irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060408

00:00.06IrielEverything i've seen so far implies you are correct
00:00.09Cidethat might seem like little, but in a raid encounter that's nothing
00:00.12IrielYou would up it for YOU, or for the default?
00:00.29Irielif I added /dtchatevent buffer 10000 as a command, would that be okay?
00:00.36Cidethat would be fine (for me, at least)
00:00.51Irielok, i'd rather do that than pick a huge default buffer size
00:01.19IrielAnyway, based on the code i'm looking at, and what i've seen thus far, if the " is on the next line, there's a newline in there
00:01.34IrielQuestion is, does it have a space before or after it or is it just a newline
00:02.02Cideno way to tell, unfortunately
00:02.09Cidethere could be a space before the newline
00:03.00IrielI suspect there's no space
00:03.06Kirovthis is a chat message with a new line?
00:03.12Irielit's probably just a string constant in a file and they have an extra \n at the end
00:03.56CideKirov: a CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, yes
00:05.00Kirovthey stick returns in the tooltips in weird places (oddly enough, they use two different returns in the tooltip, both new line and break)
00:09.23Guillotineso how do I use dtchatevent?
00:09.44Guillotinewell ya, but it doesn't display anything
00:09.54Cideto the very left
00:09.57Guillotinenm. I'll just stop being lazy and look myself
00:10.12Cidein chat, obviously
00:10.43CideIriel succeeded, apparently :)
00:15.06IrielI wonder if an 'unlimited' mode would be handy
00:15.19Irielwhereby there's no max buffer size, and it just clears the buffer if you run out of memory?
00:15.30IrielI suppose that's silly.
00:15.35CideI'd rather have a max buffer
00:15.42Cideunless you only clear, say, 50% of it
00:15.47Cideclearing all at once would be bad
00:16.21IrielThere's one now, you can edit the LUA if you want to make it bigger
00:16.37IrielIt's EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE, if you want to update your local copy for raid use until I make it persist
00:16.38Cidewell, I mean
00:16.52Cidean unlimited buffer would work if it clears 50% of the used memory when memory runs out
00:17.01Cideclearing all of it could result in missed events
00:17.27IrielThat's true
00:17.55IrielAnother option would just be to scan all of the chat buffers every so often and work out what the last one visible is
00:18.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
00:19.18Cidethat could work
00:19.26Cidewell, you would have to track which chat frame it belongs to, unless you do already
00:19.29Iriel(Still, that would be a non-default option)
00:19.39IrielThe buffer pool is shared by all chat frames
00:19.49Cideyeah, I figured
00:19.52IrielI hook each chat frame individually, but the hooks mean I kno wwhich ones i'm looking at
00:20.25Irielso I'd know which ones to scan
00:20.51IrielI might add a public method to allow you to hook other ScrollingMessageFrames too
00:21.10IrielThat'd be handy if you want to add chatevent support to application-specific debug windows
00:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:22.59ckknightIriel, where might I find your latest version of your embedded lib stub code?
00:27.46IrielPossibly in the random subdirectory
00:27.53Irielor you can cut and paste from
00:30.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:31.26TainDamn I forgot I switched ssh clients
00:31.38TainI wanted to see what you ended up going with for a logo.
00:31.51TainI never looked after that one night a while back of logo-judging.
00:34.53IrielThat's the one
00:35.04IrielIt's just the stub plus a demo
00:36.18Kemayockknight: are you only including BabbleLib with FuBar until you take out the depreciated functions?
00:37.22ckknightno, BabbleLib is there indefinitely
00:37.26ckknightthe deprecated functions link to it
00:37.34ckknightwell, closure around it
00:39.24ckknightthe embedded lib idea is pretty cool, eh?
00:39.46ckknightyou can take BabbleLib out, use it as its own AddOn, or put it into your own non-FuBar code
00:41.45KemayoIt definitely is a useful thing.  It saved me a whole lot of localizing, anyway.  :-)
00:44.55ckknightoh yea
00:45.02ckknightI'm using it in a buffing addon I'm writing
00:45.20ckknightthe GetSpellIcon("FADE") is handy
00:54.20NorqueCertainly looks handy. Imma gonna steal it for ShardAce :)
00:54.57ckknightit doesn't have the names of items in it
00:55.06ckknightjust classes, zones, spells, and spell trees
00:55.20KemayoDoes anyone know whether something that fires faction_update would fire quest_log_update as well?
00:56.07Norquethats ok, im using item IDs for those in the next update, just been having no end of trouble with spell localisation
00:56.23ckknightwell, I cover all of that
00:56.27ckknightcause I know, it is a total bitch.
00:56.46ckknightjust be sure to give me credit in your readme file or something
00:57.16Norqueof course, credit where credit is due
00:57.27ckknightI really should attach a license to it
00:58.16IrielKemayo : Some quests have faction requirements
00:59.20ckknightIriel, at the top of my BabbleLib code, I put `if BabbleLib and BabbleLib.versions[MAJOR_VERSION] and BabbleLib.versions[MAJOR_VERSION].minor >= MINOR_VERSION then return end`, that way it checks if it's outdated before creating anything
00:59.37ckknightyou thought about putting something like that in your code?
01:00.56Irielckknight : My stub takes care of that if you follow the guidelines
01:01.50cladhaireIriel: I think the point is the stub/library is never even run (but is compiled) if that code exists.
01:01.54cladhairesaving on GC, etc.
01:02.15IrielBut then you're second-guessing the stub
01:02.48IrielBut it's definitely an option if you feel there's significant savings
01:03.09cladhaireI don't =)
01:03.14cladhairebut some people do
01:03.57IrielIt'd be "Safe" to do, because the stub is supposed to never change
01:04.05Irieland thus you can count on those tables being there
01:06.36IrielSince the code in the if still gets compiled, it's likely not much of a saving
01:06.45Irieli DO recommend putting any heavy lifting in the LibActivate method
01:09.38Norqueckknight: found a typo in BabbleLib.lua. DETECT_LESSER_INVISIBILITY="Spell_Shadow_DetectLesserInvisibil" should be DETECT_LESSER_INVISIBILITY="Spell_Shadow_DetectLesserInvisibility"
01:10.04IrielWhee, time for a MINOR_VERSION update! 8-)
01:10.13IrielLet me know how it works out 8-)
01:11.08IrielOk, time to go home
01:11.50Cairennlater Iriel
01:12.01ckknightNorque, damn
01:12.17ckknightsee, I crawled those from wowguru, so it might not be perfect
01:13.25ckknightI'll go through and see if any others are like that, Norque
01:13.56Norqueok, i'll let you know if i find more
01:17.45ckknightokay, does anyone know if they can tell if a texture doesn't exist?
01:19.42[Hyper]Darshuanyone know if there is a drawing lib released that draws stuff like lines, circles, etc?
01:20.05[Hyper]Darshuit would be very helpful for the mod I'm creating
01:24.21Norqueckknight: you could do :SetTexture() then :GetTexture() - which will return nill if the texture is missing
01:24.34QzotCatch you guys later.
01:24.39Cairennlater Qzot
01:25.45Norqueassuming im reading these notes right...
01:28.51ckknightgonna run through the whole list
01:28.59ckknightsee if none exist
01:31.59NorqueBabbleLib.lua:942: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
01:32.37Norquewhen i do self.Babble.GetSpellIcon("CREATE_HEALHSTONE")
01:32.38ckknightyea, I got that
01:32.43ckknightedit the code
01:32.45ckknightchange + to ..
01:32.47ckknight"my bad"
01:33.10KemayoI have vague hopes of being able to log in so I can resume my futile search for what's crashing my addon.  You know, some day.  ;_;
01:33.27ckknightI can't log in
01:33.39KemayoOoo... I'm as far as Handshaking.  Furthest yet!
01:34.34ckknightalso, Norque, above that line, you'll want if icon == nil then return nil end
01:34.41ckknightforgot to include that
01:37.00KemayoAnyone here have an idea why this might be crashing?
01:37.26Kemayo(It looks like it crashes after the first time it Update()s.  For some people.  Not me, so I can't tell what's doing it...)
01:38.03ckknightyou have your own pastebin?
01:38.12KemayoEveryone has their own pastebin.
01:38.17ckknightI see
01:38.25ckknightjust use, I say
01:38.30ckknightI usually use
01:38.42KemayoIt would make sense, I suppose...
01:39.43ckknightKemayo, I have an idea for your addon
01:39.46ckknightkinda off topic
01:40.47ckknightfor each of the zones, You could check to see if LocationFu exists, then if it is, get the recommended level for the zone
01:40.59ckknightI need to separate that part out into its own library anyway
01:41.04ckknightah, hold off on that for now
01:41.12KemayoThat does sound like a worthwhile feature.
01:41.30ckknightI'm gonna write a RecommendedLevelLib or something
01:42.10ckknightI am really liking the idea of embeddable shared libs zone names get localized?
01:43.05ckknightBabbleLib can localize/unlocalize em
01:44.04ckknight"The Barrens" <-> "BARRENS"
01:44.44KemayoNifty.  I shall have to remember this for when that feature does get implemented.  It doesn't matter for anything I'm currently doing, I think.
01:45.38ckknightit's handy for LocationFu, cause it has the recommended level for each zone in a databank, it does zoneLevelLow.BARRENS = 10, zoneLevelHigh.BARRENS = 25
01:45.40ckknightor whatnot
01:46.10ckknightthen I can just do zone = babble.GetEnglishZone(GetZoneText()); zoneLevelLow[zone], zoneLevelHigh[zone]
01:46.16ckknightand so on
01:48.15ckknightI know what's going to happen is that I will separate everything into libraries, then just use FuBar to show data
01:48.21ckknightwhich is really how it should be, anyway
01:49.42KemayoThus creating the WoWNIX set of Addons.  Tiny, doing one thing well.
01:49.55ckknightpretty much
01:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:02.19ckknightI have a conundrum
02:02.29Cairenn'sup ckknight?
02:02.30ckknighthow do I have an embeddable shared lib with saved variables?
02:04.32ckknightle sigh
02:13.41ckknightNorque, there were only 5 textures that didn't exist, and I found em all
02:14.34ckknighthooray for scripts
02:14.51ckknightI just did a CreateFrame(), CreateTexture(), SetTexture(icon) deal
02:15.02ckknightif SetTexture(icon) returns nil, the icon doesn't exist
02:15.27Norqueyay for dynamic frames
02:15.29ckknightman, dynamic frames kick ass
02:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:17.00Norquealright, 30 or so lines gone thanks to BabbleLib
02:17.38ckknighta lot less hassle on your plate
02:18.00EsamynnEvening all
02:18.23Norquemost definatly. now all i need to do is figure out a better way to do these silly timers
02:18.50Cairennhey Esamynn
02:24.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
02:24.17CodayusCharacter transfers have finally opened on my realm (pve) - TO a pvp realm...
02:24.26CodayusThat's a bit odd...
02:24.40Esamynnthat is a bit odd
02:24.51Esamynnthey have done that once or twice in the past couple months
02:25.00CodayusAh?  I hadn't noticed.
02:25.23Esamynnyes, don't know why, but oh well
02:25.45Esamynnwhat I wish they would do is get their account to account transfers up
02:26.27ckknightokay, fixed em all, Norque
02:28.54Esamynnok, time to start a dev discussion, Frame sizing (in this case buttons), SetWidth/SetHeight versus SetScale.....GO! ;)
02:29.26ckknightSetWidth/SetHeight, definitely
02:30.37ckknightSetScale scares me
02:31.24Norquebecause you cant make a frame just longer or taller with SetScale
02:31.50Esamynnin this case I don't want to, the dimensions are fixed at 1x1
02:31.58Esamynnratio I mean
02:32.20Esamynnthe ratio is fixed at 1:1
02:33.01Cairennokay, THAT was really really odd ... I'm running around playing, talking to NPCs, killing, turning in quests, etc and so on ... and I just got the "You've been afk for some time if you don't click you're gonna get kicked" message ...
02:33.30Esamynndo you have the turn afk off automatically option on?
02:33.44Cairennno, but I'm not afk
02:33.59Esamynnbut you might be in afk mode
02:34.05ckknightNorque, svn:// to get the new version
02:34.12Cairennjust checked, nope
02:34.19*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:34.43Cairennwb ckknight
02:34.48Cairennthat was different
02:35.16Esamynnsigh, that wasn't much of a Dev discussion, where is Iriel with I need him?
02:35.43Cairennon his way home from work
02:36.17Esamynnwakes up late and works late I take it?
02:36.43Cairenndon't know about the first 1/2, but the second sounds right
02:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
02:37.01Cairennwb Qzot
02:37.15Esamynnheh, why am I not surprised :)
02:37.42QzotBecause you can figure that if I can't actually play WoW, I'll come here to whine about it??
02:37.51Norqueckknight, that link doesnt work for me. I assume i need an SVN client of some description?
02:37.54Esamynnnot you :P
02:38.05CairennI know part of the reason is so that he misses the rush hour traffic
02:38.20Cairennbut knowing him, that's probably the lesser of the reasons
02:38.24QzotWell, actually I'm home at this point.
02:38.32Esamynnas I said, not you :P
02:38.37CairennQzot: we're talking about Iriel hun
02:39.11QzotI play a similar game, but usually have a carpoolmate to make the problem moot.
02:40.37QzotHave there been any prognostications as to what fraction of subscribers are consistently unable to authenticate?
02:41.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:41.34Cairennno idea Qzot
02:41.47Cairennbecause I logged in early today, I'm in
02:43.57CairennI've taken great care to make sure I didn't let myself afk time out and then not be able to get back in
02:44.19Esamynnthis is strange, I have so many coding projects on my TODO list, yet I can't seem to summon the will to code atm
02:46.01QzotCairenn: Yeah. Wish I could do that. But I use the same machine at work and home. *sigh*
02:46.37QzotLol. I can log in to the boards.
02:46.43QzotJust not to WoW.
02:47.07Qzot30,229 views of a thread entitled, "Authentication..."
02:47.14ToastTheifanyone know if Angler is getting updated?
02:48.50CairennROFL, nice guildname ... Charlie Foxtrot
02:49.20Cairennsomeone with a similar sense of humour
02:56.09Cairennwhy not?
02:56.26Cairenndo you usually walk around in your house in your shoes?
02:56.54Cairennlater Qzot
02:57.09Esamynnlater Qzot
02:59.15Esamynnsigh, I can't wait for 1.11, the keyrings have me to happy! :)
03:00.28ToastTheifhey does anyone know if Mozz is still around?
03:00.41ToastTheifMozzFullWorldMap hasen't been updated :(
03:00.49Cairennhaven't seen him ToastTheif =/
03:01.04ToastTheifit screws up your whole map now
03:03.43ckknightI want MozzFullWorldMap to be fixed :-(
03:04.23ToastTheifyeah me too
03:04.27ToastTheifcan't find a fix for it either
03:05.40Kaelten|Sleepingnight guys
03:10.38ToastTheifwell I found an 'updated' version
03:10.44ToastTheiflets see if I can log in to test it..
03:11.30ToastTheifmmmmmmmmmmm no
03:17.15ToastTheifwell Im in
03:17.18ToastTheifand apparently it works
03:17.23ToastTheifa little awkward
03:17.25ToastTheifbut it works..
03:19.15CairennKnew it was gonna happen ... Quu is bowing out
03:19.52Cairennno more Decursive
03:21.01ToastTheifI never used Decursive
03:21.06ToastTheifnever really liked the idea of it
03:21.15Grypheni use CTRA decurse
03:21.25NorqueI dont play a decursing class
03:33.58EsamynnCair: did he say why?
03:34.54Cairennyeah, the shit and abuse he's gone through from the "users" and 1.10 has it feeling like a job instead of something for fun ... he's burned out
03:35.06CairennI'm not surprised, really, just feel bad for him
03:35.26Cairennhe says his mods are public domain and if anyone wants to fork his code they are welcome to
03:35.54Cairennbut he'd rather it was a fork than a take-over
03:36.49CairennI can sympathize completely, I've been there myself
03:37.27Esamynnyah, he has taken a lot of shit, mainly because a Blue poster decided to cite Decursive as the example :(
03:39.33Esamynnso he'd rather a fork than a simple takeover huh?
03:39.54QzotMay the gods be praised!
03:40.10QzotSacrificing my youngest daughter appeased them! They have let me log in!
03:40.40EsamynnI didn't know gnomes made a habit of sacrificing their own children
03:43.30EsamynnI've been using decursive because I have been too lazy to code up a click-casting AddOn with the display I'd want to be able to do it "manually"
03:44.16EsamynnPoor Quu, I really feel for him
03:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:51.06Esamynnwhat did 1.10 do to decursive?
03:51.42Kirovnot that much really, at least not much more than any other mod that scans tooltips
03:51.56Esamynnyah, thats what I though
03:52.28EsamynnI bet Quu took some shit and abuse about the off-shoot that someone made that bound itself to the movement keys though
03:53.23EsamynnKirov: for your info, Cair was saying that Quu has decided to call it quits due to the ammount of shit and abuse he has taken over Decursive
03:53.42Cairennhe's just burned out
03:54.08Cairennit happens, and when it does, a break is a good thing
03:55.02Cairennhe's still going to maintain them for private use and for his guild, but he won't be updating them publically
03:56.33KirovThat's unfortunate.
03:57.08Cairennhere's the thread he posted on the WoW board:
03:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
03:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
04:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
04:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:04.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
05:19.45Kemayo|DinnerI'm getting reports of WoW locking up with my addon, presumably due to infinite-loops somewhere.  I'm using "for k,v in table do" loops almost exclusively -- anyone have any idea what conditions might make a loop happen there?
05:20.12IrielHm, inserting into the table mid loop MIGHT cause that
05:20.45IrielDo you do anything on a PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event?
05:21.56KemayoNothing on that.  I'm listening on QUEST_LOG_UPDATE, PLAYER_LEVEL_UP, and UPDATE_FACTION.
05:22.11IrielDo you hook anything?
05:22.18Cairennwb Iriel
05:22.33IrielThough, I guess that you'd get stack overflows if you messed that up more than lockups
05:22.36IrielHey Cair 8-)
05:22.41Kemayo(And UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT and ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter, but they're bound to something which appears to be unconnected to the freeze.)
05:26.00KemayoThe code is here:
05:27.26KemayoIt's been happening to people using the addon for quite a while now, and I've not yet been able to reproduce it.
05:37.20CairennIriel: have you seen this yet?
05:38.32Cairennokay, I'm out ... night guys
05:38.47ckknightcya, Cairenn
05:38.53IrielI hadn't, major event in the wow ui world!
05:39.17Cairenn|sleepfeel bad for him, been there done that, burn-out sucks
05:39.37Cairenn|sleephave a good one folks
05:41.49Irielsleep well
05:42.22Irieli'll look at your code in a bit Kemayo
05:42.55ckknightIriel, you're here
05:43.17ckknightdo you think it could be possible for shared embedded libs to have saved variables?
05:44.07IrielNo, you'd need another addon to 'own' them
05:44.20IrielBut addons could ask an embedded lib to populate saved vars
05:44.34ckknightyes, there is that
05:45.26ckknightI basically want to split HonorFu into two parts, one that shows data (the Fu part) and the rest which takes in data (the library part)
05:45.39ckknightthe problem is, I need to store data with that library part
05:46.41ckknightI could give it a savedvars table to populate, but I kinda want to keep it transparent
05:46.57Irielwithout RFS that's not really doable
05:47.15IrielNow, one thing you could do is have several addons populate the same variable name
05:47.28Irieland then do cleverness with ADDON_LOADED to pick the most recently saved one
05:50.41Ktronhey hey hey everyone
05:51.04ckknightmaybe if there was one EmbeddedHelper AddOn, which stored saved vars, made a universal stub
05:51.13KtronAnyone know what addon AceTimer was based on originally?
05:51.52Cairenn|sleepktron, probably best to ask in the ace channel - #wowace
05:52.05Ktrondidn't know there was one I don't htink...
05:52.11Ktronthanks sleeping Cairenn
05:52.21Cairenn|sleepyou're welcome :)
05:53.09Irielckknight : Just say every addon that uses the library must add BLAHBLAHBLAH to its saved variables list
05:54.16ckknightthat is a possibility
05:54.46ckknightbut if you have 2 addons with the same savedvars name, which one would it take?
05:55.03ckknightand what if you get a new addon a week later, and that overwrites the others? would your data not be lost?
05:55.06IrielSee my earlier comment about using ADDON_LOADED and picking the most recently saved one
05:55.18IrielOr you could intellegently merge stuff
05:55.25Irielit's up to you at that point
06:05.33CrispixI cannect my gamecube to my lcd monitor
06:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
06:28.52IrielRegarding your code Kemayo, I can't see anything obviously wrong
06:29.08IrielKemayo So I doubt it's THAT function causing your problem directly
06:29.43KemayoHere's the whole thing:
06:30.20KemayoSeems fair.  :-D
06:31.39ckknightyour version checking is wrong.
06:32.07ckknightchange `if ~= self.version then` to `if ~= self.versionNumber then`
06:35.44ckknightyea, I know it's confusing
06:39.16KemayoIt occurs to me that I could replace that whole block with "for k,v in self.defaults do if[k] == nil then[k] = v end".
06:39.53ckknightyou'd nil all your values?
06:40.25ckknightbad karma there
06:41.09ckknightthe versioning is there to carry over variables in an intelligent fashion
06:42.01KemayoI'm checking for ones which aren't set and initializing them with the default value.  I don't think that should touch anything that's been customized, no?
06:42.20IrielI think that should work the way you want it to
06:42.34ckknightdon't do that
06:42.40ckknightthat's handled by FuBar automatically
06:43.09ckknightif you have self.defaults = { alpha = "bravo" }
06:43.15ckknightthen == "bravo"
06:43.27ckknightunless you set alpha to something different
06:44.36KemayoSo any new stuff I add to defaults should automatically be picked up, and I only need to mess with stuff while initializing if I've changed the way a value works?  (Like switching something to being a table, or suchlike.)
06:46.40KemayoMakes things easier for me.
06:47.26ckknightthat's why I include this stuff
06:53.04ckknightwhat event is called right before savedvariables are stored?
06:53.12ckknighterr, triggered
06:53.45IrielPLAYER_LOGOUT is I think the last
06:54.36KemayoSo sayeth WoWWiki, anyway.
07:06.00Miravlix1.11 with RegisterAllEvents() will say so for sure
07:06.23MiravlixThough it's very likely there is some function you can hook thats called after player logout
07:06.58Ktronhey, anyone know much about this addon that greatly reduces lag entering and exitting zones?
07:07.54MiravlixI know how to code an addon that causes zone lag, to lag less
07:08.36MiravlixBut I don't know that you could write an addon to do something to WoW's API to reduce zone times
07:08.52Ktronthere's an addon that I was told about that is going to get incorporated into 1.11 that reduces the number of events that fire or something like that
07:08.55IrielAll they do is disable the events to other addons
07:09.04IrielThere's no addon getting "incorporated into 1.11"
07:09.12Iriel1.11 will clean up redundant events so they dont HAVE to be ignored
07:09.45Irielit was all about the Techniques used, not about a specific addon
07:10.00Ktronah, alright
07:10.12Ktronthanks Iriel, I figured that you might be the one to know what was up
07:10.40MiravlixIs this just zoning or does it include other situations too? Like certain frames that fire events when you use there API resulting in us calling ourself again
07:11.01IrielThe discussion was specifically about zoning
07:11.12IrielBeing careful with re-entrant events is still your own problem 8-)
07:11.31MiravlixZoning doesn't matter
07:11.42Irielit does if you use bag events
07:11.43MiravlixThat the API is broken doess. :p
07:12.27MiravlixYou can handle zoning easy, that the QuestLogFrame, TradeSkill, Training, Craft frames is broken is really complicated to fix
07:12.47IrielLet me rephrase that
07:13.02Iriel1.11 makes it so that you dont have to go out of your way to do program cartwheels to avoid problems when zoning
07:22.59KemayoI'm getting a few reports of people saying that the first character they log in as doesn't have the freeze, but those they log in as after that do.  Any idea what might cause that?
07:24.15KemayoAnd someone saying that "Setting up an Ace character profile for Boss Panel/FuBar" for all of their characters stopped the freeze for them.
07:25.16KemayoDocumentation for Ace.
07:25.34ckknightnot much on profiles there
07:26.56KemayoIf individual profiles per-character help, that implies that something in savedvariables is at least contributing, I suppose.
07:31.07KemayoIs self:Disable() called on logout?
07:31.41ckknightnot positive on that
07:36.11KemayoThe only character-specific thing I'm storing is a list of collapsed zones.
07:37.08ckknightfirst step is reproducing the bug
07:37.10ckknightyou should know that
07:37.23KemayoYeah.  So far it has eluded me entirely.
07:40.16KemayoI have a whole bunch of people who have described the situation in which it occurs.  I have lists of the quests that they have in their quest logs at the time -- so I think I might have to start hunting down quest types that I haven't seen yet.  See if something weird is happening.
07:46.07ckknightlook for logic errors
07:57.54CrispixAnyone any good with windows ?
07:58.51Irielnot really
08:01.24KemayoWhat do you need to do?
08:01.38CrispixTrying to make my icons less... pixelly
08:04.22KemayoLike, file/app icons and so forth?
08:05.24Crispixthere we go :D
08:05.35CrispixChanged the desktop color to match the color of the wallpaper
08:06.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:15.54KirovAnyone know if UNIT_COMBAT displays mana drain effects, and if so, how does it display it?
08:20.57*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
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08:48.08Ktron|afkah pff, Kaelten|Sleeping is Sleeping
08:50.37[MoonWolf]big suprise
09:37.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh|Work (
09:46.17zeeg24:45a | <wowguru> Application Developer Wanted - (zeeg)
10:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
10:46.16MiravlixWhats the difference between Frame:SetScript("OnEvent" and Frame.OnEvent = function?
11:11.18MiravlixNone of my test show any difference, but maybe I'm overlooking something?
11:12.21zesprihuh? will Frame.OnEvent even work?
11:12.46Miravlixthey work precisely the same
11:18.28MiravlixLixFrame.OnUpdate = nil then GetScript("OnUpdate") returns nil
11:18.49MiravlixIf Lix.Frame.OnUpdate = function then GetScript("OnUpdate") returns function
11:19.29krkawhoa, didn't know that
11:20.00MiravlixI can't figure out what SetScript does
11:20.12MiravlixExcept that it does frame.OnUpdate = function
11:20.14krkamaybe it also registers the event
11:20.26krkato let blizzard know that it wants to be called
11:20.39krkaotherwise blizzard would have to scan all frames for those functions all the time
11:21.05krkaunless they have metatabled-hooked setting of variables in a frame
11:21.47MiravlixHmm, seems like OnUpdate can't be enabled with Frame.OnUpdate =
11:21.55MiravlixBut RegisterEvent seems to work
11:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
11:22.12ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
11:22.36MiravlixHey CSM
11:22.39krkaso setscript probably just does the registering
11:24.31MiravlixYeah, but only OnUpdate need registration
11:24.45MiravlixHmm, or would SetScript OnLoad work
11:25.58ComicSansMSsetscript onload works, though i'd recommend registering VARIABLES_LOADED for most purposes
11:26.23krkaquestion: when inside a battleground, can you get your map position in the world?
11:28.32MiravlixComicSansMS, don't understand what your saying. I register Onload that registerevent variables_loaded
11:29.15MiravlixI use empty FrameXML files
11:29.32MiravlixNever have code run in those.
11:30.07krkaempty framexml files? O_o
11:30.20krkayou mean you have empty xml files?
11:30.26MiravlixUI Frame </UI>
11:31.24MiravlixWhats the PvP flag timeout these days?
11:31.30Miravlixisn't it 5 min?
11:31.38ComicSansMSyeah 5 mins i think...
11:31.51MiravlixThen why am I still pvp flagged after lying dead for 6 mins
11:32.04ComicSansMSwhat would you want to use setscript for then?
11:33.28MiravlixWith an Empty Frame in the XML file
11:33.36MiravlixI kinda need SetScript to get anything done
11:33.56ComicSansMSah, i see... bootstrapping kinda thing ;)
11:34.46MiravlixAllows me to do some whicked unloading stuff
11:35.09MiravlixMostly Embeding solutions or wiping incompatible older addons
11:35.26ComicSansMSsounds interesting..
11:36.36MiravlixAll of my addon, except for the loading frame in XML, can be unloaded with the next garbage run
11:37.19ComicSansMSand the empty frame itself doesn't consume that much memory...
11:37.37MiravlixBut thats only because I don't know much about dynamic frames yet
11:37.49krkadynamic frames dont get garbage collected
11:38.03MiravlixJust don't create it
11:38.10MiravlixThen it never use memory in the first place
11:38.37MiravlixI would never dream of making frames and nil'ing them
11:39.10MiravlixThat just seems like the wrong way to code in a GC system
11:40.36MiravlixBut loading my code then figuring out if I actually need to be loaded at run time, well thats just sweet for embedding
11:41.03MiravlixAnd some other situations like class/race/situation specific code
11:41.44ComicSansMSis there any drawback in speed due to your memory-optimizations so far?
11:42.04MiravlixMostly of interest for Cosmos, since the same addons has to work on all chars, but we would like to cleanup based on configuration
11:42.30MiravlixThere is an early GC run sooner than normal
11:42.47MiravlixBut after that it's smooth sailing
11:43.22krka|awaywhat do you mean by only loading your code when it needs to be loaded?
11:43.26MiravlixEmbeding is quite solid system, I'm just taking the unloading to be used elsewhere
11:43.48MiravlixI've created an addon named MicroMacroMaker
11:44.13MiravlixIt has functions to help make macros, some of these macros is race/class specific
11:44.33krka|awayi see... only load those if your char is that race / class
11:44.36MiravlixSo after I load up, I check what class I'm dealing with and unload the parts I don't need
11:44.47MiravlixI wish I could do LoadFile
11:44.53MiravlixBut I have to load then remove it
11:45.22MiravlixI don't think using LoadOnDemand with 4 races * x classes number of addons
11:45.34Miravlix4 races + x classes addons
11:45.41MiravlixIs in the users best interest
11:46.47MiravlixIt's far better if my addon make the decission for 99.9% of the users and give the last 0.1% the option of disable unloading
11:47.56MiravlixToo bad it doesn't work
11:48.28MiravlixLixFrame:SetScript("OnLoad", Lix.OnLoad)
11:48.33MiravlixHas no effect.
11:49.32ComicSansMSwhat about the loadstring() function that was implemented with 1.10?
11:50.45MiravlixDon't have any documentation on it
11:50.57ComicSansMSit's documented in lua manual
11:50.57MiravlixWhat does it do?
11:51.36ComicSansMSloadstring (string [, chunkname])
11:51.36ComicSansMSLoads a string as a Lua chunk (without running it). If there are no errors, returns the compiled chunk as a function; otherwise, returns nil plus the error message. The environment of the returned function is the global environment.
11:51.36ComicSansMSThe optional parameter chunkname is the name to be used in error messages and debug information.
11:51.36ComicSansMSTo load and run a given string, use the idiom
11:51.39MiravlixCan't find it in the lua 4.0 referance
11:52.14MiravlixWoW use lua 4.xx
11:52.35ComicSansMSnonetheless, they said that they implemented it with 1.10
11:52.50MiravlixWell, I get (function) when I check loadstring
11:52.55ComicSansMShaven't tried it yet though...
11:55.17ComicSansMShmm.. just ran a quick hello-world with loadstring... it seems to work
11:56.31ComicSansMSthis would of course cause some massive overhead when you're loading your addon, but once it's done, it should be fine
12:05.54MiravlixWouldn't hurt if authors read FrameXML.log every now and then
12:12.58MiravlixI don't think many people could read the code either
12:13.13Miravlixloadstring(function() something end) is not very easy tor ead
12:14.10MiravlixSo I don't envision using it, since I need a high degree of  readability
12:15.31MiravlixAll code I write is based on the idea that I can die tomorrow and someone else with minimal work can continue the work
12:34.19MiravlixHmm, SetScript("OnEvent", OnEventFunction) doesn't work
12:35.05MiravlixIt calls OnEventFunction with no paramaters.
12:49.28MiravlixHmm, weird, now <OnEvent> doesn't work either.
12:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
13:11.55zeeg2fyi all
13:12.01zeeg2translations/tooltips are available via xml syndication wg now
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14:55.50MiravlixI had <OnEvent> function(event) </OnEvent>
14:55.57MiravlixThen decided to test out setscript
14:56.19Miravlixthis:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
14:56.28Miravlixthis:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEventFunction)
14:56.48MiravlixAnd suddently my OnEvent function was broken and got no parameters
14:57.39MiravlixChanging my function OnEventFunction(event) to OnEventFunction() fixed it
15:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:14.37Shouryuuforums are down right?
15:14.44Cairennthey are for me
15:15.00Shouryuuwell I guess I'm going to pound my brain sensless with some bleach then
15:15.33Cairennmelodrama much? :p
15:34.43Cairennforums *almost* back up
15:34.51Cairennthey're at the "forum not ready" stage
15:42.54Shouryuu|BleachI'm going to try and debug that BG addon I wrote, but the code is only posted there =(
15:43.22Wobin_yeah, would be off pastebin by now
15:46.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
15:55.32Shouryuu|Bleachstill not ready...
15:55.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
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16:20.53Cairennmorning clad
16:21.14cladhairei'm so exhausted
16:21.51Cairennhow come?
16:24.31Cairennlong night? ;)
16:24.35Josh|Workthe only events that don't fire for hidden frames are: mouse events, keyboard events, and on update?
16:31.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Thaumiel (
16:45.12ckknighthey all
16:45.18Cairennmorning ckknight
16:46.02AnduinLotharI am constantly amazed at people who ask how to install Cosmos...
16:46.43AnduinLotharI just don't understand the inability to open an aplication and click the install button.
16:47.05AnduinLotharbaffles the mind...
16:50.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
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16:53.26KtronMorning eveyrone
16:53.32Elvisoforums are back up, yay
16:56.46AnduinLotharis there a special denotation for file paths designated ont he wiki?
16:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
16:59.47Ktrontime to take on Visor
17:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (n=sweede@
17:05.47sweedei got a xml/lua error, name:SetText: Font not set  what would cause this to not work all of a sudden ?
17:10.34sweedeanyone ?
17:14.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:17.25AnduinLothargah, i hate it when people web link using 'here'
17:17.36Cidethat means you don't have a font associated to the object, sweede
17:17.46CairennAnduinLothar: why?
17:18.51AnduinLotharcause I would much rather they use normal sentances and make the pertinant phrase the link
17:19.09sweede" Couldn't find inherited node: GameFontNormal" is what im getting, but i havent changed any XML code from the previous version which works fine.
17:20.43CairennAnduinLothar: I use "here" all the time, and it's a normal sentence.
17:21.42AnduinLotharIt's like talking to someone and having them point. It requires you to either look where they are pointing or ask them what they are pointing at.  In RL moving your head isn't that difficult, but on the web it means loading another page usually or at least mousing over the link to see where it goes.  In most cases it is much more informative to label correctly. The only proper use on a web site that I can think of is it you are
17:22.40Cideif I use "here", the sentence itself generally explains where it goes
17:23.03Cide"If you would like to contact us, head over to our contacts page here" (though I would generally just use "head over to our contacts page")
17:23.05CairennAnduinLothar: "To read the full patch notes, click here."  ... what's wrong with that? it's pretty obvious
17:23.44Cairennor "You may read the full patch notes here."
17:23.44AnduinLotharRead the [url.. ]Full Patch Notes[/url].
17:24.00Cairennsix of one, half dozen of the other
17:24.21AnduinLotharhere should refer to where you are
17:24.26KtronAnduinLothar must like wikilinks.
17:24.29AnduinLotharwhat you really mean is 'there'
17:25.33AnduinLotharIf I can find it 'here' I don't want to go 'there' to look...
17:25.39sweedeany help on why all of a sudden my addon isnt inherited font nodes ?
17:25.54sweedebtw, arguing over semantics == retarded
17:26.27Cairennin your opinion
17:26.32AnduinLotharmy semantics are easier to understand from a users perspective and provide more information at a minimal cost to the programmer
17:27.37sweedeAnduinLothar, when you say " Read the [url.. ]Full Patch Notes[/url].", where do i go to read them ?
17:27.48AnduinLotharthere are more users than there are coders. You as a codr are either trying to make things easy for them or you are trying to make things easier for yourself.
17:28.04AnduinLotharyou go to ... duh
17:28.22sweedebut where is that ?  becuase all im gonna see is
17:28.26sweederead the full patch notes
17:28.34sweedeit doesnt tell me where it is, or anything.
17:28.47AnduinLotharnot 'here'
17:28.56AnduinLotharbut you can if you wish add more info
17:29.07sweedewhy is here not correct then? because thats where they are are they not ?
17:29.17AnduinLotharRead [url.. ]our copy of the Full Patch Notes[/url].
17:29.53AnduinLotharor Read the [url.. ]Full Patch Notes on[/url].
17:29.54sweedeclick <a href="foo">here</a> to read the patch notes is the exact same thing
17:30.13AnduinLotharno, it's not
17:30.28AnduinLotharhere doesn't even portray the content
17:30.39sweedeit tells you where the content is..
17:30.50sweedewhy the f am i arguing with you anyways..
17:30.53sweedeback to my lua problem.
17:30.55AnduinLotharand if you've ever used a web crawler you would know that 'here' means nothing to them
17:31.12AnduinLotharand context scanning is a bitch
17:31.12zenzelezzI agree with Anduin, but trying to discuss anything with someone whose first comment is to call something "retarded" usually leads nowhere
17:32.19AnduinLotharand if web crawlers can read linsk then it makes it harder to find you.
17:32.37AnduinLotharand a more difficult to navigate internet is not what we need
17:32.45AnduinLotharcan't read*
17:33.00sweedeanyone know why my XML cant find like, GameFontNomral anymore.
17:33.13AnduinLotharok, I'm done expressing my pet pieve of the day
17:33.23Temsweede: is your XML Load On Demand?
17:33.30AnduinLotharbeat me to it
17:33.48AnduinLotharwhere's that wiki link..
17:34.01Cideyou need to include the fonts.xml file, then
17:34.06Cideor define your own virtual fonts
17:34.26sweedeinclude the fonts.xml file in the .toc file right
17:35.10Cideit didn't like that one
17:35.17sweedei dont care whate enyone else says about ct raid, you're the best ;)
17:35.18TemI don't bet that it did
17:35.33Cideshould be ../../
17:35.40AnduinLothari dunno sweede, I think it needs more options ;)
17:35.53sweedeneeds faster loading !!
17:36.02CideInterface/AddOns/ModName --> ../../FrameXML, no?
17:36.16AnduinLotharTOO MANY SLASHES!
17:36.18Cide..\..\FrameXML\Fonts.xml maybe!
17:36.28Temdamn I guess purl can't do escapes either
17:36.40Cidehaha, yeah
17:36.41sweede../../FrameXML/Fonts.xml ftw
17:36.44Cidewe beat purl
17:37.10Cidefinish him!
17:37.38sweedeyou know what would be hot..
17:37.48sweedeauto completion of guild member names in the chat frame
17:37.58AnduinLotharmmm someone worked ont hat
17:38.07AnduinLothartem or tain or someone T-like
17:38.20CideI did that for tells
17:38.21Temyeah that was me
17:38.27Cidepeople didn't like it
17:38.34sweedewtf not..
17:38.37AnduinLotharya tab completion
17:38.41sweedewhat kind of retarded people dont like tab completiion ?
17:38.45Cairennyup, using it now
17:38.54AnduinLothardid you finish it tem?
17:38.58TemTab completion for guild mates, friends, people in your party or people in your raid
17:39.11Temaye, I released it back in January
17:39.18AnduinLotharah, did it leave the rest of the name you hadn't typed sellected?
17:39.43Cidewhat about pressing tab again to get a new name?
17:39.46Temit works very much the same as xchat's nick completion
17:39.53AnduinLotharya, that's why you would leave it selected
17:40.10TemCide: I plan on doing that eventually, but I haven't gotten back to that
17:40.21CideI'd like that
17:40.22AnduinLotharthe time is now!
17:40.27Temthat's what I get for having like 800 projects open at once
17:40.36Cidelet me see if I can implement that
17:41.02AnduinLotharbe nice to see my name typed out in wow sometimes..
17:41.16AnduinLotharnot that anyone else would use it
17:41.57TemCide: the way it works right now is this: When two names match, it will complete up to the first difference and show you a list of the matching names
17:43.28Temif you guys wanna play with it and add features, I'd be crazy happy
17:44.27AnduinLotharlol 'This is not an image.png'
17:45.04ckknightTem, does it play nice with other chat-manipulating addons?
17:45.12Temafaik, yes
17:45.22Cidetable.sort only works with numerical indexes, right?
17:45.29cladhaireCide: Yep
17:45.39ckknightAnduinLothar, the picture to this makes less sense:
17:45.40Cidewe need a sort to sort associative indexes, heh
17:45.45Cidethat's one thing I love about php
17:45.47kremontebig words
17:45.54kremontephp is fun
17:46.09TemCide: I think lua's table structure is implemented as an unsorted hash map and a dynamic array
17:46.26AnduinLotharless sense, but it doesn't have the whole ironic vibe
17:46.35Cairennworks fine with Satrina's ChatExtender and was also working fine with Jacend's ChatEx (which hasn't been updated for 1.10 yet)
17:47.13TemCide: if you want to change the order of iteration through the map indexes, you can use a custom iterator for that
17:47.26Cidetoo complex
17:47.46TemCide: Hunt around on  I saw one that remembers the order that you insert into
17:48.01Cidetoo complex still :)
17:48.20Cideit would just be a nice thing to have
17:49.30Cideright now I kind of want to have an associative table so I can more easily check if the index already exists, and then translate it to numerical indexes sorted in ascending order
17:49.46Cidenot very hard to implement, but I'm just lazy
17:51.39Temyou can always reuse the same table
17:51.53Temas long as nothing was numerically indexed before
17:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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17:54.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:55.15Cairennmorning Kaelten`
17:55.24Kaeltenello Cair
17:56.43Kaeltenhows it goign?
17:56.49Cairenngood, you?
17:57.11Kaeltensetting up my new svn
18:00.02AnduinLotharmmm, on windows is the wow folder called WoW or 'World of Warcraft'?
18:00.08kremonteWOrld oF Warcraft
18:00.12CairennWorld of Warcraft
18:00.19[MoonWolf]mine is called WoW
18:00.26kremonteNO I DIDNT
18:00.28kremontei made TWO errors.
18:05.53Cidehm, seems to work nicely actually
18:06.09Cidethat is, switching between several names by pressing tab more than once
18:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede2 (n=sweede@
18:08.08sweede2hey, so i got my Font figured out, but i'm missing buttons and a couple other things (in teh load on demand addons),
18:08.25sweede2InputBoxTemplate GameMenuButtonTemplate  OptionsButtonTemplate
18:08.29sweede2where do i find where htey are ?
18:12.41Cide -- I don't particularly like the solution for updateValidNames with two tables, but I was lazy and I have no plans on releasing that right now
18:13.56Cideactually, it needs to clear the tables, too. oh well
18:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:34.00AnduinLotharIs this good enough?
18:34.11AnduinLothardoh. forgot removal lol
18:37.49*** join/#wowi-lounge [Hyper]Darshu (
19:16.14Shouryuuif I do A={} , getn(a) will return nil right?
19:16.25ckknightI thought 0
19:16.30ckknightlemme check
19:16.43ckknightyep, 0
19:20.40TainYeah 0.
19:20.54Shouryuuyup it's 0
19:21.04ckknightI'm looking for 3 things:
19:21.06ShouryuuI was getting weird behaviour but it was because of a typo =(
19:21.18ckknight1. Chinese translations for the skill trees (Balance, Restoration, etc.)
19:21.47ckknight2. German Translations of bosses (Nefarian, Ragnaros, etc.)
19:21.57ckknight3. French translations of bosses (same as 2)
19:22.04ckknightanyone know where I could get these?
19:23.15ShouryuuFrench I could take a look around the sites I usualy check out for translations
19:23.39zenzelezzI love how a rogue who starts attacking before I do can say I'm poor at keeping aggro
19:23.48ShouryuuYou could just look at the Raid forums and just try to find their translations
19:23.49ckknightI figured that that the boss translations would be in CTRA BossMods, but I was wrong
19:25.06ckknightunless I missed em
19:25.10ckknightor they're in another package
19:25.27Shouryuudun think they needed them...
19:35.58*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
19:36.11wereHamstergood evening
19:36.16Cairennhi wereHamster
19:36.41ckknighthey hamster
19:38.31zenzelezzthe fun of doing instances... one person says "afk for a mom" and is gone for 15 minutes, another is in the queue for AV and leaves for that
19:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
19:43.41Guillotinecould someone look at ?
19:43.55Guillotineits working, except that everyone's name is either a shade of red or a shade of black
19:50.33Shouryuuwhy does doing "a = string.find(BGFlagInfoMessageTable[i],UnitName("target"));" return "error attempted to find, string expected"?
19:51.20Elvisodid you have something targetted?
19:51.54Shouryuucome to think about it
19:52.11ShouryuuPLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED fires when you lose your target as well right?
19:52.19Elvisonot sure
19:52.34ShouryuuI think so
19:52.45Shouryuuwell that;s how it's behaving from my testing
19:58.53Shouryuuthis addon is going to drive me mad
19:59.49Guillotineat , what does the very top line of the formula mean with the L thing?
20:02.56ElvisoGuillotine: I don't see an L thing
20:03.17GuillotineL and backwards L around H over 60
20:03.51ElvisoI thought that was just a bracket
20:04.08Guillotineso did I
20:04.15Guillotinebut the formula isn't working
20:04.28Guillotineand thats the only one I'm not completely sure of
20:04.55Guillotinealso, what if H/60 is not a whole number?
20:04.59Guillotinethen the ifs don't work
20:05.12Guillotineso I'm thinking maybe those symbols mean to round? or floor?
20:05.53Elvisoif you type in "Transformation from RGB to HSV" in google, it results in some pages w/code to handle that
20:06.03Elvisoit's in C++ but you might be able to translate it
20:06.22Shouryuuthe L is take the "entire" vlue of h/60
20:06.32Shouryuufoe example
20:06.46ShouryuuL 11/2 _|=5
20:07.43Elvisoso just the interger part then
20:11.16Shouryuuhowever you call that in english
20:11.46Shouryuuhow do I check if I'm targetting anything?
20:12.56Shouryuunot UnitExist ?
20:15.45Guillotinepretty much
20:15.46Guillotinethats waht I do
20:15.51Guillotine(its flooring)
20:16.01Guillotinethe L _|
20:16.07wereHamsterHLS looks nice.. even CSS3 supports it
20:22.03AnduinLotharAnd there we have it... More questions I'm you've ever seen answered in one place!
20:26.56Shouryuuok doing for i=1,1 doesnt cause any problems now does it?
20:28.07AnduinLotharin a for loop? shouldn't..
20:30.26ckknightunless you change the value of i, Shouryuu
20:30.38ckknightfor i = 1, 1 do i = 0 end
20:30.42ckknightthat's an infinite loop
20:32.41Shouryuunope ain't doing that
20:34.33Shouryuuno it''s ok, I'll debug myself :P
20:35.27ShouryuuI've just written seomthing ugly
20:35.37Shouryuuif not (not UniExists("target"))
20:36.20wereHamsterUni == University :)
20:37.04wereHamsteror Universum
20:37.32wereHamsterwould be really bad if (not UniversumExists())
20:46.02Shouryuumaking a WSG add on is frustrating
20:46.08Shouryuuthe matches are so short
20:46.13Shouryuuand the queue is long =(
20:46.57Shouryuuand why is my /who not working..
21:01.38Shouryuuw00t my addon is almost working
21:01.42ckknighta WSG addon?
21:01.51ckknightwhat'll it do?
21:02.05ShouryuuGive the class,name, level of the enemy flag taker
21:02.28Shouryuuif it already exists
21:02.32Shouryuuallow me to shoot you
21:02.44ckknightwell, HonorFu gives the name
21:02.51ckknightbut it could easily be hacked to give the class and level
21:02.54ShouryuuI meant race
21:05.48ShouryuuI just store the name,race,level,class of every player you target in one WSG match and then spit it out by parsing the "Bob Has picked up the orde flag!" message
21:07.47ckknightyep, pretty good plan
21:07.51ckknightI should steal that functionality.
21:08.18ckknightwonder how useful it'd be...
21:14.48TainPhotoshop Phriday is funny.
21:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
21:15.23grollgee finaly
21:18.27ShouryuuOk I;m quite sure my add-on is working
21:18.33Shouryuuone last test
21:20.09MiravlixYou must have the worlds best Software Q&A department then
21:22.18ShouryuuI'm thinking
21:22.33Shouryuushould I reset my tables after each match?
21:22.49ShouryuuI mean, as long as I don't put them in SV they won't get too big
21:23.21MiravlixResting tables = bad
21:23.38MiravlixResuing tables = good
21:23.42ShouryuuI know
21:24.01Shouryuubut most players who do WSG will do it over and over again
21:24.05MiravlixMaybe you should reconsider your table design if you aren't resuing?
21:24.11Shouryuuso you end up fighting the same players a few times over
21:24.16ShouryuuI am reusing
21:24.28MiravlixSounds to me like your adding to a table
21:24.36MiravlixThats not re-using
21:24.50ShouryuuBut when the match is over, I reset the table and -re-add
21:25.06TainAmazon has the older Nostromo N50 on a pretty cheap sale right now.
21:25.22MiravlixReusing is table[1].Name = name:     10 minutes later. table[1].Name = name
21:27.43CodayusHmm, tempting.
21:27.52ShouryuuI'm doing TableName[1]= Name game over TableName=nil, TableName={}, and when game starts again TableName[1]=name
21:29.02MiravlixThats creating garbage
21:29.29MiravlixYou have to resuse withour nil'ing tables
21:29.47MiravlixTo actually re-use the memory
21:30.12ShouryuuHumm but I don't see how I can re-use
21:30.31_BWhat's the best way to browse the icons in the resource files available to scripts?
21:32.47MiravlixUse the macro frame?
21:33.12MiravlixShouryuu: Just don't nil it
21:34.18MiravlixUse setn and getn to know how many entries is hot.
21:34.40MiravlixUse .status = erased, current, dirty fields
21:34.50Shouryuuwhat's that?
21:35.41Miravlixsetn you can find on the Wiki
21:35.57Miravlixstatus fields is something you manage on your own
21:37.34ShouryuuI'll take a look
21:38.09Miravlixall tables has .n field thats a size field
21:46.30wereHamsterDMG -- Dark Matter Guild .. did anyone hear about this guild?
21:46.38_BSo there is no program that can just view images in an MPQ
21:46.43_BYou have to extract them all first?
21:47.41Ktron|afk_B, yep, that's true of nearly all compressions
21:47.58Ktron|afkyou can view them as blps, but not still in the mpq
21:48.07Shouryuuerrm anyone had a Tiny Walking Bomb as a pet?
21:48.44Shouryuus/had/ever seen/
21:49.22_BSo how do you view BLPs
21:50.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
21:55.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
22:04.20_BActually you can view BLPs in the MPQ
22:06.01Ktron|afkpretty sure it still extracts them
22:06.18Ktron|afkit just might extract them somewhere temporarily and not tell you
22:06.22ckknightBLP2 Viewer
22:09.27grollwould someone perhaps be able to modify an addon for me? very little code in it but i dont know how to do it myseld
22:09.51AnduinLothargnorance is curable
22:10.03ckknightgroll, maybe
22:10.08ckknightwhat is it?
22:10.38grolli only want the slashcommand kinda, and not have it dump as soon as i log on
22:15.26grollckknight posible? :D
22:15.46ckknightbut I'm watching Family Guy now...
22:15.54grollah hehe :P ok
22:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:17.27Ktron|afkbtw ckknight, fubar is an acceptable new name :)
22:18.13ckknighthooray for acceptance!
22:25.04Ktron|afkalright, anyone here know linux/windows well? I have a somewhat simple renaming task i'd rather automate
22:25.47ckknightKtron|afk, yea, somewhat
22:26.54Ktron|afkI have a directory of files, that look like this-- "Important text - dummy text - more important text.ext"... I'm trying to figure out how to rename all of them to "Important text - more important text.ext"
22:27.08Ktron|afkI think this should be doable with gawk, or grep or something
22:28.41ckknightfor file in *.ext; do mv "$file" $(echo $file|sed 's/^(.*) - .*? - (.*?)$/\1 - \3/'); done
22:30.53ckknightin theory.
22:32.21MentalPowermesa need someone to approve my upload in WoWI :)
22:36.21AnduinLotharhmm, so I'm jsut setting up Eclipse. Anyone got any suggestions or insight?
22:36.43ckknightEclipse is bloated
22:36.56AnduinLotharof course it is
22:37.31AnduinLotharIt's also required for a class that I learn to use it and it might be good to know for future job refrence.
22:37.57AnduinLotharI'm just wondering if anyone has any tips they figured out that they'd like to share
22:58.35AnduinLotharhmm, subclipse is nifty
22:59.14Ktron|afkAt some point I'll take the time to make a WoW API thing for Notepad++
23:00.42AnduinLotharsubversion has the last revision the file was updated next to the file name :)
23:02.42AnduinLotharprobably the best SVN client I've seen for mac..
23:20.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:21.55wereHamsterAnduinLothar, you mean Eclipse from
23:26.45wereHamsterall the configuration (projects and plugins) is saved in the 'workspace' directory, so if you upgrade, make sure to backup it.. just in case something goes wrong
23:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
23:27.55EsamynnAfternoon all
23:29.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
23:29.59wereHamsterckknight, sed 's/foo/bar/' and sed 'e#foo#bar#' do the same.. if you use a '/' and '\' in the string substitution it's clearer to use the later (or simply something else than '/')
23:31.16wereHamstersed 'e\//\////\'   looks nice, but the readability suffers :)
23:33.39ckknightI know, wereHamster
23:33.54ckknightwhat brought this up?
23:35.23wereHamsterckknight, I had the impression in "sed 's/^(.*) - .*? - (.*?)$/\1 - \3/'" were too many '/' '\' .. I'm too tired.. gotta go sleep
23:37.35Ktron|afkanyone know where I might find a list of all lua commands? I don't need necessarily what they do (I can look that up elsewhere if need be) but I need a list of the commands heh
23:39.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
23:44.54wereHamsterKtron|afk,by commands you mean functions?
23:45.24TainOh man I love this shirt.
23:46.20ckknightI had no instances of \/
23:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (

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