtest.php on line 624 !!
01:29.05Cideshould be fixed now :)
01:29.23Cidethat's my web server and I'm a saveaholic
01:29.48Wobin_"Hi, I'm Cide, and it's been 3 years since my last save..."
01:30.25Miravlix_Get an editor with autosave. :p
01:30.35Cidethat would piss me off
01:30.45Cidesometimes I don't want to save :P
01:30.49Miravlix_I can work on files for days in emacs before I save
01:31.00Cideoh, you mean save state if you close it?
01:31.02Esamynntell me you at least use a version control repository! :)
01:31.04Miravlix_Well, get a real editor that don't autosave to the real file
01:31.30IrielEmacs does autosaves every so often
01:31.37Irieland backs up the file in its state before you started to change it
01:31.46Miravlix_But it does it to a #filename# file
01:31.59Miravlix_So the real file only gets updated when you do a real save
01:32.24Miravlix_That way you still have the full control over when to update your scripts
01:32.28CideEsamynn: innervate "Increases the target's mana regeneration by 400%", so it's in reality manaRegen*5, I take it?
01:32.54Esamynnyes, that is my understanding (I haven't actually tested it)
01:33.04Cideok, this should work then
01:33.06Esamynnnot enough to be 100% sure anyways
01:33.16Cideless hardcoding than I thought, but this page is still pretty ugly-looking
01:33.22IrielHow do 'increases X by Y%' things stack? Do the Y's just get added together?
01:33.50Cide+damage talents are added multiplicatively after +dmg is calculated
01:34.00Cide+healing talents are added multiplicatively before +healing is calculated
01:34.18Cide-mana talents are added additively (according to my two test subjects)
01:34.46EsamynnCide: i'll test that on the test server when it comes back up
01:34.58Cideincreases mana regen while casting by Y% are added additively
01:37.00Cidesweet, Esamynn :)
01:42.51netcurseHi there, i m looking for some USA hosting service, any americans could help me ?
01:42.58netcursededicated server with hight bandwitch
01:43.08IrielDo you need root?
01:43.26IrielYou may try cihost, I host with them
01:43.33netcurseAny url please ?
01:45.08IrielSeemed like a fun thing to do
01:45.30netcurseIriel they don t do unlimited trafic ?
01:45.45IrielNot for their dedicated services, as far as I know
01:45.56netcurseAllright i will call them
01:45.59netcurseto see :p
01:46.10Esamynnhmm, I want to back up my AddOns directory, and sync it between a couple of computers, anyone think an SVN repository is going overboard? ;)
01:46.28Cairennrofl Esamynn
01:46.44Cairennnot that we're too much of a geek, now are we? *chuckles*
01:46.56Esamynnactually, i'm seriously considering it, because I already have the server setup  :P
01:47.05IrielYou may want to look at too, but I dont think they offer root
01:47.11IrielEsamynn : not at all
01:47.45Esamynnwell, i'm glad you agree because I already did it ;)
01:47.56IrielI use SVN for all manner of random things
01:48.59Esamynnyah, I just recently got around to setting up my own repository server :)
01:49.11EsamynnI'm wondering what took me so long
01:49.59IrielAre you using svn+ssh or http?
01:50.21Esamynnhttp atm, its safely behind my firewall for now
01:50.44IrielI set up a repository server at work with https and ldap authentication against active directory
01:51.05Esamynneeewww, active directory
01:51.06Irielso https://server/svn/<reponame>/ is the root of each repository
01:51.16Esamynnbut still, nice :)
01:51.19IrielHey, it's great, it means I dont have to add a new unix account for each developer
01:51.41EsamynnI'm an AD hater ;)
01:51.43IrielI was very impressed with the apache svn folks
01:51.51IrielI dont like AD overmuch, but LDAP is nifty
01:52.58Wobin_Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_BREAK, expecting ')' in c:\program\apache group\apache\htdocs\healingtest.php on line 552
01:54.06Wobin_all better
01:54.20Wobin_Interesting. My healing dps drops when I select the PI
01:55.59EsamynnIriel: maybe you can answer this, any idea what the cache.md5 file is for in each WTF/<account> directory?
01:57.01IrielMy guess is for synchronization between client and server to see if it needs to pull data down at startup
01:58.12IrielFor example, one of the entries is the md5sum of your macros-cache.txt file
01:59.22EsamynnI didn't think any of the settings in the WTF were stored on the server
01:59.40IrielI'm not sure any are today, but that's always been the eventual goal for some of them
02:00.01Esamynnahh, so it might just be a step towards that at the moment
02:01.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
02:02.08CideWobin_: hm?
02:02.32Cideoh, I think I found a bug
02:02.33Cidetry now
02:02.35Wobin_Cide: I dunno, I lose about 5 dps if I check the PI
02:02.56Wobin_Goes up now =)
02:03.04Cidethere we go
02:03.11Wobin_So. I think I can pull off 167dps healing =P
02:03.16Cideeverything is in now
02:03.22Cideall talents, all healing classes
02:03.26Wobin_Since I don't have GH5
02:03.49Cidewith my talents & gear...
02:03.49Wobin_And that's in my full regen set
02:03.50CideHeal (R1) | Castable Every: 2.81 | Average Heal: 1094.6 | DPS Healed: 390.17
02:03.58Cidethat's the top DPS healed
02:04.06Cideover 10 minutes
02:04.33netcurseSorry to re ask just making sure everyone saw : i m looking for a US hosting compagny that offer unlimited trafic 100 mb/s at least on dedicated server thank you for helping
02:04.52Esamynnwell, i'm off, see you all later
02:04.53Wobin_btw, did you have the +regen that says "Increases your normal health and mana generation by 5"?
02:05.10Cide"unlimited" traffic is rarely unlimited
02:05.33netcurseIn france all hoster does unlimited trafic;*/
02:05.35Cideand is usually something offered for low-scale solutions to people who will generally NEVER use up the bandwidth supplied
02:05.50CideWobin_: what do you mean?
02:05.56Cideshard of afrasa only works outside of combat, I believe
02:06.13Wobin_hrm, yeah, 'normal' =)
02:06.31Wobin_Since I'm not actively raiding, 6minutes is a heckofalong fight
02:06.59Cide15 minutes is normal for a few fights for me :)
02:08.29Wobin_oh, there's also the Blessed PRayer beads
02:08.40Wobin_Not that I use them much anymore...
02:08.52Wobin_but that's +190 for 20seconds
02:09.00Cideeasiest way to add those in yourself
02:09.07Cideis to do +healing * duration/cooldown
02:09.20Cideand add that to your total +healing
02:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
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03:30.26Codayusnetcurse: I know of some hosts that offer that.  It's expensive as hell, obviously.
03:30.57Codayusnetcurse: You're best bet is to visit
03:35.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
03:40.10Codayus[Cu]NeT: EV1 Servers (a midrange provider) for example offers 100 Mbps starting at $1995/month.  That's about what you'll have to pay if you really want an umetered 100 Mbps connection.  I'm not recommending EV1 - they're just a typical example.
03:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
06:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
06:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
07:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
07:54.47KemayoClamWin seemed like such an ideologically pure concept, too.  Shame about it not working.
08:31.10*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
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08:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:19.01*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
12:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiana (
12:56.02Kaeltenhows it going guys?
12:56.07Cairennmorning Kaelten
12:56.17Kaeltengmorning Cairenn
12:56.22Cairennit's morning, how do you *think* it's going?
12:56.26Kaeltenyou're up early :)
12:56.46KaeltenI'd make you coffee but I don't think I could get it too you before it'd go bad
12:56.50Cairennstupid ass migraine, we're at the beginning of day # 4 no
12:57.23Kaeltentry taking some Feverfew (unless you already have)
12:57.46CairennI'll stay up for a little while, throw up some more, take some more meds and try to pass back out again in a bit
12:59.58Kaeltenthat sucks girl, I hope it ends soon
13:05.33Kaeltenhows the weather?
13:06.18Cairennweathering ... that's why I've got this stupid migraine
13:06.35Kaeltenhmm, really?
13:06.42Kaeltenweather induces your migraines?
13:06.47zenzioyou're sensitive to the weather too?
13:07.10Cairennbarometric pressure changes
13:07.29Cairennthat's one of (and actually the main) my triggers
13:08.07[Cu]NeTCodayus thank you
13:08.47netcurseUS peering BW is more expensive than french transit bw
13:08.50netcursethat s silly :)
13:09.08netcurseyou guys are 5 years late on this
13:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
13:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
13:27.10KirkburnCiao! Btw, good news :) "Tempest Keep on Outland was an ancient Naaru Keep. It's a floating castle that has the ability to travel between dimensions using arcane magic. The Draenei, desperate for allies, managed to sieze a portion of Tempest Keep and use it to travel to Azeroth. So the "stolen technology" refers to the Blood Elves who stole Tempest Keep. So really the Blood Elves they hate are Kael'Thas' gang who stole the keep from them in the firs
13:27.11Kirkburnt place. And it's not a space ship. But it's all magic, so it's all good."
13:30.32[MoonWolf]more information makes the lore much better.
13:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
13:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
14:07.45KirkburnOutright lie of the month: Sony boss on the two PS3 models ... "What we should be clear about is that the functionality is identical in both machines. There is no difference in what the machine does."
14:08.26Kirkburn(I suppose I'll have to sign up tp youtube now :S )
14:09.05zenziowhich machines is he talking about? PS3 and Wii?
14:09.39Kirkburn"Sony boss on the two PS3 models"#
14:10.12Kirkburn(lol, yeah that's a disturbing vid Industrial )
14:10.47Wobin_Kirkburn: Nah,
14:11.09KirkburnOh well, too late :)
14:11.33KirkburnAdded to favourites though, thanks Wobin_
14:11.45Wobin_np =)
14:20.06Cairenn|afk... we check that site on a regular basis and block any accounts we find
14:20.11Cairenn|afk(for info)
14:21.06Cairenn|afkI would have to presume that other major sites are quite aware of it, check it, and block accounts from it, as well
14:32.44Industrialwth is doing this
14:33.02Industrialthe only addons im running are Ace and idActionBar
14:33.33krkayou should be more specific
14:33.51Industrialwhen i drag the alpha of the buttons on the bar goes to 50
14:34.08Industrialwhen i place the action, all buttons without one go to alpha 0
14:36.12Industrialim removing ace now
14:41.45Industrialwow, it still does it
14:42.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:43.31Industrialmaybe the action buttons just do that...
14:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
14:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:13.08IndustrialI have this wrapping frame, i used SetPoint with it to make it be under the buttons, but how do i move the frame (and the buttons with it, its their parent) around my screen now?
15:13.15Industriali did a wrap:SetPoint('BOTTOM', UIParent, 'BOTTOM') and well.. it went to the bottom.. but now how i wanted lol :P
15:17.26Cideclear all points
15:19.44Industrialthe wrap doesnt have a height, it has two points set to topleft and bottomright of the bar
15:19.52Industrialthat changes as i add bars of buttons
15:20.24Industrialif i clear all points it will clear those points
15:20.45Industrialbut i figure that i can use GetHeight of the buttons
15:22.06Industrialbut thats.. weird :P
15:27.07Industrialyay almost working
15:32.56[MoonWolf]those alliance and horde buttons are tre ugly
15:48.33ScytheBlade1hmm - where is a good place to grind for money?
15:48.52[MoonWolf]depends on your lvl
15:48.57[MoonWolf]and your class
15:49.09ScytheBlade160 mage
15:49.22[MoonWolf]not a clue, never got to 60.
15:49.31[MoonWolf]my highest lvl is a 46
15:51.55CodayusScytheBlade1:  Lowbie instances, or anywhere you can find high level mobs.  Lots of people farm Scarlet Monestary as an exampleof the former, or the ogres in Deadwind Pass as an example of the latter.
15:52.53ScytheBlade1I'm not well-enough geared to AoE all of SM, unfortunately
15:53.12ScytheBlade1Pretty much, if they're elite, I can't grind them fast enough
15:53.29CodayusWell, one approach is to pick some specifc item or type of item to farm.
15:53.46ScytheBlade1Gold? ;)
15:53.57[MoonWolf]generic humanoids it is!
15:54.19CodayusMore like a rare recipe that only drops from a single type of mob.  (Example:  The three wizardwave patterns.)
15:54.48CodayusOr you can make a surprising amount of money from clearing deadmines and selling all the wool on some servers.
15:55.09ScytheBlade1Eh, Doomhammer. One of the original 10 beta servers, iirc. It's old :)
15:55.12ScytheBlade1Wool = worthless
15:55.29[MoonWolf]not on old pvp servers
15:55.34CodayusOr a blue BoE at the right level can be worth a sickening amount to the WSG twinking crowd.
15:55.35[MoonWolf]twinks pay a lot for wool
15:55.37[MoonWolf]for bandages.
15:56.05ScytheBlade1Good point
15:56.12[MoonWolf]yeah Deadmines blues can go for 25 gold or more at times.
15:57.35CodayusIf your an enchanter, some classes can solo a boss in uldaman pretty fast to get BoP blues to DE.
15:58.46CodayusOr as a holy priest, I don't solo too well - I farm by duoing with a friendly warrior.  We usually clear all of BRD up to the Chest of Seven.  DI residue, DI ore, runecloth, random BoEs, Black Diamonds, and some rare recipe drops make it profitable.
15:59.07Codayus(Clearing the entire bar usually nets a surprising amount of gold.)
16:00.15ScytheBlade1Yeah, a solo mage really only has one option: kill all four things at once then eat/drink. Else, die.
16:00.27ScytheBlade1And, well, my option is usually "Die" due to lack of gear
16:01.03CodayusWell, you can look for easier fair until your gear improves, I guess...
16:04.31ScytheBlade1Hey, here we go
16:04.37ScytheBlade1Ruins of Andorhol
16:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:21.27ShouryuuI am so angry
16:21.47ShouryuuI've managed to put Windows back on my computer
16:21.49[MoonWolf]what about ?
16:22.03Shouryuubut I have this Kubuntu CD that just won't boot from my computer
16:22.09Shouryuuit works fine on 3 other computers
16:22.11Shouryuubut not mine!
16:22.15Shouryuu;@ GGGrrrrrrr
16:22.25zenzioregular CD booting works?
16:22.46zenzioas in it's not disabled in the BIOS?
16:23.06Shouryuuno booting from CDs work, just not with this one
16:23.18Miravlix_Ugh, that kind of problems suck
16:24.05ShouryuuCan I install an OS on an external HDD?
16:25.19Industrialif you can boot from it, yes
16:25.49ShouryuuThought so... =(
16:28.29Shouryuuhow do you send a message to a channel using SendChatMessage?
16:29.04Shouryuujust put in the name of the channel as second argument?
16:35.10CideI wonder what the best way of doing this is... I have an associative table, with the keys being members of a raid
16:35.41CideI want to display them in the order they joined the raid (exact join time can be found with table[memberName].joinTime)
16:36.53Cidedo you think it's better to convert the code to use integer indices, or should I sort it using a sort function when I need to display it?
16:37.21Cidedownside with using integer indices is that it's more of a pain to find a specific member's index, given the member's name
16:38.03krkadepends on how often it's used
16:38.16krkaif it's used seldom: use integer indices
16:38.24krkaif it's used often: use a lookup
16:38.38krkaif it's not updated very often, use both
16:39.14krkai recommend using both
16:39.15Cidewell, I'm not displaying it very often, so I wouldn't have to sort it that often
16:39.26krkakeeping the hash table up to date is not very expensive
16:39.46krkashouldn't be much memory usage either
16:40.07Cidethe table will become pretty huge after a while
16:40.17krkahmm, really?
16:40.22krkamax 40 in a raid, right?
16:40.28Cideit's for CT_RaidTracker
16:40.36Cideso it stores information for each raid, so 40*numRaids
16:40.44Cideincluding items looted
16:40.53krkaok, then here's my suggestion:
16:41.17krkasort the table when needed and display that
16:41.30krkaand make that table weak
16:41.35krkaso that it will get cleared on GC
16:41.57krkaso: if the table is empty or out of date, rebuild it, otherwise just use it
16:42.06krkaif that makes sense
16:45.31Cidehmm, maybe
16:46.48krkabut it would probably be fine by just sorting on display
16:46.53krkawon't take much time at all
16:48.14Miravlix_ is why having an open development community is sutch a good idea. There is always someone that thinks of something you have overlooked.
16:51.52Cidewell, it would be smart to reuse a table
16:52.05Cideseeing as it has a scroll, it would lead to a lot of sorting if the user scrolls
16:52.30krkawell yeah
16:56.45ShouryuuHow would one pronouce "Lenore"? In 2 or 3 syllables? Le-nor or Le-a-nor?
16:56.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:58.53ShouryuuWould it be Lee-nor or Le-nor, with a "le" ressembling the one in "le"ft for example?
16:59.23Cidepersonally, I would say the latter, but that's just me :)
16:59.42ShouryuuSame here, just not sure
17:05.20Shouryuu"Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door," Tongue twister!
17:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
18:06.54KirkburnNever seen this before - some cut original Star Wars footage!
18:08.25Kirkburn(no, it's not fake)
18:09.44KirkburnHi :)
18:09.55netcursewe recoded it
18:09.57netcursecan you try it ?
18:10.32KirkburnTook me straight to ClearFont ... excellent!
18:11.12KirkburnAlthough ... oddly, when I search for "font", ClearFont doesn't appear
18:11.23netcursegonna fix this
18:11.30Kirkburn(works with "clear", however)
18:11.56netcurseok gonna fix this
18:12.00clad|afkhave a good evening all
18:12.04netcurselater clad
18:12.06Kirkburnsee ya
18:12.08Shouryuusee ya
18:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
18:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
18:30.01Mr_RabiesSo... i hear this channel is usually a bit more lively than cosmostesters these days :o
18:30.17Cidehaven't been there, so I can't say!
18:30.29Shouryuudidn't even know such a channel existed soooo
18:30.44Cairennwell, it isn't restricted to cosmos ... mod authors from multiple schools hang out here ...
18:31.03Mr_Rabieswell, yeah
18:31.15Cairennso, yeah ...
18:31.30Mr_Rabiesi recognize lots of names from my addons folder :P
18:31.40ShouryuuAnd I'm not in them!
18:32.21CairennI think pretty much the majority of the "major" authors hang here from time to time
18:32.50Mr_RabiesAs this is a ...meeting of the wow ui minds, of a sort, does anyone know why Alt+clicking on mailboxes from CT_Mailmod suddenly stopped working? :o
18:32.54ShouryuuEven the mighty blue comes here once in a while
18:33.16Mr_Rabiesi doubt it's Mailmod itself, but i have like a bajillion mods, so it could be anything
18:33.45Mr_Rabieswas wondering if anyone else has similar issues, so maybe i can track down the conflict :o
18:40.10krkayup, lots of big names here :)
18:40.13krkawhich is kinda cool
18:42.21Mr_Rabiesi wish i knew some lua, it would make my addon battles so much simpler :P
18:42.56ShouryuuWell if you know how to program learning Lua shouldn't be the hardest thing to do
18:43.57Mr_Rabiesaha! found it
18:44.01Mr_Rabiesit was a bug in Theorycraft
18:44.59ShouryuuI hate that addon
18:45.15ShouryuuMan I need to get a life someday
18:45.19zenziowhat does it do?
18:45.35Mr_Rabiesit lets you know, in theory, what your true spell ranges are with + damage, their crit rate, etc
18:46.04Mr_Rabiesand as of the latest version you can test out new gear to see how that'll effect you
18:46.25Mr_Rabieswant to see how much going from a spinal reaper to a sulfuras will increase your damage? it's built in
18:46.25Shouryuuthat's not how I remembered it
18:46.42Shouryuubecause that sounds Useful!
18:56.31Kirkburn|StudyFreaky, I randomly decide to look up Mr. Bean on wikipedia, and I just found out a new film is starting recording ... tomorrow!
18:57.20Mr_Rabiesthat's.... pretty random
18:58.06Kirkburn|StudyIt'll be called 'French Bean' ... pure genius :P
19:08.15TainI love Rowan Atkinson.  Black Adder was still one of the best series that's been on tv.
19:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
19:11.43Iriel"Kate, it's short for Bob"
19:14.06Tainheheh yes!
19:17.00IrielI was most pleased when they released it on Region 1 DVD's so I could finally watch them all again (Since I hadn't seen them since they first aired in the meantime)
19:18.05TainOoh I actually got a whole series of them from the public library, there was a BBC set.
19:18.12TainI'd like to buy them though.
19:18.42IrielI seem to remember it not being all that expensive
19:24.06Kirkburn|StudyScary Mr Bean dolls :
19:28.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
19:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
19:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (
19:39.29ShouryuuWhat good linux distros are there for total linux noobs?
19:39.49ShouryuuKubuntu and Ubuntu seem to not want on my computer
19:40.33IrielHm, i'd check out distros with a livedisk first to check they're at least vaguelly compatible
19:40.45Irielbut I'm really not sure which are noob-worthy
19:41.31TainShouryuu I had trouble with Ubunto as well, but Debian worked fine for me.  I can't really say what's noob-worty.
19:41.41ShouryuuHehe tried Debian
19:41.50Shouryuulanded in front of the terminal and went
19:41.53Shouryuu"Now what?"
19:42.15Shouryuustayed like that for about. hummm.... a week, before I gave up
19:42.19Tainhehe I dont' remember it being quite like that, but I probably didn't pay much attention.
19:43.00ShouryuuUbuntu seemed nice,  but it's instalation failed... Kubuntu as well =(
19:43.05IrielDebian without a GUI isn't very friendly
19:43.16ShouryuuHehe yeah
19:43.18IrielThe Knoppix live cd is handy for testing some machines
19:43.32Irielthat'd got debian underneath tho, but it's got an X install and all that fun stuff on the cd
19:43.39Irielso you can see if your hardware sort of mostly works
19:43.40TainI'm actually going to, one of these days when I'm sufficiently bored, just reinstall FreeBSD.
19:45.51Kirkburn|StudyThis is v interesting - some ideas on what should come in the next expansion packs (ideas, not rumours or anything) -
19:46.58TainI think we'll see (eventually) "generic" talents for all classes.
19:51.44Kirkburn|StudySomething I would really love to see is underground areas
19:52.42zenziodifferent from caves?
19:56.43Kirkburn|StudyI mean like hude underground areas
19:56.58ShouryuuLike Molten Core?
19:57.12Kirkburn|StudyKinda, but not an instance
20:06.08Industrialline 36, attempt to index local 'button' (a nil value)
20:06.21Industrialif i do '/script if getglobal('idActionButton'..1) then ace:print('yay') end' it goes yay
20:08.06Industrialline 36, attempt to index local 'Button' (a nil value)
20:11.12ShouryuuOmg, sausages cooked with an Iron...
20:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
20:15.39ShouryuuI'm so bored
20:20.28ShouryuuAnyone have some poetry I could read?
20:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (
20:20.57Wobin_ee cummings
20:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
20:24.35krkaanyone know of a good dkp-addon?
20:24.54Gnarfozquick question: says something about WoWs LUA interpreter being able to handle UTF-8 encoded unicode directly. does that mean I can use an editor that is able to save a file as utf-8 and WoW will recognize any special characters used inside it? or do I still have to do \195\169 for é, for example?
20:24.57krkafor distributing dkp and keeping a history
20:25.10krkaGnarfoz, the second one, i think
20:26.21IrielGnarfoz : I believe you can embed unicode directly if you can guarantee nothing in your toolset will screw it up
20:27.19Gnarfozhm, so it depends on the file actually staying utf-8, right?
20:27.22IrielI wouldn't recommend direct unicode for anything you intend to publish or collaborate on
20:28.31GnarfozIriel: heh, ok. since I'm making a small addon that should in the end be published, I guess I'll convert special chars into double-byte representations
20:29.00IrielGnarfoz  you might consider writing a simple script to convert a UTF-8 source document into an encoded 'publishable' one?
20:29.29Wobin_handiest tool ever
20:29.49GnarfozWobin_: that's nice, thanks a lot
20:30.25GnarfozIriel: I guess Wobin_ just linked what I need, although it's not exactly the same as you suggested - but serves the purpose
20:30.38Gnarfozthanks for the quick help :)
20:31.42*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
20:31.52wereHamsterWobin_, I don't like the escaped characters in lua.. they make it _very_ hard to read the strings
20:32.05Gnarfozalthough, that tool puts out \n's instead of actual newlines
20:33.12Wobin_True... but not having a simple way to save in a utf format *shrug* I dunno =)
20:48.38Shouryuusoooo bored
20:48.47IrielLearn a new language?
20:48.54Iriel(computing, or otherwise)
20:49.35ShouryuuI think I'm going to learn another part of the Hamlet soliloquy
20:50.04ShouryuuBut I'd have to get off my bed in order to get to my book... Oh the humanity...
20:50.23IrielAh, so you're not so much bored as lazy?
20:50.37ShouryuuKinda like, down
20:50.58Irielah, i hate it when that happens
20:51.03Irielgo for a walk?
20:51.46ShouryuuOhhh that does sound nice, although it's 11pm here...
20:51.59TainWatch out for rioters!
20:52.08ShouryuuOh noez!
20:52.22ShouryuuThey;re everywere! Bloody hippies!
20:55.01ShouryuuI'm just going to watch Mononoke for the 20th time then
21:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
21:04.44Cairennoff for dinner with Mom, later guys
21:29.11Gnarfozanother quick question: when ADDON_LOADED fires, "it's" arg1 contains the name of the addon that was just loaded. Is this the directory name? Or the name from the .toc? I guess the former
21:30.41Elkanoiirc the dir name
21:31.25Gnarfozwould make the most sense, since the Title in the .toc can be localized
21:31.43IrielIt's the directory name
21:42.47Gnarfozit should be enough to reference all files of an addon in the .toc to get them loaded, right?
21:59.42ShouryuuMy god Princess Mononoke is such a beautiful movie
22:00.07netcurseIndeed it s nice :)
22:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
22:09.33GngskI wanna get down with those girls from iron towne
22:10.15TainDark Iron Dwarf girls?
22:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:16.44ShouryuuI don't even know why I love this movie so much
22:16.52TainIt's a great movie.
22:17.12ShouryuuBut I don't know what's so good about it!
22:17.43ShouryuuI;m in absolute awe for 2 hours, but I have absolutely no idea why
22:20.12Temwhat movie?
22:20.18ShouryuuPrincess Mononoke
22:20.37ShouryuuI guess I'll have to go with Pascal "The Heart has reasons even reason cannot comprehend:
22:20.58Shouryuuwhy is overrated...
22:21.09Temno no
22:21.12Temthat movie is awesome
22:21.47Temas are-- hmm-- *all* of miyazaki's
22:22.32ShouryuuTotoro is just... unwordable :P
22:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:33.20TemI still haven't seen that
22:33.33TemWTB 1x [Gello in #wowi-lounge] PST
22:34.33Tem("I still haven't seen that"  -- Totoro that is)
22:36.06Temgotta head back to my appmt
22:36.09Temlater guys
22:37.31Gnarfozif I want to monitor loot (or more to the point, the count of several types of items inside the players bags), would I just listen for BAG_UPDATE and iterate through the bag for which it fired everytime? or is there some more elegant way I'm not seeing?
22:49.49Shouryuuhow do you guys get such info?
22:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge jb55 (
22:50.57netcursehours of readings over all the e3 infos
22:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:55.48Gnarfoznice listing, netcurse
22:58.49Shouryuunight folks
22:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
23:16.18*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:24.32Gnarfozfor ItemId = 8391, 8392, 8393, 8394, 8396 do <stuff> end says it expects "do" near ",". anyone got an idea what's wrong? :D
23:31.20cladhaireWhat I really love about wow is the way armors work.. the fact that you can see what you're wearing, and that makes things veyr different from person to person =)
23:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
23:42.56Gnarfozexcept... the armor looks fugly most of the time? :D
23:43.28Wobin_Gnarfoz: For the inventory scanning, you could possibly do it on a on-need basis rather than every bag_update
23:44.33Gnarfozhm. I need to monitor incoming items (to check them if they are one of those IDs up there) and of course also when they leave the inventory so I know when they're not there anymore
23:46.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
23:47.38TainThere's always room for Gello!
23:47.43Wobin_heyo Gello
23:48.03Wobin_Gnarfoz: I guess bag_update is your event then...
23:48.13Cairennhey Gello
23:48.22Wobin_Gnarfoz: Although you'll want to disable that on zoning =)
23:48.23Cairennnow we just need Tem back, since he was the one looking for you
23:48.27Gelloalways room hehe
23:48.48Gelloi didn't do it. totally innocent
23:50.37IrielWhoa, Gello! Hola
23:50.57IrielI'd convinced myself you were shunning us out of fear of some kind of contamination 8-)
23:51.24*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:51.25Gellohehe oh i babble in guild nonstop while i'm modding hehe
23:53.17GnarfozWobin_: you mean registering bag_update on player_entering_world and unregistering it on player_leaving_world? already doing that :)
23:53.30Wobin_good =)
23:53.57Gnarfozalthough the addon still is doing rather a lot of nothing besides that, really XD
23:55.52Gnarfozhm, is it somehow possible to output an entire itemlink without the game making it a real link?
23:57.51Wobin_gsub out the |'s?

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