irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060417

00:02.17Wobin_"attempt to compare two table values" =(
00:02.22Wobin_I hate that error
00:02.34IrielFor the bored.
00:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
00:03.50KirovTem - Catalyst should be renamed to "IllegalHackProgrameExe!"
00:04.03TemKirov: I got a good laugh out that
00:04.09Temdid you see the new description?
00:04.15KirovNo, haven't looked yet
00:04.20Temit's classic
00:06.48Wobin_Iriel: Can you have the 'selected' table highlighted?
00:07.05Wobin_So we can see which line is leading to which window
00:07.34IrielWobin_ : Quite possibly.
00:07.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
00:10.05Cairennhey Kaelten
00:10.13Kaeltenhey cair
00:23.42Ktron|afkhey Tain
00:23.52Ktron|afkTain, you are the man!
00:26.30TainI am?
00:26.31MiravlixI wonder, how fast you can make loading, by avoiding duplicating all slow operations
00:26.34TainI mean of course I am@
00:27.52TemMiravlix: I've been trying to figure out a safe way to defer OnLoad scripts until shortly before VARIABLES_LOADED
00:28.13TemMiravlix: but my final decision on the matter has been that people need to just code better addons
00:28.15MiravlixOne spellbook tooltip handler is not that slow
00:28.28TainDid someone set a channel key on #wowace?  Or more to the point, someone set a channel key, could they unset it?
00:28.29Temor is that not what you meant?
00:28.31MiravlixYou can't fix that 10-20 spellbook scanners is slow
00:28.37TemTain: yes lol sorry
00:28.44Miravlixonly not duplicating it can fix the issue
00:29.07MiravlixSo we aren't talking bad code
00:29.17Miravlixwe are simply talking running the same code twice
00:29.24TemA lot of addons do WAY too much OnLoad
00:30.22MiravlixWe can talk about bad code after initialization
00:30.43MiravlixIf the code performs slow operations when it isn't needed.
00:31.29MiravlixAnd there is many of those too, with broken inventory and spellbook tooltip scanners
00:32.06MiravlixHmm, I log in on my Mage I haven't played and he has Spirit of Zandalar
00:32.20Miravlix10% speed, 5% dodge 15% stats
00:32.32MiravlixPretty nice buff but where did I get it?
00:34.20IrielI believe everyone in the vicinity of Booty Bay gets it when a certain quest is handed in
00:35.36Temit's the Hakkar buff
00:35.39MiravlixAah, like the town things
00:35.52TemI don't know what the range on it is, but the turn in spot is Yojamba isle
00:36.48MiravlixIt reach Booty Bay, so zone wide?
00:38.12Wobin_Just BB afaik
00:38.19Wobin_in that I've never picked it up outside
00:38.50MiravlixSo the guy handing it in doesn't get the buff?
00:39.02MiravlixOr do you mean Isle + BB
00:39.12Wobin_No idea =) Never been at the site
00:39.17Wobin_But I assume they get it
00:39.22MiravlixYou need to get out more!
00:39.33Wobin_they just added on BB for the fact that it's a city
00:39.37Wobin_rather than the other way around
00:39.38MiravlixIn game offcourse not the real world
00:40.50Elvisoquestion: is there a method to tell if an event is resgistered to my addon?
00:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
00:42.01IrielElviso : No, there isn't
00:42.33IrielElviso : I think that falls into the category of "things you should already know"
00:43.07IrielElviso : Though in the event you have an addon which might NOT know which events it asked for, you could hook RegisterEvent
00:43.14IrielElviso : And make a list
00:43.34ElvisoI'm such a newb LUA/WoW coder, you'd be suprised what I don't know :)
00:43.49Miravlix_Elviso, Iriel means your code should know
00:43.59Elvisooh, heh
00:44.01ImmoAzraelCopy&Paste coder ftw !!
00:44.52Elvisoyeah ImmoAzrael, I'm sure noone else here has ever copied/pasted code..
00:45.33Miravlix_But yeah I find it an issue that anyone can do Frame:RegisterEvent("x"), so I think a general RegisterEvent hook library is on my to do list some day
00:45.48ImmoAzraeli have two addons that are almost fully functional and work as intended, that are comprised entirely of copy, paste and search adn replace text
00:45.48Miravlix_Chronos tend to get a lot of events registered with it.
00:46.02Elvisolol @ ImmoAzrael
00:46.34ImmoAzraeli'm working out a couple errors with things like double " that happen through bad patterns :)
00:46.51Miravlix_Hmm, Maybe do a this:UnregisterEvent(event) if something falls through my event handler
00:47.26zeegany nix experts around who want to help me debug something
00:48.35Miravlix_Even being an experinced coder on the Linux platform getting something to compile can be quite a bit of work sometimes
00:48.38zeegthat gets a big wtf mate
00:49.58Miravlix_I would suggest getting a version without mispelled function calls
00:49.58zeegthats what it's supposed to be?
00:50.05zeegthis is a hugely popular app
00:50.08zeegi would doubt its mispelled
00:50.35Miravlix_lrintf is perhaps printf
00:51.00Miravlix_Looking at the location of l and p it seems like a mistype
00:52.05zeegbut there's no r
00:52.22zeegi doubt that's printf
00:52.27zeegprob a custom function or something?
00:53.49Miravlix_As I said, these things can take me hours and I've been doing it for 20 years
00:54.05Miravlix_Way to many variables for me to make anything but wild guesses
00:54.32zeegwell i wouldnt think anything would be wrong w/ the files themselves
00:54.38zeegi was summing it was something i was doing or something on the system
00:54.39TainDamn Tem I didn't realize Catalyst was an illegal hack!
00:55.08Temlol tain
00:55.48Miravlix_Get a diffferent version
00:55.48Temhave you see my new description?
00:55.48Tainhaha no not yet
00:55.50Miravlix_Awww, you didn't change the description due to the forum post?
00:55.56Tem<Kaelten> althought it almost outdates
00:55.56Tem<Kaelten> most of our traffic is in the addon directory
00:56.00Temoh that's good
00:56.10Temmy paste is totally broken
00:56.24Miravlix_Error 40
00:56.34Temit keeps copying shit I highlihg
00:56.34zeegthis is the only ver they have
00:56.40TemI'm a highlight reader
00:56.50Temand not pasting stuff I actually meant to copy
00:57.02Temthere we go
00:57.18TemMiravlix: yes I did change my description because of that thread
00:57.26Tainhaha nice
00:57.33Miravlix_zeeg: Aww.
00:57.51zeegill figure it out
00:57.52zeegonce this is done
00:57.57zeegwowguru's streaming will be ready
00:58.21Miravlix_Linux servers harddisk died a while ago
00:58.31Miravlix_Can't even check anything
01:00.15Miravlix_No GM said hack it was some dumb user
01:01.35TainIf you believe what the user is saying a GM told him the addon was illegal and "..also includes the word Hack, which is *never* good."
01:02.41TemI'm tempted to call Shenanigans
01:02.49Tembut meh, it was funny
01:03.00TainI know, it's almost too absurd to be true.  Almost. :)
01:06.46Miravlix_(I normally see 163/63325 transactions when I zone :) )
01:06.49Miravlix_Thats NUTS
01:06.54Miravlix_I though I had many addons
01:07.07TainI do have to say it's highly entertaining to see someone come in to the forums and try to badmouth Slouken.
01:07.09Miravlix_But 63K event nerfed in zoning
01:07.39Miravlix_It counts number of times an event is called
01:08.19Miravlix_ntfs kills all events, except it's whitelist
01:08.22Wobin_That's the "Never good" thrad =P
01:08.40TainYeah see I still disagree with that method.
01:09.11TainKill events you know are an issue, not everything across the board.
01:10.46Miravlix_Slouken says he will clean up zoning
01:10.51Miravlix_So it's just a hack
01:11.35Miravlix_And what is really needed in zoning?
01:11.39Cairennit's not a hack, it's a temporary solution until Blizzard puts in the proper permanenet fix
01:11.50Miravlix_Thats precisely what a hack is. :)
01:12.16Cairennmajor difference in connotation
01:12.26Miravlix_Hack n. - An inelegant and usually temporary solution to a problem.
01:12.42Wobin_nonononon... please lets not argue semantics
01:12.44Miravlix_Oh spelling error, in your Note to any GM's
01:13.04Wobin_Our understanding of 'hack' differs from a large number of users.
01:13.11Wobin_Let's just leave it at that =P
01:15.20Miravlix_If you want "The Hackers Dictionary" definition I posted it there
01:15.41Osagasu* It will be possible to bind actions with both up and down transition logic to one-shot triggers like the mouse wheel.  <---whazzat mean? o.O
01:16.15Miravlix_Osagasu, Oh Oh Oh
01:16.43Miravlix_Not sure actually, we get real binds instead of hacks?
01:16.49TemOsagasu: it means you can bind the mousewheel to stuff
01:17.09Temmost keybindings fire twice
01:17.17Temon keystate=="down"
01:17.23Temand on keystate=="up"
01:17.46Temsome things (like the mousewheel) are one-shot triggers in that they do not have a keystate
01:17.56Temthey just fire once and are donw
01:18.11TainSet it and forget it!
01:18.12TemMiravlix_: what spelling error?
01:18.26TemI can't spell for shit so please enlighten me
01:18.38Temthat's not supposed to e inteligent
01:18.46Temit's inelegant
01:19.11Temas in "not elegant"
01:19.26Miravlix_Is that a word?
01:19.35Taininelegant is
01:19.48Wobin_heh, yes it is
01:19.56Wobin_~spell inelegant
01:20.13Wobin_~define inelegant
01:21.25Miravlix_Then I prefair the hackers dictionary version
01:21.48Miravlix_Hacking definately isn't inelegant
01:21.51Wobin_prefer =)
01:22.04TainThat depends entirely on the hack.
01:22.24Wobin_A 'hack' can, by all definitions, be entirely inelegant
01:22.39Wobin_since by definition, if it were elegant, it should have been the solution in the first place
01:23.02Miravlix_Wobin ...
01:23.11Wobin_actually no.
01:23.13Wobin_Never mind =P
01:23.22Wobin_I'm not going to get into an argument on meanings
01:23.23TainYour first statement was correct, Wobin. The second one not necessarily. :)
01:23.37Wobin_In a perfect world =P
01:24.14TainYes but often the problem you're solving changes after the fact, so you couldn't have engineered it in the first place.
01:24.16TemMiravlix_: I prefer the definition I posted since I think "produces what is needed, but not well" is not true of Catalyst.  It's only a 'hack' by that definition when compared to the event optimizations
01:25.19Miravlix_1. /n./ Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well
01:25.29Miravlix_Notice the originally
01:25.36Miravlix_Slang developes
01:26.15Wobin_Yes, Gryphen ? =P
01:26.35Miravlix_Anyway, that thread with the GM related reponses, it's just pure junk
01:26.51TainThat's just not a clear definition.  "Not well" is far too ambiguous.
01:26.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
01:27.06Miravlix_And it's just bad form posting something we can't verify on the forum, like a support response.
01:27.19KemayoWoW crashed so hard that Windows XP's logout window was messed up.  It was impressive.
01:28.55Miravlix_I will always consider hacks to be 2. /n./ An incredibly good, and perhaps very time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed.
01:29.52TainI suppose that's why there are so many definitions for some things.  I can't agree with almost any of that.
01:30.01Gryphenits not exactly what is needed tho
01:30.23Ktron|afkLooking for the name of addon managers... LoadIT is the one I know, and MCP... any others?
01:30.29MiravlixWe precisely need all those events to not fire
01:30.38Kemayoktron: myaddons
01:30.54MiravlixSo to me Catalyst does precisely what is needed
01:31.16Ktron|afkthose are both for more than just LOD addons, right?
01:31.18Gryphenwhat is needed is for the default ui to do that
01:31.46Kemayomyaddons does some assortment of describing and categorizing and providing access to option panels, as I recall.
01:32.01MiravlixThats a philosophical question
01:32.20Temyeah, it really doesn't matter
01:32.28Temits all wording now
01:32.37Temthough, I must say it wasn't time consuming at all :)
01:32.55TemI seriously spent 5 minutes from development to commit
01:33.00TainExcactly.  All that matters is the definition Tem included is the right one. :)
01:33.08Ktron|afkyeah, myaddons addons have to 'list' with, it doesn't pick up every addon unless I'm mistaken
01:33.43TemMiravlix: we'll get along a lot better when you just accept that I'm always right =P
01:33.47Ktron|afkand AddonManager requires Khaos? bleh
01:34.12GryphenTem: you'll get along a lot better when you just accept that he is always right =P
01:34.20MiravlixI posted first, so my way is right
01:35.09MiravlixAnd I said it was MY way of looking at it
01:35.17TemI see your "I was there first argument" and raise you a "Tain agrees with me ,and, as we all know, Tain is the man"
01:35.17MiravlixI didn't order anyone to look at it my way
01:35.48TemMiravlix: I fear you are perceiving this as something other than a big joke
01:35.57Tem~bonk Miravlix
01:35.58purlACTION bonks Miravlix over the head
01:36.14MiravlixBut Gryphen has a tendency to make things less fun
01:36.26Temwell we all know how to deal with him
01:36.26MiravlixI don't like his attacks so had to clarify I never attacked you
01:36.46Temaww, so the Gryphen bot is off atm
01:36.58Temthe one time I actually WANTED to see it respond to "rawr"
01:39.24Temoh this isn't good... I'm supposed to be the MA for my corner on Razor
01:40.59Cairennunh, ooops?
01:42.03Temwe're severly short on people because of easter
01:42.31Cairenndefinitely oooops
01:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ImmoAzrael (i=sweede@
01:46.13MiravlixAn exclamation signifying roughly "I have achieved enlightenment!", or "The dynamite has cleared out my brain!"
01:46.29MiravlixAah, the hacker dictionary is just pure gold.
01:54.31MiravlixAn exclamation signifying roughly "I have achieved enlightenment!", or "The dynamite has cleared out my brain!
01:54.51Miravlixtwink /twink/ /n./
01:54.51Miravlix[UCSC] Equivalent to read-only user. Also reported on the Usenet group soc.motss; may derive from gay slang for a cute young thing with nothing upstairs (compare mainstream `chick').
02:01.53cladhaireSo.. people in here have opinions on occastion.
02:02.04cladhairewe're moving our svn around.. and trying to decide on a structure for branches/
02:02.11Ktron|afkanyone know how to use gymnast without khaos? like, if there's a /command?
02:02.18cladhaireshould we go with branches/AddOn/Author, or branches/Author/AddOn?
02:02.46cladhaireany particular reason?
02:02.56Cairennthen things are grouped by author
02:03.07Gryphenwhy have addon/author?
02:03.14Gryphenmore than one author per addon?
02:03.33cladhaireGryphen: Well, a branch is a "fork" of an original project... and it can be merged back into the trunk, or just disappear =)
02:03.37Wobin_People are more possibly going to identify first more with the addon then the author
02:03.45cladhaireSo when Kaelten and I both work on Ace.. we both branch it into our own directories.
02:03.54CairennWobin_ is correct, but still
02:04.00Wobin_oh wait
02:04.05Wobin_I'm thinking of trunk
02:04.09Wobin_where people will be looking
02:04.10cladhaireTrunk is by addon
02:04.16cladhairetags are by addonname/versino
02:04.22Wobin_Branch is for coders mostly
02:04.23cladhairebranches are one or the other =)
02:11.32MiravlixOne big directory
02:11.39MiravlixWho need structure
02:13.57MiravlixSometimes perfect timecoded memory would be nice. I wonder, if I've spend more hours cleaning my harddisk than cleaning my house.
02:32.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron| (
02:37.15Wobin_Veracity is unknown =P
02:47.59Kaeltengoing afk for a few
03:06.11Elvisoquestion: is there anything wrong with unregistering ADDON_LOADED once you do all your ADDON_LOADED onevent stuff?
03:06.32Kirovshouldn't be
03:07.13Elvisodidn't think so...thanks
03:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
03:17.16Elvisohrmmm it's giving me "attempt to call method `UnRegisterEvent' (a nil value)"
03:18.16Elvisosame error :\
03:18.50Kirov:UnregisterEvent specifically
03:20.13Elvisoman....i don't know what i'd do without this channel....
03:20.22Elvisoprob not develop anything that's for sure
03:20.28Elvisothx a mill
03:58.59CairennI can't recall off the top of my head - anyone remember if there is a mod out that will show you guildmates on the world map without being grouped? - I don't *think* there is, but ...
03:59.23*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:06.38KirovNot that I can remember
04:06.57MentalPowergnight guys
04:07.10Cairennnight MentalPower
04:10.01AnduinLotharand yes, there was a guildie map mod, but i dunno where or what it was calle
04:21.46Kaeltennight guys
04:21.57KaeltenCairenn, nothing that comes to mind
04:41.43CodayusI thought there was, but a patch broke it a while back.
04:59.00ElvisoCairenn: I'm pretty sure I've seen one that does that.
04:59.06Elvisolet me check for you real quick.
04:59.22Elviso(wow laggy reply from hour late)
05:01.21Elvisothere's party spotter, have you looked at that?
05:02.08Elvisoit says that it identifies guildmates on your map, but I'm not sure if it means a) distinguishes guildmates from non- *when in a party*, or b) it will always show guildmates...
05:02.54Elvisoand I think there's another one out there, but it requires each guild member to have it installed to work....let me dig some more
05:03.56ElvisoYep, GuildMap:
05:16.45TemElviso: PartySpotter only identifies guildmates in your group
05:17.04Temguildmap is what you need for showing them when you aren't in a group
05:17.33CairennTem:  have a link?
05:18.05CairennGuildmap :p
05:18.09TemElviso linked it
05:18.24Cairennah, sorry, misunderstood
05:18.40Cairennhasn't been updated for 11000, anyone using it and know if it still works?
05:20.01zenziodo <Frame>s have a minimum height/width?
05:22.14ElvisoCairenn: I've never used it personally, sorry.
05:22.21Cairennno worries
05:29.04Temzenzio: 1
05:29.31Temif you call Frame:SetWidth(0) it disappears (I think)
05:29.55zenziookay, cheers :)
05:29.57Temwell, perhaps not
05:30.08ForgottenLordsno, I dont think it does Tem
05:30.15TemI do know that they won't show up initially unless they have a size and anchors
05:30.23Tem(size can be implicit)
06:08.13zeegok so say
06:08.18zeegi havent payed car taxes yet
06:08.20zeegand my tags are due
06:08.24zeegwhat happens if i get pulled over
06:08.28zeegcar towed?
06:14.34Kirovpossibly jail if you're an ass or repeat offender
06:17.25zeegbut not car towed
06:17.29zeegjust a ticket or warning
06:17.33zeegcuz i want to go buy food
06:32.03Elvisowoot, new addon for me is out, beta version...
06:36.07KemayoIs there a better event reference out there than the one on WoWWiki?
06:38.20TemKemayo: experimentation is the best one
06:39.15zenzioif I have a sub-frame (<Frame> within another Frame's <Frames> tag) and set the size of the subframe to a <RelDimension>, shouldn't it be relative to the parent frame? Mine seems to think it's relative to the main UI :|
06:40.32KemayoTem:  Drat.
06:40.45KemayoI shall fall back on updating WoWWiki with my results.
06:40.47TemKemayo: I feel your pain
06:41.34TemKemayo: what even are you fighting with?
06:44.52KemayoI'm looking for details of QUEST_LOG_UPDATE, QUEST_ITEM_UPDATE, and QUEST_PROGRESS.  (And their arguments.)
06:45.44KemayoI'm trying to work out what's used by Blizzard for the popup when you complete a quest objective.
06:49.10Wobin_Use fireshow or something and quest a bit =)
06:49.27Kemayo...luckily, I have a character with the Consumed By Hatred, which requires a whole lot of quest items.  Makes for repeatability.
06:50.03Wobin_and if time runs out, you can discard some quest items and refarm them =)
06:52.07Wobin_No screen shot, Elviso ?
07:00.38KemayoWhere might I find fireshow?
07:03.29KemayoOkay, found it.
07:03.37KemayoGoogle was surprisingly unhelpful.
07:12.55KemayoOkay... looks like I need to look for the UI_INFO_MESSAGE that fires just before a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE.
07:15.26TemKemayo: couldn't you just... look in blizzard's code to see what they use?
07:15.40ckknightthat'd be chating
07:19.44KemayoNot only would it be cheating, but I already looked and didn't see how it was being done.
07:22.39ckknighttouche, salesman
07:24.39KemayoIt really does look like firing off UI_INFO_MESSAGE with the message is part of the whole something-just-happened-in-a-quest process.
07:26.22AnduinLotharLibram is the quest library if you want quest events... bu tnobody was using it for like a year so it was recently embedded into partyquests
07:36.31Cairenn|sleepnight guys
07:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
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08:44.55AnduinLotharnot sleeping cair?
08:45.05AnduinLotharor was that a small netsplit
08:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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09:36.25zenzelezz"or" in a Lua "if" is the same as "||" in C/C++?
09:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:56.02krkanot just in a if :P it applies everywhere
10:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:05.45zenzelezzjust wasn't sure if it was the same as ||, | or both, depending on situation
10:11.17krkamaybe i should buy my own copy of wow, that'd make development easier
10:14.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (n=Wobin@
10:20.33krkahm, aptitude wants to remove nvidia-glx
10:20.40krkasounds like trouble :(
10:21.37krkapackage manager in debian
10:36.00Elkanowill castspellbyname automatically select the correct best rang based on target?
10:37.36krkawill cast the highest
10:40.37_BSome crazies people wrote some macro using sines and arctangents and other crazy math BS to determine the correct level of spell to cast
10:41.28krkasines? O_o
10:41.40krkathat makes no sense
10:41.46ElkanoI just have seen such a macro, that's why I ask since I knew that there had been some change with casting a spell without giving a rank bat I didn't remember if this would cast max or best
10:41.51zenzelezzI was surprised at how cluttered my spellbook looked the first time I rolled a non-warrior
11:24.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
11:24.57Elvisothe notion of being able to use multiple ranks must've been weird
11:25.09zenzelezzat first I wondered if I was bugged
11:26.58Elkanothere have been players who didn't noticed they had to upgrade the action bar themself if they aren't rogue or warrior untill they hit 20 or so ^^'
11:35.59ElvisoI've heard of ppl doing that, pretty funny lol
11:44.57Elvisoso, about time for a Question: how does using "..." in function parameters work exactly?
11:45.49ElvisoI see addons use it, and it looks like they reference "arg1" and such which are otherwise undefined....I can only assume "arg1,arg2,etc" comes from the "..."
11:46.20krkaif you have function name(x, y, z, ...) and call it with name(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) then the function will have access to a table that contains {4, 5, 6} called args
11:46.42krkano, arg1, arg2, ... are globals that blizzard create before dispatcing an event
11:46.53krkaother famous such globals: this, event
11:47.00Elvisook, it's coming together
11:47.14krkathrew me off too when i first saw it
11:47.50ElvisoI'm used to this: from b/c I've done alot of javascript coding, but how do you access the special table?
11:47.54krkafunction name(...) print(table.getn(args)) for i = 1, table.getn(args) do print(args[i]) end end
11:48.04krkai think
11:48.15Elvisohrmmm, coolness
11:48.35krkathat page is your friend
11:48.42Elvisolol, sometimes it is
11:49.02Elvisoother times it's a S.O.B. that seems to intentionally obsfucate what I'm trying to find :)
11:49.09Elvisoor :( rather
11:49.20krkaWhen a function is called, the list of arguments is adjusted to the length of the list of parameters, unless the function is a variadic or vararg function, which is indicated by three dots (`...?) at the end of its parameter list. A vararg function does not adjust its argument list; instead, it collects all extra arguments into an implicit parameter, called arg. The value of arg is a table, with a field `n? that holds the number of ext
11:49.20krkara arguments and with the extra arguments at positions 1, 2, ..., n.
11:49.32krkai think it's an excellent reference
11:50.14ElvisoI just get lost when it goes into stuff like
11:50.16Elvisovar ::= prefixexp `[´ exp `]´
11:51.35krkawell yeah, you need to understand computer science grammar to read that
11:52.09ElvisoI'm about 98% self-taught, never had a CS class really
11:52.18Elvisonothing that covered anything like that at least
11:53.10krkathere's a good read probably
11:55.00ElvisoI'll put that on my TODO list
11:55.30krkafair enough
11:55.51krkahm, amybe that page is a bit theoretical
11:56.05krkabut the search criteria you need if you want to learn more about this is Context free grammar
11:56.30ElvisoI'm pretty sure if I clicked enough links on that page I'd find something of more substance
11:56.38Elvisothat what I love about WikiPedia
11:56.58krkawikipedia is always my primary reference
11:57.20krkait tends to be very scientific
11:57.57ElvisoI remember when I first came across it, I thougt it meant wiki as in "Wiccan", and I was like damn, this religion is pretty devoted to knowledge... hehe
11:58.21Elviso(that was a very long time ago)
12:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
12:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:32.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
12:35.07Josh_Borkehola elviso
12:35.20Elvisocomo estas
12:35.45Josh_Borkehelped a friend move saturday, so i'm still sore as crap
12:38.53Josh_Borkey tu?
13:06.39Elvisojust drifting in-and-out of consciousness as I procastinate my tax deadline as much as possible
13:07.05Elvisoand getting merrily preoccupied working on my new guild ignore addon
13:11.16zenzelezzan ignore addon for your guild, or an addon to ignore guilds?
13:12.07Josh_Borkeor both?
13:16.42Elvisothe latter
13:16.51Elvisowe have some pesky guilds on our server
13:16.56zenzelezzsounds interesting
13:17.02zenzelezzI would have liked that when I was on US-Arthas
13:17.09Elvisoand rather than put up with them, or fill our ignore lists to the brim....just blacklist them all at once
13:17.42ElvisoI'm having an issue though retrieving a players guild
13:18.16ElvisoGetGuildInfo() only works w/unitID's, like "player", "target", etc
13:24.49Elvisoany ideas?
13:27.18wereHamsterparse /who output?
13:28.00Elvisoah there it is, " Who Functions" on the wiki
13:28.08ElvisoI kept looking under Guild
13:35.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:35.50Elvisough, SendWho() spits out the common /who input to the chatframe
13:37.20Elvisoand it can lag
13:37.38Elvisomaybe this is why there isn't an addon like this already
13:41.27wereHamsteryou can specify where you want to have the result redirected, chatframe or who-frame
13:42.26wereHamsterand then wait for WHO_LIST_UPDATE
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13:43.04Elvisooh sweet
13:43.58Elvisosorry if this is a dumb question, but how would I wait?
13:44.04Elvisowould I need a timing library?
13:45.35Cidejust set a flag and register for the WHO_LIST_UPDATE event
13:45.38Cideand then do your processing there
13:46.00Elvisohrmm right, it throws an event....yeah I've been up too long
13:47.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
13:49.20krkahey lego
13:49.50krkaseen this?
13:51.53ElvisoLuaSlinger? that looks interesting
13:51.55wereHamsterlooks very nice
13:52.14krkahmm... did you see it yesterday?
13:52.40krkaLuaSlinger isn't the new thing, the new thing is highlighting and indentatin
14:03.16ElvisoYeah I need to get that
14:03.40Elvisowhen are you releasing the next version?
14:03.55Legorol^hi all
14:04.39krkanext version?
14:04.42Legorol^wow, that LuaSlinger looks impressive
14:04.47Legorol^haven't seen it before..
14:05.01krkawell, the indentation and syntax highlighting was created yesterday
14:05.25Legorol^who's the author?
14:05.33krkai made the indentation library
14:05.46Legorol^i'd been out of the WoW circuit for a couple of weeks
14:05.59krkaKtron helped me test and plugged it into LuaSlinger
14:06.04krkaone line patch, almost
14:06.38krkaone line to hook OnTabPressed to transform the code
14:06.53krkaand one line to add my library file to the toc
14:06.58Tainkrka did you do something with TinyPad as well?  I thought I remembered you mentioning looking at that before you got started.
14:07.14Legorol^krka: is the indentation width configurable :D
14:07.21krkano, didn't do anything with tinypad
14:07.23krkaLegorol^, yes
14:07.31krkacolors are configurable too
14:07.37Legorol^damn, and i was going to poke fun
14:07.42Legorol^but you pre-empted me
14:07.42grollLegorol^ :D
14:07.42TainAh too bad.  Let me know if you do.  :)
14:07.48krkahaven't tested my latest version though... no wow account currently :P
14:07.49grollu should listen ;P grolls webradio is up and running in winamp to listen :)
14:07.59krkamy brother didn't pay for his account
14:07.59Legorol^groll: sorry, no audio on this machie
14:08.06grolldoh :P
14:08.12krkaTain, won't be very difficult to fix that yourself
14:08.28krkai think
14:08.52TainI'll look at it.  I always did like LuaSlinger but TinyPad is so... well tiny.  :)
14:09.11krkathat's the current version
14:09.17krkaextremely untested
14:09.31krkawell, i tested it with commandline lua and that seemed to work :)
14:10.31krkayou basically just need to hook OnTabPressed for the editbox to call lib:indentCode() on the editbox:s text and set the text to the return value of indentCode
14:10.35Legorol^I can't find LuaSlinger on the Big Two
14:10.40Legorol^wowi and curse
14:10.48krkaand then do lib:stripColors(text) before execute
14:10.56krkapossibly before saving too... if you want to save space
14:11.22Legorol^hm, krka, i have technical questions about that indent engine
14:11.30Legorol^and no, i won't look at the source, i'd rather bombard you
14:11.34Legorol^more fun this way :D
14:12.04Legorol^does it have some optimisation so it doesn't have to re-indent things, and only consider the line the user is working on?
14:12.19krkait's an extremely crappy engine tbh :(
14:12.26Legorol^i mean, from what you just sad, sounds to me you have to pass the whole text
14:12.30krkacan't handle weird stuff
14:12.31Legorol^so it re-indents everything all the time
14:12.40TainLegorol^: LuaSlinger wiwi -
14:12.41Legorol^or is it smarter than that
14:12.46krkavery stupid
14:12.55Legorol^stupid is good
14:12.59Legorol^it means it can be made smarter :p
14:13.04krkathink it has problems with remembering the caret
14:13.17krkai am thinking doing a lua lexer
14:13.19krkathat'd help a lot
14:13.57krkathe code is pretty short though
14:14.04krkashould be semi-possible to read it
14:14.19krkathe indentation calculation is very messy
14:14.25krkai have already forgotten why/how it works :)
14:15.32krkawas thinking on only indenting the current line, like emacs does it
14:16.07krkaor have two modes kinda... one global indenting (with tab) and a local that runs every second (if something gets modified)
14:16.29Elvisoso, another question pertaining to my guild-ignore project
14:16.37Elvisolets say I'm in the middle of processing CHAT_MSG_WHISPER
14:17.05ElvisoI SendWho(player), register("WHO_LIST_UPDATE")
14:17.27Elvisobut I wont be able to process the WHO_LIST_UPDATE until I exit the CHAT_MSG_WHISPER event, no?
14:17.56Legorol^that's correct
14:18.18Legorol^asynchronous programming ftw
14:18.24Legorol^i mean
14:18.29Legorol^or... whichever
14:18.35Legorol^i always confuse which one's which
14:19.04Elvisoargh, well that gives them a possible free-shot then...
14:20.29krkawell... you could ignore all until you clear them
14:20.30Elvisoyou think it'd be too much bloat to passively build a database of the guild, and then on CHAT_MSG_WHISPER just do a table lookup?
14:20.38krkaonce a player is cleared, you let the message through
14:21.07Elvisothat wouldn't work because I'm including events such as DUEL_REQUESTED, TRADE_REQUESTED
14:21.29Legorol^i would go with the opposite approach to krka
14:21.38Legorol^i'd err on the side of letting blocked people through,
14:21.43krkayeah, the database would work
14:21.44Legorol^as opposed to not letting through innocents
14:21.58Legorol^krka: synchronous vs. asynchronous, which one's which?
14:22.24krkaasynchronous is multithreaded basically
14:23.15Elvisohrmmm, could I make a helper addon that could do this then? it would only handle the WHO_LIST_UPDATES
14:23.58ElvisoI knew this one would be a PITA
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14:24.59krkaperhaps do a who on all your guilds with a certain periodicty
14:25.02krkaand update the table
14:25.11Elvisothat's what I was thinkig
14:33.09krkaso lego, have any indentation ideas? :)
14:36.14krkathere is a slight problem with doing a local indentation
14:36.24krkayou can't be sure what "state" you're in
14:36.40krkaare you looking at code or a multiline string or a multiline comment?
14:41.16Legorol^to be able to answer that reliably, you have to parse the whole text :(
14:41.33krkawell, just the part before :)
14:41.41Legorol^i mean
14:41.47Legorol^you have to look at the whole part up to that point
14:41.55krkastop writing so damn long lines, split it up! ;)
14:41.58Legorol^because of the ability in Lua to have multiline strings in multiline comments
14:42.35krkafortunately, most scripts will be rather short
14:42.49krkaa good lexer would be able to handle it quickly
14:42.57Legorol^here is my suggestion:
14:43.09Legorol^for a local indenter, you don't want to reindent the whole thing anyway
14:43.21Legorol^what if the user made a silly indent somewhere on purpose?
14:43.24Legorol^you don't want to touch that..
14:43.31krkaooh, but i do! ;)
14:43.38krkathe user is wrong :P
14:43.47Legorol^so, i think for a local indenter, it's ok to ignore the issue of multiline strings
14:43.53Legorol^i don't think a local indenter has to be perfect
14:44.02Legorol^if the user doesn't like what he sees, he can run the global one
14:44.11Legorol^that's how i'd approach it
14:44.23krkai can assume that the local line is code
14:44.26krkawell, that the previous line was code
14:44.39Legorol^you can go further
14:44.43krkaand use the indentation of the previous line
14:44.48Legorol^you can assume the previous line is correctly indented code
14:44.59krkagood point
14:45.12krkaso maybe use tab for local and ctrl-tab for global
14:45.35krkastill have to scan the whole text for the current line
14:45.54krkaeditboxes just have one big string, right?
14:46.12Legorol^but you have the caret position
14:46.26krkathat's what i need to scan for
14:46.27Legorol^so go backwards for \n, and go forwards for \n
14:46.29Legorol^there's your line
14:46.46krkai know
14:46.48Legorol^isn't the caret position just an offset into the whole string?
14:47.00Legorol^was a while since i looked at editboxes.
14:47.05krkai think it's a \1 inside the string
14:47.13krkai think tem told me that
14:47.18Legorol^then we are talking about two different things
14:47.33Legorol^afaik, the editbox widget has the notion of caret position
14:47.38Legorol^which you can query
14:47.39krkai was complaining about how there's not getCaret for editboxes :P
14:47.48Legorol^there is
14:47.52Legorol^oh, i remember now
14:47.57Legorol^there isn't a getcaret method per-se
14:48.09krkacouldn't find it in the wiki
14:48.15Legorol^but there is an event that fires every time caret position changes, and the argx contain various data about the position
14:48.24krkaah, i see
14:48.31Legorol^it fires each time, even if you just type a single character
14:48.38krkathat's another problem kinda btw, i need to make sure the caret stays where it is
14:48.39Legorol^so you can always have an up-to-date info about caret position
14:48.48Legorol^that's what i remember
14:49.10Legorol^mm, leaving the caret where it is could be a problem
14:49.35krkai was thinking letting the scanner first find it, and then figure out where to place the new one
14:50.35TainThat's changing the cursor icon, like on mouseover if you can click something.
14:50.39Legorol^krka: yes
14:50.54Legorol^Tain: that event is fired when you type too
14:51.02TainAh!  I did not know that.
14:51.20krkaoh well, getting/setting the caret isn't a big problem anyway, if it's stored as \1 inside the text
14:51.21Legorol^also fires when you use the arrows to navigate in the text
14:51.27Josh_BorkeTain: with visor buttons and ABInfo, the cooldown does not change when you swap buttons.  does that make sense?
14:51.45id`I need a unit frames mod, not: Minigroup2, AUF, otravi_Unitframes, default, anything minor update to defailt
14:51.45Legorol^krka: i am not sure about the interaction between \1 and OnCursorChanged
14:51.49id`default, even
14:51.59TainNo idea Josh, to be honest I've never looked any further at ABInfo than to see if it loads and doesn't error.
14:52.07krkawoops... i fucked up my emacs
14:52.10krkastupid apt
14:52.12Legorol^if you SetText on the editbox with a \1 in a new place, it probably doesn't fire OnCursorChanged
14:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
14:52.21Legorol^krka: Windows
14:52.28id`Legorol^: negative
14:52.29TainBut.. if it's applying a frame on top of existing buttons which is what I think it does, then yeah it'll be aproblem.
14:52.43id`so anyone know a nice unit frame addon?
14:52.49kremontewould "%(?%d?%)?%s?foo%s?%(?%d?%)?" capture foo, (1)foo, foo(1), etc?
14:52.54id`I might even choose AUF
14:52.54Josh_Borkeid`: what about adapt?
14:52.56kremontei'd think there'd be something simpler ._.
14:52.57Legorol^id`: it's called Default Blizzard Interface
14:53.01Legorol^i think it's pretty nice :p
14:53.06TainWhen you swap VisorActionButton1 and VisorActionButton13 (for example) you're leaving the button frames where they are.
14:53.12kremonteLegorol^: <id`> so anyone know a nice unit frame addon?
14:53.26Legorol^ah you are right, it's not an addon per-se
14:53.32Legorol^so it's disqualified
14:53.35kremontebtu um
14:53.36TainI still like WatchDog
14:53.40kremonteadvice on my thing? :P
14:53.43kremontewould "%(?%d?%)?%s?foo%s?%(?%d?%)?" capture foo, (1)foo, foo(1), etc?
14:53.52kremontei hate patterns and think they are evil
14:53.57id`Josh_Borke: that will make my fps go to 0, and its the default interface
14:54.05id`( id`) I need a unit frames mod, not: Minigroup2, AUF, otravi_Unitframes, default, anything minor update to defailt
14:54.20kremontei use perl classic, it's hawttttt
14:54.30Legorol^kremonte: i'm looking at the pattern now
14:54.34id`Let me go tinker with AUF :\
14:54.35Legorol^? is for 0 or 1, right?
14:54.36Maldiviakremonte: I think it would catch *foo* :)
14:54.49kremontei don't want *foo* =p
14:55.01kremontei want (#) foo (#) catch'd
14:55.02TainI used AUF configured to look like Perl for a while.  I do really like the Perl look.
14:55.15Josh_Borkeyou can't use ? in lua
14:55.19kremonteyes you can
14:55.22kremontei have
14:55.27krkagreat... emacs only shows squares instead of letters now
14:55.29Legorol^Josh_Borke: you can
14:55.30Josh_Borke:-( it never worked for me :-(
14:55.36TainBut WatchDog unit frames has super configurability.
14:55.37Legorol^kremonte: which part of the line you want to capture?
14:55.40kremonteAUF w/ AcePerl is nice but perl does it better :p
14:55.41Josh_Borkeor maybe it was the | i tried...
14:55.45kremonteLegorol^: huh?
14:55.56Maldiviakremonte: but %(?%d?%)? that's both "(" "(1" "(1)" "1)" ")" ""
14:56.00Josh_Borkeid`: i've always liked castparty
14:56.00kremontethis is actually for gmod, i'm trying to edit this anti-mingebag script to make it less greedy
14:56.01Tainkremonte: there's a performance difference, that's all.
14:56.09kremonteMaldivia: yes, unfortunately. i don't know how to do it otherwise
14:56.13Legorol^Maldivia is right
14:56.23kremonteif there is a ( then i want %d)
14:56.28kremonteif there isn't then i don't care
14:56.29Legorol^kremonte: what i meant is, what do you want to be able to catch exactly?
14:56.43kremonte(#) MingeBag or MingeBag (#)
14:56.45Legorol^foo, (1)foo and foo(1), but not (foo, (1foo, foo(1 etc.
14:56.59kremonteit doesn't need to be exact though
14:57.00id`Josh_Borke: wow thats exactly how i want my unit frames
14:57.09id`stacked bars with buffs next to them
14:57.18kremonteid`: gogo perl classic
14:57.36id`Ill go make something with AUF and show you all
14:57.43TainThere you go.
14:57.46Josh_Borkei don't use the healing logic much, i like to choose my own levels, but i like how minimal it is
14:58.03Maldiviakremonte: you'll have to do 3 finds
14:58.14Josh_BorkeTain: i haven't noticed any problems with the visor barchange at all
14:58.27kremontedoesn't need to be exact, just less greedy than *foo* - so you think it's reasonable? :/
14:58.36kremontethe overhead from multiple finds is badf
14:58.41kremonteain't it? :O
15:00.00Maldiviadepends on how often it's run, if the overhead from the extra 2 finds are tolerable or not
15:00.13kremonteonly when someone connects to the server, theoretically
15:00.17kremonte(this isn't WoW, so)
15:00.27kremonteokay you know what? i'll add both and a variable to decide
15:00.41Legorol^kremonte: how about "%b()%s?foo%s?%b()"
15:00.58Legorol^look up what %b does
15:01.01kremonteboo you
15:01.08Legorol^it looks for balanced strings
15:01.21Legorol^a string is balanced if it has the same number of opening ( as closing )
15:01.36krkaanyone know how bad it would be scan each character in a string instead of doing stringfind?
15:01.51Legorol^%b is the *only* item in Lua regex that i know of that matches a sub-string as opposed to a character
15:01.54Tain%b is a nice idea, I've had some trouble getting it working right in the past in strings with multiple sets of () or {} or whatever I'm looking for.  So I'd like to see it working.
15:02.07Maldiviakrka: well, string.find scans the string :)
15:02.19Legorol^krka: how would you get a character out of the string?
15:02.23Legorol^using string.sub?
15:02.26krkayeah, but i have to to multiple string.find now
15:02.29Legorol^i think that'd be terribly inefficient
15:02.31krkai search for several tokens
15:02.33krkaand want the first one first
15:02.43Legorol^then you need to write a parser :D
15:02.47krkai was thinking string.byte
15:03.00krkaimplementing the parser with string.byte possibly
15:03.11krkaif you look at indent.lua
15:03.22krkayou'll see some awful code with string.find :)
15:03.31kremonteLegorol^: thanks :o
15:03.34krkai basically string.find on all my keywords and pick the one with the lowest start
15:03.36Legorol^kremonte: does it work
15:03.41krkaand repeat, but with an increased start
15:04.04kremonteLegorol^: i'd tell ya if i had a server, but it should
15:04.05Legorol^krka: do you know which token you want to happen first?
15:04.13Legorol^kremonte: you can try in standalone Lua
15:04.18Legorol^for that matter so could i :D
15:04.33kremontenah no need
15:04.48krkawant to happen first?
15:04.53kremontedoes %b()%s? work if there is no ()?
15:05.29krkaneed to restart my Xserver... i may not be back anytime soon :)
15:05.35kremontebye :X
15:06.05kremontei don't have standalone lua installed atm, otherwise i'd try
15:06.09kremontemaybe %b? or %b()?
15:06.47Legorol^ok i just tried, it doesn't work :(
15:06.53Legorol^%b() needs at least one pair of ()
15:06.58Legorol^and no you can't add a ? after the %b()
15:07.21TainYou can use other specific characters, but it does have to be something.
15:07.40Legorol^ok, be back later
15:07.49Legorol^i'll think about kremonte's dilemma :D
15:07.56kremontedont worry bout it
15:08.04kremontei dun need it, just this wiki post was frustrating me
15:08.14kremontekinda funny, gmod and wow use different lua but the methods people use are so different
15:08.35kremontethen again, WoW focuses more on string manip and stuff, while gmod is vectors and entities and various 3d shenanigans
15:10.06Josh_Borkeugh, people thinking they'll get banned for using catalyst :-(
15:10.28Tainhaha I know Josh, we were having great fun reading one of those threads last night.
15:12.50Miravlix_Why is people being totally brain dead
15:13.00Miravlix_There is no way to be banned for running addons
15:13.26TainA GM supposedly told someone that they could get banned for using Catalyst and that the description of the addon "..also includes the word Hack, which is *never* good"
15:13.51TainSo awesome.
15:14.02MiravlixWhy is the question even asked
15:14.16MiravlixYou can't get banned for using addons. never ever
15:14.18Tain   is that thread
15:16.20kremonteALTERS THE GAME WORLD
15:17.28MiravlixI'm wondering if the quoted text is made up
15:17.40TainI was wondering the same thing, it wouldn't surprise me either way though.
15:17.50Cideyou can get banned by using addons, but not due to the fact that you're using them only
15:18.09Miravlix*** Please do not respond to this email as all conversations on this matter would be best handled online. ***
15:18.10Cide(which is quite obvious)
15:18.15MiravlixThat line is fake
15:18.34MiravlixYou can't get banned for using addons, period.
15:18.43MiravlixThere is no if, buts or depends here
15:18.51MiravlixYou can get banned for exploiting a bug
15:18.54Cideyes there are. it depends on the definition.
15:18.57MiravlixOr harressing
15:19.14CideI could create an addon that spams general chat with.. foul language
15:19.16MiravlixOr using third party software.
15:19.27MiravlixThat doesn't make it the addon that gets you banned
15:19.31Miravlixit's the foul language
15:19.34Cidewhich would result in the player getting banned through the use of addons, but not due to the fact that the player is using the addon in itself
15:19.46Cideas I said, it depends on the definition.
15:19.48MiravlixThe user gets banned for foul language
15:19.54Cideyes, but the addon caused it
15:19.59Cidethus, he got banned because he used an addon.
15:20.02MiravlixBut he doesn't get banned for that
15:20.11MiravlixThe text of the ban would be "foul language"
15:20.26CideI agree that it's not due to the fact that he used an addon, but like I said, the addon caused it and it's a matter of definition
15:20.41CideI'm sure the average world of warcraft player would think it's due to using addons
15:21.03MiravlixThe arvage WoW player isn't that stupid
15:21.08Cideha, right.
15:21.15MiravlixSome is, but most definately is normal people like you and me
15:21.30Cidewe're not average world of warcraft players
15:21.39MiravlixI am
15:21.44TainI... actually I would tend towards, "The average WoW player is that ignorant."
15:22.06TainNo, you're not Miravlix.  The average WoW player doesn't irc, or read the forums, or pick and choose addons, if any.
15:22.10MiravlixThere is around  6 million players, the arvage age of MMORPG players is around 24
15:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
15:22.27MiravlixYou really can't convince me that most of those 6 million 24ish players is brain dead
15:22.29krkayay... bitchx
15:22.38krkamy X is broken :(
15:22.56TainJudging by my interactions with people in the game there are still a lot of players who use no addons whatsoever, for example.
15:23.38TainAnd the players don't have to be stupid, it's ignorance of what addons are, and what's allowed.
15:23.39CideI would say that most people are braindead, yes :)
15:24.00krkahmm... why do i need X, i can surf with links and chat in bitchx
15:24.05TainOn the other hand I do think the vast majority of them ARE stupid.
15:24.12MiravlixWell, haven been on this planet for 35 years it sure isn't my experince that people is braindead
15:24.14CideI'd agree with Tain.. most people don't realize the difference of what I stated.. being banned because the addon DID something, or being banned due to using addons in itself
15:24.15TainIndeed krka.  I do all my net-stuff in a term window.
15:25.00zenzelezzMiravlix: it's like with every kind of community... the ones you tend to hear about are the bad ones
15:25.00krkai only wish i was serious :(
15:25.17Miravlixzenzelezz, What we hear about is a minority of 0.05%
15:25.26TainWell I do also have XWin up so I don't have to worry. :)  I just don't use it.
15:25.29MiravlixThat doesn't make MOST braindead
15:25.43zenzelezzMiravlix: I'm not saying the majority is, I'm agreeing that they aren't
15:25.55TainI go by what I see in-game, not on the forums.  The forums are a poor example of the average player in my opinion.
15:26.06TainA tiny percentage of people who play the game participate on the forums.
15:26.14krkaweird... string.byte(s, i) .... i may be negative
15:26.36MiravlixWe had an official number of 5% forum users out of the number of gamers?
15:27.36TainI'm not sure, I think there's been numbers like that put out there, but is it users who occasionally browse the forums, users who read every day, users who post a lot, etc?  I think it's hard to quantify.
15:27.40krkacan someone explain string.dump?
15:28.00Miravlixit's an alias for string,dumb
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15:29.19TainI know what it does, just not sure where it's useful.  (Which I'm sure it is since people wanted loadstring)
15:30.17krkaooh... idea... i can store strings as tables of integers and use string.char to create the string when i need it
15:30.43krkayeah, i mostly want an example of how it can actually be used
15:31.13krkareturns binary representation of a string... so it compiles a function?
15:31.30krkaand you can do loadstring on the compiled function
15:31.37Josh_Borkeya rly
15:31.39Josh_Borkemorning Beladona
15:31.40krkabut loadstring can just as well work on source
15:33.53TainWow printing out tosring(string.dump(somefunc))) makes for interesting output.
15:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
15:34.35krkahmm... when would you need to make a copy of a function?
15:34.40krkafunctions are immutable anyway
15:34.53krkaoooh.. now i know
15:35.09krkayou can write a function in game, and then dump it to SavedVariables
15:35.21krkabetter way would be to save the source though i suppose :P
15:35.33krkaalso, good way to provide an obfuscated addon
15:35.52krkajust distribute a loader and a string representation of your function
15:37.39TainWell another thing is if you have to do a runscript with a really long string, you can runscript the loadstring instead.
15:38.17krkaRunScript is obsolete now with loadstring, right?
15:38.28Cidestill usable
15:38.39Cidebut rather useless, yes
15:38.52Legorol^dump is used in some addons to transmit functions between clients, using chat channel
15:38.55TainWell if you're doing something relatively simple it's probably easier to do RunScript
15:39.00Legorol^binary representation is more compact than the source
15:39.13Legorol^RunScript has different behaviour from loadstring
15:39.13krkayes, but you can
15:39.18krka't modify the binary
15:39.26Legorol^no you can't, but you can create a function on one end,
15:39.27Legorol^dump it,
15:39.29Legorol^send it,
15:39.34Legorol^loadstring it on the other end
15:39.47Legorol^which is done in some addon i saw
15:39.53krkanot sure i'd be comfortable with that though :)
15:40.10krkasure... i'll run foreign code, not knowing what it'll do :)
15:40.10Legorol^i saw this in a discussion about how to "secure" the received functions
15:40.20Legorol^he was making a system for being able to contain the received cocd
15:40.25krkacould do setfenv i suppose
15:40.33Legorol^it's quite simple actually with setfenv and metatable tricks
15:40.45Legorol^one example of the use:
15:40.53Legorol^sending scripts you typed in an in-game Lua editor
15:40.57Legorol^sharing it with others
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15:41.09Legorol^anyway, it has its uses
15:41.21Legorol^i was going to say about RunScript and loadstring:
15:41.33Legorol^if you call a blocked function, the thing that gets blamed is different
15:41.45Legorol^for RunScript, the message says a macro or script was naughty
15:41.53Legorol^with loadstring, the message says xxx AddOn was naughty
15:42.14krkanot a very interesting distinction, imo
15:42.15Legorol^i'm not sure this has any point :-)
15:42.37krkaanyone know where xorg looks for modules?
15:42.40krkait can't find nvidia
15:42.42krkaor nv for that matter
15:43.04TainIt's a kernel module, do you have it compiled in?
15:43.17krkai should have
15:43.21krkahow do i check that
15:43.30krkahmm.. may need to reboot i suppose
15:43.35Legorol^btw, is there anyone else apart from me here who prefers Windows? (and no, i am not trying to start another Linux vs. Windows war)
15:43.38Legorol^just curious
15:43.43TainWill tell you your currendly loaded modules.
15:44.07krkayeah, no nvidia or nv there
15:44.08TainI keep Windows only for things I *need* Windows for and use Linux for everything else.
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15:44.15OsagasuIt depends on the use
15:44.20krkahmm.. modprobe nvidia actually worked
15:44.39TainMight just not be loading the module on startup then.
15:44.41krkabut Xorg still wont start
15:44.57krkaFailed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist)
15:45.30Legorol^random trivial n00b question: is there some kind of registration database where Xorg looks to decide what modules to load?
15:45.31TainTry insmod nvidia  ?
15:45.40id`Got my first unit frame donw
15:45.43id`with AUF
15:45.53id`ownage! xD
15:45.54krkainsmod wants a filename
15:46.00krkadont know where the module is :P
15:46.03Legorol^what's AUF?
15:46.11krkaguess: ace unit frames
15:46.16TainCute id
15:46.22MiravlixLegorol^, Xorg.conf
15:46.30Legorol^tell that to krka :D
15:46.32Miravlixcheck /etc/x11
15:46.37Legorol^hi btw :-)
15:46.47TainActually no you'd want to use modprobe anyway, not insmod.
15:46.57TainSo when you do modprobe nvidia does nvidia show up in lsmod?
15:47.08krkawhy is it _only_ X that gives me problems? :/
15:47.13Legorol^ok, since krka is asking for help, maybe someone here can help me to:
15:47.16krkayes Tain
15:47.22TainX has historically given problems. :)
15:47.27id`arg AUF, i mean DUF >_>
15:47.29TainOh actually is X looking for nvidia or nv ?
15:47.37Legorol^on my Windows machine, for some reason the WMI infrastructure no longer has the root\cimv2 namespace registered
15:47.49Legorol^this causes a bunch of apps relying on WMI to not work
15:48.04Legorol^any ideas how to check why is WMI missing that namespace, and how to repair its repository?
15:48.30TainThat sounds remarkably "bad" Legorol.
15:48.51TainIf WMI didn't work on a system I think I'd just cry.
15:48.55Legorol^i have a pretty good idea *what* messed it up, but I don't know *why* and how to fix it
15:49.10Legorol^Tain: surprisingly it has about half of the standard namespaces
15:49.17Legorol^it has root\default, root\system and a few others
15:49.18krkaTain: nvidia now, but nv doesnt work either
15:49.25Legorol^but missing a few other standard ones, among them root\cimv2
15:49.40TainIt should be nvidia, nv was a different module, nvidia is the current "better" one.
15:49.45Josh_Borkekrka: you tried modprobe nvidia?
15:50.00krkayes, that worked
15:50.06krkait shows up with lsmod
15:50.13krkathink it may be my xorg.conf thats broken
15:50.15Josh_Borkemake sure that you are using nvidia in your xorg.conf
15:50.16Legorol^Tain: do you use WMI for anything?
15:50.29Legorol^through this strange error i found that a surprising number of standard windows features use it
15:50.34TainLegorol^: At work vbscripting.
15:50.42Legorol^yeah, i am curious about more details
15:50.42Josh_Borkelook for Driver: <blah>
15:50.47Legorol^what kind of things do you use it for?
15:50.47krkalego. my problem is more urgent, i am stuck in friggin text mode :P
15:50.55Legorol^krka: sorry
15:50.56Josh_Borkekrka: lol
15:51.04Legorol^i thought parallel convos are possible
15:51.27krkahmm.. ModulePath is out commented in xorg.conf
15:51.30Josh_Borkethey are, just not here
15:51.30Legorol^krka: you may be stuck in text mode, but my windows machine refuses to display my processor's frequency when i go to My Computer's property page
15:51.34Legorol^i think my problem is bigger than yours :p
15:51.57krkadoesn't sound bigger :)
15:52.20Josh_Borkekrka: want to pastebin your xorg.conf? ^_^ :-P
15:52.29TainYou can look up almost any bit of information about a machine remotely via WMI, hardware, software, configs, one thing I do is a script that runs daily to query a bunch of servers for their free disk space and consolidate the results.
15:52.54Josh_Borkekrka: find your Section "Device" then make sure the driver is nvidia
15:52.56Legorol^Tain: cool. I am aware of WMI's capabilities, and was curious about some real world applications in the "industry"
15:52.59krkapastebin wouldn't work, can't select stuff without a mouse :P
15:53.12krkaJosh_Borke, yeah done that
15:53.25Josh_Borkewhat error does X give you?
15:53.31Legorol^good luck to you krka!
15:53.40krkafailed to load module nvidia, module does not exist
15:53.50krkaso i am thinking my ModulePath is f* up
15:53.53Josh_Borkeand it shows up in lsmod, hm
15:53.57krkanot sure where it should look for stuff
15:54.17Josh_Borkedo you know if you have a locate database?
15:54.30krkayeah i do
15:54.56krkajust dont know what i am looking for :)
15:55.26Josh_Borkemine is in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/nividia
15:55.28Josh_Borkeso check there
15:55.58krkawhat is your ModulePath set to?
15:55.58Tainkrka: here's my xorg.conf, it's a very simple one.  See if you can compare anything since you can't paste yours.
15:56.32krkaah... several ModulePath?
15:57.00Josh_Borkeyse, i have 2
15:58.43OsagasuYou know, I wonder why noone uses [WIP], or [REL] on the UI forums
15:59.10krkahmm.. now it complains about bitmap module
15:59.13krkaand pcidata
15:59.53Josh_Borkehave you tried running the gui that sets up your X automagically?
16:00.02cladhaireTain: Do you happen to remember what we changed the stealth/druid bar to the other night?
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16:00.37Taincladhaire: the issue is with the tooltip, the VisorTooltip doesn't have its owner set in the xml.
16:00.57cladhaireI have that fixed locally
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16:01.05cladhairebut did we go with the BONUSACTION_BAR_OFFSET crap?
16:01.17cladhaireor do you remember what that would be? *ponder*
16:01.19TainNo, everything else worked fine.  Well for me.  heh
16:01.26krkaJosh_Borke forgot how to invoke that
16:01.27cladhairehahah ok
16:01.29TainIt depends what you want to do.  There's different ways to go.
16:02.23krkahmm... i lost my fonts in modules/
16:02.28cladhaireI'd want the easiest way to make 1-12 swap as they do in the defaults.
16:02.57TainBooooring.  ;)
16:03.05krkawhoa... lost all my modules O_o
16:03.07cladhaireTain:  hahaha
16:03.10krkahow did _That_ happen?
16:03.28krkai should maybe reinstall something
16:03.37TainThere was someone who put together a script to use Visor to just actually use the Bonus bar on stance changes, instead of VisorButotns
16:03.47Josh_BorkeTain: psh.  i'll have 1-12 operate like everything else, then pop-up 1-? situational buttons :-P
16:04.08Josh_Borkethe ? and arranging part will be fun...
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16:05.43TainThere have been a few different scripts posted in the Visor configuration thread with people doing just that.
16:05.59TainI'm very egocentric so I only keep in my head the way I use it.
16:06.28cladhairei'll work on mine and get it all set
16:06.49TainI'm pretty sure someone posted a good page with all of the offsets for each stance form, and the best way to do it.
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16:07.16TainI'm not sure whether or not using the new VisorButtons which disables shift-num bar changing in Visor is a boon to that, but I think so.
16:07.59Ktron|_I want to figure out how to bind actions to mousewheel tilt
16:08.28Josh_BorkeKtron|_: that would be nice
16:08.37Josh_Borkeoooo, think about using mousewheel tilt with Selection Ring
16:08.48TainI'd actually use the wheel tilt now that you mention it.
16:08.54TainI don't use my other extra mouse buttons, but that I would.
16:09.11Ktron|_I think I can change the settings for my mouse so that whenever I use WoW, it'll change the bindings of the tilts to actual keys on the keyboard, and then I could bind them
16:09.38Legorol^krka: format C:, or equivalent in Linuxese
16:10.20Legorol^one of the funniest pieces of security advice i have heard for Windows: rename your hard disk from the default C: to something else, so that malicious programs can't do a format C:
16:10.37krkahaven't needed to do that for several years
16:11.00krkabasically since i was an ubern00b and couldn't do anything
16:11.04krkanow i am just a plain n00b
16:11.30Legorol^you know what annoys me... you can't replace a mobo in a PC with Windows, without having to reinstlal Windows
16:11.35Legorol^at least i am yet to find a way...
16:11.45TainI've done it three times in the last 2 months.
16:11.50Adrinethe Windows install installs appropriate chipset drivers
16:11.53AdrineChange the chipset, new install
16:11.54TainWell 2 times, from 1 MB to another to another.
16:12.00zenzelezzLegorol^: I've done that at least two times
16:12.02AdrineHowever, you can do a Repair install, which is non-destructive
16:12.04krkai think all my X11 modules disappeared
16:12.06Legorol^i'm sure it's possible to correctly configure the device drivers in advance, but...
16:12.06krkawhich kinda sucks
16:12.09Legorol^i have never tried
16:12.22Legorol^Adrine: except that you have to reinstall all service packs and security updates
16:12.28Legorol^and a bunch of things don't work afterwards
16:12.31TainThe only thing I ever do is set my display to standard VGA before I shut down to swap out.
16:12.33AdrineYeah, which is a pain, but just a minor irritation with broadband.
16:12.44AdrineIf you get a SP2 slipstreamed install, it's pretty painless
16:12.55Legorol^i have SP2 on a disk, so it's not the issue
16:13.09Legorol^the issue is that this time round, somehow, with the repair install, half my WMI namespaces vanished
16:13.19AdrineWell, that's fun.
16:13.22Legorol^which is why i started the whole discussion in the first place, i did a mobo swap
16:13.29Legorol^did a repair install, and kaboom
16:13.39Legorol^fun fun
16:13.57krkayay! found my stuff
16:14.01MiravlixI made an updatet disk with SP2 build into Windows
16:14.03krkait's in /usr/xorg/modules
16:14.07Legorol^btw, i think it might be possible, using the hardware profiles options, to set up two different profiles: one for old mobo, one for new
16:14.16Legorol^and hopefully windows will pick the right one to use when you boot
16:14.23MiravlixI forgot what it's called
16:14.25Legorol^i have never tried, and probably hard to do, but i think it might be possible
16:14.56Legorol^Miravlix: Automated System Recovery thingie?
16:15.00zenzelezzboth times I've switched motherboard without reinstalling Windows, it's been more of an "upgrade" to the motherboard... a newer motherboard but using the same drivers (Via Hyperion)
16:15.01Legorol^or is it something else..
16:15.14MiravlixNo, you can make install CD's with updated SP
16:15.21Legorol^cool, i will have to try that
16:15.32Adrinezenzelezz: Yeah, you don't need a new instlal if your new chipset is the same as the old
16:15.53krkaa little bit closer now!
16:15.58AdrineFor example, I just upgraded from an nForce->nForce board with no reinstall, but when I went VIA->nForce, I had to do a reinstall
16:16.02MiravlixDamn, all my urls is on the crashed linux harddisk and I can't remmeber what it's called
16:16.02krkai actually saw the nvidia logo before it crashed
16:16.49MiravlixBut you install windows and do something to copy updates over then burn a new CD thats an updated Windows with service pack to a CD
16:16.52krka"could not open default cursor font 'cursor'
16:17.35Legorol^Miravlix: could it be the OEM pre-install kit?
16:17.56Legorol^krka: sounds like you are having a lot of pain over there :(
16:18.02Legorol^i can recommend deep breaths and counting to 10 ;-)
16:18.12Legorol^i know it doesn't fix the problem, but it makes you feel better
16:18.40krkanah, i'll get it to work eventually
16:18.42krkapretty close now, i think
16:19.12zenzelezzI find a /roar and pounding your fists in the air better :o
16:19.12Legorol^unless the problem is overheating and you are breathing hard enough
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16:27.00krkadamn, keep crashing
16:28.50Temkrka: are you around?
16:29.12TainI'm disturbed.
16:29.13zenzelezzthink he's having a fight with his X
16:29.44krkayes tem
16:29.46krkakinda around
16:30.13krkacurrent problem: dont have a cursor font apparently
16:30.19TemI didn't read your entire conversation with Leg about editboxes but I wanted to clear it up for you
16:30.40Tem\1 isn't the location of the editbox
16:30.47Temit's just a character that the user will never type
16:31.01Temso you can use it to mark the location of the caret
16:31.27krkaah... thanks, i misunderstood you before
16:31.40krkaso, how do you get the position of the caret?
16:32.00krkaand what happens to the caret if you do editbox:SetText?
16:32.22Temiirc, it moves to the end
16:32.39TainNothing?  Nothing tra la la?
16:32.44krkacan we move it in any way?
16:33.03Temusing Highlight and Insert
16:33.26krkahighlight a 0-width area where we want it and insert a blank?
16:33.32krkaerr... insert empty string
16:33.55Temuse string.sub to stick something in the middle of the string
16:34.02Temand use Highlight to highlight it
16:34.16Temand then use Insert to overwrite it with \0
16:34.36krkaah i see
16:34.39Temlemme post my caret methods again
16:34.44krkahmm, not now
16:34.46krkai dont have any X
16:36.22Temwelll, here's the logic for both
16:37.01Temfor both, you should kill the EditBox's OnTextSet script
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16:37.31Temso that nothing does stuff in response to your SetTexts
16:37.46Temso, SetCaret:
16:37.57Temusing GetText, get the text
16:38.37Temuse string.sub to break up the string and stick something in the middle
16:38.43krkais this the same as you showed yesterday?
16:38.43Tem(I used an 'a')
16:38.51krkathen you dont need to repeat :)
16:39.08krkaatleast not now, won't be able to store it in any good way
16:39.34Temwell start up X
16:40.40krkai am trying :P
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16:43.03ToastTheifla da de
16:43.30krkayay... managed to start it
16:43.33krkabut my cursor is crap
16:45.07ToastTheifI wish my druid had leet epix
16:49.29kremontelol is the interface spotlight on wowi a random one? :P
16:49.39kremontei just got one from jan 2005
16:50.09KtronSo, anyone ever hear of a bug/issue so that channels do no change colors when they are supposed to?
16:51.37TainYay 2gb SD card for my Smartphone is here
16:52.37KtronI set channel colors and they are staying set,but they aren't actually affecting the channels
16:52.46Tain"Compatible with Windows, Macintosh & Linux"
16:52.46krkaanyone with linux: can you grep for cursor in your fonts.alias?
16:54.12Adrine[root@daedalus ~]# grep cursor /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias
16:54.12Adrineolcursor   "-sun-open look cursor-----12-120-75-75-p-160-sunolcursor-1"
16:54.12AdrineThat what you're looking for?
16:54.15zenzelezzI got the same
16:54.16Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
16:54.22Adrinenothing in 100 or 75 DPI
16:54.42krkai got that one too
16:54.43Cairennmorning Josh_Borke
16:54.49krkabut it still complains about no cursor
16:54.57Josh_Borkei did a locate fonts.alias | xargs grep -i cursor and that was the only result returned
16:55.02zenzelezzroot@daedalus... I always feel my computer has a weird name
16:55.32krkaooh... installed xfonts-artwiz and now stuff works
16:55.33AdrineAll my computers are named after AIs in games.
16:55.53krkanow i just need to try nvidia instead of nv and try not to crash...
16:55.53AdrineHome machine is SHODAN, laptop is Durga, server is Dedaelus, secondary server is Helios. :)
16:55.58krkabrb... amybe
16:56.35zenzelezzmy Linux (IRC + Apache) computer is "stalin"... can't remember why anymore
16:56.50KtronAdrine, play Deus Ex much?
16:56.56AdrineNot at all. Never. >_>
16:57.01AdrineWhat's Deus Ex?
16:57.14AdrineI'm joking, zenzelezz :P
16:57.25AdrineThat's my LJ userpic, so yeah. :P
16:57.41Adrine(I used to use JC, but I liked the DX2 ad when it came out, so...)
16:58.00zenzelezzso what about Icarus?
16:58.12AdrineIcarus was the first generation of my server, actually
16:58.21AdrineWhen I rebuilt it, I renamed it Daedalus.
16:58.28Josh_Borkeok, so who wants to help me come up with an algorithm? ^_^
16:58.37AdrineJosh_Borke: Depends on how bored I am today! :P
16:58.58TainMy old Windows machine is named Kamehameha, the new one is Oppressor.  Linux is floor.
16:58.58Josh_Borkei want to figure out a way to arrange some buttons like this automagically :-D
16:59.10zenzelezznice Tain :o
16:59.25AdrineI'd say that's easy enough
16:59.34AdrineYou know how many buttons you have, and you know how many to a tier
16:59.47Josh_Borkeso just do it in if statements?
17:00.01AdrineEach tier's size will be a function of the number of buttons - more accurately a combo of div and modulus of the number, I think
17:00.25Josh_Borkeyou lost me with that last sentence
17:00.43AdrineLemme hack out osme quick pseudocode
17:00.49Josh_Borkepsuedocode would be awesome
17:01.28ckknight_hey all
17:01.36Josh_Borkemorning ckknight_
17:02.00KtronBeast was my first, Spectral was a linux machine, then Ninja, now Daemon (the box has a red front)
17:02.11Elkanoho ck
17:04.06*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
17:04.30krkaok... now i can start X without "nv" but not with "nvidia", X completely hangs if i try "nvidia
17:05.06kremontedo you have the modules compiled? :P
17:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
17:06.56krkalsmod shows nvidia
17:07.06krkaand X doesn't complain about the module
17:07.08krkait just hagns
17:07.24kremontecheck /var/log/messages?
17:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
17:07.40kremontehi fake krka
17:07.42kremontebye real krka
17:07.51krka_i am fake?
17:07.55AdrineYou can return the tier variable and the result from that if block to get what you'd need, I think
17:07.57kremonteyou have an underscore
17:07.59kremonteNOW YOURE REAL
17:08.08Adrinetier determines the Y offset, the return from the if block is the x offset
17:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:08.27krkadamn, my emacs is still fucked up
17:08.29Elvisois there an event that fires when a spell down is up? I tried SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE but it doesn't appear to be it
17:08.44IrielDid I hear someone say emacs?
17:08.53AdrineHere it comes! *ducks and covers*
17:09.09Josh_Borkevim ftw
17:09.21krkamy emacs only shows squares and i can't run X with the nvidia module
17:09.21kremonteadrine, get over here before it all goes to hell
17:09.27krkamaybe i should compile it myself
17:09.32AdrineI can't hear you, kremonte, I'm ducked and covered!
17:09.33krkathis one is from nvidia-installer
17:09.51Josh_Borkedid you unset all your emacs settings?
17:10.04krkahow do i do that?
17:10.23Josh_Borkedo you have a .emacs dir or anything like that?
17:10.27Natasemis this ui Legit?  ntmysFixLoadingTimes
17:10.47AdrineNatasem: Yes, but use Catalyst
17:10.51kremontecatalyst >>>
17:10.56Natasemlink please
17:11.18krkai deleted my ~/.emacs
17:11.19TainI swear the laws of physics do not apply to cables.
17:11.34krkaCatalyst can be optimized a bit
17:11.44krkalocalizing the functions it calls should help a bit
17:11.53Josh_BorkeAdrine: why is it 'if s > n then' and not 'if t > n then'?
17:12.24AdrineBecause I'm a moron that needs coffee!
17:12.33Josh_Borkejust checking i'm following the code :D
17:12.41AdrineI haven't tested that, so no guarantees!
17:12.56AdrineBut the idea is just "find the tier, find the number of used buttons in the tier, distribute accordingly"
17:13.41Temkrka: I'm all for optimizations
17:13.55Temkrka: but I don't know what functions you are talking about
17:14.23Temlocalize the frame functions
17:14.28Temthe __index is slow as hell!
17:14.46krkalocal EnumerateFrame = EnumerateFrame
17:14.48krkaor something like that
17:14.54krkaand similar for all used functions
17:14.59AdrineGah >_<
17:15.02AdrineNerf lactic acid
17:15.16krkaprobably wont help much though
17:15.31Cairennokay guys, got some big news:
17:15.46AdrineLactic Acid II: 30% chance on workout to slow the target's movement speed by 70% for 24 hours
17:16.11Adrinewow, nice!
17:16.40Temooh, awesome Cair
17:16.44kremontewow, niiice cair
17:17.04Elvisowow thats cool
17:17.08IrielNice Cair!
17:17.19Cairenngive me questions/requests/etc folks
17:17.31Cairennotherwise an exclusive is rather ... pointless ;)
17:17.32Tain"Can I be banned for using this addon?"
17:17.39kremonteTain: :(
17:17.42Tem~trout tain
17:17.44purlACTION slaps tain around a bit with a large trout!
17:17.55Elvisoexclusive = exclusively Cairenn :P
17:17.57Cairennlol Tain
17:18.02CairennElviso: NO!
17:18.17Tain"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"
17:18.24Temanyone recall if UIParent has GetScript and SetScript methods?
17:18.37CairennTain: rowan
17:18.44Elkano"if you were a data structur, ..." ;)
17:18.47Kaelten|Sleepno clue tem
17:19.00Kaeltenhows it going
17:19.05Cairennhey Kaelten
17:19.11Kaeltenhey cair
17:19.15Cairennyou need to /identify yet :p
17:19.19Miravlix_Hmm, my internet connection hasn't been this bad since I got it installed
17:19.21TainTem it does have SetScript I'm pretty sure, I believe I once hosed my UI trying to add my own.
17:19.28cladhaireTem: it has both
17:19.32cladhaireTem: Whether or not they work =)
17:19.38TemTain: I don't care
17:19.47Temit's the same function as will be on every other frame
17:19.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:19.52Temso I can localize i
17:20.01krkaIriel, where do i get the font name?
17:21.27krkaactually... emacs -font fixed worked :)
17:21.55Elkanobefore I forget: Happy Birthday Kaelten (haven't been on the past days :( )
17:22.08Kaeltenlol, thanks Elkano
17:23.00krkaIriel, sorry for bothering.. but how do i make this change "stick" as a default?
17:23.16Irielemacs picks its font up from your xresources, though how you manage those varies greatly by your choice of window/session manager
17:23.20AdrineWhy do you torment me, Mechanical Forum Poster? WHY?!?!
17:23.31Elvisolol @ Adrine
17:24.00kremontei wanted to make one of those , but i dun wanna get bammered ;(
17:24.08AdrineFirstBot was amusing
17:24.17ElvisoI saw a hunter today w/3 pieces of Giantstalker, Striker's Mark, and......skullforge reaver (no stats) + some odd lvl 55 green "of the bear" melee weapons
17:24.32ElvisoI /cry'd
17:24.32kremontei think i'll write one and i'll give it some life
17:24.45Josh_BorkeAdrine: thanks for the help :-)
17:24.51kremonteskullforge reaver on a hunter
17:27.25kremonteis it worth it rewriting EnergyWatch for ace/timex? never used ace before, so it might be a fun venture, but i dunno if this is a steep starting point .-.
17:28.01AdrineElviso: That sounds like half the people in one of my alliance's guilds!
17:28.09AdrineAll level 48 greens and EPIX
17:28.15AdrineIt's saddening :(
17:29.08Josh_Borkekremonte: you should write it so that it would be easy to convert it over to a mana watch :-) so people can see when the 5 second rule is complete :-D
17:29.37krkawhy is it saddening?
17:29.40krkai don't really get it
17:29.40*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Mod Dev Discussions | Post your questions for E3 -
17:29.59Josh_Borkethey should spend some time getting blues
17:30.05Josh_Borkeor at least lvl 50s greens
17:30.24krkashouldn't they just do what's fun for them?
17:30.40krkai have a level 49 hunter without a single blue item
17:30.47Josh_Borkei agree.  but it shows that they are getting to 60 doing whatever then jumping right into raid content and just coasting along on others work
17:31.04kremonteyes, 60s with epics and greens are disgusting IMO
17:31.06kremonteand its all the rage lately -_-
17:31.13krkanot sure i follow
17:31.16krkacoasting along?
17:32.17kremonteyes. like
17:32.28Josh_Borkethey aren't helping the raid as much as someone who got some 50s greens or some blues.
17:32.31kremontehitting 60, gquitting and joining a raiding guild, getting epics within a week sans work
17:32.36AdrineYeah. Experience people can make up for people that don't care to learn how to pull their weight
17:32.43AdrineAnd unfortunately, they often get away with it.
17:32.58AdrineBiggest problem in my raiding group right now, bar none >_<
17:33.12kremontethats why my guild cant go further in aq
17:33.17kremontethey decided
17:33.19AdrineWe gave a Binding of the Windseeker to a rogue last night that a) only logs on for raids, b) is in otherwise crap gear, and c) will NEVER EVER CRAFT THAT SWORD.
17:33.19krkastupid upgrades... lots of stuff broken :/(
17:33.22kremonteLETZ ZERG RECUIRT
17:33.24AdrineBecause she had the points, by 2 points.
17:33.49AdrineNevermind that the rogue class leader and our other senior rogue said "Uh, that weapon sucks for rogues post-nerf. Give it to a warrior"
17:33.51kremontemy guild doesnt, for the most part, use normal DKP for legendaries
17:33.58AdrineThe rogue was all LAWS ORANGE GIMME PLZ
17:34.01kremonteit costs DKP but its pretty much whom everybody wants to get it
17:34.13AdrineIt's maddening.
17:34.14kremontewe have a pally who got eye from rag the other day :D
17:34.30AdrineWe have a pally who is going for the Eye, but he's been after it since day 1 and has cleared it with the warriors.
17:34.31kremontehe's got most of the arcanite and has been farming nonstop for the ingots, its cool
17:34.40AdrineHe's also ret spec, so it kinda makes sense, and he's been passing on other weapons.
17:35.05kremontefor the most part
17:35.07kremontesince we started mc
17:35.10kremontehe's wanted a spinal
17:35.20kremontenever dropped, lol
17:36.03kremontehe's going for hand, he has herald of woe, untamed blade...hehe
17:36.05kremontehes a fun pally
17:36.26kremontenow that i think about it
17:36.31kremontemy guild has never gottan bindings either, lol
17:37.23kremonteahaha rogue for the win
17:37.32kremontesoloing wailing caverns quests at 20
17:39.38kremontebai cair
17:43.08Eraphine|Labhey kremonte is there a gui'd version of getlink ?
17:44.22kremonteEraphine|Lab: !
17:44.28kremonteEraphine|Lab: i am working on it at this moment
17:44.51Eraphine|Labit's a cool addon -
17:45.22Eraphine|Labis there going to be some check put for when no args are passed? i.e. it scans the entire database
17:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:45.40Eraphine|Labwhen I do that (by accident) my entire UI freezes while the while loop is running.
17:45.50kremonteah, sure
17:45.55kremontewill add that
17:46.01Kirovwhile true do end?
17:46.07Eraphine|Labmaybe a throttle to the scan code
17:46.13kremonteit's for i=1,28000 Kirov
17:46.20Eraphine|Labthere's no delay when I pass a parameter to search
17:46.38Kirovkremonte - GetItemInfo scanning, eh?
17:46.41Eraphine|LabI can see when I might want to see "everything" in my database, but 28000 itemlinks is a lot.
17:46.58kremonteKirov: si
17:47.11Eraphine|LabI love that it requires no custom database
17:47.14kremonteyeah there are only about 10000 returned at any one time
17:47.16KirovYeah, it's a pretty fast function overall.
17:47.23kremontemines usually about 8k
17:47.37kremontebliz likes to skip itemids tho
17:47.42Eraphine|LabI don't care enough to maintain the database in savedvars but hey, if it's already there in item.db
17:47.56kremontedo you think i should make a cache?
17:47.59kremonteof the last X searches
17:48.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
17:48.20Kirovkremonte - meh
17:48.21Eraphine|Labso long as nothing gets saved
17:48.36kremonteyeah i dont think
17:48.45kremontethe performance<>size tradeoff is bad
17:49.26Eraphine|Labbtw, does the size of item.db directly impact the ui memspace?
17:49.41Eraphine|Labie, bigger item.db = more mem used? or is it separate?
17:49.44kremontethat, je n'ai pas d'idée
17:50.03Kirovcompletely seperate
17:50.12Kirovit's part of the client's memory usage, for sure
17:50.19Kirovbut it's impact is fairly minimal
17:51.25kremontei'm unhappy
17:51.28kremontei'm going to rerewrite getlink
17:52.16Kirovkremonte are you going to create a hash table of the last item?
17:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
17:53.45kremonteKirov: eh, no need
17:54.06kremontedunno how much of a footprint it'd leave
17:54.15Kirov[name] = id
17:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
17:54.50kremontethe last 1 item?
17:54.53kremonteor the last search res'
17:55.05krkahmm... cool, new kernel and not more broken
17:55.34Kirovlast search results, or you could just cash every item you've seen
17:56.13Kirovit would make subsequent searches a lot - lot faster, but intial search would be slow
17:56.41kremontecache every item youve seen = bad
17:56.47kremontethe whole purpose is minimal memory usage :p
17:56.54krkagreat... some keys are dead in X now
17:56.58kremonteright now the only globals are, well, the function tiself
17:58.40Kirovwhat'd you do to improve the current one then?
17:59.30kremonteimprove it in comparison to what? :Q
17:59.39kremontegetlink compared to getlink? :X
18:00.56IrielEraphine|Lab : The ONLY thing that goes into the 'UI memory' space is lua data
18:01.09IrielEraphine|Lab : Pretty much everything else lives outside in the client memory pool
18:01.23Irielkrka: Check your keyboard map is set consistently
18:02.47krkai'm thinking i am too stupid for linux :P
18:03.23kremontenobody is too stupid for linux, except stupid people
18:03.37krkarestarting X
18:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
18:05.58kremontelow level guilds for thee lose
18:06.17kremontei'm trying to help this hunter quest, and here's how he fights: pet attacks, he begins melee, spams mend pet the rest of the fight
18:06.25krkaXkbVariant nodeadkeys in xorg.conf FTW
18:18.43krkaok.. now i understand your code tem :)
18:19.03Temthe Caret get/set stuff?
18:19.48krkaexcept one thing... you insert a \1 but never seem to delete it
18:24.12Temlemme look at it again.  it's been a long time since I wrote that stuff
18:24.44Temno, I do remove it
18:25.08TemI store the editbox's contents in the "text" local
18:25.27krkaoops :)
18:25.30krkacorrect you are
18:25.32TemI insert the \1 to find where the caret is then I use SetText to put it back
18:26.35krkabrilliant code :)
18:27.05krkamind if i make some minor adjustments though?
18:29.51Josh_Borkewb Cairenn
18:29.54*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
18:30.01Cairennthanks :)
18:30.01Kirovwhat code is this?
18:30.48*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
18:31.12IrielI remember that code!
18:31.21krkawhat does insert("\0") actually do?
18:31.26krkadoes wow  ignore \0?
18:31.38krkaor will there in fact be a \0 in the editbox afterwards?
18:31.43IrielIt inserts nothing
18:31.46krkaand does not insert("") work?
18:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
18:31.57krkaa nothing-nothing or a something-nothing? :)
18:32.03IrielSince the underlying code uses C++ strings and thus ends up doing nothing
18:32.14wereHamsterdoes anyone know how to increase the font-size in gaim?
18:32.18IrielI seem to recall that "" got optimized out, we ended up with \0 for a reason, right Tem?
18:32.53TemI think it was just a matter of picking any random character that the editbox wouldn't show
18:33.11krkaso it does enter the editbox?
18:33.20krkafor every get/set caret, you insert an invisible caret?
18:33.30KirovI was actually going to experiment with using some of those invisible characters for encoding data in to tells
18:33.46TemKirov: I don't think they make it through the server
18:33.52KirovTem not \0
18:34.02Kirovbut all the non \ ones do
18:34.05krkapoor invisible chars... they never stood a chance :/
18:34.15Kirov\t makes it through though
18:34.30Temmmmm candy
18:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
18:34.51KirovI was thinking more like · and ¤, etc
18:34.56Beladonawhy not T3s?
18:34.59Beladonanot OC3s?
18:35.17ElvisoI miss \n :(
18:35.17Kirov256 MB/s fibre
18:35.31KirovElviso - I don't
18:35.55ElvisoIt was my queue avoidance system
18:35.59KirovThough, yesterday I had someone use the "lots of extra spaces" technique to try and impersonate a GM yesterday.
18:36.00krkatem: 1) does \0 get stripped out or not and 2) won't highlight(pos, pos) work?
18:36.16Temkrka: honstly, I don't remember
18:36.31KirovI'm a hunter, and I was in DM, and I get a tell from someone going [GM][randomname] What are you doing?
18:36.31TemI was always planning on requesting Get/Set methods
18:36.48Tembut I think we were getting dynamic frames, so I didn't say anything
18:36.50krkayeah that'd be nice
18:37.13Temmy methods work, but are inelegant temporary solutions to the problem
18:37.23IrielAsk for them now in the 1.11 thread 8-)
18:37.37IrielMe? Did I do something bad?
18:37.48CairennForgot to do something, more like
18:38.01Osagasunot good
18:38.11Cairennadd the "current as of" to your 1.11 thread, please?
18:38.15Temoh, hey
18:38.24Temwhat's the TitleRegion of a frame?
18:38.31Cairennso I know whether I'm current with you or not
18:38.43Cairennpretty please? with whipped cream and a cherry on top?
18:38.44IrielOh, heh 8-)
18:39.01CairennJust next time you update
18:40.26IrielDitto the 1.10.1/1.10.2 post in the other thread
18:40.43Cairennmerci beaucoup
18:43.18Kirovanyone know where to get sexyfonts?
18:45.59Kirovholy crap, that's terrible!
18:46.29Kirovsexyfonts overwrites blizzard's ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS
18:46.43Kirovand doesn't include the hex
18:48.45krkacan i safely assume that no important character is below 32?
18:49.10Kirovstring.char(32) ?
18:49.37Kirovnot sure myself
18:50.48IrielWell, tab is 9
18:51.06Irieland line feed is 10
18:51.18Kirovtab is ignored though
18:51.47krkai am ignoring whitespace for tokens
18:51.54krkahmm... line feed is a token for me though
18:52.22krkahmm... is linefeed == \n?
18:52.28krkaor is that the other one? :)
18:52.37Iriellinefeed is \n
18:52.42Irielcarriage return is \r (13)
18:53.17MaldiviaKirov: hmm, hex was added in 1.9, right?
18:53.33Kirovmaldivia - not sure
18:53.39Corrodiaswhat the heck is \r for, anyway?
18:53.39KirovBut this addon uses CreateFrame
18:53.43Corrodiasthis isn't a typewriter
18:54.02MaldiviaKirov: hehe, ok - well just just GetItemQualityColor(qualityIndex) then :)
18:54.07KirovCorrodias - it's part of ASCII I think
18:54.08krkamac uses \r as linebreak, windows uses \r\n (afaik), unix uses \n
18:54.11Maldiviajust use*
18:54.25Corrodiaswell, it certainly is, but why do we have it at all?
18:54.25krkareally painful, it is :/
18:54.47KirovMaldivia - I was trying to avoid doing that over and over, I might just build my own list.
18:55.09MaldiviaKirov: why is it even overwriting that table ??
18:55.17KirovMaldivia - no idea
18:55.22KirovI think it's changing the colors slightly
18:55.25MaldiviaKirov: old font-replacement addon, with a dirty hack for 1.10 ?
18:55.31krkahm, i should put some thought before i write this token-extractor
18:55.42KirovMaldivia - looks like a bit of both
18:56.07MaldiviaKirov: changing the colors in that table = your own doom... it's used when linking from loot frame, iirc, wrong color = disconnect
18:57.33MaldiviaIriel: the SetHistoryLines bug definately have an allocation bug!
18:58.01MaldiviaIriel if you call the method, and log out, WoW crashes :)
18:58.12IrielOops 8-)
18:58.20IrielBad slouken !
18:59.25KtronAnyone ever hear of a bug with changing the colors of channels?
19:00.45*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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19:02.01KirovMaldivia - looking through blizzard's code, it never uses the .hex of ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS
19:02.05Kirovonly rgb
19:02.09KirovAnd only for ui display
19:02.25krkahmm... how do ' quotes work in lua?
19:02.27Kirovlinking is always just GetLink variant
19:02.34MaldiviaLootFrame.lua uses it
19:03.01MaldiviaLootFrame.lua:    local dialog = StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION", ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[LootFrame.selectedQuality].hex..LootFrame.selectedItemName..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE, this:GetText());
19:03.19Temkrka: ' works the same as " excepting that you have to escape ' instead of " in the string
19:03.26KirovMaldivia - hmm
19:03.27krkaah, cool
19:03.56krkaso works literally exactly as "?
19:04.02krkathat makes things easy for me
19:04.45Kirovyeah, \" is a non-terminating " (is that the right term?)
19:04.50Temkrka: are you making a lua syntax highlighter for in-game ?
19:05.00Irielwell, \" is a literal "
19:05.03IrielI think that's the term you want
19:05.06krkaalready made one
19:05.11Temkrka: I love you
19:05.14krkanow i am making a better one
19:05.22krka_trying to_
19:06.10krkacurrently writing a tokenizer
19:06.59krkaso i can convert this: "for a=1, 10do" to "for", "a", "=", ",", "10", "do"
19:07.16Josh_Borkeyou missed a "1", yes?
19:07.24krkajust testing you
19:07.26krkayou win!
19:07.32MaldiviaIriel: well, the logout crash bug is kind of annoying, means you can't really change the number of history lines, well, unless you want to crashout :)
19:07.33Josh_Borkewhat do i get?
19:08.02Josh_Borkeawesome, so like i could taunt people with it?
19:08.49krkai suppose
19:09.09AdrineDoes \n still disco people?
19:09.25AdrineI liked going into IF general chat and asking "Anyone know the character code for a newline?"
19:09.26IrielMaldivia : If you disable all addons, log in, do a /script ChatFrameEditBox:SetHistoryLines(80) then logout, does it crash?
19:09.44ckknightif you do it in regular chat, it doesn't d/c you
19:09.46krkaevil Adrine
19:09.49MaldiviaI'll try, but I have no addons that change the editbox...
19:09.59ckknightbut if you do SendChatMessage("\n", "SAY") it will
19:10.10IrielIt used to
19:10.12AdrineWell, that's kinda hard to trick people into doing :(
19:10.20Iriel(That is \n in the edit box used to disconnect you)
19:10.23IrielBut they fixed it.
19:10.24krkagah, i really need to remember my identify-password
19:10.53krkaIriel, just tokenization, that should be enough for highlighting and indentation
19:11.17Maldiviagaah... I hate running wow without addons :)
19:11.20IrielAh, yes, I would imagine so
19:12.23krkacan freenode reset my password by mail or something?
19:12.52MaldiviaIriel: hmm, isn't crashing right now... grr :)
19:13.05Maldiviait did 3 times in a row before :)
19:13.20Ktronkrka, I think so... maybe through their website? I'm not positive though
19:13.30Ktronsomeone on one of these channels has to know :)
19:13.41IrielWe dont forget our passwords 8-)
19:14.00IrielI identify every day so i never have time to forget
19:14.13krkai was lazy enough to get xchat do it for me
19:14.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:14.20krkabut then that setting got wiped :P
19:14.22Josh_Borkei just use the same password
19:14.27krkaand i used the default password that got mailed to me
19:14.28krkai think
19:14.40Ktronyeah, I have xchat auto-identifying and auto-joining this channel when I connect to freenode
19:14.50Maldiviakrka: then check your mail, unless you deleted it
19:15.02krkadon't remember which mail, and i probably deleted it
19:15.11krka<-- stupidz0r
19:15.24krkawhat's a good search term?
19:15.28krkafreenode in body?
19:15.33krkaor in sender perhaps
19:15.47MaldiviaIriel: well, I often have to write it 2 times, I so often write identif y[password] :)
19:16.09KtronI use pretty much the same password for this as I have for a while... I kind of have a rotating password system so I don't have to remember too many new ones-- when I come up with a new password for the important thing, the old 'important' password becomes the 'somewhat important' password, and the somewhat important becomes the unimportant, and the unimportant becomes the 'whatever'
19:16.24*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic- (
19:16.44Ktronkrka, I'll look for my mail, I should still have it
19:18.10KtronNo, I don't think I have it anymore either, sorry
19:18.37krkaheh, last used 17 weeks ago
19:18.41krkaregistered 18 weeks ago
19:18.53Josh_Borkekrka: just have them drop it then
19:24.02krkanow i just need to find a staffer
19:24.26Cairennthere should be a "contact us" or "help" or something
19:26.15krkayeah, i should find a staffer on irc and ask
19:26.35Josh_Borkeyea, do this: /join #freenode, the /who freenode/*
19:26.39krkadid it
19:26.43krkagot lots of names
19:26.58krkanow i am in the process of finding out who's the least inactive
19:28.00Josh_Borketry MD :-)
19:28.13Maldiviactcp ping the channel... the first person to kick you, isn't idle :)
19:28.50Corrodiaswhy would someone kick you for pinging people? :|
19:29.08krkayeah, messaged md now
19:29.12krkaonly idling for 20 minutes
19:29.30Josh_Borkei forget how to get idle time
19:29.46Josh_Borkeah, nvm :-)
19:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:30.15MaldiviaCorrodias: let me put it this way... I (and 3 of my friends) split Undernet i 3, by each of us sending 2 ctcp pings to a large channel. Ok ok, this was 8 years ago, but still :)
19:30.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
19:30.24krkayay, found one with 4 second idle time!
19:30.36Josh_Borkewb iriel.  morning Shouryuu_
19:30.46Cairennwb Iriel, morning sh
19:30.50CairennShouryuu_ *
19:30.53Corrodiasbecause the replies go through the server?
19:30.57krkai just remembered something
19:31.02MaldiviaCorrodias: yep
19:31.04Corrodiasthat's right, IRC is goofy that way
19:31.09krkai can't send messages when i am not registrered
19:31.12id`im a bit confused right now, cant i do "a={} a.b='c'" ?
19:31.16Josh_Borkeyes you can krka
19:31.28krkano id`
19:31.34krkaoh yes you can
19:31.45Josh_Borkeyes you can
19:31.57MaldiviaCorrodias: the channel has around 3k members at the time, that's 30k replies in about 2 seconds... the servers couldn't handle it, and split :)
19:32.08id`then why is this wrong?
19:32.14krkafirst it looked like matching ' with "
19:32.32Josh_Borkeum, i don't think you can use .1
19:32.35Maldivia.[one] ?
19:32.42Maldiviaor .L ?
19:32.45id`ill use .player >_>
19:32.46Josh_Borkei ran into big problems with using 1 as an index...
19:32.49AdrineIt ain't ruby :)
19:32.58id`blah :(
19:33.10krkajust use [1] instead of .1
19:33.21krkaor ["1"]
19:33.44Josh_Borkeif you define it as ["1"], does that mean you can then reference it as .1?
19:33.48IrielThere's no problem using 1 as an index, you just can't use it with dot notations.
19:33.54IrielNo, it's a grammar thing
19:34.05Irielthe dot notation format is only valid for keys that follow lua's variable name format
19:34.13Irielthey can't start with a number
19:34.34id`Can i execute this pastebinned code in a notepad addon
19:34.45id`because i dont see anything :>
19:34.52krkayay! identified
19:34.55Josh_Borkeis the frame shown by default?
19:35.10id`yeah, is it?
19:35.12Josh_Borkekrka: yay!
19:35.21krkahmm... i messaged a bunch of staffers
19:35.27KtronWhere do you think I should go asking/looking if I'm trying to figure out how to make a window (namely, a Google Desktop window) _not_ be always on top?
19:35.29krkahope no one drops this again
19:35.48Josh_Borkeyou should let them know you fixed it :-P
19:36.01Josh_Borkerpm -e google_desktop?
19:36.17id`rpm >_o
19:36.21Ktronheh, I'm on windows
19:38.36zenzelezzcan't remember if Win2000/XP lets processes toggle the always-on-top setting on other processes' windows... if they do, there's bound to be some small tool that does it
19:38.39id`no worky
19:38.43id`dont see a frame
19:39.06krkayou need to set backdrop table
19:39.15id`heh, new to 1.10 :>
19:39.16krkathe frame should be there though
19:39.44Ktronzenzelezz, hm... hopefully, I was glancing through Google's registry settings at the moment
19:40.28id`so what does a backdrop table look like?
19:40.39id`iuf[1]:SetBackdropTable({}) ?
19:41.03id`oh got it
19:42.41IrielIf you want a pre-baked backdrop table
19:42.57IrielI have one, let me cut and paste it
19:43.05krkacheck the wiki :)
19:43.15Ktronzenzelezz, ah well, it doesn't look like the default way works...
19:44.15id`i just want a black box with a white border
19:45.33krkahmm... how do i distinguish a = -1.0 from a = b - 1.0
19:45.43krkain the first, "-1.0" is a number
19:45.52krkain the second "1.0" is the number and - is the operator
19:46.38krkahow annoying :P
19:47.12krkaboth the situation and the grinning, btw
19:47.14Corrodiaswell, now, that might depend on the spacing.. and how the compiler interprets operators...
19:47.16ckknightkrka, hooray for lexxers
19:47.33id`muhah! a frame a frame!
19:47.36id`thx krka
19:47.41Irielkrka: The answer is..
19:47.47krkawhat'd i do?
19:47.51IrielFrom a lexical analysis perspective, - is always an operator
19:47.53Corrodiasmeh, i haven't taken a compiler course, and i don't intend to. never mind.
19:48.08Adrine-1.0 just means 0 - 1.0
19:48.14Irielit's actually the parser that decides if it's unary negation or binary subtraction
19:48.35krkaso i need a parser too? :(
19:48.44Corrodiasb-1 is not the same as =-1
19:48.51Irielso a = -1.0 -> name(a) oper(=) oper(-) number(1.0)
19:48.52krkaonly relevant if people want different colors for subtraction and numbers i suppose
19:49.10krkascrew them!
19:49.11Iriela = b - 1.0 -> name(a) oper(=) name(b) oper(-) number(1.0)
19:49.13krkait's an operator
19:49.40krkahmm... i suppose i could just remember the previous token
19:49.47krkaif the previous token is an identifier or a number...
19:49.50IrielJust apply some basic logic to the previous token
19:49.55krkaerr... scratch that
19:50.04krkaif the previous token is anything except an operator
19:50.17krkano wait... *ponder*
19:50.28Irielif the previous token is = - + / * , ( { then it's unary -
19:50.36Irieloh [ also
19:50.49Corrodiasor nothing!
19:50.57Irielwell, the or nothing is tricky
19:51.00krkano, not nothing
19:51.04krkathat's not valid Lua
19:51.05id`krka: how uncool, every time i make a new frame even though I nil out the table it makes a new one...
19:51.07Iriel-1 isn't allowed
19:51.16Corrodiasit's not? fiddlesticks
19:51.38krkawhat do you mean id` ?
19:51.43Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, you can do that in java and C... not that it would -do- anything, but i like to be able to do useless things
19:52.05krkayes, but java and c use ;
19:52.18Maldiviaid: you can't destroy a frame, once it's created
19:52.27krkasince lua doesn't require ; (for most situations anyway!) it must instead impose other limitations
19:52.54Ktronwoah, I just discovered color codes
19:53.00Josh_Borkelua requires ;?
19:53.04krkame too :)
19:53.06MiravlixKtron, Don't tell anyone!
19:53.06krkano it doesn't Josh_Borke
19:53.23MiravlixI really don't wanna see rainbow addons
19:53.56krkai will just be lazy and always assume - is an operator
19:55.04krkaany way to convert from character -> ascii code in lua?
19:55.05AdrineWho was it that was having disconnection issues a few days ago?
19:55.12krkaoops, scratch that
19:55.16krkathat's string.byte
19:55.17Iriel- IS always an operator
19:55.21IrielThe question is, WHICH operator is it 8-)
19:55.22krkai mean other way around
19:55.34krkano, it can also be part of a number
19:55.58zenzelezzit's it just a unary operator when applied to a number?
19:55.59Iriel*NO* it cannot
19:56.06Maldiviait's still an operator, even if in situations like i = -1
19:56.09IrielWhat zenzelezz  said.
19:56.21Iriel-10 is a unary operator plus a number
19:56.25Iriel(When viewed lexically)
19:56.31Miravlix[21:57] <Ktron> Miravlix
19:56.46KtronIt was a rainbow just for you
19:56.56MiravlixI see no colors
19:57.00krkalexically yes
19:57.08krkathe code generator may decide it's part of a number
19:57.20IrielThe code generator can optimize the pair into a single value load, yes
19:57.41MiravlixI suddently appriciate my irc client a lot more, it hide color spam
19:57.58*** join/#wowi-lounge __B (i=isis@
19:58.03krkahm... probably a good idea to store whitespace as a token... since i want to reproduce the whitespace
19:58.07IrielBut as far as the language is concerned, it's still an operator plus a number 8-)
19:58.18krkaalso a good idea to have a special token for the current cursor
19:58.21krkaso i can keep that too
19:58.22Irielkrka: How do you handle comments?
19:58.30id`Just playing with the idea, dont hit me with the poopoo stick:
19:58.32Irielkrka: (I do them as a degenerate form of whitespace)
19:58.48krkawell, my current version only handles short comments
19:58.50krkawhich is easy
19:59.12krkathis won't be a pure lexer btw
19:59.17Irielid` you dont need to maintain self.created separately
19:59.19krkacomments will have to be handled seperately
19:59.23krkaand strings
19:59.25Irielid` just see if .frame is nil
19:59.35id`Iriel: right
19:59.41krkascan for --[[, then start counting ]] and [[ until you reach level 0
19:59.47krkareturn all that as a comment-token
19:59.51Josh_Borkeid unit frames?
19:59.53krkathat's the plan anyway
20:00.00Irielpublic final class CommentToken implements SpaceToken {
20:00.08Maldivialua supports nested multiline comments?
20:00.08id`Josh_Borke: maybe ^^
20:00.13IrielThat's where it is in my code 8-)
20:00.14krkayes Maldivia
20:00.18id`Josh_Borke: im annoyed by all other unit frame addons
20:00.37Josh_Borke"if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself"
20:00.47krkaanyone of you maintain an ingame lua editor?
20:00.49Ktronkrka, I don't suppose you could send me the link to indent.lua again
20:00.50krkain any form
20:00.55krkasure could!
20:01.11MiravlixJosh: Thats just wrong.
20:01.16Kirovkrka - I or Tain would probably modify TinyPad
20:01.16id`i wanna make that, basically
20:01.38Josh_Borkethe one in the middle?
20:01.45Ktronkrka, thanks a bunch :)
20:02.02krkathat version doesn't handle the caret in any way though :(
20:02.34Josh_Borkeid`: you could do most of that with current frames, no?  except the fading of the health (which is nifty)
20:03.41krkaam i the only one who hates fading and wants everything to show correct data all the time? :)
20:03.49id`i like fading
20:03.57id`color transition
20:04.04krkathough that can be useful information i suppose
20:04.18id`green to yellow to red for hp, blue to grey to red for mana
20:04.25Kirovkrka - I like it, but only if the correct information is displayed at the same time.
20:05.55KirovThe StatRing (or, usually Nurfed Hud) variants that do fading I think look nice, but I always wanted to add a second bar or marker showing the actual bar limit.
20:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
20:07.11id`Kirov: outlines...
20:07.23id`or a background
20:08.06Kirovid - background was what I was attempting
20:08.21Kirovoutline would be difficult
20:08.54Kirovthis is Iriel's circle drawing
20:09.04Kirovnot straight bars
20:09.26id`does it actually draw a circle?
20:09.52Kirovcairenn - do you have that link to the 50 billion stat ring mods?
20:11.34Kirovid - scroll down to StatRings, as well as most of the ones below it based on Nurfed
20:13.06MiravlixWe have users that for some reason get a savedvariables.lua file saved with a 0x00 as last char in the file
20:13.11MiravlixInstead of the normal 0x0d
20:13.27MiravlixHow would an addon cause WoW to save differently?
20:14.09KirovTurboStatus and DHud are straight bars that are textured to look like a curved section, but the cut offs will always be straight.   Nurfed (based off of StatRings) goes a step further to actually make the slice of the ring be the correct angle.
20:14.11MiravlixIt's several users of this addon that gets the problem of the file ending being different
20:14.23MiravlixAnd this crashes wow when it tries to save to the file
20:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:16.22krkaanyone want to take a look at my tokenizer-thingy?
20:16.29krkasee if the general strategy seems ok before i write more on it
20:16.47Corrodiasmostly because i would be no help
20:17.10Maldiviahmm, Font objects are a bit weird, when it comes to the xml
20:17.26Josh_BorkeKirov: nurfed has been changed to be based off of turbostatus i'm pretty sure
20:17.48KirovJosh - the main nurfed is, yes, the beta is statrings
20:18.09KirovNot sure if Tolv is going to proceed with the statrings version though.
20:18.13krkaoh crap... the lua highlighting on pastebin is bad
20:18.34krkai'll fix it
20:19.12Irielmsg /kirov that is "my own" not "my worn" ?
20:19.26IrielWhat IS it with my typing abilities today
20:19.41krkaIriel, take a look at that
20:19.49krkai bet you'd have lots of comments :)
20:20.15*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
20:21.27krkanote to self, have to return the token type too
20:22.06Irielkrka; use string.byte to get your byte values for the special symbols
20:22.13Irielkrka: Hardcoding is doing nobody any favors 8-)
20:22.24krkaoptimizing! ;)
20:22.36Iriellocal SINGLE_QUOTE = string.byte("'")
20:22.41Irielwould make the rest much more reasonable
20:22.56krkabut LOADK is faster than GETUPVAL
20:23.23krkabut yeah, good point
20:23.45krkascanning the string with string.byte is still a good idea, right?
20:24.14krkaand avoiding creating temporary string, storing the tokens in a table isntead
20:24.19IrielI think so, yes
20:24.59MiravlixHmm, more investigations and I'm in really wild wild guess land.
20:25.15MiravlixWe have a SavedVariables: variable thats then only referanced as a local
20:25.17krkai was wondering if the divide-parsing into functions is good
20:25.41IrielMiravlix : Do you have any binary data in your addon's strings?
20:25.42MiravlixMaybe WoW is somehow trying to save the variable, but since it's local messes up
20:25.48krkapersonally i think it is readable and efficient enough
20:25.52IrielMiravlix : No, if it's local it wouldn't find it
20:26.38MiravlixDepends on where in the environment the UI is when it process the /camp
20:26.54MiravlixIf it doesn't propperly reset itself out of where lua is currently
20:27.01IrielThere's only one global environment
20:27.02MiravlixThen we have a very interesting bug
20:27.05Iriellocals exist in no environment
20:27.22MiravlixYeah, there is no local values at all in lua
20:27.23IrielThough of course a local name and a global name can both reference the same object
20:27.25MiravlixWhat was I thinking
20:28.03MiravlixWhen your inside the scope of a local variable it exist
20:28.15MiravlixIn the current environment
20:28.41Miravlixif I referance ThisVariable I get the local version of it
20:28.51Miravlixno matter if the global environment has a different version
20:29.45Maldiviahmm, if a FontString inherits a Font object, is later changes on the Font object then reflected on that fonstring ?
20:29.59KirovMaldivia - it appears to
20:30.05KirovUnlike every other frame in the game
20:30.23KirovI seem to remember that coming up in a discussion
20:30.39Kirovloading any addon that reloads font.xml would clear all font mods
20:30.54IrielMaldivia : That's the idea of Font Objects
20:30.55MaldiviaKirov: well, that's how I remember it.. but it doesn't seem to happen here, or I'm doing something wrong :)
20:31.04IrielMaldivia : UNLESS You set a property on the FontString later
20:31.15IrielMaldivia : The overridden property wont be inherited then (but others will)
20:31.21Maldiviafont objects are weird... they have virtual="true" in the xml, but are still actual object in the LUA inviroment
20:31.35krkaany whitespace except 32 and 9 i need to consider?
20:31.41IrielYeah, I had to rework huge swaths of my XML parser to make them work right now
20:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
20:32.11MiravlixBut it doesn't really matter wtf Blizzards code messes up
20:32.14Kirovkrka - that can actually be entered in to editboxes manually? no
20:32.32krkaand editboxes uses linux style linebreaks right?
20:32.35KirovAssuming english keyboards
20:32.35MiravlixThe bottom line is having a variable thats only referanced local in SavedVariables: is bad and produces a bug
20:32.40krkajust \n, no \r\n stuff?
20:32.47IrielMiravlix : That's not your problem
20:32.53Kirovkrka - correct, though tooltips use \r
20:33.03IrielMiravlix : Possibly ":Having a variable that doesn't exist in your SavedVariables produces a bug"
20:33.14Kirovactually, tooltips use both \r and \n
20:33.17Kirovreally annoying
20:33.19MiravlixWe all have had non existing ones
20:33.25MiravlixAnd thats never bugged anyone
20:33.39IrielThere is **NO POSSIBLE WAY** that having a local variable the same name as your saved variable is interfering
20:33.46MiravlixHaving one that exist as a local in the addon bugs the saver
20:34.07IrielThe saver DOES NOT KNOW IT EXISTS
20:34.07MiravlixSo you coded the Blizzard saver?
20:34.15IrielNo, but I know the lua source code
20:34.20krkacompiled local variables hace no name
20:34.38krkalocals only have name in the source code
20:35.11krkaunless blizzard rewrote the compiler O_o
20:35.12ckknightIriel is definitely right
20:35.24krkawas there ever any doubt? :)
20:35.47MiravlixThis bug only happends if you only referance a saved variables as a local
20:35.57ckknightwhat bug?
20:36.00MiravlixIt doesn't happend if you never referance the global
20:36.03IrielProduce a minimal test case then, so we can reproduce it
20:36.14KtronTain, btw, you are the man!
20:36.30MiravlixI can't
20:36.53MiravlixBecause there is another element involved, like lua execution path being in the file with the local or something
20:37.06cladhaireThat makes no sense at all
20:37.16cladhaireThat's not how the scoping in LUA works AT all
20:37.16IrielI think you're inventing a far more complex system than actually exists
20:37.29IrielDo the people with the problem run on say, macs?
20:37.30MiravlixThe bug is rare
20:37.55MiravlixSavedVariables.lua ends with a 0x00 instead of a 0x0d
20:38.00KirovOnly on macs, with intel processors, on tuesdays, when near a trashcan.
20:38.00krkarare, not even epic? then i don't want it
20:38.02wereHamsterIriel, the bug that caused WoW to crash was indeed in wine, but the bug has nothing to do (at least not directly) with the invalid lua character sequence. WoW calls vsnprintf with format "%2.7f" and a 300 digit float number, but wine has internally only a 40character buffer for floats => sprintf() wrote beyond the end of the buffer and corrupted something. I can't imagine how the invalid lua string could lead to that :
20:38.10MiravlixWhen it ends with a 0x00 WOW crashes when you save to the file
20:38.39MiravlixNow why does SocialNotes make wow create a savedvariables.lua with 0x00 instead of 0x0d?
20:39.08MiravlixIt's saved variables contain at the end a variable thats been converted to a local at some point
20:39.31MiravlixResulting in there never being a global version of it.
20:39.58MiravlixWe all have a million variables thats never intitialized to a value and it doesn't bug our savedvariables
20:40.06krka"been converted to local"?
20:40.20MiravlixYeah someone put local <variable> in the lua code
20:40.23krkaonly its value/reference can be copied to a local
20:40.42Miravlixbecause they didn't want to save it or whatever
20:41.17cladhaireso you're saying someone edited the file, and then added local Variablename at the end?
20:41.36Miravlix## SavedVariables: COS_SSM, COS_SN, SocialNotes, SocialNotesEditor_SelectedEntry
20:41.50IrielwereHamster : Hm, there's no such thing as a '300 digit float number', really.. I mean, it's a standard IEEE float, so it's X bits long. That sounds like a bug in wine's vsprintf implementation.
20:41.57Beladonawhat does that have to do with a local var
20:42.08Corrodiasone of those no longer exists globally
20:42.14Corrodiasit's "local" in the script. i think that's what he's saying
20:42.27Miravlixlocal SocialNotesEditor_SelectedEntry = 0;
20:42.36IrielSo it WAS in the global environment but got nilled out?
20:42.50krkamaybe it never got set
20:42.52Maldiviahmm, when are changes done to a font object applied to fontstrings that inherits from that object ?
20:42.55krkathus being nil
20:42.58MiravlixWell, I have to go check all revisions
20:42.58Corrodiasso the variable exists at some point, and the game think it's supposed to be saved as a savedvariable, but since it's local, it doesn't exist globally
20:43.06Miravlixto figure out if it was EVER a global variable
20:43.07IrielYou do have to get it straight that there is no relationship whatsoever between a local variable called 'ABC' and a global called 'ABC'
20:43.14MiravlixBut atleast it has't been a global for years
20:43.26MiravlixErr, months
20:43.32Beladonawhich means they didn't update the toc file
20:44.25IrielCould it in fact be that wow is crashing while it's saving a entry in the file, and so doesn't get around to writing the terminating 0x0d?
20:44.31MiravlixIt shouldn't really matter having an unused variable in the toc, it hasn't mattered for years for all of us
20:44.35KirovMiravlix - to back up a bit, how do you know the file is ending in 0x00 instead of 0x0d
20:44.50Beladonadidn't say it mattered
20:44.52KirovFrom a file they sent you?
20:44.53MiravlixI view the savedvariables.lua file
20:44.56Beladonait DOES however matter to me
20:44.59Iriel(The 0x00 is still a bit odd, in that case). Does the rest of the file contain complete tables
20:45.10BeladonaI am too anal about my files to let something like that happen
20:45.24Irieli.e. if you remove the 0x00 at the end is it syntactically valid?
20:45.28MiravlixYes, savedvariables contain 3 tables for the other variables I posted
20:45.45MiravlixThe correct way ALL savedvariables.lua files ends is with 0x0d
20:45.57wereHamsterIriel, float it I think 54bit, but it can hold a 300digit number...
20:46.43wereHamsterlike int can hold something around 2'000'000 (that would be a 7digit number)
20:47.05MiravlixSavedVariables.lua use 0x0d 0x0a to end lines
20:47.07Corrodias2 billion, not 2 million
20:47.08Miravlix0x0d to end file
20:47.11MaldiviawereHamster: float is normally 32 bit, and double is 64 bit
20:47.21BeladonaI am confused. So is WOW writing the 0x00 and then crashing, or was the 0x00 introduced via third party edit and then it caused wow to crash
20:47.35Maldivia32 bit unsigned int: 0 to 4,294,967,295
20:47.39MiravlixOnly WoW has edited the savedvariables.lua
20:47.54IrielwereHamster : Ah, I know what you mean now
20:47.56MiravlixIt doesn't crash on saving it in the first place or it wouldn't save it
20:48.07MiravlixBut it crash when trying to save to the file a second time
20:48.09IrielwereHamster : N x 10^300
20:48.34Beladonaand you have isolated it to that one mod?
20:48.37IrielMiravlix : Did you capture the error they get when it crashes?
20:49.01IrielMiravlix : Because to me it sounds like the saver is crashing and that causes the file to be unterminated (or oddly terminated), rather than the 0x00 being the CAUSE
20:49.35Beladonathat would be my assumption as well, which indicates the error originates elsewhere
20:49.46krka0x00 would be evenly terminated
20:49.53krka0x0d would be oddly terminated
20:49.57Miravlixthe good old "The instruction at "0x006E5217" referenced memory at "0x302F3440". The memory could not be "read".
20:50.31TainI was having a problem a while back where I'd crash on save, it would only partially save the file.  I was never able to reliably reproduce it after a bit though.
20:50.38BeladonaMiravlix: have you tried running a pristine wow with no addons, but with that SavedVariable file to see if it still exits?
20:50.41MiravlixIt's reading beyond the end of the file? Can't really read Windows GPF reports
20:50.59krkainstruction at 0x006E5217? that doesn't seem properly aligned at all
20:51.04krkabut perhaps that's not required
20:52.08Ktroncan you change a particular character in a string in LUA? like if I had str = "abade", can I do something like str[2]="c"?
20:52.08*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
20:52.09cladhairestrings are immutable in luya
20:52.09cladhaireso no.
20:52.09krkaKtron, you have to do string.sub twice and then concatenate
20:52.09MiravlixKtron: gsub?
20:52.09KirovBelodona - Miravlix can't reproduce the issue at all.
20:52.09cladhaireany operation on a string makes a new string.
20:52.14krkathis bug happened only once Miravlix?
20:52.15Ktronalright, so string.subbing twice and concatenating is the only real way
20:52.20MiravlixI'm investigating a users report of an issue
20:52.24Miravlixnotice users
20:52.28MiravlixIt's not just one person
20:52.40krkai see
20:52.53krkaand this addon is the only one they have in common?
20:53.05IrielThe problem could be that it's trying to save something that can't be written out
20:53.21Corrodiaslet's see.. trying to read from an incorrect place in memory could happen a few ways. can it happen by memory-mapping a file and reading past the end?
20:53.29IrielSo you'll never ever see the cause in-game, you'd need to /dump (or equivalent) the variable that breaks it before you save
20:53.36Ktronand is there a way to enter multiline strings into lua besides \n?
20:53.46Ktronlike, HTDOC if anyone is familiar with that
20:53.50Beladonamight it also be a combination of that mod and another?
20:53.51cladhaireKtron: Yes, you can use [[ ]] long strings
20:53.53Maldiviausing the [[long string]] ?
20:53.56Beladonacausing a conflict?
20:54.02krkaor \ at the end
20:54.13Ktronso var = [[long string and stuff]]
20:54.13cladhairekrka: Thats a fun one.. it bit me in the ass once =)
20:54.16IrielWe used to be able to crash it with all manner of strangeness, last time I checked slouken had fixed all of the currently known crash bugs
20:54.36KtronAnd you can still use escaped characters in [[ ]] right?
20:54.37Beladonathat one is hard to track down, expecially if it cann't be reproduced
20:54.38krkamyString = "line1\        <new line>  line2\        <new line> \line3"
20:54.43Maldiviakrka: escaping the newline can really bite you in the ass, since windows has 2 newline chars :)
20:54.52BeladonaI would be inclined to reproduce their environment, right down to all addons
20:55.02Beladonamaybe even have them send me their addons, and saved cars
20:55.49Ktronis myString = [[line\nline\nline\nline\[1\]]] valid lua?
20:56.12krkacan't escape in that format
20:56.33krkathe first ]] ends the string
20:56.34Ktronthanks everyone
20:57.00Maldiviayou can't escape in a [[ ]] string
20:57.21Maldivia[[\n]] is the string \n - not newline
20:57.50krkayou can escape in [["asdasd"]] though
20:58.00KtronThat's what I was trying to figure out... wait, what?
20:58.06krkano wait
20:58.07krkayou cant
20:58.09krkanever mind me
20:58.11KtronI didn't think so
20:58.14Maldivia[["\n"]] 0s the string "\n"
20:58.15krkai am just being stupid as usual
20:58.50Ktronkrka, I'm working on a ktron-improved krka-formatter
20:59.04krkame too :)
20:59.13krkaexcept it's a krka-improved krka-formatte
20:59.21Ktronwhich part are you working on?
20:59.35Maldiviabut anyone know, when the changes done to a font object are applied to fontstring that "links" to the font object ?
20:59.51IrielWhen you make the change
20:59.53krkasplitting "if (x) then" into if, (, x, ), then
20:59.57krkaplus all the whitespace
21:00.05MaldiviaIriel: that's the problem, it's not here :)
21:00.10KtronSo, if I'm working with strings, it make sense to subdivide them, because I imagine more smaller string.subs are way faster than a less big ones
21:00.16IrielMaldivia : Unless you've overrideen the property on the FontString explicitly
21:00.30IrielMaldivia : Hm, I wonder if slouken did some kind of optimization I dont know about 8-(
21:00.35krkanot sure i follow Ktron
21:00.51MaldiviaIriel: I have a simple <Fontstring inherits="..."><anchors and size></fontstring>
21:00.54krkai would say the fewer subs the faster
21:00.54MiravlixHmm, doesn't seem like 0x00 instead of 0x0d crashes wow, so I'm going to assume the 0x00 entry is created because of the crash and not being at fault for the crash.
21:01.08Maldiviabut fontstring:GetFontObject():SetShadowColor(...) changes nothing
21:01.10IrielMiravlix : That would be my guess too, based on previous SV crashes
21:01.23KtronI'm going to guess that making, for example, lua code that replaces/inserts characters into the whole code block is a worse idea than inserting things into each line of the block, and putting the lines together at the end
21:01.26MiravlixAnyone using Mac and can hexedit a savedvariables. and try?
21:01.29IrielMiravlix : I have a BreakSV addon that has a number of formerly-known crash tests
21:01.40KtronJust wondering if that sounds sound or not
21:01.42krkaprobably something like this: catch (Exception e) {  /* Write a 0x00 and then stop working */ out.print(0x00) }
21:01.43IrielMaldivia : Do you have a shadow offset set?
21:02.00Miravlixkrka: No, it's in C
21:02.01MaldiviaIriel: on the font object, yes
21:02.10MiravlixSo it's perfectly natural for a file handle to end like that
21:02.12krkaKtron, yeah that makes sense i guess :)
21:02.16MaldiviaIriel: let me try to make a simple test addon :)
21:02.26MaldiviaIriel: see if it's just my code :)
21:02.33MiravlixIt's not normal for files to end with 0x0d thats done by the savedvariables handler
21:02.52IrielMaldivia : Dont forget that there's an alpha value
21:02.59MaldiviaI know
21:03.26Maldiviahave a shadow and color specified on the font object (specified to black), tried to change it to red, nothing happened, tried changing the offset, nothing happened
21:03.29krkatime for me to sleep
21:03.36krkawill work some more on my tokenizer tomorrow
21:03.57Beladonahomeward, enjoy!
21:04.31Cairennlater Beladona :)
21:04.38MiravlixSo WoW.exe is crashing while trying to write to SocialNotes.lua
21:04.57Josh_Borkeok, bye all
21:04.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
21:05.34MiravlixIt writes out SocialNotes table to the file perfectly
21:05.41Miravlixterminates it with }
21:06.04Miravlixthen it tries to work on SocialNotesEditor_SelectedEntry
21:06.13MiravlixThat only exist as a local
21:06.26IrielOk.. here's some things that 1.10 broke initially
21:06.33IrielIn case you want to see if they're still broken
21:06.34krkawhich means, SocialNotesEditor_SelectedEntry = nil
21:06.36Iriel2. Infinite value keys : BreakSVInfKey() - BROKEN
21:06.39Iriel3. Table-as-key : BreakSVTableKey() - BROKEN
21:06.51Iriel8. Transient global function-as-key: BreakSVTempGlobalFunctionKey() - BROKEN
21:06.54Iriel10. Userdata-as-key: BreakSVUserdataKey() - BROKEN
21:07.01MiravlixCopy of ppls SocialNotes.lua show that they don't have SocialNotes in the saved variables, so it's none existing
21:07.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
21:08.13IrielI've uploaded to if anyone wants to test them
21:08.36Ktronthere's no string equivalent to io.lines, right?
21:08.56MiravlixNow my problem is that my system has never caused a crash at the time of saving savedvariables
21:08.56MaldiviaIriel: ok, the problem is (it seems), that shadow changes aren't reflected... SetTextColor works fine
21:09.05IrielKtron : gfind
21:09.05MiravlixSo I've nothing more to work on.
21:09.45IrielMiravlix : Install that addon, and run the tests, see if you can get a crash?
21:09.58IrielMiravlix : I'd re-run them myself but i'm at work
21:10.08IrielMiravlix : Slouken was _supposed_ to have fixed them all 8-)
21:10.51MiravlixDoes any of your breakSV examples
21:11.00MiravlixMake WoW crash on reload/logout?
21:11.04IrielAll of them do
21:11.11MaldiviaIriel: shadow isn't updated, until SetFont is called
21:11.12IrielWell, actually not all, many
21:11.24IrielMaldivia : That's annoying, sounds like a bug!
21:11.24krkaKtron, search for the first \n and split it
21:11.39MaldiviaIriel: it's very annoying :)
21:11.48Ktronkrka, you wrote a function which just split it into strings on \n's?
21:11.56Ktronkrka, that works
21:12.04krkano not really, i just kept the original string
21:12.08krkaand wrote to a result-string
21:12.08IrielMiravlix : A table with a table as a key was the last crash bug in 1.10
21:12.12krkabut i did search for \n
21:12.17Ktronyeah, that makes sense
21:12.26krkadidn't see any need to modify the original at all
21:12.44Ktronand you just remembered an indent to start at for each search then
21:12.58krkathe code is right there :P
21:13.00Irielstring.gfind will behave like io.lines for the correct input
21:13.05krkaa bit cryptic, i admit
21:13.06IrielIn case anyone missed that 8-)
21:13.11MaldiviaIriel: it means, that to change shadow on runtime, you have to severe the link to the font object-chain
21:13.37krkayeah iriel, that could be usefl
21:13.47krkaiterator functions are garbage though :P
21:14.00MiravlixThats each table entry
21:14.05KtronIriel, I caught that:)
21:14.17MiravlixBut it crashes after writing that table
21:14.20krkaalso it's a pattern search
21:14.22Irielkrka: io.lines returns an iterator function
21:14.33krkastring.find(string, "\n", pos, 1) should be faster
21:14.38IrielMiravlix : All it would take is an accidental table-as-key
21:14.53IrielMiravlix : You wouldn't SEE the broken part, becuase it's still in buffer when the client crashes, so doesn't end up on disk
21:14.57MiravlixBut it crashes AFTER writing it
21:15.01krkaah yes, should be equivalent to io.lines, true
21:15.08IrielMiravlix : It crashes DURING the next thing
21:15.14MiravlixIt writes } the ending of the saved variables
21:15.26Miravlixif things was normal it would just put a 0x0d and be done
21:15.29IrielIt writes the end of one variable, it could be starting on the next
21:15.40IrielMiravlix : Oh, another question to ask, does your table have a metatable?
21:15.41Miravlixbut instead the file contains a 0x00 and WoW GPF's
21:16.03MiravlixMy problem is that I have no tables, no nothing
21:16.13MiravlixWe are trying to save a non existing global
21:16.26Miravlixthats not a table when it's used as a local
21:16.39IrielMiravlix : I'm talking about the one that DOES get written out
21:16.56MiravlixNo meta or anything in those
21:17.18krkaok, now i am gone :)
21:17.49IrielOk, good to get that out of the way then, that SHOULDNT matter becuse the serializer should be using raw table operations, but it was worth checking since the serializer does edit your table during write-out
21:17.52Ktroncatch you later kremonte
21:18.08KtronI'll let you know how my ventures go
21:18.34MiravlixThats the savedvariables file
21:19.16IrielMy guess is that either somehow SocialNotesEditor_SelectedEntry found a value, or, that the problem is in the next file
21:20.00MiravlixWell, several userS have manage to create the same problem
21:20.09Miravlixand for all the fix was erasing socialnotes.lua
21:21.56MiravlixA version with more data is in that thread
21:23.40Miravlix1) Toggling this mod (and only this mod) on and off would always reproduce either a stable exit or an unstable exit.
21:23.40Miravlix2) After removing the saved settings file for this mod stability was returned with the mod enabled.
21:26.18IrielMiravlix : Ahh.. could it be that you're ending up with a HUGE string?
21:26.28IrielMiravlix : There are some limits to how large a single string wow will serialize
21:27.54IrielMiravlix : Though I still can't see why it'd write it out okay and THEN crash
21:29.04Ktroncolor codes end at end of lines, right?
21:29.52Ktronkrka, that's convienent
21:31.21IrielMiravlix : I assume you can't reproduce the problem even using their SavedVariables files?
21:31.47MiravlixI only have a forum copy of it
21:32.17krkanot sure how much work you should do on this Ktron, since i am also working on it
21:32.31IrielBut using the forum copy
21:32.35Maldiviahmm, what does Font:SetSpacing do... ie what is font spacing ?
21:32.42krkaexactly what are you trying to add btw?
21:32.54IrielI'd imagine it's inter-letter or inter-line spacing, not sure which
21:33.08Maldiviawell, nothing happens if I change it
21:33.31IrielMaldivia : Try changing it on a FontString?
21:33.50Maldiviayep, tried on a font string, tried on a font - nothing
21:33.53Ktronat the moment, I'm more or less just trying to make my own, very similiar version-- the first goal being support for multiline comments/strings, but krka, if I code this and its useless that's fine with me, it'll at least mean I successfully coded something
21:33.55Maldivianow I'm trying to specify on load :)
21:33.58IrielMaldivia : You might have to do a subsequent SetText
21:33.59Ktronbesides 'hellClock'
21:34.32krkathat's cool Ktron :)
21:34.57MaldiviaIriel: hmm, yeah - I'll try that ,as soon as I've regained control of this computer :)
21:35.18KtronBut we'll see, maybe I'll get something useful... I know I asked before what you meant by tokenizing, I'm not sure if I caught your explanation if it meandered into the channel
21:35.23MiravlixNote to self: Don't edit savedvariables while WoW is running
21:35.42Maldiviayou don't like loosing your changes ? :)
21:36.19krkai'd love to see what you have if you get it to work though
21:37.30Ktronkrka, I plan to share it heh
21:37.43MiravlixAnd no having his SavedVariables.lua on my system doesn't make my system crash
21:38.01Ktronstring.gsub(str," +"," ") change 2 or more spaces into 1 space, like I think it should?
21:38.17MiravlixHmm, but maybe I had a bugged savedvariables.lua
21:38.31MiravlixWoot for spam on load addons so you miss all the errors
21:38.43CideKtron: yeah, that works fine
21:38.52Ktronthanks Cide
21:39.02CairennMiravlix: woot for StopTheSpam!
21:43.43MiravlixThat would remove the spam from my debug addons that I want tos ee. :)
21:45.48MiravlixError: WTF\Account\MIRAVLIX\SavedVariables\SocialMods.lua:29: unfinished string near `"Unknown Entity joined party on:  04/10/06 21:02:15.
21:47.07MiravlixI can't seem to copy a forum posted savedvariables.lua file into a file
21:47.12Miravlixand have it work
21:49.37MiravlixSlouken use \0x0a
21:49.58MiravlixAnd only 0x0a + \ is a legal way to make a cointinued line
21:50.27MiravlixSo can't re-create the lua file proppwerly
21:52.13MiravlixI hate text files with binary significance
21:52.30MiravlixDefeats the purpose of making them text in the first place
21:53.09IrielThey're text files to me, with an irritating 0x0d at the end 8-)
21:53.57krkahaha: "and also includes the word Hack, which is *never* good."
21:54.00krkagreat thread
21:55.07Kirovkrka - weren't you going to sleep?
21:55.30krkayeah, but i keep coming back :(
21:55.35krkaTem, you use eclipse to code lua?
21:55.43krkai am intrigued!
21:56.12Miravlix-- Spam the user with another addon loaded message.
21:56.12MiravlixDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Malreth's StopTheSpam Loaded!")
21:56.24MiravlixWhy don't I trust a spam remove addon that spams?
21:56.30Ktrondoes (nil < 10) return true or false?
21:56.48IrielOh, sorry
21:56.51Irielstdin:1: attempt to compare nil with number
21:56.56IrielI read nil as a variable name 8-)
21:57.19Ktronalright... so I need to check whether a variable is nil before I can compare it to somethign else
21:57.21Miravlixdevide by zero!
21:57.39Miravlixif var and var < 10 then
21:57.50IrielWe're mostly immune to divide by zero
21:58.52CairennMiravlix: it doesn't put anything at all when you log in
21:59.08MiravlixHmm, I guess it censors itself
21:59.22CairennMiravlix: just gets rid of pages worth of "enabled" messages :p
21:59.37CairennI can't stand to play without it now
21:59.38id`Cairenn: i have 2 idChat updates in the queue :-)
21:59.50Cairennno, you have 1
22:00.00Cairennand now you have noen
22:00.04id`i _just_ submitted the second :>
22:00.16Cairennthe first had already been approved :p
22:00.18MiravlixDoes it eat errors?
22:00.27id`Cairenn: fast >_o
22:00.28CairennMiravlix: shouldn't
22:00.38krkaok, now i sleep again!
22:00.43MiravlixWhat about a propperly handled error getting printed?
22:00.46Cairennid`: *shrug*
22:00.53CairennMiravlix: I don't know, try it and find out"We have a problem huston, we can't initialize")
22:01.12id`Cairenn: :)
22:01.36id`Cairenn: what happens to a patch for an addon when the addon is updated to include the patch? can i remove the patch?
22:01.46Cairennid`: yup
22:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
22:03.50IrielHey Qz.
22:03.51QzotTem: You there?
22:03.57QzotHey, Iriel.
22:04.18Cairennyo Qzot
22:04.21AdrineHeh, looks like fun in the raid forums.
22:04.33AdrineDnT is going nutso over C'Thun and someone is ninja-deleting threads that reference it.
22:05.07AdrineThat one, yes. :)
22:05.50KirovHe's taking a nice jab at those two by making a post entirely composed of their own words about eq
22:06.08MiravlixWhat a looser
22:06.28AdrineHeh, indeed Kirov.
22:06.55AdrineMiravlix: Read the links at the bottom. He's just re-worded posts that Tigole and Furor made regarding EQ content.
22:07.03AdrineBasically turning their own words around on them.
22:07.10TemQzot: yeah.  Need something?
22:07.28MiravlixClosed my browser after the first 2 lines of the post
22:07.35MiravlixWasn't worth my energy to read anything more
22:07.36QzotWas just pasting it.
22:07.59Qzot   <-- Can't figure out why the check box isn't displaying.
22:08.00KirovMiravlix - that was kind of the reason for the post
22:08.04id`Cairenn: I cant delete the patch, what if users download the patch? (wich is then the whole addon but not the latest)
22:08.07QzotThis is an early work-in-progress.
22:08.29KirovMiravlix - that's not the poster's words, it's Forur's
22:08.47Cairennid`: pm me with a link to that which you want removed
22:09.08MiravlixI think, my life is better off not reading any of that drivel no matter what idiot wrote it or whatever
22:09.33KirovMiravlix - Furor being one of Blizzard's designers
22:10.27TemQzot: because the Checkbox has to textures set?
22:10.38MiravlixSo one of Blizzards designers wrote fuck fukc fuck and fuck some more?
22:10.40Cairennumm, wow, what is he on about?
22:11.03Cairennthe new guy I mean, not the old stuff from Furor and Tigole
22:11.18TemQzot: oh hmm maybe not
22:11.20KirovCairenn - C'Thun
22:11.45KirovC'Thun, according to the top guilds, is currently unbeatable by any means.
22:11.48CairennI was high end EQ at the same time as they were, so I knew exactly what they were talking about ... but I'm not high end WoW, so I've no idea what the problem is .... yes, I read "C'Thun", but it doesn't explain what the problem is
22:11.50QzotTem: But you're basically suspecting that some required config call is missing.
22:11.57Cairennthank you
22:12.13QzotUI programming hates me.
22:12.19Maldiviahmm, the limitations of Font objects are starting to bug me :)
22:12.39KirovC'Thun in 1.9 had a bug where spawned mobs that were only supposed to appear one at a time were spawning in multiples
22:12.54KirovAnd in 1.10 they now spawn in places they're not supposed to spawn on top of spawning multiples
22:12.56AdrinePretty much every uberguild out there is utterly convinced that CThun is impossible and the only thing that the raid designers have said is "Your strats are wrong"
22:13.04QzotAnyone have working code that dynamically generates a CheckButton? Otherwise, I'll paw through some xml and try to guess what's minimal.
22:13.35KirovQzot - haven't played with CreateFrame much, sorry
22:13.35TemQzot: I'm fairly positive you don't need to set the checkbutton's frame level
22:13.39MaldiviaKirov: it's limiting progress, so they can get the new raid instance out, before world first :)
22:13.58KirovMaldivia - I know.
22:13.58TemQzot: yeah, you are definately missing textures on your check button
22:14.00QzotThat was a earlier stab.
22:14.02zeegCairenn, how much do you know about the Elekk? ;)
22:14.21KirovMaldivia - I mean, it actually is that.
22:14.32KirovThe guilds who got past the door in BWL found that out quickly.
22:14.38TemQzot: so it's there, but doesn't have any visible parts so you don't think it's there
22:14.56KirovThe encounters past Razorgore in BWL were unfinished to the point of being beaten instantly
22:14.56TemQzot: add at minimum a SetNormalTexture call
22:15.00Cairennzeeg: ?
22:15.33TemQzot: but you will most likely want to set a normaltexture, pushedtexture, disabledtexture, highlighttexture and checktexture
22:15.35AdrineIt's pretty crappy of them to release a cockblock encounter to buy themselves more time.
22:15.56MiravlixAnd yes it eats everything in chat
22:16.06QzotTem: Is there any dynamic equivalent to 'inherits=' ...?
22:16.06MiravlixWay too destructive
22:16.13Cairennzeeg, I'm asking why you want to know, not answering you
22:16.21TemQzot: no
22:16.25KirovAdrine - It's basically an MMO developer getting caught with their pants down.
22:16.27zeegCairenn, I'm a curious person :)
22:16.37QzotTem: Has that been requested?
22:16.42TemQzot: virtual frames only exist at addon load and they only exist in the xml parser land
22:16.45KirovAdrine - "We'll just make it super hard so they can't get there until we finish it later."
22:16.47TemQzot: more than once
22:17.03QzotHas there been an answer?
22:17.10KirovAdrine - Then people beat away at it and find ways around / past it or recoginze it really is impossible.
22:17.21TemI don't think there was ever a direct answer given
22:17.39TemQzot: I'd say the earliest we might get is 1.12 if we are lucky
22:17.46AdrineKirov: I know. Still frustrating, though.
22:17.50Temand that's if we get it at all
22:17.57Temmy bet is on 'never' really
22:18.00AdrineI'm not quite through BWL yet myself, but I like to see people progress through promised content.
22:18.08KirovTem - Except for FontStrings which continue to exist
22:18.13QzotTem: k. Understood. A pile of programming, but straightforward to make our own CreateFrameInheriting, I guess.
22:18.17IrielThe basic answer is that the virtual stuff never really makes it outside of the XML parser
22:18.27zeegCairenn, since you said you knew the new race, I would just assume you'd know about this
22:18.31TemKirov: not true
22:18.35IrielAnd since the dynamic stuff doesn't involve the XMl parser, it'd be useless to us even if we COULD get to it
22:18.43QzotIriel: That makes sense.
22:18.50MiravlixMy problem with the poster is that he is pissed off because he is ASSUMING stuff
22:18.53TemKirov: on Font objects the "inherits" tag does nothing
22:19.00Temslouken said so
22:19.05Temer, not inherits
22:19.08MiravlixYou can't blow a brain cell just because you think something is wrong
22:19.24IrielYou mean virtual, not inherits
22:19.24QzotHaircut time. Back in a bit.
22:19.24Temthe "virtual" tag does nothing
22:19.24Irieloops Tem
22:19.26QzotTem: Thanks for the pointers.
22:19.33Cairennzeeg: as I said about the new race ... I don't discuss that which I know about
22:19.33TemQzot: anytime :)
22:19.52TemQzot: I look forward to seeing THE CONFIGURATOR in action
22:19.57QzotIriel: "Tzot"?? What abomination are we referring to here?
22:20.08zeegah well
22:20.18zeegThen yes or no, do you know anything about the Elekk? :)
22:20.56CairennI never said yes or no on whether I know the new race, I'm not going to say yes or no to this, either, so you may as well just stop
22:21.08Cairenn*some* of us respect NDAs
22:21.14zeegthere's no NDA :)
22:21.32zeegthe only NDA that exists is for Blizzard employees
22:21.34IrielI was typing Tem, then you said you were off, and I thoght 'bye Qzot' and the 'zot' pre-empted the 'em' I was supposed to type
22:21.40Cairennand FSP
22:21.53zeegsince when
22:22.02Cairennsince always
22:22.17zeegwell that doesnt relate to a new race :P
22:22.31zeegbecause they dont release that info to FS
22:22.56Cairennzeeg: *anything* we learn from *any* source is NDA'd
22:23.20zeegthats not legal
22:23.27IrielIf you signed it it is
22:23.55Kirov - awesome
22:24.06zeegThey cant say "if some magazines emails you this, you're not allowed to tell anyone"
22:24.11Cairennzeeg: look, just because you don't play along, doesn't mean the rest of us don't, so just give it a rest once and for all, I'm sick of this coming up all the time
22:24.33Cairennzeeg: I am referring to anything we learn (confirmed) from anyone at Blizzard
22:24.40Cairennanything else is just rumour and speculation
22:24.43zeegit just bothers me that the one day you said you knew the alliance race, which know employee would be allowed to divuldge without risking their job
22:25.01zeegwow im tired
22:25.42Cairennzeeg: quite frankly, I don't care what bothers you.  I play by the rules.  Period.
22:25.50Cairennso just drop it already
22:26.06zeegwell technically, that wouldn't be playing by the rules ;)
22:26.10Maldiviazeeg: just wait another 3 weeks, and it'll be revealed at E3 :)
22:26.37MiravlixThat wont make zeeg any money though, getting the information to post early on his web site would
22:27.16Cairennwell, you won't get it in this channel, and if you persist, I'm going to ask you to leave
22:27.20MaldiviaWell, I can tell you what the race is, but you won't like it... :)
22:27.35zeegis it the zeegs?!
22:27.50TainI'm standing by were-zheva.
22:28.06zeegMaldivia, btw, you'll be happy to know, wowguru is now ranked #1 out of all the fansites in terms of visitors/hits
22:28.14Miravlixcan only be played at night
22:28.21zeegthat includes alla ;)
22:28.26Miravlixthey will die in daylight like drowning
22:28.27Maldiviano no, Zerg!! :)
22:28.33zeegthat'd be awesome
22:28.46zeegThrowing in Protoss or something as April Fool's and literally having it playable for a day
22:28.53zeeglike changing all Trolls to Zerg or something
22:28.56zeegthat'd be so hot :P
22:29.09MiravlixThat would also be soo expensive
22:29.15MiravlixCreating a full set of animations
22:29.24zeegwell just as expensive as creating any model
22:29.29zeegthey could afford it
22:29.31zeegfor the press they'd get it
22:29.36zeegitd probably pay off
22:29.39KirovThey've got all the content from Starcraft Ghost, they can just paste it in, right? </noob>
22:29.42MiravlixChar models is worse than most due to having more animations
22:29.45MaldiviaBut if they are already developing WoSC, then it's cheap! :)
22:30.02zeegor diablo 3 you mean ;)
22:30.08zeegthey could stick in uhh
22:30.15MiravlixThey did
22:30.16Maldiviahe's already ther e:)
22:30.26Cairennanyway, you rather interrupted a couple different conversations .... do you suppose you could let them get back to it?
22:30.26KirovThe new alliance race is Mini Diablos?
22:30.43zeegCairenn, i didnt stop them from it
22:30.50MiravlixYes, you can only create one when someone clicks his minipet item
22:31.02Kirovyo quiero world of warcraft
22:31.35Ktronthe new alliance race should be murlocs
22:31.47ckknightnaw, Ktron
22:32.03Ktronworgens are second most acceptable, but they should be murlocs
22:32.38Osagasummh... I still wanna go to e3. :<
22:32.42TainOh E3 is in May?  I didn't realize it was so quick, I think I'll go.
22:32.59Maldivia10-12th or something
22:33.36Maldiviayep, "Mark your calendar as E3 will be opening its doors May 10-12, 2006"
22:34.47Maldiviacurrently, I'm looking more forward to Sun? Day
22:34.55zeegyou going to e3 Cairenn?
22:35.19TainI know, Cairenn I saw. :)
22:35.33CairennTain: dates are listed in it ;)
22:35.34TainI just didn't realize when it was.
22:35.52zeegTain, you know you gotta be media to get in, right? :P
22:36.05TainDon't you worry about me, zeeg.  :)
22:36.23Cairennzeeg: no, you need to work in or related to the industry
22:36.29zeegits a media event.
22:36.30zeegits media only
22:36.43TainNo, it isn't.  And we've covered this before, you were wrong then.
22:36.46zeegcheck their registration guidelines
22:36.55zeegsure you can lie about being media
22:36.56Maldiviait used to be that way... now you just have to know someone, that knows someone, that's has a third cousin in the media
22:37.02Cairennso then no one from blizzard, or sony, or, or, or ... will be there, since they aren't media, right?
22:37.05zeegbut their regulations state you have to be media
22:37.09TainIt's an industry event.
22:37.10TainNot media.
22:37.10zeegthey're exhibitors
22:37.13GryphenZeeg any crappy 2 page hosted site on any GameSpy site gets invitations
22:37.17krkai work in a game company, maybe i could go
22:37.31krkaactually, i think some of the guys at my job are going
22:37.32Cairennzeeg: yes, they are exhibitors ... hence, they are attending
22:37.37krkamaybe i could ask them to forward stuff
22:37.42zeegthey're attending as exhibitors
22:37.54Cairennbut they are still attending, so it isn't media only
22:38.01Cairennyou made my point for me
22:38.03zeegdont be dumb
22:38.19Maldiviathey are exhibitors... and zeeg is an exhibitionist... ? :)
22:38.22MiravlixSomeone start a petition in the ui forum to return savedvariabes.lua to be a text file again
22:38.22TainCairenn we had this discussion months ago and went over all the same points, he still doesn't understand.  It's not you.
22:38.24zeegsomething like that
22:38.35zeegTain, i simply pointed to their regulations page
22:38.37Miravlixand not the current psedo binary format hidden as a text
22:38.38zeegwhere it stated exactly what i said
22:39.11TainCould you point out where it says that only members of the media may attend?  I can't seem to find it.
22:39.21zeegtry the registration page
22:39.23GryphenIt's not as black/white as what is on the regulations page, never has been
22:39.23Cairennjust, stop
22:39.25MaldiviaMiravlix: you mean the trailing \xD ?
22:39.47MiravlixMultiline strings is using a binary only delimiter
22:39.50zeegGryphen, do they actually send out invitations?
22:40.04Miravlix"this is some text 0x0a\0x0a 0x0d
22:40.19Miravlixthis is some more text 0x0a\
22:40.23zeegi was going to attend this year but i changed my plans
22:40.28IrielIt's \0x0a, isn't it?
22:40.29Miravlixthis is the end of the multiline string"
22:40.30IrielNot 0x0a\
22:40.42IrielUnix-style line endings
22:41.00MiravlixSavedVariables.lua files is loaded in binary
22:41.13IrielIt has to be loaded as binary
22:41.17Miravlixand looks for \ and \r not \ <endofline>
22:41.17Irielit's UTF-8 encoded
22:42.04IrielThe \r is a bit odd tho, maybe some last ditch windows-ness in there 8-)
22:42.05Maldiviait uses windows-style newlines... except for the last line, I think there might be a bug, that truncates the SV file to 1 byte too small
22:43.18MiravlixTake Notepad.lua
22:43.25GryphenI always get an invite in the mail
22:43.35MiravlixNotepad_EntiresGlobal= {0x0a0x0d0x09
22:43.41zeegdid you get one this year already?
22:43.48Miravlix0x09 is tab?
22:43.58zeegwhats it come from?
22:44.06Maldiviaso it's {\r\n\t
22:44.08TemMiravlix: open the file in a UTF-8 editor and stop complaining
22:44.13Gryphenill look when i get home
22:44.14zeeglike, where do you work/what do you do that they send you one
22:44.34IrielHere's the problem Miravlix
22:44.38Gryphenstaff on a couple gamespy planets
22:44.44zeegI see
22:44.44IrielYour **STRING** is "Something\nSomething\nSomething"
22:44.50zeeggamespy is pretty big in the media industry though
22:45.01IrielIf you put "Something\n\rSomething\n\rSomething" into your string in your code, you'd get CR's in the file too
22:45.13Miravlix= "Miravlix0x5c0x0a0x5c0x0a
22:45.14zeegthem and IGN would probably the first 2 people id invite to a media event ;P
22:45.17Iriel**WITHIN** A lua string, newlines are unix-style
22:45.25IrielBecause those are what needs to be escaped
22:45.47Gryphenyeah, but they send invites to any little 2bit sub-hosted mod/whaterver site run by 12 year olds and a copy of frontpage
22:45.48IrielIf you didn't put "binary data" into your strings, you wouldn't see this problem, mostly
22:46.01IrielThat terminating \r is sort of a freakish exception
22:46.04ckknightshouldn't it be \r\n, not \n\r
22:46.41IrielThe file IS \r\n
22:46.43IrielAll the way
22:46.50Irielexcept at the end where I suspect Maldivia  is right
22:47.15Iriel0000000  \r  \n   P   e   t   I   n   f   o   _   D   B       =       {
22:47.17Iriel0000020  \r  \n  \t   [   "   f   a   m   i   l   y   "   ]       =
22:47.19Iriel0000040   {  \r  \n  \t   }   ,  \r  \n   }  \r
22:47.22IrielFor example
22:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Neronix`sleep (
22:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
22:47.52Cairennyo hyperChipmunk, bout time you got yer lazy ass over here :p
22:48.00MiravlixMy editor is UTF-8 compliant
22:48.08MaldiviaCairenn: how can a hyper Chipmunk be lazy ?
22:48.20CairennMaldivia: heh, you don't know him yet ;)
22:48.23Kirovby not being hyper enough?
22:48.50Maldiviahyper(in)active ?
22:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge otravi (
22:49.06zeegGryphen, haha nice
22:49.21Adrine"I have roughtly 94% crit rate on Backstabs.  29% from gear, 30% from Imp Backstab, 30% from Lethality, 5% from Malice, adds up to 94%."
22:49.31zeegEven if I would have gone, I would have had to go through hell to get a media pass, so I didn't feel like it and decided to do something else that week
22:49.31MiravlixBut I don't see how I in text mode can change end of line style
22:49.39IrielFor example
22:49.43zeegmmoguru isnt registered yet so i couldnt get it through them
22:50.09TemAdrine: lol
22:50.27Cairennzeeg: welcome to 10 minutes ago, we're on to something completely different now ... you know, coding? what this channel is about?
22:50.35MaldiviaMiravlix: depends on your editor... personally I use UltraEdit, there's a setting to change newline-style
22:50.42IrielThe only fix to the 'problem' would be if the Saved Variables writer encoded \r and \n as "\n" and "\r"
22:50.53IrielWhich might well be a better idea anyway
22:50.59MiravlixBit much to expect people to be able to convert on the fly?
22:50.59zeegare all women this moody?
22:51.16zeegif you only want lua coding questions here why dont you put that in your little rules
22:51.18CairennI believe the word you are looking for is bitchy, and yes, we are
22:51.42Kirovzeeg - Mrs. Slouken, er, Iriel is just as bitchy.
22:52.02MaldiviaCairenn: and even more so, those special days every month ? :)
22:52.03IrielWell, SavedVariables files are only supposed to be edited by WoW.
22:52.11MiravlixWhitespace has to be tabs too
22:52.23hyperChipmunkI'm too busy coding to read my IRC =P
22:52.24CairennMaldivia: what special days? *no longer has to deal with that annoyance*
22:53.09TainSpecial days like today.  Some annoyances do keep coming back. ;)
22:54.57Maldiviahmm, should probebly go to bed soon... tomorrow is not a vacation day :|
22:55.06CairennMaldivia: =/
22:55.14IrielI've suggested that slouken update the writer to (a) fix the missing \n and (b) use C "\\n" instead of C "\\\n" to eliminate problems for windows platforms.
22:55.21MaldiviaCairenn: and it's already 1am :)
22:56.02CairennMaldivia: silly boy, go sleep
22:56.40MaldiviaCairenn: well, that's the problem, been going to bed late all week, and up around noon... so not even tired :)
22:56.49IrielAnd, before I stop talking about newlines in files
22:57.17IrielThe lua manual is quite explicit that it's a backslash followed by a **NEWLINE** that yields a newline in a string
22:57.19CairennMaldivia: heh, been guilty of that myself a few times
22:57.34Cairenn(read, most times)
22:57.41IrielPutting a CR in there violates lua's rules
22:57.46MaldiviaIriel: add it to the list of SV suggestions, that was made for 1.10, that should probably be bumped into memory for 1.11 That GM response to catalyst. Wow.
23:03.46AdrineThe word "hack" is *never* good. :wow101:
23:04.22MiravlixThe post looks fake
23:04.37MiravlixSo lets call it the rumored GM response
23:04.46AdrineRumored GM response then.
23:04.51AdrineBut. It would not surprise me.
23:04.56MiravlixThe line where they are forbidden to ask about the issue in email seems weird
23:05.59MiravlixThats not how Blizzard does support.
23:06.36TainTseric already showed up to say it's fine though.
23:06.52Tem*that* is the part that surprized me
23:07.22Kirovbeen a while since I've seen not-slouken or other actual dev in there
23:07.40Tembeen a while since I've seen blizzard be clear
23:08.12KirovI think they're getting tired of this kind of thing.
23:08.26MiravlixI think it would be in Blizzards best interest to make it more clear addons is fine. They are getting a ton of support issues out of the current confusion
23:08.32KirovWell, just having to answer the millions of "is this legal?"
23:09.12MiravlixEU forum actually has a sticky with addons is always fine.
23:09.14TainThat's just it though, they don't want to get in the habit of answering every, "Is this ok to run?" question because it will only encourage more people to ask over and over again.
23:09.38MiravlixThats why the answer should always be yes.
23:09.44Miravlixit's always ok to run addons
23:09.56TainThey can't say that.
23:09.57MiravlixIt's not ok to exploit bugs and harress
23:10.00KirovThey just needed to properly define "addons"
23:11.01MiravlixPeople whatever they enforce a addons is always fine policy or not, will always claim THEY DIDN*T KNOW! defense
23:11.32MiravlixSo all the addons is fine rule does, is remove the questions and support requests
23:12.09MiravlixI didn't know it was an exploit to teleport to the map room!
23:12.10TainBut it doesn't.  It leaves the exact same questions people have today.  They just shift to, "Is what this addon does ok?"
23:12.11IrielMiravlix : US has a sticky with "addons is always fine" too
23:12.16MiravlixCome on that wont hold water
23:12.18IrielMiravlix : It doesn't mean anyone reads it.
23:12.48grollare ppl saying stuff about catalyst now? or what is it im reading? :P
23:13.39MiravlixYeah, the other zone fix addons started a smear campain and even produced a false GM email that says it will get you instantly banned to use it.
23:13.46Miravlixand ppl is posting they got banned using it
23:14.46MiravlixIt's just a dumb Ace addon, so who cares. :)
23:15.30MiravlixWhen the confusion is at it highest, we will start saying it's actually what ACE does thats banable
23:15.50grollheh i doubt u will do that :P
23:15.59AdrineThis just in: The "AddOns" folder is hax.
23:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:16.30grollmy friend when to no loading time at all by using them :D it was like instant hs :D
23:16.35KirovI got banned and all I was using was Ace!
23:16.44MiravlixWe will completely destroy ace's reputation and start lobbying Cosmos as the only safe thing to use
23:16.48Miravlixand take over the world!
23:16.58grolli bet u will :p
23:17.05IrielWe already know Cosmos will get you banned though 8-)
23:17.15AdrineBut Cosmos is hax too???
23:17.18AdrineI got a virus from it :(
23:17.25CairennCosmos eats babies
23:17.27AdrineAlso, it ate my pie.
23:17.29GryphenHeh, Cosmos is the original "Is it legal?" primer
23:17.34Cairennand Ace eats kittens
23:17.35AdrineDamn you, Cosmos.
23:17.36MiravlixThats okay, Cosmos just emails money to the devs
23:17.40IrielCosmos stole all my gold and turned my hunter pet into a fish
23:17.41Miravlixthat wont get you banned from game
23:17.44Miravlixso it's safe
23:17.50AdrineI hear Cosmos steals your gold and sends it gold farmers
23:18.02MiravlixWe have a thread about that right now
23:18.09Adrinefor reals?
23:18.11MiravlixA Cosmos user has lost 8 gold while running Cosmos
23:18.24AdrineCosmos needs a warning sticker:
23:18.30Gryphenor 20
23:18.32AdrineCAUTION: Do not use while stupid.
23:18.46IrielWARNING: This addon makes you no less stupid than you are without it, use at your own risk?
23:18.56MiravlixAnyone remember the SplitMoney() Api?
23:19.00CairennIriel: ROFL
23:19.03MiravlixThat split all your money among your party?
23:19.07AdrineNOTICE: You must be able to find your own ass with both hands to use this addon.
23:19.10IrielYes, I do indeed, and the /split command
23:19.35AdrineWas /split just a legacy thing?
23:19.43AdrineI can't think of any good reason for it to be in with the autosplit on loot.
23:19.43IrielI think it was something people used
23:19.47Irielbut it was poorly documented
23:20.07otraviIt was nice for dealing out repair money after raids :(
23:20.09MiravlixSome poor Auctionhouse author accidently used it
23:20.09Irieland poorly implemented really, it shouldn't have had a default 'share everything' mode IMHO
23:20.32MiravlixSo his users auto split there gold among all the members every now and then. :)
23:21.22Irielit was rarely all their gold, which made it worse
23:21.35IrielIt was related to the items they looked at on the AH
23:21.54AdrineThose are the kinds of bugs I fear introducing in real life.
23:22.05AdrineI've worked with billing customers' credit cards for our ecommerce systems
23:22.10MiravlixI think the author never recovered from that bug
23:22.23AdrineAnd I'm just horrified that I might misread an API somewhere and end up doing something horrible.
23:22.34IrielReal life tends to have checks and balances
23:22.48AdrineYes, but to an extent it's still possible to screw up pretty badly.
23:22.54MiravlixThese bugs happends in real life too
23:23.03MiravlixWith CC's
23:23.27AdrineMess up a quantity transform, or have a page that doesn't properly clear state and ends up charging the card every time the page is hit, etc.
23:23.38AdrineLuckily, I've never had a serious problem arise.
23:23.42AdrineBut. The fear is still there. :)
23:24.03MiravlixA good testing setup is a must for things like that
23:24.33AdrineI'm getting a ton better about test-driven development, but I have a bad history with testing ;)
23:24.42MiravlixBut then SplitMoney() should never have been in game, thats just insanely dangerous
23:24.52IrielYou can screw up someone's available-for-purchase easily, but it's hard to actually CHARGE them too many times
23:24.52AdrineI have an amazing gift for missing that one corner case that your customer has a knack for finding.
23:25.14AdrineYou can run a charge a few times before the checks kick in, interestingly enough.
23:25.21MiravlixThe coder is always the worst person to test there own code
23:25.30AdrineWe had a customer that managed to charge the same order to his card 6 times - I think the order was $700 and change.
23:25.42AdrineThe bank then froze the card and he hit the page another dozen times before calling us.
23:25.53AdrineEasily reverted, but still.
23:26.30AdrineI think he was putting the wrong email address in and kept not-getting a confirmation email so he kept re-ordering.
23:27.18MiravlixConfirm email is a must before orders
23:27.41MiravlixAlways register account then register order when account is confirmed
23:28.12AdrineThis is accountless ordering, actually.
23:28.19MiravlixSounds bad
23:28.24AdrineNot really.
23:28.47AdrineNow we just do a complete session destroy and if they try to re-enter the process, they get an expiry page with a notice that their order has been processed, please call if they have questions yada yada
23:29.10AdrineIt's all instant electronic delivery, so accounts are less important than they would be for physical goods.
23:29.38IrielWe dont reqiure accounts for online purchases
23:29.46Irielif you dont want to register with us, you can still happily order
23:30.01AdrineWe do collect all manner of contact info, but this isn't the sort of business where you have ea lot of recurring orders
23:30.07AdrineSo it doesn't make much sense to store all the contact info.
23:31.44MiravlixStill a email with an url that fills in the email
23:31.58MiravlixWouldn't need to store anything, but it would verify
23:33.57MiravlixThough, if just the user could view there account transactions
23:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
23:34.23Miravlixwe wouldn't need all theys hoops and jumps
23:34.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
23:35.02MiravlixAnd it's not for the customers sake, it's to avoid misunderstandings and get a reputation as a scammer companyy
23:35.05MiravlixHey Kaelten
23:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
23:38.24MiravlixHumm, a new TortoiseSVN
23:38.31MiravlixThey release new versions to much
23:40.07IrielIt caught be off guard when it told me about its update
23:40.16IrielI dont use it much, I just happen to have it installed
23:41.00AnduinLotharwow.. i did a /list and it took 6min to finnish..
23:45.37MiravlixYou moved the mouse and windows need to reboot for the change to take effect
23:46.08AnduinLotharso much for plug-n-play
23:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
23:47.54Maldiviaehh, pray :)
23:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
23:48.46KirovMaldivia - I think the first one was Microsoft's original idea
23:49.32cladhaireI have been killing Onyxia for almost a year now.  I have never won an [Onyxia Hide Backpack]
23:49.51Kirovcladhaire - so, I shouldn't mention I have two?
23:49.54MaldiviaI have 2 :)
23:49.56AnduinLothari've been not-killing him for at least that long to the same result
23:49.59Adrinecladhaire: I won one and defaulted it to a warlock...two weeks before shard bags were announced.
23:50.01Kirovand working on getting my third
23:50.22KirovRight now all I want is an 18 slot ammo pouch
23:50.31AnduinLotharkeyrings ftw
23:50.34KirovAdrine - nice
23:50.45AdrineI've yet to win one since.
23:50.46AnduinLothari so suggested keyrings back in 2004..
23:51.02MaldiviaI haven't killed Onyxia since... hmmm... late February
23:51.15AnduinLotharlets see, what else did i suggest around that time, maybe i can expect some of them too
23:51.37MaldiviaLothar: Hero Classes  ?
23:51.53KirovAnduin - WoW devs are currently in the process of porting over everything sony added to eq 4 years ago.
23:52.14AnduinLotharlets see... an ingame addon manager?
23:52.58MiravlixDon't we have the API calls to implement in game addon handling?
23:53.12MiravlixWhy should Blizzard make one beyond the char selection page?
23:53.12MaldiviaKirov: and in the meantime, Sony is busy porting over everything from WoW to EQ2
23:53.33MiravlixMust be easy being Sony
23:53.40MiravlixAll they need to do is teal WoW
23:54.12MiravlixThey don't need to invest one dime in designing ont here own
23:56.35MiravlixHmm, if I ever start codeing for real again, I'm going to make a BSD free Auto check updater.
23:57.22MiravlixTrying to keep ones system updates is a nightmare
23:57.42MiravlixPeople could even use the build in lua script to write there own auto update with it
23:58.16MiravlixSo everyone could distribute there addons with an auto update checker
23:58.48Maldiviahmm, nice dhtml on the Bestiary expansion site
23:58.56AnduinLotharsounds liek it's already been done, you just been a horrizontal relationship with a distrobution site
23:59.07TainI know some people like the idea, but I'm really against autoupdates.
23:59.08MiravlixI couldn't do that earlier because I had worked for a company developing an application like that comercially.

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