irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060410

00:11.08KirkburnDammit, the z-order of my title bars has got messed up again :( My mouse goes under them!
00:11.10AnduinLotharthat sounds liek a healix sorta thing
00:11.22AnduinLotharwhat's AfterCast do iriel?
00:12.07Kirkburnodd timing, no-one says anything for about 10 mins, then two say stuff at once
00:12.28AnduinLotharmy AB just let out
00:12.34AnduinLotharand i just got in a guild, woot
00:12.45AnduinLotharbout time..
00:12.48IrielAnduinLothar : It just sets up triggers to happen on successful/failed casts
00:12.58IrielIt was one of those things that people kept asking how to do on the forum
00:13.07Irielso I wrote AfterCast, I dont actually use it myself
00:13.16AnduinLotharya, i figured. I was actually gonna make a library for that and using my APB code..
00:13.39AnduinLotharbut i spose that's what yours is
00:13.59AnduinLothardoes yours catch name of spell and target and casting time?
00:14.44IrielWell, it gets the spell name if it can
00:14.50Irielbut it doesn't do anything with it
00:15.00Irielit also doesn't hook ANYTHING
00:15.09AnduinLotharya, mine is full of hooks
00:15.19Irielit's entirely event driven, which means it's slightly limited in how much detail it can give
00:15.22AnduinLotharhas to be
00:15.27Irielhowever it's mostly for simple macro use, things like
00:15.43Iriel. /aftercast /say Burn baby burn
00:15.47Iriel. /cast Fireball
00:16.14IrielAnyway, 1.10 completely changed a crapload of events
00:16.22Iriel(well, not that many events, just how they worked)
00:16.40AnduinLotharya, mine is more for HealFail/Healix mor ein-depth addons
00:17.21AnduinLotharcause it has to catch cast time, name and target before the spell start event in other addons
00:17.39ckknightKemayo, you there?
00:18.58AnduinLotharya, i already have it all coded for APB, but it's about 1k lines of code
00:19.41Ktron|afkSo, who wants to guess what happens if I delete my WTF account folder while running WoW and reload the ui?
00:19.54AnduinLotharit rebuilds some of it
00:20.05AnduinLotharthe active character anyway
00:20.10AnduinLotharwhat's in memory
00:21.14Ktron|afkalright, so if I really want to clear I actually have to shutdown WoW... ah well
00:21.31Ktron|afkDamn it!
00:21.43AnduinLotharyou can log out if you just wanted the savded data and caches
00:22.29Ktron|afkI just got ganked by a level 60 rogue while I was standing in the zeppelin tower in Grom'Gol
00:22.47Ktron|afkI'm 41... That's ridiculous
00:22.54Ktron|afknot acceptable
00:22.57Ktron|afkahh.... ah well
00:25.24IrielKtron|afk : Depends what you mean by 'clear'
00:25.52IrielKtron|afk : You can write a script to kill the global environment on PLAYER_LOGOUT
00:26.03IrielKtron|afk : That'll catch all but the most stubborn addons
00:26.32IrielKtron|afk : And actually you can get the rest by iterating over all frames and killing their OnEvent and OnUpdate handlers
00:34.53AnduinLotharomg this crash bug is killing me. cant wait till tuesday
00:35.00AnduinLothargame is unplayable right now on macs
00:36.01AnduinLotharand i got disc by it and logged back in and had deserter debuff... INSIDE WSG!
00:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Devla (n=Devla@
00:40.41Cairennwell well, hi stranger
00:40.51Devlais tekkub around in any form?
00:42.47KirkburnYou remember this picture?
00:43.20KirkburnHere's something I just made:
00:44.22KirkburnIf that doesn't disprove it, I don't know what does :P
00:45.55Devlawas fake a couple weeks ago, still looks fake
00:46.10Devlapink orcs!
00:47.35KirkburnThat was me trying to disprove it :) Took me all of 5 minutes to find the spot where the picture was taken
00:47.42ckknightpink orcs?
00:48.15KirkburnThen 2 minutes of posing in model viewer, stick the two together, and you get a fake murloc shot (minus gear, but that's just mroe cutting and pasting)
00:49.41Gryphendidnt realize anyone would consider it real
00:50.11KirkburnSome do :P It was pretty well done, best I've seen so far
00:51.10KirkburnNot only did he paste armour on the model, but he also added background detail
00:51.12Devlawhatever it is, I bet $1 it will be lame
00:51.24KirkburnDon't break the bank Devla!
00:51.50Devlai'm a po ass sumbich
00:52.14Devlapardon the french
00:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:58.10Devlakirkburn can you see this
00:58.24KirkburnI can :P You have to register to send private msgs
00:58.44Devlasomeone eniighten me please
00:58.46KirkburnWe can talk here instead :)
00:58.55KirkburnI'll find it for you, two secs
00:58.59KirkburnOr that.
00:59.13Devlai'm confuzzled!
00:59.24Cairennthen /msg nickserv identify <pw>
00:59.24MentalPoweryeah, what purl said
00:59.36Kirkburnpurl is always right.
01:00.04Kirkburn(with some IRC clients you can shorten /msg nickserv to just /ns )
01:00.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Devla (n=Devla@
01:00.22Josh|Workor /nickserv
01:00.54KirkburnOh yeah, didn't work cos I wrote another line afterwards /headslap
01:04.03ShouryuuCair did you get an addon submition from me on WoWI?
01:04.05KirkburnItalian elections today (and tomorrow) ... wonder who my current countries leader will be
01:04.19ShouryuuI tried submiting but I'm not sure it went through properly
01:05.04CairennShouryuu: nope
01:05.13ShouryuuI'll try again then :p
01:07.41Kirkburn... where's Devla gone??
01:08.07zenzelezzleft eight minutes ago
01:08.21Cairennhe'll be back, told him
01:08.41KirkburnHe only needed to type one line :P
01:09.00KirkburnI have to say, IRC is very confusing for the uninitiated though
01:09.26Cairennhe accidently hit the close button, he'll be back
01:10.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Devla (n=Devla@
01:11.01Devlasorry i closed this
01:12.09Shouryuuwhy do I *have* to upload an image if I upload my add-on in the miscellaneous  category?
01:12.38Shouryuu2 sec
01:12.42MentalPowerjust upload a blank image
01:12.58MentalPoweror something along the lines of "Image comming soon"
01:14.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:15.02MentalPoweranyone have a clue as to how to contact the admins of UI.worldofwar, I need to update an AddOn but don't have access to the account that uploaded it in the first place.
01:15.19CairennDelva is one of the staff
01:15.29KirkburnQuite good timing, that
01:17.03*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
01:20.55MentalPowerDevla: check your PMs if you would please :)
01:22.41KirkburnDevla, I gots to go to bed. Hopefully talk to you another time!
01:24.34KirkburnNight night all, sleep well!
01:25.05Cairennnight Kirkburn
01:31.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Devla (n=Devla@
01:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Devla (n=Devla@
01:32.46Devlacan norganna email me
01:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
01:33.24Devlamy PM's still aren't working here lol
01:33.37MentalPoweranything specific that the email has to have?
01:34.07Devlaif she's giving you auctioneer, just confirmation
01:34.16Devlabig shoes
01:34.37Devlai mean he lol
01:35.36MentalPowerok, I'll tell him that
01:35.50Shouryuu_lol I just saw the scariest picture of myself
01:37.16MentalPoweralthough there's plently of confirmation of it at our forums (
01:49.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:50.12dukekuok that's just mean :|
01:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
01:52.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
01:52.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:52.34dukekuckknight: something, i don't know what - it's disconnecting people using some version of something disconnects them when someone says DCC SEND some-14-letter-string
01:52.37dukekuoh dear
01:52.48ckknighthey Kaelten
01:53.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
01:54.47MentalPowerdukeku: its if they're using some linksys routers or some versions of norton personal firewall
01:55.07MentalPowerit appears as if Tain is one of those people
01:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
01:55.36Wobin_yay drugz
01:57.54dukekuMentalPower: if it's norton again, i'm gonna laugh
01:58.03dukekuok, appears to be linksys
01:58.24MentalPowerits both
02:14.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede2 (i=sweede@
03:16.05Cairennnight clad|sleep
03:16.57AnduinLotharhow goes?
03:17.06Cairenngoes, you?
03:17.26AnduinLotharnot too bad, just tried out a new church
03:17.50AnduinLotharwas pretty cool, huge place. felt like home. I grew up in a large church
03:21.34AnduinLotharya, see if i can get into a community. it's always tough when you don't have a group of local people you enjoy spending time with.
03:22.27AnduinLotharbeen keeping myself too busy to spend time with people. now i have time to get to know people
03:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
04:10.24Elessdyjeez... "World peace can only happen when people embrace each other and respect each other. Then we can begin to understand each other. I think the biggest  problem in the world is that people do not understand each other. The reason for that is because they don't have a dialogue, they have no discussion, they don't share culture or tradition,"
04:10.43Elessdyunderstanding someone's motivations doesn't mean you won't oppose him
04:10.59Elessdywhat a silly person this is
04:11.38Norquehmmmm... i prefer: "World peace can only happen when the sun goes supernova"
04:11.59Norquea little less optimistic, but much more realistic in my opnion
04:12.13Elessdyaw, that won't be for a while, yet
04:14.18zenzelezza supernova wouldn't stop peopele from fighting each other; they'd be looking for someone to blame
04:15.30Norquehehehe. How true
04:16.34Elessdybut only for, what, 23 seconds
04:16.40Cairennsweet dreams Iriel
04:21.02AnduinLothardon't they have work peace by The Next Generation?
04:24.02Shouryuu_aww the graphics for lightwell aren't that cool =(
04:24.29Shouryuu_the 31 holy talent
04:25.21zenzelezzmy spells have no funky effects at all... the only even close to cool ones are the stances :|
04:52.43Cairenn|sleepnight all
04:55.31zenzelezzI find it interesting how sometimes the combat text (that pops above mobs) for my critical hits doesn't pop up until my next swing
05:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:31.54dukekuthere needs to be a 'feature' that kills people who say 'dorf'
05:32.23dukekuit's dwarf, not dorg
05:32.49zenzelezzin that case I also want the same feature for "worrior"
05:32.57dukekusounds good
05:33.05Crispixyou said it.. I kill you. I am a dwarf
05:33.10AnduinLotharsweet.. i reloadui and my game hangs in some endless loop..
05:33.55dukekublah, another week without judgement gloves ><
05:34.20CrispixAnduinLothar time to delete teh WTF file :P
05:34.28dukekuurge to kill rising
05:34.33dukekuCrispix: you'd fit in at blizzard
05:34.37Wobin_I dunno, I have a dorf priestess and it fits her to call her that
05:34.45dukekuexcept it's dwarf
05:34.46Crispixdukeku how come?
05:34.54dukekubecause it's not pronounced 'dorf', it's pronounced 'dwarf'
05:34.55dukekufunny that
05:35.10dukekulike, wharf, not worf
05:35.26MentalPowernor wort :)
05:35.36Wobin_Well worf and wharf are pronounced the same
05:36.01dukekuok, bad example
05:36.05dukekuit's more of people dropping the 'r'
05:36.24Wobin_unless you pronounce it "waar-f" and that'd be odd.
05:37.49AnduinLothari wish i could express how awsome it is to hang my game for a year an a half onload..
05:39.19AnduinLotharwas EasyRaid
05:40.10AnduinLothari think..
05:41.04AnduinLotharreloadui in av in a raid..
05:43.49TemAnduinLothar: your easy raid or the one you linked earlier today?
05:45.05AnduinLotharwell i'm using the one i linked with small modifications, but it might not even be that...
05:45.22AnduinLotharcause i just dissabled it and i still have issues
05:46.45AnduinLotharactually might be some non updated 1.9 one
05:47.07AnduinLotharcause it seems all my addons get loaded after a crash..
06:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:48.50Shouryuu_this guy is killing me
06:50.36*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:51.08Shouryuu_I write an addon for him, and he asks for more features =(
06:51.45AnduinLotharwelcome to my world
06:51.53namxo"hey you want something ? Use"
06:52.02namxoorg or com ? :D
06:52.38Shouryuu_and AnduinLothar at least your addon doesn't have 3 users
06:53.35AnduinLotharsome of them do
06:54.21dukekudo 'users' count as your own alts
06:54.28dukekubecause they should!
06:55.47Shouryuu_ok the guy doesn't want to see the message "He is a lvl 60 Night Elf Hunter" repeat itself, will parsing for that message prevent players from sending it?
06:56.22Shouryuu_As in, the guy with the fastest connections sends it first, the others see it and don't send it
06:57.40Shouryuu_or does everyone see it at the same time?
07:02.16MentalPowergnight guys
07:09.26namxowho is english here ?
07:09.28namxoor american ?
07:09.34namxoor use an english/american client ?
07:09.43namxook, you know winmpq ?
07:10.00Shouryuu_t francais ouai?
07:10.06namxooui je suis francais
07:10.10namxotu connais winmpq ?
07:10.16Shouryuu_de nom ouai
07:10.40namxoça serait bien que tu extrait des mpq le fichier GlobalStrings.lua et que tu le poste sur curse-gaming
07:10.45namxoet que tu le fasse pour chaque nouvelle mise à jour
07:10.55namxo(comme c'est fait par les francais (moi) et les allemands)
07:11.17Shouryuu_ok explique moi comment je peux faire ca
07:11.37Shouryuu_tu les veux en anglais?
07:11.50namxohum laisse tomber si tu n'es pas familiarisé
07:11.56namxoje préfère demander à quelqu'un qui fait souvent des addons etc
07:12.03namxoainsi il  n'oubliera pas de mettre à jour le fichier
07:12.33Shouryuu_oaui moi c pas trop mon cas :p
07:12.50namxopour ça que je te dis de laisser tomber ;)
07:13.05namxothere is a english/american programer here ?
07:13.25ckknightdon't speak French, though, I have Shouryuu do my translating
07:13.30namxoas you see on curse-gaming, you can find GlobalStrings french and deutsch
07:13.41ckknightyou want enUS ones?
07:13.44namxocould you extrat your english GlobalStrings and post on curse
07:13.47namxoeach patch ?
07:13.56ckknightI'm not posting on curse
07:14.01ckknightI'll DCC it to you if you want
07:14.17namxoyou program no addon ?
07:14.40ckknightI've programmed a few AddOns
07:15.16namxoposted where ?
07:16.02ckknightthat's what this channel is geared toward
07:16.22namxobut i need GlobalStrings us on curse to large visibility
07:17.05ckknightmeh, I'm not the one to do it
07:17.11namxoi see that :D
07:20.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
07:21.12Shouryuu_Forums won't let me log
07:24.19KirovThey finally learned
07:24.37Kirovhehe, i can't log in either
07:25.50Shouryuu_I hope my fix works
07:25.55Shouryuu_otherwise I'll be pissed
07:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:57.03KemayoI am a very lazy man, belike, but is the one produced by the Custom Interface Kit in 1.10.  (If it is 'produced'.  Could be packaged for all I know.)
07:57.39namxobut i want it on curse-gaming
07:57.39ckknighthey Kemayo
07:57.41namxofor everybody
07:57.45ckknighthow's it going?
07:57.58ckknightnamxo, why can't you put it up?
07:58.02KemayoAye, and you are free to place it there.  As I said, I'm a very lazy man.  :-)
07:58.11namxobecause i can't put it for each patch
07:58.16namxoi'm not always in this channel
07:58.27namxoso the owner of the file must be english/american to put it themself
07:58.34namxotheirself ? himself ?
07:58.38namxohimself i believe :D
07:58.48KemayoThings go fairly well.  I'm procrastinating on stuff that I'm paid for, sadly.
07:59.09KemayoBut that is *entirely* my own fault.
07:59.33ckknightI hacked QuestFu to be a tracker in its own right
07:59.38ckknightwith the detached tooltip dealy
08:00.29ckknightit's pretty cool that way
08:01.08KemayoI thought that would be a good use for it.  I just didn't have time today to look into the new API functions.  :-)
08:01.34ckknightthere's not much
08:01.59ckknightjust do a search and replace, replace FuBarTooltip with self.tooltip
08:02.05ckknightthen add canDetachTooltip = true to the top
08:02.08ckknightand that's it
08:03.43ckknightalso, the AddCategory API changed the position of the hideBlankLine arg, so you gotta fix that
08:04.16KemayoThat I did.  It was a nice quick change.
08:05.24ckknightbut now you can have a + or - next to the category titles or whatnot
08:05.31ckknightseems like a good thing to add
08:06.27ckknightcause you fold the categories and such
08:06.47KemayoHey, nice, individual size/transparency options.  I like.
08:08.39ckknightyou won't ever have to fool with that on your own, though
08:09.00ckknightyea, I don't know where it is
08:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
08:09.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
08:09.08ckknightI just figured it's there somewhere
08:09.18ckknightMonkeyQuest uses it
08:09.26KemayoI was just about to say "I'll check monkeyquest".
08:10.04ckknightsilly monkeys.
08:11.59KirovI think
08:13.24Kalrothif ( isCollapsed ) then
08:13.31Kalrothtaken from Gypsy mod :)
08:20.27KemayoOkay, got that working.
08:21.08KemayoIt feels kinda hackish to tell it that 'checked' is always true and just mess around with the texture to represent an 'unchecked' line.  :-)
08:22.39Kalrothput it in an object so you get a Checked property that you can toggle! :)
08:43.38Endheh..... getmetatable(self).__index(self, "Show")(self);
08:44.06Endjust a bit
09:28.10zespriis it warcraft on the background
09:29.25[MoonWolf]oh yes
09:29.29[MoonWolf]that is a windrider
09:29.48[MoonWolf]looks like the barrens, Xroads to oggrimar most likely
09:29.59zespribecause i found this link on an irc server dedicate to comp;etely different mmorpg
09:30.12[MoonWolf]That is without doubts a windrider.
09:31.03zespri*irc channel, not server... but doesn't really matters
09:33.39AnduinLotharand... another crash
09:34.34zenzelezzisn't that Thousand Needles, just by the saltstone flats or whatever they're called, flying to Gadgetzan? I can't remember the kind of pillar on the left in Barrens/Durotar
09:34.43Kalrothzespri: hehe, that's the hoof :)
09:34.53Kalroth(Yes, I know it's not nice!)
09:35.27zespriyeah it looks like 1000 needles more then barrens to me too
09:35.57zespriand I have no idea what does hoof mean, apart from the thing at the end of horse's leg
09:36.51[MoonWolf]it could also be 1k needles
09:37.20Kalrothzespri: there's a long story behind it, but in short; her right foot is deformed, hence the nickname
09:39.01zesprilol. I had no idea it's a celebrity =)
09:39.23zesprispeaking of 'another game' anyone ever played ragnarok online?
09:39.25Kalrotha gamer chick that likes to post nudies? hell yes :)
09:39.41KalrothNope, I've never tried RO
09:39.45[MoonWolf]I played it a looooong time ago.
09:40.22zespriwhat is it about? I mean the only mmorpg I ever played is wow (and a bit of GW) so if you can compare it to WoW for me would be nice =)
09:40.41zespriis it crap?
09:40.59MiravlixYou play these mini cartoons
09:41.25MiravlixIt's a cuty game, I never figured out how you killed stuff in it.
09:42.42[MoonWolf]with magic and and weapons ofcourse....
09:42.52[MoonWolf]did you complete the tutorial ?
09:44.44*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
10:07.29namxohow use ace here ?
10:08.19zesprievery one several times a day =) not me though
10:16.45AnduinLotharnot i
10:18.31[MoonWolf]you dont count :P
10:20.36AnduinLothari don't?
10:20.55[MoonWolf]no :D
10:21.57[MoonWolf]thats like asking ballmer I he uses google.
10:22.11[MoonWolf](note not comparing your persona to ballmer.)
10:23.21AnduinLothari use google..
10:27.36Wobin_"In a deep fog, HMS Point and HMS Anduin pass one another in the night..."
10:28.42*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
10:41.36*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
10:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
10:47.30AnduinLothari don't use ace, but i use titan sometimes..
10:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
10:50.04[MoonWolf]titan and ace, I fail to see a connection....
10:50.51ckknightme either
10:51.25AnduinLotharmmm, both libraries?
10:51.40ckknighttitan's not a library
10:51.47[MoonWolf]titan is a library now ?
10:52.08AnduinLotharother addons call it's functions..
10:52.41[MoonWolf]yeah , I you look at it like that.
10:52.48ckknightdoesn't make it a library, it functions on its own with the user
11:10.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
11:31.02Kalrothwouldn't titan be a framework rather than a library?
11:35.38AnduinLotharisn't ace a framework? ;)
11:37.01KalrothI guess so :)
11:37.27Kalrothok ok, Titan is an UI framework then!
11:37.34AnduinLotharI WIN!
11:37.40Kalrothand ACE can be uhmm, non-UI framework!
11:37.48AnduinLotharlol. weak!
11:38.24KalrothSorry, lack coffee. :)
11:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:50.01Kalrothhej Cide!
12:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
12:14.36*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
12:17.08*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:17.22JoshBorkemorning :-)
12:18.41MiravlixHmm, UI died on me.
12:18.45MiravlixEU, even
12:18.54KalrothJoshBorke: It's not even 5pm yet, that's still night time for me
12:23.28JoshBorkeisn't 5pm afternoon time?
12:27.53KalrothYup, I'm at work right now
12:28.00KalrothHence why I'm still asleep
12:30.05Shouryuu_my god remind em enver to write a custom add on for someone again
12:32.32krka|workfor someone in particular or anyone?
12:32.45Shouryuu_for someone who asks on the forums
12:32.50krka|workmy new plan is just to write something that _i_ want to use :)
12:33.16Shouryuu_That's a novel idea...
12:33.31krka|workif i get a feature request and i like it and it's not too much work, i'll do it
12:33.36Wobin_Shou. just tell him you don't have the time to help him anymore, and you advise him to look at some lua manuals =P
12:33.58Kalrothkrka|work: That way you can stop coding on it once it 1) got the features you need 2) get bored with it and abandon it :)
12:34.12krka|workthat's what i usually do
12:34.17KalrothSame :)
12:34.22krka|workor until blizzard bans it
12:34.32KalrothI got a ton of projects that's 0/25/50/75% complete ><
12:34.46Kalroththe 75% are usually the "works fine for me now, fsck the rest" stage
12:35.02Kalroththe 50% is the "ahh, to heck with it, it's never going to work" stage
12:35.06Shouryuu_that's how my lotery add on works
12:35.47krka|workheh, grab is 75% done according to that definition
12:35.49Kalroth25% is "this is a cool project name!" and 0% is "this is a cool filename!"
12:36.37KalrothI actually have 4-5 folders with empty source files and a short todo.txt ><
12:39.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:48.06wereHamsterwhat is the toc number? 11000 ?
12:50.02wereHamsteris there a way to get the addon name? I mean if an addon calls a function that is implemented in a 'library', can I find out which addon called it?
12:50.46Cide-you could find which function called it
12:52.31wereHamsterso WoW doesn't set any global vaiable that would indicate which addon is executing right now?
12:52.42Cide-not that I know of
12:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
13:31.02JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
13:34.54Cairennhow are you this morning?
13:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
13:45.00malrethmalreth cannot post on the forums. it pains malreth.
13:45.15Cairennrenewal day?
13:45.22KalrothMaybe malreth posted too much in third character?
13:45.27Cairennsucks, hate that
13:45.53malrethKalroth: he hhopes not. the extra 'h' is for extra 'hope'
13:46.01KalrothYou can't post on renewal days?
13:46.08Cairennwell, if you need something posted, I'm sure someone or another in the channel will post for you
13:46.14Cairennnope, you can't get logged in
13:46.28Cairennyou can log into the game
13:46.31Cairennbut not the forums
13:46.32Cairennit's weird
13:46.35KalrothThat'd explain why I can't log on forums every now and then ..
13:46.43Cairennonce a month ;)
13:46.59malrethit's because those forums run on a windows server... they have much hate built up.
13:47.08malrethit's like in that ghostbusters 2 movie
13:47.20malrethit builds up and spills over the streets
13:47.21KalrothI bet it's something utterly stupid like "where user.expiredate > getdate()" and it should be "where user.expiredate >= getdate()"
13:47.46Cairennhey, at least it isn't like you're Tem or Iriel
13:48.18CairennWe're pretty sure that Tem gets locked out some times just because he's Tem and they get sick of him crashing the game
13:48.53CairennAnd Iriel.  Well, every time Iriel pulls an Iriel, it annoys Slouken, so Slouken crashes the forums completely
13:49.10CairennThese are the things we have determined, yup yup!
13:49.13malrethTem moves at only two speeds: Walk and Crash
13:51.06Cairennand if you bought any of that, well, I've got some prime real estate for sale
13:51.58Cairennbut they do make for good standing jokes
13:52.18malrethwhat is this, "pulling an Iriel?"
13:52.41Cairennoh, you know, being all smart and stuff and showing Slouken up
13:52.58malrethis it like when he posted that project overview report on embedded library implementations
13:53.30malrethi was all like, "hhells yes! but this is soooo over the head of 90% of the forum posters"
13:53.58Shouryuu_well we can't all be as smart as Irirel
13:54.06CairennI'm not sure where the whole Iriel thing started at this point, but I remember bitching at Slouken cause the forums were down and he was all "Oh, it's that damn Iriel, you know, he pissed me off again so I crashed the forums"
13:54.08malrethi think i was the only one who responded to that thread... it was like he spoke... and the room got silent
13:54.12Cairennhe was joking around
13:55.08Cairennthat's the nice thing about the "community" (as opposed to those that come and go) ... we all abuse the hell out of each other ... it's great
13:55.16malrethit's like my family
13:55.52Cairennin my (rl) family, if we aren't picking on each other, there's something wrong
13:56.02krka|worki think iriel is just the right level of smart for me
13:56.12krka|worki can understand almost everything he says
13:56.54Cairennanyway, now that I've abused them in absentia, Imma go get some more sleep, only had like 3 hrs so far
13:57.10Kalrothnono, it's a nap
13:57.27wereHamsterdoes anyone know how to get the global cooldown time (that respects when you get shield-bashed or silenced) ?
13:57.52malrethcould check for the debuff and get the time left on it
13:58.17wereHamsterI hate debuff checking.. localization and stuff.. :-/
13:58.31malrethcheck based on the icon texture
13:58.47wereHamsterand I'd have to update everytime blizz adds a new debuff
13:58.56malrethand i think there's a string in the tooltip that says something like "silenced" or something and that should be in the globals.lua
13:59.00malrethlemme check
13:59.18krka|workglobal cooldown time? just check the minimum of all your cooldowns :)
14:00.56krka|workoh sorryu
14:01.08krka|workyou mean to consider silence effects in cooldown
14:01.25malrethbah... can't find anything in globalstrings.lua
14:03.10wereHamsterand it should also work corectly with the green dragon debuff (increased cooldown)
14:14.25Shouryuu_now, the question
14:14.32Shouryuu_shoud I reroll, on keep on my main...
14:22.08Shouryuu_the problem with rerolling is finding the name
14:28.34Kalrothcall it Rilurnuskraylye"
14:29.01Shouryuu_I'm thinking either Oniwakamaru or Genkaku
14:30.09*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
14:33.46Wobin_I'm trying ro roll a rogue
14:33.55Wobin_But I can't come up with a name either =P
14:34.48Shouryuu_Unless he's a tauren, meh
14:34.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
14:35.23Wobin_My tauren's names are Tinkabell and Roganjosh
14:35.51Wobin_I usually go for the 'interesting' names
14:36.04krka|workrinkworks suggests: Llamor
14:36.10Shouryuu_I have a rogue friend called BloodyDeath
14:36.18Wobin_rinkworks is boring =)
14:36.36krka|workrinkworks suggests: Shit
14:42.05Shouryuu_damn this is hard
14:43.05Shouryuu_either Oniwakamaru (son of the devil), Genkaku(illusion), Namida(tears) or Kedamono (beast)...
14:43.10Shouryuu_decisions decisions
14:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:48.19Corrodiasor something that isn't an attempt to use a japanese word as a name
14:48.26Corrodias..or foreign word
14:48.41Corrodiasnow that i think about it, i can't identify the language from here
14:49.05Shouryuu_it is japanese :P
14:49.37Shouryuu_I'm a geek, I like japanese, and I'm proud of it!
14:50.37Shouryuu_How's ChuckNoriss
14:50.40Corrodiaswhen making my one alliance character, i made a list of about 40 names to try
14:50.45Corrodiasi got down to the third from last.
14:51.25*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
14:51.55Wobin_Maybe Gaijin
14:52.31Wobin_(except only the cantonese would get that last one)
14:53.35JoshBorkeew, not gaijin
14:54.29Corrodias[away] @ class
14:55.26Shouryuu_yeah gay jin is weird
15:02.39JoshBorkei've always pronounced guy jin :-(
15:02.57Wobin_Which is right =P
15:03.44Eraphine|Labit's guy jin
15:03.52Eraphine|Labpronounced like that.
15:04.13Eraphine|Labit literal means outside person
15:04.39KalrothYou know it'll end up with "sup gay?" in guildchat though
15:04.44KalrothSo new name!
15:05.09Eraphine|LabSetserbe Johnjohn
15:13.48Wobin_I've named my rogue Tobermory
15:14.04Wobin_In loving memory of the womble with the same name =P
15:18.02MiravlixTo hell with leeching on someone elses names, create your own and make a name for yourself.
15:19.47Miravlixbesides, it's stealing.
15:27.15*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
15:28.42wereHamsterstealing names? I stole mine.. from 'Shaggy' :)
15:29.44wereHamsterShag.. and my parent weren't pleased when they found out and looked that word up in a dictionary
15:29.56krka|workstealing names? says miraculix :P
15:32.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
15:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
15:35.51malrethbleh... i'm bored
15:43.59Miravlixkrka: It's Miravlix and the name is unique and created by me
15:44.19MiravlixIt's a dragon in a story I created 11 years ago
15:45.19malrethold news, but interesting, nonetheless
15:59.37wereHamsterdid anyone test what uses the most cpu cycles when the UI is loaded? parsing lua/xml files, creating frames, OnLoad() handlers etc ?
16:00.19MiravlixDunno, but half the things you mention is strictly WoW.exe land
16:00.58MiravlixI can't figure out those reverse engineering laws, so dunno if profiling wow.exe is okay
16:09.20Wobin_Miravalix: Made up names are boring =P I've had more positive comments about my name of "Rikitikitavi" than any of the 'randomised' names
16:09.36Wobin_I'd prefer a name that brings happy memories to people that see it
16:09.54JoshBorkeoO, rikitikitavi, good name :-)
16:10.23Wobin_See? =)
16:12.01JoshBorkei need some help deciphering a SetPoint error message
16:13.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:14.46JoshBorkeit's something like: 'cannot SetPoint: frame2 is dependent on frame1' or something along those lines.  what exactly does that mean?  how is it dependent?
16:15.20Wobin_Frame2 is perhaps parented to frame1?
16:15.30JoshBorkenope :-(
16:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
16:26.47wereHamsterdon't you need to call :ClearAllPoints() ?
16:27.51JoshBorkedo I?
16:27.54JoshBorkei haven't been...
16:28.02JoshBorkethat's probably a great idea :-)
16:45.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
16:47.39JoshBorkehola Iriel
16:48.26Temwow... some people just won't let a dead thread die.
16:49.09MiravlixThe smell of death attract vultures from all over the world
16:55.19Wobin_So very NSFW
16:55.31AdrineThe last request var made me wonder.
16:55.49Wobin_Hey Adrine
16:56.03AdrineMornin' Wobin_
16:56.11JoshBorkehola adrine
16:56.33Wobin_Was wondering... Healcap... can it be changed a bit so that rather than seeing when/what heals are cast on you, it's when/what heals are cast on your party members?
16:57.09AdrineIt could, sure, but it'd be slightly less accurate
16:57.25Wobin_yeah, cause cancelled spell casting wouldn't be detected...
16:57.28AdrineSince party heal info is dependent on combat logs (and thus range)
16:58.20Wobin_hm, It'd be mostly to see how my healing goes, ie, am I pushing the line too far in late heals etc, so the actual data would be solid for me...
16:58.31Wobin_but I see what you mean in regards to other healers
16:58.39JoshBorkeyou want to see how your heals are?
16:58.51MiravlixBliz changed it so the combat message isn't fired before the heal lands
16:58.58Wobin_Ah good that
16:59.12AdrineIt shouldn't be too hard to extend it to other party members, really. You'd have to just register the proper events, parse them properly, and extend the data arrays to include multiple recipients
16:59.20AdrineAnd then provide a UI means of switching between data sets
16:59.27AdrineNot too complex, but a bit tedious
17:01.26Wobin_hokay, I'm out... tylenol starting to kick in... night!
17:02.28JoshBorkeAdrine: what sort of data structure are you using now? (haven't delved into your code)
17:02.29krkaanyone have a good guess when 1.11 should reach us?
17:02.37IrielAt least 3 weeks?
17:02.48Gryphenafter test server?
17:03.04krkaso weeks, not months atleast?
17:03.28krkai want my multiline editbox
17:03.29IrielThat all depends, I know it was in development before 1.10 launched.
17:04.20JoshBorke(repeat question from earlier) a SetPoint error message: 'cannot SetPoint: frame2 is dependent on frame1' or something along those lines.  what exactly does that mean?  how is it dependent?  they share the same parent, am not doing ClearAllPoints
17:04.30IrielIt means there's a circular dependency
17:04.33krkamaybe frame2 has points relative to frame1
17:04.37krkaalso, what Iriel said
17:04.39IrielOr at least, it thinks there's a circular dependency
17:07.04krkaare you implying that the ui may be incorrect sometimes?
17:07.20IrielNo, i'm implying that JoshClaimed there wasn't a circular dependency 8-)
17:07.58IrielI've yet to have it be wrong though, so it's possibly his error.
17:12.20TemIt may not be a direct dependency
17:12.44Temit could be that some tree of frames is anchored to frame 1 and frame2 is anchored to that tree
17:12.57Temso attempted to anchor frame1 to frame2 would give you that error
17:13.45wereHamsterhow could I improve this further.. any ideas?
17:14.19Cide-host it at wowi since I can't load curse for some reason... :)
17:14.27wereHamsterIt's ion wowi
17:14.31Cide-I take it it works for you?
17:14.32wereHamsterjust not the latest version
17:14.43wereHamsteryes.. only a bit slow
17:16.03krkanot sure i get it
17:16.15krkait shows the cooldown for various spells?
17:17.47krkawhy do you need to configure it so much?
17:18.06AdrineI'd think you should be able to get info on any spells cooling down
17:18.10wereHamsterI've done this to better see the spells with log cooldowns (5/10/30mins)
17:18.23krkawouldn't that be good enough?
17:18.25wereHamsterI use that
17:18.25AdrineJust have a configurable threshold (ie, if the spell starts at >threshold, add it to the list) and there you go
17:18.37AdrineNo configuration of individual spells needed
17:18.58AdrineYou could also add inventory items to it, so you have your ZHM, for example, and can add it to the list automatically
17:19.03wereHamsterbut.. both paladin shields share the same cooldown and thus both appear in the list
17:19.11krkais that a problem?
17:19.29wereHamsterthat's not nice.. the same with warrior revenge/overpower and shieldbash/pummel
17:19.52krkahere's an idea: group and sort them by cooldown remainign
17:19.55wereHamsterThe list sometimes gets _very_ long when I play with my warrior
17:20.03wereHamsterthey are sorted..
17:20.10krkaand only show one spell per cooldown
17:20.27Temif 2 spells have identical cooldowns, only show one
17:20.32krkaor just show all the textures
17:20.38krkawhat tem said
17:20.39AdrineSince the assumption is that they're linked
17:21.11Temyou think up a way to stick to get 2 spells to have the EXACT same cooldown
17:21.17Temother than being linked
17:21.41AdrineTem: Random chance. :)
17:21.43wereHamsterdoes GetSpellCooldown report the exact values for spells that share the same cooldown?
17:21.49Adrineie, I have a 5 minute cooldown
17:21.50Cide-possibly /script CastSpellByName("Inner Focus"); SpellStopCasting(); CastSpellByName("Renew")
17:21.57AdrineExactly 2 minutes into it, I cast a 3-minute cooldown spell
17:22.02TemAdrine: cooldowns are indicated by 2 things
17:22.09TemAdrine: Start time and duration
17:22.13Cide-assuming the spells have the same cooldown (renew doesn't have a cooldown)
17:22.14AdrineAha, you're right
17:22.20AdrineStart time would differentiate them then.
17:22.22Temif those 2 things are the same, then you have linked spells
17:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
17:22.26AdrineSo yeah, that solution works great.
17:22.29AdrineForgot about that. :)
17:22.45Cide-should for 99% of the time, at least :)
17:22.57wereHamster99% is not quite enough :)
17:23.01TemI don't even think it's possible
17:23.15krkayou'd have to cast two spells with the same cooldown at the exact same time
17:23.15Temwith the global cooldown and all
17:23.23krkamaybe if one of them is instant
17:23.30AdrineI can think of one potential collision
17:23.35AdrineInner Focus + Power Infusion
17:23.36krkastill be some minor difference
17:23.53AdrineBoth are no-cooldown spells (I think PI is no cooldown? I haven't played with it a lot), and both have 3-minute timers
17:23.59Temyeah seems like there should still be a minor difference
17:24.00Cide-PI is 3min
17:24.08AdrineInner Focus is too, as of 1.10
17:24.11Cide-it has global cooldown
17:24.12TemPI doesn't start the global cooldown
17:24.18Cide-oh, maybe not
17:24.21Cide-I don't have it
17:24.22AdrineSo you macro them
17:24.27Temat least, I don't think it does
17:24.29Cide-IF doesn't start global cooldown either
17:24.31Temsince AP doesn't
17:24.38Adrineand you have 2 3-minute cooldowns not linked fired at the same time
17:24.42krkathere is still some time betweem them in the macro
17:24.54TemAdrine: test it
17:24.54AdrineEnough to make a difference though?
17:24.59AdrineI may have to, Tem :)
17:25.02AdrineBut I'm at work right now.
17:25.03TemAdrine: I'm curious to know if it does make a difference
17:25.09krkai don't have a priest :/
17:25.21Cide-I play a priest but I don't have PI
17:25.22krkahmm... thuogh, we are only interested in startTime
17:25.22Temon a mage there might be something
17:25.31TemCS and one of the wards
17:26.07TemI'm gonna try it
17:26.45AdrineOn a side note, power infusion is a lot of fun
17:26.57AdrineLast night in MC I had our casters /randoming for the right to receive it. :D
17:27.52AdrineAlso, Rag is a bastard and likes seeing my rogue too much. :(
17:30.27wereHamsterdid anyone try krka's script?
17:30.35AdrineI'm at work, so I can't.
17:30.44AdrineWell. I COULD fire up my laptop and try it out.
17:30.50AdrineBut doing so on company time is bad form. :)
17:30.54AdrineUnlike IRC. >_>
17:31.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
17:31.34wereHamsterI have a lvl45 pala and lvl~25 mage and lvl15 priest.. I don't think they have insta spells :-/
17:32.14AdrineDivine Favor is instant, IIRC.
17:32.18AdrineThough I could be wrong.
17:33.22AdrineActually, now that I think of it, I think DF has a cooldown.
17:33.36wereHamsterbah.. queue
17:36.54TemAdrine: ok here's the numbers
17:37.14TemAdrine: with 2 linked spells the startime was EXACT
17:37.26wereHamsterDesperatePrayer ist instant :)
17:37.35wereHamsterTem, thanks :)
17:37.43wereHamster.. for testing
17:37.45AdrineHm, so they'd be indifferentiable then?
17:37.51Temwith 2 spells cast via macro virtually instantly, their start times were off by 0.009 seconds
17:37.59AdrineOoh, ok.
17:38.13AdrineThough I suspect that's possible due to lag, but it should be reliable enough
17:38.25AdrineAlso may be subject to computer speeds, though I dunno
17:38.27Temthere should always be some time between the 2
17:38.29Iriel|workingEven if you DO have 2 spells unlinked, but with identical cooldowns
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17:38.33Iriel|workingWhy NOT show them as linked anyway?
17:38.49AdrineIriel: Because you may want to use one independently of the other in a bit. They aren't inherently linked.
17:38.56AdrineThe IF + PI issue, for example
17:39.06AdrineFor offensive punch, I may want to macro the two and then toss out a smite.
17:39.06Iriel|workingSo, as soon as you use them independenly, you show the cooldown unlinked
17:39.20Iriel|workingOr did the conversation change from just cooldown display to something more?
17:39.58AdrineBut I do that, and then want to know when IF is up so I can throw out a heal, but the displayed buff is PI, which isn't inherently linked to IF, and relies on me remebering that "oh, I macroed the two, so PI means IF too here this time"
17:40.39AdrineSince they aren't inherently linked, it'd just be potential confusion. Granted, not much in real-world applications, but enough that if people weren't aware of it, it may throw them off.
17:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
17:44.27TemAdrine: so then do one of 2 things
17:44.33Tem1: Show all icons
17:44.45Tem2: make sure the start times are EXACT
17:44.46AdrineWell, if there is a short delay between them, it's a moot point
17:44.57TemI've tested a few more times
17:45.03AdrineI like the show-all-icons thing for linked items, personally
17:45.05Temand there has been a delay everytime
17:45.14AdrineSo, you have the warrior's 30-minute cooldowns, show the icons in a row
17:45.24AdrineYou could grow icons to the left and text to the right
17:46.01Temthat should probably be an option
17:46.29TemI like the idea of only showing the icon of the spell you actually used for linked stuff
17:46.50AdrineDitto, but that requires a good bit more work, I'd suspect.
17:46.57Temah, true
17:47.05TemI dunno
17:47.14TemI need to go take some stuff to my boss
17:47.18Temlater guys
17:47.55wereHamsteroh.. why I did the configuration.. so that for warriors,it displays the 30min cd spells in their respective stances, like shield wall in def statnce and recklessnes in berserker stance etc
17:48.45wereHamsterIf I just display the first spell that is linked with other spells, it will always display retalliation, regardless in which stance I am
17:50.25AdrineHm. You may be able to scan the tooltip and see if the item is available (reagents, retaliation, etc) and then choose to display it based on that
17:50.46AdrineSince you have the "requires" text which is red if it's not available for whatever reason
17:50.50AdrineMight be slow-ish though.
17:51.17wereHamsterI hate tooltip scaning
17:52.19AdrineThat might work, actually
17:52.25AdrineFlag - Returns 1 if the action is valid for use at present (Does NOT include cooldown or range tests), nil otherwise.
17:52.26wereHamsteraction, not spell..
17:52.40wereHamsterI'd need IsSpellUsable(spellid)
17:52.48AdrineRight, right.
17:53.54wereHamsterI think I'll stick with my configuration now :)
17:59.30TainAh well, can't log in to the Blizz forums and it's not even billing day.
18:03.05Cide-what did Iriel do? :P
18:08.10Corrodiasthe blizzard forums are a horrible place. you should be thankful.
18:08.27Iriel|workingI got logged in just fine!
18:08.52krkathere's no IsSpellUsable?
18:08.58krkaannoying :)
18:09.20krkaso we need actionbutton for that and for ranges
18:09.49krkawereHamster, that's a case of extremely rare tooltip scanning though
18:10.03krkaonly need to run it the same amount of time as when spellbook changes
18:10.48wereHamsterkrka, if you save the tooltip info in a lua table.
18:11.15krkaonly need to store the reagents per spell though
18:11.40wereHamstermom.. to find out if the spell is usable I'd need to scan the tooltips whenever I change stance
18:12.20krkahmm... easier to just place the spell on a free actionbutton
18:12.40wereHamsterthe idea to display all icons left of the duration text is nice
18:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
18:12.52ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
18:13.17wereHamsterbut, I don't want the buttons to grow to the left..
18:14.11krkashow underneath?
18:14.23krkaor alternate buttons
18:14.32wereHamsterthere is the next button
18:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
18:54.51TainSo did anyone code up equivilent default ActionButtons without XML?
18:55.18MiravlixDynamic frames?
18:55.23AdrineHm. That seems like it shouldn't be too hard.
18:56.24Iriel|workingTain: We can't yet
18:56.28Iriel|workingTain: At least ont fully equivalent
18:57.51AdrineWhen we get the ability to dynamically inherit existing frames, stuffs will be awesome.
18:59.47TainThat's good, Iriel, since I was afraid I was just screwing up my attempts.
19:01.34Iriel|workingTain: It's the whole SetText thing that messes us up
19:03.44Tainhah good (well sort of.)  I'd rather it worked, but glad it wasn't just me doing it wrong.
19:05.23ComicSansMSare they going to fix the SetText()-bug in one of the upcoming patches?
19:05.59wereHamsterSetText() bug?
19:06.29ComicSansMSwhen using SetText on a button created with CreateFrame() it won't work
19:09.51Iriel|workingComicSansMS : yes, it's already scheduled for 1.10.2
19:14.49krkawhat's wrong with SetText?
19:15.03JoshBorkeComicSansMS when using SetText on a button created with CreateFrame() it won't work
19:15.21krkaSetText on a FontString then?
19:15.29JoshBorkethat mean 1.10.1 is coming this week?
19:15.34ComicSansMSIriel that's good news, thanks
19:16.53krkai didn't know buttons even had SetText
19:16.59krkathought that was for FontString and EditBox
19:17.24AnduinLotharnope, you can do it directly to a Button
19:17.32AnduinLothardoesn't work on CheckButtons tho
19:17.38wereHamsterwill it make a big difference when I create a new frame for each icon or should I put all icons as textures into the 'button-frame' ?
19:18.03Iriel|workingwereHamster : It really depends on whether you NEED them to be in their own frames
19:18.13Iriel|workingRegions are a lot more 'lightweight' than Frames are
19:18.24Iriel|workingsince they have no event handling or mouse handing of their own
19:19.26wereHamsterno, they don't need to be in their own frame, but maybe it would be better to have them not bound to the frame so I could reuse them and bind to a differtn button
19:19.36Iriel|workingYou can re-parent them if need be
19:19.55wereHamstereven if the texture is a child of one frame?
19:20.30Iriel|workingYes, textures have :SetParent
19:21.26Iriel|workingMy XBox 360 is poorly, a sparcity of oblivion awaits me
19:21.55Kaelten|OblivionI'm playing it on the PC
19:22.05Iriel|workingI tried both and liked the xbox controls better
19:22.08wereHamsterso I could have all icons children of the button dock and re-parent them as I need?
19:22.10Iriel|workingmaybe i'm just a freak 8-)
19:22.31Kaelten|Obliviondon't have a 360 so my desicion was made
19:22.38Iriel|workingwereHamster : if you're just doing it for visuals, you could make all of the textures children of the dock and just ANCHOR them as needed
19:22.53wereHamsterbut the dock isn't always visible
19:23.07Iriel|workingwereHamster : Ah, then you'd want to re-parent them appropriately then, yes.
19:23.13wereHamsterok.. thanks
19:23.47Iriel|workingwereHamster : I do suggest you test reparenting on textures, some of those API methods got moved around in 1.10 and i'm not sure how solid they are
19:24.00Iriel|workingI have no reason to doubt the Pirate, but not everything we got in 1.10 works 100% 8-)
19:24.37wereHamsteris there a function to generate a random string (hash-like)?
19:26.07Iriel|workingRoll your own with math.random
19:37.57Tainmmm mm Oblivion.
19:39.04MiravlixHmm, I don't think, I've seen the 1.10 weather yet
19:39.15Iriel|workingI've not seen it since live
19:39.19Iriel|workingBut I saw rain and fog on test
19:39.29MiravlixUnless whats in Booty Bay right now is fog and not me that needs to polish my screen
19:39.31zenzelezzI've seen it
19:39.31Iriel|workingStill no snow, but i've been in non-weathery zones
19:39.58zenzelezzhad (mild) sand-storm like thing in Tanaris, rain in Un'Goro
19:40.41AdrineI've seen snow in Winterspring, but that's it
19:40.52zenzelezzit comes and goes =)
19:41.09TainI've seen fire, and I've seen rain.
19:41.15TainI've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
19:43.27JoshBorkei've seen fog in the forest
19:45.12MiravlixWoot, rain!
19:45.18wereHamsterui.. works very fine now..
19:45.25MiravlixI guess you talk about it and the sun comes out, err rain
19:50.46MiravlixCan we get an event for WEATHER_EFFECT_START WEATHER_EFFECT_STOP with arg1 = type?
19:52.15wereHamstertested with my paladin..
19:52.28MiravlixThen I could write an addon that gives all items a weather effect status and create realistic emotes appropiate for the weather situation
19:53.28JoshBorkeone side-effect of not having a great videocard: disable specular effects and drunkeness no longer affects your gameplay
19:53.56MiravlixNot entirely sure how to emulate rain drenched fur armor slowing down your movement speed, but I guess I could just report it as being slow
19:54.22zenzelezzgo to walk mode
19:54.25MiravlixAnd plate armor would make you swim to the bottom of the ocean
19:54.26wereHamsterthat's what I thought when my whole raid had problems in ZG, only I didn't feel anything unusual when fighting the spider boss :)
19:54.37Miravlixzenz: Can't anymore, requires hardware event. :p
19:54.40zenzelezz"Argh, rain! My plate will rust!"
19:56.13JoshBorkewereHamster: lol, yep
19:56.29JoshBorkewereHamster: btw, very nice.  i've been wanting a lightweight cooldown thingie
19:58.10wereHamsterthis will be very lightwight.. maybe a bit small for your taste.. don't know..
19:59.19wereHamsterI'm reusing frames or  ceating them as needed :)
20:00.45JoshBorkewereHamster: nothing can be a bit small for my tastes :D wait, there was a raid UI that was text based.  it was too small/ugly
20:01.45JoshBorketoo bad you burned your LoH for testing :D
20:02.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
20:09.08MiravlixHmm, there is a bugged Servant of Grom or whatever theya re called in Stormwind
20:09.23Miravlixbunch of lemmings keeps attacking it even while it takes no damage
20:11.42CodayusOh, yeah, those are fun, if that's the mob I think it is.
20:12.07CodayusIt can't take damage until you destroy a crystal near where it spawns.
20:12.27CodayusOf course, since it spawns 5 zones away....GL with that.
20:13.42MiravlixJust leave it alone, it's a bug, let a GM deal with it.
20:16.59wereHamsteram I stupid -.-
20:17.57JoshBorkeis that a trick question?
20:30.29MiravlixNothing like picking up a hammer and applying it to an harddisk to get it to work one last time and save the data on it
20:31.27MiravlixAnnoying that harddisk has so low MTBF
20:31.29wereHamsterdid it work?
20:32.29MiravlixIt's seen by the SCSI controler now, so yeah, it 'worked'
20:33.39wereHamsterI have 4x120GB seagate..
20:33.48MiravlixSeagate doesn't make harddisk, they make paperweights
20:34.23Elvisowhat's paper?
20:34.36Elvisolike that stuff notepad uses? :)
20:34.37Iriel|workingWhile I dont thing seagate is all bad, they have had some spectacularly unhappy product lines
20:34.40MiravlixThe disk is 5 years old or so, been running 24/7
20:35.01MiravlixMaxtor Atlas those 10K noise makers
20:35.45TainMy Seagate 10k SCSI drive has been running almost 24/7 for about 8 years now.  Mmm mm good.
20:36.05MiravlixNaah there MTBF is 5 years
20:36.18MiravlixToo risky using them that long
20:36.49TainEvery drive I've bought after it has died in the mean time.
20:37.27MiravlixMain Time Between Failure
20:38.03MiravlixThats the guarenteed life time of the equipment in optimal conditions.
20:38.14TainFor example, Maxtor drives have a MTBF of approximately four minutes, thirty-five seconds.
20:39.07Elvisosure it's not Mean TBF?
20:39.11Iriel|workingI guess I should be replacing mine
20:39.31Iriel|workingIt's most certainly **NOT** The guaranteed lifetime of the equipment in optimal conditions.
20:39.59zenzelezzjust make sure you make backups of important files, then run the HDDs till they die \o/
20:40.06Iriel|workingRAID FTW
20:40.07zenzelezzof course, I neglect the first part most of the time
20:40.24MiravlixI just cry
20:40.28TainThere aren't any guarantees.  Warrantees are just a form of lottery, really.
20:40.37MiravlixLess troublesom
20:40.48MiravlixWarrentess is 2-3 years or so
20:40.59zenzelezzmy dad used to bring broken Seagates home from work and claim the warranty on them... usually worked :o
20:41.35TainYeah it's cheaper to use lesser parts and replace drives that people actually claim warantees on than to make them las longer.
20:42.03MiravlixThe disk is worth 10 bucks these days
20:42.05Elvisothat's the problem I think with so many products today
20:42.25MiravlixBut harddisk has never been life time technoligy
20:42.37MiravlixThey have always had fairly short lifespans
20:42.38Elvisoproducts are made with 1/2 the life expectancy than they were 10 years ago, but they're cheaper
20:42.54MiravlixSeems the same MTBF for harddisks
20:43.02TainHarddive has absolutely gone downhill.
20:43.29MiravlixBut I do live in a SCSI only world
20:43.51TainHarddrives were more fragile, more prone to problems because of phyisical manhandling.
20:43.52ElvisoI'm speaking about consumer products in, fridges, appliances, etc.....none last like similiar products from 10-20 yrs ago
20:43.55MiravlixThey have always been better technoligy
20:44.24TainBut my experience says that harddrives live a lot shorter lifespans than they used to.
20:44.51TainOf course I don't have any industry studies done on hard numbers so I suppose it's all irrelevant.
20:45.00MiravlixWell, I obeviusly haven't bought new ones in a while, since mine is failing. :p
20:45.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
20:46.03Iriel|workingSince I made sure each of my machines had a UPS, i've had far fewer drive failures than I used to
20:46.17Miravlixthey don't call it MTBF anymore
20:46.18Miravlix1.4 million hours MTTF
20:46.21MiravlixIt's MTTF
20:46.29Iriel|workingBecause once you F you never un-F
20:46.40*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
20:46.45Elvisolol that sounds like a new sig line for me Iriel
20:46.55Elviso"Because once you F you never un-F"
20:47.00Iriel|working(or more to the point, once the drive can't fix itself, it's just broken)
20:47.36krkabroken drive? fsck that!
20:48.42Tainhaha I had a drive that I just had to give a little tap to get it spin up, but once it did it ran fine!
20:48.49TainUntil I had to power down again.
20:48.57Iriel|workingthat's the typical seagate failure mode from some time ago
20:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
20:49.17Iriel|workingsticktion, or whatever they called it
20:49.18zenzelezzit's beyond my comprehension how anyone can use MFC for a game >.< *hits Close as game crashes again*
20:50.22Iriel|workingOoh, my new toy has shipped
20:50.41wereHamsternever underestimate the power of an endless loop !
20:51.35Miravlixheh, I had a non fatal endless loop in PQ. :p
20:52.10MiravlixForgot to move a mutex semaphore into a function, so the function triggered a event that called the function.
20:53.10MiravlixSomething is wrong when you need mutex to call the Blizzard API
20:53.10wereHamsterbut not in lua..
20:53.26wereHamsteror does lua have semaphores?
20:53.41Miravlixyou just set some variable
20:53.56krkalua doesn't need semaphores, it's single threaded
20:53.56MiravlixIf it's true it's locked, if it's false it's unlocked
20:54.14Miravlixmutual exclusive semaphore
20:54.18MiravlixYou do need those krka
20:54.30Iriel|workinglua could be multi-threaded if you wanted, but the wow version isn't.
20:54.39MiravlixIf you call a Blizzard API it will trigger ane vent call that will call your event handler
20:54.46krkayeah sorry, i assumed we were talking about wow here
20:54.58MiravlixIt is wow and it is needed
20:55.23Ktron|afktonk wars? and PvE to PvP transfers?
20:55.27MiravlixDo a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE handler, that calls QuestLogFrame API's
20:55.29Iriel|workingWell, it CAN be needed, sure.
20:55.33krkawell... you're already guaranteed your code will never be interrupted
20:55.48MiravlixThose API calls trigger a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE event
20:56.13MiravlixAnd the way the API is called is that it handles all the events before returning
20:56.26wereHamsterwtf.. just looted a blue lvl47 bop item froma lvl54 mob..
20:56.45MiravlixSo your function will try to run itself over and over and over and over
20:56.49Iriel|workingMust be a hunter item 8-)
20:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
20:57.22MiravlixSo you setup a mutex and abort if your function is called while it's already running
20:57.50MiravlixThere is several of these 'horror' cases.
20:57.57krkawouldn't call it a mutex, it's a simple flag
20:58.12MiravlixMutual Exclusive Semaphore
20:58.24Iriel|workingThere are other approaches that can solve the problem
20:59.07krkain any event, i need sleep now
20:59.26MiravlixI don't see any better solution than making your code only be running once ever
20:59.59krkazero times ever? :)
21:00.02MiravlixI could unregisterevent instead
21:00.27JoshBorkeok, bye all :-0
21:00.30wereHamsterI think WoW  should queue the events and wait until the addon gives the control back to WoW.exe
21:00.36*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:00.44krkanah, that'd be annoying wereHamster
21:00.47Temre-entry is bad
21:00.54Temor has the potential to be bad
21:00.58Miravlixwere: Why would I want 30+ QUEST_LOG_UPDATE events at the end of my code run?
21:01.03MiravlixSince I generated all 30
21:01.41wereHamster.. in that case I'd unregister the event :)
21:01.46krka<do stuff> <call event triggering function> <do more stuff> vs
21:01.58krka<do stuff> <call event triggering function> <break> ..... enter function again ... <do more stuff>
21:02.09Iriel|workingMiravlix : It's really all about how you avoid reacting to the new events
21:02.22Iriel|workingMiravlix : A simple flag is one approach, but there are others you can use
21:02.36MiravlixWhat that got to do with anything?
21:02.57MiravlixThis is about the fact that you can create endless loops with even handlers.
21:03.00krkaa full fledged banner instead!
21:03.10krkawith lots of pretty colours and fancy fabrics
21:03.13Iriel|workingYou said "<Miravlix> I don't see any better solution than making your code only be running once ever"
21:03.28Iriel|workingI'm saying you could allow your code to run multiple times, and just know when to and when not to react
21:03.32krkacreate loops with even handlers? how odd!
21:04.05MiravlixI don't see how you would do that
21:04.23MiravlixI'm doing a expand(0) on the QuestLogFrame
21:04.32MiravlixThat generates a event
21:05.03TainWow ABInfo got ugly.
21:05.06MiravlixAnd the event is executed before expand returns to me
21:05.49MiravlixResulting in all addons watching QUEST_LOG_UPDATE getting called.
21:05.57KtronYou all have no idea how glad I am that I was just able to transfer my highest level character from Zul'jin (PvE) to Black Dragonflight (PvP)
21:06.17Iriel|workingMiravlix : It's **POSSIBLE** (even if for YOUR CODE it isn't useful) to make your addon do some of the post-expand processing in the handler for the new event, rather than waiting for expand to return.
21:06.31Iriel|workingI think that approach to PVE->PVP is the only sane one they could take
21:06.49Iriel|workingNamely completely empty PVP servers that can ONLY be transferred to from PVE's
21:06.51krkathey allow pve -> pvp now? O_o
21:07.00MiravlixGoing from easymode PvE to a PvP server is bad
21:07.10Iriel|workingI dont think it's bad IN THIS CASE
21:07.14MiravlixThats so spitting on all PvP'ers that had to level in PvP mode
21:07.20krkaah... every player on the pvp was from pve
21:07.22krkathen it's fair i guess
21:07.23Iriel|workingBecause, IN THIS CASE, all of the people on the server will be from a PVE server
21:07.26Iriel|workingThere's no unfairness
21:07.41Iriel|workingWITHIN that server (and cross-server comparisons are largely irrelevant anyway)
21:07.47MiravlixThe new players on the PvP server
21:07.52Gryphennew players
21:07.52MiravlixStill have to level PvP style
21:07.57Miravlixso it will always be unfair
21:08.10CodayusWell, nobody is forcing them to roll there.
21:08.12TainThat's ok, fairness was never part of the game.
21:08.20CodayusAnd it's 100% as "fair" as rolling a new char on any pvp server.
21:08.29Gryphennobody is telling them its not like other pvp realms when they roll there
21:08.29CodayusThere's always lvl 60s in epics around to gank you.  :-)
21:08.57MiravlixUsually it's some 60 in greeens thats ganking
21:09.06Miravlixbecause they are to crap to fight anyone there own level
21:09.27MiravlixKilled a shaman with my Scarlet Monistairy team, 30-20 level differnce
21:09.29TainAnd frankly I for one would welcome any spitting on all the PvPers who condescend so much to people who play on non-PVP servers.
21:09.36MiravlixAnd none one of us died
21:09.52MiravlixThey are soo horrible bad they have to fight lowbies
21:10.28CodayusI'm from LIghtbringer - one of the realms that can transfer to BDF.
21:11.34CodayusInteresting seeing who's interested in transfer, and who isn't.  :-)
21:12.04MiravlixRP-PVP is worse than PVP, I bet PVE-PVP will be worse than both of those.
21:13.06CodayusSome of the alliance who are tranferring are uh....not exactly my most favorite people in the world.
21:13.33TemI would **Love** to transfer to a pvp server
21:13.42CodayusAnyone who lists there reason for transfer as "wanting to go someplace where I'm not known" raises some alarm bells, eh?  :-)
21:13.44TemI hate that my main is on a pve server
21:14.23CodayusI've got a 60 rogue I never ever ever play.  I was vaguely tempted at the thought of transferring him...
21:14.45MiravlixPVP in itself gives people plenty of reasons to be asses, but it also forces a more community oriented mentality on the people who levels up.
21:14.47Temif they ever come up for my server I'm saying bye to my guild and transfering
21:15.07MiravlixRP-PVP just added another reason for griefers to grief, so it was a bit worse.
21:15.33CodayusMiravlix: Right.  Some of the alliance I know are transferring are...erm...*not* community oritented.
21:15.37MiravlixPvE mentality people will have even less respect for there fellow players making it mayhem.
21:17.00CodayusLet me put it this way.  One of the people I know is tranferring is a guild leader (of an MC guild, currently stuck on Rag) who just disbanded the guild last night, and said he was sick of it.  Nobody knows what happeneed to the guild bank, nobody would be surprised if he's taking it with him.
21:19.08CodayusThe horde who are transferring are mostly good sorts though, including one dedicated pvp guild.  (Yes, I know.  On a pve server.  Weird.)
21:20.12Iriel|workingI would imagine pvp attracts ANTI-social people, whereas PVE attracts non-social people.
21:20.28Iriel|workingSure neither is community oriented, but I know which i'd rather share my virtual world with
21:20.41MiravlixIt's the other way around
21:20.49MiravlixPvP actually attracts social people
21:20.53zenzelezzI find PvP dull in MMOs :o More inclined to play a round of UT or something for that
21:21.18CodayusIriel|working: There's a little bit of that...but I think anti-social types can suceed much easier in pve than pvp.  You NEED friends more in pvp.
21:21.19MiravlixPvP forces community building on the players.
21:21.20wereHamsterI'm on a PvP server, and I don't really see much PvP
21:21.35CodayusOf course, it's all a bit weird with the demise of world pvp and the advent of BGs.
21:21.58MiravlixJoin RP-PVP then
21:22.14zenzelezzI had a 60 warrior on US-Arthas, and didn't see a very tightly-knit community... mostly guilds
21:22.16MiravlixIn a normal 2-3 hour WoW session I have 200-300 defense alerts
21:22.18CodayusHmm, yeah, a RP-PVP server should still have world pvp...
21:22.33Iriel|workingCodayus : I mean 'ANTI-social' in the sense that they enjoy making other people's lives worse
21:22.43Iriel|workingCodayus : It's much easier to do that in PvP
21:22.58MiravlixIt's easier on a PvE
21:23.10Miravlixwhere some 60 can't come and tear you a new one if you try to grief
21:23.15Iriel|workingIf you're an asshole on my pvp server i'll go somewhere else
21:23.19Iriel|workingI mean pve
21:23.26Iriel|workingIf you're an asshole on my pve server you could kill me
21:23.30Iriel|workingagain, and again, and again
21:23.58MiravlixThats why people learn to be more friendly because they need each other
21:24.00Iriel|workingIm aware the picture changes if the recipient is part of a powerful guild with lots of L60's
21:24.04Miravlixless solo mentality more team
21:24.19Iriel|workingBut I still think, if I wanted to grief other people, i'm going to be on a PvP server
21:24.34MiravlixGriefers don't live long on PvP servers
21:24.41Miravlixthey get shunned and hunted by both sides
21:24.54Iriel|workingThat is, by some definition, "Success"
21:25.08MiravlixIt's not griefing anyone
21:25.47MiravlixYou try to grief people in Wetlands and a mob of 60s comes and corps camp you
21:26.14MiravlixResult, no one is bothered much about the situation and the 60s has a good laugh
21:26.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
21:26.35MiravlixThats not my definition of a good griefing session
21:30.49MiravlixWhat is a good griefing session was the high level that got mad at me and went around killing every mob I got close to
21:31.19MiravlixBut physical harresment takes care of that kind of players, because there is no in game solution to them
21:33.57MiravlixWas a interesting situation, he wanted to duel, I was on my levle 10ish char he was 60 and got mad at me for not dueling him. o.O
21:34.36wereHamsterversion .. uploaded to CG to let the folks find the last bugs.. I hope to upload it to WoWI tomorrow..
21:34.49zenzelezzpeople who get upset when you don't want to duel them on PvE servers amuse me
21:35.39MiravlixI only play PvP.
21:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
21:40.27MiravlixWhat did the removed GetDate() API return?
21:41.02Iriel|workingI think it may have been date of client build
21:41.10Iriel|workinglet me see if I have a record
21:41.29Miravlixfound it on Wiki
21:41.42MiravlixYeah client build date, not terrible exiting.
21:42.07MiravlixWish there was a server uptime call.
21:43.26MiravlixI hacked TitanHonorPlus, but dealing with those non server handled things it records is real annoying.
21:43.33wereHamster"duration - (GetTime() - start)" doesn't show the correct remaining cooldown time for lay on hands
21:44.03wereHamsterit shows something like 71601 minutes
21:44.04MiravlixWorks perfectly if you PvP though
21:44.52Temanyone know what arg7 of CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE is?  the wiki doesn't show
21:44.57MiravlixSince the change in pvp data is a good way to detect it, but if you start not doing things, you suddently end up with having no reset timers.
21:46.02wereHamsterit's because GetTime() returns ~266 and GetSpellCooldown() 4292697,3600 .. so for my client the spell started in the future
21:46.07MiravlixBeen playing with date("%Y%m%d") it's better as nothing for reseting.
21:47.04wereHamstermaybe integer overflow in WoW ?
21:47.47wereHamsterI mean the GetSpellCooldown() return value ;)
21:49.55wereHamsterI should say that I restarted the game.. it worked fine until I logged out the first time
21:51.06MiravlixHmm, strange
21:55.08ComicSansMStried using time() instead of GetTime()?
21:58.15Miravlixgettime is correct afaik
22:00.32MiravlixToggleAutoRun <- that one is protected too
22:05.01MiravlixToggleRun and so is this one.
22:08.32Endhollly crap
22:08.52MiravlixToggleMouseMove() <- and thats just weird
22:08.57Endso, I switched from preallocating frames to allocating dynamically, and start up usage went down by 6 meg
22:09.45Endmoral of story: I was using a lot of memory for frames
22:11.38MiravlixBut wont you use the same after a while
22:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:12.25MiravlixLots of memory at startup is better than doiing it int he middle of a heavy combat situation
22:12.51EndI doubt that'll be an issue
22:13.07Endthis particular addon doesn't get a ton of use midcombat
22:13.11MiravlixYou will instantly trigger 2-3 GC calls. :p
22:15.10Endwell, the only case where you'll use as many frames as I was preallocating was where you zoomed all the way out, most of the time you won't hit that
22:16.51MiravlixWhat the cost of creating a frame dynamically?
22:17.23Enddoesn't seem to be a lot, and I obviously remember previously created frames
22:18.07MiravlixYeah, we got no tool to erase them, so we have to keep using them
22:18.21Endthat's fine to me
22:18.30Iriel|workingI'm going to guess that a frame costs about 200 bytes or so, on its own.
22:18.41Iriel|working(Not including the non-UI memory usage of the C++ representation)
22:19.22MiravlixNot too concerned about memory usage
22:19.57MiravlixMore how much time it cost to call a function that creates one dyna frame
22:20.31MiravlixThe UI should just up the GC limit with 6 MB after creation, so wont be a GC issue in itself.
22:22.52wereHamsterI was thinking to create a frame-factory addon that would create or re-use frames whenever I need one.
22:23.50Endoh, that's interesting
22:24.17Iriel|workingI haven't timed it yet
22:24.34MiravlixI want to make a invisible tooltip frame
22:24.46Iriel|workingThe factory approach is one I use in a more specialized context in some of my code, but a generalized factory is a bit tricky.
22:25.05MiravlixSo I don't have to maintain 384747 different tooltip scanners.
22:26.39Iriel|workingThere are so many tooltips in the standard UI you can almost always 'borrow' one that's not in use 8-)
22:27.13wereHamstergeneralized factory.. each addon registers a frame name and a callback that creates the frame when needed and the factory manages two lists with used frames and unused frames. is there anything I've missed?
22:27.25Iriel|workingThe problem is cleanup
22:27.43Iriel|workingYou have to scrub down the old frames when they return to the factory
22:27.51Iriel|workingIt's not "hard" but it's a little bit messy
22:27.56wereHamsteryou tell the factory when you don't need a frame and the factory movs the frame to the 'unused' list
22:28.11Iriel|workingThink about SetScript, and regions, and anchors, and children
22:28.22Iriel|workingevents are at least easy with UnregisterAllEvents()
22:29.04wereHamsterI wouldn't remove the scripts, just reparent, reanchor and hide
22:29.19Iriel|workingWhat if I put an OnUpdate on a frame then release it?
22:29.43Endsomeone is going to have to scrub
22:29.52EndI'd rather have the factory do it
22:30.12Iriel|workingExactly, the factory needs to do these things
22:30.52Iriel|workingOr explicitly state that it's not going to and that users shouldnt do them, but then it ends up a less "general" factory
22:30.57wereHamsterif you reuse your own frames, you know in what state they are, and if there is anything special that needs to be done
22:31.08Endwell, then it isn't a generalized factory
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22:31.44MiravlixYou can check for scripts and nil them with SetScript
22:31.53Miravlixso cleanup shouldn't be too hard.
22:31.54Iriel|workingYou just need to know which scripts each frametype has
22:32.05Iriel|workingThat's a bit ugly at first
22:32.15Iriel|workingthough you can generate much of that at runtime
22:33.24wereHamster.. so you mean generalized factory as a factory that returns arbitrary frames? Like 'factory, give me a font object' or 'factory, give me a texture' ?
22:34.21MiravlixWith that one you can generate a list of possible scripts the frame has dynamically
22:34.28Iriel|workingYes, you  need tok now which "handlers" are possibilities
22:34.52Iriel|workingand you have to bear in mind that you dont want to call Frame:HasScript("handler") EVERY time a frame is released, you'd want to cache lists by object type
22:34.59MiravlixSo you don't need to know it.
22:35.13Iriel|workingYou still need to know what the list of possibilities is
22:35.19Iriel|workingSometimes I swear you try to be difficult!
22:35.49MiravlixI need to know the list of possible "handler" values
22:35.58Cairennand the prize for noting the obvious goes to .... Iriel!
22:37.04MiravlixI don't see it as an end of the world situation that I don't know of a dynamic way to create the "handler" list
22:37.36Iriel|workingI just said "that's a bit ugly at first", not "that's world-destroyingly annoying".
22:37.43wereHamsterHook :SetHandler() and save which handlers are registered?
22:37.59ComicSansMSlol ^^
22:38.05Iriel|workingwereHamster : That was one suggestion in the forum when this was discussed there
22:38.21Enddebugprofilestop() is in milliseconds
22:38.23Iriel|workingwereHamster : It would work pretty well too, since you control how the frames are created.
22:38.25Endthat makes more sense
22:38.26Iriel|workingEnd: Yup.
22:38.46EndI thought it was seconds, but 56 seconds was not what I was observing
22:38.58Iriel|workingAnd bear in mind that debugprofilestop() doesn't actually stop anything
22:39.02End(ot create about 220 frames)
22:39.03ComicSansMSbut you'ld have to hook it for every single frame, since it's an object-method, right?
22:39.10Iriel|workingthey'd be better named debugprofilereset() and debugprofileget()
22:39.44Iriel|workingComicSansMS : yes, but since the factory creates every frame, that's not too hard. And you can use metamethod tricks to make it even more transparent.
22:39.53MiravlixEnd: Is 220 frames normal?
22:40.17ComicSansMSstill, i don't like the idea. i tend to only use hooking when it's absolutely neccessary or extraordinary elegant :D
22:40.18Enda little bit
22:40.24EndI can easily go to around 900 though
22:40.25wereHamsternight ..
22:40.33Endusually I'm closer to 50-60
22:40.35MiravlixEnd: ouch
22:40.44Miravlixthen 56ms sounds serious
22:40.57Endthat's not for each
22:41.50MiravlixNo it's for 220 frames
22:42.46End900 frames is zooming all the way out
22:42.56Endand only because I'm showing all gatherer points :P
22:43.30EndI suppose if I disable gatherer support, I probably get like 10
22:44.07MiravlixBut 229ms is a looong time for an UI element to be busy
22:45.16Endwell, they aren't usually created -all- at once
22:45.23Iriel|workingIt'd be unlikely you'd create them all in the same moment
22:45.25MiravlixAnd 0,25ms pr. frame is a fairly expensive operation.
22:45.32Iriel|workingAnd End could even modify the code to create at most N at a time
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22:45.43Iriel|workingspread the creation out over a whole bunch of OnUpdates
22:45.45Endyeah, I was thinking about that
22:45.51MentalPower12,944 frames, Ouch
22:46.04MiravlixAs always I'm more concerned about 200 addons all creating frames
22:46.23Miravlixthat just End being slow in showing his window update
22:47.08Endat worst it may seem to be a little slow for a bit, but for all usage after that there shouldn't be any difference
22:47.31Iriel|workingI'd be more worried about the node and location tracking
22:47.43Endand it helps speed up the loading screen for an addon that might not get pulled up at all :P
22:48.29Endanyways, I'm gonna go eat now
22:48.54MiravlixAllInOneInventory should prolly go Dyna frame too
22:49.22MiravlixSo it adjust to the size of the inventory it shows dynamically
22:49.42Iriel|workingDevTools /vdump will be all-dynamic frames
22:49.52TainWould that really have a benefit?  I haven't used AIOI but isn't it just one frame?
22:50.11MiravlixTain: Every inventory slot is a frame
22:50.27TainI'm not a fan of that.
22:50.46MiravlixNot sure how else you would do it.
22:51.05MiravlixEach item has it's own cooldown, tooltip and all that jazz
22:51.26Iriel|workingYou can do lots of textures in one frame
22:51.31Iriel|workingbut mouse tracking is a pain
22:52.25MiravlixIt's frame everything frame here and there with graphics frame each inventory slot
22:52.46MiravlixSo you can move the top frame around and all the kids follow
22:55.25Miravlix<Texture name="$parentItemTexture1" inherits="AllInOneInventoryFrameTextureTemplate"/>
22:55.35Miravlix<Texture name="$parentItemTexture109" inherits="AllInOneInventoryFrameTextureTemplate"/>
22:56.22MiravlixHmm, AIOI is prolly broken now
22:56.56MiravlixWhats the max number of inventory slots these days? 112?
22:57.37Ktrona least
22:57.41Ktron*at least
22:57.49Miravlix4*24 + 16
22:58.13MiravlixAnything that gives more than 24 slots?
23:02.00Temhrm.  Advice
23:02.07TemI'm hooking UseAction
23:02.21Temis it **bad** if I don't always call UseAction in my hook?
23:02.32Tem(ie mean to other addons)
23:04.29MiravlixDoes your UseAction completely emulate all features of UseAction?
23:04.51MiravlixAnd it would break CastOptions
23:05.09Miravlixand anything else that hooks UseAction after you
23:05.11Temmy UseAction only kicks in when a normal UseAction would do nothing
23:05.47MiravlixYeah, but how do you decide for other addons if they make UseAction do nothing?
23:05.57Temchances are low that another addon would hook after me since I don't hook until after PEW
23:06.33TemMiravlix: the case I'm not passing it along is this IsConsumableAction(a) and GetActionCount(a) == 0
23:07.34MiravlixAll you do is remove an UI_ERROR_MESSAGE
23:07.53MiravlixSo not all that important not to call it and risk breaking others
23:08.18Temthat's what I'm thinking
23:08.52MiravlixThere is better ways to remove an error message than not call UseAction
23:09.01ComicSansMSi'm outta here, good night everyone!
23:09.02Temthat's not why I'm doing it
23:09.08Cairennnight ComicSansMS
23:09.10MiravlixI use PVPNoSpam and RogueSpam
23:09.23TemRemoving the error message sometimes is a side-effect
23:09.24MiravlixSleep a few hours for me too CSM
23:09.31MiravlixI'll wake you when I'm done
23:09.44TemI'm hooking in order to create more of said Consumable if able
23:10.01Temso if you try to use your Crystal Water action and you are out... it will cast the spell to create mroe
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23:26.19AdrineSeems like a bit of a catch22 :)
23:26.42AdrineI'm out of mana, so I need to drink, but I need mana so that I can make water to restore mana!
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