irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060421

00:00.43Tem|Workyay time to go home
00:00.53MiravlixAviation legend dies in plain crash
00:01.20meprobably the way he wanted to go
00:01.34MiravlixI'm envius
00:02.55KirovIriel - reflections on water are easy
00:03.00me84, flying a single engine plane, sounds like fun to me
00:03.09Iriel|workingKirov : They do planar mirrors in DDO
00:03.27Iriel|workingKirov : Nothing revolutionary of course, but it's still nice to see
00:03.34KirovWell, anything planar is easy enough
00:03.50Iriel|workingKirov : Especially if you spot someone hiding around a corner in one
00:04.12KirovThough I personally think portaling are more effective, even if they are slower.
00:04.33Kirovs/portaling/portaling techniques/
00:05.43KirovDoom 3 being a good example of portaled mirrors vs. render to texture
00:12.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:13.20Iriel|workingHeh, more like work: 1 - conversation: 0
00:34.29meanyone around that can log on draka alliance with cosmos to test with me?
00:35.27Cairennsorry anduin, I don't have cosmos
00:35.51meyou could just backup your wtf and inteface folders
00:36.02CairennI suppose I could at that
00:36.46Iriel|workingI hear if you install cosmos you start to get improper emotions towards small furry animals.
00:37.28meone of the many undocumented 'features'
00:38.07Cairennanduin, which version?
00:39.41mehas CTA been updated since 1.10, just wondering..
00:40.06Cairennanduin, loading it in now, be on in a couple'
00:41.44meshall we play connect4 or team minesweeper?
00:42.40Cairennlol, is that what you wanted me to log in for? minigames?
00:42.40meno, i need to test some Sky changes with backwards compatibility
00:42.43meand didn't want to duplicate my whole wow folder
00:43.15Cairenntalking to you in game :p
01:02.02meit exceeded my outgoing msg alotment while i was reloading..
01:02.22methat's no goo
01:08.16mewow.. there are like 150 Cosmos users on draka, that's like triple on Kil'Jaeden..
01:09.13mespose KJ has more experienced players for the most part..
01:10.22memmk, maybe only double atm
01:10.57zeegnorganna, got a lot more of the DBCs up
01:11.07mestill confused how the Sky channel got 5 moderaters
01:12.16norgannaThe question I want to ask is: "Do they know what great powers they posses?"
01:12.26meprolly not, lol
01:13.05mesqelch people and they're owned
01:14.04mespose i could implement a safe mode..
01:14.48mebut if you wanted to be anal, it's not really that hard
01:18.14norgannabest not to worry about these things until it becomes a problem
01:19.08norgannait's not like we're building flight control systems for space craft
01:19.25menot really mmission critical, no
01:21.15Cairennlater Iriel|working
01:22.43Iriel|workingOr perhaps I wont, traffic sucks
01:24.38meyou could spam yourself with whispers attempting to accertain the max bandwidth..
01:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (i=Cide@
01:41.33MiravlixBestial Wrath, turns you into a very big Werewolf
01:41.44MiravlixNever seen that effect before.
01:42.09MiravlixAlways wished they would have given druids kronos form
01:45.00meso.. at about 50 msgs per second it let me send almost 10k before it booted me (around 8 characters each)
01:45.27me1k messages
01:45.49me7000+ characters
01:47.36meat 100 msgs per second it booted me after about a second..
01:48.07MiravlixWhats your conclusion from that?
01:48.25methat that's no enough testing to draw any useful conclusions
01:48.52meexcept that it may not be a static measurement, but may be a quadratic over time..
01:50.00Iriel|workingDid you monitor your connection's outgoing data rate?
01:50.04meat 55 msgs per second it booted me after like 550 msgs
01:50.27Iriel|workingYou really need to measure steady state rates also
01:50.33meyou mean total packets going out?
01:50.35Iriel|workingI'd imagine the D/C code to use a sliding window
01:50.38Iriel|workingtotal BYTES
01:50.51mehow would i measure that..
01:50.52Iriel|workingper second
01:50.53MiravlixThe build in API call
01:51.09Iriel|workingWell, it depends, there's a return from the network stats API call for bandwidth
01:51.27Iriel|workingIf you've got more than one machine and a hub you can collect statistics that way
01:51.42Iriel|workingor if you flow through a firewall or router that has statistics you could ask that
01:52.03MiravlixHmm, no that isn't the one that returns bytes
01:52.13meok, well i'm gonna need some measurable way ingame in the end..
01:52.45MiravlixOr the wiki needs an update?
01:53.22merunning the same test a 2nd time got me 250 msgs..
01:53.26Iriel|workingI suspect the wiki needs some data filled in
01:53.35Iriel|workingAgain, it wont be a "message count" thing
01:53.43Iriel|workingit'll be a data rate thing on the server
01:54.00Iriel|workingeither bytes per time interval, or average bytes/second over a sliding window
01:54.01meeither way i need a way to be able to measure it in game
01:54.24meor at least estimate it
01:54.30Iriel|workingfor a steady state that should be fine, if you're getting D/C'ed within a few seconds then you dont really have a whole lot of data to go on
01:54.43Iriel|workingthough you may be able to figure out which kind of throttling scheme they're using
01:55.03Iriel|workingI would expect the first 2 args of GetNetStats() to be related to bytes/second
01:55.05meran the test a third time and only got 110 msgs
01:55.10Iriel|workingAssuming they return anything
01:55.32Iriel|workingWhether it's bytes/sec or packets/sec tho, I wouldn't know without testing it
01:56.01Iriel|workingI can probably test that at home though, I have a traffic monitor for my outbound connection
01:56.50meran it again.. got 660 msgs
01:57.29mespose i could go out to somewhere where there's no people
01:57.42merather than running it in sw ah
01:58.34Iriel|workingok, leaving now.
01:58.41Iriel|workingback from home
01:59.12meagain.. 110
02:01.58megot 1045 msgs off in teldrassil
02:07.49memc time
02:16.03MiravlixCan't we just ask Slouken for the numbers?
02:16.21mebe my guest..
02:18.06MiravlixAnd that means?
02:18.52meask him yourself
02:18.56Gryphenmeans go ahead and ask him
02:20.14MiravlixWhy put it that way, is there some problem?
02:20.33meit's not likely he'll make the info public
02:23.07MiravlixHave we tried to ask, to see if it's restricted information?
02:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
02:23.46Gryphenif someone could answer that, they would have said the answer by now i would imagine
02:23.58norgannai would be surprised if it's actually static
02:24.16norgannai suspect they would continually tweak them
02:24.59MiravlixNo matter what it is, we will figure it out, it will just take some work, so why keep it a secret?
02:25.27mewell i've been trying off and on for a year..
02:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:51.53zeegcan someone get me the last spell ID from 1.10.1
02:52.38mestop using my name
02:53.46Kirov"me" - don't have it in your whois then. =)
02:55.06zeegi will love whoever does it for me
02:55.29Kirovzeeg - what do you want?
02:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=Wobin@
02:55.57zeegto know the last spell ID from 1.10.1
02:56.13Kirovfrom what?
02:56.51zeegand the last itemset id ><
03:00.44KirovMyWarCraftStudio is unhappy with the Spell.dbc
03:01.05zeegi have an exe that turns it into csv
03:01.30Kirovmay I have it?
03:01.45zeegjust run that in the dir the DBCs are in
03:06.20norgannais that the one that used to be on the wowmapviewer wiki?
03:09.17norgannai've got one that's a derivative of it. I had to make some changes tho, it'd get some lines wrong.
03:09.48norgannai also had to make some improvements to the field-type checking
03:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:11.37Kirov520 for the set
03:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:21.03zeegappreciate kirov
03:21.09zeegnorganna, actually nicoli used to work for us
03:21.11zeegand made this
03:21.37Kirovzeeg - do you know what happened to the wow _ viewer stuff?
03:21.44zeegtheir wiki?
03:21.47zeegtheyhad to take it down
03:21.49zeegblizzard im sure
03:21.51zeegthats why i started ours
03:22.03Kirovwell, the entire project disapeared
03:22.08IrielSo you can have yours taken down too? 8-)
03:22.08zeegah ya im not sure
03:22.11zeegi told the guy to contact the guy
03:22.12zeegIriel, nah
03:22.15zeegthey were hosted by
03:22.18zeegso its a whole dif thing
03:22.27zeegwe can actually fight it :)
03:22.33zeegi doubt blizzard would try to dmca us on this
03:23.32norgannait's mainly why I moved from SF to my own hosting
03:24.05norgannai was doing a lot of stuff that's not kosher with their terms of use.
03:24.43zeegim generating the update pages
03:25.42MiravlixHeh, find some national show about Internet back in 1996
03:29.31MiravlixNetscape, RealPlayer from back then when the video revolution started on the net.
03:30.11TainRealPlayer screwed themselves royally, they had the best video compression/quality ratio for the low-bandwidth web.
03:31.06KirovThey bought ON2 recently
03:31.15KirovWell, not recently.
03:31.47KirovBut for a while ON2 had some of the best video compression, but media player caught up for the most part.
03:32.04MiravlixSo funny how they couldn't figure out how to say web addresses back then
03:32.48KirovON2 stuff is still cool because it holds 4 different bit rate videos on the server for a single video and changes the video content based on what the latency from the client is.
03:33.48TainOh I forgot to put on The Daily Show, Ted Kennedy was on tonight.  Good thing for dvr!
03:33.56KirovWindows Media has it's play for 5 seconds, buffering 80% ... buffering 60% ... buffering 5% ... buffering 5% joy
03:34.11KirovOr it goes to 1 frame every 20 seconds
03:34.18MiravlixSo sad RP killed themself
03:34.31MiravlixAtleast RP works everywhere.
03:34.42TainThat's just settings though.  RealPlayer was the worst for its default buffering settings.
03:34.56zeegi need
03:34.59zeeg1.10.2's version #
03:35.02zeegand then ill have the page up
03:35.31KirovThe RealPlayer program was just hideous
03:35.32zeegoh wait
03:36.36TainIt was just the registration nonsense that was the worst, you couldn't get away from it no matter what you did it kept asking you for information.
03:38.11norgannaand they would change the website every week or so so you couldn't find the "free" version
03:51.11TainThis is seriously one of the funniest things I've seen in a long, long time.
05:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
05:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
06:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (
06:13.44Tem|SleepIriel: you around?
06:13.49IrielI am
06:14.01Tem|Sleepwhy would loadstring fail?
06:14.14IrielSyntax error in code
06:14.25Irielyou'll get the error as the 2nd arg
06:14.39Tem|Sleep"invalid control character near char(27))
06:14.40Irielstring.dump doesn't work for some things
06:14.51Irielanything with upvalues
06:14.58Irielthough possibly slouken's disabled binary loadstring
06:15.14Tem|Sleepthat would make me a sad panda
06:15.38Tem|Sleepdoes the global env count as an upvalue?
06:16.06Tem|Sleepso, calling a global function would be OK?
06:16.28IrielBut I see what you mean
06:16.40Irielthat does lead me to suspect the worst as far as loadstring's abilities are concerned
06:16.44IrielSounds like a forum post is in order
06:16.54*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:17.13IrielI'm measuring the size of lua strings instead
06:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (n=loup@
06:17.15Tem|Sleeploadstring(string.dump( function()ChatFrame1:AddMessage("test")end))
06:17.19Tem|Sleepthat fails
06:17.34IrielI tried function() return 1; end
06:17.36Irieland that failed too
06:17.45Irielthus my "I see what you mean" 8-)
06:17.51Tem|SleepI was hoping to use it to do nifty nifty things
06:18.47Tem|SleepI'm about to pass out so would you do the honors?
06:21.03IrielTem|Sleep : Posted
06:21.09IrielBy the way, for anyone who cares...
06:21.21Irielstring memory use = length of string + NUL + 16
06:21.31Irielso "hello" is 22 bytes
06:22.11Irielsleep well
06:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:30.19Elkanogood (whatever) :)
06:45.36ElkanoIriel, do you know of an emblib for events that works like Metrognome (so I don't have to create my own onevent frame)?
06:45.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
06:46.02IrielI dont, no, but that doesn't mean there isn't one out there, I dont keep track of the existing libs all that well
07:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
07:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
07:32.58Elkanohmmm... I've been looking through us blue posts... anyone knows what the 'awsome' 1.12 bg feature will be? cross server bgs?
07:34.31Irielno idea, but I only read 1 forum 8-)
07:35.49Elkanopost is
07:53.33IrielA fun read for the resource concerned
07:55.03IrielAnd further proof that a closure based triplet uses less memory than a 3 entry table
07:55.17IrielSorry, I meant MORE memory 8-)
07:57.01Elkanowell, cs people have a strange kind of humor :)
07:57.24krkanice thread Iriel
07:57.59IrielFigured you'd like it krka 8-)
07:58.07IrielAnyway, it's WAY past the time i was supposed to be in bed
07:58.15krkagood night Iriel :)
08:01.11krkadamn it, was gonna ask something but he left :/
08:06.41*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
08:10.53zespriIriel, triplet?
08:12.01zesprileft he is
08:12.43Elkanoid, computer sience :)
08:13.46id`Elkano: :p
08:14.31Elkanobut, well, for counter strike it would have been true, too ^^
08:20.23meAssertion Failed!
08:20.47Elkanonice :)
08:22.19menice think is the mac assertions don't crash the client
08:24.44Elkanowell, possible on win, too
08:30.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:35.49ElvisoElkano, re: "'awsome' 1.12 bg feature"
08:36.00ElvisoI'm willing to bet it's cross-server BG's
08:41.08krkathen they'd have to remove trading inside BG
08:41.21krkanot that big of a deal i suppose
08:41.45Kalrothkrka: I kinda hope they forget that part :P
08:42.02Elvisoor just check if Cvar("PLayerRealm") you == trading target
08:42.22krkathey won't miss it
08:42.26krkai can almost guarantee it
08:42.38krkathat should be the biggest part of delaying cross server bg
08:42.42Kalroth"[1. AV General] [PotionSeller] Selling the cheapest potions for all 16 realms!"
08:43.01Elvisooh man
08:43.10Elvisohow bad would that suck
08:43.29Kalrotherr, btw*
08:44.16ElvisoI believe that's all just speculation based on the server pruchases
08:45.06Elvisobut really, they've been working on x-server bg's for awhile, and I for one can't think of any other "big changes" that they could've been working onm
09:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:09.45krkareduced waiting times... yay!
09:13.41krkais chuck a class or a race?
09:13.50krkathe screenshot doesn't say
09:14.11zenzelezzapparently he's a "walker"
09:14.12krkaobviously a fake too, wrong font in the chuckbox
09:14.26krkathe race says human, not Chuck
09:15.01zenzelezzdespite common belief, Chuck is a human
09:16.11krkabut why is there a chuck icon to the left under the races then?
09:16.13krkamakes no sense
09:16.18krkaeither it's a race or not
09:17.04zenzelezztrue, they seem to have missed that
09:19.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
09:50.42Maldiviawohoo... cross-realms BGs in 1.12 :)
09:51.53wereHamsterTem|Sleep, are you still around?
09:56.32s|loupwhere did you read it maldivia?
09:56.41id`Maldivia: OMG really?
09:56.49id`finslly some players in the bg
09:56.55Maldiviaon 2 different gaming sites so far, but still looking for anything official from Blizzard
09:56.55Kalrothstill a rumour, but yeah :)
09:57.18Maldivianeither of the gaming sites had any links :|
09:57.34Kalrothon the other hand, Blizzard claims to have fixed mounts in Undercity the last 4 patches or so :)
09:59.59s|loupi know that anywhere in the forums there was a post that some blue said they are thinking about it but i didnt understand how this should correct the prportion of ally/horde
10:00.39Maldiviadoesn't correct the proportions, but you wont have to wait an hour for an AV to start
10:01.19Maldiviayou might have to wait an hour to get in once it started though, if there are 100 horde waiting, and no alliance :)
10:01.20s|louphm its the same problem if you have 10k : 5k as if you have 200:100 ;)
10:01.57wereHamsternot really if a game requires 150 players on each side
10:02.33Elkanosecurity lectures are fun :)
10:02.49s|loupthe question is: will the groups of one site build up by players of different realms?
10:03.00Maldiviathe problem is, if there are 10 horde and alliance in queue to start an AV, they still need a few more, for the instance to actually be started, but if there are 16 servers in the same pool, there's a good change there'll be 16x as many waiting, henve 160 horde and alliance, enough to start 4 instances
10:03.06s|loupor just on realm agoinst another?
10:04.48Maldiviahmm, I'm looking forward to seeing how they'll handle in-BG trades and such... if they're linking 16 realms togeather to share the same BG, they'll have to share the same DB aswell
10:05.19id`or disable trade in the BG
10:05.19wereHamsterand name collisions..
10:05.27id`oh yeah, name collisions
10:05.37wereHamster'Shag of Arthas'
10:05.58Maldiviaand what about: /g Ohh wow, I'm in AV with a warrior that has killed C'thun, he has [Ãœber Weapon]  --- disconnected, item not loaded on server
10:06.04id`wereHamster: you are shag?
10:07.11Maldiviashagadelic baby...
10:08.29wereHamsteryes.. I'm Shag
10:09.05wereHamsters/I'm/I'm aka /
10:10.41zenzelezzthe annoying thing about being a warrior is that people seem to think I'm in trouble and "help" when I still have enough HP left to finish up alone... poor cloth wearers
10:10.53ElkanoMaldivia, that's an interesting point...
10:13.57s|loupi see a vision of junk market in battlegrounds
10:14.36s|louptrading threw realms per battleground, what a deal ^^
10:24.10Maldiviahmm... cross realm AH?
10:24.44zenzelezzI'd think that could become too vast/slow
10:25.15Maldiviabut I don't really see a problem in trading item cross-realm
10:35.53wereHamsterthe chinese farmers would love it ;)
10:36.57Elkanowell, it would ruin ecconomy on new realms
10:41.40MaldiviaElkano: yes, but I doubt Blizzard would be so stupid, to add new realms to a BG-pool with old realms
10:41.59Maldiviawould also cause a major imbalance in the gear people potentially have in the BGs
10:42.08zenzelezzwhat, you don't want greens fighting purples?
10:43.00MaldiviaAnd as much as I know that skill > gear... a rogue with a Death's Sting will still be more deadly than one with a Widowmaker
10:47.46Elkanotrue, but that's also in place for existing realms (but not that bad) and count's mainly for 60th bgs.
10:48.24ElkanoMaybe Blizzard finds a way to rate equipment + skill in order to create more challanging ngs for these levels
10:48.26Maldiviawell, people that make new chars / alt on existing old realms should know what they are up againsty
10:50.04Elkanobut I think when they add crossserver bgs they should handle all bgs equally and maybe also use the avg item level to group the players
10:50.33Elkanothis way, skill will be the key
10:50.44zenzelezzsounds like a good idea
11:00.37zenzelezzhm... got two Traveler's Backpacks off of Desert Rumblers today :o
12:19.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
12:27.19Kalrothmorning Josh
12:50.44Josh_Borkeyay, my guild took down razorgore last night
12:53.34KalrothGrats :D
12:59.21Josh_Borkei wasn't there for the attempts though :-( makes me sad :-(
13:01.02krkai really need to find myself a guild
13:01.10krkapug-instancing is becoming harder and harder
13:02.25OsagasuCause all the smart people are already taken
13:02.46krkai am offended by that!
13:02.58OsagasuYou know what I mean
13:03.08OsagasuBesides, who said you were a smart person"?
13:11.25krkai do! all the time!
13:23.45Kalrothkrka: you should have it easy in a guild, pug-instancing is harder than clearing MC/BWL :)
13:25.02krkawell, i have been in some good groups
13:25.06krkamost are crap :/
13:25.43Kalrothyou end up in the wrong pugs then
13:25.56KalrothI sometime join a pug after a hard day in BWL/AQ40
13:26.11Kalrothnothing like training a herd of newbies through UBRS, only to wipe over and over!
13:26.26Kalrothkrka: which server do you play on?
13:27.04krkaventure co
13:27.49Kalrothno wonder then
13:28.35Kalroththere's two kinds of people on pvp/rp servers; 1) the people who likes to rp, but doesn't know how to play 1) the people who likes to annoy rp'ers, but doens't know how to play
13:30.06id`peopler are less hardcore
13:30.10id`and friendlier
13:30.13id`thats all
13:30.27Kalrothno, I'm pretty sure that I'm correct!
13:31.03krkayeah, i am kinda the category that id suggests
13:31.37Kalrothfriendly newbie?
13:32.49krkafriendly casual
13:32.59krka't consider myself newbie
13:34.04Kalrothsurely you must know that the newbie vs elite scale is calculated by the amount of green/blue/purplZ items you got
13:38.03krkathat's casual vs hardcore :P
13:39.04KalrothI guess I need to do more research to be able to troll correctly
13:42.58id`you need more leet speak
13:43.41Kalroththat's leet speak now? :/
13:43.55id`part of the internet meme
13:44.17Kalroth3y3 r3membr d4 g00d 0ld d4yz wh3r3 th1z uz3d 2 b l33t!
13:44.39KalrothWell infact those days weren't that good
13:45.04id`hayday of counterstrike cheating is over
13:45.06id`that was 1.3
13:45.13KalrothI eVEN rEMEMBER wHEN tHIS wAS cOOL
13:45.29id`i wish my lawn was emo
13:45.33id`so it would cut itself
13:45.38id`badoom tisch
13:45.43Kalrothbut that was back using bbs' over dialups, leeching amiga software!
13:45.59id`whats brown and sticky?
13:46.02id`a stick
13:46.07id`badoom tisch
13:46.15id`whats a boomerang that doesnt work?
13:46.16id`a stick
13:46.19id`badoom tisch
13:46.31id`two drums and a set of cymbals fall off a cliff...
13:46.38id`badoom tisch badoom tisch badoom tisch!
13:47.13id`aaanyway back 2 work like woa lOLOALALALALAL
13:48.25krkaTHiS iS COOL
13:48.43krkaooh... a coworker just told me he's also talking to you Kalroth
13:48.51krkasmall world
13:48.52KalrothYeah :)
13:48.54Kalrothsmall world indeed
13:48.59Kalrothhe plays on the same server as me
13:49.04krkaso i hear
13:49.13krkai should reroll it too i guess
13:49.16Kalrothhe mentioned some hacker who got his addon banned!
13:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
13:49.56krkahides from what?
13:50.37krkaeveryone in the office is on that server except me :P
13:51.27Kalrothkrka: well I told him that you're an outcast since you play on an pvp/rp server
13:52.10krkai only play to test my work anyway :P
13:52.23Kalrothno wonder you end up in crappy pugs then :)
13:53.07krkai guess i'm kind of a hazard, seeing as i test my addons inside instances
13:53.15krkamore often than not they break in the middle of something important
13:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
13:54.04Kalroth"[noobPaladin] says: Ok! Pulling the boss with consecrate!"
13:54.36KalrothJosh_Borke: aww, I didn't mean it like that!
13:54.50KalrothJosh_Borke: You can DPS too, yes you can!
13:55.11Josh_Borkeindeed! but it takes way too much work to be good at DPS :-P
13:55.20Josh_Borkeso much easier to just heal and buff and cleanse
13:55.37KalrothThat's the spirit!
13:56.00wereHamsternow also displaying memory consumption and how many timed the GC was triggered:
13:56.33Kalrothlooks nice :)
14:01.00krkai _dont_ want to see how much my indentation-thingy performs in that test
14:01.22wereHamsterthe sort functions probably need more love..
14:01.51krkamergeSort FTW!
14:02.58wereHamsterno.. I mean what to take into account.. when sorting by memory usage and the memory usage is same, what to compare next? GC? AvgTime?
14:03.53wereHamsterthe sorting is done in table.sort() ..
14:04.06Kalroth~lart malreth
14:04.41malrethi'm never speaking to purl. he's too violent. >_<
14:05.13zenzelezzdoes he know the MS-DOS one?
14:07.53wereHamsterInspectFrame_LoadUI() eats 100kbytes of memory O.o
14:08.18wereHamsterChatEdit_SendText() 45kbytes
14:10.19zenzelezzhow do you find such stats?
14:10.55Josh_Borkehrm, what do all the columns mean?
14:14.57zenzelezzthis "Uther's Strength" is one of the funnier things I've looted
14:16.08wereHamsterGC == garbage collector
14:16.16wereHamsterand mem = memory per call
14:16.23wereHamster.. in kbytes
14:16.42krkai am pondering what to do with my indenter... either i make it an embedded lib and let other addons use it, or i can make it a standalone addon that hooks other addons editboxes
14:16.49krkaor both
14:17.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:26.07krkabut wouldn't people also want do just be able to download an addon that automatically "fixes" tinypad, luaslinger, et.c.
14:27.32Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
14:27.39Cairennmorning Josh :)
14:27.47Cairennand zenzelezz
14:28.33Kalrothmorning sleepyhead!
14:29.52zenzelezzthis is just wrong... someone asked me if I was looking for a raid guild... while standing next to me. Me, still in a lot of level-40 req plate o_O
14:30.33Kalrothzenzelezz: maybe they're low on warriors? :p
14:30.43zenzelezzstill sad :p
14:31.09Cairennhey Kalroth :)
14:31.23zenzelezzshould be getting my Enchanted Thorium helm+leggings... as soon as I've done these 16 Arcanite transmutes x.x
14:32.00Kalrothwe recruited a warrior a few months ago, he got 4 might pieces on his first MC run
14:32.16Kalroththen another 4-5 wrath pieces over 3 BWL runs
14:32.23Kalrothno need for that enchanted stuff :)
14:32.36zenzelezzI'd be happy just to get to go to MC/BWL
14:33.04zenzelezznever been in anything higher than UBRS
14:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
14:33.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
14:33.45zenzelezzand the Enchanted Thorium will help in the lower instances, while getting some decent items and doing the attunement quests :)
14:34.01zenzelezznot to mention I won't be running around with level-40 req items... that hurts your ego at 60
14:34.36KalrothAye, you could do it the "true" route, UBRS/etc -> ZG/AQ20 -> MC -> BWL/AQ40
14:35.01Kalrothit must suck to get into a farming guild and then miss the fun of learning MC/BWL
14:35.03Josh_Borkepsh, my guild can't clear ZG or AQ20 and we've downed rag :-
14:35.27Kalrothalthough there was some times that I wouldn't mind skipping the weekly UBRS/Strat runs :p
14:35.33zenzelezzI'm mostly hoping to see either MC or BWL... not so much for loot but because they seem fun
14:36.23KalrothMC was fun back when we started doing it
14:36.33Kalroth"onoes, dual Firelord pull, ruuuun!"
14:37.12Josh_Borkewe still do that :-(
14:43.43TainMy favorite parts of MC were always, "Don't stand too close to that door or you'll aggro more core hounds."
14:44.18TainSomeone always did it.  Always.
14:44.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:46.49KalrothTain: haha
14:47.15malrethdual firelords aren't a problem. :)
14:47.45wereHamsterTain, what door?
14:47.48malrethit's dual molten destroyer, ancient core hound, firelord, garr pulls that are a problem
14:48.42KalrothWe've had two golden moments
14:48.49Kalroth1) Pulling Geddon + Shazz at the same time
14:48.55Kalroth2) Leaving our MT at Majordomo while the rest of the raid went back to Magdamar to dowse (we forgot!), which then made Majordomo spawn, kill our MT and then run aaaaaaall the way back to rip the rest of the raid a new one
14:49.01TainOh hell I dunno wereHamster, I quit raiding a year ago.
14:49.22Josh_BorkeKalroth: lol
14:49.33KalrothI think 2 people made it to zone entrance and zoned out :p
14:51.27Kalrothbest part was when the MT said "Doh! Majordomo just killed me! And now he left, I wonder where he's going.. "
14:51.58KalrothWe got back out on the other side of the whelps before we put 2 and 2 together
14:52.09KalrothWell that and Domo showed up :P
14:56.18TainMany a raid were saved by a feigned person with Goblin Jumper Cables, let me tell you.
14:56.33malrethonce while pulling shaz, he blinked over to one of our groups but no one ran him back to the center... so he sploded and wiped out two of our groups... we kept on fighting as no wipe was called.
14:56.50malrethfinally killed shaz with like about 6 people left standing
14:57.21KalrothPersonally I'd prefer healers in one group, mages/locks/hunters in another group and then the rest in a third group
14:57.32Kalrothit gets so much easier once the mage/lock/hunter group is dead
15:04.08krkai have a hunter and a mage
15:04.22KalrothOh, I wasn't wrong then!
15:07.16KalrothSorry, but I've been raiding for a year now, mages, warlocks and hunters hold a special place in my heart!
15:07.46krkai'm gonna roll priest or warrior next time
15:07.52krkashould be easier to find groups
15:07.56KalrothWarrior gud!
15:13.32Kalrothhome better!
15:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
15:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:23.02Wobin_I tell you priests are great for finding groups =P
15:23.10Wobin_I have to filter my requests =P
15:23.22Wobin_(Of course it helps if you actually heal well =P)
15:23.43Josh_Borkeso far i've only been asked to group 5-6 times
15:23.46Josh_Borkebut i'm only lvl 45
15:26.28zenzelezz<Wobin_> (Of course it helps if you actually heal well =P) <-- that's just repeat-requests, the people who don't know still invite you!
15:26.47Wobin_true =)
15:26.58Wobin_Also the fact that my character combination is a rarity
15:27.02Wobin_dwarf priestess!
15:27.38TainGood chuckle about the supposedly "leaked" noteds for 1.11
15:28.21Elkanotain, link?
15:28.43Elkanos/tain, link?/(nothing)/
15:42.49Wobin_Can I use that to drop stuff into the bank?
15:43.10Wobin_not the additional bankbags, but the mainbank itself
15:47.54MentalPowerI think so, yes
15:48.10MentalPowerthe ID for the bank is currently -1
15:48.56MentalPowerbut there's also a global that contins the bank slot
15:52.06Wobin_that'd be it.... I'll give that a try
15:52.25Wobin_invalid bank slot =(
15:52.46Wobin_er bag slot
15:53.02MentalPoweryou need to be at the bank BTW
15:53.05Wobin_Ah... I'm looking for an inventory slot
15:53.07Wobin_Well yes.
15:53.12Wobin_That's a given
15:53.25Wobin_which is currently 64-68 for bank bags
15:53.33Wobin_er 69
15:54.25Wobin_oh bugger
15:54.38Wobin_I can't treat it as a 'bag'
15:55.00Wobin_That's crap
15:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
15:55.44Wobin_it's not looking for a bagid
15:55.49Wobin_it's looking for an InventoryID
15:55.55Wobin_er Inventory slot ID
15:56.55Wobin_yeah =(
15:57.06Wobin_I'd have to use 40-63
15:57.19MentalPowerthe vContainerIDToInventoryID() function should give you the inventory ID
15:57.25Wobin_which is highly inconveinient
15:57.29Wobin_well yes. It's -1
15:57.45Wobin_Lemme try it
15:57.50MentalPowerthe ContinerID is -1
15:58.02MentalPowerI have no clue what the InventoryID is
15:58.18MentalPowerbut the function should convert it to the right number
15:58.26Josh_Borkelater guys
15:59.12MentalPowerlater Josh|Lunch
15:59.53Wobin_It returns an invalid bag slot
16:01.45Wobin_it's returning 18... ?
16:04.51Wobin_The problem, MP, is that there is no single inventory ID for the bank
16:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:05.12Wobin_it's literally slot 40-63
16:05.32Wobin_So I can't treat it as any other inventory bag and drop stuff in
16:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
16:08.47ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
16:08.58KalrothHello my favorite font!
16:09.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
16:14.22Corrodiasso, i wonder why this channel is set +r now
16:15.25mecause rw sucks
16:15.32Corrodiasand what is rw?
16:15.44mea form of cd rewritable
16:15.53Corrodiasthat has nothing to do with channel modes
16:15.57Elkanomaybe so you can safely query anyone in here I think
16:16.05Corrodiasso your response is irrelevant
16:16.11KalrothCorrodias: +r means that only registered people can join
16:16.19Corrodiasthat is the end of the reason chain, me
16:16.50CorrodiasKalroth: i'm aware of the effect. i'm not aware of the reason for the change.
16:16.58KalrothCodayus: It was set because of some kid figured out how to create multiple drones and flood channels.
16:17.12Elkano@me: hmmm... 1x Bambi Goreng pls ;)
16:17.59zenzelezzan empty Thorium Lockbox.. how fun
16:18.45Kalrothzenzelezz: grats!
16:33.52TainWow, Horde Auction House on Draka is one of the saddest I've come across.
16:34.54TainFor number of auctions, there's very little there.
16:35.18Wobin_Bambi Goreng?
16:35.34Wobin_Like Nasi Goreng but with deer meat?
16:35.53Elkanolike nasi goreng but with noodles instead of rice
16:38.09Wobin_I had disney flashbacks
16:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
16:38.52Elkanomakes the meal twice as good ;)
16:39.58IrielThe channel is +r because freenode have been having spam problems
16:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
16:46.56meodd.. my bindings didn't show up
16:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:02.59ComicSansMSis there an easy way to get the rgb-values for a class' color (e.g. white for priests, purple for warlocks etc) when in a raid group?
17:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
17:05.27ComicSansMSw00t, thanks exactly what i was looking for :) thanx
17:06.54wereHamsterand take a look at UnitClass(), the second return value is the capitalized/internationalized class name
17:13.56Elkanoand wrt raids: (6th returned value fileName)
17:17.25wereHamsterdoes anyone here play WoW under mac?
17:18.02Elkanoso in here was a few hours ago, but can't remember his name :(
17:18.50wereHamsterdoes WoW on mac use opengl or direct3d?
17:19.01AdrineI'm going to guess OpenGL
17:19.08Corrodiasconsidering you -can't- use d3d...
17:19.09AdrineSince DirectX is a Windows technology
17:19.51wereHamsterbecause.. opengl seems so slow down the game *a lot*.. especially when  I have lots of frames on the screen
17:20.08wereHamsterand I was wondering if that's the case in mac, too
17:21.11wereHamsterd3d: from 60fps -> 40fps, opengl: from 60fps -> 20fps
17:21.15TainFor Windows it's partially because video card manufacturers put far more effort into optimizing D3D than OpenGL.
17:21.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
17:21.28meit's the only option in mac. And I would say the memory management in wow is particularly poor on the mac side and causes a lot of paging even with a lot of ram, which tends to be the worst slow down
17:21.52Ktronif I wanted to check whether I was in combat, what variable would I need to check?
17:22.04meas for frames being open that is a UI thing that causes slow down anywhere
17:22.06wereHamsterPlayerFrame.inCombat :)
17:22.07TainThere have been a few reports from people who have run XP on an Intel Mac and found performance a lot bigger
17:22.26KtronTain, and that will be 1 or 0 depending, or something and nil?
17:22.31Corrodiasmy performance has increased... in size
17:22.51TainKtron: been a while since I looked at it, I just know that's what every combat mod I've ever looked at referenced.
17:22.51Elkanobtw: should the WSG trinked be restoring health when in combat?
17:23.18KtronTain, looks like nil or somethign else, thanks a bunch tain
17:23.21Elkanowell, I think for me it doesn't :(
17:23.34wereHamsterme, sure, but the difference between d3d and opengl is significant
17:24.22meon xp perhaps. it's not really an easy thing to compare on mac, now is it
17:24.42TainThere's a lot of differences in what's supported between the two.  That's part (only part) of the problem is people still mostly code to D3D, and then make it OpenGL compatible.
17:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:25.17meright, but blizz hads a full mac department that develops side by side
17:25.42meso for their mac code to be d3d driven makes no sense
17:26.01meand the game didn't get ported over either, it was written for macs
17:26.08Josh_BorkeKtron: i believe PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED is an event, isn't it?
17:26.22MentalPoweryes it is an event
17:26.26TainI can't speak for them of course, but a lot of times they simply rely on the graphics card drivers to handle it.
17:26.29MentalPowerit fires when you enter combat
17:26.53Josh_Borkebut combat doesn't include engaging auto-shot or auto-attack, just when you have some sort of 'aggro'
17:26.54MentalPowerits counterpart PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED fires when you leave combat
17:27.12TainAnd it does make sense to code towards D3D since that's where the vast majority of your money-paying market is.
17:27.14Ktronsomething like /script if (PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED) then CastSpellByName("Vanish") else CastSpellByName("Stealth") end is what I want to do
17:27.46MentalPowerKtron: its not a global, its an event
17:27.52MentalPoweryou can't use it like that
17:27.58Ktronokay, is there a variable that I can use like that?
17:28.08TainYeah that's right, sorry ktron I wasn't thinking about it.
17:28.13Josh_Borkethe default playerframe has PlayerFrame.inCombat or something like that
17:28.27MentalPowertht was killed a while ago Josh_Borke
17:28.28TainYou could set and keep track of your own variable.
17:28.34MentalPowerI think theres a function that you can call
17:28.43Josh_BorkeMentalPower: it was? what about the X that replaces your lvl?
17:28.53KtronI just want to be able to tell someone a way to macro vanish/stealth
17:28.54MentalPowerbut it will give erroneous values if you're in auto-attack mode
17:29.35TainMaybe you can do something like an IsUsable() on the Stealth key
17:30.20IrielHm, does UnitAffectingCombat("player") get close enough?
17:30.21TainI don't know if IsUsable works on a check like that.
17:30.24wereHamsterme, I wasn't talking about windows ;)
17:30.50MentalPowerhehe, Iriel is faster than I am
17:31.13IrielOnly where it counts 8-)
17:31.36mewell, if you want opengl to get better all you have to do is get a few game companies to adopt it for sole use
17:31.58TainYeah that went out the door with Windows 95. ;)
17:32.34methen if you want a gaming platform, get a pc
17:32.46TainOr an XBox, or PS2, or ...
17:32.49meor buy an intelmac
17:33.20menot that anyone would use an intelmac as a purely game box
17:33.37methat'd eb dumb
17:33.49TainIt would make a good dual-booting box though.
17:34.41memy Bindings.xml still isn't working..
17:35.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:35.45mei emailed sam. he says: "It's a total client bandwidth cap, not just chat data.  I don't know what it is offhand though.  It's some K/s over several seconds."
17:36.04IrielWe already knew that 8-)
17:36.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
17:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:39.29Kirovallo cide, elviso
17:39.42Elvisohowdy :)
17:39.52Josh_Borkehello cide, Elviso
17:40.03Elvisohow's things
17:42.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:43.03ckknighthey all
17:43.22Josh_Borkehola ckknight
17:43.28ckknightwhy can't I join #wowi-lounge with an unregistered name, e.g. ckknight_/
17:43.39Josh_Borkeit's been made +r
17:43.45Adrine[09:38] Iriel: The channel is +r because freenode have been having spam problems
17:43.47Josh_Borkebecause freenode has had some problems with spam lately
17:44.17wereHamsterso no more wereMouse|sleep ?
17:44.18Kirovjust found a handy delay command for anyone who uses trillian
17:44.30KirovYou can still change your nick once you're in
17:44.30AdrineI think you just have to be registered to join
17:48.59Tainuh oh MS Mobile & Embedded DevCon is in Vegas this year.  AS if I needed another excuse to go back to Vegas.
18:35.47MiravlixThe birds is singing, it's a bid dark outside, must be morning.
18:36.08MiravlixXXX is Full Position in Queue: #### Estimated time: X xxx
18:36.31MiravlixUgh not morning, it's evening. :p
18:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
18:37.52MiravlixIt's cool not living by the clock, but sometimes it can get confusing.
18:38.07KirovMiravlix - aye
18:38.22KirovWhat's worse is when you then have to change back to living by the clock
18:38.48MiravlixHasn't bothered me in the past.
18:39.02MiravlixYou just get up in the monring and the day happends as you go to work.
18:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
18:39.33MiravlixThe Palm keeps track of the time, I don't use a watch anymore
18:40.07MiravlixSo not even there am I on the clock, I am on an alarm controled day
18:41.23MiravlixNever had a paid pr. hour job in my life, it's always been monthly
18:47.01MiravlixI need to buy more stuff online
18:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
19:01.11ckknightcan you not have an OnMouseUp and an OnClick at the same time?
19:01.32KirovI use both
19:02.11KirovI use OnClick for my actual function handlers, and OnMouseUp for some visual stuff.
19:02.34ckknightdoesn't want to work for me
19:02.57ckknightI can do one or the other, but not both
19:03.39ckknightit's using SetScript
19:03.41ckknightpretty simple
19:04.06Kirovhmm, doesn't OnMouseUp and OnClick use different mouse handlers?
19:04.46meRightMouse and RightMouseUp
19:05.49Kirovthis:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp");
19:07.16KirovI have a dragable minimap button that's using every mouse button related handler except OnMouseDown
19:08.39KirovActually, anyone else experienced the bug where registering a frame for both left and right drag can cause OnDragStop to never get fired?
19:09.15KirovDrag with left button, click off the frame with the right button, OnDragStop never gets fired
19:09.33KirovI had to use OnMouseUp instead
19:09.57mei hate the drag scripts, i always use the onmouse
19:10.27meonly time you want to use the ondrag is if you also need to use onclick to cast a spell
19:10.39KirovShift (or another modifier)+click for moving?
19:11.36medoesn't matter, the drag scripts have an intentional lag which means you have to drag your cursor a certain amount which is usually off of small frames
19:12.18meand then you tend to have to readjust the anchor onupdate if you want it to actually be UNDER the mouse
19:12.57Kirovmy minimap dragging script is just a dot off of the center of the minimap -> angle
19:13.09Kirovso moving it under the cursor isn't a big deal
19:13.48KirovFor everything else I fake moving frames and just have one dedicated hidden frame for dragging to get around having to deal with levels.
19:13.58KirovBut then, I'm dragging around buttons inside a big window.
19:15.47mei know all the tricks. I was the one who first wrote the rotating minimap code over a year ago
19:16.35meit's jsut that, tricks.. the default methods suck and I'm convinced were never intended to allow dragging
19:17.13id`uh can i do function foo({a,b,c}) print(a..b..c) end
19:17.29menot in lua
19:17.41id`then how do i adress the table
19:18.09mefoo(t) print(t[1]..t[2]..t[3]) end
19:21.29mewhy look, apples recycling old systems for free when you buy a new one
19:22.11meguess i'll dump this old 400mhz next time i buy a box
19:28.16methere you go:
19:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
19:39.15ckknightdoes anyone know if you can make a slider show up from a dropdown menu?
19:45.45Josh_Borkewb Cairenn
19:45.52Cairennthanks :)
19:49.10meckknight> not without a hack
19:49.11Josh_Borkenow approve my update :-P thanks :-D
19:49.22ckknightme, I'm okay with hacks
19:50.22Josh_Borkejk Cairenn  :-)
19:53.29CairennJosh_Borke: no wai!
19:55.31Josh_Borkeckknight: you still here?
19:55.59Josh_Borkequestion about BabbleLib.Deformat()
19:57.08Josh_Borkei don't really understand how i would use it.  for example:  i'm parsing the combat events for things like "<somePlayer> begins to cast <some spell>".  would i need to use Deformat for that?  or provide my own localisation strings?
19:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:58.22Elvisohrmmm I did something yesterday my script really doesn't's givng me alot of "attempt to index/call global ___ (a nil value)"
20:00.36ckknightJosh_Borke, that is a _perfect_ example to deformat
20:01.05Josh_Borkek, that's what i thought too, but how do i do it?
20:01.15Josh_Borkeassume babble is my local reference :-)
20:01.20ckknightlocal name, spell = babble.Deformat(arg1, SPELLCASTOTHERSTART)
20:01.58Josh_Borkehm, is SPELLCASTOTHERSTART defined somewhere? (GlobalStrings.lua or something like that?)
20:02.17ckknightand that will work in every language, without hassle
20:02.21ckknightand it's fast, cause it's curried
20:03.05Josh_Borkecurrently i'm doing 'for name,spell in string.gfind(arg1,<my string>)'
20:03.15IrielWhee, I now have my ant scripts assigning version ID's to my embedded library code
20:03.16ckknightuse Deformat, trust me
20:03.41Josh_Borkebtw, no bugs yet :-D
20:04.14ckknightif you do local name, spell in string.find(arg, <my string>), then you have to make one for each language
20:04.30ckknightwith Deformat and GlobalStrings.lua, it'll work for all languages
20:04.34ckknighteven if they use crazy stuff
20:04.46ckknightlike "%2$d %1$d"
20:05.01Josh_Borkeisn't there a way on wdn to view the whole file?
20:05.11Josh_Borkewithout downloading that is
20:05.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Tem@
20:07.05Elkanoafaik no more
20:07.32TemIriel: :(
20:09.03IrielTem: Yeah, another plan dashed carelessly against the rocks of slouken's wow defenses
20:09.21TemI was so looking forward to making a smart LoD manager
20:09.49IrielWell, what does it prevent you from doing?
20:10.03TemTheoretically, you can still do it
20:10.22zenzelezzLoD manager?
20:10.23Tembut you have to store the functions as a string
20:10.27Temwhich is a pain
20:10.42IrielLoD = Load On Demand
20:10.53IrielAt least, I'm talking with Tem as it if stands for that 8-)
20:11.02zenzelezzoh, right... I was thinking of "Level of Detail"
20:11.11IrielIt might stand for Licorice or Death, in which case i'm in trouble
20:11.19Temit's Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, you noobs
20:11.35Tem(yes, I was talking about Load on Demand)
20:12.35IrielTem: Did you see
20:12.45Temno, I just got back
20:12.48Josh_Borkeyea tem, Lord of Destruction!
20:12.54Temhad a pretty big test today so I've been under a rock
20:13.20TemIriel: yeah I did see that last night (or this morning or something)
20:13.58IrielOk, back to work for me
20:14.47Temhmm, something I hadn't thought of
20:15.29Temthe size-doubling effect of tables makes it increasingly hard to measure the actual impact on ui memory each file has
20:15.38Tem(as tables get larger)
20:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
20:16.20OsagasuWhere was I...
20:16.24OsagasuOh, yes... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
20:16.50OsagasuThey're making a new Tiberium game. <3
20:18.18IrielTem: That's true, mostly
20:18.32IrielTem: It's really the global environment and string table that are hard to measure
20:18.53IrielAnd possibly the 'frame table' if such a beast exists
20:19.03Temthat's a scary thought
20:20.24IrielHaving collectgarbage() made my testing SO much easier this time than the last time I did size measurements
20:20.35TemI can easily see that
20:21.04IrielOh, you'll appreciate this:
20:24.12IrielI've made an embeddable library with functions like
20:24.39Irielfunction lib:TimedRun(func, funcParam, funcIter, reps, results)
20:24.43Irielfunction lib:MemRun(func, funcParam, funcIter, reps, results, noRelease)
20:25.03IrielRun a function and measure it's memory impact
20:25.10Temtook me a second
20:25.13IrielThere's also function lib:HighMemRun(func, funcParam, funcIter, reps, results)
20:25.22Temstill a little braindead from the statistics test I had today
20:25.28Iriel(Which is where gcdetect is used)
20:25.57Irielthat measures how much memory gets allocated during each run
20:26.04Irielregardless of whether it ends up as garbage afterwards
20:26.15Temhow do things like the performance plugins for panel addons detect a gc?
20:26.32Temsurely they don't do anything as clever as a weakly valued table
20:26.33Irielprobably a change in the GC threshold
20:26.56Temthat's dirty
20:27.04Irielthat's mostly going to work
20:27.39Wobin_okies, I need peoples opinions... I'm trying to implement bankstacking in MrPlow, in that it will move everything in your bags that matches items in your bank -to- your bank
20:28.06Wobin_Now, should I go about this on a bag by bag method, only filling items into the same bags?
20:28.23Wobin_Or just fill any matching item into whatever available bagspace?
20:28.55IrielYou should try and put like items in the same bag
20:29.35IrielI suspect you'd want a few overflow level options:
20:29.35Iriel1) Never overflow once a stack is full
20:29.35Wobin_My only problem is that MrPlow sorts and stacks all non-special (herbal etc) bags as one bag
20:29.48Iriel2) Overflow into existing bag only
20:29.56Iriel3) Overflow into existing bag, then into other bags
20:30.18TemIriel: is there any major advantage to a weak value table over watching for a dectrease in mem usage?
20:30.18wereHamsterIriel, is gcdetect a lua function?
20:30.38IrielTem: Absolute reliability
20:30.54IrielwereHamster : No, it's just a little construct I used in my test harness to detect a GC run
20:31.16Wobin_if it doesn't exist, a run has occurred?
20:31.32wereHamsterI'm very be interested in your code.. to include it into my LuaProfiler
20:31.33IrielYup, if gcdetect.detect is nil, a run occurred
20:31.54IrielThe code's about 3 pages back 8-)
20:32.14Wobin_Tem: also, using this, the test is a whole lot simpler...
20:32.18Wobin_no comparison required
20:32.28Temstill a one liner
20:32.30IrielI can fool the other approach
20:32.41Irielconsider this:
20:32.45Iriel1) I collect all garbage
20:32.54Iriel2) Other approach takes a look at gcinfo()
20:33.04Iriel3) I do x = {}; x = nil;
20:33.08Iriel4) I collect all garbage again
20:33.17Iriel5) Other approach gets its next look at gcinfo()
20:33.39Temyeah, for something like a garbage lib it's important
20:33.50Temfor most other things, the other approach is just fine
20:34.35Irielyeah, it depends how sure you want to be about it
20:34.57IrielI was trying to measure the difference between x = "Hello " .. y and x = string.format("Hello %d", y)
20:35.21Iriel(Successfully, i'll add 8-)
20:35.23wereHamsterIriel, isn't gcinfo() good enough to detect a GC ?
20:35.26AdrineQuick question...
20:35.45IrielwereHamster : No, for the case described above
20:35.50AdrineAnyone have a copy of the spell DB they could shoot to me?
20:36.18AdrineI'm kicking around idea for item valuation, and will need info on various passive and proc effects
20:36.41AdrineI noticed that Allakhazam references them in their XML quite cleanly, but I'm hoping for a nicer solution that screen scraping and parsing to build a table of what does what.
20:39.39wereHamsteririel, how does HighMemRun() measure how much memory has been allocated?
20:43.16IrielwereHamster : Forced GC then GC info before, and then gcinfo after, with a check (using gcdetect) to make sure that no GC runs happened in the middle
20:43.44IrielwereHamster : I also have a method to create a specified amount of memory use before the test runs
20:44.00IrielwereHamster : So I can guarantee a specified amount of space to grow before a GC run would normally happen
20:45.29wereHamsterI'm running out of space in my addon.. so many possible columns that I could generate and not enough space ;)
20:46.40ComicSansMSwhat was your new addon about again?
20:46.52wereHamsterand very annoying: I can't get the numbers to show exactly under each other :(
20:47.51IrielEven if you right-align the cells
20:49.04wereHamsteryou mean justifyH="RIGHT" ?
20:50.50wereHamstersure.. I've already had this problem in coolDown, there I display the time like this: string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds)
20:51.11wereHamsterand I had to set justifyH to "LEFT"
20:51.42IrielWhich Font are you using?
20:51.55IrielIt may just be that the font doesn't have evenly sized numbers
20:51.57*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:56.39IrielHave you tried a non-proportional font like Lucida Console?
21:00.10wereHamsterright now I've tried with Comic Sans MS (that is monospace, right?) and I still see this issue
21:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
21:00.39wereHamsterseems like the '1' is always drawn a bit shorter than the other characters
21:00.51wereHamsteror calculated
21:03.51MiravlixYou sure, you get the font set right?
21:04.00id`need help
21:04.07id`fill in my <something>'s so it works! (also when first changes to e.g. 6 and row and col change :P)
21:04.11MiravlixIt's a bit supprisingly if Mono spaced fonts aren't mono spaced
21:04.32wereHamsterMiravlix, font:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\coolDown\\Fonts\\coolDownFont.ttf", 14, "OUTLINE");
21:04.37MiravlixDoesn't wow use windows fonts?
21:05.10AdrineThis is truly amazing.
21:05.16Ktronid`, not sure if I understand your question
21:05.32id`Ktron: do you know visor?
21:05.45Ktrona little
21:06.47Ktronenough anyway
21:06.53id`well i wanna make visor button bars
21:07.06MiravlixUse the symbol font or something thats so different you are sure it works
21:07.26wereHamstersymbol font?
21:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
21:08.39Ktronwell, you've seen the makeBar() script on the wiki, right?
21:09.42id`but i dont really get it
21:09.50id`as styple made it with offsets on the X and Y
21:10.06id`wich is really weird and doesnt work when you start scaling buttons
21:10.35TainWorks fine for me.
21:10.49Ktroni haven't noticed problems yet..
21:11.43AdrineI like how they are using the old character models in those screenshots
21:11.55AdrineThe ones that you can dig out of the mpc files but that obviously aren't in the game. :P
21:13.23Ktronthe Natherzim are a new spectulation to me
21:13.56Ktronoh wait, that's because its obvious
21:13.57AdrineI'd rate it an instant fake due to the usage of the old-that-are-supposed-to-look-new character models.
21:17.38KtronI'm not suggesting its not a fake, I just hadn't even heard of people joking about the naztherzheieieieeheiheihem
21:19.19KtronI stil think whether it is or isn't, it should be murlocs, because they are the only race that I think will be played as well as blood elves
21:19.44KtronAnd alliance needs a funny talking race:)
21:20.03AdrineI think the only way I wouldn't like the new race is if it was stupidly dull, average, and boring.
21:20.06wereHamsterdoes anyone here have coolDown installed? I'd like to know if someone else can confirm what I see :)
21:20.39AdrineThe way I see it, it'll either be big and badass, or small and delicate (which would make it awesome to play in PVP, because being killed by something small is humiliating)
21:21.15TemMy personal favorite to kill is gnome mages
21:21.21TemI *hate* gnome mages
21:21.30Temthey annoy the crap out of me on my alliance toon
21:21.40Temand are easy kills on my undead rogue
21:22.04KtronwereHamster, I did, but I don't currently
21:23.08KtronThe only other race that I think wouldn't make all the new characters one sided is worgen-- worgen and murlocs the only races I can think of that the split between horde and alliance wouldn't be excessively one-sided, and I think more people will still play BE over either ofthose
21:23.35KirovAnyone know how many servers there are currently?
21:23.57KirovAnd how many characters each server can support now
21:24.15MiravlixUnlimited on chars
21:24.22MiravlixBut limited on concurent players
21:25.08MiravlixThe times I've run cencusplus on queued servers, we get less than 1000 players pr. side concurently
21:26.14AdrineSpell ID 8352 is "Adjust Attitude (238682)"
21:26.18AdrineI wonder if that's a GM spell. >_>
21:26.28KirovAdrine - have you read #5?
21:26.40Kirov"Kill your target instantly. You feel like a big man now?"
21:26.48AdrineDeath Touch, heh
21:27.00AdrineHot Foot (TEST) (277)
21:27.03AdrineWonder what that is.
21:27.21KirovMiravlix - less than 1000 players?  Hmm, I thought the new servers were supposed to support more players, not less.
21:27.40AdrineStill trying to grok the file. I'm not seeing associated value information (my test is the +1% crit aura)
21:27.58KirovLast time I ran census it was getting around 1800 players on the alliance side.
21:28.08Kremontewhat framestrata is 1 less than dialog? :<
21:28.08KirovAnd that was a medium server
21:28.43AdrinezzOLDVoodoo Eye-Poke (25090)
21:28.44AdrineThat rocks.
21:28.56AdrineMe gonna poke joo in da eye, mon!
21:29.47zenzelezzthat's probably just some spell that hurts people with old Voodoo cards
21:41.18AdrineScooby Snack Effect (276794) is my favorite so far.
21:43.54id`what was % in match again?
21:44.14id`not as in, percent..
21:44.44id`thank you
21:45.01wereHamsterisn't that from C ?
21:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
21:45.41TainIt's from math.
21:45.46id`i just needed the damn name
21:45.53id`thats going to help me :>
21:53.00wereHamsterI give up.. when justifyH is "CENTER" then the string gets shorter if there is a '1' at the very right position in the string, if justiftH is "RIGHT" then 0' and '4' are wider, '1' shorter then they should be, but again only when they appear as the very last characters in the string
21:58.10MiravlixI think 1200-1300 his queue time on EU servers
21:58.53MiravlixBut maybe the number is total and not pr. side?
21:59.11MiravlixIf it's total, then checking on side is highly inaccurate
22:01.12MentalPowerid`: math.mod
22:04.05id`MentalPower: yeh :)
22:04.12id`testing it
22:06.09CideIriel: I need your /vdump! :)
22:06.29IrielI wish it were read for release 8-(
22:07.04wereHamsterwhat will /vdump do?
22:07.23Cideshow tables in a most glorious fashion!
22:07.28Cideor display, rather
22:08.02IrielI think
22:08.05wereHamsterusing krka's indenter ?
22:08.22Irielno, different approach
22:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
22:09.30TemIriel: I want a video of vdump working
22:10.20IrielBah, it'll take me less time to release a prototype
22:10.51IrielI got cluster dragging working last time I was fiddling with it, so it's getting close to play-with-able for the educated masses
22:11.20IrielI've changed some of my interaction plans though, after playing around
22:11.30IrielMore mouse-over, less click
22:11.47IrielI'm basically coding to support the behaviours I find myself trying to get it to do when I use it
22:13.18Temtic toc
22:13.53Cideit seems like either 1) GetNumRaidMembers() returns 0 or 2) all UnitName("raid#") calls return nil at some point during zoning/reload
22:13.59Cidethat is troublesome
22:14.48Cideand in case you wonder, yes, I'm waiting until PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD to do anything :)
22:14.51wereHamsteryes.. I've run into it, too :(
22:15.03IrielCide: Sounds about right
22:15.12IrielCide: I imagine raids are rebuilt like parties
22:15.20IrielCide : They empty out and rebuild themselves member by member
22:15.27IrielCide: I suggest not scanning it until OnUpdate
22:15.42IrielCide : Or until you need the contents from something that's *NOT* a raid change event
22:15.43CideI guess I could set a zoning flag and do that
22:16.21wereHamsteryhowever, you shouldn't get RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE once for each raid member anymore.. only once when zoning/enterign world
22:18.38Cideit would be rather pleasant to have it rebuilt before calling PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, though :)
22:19.19id`not to forget victory!
22:19.34ckknightwe are voctorious!
22:20.19Wobin_Can you concat two tables?
22:20.36id`knight: Have at thee, fiend! We shall be voctorious! monster: voctorious? knight: ya thats what id said..
22:21.08id`oh i didnt mean knight as in you..
22:21.18ckknightthought you did
22:21.29id`less caffeine ^^'
22:21.57ckknightWobin_, a = {1, 2, 3} b = {4, 5, 6} for _,v in ipairs(b) do table.insert(a, v) end
22:21.59id`(for me)
22:22.35Wobin_ckknight: Alas. I was hoping for something a little more elemental =(
22:23.05CideI must be tired. I have spelled "zoning" "zonining" twice, in a row.
22:23.14ckknightfunction concat(a, b) c = {}for _,v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(c, v) end for _,v in ipairs(b) do table.insert(c, v) end return c end
22:24.00Wobin_ckknight: =P
22:26.13ckknightyou'd want local c =, not juct c =
22:26.21ckknightbut you get the point
22:26.56ckknightapparently, there's table.concat
22:27.26ckknightoh, nvm
22:27.29ckknightthat's not what you want
22:27.37Wobin_it's not?
22:28.13Irieltable.concat concatenates a list into a string
22:28.28ckknightjust use the function I gave you
22:28.34ckknightit does create a table every time, though
22:28.37Wobin_oh that string it
22:28.42me"Bah, it'll take -Iriel- less time to release a prototype"
22:28.49ckknightwho is me?
22:28.54Wobin_nm, I was hoping for what we were expecting table.concat to do
22:29.04Wobin_I'll just fiddle around with my current structure to not need it
22:29.15meI am me
22:29.35Wobin_I'm me too
22:29.40IrielYou should pick a less contextually ambiguous identifier
22:29.44Wobin_. o O (And so's my wife)
22:29.47meand, no, me will not take less caffine
22:29.51IrielYou're your own wife?
22:30.02ckknightI'm my own uncle
22:30.12Wobin_Well, it was an attempt at a subtle cultural reference
22:30.30ckknightmy brother adopted me, so no, we're not from the south
22:30.34memy sis's pregnant again, and my nephew's only 7 months old..
22:31.25ckknightit's typically better for children to be spread apart 3-5 years
22:31.40meya, that's the thought i think
22:31.56mei have 2 and 4 on either side
22:32.45menot that this has any useful context. i don't think you can go on the pill if you're breat feeding..
22:32.56wereHamster.. and it sucks to be the youngest child :( .. at least for me
22:33.14Kirovwere - out of how many?
22:33.32wereHamsterout of two :-P
22:33.43meyou don't count
22:33.53Kirovmy dad is eldest of 9
22:34.11ckknightwereHamster, I'm the youngest of 3
22:35.09Kremontei  was the youngest of 3 for 6 years, now i have a little sister and she's so spoiled
22:35.25Temyou're 6 years old?
22:35.32wereHamsterlucky you ...
22:35.44KirovOnly children are ... weird
22:35.52TemKremonte being 6 explains a lot...
22:36.05KremonteTem being illiterate doesn't explain anything
22:36.46TemI'm not illiterate
22:36.52Temyour statement was unclear
22:37.05meanyone wanna help me test ArcanePartyBars on draka?
22:37.31Temah me must be anduin
22:37.42IrielYou're not Anduin
22:37.44IrielYou're tem
22:37.59TemI'm too tired to play mind games
22:38.08Kremonteand no Tem, itwasnt ambiguous
22:38.10zenzelezzmaybe he's both
22:38.17mei like offering a constant challenge and unexpected difficulty to life for all those around me
22:38.49Kremonte"i was the youngest of 3 for 6 years, now i have a little sister "
22:38.51meoh wait.. this is why i have 2 accounts, i forgot
22:38.59TemKremonte: you said you were the youngest of three children for 6 years.  that means you were 6 years old when you were no longer the youngest
22:39.10TemKremonte: THEN you said "NOW"
22:39.26TemI have a little sister
22:39.28Temmeaning I
22:39.36Kremonte"and she's so spoiled" implies the past
22:39.36Tem'm no longer the youngest of three
22:39.42Kremontebecause you can't be spoiled the second you are born
22:39.48TemI disagree
22:39.53Irielhe didn't imply that she was freshly born
22:39.53Tembut that's beyond the point
22:39.57Irielthough he didn't imply otherwise
22:40.03Temand that IS my point
22:40.03meis or was are semi-legal contractions of that sort
22:40.06Irielthe only thing you could take away was that he's AT LEAST 6 years old
22:40.24Kremonteand i've already stated (on multiple occasions iirc) that i am 14
22:40.26Temthat would be the right thing to assume
22:40.37meyou have?
22:40.37IrielI think statistics have eaten your brain
22:40.40Irielhe has
22:40.42Kremonteactually, from that statement you shouldn't assume anythign about my age
22:40.49meboy, me's memory sucks
22:40.52Tembut since I'm crazy tired, you think my logic is working properly?
22:40.53Kirovyes, kremonte has already stated he's 14
22:41.02TemAnduin: I don't remember that either don't feel bad
22:41.17Kirovme - obviously, since you don't appear to remember your own name.
22:41.27meyes me does
22:41.28Kremontei don't think it's possible for a 6 year old to be as annoying as i am
22:41.34IrielUsually in the context of "I'm only 14 so <....>" or "<....> but then i'm only 14."
22:42.23mehmm, now i have a whilefalse too
22:42.29IrielThe great motherboard replacement incident being the period I remember it from.
22:43.15TemKremonte: I think a 6 year old could do a MUCH better job
22:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:45.54zeegin case anyone else needed it
22:47.46wereHamsterzeeg, how do I use it?
22:48.10zeegread the description
22:48.15Kirovextract the .dbc files from the .wdb files first
22:48.21zeegfrom the .mpqs *
22:48.26Kirover, yeah
22:48.30Kirovusing WinMPQ
22:48.54wereHamsterzeeg, read the description.. always a good idea
22:49.29wereHamsterConverted: 0 files (0 bytes)
22:50.06Kirovwere - that means no .dbc files
22:50.29wereHamsterhow do I create them?
22:50.31zeegwhats the latest TOC #?
22:50.42zeegextract them from WoW's MPQ files
22:50.44zeegdbcs.mpq for example
22:54.14wereHamster.. can't run WinMPQ :(
22:54.21MiravlixSame as the version number without dots + 00
22:55.54zeegso not quite the same eh? ;)
22:56.06MiravlixWhats the difference?
22:56.10zeegver is 1.10.2
22:56.10MiravlixCurrent version is 1.10
22:56.14zeegcurrent is 1.10.1
22:56.16zeegtest is 1.10.2
22:56.21MiravlixNo it's release 2 of 1.10
22:56.29zeegits listed as 1.10.1
22:56.33Kremontethe current version is 1.10.1, Miravlix
22:56.34zeegand test is listed as 1.10.2
22:56.43Cideinterface number changes only if there are ("major") interface changes
22:57.01zeegand major
22:57.05zeegwould be anything not extremely minor
22:57.14Cideanything not minor
22:57.23Cideie, major enough to potentially affect addons
22:57.40Kremontedamn you Cide
22:57.45Kremontenobody on the internet can use affect correctly
22:57.53Cidesorry :(
22:57.59Kremonteit's okay though, i love you <3
22:58.06zeegstupid words
22:58.32Miravlix1.10.1 effected addons
22:58.44Cideaffected :)
22:59.02Cide(sorry, I had to Kremonte ;))
22:59.08Kremonteno, it's okay
22:59.12KremonteMiravlix fixed the stereotype
22:59.20Cidein what way?
22:59.29Kirov1.10.1 infected addons
22:59.31Kremonteby saying effected
22:59.34CideI didn't have to make any changes
22:59.53MiravlixI have dyslexia and can't tell the difference between effected or affected
23:00.17Cideaffect = to produce an effect upon
23:00.31MiravlixI know what the words mean
23:00.38MiravlixI just can't read or write
23:00.45Cidewell you said you didn't know the difference :)
23:01.02Cidebut I understand
23:01.26Cideanyway! 1.10.1 didn't affect addons in a very major way, as far as I know?
23:01.33MiravlixIt did
23:01.52MiravlixCosmos Release was broken after 1.10
23:02.01MiravlixI think thats pretty major
23:02.19CideI didn't see any patch changes related to addons
23:02.31Kirovbecause you were hooking stuff that wasn't supposed to be hooked in the first place, or because of the savedvariables issue?
23:02.32Cideso it might've been indeliberate
23:02.38Kremontewhat's 1 strata lower than dialog?
23:02.52Kremontedomo arigato misuta saido
23:03.17Kirovmr. roboto?
23:03.21Kremontemisuta saido.
23:03.28KremonteCide = Saido!
23:03.44MiravlixThe patch notes seldom contain all that happends with a patch
23:03.45KirovCide == Mr. Roboto!
23:03.56Cidewhat did I do now? :)
23:03.57Kremonteiie, kirobbu!
23:04.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
23:04.27MiravlixI never saw an official post explaining the SetOwner requirement in 1.10
23:04.28TainAll the Cosmos addons were using RegisterForSave()  :X
23:04.29CideMiravlix: you can't expect them to change the interface number based on indeliberate changes (or, unknown)
23:04.39KremonteRegisterForSave() <_<"
23:04.50MiravlixWe talked with Slouken, it was very much intentional
23:04.57Kremontewasn't Iriel's sig "Don't use RegisterForSave()!" for like, months?>
23:05.04MiravlixAnd yeah Cosmos is old so we had to remove RegisterForSave's
23:05.32Cidewhat changed, specifically?
23:05.34Cidein 1.10.1
23:05.35MiravlixThere was some interesting tricks possible with RegisterForSave() too, due to Khaos saving configuration and addons wanting to be stand alone
23:06.07TainAnd no the patch notes won't tell you everything you need to know, that's why the UI forum is such a fantastic resource.  I can't think of anything that wasn't figure out before the patch in discussions there from the test server.
23:07.37MiravlixI don't understand why we had to loss RegisterForSave
23:07.53MiravlixOkay it was buggy and they prolly didn't want to fix it perhaps
23:08.08MiravlixIt used SavedVariables.lua messing things up
23:08.23Kirovto keep savedvariables protected?
23:08.42MiravlixBut I really think they should give us API calls for most Toc stuff
23:09.01TainHave you suggested it?
23:09.22IrielHere's why...
23:09.43IrielBecause RegisterForSave isn't trackable by addon
23:10.19IrielAnd they re-did the whole "normal" SavedVariables file so that it's manually parsed instead of executed, so there's a significant argument for putting as little as possible in there
23:10.30MiravlixStill it allowed all of Cosmos addons to be independent and support Khaos without double saving settings, was a pretty nice feature.
23:10.59IrielSo add "CosmosData" as an addon that just provides a single SavedVariable entrypoint
23:11.19IrielI personally think the solution is that addons delegate their variables to Khaos for control
23:11.27MiravlixHow would that solve the problem of them being independent?
23:11.31Irielbut the addons themselves register the variable
23:11.57IrielRFS breaks the second you fail to load your addon, or it breaks at startup anyway
23:12.02MiravlixThey need to have there settings when stand alone and Khaos need to put the settings in the profile
23:12.33TainWhy can't Khaos read each addon's sv?
23:12.33IrielOops, I started up with an out of date Khaos, and now all my settings vanished, oh well
23:13.20MiravlixKhaos doesn't erase settings
23:13.28IrielWell, the biggest problem with RFS is that if you dont DO it, you lose all of your settings
23:13.30MiravlixIt's the addons that have to do it
23:13.44MiravlixAah RegisterForSave
23:14.00MiravlixYes, it breaks if the addon isn't loaded
23:14.09MiravlixBut they changed the logic
23:14.16KirovLike DamageMeters
23:14.17MiravlixIt doesn't erase old savedvariables
23:14.19Kirovalways so annoying
23:14.46MiravlixSo RegisterForSaveChar RegisterForSaveAccount
23:14.49MiravlixWould be nice
23:14.56IrielThere is _no_ need for that
23:15.03ckknightEmbedded Libraries
23:15.04TainBut everything you need already exists.
23:15.04MiravlixEven if the addon breaks on load it wont break the savedvariables file
23:15.11TainYou just have to do it a different way than the old broken way.
23:15.15IrielAn embedded library has no business saving variables
23:15.16ckknightthat's the only place I see RegisterForSave useful
23:15.21ckknightIriel, why?
23:15.27ckknightGloryLib saves variables, it has to
23:15.38ckknightit keeps track of your deaths/wins/losses, etc.
23:15.46IrielSo it shouldn't be embedded?
23:15.49ckknightyes it should
23:15.55ckknightit's a library
23:15.57IrielOr it should have a LoD partner to handle the dat aloading
23:16.08ckknightwhy not have it embedded?
23:16.11IrielThere is a point at which a "dependency" does have value
23:16.12MiravlixThats ruins the whole idea of it being embeded
23:16.24IrielOkay, so let's step back
23:16.29IrielYou make it embedded
23:16.34Irielit saves variables
23:16.40IrielNow you start up when you're not running it
23:16.50Irielmaybe you disabled all the addons that use it
23:16.56Irielwhat happens to your data?
23:17.09IrielWell, SOMETHING has to happen to it
23:17.14MiravlixIt doesn't erase inactive addon.lua savedvariables
23:17.24Irielthis isn't an addon.lua SV
23:17.26MiravlixThat was the old way
23:17.30Irielthis is a RFS SV, because it's an embedded one
23:17.39ckknightcurrently, GloryLib saves data in the addons that use it
23:17.55MiravlixI'm not advocating getting RegisterForSave() old school
23:18.06MiravlixI want RegisterForSave that uses the new system
23:18.09ckknightthey have to do ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: GloryLibDB in their toc
23:18.22IrielAh, so you want RegisterForAddOnSave("AddonName", "VariableName") ?
23:18.50IrielBearing in mind that still has all the failure problems of the old Register For Save
23:19.09Irielif you (or someone that installs bad hooks) make your addon fail on startup, bye bye variables
23:19.21MiravlixBecause the new way doesn't erase savedvariables\file.lua
23:19.37IrielThat's not my point
23:19.57IrielOr are you advocating a scheme where a variable appearing in SV\file.lua is automatically registerd for save next time?
23:20.06IrielBecause that just sounds like a recipe for crap building up over time
23:20.54id`its my b-day :-)
23:22.28MiravlixWell, crap does build up now in the savedvariables directory
23:22.51IrielBut if I remove a variable name from my toc it goes away
23:22.54MiravlixIf you install LootLink it's huge savedvariables\lootlink.lua will keep being around until you manually erase it
23:23.04IrielI'm not talking about addons that aren't enabled anymore
23:23.08Irieli'm talking about those that are
23:23.16Irielbut which might not always start up error-free
23:23.25KirovMirvalix - but it won't ever get loaded
23:23.25Irielpossibly through no fault of their own
23:23.37KirovWhere as random crap in the savedvariables file always will be
23:23.39IrielThat's the nice thing about ## SavedVariables:, it's independent of the addon actually working
23:24.10MiravlixBut even if you erase the addon it's savedvariables stay on your system now
23:24.21IrielThere's a real difference between something that can be determined by the 'container' and something that has to be explicitly requested at runtime.
23:24.51IrielMiravlix : We know that, that's not the point. They're on your filesystem, big deal, disk is cheap
23:25.11KirovAn actual addon installer system for WoW (like Unreal's UMod, but less crappy) would of been nice
23:26.27MiravlixAn addon with no RegisterForSave call and no ## SavedVariables line could simply not save on client logout/relod
23:26.51MiravlixBut if it has a SavedVariables and RegisterForSave calls it overwrites
23:26.58IrielOkay, miravlix, wipe your mind... and imagine this...
23:27.05IrielYou have an addon, let's call it XYZ
23:27.17IrielIt registers a variable for saving, at runtime, via your new call, called Bob
23:27.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
23:27.29Irielit puts really important stuff into Bob, lots of it
23:27.37Irieland now you log out and in again.. Bob is reloaded, right?
23:27.49IrielIf it's disabled, fine, bob isn't loaded or saved, no problemo
23:28.23IrielNOW.. Suppose that someone hooks one of the functions that XYZ uses, and they screw it up, maybe they forgot an arg which most people dont use but XYZ does
23:28.38IrielSo XYZ loads, but it crashes right away, BANG!
23:28.45IrielIt never gets the chance to RegisterForSave Bob
23:28.52Irielso you log out and ohnoes! BoB is gone!
23:28.55MiravlixAs long as it crash before it does RegisterForSave
23:29.06MiravlixIt never enables the logout saving to overwrite
23:29.19IrielHow does WoW know?
23:29.38MiravlixBecause it knows you called RegisterForSave?
23:29.42IrielBut you didn't
23:29.47IrielYou crashed before it got there
23:29.55Irielwell, 'had an error', not 'crashed'
23:30.03MiravlixYes, then it knows that it doesn't have to do anything
23:30.10IrielSo it doesn't save Bob
23:30.13Irielso bye bye bon
23:30.15MiravlixBecause neither toc nor RegisterForSave call put it in the table to save
23:30.29IrielAh, but maybe the toc saved a different variable as well?
23:30.45MiravlixThen people are asking for an unstable RegisterForSave
23:30.53MiravlixBut thats there problem
23:31.17IrielThat's the problem with a RUNTIME registration system
23:31.20Irielthat's why it's in the toc now
23:31.25MiravlixWhat problem?
23:31.35IrielThat it's inherently unstable
23:31.50Iriela runtime registration requires it run, at runtime
23:32.02IrielAnyway, I have to go home now.
23:32.17MiravlixIf <addonname>.hassavedvariables then foreach(<assonname>.savedvariable, save)
23:33.10MiravlixTo make it wipe the file we add in Wipse(<addonnamefile>
23:33.59Miravlixone track railroads
23:55.06*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (

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