irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060505

00:14.00Stylpe_2Wow, this is weird
00:14.13Stylpe_2Suddenly, it's like one of my files aren't there
00:14.22Stylpe_2except it is
00:18.16Stylpe_2It works! :D
00:23.26IrielDoes javascript have a 'nil' equivalent?
00:23.43Endprobably null or something like that
00:23.52Endbut don't take my word on that
00:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kenman_ (
00:41.43AnduinLotharanyone having trouble using logout?
00:42.01AnduinLotharit sits for 20 seconds and then does nothing..
00:42.25Kirovwhat'd you break!!!
00:42.36KirovHaven't had any issues today, no
00:42.45AnduinLotharprolly my alpha popup mod
00:44.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:44.23TainI hooked logout when you weren't looking.
00:46.35Guillotineits so full in here now... used to be like 15 people at a time. now its like over 54 people. Though I'd say about 90% are afk
00:46.59EndI'm not afk :O
00:47.07Endalthough I'm pretending to be
00:47.08CairennGuillotine: the only time it was like 15 at a time was the first 2 days it existed
00:47.16StylpeHey, I have a mission for you guys!
00:47.29Stylpe beta test!
00:47.30GuillotineCairenn: and right after a server split ;) but... ya
00:47.45AnduinLotharso um.. i don't see the Logout() functoun used anywhere in StaticPopup.lua
00:49.15AnduinLotharLogout() jsut opens the popup
00:49.40AnduinLotharlooks liek the game never actually calls for the game to logout
00:50.36Endthat's exactly how Quit() acts too
00:50.43StylpeCair, is it possible to change the order of attached images of an addon at WoWI?
00:50.48Endalthough we have a ForceQuit() we can use to skip through the timer
00:50.53Endwe can't use ForceLogout()
00:51.09AnduinLotharum.. so how does it actually logout?
00:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:51.23EndI think that is done outside of lua space
00:51.32Endyou call Logout() to invoke the timer
00:51.43Endand then when it ends without getting cancelled you get logged out
00:51.58Endthat's what it looks like to me at least
00:52.06StylpeDon't forget that if you're currently resting, there is no countdown
00:52.30EndForceQuit() doesn't help with logging out, Kirov
00:52.35Endjust quitting entirely
00:52.44Kirovwell, it'll let you get out of the game
00:53.10Endwell yeah. but if you want to switch characters quickly, you have to get to an inn or whatever or wait
00:55.05StylpeGuess I'll go to bed and sleep and hope someone brave tries out the beta =) ninight
01:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge tragywydd (
01:05.56Cairenntragywydd: good to see you hanging out again ;)
01:06.03tragywyddhihi! =)
01:08.09Cairennwas really nice getting to meet you last weekend
01:09.57tragywyddditto! =)
01:11.15tragywyddwas the rest of your visit good?
01:12.25Cairennbetter was bringing my man home with me for a week ;)
01:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:27.53AnduinLotharlooks liek we're not allowed to replace hook StaticPopup_Show
01:28.04AnduinLotharor else you can't logout
01:28.18AnduinLotharor quit by timer
01:29.05Legorolgood evening
01:29.24Legorolahem, either i misunderstood something, or something big is in the air:
01:29.38Legorolallakhazam, thottbot, ogaming (including wowintarfce?) all merging together?
01:29.53Cairennyou didn't misunderstand at all
01:29.57AnduinLothari'll believe it when i see it
01:30.07Legorolbut these sites are not even remotely related! what has the world come to..
01:30.12Legorolcan someone explain to me what's behind this?
01:30.19CairennAnduinLothar: believe it, it's already a done deal
01:30.24AnduinLotharige's trying to overtake google
01:30.24Gryphenits in print
01:30.26TainMichael Jackson bought it all.
01:30.43LegorolAnduinLothar: what does IGE have to do with it? from what i heard it's some external party that bought all these sites...
01:30.50Legorolis that true?
01:31.02LegorolGryphen: where?
01:31.36Legorolhm, that doesn't mention IGE
01:31.39AnduinLotharcourse there's another story that says alla's spinning it, but in actuallity they're the ones that got bought
01:31.44Legorolis IGE included in this somehow?
01:31.52Cairennread the press release
01:31.54GryphenRead the forum posts
01:32.10Legoroloh oh, cool, which site's press release?
01:32.14Legoroland which sites forums?
01:32.15GryphenThe owners of IGE purchased Alla
01:32.25GryphenIGE isn't the top
01:32.27Cairennthe one I just linked to :p
01:33.00AnduinLothari'm thinking it might be time to find a new hobby
01:33.25Gryphennot sure how it changes anything
01:33.28LegorolGryphen: you linked? where, when how?
01:33.30norgannalol @ gryph
01:33.38norgannaige isn't the top
01:33.43Legoroloh sorry that was Cairenn
01:33.49Legorolyeah i read that Cairenn, and it doesn't make sense
01:33.53Legoroli read contradictory things
01:34.01Legorolfirst of all, Alla's news post doesn't even mention IGE
01:34.07Legorolsecondly, i thought Thott is owned by IGE
01:34.08Gryphenige isnt the top in the chain, not everything bought is bought by IGE
01:34.12Legoroldid Alla buy Thott from IGE?
01:34.31Legorolthat news post that Cairenn linked implies Alla bought all these sites
01:34.44Cairennno, it doesn't
01:34.51norgannaige, ogaming, all that is a big mmo cartel
01:34.51GryphenThere is 1324545532 pages of comments to that post
01:34.57TainYeah I don't read that from it either.
01:35.02norgannait doesn't matter who's "top"
01:35.02Miravlix_IGE bought Ala in November
01:35.03Legorol"Allakhazam is pleased to announce that we have added several new sites to our network "
01:35.08Legorolwhat do they mean by "addedd several sites"?
01:35.23TainAll I can say is, is a stupid name.
01:35.23Legorolok then i probably misunderstood
01:35.31Legoroli thought that added several sites meant they bought them
01:35.36norgannait means they got paid a cool million to bend over
01:35.42Miravlix_Ala has no money
01:35.44Legorolso if that's not the case, who bought all these sites?
01:35.49Legoroland where does IGE enter?
01:35.55Miravlix_They are trying to hide there ties to IGE
01:35.56norgannafollow the money lego
01:36.11Legorolnorganna: it's vague at best, so far all i have is the confusing news post on Alla
01:36.13Miravlix_IGE is a multi million company
01:36.19Legorolif you can link me anything more substantial, i'd be happy
01:36.19GryphenThey arent hiding anything
01:36.29Gryphenread the posts, they say exactly what is happening
01:36.44TemIGE is now a "sibling" if you will
01:36.58Temnot the parent
01:37.12norgannadunno the truth of it, but:
01:37.16Temso, it means nothing.  Bitch about something else kthxbai
01:38.09norgannatem: it doesn't matter who owns whom, all that matters is whose pockets are lined with cash at the end of the day
01:38.17Cairennit's the same thing as with our sites ... the PARENT company that also happens to own IGE has now bought Alla
01:38.48norgannaand whether you say "allakazam", "thottbot", "ogaming" or "ige", the answer is the same, parent, or sibling or other
01:38.50LegorolCairenn: i see, that makes more sense
01:38.55GryphenThe IGE omg owns so and so matters to me, cause it isn't true.
01:38.57CairennThis is the thread:;mid=114668646932202500;num=0;page=1
01:38.57Legorolthe Alla post was vague on that at best
01:39.27Cairennnaw, it's all explained out in the thread, if you can stand to wade through the rhetoric
01:39.39Miravlix_They are loosing subscribers fast due to being involved with IGE now
01:39.42LegorolCairenn: i saw that thread, started reading through it, and i found conflicting info
01:39.44Legoroli shall read further
01:39.54Cairennread the stuff by the staff
01:39.56norgannathe companies are just vehicles for obscuring the facts.
01:40.07Miravlix_So offcourse they are trying to keep a low profile about the fact
01:40.13TainFacts just get in the way of reality.
01:40.21AnduinLotharI feel like someone just won a lottery that I wasn't even told about.
01:40.31GryphenSpeculation gets in the way of facts
01:40.49Cairennyou can also read as posted at OGaming:;mid=114668646932202500;num=0;page=1
01:41.16TainOf course it's all much ado about nothing.
01:41.54norgannaThe thing with gold selling is it wouldn't work if people didn't buy it.
01:42.01Gryphenthat was linked Miravlix_
01:42.07TainIt drives mmorpgs to further success, norganna.
01:42.15Miravlix_Yeah wrong one
01:42.17CairennMiravlix_: that thread is so full of inaccuracies as to be pointless
01:42.26Miravlix_I had a more details story just have to gfind it
01:42.38cladhaireyes, we're all experts now, even tho we have nothign to do with it.
01:42.43TainThe stuff about Yantis up until being bought out by IGE is mostly true, I went through the early EQ days when he came on the scene.
01:42.44cladhairethe intarweb does that to us.
01:42.48norgannaand cartels like IGE couldn't compete if blizzard sold the gold themselves.
01:42.56Taincladhaire: I was like that before the intrawebs
01:43.19cladhaireWOw, thanks for linking the same article.. again
01:43.21TainSecond Life seems to be doing ok.
01:43.47cladhaireTain: It doesn't burn when I pee.. what should I do about that?
01:44.14TainAlthough I did read an interesting article someone wrote up about some of the legal ramifications a company like Blizzard would open themselves up to if they started selling gold.
01:44.25GryphenThat was linked Miravlix_ heh
01:44.30cladhaireTain: What about station exchange?
01:44.33GryphenSame as digg
01:44.41cladhaireAnd it was linked prior to that too =)
01:44.50Miravlix_Legorol obeviusly haven't seen that story
01:44.50GryphenIt is guessed "truth" too
01:44.52TainSony is more like a minor deity than a company.
01:45.02Miravlix_So I don't really care if someo of you have seen it
01:45.20Miravlix_don't be asses because you happend to have seen it.
01:45.25TainMiravlix the point is the link was pasted THIRTY SECONDS AGO
01:45.27CairennMiravlix_: ...
01:45.30cladhaireMiravlix_: You linked the same article twice, and its an article that was linked approximately 3 minutes earlier.
01:45.35GryphenIt was posted right before you
01:45.44Miravlix_I didn't link it twice.
01:45.48Cairennyeah, you did
01:45.52GryphenDigg and that are the same
01:45.54cladhaire... the article LINKS to the second article.
01:46.16cladhaireTem: How's crowbar going?
01:46.16Miravlix_I couldn't find a link to it in the digg article so I posted the other one
01:46.19TemThose mage changes suck/are awesome!
01:46.20cladhaireor whatever you called it\
01:46.22norgannahow bout that weather...
01:46.29cladhaireTem: I like them.. I dont have any complaints yet.
01:46.30Temcladhaire: done and on the svn
01:46.41cladhaireTem: Whats it do?
01:46.45cladhaireI just know the name
01:46.55Temclick on a lockbox and it picks the lock and opens
01:47.09Miravlix_Aah the title is a link to it.
01:47.11TainAnd then you find out it's empty. :(
01:47.13Temthe open part isn't real reliable yet since SPELLCAST_STOP sucks
01:47.19cladhairehows that different than shift-rightclick?
01:47.49norgannaBTW: I meant to say, "Nice work on Catalyst!"
01:47.50Temyou can shift-right click a locked lockbox and it picks and opens for you?
01:47.55Temnorganna: thanks
01:48.03TainI think not if it's in a trade window, but if it's in your inventory yes.
01:48.18cladhaireyes, correct
01:48.18TemI spent like... 2 hours working that last night because I had a hard time testing it
01:48.36cladhaireyours is better than that pesky shift-right-click ANYDAY
01:48.45Tem... this I doubt very much
01:49.14TemI have to hook UseContainerItem, do a tooltip scan, it's very nasty
01:49.14TainActually I'd really like to be able to bind shift-right-click to a key.
01:49.17cladhaireme too
01:50.39Tembleh, I need to get on my rogue so I can test that
01:51.04cladhairelog on mine.
01:51.10cladhairei'm already on it =/
01:52.21cladhaireumm yeah, me too
01:55.49clad|sleepnight all
01:57.26Cairennnight clad|sleep
01:59.09clad|sleepnight guys
02:01.14Legorolok i think i get the picture, one question left:
02:01.24Legorolwhat's this mysterious parent company called that supposedly owns everyone else?
02:01.37Legorolsorry Tem
02:01.46Legoroli came late to this, i guess you guys must have hashed it to bits earlier
02:01.51Miravlix_Whats nonsense about it?
02:02.03TainNah, most of us just don't care since it doesn't actually afffect anything.
02:02.13Legorolthe thing that worries me: alla's site admin seems to imply in his reply that he will be in charge of running ogaming and thottbot
02:02.20Temsomeone PM me when you're done
02:02.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:02.33LegorolWhat happens to Thott?
02:02.36Miravlix_If Cosmos loss Thott support then it effect us quite a bit
02:02.40Legorolwhat happens to staffers of sites like wowinterface?
02:02.48Cairennnot a thing
02:02.54LegorolCairenn: that's good to hear
02:02.58CairennI'm still here, I'll still be here
02:03.04Legorolbut what about the plans to integrate all these sites together?
02:03.09Legorolwouldn't that result in reshuffling people?
02:04.10norgannaLegorol: IGE might be a mega gold cartel, but the people behind the scenes that built up the commuities are still the same good hearted wholesome people that they used to be... don't worry about it.
02:04.28Legoroloh i know that very well
02:04.35CairennI appreciate the concern though
02:04.36Legoroli just like to know what the picture is
02:04.44Legorolimagine my shock when i found out that thottbot is owned by IGE
02:04.59Gryphenige's parent company
02:05.03Legoroluntil that point i was goodnaturely working on Cosmos, knowing that a lot of Cosmos's backend infrastructure is thanks to Thott
02:05.09Miravlix_I've known that almost as long as I've known Cosmos, it's not usually something we keep hidden
02:05.12Legorol(the details of which I still don't know much about)
02:05.19Cairennbut, for my own self, Alla's knows *me*, more so than OGaming does
02:05.49snurrethere's a distinct difference.. would be like saying Blizzard Entertainment owns Sierra Entertainment, while they are both owned by Vivendi Games
02:05.55TainOf course the actual important news: The original un-"special editioned" Star Wars trilogy will be available on DVD in September.
02:05.59LegorolGryphen: from all the stuff that you guys linked, my impression was that up until now IGE *did* own directly, but with the new buyout it got moved out from underneath it
02:06.07norgannaLegorol: let me put this in a business perspective for you.... Advertising is expensive... sometimes it makes better business sense to buy the sites outright because (a) you stabilize your traffic stream and (b) it's cheaper.
02:06.11Legorolwhich, if i understand correctly, is a move just to shroud the connection
02:06.40Legorolnorganna: sure, i understand that
02:06.56Legorolall that happened is that i came here today, checked my irc and saw something about this hole business
02:07.01Legorolof course i got interested about what's going on
02:07.11Legoroli came late to it, sorry for bringing it up again
02:07.36norgannaThey don't necessarily want to interrupt the sites that they buy, all they are trying to do is increase their profit margin and guarantee their traffic sources.
02:07.38Miravlix_Well, I don't see the problem with repeating stuff
02:07.57Legorolnorganna: my impression is also that they are trying to distance stuff from IGE, at least on the face of it
02:08.00Miravlix_People just have to accept we can't all be ircing 247/7
02:08.09norgannaLegorol: that's just PR
02:08.10Legorolthe spin they put on the alla newspost definitely had me going
02:08.13Legorolnorganna: yes i know
02:08.18Legorolbut many many players will fall for it
02:08.40norgannawhen one company gets a bad image, you hide it
02:08.46Legoroli think everyone understands that: being associated with IGE -> bad, not being associated -> good
02:08.56Legorolso they try to distance their sites, on paper at least
02:09.01norgannait doesn't matter how many players fall for it though, does it?
02:09.02Miravlix_has to put things in perspective. isn't a bad site
02:09.19Miravlix_They are advertising for gold thats there involvment
02:09.21Legorolthe only thing was that i wanted to know the real truth, and not fall for it
02:09.25Gryphenthere arent gold ads
02:09.32TainThere's nothing to fall for.
02:10.21Legorolthere is, Tain
02:10.26Gryphenthere is no real truth available
02:10.27Miravlix_Then why do they need to hide things?
02:10.32Gryphenonly speculation called truth
02:10.40norgannaLook, I have to be honest here... If you have a WoW site, there's not much in the way of profitable advertising out there except gold ads.
02:10.46AnduinLotharoi, children. stop arguing about nothing
02:11.03Legorolok, i don't know about you guys, but I made my own conclusions, i am happy with those conclusions and that's that
02:11.17Legoroli'm going to go PM Tem now
02:11.23norgannaAre we arguing?
02:11.27Legoroli don't think we are
02:11.32Legoroli think we are agreeing
02:11.33norganname neither
02:11.34CairennI thought we were discussing
02:11.41Miravlix_Not much of an argument yet.
02:11.51Legoroli only argued against Tain saying that there is nothing to fall for
02:11.54Legorolbye AnduinLothar
02:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:12.38norgannatbh, i love debating stuff.... like really LOVE it :P
02:12.46Cairenn*debating* is fine
02:12.53TainI disagree with your view, norganna.
02:12.58Temlol tain
02:13.06Miravlix_Speculations is usually more interesting that facts
02:13.15Legorolon a different but related note:
02:13.36Legoroli gotta find out from Anduin|Coma one day just how exactly Cosmos servers are set up and linked to Thott/thottbot
02:13.51Anduin|Comayou don't want to know
02:13.58Legorollol, i thought you were gone
02:14.07Legoroland yes i do want to know, unless you try to hypnotize me :D
02:14.15Legoroland jedi mind tricks don't work on me
02:14.16Anduin|Comai am gone
02:14.33Legoroloh, and a very belated:
02:14.44Anduin|Comajust imaging they're sepperate beings run by the same person and your life will be nice and simple
02:14.44Legoroli jumped right into things, hehe
02:14.46Miravlix_Thats because you are in an alternative reality and we use mind control here, no tricks
02:14.55GryphenAnduin|Coma fix Localization first
02:15.27Anduin|Comai didn't do it. it works fine, you all suck!
02:15.33Legorolgot my newly outfitted comp more or less up and running, yay
02:15.33Miravlix_Get you nap Andu; I'll take a stap at it
02:15.51Anduin|Comamy baby :'(
02:16.46Anduin|Comago ahead... I dunno what's wrong with it. it should work fine..
02:17.31Anduin|Comaif they canciled before sellecting then they foobared their cvar and it got niled which sets it to 0 which isn't nil but will ever more cause bugs
02:18.03Anduin|Comaso if you set the cvar to "" it should work
02:18.13Gryphenthere was nothing to select
02:18.16Anduin|Comabut i have zero clue why the drop down would be empty
02:19.35Miravlix_The file has messed up line endings
02:19.45Miravlix_We never figured out if that could mess up lua
02:19.53Gryphenyeah i noticed that too, but changing that doesnt fix it
02:19.54Anduin|Comait does, but only on windows
02:20.08Anduin|Comamacs read right through them
02:25.15Temlol "messed up line endings"
02:25.22Temit's called a unix line break
02:25.29Anduin|Comawhich is why my stupid commits work fine until you silly windows users get ahold of it
02:25.32Temget a better text editor
02:25.42Miravlix_It's called messed up line endings when you mix two styles
02:26.06Anduin|Comai know the culprite too. it's from copying and pasting from pastebin!
02:26.40Tem>< lol
02:26.49Anduin|Comaand i think my editor is too stupid to convert them when i save
02:26.51Temwhat editor are you using Anduin|Coma ?
02:27.11Temmost have an option for that hidden somewhere
02:27.39Anduin|Comaeveryone asks me. I'm usign Smultron, which no one on the planet uses but me. and it has an option and i checked it, but it still does stupid things
02:28.11Anduin|Comaroar... the setting cxhnaged
02:28.29Temswitch editors?
02:29.05TemI dunno, that's a really strange problem
02:29.59Miravlix_Well, my first time logon char gets the empty menu, so maybe I can figure something out.
02:33.51Anduin|Comafyi the cvars are stored in if you want to manually clear it
02:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:34.20Miravlix_It should be clear this char has never run with the local addon enabled
02:34.32Anduin|Comathe cvar is global
02:34.55Anduin|Comaall chars all realms
02:34.57Miravlix_It's my first run all around, never loged in with the locale stuff
02:35.18Miravlix_Is it intentional you call OnEvent for every addon that loads?
02:35.51Miravlix_Aah, yes it is, you do use that information.
02:36.53Anduin|Comawell, it shouldn't do anything before varsloaded
02:37.37Anduin|Comai was gonna register it later, but that'd involve more code and might not work if it was only embedded in a LoD addon..
02:41.01Guillotine_just read about ogaming, alla, and thott merging... interesting
02:41.26Cairennoh no ... no no no
02:41.27Anduin|Comalol, no. we're done, go away
02:41.37Guillotineno, I meant I read what you guys said on IRC
02:41.43GuillotineI'm not going to start asking questions :P
02:41.44Cairennah, okay
02:42.01Guillotinewas that in relief? lol
02:43.10MiravlixIriels code doesn't call the LoadDropDownMenu function
02:43.23Anduin|Comai'm jealous.. i joined a nice guild and now my roomie's joined a hardcore one hta raids like every day and has been showing off all his loot
02:43.50Anduin|Comasure it does mira
02:43.54GuillotineAnduin: I bet you can get into any guild you chose if you just said you were a blizz employee :P though that's probably against your contract
02:44.00MiravlixI added a
02:44.02MiravlixIt never calls it
02:44.07Anduin|Comamine does..
02:44.42MiravlixIt works for you, so offcourse it calls it. :p
02:45.02Azraelwhat would cause <OnUpdate> not to fire?
02:45.05Anduin|Comaok, so check the line endings in his code
02:45.20Anduin|Comahas to be shown azrael
02:45.34AzraelOh thats right...
02:45.38MiravlixHis line ending style is clean
02:46.11Anduin|Comaok, so perhaps it's the instantiation code...
02:46.35MiravlixDid Iriel go to bed?
02:46.47Temmore likely left the office
02:46.57Anduin|Comait's the mid of the day
02:47.07Temand is either en route home or doing other things
02:47.16Miravlix4:47 am here. :p
02:47.19Temit's almost 8pm there Anduin|Coma
02:47.26Temthat's not middle of the day
02:47.35Anduin|Coma8pm's the middle of MY day...
02:48.34MiravlixAre you and Iriel sure that Onload always work for virtual frames?
02:48.50MiravlixIn my experince onload never work for virtual frames
02:48.52Anduin|Comahis just calls it i believe
02:49.00Anduin|Comahis code*
02:49.36Temyou can't install an OnLoad handler in time for it to be called on a dynamic frame
02:49.42Anduin|Comabesides, that wouldn't explain why it works here and not there
02:49.49Temthough, it's easy enough to run it
02:50.38Anduin|Coma-- ACTIVATE: Apply scripts and invoke OnLoad if necessary.
02:51.08Anduin|ComaVFMETHODS:_ObjectActivate calls the onloads immediately
02:51.28Anduin|Comausing pcall no less
02:51.49Anduin|Comaif it errors it actually tells you that it errored within IVF
02:52.41Anduin|Comaalso displaces 'this' appropriately
02:52.49MiravlixShould only fail if noOnLoad is set
02:53.05Anduin|Comano, that's just cause it not to be fired
02:53.17Anduin|Comawell, true it wouldn't error
02:54.02Anduin|ComanoOnLoad is passed through Instantiate
02:54.55Miravlixnil is passed so that doesn't seem like it
02:55.39MiravlixVF:Instantiate("UIDropDownMenuTemplate", "LanguageDropDown", "UIParent",
02:56.10Anduin|Comammm, so...
02:56.10MiravlixSo no value set for noOnLoad, so that can't be the reason it fails
02:57.09Anduin|Comaand if you call the onload code manually it works, right?
02:57.28MiravlixHeh, haven't tried, since I just checked if it was loaded at all
02:58.28MiravlixWell it prints my debug print, but nothing gets put in the menu
02:59.04Anduin|ComaO.o that doesn't make any sense
02:59.54Anduin|Comaso maybe the LoadDropDownMenu code is bugged..
03:00.21Gryphen/tests/ folder next time :p
03:00.41Anduin|Comanah, that'd be no fun
03:01.49MiravlixI just called LoadDropDownMenu() directly, trying with your line when it reloads
03:02.17Anduin|Comawhat happens if you do: /script ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, LanguageDropDown, "PlayerFrame", 0, 0, "TOPLEFT");
03:03.28MiravlixThen it opens an empty menu
03:04.39MiravlixIf I do local info = {};
03:04.39Miravlixinfo.text = TEXT("AvailLangs");
03:04.39Miravlixinfo.notClickable = 1;
03:04.39Miravlixinfo.isTitle = 1;
03:04.39MiravlixUIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, 1);
03:04.45MiravlixUgh, should have been one line
03:04.57MiravlixThen it adds an emoty line
03:05.08Anduin|Comathat's cause TEXT is local to the addon file
03:05.23Anduin|Comaand the variable AvailLangs is nil
03:06.13Anduin|Comahmmm, actually
03:06.21Anduin|Comais the menu the right size?
03:06.26MiravlixNaah info.text = "Text" gives me an empty too
03:06.29MiravlixI think so
03:07.33MiravlixWell, if self:_ObjectActivate( xxx ) isn't loaded
03:07.48MiravlixThen the frame prolly isn't initialized
03:09.57Anduin|Comaif you open the frame does this work: /script UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({text="title",notClickable=1,isTitle=1}, 1);
03:10.25MiravlixEmpty line added
03:11.13Anduin|Comawow, that's no good
03:11.26Anduin|Comayou definitely have something hooking UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
03:11.42norgannaLegorol: Did you see my latest project (the scrubber)?
03:12.40Anduin|Comaoh norganna, sparkz told me to tell you to email him the stuff and what you needed done. He's not sure he can make a new database, thott would have to do that. do you think you can coincid with the forum db?
03:12.47MiravlixOkay searching for UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
03:13.52zespri_workAnduin, go have some sleep =)
03:14.18MiravlixAah sucks it's referanced in most of my addons
03:14.31GryphenAnduinLothar should be simple to put a prefix on it and it would work fine in the same db.
03:14.32norgannaI could Anduin|Coma, I was just thinking it might be easier and more secure for you guys the other way. But I can tell him what tables to create, and he can just edit the config files with the DB password when he uploads the files.
03:15.21AnduinLotharok, ya. Otherwise we have to go through thott. I don't care, I'll let sparkz and gryphon decide
03:18.25AnduinLotharand if you want to set it up for some test addons ChatScroll and FriendsFacts are converted
03:18.54Gryphenfind in files, almost everything has UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
03:18.57AnduinLotharGryphen, can you help out norganna? did you read me and sparkz convo?
03:19.09Gryphenno i didnt
03:20.15MiravlixLots of local info = {}'s
03:21.31norgannagrabbin some tucker... brb
03:22.12MiravlixUIDropDownMenu_AddButton is evil, it takes a table as argument
03:22.32AnduinLotharnot really a bad thing
03:22.46AnduinLotharnot like you open and close them a ton
03:22.55Temit's still wasteful
03:23.10AnduinLotharyou'd rather have 24 args?
03:23.20Temtake a look at how DewDrop does it
03:24.04AnduinLotharI'm sure any method is better than what we have
03:24.15AnduinLotharbut i've already rewritten it once
03:24.26AnduinLotharand no one used it
03:26.12TemDewDrop has the advantage that it's included in FuBar
03:26.22Temso most FuBar plugins are being converted to using it
03:31.16AnduinLotharany luck Miravlix?
03:31.29MiravlixIt's always the last file you check
03:34.53AnduinLotharoi... i bet CM hooks it
03:35.25AnduinLotharmm mnope
03:35.30MiravlixNaah it was fine
03:35.48MiravlixDown to T now, going through all Titan*'s but none is hooking it
03:36.04MiravlixMy search for UI = and UI= found nothing
03:36.04AnduinLotharwell, i'm gonna go stock alpha and see if ti happens
03:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
03:40.08Miravlix_Checked 70 lua files containing referances to UIDropDownMenu_AddButton, none hooked it
03:40.32Miravlix_I'm pretty sure it's VF that breaks in it's initializer.
03:40.58AnduinLothari'm logging in now clean install
03:41.18Miravlix_GameTooltip does the same because we can't initialize it, it allow us to do all the functions, but nothing works
03:41.26Miravlix_But in this case we can initialize it.
03:41.52AnduinLotharwell my clean install worked perfectly
03:42.05AnduinLotharso either it's a non-cosmos conflict or a line ending thing
03:42.15Miravlix_There is something horrible wrong when VF doesn't call Loadsomething
03:43.46TemMiravlix: I can assure you that nothing is wrong with IVF
03:44.38AnduinLotharwell i did modify it, so there could be a line ending conflict
03:44.53AnduinLotharcheck the Warning printout function
03:44.58Miravlix_Login in, on a Cosmos only char
03:45.01Miravlix_and it's empty
03:45.16Miravlix_Until I click it
03:45.27Miravlix_Then it gives Available Languages English German French
03:45.32AnduinLotharas it should
03:45.50AnduinLotharthe box is sposed to be empty until you sellect a locale
03:46.14Gryphendrop down is empty for me initially
03:46.27AnduinLotharworks fine ona clean install...
03:46.36Miravlix_It still doesn't call LoadDropDownMenu
03:46.55Miravlix_The table OnLoad = xxx has zero effect
03:47.22Miravlix_It's not until I click the drop down it calls LoadDropDownMenu
03:47.32AnduinLotharthat's the idea
03:47.54AnduinLotharit wouldn't call it at all unless this.initialize = Localization.LoadDropDownMenu; had worked
03:48.16Miravlix_No, according to the code it should call it when we create the virtual frame
03:48.36AnduinLotharno, i bybassed that
03:48.39Miravlix_It's not being called."WE WHERE CALLED") doesn't happend on frame creation
03:48.47AnduinLothari passed nil to UIDropDownMenu_Initialize
03:48.54AnduinLotharSea shouldn't be loaded
03:49.09AnduinLotharwell, isn't garenteed to be loaded
03:49.25Miravlix_If Sea wasn't loaded it would bomb out with a missing function and give me a syntax error
03:50.21Miravlix_VF:Instantiate("UIDropDownMenuTemplate", "LanguageDropDown", "UIParent",
03:50.24AnduinLothari just put that in my code, reloading
03:50.47AnduinLotharmine prints fine
03:50.52Miravlix_Oh wait I'm misreading the code.
03:51.21Miravlix_Onload = function() UIDropDownMenu_Initialize -- this.initialize = Localization.LoadDropDownMenu
03:51.26Miravlix_It isn't calling it.
03:51.40AnduinLotharlol, what?
03:52.32AnduinLotharlooks liek this:
03:53.23Miravlix_Yeah this.initialize = Localization.LoadDropDownMenu is just an assingment
03:53.33Miravlix_and VF never calls initialize
03:54.04AnduinLotharif I called UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, Localization.LoadDropDownMenu, "MENU") then it would call it
03:54.09Miravlix_Does anyone call this.initalize?
03:54.23AnduinLotharbut calling it onload would make it error, because the strings aren't registered yet
03:54.39AnduinLotharthus i set the init function mnaually
03:55.05AnduinLotharToggleDropDownMenu calls the initalize function
03:55.10AnduinLotharto populate the menu
03:57.26AnduinLothargryphen, you still have the problem?
03:57.39Gryphendont know, playing with it disabled
03:58.19AnduinLotharcan you help test or are you busy?
03:58.49Miravlix_Ugh, so wild goose chase aside
03:59.28Miravlix_It loads the menu, but it shows it black on black or something
03:59.57AnduinLotharcan you GetText on the buttons?
04:00.17Grypheni could
04:00.33Gryphenerr i had text on the buttons
04:00.44AnduinLotharno, i mean the dropdown menu
04:00.52AnduinLothareach row is a button
04:01.52AnduinLotharGetText returns the text?
04:01.52Miravlix_DropDownList1Button1:GetText() == "Availble Languages"
04:02.05Miravlix_Isn't that a bad global name for a frame?
04:02.06AnduinLotharwhat happens if you DropDownList1Button1:Show() ?
04:02.26AnduinLotharit's the global that's always used, i didn't pick it
04:02.52AnduinLotharok... perhaps it's a layering or parent thing
04:02.58AnduinLothardoes the highlight work?
04:03.17Miravlix_No effect when mouseing over the tap
04:04.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
04:06.03AnduinLotharyou're button's not there
04:06.35AnduinLotharcheck the line endings in IrielVirtualFrames\BlizzardVirtuals.lua
04:06.50Miravlix_Checking while moving the mouse to different locations, it's all DropDownList1
04:08.06Miravlix_line endings seems fine
04:08.11Miravlix_Could use some tabs.
04:08.23AnduinLotharit's autogenerated
04:12.42Miravlix_Well, going to wait for Iriel to pop-in again, I feel like I'm judgeing an Obfuscated code contest reading VF
04:17.40AnduinLothari think it's just the menu system being stupid, not iriel's fault at all
04:18.06AnduinLotharin fact, I think i can open a menu without ever instantiating one...
04:18.36Miravlix_Cosmos + all titan addons and it still works
04:18.47Miravlix_I'm not blaming Iriels code
04:19.21Miravlix_But I can't analyze VF to know what breaks it
04:20.57Miravlix_doing the enable addons load enable addons load until it breaks
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04:25.42AnduinLotharha!. i faked it into workign w/o even instantiating a menu frame
04:26.42MiravlixLoaded all addons
04:26.46Miravlixand it's still working
04:27.03KirovAnyone know which package the "missing model" model is?
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04:29.49AnduinLotharoooh, haxored! even got it to have the "MENU" outline
04:31.25AnduinLotharkarl wins
04:31.28Miravlix_I'm on an alt druid, with all the same addons loaded as my other druid and the menu works
04:31.48Miravlix_Same Khaos Configuration too
04:31.58AnduinLotharheh, it's cause the cvar wasn't set i bet
04:32.03AnduinLotharor was set wrong
04:32.37Miravlix_Still not working switching to my 60 druid
04:33.17Miravlix_The chars has identical Khaos config and loaded addons
04:33.44Miravlix_One is level 24 horde in Orgimmar, other is 60 Nelf in Darnassus
04:34.11Miravlix_My 30 Orc Rogue didn't work either
04:35.30AnduinLotharwhy in the world are my line numbers in wow like 30 lines off..
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04:41.25AnduinLotharMiravlix_ I committed a few changes, see if that helps any
04:44.01KirovOk, that scares me
04:44.13KirovThere's a model in the patch package called "Coke Tent"
04:50.24AnduinLotharany luck with that Miravlix_ ?
04:50.44Miravlix_Haven't tried yet
04:51.08MiravlixHmm, I'm wondering if the problem is in what I don't load and not in what I load.
04:51.20AnduinLotharlike my fake frame:
04:51.26AnduinLotharLanguageDropDown = {
04:51.26AnduinLotharinitialize = Localization.LoadDropDownMenu;
04:51.26AnduinLotharGetName = function() return "LanguageDropDown" end;
04:51.26AnduinLotharSetHeight = function() end;
04:53.38AnduinLotharlol, ay it never actually uses the frame you instantiate
04:54.25AnduinLotharUIDropDownMenuTemplate isn't even a drop down frame, it's the background frame that noone ever seens
04:54.59AnduinLotharUIDropDownListTemplate is the frame, but that's used to make DropDownList1-3 frames that are globals uses everywhere
04:55.01KirovAnyone know if the .m2 file format is still up anywhere?
04:56.12AnduinLotharso the only thing you need a frame for is to call ToggleDropDownMenu on which calls UIDropDownMenu_Initialize
04:56.39AnduinLotharand the only frame functions they call are GetName and SetHeight
04:57.08AnduinLotharthere's some more that are called if displayMode == "MENU", but you can fake that too
04:57.35MiravlixI can't break a working char or make a broken char work
04:58.00AnduinLothari can break it..
04:58.16AnduinLotharSetyCVar("PreferedLocale", nil)
04:58.25AnduinLotharSetCVar("PreferedLocale", nil)
04:59.39MiravlixI take that back, finally got a broken char working by changing addons
05:00.49MiravlixEnabling and disabling 183 addons takes a while to narrow it down to 1 addon. :p
05:01.01AnduinLothardid you?
05:02.06AnduinLotharwell, i successfully broke it
05:02.53AnduinLotharcourse you can fix it with /script SetCVar("PreferedLocale", "");ReloadUI()
05:02.57MiravlixMaybe it's a timing issue?
05:03.20MiravlixWoot, broken, getting closer to something here
05:08.24Miravlix3 addons between working and broken localizer
05:08.27MiravlixAlmost got it
05:08.54MiravlixDo you use Auctioneer and friends?
05:09.18AnduinLothari have auc and enhtooltips
05:09.25AnduinLotharand srubby
05:09.40MiravlixStubby and two others was what I disabled to make it work
05:10.11MiravlixEnabled the others except Stubby
05:10.31MiravlixIt's a naming conflict with Babel in Auctioneer?
05:10.47AnduinLotharum, shouldn't be..
05:11.07AnduinLothari rewrote the entirety of the code
05:11.14MiravlixI use the Latest dev version from the Auc SVN
05:11.31AnduinLotharmine was the last release vers
05:11.42MiravlixStubby enabled = dead Localization
05:11.50MiravlixStubby disabled = working localization
05:12.16AnduinLotharwanna check the latest stubby against the releas one and see what changed...
05:12.36MiravlixI use Auctioneer, Enchantrix, beancounter, Informant
05:13.00MiravlixHmm, not Enchantrix actually it's disabled seperately
05:14.44MiravlixAuctioneer, Beancounter, enhtooltip, informant, stubby
05:17.20MiravlixSo now we disable those one at a time, to see if Auc, Bean of Informant is the reason or it is all of them
05:17.37MiravlixDisabled AUctioneer and it works
05:19.15MiravlixEnabled Auctioneer to triplle check and it's broken
05:20.00MiravlixHow do I GetCVar?
05:20.36MiravlixOh I type GetCVar instead of GettCvar. :p
05:21.41MiravlixPrefaredLocale == ""
05:22.44Miravlixlocal self = {}
05:22.45Miravlixif (not self.update) then self.update = {}; end
05:22.56MiravlixInteresting code in Bab.lua
05:23.24AnduinLotharok, so same CVar name?
05:26.41MiravlixSetCVar("BabylonianOrder", order)
05:28.00MiravlixCVar seems fine
05:28.47MiravlixDon't think it's Baby thats conflicting
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05:34.06MiravlixHmm, there is no enGB locale, mine return enUS for UK Client
05:34.36IrielThey thought about localizing for enGB but ended up not doing it because it was too much effort for practically no benefit
05:34.51AnduinLothari know
05:34.51Iriel(Random fact from totally random blizzcon sidewalk discussion)
05:35.11AnduinLotharbut theorhetically you can do it
05:36.37Miravlixinfo.text = TEXT("AvailLangs");
05:36.59MiravlixI wonder if that one sets info.text = nil
05:38.27IrielIt'd set info.text = "AvailLangs" wouldn't it?
05:38.39AnduinLotharnot reading the docs, eh
05:39.13MiravlixI'll be damned
05:39.22Miravlixinfo.text == "Availble Languages"
05:39.55AnduinLotharthat's because the local TEXT function is assigned to localize it
05:40.09MiravlixYeah but the menu is EMPTY!
05:40.10IrielOh, that's not the blizzard TEXT?
05:40.28MiravlixAnd no one is hooking UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
05:40.31AnduinLotharblizzard TEXT is global
05:41.28MiravlixAuctioneer is breaking UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
05:41.55AnduinLotharhow so?
05:42.05MiravlixI wish, I knew
05:42.15MiravlixAll our date is perfect
05:42.25MiravlixBut our call to UIDropDownMenu_AddButton doesn't work
05:42.31Miravlixdata, even
05:47.24MiravlixNeed MP or Norg, I don't have 6 hours to learn how Auc works
05:47.53IrielAre you sure the call is happening?
05:48.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
05:48.15MiravlixOur code works when I disable Auc
05:48.49AnduinLotharcome to think of it i haven't been to an AH recently
05:48.56AnduinLotharso auc never got loaded
05:49.02AnduinLotharjust Stubby
05:49.27AnduinLotharwell my server's been down for nearly 24 hours
05:49.33norgannawhat's the G-O matey?
05:49.50AnduinLotharapparently auc is nuking Localization lib
05:49.59MiravlixHey Norg: Enable Auc and lozalize breaks, disable Auc and Localize works
05:50.00AnduinLotharnot sure why, maybe you can help
05:50.15MiravlixUIDropDownMenu_AddButton fails to add a button with Auc enabled
05:50.33AnduinLotharmira thinks it's a naming conflict, but i am almost possitive i rewrote the entire codebase of BabbleLib
05:50.34krkawill i be able to use this Localization to create a swedish wow version?
05:50.37MiravlixIt just adds an empty line
05:50.43krkaor is it just for other addons?
05:50.48MiravlixAnduinLothar: Nope I don't think that anymore
05:51.03AnduinLotharit's for other addons krka
05:51.14AnduinLotharthere's no way to assing globals before blizz's code
05:51.50norgannakrka - although MP and I have been discussing how to do complete re-localizations
05:52.00Miravlixkrka: You can rewrite all of Bliz code to duplicate it all with swedish menus
05:52.00AnduinLotharhowever, you can replace the localization of almsot all of WoW if you did so manually
05:52.09Miravlixand yeah this addon would be a great tool for doing that
05:52.43krkai played around with hooking GetZoneName and stuff to localize
05:52.59krkai wonder if enough of such hooks and replacing the global constants would be enough
05:53.11norgannakrka - no
05:53.18Miravlixnorganna: I can't find any obevius reasons why Auc should mess with UIDropDownMenu's
05:53.27krkawould have to hook all tooltips too
05:53.30norgannabecause the global strings get mostly copied into stuff
05:54.15norgannaMiravlix: as far as i'm aware, Auc uses dropdowns only in the additional auction tabs
05:54.28norganna1 for the saved searches
05:54.53norgannaand some in the results tables for the broker stuff
05:55.09AnduinLotharoh btw iriel, I figureou out how to make DropDownMenus without avtually making a frame
05:55.23norgannai'm not sure what the results tables do with it, because i think that's a 3rd party lib
05:55.34IrielAnduinLothar : How do you do that?
05:55.48norgannabut i'm pretty sure the saved search dropdown doesn't do anything tricky
05:55.50MiravlixWell in AuctioneerUI
05:55.51AnduinLothara hack that mirraculously doesn't involve any hooks
05:56.02MiravlixYou overload DropDownMenu functions
05:56.07AnduinLotharlemme pastebin it
05:57.39AnduinLotharLoadDropDownMenu() is more complex than necissary, but basicly you populate it then do the calls after the width comment
05:58.03AnduinLotharof course you don't even need to set the width, it'll auto adjust to the largest element
05:58.10AnduinLotharbut that way sets it manually
05:58.32AnduinLotharyou also don't need to use LanguageDropDown.displayMode if you want the one with the large border
05:59.28AnduinLotharbut if you want the small border you have to set displayMode = "MENU" before ToggleDropDownMenu and then nil it at the end of the initialize function
05:59.40IrielWhy do you declare 3 local info's instead of just re-using one?
06:00.45Kirovctrl+v habit?
06:00.51AnduinLotharplus it only happens when you open the menu.. so unless you're doign that a lot it's nothing huge
06:01.52MiravlixAah to hell with this, who needs Auctioneer anyway
06:02.12AnduinLotharstill having problems?
06:02.43IrielI'm assuming you call Localization.ShowDropDown from an OnClick handler?
06:03.09MiravlixOffcourse, everyone that use auc and localize has problems
06:03.38MiravlixUnless you load auc after localize
06:03.50AnduinLotharwhich normally happens
06:03.56AnduinLotharif you have it LoD
06:04.36AnduinLotharhere's a minimal case iriel:
06:05.00norgannaMiravlix: hmmm - but I don't think we don't hook, or override any of the original drop-down stuff to do that
06:05.07AnduinLotharyou can replace this:GetName() with the name of any frame you want it to attach to
06:05.28MiravlixThen why are you breaking a call to UIDropDownMenu_AddButton in localize?
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06:05.41AnduinLotharlol, no need to attack him mira
06:05.53MiravlixAttack who??
06:06.00AnduinLothar'why are you breaking'
06:06.08AnduinLotharsounds liek attacking to me
06:06.09MiravlixIt's a simple question
06:06.12MiravlixNot an attack
06:06.21AnduinLotharit's phrased liek hostilly
06:06.41MiravlixI fail to see the hostile part.
06:07.08norgannaI'm sure if I broke it, I didn't mean to :P
06:07.13AnduinLotharthe correct way to ask: "Then why do you think the auctioneer code might break a call to UIDropDownMenu_AddButton in Localization?"
06:07.28MiravlixI know it breaks UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
06:07.39MiravlixOnly question left is how it does it.
06:08.00AnduinLotharyes but you're much more likely to get a helpful response if you ask politely
06:08.03MiravlixSince Local is based on Norg code there is a million ways it can break the call
06:08.10MiravlixI do ask politely
06:08.20AnduinLotharnorg, any idea?
06:08.51norgannaNope - I
06:09.20MiravlixThe bug might be in localize or in Auc, but it's either one that doesn't work due to the other.
06:09.33IrielLook for leaky globals in Localize
06:09.41norgannaThe code in (starting at line 105) is the only reasonably tricky bits of code that we do
06:10.24AnduinLotharmira, do you have auc set to load OnLoad ever time
06:10.27norgannaWhere we swap "this" to be able to act like we are "in" UIDropDown's class
06:10.35MiravlixI followed the path of Auc
06:10.43MiravlixIt shouldn't be called by localize
06:10.44IrielI'd be surprised if it was norg's extablished code instead of your freshly abused code tho
06:11.06AnduinLotharso would i, but afaik auc doesn't break..
06:11.28MiravlixCan we concentrate on finding the problem instead of pointing fingers with no information to base blame throwing on?
06:11.44AnduinLotharso hostile
06:12.17IrielCan you post Localize?
06:12.20MiravlixI'm hostile to throwing blame around when we don't know anything
06:12.33IrielYou started it by saying that Auctioneer was breaking your code!
06:12.36AnduinLotharit's on wowi, tho that's old code it still has the same problem afaik
06:12.44MiravlixIt is
06:12.51norgannaYeah, but everyone else got offended but me :P
06:13.02AnduinLotharit's not actually mira's code...
06:13.07IrielI think I found it
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06:13.30AnduinLotharit's my code based on norg and MP's code using iriel's code
06:13.34IrielOh, maybe not
06:14.02AnduinLothartho i did modify iriel's code a bit
06:14.07MiravlixNothing Auc does, seems to leak into the global environment in a way where it can effect localize
06:14.18AnduinLotharcan I safely remove the blizzard templates btw?
06:14.33AnduinLotharsince i nolonger use them
06:14.41IrielAnduinLothar : yes
06:14.44AnduinLothark thx
06:14.47MiravlixAll it's code effects it's *own* dropdowns not everyone elses
06:14.55AnduinLotharand yes the major vers is changed
06:15.00IrielAnduinLothar : The next big update will clean up that whole initialization step too
06:15.11IrielOkay, Auctioneer looks clean from a dropdown perspective
06:15.13AnduinLotharwhat's not clean about it?
06:15.18Iriel(Assuming you're looking at 3.4.1)
06:15.27IrielAnduinLothar : I dont like the single global spec repository
06:15.29MiravlixWe are talking latest SVN
06:15.39MiravlixOr I am, anyway.
06:15.47IrielAnduinLothar : There's a potential for conflict
06:15.53AnduinLotharhow so?
06:16.16norgannaThere honestly hasn't been any changes between release and dev in that part of the code
06:16.16AnduinLotharand what do you mean by spec repository?
06:16.26IrielAnduinLothar : Well, I dont WANT lots of different major versions out there, so I want each user to be able to have their own frame templates if they want to
06:16.34norgannaall that code is at least 2 months old
06:16.44AnduinLotharbtw mira: I just loaded my version of auctioneer and have the same problem
06:17.09AnduinLotharit was set to LoD when you went to the AH
06:17.11MiravlixBut it's impossible, Auc isn't doeing anything to the global environments dropdowns
06:17.27AnduinLotharbut i hadn't been to an AH since testing Loc
06:17.35IrielCan somene give me a link to Localize?
06:17.55AnduinLotharcan you accept dcc?
06:18.02IrielOh, never mind
06:18.07Irielyou called it Localization not Localize
06:18.10Irielno wonder i couldn't find it
06:18.11MiravlixHave to be Cosmos for latest version
06:18.24IrielYou just told me the wowi version was also broken
06:18.25AnduinLotharthe one on wowi should have the same problem
06:18.29IrielOne of you did, anyway
06:19.12AnduinLotharand now i get the same symptoms, goodie, i can debug now
06:20.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:21.15MiravlixOnly global bleeding might be "UIParrent"?
06:21.25AnduinLothar2 r's?
06:21.43Kalroth1 r?
06:21.46AnduinLotharthat's a string..
06:22.18AnduinLotharin auc only here: Auctioneer.xml: <Frame name="AuctioneerFrame" parent="UIParent" hidden="true">
06:24.51Miravlixhrm, Changing "UIParent" wasn't a good idea.
06:25.43MiravlixBecause I mistyped the frame I made parent instead
06:27.12AnduinLotharlooks to me liek the drop down buttons somehow got reparented or re anchored
06:27.28Cairennin the immortal words of ... someone ... "dumbass"
06:28.12AnduinLotharok.. not reparented
06:28.12AnduinLothardo we have a GetAnchor yet?
06:28.15Kalrothtsk tsk!
06:28.38MiravlixAs I suspected UIParent isn't the reason, couldn't imaging why it would be possible, even if default parent is UIParent when none is specified
06:28.41IrielAnduinLothar : yes
06:28.52AnduinLotharhow does it work?
06:29.50Irieland frame:GetPoint(index)
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06:31.58AnduinLotharok well i get TOPLEFT(table)TOPLEFT########
06:32.07Irielauctioneer pollutes a lot of globals
06:32.07AnduinLotharbut it seems to be a string
06:32.41norgannaNaughty auctioneer...
06:33.54IrielHm, I pollute 3 too! bad me!
06:34.26Miravlix(table):GetName() returns LanguageSelectioNFrameConfigurationSelectButton
06:34.41norgannadoes getfenv(0) work in wow?
06:34.50Irielnorganna ; It does these days yes
06:35.03Irielnorganna : You can do luac and look at the bytecode
06:35.06AnduinLotharmira, that's of DropDownList1
06:35.27AnduinLotharthat's anchored correctly
06:35.27MiravlixI don't have anybuttons. :p
06:35.46AnduinLotharthey're set correctly but the buttons aren't anchored or somehting
06:36.12norgannaso, all those are globals?
06:36.22MiravlixWe can just make Auc depend on localize
06:36.40MiravlixProblem solved.
06:36.46AnduinLotharDropDownList1 is the frame that blizzard uses as the dropdown
06:36.57AnduinLotharit never uses the frames you instantiate
06:37.37AnduinLotharyour dropdown menu code is a bigger hack than mine
06:38.00AnduinLotharbet i could rewrite it all in 1/3 the space
06:38.41MiravlixI wonder if the problem isn't as much that Auc polutes anything we can get to, but simply the fact it uses and initialize the UIDropDownMenu
06:38.56MiravlixSince the menu is global
06:38.56AnduinLotharit fakes it actually
06:39.06IrielAnduinLothar : Does it?
06:39.14AnduinLotharrather horribly so
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06:39.17MiravlixUIDropDownMenu is fake
06:39.23AnduinLotharcause they didn't know how it was sposed to work either
06:39.25IrielAnything which alters a dropdown NOT through the standard initializers is going to be bad
06:39.32IrielHm, were does i
06:39.36MiravlixThere is one instance of it, that WoW creates
06:39.36IrielWhere does it do that?
06:39.49AnduinLotharwell frankly the standard initializers suck
06:40.08AnduinLotharyou call the init function from a frame you've instantiated that never gets used
06:41.04AnduinLotharlemme see if i can get on a char near an ah
06:41.06MiravlixIsn't that it?
06:41.26MiravlixSince UIDropDownMenu is fake, when Auc creates it's version it becomes the main one?
06:41.33AnduinLotharu no
06:41.36MiravlixAnd when we create ours it uses Auc?
06:41.43AnduinLothardont think so
06:41.57MiravlixTime to drop a lot of into Auc
06:41.59AnduinLotharauc doesn't actually replace them
06:42.04norgannaAuctioneer never replaces any official functions tho?
06:42.16MiravlixIt doesn't have to because of the way UIDropDownMenu works
06:42.30MiravlixIt becomes the official frame by being the first to create one
06:44.03AnduinLotharmmm, maybe but i dunno yet hold on
06:45.25CrispixConfusion is a normal thing around these parts norganna.. :)
06:45.51CairennCrispix sweetie, that's because you aren't a coder
06:46.16Cairennhalf the time I really truly wonder why you hang out in this channel, not that I object, you don't cause any problems, just ... odd
06:46.18Crispix.... True. I come here because I'm loved .. or at least.. I think I am.. :)
06:46.44Crispixbecause the people are friendly and wonderful Cairenn :)
06:46.57Cairennthey are a great group, aren't they?
06:47.13norgannaAuctioneer doesn't want to be the official dropdown box, and can't understand how it could be since it's LOD and surely there must be some official dropdowns created at some point...
06:47.20CrispixIf you want.. I can cause problems.... it's usually not in my autistic nature to cause problems, but I Can... if you really want dear :)
06:47.40Cairennno, that's okay, but thanks, I appreciate the offer ;)
06:48.19AnduinLotharthere's no such thing as an official drop down
06:48.24norgannaCrispix: I got it under control.... Troublemaking's my middle name...
06:48.59AnduinLotharthe framse you init from can be used to open the menu but if you dont use it that way it's only ever used for it's name
06:49.10Cairennnorgs, you're a pussy cat
06:49.35norgannaawww - i had the whole bad-boy thing going on till you burst my bubble
06:49.35CrispixCairenn hon, I even stopped playing WoW.. *Chuckle*
06:49.58CrispixI'm playing Auto Assault now, at least, until Mazzle's done with her UI, then I may come back to WoW for a while
06:50.01Cairennwe got rid of the one *real* trouble maker in the channel, I'm not in any hurry whatsoever to replace him, thanks
06:50.13Cairennanyway, back to your dropdowns ;)
06:50.35norgannaOh, so they're /my/ dropdowns now :P
06:50.42AnduinLothari'm sure if there were 2 or more mira's they'd kill eachother..
06:51.15CairennAnduinLothar: he's a pseudo trouble maker ;)
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06:51.29Miravlixnorganna: Well if I'm right, they are your dropdowns. :p
06:51.40Cairennnorgs sweetie, that was to the lot of you in general, not you in particular
06:52.15Cairennbut hey, if you want to claim them as your own, far be it for me to dissuade you ;)
06:54.03Cairennand with that laugh to finish my day on a positive note (thanks norgs), I'm off to sleep
06:54.10Cairennnight guys, have fun with your dropdowns
06:56.05MiravlixOffcourse Sea will depend on Localize some day, so it's a nice recursive dependency
06:56.28norgannaIriel: Is this how you get all the globals: luac -l *.lua | grep SETGLOBAL | less
06:57.31Irielnorganna ; It's how I would get them using luac, yup
06:58.13krka|workrecursive dependencies mean that it's the same addon
06:58.29Irielluac -l *.lua | grep SETGLOBAL | cut -d';' -f2 | sort | uniq
06:58.34IrielThat's a cleaner list
06:59.21AnduinLothari win:
06:59.24AnduinLotharWorld of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/Localization karlkfi$ luac -l *.lua | grep SETGLOBAL | cut -d';' -f2 | sort | uniq
06:59.52norgannaken@vinculum /svn/auctioneer/trunk/auctioneer $ luac -l *.lua | grep SETGLOBAL | cut -d';' -f2 | sort | uniq | wc -l
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07:01.14norgannahi s|loup
07:01.23AnduinLotharlol globals: _, _AUCT
07:01.28IrielAnduinLothar : Do be fair you should add grep -v "^ Auctioneer"
07:01.35Irielor maybe
07:01.41Irielgrep -v "^ Auction"
07:02.04AnduinLotharwhy si 'cBlue' a global...
07:02.16AnduinLothar! global 'frame'
07:02.26norgannammmm - well, most of those should be in a table...
07:03.00norgannayou shoulda seen it *before* we started cleaning it up...
07:03.10MiravlixNo thanks
07:03.23norgannawasn't pretty
07:03.27AnduinLotharAuc has some odd leaks... cBlue, frame, nilSafe, rarity, this, value, x
07:03.50norgannanaughty x
07:04.07MiravlixBut frame and this is 'interesting'
07:04.18norgannanot to mention favourites like "button" and "frame"
07:04.24AnduinLotharwell it overidded this a couple times
07:04.37norgannabut "x" has to win, i think...
07:04.50AnduinLotharsooo bad
07:05.16AnduinLotharit make sme cry..
07:05.27Miravlixluac -p on all my addons and the winner would be info
07:06.25MiravlixOh wait, I gave them new names to resuse them
07:07.10AnduinLotharO.o auc never uses ToggleDropDownMenu....
07:07.22AnduinLotharhow the hell does that work
07:07.39AnduinLotharare you manually 'Show'ing it?
07:08.48IrielEww, that might do it
07:11.24norgannait's been so long.. remind me why i would use toggledropdownmenu again?
07:11.31IrielBecause drop downs are all callback based
07:11.33AnduinLotharlol, to show the meny..
07:11.36Irielyou should NEVER force one open
07:11.51Irielyou always ask the drop down library to open itself and use your initializer top opulate it
07:11.55Irielpopulate, that is
07:12.06IrielOtherwise you miss out on all sorts of bits of blizzard state management
07:12.30AnduinLotharand why did you define 50 million dropdowns..
07:12.34IrielYou're never expected to call your initializer function yourself
07:14.55AnduinLotharlooks like it does, indirectly
07:15.10AnduinLotharToggleDropDownMenu is in the OnClick of the template
07:15.15norgannaThey're not exactly dropdowns
07:15.16AnduinLotharbut it's just ToggleDropDownMenu()
07:15.22norgannamore like dropdownedits
07:17.05norgannaAuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize(getglobal(frameName.."BidTimeLeftDropDown"), AuctionFrameSearch_TimeLeftDropDown_Initialize);
07:17.10norgannais what i do
07:17.33AnduinLotharwhy isn't that just called from the menu frame?
07:17.51AnduinLotharyou wouldn't have to mask it
07:18.10IrielOops, locked up wow
07:18.21norgannathe AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize is a wrapper around the UIDropDownMenu_Initialize as seen here:
07:18.29AnduinLothari know
07:18.31AnduinLotharbut why
07:19.33norgannaer, would you believe me if I said I don't remember....?
07:20.03IrielI knew I could make a lock-up loop with OnUpdate!
07:20.11Temlol @ Iriel
07:20.19AnduinLotharso can i
07:20.37norgannai can make one with a for loop
07:20.42IrielTem: I got that evil trio loop working
07:21.30IrielI want to see if I can macro it
07:21.45AnduinLotharoi.. your menus hurt my head norg
07:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=chatzill@
07:23.31KtronIs targetting a Trivial Action?
07:23.49Irielby name, yes
07:24.16Ktronand what's a good event that fires... idk, ever second or few seconds?
07:27.41Irieldamn it, I can't get to my task manager!
07:28.06AnduinLotharwhat for ktron?
07:28.27Temwhat's the perl regexp expression for the lua '[^%s]+' ?
07:28.40Iriel\S+ I think
07:30.21AnduinLotharwell... i dissabled all of the auc menus.... and not Loc works..
07:31.59KtronAnduinLothar, want to use LuaSlinger to run a simple script to try to target a player (I know his name)
07:32.59Temhow does one make grep create 2 matches out of the same line?
07:33.11Irieleither or?
07:33.13IrielOr and?
07:33.23Ktronbasically, if I have a target, don't do anything, if I do, try to target him
07:33.29Irielgrep -e red -e yellow infile.txt
07:33.31Irielthat's "or"
07:33.41Temthat's not what I mean
07:33.46Temsorry for being unclear
07:33.59Temcurrently, if 2 matches exist on the same line it lumps them together
07:34.21AnduinLotharlooks like ListTemplate_DropDown_OnLoad causes problems...
07:34.33TemI want it to list every match without context on a seperate line
07:35.28IrielI'm not sure grep can do that, unless you run it twice 8-)
07:35.54Temalright, then there is another way to go about this
07:36.03Irielwhats your input look like?
07:36.08Irieland what do your patterns look like?
07:36.08Temnormal text
07:36.31TemI just want to generate a word list given an input file
07:36.55TemI know it can be done with very little work via creative use of grep and other tools
07:36.57norgannaPhew... ListTemplate isn't mine :P
07:37.19Ktronhow much would a targetting scanner slow down WoW?
07:37.29IrielTem: normal text with spaces?
07:37.32IrielTem: Or spaces and tabs?
07:37.39Ktronlike... every 5 seconds say, it tries to target everything in range when it's active
07:37.45Temthis particular one only has spaces
07:37.57Tembut I'd rather it split things by whitespace
07:38.48Irielsed -e 's/\s/\n/g'  README.txt  | sort | uniq
07:39.07Irielhm, actually not quite
07:39.18Irielsed -e 's/\s/\n/g'  README.txt  | grep . | sort | uniq
07:39.58Kirovktron - freakishly slow
07:40.13IrielKtron : how would it do that?
07:40.16KtronKirov, heh heh, I was curious
07:40.21IrielKtron : Since TargetNearest* is hardware-bound?
07:40.31Ktronwell... it could act like a mini detector
07:40.36Ktronfind out what mobs are in range...
07:40.42Ktronfind out if horde/alliance is in range...
07:40.49Ktrontypes of npcs/nameds...
07:40.52IrielI think you missed the important part of my question
07:41.11KtronI'm not talking about TargetNearest
07:41.25KtronI'm talking about TargetByName("a"), TargetByName("b"), etc
07:41.35IrielOh, horrifically slow, then, i would imagine
07:41.37Ktronand if you find an a, try TargetByName ("aa") etc
07:41.37TemThanks Iriel
07:41.41IrielNot to mention an event nightmare
07:41.55IrielEvil: /script local X,Z={}Z=function(a,b,c)X[a]=CreateFrame("Frame")X[a]:SetScript("OnUpdate",function()X[b]:Hide()X[b]:Show()X[c]:Hide()X[c]:Show()end)end Z(1,2,3)Z(2,3,1)Z(3,1,2)
07:42.17norgannaplus then blizzard would ban it
07:42.37Ktronyeah norganna, they might
07:42.39Irielthey wouldn't need to
07:42.47Irielyou'd be ganked/killed/die of old age while it ran
07:43.01KtronIriel, you think the run time would be more than 1s?
07:43.05IrielBut they probably would.
07:43.14IrielKtron : it depends on how many targets you have and how far you'd go
07:43.18IrielWhat if you find "bob"
07:43.23norgannawell, they didn't like wowradar or whatever it was called...
07:43.28IrielWould you go looking for "bobby" "bobalu" ?
07:43.54KtronIriel, maybe just a quick run through of letters and maybe second letters
07:44.08Ktronand only do second letters if a first letter is detected
07:44.14Ktronso, it wouldn't be failsafe
07:44.17Ktronjust reasonable
07:44.23IrielSo basically it's vaguely useless?
07:44.36IrielI think the speed varies in direct proportion to its usefulness
07:45.02Irielsorry, execution TIME varies in proportion to usefulness
07:45.24IrielAnyone brave enough to test my evil /script ?
07:45.26norgannahmmm - i'm not sure
07:45.48IrielI wouldn't if I were you, I was just curious
07:45.49norgannai think it's speed would vary in relation to the number of people you had standing around you.
07:45.50KtronAlright, here's the idea
07:45.57Ktrontry to target a-z
07:46.04Ktronif you get a target, look for an adjective
07:46.13Ktrontry to target 'adjective a-z'
07:46.32AnduinLotharI Win
07:46.33Ktronalso, if the letter is x, try to target xa-xz
07:46.44Ktronthen display a gui list
07:46.51Ktron(so not in chat logs)
07:47.02AnduinLotharfind ListTemplate_DropDown_OnLoad in ListTemplate.lua and replace UIDropDownMenu_Initialize with AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize
07:47.17Ktronand do this on... I guess a button press if it is slow, every so often by itself if its fast enough
07:47.46norgannaHave you figured out why i invented AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize yet? cause i'm stumped...
07:48.30TemKtron: that sounds like a good way to get TargetByName either protected or require a hardware event
07:48.41AnduinLotharya, it's cause you're calling them when you're not sposed to
07:49.03norgannaIs there another way to do what i'm trying to do?
07:49.08Temhmm, no I don't guess they could protect it
07:49.23IrielWhy not tem?
07:49.30IrielChat frame is a HW event now
07:49.32AnduinLotharsimply replace them all with this.initialize = initFunc
07:49.47TemIriel: I was thinking of UnitFrame addons
07:49.48IrielOr do you mean protetct it in the sense of lock it off?
07:49.48AnduinLotharshould work..
07:49.49Ktronbetter solution would be to make TargetByName() only take exact names
07:49.53Tembut then, they probably use TargetUnit
07:50.01IrielTem: they should also have a click
07:50.14Temprotected ~= require a hardware event
07:50.23IrielOh, you mean protected protected
07:50.25Irielno, that wouldn't work
07:50.40IrielAll they'd need to do was limit how many you could do per hw event
07:50.49Ktronmy concept would be impractical if it didn't try to guess the rest of the target's name
07:51.02Ktronif you had to specify the target name exactly, it wouldn't be practical
07:51.15IrielI got a whole bunch done
07:51.22Irieland put together a break-wow test addon
07:51.26Irielthat's all good in my book
07:51.26TemI stared at IRC
07:51.26AnduinLothari found an age old bug in auctioneer...
07:51.34AnduinLothari feel productive
07:51.44AnduinLotharesp since i've never looked at it's code b4
07:51.46TemI did however find that AceDB had 'o' as a global
07:51.53Temwhich was sort of fun
07:52.15norgannaAnduinLothar: So instead of: function ListTemplate_DropDown_Initialize() ... end
07:52.30AnduinLotharno no
07:52.31Temnifty trick for picking up the globals, Iriel  I like it
07:52.36Temoff to bed with me
07:52.38Temlater guys
07:52.45AnduinLotharinside ListTemplate_DropDown_OnLoad
07:53.02AnduinLotharit calls UIDropDownMenu_Initialize
07:53.09AnduinLotharit dhould be AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize
07:53.19Irielit doesn't get XML, unfortuantely, but that wouldn't be too hard with an xslt
07:53.30IrielIn fact, you could just use my existing virtual frame xslt
07:54.17AnduinLothartho norganna you might be able to replace all your AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize calls
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07:54.37norgannaapparently i'm doing something stupid
07:54.39AnduinLotharwith arg1.initialize = arg2;
07:54.43norgannahow do i fix that :P
07:55.08AnduinLotharshould work, lemme see
07:55.28AnduinLotharlemme grab a fresh auc. i butchered this one
07:56.08MiravlixIs the localization issue getting fixed due to this?
07:56.43norgannaOnly problem will be all the people still using old auctioneer
07:57.21AnduinLotharthat's what Stickies and news posts are for
07:58.31norgannaI'm pretty sure I just cut and pasted most of that dropdown stuff from somewhere else.
07:58.44IrielAlrighty, i'm off to sleep
07:58.53AnduinLotharnight iriel, thx for the fun
08:00.08AnduinLotharyup works
08:00.09MiravlixSo there is nothing we can do to make localize work when older aucs is around?
08:00.15AnduinLotharnot really
08:00.34AnduinLotharspose i could track it down further, but why...
08:00.56MiravlixIt's going to take forever before this problem is dead.
08:01.14AnduinLotharspose i could hook the function and check the parent each time and if it's auc then fix it, but that's dumb
08:01.30norgannathe reason for the wrapper is to do the this-swapping
08:01.59AnduinLotharya, you don't need that cause you dont need to call UIDropDownMenu_Initialize in the first place
08:02.07norgannaso presumably, when the listmanager is calling the init directly (without swapping this)
08:02.36AnduinLotharin fact, I can replace them all with a 2 line change
08:02.53norgannathe uidropdown stuff is either storing stuff, or not finding stuff that it's expecting
08:04.27AnduinLotharmight be UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL
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08:06.23Ktronis there a GetTargetInfo or similar?
08:06.30KtronI'm having trouble finding it if there is one
08:07.00Ktronthanks AnduinLothar
08:07.05Ktronfound them
08:09.43KtronDoes looping through a the same table twice, checking for matches and removing one of them sound like a 'sound' way to make sure every element in a table is unique?
08:10.19AnduinLotharthat's one way..
08:10.40KtronIs there an easier way you're thinking of AnduinLothar ?
08:11.13AnduinLothari'm thinkign that i took a class that taught me 5 or 6 different ways to do that and i hated every minute
08:11.37krka|worklooping twice?
08:11.43KtronActually, I think I can just scan through the table before I put elements in it to make sure there aren't duplicates then
08:11.47krka|workdo you mean 2*N or N*N?
08:12.17krka|workjust use a hashtable to see
08:12.17KtronWell, I could probably get it down from N*N to somethng like N*(N-1)/2 I think
08:12.42Ktronand the way I'm doing it now is the same, N*(N-1)/2
08:12.53krka|workok... you have this now: table[index] = theValue?
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08:13.03krka|workmake another table: table2[theValue] = 1
08:13.03AnduinLothardoes it need to be ordered list?
08:13.32krka|workthen to check if theValue already is in table, just check if table2[theValue] then ...
08:13.50krka|workshould be pretty fast
08:14.35Ktronkrka, yeah, that's scanning n*(n-1)/2, isn't it?
08:14.35norgannaao AnduinLothar, did you work out what 2 lines I need?
08:14.51Ktronlook through the entire table the first time, entire table -1 the second, etc...
08:14.56Ktronadds up to n*(n-1)/2
08:15.03krka|workmy way is N
08:15.07AnduinLotharmeh, only works half the time.  you can actually fix my problem with 1 line change
08:15.20AnduinLothari was just trying to clean your code up
08:15.32norgannai appreciate it...
08:15.35Ktronkrka, oh, I see
08:15.38norgannai'll just do the hack then
08:15.46krka|workassuming the hash lookup is constant time
08:15.50krka|workwhich it is :P
08:15.59AnduinLotharyou can just change it to this.initialize = ListTemplate_DropDown_Initialize;
08:15.59Ktronyou've used double the memory though :)
08:16.03AnduinLotharshould be safe
08:16.13AnduinLotharthat one line
08:16.20CrispixThis mp3 player I just bought has a fm radio in it :D
08:17.10norgannaso instead of: UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, ListTemplate_DropDown_Initialize);
08:17.25norgannai do this.initialize = ListTemplate_DropDown_Initialize;
08:18.02norgannaI can do that for the other stuff too?
08:18.05krka|workKtron, sure, that's a tradeoff you have to decide for yourself if it's worth it
08:18.23krka|workif your list tends to get very big, my suggestion is definitely worth it
08:18.28krka|workif it's a short list, probably not
08:18.30AnduinLotharyou should be able to but your init funcs that your passing are hacks too so it doesn't work
08:18.40krka|workor if it's something needs to be very fast, then my idea is good
08:18.51AnduinLothari'm trying to nail down why
08:20.27AnduinLotharall of your UIDropDownMenu_AddButton calls are passing in an owner
08:21.01AnduinLotharwhich i suspect reanchors the dropdwon item buttons
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08:21.18AnduinLotharinfo.owner = [Frame]  --  Dropdown frame that "owns" the current dropdownlist
08:23.11AnduinLotharso it just passes it
08:23.18AnduinLotharbut AuctionFramePost_GetItemAlpha confuses me
08:23.35AnduinLotharwhy would record.owner ever == UnitName("player")
08:24.00AnduinLotharunless those are two different owners
08:25.56AnduinLotharanyway the .owner from the buttons gets passed to AuctionFramePost_PriceModelDropDownItem_SetSelectedID
08:26.21norgannathis dropdown stuff is confusing me
08:26.26AnduinLotharso that you can grab info about the item i spose
08:26.39AnduinLotharwhich in truns calls AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize
08:26.45AnduinLotharon the .owner
08:26.57norgannai might look for some proper code somewhere and try to rewrite it
08:27.01AnduinLotharwhich doesn't make any sense to me
08:27.16AnduinLotharbecause AuctioneerDropDownMenu_Initialize should never be called...
08:27.45AnduinLotharit's called purely by ToggleDropDownMenu
08:27.52norgannai know 1 thing
08:28.01AnduinLothartho i spose you can do it either way... just seems silly
08:29.16norgannai nicked this code from the wrong addon :P
08:30.24norgannai think i'd better go and work out how dropdowns work and do it again from scratch
08:30.51norgannaat least that way i can be sure it's doing what it's supposed to do
08:35.04AnduinLotharlol... i get it... it passes the dropdown as the owner which then gets passed to the function and passed to the init
08:35.08AnduinLotharwow, that's silly
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08:35.31AnduinLotharit never changes... eyt you derive it every time
08:36.22norgannai wish i could take credit :P
08:37.00AnduinLotharand you pass the owner instead of using .value
08:38.17norgannai got some niggling little thing in the back of my head that there was a reason for that...
08:42.57AnduinLotharya whatever... i'm done lookign at it
08:43.24AnduinLotharmake the change on the experimental or something so i dont have to tell people what to update
08:45.04AnduinLothari might jsut put the modified file into my Localization folder just so i can tell people to drap and dropp
08:45.12AnduinLothardrag and drop
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08:56.50AnduinLotharMiravlix, you around?
08:59.41norgannaAnduinLothar: I'll push the change to the 3.4.2 release after just a little more testing
09:00.20AnduinLothari already made a post on the cosmos bug forums
09:09.39MiravlixAround what?
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09:15.58MiravlixProlly not, it's becomming summer around here and I haven't bought my new machine yet, so the old one is prolly going to burn up from the heat.
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09:28.20norgannaAnduinLothar: I've just released Auctioneer 3.4.2 which contains the (one line) fix to ListTemplate.lua
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09:42.53AnduinLothark thx
09:45.32AnduinLotharnorganna, if you need help with the drowdowns let me know.  For the most part they were designed to be used with the sellection boxes as you are doing, but there is undoubtedly an easier way to do it.
09:45.44norgannai can't believe this bug was in there so long and nobody mentioned it...
09:46.04AnduinLotharI'm good at finding old bugs
09:46.22AnduinLotharheck, I reported 4 starcraft bugs in my 2 months woring at BLizzard
09:46.29norgannait must have affected more than 1 person :P
09:47.05norgannahow's that going anyhow?
09:47.11AnduinLothari got fired
09:47.18norgannaoh no!
09:47.40AnduinLotharapparently they didn't like me using irc at work, ironicly just so i could talk here
09:47.52norgannaoh wait - was this that ipod incident?
09:48.11norgannayeah - i remember you told me :D
09:48.21AnduinLotharthey warned me and then changed their minds and fired me the next day
09:48.52norgannakinda like the suspension notice and the perma-ban
09:49.23AnduinLotharproblem was basicly that I was already getting bored. They wanted me to do grunt work and I wanted to autimate it
09:50.06AnduinLotharin the process I got careless and made the mistake of thinking they actually needed me
09:51.21norgannahmmm - kinda like me... I got bored with trawling through the wow forums continually, so i wrote a spider and search engine
09:51.56AnduinLotharanyway. I pride myself at breaking things in ways no one else has done. I thought it'd make me good at QA...
09:52.02norgannawhich probably nobody but me will ever use :P
09:52.37AnduinLotharActually if you publicise a bit I bet you could get a ton of users if that's what you want
09:53.21AnduinLothareveryone hates the forum search functionalities
09:53.30norgannai dunno... users are almost more trouble than they're worth :)
09:53.46AnduinLotharsometimes, it's true
09:54.59norgannathey use up bandwith, bog down the server, demand features and you can't even put ads on the site cause the only thing you can sell them is wow gold...
09:55.55AnduinLotharsounds about right. bout the only thing you get in return is some ego soothing and maybe something to put in your portfolio
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10:18.56norgannaOk AnduinLothar, I posted it up :)
10:20.04AnduinLothargood boy
10:20.45AnduinLotharand a url, yay
10:26.51Wobin_Is there an event that covers when the mousecursor changes type?
10:26.58Wobin_Like when mousing over an actionable item
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10:31.31AnduinLotharcheck when the cursor changes
10:39.51Wobin_alas appears not =(
10:43.08AnduinLotharlatest version of Localization up, mostly small changes:
10:43.51AnduinLotharnorganna, did you email sparkz?
10:47.15AnduinLotharplease do, send him the files and any info he might need to post it and make room in the database
10:49.18norgannaI will later :)
10:49.21norgannagoing home soon
10:49.34norganna(still @ work)
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12:14.44Josh_Borkemorning :-)
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12:50.47MiravlixBuying a new gaming machine is a fulltime job
12:52.33IndustrialI just bought one
12:53.31MiravlixI'm just upgrading a few items, looks like it's going to cost 2500$, problem is I have to pay it at once due to upgrading ram, video and motherboard.
12:53.54Industrial2500 or 250
12:54.12Industrialno way
12:54.22Industrialwtf is that pc then
12:54.54TainYou can go all out, but I just spent $1500 and could barely find anything more to upgrade.  (Without monitor.)
12:55.16Industrialim getting an XFX VGA GeForce 7900 GT 256MB
12:55.19MiravlixDFI Lanparty UT motherboard, Nvidia 7900 GFX, Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Dual-core thingy
12:55.28TainThe only other obvious thing that I didn't do was get 2 7900s
12:55.30IndustrialAMD Athlon X2 3800+ Dual Core 2.0Hgz
12:55.52TainOh 4800 drives it up.
12:56.07Industrialmines 1500 too
12:56.11MiravlixThe cpu is less than the lastest 7900 GFX. :p
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12:56.48MiravlixOh and lets not forget the 2x1024 MB Dual Channel DR500 RAM
12:56.50TainProbably dropped in the 2 months or so since I was buying.  I got a 4200+
12:56.52Industrialyou you... people with money!
12:57.10IndustrialtwinMos DDR 1GB/PC400-3200 1024 MB, PC3200, 400 MHz
12:57.38TainAh see I couldn't see buying the faster RAM since I'm not going absurd overclocking.
12:57.48IndustrialI have a dell inspiron 8600 for 3 years now
12:58.01Industrialso it was time to get a new baby :P
12:58.13MiravlixI've 1.5 in this computer and it's running to low when I have a 300 MB Firefox running, Editor, WoW, etc.
12:58.34TainOh I definitely suggest anyone building a PC get 2gb.
12:58.39MiravlixThink I'm upgrading to 4 GB RAM just need a month or two to make some extra cash
12:58.54Industrialno more money
12:58.57Industrialim broke
12:59.02MiravlixWindows Vista is 2 GB memory
12:59.11TainI'm done with PC upgrades for the immediate future, LCD TV is next.
12:59.14Industrial(full time internship == poo == no $$)
12:59.15MiravlixI assume my game pc has to upgrade to that
12:59.43TainI figure it'll be at least 2 years before I'm installing Vista.  So that's a little time. :)
12:59.53MiravlixSo 2 GB now and 2 GB when I buy Vista when it's released
13:00.58MiravlixLogitech desomething laser keyboard. Prolly to expensive considering that I use up keyboards fast
13:01.25TainThe only thing I will do is pick up 3 or 4 SATA drives for an array, at some point.
13:02.02MiravlixI have a 300 GB I move into the new system and a DVD/CD player that gets moved over.
13:03.27MiravlixAnd all this just because I want to convert this mahcine to a new Linux Server, the old cardboardbox server burned out the harddisks. :)
13:21.05TainWell this is definitely getting bookmarked.
13:24.04krka|workbuying vista? O_o
13:24.07krka|workwhy would anyone do that?
13:25.25Legorolsame reason you'd buy any other microsoft product: because you need it looks awesome... pity whoever set it up completely forgot about EU
13:27.29TainAsk norganna.
13:28.03Kalrothabout time someone made a search that works .. too bad it wasn't Blizzard themselves, but I guess it's too complicated ><
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13:28.47KalrothI made one a while back, but it was only a local program/service that'd bang the forums every 10 mins for updates
13:30.44krka|workLegorol, i wasn't asking for a generic reason, i was asking for someones specific reason
13:32.37Legorolspecifically, i guess you'd have to buy it if you want to run it
13:32.56Legorolthere is the "other" way of course
13:34.01krka|workok, i'll rephrase, why would you want vista _at all_
13:35.04Josh_Borkebecause you can't run office in linux easily enough
13:35.59Josh_Borkebecause windows has a foot-hold on people 50+ that have to use computers and cannot/will not learn linux
13:37.01Legorolkrka: is this specifically Vista vs. any other Windows, or is this the good-old Windows vs. Linux question?
13:37.05Legoroli'm not entirely sure which one you meant
13:37.51krka|worka bit of both
13:38.05Legoroli won't comment on the Windows vs. Linux
13:38.20Legorolas for Vista: the last desktop operating system is XP, released 5 years ago
13:38.27Legorolit's about time for an update, don't you think?
13:38.39Kalrothdon't fix it if it ain't broken :)
13:39.02Legoroltimes move on, there are things in XP that are just outdated
13:39.08krka|workbasically, what does Vista provide that current windows doesn't
13:39.24Legorolit's adapted more to how average people use their computers
13:39.29Kalrothwhat krka said, there's no reason for me to upgrade to Vista from XP Pro
13:39.34Legorolthere isn't for you
13:39.35Kalrothaha, average people :)
13:39.43Legoroli'd say that it's more suited to the average consumer
13:39.49Kalrothaverage people will do fine with Windows XP though, no?
13:39.56Legorolnot really
13:40.04Legoroli'd say XP is still too "techie" for an average user
13:40.12Legorolone of the most important points is security
13:40.19Kalrothuh, how many hours have you spent in Vista? :)
13:40.20Legorolthe average user uses XP in an insecure way
13:40.33KalrothVista is just as "techie" as XP is
13:40.37Legorolfrom what I understand, when Joe Bob sets up Vista, it will be more secure out of the box
13:40.38krka|workwindows is insecure by default :P
13:40.51Legorolexactly, which is why you need to know what you are doing to make it secure
13:41.01Kalrothas for security, Vista wont be one bit more secure than Windows XP (with SP2!) is
13:41.04Legorolagain, this is just what i read/heard
13:41.05krka|workok... so this addresses the average user
13:41.11krka|workwhat about the 1337 users
13:41.15krka|worksuch as us in here
13:41.19Legorol1337 users use 98
13:41.21KalrothI'm elite!
13:41.25Kalrothoh, not that elite
13:41.31Legorolto be honest leet users are fine with XP
13:41.40Legoroli'd say that's the best windows i have used so far
13:41.51Kalrothhad they included the new filesystem, then I might have been interested
13:41.54Kalrothin Vista, that is
13:42.02Legorolyou could argue that XP is not much more than w2k with a shiny GUI
13:42.07KalrothIt isn't :)
13:42.10Legorolso i'd say that even w2k is passable
13:42.15Legorolbut XP has more
13:42.17KalrothWindows 2000 = Win 5.0
13:42.22KalrothWindows XP = Win 5.1
13:42.23Legorolyeah and XP is 5.1
13:42.29Kalrothit's a minor revision, not a major
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13:42.43Legorolthat's why they are so close, that's why i said that w2k is second best
13:42.58Legoroli never felt that w2k3 offers anything over xp
13:43.00Legorolfor me at least
13:43.31TainIf you're running a desktop, it doesn't.
13:43.34Legorolespecially because most of w2k3 is just adding GUI to some core NT services that are already in XP and that you can invoke from the command line anyway, if you know what you are doing
13:44.15LegorolTain: yes exactly
13:44.26Legorolthat's why i said for me
13:44.44Legoroli don't know how much more Vista will offer
13:44.55Legorolhowever, there are two things that come to mind where average joe might be better off with Vista:
13:45.11Legorolone is security, i really hope that the current nonsense of basically every grandma running as admin is going to stop
13:45.40TainThere's only one thing that matters when it comes to Vista.  Microsoft will insist on people upgrading by forcing Dell/Gateway/HP/etc. to preload it.
13:45.45Legorolthe other is organisation of files. XP has it all wrong with the Documents and Settings/My Documents/My Music etc. structure
13:46.11LegorolTain: sorry i don't fully understand that statement. How does that force existing users to upgrade?
13:46.25Legorolyes a new computer will have Vista, but then it's not an upgrade
13:47.23Legoroldo explain if i misunderstood you
13:47.38Legorolmorning Cairenn
13:47.41TainIt will work the same way Windows XP did.
13:47.48Cairennmorning Legorol :)
13:48.30TainYou start filling the market with new systems, over time the older systems are recycled out.
13:48.38Legorolthat's true
13:48.54Legorolwhy is that bad? if you are tech savvie and you insist, you can use XP
13:49.04Legorolas i said earlier, i think average Joe is better off with Vista
13:49.16TainI didn't say it was bad.  Just that THAT is the driving force, not anything technical on a PC.
13:49.19krka|workis vista anywhere near finished btW?
13:49.22krka|worki don't know
13:49.34LegorolMicrosoft says few months till release
13:49.36Industrialmicrosoft needs to got web2.0 thought. everlasting beta
13:50.05Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
13:50.07Industrial<rant> <work />
13:50.12Cairennhey Josh
13:50.12Industrial</rant> <work />
13:50.21LegorolTain: i don't see how that's different from any other software product. Developer makes new version, eventually stops supporting old one.
13:50.27LegorolEven if new version just means an extra icon
13:51.04TainThat's right, but you were discussion technical benefits or non-benefits to Vista.
13:51.12Legoroloh right
13:51.16Legorolyeah the thing i had in mind there is this:
13:51.18TainI argue that those are completely irrelevant to whether or not people will use it.
13:51.30Legoroli beleive over the past 5 years how people use their home computers have changed a lot
13:51.54TainActually there is one thing that has the potential to hurt Vista's adoption (potential, I don't know if it actually will) is DRM.
13:51.57Legoroli don't know enough about Vista to be able to usefully comment, but it is worth going over to Vista if it's better adapted to that situation than XP is
13:52.14Legorolthat's all i was trying to say
13:52.41Legorolthe kind of things that come to mind are: number of Internet connected PCs and therefore the need for better security on home computers
13:52.52Legorolthe kind of applications: video downloading, recording, editing for example
13:53.00LegorolPC being a multimedia center
13:53.02Legorolthat sort of thing
13:53.15Legoroli don't think XP is perfectly adapted to these
13:53.28Legorolif Vista has more focus on these points, than it's better for Joe, in my opinion
13:53.41Josh_Borkeor Josh!
13:54.19krka|worki think vista will lock down a lot of video capabilities that users want
13:54.26krka|work(i.e. pirated stuff)
13:54.41TainI do think XP has progressed in a "better" direction at least in those areas.  A brand new XP install CD that has SP2 on it by default is decently secure right out of the box.  Which is a huge change from the original XP install.
13:54.53Legorolthen it's not adapted to the users needs, but to corporate needs ;-)
13:55.04LegorolTain: yes i completely agree
13:55.34Legoroli wouldn't dare connecting a PC to the internet before putting SP2 on it
13:55.36TainBut that doesn't help the installs that don't have SP2, and don't have current updates (or automatid updates)
13:56.08Legoroli am also interested in how this new security thing in Vista works
13:56.17Legorolwhere you don't have to be admin all the time to be able to usefully use the computer
13:56.28Legoroli only read very little about it, but from what i read i wasn't too impressed
13:57.07Legoroli do think it's a significant security problem that in order for Joe to be comfortably using his XP computer on a day-to-day basis, he needs to run as admin
13:57.39TainThat won't be able to change completely unless application developers change, however.
13:57.42Legorolnote that i am referring to the choice that Joe faces, which is either to make an admin user, or a limited user
13:58.05TainSince XP allowed it, people created apps without security in mind so that you *have* to be an admin to run many of them.
13:58.36Legorolwell if microsoft pushes more pressure on, then software devs will change too
13:58.43Legoroli do agree that software devs contribute to the problem
13:58.49Legorolbut there are other things too...
13:58.54Legorolfor example, take the firewall in XP
13:59.19Legorolwhen you run a program and it pops up the warning that the firewall is blocking it, you need to be an admin user to unblock it and let the firewall open ports for it
13:59.22Legorolthis is both good and bad
13:59.28Legorolfrom a security point of view, this is how it should be
13:59.55Legorolbut from a user's point of view, this means they need to run as admin to be able to click that little "Unblock" button when they run their favourite game/p2p app or whatever
14:01.44CairennCide: you awake?
14:01.56Cairennthey've still got CT up
14:02.10Cairennstill have ForgottenChat, too
14:02.19LegorolCairenn, the ever vigilant :-)
14:02.29Cairennand the Monkey stuff
14:02.31Cidethat's what I hate
14:02.51CairennCide: that I'm ever vigilant?
14:02.52CideI don't want to do an effort to remove addons from a site I didn't upload them to
14:02.54Legorolhm, they have EquipCompare too
14:03.02LegorolCide, i totally agree with you
14:03.15Cairennfeel free to express your displeasure
14:03.25Legorolwhat i don't like about the AddOn "scene" is that just because AddOns are free and the source is available,
14:03.26Cairennalthough they haven't responded for ages now
14:03.34TainIs there somewhere I can express my displeasure at the prices of apartments in my area?
14:03.34Legoroleveryone thinks they are free game for any use whatsoever
14:03.43LegorolTain: sure, right in here
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14:04.06CairennLegorol: and that's why I'm "ever vigilant" ... I do everything I can to help support and protect you guys and your rights
14:04.39Legoroli completely understand that the current "accepted standard" or "best practice" is that unless the author says otherwise, an AddOn/mod etc. is fair game
14:04.44Legorolwhich i think is fair enough
14:05.13TainSo far the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment I've found that isn't a total rathole is $700/month.
14:05.31Legorolthat's not too bad..
14:05.38Legorolthen again, i'm used to prices around here
14:06.09CairennLegorol: fair game for what? NO ONE has the right to redistribute your mod without your express permission, period.
14:06.14TainI'm used to it, but I still don't like it.
14:06.23LegorolCairenn: yes i understand that point very well, that is the legal situation
14:06.33Legoroli am saying that sometimes practice supersedes law
14:06.36Legorolmy stance on this is:
14:06.38TainPeople don't know that though, Cairenn.  Ignorance is no excuse, but it is still reality.  Gamers don't understand.
14:06.38Cairennit's the moral and ethical one as well
14:06.52Legorolif an author doesn't explicitly say otherwise, then yeah go and copy it
14:07.03Legoroli know this is not the legal situation, but i think that's morally acceptable
14:07.15Legorolwhat i find unaccaptable is if an author specifically puts up a notice saying no, you can't copy it
14:07.31Legorolthe reason why i have this stance is because most authors really don't mind if it gets copied
14:07.57Legorolso i'd say that lack of notice -> do what most people would want
14:08.04krka|worki've no problem with copying from buddy to buddy
14:08.05TainI'm not sure that's really the case, Legorol.  Judging by the responses sites like this have gotten from authors.
14:08.05Legorolbut if there is a notice of some sort, then it's very different
14:08.13krka|workjust major (or minor) sites hosting other peoples stuff
14:08.26LegorolTain: ok
14:08.32Legorolyeah maybe i'm mixing two things up
14:08.51TainNow keep in mind I don't have any "numbers" as to how many authors there are versus how many have complained, etc.
14:08.51Legorolmost authors i spoke to have no problems with people going buddy to buddy or people modifying their AddOn (e.g. fixing bugs) and using that
14:08.56TainIt just "feels" that way to me.
14:09.10Legorolbut you are right, people do seem to get annoyed if their addon gets hosted elsewhere
14:09.18Legorolso meh... it's kinda complicated
14:09.29Cidepeople can use modified versions of my mods, I couldn't care less.. but when people submit bug reports because they got a mod from an outdated site, I get irritated
14:09.40TainYeah that's a big deal.
14:09.43Legorolcompletely agree, Cide
14:09.57LegorolCide, but you have some sort of notice on your site, don't you?
14:10.09Cidemaybe not so much when I'm responsible for keeping them up to date.. but on other sites
14:10.19Cidewell, we encourage users to get it from there, naturally
14:10.48Legoroli would say that whatever your "legal" rights are, best practice is to put up a notice somewhere if you don't want your stuff rehosted
14:10.53Legorolit just clears things up
14:11.08Legorolespecially because average Joe doesnt have a clue about copyright issues
14:11.26Cidethat reminds me of the CD:s Cairenn found on ebay...
14:11.33Legorolthat was nasty
14:11.51Legorolif i can suggest, how about you put a line in your FAQ: "am i allowed to upload CT's mods to another site? No."
14:12.05Cidelike that would help :)
14:12.12Legorolit wouldn't help much, no
14:12.16Legorolbut it's a start.
14:12.19Cidejudging by our submissions, nobody reads the FAQ
14:12.21Legorolpeople will upload your addon anyway
14:12.27Cidebut yeah, you have a point, I can at least direct them there
14:12.52Legoroli just had a quick look, and i can't find anything obvious on that specifically says please don't host this stuff elsewhere
14:13.02Legorolalso bear in mind that AddOns are kinda weird situation
14:13.14Legorolwith other types of software, people tend to be happy if they get free "mirrors"
14:13.25Cairenn<== bitch
14:13.34CideI usually don't care about people hosting our mods
14:13.47Cidebut like I said, when I get bug reports about it...
14:14.41Cairennwell, and there's a big difference between a guild that has someone snag their favorite addons and tosses them up somewhere for ease of finding by members, and "hosting sites"
14:17.51TainAnd shame on you Cairenn for saying you own all addons uploaded to wowi.   The horror.
14:18.35zenzelezz"The goal we will accomplish with is to get some authors' wonderful mods into the hands of people but still giving 100% credit to the author and to the author's web site (if available). " <--- do they somehow thing existing mod sites don't do that?
14:18.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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14:18.59Cairennmorning Beladona
14:19.28Beladonahave caps on while I edit this database, and I keep forgetting to turn it off
14:19.43Cairennlol, I just figured maybe you got some before you came in to work or something and were all like super happy this morning ;)
14:19.54wereHamsterI'm glad my mods aren't that popular, they aren't (yet) on filenuts :)
14:20.00BeladonaI don't wake up early enough for that
14:20.17Beladonaits more like, shit, I have 20 minutes to be at work, get off me
14:20.53Cairennwhat is *wrong* with you? I'd be all like "mmmmm, okay, so I can be late for work this morning ..."
14:21.09BeladonaI dont really say get off me
14:21.15Beladonabesides, she works too
14:21.25zenzelezzif I ever create any mods worth releasing, the accepted download sites will all be listed in the readme... with an "all other sources invalid" note
14:21.41Beladonathats the way to do it zenz
14:22.06CairennBeladona: to catch you up, we're talking about that filenuts site again
14:22.17Beladonayou should ALWAYS put a list of the primary sources for you mod in the readme, that way users who go back and try to figure out where to find the "latest" version can do so faster
14:22.18Cairennhence zenzelezz's comment
14:22.51TainScrew the users, they're just pains in the ass anyway.
14:23.07Cairennyeah, well, that's a different issue entirely ;)
14:23.08Beladonayet you keep releasing stuff
14:23.15Beladonayou must like your ass to hurt
14:23.26TainI barely release anything. ;)
14:23.29Cairennhey,it works for some people Bela ;)
14:23.38TainAnd largely ignore cries for help.
14:24.54Beladonathere is only so much that can be done to rpevent a site from distributing your content without permission
14:25.02Beladonahell, fileplanet still does it
14:25.22Cairennhey guys? can anyone suggest a replacement for Benecast?
14:25.28Beladonafileplanet is notorious for putting stuff up, but not having direct access by the developer to upload new versions
14:25.47CairennBeladona: yeah
14:27.04Cairennthere's Loz's GroupButtons, but god his config screens make me cry
14:27.17Cairennand trying to explain them to my mom .... forget about it
14:27.43krka|workhmm... i should let people post a checksum of the addon contents before asking questions :)
14:27.57krka|workthen again, that could be faked
14:28.56TainHappy Cinco de Mayo
14:29.16krka|workis today a holiday?
14:29.16Cairennand to you Tain ;)
14:29.17Legorolkrka, i wouldn't worry about a fake
14:29.30Legorolif someone is knowledgable enough to fake a checksum, they are not going to be running outdated versions
14:29.46Legorolunless they really, really really want to annoy you ;-)
14:29.46Cideand also
14:30.00Cideit's not very easy for the average user to find the checksum
14:30.02krka|workdon't mean fake... i mean copy the checksum from someone elses post
14:30.10Legoroloh right
14:30.12Legorolthat's a fair point
14:30.26Beladonacinco de mayo should be a national holiday
14:30.40krka|workand since figuring out the checksum is a pain for averages users, that won't work anyway
14:31.02krka|worki wonder if i could do some in game lua checksumming somehow
14:31.18krka|workprobably not
14:31.20TainI think it might be, Beladona.  Just not this nation. ;)
14:31.28zenzelezzmake a small modification to the .toc in each version, then ask what the .toc file's checksum is
14:31.33Beladonachecksum validation could be built into an addon manager
14:31.36krka|workzenzelezz, same problem
14:31.39zenzelezzany decent archive program (WinZip etc) shows the checksum
14:31.49Legorolok, now i'm pissed at filenuts too
14:31.56BeladonaI think everyone is
14:32.02TainSounds to me like a good opportunity for Blizzard to work with addon authors to create signed addons.
14:32.08Legorolalthough EquipCompare's legal text *does* explicitily give them the right to upload it to their site,
14:32.08BeladonaI haven't even checkd if my stuff is there
14:32.11Beladonanot sure I want to
14:32.17Legorolthey have removed the legal notice from the description
14:32.29zenzelezzif I still had post access to the US forums I'd make a semi-troll reply saying I understand where they got the "nuts" part of the site name
14:32.29CairennLegorol: they WHAT?!
14:32.46Beladonaif that wasn't deliberate...
14:32.50LegorolCairenn: they copy/pasted the description from Curse, and they snipped of the legal text at the end
14:33.10Legoroli *do* let other sites host EC, it says so in the text
14:33.19CairennLegorol: no, I understood what you meant, that was an expression of shock
14:33.20Legorolbut there are other things that that text prohibits, so i am keen they display it
14:33.26Legoroloh right
14:34.14Beladonadid they remove a lot of addons?
14:34.20Beladonatheir list seems small now
14:34.31Cairennit more seems like they stopped uploading
14:34.47BeladonaI see CTmod is still up
14:34.50LegorolCairenn: not to mention the fact that, technically speaking, the screenshots and the description up on curse are also copyrighted materials, which they don't have the right to rehost
14:34.53Legorolonly the addon as a whole
14:35.02Legoroli mean the addon as a zip file
14:35.11Cairennthey removed Tem's and Satrina's ... that seems to be the only requests to remove that they have honoured
14:35.17CairennLegorol: *nod*
14:35.25Legorolbut this is now such a minor detail i can't even expect them to comprehend
14:35.34Beladonaeven then, it is only good practice technology wise to give the author full management rights to the file
14:35.41Beladonaanyone with half a brain knows that
14:35.51Beladonaotherwise you get inconsistent versions across sites
14:35.52Cairennoh, Bela, they will
14:36.10Cairennbut the author has to make an account and request access
14:36.18BeladonaI know
14:36.26Legorolto be honest, i approach the topic of rehosting with mixed feelings
14:36.32Beladonathey should never have uploaded it in the first place though
14:36.44Legoroli completely understand that most people don't want to maintin it elsewhere, worried about support, copyright law etc. etc.
14:36.52Legorolwhat about patch days though?
14:36.54Beladonamore points of distribution is always a good thing
14:37.03Beladonabut not if it isn't by choice of the author
14:37.04Legorolthat's why i said that AddOns are weird
14:37.09LegorolBeladona: completely agree
14:37.26Legoroli guess what these guys should offer are mirroring service
14:37.28Legorolrather than rehosting
14:37.59LegorolCairenn: would wowi consider entering into some kind of deal so that someone mirrors contents (or downloads) to save bandwidth/help on patch days?
14:38.19Cairennread what I said in that post
14:38.37CairennI don't know
14:38.48Legoroli have read the whole thread, i forgot the contents :-) sorry
14:38.51Cairennthat wouldn't be up to me at all, they'd have to talk to OGaming
14:38.57LegorolCairenn: just hypothetically speaking
14:39.07Legorolthis is not what filenuts is doing, obviously
14:39.08Cairenn"I would *think* that most addon authors wouldn't object to a site that says: "This mod name." "This mod description." "Go Here to find it." - Where "Here" is the author's own site, and the user must then actually go to that location to get it. "
14:39.21BeladonaOGaming would likely support mirroring, but I am not sure about them mirroring it to a non-network site
14:40.12LegorolYes having a collection of links to addons' pages would be cool
14:40.18Legoroland perfectly fine morally and legally
14:40.25Legorolas long as they don't link directly to the download
14:40.33Cairennexactly the point I made
14:40.44Legorollinking to download is legal but immoral
14:41.10Beladonaa site that was truly worried about providing more exposure for mods, would allow authors to upload LINKS to their mod on their main distribution site
14:41.21Beladonanot necessarily the whole file
14:41.26Legoroli would like that
14:41.47Cairennso say it
14:41.50Beladonaso you go to filenuts, see ctmod there, but it actually takes you to the ctmod website
14:42.05Cairennback me up on the suggestion
14:42.15Legorolto be entirely honest i feel a bit sorry for these guys
14:42.25Legorolthey clearly were good-intentioned but ill-informed
14:42.38Legorolthey seem to have put a lot of work in, and have 3 mirros going for the downloads
14:42.43Legorolthat takes organising/setting up
14:43.03Legorolthey thought they are doing something good for everyone, just to be met with an onslaught
14:43.13Legorolsure enough they should've checked the situation out *beforehand*
14:43.30Beladonaits was a situation that was well known
14:43.31CairennI feel bad for them too
14:43.34Legorolunderstandably though a site like this would feel that they need to launch with some content already there
14:43.38Beladonathey didn't even look into it
14:43.40Beladonaor didn't care
14:43.49LegorolBeladona: i think they were just simply ignorant
14:43.54Legorolwhich is no excuse
14:44.01Legorolespecially if they plan to operate a site like this
14:44.08Cairennthey were warned, they've been asked, they've had suggestions made
14:45.03KirkburnPerhaps a gentle suggestion sticky should be made ... "test the waters before you dive in, or the sharks will rip you limb from limb"
14:45.21Legorolon a lighter note:
14:45.34Legoroli always find it amusing how all AddOn authors seem to be IP lawyers :P
14:45.40Kirkburn"nice sharks that is, with a passion for making addons"
14:45.46Legorol(this jibe is directed at noone in particular, but myself included)
14:46.04KirkburnWell, many authors aren't on the forums
14:46.28KirkburnOnly those who know about it respond
14:46.34CairennI really do feel like I'm being a complete bitch in that thread, but it's because they are violating one of the things that I strongly support - addon authors' rights
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14:46.50KirkburnCairenn, we all support you :)
14:46.54krka|workyeah we do
14:46.58Legorolno we don't
14:47.13Legorolha, one bullet is nothing
14:47.17krka|workwe're all individuals! (except legorol)
14:47.30Cairennunless you are being shot by Cheney
14:47.42Cairenncouldn't resist
14:47.48KirkburnHe's such a Dick, that Cheney
14:47.57Legoroldon't get Cairenn's one, do get Kirkburn's
14:48.18CairennLegorol: "one bullet is nothing" ... "unless you are being shot by Cheney"
14:48.38krka|workit's female humor... just laugh and nod politely
14:48.43LegorolCairenn: oh right i get it now
14:48.55Legorolis it referring to that Texas farming incident
14:48.59Legoroli mean hunting, not farming
14:49.10s|louphihi farming
14:49.19Legorolyou know, it's scary when i find myself knowing stuff about US internal politics.
14:49.29Legorolwhy should i care about a random other countries' internal affairs
14:49.35LegorolUS has too much influence on the world, i tell ya
14:49.41Legorolit's all-pervasive..
14:49.50Cairenn"Grinding is like a violent form of needlepoint"
14:50.19krka|workwe tend to know more about us internal stuff than us knows about us
14:50.42krka|worki realize that sentence may be hard to parse
14:50.48Cideyes :)
14:50.59krka|workthe first two us are USA
14:51.03krka|workthe last us is us
14:51.10s|loupah yes
14:51.22s|loupus is us absolutely normal ^^
14:51.36krka|worksilly country with name as a personal pronoun
14:51.48Cidetry using capital letters :)
14:51.57krka|worki hate to shout in irc
14:52.02KirkburnOKAY CIDE
14:52.04MiravlixIt's name is United States of America.
14:52.15s|loupjust add: 'the state that should not named'
14:52.15Cidetype that out, do it!
14:52.46CideWHAT HAVE I DONE?
14:53.10krka|worknah, that's not what i meant cair :P
14:53.13KirkburnusA sounds canadian
14:53.30Cairennkrka, no? sorry for misunderstanding then
14:53.30krka|workYOU ARE ALL USING "THE VOICE"
14:53.46krka|work"non US citizens tend to know more about US internal stuff than US citizens know about non US internal stuff"
14:53.48Cidecan't blame you, Cairenn :)
14:53.51TainU.S.A!  U.S.A!
14:54.11Kirkburnkrka|work, you don't think that's a little over complicated now? :P
14:54.15CideTHAT CAN'T BE GOOD!
14:54.16MiravlixIt's kinda polite to propperly capitalize the name of places.
14:54.30KirkburnMy version: "Americans don't know anything about anything outside of the USA" :P
14:54.34TainI don't acknowledge the existance of other places.
14:54.46krka|workWOULD THAT MEAN IT IS IMPOLITE TO CALL IT the united states of america THEN?
14:54.51Legorolon a good note:
14:55.04Legorolfilenuts has changed their CT page, so that the link there is now a redirect to ct's own page
14:55.15Legorolthey seem to be doing what you suggested them
14:55.23krka|worki just found autotravel on fileplanet too
14:55.34KirkburnCT is too big for them to lose it (in their opinion) I guess
14:55.38Legorolfileplanet, being the biggest, is also the baddest ;-)
14:55.40krka|worki'd ask them to remove it... but who cares anymore
14:55.42Cidehow about... World["Other"].knowledge["America"] > World["America"].knowledge["Other"]
14:55.44TainMaybe fileplanet fixed it so it works. :)
14:55.57KirkburnCide, who fixed you?
14:56.05krka|workTain, are you implying that someone out there is smarter than me?
14:56.06LegorolCide: are you trying to imply that World consists of the set ( "Amarica", "Other" )?
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14:56.08CideCairenn: likely
14:56.15CideLegorol: in this limited scenario, yes :)
14:56.25KirkburnMmm, Amarica sauce
14:56.28Cideif by "Amarica" you mean "America"!
14:56.30TainNah krka, they just get paid more.
14:56.47Legorolbah, where is purl?
14:56.51MiravlixNames is something fairly special and it has a strong symbolic value.
14:56.54krka|workbecause i'm offended by the idea that i'm not the smartest person alive :(
14:57.06Cidebut you are, krka.
14:57.21Legorolkrka: they probably made it work, then slouken broke it again (without us knowing) and they didn't realise yet
14:57.24TainI am whooping up on Virtual Curling!
14:57.25Legorolhow does that go down with you?
14:57.52krka|workbadly :P
14:57.56Legorolor possibly they have the version up that worked during some builds of the 1.10 test realm :D
14:58.25Legorolnow that it's all behind us and all fixed, i can talk about it
14:58.35Legorolwhen 1.10 came out on test realm first, it was trivial to automate movement again
14:58.57TainI pay an illegal immigrant three cents an hour to move for me.
14:59.01Legorolthen slouken threw in some fixes for the loopholes, based on Iriel's suggestions for the most part
14:59.14Legorolbut a tiny one was still left in, the infamous "SubvertB" exploit Iriel created
14:59.16Cairenndamn that Iriel
14:59.17Legorolthat was fun..
14:59.26krka|worki'd bother hacking together something semi-working now using a third party app, but without being able to control timing as good as i used to (movement had parameters before, remember) it'd never be as good
14:59.39Legorolyou could, for a build or two, get your code to execute in Blizzard's signed code context
14:59.50krka|worki remember :)
15:00.02Legorolkrka: itseems to work perfectly fine with just a sequence of keypresses
15:00.08Legorolnot as if i use anything like that
15:00.14krka|workseemed like you and iriel enjoyed that more than the game itself .P
15:00.22Legorolwhat, why are you all looking at me with those funny eyes?
15:00.24krka|workLegorol, depends on your framerate
15:00.29Legoroloh right
15:00.34Legoroli never tested with low fps
15:00.35krka|workthe old autotravel worked well on even bad framerates
15:00.44Legorolyeah the timing args were good for that
15:00.50krka|workbecause it could calculate it how far into the future to stop turning
15:00.53Legoroli can see how fps would be an issue
15:01.23Legorolkrka, don't forget that i used to be more familiar with AT code than you might have liked :p
15:01.26krka|worki'd request timing args back, but i can't come up with any good legal reason to have them :P
15:01.37krka|worki don't disapprove of that :)
15:01.47KirkburnTain: curling is so exciting!
15:02.01Legorolok, since we are reminiscing, i will let an old story out
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15:02.08Legorolback in the days prior to AutoTravel
15:02.10TainIt isn't quite as fun without the virtual ice scrubbers though.
15:02.16Beladonathat was so long ago
15:02.21Beladonanow I feel old
15:02.25krka|workmarch 2005 then
15:02.32Legoroli wrote an addon called PathRecorder, that'd record the path you travelled (duh) and with walk it for you again
15:02.35Tainin the year 7 BA (Before AutoTravel)
15:02.43Legorolit was crap, and AT was much neater when it affeared
15:02.49Beladonalol Tain
15:02.52Legorolhehe Tain
15:03.13Legorolanyways, at that time, i showed it to someone else (whom i won't name) and we both agreed that it would be a bad idea to publicise the AddOn
15:03.21Legoroli know :p
15:03.29krka|workno you don't know :P
15:03.31Legorolat least the first few up on wowi
15:03.34krka|workbecause that wasn't released
15:03.35TainAnd lo Slouken descended from the mountains carrying two tablets
15:03.37krka|workit was _worse_
15:03.38Legorolkrka: oh right
15:03.45LegorolTain: that's right!
15:03.48krka|workdidn't post it on wowi :P
15:03.54Legorolso krka: i hate you for ruining my PathRecorder! :D
15:04.01Legorolthere, now i said it..
15:04.08Legorolall these years, all these bottled up frustrations.. :-)
15:04.18krka|workwell, TakeMeThere came about the same time as AT
15:04.21krka|workactually, a few days before
15:04.23krka|workor weeks
15:04.26krka|workcan't remember
15:04.30Legorolmy memory is it was only a few days
15:04.31krka|workso technically, i wasn't my fault
15:04.35Legorolfair enough
15:04.38Legorolthen i blame you both!
15:04.57krka|workthough perhaps TMT wasn't as offensive to blizz
15:04.58Legorolthe end of the story is: i ditched pathrecorder as soon as i got the very first version of AT, it was already much better
15:05.22Legoroli did get extremely excited about the dynamic path calculation, because i didn't dream of doing such a thing
15:05.30Legoroli was just recording static paths, i think that's what tmt did too
15:05.44krka|workmy algebra was better than tmts too, afaik :P
15:05.57Legorolcertainly your turning algorithms were
15:06.02Legoroland much better than mine
15:06.15Legoroli just copied most of itt from thottbot's goto corpse
15:07.25Legorolmoral of the story: if it looks good, plays good and you know Blizz won't like it, then you are probably right :-)
15:16.20Cairennwell, the first "maintained" Decursive (that I've seen) is now up on WoWI:
15:17.16Cairennat least he did it exactly right ... full credits to Quu, full explanation, name change ... everything both Quu and we (WoWI) requested
15:18.06Cairennanyway, I'm out for a while, back later guys
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15:27.23kremontethe channel topic sucks.
15:27.30kremontenot enough ctrl k
15:27.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
15:28.40Cidehmm, I can't figure out why my textures aren't displayed
15:28.57TainMaybe WoW thinks they're too ugly and is hiding them to protect you
15:29.23TainOh shoot!  Today is No Pants Day!
15:31.52CideI'm setting width, height, texture, parent, layer...
15:32.47wereHamsterin lua or xml?
15:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
15:36.17wereHamsterI'm doing: CreateFrame() :SetWidth(), :SetHeight(), :CreateTexture(), :SetWidth(), :SetHeight(), :Show(), :ClearAllPoints(), :SetPoint(...)
15:36.56wereHamsterShow, CAP and SetPoint on the texture, not on the frame
15:37.33CideI'm just doing..
15:37.52Cidelocal tex = CT_RTFrameRaidsDetailsFramePieChart:CreateTexture("tex" .. (y+numTextures), "ARTWORK");
15:38.37Cidetex:SetWidth, :SetHeight, draw(..., tex) <calls SetPoint, SetWidth (again), SetHeight (again)>, :SetTexture, :SetVertexColor
15:39.07Cidehmm, maybe the settexture isn't working properly
15:39.20wereHamster:Show() anywhere? I think all frames are shown by default, but I call it always to make sure
15:39.29Cideah, yes
15:39.47CideI missed a backslash to escape :/
15:40.26wereHamsterhehe.. I had the same problem, too :)
15:45.18Cidethis pie chart is... well, interesting
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15:58.00Cidesome rough edges to work out though
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16:31.34Shouryuuoh noez!
16:31.53kremontewhy does cide have a pie?
16:32.02kremontei want a pie.
16:32.39ShouryuuHummmmm pie...
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16:36.25Ktronyou know what addon needs to be made (or found, but I don't think it's made yet)? an addon that converts chat messages that start with some predefined character(s) (perhaps '*') to look like emotes... ie, for ex., [Guild] Devis: * dances. ---> [Guild] Devis dances.
16:36.56Ktronmaybe maybe ':' instead of '*' would be better
16:37.18Eraphineis there an addon that changes CTRaid window colors based on range?
16:37.19zenzelezzeveryone I talk to use "*action*"
16:37.25EraphineI seem to recall one using CheckInteractDistance
16:37.38Ktronzenzelezz, that's why I was thinking '*' at first
16:37.49Ktronbut I do know people who :action: too
16:38.06zenzelezzthen use both, not just one :)
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16:38.23Ktronanyway... if no one tries this before I get back, maybe that will be my first addon that I can release... true true zenzelezz... perhaps:)
16:43.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
16:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
16:55.18kremonteCide - you know CTRA for 1.9 is still on beta downloads? o_O
16:56.00Cideheh, not according to the admin page
16:56.20kremonteso your site has been taken over by mysterious entities?
16:56.27kremonteThe current beta version of CT_RaidAssist 1.52 FOR World of Warcraft LIVE 1.9.
17:00.19CideI can see it
17:00.23Cidemust be the caching crap
17:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
17:05.48Natasemyer mod is still on filenuts although the download links users to your site
17:06.06Cidethat's fine
17:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:10.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:30.28krkahmm... if i do CreateFontstring on a Frame, do i have to name it?
17:30.32krkaor will nil work too?
17:31.14wereHamsterI think nil will work, too
17:31.27krkaand it returns a reference to the fontstring?
17:38.09wereHamsteryes, I usually do "local frame = CreateFrame(...); frame.label = frame:CreateFontString(...) and access the fontstring through frame.label or this.label in scripts.
17:38.34krkayeah, that was my plan too
17:38.55wereHamsterits much better than getglobal(this:GetName().."Label"):SetText(...)
17:39.58krkagetglobal is my worst enemy
17:42.21Temgetglobal is like the evil monkey that lives in my closet
17:45.09Kaeltengetglobal may burn and die
17:45.18Kaeltengetglobal = nil
17:46.07Cidegetglobal is nice
17:46.20_Bgetglobal is as gay as Bum.Touch();
17:46.31Cideit's very useful when it isn't overused (I admit to this crime)
17:47.13Cideand accomplishes a few things that aren't possible otherwise
17:47.26Temthe old frame model asked for people to use getglobal
17:47.40Cide(one could argue getfenv(0)[this:GetName().."Label"], but that's just being silly :P)
17:49.29wereHamster_B, hehe,you're the right person to say getglobal is gay.. your name is very similar to _G :)
17:51.19Cidegetglobal can be used poorly.. but so can a *LOT* of things
17:51.35Cidegetglobal perhaps easier than other things, though
17:55.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
18:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
18:17.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:17.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
18:19.21Cairennmorning Iriel
18:21.46IrielSlouken's fixed my lock-up bug for 1.11 so ther'es only a limited time if you too want to use OnUpdate/Hide/Show to lock up your clients!
18:22.41ElkanoOo ^^
18:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
18:24.48IndustrialCairenn: the search on wowi really sucks
18:24.54Industrialit searches throught addon descriptions
18:25.24Industrialwhen i search for 'improved error frame'
18:25.28Industriali get everything BUT that
18:26.13Industrialhmm, ImprovedErrorFrame works.. but it still lists others..
18:26.16Beladonadid you try doing an advanced search
18:26.26Beladonayou can choose how much and little to search
18:27.19Beladonaby default a global search SHOULD give you more than you wanted
18:27.28Beladonaadvanced searches are for narrowing it down
18:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
18:32.40TainBesides, you should use BugSack instead.  ;)
18:33.36Elkanowhat's the advatage of bugsack compared to ief?
18:33.55IndustrialActionButton1:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 'CENTER', 0, 0)
18:33.56Industrialthis doesnt work, it seems
18:33.59Industrialdont think i need to parent it to uiparent, MainMenuBar is shown
18:34.09Industrialno, i dislike bugsack
18:34.24Industrialthe frame is not nice, and it doesnt catch all my errors
18:35.24IrielYou should have less errors 8-)
18:36.50krkacan frames get OnClick?
18:36.59krkanever mind, i can look it up i guess
18:38.22Industrialim so impaired without visor :\
18:38.40Cidehey Iriel, I managed to get a 'working' version of the pie chart finally :P
18:39.02Cide .. but still quite rough, some few issues with alignment still
18:40.10IrielCide: Excellent
18:40.58Cidecan't say I could've done it without your help, so thanks
18:43.12Industrialanyone why cant i just move an action button with setpoint
18:43.23Cidedid you :ClearAllPoints?
18:43.34Cidedo that before
18:45.39IrielCide: You may try quantizing your angles to a 0.5 degree step or something to reduce alignment artifacts
18:46.45Cideyeah, this was just a simple script generating random angles, the next one starting where the last one ended
18:47.41Cidenot sure what that green thingis on the left though
18:47.46Cide(at 180 degrees)
18:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
19:03.20KirovCide - looks like that pie slice is just more than 180 (assuming right is 0), but the frame renderer is snapping snapping the end peice down a pixel
19:03.37IrielCide: Did you compensate for the transparent pad on the sheared texture?
19:03.48IrielCide: And did you skip zero sized slices?
19:04.16CideKirov: don't think that's it, I made it exactly 180 degrees at that point
19:04.43CideIriel: I don't think I did so correctly, if you look carefully there are some points where you can see through the chart
19:04.49Cideand no, it doesn't skip zero sized slices
19:09.26IrielCide: How large are your slice textures?
19:09.42IrielCide: If they're too small you can end up with faded gaps because of texture stretching
19:09.43Cidethe actual files? right now 128x128
19:09.51IrielHm, 128 x 128 should be fine at that size
19:09.54Cidethey're the same in game
19:10.06IrielI wish that image was bigger
19:10.22IrielEasier to spot certain types of artifacts on a large image
19:10.30Cidecan make it larger
19:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
19:13.01Cidewhat about 512x512?
19:14.13Cidewell, here's 512x512:
19:14.49Cidethe bottom is easy enough to fix (~270-295 degrees)
19:20.05IrielCide: Can you post your textures too?
19:20.22Cidewant the tgas or should I give you the alpha channel?
19:20.31Irielthe tgas please
19:21.14IrielI imagine you have three textures?
19:21.30CideTriangleBottom, TriangleTop, Circle
19:23.14Cide .. some random stuff there, you want Circle.tga, TriangleBottom.tga, TriangleTop.tga
19:23.19wereHamsterCide, what is this horizontal black line in the blue sector in the bottom-left corner?
19:23.32wereHamsterbottom-right corner..
19:23.43Cidedidn't factor in the transparent row
19:23.54Cideso it's transparent (and the background is black)
19:24.13IrielI'm still looking for a tool that doesn't fuck up transparency
19:24.28Irieleverything seems to think it's okay to adjust the color of the pixels under the transparency
19:25.15Shouryuu_there is no way to get the name of a spell in an action slot right?
19:25.31Cidecheck the tooltip
19:25.50Cide:SetAction(buttonid) -> TooltipTextLeft1:GetText()
19:26.27Shouryuu_I ment no other way than checking the tooltip, but I guess not :P
19:26.36Cidenot that I know of
19:26.53Cideif you run it often, cache the result (assuming an addon) and it's not that bad
19:27.24Shouryuu_I was just trying to figure the name out via a macro, but no can do =(
19:33.10sancusAnyone have any idea what makes your casting bar choppy(ie, seems to fill up in segments either lagging behind or ahead of the thin white leading bar)? Seems to be a generic problem, happens on the standard castbar and the ecast mod.
19:33.33wereHamstersancus, low framerate ?
19:33.55sancusnope, 64.0 fps
19:34.03MaldiviaHmm, aggro reduction from say blessing of salvation (30%), clock enchant (2%) and old subtlety (40%) stack like this: (1-0.30)*(1-0.02)*(1-0.40) = 41.16% threat (58.84% reduction)
19:34.08sancusit's an obvious UI drawing problem, not a performance problem with my system.
19:34.26Shouryuu_don't know
19:34.44sancusThat's what blue tells us.
19:34.54Shouryuu_Ah then it is
19:35.05Josh_Borkesancus: does it happen with 0 mods?  are there any other mods that hook the cast frame?
19:36.02Cairennoh boo, who let sancus back in here? :p
19:36.14sancusyep, it happens with 0 mods
19:36.23sancusI should fraps it!
19:37.40Josh_Borkelol, that's cute Cairenn
19:37.49Josh_Borkesancus: and it just started happening with 1.10.2?
19:38.37sancusYeah, I've never seen it before 1.10.2
19:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:47.09MaldiviaTem: what's your crit% ?
19:47.24Temdon't remember
19:47.29Tembut it's pretty low
19:47.39TemI rely on shatter
19:47.51sancusshatter's gonna be so insane in 1.11!
19:47.58Temlike aroud 15% I would guess
19:48.20Maldiviasancus: well, not really more than it is now
19:48.39sancushow so?
19:48.58sancusBeing able to shatter fireballs and fire blast off shatter isn't much more than now? :P
19:48.58TemMaldivia: unless you know something I don't, I have to disagree
19:49.03MaldiviaTem: ok, if frostspecced (for 200%crits), then subtlety will be average aggro reduction of around 13%
19:49.24Temon my frost spells?
19:49.47Tem(yes, that was a dumb quest.  feel free to ignore it)
19:49.59sancusyes, it will be more than 13% on your arcane spells that don't crit for double.
19:50.26sancusand on fire spells for that matter
19:50.26Josh_Borkewow, i totally read question and not quest...
19:50.38Temyeah me too Josh_Borke
19:50.39MaldiviaTem: with 15% crit, you're going from 115% aggro to 100% aggro
19:51.29Temsancus: why does your cast bar look retarded
19:51.35Temsancus: I'm jealous of your gear
19:51.44IrielI like the order of those observations
19:51.49sancusomg I dont know why my castbar looks retarded
19:51.53sancusthats what I'm trying to fix
19:52.17MaldiviaIriel ?
19:52.45IrielMaldivia : Yes?
19:52.58Maldiviayour comment on the "order of observations"?
19:53.11IrielMaldivia : Oh, it was about tem, the ui issue THEN the character issue
19:53.24Shouryuu_Sancus are you vidar?
19:53.28sancusum yes
19:53.39Shouryuu_was going to link the post you've just made :p
19:53.39IrielMaldivia : I agree with your 13% number if crits are double damage at 15% rate
19:53.57sancusWithout double crits, you go from 107.5 aggro to 88.75% aggro
19:54.21IrielCan we briefly define 'double crit'
19:54.34sancusmeans you crit for double damage, which requires a talent for spellcasters
19:54.35MaldiviaIriel: didn't want to try to calculate fire, for 150% damage and ignite - since I have no idea about ignites aggro :)
19:54.43sancusbecause spell crits are 150% normally
19:54.53IrielOkay, good, i'm at the same number then 8-)
19:54.56sancusMaldivia: Most likely you get the aggro reduction on the DD, but ignite remains the same.
19:55.12sancusignite's aggro is the same as all other damage
19:55.45sancusThat doesnt necessarily make the talent worse for fire, though, because fire specs have a higher crit rate, especially scorch-based specs.
19:56.33MaldiviaSome people on the mage forums, are talking about that crits have an extra +50% aggro, on top of damage-aggro...
19:57.00Maldiviaanyone knows if this is true or not?
19:57.11sancusthere is no evidence that it's true
19:58.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
19:58.50sancusTem: I just got the 37dmg ring from cthun yesterday!
19:59.10Maldiviasancus: I have no problem with my casting bar.... no "stutter"
19:59.11Kirkburnhello to you sire
19:59.22Shouryuu_Was say hello to bela but, /wave anyways :p
19:59.31Josh_Borkebela left...
19:59.41Shouryuu_dislexie FTW
20:00.42Temgrats sancus
20:01.25kremontehowre all ye doin?
20:01.27sancusMaldivia: Well that's great for you :P
20:01.40KirkburnShould I change my bittorrent client from bittorrent?
20:02.19Maldiviasancus: do your manabar etc "stutter" aswell ?
20:02.33sancusno just the castbar, im pretty sure
20:02.44Kirkburnwhat about the mirror bar? Breath
20:02.48Shouryuu_Kirkburn Get mutorrent
20:02.51sancushaven't tested that one, let me try
20:02.58Josh_Borkeno codec to watch it
20:03.42KirkburnShouryuu_, I'll have a look :) uTorrent, yeah? (with weirdy greek u)
20:04.01Shouryuu_greek u = mu
20:04.06Shouryuu_or micro =P
20:04.11kremontebeat you :o
20:04.19Shouryuu_I beat you!
20:04.30Josh_Borkei see Shouryuu_ first, sorry
20:04.34kremonte; ;
20:04.38kremonte<Shouryuu_> greek u = mu
20:04.39kremonte<kremonte> micro..!
20:04.39kremonte<Shouryuu_> or micro =P
20:04.48sancusgrumble at the goop in UC being a kiddy pool too shallow to drown in
20:04.49KirkburnShouryuu_> greek u = mu
20:04.50Kirkburn<kremonte> micro..!
20:04.50Kirkburn<Shouryuu_> or micro =P
20:04.52Josh_BorkeShouryuu_ greek u = mu
20:04.52Josh_BorkeShouryuu_ or micro =P
20:04.52Josh_Borkekremonte micro..!
20:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=dc@
20:05.01Josh_Borkelol sancus
20:05.02kremonteyou all suck ; ;
20:05.05zeegok so
20:05.08Shouryuu_sancus lol
20:05.10zeegyou people dont argue w/ me anymore
20:05.14zeeghere's a quote from mr allakhazam
20:05.15zeegThe ownership issues here are convoluted.  This is how deals like this get done. The size of this is pretty amazing. This is just the announcement for our own users, not the actual corporate announcement, which will likely come much later. We are now owned by a company that owns a bunch of stuff, including IGE. They bought both of us (and several other sites as well) and then split us into separate divisions so that there is no interaction between them. You kno
20:05.21KirkburnGo away.
20:05.34zeegKirkburn, im going to do my "i told you so" one last time
20:05.38Temwhy are you here?
20:05.44KirkburnIt's for your own good, you've been kicked.
20:05.48kremontewait, we're supposed to hate zeeg?
20:05.52zeegKirkburn, i dont plan on coming back
20:06.06kremontewhat's going onnnn
20:06.08zeegkremonte, ogaming, thottbot, allakhazam, and wowinterface, are all owned by the company which owns and operates IGE
20:06.10KirkburnI'm not trying to be harsh (sorry it came out that way), but Cairenn won't be happy
20:06.19Temzeeg: you aren't welcome here.  scurry alone
20:06.19zeegand everyone here argued w/ me
20:06.43zeegKirkburn, and cairenn is full of shit, she has denied it flat in her face, and im sure she is paid by the IGE company
20:06.44kremonteand so zeeg is outlawed i'm guessing?
20:06.44Kirkburn(I won't, I know the situation, but you need to stop being so confrontational)
20:06.47Tem>< lol
20:06.49zeegkremonte, basically
20:06.52zeegbut i dont care anymore
20:06.55zeegbecause im done w/ the wow scene
20:06.56kremontebah drama
20:06.59zeegas of last monday
20:07.36Temzeeg: WoWI has never said that they weren't owned by the same company that owns IGE
20:07.37zeeganyways, have fun, and hopefully you all can make choices based on factual information now, instead of lies
20:07.46Temthey simply said that they weren't owned by IGE
20:07.49zeegTem, cairenn denied it last week
20:07.51kremontethat was just asking for a flame
20:07.54Temno, she didn't
20:07.56Temyou're full of shit
20:08.00Shouryuu_Weeeeeee he;s gone
20:08.02KirkburnGive up guys
20:08.08kremonteon the note of boat/zep timers
20:08.11kremonteit's hard. :(
20:08.11sancusI think the mirror bar is doing it, though it's hard to tell because the more time the bar indicates(undead breath bar is 4 minutes), the smaller the little "segments" are.
20:08.28kremontei think the only way i can do it is have the user calibrate it after each sserver reset; Tem you were right
20:08.31Shouryuu_sancus It seems the flashy animation is jumpy, not the bar itself
20:08.37Temkremonte: :(
20:09.03Kirkburn(big difference between 'being owned by' and 'being part of the same group', but zeeg will never accept that. And perhaps we'll no longer have to argue that poitn with him)
20:09.03kremontethough i mean, 1 calibration (button click) isn't too hard
20:09.13kremontebut right now it's looking like it has to be done for each thing individually
20:09.19KirkburnOdd, sancus
20:09.22kremontebecause the times aren't really relative to one another
20:09.25KirkburnHow about trying with a castbar addon
20:09.32Shouryuu_he did
20:09.32Kirkburne.g. eCastingBar
20:09.35Cairennit's gone
20:09.36sancusI tried with eCastingBar
20:09.39sancusdoes the same thing
20:09.41Cairennhe's gone
20:09.42kremontewhat's gone?
20:09.42Cairenndrop it
20:10.13sancusjust for the hell of it, im going to reset cache and run repair.exe
20:10.20Shouryuu_I don't know what ould be fudging it
20:10.22Temkremonte: it could be done with communication
20:10.26Kirkburn(er, those oh and ah weren't in response to you Cairenn, I wasn't planning on saying more anyway)
20:10.32kremonteTem: !
20:10.36Cairennno worries
20:10.37Shouryuu_Tem Smart!
20:10.51kremonteTem: you should produce children sometime in your lifetime.
20:10.59kremonteTem: that would be good for the world.
20:11.24Temyou might try using PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD and P_E_W to determine which boat/zep the player is on
20:11.39Temto calibrate it
20:11.45IrielThat's actually a good suggestion Tem just made
20:11.51Irielauto-calibrate based on when the zone transition happens
20:12.05Iriel(Not to imply Tem isn't a constant source of good suggestions)
20:12.13sancustoo late
20:12.27kremontegood idea
20:12.31Irielbut this one is exceptionally good
20:12.43krkadid i miss something cool?
20:12.50Temno, you missed something annoying
20:13.08KirkburnP_E_W P_E_W P_E_W!
20:13.15Josh_BorkeKirkburn: lol
20:13.30krkawhat was that calibration thing about?
20:13.39Temboat/zepplin timers
20:14.18Josh_Borkedo summons trigger PEW/PLW?
20:14.29KirkburnPhasers can
20:14.32kremonteif you zone
20:14.35Kirovdepends on how far I think
20:14.38Shouryuu_kremonte lol
20:14.40kremontewait wait
20:14.40Temhmm, that's a good point
20:14.49Josh_Borkebut you get a notification if you're summoned
20:14.50Irielyou can look at your map coordinates before/after too
20:14.51Josh_Borkeso you're still good
20:15.05kremontei'm not sure how to moderate the channel, being it's serverwide
20:15.07KirkburnWhat about hearthstones? Identical to summons in effect?
20:15.13kremontecouldn't you just click the calibrate button and screw up everyone's?
20:15.18KirovKirkburn - yeah
20:15.24Iriel(Except for deeprun, I guess)
20:15.24Josh_Borkeignore events triggered by hearthstone?
20:15.24kremontegood point
20:15.35IrielBut that doesn't zone either
20:15.38kremonteIriel: yeah, i'm putting off deeprun
20:15.58Josh_Borkeooo, yea, because you have 2 separate times, right?
20:16.12Kirovcan you get your coordinates in deeprun?
20:16.27Temdoubt it
20:16.30KirovYou show up on the world map inside it
20:16.36Kirovat least you used to
20:16.54KirkburnBlizz should make Player_Entering_World fire thrice upon login just cos I'd find it funny :)
20:17.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:17.25KirkburnKirov, are you sure? You can still show up on the Global Map when in an instance
20:17.29ToastTheifhey Tain
20:17.31ToastTheifare you here?
20:17.38Kirovkirkburn - nah, they should just throw a "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" after every "PLAYER_ENTER_WORLD" just for fun, but not always.
20:17.41ToastTheifgot a question about Visor
20:18.26Kirovkirkburn - yeah, I was wondering about that too.  I seem to remember checking a long time ago if you showed up on the world map while in deeprun, and I seem to remember you could.  But this was back in like 1.3
20:19.21IrielIt wouldn't make sense
20:19.30*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
20:19.37KirovOh, so I did some testing with UnitCanAttack and FD
20:19.37IrielHey slouken!
20:19.41Cairennyo slouken
20:19.52ToastTheifHello there Slouken
20:20.11KirovIf your target is FDed, you show up as being unable to attack them, but they show up as being able to attack you.
20:20.19KirovIf the target is dead, it shows up as nil for both, I think
20:20.19ToastTheifhey cair
20:20.36ToastTheifthere's this girl named Kari
20:20.43ToastTheifand it sounds like cair
20:20.58ToastTheifthat's about it
20:21.14ToastTheifwell Im taking her to prom
20:21.16ToastTheifbut w/e
20:21.27Shouryuu_ohh prom!
20:21.38Shouryuu_French don't have proms =(
20:21.49KirkburnNeither the Brits
20:21.52IrielArgh, NullPointerException, why do you abuse me so.
20:21.59Shouryuu_purely americain BS
20:22.25KirovShouryuu - you all just go to the café?
20:22.36ToastTheifprom is fun
20:22.40KirkburnThe brits just sit and drink tea :P
20:22.44ToastTheifanyway, anyone here know where tain is?
20:22.46IrielI dont like tea
20:22.50Irielthough I can MAKE a fine cuppa
20:22.58KirkburnThe italians make lots of noise and drink cappucinos
20:23.10MaldiviaNullPointerException.... baad Iriel... baad...
20:23.12KirkburnThe brits sit in silence.
20:24.44KirkburnI think running it on a massive bilboard in Times Square was a bad idea, Maldivia
20:25.18Kirkburn(imagine playing WoW on that)
20:25.36IrielI guess the stationary post became the idiot flypaper
20:25.39Maldivia(imaging playing WoW on that, and then be killed by a farmer)
20:25.43KirkburnNot quite my thought, Kirov ...
20:25.47KirovPlaying wow on a 400x200 res screen!
20:26.22KirkburnI want stationary with Penguins on.
20:26.36MaldiviaIriel: but the Valentines Stationary is really cute! :)
20:27.02ToastTheifI have a visor profile for my warrior, and I made a new warrior on a new server, how do I get my old warrios visor settings applied to my new one?
20:27.49Kirov - see Maldivia's code!
20:28.07Temoh, hey slouken
20:28.13sloukenHey Tem
20:28.14Temhell week over?
20:28.21sloukennot yet. :)
20:28.38IrielDoes next week get worse?
20:28.38Temgood luck :)
20:28.39IrielOr better?
20:29.05KirkburnI've been wanting to say this for a while, and since I can't post on the US forums ... thanks for the font changes slouken! :P
20:29.08sloukenHeh, thanks
20:29.28KirkburnAnd now I've lost my fork. Dammit, where's it gone ...
20:29.53IrielKirkburn : Did you remember to re-check your "Use out of date utensils" box?
20:29.54ToastTheifso I guess no one knows what I should do about the Visor thing?
20:30.34MaldiviaI'm glad I'm not under that kind of preasure, as I can think game developers are these weeks before E3... :)
20:30.45TainToastTheif: That's an Ace profiles thing.
20:31.00ToastTheifwooo Tain is back
20:31.01sloukensee ya later, folks!
20:31.07ToastTheifso how do I do it?
20:31.09*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
20:31.17TainI don't know how to copy from one to another.  Never done it.
20:31.28ToastTheifhmm =/
20:31.39ToastTheifI know in Visor.lua in my saved varibles
20:31.47ToastTheifit shows the code for all my visor profiles
20:32.00ToastTheifso I tried to copy the code from my old warrior to my new one and reload
20:32.04ToastTheifbut it just changed the code back
20:32.56TainI don't really know that much about how Ace's profiles work, just that it stores separate sets in the savevar.  I'm willing to bet if you post on the forums someone could help.
20:33.16KirkburnIriel, found my fork. *munches pasta*
20:33.56ToastTheifKael might n\know
20:34.11ToastTheiftoo bad he's not on msn
20:34.33Maldiviasancus: hmm, about the stutter... tried running repair?
20:34.49TainIt's one of the reasons I like to save everything I do to setup Visor in a file so I can rerun it all at anytime.
20:34.49Maldiviasancus: might have a corrupt model file?
20:35.07TainWhich doesn't help you here of course.
20:35.28ToastTheifwell I do it all with easyvisor
20:35.33ToastTheifjust clicking buttons and stuff
20:35.44ToastTheifso there's no code to save =/
20:35.52TainAh ok
20:36.09ToastTheifwell mostly easyvisor
20:36.17ToastTheifsome stuff is easier to use code for
20:36.19ToastTheifbut hmm
20:36.26TainAnother reason GUIs are the devil!
20:40.02KirkburnEr, what actually is Visor?
20:41.14ToastTheifmost amazingest addon evar
20:41.24ToastTheifit's like Flexbar.. sept more flexible
20:42.14Temvisor is too complex for my tastes
20:42.24TemI don't trust it
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20:43.18sancusok, I restarted my machine and it's fixed. ... I can't explain it.
20:43.32Temsancus: that's bizzare
20:44.05Kirovholy damn
20:44.35KirovOne of the screens in time's square, the JP Morgan one, can do 3200×3200 resolution
20:44.53TainVisor is a frame manipulation addon, like Moveanything or DFM.  But solely command based, no gui.
20:45.02TainVisorButtons is an ActionButton addon.
20:46.39ckknighthey all
20:47.04KirkburnKirov, whee! So WoW would be cool on that :P
20:47.16KirkburnAnd hullo :)
20:48.12Kirovheh, yeah
20:49.19ToastTheifit's not that complex
20:49.26Cairennmorning ckknight
20:49.27ToastTheiflots of tpying
20:49.28ToastTheifthat's about it
20:50.41Cidehey Iriel: do you know of a more exact way of compensating for the transparent pixel, than what I'm using? right now, I'm pretty much using a bunch of +1/-1's in my setpoint calls, which isn't very nice
20:51.18KirovWhy not use TexCoords?
20:51.37CideI am, also
20:51.59IrielCide : You should adjust the inputs to your formula
20:52.17IrielCide : if it's 128x128 then you'd add 1/128 in a couple of places
20:52.37Cideas a translate?
20:52.42Cideerr, translation
20:52.44IrielCide: My original shear document had it in
20:52.56IrielCide : Shear and possibly scale (depending on how you drew your triangle)
20:52.57Cidehmm, let me dig that one up then
20:54.42IrielAlpha is the factor we're talking about here
20:55.35kremontechat message hooking is ChatFrame_OnEvent() right?
20:55.59Cidethat's the function used to display chat messages, anyway
20:56.07kremonteyea, to hook it i use that though
20:56.11kremontei'm bad at wording things :E
20:56.28Cideyou could hook the onevent handler if you want a specific chatframe, but I'm guessing you don't
20:58.10kremontedoes it work with outgoing messages as well?
20:58.27KirkburnBBC - "Kiefer Sutherland has revealed that a movie version of his hit US TV show 24 is to be made in London."
20:59.32cmunnA 24hr movie?
20:59.38cmunnNo thanks
20:59.58TainThey may just have to call the movie, 2
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21:00.10cmunnHeh, or 1.5
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21:00.49KirovDepends on who's directing it
21:00.56KirovIf it's peter jackson it might be 5
21:02.34cmunnHeh, and his 24hr "Director's Cut" released later
21:03.38cladhairei know the mapwow people
21:03.41cladhairethey're in my guild.
21:04.04KirkburnGotta love google
21:04.15kremontelol didnt know you could do that with google maps
21:04.16kremontethats cool
21:04.29TainI can see my corpse from here!
21:05.27KirkburnThe Google API is very powerful, and they've just come out with version 2.
21:05.37Josh_Borkebye all
21:05.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
21:05.51TainI hear version 3 will let you see your colon from orbit.
21:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
21:06.37Kirovhybrid view will show the satilte view, the roads, and where you've been in the last 12 hours
21:06.48kaidenHey guys, i had a quick question, is ~= the most proper way to check for not equals? or is (not variablename == "something") more proper to use?
21:06.51Kirov_they're watching you!_
21:07.26KirovI use !=
21:07.28Tain~= even though it's the most absurd syntax for not-equals I've seen yet.
21:07.33Kirovthen get mad when it doesn't work
21:07.35kremontei agree Tain
21:07.44kremonteisn't that equals-about?
21:07.48TemThe matrix has you
21:07.59kaidenthe reason i ask is krka's for all indents and purposes breaks using ~= in tinypad
21:08.05kaidenwhich is where i make my addons most of the time
21:08.13TainYeah I looked at it as "ehn.. about equal to"
21:08.27kremonte3.14159 ~= pi
21:08.31krkacan you take a screenshot?
21:08.35krkaor a test ase
21:08.44kaidenhrm, i'd have to take a video, i can explain it easier hehe
21:08.46krkaFAIAP really should be able to handle it
21:08.55Tainkrka ~= "Smartest Person in the World"
21:08.56kaidenwhen in tinypad if you are typing out stuff if you type ~= it removes the ~
21:08.57kremonteit's a great name :p
21:09.00kaidenand just leaves =
21:09.11kaideni can tell you why it's doing it
21:09.22krkaactually, so can i :)
21:09.28krkait sees ~ as an invalid token
21:09.30krkaso removes it
21:09.36TainStupid token.
21:09.47krkai'll have to add ~ as a token of its own
21:09.48kremonteis OnShow valid for frames?
21:10.06kaidenkrka, awesome :) i reported it as a bug earlier today in the wowi mod bugs list for it
21:10.23krkahaven't read it today
21:10.24KirkburnRemember when I said Outland was no longer in the game files? I was wrong, nothing's changed.
21:10.50kaidenkrka, is there a quick fix i can implement to make it work for now until a new version comes out?
21:10.52kremonteyea because you're a stupid smelly shenanigans maker!
21:10.57kaidenjust remove    bytes.BYTE_TILDE = stringbyte("~") ??
21:11.11kaidenand subsequent representations of that bytes.BYTE_TILDE?
21:11.16krkawait 5 minutes for new version? :P
21:11.29kaidensure thing
21:11.29krkaor, always write your = first and then insert a ~ before it
21:11.31kaidenthanks man :)
21:11.50kaidenyeah i've become accustomed to writing ~= in my chatbox then just pasting it where i need it
21:12.04krkawant a pre-release-version?
21:12.12krkaso don't have to test it myself
21:12.14kaidensure thing
21:12.18kaidenjust dcc over and i'll test it
21:12.57krkawith http:// in front
21:13.25kaidenthanks, and once again, too awesome of a mod :)
21:13.36krkajust hope this fixes it
21:13.40kremonteis it possible to check if you're in a channel?
21:14.05kaidenyup, call a channel list and if it's above 0 you must be there
21:14.37kremontei don't want it to list to chatframe
21:14.46krkaooh.. i have a warning-sign on wowi now
21:15.44kaidengets a list of all channels you are currently in
21:15.47kremonte'Does not appear to return all channels, only some.' :/
21:16.05krkai'll upload and mark as fixed as soon as you confirm it's fixed kaiden
21:16.26kaidenwhoops let me run look
21:16.28Kirovkremonte - there's a bug it won't list blizzard's channels after a reload until you move to another zone
21:16.43kaidenkrka, fixed, works great, thanks
21:16.54krkafast testing
21:17.55kremontethat works, ty
21:18.34kaidenif i localize a variable does it return to nil whenever that function is done running?
21:18.42krkaapprove my fix damn it!
21:18.45krkayou're so slow
21:18.49krkai uploaded several seconds ago
21:19.24krkaIriel or Cairenn, get working :P
21:19.49krkakaiden, unreachable variables get garbage collected when memory hits the limit
21:20.15TemIriel: you around?
21:20.35krkathis is probably my fastest bug fix btw
21:20.59krkafine, it wasn't a hard bug
21:21.00Cairennkrka: approved
21:21.23krkalove the bug handling thingy btw
21:21.32Cairenngood ;)
21:21.56kaidenyeah it's a wonderful site, just a few more addons i wish the people would start hosting there so i could keep up with them
21:22.01kaidenLazyRogue 4 ever ! :P
21:22.21Cairennask the authors to upload
21:22.23krkacan't you let some authors be "trusted", i.e. not have to wait for approvals?
21:22.30Cairennwe do
21:22.37Cairenncheck the FA section
21:22.58kaidenyeah i would hope for ckknights sake he's Featured so he doesn't have to await approval for all the updates he does
21:23.56krkahow do i find that section cair?
21:24.23CairennFeature Projects
21:25.08TemThe ace category is sort of the exception
21:25.12kaidenkrka, one question about localized variables, can they only be accessed within that function or do other functions temporarily have access to their data if you run that function from within the function that owns the variable?
21:25.22Temnot everything you find there is uploaded by a Featured Artist
21:25.42krkanot sure i follow
21:25.51krkabut normal scoping rules apply
21:26.02Temok, now I'm lost
21:26.18krkahm. the answer is no
21:26.43krkafunction a() print(x) end function b() local x = 3 a() end
21:26.44krkathat won't work
21:26.57kaidenok i didn't know if the scope would change if the function was called from within it
21:27.05krkafunction b() local x = 3 function a() print(x) end a() end
21:27.07krkathat will work though
21:27.18kaidenwell i mean like funaction a() x=1; b(); end   function b() print(x); end
21:27.24KirkburnBuggling is fun.
21:27.34krkain that case, x is not a local
21:27.36krkaso that will work
21:27.43kaidenwell... i mean if i had made it local
21:27.48kaideni'll just leave them global
21:28.05krkathat's the failsafe way to do it :P
21:28.15kaideni've just had some problems with tinypad in the past when using global variables when i would run a macro that called /tinypad page# it wouldn't work
21:28.25kaidenbut when i went into tinypad and actually hit run on the page it would work fine
21:28.37krkasounds like a bug to me
21:29.06Kirovkaiden - using Tain's version?
21:29.33Temoh wow... I completely overlooked kaiden's post.  I'm not lost anymore
21:29.57kaidenKirov, yes
21:34.25kremontewhat's a good text editor to use? :Q
21:36.05kremontenot in wow...
21:36.17kremontebesides emacs? :/
21:36.38krkaeditplus is ok in windows
21:39.37kaideneditplus rocks
21:39.52hasteI like SciTE
21:39.59kaidenor a nano port if you can find a valid one
21:42.24kaidenI wish there was a way to make it so on the scroll frame in tinypad if you were editing at the top of it and hit enter it didn't jerk you to the bottom of the text in the frame. Dunno if that's FAIAP causing it or if it's tinypad itself or the way blizzard does it scrollframe
21:44.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
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21:45.31ShouryuuI'm so bored
21:45.35Shouryuubut i don't know what to do
21:46.05ShouryuuReading a book ftl I guess
21:46.17kremonteroll on anetheron so i can get free HK ^_^
21:46.49ShouryuuI don't have the game!
21:46.54ShouryuuOther wise I wouldn't be bored...
21:47.07Shouryuuand I have so much homework this week-end
21:47.09Shouryuuthe suxorz
21:47.40ShouryuuNight folks
21:47.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
21:48.13kaidenpoor shouryuu
21:50.46kaidenkrka, could it be FAIAP causing the new problem i'm describing, say i have a very long script i've written in TinyPad and i'm editing at the top as I edit and FAIAP changes all the indents it jerks me down to the very bottom of the textbox and i have to scroll back up.
21:52.55TainThat's TinyPad's behavior, not FAIAP.
21:53.46kaiden*bats eyelashes at Tain* new TinyPad (Tain's version) soon maybe? :}
21:53.49TainIf you edit at the top of a file it'll scroll down to the end.
21:54.01Industrialto move the minimap i need to move MinimapCluster right? (i want to include the border)
21:54.09kaidenIndustrial, correct
21:54.33TainNot me, I just added a simple function to it, it's all Gello. :)
21:55.46kaidenguess i could just remove scrollBar:SetValue(max); for now
21:57.44kaidenmuch better, no more constant jerking of the scrollbar values while i'm editing :P
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22:11.15Cairenn|afklater guys
22:13.32kaidenIndustrial, cool :)
22:15.51kaideni'll upload a screenshot of my ui
22:19.04Industrialthe frames are pretty cool
22:19.15Industrialthe background on the bottom
22:19.19Industriali like those frames
22:19.26Industrialin face, i think they are the coolest frames in wow
22:19.57kaideni really loved the path crash was taking with charcoal so i made them to flavor his stuff
22:19.58Industrialthat list is the addons i use atm
22:20.26kaidenIndustrial, you should check out the entire line of Discord mods,
22:21.10IndustrialI know about them
22:21.52kaidenerm i'm working on my 1 button wonder for warriors
22:22.07kaidenit used to be nice.. now it's something a bit more rewriting it from the ground up
22:25.21kaidenwho let the cows out
22:25.36Anduin|Comamoo, moo moo moo
22:26.42kaidenhrm.. no api for getting health back only in percent form.. that's odd
22:27.06Anduin|Comajust divide by total hp
22:27.33kaidenjust figured there would be one that was so simple ya know :P
22:27.50Anduin|Comawhy complicate something simple
22:28.10Anduin|Comait's not stored on the server as %
22:28.17Anduin|Comathe ui does all the conversion
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22:30.59Irieldid I miss anything fun?
22:31.15Anduin|Comadunno, I just got here
22:31.17kaidena major nerd orgy.. thank god you weren't here.. it was gross
22:31.32kaidenthey were talkin about processors and where they were gonna put the ram *shiver*
22:31.46Anduin|Comabut I think I don't get to do wow today, got a compiler project I've been procrastinating
22:32.08wereHamsterI'm adding more profiling information to my LuaProfiler:  .. CsRC = Calls since Reset, TsRC = Time since Reset, TpCH = Time per Call High (~peak), TpCA = Time per Call Average, TpCL = ... Low, and M??? = Memory ... and CpS? = Calls per Second ..., I'm not sure how to count CpS exactly yet, anything more you'd be interested in?
22:32.37Anduin|Comaprolly similar to fps, an avergae
22:32.46Anduin|Comaover the past 10 seconds
22:33.31Anduin|Comaoh iriel we did figure out the Loc issue, did you catch that or had you left?
22:33.51IrielAuctioneer manually firing its initializers?
22:34.36Anduin|Comayes, but it had sufficiently hacked that method so that it worked, but it had forgotten to use the wrapper in one place
22:35.10IrielAh, I think i left before that part.
22:35.19IrielGlad it got solved though, one less quirk in the world
22:35.24Anduin|Comaya, their wrapper works, but it's an ugly hack
22:35.40Anduin|Comaand probably 5x more code than is necissary
22:36.30Anduin|Comathey just forgot to use it once, oops
22:37.00Anduin|Comaanyway, latest version on Loc is on WoWI... spose I should put a changelog on the wiki tho
22:41.04wereHamsterwhy doesn't string.format("%2.2f", 1.0) return "01.00" ?
22:42.24Maldiviahmm, it should write "1.00"... not "01.00"
22:42.27Irielbecause you've asked for 2 characters wide
22:42.46IrielYou want %05.2f
22:42.55Iriel5 chars wide, leading zero, 2 decimal places
22:43.19Maldiviaohh, "doesn't"... my bad
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22:47.47wereHamsterIriel, thanks..  it's the same as C printf syntax :)
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23:04.05Anduin|ComaRave, belittle, destroy, encourage
23:04.28IrielwereHamster : Indeed, as noted in the lua manual 8-)
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23:07.08wereHamsterIriel but not on this wiki page: :(
23:07.55zespriThe very first line on the page implies that you first read the manual =)
23:08.14zespriSo no reason to complain, really =)
23:11.45Anduin|Comawhy is it that every time i try to do java i forget all the syntax for class/method and variable declaration..
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23:18.38IrielAnduin|Coma : You dont use it enough??
23:18.43IrielAnduin|Coma : You're too used to lua?
23:19.10Anduin|Comaprobably cause I also don't like java syntax
23:19.39Anduin|Comaeither that or that's one of the reasons why I don't like it..
23:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
23:23.58kaidenargh, anyone here know much about excel? :P
23:24.07Codayuskaiden: A fair bit yeah
23:24.48kaidenI've got a field in my spreadsheet that has dates in a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, is there any easy way to convert that to MM-DD-YYYY @ HH:MM:SS
23:25.16kaideni mean i could do it if i exported it, imported it into php, and then worked on it but i figure maybe excel has a formula i can shove into the field to do it
23:25.23Wobin_I could do it, but it'd involve a whole lot of string catting
23:25.26Anduin|Comahit the screen till it cracks at all the right angles..
23:25.50kaidenanduin, lol ; )
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23:25.55Codayuskaiden: Yeah, that's not too hard...
23:26.18CodayusLet me see...
23:26.40kaidenwhoo, i suck at excel so much so thanks :P (prolly because i've never bothered :P)
23:27.17Codayuskaiden: There's a few ways to do it.  The brute force approach would just be to drop into VB.
23:27.35CodayusNot needed though.  In this case, you could use MID() in a formula.
23:28.25CodayusHmm, testing...
23:29.31kaidenan example entry would be 20060502035149
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23:30.59Codayus=CONCATENATE(MID(A1,1,4), "-", MID(A1,5,2), "-", MID(A1,7,2), " @ ", MID(A1,9,2), ":", MID(A1,11,2), ":", MID(A1,13,2))
23:31.29CodayusThat parses the contents of A1 and splits it out the way you want.
23:31.39IrielCan't you just set the cell format?
23:32.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:33.28CodayusWouldn't know.
23:33.38kaidenhow can i apply that for all cells in a column?
23:34.28IrielSelect them all and go to err.. let me loolk
23:34.38CodayusWell, you could create a new column, paste that formula into it, copy that column, then do a paste special -> values only.  Hmm.
23:34.48CodayusKinda hackish though.
23:35.37IrielFormat -> Cells -> Custom
23:37.04kaidenhrm, Iriel, is there anyway to add a specific format to that list as the one that's being used isn't there
23:37.11IrielYes, just type it in the box
23:37.16Irielyyyy-mm-dd @ hh:mm:ss
23:37.18Irielthat seems to work
23:39.14kaidendarn, didn't work
23:39.41kremonteis it possible to do %10d instead of %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?
23:40.20Irielkaiden : What did you get instead?
23:41.23IrielOh. you need yyyy-mm-dd "@" hh:mm:ss
23:41.30Irielkremonte : No
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23:46.31kaidenIriel, lol everytime i format the cells in that column with that they become just #####################
23:47.15Irielkaiden : Is your column wide enough?
23:47.59kaidenah i see how i can do it
23:48.10kaidenit's not yyyy-mm-dd it's just ####'s just have to format it like that
23:50.02kaidenso your way worked just had to do ####-##-##" @ "##":"##":"##
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23:53.52Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
23:55.29zespriI guess I like c# more then lua then, because I always write things like <> and if (a) {sfdgdfg} in lua =)
23:55.51Cide<> doesn't make sense :)
23:56.05Wobin_Not equal to?
23:56.18zespriin some languages does not in lua not in c# =)
23:56.27Cideyeah, but I mean
23:56.40CideI interpret it as "less and greater than"
23:56.41Wobin_zespri: Sorry, could you repeat that? =)
23:56.44Cidewhich doesn't make sense to me
23:57.10zespriWobib_: I can't I'm mad
23:57.29KirkburnI've just rediscovered my love of Half Life 2: Deathmatch
23:57.41Wobin_Is it a forbidden love?
23:57.49Wobin_Cause that's just way sexier
23:57.54zespriwhat i coincidence jsut ysterday I uninstalles HL2
23:57.57KirkburnYes. I should be studying.
23:58.26KirkburnLag was a bit of a problem, but after a couple of maps, I was having great fun
23:58.38KirkburnThe gravity gun is by far the most effective weapon
23:58.41zespriI'm installing linux in vmware. it doesn't want to install. linux never does
23:59.22KirkburnOne of the maps, I stayed in one of the room most of the time running from end to end, smashing things in people's faces. Great fun :)
23:59.31zesprialthough I brough a P2 from work so when I've bought a new DVD I'll be installing this linux there

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.