irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060422

00:11.55Kirovcmunn - how's that 5 man version of ctraid going?
00:12.32Kirovthere's two posts on the forums asking for something along those lines (though one could be satisfied with just another mt mod)
00:13.25Cideit does seem quite overkill to me :)
00:14.05Kirovthough, the features he's asking for specifically I don't think exist outside of ctraid, and I don't know discord unit frames well enough.
00:14.25KirovAll of the "Assist" mods just show the mob who'sttargeted
00:17.40Kremontewb kayrin
00:24.47Kirovso, "me", do you have a particular reason for hiding?
00:24.58mehiding from who?
00:25.13Cairennit was amusement yesterday, he just hasn't switched back
00:25.20Cairennwe were all using silly names
00:25.27Cairennhey Anduin, how are you this evening?
00:25.52menot too bad, thanks for asking. entertaining myself by collecting ectoplasms
00:26.18Cairennsounds almost as exciting as my evening ... I'm trying to farm spider silk
00:26.24meand reminding people not to put words in me's mouth
00:27.07melast night we ran mc in 5 hours again
00:27.14TainI watched a fasinating show on Discovery about real-life spider silk farmers.
00:27.31Cairennpretty neat, hey?
00:27.35Kirovspider silk is supposed to be super strong
00:27.41Cairennit is, actually
00:27.43TainStrongest fiber in the world they said.
00:28.01TainMaybe natural.
00:28.03Kirov100 times stronger than steal or something
00:28.08id`so what did they do with it, make balls or strings or?
00:28.25Cairennthread ...
00:28.31Cairennyou know, silk cloth?
00:28.38Kirov_unbreakable_ lingerie!
00:28.46mebut why
00:28.53Kirovyeah, that seems silly
00:29.02Tainalthough really the silk you buy is from silkworms, and isn't the same silk as you get from spiders
00:29.05KirovGood for the runway
00:29.05Cairennyou guys are weird
00:29.10meeatable makes slightly more sense..
00:29.29Cairennif you don't understand the pleasure of silk clothing (whether underwear or other), then there is no explaining it to you
00:29.44TainI do remember a line that struck me as funny though
00:29.46melol, no the unbreakabble part
00:29.51Tain"Since spiders can't be domesticated..."
00:30.07TainAnd of course I just imagined spiders on leashes going for walks in the neighborhood
00:30.09KirovSilk worms can't be domesticated ...
00:30.27KirovThey're just not especially, um ... energetic creatures
00:30.40TainYeah but silk worms don't attack each other either.
00:31.44meit wasn't the silk underwear i was questioning, just the unbreakable part
00:32.39meunless you for some reason put your underwear through undue stress..
00:32.51TainSilky unmentionables you can buy today certainly aren't unbreakable.  They tear pretty easily.
00:32.56meor use it for climbing occationally
00:33.34Cairennsilk is also one of the best insulators in the world as well
00:33.43TainAnd using it for climbing... well sort of
00:33.46mereally? hadn't heard that
00:34.00Cairennwhich is why folks use it for underwear in extreme cold
00:34.03meis that just cause it's so finely woven?
00:34.21Cairenndon't bother with flannel or anything, get silk
00:34.38Cairenna wicking layer, then silk, then your next layer(s)
00:35.30KirovThe silkworm business is weird
00:35.33mei like those soft microfiber blankets, tho i haven't seen any in the form of clothes... except i think my nephew has a jumper made out of it
00:35.51Cairennanduin: they're starting to
00:36.31meis it decently priced?
00:36.48KirovThere's a plastic based fabric that's near the qualities of silk but it's suber flamable, like polyester only worse.
00:36.49Cairennyou can find some microfiber stuff up here, socks, gloves, etc
00:36.50TainIt's nanotech!
00:37.01Cairennand it's used as linings quite a lot
00:37.04mesocks would be cool
00:37.06Cairennin coats and things
00:37.10Kirovme - you mean warm
00:37.11Cairennand boots
00:38.01Cairennactually, been using microfiber as boot linings for quite some time up here now
00:38.44menot really in the market for boots
00:39.56mebut i rollerblade a lot so socks i can use
00:40.15Kirovactually, aren't the new dockers stain resistant pants made from micro fibre?
00:40.27CairennKirov: probably
00:40.35meya, but that's not quite the same thing
00:40.42mei have a few pairs of those
00:40.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:41.13mei'm talking about the fuzzy ones. which is the same stuff, but a different form
00:41.43Kirov"performance fleece"
00:41.49Cairennyeah, same stuff
00:42.03Kirovie: polyester micro fiber jackets
00:42.17meoh yeah? i never go in old nava so i've never tried on eon
00:42.35KirovThey're nice
00:43.08methey've been advertizing those for years
00:44.27zesprithere is no way reading other addon local, is there?
00:44.43meunless they let you
00:44.44zespriCair, may I ask you a question?
00:44.53Cairennyou can ask
00:44.57KirovIt's like putting on a big fluffy capacitor though.
00:45.06zespriis this +r thing permanent?
00:45.16CairennI already turned that off
00:45.21Kirovquick, boot him, he's a spammer!
00:45.24zesprioh. thanks
00:45.43mewhy do you ask to ask a question?
00:45.55Cairenn+r is channel registration, +R is registered users only can talk in channel
00:46.03Kirovme -may I ask why you ask?
00:46.23mebecause it's always baffled me.
00:46.26MentalPoweraddon knowers of the world, I call upon thee to answer a question. can any of you recommend an AddOn that will make all channels sticky?
00:46.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
00:46.36zespriwell my mirc first tries to join and only the identifies
00:46.44zespriso I'm prevented form automaticaly joining
00:46.49zespriannoying like hell
00:47.07meChatBar ChannelManager PersistanceOfChattiness... etc
00:47.09CairennMentalPower: I like CFE
00:47.14Maldiviaanyone have a logged in session on the forums ? :)
00:47.31CairennChat Frame Extender
00:48.08CairennI like it for other reasons though
00:48.55Cairennmoves the edit box, turn off all the arrows, enable mouse scrolling, etc
00:48.55Cidezespri: use timers
00:49.31Cidein perform, do like
00:49.37Cide/ns identify <password>
00:49.38Cide/timer2 1 3 /join #wowi-lounge
00:49.48melol, you didn't just ask net or email him?
00:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
00:51.02zeeg - anymore comments?
00:51.48KirovThe red scrolls could use a little less red
00:52.03Kremonteand a little noise on them
00:52.05Kirovthey're too saturated in comparison to the test of the red on the page
00:52.17MaldiviaI hate the forum login server...
00:52.19Kirovaye, or something similar to the celtic patterns
00:52.20Kremontethe title of news thing looks out of place too
00:52.37MaldiviaEvening Iriel
00:52.45KirovI would make that another scroll that doesn't roll up on the other end
00:52.58Kremontethe bottom right "wo(of)rld warcraft guru" looks bad imo
00:53.15Kremontethe tip bg looks out of place too
00:53.28zespriCide, thank you
00:53.45Cidenp :)
00:59.26Maldiviaanyway, I'm off again, night
00:59.42Cairennnight mald
01:01.29Kirovhome time
01:01.39Cairennlater Kirov
01:02.03IrielThe color balance looks awful on that zeeg
01:02.14Irielit feels washed out and blah
01:03.04IrielThat could be the choice of jpg tho
01:10.49Kremontewhats a good all in one bag mod?
01:25.10Cidewell, I know of OneBag and AllInOneInventory..
01:25.32MiravlixKremonte, All of them, I don't think there is anything special about them
01:26.00mei've heard praise about bagnon, but i don't use any of them myself
01:26.12Cairennsame here
01:26.14CodayusI like MyBags
01:26.25MiravlixI coudln't play with a Big bag.
01:26.45MiravlixThats one of the most usefull addons out there.
01:26.56memy memory is assisted by the associativeness of having multiple bags
01:27.03TainThere's also.. BagNon
01:27.10TainI personally use MyBags.
01:27.15TainOh Cairenn said Bagnon.  :)
01:27.27TainMy bad!  I scanned back and misse dit.
01:27.32MiravlixAndu: hu?
01:27.33CodayusI far prefer to sort my items into areas of a larger bag frame.
01:27.44Cairennanduin, same here
01:28.00Kremontewell i'm using AIOI
01:28.03Cairenn"This" is always in "X" bag, "that" is always in "Y" bag ...
01:28.05Kremonteyou guys are late
01:28.09MiravlixWhy remember whats in the bag when you can just open it and look
01:28.59CodayusI refer "these types of items go in the bottom left".  "Quest items go in the top right".  "Food is in the second row."
01:29.16Kremontesame, Codayus
01:29.22Kremontei like AIOI cause it looks like default bags
01:29.24Kremontebut biger
01:30.05CodayusThere's a couple mods that sort of create "virtual" bags based on item type.  That's a nifty idea, and in some ways seems like the best of both worlds.  The ones I've seen have been pretty buggy though.
01:30.27MiravlixI have AutoBar to remember items for me
01:30.36Kremontei was thinking of making something with dynamic bags
01:30.39Kremontelike /makebag 3
01:30.40MiravlixOf the kind I need to use in my adventuring
01:30.43Kremontewhich makes a bag with 3 slots
01:30.45Kremontefor organization
01:30.54TainThere's also MrPlow to reorganize things for you automatically in your bags. :)
01:31.00Cairenndifferent strokes for different folks
01:31.07Kremontehaha you said stroke.
01:31.12CodayusKremonte: Yeah, I've seen that approach...and a working one would be interesting.
01:31.42CodayusMy problem with the default bags is that A) As sson as I desigante a bag as the "quest item bag" or whatever, I'll promptly end up with more than will fit...
01:32.04CodayusAnd B) I keep finding new types of items and I won't have a spare bag to dedicate just to them.
01:32.09TainYeah actually I simply couldn't go back to using the default bags.
01:32.10Kremontemy problem is that they all start in backpack
01:32.15TainThere's just no chance.
01:32.15Kremontelaziness prevails
01:32.24Kremonteplus, with 1 bag i can make it look pretty
01:32.50MiravlixWe need a one bag solution we can show to others
01:32.56CodayusI spent way too much time one afternoon sorting my bank (which also uses a single virtual bag).
01:33.01MiravlixSo everyone can see our pretty inventory
01:33.20CodayusIt's not so cool - all my spare armor is sorted by slot.
01:33.42CodayusI was going to sort within slot type alphabetically, but then I got distracted....
01:34.21Codayus(I know.  It's the sign of being very sad.  But hey, at least I can find stuff in my bank now.)
01:40.30MiravlixIt's fun organizing the bags, was also fun organizing the warehouse at my work place.
01:41.28MiravlixSeems more like a strength than a freakish thing to have the gene that makes us tidy things up
01:42.13MiravlixUnless you spend around 90% of your time reorganizing bags every time you get a new item, then it's just nerotic
01:43.43cladhairePerfectRaid 0.2-Beta released on WoWI:
01:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:58.27ckknightis there any way to tell if a shift/alt/ctrl key has been pressed without checking with OnUpdate?
01:58.51Miravlixnorganna, you can't bind for the information
01:59.04Miravlixnorganna, you can't bind for the information
01:59.17Kirovckknight - no
01:59.47MiravlixIt didn't translate the line until I pressed enter, so my fix didn't 'fix' it. :p
02:00.52cladhairethis is OMFG not safe for work.. NSFW:
02:01.04cladhaireso weird.
02:01.27Miravlixclad, test
02:01.32Miravlixcladhaire: test
02:01.42cladhaireTest what?
02:01.45MiravlixNo, norganna
02:01.56cladhaireI'm confused =(
02:01.59MiravlixFixing my nick completion
02:02.36cladhaireoh lol
02:02.42cladhaireMiravlix: Ok.. then tell me what colors I should use.
02:04.17TainBlue.  No yelloooooooooooo
02:06.36TainI'm annoyed that I started an addon that does something completely different than what I wanted to do in the first place because I can't figure out a way to do what I want to do.
02:07.35MiravlixWhat do you not want to do?
02:07.55KirovTain - hmm?
02:08.08TainI just want to make chat command history work better.  So that if you scroll up and change a command it keeps the original command in history and adds the new change.
02:08.47MiravlixAnd it doesn't buffer macros!
02:09.03TainSo I wasn't able to find a way to do that yet, but I did add functionality to save command history between reloads.
02:09.06TainWhich I also wanted.
02:09.14TainOh.. not buffer macros, that's a good point.
02:09.18TainI hadn't even thought of that.
02:09.49MiravlixFilling up my buffer because I have a spam macro... not usefull.
02:09.55cladhaireIs there anytime GetNumRaidMembers will show a number lower than the highest raid id?
02:10.33KirovTain - I'm assuming then you're basically writing your own history function?
02:11.04TainSort of, but I haven't found any way to actually access the history in game.
02:11.15MiravlixThe ability to have channel specific histories
02:11.31KirovThere's isn't a way
02:11.53MiravlixCant you just kill it and make your own?
02:12.35KirovYou'd have to hook AddHistoryLine and replace it with your own function.
02:12.37TainWell that's the thing, there's nothing in the Lua/XML around the history scrolling.
02:13.10TainAll you have is AddHistoryLine.
02:13.28MiravlixAnd the keybindings
02:13.42MiravlixTo scroll, but you can hook those too
02:14.02TainNo, there's nothing for the uparrow downarrow scroll of command history.
02:14.03KirovMiravlix - those are inherent to the editbox
02:14.20Kirovhandled C++ side
02:16.36TainHell if I could just hook arrowup in the editbox I think I could do what I wanted.
02:19.31Cidebleh. loot messages should be raid wide
02:21.17TainYeah that's just way too much overhead though to have to go all the way back to that high-level of monitoring all keypresse
02:30.34ckknightis there any way to put my feature requests in a better format, at least that would allow me to see more? or better yet, download the list of all of em
02:37.45Kiroveditboxes appear to eat <OnKeyDown> events
02:40.21TainI spent a good part of the day looking at the lua and xml code, and man there's some ugly stuff going on.
03:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
03:37.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
03:37.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:50.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:04.54Kirovso ... I just found something rather interesting
04:05.12KirovI know how to get the player's rotation
04:05.32KirovThe player model frame DOES exist as a model object that lua can see
04:05.42KirovAnd you can do a GetFacing() on it
04:14.44Kirovworking on an addon
04:18.52Kremontewhat unit, Kirov?
04:20.33Kremontefpr GetFacing o_O
04:21.26Kirovon a the playermodel model in MiniMap
04:22.49Kremonteminimap huh o_O
04:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
04:25.29Kirovmath.pi works, right?
04:27.29KremonteCan slouken tell me if 1+1=pi?
04:27.45Kremonteyes it does Kirov
04:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
04:55.39Kirovsuper simple too
04:56.52Kremontei was logging in and checked out the lua
04:56.54Kremonteand saw onupdate
04:57.04Kremontei was like "fuck its gonna spam circle stuff in chatframe"
04:57.17Kremontebut thats cool X)
05:03.12IrielHook that up to texture spin test 8-)
05:03.19KirovIt is!
05:03.39KirovI replaced t1 with my own texture
05:03.49Kirovotherwise the code is copy/paste from TextureSpinTest
05:04.11KirovGunna send that to noraj
05:04.19KirovI think he'd like this.
05:04.34KirovIt'll remove like a third of the math in his mod
05:05.34Irielheh 8-)
05:05.36Kremontetexture spin test?
05:06.10Kirovkremonte - the arrow rotates using SetCoords
05:06.26KirovTextureSpinTest is a little mod that Iriel put together that spins a texture using it.
05:06.35KirovI stole the math from it for that little test
05:09.08Iriel"Re-used" not stole 8-)
05:11.34Kirovwhat's it called when rotation is 0 - 2*pi?
05:13.07KirovI had quatrains stuck in my head for some reason, couldn't shake it.  heh  Not even a math term.
05:22.15KirovI'm not sure if I should release this more widely or not.
05:22.28Kirovie: on the forum
05:22.50KirovI'm thinking noraj is he only one who I'll tell outside of this channel.
05:23.29IrielIt's only the player, may not be too bad
05:25.19KirovI'm just scared of a slouken reply
05:25.24Kirov"Fixed for 1.11, thanks"
05:46.08zeegsomeone wanna help me w/ some LUA mods to the WGDC script real quick
05:46.11zeegso i dont gotta wait on my guy
05:46.57Kremontewhat do you needf
05:47.13zeegyou can get the % of the honor rank bar, right
05:47.22zeegok so help me brainstorm
05:47.25zeegim trying to duplicate
05:47.28Kremontedont have a brain to do that
05:47.29zeegif I had the % of that
05:47.38zeegi had the #s it takes per rank
05:47.42zeegI could estimate their current ranking
05:47.47zeegya i could
05:47.48Kremonteit doesn'
05:47.52Kremontetake a set amount of honor
05:47.54Kremonteper rank
05:47.56zeegi know
05:47.58zeegi have those #s
05:48.05zeegerr i mean
05:48.09zeegit takes a certain "rating"
05:48.16Kremonteyou cant get rating without
05:48.23zeegwhich you cant get in game
05:48.24zeegno listen
05:48.26zeegyou can get the % of the bar
05:48.28zeegtil next rank
05:48.30zeegand you could take that
05:48.37zeegand multiply it by the # needed for next rank
05:48.46zeegand you'd have your rating value
05:48.46Kremonteyes but to get rating you need the honor of everyone on server
05:48.47zeegfor that player
05:48.52zeegno you dont
05:49.01zeegerr wait
05:49.02Kremonteumm how else do you get it? <<"
05:49.08zeegwell rating
05:49.09zeegis based on rank
05:49.15Kremontecompared to other players...
05:49.18zeegerr wait
05:49.25zeegrank 14 = 65000 rating
05:49.30zeegor something like that
05:49.40zeegif ($nextRating >= 60000)
05:49.40zeeg$nextRank = 15;
05:49.41zeeg$perc = (65000 - $nextRating) / 5000;
05:49.41zeegok so
05:49.43zeeg> 60k = rank 14
05:50.04zeegso if they're half way to rank 14, they would be 60k - (rank 13) 55k * 50%
05:50.07zeegand that'd be their rating
05:50.08zeegi win
05:50.20Kremontebut it's all relative to other players on the server
05:50.42zeegKremonte, that dont matter
05:50.48zeegrating is based off rank
05:50.51zeegas long as you know their rank
05:50.53zeegyou can get their rating
05:50.57zeegrank is based off other players
05:50.59zeegbut it tells you rank
05:51.04Kremonteit just gives you %
05:51.07zeegya exactly
05:51.08zeegso i could take
05:51.14Kremonteyou just get 1-14 and a %..
05:51.15zeeg60000-55000 (if they're rank 13 on the way to 14)
05:51.17Kremonteno rating
05:51.17zeegwhich is 5000
05:51.22zeegand you're at 30% to rank 14
05:51.27zeegso 5000*30%
05:51.30zeegwhich is
05:51.39zeegthat means you are at
05:51.42zeeg55000+1500 rating
05:51.44zeegim a genius
05:51.49zeegi give you,
05:51.54zeegso basically what i need
05:51.59zeegis our LUA script modified to throw in that % as well
05:52.02Kremontei dun get it
05:52.06zeegok ok listen
05:52.16zeegfor each rank, we determined *exact* rating #'s
05:52.24zeegrank 14, you have to be at  least 60000
05:52.27zeegand 65000 is the cap
05:52.33zeegrank 13 is 55000-59999
05:52.36ckknightzeeg, I don't like you.
05:52.36zeegok you with me so far?
05:52.42zeegckknight, grats
05:52.57zeegok so if we have the rating #s we need (which i auto generated from the millions of ranking info i have)
05:53.05zeegand we have the percentage of where they're at
05:53.13zeegif they're at rank 13, and 50% progressed through it (so 50% til rank 14)
05:53.28zeegwe can guess that their rating, is 50% of the gap between 13-14, which is 5000
05:53.37zeegso they'd be at 55000 (rank 13's rating) + 50%, which is 2500
05:53.42zeegso their rating is 57500
05:53.48Kremonteisn't their rating just relative to other players?
05:53.56zeegrating is based off of rank
05:53.58zeegrank is relative
05:54.15Kremonteyes but with those numbers there would need to be a rank 14
05:54.20Kremonteat that point in time
05:54.24zeeghow so?
05:54.32zeegrank 14 just means someone w/ a rating of 60000+
05:54.53zeeghell we could even say this person gained this much rating w/ this much contribution and this many honor kills this week
05:55.11zeegok well assuming my #'s are right
05:55.17zeegcould you help w/ modifying the LUA script to save that %?
05:55.43zeeg(I brainstormed this before and im pretty sure it's right)
05:55.44Kremontelink to the file?
05:56.01zeeghrmm i gotta email the guy too, the duel/bg logs dont seem to be working
05:56.20Kremonteok here's my problem with it tho
05:56.23Kremontewe only have %s
05:56.25Kremonte% is just 1-100
05:56.29Kremonteso we have 1-100 1-14
05:56.34Kremontethere are more than that many people on a server
05:56.44Kremonteso it looks like an estimate on their rating, not the exact rating no
05:56.48zeegwhat do you mean
05:56.50zeegthere could be
05:56.52Kremontefor that you'd need the honor of each person
05:56.56zeeg20 people at rank 5 at 50%
05:57.07zeegand we'd say that all 20 of those people are at exactly the same rating
05:57.11Kremonteyes, how do you get more precise?
05:57.14zeegso its not 100% precise
05:57.18zeegbut its probably like 99%
05:57.23zeegand its the best we can do
05:57.59zeegthis is my alternative to having to spider
05:58.02zeegas their servers are extremely slow
05:58.07zeegso i just stopped spidering their XML
05:58.53zeegwe added all this too
05:58.59zeegwhich is going to make profiles really fun
05:59.25Kremontelinghuye does your coding? o_O
05:59.42zeegfor LUA and our toolkit, ya
05:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
06:00.01zeegour toolkit is an extremely exstensible version of mywarcraftstudio
06:01.27zeegi need to get wow reinstalled on my other drive soon
06:02.11Kremontethats a lot of globals
06:02.28zeegis that bad
06:02.43zeegi didnt make it
06:02.46zeeglinghuye did
06:03.28Kremonteso you have no idea where to look in the 67kb file ><
06:03.28zeegwell actually i made the initial stuff which was basically just me trying to copy alla's code (minus the profile stuff)
06:03.33zeegsearch for
06:03.41zeegit saves it in profile/honor section
06:03.50zeeg["honor"] = {
06:03.50zeeg["rankNumber"] = 6,
06:03.50zeeg["highestRank"] = 10,
06:03.50zeeg["rankName"] = "Stone Guard",
06:03.57zeegid like to stick it in there like rankProgress = %
06:05.09Kremontei dont see that table in it :9
06:05.13Kremontefunction CollectPlayerHonorInfos(target, thisPlayer)
06:05.13KremontethisPlayer["honor"] = {};
06:05.13Kremontelocal honor = thisPlayer["honor"];
06:05.16Kremontein that?
06:05.18zeegya that
06:11.28Kremontek zeeg
06:11.49Kremonteyou there?
06:12.58Kremontek sec
06:13.01Kremontemy notepad is being evil
06:13.06zeegget editplus
06:14.25Kremontetoo lazy
06:14.27Kremontejust wanted to ctrl g
06:14.51Kremonteok i THINK this is right
06:15.32Kremontefind honor["todayHK"], honor["todayDK"] = GetPVPSessionStats();
06:15.52Kremonteadd before: honor["rankProgress"] = GetPVPRankProgress()
06:17.34zeegthanks will try that now
06:18.35zeegignore that
06:19.35zeegdo you still have it open
06:19.37zeegthe LUA script
06:19.51Kremontei can open it
06:19.57zeegctrl+f for "duels"
06:20.02zeegi wanna see if uploaded the wrong ver before
06:20.35Kremontecoodnt find
06:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
06:24.20zeeg+r sucks
06:24.29Tem+b is even better
06:39.05Kremontezeeg: it work? :p
06:39.40zeegnot sure yet
06:50.01zeegwaiting on the guy
06:50.05zeeghes testing the other stuff that was added too
06:50.09zeegso he's waiting on a BG queue i think
06:50.12zeegits gonna be neat though
06:50.14zeegon each players profile
06:50.16Cairennnight guys
06:50.17zeegwe'll basically have a checklist
06:50.21zeegof raids/monsters thyeyve killed :)
06:50.22zeegnight Cairenn|sleep
06:51.11Kremontedoes it cache raid?
06:51.15Kremontethat'd be cool
06:51.21Kremonteadding raidboss kills for the whole raid
06:51.31zeegwell the plan is to setup a unique raid id
06:51.35zeegill figure it out
06:51.43zeegbut ya, it stores start/end time
06:51.44zeegand etc.
06:51.47zeegso we can just compare those
06:51.50zeegto get a unique raid instance
07:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
07:33.16zeeg2:31a | <bakuz> ["rankProgress"] = 0.7882353407330811,
07:33.18zeegfuck 99%
07:33.20zeeg100% accuracy
08:02.45ckknightI need a name for a library that handles drop down menus
08:03.30ckknightyou set options with it
08:03.46ckknight"drop" or "down" don't make sense in their own light
08:03.59ckknightDewDrop does sound nice, though
08:04.14zeegi like
08:04.16zeegDropTastica myself
08:04.25zeegStopDropAndScroll is quite good as well
08:04.55sedatedChipmunkadded bonus, he'd have to incorporate scrolling menus
08:05.05ckknightah, keep yer kilt on
08:05.30zeegok so
08:05.33zeegKremonte, we got honor working
08:05.38zeegbut my stupid bg logs and instance logs arent working right
08:05.46zeegduel logs work at least
08:06.51zeegugh i so do not want to go to prom tom.
08:07.14sedatedChipmunk^---hey that's me!
08:08.01IrielI dont want to go to the store to pick up air filters
08:08.03IrielTrade you?
08:11.03meyes, it IS -me-
08:14.16mei had a fairly fabulous prom
08:15.54ckknightmy prom is a sad, sad story
08:16.04zeegi just dont like prom
08:17.14mehad dinner on the front porch by candle-light with the girl with whom I was entangled with at the time. drove my sister's mercadies out to anaheim stadium, where we had the prom at the ball club. dancing and food and caricatures and kareoke. then the after party at a friends house staying up late and eating chocolate chip pancakes at like 5am, then laying on the couch for a nap, then driving her home at dawn... good memories
08:21.07zeegsounds nice
08:21.45meand we all know me likes me some freak dancing
08:22.58ckknightchange your name
08:23.20mewho's 'your'?
08:23.32Wobin_please =P
08:23.47ckknightdon't be a jackass, your name is ambiguous, and confusing in most cases
08:23.50Wobin_We all hate me
08:24.01Wobin_Oh, look. I made a funny.
08:24.08sedatedChipmunkno you didn't
08:24.10sedatedChipmunkbe quiet
08:24.14Wobin_Don't I feel foolish
08:24.39mewow... bitter crowd tonight. have fun emo's
08:24.43Wobin_uhoh. Chip has sprung a leak
08:24.55sedatedChipmunkI said sshp!
08:25.03Wobin_Uhoh. another one
08:28.59myselfomg yay
08:31.17Elvisoanyone on US Azgalor / Alliance?
08:31.26ElvisoI can't find anyone to help me test my addon :\
08:31.37ckknightwill somebody just ban his IP already?
08:32.30zeegsome people actually respect the work I do and enjoy conversation with me
08:32.32zeegeven if you dont
08:33.48ckknightand are they in this channel?
08:36.58not_herechildren, if you're going to act like children at least pretend to be british and type with a slight accent. that way we can laugh at you, ha ha, in stead of covering our faces in shame at the poor state of children in this day in age.
08:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:37.13zeegckknight, yes, now if you wish to troll, do so to not_here :)
08:38.21zeegbecause, i dont need anymore trolls harassing me
08:39.59Iriely'all just need to get along
08:40.13zeegor shut up, both work
08:40.14zeegbut if you dont like me
08:40.16zeegkeep it to yourself
08:40.23zeegcuz i doubt anyone else cares if you dont like me :)
08:40.31zeegand you dont see me going around expressing my dislike for everyone
08:40.36zeegthen again, i hate everyone equally :D
08:40.44ckknight~emulate zeeg
08:40.46purlanyone recommend some newer black people music... most people simply call it ni.. music
08:41.33Kalrothyeah, like me, I don't like people, but I pretend to like them
08:41.53Kalrothit's so much easier buying groceries without insulting the lady at the cashier over and over
08:42.03zeeg~emulate ckknight
08:42.06purlI like Trillian
08:42.19zeeg~emulate zeeg
08:42.20purlthe only way you could make me like any of you is with $
08:42.20ckknightI use x-chat now
08:42.26zeegso true
08:43.11zeeg~emulate zeeg
08:43.12purlanyone recommend some newer black people music... most people simply call it ni.. music
08:43.27zeegdid someone save those phrases?
08:43.43Kalrothmost likely :)
08:43.57ckknight~literal emulate zeeg
08:43.58purl"emulate zeeg" is "<reply> anyone recommend some newer black people music... most people simply call it ni.. music||<reply>i have no morals. im a business man||<reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $"
08:44.03zeegat least they chose good ones
08:44.27not_here~emulate AnduinLothar
08:44.51meooo what now
08:44.52mei got it
08:45.43not_herei'm done with that nick, hf
08:46.07Kalrothnot_here: how can you be here?!
08:46.14not_hereor perhaps you could come up with some content of your own.
08:46.50zeegirc serves me too purposes
08:46.56zeegand support
08:46.57Wobin_Kalroth: It's like Cairenn|sleep
08:47.03Wobin_She's not actually sleeping
08:47.03zeeg(as in tech support/help stuff)
08:47.24KalrothWobin_: She's like Chuck Norris, she never sleeps, she only waits?
08:47.24zeegim tired
08:47.30zeegdid you see that chuk norris pic
08:47.32zeegon guru
08:47.37KalrothYeah, the new race :)
08:51.11Elvisolol, .NET is implementing Python
08:51.26ckknightIronPython has been out for a while
09:13.16Kirovdamn it, what would keep a slash command from working?
09:13.32Kirovwait, I'm a dumb ass
09:13.59KirovI had a return right above it
09:15.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:16.15Wobin_What's the force gc function?
09:16.15zenzelezzthat's reserved for Jedis
09:17.06Wobin_These are not the droids you are looking to recycle for parts....
09:18.39IrielNote if you want ABSOLUTELY the minimum garbage you may have to call it a few times
09:19.16Wobin_Cool, thank you, Iriel
09:20.18Kalroththen it should be named collectSomeGarbage() :)
09:20.54IrielWell, more 'collectallgarbageandshrinksomebuffers'
09:21.45Kalroththat'd be silly though, Iriel!
09:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
09:24.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
09:24.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
09:24.55Kalrothuh oh
09:25.02Kalrothit's the evil clone
09:25.21KalrothCairenn is sleep ircing again
09:48.09Kalrothg'night Iriel :)
09:55.25Elvisoanyone use the WoW UI Designer?
09:58.34KirovI think I went a little overboard
10:00.01Kalrothlooks awesome though :)
10:04.56KirovElviso - I tried to a while back, couldn't really get in to it.
10:05.29Elvisowow Kirov, that looks REALLY nice
10:05.58KirovI'm trying to keep myself from adding the Medal of Honor / Call of Duty "wiggle"
10:06.54ElvisoI'm liking the designer, since I have practically no experience designing UI's in wow
10:07.13ElvisoI figure it will help to use a WYSIWYG to get a rough copy
10:07.17Elvisothen I can play with that
10:10.23ElvisoI was getting some odd behavior though, and was curious if it was 'normal'
10:12.46Kirovwell, it is still beta
10:18.16Elvisocan WoW have the type of input boxes, that are either dropdowns or normal text input (depending on if you hit the dropdown or type in the field)?
10:19.46KirovYou have to fake those
10:19.50Kirovor make your own
10:21.53ElvisoI don't think I'm quite ready for that yet, heh
10:29.11Wobin_Kirov: That looks very cool =)
10:29.30Wobin_Addthe wiggle!
10:29.33Wobin_Add the wiggle!
10:29.54KirovI don't even know how I'd go about that though.
10:30.19Wobin_how are you making it move in the first place?
10:30.28Wobin_oh no wait
10:30.40Wobin_What you need to do, is make the compass swerve to follow nearby mages =P
10:32.11Wobin_hehe or better yet, stealthed characters =)
10:32.32Kirovthat'd be great
10:32.53KirovI'll just add a full combat log parser so I can make my compass jiggle when something happens near by
10:33.19KirovTalk about abuse of combat log parsing
10:33.21Wobin_every time the compass suddenly swerves, throw yourself 'south' =)
10:33.48Wobin_Kirov: unless your character is stunned or frozen =)
10:33.49KirovI could hook UNIT_COMBAT pretty easily
10:34.25KirovIf you take damage or get healed, it jiggles based on how much it was in relation to your max health
10:34.45KirovBut first I'd have to make it jiggle
10:34.45Wobin_hehe so from 2% to full, the compass spins wildly
10:34.51Kirovand I don't think I'm going to do that
10:34.59Wobin_aw =)
10:35.05Kirovnot tonight
10:35.17KirovI'll have to see if I can get a friend of mine or Iriel to do it.  ;)
10:35.17Wobin_. o O (Muhah)
10:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:38.34KirovI'm thinking Cairenn isn't really here
10:38.43Elkanogreetings :)
10:38.55KalrothKirov: Really? :)
10:39.40Kirovwant her to approve my mod
10:42.25Kirovanyways, I think I'll go to bed before I start researching wiggling
10:43.05Elvisoi think her she just got disconnected and her client reconnected her
11:34.28*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
11:35.00*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
11:36.02[MoonWolf]goood morning.
11:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
11:43.28ElvisoI like WoW UI Designer...
11:43.37ElvisoDId that in about 2 hrs of playing around
11:43.44Elviso(no guts yet though)
11:45.07wereHamstercan I override the metatable of a frame?
11:45.31wereHamsterI'd like to know if someone touched frame["spellInfo"]
11:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
12:11.59Wobin_Then edit the result?
12:29.21wereHamsterIn other words, __index metamethod is only called if 'key' does not exist in the table. :(
12:31.19wereHamsterlocal meta = getmetatable(frame);f unction meta.__index(table, key) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("key: "..key) end   <= this hard-locks the game
12:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
12:41.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
12:42.34Wobin_well since you're overriding the index, it's possibly expecting a return it's not getting
12:42.42Wobin_it's kinda like bad hooking
12:45.07Kalrothalways restore stack to previous state when hooking!
13:02.14wereHamsterWobin_, even __index can return nil
13:03.01Wobin_well yes it can
13:03.08Wobin_but who says it is?
13:07.53ElvisoCairenn present?
13:12.12wereHamsterdo all franmes of the same type share one metatable?
13:13.39wereHamsterbecause this doesn't work:
13:13.51wereHamsterwhen I hook the second frame WoW lock up hard
13:30.25wereHamsterwell.. seems like *ALL* frames share the same metatable
13:32.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:37.49Kalrothhi Cide
13:43.16wereHamsteris it possible to intercept when someone wants to set a table key?
13:48.04Elvisowhat is the common practice on GUI config save the values as they are set, or to call a function to save them all at once when the frame is closed?
13:48.47TainMy opinion is you should always have an Apply button to set options, as well as a cancel button to close the frame without saving any changes.
13:49.08TainBasically the same as Windows option windows.  Cancel, Apply, Ok
13:50.06wereHamsterDo you want to restart Windows [Yes] .. always funny to see such message boxes
13:50.24Elvisooh true Tain
13:50.33wereHamster.. with a progress bar..
13:50.58Elvisothey need to put progress bars on traffic lights
13:55.36TainI can't believe how bad I am at folding clothes.  It's really sad.
14:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
14:13.49Elvisoanyone w/WoW UI Designer experience on yet? :)
14:16.21Elkanowell, never used it as wysiwyg... only to look at my frames from outsie wow
14:16.58TainI played with it a little early on, a bunch of months ago.
14:17.12TainI didn't like the XML it generated though, had far too much extraneous information.
14:18.40Elkanowell, afaik it still needs this information for some internal functions...
14:24.39id`wanna see my backyard?
14:24.55id`(right in the middle)
14:25.36[MoonWolf]why did a hot japanese girl flash before the map picture ?
14:25.55wereHamsterI saw her, too :P
14:26.31Elvisohehe me 2
14:27.23Elkanoeven beter: it's still there for me :P
14:27.39Elkano<3 java script errors
14:28.08Elvisoit was there until I enabled scripting
14:30.10Elkanowell, the image is replaced via java script... for some reason, the java script didn't load correctly for me...
14:35.06id`hehe some guy i know made it
14:35.11id`so thats highly possible
14:35.13id`(the girl)
14:37.35Elkanowell, have a look at the html code :)
14:38.45wereHamstermooi 8-)
14:39.14Elkanoand if we are into it: here's my place:
14:44.06Elkano(hmm... can you make other ppl attack someone by being an asshole on the net and using/showing the other persons adress online? could be worth some research ;) )
14:46.27wereHamstergoogle doesn't have such detailed maps of my location :(
14:47.42Elkanowell, it hadn't for my place until recenly, too... but because of soccer world cup 2k6 in Germany... :)
14:48.42Elkano(it used to have detailed data for the area a few kilometers west of my place... just zoom out a bit and switch to satelite v5
14:50.20id`wereHamster: you dutch?
14:51.40wereHamsterno, I live in [Country-Code: CH] :-P
14:52.00ElkanoI had been to swiss last weekend :)
14:52.50Elkanoonly a few kilometers away from you... (if I can trust the trace)
14:53.15wereHamsterno, you probably can't
14:53.38wereHamsteror what did you find out?
14:54.03id`wereHamster: are you tuller?
14:54.10ElvisoI think I know the answer to this, but I want to make sure....if a frame is hidden, will it still receive events through OnEvent?
14:54.38Elvisook, thanks
14:54.55Elkanosure it won't?
14:54.59wereHamsterElkano, that's way off :)
14:55.15wereHamsterElviso, it will !
14:55.21TainOh no sorry i was thinking OnUpdate.  heh
14:55.31Elkanoonly OnUpdate wont fire, but OnEvent will
14:55.35TainMy bad!
14:55.39Elvisoo cool, thanks for the clarification
14:55.50ElvisowereHamster gets the cookie!
14:55.50TainPay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
14:56.34Elkanohmm... wereHamster, how bad off? how fare is it from you to Zürich?
14:58.33wereHamsterright in the middle of this map :),8.319397&spn=1.178919,2.554321
14:58.55wereHamsterand zurich is 100km to NNE
14:59.49wereHamstera better map:,8.278971&spn=0.036826,0.079823&t=h
15:01.40Elkanoso I asume you don't know Stallikon, do you?
15:06.28wereHamsterStall == stable ;)
15:07.02wereHamsterthe village can't be big.. unless it's near zurich
15:07.35Elkanowell, both ^^
15:12.29wereHamsterthat's not near zurich ;)
15:12.59Elkanowell, 'near' is relative ;)
15:15.45wereHamsterdoes a SetText trigger OnChar ?
15:29.41Elvisoif I set anchorparent="UIParent", should I also do parent="UIParent" (for my main frame)?
15:47.56Elkanohiho Chipmunk :)
15:53.35Cairennhey all
16:00.18Elvisohowdy Cairenn
16:00.26Cairennhow are folks today?
16:00.38KalrothIt's not the real Cairenn, she's still sleep ircing!
16:13.59zenzelezzlove how balanced the AH is. Three Stonegrip Gauntlets up; 30-50g, 40-45g, 120g flat, respectively
16:17.58Wobin_Any french or german speakers on that can help me with a little localisation?
16:18.21zenzelezzWobin_ bist kein handschuh gewesen
16:19.28cladhaireHas anyone else found that while zoning, you don't exist in your own raid?  That proves to be problematic =(
16:24.41Kalrothso the client removes you from the raid when you start zoning and adds you again when you're done zoning?
16:29.37cladhaireKalroth: Thats what it looks like.
16:29.47cladhairewhich is a problem =)
16:30.00KalrothWell it would explain why the entire raid skips/lags a lot when doing corpse runs, heh
16:30.11Kalroth(which I sadly experience a lot :)
16:30.11cladhaireso I have to hack, scan the raid ids from GetNumRaidMembers() and replace the UnitName(unit) nil raidID with player
16:30.23KalrothI bet Cide knows!
16:34.25KalrothCide: do you have any code to handle what cladhaire describes?
16:34.27Cairennspeaking of Cide knowing things ....
16:34.28Kalrothin CTRA of course
16:34.36Cairenn(after done with that)
16:34.43CideI have some code in CTRA for it
16:35.03Cidein the new CTRT (raidtracker), I experienced it even more (due to tracking attendance)
16:35.11KalrothCide: So it's true that the client actually removes you from the raid and inserts you again?
16:35.19Cideyes, pretty much
16:35.26Cidelike iriel described it
16:35.48Cideit "removes" you from the raid and builds it up again
16:35.48KalrothI can't think of a good reason of why it should do that
16:36.10Cidebut what he suggested seems to work.. wait for the first OnUpdate after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
16:36.12KalrothNo wonder the client is so "choppy" during zone changes
16:36.15Cideall information is available then
16:36.23cladhaireCide: Yeah, that's what I plan to do.
16:36.32cladhaireI always have a dirty handler for the raid updates.
16:37.47Cidetell me about it :)
16:38.18CideI'm thinking I should use the onupdate thing with ctra though, it might fix the bug where all players are lined up in group one
16:39.15cladhaireCide: Do you throttle event handling right now?
16:39.30Cidefor zoning, yes
16:39.36cladhaireI meant in general
16:39.41Cidein some ways
16:40.00cladhaireI throttle all UNIT_HEALTH, UNIT_AURA and UNIT_MANA events to only trigger an update every 0.2 seconds
16:40.14Cidelike, the ctra windows don't update health/mana unless the health/mana percentage actually changed
16:40.17cladhaireHelps a lot to speed up the event handler, and still provide really responsive frames
16:40.47Cidedo you store the changed ids in a table or something?
16:41.00Cideor do you just update all frames every .2 sec?
16:41.13cladhaireONly if we have a dirty flag set
16:41.15cladhairelemme show
16:41.23Cideah, I think I get it
16:41.55cladhairethen i force a full update every 2 seconds
16:42.07cladhaireuntil the health event getting stuck is fixed.
16:42.13cladhairewhich i haven't seen lately
16:44.13Cidegoing to play with something like that in a sec
16:44.56cladhairebecause frame updates are the most expensive part of what we do
16:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:54.00Wobin_by throttling you mean your function is passing on all calls until a time period has passed?
16:54.00cladhaireWobin_: Yep.. it only processes UNIT_HEALTH events every 0.2 seconds, etc.
16:55.08Wobin_okay =) That's how I figured to do it, but wasn't sure if there was a better way =)
16:55.39CideI did a slightly different approach
16:55.49Cidebut they are mostly the same
16:56.35cladhaireit makes a big difference if you do no frame updates OnEvent
16:56.47Wobin_and PT has been embedde
16:57.00cladhaireeven if you waited until the next onUpdate you'd still save yourself some work
16:57.07Cidehow so?
16:57.24cladhairewell multiple events can have been received since the last OnUpdate.
16:57.39cladhaireit woudl throttle them.. just to a much higher precision, and they'd execure more often.
17:09.38wereHamsterWobin_, you still need help with localization?
17:09.57Wobin_yes please =)
17:10.10Wobin_French or German?
17:10.30wereHamsterboth, but don't expest the frensh tranlation to make sense :)
17:15.34Wobin_(are you getting the pm?)
17:16.18wereHamsterI've ordered an conference and now we're discussing all the possible translations
17:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:26.53ckknighthey all
17:27.40KemayoIt's painful sitting in Stormwind and hearing people talk about how Blizzard says all addons are illegal and they'll delete your account if you use them.
17:27.58[MoonWolf]verbal harrasment......
17:28.16KemayoIt's like... I want to correct misconceptions.  But then I'll be arguing on the internet, and that's never a winning situation.
17:28.16Elkanoho ck :)
17:28.55Elkanodid you mess sth up? HonorFu is lists as BossPanel - Honor and the BG minimap doesn't autoshow anymore for me :(
17:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
17:29.39ckknightare you using an old version?
17:31.24Elkanonope, svn
17:32.03ckknightwell, I guess now's a good time to release the new version of HonorFu anyway
17:32.29Elkanoah, ok, the BossPanel issue is related to the german loc
17:35.55ckknightokay, Elkano
17:36.05ckknightshould be fixed, theoretically
17:36.12ckknightdon't know about the bg map, though
17:36.57Elkanowell, minimap used to work, but lately it stoped working :/ unfortunatly, I don't know when that was :(
17:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:44.40TemEnd: !!
17:45.46TemEnd: you get your ass here right now
18:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
18:21.14ckknightso does anyone know why Dynamically created GameTooltips don't work right?
18:22.28MentalPowercause they don't have TextLeftX
18:22.40MentalPowerbecuse you can't inherit with dynamic frames
18:24.14ckknightyea, but if you create those as well, shouldn't it theoretically work?
18:24.28Kremonteare there any plans to add inherits to them?
18:24.32MentalPowerI guess it should
18:24.40ckknightyea, but it doesn't
18:24.50ckknightwe've heard no plans, Kremonte
18:24.50MentalPowerKremonte: dunno, it would be nice
18:24.51Miravlix_You can only inherit at load time, since the templates isn't loaded to memory
18:25.01KremonteMiravlix_: oh, interesting
18:25.06Kremontethat sucks :/
18:25.14Miravlix_Not entirely sure it sucks
18:25.18MentalPowerMiravlix_: but LoD AddOns can inherit after initial load time
18:25.41Miravlix_They are delay loaded, so they inherits at load time too as I see it
18:25.49ckknightyea, but they have to load the template xml files again
18:26.18Kremonteso way, LoD addons are cached at load time?
18:26.45MentalPowerthey're not
18:26.53Kremonteso then..
18:27.03ckknightthey have to load the template xml files again to use them
18:27.09MentalPowercause I can still edit the lua file while WoW is running and their changes are accepted
18:27.09Kremontecouldn't dynamic frames and their inherits work like that? ><"
18:27.24MentalPowerso they''re not cached
18:28.09Miravlix_Hmmm, so make 128379732 different loadondemand addons and you can have one way communication?
18:28.26MentalPoweryeah, I guess
18:28.48MentalPowerbut its totally not practical
18:28.59Kremontewell the files would have to be made previously, only edited
18:30.12Miravlix_I could make a in game Now playig <song> spammer
18:30.38Miravlix_I just need an arvage song lenght * day * week addons
18:30.50MentalPowerbut you'd need a LOT of AddOns
18:31.06Kremonteand wouldn
18:31.11Kremontet you need to manually trigger it
18:31.13Kremonteon song changes?
18:31.26Kremonteeh? ._.
18:31.26Miravlix_I send when to reload the next file
18:31.37MentalPowerLoad them automatically on a timer
18:31.43Miravlix_I know the song length, so telling the addon to loadondemand in 3 mins is easy
18:31.45Kremontelol .-.
18:32.22Miravlix_Dealing with RSS feeds would require a static time period between loads
18:33.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:34.14Miravlix_So whats the math here.. 5 min reloads would be 2016 addons for a client running from server up to server up
18:34.29Miravlix_Didn't exclude the 8 hours maintenance
18:35.08Miravlix_24 hours is 288 addons
18:35.21MentalPowerstill totally impractical
18:35.30Kremonteyeah, that's ridiculous
18:35.33Miravlix_We could go with 8 hours and popup a reload button
18:35.45Kremontethere being 2016 addons
18:36.08Miravlix_Thats only if you expect your users to play wow 24/7
18:36.34IrielDiscussing pre-assigned LoD addons to load data in pseudo-real-time?
18:36.34Kremontestill 1k+
18:36.51Miravlix_No we are talking 288 for 24 hours
18:37.12Miravlix_96 loadondemands for 8 hours
18:37.12Kremonte288 addons, lol :/
18:37.27Kremontealso assuming it's all 5min
18:37.35Miravlix_48 for 4 hours
18:37.37Kremontemost of my songs are about 4 min =P
18:37.51Miravlix_Well 5 mins was the RSS news importer
18:38.11Miravlix_Fx. to your guilds web site
18:39.38Kremontewell you could have a bit of a 'bot', but i dunno, personally i dun think it's worth it :p
18:39.42Kremonteespecially for a now playing thing
18:39.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:39.45Miravlix_It's snot a bad idea. There is some interesting possibilities.
18:39.54Kremonteyes of course
18:39.57Kremontebut the sheer mass of it
18:40.06Miravlix_Sheer mass?
18:40.17Kremonteyes Iriel :P
18:40.23KremonteMiravlix_: the mass of addons
18:40.36Kremonteit's a lot to keep track of ._.
18:40.39MentalPowerIriel: yes
18:41.04IrielHas anyone ever actually DONE it, it was a topic of conversation when we got LoD for a bit
18:42.10Miravlix_I can't do jack shit in Windows, I'm a Linux programmer, so until my new machine is build, so I can convert this one to the new server, I can't make software.
18:42.35MentalPowernot that I know of
18:42.58Miravlix_I think the main problem is that we have very few Windows/Mac programmers
18:43.21Miravlix_So creating the application to write to the files is an issue.
18:43.34Irielhell, lua
18:44.46Irieljava also
18:45.05Iriellots of cross-platform languages you can reasonably expect to be present, or bundle with not too much overhead
18:45.27cladhaireLua has been a godsend at work =)
18:45.30Miravlix_I maintained a 1.6 MB PHP bot that ran as a program. :)
18:46.05Miravlix_But it's still a lot more work than writing some scripts in lua.
18:48.06Irieloops, if you're not cladhaire ignore that
18:48.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
18:49.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
18:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:01.43ToastTheifweirdo Iriel
19:02.28IrielHm, not weird
19:02.35IrielMaybe PEEK and POKE are before your time
19:07.50MentalPowerthey are before mine
19:08.16Cidewhat's the top strata? FULLSCREEN and then DIALOG?
19:08.23id`ToastTheif: hey toasty
19:09.36IrielTOOLTIP is top
19:10.47ckknightwhat's the default if you don't set one?
19:11.10Iriellua or xml?
19:13.50zenzelezzI wonder if anyone ever read the patch notes... I still only see guild spam on /1
19:13.55IrielHm, actually it's the same
19:14.06IrielFor frames with a parent, it's the parent's strata
19:14.12IrielFor frames with no parent it's "MEDIUM"
19:14.17Cidehmm, I wonder how hard it would be to make a pie chart
19:14.56IrielCide: It's not too hard
19:15.16IrielCide you just need to decompose the pie into 3 pieces
19:15.26IrielLet me draw it
19:16.50IrielJust have to boot up the tablet....
19:17.01MiravlixYour drawing a Pie Chart for cide, in case he forgot what a circle looks like? :)
19:23.09id`ToastTheif: ?
19:25.26ToastTheifsorry was in UBRS
19:25.44ToastTheifso are you done with idChat?
19:35.14IrielMarvel at my handwriting
19:36.20IrielThe other approach would be to rotate pre-renderd wedge sizes, but that limits you to the max size you can show
19:36.41IrielOr should I say, limits you to the resolution of wedge angles
19:40.58ckknightthere really needs to be an option to say "Not my bug" for the bug reports
19:41.59Cairennpost it on the thread
19:46.05CairennIriel: in game message
19:46.09Cidehow do you draw the circle subset parts, Iriel?
19:47.08Irieljust have a big circle graphic (or at least a quarter of one)
19:47.17Cidewell the pies need to be colored
19:47.31IrielUse a white pie and SetVertexColor
19:48.18Cideoh, nevermind
19:50.27Cideyeah, that should do it with some work.. thanks :)
20:04.02id`ToastTheif: ???????
20:04.25MentalPowerIriel: how are frame templates handled for LoD addons? ie, are they read from disk when the addon loads, are they cached until the addon loads or how does that work?
20:04.47Irielread on load
20:05.00MentalPoweron initial load or on addon load?
20:06.33IrielThey're re-parsed when the LoD pass happens
20:09.15MentalPowerhmm... could that potentially be done for dynamic frame inheritance? or is it not practical
20:09.35MentalPowerI'm just trying to figure out if that will eventually be possible or not
20:09.47IrielThey're not kept in memory after the XML parsing pass
20:10.44IrielThe templates sit only in the XML/C++ parse part, so they're not accessible after that point
20:11.28MentalPowerso they would have to be re-parsed every time a dynamic frame is created
20:11.39MentalPowerthat's not very practical
20:11.50MentalPowerok, question answered, thanks Iriel :)
20:16.24Temit still may be possible MentalPower
20:16.42Tembut it's a long way down the road if that's the case
20:17.17MentalPowerthe only way would be to have templates stay in memory
20:17.25TemPersonally, I think slouken is waiting to see how we do without it before trying to figure out how to implement it.
20:17.37Temnah, you could tell it where to look
20:17.42Tembut that gets complicated fast
20:17.59Temanyway, I don't think we need em
20:27.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
20:33.05TemKirov: very nice work with the compas thing
20:33.17TemKirov: I never thought of using the model's GetFacing
20:33.27Temvery clever :)
20:33.37KirovThere's some other unnamed models in there too
20:34.04KirovNot sure what they are yet, some have a rotation, some don't.
20:34.21Temwith 1.11 and GetModel that should be easier to determine
20:34.47KirovAssuming this isn't disabled.  =)
20:35.09KirovI'm still waiting for a "Fixed for 1.11, thanks" response from slouken in that thread.
20:40.32IrielI still dont think sloukwn will mind
20:45.24KirovI'm still surprised GetFacing() worked too
21:01.40TemI certainly hope not
21:02.03TemI've been wanting a way to create a duplicate arrow for ages
21:02.20Temfor things like Yatlas or MetaMap
21:03.57Kirovis there an easy way to wrap numbers in lua?
21:04.04Temwrap numbers?
21:04.06IrielHas anyone used RelDimension?
21:04.11Irielwrap numbers?
21:04.30TemIriel: would that be like percents instead of absolute values?
21:04.30Kirov0 through 2pi
21:04.37Kirovif it goes past 2pi = 0
21:04.38IrielOh, math.mod
21:04.42Kirovah, right
21:04.44IrielThough that wont work if you go -ve
21:04.52Irielyou have to flip it, mod it, then flip it back
21:05.05TemKirov: animtions
21:05.12TemKirov: you totally have to do animations
21:05.28IrielTem : It would be, but I want to know WHAT it's a percentage of
21:05.34IrielTem: Specifically <Size><RelDimension>
21:05.44TemI'd assume relative to it's parent
21:05.55Temif no parent then to the screen
21:06.17Tem(parenting logic similar to SetAllPoints)
21:06.36IrielIt's never used so i'm not going to worry 8-)
21:06.59TemKirov: I'm talking about the "settling" effect a real compas has
21:07.25Temwhere it bounces around the new point a bit before settling
21:07.37Temmight be overkill but would be hella cool
21:08.10Irielit's pretty easy to implement
21:08.30KirovTem - A friend of mine just wrote me code for that
21:08.53Temhow does it work?
21:09.04TemI haven't thought out how to go about implementing something like that
21:09.33Temdo you go through all the physics of giving the needle an imaginary mass and an imaginary "pull" to north?
21:10.12Irielgenerally you track angular velocity and desired position
21:10.35Irielthen compute a 'force' pulling it from its current position to the desired one
21:10.48IrielDamp the velocity over time, and adjust the velocity by the force
21:10.59Irielyou can make the math as hackish or 'pure' as you want
21:11.09Osagasuerr, oops
21:11.13Temsounds fun
21:12.48TemKirov: so have you implemented it yet?
21:13.47Kirovjust a sec
21:18.35Kirovimplemented, need to fix some stuff
21:18.46MiravlixWhat was the name of that macro addon that relies 100% on searching WDB?
21:19.27Kirovis  Velocity * VelDecay ^ arg1 valid lua?
21:19.39Kirovor do I have to do pow(valDecay, arg1)
21:20.23Iriel^ calls the power functon
21:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
21:24.14Kirovwould I be sick if I made it so that when you get hit in combat it shakes the compass?
21:24.27zenzelezzmake it an option
21:25.05Irielit would be an amusing option that we'd hate almost instantly 8-)
21:26.20MentalPowerlink to the compass addon?
21:31.49Kirovno wobble yet
21:32.07Kirovhave a version of it working, but it needs help
21:35.21Temthe combat wobble or the movement wobble?
21:35.53TemIriel: I have a complete version of that if you want it
21:35.55Kirovno combat wobble
21:36.11TemIriel: complete with cooldown model
21:36.12IrielTem: is yours script-generated from the XML?
21:36.32Temfreaken awesome
21:36.57IrielIt's only awesome if I can make it work 8-)
22:01.11Cidethis texture coord stuff is giving me a headache :)
22:02.14IrielSorry 8-(
22:02.18IrielIt's a bit freakish at first
22:02.46Cidehaha, yeah.
22:03.14Kalrothvectors ftw!
22:12.54Kirovanimated now
22:12.59Kirovthough, it's not quite right
22:14.34KirovIf anyone has any suggestions, or wants to contribute some better code...
22:15.15zeegsomeone help
22:15.18zeeghow do i fasten a bowtie
22:15.19KirovOne big thing is it currently doesn't know how to do shortest distance
22:15.23zeeganad get it to stay like
22:15.27zeegpronounced like its supposed to be
22:15.46Kirovzeeg - what kind?
22:16.18zeegits like
22:16.21zeegjust a long strap
22:16.22zeegit adjust
22:16.27zeegand has a metal faster which hooks to the bow tie
22:16.33Kirov ish?
22:16.34zeegbut i dont get how you make it stay tight and centered and stuff
22:16.40zeegya i think so
22:16.51zeegexcept it has a fastener on one end of the bowtie
22:16.54zeegso it hangs off w/o that on
22:17.02Irielkirov You mean sometimes it spins the wrong way?
22:17.07KirovIriel - yes
22:17.22Kirovzeeg - put it under your collar.
22:17.31Kirovthen tighten it and flip the collar down
22:17.33IrielKirov: if it's more than pi radians to your destination, go the other way
22:17.35Kirovshould stay
22:17.44zeegmy collar is like
22:17.46zeegnot much of a collar
22:17.54Kirovthen you have issues
22:18.02IrielKirov : i.e. if (delta < pi) or (delta > pi) then delta = 2*pi - delta end
22:18.17Irielassuming delta is between -2*pi and 2*pi
22:18.34KirovIriel - more of an issue with going past 2pi
22:18.39Kirovthe mod() thing
22:18.44Irieldelta = math.mod(delta, 2*pi)
22:18.54Irielthen the bit I just gave you
22:19.05Kirovgoing afk for a bit
22:20.56zeegi think this will work
22:21.03zeegwhere do these go
22:22.01zeegnvm the shirt has buttons
22:22.06zeegso i take it i dont use em
22:29.32MentalPoweractually you can either use the cufflinks or the buttons
22:29.46MentalPowerthe cufflink go... well... on your wrists
22:30.35zeegstupid bowtie
22:40.03Miravlix_Hmm, why does none of the item databases have a feature to import your WDB cache.
22:53.59not_hereprolly cause noone's written the script
22:54.18Elvisothere's one that kinda does
22:59.04Miravlix_I hacked GetLink to update ItemSynch
23:01.37MentalPowerI have a macro that does that, but it doesn't work too well (and I have no clue why)
23:01.45IrielThere's a full converted template
23:01.47Irielalbeit a simple one
23:02.12not_herei see kirov made his compass public. wonder how long till it's broken
23:02.36IrielI bet it doesnt get broken for some time if at all;
23:03.05KremonteMiravlix_: heh, i am surprised people don't use WDB for it either
23:03.16Irielbut who knows, perhaps one fo the designers find heading a pet peeve
23:03.28Kremontei sent the maker of Linkerator a script to import stuff to it (10 line function) a month ago, no reply though
23:05.15not_heredon't spose you had any luck messing with outgoing bandwidth iriel
23:05.41Kirov"Only my perfectly designed minimap should be able to know what direction the player is facing, how dare they try to use it someplace else where it's helpful!"
23:05.47Kirov</blizzard designer>
23:07.24Irielnot_here : I haven't no, i've been trying to write an xslt to convert template frame definitions to lua code
23:08.06not_herethat sounds nifty
23:08.51IrielThat's the kind of output it has
23:09.07Irielthough i'm in the middle of re-thinking how it does sub-objects
23:09.36cladhaireIriel: Wow.. that's really impressive.
23:10.11Kremontewhat are you guys conversing about? what's that script do =O
23:10.23JoshBorkewhat's this new compass thing?
23:10.38IrielThat script is the result of : xalan -xsl xml2lua.xsl -in Cooldown.xml
23:10.42IrielThat's why it's cool
23:10.51Kremontexalan? :X
23:11.15IrielYou can use any XSLT engine
23:12.07cladhaireIriel: It works on any well-defined template then?
23:12.16Irielcladhaire : it will when i'm done
23:12.48Irielcladhaire :  I wanted to get a simple one working, i'm going to use ActionButtonTemplate as my main test case though
23:13.39cladhairenice =)
23:13.42id`I'm implementing a 'tell target' feature in idChat. I wan to add a slash command. How do i add a slashcommand? xD
23:14.01IrielI think there's a howto on the wiki id`
23:14.04Irielbasically it's
23:14.13IrielSlashCmdList["IDCHAT_COMMAND"] = someFunction;
23:14.21IrielSLASH_IDCHAT_COMMAND1 = "/idchat";
23:14.23cladhaireIriel: I'm using dynamic creatino for PerfectRaid, and I end up at around 140k with all frames created
23:14.36IrielSLASH_IDCHAT_COMMAND2 = "/idchatalias";
23:14.51id`(well ace does the idchat slash command handling, need it for /tt)
23:17.07id`ow the SLASH_IDCHAT_COMMAND1 has to be in the global name space?
23:17.45id`hm, how would I put it there, im inside my addon table..
23:17.52Irieljust access it
23:17.57id`doubt theres a 'global foo' like local
23:17.58Irielor use setglobal if you're feeling strange
23:18.08IrielEverything's global unless you say it's not
23:18.13cladhaireid`: Do it in the enable block
23:18.18cladhairejust BLAHBLAH = value
23:18.20cladhairethat's setting a global
23:18.29IrielIf you've used setfenv to give yourself a private namespace, you can just do setlobal("SLASH_IDCHAT_COMMAND1", "/tt")
23:18.45cladhairethe only time its local by default is in for,while loops, and table = {frank= true}.  In that case, frank is table.frank
23:21.11Elvisothat kind of brings me to a question I had, after looking at some of your code Iriel
23:21.32ElvisoI saw you used local function() alot
23:21.55IrielI dont like polluting the global namespace
23:21.55ElvisoI assume you can/should do that for any fn() not called from outside your own script?
23:22.12Irielyes, pretty much, I try and decide based on usefulness
23:22.23Irielif it's generally useful, i'll make it global or accessable via a table
23:22.37Irielif it's specific to my code, it'll be local (or accessable via a non-public table)
23:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
23:24.04ElvisoMyAddon:SomeFunc() would supercede the need for local SomeFunc() though, right?
23:24.18Irielthey achieve different things
23:24.35id`Iriel, cladhaire; I know everything is global.. but i dont understand how some other script is going to find my variable and say hey... thats part of this slash command!
23:25.16cladhaireyou index it in the  SlashCmdList["IDCHAT_COMMAND"] = someFunction;
23:25.20id`i mean im just declaring a variable
23:25.22cladhaireso it knows to look for IDCHAT_COMMAND
23:25.42id`thats kinda clumsy.. make the thing look for everything IDCHAT_COMMAND ...
23:25.42cladhaireactually IDCHAT_COMMAND1,2,3,4,5 as many as you have
23:25.54cladhairewell, thats the blizzard system atm =)
23:27.07id`as in 're tell' ?
23:27.14id`blizzy did that
23:27.18Elvisonot reply, but retell
23:27.25id`look in the keybinds, its there
23:27.54not_hereit's been in telltrack for the last 15 months too
23:28.12Elvisokeybinds are for saving my ass :P
23:28.37id`i use enter to begin chatting, shift enter to reply and ctrl enter to re-tell
23:29.55Elviso%/tt is quite useful too though, especially when you have a raid full of lazy buffers :\
23:30.32id`yeah actually im ripping that from the ReTell addon by uh.. sarf
23:30.41id`(its like 5 lines of code)
23:31.51Elvisoonce I get these couple addons I'm working on now all nice and polished, I might start on a chat addon that I've been looking for forever
23:32.50Kremontewould anybody be interested in a timer mod? for boats/zeps/etc
23:32.56Kremontewas thinking of making one
23:33.18Elvisopersistent storage of the last X people to msg you, with the last Y amt of tells saved, ability to save and/or copy/paste the msg, etc
23:34.35not_hereyou mean like telltrack..
23:35.10Elvisoyeah, but more robust
23:35.19not_herewhy no just expand on it
23:36.28not_hereall the code is already written, the only thing it'd need is a gui way to copy the msg
23:37.18Elviso*shrug* I might
23:37.19not_hereit already has code to reprint the msgs to the TellTrack chatframe for issolation of whisperers
23:37.49not_hereand I've already got half a million mods to take care of. I'd be happy is someone wanted to improve one
23:38.00Kirovaha!  It's Iriel's fault!
23:38.22KirovOr, more specifically, my fault for not understanding Iriel's code fully
23:38.36Kirovthe texture spinner was what was resulting in the "off by 135 degrees" issue
23:39.24KirovI was staring at the numbers and it wasn't adding up, then it dawned on me how the texture spinner worked.
23:49.42wereHamsterI don't understand this.. when OnShow() or OnHide is executed the data is valid, but sometimes, only sometimed the OnUpdate() script reports errors
23:49.55wereHamsterthe relevant code is here:
23:50.36wereHamsterI basically watch when someone wants to access frame.spellInfo and print the stack trace when it isn't
23:52.22wereHamsterand I just received a bug report that says the whole stacktrace is coolDownButton_onUpdate()
23:56.41Miravlix_Is the addon always intitialized before onupdate gets run?
23:57.45wereHamsteryes, you see that in OnShow() it checks the validity of this.spellInfo
23:59.23Miravlix_No, I dont. :)
23:59.34Miravlix_I see local spellInfo = this.spellInfo
23:59.47Miravlix_But I don't see the code that guarentees this.spellInfo has data
23:59.47wereHamsterand now look at the metatable

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