irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060504

00:00.50KirovConsidering it's half the price of the 6800 Vanilla for the same card, it's a huge deal
00:00.59KirovThere's a 128 meg version for $100 too
00:01.16KirovThe main reason for XT vs. GT or vanilla is it adds support for SLI
00:08.28KemayoIt's a pain searching for reviews for all these cards.
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00:16.15KarlKFII need the following translated to german and french:
00:16.16KarlKFIConfirm= "Confirm";
00:16.16KarlKFIRemoveUnused= "Remove unused locales from memory.";
00:16.16KarlKFISelectPreferred= "Select a preferred localization:";
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00:16.50norgannalol - translations for the translator
00:17.13KarlKFIoh, also need: "Cancel"
00:17.33norgannacancel should be in GlobalStrings
00:17.47netcursei m doing it Karl
00:17.55netcursegive me 1min
00:18.10KarlKFIya norg, but i'm gonna need it in like 52 bazillion languages
00:18.16norgannaThe GlobalSting is: CANCEL
00:18.30norgannatrue dat
00:18.50KarlKFIright, but this won't be dependant on the client local so i need it independant
00:19.34norgannaanyhow, i'm pretty much ready on my end
00:19.58KarlKFIAlmost done coding the addon
00:20.09KarlKFILemme show you what the files will look like
00:21.01netcurseConfirm => Confirmer
00:21.01netcurseRemoveUnused => Effacer de la mémoire les variables inutilisées.
00:21.01netcurseSelectPreferred  => Choisissez votre localisation preferée:
00:21.02netcurseCancer => Annuler
00:21.13netcursecancel not cancer
00:21.23KarlKFIthx net
00:21.26KarlKFIanyone for german?
00:21.40netcursei could do german
00:21.45netcursegive me some mins
00:23.45KarlKFIanyone know of a way to do the conversion to utf on command line with python or java?
00:24.06norgannaso KarlKFI, arg1 = locale, arg2 = addon name/set, arg3 = table of  localization key => translation
00:24.29IrielIn java code you mean?
00:24.44norgannawhich conversion karl?
00:24.48IrielOr are you looking for a command line invocation?
00:24.54KarlKFIya iriel, so it prints like fran\195\167ais
00:25.02norgannafrom /123/456 notation to utf you mean?
00:25.09norgannaother way eh?
00:26.00IrielI could tell you what you'd put in a program to do it, but it's longer than a command line 8-)
00:26.02norgannai've got a perl script if you like
00:26.09KarlKFILocalization.RegisterAddonStrings(locale, addon, stringTable, eraseOrig)
00:27.00KarlKFIshouldn't need any eraseOrig int he normal localization files
00:27.17KarlKFIperl'd be fine
00:29.21KarlKFIdoing it manually using is a pain
00:32.10norgannado you have lua installed?
00:32.31norgannait's easy if you have lua installed...
00:35.13norgannaanyhow, perl script, i found it:   perl -p 's/([\200-\377])/sprintf("\\%d",ord($1))/eg;'
00:38.01KarlKFIer... Can't open perl script "s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("\\%d",ord($1))/eg;": No such file or directory
00:38.24norgannaoops - make that -pe
00:39.17KarlKFImuch better, thx
00:39.46KarlKFInow... where do i save that..
00:40.15KarlKFIspose i should just have a file conversion
00:40.27KarlKFIthe command line works fine, thx
00:40.45KarlKFIbut if i don't save if somewhere i'll forget it yesterday
00:40.52norgannayou can make it into a perl script if you like... are you using unix?
00:41.03KarlKFImac, so yes
00:41.13norgannaahh - mac :)  <3
00:41.33norganna#!/usr/bin/perl -p
00:41.45KarlKFImeans i can get my hands dirty and still look like a noob
00:42.04norgannajust plunk that into a file and then "chmod ugo+x" it
00:42.10KarlKFIya, thx
00:42.32Corrodiasman.. some of these unicode characters use 3-byte UTF-8 representation? i wasn't aware that unicode ever used more than 2 bytes
00:42.41norgannait does
00:43.15Corrodiasoh, never mind, i see the unicode numbers are also listed, and those are only one and a half bytes
00:43.39Corrodiascall me captain observant, eh?
00:43.42norgannaUTF-16 only ever uses 2 bytes, but because UTF-8 can only use half the byte (the <127 chars are always latin) sometimes it has to use up to 5 bytes
00:43.52zenzelezzUTF-32 uses 4
00:44.18norgannaUTF-128 always... er... one-day will use 16
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00:44.39Corrodiaswhat is the purpose of utf-32 if we have unicode?
00:44.50zenzelezzUTF-* = Unicode
00:45.03zenzelezzdifferent encoding schemes for unicode
00:45.05Corrodiasoh, that sure puts me in my place
00:45.10tragywyddutf-32 can hold a fuck of a lot of chars?
00:46.45dukekuyou'd think so
00:47.02KarlKFItoo many languages
00:47.05tragywyddcan't UTF-8 hold the entire chinese lib of characters?
00:47.36Kirovchinese has something like 60,000 characters
00:48.00Kirovthey only have the basic ones
00:48.11Corrodiasa lot of the characters on that unicode page show up as ? to me. is this a failing of my font?
00:48.41Kirovcorrodias you probably don't have the language pack(s) to support the
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00:49.42Corrodiasi have both of the optional language packs on the regional settings dialog installed, with windows XP. is that not all?
00:50.33KirovThere's also like 10 different versions of written chinese
00:52.06KirovAccording to Wikipedia, there are 47035 characters in the language, but only 2000 are actually used.
00:53.08Kirovthough wow probably uses only the phonetic characters
00:53.42Corrodiastime for breakfast! [away]
00:53.45KarlKFIwhy are so many unused?
00:54.12KirovKarl - Because the chinese writen language is a pictographic writing form.
00:54.17KarlKFIi know
00:54.19Kirovie: Everyone word has it's own symbol
00:54.49KarlKFIwhy have so many if the majority aren't used. Solely for artistic purposes?
00:55.06KirovKemayo - getting the XT?
00:55.22KemayoI am easily swayed by peer pressure.
00:55.40KirovKarl - It's part of their class system.
00:55.49ToastTheifu thurr?
00:56.24KirovOnly people who got education could read for a long time, and only monks who study the language their whole life can read it all.
00:56.43Kirovso, the common man wouldn't even be able to read stuff written by the upper class
00:56.59KirovAnd the upper class wouldn't be able to read the spritual texts
00:58.52KarlKFIhey, lets make another super-upper class... now we just need to memorize 20,000 made up pictograms to represent our superiority
00:59.00KirovJapanese is similar, they have Kanji and Kana
00:59.43KirovKanji has some 80,000 characters, Kana (which is their phonetic written language) only has about 20
00:59.59KemayoAnd I discovered when I reached checkout that they're throwing in a free copy of Age of Empires 3.  Not that I particularly care, but...
01:00.34KarlKFIi'll take it, feed it to my mac and let the disk cry it's unused life away
01:00.37IrielAoE3 is kinda fun tho
01:01.01KemayoI've never really been a strategy games sort of person.
01:01.11KemayoNow if they'd thrown in a copy of Dreamfall, on the other hand...
01:01.42ToastTheifomg AoE was a good game
01:01.47ToastTheifbut AoE3.. eh
01:01.56KemayoOr Civ4.  I could go for that.
01:01.56ToastTheifAoE2 was what got me in to computers haha
01:01.57KirovI need to get dreamfall
01:02.29KemayoI'm buying Dreamfall, reviews unread, solely on the strength of The Longest Journey.  :)
01:06.23KarlKFInow... to test some 400 lines of code i just rearanged..
01:06.31zenzelezz"Total fragmentation = 33%. File fragmentation = 66%. You should defragment this drive."
01:07.00KarlKFIdo it now while it's cheep
01:07.40netcurseaoe is the best rts with starcraft:)
01:07.53ToastTheifI loved playing the custom aoe games
01:08.02netcursei can t forget all these long night on msn gaming zone with my 28K modem
01:08.19ToastTheifgrave blood, pyramid blood, blacksmith blood, and a few others hehe
01:08.23ToastTheifSoilder Store
01:08.36ToastTheifGrave Blood and Soilder Store had to be my 2 favorite
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01:22.25KemayoSo I spent $762.75, and rebates should knock it down to $592.75.
01:23.12Kirovand with that, I'm off
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01:26.51KarlKFIanyone know how to get UIDropDownMenu_Initialize not to call the dropdown init function onload?
01:28.13KarlKFIspose i could just not pass it
01:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
01:29.56Josh_Borke4.5 hours later and i think i get to go home!
01:30.12Josh_Borkeany exciting discussions lately?
01:30.50IrielKarlKFI : Not use it? It's got to call it so it can set up the button
01:31.50KarlKFIi got it, just have to pass nil and init manually
01:32.04KarlKFIUIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, nil, "MENU")
01:32.05KarlKFIthis.initialize = Localization.LoadDropDownMenu;
01:32.40KarlKFIUIDropDownMenu_Initialize calls the init function when it sets it, I don't want it to call it until I open a menu
01:35.19KarlKFIlooks like everyhting works..
01:35.20KarlKFIand unspecified translations correctly default to the client locale
01:35.51KarlKFIbeyond that it should default to the addon default locale, but that's hard to tell when my client's the same as the addon default
01:36.34KarlKFIhmmm, IsChecked is wrong
01:36.46KarlKFIhow do i check for a check box?
01:36.54ToastTheifTain? poke
01:37.09KarlKFIah GetChecked
01:38.19KarlKFIare CVar's 1/0 or 1/nil?
01:40.13KarlKFIoh, strings
01:41.24MentalPoweryeah, CVars are strings
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01:58.17KarlKFIyup, I think i win!
02:00.41MentalPoweryou did?
02:01.21KarlKFIseems to work
02:01.30KarlKFIjust missing some german
02:01.37KarlKFIand i need to test it embedably
02:05.42KarlKFIbut it works so far, you can sellect a locale the first time you run it from a list of availible locales used in currently implimented addons
02:06.24KarlKFIand then it calls their registered callback to update any text that wont be updated later using Localization.GetString
02:06.50KarlKFIwhich can of course be shortened to an addon local func: local function TEXT(key) return Localization.GetString("YourAddonName", key) end
02:07.18KarlKFIso you can just call TEXT("key")
02:07.58Josh_Borkewhat's this addon do?
02:08.53KarlKFIEmbeddable addon for selecting a global localization for addons.
02:09.49Josh_Borkesimilar to babblelib?
02:10.17KarlKFIif you mean what has become Babylonian, then yes
02:10.42KarlKFIexcept it's an embedable addon with more robust features and a sellection frame
02:11.04KarlKFIas oppossed to just a strait lib file
02:11.09Josh_Borkeah, ok
02:11.31KarlKFIThe plan is to convert Cosmos to use it
02:11.59Josh_Borke,1310.0.html is what i was talking about, i don't know anything about Babylonian
02:12.43KarlKFIBabylonian is what's used in Auctioneer, EnhTooltips, Gatherer and Enchantrix i believe
02:13.26KarlKFIcoupled with norganna's web based open localization system it should work wonders for localizing large projects
02:14.48KarlKFIsounds similar to BabbleLib, cep it's not ace driven and makes use of Iriel's VirtualFrames addon to have entirely lua frame code
02:15.53TainSo I got completely caught up in looking forward to Half Life 2: Episode One and I'm now about oh probably 75% through Half Life 2 again.
02:15.57KarlKFIfunny that ckknight never spoke up and said he made something similar tho
02:16.44KarlKFIah, his has a substantial amount of translations in it already
02:18.06KarlKFIcalles, trees, locations
02:18.48KarlKFImine is merely the lib, w/o all the included translations. more broad scoped for localizing everything
02:19.08ckknightwhat what?
02:19.58ckknightwhat does it provide that BabbleLib doesn't?
02:20.28KarlKFIyours seems to be more of a library of prelocalized strings
02:21.16KarlKFImine is a lib for dynamic sellection of addon localization
02:21.17TainI didn't do it.
02:22.59ckknightdifferent, then
02:23.13Josh_Borkeok bye all :-)
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02:24.07KarlKFIin fact using mine you could impliment yours simply by having a table for each language
02:25.35KarlKFIthen use Localization.GetClientString if it needed to be in the client locale or Localization.GetString to be in the user's prefered readable language
02:25.35ckknightbut that is horribly bloated
02:26.05ckknightby having functions wrap tables, then destroyed if not used, it makes it a lot more lightweight
02:26.17ckknightalso destroyed as soon as they are used
02:26.40KarlKFIdepends on what you mean by bloated. my addon has an option to delete unused
02:26.59KarlKFIyou can also unregister them if you dont plan on using them
02:27.05ckknightmine never creates the tables/functions of the unneeded languages in the first place
02:27.27KarlKFIit also doesn't allow for dynamic translation
02:27.40ckknightwhat do you mean by that?
02:28.15norgannalike the user can change the locale that they see messages in, independantly of the client locale
02:29.44norgannafor example, a spanish user, using the english client can change the messages to spanish if they prefer
02:29.47KarlKFIso if it's part of the code and you need the client localized version, that's availible with Localization.GetClientString  but if the user's gonna be looking at it use Localization.GetString and they can set that to be in any availible language they want
02:45.21KarlKFIif an addon is loaded dynamicly is VARIABLES_LOADED called after?
02:46.15KarlKFIhmm, so i need to watch ADDON_LOADED too
02:46.25MentalPowervars loaded is only called after all of the non-dinamically loaded addons have recieved their respective ADDON_LOADED calls
02:47.00MentalPowerso its completelly unnecessary to register for vars loaded on a LoD addon
02:49.46KarlKFIhave to catch ADDON_LOADED tho incase someone wants to use Localization on a dynamic loaded addon
02:50.25MentalPowerwell, lemme rephrase
02:50.45MentalPowerif you register for addon loaded, you don't need to register for vars loaded
02:50.50MentalPowerthat would be redundant
02:51.09KarlKFIexcept in an addon that can potentially be loaded either way
02:51.14KarlKFIor both
02:51.26MentalPowerthe startup goes like this...
02:51.32KarlKFIi know how it works
02:51.57KarlKFIi want it either on VARIABLES_LOADED or on any later ADDON_LOADED
02:52.14MentalPowerkhaos(addon loaded), auctioneer(addon loaded), stubby(addon loaded) VARS_LOADED     minutes later RandomAddOn(Addon loaded)
02:52.18KarlKFIand since it can load both before and after VARIABLES_LOADED i need to reg both
02:52.32MentalPowerthats my point, you don't
02:52.45MentalPoweraddon loaded fires for every addon
02:52.50KarlKFIi know
02:52.51MentalPowernot only those that are LoD
02:53.01TainIt also fires for your mom.
02:53.02KarlKFIi only want it to fire once on first launch
02:53.17KarlKFInot x times for as many addons as have it embedded
02:55.52KarlKFIand this is what you get:
02:56.25KarlKFIwas just rying to see if there was a better way w/o duplicating code
02:56.49KarlKFIforgot a ) int eh first if
02:58.04MentalPowerah, I see what you mean now
02:58.53MentalPowerhowever that would also fire once per every LoD addon that loads after vars loaded
02:59.11MentalPowerregardless of whether it uses your library or not
02:59.11KarlKFIthat's the idea
03:00.04KarlKFIthe only way to stop that would be a flag on registering that is niled on vars loaded
03:00.10KarlKFIbut it's not really worth it
03:01.07KarlKFIif you have already picked a language it will call Localization.RemoveUnusedLocales() which will do nothing
03:01.27KarlKFIif you haven't picked a language it'll ask again
03:02.10KarlKFIif you haven't been prompted and haven't picked a language then the LoD addon must be loading the lib and you'll be asked
03:03.21KarlKFIso the only thing the flag would gain would be to stop RemoveUnusedLocales from being run again
03:03.43KarlKFIwhihc basicly would iterate the locale/addon tree
03:03.59KarlKFIbut not actually change anything
03:04.40KarlKFIi don't think it's worth optimizing
03:05.03KarlKFIanyway... need to make the menu sellect from only availible locales
03:07.09KarlKFIoops, forgot to translate "Available Languages"... french and german anyone?
03:09.30MentalPowerwb Cairenn
03:09.35Cairennthanks MentalPower
03:09.46KarlKFIhow was the party?
03:09.56Cairennit went great
03:10.07KarlKFIgood to hear
03:11.20KarlKFImm menu was nice and easy, looks like I outdid myself
03:11.45KarlKFIheh, i had already abstracted it enough to put strait into a loop
03:12.33KarlKFIso who wants to play with ym new toy?
03:17.48zespri_work"verfugbare Sprachen" I think. But what do I know
03:17.59zespri_worku with umlaut
03:24.25KarlKFIwhat's the command to see what instances you're bound to?
03:26.31KarlKFIhmmm, now to convert an addon to use Localization to see if it really works
03:27.20KarlKFIhmm, what small Cosmos addon should I convert first..
03:28.24KarlKFIoh norganna, I saw something about khaos registration in Bab, did you have to reregister or something?
03:28.33zespri_worksimple you just need to instal a locolized client and run it
03:29.01KarlKFIno no, Localization is the name of the addon :P
03:29.03norgannauh, when the locale changes, all the strings in khaos need to be reloaded
03:29.41norganna(because khaos doesn't support dynamic localizations [yet])
03:30.00KarlKFIi think it does
03:30.11KarlKFIyou just have to supply a function instead of a string
03:30.39KarlKFIi know that works for feedback, i think it works for most strings
03:31.12KarlKFIjust make an inline func and it should work
03:31.25KarlKFIfunction() TEXT("key") end
03:31.39KarlKFIi'll test it
03:31.55KarlKFIChatScroll is my first victem
03:31.56MentalPowerthat would GREATLY simplify things
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03:38.27KarlKFIwell function() return TEXT("key") end
03:38.39MentalPowerit works?
03:39.41KarlKFIit works for feedback and i think text and helptext, i'm checking for optionsets now
03:42.15KarlKFIhmm, it didn't like that, but it shouldn't be too hard to fix
03:43.23MentalPowerwell, if that is supported it would greatly simplify Babylonian and our khaos registering code
03:43.45KarlKFIwell hopefully my addon will make Babylonian obsolete
03:45.11MentalPowerquestion, how does it handle different addons using the same library?
03:45.24MentalPowerie, willl changing the language on one change it for all?
03:45.38KarlKFIyou sellect a global preference
03:45.39MentalPoweror is each addon's preference regarded separately
03:47.02KarlKFIi could make it addon specific but it gets a lot more messy and I didn't really see too much benifit
03:47.41MentalPowercan't wait to try it
03:48.19KarlKFIwell it works fine now, trying to get khaos to be more friendly atm
03:50.15KarlKFIlol, wonder what 'zig' is
03:58.59zespri_workyeah =) I wondered that too =))))
03:59.11KarlKFIsilly alex
03:59.59zespri_workbecause In my language there is no difference between i and ee I immideatley thought of zeeg =)
04:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:01.12KarlKFIa few words come to mind
04:09.40Kremonteany way to set a text="" in xml with a variable?
04:09.46Kremonteor do i need to do settext() on load ;x
04:10.11KarlKFIyou can use a variable for the most part
04:10.20KarlKFIall caps i think
04:10.28Kremonteit's not working ;(
04:10.35KarlKFIwhat're u trying?
04:10.40Kremontedo i need to load localization before xml in toc?
04:11.06Kremontethat could by why X)
04:11.12Kremontecan i concatenate variables?
04:11.22KarlKFIprolly not
04:11.27Kremonteyea it worked except the concatenating
04:14.59KarlKFIunfortunetly you don't seem to be able to localize bindings
04:15.08KarlKFIpost onload
04:15.11Kremonteyea i've never done these localization shenanigans
04:18.26KarlKFIwell, I got titles working with dynamic locs
04:18.47KarlKFIChatScroll didn't have any options tho, lol. couldn't test um
04:19.42KarlKFIguess I'll have to try something bigger
04:20.14KarlKFIhow bout FriendsFacts
04:28.58KarlKFIworks now mentalpower
04:29.08KarlKFIwas only a few line change
04:30.44KarlKFIjust gotta make sure all your strings end with a ; or , when you're converting localization to use Localization.RegisterAddonStrings
04:30.50KarlKFIelse the table errors
04:31.31KarlKFIi'll commit the updated Khaos in a bit
04:31.45KarlKFIgotta merge it with whatever's in the trunk
04:37.47KarlKFIChange live on the next hour: [Khaos]
04:37.48KarlKFI-Now allows for dynamic addon text and helptext using a function that evaluates to a string at runtime. Feel free to localize at will without reregistering!
04:38.54KarlKFIand with that, my work is done
04:40.19KarlKFIspose i should write some docs
04:40.57KarlKFIi'll just do it on the wiki
04:48.09TemKemayo: you around?
04:48.45Kemayos/./ I am./
04:49.11TemI have a 'feature request' for QuestsFu
04:49.20KemayoWhat would you like?
04:49.30Temthe 'done' text on quests
04:50.12KemayoThat's doable.  I can even make the 'failed' text red, I suppose.
04:53.53Kemayo...I really need to sit down and refactor QuestsFu.  Many features have been added, and FuBar's API has changed a lot since I wrote it.
05:01.54KemayoOkay, all done and (briefly) tested.
05:02.22KemayoIf you don't mind getting it from SVN, it's been committed to
05:02.26Temfnialy in the SVN
05:02.47Temoh heh, I just noticed something kinda funny
05:03.12Temif you shift click a line on the tooltip, it adds the quest to the standard quest tracker
05:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:04.38KemayoYup.  I find it strangely useful.  I'm very keyboard oriented, so mousing up to the bar is a pain for a quest that I want to keep tabs on.  :)
05:06.06Temdetatched tooltip ftw
05:06.52KemayoThat winds up being information overload for me -- even if I collapse all the areas I don't care about, there's still a lot of extraneous text.
05:07.15Temit's working out very well for me
05:07.17TemI really like it
05:07.24TemI was hoping that shift-click would add the quest name and level to the the ChatFrameEditBox
05:07.45KemayoThat's Alt-click.
05:07.51Kemayo...and it doesn't get the level.  I should add that.
05:08.03Kemayo(Ctrl-click shares the quest with any nearby party members.)
05:12.52KemayoOkay... it'll now add the quest to the chatbox like "[20:Some Quest]"
05:15.28Temsvn update *
05:15.38Temer... wrong place
05:15.41Temstupid focus...
05:25.09KemayoBut at least I know you're dedicated.  :)
05:25.35TemI love addons in the svn
05:25.41Temit's *way* easier to update
05:26.38hasteI agree Tem
05:27.10KemayoI'm using it for that as well, I confess.
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05:28.43TemI especially like bugging the developers to make changes
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05:28.59TemCIA nicely reports when changes get made
05:29.05hastewas that a hint :p ?
05:29.16Temoh yeah.. you
05:29.23Temget back to work
05:36.19KarlKFIwhat Icon should i use for Localization prompt
05:38.46Cairenna talk bubble, perhaps?
05:39.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:39.26KarlKFIis there one in wow yet?
05:39.41Cairenntalk bubbles? unh, yeah
05:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:40.16KarlKFIan icon?
05:41.04Cairennhang on a couple, lemme find
05:41.35KarlKFIi see the social window icon but i needd one the size of an action button
05:42.25KirovWhat about the "chat" button from the chat frame?
05:42.25Cairennlooking, gimme a couple, can't remember for sure
05:43.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
05:43.22norgannaAnyone wanna try my new toy?
05:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:45.31KarlKFIonly current pages i take it
05:46.06krkawhat does it do?
05:46.23krkashow all the latest posts?
05:46.25KarlKFIsearches the ui forums
05:46.46KarlKFIall forums
05:46.49norgannayah - advanced search and history archive
05:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (i=sweede@
05:47.09norgannawell, not much history atm
05:47.19norgannaonly about 18 hours
05:47.21sweedeanyone know of a good example of creating a frame with tabs ?
05:47.54sweedesomething really really simple, i only need it to display an edit box in each tab (up to 7)
05:47.58norgannanice feature is the search by guild, so i can see what all my guildies are posting...
05:49.43Cairennhrm, not finding on, sorry Karl
05:49.52KarlKFIthx for trying
05:50.01KarlKFIi'll have to have one made
05:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:50.19CairennI thought there was one, but I'm not seeing it right now, may just be missing it because of being tired
05:52.26krkasweede, there's a tabbed guide at wowwiki
05:52.31krkasearch for "tabbed"
05:53.10krkapoor dog :(
05:53.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:55.12KarlKFIthat's really cool norg
05:55.30KarlKFIstalking my guild as we speek
05:55.54Osagasuscary concept.
05:56.20KarlKFIfunny on the paladin forum there's a thread: "pallies suck"
05:56.23OsagasuAlso, I never realized just how big the WoW install was until I was waiting for it to finish so I could go to sleep
05:59.26Cairennnight guys
05:59.39Osagasunighy cair
05:59.41norgannanite cair
06:01.03OsagasuHey, I'M supposed to be the eccentric one
06:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
06:01.38KarlKFIyou lose
06:04.01KarlKFIwhat's the art folder path..
06:04.44KarlKFIi guessed right
06:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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06:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
06:27.13KarlKFIoi, i didn't realize ckknight was so prolific in lib
06:28.15Temjust about everytime he does something FuBar that could be generalized into a lib, he does
06:29.05KarlKFIhmm need to update some things on wowi... buncha stuff outa date
06:30.56KarlKFIoh nice, wowi moved the acceptance stuff to the same page
06:34.01KarlKFIhmmm iriel just kinda dissapeared
06:34.15KarlKFIand cair's asleep.
06:35.30KarlKFInorganna, you said things were ready on your side?
06:35.46norgannapretty much
06:35.55norgannai don't know where to go from here but
06:35.57KarlKFIso you jsut need server access?
06:36.08norgannanot really even that
06:36.36norgannai need someone to upload the stuff, create a database table, and grant me access to it.
06:37.32norgannas/database table/database/
06:37.38KarlKFIneed sparkz of gryphen for that.. wonder if they're around
06:39.09KarlKFII can upload the stuff I believe, but I'm not sure what kinda database stuff we have set up
06:39.37KarlKFIand I don't wanna play in the user access or my nooblet ass might break somehting
06:40.15KirovAnyone here looked in to the chat issue?
06:40.51KarlKFInot i kirov, think iriel was on the same page with you, but i didn't follow
06:41.40norgannaKarlKFI: best let the experts play with DB permissions... they can get tricky
06:41.51KarlKFImy thoughts exactly
06:44.05KarlKFIouch >14 US servers just went down
06:44.42KarlKFIall old super-high pop
06:44.54norgannayeah? i didn't think the database creation would have been that bad :P
06:45.40KarlKFII'm gonna throw Localization in Cosmos and see what I can break
06:45.57CodayusYeah...we downed mag.  Dropped a ToEP...and....servers go bye bye.
06:46.00CodayusYay bliz!
06:46.25KarlKFIno one picked it up?
06:46.45CodayusCouldn't...  :-/
06:47.05norganna2 weeks until they respond to the ticket
06:47.17Kalrothup to 3 weeks actually
06:47.24norgannaours was 2
06:47.27CodayusThat was the first sign - loot lag.  No loot, couldn't mine.  Then some locks noticed they couldn't summon pets.  Then everyone got D/Ced...
06:47.33Kalrothofficial timeline is up to 21 days on EU anyways, it can happen before, sure
06:48.05norgannayou know they only do that to stop people from bothering
06:48.13Kalrothof course :)
06:48.35KarlKFIKil'Jaeden's been getting horrable chat lag every tuesday followed by server hickups for the past 3 weeks
06:48.42KarlKFIbut it's wed..
06:48.51KalrothTook them exactly 20 days to replace my Arcanite Reaper back when I was a newbie and before the multi buyback slots on vendors
06:48.58CodayusLost some lightbringer legs, arcanist legs, and the ToEP...sigh
06:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:49.14Kalrothit sucked selling *fish*fish*arcanite reaper*fish*fish*fi.. DOH!
06:50.20norgannai sold all my armour once
06:51.40norgannai thought i was at the vendor and right clicked everything, and then noticed it was still all there... so i thought "oh, silly me, i haven't opened up the window yet.." so i opened up the window and right clicked it all again...
06:52.17norganna(this was back in the early levels when i was still in greens, and was trashing whites.
06:53.14norgannaof course right-clicking it all the first time had swapped my nice greens with whites.... and then i sold my greens...
06:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:54.19norgannaback in my newb days... ahh - memories...
06:56.15KarlKFIif you grab Cosmos Alpha in > 5min you can get the new shiney Localization Lib
06:56.48norgannaI tell you what i'm using my scrubber for at the moment... keeping track of any forum posts that mention one of my addons.
06:57.12KarlKFIone addon per search or can you 'or' them?
06:57.36norgannait has an rss mode (just tack &rss=1 to the end) and i've popped that into thunderbird, it's great!
06:57.51norgannait is default or search
06:58.32norgannayou can +term and -term to explicitly require or not a term
07:00.13krka|workcool stuff
07:01.22KarlKFInot sure i wanna track ALL my addons
07:01.46KarlKFIi don't even REMEMBER all my addons.. have to go find a list
07:06.02KarlKFIdid cide ever make that mod that checks the inventory of your raid to see who has an item?
07:06.40Kirovit checks containers, not inventory
07:06.52KarlKFInot both?
07:07.15Kirovat least not last I looked
07:08.36Kirovyeah, only containers
07:08.56KarlKFIit in ctra?
07:10.02KarlKFIisn't there a way to link to wowi by addon name and not id?
07:10.13KarlKFIurl masking of some sort..
07:12.02KarlKFIlol, forum wont let me use characters on the down realms
07:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
07:15.14*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:16.42KarlKFIMentalPower: Localization and the updated Khaos should be in the Cosmos Alpha now
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07:21.52KarlKFIAnyone know of a way to update Bindings text?
07:23.31Kirovjust change the global
07:23.55KarlKFIit reevaluates?
07:25.34KirovI edited SuperMacro to change the names of the macro bindings to the name of the macros
07:26.14KarlKFIguess I'll have to add some sort of binding or direct replacements for Localization
07:30.45KarlKFIdamn it, I shoulda written a paper and had it published
07:31.44KarlKFIoh nm
07:31.50KarlKFIhe jsut means Lua is Embeddable
07:31.59KarlKFIrather than Embeddable lua
07:33.46KarlKFIgrr, i pushed my addon out too soon, now I have to go add option, but discouraged globals
07:34.39Miravlix_Embeddable scripting with Lua
07:34.52Miravlix_It's just that Lua is embeddable into C
07:34.59KarlKFIya ya... he means embeddable language
07:35.22KarlKFIas oppossed to embedding addons inside addons
07:35.44KarlKFIdunno, is lib embedding unique to lua?
07:36.07Miravlix_Yeah, but embedding is kinda only special for WoW, normal lua wouldn't have those issues
07:36.34KarlKFIno, but if I could embed C within C i could be on to something
07:37.12KarlKFIcourse most of those are unneccissary due to distribution techniques
07:48.33krka|workhm... isn't embedding kinda like distributing dll:s along with your program and only load them if they're not already loaded?
07:48.44KarlKFIsomething liek that
07:49.24Miravlix_Well, you usually install the dll's so only one version is on the system
07:50.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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07:50.31MiravlixEmbedding isn't really a used technoligy in Windows software.
07:50.59MiravlixLinux don't use embedding either.
07:52.14MiravlixIf Blizzard created a installaddon.exe with lua controled install language
07:53.46MiravlixThen we could make some libraryaddon where we install all our libraries and could make a organization system
07:55.00MiravlixHmm, wouldn't really need to be done by Blizzard, we could just assosiate the installer with some extension and start distributing all our files as
07:57.09krka|worknot sure i follow
07:57.17krka|workwhat are you trying to solve?
07:57.37MiravlixWe would all distribute our addons as addon.glu
07:58.08krka|workand make it even harder for users to install it?
07:58.08MiravlixAnd have a program assoiated with glu files, thats simply a zip file containing. install.lua and <directorywithaddon>
07:58.23MiravlixNo, it would make it easier
07:58.34MiravlixThey just download and open it and it install itself
07:59.23KarlKFImm, double click install and download deps
08:00.08krka|workjust embedding libs seems easier to me
08:00.20KarlKFIeasier for who
08:00.45KarlKFInot really
08:00.54KarlKFInot really easier for users either
08:01.00KarlKFIcan't beat double-click
08:01.34KarlKFIjust means the libs need dependable dl urls
08:03.12KarlKFIsomeone jsut has to code something that's cross platform
08:03.30KarlKFIotherwise it's already shown it wont get addopted
08:04.51MiravlixHmm, I wonder if someone has coded stuff like this already.
08:05.05KarlKFIthere are a few installers
08:05.11KarlKFInothing double click that i know of
08:05.58KarlKFIsome batch files
08:06.29KarlKFIsome apple scripts
08:06.45krka|workpython is probably the best choice
08:07.04krka|workbut the developer of an addon would need need to know the download url to its library
08:07.18KarlKFIsame problem we usually have
08:07.26krka|workand there needs to be a clear way to compare library versions
08:07.39KarlKFIparsing toc i spose
08:07.47KarlKFIif the version was standard
08:07.48krka|workwhat about forked addons?
08:07.50krka|worklike Titan
08:08.07KarlKFIthe link wouldn't be the same
08:08.23krka|workbut they have the same name
08:08.29krka|workyou have to go by addon name
08:08.59KarlKFIyou'd still be providing a link for a compatible version
08:09.10krka|workyes, but that may not be the latest version
08:09.12KarlKFIthe only diffuculty would be overwritting
08:09.19krka|workyour current may be better but have a lower version number
08:09.22krka|workif they are forks
08:09.37KarlKFIperhaps a prompt for each lib
08:09.43KarlKFIwith toc info
08:10.18KarlKFIand current toc info if you're possibly replacing an addon
08:10.32krka|workwhat i'd like to see more than this, is a program that hooks into the browser and watches downloaded zips, check the contents of the zip to see if it's an addon, and if so, it installs it
08:10.39KarlKFIthe Cosmos app already has toc scanning written in
08:10.45krka|workthen downloading dependencies would be easy
08:11.29MiravlixSeems it's all comercial products
08:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
08:11.48krka|workwould be cool to use debians package system for addons :P
08:12.06Kalrothapt-get cosmos
08:12.07krka|workjust set up a repository for wow addons and create debs
08:12.17KarlKFIcommand line tho
08:12.30MiravlixApt isn't command line only
08:12.32krka|worknah, synaptic is graphical
08:12.35Kalroththere are UI utilities too, but they're mostly for Linux :p
08:12.37Kalroth(read: all)
08:12.39MiravlixIt has many X-windows front ends
08:13.12MiravlixBut I was looking for something that embeddeds lua and works on Mac, Windows and Linux
08:13.21krka|workapt has very nice version handling
08:13.31krka|workyou can make your program require that a lib is of a certain version, or interval
08:13.50krka|workand apt automatically detects problems and lets you choose how to handle it
08:14.38Kalrothdebian stable is very strict handled though, it wouldn't work for addons
08:14.52Kalrothand debian unstable is kinda meh, I got a lot of fucked up installed by using it
08:17.12MiravlixBy using a standard zip/gzip format, with just a minimal added information, someone that doesn't want to use the installer, can still install the files
08:17.18KarlKFIthere we go, added optional Global string assignment
08:17.52MiravlixJust assign your zip program to handle .glu files and you just have to ignore install.lua in the root of it
08:17.52norgannaKarlKFI: guess we'll talk about the database tomorrow...
08:18.07norgannaI'm going home now - nite.
08:18.11KarlKFIwell sparkz and gryphon has eu hours
08:18.20KarlKFIor at least not my hours
08:18.34KarlKFIi'll let you know if I catch them
08:19.21KarlKFIyou're sweet and sticky, can I leave you sitting around?
08:19.43KarlKFIyou silly
08:19.52norgs|awayjust gonna plug my Scrubber ( for those who haven't seen it yet :P
08:20.03KarlKFIfun toy, that is
08:20.07norgs|awayIt's fun, try it out
08:20.10KarlKFIyou posted it yet on the forums?
08:20.28norgs|awayfind what your guildies are posting, use a real search etc...
08:20.30KarlKFIpost it on general... better yet, slash dot it
08:20.50norgs|awaykarl - gonna wait for about a couple of weeks yet, to get some more data in there.
08:20.53KarlKFIgaurenteed to run your ISP into the ground or your money back
08:21.14norgs|awayit only has about 24 hours of data atm...
08:21.19KarlKFIi noticed
08:23.38MiravlixSucks to catch up on your favorit tv series and not having access to watch the new shows.
08:23.39KarlKFIah, there's news. An hour ago 20 realms got pwned
08:24.06KarlKFItim to go test on draka
08:26.17KarlKFIO.o new customer service forum... I feel sorry for whoever staffs those
08:29.08KarlKFIoi. hate it when my line nmbers don't line up
08:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
08:31.26Kalrothwibble wobble
08:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalerender (n=charybdi@
08:40.05Kalerenderg'day, wondering if anyone here is familiar with the WoW UI Designer program, got some newbie questions I need to bounce off of someone a bit more knowledgeable
08:42.07Elkanoask your questions :) If so knows the answer he may post it :)
08:43.02Kalerenderwondering how to put in a drop-down list directory thingy.. so say +Azeroth  and if I click the + box it'll drop down to show the zones in azeroth (obviously I need to put in what I want, just need the framework)
08:43.38KarlKFIthe UI designer only does the gui
08:43.51KarlKFIi believe you have to code the drop down manually
08:43.58Elkanowell, I'm not using the designer part of the program; I only use it to check how my XML will look ^^'
08:44.10Kalerenderbugger, guess I'll get around to that bit later
08:44.30Elkanoafair the designer had some problems with dropdowns anyways...
08:45.29Kalerenderyou two sound like the whole lua/xml thing doesn't sound like baked spaghetti, mind if I tell you what I want to do and you tell me if there's any major problems with it that'll stop me from accomplishing it?
08:45.40Elkanoso maybe you can put it into the design but it's size will most likly be shown wrong... and populating it is done via lua
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08:46.12KarlKFIwhat does baked spaghetti sound like?
08:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
08:46.35KarlKFIwait a sec.. cair's not here...
08:46.42KalerenderI dunno, maybe if I spoke korean to you in a taekwondo class or something heh
08:46.56Kalerenderbrb, getting sick gf bbq sauce
08:47.04s|loupit sounds for me like the ui of tradeskills you have a header and can expand it
08:47.28KarlKFI"I fell asleep on my arm" best song ever
08:47.40KarlKFI-The Aquabats
08:48.07Kalerenderyeah s|loup, thats how I want it to look
08:48.12ElkanoI should spend more tie reading things :/
08:48.29s|loupso you should look at the code for the tradeskill ui?
08:48.36KarlKFIafaik no one's bothered to make a gui for makign dropdowns
08:48.48s|loupi think this is found in the AddOns folder
08:49.09KarlKFIi told you!
08:49.29Kalerenderanyway, what I want to have is 3 windows, first on the left is a few drop downs with the dif zones and instances, clicking on one of those gives a list of all quests and set up in chains etc (I'm getting the data using jasters quest history) then clicking on a quest shows some other info to the right of that (similar design to quest window)
08:49.38KarlKFIoops... somehow i set my addon global object to a string..
08:50.00Kalerenderhopefully I'm making it sound more complicated then it is
08:50.02KarlKFIsounds pretty
08:50.19KarlKFIalso sounds like it'd take me a day to code
08:50.28KarlKFIthat's a long time
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08:51.03KarlKFIdropdowns aren't especially intuitive
08:51.29KarlKFIyou have to get to know them, carress then, and then beat them into submission
08:51.52Kalerenderoh joy.. well I could always start it off all expanded in a scroll box or something heh
08:51.59Elkanowell, if you organize it in a pretty data structure you could code sth generic taking a table of tables of tables of tables of tables of tables ;)
08:52.10KarlKFIscrollboxes are almsot as bad
08:52.54KarlKFIwell if it helps any i wrote a dropdown yesterday...
08:53.41KarlKFIcourse out of context that'll make very little sense
08:54.17KarlKFIlooks like:
08:55.00KarlKFIalso have to do a: UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, Localization.LoadDropDownMenu, "MENU")
08:55.26KarlKFIin the OnLoad of the LanguageDropDown which inherits from UIDropDownMenuTemplate
08:55.43Kalerenderhmm.. drop down wasn't the one I wanted then.. its the one so it'd work like the tradeskills boxes do (at least the tradeskills that sort into groups the stuff you know) or the trainer box with your different skill groups
08:56.04KarlKFIthat's a tree
08:56.15ElkanoKalerender, you want sth like the auction house's filters, don't you?
08:56.21KarlKFIand trees from scratch suck too
08:56.42KarlKFItho Earth has some nice tree templates
08:56.50KarlKFInone nicely documented of course
08:57.25Kalerendernah not the filter, tree is what I'm after
08:57.44Elkanowell, what's needed is a function to populate the lines of a fauxscrollframe with the data obtained from a data structure
08:58.01Kalerenderthing is, I don't want it to filter anything, just that if you click on azeroth it pops opens the zones below it, click on say westfall you see all the westfall quests in the window to the right, click on one and it has the relevant info to the right of that
08:58.07Elkanowell, the filter does work like a tree (armor - lether - head)
08:58.20Kalerenderoh that bit, yeah like that bit :)
08:59.21ElkanoI have recoded the ah filter for ItemDB, but it's not exactly what you need
09:00.13Kalroththottbot has been sold ><
09:00.16Kalerenderanyway, unless someone wants to volunteer to do the dirty work and show me how to input future data, I guess I need to go do more reading heh.. scripting was enver this annoying in zMUD
09:01.30Kalerenderoh btw, don't suppose you guys know if there's a mod or an easy way to change shift-click autoloot to something else like ctrl-click?
09:03.10Kalerendershame, never have enough keys on my n52 I swear :|
09:05.13Wobin_I was just about to say that'd end up being a huge savefile
09:13.02KarlKFIVARIABLES_LOADED have an arg1?
09:17.23MiravlixGlobal event fired at the end of loading all savedvariables
09:20.16Corrodiasnow THIS is a good game review:
09:25.06CodayusI like it.
09:25.31CodayusAnd kind of appropriate to be mentioned in a channel relating to WoW.
09:25.41CodayusI note he mispelled "rogue" as "rouge".
09:25.47CodayusHonestly, what is it about that word?
09:26.36MiravlixKey placement
09:27.39Miravlixvs rtyuiokjhgyuytre
09:29.11MiravlixI don't think anyone who can really spell has issues with rogue and rouge, the words is quite different, it's just a typing issue.
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09:31.55Kalrotha rogue wearing rouge is pretty!
09:32.52MiravlixI've been wondering about my own mistyping, it's strange I've been a touch typist for 20 years, I write this while watching dad on MTV, without looking once, I even notice mistypings and can edito them as I go without reading it.
09:34.42MiravlixBut for some strange reason, I have trouble with keys not getting out in the right order. like a space getting typed early.
09:35.21MiravlixI've no explanation for why this issue has creept into my typing, since it hasn't always been there.
09:35.51MiravlixAnd even stranger many others seems to have developed the same issue.
09:35.58Kalrothit's because you're getting old
09:36.14Kalrothold people has problems with placement of spaces in sentences
09:37.17KarlKFIint eh
09:37.59KalrothThat' swh yKar lsometime stype slik ethis!
09:51.35DepheriosOMG I do the same thing lately, with the spaces
09:51.41DepheriosOMG that reply is late
09:52.04Depheriosditto with the touch typing too
09:53.27KarlKFIi dont even touch type, so i dunno what my issues
09:53.32KarlKFIissue is*
10:03.52KarlKFIoi.. this is hard to read.. now i have to figure out how to do tables
10:21.34KarlKFIis it just me or is the formatting on this page nearly unreadable...
10:28.15Industrialyeah it is
10:28.23Industrialdark brigt dark bright
10:28.49KarlKFIthink i need to make those code segments half width or soemthing
10:29.00KarlKFIbut I'm not sure how the wiki tables work
10:29.25Industrialcore can be readable when its dark(er) too
10:30.23MiravlixWe don't have co-routine support in WoW Lua?
10:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
10:32.59KarlKFIno, but Chronos has thread support
10:33.20MaldiviaCairenn, you awake ?
10:33.32KarlKFInot at >3am
10:33.38MiravlixStill think I could solve a lot of problems with coroutines
10:33.46MaldiviaYou never know :)
10:34.07KarlKFIwell, i've never seen her willingly names Caren1....
10:34.14KarlKFICairen1 either
10:34.29KarlKFIstupid fingers
10:34.41Maldiviawhat's this business...
10:35.08MiravlixHmm, no log msg for VF?
10:35.23MiravlixAah, it's part of the localization addon
10:36.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
10:36.58Maldiviaapparently, OGaming, Allakhazam, thottbot, L2Orphus and IGE is "merging", and forming
10:37.08KarlKFIwelcome to yesterday
10:37.25Kalrothwtb a new online itemdatabase!
10:37.33Maldiviawell, I haven't been online for the last 12 hours :)
10:37.41MaldiviaKalroth: you can use mine :)
10:37.50Maldiviaon second though, no you cant :)
10:38.03Maldiviahosted privately :)
10:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
10:40.22KarlKFIMiravlix> what log about vf?
10:40.23MiravlixIriels code is about as easy to read as Gould
10:40.33KarlKFIlol, ya
10:40.40KarlKFII told him as much
10:40.47Miravlix[12:35] <Miravlix> Aah, it's part of the localization addon
10:41.22KarlKFIit's an instance of the XML translation addon IVF
10:41.33Miravlix1 char local variable names isn't all that easy to read
10:41.42KarlKFIright, that's what I said
10:42.04Miravlixand why make a local = something then not make the if ( Local ) then
10:42.13KirkburnWait, wait ...
10:42.17MiravlixBut instead make it if ( global ) then
10:42.22KirkburnWhere is this news?
10:42.35KarlKFIhe claimed he hadn't added enough comments... My philosiphy is it should only need comments to describe concepts or segregate code...
10:43.06KarlKFIwhere mira?
10:43.17MiravlixI don't have to learn this?
10:43.28MiravlixIt's the local addon that use the VF system?
10:43.53KarlKFIyou don't need to figure out iriel's adodn unless you want to use it elsewhere
10:44.11KarlKFILocalization is an embedable addon that has IVF embedded in it :)
10:44.21MiravlixIt's a pet thing of mine, I don't use code I can't write.
10:45.34MiravlixAnd just throwing a glance over the code, I have no idea if I can understand the idea or not. Kinda like trying to read thotbottengine.lua. :)
10:45.45KirkburnIs this the IGE article?
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10:48.26KarlKFIwell my code is rather simple in a complex sort of way. Just pretend I used xml instead of IVF
10:48.40KarlKFI is how to use it
10:49.44KarlKFII'm uploading a new version compatible with those doc now mira
10:51.49KirkburnCrap, it just keeps getting worse doesn't it
10:52.38KirkburnI know this is something I often hint, but worldofwar is the only non-gold seller connected database/site out there now
10:52.57KirkburnAnd I find that shocking
10:53.21KirkburnAnd numerous other words.
10:53.44KarlKFIlesser of 4 weasels?
10:54.20KarlKFIsorry, play on words of a play on words
10:54.47KarlKFIkind of like a game of telephone in my head
10:55.01KirkburnI realise, but it sounded like worldofwar had bad points ...
10:55.11Kirkburn*like you think that...
10:55.16KarlKFIi despise worldofwar
10:55.43KarlKFIi've had multiple bad experiences and I don't trust their staff
10:57.29KirkburnOkay, we'll be better not to discuss it here, it's never a good idea though :P Anyways, we need more gold ad free sites!
11:01.37KirkburnLol, adding the customer service forum to the bluetracker was a baaaad idea
11:02.12KirkburnIt's like adding the tech support forum to it ... loads of threads, nothing of interest
11:05.05MiravlixFirefox addblocker completely cleans the sites, so I don't even know what adverts is on what sties.
11:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Net (
11:18.40grollhmm about the catalyst and other zoningfix addons.. which should one use and do they all do the exact same thing or different stuff etc?
11:18.41KirkburnThe new alliance race will be kalimdor based!
11:19.21Kirkburn"I see there are questions about the 25% increase in landmass. To clarify this means we have increased the overall land mass by 25% which includes the new continent of Outland as well as some additions in Azeroth (Eastern Kingdoms and ****Kalimdor****). Much of the new content resides in Outland as that is the focus of the Burning Crusade expansion. Yet, players will be able to experience the new Blood Elf areas as well as the new Alliance race area
11:19.21Kirkburns on Azeroth."
11:20.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
11:20.49Maldiviagroll: they don't do exactly the same, but more or less... and just stick to one, having multiple doesn't really help any further. Personally I'm using Catalyst
11:21.01grollhms oke
11:21.08grolli use all three :P
11:21.24grollbut i read on catalyst i shouldnt
11:21.49Maldiviausing all of them will give you a performance degrade
11:22.11Maldiviaor well, can
11:22.11grollhehe no :P or well my loading time is way faster than usuall :P
11:22.31Maldiviawell yes, compared to normal
11:22.37ckknight_you shouldn't use all 3
11:22.39MaldiviaI mean, using 3 can be slower than using 1
11:22.47grollbut catalyst does detect the other addons it need to "turn off" so to speak?
11:22.50grollas the other one does
11:23.48Maldiviaall 3 addons tries to "turn off" the slow downs, meaning that logic will be run 3 times, and it can be a fairly intrusive and slow process
11:24.07Maldiviabut still way faster than if it wasn't "turned off"
11:24.16grollso what's the diff on them kinda? if u care to explain that is :P
11:25.06Miravlixntfs kills around 20-25K event calls for me
11:26.34grolldamn u got a lot of addons :P most it killed for me is 7k
11:27.40MiravlixFull Cosmos + 100 addons
11:28.01KirkburnCosmos + 100 more?
11:28.20KarlKFIa drasticly faster computer than my own
11:28.21MiravlixI can't play WoW at the moment, to much FPS loss, I stutter for upto 2 seconds at times
11:28.29KirkburnI thought my hundred was a lot in the first place
11:28.40MiravlixCosmos is 70 addons
11:28.49MiravlixSo around 170 addons now
11:29.11Miravlix183 directories in my addon folder
11:29.21MiravlixIncluding Blizzard_stuff
11:30.06IndustrialI wanna take a loko at it, I'm sure I can remove duplicates for you and optimize things. But you wouldnt let me :P
11:30.07MiravlixSo 175 and around 150-160 loaded pr. char
11:30.47IndustrialIm at 43 addons with 15-17MB ram usage
11:30.54MiravlixI have no duplicate features.
11:31.19MiravlixThere is some related features duplicated across some addons
11:31.29IndustrialMaybe I can point out equal Better(tm) addons.
11:31.30MiravlixBut they all have unique features
11:32.13MiravlixI have 5 or so BG addons
11:32.24MiravlixDamageMeter and CombatStats
11:33.02MiravlixCosmos Clock is disabled on all chars, I use Titan Clock.
11:33.14IndustrialDid you try FuBar?
11:33.30Industrial(I dislike bar addons, im not an information fetishist)
11:33.36grollfubar kick ass.. kinda
11:33.47MiravlixFuBar requires ACE
11:33.59Industrialyes, and?
11:34.01MiravlixNothing wrong with that, except I'm already using Cosmos
11:34.17MiravlixThey duplicate each other in functionality
11:34.22Industrialnot like ace touches cosmos in any way
11:35.03Industrialwell, maybe i can point out some addons that use ace that are a bit more efficient with your system then ones you use now
11:35.27Industrialthe downside of ace being required would decrease :P
11:36.00Industrialack that was a weird sentence :P
11:36.17MiravlixI'm rewriting all the addons I use to my new big-4 caching library addons
11:36.44Industrialbig-4 ?
11:37.03MiravlixSpellbook, CIB, Unitbuff, UnitDebuff
11:37.23MiravlixIt's 4 areas that is used a lot in addons.
11:37.30IndustrialMiravlix: can I help you then? (or even try to)
11:37.40IndustrialI'm at work so im a bit bored
11:38.01StylpeIndustrial, you're just trying to get into his pants ;)
11:38.14IndustrialIm trying to help :P
11:38.51grollIndustrial u could help me though ;P
11:38.56grollbut i bet you dont want to :P
11:39.08Industrialsure :P
11:39.33grollyou could go through my code of my keybindings addon :P it bugs from time to time and kinda dont seem to load :P
11:39.35MiravlixNaah, I've already written SeaSpellbook and is working on SeaCIB, it's better if I write all four so they will be identical in functionality.
11:40.05Industrialno i mean with your list of addons :P
11:40.09Industrialgroll: no thx
11:40.15grollhaha :P
11:40.24grollbah :P it's just like 150 lines of code :D
11:40.33Industrialpastebin it
11:40.39grollokie :D
11:41.29grollthe lua
11:41.50grolli have to make a reloadui to make the bindings work and such and same after i have zoned
11:42.29grollthe lua the xml
11:42.59Miravlix <- thats my list of addons
11:44.56MiravlixAnd don't touch the Cosmos addons, I'm a Cosmos Dev, I need to use Cosmos addons so I can maintain them
11:46.56StylpeOoh, can I ask a question about Cosmos?
11:47.19KarlKFIlong as me and mira dont fall asleep in 3 seconds
11:47.26Kirkburn"is it the final frontier?"
11:47.58KarlKFIwell it's more like a spaceship... that takes you there
11:48.28KarlKFIthought about renaming to Enterprise G
11:48.32StylpeAs an avid Ace user and developer, I've become quite the fan of OO development. What's Cosmos's view on OO?
11:49.06KarlKFIour view is that we started it in wow addons, you guys are slow
11:49.13Industrialso how do i know what addons are cosmos addons?
11:50.21Industrialo wait ill download cosmos and diff :P
11:50.24KarlKFISea has used class objects since beta.  We just tend to use them as uninstantiated classes. saves us a headache for the most part
11:50.53StylpeOkay =)
11:51.22Industrialcan i independently use addons from cosmos?
11:51.26KarlKFImost of them
11:51.27Stylpe(I haven't used Cosmos since one month after release, let alone looked at the code)
11:51.51MiravlixWe have the big ones with lots of dependencies, like Khaos, PartyQuests
11:52.14MiravlixAnd everything uses Khaos to create it's configuration menu
11:52.23MiravlixBut thats mostly optional
11:52.31KarlKFIhowever many of the Cosmos addons are the dependant versions, with standalone versions that are similar except with embedable dependancies where possible.
11:53.09KarlKFIthe standalones for the most part are distributed at the whim of the individual authors
11:53.41KarlKFIbut we don't want duplicates of embedded addons in the compilation so we extract them all and put them in the AddOns folder with required deps
11:54.04KarlKFIwhich is usually how the libs started anyway
11:54.12Miravlix70 addons with duplicate embedded Sea, we would use 300-400 MB to load
11:54.19KarlKFIand not all libs are embeddable
11:54.33MiravlixBut after that it drops to 30ish MB
11:54.37MiravlixWould be nuts.
11:54.52KarlKFItho we've been slowly making more of them embeddable as we have time and motivation
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11:57.12KarlKFIoh and for those of you that missed out:
11:58.01KarlKFIneed to reformat that tutoral tho.. hard to read
11:58.56KarlKFItho it's more thorough than the rest of my lib docs, heh
11:59.42KarlKFIwhich of course makes it look really complicated to impliment... which it's not
12:01.51KirkburnTime to go back into Uni, back later
12:02.05KarlKFIoh and buy the way, I'm converting all the Cosmos addons as soon as possible. they will soon all be dependant upon that monster you see above.
12:03.51KarlKFI2 reasons: It's really cool, and it allows us to standardize localizations so that they can be automaticly generated using norganna's web based localization tool
12:04.00krka_i don't get... what is this for?
12:04.33krka_why would you want to use french in the english client?
12:04.57KarlKFIperhaps if you were a french-american..
12:05.17KarlKFIbut those 3 languages are just examples.
12:05.20Industrialwhat if im dutch?
12:05.41Industrial(not that i'd ever want any dutch on my pc, bleeegh)
12:05.53KarlKFIas you may have noticed, norganna's addons are localized into more than a dozen loanguages
12:06.12KarlKFIincluding many that doe not have a client
12:06.54KarlKFIthis is a backbone upon which to build such a system
12:07.03IndustrialI'm going to have to bring up my old argument
12:07.23KarlKFI'what if im dutch?' ?
12:07.42IndustrialIts a game with an embedded language. What you are developing seems more like the job of a database and a compiled language
12:08.02IndustrialI think its great to standardise localisations though
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12:09.03KarlKFIwhy not have it in a game?
12:09.17KarlKFII know plenty of people that use chat localizers
12:09.32KarlKFIor did before ooz was dissabled
12:09.34IndustrialI jsut talk in my own language
12:09.58Industrialnot that i do so very often
12:10.52IndustrialWhat I mean is that it's like you are making an operating system that can make you blueberry waffles if you weant to
12:11.04Industrialbecause 'what if he wanted blueberry waffles'
12:11.20Industrialbut its a game
12:11.31Industrialwith the option to make nifty little scripts
12:11.35Industrialto make your life easier
12:12.40Industrialits gnoe a little out of hand
12:13.00KarlKFIwell, put it this way. the addon was fun to make, excessivly robust, allows for not only a standard format and use of free localization by small donators, but also is self motivating because it's nifty
12:13.15StylpeI wish someone in this channel has Elune's Lantern
12:14.18KarlKFIplus, it removes unused localizations if you enable the option (which dissables dynamic switching) and in that form takes not much more memory than the old method
12:14.49Industrialk thats nice
12:16.06KarlKFIso if it motivates change, doesn't cost to much, and allows for harnessing of untapped localizers... where's the harm?
12:16.44KarlKFImore localization = more users
12:17.04Industrialmore users = ?
12:17.06KarlKFIi know specifically koreans and chinese have repeatedly asked for localizations
12:17.12Industrialnot profit, i hope
12:17.34KarlKFIfame, glory, pride, resume bloating...
12:17.46KarlKFIbragging rights
12:18.03MiravlixEgo stroken, the currency of free stuff
12:18.43KarlKFIif i feel good about me, why do i need $?
12:18.50KarlKFIer... something liek that..
12:18.50Industrialso why would i go through the pain of localising something to chinese
12:18.59KarlKFIyou wouldn't
12:18.59Industriallike i have too much time on my hands.. hah..
12:19.16MiravlixWe all need money, but when you have 'enough' and have time to spare...
12:19.16KarlKFIyou would post it online and people would localize it for you :)
12:19.55Industrialim a student
12:19.59Industrialno money AND no time
12:20.08KarlKFIbah, lies
12:20.15KarlKFIi'm a student
12:20.24KarlKFIand I'm taking over the world!
12:20.49MiravlixI'm retired from taking over the world and living off the money I made from it.
12:20.53IndustrialI get up at 6, home at 7, kickboxing, home at 10, social life / wow / coding <-- i always have to choose here
12:21.21KarlKFIoh right, social life... knew i forgot something.... that's what you guys are for!
12:22.01KarlKFImmm 5 am
12:22.21Industrial2 pm ere
12:22.23KarlKFIi should probably sleep before my 11am clas
12:22.40KarlKFIprobably a good idea
12:22.54KarlKFImeh, lemme commit the converted FriendsFacts
12:23.49MiravlixIt's almost evening for me, so don't worry I wont totally rewrite it before you get up again
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12:26.32KarlKFIif you want to convert it to be all inthe FriendsFacts namespace that'd be nice
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12:52.30StylpeGah, I know there's a page out there that has a list of all the global strings, but I can't find it =(
12:53.38KarlKFIwhy not just extract it?
12:53.38wereHamsterStylpe, global strings?
12:53.38StylpeAh, of course =P
12:53.38StylpeThat's where I found them
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13:06.03Industriallol xD
13:07.05MiravlixFrameXML has GlobalStrings.lua
13:13.17KarlKFIok mira, i put up the new FF
13:14.27KarlKFIit still needs to be converted to the FriendsFacts namespace and the friends display needs to be converted to be localizable somehow
13:15.46KarlKFIthe 2 normal texts should be easy, but i'm not sure if how we're gonna localize the pre-localized class, rank, area, race... only thing I can think of is feeding it into a reverse table and back...
13:16.21grollIndustrial i got a 5 sec diff from catalyst and the other one.. ie catalyst was teh slow one :P
13:16.55KarlKFInot sure if Sea already has those localized, if not most of them are in the BabbleLib on wowi
13:16.56Industrialwell whats different feature wise?
13:16.59Industrial(i have no idea\)
13:17.34KarlKFIbe nice to have an unlocalize table in Sea
13:31.36grollIndustrial i have no clue
13:32.12Industrialyou cant say one is better then the other then
18:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:19.31*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions.
18:19.45KirkburnHello purl
18:19.46Temseriously, if I stack int (which no one does anymore) I *might* get up to 450 intel
18:19.57Tem225 armor? imba!
18:21.07KirkburnThe changes were more like a redistibution of wealth rather than a big change
18:21.30KirkburnWho knows, they'll most likely change again
18:22.10TemI certainly hope they nix Arcane Resillience
18:22.55krkasome mage changes?
18:22.58KirkburnThe EU response seems much more 'refined'
18:23.35Kirkburnif they made it 100% of intellect, it would be fairer
18:23.36Temoh waoh
18:23.41Temwait wait
18:23.49Temdid you see Arcane Sublety
18:23.57KirkburnFunctionality has been significantly altered
18:24.09TemI didn't see that
18:24.59Tem"All of your spell criticals cause 17/34/50% less threat"
18:25.50Temtoo bad I'll never crit anymore
18:26.04KirkburnOoh, not just arcane any more
18:26.25KirkburnThat's quite a cool change
18:26.41KirkburnCriticals are when mages get the aggro normally anyway
18:26.42TemI'm split on it
18:26.58Temit's going to be nice for leveling a mage
18:27.04krkathey removed mages ability to crit???
18:27.09krkathat's kinda unfair
18:27.10Tembut more or less useless at 60
18:27.12krkaall other classes can crit
18:27.45Temkrka: it looks like they severly nerfed shatter
18:27.58Kirkburnyeah something odd has happened to shatter
18:27.58Temwhich is where 90% of all frost crits come from
18:28.23Temit will have no impact on raiding mages, however
18:28.38Temit will help them
18:28.41TemI think
18:29.00krkaoh... no more frost nova + frostbolt crit FTW?
18:29.27KirkburnThe new frost tree is missing masses of points
18:29.50Temkrka: so it appears
18:30.07TemI'm keeping my fingers crossed for it being a misprint
18:30.17KirkburnI'm doing a comparison
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18:30.52Maldiviahmm, looking over the talents again, didn't give me a better impression...
18:31.11TemI still think imp CS should be a defacto spell
18:31.13Temnot a talent
18:31.36KtronAnyone know of a site that has formulas on how str affects attack power/dps, agi affects dodge/crit/hit, etc?
18:31.39Maldiviaalso reading a bit back... combustion... crits are ony viable in pvp... having a talent that over time ups your crit chance vs 100% for one is worthless
18:31.51MaldiviaKtron: wowwiki :)
18:32.01Ktronheh, really? heh
18:32.18MaldiviaKtron: yes, check under formula
18:32.18TemMaldivia: do you think the Ice barrier cooldown is a typo or an "undocumented" change?
18:32.20Ktronawesome, you win Maldivia
18:32.51MaldiviaTem: if it's actually 30sec now, it's a huge buff for that spell
18:33.14TemI'm annoyed that it's dispellable
18:33.45KirkburnThere are only 42 talent points in that frost tree
18:34.05Kirkburni.e. it's wrong
18:34.14IrielHey, I just had a debuff idea
18:34.28MaldiviaKirkburn: why do you say that ?
18:34.47Kirkburn42 is too few
18:34.48KtronThere a 'fake'/'leaked' talent point tree floating around?
18:34.51TemEvery other tree has 48ish
18:34.56Irielmaybe when you want to debuff something, it should pop up a group of buttons and something that indicates the one you must press, and you have to get the right one for the dispell to "hit"
18:35.03MaldiviaKtron: the mage review was published on ogn
18:35.05KirkburnFrost had 48 before
18:35.11KtronMaldivia, ah
18:35.17Irieland the buttons would be "LootButton" style buttons, so we CANT push them programatically
18:35.49KirkburnI'll check the other trees now
18:36.35TemKirkburn: that's what I'm doing too.  I'm starting on druids. you start somewhere else
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18:37.13Kirkburn46 in fire
18:37.18TemThere's 51 points in ballance
18:37.19Cidehmm, has anyone experienced weird behaviour when changing the Minimap's alpha?
18:37.49Tem46 in feral
18:38.00CideI'm getting a black texture as minimap after reload after setting the minimap's alpha to .25
18:38.05KirovCide - don't change the minimap alpha itself
18:38.11KirovOnly the parent frame
18:38.24Tem53 in resto
18:38.48Kirkburn48 in arcane
18:38.51Cideas in, MinimapCluster?
18:38.58MaldiviaCide: every time? I often get black minimaps after reloads
18:39.05Tem48 in BM
18:39.05Cidenot every time, no
18:39.13Cideweird bug, though
18:39.26MaldiviaI think it's pretty common that the minimap doesn't work properly just after a ui reload
18:39.33Cidenah, it just started happening
18:39.41Tem52 in marksman
18:39.41CideI remember it happening when playing with it earlier too
18:39.44MaldiviaTem: have you tried to do any builds with the new trees?
18:40.06KirkburnDruids 147 total v New Mage 136 total
18:40.08Temno talent calc available for it yet
18:40.17MaldiviaNo, but on paper...
18:40.33krkanice frostbite change
18:40.35TemI've been too busy being pissed about shatter
18:40.45MaldiviaHope resilience doesn't take the place of evocation, meaning being a requirement for mind and meditation
18:41.01Temkrka: aye, but without shatter, frostbite is useless
18:41.13KirkburnSorry, Druids 150 total v New Mage 136
18:41.16TemMaldivia: oh god I hadn't though ot that
18:41.20krkai just like to freeze stuff :)
18:41.55Tem48 in survival
18:41.58Cidedefinitely related to minimap alpha, Maldivia
18:42.08CideKirov: doesn't seem to help
18:42.11KirkburnTem do those include bought talent ranks?
18:42.19MaldiviaCide: hmm, it does it with me around 25% of the times when I reload UI
18:42.29TemI'm just on thottbot filling the trees up
18:42.35krkawinters chill looks like the suxors
18:42.46Kirkburn148 total for hunters then
18:42.57krka5 points to add 1% extra crit chance per frost spell (up to 5)
18:43.08KirkburnI think what we can take away from this, is that the IGN preview isn't complete
18:43.12krkaand only lasts 15 seconds
18:43.23Tem54 in holy
18:43.47Josh_Borkethat's a lot in holy...
18:43.55Tem50in protection
18:44.18KirkburnThis one should be about 46 next
18:44.24Tem45 in retro
18:44.34Kirkburn149 total there then
18:45.28Tem48 in disc
18:45.52Tem48 in holy
18:46.16Tem48 in shadow
18:46.23KirkburnMmm, balanced
18:46.58Temrogues: 55 in  assassination
18:47.30Tem63 in combat
18:47.50Cideseems that... changing alpha of minimap before the zone's texture is loaded, it just shows up black
18:47.55Tem55 in sub
18:48.40TemShaman: 51 in elemental
18:49.13KirkburnWoah, lots of points for rogues
18:49.20Tem57 in enhancement
18:49.24Temno kidding
18:50.15Tem50 in resto
18:51.09TemWarlocks: 49 in affliction
18:51.36Tem52 in demon
18:52.05Tem53 in affliction
18:52.12Temer, destruction
18:52.43KirovCide - have you tried running around between zone changes?
18:52.51KirkburnI just did current mages ... 43 frost, 48 fire, 49 arcane. Which means the new trees have 4 points less
18:53.08Ciderunning around a tad updates it fine
18:53.18KirkburnAnd shatter is missing four points :P
18:53.26TemKirkburn: that frost tally can't be right
18:53.31KirovI ran across a curious issue when testing minimap stuff where I created a second minimap.  If I changed the alpha of the second minimap it messes up the original, but not the other way around.
18:53.38CideKirov: or not...
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18:53.50TemWarriors: 59 in arms
18:53.56Cideit resets to black if the alpha is changed when it updates the texture
18:53.59Kirovthe main minimap would either take the alpha of the new one, or they'd both show up black and I would have to undo the alpha to fix it.
18:54.09KirkburnTem, I can't count
18:54.17IrielKirov ; I suspect it's because of the way the internal textures work
18:54.19Kirkburn48 in frost :P
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18:54.28Tem60 in Fury
18:54.31KirovI never had any issues when the alpha changes were done to the MinimapCluster
18:54.38CideIriel: think it would be a complicated fix?
18:54.42IrielYou only had one minimap
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18:54.58Tem53 in protection
18:54.59IrielCide: Oh, your issue is different
18:55.00KirovHaving two minimaps of different scales makes it unahppy too
18:55.03Cideah, yeah
18:55.11KirovBut that's not too unexpected
18:55.20KirkburnTem, you must be *really* bored
18:55.22CideI'm running with one minimap, setting alpha on MinimapCluster, but still blacked out
18:55.23TemKirkburn: so that's the net change
18:55.39IrielCide: Yours i've run into myself too, but I never tracked it down enough to be able to get a feel for the cause/impact.
18:55.50KirkburnTem, 9 points less
18:55.59Temanyway, it's quite clear to me that frost is missing points
18:56.07CideI'm just trying to semi-hide my minimap, and show it on hover
18:56.17Temthe lowest tree in game at the moment is fire with only 46
18:56.17KirkburnOld Mage 48frost 48fire, 49arc v New mage 42 46 48
18:56.30IrielCide: I tried putting alpha in BigMinimap for a similar reason
18:56.36IrielCide: It worked really well but had some quirks
18:56.36Temoh, nevermind, *I* can't count then
18:56.45Temlowest tree in game were at 48
18:56.58Temso frost loses 6 points?
18:57.05IrielCide: My gut is you wont get it fixed for 1.11, but it may be on the list for 1.12 if you can report it, but maybe you'll be lucky and slouken will get bored 8-)
18:57.11Kirkburn9 points, tem
18:57.24Kirkburnoh sorry
18:57.27TemI can understand reductions in other places
18:57.31KtronSo, I think Abyssal Leather Pants of Striking are better than Stormshroud Leggings
18:57.59KirkburnSo my message for mages is, don't worry too much!
18:58.22krkafewer points is a good thing though :P
18:58.32Temnot when we lost 4 of our most critical points
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18:58.39Tem(no pun intended)
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19:01.37Ktronheh, I just want the free respec
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19:03.25Temme too, since I can't afford one now
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19:04.52KirkburnIs slouken away?
19:05.22IrielAway? Not that I know of.
19:05.26IrielHellishly busy, yes
19:05.43IrielE3 is coming up, blizzard claimed Burning Crusade and 1.11 would be playable there
19:05.48IrielI'm sure that means he's in crunch mode
19:06.02KirkburnGood good point
19:06.22krkacrunch mode sux
19:07.12IrielAye, i have one of my own, of sorts, at the moment.
19:08.22krkame too
19:08.25Elvisoanyone have the link for the mage talents?
19:08.41Temunfortunately, yes
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19:09.56MaldiviaTem: hmm, permafrost - is that 1sec, or 1/2/3 sec?
19:10.24Temlooks like 1
19:10.30Temwhich is lame
19:11.32Maldiviaok, because I'm almost done with my talent-calculator :)
19:12.01Temoh, nice
19:12.10Temdid you already have a backbone?
19:12.23Maldiviacopyed blizzards
19:12.28Maldiviajust changing their data file
19:12.42Temoh, I never looked to see how their's worked
19:13.06wereHamsterIriel, did you get any response from slouken regarding the layout engine OnUpdate handling 'glitch'?
19:13.36ElvisoMaldivia, you should copy instead :p
19:13.43Elvisothat's a really nice calculator
19:13.47Maldivianaah, I'm already done :)
19:13.56grollhmm anyone know of a good buff display replacement?
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19:17.48IrielwereHamster : No, but I know he's entirely swamped, so that's not unexpected.. I'll ping him again once 1.11 is up somewhere. I'm certain he's aware of the issue now though 8-)
19:18.14wereHamsterIriel, thanks for the update :)
19:18.18KirkburnElviso, that calculator you linked is about to be updated, too :)
19:18.38Elvisoo rly?
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19:19.30krkadamn it, it's SO annoying that i have to waste several hours just standing around in a city, just looking for a group
19:20.23KirkburnElviso, is that your site or something?
19:20.39Elvisonorgs|away, I thought maybe it was yours by the way you were talking, lol
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19:37.11Industrial(19:42) ( Industrial) If I were to make a metatable with some function in it, and a 'new' function that would set the metatable of the table argument to this metatable (and some other constructor things, or whatever), would that create a class for me?
19:37.15Industrial(19:43) ( Industrial) I just want some tables to have the same functions in them, but i dont wanna duplicate the code
19:37.40Maldiviaanyway, if anyone is interested, my version of mage talents 1.11, according to the IGN information:
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19:39.34Maldiviathere most like an error somewhere, so you know
19:40.25IrielIndustrial : Quite possibly it would
19:40.49Industrialgud :D
19:41.00IrielIndustrial ; You can either make your new method clone the invokers metatable, or explcitily set one
19:41.14IrielI TEND to do the latter myself
19:46.33Tem|AFKMaldivia: yeah?
19:46.54Tem|AFKoh cool
19:47.16MaldiviaDont know about requirements in the arcane tree, so haven't specified them
19:47.18Tem|AFKthe loading is *very* slow
19:47.29IrielIs the windows memory manager really stupid enough that disabling virtual memory improves performance if you're not using all of your RAM?
19:47.58Tem|AFKyes, you page out even when you don't need to
19:48.24Maldiviatem: it's loading of wows site, I'm only hosting 3 files :)
19:48.30Tem|AFKoh lol
19:48.32Tem|AFKno wonder
19:48.36Tem|AFKtime for me to head to work
19:48.48Tem|AFKI'll check it out when I get there :)
19:50.12Maldiviaok, the bottom part is a bit screwed... ohh well, it's the actual talent calculator that's the important part anyway :)
19:51.32StylpeDoes anyone know which Bliz interface files handles the XP bar?
19:56.51StylpeOh, bum. The interface art is in blp files =)
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20:12.58Stylpe_2So, can anyone point me to a good blp viewer/converter? All the ones I find on Google are from early 2005
20:13.12Stylpe_2or mac only
20:13.26Industrialddnt irfanview have something?
20:13.50Industrialthought i heard something like that
20:14.02Cairennirfan won't
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20:14.15Cairennuse the old one you can find on CG
20:14.25Cairennit should still work
20:14.39Cairennhey [MoonWolf] :)
20:17.27IndustrialIf i do 'a={} b=a b=nil' then a will still be there, right?
20:18.25Cideerr, yes.. I must've failed with my tests
20:18.38Industrialok, heh
20:18.48IndustrialAnduin|Coma: werent you asleeep?
20:18.54Industrialoh.. that was 12 hours ago...
20:20.10ElkanoStylpe, BLP2toTGA is the one I'm using, since it also has a good TGAtoBLP2 exe
20:20.21Industrialjust cooked this up
20:20.29Industrialslap me with the poopoo stick now
20:23.10Stylpe_2Thanks =)
20:24.01Stylpe_2I'm just trying to figure out why my CardBars XP bar suddenly has the default overlay texture, it didn't use to.
20:24.50IndustrialIriel: will this even work? :D
20:26.30Maldiviaok, Shatter is still 5 points... phef
20:26.34Temit is?
20:26.41IndustrialCairenn: =(
20:26.59Maldivia"P.S. - Shatter was a miscommunication. It is 5 ranks of 10% increments, not one rank as initially reported. We have contacted IGN with the appropriate update information."
20:28.20MaldiviaActually, shatter is not a huge buff!
20:29.19Temholy crap
20:29.21Temif that's right
20:29.33Temthat' *is* a huge buff
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20:31.30TemMaldivia: wewt!  update your calculator!
20:31.38MaldiviaI did!
20:31.43Cidewhat was it before?
20:32.54Temonly for frost spells
20:33.03Temif it's for *all* spells, holy crap
20:33.07Temthat's f'ing awesome
20:33.30Temholy cow elementalist spec rocks now
20:34.16Maldiviawell, with the elimination of the "must have" 16 points in arcane, it's viable
20:34.38IndustrialidMainBar.lua:65: attempt to call method `Construct' (a nil value)
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20:35.09TemI think I may be a 42 point frost mage after the patch lol
20:36.17MaldiviaI still think it's laughable, that they changed Arcane Subtlety to be the opposite :)
20:36.52Josh_BorkeIndustrial: i'd help, but the setmetatable is where i get lost :-)
20:37.15Industrialme too
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20:37.35Industrialmaking 10 buttons appear - the hard way!
20:37.40AnduinLotharhey cide, you got CT_RegisterMod syntax sitting around over there?
20:37.47IndustrialAnduinLothar: any idea? :>
20:38.29CideAnduinLothar: sec
20:38.35Maldiviahmm, is down or just very very slow?
20:38.37AnduinLotharwhatre u doing ind?
20:38.46Wobin_oh Bas Ruttn, you're such a funny man =P
20:38.53Industrialbas rutten?
20:39.20IndustrialAnduinLothar: trying to poke at metatables so i make me a 'class' for a button bar
20:39.20Wobin_You know him, yeh?
20:39.31Industrialand indeed hes a goof..
20:39.34CideCT_RegisterMod("Name of mod", "Description of mod (short)", modType, "Interface\\Icons\\IconName", "on"/"off")
20:39.36AnduinLotharyou dont need metatables for that
20:39.36Cidethose are the basic ones
20:39.47AnduinLotharwhat's "switch"
20:39.58AnduinLotharand the modtypes
20:40.03CidemodType is what category it is in
20:40.12IndustrialWobin_: but he does speak the truth
20:40.13Cideie what tab id
20:40.30Cide"switch" is a bit more complicated, it's for buttons you click and they go through several different values
20:40.44Industrialthats a good video where he clearly explains what exactly footwork is in boxing
20:40.45Wobin_Industrial: Indeed he does
20:40.47Cidesuch as some buttons going through 1-6 different values, and display a text string on the button indicating the value
20:41.04IndustrialWobin_: how do you know him :P
20:41.05Wobin_He's good, and funny at the same time
20:41.23Wobin_I dabble somewhat with some martial arts
20:41.27Wobin_and came across him
20:41.28TemMaldivia: do you guys use ArcaneExplosion or Arcane Missiles on Vael?
20:41.42MaldiviaI used missiles
20:42.27GryphenAnduinLothar, Atlas has CT_RegisterMod for refrence
20:42.43Cidejust a string indicating the on/off toggle, I think
20:43.00AnduinLotharya, that's what i'm going off of gryphon
20:43.20Industrialthat list is my friend
20:43.27AnduinLotharwhat are the different types?
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20:43.52Cidedifferent modTypes?
20:44.55Cide1 = General (don't use), 2 = Hotbar Mods, 3 = Party Mods, 4 = Player Mods, 5 = Misc Mods
20:45.28MaldiviaTem: How often do you use Arcane Missiles (if you hae subtlety) in aggro fights?
20:45.48TemI only use AM in raids on Vael
20:45.59TemI don't have aggro issues on Broodlord either
20:46.24Josh_Borkehow do you do broodlord?
20:46.35TemI've only done it once..
20:46.41Tembut we one pulled him
20:46.53Temwe've only killed him once and only pulled him once
20:47.01Josh_Borkeawesome! same for my guild :-D
20:47.16Temwe have really awesome tanks :)
20:47.41Temthey're also extremely well geared since we get nearly 2x the warrior drops as everything else
20:48.18Josh_Borkewe've got about 3 well gear warriors, and then it drops off
20:48.55Cidewe often had aggro issues on BL in the beginning
20:48.55Josh_Borkethey (since i haven't been inside BWL yet) cleared vael in 2 nights of attempts, then cleared broodlord on the first attempt
20:50.23Cidelucky bastards
20:50.33Cidewe had to wait a day after an hour of attempts :)
20:50.34AnduinLotharcide, i take it the name passed is also the name seen by the user?
20:50.52MaldiviaVael took us ages, mainly because at the time we only had 2 warrios who actually had a brain...
20:50.53Cideoh, wait
20:51.03Josh_Borkemmm, brains...
20:51.07CideCT_RegisterMod("Name of mod", "Description of mod (short)", modType, "Interface\\Icons\\IconName", "Tooltip text", "on"/"off")
20:51.11Ktronis there a lua variable that holds whether you have a current target?
20:51.12Cideadd in the tooltip text
20:51.27AnduinLothari did, you also forgot the callback
20:51.44Cidethat too :)
20:51.46AnduinLotharjust means I can't localize the name
20:51.47Ktronthink I'm going to make a macro that simply tries to target a particular mob name every time I use the macro unless I already have a target
20:51.56Cidesure you can
20:52.03AnduinLotharnot dynamicly
20:52.06CideI do for most mods
20:52.42AnduinLotharah, you weren't on when I announced my new toy
20:52.44Josh_BorkeKtron: if (not UnitExists('target')) then TargetByName("Josh_Borke") end?
20:53.11TemVael has taken us ages because of raid timing
20:53.39Josh_Borkemy guild has enough people in it that we run raids whenever they choose and they are still full
20:53.39Temwe have very good warriors but we had a really hard time getting enough of them online for a BLW night
20:54.21Cideah, no :)
20:54.24Ktronsounds about right:)
20:54.27AnduinLotharcan I pass functions instead of a strings to CT_RegisterMod?
20:54.55Cidenot really
20:55.36KirkburnTem, regarding shatter, I told you it would all turn out okay :)
20:55.55TemKirkburn: *blush* you were right
20:55.55AnduinLotharcan I unregister with it?
20:58.23Cidewith a function? no
20:58.33Wobin_utterly brilliant:
20:58.49AnduinLotharthis sounds like it'd require extensive hacking to make work..
20:59.03Wobin_America says: ROFL! I just critted Japan for 5683 fire damage... gnomish engineering ftw
20:59.28Maldivianapalm ftw? :)
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21:01.41Josh_Borkebye all
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21:02.09Beladonatis time to go hometh
21:02.29Cairennlater Beladona *hug*
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21:11.37Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
21:11.48Shouryuuhell no
21:13.34ShouryuuThe place promised in our early days is one very nive anime
21:22.18Temthat makes more sense
21:31.31AnduinLotharlol... gnome noob zone gen chat.. Q: "Where can I find lots of veins?"  A: "In your body"
21:36.11Ktron... just saw a 'spoof'ed link
21:36.18Ktronempty brackets
21:37.37CodayusI've seen that a few times
21:37.45Codayusseems remarkably pointless
21:38.22Codayusalthough I wasn't entirely sure it wasn'tjust a mod playing up
21:39.44Temany Mac users around?
21:40.17TemAnduinLothar: do you have access to wow atm?
21:45.32AnduinLotharya, sup
21:47.07Temcan you do a tostring a table in wow for me please?
21:47.25Temlooking for what style the address is reported in
21:48.42AnduinLothartable: 0x1b195e80
21:48.52TainDum da dum!
21:48.57Tembah, thanks
21:50.49ShouryuuI confirm, The place promised in our early days just rocks
21:51.59TainPet rocks?
21:52.33Shouryuuand on that note I shall go to sleep
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21:53.59IrielTem: Why bah?
21:54.12IrielTem: Because it's different than the PC?
21:54.14Temthe windows client leaves it off
21:54.20Temyeah, so we have to catch both
21:54.28IrielTem: Why do you need it?
21:54.34Temuid for tables
21:54.39IrielTem: Can't you just do \d[0-9x]\d+
21:55.13TemI think kergoth already fixed it
21:55.42IrielI have a feeling that may break some of my code too
21:55.49Irielbut my linux client includes the 'x' so perhaps it wont
21:55.57Iriel(lua client, that is)
21:56.05Irielsince I often test stuff there first
21:56.27Temlinux does 0x
21:56.34Temwindows leaves it off
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21:56.37Temmac does 0x
21:56.52IrielIt's the underlying printf, I think
21:56.57TainStupid Windows.
21:57.00Tememulated windows on mac leaves it off
21:57.10Temer, emulated windows on linux leaves it off
21:57.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:57.22Temso, yeah, I'm inclined to think it's the printf
21:58.07Irieldo you care enough for me to check?
21:58.36Temif you want :)
21:59.12Temit's not for my code so I don't know how much effect it has
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22:04.23Temyou were right
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22:10.58MentalPowerwohoo! computer succesfully reformatted
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22:57.16ckknighthey all
22:57.49TainI think I'm going to make a suggestion that instead of whatever next new game server they're planning for WoW they put that money towards new forum servers.
23:03.37TemTain: I think if you made a suggestion of that nature it would either be assumed a troll post or it would attract so many trolls that it wouldn't be readable
23:03.56Wobin_Tain: New authentication servers
23:04.00Cairennhi ckknight
23:05.00TainAuthentication servers too, yeah.  But even just the forums themselves get so unresponsive sometimes.
23:05.03IrielThey've already committed to both of those in battleplan 3 haven't they?
23:05.29TainUnless it was posted in the UI & Macros forum, I didn't see it.
23:10.41IrielTain: It's in general, you should read it tho
23:10.42AnduinLotharoi... too many unfinnished projects
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23:19.56BWho gives a shit about forums
23:20.16IrielI care about ONE of them
23:20.23Stylpe_2Hey, is it true that item IDs are the same on every server?
23:20.27BAt least authentication server redundancy would make a beneficial difference to everyone
23:20.41IrielStylpe_2 : The main item, yes
23:20.44TemStylpe_2: yes, unless you are talking about the uniqueid part
23:21.50Stylpe_2goodie =), so I might be able to detect cooldown based on loot messages, matching the item id there, and thus won't have to localise item names?
23:22.35Wobin_X creates Mooncloth?
23:22.41Stylpe_2I can find the item ids at Thott or Alla, right?
23:22.46Wobin_or you recieve Mooncloth
23:22.56Wobin_Thott doesn't give the ids
23:23.09Wobin_Mendy also drops the item id into the tooltip too
23:23.14Stylpe_2You create: [Mooncloth].
23:23.26Stylpe_2clickable link
23:23.45Stylpe_2And chat events happen even if the message isn't enabled in any chat windows, right?
23:23.49TemStylpe_2: yes, you can totally do it that way
23:23.56TemI'm surprized you didn't do it that way before
23:24.24Stylpe_2Well, I haven't fidgeted enough with item links until now
23:24.44Stylpe_2I was using ummm, CHAT_MSG_TRADESKILL_SOMETHING
23:25.10Stylpe_2turns out there's a CHAT_MSG_LOOT fired too
23:25.19Stylpe_2and for Elune Stones, that's the only message
23:25.30Kirovhmm... new forums next month
23:25.40KirovMaybe they'll fix the search?
23:25.41Stylpe_2I'm a little worried about registering that event though, it gets fired a lot
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23:25.53AnduinLotharjsut use norg's search
23:26.24Stylpe_2This is gonna be so awesome if this works!
23:28.32Kirovwhat is this?
23:29.07Kirovthis mod
23:29.14purlit has been said that kic is KeepItCool, an addon by Stylpe that reminds you when your tradeskill cooldowns are up, with FuBar support.
23:29.28Stylpe_2Spread the word =P
23:29.37KirkburnAh yeah, that :)
23:29.59KirkburnTis cool
23:30.29Stylpe_2I found out yesterday that Elune's Lantern wasn't being detected, and I've ended up rewriting it to use item ids now =P
23:30.42Stylpe_2So now it'll work regardless of loacle :D
23:30.48TainWhat's KIC?
23:31.58TainOne of my characters is a 300 Alchemist and I'd use KIC if I played him still. And remembered which character that was.
23:32.52Stylpe_2Well, KIC'd tell you which realm and char it's ready for
23:33.33TainGood stuff!
23:35.11IrielIf you're worried about an event that's fired alot you can use OnUpdate to make it less annoying (depends what "fires alot" means)
23:35.21KirovIs it better to do object:Hide() on update or if object:IsVisible() then object:Hide() end if I'm trying to hide something for which the client hides / unhides outside of lua
23:35.33IrielYou can start an OnUpdate timer when you see the event and schedule a test for say, 1 second in the future
23:35.43IrielKirov: Just hide it
23:35.59IrielKirov : It's DEFINITELY better than testing first
23:36.14IrielKirov: Internally it tests if it's shown before doing anything
23:36.15Kirovthought so
23:36.25IrielKirov : Though it woul dbe IsShown() not IsVisible() if you wanted to test yourself
23:36.38KirovI can hide all the minimap arrows on the fly
23:36.52Stylpe_2Iriel, I'm talking about CHAT_MSG_LOOT. That gets fired whenever the player loots an item (often, not what I'm interested in), or makes an item (seldom, but what I want).
23:37.47KirovOne of the things about the method I found for determining the player's rotation I can also find the direction to any party member or town on the minimap.
23:37.52IrielHm probably not enough to really worry about, and can't you look at the message to work out which one it is?
23:37.55Kirovthough I can't see which town it is.
23:38.09Kirovor if it's a corpse, etc.
23:38.21IrielKirov: Really? How do you get access to that model?
23:38.46Stylpe_2Iriel, sure I can, I'm just worried about running a string.find that often. Am I being too mindful? =P
23:39.07Stylpe_2Looting an item is slow enough as it is already
23:39.12IrielStylpe_2 : I think you're being too worried yes, string.find is pretty damn fast unless your RE is horrific
23:39.20Stylpe_2How fast is a string.find anyway?
23:39.24Stylpe_2oh ok
23:39.45IrielAgain, a bad regexp will slow it down, but yours is likely simple
23:39.49Stylpe_2well, I've been known to make some badass patterns =P
23:39.56Kiroviriel -
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23:40.25Stylpe_2I don't know if you've heard about the command parser for Visor?
23:41.00Stylpe_2eh, I don't want to brag too much =P
23:41.43IrielMy point is that the thing you're looking for likely doesn't NEED a complex regexp 8-)
23:42.35IrielKirov : Oooh, the game exposes them.. that could be a real problem.. Does that mean you can detect when a node shows up? Or does this only work for player blips?
23:42.55Kiroviriel -
23:43.02KirovThe blips are a function of the render to texture
23:43.09KirovOnly the directional arrows are done in the UI
23:43.11Stylpe_2"You create: .-%[(.*)%].-%."
23:43.18IrielOh good.
23:43.25KirovSo, it's still safe
23:43.30IrielStylpe_2 : You can make that middle part .- can't you?
23:44.52Stylpe_2And the cool part is the string is created dynamically at startup from the global strings, so there's no need to localise ^_^
23:47.07Stylpe_2Oh, but wait, I was gonna change it to use item ids...
23:51.06Stylpe_2Anyone here use a german or french client?
23:58.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (

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