irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060430

00:02.21*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:09.25KirkburnDammit, I wish I hadn't heard how season 1 ended :(
00:13.42Esamynnoh, silly me zespri I know how, just a sec
00:14.20EsamynnSendChatMessage("message", "EMOTE")
00:16.19zespriAlready found =) thank you, Esamynn
00:17.01ElvisoIriel, getting an error from DevTools, want to hear about it?
00:17.38Elviso[string "--DevTools_Dump()..."]:14: `)' expected (to close `(' at line 9) near `<eof>'
00:17.48Elvisowhen I run "print(string.format("%.3f", GetTime())" from tinypad
00:18.30Esamynnwell you did forget a closing bracket
00:18.51IrielIndeed, it's devtools telling your input is bad
00:20.33Elvisooh, hehe
00:20.54Elvisotrying to work on something between ouro tries, only partially focused
00:21.43Esamynnnever doubt the "almightly" DevTools! ;)
00:21.51ElvisoI should've known better, heh
00:21.59ElvisoI <3 it
00:27.07grollanyone know of an updated clean minimap addon?
00:27.29Elvisoi think id` has one
00:28.09grollhmm on wowinterface?
00:28.22Elvisowas looking for it, don't see it
00:29.55grollthanks might be usable for me :D
00:49.02cmunnI heard the best quote about trying to mode CT_RA yesterday
00:49.51cmunnWhen polling my new guild about modding interest, one brave soul said he wanted to do some modding on CT_RA but was having a bit of trouble with it...
00:50.16cmunnI asked if there was a particular section that I could help him with and got this response:
00:50.53cmunn"I'm just having trouble understanding everything.  It's like I'm trying to get from Dallas to LA and all I have to work with is a map of New Jersey written in Hebrew."
00:51.06Temcmunn: lol
00:51.28cmunnbut now, dinner calls
01:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:09.08ckknightcan someone approve my addon?
01:09.52ckknightit's a crucial bugfix
01:10.20Irielwhich one?
01:10.28ToastTheifwhere's Ciar
01:10.48ckknightshe left
01:10.52ckknightand DewdropLib
01:11.18ToastTheifshe needs to approve them.. Im not likeing the dropdown bug
01:11.21ckknightwithout it, people's menus are broken
01:11.34ToastTheifcan't you do it? :O
01:11.40IrielI'm doing it already
01:11.46ToastTheifyay for Iriel
01:14.33KirkburnYay for ckknight too for fixing it :P   (and yay for iriel, and cool that you're a WoWI admin now :)
01:14.43ckknightI had fixed it pretty fast
01:14.48ckknightand uploaded like over an hour ago
01:15.43ckknightyea, it is pretty cool that you're an admin
01:16.11IrielIm nowhere near as 'always looking' as cair tho
01:16.19Irielso you'll have to tell me if there's something urgent waiting
01:16.33ToastTheifwell atleast we can come here and tell you to look :)
01:17.43IrielI'm extra slow today because I'm working
01:18.25cladhaireCairenn says hello, they made it down here safely =)
01:18.47ckknightcool stuff
01:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge tragywydd (
01:22.57ToastTheifoh she's gone?
01:23.12cladhaireyeah, Cair headed down my way for the evening.
01:23.16cladhaireso behave =)
01:23.38ToastTheifckknight = boss?
01:24.00ckknighthonestly, I should change my name on the site to ckknight
01:24.30ToastTheifor just on IRC ;)
01:24.59cladhairei'm jnwhiteh everywhere, except here-- since cladhaire was born =)
01:26.20ToastTheifIm ToastTheif everywhere! muwhahaha
01:26.30ToastTheifwell except the actually WoW forums
01:26.34tragywyddyou're a misspelling EVERYWHERE?
01:26.41ToastTheifthere Im Kwako/Twinkd/Twidge
01:26.42tragywyddthat would drive me INSANE
01:26.46ToastTheifyes, I am
01:26.47cladhaire=)  I just started a new RP character, and I'm not sure how I feel about it-- I dont have any backstory yet, and I dont like the name
01:27.00tragywyddWhat's wrong with Laoch?
01:27.11ToastTheifI figure there might already be an actual ToastThief on some site
01:27.17ToastTheifso I did ToastTheif
01:27.23cladhairehaha.. decent reason =)
01:27.30cladhaireplus its a conversation starter.
01:28.04IrielYou can pronouce it differently too, like Toast Thife, if you feel strange
01:28.35tragywyddI like that better, then it's just a new word and thus not misspelled
01:28.54Temit's too late for Tem
01:29.14Temthe misspelling is firmly ingrained
01:29.21KirkburnIs your real name Tim? ;)
01:29.40Kirkburn(no, I know it's not!)
01:29.43tragywyddno, it's not a misspelling, your name is just Tem, end of discussion.
01:30.06TemI was talking about ToastTheif
01:30.17Temit's too late for me to try to think of it as anything other than a misspelling
01:30.17KirkburnSure you were ...
01:30.18cladhaireoic =) you were talking about yourself in the third person?
01:30.33Tembut, yes, I wish I was here under a different nick
01:30.41TemTem likes to talk in third person from time to time
01:31.51ckknighthow would I go about changing my name for WoWI?
01:31.51KirkburnTry talking in the second person then ...
01:31.51Temckknight: PM Cair
01:31.51cladhaireckknight: Talk to Cairenn =)
01:31.51ckknightworks for me
01:31.51Temoh, maybe Iriel can help you now?
01:32.57Tem(yes, I totally did this project backwards)
01:33.21Tem(I hate string parsing... procrastination ftw!)
01:33.45cladhaireTem: In java?
01:33.57cladhaireBoo.. use lua in the java project =)
01:34.05tragywyddI'm sure that's not allowed...
01:34.08KirkburnNo, in Hawaii ...
01:34.11Temif I was allowed to, I wouldn't anyway
01:34.27IrielTem: I spent most of yesterday and this morning working on string parsing of HTML
01:34.38KirkburnLook, stop responding before I can get my rubbish jokes in, okay?
01:35.10TemIriel: I know from bad experiences how much of a pita that is.
01:35.19Tembecause lua's regex is even less appealing to me than java's for this task
01:35.20tragywyddmmm, pita
01:35.31KirkburnYou're making me hungry
01:35.36Temregardless, the parsing isn't my issue right now
01:35.57TemI went and made my operators retardedly generic so I feel bad hardcoding my tokenizer
01:36.39IrielYou have to hard code something somewhere
01:37.01IrielEven if it's just creating a runtime rules structure to feed into your entirely generic tokenizer
01:37.05KirkburnI almost made a incredibly rude joke about fone operators then :s
01:37.32Temlol Kirkburn
01:37.41KirkburnPerhaps I should go to bed :P ... see ya'll tommorrow!
01:38.02KirkburnSleep well everyone :)
01:39.25TemIriel: I made that OperatorTokenFactory even more generic than I was planning to... it now handles literals as well
01:40.36IrielIt's not an OperatorTokenFactory anymore then is it?
01:40.41Irielit's a NodeTokenFactory?
01:41.07TemI was pleasantly surprized at how cleanly Eclipse changed the name for me
01:42.27TemI just need to figure out a clean way to use the registration calls there to tell the Tokenizer class how to create the right tokens
01:43.07Temor, I can hard code it and be done very soon
01:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
01:47.26tragywyddwhat's IB mean?
01:47.54Temwhat's the context?
01:47.55tragywyddduke | ib...i assume ib is his status?
01:48.13Temno idea...
01:48.25TemEraphine|Lab has been at the lab for 8 months...
01:48.36tragywyddsorry, that's doesn't have much procrastination potential
01:49.32tragywyddi can try and come up with a more invovled question if you like
01:51.34Temno, I really do need to get to work on this
01:51.37Temit's due in 3 hours
01:52.06Temit really annoys me that every project we've had in this class has invovled string parsing of some kind
01:52.25tragywyddwell, what's the subject?
01:52.25Temmeanwhile we haven't been formally tought jack shit about string parsing
01:52.42Temit's a general OO class
01:52.48tragywyddthat's lame
01:53.09Temlast project was parsing html
01:53.17Temwhich drove me completely insane for 2 weeks
01:53.33Temthough, I was vindicated for the extra effort I put in...
01:53.51Temthe class average on that one was 14.8/20, but I got the full 20/20
01:53.55tragywyddyeah don't look at me, strings + java + me = total annihilation
01:54.42TemIt's really not *that* bad.  I just really dislike doing it
01:55.07tragywyddis your class a req or an elective?
01:55.33TemI think at one point it was an elective, but it's required now
01:57.14Temnot really
01:57.19TemI've enjoyed the class
01:58.24tragywyddjust not he assignments?
01:58.36tragywyddor do you get a sense of satisfaction after the mind numbing work?
01:58.37Temjust not bits and peices of the assignments
01:58.57Temthe string parsing has only been a part of each assignment
01:59.08Temthe rest of them have had fun things to do
02:11.09ToastTheifneed something?
02:12.13ToastTheifu said my name
02:12.17ToastTheifI just read it though
02:12.18ToastTheifnvm lol
02:12.27ToastTheifI was AFK, had to pick up mt little sis
02:12.36ToastTheifgtg now though, MC time
03:04.58Miravlix_Perhaps downloading all 5 FireFox winner movies at once wasn't a good idea
03:06.20MiravlixI'm thinking, I should invest in a second ADSL line and setup routing of some kind to load balance.
03:31.04Elvisoyou offer alot of downloads?
03:31.22Elvisoor just use the net alot
03:31.38Elvisooh, downloading 5 movies at once..
03:41.27MiravlixI play WOW a game thats transfair time dependent, not bandwith
03:41.57MiravlixSo every time I do *anything* with my internet connection besides WoW it has a cost.
03:42.44MiravlixIf it was the bandwith, I could just pay for more on the line I have.
03:43.39*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
03:46.29MiravlixI've always wondered why T1 technoligy and ADSL seems to work so differently, I have 20-40 ppl at work on one line at everything works fine, but I'm one computer and one person on an ADSL and it works badly.
03:48.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
03:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
04:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
04:15.53duke|iboh, yeah
04:15.54duke|ibreally late
04:15.56duke|ibbut i'm dukeku
04:16.00duke|ibon my ibook ;(
04:16.28MiravlixBet late than never.
04:16.34dukekuof course
04:17.15MiravlixHmm, this addon is 341 lines alreayd and I haven't written a single line of code yet.
04:17.47MiravlixMaybe I should rethink my strategy when that much of the code is re-use.
04:22.32ForgottenLordsI need to do a major rewrite of my UI mod... it just reeks of sloppyness
04:51.27MiravlixIn WoW, Inventory is your paperdoll?
04:53.29ForgottenLordsInventory generally refers to your bags
04:53.59MiravlixAll the API calls that says inventory is for the paperdoll
04:54.52MiravlixSo calling my addon SeaInventory when it caches Bag information seems confusing?
04:55.14ForgottenLordsin non-UI terminology, Inventory is your bags
04:55.33ForgottenLordsusing API terminology in a mod name would probably confuse the most people
04:55.43MiravlixIt's a library
04:56.12MiravlixSo I should prolly rename it to SeaBags or SeaContainers
05:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:17.29TemIriel: you around?
05:17.33MiravlixSeaBIC Sea Backpack, Bag, Bank, Inventory, Container
05:19.36Iriel1/2 around
05:20.46TemI'm seeing something rather curious
05:21.14TemHashMap seems to be ignoring equals
05:21.26Temoh, hmm
05:21.31Temone sec
05:23.16IrielIt shouldn't be
05:23.25Irieldid you define your class-level hashCode and equals properly?
05:23.33Iriel(i.e. any class you define equals for you also define hashCode for)
05:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:25.32TemI think it's a completely different problem
05:25.48Temmy registration code isn't working all of a sudden
05:25.57Temand I haven't tested it in a bit so I'm not sure when I broke it ><
05:30.34Temalright... 2 questions
05:31.00Tem1: is there any reason a static block in a class definition would be run?
05:31.51Temscratch the second question, it was stupod
05:32.14Irielwhen the class is loaded inot the classloader
05:32.29Temer, would *not* be run
05:33.48Irielif the class isn't loaded by the classloader
05:33.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Qaarh (
05:33.55Temwhy would that happen?
05:34.52Temnone of my registration code appears to be running at all causing attempts to get a factory for any particular token to fail in spectacular fassion...
05:35.07Iriellet me guess, you put registration into static blocks?
05:35.16IrielThe problem is you didn't arrange for any of your classes to be loaded
05:35.34IrielYou need some kind of stub class to reference them all
05:35.48IrielYou may able to use some of the reflection code to find them at runtime
05:36.33Temtoo complex
05:36.50Temwhat all do I have to do to force a class to be loaded?
05:37.13IrielJust reference it
05:39.59TemI'm clearly braindead
05:40.18Temcan you be more specific about the reference?
05:41.07IrielA piece of RUNNING code has to instantiate the object, or reference a static method from it ,or it's Class object
05:42.38Temugly hack time
05:43.41Kaeltennight guys
05:49.47Temlater Kaelten|sleeping
05:49.57TemIriel: yeah it works almost perfectly now
05:50.09Temsomewhere though * == +
05:50.30Temso 2 3 *  becomes 2 + 3
05:50.44Temcurse my bad copy/paste skills
05:51.23Temlol found it
05:51.41Temmy OperatorTimesFactory was creating a new OperatorPlus
05:52.22Temyay it all works nicely now
05:52.42Temwow... I did *way* more work that was needed here
05:53.02Temoh well.. night everyone
06:02.36Temis it a bad thing if you trigger your "holy shit I don't know wtf just happened code"?
06:04.46Temoh, whoops, forgot to catch my "you screwed up when you typed it in" exception
06:13.52Temalright that's all the perverse situations I can think of
06:13.56TemI'm satisfied
06:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
06:29.58Tem|Sleepoh that's gratifying
06:30.13Tem|Sleepit just took 30 second to add a factorial operator
06:41.34Kaelten|sleepingmath.min ignores 0 doesn't it?
06:43.30Irielit shouldnt
06:45.24Elvisosleep-coding? :)
06:46.00Kaelten|sleepingI couldn't get this out of my head and I was afraid I wouldn't remember as well in the morning
06:46.08Kaelten|sleepingbut now I'm having a weird bug.
06:46.28Elvisosleep on helps in more ways than one
06:46.55Kaelten|sleepingalthough the results of math.min(unpack(array) or 0)
06:46.59Kaelten|sleepingshould be fairly standard
06:50.46ElvisoTem> none of my registration code appears to be running at all
06:51.07Elvisohappened to me earlier....turns out I forgot to add the .lua to my .toc or .xml, lol
06:51.23Tem|SleepI was in java land at the time
06:52.33Tem|Sleepgah why am I still awake ><
06:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
07:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
07:22.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
07:54.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
08:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
08:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:21.07sarf|stuffGreetings, meatbucket.
09:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
09:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
09:35.53*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
09:47.30ckknightI uploaded stuff to WoWI, if someone could approve it, that'd be great
09:48.02ckknightsadly, Kael is the only one who can, and he's sleeping
10:37.21MiravlixI'm sure they do there best to approve as quickly as possible.
10:40.01MiravlixThough I wonder why they don't across the board approve authors.
10:43.12Wobin_You have to be a featured artist
10:44.03MiravlixI'm not an artist, so that wont happend.
10:44.45MiravlixAtleast I'm not arrogant enough to think my code is art. :)
10:49.04MiravlixThough with the very loss lua syntax maybe I could make my code into Ascii art
10:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
10:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
11:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
12:32.36Shouryuu_If 5 people have an addon that sends the same chat message on the same event, will parsing the chat log for the chat message prevent them from saying it 5 times in ar ow?
12:34.25Shouryuu_Because there is an order in which the message will appear
12:34.37Shouryuu_so I'm guessing some people will say it before others
12:36.39Shouryuu_but that order is due to lag
12:37.16Shouryuu_so if some people are slowing in receiving the event, they'll be as slow to see the quickest person's mssage..
12:48.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
13:07.53grollanyone familiar with discord?
13:08.04Shouryuu_not I
13:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
13:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
14:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
15:11.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
15:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
15:47.52krkaany way to get the height of a line in an editbox?
15:48.12krkataking wraparound into account
15:50.47krkahm... maybe GetHeight() on an editbox that doesn't have its height forceably set
15:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
16:01.07krkatoo quiet here...
16:02.58krkai want to show line numbers to the left of an editbox but can't figure out any way to do it
16:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
16:10.33Shouryuu_gud murning
16:28.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:36.21Kalrothofftopic: anyone here killed twin emps or have worked on them?
16:38.15KtronI've a friend down the hall who's guild has... but I haven't at all
16:43.19CideI've killed them, yes
16:47.18KalrothCide: We had a gimp that went afk outside of the room, so the emps went after him and didn't bother to come back
16:47.27Cideif someone is outside of their room and in combat
16:47.31Cidethey despawn, yep
16:47.44KalrothCide: do you know if a soft reset is required? I've read somewhere that they respawn after 15 mins or so
16:47.56CideI heard 30 min, we've never had it happen ourselves
16:48.05Kalrothbut we've been waiting for 20 mins now, so that's kinda moot ><
16:48.08Kalrothoh, 30 mins
16:49.07KalrothI guess we'll wait another 10 mins then
16:51.25Kalrothit was 25 mins on the spot :)
16:51.29Kalroththanks though!
16:55.42Cideah, okay :) glad they're up again, at least
17:29.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
17:40.00Shouryuu_I can't believe my BG addon has more downloads than my loto addon
17:40.30Shouryuu_well I *can* believe it, but the work/download ratio isn't respected :p
17:41.46krkait never is
17:42.02krkathat's a fact
17:42.37Ktronheh, I rarely feel like the lotto needs improvement... BG interface, a bit more so :)
17:42.52Shouryuu_yeah the loto I droped
17:43.09Shouryuu_my guild doesn't even organise a loto
17:46.01Kalrothlottery :)
17:46.05KirkburnAh, er, it's double-t :P
17:46.20KirkburnDifferent in french and english, then?
17:46.30Kalrothmaybe that's why you've got so few downloads on it :P
17:46.58Shouryuu_Kirkburn I have no idea, my spelling is worst in french than it is in english
17:47.25Shouryuu_I lose like 7 marks per french test because of it =(
17:48.48KtronI thought you meant like /roll lotteries or roll for item stuff
17:48.50KirkburnSo what is your 'first' language then?
17:49.03KtronShourese, obviously
17:49.23Ktronheh, no, jk, he first language is IRC
17:50.29Shouryuu_I learned english before French, but I've worked more on my french than on my english
17:57.14KirkburnAh, I see
17:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge tragywydd (
18:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
19:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
19:25.18ckknighthey all
19:26.00krkamy god... nxml for emacs is simply the best xml editor i've found yet
19:26.48krkamay even be possible to write xml for wow now... :P
19:27.14*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
19:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
19:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine (
19:30.44EraphineAnyone know if there's an addon with "manual" mana conserve featuers?
19:31.10Eraphinei.e. repeated mashing of buttons cancels spell if targets health rises over certain threshold.
19:31.22CodayusI hacked it into AceHeal
19:31.26Eraphinemind giving me a linky?
19:32.32CodayusCurrent version:
19:32.46Eraphineyou're devla?
19:32.59CodayusDevla is currently distributing it.
19:33.03Eraphineahhh ok
19:33.23CodayusI'm just the one who hacked mana concerve into it, which is currently included in Devla's version, which is what I just linked to.  :-)
19:33.25Eraphinehow does that work with click casting?
19:33.32Eraphineyeah i've been using deval's vesrion
19:33.42Eraphinethere was a string gsub error on the one from Friday
19:33.45CodayusJust click a bunch, and mana conserve kicks in.
19:34.00EraphineCan you bind it to a macro?
19:34.47CodayusJust the mana conserve bit?
19:35.08Eraphinewell - basically, with any spell, the repeated mashing of the button that trigger that heal.
19:35.15Eraphineor I guess mashing anther button would owrk.
19:36.17CodayusIt's currently set up so that, say, if shift-right click on a unit frame is flash heal, if you keep shift-right clicking, it'll cast flash heal, and cancel if neccesary
19:36.42cladhaireboo for mana conserve.
19:36.52Eraphineforget about mana conserve then
19:36.59Eraphinehow do I check to see if a spell is casting
19:37.05CodayusI know, but I'm a lazy bastard.
19:37.17cladhaireits more work imo
19:37.26Eraphinei.e. If Spell IsCasting, SpellStopCasting, else Cast Spell ?
19:37.30Eraphinedamn... hrm.
19:37.32CodayusDo you want to know if ANY spell is casting, or if AceHeal is casting a spell?
19:37.54CodayusAceHeal keeps track of it in:   AceHealVar["casting spell"]
19:38.14EraphineNot sure what I want yet, just a way to have a heal button stop a spell if a spell is already casting
19:38.29CodayusAnd   AceHealVar["casting spell"].started    AceHealVar["casting spell"].unit   and so on
19:40.33CodayusWell, as it stands in my version of AceHeal (and Devla's AFAIK), all heals cast through AceHeal (no matter how you cast them) call AceHeal:CastHeal()
19:41.10CodayusAnd CastHeal() calls AceHeal:ManaConserver(), which checks if your currently casting, and if you are, checks if the heal should be cancelled, and if it does, cancells it.
19:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:12.18Temcladhaire: is the current trunk of PR safe to use?
20:26.38cladhaireTem: trunk, yes.  Its 0.3-Beta from wowi release
20:26.56TemI had reverted to r868 for a few days...
20:33.48*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
20:40.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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21:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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21:20.46grollanyone got some chmod knowledge?
21:21.20grollwhat does this mean is it 777 they mean or what?
21:35.08Elkanonope, itr's not 777 since they only get read and execute, but not write
21:36.33ElkanoI think the resulting files should have sth like 755 (since you want to still be able to write, don't you? ;) )
21:37.06krka7 is 1 + 2 + 4 (read + write + execute)
21:37.12krkathe first number is for the owner
21:37.15krkasecond is for group
21:37.18krkathird is for anyone
21:37.41Elkanowasn't third other?
21:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sss (n=phlak@
21:39.53Elkano(u)ser, (g)roup, (o)thers, (a)ll
21:40.25*** part/#wowi-lounge sss (n=phlak@
22:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
22:07.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
22:08.34Miravlixsomeone talk slouken into adding a 'control char' that makes the build in chat system ignore that line. ala /say ctrl-a<ext> will make the build in chat functions ignore printing that line.
22:09.08IrielWhy would you do that?
22:09.47Miravlixbecause then I could use real channels for control information
22:10.09IrielSo you want explicit backchannel support, basically?
22:10.18Corrodiasi don't understand! eek!
22:10.24IrielI'm pretty sure they'll never give it to us
22:10.33IrielBut it gets asked for quite a bit
22:10.57MiravlixWith only 10 channels and 6 of those now default channels
22:10.58Corrodiasincreasing the channel limit is probably also popular, eh?
22:11.13MiravlixIt's gettig impossible to create Addon control channels
22:11.18IrielCorrodias : Yes, it is
22:11.31krkacould probably encode messages in lots of other ways
22:11.47Cide-hmm, is anyone familiar with how /combatlog works?
22:11.48MiravlixMy guild, requires me to be in 2 channels + I like to be in 5 of the default ones
22:12.00Cide-it says enabled, but nothing is getting saved there
22:12.02IrielThe channel count limitation is likely **MORE** important for addons than normal people
22:12.07IrielCide-: it's heavily buffered
22:12.09IrielCide-: log out
22:12.14IrielCide-: And it should flush the buffer
22:12.18Corrodiasi wonder if i should have a nap.
22:12.22MiravlixThats 7 channels. 1 Sky, 1 SkyParty, 1 xtensiontooltip
22:12.23Cide-what about /combatlog again?
22:12.24Gryphenthat was a reason for Sky
22:12.25Cide-would that flush it?
22:12.33MiravlixNot even room for SkyRaid, SkyGuild or anything
22:12.50IrielCide: No
22:12.57Cideoh well
22:13.01IrielCide: otherwise people would just do that OnUpdate 8-)
22:13.02CideI'll relog after each attempt, then :)
22:13.25krkai hate it when addons try to save users from themselves
22:13.53MiravlixHas it been requested that you can type a <code> on a chat line to make it be hidden by the normal UI?
22:14.06IrielMiravlix : A much more generalized request was made
22:14.12IrielMiravlix : Essentially a flag to SendChatMessage
22:15.05MiravlixAll we would need was for Slouken to add if string.find("^<code>") then return end
22:15.16krkairiel, since you're an emacs user, what do you use for xml?
22:15.23Irielkrka: nxml-mode
22:15.33MiravlixSeems so little work it might be possible to get.
22:15.35krkawhy didn't you tell me about that before, i found that todaty :/
22:15.47Irielkrka: I say it every time someone asks what IDE I use
22:15.54Irielkrka: You just didn't notice
22:16.05Irielkrka: I have a .rnc for UI.xsd too
22:16.11krkai was just gonna ask for that
22:16.41krkaany nifty .emacs settings too?
22:16.54Miravlixlua tab settings
22:16.57krkai actually think i could tolerate writing xml uis with this
22:17.10krkasince indentation actually works in nxml
22:17.18Miravlix(setq lua-indent-level 8)
22:17.18Miravlix(require 'psvn)
22:17.27MiravlixSecond line is to activate SVN support
22:17.42krkaMiravlix, talking about xml now, not lua
22:17.43MiravlixHave to download psvn
22:18.10MiravlixYou can SVN xml files too
22:18.17Irielkrka: It doesn't like the namespace decl at the top, but im too lazy to fix it
22:18.53Irielkrka: If you notice any issues, let me know, I may have to tweak my script (it's generated from UI.xsd)
22:19.02krkawhoa..  that's a complete grammar, it looks like
22:19.05Irielkrka: But completion and everything works fine
22:19.19krkawhere do i plug it in and stuff? :)
22:19.33Irielkrka: Do you want the 'quick' or the 'proper' answer?
22:19.53krkaboth? :)
22:20.25Irielquick is you can just do 'set schema' in the nxml menu when you have a file open
22:21.13krkai want it to figure it out automatically
22:21.24Irielproper is, grab schemas-wow.xml from the URL above
22:21.29Irielput it in the same directory as Ui.rnc
22:22.05Irielthen do
22:22.16IrielM-x customize-group<enter>relax-ng<enter>
22:22.32Irielopen the "Rng Schema Locating Files" entry
22:22.38Irieland add the full path to that .xml file
22:22.54Irielthen hit "State" and select "Save for future session"
22:25.03krkanow i just have to figure out keybindings for all usefull commands
22:25.24Irielwith nxml-mode the 2 you need most are:
22:25.51krkaauto-complete faild... hm
22:26.12IrielDid you open that file AFTER setting up the schema locator?
22:26.48IrielYou can do
22:26.53Irielset schema -> automatically
22:26.57Irieland it should pick it up
22:26.58krkathanks Iriel
22:27.02krkayou're the best
22:27.04IrielOne last thing
22:27.10Irielin the nxml customization group
22:27.18IrielI enable "Nxml Slash Auto Complete Flag"
22:27.19krkaboth attributes and element ... sweet
22:27.27Irielattribute values, too
22:27.35Irielorientation="<C-Enter> FTW
22:29.09krkathis is awesome
22:29.35krkai am used to having ctrl-space for auto-complete, since eclipse
22:29.38krkabut i'll get used to it
22:29.57IrielYou could rebind it
22:30.00Irielbut I wouldn't recommend that
22:30.04Irielsince Ctrl-space is 'set mark'
22:30.16krkayeah i know :)
22:30.36krkaman... this will make it virtually impossible to write bad xml-files
22:31.02krkaeven knows which child types are legal
22:31.25IrielC-c C-n takes you to the next error
22:31.49IrielAnd, one of my favorites...
22:32.19IrielC-x h M-x indent-region
22:32.34Ktronhow 'hard' is it to make a 'popup dialog' in WoW?
22:33.09IrielYOu mean of the 'do you want to do this' variety?
22:33.24KtronHeh, let me try again
22:33.38krkaIriel, isn't that what you bind tab to?
22:33.54KtronI'm releasing a guild addon package, I want to have a few pages of howtos that I will write that they can access via probably ultimately a minimap button
22:33.57Irielkrka: Tab idents the current line
22:34.09KtronI'm trying to get a sense of whether this is way beyond my skill or not
22:34.10krkaseems much more useful to indent everything
22:34.11Irielkrka: indent region re-indents all text in the region
22:34.24KtronI'm fairly confortable with LUA, not so much with xml
22:34.28Irielwell, once everything is indented, the current line is al you have to worry abotu as you're coding
22:34.49krkayeah, but i tend to stea^H^H^H^Hcopy+paste a lot of xml
22:35.19IrielKtron: It wouldn't be "hard" really, personally i may suggest looking athe ItemText frames
22:35.43IrielKtron: You may even be able to just invoke those, I cant' remember how tightly coupled they are to the events and API
22:35.44KtronIriel, I'm assuming these are default blizzard things that I should look up on wowwiki
22:35.45krkahere's a challenge for you btw, Iriel, i got the idea of adding visual line numbers to the left of an editbox
22:35.53krkabut haven't figured out how i know where to place them
22:36.05IrielKtron: the ItemText ones are things you want to extract from FrameXML and look at
22:36.18krkai.e. how do you know the visual height of lines
22:36.22Irielkrka: do you need to?
22:36.32Irielkrka: can you just do "1\n2\n3\n4\n" and use the same font?
22:36.34KtronIriel, ah, okay
22:36.43krkai don't want to put the line numbers inside the same editbox
22:37.00Irielkrka: I know, I mean, in a FontString beside the editbox
22:37.12krkayes, but the lines in an editbox may be wrapped
22:37.28krkaso a line may be several lines
22:37.46Irielkrka: ah, then that will be rather difficult
22:37.48Ktronkrka, wouldn't that still only be one line?
22:37.56Ktronas in, one one number per edit box?
22:37.59krka(i want to catch the compilation error from loadstring so then showing the line number for each line may be useful
22:38.19Irielkrka: you may have to do some funky experiments with off-screen font strings to see when things will wrap
22:38.26krkaIriel, unless you can GetHeight on an editbox somehow
22:38.45Irielkrka: That doesn't help you find a specific line
22:38.52krkanot sure what you mean Ktron
22:38.57Irielkrka: Wouldn't it be easier to somehow just highlight the offending content?
22:39.04Ktronthen you should probably ignore it, it probably didn't make sense
22:39.22krkathe easiest thing would be to have a button that sets the cursor to the offending line
22:39.56krkaand show line / row as numbers below the editbox
22:40.30krkabut showing the line numbers to the left is nice, because it also gives a very clear indication of which lines are wrapped
22:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:41.15krkaa fontstring with the same width and the same text as a line in the editbox, would GetHeight on that work?
22:44.37Irielit might
22:44.41Irielyou'd need to try it 8-)
22:44.55IrielThat is the first thing that came to mind to me also, though
22:44.58krkayeah that's always an option
22:45.17wereHamsterdoes anyone know where kirburn lives?
22:45.28krkamaybe the height is always fixed though
22:46.41krkatesting is always my option #2, asking in here is #1, since most of the time, someone in here has tested it before :)
22:46.55Ktronheh, I think I'm going to have to look for something more basic
22:47.07Ktronthere must be an XML guide I can dig up
23:00.34zespri_workIriel, can I bother you with a question?
23:00.47zespri_workIt's here
23:02.05IrielWhen both are called, what order are they called in?
23:02.50zespri_workI'm not sure and I can't test it right now. Let's assume that we know the order =)
23:04.26krkashould be easy to test order
23:05.22zespri_workyeah, I just need a pc with WoW and internet connection =)
23:05.33krkazespri_work, one easy solution is this:
23:05.37IrielWell, if you know the order, AND OnTextSet comes first, you should be able to eliminate those OnTextChanged's that aren't yours
23:05.44Irielthough hooking SetText seems easier
23:05.44krkahook SetText and nil the handlers
23:06.08krkanil handlers, orig SetText, restore handlers
23:06.26Irielyou dont even need to nil them
23:06.26krkathen you'll never get OnTextChanged for SetText
23:06.35Irielyou can just set a flag on SetText and clear it when you see OnTextChanged
23:07.47zespri_workwill this work? I mean am I guaranteed that OnTextChanged is called *before* SetText call has finished. Maybe this even is just queued and called later?
23:08.01ckknightI need a name for a FuBar plugin that attaches the experience and reputation bars to the panel itself
23:08.03IrielI dont know without testing it.
23:08.16Irielbut you might not care (with the flag version)
23:09.24zespri_workHow do I know that particular OnTExtChanged corresponds to particular SetText?
23:09.37zespri_workwith the flag version
23:09.46IrielIf you care that much, make the flag the actual text
23:09.50krkaif flag then flag = nil else process() end
23:10.05KirkburnwereHamster, why did you ask where I live?
23:10.15IrielHow precise you have to be depends heavily on what you intend to DO with the data
23:10.23KirkburnIf you'd spelt my name right, the window would have got flagged up :)
23:10.40krkahe's like that... i had to move twice and change my phone number thrice because of wereHamster :(
23:12.12krkatime to sleep!
23:12.14wereHamsterhi Kirkburn
23:12.20KirkburnBye krka
23:12.26krkawill have to make my lua editor tomorrow
23:12.44KirkburnHave fun with that :)
23:12.53KirkburnAnd hello wereHamster :)
23:13.59wereHamsterKirkburn, I wanted to know around what time you are here in this channel
23:14.05KtronI'm sure I'm overlooking one or more obvious things, but any help would be great...
23:14.18KtronJust want to see a (green?) frame with a button on it
23:14.42KirkburnCentral Europe Time, in the evenings ... so from about 8 hours ago until now
23:14.53KirkburnI'm in Italy atm
23:15.18wereHamsternice .. holidays?
23:15.23Ktronthat GMT+2?
23:15.35hasteCEST = GMT+1
23:15.38hasteIf I'm not wrong
23:15.54hastewhich I hope I'm not, since I live in europe :p
23:15.59Kirkburnno :( University and I'm not liking it much. Mostly because I wish I was back at my 'proper' uni in Bristol, UK with my girlfriend
23:16.00wereHamsterit's now 1:15 in CET
23:16.07KirkburnYup, 1:15
23:16.36wereHamsterwhere exactly in italy?
23:16.51KirkburnPerugia, Umbria
23:17.14KirkburnWhat about you :)
23:17.54KirkburnI'm hoping terrorists are not about to target Perugia ... ?
23:18.08wereHamsterhm.. I'd say 300-400km north of you
23:18.31wereHamsternot in italy..
23:18.31zespri_workok thank you Iriel and krka
23:18.48KirkburnAh, further than Milan :P
23:19.30IrielKtron: I dont suppose you know how RelDimension works exactly? Is it parent-relative, specifically?
23:19.55wereHamsterabout the fixed width number font in ClearFont... I think ClearFontNumber.ttf has fixed-width numbers, right?
23:20.08KirkburnNope, not yet :(
23:20.23KirkburnI'm working on it
23:20.25IrielKtron: And you might want to put parent="UIParent" and topLevel="true" on your frame
23:20.31Ktronwowwiki  seemed to think so...
23:20.52wereHamsterI've tried searching for fixed-width fonts myself, but I couldn't find any nice fonts :(
23:20.55IrielKtron: And you shouldn't need :Show() in your OnLoad, just put hidden="false" on your frame
23:21.07hastewereHamster: BitStream vera
23:21.07KtronIriel, ah, I'll add those, and yeah, wowwiki suggests that what I have there should make a frame that half the width and half the height of my ui
23:21.27wereHamsterdo you create the fonts yourself? or did you copy the font from somwplace?
23:21.35IrielKtron: That sounds right.
23:21.48KirkburnThere's microsoft's, gonna be in Vista
23:22.28Ktronchanged into ... still not seeing a frame when I load though, and I think I should be?
23:22.36wereHamsterBitstream Vera Sans Mono
23:22.58IrielKtron: Did you fully log out of the client and back in?
23:23.00hastewereHamster: the mono version is _very_ mono also :p
23:23.06IrielKtron: i.e. do you know wow is seeing your .xml file
23:23.09KtronIriel, no, is that required for xml file changes?
23:23.19IrielKtron: I mean since you created the file
23:23.25KtronIriel, oh, yes, I have
23:23.27zespri_workIriel, more or less here is what happening. In Khaos config you can switch of and option and then all the dependant options will be sitched off and their value become default. This defaults will be reflected in UI but won't be stored in the khaos option. so when you switch the option back on the old value is restored because in fact it never were overwritten. It does work for everything but editboxes, because in editboxes we rely on OnTextChange
23:23.38IrielKtron: what does /dump GhostPackGuide_main give you?
23:23.51Ktronum... think I need to snag devtools again first
23:23.53KirkburnI take that back, the number font *is* fixed width
23:24.17IrielKtron: try message(tostring(GhostPackGuide_main))
23:24.20hastewereHamster: I currently useVeraSe.ttf
23:25.11KirkburnI just checked the number font (Lucida Sans Demibold Roman) and it's fixed width
23:25.24IrielKtron : Oh, you're missing a </Layer>
23:25.30IrielBetween </Texture> and </Layers>
23:25.31KtronI already got devtools.... it tells me it is nil... hm?
23:25.32Kirkburn(or at least, it is in Word)
23:25.43Ktronso I am
23:26.15Ktronfixed that
23:26.27Ktron , still nothing, but dump returned something
23:27.02Ktrongot 'GhostPackGuide_main={ [0]=<userdate GhostPackGuide_main[0]> }
23:27.18IrielWell, your frame exists now
23:27.45IrielShouldn't a be 1, and not 0?
23:27.47KtronI think I've got the button to show now
23:27.48Irielin your color?
23:28.03Ktronyeah, doh
23:28.15Ktronheh... I'm quite new to this stuff... that's it Iriel, you win
23:28.36KtronNow time to attach fonts... and borders perhaps...
23:28.37KirkburnwereHamster, I'm hoping they 'release' a new version of the main font I use with fixed width numbers, but I'm doubtful it will occur :(
23:28.54wereHamsteralrighty.. Bitstream Vera Sans, style: Bold works fine, the font string doesn't jump around as the number change (unlike with ClearFontNumber.ttf) ..
23:29.30KirkburnI'm confused now :s
23:30.22KirkburnThe number font included in v11000-4 is fixed width
23:31.03Kirkburn(example from someone elses addon:
23:32.10wereHamsterKirkburn, sure.. that's my addon ;)
23:32.22KirkburnWait, what really?!
23:32.35KirkburnYou're Shag?
23:32.38wereHamster<= aka Shag
23:33.08KirkburnWell, this is much fun
23:33.17zespri_workIriel, another question this time thoretical =) About your embeded lib. Several questions actually. First, does a embedded library always embedded? Or is it possible in some cases have this library on the top level in Addons folder and all the addons that depend from it will still work whether or not they have their own copy?
23:33.38KirkburnAnd now I'm totally and completely confused
23:33.44Irielzespri: yes, because essentially you're just embedding it with nothing else
23:33.47Miravlixsomefunc = func()
23:33.57Miravlixif this then do something end
23:34.06Irielsyntax error, I would hope
23:34.07MiravlixThat result in a lua error
23:34.16Irielreturn **MUST** be the last statement in a block
23:34.19Irielas must break
23:34.22Irielyou can cheat and do
23:34.31Irielsomefunc = func() do return end if this then do something end end
23:34.49MiravlixYou can't be bloody serious
23:35.10IrielIt makes no sense to put anything after a return
23:35.13Irielso why the incredulity?
23:35.33KirkburnAh well anyway, I should be getting to bed
23:36.03wereHamsterlet me describe my problem: because the font string will always have 5 characters (AB:CD) I thought I could align it in the center of the frame. but, with ClearFontNumber.ttf it doesn't work. When the last number changes to  '1' the font string somehow becomes narrower and moves a couple of pixes to the right.
23:36.16zespri_workSo, Iriel, my question is mainly what do you think should be put in toc files for different scenarios. It's not clear should you put the embeddedlibrary #Depends in toc of your addon or not.
23:36.36Irielzespri: If you're emebdding the library, you wouldn't add a dependency
23:36.43Irielthe whole point of embedded libraries is to avoid them
23:36.54KirkburnwereHamster, that's odd, it doesn't show that in Microsoft Word. I'll have a look tomorrow!
23:37.04IrielThe embedding mechanism will sort everything out if more than one instance of itself shows up
23:37.33MiravlixActually, if you use the Sea model
23:37.48MiravlixThen you should put ## OptionalDeps: Sea, SeaHooks
23:37.58MiravlixTo make the other two load first
23:38.12MiravlixFor one thing Sea isn't embedded
23:38.32MiravlixIt supports an embedded loader to run after it's loaded
23:39.01KirkburnTa for the info wereHamster/Shag/Mr. Switzerland
23:39.12zespri_workin this case something bad can happen. Let's assume that you have an addon that may use an embeddable library if it's present. It doesn't list this library in its toc file. in OnLoad it checks if the library is there and it is not because it didn't get chanse to load yet. but then it gets loaded and when the addons tries to use this library in it's main business logic it actualy fails because initialization code in OnLoad didn't execute because
23:39.18KirkburnI'm off to bed now ... night night all!
23:39.32zespri_workand if you add toc dependency it's whole another can of worms
23:40.28Ktron does this look like I should have text to look at on my frame now?
23:40.41zespri_workMira, I have a problem exactly with see hooks, I'll explain you what the problem is in a bit if you are interested, I'm just asking Iriel if his approach has the same problem =)
23:41.41IrielMy approach avoids explicit dependencies completely
23:41.50IrielEach addon carries the version of the library it needs
23:41.59IrielThe stub sorts out the mess later (if there is one)
23:42.14IrielKtron : 2 things.. (1) it's toplevel not topLevel, I gave you the wrong name earlier
23:42.18zespri_workOk so it's just doesn;t cater for situation of optionaly used library. Got it.
23:42.18MiravlixYeah, but you don't have Cosmos
23:42.20IrielKtron: (2) Backdrops dont havea  name
23:42.39MiravlixFor Cosmos it's important to give the user less crap when running the full system
23:42.50Ktronheh, the backdrop thing I picked up from a guide, that was nearly copy and paste
23:42.55IrielI'm not sure how that's relevant to this discussion M.
23:42.57Ktronand I'll fix the toplevel bit
23:42.58MiravlixSo Sea does not support Embeding
23:43.06IrielAt least, with respect to embedding
23:43.14IrielWhen all's said and done, only the 'active' instance stays in memory
23:43.22IrielThough it's true each addon is slightly larger
23:43.45IrielBut if something's large enough that's a real issue, it probably should be a traiditonal dependency rather than embedded
23:43.59MiravlixYes, precisely and in a big system many little things make one big pile of crap
23:44.43MiravlixSo to avoid this, we don't use Embedding in the full version
23:45.05MiravlixSo it's a requirement that you have ## OptionalDeps: FullLibrary
23:45.25snurrehm.. Miravlix = played AO?
23:45.35MiravlixHej Snurre, er det dig?
23:46.15snurrelong time no see
23:46.19zespri_workIriel, thank you again =)
23:46.27Ktronup to -- I assume it's okay to use RelDimension to specify offsets too...
23:46.36MiravlixYou seen the light and joined the WoW hordes?
23:46.52IrielI dont see much value in the
23:47.02Irielapproach of 'use this libary if it's here but do it a different way if it's not
23:47.09Irielat least, not for true multipurpose libraries
23:47.32IrielI can see that for inter-addon operability, in which case the Optional dependencies route is the right one
23:47.44MiravlixIsn't it pretty clear by now that we have significantly different approches to certain programming issues?
23:47.46Irielbut the idea with an embedded library is that your addon needs to use it
23:47.48ckknightI make sure to use OptionalDeps for all my embeds
23:48.01Irielif you didn't need it, you wouldn't carry it with you
23:48.05MiravlixI'm more concerned about 100 addons working well together than an addon works alone
23:48.06zespri_workIriel, I know exactly what you mean. I myself doubt this approach every know and then, the problem is that sometimes users just doen't want an additional library and are ready to sacrifies part of functionality for it
23:48.15ckknightyou should have both the embedded and the OptionalDep
23:48.25ckknightthat way, if you install a new version, it can go straight in your addons folder
23:48.41Ktronmaybe I can use Warmup's text frame
23:48.54Irielckknight : Well, I dont really see embedded libaries as things that would stand alone
23:49.09ckknightbut mine all "can"
23:49.19ckknighteven though they typically won't
23:49.37MiravlixOur approch work in 3 modes. Full Library Addon, Part Library Addon, Embedded Addon
23:50.22MiravlixWhen we are done you can have Sea as 15 addons or one big Library.
23:50.47ckknightoh well, do what you will
23:50.50IrielMiravlix : that works great if you've got the infrastructure for an updater, and version consistency, etc
23:50.56IrielMiravlix : Cosmos is really one big addon in little pieces
23:51.48IrielMiravlix : I have no problem with dependencies, they're appropriate in a large number of cases, but also rquire their own care and attention
23:51.51zespri_workOk I'm off to lunch break. Thanks again everybody and Iriel in particular.
23:52.18IrielMiravlix : But they solve a different problem., and **DONT** solve other problems that embedded set out specifically to address.
23:53.01MiravlixWe both support being used Embedded for standalone operation or in a big UI system
23:53.25MiravlixWe use OptionalDeps to control load order, thats all.
23:53.36IrielThat's where it gets odd
23:53.46IrielHow can you support standalone operation and then use optionaldeps?
23:54.18IrielOr by'support standalone operation' do you just mean 'we bundle an embedded version but is'not used if you have the main one' ?
23:54.25IrielWhich is essentially what the embedding stub does
23:54.50MiravlixActually if you have an old Sea
23:55.01MiravlixThe Embedder will upgrade the part of Sea it's loading
23:55.25Irielalso what the embedding stub does
23:56.00IrielSo, in that world, what purpose is sea-as-its-own-addon serving? Or do you have some addons that DONT carry an embedded copy and use a required dependency?
23:56.26MiravlixMost of Cosmos has a Required Sea dependency
23:56.41zespri_workMiravlix, read what Iriel wrote here if you haven't read it already. This way it's easier to understand what he means
23:56.45IrielAha, then it makes sense
23:56.53IrielBut you didn't mention REQUIRED dependencies until now
23:57.10TemI still don't see the point in an optional dep
23:57.19MiravlixYou have a required dependency thats why you Emebbed
23:57.25IrielTem: The theory is the 'standalone' sea will be the most recent version
23:57.35Temyou can't guarantee that at all
23:57.40IrielYou can't GUARANTEE it
23:57.42MiravlixYou guys is overlooking the complication of Sea here
23:58.00Irielbut if  if it's the most frequent case, making it load first is advantageous
23:58.31Temdubious benefit imo
23:58.42IrielTem: Well, you dont HAVE to add the dependency 8-)
23:58.46IrielTem: it is optional 8-)
23:58.46MiravlixSo Sea has to load first to set everything up
23:58.59IrielMiravlix : So is only SOME of sea embeddable?
23:59.14IrielMiravlix : Is this conversation not about embedding sea and a dependency on sea...
23:59.18MiravlixRight now SeaHooks, SeaSpellbook is embeddable
23:59.25IrielMiravlix : but more about embedding sub-libraries of sea, and trying to get it all loaded together
23:59.30MiravlixSea has no embedding support
23:59.32zespri_workIriel, btw download link on this page is broken, points to 0.1 and there is no 0.1 there, 0.2 only
23:59.35ckknightI need a name for a plugin that'll attach the Exp + Rep bars to FuBar
23:59.48Irielckknight : I gaveyou a name earlier 8-(
23:59.55ckknightwhat was that? I forget

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