irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060426

00:02.32AnduinLothardns was confused
00:04.31Temtime to go home
00:04.48Miravlixfrom within function "MediaWikiBagOStuff:_doquery". MySQL returned error "1062: Duplicate entry 'wowwiki:pcache:idhash:12387-0!1!0!0!!en!2' for key 1 (localhost)".
00:05.02JoshBorkei got that too Miravlix!
00:05.16MiravlixWiki is whacky
00:17.45TainHooo boy did I misjudge where I thought I could start fighting in Eve Online.
00:22.49IrielShe's a harsh harsh mistress
00:23.34TainI'm enjoying it, a complete different change of pace.
00:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
00:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
00:37.47IrielTain: Which race did you go with?
00:49.13KirkburnHey, I updated my test site a little, any comments?
00:51.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:51.41Wobin_Hm, Orienteering =)
00:52.07Wobin_After a horrific Night Navics, I've never looked at orienteering happily again =P
00:52.51KirkburnYou did a night event?
00:52.54Wobin_Kirkburn: It's a nice clean layout, maybe a few more colours though?
00:53.06Wobin_It was part of our cadet course
00:53.34KirkburnYeah, it'll get a liberal splattering of photos, etc ... however, compare and contrast with:
00:53.52Wobin_Basically involved red cellophane covered torches, a stretch of forest known for it's serial killers, and a corporal who decided to run the entire thing so we'd get back before midnight
00:54.10KirkburnLol, well orienteering isn't normally like that :P
00:54.18Wobin_With me in boots that didn't fit, no night vision, and bloody annoyed =P
00:54.25KirkburnI did a night event in cornwall once, was amazing
00:54.37KirkburnAll these light bobbing up and down the sand dunes
00:55.06Wobin_I had absolutely no idea where I was at any time, so I was a bit put out
00:55.13KirkburnNot surprised :s
00:55.33Wobin_We did come second though
00:55.54Wobin_And looking back, the  last team came in two hours after we did, so I guess we were better off after all =)
00:56.09Wobin_But still, worst Annual Camp ever
00:56.27Wobin_Gale force winds, windchill at about -11 at night...
00:56.48Wobin_It started sleeting, at which point we were all casi-vac'd
00:57.01Wobin_(of course I was about to be anyway due to my stupid boots)
00:57.38Wobin_I ended up with two blisters. One on each foot, each covering the entire heel =P
00:57.58Wobin_And damn it's hard walking on tippy-toe in combat boots =P
00:58.05KirkburnReminds me of my Gold DofE expedition
00:58.14Wobin_Duke of Ed? =)
00:58.51Wobin_I recall one group of that came back, dropped by McDonalds on the way back and clogged up their bathroom. Both of them =P
01:00.19KirkburnYeah, my DofE Gold was mostly spent shuttling between the guys part of the group and the girls part of the group. About 500m apart.
01:00.26Kirkburn(way to stick together, team)
01:01.24KirkburnBut anyways, I should be off to bed. Thanks for checking out the site Wobin_ :)
01:02.29Wobin_np =)
01:02.42KirkburnNight night everyone!
01:16.49MiravlixDoes WoW XML support changing all the ="xxx" if a variable of the same name exist?
01:17.22IrielMiravlix : I think it only does that for visible text
01:17.38Miravlix<GameTooltip name="SeaSpellbookTooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" hidden="true"/>
01:18.31MiravlixMy code creates a error in blizzards tooltip code, if I load the XMl file multiple times.
01:18.54MiravlixSo I was thinking if I could use a dynamic name="xxx" I could just make it create a new one every time
01:19.05IrielMiravlix : You can't do it like that no, but you could hook the GameTooltip functions to make OnLoad not do anything2 nd time, if that's your problem?
01:19.26IrielMiravlix : Or whatever it is you can do to avoid the blow-up
01:19.39Temhmm that's very strange
01:19.55MiravlixIt's a sick hack, until CreateFrame("GameTooltip") works some day
01:20.04Tem[3. Local Defence] Somemage: stuff
01:20.10Tem[3. Local Defence] Scout Somemage: stuff
01:20.54MiravlixWould the other <GameTooltip> use memory?
01:21.29Wobin_oh dear lord
01:22.29IrielC,F,U,H,a,b,c=CreateFrame,"Frame","OnUpdate",function(x)return function()x:Hide()x:Show()end end;a,b,c=C(F),C(F),C(F)a:SetScript(U,H(c))b:SetScript(U,H(a))c:SetScript(U,H(b))
01:22.38IrielHm, odd newline in there
01:22.45Irielignore that
01:23.13MiravlixWobin_: Whats that joke about?
01:23.23Wobin_Very Rownesqe variable naming =P
01:23.35Wobin_Miravlix: Kingdom Hearts I believe
01:23.37MiravlixThanks for all the fish, is a Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy joke
01:24.01Wobin_Miravlix: But also having your eardrums exploded by highpitched squeaking
01:24.09MiravlixHmm, no idea what Kingdom Hearts is
01:24.14Wobin_Video Game
01:28.03AnduinLotharnintendo game rpg based on disney
01:28.24TainFun game if you could get past the fact that you're playing with Goofy, Donald, and everyone else.
01:28.35MiravlixAnduinLothar: Now that line makes my ear bleed
01:32.43MiravlixBaah, I really need to learn XML one of these days.
01:34.07MiravlixWhen I do <GameTooltip name="Something" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate"/> it basically copies all the code in GameTooltipTemplate into mine?
01:34.29IrielWell, the wow frame engine pretends that's what happens
01:34.31MiravlixSo manually copying all the contense onf GameTooltipTemplate would create the same effect?
01:35.31MiravlixOkay, so when there code has <Script> <OnLoad> something </OnLoad> </Script> and I create a <OnLoad> too what happends?
01:35.38IrielYours wins
01:36.21MiravlixReplacing it, it's just C++ classes mentality.
01:38.35MiravlixHmm, why can't we make CreateFrame("GameTooltip") work then
01:38.54Irielbecause there's something about the way it's initialized with its components that the dynamic version doesn't do
01:39.34IrielAt least that's my best guess to date
01:39.51MiravlixBut GameTooltip is pretty simple
01:39.59IrielIndeed it is
01:40.00MiravlixIt just changes onload, onevent, onhide
01:40.06IrielThat's not the hard part
01:40.18Irielthe piece that's tricky is its internal wiring of those FontString's
01:40.22MiravlixSo if we revert back to GameTooltipTemplate Onload, onevent, onhide?
01:40.46IrielYou dont need those
01:40.48MiravlixHmm, when does it call onload?
01:40.56MiravlixWhen dynamically created
01:40.57Irielyou can create a <GameTooltip> without OnLoad, OnEvent, or OnHide
01:42.32IrielFor when OnLoad is called
01:43.56MiravlixIt doesn't make any OnHandlers when I CreateFrame
01:44.16MiravlixSo GameTooltip_OnLoad() is never called
01:44.34Miravlix<ONTooltipSetDefaultAnchor> isn't setup
01:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge _B (i=puzzl3@
01:45.53MiravlixWell, onload just set some colors
01:45.58MiravlixSo that isn't it.
01:46.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:49.40MiravlixHmm, CreateFrame doesn't copy Layers or Frames
01:49.52Miravlixwtb the source for SetX
01:49.55cladhaireno, it just creates basic frames
01:50.13cladhairehave you seen Iriel's convertor.. its spectacular.
01:50.52TainYou have to do everything yourself.  Recreate everything that's in the XML definition in Lua.
01:51.07MiravlixYeah, I already do the Layers
01:51.17MiravlixBut that wasn't enough to make SetX work
01:55.57IrielMy converter can't make tooltips work either 8-(
01:57.10cladhaireeven if we name everythign identically, etc?
01:57.18Irielthey just mock me
01:57.29IrielI could have sworn someone got one PARTLY working
01:57.35cladhaireme too
01:57.38IrielI wish I could find out what they did
01:57.49IrielIt may be an instantiation order thing
01:58.32AnduinLotharur converter work
01:59.20IrielAnduinLothar : It works for ActionBarButtonTemplate or whatever it's called
01:59.35IrielAnduinLothar : And various other random blizzard templates (as long as they dont do anything I haven't coded yet)
01:59.47IrielAnduinLothar  : And as long as they dont require features slouken hasn't given us yet
01:59.55IrielAnduinLothar : Which is why it does't work for chat frames,
02:04.28*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
02:15.41MiravlixI jumped between XML and CreateFrame, so I don't know if I ever had a true CreateFrame version that returned non 0 for NumLines()
02:16.33MiravlixProblems was that it didn't put anything in TextLeft#
02:16.46MiravlixSo I just moved on and never figured out if it 'almost' worked
02:21.42MiravlixSeaSpellbookTooltip:SetOwner(SeaSpellbookFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
02:21.52MiravlixAnd I just noticed my code was bugged
02:21.59MiravlixThere is no SeaSpellbookFrame
02:26.28Temok lol... I wish I had known that
02:26.37Temsitting down breaks stealth
02:26.41Tem(on a chair)
02:26.45MiravlixNow I have SVN support in my editor, just needs to make it perform a commit every time I save
02:26.55Temyou don't wanna do that
02:27.03Temat least, not if you're like me
02:27.11MiravlixActually I do
02:27.15TemI'm a compulsive saver
02:27.22TemI save all the frickin time
02:27.23MiravlixI don't have to be
02:27.30MiravlixMy editor backup saves every 30 sevconds
02:27.41Temmine probably does too
02:27.43Tembut I still do it
02:27.53MiravlixI can code for hours without saving
02:28.02MiravlixAll the time loading wow and testing stuff
02:28.14MiravlixIf I keep saving WoW would be broken all the time
02:28.35MiravlixSo basically every time I save, it's a new revision
02:29.12TemI prefer to test stuff before I commit
02:29.34MiravlixI prefair to commit a lot, so I can revert
02:30.01MiravlixWhen editing Cosmos and commiting I leave the old code as is, with comments
02:30.24MiravlixThen later I come back and remove the commented code (if I remember)
02:31.14MiravlixJust a mini revision system, while developing since I commit tested code to Cosmos SVN.
02:31.36MiravlixOh crap
02:31.48MiravlixIt's Maintenance day. :(
02:33.21MiravlixBaah, I wanna finish SeaSpellbook
02:33.28MiravlixNot look at the wall for 8 hours
02:36.03*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Mod Dev Discussions
02:45.48Miravlix15 mins left tot he end of the world.
02:46.47MiravlixEU Server down
02:47.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
02:51.43MiravlixHmm, doesn't seem to be possible to load an xml file twice.
02:51.52Kemayo_How far out of WoW do you have to go for it to rescan the .toc files?
02:51.56MiravlixIt ends up not exisitng at all
02:52.00MiravlixKemayo_: Quit
02:52.04CairennKemayo_: all the way
02:52.18MiravlixTocs is read before login
02:53.32Kemayo_Many thanks.
02:54.06Kemayo_I could have experimented, I suppose, but it takes forever for my computer to load the game.
02:56.45norgannaSo was it any faster this way?
02:58.24Kemayo_Way faster.
02:59.11norgannaYou still had to quit your wow and restart it tho :P
03:01.30MiravlixHmm, seems whats in the FrameXML GameTooltip files has little to do with whats really going on
03:01.57MiravlixI get a ClearMoney() function error, but it's never called
03:07.01Temwow what a bastard
03:07.12Tema high level hunter just trained like 8 mobs on me
03:08.09MiravlixWish it was me
03:08.51Temthen when I vanished he one shot me
03:11.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
03:23.42Ktronhey, quick question, what frame contains the durability portrait?
03:27.06AnduinLotharlol Kil'jaeden got fubared
03:27.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:27.48AnduinLotharsay's it's offline and full at the same time
03:29.45Temlol @ mages who sit down when they know a rogue is nearby
03:30.12MiravlixThey are dead if they don't sit and they are dead if they do
03:30.12Temthanks for the auto-crit ambush, mate
03:30.32Temno, all he had to do was wait for me to unstealth
03:30.37MiravlixYou can't stop playing because a rogue is around
03:30.42Temhe was >50% health
03:30.50TemI was <10%
03:30.56IrielSurely Frost Nova would have taken care of you?
03:30.56TemI vanashied
03:31.07Temfrost nova would have *owned* me
03:31.22Tembut instead I got a free ambush crit
03:31.30Temand then a backstab
03:31.34Irielmaybe he was feeling generous?
03:33.09Temregardless, it was really funny
03:33.18TemI was going to run away in shame
03:33.25Tem(ie the vanish)
03:33.32Tembut he sat down to eat
03:36.27CairennIriel: thank you :)
03:39.41IrielSo, Miravlix : I'm not sure if you did any more GameTooltip experiments
03:40.17IrielBut mine dont respond to GetNumLines, nor does ClearLines() clear any text from my left text fontstrings
03:41.16MiravlixIf loading the same xml file multiple times works, then I'm going with that for now.
03:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
03:41.45Cairennhey slouken
03:41.55IrielHey slouken!!
03:41.57sloukenhey Cairenn, Iriel! :)
03:42.52MiravlixSeems like to much work to figure out what SetX does on a tooltip.
03:43.04AnduinLotharslouken! did you tell the server guys to wtfpwn kil'jaeden?
03:43.12IrielI just wish my dynamic ones werent DOA 8-(
03:43.40sloukenI've never told anyone to wtfpwn anything anytime
03:43.58IrielYou have ZOMG'd tho
03:44.03IrielAnd then denied it later!
03:44.10AnduinLotharKJ got owned... went from full to offline to full to offline to full in 20 min
03:44.43IrielI left it in out of respect, and so you'll have to remove it when you do the patch notes 8-)
03:45.49Irielslouken : I keep meaning to ask if you ever played Puzzle Pirates?
03:46.16sloukenI looked at it briefly.  Didn't have time to actually play.
03:46.53norgannai go have lunch and slouken turns up :P
03:47.01sloukenHey norganna. :)
03:47.06IrielHe smelled the food!
03:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:47.09norgannahi :)
03:47.30Guillotineahhh. someone emailed me yelling at me for not crediting the base of the ui for one of my addons
03:47.43Guillotinewhen I pointed out that the base was also one of my addons, they said that doesn't change a thing :/
03:48.02GuillotineI think they just didn't want to admit they were wrong
03:48.11IrielSomeone with an overzealous sense of remote protectionism
03:48.37Guillotinesomething like that
03:48.55MiravlixIf we should credit every addon code we have ever read, our addons would be 10 MB credits
03:49.57AnduinLothari should credit all my addons in each one
03:50.07AnduinLotharsee if downloads increase
03:50.29IrielMy guess is 'no'
03:50.34norgannaand yet they yell at us should we try and turn some of our addon code into a library addon
03:51.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
03:51.56sloukenIriel, you'd better get your list of missing functions up on the forum.  I have very little time to work on that stuff.
03:52.40Irielslouken : Consider me inspired 8-)
03:52.52Irielslouken : Can you fix dynamic GameTooltips in the meantime? pretty please?
03:53.04IrielOr at least tell us what to do to make one that works
03:53.14IrielI'm entirely willing to accept that i'm just doing it wrong
03:53.43sloukenI've no idea what you're doing. :)
03:54.12IrielCreating a GameTooltip, creating a bunch of correctly named and anchored FontString regions within it
03:54.20Irielin the order they appear in the XML file
03:54.33sloukenOh.  You can't.
03:54.47sloukenThe game tooltip has some init code in the XML loading that isn't getting run.
03:55.08sloukenIf I have time. :)
03:55.19sloukenThat's pretty low priority. :)
03:55.37IrielIt's a pretty common thread in our embedded library discussions
03:57.02Temniling all the fontstrings on a tooltip doesn't break it
03:57.15Temit breaks parsing addons
04:04.07Temouch! ganked with 10s left on my vanish cooldown
04:04.29norgannaTem: PvP server is the best!
04:04.35TemI love it
04:04.40Temthis is my first toon on one
04:04.50TemI'm sorta pissed at myself for not doing this a year ago
04:04.56norgannai remeber being perpetually scared
04:05.01TemI know!
04:05.05Temthat's the best part
04:05.18TemI'm 23 in hillsbrad
04:05.24Cairennhate loathe despise
04:05.42GuillotineI ganked tons of hordies in Xroads today
04:05.47Guillotineand I'm not even on a pvp server
04:05.57Tembrilliant decision on blizzard's part to put a 20's horde zone in the same place as the launching point for a 30's alliance zone
04:06.23Guillotinestupid level 20s see a level 59 being attacked by 2 40s and think they might have some fun. I always turn on them first ^_^
04:06.24Tembut I actually managed to kill one of my would be gankers earlier because he made a very foolish mistake
04:06.39norgannathat's the best part
04:06.43Guillotinetem: WorldFrame:Hide()?
04:07.02Temno, he sat down to eat when I vanished
04:07.10norgannaalso, one of the good things about PvP servers is that people don't just gank you cause you're flagged
04:07.11Temso I ambushed
04:07.38Cairennnorganna: no, they just gank *all* the time
04:08.01TemCairenn: stop being bitter
04:08.02norgannabeing flagged on a PvE server is like waving a massive sign, "Come and gank me"
04:08.10Temvery much so
04:08.27norgannabut it's much more relaxed on PvP server
04:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:09.07norgannasure you have some nasty guys that grief you, but by the same token, most of them won't waste their time
04:09.08TemI wanna know why I can't vanish while I have something gouged
04:09.20Temheh, earlier there was a 32 camping me
04:09.46TemI mentioned it in /1 and like about 5 people invited me to their group
04:09.51Temto see where I was
04:10.08Temhe left me alone after they had a bit of fun with him
04:10.17MiravlixWhy do I always decide to post a 10 page comment when the server is down and I can't login to send it.
04:10.55hyperChipmunkTem: while we're griping, I wanna know why my traps don't do anything when I'm polymorphed/stunned/dead/mounted or otherwise unable to cast >8)
04:11.01Cairennsave to text file first, then try to submit ;)
04:11.15norgannaor login first
04:11.21Cairennthat too
04:11.24CairennI usually do both
04:11.36MiravlixWoW forum doesn't erase it
04:11.46MiravlixIt's just hanging trying to post
04:11.47TemhyperChipmunk: they don't?
04:12.24MiravlixhyperChipmunk: That so warriors can charge over the trap easier
04:13.37hyperChipmunknot for the last 3 patches or so
04:14.00hyperChipmunkyou get a message for each person each tick too, so it spams your chat like crazy
04:14.07TemhyperChipmunk: that's useful information.  maybe I'll sheep hunters more often
04:15.31hyperChipmunkYou fail to cast Frost Trap Effect.  You can't do that while <anything>.
04:15.55hyperChipmunklike, hello, I don't wanna cast it; that's why I laid the trap
04:16.04hyperChipmunksupposed to take care of those things for me
04:16.22Miravlixif you unregister an onevent handler, does that unregister events?
04:16.57Irielit just means nothing gets called when they fire
04:17.09Irielat least that's been my experience
04:17.14IrielI haven't tried it recently
04:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Synidaeum (
04:17.46Temhow can you tell the difference?
04:17.56IrielPut a handler on it later
04:17.57Temthere is no IsEventRegistered api
04:18.02Irielif it still gets events, it didn't unregister them
04:18.05Temright right
04:18.13MiravlixTrying to design the optimal inactivity state for my addon.
04:18.35Guillotineoptimal inactivity state: disabled
04:19.04IrielYou have UnregisterAllEvents()
04:19.16MiravlixDoesn't help much when we dont have the codeing ability to do it
04:19.31MiravlixYeah, but that means I have to know what to register
04:19.42IrielHook RegisterEvent 8-)
04:19.44MiravlixI just want to create a sleep mode
04:20.09MiravlixWhy when SetHandler("OnEvent", nil)
04:20.13MiravlixIs much easier to work with
04:20.22MiravlixNo need to make this more complicated than it really is
04:20.23IrielBut it's not optimal 8-)
04:20.36MiravlixWhy isn't it optimal?
04:20.52IrielYour frame is still on the event list, the client has to check if it has a handler
04:21.02IrielAt least, I imagine that's how it works
04:21.36MiravlixI can't really use imagine for much.
04:21.51IrielIt's possible that clearing the handler would cause the frame to remove itself from all of the event chains its on, and setting it again restores it, btu that seems like a lot more work
04:22.05IrielNote, I wasn't saying clearing the event handler was a bad idea
04:22.11MiravlixIs me having to code 30+ more lines more efficent than some code I don't know what does
04:22.22IrielIt depends what Optimal means
04:22.23hyperChipmunkgood, I was gonan ask tek for the ability to have it expand upwards instead of downwards, but if it's not even remembering to stay on my screen, i figure chances are slim there too =P
04:22.31hyperChipmunkgood, I was gonan ask tek for the ability to have it expand upwards instead of downwards, but if it's not even remembering to stay on my screen, i figure chances are slim there too =P
04:22.38IrielI assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that you meant optimal in terms of client performance
04:23.36MiravlixYou can't really tell if nil'ing on event or writing all the code needed to monitor RegisterEvent is better
04:24.42IrielWell, you could test it, but it'd be tricky
04:24.58Irieland quite possibly inconclusive
04:26.10MiravlixIf I had coded the vent system there would be zero overhead for nil'ed OnEvent handlers
04:26.33MiravlixIt would just be a table it goes through and if something is nil, it isn't looked at
04:26.52IrielWould you unregister events on handler nil?
04:27.42MiravlixMy guess is that this is C code, so don't lua think of it.
04:27.59IrielI was just using the terminology you used
04:28.38MiravlixYou don't have to incur an overhead for disabled handlers, well, not more time than it takes to check if a field is nil
04:28.56MiravlixWhen the event handler get re-registered the field is no longer nil and will be called
04:29.12MiravlixC has pointers
04:29.16IrielI'm sure that WoW doesn't incur any more overhead than a simple test-for-null-before-dispatching
04:29.27Irielbut that's still sub-optimal compared to not testing at all.
04:29.43Irieloptimal is a pretty 'extreme' word
04:30.02MiravlixI don't see how monitoring all RegisteredEvents in 100 addons
04:30.22MiravlixThat all does a much nicer job of handling events sounds all that good an idea
04:30.33Miravlixcompared to a if something then do something end
04:31.08MiravlixCurrently no one does a propper job of handling Events, so except for at load registerevent wouldn't matter
04:31.22IrielThat's a pretty extreme statement isn't it?
04:31.29Iriel"No one does a proper job of handling Events" ?
04:31.57norgannaWhat's the "proper job" way of doing it?
04:32.09IrielI'm not sure, but apparently Miravlix is superior to all here 8-)
04:32.36IrielI think you can say "many people handled it poorly"
04:32.41IrielI dont believe you can say "no one handled it well"
04:33.08norgannano, Miravlix say noone does (apparently including Miravlix)... i'm just wondering what we should all be doing different.
04:35.50norgannai'm not adverse to learning how to do something better, but you can't just declare that it's not being done properly and not tell us how to do so...
04:36.05ckknightstep one) remove head from ass
04:36.08norgannahey k
04:36.09ckknightstep two) enjoy
04:36.25Guillotineck: lol. that wasn't really called for though ;)
04:36.42ckknightI had to
04:36.45krkai am doing everything properly :)
04:36.51ckknightyea, krka, you're good in my book
04:37.13krkai was just trying to be arrogant actually
04:38.06Guillotinewell, maybe not, but...
04:38.20MiravlixYeah, except thinking all WoW users only run one addon, so the problem if having multiple addons freezes the system doesn't even exist.
04:38.31krkayou are all too modest!
04:38.40krkamodesty is not a good feature for developers :P
04:39.05norgannalaziness is
04:39.08Guillotinewho said doing something correctly was the best way to do it?
04:39.13GuillotineI do everything the best way
04:39.19purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
04:39.20Guillotinejust not correctly
04:39.21krkawhich is why i am planning on hooking tooltips to speed up _all_ scanning addons
04:39.22MiravlixThere is many that can write *perfect* standalone addons
04:39.35MiravlixProblem is 10 * perfect addons is still equal to game freeezes
04:39.43norgannathe programming language is supposed to accomdate for the programmer's laziness
04:40.02Guillotinewow. this addon author declares a global 'i'
04:40.08Guillotinenot the best global variable name :/
04:40.19hyperChipmunkGuillotine: is the author you?
04:40.23Guillotinelol. no
04:40.32hyperChipmunkk, probably me then
04:40.54norgannai is a fantastic global variable - as long as you don't expect it to remain unaltered between function calls
04:41.14Guillotine -- Probably the most poorly coded addon I've seen
04:41.23IrielThottbot uses the global T
04:41.24krkai like to use the global variable "fun"
04:41.32norgannathink of all the time you save on GC with i in the global space.
04:41.42krkanorganna, none?
04:41.44Irielnorganna : None whatsoever 8-)
04:42.16norgannameh - you guys are no fun :P
04:42.27Guillotinesays who?
04:42.46krkaaren't you listening? i even use the global variable "fun"!
04:42.48Cairennnorganna: fun? fun?!  who on earth told you you were allowed to have FUN?!
04:42.57MiravlixThottbot uses a ton of 1-2-3 letter variable names
04:43.21ckknightI do not like global pollution
04:44.29Cairennsheesh, uppity critters
04:44.31purlACTION neighs like a horse, and, between hickups, mumbles 'its sooooo funny, no?'
04:44.31IrielI dont have a problem with 1,2,3 letter variable names
04:44.38IrielI have a problem when they're GLOBAL and ESSENTIAL
04:45.18AnduinLothari have a problem with anything not readable and variables that you can't tell apart or what they're for
04:45.22norgannawho uses thottbot anyhow?
04:45.50AnduinLothari do, but not for much
04:46.03AnduinLotharquest locations, enchant list..
04:46.15GuillotineI use the website
04:46.19Guillotinenot the addon though
04:46.33IrielI broke it and got several bug reports because I acciedntly missed a 'local T' in one my addons
04:46.35Irielthus my bitterness
04:46.52AnduinLotharmost of those should be multiple
04:46.58AnduinLotharlike TTTTTTTTT
04:47.11norgannai refuse to use anything whose code is obfuscated
04:48.04Guillotinethink thott would get annoyed if I unobfuscated his code and released that version?
04:48.16Guillotinethousands of fake items up to thott a day... lol
04:48.25IrielIt's not like he cares abotu the quality of his data anyway
04:48.29krkaobfuscated code isn't a problem for, as long as i also have the readable source and the program that obfuscates it
04:48.31IrielHave you seen some of the disenchantment lists?
04:48.55GuillotineAuctioneer Redmuse: disenchanted 37 times
04:49.11norgannathe program that unobfucates his code is called "lua"
04:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
04:50.27ckknightthott obfuscates his code?
04:50.31ckknightthat's not cool, imho
04:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
04:51.23Temis there a shady dealer in TM?
04:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
04:52.02hyperChipmunkit's not that big a place, man =)
04:52.18hyperChipmunkbut there's one in southshore, so I wouldn't be surprised
04:52.20hyperChipmunkTarren Mill
04:52.25krkaoh right
04:52.38TemI gave up
04:52.38hyperChipmunkin southshore, it's a combined reagent/poison guy
04:52.43hyperChipmunkup in the second floor of the inn
04:52.44Temflying to UC
04:53.51Temwow is there a different pvp rule on pvp servers?
04:53.54TemI'm already unflagged
04:54.00Cairennyo Kaelten
04:54.06MiravlixDifferent rule?
04:54.11MiravlixYou unflag when you taxi
04:54.29MiravlixUnless your have /pvp enabled
04:55.06IrielMust.. stop.. using.. then.. in.. java..
04:55.43hyperChipmunkand then!
04:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
04:55.47MiravlixCan't you just write some code to then is ignroed?
04:55.55hyperChipmunkand then?
04:55.58Miravlix#define then <space>
04:56.26Irieljava doesn't have #define
04:56.31IrielNo preprocessor
05:01.16norgannalol @ iriel - i feel ya pain :D
05:03.31MiravlixWtb Stargate MMORPG
05:04.29CairennMiravlix: mmmmm
05:05.35MiravlixMultiple races exploring though there own Stargates, not entirely based on the series.
05:06.08ckknighthey, does anyone know an instance of UIDropDownMenuTemplate in the game which I could programmatically copy?
05:06.17IrielLook in the options
05:06.22Irielthere's a whole bunch
05:07.14TemWhere is the horde's "pvp reward spot"?
05:07.25TemWhere do I go to buy my trinket?
05:09.59Temwhere in org though?
05:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
05:10.08hyperChipmunkask a guard, you nub
05:10.34Temthey have guards for that?
05:10.57hyperChipmunkif you right click a city guard, they give you directions to all the important spots
05:12.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
05:12.51EsamynnEvening all
05:15.13Cairennhi Esamynn
05:15.35EsamynnIriel: you around?
05:16.57Cairennhey Iriel, did you ever answer as to when you are turning light blue?
05:17.12EsamynnI finally figured out why your code files are often indented strangely for me, your files use a strange mix of Tabs and spaces for indenting
05:17.18norgannalight blue?
05:17.20IrielEsamynn : It's emacs
05:17.24hyperChipmunkwow forums
05:17.36IrielEsamynn : It tries to optimize file size
05:17.38hyperChipmunklike, ppl who are nifty get light blue text
05:17.39ckknightI have one single piece of XML left in FuBar: <GameTooltip name="FuBarScanningTooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate"/>
05:17.43ckknightI want to get rid of it...
05:17.48Irielckknight : You can't
05:17.55ckknightwhy not :-(
05:17.56Irielckknight : Not until slouken loves us 8-(
05:18.12Irielckknight : because there's some code that we dont have the ability to run that initializes the tooltip
05:18.25hyperChipmunkhehe XML don't WANT to get rid of it
05:18.26EsamynnIriel: see I use a tab size of 4 spaces, but emacs seems to replace every 8 spaces of whitespace with a tab character :(
05:18.27Irielckknight : We just found this out definitively tonight, until now it's been speculation that we were doing something wrong
05:18.37IrielEsamynn : yeah, the standard tab definition is 8
05:18.58IrielEsamynn : I should have it do for lua what I have it do for java code, namely untabify the buffer on save
05:18.59Esamynnit's been driving me nuts :P
05:19.31Esamynnactually, I perfer files that are indented with tabs, it lets the reader adjust how much indenting they want
05:19.36Cairennget a steering wheel
05:19.55IrielCairenn : I love that joke
05:20.15IrielCairenn : Especially when the punchline's delivered with a pirate accent "arrrrrrr, it's drivin' me nuts"
05:21.14Cairennpirates are the sexy!
05:22.38EsamynnIriel: anyways, I promised you some code for DevTools a while back and I appologize for the delay, but I'm putting the final touches on the first version I'm going to send you right now
05:23.24krkayou could use FAIAP to fix indentation of lua files
05:23.26IrielEsamynn : No worries i've been working on all manner of random crap 8-)
05:28.18Temthis guy is awesome
05:28.39Tem"Oh wow only 900g for that belt? Where's the loan officer again?
05:29.17Tem"Flask of Supreme Power is selling for 500g at the AH.  You get your pick of lube"
05:29.58norgannathe thing i don't get is *who* would blow one of those flasks on *anything*?
05:30.42Tembut I make em
05:30.49Temso... they aren't as out of reach for me
05:31.01Temthey are needed for the 0.5 quests now
05:31.05Temwhich is why they are so expensive
05:31.14EsamynnIriel: the files I'm sending you are a modified version of DevTools 0.6, would you perfer I applied the changes to a different version?
05:32.31IrielEsamynn : I dont really mind which , i'll likely re-assemble whatever I get anyway
05:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:39.31Temanyway, I had a really great time in AV once by poping a flask
05:40.08Temthere is something uniquely fun about really big frostbolt crits on members of the opposing faction
05:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
05:45.58Cairennokay folks, sleep time for me
05:46.00Cairennnight all
05:48.15EsamynnIriel: sent
05:52.10krkagone work
05:53.10Corrodiasyee haw
05:53.57Corrodiasapparently someone at this retailer decided that this UPS, which has a shipping weight of 134lb and a typical shipping price of $95, should have free shipping.
05:54.37IrielThat's quite a UPS
05:54.55AnduinLotharthats cheep for that much weight
05:55.25Corrodiasactually, typical shipping vary as the retailers appear to be trying to make the price plus shipping equal to about $850 across the board
05:58.19Tema pox on all level 60 priests
05:58.56TemYou are afflicted by Shadow Word: Pain
05:59.02TemYou die.
05:59.17IrielShadow Word: Get that thing the F off me!
05:59.23IrielI have died many times to it
05:59.42Temoh bastard!
05:59.45Temhe let a mob kill me
05:59.51Temso I took dur damage too
06:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
06:01.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
06:06.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
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06:15.40EsamynnTem: Moonfire!
06:16.11Esamynnheh, no bosses with moonfire (yet)
06:18.40AnduinLotharaoe moonfire ftl
06:19.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:19.27Elkanogood (whatever) :)
06:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:27.38purlfrom memory, utc is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time
06:27.47Temhmm, that's not what I wanted...
06:28.12IrielYou wanted ugt
06:28.14purlmethinks ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
06:35.04ElkanoTem, I know ugt, but the sentence has become my normal greeting in here ^^
06:36.23Elkanobtw: so should slap our CMs :/ yesterday, the PTR went online so they posted a thread about that in the forums giving the link to the French client to the German players...
06:38.16AnduinLotharptr is live and i missed it?
06:39.34Elkanous PTR has been livefor a week or so
06:43.11Esamynngood night all
06:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:07.03Elkanooh, at least 2 C'Thun kills in EU for now...
07:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
07:13.51Elkanobut you can't count that 2nd kill... was a French guild ;)
07:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
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07:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
07:35.50Kalrothmorning Cide!
07:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten|Work (n=Kaelten@
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07:44.38Miravlix_I quit!
07:45.31MiravlixIt's bothering me, I'm used to having more stability than most ircd's. :p
08:20.50KalrothMiravlix: Are you saying that you're an unstable person?
08:49.40cmunnWoW, conversation here is moving at the speed of a snail.
08:49.58cmunnIt's moving, it just take 30min between responses
08:52.37id`That doesnt matter.
08:53.13id`the anoying thins is that there people use irc clients that dont quit 2400 times a day
08:53.20id`and here...
08:53.54Kalrothboring conversation, new one!
08:54.19id`hi guys!
08:55.15Kalrothhi id, long time no see, etc.
08:55.26id`ya like hai n stuff lol
08:56.22id`Kalroth: opinions suggestions flame etc?
08:56.24Elkanooh, hi, wb
08:57.24id`Elkano: you too
08:58.51MiravlixDo we have any binary support in lua?
08:59.06krka|workwhat kind of binary?
08:59.12zenzelezzbitwise operations?
09:00.17Elkanosince 1.9 :)
09:01.00Miravlix1 2 4 8 16 32
09:02.12MiravlixI like to make parameters that way. 1 OptionType1, 2 OptionType2, 4 OptionType3   3 OptionType1 + OptionType2
09:03.01krka|workyes, we have bitlib
09:04.57Kalrothid`: I'm ignoring you on purpose though
09:04.59Kalrothoops, I replied
09:05.03Kalrothignore that!
09:05.13*** part/#wowi-lounge id` (n=Industri@
09:05.31Kalrothhe's sensitive this morning :)
09:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Inokis (
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09:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:33.39MiravlixHmm, how slow is pcall?
09:38.03Corrodiasit's so slow that it would be late for the short bus
09:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
10:02.26MiravlixIt's nice being able to call a function without it crashing the addon
10:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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10:28.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr53012@
10:30.11AnduinLotharso, miravlix, if i were gonna move the offhand back to it's orig spot or at least the left most bag avilible after doing a duel weild to 2h swap, how would you recommend doing that?
10:30.46AnduinLothari know that's how itemrack does it
10:58.53MiravlixNot sure I have enough brain power left after close to 24 hours codeing. :)
11:00.12MiravlixUpping SeaSpellbook to test, think I'm getting close to the first release now.
11:03.20AnduinLotharguess I'll make it a chronos only feature
11:18.26MiravlixNow to convert TrackerToggle, ShardTracker, DevineBlessing, CharactersViewer, CastOptions, ArcanePartyBars to SeaSpellbook and see if this thing actually work in the real world.
11:19.27AnduinLotharget BuffBot while you're at it
11:20.34MiravlixAutoBuff, BuffBOt, CCWatch, CensusPlusProfile, DruidBar, FeedOmatic, HuntersHelper, RSA, SmartPet, WeaponRebuff, Zorlen
11:20.44AnduinLotharthose too
11:21.06MiravlixWell, I think CV and CensusPlusProfile is just dodge, crit
11:21.31MiravlixHmm, DefendYourSelf doesn't call GetSpellName
11:22.28MiravlixThe list is a bit shorter than I expected.
11:23.07AnduinLotharwhat's slow about GetSpellName?
11:23.52MiravlixThat you have to do 180 call of it in a loop
11:24.06MiravlixBut it is primarly SetSpell I'm after
11:25.00MiravlixSo why don't I search for that instead. :)
11:26.25MiravlixCastOptions, CensusPlusProfile (Crit, Dodge, etc), CharacterViewer, DevineBlessing, DruidBar, RSA, comes up as doing SetSpell.
11:26.51AnduinLotharcan't you just cache them to a table lookup?
11:27.38MiravlixSeaSpellbook is just a cache.
11:27.50MiravlixIt's also a localization handler
11:28.00AnduinLotharGetSpellName you could do with a hook cache
11:28.15AnduinLotharspose GetSpellName optimization would need code change
11:28.54MiravlixI don't know how to hook every invisible tooltip to catch setspell
11:29.46MiravlixHmm, Spellbook scanning isn't quite a big a deal as I expected. SetInventory is bad though
11:32.03AnduinLotharshouldn't be using SetInventory for most scans
11:32.40AnduinLotharmost can use GetInventoryItemLink and GetInventorySlotInfo
11:32.44MiravlixI have 25ish addons that use SetInventory. 10 SetUnitDebuff and 15 SetUnitBuff
11:33.10AnduinLotharwell the SetInventory is just bad/old code for the most part
11:33.26AnduinLotharGetInventorySlotInfo gives most of the useful stuff
11:33.37AnduinLotharcept for stat scanning
11:33.52Elkanoomg... tech support got ownd again... Q: When I log into the game I'm disconnected after a few seconds. A: Contact a GM in game...
11:33.54MiravlixOh, wrong one, Inventory is paperdolll
11:34.07KalrothElkano: haha
11:34.17AnduinLotharsame thing
11:35.43AnduinLotharcolor, name, enchants... all you need to scan for is if you want stats, possibly area to equip..
11:37.32Miravlix20 hits on SetBagItem
11:37.43AnduinLotharso if they were all smart and used functions similar to the ones in Wardrobe, or a lib with similar funcs, it would be twice as efficient
11:37.49MiravlixArcanePartyBars AIOI
11:38.10AnduinLotharArcanePartyBars uses SetBagItem?
11:38.22AnduinLotharah, hooks it
11:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
11:38.34AnduinLotharit actually scans
11:38.41AnduinLotharcant be avoided
11:38.42MiravlixAPB_Mining_Tooltip:SetBagItem(container, id);--set tooltip to container item
11:39.03AnduinLotharya, grabs the cast time
11:39.08*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
11:39.25AnduinLotharno other way to do that afaik
11:39.37MiravlixNothing wrong with 1 addon, doing 1 scan
11:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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11:39.59MiravlixProblem is 20 addons doing full inventory scans. :/
11:40.10MiravlixAll triggering on the same events
11:40.11AnduinLotharwhich isn't what apb's doing
11:40.13ckknightyou know what's kind of sad? I have a level 1 character with 2 days 4 hours playing time on him
11:40.31AnduinLotharAPB only does it when you use an item and then only that item
11:40.31MiravlixDon't we all? :)
11:40.49AnduinLothari don't have any lvl 1's actually
11:40.59AnduinLotharbut i have a lvl 2 with nearly a month
11:41.08MiravlixThink I've leveled mine lately, to test code
11:41.30ckknightholy hell, I have 14 mods to upload to WoWI
11:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
11:43.14MiravlixI have that and more, if wowi had a anonymous category
11:43.51MiravlixI don't want to support them, but since I've updated 'dead' addons to 1.10 they might be usefull to someone, if I had some way of sharing them
11:44.39zenzelezzcould have an Unsupported rather than Anonymous
11:44.48zenzelezzanonymous sounds suspicious
11:45.03MiravlixI don't need to be anonymous to wowi
11:45.08MiravlixJust to the downloaders
11:45.22MiravlixHmm, a Psedonym perhaps
11:45.43AnduinLotharyou can submit patches to existing expired addons
11:46.05MiravlixYeah except most aren't on wowi
11:49.27MiravlixNot even google can find ColorCycle
11:50.02AnduinLotharon curse
11:50.51MiravlixI don't see it
11:52.15MiravlixI released ColorCycle-lix on WoWi because I couldn't find it anywhere
11:53.56AnduinLotharoic, well your version is also on wowi
11:55.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
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12:28.28Tainhah I've often wanted an anonymous system, the worst part of addons is dealing with users.
12:29.58krka|workthis isn't already anonymous enough?
12:30.08krka|workno one can find out where you live or what your name is
12:30.34TainThat's not the kind of anononimity in mind.
12:31.04krka|workwhat kind do you want that you cant have?
12:32.17TainSimply being able to put out an addon and not have any point of contact for someone to bug you about it.
12:32.57krka|workyou use a fake name and simply not read the comments :P
12:33.01krka|workthat should be good enough
12:33.02TainYes you could make up aliases and fake accounts.
12:33.18TainThat's treating a symptom, not the actual issue.
12:33.54krka|workso: what do you want, and how is this solution insufficient?
12:34.31TainUnfortunatly it can't happen because it's too prone to abuse by unscrupulous people.
12:35.42krka|worknot sure what you mean
12:36.32TainThere's a difference between an addon being owned by a "fake" account and "no" account.
12:36.51krka|worknot much
12:37.11TainAnyway it's all irrelevant.
12:37.16TainI see a *huge* difference.
12:37.16krka|workin both cases, no one knows who uploaded it, users can't contact you
12:37.33TainThat's a consequence.
12:37.42TainNot the underlying idea.
12:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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12:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:46.57Josh_Borkegood morning :-)
12:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
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12:58.03Josh_Borkemorning wereHamster
13:02.19Elkanowhat was the command to write the big red messages in the center of the screen?
13:04.17Josh_Borkedon't you hate when you get error messages from UIParent.lua?
13:09.43Kasomy ui stopped giving errors altogether a while back, that confused me for a bit till i worked out it was fucked up
13:28.31Elkanook, _ERRORMESSAGE was not what I was looking for :/
13:30.42Josh_Borkewhat about just: message("stuff")?
13:34.57ckknightokay, I have a frame, that I want to cover another frame, the one that I want to cover has a higher framelevel. why is it that it doesn't cover the textures and fontstrings?
13:37.40TainElkano: You want to print to UIErrorsFrame I think is what you're looking for
13:41.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:41.56wereHamsterckknight, textures and font strings (or any other frame child elements) have a higher framelevel than their parent.
13:42.11ckknightbut is it more than 10 framelevels higher?
13:42.32wereHamsterbest thing is to put your frame into a higher frame strata
13:44.29ckknightyea, I did
13:44.32ckknightstill didn't work right
13:44.53wereHamsterwhat frame do you try to cover?
13:45.19ckknightFuBar and its plugins, running at FULLSCREEN
13:46.09wereHamsterI guess disable FuBar is not an option ;)
13:46.40ckknightno, the frme I want to cover it is a special dropdown menu
13:47.09wereHamsterdid you try strata DIALOG, FULLSCREEN_DIALOG and TOOLTIP?
13:53.39Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
13:53.58Cairennmorning Josh
14:06.15TainThis is one of the best links I've come across in a long, long time.  450+ freeware applications for common problems.
14:07.27ckknightfigured it out, wereHamster
14:07.41ckknightapparently SetParent resets the frameStrata
14:08.03Josh_Borkewoohooo! a guild on my server downed C'thun :-D
14:17.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:18.34sloukenMorning. :)
14:19.13Josh_Borkemorning slouken
14:19.26Cairennhey slouken! unusual to see you here at this hour of the day ...
14:19.43sloukenHeheh, I fell asleep without turning off my computer last night.
14:20.20Cairennso you're saying you slept with us last night? =O
14:20.26krka|workmorning sloukster
14:20.37krka|workyou wish Cairenn
14:20.38TainI must have had more to drink then I thought, I don't remember a thing.
14:20.55Cairennkrka: maybe yes, maybe no ;)
14:21.44[MoonWolf]Tain, :D
14:21.58[MoonWolf]we known what happend tain, that is enough.
14:22.17CairennTain: so you're saying he's so bad it's entirely forgettable?
14:22.26Cairennkrka: change that to a no
14:23.45sloukenDon't worry Tain, I still respect you. :)
14:23.56Cairennyou're about the only one
14:24.03slouken~lart Cairenn
14:24.16CairennI know, I know, I'm pure evil
14:24.23sloukenOkay, I'm off to work, have fun!
14:24.40[MoonWolf]have fun yourself......
14:24.44Cairennand just think, this is the way I treat my friends .... can you imagine the way I treat those I don't like?
14:25.28sloukenI shudder to imagine. :)
14:25.29*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
14:27.20Josh_Borkecan anyone tell me why my Health/Mana text is so huge? (I'm using ClearFont)
14:28.03[MoonWolf]is font size inherited ?
14:29.36Josh_Borkeif you're asking me, then my answer is i don't know.
14:29.49krka|workyay, made it through without requesting anything!
14:29.57krka|worki am so proud of myself
14:31.04Josh_Borkegrats krka|work
14:31.10krka|workthanks i guess
14:31.29Josh_Borkewhat'd you do?
14:31.47Cairennresisted temptation to make requests of slouken
14:32.08[MoonWolf]oh thats easy.
14:32.09TainJoshBorke: It's not the size of your health that matters.
14:32.10Josh_Borkeah, yes.  it is very difficult to do, i agree :-D
14:32.28Josh_BorkeTain: but the way i use it?
14:32.30[MoonWolf]resisting the temptation to make really weird and over the top requests, THAT is hard.
14:32.31Cairenn"oh that's easy" "it is very difficult"
14:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:36.04krka|worknah, the hard part is not requesting stuff you think obviously should be in
14:36.15krka|worki'd never request movement functions back
14:36.18krka|worki just dream about it
14:38.34Cairennkrka: you do know that you provide a very valuable service for Blizz right?
14:39.02Cairennyou show them things they never intended so they can lock them down ;)
14:40.03Cairennanyway, on that silly note ... later guys
14:41.10Josh_Borkebye cair
14:41.24krka|workthat was not my intention though
14:41.35Cairenn|afkkrka: *hug* I know
14:41.45krka|workiriel and tem and legorol are much more focused on finding stuff to lock down i think :P
14:41.53krka|workand/or bugfix
14:42.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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14:44.14wereHamsterI always thought WoW has no bugs.. only features
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15:55.01Ktronis PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED the event I should look at to try to figure out whether I just lost/gained stealth?
15:55.14KtronI remember there was another one to consider that dealth with the action bar...
15:55.25KtronEraphine|Lab, specialty action ba
15:56.46Ktronsorry Eraphine|Lab
15:57.09KtronI think xchat must automatically change "er," to that even if I don't hit tab
15:59.33Eraphine|Labthere's a setting you can change.
16:06.02Corrodiasone thing i like linux for -- so far, the only thing -- is this: windows XP refuses to make multiple connections to a network share on one machine with different credentials, while linux has no problem doing so.
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16:39.01GryphenIs 255 the character limit for sending chat to a channel?
16:45.02Gryphencan you send color (|cffffffff|r) and i assume that uses up character space?
16:48.45wereHamsteryou can't send colored text to the chat
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17:05.50ElvisowereHamster, yes you can :)
17:06.35Elvisoit produces an error for those that view it, but it still sends it
17:06.47Elvisoit might disconnect some even, so it's really not advisable
17:07.02Gryphenjust lookin to highlight a word
17:07.29ElvisoI wouldn't do it. It's most likely an oversight that will get changed soon if/when they discover it.
17:12.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:35.01wereHamsterElviso, O.o I thought you get disconnected when you try to do that
17:35.10Elvisonot necessairly
17:35.27Elvisoit does for sure if you use FAKE item links
17:35.41Elvisobut a item:0:0:0:0 does not automatically disco you
17:39.01AdrineI just had a thought.
17:39.13AdrineCould you poison white weapons and trade them to a non-rogue to use? That would out-twink fiery weapons on a low-level character.
17:39.36AdrineTough to maintain, but geez.
17:40.21Elvisopoisons require skill to 'use', so it may not let the lowbie equip them
17:40.41ElvisoIt'd be an interesting test though
17:41.03AdrineJust hada guildie test it
17:41.10AdrinePutting poison on a white weapon soulbinds it to you :D
17:41.26Elvisoprobably just for the duration, I'd guess
17:41.56Elvisobut if that was possible....then you could also have a shaman put windfury weapon on a white weapon for a lowbie
17:42.05Elvisothat'd be pretty sweet too
17:42.23AdrineI think poison would outrun Windfury, truth be told.
17:42.42Adrine20% chance to do 112-148 damage
17:43.04AdrineBasically an extra 26 damage unmitigated per swing
17:43.25AdrineSo put it on a pair of 1.3 speed daggers and you have an extra 20 DPS.
17:43.29AdrinePer dagger.
17:44.57Elvisoprobably right
17:46.25Elvisoalthough WF weapon from a 60 would give 20% of an extra 2 attacks, AND +665 AP
17:46.38Elvisoif both proc'd you'd have +1300 AP, lol
17:47.22[MoonWolf]1300ap would translate to about 100dps
17:47.48AdrineWhoa, wait. Ouch.
17:48.04AdrineYeah, 1300 AP is 92.85 DPS. Hahah.
17:49.19[MoonWolf]devide by 14
17:49.33[MoonWolf]not that hard to estimate with 1300
17:50.35[MoonWolf]lets say he was using 1.5 speed daggers.
17:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:51.14[MoonWolf]139 damage on top of the regular damage
17:51.33[MoonWolf]how long does the ap hold up ?
17:51.58[MoonWolf]for the duration of the extra attacks ?
17:52.12AdrineI'd forgotten that Windfury bestowed additional AP.
17:53.05[MoonWolf]counts only for the additional attacks
17:53.07[MoonWolf]but still
17:53.10[MoonWolf]instakill at that level
17:53.27[MoonWolf]that would breeze you through up to level 20 or so.
18:00.43krkado we have any idea about what part of tooltip:SetX is slow?
18:01.02krkai realized that if i want to cache SetX, i still have to setup all the strings
18:01.18krkamaybe that's the slow part? if so, i might aswell give up
18:05.09[MoonWolf]i dont even have a clue what setX does, so i cant help you there.
18:09.30Miravlixkrka: SetOwner is slow, SetX is slow
18:09.59MiravlixThe idea would be that your SetX overload *knows* when to update it's cache
18:10.31MiravlixSo the addons would be able to ask for Tooltip Xyz 100 times without the server being involved
18:11.25MiravlixThough, I've no clue why SetOwner is slow
18:11.52MiravlixI doubt that involves any server communication, maybe tooltip code is just broken at it's a Slouken problem
18:13.30Temunfinished questlines are lame
18:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
18:14.52MiravlixHmm, I just pcall'ed Khaos Callback feature without any noticeable difference, does pcall have close to zero overhead?
18:17.32MiravlixUnknown friends response form server
18:17.36MiravlixFriend not found.
18:19.27MiravlixThat was system message
18:20.57Josh_BorkeTem: which quest?
18:21.12Temthe rogue questline in Ravenholdt manor
18:21.45TemI just did a rep grind with them all the way to friendly and now they all tell me to talk to a guy that won't interact
18:21.52Temso, I have a look online...
18:22.27Temand the questline seems to be unfinished
18:22.42Josh_Borke:-( rep grinds are no fun
18:22.48Temthis one wasn't that bad
18:22.53Tem100rep for each turnin
18:23.08Josh_Borkethat's not bad at all
18:23.18Temso it's was really just a collect 30 syndicate emblems and turn em in
18:23.37MiravlixThe rep stuff continues at 50
18:23.46Josh_Borkeit'll be nice if they add more rep rewards to 'hidden' factions
18:24.49Temis there any reason to be friendly with the bloodsail buckaneers?
18:25.01Josh_Borkeyou can get a wicked awesome pirate hat
18:25.03Josh_Borkeat some point
18:25.21MiravlixI didn't need rep with bloodsails to buy the hat recipe
18:25.51Temthat's so not worth being KoS with steemwheedle
18:38.44*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
18:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
18:45.43MiravlixWeird, first login after maintenance and my friendlist is broken, but after that it's fine.
18:53.53krkais this overkill?
18:54.18krkanever mind the bug :P
18:54.18Crispix*falls over laughing*
18:56.23Josh_Borkeguess you need sound...huh?
18:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:58.15Josh_Borkekrka: try if (not (tooltip and type(tooltip) == "table" and tooltip.IsFrameType and type(tooltip.IsFrameType) == "function" and tooltip:IsFrameType("GameTooltip") and tooltipData[tooltip])) then
18:58.20Josh_Borkeless not's :D
18:58.35krkawhy should i avoid nots?
18:58.37krkanots are fast
18:58.59krkai see your point though... more readable
18:59.04Josh_Borkewould it not be just as fast?
18:59.53krkayou missed a not btw
19:00.17Iriel|workingThat's over-complex
19:00.21Iriel|workingtype(nil) == "nil"
19:00.24Iriel|workingso you can do
19:00.43Iriel|workingif (type(tooltip)=="table" and type(tooltip.IsFrameType)=="function" and tooltip:isFrameType("GameTooltip")
19:00.55Iriel|workingThough really you should use IsObjectType 8-)
19:01.44krkawhat's the difference?
19:02.42krkais this bad btw? :)
19:02.51Iriel|workingIsObjectType is defined on regions and fonts also
19:03.03Iriel|workingFor this particular instance IsFrameType is fine and possibly quicker
19:03.13Iriel|workingBut it's the principle of the thing, IsObjectType is a good habit to get into
19:03.18krkayes it would fail quicker
19:03.29krkaif IsFrameType is nil
19:04.17krkahow reliable is the tooltip pseudo code btw? :)
19:04.23krkai am kinda relying on it
19:04.48Iriel|workingkrka: Your enumeration thing is 'fine' but it'll do a lot of work, so dont call it too often
19:06.10krkait'll be run once for every tooltip that gets hooked
19:06.14krkathe goal is to hook all tooltips
19:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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19:07.21Iriel|workingThere's a slightly cleaner (IMHO) loop
19:07.54krkanot sure i agree :)
19:08.31krkaoops, forgot to do local EnumerateFrames = EnumerateFrames
19:08.40Beladonaoh hiya Iriel, and welcome to the site staff of wowi
19:09.29krkayay! one more person i can bug for approval
19:09.49Iriel|workingheh, hi, thanks
19:10.44Iriel|workingkrka: Localizing tooltip.IsOwner will be significantly more efficient than EnumerateFrames
19:11.09krkaboth are table lookups, yes?
19:12.16Iriel|workingOne's via the frame metaindex which is much slower than a normal table lookup
19:12.20krkaok, that version _is_ prettier
19:12.33krkagood point
19:15.38OsagasuCongratulations and Condolences then, Iriel.  ;;>.>
19:18.47krkahmm... i wonder what functions i need to hook
19:19.02krkaobviously all the SetX, but also ClearLines, Show, Hide, SetOwner,
19:19.06CideUnitName("raid#") still returns nil at first OnUpdate it seems
19:19.13krkaNumLines too probably
19:26.30MiravlixRead the GameTooltip.lua GameTooltip.xml and GameTooltipTemplate.xml?
19:27.03krkayeah, but i don't know how it works behind the scenes
19:36.09MiravlixI don't like hook code.
19:37.11MiravlixJust seems like a hack, not a solid solution to a codeing problem.
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19:39.07MiravlixEspecially when you use solution without fall through to the original function
19:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
19:43.10TainIf you "hook" a function and never call the original I'd rather whatever you're "solving" not be done anyway.
19:44.38krkado all tooltip:SetX lack return values?
19:47.36Cidethink so, krka
19:47.43MiravlixNo, they all return 1
19:47.52Miravlixon success and nil on failure
19:48.00Cideno they don't
19:48.14CideGameTooltip:SetUnit("target") returned nil
19:48.20Cideand succeeded, I might add
19:48.34MiravlixSetSpell returns 1
19:48.42MiravlixI think SetInventory does too
19:48.57CideSetSpell returns nil
19:49.35MiravlixReturns 1 on my system.
19:50.00CideSetInventoryItem returns something, yep
19:50.38Gryphen why when they join the guild I get Error: 42: Usage: GetGuildRosterInfo(index)  but when i do /script GR_Function.SetPublicNote("Aderyn") it sets their note?
19:51.00Cideyou probably don't have their info upon join?
19:51.11Grypheni tried waiting 10 seconds
19:51.15Miravlixdoing /print GameTooltip:SetSpell(1, "spell") returns 1
19:51.37Cidecall GuildRoster()
19:51.54Cidereturns nil here
19:52.21krkawould this work you think?
19:53.31MiravlixGryphen: There is certain interfaces that don't get data reliably, until you open them or do other stuff.
19:55.12MiravlixIt doesn't clear Text<Side>#
19:55.39Gryphencalling GuildRoster() did it, thanks Cide
19:55.43krkait doesn't?
19:55.45krkawhat does it do then?
19:55.55MiravlixGood question
19:56.02MiravlixAsk Slouken. :)
19:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:56.21krkawowwiki says it clears all 30 lines
19:56.22MiravlixYou have to do SetText("") on Text<Side>#
19:56.42krkadoesn't nil the right side though
19:56.52MiravlixNeither the left
19:57.02MiravlixJust created SeaSpellbook and had crap data for a while
19:57.10MaldiviaClearLines clears the left side
19:57.36krkait hides the boths
19:57.42krkait hides both
19:58.04Iriel|workingIt clears LEF
19:58.10Iriel|workingbut just hides right
19:58.35Iriel|workingkrka: TO your earlier question, the pseudocode is probably pretty good, Legorol spent a long time experimenting
19:58.54krkai'll notice i guess
19:59.12krkahmm... this may be easier than i previously thought
19:59.51MiravlixI don't know how your going to handle hooking all SetX
19:59.59krkanot that hard
20:00.10krkalike 3 + 2 lines per SetX
20:00.28MiravlixWhat about on demand loaded or CreateFrame when it works?
20:00.31krkahmm... that's 5 lines of code per SetX
20:00.44MiravlixPr SetX?
20:00.57krkai'll deal with that later
20:01.08krkai guess i need to run my tooltip-hunter periodically
20:01.14krkaor atleast on ADDON_LOADED
20:01.19MiravlixAnd the fact your preventing all others from really calling SetX...
20:01.21krkaand i can hook CreateFrame i guess
20:01.39MaldiviaMiravlix: you most likely won't have dynamically created tooltips, since it more or less requires that it has the 30 left and right textstrings...
20:01.41krkayes, that is the entire point :)
20:01.53MiravlixMaldivia: So?
20:02.21MaldiviaMiravlix: so it's a minor concern, for the time being
20:02.21Miravlixfor i = 1, 30 do
20:02.21MiravlixSeaSpellbookTooltip:CreateFontString("SeaSpellbookTooltipTextRight" .. i)
20:02.21MiravlixSeaSpellbookTooltip:CreateFontString("SeaSpellbookTooltipTextLeft" .. i)
20:02.45MiravlixThat I have working already
20:02.53MiravlixI'm missing something else that SetX does
20:03.53MaldiviaMiravlix: well, to cahtch dynamically created tooltip, either A> change the tooltip metatable or B> Hook CreateFrame
20:04.07Iriel|workingSlouken stated last night that the reason they dont work now is because we're missing some code that the XML parser does
20:04.22Iriel|workingUntil he can enable that for us, dynamic GameTooltips just wont work, period.
20:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
20:04.49krkastep 1 for me is just to get it to work without crashing wow
20:05.10MiravlixI suspected as much, thats why I spend the time making duplicate xml files work
20:05.28Iriel|workingI've only had crash problems when i've screwed up the StatusBar and used SetUnit
20:05.33MiravlixThe duplicate doesn't get a name
20:06.05MiravlixSo all I had to do was make sure this:GetName() wasn't called on the duplicate tooltips
20:07.00Miravlixhe didn't happend to have a reason for SetOwner being sooo slow?
20:08.31MaldiviaYou mean, it having to recalculate all points, sizes, redo frame levels etc is taking too long ?
20:09.27MiravlixThat shouldn't be slow
20:09.31MaldiviaI'm actually surprised sometimes how fast the UI is :)
20:09.36MiravlixIt's simple math
20:09.56MiravlixI can understand server feedback API call being really bad.
20:10.35Miravlixwtb non blocking I/O
20:11.12MiravlixHmm, it actually seems like some features is based on non blocking system, but it was scrapped
20:12.01krkano SetX has more than three arguments right?
20:12.06krka(xcluding self)
20:12.24Iriel|workingAlmost everything is non-blocking
20:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
20:13.11Iriel|workingIt's both a carefully, and pragmatically, designed system.
20:13.20MiravlixThen our definition of non blocking differs
20:13.52Iriel|workingI have a great deal of respect for the technical achievement of the whole client/UI coupling. Sure, not all of the UI implementation is superb, but the general model and how well it operates is top notch.
20:14.04Iriel|workingnon-blocking means you dont wait for a response from the server before returning control to the caller.
20:14.57krkai agree with iriel
20:15.00krkathe system is great
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20:15.06krkathe lua coders probably not extremely great
20:15.12krka(just look at actionbuttons)
20:15.23krkathen again, it works well enough i guess
20:18.13MiravlixIt's good enough to be usefull, but it's far from great.
20:19.10Iriel|workingWell, I guess you're entitled to that opinion.
20:19.10MiravlixMany coders is actively avoiding doing events, even while one of the corner stone of the system is a event driven model
20:19.48Iriel|workingAgain, i'm talking about the UI engine, not about any specific addon, or the XML/LUA code of the base UI
20:22.32MiravlixAnd the UI engine event implementation is troublesome/poluted at the moment, creating the need for complicated solutions
20:22.54MiravlixIt's hard as hell creating a multi addon system thats virtually lag free.
20:24.03BeladonaI have maintained, and will continue to maintain that the addon system in wow is more powerful than any other MMORPG period. it only makes sense that a pioneer in it would have issues form time to time
20:24.05krkathis semi-generic caching has me scratching my head :/
20:24.25Beladonaso you almost have to let them have their issues, and trust they will be fixed
20:24.57MiravlixBut thats no reason to go blind currently to the limitations.
20:25.05Beladonathe system itself is wonderful, but the utilization isn't necessarily
20:25.08Iriel|workingIts hard to write code in any sufficiently complex environment that has no noticable performance footprint.
20:25.18Beladonaanyone can make something work bad in a good system
20:25.33Iriel|workingToo few folks are used to working in asynchronous event environments
20:25.38MiravlixBut is having 10 addons really bad?
20:25.39krkai'll probably go with both decay time and event controlled for this cache
20:25.42krkashould work nicely
20:25.51Iriel|workingMiravlix : I have more than 10 addons and I have no performance problems
20:26.02Beladonahaving 10 addons isn't bad, unless you think it is, or unless all those addons are coded badly
20:26.18Beladonano offense to those that created it
20:26.19Iriel|workingMiravlix : You keep harping on this one topic, the problem there is people writing addons that are impacted by external activities the authors did not anticipate
20:26.21MiravlixEven if they are coded well they create freezes
20:26.24Iriel|workingthe problem is NOT the system, it's the addons
20:26.28Iriel|workingThen they ARE NOT CODED WELL
20:26.30Beladonathen they aren't created well
20:26.32Miravlixthe more addons that does the same slow calls the slower it goes
20:26.38Iriel|workingI'm aware one of YOUR addons is included there, and that's the driver here
20:27.02Beladonagive a specific call that is causing you slowdowns
20:27.04MiravlixOnly by us as users codeing a API ontop of the API can we remove the issues
20:27.13BeladonaI disagree
20:27.18Beladonawe extend
20:27.28Beladonathe api
20:27.55Beladonawhen I say api, I am talking core api, not functions that can be hooked and overwritten
20:27.56MaldiviaUhh, Beladona... *hint* 1.10.2 on PTR *hint*
20:27.57MiravlixIf multiple addons perfectly written no less scan the tooltip then that operation is so slow it causes freezes
20:27.59Iriel|workingIf you make the statement: "If we have 10 addons that all do the same thing then there is unnecessary overhead without someone creating an API on top of that"
20:28.07Iriel|workingthen I can agree with you.
20:28.11Beladonathose I consider extensions
20:28.18Iriel|workingBut the problem is that they're all doing the same goddamn thing a different way
20:28.26Iriel|workingnot that the underlying system is inherently flawed
20:28.28krkai will solve the SetX once and for all!
20:29.04MiravlixThe system is flawed in that it needs API interfaces.
20:29.06Beladonaoh and, 1.10.2 PTR? there is a reason it is PTR
20:29.20krkait needs API
20:29.23krkawhat doesn't?
20:29.34krkai probably misunderstood you
20:29.37MaldiviaBeladona: well, it's still a test server release :)
20:29.38MiravlixIt should be possible to write 1000 addons that all scan UnitBuff and do different things based on what they get back
20:29.46MiravlixThe WoW API needs an API interface
20:29.51Beladonaand as such you shouldn't expect perfect working code
20:29.55Beladonareport the issue
20:30.00MiravlixLayer on layer on layer before we can code
20:30.05Beladonaif the issue makes it to live release, then we have an issue
20:30.17MaldiviaBeladona: ehh, I was refering to wdn :)
20:30.30Maldivianevermind :)
20:30.35Beladonaoh yeah I know
20:30.38MiravlixWithout the UI getting lagged due to slow SetX calls
20:30.46BeladonaI haven't had time to even scratch myself, much less do that
20:30.50MiravlixIt shouldn't be necesary to write SetX caches
20:32.09BeladonaI have to migrate data from one sql database to another, but the program we are switching to only supports text delimited and a few others. So I am having to export the data to csv, then import and map the fields
20:32.14krkai agree, we shouldn't need to
20:32.17Beladonaso yeah, it may be a day or two till I get to wdn
20:32.34krkablizzard probably didn't anticipate us using tooltips to scan
20:32.48MiravlixIt was the ONLY way to do it
20:33.01MiravlixThe fix on Bliz part has been to create API's that doesn't require Tooltip scans
20:33.05Beladonathey will find a way to make it easier
20:33.10Beladonaone would hope
20:33.26MiravlixAnd it'd definately a step in the right direction.
20:33.37MiravlixI think they gave us far to low level access to the UI.
20:34.01MiravlixThe libraries and similar solutions should be the API
20:34.15Iriel|workingBlizzard have us the api they feel we need
20:34.21Iriel|workingwe're given amazing tools to build our own
20:34.33Iriel|workingso I dont agree that blizzard need to give us those tihngs
20:34.39Beladona*QUESTION* anyone want to shoot me the 1.10.2 files so I don't have to download?
20:34.41Iriel|workingwe can make them ourselves (for the most part)
20:34.49Beladonawill make things a little faster
20:34.53MaldiviaBeladona: 2 sec
20:34.55MiravlixBut we can't solve the issues because the coders wont use third party libraries
20:35.05Beladonaclean interface folder obviously
20:35.19krkaembedded libraries FTW
20:35.28krkaor stand alones that simply make things faster
20:36.13Beladonanothing wrong with libraries, as long as the library was coded well too
20:37.05krkaif left text N + 1 is set, will left text N always be set too?
20:37.10krkai.e. can there be gaps in tooltips?
20:37.15MaldiviaBeladona: have 2 PTR releases for you
20:37.34Beladonayou have dates on them?
20:37.53Iriel|workingkrka: I believe there are no gaps, but i'm not certain.
20:37.58[MoonWolf]krka, you can have empty lines if that is what you mean....
20:38.19Iriel|workingWill the empty line be 'shown' though?
20:38.33[MoonWolf]good question... let me test something
20:41.12Miravlixkrka: There is no gaps on the left side.
20:41.20MiravlixRight side can have gaps
20:41.35MiravlixAnd Right side becomes left when there is no left side.
20:41.37[MoonWolf]it wont show on a competly empty line
20:41.41krkaempty lines as visible ""?
20:42.38[MoonWolf]empty strings get treated the same way
20:42.39MiravlixCure Poison
20:42.52MiravlixLeft1 Cure Poison Right1 Empty
20:43.05MiravlixLeft2 71 Mana Right2 30 yd range
20:43.24Miravlixleft3 iNSTANT cast right3 empty
20:43.34Miravlixleft4 Description right4 nil
20:43.39Miravlixempty = nil
20:45.20MiravlixLeft side will always have data
20:45.39MiravlixBecause it will be Left1 Name as minimum
20:45.52MiravlixLeft1 Name, Left2 Description
20:46.08MiravlixIt will just bump up fields so there is no left side gaps
20:46.17MiravlixLeft6 Description is the highest I've seen
20:46.48MiravlixFor the SetSpell call that is
20:47.55MiravlixBut if you have Left1 Name then just Description, then it will move Right2 and Right3 to Left2 and Left3 then make Description Left4
20:49.25MiravlixI actually considered reading the tooltip backwards for a while, since that seems to be how they are created.
20:54.21krkaattempt to index a function value
20:54.23Miravlixerr, reverse of how they are created
20:54.31krkamy table is actually a function?
20:56.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:56.26ToastTheifwhat do you all know about GroupCalendar?
20:56.29krkayeah it was... of course
20:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
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20:57.55MiravlixHmm, I'm starting to think OnUpdate isn't as bad as it seems, if done correctly. Do a little work every call.
20:58.36Iriel|workingits absolutely not bad if you use it correctly
20:58.44Iriel|workingI love it for long running but non-urgent tasks
20:58.47MiravlixFx. doing a full spellbook scan in OnUpdate, just doing 5 spells a run
20:59.22ToastTheifso GroupCalendar isn't laggy or anything?
20:59.37MiravlixToastTheif: Never tried it
21:00.38MiravlixStill, even while that will most likely remove freeze issues to do stuff incrementially in OnUpdate it still seems better with a caching library
21:00.39krkathis kinda works
21:00.53krkaexcept for when i try to recreate the tooltip from cache
21:01.00krkano linewraps
21:01.49krkacurrently i am only storing text and color
21:02.05MiravlixHehe, I guess GroupCalendar does lag you, it killed the thief
21:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
21:04.10Nomad_WandererI'm interested in a mod that just notifies me that someone in the raid has a debuff I can cure. I'm not interested in who it is, just that it would be a good time to cast decursive now.
21:04.18Nomad_WandererNotify = sound or on screen message
21:04.31Nomad_WandererHas anyone seen anything like that?
21:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
21:05.20MiravlixDecursive has it build in?
21:05.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Neronix (i=omg@
21:05.33krkahow annoying... hm hm hm
21:05.35Nomad_WandererDoes it? Hmm.
21:05.48MiravlixI seem to recall it print a warning
21:06.05MiravlixI stopped using it, because I didn't have the time to fix yet another addon. :p
21:06.44Nomad_WandererI know it prints things when it's casting..but that's different. I'm looking for something is polling...
21:07.05Beladonalook for wdn update later tonight
21:07.07MaldiviaCT_RA has this build in, I think Decursive has aswell
21:07.11Beladonatime for me to go home
21:08.36Nomad_WandererI'm trying to find that option in Decursive
21:08.43MaldiviaHmm, in what order are SavedVariable files read ?
21:08.55Maldiviaaccount SV then Character SV?
21:09.59Nomad_WandererNot sure.. I've only worked in the Character SV
21:10.40Nomad_WandererGoing to grab some food....
21:11.41wereHamsterdoes anyone here use fraps?
21:11.56Josh_Borkei have on occasion
21:12.41krkaok... how do i make this fontstring wraparound
21:13.01wereHamsterJosh_Borke, is fraps capable of capturing 1280x1024@~20fps?
21:13.20AdrineIf your machine has the chops for it, yeah
21:14.04wereHamsteris it lossless or lossy?
21:15.45zenzelezzdepends on codec... think Fraps captures uncompressed (lossless), but don't take my word for it
21:16.31NeronixFraps uses some really basic on-the-fly compression
21:16.37krkait works!
21:16.39Neronixthink it's at least mostly lossless
21:16.55wereHamsterthen they have to have a damn good codec..
21:17.32krkai have succesfully cached tooltips
21:17.35Neronixit's primarily designed to reduce the diskspace needed for recording while preserving quality and performance
21:17.43krkayou are somehow not enthusiastic enough :P
21:18.09Josh_Borkekrka: YAY!
21:18.19Josh_Borkekrka: where's the undo in that announcement?
21:19.18MiravlixI've created a tooltip cache that also removes most localization issues.
21:19.42Josh_Borkefor FAIAP
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21:20.15krkai decided it shouldn't be done on FAIAP-level
21:20.37wereHamsterI'm trying to write a fraps-like application, and so far I haven't come across a codec that would be capable of handling 1280x1024@>15fps ..
21:21.22krkanow i just need to set up all the events that flush the cache
21:21.56zenzelezzI think capturing at 1280x1024 is asking for trouble mostly, unless you have some uber-uber setup
21:21.58Josh_Borkekrka: good decision :-).  it's too complex a feature for your addon
21:22.21krkanot really too complex
21:22.21Josh_BorkewereHamster: i usually only get 10fps when raiding :-(
21:22.24krkait just doesn't belong there
21:22.44krkaan undo button requires a button somewhere near the editbox
21:22.53Josh_Borkebut how do you decide what to undo?
21:23.00Miravlixkrka: all?
21:23.14krkayou listen to editbox events for changes
21:23.17krkaand keep a history
21:23.43wereHamsterok.. I managed to capture 1280x1024@25fps, but it produces 1GB/30seconds.. the fastest lossless codec I've come across so far... ut that isn't really usable
21:23.55krkaif you wanna be 1337, you can only store the diff between contents :P
21:25.03Josh_Borkeok, time to go home :-)
21:25.04Josh_Borkebye all
21:25.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
21:25.45MiravlixWhat SetX have you implemented?
21:26.42krkaSetAction, SetUnitBuff, SetPlayerBuff so far
21:26.55krkano events for flushing yet though
21:30.25krkaso far everything works beautifully though
21:32.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
21:32.54Iriel|workingkrka: How do you handle tooltips that are enhanced?
21:33.18krkanot sure
21:33.20Iriel|workingkrka: i.e. if I have an enchancement which adds some values to GameTooltip, does your addon then corrupt all of the other tooltips?
21:33.24krkawhat is special about them+
21:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
21:33.43krkanot sure i understadn
21:33.58Iriel|workingkrka: Say I hook SetAction
21:34.14Iriel|workingkrka: And I call the base SetAction, then do some AddLine's, then call Show
21:34.27Iriel|workingkrka: If your addon loads after mine, how do you avoid caching my extra lines?
21:34.48krkai don't, i guess
21:35.07krkathat's a problem, i suppose
21:35.16Iriel|workingrawget(frame,"SetUnitBuff") == nil
21:35.29krkagood idea
21:35.55Iriel|workingI have them occasionally
21:35.56krkai loop through the frame and see if any function at all is non-nil
21:36.15Iriel|workingWell, any you're going to be calling
21:36.51krkai'll just avoid hooking tainted gametooltips
21:37.59krkalike this? :
21:39.09krkanow i just need to figure out which events affect which tooltips
21:39.28Iriel|workingkrka: that wont really work
21:39.33Iriel|workingWell, actually it ill
21:39.38Iriel|workingbut you can avoid the raweget
21:39.54Iriel|workingpairs only picks up explicit entries
21:39.57Iriel|workingit wont see metatables
21:41.51krkajust remove that check then
21:44.24krkaanyone feel like working on this?
21:44.35krkaadding replacement SetX and events to flush?
21:44.41krkashould be fairly straightforward
21:44.48krkaor i'll continue with it tomorrow
21:49.00krkatime for sleep i think!
21:49.17krkaannoying that i found a bug just before i need to sleep
21:54.21Cairennwow, is quiet in here now
21:55.12Iriel|working"now" as opposed to?
21:57.53Cairennthere was chatting at one point or another earlier on today, I think ...
21:58.18Iriel|workingThere have been several bursts of it
21:58.32krkai tend to have monologues :P
22:05.30CairennI tend to shudder every time I see someone "smirk", it's such a nasty facial expression
22:06.14MaldiviaWas just playing with some texture rotation... so now I have my player texture rotating in the middle of the screen :)
22:06.44Maldiviayou would be smirking aswell, if you saw it:)
22:12.56ckknightthere is something _seriously_ wrong with the bug system
22:13.00ckknightI do not have 35 new bugs
22:19.21Temanother mod replied to my post
22:19.39Temequally stupid response
22:19.53Cairennheh, yeah, saw that
22:20.02Cairennthey just fail to comprehend, don't they?
22:20.31Temit's pathetic
22:20.54Cairennyou need to explain it in single syllable terms
22:21.01TemI'm tempted to post a reply because clearly they didn't read the thread
22:22.08Tembut I really don't feel like bothering with them
22:25.12Cairennat this point, I'd just give up
22:32.28Neronixthat whole fiasco's making me want to remove my mod from curse
22:33.04Neronixincluding all the gold ads and some minor reasons
22:36.19TainIt makes me want to create a brand new addon just to not post it there.
22:36.50Wobin_What's the lnk again?
22:40.06Cairennoff topic forum
22:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
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22:45.18Tem is a link to the thread
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22:59.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
22:59.39MaldiviaTem: the latest post in the thread really makes me doubt the reading and comprehension skills required to moderate that forum...
23:00.11Temthat's an excellent way to put exactly what I was thinking
23:02.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
23:02.52Maldiviaand with that comment, time to go to bed, night
23:03.51cmunnI need to commission a great task to prove who is the greatest of all WoW UI Modders...
23:04.17cmunnThis great task, is a bubble hearth macro... :)
23:04.49AnduinLothari don't think anyone astually needs a macro for that
23:05.01Corrodiasi wasn't aware anyone couldn't make that
23:06.05cmunnWell, I'm getting the error that "Another Action in Progress"
23:06.27cmunnnot sure how to make my item using delay until after my bubble is cast
23:11.34AnduinLotharthink I'm gonna make a mod that lets you query for crafters
23:12.03AnduinLotharlike send out a Sky message and anyone who can create the item whispers you
23:12.50AnduinLotharit's a pain in the ass to find high level crafters and get enough competition so that they're cheep
23:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:22.22TainIf only there were a channel in game that could be used for that purpose.  Something like.. a trade channel.
23:22.54KemayoNo!  Such a thing could not be!
23:25.36AnduinLotharcept then you have to be in a city and paying attention
23:26.03zenzelezzwould this addon ask for permission to reply?
23:26.14AnduinLotharperhaps optionally
23:26.22KirkburnAnyone seen Cafeine recently?
23:26.24zenzelezzI find that "perhaps" unsettling
23:26.45zenzelezz"Why are all these people asking me for crafting!?"
23:26.54KirkburnDefinately opt-in, not opt-out
23:27.05AnduinLotharwhy would you find it unsettling. It's not like you install addons you've never hear of
23:27.07KemayoWell, one might take the fact that people have installed the addon as opting in to using it...
23:27.40AnduinLotharif you want the benifit of it's use than you better be willing to shar
23:27.40KirkburnAt least options for which tradeskills you want to advertise
23:28.18AnduinLotharmaybe have an option to list a price with it
23:28.23Kirkburn~seen Cafeine__
23:28.32purlcafeine__ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 9d 23h 59m 26s ago, saying: 'I loved tweaks, so sad this one is not supported now :/   lot of fonctions in one'.
23:28.32KirkburnDammit, how do you do it? /seen ?
23:28.33ElvisoAnduinLothar, a post on the realm forums for crafters is awesome
23:28.43KirkburnOh, lol it worked :)
23:28.46Elvisoalot of realms have a "Unique Crafter list"
23:28.57AnduinLotharsome, but not all
23:29.38AnduinLotharand a lot of the time i want to know who can do it now and is online
23:30.07AnduinLotharmakes sense to me to have it if you're a crafter. more business
23:30.25AnduinLotharmakes sense to use it, cheeper goods
23:32.05zenzelezzdepends really. Would it consider if the crafter is in an instance?
23:32.08zenzelezzmarked DND?
23:33.47AnduinLotharwho cares, that's up to the person who gets the information
23:34.00AnduinLotharthe msgs are invisible
23:34.14AnduinLotharthe information just gets displayed to the requester
23:35.12AnduinLotharcould even to a "request mats" that picks someone who responded and asks them for the mats list
23:35.37AnduinLotharor do it automaticly when someone responds
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23:35.58ElvisoAnduinLothar, would it be too hard to build a lootlink-type DB of only item recipes?
23:36.11Elvisoyou could use that in the interface when searching for something to craft for
23:36.14AnduinLotharyou could do it, you would just have to be able to add more
23:36.18Elvisojust so the recipes
23:36.33Elvisoyeah, like lootlink....if you see one not in your DB, it adds it
23:37.05AnduinLotharcept there's no way to tell from items what is necissary to craft them, you'd only be able to do it from recipies
23:37.40AnduinLotharand i don't think you can get the item id from the recipe unless you learn it
23:43.11Temyou can scan the recipe's tooltip
23:43.18Tembut that doesn't give itemids
23:46.59Temyay time to go home
23:52.06KirkburnFake? ;)

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