irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060403

00:00.52IrielAhhh.. there we go
00:00.58IrielThat's how it works, clever
00:02.00IrielThe 8k buffer is at the C level
00:02.23Irielif it fills up, that 8k of stuff is pushed onto the lua stack as a lua buffer
00:02.28Irielas a lua STRING, sorry
00:02.35IrielThen the C buffer is emptied
00:02.52IrielAt the end, all of the buffers are munged together, though I have a feeling that's nasty too
00:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
00:05.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
00:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
00:05.58cladhaireEvening Bela
00:07.03IrielPhew, that's a lot less ugly than I'd feared, but still doesn't help explain where my program is getting garbage from
00:07.25cladhaireIriel: : What margin difference are you seeing?
00:07.47IrielIts behaving as if one of my garbage strings isn't getting collected (more or less)
00:08.20cladhairePerhaps it has a lingering reference just based on last access?
00:08.27Crispixis anyone having a problem Authenticating? :(
00:08.42IrielCrispix : everyone is, just keep trying and you should get through in the end 8-(
00:08.45cladhaireCrispix: Yeah, the servers have the flu =(
00:08.56Irielcladhaire : Thats what it feels like, but I can't figure out WHY
00:10.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cafeine (
00:14.05Beladonalogin = no soup for joo
00:14.10Beladonaoh well
00:14.19IrielJust keep trying
00:14.31IrielI got in on the 3rd attempt earlier
00:16.04Cafeinehi there !  :)
00:16.11Cafeineanyone using clearfont mod around ?
00:16.32Cafeine(dont panic ;) )
00:16.38IrielWhere's Kirkburn when you need him
00:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
00:16.48Irielspeak of the devil
00:16.55Irielthat was uncanny
00:16.56Cairennhey hey Kirkburn
00:16.57KtronIriel, that was magical
00:16.59Cafeinethe mod's awesome :)   but the font size on the target is like... SMALL on my 19200x1200 rez ;)
00:17.04Cairennsomeone here wanting to talk to you
00:17.08Cafeinenice summoning :)
00:17.27KirkburnWow, er, hello!
00:17.30Cafeinethx Cairenn :)
00:17.34KirkburnI came on to look for Cide :P
00:17.39CafeineKirkburn : thx a LOT for that mod :)
00:17.41cladhaire(20:16:21) Iriel: Where's Kirkburn when you need him
00:17.41cladhaire(20:16:25) Kirkburn [n=George@] entered the room.
00:17.41cladhaire(20:16:31) Iriel: speak of the devil
00:17.43KirkburnAww, thanks
00:18.06KirkburnThat is uncanny!
00:18.13Cafeinejust a question : the target size font (Health etc.)  is SMALL. (1920x1200)
00:18.34KirkburnThe font on the health/mana bars?
00:19.00KirkburnIs it just that part that's small, or the rest of the UI too?
00:19.15Cafeinejusst that
00:19.19Kirkburn(v11000-3, I assume?)
00:19.19Cafeinethe rest is perfect
00:19.30Cafeinewith the changeline in comments
00:19.38Cafeineof ;)
00:19.45KirkburnHeh, yeah
00:20.03Cafeineeven tipbuddy and monkeyquest are happy
00:20.13L|Elvisothere's Kirkburn :)
00:20.39KirkburnWell, I did override them specifically :P
00:20.47Cafeineyeah :)  and you did well ;)
00:20.58Ktronhow hard would it be (ie, is it impossible to...) make the mouse change when hovering over someone?
00:21.04KirkburnI've never used either btw!
00:21.12L|Elvisomy superinspect doesn't look like I would think it should
00:21.13Ktronespecially if they are pvp and opposing?
00:21.15CafeineI'm actually the editor in chief of a videogame magazine here in france, and writing a 4 pages feature about mods
00:21.20IrielKtron: You mean like ArcadiaLogos does?
00:21.28Cafeineclearfont in it of course
00:21.33KirkburnOmg, really?!
00:21.34KtronIriel, do I? I'll look and read
00:21.41IrielKtron: You can't change the actual cursor, but you can put something near/over it
00:21.43KirkburnI'm honoured
00:21.47Cafeinebut that problem will get me mail ;)
00:21.59KirkburnI suppose I should get it sorted then!
00:22.08Cafeineso I'm here to check if I can pack a perfect version  ;))
00:22.30KtronIriel, I thought Arcadia only made a logo appear based on guilds
00:22.47KirkburnI'm trying to think which section that might be
00:22.52IrielKtron: Well, it does, but you can use the same mechanism to do whatever you want to do.
00:23.10Cafeine(my website is  and blog  is  expect a news on the blog too clearfont is a life saver ;) )
00:23.11IrielKtron : i wasn't suggesting "ArcadiaLogos is the addon you want" as much as "Look at ArcadiaLogos for how to do it"
00:23.25CafeineKirkburn : you dont have the problem on your comp ?
00:23.29KtronAh , okay check it out
00:23.39Ktron*Okay I'll check it
00:23.41KirkburnI haven't used the normal unit frames for a little while
00:24.09KirkburnHow long are you able to stay on? I'm going to see what they're like on one of my other characters
00:24.38Cafeineit's 2:30 am here need to sleep pretty soon :p
00:24.51Cafeinebut if I have to leave  <--- mail me here ?
00:25.22Cafeinewhat UI are you using btw ?
00:25.29Cafeine(just checking ;) )
00:26.17KirkburnLots of different things, about half Cosmos, half my own choice (Discord, lots of others)
00:26.35KirkburnBe back in about 2 mins after checking
00:29.03KirkburnWhat addon do you use that puts the health on the target?
00:29.41Cafeinegoooood question, checking...
00:30.34KirkburnLittle Demizelda the lvl 1 warrior is having fun killing snow wolves
00:31.15CafeineI logged my mighty shamy lev 6 to check :p
00:31.17*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
00:31.39Cafeineif I log a real toon, spam from sleepless guildies is assured
00:32.47KirkburnIs it *just* the target, or also your own character stats?
00:33.27Cafeinesame prob if I'm targeting myslef
00:33.39KirkburnDo you use mobhealth/mobinfo?
00:33.52Cafeinemobinfo2, latest blabla
00:33.59Cafeinedamned: p
00:34.13KirkburnDoesn't it have settings?
00:34.18Cairennckknight: I responded to your thread asking for opinions
00:34.19Cafeineand UI scale is on  0.64  (but not a prob in fact)
00:34.29CafeineKirkburn : mmm checking
00:35.52KirkburnHow do you get into the mobinfo settings? I've forgotten
00:35.54Cafeineyou're the man
00:36.22KirkburnOoh, I see what you mean! It's tiny!
00:36.24Cafeinewhat... FONT SIZE
00:37.06CafeineNOT working, checking some settings
00:37.26KirkburnYeah, that's helps. It's strange, in the code it's set to use GameFontNormalSmall ... but in the game, that's not one of the choices
00:38.54KirkburnWhether it's to do with ClearFont I don't know, but it doesn't actually change the font if you ask it to. Only the size
00:40.06kremonteoh man
00:40.09kremonteguildmate has more than 10k gold
00:40.15kremontedidn't buy a penny of it ;/
00:40.59CafeineKirkburn : yeah and it's screw up the look of it... weird
00:41.31Cafeine(the text dont match the bar perfectly :)  )  bah, not your problem then but it mean the overrinding is not working as intended right ?
00:41.52KirkburnYeah, I think it's something in mobinfo2, I'm just gonna check it without CF on
00:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:43.37KirkburnFound it ... the developer is bypassing the actual fonts
00:43.44kremonteclearfont ftw <3
00:43.51CafeineKirkburn : slap him ;)
00:44.00kremonteKirkburn: i just started using CF today, and i now love you
00:44.03Cafeine<--- bug hunter
00:44.15Cafeinekremonte : GET IN LINE with the love :p
00:44.17KirkburnYou're getting a mention in the next version!
00:44.26Cafeinehaha great :)
00:44.32kremonteCafeine: i cut the line because i <3 him more :O
00:44.43CafeineCafeine with ONE f because...  french  ;)
00:44.49KirkburnSo yeah, I'll see if I get something changed. You know about the Step Two thing Cafeine?
00:44.51kremontetu parles francaissssssssss?
00:44.54Cafeinekremonte    LIES :)
00:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:45.08Cafeineouais je parles francais et toi ?  ;)
00:45.20CafeineKirkburn : yeah
00:45.20kremontemon francais est comme bon comme un piece de merde
00:45.23Kirkburnje ne parle pas francais :(
00:45.39Cafeinebah english is the geek universal language anyway
00:45.57Temyour french is as good as a piece of shit
00:46.06CafeineKirkburn : i did the step2 already  to be sure ;)
00:46.18CafeineTem : ho that's a hard thing to say ;)
00:46.20Cafeinemean even
00:46.28KirkburnOkay ... well, Step Two obviously helps prevent the ugly fonts showing through from mobinfo2. I'll pester the dev to actual respect the proper fonts :)
00:46.34TemCairenn: read up
00:46.39Temhe said it himself
00:47.01Temon that's not cair
00:47.11CafeineKirkburn : ok so basically, I just bump a bit the size and wait for the slapping ? :)
00:47.14Temok, Cafeine you need to change your nick
00:47.23kremontec'est vrais :(
00:47.27Temit's the same color and size as Cairenn
00:47.28CafeineTem : I understood it was for me :p
00:47.46CafeineTem : using conversation on a mac too ?  ;)
00:47.51KirkburnYup, basically. This is the offending part of the file ...
00:47.52KirkburnfontName = "Fonts\\ARIALN.TTF"  -- NumberFontNormal
00:47.52KirkburnelseiffontId == 2 then
00:47.52KirkburnfontName = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF" --GameFontNormal
00:47.52KirkburnfontName = "Fonts\\MORPHEUS.TTF" --ItemTextFontNormal
00:48.05CafeineTem : ok :)
00:48.17KirkburnIt just tells mobinfo to use those fonts, and not bother with any formatting or anything. Which is nice.
00:48.19TemIriel: what's the "yuck?"
00:48.27IrielTem: that bit of code
00:48.46CafeineKirkburn : lazy coder or quick workaround ?  ;)
00:48.55Temlooks like old code to me
00:49.00Temold nasty code
00:49.06Cafeinethe mod IS old
00:49.10KirkburnThe can change it to use new code
00:49.12Temhasn't been updated for 1.10 font objects
00:49.19Temwhich admitedly can be equally nasty
00:49.32KirkburnSome existed before 1.10 btw
00:49.41KirkburnSCT used them very successfully
00:49.47IrielWe had FontString:GetFont() before 1.10
00:49.53Cafeinethe new SCT is fantastic
00:50.00TemI didn't really pay that much attention to fonts before I got CF
00:50.05Cafeinepart of the feature too ;)
00:50.13Temgod, I need to get rid of some stuff
00:50.15cladhaireCafeine: Is it?  I haven't changed any of my UI yet.. was waiting for authors to catch up
00:50.29Temit takes me FAR too long to log in
00:50.35KirkburnOkay, I'll mention it to the mobinfo dev to see if he can change it to how sct does it
00:50.42Cafeinecladhaire : my main in a priesst : the new healing reporting is just... awesome :)
00:50.44KirkburnApart from that ClearFont =  perfect, right?
00:50.52Cafeineand ppl DO KNOW at last who saved their ass
00:51.12kremonteclearfont est parfait :O
00:51.14cladhaireCafeine: Nice.. with the combat log revamp that has to be pretty handy.  I'm switching OFF my priest back to my rogue-- who woulda thought
00:51.16CafeineKirkburn : fantastic, really
00:51.25CafeineKirkburn : cant look at wow without it now :/
00:51.49Cafeinecladhaire :)
00:52.06TainWhat's Clearfont?
00:52.16CafeineI'm playing at home on a dell 24'  in 1920x1200 and everything is so. nice :)
00:52.30Cafeineeven if I'm using uiscale  0.64
00:52.35Cairennis what ClearFont is :p
00:52.51KirkburnWait, Tain's not serious is he?
00:53.00cladhaireMy only issue with clearfont is how huge of a difference there is with numbers.. the fact that they're subscript almost.. and the fact that the 1 is such a thin number with no kerning--- it makes things like timestamps all wonky.
00:53.02Cairennvery possibly
00:53.02cladhairebut i enjoy it.
00:53.11TainI almost bought a 2405.  In fact I had it in my shopping basket ready to order.  Until Dell decided they were going to charge me sales tax.
00:53.16Cafeineand I'm surprised because I hate number fonts where everything is NOT on the same line usually
00:53.17Cairenndo YOU know every single mod that is out there, Kirkburn?
00:53.27Kirkburncladhaire, not in v11000-3
00:53.33cladhaireo rly?
00:53.38Cafeineahha same as cladhaire
00:53.41KirkburnI just thought, I mention it about every day here ;)
00:53.53KirkburnAh wait
00:54.03AnduinLothari think you should write some more
00:54.09CafeineKirkburn : the number font looks the same to me in the last version tbh :p
00:54.13AnduinLotharand try advertizing them all as much
00:54.41KirkburnThe number font I've got only applies to money and item overlays
00:54.45AnduinLotharand then, when you're spending 20 hours a day advertizing your 50 mods you'll go mad
00:54.51CafeineI want an option with numbers on the same lign... damn  I dont have enough english to tell you that ;)
00:54.56AnduinLotharand explode
00:55.29CafeineKirkburn  : you see what I mean ?  87 for exemple.. the 7 goes under the 8
00:55.40KirkburnYeah, it uses old style numbers
00:55.44Cafeinedamn, 3AM, english is vanishing :p
00:55.47IrielI think he means the same column
00:55.52Irielif the 7 goes under the 8
00:56.04CafeineKirkburn got it I think ;)
00:56.07Kirkburn1234567890 look different on different fonts
00:56.35KirkburnTrailing lines, like for the letter 'g'
00:56.44Cafeineyou got it
00:56.56Cafeinebha, it's really a matter of tastes
00:57.03IrielOh, descenders
00:57.16KirkburnI forget the name of that style of numbering, I read about it recently (*shock* Kirkburn reads typeface websites!)
00:57.23KirkburnThat's it
00:57.34Cafeineyeah, anyway, you see what I mean.
00:57.39Cafeineif you have time (hehe)
00:57.44Cafeinemake an option ?  :p
00:58.05IrielOOps, lua broke my computer
00:58.42KirkburnI shall see about it, it's something I've known about since I started. Er, it's not my font.
00:59.14Cafeinewell I guess I took enough of your time ;)  go slap the mobinfo author :))
00:59.28Cafeineand thx again for your work
00:59.32KirkburnWill do. Tomorrow. After I also sleep. I'm in Italy btw :)
00:59.39Cafeineho !
00:59.39cladhaireOOoh.. it makes BossPanel TINY =)
00:59.42Cafeineparis here ;)
00:59.51CafeineItalien or just "in italy"  ? ;)
00:59.56cladhairebut thats easily resolved.
01:00.36KirkburnNice and close to Blizzard EU, aren't you! I'm in Perugia, Umbria as a university student
01:01.02KirkburnI actually go to Bristol Uni in england ... but I'm out here for a year, away from my girlfriend :(
01:01.22Iriel> return gcinfo()
01:01.24Iriel17      393245
01:01.27IrielFun with tables.
01:01.31Cafeinewe work with them
01:01.46KirkburnYou work with Blizzard?
01:01.49Cafeinewe did 2 special issues about all the strats in MC and others instances
01:01.56KirkburnAh I see
01:02.03KirkburnWhat's the mag?
01:02.04Cafeineand a lot of friends are actually working FOR blizzard
01:02.13Cafeine(and crying ;)  the management is BAD it seems ;) )
01:02.19CafeineJoystick is the magazine
01:02.35Cafeinebest selling PC gaming mag here I should say :p
01:03.06Cafeinewith a grumpy editor in chief because he DONT SLEEP ENOUGH
01:03.07KirkburnWonder if shouryuu reads it, he's normally around
01:03.09Cafeinestuuupid game :p
01:03.39Cafeinespent 3 days on that feature altready... too many hours ingame  ;)
01:03.47Cafeinenot as much as expected in word
01:03.57KirkburnThat must have been agonising, playing WoW for work!
01:04.21Cafeineyeah.... my wife don't  like that :p
01:04.33Cafeineshould be playing more OTHER games tbh ;)
01:04.45Kirkburnlol ... I'm actually in france later this month, I'll have a look out for Joystick
01:04.46Cafeineso you're english, studying in italy right ?
01:05.08Cafeineyou traveil a lot, good :)
01:05.16Cafeinesorry for your GF tough
01:05.49KirkburnHeh ... I do Civil Engineering at Bristol Uni, but because I chose an Erasmus course, my third year is spent here
01:06.02KirkburnThe france trip is a holiday :)
01:06.03Cafeinedamn, erasmus...
01:06.29Cafeinelot of friends did taht
01:06.30kremonteshouryuu is a frenchie :o
01:06.32kremontewhere is he?
01:06.39Cafeinelike normal ppl
01:06.47kremontefrench people don't sleep
01:06.57CafeineKirkburn : feel free to drop me a mail on the gmail address
01:07.02kremontethe traffic in paris is too bad to sleep :P
01:07.04Cafeineif you're wasting time around paris ;)
01:07.09KirkburnI could make a second ClearFont with a 'proper' number font some time
01:07.16KirkburnSure, what was it again?
01:07.29Cafeineeasy :p
01:07.39kremonteCafeine: do you live in paris?
01:07.55kremontezomg, so does shouryuu!
01:08.12kremontei don't know how the city is laid out tho ;/
01:08.13Cafeineactually I was in the 17th area, I'm in levallois now (I work 5 min by feet from home)
01:08.18kremontehe said he lived near 6th section or something
01:08.26Kirkburn"or something"
01:08.28Cafeinelevallois is just outside paris
01:08.40Cafeine6th section is DAMN NICE
01:08.48kremontestupid cities have all diferent layouts ><
01:08.51Cafeineone of the best in paris IMHO ;)
01:08.52kremontesections, buroughs, areas, kdfnjgdgn
01:09.05Cafeinein french for paris :p
01:09.09kremonteagreed. "insert big word here"
01:09.28Cafeineso anyway, time to sleep, thx again for all the infos !
01:09.35kremontebon nuit :P
01:09.44kremontecome back tomorrow, make some friends :P
01:09.49Cafeinebonne nuit  :)   (yeah, genera is a bitch in french)
01:09.57kremontestupid genders
01:10.10kremontei speak kremontese, everything is male :p
01:10.13CafeineCya ppl :)  I'll be back for sure  ;)
01:10.18KirkburnNight night!
01:10.35KirkburnWell, that was a strange experience
01:10.57kremonteeh? lol
01:11.04KirkburnNot how I expected the night to end, but there you go :)
01:11.29kremonteyou know, i really should stop expecting to understand what people say in this channel
01:11.36KirkburnAbout what?
01:11.54kremonteif you log what i say, 40% of it is either "huh?" or "me is confused"
01:12.18KirkburnI should parse the logs and see how true that is. Given we do actually have logs.
01:12.28kremontein that case
01:12.34KirkburnEither that or revise
01:12.41kremontethen it's 35% "lol" 10% "confusion related"
01:12.46kremonte20% gibberish
01:13.51KirkburnI almost liked it more when I didn't get about 5 comments an hour on the ClearFont page
01:14.19kremontethat's why i'm weary of doing any big mods
01:14.21kremontei can't maintain
01:17.57kremontei hate how WoW treats me
01:18.10kremonte1 mob till i'm done with my quest that will level me up so i can use an axe i paid 30g for
01:18.18kremontemob is at 1%, mobhealth says it's at 12hp left
01:18.25kremontei have 30 rage, about to hit bloodthirst to kill it
01:18.38kremonteJeirei's Backstab hits you for 356
01:18.39kremonteYou die
01:18.45kremontegy is across the zone -_-
01:19.57KirkburnWhat's the reloadui script?
01:20.08kremonte./script ReloadUI()
01:20.11kremonte./console reloadui
01:20.15kremonte./reload (with devtools)
01:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
01:21.47Gryphen/rl with cosmos
01:25.17cladhaire./reload with ace =0
01:25.59KirkburnSo, anymore? /reeelood? /rld? /r3108d?
01:27.03Ktronand with LoadIT it's /mods l
01:27.07Ktron*/mods rl
01:27.24kremontelol semicolons
01:27.47Ktronsemicolons ftw
01:31.01KirkburnBtw, does anyone know Cafeine knew to find me here? I only put the IRC channel on the mod details today :S
01:31.29Cairennhe came in asking if anyone here *used* the mod
01:31.31IrielI give up on making an 'as good as collectgarbage()' userspace function
01:31.40kremonteeh, iriel?
01:31.57Cairennand we were just in the process of telling him that the author hangs out here when you arrived
01:32.03Cairennhence our amusement
01:32.21IrielI get to pick between A) Creates zillions of tiny object or B) undesirable increases in other parts of the lua subsystem that skew the memory available
01:33.19IrielI'd be okay if lua agressively reduced the string table / working buffer size
01:33.28IrielBut it simply halves it if it's less than half used
01:33.36KirkburnIt was good timing. I came on to see if Cide was here cos someone 'had problems with ct' and like any good dev I tried to help him. I think it may have been the guys fault so nvm
01:34.03KirkburnWell, I'm going to go to bed now :)
01:34.18KirkburnIt's been fun!
01:34.50KirkburnNo doubt I'll be back 2moro, despite my exam being wednesday ... why didn't they delay the patch further :(
01:36.00IrielOn the flip side, I know more about the garbage impact of string.rep, string.format, and table.concat than I ever wanted to
01:39.48IrielI did discover that lua processes A .. B .. C .. D much more efficiently than I gave it credit for if they're all strings or numbers
01:41.52Irielwhich means you dont have to resort to string.format to avoid temporary values
01:41.59cladhaireCan they be any mixture of strings and numbers?
01:42.27cladhairemeaning, you didn't mean all number or all strings?
01:42.44IrielI've got to verify that numbers dont create string objects mid-stream
01:46.25IrielHm, it does
01:46.47Aalnyquick question about looting.   I realize there's no way to "loot" a world object programmatically.  But assuming the loot window is already open, can you programmatically take the stuff in the window with a proper hardware event?
01:47.21IrielAalny : No
01:47.22Aalnysort of like how Iriel's PocketHelper works
01:47.30IrielAalny : There's a special LootButton
01:47.38IrielAalny : Th euser has to click on one of those to loot a slot
01:47.44Aalnyah, ok
01:47.49IrielAalny : PocketHelper makes a new LootButton and points it at the right loot slot
01:47.58IrielAalny : You can make as many as you want, however, and make them look however you want
01:48.10IrielAalny : But they do have to get clicked on
01:48.22Irielcladhaire : So, if it's all strings, then .. is the way to go
01:48.35Irielcladhaire : If you have strings and numbers, there's an argument to be made for string.format
01:49.06Irielcladhaire : But it will depend on the ratio between numbers and strings in the real world, string.format has a different set of overheads
01:49.21cladhaireCan we give anything as a general case?
01:50.02cladhaireIt seems to me that string.format() is going to create a string for the format itself, and incur the penalty of an explicit function call.
01:50.11cladhairebut you have similar issues with ..
01:50.31IrielThat is true, but the format string is usually created ONCE
01:50.38IrielThe function call overhead is real however
01:50.40cladhaireat compile time, correct
01:51.07IrielBasically, "hello " .. 7 .. " world" becomes "hello " .. tostring(7) .. " world"
01:51.16IrielSo you get the runtime overhead of creating a string object for "7"
01:51.27cladhairethat's somewhat disappointing.
01:51.28Irielwhich then becomes 'garbage'
01:51.53IrielHaving said that, the concatenation itself does NOT create any wasted intermediates
01:52.02Irielthere's no "hello 7" or "7 world"
01:52.06IrielJust "hello 7 world"
01:52.17cladhaireThats very nice.
01:52.26Irielstring.format, however, does all of its work into a temporary buffer (as long as you dont hit the 8k limit)
01:52.47Irielso there's no LUA string created for 7
01:52.50cladhaireso it only incurs the one-time format string, and the single function call
01:53.08Irielif your result string is > 8k then each 8k (or smaller) chunk becomes a lua string
01:53.14IrielAnd then they're all concatenated at the end
01:53.20cladhaireSo esentially, you know what you'r egetting with string.format() but the use of .. can be appropriate when you know exactly what you're doing.
01:53.45IrielMore or less, yes, and if you're dealing with lua strings, .. is very friendly.
01:54.09IrielFinally, table.concat and string.rep work like string.format in that they use the internal 8k buffer scheme
01:54.52cladhaireVery good to know.
01:55.06Irielfor LARGE strings, table.concat(t) would produce garbage while t[1] .. t[2] .. t[3] would not
01:55.33cladhaireI wish we could come up with a solid case for upgrading to 5.1, other than pseudo-access to the stack for varags.
01:56.04ckknightare there noticeable performance gains?
01:56.05Irielheh, more generic hookery seems to be the only compelling reason tho
01:56.25cladhaireIs there anything in 5.1 that could help his tainting scheme?
01:57.15Legorolwhat about the improved GC? is that not good a reason? the more we come up with, the better
01:57.18cladhairethe module() system would be absolteuly amazing.
01:57.26cladhaireits... very very very impressive to say the least
01:57.30TainThere was something in 5.1 that I really liked and suggested a long time ago, but I don't remember what.
01:58.10TainYeah, module() would make some great things possible for addons.
01:58.18cladhairemodule() pulls things out of the global env without performance penalty..
01:58.34IrielThe problem with 5.1 is he'd have to re-apply all of his changes from 5.0
01:58.39Irieland make sure they still worked the same way
01:59.02cladhaireregression testing would such.. but it could be nicer than we're thinking =)
01:59.13cladhairemaybe its just a svn merge, svn merge =)
02:00.03TainThe problem is a lot of the good things from 5.1 wouldn't have much effect at all on the Blizzard stuff without them rewriting to take advantage of them.
02:00.21IrielI dont understand the comment above about module
02:00.21TainAnd that costs money.
02:00.36cladhaireIriel: Which one?
02:01.04cladhaireTain: That's true.. but the GC changes could be nice.. and he may find something else that we could present =)
02:01.59IrielAbout it having zero impact removal of stuff from the global env
02:02.15cladhaireIriel: In my playing with it, module() puts all the globally defined functions in that chunk under a namespace, but uses direct reference instead of table lookups to reference them internally.
02:02.18IrielMy read of its description (which could admittedly be wrong) is that it does nothing you couldn't already do with setfenv
02:03.35cladhaire*nod* it can currently be done with setfenv, but the concept and usage of require() could change the way we do things.  I dont know that it would be explicitly better-- but it would open it up to a little less fiddling overall *shrug*.,
02:03.39IrielMyModule = MyModule or {};
02:03.40cladhairei'm grasping at straws here =)
02:03.44Irielsetfenv(1, MyModule);
02:03.53Iriel-- Everything below here is modularized
02:04.24IrielThe other problem of require is of course that it loads files.
02:04.29cladhaireI know we can do it all manually.. but its been hyped-- and i always believe listserv hype =)
02:04.56cladhairePlaying with it in standalone lua cleaned up some of my stubs
02:05.05IrielIt would be interesting, however, to write an autoloader for LoD addon stuff
02:05.16IrielAssuming a certain amount of structure
02:05.21IrielYAy,s oemthing else to do when I should be WORKING
02:06.08cladhaireTHis month is low-playtime for me =(  They're actually making me do work
02:06.50LegorolIriel: such a thing exists
02:06.57Legorolhave you looked at Stubby by the Auctioneer team?
02:07.02Legorolit's a complete LoD management system
02:07.16cladhaireDO you have a link anywhere Leg?
02:07.18Legorolyou can even register boot-code with it, that you want executed when Stubby loads, but not necessarily load your addon
02:07.19IrielLegorol : I haven't
02:07.25Legorolit's very impressive, check it out
02:07.28Legoroli'll get link, sec
02:07.43IrielLegorol : All i'm imagining is that I put something in my LoD addon's metadata saying what global tables I populate
02:08.05IrielLegorol : Then there's a totally generic normal addon that loads, scans all the available addons, and sets up some metatables to handle on demand load calls
02:08.34Legorolit does something like that, and more
02:08.46Legorolit loads, scans the LoD addons, if finds one it hasn't seen before, then loads it
02:08.54Legorolthe LoD addon does gets a chance to register with Stubby
02:09.05zenzelezzon a different note, is there any way to determine who your target is currently attacking without actually changing your own target? (what a messy sentence)
02:09.05Legorolon next logon, Stubby only performs whatever the addon requested it to do
02:09.16Legorolwhich can be custom Lua code even, which can set up conditions for when to load the addon
02:09.28ckknightzenzelezz, "targettarget"
02:10.21ckknightLegorol, my BossPanel scheme does a similar thing
02:10.21ckknightit doesn't have the custom lua code bit, cause it's not needed, though
02:10.24Legorolone thing the custom boot-code allows for example is to register a slash command for your addon
02:10.31Legorolwhich, when you type it, does the full load
02:10.39ckknightthat is pretty cool
02:12.01IrielInteresting, though it does have to load all the addons the first time, which is imperfect, but possibly not a problem.
02:12.17IrielI take it there are versioning requirements on one of the headers of the addon so stubby knows when it's changed?
02:12.31LegorolIriel: there is no other solution in  the current LoD implementation
02:12.39Legorolit can't know what an addon wants without loading it at least once
02:12.53Irielwell, if you use the module scheme, you can know
02:12.57Legorolyes i think there is a versioning requirement
02:13.11Legoroli don't know anything about the mdule system :-)
02:13.24Legorolall i know is what stubby does given the current Lua/LoD we got, and it does very well
02:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
02:18.14TainWoah kickass!  Bob Ross video game!
02:21.08zenzelezzckknight: got it, thanks :)
02:22.41IrielHm, Stubby is pretty nice, though I think some of its hooking code is inappropriate
02:23.01TainBad touch!
02:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
02:31.36cladhaireNight all
02:32.59Cairenndoes anyone recall the name of the mod that took over where EnglishTeacher left off?  it would change phrases like "wtf u n00b" into "what is your problem?" etc
02:35.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
02:35.32Kemayockknight:  Any idea what might cause this?
02:36.31ckknightmy guess is that you upset the volcano god
02:36.47ckknightcan I have your code?
02:36.57ckknightI'll get to the bottom of it
02:38.18ckknightit's likely my fault, something fishy with the new code probably
02:39.34ckknightwhat version of BP are you using?
02:40.35KemayoThe stuff in the screenshots is without categories -- I tried using categories first, and it added the category name to the start of every line.
02:40.58ckknightyour bpCompatible is off
02:41.11ckknightyou set it to 097, it's 907
02:41.19ckknightthat's why it's doing this
02:41.42ckknightif you made your plugin for less than 0.4.23, it uses the old code
02:41.46ckknightfor tooltips
02:41.54ckknightor, through a compatibility layer
02:42.46kremonte(..-) does that match 2 or less?
02:43.02ckknightit matches 1 or more
02:43.05Irielkremonte : 1 or more, as few as possible
02:43.20Irielit's essentially a non-greedy (.+)
02:43.22KemayoAhhh.  Makes sense -- silly error on my part.  :-)
02:43.42kremontei want to take out 2 values from a string, ##-##
02:43.49kremontebut it can be #-## or ##-# #-# etc
02:44.16IrielI think you want ..?
02:44.31Irielor, ([^-][^-]
02:44.32ckknightis it only 2 digits?
02:44.33Irielor, ([^-][^-]?)
02:44.35kremonte1 or 2
02:44.40Iriellet me try that again
02:44.41kremonte(it's a level)
02:44.47Irielor, ([^-][^-]?)-([^-][^-]?)
02:44.49ckknightoh, then %d%d?%-%d%d? is your best bet.
02:45.02kremontewhat does ? do?
02:45.04ckknightIriel, %-, not -
02:45.24ckknightalp?ha matches alpha and alha
02:45.45kremontewhy is it %-?
02:46.04kremontewould that work?
02:47.10Iriel%- isn't necessary there
02:47.16OsagasuThat Murloc RPG on newgrounds is ADDICTING
02:47.57OsagasuAlmost as much as the real thing... oh, if only I didn't have my Programming logic homework due tomorrow
02:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem___ (
02:49.39*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
02:49.47KarlKFIHA! I win!
02:50.01Osagasuuh oh.
02:51.18OsagasuDid you win an Intarweb?
02:51.45KarlKFII won the MrTunnel game
02:52.55OsagasuI mean, what's that?
02:53.08ckknightBob Loblaw
02:53.27OsagasuThat's even too obscure for even people who love their obscure culture
02:58.48Aalnyman, the login servers are killing me
03:00.16ckknightKemayo, well, after uncommenting that category code, it looks fine to me
03:00.25ckknightstill want to figure out what caused the squishing, though
03:01.18KemayoAlong with the squishing, it wasn't showing the right side of DoubleLines.  (Whether that helps or not, I don't know.)
03:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
03:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:06.40L|ElvisoI've seen the squishing before, but it affects all the BP tooltips
03:06.46L|Elvisothen they all just go blank
03:07.17L|Elvisoexcept for the title sometimes
03:07.30L|Elvisobut the title will be unstyled
03:21.27Corrodiasgreat... now you'll see 50 koreans running at you saying "KEKEKE ZERG RUSH!"
03:21.41Corrodiasin those shoes, obviously
03:23.47ckknightan entire country of nerds
03:23.50ckknightwhat are the odds
03:24.42kremontepretty high, actually
03:25.13kremontepretty soon theres gonna be taxes on the internet
03:25.17kremonteunfortunately ;/
03:26.43IrielI dont see why the Internet should be taxed any differently than existing mail order
03:26.52IrielPossibly there needs to be a tax structure for intangible goods
03:27.04kremontei dunno why i was thinking this
03:27.06kremontebut like
03:27.18kremonteand i dont doubt itll happen
03:27.31IrielYou'd be hard pressed to justify such things
03:27.43IrielReal property taxes are used to pay for local services and the like, that's their justification
03:27.52KarlKFIi'm gonna tax your IP
03:27.57IrielThere's no such concept in internet land, unless you mean hosting fees, and we pay those already
03:28.16kremontethe us govt can justify anything :(
03:28.18IrielI'm sure my hosting company pays taxes too
03:28.21kremonte*moves to canada*
03:28.21IrielNot really
03:30.41kremonteiriel, stop being smart
03:30.46kremontei want to justify unjust things! :(*
03:31.06ckknightdoes anyone see "justice" as a bad thing?
03:31.10ckknightI do
03:31.13ckknightdon't know why
03:31.18ckknightbut it seems bad to me
03:31.21KarlKFIyou aren't a paladin?
03:31.31KarlKFImust be a warlock..
03:31.45KarlKFIah, priests are too forgiving
03:32.22ckknightI just think that people have skewed justice as merely a way to seek revenge
03:37.45MiravlixAnyone made an addon that gives an ETA on how long it take to fly from one point to another with taxi's now we can fly really really far?
03:39.39MiravlixGoing from BB to Plaguelands... watching flying isn't as fun as it used to be. :)
03:41.33OsagasuThere were addons that did it before.  I guess now they'll just have to be updated for the new plans
03:43.16kremonteim in ur base killing ur mans :P~~
03:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
03:49.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:57.31kremontethe infamous corp hur is gdisbanding soon
03:57.45kremonteyou know corp hur?
03:57.51ckknightwho's that?
03:57.56kremontethe guild with Avatar
03:58.03kremontethe hunter in full DS and kalimdor's revenge
03:58.13kremontewell they killed the twin emps
03:58.17kremonteand he had one of his emo sprees
03:58.22kremontehe logged off with master looter
03:58.29kremontewouldnt loot corpse because they kileld it "too sloppily"
03:58.59kremonteand _eighteen_ people left
03:59.07kremonteremade a guild called "BURLEY DOESNT NEED"
03:59.15kremonteburley was their top DPS
04:05.25Parakhmm, this website is addicting
04:13.58CodayusLogged off eh?
04:14.07CodayusShoulda just fined them all 50 dkp each.  :-)
04:14.40kremonteCodayus: he didn't let anybody get loot
04:14.45kremontefrom a ridiculously hard boss
04:14.55kremontewhen they all used many many golds worth of consumables
04:14.55Codayus*nod*  That was obvious from your description.
04:15.06kremonte50 dkp minus is not funny anymore ;(
04:15.17CodayusIt will always be funny.
04:16.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
04:34.54MiravlixStrange, decursive is an insane garbage creator
04:35.40MiravlixDecursive alone result in my system hits 200-300KB/s garbage
04:36.14kremontegarbage, iriel?
04:43.25IrielYes, that word
04:46.13IrielMiravlix : Do you have debugging enabled?
04:48.34KarlKFIlol, someone put a TellTrack Resurrected on curse cause i hadn't uploaded the vers from cosmos
04:49.34KarlKFIguess that means they want me to update
04:51.25IrielMiravlix : From the look of the main Decursive it's actually not THAT bad as long as it's not rebuilding its unit list, or re-scanning the spellbook
04:51.38IrielMiravlix : Though the debugging stuff is ugly
04:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
04:55.06IrielMiravlix : So unless you're using a different version of decursive than the one I looked at (1.9.4), the problem may well lie elsewhere
04:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
05:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:09.44MiravlixTime to rewrite decursive. *sighs*
05:10.21Cairennit's been updated ...
05:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
05:10.47MiravlixIt makes my system do 200-300KB/s garbage onload
05:12.35Cairennso try talking to Quu?
05:17.43MiravlixShit someone erased wow wiki
05:17.50MiravlixThe World of Warcraft API page is gone
05:18.04Cairennwhy not give the author a heads-up / helping hand with optimizing his code ...
05:18.09kremonteits up again
05:18.10kremontefor me
05:18.23MiravlixLife it to short to argue with some author about his addon
05:18.33CairennIriel !!
05:19.51MiravlixHow do I get kram3r banned from Wiki?
05:20.22Cairenn"(diff) (hist) . .  ! World of Warcraft API; 22:00 . . Kram3r (Talk) (→Application Program Interface)"
05:20.37Cairenn"(diff) (hist) . .  ! World of Warcraft API; 21:59 . . Kram3r (Talk) (→Widget Specific Functions)"
05:20.46Cairenndefinitely looks like it was him
05:20.53Cairennhope there's a backup that can be restored
05:21.49MiravlixThe History can be restoed
05:21.59MiravlixI'm just not sure how to do it
05:22.06MiravlixThis happends all the time on Wiki's
05:22.25kremontelast i see
05:22.27kremonteis from mar30
05:22.30kremonteshould i restore?
05:23.38Cairennhow do you restore?
05:23.48MiravlixYes, but how do you restore
05:23.54kremontego on page history, click on the date of the old one, "save page"
05:24.01kremonteWARNING: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.
05:24.03KirovLooks like it's already been restored
05:24.20kremonteyea, mine just went thru
05:26.25MiravlixChecked kram3r's history thats all he has done
05:26.58Cairennyeah, already did
05:29.58kremonte11g51s repairs
05:30.00kremontenothing is yellow
05:30.06CairennI never understand why people do things like that =/
05:30.14kremontepetty kicks
05:30.16ckknightlike what?
05:30.37ckknightoh, nvm
05:35.23IrielI have a backup
05:35.32kremontei restored wiki to mar30
05:35.32IrielFrom today
05:35.34Irielor yesterday
05:35.41kremontego ahead with it then if yed like
05:35.42Iriellet me check
05:36.15Cairenndon't suppose we'd be lucky enough that you have admin permissions for the site?
05:36.32Cairennif you do happen to, you'll want to ban that jerk
05:36.35IrielI should be so lucky, so no, I dont.
05:36.43IrielThe folks that do can probably help, if you can get hold of them
05:36.48Irielthey're reasonably active
05:45.11Temsleep is overrated
05:45.33IrielOk, was it just the main PAI?
05:45.36IrielOr someone else?
05:45.49IrielI had the most recent pre-deletion version of the api
05:45.56Irielso that's happy again
06:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
06:07.59MiravlixYes, I rule
06:08.25MiravlixAll those spellbook scanners that reacts on SPELLS_CHANGED
06:08.36IrielDid they change the event on us?
06:08.41MiravlixSKILL_LINE_CHANGED trigges on weapon change
06:08.59MiravlixNo it's just a huge probelm to do a full tooltip spellbook scan
06:09.27IrielWell, the comments in Decursive imply that arg1 used to indicate what KIND if spell change ocurred
06:11.09MiravlixOh thats what started all this, but it's wrong
06:12.06IrielHas it always been wrong though?
06:12.13MiravlixHrmm, I wonder if SKILL_LINES_CHANGED trigger when you change from weapon staff to weapon staff
06:12.15IrielWas it right in the past but changed in a recent patch?
06:12.51MiravlixI think Quu just got it wrong
06:13.06IrielWhy do you say that?
06:13.28Miravlixbecause no other event works according to what he has coded
06:13.47KarlKFIanyone got any idea where the default install for the Interface Addon Kit is if you have multiple builds on the same drive?
06:14.01KarlKFIor what the folder name is..
06:14.22IrielFor the data it extracts to?
06:14.31MiravlixInterface Data
06:14.36Miravlixis one directory
06:14.37IrielBlizzard Interface Data
06:15.12KarlKFIany idea how it chooses what install to extract from?
06:15.24IrielI'd guess a registry entry
06:15.29KarlKFIon mac..
06:15.35IrielNot really sure tho, I try to keep just one install 8-)
06:15.49KarlKFIyou don't have 20 wow builds on your computer
06:16.17KarlKFIfound it... not sure how it decided on that one tho..
06:16.20IrielHave you tried specifying an install ont he command line?
06:16.33KarlKFIit's not a command line app
06:16.37KarlKFIso no
06:17.00KarlKFIw/e i guess if i need specific build files i'll use MPQ2K
06:17.11IrielSo, it can be RUN from a command line
06:17.32IrielIt may well just ignore any arguments though
06:17.36KarlKFIya, but i'd have to figure out if it would run and then it doesn't have a man file..
06:17.52MiravlixChanging from the same skill line weapon to another same line, doesn't generate an event
06:17.56KarlKFIit's all good. just not robst
06:18.24IrielDoesn't generate a SPELL/SKILL event, it still generates an inventory event
06:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup^away (n=loup@
06:19.55IrielMiravlix : Can you just track whether the number of spell book entries CHANGED?
06:20.00Cairennnight guys
06:20.07MiravlixWell, spelling  SKILL_LINES_CHANGED correctly does make my testing work better
06:20.25Miravlixchanging from staff to staff works fine in generating  SKILL_LINES_CHANGED and SPELL_CHANGED event
06:20.39MiravlixSo I can improve on full spellbook scanning.
06:21.20IrielCounting the entries seems simpler
06:21.23Irieland more reliable, perhaps
06:21.45IrielDepending on what you're doing, of course
06:22.39MiravlixI don't know of any GetNumSpells api
06:23.39MiravlixIt's pretty nice with the events.  SKILL_LINES_CHANGED triggers first
06:23.48MiravlixSo I just set a skip flag
06:23.58Irielname, texture, offset, numSpells = GetSpellTabInfo(i);
06:24.33IrielWhen do you clear the skip flag?
06:25.16MiravlixIf the flag is older than 1 second it's ignored
06:25.24Irielso, a hack then 8-)
06:25.34IrielThat wont help if I change a skill then learn a spell right after
06:25.40MiravlixYou don't
06:26.21MiravlixAnd I can't use number of spells
06:26.30MiravlixHalf the classes learn spell replacements
06:26.49IrielDo you care, in those cases?
06:26.51MiravlixWarrior, Rogue, Druid, not really half.
06:27.12Iriel(I may be thinking of too narrow a use for this data)
06:27.13MiravlixDoing the slow tooltip scan is because we do care
06:27.42MiravlixYou can just texture scan if you aren't worried about any details
06:28.42IrielDont replacements change the subspell name from GetSpellName?
06:28.48MiravlixAnd thats so fast you don't need to bother with trying to avoid scanning
06:28.50IrielCan't you cache those, and only tt scan when they change?
06:29.23oxman_why do you want scan spells ?
06:29.44Irieloxman_ : to know what's in the spellbook, in detail
06:29.53oxman_for what ?
06:30.19IrielSuppose you have an addon that needs to know if the user has spell X
06:30.33IrielYou need to track every change to the spellbook to notice if they have it, or gain it
06:30.40Irielor lose it, for that matter
06:30.53oxman_i scan the book when i want know if the user has the spell ;)
06:31.08IrielHow do you spot them gaining/losing the spell?
06:31.22oxman_i scan in live, so no problem about that
06:31.24IrielMaybe your addon has a button that's visible when the spell is around, and not when it's not
06:31.34oxman_i've never see impact performance when i do that
06:31.46oxman_so you scan it each 1 sec
06:31.46IrielWell, if your scanning involves tooltips, it IS slow
06:31.49MiravlixA spellbook scanner takes 65ms
06:31.50Irielrelatively speaking
06:31.51oxman_with an onupdate
06:32.08IrielMiravlix : So, anyway, is there any problem with my 2nd suggestion?
06:32.20MiravlixWhats the name of your addon, I want to make sure I never use it. :p
06:32.26IrielCan the tooltip change WITHOUT spellName AND subSpellName changing?
06:32.30oxman_EasyPriest v1
06:32.36MiravlixNot sure, trying to test
06:32.38oxman_EasyPriest v2 and v3 don't use that
06:32.57oxman_i have never see impact performance with my addons
06:33.09oxman_and lots of people use ct_raidassist, and about performance, hum hum hum...
06:33.18MiravlixOxman: Profile your spellbook scanner
06:33.22oxman_i hate ct_raidassist about that ;p
06:33.34oxman_i haven't anymore spellbook scanner :)
06:33.42Miravlixdebugprofilestart() spellbookscanner() debugprofilestop()
06:34.10oxman_now EP3 is well designed (i hope)
06:34.22MiravlixI normaly like to do a for loop  100 times and devide by 100 to get a more solid test result
06:34.22oxman_i do my best for that :)
06:34.32oxman_it's better Miravlix :)
06:36.58MiravlixGetSpellName on attack returns Attack
06:37.34IrielMiravlix : Well, attack is somewhat of an anomaly
06:37.47IrielMiravlix : Though its texture changes, I though this was about NOT caring about attack
06:38.31IrielShoot is going to be the same as attack, if I change wands, ditto gun/bow
06:45.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:46.02MiravlixYeah but checking attack/shoot/etc instead of scanning a full spellbook for changes would be faster
06:47.01MiravlixThough GetSpellName seems very inexpensive
06:47.17IrielIt should be, pretty much anything that's not a method call is cheap
06:47.22MiravlixI'm also worried about localization
06:47.22Irielit's those frame methods that hurt
06:47.51MiravlixI don't think GetSpellName respond in a general language
06:47.51oxman_localization is often tedious :
06:47.56MiravlixIt says Spell, Rank X
06:48.01oxman_specially when you parsing the combat log
06:48.11oxman_in french "Rang X"
06:48.38IrielWell, all I was suggesting you use get spell name for was seeing when somethingc hanged
06:48.45Irielto know what you would or would not have to scan the tooltip for
06:48.54IrielThough understanding the tooltip afterwards is an issue
06:49.03Irielbut no matter what you do, you have localization issues there
06:49.15oxman_the easyway is tell slouken about the bug ;p
06:49.22IrielThere is no bug
06:49.29IrielThere just a "the way it is"
06:49.43oxman_hum ? you say sometime the trigger isn't call
06:50.25MiravlixCastOptions want mana cost
06:50.59Miravlixmana cost change on level up and when additional spells is added
06:51.01oxman_ABInfo something like that too no ?
06:51.08Miravlixso it can use get tab info
06:51.11Irieloxman_ : the 'issue', if there is one, is that the event is called too often
06:51.15Miravlixand level up even
06:51.19IrielMiravlix : But mana cost doesn't change without a rank change
06:51.23IrielMiravlix : Does it?
06:51.33oxman_too often ? very often ?
06:51.34Miravlixyes it does
06:51.48IrielMiravlix : When? Are these some strange new spells I dont know about?
06:51.51Miravlixevery level up change many spells cost now days
06:51.56oxman_Iriel decurse :)
06:51.57MiravlixDispel Magic
06:52.02oxman_yep dispel sorry
06:52.04oxman_a mistake :D
06:52.07MiravlixDruid shapeshift
06:52.13oxman_holy nova too i believe
06:52.17[MoonWolf]warlock pets
06:52.20[MoonWolf]warlock fear.
06:52.24MiravlixThere is quite a few leveling spells
06:52.27oxman_many spells ;p
06:52.34IrielBut, having said that
06:52.43Irielrescan the damn book on level up, it doesn't happen very often
06:52.44MiravlixBut scanning on level up is easy
06:52.54oxman_true but not ok Iriel
06:52.59MiravlixI already said CO could get away with that
06:53.03oxman_you can buy your spell 10h after your level up
06:53.12IrielThat's not really a reason to reject using the names for interim changes, which is I think what we're mostly focussed on
06:53.18Irieland what i've been trying to come up with suggestions for
06:53.27Miravlixand it can use GetTabInfo to check for new spells, because if there aren't new spells there isn't any cost changes
06:53.33IrielIs there a time, NOT including level up, where the cost of a spell changes but its name/subname doesn't?
06:53.55MiravlixThey change how much the spell heals
06:54.01Miravlixor how much damage it does
06:54.36IrielHm, so perhaps the logic needs to be:
06:54.40Iriel1) Scan the book for changes
06:54.49Iriel(use name/subname filter)
06:54.58Iriel2) If you dont see any changes, do a full scan because something else may have happene
06:55.05IrielDo bonus items fire SPELLS_CHANGED ?
06:56.10MiravlixDepends on what information the addon needs
06:56.29MiravlixI'm changing 20-30 addons here so I have to find multiple solutions
06:56.52IrielOr you could write one 'SpellMaster' library and have them all use it
06:57.11Irielgive it different notification options for each user
06:59.15KarlKFIhmm, these xml anchors aren't working..
06:59.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
06:59.43KarlKFIdoesn't make sense
06:59.48KarlKFIlua anchors work...
07:01.22KarlKFIany idea why this wouldn't work?
07:01.24KarlKFI<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="QABotMenuSubFrameForward" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
07:01.25KarlKFI<AbsDimension x="0" y="-4"/>
07:01.32IrielKarlKFI : Frame ordering?
07:01.43IrielKarlKFI : Are you anchoring to something which doesn't exist yet?
07:01.53KarlKFIQABotMenuSubFrameForward is being defined immediatwely above...
07:02.16IrielKarlKFI : Can you pastebin the whole thing?
07:02.20KarlKFIthis works in the same frame:
07:02.21IrielI'll take a look before I go to sleep
07:02.21KarlKFIthis:SetPoint("TOP", "QABotMenuSubFrameForward", "BOTTOM", 0 -4);
07:03.52MiravlixBut it is way easier just doing event = "SKILL_LINES_CHANGED" then slc = gettime()
07:03.55KarlKFIignore the first frames tag
07:04.21Miravlixif event = "SPELLS_CHANGED" then if slc > gettime() + 1 then
07:04.37KarlKFIalmost identical to sam's movepad code cept i'm trying to use relative anchoring but it's not working
07:04.44MiravlixBut I admit not beautiful code. :p
07:05.06KarlKFIQABotArrowButtonTemplate just has an onload call
07:05.21KarlKFIand size
07:06.43IrielKarlKFI : Hm, a bit of a mystery there, assuming that the parent is 'QABotMenuSubFrame'
07:06.52s|loupif you use AbsDimension you can cut the text just to <Offset x="0" y="-4" />
07:06.56KarlKFIright, it is
07:07.06KarlKFIcould it be because it's a CheckButton?
07:07.11IrielOh, no
07:07.18IrielIt's because you didn't use an XML validating editor
07:07.24IrielAnd forgot <Anchors> around your <Anchor>
07:07.28IrielSo it's bad XML
07:07.51KarlKFIk thx
07:08.29wereHamsterKarlKFI, always check Logs/FrameXML.log to see if anything's wrong with your xml files
07:08.42KarlKFIit didn't have anythign listed
07:09.28IrielUnfortunately the log doesnt' catch a bunch of xml formal problems
07:09.37Irielformat, that is
07:10.29KarlKFInow, to make a 'face enemy' button
07:11.11KarlKFIanyone got any ideas other than random spinning if the 'wrong direction' error is shown?
07:12.23IrielViewport the worldframe,a nd move it back and forth under the mouse to look for stuff
07:12.38IrielOr possibly leave it where it is, and spin with SetCameraYaw until you find what you want
07:12.58Irielthe feedback is pretty slow though, one update per frame I think, maybe even worse
07:13.04Irielso perhaps spin like a freak is better
07:13.40KarlKFIdid we used to have a get location call for targets>
07:14.26oxman_why clad|sleep is never here ? ;p
07:14.37oxman_i talk to him in private and say "tell me when you're here please"
07:14.48oxman_and he comes back, away, without talk me :(
07:14.49IrielKarlKFI : we used to be able to call the unit map functions on enemy players
07:14.51oxman_many times ;/
07:14.57IrielKarlKFI : And we used to have UnitFacing for us and them
07:15.01KarlKFIany idea what the syntax was?
07:15.05IrielKarlKFI : Folks used to use UnitFacing to get a reasonable guess
07:15.11oxman_i want talk to him about perfectraid, i want help him (because he has a lots of work)
07:15.31KarlKFIhmmm.. you could get the enimy's facing and invert it?
07:15.49IrielThat was the general idea, assume enemy is facing you directly
07:15.55Irielit didn't work if your enemy wasn't facing you
07:16.13IrielGetPlayerMapPosition("target") was the other trick, but it never worked for NPC's
07:16.25Irielsleep time for me
07:16.42wereHamsternight iriel
07:17.43MiravlixHmm, I better just fix decursive for now. :p
07:21.44KarlKFIgah irel left. anyone know the rotate texture call?
07:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:33.45MiravlixI don't feel safe when an addon author add this comment to his OnUpdate code
07:33.47Miravlix-- wow the next command SPAMS alot
07:33.47Miravlix-- Dcr_debug("got update "..arg1);
07:34.51KarlKFIonupdate prints tend to do that
07:35.33MiravlixWho is this Quu anyway, he has written one of the most used addons and I feel like completely redoing it.
07:38.21MiravlixDcr_Tooltip:SetOwner(Decursive, "ANCHOR_NONE");
07:38.25MiravlixOnUpdate code.
07:41.48MiravlixDunno what to do with this
07:42.07Miravlixmv Decursive /dev/null
07:51.38MiravlixMy UI with Decursive loaded 50KB/s
07:51.49MiravlixMy Ui without Decursive loaded 5KB/s
07:52.25MiravlixHe for one thing generates a new table onupdate
07:52.36s|loupno surprise by this code
07:52.36Miravlixlocal table = {}
07:52.38Miravlixreturn table
07:52.44oxman_decursive sux ;p
07:52.48oxman_ct_raidassist sux ;p
07:54.09krka|workchange to GRAB ftw
07:54.17s|loupif no addon could write to a channel, the latency will be always green (thesis) ^^
07:55.43oxman_i use only little addon and nice addon
07:55.54oxman_and no bot addon, like decursive ;p
08:04.09MiravlixOxman: You suck at playing WoW
08:04.27oxman_because i don't use ctra and decursive ?
08:04.31MiravlixI assume you are refusing getting legendary items too
08:04.47MiravlixYou prolly can't even get into a guild that has a use for those addons
08:04.57oxman_i can.
08:05.09oxman_i use ora to see ready check, rs, vote, etc
08:05.21oxman_and decursive, i'm not the lonely man don't use it ;)
08:05.51MiravlixSo you use another addon that does the same
08:05.54oxman_i assume you must learn to play ;p
08:05.57MiravlixSo why does CTRA suck?
08:06.03oxman_no, because ora is very little :D
08:06.12MiravlixThats bull
08:06.15oxman_it's very strong and not modular
08:06.19oxman_and i don't like the frame style
08:06.20MiravlixYou have addons
08:06.24Miravlixyou USE the functionality
08:06.26oxman_i prefer so much marsraid
08:06.32Miravlixso why is it bad when it's named CTRA
08:06.49oxman_do you want i'm repeat again ?
08:06.50MiravlixThat has nothing
08:06.55Miravlixtto do with this
08:06.57oxman_<oxman_> it's very strong and not modular
08:06.57oxman_<oxman_> and i don't like the frame style
08:07.00oxman_is it ok now ?
08:07.03MiravlixYOU siad addons was bad
08:07.15oxman_i say decursive and ctraid there bad
08:07.19MiravlixNot that one addon is better than others
08:07.22oxman_not all addons
08:07.29oxman_the better is no bot addon
08:07.36oxman_(ctraid isn't a bot addon)
08:07.51oxman_i don't like ctraid, because is very very big, and use lots of ressource
08:07.56oxman_but it's my choice
08:08.00oxman_you can use it if you want
08:08.07oxman_but about decursive... honestly learn to play
08:08.40MiravlixWhats decursive got to do with my skills at playing?
08:08.56oxman_"flood" a key, isn't very hard no ?
08:09.08oxman_but select a member in 40 others decurse etc
08:09.10oxman_need more skill
08:09.10Miravlix1: No one can beat the effectiveness of what an addon like decursive does
08:09.11oxman_no ?
08:09.18MiravlixEVEYRONE is better by using decursive
08:09.19oxman_really ?
08:09.21oxman_but i can :)
08:09.28oxman_don't forget the global cooldown 0.5sefc
08:09.36MiravlixYou can't thats bull, you aren't better than a program
08:09.37oxman_i can choose a spell and a target in 0.5sec
08:09.49oxman_then, if decursive is 1000000000000x more quicker than me, it's not a reason to use it
08:09.56oxman_i WANT PLAY, i don't want use addon which play for me
08:10.13MiravlixIt doesn't play for you
08:10.16oxman_it does.
08:10.19Miravlixit removes mind numbing idiocy
08:10.31oxman_really ? why you don't use healer assist (or something like that)
08:10.41oxman_you spam a key and they heal the good member
08:10.43oxman_it's like decursive
08:11.00oxman_you can hold on the mt, custom priority etc
08:11.08oxman_it's ok in 90% of case
08:11.16oxman_really : learn to play
08:11.28MiravlixDecursive and others is ok in 100% of the cases
08:11.45oxman_in 10% of case you choose your spell and no use the macro of healer assist
08:11.51oxman_you're wrong, and you know it
08:11.55MiravlixBecause what decursive does is a NO BRAIN operation
08:12.06oxman_really ? why decursive have a priority list so ?
08:12.08oxman_isn't like heal ?
08:12.10oxman_it is.
08:12.23oxman_you select the best member to heal/decursve
08:12.27oxman_to keep your raid in life
08:13.19MiravlixIt's still a no brain operation to make the MT high priority for dispelling
08:13.36oxman_like heal so.
08:13.42oxman_(in your point of view)
08:13.44MiravlixDecursive can't choose that xyz debuff shouldn't be removed from playerF
08:14.02MiravlixIt choose whatever to remove debuffs that the player can handle on PlayerF
08:14.10oxman_so it's not ok 100% of cases ?
08:14.27oxman_like a heal so ;)
08:14.29MiravlixIt's works in 100% of the cases
08:14.39oxman_like a heal so ;)
08:14.57MiravlixI can hardly understand what you say.
08:15.19MiravlixFirst you claim all addons is bad, then CTRA functionality is okay, but decursive isn't
08:15.26Miravlixnow we should all use healer spammers
08:15.27oxman_decurse is like heal, exactly like that
08:15.33oxman_<oxman_> you select the best member to heal/decursve
08:15.33oxman_<oxman_> to keep your raid in life
08:16.01oxman_so use decursive, and you have and addon play for you
08:16.08Miravlixto keep your raid alive
08:16.17oxman_learn to play.
08:16.23oxman_i keep my raid alive without decursive
08:16.26oxman_(other priest too)
08:16.32oxman_i'm not alone.
08:16.34oxman_i repeat :
08:16.37oxman_I'M NOT ALONE.
08:17.13MiravlixSo whats the problem with us using decursive, if we aren't getting an advantage?
08:17.17oxman_don't forget, blizzard don't like decursive, blizzard find a way to ban it
08:17.27oxman_why blizzard want ban it if it's impossible to do instance without it ? ;)
08:17.27MiravlixSo whats the problem with us using decursive, if we aren't getting an advantage?
08:17.45oxman_the problem is just you have an addon which play for you
08:17.50oxman_if you like that : ok no problem
08:17.55oxman_but don't say : it don't play for me
08:18.00oxman_because it does
08:18.15MiravlixYou said yourself it isn't needed
08:18.20Miravlixso what the problem with using it?
08:18.26oxman_yep, because you can do instance without :)
08:18.32MiravlixIf it doesn't matter why do you care?
08:18.33oxman_because it play for me
08:18.45oxman_i don't want spam a key like a crazy man without brain
08:19.03MiravlixWhat does it matter to you what I do or anyone else do?
08:19.12oxman_oh, if someone use it : no problem for me
08:19.16MiravlixDoes it ruin your game somehow?
08:19.18oxman_i repeat (again i know) :
08:19.24oxman_<oxman_> the problem is just you have an addon which play for you
08:19.24oxman_<oxman_> :)
08:19.24oxman_<oxman_> if you like that : ok no problem
08:19.24oxman_<oxman_> but don't say : it don't play for me
08:19.25oxman_<oxman_> because it does
08:19.33oxman_no problem for me if you know it play for you
08:19.50oxman_lots of people say "no no decursive don't play for, me it's a no brain operation, blabla"
08:19.51oxman_it's wrong
08:19.54MiravlixYour spending a lot of time on this
08:19.58Miravlixand insulting people
08:20.03oxman_if you agree with the fact it play for you, you can use it, no problem for me
08:20.08MiravlixI don't understand why it matters to you so much
08:20.13Miravlixwhen it doesn't matter.
08:20.14oxman_open your eyes, sorry
08:20.22MiravlixMore insults
08:20.33MiravlixWhy the insults over something that doesn't matter?
08:20.37oxman_bah learn to play it's true if you can't do an instance without
08:20.52oxman_but you hide in apolozige "it's a no brain operation"
08:20.56oxman_i don't like that
08:21.07oxman_it's against my principle
08:21.21oxman_i'm honest and frank, and don't like people not honest and frank
08:21.26MiravlixBlizzard even build in even less brain debuff handlers
08:21.35MiravlixNow they don't cast if there is no spell on the target
08:21.45Miravlixmaking it even easier to make debuff handlers
08:21.52oxman_yes, to incite people play without decursive
08:21.55MiravlixYou don't waist mana by trying to debuff
08:22.05oxman_maybe in the next patch decursive will be banned, so blizzard prevent that
08:22.10MiravlixNo, it gives you more reason to use macros
08:22.13oxman_but you loose precious time
08:22.18oxman_and for a healer, time is VERY precious
08:22.18MiravlixNo it wont be banned
08:22.52MiravlixUnless Blizzard removes the addon system, we will have spam macros
08:22.53oxman_if blizzard implement an decursive i will say that : ok, blizzard want that, so use it
08:23.06oxman_but blizzard don't implement decursive, and don't like it
08:23.51MiravlixThey don't implement a lot of things
08:23.53oxman_if blizzard implement a decursive, is because blizzard want the decurse is a minor operation
08:23.59oxman_at the moment, is not that
08:24.05Miravlixthey don't implement chat scanners to warn the raid of knockback
08:24.11oxman_but they don't say "we don't like something"
08:24.17MiravlixBut they still program the mobs so you can predict it with an addon
08:24.18oxman_if they're not against it
08:24.41MiravlixWhy do you think they make it so we can program addons to effect the game?
08:24.51oxman_it ? what it ? sorry
08:25.01oxman_api ?
08:25.07oxman_chat scanner ?
08:25.29MiravlixThey program the game in a way that addons can give people an advantage
08:25.41oxman_but they disaproove some advantage :)
08:26.34MiravlixI don't see how they disaprove of key spamming to remove debuffs
08:26.41oxman_really ?
08:26.48MiravlixWhen they change the debuff handling spells to not cast when there is nothing to do
08:26.51oxman_you need read more american board :)
08:26.53Miravlixthey BUILD it into the game
08:27.05Miravlixwhat Decursive and others has done since the beginning
08:27.10oxman_but they say they don't like decursive (repeat again)
08:27.18oxman_but they say they don't like decursive (repeat again)
08:27.21oxman_it's ok ?
08:27.24MiravlixI don't think you understand what they don't like
08:27.36MiravlixYour just assuming and misreading what they are saying
08:27.44oxman_you must read american board :)
08:28.24oxman_Just so you know, the designers are against mods doing automated spell choosing and target choosing for players, there just isn't a good way to prevent it at the moment. If you do add such a feature, it's pretty likely to either not work or not be allowed at some point in the future.
08:28.25oxman_Note that this does not mean that such mods are illegal at this time, just that they are not encouraged.
08:28.29MiravlixThey don't have a problem with most of decursive
08:28.30oxman_(from slouken)
08:28.40MiravlixFACT: They build most of decursive into the game
08:29.43oxman_Title: Re: Blue: Decursive = Bannable 3rd Party Program?
08:29.43oxman_Poster: slouken
08:29.43oxman_Date (MEZ): 05.09.2005 [14:28]
08:29.44oxman_Original Post: Click here
08:29.44oxman_I might point out that the designers would like to disable it, but until that's solved, nobody should be banned for using it.
08:29.51MiravlixSo simply saying Decursive is wrong, is not the true picture of what Blizzard is saying
08:29.59oxman_two post about that
08:30.16oxman_it's not wrong.
08:30.20oxman_Blizzard don't like decursive.
08:30.25oxman_i repeat : READ AMERICAN BOARD
08:30.27MiravlixBut they instead build decursive into the game
08:30.37oxman_it's not at all a decursive
08:30.42oxman_1. don't select the spell
08:30.45oxman_2. don't select the target
08:30.47MiravlixIt is a major part of decursive
08:30.52oxman_not at all.
08:31.03oxman_you can flood the decursive spells
08:31.10oxman_you don't decurse all your raid/party
08:31.15s|loupthe major part is to select the involved player and decurse them
08:31.20oxman_you don't loosem ana, but loose lots of time :D
08:31.26oxman_s|loup thanks
08:31.31MiravlixYou don't loss time
08:31.44oxman_you forget the global cooldown again  ?
08:31.53oxman_i must repeat very often with you lol
08:31.56MiravlixTry this /target Xyz /cast DebuffSpell /target xyz /castDebuffSpell
08:32.08MiravlixYou loss nothing with the new system
08:32.13oxman_ok sorry so ;)
08:32.22oxman_but it's not at all a decursive
08:32.33oxman_and blizzard say they don't like decursive
08:32.42oxman_as i say : use it as you want, no problem about that
08:32.49MiravlixBut they still build a better decursive than decursive into the game
08:32.49oxman_but don't say it's a no brain operation please
08:33.00oxman_because Quu is a bad programer lol
08:33.11Miravlixif target has debuff remove it
08:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge FrancuZ (n=dushkoso@
08:33.25MiravlixHow freaking complicated is that, it doesn't take half a brain to learn that logic
08:33.26oxman_are you ok with that ?
08:33.35oxman_like heal Miravlix.
08:33.37MiravlixIt is a no brain operation
08:33.38oxman_like heal
08:33.40oxman_i repeat :
08:33.44oxman_L I K E  H E A L
08:33.50oxman_in fact i like repeat with you ;p
08:34.41MiravlixSpamming flash heal or whatever isn't a very complicated process in a team that can play
08:34.57oxman_yep, as i say : LIKE HEAL
08:35.11oxman_if you say decurse is a no brain operation, so heal too
08:35.19oxman_if you say the both, i'm ok with your point of view
08:35.26MiravlixProblem is not everyone in an instance can play, so you can't make the perfect AI for healing
08:35.32oxman_but i don't have this point of view ;)
08:35.48s|loupas i can say by playing without decursive you need more time to find the infected player and decurse them instead of hacking on a button to decurse by a selected order
08:35.57oxman_so, decurse no brain operation, and heal no brain operation, ok with that Miravlix ?
08:36.12*** part/#wowi-lounge FrancuZ (n=dushkoso@
08:36.14krka|workwow pve = no brain operation
08:36.17MiravlixThats only because you aren't using the new spell advantage Blizzard gave you
08:36.21oxman_krka it's true :)
08:36.35krka|workblizzard likes no brain operations
08:36.48MiravlixBlizzard gave you the ability to make a macro that decurse your whole team
08:37.10MiravlixYou don't need no fancy scripts anymore due to the spell change
08:37.13s|loupbut what should i play then?
08:37.27s|louplooking tv and hacking on a button?
08:37.37s|loupwow what a feeling
08:38.03MiravlixThats sounds just about it
08:38.05oxman_play a priest is very excitating compare to other class :')
08:38.17oxman_(without decursive and something like that of course)
08:38.34MiravlixThe players has beaten the Blizzard game mechanics in PvE
08:38.47krka|worksince most players are stupid, blizzard wants the game to be easy
08:38.59MiravlixWhatever you use addons or not it doesn't make much difference in PvE
08:39.04s|loupmost player not stupid just lazy ^^
08:39.10oxman_but strath/scholo etc limited to 5 is very good :D
08:39.16MiravlixSomeone could sit with a stop watch and /yell macros
08:39.24Miravlixto handle 10 min knockdown effects
08:39.34MiravlixBut I fail to see where the fun is in it.
08:39.57s|loupmore random times!
08:40.01oxman_Miravlix i'm ok about the difference with/without addons, i'm just  not ok to say decurse it's a no brain operation, or all the job of priest is a no brain operation (like other class in fact)
08:40.28MiravlixIf your good it's a no brain operation
08:40.44MiravlixAnd it's not that hard to teach it to others to play your class
08:40.57MiravlixThe challenge is in getting 40 people to react as a team
08:41.17oxman_they're no challenge in wow
08:41.34oxman_in fact, they're time challenge
08:41.39MiravlixThat depends on how you define wow
08:41.41oxman_like down the boss the first
08:41.45oxman_but no more
08:41.46MiravlixI don't define the other players as wow
08:42.01Miravlixand there is a huge challenge in coordinating human beings to work for the same goal
08:42.21oxman_with the time, you have a lots of stuff, if you play very bad ? too.
08:42.31oxman_so you beat ragnaros with the time ;p
08:42.40oxman_just need a little coordinating
08:43.55MiravlixBut there is never going to be any long term challenge in beating computer generated encounters, Blizzard has humans change the encounters in an attempt to fool players, because computers can't do it.
08:45.14MiravlixBut that just means people again will have to work with other players to learn to cope, not that the new game challenge is an issue
08:45.32Miravlixit will become farm status quickly enough
08:45.33s|loupcan i use that? /script for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do TargetUnit("raid"..i);CastSpellByName(decurse); end ?
08:46.08MiravlixNeed a SpellStopCasting()
08:46.18s|loupdoent the script ends when it casts the spell first time ?
08:46.25oxman_i think yes
08:46.31MiravlixInsta cast isn't instant without SpellStopCasting()
08:46.54s|loupso /script for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do TargetUnit("raid"..i);CastSpellByName(decurse);SpellStopCasting();end ?
08:46.58oxman_but if you can't decurse the first, no error from blizzard with the new system
08:47.02oxman_so i think you pass in the second loop
08:47.24s|loupbut does it try to cast is the same as to cast?
08:47.46oxman_i don't know
08:48.06s|loupshould be tested
08:48.12oxman_i wait your test ;)
08:48.22s|loupso wait 9hours ^^
08:48.51s|loupi cant test at work *g*
08:49.01oxman_too ;p
08:49.13oxman_"The Burning Crusade: Enter the Wisps"
08:49.18oxman_still no april ? ;p
08:49.28oxman_maybe it's true
08:50.15s|loupso nightelves are at half whisps?
08:50.32s|loupor what they are when they dead?
08:50.43oxman_lol i dunno
08:51.49oxman_but it's strange no announce about april's food
08:52.25oxman_many post about that on french forum
08:52.27MiravlixHmm, Remove Curse has a mini cooldown I can't remove with SpellStopCasting()
08:52.29oxman_"why no announce ?"
08:52.40oxman_I'M TRUE
08:52.57oxman_(with a luck lol)
08:57.02MiravlixcheckDebuff( curse, target ) still beasts
08:57.10Miravlixtrying to spam the spell
08:57.41MiravlixIt still does a auto abort cast of some kind that isn't the same as for insta spells with no cooldown
09:01.06oxman_you want a new decursive ? ;p
09:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:12.29krka|workmy addon will be able to replace decursive and all such addons i think
09:12.39oxman_which addon ? :)
09:12.51oxman_handsBrain v3 ?
09:12.58krka|worknot really ready yet... have a working prototype but no GUI
09:13.02krka|workhave to do some designing on that
09:13.10oxman_oh so it's serious ?
09:13.23oxman_it's design to do what ?
09:13.44krka|workbasically just a way to bind several actions to the same button
09:13.53krka|workwith custom condition checks for which one to use
09:14.28oxman_No BestHeal feature in EP.
09:14.33oxman_ups sorry ;D
09:14.40oxman_oh ok
09:14.45oxman_i don't like addon like that :D
09:14.56krka|workthat's fine
09:17.03oxman_more than ten topic about the "april's food" on french forum lol
09:17.05oxman_true or not ? ;p
09:23.02oxman_maybe spoiler
09:27.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cafeine (n=Cafeine@
09:27.30Maldiviago link spam!
09:27.41oxman_tss :p
09:27.48oxman_but maybe spoiler
09:28.32Maldiviawell, that area of the game has been accessable for almost a year now
09:28.53oxman_yes but french people are slow ;p
09:28.58oxman_we take the time :D
09:30.12Corrodiasfrench people are so slow they'd be late for the short bus
09:30.44Wobin_but I le tired =)
09:34.24s|loupwhat is the difference in using SetFactionActive and SetWatchedFaction ?
09:35.25Maldiviawatched faction = the "xp" bar
09:35.39Maldiviaactive/inactive = moving the faction to the inactive section in the reputation frame
09:35.57s|loupah ok though active = wathced
09:45.21MiravlixIs there a function call to set a faction to watched?
09:46.59MiravlixAnd don't tell me to read Iriels post, because all Bliz says to me is "SERVER TOO BUSY". :p
09:50.01Maldiviaindex :)
09:50.34Maldivianame, reaction, min, max, value = GetWatchedFactionInfo();  <-- for info about watched faction
09:50.56Maldiviaor the added isWatched return value on GetFactionInfo
09:51.16MaldiviaMiravlix: check :)
09:52.57MiravlixIt's a lot easier to find stuff in the wiki
09:53.04Miravlixif I have a function name tos earch for
09:55.03MiravlixI've been a touch typist for 20+ years and still... sudently things just break and I have major issues with where my spaces gets placed.
09:55.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
09:55.44KarlKFIi never even learned touch typing and i have issues with my spaces too :P
10:00.36MaldiviaMiravlix: well, the API section is divided into sections, and there are only 10 or so faction functions :)
10:01.13MiravlixIf you don't want to be helpfull there is nothing that prevents you from not waisting time on me by answering.
10:06.26KarlKFIkrka, got any idea if the Minimap arrow is somewhere int he art folders?
10:07.15KarlKFIi know it's not used by the ui, jsut wondering
10:07.18KarlKFIfound it
10:07.39Miravlixlocal info = {};
10:08.05MiravlixThat pushes info tables to the GC?
10:13.44KarlKFIwhat's the new image rotation methods?
10:26.56Corrodiasgrabbing it by the nads and twisting
10:27.07Corrodiasit spins right around
10:27.46KirovKarl - iriel has a nice bit of code on his site with a constantly rotating texture.
10:33.08krka|workhow do i get to hinterlands?
10:33.11krka|worki am in hammerfall atm
10:33.36KarlKFIah, f:SetTexCoord
10:35.21oxman_# The use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
10:35.24oxman_very good..
10:35.53krka|workanyone? :/
10:36.11Kirovkrka - head to hillsbrad, then go north as soon as you enter.  You'll find a path through the mountains leading past Aerie Peak
10:36.44Kirov <3
10:38.20krka|workhoping there was a better way :/ thanks though
10:39.03KirovOther option is going through Western Plague lands
10:39.11krka|worki am only level 48 :P
10:39.45KirovThat does pose a problem =)
10:40.49Miravlixlocal factionIndex;
10:40.49Miravlixfor factionIndex=1, GetNumFactions() do
10:41.05MiravlixIsn't for variables auto local?
10:43.18KarlKFIina  for, yes
10:43.26KarlKFIand don't live outside the for
10:45.51KolthI thought only variables declared in your for statement, not the for block, were local.
10:46.16MiravlixYeah, no auto scoping here
10:46.47MiravlixBut function arguments, for variables is local without the indicator.
10:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
10:51.17MiravlixTitanFaction with Blizzard faction bar support
11:32.26oxman_yammygirlcoding are you ok ?
11:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
12:03.32Miravlixif chocolate and monitor then if monitor == hot then cup = chocolate + monitor end end
12:04.33MiravlixSome programs will just never work
12:06.24OsagasuI have one that works for me every time
12:06.56L|Elvisois there a function to set the cursor focus inside an edit box?
12:06.57OsagasuIf Thunderstorm > Self then PlaySound(Whimper.mp3)
12:07.34[MoonWolf]if chocolate and chocolate = too hot then blow(chocolate) or drink(chocolate);
12:07.45KirovElviso - :SetFocus() ?
12:07.59KirovOr do you want to set it's position?
12:08.30L|Elvisono that should do it
12:08.35L|Elvisojust want the cursor to go to the box
12:09.22krka|workif girl and girl = too hot then.... i'll just stop now
12:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:09.57Josh_Borkemorning everyone
12:32.59Elkanoanyone of you also using the latest BossPanel also getting stck overflows?
12:33.13Elkano...stack overflows?
12:34.12MiravlixDon't you have to be at an AH for the autcion API to return stuff?
12:34.26MiravlixSeems to me it works all over Stormwind atleast
12:34.59Codayus[MoonWolf]: for what?
12:35.18[MoonWolf]easy buying, no need to go from ah to mailbox and back
12:35.35[MoonWolf]stay with the box and browse ah there.
12:35.45MiravlixAah the data is cashed after a visit
12:35.52CodayusI guess.  The SW mailbox is so close though...
12:36.00CodayusAh, how boring.  :-)
12:36.19[MoonWolf]try a Darnassus mailbox.
12:36.47Codayus<--- Doesn't hang out in Darnassus...ever.
12:37.03CodayusHmm, partly because of that very reason.  So I guess it's a pity it doesn't work.  :-)
12:37.20Wobin_Darnassus sucks for the AH->mailbox
12:37.45MiravlixYou have to go past the mailbox
12:37.50Miravlixon your way out of Darnassus
12:38.14MiravlixSo unless your in a bid war...
12:38.25Wobin_I have an AH mule
12:38.51Wobin_He's now currently stationed in SW, best of the Alliance ones
12:38.51CodayusWho very rarely every leaves his chosen city.
12:38.53MiravlixThis addon looks at AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW
12:39.02Miravlixand tries to scan the AH at that point
12:39.08CodayusAgreed.  SW is best since they added linked AHs.
12:39.20Wobin_TB is still the best of the lot
12:39.23MiravlixBut there is no "owner" or "bid" data until I open those tabs it seems
12:40.51[MoonWolf]as a nightelf on an rp server I hang out in darny
12:50.28MiravlixI just hang wherever I am. :p
12:51.09MiravlixWhere is the mental basket case when you 'need' someone with AH expertise
12:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
13:00.05MiravlixHmm, AuctionFrameTab_OnClick(3) AuctionFrameTab_OnClick(2)
13:00.19MiravlixI wonder if that works. :)
13:02.17MiravlixSeems I have to open the tabs before I get the data in them
13:04.23MiravlixCrude hack, but it worked.
13:04.32MiravlixTitanAuctions can now autoscan
13:06.23ElkanoI wonder if I should copy the ah scanner from Telo's LootLink into ItemDB... ;)
13:09.12MiravlixI scan bids and auctions
13:09.31MiravlixNothing major, but the AH don't cache the information until I open the tabs
13:10.39MiravlixI wonder how long it stays cached
13:11.25Elkanoever looked at Telo's way? you tell his addon to scan, visit the ah and it will loop through all pages which will take a few minutes ^^
13:11.59MiravlixSo does Auctioneer
13:13.48MiravlixClears on zoning
13:15.39MiravlixTitanAuction doesn't use the Browse tab at all
13:16.23Elkanowell, wrt its functionality, there's no need for it to do ^^
13:20.06MiravlixNessy level ?? Beast Boss
13:20.15MiravlixMy druid could solo her. :P
13:26.32L|ElvisoAnduinLothar, you here?
13:27.32Miravlix3 sharks, 1 Nessy, 1 Deeprun Diver, 1 Naga Siren.
13:27.51MiravlixThat seems to be the Deeprun Aquarium contense
13:29.06L|Elvisodruids can solo crazy good
13:29.25L|Elvisohibernate/root + nuke x's 10000
13:30.51MiravlixDo you know who Nessy is? :)
13:30.56MiravlixNo one can take her
13:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:31.20zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
13:36.08MiravlixShe isn't attackable. :)
13:41.24zenzelezznever tried... last time I saw her was when I was 15 or something and decided waiting for the tram wasn't worth it...
13:50.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
13:50.59Elkanockknight, when you're reading this, drop me a highlight :)
13:53.08Wobin_druids are overpowered
13:53.31Wobin_I as a 57 priest, along with a 58 druid was taking down 60 elites
13:53.48Wobin_and all I was doing was tossing on renews every now and again
13:54.09Wobin_ps worst quest ever
13:55.07L|Elvisothat's nothing
13:55.23L|Elvisomy priest, warlock, hunter all can take +2 and +3 elites
13:55.37L|ElvisoI've seen pallies do it too
13:55.50Wobin_Yeah pallies don't count
13:55.57L|Elvisosome shaman can
13:56.03Wobin_But I mean non stop grinding
13:56.12L|Elvisowhich 60 elites?
13:56.20krka|worki can kill stuff 3 levels below me if i'm lucky :/
13:56.23Wobin_The frostthinige giants in WS
13:56.32oxman_i can't take a +3 elite with my priest
13:56.33Wobin_For the Luck be with you quest
13:56.44MiravlixThe Frost guys is easy
13:56.46L|Elvisoyeah I kill those and the demons in the gorge with my hunter all the time
13:56.53Wobin_Hunters don't count =P
13:57.00L|Elvisoknow what's messed up?
13:57.07Wobin_Hunters are designed for solo work
13:57.08L|Elvisoif you kite one to town
13:57.18L|Elvisothe guards will attack it, understandable
13:57.28L|Elvisohowever if you attack it, the guards will attack you too! lol
13:57.29krka|worki can take out +1 elites, but it's hard :/
13:57.58Wobin_warlocks can just chainfear if necessary
13:58.35L|Elvisothat or banish + CoD
13:59.00MiravlixHardest think I've taken out must be the Ice Lord in AV, but he was a special case where you used the environment.
13:59.18MiravlixHonest soloing Mother smolderweb.
14:02.59krka|worki had a nice trick in Crushridge... there was a burnt down house and i kited an ogre by walking back and forth over the edge. the ogre had to walk around through the "door" of the burnt down house
14:03.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
14:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
14:14.44L|Elvisokrka, reminds me of the mage farming DM vid
14:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
14:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryu|CodeNoob (
14:19.49Shouryu|CodeNoobrawr and so forth
14:20.06Shouryu|CodeNoobI am rather angry
14:20.26Shouryu|CodeNoobI paid for a monthly subscription, to WoW, but I can't post...
14:24.55L|Elvisoanyone use TraceEvent?
14:26.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
14:26.52L|ElvisoI'm trying to use it but the editbox isn't accepting my keystrokes
14:28.29MaldiviaL|Elviso: yeah, noticed that aswell in 1.10
14:28.35ForgottenLordslol really?
14:28.55MaldiviaShouryu: ohh, let me guess, today is the pay-day ?:)
14:28.59ForgottenLordsI recall having difficulties making my editbox ignore my keystrokes
14:29.04Shouryu|CodeNoobpaid yesterday =(
14:29.32MaldiviaShouryu: hmm, ok - I know there are a bug or something, so you can't post on the day you pay the subscribtion
14:29.34Shouryu|CodeNoobwhat's weird is that they put "Next billing day 6 of march 2006"
14:29.39L|Elvisolol ForgottenLords.....I have to hit escape to get to type in the normal editbox
14:29.50Shouryu|CodeNoobYeah but I paid on the third =(
14:29.59Shouryu|CodeNoobI guess I'll wait till tomrow and see what happens
14:30.03Maldiviatoday is the 3rd!
14:30.19Shouryu|CodeNoobOh, I thought we were the 4th :S
14:33.24Shouryu|CodeNoobcould someone post this  here
14:33.33Shouryu|CodeNooband doesn't BGBuddy do what that guys is asking?
14:36.44Shouryu|CodeNoobIf I do OneTable = {}; AnotherTable = {}; AnotherTable[SomeKey]=SomeString; OneTable[1]=AnotherTable; will OneTable.AnotherTable.SomeKey return SomeString? If not, how do I call SomeString?
14:40.50MaldiviaOneTable = {}; AnotherTable = {}; AnotherTable[SomeKey]=SomeString; OneTable[1]=AnotherTable; <--- then OneTable[1][SomeKey] will return SomeString
14:40.56krka|workwhat he said
14:41.19Shouryu|CodeNoobcool thanks
14:41.45Maldiviatables are stored by reference, so later changes to AnotherTables will be accesable through OneTable[1]
14:42.08Maldiviaand vice versa
14:42.47Shouryu|CodeNoobok thanks :P
14:43.58Maldiviawell, the result can be quite surprising, if you're not aware of it, and you want to say initialize a table with the same subtable multiple places, and then you alter one place, and suddently all the entries have been altered
14:45.43Maldiviafor instance something like local t = { Health = 0, Mana = 0, Name = ""} local group = { player = t, party1 = t, party2 = t...}, and when you then do group.player.Health = 2000, suddently all the party members have the same health as you :)
14:48.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
14:49.31Shouryu|CodeNoobthat is suprising indeed :P I would've though otherwise...
14:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
14:51.31Josh_Borkemorning iriel
14:53.19L|ElvisoIriel, do you happen to use the TraceEvent dev tool?
14:55.53KirkburnHullo all
14:56.10L|Elvisohi Kirkburn
14:56.19Josh_Borkehello Kirkburn
14:56.25KirkburnShouryuu, which quarter do you live in again?
14:57.06Josh_Borkei need some help writing some frame arranging code
14:58.14Shouryu|CodeNoobKirkburn In Paris? 6th, latin quarters
14:58.58IrielL|Elviso : I dont, no.
14:59.02KirkburnYeah ... talked to someone who was in the 13th quarter last night in here (I think 13th)
14:59.07L|Elvisook, thanks
14:59.19Shouryu|CodeNoobhumm who was it?
14:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
14:59.33KirkburnEver heard of the french magazine Joystick?
14:59.45KirkburnThe editor in chief
14:59.54Shouryu|CodeNooblol nice
15:00.04Shouryu|CodeNoobthat's one big magazine here
15:00.15KirkburnWow ... do you read it?
15:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:00.41Shouryu|CodeNoobbut it's well known
15:00.50L|Elvisoyou should read it soon :)
15:00.51Kirkburn:) He's writing an article on WoW mods
15:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
15:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:01.39KirkburnWhich reminds me, I need to poke Skeeve about MobHealth
15:02.04Shouryu|CodeNoobHehe well I'll take a look into it
15:02.11Shouryu|CodeNoobI'll see if he speaks of you =D
15:02.37Josh_Borkeer, sorry,
15:02.45Josh_Borkesilly enter key
15:04.56Shouryu|CodeNoobhumm how do I get my mouse's (x,y) pos?
15:05.07Shouryu|CodeNoobgot it
15:05.13Legorol^damn, Iriel was faster
15:05.16Shouryu|CodeNoobwas looking in the Widgets api
15:05.38Legorol^Shouryu|CodeNoob: don't forget to convert the return values to appropriate coordinate system
15:05.41KirkburnHey, no longer a TiePro?
15:05.52Shouryu|CodeNoobNo code noob seemed more appropriate :p
15:06.13Shouryu|CodeNooband what was that Legorol^
15:06.17KirkburnI should make mine Kb|nooberer
15:06.21Legorol^Iriel: is there a link to your page somewhere that explains the coordinate systems?
15:06.32Legorol^Shouryu|CodeNoob: Iriel put up a nice wiki page explaining it all, i can't remember the link
15:06.40krka|workcoordinate system is easy, it's the scaling that annoys me
15:06.45Shouryu|CodeNoobI'll look aroudn for it then
15:07.09IrielScaling is part of the coordinate system
15:07.22Josh_Borkei have 2 sets of frames: normal frames and statusbars.  i want to intersperse the statusbar frames within the normal frames.  sometimes there will be 0 statusbar frames between 2 normal frames
15:07.29Legorol^krka: yes, the coordinate system is scaled when you scale the object ;-)
15:07.43Legorol^Iriel: is that linked from somewhere? if not, can i link it from HOWTO page?
15:08.04Josh_Borkei have some pastebin code that makes me cry now that I look at it
15:10.44Josh_Borkei just feel like i'm making it WAY harder than I need to
15:10.57IrielLegorol : I think I linked it from somewhere, just dont remember where
15:11.43IrielLegorol^ : Hm, I guess not.
15:13.01Shouryu|CodeNoobcould someone post this  here
15:14.28Legorol^can someone explain to me how category links work
15:14.47Legorol^i put [[Category: HOWTOs|Blah blah]] on my page, but instead of showing up as Blah blah on the HOWTO page,
15:14.55Legorol^it shows up with the original title of the page
15:14.59Legorol^what am i doing wrong?
15:15.13IrielWhich page?
15:15.53Wobin_Shouryuu: This is in reply to the post starting: " Ok this obviously isn't Working."?
15:16.06Legorol^Iriel: [[Category: HOWTOs|Save Variables Between Game Sessions]]
15:16.16Legorol^i meant
15:16.38Josh_Borkeyou have to name your page with HOWTO:
15:16.46IrielLegorol^ : All the name on the category link does is change which section it shows up in the index
15:16.55IrielLegorol^ : so Blah blah shows up under 'B'
15:17.00Irielbut it still has the same name it normally has
15:17.09Legorol^even that is not working
15:17.22Legorol^i put this on the page: [[Category: HOWTOs|Understand Tooltips (pseudo-code)]]
15:17.29IrielYes it is working
15:17.30Legorol^it's not showing up under U on the HOWTOs page
15:17.34IrielTooltip Pseudo Code shows up unedr U
15:17.38IrielI was just there
15:17.39Josh_Borkeyep, what iriel said
15:17.49Legorol^oops you are right
15:18.00Legorol^lol, because it was in T, it physically remained in the same place :D
15:18.08Legorol^hence i didn't notice it went from T to U
15:18.18Legorol^ok hmm so what do i do?
15:18.28IrielMove the page if you think its name was bad
15:18.33Iriel(Fix any links to the old page)
15:18.52L|Elvisowow really needs a training area, with target dummies
15:19.03Legorol^we need something for generic explanation pages like these
15:19.03IrielThere's a "what links here" button on each page
15:19.04IrielIt's handy
15:19.09L|ElvisoLike the ones the NPC's use in Theramore
15:19.09Legorol^that are not necessarily "HOWTO"s
15:19.28Legorol^like your Coordinate and Texture mapping page and this one
15:19.39IrielLegorol^: Agreed
15:19.42L|Elviso"HOWSTUFFWORKS" imo :p
15:19.47IrielLegorol^ : What should we call it?
15:19.54Legorol^i'm not very creative on that front :D
15:20.02Legorol^how'bout Understanding UI
15:20.14Legorol^or somesuch
15:20.21IrielCategory:UI Technical Details
15:20.30Legorol^HOWTO should be reserved for examples and tutorial type stuff
15:20.33Legorol^ok sounds good
15:20.40IrielI'll create it
15:20.54Legorol^is there anything more to creating a Category then just naming a page with Category:blah
15:21.02Legorol^and then adding the [[Category: blah]] to the pages involved?
15:21.36Legorol^ah, Iriel, you linked it from here:
15:21.43Josh_BorkeLegorol^: nope
15:21.46Legorol^i think a few entries in there should move under this new page
15:23.35IrielYes, i'm getting there
15:23.43Wobin_Shouryuu: Done
15:23.53ShouryuuThank you :P
15:23.54IrielLegorol^ : And no, nothing more, that's all you need to do to create to category
15:28.01IrielBlah I hate it when I reword an entire line after first typing it, but forget to fix the smaller collecting words so it comes out barely intelligibly
15:28.15IrielAnyway, I've cleaned up the Interface Customization links
15:28.20Legorol^writing is overrated...
15:28.23Legorol^direct neural links ftw
15:28.44IrielThough I see your tooltip page isn't there
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15:29.11Legorol^i'd have to add the category link
15:29.31Legorol^Iriel: someone added thsi page:
15:29.42Legorol^oh uh nvm
15:29.48Legorol^i was confusing it with the API, lol
15:29.56Legorol^i was about to say it shoudl be nuked :-)
15:30.33Legorol^oh it was you!
15:30.49Legorol^should it not be hierarchical like the API?
15:33.35IrielLegorol^ : It probably should be hierarchial, but it was put together in somewhat of a hurry when someone asked for it
15:34.32IrielSo, to use an oft repeated phrase "I'll fix it later, someday" 8-)
15:42.21CafeineShouryuu : Kirkburn was speaking about me ;)  veinard, sympa le quartier latin ;)
15:42.54KirkburnAm I blind? How did I not notice you here ... hello!
15:43.39Cafeinehello :)  you should get a PM or email from our multimedia guy, we need your approval (and lots of others ;) ) to put your code on our cd
15:44.04Cafeinein the feature I write about ui.worldofwar, curse, etc.
15:44.13Cafeine(to get latest versions, this kind of stuff)
15:45.04OsagasuYou're remembering WoWI, right? :>
15:47.46Cafeinedamn I was Kirkburn  (he'll understand)
15:48.33KirkburnYou want this Cafeine
15:48.59Cafeinethx, doing that right away. I'm using a lot of chan here... Can't believe I missed that part  :/
15:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
15:50.43zenzelezzbah... I should place Overpower on my 6, 7, 8 buttons... keep hitting 6 and sometimes 8 instead of 7...
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15:50.58Cafeine_blah, all the nicks are taken -_-
15:53.31Elkanoho ckknight :)
15:54.23ShouryuuCafeine__ c'est toi l'editeur en chef de Joystick?
15:54.32OsagasuJe suis ananas
15:54.33Wobin_Hehe, you've joined the ranks of the alreadynamedtackonaunderscore!
15:55.21Cafeine__Shouryuu  yup :)
15:55.23Legorol^hm, EU Blizz is hiring tech support people.. maybe i should apply
15:55.32Cafeine__Wobin_ : doing what I can ;)
15:55.35Legorol^MMO experience, customer relations, work under pressure: hell yeah
15:55.38Shouryuuwow, gosh
15:55.43Legorol^does fixing up Cosmos on patch day counts? :D
15:56.05IrielLegorol^ : You'd want to kill people after an hour
15:56.11Cafeine__Shouryuu ;)
15:56.26zenzelezzI wanted to apply for the GM job on EU servers, but my country isn't a full member of the EU >.< Not that I'd get the job anyway, but for once I wish my country was a member
15:56.27Legorol^Iriel: i've done my fair share of friendly support in the Cosmos support channel
15:56.41Legorol^i'm happy to help people that are having genuine problems
15:56.43krka|worktech _support_ is not the same thing as coding patches
15:56.44IrielLegorol^ : And saying "First, uninstall all of your addons" 50 times a day would break your heart
15:56.55Legorol^krka: i know
15:57.00Legorol^i know what tech support is about
15:57.07Legorol^that's what i do about half the time with Cosmos :-)
15:57.26Legorol^i just head the first interaction with a GM in-game where i was told: nuke Interface/WTF/WDB
15:57.29Legorol^that broke my heart
15:57.47Legorol^i was having some bug/issue with saved letters, so i petitioned, i was told its caused by AddOns
15:57.55krka|workyeah, i got those aswell
15:58.04Legorol^i'd have loved to bang my head against the wall for forgetting to mention to them that i have removed those folders first
15:58.12Legorol^in my second petition i made sure i explicitly mention it
15:58.19IrielI always reproduce with addons disabled, just in case, then explicitly mention it in any petition.
15:58.22IrielLife is simpler then
15:58.26Legorol^yes i agree
15:58.34Legorol^i was a n00b for forgetting to put it in the petition
15:58.44Legorol^i can totally understand why they have to reply that
15:58.53Legorol^to be honest, my own first thought was: hmmm, maybe an addon, let's disable them
15:59.17Legorol^let's see what they say the second time round
15:59.21Cafeine__Shouryuu : be nice with me with this feature btw : too many mods and too many choices for the same fonction. :)  basically I choosed the ones I like.
16:00.03Legorol^Cafeine__: do i need to check my email too? :-)
16:00.40Cafeine__mmmm :)  what is your mod :p
16:00.54Cafeine__ho damn yeah
16:01.00Cafeine__so you'll get a mail
16:01.01ShouryuuCafeine__ hehe :P If you need some mods translated, I don't mind helping out
16:01.42Cafeine__I put a bunch on the shoulders of the cd guy, I bet they'll mostly stay in english. I hate the FR version myself so I didn't check for that   -_-
16:01.59Cafeine__cant  play in the Tarrides.
16:02.33Wobin_Hey Shouryuu: Could you do some translations for MrPlow?
16:02.39Shouryuuhit me
16:02.42Legorol^Cafeine__: is it realistic to ask that the author be credited (by mentioning his name) and that a link to the AddOn's page be included in some form or another?
16:02.56Wobin_What address to send to?
16:03.20Elkanohaving to move to France is one of the things making me not apply for a job at Blizzard ;)
16:03.22Cafeine__Legorol^ : I've done an part in the article, basically "where to get the new versions"
16:03.30Cafeine__with wowi, worldofwar, curse
16:03.38Cafeine__each mods get the name of the coder though
16:03.41krka|workhere's a question that may be interesting! is it possible to modify environments? so that i can do something like this: f= function() local a, b, c   storethisenvironment() end g= function() loadenv() print a end
16:03.49Cafeine__(the nickname at least  ;) )
16:03.55ckknightkrka|work, yes
16:04.07Cafeine__most of the url are too long... paper suxx for links :p
16:04.08krka|workmore specifically, i want to use loadstring() to get functions
16:04.12Shouryuuckknight I'm done with the Boss Panel Translations btw
16:04.18krka|workand i want the user to be able to define his own local helper functions
16:04.31Shouryuuhehe gimme a sec I'll send them to ya
16:04.45Kirkburnckknight, have you decided upon a final name now then?
16:04.46krka|workok ckknight, then question 2 is: how do i do that? :)
16:04.54Legorol^Cafeine__: ok that sounds really cool
16:05.00Legorol^i'm looking forward to reading your article
16:05.10Legorol^will we be able to read it somehow without getting hold of the magazine?
16:05.14Cafeine__I'm looking forward to finish writing it  -_-
16:05.15Elkanockknight, did you recive my query?
16:05.20ckknightKirkburn, not yet
16:05.22KirkburnI'll be sitting there with a dictionary :P
16:05.32krka|workloadstring("function() " ... userinput .. " <store environment> end")
16:05.47Elkanoin IRC
16:05.47ckknightoh, sorry Elkano, I wasn't registered
16:05.50ShouryuuLegorol^ I can buy a copy and try to do a rough translation
16:05.51Cafeine__I'll send a pdf to the authors who are far far away ;)   some lucky ones will get the paper mag.. :p
16:05.54ckknightI had talked back to you
16:05.59ckknightwondered why you didn't respond
16:06.01krka|workand loadstring("function() <load environment> return " .. usercondition .. " end")
16:06.05Cafeine__Shouryuu will scan, I like Plan B :p)
16:06.06Irielkrka: setfenv is what you need
16:06.10Legorol^krka: interesting point
16:06.13Shouryuuno scanner =(
16:06.15Legorol^you can't save/load/affect the locals
16:06.18Legorol^but you can do setfenv tricks
16:06.21Cafeine__ok ok  pdf then :p
16:06.33Legorol^Cafeine__: it's being written in French?
16:06.39Cafeine__(tel) brb
16:06.44Cafeine__yeah french ;)
16:06.47Legorol^hehe then i'll just read it when someone here translates it
16:07.56KirkburnFrench magazines written in french!? Whatever will they think of next!
16:08.07Cafeine__( I'll put a "lol" here :p )
16:08.12Legorol^next they'll do English magz in French
16:08.13ShouryuuI can make a quick translation, but I can't guarantee quality material :P
16:08.36Legorol^good afternoon Caireen
16:08.48Shouryuuckknight Ok gmail is down (or my internet has chosen to play with my head), I'll send them later
16:08.50Cairennhey :)
16:08.50Josh_Borkemorning Cairenn
16:08.53Cafeine__anyway, should get back to writing it, stupid phone dont stop ringing (I usually slap ppl for writing for me damn, what stupid idea i had)
16:09.11CairennHope everyone is having a good day thus far:)
16:09.24Elkanosure :)
16:09.38ckknightShouryuu, alright
16:09.39Cafeine__Cairenn : mostly. thx again for you site btw, and yeah, wowi's in the feature (I didnt reply to that yesterday)
16:09.41Shouryuui've leant that my school is closing because of demonstrations tomorow so I'm full of gleeee
16:09.58KirkburnShouryuu: heh
16:10.36CairennCafeine__: you are welcome, glad you like the site, we try our best. and, huh? sorry, I seem to have forgotten ...
16:11.00KirkburnSee, at least they tell you in france Shouryuu ... in Italy, they just don't turn up to work.
16:11.02Cafeine__haha np it's was late (at least for me)
16:11.49Cafeine__I'm the guy writting a feature about mods in an oldschool paper mag. ;)   you asked me about wowi, because I wrote that ppl should go to curse and wordofwar for new versions ;)
16:12.04Legorol^Cairenn: your time zone is PDT, right?
16:12.18Cairennerrr, no, don't believe that was me that asked you
16:12.22CairennLegorol^: EDT
16:12.34Legorol^aha, 3 hours ahead of the competition!
16:12.44CairennPDT is -3 from me
16:13.01Legorol^has daylight saving started there?
16:13.10Cairennjust started this weekend, yes
16:13.10Shouryuuthink so
16:13.23Legorol^so now you are GMT-4
16:14.14Legorol^ok now that US has joined summer time too, let's have a Welcome to DST party!
16:14.26KirkburnLegorol, what competition? I'm so very confused
16:14.37Wobin_Shouryuu: File Sent
16:14.37krka|workhmm... so help me out here: i can create my own env-table and have its metatable point back at the real one, then my definitions inside a function will appear inside my new table?
16:14.42Legorol^you know, the "other side"
16:14.48KirkburnYou know worldofwar is British, and Curse is french?
16:14.55ShouryuuWobin_ I'll take a look when gmail feels more cooperative
16:14.59Kirkburn(well half french)
16:15.00krka|workand setfenv should be set before calling f?
16:15.01Wobin_Sure, no rush =)
16:15.14Legorol^krka: yeah that soundsl ike a sound approach
16:15.34krka|workbasically all i want is a way to avoid polluting the real environment
16:15.45Legorol^if you don't set __newindex in the metatable, then yes, new definitions will be added to the local table
16:16.12Legorol^whereas having __index allows you to pull stuff from the real environment
16:16.33Legorol^(note i never tried this, but i beleive that's what will happen)
16:18.00Legorol^krka, i just tried, it works
16:18.07krka|worki am not sure about how this works
16:18.12Legorol^shall i pastebin it?
16:18.15krka|workdoes this modify the closure?
16:18.27krka|workso i can do it once, at any time?
16:18.32Legorol^yes once, any time
16:18.38MiravlixCairenn, wowi wont reconice me as a addon author.
16:18.49KirkburnDo any of us? :P
16:18.51Legorol^i don't know how it's implemented, but i do think of it that setfenv modifies the prototype
16:18.59Legorol^or it could be the closure
16:19.01Legorol^i'm not entirely sure
16:19.06krka|workfunction myhelpfunctions() function x() end function y() end end
16:19.08Legorol^anyway, pastbinning away
16:19.20krka|workwill running myhelpfunctions() create global closures?
16:19.33CairennMiravlix: do you have any mods uploaded to the site?
16:19.46krka|workso then setfenv(myhelpfunctions, myEnv) would work?
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16:19.54krka|work(before evaluating it)
16:19.59Cairennas of when? (trying to sort it out)
16:20.12Josh_Borkecan I do 'local myVar1,myVar2'?
16:20.17krka|workyes Josh_Borke
16:20.26krka|worklocal var1, var2, ... = value1, value2, ...
16:20.28Miravlix04-01-2006 03:08 AM
16:20.44Josh_Borkekrka|work: danke
16:20.45Cairennmod names?
16:20.59Cairennany 1 will do
16:21.10MiravlixMicro Macro Maker. ColorCycle-lix and Look Lock ( mini)
16:21.28Cairenn(so many, I sometimes forget, nothing personal)
16:22.34MiravlixI can't decide if I should submit all 30-50 or whatever it is addons I maintain, none of them are originally mine, but they are all 'dead'
16:22.41krka|workthanks lego
16:22.48krka|worklooks good
16:23.23Legorol^krka: even functions closures created within f() should only be added to the local env
16:23.36Cafeine__Kirkburn : yeah I know for curse :)
16:23.55Legorol^note that without the __index trick, your f() would not have access to stuff like print (but you probably know this)
16:23.57krka|workperfect example, explained everything i needed to know :)
16:24.14CairennMiravlix: As long as you make that statement and credit the original authors, we have no objection to hosting them for you
16:24.15krka|workbut never assume i know stuff :)
16:24.22krka|workthis was just lucky
16:24.40MiravlixYeah, but I don't have time to support that many addons
16:25.07Legorol^krka: i'll admit that i had to run this before posting to make sure it does work like i thought it does :D
16:25.13krka|workso i have helperfunction and small_function_1, small_function_2... just setfenv to the same for all of them will do the trick
16:25.31MiravlixI'm just a user of them that happends to have the ability to get them to work after patch day.
16:25.32Legorol^yeah if you setfenv all, they can share the environment
16:25.38Legorol^actually this is quite a nice diea!
16:25.44krka|workyes it is :)
16:25.47Legorol^a "local" storage space shared by all your functions
16:25.57Legorol^without having to reference "self" or another table al lthe time
16:26.00Legorol^i like this a lot!
16:26.03krka|workmostly useful if you're gonna let the user define own functions i think
16:26.14Legorol^definitely, especially for security
16:26.17krka|workhmm... no wait
16:26.21MiravlixCairenn, Could I make a header addon and put them all under it perhaps?
16:26.32CairennMiravlix: why were you wanting wowi to recognize you as an author? so you can enable a portal?
16:26.40CairennMiravlix: we can work out something like that, yes
16:26.46krka|workdon't use setfenv for object orientation please
16:26.50MiravlixIt's all about ego offcourse
16:26.53krka|workthat ruins the usage for other stuff
16:27.10Legorol^krka: ok however you like it
16:27.12Cairennanyway, I manually set your author flag
16:27.14Legorol^toasted, roasted or burnt
16:27.27Cairennif you are wanting it for the sake of portal, give it 15 mins or so
16:27.32Cairennand then check
16:27.40Legorol^Cairenn: speaking of portals, is it possible now to group addons on the feedback page?
16:27.53CairennLegorol^: dunno
16:27.53Legorol^so that a user can make a feedback pertaining to more than one addons
16:28.08Wobin_All this time since the patch I've been running around without using InnerFire
16:28.28Legorol^heh, Blizz nuked your autobuff addon, Wobin_?
16:28.31Wobin_That kinda shows how dependant I was on Autobuff =P
16:28.42krka|workyou'll get used to doing without it
16:28.52krka|workeven i have learnt to live without my addon
16:28.54Legorol^or you'll get used to keymashig
16:28.54Wobin_I only just realised we still had Innerfire after reading Cirk's addon
16:28.55CairennLegorol^: post it in the site suggestions, please? the feedback thread for the portals is still stickied at the top
16:28.57MiravlixNo need to
16:29.17Legorol^krka: i never got used to living without AT
16:29.20MiravlixThe Tacklebox implementation can be used for EasyBuff, EasyPet, EasyWhatever
16:29.29Legorol^i am in pain and agony each time i have to run for more than a 1 minute along a long boring dirt road
16:29.45krka|worki missed as late as today when i was playing a bit on my lunch and lost all of it because i had to run to Revantusk
16:29.46Legorol^Miravlix: it's still a form of keymashig
16:29.51Legorol^you just mash the right-mosue button
16:30.24Legorol^sad thing is, i mostly play without clicking the right-mouse
16:30.28Legorol^i'll have to alter my playstyle
16:30.39MiravlixI never got comfortable with the movement buffers anyway, they allways decided to buff when I didn't feel it was appropiate
16:30.46Legorol^fair enough
16:31.02Legorol^the cool thing about the right-mouse implementation that it can be adjusted so that it only reacts to clicks, but not drags
16:31.05Legorol^see TB
16:31.12krka|workman, thanks lego, now i have the tool to make a more powerful GRAB
16:31.12MiravlixBeen trying for years to get some 'sanity' into ActionQueue, but my decission making was just to complicated to put into an addon
16:31.13Legorol^so you won't get a buff when you look around
16:31.34Legorol^Human brain > AI, at least for the near future
16:31.47MiravlixWobin_, I use BuffBot (though had to fix it, author haven't done it) it is a 1 key thing
16:31.49Legorol^unless you are able to completely rationalise and formalise your decision making process
16:31.51krka|worki've been working on this neural network addon....
16:32.20Legorol^krka: how is GRAB coming along? or whatever its latest name is
16:32.25krka|workstill called GRAB
16:32.28krka|workno releases lately
16:32.32Legorol^and stands for..
16:32.36krka|workbeen working on it for a while now
16:32.38Legorol^you *had* a release?
16:32.41krka|workstill haven't started on the GUI :/
16:32.44krka|workjust one
16:32.47krka|workvery beta
16:32.51MiravlixCairenn, Hmm, what about a unmaintained 1.10 compatible category that gets nuked after each patch?
16:32.52krka|workpretty sure i spammed the link 1000 times here
16:33.01krka|workGame Reactive Action Buttons
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16:33.05krka|workyou can have my working copy
16:33.09krka|workthe released one is crap
16:33.20Legorol^i'm more than happy to endlessly criticize it
16:33.40CairennMiravlix: ? post in further detail in the site suggestion forum?
16:33.48Legorol^i remember the olden days, when you first posted AT on the forums
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16:34.05krka|workgo ahead and rip if apart
16:34.13CrispixYAAAAY! 20 inch Dell Fp2001 :D
16:34.14krka|worknote that it's currently set up for my mage
16:34.16L|Elvisokrka: what does that do exactly?
16:34.25krka|workmodify Settings.lua to customize it
16:34.32krka|workno time, gotta run to the train now
16:34.36krka|workbe back here in an hour or so
16:34.39Josh_Borkekrka|work: that mod looked awesome btw
16:34.50krka|worklooks better with clearfont :)
16:34.52krka|worki love it now
16:34.53Irielkrka: To answer your earlier question
16:35.02MiravlixWhat forum is the suggestion one?
16:35.25MiravlixFound it
16:35.28Cairennscroll down, kinda ob...
16:35.46MiravlixSuggestion was last on the line, I only read the first few chars. :p
16:35.47krka|workthe documentation on wowi is still mostly valid btw lego
16:36.17krka|workolden days = golden days?
16:36.17Irielkrka: you can indeed do newGlobal = setmetatable({}, {__index = getfenv(0) });
16:36.28Irielkrka: then setfenv(someFunction, newGlobal)
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16:36.31krka|workthanks :)
16:36.38ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
16:36.51Cairennlater krka, hi ComicSansMS
16:37.37IrielAny new closures someFunction creates will also have newGlobal as their global environment
16:38.06wereHamsterIriel, why doesn't setfenv(someFunction, {__index = getfenv(0) }); work ?
16:38.19IrielDepending on whether you're trying to be 'friendly' or 'protective' you might consider redefining rawget/rawset/setmetatable/getmetatable/getglobal/setglobal in your new environment
16:38.26IrielwereHamster : because you're confusing table and metatable
16:38.44IrielwereHamster : __index goes into a metatable, not the table itself
16:38.58wereHamsteray.. right
16:39.30IrielLegorol^ : more excruciating detail added to
16:39.44wereHamsterso _G is a normal table, not a metatable ?
16:40.02IrielwereHamster : Correct
16:40.35Josh_Borkewhat's all this metatable stuff?
16:40.43IrielwereHamster : You can give it a metatable (though i'd advise you be careful if you do, you can end up tainting a lot of execution paths by accident)
16:41.25IrielJosh_Borke : It's a clever extension mechanism in lua for tables (and userdata, but we dont get to do that)
16:42.18wereHamster... like what to do if the table index doesn't exist etc.
16:42.40IrielJosh_Borke : You can, for example, run code on insertion of a NEW key into a table (existing keys dont invoke a metamethod), or on accessing non-existant keys (existing keys again dont invoke a metammethod)
16:44.20Josh_Borkeso i could make a function that if someone accessed a non-existant key, it would create the key?
16:44.31Josh_Borkethat's pretty nifty
16:44.41zenzelezzor shout at them?
16:45.47Wobin_yep zenzelezz
16:45.59Wobin_Although that would really depend on how you're doing the shouting
16:46.27Wobin_Cause, really, if Lua's metatables could punch someone over the internet for doing something wrong, I'm going to invest in shares somehow =P
16:46.39CideI would suggest using ReloadU() for shouting purposes, just for fun!
16:47.03Wobin_ooh infinite ReloadUI loop
16:47.12Cidethat'd be nice.
16:47.42Cidebut that hardly requires invoking a metamethod to accomplish :)
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16:47.58IrielOk.. off to work.
16:48.15Cairennlater Iriel
16:48.50Crispixhehehe.. this 20 inch lcd is SOOO nice
16:52.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:53.45Kalrothhave anyone else experienced any problems with the new version of thottbot?
16:53.50Kalroth(the addon)
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16:56.30Kirkburnin what way?
16:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
17:01.00L|Elvisoany hunters here have a good auto-shot timer addon?
17:01.49KalrothKirkburn: well it seems to loop endlessy (is that a word?) and lock up
17:02.02KalrothKirkburn: have had it happen twice within 10 mins now, had to disable it
17:04.37KirkburnYes, it is a word :P Do you mean the patcher?
17:04.53KirkburnOr do you mean in-game?
17:04.57Kalrothnope, the addon ingame
17:05.25KalrothI suspect it might be a rogue item or something like that, but I cleaned the cache and still get it
17:05.33KirkburnNo idea :s I disabled it a couple of days ago, so I've not experienced it obviously :P Something for the cosmos guys to tell Thott I suppose
17:05.48Aalny*endlessly (with an L at the end)
17:05.55Kalrothwell there was an update yesterday, so I'm guessing it's something new :)
17:05.57Kalroththanks Aalny
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17:15.16Wobin_Are there issues with BAG_UPDATE sometimes not being called on bank bags?
17:15.22MiravlixCairenn, Thumbs up smileys tooltip is Thumbs Down and revers for Thumbs down.
17:16.02KirkburnIt's opposites day, dontchaknow?
17:16.12Wobin_No it isn't
17:17.30CrispixI got a 20 inch Lcd flat screen ^____^
17:17.48Wobin_I have no computer envy
17:17.52zenzelezz"flat" is rather redundant when talking of LCDs
17:18.11Wobin_I only wish my graphics card was better
17:18.17Wobin_So I could play Oblivion
17:18.21CrispixFlat was redundant when talking about calista flockheart, but they still said it zenzelezz
17:18.38zenzelezzCrispix: indeed, but I've yet to see a curved LCD
17:18.49Wobin_But other than that, I have no computer envy anymore =) At least until I move into a more permanent residence
17:19.46Wobin_(And I was using a 19" LCD back home, too, was quite nice)
17:22.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
17:24.03KirkburnLol, Tseric's new sig:
17:24.54KirkburnHeh, Eyonix on Wisps: "Even days later, you guys still believe this to be a joke? "
17:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
17:25.46MiravlixIt would be the best April Fools joke ever if it sin't a April fools joke
17:26.34Legorol^afkWisps are a joke, for sure. The Detonate ability is a nonsense.
17:26.42[MoonWolf]although there are some cool things wisps could do, it is not going to happen.
17:26.57MiravlixLeg: Interesting you actually feel the need to argue it?
17:27.09Wobin_Kirkburn: I've seen that on the WoWLJ =) It's a great icon
17:27.09zenzelezzI find the "permanent death" really nice
17:27.20Wobin_I can watch it for ages and not get bored =)
17:27.21[MoonWolf]it would be fun if Nightelves got a detonate ability when dead that dispells all magic
17:27.25MiravlixGo out with a LOUD bang!
17:27.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
17:27.52MiravlixShould be all buffs and debuffs in the area
17:27.57MiravlixMake it a magic dead zone
17:28.03MiravlixNo one inside can cast either
17:28.23Wobin_But what will happen to the wisp?
17:28.45MiravlixYou will pet and cuddle it and say Oooh so cute.
17:29.34[MoonWolf]and Wobin_ it dies!
17:29.36zenzelezzI liked the 1.11 patch notes
17:29.57[MoonWolf]wisps need a -50 dkp ability
17:30.44[MoonWolf]Miravlix fails at getting a reference.
17:32.31Wobin_IT's a lousy reference anyway =P
17:32.48[MoonWolf]so what, leeeroy jenkins was hardly any better.
17:33.21krkahmm... question about setfenv
17:33.27krkaor really about metatables
17:33.37Wobin_Leeroy Jenkins was amusing... for about maybe two days tops =P
17:33.51MiravlixI haven't read any 1.11 fake patch notes, so I kinda need more clarification of what zenzelezz liked about them
17:33.59krkaif i have t = {a = 1}, and then q set to "fall back" on t
17:34.09Wobin_lemme see if I can pull up the lnk
17:34.10krkaif i do q.b = 2, then obviously it won't affect t
17:34.16krkabut if i do q.a = 2?
17:34.21krkadoes that change t.a?
17:34.46krkai.e. does metatables only affect the getters, not the setters?
17:35.09Wobin_how do you mean 'fall back'
17:35.24krkai mean it using {__index = t}
17:36.01Wobin_if it's not defined, return t?
17:37.03krkaif q[key] is undefined, return t[key]
17:37.08krkai am guessing that's how it works
17:37.14Wobin_no you won't affect the t.a
17:37.20krkacool :)
17:37.22Wobin_think of it as single inheritance
17:37.26krkathat's what i needed to hear
17:37.40Wobin_You're inheriting the values from t, not referenceing them directly
17:38.56MiravlixMan, most of those patch notes... I wish they where true!
17:39.24Wobin_hehe, aren't they great?
17:39.27zenzelezzI loved the Warlock part
17:39.30*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=neffa@
17:39.32Wobin_I like the Grass will be Greener one
17:39.37zenzelezz"# Using friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
17:39.37zenzelezz# Friendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock."
17:40.10zenzelezzand the "26 new flight paths around The Barrens"
17:40.41Wobin_Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green.
17:41.10Kirkburn|StudyIf you neeeed confirmation:
17:41.17Kirkburn|StudyLook at todays new story
17:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
17:42.06Kirkburn|StudyFeel silly now, wisp discussers? :P
17:42.44Wobin_No =)
17:44.00L|Elvisoanyone know what  ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED is used for?
17:45.32Kirkburn|StudyTseric just posted: The issue of Raid IDs not resetting last week is resolved. Players should expect continuation of the normal raid schedule on Tuesday, at the scheduled maintenance.
17:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:47.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
17:47.37KirovCide - do you guys actually look at your bug reports these days?
17:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
17:49.01SuntigerI do.
17:49.12KalrothI bet they ignore them just to make users angry!
17:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
17:49.41Kirkburn|StudyHow can you kick 'alts'?
17:49.52Kalrothhi Kolthy!
17:49.58[MoonWolf]you mean like i just did ?
17:50.01KirovI think
17:50.26[MoonWolf]if the nick is registered like mine, you can ghost lit with /msg nickserv ghost <password>
17:50.39KirovThat comment was more "Should I use the bug submission or bug you here?"
17:50.46MiravlixDarn he didn't post his password
17:50.50[MoonWolf]bug submission
17:50.53[MoonWolf]you cant forget those bugs.
17:51.36[MoonWolf]well, you can forget to look at them, but you cant forget them with the full inted to fix them. You know what i mean.
17:51.52MiravlixTrust me, there isn't much in the world I can't forget.
17:51.54krkaKirkburn|Study, i am loving ClearFont! this is one of my favorite addons now
17:52.06[MoonWolf]I can, personally.
17:52.44CideKirov: yes, but people can't submit any :)
17:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
17:54.41KirovCide - meany
17:55.30KirovThe old invisble emergency meter bug is back.  Unhide, hide, and it doesn't go away.
17:57.08Crispixfixed meh problem
17:57.46krkastanding around in UC trying to find a group is so much fun!
17:58.34zenzelezzI preferred Orgrimmar... felt more alive
17:58.35Kirovkrka - Aren't you glad Blizzard implemented such a great LFG system!
17:58.40zenzelezztoo much undead in Undercity
18:00.56krkashould i instead stand in Badlands or Tanaris if i am looking for a group to ZF or Uldaman?
18:02.14Wobin_Kirkburn|Study: I agree with krka, ClearFont is brilliant =) No more (or rather a lot less) eyestrain!
18:02.26Wobin_Tanaris you'd have a chance
18:02.45Wobin_Uldaman is weird in that most groups are already set up before they get there
18:03.04Wobin_Also cause everyone hates Uldaman
18:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
18:03.23Wobin_krka What class are you?
18:04.28Josh_Borkejust don't go to ulda :-(
18:05.23krkai have a quest to finish :)
18:06.12krkaguess i should abandon those quests and start questing in hinterlands instead
18:10.06krkayeah, that's what i'll do :/
18:10.06krkashould be 1 channel per dungeon, that you could join from anywhere and search for group
18:10.06krkabetter yet, blizzard could build a good groupfinding system
18:10.29Cidebut, but... meeting stones?
18:10.34Kirovkrka - What, you don't like meeting stones?
18:11.31KirovI really don't know what Blizzard was thinking when they made those.
18:12.14KirovSimplicity is good and all, but those things are rediculous.
18:12.53KirovI love the forum post a while back, "We've come to realize that people aren't using meeting stones often."
18:13.07KirovThe "We might someday make a real LFG system" one.
18:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryu|CodeNoob (
18:13.42KalrothWe use the BWL meeting stone all the time!
18:13.54Kirkburn|StudyEyonix wrote the fake patch notes
18:14.07wereHamsterwhere is the bwl meeting stone?
18:14.48KalrothThere isn't one :)
18:14.57KalrothBlizzard aren't that fucked :P
18:15.18Cide"Internet abbreviations evolve and change continually. Online games provide a good place to observe language variation in use. Often, people uninterested in computer programming do not understand the more classically "nerdy" phrases like "2B||!2B" (which means "to be, or not to be"), thus such usages become useless or appear only in minority forums."
18:15.21Cidenow that's awesome.
18:15.33Kalroth"Lets see, should I join a BRD pug or a BWL pug, hrmm, decisions, decisions!"
18:16.17KirovI remember MC pugs
18:16.20Kirovfun fun
18:16.26KalrothI don't, thankfully. :)
18:16.50KirovWell, MC pug, singular
18:16.51MiravlixI don't understand why WoW players is so gimp
18:17.06MiravlixPug works wonders in a ton of other games at difficult bosses
18:17.25KirovBecause WoW is too damn easy.
18:17.40Wobin_It's easy enough to solo up to a high level
18:18.02Wobin_Since it doesn't actually take much skill to do, just time spent
18:18.12*** join/#wowi-lounge NS|Tigersmith (
18:18.22Wobin_So you end up with high level players with no clue as to teamwork
18:18.30MiravlixAO is the most extream of them all, it's taken PUG to a new art form due to having DKP bots in game
18:19.01MiravlixEverything short of soloing is done with DKP bots
18:19.44Kirovso, pugs are all just bots running around playing for you?
18:20.10MiravlixKirov, Huh?
18:20.23TemI'd just like to announce that I win
18:20.40TemThank you all for playing.  Better luck next time.
18:20.55Josh_Borkeok bye
18:21.00KirovMiravlix - maybe I'm not understanding what a "DKP bot" is
18:21.05MiravlixYou do know what a DKP system is?
18:21.34KirovOur guild uses both zero sum and dkp for different instances
18:21.37MiravlixWoW has DKP bots to give guilds DKP systems
18:21.37Wobin_I take it a bot is just a recording device
18:21.45Kirov(which is super fun)
18:23.10KalrothI'm glad I'm in a non-DKP guild :)
18:23.26MiravlixThe robot runs or one or more players clients, but it's still a robot
18:23.27Kirovmerit or roll?
18:23.50Kalrothwell mixed actually, merit/attendance and what will benefit the guild most, so no stupid upgrades
18:23.51MiravlixIn Anarchy Online you can make bots that connect on there own
18:24.04Kalrothand no cleansebots, so the warriors gets the Ashkandis :)
18:24.08KirovI wouldn't mind a merit based raiding guild.
18:24.44MiravlixMerit is just a different form of DKP
18:24.50KalrothYeah, it is
18:24.59MiravlixInstead of a computer fairly deciding it, it's based on kissing ass
18:25.08Kalrothbut less strict and more fair, if your officers got brains
18:25.20KirovThe brains part is often difficult.
18:25.34MiravlixHumans can't make objective calls
18:25.46Kalrothnope, neither can DKP whores :)
18:26.00MiravlixIf I attend x hours and get x points
18:26.13MiravlixIt works the same for everyone
18:26.23Kalroththat doesn't mean you deserve an item more than others though
18:26.27MiravlixFor precisely the same time, you get the same gain
18:26.31Kalrothlike I said, mixed merit and guild benefit
18:26.38Miravlixwhatever you use 3 years real time or 3 months
18:28.52Shouryu|CodeNoobw00t, I can post again
18:29.06Kalrothnerf Shouryu!
18:29.11Shouryu|CodeNooboh noez!
18:30.16MiravlixThats the only thing wrong with the current Honor system
18:30.29MiravlixEqual time doesn't count as equal value
18:31.17Kirov|afktime based systems always struck me as bad, it gives people no impetus to actually compelete anything in a timely maner.
18:31.43Kirov|afkThere's a guild on our server that for a long time was time based dkp.
18:31.52Kirov|afkIt took them 10 hours to clear MC
18:32.08MiravlixNever had that problem in AO
18:32.08Tem|ClassWe use time-based, but each boss you kill is equal to an hour
18:32.11Kirov|afkThey're merit based now and can clear MC in 3
18:32.26Tem|Classand we never have a problem clearing MC in 4ish hours
18:33.12MiravlixWe had encounter DKP
18:33.18Shouryu|CodeNoobWobin_ what exactly do you want translated?
18:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:33.22MiravlixKill the Boss XX Dkp
18:33.39MiravlixBe at the pre-pvp 200 vs 200 buff up session XX dkp
18:33.41Wobin_Just the strings
18:33.57Kalrothwe do both MC and BWL in ~2:30
18:33.58Kirov|afkWe have this weird psuedo zero sum (item based) + bonus encounter points system.
18:34.03Shouryu|CodeNoobnothing in here MrPlowConst.ChatOpt
18:34.07Miravlixbut in the end you still get a time based system, since you can go once a week or every day
18:34.29Wobin_all the MrPlowConst.(whatever)
18:34.51Kalrothactually three times BWL this week :P
18:34.59Shouryu|CodeNoobawww shit
18:35.08Shouryu|CodeNoobmy guild is falling apart =(
18:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
18:36.29Shouryu|CodeNooblol how the f... am I going to translate this "The engine cuts off for a bit, followed by the sounds of an asthmatic cow and curses before spluttering on..."
18:36.55Wobin_Well.. If you want, you can replace all that with stuff that would be amusing to the French =)
18:37.19Wobin_I'm all for localised humour =)
18:39.07Shouryu|CodeNoobAnd Mr Plow is Misses Plow in french.. sorry
18:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
18:39.40Shouryu|CodeNoobthose are going to be tough...
18:39.41Shouryu|CodeNoobbut fun :P
18:40.24Wobin_woohoo! =)
18:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
18:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
18:48.15Shouryu|CodeNoobWobin_ you there?
18:48.59KalrothGah, Baron Geddon isn't a problem, 32 other people in the raid trying to bomb you is!
18:49.55ShadowdOnly 32?
18:50.08Kalrothyeah, too many slackers, we're rarely full in MC :)
18:50.27ShadowdWhats worst is when you want to kill someone and you don't get the bomb three weeks in a row :(
18:50.36Josh_Borkei've never been the bomb :-(
18:50.38Shouryu|CodeNoobhumm did you get mich PMs?
18:50.44Wobin_who's da bomb?
18:50.59Wobin_Are you registered under that nick?
18:51.18Shouryuuok codeNoob isn't
18:51.54krkaw00t, like 5 kill/collect quests at once in hinterlands
18:51.56krkagreat synergy
18:52.08Shouryuuhinterlands is cool for that
18:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
18:54.30krkaman, i'm just in love with the clearfont font
18:54.37krkai find myself changing zones just to see it
18:55.07krkawhat... you don't do that? :/
18:55.08AalnyI just tried out ClearFont for the first time this morning.  It's nice...but the numbers that aren't all vertically aligned with each other is going to take getting used to.
18:55.25Wobin_0, and o are often hard to differentiate
18:55.32krkahmm... they are aligned to me
18:56.10Aalnylemme grab a small screenshot to demonstrate
18:56.16Kirkburn|StudyNo, no, I understand
18:56.21Tem|ClassAalny: I know what you are talking about too
18:56.37Kirkburn|StudyIt's the font, not my fault :)
18:56.39Tem|Classit bothered me a little at first, but it doesn't bother me at all anymore's not a'll just take getting used to.
18:56.55Tem|ClassKirkburn|Study: there a still a few things with odd font sizes
18:57.57Kirkburn|StudyYou're gonna be the death of me
18:59.34krkawhat font do you use btw Kirkburn|Study?
18:59.40L|Elvisosorry, just had a personal victory, had to celebrate
19:00.43Kirkburn|StudyI *really* need to to some revision. I can talk more on wednesday
19:04.00L|Elvisodoes Tekkub idle in here?
19:04.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:04.16CairennL|Elviso: no, not often
19:04.18L|ElvisoI made a nifty modification to his WarmUp addon....nifty to me at least
19:04.37CairennL|Elviso: you can find him in the ##ace channel, same irc server
19:04.40IrielYay, slouken's agreed to give us collectgarbage(0) in 1.10.1 or 1.10.2
19:04.51L|ElvisoMade it when you open the /wu panel, you can highlight/copy all the output
19:04.57L|Elvisothanks, Cairenn!
19:05.03CairennL|Elviso: welcome
19:05.19Josh_Borkewb iriel
19:05.20Josh_Borkeand yay
19:05.40Cairennwb Iriel and yeah
19:06.00Tem|Classawesome Iriel
19:06.56Tem|ClassIriel: your next task is for 1.11
19:07.02Tem|ClassIriel: Dynamic KeyBindings
19:07.07L|Elvisowhat exactly will collectgarbage(0) do, if you could indulge me
19:07.17IrielIt forces a GC run
19:07.30IrielNow, i'm sure lots of people will try and abuse it and make slouken regret adding it
19:07.33MiravlixAny why do we need that so bad?
19:07.45IrielSo i'll say this now, and repeatedly until then, it's ONLY REALLY USEFUL TO DEVELOPERS DURING TESTING
19:07.57Kalrothyeah, thought so :)
19:08.04IrielBut, it's VERY useful to developers during testing, if you want to analyze memory use of techniques
19:08.58MiravlixVery? I've done find without it for over a year and don't see the benefit at the moment.
19:09.28Kalrothsaves a lot of client restarts
19:09.36Wobin_Will we be able to return information about how much was cleaned up etc?
19:09.42IrielMiravlix : How many bytes does an empty table take?
19:09.51Wobin_I guess I'm not really understanding it all =(
19:09.56MiravlixDo I care about that?
19:10.06IrielThen that's why you haven't needed it
19:10.19MiravlixJust ask Slouken how much it is
19:10.24IrielMy point is you MIGHT care
19:10.30ShouryuuWobin_ Whipee I don't feel alone now!
19:10.53IrielAnd why ask slouken if we can find out for ourselves?
19:11.08IrielThe whole point is to ask him as little as possible so he's more inclined to answer when we do
19:11.17MiravlixThough even if he answers I still have no reason to use the information for anything practical
19:11.58IrielUnderstanding the relative sizes of things helps if you're designing a storage format for large amounts of data, for example
19:11.59MiravlixI want the full debugger though.
19:12.05Kirkburn|StudyThis may interest you btw:
19:12.43MiravlixYou call that Studying?
19:13.02Kirkburn|StudyI know, I know :s I just noticed it ... the guy admitted he faked it
19:13.05Shouryuuthat is nice though
19:13.18Wobin_That's quite cool
19:24.28MiravlixAah too bad Leg isn't here so he can laugh at the FishEase author. :)
19:25.01L|ElvisoCairenn, are you still around?
19:25.08Shouryuulol why Miravlix?
19:25.17MiravlixIt's clear from the 1.10 patch that Blizzard doesn't want normal Addons to
19:25.17Miravlixbe able to hook mouse clicks in order to cast spells. The Tacklebox devs
19:25.17Miravlixfound a clever hack to work around the new restrictions that all of the
19:25.17Miravlixclick fishing mods are now using including this one. However, I fully
19:25.18Miravlixexpect Blizzard to close that loophole eventually. So I'm in the process
19:25.21Crispix  ^___^
19:25.22Miravlixof adding a new "legal" way to do right-click fishing. I hope to finish it
19:25.24Miravlixbefore Blizzard closes the loophole.
19:25.36L|Elvisowas just curious if user comments were intentionally disabled on WoWI
19:25.46Cairennshould be on
19:25.56MiravlixBasically calling us hackers and I don't know what else.
19:25.58L|ElvisoI tried earlier and it gave me an error, let me grab it again
19:26.00Cairennmight have been turned off during low-bandwidth
19:26.03Aalny<--- FishEase author
19:26.09MiravlixCosmos is really evil hackers that will get banneed!
19:26.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
19:26.34L|Elviso" You do not have permission to access this file or page. This could be due to one of several reasons:"
19:26.34MiravlixAalny: We have discussed the solution with Slouken. :)
19:26.34CairennL|Elviso: if you get the error again, please post it and a link to what/where you were trying to do, so Dolby can track it down, please?
19:26.46AalnyDidn't mean to sound like I was calling you hackers.  Just stating the obvious.  It's a loophole that Blizz is gonna fix.  If anything, I was trying to give you guys props.
19:26.54L|ElvisoOk, will do.
19:27.03AalnyAnd Slou is cool with it?
19:27.22AalnyBecause it basically invalidates the mouse hooking restrictions that were put in.
19:27.43AalnyI even asked about it on this channel a few nights ago and people said it would be patched.
19:27.52GryphenHe didn't way one way or the other, so they are guessing
19:27.55ShouryuuCrispix that link doesn't work for me =(
19:28.02MiravlixMouse hooking is far different
19:28.12MiravlixThis is more like binding key 1 to fishing
19:28.35MiravlixIt is actually binding key 1 to fishing if you look at the code
19:28.37krkaanyone know where highvale records are?
19:28.39krkain hinterlands
19:28.46MiravlixMouse key one that is.
19:28.47AalnyIt's temporarily hijacking Button2 (or whatever was bound to TurnOrAction)
19:29.08Shouryuunot sure krka, I think they are in the NE base thing
19:29.26krkayeah, butwhere? :)
19:29.33krkafound the other two thingies
19:29.34MiravlixYeps, its a real binding replacing a nother binding
19:29.41Miravlixit's not overloading an binding
19:29.44AalnySo that on mouse up, you get the "click" that can be used to for things requiring a hardware event.
19:30.17MiravlixMovement hooks had both old and new functionality
19:30.27Shouryuukrka Can't remember... There's one in the back, I think. Did that quest aggesss ago
19:30.49MiravlixThis way, has to take the key and use it, but it is a true binding just a short term one.
19:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:31.15CairennL|Elviso: please note that it may be that the author in question has chosen to disable comments
19:31.23AalnyI understand what's happening in the code.  That's why it was easy to copy.  But it still seems like it's going against the "spirit" of the new restrictions.
19:31.29Cairennas we give authors that option
19:31.32L|Elvisook, let me double check a few different ones
19:31.38MiravlixIt's not against the spirit to bind keys
19:31.58MiravlixIt's against the spirit to have auto purgers react when your doing something else
19:32.17L|Elvisook yes, that appears to be it.....sorry :p
19:32.33MiravlixMovement hooking allowed you to move while doing insta stuff
19:33.02AalnySeems like a subtle difference.
19:33.03MiravlixSo you could with a certain play style iwastly improve your ability to play
19:33.34MiravlixThere is nothing wrong with hitting a key to purge your enemy
19:33.40Miravlixor clean yourself
19:33.45KalrothAs long as you have to click something, then it's fine
19:34.04Kalrothif it's 100% automatic, it's not
19:34.06Miravlixthere is something wrong with having a program trigger purge so you always remove PoM or NS
19:34.20AalnyBut when the AutoBuff/Cleanse mods were working, they were hitting a key too.  It was a movement key.
19:34.37MiravlixYou where just moving
19:34.47MiravlixAutoBuff, etc. was a side effect
19:35.13MiravlixHarmless in the case of Minipet and Autobuff
19:35.26Miravlixdevasting in PvP with auto purgers and auto cleaners
19:35.44AalnyIf you just held down the forward key and ran through a battlefield...nothing would happen, right?  You have to actively change directions (keep hitting movement keys) for things to trigger?
19:36.06MiravlixI've played with auto purgers for as long as I can remember
19:36.17Miravlixit's very easy to develope a jitter play style
19:36.45MiravlixI was never poisoned long enough for it to thick due to my movement style
19:36.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
19:37.25AalnyI thought the whole point of the new 1.10 changes was so that players will at the very least have to press "a special button" to do the things that need to be triggered.  It will no longer just happen as the move around (with keys or the mouse).
19:37.37Aalny*they move around
19:37.40MiravlixBut auto purging of Natures Swiftness and some other effects was downright insane
19:38.07AalnyAnd why can't they still do that with the TurnOrAction bind hijack?
19:38.29MiravlixBecause it's a replacement?
19:38.40MiravlixWe eat the key, so turnoraction wont get it
19:38.44KtronAnyone know of a very simple addon that shows/guesses your/mob health, besides Mob Info2
19:38.52Miravlixexcept for things we can duplicate in our code and we can't duplicate movement
19:39.05CrispixKtron tip buddy does
19:39.23MiravlixKtron, MonHealth is the hps guessing technoligy
19:39.35Ktrontip buddy isn't that simple... MonHealth I'll look into
19:39.47MiravlixMobhealth is in Mob Info2
19:39.50AalnySo the only thing that's changes it that people will have to add a couple extra clicks (to nowhere in particular) to their playstyle.
19:40.00AalnyIn short, the changes are meaningless.
19:40.18Aalny*changed is
19:40.27MiravlixI really don't see how clicking right mouse button and loosing your target
19:40.35Miravlixwill improve your PvP fighting game. :)
19:41.17KtronMiravlix, well, there's a conflict between kc_items and MobInfo2
19:41.24KtronI like MobInfo2, and kc_items
19:41.38Ktronso I'm trying to find a similar alternative to the first
19:41.40AalnyYou wouldn't lose your target if the click is getting eaten, right?
19:42.01MiravlixWell, you can turn on sticky target or something in options
19:42.08MiravlixBut you still loss keyed spells
19:42.59Gryphenyou could easily right click to dispell and retarget in the same function
19:43.04MiravlixOnly Blizzard can loot
19:43.08Grypheneven without sticky
19:44.40MiravlixIt was my understanding that the mouse binding isn't fully stealable
19:44.47AalnyDoesn't the fact that you can still loot the fishing bobber and re-cast in the same click mean the click doesn't get eaten?
19:46.11Tem|ClassThe Keypresses are never eaten
19:46.15Temand they won't be
19:46.39Temhowever, I think sometime in the furture hardware events will 'expire' after some amount of time
19:46.53Cidehmm, does anyone know if the triggering of PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT/PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT changed? it seems like it triggers when entering/leaving combat now (heh...)
19:47.11Cidepreviously, they were triggered when auto attack was toggled
19:47.13Kalroththat'd be too obvious
19:47.19Temmeaning at the same time as PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED/DISABLED
19:47.24Kalrothoh, auto attack was fixed this patch, Cide
19:47.27CideI haven't checked
19:47.32Kalrothso that's maybe why
19:47.34Cidebut that's what I get out of this report
19:47.38Cideauto attack fixed how?
19:47.45MiravlixI beleive that looting
19:47.51Temit doesn't keep you in combat anymore
19:47.53Miravlixrequires a double click with TB
19:47.57Kalrothpreviously you could target a mob, pop bloodrage and still gain rage
19:48.11Kalrotheg. enter combat/stay in combat without actually being in combat
19:48.21zenzelezzthey fixed that?
19:48.43MiravlixThey overfixed it perhaps
19:48.51MiravlixIt's very good at getting you out of combat now
19:49.00Cidehm, no
19:49.04AalnyMira:  Trust least in FishEase with the binding hijack, Loot/Re-cast only requires a single right-click.
19:49.08Cideit still triggers as before
19:49.16Kalrothoh, so they didn't fix it :P
19:49.52MiravlixOh, he fixed that too
19:51.31MiravlixThen I guess, I'm a few revisions behind on the click binding technoligy
19:52.08Aalny"click binding technology" industry buzzword
19:53.13AalnyI'm not sure whether it would work the same way if you hijacked the movement key bindings instead.  But now I'm curious so I'll probably try and throw together a proof of concept to try it out.
19:53.29TemAalny: it probably won't
19:53.35TemLeg explained how he did it here
19:53.39MiravlixYou can't do movement and fishing
19:53.45Miravlixyou do movement or fishing
19:53.52MiravlixThats a fairly big difference to me
19:54.03Temand it was only possible because of the way the worldFrame's mouse events work
19:54.05MiravlixIt's either Blizzard code or our code
19:55.38AalnyAnd frankly, if Blizz is okay with that.  Great!  Lord knows I like the existing way right-click fishing works.  I was just trying to plan for the worst.
19:56.30MiravlixI don't think you would ever have heard about this, if Sloukan had said, thats fixed in 1.10.1
19:57.01Aalnywhat's fixed?
19:57.18Aalnydid I miss some 1.10.1 change news?
19:57.34MiravlixCosmos isn't hackers...
19:58.36MiravlixWe try to keep our patch clean, if something is an exploit you wont se us publish it except bya ccident
20:00.13AalnyHonestly, Mira.  I didn't mean to imply any negativity in my little note.   I just really thing that given the way things have been going, you'll probably see Blizz do something to fix the mouse binding hijack eventually.
20:00.38TemI kinda doubt that
20:01.46Aalnyonly time will tell
20:01.51MiravlixI don't know
20:01.57MiravlixBut for now it's okay
20:02.44MiravlixSlouken can change his mind and remove it in 1.10.1 though, we will have to see how it can be used
20:04.14MiravlixBut the EasyBuff, EasyFishing, EasyLook, EasyWhatever you can do with this, seems fairly harmless and it for all practical purpose just a slightly better hotkey 1
20:04.19AalnyAll he'd have to do is make it so that you can't re-bind bindings with an index < 0
20:04.57AalnyWhich doesn't seem like it would harm anything considering you can't normally re-bind those things with the default UI
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20:05.13Aalnywith the GUI I mean
20:05.20Aalnyclearly you can with script/macro
20:05.34MiravlixHmm, is it just me or is the new TB actually working better than the movement hook version?
20:06.52AalnyAs far as I know, there was never a movement hook version (as in forward/back/left/right).  It was hooking TurnOrActionStart and Stop
20:07.15Miravlixturnoractionstart is a movement function
20:07.57Aalnytechnically yes....but it will never interrupt a spell in you're not actually moving from the position you started from.
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20:09.40MiravlixYou can't turn and spawn minipets
20:09.54MiravlixSo some effects it does cancel
20:10.36MiravlixOkay, MiniPet was an hack that attempted to do a movement stop
20:10.44Miravlixpet movement start though
20:10.55MiravlixSo maybe thats why it was weird.
20:17.08AalnyThe "cast" in TB happens on the mouse up and the only reason you can't normally turn *and* cast is the code in TB that checks how long it's been between mouse down and mouse up.  Change the allowed value to something larger and you can turn and cast no problem.
20:18.20MiravlixYou still need to release to get the hardware event
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20:19.09Aalnythat's the same way it worked in 1.9 too
20:19.25MiravlixYeps, but it wasn't used
20:19.39Miravlixit was keyboard movement that was the big thing
20:20.20AalnyI know
20:24.57L|Elvisockknight, you here?
20:25.56ckknightyea , I'm here
20:31.46Natasemooooo can i ask a "what mod is this" question??  lol
20:32.01ckknightI suppose
20:32.14Miravlixcan I torture Natasem?
20:32.36ckknightif need be
20:32.39ckknightdepends on the mod
20:32.40Natasemyes please Miravlix
20:32.51Natasemi seen in a few movies that people have their portraits and they move like they are 3d or someting.. what mod is that?
20:33.08Natasemtheir portraits and their player trarget portraits move
20:33.25Cairennuse adapt
20:33.33Cairennhang on a sec, will get you the link
20:34.32Cairennthat should work with any frames, including default
20:35.16Natasemyes man'am thats the one i was lookin for or stlye atleast... /bow
20:38.31Natasemwill installing mods that remove artwork help free up ram for the game?
20:38.48Natasemor will it cause more ram to be used because the mod had to alter something prior to me viewing it
20:39.19L|Elvisosorry ckknight, I found the answer I was looking for....thanks :)
20:41.17Shouryuuwhere can I find a list of zones translated in french on the wiki, I'm sure I saw one there but I can't find it...
20:41.43ckknightL|elviso, hooray
20:41.53ckknightShouryuu, hang on
20:42.15Shouryuuthhank you :p
20:52.56AalnyUpdated the note in the FishEase description just for you, Mira.   =) Sorry if you mis-interpreted the original text.
20:53.13L|Elvisook I've been testing some stuff, and it looks like even with only 1 addon enabled (WarmUp), UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED, ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED, and BAG_UPDATE are all firing 134 times each.....
20:53.53ckknightokay, can anyone point me in a direction where I can find the French and German GlobalStrings.lua for 1.10?
20:54.03MiravlixThats a precise count?
20:54.13Miravlixand whats arg1 set to?
20:54.15L|Elvisofrom WarmUp
20:55.32L|Elvisosomeone on the forums said a few of those fire for every item in your bags/equipped, but I only have 62 total (counting bags as items as well)
20:56.19Kirov|afkit could be happening twice
20:56.29Kirov|afkwhich would account for 124 of them
20:56.50L|Elvisoits 134
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20:56.59L|Elvisostill wouldn't add up
20:57.01Josh_Borkeis improved error frame on wowi?
20:57.13KirovYou'll have to find out with arg1 is for all of those.
20:57.48KirovBecause I've seen UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED fire while standing around afk in IF not partied
20:58.22MiravlixEvents fires on someone next to you changing there inventory
20:58.29Miravlixit's not a localized event to player
20:58.37MiravlixUNIT_AURA_CHANGED is fun too
20:58.51KirovMiravlix - so is arg1 their name?
20:59.05Irielteardown, and setup, could easily fire twice
20:59.08MiravlixEvent handlers get send event, arg1, arg2, arg3
20:59.14MiravlixThats what I meant
20:59.18IrielEvent handlers get SENT nothing 8-)
20:59.26IrielThe global environment happens to hold the event information
20:59.32Iriel(Splitting hairs, I know)
20:59.36Miravlixusually arg1 will be some identification value that narrows down who it involves
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21:00.05KirovMiravlix - right, but arg1 is usually a valid unit identifier for any "UNIT_" event
21:00.13Kirovie: player, targer, raidpet24
21:00.35MiravlixYes, and I think it iwll be so here too
21:00.50Kirovbut someone standing next to you has no valid unit type
21:00.52MiravlixBut I haven't checked, it was L|Elviso testing
21:03.30L|ElvisoI tested several times over about a 5 min span, and each time they fired 134 times
21:04.00L|Elviso*if* it accounted for someone near me's changes, then that's a pretty strange coincidence
21:04.02MiravlixL|Elviso, Yes, but what is the arg1 value
21:04.14L|Elvisotell me how to find it?
21:04.33KirovWhat are you using to count them?
21:04.41L|ElvisoI am just loading with WarmUp enabled, and going off those values
21:04.55MiravlixI don't know warmup
21:05.14MiravlixI wrote a simple little addon to show events and arguments to browse these things.
21:06.13IrielMiravlix : How many do you keep? Or do you just keep ALL?
21:06.29IrielMiravlix : I'm trying to decide on sensible default settings for something similar
21:07.27MiravlixI hack the addon every time I want to investigate some event
21:07.36IrielI mean, over time?
21:07.42Miravlixor do /script frame:RegisterEvent if I'm desperate
21:07.44IrielOr do they just get written to the chat frame?
21:08.16MiravlixMine is just event, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
21:08.21MiravlixIt's nothing fancy
21:08.27IrielOk, thanks 8-)
21:08.44KirovI use Saien's Event Profiler
21:08.50Kirovsince it shows args 1-9
21:09.21KirovSome events have some curious 8 and 9 args with 1-7 nil
21:09.27CideI liked Iriel's idea, with clicking a chat link to see event information
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21:09.47Cidethough it would only apply to chat events, but those are the trickiest ones (finding which one is which) in my opinion
21:10.11IrielKirov: Sometimes I think 8 and 9 may be left over from the previous event.
21:10.20IrielCide: I'm going to add that to devtools 'real soon now'
21:10.34KirovIriel - Yeah, for some reason they don't get cleared on some events, makes sense.
21:10.45Cideawesome, I was thinking about implementing it myself just because it rocks
21:10.48KirovI have a 5th chat frame I just keep just for tracking down chat events, especially combat events
21:10.52Cideor would rock :)
21:11.05KirovEvent Profiler is nice, but turning on / off events is a pain
21:11.17MiravlixDidn't someone write a in game GUI to setup what events to monitor?
21:11.35KirovAnd catching the one UNIT_AURA I need amidts a raid is insane
21:11.38KirovEvent Profiler
21:12.22MiravlixI always code some test stuff in my lix addon to experiment
21:12.35MiravlixSo it suits me fine to be manual.
21:13.20MiravlixHehe, the SVN revisions of the addon is a weird mess as new ideas get developed and pulled out of it again.
21:13.34KirovElviso - doesn't look like there's an easy way to make Warmup show events
21:15.08MiravlixGet EventProfiler it sounds like the easy solution to get it all
21:16.22L|Elvisough, have to make a pact with the devil
21:16.47MiravlixThats just a bonus
21:17.52IrielMy goal with the chat events was that I dont have to care about them beforehand.
21:18.06IrielThe link should be unobtrusive enough that I can just leave it turned on
21:18.21IrielI guess i'll see how it behaves
21:18.50KirovIsn't there a [Random] bit of text at the start of each line?  shift+click!
21:19.10ckknightdoes anyone know what to put for "orientation" in Texture:SetGradient("orientation",minR,minG,minB,maxR,maxG,maxB) ?
21:19.35KirovNever tried using SetGradient
21:19.39Kirovseems scary
21:19.47ckknightyes, but shiny
21:19.53MiravlixChanged to LoadOnDemand AddOn. This is a developer only addon, consider being able to get it to load as a test.
21:20.28KirovMiravlix - yeah, Saien is kind of an ass in a Shouryuu kind of way. =)
21:20.47Irielckknight : I'd guess "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL"
21:20.48KirovSaien's MCP is awesome too
21:20.55MiravlixKhaos has build in load on deman dloader. :p
21:20.56KirovAnything with Tron references == cool
21:21.14Shouryuulol I need to see that movie
21:21.21Irielit's a classic
21:21.29ShouryuuI know
21:21.32MiravlixDepends on what version
21:21.34KirovShouryuu - Jeff Bridges is the man
21:21.42Kirovor the dude rather
21:21.58Kirovdepending on how many movie references you want to include
21:22.08Shouryuuthey did a a game a few years back you know
21:22.14KirovTron 2.0
21:22.19L|ElvisoLoadIt > MCP
21:22.37KirovBased loosly on the never to be released tron sequel
21:22.40MiravlixI use Sairens AutoBar
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21:22.52KirovI use Saien's old AutoBar
21:23.12ShouryuuThe game was a flop anyways
21:23.12IrielTron 2.0 was an awesome game
21:23.12MiravlixThats a good addon, but I need to hack it, it doesn't move high enough up with titan and the new rep bar
21:23.12IrielIt wasn't exactly deep, but it was very 'in the spirit of Tron'
21:23.13ShouryuuI heard otherwise...
21:23.23IrielWell, it depends what you were into the game for, I suppose
21:23.35KirovMonolith makes fun, but not terribly deep games.  Matrix MMO excluded.
21:23.44Temwhat's a good place to temporarily host files?
21:23.45ShouryuuHow old is the movie?
21:24.03ShouryuuThat isn't too old
21:24.03TemI need to post an example addon for a forum post
21:24.08IrielIt got released on DVD more recently
21:24.11IrielTem: wowinterface?
21:24.13IrielTem: 8-)
21:24.16Shouryuutem Pastebin?
21:24.35Irielpastebin wouldn't store zip files
21:24.39Josh_Borkeexcetp you can't do zip...
21:24.46KirovShouryuu - All the CG animation was done in spread sheets that had to be entered manually.  =)
21:24.48ShouryuuYeah but I guess you could tell them to create 3 files
21:24.50IrielI think wowinterface is your best bet, or I can host it if you really dont want to
21:24.56Tembut it's not a real addon I don't really want to clutter up wowi with it
21:24.58ShouryuuKirov Lol sounds like fun
21:25.08IrielEmail it to me then tem
21:25.12IrielI'll upload it to
21:25.54KirovTron is an insane movie from a technical stand point.  It's like 3 different companies doing completely different rendering techniques on custom hardware all trying to match a similar style.
21:26.09ShouryuuOhh did anyone see a series of short anime movies called Memories, from the makers of Akira?
21:26.14krkainsane movie in so many ways
21:26.17ShouryuuI'll definately have to try it then
21:26.29ShouryuuBut I have *no* idea how I am going to find that
21:26.41IrielNice name tem.
21:26.53TemI'm getting better at it
21:27.03Temnames are just coming to me without spending hours on them
21:27.08KirovShouryuu - no, haven't heard of that anime
21:27.23Shouryuu3 short movies, reallll nice.
21:28.12ShouryuuGreedy Box... what's it for?
21:30.48TemTron, 1982
21:31.42Temthere's also another listing under 1994
21:31.51Temnot sure which is actually the movie
21:32.02Josh_Borkewasn't there a remake of tron?
21:32.36Kirovnot that I nkow of
21:32.37Josh_Borkeor am i just smoking something?
21:32.55Gryphensmoking something
21:33.22Josh_Borkejust double checking
21:40.20Josh_Borkeok bye all, have a great day
21:40.21MaldiviaTem: <xs:attribute name="autoFocus" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>
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21:40.36Temyou've got to be kidding me
21:40.50Natasemwow thats hawt
21:40.57TemI spent like 2 days going over that
21:41.57KirovNatasem - Yeah, seems like a rediculously simple thing to of missed in the first place.
21:42.05IrielThe Entering/Leaving world thing was discussed at length about a month ago
21:42.26Natasemslouken p[osted it not me
21:42.27IrielI just dont think anyone wrote it up quite as thoroughly
21:42.42KirovNatasem - the concept, not the post
21:42.43ShouryuuIt's strange but I just can never finish my food. I always have to leave a scrap of food somewhere in my plate...
21:43.34KirovNatasem - I've noticed the fact that a lot of events fire while logging in / off, changing zones, but it never really clicked for me how much time they were eating up on zone.
21:43.40KirovShouryuu - I'm the same way
21:44.00KirovMy girlfriend's plate is always perfectly clean, and mine has like random bits of food all over.
21:44.07Shouryuulol same
21:44.31Natasemummm... Kir yer dog is not the same thing as a human girlfriend....
21:44.43ShouryuuI just killed myself trying to eat m last bit of sandwich... I stoped being hungry the second I saw it was my last bite :P
21:45.02KirovI have a bad habit of never finishing any soft drink either.
21:45.09KirovThere's always one sip left and I go get another.
21:45.10krkaJA in hinterlands is pretty cool
21:45.19krkalike a dungeon... except not instanced
21:45.27ShouryuuI think I have a bad habit of not finishing anything
21:46.22KirovShouryuu- a true artist is never considers anything finished, just that they're finished with it.
21:46.33Shouryuuhaha very very nice
21:47.10ToastTheifIS YOU HERE
21:47.15MaldiviaTem: don't you just hate when people do that :)
21:47.21Cidehmm, how is the flags parameter for SetFont handled? is it a table containing the values?
21:47.23TemMaldivia: yes, yes I do
21:47.30ToastTheifSorry bout LSU Tem
21:47.34ToastTheifthought they would win :(
21:47.37ToastTheifbut anyway...
21:47.41Cideas in, NumberFontNormal:SetFont("Fonts\\ARIALN.TTF", 15, { outline="NORMAL" }); ?
21:47.53ToastTheifwhat 'fixes
21:47.57ToastTheif' does this include?
21:48.22Temright now, only the functionality of ListFix
21:48.33ToastTheiffuture plans?
21:48.42Temalso, it clears the focus from editboxes when they aren't being retarded
21:49.09Temfuture plans: Sound Volume fix
21:49.20TemBG map fix
21:49.25KirovDo you think slouken just has "Fixed for 1.10.1, thanks" sitting in some text file
21:49.53ToastTheifso.. pretty much all the good stuff that's in MozzTweaks/
21:50.41Tema lot of it, yes
21:50.58Temoh, I'm also going to incorperate the StopTheLagness hack
21:51.15KirovCide - no clue
21:51.27Cideit was just a string, "OUTLINE", hehe
21:51.32IrielCide: Comma separated string
21:51.32TemToastTheif: I don't mind losing to UCLA all that much.
21:51.35ToastTheifhope it gets done soon ;)
21:51.40TemToastTheif: they hate USC more than we do.
21:51.49ToastTheifI like UCLA and USC :)
21:51.50Cideyeah, I just figured
21:51.58TemI just wish it had been by a smaller margin
21:53.05ToastTheifyeah it was an ugly game I heard
21:53.21ToastTheifalthough I didn't get to see it, because I was forced to some evil social dance event at my school
21:54.21ToastTheifhey is anyone gonna fix Angler for 1.10?
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21:54.41IrielWhat other frame methods were we missings beside button text, and edit box autofocus
21:55.24Irieloh, top leve;
21:55.32Kirovfor dynamic frames?
21:56.17KirovToast - is that a fishing mod?
21:56.18Irielyes, though technically for ANY frames
21:56.28IrielBut it's the dynamic ones that hurt
21:58.30KirovYou know what I hate?  When someone posts that your mod is broken, you post a fix and ask for them to see if it worked, then 2 months later they ask why it's not fixed.
21:58.45MaldiviaIriel: is it possible to toggle number-input only on editboxes via lua ?
22:01.00IrielMaldivia: I dont think so, unless :SetNumber forces it that way?
22:01.03TemIriel: CheckButton:SetCheckedTexture doesn't accept a texture object
22:01.38MaldiviaIriel: don't know, but that's what the numeric attribute is for, right?
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22:01.54krkaman vessels of blood is annoying
22:01.57Cidewell, I doubt it would be useful, but there's no way of setting editbox input language? I see there's a toggle, but I can't find a setter
22:02.00krkaparty of five = needs to find 50 of them
22:02.12IrielMaldivia : I added that to the list tho
22:02.24Iriel:ToggleInputLanguage ?
22:02.38Cideit exists, but appears to do nothing here
22:02.42Cide:ToggleInputLanguage, that is
22:03.27Cide:SetNumber doesn't force an edit box into number-only mode, by the way
22:04.32IrielOk, then i'll leave SetNumeric and IsNumeric on my list
22:06.01Cidenot a frame method, but a way to enumerate textures would be nice (unless I totally missed the existance of such a thing)
22:06.26Cidewell, it could be a frame method I guess ;)
22:06.39IrielIt exists
22:06.42Maldiviathere are a lot of attributes, with no equivalent lua command
22:06.52IrielMaldivia : Any of them which we MIGHT need?
22:06.56IrielCide: GetRegions
22:07.03IrielCide: You have to call it on each Frame though
22:07.08Irielsince it's a frame method
22:07.18MaldiviaIriel: trying to find usefull attributes :)
22:07.26IrielI believe that's just because of the way that regions and frames interact
22:07.56Cidethat's nice to know, at least
22:08.16IrielThere's GetNumRegions also
22:08.27IrielThe only problem with GetRegions is that it returns a list
22:08.42Irielso you have to wrap it in {} if you want them all reliably
22:09.22Maldiviahmm, do we have a method to specify the Thumb Texture for sliders ?
22:09.42Maldiviaand is that something that would be useful?
22:10.37IrielHm, that depends what happens when we CreateFrame a slider
22:10.49Iriel(and that IS something that would be useful, I have code that's been waiting for the ability)
22:10.57Maldiviahehe, ok :)
22:12.16Cidefunctionality to disable/enable a slider would be nice (once again, not only a frame method)
22:12.21Maldiviahmm... can we CreateFrame a multiline editbox ?
22:13.14IrielCide: Isn't that doable already?
22:13.27Cidenot as far as I can tell
22:14.58Irielfunction OptionsFrame_DisableSlider(slider)
22:15.13IrielIt boils down to 1) Hide the thumb 2) Grey out all the text
22:15.22Cideargh. I fail :)
22:16.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
22:16.29MaldiviaIriel: MessageFrame:SetInsertMode(mode) ?
22:16.34IrielI have the mighty power of grep on my side
22:16.45IrielAnd I happen to have written a UI that disabled sliders
22:17.00Cideah :) I searched for it yesterday, but I guess not good enough
22:17.06IrielMaldivia : Do we EVER change it?
22:17.14MaldiviaIriel: no idea...
22:17.19IrielMaldivia : The standard UI doesn't
22:17.34MaldiviaIriel: hence the questionmark :)
22:17.35IrielAt least, not as far as I can tell
22:17.50IrielI think i'll leave that one off unless someone has a need
22:18.33Maldiviahehe, ok
22:19.08MaldiviaOf other attributes, we'll probably never use: password and blinkSpeed on Editbox
22:20.17Cidehmm, I think I found a bug with MessageFrame...
22:20.28Maldiviaohh, ?
22:20.42Cidechanging the width or height causes all text to be colored HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR
22:20.46Cide(1, 0.82, 0)
22:21.02Cideerr, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR
22:21.47Maldiviahmm, do the lines have the same hold time ?
22:21.58Cidethey didn't have any while I tested
22:22.01Maldiviait might be a bug, with it using the hold time as a color-index, from ScrollingMessageFrame
22:22.09Maldiviawhen redrawing
22:24.54Cideit all goes NORMAL_FONT_COLOR regardless of hold time
22:26.34Guillotinecide, just wondering, have you been getting anywhere with the whiteboard feature for CTRA?
22:27.04CideI haven't had much time, to be honest
22:27.13Guillotineok :)
22:27.14CideI kind of put it on hold until 1.10 arrived so I can play with CreateFrame
22:27.24Guillotineyah. that'll probably make it MUCH easier
22:27.54GuillotineI was dissapointed that you didn't release a CTRA version with magical trevor in it 2 days ago :(
22:28.39Cideaye, I'm sorry :)
22:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:33.37KirovIs there a way to clear an editboxes's highlighted selection apart from :insert("")?
22:34.50Guillotine_I don't believe there is a way to specifically delete only the highlighted part other than that
22:35.05IrielI think Tem and I went back and forth on some editbox stuff
22:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
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22:44.43ShouryuuTomb raider is a very poor movie
22:45.05zenzelezzno way!
22:46.57KirovThe first 10 minutes of Tomb Raider are the best in the movie.
22:47.04KirovIt's all downhill from there.
22:47.10KirovNo, that's not fair
22:47.22Shouryuuit just flat out sucks imo
22:47.22KirovIt's a steep bottemless cliff from there.
22:47.31zenzelezzthe best part of the movie (in my opinion) was the movie posters
22:47.57KirovThe fact they made a sequel scares me.
22:48.05Shouryuuthey did?
22:48.20KirovI personally thought the Mario Brother's Movie was better.
22:48.26zenzelezzdidn't they make a third too? I think I'm confusing a few movies
22:48.46JoshBorkerearranging frames = the suck :-
22:48.59Kirovno third that I know of
22:49.01Shouryuulol Mario bros!
22:49.05ShouryuuI saw that when I was like 8
22:49.07Shouryuusoooo good
22:49.10zenzelezzI must be thinking of some other movie then =)
22:49.58KirovIt's all just so campy, it's great
22:50.15KirovThough, still sad there wasn't a sequel to that one.
22:50.26Shouryuuyeah I must have been 8
22:50.57KirovI was 12.
22:51.25ShouryuuWell I was 6 when it was realesed
22:51.31Shouryuubut proably 8 when I saw it
22:52.49KirovI think the best movie ever made from a video game is The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
22:53.19zenzelezzI should smack you for saying that's from a game
22:53.39ckknightanyone remember the snes version of LotR?
22:53.40KirovYou know, I've never finished the third book.
22:53.50ShouryuuOne of my favorite movie isnpired book is Troy, by homere. He gets a few things wrong though, like the thing with brad Pitt and his gay lover...
22:53.51KirovI just can't get through the end.
22:54.13Shouryuuthe books are nice
22:54.18Shouryuunot WoWoWoWoW but nice
22:56.15Shouryuuthe movies killed me a few times though
22:56.20Shouryuuthe first one was real good
22:56.25Shouryuuthe two other ones, just  meh
22:56.36ckknightthe end of the last movie
22:56.40ckknightwith the hobbits
22:56.46ckknightanyone think that was a little, um, gay?
22:56.50Shouryuusoooo llooonnggggg
22:57.17ckknightBrokeback hobbits
22:57.20ShouryuuThe last 30 mins are in slow motion... Frrrroooodddoooo!! Gaaannndddaaaallllfff!!
23:00.30ShouryuuWhy are people so stupid
23:00.59ShouryuuWhy do they ask if there are functions that can automate movement
23:01.48OsagasuIt feels good to get teleport hackers banned
23:01.58ckknightyou did?
23:03.18AnduinLotharso, um... what's the oppositte of elitism?
23:04.00Shouryuuhumm in gaming terms, political terms?
23:04.23Shouryuunoob, demagogism maybe or proletrianism? (made the last one up)
23:05.18AnduinLotharwell, I'm a mac user who owns oakleys and has ought over $100 IEM headphones and enjoys his 7.1 surround sound...
23:05.53AnduinLothartoo much disposible income i guess, but what's the oppositte
23:07.21ShouryuuI guess
23:07.32JoshBorkeman, you guys at wowi are fast with the updates
23:07.33Shouryuubut a more politcaly correct term would be appreciated =P
23:07.55ckknightelite antonyms: common, low-class, lower-class, poor
23:08.50ckknightaristocracy antonyms: commoners, people, plebeians, rabble, riffraff
23:10.01ShouryuuI love the accordion
23:10.08Shouryuuit's such a cool instrument
23:10.12Shouryuuwith the bagpipes
23:10.16Shouryuuand didjeridoo
23:10.25Shouryuuthree bestest instruments ever
23:11.13TainWhat about the skin flute?
23:12.07Shouryuuskin flute?
23:12.29ckknightI want to learn the bagpipes
23:12.41ShouryuuI want to learn the accordion
23:13.36TainI'd love to play the bagpipes actually.
23:13.47ShouryuuI just love the sound
23:14.02ShouryuuDunno why but you can really feel the vibrations
23:18.23AnduinLothari'l like to know how to play the organ
23:18.40AnduinLothari love church organs
23:18.50ShouryuuHehe yeah
23:19.01AnduinLotharall huge and bellowing with massive sound to fill big acoustic auditoriums
23:19.33Shouryuua bit too big, and I mean it's not as if you could carry one around with you
23:19.56AnduinLothari have my ipod if i want to travel with music :P
23:20.35AnduinLothari actually have some organ music on my ipod and it sounds really good with my new headphones
23:20.50Shouryuumy headphones are broken =(
23:20.57Shouryuusound comes from only one side
23:20.57AnduinLotharso were mine
23:21.08AnduinLotharsad day
23:21.14Shouryuuyeah =(
23:21.16Shouryuuvery very very
23:21.47ShouryuuI have some other earphone, but they're too big, and I dont feel like arrying them around with me
23:22.12AnduinLotharin-ear ftw
23:23.02Shouryuubut the big ones shield you from outer noises rather well
23:24.24AnduinLothari love the wires for wrap-around-ear style
23:25.43Shouryuuhow much does those cost?
23:26.24Shouryuuand I'm having trouble understanding how you actually wear those
23:26.49AnduinLothar$100, i found um for $80 plus shipping
23:27.21AnduinLothari found a manual online with wearing instructions.. lemme see if i can find it
23:27.28ShouryuuBut I guess quality doesn't come cheap
23:27.40AnduinLotharmost in-ears at $200+
23:27.57AnduinLotharor you can get the ones customized to fit your ears for $900
23:28.27Shouryuulol I'd rather buy a Gig of ram with that money :P
23:30.09AnduinLothari can't buy aa gig anymore, would have to buy 2gigs to make it worth it
23:30.20AnduinLotharbut it's not really worth it until i upgrade my proc
23:31.12Cairennlater Iriel
23:31.29Shouryuuthe problem with those types of earphones is that I'm always afraid I'll trip, fall on the side of my head and damage my ear or something =(
23:31.46AnduinLotharhave you ever fallen on the side of your head?
23:32.08AnduinLotharit's nearly impossible
23:32.10Shouryuubut I've never gotten run over by a car yet, and I'm afraid of getting run over by one :P
23:32.21AnduinLotharunless you hit a table or wall going down
23:32.38Shouryuuyeah I guess you're right
23:32.47Aalny|afkAnduin, I don't suppose you have any recommendations for a set of waterproof earbuds?
23:32.47AnduinLotharand usually you guard your head first
23:33.04AnduinLotharmmm, never tried swimmign with music..
23:33.16AnduinLotharyou'd have to have a waterproof case or player
23:33.17Shouryuuyou'd more likely fall on your shoulder first, I mean your not going to fall on your ear...
23:33.23AalnyFiance has an Otterbox for her Nano, but no headphones to match.
23:33.40AalnyI've looked around, but selection is slim.
23:33.51AnduinLothari have never heard of waterproof headphones, sorry
23:34.45AnduinLotharwatches, yes.. cair might be heapfull in that aspect.. but not headphones
23:34.53AnduinLothari don't surf enough i spose
23:35.32IrielFor ear BUDS, I like the sony in-ear ones (but dont get the ones with the 'extension cord' because the normal cord is too short)
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23:38.41AalnyShe's hoping to listen to music while swimming laps at the gym.  So buds are probably preferrable.
23:39.01Aalnyor at least something with a small footprint
23:39.16Shouryuuwell night
23:40.02AnduinLotharyou wont get waterproof buds
23:40.23AnduinLothari could see IEM (in-ear-monitor) being waterproof tho
23:40.51AnduinLotharIEM's go insode the canal, buds sit in your lobes
23:40.53AalnyI couldn't tell you what the difference is between the two.
23:42.28IrielThese ones, I like:
23:43.10AnduinLotharif I wear my IEMs while driving (illegally) I can't even hear the engine
23:43.22AnduinLotharat 1/3 volume on the ipod
23:43.43AnduinLotharbecause they completely seal off the ear
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23:44.30AnduinLothari imagine if you had some way to keep them pressured into your ears and covered a pair with a waterproof glue-like substance you could make a regular pair waterproof
23:45.15AnduinLotharwant to avoid water in the tube at all costs
23:45.16AalnyI'm almost positive I've seen some that look like normal swimming ear plugs on the ends
23:45.55AnduinLothari spose you could make plastic drivers tho that could be water resistant
23:52.34Corrodiasnow hold on, i don't think it's such a good idea to go gluing something into your ears
23:52.52AnduinLotharalmost funny
23:53.29AnduinLotharayone having issues with wardrobe, i keep getting reports i cant repro
23:54.17AnduinLotharug, curse is STILL slow
23:57.14Corrodiassweet. now you just need a waterproof mp3 player
23:57.55Aalnyalready have that

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