irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060424

00:00.18cladhaireIf you were coloring buffs... they were text.. what color would you put for "SS" Soulstone
00:00.41zenzelezzbright pink :o
00:00.49cladhairei'm thinking purple
00:01.38Maldiviayeah, purple, like the color of the buff icon
00:02.43cladhaireHrm.. now i have to find a/that purple =)
00:03.18Maldiviaopen the icon in photoshop (or similar program) :)
00:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
00:04.18cladhairebut there's lots of purples =)
00:05.12QzotAnyone know the status of BeneCast?
00:06.27QzotI'll take that as a 'no'. :D
00:11.16cladhaireMaldivia: I used ca21ff in the end =)
00:11.24Maldiviaok :)
00:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
00:22.39MentalPowerok, I can re-confirm that the party kicking method works
00:23.12Cairennparty kicking?
00:23.45MaldiviaCairenn: exploit, that makes you able to kick anyone from a party that you're not in
00:23.49Maldiviaor bug..
00:23.53MentalPowernasty exploit
00:23.59Cairennah, that, already know about it, sent it to Slouken
00:24.56Cairennthought that might be what you were talking about, that's why I wanted to confirm
00:25.55Maldiviahoping it'll be fixed with maintenance tomorrow
00:26.04Cairenntuesday, not tomorrow
00:26.10Maldiviait's monday here :)
00:26.54Maldiviaas in, it's past midnight now, so technically monday here :)
00:27.49Maldiviaand since it's past midnight, and I have to get up, I better go to bed :)
00:28.17Cairennsweet dreams
00:28.36Maldiviayou too... in a few (or more) hours from now :)
00:29.00MentalPowerCairenn: do you think it will be fixed tuesday?
00:29.06Cairenndunno, hope so
00:29.43MentalPowertheres a "rolling restarts" post up
00:29.50MentalPowerthink they've fixed it already?
00:32.52MaldiviaI think they do, it's a pretty big bug...
00:33.47Maldiviaand probably also a easy one to fix... I'm just surprised they haven't fixed it ealier, as in when they fixed the "quick instance reset" macro
00:34.09Maldiviawhich more or less relies on the same behaviour
00:41.15cladhaireDo debuff slots compress
00:41.20cladhaireerr buffs
00:41.37cladhaireif i have three buffs, and buff 2 wears off, does buff3 become buff2?
00:42.11cladhaireooh they do
00:56.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
00:56.26KirovWhat's the max texture size WoW Accepts for it's ui?
00:56.30Kirovis it only 256x256?
01:07.53ckknightafaik, it's any (2^i)x(2^i), where i is an integer
01:07.58ckknightso 512x512 should work
01:08.33IrielArgh, I hate virtual frames
01:09.22ckknightoh, virtual frames
01:09.22ckknightthought you meant dynamic frames
01:10.40IrielWell, it's the one-two punch of the 2 combined
01:12.23*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
01:28.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:34.37*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
01:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:52.24not_awakeAssertion Failed!
01:52.45not_awakean unknown assertion.. that's cute
01:53.12ckknightWhen the bees implement their worldwide fascist regime, I will be the first to go down into the honeymines. I will be the first to carry their squirming lavra in my teeth, to smear royal jelly on their chosen queen. And why? Good heavens! On account of the stinging!
02:17.59IrielMy code is betraying me in metatable madness
02:39.21IrielOops, just crashed wow
02:45.28ckknightThis letter is clearly the result of too much spinning. I know kids love to spin round and round on the emerald lawns of Anytown, USA. Why, I love a good spin myself, but you're spinning your tight melon into a kaleidescope of crazy. Spinning and writing letters don't mix.
02:47.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-r] by Cairenn
02:47.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+r] by ChanServ
02:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Ninwa (n=Ninwa@
03:00.13IrielHas anyone gotten dynamic GameTooltips to work even a little  bit?
03:00.46NinwaIf a function in lua returns multiple values, but I simply only want the first value, I can just assign the value of the function to just one variable right?
03:01.27IrielYou can do several things, depending on your needs
03:01.30Iriellocal x = func()
03:01.34Irielgives you just the first return
03:01.40Iriellocal x, y = (func())
03:01.45Irielsets x to just the first return, and y to nil
03:02.19NinwaLua's peculiar in that. No other language I've coded in has had multiple returns.
03:02.52NinwaWell that's what I'd assumed: local x = func() would give me the first return. Just wanted to verify. What I'm working with right now is working what-so-ever and I didn't think that was the problem but I had to rule it out.
03:03.04ckknightis there a simple way to get the second return?
03:03.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-R] by Cairenn
03:03.18Iriellocal _, x = func()
03:03.24NinwaHaha, sexy lua.
03:03.26ckknightIriel, yea, but I want to do it inline
03:03.27Iriel(aka "no")
03:03.32Ninwalol :p
03:03.36IrielUnless you dont mind
03:03.45ckknightI have local function getsecond(_, value) return value end
03:03.53Ninwathere you go
03:03.55Ninwathats pretty good
03:04.01IrielThat's the cleanest approach I can think of
03:04.20Irielyou can do ({func()})[2]
03:04.28ckknightew, no
03:04.29Irielbut that creates el-garbargio
03:04.39NinwaIf it looks that complicated it's obvliously wrong. :)
03:04.57NinwaI did something like that in PHP once, I think it had approximaltey eighteen brackets and twelve curly braces on one line.
03:05.15NinwaThen I decided that about 16 of them were unneeded... and I proceeded to laugh very hard.
03:05.18IrielI'm going to guess that the answer to my tooltip question is 'no' 8-)
03:05.43not_awakemultiple returns ftw
03:05.46NinwaI'm real new to LUA/Addon modding so my answer would've been, 'no clue, never used it before.'
03:06.08NinwaGod dangit! I hate trying to write a BG addon. I have the dilema of coding for too long and alt-tabbing back in to find myself AFKed out.
03:06.17Ninwasigh, 15 minutes until  I can test my changes.
03:06.28ckknightwhat's the addon do?
03:06.35NinwaHas anyone here used GetBattlefieldScore()? Well right now a whole lot of nothing.
03:06.39Ktronanyone know anything about 'Dart Frog's? I think they are like Prairie Chickens, but I'm not sure and I kind of wihs I knew how people get them
03:06.41NinwaI'm real new like I said, so I'm just tinkering.
03:06.56ckknightNinwa, hyperChipmunk and I wrote a bg/pvp library
03:07.02ckknightfeel free to use it
03:07.06ckknighthas a lot of shiny features
03:07.20NinwaIt on curse?
03:07.31NinwaI ask that in irc chan.
03:07.35NinwaPardon my manners. :p
03:07.40ckknightI should hope so
03:07.40Cairennit's okay
03:07.48ckknightit's in the New & Updated part now
03:07.54ckknightI should upload the new version
03:08.10ckknightthe published has a bug <cough>chipmunk's fault</cough>
03:08.27NinwaYou guys catch wind of the fanciful get-kicked-from-raid bug?
03:08.33NinwaYay blizzard.
03:08.39ckknightI just recommend getting it from
03:08.40Cairennyup, already been reported
03:08.58NinwaYeah, I was somewhat proud of myself for earning -2 DKP today.
03:09.09NinwaKicked one of our members out of our raid during Viscidus on accident just to kind of test what I thought might've done it.
03:09.14ckknightNinwa, I wrote out API codumentation, so it should be easy to use
03:09.25Ninwackk, awesome, I'll be checking it out for sure.
03:09.46NinwaLike documentation, I guess.
03:09.52ckknightsorry, my lysdexia
03:09.57NinwaI thought it was a clever combination of documentation and code.
03:10.08ckknightwell, there are examples for every method
03:10.31KirovI was thinking it was documentation for safe sex
03:12.02NinwaMm, that's something I never considered. How do packages and dependencies work in Lua? How the heck do I import your library?
03:12.16NinwaI guess they write online documentation on that sort of thing, huh?
03:12.26ckknightNinwa, it's in the documentation.
03:12.33ckknightyou just put GloryLib.lua in the folder
03:12.35ckknightadd it to the toc
03:12.42NinwaEasy as pie.
03:12.48ckknightthen you use it by doing local glory = GloryLib:GetInstance('1.0')
03:13.14Ninwathen all methods would be glory:IDoStuff() ?
03:13.52ckknightoh, be sure to add `## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: GloryLibDB` to your toc
03:14.18Ninwathat delimited by commas or spaces in the toc
03:14.22NinwaI have another thing in there atm
03:14.43NinwaI guess ill find out
03:14.49ckknightI think
03:14.53ckknightI dunno
03:18.52NinwaSo I found out. :)
03:18.57IrielWhere's tem when you need him?
03:19.02NinwaSay, anyone else have login failure when trying to log in the forum all day?
03:19.22Cairennis it renewal day for you?
03:19.29NinwaI know I'm not entering my information wrong, I remember doing that once for three hours straight and I thought the forums were down, its not the case this time though!
03:19.38NinwaI felt pretty stupid after that.
03:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
03:20.15Cairennis it renewal day for you?
03:20.26Cairennand speak of the devil ... hi Tem
03:20.28TemCairenn: don't help that guy
03:20.29Ninwawell it's on ato-renewel
03:20.31Temhe wa annoying
03:20.36Cairennninwa, doesn't matter
03:20.48NinwaMayhaps, I don't know.
03:20.48Cairennif it's renewal day, you won't be able to log in
03:20.54TemNinwa: yeah, doesn't matter
03:20.56Cairenncheck your account status
03:20.57NinwaLet me see if that's the case.
03:20.59Temyou can still log in to the game
03:21.13Tembut it puts you in billing purgatory as far as forum posting
03:21.26NinwaTem comes out of nowhere and knows exactly what we're talking about.
03:21.38TemI was in billing purgatory yesterday
03:21.42Cairennmind you, forums are down right now anyway
03:21.44Temprobably a good thing too
03:21.59CairennTem: do I ask?
03:22.05TemI was going to post a reply to a "attn: Saien" thread
03:22.26Temthey had asked something like "Are you still supporting this addon?"
03:22.29NinwaHah, I'll be damned.
03:22.37Ninwa4/22/06   $14.99 USD  1 Month Recurring  
03:22.41Temmy reply was something alone the lines of "Since when does saien support anything?"
03:22.43Cairennthat's why
03:22.47OsagasuThere you do, Ninwa.
03:22.47NinwaMakes sense.
03:23.02Cairennyou'll be able to log in tomorrow after your billing goes through
03:23.14Cairennyou'll face it once a month, same as the rest of us
03:23.34not_awakecewpt me
03:23.36NinwaI guess I'd just never noticed it before, I don't post every day so it's likely...
03:23.47Cairennnot_awake: yeah, well, you're just special
03:23.48NinwaOh yeah? Why are you the exception? :]
03:23.58not_awakecause i'm special!
03:24.10Temprobably has a longer renewal
03:24.10Cairennbecause he worked for Blizz hence has lifetime free access :p
03:24.13NinwaI suppose I'll just have to buy another account and stagger their renewels.
03:24.22Temgood lord man
03:24.33Temyou need to go back to a nick that I can recognize
03:24.39Temthis hiding crap is getting to me
03:24.53Osagasuoh, its Karl
03:24.53NinwaI had a friend who was a GM at blizzard but got fired for suspicious activity.
03:24.54IrielIf you use game cards you're immune to the renewal lurgy
03:25.03NinwaOh, hi Karl.
03:25.10NinwaAre you the same Karl I was talking to earlier?
03:25.17OsagasuI didn't know you worked for Blizzard
03:25.25mei dont
03:25.36OsagasuSo Cair was being silly?
03:25.39Osagasuor were you?
03:25.40mei did
03:25.44Temhe used to work for blizzard
03:25.46hyperChipmunkhe works for light flurries
03:25.48Temin the *past*
03:25.48cladhairethis is the greatest conversation
03:25.51NinwaNobody was curious about my GM friend, hehe.
03:25.51OsagasuWell that's why I said worked
03:26.03NinwaWhat'd you do at Blizzard me?
03:26.12mebreak things
03:26.19hyperChipmunksame thing
03:26.19Osagasuhehe, QA alright
03:26.20Ninwayou did a fine job if I do say so...
03:26.33mei try
03:26.38Osagasuhe did it when he worked there and he still doed it today
03:26.59mei got to zealous and broke a hole in their firewall tho, they didn't liek that
03:27.28Ninwano, they're pretty hardcore on their watching of their employees :)
03:27.31OsagasuNo, I don't suppose they would
03:27.57OsagasuO, the windows Firewall gave me hell this other day. I ended up having to turn it off
03:28.07NinwaWhy do you need to run it!?
03:28.17OsagasuWell I never bothered turning it off
03:28.22Osagasumore trouble than it was worth
03:28.31ScytheBlade1I have windows firewall forcibly disabled. You can't enable it anymore.
03:28.43NinwaI'm normal. I simply disabled it.
03:28.46OsagasuBut it prevented me from hosting Warcraft 3 games, which was teh suck
03:28.57CairennNinwa: so, why did your GM friend get fired?
03:29.17NinwaSo apparently he was bored one day
03:29.24Ninwaand GM's can look at monsters loot before they drop it
03:29.27Ninwaso the idiot was going around barrens
03:29.38Ninwatrying to find a deviate delight recipe
03:29.39Ninwa"for fun"
03:29.49Ninwahe didn't kill them
03:29.53Ninwahe was just on his own personal scavenger hunt
03:30.01OsagasuWhy didn't he just spawn one? o.O
03:30.13NinwaI don't know, he's not very smart.
03:30.16NinwaNow he's in cali trying to find jobs
03:30.24Ninwasince he moved there for the GM job
03:30.28menot so much fun i can teel you
03:30.40NinwaI havn't talked to him in awhile, but he was my free interview at Blizzard
03:30.43Ninwathe bastard :(
03:31.11OsagasuIf I work at a game company, I'm staying outside of the programming rooms unless its to look at the stuff I would have to sign my NDA for. :P
03:32.22NinwaI want to go more into the project management aspect
03:32.35Osagasu<---network administration and security
03:32.52mei would have loved to be doing coding at blizz
03:33.18NinwaAny comment on whether or not Blizz actually has an "in-house" raiding team? ;]
03:33.23OsagasuI can barefly make a program that sorts by age
03:33.29meyes, they do
03:33.36OsagasuThey say time and time again that they do
03:33.46menightshift QA has 40+
03:33.48NinwaI could do that job, it sounds like loads of fun, too.
03:34.04OsagasuYou get the broken encounters and you don't get to show off the loot
03:34.07Osagasuhow's that fun?
03:34.36OsagasuAlthough saying you were the first group to down said raid boss would be awesome
03:34.46Osagasuthough I doubt they would allow it
03:34.48meit is fun, but it can get boring after a while. and the checklists are a drag
03:35.20NinwaI can just see it being a huge room with 40 desks and a huge whiteboard outlining the strategy to kill the boss and gettin gto test all kinds of strange strategies players might come up with
03:35.25mei would have liked to have been making tools to autimate the testing rather than doing the grunt work
03:35.41Ninwa"this time, we try and kill the boss using 40 goblin sapper charges, go!"
03:35.47Ninwahehe :)
03:35.51meit's a room of cubicals and everone yells
03:35.56Ninwano ventrilo!?
03:36.03mein a room? no
03:36.06NinwaHaha, Bob in Isle four: "HEAL ME!?"
03:36.15NinwaSally in cubical six: "SHIT OUT OF MANA"
03:36.18mesometimes they TS
03:36.34memostly just LAN party style
03:36.58mebut they only do raids like once or twice a week. less than most guilds
03:37.23OsagasuWell they have to do an instance time and time again to get to the end
03:37.44NinwaI'd love to sit in on one of those QA sessions
03:37.48Ninwajust to observe
03:38.21Ninwado they have a group hug when they kill a boss? pizza on blizzard everytime an encounter is done :p
03:38.38meit's fun, no doubt. but it's still a job. and it requires probably less creativitiy than playing on retail
03:38.40KirovSo, my compass wiggles when you're healed or take damage
03:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
03:40.22Ninwadangit, deserter buff again!
03:40.29NinwaI need a BG Sandbox.
03:40.34Kirov - this
03:40.40Kirovplaying with it
03:41.13Ninwathat's kind of a paradox though, technically it's against the rules of a BG to not fight... so how the heck am I supposed to write/test mods involving BG's? Grr blizzard.
03:42.55Ninwaand as far as creativity, not so certain about that... once a strategy is released people just copy it and practice to win
03:43.06Ninwathere are only like a couple of dozen of guilds "on the bleeding edge"
03:56.41TemNinwa: do AV
03:57.10Ninwatem, that's what I was... I would alt tab though and tinker for 5 minutes come back and ka-blam, deserter :(
03:57.17Ninwaneed to be more careful is all
03:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
03:57.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
03:57.54Cairennhey Kaelten
03:58.50Kaeltenhows it goin?
03:59.23NinwaWhy, you're a tall one!
03:59.35Kaeltenif you say so
04:00.26norgannayour name sounds kinda elfish i guess :)
04:00.49Kaeltenhehe, ya when I read the info on the expansion and that guy being named Kael' something nother
04:01.14norgannaand how about that new server called norgannon
04:01.55Kaeltenworst part is it'll look like we copied them, unless the person knows better
04:01.57norgannaevery time i scroll a page somewhere and it mentions that server i do a double-take
04:02.23norgannanah - i believe there's a guy called norgannon in the lore somewhere
04:02.25Cairennnight clad|sleep
04:02.37Kaeltenthats cool
04:03.40norgannablizzard should name things after their favourite mod authors tho... how good would that be :P
04:03.52Kaeltenheh,  they'd never name anything again
04:04.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
04:04.18KirovAll we'd have is "Iriel" items
04:06.15Ninwatotally ot, but nothing makes me happier than using a frost reflector on an AP/Trinket frostbolt.
04:06.55Cairennnight all
04:07.26methey named something after me...
04:07.32meoh wait.. i stole it..
04:14.36IrielFor anyone who wants a look
04:14.59menifty features?
04:15.10IrielWell, it mostly works
04:15.13Irielthat's a nifty feature
04:15.28hyperChipmunkbreaking new ground here, are we?
04:15.31zeeganone recommend a decent digi cam, compact but good res pics for a good price
04:16.44IrielhyperChipmunk : Well, more that i've implemented something we've been talking about for some time
04:17.00hyperChipmunkwoah woah, one step at a time ;)
04:17.31hyperChipmunknaw, I kid.  looks interesting
04:18.10zeegHere are the Tight Budget Cameras
04:18.11zeegMost Popular with Our Readers
04:18.13zeegthe first 2
04:18.14zeegare over $300
04:18.44IrielMy camera was about $5000, new, so it's a matter of perspective 8-)
04:19.26TainI don't even know how much I've spent on my camera since I got it.
04:19.30hyperChipmunkthere a non-ugly way to pull an itemid from a container frame?
04:19.30memine was liek $100 3 yrs ago
04:19.32TainLenses are just so addictive.
04:19.49IrielTain: That they are
04:19.55zeegmines just for taking photographs on trips and stuff
04:19.58zeegi think ill buy that
04:20.09IrielThere's something very satisfying about a solid piece of glass/metal
04:20.09hyperChipmunkheck, an ugly one is fine too, if that's all ya got >8)
04:20.23TainIriel: My latest was buying a new flash though.
04:20.50hyperChipmunkif ((not WarmupFrame) or (frame ~= WarmupFrame)) then
04:22.11IrielOn-camera or an external strobe?
04:26.04TainOn-camera but wireless capabilities to trigger off-camera as well.
04:27.08TainI have a Nikon D70 body, this is a Nikon SB-800 flash, with color filters.
04:27.17TainAnd diffusor.
04:27.49IrielAre the color filters strong or subtle? I've not played with filtered flashes at all
04:28.04IrielI have a Nikon D1X body, and I think an SB-28 flash (biut i'd have to check)
04:28.46TainI haven't tried the filters yet at all, they're not overly strong and I'm not 100% sure if they're better than simply adjusting the lighting balance in post-processing shooting RAW.
04:29.15TainThe diffuser is nice though, makes for a much less harsh flash.
04:29.52IrielYeah, helps take the edge of shadows somewhat too
04:30.20TainYeah it really does, and just being able to angle the flash makes a huge difference.
04:32.49norgannai have a nice 50mm f1.4 lens that I use... most of the time I don't need a flash
04:33.15IrielI mostly shoot outdoors so avoid the flash thing altogether
04:33.55TainOh I wanted the f1.4, I ended up picking up a 50mm 1.8 that I use most of the time because it was 1/3 the price.
04:34.53IrielThose guys ended up inspiring me to get an external strobe too, but I haven't gotten many good shots with it yet
04:35.06TainNice. :)
04:35.10norgannai tried the 1.8, but it was so light and stuff... the 1.4 has a nice weight to it plus i got it from a HK supplier via ebay and it was only about 2x the price
04:35.45norgannaarrived in 2 days as well which was way faster than the month the local camera store was citing
04:35.51Cairenn|sleepokay, really going to bed now, night folks
04:35.56norgannanite ciar
04:36.02norgannacair even :P
04:36.09TainI have a few things I've put up but haven't worked on the gallery in a while, just starting to get back to lookin at what I've taken.
04:36.14Cairenn|sleeps'okay, I read typo ;)
04:36.20TainNite nite Cairenn.
04:38.28Kaeltennight guys
04:38.31Kaeltensee you all tommorow
04:51.16ckknightanyone know how to do <TitleRegion setAllPoints="true"/> in lua?
04:53.55IrielWe can't
04:54.02Irielit's on the 1.11 gripe list already
04:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
04:59.19norgannaTain: some of my photos:
04:59.52IrielI like the night time cityscape
05:00.43IrielThere's the most recent (but very out of date) of my galleries
05:03.19norgannaI like all the birds and animal shots - some really nice ones in there
05:03.46norgannaI just generally take pictures of things that don't move (or my kids)
05:04.17IrielI dont end up taking many pictures of people unless i'm specifically asked to
05:04.19Irielnot sure why really
05:04.52Cairenn|sleepor when it'll embarrass the hell out of them :p
05:05.04IrielCairenn|sleep : Hush you 8-)
05:05.07meyou're not sleeping..
05:07.41Cairenn|sleepI am so!
05:09.47norgannaMaybe she's sleep-typing
05:10.08IrielAnd speaking of sleep, I need a lot of it, starting now, so I'll be off too
06:02.58*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
06:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
06:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:49.36Elkanogood (whatever) :)
06:50.36Ninwa2:50 AM here
06:50.55Elkanowell 8:50AM for me :)
06:51.09NinwaCrazy other-side-of-the-oceaners.
06:51.15NinwaThem and their time warping devices.
06:52.18Elkanowe've always been ahead of time ;)
06:53.06Temat least you're not on the other side of the date line
06:53.15Temthose people live in tomorrow
06:54.07Elkanoor was it yesterday? ;)
06:56.35wereHamsterwe  are always one step ahead :-P
06:59.31Elkanobtw: does anyone have an idea why I started to write an addon I can't test? (CooldownFu)
06:59.54Corrodiasbecause i've learned a lesson in my life, so far:
07:00.18Corrodiassometimes, you can motivate people to do a project well by taking the initiative and doing it badly.
07:02.47Ninwaright now my dream project is some sort of in-game raid calandering system
07:02.58NinwaI was thinking of maybe using guild notes for it
07:03.05Ninwait'd be crazy. ._.
07:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:05.27Ninwasomeone should code it for me
07:05.30Ninwaso I can take all of the credit
07:05.51Ktronhey everyone
07:06.22Ktronhow goes the night?
07:06.42Ninwaeverpassing, as usual. need not fret though, for it'll return in approximately 24 hours.
07:12.36Elkano<3 SecondsToTime
07:12.53KtronElkano, what's that do?
07:14.58ElkanoConverts a number of seconds into a localized, user readable timespan.
07:17.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
07:21.46Ninwaand if I failed horribly at math right there its 3:21 AM :(
07:22.47Ninwayep. definitely failed.
07:23.38Elkanowell, only two cats, so day/hour, hour/min, min/sec
07:24.12Ninwawhere's SecondsToFortnights though
07:25.12Ninwanothing, was a silly joke :)
07:27.19Elkanohow about SecondsToParsec? ;)
07:29.12Wobin_Parsec is a distance measurement though, isn't it? =P
07:29.44Wobin_So you can't really convert it =P
07:30.01Elkanoit is, but remember StarWars where Han Solo did a space race in under x parsec ;)
07:31.13Elkanowrt item cooldown: are there cooldowns that will only cool when you're loged in?
07:32.02NinwaI want to say yes, but nothing immediately comes to mind.
07:32.36Kirov - is there a particular name for the ring on this?
07:32.50Kirovthe one that would be used to attach to a chain
07:33.12NinwaI think ring would suffice.
07:33.14Elkanoif this is the case I will need to add a list of tracked items with cooldown... otherways I can say 'everything with a cooldown of 1hr+'
07:34.13Ninwayou know there are already a gaglilion cooldown watchers right? check out their code and see how they handled that :p
07:34.51Elkanowell, most of them do it based on name... sth I always try to avoid :)
07:42.18KirovYou can see what name they use and then find it on alla
07:51.32Elkanomy main problem will be that I don't have any of the trade skills nor items that are normaly tracked :/
07:59.50norgannaniote all
08:12.34*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:20.20Elkanomorning hamster :)
08:23.10Elkanolol, I just found a posting I made over half a year ago wrt tradeskill cooldown ^^
08:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:58.59wereHamsterOnUpdate scripts are not invoked during zoning, right?
09:01.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:01.37Elvisodoes anyone have a table of class colors I could borrow? (like mage= light blue, hunter = green, etc)
09:05.26Elkanoblizzard does :)
09:05.49KirovIt's in their Fonts.xml
09:08.49Elvisooh cool, thx
09:09.12krka|workoh nice
09:09.15krka|workdidn't know that
09:09.25krka|workthat's what ctraid and stuff uses?
09:11.00krka|workomg priest is imba white
09:11.22krka|workpriest is best in all three color schools
09:11.30krka|worknerf priest r
09:13.10*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:46.55mewhat're they hotfixing with restarts tonight?
09:50.54ckknightwhat do people think of ?
09:51.12Kirovcomplete crap
09:51.13Kirovscrap it
09:51.25KirovThat tauren has to go
09:51.46ckknightthat was just rude
09:51.56KirovI'd get rid of the title bar
09:52.04KirovJust print it at the top of the thing
09:52.51zenzelezzI think it looks nice, but personally I would appreciate a small line separating the single-repair and the "both" option
09:53.10ckknightzen, there's 3 different buttons
09:53.17ckknightby clicking the title bar, you can drag it around, Kirov
09:53.46Kirovckknight - *shrug* people can still click on the title
09:53.48zenzelezzah, didn't read it... makes sense then
09:54.44KirovIt also feels like a lot of empty space
09:55.08ckknightit has to be big enough to notice
09:55.10zenzelezzit's not like you'll be having it on-screen for long
09:55.20ckknightyou click a button, it repairs and closes
09:55.38mepersonally i'd rather just have a mod that auto-repairs when i visit someone who can
09:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
09:56.38metho it might be nice if the titan repair list had a single line for cost of repairing everything in your bags
09:58.30Elkano~slap id`
09:58.31purlACTION slaps id`, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
09:58.47Elkanocool, it worked :)
09:59.11Elkanobtw: garfield, coder of FriendsFu, isn't running around in this chan, is he?
09:59.16id`~give Elkano a chocolate chip cookie
09:59.18purlACTION gives a chocolate chip cookie to Elkano
09:59.30id`you win teh prize!
10:00.56Elkano~give me another cookie
10:00.59purlACTION gives another cookie to elkano
10:01.19Elkanook, me won't get any cookies from purl :(
10:02.32me~slap me
10:02.34purlACTION slaps me, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
10:02.59mesilly purl
10:03.17Elkano~slap himself
10:03.18purlACTION slaps himself, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
10:03.37Elkanoha, he felt for it :)
10:03.50me~cookie Elkano
10:04.44mewtf is wrong with purl..
10:05.59krka|work~purl wtf
10:06.05krka|work~wtf purl
10:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr31364@
10:08.08meis there anything that has autocomplete of words in ah?
10:09.26KasoAnyone know if the Group kick Bug was fixed in this maintaince in US?
10:11.20id`whats the max number of tradeskills one can have?
10:11.20id`and shapeshifts?
10:12.22krka|workwhy do you need to know?
10:12.52id`Making a concept of a button bar mod
10:13.55id`ckknight: Hmm, theres more users here so ill continue here :P
10:14.27id`Would it be better to show all the buttons or only as much as you have, when you enable the aspect bar or the tradeskill bar
10:14.46Wobin_maximum tradeskills?
10:14.52id`buttons not used would be empty, but if all are shown you can build your interface around it knowing it will not grow
10:14.53Wobin_Lets see... enchanting has two
10:14.55Wobin_Mining has two
10:15.00Wobin_so... four?
10:15.01Elvisome: that'd be nice
10:15.10ElvisoI'm stuck on AHFavorites though
10:15.15Wobin_Not sure about blacksmithing
10:15.16id`Wobin_: and fishing and cooking
10:15.21id`blacksmithing has 2
10:15.24id`so 6
10:15.35id`omi :-)
10:15.47Wobin_what does blacksmithing have?
10:15.54id`smelting and smithing
10:16.00id`or was that mining...
10:16.06Wobin_I thought that was mining
10:16.10memining is smelting
10:16.15id`well 6 anyway :-)
10:16.47Elvisoid`, seen this?
10:16.50Elvisomight help
10:17.03id`I think ill make shapeshifts, aspects and stances in one bar
10:17.26id`Elviso: yes seen them, there are more of those by the same author :-)
10:17.37Elvisook, j/c :)
10:19.37ElvisoI hate when authors dont document what configuration options there are
10:19.50Elvisoyou either have to download & install or look at their code
10:20.26id`its hard to find a good way of showing the 'tree' of options of the slash commands
10:22.07ElvisoI realise addons are free and all
10:22.24Elvisobut like, would you buy a microwave that all it said on the box was "LOTS OF FEATURES"
10:24.15ckknightid`, why not make them dynamically created?
10:29.41id`yeah im looking at all options
10:30.10id`ill create them dynamically anyway, but I'm not sure wether to show them all if they are not filled or not
10:30.31id`like i said; if i do ill know it wont grow bigger and i can start building the ui around it
10:30.45id`if i dont things might start overlapping later
10:47.11id` pet buttons are going to be relatively large?
10:49.52id`as large as normal action buttons
10:53.13id`these 'stacks' is where you can move a bar to.
10:53.20id`then you can swap them around in places
10:53.48[MoonWolf]less concept more code.
10:54.00[MoonWolf]and I hope they will be scalable.
10:54.17id`Im at work moon
10:54.30[MoonWolf]that never stopped me from coding.
10:54.42id`doesnt sotp me either, but i work...
10:56.19Elvisohow ironic, my mp3 player on random goes from a Sublime interview to a Galaxie by Blind Melon
10:58.07medamnit... i just had a hawt idea for a programming utility... now it's gonna consume my life and make me learn a new programming language or two untill i get it written..
11:00.49id`me: shoot :D
11:01.21mei hate it when this happens.... it means i'm not gonna sleep for a month
11:02.13mewhy's this gotta happen durring the school yr when i have projects to do and tests to study for..
11:02.28mewhy cant it happen when i'm sitting around on my ass all summer
11:02.42Elkanoho MoonWolf :)
11:03.10ElkanoWould it be possible to add the fearie (?) items to PT/Mendelev?
11:04.20Elkanockknight, I've got a problem... I con't get my plugin safe the data I set in fullData :/
11:04.40ckknightI don't understnd
11:05.09ckknightis that supposed to be save instead of safe?
11:05.20Elkanooh... yes *ups*
11:05.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
11:06.24Elkanoany of these things wrong?
11:06.25Elkanodb            = AceDatabase:new("CooldownFuDB"),
11:06.32Elkano## SavedVariables: CooldownFuDB
11:07.06Elkanoself.fullData.cooldowns[chara][skillName] = (bla)
11:07.14ckknightokay, I'll look into it
11:07.25Elkanoit's working for the session but after relog it's gone
11:08.02meyou know what's really hawt at my school...
11:08.35KalrothKarl, I was expecting pictures of chicks :(
11:09.27menope, mostly asian anyway. Instead we have a 5x10 tiled wall of 23" Apple cinima displays
11:11.04memy bad
11:11.11methey're 30"
11:11.28me"The fifty 30-inch Apple Cinema Displays yield a total display resolution of 200 megapixels, breaking the previous 100-megapixel world record ? by doubling it."
11:14.14methey're still trying to get steaming video with that much resolution... can't even do it with curent gigabit ethernet technology
11:14.40ckknightElkano, appears to be working for me
11:15.30methere's gonna be student research this summer on writing software to allow a system similar to bittorrent only one a much larger bandwidth scale for processing the data and transfering it at real time
11:15.36Elkanohmmm... does changing toc need a full relogin?
11:15.44meyes, exit game
11:16.35Elkanodamn... I was loged into a friends account for testing since I don't have any trade skills with cooldown :/
11:16.47Elkanobut he left so I can't relog :/
11:17.19ckknighttoc changes need relog
11:17.23ckknightfully exit the game
11:17.51ckknightalso, you may want to save in realmData instead of fullData
11:17.53ckknightfor what you're doing
11:17.59Elkanobtw: in the example you are saving the wrong variable
11:18.01ckknightactually, no
11:18.03ckknightI dunno
11:18.08ckknightI am?
11:18.12ckknightwhich example?
11:18.24ElkanoFuBar_ExampleFuDB instead of ExampleFuDB
11:18.42ckknightmy bad
11:19.04krka|workme, what's your programming utility
11:19.37KalrothI bet Karl uses wordpad and syntax colours his code manually
11:20.09ckknightfixed, Elkano
11:20.15mei program on a mac and make use of Smultron which has syntax coloring, but isn't an ide
11:20.45meit's not copywritten yet krka, i can't tell you
11:20.47ckknightyou're saving cooldown info about characters, be sure to have their realm as part of their id, so that you don't overwrite one realm's character with another's.
11:21.06mei need to make money and become rich so i can program whatever i want
11:21.14Elkanosome more errors, ck, this time in api.html: FuBarUtils.FormatDurationFull [returns] A colored string showing the amount of gold, silver, and copper.
11:23.24meomg, if you've never used Apple's InterfaceBuilder... you're definitely missing out
11:23.25Elkanoalso you're missing some close tags in this file
11:24.00meit makes me want to make a cool app just so I can make a sexy interface in like 5 min
11:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
11:38.39Kalrothme: apple is like a blonde, pretty interface, but empty inside!
11:45.13JoshBorkeanyone know of an addon that does guild statistics?
11:45.24meoh btw krka... i jsut found an xml plist of the lua syntax..
11:45.27JoshBorkeie, number of toons within a level range or in a class
11:46.11ckknightJoshBorke, I know GuildFu can filter guildies like that
11:47.10krka|workhm me?
11:47.35meprolly not important or anything you don't know
11:48.12mewas looking at the Smultron source and found an xml with lua syntax highlighting info. but you're got it all i think
11:49.24krka|workyeah, let me know if i missed anything
11:50.25krka|workheh, smultron, hallon and lingon
11:50.27methink i'm gonna have to learn objective-c
11:51.27Kalrothkrka|work: got a screenshot?!
11:51.35krka|workof what?
11:51.44Kalrothkrka|work: your editor
11:52.08krka|worki haven't made any editor, but i've made a highlighter that you can plug into any editor
11:52.19krka|worki have a screenshot of how it looks with LuaSlinger though
11:53.04krka|worki wonder if i could make it show matching pairs
11:53.53krka|work(if the cursor is on "then", highlight that + the matching "else","elseif" or "end"
11:54.02krka|worksame for parens and brackets
11:54.07krka|workthat would be kinda cool
11:54.10Kalrothbracketmatching ftw!
11:55.13menow we need function and table minimization
11:56.23mei have faith
11:56.36meand you've always been one for a challenge
11:56.46meand i have a limitless supply of challenges
11:57.57Kalrothpoor krka
12:10.06mei love editing code in a language i don't know to see if it'll work :)
12:12.19KasoAnyone know if the Group kick bug was fixed in today's Maintaince in US?
12:12.38meno maint yet. jsut a hotfix
12:13.22memaint is tomorrow
12:13.33meit's 5am
12:13.38Kasooh, thought it was on tuedays for US
12:13.43meit is
12:13.43Kasooh fuck
12:13.45Kasoits monday :>
12:13.47meit's monday
12:13.50Kasoha ha
12:14.49KasoYou say it was hotfixed though?
12:15.28mesomething was hotfixed, they didn't tell us what
12:16.40KalrothThey probably hotfixed it, too many people abused it
12:17.04zenzelezzwhat bug was this?
12:17.12KalrothThe worst part is that you don't get any indications before you see the "teleporting in 59 seconds" window
12:17.21Kalrothzenzelezz: you can kick anyone from a party
12:17.28Kalrothyou don't even have to be in the part or instance
12:17.42Kalrothit's silly simple too ><
12:18.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
12:18.26Josh_Borkegood morning :-)
12:18.35meya, one of our grps got kicked from our bwl raid while on razergore, including our mind controller today
12:18.36Kalrothmoin Josh!
12:26.59KasoHow do i get the Master Looter's identity when he isnt in my group _,ML=GetLootMethod() returns nill
12:28.26krka|workshort answer: you don't
12:28.26Kasothat sucks :<
12:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
12:57.48wereHamsterI think there is a race condition with OnHide and OnUpdate
12:57.57Kalrothhej Cide
13:00.32wereHamster <= here you see that the last OnShow() has been called 144seconds ago, OnHide() 0.008 seconds ago and OnUpdate() totally ~2600 times since the last OnShow(), The frame should be hidden now.. and yet the OnUpdate script is executed
13:01.33KalrothwereHamster: you all wiped!
13:02.02wereHamsterit's not me..
13:02.20wereHamstervery few players can reproduce the bug :(
13:02.54Kalrothcan't you just check the visibility state of the frame in OnUpdate()?
13:03.44wereHamsterwho says that :IsVisble() reports the correct value? I can't trust the UI/frame engine anymore
13:09.26hyperChipmunkI'm sorry, engine...we really had something going, I think, but...I really don't feel that I can't trust you anymore.  It's not you, I's me...
13:10.26wereHamsterIs it safe to assume that this will never print out anything: ?
13:11.14Josh_Borkehrm, i get the feeling this is a trick question :-(
13:11.33krka|workshould be safe
13:12.26wereHamsterok.. in one or two days I'll[probably post a screenshot that proves otherwise..
13:14.03Elvisoso am I missing something, or is there no way to copy one table to another table (or portions of)?
13:15.49wereHamstera={1,2,3,4,5}; b={}; for k,v in a do b[k]=v end
13:16.05Elvisough, that's what I was doing
13:16.19Elvisowas hoping there'd be an easier way.....that SUCKS for nested tables
13:16.48Josh_Borkesomeone should write an embedded lib for table operations :D
13:16.58Elvisommmmmm sexxxy
13:17.01wereHamsterAce has functions for table copying
13:17.09Josh_Borkethen hurry up and embed ace :D
13:17.10Maldiviaif you want to copy a table, that's about the only way
13:17.22Elkanoelviso, write a function that would do so and call it recursively if your value is a table
13:17.33wereHamsteror you can write a simple function and call it recursively
13:17.43Elvisoyeah, it's just cumbersome and stupid it has to be done like that
13:17.50Elvisoa simply table.copy is all I ask for
13:19.24wereHamsterfunction table.copy(src) local dest = {}; for k,v in src do if (type(v)=="table) then dest[k] = table.copy(v) else dest[k] = v end return dest end
13:19.44id`function tCopy(tbl,tbl2) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v)=='table' then tCopy(tbl[k],tbl1[k])
13:19.46wereHamsterthere is one '"' missing..
13:19.47id`damn beat me
13:20.06Maldiviaif type(v) == "table" and type(v[0]) ~= "userdata" then
13:20.32id`hey Maldivia, im using 15.4 MB of ram atm :-)
13:20.34wereHamsterid, your version is better if the user wants to provide his own destination table
13:20.37id`well. last time i logged in
13:20.47Maldiviato avoid making copies of frames
13:22.18wereHamstertablecopy from Ace:
13:23.09id`i dont understna the getn setn part
13:23.32MaldiviaPersonally, I think there should be a check for UI-elements, since you normally don't want to copy those, instead you want to reference the same object
13:24.58wereHamstergo to #wowace and port it there :)
13:25.23Maldiviawell, it's just to add the type(v[0]) ~= "userdata" check
13:25.47Maldiviaid`: 15.4 MB... hmm, I can't get that low :)
13:26.09Maldiviaid: my item db alone takes up that much memory :9
13:33.13id`containing what
13:33.30Maldiviafull tooltip scan of 32000 items :)
13:33.51[MoonWolf]well yeah, that is asking for it.
13:33.54id`what are you using it for?
13:34.25Maldiviaingame item search - and previous I controlled our raid point system for my guild
13:36.32id`Maldivia: Did you ever take a look at Elkano's ItemDB ?
13:36.54id`picture the AH frame
13:37.05id`witha ll items your client knows about
13:37.25Maldiviaseen scrrenshots then
13:37.29id`and search and filters etc
13:37.40id`well i dunno but that doesnt use RAM
13:38.31[MoonWolf]uses the local item cache in a clever way.
13:38.35Maldiviait does use mem, but not as much, since all the info is stored in the item cache
13:39.08Maldiviamy addon does the same thing, but also have scans of all other items, that I currently do not have in the wdc
13:40.05id`And you only have it loaded when you need to, right?
13:40.43Maldiviawell, I have it loaded all the time, since I use it constantly :9
13:41.01wereHamsterwhat do the item databases save besides of the info that is already available through game tooltips?
13:41.38id`SO why dont you just alt tab
13:42.07MaldiviaBecause that's too slow, and you can't link item from the outside :)
13:42.13id`if it saves you 15MB of ram usage
13:42.30id`But you cant link items you dont know about yourself
13:42.43wereHamsteronly saving itemIDs and do a timed ingame tooltip check (like every OnUpdate scan x items) would save a lot memory.. if you don't need the itemdb that much
13:42.45id`(you said those are in the db too)
13:43.03id`then you could just as well use ItemDB
13:43.09Maldiviabuty why would I want to save 15MB...
13:43.23ElkanoMoonwolf, could you do me a favour and add the faire items to PT?
13:43.58id`because not doing so is like kicking bends in the wheel of your bycicle because you like to ride bumpy
13:44.34Elkanoand would it be possible to have the skills using an items shown as with ReagentInfo? (colored like in the traidskill frame and treestyle to show which items could be made based on that)
13:44.45Maldiviait's like having a 200GB harddrive, but only using 10GB, because you're affraid it will run slower if you use 15GB ?
13:44.51id`Maldivia: do you have 4GB of ram or something
13:45.03KalrothI got 3GB!
13:45.13ElkanoI got 512 :/
13:45.16id`Well i have 1GB and when i start wow i have 100MB left
13:45.41Elvisoid`, are you running alot of other stuff too I hope?
13:45.43MaldiviaI have around 100MB free aswell, with WoW + 5-6 other programs running
13:46.00id`Elviso: xp my mem watch util, minimal services, putty and WOW
13:46.09krka|worki have 512 and run wow just fine
13:46.13krka|worki can even have firefox running too
13:46.14krka|workand xchat
13:46.16Maldiviaand that's with 2-300MB assigned to windows file cache
13:46.16Elvisoyou shouldn't be using that
13:46.28ElvisoI have 1gb RAM, and I only use 1/2 of that with WoW running
13:46.48id`Elviso: i get your point
13:46.48Elvisoputty and all that other stuff is prob < 5mb
13:47.08ElvisoI dont see where its coming much does it say WoW uses?
13:47.16MaldiviaI only get in memory trouble, when firefox bugs out, and raises it's VM size to 2GB
13:47.16Elkanokrka, I can't, but my notebook has a slow harddrive
13:47.22id`it only says howmuch is free
13:47.39Elvisoif you have XP go to task manager
13:47.45id`... im at work
13:47.51Maldiviaid: that's because, by default Windows takes all free memory, and uses it for it's file cache
13:48.08Maldiviaor well, not all free memory, but most of it
13:48.28Elvisoyeah....and speaking of firefox, it's up to 87 mb used / 150mb VM size now
13:49.15id`well thats all nice
13:49.26id`when I use things like auctioneer
13:49.30id`and open up the auction
13:49.43id`or when i use DUF or DART or alike
13:49.59id`my wow freezes - and im sure yours does too - for 0.5 seconds, 2 at most
13:50.06id`because its loading all the data
13:50.25id`I dont want that
13:50.31Elvisothat's just CPU crunching probably...or graphic card working
13:50.41Maldiviawell, I don't really see that, because all this data is loaded when I'm logging in... so yes, my login time might take 5 seconds longer, but don't really care
13:50.42id`I use less memory because i CAN
13:50.59Kalrothit's not always that simple though, id
13:51.09Kalrothauctioneer has to save a lot of data
13:51.17ElvisoI just mentioned that about FFox, because I closed it, and reopened it with all the same tabs, and now it's using 45 mb / 35mb VM
13:51.21id`Kalroth: tah dah, my point
13:51.41MaldiviaElviso: yeah, Firefox has some weird memory issues sometimes
13:51.42Kalrothid`: well how would you fix it then? the ~1-2 secon freez
13:51.56id`Kalroth: not use it, or only use it with your AH char
13:51.57ElvisoMaldivia: it annoys the piss out of me!
13:52.14id`but if thats only a fraction of Maldivia's interface
13:52.19id`that goes for the rest of it too
13:52.40MaldiviaElviso: the 100-150VM size, not really an issue, but when it really bugs out (once every 2 weeks or so), and uses 2GB MEM, then it's annoying
13:53.20Maldiviamy WoW memory usage is around 40-60mb
13:53.25MaldiviaUI memory, that is
13:53.42ElvisoMaldivia, FFox's VM usage seems to grow at about 100-150mb per day.....not a prob for normal people, but I rarely reboot or close/reopen apps unless I have to
13:54.13MaldiviaElviso: yeah
13:56.11id`I guess theres something to say about it from both sides. But still, the people in #wowace prove time after time that things can be done Better(tm). (note me drawing a line to #wowace and not Ace)
13:57.27Kalrotheverything can be done better and/or improved, it's just the usual effort vs result formula
13:58.09id`Fontabulous, improvederrorframe, omni_cc, ace, aceGCInfo, AceGUI, AceLoot, AceTooltip, AceUnitFrames, AH_MailCollect, Catalyst, CompactLootFrames, CT_ShieldMod, DemonTrainerFrame, eCastingBar, EquipCompare, idAutoAttack, idChat
13:58.33id`idMinimap, InspectorAcr, ItemDB, Lexan, Melendeev, OneBag, PerfectRaid
13:58.55id`PerfectTooltip, PeriodicTable, Perl
13:59.26id`RankPercent, sct, SilverTrack, SpecialEvents, StopTheLagness, Timex, Tinypad, Visor, VisorButtons
13:59.28MaldiviaElviso: well, the less memory usage you see from restarting firefox, is not because if a memory leak, that's because you're clearing all the internal page caches
13:59.39[MoonWolf]Maldivia, my mem usage is half yours and I want it down!
13:59.48id`thats alot of addons
13:59.57[MoonWolf]id`, nope.
14:00.05[MoonWolf]I use double that easy.
14:00.12id`like what?
14:00.22id`i mean in terms of functionality
14:00.38Maldivia[MoonWolf]: I have memory to spare when WoW is running, so I don't see why I should lower the usage
14:00.51ElvisoMaldivia, I realize that.....but it doesn't make it OK :p FFox should put a time-out on their cache
14:01.11MaldiviaElviso: you can just disable them :)
14:01.25[MoonWolf]weapon swapper, information panel, recap, tooltip mover, tooltip formatter, bongos.
14:01.36[MoonWolf]combat log formatter.
14:01.40MaldiviaElviso: and the cache lives as long as the tab is open, especially the back-forth cache
14:02.03id`bongos -> visor, combat log -> sct, information panel -> /dev/null
14:02.22[MoonWolf]god that is one geeky sentence id` :P
14:02.27[MoonWolf]I use more.
14:02.33[MoonWolf]and I like the more.
14:02.40krka|workwe get it, your ePeen is bigger
14:02.53[MoonWolf]this has nothing to do with ePeen.
14:03.00id`I mean the fubar plugins guild friends money etc... how about opening your bag to see what you have? Making an addon to show it is just laziness.
14:03.05Kalrothkrka, actually I got more purplz, so my ePeen is biggest
14:03.09ElvisoMaldivia: disable? disable what aspect? I just checked and my page cache is set to 50mb...
14:03.30MaldiviaElviso: I'm not talking about disk cache
14:03.57[MoonWolf]I have transportfu, ammofu, moneyfu, time indicator, xp indicator, mini menu, bg information and recapfu
14:04.21Kalrothid, some people use an alternative bag mod where they can disable money etc
14:04.22[MoonWolf]those things allow me to remove things and save screen real estate.
14:04.23MaldiviaElviso: I'm talking about for instance the browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers setting
14:04.27Kalrothid, hence it'd be handy for them
14:04.46id`Kalroth: ok.
14:04.58Kalrothapart from that, people could put their gold 50 places on the screen, it's their UI :)
14:05.06Kalrothit's a plugin/addon, it's optional
14:05.16id`its more :P
14:05.34ElvisoMaldivia, that's set to -1 on mine....I assume that means it's disabled?
14:05.41Maldiviathat means auto-detect
14:05.48Maldivia0 is disabled
14:06.09ElvisoI just opened that page :)
14:06.58ElvisoMaldivia, it doesn't add up
14:07.19Elvisowith a setting of -1 and 1gb RAM, it should store 8 pages
14:07.29id` setups/WoWScrnShot_042206_193928.jpg
14:07.29Elvisothey quote "average" pages @ 4mb
14:07.42id`I could disable the 3d portraits, as those arent needed
14:07.49Elvisogoing to change it anyways
14:08.37MaldiviaElviso: well, that, and other caches can add up to a lot of mem
14:08.41id` setups/WoWScrnShot_041706_000619.jpg
14:09.09Kalrothspaces in urls ftl!
14:09.39Maldiviaid: setups/WoWScrnShot_041706_000619.jpg
14:09.45id`GUI irc clients with right click menus ftl
14:09.55Maldiviacopy pasting the wrong URL ftw :)
14:10.03Kalrothpasting correct urls ftw:
14:10.30id`*shrug* firefox understands it
14:10.45id`Maldivia: so you have 50% of your interface
14:11.53Maldiviawhen in raids, yeah - the UI takes up some space (I like to follow the health/mana of other players :)
14:13.19id`minimap +/- -> mousewheel, textures -> /dev/null, chat frame buttons -> mousewheel, clock -> if you really need it you could just display it in 8 characters..
14:13.44id`and i like the buffs :<
14:13.49krka|workniec ui there
14:13.57krka|workwhoever posted it
14:14.32Maldiviakrka: which of them ?
14:14.37Elvisosomeone yesterday said that minimizing FFox cut memory usage.....I said they were full of shit (in nicer terms)....
14:14.41krka|workthe one Kalroth pasted
14:14.42Maldiviaid: I like my textures :)
14:14.50Maldiviakrka: that's ids
14:14.56id`Maldivia: did you rescale the worldframe?
14:15.11id`ok, good
14:15.15Elvisobut, there's a config you can set to enable that option....but it's not default so you have to manually set's not in the options anywhere
14:15.34Maldiviawhich setting ?
14:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:17.47MiravlixGlobalStrings.lua is nice, it allows me to completely localize my addon, without needing a translator
14:18.12MiravlixI do have to gsub the GlobalStrings strings, since they use C syntax
14:19.01Elvisohrmmm FFox slated to be released 8/06 or so
14:19.13MiravlixYou can hide the portrait with a one line /script
14:19.26id`i mean the whole round thing
14:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
14:20.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:21.49id`<3 --^
14:22.24zenzelezzmirrored text?
14:22.35id`(16:18)  * id` wonders if i he could take the original unit frames, and in the middle mirror the right to the left, so theres only nice bars (they are really really nice) and no portrait
14:22.55id`(16:19) ( id`) *photoshop*
14:23.01id`(ms paint actually)
14:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
14:25.16[MoonWolf]krka eeuh, it allows you to talk about yourself in third person.
14:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:26.02id`no, you mean /me understands now
14:29.30id`wasp, yeah!
14:40.35MiravlixMe is supposed to be emotes
14:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:40.56MiravlixYou can't just do /me hey this it's Krka dances
14:41.16Maldiviaworks fine...
14:42.13Maldiviahmm, let me see if I remember the syntax...
14:42.27Maldivia%HACTION is testing...%H
14:42.36MaldiviaI failed...
14:43.26MiravlixWoW and other games got there syntax from IRC
14:43.47MiravlixMUD's used a different syntax that some has adopted too
14:44.04MiravlixIs a MUD emote
14:44.49Maldiviadiffers from MUD to MUD
14:45.18MiravlixWouldn't that be /me rubs his head; Ouch!
14:45.56MiravlixYou have said worse things, so why shouldn't the descovery of /me be true
14:46.00TainYou're not serious, you're krka.
14:46.13krka|workto both of you
14:48.16Miravlixdo you know why there is msg and notice, Maldivia?
14:48.46krka|worklol Wobin_
14:49.22MaldiviaAn IRC client may NEVER auto-reply to a notice, it's allowed to auto-reply to a PRIVMSG
14:49.34Wobin_Can anyone suggest a nice rogue leveling grinding build?
14:49.39Wobin_I'm just hitting 10 =)
14:49.43Maldiviato avoid auto-reply loops
14:50.41MiravlixAnd allow IRCOPS to mass message the network without getting flooded
14:51.25MiravlixThe IRC standard is quite well thought out
14:51.43MaldiviaIRCOPS do not mass-message a network
14:51.46MiravlixBut then morons like the mIRC author came in from the Windows world and poluted the standard
14:51.50MiravlixI do
14:51.55Maldiviathey either use wallops, or use a global announcement service
14:52.26MiravlixMaldivia: I've been a Admin/IRCOP for the past 10 years, started out as a DALnet admin
14:52.33MiravlixI think I know how I do it
14:53.12Maldiviaand I'm just saying how it should be done ! :)
14:53.24MiravlixWe have always used /notice *.network text
14:53.35MiravlixWhen I started service wasn't invented
14:53.52MiravlixAnd wallops is something you turn on to receive
14:53.57MiravlixSo it's not veyr usefull
14:54.14MiravlixThe IRCOPs here on this network still use notices
14:54.49krka|workooh... now i get it
14:54.54MiravlixUnless Lilo is a service
14:55.18Maldiviayou mean his wallops ?
14:55.34MiravlixWallops is something entirely different
14:55.54MiravlixIt's a network wide commmunication channel you turn on with a mode command on your self
14:56.00MiravlixForgot if it's +w
14:56.21Maldiviayou mean messages like: [13:47:17] -lilo/Wallops- Thus another interesting chapter in current events winds from start to finish in record time. 8)
14:56.30MiravlixThats a notice
14:56.46MiravlixHis irc program inserts /Wallops
14:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:57.32MiravlixThe wallops feature has been poluted because it's also used in some irc programs to message all ops in a channel
14:58.06MiravlixAnd thats causing some confusion between the real wallop feature that no one uses (It's IRCOP only to send to it)
14:58.52MiravlixErr, Your irc program insert /wallop
15:00.23Maldiviahmm... lets see
15:00.28MiravlixHmm, the spellbook doesn't contain how long it takes to cast a channeled message
15:00.38MaldiviafreeNode uses hyperion, which is a fork of hybrid 6, iirc
15:01.07MiravlixThat was me doing /notice #wowi-lounge test
15:01.16Maldiviayeah I know
15:01.35Miravlixchanneled spell?
15:02.54Maldiviabut the above I pasted was a wallop, and yes the /Wallops is something my client adds, when it recieves a WALLOPS message
15:04.32MiravlixBut wallops is only send to people that has set the self mode flag to receive them
15:04.38Miravlixsent, even
15:04.50MaldiviaYes, +w
15:04.53MiravlixSo you can't use it to message the network
15:05.03MiravlixYou have to use /notice *.network message
15:06.51Maldiviabut the IRC protocol actually doesn't allow for you to seding a privmsg or notice to all users
15:07.33Maldiviathe requirements for mass-noticing requires at least one dot and not wildcards after the last dot
15:07.40MiravlixI've just used it for 10 years, I really don't remember if it's in the IRCd standard anymore
15:08.02MiravlixI'm messaging the domain of the server
15:08.17MiravlixHere it would be /notice *
15:10.06MiravlixAnd your right some quirky ircops don't like to talk to the users, so they use a service to leave out there name, so ppl doesn't respond
15:10.11MiravlixI've never liked that attitude.
15:11.38MaldiviaAs a user of a network, if a global announcement is to be given in privmsg or notice, I'd much rather prefer a global announcement service to do it, that some random ope
15:12.25Maldiviaas oper/admin of a network, I always use services if a global announcement is absolutely necessary
15:12.35MiravlixToo impersonal for my liking, I always use personal notices and then talk to people if they have questions
15:12.56MiravlixThough we do use Come to channel #XXXX for questions
15:13.40MiravlixYou can't fake a global notice anyway. It's only IRCOPS that can make them
15:15.07MiravlixWhat spells you can cast effects manaCost?
15:15.29Maldiviainner focus
15:15.53MiravlixClearCasting OOC, etc. makes the next spell cost 0 mana
15:16.17Maldiviawell, those aren't exactly spells you cast, since they are procs
15:16.54MiravlixYes, it's just the non spells I know of that creates the effect
15:17.29MaldiviaInner focus is the only spell I can think of, that you can cast
15:17.30krka|workare tooltips updated when that happens btw?
15:18.31MiravlixBut all those is 100% effect
15:18.43MiravlixIsn't there one that makes it cost 35% more mana
15:19.03krka|workhmm.. yeah
15:19.06krka|worka mage talent
15:19.10krka|workArcane Power or something
15:20.27MiravlixBut none of them update the spellbook XX Mana requirements
15:20.46Maldiviabuffs doesn't change tooltips - none that I've noticed anyway
15:20.51MiravlixOnly talent change and level up can change that?
15:21.51MiravlixWoops, talent change, I bugged CO
15:26.51MiravlixI don't know what to think about the WoW event system, but it seems it's breaking itself
15:27.50MiravlixTo check for changes to the spellbook
15:28.15MiravlixBecause monitoring SPELLS_CHANGED is just broken
15:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
15:33.25Cairennlater all
15:33.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
15:34.09krka|workin what way is SPELLS_CHANGED broken?
15:34.19Elkanobtw: Miravlix, did I miss sth when I left 1.5h ago?
15:34.32MiravlixIt triggers when there is no changes
15:34.54MiravlixFx. if I polymorph into bear SPELLS_CHANGED fireing
15:35.10Miravlixmaking around 30 of my addons to a spellbook lookup
15:35.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:36.06MiravlixThere isn't really a situation where you can use SPELLS_CHANGED in a meningfull way, without it going haywire in system cost
15:36.06krka|worknot sure it's a big problem with one extra spell scan on changing stance / form
15:36.16MiravlixIt lags me for 2-3 seconds
15:36.34krka|workthen you're doing something wrong
15:36.39MiravlixHappends on weapon change too
15:36.45MiravlixYeah it's always my fault
15:37.04MiravlixNothing wrong with a totally broken system that needs libraries to work
15:37.16MiravlixTo avoid overscanning when using multiple addons
15:37.49MiravlixAll of the addons is fine when stand alone
15:37.58MiravlixThe problems comes from 30+ addons all spellbook scanning
15:38.03krka|workuse caching
15:38.09MiravlixEven if they wrote the best caching spellbook scanners
15:38.12Miravlixit's going to COST
15:38.18MiravlixBecause checking a tooltip cost
15:39.09wereHamsteropening the spellbook generates an SELLS_UPDATED event ..
15:39.35wereHamstera good way to test ther performance of all addons that use this event is to open and close your spellbook really fast
15:40.03MiravlixBlizzard give us the data in a way that we have to write libraries ontop of there code to make everything really usefull
15:40.25krka|workwhoa... didn't know that wereHamster
15:42.28MiravlixSPELLS_CHANGED, INVENTORY_CHANGED, Buff/Debuff scanning all involves tooltip scanning to get certain information
15:43.06MiravlixAnd a lot of addons need that information, making my current addons create lag when I'm in combat
15:43.13krka|workatleast buff stuff is friendly
15:43.32MiravlixSo I'm writing Sea Spellbook, Sea Inventory, Sea Buff and Sea Debuff
15:43.56MiravlixAnd recoding the 170 addons I use to all use the libraries, so only ONE single scan will happend
15:44.08krka|workshould be too hard to create your own simulated tooltip and change the other addons to use that instead
15:44.21wereHamsterMiravlix, what do you require from the spellbook that isn't available through the standard API?
15:44.28MiravlixMana cost
15:44.43MiravlixEnergy Cost, Rage cost
15:45.50krka|workfocus cost
15:46.13MiravlixHmm, Arcane Power is an activated spell, so it wont effect tooltip either.
15:46.34MiravlixSo I think, I'm home free by not dealing with those in Sea Spellbook
15:46.49OsagasuIt does alter tooltips if that's what you're saying
15:47.54MiravlixOOC, Clearcast, Arcane Power doesn't change the spellbook spells tooltips
15:48.12MiravlixIt wont show the spells as 0 Mana cost
15:48.18Miravlixor 35% more mana cost afaik
15:48.32OsagasuWell not in the spellbook I don't think
15:48.47MiravlixThen what tooltip do you think change?
15:49.01MiravlixWhen you drag a spell from the spellbook it's still the spellbook tooltip afaik
15:49.08OsagasuEverything outside of them.
15:49.32MiravlixI don't know of anything outside the spellbook
15:49.41MiravlixSpells on actionbars is still the spellbook
15:51.16MiravlixThough I should prolly make a Sea ActionBars lirbariy too, it's gotten quite popular to scan those
16:07.54Elvisois there a way to get a table's name?
16:10.06Maldiviaa table does not have a name
16:11.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:13.43Elvisoit should :p
16:19.06MiravlixMy point with all this is, it will never be possible for us to agree on using LibraryX for operation Y, so Blizzard should code the API so libraries isn't needed
16:20.36wereHamsterElviso, why?
16:21.44Elvisolots of reasons, which may be due to my inexperience w/LUA, idk
16:21.49Wobin_You could possibly scan through all the globals, check if they're a table, then compare the table =P
16:22.00Wobin_or even just compare the table with the global list
16:22.06Elvisoin one of my fn()'s, I pass it several tables, and I'd like to do different operations depending on the table
16:22.20Wobin_depending on what, about the table?
16:22.51Wobin_No, I mean, what identifies the table from other tables?
16:22.56Elvisoif table = "x" then do fnx() else if table = "y" then do fny() end
16:23.01Maldiviawell, just add = "Table 1" etc to your tables, and check for that key
16:23.47Elvisogood idea, Maldivia. I considered that but for some tables of mine that's not an option, or a practical one at least
16:24.12ElvisoWobin_, you lost me
16:24.29Maldiviado your function have access to all the tables you want to check against (beside from function parameters)
16:25.11Maldiviafunction bla(t) if t == tableOne then fnOne() elseif t == tableTwo fnTwo() end end
16:25.23Maldiviatables are passed by reference
16:25.26Elvisoyeah that's how I'm doing it now
16:29.27ElvisoI'm just working on a debug fn(), and I pass it the parameters that I sent the original fn()
16:30.18Elvisoso, I have a 10-tiered if-then-elseif....would just be easier to do a table.getname(X)
16:31.42Elvisoactually it's going to be more than 10 if I included all the nested tables as well, ugh
16:31.58Maldiviahmm, add the function to your tables instead ? :)
16:32.13MaldiviatableOne.__func = fnOne();
16:32.41Maldiviafunction bla(t) if type(t)=="table" and type(t.__func) == "function" then t.__func() end end
16:33.14Josh_Borkewhat do the __ represent?
16:33.25Elvisointeresting, would that be a metatable or just funny nomenclature?
16:33.35Maldivianothing, just to not clash with other keys in the table :)
16:33.43Josh_Borkek, just checking :D
16:34.15Maldiviayou could do it with metatables aswell, yes - the above is just a simple key with a function value
16:34.29ElvisoI've read up on metatables but it's all greek to me still
16:36.06MaldiviaJosh, well - global variables starting with _ is to show that they are reserved to internal LUA use, iirc
16:36.23Wobin_Metatables are well worth reading about til you understand them
16:36.28Wobin_the PiL book is invaluable
16:37.40ElvisoI've read it like 10 times
16:37.49ElvisoI still can't think of a practical application
16:37.58Elvisofor my uses, at least
16:38.38ElvisoI'm sure that once it clicks in my head, it'll be great and wonderful and I won't be able to live w/o them.....but I'm not there yet
16:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
16:39.59Maldiviaif you want to mimic OO in lua, and have several instances of a class, having a metatable on the table you create as your object, allows you for easy setting default values and having the functions on them, etc
16:40.45Wobin_Default values are also useful
16:40.55Wobin_for indexing
16:42.30TainIt's really just like any other feature, it's only useful if you have something to benefit from it.  Metatables don't just globally make things better.
16:42.48Josh_Borkeyes they do! they're like sliced bread!
16:42.55Josh_Borkeer, um, what's a metatable again? ^_^
16:43.32Maldiviaincorrect use of metatables will crash WoW though... :9
16:43.56Maldiviamorning Iriel :)
16:43.56Josh_Borkemorning Iriel|working
16:44.09Iriel|workingIncorrect use of ANYTHING can crash wow 8-)
16:44.26Iriel|workingand quite often, correct use of the wrong things
16:44.42CideTem's use of ANYTHING can and *WILL* crash wow
16:44.50Maldiviahehe, yeah... well, I was playing with metatables on global enviroment... a minor mistake made wow crash... several times :)
16:47.20krkais it possible to access the Tooltip metatable+
16:47.39krkai was thinking hooking all Set* for tooltips and implement caching
16:48.54Iriel|workingkrka: You basically hook _the_ frame metatable's __index method
16:49.31Iriel|workingkrka: Or iterate over the frame list and replace the metatable on all GameTooltip objects
16:49.51Iriel|workingkrka: Depending on your intent, hooking the frame metatable may cause issues with trusted code
16:49.57krkaooh... so it wouldn't be too hard to speed up almost all tooltip scanners with just one embedded addon
16:50.57Iriel|workings/speed up/break/ 8-)
16:50.58krkawhy hasn't anyone done that?
16:51.13krkawhy would it break?
16:51.32MiravlixWhy did Columbus discover America?
16:51.36krkawouldn't that make a nice addition to secretsauce Iriel? that's kind of in the same area
16:51.47MiravlixBecause no one else had gotten the idea before him
16:51.53krkahe didn't :P
16:52.08Maldiviahooking the metatable makes the function calls call from untrusted code, which can cause problems
16:52.37Iriel|workingHow much effort would be required to keep the cache in sync?
16:52.43krkanot much i think
16:52.54Iriel|workingthe break was just an amusing quip given that anything you did would affect everyone 8-)
16:52.56krkawould need one frame that registers for a bunch of events
16:53.12Iriel|workingWhat about stuff that isn't event based?
16:53.14krkawell, we would need to simulate the old Set* eactly
16:53.21krkawe ignore those and fall back to original
16:53.46krkabut buffs and spells is definitely doable
16:53.55TainIf I got a grant from the Queen of Spain I'd go discovering metatable tooltip enhancements just like Columbus.
16:54.00krkathis is probably my greatest idea ever
16:54.31TainThe more important thing is what do you call it?
16:54.46TainTooltip Enhancer... oh of course, Viagra.
16:55.34Iriel|workingI'm also curious to know whether or not a bunch of SetText's is slower or faster than the internal :Set* implementation
16:55.55Iriel|workingThis is very SecretSaucian though, make sure you benchmark it when you're done!
16:56.14krkasettext is just a function call and a string reference copy
16:56.45krkabenchmark is for sissies, i just assume my code is great
16:57.09Maldiviahmm, if I define a function, that just dumps the stacktrace, and I return that function from an __index, would the backtrace trace into the __index ?
16:57.12krkanot sure how to get started though
16:57.18krkasince i am a metatable n00b
16:57.22Iriel|workingMaldivia : No
16:57.59krkaand now for something completely different: i need you to list all in game lua editors you know of
16:58.03krkasuch as TinyPad and LuaSlinger
16:58.05Iriel|workingkrka: Well, start out NOT doing it via metatable
16:58.19TainTinyPad, LuaSlinger, FuncBook
16:58.22krkabut then there's much less chance of breakage :/
16:58.34Iriel|workingkrka: Just iterate over all frames (with EnumerateFrames), check for GameTooltip objects, then put your own :Set methods into the objects themselves
16:58.53krkayeah i _could_ do that :P
16:58.57krkabut where's the fun?
17:00.46Iriel|workingkrka: If that works, you can do local Viagra = {}; setmetatable(Viagra, getmetatable(UIParent)); local ViagraMeta = { __index = Viagra ; }
17:01.03Iriel|workingthen do setmetatable(GameTooltip, ViagraMeta), and stick all your overrides in Viagra
17:01.31krkahmm... i should finish FAIAP before starting this
17:02.24Iriel|workingNothing is ever _finished_ 8-)
17:03.58krkawell, _released_ :P
17:13.40krkathis is kinda cool
17:14.31krkanow i don't have to modify the editors _at all_
17:14.31krkajust have my addon loaded
17:14.35krkaanyone want to test before i release?
17:15.05zenzelezzhow does it work if you don't modify them?
17:16.00krkawell, my addon modifies them, obviously
17:16.11krkabut i don't have to modify the editor addons source
17:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
17:24.25CideI wrote a function a while ago, but now it doesn't work properly anymore and I'm not sure what's messed up
17:25.06CideI hate it when I do that
17:26.18MaldiviaI hate it even more, whne I wrote a function a while agi, and now it doesn't work properly anymore, and I have no idea what it's actually should do :)
17:26.45Maldiviaanyway, I'm off :9
17:27.00Cideit's supposed to "Returns cursor position from BOTTOMLEFT of frame", but it doesn't work when the frame is moved!
17:27.55MiravlixMal: Comments is your friend
17:28.11KalrothCide: You don't update the variables after it's moved?
17:28.35Cidehmm, maybe not
17:28.48KalrothOr am I missing the point of the if .. else code?
17:29.49KalrothI am :) you check if it's created and create it if it isn't
17:29.51Cidelet me try to unset it!
17:30.30Cideactually, that seems to be it :)
17:31.03KalrothGlad I could help, even though I was wrong :P
17:31.21Eraphine|Labcould someone link iriels' dev tools for me?
17:31.48Elviso<krka> and now for something completely different: i need you to list all in game lua editors you know of
17:31.56Elvisokrka, I also use Inspector
17:32.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
17:33.03AdrineMorning, folks
17:33.39Elvisokrka, what does your addon do, that deals with editors?
17:34.00krkait adds syntax highlighting and indentation
17:34.17AdrineOoh, wait, what now?
17:34.36krkaElviso, could you specify the exact addon name of Inspect (i.e. folder name / toc-name) and the names of the editboxes used?
17:34.41krkaso i don't have to download and check
17:35.05Elvisook, sec
17:40.23krkahmm... bad idea to hook RunScript if your hook is broken :P
17:40.25Elvisowhere i = 1 to 8
17:41.14krkawant my addon? :=
17:41.25Elvisoof course
17:42.03krkainstallation shouldn't be harder than unzipping in your AddOns
17:42.09Elvisoa very Rowanish name, lol
17:42.13krkayou know you love it Adrine
17:42.23krkaas in rowan atkinson?
17:42.59krkaall feedback is appreciated btw
17:43.12Elvisothe Ace guy
17:43.27krkaah, hence the (sp)
17:43.53krkaAdrine, i had a name suggestion thingy yesterday, but no one came up with anything
17:44.03krkanot too late to change it, if you come up with something better
17:44.17krkai was also considering Dentist or Toothfairy
17:44.37AdrineI love the name, but it is a bit long :)
17:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:44.57krkaFAIAP works
17:45.00krkafairly unique
17:45.35krkaElviso, let me know when you've tested it, so i'll know if it's stable enough for wowi
17:48.04ElvisoI like Inspector, although I don't use it for scripting as much anymore....
17:48.15ElvisoI like the browser though, don
17:48.29Elvisos/don/don't know of a replacement for it/
17:48.45krkahaven't used inspector
17:48.50krkadont know what it is, even
17:50.24Elvisoyou can browse all the global vars basically
17:51.00Elvisokind of a fancy /dump
17:51.10krkadump is all i need :)
17:51.34Elvisobtw these parens are hard to see
17:52.36Elvisobut it functionally works fine
17:55.05krkayeah, the colors aren't really that well thought out yet
17:55.15krkayou can tweak it at the bottom of indent.lua
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17:55.24krka(and feel free to send it back)
17:55.59krkano bugs? you can execute the code you write, et.c.?
17:57.08Elvisoya so far
17:58.52Josh_Borke*sigh* forAllIndentsandPurposes? *groan*
18:01.40krkabetter suggestion will happily be accepted
18:02.18MiravlixDruids suck!
18:02.34MiravlixJust noticed the darn attack crit chance changes when they change form
18:05.19zenzelezzso does warriors, when in Berserker Stance
18:05.57Elvisodont change it please
18:06.04ElvisoI dont want to edit toc's again
18:06.44krkawhy would you have to?
18:08.51Elvisoif you changed the name?
18:09.08ElvisoI guess I wouldn't, unless you improved the addon at the same time
18:09.54krkawhat toc would you have to change? i dont understand
18:12.40Josh_Borketitan vs fubar? why which one?
18:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:18.28Wobin_PS The Copper Ridge in Elwynn Forest? Man.. so much copper
18:19.34TemFuBar over titan because it's more feature rich
18:19.54[MoonWolf]fubar over titan , because it has an actual developer.
18:20.32Josh_Borkeas a user, not a developer also :-)
18:20.33Ktronyeah, /agree [MoonWolf]
18:20.51Josh_Borketrying to convince a friend :-)
18:21.28Wobin_I also think fubar has a better foundation codewise than Titan
18:21.36Wobin_ie, is better designed
18:21.41[MoonWolf]that wont convince most users.
18:26.42krkawhy do you care what most users do? just tell your friend FuBar is better and then let him make up his own mind
18:27.27Josh_Borkei want to see my friend enjoy the mod :-)
18:29.46Josh_Borkeit's more of a question about how users would perceive the different mods.  everyone uses titan because it is what everyone knows.  when titan does something wrong, people will blame all addons or blizzard because there is no one responsible for it.  with something like fubar, the chances of breakage are less, and there is someone to speak for it
18:30.37Josh_Borkeor something like that i think
18:36.00Wobin_accountability =)
18:39.57Josh_Borkeanyone here play on stormreaver?
18:40.22Adrine<-- Cenarion Circle
18:40.53Josh_Borkei need to find a new guild :-(
18:41.17Ktron<-- Black Dragon Flight now (used to be Zul'jin) and Eredar
18:41.25TainI have a few characters on Stormsomething... but no guild.
18:41.25Ktronand on the rare day, Lightninghoof
18:41.52Josh_BorkeTain: stormrage?
18:42.01TainI never remember, to be honest
18:42.16Wobin_<-- AD
18:42.17TainJust that it's one of the storms
18:42.21Wobin_<-- Suramar
18:42.57MiravlixI just coded the best macro evah!
18:43.07MiravlixWell slashcommand actually
18:43.21TainDoes it order pizza and a hooker?
18:43.24MiravlixIt makes me /sleep when I do a reload and then makes me /sit when I wake up again
18:43.26Wobin_Does it punch remote users in the face?
18:43.40Wobin_Cause I'd pay lots for a macro that did that
18:43.44Josh_BorkeWobin_: me too
18:43.45Iriel|workingSo my friend just sent me a screenshot of the EvE galaxy map with a system that lists '2029 ships destroyed in the last hour'
18:43.53MiravlixMakes it a lot easier on others to have a conversation with me. :)
18:44.09TainI started last night, Iriel.  Pretty much just the beginning tutorial though.
18:44.11Iriel|workingI asked him "2029? What were you doing" and his reply was 'Watching from a safe distance and selling ammo'
18:44.19Wobin_A wise man
18:48.45KalrothIriel|working: haha
18:49.11Kalrothyeah, the equipment producers got a good time in EVE at the moment :)
18:52.13wereHamsterIriel|working, the bug in coolDown seems to be caused because the OnUpdate script is executed after I :Hide() the frame, most likely even before the next WorldFrame redraw, eg. in the same frame cycle just after executing my OnEevnt handler because the time since the last invocation of the OnHide script is 0.008 seconds (and since the last  OnShow 144 seconds).
18:55.24Iriel|workingwereHamster : Could the frame hiding be happening during an OnUpdate call of another frame?
18:56.07Eraphine|LabIriel|working can you link your developer tools?
18:56.19wereHamsterIriel|working, yes, there is such a code path
18:56.30Iriel|workingFor all of your iriel's addon needs
18:56.56Iriel|workingwereHamster : In that case I could see OnUpdate being called for a 'hidden' frame because it's a frame that's committed for drawing THIS frame
18:57.55Eraphine|Labthanks Iriel|working
18:57.58Eraphine|Labquestion :
18:58.16Eraphine|Labactually I have a generic question - is there a max size for combatlog.txt ?
18:58.34wereHamsterok.. I do this because there is no event to indicate that a spell is ready again, so I call the OnEvent function when the button sees that the cooldown is over.
19:00.19Elviso<krka> what toc would you have to change? i dont understand
19:00.32ElvisoI thought you were talking about your indent/highlight code
19:00.42Elvisoidk know if that was the same one you meant
19:00.50ckknighthey all
19:01.00Iriel|workingEraphine : Not that I know of, as far as I know it's just streamed to disk as the buffer fills up.
19:03.53wereHamsterIriel|working, Any idea whether :IsVisible() will report the correct value in this situation?
19:04.11MiravlixHmm, weird
19:04.31MiravlixI did my reloadui script, but the emote didn't take effect until after the reloadUI
19:04.44Iriel|workingWell, you didn't see it until after
19:04.46MiravlixApparently some things can run across a reload
19:04.56Iriel|workingit probably got sent to the server before, you reloaded, and saw the result when you got back
19:05.17MiravlixI set a savedvariable I check on load to /sit
19:05.20Miravlixwhen I login
19:05.31krkayes Elviso, why would you need to change the toc on my addon? that's my job :)
19:05.35MiravlixIt ended up queueing the DoEmote somehow
19:06.09Temthat doesn't make any sense
19:08.51MiravlixCode does. DoEmote("sleep") ReloadUI() then on load it does DoEmote("sit")
19:09.11MiravlixBut after load all I got was /me falls asleep ZZZzzzz
19:09.41MiravlixHappened right after PeW
19:09.55Iriel|workingWhich would be consistent with what I said
19:10.07Iriel|workingDid you make sure your "sit" invocation happened AFTER P_E_W?
19:10.30MiravlixReload takes 30+ seconds
19:10.32Iriel|workingMaybe that's why it didn't show up
19:10.50MiravlixThe server should have done the emote before the reload or while the reload was happening
19:10.56MiravlixBut somehow it got queued up instead
19:10.57Iriel|workingI still suspect if you had a 2nd computer logged in next to you, you'd have seen yourself fall asleep WHILE you were rebloading
19:11.20Iriel|workingYou DO know that the client can queue events while you're reloading, right?
19:11.43krkayou sent a sleep request -> server sends it back, but you are already in the middle of reloading, so your client buffers everything that happens in the background while loading, once finished loading you perform all buffered up stuff
19:12.01MiravlixIf thats true
19:12.10MiravlixThen everyone shold see me as standing now
19:12.23MiravlixEven while my client thinks I'm sleeping
19:12.31Iriel|workingDo YOU see you as standing?
19:12.46Iriel|workingThen why would everyone else?
19:13.03MiravlixBecause the code executes a DoEmote("sit")
19:13.11MiravlixOn login
19:13.11Iriel|workingBut you didn't see it acknowledged
19:13.27Iriel|workingand your answer to my earlier question makes me think you called DoEmote("sit") befor eyou were in world
19:13.33Iriel|workingso it's quite possible the client just ignored you
19:13.55MiravlixWell, it didn't ignore me at my other tests
19:14.12MiravlixWhere I had third party verification
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19:14.32Iriel|workingMaybe there's client flood protection on DoEmotes?
19:14.49Iriel|workingThough my /chicken experiments would say otherwise
19:17.09Cidepoor westfall chicken, huh? :)
19:17.59Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
19:18.17Josh_Borkepoor chicken indeed :-(
19:18.28Cairennhi again again again
19:18.42Ktronkrka, you here?
19:22.06Ktronyou make any more changes to FAIAP? because I think I've discovered another error thing
19:22.21krkahave made some changes yes
19:22.29krkabut tell me the error anyway
19:23.08Ktronwhen I type in 'string.' I get an error indent.lua:440: attempt to compare number with nil
19:23.29Ktronas in, if I'm midway through typing string.find or such
19:23.54krkacan you tell me what that line looks like?
19:24.17Ktronline 440?
19:24.27Ktronor in LuaSlinger?
19:24.33krkaline 440
19:25.24Ktron`` elseif byte >= bytes.BYTE_0 and byte <= bytes.BYTE_9 then ``
19:25.54krkaso byte must be nil... hm
19:26.03Iriel|workingSounds like there's a look-ahead check that doesn't know how to deal with the . being at the end of the data
19:26.08krkaoops... my bad
19:26.15Iriel|workingmaybe you should put an 'or -1' after byte = ??
19:26.17krkathanks for the report
19:26.26krkano, it's really quite silly
19:26.38Ktronit only happens when string. is at the end too...
19:26.42krkai'll pastebin for all to see
19:27.50krkai'll just add a nil check
19:28.21krkanext version will have the fix, thanks Ktron
19:28.49Ktronheh, it's always in my best interest to find these bugs, heh, I'm trying to use FAIAP:)
19:29.14Iriel|workingkrka: As I said, a look-ahead check 8-) Just put 'or -1' after each byte assignment and the code will work
19:29.16Josh_Borkeyea, now that it has tinypad support, i'm going to have to download it
19:29.25Iriel|workingkrka: though nil checks would work too, they're just messier
19:32.00Josh_Borkei got an interesting ad on wow.pastebin... dupe method for only 19.99
19:32.19AdrineI'm mostly sure there's some kind of dupe running around.
19:32.29AdrineI've been seeing streaks of hard-to-obtain items on the AH
19:32.32krkai can support _any_ editbox i think
19:32.36Iriel|workingOr that they found a way to dupe $19.99
19:32.39AdrineLike, last night, I ran Uldaman and picked up a Falcon's Hook
19:32.40krkajust have to put them in the defaulthooks.lua
19:32.53AdrineChecked the AH to get a price baseline and someone had 5 of them up for the same price.
19:32.55krkaor the addon itself can add the indentation
19:33.01AdrineIt's a world drop, and not exactly something you can farm easily.
19:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
19:33.37wereHamsterwhy doesn't blizzard buy one of those guides and fix it?
19:33.55AdrineNoticed the same thing with an epic the other day. I occasionally filter and search the entire AH by epic quality, just to see if there is anything underpriced that could be resold. Someone had 6 of a single non-craftable epic up.
19:33.58AdrineI don't remember what it was.
19:34.00Iriel|workingI'm sure they are applying due dilligence there
19:34.16AdrineBut I do remember that it wasn't the sort of thing that someone could reasonably obtain multiples of in any reasonable time period.
19:34.20Iriel|workingBut i'm also sure that many of these duping guides are bogus
19:34.29AdrineNo doubt, Iriel.
19:34.59AdrineI tend to take duping claims with a grain of salt, but either drop rates on certain farmable mobs are somewhat flaky, or there is something else going on, judging from my personal observations.
19:35.38krkais this a bad idea... i am currently hooking runscript to replace || with | before running
19:36.06krkaonly problem would be if you're running stuff that's written from outside of wow
19:38.28Iriel|workingkrka: Dont do that
19:39.05Iriel|workingkrka: If you must do something along those lines, replace the /script command with your own
19:39.11Iriel|workingkrka: But leave RunScript alone
19:40.30Iriel|working(When I say replace the /script command with your own, I mean do SlashCmdList["SCRIPT"] = KrkaRunScript;
19:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
19:43.54krkawell, the only reason i am hooking runscript is to have seamless integration with all the editors
19:44.04krkathey don't use /script at all
19:44.41krkahmm... maybe if i hook runscript on editbox:show and unhook it on :hide
19:46.10krkaor i could check if the code to be run contains any color codes
19:48.30Iriel|workingWell, you at least know what's in the editbox
19:48.39Iriel|workingso perhaps you could only do your replacement if it matches that
19:50.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:51.18Iriel|workingHey Tem, how was your exam?
19:51.39Temover-studying for fun
19:51.48Temoverstudying ftw
19:52.57krkai have to compare the code to run with every known editbox :/
19:53.28krkahmm... i do have a cache
19:55.07Iriel|workingCan you put a dummy colorcode in to match off
19:55.15Iriel|workingsay always end with |c00112233|r
20:01.43krkajust a stringfind(code, "|r", 1, 1) might enough to start with
20:02.36Iriel|workingNot really
20:02.43Iriel|workingNot if other addons call RunScript
20:02.59Iriel|workingI've been known to use it, for example
20:03.17krkai meant for a preliminary checj
20:03.29krkaif there's no |r it's definitely not something in an editbox
20:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:03.48KtronI am never going to make it to 60, ever
20:03.51Elvisowow, did anyone check out that Google SoC thing?
20:03.57Elviso$4.5k USD...
20:04.04krkaok... how about this: only replace || with | if the || is inside a string?
20:04.57krkadont want to slow down RunScript too much though
20:09.57krkahm, probably better to hook the execute-functions of the editors, but that's harder to do
20:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
20:11.43Natasemnice discussion goin on here
20:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
20:13.31Elkanohiho Moonwolf :)
20:13.46[MoonWolf]hi people
20:13.50Elkanodid you read the lines I had posted you about 7h ago?
20:14.40[MoonWolf]i cant remember
20:14.41[MoonWolf]try again
20:16.16Elkano- adding faerie items to PT/Mendeleev
20:17.22[MoonWolf]faerie ?
20:17.23Elkano- having the recipes an item is used in colored like in the tradeskill frame and maybe even show what can be made out of the things that can be made (like ReagentInfo does)
20:18.02[MoonWolf]that one requires Tekkub to change things in PT.
20:18.03Elkanooh, misspelled.. Faire...
20:18.13[MoonWolf]faire items are in...
20:18.30Elkanois the tradeskill parsing done by PT? oh, k :)
20:18.42[MoonWolf]that is handled by pt, i only fetch the data
20:18.42Elkanothey are? hmm... ok, my fault ^^'
20:19.13Elkanoor isn't Mendeleeve showing this?
20:19.16[MoonWolf]if some are missing of anything, tell tekkub in one way or another.
20:20.19[MoonWolf]they are off by default
20:20.23[MoonWolf]do /mend toggle faire
20:21.10Elkanoah, k :)
20:21.39Elkanoah, before I forget: THANKS /hug
20:21.59Elkanoit's fun using Mendeleev/PT together with ItemDB :)
20:23.02[MoonWolf]im sure it is
20:26.07TemElkano: yes, yes it is
20:26.33TemElkano: when they added drop locations I lost like an hour to just looking through my item db at where things drop
20:27.37ElkanoI hope PT gets a static/world drop table for all items *hides*
20:28.28TemI wanna say Tek was writing a script to spider alla
20:28.33Temto that end
20:28.52Elkanowell, I'll be ingame trying to get some more honor :)
20:32.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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20:32.55Elkanomoonwolf, categorie faire does not exist :(
20:33.19Elkano(using latest svn)
20:33.28[MoonWolf]what version are you using ?
20:34.23[MoonWolf]"/mend toggle Faire Items"
20:34.31[MoonWolf]i was assuming you had the latest official release
20:46.34krkapostponing my release till i can figure out a good way of doing runscript
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20:58.24Josh_Borkebye all :-)
20:58.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
20:59.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
20:59.37MaldiviaCairenn: how long until you can remove the "can't join channel unless you've authed" mode ?
21:09.10duke|ibdo you have something against nickserv?!
21:13.10Maldiviabut I hate fanzy network-service-link features like that :)
21:13.34MiravlixHow else do you deal with Distributed spam bots?
21:13.52MiravlixRandom nicks, random addresses
21:21.13Iriel|workingI've forgotten to /join the channel at lest twice since we changed
21:21.22Iriel|workingso I spend 30 minutes thinking 'boy it's quiet'
21:22.06Iriel|workingmmm, the pirate loves us today
21:22.14Adrineheh, yeah
21:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
21:24.33Iriel|workingbeats as in 'with a stick' rather than 'gets there before'
21:26.00Cidehey Iriel|working, you have a moment? I played around with the SetTexCoord stuff some more, and I mostly managed to get it to work.. translation, scaling and shearing all work fine, but I'm having some issues with rotation
21:26.22AdrineWhoa, we have rotation in settexcoord now?
21:27.04Iriel|workingAdrine : We've had that for a while now 8-)
21:27.47CideI took the code you have for the different points at that page and put it into:
21:28.13Cideinputting values works great, but if I try with a rotation matrix, it works, but the values aren't matching
21:28.43AdrineWell, I guess I'm blind or something.
21:28.49AdrineThat could be extraordinarily useful.
21:28.59Iriel|workingIt is extraordinarily useful! 8-)
21:29.17Iriel|working(We got it in 1.9)
21:29.23Iriel|workingCide: Can you show me your matrices?
21:29.30AdrineI've had some ideas for certain animated visual elements that I thought I'd have to fake with a series of frames, sprite-style.
21:29.41CideI'm using [ cos(a), sin(a), 0 ] / [ -sin(a), cos(a), 0 ] for rotation
21:29.42AdrineBut hey, if I can just plug in a rotation matrix, yes plz.
21:29.57Iriel|workingAdrine : Well, you do need to do some math
21:30.28Iriel|workingCide: And that doesn't work at all?
21:30.31AdrineEh, rotation matrices don't scare me too badly, if that's all we have to plug in.
21:30.34Cidewell, it "works"
21:30.41Iriel|workingCide : Or does it rotate around an unexpected point?
21:30.46Cideit rotates fine
21:30.52Cidebut I have to input some crazy values to get it to rotate
21:31.05CideI was expecting it to work just fine with, say, math.deg(90)?
21:31.21AdrineErr, wouldn't that return degrees?
21:31.23Cideerr, math.rad
21:31.26AdrineHeh, ok.
21:31.36Iriel|workingif you use cos, and not math.cos, you're working in degrees
21:32.03Cideoh? I thought it was the same. let me try again
21:32.04Iriel|working(compat.lua's little surprise)
21:32.19Iriel|workingI'd advise ALWAYS using the math. functions for math
21:32.39wereHamsterand table.* for table functions?
21:32.41Elkanowrt joining: I've added a timer to the perform so I join 5secs later... until then I should be authed...
21:33.00Iriel|workingIf you use them a lot just do local SIN, COS = math.sin, math.cos;
21:33.25Iriel|workingCide: Hey, can you add that function to the end of my wiki page?
21:36.05Maldivia*sob* I feel so overlooked... hehe :)
21:37.31Cidebut yeah, it worked with math.rad and math.cos/sin, thanks
21:37.44CideMaldivia: how so?
21:38.21MaldiviaCide: just the forums... slouked have posted in numerous request threads, but not in my bug-report, hehe :)
21:38.43Maldiviaslouken that is :)
21:40.00Iriel|workingAwww 8-(
21:40.05Iriel|workingKirov's bug report just got love too
21:40.14Maldiviayeah, saw that!
21:40.34MaldiviaConspiracy theory!!
21:40.47Temanother crash I missed
21:41.00Cideyou're losing ground!
21:41.18MaldiviaTem, here's one for you to try: CreateFrame("WorldFrame")
21:41.28Iriel|workingTem: I found another one this weekend but didn't capture my code to reproduce it
21:41.38Iriel|workingI think it's to do with Show'ing a StatusBar that has no texture
21:41.39Cidethat actually worked :)
21:41.55Temisn't WorldFrame a highlander frame?
21:42.04Tem"There can be only one
21:42.26Iriel|workingAccording to its comments it is
21:42.47Temso it probably silently fails
21:42.52Maldiviahmm, what does /dump CreateFrame("WorldFrame"):GetObjectType() return ?
21:43.16Temmy guess is you don't get that far
21:43.27TemI think CreateFrame("WorldFrame") will return nil
21:43.29Maldiviaguessing a error indexing nil value
21:43.34Iriel|workingFor that matter, what does /dump CreateFrame("WorldFrame") return, Tem's guess would be nil, and I'd not be surpried bythat either
21:43.56Iriel|workingTem - Now you're done with your exam did you look at my virtual frame code?
21:44.00Cideactually, it returns userdata
21:44.01TemI did
21:44.04Temthat's um
21:44.11Tema fouteen thousand line file
21:44.24Iriel|workingUserdata? or [1]={ [0] = <userdata> }
21:44.33Cidethe latter
21:44.39Iriel|workingTem: Script generated with **ALL** of blizzard' virtual frames
21:44.49TemCide: try this:
21:44.50Iriel|workingTem: In "reality" youd likely just encode the ones you needed
21:44.59Iriel|workingTem: I haven't decided how to handle that yet though
21:45.05MaldiviaIriel: if you have written it all by hand, I would be impressed... automated code... baah... :)
21:45.24Iriel|workingMaldivia : There's one part where I use one xsl to create another xsl
21:45.28CideTem: false
21:45.42Iriel|workingI guess the GetObjectType test will be an interesting one then
21:45.43TemIriel|working: you could provide a simple java app or something that asks which templates you will be using
21:45.53CideI just crashed wow
21:46.06TemIriel|working: then let the app generate the file based on what templates you are using and what they depend on
21:46.15Cidenot sure from what, though
21:46.19Cideit happened on reload
21:46.21MaldiviaCide: so 5 WorldFrames is 1 too many ? :)
21:46.26Tema day in the life of me, Cide
21:46.27Cidemore like 7-8
21:46.43Iriel|workingI wonder if it's when they get destroyed
21:46.43Maldiviadid you try to do anything with the frame it returned ?
21:46.56Cidenot really :)
21:47.26Maldiviahmm,,, guess I'l have to try that, if the login server would respond
21:47.48Iriel|workingTem: That seems too complicated 8-) I'd rather just give you all the xslt and you can run them on the files of your choice 8-)
21:48.26TemIriel|working: yeah, that's an easier solution since you don't really have to worry about your 'users' being too dense to do that
21:48.46TemI was thinking along the same lines as one of the in game music apps
21:49.02Iriel|workingWell, the "users" of this piece are competent addon developers
21:49.45MaldiviaI have 2 world frames now
21:49.51Iriel|workingare they both rendered?
21:50.19MaldiviaAnd I can control the camera seperately :)
21:50.20Iriel|workingI bet /script ReloadUI() crashes your client
21:50.24Kremontehowd you do that?
21:50.31Kremonte..inherits="WOrldFrame"> ?
21:50.36Iriel|workingMaldivia ; Can you zoom them seperately?
21:50.40KirkburnWow, you could have a reverse view!
21:50.49Iriel|workingHeh, rear view mirror!
21:50.57Iriel|workingAnd side views
21:51.06Iriel|workingand then a fully zoomed out above view
21:51.16Maldiviahmm, not exactly
21:51.25Temespecially good for multi-moniter folks
21:51.33MaldiviaThe newly created WorldFrame takes all mouse input :)
21:52.45CideWorld of Warcraft: Flight Simulator 2007
21:53.49CideIriel|working: want me to put in an example usage of the function or two?
21:54.06Cidehaha, wow
21:54.19Iriel|workingCide: A rotation example would be cool
21:54.48TemMaldivia: can you rotate them independently?
21:54.58MaldiviaTem: no...
21:55.15Kremontetry resizing them
21:55.18Kremonteaway from one another
21:55.19Kremontethen try
21:55.53MaldiviaTem: I thought I could... then newly created steals all input, but the old worldframe stays in the same camera position it was in, when the other was created
21:56.03Iriel|workingSo you could do a rear view mirror
21:56.09Maldiviarotating the char, rotates both WFs
21:56.27Iriel|workingviewport the standard one, scale it up, then creata  new full screen one, and put the original one on top of it
21:56.40Iriel|working(flipping yourself around in between)
21:56.56Iriel|workingWhat kind of FPS hit are you suffering?
21:56.59Maldiviaand yes, ReloadUI() = Crash with multiple WorldFrames
21:57.07Maldiviadunno - crashes :)
21:57.13Maldiviabut didn't see any significant FPS drop
21:57.40KtronEraphine, be bck
21:57.41Iriel|workingI guess you'll have 2 bugs on the forum for slouken to ignore then 8-)
21:57.56TemMaldivia: can you try it with an xml-defined world frame?
21:59.47Maldiviadefining the WF in XML works fine
22:02.52Temno crashes?
22:03.33KirkburnBetter than being beaten I suppose, Iriel|working  :P
22:03.35Temoh for christ's sake man
22:03.49Maldiviano crashes (haven't reloaded UI yet :)
22:04.10Maldiviabut casting spell with a targeting circle... damn that's fucked up with to WorldFrames
22:04.14poke~waleslap Kirkburn
22:04.28KirkburnI'm not from Wales :P
22:04.37CairennAnduin, lol, go back to Anduin
22:04.48Cairennyou're confusing me, and I get grumpy when I am confused
22:04.48Iriel|workingMy brother lives in wales, random fact.
22:04.58Cairennand we all know a grumpy Cair is something we don't like
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22:05.48CairennAnduin, I'm GOING to hurt you soon ...
22:08.03Anduin_Next_Weekhmm, the future looks grim.
22:08.25CideIriel|working: I added the example function... feel free to correct me if I messed up :)
22:09.30Anduin|FutureBoyhmm, need to find me some Night Rider episodes...
22:10.02Maldiviahmm, having 2 worldframes causes the animations to run at double speed...
22:10.17Anduin|FutureBoyi thought it was unique..
22:10.55AnduinLotharstupid name was too long...
22:11.26Maldiviahm... 3 WFs = trippel speed... lets see :)
22:11.29Cairennyay! back to normal name! thank you
22:13.08AnduinLotharyou gonna make me a rear-view mirror?
22:13.15Maldiviayep, 3x WorldFrame = trippel speed :)
22:13.33KremonteMaldivia: speedhax?
22:13.46Maldiviaonly the animations move faster
22:13.59Kremontei guess we can rule out rearview miror
22:15.10AdrineHeh, that's kinda crazy.
22:16.02ElvisoMaldivia, can you pastebin your code? sounds like something fun to play with :)
22:16.28MaldiviaElviso: /script WF3=CreateFrame("WorldFrame")WF3:SetHeight(150)WF3:SetWidth(250)WF3:SetPoint("BOTTOM",UIParent,"BOTTOM", 0, 120)
22:16.58Elvisowhao, nice
22:17.29MaldiviaKremonte: something like that you had in mind for "Read view mirror" ?
22:18.16Maldiviabut damn, watching animations run in 4x speed is hilarious :)
22:18.41Maldiviathink I'll go watch some duels... looking forward to seeing some faster-than-light backstabs :)
22:19.13ElvisoI wonder what like....ogres, or the races in the flats would look like
22:19.33TemMaldivia: why do the animations run too fast?
22:19.39MaldiviaElviso: FYI, when you reaload the UI, you crash
22:19.46Elvisoheh ok
22:19.50MaldiviaTem: 2 WorldFrames = 2x speed, 3 WorldFrames = 3x speed... :)
22:19.59MaldiviaTem: guess it's a counter issue :)
22:20.00Temoh lol
22:20.21TemI bet ony would be a funny thing to see at 4x speed
22:20.41AnduinLotharmy compy would blow up
22:21.04TemMaldivia: what is that on your 4th action button?
22:21.13MaldiviaFrostbolt macro
22:21.25Maldiviawas tired of the normal frostbolt icon
22:21.36Temdoes it do anything special?
22:21.41Maldiviause trinkets
22:22.12Maldiviaand Rank 1 frostbolt, if I have a totem targeted :)
22:22.15Temwhy is the border on the icons for your top two rows different than the border on the lowest row?
22:22.27TemFB rank 1 is retardedly useful
22:23.06Maldiviabecause I'm too lazy to actually change it so it looks exactly alike :)
22:23.56TemAnyone familliar with the Eclipse plugin Subclipse?
22:24.10TemI can't figure out their branch/tag interface
22:24.25AnduinLothari tried to use it a while ago
22:24.33AnduinLotharconfused the hell outa me
22:24.50AnduinLothari liked the file openning and file revision #, but that was about it
22:25.01AnduinLotharcouldn't figure out how to get a changelog
22:29.22AnduinLothari like some of eclipses features, but it's too complicated for it's own good i think.
22:32.44TainIt's just like anything else, you have to take the time to learn it if you want to make the most of it.
22:33.47AnduinLotharlearning curve is higher than most tools tho
22:34.04Iriel|workingI found eclipse too invasive
22:34.07Iriel|workingbut that's just me.
22:34.21AnduinLotharwell, it wants to controlt he whole process
22:34.35TainIt's those silly people who think developers are all tech-savvy and can figure it out. ;)
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22:34.52AnduinLotharI was very confused when I made my hello world using eclipse
22:35.09Temwhat language though?
22:35.10Iriel|workingAnduinLothar ; You could check out emacs
22:35.18Temto me it's invaluable when writing java code
22:35.21AnduinLothari tried to make a new project, then a new file, then write a class... it wouldn't let me
22:35.33Temprobably just me then
22:35.35Iriel|workingAnduinLothar : Its got a bit of a learning curve also, but it's powerful
22:35.39Temseemed very intuitive
22:35.43Iriel|workingAnduinLothar : And a lot less invasive
22:35.50AnduinLothari had to make a project and then a class and it made it's own file formatted just so
22:35.53TemIriel|working: what do you mean by invasive?
22:36.10Temthe one thing I really don't like about it is that it won't let me rename a class
22:36.15Iriel|workingTem: It kept wanting me to do things its way
22:36.15Temit has a cow when I do that
22:36.24AnduinLotharya, the refactoring cabibilities suck imo
22:36.26TainThe advantage that a lot of people have with Eclipse is starting out using it with Java, and then it's easier to use it with other languages.
22:36.48TemIriel|working: yeah I guess I can see how that would be annoying for someone who is already solid in the language
22:37.27AnduinLotharmaybe if i were learning java it might be useful, but when i'm set in my writting ways it wont let me do them
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22:38.27clad|sleepIriel|working: Where do you stand on the great emacs/vi debate?
22:43.34Iriel|workingAs I've said before, I know vi well enough to get my system to a point where emacs is installed
22:44.32AnduinLothari do like the search capibilities of both, but i'm very partial to intuitive gui
22:44.43MaldiviaAnd as I've replied before: I'n know emacs well enough, to close it and start vi/vim
22:46.10Maldiviaehh, without the 'n :)
22:46.28cladhairehehe I'm a emacs guy for most anything, but I can rock the vi =)
22:47.11Iriel|workingI used to be pretty handy with ed
22:47.27cladhairepico and nano ftw =)
22:48.03Maldiviacladhaire: the problem I have with pico/nano... I always find :w and :q sequences in the files, after I've finished editing them
22:48.14Iriel|workingI was thoroughly emacsified when pico appeared
22:48.48MaldiviaIriel: and yep... another bug-thread posted, to be ignored... hehe :)
22:51.47Maldiviahmm, ok - the title might be a bit [what ever the word is, for: it could have two meanings]
22:52.06Iriel|workingI thought that too
22:52.13Iriel|workingbut I figured it might get it read more
22:53.16MaldiviaAmbiguous, yeah - that's probably the word I should have been looking for... I was thinking something in the line of duplicit, but that's more in the the line of deception, right?
22:59.54TemIriel|working: what ever happened to Qzot's CONFIGURATOR?
23:00.24Iriel|workingTem: I have no idea
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23:17.27KtronAre there any Ace'd mass mail addons?
23:23.36Elviso#wowace would prob be a better chan for that question :p
23:23.44Elvisoand I heard one mentioned recently
23:24.01hyperChipmunkbeing written as we speak
23:24.32hyperChipmunkmade first commit about 15m ago
23:25.18Elvisocool I'll stop looking for what was said
23:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
23:30.05Elvisoquestion: anyone have any method to detect if your spellcast was successful? I'm checking GetSpellCooldown, but it's not giving the expected results the instant after casting
23:30.25Elviso(using it for a spell w/a 3m cooldown)
23:32.09Iriel|workinginstant or non-instant cast?
23:32.25Iriel|workingYou get a SPELLCAST_STOP event
23:32.40AnduinLotharinstants only call the SPELLCAST_STOP event
23:32.46Elvisooh cool
23:32.47AnduinLotharor failed
23:32.48Iriel|workingOf course, you have to take it on faith it came from the spell you think you cast
23:33.03Elvisodamn, was hoping one of the args would be the spellname or id
23:33.09AnduinLotharor use a giant system of hooks to figure it out
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23:33.11Iriel|workingbut SPELLCAST_STOP means instant-cast-successfully
23:33.21ElvisoI *could* scan my targets buffs as well, but..
23:33.28Iriel|workingYou could easily check the spell cooldown onc eyou GET the SPELLCAST_STOP
23:33.28AnduinLothari was gonna make a lib. maybe i'll do that today
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23:50.55Elvisobuff scanning doesnt even work for checking for a successful cast
23:51.06ElvisoI *really* dont want to use an event
23:54.11Miravlix_AnduinLothar: What lib?
23:54.59Miravlix_Elviso: Scan the chat
23:55.41Elvisogreat idea
23:56.06Elvisohowever, if for some reason someone has their combat log turned off, would it still work?
23:56.10Miravlix_It gives an error message when it fails
23:56.30Miravlix_The chat gets the chat like the rest of us mortals
23:56.42Miravlix_It's not the interface to the chat
23:56.57AnduinLotharwas gonna extract my APB code and make a spell casting event lib
23:57.26AnduinLotharfor getting the name/time/failure of cast/casting spells
23:57.52Miravlix_Putting the finishing touches on my SeaSpellbook library
23:58.31Miravlix_Then it's inventory. *whimpers* that one is going to be horrible
23:58.53AnduinLotharthe inventory code's already written
23:59.39Miravlix_Aah, still need to be made a library though
23:59.41AnduinLothari rewrote most of it, it can scan for name or id or full id
23:59.55AnduinLotharw/ or w/o temp enchant

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