irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060508

00:00.12Kirkburn:) Yeah, so after login
00:00.23Kirkburn(it worries that you didn't know)
00:00.24JoshBorkewhere do i have to go to get tocs reread :-)
00:00.35JoshBorkeis basically what i'm asking :-D
00:00.42Tem... wow
00:00.44AnduinLotharquit the game
00:00.45Tem"How do i use coradinats"
00:00.45Gryphenclose wow.exe
00:00.51KirkburnYeah, you gotta quit
00:01.32Kirkburn(I suppose it the same reason as why you have to quit totally to add a new addon)
00:02.15TemAnyone know why that change was made?
00:02.22IrielIt does depend what change was made to the toc
00:02.23KirkburnIt used to be different?
00:02.32IrielTem: When the LoD stuff went in
00:02.34TemDo we know anything more than "technical issues with Load On Demand addons?"
00:02.52IrielTem: Presumably because we can query the LoD specifications, so they didn't want it as a vector to allow data to get fed in
00:03.02IrielTem: I suspect it also has to do with when signed addons are validated
00:03.31KirkburnThe data feed thing makes sense
00:03.32Temseems like they are being overly paranoid to me
00:03.41Tembut then, I'm no expert in that area
00:04.02KirkburnWell, if you can read a file outside of WoW when in the game, it allows data to be passed in
00:04.07TemNow, if it has to do with signed stuff, that I can understand
00:06.13AnduinLothari can read music files from anywhere on your hd..
00:07.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
00:08.18JoshBorke( AnduinLothar ): can you find them?
00:08.28AnduinLotharyup :)
00:08.32IrielDamn, i've completely forgotten how to do java reflection
00:08.44AnduinLotharjust not from inside wow :P
00:11.35KirkburnI love when people end a comment with "Read the warcraft History, dudes. It helps.", when all that they said previously was wrong :-/
00:11.57AnduinLotharhow many times has athat happened?
00:12.00TemSilverShadow[CU]: when's the new site supposed to go live?
00:12.15SilverShadow[CU]within the next week..
00:12.24Gryphenwas supposed to be 7th heh
00:12.33KirkburnAnduinLothar, well, just now for one. Guy was trying to say Night Elves lived in Quel-thalas and became Blood Elves
00:12.35AnduinLotharwas sposed to be 3 weeks ago..
00:13.01ckknightanybody worked with the FuBar 1.1 API here?
00:13.12SilverShadow[CU]Rightnow they are testing a few things, and if it all goes through it will be tonihgt.
00:14.14KirkburnWell it's time for me to sleep. As a Sim might say ... "Dag Dag!"
00:14.24ckknightI'm considering freezing and releasing FuBar 1.2
00:14.28Kirkburn(Simlish. Coolest language ever.)
00:14.34Cairennnight Kirkburn
00:14.53JoshBorkeso you don't freeze of course
00:14.58Kirkburn=) Night night
00:15.06ckknightfreezes are important
00:17.07ckknightfreezes allow authors to know that their plugin will work for a certain amount of time without changing
00:17.22JoshBorkeit was a bad joke ckknight :-D
00:18.47JoshBorkei didn't make it, that's why :D
00:19.40Temyes, go with human instinct
00:19.45Temblame it on someone else
00:21.04Tem~pat JoshBorke
00:21.06purlACTION pats JoshBorke and says "Nicely Done!"
00:21.20TemI can't ever remember the right one...
00:21.22JoshBorke~whaleslap tem
00:21.23purlACTION beats tem upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
00:21.24Tem~pet JoshBorke
00:21.26purlACTION reaches over and pets JoshBorke on the head, saying "There, there! It'll all be ok!"
00:21.31Temthere it is
00:21.42JoshBorkemy first 7 attempts on vael!
00:21.56TemVael is such a cockblock
00:22.35JoshBorkeand there we just wiped again...
00:22.51JoshBorkeand we didn't even aggro him!@
00:23.12JoshBorkebut honestly, i'm having fun :-)
00:23.22Temnew content is the win
00:23.32Temeven when you're wiping over and over it's fun
00:23.46JoshBorkeyea, it's my first trip into BWL
00:24.02Temmy first night in BWL was awesome
00:24.14JoshBorkei missed the razorgore kill though :-( that one would be fun because i'm a MH (sorta)
00:24.57Temyes, pallys have a ball on Razor
00:24.59JoshBorkei <3 my paladin
00:25.21AnduinLothareveryone hearts their pally
00:25.33TemI heart svn
00:26.06JoshBorkenot when i have to quest solo , then it's like pulling teeth
00:28.32JoshBorkei wish repair bots had the faction of the creator
00:29.22AnduinLotharwhat if you want to help out the other faction?
00:29.58AnduinLotharpallies can solo most content that requires 2 people, it just takes three times as long
00:31.49netcursevael is easy .>
00:32.05netcursewe were in the top 5 guild to kill vael
00:32.28JoshBorke( netcurse ): grats :D
00:32.36netcursewas 1 year ago :p
00:32.41netcurseora bit less
00:32.48netcurse9 month :p
00:32.49JoshBorkenever too late to get congratulations :-)
00:33.14netcursebut thanks
00:33.35JoshBorkesurprisingly, my guild was able to take down vael after 2 real attempts
00:33.49JoshBorkeand here we are the next week and are failing miserably :D
00:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
01:03.44Dolby-wowiI think the best route for just a quick text link would be to add a new field called "quick link" that will allow the author to name the link, then it will just redirect it to the more yahoo/google friendly mod_rewrite link
01:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:06.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
01:06.37dukeku_that was interesting
01:06.37Dolby-wowisorry thinking out loud
01:14.47Legorolgood evening folks
01:15.20Cairennhey hey Legorol :)
01:15.24Legoroli have found a very weird #132 crash bug, and was wondering for comments
01:15.31Legorolgoing to pastebin..
01:16.49LegorolPlease take a look at this page: and this one:
01:17.12Legorolif you have a minimal AddOn with nothing in it, except for ## SavedVariables: MinimalXString (where X is 1 or 2)
01:17.32Legoroland the SV.lua file for the addon contains one of those two strings,
01:18.04Legorolone of them (the irregular shaped one at causes WoW to crash with #132 when you logout/exit, but only *after* it successfully writes the savedvariables files
01:18.41Legorolthe other one at doesn't throw #132 crash
01:18.58Legorolboth strings have identical length, 2008 characters including the \ and the LF characters
01:19.30Legorolif you delete even a *single* character from the one that causes the crash (any of the "a" or the \LF at the end of a line), it doesn't crash anymore
01:19.35Legorolcomments.. suggestions..
01:19.41Legoroli'm definitely mailing it to slouken
01:20.22IrielLegorol : I believe it's fixed for 1.11
01:20.34Legorolok, that's the kind of thing i was hoping for :D
01:20.36IrielLegorol : Numerous string crash bugs have been reported, his response has been 'test it in 1.11'
01:20.43Iriel* Saving extremely long strings to SavedVariables no longer crashes client on logout/reload.
01:20.55IrielThe word 'extremely' appears based on your and other data to be perhaps a stretch
01:20.58Legorolok, do you have any particular details about what sort of things cause crash?
01:21.07AnduinLotharbad ones
01:21.21Legorolthere is absolutely no pattern here that i can see..
01:21.34IrielUnfortunately not, it feels like a buffer management problem
01:21.34Legorolok, if it's been reported than i'll test again in 1.11
01:22.02Legorolthanks for the info, Iriel
01:22.29Legorolreason why i didn't think this was related the "extremely" long string thing is because 2008 characters are hardly that long, and it seemed to depend on the shape
01:22.30IrielNo problem, trying to remember quirky crash bugs is a hobby 8-)
01:22.34Legorolso i thought maybe it's unrelated
01:22.47Legoroland now that you are MVP, it's your duty and responsibility ;-)
01:23.00IrielIt may well be unrelated, but based on slouken's response to a recent crash post I think it is not 8-)
01:23.06Legorolok, cool
01:23.09IrielMy current pet OnUpdate bug is getting fixed too
01:23.16Legorolthat's why i came here to ask you first, i figured if anything you'd know about this ;-)
01:23.18Irielthough i can't take credit for finding it, only figuring out how it worked.
01:24.09LegorolAnduinLothar: this crash problem has implications for SocialMods
01:24.22Legoroli found it because my copy of SocialMods has rather long texts in the savedvars
01:24.25AnduinLotharya ya.. it was reported a few months ago
01:24.37Legoroljust sayin', you know, in case it wasn't known
01:24.40IrielSocialMods is the one that broke it first and caused the initial 'will be fixed in 1.11'
01:24.50Legorolright, so i'm laggin
01:24.51IrielBut at the time the strings in question were longer than 2k, IIRC
01:27.38Legorolall right, thanks a lot
01:27.52Legorolsucks to have been out of touch ;-)
01:28.37LegorolIriel, to answer your question: been fine, very busy in RL and also replaced most of the innards of my computer
01:28.55Legorolslowly getting around to reinstalling everything
01:29.06IrielReplaced with newer better innards?
01:29.31AnduinLothardont feel too bad, i just updated all the rest of my mods to 1.10 a week or so ago
01:29.45Legorolgot a new mobo, cpu, graphics card, SATA disk (first one, yay!)
01:29.46AnduinLotharand most of the standalones are old..
01:29.59Legoroli noticed AnduinLothar you guys got this funky Localization thing going
01:30.05AnduinLotharya, should be fun
01:30.07Legoroli have to learn what that is
01:30.30AnduinLotharjust a toy that allows us to get Norganna's toy working mostly
01:30.31Legorolwhen i was replacing the components, i had a big "d'oh" moment
01:30.42Legorolthe new mobo i got only had a single PATA connector
01:30.53Legorolso i had to hook up my old hard disk and CD drive to a single IDE cable
01:31.14Legorolonly problem is: that cable only allows 8cm or so between the two devices connected onto it, and my HDD and CD were in opposite ends of the case
01:31.47IrielOrder a new cable?
01:31.49Legorolso never mind the inefficiency of it all, i was happy i could even screw them into the case close enough so the cable just about reaches both
01:32.05Legoroli was too keen to boot the computer up so i moved the devices instead :D
01:32.21Legorolwell it's all working now thankfully, and WoW runs better :-)
01:33.21AnduinLothar:) ya, If i had $ a 10k rpm drive would be on the list
01:33.28Legorolooo 10k
01:33.39Legoroldidn't quite go that far
01:33.56AnduinLothari have a 7k 200gb drive
01:34.04AnduinLotharand a 7k 70gb
01:34.10Legorolabout the same as me
01:34.24AnduinLothari want to get a 10k and put games and os on it
01:34.40Legorolthis time i actually bothered to set up automated backup, so my most important files have a copy on the old hard disk too
01:34.52Legoroli had very bad backup practice before, saving my files maybe once every few months
01:35.26AnduinLothari have zero backups... if my system were to burn in a fire i'd be screwed
01:35.27Legorolfortunately, no disasters ever struck me yet
01:35.47Legorolmaybe grandma's house would do?
01:36.07Legorol"hey grandma, could you put these CDs for me in the attic, will you?"
01:36.25AnduinLotharcd backups would make me miserable
01:36.34Legorolnot big enough, i know :/
01:36.36AnduinLotharspend half your life backing things up...
01:37.01Irielamazon's network drive service?
01:37.02Legoroli have a policy of dividing my files into two parts: essential ones that do fit on a CD, and non-essentials that i don't mind losing
01:37.05AnduinLotharneed automated network transfer to another computer when the computer's not in use
01:37.29Legorolalthough lately i had to use DVDs
01:37.39Legorolaaanyways, anything exciting happening around here lately?
01:37.49Legorol1.11 any close? expansion?
01:37.50AnduinLotharall of my creative content for the last 8 years of my life are on one hd
01:37.51IrielI have a rented server (where I most most of my files) so I should be using that for better backups. I dont really do too well tho
01:38.03IrielI'm guessing 1.11 is close, it was promised at E3 and that's this coming week
01:38.16Iriel(most most = host most)
01:38.23AnduinLotharno 1.11 wont be at e3
01:38.27Legoroloki looking forward to test server as usual
01:38.36AnduinLotharthey might demo naxx, but that's about it
01:38.47Legoroli like the fact they are now doing minor patches on test realm
01:44.11Legorolhm, when slouken says that "frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 300, -200);" anchors relative to the screen, does he mean WorldFrame, or the actual physical screen (non-existent "root-frame" if you like)
01:44.33AnduinLotharbecause WorldFrame can be SetPoint too
01:45.03Legoroland whatever happened to not specifying frame means the parent..
01:45.04Legoroloh well
01:45.18IrielLegorol : screen, as long as frame has no parent
01:46.02Legorolho hum, so if it does have a parent than it anchors relative to that?
01:46.12IrielI believe so
01:46.22Irielthough i'm not sure all of the hypercompact SetPoint calls work anymore
01:46.34Esamynnnorganna: you around?
01:47.02IrielBut AFAIK, F:SetPoint("A", x, y) is equivalent to F:SetPoint("A", F:GetParent(), "A", x, y);
01:48.03ckknightI thought slouken said that only an explicit nil would anchor to screen
01:48.07ckknighta la:
01:48.16ckknightF:SetPoint("A", nil, "A", x, y)
01:48.28Esamynnyes, but what if the F:GetParent() == nil?
01:48.39ckknightit anchors to screen, not parent
01:48.45EsamynnI would expect a short form to anchor to screen too
01:48.54Legorolquote from slouken: If your frame is unparented, then setting points without a parent specified will anchor it relative to the screen:
01:48.54Legorolframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 300, -200);
01:48.54LegorolI can make it so passing nil as an anchor parent will anchor relative to the screen, for 1.11.
01:49.10ckknightokay then
01:49.15Legorolso it's confusing :D
01:49.20IrielSee the "if your frame is unparented" part
01:49.32Legoroli see
01:49.38IrielAn explicit nil as parent will mean "screen" from now on
01:49.42Irielit already does, sorta, today
01:49.45Legoroloki, that makes sense
01:50.08Irielso if you do F:SetPoint("A", nil, "A", x, y) then it's screen-relative (today I believe it's an error)
01:50.13Iriel(or it may default to parent)
01:51.39IrielI'd test but my wow machine is currently vpn'ed into work
02:04.22Esamynn./script PlayerFrame:SetPoint("TOPTLEFT", nil, "TOPLEFT", 25, -25)  <-- gave me an error
02:04.52Legorollol Esamynn, i tried with PlayerFrame too
02:04.55JoshBorkesame :-)
02:05.09IrielGood good, that means I remembered right 8-)
02:05.24Esamynnit's one of my common "guinea pigs"
02:05.25IrielAND I figured out my cold fusion data source issue, so today is good.
02:07.51JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
02:08.02cladhaireevening =)
02:22.03IrielHm, Logitech G5 Laser mouse, NOw with added Coffee , oops
02:22.38IrielI think it survived with only exterior moistness
02:34.19Kemayo|KHHow's the click-wheel on your G5?  Mine sometimes triggers a bit before the actual click, which has been getting quite annoying...
02:37.32IrielI've had nothing but good experiences with mine, it's not done anything non-intuitive
02:38.07Iriel(it's suitably clicky)
02:38.07IrielI cant' stand those new click-less wheel mice
02:38.20IrielMy G5 clicks right on the scroll
02:38.42IrielMy wireless one clicks a bit before it
02:39.19IrielSorry, i mean scroll a bit before the click
02:40.56TainYeah my mx1000 goes right on the click.  Of course I had to just try it to find out.
02:42.40IrielI have to really try to notice the difference between on-click and not, It's certainly nothing i've ever noticed implicitly
02:43.36AnduinLotharcoffee's not too bad as electronic spills goes
02:43.43AnduinLotharworst is sodas
02:43.44IrielNo, Coke is FAR worse
02:44.01Cairennand mouse isn't bad, keyboard is worse
02:44.11AnduinLothari spilled dew on my gyration a while back, ruined the left click
02:44.16IrielAye, mice are usually washable
02:44.20Irielfar more than keyboards
02:44.25TainOf course I'm always looking for an excuse to buy a new mouse.
02:44.42Corrodiasshould i feel lame because i'm using an old optical logitech wheel mouse?
02:44.53AnduinLotharthat's what i use most of the time now
02:45.01Corrodiaswith only the three buttons + scrollwheel and no ergonomic design at all?
02:45.14Cairennhey, if it works for you and you're happy with it, does it really matter?
02:45.20netcursei have a razer copperhead
02:45.30netcursebut i dunno if you have this on the US .>
02:45.48AnduinLothari just feel bad spending more money when i ruined my $80 one
02:45.51TainI never liked any of the Razer mice.
02:46.01TainThey were all so hyped and expensive, and hurt my hands.
02:46.13IrielMost of my mice are the MS Intellimouse Explorer Optical ones
02:46.15netcursethis one is nice it s the last one :p
02:46.23TainI remember trying to use a Boomslang and getting cramps.
02:46.34Corrodiasthis mouse was probably $30
02:46.36IrielI only have the 2 logitechs, and to be honest the thing I like most about the G5 is that I can weight it close to the same as my wireless one
02:46.47TainI like a heavy mouse.
02:48.04AnduinLothari like mice that dont get sticky from lots of handsweat
02:48.29Corrodiasmy mouse... works >_>
02:48.39TainI saw one with a tiny fan in its body.
02:48.56AnduinLotharya, i've been wanting to try that
03:00.59Kemayo|KHIt's great having a deadline - it makes me so much more motivated to do all those little tasks around the house that I put off.  Doesn't help me meet the deadline... but I have a nice neat house.
03:01.10AnduinLotharsame :)
03:01.18AnduinLothardishes and laundry get done
03:01.34Cairennfunny how that works, seems to happen for me, too
03:38.44AnduinLotharmmm, white russian with chocolate... tasty
03:38.54AnduinLotharguess that'd be a black russian
03:40.40Cairennthat'd be a white russian with chocolate
03:40.58AnduinLotharwhat's a black russian then?
03:41.47Cairennblack russian = kahula & vodka; white russian = vodka & ummm, shoot, whatever it is
03:42.01Cairennvodka & rum?
03:42.12Cairenncan't remember now
03:42.39AnduinLotharhmm, thought white was vodka and kahlua
03:42.49Cairenn*snags her mix book*
03:43.11TainVodka, Kahlua and milk I thought.
03:43.48TainAnyone know offhand of any potential issues with setting MinimapCluster's strata level to HIGH?
03:44.11Cairennwhite = vodka, kahlua & milk or cream; black = vodka & kahlua
03:44.34Cairennvodka, kahlua & baileys = mudslide mmmmmmm
03:45.03AnduinLotharrly? now im confused
03:45.37Cairennaccording to Mr. Boston's "Official Bartender's & Party Guide", yup
03:45.40TainI only ever end up having frozen mudslides from a mix.
03:45.54IrielTain: Not including it overlapping addon frames that dont expect it?
03:46.01IrielTain: I'd see what Gatherer makes of it
03:49.03TainDon't use Gatherer so at leat that I'm not worried about.
03:49.35TainSeems to be reacting ok so far.
03:49.42TainAnd it's just for my own personal use.
03:52.16AnduinLotharso... brown russian?
03:52.24Cairennheh, okay
03:52.49Cairennmyself, I'd just say "yummy"
03:52.56Cairennbut hey, if you insist ;)
03:53.02AnduinLotharneeds more chocolate
03:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
04:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:09.16Cairennnight all
04:09.30TainNight Cairenn|sleep
04:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
04:34.50*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
04:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:00.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (n=Kronus@
05:10.32Esamynnanyone around who has is familiar with the output of debugstack()?
05:11.29Esamynnany idea what [C]: at the beginning of a line means?
05:12.43IrielCan you give an example, I do better with context, but my guess is that it's a function implemented in C
05:13.05Esamynnk, just a sec
05:13.24Esamynnhmm, it looks like you might be right
05:15.03cmunnAnyone familiar with women?
05:15.16AnduinLotharshe went to sleep
05:15.18cmunnAny idea why she left me for a crazy psycho bitch who treats her like crap?
05:15.28cmunn(my girlfriend that is)
05:15.47cmunnor ex I guess it is now.
05:16.03AnduinLotharthe grazy psyco ones are strangely attractive
05:16.25cmunnI guess...
05:16.34EsamynnIriel: you're right, now to track down what is going on here
05:17.40Kemayo|KHMost theories that I have heard to explain that behavior boil down to "confidence is attractive" or "some people have low self-esteem".
05:18.25cmunnIt's probably for the best...
05:19.00cmunnI'll be able to go into the next relationship with a clearly defined agreement about our raiding schedule instead of popping a new one on her when I moved guilds
05:21.24AnduinLotharraiding schedules aren't good for dating
05:22.16cmunnSure they are.  They help her know when you won't be available.  It's better than having a haphazard raiding system and leaving her guessing if you'll be free to interact in meatspace
05:22.39AnduinLotharno no, i meant as oppossed to no raiding
05:22.59cmunnBut Epix > vagina
05:23.18AnduinLotharlasts longer in your case
05:24.26cmunnPlus you're guild doesn't even remember when you joined, nor do they expect tribute on that day every year, or care if you go pubbing between scheduled raids
05:30.10KirovEpics + Vagina > epics > vagina
05:30.36AnduinLotharEpic Vagina >> all
05:37.27Corrodiasilvl 65 vag
05:38.09cmunn100g YOU BUY OK? GOOD DEAL
05:38.26cmunnLOVE YOU LONG TIME
05:39.14Corrodiasfor a lvl 65 vag of my own? yeah, i'd do 100g
05:53.33Esamynnsigh, subtle flaws in your logic really suck :(
05:55.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Azrael (i=sweede@
05:55.42CodayusShe said it wasn't a big problem though - they'd just reschedule that to a different day of the week.
05:56.11CodayusPriorities, eh?  :-)
05:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
05:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
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06:08.35*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:11.12Esamynnhmm, this is strange, SPELLCAST_FAILED fires for every possible way of a spell failing to start casting EXCEPT for when the caster doesn't have enough mana to cast the spell
06:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:17.06Corrodiasso you're saying... it doesn't fire when they don't have enough mana to cast it?
06:17.36[MoonWolf]morning people
06:17.45[MoonWolf]wow, this has to be the most mods online ever.
06:18.27cmunnsome of us aren't mods.
06:18.41cmunnI, for one, am naked.
06:20.25Corrodiasi am not a mod. i am a feature of the original program.
06:21.07s|loupwhy should it fire when it cant start because of low mana?
06:21.21s|loupit doesnt start so it cant failure
06:21.56Corrodiasas long as something else is triggered, that's fine
06:22.20Corrodiasi think i must watch some anime before i sleep. if i don't, i'm never going to get anywhere.
06:23.40Corrodiasi need about five additional copies of myself.
06:23.54EsamynnCorrodias: correct
06:24.17IrielI hate the spell events
06:24.30IrielIt fires at other times when you'd be inclined to think another event should fire also
06:24.35Corrodiasfor a total of six: one for school, work, & eating, one for playing games, one for watching shows, two for reading books, and the last for helping wherever needed.
06:24.37EsamynnI wonder if slouken would change is so that SPELLCAST_FAILED does fire
06:24.39IrielI still have an outstanding bug in AfterCast
06:25.02Corrodiasplus a million or two to solve the problem of aging within the next 40 years
06:25.22Corrodiashive-mind style
06:26.04s|loup@Esamynn: i dont think so, you have also a function to check if your action will work and if not if it doesnt because of mana
06:26.14EsamynnIriel: are you refering to the unexpected events it complains about sometimes
06:26.25IrielEsamynn : yes
06:26.32IrielEsamynn : I need to make them 'expected' so it shuts up 8-)
06:27.03Esamynnone other thing you could do is make it so that AfterCast doesn't do any processing when there aren't any event's queued up
06:27.37*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
06:28.12Esamynns|loup: you don't for spells in the spell book, and I'm dealing with raw calls to CastSpell
06:28.14Corrodiasyou know, for about $6, you could get enough multivitamins to supply someone with a definitely livable amount of nutrients for a year.
06:28.37Corrodiasminus proteins and whatever else they leave out that i forget
06:28.49Corrodiaswater, of course
06:28.50s|loupnot for spells but for actionslos
06:29.07*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
06:29.22Esamynnit just seems a little inconsistant to me
06:42.32IrielEsamynn : Well, I deliberately kept it running the event model so that I could validate it wasn't broken 8-)
06:42.49Esamynnahh :)
06:43.42s|loupIriel can you ask slouken to deactivate the combatlogs for addons in battlegrounds?
06:44.01IrielI'm not sure I understand that request?
06:44.27s|loupif players are in battlegrounds that addons cant read combatchat
06:44.57IrielThat's a silly request
06:45.05AnduinLotharnot gonna happen
06:45.14TainI think A) That's impossible, you can't make it so just addons can't read it
06:45.18TainAnd B) Whaaaaa?
06:45.29IrielI didn't get past B, really
06:46.28TainI'm sure there's a reason you'd like to see that.  But it wouldn't make sense overall.
06:47.13IrielIt's either based on something you want to have happen on your machine, in which case it would make sense to consider what API requirements would be needed to implemented it as an addon itself
06:47.41IrielOr else it's some notion of a global idea for everyone, in which case, absolutely not, addons need to be able to see the whole event stream at all times.
06:50.13s|loupi see many people who did very depressive about addons where people can see what players cast or do by reading the combatchat
06:51.22s|loupso this part is in pvp very awkward as i think
06:52.01IrielThe problem isn't the addons
06:52.16IrielThe problem is the design decision to communicate that level of detail to the enemy in messaging
06:52.21IrielAnd that belongs in the suggestions forum
06:52.39s|loupyes thats a true point
06:52.45IrielIt's not a 'UI' thing that slouken can change for us
06:52.52s|loupok so forget my request ^^
06:53.40IrielI have to say I did find it a bit wierd that they included so much information in the logs
06:54.19TainI always want to suggest things to slouken and try to find ways to justify to myself, "Well that could sort of be considered a UI issue..."
06:54.28TainBefore ultimately just accepting that it's not.
06:55.20*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:02.17wereHamsterend-user support sucks :(
07:02.37[MoonWolf]~lart users
07:02.58hastethat's just evil moonie
07:03.21[MoonWolf]I know.
07:03.22Esamynnouch, that was a nasty one
07:03.48Esamynn~lart [MoonWolf]
07:03.56[MoonWolf]Bad thing is, most end-users use Outolook express, AND THEY LIKE IT.
07:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:04.38hasteeven my father uses firefox and thunderbird :o
07:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
07:20.19Esamynnnight all
07:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamste1 (
07:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:25.57cmunnWhat class levels the fastest solo?
07:27.20s|loupclearly a druid ^^
07:28.14IrielSleep time for me
07:28.16IrielGoodnight all
08:10.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix__ (
08:22.23Wobin_hunter or rogue
08:22.34Wobin_(at least my rogue)
08:22.44Wobin_Engineering helps =)
08:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
08:59.20wereHamsterwhat do you think.. as a keybindings replacement..
09:02.43krka|worklooks interesting
09:03.10krka|workis that FAIAP i see? :)
09:03.17wereHamsteryeah :)
09:04.03ckknightinteresting, wereHamster
09:04.09wereHamsterI think this will be an awesome successor to actionBindings
09:04.21wereHamster.. much more flexible
09:04.39krka|workexactly what are you supposed to do?
09:04.55krka|worklooks kinda similar to GRAB
09:06.49Elvisoi know, i know!
09:06.58Elvisogame-reactive action buttons!
09:07.08Elviso(or bars?)
09:09.10wereHamstermine is more an improved keybindings dialog, not a actionbar/actionbuttons replacement.
09:16.54krka|workah... so what's the thing at the bottom?
09:17.03krka|worklooked like you could assign code to a keybinding?
09:18.04wereHamsterbind key to scripts rather than actionbuttons
09:18.54krka|workgood stuff
09:25.03Elvisoha, finally figured purl out
09:25.09purlwell, grab is Game Reactive Action Buttons, coded by krka:
09:25.09Industrialpurl: orly?
09:25.24Industrialpurl, ORLY?
09:25.48Elvisopurl sucks!
09:25.50purlFor twenty bucks I'll do more than that
09:25.50Industrialpurl: ORLY? is <reply>YARLY
09:25.52purlIndustrial: okay
09:25.55krka|worki really should discourage downloads of GRAB until my next release
09:26.05Industrialpurl: ORLY?
09:26.16Elviso"<purl> For twenty bucks I'll do more than that" needs to be the !topic, lol
09:26.41Elvisohrmm, there was another I was going to add, forgot now though
09:27.21ckknightElviso, that's what purl says when you say it sucks
09:27.24Elvisoshould really make one for all the acronyms that are specific to this channel, more-or-less
09:27.44Elvisockknight, ya I know...scroll up :)
09:29.31ckknightscroll up to what?
09:29.42Elviso<Elviso> purl sucks!
09:29.55ckknightpurl, YARLY is <reply>NO WAI!
09:29.57purlckknight: okay
09:31.38Wobin_poor purl
09:31.39ElvisoI like how I can remember my trivial CS password from 3 yrs ago, but can't rem my vital router pw...
09:31.51Elvisowhich I used under a month ago
09:32.03Wobin_Elviso: That's cause I have the router pw on autoremember =P
09:32.22ElvisoI usually do, but I clear my cache alot
09:33.04Elvisoguess I'll have to reset it, just gotta find the screenshots I made for backups
09:33.30Wobin_Roboform is not supported by Opera
09:34.00Wobin_Elviso: For a minute there I thought you said you made screenshots of the password =P
09:34.14Wobin_"Oh I see, my password is..."
09:37.20Elvisohrmmmm......I just guessed the pw, this is very odd
09:37.41Elvisopw was "admin".....I'm not that stupid
09:38.09Elvisoand it didn't reset itself because this router model resets to a blank pw & username admin, not pw admin
09:40.45Elvisowell, if anyone's bored, I completed the 1st big milestone in my new php project
09:41.10Elvisosome are broken, but most are functional
09:41.23Industrialso what is it?
09:47.07[MoonWolf]a link database ?
09:49.25Elvisoyeah, my personal link DB
09:49.54Elvisostarted it when I used to browse the net alot at work, and hated not having work favs at home, and vice-versa
09:52.49Industrialah, so you can make subgroups and stuff?
09:52.57Industrialgood idea
09:53.02Industrialhmmmm :p
09:53.34Industrialnonono... workk..
09:54.51zespriis there any way to have boolean in lua by ref? i.e. so when a boolean var is stored in a table and we change the var the value in the table changes too?
09:54.54ElvisoIndustrial: yup. eventually I'll make it where it only shows the categories, and clicking them reveals all the links
09:55.58ElvisoI have descriptions for most of them too, just haven't coded that into the script yet
09:56.42Industrialthats pretty easy using css Elviso
09:57.05Elvisoyeah, going to use css/javascript/dhtml w/e you want to call it :)
09:58.03ElvisoI have alot more experience w/css & js than I do w/php, so that'll be easy
10:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
10:11.15ckknightzespri, no, not really
10:16.28zespriI already worked around with saving var names and then doing if type(param) == string then param = getglobal(param) end; param is boolean in my case and never string unless this is the var name so this works nicely
10:16.41zespribut thank you for responding ckknight
10:17.47ckknightanother way would be to pass tables with a boolean value in it
10:18.35zespritbl[1] doesn't read good
10:18.42ckknightI'd've done tbl[0]
10:18.54ckknightbut how is it any worse than the global hack?
10:19.14KirkburnLol, someone replied to a post of mine telling me grass doesn't have leaves. *sigh*
10:19.36zesprii agree both ugly. it's a matter of personal taste which is less ugly
10:19.36KirkburnI do wonder what he thinks leaves actually are ...
10:19.49ckknightwhich post?
10:20.10KirkburnOh, this thread
10:20.19ckknightyea, isn't grass just a shitload of long leaves?
10:20.29KirkburnJust slightly
10:20.47KirkburnPrevious to that someone said the horde would only have 4 races
10:21.33KirkburnPerhaps those people hadn't quite woken up :)
10:24.23KirkburnAh, people say such strange things ... "The reason why the alliance race hasnt been pronounced is that they want to it to be 100% working (without bugs and stuff), so it has to be a new kind of race, not one that already exists in-game" ... I bet they've been giving the E3 team elocution lessons on how to 'pronounce' the alliance race ;)
10:25.34KirkburnI suppose by 'and stuff' he probably means 'missing arms', or 'eyes on their feet'
10:25.48Wobin_So they can see where they're walking
10:33.18ckknightBliz already said they existed in game
10:34.11KirkburnJeez, I just had a look at the test realm forum. Some real dumbasses there, keep on asking 'why can't I test? It won't patch!'
10:38.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
10:38.39MiravlixWish I knew why IRC on Windows is so horrible unstable.
10:39.57KirkburnIsn't that akin to saying 'wish I knew why the Internet on Windows' is so horribly unstable?
10:40.12KirkburnWindows has built-in IRC?
10:40.16MiravlixBecause IRC on my Linux machine on the same connection is 100% stable
10:40.23KirkburnSame prog?
10:40.38Miravlixx-chat Windows, X-chat Linux
10:41.26MiravlixI normally never disconnect at all, the internet has to break, server has to restart.
10:41.36Kirkburnodd, I don't normally get problems in X-chat
10:41.54KirkburnWhat version you using?
10:42.49KirkburnI've got 2.6.2-1, you could try updating it?
10:43.17KirkburnWell, for me IRC is working fine, but the internet won't work properly :P
10:44.33ckknight2.6.2-1 works fine for me
10:45.44MiravlixNothing in the changelog related to loosing connection
10:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
10:54.51MiravlixI don't think it will help much upgrading x-chat, seems to be some case of overloading the TCP/IP system in Windows.
10:55.02KirkburnLots of channels open?
10:55.10KirkburnFirewall issue?
10:55.35KirkburnHamster dies of exhaustion?
10:57.43wereHamsterKirkburn, no, I'm still alive :)
10:58.14KirkburnMiravlix, is cosmos down?
10:59.00MiravlixI read both the forum and web site fine.
10:59.31Industriali knew about it
10:59.31KirkburnCan't get to the website atm
10:59.44Kirkburn(so did I, but I didn't want to say =)
10:59.51KirkburnWorrying, though
11:00.12IndustrialI'll never get it, so good for me if everyone else does
11:00.23Industrial(Yeah, I'm a bastard :D)
11:00.24KirkburnWonder who's behind it?
11:00.43Kirkburn(got the cosmos website)
11:00.49IndustrialKirkburn: its always someone with no life thats for sure
11:00.56Industrialmaybe someone that sells gold?
11:01.26KirkburnCould even be one of the sites themselves
11:04.29Miravlix3 channels, 2 networks, so naah nothing much going on in x-chat.
11:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
11:14.02wereHamsterkrka, is FAIAP also available as an embedded library?
11:15.53Industrialkrka: one bug with FAIAP i encountered is that it was indenting the code after a block comment when i removed the ']]' statement from it
11:16.02Industrialit did its job correct at looking at the changes
11:16.09Industrialbut i had to reindent stuff >_>
11:20.05krka|workwereHamster, yes
11:20.40krka|workIndustrial, you should just have to hit tab to indent it
11:22.29krka|worknot sure what the bug was
11:26.11krka|workwhat do you want FAIAP to do differently?
11:27.48Industrialno, never mind
11:27.53Industrialits just me i think..
11:29.41KirkburnI feel like I'm in an Eastern European country ... guy with an accordion is playing loudly outside (as a wandering beggar)
11:30.34Industrialwhere are you then
11:32.33KirkburnThere's quite a community of Roma people (gypsies) around here
11:39.18IndustrialThe only thing I don't like is that they keep talking in their own whatever (hungarian?) language and are not very social :PP
11:39.24dieckdarkmoon fairy in town? :)
11:39.29Industrialyeah :D
11:39.41Industrialis it up yet?
11:40.24dieckhm, should be? it builds up on the first weekend, and is available from monday on, i think?
11:50.25wereHamster.. looks good so far: .. I need to add some more functions to the environment where the scripts run in and clean up the code a bit
11:50.58Industrialnice wereHamster
11:51.20IndustrialwereHamster: how about the default bindings? can i bind those too?
11:51.35KirkburnIndustrial, it's apparently called Romani, and there are many different dialects
11:51.55Industrialyeah the blizz binding screen
11:52.57wereHamsterI think it should be possiblt through RunBinding()
11:54.35Industrialwould be cool to finally replace the binding screen :p
11:54.58Industrialmaking it hella powerful too, did i see binding chains?
11:55.36Industriale.g. you press ctrl+q and then something else <-- 1 binding
11:55.41Industrialnice for making groups :P
11:55.51Industrial(of bound stuff)
11:56.03krka|workuse loadstring wereHamster
11:56.07wereHamsterI do
11:56.17krka|workoops, my bad
11:56.21krka|worki read it as RunMacro
11:56.22wereHamsterdid you think I use RunScript() ?
11:56.25krka|workor RunScript actually
11:56.30krka|worknever mind me at all :)
11:56.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
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11:56.45wereHamsterwell.. I fought hard to get slouken to add loadstring().. :)
11:56.55krka|workwhat does compile do on failure?
11:57.21wereHamsterit replaces the function with a dummy function
11:57.24wereHamsterno warning yet
11:57.37wereHamsteroh.. my bad.. it prints out a warning
11:59.10wereHamstermorning Cairenn
11:59.17Cairennmorning wereHamster
12:01.47krka|worki implemented a show error + "goto line"-button for my code editor :)
12:03.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe_2 (
12:04.04Industrialkrka|work: o_O
12:04.53Wobin_What's the epic code colour?
12:04.59Wobin_epic colour code
12:05.17Industrialow heh
12:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
12:25.29krka|workwhat Industrial?
12:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
12:30.34Industrialthe song i was playing krka|work
12:30.48Industrialnp = now playing
12:31.16krka|work<Industrial> krka|work: o_O
12:31.52krka|workwhy the o_O?
12:32.20Industrialbecause thats IDE feature
12:32.23Industrialinside a game
12:33.33MiravlixHmm, the world doesn't seem ready for 64.
12:34.00MiravlixSeems like I'm better off with a non 64 OS for now.
12:35.21MiravlixUnless Windows Vista has something for 64, it seems like my new computers 64 support wont be of any use until I convert it to a Linux Server in 5 years.
12:37.06MiravlixBut my only choice in a Dual-core CPU, is with a 64 one?
12:37.57wereHamsterall consumer-grade 64bit CPUs dan also run in x86 mode
12:39.56*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
12:40.18wereHamster.. I can't inherit from fonts created by CreateFont(...) ?
12:43.28krka|workis there something wrong with an IDE inside a game? :)
13:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
13:12.31Miravlix4.437,49 €
13:12.52MiravlixI'm going to have to do without food for a month or two.
13:15.30MiravlixThats just nutty expensive.
13:16.00MiravlixThe ADM 64 FX-60 CPU is just to pricy
13:16.36GenNMX|ThraeDual, Tri, and Quad-Core CPUs are the way of the future man.
13:18.01MiravlixYeah, but AMD 64 FX-60 is double price from AMD 64 X2
13:19.59MiravlixThe machine I'm looking to buy is 2K € thats more manageable
13:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
13:22.32GenNMX|ThraeMy last home-built machine was $1000 USD, and that was using fairly recent parts. Is VAT adding to the price or something?
13:23.22GenNMX|ThraeWith computers, you generally do not want THE-latest-parts-available, because they're going to be obsolete in 3-4 months anyway!
13:23.58zenzelezzand more importantly they'll cost only half the price in 3-4 months
13:24.44zenzelezz(bit exaggerated, but they will be much cheaper)
13:24.48GenNMX|ThraeExactly. It's a vicious cycle.
13:28.43krka|worki never buy stuff that's new
13:28.52krka|workold and cheap for the win
13:29.03krka|worknew technologies generally suck and are expensive anyway :P
13:29.44GenNMX|ThraeI just bought a $83 Dual 550MHz P3 Supermicro MB w/ CPUs included on Ebay recently. Runnin' fine as a server.
13:32.38GenNMX|ThraeIf you really want to get a performance boost, take all your download stuff (torrents, etc.), your AIM, etc. and put it on a Linux fileserver.
13:33.08GenNMX|ThraeYou even get a robust personal webserver to boot.
13:33.35krka|workmy desktop is a linux fileserver :P
13:33.51krka|workstill looking for a good torrent manager though
13:34.12GenNMX|ThraeShhh, not all of us only play WoW
13:34.50GenNMX|ThraeI have a few stuff that needs Windows.
13:35.02wereHamsterwine ftw
13:35.05GenNMX|ThraeI keep it hibernated until I need it.
13:35.06krka|workcedega ftw
13:35.24GenNMX|ThraeWell, that Wine / Cedega can't handle.
13:35.32MiravlixI've been a Linux user for 10 years now
13:35.33wereHamsterwine is free, transgaming wats $$$
13:35.41MiravlixDoesn't change that I need a game machine
13:36.01GenNMX|ThraeCedega == Free if you build it yourself from CVS, and there are some pre-built binaries out there
13:36.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
13:36.18MiravlixAnd that the same game machine will become my Linux Server in 5 years when I upgrade to a new game machine
13:36.45MiravlixI just hope I someday can make a game machine with linux on it, so I don't need two monsters sucking energy running
13:38.05MiravlixI assume with the embedded OS solutions, thats not as far off
13:38.19MiravlixMight be my last true Windows machine I'm building.
13:38.34MiravlixNext one will be Linux and vmware Windows solution
13:39.05GenNMX|ThraevmWare == bad for gaming machines
13:39.47MiravlixThe technoligy is for servers still, running multiple OS'es on the same hardware.
13:40.17GenNMX|ThraeWhat would you need Windows for on a server?
13:40.19MiravlixInstead of having 30 computers, you have 5 that runs virtual OS'eses
13:40.37MiravlixWe are going back to dumb terminals technoligy
13:41.04GenNMX|ThraeWell, you could always run Linux and then inside Linux run vitualization software if you need it.
13:41.08MiravlixIt cuts the hardware cost significantly for big companies.
13:41.21GenNMX|ThraeOh, you're talking companies then need Windows Exchange or some BS?
13:42.14MiravlixNaah, I'm talking the fact that mainframe like technoligy is comming back
13:42.38MiravlixJust with Linux as main OS on them and running virtual machines
13:43.59MiravlixIn a few years, I will be running Linux, Windows on the same machine, with no issues.
13:45.06MiravlixWhen MS catch up it might even be a MS OS thats the main and linux thats run as a virtual machine.
13:45.17GenNMX|ThraeAs much as I hate Windows, it still currently makes sense as a gamer to have a Windows workstation and a Linux workstation/server. I can't think of a compelling reason to dual-boot on this Windows machine for GAMING.
13:46.14MiravlixIt wont be dual boot.
13:46.27MiravlixMainframes is multiple computers in one shell
13:46.31GenNMX|ThraeI'm not talking about future, I'm talking about right now ;)
13:46.40GenNMX|Thraes/future/the future/.
13:46.52MiravlixBooting a computer is just ugh impractical.
13:47.43GenNMX|ThraeWell right now, it's impractical to use virtualization software on a gaming machine. But I agree, there may come a time when you can do it without a performance hit.
13:48.22krka|worki am a gamer and i successfully play wow, warcraft 3 and to a lesser extent cs and starcraft
13:48.48MiravlixNo one says you can't run them, but there is a performance issue.
13:49.45MiravlixIt will be many years off before we get out of this evil cycle of hardware upgrades.
13:49.53GenNMX|ThraeBut a gaming machine is suppose to have excellent gaming hardware -- it's impractical to run virtualization software right now on a machine you spent $1000 on ;)
13:50.40GenNMX|Thraekrka|work: No one's debating there are decent games that run decently on Wine/Cedega, but for all gamers, it's impractical.
13:50.59MiravlixDecent isn't good enough
13:51.24GenNMX|ThraeWoW runs pretty well on Cedega I hear, you can even get a performance boost.
13:51.26MiravlixAs long as I can run things in a way that I gain in performance, there is a reason to run things in the optimal possible way.
13:51.54GenNMX|ThraeBut then again, you may be able to get a performance boost with tweaking XP too.
13:52.00MiravlixExcept you can't patch
13:52.00krka|worki suspect wow runs even better in linux
13:53.50krka|workfor my computer, wow definitely plays better in linux
13:54.09krka|workjust imagine if blizz would make a proper linux build
13:54.20krka|workslouken could port it :P
13:54.42MiravlixYeah, thats the funny part, native Linux software runs circles around native Windows software.
13:55.27MiravlixThere is a better way, but we can't get people to use it.
13:56.00[MoonWolf]the moment more then 60% of the games out there start supporting linux even partially you will see a major shift.
13:56.42[MoonWolf]and I can vouch for the cedega thing
13:56.52wereHamsterkrka|work, there was a linux port back in the beta days
13:57.00[MoonWolf]running wow in cedega in opgengl has about 10 more fps for me then directx under windows.
13:57.07MiravlixThe Office world, could convert away from Windows today, it's just the multimedia/games area that we need to take over.
13:57.13krka|worktheir build process probably still produces valid linux clients :(
13:57.18krka|workthey just won't give it to us
13:57.20krka|workthe bastards
13:57.27wereHamsteryou think?
13:57.44MiravlixSince they have a MacOSX version, the linux version isn't that far off.
13:58.58wereHamster :)
14:01.11MiravlixBut don't expect the linux version to be running all that well, they definately haven't invested much money in it and it's a 3rd graphics solution they have to implement
14:01.44[MoonWolf]actually not really, they have the opengl working fine in windows, linux support opgengl fully.
14:01.55MiravlixIf MacOSX had used X-Windows we would prolly see a Linux version
14:02.17wereHamsterhand up who would help beta-testing the linux client,,
14:02.34[MoonWolf]not really, not using linux at the moment.
14:02.45wereHamsterhow do I make a 'hands up' smiley?
14:03.04MiravlixProblem is WoW isn't the only game I play
14:03.36MiravlixUntil the industry in general switch, then I'm not going to be switching.
14:03.55wereHamstersomeone's gotta start..
14:03.57MiravlixI can't afford two monster computers.
14:04.34GenNMX|ThraeI could probably withstand dual-booting my gaming computer
14:05.29MiravlixWell, my Linux Servers has always been multimedia underpowered
14:05.30GenNMX|ThraeBut it would require reinstalling Windows XP, which would be annoying.
14:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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14:05.59MiravlixWhen I convert this game machine to the new Linux Server, with it's Nvidia 5800, I do get a significant boost
14:09.16MiravlixHmm, if suspend to disk works, then maybe I could dual-boot.
14:10.21GenNMX|ThraeI use ASUS MBs, they should be pretty reliable.
14:10.30Beladonawhatd I miss?
14:10.54MiravlixThis machine is an Asus, next one is a DFI Lanparty UT though
14:11.03GenNMX|ThraeWe're just talking about the feesibility of dual-booting Windows/Linux on a gaming machine.
14:12.12MiravlixWith VNC and the clipboard access, I actually managed to just run WoW and VNC
14:12.27MiravlixSo it was less of an issue to reboot the machine.
14:13.16MiravlixBut right now I have 15-20 applications running, I would all have to re-open.
14:15.12MiravlixFirefox browses faster under X-windows even VNC'ed over to the Windows machine. I don't understand why browsing is so slow on Windows, when my windows machines is way more powerfull than my Linux machines.
14:16.42GenNMX|ThraeWindows XP loads a lot of crap and does a lot of crap that makes sure everyone's happy, where as you must configure a Linux distro so YOU are happy.
14:17.07GenNMX|ThraeWindows XP can be tweaked post-install, Linux distros are generally setup to be tweaked during install.
14:17.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso|afk (i=usr54242@
14:21.26s|loupwowinterface is now a part of ige?
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14:22.57wereHamsteromg.. .
14:28.02Industriali from kazachstan i play wit u lol
14:28.08Industriallol u giv me 1g pls
14:29.00ckknightdon't you be dissing Kazakhstan
14:30.37Industrial<random-country-with-kids-that-probably-rape-the-english-language />
14:32.18Industrialhaha warlock: crawling in my roooobes, these wounds require elixyrrr!
14:32.22Industrial(vgcats anyone)
14:35.40GenNMX|ThraeHeh, latest has a small parody of KH2 for those that haven't played it.
14:40.52GenNMX|ThraeOh the last THREE comics have been about KH2 I see. I guess the author has become a fan ;)
14:57.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:01.45wereHamsterhow do I delete an addon from WoWI? or how do I change its category?
15:03.21krka|worki need help finding a good font to use for my addon
15:03.27krka|worka small and clear one preferably
15:03.35wereHamsterClearFont ;)
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15:16.00krka|workwell, i want my addon to be usable for non-clearfont users too
15:16.21krka|workalso, can we do outlined fonts from lua?
15:16.24krka|worki can't find it anywhere
15:17.14GenNMX|ThraeBlah blah blah, why is this so slow. Need to tweak my VNC settings some more.
15:18.46GenNMX|ThraePuTTY works better since I'm using screen anyway.
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15:31.40ckknightkrka, yes
15:31.51ckknight:SetFont(font, size, "OUTLINE")
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15:34.28krka|workomg omg omg, anyone checked out torrentflux?
15:34.36krka|worklooks totally sweet
15:36.01[MoonWolf]a PHP torrent client
15:36.06[MoonWolf]how... practical
15:36.54ckknightcurrently I have to VNC into my linux box and use Azureus
15:36.57ckknightthis could be handy...
15:40.31krka|workyes, i am using azureus + the web thingy atm
15:40.35krka|workbut azureus eats resources
15:40.46krka|workthis is what i've always been looking for
15:40.49krka|workmust be pretty new
15:41.05TainuTorrent rules them all!  Well, on Windows.
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15:44.20KirkburnHelloo all
15:44.45Kirkburnkrka|work, either "", "OUTLINE" or "THICKOUTLINE"
15:45.21Kirkburn(last one works best on big fonts, obviously, even better with a shadow, looks like raised text)
15:46.21KirkburnAnd I'd say the Calibri font is a good choice, but s'up to you :) I just hate Verdana and Arial with a passion
15:46.34KirkburnTahoma is good at small res
15:47.20krka|workwell, can i write Fonts\Calibri.TTF or something?
15:47.21Kirkburnno probs :P
15:47.25krka|worksomething tells me i can't
15:47.48KirkburnYou don't want to include a font in the addon?
15:48.02KirkburnIf not, you've got a choice of arial and some other weird ones
15:48.23KirkburnArialN.ttf I think is best then ...
15:48.42KirkburnI'll look up the exact stuff
15:49.00krka|workthanks :9
15:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
15:49.57KirkburnExample:    GameFontNormal:SetFont("Fonts\\ARIALN.ttf", 13);
15:50.01KirkburnThat should work
15:50.39KirkburnIf you look at the ClearFont lua you can check stuff on there :)
15:52.07krka|worki'll do that :)
15:52.40KirkburnThere are three other fonts included in WoW, the main ui one, and two others used in random places (quest book mainly I think)
15:52.55krka|worki won't be using that one :P
15:53.01KirkburnBut none look great at low res. Well anyway, I'll leave you to it :P
15:53.11krka|workand if i use Fonts\\Arialn.ttf it will automatically use clearfont if available?
15:53.27KirkburnIf they've done 'step two' of the install thingy, yeah
16:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
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16:11.25Temmorning bitches
16:12.38cmunnMorning, pimp-daddy Tem
16:13.41WobbleJust watched V for Vendetta
16:13.49cmunnWhat did you think?
16:13.52cmunnI loved it.
16:13.55Wobin_I quite liked it
16:14.16Wobin_Drama, explosions, nice visuals...
16:14.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
16:14.43Temmmm explosions
16:14.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:15.01cmunnIs there an easy way to find out what function called my current function
16:15.25Adrinecmunn, there is a way...
16:15.27cmunnI've got a function calling another with nil when it should be an int, but I have no idea who's calling it wrong :(
16:15.32Adrine...let me see if I can remember what it...there it is.
16:15.40AdrineAnd morning, folks
16:15.44Temmorning Adrine
16:15.45AdrineHappy E3 week. :D
16:15.45cmunnhow do I use said debugstack
16:15.50cmunnmorning Adrine
16:15.51Temit returns a string
16:16.03Temit has some parameters but I don't remember
16:16.09Temjust print it's output
16:16.15Temshould be good enough
16:19.54cmunnThat helps wonders
16:22.09Wobin_debugstack takes args to what level to go back yeah?
16:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
16:37.06KirkburnThis is quite a cool idea ...
16:44.04TainIs there a quick summary?  Long-winded combined with being on the General forum lost me within seconds.
16:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:47.11Cideit's well written, so don't think about the general forum part :)
16:48.22KirkburnIt would need some tweaks, but as an idea, it's really well done
16:49.21KirkburnA raid in which everyone can take part, with numbers limited (since alliance and horde would be split)
17:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:04.48Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
17:05.29KirkburnThat's a bit mean!
17:05.46ShouryuuI ment: you won't get one
17:06.03KirkburnOh right ... *that's* what you meant
17:06.18ShouryuuI'm not a violent person you know =(
17:06.24KirkburnBurn in a fire
17:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
17:06.37KirkburnI meant: I believe you :)
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17:24.54Beladonaheya Iriel
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17:43.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:01.30cmunnIriel, What mods do you author?
18:01.57cmunnI'm still getting a feel for whom is whom around here
18:01.58KirovIriel doesn't author mods, he brings them forth from the void.
18:02.18KirovUnleashing them on an unwitting community to do his bidding.
18:02.21AdrineAnd lo, Iriel took dust, and formed it in the shape of a mod, and breathed life into its nostrils.
18:02.51AdrineAnd then Iriel said "It is not good for mods to be alone", and created a boatload of useful libraries and utilites to be a helper for the mod.
18:03.46cmunnSo namely?
18:04.03AdrineStatRings is probably be best-known one outside of the dev community
18:04.21KirovThough, Iriel's version is the least known version.
18:04.27Corrodiasstatrings? that must have been made within the last couple of months, because i've not heard of it :(
18:04.34AdrineBut it's the foundation for the rest of 'em :)
18:04.39cmunnYea... I haven't heard of it.
18:04.44KirovPeople are more familiar with Nerfed Hud, which is just StatRings with some art
18:04.47TemSee the post I made
18:05.02TemIriels stuff:
18:05.09Beladonablizz has used some of Iriel's code in the base ui
18:05.26Corrodiasredrange, i think i used that
18:05.31Beladonain fact I believe his name is still in the comments in a file
18:05.35Adrinehaha, nice
18:05.41MiravlixHas Iriel actually coded any end user addons?
18:05.48AdrineWell, devtools and the like
18:05.55Corrodiasyes, he has. look at the link that Tem JUST posted.
18:05.56AdrineTem: ?
18:05.58Temread my damned posts
18:05.58KirovTem - sorry, did you say something?
18:06.06KirovTem is posting a link to all of Iriel's mods
18:06.14TemI've posted it *twice*
18:06.26cmunnCide's code makes my head spin.
18:06.28Beladonafeatured artist section
18:06.51Kirovcmunn - it makes his head spin too
18:07.15Cideit makes everyone's but my head spin
18:07.17KirovThink 2 years of coding somewhat randomly changing things as time permits and features are added, changed.
18:08.00KirovI've been smacking my head against CTRA for almost a year now and I still don't get most of it.  heh
18:08.04MiravlixOh, Irieal has done lots of little projects I've never heard of.
18:08.15AdrineCTRA isn't that bad to parse
18:08.19AdrineIt's just a lot of code.
18:08.20KirovI go in, make my changes, and get out before I loose myself.
18:08.25AdrineFor the most part, I think it's quite well factored.
18:08.30BeladonaIriel tends to make mods that other people use as reference / feature ideas
18:08.53KirovI tend to make mods people ignore.
18:09.10KirovExcept like 5 people who are rabid about it.
18:10.06KirovIriel wrote the line drawing code for the taxi frame
18:10.14KirovI was wondering about that, but I hadn't looked at it
18:10.19cmunnWhen I work on CTRA, It feels like I've just had the most amazing sex I've ever experienced, yet with the ugliest broad I've seen in my entire life.  My mind is torn in the oxymoron
18:10.19AdrineHah, nice. I didn't know that.
18:10.34cmunnAlso, I think I understand some Hebrew now... somehow...
18:11.45Beladonayou guys mind beta testing something for me?
18:11.50Beladonaits wdn site related
18:13.41CideKirov: what for? :P
18:13.51Cidecolors? what is this?
18:13.56Cidexml + colors? that's new to me!
18:14.01kremontenot very syntaxy
18:14.05kremontebut syntaxy nonetheless
18:14.10Beladonayeah its just color coded output
18:14.13CideI code XML in wordpad for some reason
18:14.25KirovCide - just messing with cmunn.  =)
18:14.27kremontecan you make me a GUI
18:14.30Beladonahere is another one
18:14.38AdrineUltraedit for me
18:14.38BeladonaI need you to tell me how quick it loads
18:14.41Beladonait might take a minute
18:14.43Cidein wordpad? probably :P
18:14.46AdrineIt's really quite painless, as xml goes.
18:14.52kremontewhat's $vd?
18:15.02Beladonawhere do you see that
18:15.05Cideyep, xml just looks scary at first, it really isn't hard
18:15.11kremontein the title
18:15.15kremontei know Cide
18:15.25kremontebut it's so "ugh" to write
18:15.26CideBeladona: first one was much faster
18:15.27MiravlixThe first one was instant
18:15.33Cideaye, it takes quite a while
18:15.38Beladonayeah Globalstrings.lua is a large file
18:15.39MiravlixThe second one timesout
18:15.44Beladonalargest in the ui I believe
18:15.45MiravlixFatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/wowinter/public_html/wdn/theme/geshi/geshi.php on line 2029
18:15.53Cidesame for me, but line 1578
18:16.07BeladonaI can raise the limit
18:16.11MiravlixIt's a loop, so it will end at random lines
18:16.14AdrineFatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/wowinter/public_html/wdn/theme/geshi/geshi.php on line 2029
18:16.20Wobin_same error
18:16.33Corrodiasouch, 30 seconds...
18:16.34kremontephp.ini GOGOGOGO
18:16.36Cidehehe, looking at it
18:16.36AdrineUse set_time_limit(5) in the loop or something like that.
18:16.38AdrineJust in the script
18:16.39Wobin_2037 =)
18:16.43AdrineYou don't need to modify php.ini
18:16.46Wobin_hah beat you all =P
18:16.47Cidectra.lua is 200 lines longer
18:16.54Cideouch :(
18:16.57kremonteCide: cooooooooooode
18:17.00Beladonaside note -- would you prefer line numbers?
18:17.02Corrodiasyou know, Auctioneer takes like over ten minutes to do its scanning, but that thing times out in 30 seconds? what's up with that?
18:17.05kremonteyes Beladona
18:17.05Wobin_you could possibly chunk the output?
18:17.10Cideline numbers would be nice
18:17.14kremontemaybe in a frame or something though?
18:17.15AdrineChunking isn't the problem
18:17.16kremonteso you can copy/paste
18:17.17KirovBeladona - mmm... line numbers
18:17.22AdrineOnce you start outputting stuff, PHP starts counting time
18:17.24Beladonaonly issue is you can't copy paste with the line nubmers
18:17.29Beladonawell, you can
18:17.30Cidehow about
18:17.34Beladonabut you get line numbers too
18:17.34Cidea javascript to show/hide?
18:17.37AdrineBeladona: You could structure it such that you could
18:17.38Cidebut that would probably be slow
18:17.39kremonteyeah Beladona. frames? ._.
18:17.42Beladonamay do that later
18:17.49Kirovor tables
18:17.49kremontewouldn't be too complicated imo
18:17.50AdrineTable or clever divving would do it
18:17.52Cideperhaps a <div> would work
18:18.03Beladonadiv might work
18:18.09MiravlixBeladona: How does pastebin deal with coloruing?
18:18.12CideFF would probably copy the line numbers with a table
18:18.15Beladonasame way I do
18:18.19Beladonaphp script
18:18.22KirovIf you do line numbers, can you stick a # in front of them so they're searchable?
18:18.51MiravlixIs it the same speed?
18:19.12Beladonaits not the coloring that is the issue
18:19.14kremontei'd imagine the colouring time wouldn't be too high
18:19.21kremonteyeah you're unzipping the files, aren't you?
18:19.25Beladonamy script dives into a zip file, and pull the specific file you are requesting
18:19.33Beladonathen outputs it to the screen
18:19.36kremonteis that what $_GET[vd] is?
18:19.41kremontein the url?
18:19.46kremontei got a zip error when i removed it
18:19.49Beladonavd is the version directory, so it knows where the zip is on the host
18:19.55kremontei see
18:20.12Beladonaits the same zip you are downloading when you click a download link on my page
18:20.34Beladonaanyway, thats where the slowdown is -- it has to buffer the output before printing it
18:20.39kremontewell then, er
18:20.41AdrineThat seems to work fine.
18:20.45kremonteisn't that bandwidth intensive?
18:20.51Beladonanot too bad no
18:21.04kremonteAdrine: nice ;p
18:21.06MiravlixYou need to look at your code.
18:21.11Beladonathe alternative is to store every single versions files in a directory, which would take tons of space on the host does it in 5-10 seconds
18:21.22MiravlixFor GlobalStrings.lua
18:21.25kremonteMiravlix: you read this at all?
18:21.28kremonteit's not the coloring
18:21.31AdrineYou could just pipe it to one of the existing syntax highlighters
18:21.34kremonteit's grabbing the file from a zip
18:21.36BeladonaMira, is isn't grabbing from a zip file
18:21.39AdrineThe Trac wiki software does that
18:21.49CideAdrine: yep, works fine with line numbers
18:22.01BeladonaI am using the same syntax highlighter that pastebin is
18:22.14AdrineThere is a problem if lines wrap, though
18:22.23AdrineNot sure how to address that though.
18:22.27Beladonaoh yeah
18:22.31Beladonathats why I didn't do divs
18:22.33BeladonaI remember
18:22.42Beladonathe wrapping issue
18:22.45AdrineGive me a moment and I might have a solution for you. ;)
18:23.02Beladonait relies on <pre>
18:23.13hasteAdrine: making a pastebin or something?
18:23.22haste'cause number list is your friend
18:23.23Beladonawhich is extremely difficult to force wrapping or non-wrapping
18:23.29Adrinehaste: Nah, just trying to help Beladona out :)
18:23.38AdrineNumber list. Duuuuuuuuuuuuh.
18:23.42AdrineDuh duh duh.
18:24.29AdrineI can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks, Haste. :)
18:24.40kremonteoh wow
18:24.48Cidewhat about wrapping?
18:24.52AdrineWorks with wrapping
18:24.53AdrineTry it.
18:24.56Cidetoo lazy!
18:24.59kremonteyea resize browser
18:25.05Cideok, yeah, that's nice
18:25.27Cideovercomplicating things = win
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18:26.04AdrineThis clearly indicates that I need more coffee.
18:27.13hasteI see a lot of people making tables and spammings divs for exactly that problem :p
18:27.34MiravlixHmm, not sure why unzipping a file would add 20-25 seconds to the process time
18:29.18BeladonaAdrine -- I am trying to force no-wrap tho
18:29.30AdrineYou mean so it scrolls the page?
18:29.31Beladonathats the part that was hard
18:30.16AdrineJust replace space with &nbsp;
18:30.49Beladonaugh, which means I have to go through an detect every space and replace it
18:31.00Beladonamine works though
18:31.33Beladonaahh, see, yours has the same copy/paste issue
18:31.40Adrinepreg_replace("/\s+/", "&nbsp;", $string);
18:31.47Beladonait pastes # in front of every line
18:31.53Beladonayeah I know how
18:31.58AdrineOnly if you start copying from the wrong place
18:32.04AdrineOr, wiat.
18:32.11AdrineHm, right.
18:32.17AdrineThere's a way around that.
18:32.22AdrineI just forget what it is! :)
18:32.41Beladonaits no biggy, I can just give the user the option to have line numbers or not
18:32.46Beladonawhich I did
18:32.57AdrineFair enough :)
18:33.07MiravlixPastebin adds a "download" link
18:33.14BeladonaI just don't like how long it takes to load GlobalStrings.lua
18:35.46Beladonaanyone interested in the syntax highlighter --
18:35.53Beladonaits pretty nice
18:36.04MiravlixNew time period feature on pastebin.
18:37.21BeladonaI wonder how difficult it would be for me to store the code in a database
18:37.28KirovMiravlix - curious
18:38.03cmunnYay! Fixed my bug!
18:38.07MiravlixSetup a caching proxy as front end to the project?
18:38.29KirovMirvalix - is that "follow ups" and "original posts" part new too?
18:38.49MiravlixNaah. 0.5 just give us day, month, forever
18:40.04MiravlixGlobalStrings.lua is to big for pastebin
18:40.15BeladonaGlobalStrings.lua is too big period
18:40.23MiravlixIt breaks at line 1357
18:40.42MiravlixGlobalStrins.lua is 5208 lines
18:41.44MiravlixHmm, the break limit is on bytes it's just a little into line 1357 it breaks.
18:42.31MiravlixMaybe you have to do the same Beladona, break on a byte limit?
18:42.35Beladonathe syntax highlighter I am using supports diff highlighting, so I may be able to do dynamic compares within the next few months
18:43.33cmunnCide: You around?
18:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
18:44.08cmunnCTRA overrides a few FCF functions (FCF_Tab_OnClick, etc) at it's beginning.  What are those for?
18:44.29Miravlix291 KB for GlobalStrings.lua it isn't all that big
18:44.29Cidectra implements a "chat event"
18:44.53Cidewhere you can change what chat window the ctra messages go to like for other chat messages
18:44.58Kirovcmunn - "<CTRaid> This raid's channel has been changed to ..."
18:45.54MiravlixBeladona: What about ChatFrame.lua?
18:46.10Miravlix70K file
18:46.52cmunnSo, FCF is used by the chat frame?
18:47.44cmunnAre the FCF functions part of Blizzard's UI?
18:48.01Beladonaloads fine for me
18:48.14MiravlixA quick and dirty survey of lua file size in a few of my addons and you have 50-100K files
18:48.22Cideyes, cmunn
18:48.56cmunnAhhh, Thanks!
18:49.10MiravlixYour doing something to make the line number be off screen
18:49.21MiravlixI can't scroll it on screen
18:49.23AdrineIriel, I think being interviewed by you would be terrifying. :P
18:49.29KirovCide - you don't hook party frame functions at all any more, right?
18:50.06Cideas in, correct :)
18:50.14Beladonalooks fine on my screen
18:50.43*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadowAFK (
18:50.49Beladonawhat are you using to view it Miravlix?
18:51.01MiravlixIt's line x418
18:51.04Beladonaworks the same in Firefox and IE
18:51.10MiravlixIt's precisely as wide as the screen
18:51.12IrielAdrine : Well, I tend to be interviewing for 'technical fit' and not 'technical ability' so it's likely not as bad as it coul dbe
18:51.20AdrineFair enough ;)
18:51.36MiravlixSo it gets a scrollbar without any scrollspace in it
18:51.49Beladonacan you screenshot it?
18:51.58Kirovnot having an issue with firefox here
18:52.18BeladonaMiravlix: whats your screen rez, os?
18:52.35IrielAs for my addons (earlier discussion) has all of my stuff, and yes, I've coded end-user addons (RedRange, DevTools, AfterCast, NameCycle, Bookworm, ArcadiaLogos, PocketHelper, etc)
18:52.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
18:53.33Kirovpff, Iriel that's so like last hour, get with the current discussion!
18:54.20IrielAs I said, I was away
18:55.29KirovOne thing I never understood is with the number of people who have asked about using AfterCast like features in their macros I'm suprised it doesn't have more downloads.
18:55.41MiravlixBeladona: I made a 151 KB gif of it. 1600x1200 Windows
18:55.56IrielI'm constantly surprised how many people DO use it
18:56.13Irielwowi is only a fraction of the downloads, it's been on curse for a long time, and then there's my own site
18:56.25KirovYeah, but your site is harder to find.
18:56.46KirovThough I'm wondering how much of it is word of mouth distribution pointing back to your site
18:57.09Kirov6000 downloads for how long it's been out on curse is tiny
18:57.59IrielI'm not sure, I should check my web logs
18:59.51IrielI get a couple of downloads a day there, I dont have the logs from the last patch day to know how many people grab it then.
19:00.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:01.03cmunnCide: Does CT_RA Debuff curing happen in parties or just raid groups?
19:01.17Cideand ungrouped
19:01.33BeladonaMiravlix: try taht same page without line numbers and tell me if the same scrolling issue occurs
19:02.06MiravlixProblem is without line numbers no scrolling happends. :/
19:02.17MiravlixIt's under my screen size now
19:02.21CorrodiasOMG STICK = 1!
19:02.23Beladonaso the code is off the page, but no scrolling?
19:02.35Beladonaoh I see
19:02.43Beladonatry making the window smaller
19:03.24MiravlixCan't duplicate the effect by changing the size of the window, but it might be my mouse coordination skill thats lacking
19:03.41Beladonayour original screenshot suggests nothing is wrong
19:03.53MiravlixI can't read the line numbers
19:04.00Miravlixand I can't scroll them on screen
19:04.02Beladonathe width of the code is just BARELY wide enough to register the scrollbar, but there isn't anything to scroll
19:04.16MiravlixIt's xxxx: line text
19:04.16Beladonaline numbers are there
19:04.24MiravlixBut I can only see xxx: line text
19:04.27Beladonathats the way it should look
19:04.33MiravlixIt cut off the first number
19:04.40Beladonaoh I see
19:04.41MiravlixThats 1000+ line numbers
19:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:04.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:05.01BeladonaI can't duplicate that
19:05.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=Tem@
19:05.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=Tem@
19:05.13Beladonayou sure you don't have a firefox plugin that modifies page rendering at all?
19:05.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
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19:05.31ShouryuuHumm anyone ever set a private tracker with muTorrent/Azureus?
19:05.37MiravlixYeah, I have virtually no addons
19:05.46MiravlixAdblocker and a RSS reader
19:06.10Corrodiasi do not see line numbers...
19:06.27MiravlixCorrodias: Thats because there isn't any
19:06.33Beladonaon the one you were viewing
19:06.41MiravlixI might be using a larger font than normal
19:06.51Beladonathat might be it
19:07.25BeladonaCorrodias: try changing the "no" at the end of the address to "yes"
19:07.33Beladonathat should turn on line numbers
19:07.33MiravlixMy eyes is getting too old to watch 1600x1200 with default super tiny font
19:07.48BeladonaI have 1920x1200 with default size font
19:08.21Beladonawhich is basically the same res as you, just widescreen
19:08.27Corrodiasthat is one slow web server
19:08.32MiravlixIt does it every time
19:08.40cmunn:) I think I'm almost bugfree at this point :)
19:08.42Miravlixcut off the beginning of 4x line numbers
19:08.54MiravlixIt happends every time I get a scrollbar
19:08.58BeladonaI wish I could replicate it
19:09.06Miravlix1, 2, 3 numbers if fine
19:10.00Miravlix1111. text and the 1 is mostly off screen and I'm unable to scroll it on screen
19:10.03Beladonait cuts off when  I increase text size
19:10.11MiravlixI can't duplicate the effect without the line numbers feature
19:10.38BeladonaCTRL 0 should set to default font
19:10.45Beladonado the numbers appear?
19:10.51MiravlixAah, but it's the default firefox font
19:11.02MiravlixBut Windows is set to larger font
19:11.29BeladonaI will fix it, it just might take a little bit
19:11.34MiravlixI hate 640x480 Flash sites
19:11.44MiravlixI can't read them and they don't scale
19:11.48cmunnI think I've gotten my CT_RA update near ready and a new version comes out.
19:11.49BeladonaI just need to set a css style for the font so it uses that instead of what your browser forces
19:12.22Beladonaright now I am more concerned about loading time
19:12.52BeladonaI added a apge generation time to the bottom, ChatFrame.lua takes 10 seconds
19:12.59Shouryuuarghh this private tracker is driving me nuits
19:14.06MiravlixI'm mostly working on projects with 50-200 KB lua text, but FrameXML only has two files of 70K and 2xxK
19:14.43MiravlixShardTracker.lua 235K
19:15.05MiravlixPartyQuests.lua 93K
19:15.13Beladonathat maximum execution time is php on the server, so I guess I can't increase it
19:15.23BeladonaI just need to make my code faster
19:15.24Cidecmunn: fear not, not a lot was changed
19:15.32MiravlixYou can set it in the scripting language
19:15.42MiravlixKhaos.lua 150K
19:15.42Cideset_time_limit(seconds) modifies it for that page, I thought
19:16.05Beladonapersonally I would rather get the code to run faster
19:16.15CideShardTracker.lua 235K?
19:16.15Beladonathan LET it run slow, know what I mean?
19:16.18MiravlixWhat the arvage file sizes for other projects here?
19:16.36Cidethat's a lot of code for a shard tracker
19:16.56AdrineSanity is 109k.
19:17.04Cidethe ctra text files (not counting images) are 717kB total
19:17.06Adrine54k of code and 44k of XML, and the code needs refactoring.
19:17.18Cidectra.lua 172kB
19:17.46wereHamsterwow.. such big addons..
19:17.59Cide416kB lua, 300kB xml
19:18.10cmunnUmmm... did you skip a version?
19:18.18Cidea version number, yes
19:18.29wereHamstermine are usually <200 lines of lua and <500 lines xml
19:18.43CideI used that for the internal version (for our guild), and they always complain when I release a release version with the same version number as the beta one!
19:19.22Beladonausing different version sets is nice, like blizzard does
19:19.43Beladonabut then it always sucks changing your version scheme mid-stream
19:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
19:21.17Wobin_Any german speakers on that could help me with some localisation?
19:21.19CideI use b#.### for beta and v#.### for release naturally, but our members don't understand the difference
19:21.27MiravlixAnd I have no idea why ShardTracker is so ISNANELY BIG!
19:21.37Cide"but it says I have 1.533 here, but you said to download 1.533 anyway!"
19:21.38wereHamsterWobin_, sure mr. plow
19:21.47Wobin_wereHamster: Yep =)
19:21.57Cides/but it/it/
19:22.09TainMmm mm home made pizza with fresh mozzerella.
19:22.24cmunnI understand that feeling
19:23.06MiravlixI think one reason it is so big, is that it creates functions for everything and it's mother
19:23.23AdrineCide: I haven't checked, but does the CTRA version display in-game when you hover over someone's status box include v or b?
19:23.35MiravlixIt only calls the functions in one place most of the time, so it's total waist of time making it functions
19:23.50CideAdrine: unfortunately, no
19:23.55Cidebut it still leads to unnecessary confusion
19:24.00AdrineAlso, I've had two people report channel broadcasts "not sticking" in the past two days, even though they have channel slots free. I have nothing else to report on the issue, but figured I'd toss it out there.
19:24.19MiravlixAdrine: Zombie channels?
19:24.22AdrineI'll keep an eye out, but two people in two days who have been running CTRA for ages without problems is mildly interesting.
19:24.23CideI've seen it happen, but I can't really say why :/
19:24.25AdrineMiravlix: I don't think so.
19:24.44MiravlixI know it's very easy to get zombie channels
19:24.51AdrineWell, they stick eventually
19:24.54MiravlixI keep getting them, without doing any funky stuff
19:25.06AdrineBut in one case it took a few resets on the person's end, and 3-4 broadcasts. Another took 15 or so broadcasts.
19:25.07cmunnUh oh, I found a bug, Cide
19:25.18Cidecongratulations :)
19:25.44MiravlixAdrine: Hmm, your not talking about the Blizzard channel limit.
19:25.44Cide(that is, for figuring out how the code works or should work, in the first place!)
19:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:26.00AdrineMiravlix: No, both people had several channel slots free.
19:26.03Miravlixchannel slots free != Blizzard channel limit
19:26.13cmunnCide: Actually, it just says 1.535 and your site says 1.534...
19:26.19AdrineOne was in 6 channels, the other in 7.
19:26.32Cideour site shows 1.535
19:26.37MiravlixZombie channels wont show up though.
19:26.47Cideoh, not in the news post
19:26.49Cidefixed, thanks
19:26.50AdrineEven with a /chanlist ?
19:26.56AdrineOh, right.
19:26.58MiravlixThey wont show at all
19:26.59AdrineI know what you mean now.
19:27.05cmunnNp ^_^
19:27.08AdrineI've had success getting rid of them with a manual join and leave several times.
19:27.14MiravlixBut they are 'used'
19:27.39MiravlixZapping Zone_Channels in chatcache fixes it
19:27.47AdrineGood to know.
19:27.57AdrineI'll see if I can nail it down to that next time I see it.
19:28.06MiravlixBut it's a bit exceptional for someone to have 4 zombie channels
19:28.18Miravlixand it does 'complain' if you try to join the 11th channel
19:29.04MiravlixBlizzard's API thinks the channel is used, even while they are invisible, so it still reports an error.
19:29.53MiravlixThough if the user isn't in a big town, there is several used but hidden channels.
19:30.44MiravlixWORLD_PORT_ROOT_TIMER = "You have fallen through the world.  You will be rooted here for %d %s.";
19:31.10MiravlixHmm, I don't think that one works
19:31.10Corrodiasdays? :o
19:31.22Corrodiasor is %d a .. decimal number?
19:31.38Miravlixit's C
19:31.43Miravlixso integer and string
19:32.32Adrine"WORLD_PORT_ROOT_TIMER" - I wonder if that's designed to catch and hold people that use port hacks to port under the world and attack mobs from there.
19:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
19:32.55MiravlixYou die when you fall under the world, so I don't think it's used
19:32.57cmunnOh yay, it isn't that much...
19:33.10TemI want it to catch me when I fall through the world because they haven't fixed blink
19:33.12AdrineMiravlix: I've seen port hackers use 'em to "float" under the world
19:33.27AdrineJust under the geometry. Seem the evade code doesn't (or didn't) kick in at that time.
19:34.05MiravlixThe last charge under the world I saw and anything else all involves falling
19:34.06Temeither that or I want my repair money for those deaths
19:34.10MiravlixAnd you fall until you die
19:34.18AdrineIf you're not using a utility, then yeah, you die :)
19:34.24Temand then you can't get your corpse
19:34.33Temso you take a buttload of dur damage
19:34.34AdrineI tend to fall through the world in WSG a lot, actually.
19:34.35Temit blows
19:34.41AdrineWhich is nice because it means no durability hit.
19:34.44AdrineBut it's so annoying.
19:34.53Temfears + blink = fall through a lot
19:34.53AdrineNo 25% hit,.
19:35.17MiravlixI've had no problems with charging around WSG recently
19:35.54MiravlixAnd I charged quite a bit, in the 2 weeks time I did WSG at 39
19:37.17MiravlixWith the fixed in combat, you get to charge/intercept every time you change target.
19:38.08Shouryuugoing... maddd
19:38.43TemWhat the hell is going on here (here here here here here here)
19:39.06TemI'll give you a cookie if you can tell me what that's from
19:41.08MiravlixVirtual cookies...
19:41.35MiravlixOnly slightly better than virtual queues
19:42.54Miravlix40 ppl in queue, someone disconnect a BWL team
19:43.00wereHamsteram I still here?
19:43.10ShouryuuWhere did wereHamster go?
19:43.19ShouryuuTem I'd say The prince's bride
19:43.28MiravlixAnyone  seen the hamster, we need more power!
19:43.40wereHamsterah.. router sometimes disconnects me and I don't know is gaim can reconnect me automatically
19:43.58MiravlixwereHamster: /print wereHamster
19:44.07cmunnWell, wish me luck on my History exam.
19:44.08Miravlixerr /ping wereHamster
19:44.27kremontemm this should be fun
19:44.29Shouryuugood luck cmunn
19:44.38kremontemaking a rogue addon named rouge
19:44.38wereHamsterMiravlix, cool, thanks
19:45.07fatbraina rogue addon named rogue... if it's anything intuitive as the nage suggests, I'm ... eager to try it out ^-^
19:45.11Shouryuulol kremonte what's is for
19:45.11MiravlixWell, if it makes a rogues life all rouge, it seems appropiate
19:45.14fatbrainnage <- name.
19:45.42AdrineI'm a mace-wielder
19:45.46AdrineDoes that make me a Baton Rogue?
19:45.58MiravlixI keep forgetting what rouge means in english
19:46.05AdrineNothing. It means "red" in french.
19:46.08kremonterouge, rouge.
19:46.10kremontenot rogue. :E
19:46.12kremontebut uh
19:46.15kremontegeneral purpose rogue mod
19:46.27kremonteessentially a rewrite of poisonmaster and energywatch, along with some stealth equip options
19:46.54Shouryuuconfigure energywatch to watch with druids, but only in cat form :p
19:46.58AdrineWhich comes from the french word for "red" :)
19:47.01kremonterewrite, shou :p
19:47.07kremontebut good idea
19:47.09kremontewill do! :o
19:47.15kremonteand that version will be called
19:47.25MiravlixRecoded EW a little to work for druids too
19:47.26kremonteor driud?
19:47.27Wobin_when DURID IS FITING...
19:47.33kremonteAdrine: doesn't count
19:47.39kremontedrood isn't a typo of druid
19:47.40kremonteit's like d0rf
19:47.46AdrineI prefer "wtf im a rogue heal yourself"
19:47.54Adrine(for a druid mod)
19:48.01Adrinesorry, urself
19:48.08TainSpeaking of Rogue, do any of the poison reagent buying addons work well these days?  Ones I used to try were alwyas buggy and never bought the right amounts.
19:48.15kremonteyeah, tain
19:48.17kremontei use poisonmaster
19:48.18AdrineI've given up on them and just shift-click now
19:48.25kremontebut it's ugly. EW is ugly and inconfigurable
19:48.31AdrineDeadly Poison V takes 70 Deathweed to make 10 poison.
19:48.34AdrineDeathweed stacks to 10.
19:48.48AdrineI need 9 slots free to make a stack of Deadly V without having to make-buy-make-buy
19:48.54MiravlixNot in 1.11
19:48.57AdrineI know.
19:48.58AdrineBut still
19:49.02kremontewhat about 1.11
19:49.07Adrine1.11 they're changing stacking
19:49.08Wobin_stacks to 20
19:49.16AdrinePoison reagents and various tradeskill reagents will stack to 20
19:49.17Miravlix1.11 changes stacks to 20 for many things
19:49.22Wobin_thank god
19:49.24MiravlixLeather stacks in 20
19:49.28AdrineEnchanting, leather
19:49.32Wobin_as do furs
19:49.38Wobin_er hides
19:49.43Wobin_and keyrings!
19:49.47Wobin_Lets not forget keyrings!
19:49.50AdrineAs a rogue, keyrings are completely useless to me :P
19:49.52MiravlixIt's a pretty huge difference for rouges and enchanters
19:49.55AdrineI have a hard time getting excited about them :D
19:50.01AdrineMy rogue is an engineering enchanter.
19:50.06AdrineI carry so much crap it's silly.
19:50.15Wobin_My rogues an engineer
19:50.17Wobin_I feel your pain
19:51.03AdrineI really need to wiggle some tickets and go to E3 some day.
19:51.09AdrineNot that far, really. Just have to take the time to do it.
19:51.33MiravlixWhats up with being
19:52.58MiravlixSave time with ad-free access to our sites.
19:53.10MiravlixUhh, guys, adblock does that just fine. :p
19:53.22MiravlixDidn't even know it was an add site. :>
19:53.25Shouryuuif you want a good dictionary, go the
19:54.05ShouryuuArghh I am so going crazy
19:54.18ShouryuuMy last lighbulb just went *poof*
19:54.27ShouryuuI'm alone in the dark
19:54.29wereHamsterLEDs ftw :)
19:54.59MiravlixWith everything and it's mother defaulting to a white background with black text in windows
19:55.03Miravlixyou don't need light
19:55.15MiravlixYou need mirrorshades to avoid eye burnout though
19:55.22Shouryuuyeah that I do
19:57.25CideI also like google's
19:57.30MiravlixNothing like a word of the day.
19:57.41Cide(not sure if that actual service is google's or not, but google uses it so it must be good!) has adverts I can't block
19:59.25KirovIt does?
19:59.43MiravlixSo called Sponsored links
19:59.52MiravlixIn basic html without a iframe I can block
20:00.38Kirovones injected from .php or what ever they're using to generate the page
20:00.49MiravlixHmm, there is green, white, yellow, black rouge
20:01.48MiravlixRouge is a common misspelling of rogue.
20:03.28IrielMiravlix : You'd be able to block them with greasemonkey or a proxy
20:03.32ShouryuuI'm off
20:03.51KirovLillian Gertrud Asplund died this saturday, hmm
20:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
20:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
20:12.06BeladonaGlobalStrings.lua takes 57 seconds to parse on wdn
20:12.49KirovThat's fairly horrendous
20:13.02KirovBut it's also an extreme case
20:13.26Beladonagonna try it without pulling from the zip to see the difference
20:23.30Beladonaonly a 4 second difference between pulling from a zip versus a flat file
20:23.40Beladonaso the syntax highlighter is to blame
20:24.57Beladonaa striaght echo of file contents takes about 4 seconds
20:25.18Adrinegzip compression or output buffering?
20:25.23AdrineTHat seems a bit odd.
20:26.40Beladonano wasn't using gzip
20:27.13Beladonaso we are looking at about 4 seconds for the contents of teh file to get into the syntax highlighter, and another 4 seconds to get that content from a zip
20:27.27Beladonathe extra 50 seconds is purely the syntax highlighter parsing the contents
20:27.29AdrineWhat's the size of the zip?
20:27.37AdrineAnd why use a zip? Any chance of extracting it to flat files?
20:27.55Beladonabecause that would be 200 some files, times every version that I keep
20:28.05Beladonazip is just cleaner
20:28.06AdrineIs disk space a problem?
20:28.13Beladonanot to mention I store them as zip anyway
20:28.14AdrineYeah, but faster and more CPU intensive ;)
20:28.17Beladonafor download
20:28.21AdrineI'd just store 'em in version-named directories
20:28.26AdrineProvide the zips for download
20:28.28BeladonaI use to do that
20:28.39Beladonayou are talking about 2mb per directory, versus about 50k per zip
20:28.52AdrineIs disk space a problem though?
20:28.58AdrineI mean, 2mb is pretty piddly these days.
20:29.12Beladonait doesn't matter, it just seems stupid to me
20:29.31AdrineEh, the performance tradeoff would be worth it to me personally. *shrug*
20:29.31Beladonait seems way too messy a method
20:29.51krkasnap-to buttons complete
20:30.30Beladonait doesn't matter anyway Adrone
20:30.30Beladonaerr Adrine
20:30.30Beladonathe zip isn't the problem
20:30.34Beladonathe syntax highlighter is
20:30.39AdrineFair enough :)
20:30.42Beladonait still takes 53 seconds for it to aprse from a flat file
20:30.44AdrineIs it written in php?
20:30.59Beladona53 seconds from GlobalStrings.lua mind you
20:31.02Beladonawhich is a bear anyway
20:31.31AdrineYou could install ClearSilver and just pipe stuff through that
20:31.35AdrineI know that Trac does that.
20:31.35Beladonagoing from flat file to zip method adds 4 seconds
20:31.38AdrineWritten in C, very fast.
20:31.46krka53 seconds to parse globalstrings.lua?
20:31.47krkathat's crap
20:31.54krkai bet faiap could do it better :P
20:32.10krkamy lua highlighter
20:32.19BeladonaI bet it could
20:32.22Beladonathis is for the web
20:32.33Kirovbut his is for wow, in wow
20:32.54krkashouldn't be too hard to call lua from php or whatever :P
20:33.13Beladonaits getting way too complicated for the worth
20:33.23krkai could port it to php probably
20:33.26Beladonaall this to allow you to see the file contents online
20:33.31krkaor whatever language
20:33.33Beladonascrew that
20:33.33AdrineHow are you doing the highlighting? Maybe it could be sped up.
20:33.48BeladonaI am using GeSHi
20:34.21Beladonait works great
20:34.27Beladonait just chokes on huge files
20:34.42Beladonaanything beyond 2k lines basically
20:35.47KirkburnThe speed of generation seems a little OTT to me :) "page generates in 0.83218502998352 seconds"
20:36.01KirkburnThat must be down to the clock cycle in accuracy
20:36.32Kirkburnfemto time more like
20:37.11KirkburnLol, I was right
20:37.40Kirkburnmilli, micro, nano, pico, femto
20:39.58Beladonathe function that generates that uses microtime();
20:41.12Kirkburnah, it's just a name :)
20:41.20Kirovmilli and micro are my hamsters, nano is my cat, pico is my dog
20:41.37krkathat's so geek
20:41.40Kirovmilli is the smallest one
20:42.06KirkburnYou just need Femto, Atto, Zepto and Yocto now
20:42.12KirovMight need to get a fish named Macro
20:42.32Kirovkirk - I'm not mean enough to name something femto
20:43.04KirkburnI do like the name Milli and Micro for the hamsters
20:43.20Kirov - pico
20:43.39KirovI have a picture of Pico and Nano somplace ... hmm
20:43.52Kirovcell phone camera ftl
20:46.36Cideit's totally at (2, 1.5)
20:47.18Cide <- supposed priest t3 (rumors!)
20:47.22krkax = 5
20:47.45Beladonapoll: do you guys care about syntax highlighting? (yes) (no)
20:47.53AdrineBeladona: In my editors, yes
20:47.56Beladonacould totally make it load fast without it
20:47.59AdrineOnline, it's a nice touch but I don't care.
20:48.00KirkburnI want another No-One Lives Forever sequel!
20:48.04Cideyes but optional?
20:48.14Beladonaoptional would work
20:49.55krkajust use a better highlighter
20:50.00krkathat stuff should be _fast_
20:50.03Miravlix_Hmm, in a situation where we are talking full list of lua files it's perhaps not sutch a big issue
20:51.09Miravlix_But what is the point of listening the files?
20:51.32Beladonakrka: should be yes
20:51.32Miravlix_If it's to read them, then highlighting and line numbers is somewhat important
20:52.05Beladonanot sure I understand what you mean Miravlix
20:52.38Beladonathat pulls GlobalStrings.lua from the same zip file, but no highlighting
20:52.44Miravlix_Why are you making this file lister?
20:52.45Beladonanotice the speed difference
20:53.05Beladonayou never been to my site I take it
20:53.38Beladonashows changes in each release
20:54.04Wobin_what does the wdn stand for?
20:54.09Miravlix_That really doesn't asnwer what this new feature is used for
20:54.23Beladonaits a defunct name at this point, but I never bothered to change it
20:54.51Beladonathe new feature is just to allow you to view the actual file for any file of any version
20:54.57Beladonait was a requested feature
20:55.20Miravlix_So we are talking a somewhat limtied number of files that will be viewed?
20:55.37Beladonaany file of any version
20:55.52Miravlix_Thats still fairly limited
20:55.53Beladonanot very limited
20:56.08Miravlix_It's just Blizzard files, not the entire worlds lua files
20:56.14Beladonawell yeah of course
20:56.29AdrineBad ass.
20:57.03Wobin_Adrine: He looks like he can transform into some vehicle =P
20:57.20Wobin_Or maybe the shoulders can rocket propel him...
20:57.36Beladonaso I guess now I am on the lookout for a better syntax highlighter in php, or write my own
20:57.36Miravlix_Creating pre-formatted files for the 2-3 big ones doesn't seem like a big deal
20:58.19Miravlix_There is 5 files over 50 KB
20:58.51Miravlix_Creating a cache for those would not be a huge amount of data
20:59.50KirkburnDavid Hasselhoff - Hooked on a Feeling ... .....................................
21:00.06Kirkburn<-- speechless
21:00.27Cideor, code a syntax highlighter in javascript and let the client do the work
21:00.53Cidebut javascript is ugly :)
21:01.22AdrineCide, I'm cringing at the thought.
21:01.28KirkburnWobin_, follow it, damn you!
21:01.32CideI've had my share of javascript
21:01.40Wobin_nope =P You can't make me =)
21:01.58Cidewe've had to design a lot of stuff on in javascript (due to bandwidth + ease of use), and I still have nightmares
21:01.59KirkburnYou must view the awesomeness of his only music video!
21:02.18Wobin_Does it have him wearing a sparkly jacket?
21:02.23Wobin_With lights on it?
21:02.29AdrineWell, when you're doing AJAX stuff like you are with ctprofiles, javascript makes sense.
21:02.48Cidedoesn't make it less horrible, unfortunately
21:03.00KirkburnMight do. He's also dressed as a biker, polar bear, twat, black tie suit, twat, etc
21:03.03AdrineAnd with libraries like Prototype, it isn't too horrible.
21:03.20Wobin_No. =P
21:03.32Wobin_I'm going to bed =P
21:03.40Wobin_Night all =)
21:03.44KirkburnSweet dreams of Hassehoof!
21:04.08Wobin_now I have a mental image of a Tauren in a red bikini speedo
21:05.38KirkburnThe children's week pets!
21:06.48KirkburnI'm gonna go on WoW for the first time in ages just to get Mr. Wiggles
21:09.41KirkburnDo I have to talk about obscure coding terminology to get a response from you lot?
21:10.40KirkburnFine, er 0.9999~ != 1   :P
21:10.48Miravlix_Thats not lua
21:10.55IndustrialCan anyone recommend a p2p program that doesnt require me to have Xgb of share?
21:11.07Industrialand thats not soulseek kazaa bearshare or bittorrent
21:11.24Miravlix_Then it's eMule?
21:11.32Miravlix_and the Edonkey network
21:11.33Industrialemule is hubs right?
21:11.36Elkanofreenode? ;)
21:12.04Elkanoemule also has a decentralized p2p network name Kaderian build into it
21:12.06IndustrialElkano: my business lies not at what freenode supplies :P
21:12.23Industrialk, ill check it
21:12.50Elkanoid, thought so, but it did fit you description ;)
21:13.13Industrialyeah i already installed it
21:13.37Industrialfast aint i :p
21:13.53KirkburnDC++, if you find non-restricted servers
21:14.07IndustrialDC requires share
21:14.10Miravlix_Considering how long Ed2k has been around and it's one of the big p2p players... no?
21:14.14Industriali have 7GB
21:14.22KirkburnNot always. More specifically BCDC++, since that allows you to limit your upload spee
21:14.31Industriali mean share in size
21:14.50Industrialsize of files you share
21:15.00Miravlix_I share nothing!
21:15.02KirkburnSome servers don't require you to share anything
21:15.29Industrialthats a whole media center
21:15.41Industriali have a media player for that
21:15.51Gryphener, dont use it :o
21:15.53Grypheni dont
21:17.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
21:19.25KirkburnOoh, Children's week has already begun ...  (also, look, a World Event Designer has come to say hello!)
21:19.59Beladonanight all!
21:20.48Industrialnn Beladona
21:20.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:21.23Miravlix_Strange responses to that thread, would think they guy responding was some crime
21:24.31KirkburnPoor guy
21:25.09KirkburnWhat's the char limit on names here?
21:28.26Kirk|MrWigglessloukens just visited the Interface forums btw
21:28.45Kirk|MrWiggles(aimed at no-one in particular)
21:29.45sancuso rly
21:29.57sancusshaman preview in 30 mins
21:32.37Elvisoyou guys see the leaked tier3 art (supposedly)?
21:32.46Adrinepriest and warrior?
21:32.49AdrineOr have you seen more?
21:32.52Kirk|MrWiggleswhere where
21:32.52Elvisoany except warrior & priest?
21:33.08Adrine(I mirrored 'em)
21:33.29AdrineEh? Shouldn't be.
21:33.37AdrineUnless I'm getting slammed for some reason
21:33.42Kirk|MrWigglesMy internet has been acting weird all day
21:33.58Kirk|MrWigglesI wouldn't be surprised if you were though
21:34.00Elvisowas fast for me
21:34.11AdrineI haven't posted them anywhere public
21:34.14AdrineJust my guild forums and here
21:34.21AdrineThis is public, I guess. :)
21:34.28AdrineOriginally from;O=A
21:34.40Adrine(I'm camping the directory for image spawns. >_>)
21:34.46Miravlix_Slouken:  This will only be added at designer request.
21:34.48Kirk|MrWigglesIt's given up
21:35.06Miravlix_Hmm, I assume it's Blizzard Designers
21:35.06Kirk|MrWigglesSloukens will only be added at designers request? Shame :(
21:35.22AdrineSomeone needs to implement a slouken.clone() method.
21:35.34Kirk|MrWiggles(works now)
21:35.38Miravlix_Is Slouken a designer?
21:35.54Cairennslouken is one of the programmers
21:36.00GenNMX|ThraeWhat, slouken wants to put curtains in his cubicle? Put that'll upset the Fung Shay!
21:36.24Kirk|MrWiggleslol, nice spillin'
21:36.49Kirk|MrWigglesFeng Shui
21:37.00GenNMX|ThraeSorry, my grasp of the English language ends at...English (and some Japanese) ;)
21:37.35GenNMX|ThraeI make no implications that I know any Chinese, in English letters or not.
21:38.25Kirk|MrWigglesWhen was it announced when the shammy preview was coming?
21:38.51GenNMX|ThraeShamans are actually getting a Shaman talent review?
21:38.56Kirk|MrWigglesPerhaps if I'd clicked the big big post at the top called 44mins ...
21:39.03AdrineWith the blue tag no less!
21:39.50sancusThrae: Um yes? We've known that they were for a while :P
21:39.57Kirk|MrWigglesEyonix is so mean
21:40.05sancusshaman talents suck ass
21:40.09sancuswith a few notable exceptions
21:40.11AdrineI like how the mages were complaining about "tomorrow"
21:40.13Miravlix_Do we know what governs the UI Designers reason for there design?
21:40.15AdrineWhen the priests got "friday"
21:40.15sancusI hope they get a good one
21:40.29GenNMX|ThraeThe last official word I heard was "Shamans are the class we feel are closet to completion, which is why they look 'overpowered' to the other classes. Any review we do would be ultimately minor compared to what we have in store for the other classes."
21:40.47sancusthe mage talent review was very minor also
21:40.57Kirk|MrWigglesDoesn't mean the talents can't be made more interesting
21:41.04Miravlix_It frees upt o 9 talent points
21:41.09Kirk|MrWigglesI don't play one, but I know the talents are dull as hell
21:41.15GenNMX|ThraeDamn you purl! Even 'g' cannot trick you!
21:41.15Miravlix_Thats pretty huge getting 9 points more talents
21:41.25sancusit does not free up 9 talent points
21:41.39sancusA lot of the talent points that were "freed" were in talents lots of people don't take anyway.
21:41.52Kirk|MrWigglesIt frees up *come*
21:41.52sancusIt makes them slightly more attractive, but in no way were 9 "must have" points freed up.
21:42.12Kirk|MrWigglesMiravlix_ didn't say that
21:42.13sancusplus, you still need the same number of points in trees for the key talents
21:42.21sancusso in some cases, you're just dumping points into garbage now anyway.
21:42.24GenNMX|ThraeYeah I know the Shaman talents are dull..."OK, should I take the Overpowered Tree, the IWIN tree, or the OMGURNOTADRUID tree?"
21:42.44sancusThe only tree that's really quite good is the Elemental one
21:42.55GenNMX|ThraeThat's the IWIN tree!
21:42.56sancusEnhancement is kinda mediocre, Restoration is pretty bad actually
21:43.09GenNMX|ThraeRestoration is the "OMGURNOTADRUID" tree
21:43.20Kirk|MrWigglesReally? *dies of shock*
21:43.24Kirk|MrWigglessorry, I meant
21:43.25sancusexcept shaman are primary healers in raids.
21:43.28sancusthat's what they DO
21:43.30GenNMX|ThraeSilly Shamans, thinking they can heal!
21:43.38Kirk|MrWiggles*dies of FROSTSHOCK*
21:43.50GenNMX|ThraeShamans are NOT primary healers. They can primarly heal, but that doesn't make them "primary healers"!
21:43.56sancusyes they are
21:43.58sancuswhat else can they do?
21:44.14sancusTheir sustained melee dps is like 1/4 of a warrior, and their elemental dps is only good for about 45 seconds.
21:44.20Elvisothey're hybrids, they'll never have a primary role
21:44.33GenNMX|ThraeIf raids were the only measure of a class, then Druids wouldn't be healers, they'd be Innervate'rs
21:44.36sancusthey arent really hybrids
21:44.39sancusuhhh okay
21:44.43Elvisothey aren't?
21:44.49Elvisothat's news to me
21:44.53sancusdruids are one of the best healing classes in the game, with several distinct advantages over priests that complement them very nicely
21:45.00Kirk|MrWiggleslol, i've been playing my shaman wrong
21:45.02cladhaireI have a druid and a priesty
21:45.09cladhaireShaman and Paladin are my next healers to level
21:45.14cladhairesadly I did a rogue before them all =/
21:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
21:45.28Kirk|MrWigglesWarlocks ftw
21:45.42sancusshaman are a buff class with a heavy focus on healing, they wont ever be as good at healing as druids/priests, because their buffs are much stronger than either of those classes.
21:45.43GenNMX|ThraeShamans and Paladins are technically "secondary healers". If they can't fill any other roll, then yes, they need a talent / class review.
21:46.08sancusBut shaman buffs + healing is better than shaman buffs + dps in either of their possible forms.
21:46.40Kirk|MrWigglesBut they're still hybrids
21:46.49Kirk|MrWigglesi.e. shamans are not priests
21:46.57GenNMX|ThraeI bet you'd say Feral Druids still can't main tank Molten Core ;)
21:47.28sancusA drunk rogue can probably tank molten core, its so trivial
21:47.29Kirk|MrWigglesit's most likely we have different interpretations of the word hybrid, I reckon
21:47.49AdrineRogues can tank firelords easily enough. Done it. ;)
21:47.50Kirk|MrWigglesFor someone experienced perhaps
21:47.53sancusa feral druid is not the ideal tank on any encounter where tank power is actually necessary to beat the fight.
21:47.55AdrineMolten Giants are another thing.
21:48.03GenNMX|ThraeShamans aren't a hybrid class, they're a "Jack Of All Trades" class!
21:48.11cladhaireI have tanked most of MC on my druid
21:48.31cladhaireMolten Destroyers and Golemagg 2nd stage are kinda rough cause of crits.
21:48.35cladhairebut its not that hard.
21:48.37sancusits about what's "optimal" not "possible"
21:48.43sancusa priest can tank onyxia
21:49.02sancushow often do you see people using a priest to tank onyxia? :P
21:49.05wereHamsterhave _you_ seen it?
21:49.15GenNMX|ThraeIt's not about what's optimal, it's about what's possible vs what's intended vs difficulty.
21:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Qaarh (
21:50.06sancusnah not personally, I have seen a rogue tank her though, which is pretty close
21:50.10GenNMX|ThraeFeral Druids were intended to be a secondary tank, or a main tank in a pinch, but either way, it should be harder tanking as a Druid then as a Warrior, especially a Protection-spec one.
21:50.15Elvisosupposedly druids make awesome broodlord tanks
21:50.21Elvisodue to the mitigation they can get
21:50.49Kirk|MrWigglesNo-one ever mentions warlocks :(
21:50.53ScytheBlade1Who knows where the mage talent preview tree is? Not the IGN article, the talent calc for it, scytheblade
21:51.06ScytheBlade1That's it
21:51.20ScytheBlade1Thank you
21:51.32sancuswarlocks are great for tanking twin emps
21:51.41wereHamsterKirk|MrWiggles, warlocks get their share at the twin emperors ;)
21:51.45sancusand mayyyybeeee ouro
21:51.50sancusthough its probably not worth the trouble
21:52.05sancuswe tried it a bit but its hard to get working
21:53.04GenNMX|ThraeBy the way, for the official word on "Hybrids", --> Druid = Hybrid, Primary Healer. Shaman = Hybrid, Secondary Healer. Paladin = Hybrid, Secondary Healer.
21:53.18sancusthe official word doesnt really mean anything
21:53.30GenNMX|ThraeOh, and Warlock = "Debuffer". Better not try casting any "attack" spells!
21:53.37sancusBlizzard's been out of touch with what their classes do in raids for a long time
21:54.13GenNMX|ThraeWell, I was talking about what Blizzard intends for the class, not what the players want it to be.
21:54.49sancustbh I think it's intentional, most people don't raid, so they focus little of their class design on it, despite the fact that it's repeatedly touted as the high-end of achievement and skill in the game
21:55.06Miravlix_The description is pretty much still true for party based action, it's in raids that we get player specializationr requirements
21:55.10sancussuffice to say, their live team is inconsistent
21:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
21:56.44Kirk|MrWigglesIt's as if everything just got reversed ... a raider is saying the casuals get all the attention
21:56.49Miravlix_The players doesn't want to deal with the complication of a class that can do different things, so they *decides* there job
21:57.11sancusKirk: Not exactly
21:57.39Kirk|MrWiggles"most people don't raid, so they focus little of their class design on it"
21:57.49Kirk|MrWigglesBut you don't raid?
21:57.55sancusI do raid, but you're missing the point
21:57.59sancusthey focus little of their class design on raiding
21:58.07sancusbut they focus the vast majority of their live content creation on raiding
21:58.11sancushence why their live team is inconsistent
21:58.22Kirk|MrWigglesNo, I know, I was just being silly and pointing out that you get completely the opposite on the forums
21:58.31sancusnot really
21:58.35sancusits just people talk about new content all the time
21:58.43sancusthey rarely mention the class changes themselves
21:58.45ShadowdI'm going to take a quick guess, the debate is about casual VS raider for class revamps?
21:58.46sancusprob because they aren't as frequent
21:58.57sancusand aren't as noticeable either
21:59.15Miravlix_People tend to overlook most changes, except big ones like 40 man raid stuff
21:59.16sancus"change to obscure talent that only class X themselves really understand" isn't as easy as a target as "GIGANTIC NEW FOURTY MAN HERES SCREENSHOTS AND STUFF"
21:59.32Kirk|MrWigglesI don't mind either way realy, as long as *all* (not 'both') sides get looked at
21:59.43Miravlix_If we look at the changes objectively, it's not really all raid contense we have gotten since release
21:59.54sancusI didn't say it was *all* raid content. Just a very, very clear majority.
22:00.06sancusAnd that does make sense, because there was already plenty of non-raid content in the game.
22:00.10Kirk|MrWigglesdamn you!
22:00.12sancusbut almost no raid content
22:00.39Kirk|MrWigglesA whole page of 'ZOMG first!' :D
22:00.54AdrineToo slow, Kirk. Too slow. :D
22:01.01Kirk|MrWigglessancus, I'm not disagreeing with you :)
22:01.19Kirk|MrWigglesHmm, perhaps I should read it now ...
22:01.55AdrineMoving along to the second tier, you'll notice Earth's Grasp, a talent that increases the health of the Stoneclaw Totem by 50% and the radius of the Earthbind Totem by 20%, for a mere two points.
22:01.59AdrineScrew shaman. Seriously.
22:02.07AdrineSecond tier 20% increase on earthbind.
22:02.08AdrineScrew shaman.
22:02.15wereHamsterAdrine, the thread is: 'first', 'first', 'first page', 'nice', 'first', sweet' .. =-O
22:02.29wereHamsteroh.. and 'reserved'
22:02.37AdrineEarthbind is the worst thing ever ;_;
22:02.39Kirk|MrWigglesIt's quite a big review!
22:02.43Adrine(I play alliance, in case you can't tell.)
22:03.23Miravlix_The final tier 2 talent available is completely new -- Elemental Warding. For three points this talent will reduce damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 10%.
22:04.06Miravlix_Hmm, Shammies will take less damage in certain encounters.
22:04.56AdrineElemental Weapons (3 points): Increases attack power bonus of Rockbiter by 20%, Windfury by 40% and damage of Flametongue/Frostbrand by 15%.
22:04.56Adrine....holy crap
22:05.21Elvisoi'm seeing lots of buffs
22:05.27cladhairelots of buffs.
22:05.28Adrine931 attack power windfury.
22:05.30cladhairedont see anything missing.
22:05.31AdrineHoooly crap.
22:05.32Kirk|MrWiggleslots of buffs.
22:05.41ShadowdI don't see any changes to how totems are done though
22:05.51Kirk|MrWiggles"Windfury Weapon - Attack power bonus reduced."
22:06.03AdrineOk. Maybe I can live with it. >_>
22:06.16ElvisoStormstrike on a 20s cooldown? lawl
22:06.29Adrine(Being outmeleed by a shaman thanks to windfury procs is embarrassing)
22:06.38Miravlix_Ugh, better reincarnation
22:06.45Miravlix_Thats going to be annoying
22:07.06Elvisodepends on how they spec though. they can get +40% to WF and then +10% to all melee dmg in enhancement
22:07.07Miravlix_Atleast when the reincarnated now they where a 1 hit kill
22:07.15ElvisoWF might be stronger than before if spec'd that way
22:07.21sancuseh adrine
22:07.27sancusshaman melee dps is horrible
22:07.43sancusits cute in pvp because of the bursts, but in actual sustained dps conditions in pve(raid or not)
22:07.49sancusits like.. not even top 20 damage meters bad
22:07.57ShadowdUnless they lowered the AP by a lot, I don't see how it's going to make it in line with other weapon enchants anyway
22:07.59AdrineSustained is bad, sure.
22:08.00Kirk|MrWiggles"Combat Endurance, Eventide and Improved Lesser Healing Wave have been removed from the game completely, keeping Captain Placeholder company. "
22:08.05AdrineBut PVP is all about burst. :)
22:08.06Kirk|MrWigglesCaptain Placeholder!!!
22:08.19sancusbut shaman burst pvp dps is uncontrollable
22:08.33sancusand still isn't as good as a warrior
22:08.48sancusdoesnt even live in the same area code as a dagger rogue
22:08.49ShadowdPlayed one on the test server for a couple of days, It was fun watching Windfury and stormstrike popping up at the same time and one shotting someone with a SOTF, but it wasn't really effective
22:09.52Miravlix_God whats with all the idiots posting nothing
22:10.55Cairennyeah, that's new ... /roll eyes
22:11.00Elvisowelcome to wow
22:11.24sancuswelp, totems still suck pretty bad
22:11.32Shadowdthats the first thing i noticed
22:11.36AdrineI just try to be thankful for the idiots. They make me look better. Except when I'm an idiot too. ;)
22:11.47sancus+5 yards as a Tier 3 restoration talent?
22:11.53sancusthat's borderline insulting
22:12.44Adrine5 yard radius is a 10-yard overall increase
22:14.53sancusthats beside the point
22:15.02sancusit still leaves totems a useless joke compared to pally blessings
22:15.17sancusthey buffed the hell out of shaman in pvp though
22:15.19sancusmajor pvp shaman buff
22:16.58ElvisoEQDKP 'sploit going around:
22:27.39*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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22:34.04*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
22:51.34Kirk|MrWigglesNot got Mr Wiggles yet :(
22:52.03Kirk|MrWigglesGotta love the Auberdine / Theramore fp
22:54.29Kirk|MrWigglesDoes anyone know a way to play files in a partially downloaded bittorrent folder? It just gives me 'file not found' errors
22:55.02AdrineBittorrent files generally arne't playable until fully downloaded
22:55.07AdrineSince the bittorrent model downloads random pieces.
22:55.29Kirk|MrWigglesOddly, doesn't seem to be for me
22:55.48Kirk|MrWigglesOne each of my three enterprise downloads, the first files have been completed
22:56.12Kirk|MrWigglesOne of them even has a thumbnail image
23:12.35grollCairenn if you happen to see that dev u know tell him i wanna blow up blizz hq kinda.. i'm totally furious and yes i'm a shaman
23:12.54grollthis review totally blows.. if ur not elemental pvp shammy that is
23:13.24grollnow sleep.. or try to that is
23:13.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
23:16.37Cairenngroll: will tell him
23:17.00grollthanks, and sorry if i'm a bit harsh but i'm really fed up
23:17.11grollthey havent listened to one single word we have said :(
23:17.27grolland i'm thiiiiise close to just packing my bags and leaving for another game :/
23:20.24*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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23:26.26OsagasuI am saddened. :<
23:26.55OsagasuIt seems like they're changing the Shaman class more than the mage class, even though they've said they consider shamans the most balanced class
23:27.48OsagasuI'll have to see Tseric's comprehensive changes post today or tomorrow to be sure, though
23:28.48KirovI was thinking about that too
23:29.29AdrineIt doesn't seem they're changing shaman at all
23:29.34AdrineJust kinda buffing what's there.
23:30.00Osagasuthey've removed few talents and added just as many.
23:30.32OsagasuMages got what, two new talents?
23:31.03AdrineThe changes to mages will heavily impact mage playstyles, I think
23:31.10AdrineNot necessarily so much with shaman, for good or bad.
23:33.04OsagasuI count 12 new shaman talents.  I really don't blame them for that many, I know that most of the shaman trees were linear
23:34.56cladhaire12 new talents?  I didn't count that many
23:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:37.45OsagasuI might have been off by 1 or 2
23:43.55OsagasuFrom Elemental: Earth's Grasp, Elemental Warding, Eye of the Storm, Storm Reach, Elemental Devastation; From Enhancement: Guardian Totems, Enhancing Totems, Improved Weapon Totems, Elemental Weapons, Weapon Mastery; From Restoration: Nature's Guidance, Healing Focus, Totemic Mastery, Healing Grace, Restorative Totems, Healing Way
23:44.06Osagasuso, 16.
23:44.36OsagasuI realize that several of those are combos of old talents, or probably renames.
23:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
23:52.02Kirk|MrWigglesMr Wiggles is making odd baby-like noises at me!

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