irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060509

00:00.05Kirk|MrWigglesMr Wiggles is the best pet ever!
00:00.25Kirk|MrWiggles"Mr Wiggles does not appreciate your dress, Mage"
00:01.16Kirk|MrWiggles"Mr Wiggles will ninja-hoof any critter that crosses his path"
00:04.00Kirk|MrWiggles"Mr Wiggles demands conversation!"
00:04.56Kirk|MrWiggles"Mr Wiggles is unsure how to procede"
00:05.20snurrenerf wiggles
00:07.30CairennKirk|MrWiggles: what on earth are you talking about?
00:07.57cladhairewow i dont know if i can deal with that =)
00:08.04Kirk|MrWiggles"Mr Wiggles is sad that Cairenn doesn't understand him"
00:08.55Kirk|MrWigglesWiggle-tastic :P
00:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:18.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:19.07Kirk|MrWigglesIf anyone wants to know what happening in the Sony Playstation presentation that's happening atm ...
00:27.08Kirk|MrWigglesNight night everyone!
00:27.23Kirk|MrWigglesI promise I'll make more sense tomorrow :)
00:27.26Cairennnight Kirk|MrWiggles
00:27.39Cairennheh, why? not making sense tends to be fun, and fun is good
00:27.52Kirk|MrWigglesI like fun.
00:28.21Kirk|MrWigglesThis is Mr Wiggles, over and out!
00:29.36Cairennbrb, computer acting up
00:29.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:44.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:58.06zespri_workanyone knows, what is the fifth argument in AddMessage?
01:00.04cladhaireits exactly what it says it is =)
01:00.13cladhairea scrolling message frame is just a series of fontstrings
01:00.23cladhairethat sets the id of that fontstring so you can change it's color later
01:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge tragywydd (
01:01.16MentalPowerhow do you change the color later tho?
01:01.18cladhairehow?  that i dont know =)  but thats what it does
01:01.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
01:01.44cladhaireNot sure to be honest, other than iterate the children and find the one with your id
01:02.04zespri_workthis makes certian sense
01:10.29IrielThere's a method to change a specific color ScrollingMessageFrame:UpdateColorByID(id,r,g,b)
01:11.01cladhaireIriel: I knew there was something normal about it =)
01:15.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:31.28zespri_workthank you Iriel
01:32.06Cairennhi Kaelten
01:32.16Kaeltenhey cair
01:34.32MentalPowerhey Kaelten
01:34.40Kaeltenhey mental
01:36.41sancusDraenei it is
01:37.33sancusim glad I dont play alliance
01:38.28Corrodiasi'm glad i don't play
01:39.35cladhaireit'll be fine.
01:40.04TainOMGWTF!!!!1!! No one can ever play again!
01:40.22sancusthey look like shit is all :P
01:40.25sancusblood elves look much nicer
01:40.42wereHamsterare they serious?
01:40.52sancusI guess that's the idea though, all the alliance races are pretty so they get a shitty one now
01:40.54cladhaireThey look fine.
01:40.54sancusand horde gets a pretty one
01:40.56cladhaireits not shitty
01:41.06cladhairenot everything has to be cute and pretty
01:41.09cladhaireI think it'll be cool
01:41.16sancusnot everything has to be cute, no
01:41.17TainNot going to win the supermodel award.
01:41.25sancuseverything should be pretty, however!
01:41.26TainThe world is over!
01:41.28TainThe sky is falling!
01:41.44Cairennthe horde now gets a "pretty" race and the alliance a "not so pretty"
01:42.07Corrodiasi LIKED the horde ugly.
01:42.16Cairennalso, the playable versions aren't the same as the ones you see in SoS
01:42.20sancusThe horde could've been done ugly in a more artistic way in some cases.
01:42.22Cairennit's a new model
01:42.47sancusLike undead really dont need to have all their gear ripped so they can sprout bones, and trolls don't need to slouch :P
01:42.51Cairenn<== can talk about it now
01:43.14sancusI am more interested in Tier 3 stats tbh!
01:43.42wereHamster;) who's not
01:43.53MentalPowerBTW, you know this means zeeg (as a lot of other people) got it right
01:43.58TainOh please.
01:44.10sancusyea so
01:44.11TainThrow enough shit against the wall and something's bound to stick.
01:44.16cladhaireso true.
01:45.16TainI'm still holding out for were-zheva.
01:45.36cladhairethey'll be purchasable mercenaries.
01:45.42cladhairei have leet beta infoz.
01:47.00TainI say that all the time.  "Was that a hooker?"  "Nope, purchasable mercenary."
01:47.24cladhaireSEE.. Tain gets it.
01:50.18TainI sure do!  Too bad I have to pay for it.
01:59.07Cairennhi AnduinLothar
01:59.23AnduinLothareveryone's complaining about Draenei, eh?
01:59.30MentalPowermorning AnduinLothar
02:00.07sancusI like that they're big and fat like tauren
02:00.10sancusmakes them easy targets
02:00.10AnduinLotharhope they can attack while cloaked.. been wanting to be Dark Templar, but ghost wont show us that for a while
02:00.40AnduinLotharbut they'll prolly just be rogues with some nifty racials
02:01.39AnduinLotharbtw penny arcade is funny today
02:01.55AnduinLothara tribute to us all
02:02.07kremontehow do you get unit guild?
02:02.30kremontemy game is saying it's nil
02:02.37AnduinLotharuse the wiki
02:03.22kremontecant find anyhting on the wiki
02:03.25kremontethat's why i'm asking <_<
02:03.33AnduinLotharlook harder
02:03.55kremontecan't find anything
02:04.37kremontemmk, why isn't there a unit function? kinda asinine
02:05.06MentalPowerthat IS a unit function
02:05.17MentalPowerit takes a unit as an argument
02:06.30AnduinLotharnow, back to our irregularly scheduled Stargate
02:06.38Cairennmmmm, SG
02:06.58MentalPowermmmmm, indeed
02:07.05zespri_workDraenei? They have been announced as new alliance race?
02:07.06AnduinLothargot season 8, had to wait a whole day to see what happens after the ridiculous season 7 finale..
02:10.46AnduinLotharomg.. it's in rmvb... not i have to kill someone
02:10.48SilverShadow[CUDraenei have all but been officially announced:
02:11.10Cairennwelcome to 1/2 hr ago
02:11.45SilverShadow[CUyea.. just retelling Zespri..
02:12.00SilverShadow[CUsince he asked.
02:12.20zespri_workthank you, I haven;'t seen this before
02:12.20Cairennah, sorry, missed it
02:13.06cladhaireSilverShadow[CU: You need more characters for your nick.. its driving me up the wall =)
02:13.35AnduinLotharit's longer than my allotted side bar for names...
02:13.40AnduinLotharand mine is pretty long
02:14.59cladhaireits true
02:16.10SilverShadow[CUI wish i knew how to get more..
02:17.03SilverShadow[CUi've tried SS[CU] but that's kinda confusing..and "[CU]SilverShado" just lookes even more weird.
02:17.12cladhairehow about just SilverShadow?
02:17.16cladhaire*gasp* =)
02:17.42SilverShadow[CUwell.. trying to be a more public "Yo, curse staff member" type thing.
02:18.28AnduinLotharhow bout Silver{CU]
02:18.33AnduinLothar[ of course
02:19.04SilverShadow[CUCould work..
02:19.25Cairenngiven that's what most people shorten your name to, or at least, those of us who call you friend
02:19.38[CU]SilverSHow's that?
02:20.25IrielI'm not so sure the [CU is necessary personally, but that's just me
02:20.33sancusheh a lot of people are saying gamespy's description sounds more like the Eredar
02:21.17Cairenn[CU]SilverS: honestly, in this channel, the CU really isn't necessary ... these are the mod *authors* ... they know who you are without needing it ;)
02:22.12Iriel8-) Your name looks much better without the adornment, if it makes you feel any better
02:22.14SilverShadowlast thing i want to do is step on toes. I find most seem to not know i'm around to help.. but that's just me.
02:22.35SilverShadowThanks Elviso ^^
02:22.46cladhaireYou underestimate the recognition the authors tend to have for the community =)
02:23.00Elvisodon't feel bad, they prodded me into removing my guild tag when I joined here, which was only "L|"
02:23.17CairennSilverShadow: no toes were being stepped on, no worries, just saying, we know who you are :)
02:23.56cladhairewe're an odd community to say the least =)
02:24.55SilverShadowTo say my personality is at odds with my position is an understatement. >.> Ask Cairenn.. I'm more the background type. ^_^
02:25.46Elvisoon a side note, [CU] wasn't the best ID tag anyways, no offense.... I identify Cursed by "CG" or "C-G"....the only thing that comes to mind from "CU" is Colorado University
02:25.50Cairennyeah ... right ... I got that most definitely during dinner at Blizzcon .... NOT
02:26.08cladhaireI'm so sad I didn't make it to Blizzcon =/
02:26.14zespri_workso windfury gets nurfed. about time!
02:26.42cladhaireexcept they're getting +10 weapon damage across the board.. so it'll balance out.
02:26.58SilverShadowSpeaking of Blizzcon, anyone heard any word about it? They were selling tickets by this time last year..
02:27.34cladhaireLast I heard Tseric said it was never planned to be a recurring event.
02:27.52cladhairebut they .. have to have another one.. to push the hype even further.. Videndi is a hype monster.
02:28.24SilverShadowHrm.. from what some of the people said at the con, they were sorta 'testing the waters'.. thought it did well though.. *shrugs*
02:31.29Cairennseeing if I can get any dirt on it ...
02:31.29Elvisoit might've taken too much background work, made it where they couldn't focus on anything else....they already have E3 they have pony-up for anually
02:32.13SilverShadownot really.. all the background word was hired out by a seperate company.
02:32.43SilverShadowthat's how these companies do these conventions. they hire a professional service that does all that stuff for them. There is very little prepwork they have to do
02:33.10SilverShadowThough.. i think the fact that Starcraft Ghost got shelved has bit them hard. it was one of the major things they were promoting at the con.
02:42.43AnduinLotharit was
02:42.51zespri_workis there a class that can cast detec invisibility on others?
02:43.07clad|sleeperr.. maybe warlocks
02:43.18clad|sleepi might be an idiot..
02:43.35clad|sleepand with that, i go to sleep
02:43.51MentalPowermages = detect magic (buffs on enemies); warlocks = detect invisibility (allows you to see invisible units/items)
03:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:02.33*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions.
03:19.32AnduinLotharoi, o'neil made an uber gun to pwn replicators, it's goodness :)
03:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
03:24.46sancusside profile priest tier3
03:25.49AnduinLotharya, the naxx sets are pretty interesting
03:38.01AnduinLotharthat was a really cool first episode in season 8..
03:40.36Temseason 8 of what?
03:45.48TemI'm lost
03:49.44AnduinLotharI'm going through the seasons.
03:56.50TemI forgot that show still exists
04:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:02.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
04:12.34IrielSo the answer to the age old question "How much UI memory does a freshly created frame use"
04:12.39Iriel.. is 112 bytes
04:15.07Temand what happens when you set things on it?
04:15.12Tem(like a name)
04:15.15IrielI haven't tested that yet
04:15.16Tem(give it a parent(
04:15.28IrielApparently creating 50,000 children of UIParent makes wow unhappy
04:15.32Irielname has no effetc
04:15.36Irielno effect, sorry
04:16.03Temwhen I added a name, it seemed to *double* the size
04:16.11Tembut then my tests were probably bunk
04:16.25IrielYou have to be careful because as you add a lot of frames you cause the frame cache to grow
04:16.37Irieland since it grows by doubling, you can skew your results quite nastily
04:16.40TemI was adding around 150k frames at a time
04:17.03IrielI add 10k at a time, and do several runs, and look at mean and median results
04:17.09Temwhen I added a name, the size seemed to double
04:17.25Temwhen I added a parent, I ran out of UI memory before it finished
04:18.55Irielparent, no change
04:21.02Temthen, my tests were indeed, bunk
04:21.08Irielhm, i'm not sure I trust those observations actually
04:21.14IrielMine, that is
04:21.38Temafeared of not creating enough frames to see the change?
04:22.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix__ (
04:22.26IrielI just discovered quirkiness in my test harness
04:23.39IrielNo, more that i'm just getting wierd results
04:24.18Teminconsistencies ftl
04:26.26IrielOh, never mind, it's still coming out at 112
04:26.57IrielSetScript - no effect
04:30.02TemI wonder what I was seeing
04:30.20IrielProbably the global frames growing
04:30.26Irielnaming them, for example, bloats the string table
04:30.32Irieland you do pay for all the strings
04:30.41Iriel(I'm  NOT including the string size in my tests)
04:31.01IrielSo obviously if you name them with unique strings you will use more memory than if you dont name them at all
04:32.11IrielRegions are 112 bytes also
04:37.48IrielHm, this isn't entirely making sense then
04:38.16Irielif SetScript isn't increasing consumption then how does the runtime stop the script function from being collected
04:48.20IrielAha, I know why we're getting different results, I think
04:53.15Cairennnight all
04:53.24MentalPowernight Cairenn
05:00.06Azraelwow.. anyone from the curse crew here ?
05:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix__ (
05:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
05:00.27IrielAzrael : netcurse is one of the curse crew
05:00.44Cairenn|sleepas is SilverShadowAFK
05:01.00Azraelwell, if they're listenin, GfG guys, curse > * :)
05:01.03*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
05:01.56netcursethis is insane
05:02.29netcurseand thank you :p
05:02.37SilverShadowis it working now?
05:02.43netcursethe dns are updating
05:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
05:13.52Azraelwhat would cause a mod to randomly stop working, like when you try to do one of the slash commands, it doesnt work.. you cant "press enter", you know ?
05:14.14IrielDid you install an 'error frame' alternative?
05:14.29Azraeli dont think one is loaded atm..
05:15.28IrielWell, that's the usual symptom of an error when running a slash command
05:15.38Azraelya, according to khoas config, improved error frame isnt loaded.
05:15.45Irielbut if you have an addon that hides the error frame, you just get the 'enter not pressed' effect
05:17.17Azraelunknown lanague.. wtf..
05:17.20Azraelstupid addon
05:18.13Azraelbtw, wiping to c'thun == teh los
05:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
05:30.49TainI probably should have tried to figure out how Itemrack works at a time where my brain was functioning.
05:31.35Wobin_use it or lose it, Tain =)
05:32.23TainI used Stancesets in the past, I didn't have to think to set that up!
05:32.49krkago check todays WTF
05:33.03Tainheheh IsVeryNill?
05:33.56TainSo awesome.
05:38.49netcursewe fixed most of the issue now
05:48.19Irielnetcurse : Nice job, though there's some graphical issues in mozilla on the addon page
05:50.31netcursemorilla or firefox ?
05:50.45Irielmozilla, on linux (debian to be precise)
05:51.16IrielA shift-reload seems to have fixed it
05:51.23Irielso perhaps it was a missing image
05:52.08IrielI like the new look.
05:52.48netcursemaking a new design is hell of a job :p
05:53.07IrielI work in eCommerce, I know all about the pain 8-)
05:55.31*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
05:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
05:58.41Wobin_mmmm... cross browser design =P
05:59.31IrielIt's rather strange when it loads
05:59.31hastecss is your friend
05:59.44Irielit loads wrong then (usually) snaps back into place
06:00.23zenzelezzisn't that usually because Mozilla/Firefox tries to "guess" until it's done loading?
06:01.48Azraeli've got a wierd looking page... in ie
06:04.48Elvisoit only has to "guess" when explicit dimensions aren't specified in the source is the worst of all
06:05.03netcursegonna fix this
06:16.34MentalPowersancus_: you around?
06:16.44*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
06:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:20.13sancus_yes why
06:21.26netcursethat s funny
06:23.08MentalPowersancus_: the image you posted earlier has been changed and i forgot to make a copy, do you happen to have it in your temp files?
06:23.21sancus_no :(
06:23.28sancus_thats what im trying to do now, find someone with it in their cache
06:23.42sancus_I clicked it again and now its not in my cache anymore I lose
06:23.51MentalPowerBTW there was also a priest3.jpg
06:24.06sancus_yes I know
06:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:27.20MentalPowergnight folks
06:27.31MentalPowersancus if you ever find it, please tell me
06:33.02Wobin_MentalPower: The new armour?
06:33.17sancus_there was a priest3.jpg and a smaller view
06:33.21sancus_I have the first one saved
06:33.23sancus_but not the second
06:34.33zenzelezztier 3?
06:34.45sancus_yeah, that's the front view, Wobin
06:34.48sancus_there was a side view pic
06:34.53sancus_that got taken down and I dont have a copy of it
06:44.06AnduinLotharhope they revampped the pally suit since last I saw it
06:45.48zenzelezzwhat's tier 3; AQ or Naxxramas?
06:53.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
06:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:57.31Elvisozenzelezz, encounter-wise, AQ is tier-3ish. supposedly C'Thun is tier 3.5...but gear-wise, Naxx will have the tier 3 sets.
06:58.22sancus_AQ gear is well below Tier 3
06:58.42zenzelezzAQ more like 2.5 then?
06:58.50sancus_yeah basically
06:58.59sancus_more like 2.25, really, if the stats I've seen are consistent
07:02.31Wobin_I'm wearing my Tier (pi) armor!
07:05.02zenzelezzI have the Bracers of Heroism... no other Heroism/Valor pieces :-o
07:06.24Wobin_I dunno
07:06.28Wobin_They look statuey
07:08.16AnduinLotharI wonder how many times they did the cg for the opening wormhole in SG
07:08.30Wobin_I <3 Alamo's guide to Durids
07:09.49ckknightlol, Wobin_
07:10.19Wobin_when cat durid is FITE do not ask for HEEL and NINIRVATE!
07:11.09Wobin_wow. I can't believe how slow this flash is loading =P
07:11.17ElvisoAQ gear has the same statistical difference over T2, as T2 has over T1...MINUS the resistances..,.so expect T3 sets to be similiar stats to AQ gear, except with resistances
07:11.18Wobin_I can't be -that- far from the server =P
07:11.34Elvisothat is, unless they do away w/resistances on set gear, then the stats will be significantly better
07:12.34sancus_no elviso
07:12.35Elvisoand who wants to bet that the hunter T3 set will be utterly ricidulous? i am
07:12.41sancusThere is 1) no resists on Tier 3
07:12.50sancus2) it is several times the difference between Tier 1 and 2
07:13.04sancusand there are four set bonuses 2,4,6,8 pieces on each one
07:13.07sancusand they are insane
07:13.08Elvisowhat is "several times the difference between Tier 1 and 2", T3?
07:13.25sancushunter 8 piece is "sacrifice your pet to get more attack power" and 4 piece is -1s on multishot
07:13.28Elvisodid you not see my comment, "that is, unless they do away w/resistances on set gear, then the stats will be significantly better"
07:13.38sancusThey're not better because the resists aren't there :p
07:13.43sancusThey're better because they're an insanely big itemlevel jump.
07:13.51Elvisosame difference.....
07:13.55sancusnope, not at all
07:14.11Elvisowhy not? ilevel determines item budget limits
07:15.50Elvisothere's a 10 lvl ilvl diff from T1 -> T2, and a 12 ilvl diff between T2->AQ (comparing chestpieces)
07:17.10Elvisoby your own words then, T3 would be ilvl 100+.....and yeah, that'd be huge
07:19.17Wobin_Sacrifice your pet for more AP?
07:19.25Wobin_When did they turn into warlocks? =P
07:20.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
07:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
07:21.46Elvisoanyone know chinese?
07:21.57Wobin_What do you need to know?
07:24.11krka|workman, i am falling in love with torrentflux
07:24.18krka|worktf is the shit!
07:24.38hasteisn't that the PHP client?
07:25.31ElvisoWobin_, translate that whole site plz kthx
07:25.39Wobin_Buggeroff =)
07:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
08:43.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:02.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
09:04.06Industrial'view all'
09:06.08wereHamsterI  have a button and when I go over it with the mouse it is highlighted.. is there any way to keep the button highlighted even if the mouse leaves the button?
09:07.17wereHamsterButton:LockHighlight() ?
09:07.24Industrialwhy would you want to that? (aka I dunno but i want to look smart anyway)
09:07.35Industrialwoah, typo too :D
09:09.29wereHamsterin .. I want to keep the row highlighted as long as the user is editing the script
09:10.12Industrialyou ARE shag
09:10.15Industriali knew it!
09:10.39wereHamsteryep.. shag..
09:10.53wereHamsterdoesn't purl know?
09:18.30Industrialpurl: ORLY?
09:19.08wereHamstercan I fake a button-press?
09:20.11wereHamsterButton:Click() .. do I have to answer all of my questions by myself ? :-P
09:20.21MaldiviaButton:GetScript("OnClick")() ?
09:20.33Maldiviabut you can't fake it, as in hardware event
09:25.13Maldiviahmm, what's the example Iriel always uses, to show that semicolons aren't optional in all cases?
09:25.30wereHamsterthis:SetText() in <OnTextChanged> is evil ...
09:26.14Maldiviaanother one of the nice endless loops
09:27.01wereHamsterno.. WoW apparently didn't crash because of  this..
09:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
09:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:30.00*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:34.48*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:45.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Qaarh (
09:53.33krka|worka() ; (b)(c)
09:53.39krka|worki think
09:53.41AnduinLothardamnit... sleep is being elusive again..
09:55.41AnduinLothartoo much stargate adreniline
09:55.53AnduinLotharhave to detox
10:01.53Wobin_Watch SG:A for detox
10:02.02Wobin_You'd better watch out
10:02.11Wobin_SG is a gateway drug
10:02.20Wobin_(*bdum tisch*)
10:03.48AnduinLotharfunny, but acurate
10:14.00AnduinLotharcurse go back down again?
10:14.28AnduinLothar"We are encountering a slightly problem with the database, it should be fixed within the hour."
10:14.38AnduinLothari cant read when I'm tired
10:21.42wereHamsterworks again for me
10:22.19AnduinLotharnot here..
10:22.30Wobin_the missing text is all back
10:24.08AnduinLotharstill same page
10:25.05wereHamstertry harder ;)
10:26.26AnduinLotharemptied cache... same thing..
10:27.58MiravlixHmm, loads fine for me in Firefox
10:28.38MiravlixThere is a few errors here and there though
10:29.42AnduinLotharmmm firefox does work..
10:29.45Wobin_msg netcurse about it
10:30.28AnduinLotharlogin still borked
10:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
10:48.29Miravlix- Now includes 100% more awesome.
10:48.44MiravlixIt includes 100% more awsome dots?
10:48.47Wobin_It's good that we can quantify awesome
10:48.47KarlKFIheh, ya zes had fun
10:51.12wereHamsterWal-Mart Trying to Trademark the Smiley Face WTF?
10:51.31KarlKFIyou didn't read the whol article
10:52.02wereHamsterdoes the article say something different than the title?
10:52.23KarlKFIdid you even read the blurb?
10:52.37KarlKFIcome on man, it's not like slashdot articles are even a page long..
10:53.50KarlKFIok... time to be ambitious and calize Wardrobe
10:55.15KarlKFImaybe make it use unlimitted outfits..
10:55.17wereHamsterneed german translation?
10:55.25KarlKFIit has german i believe
10:55.29KarlKFIneeds french
10:57.38Elkanooh, again speculations if the allianze race will be the Draenei... and only a few hours until we'll be sure :)
11:01.02KarlKFIbleh, gonna clean up all these globals too..
11:02.16Industrialfew hours?
11:02.19Industrialhow so
11:02.31KarlKFIsorry chief. it's 4am
11:02.52KarlKFIshow doesn't start till 9 or 10 i would imagine
11:03.22Industrialthats ok, 1 PM here
11:03.26Industrialbut what show?
11:03.56Industriallive internet TV? :P
11:04.55CorrodiasRoxy Music - More Than This
11:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
11:11.23Wobin_What are some common visual concepts used to indicate a beat?
11:11.40Wobin_like, say, a metronome, or a radar ping
11:14.29Corrodiasa series of lights
11:14.49Corrodiasa flashing/strobing light
11:23.08KarlKFIbleh this code sucks
11:29.59Wobin_Soon the alliance will have it's own Stupidly Large, Hey Get That Draenai Butt Out Of My Face race, if the rumours are true =P
11:30.23KarlKFIyou sir, are way to hyped
11:31.33Industriali dont even know the dranei :(
11:34.46KarlKFIoi... updating all zillion of the Wardrobe xml texts when changing is a pain
11:36.07KarlKFIwhy in the world did he make his own color picker anyway..
11:37.21netcurseneed to play the game click and tell answer:>
11:37.22KarlKFIthat was a short nap net
11:37.51netcurseya i slept 2 hours
11:38.00Wobin_oh btw
11:38.09netcursewhat this page says for you ?
11:38.17Wobin_if anyone wants to know the names of the new craftable stuff...
11:38.23Wobin_Bingchuan = Glacier
11:38.44Wobin_Beiji = Archivist? (something similar)
11:38.47netcurseKarlKFI how the site running for you do miss any stuff?
11:38.50Wobin_Hanlin = Winter Forest
11:38.58Wobin_Pobing = Icebreaker
11:39.35MiravlixHmm, my dependency on WowWiki is getting to be a problem, I can't work when it's down.
11:39.56KarlKFImy addon list is still unordered
11:39.59Wobin_That's why I mirrored it =P
11:40.14KarlKFIand you can't easily list addons by author
11:40.25netcursethis will be back ya
11:40.30netcursebut you can see everything ?
11:40.55netcursemy addon my favorite ?
11:41.05KarlKFIwas missing the 'Latest addons' titles but they're back now
11:41.44KarlKFIand searching 'gymnast' doesn't come up with Gymnast Tooltips
11:43.52netcursetry using the google search
11:43.56netcurseit works
11:45.49netcursecheck again please
11:45.53netcurseyou should see everything
11:46.31KarlKFIlooks fine to me
11:49.19krka|workhmm.. i should make a local mirror of wowwiki
11:49.23krka|workbut i suck at wget
11:49.54Wobin_krka: WinHTTrack
11:50.02krka|work.. Win ..?
11:50.13Wobin_otherwise Lrn2wget =)
11:56.59wereHamsterkrka|work, wget m
11:57.12wereHamster# wget -m
11:57.38wereHamster'm' as in mirror
12:00.32krka|worklrn is for n00bs
12:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
12:05.37Wobin_krka: Yes. That's my point =)
12:10.56netcursecan you please check curse ?
12:11.06netcurseand tell me if you still have the same errors
12:11.08netcurseas 3 hours ago
12:21.56krka|workbah... why do i decide to mirror the wiki after it has gone down
12:26.09Maldiviaanyone stilled logged in on the forums ?
12:27.34MiravlixUS, EU, WoWi, curse, Cosmos forums?
12:27.41Wobin_netcurse: All fixed =)
12:28.13Maldiviawhich other forums go down at this time of day on tuesdays ?
12:28.36MiravlixNo idea, I don't play US
12:29.51KarlKFIdoh... well I WAS gonna test my new and improved Wardrobe..
12:29.59Wobin_hehe KarlKFI I feel the same =)
12:30.03KarlKFIforgot it was tuesday
12:30.19Wobin_It's like..'h... tuesday
12:31.11KarlKFIand i just finished converting it to use Localization too..
12:31.24KarlKFII dont want to mess with anything else incase i broke something
12:31.29MaldiviaWobin_: decode ? :)
12:31.43KarlKFIspose mira could test it..
12:31.48Wobin_I wonderhehe
12:31.58Wobin_hehe =P
12:32.15KarlKFIMiravlix> you wanna test my completely untested wardrobe edit?
12:32.25MiravlixTrying to setup SeaCIB's table structure, so it's usefull for Wardrobe
12:32.30Maldivia... just say no... :)
12:32.58MiravlixKarlKFI: Sure
12:33.05KarlKFIwhy would it be useful for wardrobe? you plan on constantly scanning your inventory and spells?
12:35.07wereHamsterkrka|work, can FAIAP 'compress' lua code? as in remove all whitespaces etc and pout it all on one line?
12:35.21krka|workyes it could
12:35.33krka|worknot out of the box, but you could modify it (add a parameter)
12:35.35wereHamster.. even if I don't use ';' in my code?
12:35.51krka|worknote that removing _all_ whitespace is a BAD idea
12:36.00krka|worki assume you meant converting "  " to " "
12:36.11krka|workremoving ; is also a a bad idea
12:36.32wereHamsterI know.. in ColdFusionShell I save the script in SV.. and if the scripts get bigger it would be nice to compress them a little bit
12:36.39krka|workwereHamster, can you send in a feature request on wowi with exactly what you want
12:36.44krka|workand i'll take a look at it when i get home from work
12:39.38krka|workwereHamster, the best thing would really be if you wrote your own compressor
12:39.53KarlKFIMiravlix> it's on svn
12:39.56krka|work(but add it to FAIAP, you can use the nextToken-function)
12:40.10krka|workif next token == whitespace, remove it, et.c.
12:40.13KarlKFIand it's rediculously huge
12:40.14wereHamster.. until I or someone hits the SV filesize limit I won't bother ;)
12:40.24krka|workjust look at how the colorcodecode() function works
12:40.38krka|workand stripping spaces probably won't save much
12:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
12:41.12wereHamsterunless the script is _really_ big bu then again, who would write such big scripts..
12:41.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
12:41.35krka|worki would!
12:42.00MiravlixKarlKFI: toc update?
12:42.15wereHamsterreally? I can't imagine what one would want to do in such a script
12:42.34wereHamsterimplement decursive logic?
12:42.42KarlKFIum, huh? what's wrong with the toc?
12:43.06MiravlixIf the toc is updated, I have to restart WoW. :)
12:46.16KarlKFIoh, yes
12:46.34KarlKFItho in this case you might be able to get off w/o it
12:47.49krka|workmy grab library will most likely become huge :)
12:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
12:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
12:59.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
13:13.54wereHamsterkrka|work, same as google, can't be mirrored by wget :(
13:15.32krka|workhttrack --mirror -s0
13:16.12MaldiviawereHamster: you can use wget :)
13:16.26wereHamsterall I get is the Main_Page
13:16.34wereHamstersame as google.. I only get index.html
13:16.56MaldiviawereHamster: that's because you don't know how to set up wget then :)
13:17.11wereHamsterwget -m -p --convert-links ?
13:17.12Maldiviaalthough, wget crawling on wowwiki has been disabled, it can be bypassed
13:17.46zenzelezzwould be nice if wowwiki did like some other wikis and offered a .zip (or some archive) download
13:18.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Wiggle (n=George@
13:18.34Maldiviakrka: I take it, httrack doesn't obey robots.txt?
13:18.50krka|worknot with -s0
13:19.46Maldiviajust remember to add a wait parameter aswell
13:20.00Maldiviaif you look in the robots.txt file:
13:20.01Maldivia# *at least* 1 second please. preferably more :D
13:20.01MaldiviaCrawl-delay: 1
13:20.11wereHamsterSorry, wget in its recursive mode is a frequent problem. .. hehe :)
13:20.40Miravlix# Sorry, wget in its recursive mode is a frequent problem.
13:20.51Miravlix# Please read the man page and use it properly; there is a
13:20.53Miravlix# --wait option you can use to set the delay between hits,
13:20.55Miravlix# for instance.
13:22.03Kirkburn|WiggleWow, I go to bed and come to find rumours of the alliance race and a possible Warcraft movie
13:22.26wereHamsterMiravlix, it still doesn't work.. even with robots=off
13:23.06MiravlixNot a possible Warcraft movie, it's official
13:23.22JoshBorkenew vim :-D
13:23.22MaldiviaKirkburn: hehe... E3 is almost here, and rumours are everywhere
13:25.59KasoWas CTRA still causing that combo point bug on chromaggus?
13:26.44Kirkburn|WiggleAh the Hollywood Reporter has an article on it ...
13:27.09Kirkburn|WiggleThere's only one quote from Blizzard, and why would they get a source before the annoucement?
13:28.06Kirkburn|Wiggle"Looking at a video on the show floor, the new Alliance race is ugly with grayish skin, and glowing eyes similar to the Forsaken. Its chin has two things like tentacles hanging down, one on either side, and it's humanoid and human-size. There's also a huge picture of Khadgar nearby."
13:28.26ckknightum, Draenei?
13:29.01Kirkburn|WiggleIt's basically a description of The Broken
13:29.12ckknightThe Broken?
13:29.42wereHamsterMaldivia, wget doesn't work, but wget does ..
13:30.13Kirkburn|WiggleHowever it can't be the Broken as "the Broken still present a clear danger to all of Illidan's enemies throughout Outland"
13:30.25Wobin_Maldivia: afaik httrack -does- have robot.txt support
13:30.56MaldiviaWobin_: krka already mentioned the -sN switch, how pedantic it should parse robots.txt :)
13:31.31MaldiviaThe Broken are related to the Draenei, just like Blood Elves and Night Elves are related, right?
13:31.44BeladonaAlliance race perhaps?
13:32.21ckknightthey look similar to Draenei
13:32.22BeladonaI would play one?
13:32.28Beladonaerr didn't mean ?
13:32.36BeladonaI think they look cool
13:32.37MaldiviaThe Broken are listed as beasts... so doublt it
13:32.49ckknightI'd figure the Draenei are much more likely to be the Alliance race
13:32.57ckknightcompared to The Broken
13:33.11Maldiviabut you'll all be surprised...
13:33.19Beladonathe Drenai allied with the blood elves
13:33.24Beladonait would take a shift in lore to do that
13:33.46ckknightBeladona, yes, but before they realized the demons' corruption on the BEs
13:33.47Industrialwhere can i read warcraft lore?
13:33.51Industriali know 0 about it
13:33.56ckknightwikipedia's good, so is wowwiki
13:33.58Industrialnever heard of the broken or dranei
13:34.02Beladonanowhere says they did anything in response to the BE's lust for power
13:34.12ckknightisn't it about time?
13:34.35Beladonalike I said, it would take a shift in lore, but it wouldn't be impossible
13:34.39Maldiviawell, apparently they didn't lust the power themselves, otherwise they probably wouldn't be in the state they are today
13:34.43Beladonawouldn't be the first time Blizz did something like that
13:35.27Maldiviabut I'd imagine we'll have official words on the Alliance race on thursday or friday...
13:35.35BeladonaI could see a split in the Draenai though. Some leaving to join the alliance, some staying
13:35.37Kirkburn|WiggleWednesday, I reckon :)
13:36.04BeladonaThe Broken could be the "beastiary" that stayed with the BE's in outland
13:36.10Maldiviayeah ok, the expo starts tomorrow
13:36.25Kirkburn|WiggleWell, nowhere said the Blood Elves has split into two factions before it was annouceed
13:37.01Kirkburn|WiggleAs I say, the Broken are unlikely, but that is only one faction of Draenei alikes
13:37.13Maldiviabut for some reason, I think Pandaran will be in the expansion...
13:37.26Kirkburn|Wiggle=) I'm hoping for it
13:37.42Beladonathats why I think it is possible that The Broken are remnant Draenai still loyal to the Blood Elves in outland, while the main Draenai defected and joined the alliance
13:37.56Maldivianot saying necessarily as a playable race, but more as a spoof somewhere...
13:38.20Kirkburn|WiggleBeladona, agreed
13:38.42ckknightit's possible that the Draenai, like the Forsaken will be Neutral instead of Friendly to the other races by default
13:39.16MaldiviaWell, the Draenei IS neutral by default, just go talk to them in the swamp
13:39.36Kirkburn|WiggleThat's the lost ones but yeah
13:39.47ckknightthey went insane
13:40.02ckknightbecause of detachment from Draenor
13:40.24Kirkburn|WiggleAnd shrunk in size apparently, if reports of the new race being the size of Tauren are to be believed
13:40.47Maldiviapsst... Pandaran would be big...
13:40.56Kirkburn|WiggleYeah, the Lost Ones are mutated and incredibly homesick
13:41.40Wobin_panderans would so pander to the Chinese market =)
13:42.32Kirkburn|Wiggle:) At least the whole 'pandaren would be banned in China' thing has started to peter out
13:42.51Maldivianever got that...
13:44.30Maldiviabtw, seen the info about the naxx sets, and the new AD recipees ?
13:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:46.11Maldiviamy Chinese is a bit rusty though :|
13:46.46Maldivianot to say, very rusty...
13:47.07MaldiviaI like the look of the key-ring implementation though
13:47.12Wobin_Yeah =)
13:47.14Wobin_Thank god
13:48.00Maldiviabut it'll probably be available in an English edition later today, after maintenance
13:48.59BeladonaAlliance DOES need a large race
13:49.16Beladonaits a cosmetic thing, but it would give them something like the Tauren
13:49.47MaldiviaAlliance has: small, medium, and 2x large
13:49.49ElkanoI wonder what the racials will be
13:49.58MaldiviaHorde: 3x large, 1x Extra large :)
13:50.07BeladonaPandaren: Drunken Fury
13:50.22Maldivianono: Pandaran: Summon Food
13:50.24Kirkburn|WiggleMmm, Bingchaun, Pobing, Hanlin, Beiji sets ... I think they should keep those names
13:50.35Beladonanah, Pandarens were drunken masters
13:50.59Industrialnew weapons! bamboo nintjaku's!
13:51.04Kirkburn|WiggleIf the race is Draenei and large, how exactly are they supposed to be stealthy assassins?
13:51.13MaldiviaBeladona: well, was just refering to the 2005 April's fool :9
13:51.16wereHamsterBeladona, you meant werePandarens ?
13:51.46Maldiviahmm, I guess I'll need to work on my AD faction to get it to exalted...
13:51.55Kirkburn|WiggleThe description also fits the Eredar
13:52.03Industrialsee how the orc has horns...
13:52.15Kirkburn|WiggleIn fact it fits the Eredar better, scaly tail, hooves
13:52.17Industrial(left of face)
13:52.55Wobin_Is there anyway to get a statusbar to slide from right to left?
13:53.07Wobin_(ie start from the right end and extend to the left one)
13:53.08BeladonaI had created a custom highlighting script for GeSHi on my site, to highlight the global and widget functions, but removing them reduced the load time for Globalstrings.lua from 57 seconds to 17 seconds
13:53.28Maldiviaohh, and the tier 3 chest piece for warriors is a bit insane...
13:53.30Beladonaso I guess global and widget functions mustn'y be highlighted
13:53.46Beladonaor maybe I can put custom detection in for specific "large" files and do no highlighting on them....
13:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower___ (
13:54.49Wobin_Bingchuan - Glacier,  Pobing - Icebreaker, Hanlin - Winter Forest, Beiji - Archivist(?), btw
13:55.36Wobin_oh wait
13:55.41Wobin_Beiji - North pole
13:55.46Wobin_That's more in line with the rst
14:12.38IndustrialWobin_: what is this?
14:12.45Wobin_translations =P
14:12.51Industrialof what where how when why?
14:13.12Wobin_<Kirkburn|Wiggle> Mmm, Bingchaun, Pobing, Hanlin, Beiji sets ... I think they should keep those names
14:13.26Wobin_The AD crafting sets
14:13.49KasoCool proper names
14:17.45Kirkburn|WiggleNo doubt there would be a backlash from idiots on the forums saying "the chinese are invading out game!" if they kept those names
14:18.31Kirkburn|WiggleWow, would ya look at the innovative design of the PS3 controller ...
14:25.24BeladonaI love that
14:25.34Beladonasony just wiid all over nintendo
14:26.47Beladonaseriously though, that movement sensor thing is stupid
14:26.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
14:27.03BeladonaI always make fun of people that move their controllers around when playing racing games
14:27.10Beladonanow they can actually do that and have it do something
14:27.16Beladonaoh well
14:29.41Wobin_Nintendo POWER GLOVE
14:29.44Kirkburn|WiggleYes, well Sony's new tag line should be "imitate, not innovate"
14:29.46Wobin_That was fun =)
14:30.31Kirkburn|WiggleI can just imagine the Sony meeting after the Nintendo annoucement ... "zomg! We've gotta do the same! Whatever the cost!"
14:31.16Kirkburn|WiggleAt least the Nintendo controller can be used for more things
14:31.24Wobin_You too, can run away and win the commendation of your parents and friends by winning a Nintendo Compeition!
14:31.37Wobin_You never saw The Wizard? =)
14:31.46Wobin_Shame =P
14:31.58Wobin_Plotline is as above =P
14:32.00Kirkburn|WiggleMmmm, Askbringer
14:32.03Kirkburn|WiggleAh, lol
14:32.08Wobin_Askbringer what?
14:32.08Kirkburn|Wiggle*Ashbringer, dammit
14:33.54netcurseUp again :x
14:33.56Kirkburn|WiggleIt's a new bad slot
14:34.20Kirkburn|WiggleHello newcurse :P
14:35.53Kirkburn|WiggleVery nice
14:37.21JoshBorkeholy mother of pearl! KEYRINGS ROCK!
14:37.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
14:38.22Kirkburn|WiggleEr, netcurse ... "Last Month's Downloads: 1" ... does it only record from today?
14:38.32Kirkburn|Wiggleokay :)
14:38.53Kirkburn|WiggleThe new keyrings are very nice
14:39.01Kirkburn|WiggleSensible, too
14:40.08Beladonabeta test time!
14:41.54Kirkburn|WiggleI'm up to E
14:44.07Kirkburn|Wiggle5211 lines
14:44.59Kirkburn|WiggleWhat do you want to know about it Beladona ?
14:45.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
14:45.42Beladonais it slow / faster? comments?
14:46.10Beladonait loads for me in 7 seconds
14:47.04Kirkburn|WiggleLol, took ages, maybe 2 mins for me ... quite likely cos I was loading other stuff at the time
14:47.26Wobin_Is there any way of finding out the gender of someone who sends you a tell? (functionally speaking of course =P)
14:48.20Kirkburn|WiggleIt's a bit faster this time, but it will still take over a minute to generate
14:48.33KasoWhere does the default UI get the Item Quality colours from/ is it possible to change em, replacing ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS and/or GetItemQualityColor() didnt work
14:48.36Beladonait shouldnt
14:48.59Beladonait took 57 seconds at max for me, but that wasn't when loading several at a time, so maybe
14:49.05Wobin_1:51 for me
14:49.24BeladonaI disabled all syntax highlighting on that file, to get it down to 7 seconds
14:49.55Beladonaahh well
14:49.57Kirkburn|Wigglenetcurse, will you add 'spanish' as a language soon?
14:50.03BeladonaI doubt people will be looking at that one too much
14:50.16Kirkburn|Wiggle"generated in 6.5672650337219 seconds"
14:50.27Kirkburn|WiggleUses local copy Wobin
14:50.38Kirkburn|WiggleIt generates quickly, but loads slowly
14:51.00Kirkburn|Wiggle(scrath that last comment about the local copy)
14:52.12Beladonathat one might take a tad longer to laod
14:52.16Beladonamine took 13 seconds
14:52.22Beladonabut that is with syntax highlighting enabled
14:54.17Wobin_I can't find a way =P
14:54.54Wobin_Anyone have any ideas? Figuring out the gender of someone who sends a whisper to you?
14:55.08TainCheck under the hood?
14:55.24BeladonaI believe the ability to get gender is restricted to player and target
14:55.38Beladonaand derivitives thereof of course
14:56.01Wobin_yeah =(
14:56.06Beladonain any case through, they require the query to be on someone within range
14:56.23Wobin_Ah well.
14:56.38Wobin_I can possibly do something fiddly with their class instead
14:56.43Beladonawho data only returns race, class, level, location, etc...
14:56.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
14:57.08Kirkburn|Wiggle"generated in 11.352336883545 seconds"
14:57.16Wobin_Opera supports '/' searching
14:57.19Wobin_That's brilliant
14:58.25Kirkburn|WiggleAnyone who didn't see .... keyrings!
14:58.50Beladonathat tiny icon seems silly though
14:59.00Beladonathey should make it a button on the inventory panel
14:59.45Beladonaand I want to jingle when I walk with keys in ym keyring
14:59.45Beladonaand they should be visible
14:59.46Beladonahehe jk
15:00.38KasoI want to know if pseudo keys will go in there, like the Mara scepter and Oyxnia neck and stuff
15:01.08Kasoguess pseudo prob isht the right word but.. still
15:02.30Wobin_Oh bela? Chatframelua =P
15:02.51Wobin_Unkeyshaped keys
15:03.02Kirkburn|WiggleKaso, I very much doubt it
15:03.19Kirkburn|WiggleIf it can be worn, I doubt it'll go in the keyring
15:03.32Wobin_The mara sceptre can't be worn
15:03.35KasoMaybe not the oyxnia one, but the mara one i cant think why not
15:03.50Kirkburn|WiggleI don't know that one
15:04.08Wobin_It's a sceptre that allows you to portal directly (pretty much) to the Princess in Maraudon
15:04.48Kirkburn|WiggleDoes it look big?
15:05.09Kirkburn|Wiggle(Christ, the PS3 will cost at least $500 for the *basic* model)
15:05.15Wobin_It's a sceptre =)
15:05.27TainPS3 is having issues. :)
15:06.37Kirkburn|WiggleTain, yes, the reponse is not good.
15:06.58Kirkburn|WiggleOkay, well I don't think the sceptre will go on the keyring
15:06.59*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
15:07.29Kirkburn|WiggleIt's a portal object rather than an unlocking device
15:07.56KasoYou're prob right
15:09.17Kirkburn|WiggleEven so, it's a great addition
15:10.01Kasoof course, anything that saves me bags space is good
15:12.04Kasoanything that saves me bags space is good
15:12.04Kaso(16:10:11) (Kaso) *bank
15:12.12Kasofucking mIRC :<
15:12.30KasoWhere does the default UI get the Item Quality colours from/ is it possible to change em, replacing ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS and/or GetItemQualityColor() didnt work
15:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow[CU (
15:17.12Wobin_Orphan Week
15:17.15Wobin_I can get my Speedy!
15:17.43Wobin_Although I still haven't seen the rat pet
15:17.59KasoThe rat looks pretty much like a normal rat
15:18.51Wobin_bah =(
15:18.53Wobin_No fun
15:19.02Wobin_I'll go for the turtle then
15:19.11TainI'm mean when I start out a new character, I always keep my MiniDiablo or Panda pet out.
15:19.18TainAnd people ask, "Where can I get that?"
15:19.24TainAnd I say you can't!
15:19.57TainThankfully I haven't been trumped by a murloc pet yet.
15:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
15:22.20Wobin_I know I've asked this before... but any created UIObject is -not- GC'd, correct?
15:22.56Maldiviano UIObject is ever GCed
15:23.01Wobin_Thanks =)
15:23.15Maldivia(well, except on reloadui / logout)
15:24.18MaldiviaAlso, there will always be a reference to a UIObject... so it can't really be GC'ed :)
15:27.45Maldiviahmm, someone has started posting chinese short descriptions to the wowwiki...
15:29.45Wobin_This is a good thing, yes?
15:30.22*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
15:30.25MaldiviaI guess so... and it's not "spammers", it's actual translations :)
15:32.13TainDamn, I was hoping for a little more from the PS3 controller.
15:32.54Maldiviathan a copy of Sidewinder Freestyle, from 1999 ?
15:33.02sancuswow china took down all the fun info :P
15:33.28Maldiviayou mean, they put up the "wait" message?
15:33.41TainWell honestly the Dual Shock type layout is still my favorite of any controller, all they needed to do to make it perfect for me is switch the crosspad and left analog stick locations.
15:33.57TainSince games use the stick more than the pad these days, as opposed to when it first launched where it was the opposite.
15:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
15:36.32Kirkburn|Wigglesanus, they haven't
15:36.39Kirkburn|Wiggle*sancus :)
15:36.51Kirkburn|WiggleOnly some of the pages are still locked
15:36.55Maldiviawohoo... children's week... I want a turtle...
15:37.12Maldiviayeah, with a nice "you have to wait" message in the center :)
15:38.45Kirkburn|WiggleLol ...
15:39.12Wobin_Maldivia: That was my reaction exactly =)
15:39.54Kirkburn|Wiggle"For players who do not wish to Tonk, I assure you, we are working on non-Tonk gameplay as well. We don't expect that everyone will Tonk. But for the large Tonking community, please understand that these issues are dire for them. I've read all of the "World of Tonkcraft" threads... I've seen the "Tonk or quit" arguements made. But please realize, we're trying to make the game better for everyone."
15:40.41Wobin_Tigole ftw
15:40.50Temtonk == raid?
15:41.12Wobin_tonk == toy tanks
15:41.26Wobin_in the Darkmoon faire
15:41.33Wobin_you can play with remote controlled tanks
15:41.44Wobin_It's so much fun =)
15:42.29Kirkburn|WiggleIt's great fun :D
15:42.42Kirkburn|WiggleTo Mulgore!
15:43.29Maldiviahmm... is this typical pvp warlock inventory:
15:45.38wereHamster9998g .. need !
15:45.39Kirkburn|WiggleNot a clue
15:47.00Kirkburn|WiggleHe hasn't got a big range of spells available
15:47.24Kirkburn|WiggleI have every single slot filles with spells on my lock
15:47.45Maldiviahe might be using the old "change page" trick :)
15:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
15:48.07Kirkburn|WiggleYeah possible, but hardly convenient
15:48.14Kirkburn|WiggleEsp in PvP
15:50.29Maldiviahmm, is the wow site changelog still available?
15:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
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15:54.33Maldiviahmm... 30mins to the Nintendo E3 press conference...
15:55.22Kirkburn|WiggleThe wow site changelog?
15:55.42Maldiviayeah, can't remember the url..
15:55.55Maldiviathere used to be a page on the site, that listed changes to the site
15:56.03Maldiviadon't know if it still exists...
15:56.42Maldiviapreviously that was the source for a lot of information up to a day before the info was actually released
15:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:58.21Shouryuuthe new CG site is neat
15:58.23Maldiviathat's the name of the game
16:00.05Shouryuuw00t 500 downloads on WoWI :P weee
16:00.40Maldiviathe new frost armor from recipees looks quite nice, for resistance armor...
16:01.08Maldiviaand the new warrior tier 3 breastplate... well, that's just sick
16:02.25Wobin_Any way to 'rename' a frame?
16:05.45Kirkburn|Wiggleoooh, the scourge are gonna visit IF ... "It also shows some pretty impressive floating Scourge ziggarauts, one even floating outside Ironforge. "
16:06.32MaldiviaWobin_: rename... as in change what GetName() returns ?
16:06.45Maldivia... overwrite GetName  ? :)
16:07.00MaldiviaKirkburn: ?
16:07.26Wobin_... I -guess- I could =P In a manner of speaking =P
16:07.55Wobin_Since the frame is technically a table...
16:08.00Wobin_Isn't it?
16:08.18Wobin_Interesting =P
16:08.21Maldiviaframe.GetName = function() return "Muhahaha" end
16:08.27Wobin_(omg HACK)
16:08.31Maldiviaand to reset it: frame.GetName = nil
16:08.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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16:08.56Maldiviasince, if it's not present, the metatable will try to look it up on the userdata object
16:09.37Kirkburn|WiggleMaldivia, for the release of 1.11, when the Scourge Invasion event starts ... gamespy mentioned that about the preview vid
16:10.07krka|worki overwrite Get/SetText in editboxes :)
16:10.12krka|worki'd sat getname is a minor hack
16:10.46Wobin_krka: But that's -never- good!
16:10.55Wobin_(okay, I think we've beaten that joke into the ground =P)
16:11.25CodayusWobin_: That's unpossible!
16:11.59Wobin_Codayus:  You keep using that word. I do not think if means what you think it means...
16:12.57TemWobin_: *Don't* do that
16:13.06Tem****DON'T**** do that
16:13.24TemFor example:
16:13.59AdrineHaving just walked into this conversation, why?
16:14.14TemFrameA = nil
16:15.10TemEven after you nil the global reference to the frame, it still keeps that name
16:15.28Temand you can use that name to attach things to it
16:15.48TemSo, it's *******BAD****** to have a frame lie about it's name
16:15.49Wobin_What happens if you CreateFrame witht he same name twice?
16:15.57TemCreateFrame silently fails
16:16.19Wobin_Okay, I'll just have to go about it the more somewhat complex way =)
16:16.19Tem(last time I tried that was on the 0.10 PTR)
16:16.28Maldiviahmm, what will FrameA = CreateFrame("Frame" "FrameA") --[[...]] FrameA = nil CreateFrame("Frame", "FrameA") -- will that give an error, creating two frames with the same name, or will the first just loose it's name ?
16:16.53Maldiviathat what happens, when you are slow to pres enter, and start to browse :)
16:17.04Kirkburn|WiggleThe WoW site is down :S
16:17.11Temno surpirzes
16:17.16Temit's Maintenance day
16:17.42Maldiviawell, I'm currently waiting for the Nintendo Press Conference to start
16:18.20TemI just wanna know if I'm going to have to reroll my main
16:18.38Maldiviawhy reroll ?
16:18.51Tem1 of 2 reasons
16:18.58Tem1: The mage changes turn out to suck
16:19.09Kirkburn|WiggleLive coverage of the Wii event ...
16:19.11Tem2: the new alliance race is retarded
16:19.26Tem#2 is more what I'm talking about right now
16:19.58TemI swear if they make it Pandaren, I'm deleting all of my alliance toons
16:20.10Kirkburn|WiggleI still fail to see why people restrict themselves to one side on 'moral' grounds
16:20.31TemI *refuse* to fight along side a panda
16:20.33Kirkburn|WiggleWell, tbh, I'd love it if it turned out you had to do that :P
16:20.50Kirkburn|WiggleBecause, like, pandas are stupid, yeah?
16:20.55TemI would, however, very much enjoy killing them all the time
16:20.56Kirkburn|WiggleUnlike cows.
16:21.14TemActually, my complaint on the pandas is they seem out of place in the lore
16:21.24Kirkburn|WiggleCows seem 'in place'?
16:21.30TemI didn't play enough of war3 to really know what I'm talking about
16:21.48Tembut they feel like someone pooped on the table and someone else said "hey it looks like a panda!"
16:21.54Maldiviawell, yeah.. Pandaran isn't a string enough race in the lore, to justify a playable race
16:21.55Kirkburn|WiggleIt's hard to complain about non-existant lore tbh ... although Pandaren do have a lot of it already
16:22.24Kirkburn|WiggleTem, i'll keep saying 'cows' at you until the, er, cows come home
16:22.36Kirkburn|WiggleAnd no, pandaren have a very strong showing in the RPG books
16:22.47Kirkburn|Wiggleperhaps not in-game, which is where most people find the ino
16:23.07Temanyway, I'm so tired right now that even if my argument had a good logical base I'd have a real, real hard time telling you
16:23.19AdrineIf they end up making it Eredar or a subfaction of them, I will love Blizzard forever.
16:23.25MaldiviaYes, I know the lore extends to RPG books, but they have slim to no references in the game
16:23.34AdrineBecause that's the last thing I'd guess and it'll be fun trying to see them wiggle the lore around to make it fit :D
16:23.58MaldiviaAdrine: if so... screw blood elves!
16:24.09Tem(mostly I want an excuse to play a blood elf)
16:24.24Tem(I hit enter when I went to hit shift)
16:24.34MaldiviaI want to play a wisp, and detonate in Scarlet Monestary!
16:24.35Kirkburn|WiggleMaldivia, I know of one reference in the game, and possible one other
16:24.36AdrineLesser Eredar could actually work - the Blodo Elves trap demons in crystals and drain them of their powers.
16:25.01Kirkburn|WigglePandaren have an outpost in the Stonetalon Mts, but it's not in-game :(
16:25.04AdrineIf there is a faction of Eredar that splits with the primary Eredar faction and forms an alliance of convenience against the Blood Elves (and thus their allies, the Horde), it could work.
16:25.07MaldiviaKirkburn: yeah, and that's not really a strong reference :)
16:25.20Maldiviabut well see for sure tomorrow, when the videos will be all over the web
16:25.25Kirkburn|WiggleIt's alcohol-related, natch
16:26.10Kirkburn|WiggleI like that I managed to influence Adrine's wording ... doubt you would have said 'wiggle' outherwise :P
16:26.22AdrineYou...oh, I didn't even notice.
16:26.27AdrineBastard. :P
16:26.35Kirkburn|WiggleHeh, unconcious effects are the best
16:26.50AdrinePandaren are too obvious, I think
16:26.55AdrineAnd they don't have the "what" factor.
16:27.01AdrineEredar are about as "what" as you get.
16:27.16AdrineOf course, I'm setting myself up for disappointment and they'll be overgrown Draenei.
16:27.24Kirkburn|WiggleWell, yes ... it's like asking Archimonde to play alliance
16:27.32MaldiviaI vote Drow...
16:27.46Kirkburn|WiggleWell, more accurately the Lost Ones/exiles are undergrown Draenei :)
16:27.51QaarhI vote Wisp!
16:27.54AdrineNot necessarily. The Eredar caste system is extremely...harsh.
16:28.09AdrineI think it plausable that there could be lesser, smaller Eredar that split off from the primary Eredar.
16:28.25TainGnome sized Draenei.
16:28.42Kirkburn|Wiggle"You didn't put a full stop at the end of your sentence, Eredar minion! I banish you to Azeroth and the human alliance!"
16:29.10Kirkburn|WiggleWe know the new race will be bigger thana  breadbox
16:29.52TainThe more important thing is that I don't really care what the new races are.
16:30.39TainI was a little disturbed when I heard that the new Alliance race was Clippy, the MS Office assitant though.
16:31.47Kirkburn|WiggleDie, Clippy!
16:32.06TainIt's going to be a tie-in with Warcraft movie rumoured to be in development.
16:32.17TainThe new race will all look like Ben Affleck.
16:32.22AdrineIf it was Clippy, I would roll Horde in a heartbeat just to slaughter Clippies.
16:32.50Kirkburn|Wiggle"You appear to be attacking a Tauren. Would you like to: Attack, Fleeeeeeee, or Punch Your Screen In Disgust?"
16:33.35Kirkburn|WiggleRacial skills: jimmying locks using your left foot.
16:34.25Kirkburn|WiggleReflection: blinds opponents of the opposing team for 1 second, before bloodlust overcomes then, and cleaves you in twain
16:35.36Kirkburn|WiggleNegative trait: often lost behind sofas. Begins mini-game in which you can win coins and used sticks of chewing gum.
16:49.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
16:49.51AdrineA PS3 with a 20 GB hard drive will cost consumers $499. Those wanting a larger, 60 GB hard drive will pay $599. The $499 version will also lack several features found in the more expensive one.
16:49.51Wobin_how can I get a tablename as a string?
16:50.08Wobin_given a table....
16:50.15krka|worktables dont have names
16:50.16Wobin_well.. variable name I guess
16:50.21krka|workvariables dont have names
16:51.21Kirkburn|WiggleAdrine, yeah, it's not good
16:51.27Kirkburn|WiggleAnd the features missing are major!
16:51.28wereHamsterfor k,v in getfenv(0) do if (v == myTable) then print(k) end end
16:51.43AdrineWii will be available in Q4 2006. Heh.
16:51.45Kirkburn|WiggleThe Nintendo annoucement is looking pretty cool
16:51.49AdrineThey won't give a price though.
16:51.50sancusthe features are more important than the silly HDD
16:51.55Wobin_wereHamster: Hehe, that's a bit too intensive for my needs =)
16:52.09sancusthe $500 one doesnt have HDMI, compactflash, or memory stick slots
16:52.10Wobin_I can just dump the name into the table itself =)
16:52.44Kirkburn|Wigglesancus, or WiFi
16:52.48sancusyeah, or that
16:53.07sancuseither way im not a console fan so I doubt I'll be buying either one :P
16:53.08Kirkburn|WiggleAlso the controllers are, er, dull.
16:53.21Kirkburn|WiggleMe neither, unless the Wii is really that good.
16:53.35Kirkburn|WiggleHey Cairenn!
16:53.43Cairennhey wiggle
16:54.01Maldiviahmm... nice :)
16:54.20Kirkburn|WiggleLol, Nintendo thanks "both" the people who wrote good things about the new name
16:55.02AdrineI am a total and complete zelda fanboy.
16:55.10Maldiviawho isn't?
16:55.11AdrineIt's going to be a launch title.
16:55.12AdrineHell yes.
17:02.13AdrineZelda is looking like it could be really, really solid.
17:02.25Maldiviawhere are you watching the stream from ?
17:02.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:02.46Maldiviaok, same... was hoping you knew a better version :|
17:03.21Wobin_We've an hour til the US servers are back up again?
17:03.32Cairennforums are back up, I was able to log in
17:04.13Cairennservers are back up too, just logged in
17:04.52Cairennerrr, odd ... *some* of the servers are back up
17:05.03CairennI can only hit 1 out of the 6 I've got characters on
17:05.11CairennDraka, amusingly enough
17:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:05.25Wobin_can we do ..\Myfolder\my.lua in the toc?
17:05.34AdrineBelieve so
17:05.49TainDunno, never tried or saw anything try to go back up one.
17:05.59MiravlixWobin_: Yes
17:06.08Wobin_ta =)
17:06.20MiravlixSome use it to do ../../FrameXML/file
17:06.33Maldiviathe blizzard addons, for instace :)
17:07.42AdrineWow. Nintendo is showing 27 Wii games at E3.
17:07.47AdrineThat's pretty impressive.
17:08.01Kirkburn|WiggleAll playable already
17:08.11AdrineOoh, Red Steel.
17:08.13MiravlixBTW: Whats so wrong about Wii?
17:08.24AdrineI dunno. I think Nintendo is going to make it work.
17:08.25Kirkburn|Wigglethere's something wrong with it?
17:08.32AdrineIt's different
17:08.40AdrinePeople tend to balk at different
17:08.52MiravlixEveryone seem to think it's some joke, but I don't know why.
17:09.00MaldiviaI still think the Wii logo, looks like something from Apple :)
17:09.05Adrineit does
17:10.02Kirkburn|WiggleJust cause it's got an 'i' in
17:10.16AdrineNow, when someone won't give up the controller
17:10.22AdrineI can't say "There's no I in Wii"!
17:10.44Maldiviayou can say: there are 2 I's in Wii, so share!
17:11.10Kirkburn|WiggleIs that irony?
17:11.20Kirkburn|WiggleI can't tell
17:11.35AdrineSomeone was joking that if they came out with a multitap, they should call it the Wiiiiiiii
17:12.16Kirkburn|WiggleIt's a somewhat violent game for Nintendo to be showcasing
17:12.31AdrineI think it's just atypical of Nintendo's "kiddy" image
17:12.39Maldiviawell, they need to show, that you can do fps games with the controllers
17:12.54Kirkburn|WiggleYeah, it's hard to beat mouse+keyboard
17:12.55AdrineBut if it was on PS3 or the 360, no one would care
17:14.11Wobin_What happens if you try to create a texture with the same name as a preivously created Frame?
17:14.15Wobin_Same silent fail?
17:14.16Kirkburn|Wiggleoooh, swordfighting
17:14.24Maldivialooks cool
17:14.27AdrineIt seems like the swordfighting is still a bit raw
17:14.29AdrineBut it has a lot of potential
17:14.35Maldiviaohh yeah
17:14.58Kirkburn|WiggleNintendo DS time
17:14.59Maldiviathe presenter is just... boring to look at
17:15.07AdrineHe's very wooden.
17:15.37Kirkburn|WiggleHe's just so expressive with his hands ;)
17:16.09Kirkburn|Wiggleopen. close. open. close. open. close. open. close :)
17:20.19Kirkburn|WiggleI want uphill skaters
17:21.31Kirkburn|WiggleMm, great use of ethnic minorities, the white guy, the black guy and the asian ...
17:21.58Maldiviaand the same with the women
17:22.22Kirkburn|WiggleAww, they've given up now
17:23.14Kirkburn|WiggleYou know on children's programs where they have kids giving reponses .. it's often so forced, you can predict what race the next kid in line will be
17:25.04KirovIs it so wrong that I'm giddy about playing nintendo Wii?
17:25.09Cairennokay, time to pick kiddo up from school for a dentist appointment, out for a couple hours, see you guys later
17:25.10AdrineI am too!
17:25.21AdrineLater Cairenn
17:25.53KirovNintendo has always been good about showing off hardware, except the Nintendo Gamecube which was the only one they only showed a long line vs. on the show floor.
17:26.14AdrineHell yes.
17:27.12Wobin_It seems that if I create a texture with the same name as a previously created frame, the name is pointed at the texture.
17:27.19Wobin_rather than failing silently
17:27.33Temand if you try to create a frame with the same name as a previously created frame?
17:27.42AdrineZOMG indeed.
17:27.45KirovKirkburn - are those Satyr?
17:27.45Kirkburn|WiggleClick those links!
17:27.52Kirkburn|WiggleI haven't the faintest!
17:28.01Kirkburn|WiggleWell, they *might* be eredar
17:28.10AdrineThey look exactly like them at least.
17:28.11MaldiviaThe general forums is filled with eredar posts :)
17:28.14Kirkburn|WiggleThe piccie of the Broken looks quite similar
17:28.35Kirkburn|WiggleAll I can say is ... OMFG
17:29.29Wobin_Tem: It fails, like advertised
17:29.43Beladonathose do NOT look like Draenei
17:29.48Beladonasimilar, but no
17:29.54AdrineThose are Eredar, or something that looks exactly like them.
17:30.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:30.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
17:30.44AdrineWhat is that?
17:30.54Maldiviathat's the blizcon video :
17:30.55Wobin_Tem: And the Frame is now a Texture
17:31.05BeladonaI can't picture Eredar as an alliance race
17:31.07TemWobin_: hrm
17:31.08Kirkburn|Wigglesorry, I may be wrong with that :P
17:31.17BeladonaI mean, they are demons
17:31.34Wobin_(According to GetObjectType())
17:31.43TemWobin_: you might want to report that
17:31.49Kirkburn|Wiggle(someone posted the link, I didn't read it at first)
17:31.49Iriel|workingReport what?
17:31.53TemI don't expect that's intended behavior
17:31.54Beladonait must be a new race, related to them or something
17:32.19Wobin_Iriel|working: Creating a texture with the same name as a preivously created frame rewrites the frame into a texture
17:32.39Temwell, it takes over the global symbol and the internal name
17:32.40Wobin_(Or at least it seems so to my testing)
17:35.46Maldiviaok, that tennis looks kind of cool :)
17:36.37MiravlixWobin_: Isn't that normal behavior?
17:36.40TainSo the new Alliance race isn't Angelina Jolie?  :(
17:36.49MiravlixIf you set a framename = something it changes to that.
17:38.54Wobin_Miravlix: If you try to Create a frame with the same name as a previously created frame, it'll fail silently
17:39.03Kirkburn|Wigglelol, that tennis is great!
17:39.08MiravlixIt doesn't fail
17:39.17MiravlixIt creates a no name frame
17:39.24MaldiviaKirkburn: yeah, I'm loving it!
17:39.45MiravlixSeaSpellbook is using that to load the xml file multiple times until we get 1.11 and I can createframe gametooltip
17:40.23MiravlixI have to hook some onload functions to fix that they are called with this:GetName() = nil
17:40.36Maldiviahmm, so those screenshot of the wow expansion movie... what does it look like...
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17:40.59Kirkburn|WiggleWhat's that starting zone??
17:41.25Maldiviait looks like a tiger/panther with those paws
17:42.05Kirkburn|WiggleDraenei have the same legs
17:42.19Kirkburn|WiggleWith the odd bending
17:42.24Wobin_That looks like a thrasher in the background
17:43.07MiravlixIt's hoofs
17:43.22Kirkburn|WiggleYeah I thought thrasher too
17:43.32AdrineHyjal seems plausable.
17:43.34Kirkburn|WiggleWould explain Eredar is a small way
17:43.42AdrineThat's where the big showdown went down
17:43.57TainWhat?  They're in Hyrule?
17:44.04AdrineAnd it gives the Alliance a second Kalimdor race.
17:44.26Kirkburn|Wiggle(so would have Pandaren :( )
17:44.30MiravlixWhere on Kalimdor is there home?
17:44.46Kirkburn|WigglePandaren or Eredar?
17:45.03AdrineWe don't know. We're guessing Hyjal.
17:45.15Kirkburn|WiggleEredar was what we were discussing :)
17:45.17MiravlixPandaren is an Aprils fools joke, can we please lay them to rest!
17:45.26krka|workthey made it into war3 :P
17:45.45Kirkburn|WiggleThey *WERE* an April Fool's, they are now an official race, okay?
17:45.46TainYou know they'll be in the Warcraft movie!
17:46.39Kirkburn|WiggleAnd Official means they're in the RPG books, mentioned in the game, and have lots of lore to back them up.
17:46.46Wobin_That's the most ridiculous looking thing ever =P
17:46.55Kirkburn|WiggleEr, what in hell is that?
17:47.23Kirkburn|WiggleFemale boxer?
17:47.53Kirkburn|WiggleWasn't suggesting it was Adrine!
17:48.26AdrineSomething I found in association with the new lock sets
17:48.45Kirkburn|WiggleWell, it's certainly a scary lock
17:50.33MiravlixWell, it isn't any in game race
17:51.03TainOh Jade Empire is coming to the PC.  I might have to actually play again.
17:52.35Wobin_Using CreateTexture with an existant name unnames the previously assigned frame object
17:53.01Wobin_Which isn't very good, really...
17:53.46Wobin_Since it's doing the opposite of what CreateFrame with a existing name would do
17:53.54MiravlixIf you reuse a variable name it gets reasigned
17:54.17Wobin_except in the case of two CreateFrames
17:55.07Wobin_FrameA = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyFrameA") FrameB = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyFrameA")
17:55.14Wobin_will have MyFrameA still pointing to FrameA
17:55.28Wobin_and FrameB being essentially nameless
17:55.44MiravlixWell, your giving the frame two names
17:55.50MiravlixFrameA == MyFrameA
17:56.01Wobin_yes, well that's just for clarity
17:56.09Wobin_since you can use both to reference the frame
17:56.44Miravlixxml doesn't re-use names.
17:57.03MiravlixThe second one will get no name, thats true.
17:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:57.38Wobin_And that behaviour is opposite to the CreateFrame, CreateTexture one, where the Frame loses it's name
17:58.20OsagasuNo cooldown on Pyroblast = win, even if its still only used as an opener.
17:58.47KasoWhere does the default UI get the Item Quality colours from/ is it possible to change em, replacing ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS and/or GetItemQualityColor() didnt work
18:00.34Beladonahow did you replace it
18:00.47Beladonaor attempt to
18:01.27Kasoi just hooked it and returned my values instead of default one when you pass the index i wanted
18:01.29Wobin_How would I go about reporting this? Bug forum?
18:03.11TainOk, the addon search functionality of the new curse is a little bit of a step backwards.
18:07.54Kirkburn|Wigglenvm, I see what you're saying
18:08.34Kirkburn|WiggleI think the new version is fine though
18:09.14TainThe easy category selections for searches was very nice to have.
18:10.50Kirkburn|WiggleTrue, but since addons often overlap addon sections, or aren't in the correct one, it wouldn't always give all results
18:11.03TainWhich is why you had the option.
18:12.50Kirkburn|WiggleI'm not a fan of the scrolling changelog/description windows
18:13.42Kirkburn|WiggleThe start and end of the windows aren't defined enough for me (netcurse, this is for you ;)
18:18.05Cidewell, searching for "raidassist" did not bring up my own mod
18:19.21wereHamsterdoes anyone know is there is a subversion plugin for ?
18:19.29netcurseTain you can search with google also
18:19.35netcurseif you want the gold search
18:19.46netcurseold :p
18:20.13TainWell that's not the same thing.
18:20.27JoshBorkequick question: anyone know of a mod that makes it easy to buff groups in raids, and also keeps timers for the groups you buff?
18:20.37Kirkburn|WiggleJoshBorke, what class?
18:20.39netcursewe ll redo the old search it seems a lot of ppl can t get to use the new one anyway :p
18:20.44JoshBorkepriest or druid or mage
18:20.54AdrineCTRaid does that pretty decently...
18:20.57TainI do think there may be something odd going on with the search though, like Cide said searching for something you know is there doesn't always turn it up.
18:21.10Kirkburn|WiggleI know Paladin Assistant is being rewritten for more classes (priests and druids esp)
18:21.22JoshBorkeah, it's being rewritten? that's cool
18:21.32JoshBorkei'm thikning of rewriting my mod to support all classes also
18:21.32Kirkburn|WiggleIt's mostly done atm
18:21.43netcurseKirkburn|Wiggle i ll add this to the to do list to make it more visiable
18:21.50Kirkburn|WiggleThanks :)
18:22.01Kirkburn|WiggleJust a line across at the bottom would help
18:22.29JoshBorkewhat would be a good name for something that provides that functionality?
18:22.40Kirkburn|Wiggle:)  JoshBorke, I think they're gonna rename it Panza, but I'm not sure
18:22.52JoshBorkepanza? now that's interesting, lol
18:22.57Kirkburn|WiggleNo idea ... er, UberBufferMod
18:23.22AdrineSo you can buff your raid to a high shine.
18:23.37Tainnetcurse: Just as an example, searching for 'gymnast' does not turn up the Gymnast Tooltips addon
18:24.17netcurseIf you use the google included search it will but yes
18:24.21Kirkburn|WiggleWhoever did the image design for CG did an *excellent* job
18:24.23netcursethis search is to complicated
18:24.41Kirkburn|WiggleThe drop down list is cool
18:25.04netcurseand myself i understood nothing of
18:26.15Kirkburn|Wigglelol, that wasn't written well
18:27.14Kirkburn|Wiggle"in each row that is returned." <-- that part isn't needed at all
18:27.43JoshBorkeoh, adrine
18:27.50JoshBorkethere's some sort of graphical problem with healcap
18:28.04Kirkburn|WiggleCalling each result a 'row' just makes it more confusing
18:28.18AdrineJoshBorke: Elaborate?
18:28.22Adrine(Not that I actually work on it >_>)
18:29.15JoshBorkeis the graphical glitch
18:30.22AdrineI'm not seeting what it is...
18:30.36AdrineThe tooltip position?
18:30.56AdrineI see
18:30.58AdrineThe bar position
18:31.03AdrineYeah, I've run into that from time to time
18:31.04JoshBorkethe bar position, yea
18:31.08AdrineOnce you get data it corrects itself
18:31.12AdrineBut yeah, I need to track that down
18:31.28Kirkburn|WiggleAbout this piccie ... is it me or is there a giant pink crystal in the background?
18:31.30JoshBorkeooo, now it's off in the Y coordinate too
18:31.48AdrineI don't think that's a crystal, personally
18:31.54JoshBorkeit's a moon beam i think
18:31.56AdrineThat looks a LOT like Hyjal though.
18:31.57JoshBorkeor some sort of light
18:31.59AdrineA whole lot.
18:32.06AdrineExcept it seems darkish
18:32.37Kirkburn|WiggleI'm gonna have a look at hyjal to see if there's anything like it
18:34.25AdrineWell, I'm not sure we can even trust that
18:34.34AdrineThey completely reworked southern Silithus right before they released AQ
18:34.46AdrineI flew through there in the map viewer and modern day AQ is nothing like what I saw.
18:35.16Kirkburn|WiggleHmm, trees aren't the same
18:35.48Kirkburn|WiggleWell, it's def not the current Hyjal
18:35.48JoshBorkewhat event gets fired when you jump/hit esc while casting a spell?
18:36.18Kirkburn|WiggleSPELL_INTERRUPTED at a guess
18:36.41IndustrialOk im back
18:36.43Industrialany news?
18:36.49Industrialare they the dark trolls?
18:36.56Industrial(i thought they would be dark trolls)
18:37.02AdrineLooks like Eredar.
18:37.22KirovEredar are demons though, which is weird
18:37.28KirovThey're also super super evil.
18:37.41AdrineHere are my copy-pasted thoughts
18:37.50AdrineThe Eredar caste system is extremely harsh. The lesser Eredar are pond scum, and one's standing in the system is tied to one's magical ability. The lesser Eredar could be in line with PCs in terms of magical power. The Blood Elves trap demons in crystals and drain them of their powers, making the Eredar a perfect foil to them, and I don't think the lesser Eredar can rely on the greater Eredar to protect their interests.
18:37.52AdrineIf a subfaction of Eredar were to split from the primary Eredar and seek protection with the Alliance from the Blood Elves, even the Night Elves might be swayed - on one hand, you have the relatives of ancient enemies. On the other, you have your own kinsmen who have betrayed you and are now sworn enemies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, in this case.
18:37.55AdrineBlizzard also has a long history of breaking good/evil stereotypes. The Eredar we know about are stupidly evil, but perhaps not all of them are. I think it's entirely plausable that they'll spin the lore so as to include not only an ugly race, but an "evil" race in the Alliance.
18:37.59AdrineThe Eredar fit both the Burning Crusade and the Outland themes to a T.
18:38.04AdrineFinally, it completely fits the "Whoa, wtf?" reaction we were promised. :D
18:38.17Kirkburn|Wiggle(I posted a second link above, Industrial)
18:38.59JoshBorkehrm, both spellcast_stop and spellcast_interrupted get fired :-(
18:39.10AdrineBlizzard is very big on approaching "evil" races from a new perspective.
18:39.20Kirkburn|Wiggle"The Eredar, an insidious race of devilish sorcerers, used their warlock magics to invade and enslave a number of worlds. The indigenous races of those worlds were mutated by the Eredar's malevolent powers and turned into demons themselves. Though Sargeras's nearly limitless powers were more than enough to defeat the vile Eredar, he was greatly troubled by the creatures' corruption and all-consuming evil. Incapable of fathoming such depravity
18:39.20Kirkburn|Wiggle, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. Despite his growing unease, Sargeras rid the universe of the warlocks by trapping them within a corner of the Twisting Nether."
18:39.25Wobin_Woohoo REDEMPTION
18:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
18:39.38AdrineIf there's a theme in WoW, it is that the "good" races aren't as good as they think we are, and the "bad" races maybe have some redeeming factors.
18:39.47Wobin_It's nice, that
18:40.07Adrine" The indigenous races of those worlds were mutated by the Eredar's malevolent powers and turned into demons themselves." - that could be Draenei, as well.
18:40.11JoshBorke( Kirkburn|Wiggle ): thanks
18:40.56Kirkburn|WiggleWell, it'll be interesting to see the official line, whatever they are :)
18:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=Tem@
18:43.15Kirkburn|WiggleWell, they're not deleting race threads now
18:43.56Beladonapersonally I don't consider the Eredar to be an "ugly" race
18:43.59Beladonadifferent sure
18:44.08AdrineThey aren't pretty.
18:44.15AdrineWhich isn't the same as ugly.
18:44.23AdrineBut people won't play them because of the "I can be a pretty princess" factor.
18:44.26BeladonaI dunno, one of those screenies I saw, I thought they looked pretty damn hot
18:44.40AdrineWell, I think they'll appeal to a lot of poeple
18:44.47Beladonabut I get what you mean
18:44.51AdrineBut likely a different audience than your typical female nelf hunter.
18:45.18BeladonaIf that is the race, it means I am going to have a hard time deciding between Eredar and Blood Elf
18:45.27BeladonaI will probably go Eredar
18:45.38BeladonaBlood Elf is too much like Night Elf =\
18:46.20AdrineIt gives the horde a pretty princess "good" race.
18:46.31AdrineWhereas the Alliance get a not-pretty "evil" race.
18:46.54Wobin_I don't really want to try the Blood elves unless they get really cool racials
18:47.06Wobin_Otherwise it'll be like Bel said, far too Nightelfy
18:47.21AdrineThe blood elves get amazing racials
18:51.25Maldiviashaman talents!
18:51.29Osagasu  *whimper* a cold chill just ran up my spine.  now I see why.
18:51.32BeladonaI am sure they get benefits to magical abilities
18:52.28Beladonalets hope it isn't another "DnD" movie
18:52.29Maldivia - if anyone care/hadn't noticed
18:52.53OsagasuOh, its worthy to note that Blizzard has said they don't see their choice for Alliance as an "ugly" race, but a "cool" race.
18:53.21Wobin_Maldivia: It may make me want to play my shammy again
18:53.36Wobin_Maldivia: There are no huge earthshattering changes.. but some nice rebalancing
18:53.52MaldiviaWobin_: never played a shaman (past level 20), so don't really know what's good or bad
18:54.17Wobin_They're a lot of fun...
18:54.24OsagasuBeladona, I see the problem with the DnD movie as that is was built without any regard for DnD, and just took the name and the races.
18:54.24Wobin_The only one I've levelled faster on is rogue
18:54.32Wobin_(except I ran into a rut at 40)
18:54.34OsagasuIt wasn't a Greyhawk movie, or a FR movie, or a DL movie
18:55.46OsagasuThey went for the "ooh, big fire breathing lizards and people with shiny balls of light" approach.
18:59.52Maldiviaack... Storm Reach... more range for lightning spells...
19:00.37Temoh joy
19:00.56TemEarthbind has a bigger range
19:01.04Temgg WSG
19:01.24TemMaldivia: check out that Elemental Master talent
19:01.33Temthat should *so* have been one of our 31 pointers
19:01.49MaldiviaTem: yeah, I noticed it...
19:02.08TemI'm jealous
19:02.09Maldiviaold Combustion and Inner Focus combined....
19:02.19Temwith a shorter cooldown
19:02.35Wobin_can you imagine a 100% crit chain lighting?
19:02.59Tem"Shaman gains Unstable Power"
19:03.09Tem"Shaman gains Power Infusion"
19:03.18Tem"Shaman gains Elemental Mastery"
19:03.22Wobin_"Shaman acheives Godhood"
19:03.28Tem"Shaman one shots you"
19:03.36Tem"... and the rest of your party"
19:03.54Wobin_What's Unstable Power?
19:04.24Temwhen I see shamen running around with Staff of the Shadow Flame, I get scared
19:04.28Temreal scared
19:04.48Tem(or would it be "Shamans")
19:04.52Wobin_singular same as plural
19:04.54Wobin_like Sheep.
19:05.47TemMaldivia: At least it's not a combo of PoM and old Combustion
19:07.05JoshBorke( ckknight ): are you here?
19:09.06Kirkburn|WiggleThe movie is official!!!
19:09.14OsagasuWe know kirk
19:09.15Kirkburn|WiggleAnd LIVE ACTION
19:09.15Osagasuwe know
19:09.53Kirkburn|WiggleSorry, you link was different :)
19:10.21OsagasuLive action is what ruined it for me.  I'm all for a Warcraft movie, but live action means they can't make the world as colorful as it was meant
19:10.59Maldiviashaman... shamans... as long as it's not shemen...
19:11.00Kirkburn|WiggleI always get so overexcited :) Yeah, I would have preferred CG ... but if you look at LotR, it's possible
19:11.20OsagasuLOTR was meant to be a realistic world.
19:12.51Maldiviahmm, Healing Way... at least shaman in every raid will need to have that, if they are healers...
19:13.24Maldiviabut still no Tier 3 armor/weapon on wow-us...
19:13.34Kirkburn|WiggleHmm, true about LotR ... but it shows that you make a fantasy film in the same vein without it looking stupid
19:13.48Kirkburn|Wiggles/you/you can/
19:15.23krkathe main  in warcraft are too long and with too many characters to make into a movie
19:15.31krkas/main/main plots/
19:16.57Maldiviaack... Shamans got Clearcasting aswell...
19:17.05OsagasuPersonally I'd love to see Jaina, Kael, and Arthas' history, but I'm afraid it would become a teenie-bop movie.
19:17.12Osagasushamans have HAD clearcasting
19:17.40OsagasuYep.  go look at the old trees.
19:17.47OsagasuIts in about the same spot, I think
19:18.02Maldiviahmm, ok... just saw on the shaman forum someone talking about it, as if it was new...
19:18.20KirovIs their tier 3 stuff on the korean site someplace?
19:19.02Beladonawonder what the new movie will be called
19:19.07BeladonaWarcraft: The Balanding
19:20.04MaldiviaKirov, on the chinese... haven't found it on korean or taiwan sites
19:20.25MaldiviaKirov, but then again, I'm more or less searching in the blind on those sites :)
19:21.20Maldiviahmm... the info is ... gone...
19:22.03Maldiviathat's just mean!
19:22.09Kirkburn|WiggleKeyrings ...
19:22.13OsagasuMal: the talent has been improved somewhat
19:22.17OsagasuI think
19:22.40Maldiviahmm, ok
19:22.55Maldiviaok, not all of it is gone :)
19:23.07MaldiviaI still love the keyrings, and the looks of them
19:23.21Kirkburn|WiggleMore nax stuff ...
19:23.36Maldivia -- weapons... with the "Nah nah, you have to wait" message
19:23.36Kirkburn|WiggleRest is still locked
19:24.12Osagasuis that outside IF?
19:24.24OsagasuWill the instance move?
19:24.58Maldivia*grumble* why do they have to make the text as images... I hate that
19:25.13Osagasuto prevent us from seeing it
19:25.18Wobin_Maldivia: It makes translating so much more difficult =P
19:25.26Wobin_I have issues reading characters that small =P
19:28.01Wobin_hm. I can check whether a function exists by using if(MyObject["functiontocheck"]) then blah end
19:28.21Iriel|workingor better still
19:28.33Iriel|workingif (type(MyObject["functiontocheck"]) == "function")
19:29.09wereHamsterIriel|working: or type() == table since you can 'call' a table, too ;)
19:30.02Kirkburn|WiggleOsagasu, the vid the gamespy previewed showed a ziggurat outside IF
19:30.09Iriel|workingWell, you'd need to check it had a metatable thern
19:30.22Kirkburn|WigglePart of the Scourge Invasion event
19:30.28Iriel|workingThat would start to get a bit tricky
19:30.49Wobin_No worries, Irel, I'm working with a very specific API function =)
19:31.06Wobin_To clear a parent of a uiobject, do I set it to ""?
19:31.14Wobin_Cause setting it to nil causes errors
19:32.05Maldiviadoesn't frame:SetParent(nil) work?
19:32.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
19:32.25Maldivia... always worked for me
19:32.39Wobin_oh I'm dealing with a texture
19:33.02Wobin_But that shouldn't make a difference
19:33.19Maldiviatextures need to have a parent-frame... if I'm not mistaken
19:33.21Wobin_Since the actual setparent is a function of Layoutframe
19:33.29Iriel|workingTextures have to have a parent
19:33.31Maldiviadue to the way the UI is rendered
19:33.32Iriel|workingthey are NOT FRAMES
19:33.34Iriel|workingthey are REGIONS
19:33.36Wobin_hm. okay, I'll reparent it to the UI
19:33.38Iriel|workingthey belong to a frame
19:36.33Iriel|workingWhy not create a 'holding frame' for abandoned textures
19:36.41Iriel|workingAnd then make the frame hidden
19:38.17JoshBorkeis there a tutorial on adding color to messages?
19:38.24Wobin_That's a way of doing it
19:38.34Wobin_TrashCan =) RecycleBin =P
19:38.44Iriel|workingHopefully the latter 8-)
19:40.24CideJoshBorke: |cAARRGGBBtext|r
19:40.40CideAA is alpha and usually doesn't matter, as far as I know
19:40.48Kirkburn|WiggleSounds like Cide just got shot .... AARRRGGG
19:40.58Cidelies :P
19:41.05Kirkburn|WiggleJust stabbed?
19:41.29Maldiviaor "\124cAARRGGBBtext\124r", if you want to text from the chat editbox
19:44.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
19:51.18krkabuttons inside scrollframes -> buggy graphics
19:54.07JoshBorke( Cide ): thanks
19:58.36MiravlixWhats with lua for loops, they are more like repeat untils
19:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
20:00.23krkathe parameters are evaluated only once
20:00.31Iriel|workingLua for loops are for looops (but iterators can be confusing)
20:00.33krkawhich is a good thing, imo
20:00.50krkafor shouldn't have conditions, that's for while
20:00.56krkafor should have intervals or iterators
20:02.06krkalocal x = 10 local function f() return x end
20:02.06krkalocal tmp
20:02.06krkafor i = 1, f() do  x = 20    tmp = i end
20:02.41krkawhat does it print?
20:03.10Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
20:03.13TainIt prints rawr?
20:03.39krkathat would explain a lot..
20:03.57MiravlixHmm, according to the Lua documentation, for loops isn't supposed to work the way it does
20:04.10Tainfor i = 1, rawr do
20:04.56MiravlixIt's not supposed to evaluate block if the for fails. :/
20:04.58krkawhich version?
20:05.11krkathere are 3 fors, i think
20:05.14Miravlixfor I = 1, 1, 1, do block end
20:05.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
20:05.54MiravlixThe block isn't supposed to get executed once.
20:06.01krkacan you provide a test case where it doesn't do as the manual says?
20:06.11TainWhy isn't it supposed to execute?
20:06.33krkathat will run block with l = 1
20:07.04Miravlixbecause the for doesn't evaluate to true
20:07.24krkafor doesn't evaluate to anything
20:07.47TainI think there's differences in understanding, I'd always expect that loop to execute once.
20:07.49Maldiviakrka: the end and increment value in the for loop is only evaluated once in the beginning
20:08.10ShouryuuTain Me too, but I'm no expert...
20:08.15Wobin_GetChildren() should return textures and such?
20:08.33krkaMaldivia, i know
20:08.38Miravlixfor i = 1, 1, do   is like do local var, _limit, _step = tonumber(e1), tonumber(e2), tonumber(3) if not ( var and _limit and step) then error() end while (_step>0 and var<=_limit) or (_step<=0 and var>=_limit ) do block var = var + _step end end
20:08.51MiravlixBut thats not how it works
20:09.30Miravlixit's more like a repat block until (_step>0 and var<=_limit) or (_step<=0 and var>=_limit)
20:09.37Miravlixrepeat, even
20:10.15TainWell not excatly.  It doesn't automatically execute the loop no matter what.
20:10.17krkawhile (1 > 0 and 1 <= 1) or (1 <=0 and 1>= 1) is true
20:10.30krkai don't see why think it's doing it wrong
20:10.55Wobin_Iriel|working: GetChildren() on a frame should return all textures, yeah?
20:11.12MaldiviaWobin_: isn't that what GetRegions() is for ?
20:11.22Wobin_hm, thanks =)
20:11.29Maldivianot sure... just a suggestion
20:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
20:15.39Shouryuuw00t a WoW movie
20:15.41MiravlixUgh, it's not greater than, it's equal or greater than
20:15.43*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
20:15.51ShouryuuI so not am going to see that
20:15.54Kirkburn|WiggleWhat a fun day it's being ... oh and GTA4 will be on the Xbox 360
20:16.20Kirkburn|WiggleAww Shouryuu, so negative
20:16.45Kirkburn|WiggleYou must have seen the Eredar/Draenei/unknown screenshots?
20:17.02MaldiviaShouryuu: hehe, I actually haven't read the press statement yet, even though it's been linked to me 5 or 6 times now :)
20:17.15Kirkburn|WiggleNo much info really
20:17.19ShouryuuWell it was speculation untill now :P
20:17.38Maldiviawell, the above exact link have been pasted to me 6 times :)
20:17.41ShouryuuKirkburn|Wiggle Yeah, and I don't want to know the new alliance race! I want it to be a suprise!
20:17.48ShouryuuMaldivia Ah :P
20:18.18TainThe new race is Stormwind Orphans
20:18.20Kirkburn|WiggleShouryuu, if you don't want to know the alliance race ... look away now. And don't turn back until Xmas
20:18.30ShouryuuIf it's the animation quality of FFVII I will take a look, otherwise... meh
20:18.34Kirkburn|WiggleNo, it's Mr Wiggles! =)
20:18.59Kirkburn|WiggleNo doubt ably assisted by lots of CG
20:19.06ShouryuuKirkburn|Wiggle No I meant, I don't want to learn the new alliance race before blizzard tells us... It's going to ruin the surprise!
20:19.16Kirkburn|WiggleSure you did
20:20.04Kirkburn|WiggleWii controller ...
20:20.37Maldiviaohh, so there's a classic controller for it aswlel
20:20.51ShouryuuWii stands for?
20:21.01MaldiviaWii = Nintendo Revolution
20:21.11MaldiviaWii is the official name
20:21.21Shouryuubecause that made no sens :P
20:21.41TainNeither does the name at all.
20:21.48MaldiviaI like it
20:22.10Maldiviaand they thanked the 2 persons who gave the name positive critique on the nintendo pres conference...
20:22.15Kirkburn|WiggleMe too
20:22.19Kirkburn|WiggleIt must be us two :)
20:22.29Maldiviawe're famous!
20:22.43Maldiviasorry... wii're famous
20:22.49Shouryuu... :P
20:23.11Shouryuuanyone got news from that Joystick guy?
20:23.28MaldiviaI like the name... that doesn't mean I can't make fun of it anyway... :)
20:23.36OsagasuWhat screenshots? >.>
20:23.38Kirkburn|WiggleI should email him ...
20:23.39Maldiviaanyone watched the MS conference
20:23.51Kirkburn|WiggleSeen the Joystiq report
20:23.58Kirkburn|Wiggle(not the same as joystick)
20:29.45ShouryuuI've had one of the worst history subjects ever today
20:29.45Kirkburn|WiggleLooks good, lots of integration betweent he Xbox and Vista
20:29.55Kirkburn|WiggleThe future?
20:30.10ShouryuuConsumers and consumation from 1945 to the seventies in countries of liberal and social market
20:32.23Kirkburn|WiggleThrashing it out on the lore forums, we seem to have come to a reasonable agreement that Eredar are possible, if unlikely
20:34.49Osagasuwooooot, new lemmings game
20:35.09Osagasufor PSP though.
20:35.26snurremeh, suckage
20:36.30TainShouryuu: Blame it all on the dirty hippies
20:37.29ShouryuuBut, but... the hippies are my friends!
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20:47.33Kirkburn|WiggleHalo 3 trailer ...
20:48.18OsagasuE3 is like ghristmas for geeks, only better
20:50.12GenNMX|ThraeHP Laserjet 4 for only $60 w/ cartridge. Not bad.
20:50.30OsagasuI'm interested in finding out exactly what the race is. I really don't think its Eredar, because they're bloody-f'ing huge
20:50.38GenNMX|ThraeNo more 150 pages per inkjet cartridge anymore!
20:50.42KasoKirkburn|Wiggle whats that and where from? the Set picture
20:50.44Maldiviahmm... so it cheaper to buy a new printer than buy a new cardridge for it...
20:50.49KarlKFIlol, love how the wmv is the large and the mov is small
20:51.03Kirkburn|WiggleKaso, random thread link
20:51.09GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: What are you talking about?
20:51.13Kirkburn|WiggleKarlKFI, sneaky, eh? :)
20:51.24KarlKFIbastards, lol
20:51.27Iriel|workingOften the 'free cartridge' has very little ink
20:51.45Kirkburn|WigglePrinter manufacturers make their money of cartirdges
20:51.58Kirkburn|Wiggle*catridges ... or whatever
20:52.11Kirkburn|Wiggle*ink thingies
20:52.12GenNMX|ThraeIriel|working: This is an old HP Laserjet 4. It does about 1000 pages per cartridge, and can only do black & white, 12pmm.
20:52.27GenNMX|ThraeThe cartridge was pretty much full when they gave it to me, the print itself is used.
20:52.42Iriel|workingOh, I see, yes indeed, not bad at all
20:52.48Iriel|workingDoes it have the PostScript module installed?
20:53.22GenNMX|ThraeWell, I'm connecting to my Linux server.
20:54.04Iriel|workingOn-printer PS beats the crap out of ghostscript (Unless you've figured out some excellent trick with fonts)
20:54.29GenNMX|ThraeWe'll see how well it prints in Linux, I'm installing everything now.
20:55.04GenNMX|ThraeAt the very least it should still beat the crap out of my HP psc 2110xi all-in-one ;)
21:02.17Kirkburn|WiggleMore pictures!
21:02.20Kirkburn|Wigglenight Beladona
21:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
21:03.12MentalPowerdoes anyone have tier3 set pictures?
21:03.32Beladonathose are nice pics
21:04.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:06.55Kirkburn|WiggleWell, those are definately Eredar ... they're just too similar to Archimonde
21:08.01Wobin_What function do I call incode to use Iriel's dump function?
21:08.42Kirkburn|WiggleI bet Cair hasn't gone at all and is just laughing at me like a maniac
21:10.15KarlKFIodd... my wowwont open
21:11.25KarlKFIwhy look, blizz put the movie announcement on their home page..
21:13.02KarlKFIah ok, makers of Batman Begins
21:13.14KarlKFIthat was a good movie..
21:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
21:13.39AdrineDid you all see this?
21:13.43AdrineEredar paladin.
21:13.45AdrineSo not even joking.
21:13.59KarlKFIwow... every post on the mac tech forum has been blue'd
21:14.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
21:14.47GenNMX|ThraeBlood Elf Shaman :D
21:14.58ckknighthey all
21:15.21AdrineHorde already has 3 shaman classes
21:15.24AdrineAlliance has 2 paladins
21:15.27AdrineSo I guess it makes sense.
21:15.36clad|gymNot as Eredar it doesn't.
21:15.43clad|gymwith the Broken it can make sense.
21:15.46AdrineUnless they're some faction of "good"eredar.
21:15.56AdrineOr converted, or something.
21:16.00Kirkburn|WiggleAdrine, I posted it 15 mins earlier ;)
21:16.01GenNMX|ThraeNah, they're not going to mess with the ratio. The ratio of class to race possibilities on each side is equal.
21:16.03clad|gymheheh it'll be fun either way =)
21:16.24Kirkburn|WiggleAdrine, there was also
21:16.25krkais the alliance race confirmed now?
21:16.28AdrineDarn you, Kirkburn|Wiggle!
21:16.33Wobin_except for hunters
21:16.33Kirkburn|Wiggleno krka
21:16.45GenNMX|Thraekrka: Yes, it has been confirmed to be Leper Gnomes.
21:16.45Wobin_oh wait
21:16.50Wobin_no hunters is balanced
21:17.11AdrineThat one looks a lot more like they could be Draenei, Kirk.
21:17.17AdrineThough the face is still distinctly Eredar
21:17.26GenNMX|ThraeTheir race ability is "Limb Off", where they lose all their limbs to instantly escape any snare!
21:17.36Kirkburn|WiggleShape of the head, Adrine
21:17.49Kirkburn|WiggleI'd say the pointy head is much more Eredar
21:18.16Kirkburn|WiggleBut you already said that, pretty much :P
21:18.19AdrineThe draenei heads - at least what we've seen from the Broken and the Lost Ones - are droopy and don't have noses.
21:18.36GenNMX|ThraeNice image -- it's pinecone head!\
21:18.39Kirkburn|WiggleWell, it's definately got the HUH!? factor
21:20.08AdrineThat last image CAN'T be Draenei
21:20.15AdrineThe Draenei have 2 large fingers and a thumb.
21:20.26AdrineThat mage/lock has 4 slender fingers + thumb
21:21.24Kirkburn|WiggleYup Draenei only have 2 fingers and a thumb
21:21.38Kirkburn|WiggleWell spotted :)
21:22.08AdrineUnless they're going to call these guys some seriously different form of Draenei, I'm going with an Eredar root.
21:22.51krkai've never heard of eredar before
21:22.57krkabut i am not a lore expert i guess
21:23.05AdrineEredar are the super bad sorcerer demons from the Twisting Nether
21:23.23AdrineThey were responsible for Sargeras' corruption and are the backbone of the Burning Crusade.
21:23.28krkaaren't those way too powerful compared to the current playables?
21:23.30AdrineWhich is why so many people are wtf over it.
21:23.32AdrineWell --
21:23.36AdrineThe ones we've seen are
21:23.42krkaalso, why'd they join the alliance? O_o
21:23.46AdrineThe Eredar caste system is based on one's magical abilitiy
21:24.05AdrineIF there are lesser Eredar with player-level magical abilities, I can see them being spun that way for balance.
21:24.16KarlKFIso, um.. there's no mac repair utility?
21:24.18GenNMX|ThraeWhy do people think it will be the Eredar? Just from that image?
21:24.20AdrineI don't think so, KarlKFI
21:24.31AdrineFrom the...4 images that have surfaced, GenNMX|Thrae
21:25.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
21:25.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
21:25.14AdrineBut yeah.
21:25.16AdrineAnd then the last one.
21:26.38GenNMX|ThraeWell, the expansion is about the Burning Legion, so the images could be about NPCs, not PCs.
21:27.03AdrinePossible, but I'm thinking unlikely at this point.
21:27.08AdrineWhy have an Eredar in paladin armor?
21:27.13AdrineI mean. That's a complete WTF.
21:27.29KarlKFIwhy not just wait till they tell us
21:27.45AdrineBecause speculation is fun :)
21:27.57GenNMX|ThraeCould be a test model, the programmers like the paladin armour and have used it before in tests (along with the PvP sets)
21:28.12AdrineExplain the book on the chain and the hammer then. :P
21:28.21Kirkburn|WiggleIt's art, not a screenshot
21:28.25AdrineWing shoulders + spellbook on chain + hammer = paladin :P
21:28.35Shouryuuit's art!
21:28.37Kirkburn|WiggleIt's also opposite a Blood Elf
21:28.48AdrineThe Eredar have excellent reasons to hate the blood elves.
21:29.12ShouryuuAnd like the alliance?
21:29.19AdrineI haven't figured that one out yet :P
21:29.20GenNMX|ThraeAnd the Alliance has excellent reasons to hate the Eredar.
21:29.24Kirkburn|WiggleForsaken like the horde?
21:29.31AdrineYup. But it may be an enemy-of-my-enemy hting
21:29.37AdrineAnd if they're wielding the Light paladin-style...
21:29.49Adrine...I don't know how they get to that point, but if they do, I can understand the alliance between 'em.
21:29.49GenNMX|ThraeI know Blizzard has been painting a sour picture of the Alliance since day one, but fraternizing with the Eredar?
21:29.56Shouryuuyeah and wouldn't eredars be more warlocky like than paladins?
21:30.03Kirkburn|WiggleHumans have both
21:30.24KarlKFIi don't care really... if they make a new race of pallies i'll have to try it
21:30.29ckknightyea, why can't they have both?
21:30.37Shouryuuboth of what?
21:30.43ckknightboth locks and pallies
21:30.44GenNMX|ThraeWas it the Draeni or the Eredar that were suppose to be Humans from another dimension?
21:31.01Kirkburn|Wigglenever heard of that
21:31.15ckknightDraenei were "similar" to Humans
21:31.19Kirkburn|WiggleDraenei supposedly look like human-like normally
21:31.25ckknightbefore the corruption
21:31.32GenNMX|ThraeYeah, but they were warped when they came into Azeroth.
21:31.49Kirkburn|WiggleAnd the Broken are messed up too
21:31.50GenNMX|ThraeDraenei Paladins would make more sense then.
21:32.25ckknightnot everyone of an entire race has to worship demons
21:32.36ckknightHumans have both locks and pallies, but they're both Human
21:32.42ckknightwith conflicting views
21:32.51ckknightnot everyone has to think the exact same beliefs
21:32.55GenNMX|ThraeWell, if Draenei are some type of parallel Humans, then they may have had Paladins at one point too.
21:33.20GenNMX|ThraeSo Alliance gets the good, friendly Eredar that like to pick flowers and worship the Light?
21:33.27Kirkburn|WiggleDo Paladins follow the Light exclusively?
21:33.31Wobin_Happy Shiny Eradar
21:33.39ckknightalso, Gnomes don't follow the Light
21:33.44ckknightso the Light isn't a uniting factor
21:33.50GenNMX|Thrae"We understand our heads are shaped like pinecones, but they are pinecones of goodness!"
21:33.53Kirkburn|WiggleThey may have been converted to the Light
21:34.06AdrineKirkburn|Wiggle: Yes to my knowledge
21:34.10Kirkburn|WiggleIf they don't worship the Light, they're not really paladins
21:34.14AdrineGnomes don't have a religion so much as a worship of science
21:34.28AdrineHence their academic study of machinery and the arcane
21:34.46wereHamsterdoes anyone have a ready-to-use IsDebuffActive() function ?
21:34.49AdrineWhich tends to explain why they are good with arcane and demonic magics, but not so much with holy or shamanistic/druish magics.
21:34.56KarlKFIdamn... looks like i get to reinstall..
21:35.09Kirkburn|Wigglescience = evil ? :)
21:35.23GenNMX|ThraeWell, they have Tauren Druids, and made a backstory just for WoW to explain why. If they really wanted to, they could explain away Eredar's just that players going into WoW could get the Tauren Druid backstory, where as this would be invented sometime after release.
21:35.24MaldiviawereHamster: look at IsBuffActive - it scans debuffs aswell :)
21:35.44KarlKFIin most mythical fiction science is the 'other' magic
21:36.20GenNMX|ThraeChanging that much of common interpretation can make people upset.
21:36.28wereHamsterargh ... I soo hate tooltips..
21:37.44MaldiviawereHamster: well, then scan debuff textures
21:37.51Kirkburn|WiggleThe more advanced science becomes, the more it appears like magic
21:38.13Maldiviaand the more advanced magic becomes, the less it appears like science
21:40.37Kirkburn|WiggleHello :)
21:41.00wereHamsterI want such a function: DebuffActive("Weakened Soul")
21:41.15krkai have one of those
21:41.20krkabut it does use tooltips
21:41.44GenNMX|ThraeIsBuffActive always worked great for me for both Buffs and Debuffs, even with various tooltip mods.
21:42.11GenNMX|ThraeEven in AceUtils the buff/debuff scanning function uses a tooltip.
21:43.39wereHamsterwhy can't blizzard give us proper buff/debuff fuctions :'(
21:45.02Cidebecause they're not necessary
21:45.22MiravlixI disagree
21:45.26CideI believe slouken said that since we have ways to access the information (tooltips), we don't need them
21:45.41CideMiravlix: well, then tell that to him
21:45.47krkablizzard almost never gives us anything we need that'd help automate things
21:45.51GenNMX|ThraewereHamster: There's UnitBuff(), but it returns the texture name, which as you know could be the same for two different buffs.
21:45.54MiravlixWe can access the information, but in a very slow way
21:46.13MiravlixMeaning it's only realistic for very few addons to scan unitbuff/debuff
21:46.14Cideyou have a way to access the information, it's not about helping automate things really
21:46.21Cideand no, Miravlix
21:46.32Cidethat depends ENTIRELY on how you do it, and how often you do it
21:46.49CideI'm not going to discuss anything
21:46.53Cideseeing as I need to sleep as well
21:46.55MiravlixYou have to scan every time it changes
21:48.24MiravlixAnd this discussion is silly, it's not possible to do tooltip look ups fast, because they are slow
21:48.44MiravlixSo multiple addons scanning the tooltip will cause slowdowns no matter how well they are written
21:48.45Adrine vs
21:49.00AdrineDibs on Gordon the warlock.
21:49.56KasoWhere does the DefaultUI get the Item Quality Colours from, changing ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS or GetItemQualityColor() seems to have no effect.
21:50.09MiravlixIt's a *huge* problem in the UI that a lot of things can't be accessed without using slow API's
21:51.57Kirkburn|WiggleHey that's the Mark III, the Mark IV HEV is much better :)
21:56.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
21:56.27Ratbert_C1Grr...  Stoopid Gaim...
21:56.32AdrineConclusive proof.
22:02.16Kasoha ha thats great
22:06.14AdrineI hope the lock epic weapon is a crowbar.
22:06.40Maldiviawhy settle for epic, when you can have legendary...
22:06.45ShouryuuAnd RAWR out ladies
22:07.59AdrineThere's a backstory for the Eredar
22:08.10AdrineAnd it does seem to imply that Hyjal is the starting zone as was theorized earlier.
22:09.32Maldiviawell, it would mean easy access to level 15+ zones
22:09.53AdrineSure, once you get through, uh, Darkwhisper, and Winterspring, and Felwood! :P
22:10.01AdrineAnd you thought the Teldrassil -> Ironforge run was bad!
22:10.52Maldiviaghost runs, ftw... :)
22:11.18Adrine - wow.
22:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
22:11.21Maldiviathere'll probably be a flightpath to darkshore
22:11.21AdrineThat's. Uh. Detailed.
22:11.48Maldiviawow... nice!
22:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
22:19.29Kirkburn|WiggleAdrine, thread has gone
22:19.36AdrineIt got merged
22:19.44Adrine I think
22:20.15Kirkburn|WiggleIs that Illidan?
22:20.26AdrineLooks like him, doesn't it?
22:21.00Kirkburn|WiggleYeah, must be
22:21.05CairennDon't forget you can track E3 coverage here as well:
22:21.37Kirkburn|WiggleOh hello! You are watching ... :)
22:21.53CairennKirkburn|Wiggle: who?
22:22.14sancuswtb t3 stats
22:22.14Kirkburn|WiggleYou :)
22:22.48CairennThis is pretty much the norm, yup.  I'm always watching.  And when I'm not, I get caught up when I get back.
22:22.54Maldiviasancus; you mean beside the 1k+ armor warrior checkplate, with lots of stamina, strength, defense, dodge and parry ?
22:23.20sancusI think those stats are wrong
22:23.25sancusbecause that chestplate sucks
22:23.35sancusand isnt consistent with the other stats I've heard
22:25.59Maldiviahmm, to me it looks better than current tier 2 set breast plates...
22:26.10sancusit is better
22:26.22sancusit's not as much better as it should be
22:26.41MaldiviaI disagree
22:26.44sancusbut we'll see
22:26.49sancuswell, you haven't been told other t3 stats.
22:27.48snurreset bonuses for t3 are cool tho
22:27.55Kirkburn|WiggleLol two new guild for the expansion
22:28.02Kirkburn|WiggleAlliance: "Eredar Paladins FTW"
22:28.04Kirkburn|WiggleHorde: "Eredar Paladins WTF"
22:28.28snurre2 (or was it 3, cant remember) pieces = +5% hit chance on HS, sunder and revenge
22:28.47TainI heard getting a full set of t3 has a bonus of putting you to the top of any BG queue you join.
22:28.55snurre8 (out of 9) = when your hp drops below 20%, all heals received the next 6sec will have +360 healing
22:29.28wereHamstersnurre, everytime hp drops below 20% ?
22:29.56Maldiviasnurre: and where do you have that info from?
22:30.58snurrepriest 8 piece is imba.. every spell has a chance of proccing an effect called Epiphany, which gives you something like 300 mana per 5 sec for 15sec
22:31.12AdrineWhere are you seeing the stats and bonuses?
22:31.19snurrenowhere, a little bird told me
22:31.41Maldivia"screenshot, or it didn't happen" (sorry, couldn't help myself)
22:31.56Adrine+5% to hit on HS/Sunder/Revenge is silly.
22:32.02AdrineBecause if you're raiding you have +5% to hit already
22:32.05snurreit's a fantastic stat for tanking
22:32.09AdrineAnd specials have a 5% miss rate.
22:32.11snurreit's a tanking set
22:32.30snurreno agi or crit on it, nor any resists
22:32.46Maldiviawith the stats posted for the chestplate, I'd say pretty much a tanking set
22:32.57AdrineI guess it frees up you up focus on other stats, but it seems rather silly given how much +hit there is endgame already and that you only need 5-6% if you're not dual wielding.
22:33.20Maldiviawell, they need to add Wardrobe bags in 1.12 then...
22:33.23MiravlixStrange, reloadUI doesn't seem to reload my code.
22:33.38snurrethe thing about miss when tanking is that it reduces your total threat output.. missing a revenge can be fatal
22:33.39MaldiviaMiravlix: saved? saved to the correct place?
22:34.08MiravlixI'm talking loading lua files I changed
22:34.21AdrineBut you only need 6% to not miss even against +3 bosses.
22:34.26AdrineUnless you're dual wielding.
22:34.33AdrineAnd 6% is easysauce if you're raiding.
22:34.39snurrenot in tank gear
22:34.41snurrein dps, sure
22:34.48MaldiviaMiravlix: yeah, I know... I just know, most often when my new code isn't being loaded with a reloadui, it's because I forgot to save the file I was working on
22:34.53MiravlixI've reload 10 times
22:34.54Wobin_I can collect the frames correctly. But as soon as I try to reassign them, they randomly disappear from my tables =(
22:35.01Miravlixand it keept giving me an old error on line 380
22:35.12Miravlixnot until I restarted WoW did my code change take
22:35.55MiravlixI've been fighting this for an hour
22:35.58MiravlixThe code was definately saved
22:36.27Maldiviahmm... 1.10.2 "feature"?
22:36.35Maldiviahaven't really done much coding since 1.10.2
22:36.41GenNMX|ThraeYou know, with all the "uber stat" blues, purples, and oranges out there, I'll be trying to farm the Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator from Bossplug when I'm near 60.
22:36.57GenNMX|ThraeBecause it's COOL!
22:37.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:37.44snurreoh, and the 5piece bonus for the shaman set is *really* good... adds 15mana/5sec to your lightning shield
22:37.51ToastTheifHey Ckk, you here?
22:38.14AdrineEngineering trinkets rule.
22:38.22Adrine(The Gigaflux isn't one, but still)
22:38.36Wobin_Wasn't there a mana shield that did that?
22:38.43Wobin_That was a set bonus for -something-
22:38.55GenNMX|ThraeYes, I also picked Engineering before Level isn't everything ;)
22:39.05ToastTheifso I've been wondering about all these libraries you have
22:39.15AdrineI'm an engineering enchanter. Thank goodness I'm a rogue or I'd be dead broke :D
22:39.54ToastTheifare they actually required for FuBar?
22:40.03ToastTheifor FuBar just hooks in if it's there?
22:40.25ckknightFuBar includes em
22:40.41ToastTheifwhat exactly does that mean
22:40.46ckknightthey're embedded
22:41.36ToastTheifoh.. wait so I don't need to keep downloading the new ones? they already in the FuBar folder and that's all I need?
22:42.32ToastTheifI've been downloading em and putting em in my addon folder
22:42.39ckknightthat works too
22:42.45ckknightthey function as standalone
22:42.49ckknightbut it's not necessary
22:43.09ToastTheifwell then, that's nice to know
22:43.31ToastTheifso what is the purpose of all the libraries exactly? just to improve handle everything?
22:43.53Wobin_okay. What steps do I need to take to potentially reclaim a UIObject like a frame or texture?
22:44.12Wobin_I thought it'd just be a simple case of reparenting and clearallpointing
22:44.34Wobin_But my textures I'm saving are randomly disappearing
22:44.47Wobin_(causing Wow to crash for some reason also)
22:46.13TainYou're venturing into uncharted waters, Wobin.  We'll all looking from a distance to see if you get eaten by monsters.
22:47.13Cairennhey Kirkburn|Wiggle?
22:47.20Kirkburn|WiggleCiao ciao
22:48.07CairennI finally know what you are talking about, in that I've just seen one in game ... so the next question is, where/how are people getting them?
22:48.18Kirkburn|WiggleBlizzard booth
22:48.31AdrineGetting what?
22:48.32Kirkburn|WigglePossibly camera fones, I suppose
22:48.38AdrineOoh, pictures.
22:48.46AdrineCamera phones is my guess.
22:48.50AdrineMaybe setup crew.
22:49.01Kirkburn|WiggleIt's odd ... why they started running the video now is beyond me
22:49.08Kirkburn|WiggleThe murals are pretty hard to miss though
22:49.36Wobin_Cairenn: Quest reward for the Orphan quest
22:49.48Cairennthat's the turtle, isn't it?
22:49.59AdrineI don't think they started running the video so much as someone at a magazine probably got ahold of it and it got leaked out
22:50.02AdrinePig, Turtle, or Rat, Cairenn
22:50.07TainThat's the turtle, rat, or... er... orphan.  Yeah I think you get an orphan pet.
22:50.10AdrineWiggles, Speedy, or Whiskers. :D
22:50.16Kirkburn|WiggleMr Wiggles is the pig
22:50.17CairennI was talking about the sheep :p
22:50.24AdrineWait, sheep, what?
22:50.27Cairennthe one I saw was a sheep
22:50.30TainI want an orphan pet!
22:50.32Kirkburn|WiggleThis conversation is crazy
22:50.51Kirkburn|WiggleI thought you were talking about the alliance race, you were talking about sheep, I'm going mad
22:51.01Kirkburn|WiggleMr Wiggles is a piglet
22:51.05Kirkburn|WiggleSpeedy is a turtle
22:51.08TainFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
22:51.11Cairennon horde side, wiggles is a sheep
22:51.25TainI thought Horde ate their orphans.
22:51.34Kirkburn|WiggleAre you sure? I know my piggy looks white in the sun
22:51.35Cairennthat's what I just saw :p
22:51.44Cairenntell you when I finish the quest :p
22:51.47AdrineMaybe you saw a polymorphed mind-controlled person named Whiskers. >_>
22:51.49Kirkburn|WiggleBig and fat and white and cuddly
22:52.17CairennI'm 3/4 of the way through, will let you know :p
22:52.17TainWait are we talking about the players or pets now?
22:52.23Cairenndo you get to choose?
22:52.36AdrineAccording to what I've heard, you can choose turtle/rat/pig/5g
22:52.38Kirkburn|Wiggle3 pets or 5g
22:52.52TainCan I buy an orphan with the 5g?
22:52.57Kirkburn|WiggleI had completed last night (when I started talking crazy stuff)
22:52.58Cairennheh, don't need the 5g, will take a pet
22:53.07AdrineWe're all planning on taking our orphans to Nefarian
22:53.15CairennI tried to get last night, wouldn't let me
22:53.26AdrineNothing brings a kid up right like watching an army wade through knee-high bodies and gore.
22:53.33AdrineIt wouldn't?!
22:53.34Cairennrefused to give me the quest
22:53.38Kirkburn|WiggleThe 5g is for people who like to tell children Father Greatwinter doesn't exist ...
22:53.38AdrineLast year we took them to Onyxia :(
22:53.54Cairennno one in my guild could get it last night /shrug
22:53.59Kirkburn|WiggleHad to be after midnight
22:54.21AdrineWe do Nef on Friday, so there is hope!
22:54.25Cairennbut you were babbling before that, weren't you?
22:54.35Cairennerrr, nm, you babble all the time ;)
22:54.37Kirkburn|WiggleMidnight in europe, m'lady
22:54.39AdrineFun fact: The expiration only ticks down when you're in-game
22:54.46AdrineSo log into alts and get the orphan whistle
22:54.49Kirkburn|WiggleAnd why yes, I do.
22:54.50AdrineThen don't play for 6 months like me
22:55.10AdrineAnd then log back in and drag the kid around and tell people that you got a rare orphan drop by going at war with the Argent Dawn and slaughtering them. >_>
22:55.44Kirkburn|WiggleMy, what a disturbing mind you have, Mr. Wolf
22:55.53AdrineAlternately, have fun with varying levels of crassness when people ask "Whoa, where did you get the kid!"
22:56.01AdrineWell, you see...
22:56.02Kirkburn|WiggleAnd orphan as a reward for slaughtering their parents ...
22:56.09AdrineWhen a mommy warrior and a daddy warrior love each other VERY much...
22:56.31Kirkburn|Wiggle.. They go and slaughter some other kid's parents
22:56.39AdrinePhat lewts for all.
22:56.47Kirkburn|WiggleUber l33t!
22:56.59AdrineI think you should be able to have perma orphans who you can master loot stuff to and they'll wear it
22:57.06AdrineSo instead of rotting or dusting stuff you don't need
22:57.08AdrineThe kid wears it.
22:57.26Kirkburn|WiggleKit them out in Twine :)
22:57.33AdrineI was thinking Lawbringer.
22:57.39Kirkburn|WiggleWell, er, okay
22:57.40AdrineI always wanted my own spork-on-a-leash.
22:57.50Kirkburn|WiggleWhat's a spork?
22:58.08AdrineA spoon fork.
22:58.12AdrineMuch like Lawbringer paladins.
22:58.33Kirkburn|WiggleWell, that's not what I expected
22:58.57AdrineObviously, paladins are intended to be common and disposable.
22:59.43Kirk|Mr_WigglesLooks like his arm is mutated
22:59.56Kirk|Mr_Wiggles"Christ, I'm turning into a dragon!"
23:00.11AdrineI knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep with that gold bracelet on.
23:00.26Cairennya'll are very weird, you know that?
23:00.50AdrineCairenn, did you see my theory on the origins of the warlock tier 3 armor?
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23:01.20CairennI remember those skins
23:01.22AdrineAll it needs is an epic crowbar.
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23:01.44Kirk|Mr_WigglesBut we were supposed to get a caster legendary this patch!
23:01.51Wobin_honestly. They look like those scavengers from Starwars
23:01.52AdrineI want wieldable gnomes.
23:01.55AdrineJawas, yeah.
23:01.57Kirk|Mr_WigglesBah, legendary crowbar it is
23:02.05AdrineAs posted by someone in my guild...
23:02.09Adrine(waiting for it to come up)
23:02.18Kirk|Mr_WigglesA Jawa who hasn't quite understood camoflage
23:02.47AdrineMaybe the Jawa is hiding in a tie-die factory.
23:02.50AdrineYou never know.
23:03.32CairennSo, who has put what in the water these days, anyway? You guys are being very odd, even for you guys ...
23:03.52Cairennit's amusing, don't get me wrong
23:03.53cladhairehi cair
23:03.58Cairennhey cladhaire
23:04.37cladhaireHow are things channel?
23:04.44cladhairebesides tooltip lookups being ZOMG slow.
23:04.46OsagasuHOLY- For once a CM actually gave us a heads up on the dev response to the player responce to the talent review for hte class!
23:05.25Kirk|Mr_WigglesIt's only amusing cos you know more than us :(   (well, you suggested as much)
23:05.34AdrineEh. I have little to do at work today, and have to amuse myself, Cair. :)
23:06.19CairennAdrine: s'okay, I'm just having fun teasing :)
23:07.01AdrineQuite alright. I'm just having fun sparring. :)
23:07.16Kirk|Mr_WigglesMmm. I'm just weird. :)
23:07.38CairennKirk sweetie, we already knew that ;)
23:07.41AdrineIn other news, I'm a lot more excited about the Wii after today.
23:07.52CairennGAWD that name is stupid!
23:08.03OsagasuYou know, this was the first patch I've been all over the review. <,<;;
23:08.06AdrineI don't know. People know it and are talking about it.
23:08.22AdrineIt's made more of an impressing in...what, a week? Than the 360 or PS3 have in ever.
23:08.25Cairennfor a PR stunt, it's great, because people *are* talking about it
23:08.28AdrineGood or bad, people know it.
23:08.44Cairennthey are all saying it's stupid, but they are talking about it
23:08.47AdrineAnd really, I won't be surprised if they manage to hammer it into a known brand name.
23:08.50AdrineI mean, "Kleenex"?
23:09.10Corrodiasnobody i know says that..
23:09.16KarlKFIKleenex is catchy
23:09.27AdrineIt's silly right now because we don't have any...I dunno, real world experience with it.
23:09.42AdrineI think that if they get the market penetration they want, it'll become rather common usage.
23:09.47Cairennjust, the obvious jokes about it are so bad ...
23:09.49Corrodiasi have my reservations. it doesn't have an "x" in it.
23:09.51AdrineI mean, think about all the negative reactions to the "X-Box" name.
23:10.02KarlKFIhey mom, can we play wii
23:10.04AdrinePeople hated it. They thought it was horrid, generic, nonrepresentative.
23:10.04Cairennrofl, yeah, speaking of bad jokes about it, nice one Adrine
23:10.11Corrodiasi rather think xbox is a good name >_>
23:10.21AdrineXbox is a good name NOW because it's been built into a brand name.
23:10.27AdrineWhen it was announced people decried it as stupid.
23:10.34AdrineI think we'll have the same with the Wii.
23:10.36Corrodiasmaybe i have better sense than people do
23:10.46KarlKFIit's a microsoft product..
23:10.55snurreit should be called "WEEEEEE!!!oneone"
23:11.04Corrodiasi don't think we'll seriously ever accept something that sounds like "wee"
23:11.09AdrineI mean, if you completely abstract it from the product, you'd say "Uh, it's a box, that's...extreme? Wow, that name sucks."
23:11.36AdrineBut it's quite commonly used in normal conversation now.
23:11.36AdrineI mean
23:11.36Corrodiascompletely abstracting it from the product makes it irrelevant
23:11.53AdrineWe could call it the Wii and pronounce it the W-2, but that might give people April 15 flashbacks. ;)
23:11.54Corrodiasthere can be no meaning to a name if you completely disregard the product :/
23:12.11AdrineRight, and right now, we don't have a product to associate with the Wii name.
23:12.16AdrineSo it seems really silly.
23:12.35AdrineI mean, ok, "Windows". That's a horrid name for an OS.
23:12.46Corrodiasperhaps it will make sense if the console LOOKS like a puddle of urine, but i don't think that will do much to enhance the sales
23:12.46AdrineBut nobody thinks twice about it.
23:12.53Corrodiasit's not a horrible name!
23:12.56AdrineSure it is.
23:13.06Adrine"Windows" make you think of glass.
23:13.07Corrodiasnowhere near on the level of "wii"
23:13.15CairennAdrine: actually, Windows as a name for an OS is very apt, imo
23:13.16AdrineBecause Wii hasn't had time to build a brand name yet.
23:13.38Corrodiasbecause wii sounds like i've drunk too much and need to take a wee
23:13.38AdrineIt's apt because of the window application representation, yes.
23:14.00Cairennit's apt for any number of reasons ... what do "windows" do?
23:14.09AdrineBreak. :P
23:14.14AdrineJust mark my words. A year from now, we will consider "Wii" to be a pretty normal word if the console doesn't crash and burn.
23:14.53AdrineWindows also allow theives and other unsavory folk into your home!
23:15.04KarlKFIsounds apt
23:15.21AdrineWindows don't afford you any privacy!
23:15.27Corrodiasi will agree that unix and especially linux have no relationship at all to their product and are balls as names
23:15.31AdrineI could keep going *grin*
23:15.43AdrineI like abstract product names, personally.
23:15.53Corrodiasso it would seem
23:15.56Kirk|Mr_WigglesWho talks about 'wee' the most? Who will play the 'wii' the most? Poor children, they're gonna be so confused when their mother asks if they need to toilet
23:16.23Adrine"This project was called Unics, short for Uniplexed Information and Computing System, and could support two simultaneous users."
23:16.29AdrineWhich was shortened to Unix :)
23:16.41AdrineAnd Linus + Unix = Linux, so there is method behind the madness. :)
23:16.59Adrinebrb guys, I'm going to go play with my Wii
23:17.18AdrineGranted, it will give rise to all sorts of crass jokes :P
23:17.22Corrodiasugh. i hope you're wrong. i don't ever want to see people saying 'wii' in a positive context.
23:17.33AdrineBut that's almost a good thing. If people are joking about Wii, then it enforces the brand.
23:17.43AdrineI've already had my friends replacing "we" with "wii" in IM conversations.
23:18.02AdrineI don't like the name, but it's freakin' brilliant from a marketing standpoint.
23:18.06AdrineGold stars all around.
23:18.08Corrodiasi am not a marketing major. tell me, does making your product the laughingstock of the industry increase your profit?
23:18.09KarlKFIoi... when did the Data folder become 5.24GB
23:18.19AdrineCorrodias: There's no such thing as bad publicity. ;)
23:18.31Corrodiasmichael jackson probably disagrees with you
23:18.49KarlKFImichael jackson's also an idiot
23:18.52Cairennbtw, you guys were right, it's a pig, but damned if it didn't look like a sheep
23:19.09AdrineMaybe it was a polymorphed pig?
23:19.15AdrineAlso, I am the worst pet owner ever ;_;
23:19.20KarlKFIcant poly a beast
23:19.36AdrineThe other week in MC, while standing around waiting for Domo loot to be distributed, I kept pulling out pets, and they would spawn in Domo's lava pit and die.
23:19.51Corrodiaswhile i was playing, i tried to collect all the pets on my hunter. now i can see how little that matters, even from an in-game perspective.
23:20.02AdrineI like having the pets. They're just flavor.
23:20.08AdrineThe oozeling > *
23:20.12Corrodiasyes, but collecting -all- of them was a silly thing to try to do
23:20.13KarlKFIlol, ya
23:20.22KarlKFIoozeling nees to be a party debuff
23:20.27AdrineYes it does. >_
23:20.29CairennI love having the pets
23:20.29Corrodiasi don't even like birds
23:20.36AdrineCan I be in the MT group please?
23:20.55AdrineThe oozeling rules if for nothing else than standing in Ironforge spamming "can sum1 cleanse me plz"
23:20.57Iriel|workingI've got an ongoing mission to train everything
23:21.05Iriel|workingI even have an addon to track which ones i've been missing
23:21.09AdrineWow, nice.
23:21.33Corrodiastrain as in make into your pet with a hunter?
23:21.55AdrineThat's much more interesting than trying to train everything in the game onto other people. >_>
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23:41.09hyperChipmunkwhoops, wrong chan =)
23:41.21hyperChipmunkthough y'all are welcome to try it if ya like >8D
23:42.16Legorolevening folks
23:42.27Cairennhey Legorol
23:42.30Legorolwhen is E3? and does Blizz have official coverage?
23:42.44Legoroli know wowi is going to do a great job covering it ;-)
23:42.46Cairennit's now
23:43.03KirovRight now is all the pre-show stuff
23:43.08AdrineE3 opens tomorrow.
23:43.12KirovTomorrow the expo floor actually opens
23:43.16AdrineThere are pre-show presentations and stuff yesterday and today.
23:43.30CairennThe conference portion is already under way
23:43.36CairennThe *expo* part starts tomorrow
23:43.53Kirovexpo is all most people care about
23:43.53Legoroldo normal people go to the conference?
23:44.01CairennLegorol: you have to be in the industry
23:44.02AdrineYou have to be "in the industry" technically
23:44.14LegorolCairenn, are you going to E3?
23:44.18AdrineBut that's a very loose definition and it's easy to get tickets if you're determined to.
23:44.18Cairennas for Blizz, they have their booths and stuff
23:44.29AdrineCairenn could get tickets for running a WoW-related website, for example.
23:44.32CairennLegorol: no, I got ... messed up ... at the last minute
23:44.41CairennAdrine: I was supposed to be there
23:44.43AdrineMost of us could probably get tickets for writing mods and being active parts of the modding community.
23:44.48Legorolwhat's the best site for coverage? (ok, 2nd best after wowi :D )
23:44.51AdrineI'm so sorry you can't go :(
23:44.55Kirk|Mr_WigglesAdrine, I think you're a bit optimistic there :P
23:45.04AdrineEh, I have friends who have basically done that, Kirk.
23:45.04KirovI've been in the industry for 6-7 years now and never bothered to go to the "conference" part.  It's for marketing, journalists, and biz folks
23:45.13Kirk|Mr_WigglesBut if Cairenn went, we wouldn't have her here :)
23:45.16CairennLegorol: which, further to your question about Blizzard, they have their booths and stuff
23:45.19Legoroli'm surprised Blizz hasn't said anything about E3 on their webpage
23:45.30CairennKirk|Mr_Wiggles: yeah, big loss that would be ... not
23:45.41KirovLego - It'll be up tomorrow when they make official announcements
23:45.42Kirk|Mr_Wiggles:( Would be too!
23:45.47AdrineI'm sure Cairenn would be REALLY torn up about not having to put up with us ;)
23:46.39Kirk|Mr_Wiggles9am PST will be the opening time I suppose
23:46.43Legorolso whose money is on Alliance race announcement?
23:46.49LegorolKirk|Mr_Wiggles: PST or PDT?
23:46.50Cairennas for our coverage, well, all the nice exclusives I had lined up all went poof when my attendance got poofed
23:47.01Kirk|Mr_WigglesLegorol, not sure
23:47.07AdrineEredar of some form.
23:47.18AdrineNo doubt after the stuff I've seen today. ;)
23:47.18CairennLegorol: it's already been stated that the "official" announcement is during E3
23:47.19Kirk|Mr_Wiggles(IGN say they'll have something at 11am)
23:47.19Legorolsorry i meant, who thinks that the race will be announced
23:47.28AdrineOf course it will ;)
23:47.28LegorolCairenn: cool, i musta missed that
23:47.39AdrineThere's no better place to announce than E3.
23:47.43Kirk|Mr_WigglesEredar, going from the naughty piccies we've been seeing ...
23:47.56KirovI can't beleive it's Eredar
23:47.57ckknightyea, they'll announce at E3
23:48.05ckknightit seems too unlikely to be Eredar
23:48.09Cairennwhat are Eredar?
23:48.17KirovCairenn - the new race/
23:48.19Kirk|Mr_WigglesThis ;)
23:48.23ckknightCairenn, the ones who turned Sargeras evil
23:48.24AdrineEredar are the big bad sorcerer demons that corrupted Sargeras and are the backbone of the Burning Legion
23:48.30Cairennit isn't
23:48.35AdrineArchimonde was one of the most powerful of the Eredar.
23:48.42ckknightI think the Eredar might be just a way to throw off the scent
23:48.43Kirk|Mr_WigglesOkay, this
23:48.44KirovMy money is on uncorrupted Draenei
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23:49.05AdrineKirov, it could be that if they spun it enough, but the shots we've seen today are...damning to say the least.
23:49.11AdrineIf it's not Eredar, it's their very close half-brother.
23:49.12Kirk|Mr_WigglesCairenn, were you saying the picture isn't an Eredar, or the race isn't?
23:49.26KirovAdrine - But we've never ever seen a true Draenei
23:49.54AdrineKirov: I know, but they're described as humanoid, IIRC.
23:50.11AdrineAnd the Draenei we've seen, both lost ones and Broken have consistent and distinct differences from Eredar.
23:50.15Kirk|Mr_WigglesCairenn's being a meanie again ... *runs off to complain to ChanServ*
23:50.16KirovAnd some of the features of the new race matches that of The Broken, which are mildly mutated Draenei
23:50.26AdrineThe Broken don't have four fingers or noses.
23:50.38KirovAnd look at The Lost Ones
23:50.46KirovThey look even more mutated, but they're both Draenei
23:51.03AdrineRight, but the no-nose and two-finger thing is consistent.
23:51.07KirovThe lore says that the uncorrupted Draenei look more human-like
23:51.19AdrineThe pictures we've seen are...very different.
23:51.30AdrineI dunno. Maybe we'll see. Uncorrupted Draenei wouldn't be very shocking though.
23:51.32LegorolKirk|Mr_Wiggles, those pics you had up here earlier..
23:51.37Legorolwhere are they from? E3?
23:51.40KirovAdrine - And they're all of Draenei that are horribly disfigured
23:51.43Kirk|Mr_WigglesYes, apparently
23:51.47Kirk|Mr_WigglesFrom the Blizz booth
23:51.51KirovLego- yeah, that's Blizzard's booth
23:51.51Legoroloh, are they leaked or something
23:52.02Legorolwho where when why for how much?
23:52.20Osagasudid you guys see the pic of the guy in plate armor that looked horribly like lightforge w/a tome?
23:52.21Kirk|Mr_WigglesWhere and when should be easy enough :P
23:52.30Kirk|Mr_WigglesThis dude?
23:52.34Adrine is my collection.
23:52.37KirovYou guys will probably find out about the race before I do, since I'll be driving to LA tomorrow around the time they'll probably mention it.
23:52.55KirovOsagasu - that's the rank 14 alliance plate armor, not lightforge
23:53.03Kirk|Mr_WigglesGrand Marshal
23:53.16zespri_workso who is saying that the new race is eredar?
23:53.29Kirk|Mr_WigglesThe pictures :)
23:53.30Kirovzespri - the forums
23:53.58Osagasubut what about the book?
23:54.11zespri_workright. I'm just not sure how evil wralock race can connect with alliance, but blizzard can make wonders, I know
23:54.19AdrineBook + hammer + bird shoulder armor = paladin
23:54.23KirovOsagasu - meh
23:55.19Osagasunot the same book.
23:55.29AdrineNo, but paladins are the only ones that wield books on chains :P
23:55.40AdrineAnd the warhammer is a signature paladin weapon.
23:55.51Kirk|Mr_WigglesIt's a pally, just not in Lightforge
23:56.04Kirk|Mr_WigglesGolden armour doesn't always equal Lightforge :)
23:58.15Kirk|Mr_WigglesI know, lets discuss sexy Illidan
23:58.27AdrineIllidan is looking pretty messed up.
23:58.48zespri_workso if you buy expansion and you are like level 1 can you go to outland?
23:58.53Kirk|Mr_WigglesI think he's angry with his hand
23:59.07Kirk|Mr_WigglesYes, but you'll die zespri_work :P
23:59.22Kirk|Mr_WigglesDepending on the location of the alliance race, natch
23:59.34Legorolthe challenge will be to roll a non-BE level 1 horde char and get to BE starting area ;-)
23:59.45Legorolso that you can grind BE rep from level 1 for exalted
23:59.49Kirk|Mr_WigglesWell, I doubt that'll be that hard

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