irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060423

00:00.13wereHamsterit will print a error reportt if something's wrong
00:03.16wereHamsterthe hooked __index function of the metatable checks if the user requests "spellInfo" from the table
00:03.46wereHamsterif yes and the table doesn't contain "spellInfoReal" it means something has gone wrong because spellInfoReal should be set
00:04.12wereHamsterif spellInfoReal exists, return that
00:04.45wereHamsterthe OnShow() function requests the table value for the key "spellInfo"
00:05.07wereHamsterand all goes well there, means the frame was initialized correctly
00:06.00Miravlix_I can't see how it works because half the code is missing. :)
00:06.14wereHamsterwhat more do you need to see?
00:06.40Kirovif I have a mod with a local variable, getglobal will see it if it's in scope, right?
00:06.52Irielgetglobal doesn't know anything about locals
00:06.55Irielgetglobal will get the global
00:07.05Kirovis there a getlocal?
00:07.08hyperChipmunkgee, what a concept
00:07.20IrielNo, locals dont exist by name
00:07.21Miravlix_Locals doesn't have a name after being compiled
00:07.22hyperChipmunkisn't that just calling it plainly?
00:08.14Irielif you want 'addressable locals' then you dont want locals, you want a table
00:08.47Kirovaye, but that makes things so much more complex.  =)
00:35.45Miravlix_Someone tested CreateFramed tooltip's in 1.10.2 and they are still broken?
00:37.25wereHamsterIn the spellbook, if I'm in a shapeshift form, the icon has a shiny yellow border. what function is used to find out whether it needs the border or not?
00:41.29KremonteGetShapeshiftFormInfo() i think?
00:42.31wereHamsterthere is no reference to shapeshift functions in SpellBookFrame.lua
00:47.19Cideargh.. I want to rip my hair out right now :)
00:47.48not_hereplans to tak eover the world not goign so well?
00:48.22IrielHurting your haid?
00:48.27Irielhead, even
00:48.30CideI understand most of it
00:48.53Cidebut then I confuse them and it all turns out very wrong :P
00:49.48Kirov - more better animated!
00:50.00Kirov(and you can turn OFF animated)
00:50.13Cidebah. compasses can't have their animation turned off!
00:50.17not_hereis it sloshy liek a real compass?
00:50.52not_heregot some sin loving going on?
00:51.32Kirovsome psuedo physics
00:51.52Kirovvelocity, accelleration, and dampeners
00:52.06not_hereya, got some of that in ChatBar, was fun
00:52.17Kirovsince it can be constantly moving, I can't use a sine animation to go from point A to point B
00:52.35not_hereright, i ran into the same problem
00:52.45not_herenot even a fixed end point
00:54.11MentalPowerCide: I got lost as soon as the analogy ended...
00:54.11CideI know the feeling :)
00:54.11CideI think I need to multiply the x and y coordinates with my rotation matrix to rotate it, but after that it gets messy
00:54.36IrielCide: For your pie charts?
00:55.12IrielI dont think you need to do rotation in SetTexCoord at all
00:55.22Cidehm, maybe just x and y scaling?
00:55.46CideI guess it would be a rather useful lesson, regardless
00:56.04IrielYou need to use trig to figure out your coordinates in screenspace, then use transformation (Still complex, just not rotation) in texture space for the stretches
00:56.46Cidethe trig part is easy
00:57.10Cidecomparatively speaking, I guess :)
00:58.29CideI think I'm starting to confuse stuff when it comes to getting the inverse matrix
01:02.04IrielSince you dont need any rotation, you can simplify your math greatly
01:02.44Cidewell, I'll probably want to learn to rotate it sooner or later, but you're right
01:12.55KirovCan you approve SimpleCompass?
01:13.08Cidedon't do it; it's a trap
01:14.53Kirovyay for mostly pointless and overly graphical addons
01:18.43wereHamstercalling :Show() on a frame winn make all its parent visible, too, right?
01:19.06Irielthey'll become visible if they were previously shown, yes
01:19.52TainAh damn, a friend of mine is trying to get me sucked into yet another life-devourer, Eve Online.
01:20.21Irieleve is a cruel mistress too
01:20.27IrielOffline training FTW
01:21.07wereHamsterIriel, and when one of its parents is hidden it will remain hidden?
01:24.03wereHamsterIriel, suppose I have 3 frames, A (visible, parent:UIParent), B (hidden, parwbt:UIParent), C (hidden, parent: B), now I call C:Show(), it remains hidden (because B is hidden), if I now reparent C to A it sill remain hidden, too, even if its new parent is visible now. Working as intended?
01:25.03IrielThat sounds broken
01:25.26IrielCan you check /dump C:IsShown() /dump C:IsVisible() and /dump A:IsShown() and /dump A:IsVisible() ?
01:37.57wereHamsterdum command used: /dump A:IsShown(),A:IsVisible(),B:IsShown(),B:IsVisible(),C:IsShown(),C:IsVisible()
01:39.02wereHamsterafter C:Show(): [1]=1,[2]=1,[5]=1
01:39.18wereHamsterafter C:SetParent(A): [1]=1,[2]=1,[5]=1
01:39.32wereHamsterafter another C:Show(): [1]=1,[2]=1,[5]=1,[6]=1
01:40.03IrielThat's a bug then, can you make a tiny addon that demonstrates it and post to the forum?
01:40.24Irielor if you cant/dont want to post, just email it to me and i'll make sure the pirate sees it
01:40.38Cairennor me :p
01:55.02wereHamster -- feel free to post it to the forums
01:55.21Irielon it
01:56.39TemI can't post for some reason
01:56.45Temget a login failure
01:56.53IrielBilling day?
01:56.55CairennTem - renewal day?
01:57.08Temthat's what I think
01:57.12Tembut I can't login to test
01:57.27TemI get "service unavailable" when I try to see my account info
01:57.37IrielDamn test server transfers
01:58.04TemService Temporarily Unavailable
01:58.04TemThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
02:06.51wereHamsterThanks Iriel
02:13.22wereHamsterIriel, are you 100% sure that OnUpdate() is called only between OnShow() and OnHide() ?
02:13.48IrielOnUpdate is called whenever the screen is repainted
02:14.06wereHamsterbut only on visible frames
02:33.54TemKirov: I'm noticing that the arroys on the compass are changing color as they rotate, why?
02:34.59TemKirov: nevermind, they aren't changing color; they are passing under semi-transparent portions of the "art"
02:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
02:51.33MaldiviaAnyone here, who can confirm an editbox display bug for me ?
02:52.58Miravlix_What does it involve triggering it?
02:53.52Maldiviatext is centered, but the cursor is stil left justified
02:54.02Miravlix_Waiting for a reload
02:54.08Miravlix_Takes 5 min for me. :P
02:54.17Maldiviaehh, JustifyH :)
02:54.53Miravlix_You prolly have to SetCursor or something
02:55.10Miravlix_FauxScrollFrame has to be set multiple places
02:55.22Miravlix_To get them all centered
02:55.25Miravlix_or moved
02:55.44MaldiviaEditBox is a widget, not a template, like Faux*
02:56.01MaldiviaAnd we have no control over the cursor at all
02:56.07Miravlix_I just meant ScrollBars is really horrible working with them
02:56.17Maldivia(besides controlling it with the arrow keys, when the editbox is in focus)
02:56.29Miravlix_Since you have to set there size, then set the scrollbars location ont he scrollbar and then set the windows location
02:56.47MaldiviaYeah, I know... but not really compareable
02:57.07Miravlix_The cursor is clearly working independently of the text
02:57.14Miravlix_So looks like the same to me
02:57.29MaldiviaOK, thanks
04:13.16TemKirov: the compass is badass when you're in flight
04:14.02Miravlix_Someone mentioned wanting to use getglobal on locals
04:14.10Miravlix_Now I want to do it too. :p
04:18.42Miravlix_Hmm, does table = { VARIABLE = { something = true } } make table[VARIABLE].something?
04:20.51Miravlix_This is going to be a huge mess to localize.
04:22.28Miravlix_Spellbook scanning localized and I need to have my translators write pattern/functions to reconice the values
04:23.13Miravlix_English "Rank 2"  Koran "2 <KoreanForRank>"
04:23.49Miravlix_How do I simplyfy this. hmm.
04:24.05IrielMake your loading table use
04:24.18Irielkeys and values the opposite way aray
04:24.26Irieland then flip them in code once you load one
04:24.53Miravlix_How do you explain codeing to someone that can just translate Rank to another language
04:25.16Miravlix_They can't 'code' the translation
04:26.27Miravlix_Hmm, I have to make 'template' functions, they should be able to deal with: func = function(var1, var2)
04:26.35Miravlix_Can't do that
04:27.19Miravlix_func = function(var1, var2) templateFunc1(var1, var2) end
04:27.34Miravlix_I'm scarred of the number of function calls though
04:32.00Miravlix_And I'm not even sure the code will work in another language.
04:32.53Miravlix_Naah, that should be fine, the tooltip will still have the same information where my English tooltip has it
04:33.51Miravlix_if SEASPELLBOOK_INSTANT.func(, tooltipText ) then
04:33.57Miravlix_It aint pretty
05:19.00*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
06:04.56Miravlixlocal var1, var2, var3 = tonumber() = function() return "a", "bbb", 3 end
06:05.27MiravlixThere isn't really a way for me to tonumber var3 at run time?
06:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
06:10.29MiravlixI would kill for if ( _, _, temp = string.find( text, pattern )
06:12.21Wobin_They're all psuedo-psuedo values anyway =)
06:12.43Wobin_I'd like it if _, actually discarded the value
06:22.02MiravlixI just want the ability to assing in an if
06:22.34MiravlixI've just written the worst code ever or the best code.
06:24.11MiravlixHmm, must be worse, wow locked up.
06:26.20MiravlixDisconnected from server. Thats not the expected result!
06:34.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:37.44MentalPowergnight folks
06:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
07:21.51Miravlix_Whats the difference between a spellbook ability that says Instant and Instant cast?
07:22.03Miravlix_Is Instant the ones without global cooldown?
07:25.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:26.00Miravlix_Nature's Swiftness Instant
07:26.42Miravlix_Tigers Fury - Instant
07:27.12Miravlix_Dash Instant
07:27.31Miravlix_Shadowmeld - Instant
07:29.16Miravlix_Ravage - Instant
07:30.52Elvisois UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID an API function?
07:31.31Kirovit's in UIDropDownTemplate.lua (I think that's the file)
07:32.07Elvisoerr that's what I it is a Blizz func() then?
07:43.33KirovI wonder if SetTexCoords works on the minimap ...
07:43.52IrielIt doesn't
07:43.57Irielsince it's not a Texture object
07:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
07:45.55CodayusMiravlix_: That does seem to be the case.
07:46.15CodayusInner Focus is instant = no global cooldown.
07:46.58CodayusMiravlix_: No, that's not the case.
07:47.08CodayusFind Minerals is instant, but does cause a global cooldown.
07:47.35Shouryuuinner focus has no global cooldown, I'm sure of that
07:48.13CodayusThat's what I said.
07:48.26Miravlix_Some abilities has a casting time of "Instant", some is "Instant cast", we where wrondering if the information made any sense
07:48.42Miravlix_Doesn't seem like it
07:48.52CodayusAnd both Find Minerals and Inner Focus are "Instant" (not "Instant Cast"). Instants not take mana/rage/energy?
07:49.08CodayusWhere Instant Cast does?
07:49.11ShouryuuIF doesn't
07:49.19CodayusNeither does Find Minerals.
07:49.39ShouryuuWell focused casting was instant cast and costed 90 mana
07:49.48Shouryuubut focused casting is gone sooo
07:52.21Miravlix_Nicely spotted
07:52.31Miravlix_Instant means no mana cost
07:53.03Miravlix_It does not mean no cost
07:53.20Miravlix_Rage/Energy abilities is Instant, so is spells with no mana cost
07:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
08:01.46Elvisois there a way to disable a drop-down box? I tried :Disable() and UIDropDownMenu_DisableButton() but neither seem to have any effect
08:02.50Irielrey that
08:02.58Irieltry that, even
08:03.24Elvisoyeah I'm going to do it programatically so this: won't be good...but I have more stuff to play with now thx :)
08:03.39Elvisocan't spell..
08:03.40Kirovthey added that recently, those bums
08:04.14KirovIriel - I'm trying to figure out if the minimap background is anything we can play with.
08:04.36Kirovbut it doesn't appear to be any of the children
08:04.39IrielKirov : So far my guess is 'no'
08:04.49IrielHave you tried :GetRegions on the Minimap?
08:05.44IrielThat's as I imagined it would be
08:06.09KirovDo you know how the game deals with frame backgrounds?
08:06.16Wobin_hehe I was just thinking...
08:06.24Wobin_You could rotate the background rather than the 'arrow'
08:06.46IrielKirov : Not really, other than we can set but not query them at the moment
08:08.02KirovWobin - that's what I'm trying to see if we can do
08:09.24KirovNeed a "RotateFrame()"
08:09.43KirovThat'll happen in about never.
08:10.15IrielI jokingly asked for that once
08:10.33IrielI think all I got was a "Slouken grins."
08:13.52KirovIt'd be nice to be able to get the camera rotation too
08:14.09Kirovthough I'm thinking that's along the same lines as frame rotation as far as when we'll see it
08:44.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
08:58.12Elvisook, can editboxes be disabled?
08:59.06Kirovor :EnableMouse() EnableKeyboard()
08:59.46Elvisocould I set maxChars = 0?
09:00.32Elvisodisabling mouse/kb sounds best tho
09:00.46KirovAnd ClearFocus()
09:01.16IrielHiding them and replacing them with a fontstring seems sanest
09:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
09:01.32Elkanogood (whatever) :)
09:01.41KirovSo, it appears the minimap texture does replace the background of the minimap
09:01.51KirovI can't set a background texture, or the color
09:02.13ElvisoKirov, you mean similiar to King's UI's?
09:03.05KirovElviso - no
09:03.16Kirovthere he's just adding stuff on top
09:03.27Kirovand replacing the existing border
09:03.49KirovI'm trying to see if I can get access to the minimap itself, and rotate it!
09:04.22Kirovbut, sadly, no
09:15.40not_herejust rotate the border, so the N goes in circles
09:16.40Kirovbut the entire MAP will be wrong
09:17.08not_hereminor problems
09:18.00KirovI'll just hook on to yatlas and rotate those textures
09:18.03Kirovthat shouldn't be slow or anything
09:19.00Miravlix_A working localizeable spellbook scanner.
09:20.12Miravlix_Just need to wade through level 60 chars list to verify that they are all handled
09:20.44Miravlix_And then I need to make the database local independent perhaps.
09:21.08zenzelezz<Miravlix_> Rage/Energy abilities is Instant <--- there are a few abilities that require rage and aren't instant, Heroic Strike and Cleave ("next melee" attacks)
09:21.26Miravlix_I know
09:21.40Elkanobut no cast time
09:21.41Miravlix_It's just that Instant doesn't mean no cost
09:21.57Miravlix_Just no mana cost and no cast time
09:22.02zenzelezzah, I must have missed what you said before that then :)
09:22.35Elkanothe shamans shocks have no cast time but use mana
09:23.00Elkanoor did I miss an important part of the discussion?
09:23.02Shouryuubut they aren't instant casts?
09:23.05Miravlix_Yes, and they are Instant cast
09:23.12Miravlix_Not Instant
09:23.23KirovFROST SHOCK!
09:23.25Elkanowhat's your definition of 'instant'?
09:23.54Shouryuuinstant is instant, instant cast is that it does not set a global CD
09:24.05Elkanoah, k
09:24.36Miravlix_I'm a bit worried though, I seem to get a lot of disconnects.
09:24.53Miravlix_Why would scanning a spellbook cause disconnects?
09:25.01Shouryuuw00t my guild just downed rag
09:25.10IrielAre you causing a lot of messages to be sent to the server all-at-once ?
09:25.43Miravlix_Define lot of messages
09:26.09IrielEnough that might trigger the flood prevention disconnection
09:26.22Miravlix_What is lot of messages?
09:26.31not_herethat's the question
09:26.31IrielI think it's in the 1-2K/second range, but maybe 3-5k/second
09:26.39Miravlix_It's a spellbook scanner it does API calls
09:26.42not_here1-2k characters
09:26.48IrielYes, but how many calls and how fast
09:26.57IrielCould it get 'stuck' and issue thousands of calls?
09:27.25Miravlix_Is an API call a message?
09:29.45Miravlix_I've optimized the code to do the minimum possible number of API calls and hopefully in the shortest amount of time.
09:30.15Miravlix_GetNumSpellTabs, GetSpelLTabInfo, GetSpellName, GetSpellTexture, SetSpellInof
09:30.50IrielWell, i'd say put in some code to count how many GetSpellInfo's you do and abort after say, 100
09:30.55Irieland see if you're abortng
09:31.04Irielthen vary the abort up and down and see if it's out of control or not
09:31.19Miravlix_I do 1 pr. spell in the spellbook
09:31.45not_herethat the only addons you're running?
09:31.54Miravlix_So thats something like 60 or so for this char
09:32.47IrielYou THINK you do 1 pr spell, that's really my question, have you counted it to make sure it really stops
09:32.55Miravlix_That + 170 other addons
09:33.21Miravlix_No I don't think, I know
09:33.58Miravlix_I just created the code to hook API's to check how many times they where called, remember...
09:34.12IrielBut you're getting disconnected
09:34.33IrielSo did you get a running count duringt he run-up to the DC?
09:36.07not_heremira, there's not  much point in debugging with 170 addons running
09:36.38Miravlix_Yes, there is, because thats the real world scenario
09:36.59not_herethere's a new Sky in the trunk that will warn you if you are exceeding the message bandwidth, but it wont could api calls
09:37.00IrielHis point is, once it breaks, you should disable the 170 and see if it's still broken
09:37.04Miravlix_Debuging speed issues with just your own addon running is pointless and show nothing
09:37.18not_herestop just being argumentative
09:37.57not_hereif it disconnects with lots of addons your first step should be to dissable them until it starts working
09:38.20Miravlix_Well, it start working if I login, instead of doing a /reload
09:38.32Miravlix_While my system is very busy doing other stuff
09:38.39not_hereare you in a party?
09:39.22not_hereI'm not gonna walk you through debugging. You should be fully capible by now and you've heard me recite the spiel a thousand times
09:39.44Miravlix_I'm standing in Stormwind at a busy corner, so not sure about nutty events, but I've fixed most of the 170 addons to not react to other peoples events
09:40.37Miravlix_But I've used GetSpellName in 100K for loops
09:40.41Miravlix_With no problems
09:40.48Miravlix_You sure GetSpellName can overload?
09:41.00IrielI wouldn't imagine GetSpellName can overload, no
09:41.27IrielNot sure about GameTooltip:SetSpell though
09:41.35IrielHow do your disconnects feel?
09:41.44IrielIs everything okay and then D/C
09:41.47KirovSeems odd that Setx could get overloaded
09:41.50Miravlix_It's very messy since it's during a /reload
09:41.51Irielor does the game lock up for a while then D/C
09:42.07KirovI've done over 40,000 sethyperlinks in one shot with out a problem
09:42.32Miravlix_So the game is locked up, while it handles saving the 100+ MB savedvariables I have
09:43.04Miravlix_I get a few addons we are loading spam, then it just goes to login
09:43.12KirovI've noticed the game will lock if it takes too long to load the UI
09:43.36KirovLike, it doesn't know how to proceed if it finally finishes loading the UI and you're already disconnected
09:43.40Miravlix_Not the normal you can run around for a minute, then we DC
09:45.02Miravlix_Must be Sky/FlagRSP that overloads
09:46.01Miravlix_Maybe even packetloss because my computer is loaded
09:46.21KirovFound a new way to crash the game
09:46.24Miravlix_Hate not having propper error messages
09:47.04sarf|stuffKirov> the "if it takes too long to load we d/c" is probably caused by UNIT_HEALTH / BAG_UPDATE / other event spamming
09:47.06not_hereis it possible to reshape square frames/textures to parralellagrams?
09:47.22sarf|stuffIf your addons are modified to hook events only on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD it may work better
09:47.30sarf|stuff(essentially applying tigerhearts patch)
09:47.31Kirovtextures? yes
09:47.32IrielTextures, yes, as long as they have a transparent border on all 4 sides
09:48.07Miravlix_sarf|stuff: We know how it works Sarf, we are talking login here.
09:48.11sarf|stuffOne addon which causes me to d/c is CT_RA *if* I login to a raid "in progress" (i.e. a lot of events firing off)
09:48.56Elvisoplayer_entering_world should fire before any addon_loaded, no?
09:49.13Miravlix_It's the last event in a login (almost)
09:49.59Miravlix_You get ADDON_LOADED for every addon that loads, then VARIABLES_LOADED, then PeW
09:50.21sarf|stuffMiravlix_> Do you know if it would be worthwhile to extend Catalyst to actually store one instance of each event fired and "refire" them after the entering event is done?
09:50.29not_hereso i've decided to start a new crusader to rid the world of idiots who make web pages with embedded videos and music files set to auto-play. violent murdering after public flogging. Who's with me?
09:50.39sarf|stuffI am!
09:50.44Miravlix_sarf|stuff: Totally poitnless, all zoning events has no use.
09:50.47Elvisook, do you know if PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED or RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE fire before PEW?
09:50.48sarf|stuffForce them to use IE 3.0 unpatched!
09:50.56Elvisoor, can they
09:51.03Miravlix_Except for a few chat ones
09:51.14sarf|stuffMiravlix_> Catalyst only stops a few events AFAIK
09:51.30Miravlix_Yeah I use ntfsfixloading
09:51.32sarf|stuffMiravlix_> The ones that causes the spam UNIT_HEALTH, BAG_UPDATE, ACTIONBAR_...
09:51.37Miravlix_It kills everything except a small white list
09:51.43Miravlix_Gives me 2-3s zoning times
09:51.50Miravlix_Kills Thottbot offcourse
09:52.07sarf|stuffOr just curse?
09:53.56sarf|stuffThe thing is, unless the events are spammed "beyond" entering world, it would be "considerate" to let addons know that the events fired... I mean, you wouldn't have to re-spam all times but you could condense the events down to the minimum list
09:54.00Miravlix_Couldn't find it on wowi, didn't check curse
09:54.24Miravlix_Slouken has promised to clean up zone events
09:55.15sarf|stuffBTW, in my SarfFix addon (personal) I hide the UIParent during zoning - would that improve zone times in any way beyond what loadingfix/addons do?
09:55.21Miravlix_Because nothing changed during zoning, so none of the events that fire has any real meaning and can be 'safely' ignored
09:55.32IrielI wouldn't think hiding UIparent would help much
09:55.40Irielsince events are received regardless of visibility
09:55.51not_heremight stop rendering..
09:56.01Miravlix_But hiding there would kill all OnUpdates?
09:56.12sarf|stuffI unhide on entering
09:57.11Miravlix_Hmm, disabling onupdate while zoning is an interesting feature, that needs future investigation
09:57.12sarf|stuffI thought they were relevant but just not "useful" since they just caused more processing - hence condensing them down to one event-instance (more than one with differing args if needed) would be good
09:57.20Miravlix_But since my 170 addon system can get down to 2-3s
09:57.31Miravlix_I don't think we can get any more speed
09:57.32sarf|stuffWould be easy to add to Catalyst y'know
09:58.07sarf|stuffHowever, disabling UIParent-related OnUpdates would be best since other onupdates may be relevant
09:58.15sarf|stuffand the UI should not update during zoning anyhow...
09:58.38Miravlix_Well, it's Blizzard that generates the 23K event calls during zoning
09:59.01sarf|stuffHow much GC does ntmys cause?
09:59.07Miravlix_23K event calls is what fixload ignores on my system
09:59.17Miravlix_0 I think
09:59.36sarf|stufff:SetScript("OnEvent", function()
09:59.36sarf|stuffif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or
09:59.36sarf|stuffevent == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" or
09:59.36sarf|stuffevent == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" or
09:59.36sarf|stuffstring.sub(event,0,4) == "CHAT") then
09:59.39sarf|stuffntmysFLT_PassedEvents = ntmysFLT_PassedEvents +1;
09:59.44sarf|stuffThat seems like it should create a function
09:59.50sarf|stuffor lots of them
10:00.07IrielWell, it creates lots of closures
10:00.09Irieljust one prototype
10:00.24sarf|stuffIt should be possible to rewrite
10:00.32sarf|stuffso it's a static function
10:00.37sarf|stuffAh, right
10:00.42sarf|stuffNever could keep those apart :/
10:00.56not_hereis there any way for a file system or os to detect another file being read?
10:01.17sarf|stuffYou can hook the API for opening files, yes.
10:01.35sarf|stuffMost FS:s have "exclusive read access" thingies too
10:01.44sarf|stuffWhich would give you an error if you tried to read the file
10:01.49not_herelike can i have an app running in the bg that detects when a certain file is accesses?
10:01.59zenzelezzWindows can let you monitor specific files; lots of programs do this
10:02.08sarf|stuff3rd party thingie tho, my friend ^^
10:02.10zenzelezzcan't remember what the functions for it are called
10:02.21not_hereis there an easy way to do this on unix?
10:02.24sarf|stuffcheck filemon
10:03.01Miravlix_Even my horrible lagged system is still just 6.4s to zone
10:03.07IrielDifferent unixes have different versions of filemon-like things
10:03.18not_herewhat's filemon?
10:03.39sarf|stuffWin32 API hooking program with sourcecode
10:03.45sarf|stuffallows you to see what files are being accessed
10:03.52sarf|stuffbut since you wanted unix...
10:04.31sarf|stuffTime to go level my Hunter to 48 so I can get to use my Hurricane!
10:05.53Miravlix_Why do you want to monitor if the file has changed?
10:06.17not_herebecause wow can read music files not present on reload
10:07.09not_herei'm wondering if I can use PlayMusic to access numbered files in order to read out information in semi-real time
10:07.52not_hereor maybe even remove certain files to cause errors that can be used for input
10:08.57IrielGah, writing XSL's to create XSL's is making my head hurt
10:09.09Miravlix_Sounds dirty
10:09.40not_heremaybe change file permissions
10:09.43Elkanowow, there's havy movement in the embedded libs area :)
10:10.05Miravlix_Anyone else noticed how the tram spams WORLDMAP_UPDATES?
10:11.48Miravlix_Oh crap, 30 min until I'm going out the door.
10:19.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
10:20.15ElvisoMiravlix_, you think it's b/c you're travelling through diff zones on the way?
10:20.46Miravlix_It happends when I stand still after just entering
10:21.31Elvisooh, lol
10:21.34not_hereso.. iriel, you would know... can we make non-rectangle shaped textures?
10:22.22IrielBut you can make a rectangular image with non-rectangular content using alpha
10:22.39not_hereright, not quite what i need, but thx
10:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:23.14Shouryuuif I do setglobal(a .. b,{}) how would I set the first value of that table to 10?
10:23.36IrielShouryuu getglobal(a ..b)[1] = 10;
10:24.03Shouryuuah ok thanks
10:24.13not_heremmm, if i strech a square texture to a rectangle and then rotate it will it still be the orig geometry?
10:25.09not_hereas in, will the picture distort or will it rotate as a whole rectangle
10:25.36Irielnot_here ; it depends what you tell it to do 8-)
10:26.00Shouryuuwill getglobal(a ..b)={10,20} set the two first values to 10 and 20?
10:26.22not_hereok, well you know the sellection circle for units?
10:27.07not_heresay i make a circle with and stretch it to look like the selection circle/oval
10:27.40not_herenow say i have an arrow on the edge
10:28.06not_herethink i can rotate it around the circle or will the oval rotate?
10:28.37IrielYou can do it either way
10:29.03IrielThough if you want to rotate the arrow around your oval and not have it stretch oddly then you'll need to do the 2 independently
10:29.42not_herewell you know how the oval looks liek it's extending foraward
10:29.53not_herei want it to distort liek that
10:30.21IrielI'm not sure I do actually, which circle are you talking about?
10:30.38Kirovhe's trying to do perspective
10:30.44not_herewhen you select a unit, the circle on the ground that glows
10:30.52IrielAh.. you can't do that then, not properly
10:30.59Irielyou'll have to cheat or do something fiddly
10:31.01not_herei'm wondering if i can manufature perspective
10:31.03Irielthat's a non-affine transformation
10:31.36IrielThe perspective transformation doesn't preserve linearity
10:31.58Irieli.e. if you have a line A-B, with midpoint M
10:32.09IrielThen the distance from A-M and M-B must remain equal
10:32.22IrielThe perspective transformation doesn't obey that rule
10:33.04IrielSetTexCoord doesn't let you do transformations that dont preserve linearity
10:33.11Irielthere aren't enough variables to represent them
10:33.19not_hereyou would have to have a parralellagram with sides sloping in
10:33.39IrielWhich would have the right 'edges' but the innards wouldn't distort the way you want them to
10:34.45not_hereok, so scrap the cirle, i can make that static. is there a way to make some arrow circle around it with some semblance of relative perspective?
10:35.15KirovYou can do that with the set tex coords
10:35.20IrielIf your arrow is a flat triangle, then absolutely
10:35.30IrielAnd even if it's got shading etc, it'll probably not be large enough you'd notice
10:35.42KirovAssuming it's fairly small, or really simple, the lack of proper distortion won't be noticed
10:36.18not_hereworse comes to worse i can make it a dot on a track
10:38.56not_hereok so what all can we get the direction of in game.. friendly players... gatherer markers...
10:40.03not_heredid that dragging the minimap under the mouse ever come to anything useful?
10:40.34not_herecan we get the direction of flags on the map?
10:40.50IrielDefine 'useful' 8-)
10:40.57IrielIt works, but it's a very slow system
10:41.25KirovYou can get the direction of anything that's outside of the range of the minimap that would otherwise show up on the minimap ... assuming you know what that thing is.
10:41.43KirovBut that's not terribly useful
10:43.54not_hereanyone made a map mod liek Alphamap that uses the battle map? i seem to remember something liek that
10:46.00not_heredon't spose there's a way to detect the vertical camera angle..
10:46.39Kirovno way to know any of the camera's positional information
10:50.31not_heremmm, how does the location names on the map work?
10:50.37not_herewhen you mouse over them
10:50.42not_herethe names shows up
10:50.59zenzelezzworld or minimap?
10:51.27not_hereare those mouseover frames or areas or something in the ui?
10:51.30IrielThere's an API function to query the poitns of interest
10:51.52not_hereby position?
10:51.58not_hereor by point?
10:53.00Kirovnight all
10:54.09not_hereso i could get the x,y of say a city
10:54.21not_hereand get the direction in comparison to me..
10:54.38not_herethat sounds useful
10:56.58not_herehmmm, map ntoes already does that.. meh
10:57.32Shouryuunot_here what are you trying to do? A compass mod?
11:00.20not_herenothing any more. was just brain storming
11:06.52not_herei get random inspiration to make pretty things. The logistics didn't pan out into something useful enough to make it worth my time.
11:09.06not_hereand i don't have enough determination to follow through with my uiframe dock
11:09.46not_herei have a few pages of ideas documented here on my desktop, with not enough time to do any of it
11:13.12sarf|stuffModel/Skinning idea : make replacements for all "flight taxi beasts" to be pigs with wings.
11:13.19sarf|stuffMorning wereHamster!
11:17.16sarf|stuffDid I just kill this channel?
11:17.34not_hereit's late sarf, every one's tired
11:17.51wereHamsterit's morning :)
11:20.27Elkanoit's time for America to vanish and Europe to rise ;)
11:20.44Shouryuufeeed me!
11:20.46sarf|stuff13:17 here
11:21.07sarf|stuffAnyhow! Does anyone know a 3D gfx artist with too much time and a love for crazy ideas?
11:21.21sarf|stuffI really feel up to implementing the TaxiPigs addon
11:21.50sarf|stuffWould be sweet if we could get them to go "OINK! OINK!" when they pass by people.
11:22.50not_hereif you could detect if a target was flying... you could play it when you click on them..
11:24.03sarf|stuffMight work for target?
11:24.11sarf|stuffor mouseover!
11:24.38not_herethat too
11:25.48Shouryuuman this getglobal and setglobal thing is going to pose problems
11:25.56sarf|stuffHow so?
11:29.41*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
11:34.05ShouryuuI'm doing my chess add on, and I want tables called things like BlackChessPiecesRook
11:34.19not_hereyou know there's already a chess addon
11:34.23ShouryuuThere is?
11:34.41Shouryuua donde?
11:34.52not_hereMiniGames in Cosmos
11:35.41not_herewas  made back in wow beta, I recently ressurected it to use Sky
11:35.48Shouryuuthat sucks
11:37.01not_herehow logn have yu been working on it?
11:42.46not_heredoh.. wish i know i could set grouploot threshold to poor
11:50.07Shouryuunot long, more like writting down some code while bored in class
11:50.17ShouryuuI'm quite sure I would've never managed
11:50.34Shouryuubut ones who tries nothing, can never gain anything :p
11:51.16not_herewell if you want to try we need it set up so you can play minesweeper single palyer. currently it's only multiplayer
11:51.54not_hereor you could write ai's for the other games
11:52.02ShouryuuAI will be very hard
11:52.07Shouryuuif not impossible
11:52.11ShouryuuI'm a harrible coder
11:52.23Shouryuuyou don't even remotly want me to try AI
11:52.28not_herecould look up an existing ai and convert it to lua
11:53.31ShouryuuI think that solo minesweeper should be more doable
11:53.44Shouryuualthough the algorithm for placing the mines will be 0.o
11:53.56not_herethat's already done
11:54.06Shouryuuthen what's missing?
11:54.07not_herejust need it soloable
11:54.25not_herea little gui setup and some rearanging to make it work
11:54.55ShouryuuMeh, out of my league =(
11:55.12not_herejust need a static popup that asks if you want to play single player or wait for a team mate
11:55.34Elvisoah-ha! it just dawned on me who not_here is, rofl
11:55.45Elvisowhy're you hiding anyways?
11:56.12not_herethe gui's already written, static popups are easy. just need to rearrange the names on the game window and dissable the player changing part
11:56.16over_thereIs not_here over_there?
11:56.29not_hereactually's i'm right_here
11:56.44over_therethis is weak
11:56.49over_thereI;m going out for lunch
11:57.23over_whereyou undercover not_here?
11:57.38Shouryuu*they* are listening
11:57.58not_hereNot really. My name doesn't seem mean very much, so I just decided to change it a couple times for temporary amusement
11:58.13over_wherewell, actually it does
11:58.35over_whereyou had established yourself to me as someone who knew their shit
11:59.34not_herebesides, if people have to discover who I am then they spend more time thinking about me, even if they don't know it. And my goal in life is to have everyone either working for me, worshiping me or thinking about me..
12:00.29ShouryuuI wish I were not_here...
12:00.39over_whereI wish I knew how to program Perl to emulate :P
12:01.18not_herebesides, I go through my emo periods like most everyone else and sometimes wish I were somone else or not here..
12:01.39not_heretoday I am not_here
12:01.41Elviso<-- has ducked out on guild raids all week
12:01.45ElvisoI know the feeling
12:06.29not_herelet me know if you get anywhere with minigames shouryuu
12:07.17not_heresleepy time for now
12:09.32Elvisolol cyas
12:34.01ShouryuuI've just been told the most humiliating thing
12:34.17Shouryuu"You're in Leviathans, I know you have better gear than that"
12:34.40Shouryuu"Thanks, I know I'm in a good guild but f*** you too!"
13:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:08.59Shouryuuohh cide
13:10.07Shouryuuthere's a bug I wanted to report about CTRA, nothing important, but in AQ 20man, there's an anubisian guard that throws a plague around, CTRA sends a tell to the player who has the plague and warns him. Buut, if a hunter's pet gets the plague, well CTRA tries to send a tell to the pet and not the hunter
13:10.28Cidenot much I can do about it :)
13:11.03Shouryuulol ok :P
13:11.10Cidewell, there's some stuff I could do about it, but I'd rather not as it would hurt performance
13:11.23zenzelezzif the pet has the same name as a player, will the player get the tell?
13:11.38Cidea hunter in our raid named his pet after another guild member
13:11.38zenzelezzmust be fun
13:11.42Cidepoor druid
13:13.16Shouryuuhummm which movie should I watch... Totoro, Princess Mononoke or Howl's moving castle
13:13.17IrielOnly players get tells
13:13.43Shouryuudecisions decisions
13:14.19TainYou should watch Time Bandits.
13:14.35Iriela classic
13:15.30Elvisolol Cide, I did that in my guild
13:15.35Elvisonow all the hunters followed suit
13:15.44Elvisowe named our pets after warlocks, and they love it...
13:15.59Elvisoif someone does /tar Aphon in a BG, they get my pet alot of the time
13:16.47Shouryuubut, but, I don't have Time bandits..
13:18.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
13:18.32ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
13:27.38TainYou need to fix that then, Shouryuu
13:31.08Shouryuu's sunday
13:31.17Shouryuusunday in france = *Everything* closed
13:35.52sarf|stuffCide> just keep a "raidpet list" with name => unitname and then you a) keep owner there too or b) reverse owner unitname from petunitname
13:36.08sarf|stuffThat won't hurt performance that much, just mem size
13:37.41TainEven the rioters in France take Sunday off
13:42.56*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
14:12.28IrielVFX = VF:Instantiate("ActionBarButtonTemplate", "VFX", UIParent);
14:12.39IrielFinally I got something that looks like an action bar button
14:12.41IrielI can sleep now
14:13.19krkawhat have you done?
14:13.25krkaand can i have it? :)
14:13.34IrielHeh, it's not quite done yet
14:13.37Irielbut once it is, sure
14:14.03krkacan i ask a quicky btw?
14:14.06krkaabout metatables
14:14.10IrielIt's some scripts which take blxxard XML and spit out lua code
14:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:14.21krkacool Iriel
14:14.23IrielAnd then a lua driver to turn the code into frames
14:14.31krkathat's complete ownage
14:14.47IrielAs long as you avoid any missing methods it works pretty well
14:14.57KirkburnBtw, does anyone know a good ftp client? Both IE and FF refuse to work for me
14:15.01krkaas in, stuff you haven't implemented?
14:15.04krkaKirkburn, filezilla
14:15.23IrielAs in stuff slouken hasn't implemented
14:15.38krkaif i have a table frame -> string
14:15.44krkaand make that be week valued
14:15.46krkaand the gc runs
14:15.52krkawhat happens to it?
14:15.57krkawill frame -> nil?
14:16.12Irielweak VALUED ?
14:16.20Irielso the string is the value, and that's weak?
14:16.52Irielif the string is collected (and that means nobody else has a reference to it) then the table entry will be nilled
14:17.00krkacool, thanks
14:17.11krkai was thinking maybe that table itself counted as a reference
14:17.15krkasince they key isn't weak
14:17.51Irielthe "weakness" means whether the table entry counts as a reference on the thing
14:18.13Irielnot the other way around
14:18.34Irielwith the side effect (sort of) that if the weakly held object is collected the table entry is nil'ed
14:18.43krkai see
14:19.07krkaso i can store all sorts of stuff in weak tables, without any memory penalty
14:19.15krkamuch smarter caches this way
14:19.34IrielJust be careful about weakly held strings
14:19.47Irieli.e. dont count on them being collected
14:20.10krkanope, i won't
14:20.20krkai don't really need them to be collected
14:20.22KirkburnGrah, why is it sourceforge goes down the moment I visit
14:20.30krkait's just stuff that _might_ never be used again
14:20.51IrielSome fun (machine generated) code
14:22.29Irielfor good measure
14:22.41wereHamsterNormalTexture = "NormalTexture"; is that correct?
14:23.02Irielyes, it's a deferred reference into the regions subtable
14:23.11IrielMy loader knows what to do with it
14:23.25krkacool iriel
14:23.31wereHamsterah I see :)
14:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
14:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
14:24.40IrielAnyway, I have some less frequently used XML items to finish encoding
14:24.46IrielBut not a whole lot
14:24.56krkayou do all the cool stuff Iriel
14:24.59Irieland then some of the more fiddly lua bits to hook in
14:25.12Irieland then I get to clean up all my code
14:26.47MaldiviaIriel: about the numbers you posted in the how much memory it uses thread, how sure are you about those ?
14:27.21IrielMaldivia : For x86 wow on windows, i'm very sure
14:27.36IrielMaldivia : All tests were repeated many times with many thousands of iterations for each data point
14:27.54Kirkburnkrka, thanks for the suggestion, it worked :)
14:28.23MaldiviaHow large should an array with 234 entries, each of those entries is an array with 81 numbers, be?
14:29.00wereHamsternumbers in lua are doubles, right?
14:29.17Maldiviafrom what I read it should be (128 * 16 + 32) * 234 + 32
14:29.18IrielwereHamster : right
14:30.32Maldiviagcinfo() before an after the init of that structores gives 305 kb
14:30.37Maldiviathe difference, that is
14:31.10Irieldid a gc run happen while it was being built?
14:31.38Irielreturn PackedArrayTableSize(81) * 234 + PackedArrayTableSize(234)
14:31.56IrielAssuming none of the tables existed before you started
14:32.02Irielfunction PackedArrayTableSize(entries)
14:32.06Irielfor reference 8-)
14:33.23Maldiviathe script is: collectgarbage(); local mem = (gcinfo()); t = {....}; print((gcinfo()-mem)
14:33.32Maldiviaprints out 304 every time
14:33.43Irielwhat is ... tho ?
14:34.18Maldivia234 sudoko puzzles, listed as arrays with 81 one-digit numbers :)
14:34.28krkayou may want to do this instead:
14:34.32IrielDoes the result change if you call collectgarbage() twice before the run?
14:34.34krkahmm... no wait, never mind
14:34.53MaldiviaIriel: I highly doubt it, just ran it from lua commandline tool, same number
14:35.06Maldiviaand there should be no garbage at start up
14:35.59Irielhang on, you're testing outside of wow?
14:36.11Maldiviatested inside and outside
14:36.16MaldiviaI'm getting the same number
14:36.17Irielcommand line lua uses less memory than wow lua
14:36.55Irielsend me your test script sometime 8-)
14:38.53Maldiviajust a sec... just notice a bug in my puzzle list, not that it should change anything though
14:40.03MaldiviaIriel: -- it's only 80 numbers, have to find my missing number :)
14:40.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine (
14:43.40wereHamsterIsn't the table size calculation purely lua related? or did Blizzard change anything in the table implementation?
14:43.41krkahow about this:
14:43.49krkacolor coding on text changed - indenting on tab / enter?
14:43.57IrielIt's pretty much lua related, the variable is how big the lua objects are
14:44.21IrielBlizzard dont appear to have done anything structurally radical beyond the tainting flag
14:44.36Irielbut memory alignment and suchlike mean different lua implementions exhibit different sizes
14:45.40MaldiviaIriel: going from 80 numbers in each array to 81 changes the memory from 304 to 362
14:46.09IrielMaldivia : My standalone lua environment has '12' instead of '16' bytes per array entry
14:46.31Maldivia5.0 or 5.1?
14:46.34wereHamsterIriel, wasn't tainting added to 5.0.2 ? or was it there before?
14:46.51krkawhat was the syntax for making a table weakly valued?
14:46.57krka__mode == "v" or somrhing?
14:47.04Irielkrka __mode = "v" in the metatable
14:47.04krka__weak = "v"?
14:47.59IrielMaldivia : And it's 56 instead of 80 bytes per hash entry
14:48.28MaldiviaBut still, I'm getting the same memory reading from within WoW as with lua commandline (5.0.2)
14:51.22MaldiviaIs there a difference in allocation, when initializing with {a,b,c,...} and with table.insert(t,a) table.insert(t,b) ... ?
14:52.45IrielYes, there is
14:53.01Iriellua optimizes the {} format constructor to allocate only as many entries as it needs
14:54.56IrielIf I rebuild your table on the fly then I get the number i'd expect
14:56.11MaldiviaWell, I changed my table in the meantime, to be 234 81-char long strings instead, lowering the memory usage by 95% :)
14:57.43krkahmm... i should probably test my stuff in lua before testing in wow
14:58.05MaldiviaNow I just have to wait for 1.11, so I can use EditBox:SetNumeric and EditBox:SetAutoFocus :)
15:00.28Maldivia... and the fix for EditBox:SetJustifyH
15:00.58krkaand EditBox:SetMultiLine
15:01.53Maldiviawell, right now I don't have the need for SetMultiLine :)
15:02.34krkai do :P
15:03.23Maldiviahaving an editbox on the screen that's auto-focus is really annoying, since you can't really do anything :)
15:05.59Maldivia*smirk* Just noticed the item "The Jaw Breaker"... it has the tag-line: "Not edible" :)
15:06.25ElvisoI like Blizz's sense of humor
15:06.39Elvisothe whole "Broken I.W.I.N." button, et all
15:07.48ElvisoI also love it when I set out to add a couple insignificant features to my addon
15:08.11Elvisoand I notice I don't like a way part of it is coded, so I redo it and can't get it fixed right now
15:08.13Maldiviaand insignificant becomes 300 lines of code?
15:08.20Elvisopretty much, at least
15:10.21Maldiviahmm... I logged on to a paladin alt I have, by mistake... and I noticed that I've gotten a free talent respec... guess how long it's been since I last logged on to this char :)
15:10.45Elvisosame thing happened with my priest, although that wasn't as long ago
15:11.22ElvisoI love it the most the minute I complain about broken code, I fix it....after an hour of tinkering
15:12.21TainI just complain and hope the code elves will come in the middle of the night and fix it while I sleep.
15:14.58Elvisodamn, those elves rule. my elves just make messes everywhere and hide things
15:29.39KirkburnFriendly friends, what do you think of this?  ... it's my first attempt at a fully CSS website (starting PHP when my book comes)
15:30.45zenzelezzpretty good. The colors aren't quite my taste, but the layout itself is nice
15:31.17Cidethe latest updates/results & photos are quite far down the page
15:31.40KirkburnIt's def gonna be more colourful when it's done (lots of photos around), and good point Cide
15:32.18KirkburnThe Lorem Ipsum isn't final btw ;)
15:32.30Cideoh? too bad.
15:32.33zenzelezzCide makes a good point about content positions
15:33.23KirkburnMost of the sections would be shorter when they've got the stuff in, but I should do something about that
15:33.49zenzelezzfor such a site I would sort of expect the "intro" and the news to be separate pages
15:34.33KirkburnOh that's not the main news page, it will only ever have the last three things on, there's gonna be a proper news page
15:34.37Cidethe menu up top is pretty invisible too
15:34.48CideI didn't notice it before browising a while
15:35.04Cidemight be because the logo catches attention pretty swiftly :)
15:35.07KirkburnOkay I'll change that ... it works, though?
15:35.22zenzelezzthe layout itself is very nice, knowing it's pure CSS
15:35.35KirkburnAbsolutely no tables whatsoever :)
15:35.39ElvisoI'd crunh the top together
15:35.43zenzelezzI never managed to make the language understand how I wanted my page to look ;p
15:36.03Elvisoif you stick the nav directly under the banner, then ppl can't help but notice it
15:36.04CideI like it though
15:36.22zenzelezzyeah, pretty clean
15:36.50Elvisoand there's too much space between the nav & body, IMO
15:37.21KirkburnElviso, that's for the 'drop down' navigation stuff
15:37.35Elvisoyeah, but the top is still too spacious for me :)
15:37.57Kirkburn(the left nav bar isn't the main navigation stuff, it's only for within sections despite what it shows :)
15:38.37KirkburnIt's much better than the garish blue default theme Dreamweaver gave me originally
15:38.39Elvisoother than the spacing, I really like it though
15:39.11KirkburnI'll do more on it later, thanks for all the advice!
15:43.32Elvisough, I thought Firefox 1.5 would be better with VM constantly growing
15:44.58MaldiviaI have that annoying bug sometimes
15:45.26Elviso140mb footprint / 225mb VM.....restart w/same tabs open (<3 session saver), and now 43mb / 34mb
15:45.45Elvisolost almost 300mb....
15:46.03Wobin_I wish I could call gc on Firefox sometimes
15:46.15Elvisoit's not a bug I don't think....just the way it was made
15:46.27Wobin_It's horrible =(
15:46.27wereHamsterElviso, how much ram do you have?
15:46.40wereHamsterand any other applications running?
15:46.55Wobin_I sometimes thing Roboform is leaky
15:46.57Elvisoyou could say that....WoW, WoW UI Designer..
15:47.35wereHamsterbecause.. every byte of ram that is unused is a wasted..
15:48.39ElvisoI'm right at 600mb used currently
15:48.43Elvisowas closer to 900
15:48.55Elvisowas taking 25s + to switch task to Firefox
15:49.09Elvisoinstant now
15:50.08zenzelezzI remember I once made a chat log parser for AO that wrote out each line as a <font> tag... the .html file was around 4 or 5 mb, Firefox used somewhere around 400 mb memory when I opened it :-o
15:51.58Elvisowell FFox definitely uses less RAM than IE with an equal amt of pages open....but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a low amount, unfortunately
15:52.31Elvisoand it continues to build, it never does a GC of sorts (you invent that Wobin_ and I'll be your best friend!)
15:54.42zenzelezzWindows does a fair job is clearing the memory if you minimize and restore Firefox
15:54.58zenzelezzis = of...
15:55.15KirkburnWhen IE7 is minimised it takes about 3meg of ram :P
15:55.23Kirkburn(no matter how many tabs were open)
15:56.36zenzelezzone problem still remains about that though
15:57.28ElvisoI don't think there's any correlation between minimizing FFox and it's memory usage
15:58.20zenzelezzWindows (XP at least) does some memory stuff with programs when you minimize them; at least I've seen this with Firefox (don't check much for other programs)
15:58.46zenzelezzcould be it has to remain inactive for a while before it does
15:59.08Wobin_woohoo! 2k downloads!
16:04.39Shouryuuhow much are Twilight encrypted texts on your servers?
16:05.01ShouryuuI got 40g for a stack =P
16:05.11zenzelezzI don't know what they *sell* for, but I seem to see a bunch of people *trying* to sell for 1g per text
16:05.32Shouryuu1g per text is a friend's price on my server
16:06.20Shouryuutoo bad I don't have the game anymore or I'd have an epic mount by now
16:07.01Shouryuu640g for an epic FW mount is very reasonable
16:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
16:29.27ckknightokay, I need a name for FuBarTooltip, only embedded, and not dependant on FuBar at all
16:29.51krkawhat does it do?
16:30.04ckknightit displays info, like how a tooltip would
16:30.15ckknightbut it can also detach, be clicked on if need be
16:30.32ckknightbasically everything that FuBar's tooltips can do
16:31.26ckknightdon't think I'm gonna go with CoolTip
16:31.51krkafine :P
16:33.04krkadamn it, something is broken
16:33.24krkaeverytime i run recoloring, the output string is twice as long as the source
16:33.31krkawhich is kinda a problem
16:37.15Elvisohrmm, is Frame:SetScale(this.value) valid?
16:37.32Elvisono thats javascript
16:37.49Maldiviashould be valid
16:38.04ElvisoI must be doing something else wrong then
16:38.24krkacheck what this.value contains
16:38.39Maldiviaofcourse, depends on what this refereced at the time you call it, and if it actually has a value entry
16:38.50ElvisoTrying to use it on a slider..
16:39.09Elvisowith Frame being the name of the parent that I want to resize
16:39.17Elvisoso ok, i think i see now
16:39.39Maldiviaif this is a slider
16:41.23ElvisoOnDragStop should suffice, no?
16:41.58MaldiviaYou want to find out when a slider changes value ?
16:42.39MaldiviaIf so, OnValueChanged is probably the what you want
16:42.45Elvisowell, I dont want to resize it immediately...I find that's annoying
16:42.55ElvisoI'd rather let the user finish adjusting, then resize
16:43.09ElvisoI'll try that though
16:43.49Maldiviawell then in your OnValueChanged start a 1 second timer... if the value doesn't change within 1 second, change the size ?
16:44.34Maldiviaor some other form for check
16:47.14Elvisowell, I first need to get it to work period :p
16:47.20ElvisoI'm tired, that may be the problem
16:52.40Shouryuudid any of you have news from the Joystick guy, the french magazine?
16:55.30ElvisoI think Kirkburn would know if anyone
16:55.49KirkburnI've only just got back, so nope :)
16:56.22KirkburnWe'll just have to keep a look out for Cafeine
16:56.50Shouryuuwho wrote mini-games?
16:56.54ShouryuuI know he's french
16:57.08Shouryuuor at least the chess part was written by someone's who's french
16:57.20ShouryuuWho's french and works on the cosmos team?
17:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|InterSlayer (
17:07.01Shouryuulol philiphs just invented something that prevents you from changing channel during a commercial
17:08.42KirkburnWow, I'd _love_ that
17:08.45Maldiviawell, they are trying to patent it at the moment ?
17:09.14MaldiviaYes, let the other companies pay royalies to phillips for a feature the consumers don't want
17:26.19Shouryuuthere are a lot of things I don't want and yet companies still pay to have them
17:26.43zenzelezzMP3 vs. Ogg Vorbis
17:27.05krkahmm.... if I use OnTextChanged then i don't receive OnEnterPressed and OnTabPressed
17:27.06krkawhat giveS?
17:30.11zenzelezzmaybe they consider OnTextChanging to encompass the other two? Don't really know though
17:30.21zenzelezzer... *Changed
17:30.32krkahmm... that wasn't the problem i tihnk
17:30.42krkamy OnTextChanged must somehow disable the other two
17:33.39krkais OnEnterPressed only for single line editboxes?
17:35.08zenzelezzcould be
17:59.33krkayou know you want to click it
18:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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18:02.11CairennSP|InterSlayer: forwarded
18:02.25Cairennyou're welcome :)
18:05.50krkais GoodIndentions a good name or a lame name?
18:06.30wereHamsterkrka, gimme luaslinger :-P
18:07.06wereHamsterwhwre can I download it?
18:07.18krkathe original should be easy to find
18:07.54Wobin_krka: And now I have the Beach Boys stuck in my head
18:07.55krkagrr, can't conncet
18:08.09Wobin_nanananana, nananna
18:08.15Wobin_Good goood goood good vibrations!
18:08.25Wobin_Good good good good vibrations!
18:08.39krkastupid wow, let me in already
18:09.00krkais it just me, or is luaslinger bad at handling stuff that's longer than one page?
18:09.16Wobin_You could be even more obscure and call it "PavingPathToHell"
18:12.05wereHamsterkrka, seems line luaslinger 1.1.4 trues to loadstring() the formated string.. gives me the error [string "fori=1,|c0033f..."] unexpected symbol near |
18:12.43krkai have hooked (i know, evil!) RunScript now in my addon
18:12.49krkaso it strips colors before running
18:14.29wereHamsterwouldn't it be easier to save the unformated string, only format it for siaplying and loadstring() the original?
18:15.53wereHamsterI can't see that you've hooked RunScript() in 1.1.4 :(
18:15.57krkaformat it for siaplying?
18:16.07krkayou have an ancient version
18:16.19wereHamsterthe one from
18:17.03krkathat's not my version, i didn't make LuaSlinger
18:20.59krkahmm... my addon messes up some stuff
18:23.12krkalocal function hookHandler(frame, handler, newFun)
18:23.27krkawhat's wrong with that?
18:23.33Maldivia*cough* PasteBin *cough*
18:24.13krkatoo lazy :P
18:24.18Cairenndon't be :p
18:24.37Maldiviait's very spammy any annoying
18:24.45krka... never mind, i find the bug
18:24.48krkaso stupid
18:25.09krkasorry, looked like less text when i copied it
18:25.17Cairenns'okay :)
18:26.01krkaok, now i just need a name for this
18:26.08Maldiviakrka: btw, why do you have parameters on it? SetScripts functions use global vars, not function-paramaters
18:26.19krkahm... good point!
18:26.24krka<-- stupid
18:28.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
18:28.50krkahmm... is is getting stable
18:28.54krkaname suggestions now please
18:29.05krkapreferably something punny
18:34.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
18:35.00krkano help eh
18:35.10krkai'll have come up with a boring and descriptive name then
18:35.18Wobin_I like ForAllIndentsAndPurposes
18:36.17Ktronthis toc should load indent.lua, right?
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18:36.46krkahmm... can someone up with a list of proverbs or similar that contains intent
18:37.28krkayup Ktron
18:37.29Ktronkrka, did you do something sneaky and rename your functions in indent.lua?
18:37.48Ktronso that stripColors is like lib:stripColors or something like that now?
18:38.02Cidehm... according to wowwiki: obj:SetTexCoord(ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy);
18:38.15Cideaccording to iriel's LineDrawTest: T:SetTexCoord(TLx, TLy, BLx, BLy, TRx, TRy, BRx, BRy);
18:38.20KtronAlright, so I should only need to change the references in Luaslinger to make it work
18:38.23Cideso, which is it? :)
18:40.14KtronEraphine, krka, should I be referencing the functions as IndentationLib:stripColors and IndentationLib:indentCode from the LuaSlinger.lua now?
18:40.25Ktroninstead of just stripColors and just indentCode?
18:40.37krkacan you give me half an hour and i'll give you the newest version
18:40.48Ktronof ident.lua, or the whole thing?
18:41.38krkathat is the whole thing :)
18:41.45MaldiviaCide: isn't that the same ?
18:41.50Ktronwell... alright
18:41.52Ktronsounds good
18:42.10Cidehm, yes it is. damn, I must be tired
18:42.35Shouryuuwow rize is quite a good movie
18:42.57Cidethough, I don't get how to use it still
18:43.11CideI saw "V for Vendetta" today, it's great
18:43.20Shouryuuyeah it's nice
18:43.35CideI was hoping :SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0) would be "default"
18:43.51ShouryuuIt lacked a bit of philosiphical *humph* but I liked it =P
18:43.57ShouryuuI still have the poem stuck in my head
18:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
18:48.22Cideoh.. nevermind
18:48.30krkahmm... i can make this both a standalone and an embedded
18:54.51Cairennckknight: nice catch on the fact he's using a crack
18:58.40Ktronbe back in a little bit
18:59.17id`anyone ever made a slash command?
18:59.44zenzelezzI did the other day
18:59.58id`SlashCmdList['IDCHAT_SLASH_TELLTARGET'] = self:tellTarget
19:00.01id`is what i have
19:00.13id`oops i mean self.tellTarget
19:00.40id`this function, wich is in the same object does things with self (access other functions)
19:00.51id`but when the slash command is executed, self isnt passed
19:02.04krkawrap it in a closure
19:02.23krkaSlashCmdList['IDCHAT_SLASH_TELLTARGET'] = function() self:tellTarget() end
19:02.50id`cool :P
19:03.11id`i can use arg1-9 there for the other arguments?
19:03.20krkathose are global
19:03.42wereHamsterthere are no global arguments in the slash-command handler
19:03.47Shouryuulol there's a whole forum on the French site dedicated to translations
19:03.56krkaah, true
19:04.06krkado this instead:
19:04.11id`so how do i pass 'the rest' :P
19:04.13krkaSlashCmdList['IDCHAT_SLASH_TELLTARGET'] = function(message) self:tellTarget(message) end
19:04.26wereHamsterfunction(msg) self:tellTarget(msg) end
19:04.37wereHamster:-/ .. too late
19:08.18id`arse, when i send a chat message ill need to do so in a language
19:08.35id`GetLanguageByIndex(2) is Common
19:08.55id`how do i know 2 is the right language for other races? ;)
19:09.02id`(e.g. horde)
19:09.02wereHamsteror UIParent.language
19:09.25Cidedo you want to send in the default language?
19:09.50wereHamsterah.. that doesn't exist
19:09.56id`wereHamster: yeah
19:10.01Cideor just pass nil
19:10.23Cidepassing nil as language to SendChatMessage uses default, as far as I know
19:10.26wereHamsterdoes anyone have experience with multiline edit boxes?
19:10.48krkaok... think i'm done now
19:10.53krkawho wants to test this bad boy? :)
19:11.07krkawereHamster, i am working a bit with those atm
19:11.36wereHamsterIt writes/displays letters beyond the frame
19:12.14krkayou need to put it in a scrollframe and scroll it
19:12.58wereHamsterbut why does it display the letters outside of the frame?
19:13.40krkago test it
19:13.45krkainstructions in the code
19:14.04krkais the width of the editbox set?
19:14.35id`Error: Interface\AddOns\idChat\idChat.lua:462: Usage: SendChatMessage(text [,type] [,language] [,targetPlayer])
19:15.35id`hah im an idiot
19:15.45id`im sending txt not str
19:16.23id`ok, telltarget implemented
19:17.03Shouryuuman translating WoW to french must not have been an easy job..
19:18.11id`localisation ftl
19:18.23krkano one wants to test my tool?
19:18.45id`what tool
19:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
19:21.06kaidenHey guys, got a quick question, what are the negatives to having a for loop 1-20 checking for IsQuestWatched. I don't foresee any possible performance issues, it's performed in an OnUpdate inside of DART
19:21.28CideI was like "cool, I got it to rotate using SetTexCoord transformations.. and then I realized it rotated 90 degrees when I input 45 :/
19:21.44id`"it's performed in an OnUpdate inside of DART"
19:21.52Cidekaiden: if you're having it run every frame, then it's probably bad
19:21.52id`he.. hehe... hehehehe.  whahahaha :D
19:22.21krkadepending on how slow IsQuestWatched is, it may be an issue
19:22.37kaidenit seems blazing fast i haven't noticed a degrade in performance yet
19:22.41kaidenthen again i haven't been to IF
19:22.59kaidenare there any events i can register for that fire when a quest becomes watched?
19:23.06Cide"fast" in that sense won't be very noticable :)
19:23.43Cideif DART limits the OnUpdate calls to run X times per second then you're fine
19:23.51krkawatched is when it's checked?
19:24.05kaideni'm using it to put a nice charcoal looking background behind the quest watch frame that auto attaches it's points somewhere and resizes itself
19:24.09kaidenkrka, yes
19:24.13kaidenwhen you shift click it
19:24.42kaidendiscordart can set how many times to limit it
19:25.10kaideni have it set to 30 times per second
19:25.27krkayou won't do worse than the questlog anyway
19:25.33krkaquestlog also uses OnUpdate
19:25.36krkaand does a lot more than you do
19:26.25krkahere's what you could do
19:26.37kaideni mean i can lower it to 10 per second it's not necessary to be higher
19:26.43krkahook RemoveQuestWatch(questIndex) and AddQuestWatch(questIndex)
19:26.47krkaand use those to update
19:26.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=usr25959@
19:27.16Ktronkrka, how's it coming?
19:27.17krkathough i am guessing this is a non-issue
19:27.21krkait's done Ktron
19:27.34krkainstructions inside indent.lua
19:27.37zenzelezzhehe, cool name
19:28.39KtronLet's see if I can follow the instructions
19:28.44krkathat's the most important thing
19:28.47krkai have no doubt that you can :)
19:29.14Cairennoh noes! you're aren't actually going to rtfm are you?!
19:30.00Cairennle gasp!
19:30.01krkashould i maybe have my addon automatically hook known frameS?
19:30.08ShouryuuLe gosh!
19:30.15krkasuch as the TinyPad frame and luaslinger frame
19:31.30krkahmm... for once i can actually take some screenshots for my addon
19:31.30Cidemanuals.. on the internet? noo..
19:31.41Ktronkrka, is stripWowColors the new stripColors?
19:31.54krkaand now it's: IndentationLib.stripWowColors
19:31.55Ktronokay... and stripWowColorsWithPos does what then?
19:32.26krkaif you have a position inside the text, it returns the new equivalent position after the stripping
19:32.43krkakind of useful
19:32.54Ktronnot for what I just needed it for
19:33.02krkathe instructions are at the top, you shouldn't need to read this far down :P
19:33.05Ktronuhoh, I did something wrong
19:34.06Ktronyep, give me a second to doublecheck
19:34.29krkabtw, if you can come up with speedups and improvements, let me know
19:34.36krkait creates a lot of garbage atm
19:36.40Ktrongetting Interface\AddOns\LuaSlinger\indent.lua:29:attempt to index global `indentationLib' (a nil value)
19:36.49Ktronon loading the interface
19:37.15krkaoh right, my fault
19:37.21KtronI tried embedded, btw
19:37.51krka_or_ change indentationLib to IndentationLib
19:37.55krkathat's all i changed
19:39.11Ktronthat got rid of the onload error, on another... let's see...
19:40.52Shouryuuw00t character transfer from account to account should come soon!
19:41.05Ktronwoot ebay!!!
19:41.07Shouryuusoon, as in the blizzard soon, but still
19:41.16Shouryuuthat's going to B00st e-bay
19:41.33Shouryuubut since you're going to have to actually pay to transfer, I'm guessing it'll deter a bit
19:41.38CairennShouryuu: what makes you say that?
19:41.41krkathat would actually make me buy an account
19:42.05Shouryuu" cela sera bientôt possible moyennant le paiement d'une somme qui reste à déterminer"
19:42.08Cairennen Francais
19:42.13Shouryuuoui =(
19:42.14krkait's all greek to me
19:42.17KtronInterface\AddOns\LuaSlinger\indent.lua:947: attempt to index local `frame' (a string value)
19:42.21Cairennje ne parle pas en francais
19:42.30Shouryuuask purl to translate
19:42.39krkayour usage code is wrong Ktron
19:42.44Shouryuuwith the weird ~xfdjaf;df jfda things I don't understand
19:42.45krkayou sent a string instead of an editbox
19:42.47MaldiviaShouryuu: they said soon 12 months ago aswell :)
19:43.02Ktronkrka, could be heh heh, let's see if I can make the proper adjustment
19:43.04ShouryuuThat's why I added Blizzard soon :P
19:44.05krkaanyone wants to build me pretty default color settings btw?
19:45.01Kasowould it be ok for a noob to ask a question here?
19:45.26krkadepends on what for
19:45.30MaldiviaKrka: just don't ask me... my colors aren't exactly "default" :)
19:45.34KasoOn what for?
19:45.36MaldiviaKaso, what do you have on your mind ?
19:45.49Ktronkrka, got colors working, having trouble with the stripping now
19:45.55KasoIts about grabbing bits of strings, i cant for the life of be work it out
19:46.14KtronI would assume I still need to stripcolors from the text before executing... let's see what I have
19:46.16Maldiviakaso: string.sub(str, start_index, stop_index) ?
19:46.27Ktrondoes IndentationLib:StripWowColors() work on a string?
19:46.28krkayes Ktron, unless you run it with RunScript, then i strip it for you
19:46.47krkanorganna, use local s = IndentationLib.stripWowColors(s)
19:46.49Ktronkrka, so I probably don't need that part... alright, tryign without that
19:46.54krkasorry norganna
19:47.00krkai just meant to write "no"
19:47.04Kasoi want 3 bits of info from the string, isnt there an easier way than running 3 string.finds on it
19:47.19krkacan you give an example kaso?
19:47.23MaldiviaKaso, what do you want ?
19:47.28krkahow does the string look, and what do you want from it+
19:47.42KtronLuaSlinger does use runscript btw
19:47.58Kaso"This part is static varible more static stuff anothervar, more static stuff."
19:48.10Kasoand i want to get varible and anothervar from it
19:49.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
19:49.06Maldivia_,_,var, anothervar = string.find(str, "This part is static (.-) more static stuff (.-), more static stuff")
19:49.27krkawhat he said
19:49.46krkafor further info on the lua language:
19:50.19Ktronkrka, I'm getting another error...
19:50.30krkacool, what is it?
19:50.43KtronInterface\AddOns\LuaSlinger\indent.lua:860: bad argument #1 to `gsub' (string expected, got nil)
19:51.12Ktronthat's, as far as I can tell, without any meddling with what the execute button should do
19:51.21Ktronbut is thrown when I try to click it
19:52.16krkaexactly how are you using this?
19:52.26KtronI'll send you my lua
19:52.30Ktronfor LuaSlinger
19:52.33KtronEraphine, pastebin it
19:52.46Kaso-_- i can never understand tecnical manuals, i never saw a part that said that strind.find did that, thanks anyway Maldivia and Krka
19:53.15MaldiviaKaso: might be more helpful :)
19:53.24Ktron62-64 should be the only usage
19:53.30krkaLuaSlingerScriptBox:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function() IndentationLib.addSmartCode(this) end
19:53.32krkaget rid of that
19:53.35krkado this onload instead:
19:53.45MaldiviaKaso: and
19:55.43Ktronif you meant just replace that line with the new line, this is what I get Interface\AddOns\LuaSlinger\LuaSlinger.lua:62: attempt to index global `IndentationLib' (a nil value)
19:56.34krkais indent.lua in your toc?
19:57.23Ktronyep, last line in the toc, right under LuaSlinger.xml
19:57.31Ktronshould I move it about LuaSlinger.xml?
19:57.34krkatry moving it before it
19:59.55Ktronno onload error, still getting the gsub error
20:00.31wereHamsterthis is really bad.. ScrollFrame *needs* the <Size> property, you can't crate a scrollframe that has a dynamoc size, eg two anchors, TOPLEFT and BOTTOMRIGHT
20:01.20krkawhat does the code look like now?
20:01.48krkahuh wereHamster?
20:02.10krkahave you placed the scrollchild correctly?
20:02.13krkathat should be enough
20:02.31Shouryuunight folks
20:04.44Ktrononly when I try to execute, of course
20:05.17krkaexecute what?
20:05.23krkascript box?
20:05.45wereHamsterthis works.. es. specify the size in XML and change it in OnLoad
20:06.10krkaworks for me
20:06.11wereHamsterIf I remove the  size change in OnLoad, no text appears in the editbox
20:08.31krkadon't you need to set it directly on the scrollchild?
20:09.23MaldiviawereHamster: tried setallpoints ?
20:09.47wereHamsteron what, the scroll frame or edit box?
20:09.55krkaor scroll child?
20:10.09wereHamsterwhat scrollchild?
20:10.59KtronwereHamster, is that related to LuaSlinger, or just FAIAP?
20:11.26wereHamsternot related t oLuaSlinger..
20:11.41krkanot everyone is talking about my stuff Ktron  :P
20:11.59krkawereHamster, the scrollchild is between the scrollframe and the editbox, afaik
20:12.11KtronI was just checking?
20:12.26wereHamsterno, I don't have a scrollchild
20:12.32wereHamsterand I don't need to.
20:12.56wereHamsterAFAICS, ScrollChildFrame in only used in FauxScrollFrame_Update
20:13.30krkaKtron, not sure why you get that error
20:15.02Ktronwell... I'll get a clean copy of both and try once more
20:15.56krkamaybe RunScript is being run on a nil value
20:16.17krkanot sure how the default RunScript handles that
20:16.51krkai can send a new version if you want
20:17.12krkaredownload it, same address
20:20.11KtronI'll try not embeddded to
20:22.36Ktronokay, so fresh LuaSlinger, the newest FAIAP, and I've added the one line to LuaSlinger.lua, and added ForAllIndentsAndPurposes to the requireddeps in LuaSlinger's toc
20:23.11krkagood luck!
20:24.57Ktronkrka, 321 YOU WIN!
20:25.30Ktronwhich roughly translates to I didn't get any errors and its working
20:25.34krkacool :)
20:26.03krkatest it a bit to see if highlights and indentation works properly
20:41.44Temhow easy is it to add support for it krka ?
20:43.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:45.06KtronTem, I had to add one line to a lua file and one field in the toc of LuaSlinger
20:46.59not_awakewhat about luapad?
20:47.20KtronI haven't tried, never even tried regular luapad, I just stuck with LuaSlinger
20:48.59Cidehey Iriel: I managed to get rotations to work (yay? :P), but they're rotated around the lower left corner.. I'm guessing that's the origin?
20:49.48Irielit is, yes
20:50.26Cidefigured.. got me confused when the values for SetTexCoord were from the top left
20:52.39CideI read that I have to move the figure to the center and then move it back (to rotate it around itself), is that just multiplying by the rotation matrix offset by <value>?
20:53.48IrielIf you've done it all matrix-wise then it's a matter of applying a translation matrix before and likely after the rotation
20:54.23Irielthe first to move the object so that 0,0 is the center, and the 2nd to move it back afterwards if you need to
20:54.53Irielthough you can just adjust your other numbers and limit it to one new translatop
20:54.53ckknighthey all
20:54.56Irieltranslation, even
20:56.57Cidethat's rather confusing
20:57.02krkawereHamster, what are you building?
20:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
20:57.14Cide0,0 is the origin, yet SetTexCoord acts as if 0,0 is topleft?
20:57.18krkaTem, as Ktron says, it should be extremely easy
20:57.30IrielCide: The problem is that there's 2 coordinate spaces involved
20:57.34not_awakewhat's that streaming engine called.. streamcast?
20:57.59Elkanooh no... translation matrices... I can't hear it any more... had a lecture on computer graphics ast semester... :/
20:58.10krkano more bugs found in FAIAP? almost ready for release then i guess
20:58.31krkanote to self: fix stripWoWColors
20:58.43IrielCide: I suspect you may have found out why my document has: (Aside: Must verify I have these the right way around - Flickering 12:13, 13 Jan 2006 (EST))
20:59.47Cidelike I need more problems in my already confused head!
21:00.09IrielI'll fix the document, sorry
21:00.15IrielI wrote it on a day I didn't have wow access
21:00.56Cidehehe :)
21:01.48Cideno need for apologies, you help more than enough as it is :)
21:02.30krkahmm... if i have a bunch of strings that i want to merge, i should place them in a working table and then concat that?
21:02.37krkafor least amount of garbage)(
21:02.55Irielkrka: It depends how big the strings are
21:03.15krkamany small strings
21:03.33krkacontext: a bunch of tokens in lua source dode
21:04.02Irielkrka: can you re-use your concat table?
21:04.19Irielkrka: And do you expect to be doing this concatenation a lot?
21:05.33IrielCide: I fixed the document
21:05.51krkayes, resuing that
21:05.56krkayes, doing it a lot
21:06.05krkaonce every keypress inside a lua editbox :P
21:06.07Irielthen yes, use the table and concat.
21:07.04krkahere's my code:
21:07.36krkai realized that gsub-deleting all "|r" may be a bad idea
21:09.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
21:11.20wereHamsterhow can I use string.format to print x spaces?
21:11.50krkause string.rep
21:12.14KtronIs there a way to get the actual item level of an item?
21:12.21Ktron(in lua)
21:13.33Elkanodon't think so. iirc this question was on the forums and has been answered by slouken
21:13.35Ktronah..... too bad
21:15.16CodayusKtron: Yeah, slouken just said we could guess it for most items by adding 5 to the item req
21:15.45ElvisoKtron, have you seen the item formulas thread?
21:15.53CodayusWhich is...true.  Except the only reasons I suspect anyone would care involve lvl 60 req items, so that's completely pointless.
21:16.23Maldiviawhy do people keep claiming there's a buff limit of 16 buffs, when there clearly isn't
21:16.32CodayusThey get confused easily?
21:16.33ElvisoYou can reliably predict the item level for most items, unless they give a set bonus or a proc.
21:16.45CodayusOr have a really weird bonus.
21:16.45zenzelezzMaldivia: "if you can't see it, it isn't there"
21:16.54Elkanowell, but this doesn't hold for lvl 60 item or items from quests
21:17.07CodayusOr if there's an error in the formula, of course.
21:17.16Elvisowhat doesn't, Elkano?
21:17.27Codayus(In Bliz's application of the formula, I mean)
21:17.36ElkanoI should be typing faster... was related to the +5
21:17.37Maldiviazenzelezz: well, then they should go install an addon that supports showing more than 16 buffs :)
21:17.43CodayusElkano: Exactly.
21:17.46Elvisothe formula works on pretty much every piece of MC/BWL/AQ gear out there
21:18.25Maldiviawhat is this obsession about getting the item-level ?
21:18.28CodayusI wanted to make a mod that would compare ilvls to calculated ilvls using the reverse engineered formulas, and then add the info to the tooltip
21:18.59CodayusIt'd be nifty for flagging items that were "off" from where they should be.  But without access to the ilvl in lua, you can't do it.  Oh well, just as well.
21:20.40MentalPowerwe're working on adding iLevel information to Informant
21:21.06MentalPower(informant is part of the Auctioneer AddOns family)
21:22.08MentalPowerit takes care of showing static item information, like stack size, profession and quest use, vendor pricing and inventory icon
21:22.16CodayusOh?  Getting it from itemcaches?
21:22.25MaldiviaI just don't see what all the fus about iLevels are... if the stats on an items doesn't fit my play style, I dont care if it's 10 item levels higher than what I'm using...
21:22.42MentalPoweriLevel is commonly used in DKP calculators
21:23.44CodayusMaldivia: Well, it can be interesting to find where Bliz messed up.  :-)
21:24.36MaldiviaCodayus: not really...
21:24.46CodayusNo?  I find it interesting.  :-P
21:24.48Maldivianot to me anyway :)
21:25.41CodayusI'm kind of a math geek.  I enjoy Theorycraft almost as much as I do playing the actual game.  :-D
21:26.20MaldiviaBecause, Blizzard haven't "messed up", they control how they want the items to be, it might be too strong or too weak compared to other items of the same level, but frankly, if it's too weak, it'll just be sharded, and if it's too strong, well - then you'll have an item everyone wants
21:27.04CodayusMaldivia: Ah, no.
21:27.14CodayusThey have...and when pointed out, they've fixed it in more than one case.
21:27.50CodayusBliz uses a very static formula for assigning stats to items, but they don't always apply it correctly.  When this is pointed out to them, they'll double check, and fix if appropriate.
21:28.33krkayay, huge performance boost
21:28.39krkaappend = add to table
21:28.52MentalPowerkrka: huh?
21:28.57MaldiviaBut still, it's their decission, they don't have to change stats on an item, just because there are whiners on forums
21:29.05krkagot rid of a lot of .. and used a table instead
21:29.07IrielI suspect much of the performance boost is that you're avoiding a lot of abuse of the string table
21:29.26krkayes, most likely
21:29.36krkabtw, mostly a gc boost, not so much a speedup boost
21:30.25CodayusMaldivia: No.  If they misitemized an item, it's a bug, same as any other, and Bliz will fix it...eventually.  It's got nothing to do with "whiners".
21:33.31CodayusDrape of Benediction is one example - it dropped off Azuregos, but seemed horribly unerpowered.  Crunch the math, and it was fine...for a blue.  A purple with the stats of a blue is a bug, and it was fixed when pointed out.
21:34.11MaldiviaCodayus: yes, but it could just aswell have been the iLevel on the item that was set too high...
21:34.43MaldiviaCodayus: and don't say you haven't seen "horribly underpowered" items drop from raid bosses...
21:34.47CodayusWell, that would ALSO be a bug.  :-)  But the ilvl was in line with the other epics Azuregos dropped.
21:34.54krkaoh crap, how do i fix this
21:35.14CodayusMaldivia: Ah, but looking at ilvls lets you know if it's underpowered because Bliz was on crack and handing out agility to priests again, or if its underpowered because its a bug.
21:35.25CodayusWhich is why people want ilvl access in Lua.  :-)
21:36.17zeegfrom the US
21:36.43Codayuszeeg: Not recently, no.
21:37.20zeeghow long ago did you get yours?
21:37.33MaldiviaCodayus: I know why people want the item-level accessable from lua, and I don't know why Blizzard hasn't removed the ilvl entry from the wdc files, since they on some level don't want us to know...
21:37.50CodayusEh, couple of years
21:37.56CodayusI put mine through the washing machine.
21:38.02zeeghow much did it cost?
21:38.03CodayusHad to get it replaced.
21:38.08CodayusI'll be honest - no idea.
21:38.19Irielzeeg: That information's online
21:38.45zeegi couldnt find it
21:38.51zeegall i ofund was $60 for expiditing
21:39.00zeegMaldivia, where do you live at?
21:39.06MaldiviaDenmark :)
21:39.18Maldiviagoogle: us passport cost
21:39.20Maldiviafirst link :)
21:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge jb55 (
21:40.18Corrodias"i live in googleton"
21:40.41zeeghow far is denmark from Germany
21:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo_ (
21:40.49zeegI'm going to be living there for a few months, would be cool to meet a few of you if you're close
21:41.02zenzelezzthey share a border
21:41.10Maldiviahehe, yeah :)
21:41.12zeegyou must come to germany!
21:41.15Maldiviazenzelezz: shh!
21:41.18zeegill be in ummm
21:41.25MiravlixBut Germany is kinda big
21:41.51krkacode = stringgsub(code, "([^|])|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "%1")
21:41.53krkais this correct?
21:41.58MiravlixThey could be living by Italiy and be half a contient away from Denmark
21:42.00Maldiviazeeg: Heidleberg ?
21:42.01krkaif i want to keep || but strip |r
21:42.18krkaerr, strip |c..... in this case
21:42.27Maldiviain Baden-Württemberg ?
21:42.39Miravlixkrka: Depends are you trying to scan goatcx urls?
21:43.35zeegMaldivia, no clue, whats that
21:44.02Elkanohmm.. Heidelberg... not that far from me but still some way :/
21:44.02wereHamsterzeeg, come to switzerland, too, it's much nicer than germany :-P
21:44.09Maldiviazeeg: Heidelberg, as in the city between Frankfurt Am Main and Stuttgart?
21:44.33Miravlixwhy not |c%w+?
21:44.49ElkanowereHamster, first you took our gold and now you're trying to take our visitors? bad :(
21:45.15krkabecause it may match ||casdas which would be wrong
21:45.55zeegMaldivia, no idea, probably
21:45.59zeegits like 9miles from M something
21:46.02zeeg(where the airport is)
21:46.27MiravlixThe text is |c<stuff><text>|r
21:46.49MiravlixDetect both the beginning and end and strip out as needed
21:47.34MiravlixAnd %x%x make no sense
21:47.39MiravlixJust do %x#
21:48.06zeegya that one
21:48.33Elkano@zeeg: Mannheim fits ->
21:48.40krkadidn't know you could do that
21:48.41Iriel%x8 isn't lua syntax
21:48.50Irielthat'll match a hex character followed by 8
21:49.09Elkano(area 172)
21:49.26Cideyou'd have to do %x{8} which lua doesn't support
21:49.37MiravlixI don't care if it's lua syntax it works for me. :)
21:50.38krkait works for you in lua?
21:51.01Cideit doesn't work in lua, no :)
21:51.04MaldiviaAnd area 6+10 = Danish border :)
21:51.31Maldivia%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x :)
21:52.05krkadamn it... i have to count number of |
21:52.14krka||| = 1 plain | and one special character |
21:52.20ElkanoI'm living in 202 (west of Mannheim)
21:52.25Maldiviakrka: just like \ :)
21:53.23krkai'm getting too tired to write a color escaper
21:54.04zeegAnyways Maldivia, how far is that from you
21:54.06zeegyou all
21:54.08zeegshould come visit me
21:54.10zeegand we can sit down
21:54.12zeegand talk about uhh
21:56.49Maldiviawell, I live around 1000km from where you are going :)
22:04.00krkanote to self: when "while true do", make sure you have some way of breaking the loop
22:04.30Maldiviakrka: why... WoW is nice enough to kill it for you :)
22:06.50wereHamsterMaldivia, no, WoW won't kill it
22:08.13KirkburnIt's such a pacifist
22:08.43Maldiviaahh yeah, it's endless recursive loops it kills :)
22:09.09KirkburnIs that legal?
22:09.51Corrodiasthe WoW police will bust down your door, man
22:10.10IrielMiravlix : That's not very useful either
22:10.18MiravlixWhy not?
22:10.19IrielSince [ ] is a character class
22:10.33IrielIt's the same as [|?%x%w+r]
22:10.54Maldiviait's the same as [%w+] aswell
22:11.27Maldiviait matches quite a lot of things :)
22:12.55MiravlixOh yeah it only matches one char.
22:14.36MiravlixHave to do |c%x%x%x%x%w+|r and check ireturn value
22:15.03krkanorganna, have to write a custom parser for it :(
22:15.07krkadamn it, stupid xchat
22:15.18krkaor maybe i hit tab there
22:15.39MiravlixXchat autocompletes on <chars> comma
22:16.36krkayay, fixed it
22:16.37MiravlixDon't see why you need a custom parser. if it has |cXXXXXXX
22:16.39krkanorganna, testing no again
22:16.45krkayeah, it autocompletes on comma
22:16.52krkaexcept it doesn't show it until you hit enter
22:17.07MiravlixI changed mine ti k:
22:17.13krkatime for me to sleep, someone else has to explain why that pattern won't work
22:17.37MiravlixI'm just about to strip out the colors in Flint and Tinder
22:17.43krkahere's my code anyway:
22:17.52Maldiviathat's one of the first things I disabled in xchat... that and auto word replacement
22:19.03MiravlixUgh, no I'm not, I need to deal with the pattern being localized
22:19.18MiravlixCan't do a double check to remove the color.
22:19.20krkathink i will publish FAIAP tomorrow
22:19.28krkagood night people
22:20.00Miravlixstring = "Tools: (.+)",
22:20.15MiravlixThats how I reconice tools. :)
22:22.48MiravlixI'm leaving requires, tools, reagents and description alone, because they aren't localized.
22:27.01MaldiviaMiravlix: you using the strings defined in GlobalString.lua to catch them ?
22:28.31MiravlixIs globalstring.lua localized?
22:28.41MiravlixAnd no, I'm not using it at all
22:30.19jb55question, is any event fired when someone trys to invite you when you're already in a group?
22:31.06Maldiviadont think so
22:31.29IrielWell, the someone gets an event
22:31.30Irielyou dont
22:32.24jb55trying to find a way to detect whoever uses the party griefing exploit
22:32.40Maldiviaparty griefing exploit ?
22:33.05jb55./invite playername /kick playername
22:33.07jb55in a macro
22:33.16jb55kicks the person from the group they're in
22:33.18*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:34.02KirkburnThat's mean
22:34.11MiravlixBut I'm definately going to use the 4 ones I've found so far in it
22:34.14Kirkburnalso, odd
22:34.24MiravlixNo need for my localizers to have more problems than needed
22:34.27jb55guess it's some server-side bug?
22:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
22:35.51KirkburnNot sure how you could exploit it though
22:36.01KirkburnOther than to be an ass
22:36.24MaldiviaKirkburn: if you're inviting a person that's already in another group, you kick that person from the group
22:36.36Irieljb55 : has that been acknowledged by blizzard?
22:36.37Corrodiasif you're in a raid... can you kick someone from your own group that way?
22:36.56jb55dont think so
22:36.58Corrodiasfrom your group and/or from another group in the raid?
22:37.07jb55you have to be out of a group to do it to someone
22:37.20jb55iriel: not sure
22:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
22:44.18MentalPowerwait a sec, am I extrapolating this right? if you're not grouped and you invite a grouped person, you remove that person from their group?
22:44.38Corrodiasinvite + kick at the same time, but i believe so
22:45.18MentalPowerwhatcha mean invite+kick?
22:45.22IrielAnyone know what CreateFrame("Frame"):GetName() would return ?
22:45.54Maldiviait returns nil
22:46.06IrielSo I see
22:46.49Corrodiashe said "/invite playername /kick playername, in a macro"
22:48.25Maldiviaanyone confirmed it ?
22:48.33EraphineI confirmed it
22:48.48EraphineI'm having all my guildees make LeaveParty(); macros now
22:49.08Eraphineso that if we get griefed we can get back into the group asap
22:54.48jb55you know it worked when it says: "You have invited playername to your group" and you dont have a party up
22:56.11Eraphineit can be used to grief rather easily for someone is not expecting it
22:56.20Eraphineif someone is an instance, you can kick them from their group
22:56.23Eraphinethen they will get ported
22:56.41Eraphineit also bugs them so that they have to type /script LeaveParty(); before they can be reinvited
22:56.54Eraphineif you are unaware of how to do this, then you would get ported to your hearth
22:57.52Corrodiashow devious!
23:16.23KtronThere's an 'item formulas thread'?
23:29.16IrielWhee, a moment of truth, can I create a FloatingChatFrame from scratch
23:29.38MaldiviaShould I take bets ?
23:34.25IrielHm, I wouldn't
23:37.24Maldiviais that the sound of success or failure ?
23:40.56IrielThe test didn't quite work no
23:41.33cladhaireNew screenshots up, putting out a new version later tonight
23:42.02ckknighthow do I tell if "player" is mind controlled?
23:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
23:54.25ckknightanyone know how to show the on-screen framerate thing?
23:57.10IrielAha! It's not my fault it's not working

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