irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060411

00:00.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:05.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
00:11.30Cairennlater Iriel|working
00:11.33Cairenndrive safe
00:12.06zenzelezzI wonder what on earth it is my ISP does every night around this time to make my ping go up badly
00:23.28*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:28.05AnduinLotharLF1M DM East on Kil'Jaeden...
00:28.18AnduinLothareveryone has tier 2 and laughs at me..
00:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
00:39.23Elvisoanyone know of a working totemtimers?
00:39.38Elvisothe ones I keep trying don't give an expiration time
00:40.10Elvisozenzelezz: it's everyone getting off work and checking their email
00:51.57zenzelezzElviso: not over here ;) Happens between 01:00 and 02:30 usually (in the night)
00:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
00:53.09Elvisono telling then :p
00:59.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
01:18.25MiravlixHrm, I soo need to develope better ways to test modification of addons. Not really practical having to run around for 3 hours and setup the 'conditions' to check if code works
01:30.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (
01:32.13zespri_worksomebody is drilling something next floor. it's not only impossible to concentrate, but it's so shrewd that I think I'm going crazy. Reminds me of interrogation techniques. Stops this I'll tell you everything!
01:36.12zespri_workOn the other note, I installed oblivion. The chars looks same ugly as hey were in morrowind. and after this ppl complain that horde chars look ugly. Oblivion sure beats horde in the ugliness contest
01:44.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo ( computer just rebooted itself while I was playing WoW.
01:46.31AnduinLotharwoot, sounds liek overheat
01:46.56KemayoOdds are good, I agree.
01:52.01OsagasuWell you can tweak OB people to non-ugliness
01:52.23Osagasuin both games you can retexture
01:55.32AnduinLotharthat's 4...
01:56.08OsagasuI'm helping design an Oblivion mod right now. xD
01:57.22Wobin_What's Oblivion use as a language?
02:00.28OsagasuI don't remember
02:00.41Osagasuerr, don't know.  I'm simply provinging ideas for a living weapon mod. :P
02:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:01.34EsamynnEvening all
02:01.39Cairennhi Esamynn
02:38.55*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:38.55*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
02:38.55Wobin_I'm all for optimisation of code, but Rowne's "Oh I saved three characters by obfuscating this way" got a bit irritating =P
02:39.00purlEsamynn: thanks
02:39.09purlfrom memory, sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
02:39.13purlIt's great to be back!
02:39.23ckknightit sure it, big guy
02:39.35OsagasuI responded by telling him that all I had to do to get women to want to marry me in fable was go AFK in the moddle of a tavern
02:39.54Wobin_"Oh! It's the chicken chaser!!"
02:40.48Osagasu"Its funny, he doesn't look like a chicken chaser"
02:46.01OsagasuWell I found this Rowne in an IRC channel over on Gamesurge
02:46.03Wobin_The accent got a bit irritating after a while
02:46.06OsagasuI'm gonna ask him
02:46.11Wobin_It'll be him
02:46.15Wobin_really =P
02:46.18OsagasuI figure it will be
02:46.21Osagasubut I wanna check
02:46.32Wobin_He suggested we redo Lilacor in WoW =P
02:48.06OsagasuHe's trying to get an entire armoury of intelligent weapons and armor in OB
03:02.38ckknightO RLY
03:05.46Wobin_NO WAI
03:06.36Kemayo(Also SUGOI.)
03:07.03Wobin_Don't tell me Sugoi is in the list as well? =P
03:10.39OsagasuTenshi. <3
03:10.50OsagasuNo, not Tenchi. :P
03:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:12.01OsagasuFor instance, several members here behave like Tenshi, other members like Oni
03:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:30.39Temwoah, wait
03:30.48Temthere isn't a GetActionItemLink?
03:33.06MiravlixThe normal get item returns link
03:40.05KemayoWhat other than getting stuck in an infinite loop might cause an addon to lock up WoW?
03:41.00Wobin_Horrific memory leakage?
03:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:42.47Wobin_'lo Iriel
03:43.18Cairennwelcome back Iriel
03:44.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:44.55KirovTem - No, there's no GetAction - anything except GetActionText
03:45.39TemI don't trust the texture
03:45.45TemI don't trust just the name
03:45.49Temson of a ....
03:45.51KirovThe only way to know for sure if something on the action bar is an item is if it's not a macro or a spell
03:45.57Temtime for an f'ing tooltip scan
03:46.10Temwell maybe not
03:46.18TemI wonder how Mozz Sticky actions did it
03:48.23Cairennhey wereHamster
03:48.38KirovTem - is that part of Cosmos?
03:49.06KirovI can't find it anywhere
03:55.42KirovIt's based off the texture name
03:55.52Kirovif the texture starts with
03:56.01Kirovhe assumes it's an item
03:56.38Temwell at least I know the items I'm looking for
03:58.49KirovYou can find out if something is a macro pretty quickly. just check if GetActionText() returns anything
03:59.21TemI'm checking first if I even care
03:59.43TemIsConsumableAction(a) and GetActionCount(a) == 0
04:00.05Temthen I need to figure out if the action refers to an item that I can conjure
04:00.12Temlike a mana ruby
04:01.15Temooh, if I pick up the action I might be able to do something
04:03.01TemCursorHasItem still returns nil
04:06.02KirovYeah, it's an action, not an item
04:06.41TemCursorHasSpell and CursorHasMoney all return nil
04:06.58KirovThere's no CursorHasAction, that I remember
04:07.20IrielCan you call WhatTheHellIsOnTheCursorDammit() ?
04:07.59KirovWhat I do is I hook
04:08.05Kirover, not hook
04:08.08Kirovjust watch for
04:08.24Kirovif CursorHasMoney, CursorHasSpell, etc. all fail, it's an action
04:08.38KirovAnd ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID has fired
04:09.11Kirovor rather, that's what I used to do
04:09.28KirovNow I just have hooks to every "pickup" and log what the spell / item is that got picked up.
04:14.39TemI need to know if a specific item is on an action slot
04:14.57TemI thought about hooking all the possible ways to put an item there and keeping track
04:15.14Tembut items placed before my addon is enabled won't be seen
04:15.21Kirovmeh, keep track of ACTION_BUTTON_UPDATE
04:15.33Kirovcheck then
04:15.37KirovAnd what are you trying to do?
04:21.40Temif you try to use an item that you are out of
04:21.51Temand it's something you can conjure, it conjures
04:23.19TemI'm also trying to write an addon as my guild makes it's first trip through the suppression rooms ><
04:28.02Tem(which explains the long time between responses... Everytime I sit to drink I tab out
04:28.10Kirovok, so, why bother trying to keep track of the items in your action bars?
04:28.17KirovJust keep track of what spells you have.
04:29.19TemI need to know if the action I'm trying to use is an action that I can restore
04:29.19KirovThen, when you use an action for which IsConsum == 1 and GetActionCount == 0, then do a tooltip scan for the name and see if it matches anything in your table
04:29.44TemI was trying to avoid a tooltip scan
04:29.51Tembut it's probably what I'm going to have to do
04:29.57TemI think item name will be close enough
04:30.30Temso I can do GetItemInfo to get the name for my list of known items
04:30.39Temand only look at the first line of the toolip
04:30.55KirovYou'll eventually have to do tooltip scanning, there's no way around it
04:31.06Tem'fraid so
04:31.21KirovWell, that or you can just match the icon, but it won't work for soul stones / health stones if you're going to support locks
04:32.24TemI don't trust icons
04:32.49Temand like you said, soul stones / health stones all have the same icon
04:33.35Wobin_It's just the damn food/water
04:33.42Wobin_Although, really.. the water
04:33.53TemI'm really doing this for my mana rubies
04:34.00TemI'm tired of having them on my action bar
04:34.48Tema lock eye pulled broodlord
04:35.00Temand I pissed him off with a nice big frostbolt crit
04:35.07Temhe definately one-shot me
04:35.29Wobin_Not a good caster day, eh? =)
04:35.41Temwe got our first Vael kill earlier
04:35.47Temand he dropped more f'ing Wrath
04:36.32Temif you look at our dkp page broken down by class, warriors have looted more than double any other class
04:39.52Temwe have warriors in other guilds on the server offering to pay us to get in on our kills because Wrath has dropped so much for us
04:39.55KirovOur first Nefarian kill dropped double stormrage
04:40.05KirovWhich gave one druid 8/8, and another 7/8
04:40.16Kirovall other classes were at, tops, 4/8
04:40.21Temour first 6 rag kills included a wrath pants
04:40.27Tem2 of them were double wrath
04:40.28Kirov<- hates druids
04:40.45Temwe're DEing wrath pants now
04:40.56Temmeanwhile, we've seen ONE nw pants
04:41.02KirovIt seems like every raiding group has one set that drops for them more than any other, at rates far more than neccessary
04:41.20Temthat's typically druids and warlocks
04:41.27Tembut for us it's wrath
04:41.44Temand damnit the mage sets drop far too infrequently
04:41.47KirovOne guild on our server it's Dragonstalker
04:41.59Temwe've only seen 1 Arcanist boots
04:42.03Temin 6 months
04:42.10Tem2 Arcanist Shoulders
04:42.11KirovAll of their hunters were 8/8 with in 2 months of their first Nefarian down
04:45.17KirovI still remember the MC run we had where every mob dropped Felheart and Cenarian.
04:45.19KirovWith out fail
04:45.22KirovIncluding rag
04:45.30KirovAnd we DE'ed all of it
04:53.43Temthat sucks
04:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic- (
04:59.40EsamynnNefarion has dropped double transcendence for us 3 times! :(
05:00.08Esamynnand double wrath twice
05:00.44KirovEsamynn - we only have 2 priests with 8/8 ... with the only two bps we've had
05:01.03Esamynnif we get anymore wrath or transcendence, it WILL get DE'd :(
05:01.21Esamynnwell, there might be a couple warrior alts that don't have it
05:01.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
05:04.26Esamynnlets see, out of our Nef kills, we have had 6 Judgement, 3 Nemesis, 1 Bloodfang, 1 Stormrage, 8 Transcendence, 3 Dragonstalker's, 5 Wrath, and 1 Netherwind :( sounds like we have the opposite loot table from you guys
05:05.27OsagasuIf yoyu only have 8 priests you should get a few moew
05:05.46Esamynnhmm, I take it back, only 2 double trans, but 2 double wrath too
05:07.15Esamynnwell, there are a couple priests without it, but chances are it will get DE'd, plus we always have 4+ Druids
05:10.45EsamynnLets just say that even the Priests are hoping it doesn't drop again for quite a while
05:14.00MentalPowerCairenn: the ui.worldofwar admin's name is devla right?
05:14.13Cairennmoderator, not admin, but yes
05:14.24Cairennadmin is Rushster
05:15.04Cairennwhat's up?
05:15.14OsagasuAnd you're owner? I can never keep things straight
05:15.15Cairennoh, the bit about you submitting auctioneer?
05:15.24CairennOsagasu: I'm admin at WoWI
05:15.54Osagasuand Kaelten is just wierd
05:16.39AnduinLotharand i admin at
05:16.40TainNow if only I could get an admin to "women" to explain how they work.
05:17.21CairennTain: that's one of the rules
05:17.22EsamynnTain: dream on
05:17.26AnduinLotharman woman
05:17.29Cairennmen aren't allowed to know what the rules are
05:17.37TainThat's absolutely true.
05:18.28AnduinLothardidn't you just tell us one of the rules?
05:18.42OsagasuNo, the rules are that men get to take solace into thinking they have things figured out when they really don't.  women know better than to think they have things figured out
05:18.47TainI went to dinner with a woman the other night, she emailed me tonight to say she had a good time but was really disappointed that when I was paying the check she gave me half of the money and I accepted it.
05:19.01TainSo we're "at different points in our lifes" and not what she's looking for.
05:19.16zenzelezzknowing the rules is overrated. If they won't tell you the rules then they can't say you broke them
05:19.34Cairennno, because the rules are subject to change any time a male may or may not have found out what one of them is ... or whenever we feel like it ...
05:19.40TainHoney, if you're worried about $20 than you bet we're at different points in our lives.
05:20.09Esamynnzenzelezz: nope, sorry, doesn't work like that
05:20.32OsagasuIf there's one thing I've figured out in my life its that women can as bad as men, but women know better than to let men know that.
05:20.42MentalPowerCairenn: well norganna is writing up that e-mail that devla asked for, so I needed confirmation of his/her e-mail account
05:20.44Cairennzenzelezz: nice try, but if you think that'll get you out of the dog house when you break one of the rules, you obviously haven't been paying attention
05:20.48OsagasuI have heard what women talk about when they think no men are near
05:21.05CairennMentalPower: *nod*
05:21.43*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:21.44zenzelezzCairenn: with a combination of sadness and honesty, I don't have that problem, and won't be for eons yet >.<
05:22.36Esamynnyou only think it's eons away
05:23.22OsagasuYou might not realize it now, but thinking it brings you a whole lot closer to it
05:23.32OsagasuI've been there
05:23.38Cairennyou never know when love is going to walk up and tap you on the shoulder
05:23.38TainLearn to swim.
05:24.07zenzelezzI appreciate the effort, but hardly leaving the house makes such things tough :p
05:24.30Osagasumy best friend hardly ever leaves his house
05:24.55Osagasusomehow he got a girl to move in with him, now he doesn't have to. >.>
05:25.45zenzelezzif I didn't know it would backfire, now would be a good time to mention "mail order brides" :p
05:26.06OsagasuWhich she isn't
05:26.24zenzelezzI doubt she is, but I thought the joke would be obvious :|
05:27.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
05:27.53Cairenntell you what, I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret ... nice guys *don't* finish last.  Nice guys are the ones we want to settle down and spend our lives with.  Bad boys are only fun for a little while, but we don't marry them.
05:28.16OsagasuIt depends on your definition of finish
05:31.07Cairennanyway, I'm out
05:31.08Cairennnight all
05:31.26Corrodiasbut they don't get the good sex
05:31.38MentalPowernight cair
05:31.48Cairenn|sleepCorrodias: oh yeah? tell that to my husband, I don't think he'd agree with you on that count ...
05:31.55OsagasuDamn corr, you're everywhere
05:32.02Corrodiaswtf, you're here, too
05:32.41Corrodiasthe somethingawful forums are safe from me, for now
05:33.04OsagasuWell I brogut you here
05:33.07AnduinLotharsleep? sad...
05:33.17OsagasuI *didn't* bring you to the Oblivion forums
05:33.20Osagasuor #Terran
05:34.08Osagasugod, I see so many people from all over in Oblivoin now
05:34.42Corrodiasyou shouldn't be seeing us -in- the game...
05:34.46MentalPowerCairenn|sleep: you still aorund?
05:34.48Corrodiasyou need to lay off the pills
05:34.56Cairenn|sleepMentalPower: only just ... what's up?
05:35.06OsagasuYou know I can't, Corr
05:35.07MentalPowerhow do I turn off my portal?
05:35.18OsagasuI need them to be able to concentrate
05:35.43Cairenn|sleepyou ask one of us to do it for you
05:35.51MentalPowersorry :( I think my head will explode if I need to check yet another website for bugs/suggestions
05:36.03OsagasuSend everyone to the portal then
05:36.20EsamynnWTF, my server is down! :(
05:36.33OsagasuIts tuesday morning, init?
05:36.44EsamynnThats not until 3 am
05:37.33Kirovthink we're getting 1.10.1
05:37.36Esamynnwe are
05:37.57Esamynnhmm, Dragonblight is shown as up on the status page, but it doesn't show up in my realm list
05:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:41.22Esamynnsigh, I wonder what is going on
05:44.06Osagasuprobably the character selection server is down
05:45.36Esamynnyah, probably :)
05:50.31Esamynnwell, that really throws a wrench into my plans
05:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
06:05.21AnduinLotharwoah, link spoofing
06:05.44AnduinLotharsomeone made a link that says [Rainbow] in rainbowed colors
06:06.05AnduinLothareach letter a diff color
06:06.18KirovDo you have it in LootLink?
06:06.28AnduinLotharid 0:0:0:0 tho..
06:06.48Kirovthat doesn't cause a disconnect?
06:06.54AnduinLotharapparently not..
06:07.36AnduinLotharitemref error if you click on it, Unknown link type
06:08.30Esamynnrather harmless I suppose, but I expect slouken would perfer to hear about it
06:08.34MentalPower_i've been trying to do something like that for a while now, but never succeded
06:09.25Esamynnwhat confuses me about links, is why are they more than just the item's reference numbers, why is the item name embedded in them?
06:11.02Esamynncan you snag the actual string behind it, It would be interesting to know how it was done
06:16.34Elvisohrmmm, I wonder if it has something to do w/alternative language char sets
06:16.47ElvisoI know I see farmers posting links all the time that are simply []
06:18.21AnduinLotharcan't registerforsave random things anymore..
06:19.12AnduinLotharand i dont have iriel's devtools
06:19.23AnduinLotharand i think luapad is dissabled
06:19.27EsamynnI have a test addon that I always have available for that sort of thing
06:19.46AnduinLotharso i'd need a macro for getting the string
06:20.29Corrodiasgood song: Boy Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star To Fall
06:20.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
06:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:21.54Esamynnoh well, since I can't get on to WoW, I'm going to get some sleep
06:21.56Esamynnnight all
06:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
06:36.15KirovWell, I made a spoofed link fine
06:37.56Kirovusing item:0:0:0:0
06:39.00MentalPowerAnduinLothar: can you add the sting to a random savedvariable?
06:39.18MentalPowerie add it as an entry to Arch's savedvariable structure
06:39.32MentalPowerthat "should" work
06:40.30AnduinLotharwould need a macro to pull it from the chat
06:40.31MentalPowersince the variable is already a table and its already set to be saved
06:40.37AnduinLotharand i've already closed wow
06:41.21AnduinLotharif i had had luapad or something to execute code on running i woul dhave, but i didn't really care enough
06:41.30MentalPowershift-clicking the itemlink
06:41.44AnduinLotharthat would only save the title, no?
06:41.55MentalPowerthat would save the entire link
06:41.59AnduinLothartoo lat enow
06:42.01MentalPowerI've tried it :)
06:42.20MentalPoweroh well, I guess it will come again
06:42.28AnduinLotharshouldn't be too difficult to repro
06:42.42AnduinLotharor i can ask the guy tomorrow
06:42.51AnduinLotharsince he's in my guild
06:43.02AnduinLotharbut atm i don't really care
06:43.22MentalPowerwell, with the extra piece of info "item:0:0:0:0" I think I can finally create one :)
06:43.51AnduinLotharya, had that mod already loaded to grab the link from it
06:44.39AnduinLotharw/e i stopped being payed to break wow...
06:44.43AnduinLotharsleep now
06:45.01MentalPowergnight AnduinLothar
06:45.05MentalPowersweet dreams
06:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:11.43MentalPowergnight guys
07:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh|Work (
07:56.38KirovSo, I'm a bad bad person
07:56.50Kirov[Rainbow] is getting spammed in IF now
07:57.33Corrodiasanother item link bug?
07:57.41Corrodiasanother/the same/ or something totally different?
08:00.34KirovIt's the same one that AnduinLothar found.
08:00.38KirovOr saw someone else use
08:23.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge tomc (
08:41.31tomcdid anyone see kirkburn?
08:52.41Corrodiasi may have, some time in the past
08:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kosta (
08:53.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Kosta (
09:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
09:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup^away (n=loup@
09:23.52s|loupdoes anyone knows if you can octal and hexadecimal use in lua?
09:24.24s|loupand if, what is the syntax for that?
09:27.26krka|worktwo options: 1) use string.format 2) write conversion yourself
09:28.34krka|work%o is octal and %x is hexadecimal
09:28.58s|louphm ok
09:29.07krka|work%X if you want 0-9A-F
09:29.12krka|work%x if you want 0-9a-f
09:29.16krka|work_i think_
09:29.30s|loupwhat about the function hex() ? is that implemented?
09:30.29s|loupok thx
09:30.40krka|workfunction hex(value) return string.format("%x", value) end
09:31.03krka|workprint(string.format("%x, %X, %o", 123, 123, 123))
09:31.06krka|work7b, 7B, 173
09:32.11s|louphm looks like you can also use 0xXX ?
09:32.52krka|workwhat do you mean?
09:34.34s|loupone moment pls
09:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
09:35.34krka|workhere's an interesting (?) thing to test btw
09:35.54krka|worki am interested in finding out how long it takes to find a cycle of translations between horde - alliance
09:36.02s|louphm damn wrong version
09:36.13s|loupin 5.1 you can use 0xXX
09:36.18s|loupnot in 5.0
09:36.25krka|workhmm... pre-question: are translations random?
09:37.07Kalrothkrka|work: when horde gets translated to common/etc. it uses a limited alphabet
09:37.08krka|workme: hehe -> orc hears: wawa: he repeats "wawa", i hear: "zugzug", et.c.
09:37.20Kalrothkrka|work: so a lot of letters are shared
09:38.53TemI need to host a zip
09:39.01Temwhere can I shove one?
09:39.18Wobin_What is it 'translated' to?
09:40.44Kalrothkrka|work: check for more exact translation values
09:40.59krka|worki was just interested in finding cycles :)
09:41.05krka|workbut if it's random, that's pointless
09:42.18Wobin_That's kinda impressive the work gone into that
09:42.20Kalrothwell it's not random, it's using a limited alphabet
09:42.34Kalrothbut what do you mean by cycle?
09:42.37Kalrothcycle of what?
09:44.52KirkburnTranslations. What 'hehe' gets translated to each time, and whether it's circular
09:45.02krka|workyeah, i think Kirkburn understands me :)
09:45.03Wobin_Alliance says word, Horde replies back with what it hears, Alliance repeats back what it hears, etc
09:45.08Kalrothahh okay
09:45.15krka|workWobin_ too
09:45.26krka|worknow i dont have to explain, yay :)
09:45.35KirkburnBtw, any of you been following the italian election?
09:45.48Kalrothkrka|work: yes you do! how is that useable in any way? :p
09:46.01krka|workprobably isn't
09:46.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:46.01KalrothKirkburn: didn't see the result yet, what was it?
09:46.14KirkburnThe current votes for the two main parties: 18.989.891 versus 18.962.408!
09:46.22s|louphm is there a way to color a word in a text in a macro?
09:46.41s|loupfor example /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffff00   --- Player Frame ---"); doesnt work as intendet
09:46.51KalrothKirkburn: exitpolls were 49-51% vs 49-51%, but that's just silly :)
09:47.19KirkburnYeah, I know :P
09:47.37Kalroths|loup: you can make a small addon with your own function
09:47.41KirkburnIt's gonna basically all be decided by the overseas votes, which are still being counted
09:48.01s|loupwould be better if i can done it without an addon ;)
09:48.38krka|worki think that looks basically right s|loup
09:48.54krka|worknever done any colouring myself so i dont know the exact syntax
09:49.03s|louphm but it just prints |cffffff00   --- Player Frame --- in white color
09:49.57krka|workisn't that what you wanted?
09:50.00KalrothI don't think that macros does the same parsing as a real lua addon gets
09:50.18krka|workyes it does
09:50.22Kalrothsince |cffffff00 should be translated to colour change, yes?
09:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:51.54s|louplooks like the parsing for color is just in addons not in makros
09:52.33krka|worksounds really doubtful
10:04.40Tem| gets escaped at the chat line
10:04.45Temuse \124
10:13.05s|louphm k will test it
10:29.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
10:31.04_BHow can you know what spell name or spell ID is in an action slot?
10:31.13_BLike how can you resolve spell name or ID from the action slot id
10:32.44s|loupuse GetActionTexture(actionSlot)
10:33.07s|loupso you knwo what texture it is and then check in your books for that texture
10:35.56krka|workscan the tooltip
10:37.24_BThere's not going to be any tooltip if the user uses the action buttons and never mouses over
10:37.35_BBut how does the tooltip know
10:37.40_BIt must get the info from somewhere
10:50.28_BIt would be nice of the API was not so useless however ;p
10:50.42_BParsing the content of tooltips is not good
10:57.12krka|workcould be much worse
11:16.16_BHow can you put a spell into the "waiting to be cast" state so that you can check whether the target is valid?
11:40.43_BHmm it's just CastSpellByName but if I do this with an instant cast spell then it has already cast it
11:41.01Josh|Workclear your target beforehand
11:41.26_BSome spells don't need a target
11:41.43_BSo whilst trying to find out if it can be cast on the player, it has already done so for some spells
11:41.50_BTo be honest I don't think it could be any worse
11:42.08Josh|Workwhat are you trying to do?
11:42.46purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
11:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
12:00.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
12:11.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
12:17.51Shouryuu_when are servers going back up?
12:19.26[MoonWolf]no time soon.
12:23.10JoshBorkenot for another 5 hours or so :-(
13:01.54JoshBorkewow, that selectionring thing looks really nifty
13:55.59JoshBorkei'd give you a link but the forums appear to be broken
13:57.01krka|workoh, that one that was based on a game?
14:03.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
14:03.52wereHamsterto make a text label not change its position when the text changes, you have to textObject:SetPoint("LEFT", parent, "LEFT", 0, 0); textObject:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") .. it doesn't work with CENTER..
14:04.12wereHamsterand I'm using a fixed width font
14:06.21wereHamsternor does it with textObject:SetPoint("RIGHT", parent, "RIGHT", 0, 0); textObject:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
14:06.33JoshBorkekrka|work: yes
14:26.06JoshBorkemorning Cafeine__
14:26.09JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
14:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:26.18Cairennmorning JoshBorke :)
14:29.06*** join/#wowi-lounge malicor (
14:29.47malicorwhen i execute a spell via "CastSpellByName" everything works fine, but my problem is: I want to cast 2 spells in a row, how can i do that?
14:30.02Cairennthis is the selection ring thingy under discussion, krka|work
14:30.17krka|workyeah, saw it
14:30.54Cairennk, wasn't sure if you'd found it yet or not
14:30.55malicor(like i want to cast 2 'small healings' in a row)
14:31.02Cairennmorning malicor
14:31.10malicor4:30pm here:)
14:31.17[MoonWolf]malicor, two hardware events.
14:31.33malicorthat didnt help me yet, could you explain a little ?
14:31.56[MoonWolf]casting a spell requires a hardware event, like pressing a button on the bar or using a hotkey
14:32.12[MoonWolf]but you can only do one such action in per hardware event.
14:32.25[MoonWolf]so you need two hardware events.
14:32.41[MoonWolf]in other words, you cannont cast two spells in one keypress
14:34.46malicoraint there something like a sleep(int millisec); ?
14:35.08Elkanogood (whatever) btw :)
14:35.34JoshBorkegood (whatever) to you too Elkano
14:35.38JoshBorkemalicor: no :-(
14:36.06krka|workbasically, blizzard doesn't want you to do what you want to do
14:36.09krka|workso don't try
14:36.11malicormacros cant do it either ?
14:36.15krka|workif you succeed, blizzard will break it
14:37.01malicorok, lets say i do two hardware events
14:37.30malicorlets say a click on a button (that is one, right?)
14:37.30wereHamsterwhy would someone want to sleep in a script? do decrease framerate?
14:37.35malicorin order to successfully execute two CastSpellByName i would have to wait for the first one to be executed completely ?
14:38.10malicorwerehamster: right now if i execute 2 CastSpellByNames in a row i get the error that there'S another action in progress
14:38.31malicornow if i could sleep x millisecs between the 2 castspellbynames the second one would have been executed (that was my guess at least)
14:38.55wereHamsterthere are plenty of threads in both EU and US forums that cover this topic
14:39.05malicorcan you gimme a link to one please ?
14:39.16wereHamsterI don't have.. sorry
14:39.22malicori ll look myself then :)
14:40.15Cairennnew patch notes are up:
14:41.15Elkanoso there was patch day today?
14:41.38Cairennno, I made that up, a late april fool's joke
14:41.55Cairennyes, mini patch 1.10.1
14:42.07Elkanowell, your today will be my tomorrow ^^
14:42.21Elkanoand the patch log could have been prereleased
14:42.46Cairennnope, that is straight from my wow folder after downloading and applying it :)
14:44.03Elkanowell, I hope it won't break any UIs :)
14:44.15Cairennyou and all the rest of us :)
14:45.10malicorquestion: if a hardware event is executed, can i find out if a CastSpellByName would succeed or fail due to a different action happening at that moment ?
14:48.09JoshBorke"Paladins: Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the Seal of Command talent from casting" my foot
14:49.22JoshBorkei'll believe it when i see it
14:50.10wereHamstermalicor, hardware event == key press or mouse button press and only one addon can recieve those 'events' (it's not an event, its more a callback)
14:50.26wereHamster=> Bindings.xml
15:00.09malicoroki, thanks
15:00.45Wobin_oh patch
15:00.50Wobin_I was so hoping to log on
15:01.03Wobin_(Well, not really... but it was a subtle hope)
15:02.18Wobin_* Fixed a bug that could potentially crash the client when certain combinations of models and lighting were in effect.
15:02.25Wobin_When the moon is in the seventh house =P
15:02.56Elkano...and Jupiter aligns with Mars...
15:03.07Wobin_And peace will guide the planets!
15:03.22CairennI like this one: "* Fixed a bug that crashed the client when players in Moonkin, Noggenfogger, Gordok Ogre Suit, Hallow's End form/costume attempted to create a guild tabard." ... who the hell would even *think* to try to make a guild tabard while disguised?
15:03.36CairennHonestly, the things some people do
15:03.41Cairennjust makes the mind boggle
15:03.44Wobin_I dunno, the thought of a Moonkin in my guild tabard is juts funny
15:04.28ElkanoWobin, you just made me put in the OST :/
15:04.39Wobin_Well phooey.
15:04.49malicorso what i CAN do is use SpellStopCasting(); and then rightafterwards CastSpellByName(), right ?
15:05.01wereHamsterdoes GetChildren() return only the first level of child frames or all child frames?
15:05.43TainJust the first level, you have to recurse to get all.
15:06.51wereHamsterthat's fine.. exactly what I need :)
15:07.36Wobin_anyone got a nice simple addon that shows dynamic frame creation well?
15:07.54Wobin_I always run into an intellectual brick wall when trying to do the GUI
15:08.52Wobin_PS, is the toc number now 5230 or 1101?
15:09.08JoshBorkei thought it was 1337?
15:10.11Cairennstill 11000
15:10.14JoshBorkeor did they actually change it?
15:10.24Cairennjust checked, remained the same
15:10.51CairennWoW.exe version is
15:13.11Cairennanother nice thing with the new CUI ... now instead of you having to go in and delete it before re-extracting it, it tells you that you've got an old version that it will overwrite
15:13.22Cairennand then just does so if you say go ahead
15:13.30Cairenn'bout time
15:17.31KtronDid you know that 11015230 is 2 * 5 * 29 * 181 * 227?
15:18.43KtronAnd the closest prime number to it is 11915237?
15:19.28Wobin_I hope you weren't up all night figuring that one out
15:21.41JoshBorkei hate regex :-(
15:22.34purlregex is, like, ^[$%]?s/.*?:(?:\\\\\\\\\\\\\)+/.*?:(?:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)*/[i]?$
15:22.46Wobin_(That's so true =()
15:23.44Elkano:( regex is fun :(
15:23.57Ktron"Most people are born then laid to rest. Chuck Norris was laid and born to kill!" <--- that one is mine
15:24.57JoshBorkeElkano: nuh uh
15:25.24JoshBorkeElkano:  is that fun? :-(
15:26.56Wobin_Ktron: Are you proud of yourself for perpetuating the Chuck Norris Agenda?
15:27.14Wobin_(And there are too many people in this channel starting with K)
15:28.16ElkanoJoshBorke, you've got to make sure that you're still atching the same service block.
15:28.39Elkanoso make sure taht .* doesn't allow to leave the block
15:30.18wereHamsterI've written a frame-factory that we've talked about yesterday.. works good so far
15:30.50krka|workwhat does it do more exactly?
15:31.45wereHamsterfactory the creates frames on-demand.. and reuses them
15:32.05Wobin_EmbLib? =)
15:33.13wereHamsterwell.. if you want to share frames between addons you can't make it embedded
15:33.26Wobin_Well, reused frames...
15:34.10Wobin_I was thinking it was like Compost, and recycled table references, but with frames instead
15:36.22krka|workah... reuses them
15:36.34krka|workdo you "clean" them on free() or on create()?
15:36.41krka|workand how does the cleaning work?
15:36.55krka|workdoes it work recursively?
15:36.55Wobin_A good strong bleach and plenty of elbow grease!
15:37.00krka|workfreeing all children?
15:37.26krka|workmaintaing seperate freelists for frametypes, textures and fontstrings?
15:37.42wereHamsteryes.. kinda
15:38.51Wobin_When the moon is in the seventh house.... etc =)
15:39.14krka|workbeen thinking about such a factory
15:39.17krka|workkinda tricky to do
15:39.27krka|worklots of things to manage
15:39.51wereHamstereach addon can register a frame type (and a corresponding callbeck when the frame needs to be created)
15:39.59Elkanohmm, what's faster/better? making a table empty by setting all values to nil or simply set the table to nil and create a new one having the gc clean up?
15:40.10wereHamsterso you can have a frame "GenericTexture" and request such an object
15:40.12Wobin_the former
15:40.14krka|workfaster: creating a new table
15:40.15Elkano(I'm talking about a table with 6k+ entries)
15:40.19krka|workbetter: niling
15:40.27krka|workdepends on how often you do it, i suppose
15:40.42Wobin_Better to clean it yourself and reuse the reference
15:40.57Wobin_Have a look at Compost =)
15:41.02Josh|Work( Elkano ): how do i do that?
15:41.14krka|workwhere is Compost?
15:41.19Josh|Workmake sure i leave the block that is
15:41.34krka|workyou wrote it?
15:41.40Wobin_Tekkub did
15:41.54krka|worki'd prefer better names
15:41.58krka|workfree / alloc
15:42.05krka|workor new / delete
15:42.06krka|workor whatever
15:42.18Elkanowell, with ItemDB, I create a table of items that are shown in my list and this table is recreated upon search. Also tha list of all items is recreated every 5min if it is being used (so when accessing it, I check when it has been rebuild last)
15:42.24Wobin_Suggest it to him
15:42.40krka|workah, compost is just for tables?
15:43.02krka|workalready made my own version of that in krkaUtils
15:43.32Wobin_Aye, but the fact that it's an embedded lib makes for better commonality among differnt addons
15:43.43Wobin_with shared table pools
15:44.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:44.17krka|worknot sure why that has to be object oriented
15:44.19krka|workoh well
15:44.24Wobin_I did the same, but it's easy enough to convert
15:44.37Ktronany people around with at least a yellow belt in Visor?
15:44.46Elkanowell, JoshBorke, if you are sure that the service block doesn't contain any } you can simply exclude this char from the list of matched chars ([^}] instead of .)
15:44.48Wobin_White belt, yellow tip =P
15:45.18Elkanoif you aren't sure you'll have to make sure that there is only a balanced amount of {} matched
15:45.36KtronBeen trying to learn about how to do 'switch on stance' bars with Visor
15:45.43krka|workhere's my implementation
15:45.45krka|workvery easy :)
15:45.48Wobin_Ah, AuraScan
15:46.00Wobin_I've got that working with my druid
15:46.08Wobin_but I don't know if warriors are different
15:46.22Elkanoif you don't do that the regex could match host_name and check_command from different service blocks
15:46.26krka|workmine is probably faster too :P
15:46.27KtronActually, I have a rogue in mind
15:46.43Josh|Work( Elkano ): ah, thanks!
15:46.59KtronI've been using the makeBar() script off the Visor wiki
15:47.47Wobin_krka: Yours doesn't seem to setn though
15:47.52Wobin_(clear setn, that is)
15:48.07krka|workhm, good point
15:48.09Wobin_Have a look at AuraScan
15:48.11krka|worki never use getn/setn though
15:48.18Wobin_beside the point =)
15:48.41krka|workbut yeah, if i want to make it an embedded thingy, i should clear it
15:48.42Wobin_If you nil out all the values, getn() will still return the size of the original array if it was all 'insert'd
15:49.07Josh|Work( Elkano ): on my lunch break atm, when i get back to work i'll give it another try and exclude the {} because I know they won't be in the matched sections
15:49.23Elkanok :)
15:49.24wereHamsterWobin_, even if you set tbl.n t ozero?
15:49.27Wobin_Have a look at Tekk's code, krka, he covers it all
15:49.29Josh|Work( Elkano ): thanks so much :-)
15:49.42Elkanowell, I'm not 100% sure it will work but it should :)
15:49.52krka|workbut it seems overly complex, imo
15:49.58Wobin_wereHamster: I think if you set table.n to 0, it will always remain 0 from thereon in unless you specifically setn the value
15:50.11Wobin_Not for what it does, krka...
15:50.22Wobin_We've all hashed over the code quite a bit already =)
15:50.34krka|workand why "totn" and "numr", totally unreadable :/
15:50.35wereHamsterI though getn returns the highest index with tbl[index] ~= nil
15:50.51Wobin_unless table.n has been set
15:50.51krka|workno, lowest index such that tbl[index - 1] ~= nil
15:51.07Wobin_if table.n has been set, it will always return that
15:51.08krka|workno wait
15:51.12wereHamsterand if you nil everything, then there won't be any index and getn returns 0
15:51.16krka|worklowest index such that tbl[index +1] = nil
15:52.13krka|worksince i never use table.insert and table.remove, there's no reason for me to use table.getn
15:52.14krka|worki prefer to keep track of table size manually
15:52.43TainKtron this is exactly what I use with my Rogue and Visor.
15:53.13Wobin_Actually I can't remember the reasons behind all that =P
15:53.31krka|workoooh... how does AuraScan work?
15:53.36Wobin_I'm sure there was one though
15:55.50TainWell, it's part of Visor's utils.  I'll paste the code.
15:55.57krka|workthanks :)
15:56.14krka|workit appears to have a similar purpose to krkaUtils:s hasbuff
15:57.10krka|workO_o: cache in Compost?
15:57.11TainYeah it's just a buff scanner.
15:57.32krka|workalso, removing the first element of a table is slower than removing the last
15:58.09krka|workWobin_, you know why there are two caches in Compost
15:58.29wereHamsterTain, I've always found the actionbutton handling difficult.. and swapping actionbuttons around requires a server roundtrip.. that's why I wrote the addon that binds keys to actions (spellcasts) with shapeshift form support..
15:58.46krka|workouch @ AuraScan
15:59.02TainActually the original documentation on AuraScan is apparently lost.  heh
15:59.11krka|workprobably just as well :)
15:59.20krka|workcreating tables + closures + scanning
15:59.40TainYeah just another bit of the code I haven't ever gotten to look at yet.
16:00.11krka|worknot to brag, but feel free to steal ideas from krkaUtils
16:00.52TainYeah wereHamster, it is a bit of a pain.  I figured on trying to stick with the way WoW itself does the swapping for compatability, but it has to be faster to do it that way.
16:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:01.04TainI'm not above stealing ideas, krka!  :)
16:01.22krka|workbasically, i register for buff-modifying events
16:01.24krka|workand set the dirty-flag
16:01.39krka|workwhen asked about a buff, i either return the cache or scan it
16:01.50Ratbert_CPMmmm.... Dirty flags...  *drool*
16:01.56wereHamsterWhen I tried swap button from addons WoW produces that swap-sound everytime I moved a button.. how did you disable that? or do you swap the whole actionbar?
16:04.01Wobin_krka: It's a weak table, so it gets cleaned up faster, I think
16:04.19Wobin_I'm not sure if it's fully developed yet
16:04.23Wobin_but it's an overflow table
16:04.26wereHamsterthat was actually my first attempt to modify on-the fly keybindings.. I kept the actionbutton keybindings unchanged and swaped the buttons around..
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16:04.47krka|workweak table? O_o
16:04.57krka|workyou're over my head i think :)
16:05.07wereHamstertbl.__mode = "kv"
16:05.09Wobin_It's a lua thing
16:05.21wereHamsteror __mode = "k" or __mode = "v"
16:05.41krka|workah ok... so basically you cap the amount of things in your freelist
16:05.43krka|workmakes sense
16:08.45krka|worknot sure why not you'd simply just use a weak table
16:10.36Wobin_for the main pool?
16:10.37TainwereHamster: the way Visor does it is getting rid of the main ActionBar entirely and treating every button as its own entitiy.  You specify what to swap with what, and it swaps the button IDs and leaves the keybindings.
16:10.47Wobin_Cause that'd just get wiped on the first GC
16:10.56Wobin_Which sort of defeats the purpose
16:11.15Wobin_Well, you want to have this pool of table references to reuse, right?
16:11.25krka|workthe purpose is to not create and throw away tables
16:11.28Wobin_What's the point if every few minutes you have to create a whole batch of new ones
16:11.46krka|workcreating a table with {} is probably faster than getting one from the freelist
16:11.55ckknighthey all
16:12.16Wobin_I'm not sure about that, krka
16:12.20krka|workthe point is that you avoid gc:ing when you create / delete tables in a fast paste
16:12.54krka|workwill have to do some benchmarking
16:13.20Wobin_I'm fairly sure retrieving an already existing reference is faster than creating a new one
16:13.29krka|workyou're not just doing that though
16:13.36krka|workyou're calling lots of functions
16:14.08krka|workand lots of table lookups
16:14.29Wobin_*shrug* I'm not an expert in memory management =)
16:14.40TainI thought I was, but I forgot.
16:14.59krka|workgood one, indeed
16:15.21TainI'm actually debating going and picking up a new cellphone, one o'them MS Smartphone thingies.
16:15.25krka|workok, but assuming that {} is faster than :Acquire() then i am correct :P
16:15.40Wobin_Probably =)
16:15.56Wobin_I'm not sure how you'd go about benchmarking it, but give it a go =)
16:16.05krka|worknot sure either
16:16.25krka|workdo acquire a bunch of times, and do {} a bunch of times
16:16.32Wobin_Cause you'd probably only see effective differences after a lot of repetitions
16:17.09krka|workbetter would be to implement both strategies
16:17.14krka|workand put them to the same tests
16:17.32Wobin_although, Calling 'Acquire' a bunch of times without releasing it back to the Compost would be the same as calling {} but with an extra funciton call =P
16:17.43Wobin_so you'd have to work it differently
16:18.13krka|workAcquire / Release a lot of times
16:18.51Wobin_{} and nil it a lot? =)
16:18.53krka|workhard to benchmark in any case
16:19.07krka|workno, that'd be an unfair test
16:19.34krka|workhmm gotta run
16:19.37krka|workwill have to continue this later
16:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:45.04Adrine"Jagged Obsidian Shield is now Bind on Equip."
16:45.06AdrineWhat the hell.
16:45.08Adrinegg casters.
16:45.29Adrine* Rogue
16:45.31Adrine(nothing here)
16:45.36AdrineAppreciate it blizz.
16:45.51AdrineThis concludes your 1.10.1 patchnote bitching for the day. Have a good one!
16:49.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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16:59.53MentalPowermorning folks
17:04.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
17:12.03krkai am still fairly convinced that a memory management library should focus on minimal speed overhead when doing free and delete
17:12.16krkaminimal speed for the most common cases
17:14.09Wobin_but memory and speed are two different things
17:14.29Wobin_ie, you shouldn't sacrifice memory for speed if it's a memory management thing
17:14.43krkabut you wouldn't with my suggestion
17:14.57Wobin_dumping the table cache every few minutes?
17:15.08krkayes, that _saves_ memory :P
17:15.28Wobin_But what if you're constantly using and reusing tables at the time?
17:15.44krkayou'd only have the penalty right after having run the gc
17:15.48krka_once_ every gc that is
17:16.54Wobin_I think the cascaded pool works the same way, though, and you maintain the speed/.memory save from reuse of table reference -and- dump over the 'limit' references on GC
17:17.19Wobin_Sort of the best of both worlds thing =P
17:17.22IrielI guess I missed the beginning of an interesting conversation
17:17.35Wobin_I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to argue all this =)
17:18.04Wobin_Iriel! We're discussing the structure of Tekkub's CompostLib
17:18.12Wobin_ie why he did it that way
17:18.55krkai think the aquire-method does too much work, and for too little gani
17:18.59Wobin_I'm somewhat operating from a third party perspective of the whole situation, so my arguments are somewhat skewd
17:19.00krkanon gain, actually
17:19.47IrielI'm not familiar with CompostLib, do yo uhave a link?
17:19.53Wobin_Sure, one sec
17:21.00krkahere's my proposal, excluding the embedding code
17:21.18Wobin_(oh and krka, all those weird variables are all for the reporting)
17:21.55krkabut why not give them better names?
17:22.13Wobin_who knows, maybe he got infected by Rowne
17:23.03IrielAcquire would bother me
17:23.16Wobin_totn = total number numr=number reclaimed, etc etc, I think
17:23.25krkahmm.. .that's not the one you showed me before i think
17:23.43Wobin_Hm, the link on the wiki may be old
17:23.45krkai mostly have a problem with the design of two caches
17:23.48Wobin_This is the latest version
17:23.58Wobin_But the Acquire had been moved to GetTAble
17:24.00krka(and all the unnecessary function calls)
17:24.13krka(but those can be fixed without a redesign)
17:25.10krkai am not so sure i even want a weak table, it slows it down slightly
17:25.16krkamore things to check
17:25.17IrielIndeed, what is the point of the 2ndary cache?
17:25.24Wobin_overflow apparantly
17:25.26IrielWhy not just use a single one, and make it weak if necessary
17:25.55krkaIriel, i think the second one is weak
17:26.05Wobin_Aye, the second one is weak
17:26.07krkathe argument was that having the first one weak saves a couple of {}
17:26.14krkaerr... first one _not weak_
17:26.27krkabut the weak one only gets flushed on GC anyway
17:26.34Wobin_(please note, that's -my- interpretation =P)
17:26.35krkaso you don't really gain anything
17:26.48krkathat's the only interpretation i can come up with too
17:27.00krkaassuming, of course, that {} isn't really slow
17:27.08krkain that case, it might be faster to keep the first cache
17:27.17IrielWell, this library doesn't care THAT much about speed
17:27.28krkabut then again, that still only applies to the first couple of calls to Acquire
17:27.53IrielAnd using table.insert and table.remove for the secondary cache is going to cause issues
17:27.54krkathe weak table is a good idea, assuming that the list would grow very big over time
17:28.06Irielit's much better to just make a table with weak keys AND values
17:28.13krkaand insert /delete on first index :/
17:28.17krkaand looping
17:28.22Irieland then just use next to get the next free one
17:28.24Irieland nil it
17:28.34IrielActually, weak keys, and boolean values would be just as good
17:28.37Wobin_hrm, next
17:28.40Wobin_That's a good point
17:28.46krkawhat's wrong with my code then? :P
17:28.46Irielthen insert is: secondaryCache[object] = true;
17:28.48Irieland remove is
17:29.02wereHamsterlocal function newTable() return table.remove(freelist) or {} end  .. would that work?
17:29.07Iriellocal new = next(secondaryCache) if (new) then secondaryCache[new] = nil; end
17:29.23krkaIriel, do you see any possible optimization for my code?
17:30.07IrielAll of your free implementations screw up on self referential tables
17:30.22krkai have mostly assumed i was being given nice data
17:30.25IrielI also dont see the point of freelistsize
17:30.39IrielYou've essentially re-implemented getn/setn
17:30.47krkano function calls :P
17:30.59Wobin_What's the point of havng a table with only weak keys or only weak values?
17:31.16IrielWobin_ : it depends if the non-weak values are collectable
17:31.52krkai could get rid of freelistSize, but then i'd have to use table.getn or iterate over the table
17:32.01IrielI still think my suggestion is cleaner
17:32.14IrielEspecially for yours krka
17:32.18Irielit'd make the code much shorter
17:32.29krkahmm... can you pastebin your idea?
17:32.31IrielAnd wouldn't have the self-referential problem as much.
17:32.40wereHamsterIriel, isn't table.getn() O(n) ?
17:32.55krkaonly if the internal n is not set, i think
17:32.56wereHamster.. unless the table has a member 'n' ..
17:34.33krkaIriel, how do lua tables work behind the scenes?
17:34.43krkai've always imagined that pure index key tables are somehow faster :P
17:34.53krkaerr... pure integer
17:35.00Irieltable.getn is O(1)
17:35.02Irielmore or less
17:35.16Irielkrka: they are
17:35.29IrielLua tables maintain their entries in 2 lists
17:35.33Irielone is an array
17:35.38Irieland one is a hash table
17:35.55Irielthey re-balance their entries at runtime between the 2 lists
17:36.06krkathen having tables as keys would be a hashtable
17:36.33IrielTrue, but look at all of the code I've REMOVED
17:39.00krkayeah... but is it faster?
17:39.12krkacleaner, agreed, but i think it was already clean enough
17:44.36wereHamsterIriel, I've implemented a simple frame-factory for my 'coolDown' addon, What things should I clean up when 'releasing' the frame? SetScript() etc ?  We've discussed it yesterday but I don't remember anymore :-/
17:45.04krkaclearallpoints, iterate through all keys and set to nil
17:45.05Wobin_I wish Firefox was better at releasing memory =P
17:46.33wereHamsterset all keys to nil.. that's the job of the 'DestroyFrame' callback ;)
17:47.44Wobin_I hope your DestroyFrame callback has an evil cackle
17:48.35wereHamsterthis callback is provided by the addon that registered the CreateFrame callback.. so it whould know what to do and what don't
18:01.29MentalPowerIriel: what is better from a GC standpoint, "table = {}" or iterating thru a previously used list and niling out all the keys to have an empty table?
18:03.49Elvisoseems Sanity is crashing me when I chk my mail again, or something is
18:05.08AdrineElviso: I released 1.5.6 to address that
18:05.17Elvisolet me chk my version
18:05.36AdrineWorking on 1.6, which is a complete refactor of the codebase. It suffers from severe feature creep and the resulting brittleness :)
18:06.22ElvisoAdrine: ahhh I have 1.5.4.....coulda sworn I had it up-to-date....I wasn't crashing at the mailboxes before the maint.
18:06.36Elvisoanyways, time to update!
18:06.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
18:07.20KirovAdrine - do you have an update for Sanity yet?
18:07.43AdrineJust 1.5.6, which addresses the mailbox issue
18:07.57Elvisothe one linked there is 1.5.7
18:08.03AdrineI'm working on a complete refactor of the code. I'm doing it right this time, with proper MVC and test-driven development. :)
18:08.06AdrineErr, right, 1.5.7
18:08.17AdrineWhich was released to address a bug in 1.5.6. *chuckle*
18:09.18KirovI hate that, all of my addons are like 1.5 is out ... 1.51, 1.52, 1.53 ... ok, all good.  opps, forgot to zip up the right version 1.54, forgot to include that end, 1.55
18:09.26AdrineYes, I do that
18:09.38AdrineI need to hire a QA guy or something
18:09.55Adrine(I actually have two guildies that do QA for Norton, so they're pretty good about catching problems in my pre-releases)
18:10.04AdrineErr. Symantec.
18:10.51KirovOr the best is you make some big change for optimization, test it, it all works fine.  Release ... realize you never actually SAVED said optimizations before testing and the release you just sent out was uber broken.
18:11.26AdrineLove that.
18:11.26ElkanoI once broke one of my addons by adding a comment :/
18:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
18:11.34AdrineI'm so  horrible about corner-case testing.
18:11.37AdrineSo so so horrible.
18:11.39Elkano...I used C-style syntax...
18:12.14KirovThough, it's worse when people report bugs in your addon and demand they be fixed ... when they're using a version that's a month older than the 2 month old release that fixed the problem.
18:12.17wereHamsterMentalPower, I don't know if the test is representative.. Ive tested those two lua codes:  'for i=1,1000000 do t={} for j=1,1000 do t[j]=j end end'      and       't={} for i=1,1000000 do for j=1,1000 do t[j]=j end for j=1,1000 do t[j]=nil end end'   and the former is twice as fast
18:12.34Elkanobtw: anyone of you using DurabilityFu?
18:13.15Elkanoalso experiencing lag when sth is added to your bags?
18:13.34MentalPoweryeah, I know t = {} is faster, but I want to know if the other method is more GC friendly
18:13.49Wobin_Not noticably... but then I haven't really been looking?
18:14.31KirovMental - yes
18:15.07ElkanoI'm getting about 1 sec lag and I narrowed it down to DurabilityFu since disabling it fixes the lag :/ but having a look at the code didn't give me a "that's the bug" :/
18:15.15KirovMental - the other method, to my knowledge, actually removes that data from the memory outright, not requiring a GC to get it back.
18:15.45MentalPowerawesome, thanks Kirov
18:15.51ElvisoElkano: the only prob I noticed w/DurFu was that if you had it & KC_autorepair, it'd lag you to all hell when you opened a vendor window
18:16.19Elkanowell, they both have auto repair ^^
18:16.39Elvisono they don't
18:16.49ElvisoDurFu has the pop-up, but it doesn't have auto
18:16.58Elvisoand the lag occurred even after disabling the pop-up
18:17.05wereHamsterMentalPower, when executing the former piece of code, lua's memory usage stays at 8.8MB all the time
18:17.09Elkanook, for me that's a bit auto ^^
18:17.13Elvisobut I think I pestered ckknight enough to add auto-repair :)
18:17.38wereHamsterso either lua's GC collects the garbage at every loop iteration or it reuses the table somhow
18:17.39Elvisoauto = you just open vendor and it repairs it all, no silly pop-ups needed :)
18:18.53AdrineOk, so, question
18:19.02AdrineSince I'm refactoring Sanity, it's the right time to add in custom groups
18:19.07AdrineShould they be one-one or many-many?
18:19.33Adrineie, can you have an item in one custom group, or many?
18:19.35Kirovcustom groups?
18:19.51AdrineYeah, create a custom group (say, Fire Resist gear), and put items into it
18:19.57AdrineThen be able to filter by custom groups
18:20.08AdrineOften-requested feature, and I can see how it'd be useful. :)
18:20.43AdrineCurrently, items are grouped by type/subtype/equip loc
18:20.57AdrineAdding custom grouping should make it far more flexible.
18:21.17krkawhat's sanity?
18:21.23krkain one sentence :P
18:21.31AdrineInventory management mod
18:21.39krkasounds cool
18:21.49AdrineList-style searchable view of your bags/bank/mail/character's items.
18:22.00krkadoes it display items as your graph thingy?
18:22.07krkafood getting close to eachother et.c.
18:22.25Wobin_many-many would be nice...
18:22.44krkaand automatic groups
18:22.59AdrineAutomatic groups exist already in some form
18:23.01krkaall rares automatically in group "Rare"
18:23.07Wobin_You should use PT =)
18:23.09krkai have been thinking about such a mod myself
18:23.10AdrineWell, you can sort by various things
18:23.17Wobin_PeriodicTable =P
18:23.18AdrineIf you sort by quality, it groups by quality
18:23.18krkatoo lazy to actually do it
18:23.26AdrineLemme look it up, Wobin
18:23.52krkaman, how do all you people manage to create nice GUIs? :(
18:24.19Wobin_krka: I know just how you feel... GUI? GUH =P
18:24.24MiravlixWow. thats one 1.10 stealth change. Target Dummies last 5 seconds if they aren't in a fight and Fused Wireing stacks
18:24.30krka_everyone_ here except me can do it, it seems
18:24.33krkabloody annoying
18:24.50krkamy new strategy is to just use plain blue rectangular frames now
18:24.50Wobin_I can't figure it out either =P
18:25.00krkaugly, but functional
18:25.05Wobin_So I write addons that don't need guis =P
18:25.15Kirovkrka - oy
18:25.17ElkanoMiravlix, that's not totaly stealth... at least the fused wireings were in patch notes afair
18:25.20krkai write addons where atleast the focus isn't on gui
18:25.20Kirovdon't be like Loz please
18:25.27krkalike Loz?
18:25.32MiravlixThey simply wasn't afraid of finger painting as a kid
18:25.40KirovDiscord stuff is great, but all his frames are ooooglu
18:25.40Elkanowell, krka, c&p ;)
18:25.48AdrineDiscord's frames are...very functional.
18:25.53AdrineThat's about all I can say about them. :)
18:25.53KirovBlue and red
18:25.57Wobin_Finger painting with XML is like... ... ...
18:26.08krkawell... i wont spend time on stuff i am bored with
18:26.16krkai'd be very happy to accept help though
18:26.22krkai can draw basic schematics of what i want
18:26.42krkabut i am not sure anyone here actually wants to help :)
18:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:27.04Kirovbasic ui stuff isn't terribly difficult
18:27.14AdrineIt gets pretty easy as you do more of it
18:27.17krkatrue... just annoying
18:27.21JoshBorkei'm with you krka, GUI ftl
18:27.29AdrineThe "aha" moment for me was building layouts with proper parenting and anchoring
18:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:27.37krkai dont know which textures to use, and when to use them, et.c.
18:27.43AdrineRather than "here are all my widgets, figure out the proper x/y manually"
18:27.45krkai get parenting and anchoring
18:27.52krkaand positioning
18:28.01krkait's just... i need to put textures on stuff
18:28.24krkai'll try to find a screenshot of my current attempts :)
18:28.25Kirovjust reuse Blizzard's existing stuff
18:28.29JoshBorkei just inherit them from other objects and say have at it
18:28.37krkablizzard seems to have special textures for each of their frames
18:28.41krkaso i can't reuse
18:28.52krkai tried looking at questlog, for instance
18:28.58KirovWhat kind of frame are you attempting to create?
18:29.04krkai will show!
18:29.09Elkanoquestlog was a pain when writing FramesResized :/
18:29.12KirovI've done a lot of "creative reuse" for my mods.
18:29.24JoshBorkei could never get my scrollbars textured nicely :-(
18:29.37Elkanokirov, me too :) ItemDB uses action house-ui ^^
18:29.58KirovElkano - which I'm surprised no one else did before.  heh
18:30.03AdrineSanity was built very heavily off of the CTRaid durability query frame
18:30.12AdrineOnce I figured out how it worked, I dumped it and reworked it.
18:30.40krkadamn, can't find a shot of my current attempt
18:30.43krkaoh well
18:30.46Elkanome too :) it wasn't that hard to rebuild the filters :)
18:30.55krkait's mostly blue semitransparent frames with white text
18:31.34krkaanyone please let me know if they want to throw together a gui for me
18:31.41Kirovwhat mod?
18:31.54KirovI still need to rewrite SimpleTranqShot's UI
18:32.10KirovI need to finish rewriting the internals first though.
18:32.24krkabasically, i just want to avoid having to do the configuring of GRAB from Settings.lua
18:32.27KirovJust so hard to actually bother doing that though, since it's quite functional as is.
18:32.40krkaGame Reactive Action Buttons
18:32.56AdrineHm. I'd like to use itemIDs, but I can't get itemIDs for mail items.
18:33.09KirovAdrine - but you can!
18:33.28krkaancient version here:
18:33.32krkanext version will come with the gui
18:33.46AdrineKirov: Not without brute forcing the item cache :P
18:33.59Kirovwell, true
18:34.02Kirovbut it works. =)
18:34.10Kirovas long as the item isn't enchanted. =P
18:34.16AdrineSee, the idea is to not have the system hang for 3 years when you hit the mailbox. >_>
18:34.42KirovYou don't have to do every item on the first frame.
18:34.59KirovCurious thing about the mail box, if you open it, then close it manually and walk away, all the data in it stays.
18:35.08KirovSo you can continue to parse it
18:35.10ElkanoKirov, I DO brute force the cache with itemdb ^^
18:35.33KirovElkano - yeah, you haven't seen my GetInboxItemId() function though
18:35.51KirovThink of itemdb, but also does suffix ids
18:36.43Elkanoyou'll never get a 100% accurate id by name
18:36.53Kirovit's not by name
18:36.57Kirovit's by tooltip
18:37.12Elkanook, that IS overkill ^^
18:37.52Elkanobtw: what are the new minigame files for that shiped with 1.10?
18:37.54KirovInduces a noticable, but not terrible hitch, but will return the proper id for any item
18:38.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
18:38.46QzotGood morning.
18:39.50Elvisoanyone have a *working* version of totemtimers? I haven't been able to find one that keeps the expiry times
18:39.58Elvisohello, Qzot
18:40.35KirovElkano - this is a version of the function I wrote, though this one doesn't work.  The real function I have at home and keep forgetting to upload someplace.
18:41.16ElvisoKirov: what changes would you make to SimpleTranq?
18:41.20KirovI have a method for adding support for enchants as well semi-quickly
18:41.21Elvisoit works great right now
18:41.42KirovElviso - lots of people have been asking for more channel support.
18:41.52Elvisoas in multiple channels?
18:42.02Kirovbeyond just /rs + something else
18:42.10KirovAnd different messages for each channel.
18:42.36ElvisoI see
18:42.37KirovOnly send misses to /yell, everything else to private channel, with a "you're next" in a whisper
18:43.07wereHamsteroh.. the last episode of '24' was interesting :)
18:43.30krkanot seen it yet
18:43.38krkabut damn, weird james bond music ripoff
18:44.00KirovElviso - I've also been thinking about adding something along the lines of Zanzer's Tranq Timer
18:44.19KirovThough with out the command line stuff
18:45.12Wobin_I need an addon that gives me the 'best' equipment setup without me having to do any math =P
18:45.13KirovI have the basic UI for creating rotations as well.
18:45.22KirovWobin - lazy
18:45.34Wobin_Kirov - Totally.
18:46.02purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
18:46.25Kirov~emulate saien
18:46.26purlThis is a stunningly stupid question to direct at me.
18:46.27Wobin_~listkeys whale
18:46.50krkaWobin_, that's kinda tricky
18:46.56wereHamsterWobin_, outfitter will assemble the best equipment based on rules like maxhp, max resistances, max defense etc
18:47.02krkayou can optimize attributes to some extent
18:47.26Wobin_I kinda want something that'll tell me if like... more int is better than +healing
18:47.29krkais there any addon that determines which items are useless?
18:47.37AdrineDefine "useless"
18:47.46krkai have some other item that is much better
18:47.53krkain all (or almost) ways
18:47.57AdrineI've been kicking around an idea for that
18:48.07krkayou can specify the critera
18:48.11Wobin_Althoguh, I guess if someone told me roughly the relationship between +healing and mana, it'd probably point me in the right direction
18:48.13KirovThere's a number of auto-destroy mods that kill grey / white items in favor of greens / blues, etc.
18:48.15AdrineSomething that, when hovering over an item, would make an educated guess as to its usefulness based on your class and spec.
18:48.15krkalike 10*int + 2*sta + 1*spi
18:48.30wereHamsterWobin_, my brother did a delphi app that shower how items perform WRT spi/mp5 in long fight..
18:48.35KirovSome get info from either their own price database or lootlinks / pricemasters / auctioneer's
18:48.37krkanot destroy, just mark for vendoring
18:49.19Wobin_ie, should I collect more +int, or more +heal?
18:49.39Wobin_+spi probably isn't going to help as much as the other two
18:50.09wereHamsteris pretty cool.. shows a graph for each item and you can see when they intersect, and based on that and properties like %OOC time you can see which item is better
18:50.19Elkanodepends... as a 1.10 priest, +spi can also give you +heal afair
18:50.36Wobin_not that much though
18:50.48Adrine1 damage per 4 spirit, IIRC
18:51.02AdrineBut considering that a raiding priest can top 400 spirit pretty easily...
18:51.17krkashould atleast be easy to make an addon that marks items that definitely are useless
18:51.24krkai.e. worse stats in everything that's interesting
18:51.46krkaor just lists all items per category so you can choose yourself
18:52.05Elkanowell, you can't tell what you may get via AH ;)
18:52.12Wobin_Adrine: huh. yeah, I was working off 5% and forgot you could put more points in it =)
18:53.09wereHamsterI found it.. just have to load all items from thottbot.. takes some time :)
18:53.44wereHamsterbut I can't give it to you.. my brother doesn't want to give it away
18:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
18:54.50Elkanohmm, so could rewrite it as a php script :)
18:55.10Wobin_But then again, I'm not sure if +spi, even with the 25% spi+heal, is worth the mana gained by +int...
18:55.19Wobin_Oh it's all so hard =P
18:55.45wereHamsterfor a priest +spi and mp5 is better than +int
18:56.19Wobin_I should build up my mp5 collection
18:57.04Temoh yeah today is 1.10.1
18:58.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
18:58.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
18:59.11Wobin_at the moment, my best manaregen is about 80mps
18:59.37Kirovthat's it?
18:59.47Kirovoh, wait, p/sec
18:59.56Wobin_I've not been looking for much mp5 stuff
19:00.04Wobin_just what I've picked up along the way
19:00.24KirovWobin - what class?
19:00.59wereHamsterAdrine, how can I move the sanity bag-icon?
19:01.28Kirovright click / drag
19:01.50Wobin_Sorry, I should have made that clear at the begining =)
19:02.07KirovWobin - my gf averages around 160 per tick, spirit gear only.
19:02.15Kirovso, around 80mps
19:02.31KirovI think she can crank that up to 220 or so if she needs to
19:02.41Wobin_Anyone know what the spirit to mana regen ratio is?
19:02.57Kirovit's on wowwiki
19:03.06Temit's different depending on the situation isn't it?
19:03.10Kirovwell hidden, like most stuff
19:03.17Temoh man... what the hell
19:03.23TemAuth Servers are already dead
19:03.40Wobin_Oh I'm a lousy priest... it's 80mpt
19:05.07Temthis is getting rediculous
19:05.13Kirovshe's in 8/8 transcendance though. =)
19:05.14TemI can't ever log in
19:05.42Wobin_yes, well I've only just started collecting tier0 =P
19:08.20Cairennanyone able to log in yet?
19:08.22wereHamsterdows anyone know if there's a public SQL database for WoW items? I'd like to work with the items locally/offline and a local database would be much faster than allakhazam/thottbot
19:08.54Wobin_I'm ingame atm
19:09.03Wobin_But I logged in a while ago
19:09.08CairennI keep getting unable to connect after the auth screen
19:10.00Wobin_I think the best way for me to figure this out is go on a whole lot more raids =P
19:10.06Wobin_And try different suits out
19:10.27wereHamster-.- I was downloading the items from thottbot, then WoW somehow crashed and I did 'killall wineserver' and forgot that the characterprofiler also runs under wine.. now I have to download everything again :-/
19:11.44CodayuswereHamster: If you find something like that let me know.
19:12.00TemCairenn: are you as sick of this problem as me?
19:12.08TemCairenn: this is getting rediculous IMO
19:12.12CairennTem: what problem?
19:12.29Temthe auth servers crapping out when there is any kind of loa
19:12.34AdrinewereHamster: I've written a number of apps that grab that data from the allakhazam XML file and cache it
19:12.47Cairennmind you, I'm just plain nervous about my computer atm
19:13.02Cairennthe reason I dropped from channel for a few? BSoD, Page Kernal Fault
19:13.08Cairennhad to reboot
19:13.17Gryphenwhat is the addy for the breaking news?
19:13.19Cairennhad to reinstall my email
19:13.32Cairennand now not able to connect to WoW
19:13.37Cairennwondering if related
19:13.43Gryphennot related
19:13.55wereHamsterAdrine, but it's a bit a waste to query a database for an item, transform the data into html/xml and then back into a database on the local computer
19:13.58Cairennthat is why I asked if anyone else was having probs
19:14.07Temyeah I can't connect
19:14.13Cairennothers are, so I relax
19:14.13Temit's really kinda pissing me off
19:14.25AdrinewereHamster: Can you elaborate?
19:14.29TemI have some stuff to do soon and I wanted to mess around in wow before I had to go
19:14.55CairennI would like to know why I suddenly got Page Kernal error and BSoD'd though
19:15.43wereHamsterAdrine, the allakhazam server has the data in a database I guess, their server gets the item info, transforms it into html/xml and on my side I store the data again in a database
19:18.04KirovI was looking to build my LootLink Database Adder from Allakhazam's database.
19:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:20.43ckknighthey all
19:21.01Wobin_I can drop a rank in healing with my +heal gear...
19:21.02Cairennhey ckknight
19:21.15Wobin_I need to mod aceheal =P
19:22.12Kirovyay patch day
19:23.06ElvisoAdrine: you still around
19:23.17KirovThey need to add the authentication server to the "Server Status" page
19:23.17Codayusmodding aceheal to count +healing would be uber.
19:23.25ckknightwhat do people recommend for an IRC client on Windows?
19:23.34Codayusif it doesn't already...I never checked
19:24.09Kirov(xircon, mirc, trillian)
19:24.24JoshBorkewhat about pirch?
19:24.32wereHamstergaim ?
19:24.39JoshBorkenot that i would ever recommend it though :D
19:24.43Codayusckknight: putty to ssh to a *nix box, and then irssi (inside screen)
19:25.25Wobin_Codayus: From the brief look I had, no it appears not
19:25.41ckknightI want something not monospace, so that won't work, Codayus
19:25.53Codayus....NOT monospace?
19:26.00Wobin_We really need an embedded tooltip scanning lib =P That maybe caches tooltip info
19:26.13ckknightyea, it'd hard to read monospace
19:26.18CodayusI....don't understand ....  oO
19:26.18ckknightunless it's code or something
19:26.25CodayusYou need a better font.
19:26.47Codayusyou probablyuse.....
19:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:27.50Codayusand thats another reason to use irssi+screen.  :-)
19:28.13Elkanockknight, I got a strange 'bug' with DurabilityFu :/ whenever sth is added to my bags I get about 1sec lag :/
19:28.55ckknightCodayus, I will _not_ have something monospace
19:29.11ckknightnot for IRC
19:29.34krkawhy does everything need to be embedded?
19:30.00ckknightbecause it's shinier that way
19:30.03Elkanockknight, with mIRC you can chose your font yourself
19:30.08Codayusyour loss.  :-)
19:30.31ElvisoI hated mIRC, too ugly. I like vIRC :)
19:30.39krkaxchat ftw
19:31.34ckknightI'm trying out XChat now...
19:34.29JoshBorkeisn't xircon pretty much dead?
19:40.43Cairennthis has got to be the most amusing justification ever for not allowing mods
19:41.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
19:41.52AdrineWeh weh weh, people don't spend their free time for my benefit fast enough! >:(
19:42.05Wobin_oh no!
19:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge malicor (
19:42.15Wobin_We'd better not tell him Santa isn't real =P
19:42.18malicorgood evening:)
19:42.22Cairennhi malicor
19:42.41Cairenn"they are too popular so they shouldn't be allowed"
19:43.17CairennQzot: cloud perhaps?
19:43.22JoshBorkehi malicor
19:44.10QzotAnyone else having connect problems this morning?
19:44.14Cairennoh yeah
19:44.22QzotAh. Good.
19:44.28QzotMisery loves company.
19:44.39malicorcould someone tell me where i could read about how to save information to a file and load them again ?
19:44.41Wobin_I love the children of Cenarius.
19:44.41Wobin_You get the joy of killing a night elf and then you can make venison stew.
19:45.22Qzotmalicor: In the context of WoW?
19:45.55malicorlike i have something in a EditBox and want to save it
19:47.40malicorthanks :)
19:47.49Cairennckknight: you're definitely hitting the big time with FuBar, it's now being included in Compilations:
19:48.04ckknightI just got 1.10.1 installed
19:48.11ckknightgonna make FuBar 1.0 RC now
19:48.18QzotCairenn: I heard you mention FuBar? Who's the author?
19:48.25ckknightsoon as it lets me log in
19:48.38Wobin_I dislike compilations due to the difficulty in keeping all the parts up to date
19:48.54Temhas anyone had any success logging in yet?
19:48.59Cairennnot I
19:49.04Wobin_I have, but it was earlier...
19:49.16ckknightthis isn't cool
19:49.24QzotI logged in earlier and got the patch.
19:49.35Cairennoh, getting the patch isn't a problem
19:49.41Cairenngetting past the auth server is
19:49.51ckknightCairenn, I had to reinstall WoW to install this patch
19:49.58Cairennckknight: ewwww
19:50.02Wobin_yeppers. Authentication is teh crapzor
19:50.07QzotYou can't get the patch without authenticating, can you?
19:50.19ckknightit absolutely did not want to install the patch
19:50.25Cairennor, can you? *thinks*
19:50.30Cairennckknight: :(
19:50.34Wobin_I don't believe you can, Cair
19:50.37malicorwhat is FuBar ?
19:50.38zenzelezzcan't you grab the patch somewhere on the website?
19:50.46ckknightmalicor, something similar to Titan
19:50.48Cairennmalicor: previously BossPanel
19:51.07Wobin_wow. Cair is LinkQueen =)
19:51.26CairennWobin_: wouldn't be the first time I was wrong, won't be the last either
19:51.27Wobin_Or maybe she has all these urls memorised
19:52.24Cairennbut golly gee, I can find mods on my site rather quickly, for some odd reason
19:52.28Wobin_... just... aw
19:52.43Cairenncute puppy
19:52.54Wobin_Aussie shepherd pup =)
19:53.12wereHamsterfeel free to comment:
19:53.21TemAll we need is some ice cream and a hug
19:53.29CairennwereHamster: that's you?
19:53.49ckknightwereHamster, why are your methods lowercase?
19:53.53Cairenndidn't know what name you were using on the site :p
19:54.15wereHamsterShag is my in-game name.. wereHamster is only for IRC
19:55.17AnduinLotharhmm, lowercase methods.. sounds like leftovers from java poison
19:55.35QzotWoW is meta-down...
19:55.36Wobin_two frameCreate functions, were?
19:55.44QzotEven is down.
19:55.44GryphenEasy for FuBar to hit the big time when 70% of the new updated are FuBar * spam :p
19:56.15Wobin_=( chow
19:56.20Wobin_A bit yappy =)
19:56.21JoshBorkewait a tic, that's a self-referential link!
19:56.28Cairennnot much
19:56.29Gryphenshow eating poo?
19:56.30JoshBorkewait a tic, it's not
19:56.52AnduinLotharsome tree part
19:57.06wereHamsterckknight, I didn't mean to talk about lower/upper-case.. but about the idea and implementation.. I'm sure the function prototypes will change
19:57.33wereHamstermyAddOnFrameInterface:frameCreate() is only called if there is no frame it could re-use..
19:57.52QzotwereHamster: Why do you use 2 spaces in places where a single space will do?
19:58.44QzotSeriously, looks cool.
20:01.28Wobin_wereHamster: I didn't think you could do function overloading like htat
20:02.23Wobin_He's going to be updating a lot =)
20:02.34Cairennthat's what I linked :p
20:02.57ckknightI don't rightly agree with having FuBar in a compilation before it hits release
20:03.02ckknightbut I have no intentions to stop him
20:03.38wereHamsterI planed to add a more common frame type, "IFrameRegistry" - "Texture" that could generate textures which could be used in your own frames, but I don't really see much need in that because most of the time an addon will use whole frame blocks, like 'coolDown' -- it uses either a 'Button' which is frame with a text label or 'Icon' which is a frame with a icon-texture and a icon-border
20:04.49ckknightgah, let me log in!
20:06.13AnduinLotharooo. ? Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the Seal of Command talent from casting.
20:06.20AnduinLothari hope they aren't lying
20:06.54AnduinLotharlast i heard no one knew what caused it.. and that was 2 weeks ago. and the bug's been alive for the past 8 months
20:07.38AnduinLotharyay. ? Fixed a bug that could potentially crash the client when certain friend list notifications were received.
20:07.46JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: as i said earlier, i'll believe it when i see it :D
20:07.49AnduinLotharthat one owned my 8 times yesterday
20:08.06AnduinLotharin 1 dm east run i crashed 8 times..
20:08.17AnduinLotharand disconnected twice
20:09.11malicorallright, lets see if i got this right, what i want to do is save the contents of my EditBox, first i added a line: ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: myBox in the .toc file
20:09.47malicornext i have to add an <OnLoad> section to the <Scripts> section of my EditBox, in which i then have to do something like this:setText(myBox) ?
20:12.58malicorHA!, its SetText and not setText :)
20:13.09ckknightyea, methods in lua are capitalized
20:13.50ckknightoh, and you gotta remember that vaiables are only loaded after VARIABLES_LOADED
20:14.00ckknightis that before or after OnLoad?
20:14.19AnduinLotharso, i take it servers are still down. or at least login
20:14.31krkano, methods in wow are capitalized :P
20:14.31malicorwhats 'VARIABLES_LOADED' ?
20:15.13malicorhmm, its not loading my variable
20:15.17ckknightyes they are, krka
20:15.19Qzotmalicor: Going through one or two of the tutorials on the wowwiki would be an excellent investment of your time.
20:15.41ckknighterr, forget that
20:17.15Qzotbbl. Switching over to vpn.
20:18.45ckknightbrb, gotta restart
20:18.49AdrineQuestion for the Sanity users.
20:19.07AdrineSo, I'm doing the "sort by group" functionality, and an item can be in multiple groups
20:19.14AdrineThe question is...what to do with the default group?
20:19.24AdrineIf an item is not in another group, it is in the default group (current behavior)
20:19.40AdrineHowever, if it's in another group, should I leave it in the default group, or remove it?
20:19.53wereHamsterQuestion for the developer: How do I move the bag button in the middle of the screen?
20:20.03Kirovright click + drag
20:20.03AdrineRight-click and drag, if you're talking about Sanity
20:20.07AdrineJust as the tooltip says :)
20:20.28AdrineSo, if I have my [Wildfire Cape], and I put it in "Fire Resist" and "Cloaks" groups, should it still show in the "Cloak/Cloth (Back)" group?
20:21.26KirovAdrine - it seems like by default you shouldn't let people show all groups at once.
20:21.43KirovIf groups can have conflicts, only let people show one at a time.
20:21.54AdrineWell, it's less a conflict than it is just duplication.
20:22.07AdrineMy concern is just that if the default groups always exist, the view will get cluttered.
20:22.16AdrineAnd a show/hide default groups toggle seems too coars.e
20:22.20KirovOr, when showing by all groups, give some indication that an item is in multiple groups and list them in the tooltip.
20:22.28AdrineOoh, that's a great idea.
20:22.51KirovYou might run in to tooltip length issues though for set items
20:22.58AdrineHeh, this is true.
20:23.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:23.08wereHamsterAdrine, I'd say .. show in both groups
20:23.25Kirovperhaps a non-item tooltip when mousing over the info at the end of the button
20:23.37AdrineHm, that's a good idea Kriov.
20:23.48AdrineMultiple tooltips, one for item stuff, one for inventory info.
20:24.06AdrineNow, I'm not quite to this part yet...
20:24.13Adrine...but how should group viewing work?
20:24.21AdrineType part of the group name? Have a list and toggle groups to view on/off?
20:25.57AdrineHmm...I should be able to expand/collapse groups in the view.
20:26.04AdrineAnd then just be able to search on group names
20:26.15AdrineThat's likely going to be my cleanest option, I think.
20:27.23wereHamsterAdrine, can I somewhere specify that I want to have the list always sorted by quality?
20:27.49AdrineWell, you can sort by the quality header, and that should persist unless you change it
20:28.09AdrineUnless I misunderstood the question
20:28.18wereHamsteralso across logouts?
20:28.25AdrineIt should persist, IIRC
20:28.35AdrineMaybe not, but I think it does.
20:29.05AnduinLotharanyone got french of german client that wants to test the DamageMeters in Cosmos and see if it works
20:29.33*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
20:29.44AnduinLotharwe tried to upgrade to 4.2.0 and found out that it was english only when ours had been en+de+fr
20:29.55ckknightlogged in to WoW, no servers up
20:31.05wereHamsterAdrine, it doesn't save that info
20:31.11AdrineHm, ok.
20:31.20AdrineThen no, there is no way to do it.
20:31.24AdrineBut, that shouldn't be hard to put in.
20:32.28TemI still don't understand why anyone still uses DM
20:32.43TemRecap is better by exponential comparison
20:33.21TemI thought Recap did that too?
20:33.30AdrineNot automatic synching on a channel
20:33.44AdrineI love how comprehensive recap is though.
20:33.45TemI'm surprized
20:33.57Temoh well, I never cared much for those things
20:34.10Temit was fun while we were still running UBRS
20:34.27TemI enjoyed making the healers hate me by overagroing all the time
20:34.40Tembut that's just not something you can do in MC and above
20:34.53malicorthe save variables tutorial on isnt that self-explanatory that i can get the necessary information from it
20:35.13AdrineBasically, just put an entry in your TOC like this:
20:35.17Temnot to mention that my highest dps build is completely useless in there
20:35.24Adrine## SavedVariables: MyVariable1, MyVariable2
20:35.28malicordid that.
20:35.32AdrineWhere MyVariable1 and 2 are the vars you want to save
20:35.41AdrineThey should automatically save and be reloaded when you log back in
20:35.51AdrineYou'll know they've been loaded after the VARIABLES_LOADED event fires
20:36.02AdrineSo onload, subscribe your frame to VARIABLES_LOADED
20:36.15AdrineThen, in your event handler, if the event == VARIABLES_LOADED, then it's safe to do stuff with your variables
20:36.55malicorfrom then on, now if my mod just does something when i type /myslashcommand 3, then i can safely assume that the variables are loaded already, cant i ? if the mod is like 20 sec active alread y?
20:37.16AdrineBy the time you have control of the UI, it's pretty save to assume that variables are loaded.
20:37.23malicori do have to initialize my variable somehow before using it, correct ?
20:38.14AnduinLothari'm in
20:38.14Temit's probably better to watch for ADDON_LOADED with arg1 being your addon's name
20:38.35wereHamstermalicor, on top if you lua file, have something like MyVariable1 = "DefaultValue" and when WoW loads savendvariables it woll overwrite it
20:38.37Temit serves the same purpose as VARS_LOADED but it's more speicific
20:38.51Temand it will work if you chose to go LoD
20:40.01wereHamsterthen if someone installs your addon the first time or deletes the savedvariables file everything will be set to the default values
20:40.13malicori ll try this
20:40.44JoshBorkewereHamster: VARIABLES_LOADED will over-write any value that you previously set?  awesome
20:43.08malicorwell, its not saving the value of my variable
20:43.46malicori got in my .toc file: ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: commandBox
20:43.57malicoron top of my .lua file: commandBox = "FooBar";
20:44.07AdrineAha, that may be your problem
20:44.11AdrinecommandBox gets set
20:44.21malicorand OnLoad of my EditBox: box:SetText(commandBox);
20:44.23AdrineThen VARIABLES_LOADED gets called, and commandBox gets overwritten with nil
20:44.35AdrineYou need to be setting commandBox after VARIABLES_LOADED is called
20:44.37malicorno, actually my EditBox displays FooBar
20:44.45AdrineAh, ok
20:45.02malicorthe onload is called way later than when i load the addon
20:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elviso (
20:45.17malicorits onload of the EditBox, and the editbox is loaded when i enter the slashcommand /mc 1
20:45.51malicorwhere's my mistake ?
20:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
20:46.38malicor<OnEnterPressed> i do: commandBox = this:GetText(); and next line CastSpellByName(commandBox)
20:46.43malicorand the spell is executed correctly
20:47.06AdrineI've stubbed my data functions for offline testing
20:47.07malicorAhahaaha ?:)
20:47.09AdrineI just had [Demon Lord's Noob Pwnerer of the Platypus] come up.
20:47.18AdrineSorry. Easily amused.
20:47.30Adrine(random item name generation)
20:48.12malicormaybe someone knows what i did wrong?:) i thought i understood the concept, but it aint saving
20:48.26ElvisoAdrine! yay :)
20:48.36Elvisonow I can spout my feature suggestion maybe :)
20:48.44AdrineThe one thing I can think of is that the variable name "commandBox" is colliding with another addon or something
20:48.46AdrineIt's somewhat generic
20:48.48AdrineElviso: Go for it
20:48.54AnduinLotharwow.. there's a Global GetText function..
20:49.02malicori ll rename my variable and try again
20:49.03AdrineGeneral convention for non-local variables is AddOnName_VariableName
20:49.08ElvisoCan you make the char-select dropdown take servers into account?
20:49.17Elvisoi.e. if I only want to search chars from server x
20:49.18AdrineElviso: That's on the feature list for 1.6 :)
20:49.23Elvisooh ok, cool :)
20:49.34AdrineKnowing the contents of your alts' inventories on other servers -is- rather useless.
20:50.12Elvisonot completely, but when you're trying to find something it's confusing and surely can't optimal per resources
20:50.40malicori renamed my variable to cccommandBox and its still the same
20:51.05KirovAnyone know of any compact keyboards that are just normal keyboards with the num pad hacked off?
20:51.14malicori must do something basic wrong, but i dont know what
20:51.15KirovThe only ones I can find are 1985 IBM keyboards
20:51.25malicormy guess is that the content aint even saved at all
20:51.47Adrinemalicor: You can look in the CharacterName/SavedVariables folder to see if  it saves
20:52.08malicorin which subfolder ?
20:52.50malicorfound it
20:53.10malicorits correctly saved
20:54.04JoshBorkethe realm status page is broken :-(
20:54.17JoshBorkeKirov: Happy Hacker Keyboard
20:54.27JoshBorkeKirov: $70+ :-(
20:54.41AdrineHm. Not sure, malicor. Can you pastebin some code?
20:54.58malicorha, i think i might have found the problem
20:55.08KirovJosh - I want the arrow keys though
20:55.10malicorit looks like my EditBox is loaded way earlier than i thought
20:55.24malicorso its probably a problem of wrong order of commands
20:55.37malicor(and i must admit that i didnt understand the solution to that yet)
20:56.46JoshBorkeKirov: it has them in the bottom right hand side
20:57.38JoshBorkeyou have to get the lite version
20:58.54Kirovhmm, the lite2 ones are nice
20:58.59KirovHadn't seen those before
20:59.10JoshBorkeyea they are :-) i use it at work and love it
20:59.12Kirovone of my coworkers here has one of the normal ones, it's a nice keyboard
20:59.36JoshBorkecan't justify buying one myself though :D
21:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
21:02.46JoshBorkeok, have a great day everyone
21:02.47*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
21:06.52wereHamstermalicor, does WoW save the varibale to WTC/Account/realm/character/Savedvariables/addon-name.lua ?
21:09.51wereHamsterwhat does the red 'UPDATED' label mean and the red start right of the mod name on
21:16.26malicorwerehamster: yes, it saves it
21:21.02malicorcould it be that there is no <OnEvent> inside <Scripts> inside my <EditBox> ?
21:22.10AdrineYou only need OnEvent if you're explicitly registering and handling events
21:23.01malicorwell, VARIABLES_LOADED is an event, right ?
21:23.24malicorwhen it occurs i have to do something with my cccommandbox, i guess
21:25.28KirovAnyone want a mac OS style action bar?
21:25.36Kirovthe "growing" buttons thing
21:25.47wereHamster.. you could hook _G's metatable, add __newindex or __index to it and watch when WoW loads savedvariables and creates your variable :)
21:26.18wereHamsterbut that goes under 'advanced coding techniques' ;)
21:26.31malicorpff :)
21:31.38AdrineWell now.
21:32.34AdrineThe good news, though, is that I have my data collection, sorting, and collapsing methods all done and tested without ever setting foot inside WoW
21:32.40KirovAt least it's not from Menethil to 200 feet below stonetalon mountains.
21:32.54AdrineSo, I'll need to gut the existing UI and then drop in interface code, and we're good to go.
21:33.21AdrinePretty amazing how much of it is UI code, really.
21:35.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
21:35.45QzotRats. "Authentication issues have subsided." But I still can't get in.
21:36.11Gryphenya lol
21:36.24QzotIt must be just me.
21:36.36GryphenIt must be just me too.
21:36.48TainThe guy who plugs his keyboard into the authentication server directly was able to log in.
21:37.10QzotI bet there's a line behind him.
21:37.30subsonic- oooh!
21:37.55wereHamsterdoes debugprofilestop() report the time in miliseconds?
21:38.08AdrineThat's a great idea.
21:38.09wereHamsterI get 150'000'000 for processing of one event
21:38.34wereHamsterand it causes a noticable lag
21:43.22TemI finaly managed to log in
21:43.25Tembut I had to go afk
21:43.34TemI got disconnected and I can't be back in
21:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
21:51.55CrispixThe heck?
21:52.05CrispixI log on and it says my server is down.. but my server is up....
21:53.02TainYou know maybe they should expand the whole distributed WoW patcher idea to include running servers as well.
21:55.37zenzelezzwouldn't getting the correct version of a page (such as the realm status page) be a matter of luck then?
21:56.04QzotMessages that say, "Come on in! Everything's fixed" are like rubbing salt in the wound.
21:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
22:02.26AnduinLotharlooks like slouken fixed MouselookStop
22:02.38AnduinLotharno longer lets you click, jsut does what it says
22:11.02Cairennanyone else having problems with WoW just plain hanging now?
22:12.21TainI haven't tried logging into the game, but I am logged into the forums as "Anonymous", Gateway: wow with an avatar image that says World of Warcraft Beta
22:13.19zenzelezzmaybe they did a huge rollback to even out the difference between old and new players :o
22:16.09TainI want to post a message to see who it posts by, I could be posting Anonymous flames all over the place right now.
22:16.32Cairennit won't let you post
22:17.02TainSure, right now it won't even let me read a thread.  I am thwarted before I even try.
22:19.37AdrineDid I hear right that you can't SetText on a dynamically-created button?
22:20.01AdrineOho, that shouldn't matter.
22:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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22:45.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
22:52.32*** join/#wowi-lounge yammygirlcoding (
22:53.03yammygirlcodinganyone is having errors 'unable to conect' over there?
22:53.14Gryphenall day
22:53.44yammygirlcoding: (
22:54.22yammygirlcodingwe pay very expensive to not receive the service for those long maintainces and when its expected to back, it doesnt :p
22:58.21Cairennin point of interest, if you hate them so, why are you so upset because you can't play? ;)
22:58.40yammygirlcodingwell.. bad with. worse without hehe
22:59.54CrispixI'm joining yammygirlcoding because I was in game.. and it kept disconnecting :|
22:59.55yammygirlcodingbtw how do I make an infinite loop for a macro called /hi ? I will start to walk waving all the time. E-ve-ry-whe-re I go, somebody knows me!!
23:00.33zenzelezzuntil you get reported and suspended
23:00.52yammygirlcodingread again.. missed the point
23:01.11zenzelezznot really, I'm just not in an amused mood
23:01.19KirkburnGroup hug!
23:01.29yammygirlcodingit was suposed to be funy :)
23:01.39KirkburnIt was :)
23:01.42yammygirlcoding: )
23:02.54yammygirlcodingi wonder if the server is like this because they added rains and
23:03.01yammygirlcodingso, everywhere...
23:03.30yammygirlcodingnow it rained so much, the servers are swiming in a pool of water
23:05.04zeeg (zeeg)
23:05.59Crispix ^__^
23:07.55CrispixIf the servers are down.. we should get credited rested xp OR have the time credited to our accounts
23:08.05AdrineI was responding to zeeg :P
23:08.06CrispixFor the time we lose it's only fair we get rested xp
23:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:09.31yammygirlcoding1000xp per hour is too litle. it should be 20000 xp per hour :D
23:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
23:09.47cladhaireEvening all
23:09.59Cairennhey cladhaire
23:11.11ForgottenLordswhats the upper limit on the number of buffs a person can have on them?
23:11.43AdrineLaser-resistance can now be correct.
23:11.47AdrineRogues are getting laser resistance.
23:11.48zeegAdrine, speaks for itslef
23:11.49ForgottenLordshmmm... sounds reasonable
23:11.56Cafeine__guys, by any chances, one of you could tell me if the excellent "tweaks" will be updated or if I can find something similar ?
23:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
23:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:28.27AdrineSo today's patch apparently broke Seal Fate
23:28.32AdrineAny SF rogues here able to confirm?
23:29.39cladhaireI can logon to my rogue in a bit.
23:30.26Adrine" So I am running an upper to help a friend get a Briarwood Reed. I backstab a mob it crits, I get one combo point.. I'm thinkin maybe I'm just not seeing correctly. we pull again, I backstab another mob, it crits, I gain NO combo point. Backstab again and gain 1 on crit. Ambush, SS seem to be working correctly on crits.. but Backstab sometimes gives nothing at all, but usually 1 CP at the most. I'm also not hearing the sealfate sound at all. Anyone el
23:31.46AdrineAs a SF rogue...this kinda worries me.
23:32.02MiravlixThey will fix it in .2
23:32.04AdrineBut hey, no worries, it'll be fixed in 1.12 when rogues get their review, in 3 months.
23:32.27AdrineI'd hope they will, but given Blizzard's speed on other rogue bugs, I'm not holding my breath.
23:33.32Shouryuu_did they disabel the ability to hook mouse clicks ibn the last mini-patch?
23:33.58Kirkburnzeeg, that is possibly the weirdest translation I've ever seen
23:34.08KirkburnHow on earth does Warlock translate as 'female'?!
23:34.20AdrineI saw that and thought it was paladins. >_>
23:34.29MiravlixDepends on whatever they need to recode the whole game to fix it
23:34.48MiravlixLike with the druid cat bugs, took them a long time because it was a big change
23:35.16MiravlixBut that you aren't getting propper combo points is a minor thing that will be fixed in next x.x.x update
23:35.26AdrineHeh. That's not minor to a rogue.
23:35.30AdrineEspecially a seal fate backstab rogue.
23:35.49KirkburnSt. Knight: Mother - When the man after learning of high-grade, low levels of losses will not be able to reuse.
23:36.17AdrineA bug like that is bad enough that I will have to respec to something else until it's fixed if I expect to raid.
23:36.29KirkburnLol ... "Rail network Zhusi the flop probability slightly declined."
23:36.32zenzelezzwhat does Seal Fate do (or what is it supposed to do)?
23:36.44AdrineSeal Fate awards an extra CP on crits that would give 1 CP
23:36.53zenzelezzI see
23:36.59AdrineIt balances the dagger rogue's energy requirements against the sword rogue's
23:37.06Kirkburnwtf! "The overall level of piracy South China Sea slightly improved."
23:37.10AdrineWith it, the two playstyles work out relatively evenly.
23:37.29AdrineWithout it, backstab rogues are at a severe loss, except for combat daggers, which is pure white damage and is only viable for raiding.
23:37.30KirkburnThey improved the piracy in the South China Sea? Blizzs' power is increasing!
23:38.26KirkburnOh god, I love engrish
23:39.17KirkburnIt's just mad ... "Amended by the parliament because of a players strike aircraft as a result of Kelly Lord, Yaerji Princess Mary was the replacement mistake.
23:39.17Kirkburn"    They get strike aircraft? I'm jealous.
23:39.58KirkburnMaybe they're like griffons you can drop bombs from
23:41.21KemayoNow *that*'s a good bug:  "In addition, players that have logged off on the continent of Kalimdor may not be able to log back in, and visiting this continent may result in disconnection."
23:41.50Cairennyup, I can't get logged in, or rather, I get logged in but then completely freeze up
23:42.05Cairennand have to crtl alt delete out
23:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
23:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Azrael[Immortali (i=sweede@
23:47.21Azrael[Immortalianyone know the new interface version ?
23:48.14sweedei get an error LoadAddOn() saying that depversion is different.
23:49.45AnduinLotharcairenn, are you using PartyQuests?
23:49.52CairennAnduinLothar: nope, sorry
23:50.19AnduinLotharno worries, Libram (a req dep) was causing a hang onload
23:52.22MiravlixWouldn't need to C-A-D though
23:53.20MiravlixStill don't beleive in the error though.
23:54.07MiravlixMakes no sense if Blizzard has broken the UI this badly
23:54.34Cairennhi Kaelten
23:54.43Kaeltenhey Cairenn
23:55.12Shouryuu_lol I am such an idiot
23:55.20Shouryuu_that BG addon I wrote could've been done in 10 lines
23:56.33Shouryuu_and been more efficient...

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