irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060407

00:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
00:03.15*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
00:03.39zenzio"I've got got 8600 armour but only 308def, all the +def leather has relatively low ac." -- I really want to reply, asking why he'd use +def *leather*, but I'm sure no-one would find it funny :|
00:03.57Guillotinemaybe a druid tank?
00:04.32zenzioit's in the warrior forum
00:04.35zenziobut could be
00:05.06Guillotinehe can't be using leather if he has 8.6k AC unless he's a druid in bear form
00:05.10Guillotinethough then its the wrong forum
00:06.12IrielMaybe he figured warriors might have more answers?
00:06.33Guillotinewhy would warriors know about +def leather?
00:07.18zenziohis question was more towards +def gear vs. AC gear I think, so it's possible he wanted to ask another class that deals with it
00:08.16zenziothis is why I don't usually post on forums... my logic moves much slower than my trail of thought
00:18.29TemAnyone got any idea what Editbox:SetShadowColor does and what it takes as parameters? The damn thing doesn't give a usage error
00:21.02IrielIt should set the shadow color
00:21.08IrielIt should take r,g,b,a
00:21.14Irieland be used with SetShadowOffset(x,y)
00:22.54cladhaireIriel: Just want to verify my findings here.. CHAT_MSG won't fire until after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD from what I can see... do you have any reason to suspect otherwise?
00:25.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine___ (
00:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine____ (
00:48.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:49.24Irielcladhaire : I've not done too many experiments, but that would make sense, you (the player) dont "exist" until P_E_W
00:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
00:52.19cladhaireIriel: *nod*.. that's what I'm seeing.
00:52.22KirkburnCiao! Thought I might just pop in and say hello before I go to bed :)
00:52.23zenzio"is there a life before P_E_W"
00:56.39Temwhy, WHY can't blizzard fix their login server issues
00:57.22KirkburnBecause they know the EU customers are better ;)
00:57.54Temunable to connect
01:00.17KirkburnIsn't the server migration 2day?
01:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
01:02.21zenziorar@! Fighting priests is painful when they desynch around you. "Too far away. You are facing the wrong way."
01:02.27Temit's been like this since 1.10 went live
01:02.53Temsoon as peak hours hits, the login server goes to hell
01:03.35IrielBut then it has spurts of working just fine
01:04.06zenzioof course, don't want anyone to get suspicious!
01:04.11Temvery frustating when you spend 2-3 hours coding something and can't log in to test
01:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
01:06.28Temuh oh
01:06.32Temgot through to handshaking
01:06.50KirkburnOooh, we've definately got until 1.13 before the expansion comes out
01:07.23KirkburnEyonix has said it categorically won't be before all the classes have their review
01:07.48KirkburnSo we're looking at something around september
01:08.11KirkburnTooo long! :(
01:08.26IrielUnless they do 2 classes in a build?
01:08.30IrielOr have some back-to-back builds?
01:08.41IrielThere's an awful lot of assumptions in your "september" 8-)
01:08.49Guillotineanyone remember the name of that addon that colors people's names by the hash of their name (so that its the same every time)?
01:08.55IrielHaving said that, that's about when most people said it would be.
01:09.24IrielGuillotine: No, but it should've been called "Skittles" or "TasteTheRainbow"
01:09.47Guillotineif I can't find it I'm going to make my own
01:09.57Guillotineand I'll name it 'TasteTheRainbow'
01:10.18KirkburnI want to kick Iriel right now
01:10.28KirkburnIriel, can you kick yourself? :)
01:10.35IrielI CAN, but i'm not going to.
01:10.40Kirkburnawww, go on
01:10.49IrielWhat did I do anyway?
01:10.56KirkburnYou disagreed with me :P
01:11.05IrielI disagree with everyone! It's my job!
01:11.25IrielBut often i'm not so much disagreeing as indicating that there's a possible interpretation which does not agree
01:11.32IrielSee, I just did it again
01:12.11Kirkburn=) I more meant that given the previous examples of how Blizz works, september seems to be the earlier for the possible launch of BC
01:12.15zenzioI'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying you're wrong!
01:12.19Guillotineso what would be the best way to hash a name to have a relatively random color?
01:13.25TemI verymuch hope BC doesn't launch in september
01:13.58Tembecause then I'll fail all my fall classes
01:14.10Codayusyes, an important point.
01:14.14TemI was looking forward to a "June" release
01:14.21Tembut that's probably not gonna happen
01:14.31KirkburnEyonix: "1.11 will not be our last pre-expansion patch, and we do plan to complete our reviews for each class talent tree before we launch the Burning Crusade. On the class designers to-do list are the Mage, Shaman and Rogue."
01:14.31IrielJune 3rd would be ideal
01:14.39CodayusI find mself almost wishing oblivion had come out later - just after spring finals
01:15.00Codayushaving that be the BC launch date would be *perfect*
01:15.33Codayusokay, they could do two reviews in 1 patch....hypothetically.
01:15.45TemMages are 1.11
01:16.00TemShamen and Rogues don't need much of a review as I understand
01:16.07Temso yeah, 2 revies in one patch is a posibility
01:16.10Codayusyeah, rogues are pretty solid
01:16.29IrielMaybe they'll do Blizconn 2006 and release it there 8-)
01:16.41KirkburnStill, May for 1.11 ... June looks unlikely for 1.12
01:17.00IrielWhy? one month per patch isn't unreasonable
01:17.14Codayusheh, wasn't that the original schedule?
01:17.17Codayusone per month?
01:17.28KirkburnIt worked for about 2 months
01:17.41KirkburnAbout august/sept last year
01:17.44Temwell I think they have said before that 1.11 was supposed to be considerably less content than 1.11
01:17.46KirkburnThen it all fell apart :P
01:18.00Temthan 1.10*
01:18.04KirkburnThey achieved that
01:18.20KirkburnWait, which way round?
01:18.43Tem1.10 patch cycle length > 1.11 patch cycle lengh
01:19.04KirkburnI have a feeling Naxx was supposed to be in 1.10 anyway
01:19.30Tem|AFKThe necropolis?
01:19.34KirkburnEr, that big thing coming in 1.11
01:19.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
01:19.55Tem|AFKI really have no idea what coming in 1.11 other than the mage review and keyrings
01:19.55KirkburnNecropolis Naxxramas :)
01:20.08KirkburnHarder than AQ40
01:20.17QzotBreaking News: Blizz is pleased to announced that they've finished the scheduled realm migration.
01:20.21Tem|AFKmore content I'll never see
01:20.35QzotBroken News: The authentication servers are down 2nd night in a row.
01:20.36KirkburnHeh, you never know
01:20.38IrielWhich realms did theymigrate?
01:20.43KirkburnDepends how theu
01:20.44IrielIt said "See below" and then there was nothing
01:20.45Osagasuyea, Naxx should be coming in the next patch
01:20.51Gryphenmal'ganis at least
01:21.03KirkburnThe mini bosses might be easier is what i tried to say :P
01:21.09QzotIt doesn't matter if you can't authenticate and talk to the bloody things...
01:21.30IrielI have characters on Mal'Ganis, so that's good, possibly
01:21.30KirkburnHowever, we've def got 1.10.1 and 1.10.2 first
01:21.40Codayusha a mc raid last night.  40 people signed up plus some backups.
01:21.43Osagasuand god knows how long of test
01:21.54IrielI suspect 1.10.1 will come out next tuesday unless it fails QA
01:22.05Irieland 1.10.2 1-2 weeks after
01:22.29KirkburnAnd then the 1.11 test realms! ... er ... maybe
01:22.37QzotBut I don't think the auth and AH issues have client-side part to them anyway, do they?
01:22.40IrielThough that doesn't bode well for 1.11 showing up anywhere useful
01:22.51KirkburnBtw, one of the new precipitation suggestions that Blizz might do is blood rain when you kill Hakkar
01:22.52IrielI dont think the client is the problem at all at present
01:22.52Codayusended up killing luci with 29.  then went to zg.  finished with 17 people kill the spider.
01:22.55Codayusstupid login servers.  ><
01:23.18QzotAnd yet we have heard that Blizzard "has no unmet needs" at the present time. :P
01:23.21IrielIt feels like a data access or network connectivity issue
01:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:23.40QzotProbably someone tried to do something too fancy.
01:23.41KirkburnDoS attack again?
01:23.56CodayusI'd go with internal netwrk connectivity isues.  that seems to be their problem more often than not
01:23.58Qzot"again"? Have their been DoS attacks on Blizz?
01:24.19KirkburnA long time ago IIRC, though that might have been Steam
01:24.27KirkburnBut it wouldn't surprise me
01:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
01:24.36zenzioI remember AO was DDoSed a while back
01:24.43KirkburnHigh profile enough
01:24.44QzotWow. I'm surprised Steam would do a DoS attack on Blizzard.
01:25.04zenziohey, they stole CS players Qzot ;o
01:25.12QzotKirkburn: May I quote you? I have a couple reporter friends?
01:25.38KirkburnSteam assaults Blizzard! Condenses.
01:25.45Gryphenwoot handshaking
01:25.52KirkburnWow, wouldn't that be a boring story
01:26.12KirkburnPlease tell me someone got that joke
01:26.19IrielYes, i meant internal rather than external connectivity
01:26.36Irielthat may explain the freakish latency figures it's been producing too
01:26.41CodayusKirkburn: wasn't much of a joke
01:27.03CodayusIriel: yeah, they seem to have recurring issues with server <-> db connectivity.  looting, ah, mail...
01:27.20IrielHeh, slouken posted this:
01:27.28IrielFrame:RegisterAllEvents() - For debugging purposes only!!!ZOMG!!!
01:27.38Codayusalthough some of the latency stuff seems to be something else...
01:27.48QzotHmm. Maybe he'll make us request a key to enable it.
01:28.18Crispixis anyone watching Supernatural?
01:30.24KirkburnOkay, I didn't mean to kill the convo
01:30.29QzotIriel: When you talked about a Sync lib, did you have some specific algorithms in mind? I tihnk I could cook some up, but why re-invent the toilet paper?
01:30.44KirkburnDid someone in the firstv place?
01:31.03Crispix:| damn it....I can't connect :(
01:31.33KirkburnSponge-onna-stick method, much better
01:32.04QzotLol, Kb, I have no idea what you're saying.
01:32.28Kirkburn:P No-one ever does. That's what the Romans used
01:32.57QzotWhy a stick?
01:33.14KirkburnWhy not? Do you want to use your hand and a sponge?
01:33.20QzotActually, second thought. I changed my mind. I don't want to know.
01:33.58QzotLol. I lived for 2.5 years in a place without TP.
01:34.21zenziojust coax?
01:34.47zenziowhat, too nerdy?
01:34.50QzotFunny thing. They had wires for electricity and cable. But nothing ran through them.
01:34.53TainDefinitely too nerdy.
01:35.03KirkburnWhat's the TP link?
01:35.09TainBeats trying to ftp through a bidet though.
01:35.44QzotNo bidet, either, but essentially the same basic idea.
01:35.47KirkburnQzot, where was that?
01:35.53zenziowell, at least FTP is connectionless (UDP)
01:36.12KirkburnAh, I just worked out the nerdy joke
01:36.42TainIt's really bad when you can't figure out where you're dumping packets and need to use a sniffer.
01:37.04KirkburnThanks for that Tain
01:37.06zenziothis is getting dirty
01:37.11TainI live to serve.
01:37.51KirkburnWell, it's nice to know not even here can escape from good old poop jokes
01:38.09KirkburnOh wait, er, I mean, nerd jokes
01:38.19KirkburnCos that's what we were talking about.
01:38.31TainI think I like Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
01:38.46zenzioit's nice
01:38.49KirkburnBuy it some flowers?
01:39.00KirkburnHow fast do you normally move?
01:39.03Kirkburn2 date kinda guy?
01:39.15TainYeah, generally second date.
01:39.46TainWhich I'm feeling good about my chances for getting a second date with the girl I went out with tonight.
01:39.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
01:40.08KirkburnWas she called Kaspersky Anti-Virus?
01:40.58TainNo, but I'm a strong believe in taking the proper safeguards against infection in both cases.
01:41.23Kirkburn(nicely done)
01:41.52KirkburnChrist, it's 3:40 ... okay, so I'm going to bed now. G'night all!
01:42.20KirkburnSee yas 2moro. Unless I spend the day epixxing myself again (first ever epic 2day!)
01:47.03Elvisograts Kirkburn, cyas :)
01:47.40KirkburnOh lol, hadn't closed the window :P Thanks, and byeeeeeeee
01:50.37zenzioisn't it? I thought so at least
01:50.53IrielFTP is most certainly TCP based
01:51.07zenziohrm... I'm confusing it with something else again
01:51.10Irielthere was some wierd FTP variant out there that Id were using at one point
01:51.17IrielI dont remember what it was called, but that was UDP
01:51.24IrielFSP perhaps?
01:51.34ckknightFTP is definitely TCP/IP
01:53.03Irielcya QZ
01:54.20CodayusI beleieve cisco uses it a lot
01:54.24Codayusand I think its udp.
01:54.25TainIt's silly, there are some apps that try to use UDP instead of TCP, but they then build in sequence checking and acknowledgements and it completely defeats the purpose.
01:54.58CodayusI probably shold know that.  :-/
01:54.59Taintftp does use UDP.
01:55.24TainYay winner!
01:56.45CorrodiasThey might think they have a superior implementation
01:57.11Codayuswell, it's possible
01:57.28Codayusand for certain extremely specialized applications...could even be true...
01:57.39CodayusIn theory.  I guess...
01:59.53TainYou know I don't have nearly enough patience nor dedication to test and bugfix when I have to sit at an Authenticating window.
02:05.55IrielWell, TCP's optimized for a certain network architecture, and there ARE times when that just isn't appropriate
02:06.11IrielThere IS room for a balance between guaranteed sequenced delivery and unreliable transmission
02:07.41Irielon the other hand, anyone who tries to reimplement TCP using UDP is probably wasting their time and should use TCP 8-)
02:07.44TainOf course, but when you're taking UDP and then adding those functions in your software...
02:08.14IrielBut tftp, for example, is fine to use UDP
02:08.27Irielbecause you can retransmit missing blocks again and again without problem
02:08.39Irieland receive order is mostly irrelevant
02:08.56TainI think some people just like doing it because they want to do it.  And that's fine, but not if you really want to produce something with the intention of mass use.
02:10.54cladhaireAnyone happen to have the magical "one-shot" tooltip definition on them?
02:11.03kremonteemeriss is in SW
02:11.10IrielGameTooltip ?
02:11.23Iriel(i.e. use the one the game creates already)
02:11.30cladhairenah.. it was a stupid question.
02:11.33IrielI suspect that's not what you want 8-)
02:11.35cladhaireI meant the scanning tooltip definition
02:12.07cladhaireno parent, hidden=true? then setowner on it to.. itself?
02:12.26IrielnoParent, hidden doesn't matter, SetOwner it to itself or WorldFrame
02:12.43cladhairedoes WorldFrame still hide when the map is up?
02:12.58IrielUIParent does, I dont believe WorldFrame does
02:12.59cladhaireand its ANCHOR_NONE?
02:13.13Irielwell, "ANCHOR_NONE"
02:13.31Iriel is the place to check
02:13.38IrielThat's Lego's writeup
02:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
02:15.05kremonteCorp Hur trained Emeriss to Stormwind
02:15.16kremonteand the server was reset
02:15.19kremonteto get it out
02:15.25kremonteabout 30 seconds after it evade bugged..
02:15.39kremontefun times
02:16.08Cairennlater Iriel
02:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
02:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
02:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
03:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
03:22.02kremonteMoveForwardX() can't be called from a macro? :X
03:23.13MentalPowercase its blocked
03:23.44Depherioscan you still use Jump()?
03:24.16Depheriosprobably not... bugger
03:24.21Depheriosgood thing I changed the way my buttons work
03:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:31.19IrielI'm baaaack!
03:31.23Irielis it worth trying to log in?
03:31.47zenziobeen quiet in here for a while... not sure if that means things are back to normal
03:32.34IrielGuess i'll find out...
03:33.31TemIriel: I just thought of this and thought you might find it ammusing
03:33.34TemIriel:  local f = EnumerateFrames() while f do local s = f.Show f.Show = f.Hide f.Hide = s f = EnumerateFrames(f) end
03:40.41IrielDoes that have any purpose beyond basic perversity?
03:41.17Temnot really
03:41.42Temit was just the first thing that came to mind in response to a "we can screw up lots of things without doing X"
03:42.06TemI'm dying to get in game to see how the UI behaves after I do that
03:42.14IrielWow, I got logged in on my 3rd try, things HAVE improved since yesterday
03:42.46Temif I understand correctly, they took the auth servers down last night for a while
03:42.53AnduinLotharwell, tha was fun while it lasted..
03:42.59TemAnduinLothar: ?
03:43.30AnduinLotharFired, reason: Broke the rules ex: ran irc using ssh tunneling.
03:43.41Cairennoh crap!
03:43.45AnduinLotharpoof, gone.
03:44.07Cairennhad you been told at time of hiring?
03:45.20Wobin_AL: =(
03:45.31AnduinLotharI was tol dverbally 'not to install software without permission'. i was given a warning last night, so i unistalled the software. then today i was told my manager consulted with the other managers and they decided to let me go.
03:45.47Wobin_That's not much of a 'warning'...
03:46.00AnduinLotharnot even a repeat offender
03:46.15Temso, what software did you install without permission?
03:46.51ckknightI'm sorry, AnduinLothar
03:47.00AnduinLothari was on a mac, i has a script for port tunneling which i could have done via command line and an irc client, both run off of my ipd and not installed on the computer
03:47.23Wobin_So technically there wasn't any 'software' 'installed'
03:47.33Wobin_But then again, it was a verbal agreement in the first place
03:47.45Wobin_and thus subject to interpretation on the manager's behalf
03:47.47AnduinLotharit was a direction and not much of an agreement
03:47.59IrielStill, you did bridge their presumably EXTREMELY secure internal netywork to the internet, albeit in a likely non-threatening manner
03:48.15IrielNot that this doesn't suck horribly and i'm very sorry to hear they were so draconian
03:48.20AnduinLotharthey had ports open for accessign the external
03:48.21IrielBut you can sort of understand why
03:48.23Wobin_Indeed =(
03:49.37AnduinLothari understand that I apparently do not belong in a corporate system where my intelegence is bellow my responsiblity
03:49.44AnduinLotharvice versa*
03:50.05AnduinLothari apparently don't do very well with rules
03:50.27AnduinLothareven tho  i have done nothing but cooperate with any specific requests of me
03:51.26AnduinLothari can only assume that the rule breaking, which does not seem to be reason enough to fire me, was taken as an indication that I was not trustworthy.
03:51.33IrielDo you think if you made a written apology and explained that perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing, but you'd be sure not to do it (or anything like it) again that they'd reconsider?
03:52.05AnduinLotharI don't do very well with groveling
03:52.23AnduinLotharit always comes out like i'm making excuses
03:52.36Wobin_Well.. you technically are
03:52.41Wobin_or rather you're not
03:52.50Wobin_You're admitting to a mistake
03:53.00Wobin_and saying you're learnt your lesson
03:53.03Cairennthat's why a written one is better, you can take the time to get the wording right
03:53.04IrielAn error of judgement, so to speak
03:53.14Wobin_So not really 'excusing' yourself at all
03:53.21AnduinLotharI'm not sure I want to.
03:53.32Cairennthat, otoh, is a different matter
03:53.41Kaelten|Sleepinggnight guys
03:53.54Cairennnight Kaelten|Sleeping, sweet dreams
03:53.59Wobin_Whether the environment would be different because of the incident after the fact is really the deciding factor...
03:55.04Wobin_Were you still within the probationary period?
03:55.35AnduinLotharI was in the process of working my life around the job and a potential future with the company. This week, there's still time to go back to full time school this quarter. I think I will take it as a sign that I chose the wrong path and go about figuring out what the right path is.
03:56.18AnduinLothar6months temporary status, yes
03:56.26IrielMaybe not the wrong path, as much as the wrong time to take that path.
03:56.30Cairennthat is a very positive way to view what happened
03:57.44AnduinLotharalthough I don't know how good my odds are at ever getting a job there in the future. I would have to have a very impressive resume
03:58.08Cairennyou may want to consider writing the letter of apology anyway
03:58.21AnduinLothari will. but not tonight
03:58.23Cairennwhether you get the job back or not, whether you *want* it back or not
03:58.55Wobin_It'll possibly lay the groundwork for later acceptance if you ever go down that path
03:58.57Cairennwill look good should you decide to pursue a position with them in the future
03:59.43Cairennstill sorry to hear it though, getting fired sucks big time
03:59.54AnduinLotharTonight I get to cry myself to sleep for ruining an opportunity that I works so hard to get in the first place.
04:01.04AnduinLotharbut i'm sorry to have ruined any conversation here. I don't want to make anyone else miserable.
04:01.41Cairennhi, friends, remember?
04:01.50Cairennfriends listen to each other, not just in the good times :p
04:02.11Cairennand lord knows we have all screwed up one time or another
04:02.14zenzioI must be getting tired... read that as "just not in the good times"
04:02.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
04:03.10AnduinLotharwonder if they're gonna revoke my 300 months free wow..
04:03.32Cairenn300 months?!
04:03.47AnduinLotharor the two fiends & familiy accounts i gave out
04:03.56AnduinLotharthat would suck
04:04.50AnduinLotharya, its sposed to be lifetime wow, but they just give you a # for a subscription card with 300 months on it
04:05.12AnduinLotharthink i still have another # i could use
04:05.14IrielI suspect that'd probably stick unless they explicitly said otherwise
04:06.13AnduinLotharyou would think, but then i didn't really expect to be fired without a warning either..
04:06.32CairennI'd actually figure it'd be gone, unless explicitly stated otherwise
04:07.29AnduinLotharcept it's a subscription card... so it's not automated with a list of accounts..
04:07.40Cairenn*nod* true
04:07.47IrielPerhaps, I suppose it depends how it shows up in their system, being a subscription cart it may not be tied back quite as tightly
04:07.49Irielwho knows.
04:08.01AnduinLotharthey;re have to look up my account name fromt he internal list and then manually cancil my subscription
04:08.26AnduinLotharwhich in and of itself would suck unless i got an email warning
04:09.15AnduinLotharfunny tho. i sent slouken my reduced MovePad last night and he said he'd look at it..
04:09.40AnduinLotharhe prolly wont know i'm fired till his email bounces back
04:10.08IrielMaybe you should email him beforehand to explain the situation
04:10.59AnduinLotharand i did have some QA addons that would have made their lives easier, but the approval process is horendously long and without me to maintain or push for it they will never see the light of day, which means i wasted at least 3 weeks of free time coding them
04:11.41AnduinLotharvery dissapointing
04:12.03AnduinLothari could have been recoding sky or something
04:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:23.52AnduinLotharwhy, speak of the devil
04:23.58IrielHey, it's the cookie man!
04:24.44CairennQuestion for you AnduinLothar.  While you were coding them, did you learn anything new?  In fact, just finding out what sort of things they might want/could possibly use means you learned something.
04:24.57sloukenAnduinLothar, have you been speaking of the devil again lately?  I told you that you'd get in trouble that way...
04:25.04AnduinLothari did
04:26.15AnduinLotharyes, in fact i wrote an embedable chat comm that may be salvagable.
04:26.38AnduinLothartho, not very robust
04:26.55Cairennthen it would seem to me that you didn't "waste at least 3 weeks of free time coding them" ...
04:27.25AnduinLotharwell, that's up to slouken, one of the things was the movepad i 'enhanced'
04:27.26Cairennamong other things
04:27.54Cairennif you learned something out of the experience, then it wasn't a "waste", is my point
04:28.06AnduinLotharright, thx. We'll see.
04:29.10AnduinLotharyes, slouken. Apparently my employers found out that I had been speakingto the devil and wanted nothing to do with it.
04:31.22AnduinLotharbut trouble I usually equate with fear or danger. when i think it's more likely that I've been cursed, but being a lowly paladin, cannot remove this particular malady.
04:31.51ckknightfind a priest?
04:31.54AnduinLotharhowever it's probably more correct to call me a rogue
04:32.18AnduinLotharwith no hly afiliation other than my own pride.
04:33.39ckknightI don't like Rogues
04:33.49AnduinLothari didn't either
04:34.18Irielmy first alliance character was a rogue (useless random trivia of the day)
04:34.33ckknightmy first char was an Undead Warlock
04:34.38ckknightnow I play an Undead Priest
04:34.45ckknightTauren are my favorite, though
04:34.53ckknightwish I could be a Tauren Priest :'(
04:35.15Cairennmy first was a human mage, back before they got the hunters online
04:35.32Cairennmy first when the game went "live" was a NE hunter
04:35.47Cairennso was my second ... and my third .... and my fourth ... and my
04:36.00AnduinLotharI started and have always been a human paladin. I never got any others past 25 nor spent any substantial time on them.
04:36.06IrielLikewise, Iriel (the NE) was my first 'live' character
04:37.07ElvisoI have some new backgrounds for FuBar I'm needing feedback on, if anyone wants to try them out
04:37.20Elvisodownload: (remove the _color)
04:37.54Elvisoand for some reason they're not working well if your bar is anchored to the top, at least not for me
04:40.50AnduinLotharanyway. I'm done for the night. I have no way of being productive. I think i'm going to go read a book and become someone else for a while.
04:41.10Cairennlater AnduinLothar =/
04:41.26AnduinLotharthanks for listening
04:41.34Cairennany time
04:41.49IrielTake care Anduin
04:44.14Elvisoeverything for a reason, Anduin....keep your head up
04:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
04:48.23IrielHey QZ
04:48.36QzotBlizz is seeing improvement in authentication.
04:48.50QzotWish they would pass them on to the customers, as well.
04:49.05ckknightAnduinLothar, I do that with cartoons
04:49.33Cairennhey Qzot
04:49.45IrielI saw improvement
04:49.47QzotHey, Cairenn.
04:49.50Iriel3 tries as opposed to about 9
04:50.03QzotI'm about .. umm .. zero for 10.
04:50.17IrielNote to self: Congratulating onesself on sneaking into Pyrewood village is premature without also discovering a route out
04:50.25zenzioall of a sudden this Uther's Strength seems to proc a lot :o
04:50.32IrielFrost nova and "run away" to the rescue
04:51.20QzotWhere is Pyrewood, again? Silverpine?
04:52.06QzotI don't think I've ever done but the first couple Silverpine quests.
04:52.59Qzot"Great improvements." Grr. Pshaw.
04:54.53QzotApparently, Authenticate(Rank 1) is a 300 second cast.
04:55.20zenzioshould've spent points in Improved Authentication
04:55.40sloukenOh, I have Authenticate(Rank 3)
04:55.40IrielI hear [World of Warcraft Client] procs happiness upon connection though
04:55.46IrielSo sooner or later you'll be in
04:55.59Irieland then you'll be happy
04:56.04Irielor happier
04:56.08Irielor at least, less grumpy
04:56.49Cairennanyone know if Flisher is still around?  Looking for an update on CharacterViewer
04:57.46Temwhy did I think he had quit wow long ago
04:57.57Temlike so that Legorol was maintaining CV now
04:58.18CairennLego has EquipCompare, no idea if he's taken over CV
04:58.50sloukenWhere's a good place to farm for heavy leather?
04:59.02IrielHm, what level is that?
04:59.15IrielI'm trying to think of the popular leather farming spots
04:59.23IrielThat's presumably too high for the Darkshire worgen?
04:59.31IrielIs it too low for the apes in STV?
04:59.55QzotHorde or Alliance, and on a PvP server or no?
05:00.40sloukenalliance, rp
05:01.08QzotSo, if you're not on a pvp server, there's a great teleport hack I can point you to.
05:01.12Irielmy suggestions remain valid then, but i'm not sure the level range is right
05:01.27sloukenThe best place I've found is the raptors in stranglethorn, but it's only about 50% heavy leather drop
05:01.43Irielthe other 50% is better or worse than that?
05:02.11IrielThose gorillas are very popular with the skinning crowd
05:02.21Irielplus my fiancee got TWO Staffs of Jordan from them in a 2 week period
05:02.36QzotI thought the type of leather was slightly random, but mostly determined by beast level.
05:02.50Irielthats correct
05:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
05:03.50IrielFricken night elf hunter
05:03.55QzotWTS 3x [Unable to Connect]. I've found a great spot to farm them. :P
05:05.02IrielDeath by not being able to AoE to save myself
05:05.19QzotWait. I'm not using the channel correctly. I'll fix that.
05:05.31QzotWTS 3x [Unable to Connect]
05:05.32QzotWTS 3x [Unable to Connect]
05:05.33IrielAnd now my cat is casting Cute Meow(Rank 10)
05:05.33QzotWTS 3x [Unable to Connect]
05:05.36QzotWTS 3x [Unable to Connect]
05:05.44IrielYou'll be unable to connect HERE too if you keep that up 8-)
05:05.45QzotThere. Feel like IF/Org?
05:05.57IrielI tend to ignore trade and general
05:06.18QzotTrade, unfortunately, is my bread and butter profit.
05:06.19Cairenn~lart Qzot
05:06.50QzotPeople not willing to extract the full value of their goodies patiently via the AH.
05:06.59TemI wrote a tiny addon for myself that leaves certain channels at appropriate times
05:07.10Temie, leave trade/general when entering a major city
05:07.20QzotIriel: Did I tell you about my AH windfall?
05:07.22Temleave general/lfg in all raid instances]
05:08.06QzotNice, Tem.
05:08.11Tembecause, honestly, MC general/lfg are the worst
05:08.36Irielno, what fell
05:08.38QzotI have a similar mod I've been meaning to write. But I'll never get the time.
05:08.48zenziowhen using /2, you should also remember that if you don't sell the item within two minutes, you should add at least 10 exclamation marks to your spam
05:09.11QzotI bought a pattern for Titanic Leggings. 750g. Figured I could resell for 1-1.2kg.
05:09.15Temzenzio: don't forget to cross post in all other channel
05:10.07QzotSince it was 3 days to weekend, I decided to post it for 2500g. Get people used to a high price, when few sales anyway, then bring it down for the weekend. But...
05:10.25ElvisoTem: you see my screenshots?
05:10.31TemElviso: no I didn't
05:10.34Irielsomeone bought it didn't they?
05:10.41IrielI can just tell where this is going
05:10.44TemI saw a post in /trade on my alt server where the prices are generally lower than my normal server sold.
05:11.07IrielOh, are any of the *nu's tailors?
05:11.25QzotCheck Kleo's List on the writeboards.
05:11.32Irielah, ok
05:11.51IrielIs it worth 10g?
05:11.59zenzioseems to be a green
05:12.09QzotIt's soulbound. Can't sell it.
05:12.21QzotBoP. Nub.
05:12.39ElvisoI accidently disenchanted my [Body]
05:12.41IrielHeh, Hepatitis, great name for an UD priest
05:13.10IrielI disenchanted my [Soul] and all I got was this lousy [Strange Dust]
05:13.10TemI enjoy my female dwarf priest, "Lard"
05:13.29QzotI'm better off to wait during Auth, not discon after 3 min and try again, right?
05:13.53Iriel3 min may be excessive
05:14.13QzotIt's taking 4-5 to [Unable to Connect] me.
05:14.41QzotI'm only on my 5th since logging into #wowi
05:15.27IrielUgh, it's degraded from my earlier experienec then, it was taking 1-2 mins to give up on me
05:15.39Irielthen 3rd try it went 'pop' and I was in
05:15.45QzotNope. So. 5 tries in 45 minutes. 9 min per.
05:15.47IrielIt didn't literaly go 'pop'
05:18.18QzotThat "great improvements" on the Breaking News page is *so* wickedly mean.
05:18.48IrielThey just forgot to put (but not for you, Qzot) after it
05:19.45QzotWell, I think it's obvious I'm not getting in tonight.
05:22.15QzotIriel: What did you use as the basics of Sync, when you've done it before?
05:23.11IrielQzot: Well, the first question is, can you track a version of the elements, or efficiently produce hashes of them
05:23.28IrielQzot: For explicit replication versioning should be fairly easy
05:23.46IrielQzot: then recursively negotiate if each subtree needs synchronization or not
05:24.42IrielBut it doesn't have to be a tree structure, any kind of mutually predictable subdivision works
05:24.46QzotI'm imagining 2 trees in Lua, on different machines, that could have possibly come from SavedVariables.
05:25.50QzotWith the restriction that nodes which are tables with only numeric keys are considered unordered (the keys don't matter, only the values do), but otherwise, the keys are significant.
05:26.12QzotI'd prefer to assume no versioning in the general case.
05:26.17IrielAssuming the goal is to minimize communication overhead, some kind of md5 checksum for each subnode would work
05:26.27QzotWhich makes a hash a prerequisite.
05:26.39IrielEach node's hash is the hash of its children (or children's hashes, if they're tables themselves)
05:27.09QzotExcept that md5 doesn't work if you want to consider unordered hashes, too.
05:27.21Irielwell, force an arbitrary ordering while you hash
05:27.27Qzot"Unordered hashes" is the wrong term. "Sets".
05:27.29Irieltable.sort comes to mind
05:27.50QzotIf the elements are tables, that's pretty hard.
05:28.03Irielnot if you dont mind using a (single) temporary list
05:28.33QzotJust define the checksum of a Set to be the xor of all the members of the Set.
05:28.48Irielput the table's keys into a list as values, then sort it, and use that to iterate and build the md5sum
05:29.01Irielxor is a terrible hash scheme tho
05:29.54QzotSet = table with all numeric keys, and we consider Sets identical if they have the same values, but in a different order.
05:30.32IrielIf you dont mind doing that, it's even easier, just sort the set values before hashing, you dont even need a temporary work table
05:30.44Qzot*sigh* An hour is long enough to spend trying to authenticate. I give.
05:31.09QzotSame prob as before. The set values might be tree nodes themselves.
05:31.55QzotMaybe just say Sets don't make sense, and you have to find a way to key your data if you want to Sync.
05:32.40QzotThen it a simple key/hash compare.
05:33.47IrielWell, no problem, if the nodes are trees, then you sort their hashes in their place
05:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:34.01QzotThat works.
05:34.23IrielThe implied assumption being that if hash(A) == hash(B) then A == B, which is safe enough
05:34.53Irielif you're using md5 or some other decently sized/analyzed algorithm
05:35.10QzotYeah. Which is why you need a good hash, whereas in most cases, a crappy will still work.
05:36.10Qzotpublic int hashCode() { return 3; } is surprisingly effective in a pinch.
05:37.21IrielWell, it depends heavily on what you're using it for!
05:37.30IrielStick 10,000 of them in a HashSet and you'll regret it
05:39.09QzotI use them to figure out if the real hashCode is completely borked, and violating the contract.
05:40.15IrielHaving equals but not hashCode is a real treat
05:40.22IrielLuckily checkstyle spots that
05:41.25QzotHaving a class and it's subclass both override equals is about my favorite.
05:41.48IrielI'm assuming you mean having them both override equals and doing it WRONG?
05:42.17QzotIt's nearly impossible to do it any way that's right, and still needs the subclass to override.
05:42.31Irielyou end up having to do a wacky backwards call
05:42.36QzotIt's not impossible. Just nearly so.
05:42.42Irielit's not exactly efficient
05:43.29QzotAnd also doesn't scale well to B and C both being subclasses of A, and all 3 overriding equals. :P
05:45.06Iriela handy time for 'final' 8-)
05:45.32Iriel(and defining equals in terms of other sane thngs within the classes)
05:45.54Irielnot sure that's generally solveable tho, extremely dependent on the classes at hand
05:46.36QzotAs I said. Nearly impossible to do correctly, and still have meaning.
05:47.10QzotAlmost always, the correct thing to do is to decide which level in the class hierarchy gets to define equals, make it final, and have done with it.
05:49.42zenzioI should've taken a nap while flying from Winterspring to Silithus :|
05:50.16Irielgonna try wow one more time?
05:50.36QzotI should've gone to bed, instead of flying from Disconnected to Connected.
05:50.54QzotJust did. Still stuck at Authenticating.
05:51.23QzotGah. Unable to connect.
05:51.46Irielhopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow or they'll have a riot on their hands
05:52.14TemI'm glad for it to be "down"
05:52.38Temsince I'm not really trying to log in
05:53.42Temyay for free days
05:54.30Cairennhave they said we're getting free days?
05:54.46CairennI'm kinda behind on the news this week
05:54.53QzotIf you had toons on a char for the schlepp.
05:55.11Cairennin English now?
05:55.13QzotI've haven't heard of free days just because you couldn't log in and play.
05:55.38QzotIf you had characters on one of the servers in a certain list, you got a free day.
05:58.14MiravlixI have heard of free days because you couldn't log in.
05:58.27Temme too
05:58.48Temif you read the sticky in the general forum about last night, you will see that everyone got a free day becaose of last night
05:59.07Tem"Because players were unable to log in to the game during peak playing time yesterday as a result of the emergency maintenance, we will be applying a one-day credit to all players’ accounts. "
05:59.39Qzot...but I'd still prefer to log in. :D
05:59.41ckknightI'd rather play :-P
05:59.48IrielI wonder how close to 40 i've gotten now
06:00.08CairennI do wish people would give them a break though, they do try to do the right thing
06:00.08MiravlixIriel, Had a chinese lever play your char?
06:00.36Iriel40 free days  8-)
06:00.54IrielIt's the new 'level grind' 8-)
06:01.16CairennI think they are *still* trying to recover from the popularity of the game.  They never even dreamed it would be this popular and they are still scrambling trying to get on top of things.  (MO)
06:01.33MiravlixHaven't looked at my days, but I've gotten everything there is to get since a few hours after launch EU.
06:01.48MiravlixThey released 250-300K copies...
06:02.03MiravlixThey where gone before they was packed on the trucks
06:02.27IrielFond memories of waiting outside EBGames in the mall for them to open to pick up my collectors ed
06:02.30Miravlixto say Blizzard got taken by supprise is the understatement of the year
06:02.47CairennIriel: heh, yup, me too (although I didn't get CE)
06:02.55MiravlixThe world is still supprised by WoW's success
06:03.28MiravlixMissed out on CE, *sighs*
06:03.54MiravlixMy CC didn't work the day I ordered and when I got it fixed I couldn't find CE.
06:03.55Qzot*sigh* They're successful for a reason. The game is fun.
06:04.12QzotAnd I want to play. And I can't.
06:04.26Cairennme either
06:04.27QzotOkay. I *really* give up this time.
06:04.37QzotI'm not going to try "one more time" this time.
06:04.37CairennI've been trying to get logged in for a while now too
06:04.47IrielAnyone recognize this, by the way "The gathered will tell the path of the shell.
06:04.49QzotI'm backing away from the keyboard.
06:05.18CairennQzot: slowly and carefully, smiling and nodding?
06:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
06:06.18IrielAye, it was Zandi's message to everyone on the last day of Uru Live
06:06.26IrielOne of the saddest moments in gaming for me
06:07.10IrielI need to get an invite to the new cavern now, the rush should've cooled off
06:07.17*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup^away (n=loup@
06:07.28QzotWell, g'night, all.
06:07.53Irielgoodnight, may tomorrow be more connectful
06:08.18Cairennnight Qzot
06:09.23IrielMust stop playing like a hunter, dead again
06:09.33MiravlixYou know, you can use computers for other things than WoW.
06:09.39ckknightsays you
06:09.42MiravlixMine is a radio player right now.
06:09.46Cairennhey s|loup :)
06:10.02MiravlixObli doen't work on my computer
06:10.27IrielI hear some people WORK on computers too
06:11.50MiravlixIt's the all in one entertainment pack
06:12.16MiravlixVideo, radio, games, pron, you get it all
06:12.22IrielSo oblivion doesn't work AT ALL, or it just doesn't work well enough to play?
06:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:12.56MiravlixIt's dead on load
06:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:13.08MiravlixWants to tell Microsoft
06:13.20IrielAh, nasty driverissueitis?
06:14.33MiravlixIt just wants to talk with Microsoft, not me
06:14.44Miravlixso I have no idea what the problem is
06:15.03IrielNo details if you do tell microsoft?
06:15.20MiravlixYou know how that report feature work. :p
06:15.41MiravlixThanks for reporting to Microsoft, HA HA HA your computer doesn't work.
06:15.53IrielIt usually gives me an idea of WHAT kind of crash it was
06:15.56Irieldriver, something else
06:16.36MiravlixI've never cared for Windows, so never bothered to learn how to read the error crap
06:16.55MiravlixI can rewrite and fix the problem if it was Linux though. :p
06:18.25MiravlixMy life has been DOS, some DOS Multitaskers, OS/2, Linux, I've gone through life blissfully ignorant of Windows.
06:18.45Norqueoh dear god.. Microsoft has bought Lionhead Studios... Now there will be no end to the half baked games!
06:19.11[MoonWolf]great, now they can have great ideas and not do anything usefull with them MORE
06:19.15IrielIt's official?
06:19.25IrielMaybe they'll have great ideas and the funding to finish them?
06:19.30IrielOne can hope, anyway
06:19.36IrielThey need to release Populous 2K6
06:19.48NorqueThats a pretty big hope there Iriel
06:20.12[MoonWolf]populous 2k6, you are a technoshaman and your clan of cyberneticly enhanced humans need help to take over the planet!
06:20.21ckknightPopulous is cool
06:20.47Norqueyeah Populous rocks. It's all there other games thats the problem
06:21.15ckknightPopulous: Beginnings was pretty damn cool
06:21.17[MoonWolf]Use cube shaped ships with eery green light to travel to other planets and take those over as well. Use assimilators to turn the members of other clans to your side.
06:21.28[MoonWolf]Populous: Borg!
06:22.32IrielB&W2 was both awesome and not so awesome
06:22.44IrielThey fixed so many of the issues from BW1
06:22.51Irielbut then left out huge gameplay opportunities
06:23.11[MoonWolf]and your creaturse still could not play chess
06:24.13[MoonWolf]B&W is awesome though
06:24.38[MoonWolf]the way you can take over tasks from the common man and do them 100x faster
06:24.56MiravlixB&W2 was weird
06:25.06MiravlixI felt like it was B&W 1 patch 3
06:25.10NorqueMy creature in B&W was brain dead or something. It would go and stare at the big creature on island 1 until it died, then go and do it again
06:25.27[MoonWolf]Norque, it was in love :o/
06:25.32[MoonWolf]but shy
06:25.32ckknightB&W2 was too graphics intensive
06:25.49NorqueNo excuse to die of starvation
06:25.51[MoonWolf]hey I can brush the grass with my hand!
06:27.10Norquemy box isnt uber enough to show grass :(
06:28.53ckknightwhat should I name my localization library
06:29.45Temoh damn
06:29.54Temwhat's the name of the fish in hhgttg?
06:29.59IrielBabel Fish?
06:30.03Temyeah that's it
06:30.11Irielor SoLongAndThanksForAllThe Fish
06:30.26ckknightgood idea
06:32.09IrielThat was also the name of a cross faction mod
06:32.20IrielYou could go with ElevatorOfBabel
06:32.22Temguess that's out them
06:32.30Irielbit of biblical humor
06:32.33zenzioWTF U SAY
06:34.02ckknightmaybe it should have "Lib" in it
06:34.07ckknightor something
06:34.20zenzioLibram of Language
06:34.29TemLibram is taken
06:34.43Temhow 'bout Websters or something?
06:34.46IrielHow about "Babble"
06:35.16ckknightsomething like BabbleLib could work
06:36.06*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
06:38.34IrielSupportYour(Local(ized)Library) ?
06:39.16ckknightlol, Iriel
06:39.47ckknightthink BabbleLib could work
06:39.48[MoonWolf]Iriel, right, that will work as a table name juuuuuust fine.
06:40.57IrielMaybe it behaves differently in the EU client?
06:44.40ckknightwhat should I use as a deprecation text?
06:44.53ckknightcurrently it's FuBarUtils.LocalizedClassToEnglish("class") has been deprecated. Please use BabbleLib:GetInstance().GetEnglishClass("class")., but the GetInstance() bit seems icky, cause you're supposed to use versions
06:47.26IrielYou could say BabbleLib:GetInstance(<VERSION>), and put the current version in there>
06:52.41ckknightalright, done, Iriel
06:54.52Cairennnight all
06:55.24ckknightone problem with the deprecation deal is I can't tell where it came from
06:56.34Irielhm, can you use debugstack() ?
06:56.58ckknighthaven't tried it
06:57.17ckknightthanks for the tip
07:00.29sloukendebugstack() rocks. :)
07:00.53ckknightthat's what she said ;-)
07:02.06sloukenGood night everyone
07:02.14ckknightcya later
07:03.51ckknightalright, that works great
07:04.02ckknightmy deprecated deal now shows where it takes place
07:05.17IrielOkay, time for me to go, have a good one
07:05.30ckknightalright, cya
07:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
08:00.28Wobin_hrm, what 'page listing' page does everyone use in the Wowwiki?
08:05.08TemI typically use this one
08:05.16Tembut it's not perfect
08:07.25Wobin_oh brilliant
08:07.31Wobin_Much better than the main page
08:07.38Wobin_(which needs more links I'd say...?)
08:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
08:08.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
08:19.12Wobin_To accomplish this, it's likely that we'll take a few of the "must have" abilities from Arcane, and make them available to all magi. (Some likely candidates are the talents Evocation and Improved Arcane Explosion.)
08:19.24Wobin_IAE being for all would be useful
08:19.33Wobin_and evoc naturally
08:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
08:24.32Shouryuu_rawr boo purr moo and so forth
08:25.01TemWobin_: where are you getting this?
08:25.29Shouryuu_lol, I'm a "known" scripter
08:26.57[MoonWolf]Shouryuu_, congrats
08:29.19Wobin_No direct link, but it's on the realm forum apparantly
08:32.45Temrealm forum?
08:32.51Temthat's an odd place for a Mage post
08:42.54Wobin_Just one paragraph
08:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
08:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
09:03.21Shouryuu_I've just had an idea for that Sudoku addon
09:04.09Shouryuu_instead of generating my own, I'll just put in a default database of say 20 of 'em, and let players add their own, and share them the same way that Gatherer add-on does
09:05.31[MoonWolf]sharing them is a whole new problem in itself.
09:06.03[MoonWolf]I could create one that simply cannot be solved AT ALL
09:06.41Shouryuu_I guess yeah
09:07.04Shouryuu_yeah something with like 4 numbers
09:07.35Shouryuu_That would be just for the pleasure of pissing people off, but it'll work
09:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
09:44.20krka|workwell, your client can identify which ones are solvable/not solvable
09:50.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
09:56.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
09:57.10Shouryuu_yeah but somene sends one with just 5 numbers, there will be a solution to it, but unless you start randomly putting numbers around you'll never find one.
09:57.48Shouryuu_So I guess I have to force a minimum number of numbers, but what will the minimum be...
10:09.44[MoonWolf]6 should give decent complexity
10:10.12Shouryuu_no 6 is not enough
10:10.16Shouryuu_it's far from not enough
10:10.32Shouryuu_there's an average of 2-3 per square
10:10.51Shouryuu_that's like 18-27
10:11.20[MoonWolf]start it off at 25 ?
10:13.15Shouryuu_yeah I guess
10:13.21Shouryuu_I don't think I'm going to do it anyways
10:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
11:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
11:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
12:03.44Kirovhow many people are actually here?
12:05.34zenzelezzgood question
12:06.21Maldiviano idea
12:16.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:16.36JoshBorkemorning :-)
12:37.36*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
12:44.33JoshBorkecan someone help me with a conceptual problem?
12:44.54JoshBorke  i need to know how that code would work and I have no idea how to get a lua environment running in linux :-/
12:49.02krka|workjust download  lua
12:49.08krka|workwith debian / ubuntu: apt-get install lua
12:49.20JoshBorkeusing rhel4
12:49.28JoshBorkenot in the yum repository so i'm gonna check for an rpm
12:50.45JoshBorkeok, i have lua installed, what do i do now? :-(
12:50.58krka|workluac mycode.lua
12:51.00krka|workto compile it
12:51.04[MoonWolf]luac yourfile.lua
12:51.06krka|worklua luac.out to run it
12:51.25krka|worki have an alias that does: luac $1 ; lua luac.out
12:52.23JoshBorkeand then how can i output something?
12:52.27krka|workluac -l to lodd code there JoshBorke ... what do you want to do?
12:52.42krka|workoops.... scratch the "luac -l to l"
12:53.34krka|worklooks like homework almost :)
12:54.51JoshBorkeoh good, it appears to work
12:56.00JoshBorkeso the for evaluates the table.getn only once, when it first starts
12:56.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:35.40MaldiviaJoshBorke: hmm, change it to a repeat until ?
13:37.56Maldiviaif you want to evaluate the expression every time
13:40.06Maldiviakrka: why compile the code first? lua file.lua works just fine .)
13:44.37JoshBorkeMaldivia: repeat until guarantees at least one execution though, right?
13:45.06Maldiviaso you'll have to do a if tbl[i] then check, or check if the table is empty first
13:45.34JoshBorkeif i do: 'while (tbl[i]) do...' it works great :-)
13:45.58Maldiviayeah, that should work aswell :9
13:46.11JoshBorkedanke :-)
13:46.19Maldiviaotherwise, repeat until version:
13:47.01Maldiviabut yeah, a while should be better :)
13:48.17JoshBorkedanke sehr
13:51.35kremonteyou can't call any movement functions now
13:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
13:52.40JoshBorkemorning Shouryuu_
14:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:12.01Shouryuu_Bleach was fun the first 20 episodes
14:12.05Shouryuu_now it's gotten boring
14:12.33Shouryuu_It's dragon ball-etish
14:13.35Elkanoeven worse: now it's licensed and Lunar droped it :(
14:13.46Shouryuu_meh I won't miss it
14:13.57Shouryuu_I;m  at episode 50ish and it's gotten very borin
14:16.29Elkanothe nd of the soul society arc sin't that bad, just hang in there a few episodes longer
14:18.46JoshBorkeyea, i'm waiting for the filler eps to go away before i get back into it
14:20.11Shouryuu_The fights just get annoying now
14:20.25Shouryuu_"ohh! Impossible! Ichigo, so fast!"
14:20.38Shouryuu_"What power..."
14:20.48Shouryuu_really dragon ball-ish :P
14:21.34JoshBorkeat least he doesn't 'power up' for 3 episodes?
14:23.40Shouryuu_But he bleeds to death 5 times an episodes. He's been doing so for about 20 episodes.
14:28.49Shouryuu_An anime
14:38.57Wobin_Finally a valid 'hunter weapon' =P
14:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
14:40.07ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
14:41.56Wobin_hola Mr Font
14:42.07KirovMr. Font? heh
14:43.38JoshBorkeWobin_: paladin weapon :D
14:45.36kremontepallies need agi? :P
14:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge _B (i=isis@
14:46.36_BOnce the merchant frame has openend, item tooltips now display the value of items, but how can I retrieve this value? I cannot find it anywhere
14:46.55MaldiviaHuntsman harpoon... :)
14:47.05MaldiviaHunter weapon :9
14:47.20Maldiviabut it's still no Barb of the Sand Reaver :9
14:47.48Shouryuu__B Isn't there something like a GetTooltipText() function?
14:48.26_BI would prefer it if you did not answer my question with a question ;)
14:48.42Shouryuu_I;m not an expert, sorry :P
14:49.05Maldiviaor are you talking abour the sell value on items in your inventory?
14:49.07_BI found that, but that is for querying items that the merchant sells
14:49.10_BAye I am yes
14:52.27_BBingo Kirov
14:52.32_BThank you
14:53.32Kirovactually, it's GetScript("OnTooltipAddMoney")
14:53.38Kirovhook that
14:54.44Maldiviaand remember to check for InRepairMode()
14:55.34ckknighthey all
14:57.53_BYes that's even better ;)
14:59.02_BUnfortunately it means that the value is never exposed unless all items are moused-over
14:59.13_BI thought it might be exposed as soon as the merchant frame was opened
14:59.50Maldiviawell, all you have to do is internally "mouse over" all items when the merchant frame is shown :)
15:00.17Maldiviaalthough, that could cause some lag when opening merchants
15:01.55Shouryuu_how could you internally mouse over all the items in the merchant frame?
15:02.12Wobin_for each item in your bag set the tooltip to that item
15:02.34Wobin_PackRat does that
15:02.47Wobin_for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_FRAMES do
15:02.47Wobin_for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
15:02.47Wobin__, _, _, id = self.GetItemInfoFromLink(GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot))
15:02.47Wobin_if( id ) then
15:02.47Wobin_local name, _, quality = GetItemInfo(id)
15:02.49Wobin_GameTooltip:SetBagItem(bag, slot)
15:04.21Elkano_B, here's the way I'm doing it: lua: / XML:
15:06.01Elkanobut I think I'll have to rework the soulbound check a bit and add a durability check :/
15:07.07_BYou know there is a better way than doing this local _, _, _, business
15:07.21_BEspecially if you just want one value
15:08.01_Bexample: local maxXP = ({this:GetMinMaxValues()})[2];
15:08.13Shouryuu_which place is safer for a HDD, my backpack or my lugage?
15:10.00_BUsing {} table constructor places the return values from the function into a table. Then for some reason you need to surrounded that in braces, which I found out after some trial and error, and then LUA let's you access the elements of the table with the subscript [] braces
15:10.45wereHamster_B, wouldn't be "local _, maxXP = this:GetMinMaxValues()" easier?
15:10.55_BIt would be a waste of a variable!
15:11.11wereHamsterbecause {} creates a new table, that is far more worse than a variable
15:11.32MiravlixYou didn't talk about returning temp tables and talking about waisting space in the same breath!
15:12.09_BWell err, I like they way it looks for readability better ;p
15:12.25_BIt's clear that you're only using the second return value
15:12.58_BThough I doubt I would convert anyone
15:13.12Shouryuu_Yeah that just hurt my eyes :p
15:13.31Shouryuu__,2_,_,_,_=SomeStuf() makes a lot more sens to me :P
15:13.40Shouryuu_but the, that's just me
15:13.56wereHamsterI personally like local_, _, val = FancyFunc() better than ({FancyFunc()})[3]
15:14.38Elkanosame here :(
15:14.49_BI spent ages trying to figure that out ;p
15:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:15.10_BBecause I don't like wasted variables~
15:15.16_BEven though you may have a point that mine takes up more memory
15:15.23_BThough who truly knows the answer to that
15:16.42Elkanobut where does _ waste a variable? wasn't that specialy designed not to do so?
15:17.07MiravlixWe do
15:17.19MiravlixLocal variables use memory once
15:17.27Miravlixtemp taples get recreated
15:17.44Elkanothe _ way should discard the value directly where the table solution would first store it in a table to discard it later
15:18.09MiravlixYour addon would create garbage, thats very very bad
15:19.07Cideonly if you do it often.
15:19.15Cideor, if you do it a lot
15:19.45Wobin_ps {function()} only returns the first value
15:19.46MiravlixDo it once and it's still once * number of function in X number of addons
15:19.53MiravlixProgram right for crying out loud it's not that hard
15:20.00Wobin_it doesn't help if you're after _, womble = func()
15:20.21Wobin_er (func()) maybe
15:20.31_BYou lose
15:20.39Wobin_But at least I use locals =P
15:20.48_BAt least you realised your mistake
15:20.55KalrothAt least I got chicken
15:21.04Wobin_Mmm. Chikin
15:21.11Cideif you do it once, you do it once. if every addon does it once, it's still only numAddons times, which is nothing
15:21.29Cideif you do it every frame, then you might have a point
15:21.54wereHamsterElkano, no, '_' is a variable like any other
15:21.54Cidegarbage is unavoidable in the long run, you can minimize it but saying that creating garbage = programming "wrong" is absurd
15:21.58Wobin_That's no excuse for bad coding, though
15:22.11Wobin_If there's a more efficient way of doing it, it should be done
15:22.12MiravlixOnce for every function in every addon, even if it only gets called once every now and then, would result in the good old crap days
15:22.17Cidecorrect, Wobin_
15:22.23Miravlixof broken UI because it is GCing every 5 seconds
15:22.28Wobin_Saying "Oh that's alright, it only happens once in my code" isn't an excuse
15:22.47Cideif you can fix it, then you should
15:22.53Cideif you can't, then don't lose sleep
15:23.10_BI agree with Wobin's philospohy
15:23.17_BThough in this case I don't think it's an issue
15:23.21Wobin_Well, we're talking about simple fixes that are merely a matter of understanding how the memory works
15:23.22CideMiravlix: and you're blowing a balloon into a zeppelin, once again
15:23.40KirovSo, making all if statements a call to a function is bad?
15:23.44CideI said once per addon, not once every function, there's quite a big difference
15:24.02Cideno, every function call shall be surrounded by "if ( true ) then" and "end"
15:24.05Wobin_Cide: Oh the Humanity!
15:24.41Kalroth"if ((not true) or (true)) then" is better though
15:24.45wereHamsterWobin_, {func()} creates a table with all the return values in it
15:24.54MiravlixOnly because you refuse to do mutiplication of every problem
15:25.14Cideno, because you're VERY liberal with using the multiplication sign
15:25.19_BElkano you put a `;` after `end` in your OnTooltipAddMoney function ;p
15:25.20Wobin_I seem to recall (func()) returns the first value of the function return
15:25.26_BNow that's a zepplin
15:25.26Cideif every addon does it once, then it only happens once per addon, period
15:25.42MiravlixThats not how addons work
15:25.48Cideof course it is
15:25.48MiravlixNo addon runs once and then do nothing
15:25.49Shouryuu_see ya guys
15:25.53Shouryuu_wish me a good flight!
15:25.56Cideyou're missing the point
15:26.02Elkanooh ^^ well, lua dosn't care about ; that much anyways ^^
15:26.03Miravlix99.99% of all addons run multiple times
15:26.05Kirovlocal True = true;
15:26.05Kirovfor i=1, 4000 do
15:26.10Cidebut if the CODE is only run once
15:26.11_BIt doesn't, no
15:26.19_BSo how do you know what item the value belongs to
15:26.20MiravlixCode isn't just run once
15:26.25Cideeh, yes it is
15:26.28_BAre you just assuming the the values come back in the same order that you query them
15:26.36_Bthat the*
15:26.54Cideplease tell me that any _OnLoad() function I have is run more than once
15:27.06Wobin__B, who are you talking at? =)
15:27.07MiravlixIt is atuctually
15:27.38_BThe person what I am talking to knows that I am talking to them ;)
15:27.43Wobin_oh good
15:27.46_Bthat I am* so many typos~
15:28.07_BActually I can see how he has done it in his code now
15:28.17_BSaved it to a *non local* variable OMG!
15:28.28Wobin_oh Elk?
15:28.34CideMiravlix: right
15:28.46Wobin__B's talking at you =)
15:28.46_BBlizzard should really let us raise our own user-events
15:28.59Wobin__B have a look at SpecialEvents
15:29.14Wobin_lemme see if I can find the link
15:29.19Wobin_It's probably on WowI
15:29.23Wobin_look under Tekkub's addons
15:29.45Miravlix1 addon = 1 run, 2 addons = 2 runs
15:29.48_BI just found this channel in the comments section of Auctioneer ;p
15:30.05Elkanowell, if I remember correctly, I based my code upon SellValues in some parts ^^'
15:30.08Wobin_Wowi stands for WowInterface, the parent webpage of this channel
15:30.27_BI guessed what it stood for
15:30.33_BI didn't realise it was attached to a Web site
15:30.41wereHamster_B, you are in #wowi-lounge... wowi stands for wowinterface(.com)
15:30.42Wobin_And a fine one it is too!
15:31.00wereHamstertoo late :)
15:31.03Wobin_One of the best author oriented addon sites =)
15:31.15_BIn my current experience, this channel outperforms the Web site in it's usefulness thus far
15:31.30Wobin_oh naturally
15:32.11_BIt's a shame that you can't know if another mod is querying the monetary value of all items in your bags already
15:32.21_BBecause if you install two that do, then it's more lag time
15:33.14Wobin_That's the nature of the beast at the moment
15:33.31MiravlixMy ui creates 200/300K garbage during startup
15:33.44Wobin_I'm not sure how easily implemented a central information repository for that sort of thing would be though
15:34.05_BIt's not something that Blizz would ever do
15:34.24_BYou're not even supposed to be able to get the value of all items at once, hence why the info only comes in a tooltip mouse over event
15:34.42_BI think it's pretty clear that they have tried to make it as obscure as possible
15:38.44Wobin_Oh, and generically? You can raise your own events
15:38.58Wobin_You just have to have something to register to that recognises them
15:39.02Wobin_(Like SE does)
15:39.50_BYou mean write your own event system?
15:40.41_BI suppose you could do that
15:41.00_BThough I don't know how you would send args
15:41.10_BActually yes I do
15:41.47_BOh yeah I meant to ask, is there some way you can do RegisterEvent("*") or something to watch all events fly in order to help determine which ones you *should* be listening for?
15:41.57_BKind of like when you watch Windows' WM_ messages and such
15:42.35Kirov1.11 will have :RegisterForAllEvents()
15:42.47_BOh nice
15:42.57MiravlixI'll have to hook that and dsiable it
15:43.12Wobin_REgister for all events?
15:43.13Wobin_Ow =P
15:43.22_BClearly it should be used for debug only
15:43.29Wobin_Oh _B? Get FireShow
15:43.37Wobin_That shows every event that fires
15:43.38*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
15:43.52MiravlixWell, EventProfile and any others will be easy to code
15:43.58Wobin_As to whether it's on WoWI I don't know... it could just be on the Ace SVN
15:44.03MiravlixFrom 400 RegisterEvents to 1 line
15:45.03Wobin_Adrine: You there? HealCap is your creation, yes?
15:45.14_BKirov when I said source, I meant, where did you read that?
15:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:47.13CairennDid you guys see this?  Amusing:
15:47.39Wobin_Hey Cair: What determines an addon's 'popular' status?
15:47.50Wobin_(Rofl on post
15:48.04Kirovsorry, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with mana / health regen emulation when a player's max health or mana changes
15:48.20KirovCairenn - we've been pestering Iriel with that for a while now
15:48.58Cide"Iriel's knowledge stretches further than getfenv(0)"
15:49.25Kirovanyone here tried to deal with mana regen?
15:49.37CairennWobin_: how many downloads, user rating, how many have it in favorites
15:49.39Cidedepends on what you want
15:49.44Kirovlike, calculating it yourself
15:49.54Cidewhat you WILL have?
15:50.15Wobin_You could scan tooltips for added regen, auras, and calculate spirit
15:50.19Kirovwhat you have right now
15:50.25Wobin_Or you could take samples every so often and take an average
15:50.35Cidefor priests it's 14 + spirit/4 + mp5s/(5/2)
15:50.39CideI believe
15:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge NeT- (
15:50.49KirovI know the regen rates
15:50.53Kirovthat's not the problem.
15:50.55Cidewell what are you asking for?
15:51.15MiravlixDruidBar can do it for druids
15:51.32KirovMiravlix - yeah, looked at their method
15:51.38Kirovless accurate then mine
15:51.43Wobin_I'd say get the mana every second then figure out the change rate
15:51.50Wobin_Easiest method
15:52.17KirovWobin - I'm dealing with a case where you can't see the player's health or mana, but they're still regening
15:52.20Wobin_(Once you ignore negative gains and reset the counter at that point)
15:52.28Kirovhunters who have FDed, their health / mana show as 0
15:52.42_BAh yeah, I suppose most of you are from US WoW
15:52.59MiravlixExcept the good ones of us
15:53.16KirovMy mod records the last known health / mana and keeps those for partied hunters, and then attempts to calculate regen for the player.
15:53.33Wobin_You can't see it, but can't you get it though functions?
15:53.49KirovWobin - UnitHealth("player") returns 0
15:54.09KirovYou still get the Unit_Health and Unit_Mana events though
15:54.52KirovSo, you can see that you are regening.
15:55.11KirovI hook UnitHealth() and return the last valid #s
15:55.20wereHamsterisn't "Iriel coded windows before Chuck Norris could say "roundhouse kick"" insulting? I wouldn't want anyone say I've coded windows :-/
15:55.44Wobin_Well Chuck Norris kicks very fast
15:55.48Wobin_Which shows in Windows
15:55.53Cidewindows isn't bad...
15:56.01Wobin_It isn't good either =P
15:56.08Cidethen explain its popularity :)
15:56.15MiravlixIf you can't make it good, make it look good
15:56.22Kirovbetter than alternatives?
15:56.23wereHamsterthere certainly are better software programs
15:56.27MiravlixLooks owns all
15:56.28AnduinLotharit looks good?
15:56.50CideI've yet to find a more suitable operating system for gaming
15:57.07Wobin_That's only due to market share though
15:57.07MiravlixCompared to everything else they have had to compete with, yes
15:57.10Cideperhaps indirectly due to its popularity
15:57.10Kirovlooks good, doesn't require a 400 page manual and console commands to operate, and has a lot of third party programs.
15:57.17wereHamsterCide, windows popularity? because of MS monopoly..
15:57.40Cidebad products don't usually lead to monopolies, do they?
15:57.51wereHamsteryou mean like IE ?
15:58.16CideI would hardly call that a monopoly right now
15:58.27Cidelook at the amount of users using firefox
15:58.50Cideit varies based on the userbase, but I know ctprofiles had 45% firefox users the first day
15:58.54Cidethat's hardly a monopoly :)
15:58.59wereHamsternot now, but they had an almost-monopoly
15:59.13Cidebut were there better alternatives?
15:59.29Cidenetscape was pretty popular too, back in the day
15:59.32wereHamsternot at that time, but they made sure peoply won't switch anymore
15:59.46MiravlixThey lost in court so there monopoly could be broken
16:00.15wereHamsterI have to admit that I'm a little biased.. I'm very pro-linux (or OSS) ;)
16:00.26MiravlixWhen they started out they where on the edge and ended up cornering the market effectively owning it
16:00.28AdrineTo have a monopoly, you have to prevent entry into the market.
16:00.30CideI'm just saying, you can't say windows is bad with the amount of users it has, it can't be only marketing
16:00.47wereHamsterI didn't say windows is bad !
16:00.50AdrineThey had a large userbase, which isn't the same thing as a monopoly
16:01.08MiravlixAnd they still to this day keep making it so Windows and software is REQUIRED.
16:01.08Cideyou implied it :)
16:01.15wereHamsterI just sais that it wouldn't please me if someone said I've coded windows
16:01.21AdrineRequired by who?
16:01.31Cideit would certainly imply you lack a social life, to say the least :)
16:01.34MiravlixI can't use my netbank without Windows software...
16:01.55AdrineThat's the choice of the private software developer who developed your netbank
16:02.02MiravlixSo we still don't have a choice.
16:02.21wereHamsterdoesn't it run under wine?
16:02.22AdrineWell, much in the same way that you don't have a choice about platform if you want to run Apple's video editing software.
16:02.26MiravlixAnd why is it in the banks interest to only support MS?
16:02.32ckknightanyone up and have a German client?
16:02.37AdrineBecause that's the easiest way to hit the majority of the userbase.
16:02.46wereHamsterwhat about java?
16:02.53MiravlixSupporting the internatonal standards gives you more customers
16:03.04AdrineBut what's the cost?
16:03.14Miravlixbut still people end up using one company's product and being impossible to run on anything else...
16:03.20_BLUA doesn't have "continue"?
16:03.29Wobin_It has break
16:03.35Wobin_but that's not as much help
16:03.41_BNot in this case
16:03.45AdrineIt's not Microsoft's fault that service providers target specific platforms, and it's smart business sense to target the largest demographic first.
16:03.51Wobin_You'll have to rejig the logic =)
16:04.06AdrineIt's the technically pure thing to do to target -all- demographics, but that's generally more expensive.
16:04.15wereHamsterAdrine, you can do that by writing software that runs on all platforms
16:04.28AdrinewereHamster: But then you have to hire people that can write that software.
16:04.51AdrineIf I don't know Java and I want to target a Java platform, I have to hire a Java developer at an additional cost
16:05.09Wobin_Adrine: HealCap is your mod, is it not?
16:05.09AdrineOr, I could do it my way, hit 90% of my demographic, and save the money I'd be paying the Java dev.
16:05.12AdrineWobin_: Yeah
16:05.20Wobin_Whereabouts can I get ahold of a copy?
16:05.22wereHamsterwhy did they hire C# developers in the first place? didn't they see the disadvantage?
16:05.48Wobin_Ta =)
16:05.55AdrineWho knows? I wasn't in on that business decision. :)
16:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:13.56Cide -- does anyone know why my frame never gets any events?
16:14.04CideI'm pretty clueless myself
16:14.45AdrineStupid question: Is it hidden?
16:15.21MentalPowerit shouldn't matter if its hidden or now
16:15.35Cideno, it receives onupdates (pretty sure, let me verify).. and like MentalPower said, event handlers still get events when hidden
16:15.45MentalPowerthat only matters for OnUpdate purposes
16:18.32wereHamsterfunction CT_RT_OnEvent(event) <= bad, event is a global variable
16:18.41Cidethat should still work
16:18.57CideI've used it before
16:19.12wereHamsterare you cure? is the OnEvent handler called with the first argument set to 'event' ?
16:19.23Cidethat way I can call CT_RT_OnEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") to simulate an event
16:19.44Cideactually, you're right.
16:19.50Cidebut I have no clue why that doesn't work
16:19.56wereHamsterCT_RT_OnEvent(myEvent) if (myEvent) then event = myEvent end ... end
16:20.02Cideyeah, easy fix
16:20.10Cidebut I've used it in tons of other places
16:20.28Cideblizzard too... "function ChatFrame_OnEvent(event)"
16:20.42MentalPowerbecause if the frame is an XML frame then you have that in your XML OnEvent
16:20.50Cidehmm, yeah. maybe
16:20.58Cideoh, right
16:21.02MentalPowerbut since the frame is dynamic you're hiding the global event variable
16:21.15Cideto accomplish that I would have to do SetScript("OnEvent", function() CT_RT_OnEvent(event) end)
16:21.20wereHamsterI'd do the same with the OnLoad callback: CT_RT_OnLoad(myFrame) if (myFrame) this = myFrame end .. .end
16:21.34CidewereHamster: not using that in the code now
16:21.41Cidewas just for debugging
16:22.24wereHamsterI've seen this construct in a blizzard code..
16:22.48Cidewhich construct?
16:23.00wereHamsterso they could call the function with a custom frame object or the default 'this'
16:23.08Cideah, yes
16:23.16CideActionButton_Update(button) has it, I believe
16:23.24wereHamsteryep, something like that
16:28.45Cidehehe, next problem
16:29.22Cideit prints "Checking to initiate raid..." and then nothing.
16:29.35Cidehow can it not execute one of the other CT_RT_Debug calls? :)
16:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
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16:40.58Crispixis Kirkburn around?
16:44.59JoshBorkeCide: that's odd
16:53.30Eraphine|LabCide, are custom debuff priorities not working properly in RA?
16:53.38Eraphine|LabI think I get arithmetic errors
16:54.08wereHamstercide, maybe CT_RA_Debug() refuses to print any further messages :)
16:54.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
16:55.07CideI fixed it
16:55.19CideEraphine|Lab: they should.. haven't heard that they aren't
16:55.28JoshBorkeCide: what was the fix?
16:55.31Eraphine|Labaight, I may need to clear some variables
16:55.53Cidemy CT_RT_IsRaidInitiated() function was doing some funky stuff
16:56.09Cideso I rewrote it, not sure what was actually causing it besides that
16:56.55Cideanyway, off I go! later
16:58.16ElkanoAnduinLothar, are you there? arch killed my target frame once again :/ (updated to the latest version :/ )
17:00.09_BIs there already a function that converts copper to g/s/c or am I writing that one myself?
17:00.27ckknightyou can steal my function from FuBarUtils
17:00.42_Bo rly
17:00.50Elkanobtw: a addon named !!warmup should load as first addon, shouldn't it? it loads last for me :/ even changing it's name to AAAA_Warmup didn't fix it :/
17:00.52ckknightwhy is your name _B?
17:01.02ckknightElkano, weird
17:01.05JoshBorkeElkano: are you sure it's loading last?
17:01.08_BBecause it != !_B
17:01.32_BOr for you LUA people, because it ~= not _B
17:01.52ElkanoJosh, since it tells me that all other addons have already been loaded, yes ^^ warmup should messure inital loading times and mem usages
17:02.12ckknightonly false and nil are "false" values, so by using your logic, I am you, which is wrong
17:02.21JoshBorkei don't have any problems with my warmup :-(  what if you add another !?
17:02.28ckknightsince not ckknight == not _B
17:02.45AnduinLotharhow did it kill it?
17:04.08_Blocal gold = floor(money / (COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD));
17:04.08_Blocal silver = floor((money - (gold * COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD)) / COPPER_PER_SILVER);
17:04.08_Blocal copper = mod(money, COPPER_PER_SILVER);
17:04.55_BIt's in the API, just not in a resuable function
17:04.59Elkanobtw: ckknight, there is still a problem with merged plugins:  shouldn't the ampty line be above the 2nd plugins name and not beyond?
17:07.27Elkanobtw: did you think about my idea of giving every plugin its own tooltip even if they are merged?
17:07.52ckknightI didn't know you gave me that idea
17:08.04ckknightand you can do that now
17:08.12ckknightthere are three kinds of merges
17:08.41ckknightinline, switch, and switchtext
17:08.55ckknighthonor's merge is switchtext
17:09.03ckknightwhich means the text will switch, but the tooltip is added on to
17:09.12ckknightthe switch type switches both
17:09.16ckknightthe inline type adds to both
17:10.07Elkanowell, I mean that if you add to the tooltip, you could add another tooltip under the first one
17:10.52Elkanoah, another thing I wanted to ask: what's the difference between data and fullData?
17:12.09ckknightdata is based on profile
17:12.13ckknightfullData is global no matter what
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17:58.55malrethhorray for friday!
18:00.41MiravlixDunno, WoW is more peacefull on weekdays
18:00.57MiravlixWeekends tend to cause more stress in game
18:01.19malrethwell, i won't be playing this weekend. goin' campin' instead.
18:01.50MiravlixOh then it sounds nice
18:22.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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18:31.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:34.23IrielBlizzard did something to their forums
18:34.34Kirovyeah, won't show 75 posts
18:34.45malrethyeah, noticed that too
18:35.01malrethsomeone needs to clean up our stickies...
18:35.47malrethfirst we need a new comprehensive FAQ
18:37.01malreththe "have a cool addon/macros?" stickies should go... no one reads them anyways
18:37.11malreththat old trojan warning should go
18:37.45malreththe old wow interface customization thread is superseded by the new addon kit
18:38.16malreththen we need the third party program enforcement thread to be made more obvious... like 24pt red bold text
18:38.47Cairennoh, you mean something like this that I started and asked for help getting sorted out, cleaned up, verified, etc?
18:38.59Cairennyou can see how much help I've received on it ...
18:39.07kremonteYou need help with something? :x
18:39.22kremonteI'm bored and wanna doooo something
18:40.13IrielI almost started a replacement tutorial and then 2 days later the new addon kit was announced
18:40.19IrielI agree that the old thread should probably go
18:41.11malrethhmm... i should make a tutorial on how to install addons.
18:41.25malrethsomething that even the most noobiest of noobs could follow
18:41.43Cairennmy faq covers it quite nicely
18:42.12IrielYeah, Cairenn's FAQ FTW
18:42.23IrielI even link it from the install document I now include with each of my addons
18:42.35kremontewhen i started it took me forever to find out how to install
18:42.44malrethno... some noobs are too noobie to even follow that right. it needs something more.
18:43.21kremontehah. make a little program that links to Addons/ for the desktop :p
18:43.55Cairennif you go to the actual FAQ on my site, it's even more extensive than what is in that thread
18:45.31Cairennwhat about the scripting and macro FAQs? recommend stay or go?
18:45.33Kalroth(this is where you ask what a FAQ is!)
18:45.45malrethi've thought about making a little program that associates itself with .toc files. you double-click the .toc and it installs the addon for you
18:45.51Cairenn(seeing what I can do about getting the forum tidied up)
18:47.22Cairenn and and
18:47.25Cairennstay or go?
18:47.35AdrineShammy review in 1.11
18:48.18malrethAdrine: "I am busy with shaman and mage. Shaman need more buffs!"
18:48.41AdrineI just want my rogue review. I think/.
18:48.48AdrineI want a hunter-style review. No pally review plz. >_>
18:48.57malrethCairenn: WoW Scripting Resources should be folded into your mega-faq
18:49.14Cairennmalreth: it already is, for all intents and purposes
18:49.21IrielWell the scripting faq is largely abused as 'how do I' stuff, maybe a single FAQ focussed on MAKING rather than USING stuff
18:49.28malreththen poof it goes
18:49.32KirovCairenn - WoW Scripting Resources needs to go.  Much of it is out of date
18:49.41KirovOr just out of place
18:49.50malrethisn't the wiki a good place for a lot of the macro FAQ stuff?
18:49.51KirovA list of every sound used by the UI is just silly
18:50.07KirovYeah, the wiki would be a perfect place for this
18:50.24KirovThe wiki also isn't officially supported
18:50.25Cairennyeah, that's what I thought too ... I've no idea if our recommendations will be followed or not, but figure it can't hurt to see if we can get them tidied up
18:50.49CairennI really *would* appreciate some help on The Definitive Mod and Macro FAQ :p
18:53.35Cairennokay, sent it off, no idea whether the recommendations will be followed or not, but worth a shot
18:55.15MiravlixCairenn, Problem is we aren't smart enough yet to know whats definitive
18:55.27MiravlixEvery day someone figures out a new way
18:55.46AdrineCairenn: What help do you need?
18:56.00CairennIf you go through the thread, you'll see
18:56.07AdrineThat requires me to do actual work :(
18:56.09Osagasuthe problem is that geniuses purposely go against whats definitive
18:56.14Osagasuand idiots too
18:56.32AdrineWhat would be REALLY neat...
18:56.43JoshBorkeis if you could do it with just your mind? a function that, on thread post, heuristically searches for potentially-similar threads
18:56.57AdrineAnd gives the user a chance to read them before allowing the new thread to go up
18:57.00MiravlixIt's very interesting watching how the UI community has changed and developed over the past year, the API hasn't changed insanely mutch, but what ppl have figured out to do with it, is oceans away from the beginning
18:57.15OsagasuI don't remember who said it, but "Genius has limits.  Idiocy is not thus handicapped"
18:58.18AdrineWhat's that quote? "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
18:58.19AdrineSo far, the Universe is winning."
18:58.42Cairennckknight: you really need to list dependencies in your FuBar (main) description
18:59.13grollhmm is hyperactive chipmunk or what he's called around here anytimes?`
18:59.16KirovAdrine - lol
18:59.26grollEvening Cairenn btw :D
18:59.33Cairenngroll: he's in the ace channel atm - #wowace
18:59.37Cairennand hey :)
18:59.46Cairennnp hun
19:00.33Osagasujust a little tangent of mine
19:00.40KirovCairenn - mu biggest complaint with a lot of "FAQ"s type posts is that they tend to get huge
19:00.50CairennKirov: I know
19:01.04MiravlixThe Essence of UI
19:01.38kremonteOsagasu: lol?
19:01.43kremonteoblivion is yuck IMO
19:01.48grollwei :D sisters of mercy in the headphones :D
19:02.08Kirovtocs are good, but unless they're actual links they're not super useful.
19:02.19Kirov(table of contents)
19:02.47Kirovthe average user doesn't usually think to use something like their browser's page search, etc.
19:03.06MiravlixYou can search?
19:03.27CairennKirov: not a lot I can do about it though, not on the Blizz forums ... on my own site, they are all nice links
19:03.39MiravlixI printed out the internet and is reading through all the pages.
19:03.51Wobin_I downloaded the internet once.
19:04.03KirovCairenn - There can be a link after each section that is #ed to the correct post
19:04.10Wobin_It told me I may have already won
19:04.20OsagasuWell, I'm a big - hex that, a REALLY big - fan of modularity
19:07.35KirovCairenn - stuff about backing up the saved variables is a little old
19:08.29Cairennso post how you would fix it, on the thread I linked, please?
19:08.35Kirovit doesn't make any mention of the fact that data is now stored in any one of several places (savedvariables folder in the main account folder, as well as each character's folder in each server folder)
19:08.50CairennI know
19:09.02CairennI said I needed help getting it cleaned up and sorted out
19:09.23Cairennit's always been the product of the entire UI community, not just me
19:10.03CairennI've just been the one maintaining it
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19:10.03AdrineThe first problem with a FAQ is getting people to read it.
19:10.04Cairennyeah, well =/
19:10.17AdrineBecause, to be honest, it takes much less time to click "new thread" and type "how i make marcos" than it does to open a thread and navigate to the relevant information.
19:10.45KirovYeah, those bastards on the forums are waaay to helpful
19:11.02wereHamsterisn't that because the forums search function doesn't work?
19:11.15kremonteYou need the slash at the end, Kirov
19:11.21kremontewereHamster: not that..
19:11.30kremonteKirov: you already sent messages afterwards
19:11.41kremontewereHamster: It's easier to make a new thread than to go onto the sticky
19:11.43kremontehit ctrl+f
19:11.46Wobin_oh dear god
19:11.47kremonteand type in what you're searching for.
19:12.05Kirovkremonte - but that only searches whats on the page, not in the posts
19:12.16Kirovand I agree with wereHamster
19:12.29kremonteStickies generally have their information on the main page
19:13.06Adrinekremonte: You're assuming basic intelligence
19:13.12KirovI've seen a lot of posts from people who have genuinly attempted to find the information, and as I mentioned before, the average user doesn't even know they can do ctrl+f in their browser, or at least the thought of using it doesn't dawn on them.
19:13.34kremonteAdrine: exactly.
19:13.39kremonteAdrine: I was referring to wereHamster and Kirov.
19:13.50Kirovthey see a seach on the forums, they try to use it, and nothing shows.
19:14.00KirovThey assume from there that the information doesn't exist
19:14.08kremonteKirov: exactly.
19:14.16KirovWhy read the stickies if the seach didn't find any information in them
19:14.19kremonteKirov: they would know if they read the stickies - which is exactly the purpose
19:14.29Kirov@#%! "working as intended"
19:15.06KirovYou know what "working as intended" stands for?  "we don't want to fix it"
19:15.44Kirovgrr ... ok, lunch
19:16.45JoshBorkeman, the forums still broken?
19:17.22grollbeing in a mood to party and playing wow sucks :/
19:17.46wereHamsterdoesn't the google query   " [search query]" work?
19:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
19:18.46wereHamsterif blizzard can't implement a search function they should at least try to integrate google
19:19.21Kirov|FOODwereHamster - that's even more extreme than using the search function in your browser
19:20.13wereHamsteras said, the browser searches only in the current page, not the whole foryum or thread
19:23.02Kirov|FOODwereHamster - and the average user doesn't do either. =)
19:25.19grollAnduinLothar u around?
19:26.58AnduinLotharnot for long, what's up
19:28.26JoshBorkeIriel: btw, I <3 your new dtchatevent, it's awesome :-)
19:28.54grolljust wondering how come latest cosmos havent been updated with ur mobileframes on curse :D
19:29.58malrethwindows update just fubared the video drivers on my work pc
19:30.16AnduinLotharit has
19:30.38AnduinLotharbut they are sepperate versions. the one on curse is stand-alone
19:30.38grollhmm it has? my patcher didnt say so :P
19:31.09AnduinLotharthe one in cosmos depends on sea and doesn't include the three embedable addons
19:31.21AnduinLotharer.. maybe just 1
19:31.23grollaha ok thanks :D
19:31.31AnduinLotharArch has 3
19:32.32grollbtw AnduinLothar who handles improvederrorframe?
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19:34.41AnduinLothari do
19:34.53AnduinLotharCosmos Staff more specificly
19:35.33grollok cause hmm well there is something funky with it :P
19:35.35CairennToastTheif: get BabbleLib
19:35.40krkahey peoples
19:35.48Cairennhey krka :)
19:35.54JoshBorkehi kremonte
19:35.55ToastTheifwtf is babblelib?
19:35.58AnduinLotharwhat about it groll
19:36.03JoshBorkehi krka
19:36.05JoshBorketab ftl
19:36.58grollAnduinLothar well i got a macro from legorol that made an output of all online in my guild pasted to the chatframe, and then it was put into imp error.. thing is as of 1.10 if i have more than ~35ppl online it dont work at all
19:37.46AnduinLotharwhy would it be in ief?
19:38.21grollso i can copy paste it
19:38.39grollneed it for my dkp page as it takes ages to write them manually :P
19:38.44AnduinLotharyou'll have to ask leg about it. i'm ff to class
19:39.03grollhehe ok see ya
19:39.51krkafast forwarding?
19:40.45grollff föräldrafritt :D
19:40.49Cidehas anyone tested how the performance of CreateFrame is?
19:45.00IrielNot yet, no
19:45.04ComicSansMSoO what are you up to now?
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19:54.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
19:54.52JoshBorke~wb purl
19:58.39JoshBorkethe site?
20:01.15Irielyeah, it may have moved into 'random' by now
20:01.18Irielwhich is below downloads
20:05.27Cidehey Iriel, you posted about your new devtools addition, to download the file
20:05.34CideI can't find it on your site; did you rename it?
20:06.45Kirov|FOODhmm, forums are doing "more" posts now
20:07.21Cidenevermind, I found it :)
20:08.21IrielCide: Was that you just not noticing it, or did I screw something up?
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20:09.16CideI downloaded which seems to have the chat event stuff
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20:12.48*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
20:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
20:13.27KirkburnAhoy, hoy ... Eyonix: "Your review will be completed in 1.11, along with the Mage -- just thought you'd like to know. :P
20:13.27KirkburnWe'll talk more soon..."
20:13.38KirkburnOops, he was talking about Shamans
20:15.49JoshBorkeok bye
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20:17.54Kirovmouse wheel to be action bindable in 1.11!
20:18.18zenzelezzuh oh... bet Night Elves will have Jump bound to it by default
20:25.52AdrineWhat do you mean by "action bindable"?
20:26.01AdrineI already use the mouse wheel for toggling autorun
20:26.27KirovAdrine - action buttons require an OnDown and OnUp, which the mouse wheel does not have
20:26.31*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg2 (n=wguru@
20:26.39AdrineOoh, UI buttons.
20:26.44KirovIf you try to bind something on the action bar to the mouse wheel you just get a pop up message saying you can't do it
20:26.46AdrineAs in middle-clicking UI elements.
20:27.06Kirovno, scroll wheel
20:27.17AdrineAh. Right.
20:27.34Kirov -- hmm
20:27.37zenzelezzUp: Shield. Down: Hearthstone
20:28.05KirkburnI'd rather have it as my zoom really
20:28.28Kirovsame here, but not everyone does
20:28.36KirovI just wish it'd zoom faster
20:28.43AdrineYou can change that via the console
20:28.49AdrineThe zoom speed, that is
20:28.50KirkburnAlthough, you would be able to do something like [shift]+[roll up] ?
20:28.56Depherios... the wheel is already bindable?
20:29.09DepheriosI have mine bound to targetting next/prev enemy
20:29.18KirovDepherios - on bindings that done require an up and down state
20:29.41Kirovforgot the / again
20:30.01KirkburnUseless =)
20:31.37malrethslouken's not a forum moderator, is he?
20:31.48Cairennhe's one of the programmers
20:31.57malreththat's what i thought
20:32.01Cairenneverything he does with the UI community, he does in his spare time
20:32.02malrethso he can't lock or delete posts
20:32.07Cairennyes, he can
20:32.08Cairennand does
20:32.32malrethso... he's not a moderator but he can moderate
20:32.49Kirovhe's not an official forum moderator, no
20:33.46KirovI'm guessing most of the blizzard employees, if they ask for it, could get moderation privileges
20:34.11AdrineHis job isn't moderation, but he has privileges.
20:34.39malrethi should have been more specific in my original question
20:34.42Kirovprivileges he has, though moderator he is not
20:35.09Kirovslouken melts faces in pvp
20:35.15malrethKirov: but does he have privileges to moderate?
20:35.16Cairennmalreth: is there a particular reason you ask?
20:35.40wereHamsterKirov: mouse wheel to be action bindable in 1.11! -- xmodmap ftw :)
20:36.44Kirovmalreth - I'm not sure how that has anything to do with forum moderation
20:37.42malrethit doesn't. the OP was totally mistaken
20:38.16Kirovpost title, right
20:38.30malrethand then i got to thinking, "slouken is just a lowly programmer earning a poor pittance at the hands of blizzard. can he even moderate forum posts here?"
20:39.03malrethso now i need his address to send him food. poor little man.
20:39.09KirovIf you read the stickies, you'd know he has moderation privileges.  =)
20:39.20malrethi don't read stickies. i just point them out.
20:40.16malrethoh yeah... i remember reading that months ago
20:43.32krkawhat does a frame need in order to receive onupdate-events?
20:43.43krkawould createframe + show be enough?
20:45.55malrethCreateFrame makes frames that are shown by default
20:46.07malrethso, CreateFrame and then a SetScript
20:46.53krkano need to set anchors / size or stuff
20:47.03malrethno... doesn't even need a parent or a name
20:47.33krkacool :)
20:47.41malrethlocal frame = CreateFrame("Frame"); frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function () --do stuff end)
20:47.50krkayeah, that's what i have atm
20:48.35malrethCreateFrame"Frame":SetScript("OnUpdate", function () -- foo end)
20:48.41malrethdunno if that's valid, though
20:49.08malrethbut that's probably not the best way to do it
20:49.12malrethand it's ugly
20:49.24krkait is?
20:49.25malrethnot to mention it's ugly
20:49.26_BAnd syntacticaly fubar?
20:49.46krkai am assuming there's a () around "Frame", other than that it's fine
20:49.47_BIs this SetScript stuff new, or old
20:49.51malrethbetter to do it with the local variable
20:49.55wereHamsterCreateFrame"foo" is the same as CreateFrame("foo")
20:49.57_BBecause it seems to me that in any case you can just use hooks instead
20:50.03CideCreateFrame("Frame"):SetScript("OnUpdate", function() stuff(); end);
20:50.05_BSo why would you use one or the other
20:50.12malrethwereHamster: is correct
20:50.14krkahooks are evil
20:50.28wereHamsterand func{} is the same as func({})
20:50.35_BThey're also the basis for the way almost every mod since ever functions
20:50.46wereHamstersyntactical suggar is what the lua folks call it :)
20:50.51krkanot really _B
20:51.02krkanone of my addons really use hooking
20:51.08malrethkrka: well, it makes better sense with the requires() function
20:51.10_BSyntactical sugar is a programming term before LUA
20:51.27_BThe function of the "@" symbol in C# is also considered syntactical sugar
20:51.38_BAnd some Java people want it
20:51.52wereHamsterand  tbl["foo"] is the same as .. in lua you can do things in very different ways
20:51.57malrethat the top of your .lua file, you'd have requires "module.lua" instead of requires("module.lua")
20:51.59_B@ = verbatim string literal
20:52.04Wobin_oh yeah
20:52.13krkadidn't know you could skip parentesis in function calls though
20:52.15_BMeans escapes are ignored
20:52.19krkayou learn something every day :)
20:52.28malrethkrka: only if the string literal is the only argument
20:52.29_Bkrka: same as you can in VB
20:52.29Wobin_but the one thing you can do with tbl["foo bar"] that you can't with the other way
20:52.30wereHamsterkrka, only for strings and tables I think
20:52.44_BLUA copies a lot of syntax from VB
20:52.45malrethkrka: and the table thing, too
20:52.55krkaWobin_, and dynamic strings
20:52.55_BIt even had endif
20:52.57malrethit's very useful when crunching macros under 255 chars
20:53.54malrethso, now with the CreateFrame function, we can make macros that autorepeat
20:55.06CideI like this term
20:55.08Cide"Another extension is syntactic saccharin. Just as saccharine sweetens without providing real calories, syntactic saccharine is purported to ease programming without actually doing so."
20:55.53krkayou mean like: /script if not a then a=CreateFrame("Frame")a:SetScript("OnUpdate", function()dostuff()end)
20:56.39KirkburnIriel: you were right about combining class reviews in patches btw
20:56.47malrethhow about /script CreateFrame("Frame)"SetScript("OnUpdate",function SendChatMessage("WTS [Krol Blade] 600g oh look super r@re!") end)
20:57.04Kirkburn1.11 is both shaman and mages
20:57.41malrethack... well, a colon where that errant double-quote is...
20:57.57malrethsyntax errors aside... that should get you disconnected right quick
20:59.29wereHamstermalreth, not if you have <1 fps :)
20:59.54malrethwereHamster: then it'll get you an account suspension
21:00.49malrethrogues are gonna be pissed that shamans are getting looked at first
21:01.28malrethoh, there'll be plenty of 'slap in the face' and 'i'm quitting' and 'i'm suing' and 'i'm gonna cut myself' posts
21:02.07Depherioslol, rogues might be getting crappier, but they still have more players than any other class lol
21:02.56wereHamsterwhy suddenly 2 classes in one patch?
21:03.15malrethshaman talents are actually really fubar
21:04.05KirkburnwereHamster ... they said they were gonna do all the class reviews before the expansion
21:04.16KirkburnThis just makes the expansion quicker :D
21:04.21CideI think
21:04.30KirkburnThat's good?
21:04.37Cideerr, I think it's because they want shaman to be on even ground with pallies for naxxramas
21:05.06AdrineThere is no way there are more rogue mains than hunters.
21:05.15wereHamsterI don't know.. I thought I'd make a timeout until the expansion arrives.. guess I won't have that much time
21:06.00KirkburnThe exact thing eyonix said was that they hope to get them all done for the expansion arrives, which suggests doubt. Which suggests an even earlier date for the release
21:07.44Cidedoubt it
21:07.57Cidethey stated they expect the beta test to begin some time before 2007
21:08.11wereHamstersomething from blizzard releases in time? never!
21:08.13Cidewhich suggests that it's still quite far away (I know they want to be on the safe side, but still)
21:08.43wereHamsteror wait.. they always say 'when it's done', right?
21:08.54Cidepretty much :)
21:09.03Cidewelcome back, Iriel!
21:09.20zenzelezz"when it's done" didn't scare me all that much before Duke Nukem Forever
21:09.32KirkburnTrue, but the very idea what Eyonix said they hoped to get them done in time (one day before the combined review annoucement), in my view, means something
21:09.32Cideblizzard delivers
21:09.46Cideprobably get them done before the beta test starts, then
21:10.45Depherios"when it's done" means "never" sometimes from blizzard lol. i.e. Warcraft Adventures/Starcraft Ghost
21:10.58AdrineI don't know about Adventures, but Blizzard wasn't doing Ghost.
21:11.03AdrineNihilistic was.
21:11.31Iriel_B: I'd say lua copies a lot of syntax from other languages, and vb also does
21:11.36Depherios... they bought out Swingin Ape
21:11.43Depheriosto make it
21:12.04zenzelezzare there any languages which don't borrow something these days?
21:12.06Irielmalreth, I think your example was broken "function() -- foo end" comments out the end.
21:12.22Irielzenzelezz : Excluding freakish experimental languages, I doubt it
21:12.33malrethit's only an example
21:13.46Cideghost will be done eventually I'm sure
21:13.56AdrineRuby's the most "different" mainstreamish language I've seen recently, and even it draws heavily on smalltalk and lisp
21:14.06KirkburnFar too much time has been spent on it for it to be abandoned
21:14.35malrethtoo many parenthesis... too many...
21:14.48AdrineYou'd like ruby then. It nearly completely eschews them :)
21:14.52Kirkburnmalreth, are you having some kind of 'verb-less' day?
21:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
21:15.15AdrineLots of functional inspiration, but very OO and parentheses are almost always optional. Heh.
21:15.15malrethKirkburn: why would i arbitrarily limit that to just one day?
21:15.29KirkburnThat is true, why limit yourself
21:15.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
21:15.45malrethbesides, verbs overrated
21:16.22KirkburnThat true
21:16.29AdrineNo, no "true dat"
21:16.38KirkburnSorry :(
21:16.51IrielI wonder if the 360 release messed up the ghost development schedule at all
21:17.14IrielIt was running on standard xboxen at blizzcon
21:17.49KirkburnIch liebe xboxen
21:18.29AdrineFrom what I heard from my QA guy at Nihilistic, Blizzard was very unhappy with the direction Nihilistic had taken with the project and pulled it.
21:18.38AdrineSo it was more design conflict than technical stuff, from what I gathered.
21:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:19.13zenzelezzjust a little bit
21:19.34KirkburnA little bit more
21:21.21Guillotineok. so I am planning on finishing Elkano's idea for an addon that colors names based on a simple hash of their names. I came up with a simple formula that should provide variation, but I'd like to pass it by everyone
21:21.55krkasounds cool
21:22.14KirkburnOooh, hints about E3!
21:22.48wereHamsterhas someone here been at E3 ?
21:22.52Depherioscleanchat already does that Guillotine (not to say you should stop but you might want to take a look at how they did it)
21:23.11Guillotineill have to look at that depherios
21:23.17DepheriosI almost went last year but my work limits how many of us can take off lol
21:23.20IrielGuillotine : Are you using djb2 or something similar?
21:23.25IrielGuillotine :
21:23.28Depheriosand I was low man on the totem pole
21:23.29wereHamsterI'd like to go, but it's so far from europe :(
21:23.31Guillotineno. made my own formula
21:24.24Elkanooh, hiho Guillotine :)
21:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
21:25.17Guillotine1. Assign a prime number (other than 1) to every letter
21:25.19Guillotine2. assign each letter a number between 2 and 27
21:25.21Guillotine3. color.r = prime value of the first letter to the power of its position+1 (2) times the prime value of the second letter to the power of its position+1, ect. (modulo 256)
21:25.22Guillotine4. color.g = addition of all sequencial letter values multiplied by color.r (modulo 256)
21:25.24Guillotine5.  color.b = prime values of all letters multiplied times color.g (modulo 256)
21:25.36Guillotineit seems to me that it would provide variation for even small changes
21:25.44kremonteand why the special name colors? :p
21:26.37Guillotineso you can identify people by the colors (see )
21:26.43IrielHm, i'd have gone with something mor elike this:
21:26.45Guillotinecompletely elkano's idea
21:26.50Iriel1) Use an existing hash like djb2
21:26.51Elkanowell, ColoredWhispers was based on the idea to help you distinguish between different players you're talking to at the same time by different colors
21:27.01krkai'd just use djb2 and keep a table of colours to use
21:27.17Iriel2) Mask off the lower 8-12 bits
21:27.29Iriel3) Use the result as an input to a 'color wheel' function
21:27.58IrielThe latter being basically the 'H' of an HSV approach
21:28.11IrielKeep S and V constant so things stay visually consistent
21:28.18Elkanoatm, colored whispers does this by simply chosing a random value for the color but unfortunatly that can give you similar looking colors for similar names and if you're unlocky hardly readable names because auf missing contrast between text and background
21:28.32IrielMaking r, g, and b separate is asking for trouble andunreadable names
21:28.40IrielVary just the color, keep the other aspects constant
21:29.01Elkanohaving a hash function that is likely to asign different values for similar names would at least help solve  the first problem
21:29.03Guillotinebut then I'd have to come up with a list of hundreds of readable colors
21:29.30IrielJust derive it mathematically
21:29.36Irielfind an HSV -> RGB function
21:29.40Irielvary H, fix S, V
21:29.44Irielinstant hundreds of colors
21:29.52krkairiel makes a good point :)
21:29.53Adrine256, to be precise!
21:30.00Irielno, you can get more than 256
21:30.10krkabtw, you could also try to use the name length
21:30.15Wobin_worst tank ever
21:30.19krkapeople with different name lengths can easily share colours
21:30.20AdrineEach component of HSV is 0-255, isn't it?
21:30.28AdrineOr am I confused again.
21:30.33Adrine(which happens often.)
21:30.41krkait can be any precision
21:30.43Guillotinebut you can have 243.2343
21:30.45IrielNo, each component of HSV is 0-1
21:30.55Irielquantized to whatever scheme you want, or not at all
21:31.00AdrineWell, sure, but if we're talking integers, 0-255
21:31.07Irielfolks are just used to 0-255
21:31.18wereHamsterlua doesn't differentialte between integers and floats
21:31.51malrethplus, you can vary saturation mildly to give pastel variants of any given hue
21:32.05Irielthat's true also
21:32.09Irielbut you dont want to go too far
21:32.19IrielAnyway, I'd really recommend using something like djb2
21:32.32krkai suggest sha-1!
21:32.32Guillotinei don't get djb 2 >_<
21:32.39Irielit's tried and true, I regret not doing it 'properly' when I did bookworm
21:32.58malrethlater all
21:33.21krkawereHamster, yes, i do think lua differentiates integers and floats on some level
21:33.27krkafor table keys for instance
21:33.30Cidehum.. I wonder what addon (if any?) is messing with my [playerName] has come online. system messages
21:34.04IrielNo, it doesn't really
21:34.04Cidethe link itself works fine (shift-click for /who), but for example, a rogue named "Rast" just logged on. I got the message "[(x"(x"] has come online."
21:34.06AnduinLotharya, i was getting [(null)] has come onile.
21:34.09Iriel(to the int/float thing)
21:34.25CideI got [/PO/PO] earlier
21:34.30GuillotineCide, I have that too
21:34.31Cidereally weird.
21:34.33Irielit does differentiate between non-integer doubles and integer doubles, in the array sense
21:34.47GuillotineI even had that with no addons on the test server though
21:34.59AnduinLothardid they change ChatFrame_OnEvent?
21:35.01GuillotineI thought they had fixed it, but its still appearing with some addon or another
21:36.19Cideit only happens sometimes, no clue where it might stem from
21:36.26Cideseeing as the link itself works
21:36.32IrielBut only when it has to, tables get to choose how they handle 'integer' keys.
21:37.08CideIriel: /dtchatevent is awesome. thanks
21:37.13IrielCide: 8-)
21:37.35Cidehehe, the first message I clicked had someone who typed "no clue"
21:37.55Cideand it said arg1="No clue", I was a bit confused whether DevTools had AI or not
21:37.56IrielCide: Half way through playing last night I realized that I completely didn't notice it was enabled, which is exactly what'd hoped for from it.
21:37.58Cideuntil I actually read the message
21:38.18IrielI thought about color coding strings versus numbers
21:38.24Irielif anyone still wants that I can do it
21:38.37Cidein the tooltip?
21:39.42CideI don't think it's necessary
21:40.04IrielThat's the conclusion i'd reached after putting "'s (and escapes in the code) around stringy stuff
21:40.10IrielBut I figured i'd make sure others agreed
21:40.22Guillotinecould I have the link to the new dtchatevent? ^_^
21:40.30IrielMy site
21:40.40Guillotinety mcuh :)
21:40.42Irieloops, pre1, not dev1
21:42.10Guillotineso what does djb2 mean by "h = ((h << 5) + h) + c"?
21:42.21Guillotinewhat is <<?
21:42.29Cideshifted to the left
21:42.37Cidein binary
21:42.53Irielyou'll want bitlib
21:43.22GuillotineI guess I might as well put this into a seperate file for anyone else that wants djb2 in lua :/
21:43.24krkaor just multiply
21:43.40krkajust do h = 33*h + c
21:44.25Guillotineand what is c?
21:44.38krkaa character in the string
21:44.49Kirovthe speed of light?
21:45.03CideI'd agree with Kirov ;)
21:45.05Guillotinehow are you adding a string to an inteter?
21:45.20Cideit'd interpret it as an integer, if you are
21:45.35Guillotineyou can do that in lua?
21:45.59Guillotineand h would be...
21:46.14Wobin_Any warriors here?
21:46.34GuillotineI have a lvl 19 warr twink. does that help?
21:46.40Wobin_probably not
21:46.41CideI have a level 28 warrior
21:46.49AdrineI have a 22 warrior
21:46.51Wobin_But you still could probably have tanked better than my last one
21:46.59kremonte49 warrior, Wobin_ ;/
21:47.03AdrineAnd a rogue with a bunch of +def/+parry gear that likes to tank stuff.
21:47.16kremonte+ i play a 60 warrior
21:47.22Wobin_I think he subscribed to the school of Hit Stuff With A Stick With A Pointy End On It
21:47.31kremonteWobin_: what ye' need?
21:47.35Wobin_I died three times trying to keep him alive
21:47.48Wobin_apparantly I hadn't "adapted" to his style fast enough
21:47.59Wobin_I want to know if there's a tanking style where you ignore the healer =P
21:48.09AdrineI think it's called "mass suicide"
21:48.09kremontewhat do you mean ignore the healer?
21:48.21Guillotineif he ignores you, you ignore him
21:48.22IrielGuillotine : h is the 'current hash'
21:48.24kremontei never pay much attention to healing :)
21:48.27Guillotineiriel: thank you
21:48.28IrielGuillotine : you initialize to the specified starting value
21:48.31Wobin_If the healer is being whaled upon by mobs, you don't do anything =P
21:48.35kremonteno ;p
21:48.36IrielGuillotine : Then you mask it off at 32 bits each time
21:49.09GuillotineIriel: so do you do this one letter at a time or all at once?
21:49.21IrielYou run the loop one letter at a time
21:49.30Irielthe result when you've processed all of the letters is your 'hash'
21:49.39Irielthen you'd want to % it against some reasonable value
21:49.54krkai was in maraudon with a crappy warrior recently
21:50.05krkai just frost bolted the one the warrior was attacking
21:50.07kremontei did maraudon recently, and i am a crappy warrior :x
21:50.15krkaand waited a few seconds before casting
21:50.18krkastill, i always got aggro
21:50.21krkabloody annoying
21:50.26kremontewhat is "a few seconds"?
21:50.36kremonteand what was the warrior's level in comparison to the mob? ._.
21:50.48krkahm... around the same
21:50.58kremontewell, 1 lvl + means glancing blows ;p
21:51.01krka52 warrior i think
21:51.13kremontei tanked mara fine at 48 ;/
21:51.14krkai am 50 mage
21:51.18kremontewas he tanking in berserker stance ? lol
21:51.35krkayeah, had to convince him to go into defensive
21:51.43kremonteTHAT WOULD BE WHY.
21:51.45krkahe said he did more damage with serk
21:51.53AdrineYeah, but that -60% threat's a real bitch.
21:51.57krkai pointed out that maybe me and the hunter should do most of the damage
21:52.15Kirovpff, silly mage
21:52.20KirovDon't they know they should tank?
21:52.25krkawow would be fun if i didn't have to team up with idiots
21:52.48krkathink i've had 2-3 good groups total
21:52.52krkabetween 1 and 50
21:52.55kremontedefensive stance = 10% more threat, 10% damage mitigation, 10% less damage done
21:53.06kremonteberserker stance = 3% more crit, 10% more damage taken, 0% more threat
21:53.15Adrine(Sorry, not 60%)
21:53.18kremonteand he has um... whirlwind and berserker rage? :b
21:53.20AdrineZerker is -20% threat
21:53.23AdrineSame as the rogue innate
21:53.28krkanot sure how you should play a warrior, but isn't sunder armor the best way to get more aggro?
21:53.31kremontedoesn't say that on the tooltip, Adrine :/
21:53.37kremontekrka: generally.
21:53.39Cidezerker would be -10% threat :)
21:53.41kremonteheroic strike as well
21:53.47kremonteah, 10%
21:53.47Cide-20% compared to defensive
21:53.52Adrine ?
21:54.13Cidemaybe I was wrong, I was just going with what kremonte said
21:54.17KirovAdrine - thottbot isn't always right
21:54.20kremontenope, Adrine
21:54.21kremontethat's a lie
21:54.29kremontei don't know about zerker threat (doesn't say anything in game)
21:54.29KirovIt has some spell ranges listed as 300 yards. =)
21:54.36kremontebut defensive stance is +10%
21:54.40AdrinePositive? I've had guild wars say the same to me...
21:54.47Cidespells don't lie
21:55.00AdrineLemme see if I can find that other link...
21:55.43krkaone time i was in ZF with a hunter that didn't even have a shield
21:55.48krkawarrior i meant
21:55.54kremontekrka: lawl
21:56.27KirkburnDamn those hunters!
21:56.32KirovOne of my old guild's warriors got to level 60 and never used a shield
21:56.37KirovHe refused to use a 1h
21:57.06Kirovcrazy ass damage, except that I out dpsed him on my hunter with ease and the paladin did all the tanking.
21:57.36AdrineHm. The Defensive tooltip says "Decreases damage taken by 10% and damage caused by 10%. Increases threat generated.", but doesn't give a number.
21:57.37kremontelemme guess, MS
21:58.06krkai do think warriors and priests have a harder time in groups though... more obvious if they play bad
21:58.13krkamy mage seems like easy mode
21:58.28kremontetank/healing needs to pay more attention
21:58.33Kirovpriest get blaimed if the party wipes
21:58.34kremonteand they get blamed more for shit, especially healers
21:58.40Adrine - this page agrees with me, too :)
21:58.40Kirovwarriors get noticed when they suck
21:58.47Kirovand the hunter gets blaimed for bad pulls
21:58.49Adrine-20% in battle/zerker, +30% in defensive. :)
21:58.53kremontenot really
21:58.58kremontewarriors get blamed when they lose aggro
21:59.00krkamage gets blamed for not making water fast enoguh
21:59.07kremontekrka: lawl, never seen that one
21:59.14kremontei see warriors get blamed when like
21:59.19AdrineI still say that Conjure Water should be a -threat move
21:59.29kremontea mage PI AP trinket pyroblast crits
21:59.29AdrineThe mobs all "Oh, he's just serving drinks, I'll ignore him"
21:59.32kremonteand takes aggro..
21:59.33Tem|WoWI haven't made water for someone else in the raid in a longass time
21:59.56Tem|WoWI make all my underling mages do all the water business
22:00.14Adrine agrees with me too. >_>
22:00.15KirovI love mages who give me a stack of like 7 water
22:00.19Adrine"In Battle Stance and Berserker Stance, all threat from a Warrior is multiplied by 80%. In defensive stance, the multiplier is 130%. With Defiance, it is 145%."
22:00.23Guillotinewould there be a simple one line code to perform a function on every letter of a string that I'm just not thinking of?
22:00.27krkaalso, wouldn't the best tanking strategy for just a few mobs at the time to focus on one mob at the time? our warrior in mara kept switching all the time
22:00.41AdrineGuillotine: I forget, but I think Lua supports string indexing
22:00.45Tem|WoWKirov: what class do you play?
22:00.51KirovTem - Hunter
22:00.56IrielGuillotine : string.gsub with . as the pattern, but it could be more hassle than its worth
22:01.00krkahunter is also kinda easy mode, imo
22:01.06Adrineso for n = 1, length(str) do myFunc(str[i]); end
22:01.06Tem|WoWKirov: we hate you for asking for water
22:01.07IrielGuillotine : Since you'll have to maintain state in a function somewhere etc
22:01.08krkaexcept that keeping pet happy is annoying
22:01.18KirovThere are mages that always give you like 4 stacks of water and 2 stacks of rolls
22:01.28kremonteKirov: other way around
22:01.30Kirovthen there are those that give you what ever is on them.
22:01.34Wobin_I met a very nice mage tonight
22:01.40KirovOr just part of their own stack.
22:01.42Wobin_She gave me 6 stacks of CW
22:01.43krkai tend to give one stack of water
22:01.44kremontemost mages are nice. then there are the mages you know of
22:01.48kremontethe whiney crybabies
22:01.49IrielI would expect a loop and string.sub to be the most effective solution
22:01.54krkaif people don't say what they want, i am not gonna be guessing
22:01.55KirovI usually think one stack of water is fine.
22:02.03KirovI always thank mages for giving me water though.
22:02.04Tem|WoWthere is nothing more annoying to a mage than a hunter with less than half the mana that the water will return
22:02.08IrielOops, ignore that, I MEANT
22:02.11kremonteTem|WoW: lol
22:02.13Tem|WoWasking for a full stack of crystal water
22:02.16KirovTem - I have 5000 mana
22:02.17Wobin_Well, it depends on whether the mage is in the party or not =P
22:02.23kremonteKirov: get more agi!
22:02.25krkahunters mana usage is underrated
22:02.29kremontemy warlock barely has 5k mana :/
22:02.33kremonteoh , hunters do use a lot of mana
22:02.35Kirovkre - 540 agi
22:02.35kremontebut they have a low mana pool
22:02.35IrielI would imagine for i=1,string.len(str) local c=string.byte(str, i), ..., end
22:02.36krkahunters do use a lot of mana and have a non-trivial mana pool
22:02.39Wobin_My hunter runs out of mana quite fast
22:02.39kremonteKirov: LIE
22:02.49Kirovkrem - 7/8 dragonstalker
22:02.50Irielis the most effective, it doesn't create any substring objects, just indexes str
22:03.01kremonteDS has that much int? o_O
22:03.02KirovA guildie has 610 agi
22:03.05IrielGuillotine : do local strbyte = string.byte beforehand too, if you want
22:03.12kremonte7/8 nemesis, i have ~5.8k mana
22:03.12Kirovthis is fully buffed mind you
22:03.15CideKirov: alliance?
22:03.16KirovI have just under 4k unbuffed
22:03.16kremontewith gnome racial
22:03.25Kirovcide - dorf hunter
22:03.28Cidefigured :)
22:03.28kremonteCide: go away, horde scum!
22:03.46Kirovcide- lol
22:03.49krkai have 4.5k mana at level 50, unbuffed
22:03.51Kirovwhat's that supposed to mean?
22:03.51krka<-- suxxor
22:04.14Cidethat means he'd have 530 agi on horde side, where it matters :)
22:04.18kremonteTem|WoW: i know what you mean
22:04.21kremonteCide: eh?
22:04.28krkahunters never have to do party with anyone before level 60 :P
22:04.31krkakinda explains a lot
22:04.32kremonteBoK, you mean?
22:04.45kremontewtb windfury
22:04.46Kirovhehe, fair enough.
22:04.49kremontei love that debate
22:04.57CideI'm not going to start another debate
22:05.01Kirovpersonally, the only pally buff I care about is salvation
22:05.11Cidewhat class?
22:05.14kremontei usually bitch at pallies that give me salv
22:05.16kremonteand ask for a kings
22:05.19Wobin_I like Salv
22:05.21AdrineMight plz.
22:05.24Wobin_But that was before I dinged
22:05.26Cideyou can have all buffs
22:05.26AdrineKings is nice
22:05.27AdrineBut might plz.
22:05.28krkawhat are those?
22:05.30Wobin_Oh BTW, Yay!!! 60!!!
22:05.44Cidewe need 8 shaman with 4 totems each to get even remotely close :(
22:05.49Wobin_A dorf priestess named Rikitikitavi =)
22:05.52krkai am a friendly mage, i give out arcane int for "mouseover"
22:05.56krkano need to choose buff to give
22:05.57Cideand then we still get either windfury, grace of air or tranquil air
22:05.59Cidenot all in one
22:06.21AdrineI would loooove to have grace of air.
22:06.23kremonteCide: there are really only 3 pally buffs that are used often
22:06.28KirovI'm still waiting for the salvation nerf to %10
22:06.31Cidebut you can easily have all of them on everyone
22:06.34kremonteBoK is a talent, then there's salv and might/wisdom (per-class)
22:06.34Wobin_Salv, kings, wisdom?
22:06.36AdrineRogue threat isn't too hard to manage if you're careful, really.
22:06.48AdrineHunter threat is a joke.
22:06.55kremontea joke?
22:06.56Wobin_Hunter threat == FD
22:07.01AdrineFall over every 30 sec = no threat
22:07.07CideAdrine: yeah, but then you don't get windfury (might?) or tranquil air (salv)
22:07.14kremontei love when hunters/rogues brag about damagemeters
22:07.37kremonteoh sorry for not doing as much dps as you, i can't feint/vanish/feign, i just sit there and die == 0 dps
22:07.51Wobin_or 0 healing =P
22:08.05kremontehealing meters are a joke, they dont mean anything :/
22:08.11Cideoh well, I'm not going to complain, I like being horde
22:08.17kremontewtb wotf
22:08.17krkadamagemeter is a poor way of showing skill in group
22:08.28Cidewotf really is useless in all but one fight :)
22:08.38Kirovkrka is decent for damage classes, though it doesn't really show that you're killing the right person.
22:08.39Cideexcluding pvp
22:08.41Wobin_Although, I would like a notifier for heals.. I might try JB's
22:08.43Cideand well, it's useless there too
22:08.50Adrinedamage meters are useful for rogues, because if a rogue can't do damage they're useless.
22:08.53Cideunless you're the MT (we have zero undead tanks)
22:08.54AdrineWell, in raids.
22:09.06AdrineIn small-scale runs, you can stun and do minimal CC
22:09.10KirovCide - are their any plans from the CT crew to make a "meters" type mod?
22:09.11kremontepure DPS classes will almost always beat mages/warlocks
22:09.22AdrineBecause they have nothing else to do, kremonte
22:09.27Cidebut seeing as I'm the only coder, it'll be a while
22:09.27krkai thought mage was pure dps :/
22:09.28kremonteAdrine: exactly
22:09.33AdrineWe have a warlock that utterly blows up the charts in MC before Garr
22:09.33kremontethus, damagemeters mean nothing :p
22:09.37Wobin_Y'know.. I think I worked it out
22:09.40KirovFrom the popularity of CTMod, you guys have about the only chance anyone has of making a real overhealing monitor
22:09.44kremonteCide: omg, i'll join the crew! ^_^
22:09.44AdrineHe sustains 470+ DPS up till then. It's surreal.
22:09.50Cideour list of things to do is 6+ pages in word, at 10pt
22:09.56kremonteAdrine: SM/ruin
22:09.59AdrineThen he hits Garr and the rogues are all "lawls, see ya!"
22:09.59kremonteor DS/ruin
22:10.02kremonteor SM/DS
22:10.04KirovCide - hehe
22:10.05Wobin_That tank was doing 5man scholo (with a 57 rogue no less) like it was a 10 man raid with full 60s and he was offtank =P
22:10.07AdrineI think he's SM/ruin
22:10.09krkawhat is a mages role, except dps?
22:10.16Cideyeah, there's a bunch of stuff I could implement into ctra that would hardly work outside of it
22:10.19AdrineDecursing decursing decursing
22:10.25kremontei have imp imp, i have to run around and keep imps near tanks ( i can't sac for +15% dps )
22:10.25krkai thought that was priests and stuff?
22:10.30Cidestill toying with the whiteboard idea
22:10.30AdrinePriests are busy healing
22:10.34kremonteonly decursing classes are mages and druids, krka
22:10.38krkapriests, shaman, paladin, drudi
22:10.41AdrineThey can decurse, but makes and druids make better primary decursers
22:10.45AdrinePriests cna't decurse
22:10.47AdrineThey can remove magic
22:10.48AdrineBut not curses
22:10.51krkai only have remove lesser curse
22:10.56kremontekrka - and?
22:10.58KirovCide - I built a ping checker in to my guild's ctra
22:10.59krkado i get a better one later?
22:10.59kremontelesser means nothing ;/
22:11.06kremonteit's just remove curse
22:11.07AdrineIt removes curses
22:11.09Cideevery since decursive, decurse = remove <insert debuff type>
22:11.10krkaoh :)
22:11.11Kirovgreat for those people who cry "sorry, my ping is bad."
22:11.22AdrineCide: Heh, yeah
22:11.26Kirov"No, you're ping is 230, stop sucking"
22:11.30krkaheh, i've never recursed in party :P
22:11.35krkamaybe i should start
22:11.37Adrine"Decurse" has become synonymous with "un-debuff"
22:11.42krkai'll add a GRAB-button for that
22:12.04Cidehow often does it send that, Kirov?
22:12.16AdrinePaladins should get an aura like Grounding Totem that sucks up debuffs on their party members.
22:12.18Cidepeople still have illusions that ctra uses chat messages to display health and mana
22:12.18KirovCide only on /ralat
22:12.18AdrineThat would rule.
22:12.22kremonteanyways, Cide, i don't doubt that there would be many people willing to help with CTMod ;)
22:12.29CideI'm sure
22:12.38Kirovsince I realized that /raping would be a bad slash command
22:12.43Cidebut we haven't wanted to get another coder
22:12.45krkawhat people want isn't the same as what people can :)
22:13.43KirovCide - oh, random question, have you every tried adding some of the other slash commands in to the drop down menu?
22:13.49Kirov(the minimap dropdown menu)
22:14.01Cidehaven't really thought about it
22:14.05KirovEvery time I've tried it I run accross a curious bug which causes the UI to hide itself.
22:14.05Cideit has the possibility to be rather huge already
22:14.21Cidethat's weird
22:14.31Cidethough, I must say, the dropdown code is rather screwy
22:14.42KirovI debugged that one for a while with out an success.
22:14.51Cidehave you run into the bug where it closes after anywhere between .1 and .5 sec after opening, all the time?
22:14.55Tem|WoWone of these days I'm going to write a dropdown lib
22:15.03KirovCide -yeah
22:15.08AdrineCide: Mine does that sometimes
22:15.12CideI found the reason why it happened once
22:15.13Cidebut I forgot what it was
22:15.19KirovCide - hehe
22:15.20kremontewait, why is the dropdown so complex? :C
22:15.22AdrineI suspect it's possibly related to another mod messing with something
22:15.25kremonteisn't it just showing/hiding a frame? :x
22:15.27Cideonly happens either first load, or after reloaduis
22:15.34Cideit is rather complex, yeah
22:15.37AdrineAnother question --
22:15.47Cideit has a bunch of functionality (that, I must say, is rarely used)
22:15.52AdrineAnyone notice that scrolling -up- a list causes the client's FPS to drop horridly?
22:15.54kremontewhat functionality? o_O
22:16.04AdrineI've profiled my code out the wazoo and can't find anything that would slow it down like that
22:16.05Cidedisplaying color swatches, nested menus
22:16.23AdrineBut when I scroll up a list (not down), my FPS drops into the 3-5 range till I'm done scrolling
22:16.33Cideno clue on that, Adrine... seems very weird
22:16.36KirovAdrine - hmm, I've not actually used a FauxScrollFrame yet, only ScrollFrames
22:16.38Tem|WoWlol slouken is goofy
22:16.53kremonteTem|WoW: ?
22:17.04Tem|WoWsee the 1.11 changes thread
22:17.18AdrineYou can observe it in Sanity, if any of you use it
22:17.19Cidein any case, regarding closing dropdowns.. it was something about only happening first load or (can't remember which) any subsequent reload
22:17.27AdrinePull up an inventory listing, scroll to the bottom, scroll to the top
22:17.32KirovSanity has a lot of slow down issues, actually.
22:17.35AdrineDoesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it's noticable.
22:17.46AdrineKirov: I've been optimizing it lately :)
22:17.51AdrineNext release should be substantially faster.
22:17.53KirovI've been wanting to look in to it because most of the time I have to turn it off.
22:17.54Cidehad something to do with the countdown timer for closing dropdowns not resetting when opened
22:18.13AdrineDo you have specific complaints? I'd love to know where to specifically look
22:18.16KirovAdrine - make sure you fix the bug where if you move something out of your bank in to your bags it continues to show it in your bank AND your bags
22:18.31AdrineHm. Never run into that one, but I'll check it.
22:18.33KirovEquipment swap mainly as far as slow down goes
22:18.59AdrineWell --
22:19.07AdrineI've noticed there's a minor ui lockup when you switch equipment out
22:19.27kremonteit's not the UI
22:19.30kremonteit's the model changing :)
22:19.31Kirovyeah, that's always present, but it's a lot worse with sanity.
22:19.35Kirovnot sure why
22:19.43AdrineSanity does a re-scan of your inventory when your bags change
22:19.48AdrineSo that's quite possibly why
22:19.50Tem|WoWWe require more vespene gas.
22:19.53AdrineI DID find a major slowdown point
22:19.59Cideuh oh, make sure you disable that on PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD :)
22:20.04AdrineI have :)
22:20.09AdrineSanity is zoning-friendly
22:20.13KirovAdrine - do you scan all bags, or just the one that is changed?
22:20.20AdrineAll of them, right now
22:20.28Cidedo we get to know which one actually changed?
22:20.31AdrineFor the most part, the scan is fast...
22:20.39Kirovit's arg1 of BAG_UPDATED
22:20.40Adrine...but I found a very specific slowdown point
22:21.01AdrineI was doing a sort every time I called SanityRefresh(), which isn't necessary most of the time
22:21.07Tem|WoWbut it doesn't tell you the slots
22:21.09Tem|WoWwhich sucks
22:21.09AdrineFactored that out in my dev version and it's a -lot- faster now
22:21.15AdrineI don't need the slots so much. bag should speed it up.
22:21.28AdrineI do develop on a stupidly fast machine, so I probably don't notice slowdown as much as some.
22:21.52AdrineBut, I added switchable profiling code to my dev version, which is helping
22:22.01KirovTem - considering I have 2 18 slot bags and 3 16 slot bags, it's slow to scan all of them
22:22.30Kirovespecially since they're all usually full
22:22.46Tem|WoWKirov: I have no idea what you are taling about.  I was saying the the BAG_UPDATE event sucks in that it doesn't tell you which slot of the bag changed
22:23.01Wobin_Use SpecialEvents =)
22:23.07Tem|WoWindeed :)
22:23.22KirovTem - yeah, but narrowing it down to 1 bag instead of all 5 is a lot lot better
22:23.34Tem|WoWbut there is room for improvement
22:23.54zespriThis is wierd - I don't have a parent for my tooltip and I SetOwner but still owner disappears sometimes
22:24.11Tem|WoWso just call SetOwner before every attempt to read from it
22:24.21zespriit's in OnUpdate - so I can't
22:24.30KirovI've taken to doing that as well.
22:24.36Kirovwhich is so painful
22:24.40Tem|WoWwhy are you reading from a tooltip in an OnUpdate?
22:24.50KirovIt's doubling the time it takes to read a tooltip
22:25.05Tem|WoWKirov: where did you get that info?
22:25.45KirovTem - on SetOwner doubling the time it takes to read tooltips?
22:25.53Tem|WoWI think SetOwner is smart enough to do nothing when it's not needed.  Like Show or Hide
22:25.58Tem|WoWKirov: yeah
22:26.00KirovIt's not
22:26.10Tem|WoWyou test that?
22:26.27Tem|WoWthis is the first I hear of it
22:26.40Kirovdebugprofilestart() for i=1, 5000 do GameTooltip:SetOwner(blah) end message(debugprofilestop())
22:26.50Kirov(blah) being real stuff
22:27.34KirovIt's slower than all the other Set commands by themselves to begin with.
22:27.45Kirovtwice as slow as a ClearLines()
22:28.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
22:29.40Tem|WoWthere are 3 things I hate dealing with in addon coding
22:29.49Tem|WoW1) Tooltip Scans
22:29.54Tem|WoW2) Drop down menus
22:29.57Tem|WoW3) String parsing
22:30.23ckknightstring parsing is easy
22:30.41Guillotineanybody know of a formula once I have RGB in 0-1 to hex?
22:30.51Tem|WoWGuillotine: you can use String.format
22:30.56Cidedropdowns are rather easy, actually
22:31.06Cidethey are just... annoying and sometimes buggy
22:31.09Tem|WoWCide: yes, they are easy, but a pain
22:31.13ckknightformat("%02x%02x%02x", r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
22:32.12Guillotinety much :)
22:32.26Cidethe way you pass values is annoying to say the least
22:32.59Tem|WoWthe tables to AddButton?
22:33.15Tem|WoWit's not so bad if you have a static menu and can reuse the same table
22:33.27Cideno, but info.value and all of that
22:33.34Cideespecially with nested menus
22:33.52KirovMy favorite is if another menu rebuilds itself when you have another open, it's possible the one that's open will corrupt itself
22:33.55Guillotineif anybody wants to look through , I would be very grateful :)
22:35.57wereHamstermath.floor(r * 255) ?
22:36.19Kirovfloor works with out the math.
22:36.20Cidehaha, Iriel, you're right
22:36.43wereHamsterI don't know how lua behaves in format("%2.2x", 0.1) ..
22:37.21CideI totally just thought "where did that [#] go?" and then I typed /dtchatevent only to get "... is now disabled".. and I look again, only to see it on every single line :)
22:37.57CidewereHamster: that returns "00"
22:38.15wereHamsteryep.. lua floor()s the number :)
22:38.34krkawhy not math.floor(r*256)?
22:38.45krkaif 0 < r < 1
22:38.49Guillotineis something wrong with math.mod?
22:39.05Guillotinewait, what?
22:39.06Kirovto translate krka, rgb is a 0-255 scale, not 1-256
22:39.37wereHamsterkrka, and lua does the floor() for you :)
22:39.47krkamath.floor(r*256) would make the value between 0 and 255
22:39.52krkaif 0 < r < 1
22:40.24GuillotineI don't get what you're saying. any way you could just edit it to what you think it should be and repost?
22:40.39Guillotinenowhere in there do I have 256
22:41.05Guillotineahhh. I think I see
22:41.18Cidemath.floor(r*255) would make it 0-255, r*256 would make it 0-256, no?
22:41.37Cidewell, I totally missed "if 0 < r < 1"
22:41.38krkai'd change it to 256 in the format
22:41.38Kirovassuming r is never 1
22:41.45grollanyone here use gatherer?
22:41.50Cideis r never 1?
22:41.56Kirkburn(@ groll)
22:42.06grollKirkburn ok 2 questions then :D
22:42.06Kirovr, however, can be one, and most certainly can be 0
22:42.19krkai'd make a special case of r = 1
22:42.33grollwhen i open up the search, what does the type % and the % density mean?
22:42.50krkawhy do you need it in hex btw?
22:42.55Cidemath.floor(r*255) would accomplish the same thing without using a special case, wouldn't it?
22:43.01Kirovmin( floor( r*256), 255)
22:43.01krkanot really
22:43.11krka255 would MUCH less probable than 254
22:43.12Kirkburngroll: er, haven't the faintest
22:43.21Cidehmm, yeah. that is true
22:43.26krkaassuming a fair distribution of r between 0 and 1
22:43.27grollKirkburn haha oke :P
22:43.43Kirovthough, unless you're converting back and forth between hex and rgb a lot, who cares if you're off by 1?
22:43.53krkaKirovs suggestion looks good
22:44.17krkanot even sure why hex is needed in the first place :)
22:44.53KirovI use hex for my drop down menu coloring so I don't have to deal with info.r info.g info.b
22:46.05krkabtw, am i the only one who thinks "Jurassic Bark" is the single saddest thing that has been shown on tv?
22:46.42grollKirkburn i found it
22:47.12grolltype % is percentage fo the resources compared to number of recorded gather of the same type in zone
22:48.06grolland the density one is how much of the world totally gathered is in that location
22:51.47wereHamsternight folks
22:51.50*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:52.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
22:56.07GuillotineKrka: I need hex b/c I'm editing the color of text in the chat window. and I believe that is the easiest way
23:05.25*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
23:06.37krkagood reason
23:07.24Kirovguillotine - are you altering the color of text mid-string, or the entire line
23:07.37Guillotinemid string. only the name
23:07.57Kirovthen, yeah, hex isn't just the easiest, it's the only way. =)
23:08.15Kirovwell, apart from a floating frame with the same text in it overlayed on top of the existing text
23:08.20Kirovbut, that's just insane
23:12.30grollheh lol it's my 100 day playtime today :D
23:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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23:27.51Kirovfloor(0.5) == 0, and ceil(0.5) == 1, right?
23:29.01Irielfloor(-0.5) == -1, ceil(-0.5) == 0
23:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
23:34.34IrielLo QZot, how late did you stay on?
23:34.41QzotPretty late.
23:36.20IrielHopefully stuff will behave better this weekend
23:37.00QzotRight. While I'm driving.
23:37.30QzotHehe. I'm just being crabby.
23:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [Hyper]Darshu (
23:37.40IrielMaybe I should say "Hopefully they'll spend all weekend breaking it so it's sparkly and fresh on monday"
23:37.41QzotI'll be driving the Oregon coast, so no complaints here.
23:37.57Iriel(and then hopefully add "until tuesday when 1.10.1 comes out *fingers crossed*")
23:38.10IrielAh, a nice drive.. doing the scenic route or direct route up there?
23:38.19QzotWhat are you hoping for in 1.10.1?
23:39.06QzotWhat % crap, and what % really doing EULA violations?
23:39.20IrielQzot: Fixing the memory overhead introduced and adding collectgarbage
23:39.59QzotHave you ever heard that Blizz has someone buy copies of stuff like that to see how serious the threats are?
23:41.16IrielI wouldn't be surprised if they did sometimes
23:41.30IrielBut most of the time i'd imagine they ignore them
23:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:42.34IrielNote they never say how FAST you'll level up
23:43.00TainYeah but levelling is pretty easy if you really want to just level.
23:43.18TainYou might not have any gear equivilent to your level, and have no money, but you can level.
23:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Norque (
23:44.03TainDefeats the purpose of the game to me, might as well just start a 60 on a test server.
23:47.23QzotI'm just fascinated that there's a market for this stuff, and curious to know whether it's pure scam, or whether Blizz is really having to expend effort to fight it.
23:47.51IrielMost people are stupid, so I doubt blizzard have to try TOO hard
23:48.08IrielMost people <who fall for this sort of thing> are stupid..
23:48.57AdrineYou mean those pills that the guy in my email sold me aren't going to let me knock down trees with my wang? :(
23:51.02AdrineBut...but...but the email SAID I could!
23:51.10AdrineThey even had a website!
23:51.10AdrineThat means it's legit, right?
23:51.17AdrineEverything I've known has been a lie.
23:52.36QzotActually, the folks at sound like they have their heads screwed on straight, other than the fact that they're creating an extensive app to allow people to do what is clearly cheating in the eyes of the game's designers.
23:52.56Qzot"Can you get banned for this?" "Yes. Don't be stupid."
23:53.07Cidehey Iriel, does the event tooltip ever display strings over two lines unless the string itself contains a newline?
23:53.58Tem|WoWsomeone posted my mod on a site
23:54.00Tem|WoWand it wasn't me
23:54.13CairennTem|WoW: not WoWI, I trust?
23:54.27Tem|WoWI removed all my addons from there yesterday
23:54.31Norquetime to bust some heads Tem
23:54.32Tem|WoWand now they're all back
23:54.50Tem|WoWwith more recent versions that I've only posted on WoWI
23:55.21IrielCide: Not that i've noticed, i may put some line wrapping in (and \n for newlines in the string)
23:55.40Cairennmore than just one?
23:55.47Tem|WoWCairenn: 3
23:55.49Cidetwo of the events in a raid encounter (yells) are not matched by my string comparison
23:56.10CairennI know how I'd feel, but my opinion is not necessarily the opinion of others
23:56.16Cideand the event tooltip displays the whole string on one line, and then a new line followed by the quotation mark
23:56.24Cideso I'm thinking the yell itself contains a newline at the end
23:56.44Iriellet me quickly check
23:57.02Kirov1.10 seems to be having some string issues though
23:57.11Kirovief for example
23:57.24Cideit existed in 1.9 too, though
23:57.34Kirovyeah, but got fixed in 1.9.1
23:57.42IrielCide: I dont do line wrapping, so I think you're probably right
23:57.43CideI'm pretty sure the string itself has a newline, though
23:57.54IrielCide: I will add \n escaping of newlines next time i'm in there tho
23:58.01Cideall the ones that work have it all on one line
23:58.14Cidewhereas the ones that don't have the trailing quotation mark on a new line
23:58.23ckknightmy server said 15:00 till shutdown
23:58.26ckknight10 seconds later
23:58.28ckknight5:00 till shutdown
23:58.39IrielCan you /dump GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() ?
23:58.45Irielor whatever the appropriate line is
23:58.57IrielOr ItemRefTooltip, sorry
23:59.03Irielnot GameTooltip - I changed that
23:59.04Cideactually, no
23:59.19Cidethe tooltip is no longer shown when clicking the link
23:59.26Irielit cycled out of the buffer 8-(
23:59.39IrielI'm ALSO adding messaging for that (and a tweakable buffer)
23:59.44Cidewell, next week I guess :)
23:59.49IrielIt's 1,000 events at the moment, whihc seems like a reasonable default
23:59.58CideI would up it

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