irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060401

00:07.38kremontei have accomplished what few nerds have.
00:07.50kremontei have stayed in the outdoors for more than 63.1579 minutes.
00:08.02DepheriosI do that, but only because I don't drive
00:08.07Depheriosso I have to walk everywhere
00:14.35Legorolbased on Iriel's idea about owner == valid, updated the tooltip pseudo-code:
00:14.44Legoroli think it's now very very close to being perfect :-)
00:16.33IrielDoes being in my car count as 'stayed in the outdoors' ?
00:17.25Legoroli think so
00:17.34Legorolespecially if you lower the window to get some quality smog
00:19.06IrielWe dont have much smog here
00:19.21IrielPresently the windows remain closed so as to to get quality rain
00:22.52LegorolIriel, if in the future anyone asks about tooltips, you can just point them here:
00:23.06Legoroli have all the notes there, and 2 possible recommended ways of using them
00:23.14Legorolwith XML and Lua example
00:23.56IrielNice, slashdot just went OMG Ponies pink
00:24.12IrielLegorol : I've been doing that already, i'll continue to do so 8-)
00:24.19Legorolok thanks :-)
00:24.30Legorolhmm, maybe i should move the notes to the bottom of the page, they are pretty daunting
00:24.37Legorolthe practical examples should come first, i think
00:25.16IrielA structure something like "Important Things To Know" then "Examples" then "Technical Details", perhaps, in that order?
00:28.25grollbah what it up with curse these days.. bah :/
00:28.34IrielPatch week
00:29.00grollya well it was up then down then up then down and so on
00:30.58Legorolok, done with my daily tooltip brainstorming :-)
00:31.01Legoroltime to fix some bugs
00:31.11Legorolbut first! got to read 4/1 jokes
00:32.48Kirov,images/screenshots/,41,42,/burningcrusade/townhall/wisps.html - bwahahaha
00:33.40Legorolehm.. i think the dating on those posts on the US site is unfortunate
00:33.52Legorolthey are dated 3/31, just like the new realms
00:34.00Legorolso they are either all true, or the new realms are also a joke :p
00:35.30grolloh Legorol u think it's possible to make the buffbot buff urself even if u have a friendly targeted?
00:36.54Maldiviaeek... anyone checked out
00:37.04IrielI said that 5 mins ago 8-)
00:37.15KirovI like it.
00:37.34Ktronpink pwnies
00:38.02Maldiviayeah, hopefully they'll pull it down again after 24 hours...
00:38.04Legorol"Moonfire Spam"... bruhahaha!
00:38.08Legorolthat's my favourite
00:39.42Ktron:: Murlocs
00:39.53Ktronnot even kidding
00:39.54IrielMurlocs dont speak common
00:40.00Maldiviayou mean that screenshor, with a murloc in gear ?
00:40.13kremontedustwallow screenshot
00:40.13Legoroli heard something about a set of fake 1.11 patch notes
00:40.15Legorolwhere can i find it?
00:40.21IrielLegorol : UI forum, US
00:40.22kremonteand Maldivia: the most obvious part imho
00:40.28kremontelevel 60 in might.
00:40.30Ktronkremonte, mapping the gear onto the murloc would be doable, but hard
00:40.38kremontenot very
00:40.42kremonteit's level 60.
00:40.43kremontein might.
00:40.47Ktronmurlocs don't have though attachments
00:40.50Legorol ROFL
00:40.50kremontemurloc in burning crusade. you know, level 70.
00:41.00kremontewhy would they make atest character at 60 ~_~
00:41.02KtronNo, they could be testing the new level 60 content
00:41.11KtronTesting the quests to reach hero levels
00:41.11kremonteas a murloc? heh
00:41.14kremonteand um
00:41.19kremontehe's using the default murloc spear
00:41.21KtronYeah, test the new character and the new content together
00:41.24kremontethat 90% of murlocs in the game have
00:41.30Maldivia1.11 patch notes:
00:43.25KtronI imagine they just gave themselves the equipment
00:43.49Ktronbeyond that, they released, out of the blue like 10 pages of murloc lore
00:44.07Ktronand they say the new race is 'going to be a surprise'
00:44.30KtronI can't think of any race right now that could potentially be the new race that would be more surprising
00:44.41kremontewell i don't have any idea why they'd make a toon level 60 with might and a grey spear just to test content, considering the wepaon is the most important part of a warrior
00:44.54kremontedraenei makes most sense, but i'd reroll murloc in a heartbeat
00:44.58Cidethat'd be exactly what blizzard would do - announce it was apriol fools and then stick with it
00:44.59Ktronkremonte, its just a model, the spear itself doesn't have to be grey
00:45.08Ktronkremonte, maybe it's a 'filler' model for the moment
00:45.19kremontemaybe maybe maybe, i'm talking about what makes the most sense :P
00:45.22Cidebut then again, they didn't announce murlocs as april fools
00:45.28kremontei've never seen any female murlocs either
00:45.29KtronCide, they did
00:45.39Cideexactly :)
00:45.48Cidewould've been interesting, though!
00:46.07KtronI could see murlocs... and it would fit a lot of things, and they'd be easy to place
00:46.20Ktronkremonte, my guess is that female and male murlocs just look a lot alike
00:46.39Ktronkremonte, the differences will be subtle, and not a big deal to add
00:47.00Ktrondraenei do have a lot going for them... worgen have some too, and of course, furbolgs do too
00:47.05Ktronbut those all are expected heh
00:47.11Ktronand have been for a while
00:47.34Ktronplus, pandaren would have been a craze
00:47.50Ktronit'd make sense to replace pandaren with a race that would cause a craze too
00:47.51kremonteall i'm thinking at this point
00:47.53Ktronand I think murlocs would
00:47.56kremontenothing is confirmed
00:48.01LegorolUsing friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
00:48.01LegorolFriendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock.
00:48.04kremonteso speculation because of a screenshot is moot imo
00:48.13kremontealso, the lighting in the ss is WAY off
00:48.15KtronLegorol, lol
00:49.15Ktronkremonte, I know the screenshot is probably a forgery
00:49.25Ktronit just got me thinking about the plausibility
00:49.37kremontei could make a fake screen
00:49.38kremontebut of what?
00:49.40KtronBlizzard I'm sure is way to careful to let real screenshots out
00:49.48kremontea murloc warlock? X)
00:49.50kremontethey rhyme
00:49.59KtronI think the only reason we saw pandaren was become it was after they were vetoed
00:50.39KtronIf I was going to look at a pic and thing it was a race based on that, I'd want it to be a camera picture of a computer with the races on the screen
00:50.58kremonteit makes no difference
00:51.03kremonteopen it in fullscreen
00:51.05kremontetake a picture
00:51.15KtronI know, but most people are less clever than that
00:51.40kremonteyou're gonna make me
00:51.41kremontearen't you
00:51.56KtronI'm not saying you, or I, or anyone can't do it
00:52.03kremontei'm making an SS
00:52.03Ktronjust that most people probably wouldn't take the efffort
00:52.06kremontea murloc rogue
00:52.10kremontein westfall
00:52.15Ktronin bloodfang
00:52.17kremontewearing the red defias bandana
00:52.22Legorollawl: The use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
00:52.24Ktronand in bloodfang
00:52.35kremontesee cause
00:52.38kremontei can get a good base SS
00:52.43Legorolthe scary thing is: it could be true!!
00:53.07kremonteLegorol: Modifying DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME is illegal. it cannot be accessed any longer iuhrth4w5987Y%*($&%^$
00:53.16kremonteKtron: i have a level 12 or something rogue on Chogall named Jones
00:53.20kremontei was the first level 7 :D
00:53.22kremontealliance side at least
00:53.35Legorolkremonte: huh?
00:53.36kremontethen some human rogue
00:53.36KtronI want you to make a murloc rogue in bloodfang
00:53.38kremontegot to like
00:53.43kremontelevle 13 in 3 minutes
00:54.03LegorolHAHA, US gets the shaft: In order to assist with various upkeep costs, at a designated time NPC vendors will now give players an amount of gold based upon their level. This is currently slated to occur every Tuesday from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM PST.
00:54.14LegorolEU players can visit them, neener neener
00:54.28kremontefor me that's 9am to 2pm
00:54.37Legorolthat time period is right in the middle of the US maintenance, that's the joke about it
00:54.44Legorolhowever, in EU, the maintenance is not on Tuesday
00:55.11Legorolkremonte: you just got it? bruhaha
00:55.30kremontei skimmed through it
00:55.36kremontedoing 5 things right now
00:55.42Legorollolol: Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green.
01:01.50Legorolhmmmmmmm.... is it just me, or the API part of the UI section of the 1.10 patch notes looks extreeeemly familiar
01:12.45Aalnylame.  Windrunner seems to have rebooted while I was testing stuff.
01:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:20.28ToastTheifid or shouryuu here?
01:40.42Irielkremonte : I dont see a go board there!! 8-)
01:40.57kremontenow that you mention it
01:40.59kremonteneither do i
01:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron| (
01:41.51Miravlix doh the ClearFont author isn't here
01:42.06MiravlixSomeone is asking for help converting from some other ofnt addon to clearfont
01:43.30IrielI dont think there's much "conversion" necessary
01:43.35IrielClearFont has no options
01:43.37Irielyou just install it
01:48.22IrielTime to start getting out of here
01:50.37MiravlixDoes wowi have a macro section?
01:51.14Miravlixthe person in question want to convert her font settings to clearfont
02:00.31IrielI'd suggest she open ClearFont's lua file and poke around
02:02.04Irielback late tonight I suspect
02:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:04.44MiravlixHow am I supposed to make an Image of a feature that turns mouse look on and off
02:05.38ckknighthave a dancing bear.
02:06.01MiravlixThe addon is a Mouse Look keybinding
02:06.14MiravlixIf that isn't a general GUI mode what is. :p
02:07.00MiravlixMisc requires images too
02:07.08MiravlixGuess I'm just going to use Curse instead.
02:08.25Cairennor you could do what others do if there is no graphical component, then you simply use a filler image
02:08.42Cairennbut by all means, feel free to continue insulting me and my site while making use of my channel
02:10.23MiravlixI'm neither insulting you nor your site
02:10.47Cairenn"***Miravlix kicks wowi for being dumb"
02:11.15Cairennperhaps you might consider asking *why* we require images?
02:11.53MiravlixI think, I've explained myself in quite some detail as to why I have an issue with the image requirement
02:13.09MiravlixIf you take offense at me having a different opinion than you, then there is nothing I can do to help that situation.
02:13.40Cairennyou don't know what my opinion is, you still haven't asked
02:13.55MiravlixI didn't know you where alive and here
02:14.05MiravlixSo who says I'm not going to ask when I find out?
02:17.24Legorolhello folks
02:17.30Legorolis there a coder here that uses a Mac?
02:17.33Legorol(except AnduinLothar)
02:17.59kremonteWhat's a Mac?
02:18.10LegorolI'm wondering what are the equivalents of IsAltKeyDown, IsShiftKeyDown and IsControlKeyDown
02:18.21Legoroli mean the WoW functions are the same, but what type of key do they mean on a Mac?
02:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
02:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:26.33TainShift, Control, and Alt.  Pretty sure the Apple key is a separate key like the Windows key is on some Win keyboards.
02:28.16TainYeah, on a Mac it's the same keys, just Alt is Alt/Option
02:32.07Ktron|kremonte, how'd the screenshots turn out?
02:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
03:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
03:11.30OsagasuAfter over a year play time, I have a character high enough to be useful in end game instances
03:11.37OsagasuStill not 60 though. >.>
03:17.14Legorollol, Osagasu, are you also one of us who has more /coded than /played?
03:17.41Legoroli'd been playing this game since the Betas and i don't have a 60 yet :D
03:19.10Cairennthat makes 2 of us Lego
03:19.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
03:20.30Cairennand I refuse to have a 60 until after the expansion and the level cap increase ;)
03:22.33Legoroli very much would lke to reach it before the expansion
03:22.38Legoroli'm the other way round, i'm thinking:
03:22.50Legorolif i dont reach 60 until then, i will never experience the current lvl 60 end-game
03:22.56Legorolit will be gone forever once the expansion is out
03:22.59Legoroland will shift elsewhere
03:23.10Legorolactually, that's an interesting point i always wondered
03:23.20Legorolthey put so much effort into balancing a lot of the current end-game content for 60s
03:23.31Legorolhow will they stop that content from getting trivial with new level cap?
03:23.39Legorolbut i'm sure Blizzard has thought of this too
03:25.12CodayusNot everyone will get the expansion, I suppose.
03:27.37LegorolWahey! I finally got a Yahoo! Mail Beta invite
03:27.45Legorolit looks awesome, the new yahoo mail
03:28.11zeegWould anyone here happen to be skilled in c# or vb (.net)
03:28.23Legorolwhat counts as "skilled"
03:28.39Legoroli'm a skilled coder with experience, but not in those languages
03:28.45Legoroli know the basics of those languages though
03:28.47zeegthat counts as not skilled :)
03:28.56Legoroldoes it have to be specifically those languages?
03:29.00zeegIm thinking about doing the new wgp open-source
03:29.04Legorolor are you looking for someone with .NET knowledge
03:29.16zeegnot specifically .NET, but I want to do it in .NET 2.0
03:29.31Legorolopen source is a good idea
03:30.54zeegim only going open source
03:30.59zeegif i can find some people to volunteer time to help
03:31.43zeegThis version's going to be a lot more flexible for the end-user, as well as simplified, but I really want to target guilds and related people who need data sent to their sites as well
03:44.47Legorolzeeg, actually Blizzard's April's Fool jokes are not early
03:45.00Legorolthey were released in Korea and Europe on 1st April in both places, respectively
03:45.14Legorolthey then had to release in US too, otherwise people get the scoop in Europe instead
03:45.40Legorolit's called a worldwide simultaneous release spamming 20 time zones, most of which were on 1st April when it was released
03:46.18MiravlixAnd I'm published!
03:46.26MiravlixSo now I don't have to perish (sp?)
03:49.45zeegBlizzard is always a day or two off on announcements though, this wouldnt have looked any dif :p
03:52.15OsagasuBlizzard has said Rag will be able to be 20 manned with level 70 players
03:53.03OsagasuSo it wouldn't surprise me if they rebalanced to have a high 50s-low 60s MC and a high 60s-70 MC
03:53.20Osagasuwith the level 70 one being balanced for 20 man.  but that's me
03:55.59Legoroland that's exactly it
03:56.10Legorolonce the expansion is out, i won't be able to get a 40-man raid going into MC
03:56.16Legoroli would have forever missed out on that opportunity
03:56.28MiravlixMC is 5manned
03:56.29Legoroli don't like it when a possible game element is closed, and if you never tried, you never can
03:56.35Miravlixafter the expansion, Leg
03:56.39MiravlixDon't worry. :)
03:56.40Legoroleven worse
03:57.04MiravlixYou can't get 5 man together every once in a blue moon to do MC?
03:57.24Legorolthe point is that i want to go with 40 lvl 60s
03:57.29Legorolonce the expansion is out, that will never happen
03:57.38Legorolyes i can get 5 people at lvl 70
03:57.50Legorolbut that means that a currently existing, exciting end-game content is removed from the game
03:58.03Legoroli'm really curious about what blizz will do about this
03:58.27Legorolthey put too much time and effort developing the current end-game content to let it all go to waste
03:58.32Legorolthey will think of something
03:58.37MiravlixIt wont be waisted
03:58.43Miravlixit will be the new scholomance
03:58.49MiravlixUBRS, DM
03:58.58Legorolthose are done routinely
03:59.02Legorolnot as exciting, epic battles
03:59.05MiravlixPpl will do the current raid contense as 5 man dungeons
03:59.10Legorolthose are not the "challenges"
03:59.30Legorolthat's why i am saying that an aspect of the game (40-man epic MC raids) will be gone forever
03:59.35MiravlixThere is nothing fun or exciting about farming MC for 6+ months
03:59.42Legoroli have never been in MC
03:59.48Legoroli would like to take part in a 40-man raid there
03:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
03:59.52kremontenexus are LBS in expansion
03:59.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:00.01MiravlixThen learn to level?
04:00.09Legorolonce expansion is out, i will not be able to do so anymore
04:00.10EsamynnEvening all
04:00.15Legorolthat's why i want to get to 60 before expansion
04:00.15MiravlixBlizzard can't screw everyone else over just for your benefit
04:00.23kremonteMiravlix: being 60 does not guarantee MC raids
04:00.28Legoroli am not saying they should do something for my benefit
04:00.41MiravlixNo, but the expansion wil guarentee 10 man MC raids
04:00.53kremontehe's talking about the experience. you said "learn to level"
04:00.54MiravlixSo WE are all going to enjoy the contense
04:00.56Legorolmy guess is that Blizzard doesn't necessarily want that
04:01.00Miravlixjust a little later than the raid guilds
04:01.18kremontetrust me, doing an instance 40 man is so much more different
04:01.23Legoroli know
04:01.26Legorolthat's why i want to
04:01.31Legorolit sounds exciting, challenging and fun
04:01.35Legorolkremonte, i dont' want to play easy-mode
04:01.39MiravlixThere is a ton of new 40 man contense in the expansion
04:01.47MiravlixYou just have to try to go for that instead
04:01.49Legorolwhich will require me to get to the new level cap
04:01.52kremonteMiravlix: but not MC 40 man content. that's what lego is talking about -.-
04:01.52Esamynna Guildie of mine said that at BlizzCon they said that in the expansion, instances like MC will be rebalanced for lvl 70
04:01.53Miravlix40 man wont disapper with the expansion
04:01.58Legorolas kremonte said
04:02.11Legorolwhat i am saying is that one aspect of the game, i.e. 40-man MC, will be gone
04:02.13MiravlixMc is just a dungeon and it isn't even 40 man anymore
04:02.20Miravlixtakes 30 druids to do it
04:02.22kremonteo noes, 35 man :-(
04:02.37MiravlixI'm sure a propper class balance raid can do it with far less
04:02.46Legorolall i am saying, without talking specifics about one particular instance,
04:02.46MiravlixMC 40 man is gone already. :/
04:02.53Legorolthat the expansion will remove some content from the game
04:02.54kremontei do MC 40 man all the time.
04:03.00Legoroli consider 40-man MC run content
04:03.03Legorolthat's all i am saying
04:03.06Legorolnothing more, nothing less
04:03.07kremonteMC 40 man will be inexistant at BC
04:03.18Legoroli don't expect blizzard to maintain it on my account
04:03.29Legorolall i am saying is that i'd like to get to 60 before expansion, before it's gone
04:03.45Legorolthe idea of losing content irks me, that's all
04:03.52MiravlixGames changes and we miss out on stuff if we aren't 'ready' when it happends, that just MMORPGS
04:03.53Esamynnif you are leveling a character now, I would expect it to be difficult to not hit 60 before the expansion
04:03.59Legorolas long as they were only adding content, the possibility of doing it one day has always been there
04:04.09LegorolEsamynn: i have been playing this game since the Betas
04:04.12Legorolmy highest lvl is 46
04:04.16Legorolat this rate, i will not hit 60
04:04.17MiravlixI did Alterac Valley when it first came out and got a radically different experince than you can get in AV now
04:04.20kremonteyou can get 60 in no time, lego
04:04.23kremontemy warrior is 46 at the moment
04:04.25TainContent comes and goes, that's the nature of a changing game.
04:04.32kremonteWoW changes?
04:04.40LegorolTain, Blizzard has done a pretty good job at only adding content and not removing, so far
04:04.46Legoroland i do understand that content can go
04:04.53Legorolat no point did i say that i think it's a bad idea
04:04.57Legoroli think in fact that it's a good idea
04:05.04Legorolall i am saying is that i'd like to get to that content before its' gone
04:05.09MiravlixI wonder if the ring I got in AV is considered an unique this days, I don't think it drops from the Icelord anymore?
04:05.52MiravlixAnd I got it from solo killing the Ice Lord, something people will never get to do
04:06.31MiravlixThats my reward for being 60 at that time.
04:07.07TainI suppose I'm just too jaded.  I got sick of MC by the 3rd boss and haven't been back.
04:07.46EsamynnTain: were you with a guild that was learning MC or just clearing it?
04:10.08TainBack when everyone was learning.
04:10.16EsamynnThe serpents are a little repepative, but Garr was an interesting one to learn
04:10.36Esamynngot old fast, but still
04:10.39kremonteever do BWL?
04:10.55TainNope, MC reminded me of why I quit playing EQ.
04:11.04kremontehere's a rundown, from area to area in BWL (learning it)
04:11.07Tain"Hardcore" raiding blows.
04:11.10Tainfor me.
04:11.24kremontefun, really fun, boring, easy, kinda fun, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, kinda fun, boring, fun, fun, fun, boring-boring-boring-
04:11.24EsamynnBWL is much neater than MC, and AQ is even better
04:11.30TainI'll take a 5 man group any day.
04:11.33kremontenotice the gap between the fun.
04:11.40kremontelet's see
04:12.06TainBeing in a serious raiding guild is like having a second full-time job that I don't get paid for.
04:12.09kremontefun, boring, boring, cool, fun, boring, boring, boring, booooring, fun, boring, easycakes, boring, boring, fun, fun, boring, fun, boring
04:12.19kremonteTain: PLEASE never make that analogy.
04:12.26kremontemy guild is a "hardcore" raiding guild
04:12.27TainIt's exactly how it feels to me.
04:12.32kremonte5 hours on saturday, 5 hours on sunday
04:12.34kremontethat's a job?
04:12.40Esamynnkremonte: could you please give me some sort of reference in those long string? :P
04:12.41kremonteyeesh, if that is, must be a world of slackers..
04:12.47kremonteok, let's take bwl
04:12.49TainThat's not exactly the same kind of "hardcore" as I'm used to.
04:12.56kremonte"fun, really fun, boring, easy, kinda fun, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, kinda fun, boring, fun, fun, fun, boring-boring-boring-"
04:13.00kremontefun - razorgore fight
04:13.03kremontereally fun - vael fight
04:13.06kremonteboring - supression room
04:13.11kremonteeasy - broodlord himself
04:13.14kremontekinda fun - firemaw
04:13.17kremonteboring - trash mobs
04:13.18TainActually the hell with that, that can't even be remotely considered hardcore.  That's just weekly raids.
04:13.23Esamynnahh ok
04:13.23kremonteboring - more trash mobs
04:13.29kremonteboring - some more trash mobs
04:13.34kremonteboring - carbon copy of firemaw
04:13.39kremonteboring - carbon copy of firemaw
04:13.48kremontekinda fun - chromaggus
04:14.00kremonteboring - LOL WE'RE UP TO NEF LET'S LOG OFF FOR A MONTH
04:14.03kremontefun, fun, fun - nef
04:14.10kremonteboring-boring-boring - doing the instance again.
04:14.18kremonteTain: eh?
04:14.26Esamynnhold on, you took a month break from killing Chromie to killing nef?
04:14.40kremonteno, but that's when the "fuckkkkkkkkk" scenario comse in
04:14.56kremonteit's 40 people. you think every one of them is motivated to spend 200g in repairs because the first two weeks you got red/black drakonids?
04:15.23kremonteTain: 2.5hr MC, 2.5hr up to chromaggus, saturday, kill chrom, find out nef color, aq for 4 hours
04:15.29kremontekill nef monday night, takes an hour or two
04:15.37kremontethat's 3 40 man instances
04:15.45kremonteplus, every day of the week there's a 20 man going on
04:15.47Esamynnwe downed nef the first week we actually tired him, and I don't think we have failed to beat him yet in a week where we got to him
04:16.06kremonteEsamynn: my guild killed him ezcakes the first 4 times too, black green, black bronze, etc
04:16.16kremonteEsamynn: the past 6 weeks we've had red/blue
04:16.26Esamynnwe've done red/blue too
04:16.26kremonteit WOULD be easy
04:16.35kremontewe never have the right class makeup
04:16.45kremontebecause most of our priests are EU
04:16.49kremonteand most of our warriors are west coast
04:16.54Esamynnoh, ouch
04:17.04Esamynnwhere are you at in AQ?
04:17.17Legorolkremonte: how do you have both us and eu players on the same server?
04:17.19kremontehaven't gone to aq in a while, but we just killed fankriss
04:17.22Legoroldid the eu folks by us accounts?
04:17.32kremonteanother problem we're hjavnig
04:17.35kremonteeverybody is quitting
04:17.36Legorolwhose time schedule do you go by?
04:17.42Legorolus or eu?
04:17.48kremonteclosest in between
04:17.49TainWhen I say a full time job I mean raiding 3 nights a week, and they cut back to only 1 mandatory weekend raid to ease up.
04:17.49Legorolthat's tough on the eu folks..
04:17.58kremonte5 hour difference, on weekends we only play till like 8
04:18.07kremonteso that's midnight for them ,not bad
04:18.28Legoroleast coast is 6 hours from UK, 7 from mainland europe at the moment
04:18.38kremonteTain: mon/tue ZG, tue/wed AQ20, thur/fri ZG, fri AQ20
04:18.47kremonteTain: and most of us do MC on alts
04:18.48Legorolprops for your eu guys
04:18.49Esamynnlet me tell, you, the more I look at other guilds, the more I look at mine and wonder how the hell I got so lucky ;)
04:18.55kremonteLegorol: most are romanian
04:18.58kremonteLegorol: they're vampires
04:19.06Legorolno, that'd be transilvanians
04:19.07kremonteEsamynn: are you a warlock? :p
04:19.10Legorolwho are mostly ethnic hungarians
04:19.18TainSo when why did you say only saturday and Sunday earlier?
04:19.25kremontei was talkinga bout 40 man raids
04:19.28kremonte20 man are too easycakes
04:19.35kremonteEsamynn: see, as a warlock
04:19.46EsamynnWarlocks are in demand I know
04:19.51kremonteEsamynn: within 4 months i hvave 8/8 felheart 6/8 nemesis
04:20.08EsamynnI know, we groan every time bloody nemesis dropds
04:20.12TainAnyway it's still too much of a "job" for me rather than being fun, so I don't do it anymore.
04:20.27kremonteif your guild makes raid attendance mandatory, then it's not a good guild. imo
04:20.41Esamynnyah, mandatory attendence would SUCK!
04:20.59kremontethe "top" guild on my server atm, Corp Hur (the infamous Avatar of Warsong!) does that
04:21.06kremontewe had like 3 applicants at once
04:21.08TainThat's why guilds get to be top guilds.
04:21.18kremonte"Avatar kept bitching at us
04:21.23Endheh, everyone has heard of Corp Hur and Avatar
04:21.32kremonteI missed two raids in the last three months, I got gkicked last night."
04:21.32Esamynnnot I
04:21.44Wobin_Corp Por!
04:21.53kremontespanish rogue applied, he got kicked because he missed more than 5% of raids
04:21.57kremontenote that he is in spain
04:22.04kremonteand the guild does not use spanish time
04:22.07Esamynnkremonte: psh, good ridance and screw them, you are better off
04:22.10Wobin_wow that's worse than school attendance
04:22.31kremonteduring the war effort
04:22.33kremontethe last day of it
04:22.36kremontei went to queue up for BG
04:22.40TainI'm just surprised this is a new concept to people.  It's how all the "top" guilds have operated in every game since EQ.
04:22.49kremonteTain: i never said it was a surprise
04:23.09kremonteok, it makes a guild progress. it also makes for less morale, and a worse reputation
04:23.17kremonterows upon rows of <Corp Hur> in the military ward
04:23.22kremontelinen bandage... linen bandage... linen bandage... linen bandage...
04:23.29EsamynnTain: my definition of "Top" obviously differs from the "norm"
04:23.29kremontelog onto my priest in westfall
04:23.34kremonte30 people <Corp Hur>
04:23.37kremonteall farming defias
04:23.38kremontefor linen
04:25.03Esamynnwhen I say I am lucky in my guild I don't just mean how good we are at downing stuff, it's also a great group of people and we don't have any really stupid rules like mandatory attendence
04:25.09TainI mean top in as far as advancing in content faster than others.  Not necessarily meaning a better guild overall, but making it a point to try to do things first.
04:25.51MiravlixMy friends guild decide to all talents for raid PvE
04:26.09MiravlixSo they could get in on all the raid contense early
04:26.15Esamynncome again Miravlix?
04:26.44MiravlixYou had to make your char so it benefited the guild in Raid PvE
04:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:27.43Esamynnthats one the same level as mandatory attendence imo
04:27.47MiravlixI don't know if the shot anyone for not going PvE spec
04:27.54Esamynnevening Tem, break anything recently?
04:28.08MiravlixBut I'm sure you didn't get any phats unless you where benefitting the PvE effort
04:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
04:28.10Temnot really
04:28.18Temjust got back from eating too much crawfish
04:46.40Esamynn~emualte cair
04:46.48Esamynn~emulate cair
04:46.49purlACTION purrs
04:47.19Esamynnon the upside, when it is quiet in here I am much more productive coding wise
04:47.38MiravlixI'm much more productive when it's noisy here
04:48.01MiravlixSaves me more than half the work when we have semi inteligent conversations about codeing
04:49.14LegorolI think 2+2=5 in patch 1.10
04:49.18Legorolit's a stealth-nerf
04:49.57MiravlixKnowing that, it now save me tons of time debugging why 2+2 doesnø't equal 4
04:50.11Esamynnlol, you want to see a stealth nerf, take a look at the leaked 1.11 patch notes :P
04:50.29MiravlixSlouken promised no ADDON changes in 1.11
04:50.45Esamynnhe did?
04:51.03MiravlixYeah, but it's anyone guess if he can keep it. :P
04:51.20Esamynnoh you mean, changes to break certain types?
04:51.25Esamynnwhen did he say that?
04:51.39MiravlixHe is trying to make 1.11 a quiet addon patch
04:51.45MiravlixHere in channel some days ago
04:51.59Esamynnlol, fat chance, that isn't possible
04:52.17MiravlixBaah don't have a lastlog command in this IRC client
04:52.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|TiePro (
04:52.28Esamynnthere will always be the people who can't find the "load out of date AddOns" option
04:52.34MiravlixI'm not in the mood of searching through days of chat. :p
04:52.43Esamynnthere is an online one, although I can't remember the link
04:52.56MiravlixEsamynn: But that is fairly quet
04:52.58purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
04:53.10Miravlix1.10 broke all addons
04:53.12EsamynnMiravlix: I suppose
04:53.20MiravlixSo even doing out of date wouldn't work
04:53.25Esamynnshow off :P
04:53.35purlthanks, Esamynn
04:53.52MiravlixCairenn: I know, but then I have to search for it. :p
04:54.08Esamynnsearch for "slouken"
04:54.15Shouryuu|TieProwish me lcuk!
04:54.23Miravlixtypeing /lastlog slouken considering how few lines he type would have given me the line so I could cut and paste it easy
04:54.25Shouryuu|TieProluck rather
04:55.12Esamynntell me why and I'll consider it ;)
04:55.12MiravlixHmm, I wonder how many addons is still out of date.
04:55.48Shouryuu|TieProhehe I have an interview this morning =(
04:56.07Esamynnmost of the ones installed on my system are probably still "out of date" but that's generally because I've fixed them myself and haven't updated the toc because I haven't fully tested them
04:56.24Esamynnwhy are you frowning?
04:56.38MiravlixDown to 43 out of date addons
04:56.52MiravlixAnd make that 40 I forgot to update my own in house developed addons. :)
04:57.26Esamynnwhat annoys me is that they changed it so that when you select the "load out of date addons" option, the out of date flag doesn't show on any of the addons :(
04:58.45Wobin_hehe Dwarf female love in the 'leaked' 1.11 notes =)
04:58.45Esamynnhmm, I still haven't deicded how i'm going to implement these queued invites, sigh
04:59.06Esamynnthe best line was the last one about the "very green grass"
04:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
05:08.08Esamynnanyone know off had long long the game waits before auto-declining and invite?
05:08.34Esamynnhow long*
05:08.39Esamynndamn finger
05:14.21ToastTheifyou still here?
05:15.29Miravlix## SavedVariables: ZoneBaseline2, ZoneBaseline1, Others
05:15.42MiravlixThat gotta be the best SavedVariables line I've ever seen
05:16.35Esamynnnm, StaticPopup.lua FTW
05:21.42MiravlixNaming a global variable Other?
05:22.18Esamynnpretty silly, I agree
05:22.30MiravlixCredit to all other addon makers, since no one else is apparently using other
05:27.12MiravlixThe worst thing I'm doing, is make a global alias MMM
05:27.39MiravlixI just got tired of writing multimegamooped
05:27.57ckknightwhy a global alias?
05:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
05:28.08ckknightand not a local alias
05:28.09MiravlixMMM is MicroMacroMaker
05:28.19MiravlixYou would do /script MMM.<function>
05:28.22TainI like having just one global object.
05:28.32ckknightsame, Tain
05:28.38MiravlixSo MMM is an alias to the global object
05:28.48ckknightwell, 2, one for the object, one for the locals
05:28.54MiravlixBut due to char limitation in Macros I make the MMM alias
05:29.38MiravlixHow do you make a short safe name?
05:30.01MiravlixThe second we get down to 3 chars and the like we are in trouble
05:30.14ckknightat least 6, I say
05:30.25ckknightand have it be relatively unique
05:30.43MiravlixI always use the addonname_<variable>
05:31.12MiravlixThen unless someone uses _ in there name they wont be conflicting
05:31.36ckknightI don't like global pollution
05:32.07MiravlixDunno why you say that
05:32.15zesprias if it matters
05:32.25MiravlixWhats using a naming standard for global variables has to do with polution?
05:32.35zespriI mean as if 'global polution' matter
05:32.54MiravlixIt's bad programming actually
05:33.06MiravlixYour addon is faster with inteligent use of local
05:33.09ckknightputting many variables into the global scope is global pollution
05:33.25MiravlixBut otherwise its pointless
05:33.44zespricoding guidelines are writen not make code pretty and not to make purists happy. the are written so it's to work with code
05:33.46MiravlixA addon with nothing but global scope is badly programmed, no one need 100% global scope
05:34.42MiravlixYou should atleast referance your stuff internally with local and then export what is needed to the global scope
05:35.00MiravlixBut you should also make a function that alllows outside tampering of the local file scope
05:35.02MiravlixTo debug
05:36.11MiravlixI recently did a search and replace in PartyQuests makeing everything local
05:36.28Miravlixhad to make the debug flag global again, but the rest didn't need to be global
05:37.59MiravlixThat gains me a 0.002ms speedup on every function call and variable referance.
05:38.44MiravlixEsamynn: Wasn't that the number you found?
05:38.48Esamynnkeep in mind Miravlix that that number is for my computer on that night alone
05:39.11MiravlixYes and we are talking low low ms so it might vary
05:39.14Esamynnthe gain will vary depending on the conditions and the computer itself
05:39.54L|Elvisook what happened....I downloaded some updated addons, starting getting random UI errors for DIFFERENT addons....
05:40.04L|Elvisoremoved the updated addons and I still seem to be getting erros
05:40.11TainI ran a bunch of tests on speeds making local copies of global functions, and they all varied a little, but definite speed increases were there.
05:40.30MiravlixL: Saved variables polution?
05:40.32Esamynnoh yes, there is definately a speed increase
05:41.15L|Elvisohrmm that's possible
05:41.18Esamynnbut I perfer to limit my use of locals mainly to table pointers and values for use inside functions only
05:41.34MiravlixAnd I love how it encourage me to create C .h style header information, to code this way
05:42.19MiravlixThe first page or two, if I comment propperly will give any outsider a complete knowglede of what the addon does
05:43.19MiravlixI like to have all my functions local
05:43.41Miravlixand then do end <addoname>.<functioname> = functionname to export it for outside use
05:44.09MiravlixIt makes things a lot clearer for a third party to read and modify the code
05:44.15Esamynnmy only issue with that is that it makes hooking impossible
05:44.36Miravlixthats where the <addonname>.debug() comes in
05:44.40Esamynnor do you monitor for changes?
05:44.43MiravlixIt gives you access to internals
05:45.05CodayusOkay, I've got a weird tooltip in the top right of my screen which constantly shows a random buff.  It changed periodically for no obvious reason.  I have no idea what mod is causing it.  Anyone seen this behaviour and know what might be causing it?
05:45.13EsamynnMiravlix: post code?
05:45.31EsamynnDiscord Library?
05:45.44MiravlixCodayus: Broken addon due to tooltip changes
05:45.51MiravlixThat got modified badly?
05:45.57EsamynnCodayus: do you have Discord Library?
05:46.01CodayusMiravlix: I know that.  But I'm trying to work out which addon.  And...yes, I do.
05:46.10Esamynnhave you updated it?
05:46.20CodayusErm...yes.  I did.  Or I thought I did...
05:46.20EsamynnI've heard it has been a common culprit for that
05:46.30MiravlixWell, the nitty gritty bits, isn't written yet, Esa.
05:46.32CodayusThanks, that gives me a starting place.
05:46.45MiravlixI'm just about to start on creating the debug/hook/etc functions
05:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
05:46.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:47.34Esamynnhow do you plan to access some local, x, using the debug function?
05:48.01MiravlixI use a lot of time talking/designing before I implement something.
05:51.31MiravlixHave to be very dirty doing it as I don't have a getglobal functionality localy
05:52.16Miravlixif var == "Initialize" then Initialize = newfunc
05:52.36Esamynnahh ok, so you have to account for each and every local
05:54.43MiravlixI can put it all into a table
05:54.46Miravlixand do a search
05:55.14Esamynnsame diff, no matter how you slice it
05:55.17Miravlixtable[var] == usersupplieddebugfunc
05:56.50MiravlixYeah, but even if I had getlocal("name") it would be the same
05:56.50Esamynncome again?
05:56.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
05:57.10MiravlixWhatever you do table[var] == something or table.funcname = something
05:57.24MiravlixI don't see the difference?
05:57.53Esamynnthere isn't a difference
05:58.11Miravlixtable.debughook( name, orgfunction, newfunction )
05:58.34Miravlixor table debughook( name, orgvar, newvar)
05:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:58.59Esamynnit would be easier if you wrote some sample code and pastebinned it
05:59.10Esamynnhey Iriel
06:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:01.03IrielSo, should I play WoW, or write code to display a network activity graph on my G15 LCD?
06:01.31EsamynnCODE! :)
06:01.34[MoonWolf]play wow to bugtest the graph
06:01.46Esamynnoooh, even better :)
06:01.58IrielWow is actually quite boring in terms of its network usage
06:02.23Esamynnyah, I suppose it is
06:02.48TemI think it's changed lately actually
06:03.05TemI've been noticing an icon in my taskbar from time to time
06:03.21Temthat is the same icon they use on their downloaded thing
06:03.23MiravlixTest server had a background downloader
06:03.30MiravlixIt's not in release
06:03.40Gryphenits in my release
06:03.45Temmine too
06:04.02TemI just haven't figured out exactly what it's doing
06:04.06MiravlixWell, blue claims it isn't in release yet.
06:04.17Gryphenthey are wrong hehe
06:04.18MiravlixIt downloads upcomming patches
06:04.40MiravlixWhile you play WoW, so you don't have to do patch day downloads
06:04.44Esamynnit is in the release Miravlix, just won't be downloading anything yet
06:05.10Temregardless of it's function, I suspect it will have an interesting effect on network traffic
06:05.16MiravlixThats the same difference to me Esa
06:05.24MiravlixIf it doesn't do anything it isn't really there
06:06.12MiravlixAnyway, did you read the pastebin?
06:06.35EsamynnMiravlix: I thought you made all your functions local, or did you put them in a local table?
06:06.59MiravlixThe table is local
06:07.29MiravlixI did local functionname
06:07.55MiravlixBut I don't see how that makes me able to create a DebugHook
06:07.59Esamynnyes, but you said all the functions in your AddOn are local, so how do you hook function foo without coding for foo specifically in the debug function?
06:08.59Esamynnprint isn't a local, its a value in a local table
06:09.04Miravlixmicromacromaker..DebugHook( print, newprint )
06:09.40MiravlixYou sure?
06:09.51MiravlixLua sucks
06:10.18IrielLua doesn't suck, it's actually very nice
06:10.23IrielYour understanding of it, perhaps, sucks
06:10.35Esamynn~lart Miravlix
06:10.49MiravlixWhy the hell can't I do local table entries?
06:11.39Esamynnyou mean, have access to the "table" of local variables?
06:12.23Miravlixloca micromacromaker = { local value = 10, local textstring = "Hello, World" }
06:12.35Irielbecause that doesn't make any sense
06:12.42Iriellocal is a compile time construct
06:12.48IrielIt has nothing to do with objects at runtime
06:12.51IrielA table is a table
06:13.09Iriellocal micromacromaker = { value = 10, textstring = "Hello World" } gives you a local reference to a table with those keys in it
06:13.24Miravlixis micromacromaker.value a local?
06:13.26Iriela 'local table entry' is a meaningless concept, how would you EXPECT that to work
06:13.34Irielmicromaker, the reference, is local
06:13.36MiravlixWell it works in C++ classes
06:13.39Irielthe table itself is just an object
06:14.09IrielC++ doesn't have "local"
06:14.26Irielit has static, which means one thing (but doesn't mean the same thing inside a class)
06:14.35IrielAnd it has private, which means something entirely different
06:14.36Miravlixclass something { private: var, var, var public: function(), function() }
06:14.43Irielso you want private, not local
06:14.49Esamynnlocal ~= private
06:14.52Irielor should I say "local"
06:15.11MiravlixI want local because it has less overhead than global
06:15.13IrielDo you want objects with private entries? or do you want a module with private data?
06:15.34IrielMiravlix : You say that without understanding the language enough to really know why, which is problematic here.
06:15.36MiravlixIt is 0.002ms or something like that faster to work with locals
06:15.50IrielThat is correct, so dont put them in tables
06:16.04MiravlixBut how do I allow the addon to be debugged then?
06:16.08Irielbecause that microscopic (and it's us or ns, not ms) hit is the table lookup
06:16.23IrielDebuggability and hyper-optimization are somewhat exclusive at times
06:16.34MiravlixIt's microseconds as far as I know
06:16.44IrielYou CAN add a bunch of get methods in global scope, something like this (pastebinning, one second)
06:17.49MiravlixI need a way for local somename = function() end can from another addon be hooked
06:18.20Esamynnthe only way to do that Miravlix is to write a hook function that specifically accounts for each and every local variable
06:18.21IrielYou can't hook another addon's local methods
06:18.39IrielTO hook your own addon's methods, you do exactly what Esamynn just described
06:18.49MiravlixIriel: yes you can
06:18.51IrielOr you take the (miniscule, by the way) hit of putting them in a table
06:19.09Miravlixif varname == "functionname" then functioname == newfunc end
06:19.25IrielMiravlix : I'm sorry but you're either misusing the terminology, or you just dont understand.
06:19.29IrielI'm not trying to be mean here
06:19.41IrielBut locals are not just 'special globals'
06:19.45MiravlixIt is possible to hook local variables by another addon
06:19.49IrielThey're implemented in an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT way
06:20.06MiravlixBy providing a function to do it.
06:20.22IrielBut then it's not "another addon" hooking it
06:20.29IrielIt's YOUR addon hooking it, for another addon
06:20.38MiravlixWell, offcourse
06:20.53MiravlixIf you follow the conversation this has been about creating DebugHook
06:21.05Miravlixfromt he very beginning so other addons can hook into locals to debug
06:21.06IrielI wasn't here when that conversation started
06:21.23IrielBut esamynn covered the challenges of that nicely
06:21.29IrielYou have to **EXPLICITLY** support every local
06:21.34IrielYou cannot resolve a local by name at runtime
06:21.51EsamynnMiravlix: may I say that I think you are being anal about protecting your AddOns variables (not trying to be mean by that)
06:22.05MiravlixI'm not protecting them
06:22.16IrielI suspect you're also being overly concerned about the 'performance' thing
06:22.39MiravlixAnd I suspect most of you aren't concerned enough
06:22.45Miravlixresulting in stupid lag everywhere
06:23.00IrielWell, you should probably consider your audience before spouting stuff like that
06:23.56MiravlixThis is an dev channel, it's dev thats in it, and no one wants to acknowglede how slow the UI scripting engine is
06:24.07MiravlixSo I think I acknowglede who is here
06:24.07Iriellua is remarkably fast
06:24.21Irielthe UI engine is pretty fast too, though there are some 'gotchas' to be careful of
06:24.43IrielThe frame metamethod being the worst offender and I believe I've done more research on that particular issue than ANY other developer
06:24.47MiravlixIt's you I have to make interested in writing better optimized code for the dev community in general to pick up on it and start writting better optimized addons
06:24.58MiravlixResulting in my 170 addons not being sutch a lag pain
06:25.07IrielSimilarly memory use, I believe I have a better understanding of that than almost any other developer
06:25.36MiravlixI've been crusading the Lua memory model since I started Lua scripting around a year ago
06:25.40Esamynnthere is no advantage to obsessing over the advantage of locals, they aren't that much faster that making almost every function call a local is going to have a significant impact
06:25.46[MoonWolf]Lets be honest here and say that Iriel has better understanding of the inner working of lua then most of us.
06:25.58MiravlixBecause no one cared about it being a garbage model and just created nutty amount of garbage
06:26.05Iriel[MoonWolf] : I'd say "of lua in WoW"
06:26.16Iriel[MoonWolf] : Standard default lua IS different
06:26.24Iriel[MoonWolf] : But not a whole lot different
06:26.42IrielMiravlix : I think you'll find that many of us DO care
06:26.42[MoonWolf]but you understand what i mean.
06:26.54IrielMiravlix : I think you'll find that the really active community take it VERY seriously
06:26.55Miravlixyes, my memory model crusade is over
06:26.59Miravlixbut my lag isn't gone
06:27.06IrielMiravlix : The 'casual developer' on the other hand, does not
06:27.10[MoonWolf]I think there is a whole community taht cares a lot about performance.
06:27.23Esamynnmost definately
06:27.25IrielMiravlix : If you run 170 addons, how many of those did *WE* write
06:27.32[MoonWolf]and that extends way beyond ace.
06:27.35Iriel*WE* being the people in this channel you're trying to come off as better than
06:27.39MiravlixAnd when the supposedly top 20 developers that hangs here doesn't care
06:27.48Miravlixwhy will all the 100's of other devs learn to care?
06:27.49IrielIt's not that we dont care
06:27.55IrielIt's that we resent your impliciation that we dont care
06:28.09IrielBut I think we have a better sense of WHEN to care than you're demonstrating
06:28.25IrielYou're spiting yourself in the name of performance
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06:28.41IrielWhen the kinds of differences you're making are NOT significant in the general case.
06:29.03malrethdo not mind me. carry on with your conversations.
06:29.13Esamynndamnit Iriel, stop typing so fast, you keep stealing my thunder! :P
06:29.16IrielIt's entirely possible the GC overhead of your debug hook functions will outweigh the saving you make by using top-level locals
06:29.34IrielEsamynn : Sorry, your turn, i'm off to make coffee
06:29.47MiravlixTrying to develope debug friendly code is a CONCERN of mine
06:30.03Esamynnit's ok, I just found it a little amusing, I thought I was a decent typist, but you have me beat hands down
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06:30.48MiravlixBut it's very possible it's a concern I can't react on, if I at the same time want to make the addon local
06:31.27Esamynnthat is indeed the problem and is one of the "gotchas" of programming in general
06:32.05IrielThe art of rational compromise
06:32.37EsamynnIriel: I like that one much better than what I was going to say :)
06:33.44[MoonWolf]OH the noes.
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06:33.50IrielOh no! We lost Cair!
06:33.50IrielAh, she's back
06:33.51malreththat was a quick split
06:34.44MiravlixThe ability for others to read code, debug code is a very high priority for me.
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06:35.35malrethdebuugging is overrated. I make my addons all local and hope that everything works.
06:35.35MiravlixBut we have to be carefull not to sacrifice usability in game.
06:35.35MiravlixAnd when I lag for 2-3 seconds after casting a spell or whatever
06:35.35MiravlixThen the price of a global addon seems way to high
06:36.10IrielA 2-3 second lag isn't caused by using global instead of local though
06:36.11EsamynnMiravlix, the point we are trying to make is that what you are trying to do with locals goes way beyond any rational need for efficiency, so much so that you lose a lot of the ability to debug
06:36.11IrielTo make that different even MEASURABLE takes quite a lot of work
06:36.42MiravlixWell, we are talking 0.002ms difference accoridng to Esa's test.
06:36.42MiravlixThat can quickly addup to a lot for 170 addons
06:37.04Esamynnyou are taking that test WAY out of context
06:37.16IrielI dont believe 0.002ms PER index
06:37.16Esamynnso much so that I reget that you saw it
06:37.17MiravlixIf WORST case happends and to many of the addons trigger at the same time
06:37.22Miravlixyou get in game stutters
06:37.27malreththis sounds dangerously like premature optimization
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06:37.47grollhmm anyone got any idea on if it's possible to fix defendyourself for 1.10?
06:37.49MiravlixI seriusly beleive if I convert all 170 addons to a local model, I will shave off some of the stutters
06:38.00Miravlixgroll: Works fine for me
06:38.05grollit does?
06:38.10EsamynnMiravlix: no, you wouldn't
06:38.15grollhmm i heard several ppl saying it doesnt
06:38.26grolli'll dl and test then :)
06:38.27AnduinLotharmy dy works
06:38.38IrielI dont believe you'd have off any PERCEIVABLE stutter
06:38.40IrielMeasurable, perhaps
06:38.43IrielBut not enough to notice
06:38.55MiravlixEsa: Why not?
06:38.58EsamynnI doubt you would even notice the difference, the lag is caused by other servere inefficiencies in the code structure
06:39.19IrielThe real sinners tend to be (1) garbage junk (2) excessive Frame method calls (Those ARE slow) (3) over-active event handling
06:39.23Miravlixlets say 170 addons referance 2 variable each and does 2 function calls. thats 170 * 2 * 2 * 0.002ms
06:39.30[MoonWolf]I have 83 addons right now and never have any stutters... maybe you should cut down a bit...
06:39.43MiravlixI don't want to cut down
06:39.48MiravlixThere is no need to
06:39.50IrielMiravlix : That.s 1.36 ms
06:40.02IrielMiravlix : Taking Esamynn's numbers at face value
06:40.27MiravlixYes, the time will vary, a tooltip scanner is slower than some 2+2 code
06:40.32IrielThat's 1/735 s
06:40.34[MoonWolf]however that is not 1.36ms that the game is not doing anything outright
06:40.42[MoonWolf]it yust happens along with the rest.
06:40.51MiravlixWoW is serial
06:41.00MiravlixIf you make a function that takes 10 seconds to run
06:41.06Miravlixit takes 10 seconds before wow updates
06:41.18Irielwell, before the UI updates
06:41.23Irielthere are threads going on at the same time
06:41.26Irielthey're just not UI threads
06:41.27MiravlixIt kills the FPS too
06:41.31[MoonWolf]that is what i mean
06:41.34EsamynnIriel, for the record, the test in question was this:
06:41.35Esamynn-- /script debugprofilestart(); GetSpellTexture(5,BOOKTYPE_SPELL); DevTools_Dump(debugprofilestop())  gave me about 0.02 ms I think
06:41.37Esamynn-- /script local d;local t=spellCache;debugprofilestart(); d=t[15]["texture"]; DevTools_Dump(debugprofilestop())  gave me about 0.18 ms
06:41.39EsamynnI might be off by a power of 10, I don't recall
06:41.57IrielEsamynn : You did run he test a few million times though, right?
06:42.02IrielEsamynn : So it was actually significant
06:42.04MiravlixWhile the UI script is running the game doesn't update
06:42.13IrielEsamynn : And so you didn't include the time it takes to run the MANY DevTools calls
06:42.17MiravlixMake a function() while( true ) end
06:42.20IrielEsamynn : Including lots of frame method calls
06:42.28MiravlixAn dthe game dies you get no graphics updates at all
06:42.31IrielEsamynn : Which will have been vastyly more complex than your GetSpellTexture call
06:42.49Esamynnyou know what, after posting that I see what happened
06:42.57MiravlixI think, DefendYourself has a broken tooltip scanner
06:42.59Miravlixthat I fixed
06:43.05Esamynnits the API function call in there that cause the huge difference
06:43.09Gryphentoo obsessed
06:43.13MiravlixSo DefendYourself 2.35 wont work in all cases
06:44.09MiravlixHmm, wrong version number
06:44.14IrielMy results on SecretSauce would make me thing you're several orders of magnitude off
06:44.19IrielthinK, that is
06:44.23MiravlixI don't remember what the last released version is
06:45.21Esamynnyah, my test is accurate for what I wanted to know, but I was wrong at the time about what I was actually testing
06:45.27MiravlixWell, then makes some new test?
06:45.59Esamynnso my appologies for the confusion
06:46.07MiravlixIf the numbers is wrong, the whole premise for the optimization gain is wrong
06:46.26malrethoptimization is a tricky beast
06:46.26IrielBut even if the number is RIGHT, you're still barking up the wrong tree
06:46.42Iriel1.36ms on a 2-3 second lag is not going to help you
06:47.08MiravlixThat was just an exampleof how little it takes before the number skyrocket
06:47.28MiravlixThe real world case is way more variable referance and function calls
06:47.40Esamynngame I wish I had access to the game at the moment so I could re-do the test correctly
06:47.44malrethi've done a lot of optimization in my years of programming... most of it hobbyist but some of it paid
06:47.57IrielEsamynn ; I do, let me fire it up
06:48.23Miravlix1 function calls + 1 function call = many functin calls
06:48.49IrielSymbol lookups are NOT your problem
06:48.51IrielTrust us on that
06:48.53MiravlixIt all adds up quickly
06:48.57malrethMiravlix: doesn't matter
06:48.58Esamynnthanks Iriel, what I was originally testing was the difference between retreiving the texture fromt he API versus using a cache table, my appologies to Miravlix for my incorrect statements last week
06:49.52Esamynn~lart me
06:50.01malrethpurl, botsnack
06:50.01purlmalreth: thanks
06:50.09Endwtf slashdot
06:50.14Esamynndamn purl, that was appropriate
06:50.44MiravlixGuess I just need to learn to not trust others. :p
06:51.21EsamynnI think I posted the code samples last week too Miravlix, you need to learn to analyze the results of others, not just take them at face value
06:51.36malrethshaving fractions of a millisecond from a function means nothing when the rest of the UI framework executes slower by several orders of magnitude
06:51.51MiravlixThat means I question your ability to think.
06:51.56MiravlixI don't like doing that.
06:52.00OsagasuHOLY SHIT
06:52.04malrethyou two must mud wrastle now
06:52.07OsagasuITs definitely April 1st on /.
06:52.16malrethOsagasu: they do that every yeyar
06:52.37EsamynnI wouldn't call it questioning my ability to think so much as thinking for yourself
06:52.54malrethyou aren't wrastling!
06:53.31IrielOkay, the difference is...
06:53.33IrielWait for it
06:54.32Esamynn~lart malreth
06:54.43IrielAround about 0.01
06:54.52Irielnot ms
06:55.03Esamynn0.00001 ms
06:55.05IrielThat's the LARGEST result from my handful of test runs
06:55.48malreththose are my favorite
06:56.13IrielThats one hundred millionth of a second
06:56.43OsagasuI thank god they haven't broken the games ans science sections
06:56.54IrielNow.. if that's a frame object you're fetching from, instead of global scope, it's an entirely different proposition
06:57.16Aalnyrandom question:  Has a SPELLS_CHANGED event always fired anytime you change your primary weapon?
06:57.43Esamynngenerally not
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06:57.54Esamynnoh wait, weapon
06:58.08Esamynnmaybe because of the icon change
06:58.11Aalnyyeah, specifically the primary weapon
06:58.18MiravlixThe weapon changes the texture of the attack icon in the spellbook
06:58.28MiravlixBut I don't remember what it was before
06:58.32Aalnyah ha
06:58.38Aalnythat'd be why
06:58.58AalnySeemed like a bug at first...but I suppose that's working as intended.
06:59.04Miravlixthat is I don't remember if SPELLS_CHANGED fire due to weapon change
06:59.48MiravlixBut it would explain a lot
07:00.24MiravlixIf every spellbook scanner fires it explains why it's so darn hicupish to change weapon for me
07:00.54EsamynnIriel: if I was going to send you code for a couple new features for DevTools, how would you like it, just the changed code, or a full copy that you could just diff for the changes?
07:01.19IrielEsamynn : Probably a full copy
07:01.35AnduinLotharopendiff ftw
07:01.39MiravlixNeed to recode SPELLS_CHANGED to simply set a dirty flag.
07:01.51Esamynnk, there is one more thing I'm going to add and test, so probably expect an email later this weekend
07:01.56Miravlixand it wont check the spellbook before it needs to
07:02.23IrielEsamynn : Cool, I can't promise i'll add everything, but I will add everything I think fits, and give a damn good rationale for any I dont 8-)
07:03.06Esamynnthe features are the ability to direct output to the chatframe of your choice and a system for monitor events and their arguements
07:03.42Esamynnlet me tell you, I use both all the time ;)
07:04.05EsamynnI got tired of having DevTools output in the default chat frame where I have most of my channels
07:04.45AnduinLotharthe chat displays really weren't designed for that type of display
07:05.21IrielI still plan on writing my frame based browser when I have time and energy for it. Work FTL
07:05.41AnduinLotharya work likes to eat my time as well
07:05.53AnduinLotharbut i get to code there when things are slow
07:05.57malrethi like how Warmup outputs to it's own frame. i always thought that was nice
07:06.18IrielI hang out here and abuse you all when things are slow
07:06.28AnduinLotharno irc at work :/
07:06.35IrielSame here, but I cheat
07:06.39AnduinLotharstill need to figure out how to get an ssh tunnel working
07:06.41malrethsame same
07:06.50malrethi vpn to home and tunnel all my traffic
07:06.50Esamynnyah, i've been thinking a browser project would be neat myself, but damned if I can find the time
07:08.07malrethi even wrote a script to add stuff to the routing table on my laptop when i open a vpn connection
07:08.37malreththat way, i can still access work related network resources that are local network routed only
07:08.54IrielI lucked out and picked a different IP range for my home networks than work is using
07:09.14Irielso i route all of my 'home' stuff home
07:09.21Irieland then selected other things as necessary
07:09.34IrielI can even NAT and route wow from my work desktop via home now
07:10.02malrethyep. it's nice when you can do that
07:10.31malrethbut i gotta keep wow in an encrypted archive on the laptop since it's state property and not technically mine
07:10.31IrielI have my script write a bat file to set up the windows routing table
07:10.36IrielAnd one to tear it down when i'm done
07:10.40IrielAh, my laptop is my own
07:10.53IrielAnd work is too cheap to buy me one so far
07:10.57Iriel(Well, I haven't really asked)
07:11.07malrethask. worst they can do is say no
07:11.32IrielI'll wait for a slightly less annoying budgetary year
07:11.37Irielthinkpad FTW
07:11.42IrielThough Lenovo scare me
07:11.44malrethok... those are nice to
07:12.22EsamynnApple really hit a goldmine with OS X didn't it? ;)
07:12.23malrethwell, the T41 was nice... i don't know much about ibm's current product line
07:12.35malrethos x is a fun os to hack around with
07:12.39IrielI have a T41p
07:12.47Esamynnmalreth: exactly my point
07:13.09malrethand their attention to detail on the construction of the computers is nice
07:13.36malrethif you've never examined the G5 tower (the aluminum case), i highly recommend it
07:13.38IrielI feel the same way about thinkpad (T series, at any rate) construction
07:13.42Esamynnwhen the Mac OS wasn't unix/linux based, most computer people didn't even like to touch them
07:14.18malrethooh! i just got the distro of OS X that's been hacked to run on standard x86 hardware
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07:14.22malrethforgot aabout that
07:15.22malrethi need to find some time to play around with that
07:15.46malrethkinda curious to see how it runs on my desktop
07:16.28Esamynnwhen I get a proper video card for my linux box, i'm going to see how WoW runs on Wine and OpenGL under linux ;)
07:16.42malrethand my pickles are done finally... got to taste them tonight!
07:16.53malrethcooking is like hacking too
07:18.06malrethmy first batch are a little too sweet... i'll have to change that a bit for the next time i make them
07:18.20[MoonWolf]you make your own pickles ?
07:18.28malrethyeyah. it's super easy
07:18.37[MoonWolf]wow, i like cooking, but that i like , hard core.
07:18.43malrethmade pickled onions and cucumbers
07:19.03malreththey're just refrigerator pickles, not fermented or anything
07:19.33malrethpickles are a great snack food if you're on a diet and trying to lose weight
07:19.49malreththey're packed with flavor and nutrition but little to no calories
07:20.32malrethyou can eat like 4 pickles and barely hit like 50 calories or something..
07:20.46malrethyou probably burn more chewing than you gain by eating them
07:22.07malrethgonna try pickling carrots and garlic next. probably won't make me very popular with other people, but it'll taste great
07:22.20Iriel50 calories is about 40 minutes worth of daily energy
07:22.29Irielassuming it's evenly distributed
07:22.30Irielwhich it isn't
07:22.32Irielbut still 8-)
07:22.43malrethok, yeah...
07:22.44Irielif you can stay full for more than that on 4 pickles, you're ahead!
07:22.44Esamynndarn it, I need to stop logging into here, I get next to no coding done unless its dead in here
07:23.08malrethi exist only to distract
07:23.47EsamynnI sat down intending to finish adding a queue system to my guild's raid invite AddOn, but i've barely made any headway
07:24.07malrethwell, think of what you've learned tonnight
07:24.18malreththat fuunction call timing thing
07:24.27malreththe extra 'u' is for 'uber'
07:24.36malrethor for typo
07:24.39IrielI dont cook anywhere near as much as i should
07:24.47malrethpickles are fun and easy to make
07:24.54Irielwhich is slighly embarassing given who I work for
07:25.07malrethyou know... i've been meaning to ask
07:25.11EsamynnI knew that already, what i'd screwed up is what I said I was testing when I originally looked at the results of my test
07:25.12malrethwho do you work for?
07:25.22Iriel(Amongst others)
07:25.32malrethget me some silverware!
07:26.00IrielPottery Barn may be better for that, I dunno, someof their styles are better
07:26.10Irielthough they discontinued the set we have at home
07:26.19malrethi work for
07:26.47Irielew, students
07:27.35malrethi build and maintain computer labs on campus for various departments and colleges under contract
07:27.36IrielI was once
07:27.44IrielBut malreth has to deal with them on a daily basis 8-)
07:27.48Irielwell, their existance
07:27.50malrethactually, very little
07:27.51Irielif not them, directly
07:28.25malrethi mostly deal with my dept. contact for each lab that i'm under contract for
07:28.26Esamynnthat can be a good thing or a bad thing, depends on the student ;)
07:28.47malreththey deal with the lab users (usually students)
07:29.15grollhmm it is possible to cast an instant that doesnt call the global cooldown directly after a spell that does call the global cooldown?
07:29.23malrethi just deal with the computers... then i chat with my contact and find out what they need, if they're happy, etc...
07:29.34malrethgroll: no
07:29.42Irielgroll: I very much doubt it
07:30.05grollit looks like it, but i'll test again.. i was like uuuum ok? cause it did look like i did :P
07:30.11grolli'll know in a min again :p
07:30.39IrielDamn it, I was reading this and fell off the road in Silverpine
07:30.46Esamynngroll: is the spell that doesn't activate the global cooldown affected by the global cooldown?
07:30.48MiravlixPotter Potter Potter
07:31.02Esamynnthen you should be able to
07:31.04Irieloh, then that's different
07:31.08grolli cast earthbind totem then natur swiftness and then ghostwolf
07:31.21grollneed a new buttonpress for the wolgie though
07:31.53Esamynnmight be better to just macro NS and ghostwolf instead of the totem and NS
07:32.11grollhmm whY+
07:32.18malrethack... you're a superdave
07:32.20grollbah crap keyboard :P
07:32.28Esamynnshrug, just a thought
07:32.36grollhuh? :P
07:32.40Esamynn~lart malreth
07:32.43malretha shaman
07:32.47grolland yep it was possible to cast it directly after
07:33.01grollshammys are nice and cuddly :D
07:33.04malrethsuperdave is our guild lingo
07:33.13grolland tiny gnomes i stomp upon :D
07:33.16EsamynnDruid >> Shaman :P
07:33.38MiravlixNo one stomps on my gnome warrior, he owns. :p
07:33.38grolli'm so powerfull i create ungoro crater when i fart :D
07:33.57KemayoLua question:  I'm calling a function which is returning three values for color (via "return r,g,b").  I'd like to take these three values and put them directly into a table ("{color=getColor(foo)}").  Is there a syntax that supports that?  Or will I have to have a separate line saying "color = {}; color.r, color.g, color.b = getColor(foo)"?
07:34.02grollkinda old but still funny :P
07:34.41EsamynnI love my druid so much that I've been playing my druid since I started that first Christmas and I still have a hard time playing any other class
07:34.52Esamynnhard as in I perfer to play my druid
07:35.05grollu sure u wanna hear the answer i get back? :p
07:35.07malrethKemayo: the second way that you posted is probably the simplest and easiest
07:35.09IrielKemayo : You can do color = { getColor(foo) }
07:35.12Esamynni'm somewhere around 80 something days
07:35.20EsamynnI did
07:35.24DepheriosYou will never play anything else comfortably
07:35.24groll98 days, 6 hours :D
07:35.29IrielKemayo : You end up with color[1] = r color[2] = g color[3] = b
07:35.32grollthat's on this char :p
07:35.40grollthen i got like 4 lvl 20-30 chars :p
07:35.49EsamynnI'm slowly lvling a hunter, for farming :)
07:36.11IrielKemayo : If you want the indexes r, g, and b then yo need to do it explicitly local r,g,b = getColor(foo) color = { r=r, g=g, b=b }
07:36.13malrethyeah, but if you want color.r, color.g, color.b... a table and not an array (vector)
07:36.15DepheriosI quit the druid early (first character) and made a priest, stuck with that for now, still want to make a druid
07:36.25EsamynnKemayo { getColor(foo) }
07:36.37Depheriosleveled everything to 20 except rogue, warrior, and pally though in the interval(sp?)
07:36.44EsamynnKemayo, is one way
07:37.03malrethnow, if you were insane... you'd code up an object
07:37.14malrethand rig up the metatable to create the table for you like that
07:37.20IrielPriest, Shaman, and Paladin are the only 3 classes I haven't playted to 25/30ish
07:37.30KemayoIt's my own fault, really -- I started out by assuming that everything would work like blizzard's GetDifficultyColor, which returns {r=r, g=g, b=b}...
07:37.48EsamynnKemayo, but my way would give you integer keys
07:37.53KemayoOoo, objects.  :-P
07:38.22IrielThe other option is closures
07:38.23KemayoI prefer the non-integer keys.  Much, much, much more readable when I want to mess with this code again in six months.
07:38.25IrielWhich can be fun
07:38.28EsamynnI got a Paladin to lvl 6, for testing purposes, then I quit
07:38.40Iriellocal createColorClosure(r,g,b) return function() return r,g,b end end
07:38.45malrethKemayo: agreed. the code would be much more readable
07:38.55Irielor, more correctly
07:39.03Iriellocal createColorClosure(r,g,b,a) return function() return r,g,b,a end end
07:39.38malrethoh gahd... closures are so cool
07:39.43malrethi love using them
07:39.44EsamynnDepherios: did you start with a Druid?
07:40.24malreththey're like the black belt kata of lua scripting
07:40.59Esamynnwhat do yout think you are huh? a functional programmer? :P
07:42.04purlhmm... haskell is a non-strict purely functional programming language, named after the logician Haskell B. Curry. A free implementation is in the hugs package.  The language specification is in the haskell-doc package. See for more info. or GHC is a free Haskell compiler. Ask me about it.  Even more perlish than perl!, or very evil
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07:42.31purlperl is, like, at or at, or a knitting stitch, or the Pathologically Eclectic rubbish Lister, or that other "P" language
07:42.41malrethi failed calculus three times in college but I passed logic with flying colors
07:42.45malrethfigure that out
07:43.00Kemayo"lambda (v.) - to lambda"
07:44.13malrethsomehow I could figure out predicate and lambda calculus...
07:44.52Esamynnooooh, GroupHeal is about to hit 10,000 downloads!  a milestone :)
07:45.24Esamynnand I haven't padded it myself at all ;)
07:46.02KemayoOkay, second question!  I'm messing with item tooltips in the backpack.  Is there a more efficient way to do it than hooking "ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter"?  (That works, but seems to get called on every graphical update... and I only need to check something about the item once.)
07:46.21IrielPrivate tooltip and SetContainerItem ?
07:47.50malrethoh... i should tell you all
07:48.19malrethmy girlfriend and i... our relationship level dinged
07:48.23KemayoI don't think that would do what I want -- I'm just checking to see whether the item is required by a quest, and adding the name of that quest into the tooltip if it is.
07:49.00IrielKemayo : You could try hooking GameTooltip's SetContainerItem method
07:49.07Irielmalreth : Congratulations, what level is it now?
07:49.16malrethlevel engaged...
07:49.23Irielmalreth : The ringy one?
07:49.39Esamynnyou want OnEnter than Kemayo, it is often called by the OnUpdate handler to keep the tooltip updated if the item is on cooldown
07:49.39Irielmalreth : cool, i'm at that level myself at present
07:49.48Esamynngrats malreth
07:49.54IrielEsamynn : I think it's better to hook SetContainerItem
07:50.08IrielEsamynn : Since they get refreshed regularly (the container item tooltips)
07:50.40Esamynnhooking OnEnter will net you the same affect
07:50.52malrethEsamynn: thanks
07:51.23Esamynnbut yes, maybe that type of hook does belong on the Tooltip function
07:51.37KemayoGratz indeed, Esamynn.
07:52.53KemayoIriel: I can't find mention of a SetContainerItem method -- do you mean SetInventoryItem?
07:52.53Esamynnmalreth, you've been playing too much WoW, you know how I know, it was the phrase "our relationship level dinged" that gave it away
07:53.15Esamynnyah, i'm sure he does
07:53.28KemayoEsamynn:  Okay... I guess I'll simplify my data structure to require less looping.
07:53.28malrethEsamynn: oh, that ain't the half of it. I made and passed this picture around to tell people about the event.
07:54.11malrethpicard is teh awesome
07:55.01Esamynnwell anyways, night all, I should have gone to bed an hour ago ;)
07:55.07malrethmeeeee too
07:55.15malrethZZZZzzzzz everyone
07:59.20IrielKemayo : Yes, i did, sorry 8-)
08:03.06Kemayo...there isn't any equivalent to python's 'if foo in bar:' construct in lua, is there?
08:05.36IrielI dont know python well enough to answer that
08:06.17KemayoYes; bar is a list, and the expression returns true if foo is == to a value in that list.
08:06.24Irielah, then no
08:06.37IrielI usually do lookup tables for that kind of thing
08:06.38KemayoShame.  It's all understandable, and stuff.
08:06.59Iriellookup = { ["aaa"] = 1, ["bbb"] = 1 }
08:07.08Irielif (lookup[foo]) then .. end
08:46.48AnduinLotharya python's lists are uber
08:47.50KemayoPython's great... but I can see why they went with something like Lua.  It's very compact.
08:48.15AnduinLotharya tabs aren't so great for macros
08:48.50AnduinLotharpython enforces readability
08:50.02KemayoI was thinking of the libraries, actually... :-)
08:50.09AnduinLotharthat too
08:50.31AnduinLothardon't need most of the stuff in python compat
08:50.43KemayoBut yeah, explaining the significance of whitespace to the average user....... I don't like to think about it.
08:51.28IrielIt's easy enough to WRITE 'isInList' in lua
08:51.56Irielfunction isInList(list, entry) do for k,v in pairs(list) if v==entry then return k end end end
09:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:25.11AnduinLotharlolz "The use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation."
09:25.48AnduinLothar"A total of 26 new flightpaths have been added to various points throughout the Barrens. "
09:26.01Wobin_hehe it's great
09:26.41AnduinLotharlol wisps
09:28.33AnduinLothar"The Paladinner drive-thru special ? grab your food and speed on home in a bubble of joy and comfort"
09:30.35AnduinLotharlol wisp facial hair
09:30.42IrielAnduinLothar :Slouken clarified the lua restriction in the UI forum post
09:31.38AnduinLotharYou Die. Perminently.
09:31.55AnduinLothar50 whole mana, wow
09:33.03AnduinLotharlol, no lua
09:33.22AnduinLotharVisual Basic lol
09:38.51wereHamsteranduin, what are you reading ?
09:42.50IrielHe's reading and the 1.11 patch notes thread in the UI forum
09:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
09:48.39wereHamster'Number keys can no longer activate character abilities. In many cases, this gave certain players a slight advantage over those that used their mouse to activate their abilities.' .. who clicks the abilities with the mouse ?!?
09:53.40wereHamsterOTOH, I'd like the flightpath scenery improvements.. it's kinda boring to always fly the same path.. ;)
09:54.32[MoonWolf]nobody actually looks while flying right.
09:54.37[MoonWolf]i alt tab and do something else.
09:55.15wereHamster[MoonWolf], you are not enjoying WoW, are you?
09:55.31[MoonWolf]what makes you say that ?
09:56.00[MoonWolf]I can dream 90% of the flight paths
09:56.25wereHamsterflying is soo nice.. and would be much nicer if you saw even more of azeroth while flying :)
09:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:57.58[MoonWolf]your one of the people who actually enjoy's a druid town -> thunderbluff flight arent you ?
09:58.37Wobin_I like the new flightpaths
09:58.46Wobin_oneclick travel and get a cuppa
09:58.49L|ElvisoI'd pay 5000g for the ability to make all flights last 30s
10:05.23MiravlixIs it still true that UnitInParty( pet ) still doesn't work?
10:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
10:12.13IrielHey Tem, aren't you supposed to be asleep
10:12.29Temlike 2 hours ago
10:12.38IrielMiravlix : What do you mean by "Doesn't work" (and do you mean "pet" not pet) ?
10:19.59MiravlixUnitInRaid( target ) where target points to a pet
10:20.10MiravlixOr UnitInParty( target ) where target points to a pet
10:20.24MiravlixTesting without a party, player returns true, pet returns nil
10:21.18Irielthat might not be "broken" as much as just how it works
10:21.32IrielAfterall the pet isn't a party/raid member, its owner is
10:21.35IrielYou didn't /invite the pet
10:22.18MiravlixThe pet is till in the raid according to raidpet#
10:22.39MiravlixSo it makes little sense it isn't true for UnitInRaid() too
10:22.41IrielOh, so the result depends on the unit ID?
10:23.00Irielso UnitIsUnit("raidpetX", "target")
10:23.10MiravlixBut I don't beleive UnitInX was updated to support it
10:23.11IrielAnd yet UnitInRaid("target") ~= UnitInRaid("raidpetX")
10:24.01MiravlixUnitIsUnit("raidpetX", target) in a for loop is how I check now
10:24.53MiravlixJust wondering if Slouken has overlooked that they put raidpetX into the game
10:24.58Miravlixso pets are in raids now
10:25.31MiravlixSince my test shows that pets still isn't supported by UnitInX
10:25.57IrielThat doesn't answer my question though
10:26.36IrielAre you getting inconsistent results for the same entity?
10:26.43IrielOr do pets always return nil
10:27.02MiravlixThey aren't supported, period.
10:27.31IrielIf they always return nil, then they aren't supported _the way you want them to be_.
10:27.55MiravlixSince we can make raid class list, can I somehow get all hunters and all warlocks to just check those for pets?
10:28.12IrielIterate over the raid set and check UnitClass?
10:28.14MiravlixI asked if UnitInX supports pets
10:28.16MiravlixNOTHING ELSE
10:28.25Irielor check UnitExists("raidpetX") ?
10:28.55MiravlixI have a target and I need to know if it's in the raid
10:29.20IrielTo be accurate, you asked if UnitInParty(pet) still doesn't work
10:29.37IrielI was trying to ascertain whether I agreed it was broken, or just not as useful as you'd like it to be
10:29.44MiravlixAnd whats the difference between that and supported?
10:30.16MiravlixAll I needed was a Yes or a No
10:30.18IrielAs I said, it's possible that the code just doesn't consider the pet a member of the raid, only its owner.
10:30.24Miravlixa don't know is perfectly fine too
10:30.28MiravlixI don¨'t have time for this
10:32.05IrielI'd apologize for trying to help clairify and raise an issue with the API, except that I dont feel I have anything to apologize FOR.
10:36.04MiravlixI'm not raising any issues with the APi
10:36.10MiravlixI'm just asking if something works
10:38.25MiravlixSince UnitInParty("player") always return 1, I can only check for being in a party by doing UnitExists("party1)?
10:38.46MiravlixOh yes much better
10:38.49Irielit's > 0 when you're partied
10:38.55IrielDitto GetNumRaidMembers() for a raid
10:41.36wereHamster[MoonWolf], I play on Alliance side :)
10:41.49wereHamsterand I've never been in thudnerbluff
10:47.45Wobin_hrm, where to go to farm silk?
11:01.46KemayoSatyrs in Ashenvale seemed to be dropping a lot of it tonight.
11:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
11:35.25L|Elvisorun SM and get tons of silk
11:38.58Wobin_Ah yeah
11:55.51L|Elvisoanyone use AceHeal?
11:56.23Wobin_aaaallll the time =)
11:56.27Wobin_with needylist
11:56.43L|ElvisoHow can I set a profile for it?
11:56.52L|ElvisoIt's loading my druid profile on my shaman
11:57.04Wobin_ace profile char AceHeal
11:57.06Wobin_I think
11:57.20L|Elvisough, I have to use the default Ace system
11:58.05Wobin_That's the point =P
11:58.06L|ElvisoI see in the upper-right, it has "profile: default" in AceHeal
11:58.26L|ElvisoI figured there'd be a way to change the profile within AH
11:58.44Wobin_you can ace profile class Aceheal
11:58.49Wobin_if you want to profile by class
11:58.59L|ElvisoI use discord stuff, and they all start with the default profile
11:59.43Wobin_20g in learning =P
11:59.47L|Elvisono biggie, just not used to it
11:59.47KirovYou know what I don't like about Ace?
11:59.53Wobin_What's that?
12:00.04Kirovit's main interface is / commands
12:00.28Wobin_They're working on something somewhat graphical
12:00.31KirovI mean, it makes sense from a memory perspective, but it seems like something along the lines of MyAddons would be nice
12:00.38Wobin_but since it's more a framework than anything...
12:01.01L|Elviso*cough*AceGUI*cough* hehe
12:01.19Wobin_AceGUI is more for making GUIs for your ace addon
12:01.31Wobin_not really for a GUI for Ace
12:01.35L|Elvisolike Ace itself? hehe
12:01.49Wobin_I can't really see that much use for it honestly
12:01.53L|Elvisoat least with Ace you can /ace list
12:01.59Wobin_I use ace slash commands maybe... 3% of the time
12:02.06L|Elvisoand it'll tell you what the slash cmds are for the ace addons
12:02.09Wobin_maybe once for a new addon
12:03.22Wobin_HRm, do you reckon Spiritual Healing is worth it?
12:03.24Wobin_as a talent?
12:04.40L|Elvisoone thing I don't like about AceHeal vs. CP, if you clicked the portrait it'd just target
12:04.52L|Elvisoin AH you have to setup a click-combo if you want to target someone
12:05.02Wobin_Or use needylist =)
12:05.11L|ElvisoI don't use that
12:05.15L|Elvisoshould I? :)
12:05.21Wobin_Although you'd have to unhook aceheal from the normal interface
12:05.27Wobin_I quite like it
12:05.35Wobin_It prioritises stuff for me
12:05.37L|Elvisounhook it? why?
12:05.47Wobin_So you -can- target with click
12:06.02Wobin_since you have needylist linked to Aceheal for the clickhealing
12:06.23Wobin_My only issue with needylist is the memory consumption
12:06.28L|Elvisoand sorry, I haven't played my priest in many months, don't know if SH is worth it
12:07.15L|Elvisook....I set profiles on both my druid & shammy, then changed some AH stuff on my shammy and it changed my druid's as well
12:10.26L|Elvisoand in the code it looks like the profile part is commented out
12:12.01L|Elvisohrmm I didn't explicitly add AH to the profile though
12:12.14L|Elvisolike it says in the post, maybe that's why
12:12.58L|Elvisook I bet so, I did that and now it says "Shaman" in the profile box of the config GUI
12:15.25L|ElvisoYup, that was it.
12:16.05L|ElvisoEverything's fine now, no need to panic!
12:21.25L|ElvisoHrmm I wonder what messed up my BP tooltips now
12:23.48Kirovdoes setn() only work on integer tables?
12:24.22Kirovie: I can't use it to manually store table lengths on hash tables?
12:32.55L|Elviso[MW-oblivion] You here?
12:33.41[MW-oblivion]sup ?
12:33.44L|ElvisoYou didn't happen to uhhh...
12:33.52L|Elvisolike make an April fools joke, did you? :)
12:34.07[MW-oblivion]i kinda did.
12:34.28Wobin_Kirov: I believe so yes
12:34.55Wobin_or rather you can, but it will just be setting a value
12:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|TiePro (
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13:03.32Shouryuu|TieProI learnt how to tie a tie!
13:03.54Wobin_windsor knot?
13:21.49Shouryuu|TieProWobin_ No idea, simple knot
13:32.17Shouryuu|TieProV for vandetta is quite a good movie
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13:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
13:58.23Legorol^Starcraft: Ghost postponed indefinitely? I see this on many news sites, has Blizzard come out with an official press release yet?
13:58.32Legorol^I also noticed teh Ghost logo is gone on Blizzard's page
13:58.55CodayusCould be...could be not.
14:00.23CodayusProbably "not" given the date.  :-)
14:02.56Legorol^it wasn't today
14:02.58Legorol^about a week ago
14:03.13CodayusHmm, that's rather more plausible.
14:03.17Legorol^the US ghost page isn't coming up
14:03.23Legorol^the UK one still does, wonder how long..
14:03.24CodayusI haven't heard anything though.
14:03.32Legorol^try google: starcraft ghost
14:03.40Legorol^first 5 hits are about how it's cancelled
14:03.51Legorol^slashdot, gamespy etc have artcles
14:04.16Cairennit's on "indefinite hold"
14:07.52Legorol^thanks Cairenn
14:11.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
14:11.14ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
14:12.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:15.11L|ElvisoIn DUF, does anyone know which element it is that handles the "+critical" events?
14:43.38AnduinLotharthey're prolly waiting till the expansion's out and then porting everything to the next gen consoles
14:44.14AnduinLotharwe were having frequent problems of hitting the wall on platform limits
14:44.31AnduinLotharthe amount of ram in the ps2 is abysmal
14:45.43ckknighthow much is it?
14:46.18AnduinLothardunno, but worse than the xbox by like half and we were hitting the xbox limit
14:53.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
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14:56.07Shouryuu|TieProV for vandetta is a very very very good movie
15:01.21L|ElvisoIt's a novel idea
15:02.50Legorol^AnduinLothar: wee, leak us some inside info!
15:02.59Legorol^is Ghost completely abandoned, or will it be resurrected later
15:05.33AnduinLothari don't know
15:09.05KirkburnIt seems silly to completely abandon it now
15:09.26KirkburnGiven it was playable, and was evidently not far for finished
15:10.22KirkburnThey can afford to take masses of time over it, what with there rather improved cash inflow :)
15:10.29Kirkburn*their :(
15:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
15:15.47KirkburnBtw, if some people didn't get the link last night, there's a new Gamespot Burning Crusade interview with Tigole
15:23.11Legorol^lol, i just noticed this on the Wisp detonate screenshot:
15:23.18Legorol^have a look at the abilities on the action bar
15:23.24Legorol^in particular, action 1 and 2
15:23.25Legorol^and laugh
15:26.18Wobin_And Keanu going "Woah"
15:27.17[MoonWolf]yeah, draining 50 mana...
15:30.26AnduinLotharthose are nice bags for doing sm lvl..
15:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
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15:36.05Legorol^i always loved SciTe as my Lua editor, especially because it can execute Lua code in-place
15:36.17Legorol^but now i'm starting to learn how to script the editor itself in Lua
15:36.24Legorol^so i can add any extra features i'm missing! fun fun
15:37.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix_ (
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15:49.31L|ElvisoCan someone give me some macro help
15:49.39L|Elvisofor my shaman
15:49.51ckknightwhat's your problem?
15:50.02L|Elvisotrying to make one where if ghost wolf is active, cancel it....if it's not active, cast it
15:50.10L|ElvisoI tried this but it does nothing:
15:50.12L|Elvisolocal _,_,z=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if (z) then CastShapeshiftForm(0) else CastShapeshiftForm(1) end;
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15:51.33L|Elviso[09:50] <L|Elviso> trying to make one where if ghost wolf is active, cancel it....if it's not active, cast it
15:51.33L|Elviso[09:50] <L|Elviso> I tried this but it does nothing:
15:51.33L|Elviso[09:50] <L|Elviso> local _,_,z=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if (z) then CastShapeshiftForm(0) else CastShapeshiftForm(1) end;
15:53.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
15:54.59L|ElvisoI just assume GW is considered a "shapeshift" since that's the error I get when trying to talk to a vendor in GW form
15:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
15:57.31Wobin_well... actually I have no idea
15:57.37L|ElvisoIf you've bit off more than you can chew ckknight, don't worry about it...
16:02.37ckknightyea, I dunno, L|elviso
16:03.06L|Elvisothat's fine, thanks anyways
16:04.44CodayusL|Elviso: Do shaman get a stance/shapeshift bar?
16:05.10Wobin_It's more of an aura I think
16:05.54ckknightit gives you a buff?
16:06.23Wobin_ghostwolf? yeah, speed
16:06.38CodayusMy information indicates shapeshift only applies to druid forms, rogue stealth, and warrior stances.
16:07.02CodayusWhat does GetNumShapeshiftForms() return?
16:07.25Wobin_~x de en Dauerhaft
16:07.32Codayus(And possibly paladin auras.  Not sure.)
16:08.21Tain"Note: those who generally favor the “throw enough stuff at the wall” approach to online dating might find it useful to employ our Batch Profile Uploading option."
16:08.46CodayusA comment on wowwiki about RegisterForSaves
16:08.50Codayus"Looks to be illegal to use in 1.10 (Blizzard UI only) any alternatives?"
16:09.02[MoonWolf]some people
16:09.08TainWhat's sad is I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not.  I mean, would anyone actually be surprised if Google started in on the online dating thing?
16:09.16[MoonWolf]not really no
16:09.16Kirkburn"Post multiple profiles with
16:09.16Kirkburna bulk upload file, you sleaze"
16:09.27[MoonWolf]but the text on all the pages makes it clear it is a joke.
16:09.36CodayusL|Elviso: Okay, in that case, shamans don't have shapeshift forms.
16:09.44KirkburnWhen you search you get "Romance not found"
16:09.56L|ElvisoCodayus, damn
16:10.14CodayusL|Elviso: I guess the next step would be to scan for buffs.  Shouldn't be too hard.
16:10.33TainI like how there's real ads in there though.
16:10.36Tain"Don't forget that Google Mobile offers numerous opportunities for impressing your date with quick references to news headlines, factoids and tidbits."
16:11.14L|ElvisoCodayus: ok, thanks
16:12.09KirkburnLol, I *love* the Google Romance tour
16:13.36KirkburnWhat if I don’t want to see contextual dating ads?
16:13.36KirkburnDon’t use the product.
16:14.29Kirkburn"Our internal projections say Contextual Dating is going to be unbelievably huge, just a total cash cow," said Google CEO Eric Schmidt
16:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
16:16.34KirkburnI want
16:16.55TainOh no.
16:17.02Tain"...she cited the hiring of Pulitzer Prize winner E. Annie Proulx to pen Brokeback Falcon, a novel which explores the forbidden love between Han Solo and Chewbacca."
16:17.54[MoonWolf]that would not suprise me at all.
16:18.08[MoonWolf]i can only think, poor han.
16:18.38TainYou never know, Chewie could be the catcher.
16:19.23KirkburnMmm, hairy
16:20.44Wobin_Should suggest that to tekkub =P
16:25.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
16:31.44TainI'd just like to make a public service announcement that I love the new PSP I got.  I haven't even played a store-bought game yet and I love it.
16:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
16:33.25KirkburnErm, yay?
16:33.58KirkburnChrist, when will Curse actually work?
16:34.21KirkburnI haven't actually been able to see my addon for 3 days
16:34.44AnduinLothardon't feel too bad. i haven't updated my 30 addons either
16:36.19Ktron|Hey, I've got a performance/concept question
16:37.33KirkburnShould I be imagining the question now?
16:37.46KtronI'm just typing it out, working on wording and length heh :)
16:38.29KirkburnCos, y'know, I thought u were just being theoretical and metaphysical
16:38.32KtronWould an addon, like move anything, that created frames or similiar to act as new parents for objects that are moved use more memory and/or more cpu than changing all the moved objects parents to UIParent and then positioning them that way?
16:38.34TainIf a service is going to continually be poor then at some point it becomes the fault of the person using the service for banging their head against it for that long.
16:38.45KtronTain, heh
16:39.44Ktronthe 'middle' frames don't need to have any art or anything, I'm just curious whether there's a noticeable different between Frame->PositioningFrame->UIParent and Frame->UIParent
16:39.51KtronI hope I explained that alright
16:42.46KtronApparently, I am asking the wrong part of the crowd heh
16:44.49CrispixBlizzard's april fools joke this year sucks :(
16:45.04KirkburnLol, Aeus (EU CM) admitted he used an AutoTravel mod
16:45.34L|ElvisoAnyone have a quick regex to match "Spell_Nature_SpiritWolf" in Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_SpiritWolf?
16:45.53MiravlixYou gotta be kidding me
16:45.53Kirkburn(Crispix, Burgercraft, 1.11 patch notes, Wisps sucked? Christ, what do you want, blood?)
16:46.06CrispixWisps did
16:46.11Miravlixjust do string.find(texture, text)
16:46.14CrispixDidn't see BUrger Craft or 1.11
16:46.23L|ElvisoOk, thanks
16:46.50Crispixsee .. now BurgerCraft makes me laugh
16:47.20CrispixThe Zerg Rush All-You-Can-Eat Special <-- rofl
16:47.30KirkburnMoofire Spam :P
16:47.52Wobin_Hell, I liked the wisp screenshot
16:48.06Wobin_Especially the one with Doan
16:48.12CrispixTHe wisp looks too much like V from V for Vendetta.. lmao
16:48.27KirkburnIn response to BurgerCraft, this thread was excellent: "Casual diner PISSED about Burgercraft"
16:48.29Wobin_Casper does one final service for Elune.
16:48.43KirkburnKeanu says "woah!"
16:48.59Wobin_6 minutes til release...
16:49.03Wobin_reroll character
16:49.27KirkburnI wanted to play with the facial hair options
16:49.38Crispixhey does anyone know if you actually have to PLAY a character to have him register on the forum select screen?
16:50.20Crispixbecause I created a level 1 toon just for talking, haven't played him yet, but he's not coming up in my character selectable choices in the forums..
16:51.12MiravlixNot another lame ass level 1 poster
16:51.16Crispixis Cairenn around? *got an awesome idea for the sites april fool joke*
16:51.24CrispixMiravlix -- My Main toon doesn't work any more
16:51.35kremonteredirect it to eqinterface :D
16:51.38TainI think it's not real-time updating on the forums for your selectible characters.
16:51.58CrispixCairenn---'MazzleFizz, decides not to release (or releases... can't tell which would create more hype)... her UI..
16:53.50JoshBorkeheya cairenn
16:54.01JoshBorkeok, i have a encoding information in a string question :-)
16:54.13JoshBorke(not just for you cair :D)
16:54.20CairennCrispix: sorry, but that would go a bit too far
16:54.24KirkburnI half expected you to say "dude"
16:54.27Wobin_Snakes on that plane?
16:54.51JoshBorkeOk, so I want to encode information in a string with teh format "<toon name>:<toon2 name>:..."
16:54.59CrispixCairenn :S.. okay. :(
16:55.05KirkburnNooo, he said toon!
16:55.17JoshBorkeit's easy to ADD information to the string with just <my string> = <my string>..<new toon>..':'
16:55.19Wobin_~lart Cairenn
16:55.35JoshBorkehow can i REMOVE a name from the string?
16:55.36Maldivianow that's just mean!
16:56.01Wobin_You'd have to explode the string, remove the entry and recatenate it
16:56.28JoshBorkewolud string.gsub(<my string>,"(:)?"..<toon>..":",'%1') work?
16:56.28KirkburnThis is not Toontown, btw, we do not play 'toons'
16:56.44Wobin_I guess you could use gsub?
16:57.00MiravlixThats just the strangest comment ever in a cartoon graphics game
16:57.01JoshBorkebut would that work correctly?
16:57.15wereHamsterJoshBorke, get a lua interpreter and try it
16:58.42wereHamsterlua -e "print(string.gsub(...))"
16:59.00ckknightor just open up a lua shell...
16:59.00Maldiviaor if you have the game running, /dump string.gsub(....blah....)
16:59.28wereHamster.. or ask in #wowi-lounge
17:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
17:05.09Legorol^JoshBorke: what you want is something like: newstring = string.gsub(old_full_string, "toonname:", "")
17:05.18Legorol^this nukes the section "tooname:" from the string
17:07.18Kirkburntoon =(
17:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:07.55KirkburnHey Cide
17:08.04KirkburnI have a ct question
17:08.09JoshBorke( Legorol^ ): but what about old_full_string = "Atoonname:Btoonname:"?
17:08.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
17:08.33KirkburnWhy is the ctra menu set at 80% scale?
17:09.52KirkburnI'm gonna have to make a little program that turns all references from 'toon' to 'avatar'
17:10.36Wobin_'character' =)
17:10.46Wobin_Welcome Avatar...
17:11.30KirkburnCidey baby?
17:16.16Cidemy guess is because it looks better
17:17.00Cideand actually
17:17.08Cideit's at 125% scale
17:17.19Cide0.64 * 1.25 = 0.8
17:17.46Cideit's *too small* at 100% scale :)
17:17.58ForgottenLordshow long ago did Caydiem leave the CM community?
17:18.17Wobin_not too long ago
17:18.24Wobin_half a week?
17:18.31ForgottenLordsoh... ok
17:25.56JoshBorkecaydiem left?
17:26.26Cairennnot left, moved to a different department within Blizz
17:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
17:28.17L|Elvisostupid macro
17:28.40L|Elvisoanyone see any glaring problems with that?
17:29.33Kirkburn1Btw, if my msg didn't go thru earlier, Cay's last day was monday
17:30.11Kirkburn1(I had to physically unplug my router to show my new japanese housemate (who I speak italian to) what to do if there's an internet problem)
17:30.43Kirkburn1English Italian accents and Japanese Italian accents don't mix well
17:31.20Kirkburn1What's it not doing L|Elviso?
17:31.32L|Elvisoworking? lol
17:31.41Kirkburn1All of it?
17:31.43L|ElvisoI get no response at all, either in GW or not
17:31.49grolldarn, wardrobe has made me start to lag again when i swap eq :/
17:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
17:46.03KirkburnWhat's the difference between Wardrobe and Outfitter?
17:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Syrsa (
17:51.42SyrsaHello everybody (^_^)/  Is it possible to output a file in a WoW addon?  (Aside from saving variables to the WTF folder)
17:52.02SyrsaDoh...  thought so.
17:52.19Cidesaved variables are the only way out to the free world
17:52.36Cideusing saved variables is the only way out to the free world
17:52.54L|ElvisoDoes chat logging not count?
17:53.11Tem|afkchat logging doesn't count IMO
17:53.17KirkburnOnly if you find a useful reason for it
17:53.38SyrsaSo the LUA I/O library is completely disabled?
17:53.41L|ElvisoTrue, it's really no different than saved vars but can't be read in
17:53.54Kirkburn(to L|Elviso)
17:54.57SyrsaShucks...  Oh well.  Thanks for the info (^_^)
17:55.29SyrsaIs this an official Blizzard channel?  Do you people work there?
17:55.57[MoonWolf]Cairenn beat me.
17:56.21SyrsaHehe 'kay.  Thanks again (^_^)  See you!
17:56.40KirkburnCairenn, there are exceptions to that :)
17:57.07Cairennnope, there aren't
17:57.32Cairennthere are a few people in the channel that work at Blizz, but this *not* an official channel
17:57.33[MoonWolf]I dont see slouken here, do you, and he comes here on his off time.
17:57.50[MoonWolf]anduin hardly counts for that matter.
17:57.51KirkburnThat's what I was meaning! nvm
17:57.58KirkburnIt was me being silly
17:58.17CairennI just don't want anyone to ever misconstrue
17:59.33KirkburnSyrsa had left beforehand anyway :)
17:59.35Shouryuu|TiePronight folks folks
17:59.39KirkburnHeya Tie Pro!
17:59.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu|TiePro (
18:00.01Kirkburn... it's only 8pm here.
18:00.08KirkburnCrazy french people
18:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
18:02.31KirkburnLol, I never knew about this:
18:07.09Cairennsorry, had to afk to attend to my daughter again
18:07.26Cairennluckily day 2 is proving much easier on her than day 1 did
18:10.24Kirkburn:) good
18:11.02Tem|afkwhat's up with your daughter Cair?
18:11.12Cairennwisdom teeth removed yesterday
18:11.13Tem|afkget her wisdom teeth pulled or something?
18:11.24Cairennyeah, all 4
18:11.25Wobin_All four at once?
18:11.36Cairennwas supposed to take an hour to an hour and a half ... took 3.5
18:11.37Tem|afkI had a pretty easy time with that
18:11.42Tem|afkhow's she doing?
18:11.42Wobin_You're psychic =P
18:11.56Wobin_General or Local?
18:12.04Cairennshe came out from under the sedative before they were finished with the fourth
18:12.14Tem|afkthat's no good
18:12.20Cairennnope, wasn't good at all
18:12.32KirkburnI've yet to have anything done with mine
18:12.50wereHamsterme too :(
18:12.51KirkburnMostly because they haven't turned up yet
18:13.16KirkburnOr they have and I haven't noticed
18:13.16Cairennwasn't an actual full blown anaesthesia but rather an IV sedation and local anaesthesia
18:13.46Cairennit was a very long day yesterday and a very long night last night
18:14.15CairennI've been sleeping in 2 hr long snatches here and there since
18:14.43KirkburnCripes ... how long might it go on for?
18:14.46Cairennan hour for the pain meds to kick in, 2 hrs sleep, an hour of being awake with her waiting to be able to take the next dose
18:14.56Wobin_General word of advice? Have her rinse with salt water. A lot.
18:14.57Cairennshe's a lot better today though
18:15.05Wobin_As often as she can remember
18:15.06Cairennthat starts in an hour Wobin_
18:15.20Wobin_I did that, and had no problems with infections
18:15.21KirkburnBuy a big bag o' salt
18:15.22Cairennnot supposed to for the first 24 hrs
18:15.45Cairennalready have it all in place
18:15.58AalnySo it seems there's a successful workaround for not being able to hook the TurnOrAction functions.  It involves temporarily stealing the binding for TURNORACTION and setting it to your own binding.
18:15.58KirkburnWhat sort of age do wisdom teeth normally appear?
18:16.00wereHamsterthis all scares me.. I'll have to take them out, too
18:16.15Kirkburn(not personally, I hope, wereHamster!)
18:16.17Cairennthis morning has been all about trying to get her re-hydrated
18:16.32CairennKirkburn: they are usually taken out between 18-21-ish
18:16.44KirkburnWoo, and I'm 20.
18:16.49AalnyMy question is you think Blizz is going close out that hole?
18:16.58ckknightmy wisdom teeth are coming in
18:17.08ckknightit's likely I won't have em out, though
18:17.08KirkburnAalny, if there's a workaround, yes
18:17.12Cairennand she's currently trying to talk me into letting her go to D&D at her friend's house .... and not happy with my response
18:17.48CairennwereHamster: the large majority of people have no problems with their wisdom teeth, whether they get to keep them or whether extraction is required
18:17.59KirkburnCool that it runs in the family ... god it'd be so weird if my parents D&Dd
18:18.17CairennwereHamster: she takes after her mom though, I had major problems when they had to take mine out too
18:19.01ckknightone of my brother's had to take em out, the other didn't. My jaw structure is closer to the one who didn't, so I should be in the clear
18:19.10ckknightI do need to go to a dentist to check out the situation, though
18:19.16KirkburnAalny, I point you to this post
18:19.24Cairennmake sure you are in the clear
18:19.36KirkburnWhy in hell do they even exist ...
18:20.00Cairennlol, funny you say that
18:20.06Cairennthe dentist was joking with her
18:20.07L|Elvisoin 10k yrs or less we'll only have 8 toes :)
18:20.24wereHamsterCairenn, mine are growing ~45 degrees to the outside.. the ones on top.. and I had big problems on my trip no NZ/Fiji two years ago oh the pain, I couldn't even eat.. but nothing since.. I don't feel anything at all now.. was just that one week
18:21.02ckknightit's because Cavemen's teeth fell out cause of poor hygiene, etc. so the wisdom teeth are supposed to replace your fallen out teeth
18:21.27Cairennhe said that the further along the evolution chain you are, the smaller your mouth/jaw, the more likely to have problems with your wisdom teeth ... he told her she should have been a Neanderthal
18:22.06Kirkburnckknight, that makes sense. They'd actually have space. L|Elviso - little toes disappearing?
18:22.26KirkburnI suppose we should eat MORE sugar and brush less :P
18:22.27ckknightI wouldn't say "further along", evolution isn't necessarily linear
18:22.49ckknightKirkburn, we should eat more tough meat
18:23.01Ktronraw meat even
18:23.01L|ElvisoKirkburn: hehe yes....they're getting smaller with each generation pretty much
18:23.05KirkburnYes, well, we could go into whether Neanderthals were an ancestor to us, but lets not, okay :)
18:23.05Ktronand dirt on it
18:23.06Cairennyou know what he meant, he was trying to make her feel more relaxed, teasing her and stuff
18:23.12Ktronput that appendix to use!M
18:23.26KirkburnNote to self: east more grass
18:23.43ckknightL|elviso, that's Lamarckian evolution you're talking about, which was disproven
18:24.23L|Elvisoguess I missed the memo
18:24.27KirkburnLets stick to Bob's evolution. One which no-one has to discuss, they can just think about it to themselves :)
18:25.17ckknightLamarck basically said that giraffes have long necks cause they used em so much. The Russians believed this in the cold war, so they started to freeze corn seeds to make them more resistant to cold weather
18:25.21ckknightneedless to say, America won
18:25.57KirkburnWhat, the seed wars?
18:25.59Ktronbut darwin's random evolution seems to slow too
18:26.06Ktronso... its got to be somewhere in the middle
18:26.12KirkburnEvolution *is* slow
18:26.38ckknightLamarck's doesn't make sense from a geneticist's standpoint
18:26.50ckknighthow would a child get "new" DNA from the parents' life experiences?
18:26.57L|Elvisochance mutation
18:27.02KirkburnIt's interesting that there were so many creatures we're missing now which were alive only a few thousand years ago
18:27.22KirkburnSabre-toothed tigers we're around until about 10,000 yrs ago, iirc
18:27.50ckknightthey're technically Sabre-toothed cats. They have no real relation to tigers
18:27.59ckknightI read something in National Geographic about that
18:28.46Wobin_but what does that have to do with evolution?
18:28.46Ktronckknight, psh
18:28.47KirkburnThey just look similar
18:29.03Wobin_Apart from 'survival of the fittest'
18:29.20KirkburnAm I not allowed tangents any more? :(
18:29.22L|Elvisoall I want to know is
18:29.31Wobin_Back on track Kirk!
18:29.37L|Elvisowhy my stupid macro doesn't work
18:29.42ckknightevolution no longer exists for Humans, cause we let everyone live
18:29.54L|Elvisowe do? lol
18:30.03ckknightHospitals do
18:30.07Wobin_If it truly was survival of the fittest, there wouldn't be as many stupid people
18:30.13L|ElvisoGovernments don't
18:30.18Kirkburn"Are we evolving?"
18:30.29Wobin_The survey sayyyysss...?
18:30.34ckknightKirkburn, culturally, yes, genetically, no
18:30.49KirkburnApparently they say yes
18:30.54L|ElvisoI don't think that's possible..
18:30.54Wobin_Genetically through cultural exposure, yes
18:30.55KirkburnBut it includes genetic screening
18:31.20KirkburnIf you can screen for down's syndrome, you effectively evolve it out
18:31.34ckknightmany parents do that nowadays
18:31.37KirkburnSurvivial of the fittest need not apply
18:31.56ckknightthus, you could say we are evolving through Eugenics
18:32.07ckknightbut it's voluntary Eugenics
18:32.15L|ElvisoExcept that every ailment is far from being understood
18:32.25ckknightand some have a purpose
18:32.32ckknightSickle Cell vs. Malaria and all that
18:33.10Kirkburn"1000 years from now, people will be much more beautiful, intelligent, symmetrical, healthy and emotionally stable, thanks to 40 generations of genetic screening"
18:33.36ckknightI think we have a better change with Genetic Tailoring
18:33.40Wobin_That depends on your definition of beautiful and intelligent
18:33.48Wobin_And whether that changes over 1000 years
18:34.00Wobin_Which it undoubtedly will
18:34.02ckknight500 years ago, fat women were beautiful
18:34.08ckknightcause they didn't have indoor heating
18:34.13Wobin_For gods sakes, look at the 80s =P
18:34.23ckknightnowadays, women 25% underweight are beautiful
18:34.27ckknightaccording to the media
18:34.34KirkburnWell, I think that's starting to change
18:34.43Wobin_And it will change again
18:34.46KirkburnBut it's still far too prevalent
18:34.49Wobin_within 10 years or so
18:35.12ckknightwhich part is going to change?
18:35.23Wobin_Who knows, maybe in another two decades, fat bottomed girls will once again, make the rockin world go round.
18:35.26KirkburnThat underweight=beautiful
18:35.36KirkburnJ-Lo, anyone?
18:35.39ckknightKirkburn, it's very entrenched in modern society
18:35.49KirkburnNot in me, it ain't
18:35.56ckknightespecially in the gentrified white society
18:36.58ckknightgranted, I was raised to despise fat people, so I'm just biased
18:38.15KirkburnNeowin's new skin won't work for me :(
18:38.57KirkburnTheir April Fool's was to release the new skin they've been working on for a year
18:39.09KtronKirkburn, ??
18:39.19Wobin_... Surprise?
18:39.36KirkburnAnd, no, I'm not being stoopid
18:40.42KirkburnAnyone know how to do a forced page reload in FF?
18:41.40kremonteto reload all items shift f5 or shift refresh
18:43.04Kirkburnhmm, still nothing
18:43.33KtronKirkburn, ??
18:43.34KtronKirkburn, ??
18:43.40KirkburnStop it, you
18:43.59Cidectrl + f5
18:44.21KirkburnSee, I try that (same as IE), but still nothing
18:44.39Cidectrl + f5 is forced reload in FF, ctrl+r is forced reload in IE, as far as I know
18:44.52Cidethough ctrl+r seems to work in FF too (not sure if it's forced or not)
18:44.53kremontectrl r works as well
18:45.27Cidectrl + f5 reloads *everything*, I'm sure of that at least :)
18:45.49kremonteshift works for me too o_O
18:45.59Cidedoesn't for me for some reason
18:46.00Kirkburn:) Looks I'll be trying later. Maybe it only works for registered users atm
18:46.11kremonteregistered users?
18:46.15KirkburnOf neowin
18:46.38KirkburnWell, okay ... open, go to the bottom and select the 'shift' skin, and see if anything happens
18:47.36kremonteYour Major Healing Potion critically heals you for 3140
18:47.44kremonteWastewander Assassin hits you for 42
18:47.46kremonteYou die
18:48.09Ktronyou got pwned
18:48.17kremonteused the pot, put it on cooldown
18:48.20kremonteshowed it on sct
18:48.22kremonteand my healthbar <_<
18:48.44Ktronwhat was your health roughly pre the poition
18:49.10kremonte100 or so
18:49.18kremontei can't res now
18:49.22kremonteand i'm 55 xp to next
18:49.44Ktronyou lose
18:49.49kremontef u
18:50.04kremonteXP/hr this session: 20190
18:50.07kremonteTime to level: 9 seconds
18:50.17KirkburnI think he thinks you're a Fantastic User, Ktron
18:50.58kremonteall of my gear is broke nnow
18:51.02kremontethis is ridiculous
18:51.15kremontei'm being camped by a group of priests and warlocks and they keep fucking fearing me into mobs
18:51.16Ktronoh, btw, sorry for the repeated message, Kirkburn, I got phonified
18:51.27kremontelol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /lol
18:51.28Ktronand I was curious what neowin skin you were talking about
18:51.37kremontelol /lol lol /lol /lol /lol /lol /spit /spit /spit /spit /rofl /rofl /rofl
18:51.57KirkburnPvP servers ftw
18:52.10KtronI believe that's abuse kremonte, I think you can report them for that
18:52.15Kirkburn<-- carebear
18:52.25kremontenope, ktron
18:52.43KtronI thought training and abuse of mind control and fear was reportable
18:52.44kremontefucking finally
18:52.50kremontetraining yes
18:52.54kremonteabuse of mc and fear no
18:53.11Kirkburn(language, no need)
18:53.12kremonteding ffs <_<
18:53.24Ktronwhat level?
18:53.38kremontei had to level off a 31
18:53.44kremonteall my gear was broke
18:54.40KirkburnYou can level off a 31 at 41?
18:54.45kremonte<kremonte> 41*
18:54.52KirkburnOh I see now
18:55.01kremonte4g in repairs
18:55.10kremontealmost as much as repairs on my warlock
18:55.17KirkburnWow, not even my 60 lock reaches that
18:55.23MiravlixHave you considered dying less?
18:55.37KirkburnHave you ever considered Life Insurance?
18:55.38kremonteMiravlix: should i ignore you or spam larts?
18:55.43MiravlixAnd not use Spirit Healers to rez. :p
18:55.45kremontei have 12g repairs on kremonte very often, kirk
18:55.47kremontei never spirit res
18:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
18:56.03Miravlixthats insane at 4x
18:56.08kremonteKirkburn: that's what full nemesis and epic everything does to you ._.
18:56.11KirkburnDifferent chars
18:56.12MiravlixI barely ever die outside PvP
18:56.21kremontelearning aq40
18:56.28kremonteThe Curse of Warsong
18:56.33KirkburnYeah, I need my epixx
18:56.38kremonteLatency +500, Reponse time +500
18:56.43kremonteclick immolate...
18:56.53KirkburnEr, aren't those the same thing?
18:56.53kremontenot sure if it's casting anymore...
18:57.04kremontewell i can have high latency and good response time
18:57.12kremontelike LONG periods of reposnse
18:57.13KirkburnI know the problem though
18:57.18kremonte500ms ping, and 20 second delay
18:57.53KirkburnSometimes you can fire off a spell before you even see the cast bar
18:58.03kremontei wish ><
18:58.13kremontei'll be waiting 20 seconds for the cast to start
18:58.17kremonteonly to get "Interrupted"
18:58.35KirkburnKinda what I mean, you can't tell what went thru and what didn't
18:58.50kremontei'm level 47 now
18:58.52kremontethat's all i care
18:58.58kremonteone more level and i'm green to 60s
19:00.06KirkburnAnd they'll still camp you
19:00.19kremonteits just
19:00.21kremontepeople are like
19:00.26KirkburnBut they'll get satisfaction out of it now :P
19:00.28kremontewtf krem cry more just camp your main there u fagit
19:00.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:00.34kremonteand i'm like
19:00.39Crispix  :O.. world of starcraft... *laughing*
19:01.05KirkburnAnd I'm like, what?
19:01.16KirkburnAh, no I gets you
19:04.07Wobin_Crispix: Hehe
19:04.15Wobin_Crispix: I so so wish =)
19:04.29ckknightWorld of Starcraft sounds cool
19:04.30Wobin_I'd be Zerging alllll the way
19:04.33ckknightI want it
19:04.47ckknightZerg'd be pimp
19:04.52ckknightbut they follow a hive mind
19:04.58ckknightMMOGs require individualism
19:05.29ckknightalthough Terran and Protoss allow that, Zerg don't, really
19:05.55Wobin_What's more, the World of Starcraft application will be available as a free download--no having to scour your local shopping mall for a $50 box. Monthly fees will apply, but Blizzard is hoping to offer players some sort of free trial.
19:06.03Wobin_Hah. That's where the article falls over =P
19:06.40ckknightpersonally, I think it'd a good idea to give away the game but charge a monthly fee
19:06.55ckknightit'd be more like renting
19:07.16Wobin_Like Eve
19:07.50Wobin_They didn't do a bad job with the Zerg idea though
19:08.08Wobin_Changing the focus from the individual 'body' to the karmic result
19:08.38Wobin_Casual Zerger Speaks Out in Protest =)
19:09.02ckknightrebirth makes sense for Zerg and Toss, but what would Terran do? Cloning?
19:09.43Wobin_Really good medical facilities
19:10.07ckknightI think the UT-style cloning idea is the most realistic
19:10.20ckknightYou haven't truly lived until you've participated in a 250-player Zerg rush.
19:11.29ckknightwhat could be cool if Blizzard released a Savage-style game, where you had one commander (RTS style), and the other players be the units
19:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
19:16.47Wobin_hehe The zergs are named Charles and Murray =)
19:36.34Wobin_Hey ckknight: Do you have a personal SVN for BossPanel?
19:50.55TainHave to turn clocks forward tonight, can't forget.  Well, those of us in the US.
19:51.14kremontedon't remind me
19:51.38kremonteit's pouring out
19:51.38MaldiviaTain: yeah, those of us in the EU did it last weekend :)
19:51.41kremontetime to go on the trampoline
19:53.13*** part/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:02.18KirkburnLo, you know what I just noticed ... no wonder FonTabulous isn't updated. The dev uses ClearFont.
20:02.51ckknightWobin_, yes, but it has anonymous access
20:03.00KirkburnSample screenshot for one of his other addons
20:03.02ckknightyou can update through it, but only I can commit
20:03.34TainTime to go back to school.  "UNLV's Women Studies Has class in Sex toys 101 & Queer Theory"
20:06.50cladhaireTain: My university had a "Studies of filmograph in pornography"
20:06.56cladhairewhere you sit around and watch porn.
20:06.56Wobin_ckknight: woot =) What's the address?
20:12.12TainAh, fark headlines.  "Role-playing game industry fails its saving throw against girls and beer"
20:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
20:15.40ckknightBossPanel and the plugins I wrote for it are all in there
20:15.54ckknightit'll be more up-to-date than WoWI
20:16.09ckknightI'm only publishing once a day or so
20:17.34Ktronlooks like I found somethign to read up on
20:18.16ckknightsubversion is handy
20:18.42KirkburnAnyone know of a way I can search a bunch of lua files for text?
20:18.54cladhaireof windows search to be fair
20:18.55ckknightyea, grep
20:19.05KirkburnWindows only does xml :s
20:19.19cladhaireNot true.
20:19.29cladhaireWIndows will search any file.. go to the directory, and Control-F
20:19.54KtronI personally recommend notepad++ though
20:19.58cladhaireAll Files and Folders, A Word or Phrase in the file.
20:20.02KirkburnEvidently I've always looked for the wrong things
20:20.12Kirkburnzug zug
20:20.12KtronI use it for editting, and you can eaisly search 'all open documents', and you can open any number of documents
20:20.22cladhairegrep > all =)
20:20.40Ktrongrep's ok
20:20.55KirkburnI'm trying to find what controls the size of the in-world fonts
20:20.59Wobin_EditPlus allows you to search within a directory/subdirectories
20:20.59Ktronthough, to be fair, you can't just 'grep word directory'
20:21.15ckknightWobin_, the best thing about my svn server is that I have a hook script that update the changelog, version, and release date of the addon I just edited
20:21.51Wobin_=( I can't seem to connect to it using TortoiseSVN
20:22.09Wobin_Or more likely, I can't actually connect to your server from here
20:22.13ckknightlemme check if it's up
20:22.41ckknightI just co'd with svn co svn://
20:23.02Wobin_Yeah, it's probably my connection then
20:24.43Wobin_yeah, it's the firewall
20:25.50grollCairenn|afk tell that webmaster of yours to check the suggestion forum :p
20:26.27Wobin_Not much you can do about that, ckknight =) Unfortuately. I'll just have to wait til you publish each time =)
20:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:27.55kremontehowd i get out of the channel o_O
20:28.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
20:38.41TainFor a second I forgot it was April Fools and my brain wept.  " Uwe Boll Secures Rights to StarCraft Movie Trilogy."
20:39.10OsagasuUwe Boll has said he isn't making anymore game movies
20:39.40Wobin_Thank god
20:40.31TainHe didn't state it as fact, it was a comment in one interview.  But we can hope after he finishes ruining the last few he has still underway.
20:41.18OsagasuI wonder how long it'll be until someone takes and makes the graphics from the April Fools WoS thing into a Interface mod for WoW
20:41.37OsagasuI hope it happens.  looks pretty cool
20:41.59Osagasuits on /. somewhere
20:42.05Osagasulemme try to find it...
20:42.09Osagasudamn pink page
20:42.26Temrofl /. is awesome today
20:43.03ckknightChina Buys Google, lol
20:43.29Temanyway, do you have a link to it Osagasu?
20:43.38TemI'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for
20:44.24Tain" Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey Divorce Settlement Cites Lachey's World of Warcraft Addiction."
20:45.05TemTain: is that a serious article or another 4/1 joke?
20:45.12TainJust more jokes.
20:45.26TainYeah World of Starcraft was one of those I'd love to actually see.
20:45.38ckknightsame, Tain
20:45.53ckknightyou know that 4 years down the road, because this was an april fool's joke, it's gonna happen
20:45.59ckknightjust like the cow level
20:46.02ckknightjust like pandaren
20:46.49ckknightTain, Please Upgrade Your Web Browser. Your Web browser does not meet the necessary requirements to access this content.
20:46.54Temwow yeah, that art looks pretty cool
20:46.55Osagasuthe cow level wasn't a blizzard april fools joke, and Pandaren are still largely a joke
20:46.56ckknightI'm using Opera...
20:47.08TainReally?  I had FF up for that one.
20:47.21TainI fired off emails today to two different sites that wouldn't let me in with FF or Opera.
20:47.47ckknighti can't even spoof it
20:47.49TainNot that I expect to make any difference.  But at least I did something other than curse outloud.
20:48.05ckknightoh, I can continue without upgrading...
20:48.10ckknightthey're still dicks
20:48.36ckknightwow, the formatting looks _really_ shitty
20:49.48TainYeah it was that way with FF as well.  I ended up not even actually reading much of the "article"
20:55.54kremontei'm going to end up buying gold at this point
20:56.25kremontei need 39 arcanite, 35 enchanted thorium, 80 thorium, 30 essence of earth, 50 blue sapphire, 2 flask of the titans, 40 wicked claw, 4 azerothian diamond, 4 large opal
20:57.33Temwhat on earth for
20:57.46Wobin_A big shiny rock
20:57.50kremonte3 pieces of plate epix
20:58.02Wobin_3 big shiny rocks
20:58.26kremontestronghold gauntlets/titanic leggings/lionheart helm
20:59.04kremontethis blacksmith in my guild bought titanic leggings pattern
20:59.09kremonte5 of them.
20:59.19kremontehim and a guy in Corp Hur are the only alliance on server with it
20:59.24kremontehe's made 4000G in the last 2 days
20:59.29kremontei want to cry
21:01.08Wobin_night all
21:06.23Kirkburnnight Wobin_
21:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
21:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
21:16.58KirkburnSo yeah, I forgot my girlfriend was moving house today
21:17.14KirkburnNot that I can help much from Italy :s
21:18.04Ktronshe there for... work, or school?
21:25.23KirkburnKtron, I'm in italy for a year of italian uni, whilst she's back in the UK at Bristol Uni (also my uni, we met there)
21:26.16Ktroncool cool
21:29.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
21:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
21:30.25Ktronnot sure what that was about
21:32.01KirkburnBtw, does anyone have a copy of Vista?
21:32.18KirkburnI want to know if there's a new version of the calibri font
21:32.43KtronI do not have a copy of Vista
21:34.25KirkburnUseless :)
21:40.32Kirkburnit just doesn't feel right using a beta version :)
21:41.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrin1 (
21:41.37Adrin1Afternoon, folks
21:41.40Adrin1Question for you all
21:41.57Adrin1Did WoW call MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE once for every item in the mailbox pre-1.10?
21:42.21Adrin1Because it's doing it now, and is causing O(n!*n) runtimes for the mailbox update in Sanity. Which is. Uh. Not good.
21:42.35Adrin1I'm wondering if there's a way to tell when it's done updating
21:44.18KirkburnThat doesn't sound good
21:45.00KirkburnYou know I won't be able to help so I'll start poking people. /poke
21:47.23Adrin1All I really need is to be able to know when it's done
21:48.03Adrin1Right now, I've limited it so that it only runs once, which fixed the freeze, but only populates the first item
21:48.14ckknightI want to rename BossPanel because it is utterly confusing if you want to talk about bosses. Does anyone have a good idea what to call it?
21:49.10Maldivian!*n... hmm, sounds very very wrong
21:52.22Adrin1Upon further inspection, I think it's only n!, but that's still, less than optimized, by a long shot
21:53.04KirkburnOmg, rename BossPanel? That sounds a bit of a crazy idea
21:53.13KirkburnCkknight Panel?
21:53.29ckknightit doesn't have to have my name in it
21:53.54KirkburnTough question
21:54.20Adrin1...and now, I only see mail in the mailbox when I first log in
21:54.26Adrin1If I close the mailbox and re-open it, no mail.
21:54.30Adrin1Well, this is peachy.
21:54.33KirkburnIt could cause a lot of confusion, but if you did it with a large enough lead time it might be okay
21:55.03ckknightKirkburn, I know it'd cause confusion and be a PR nightmare, but if I want to change it, sooner is better than later
21:55.18KirkburnVery true
21:55.26KirkburnBossPanel doesn't entirely roll off the toungue
21:55.40KirkburnWhat are you aims with BossPanel?
21:55.54KirkburnIt should reflect what you ideally want it to be
21:56.13ckknight"A panel that modules can plug into."
21:56.16Adrin1Hm. MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE got called 15 times on opening a mailbox with 50 items in it.
21:56.19Adrin1That's rather odd.
21:56.25Adrin1Sorry, 16 times
21:56.29Kirkburn(I make a ClearFont website, I didn't even tell it to use the ClearFont font. How dumb am I?)
21:56.48KirkburnVery odd
21:57.08ckknightClearFont is a great name
21:57.13ckknightin my opinion
21:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
21:57.25Adrin1I guess I could run a light function on that event that stores MB data, and then just run the parser func after a delay with no events.
21:57.26KirkburnModPanel, PluginPanel, ModBar
21:57.29Adrin1That's seriously ugly though.
21:57.36Kirkburnthanks ckknight
21:58.16KirkburnHmm, other words for what it is ... Panel, Bar, ???
21:58.27ckknightI want to stick to Panel
21:58.35Ktronhow about 'AcePanel'
21:58.42Ktronsince it requires Ace, and its a panel
21:58.52ckknightdon't really want to do AcePanel
21:58.57KirkburnMakes it sounds like it's a part of the Ace project
21:59.04ckknightwhich it isn't
21:59.18KtronFrontPanel or BackPanel wouldn't be bad... heh
21:59.23ckknightAce is handy, I use it as a utility
21:59.29Ktronif you wanted, you could play off of Titan
21:59.32KirkburnYou could use 'Pane'
21:59.50ckknightit's likely to be <Name>Panel
21:59.58ckknightlike BravoPanel or OmegaPanel
22:00.03KtronWoWPanel isn't bad
22:00.18cladhairedon't do Bravo panel.
22:00.22ckknightI'm kinda meh to that one
22:00.23cladhairemakes me think of the Bravo station on TV =)
22:00.31KirkburnA greek letter is a cool idea
22:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:00.36ckknightmakes me think of the military alphabet for "B"
22:00.51AalnyIs there a better event than UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED to register for if I want to know when a player's primary weapon changes?
22:00.58ckknightOmega is a possiblity
22:00.59Ktronckknight, are you aiming to keep 'bosspanel' lighter than titan panel and infobar?
22:01.11ckknightyea, I want it to be modular
22:01.19Adrin1Pop quiz, any built in profiling methods?
22:01.22Ktron'PicoPanel' suggests smaller
22:01.29ckknightAdrin1, yes, a small one
22:01.32Kirkburn(the word panel is looking weirder and weirder to me, like when you say a word 100 times and it loses all meaning)
22:01.41Adrin1All I need is to be able to get runtimes for chunks of code
22:01.53ckknightif you put profileCode = true in the plugin, it shoots off info at you
22:02.01Adrin1Reeeeally now
22:02.02KtronStarpanel sounds okay to me too
22:02.03Adrin1Just anywhere?
22:02.09Adrin1non-local var, I assume?
22:02.11ckknightprobably at the top
22:02.13KtronI like *panel being consistently that kind of addon
22:02.19ckknightit'd be like self.profileCode = true
22:02.21cladhaireAdrin: Not in general, just for Bosspanels.
22:02.39Adrin1Oh. Nevermind. :(
22:02.42ckknighte.g. alpha = BossPanelPlugin:new({ profileCode = true })
22:02.50Ktron'Mobpanel' would sound familiar to Bosspanel
22:02.58Adrin1Non-bosspanel. Just in general
22:03.05Adrin1Need to profile some code and am feeling lazy.
22:03.05cladhaireAdrin: We don't have the debug library for LUA, but we can simulate it manually
22:03.12cladhaireSo in short, no =)
22:03.21cladhaireIf laziness is the concern =)
22:03.22Adrin1Heheh. Fair enough then. A'simulatin' I will do.
22:03.23ckknightyea, use profileCode, it fires off whenever a method is fired
22:03.30ckknighttells you how long it takes, how much memory was used up
22:03.54KirkburnI think a one syllable word works best for <word>Panel
22:04.13Ktronsharppanel heh
22:04.22ckknightKtron, reminds me of C#
22:04.37Ktronheh, panel++?
22:04.43ckknightC++ can blow me
22:05.52Ktronno, Upanel
22:05.52Adrin1Sounds like an X app then, I guess.
22:05.52Ktronas in 'U' do the work to use my panel
22:06.05KtronXPanel also has XP in it
22:06.53ckknightI think 2 syllables is best
22:07.01KtronUPanel is my newest vote, besides PicoPanel
22:07.04ckknightcause people are gonna call it the name without the panel part attached
22:07.05KtronEraphine|Disco, Pico Panel
22:07.17ckknightpeople say Titan, not Titan Panel
22:07.41Ktronckknight, not if the name is really short
22:07.48Ktronor obviously all together
22:07.57Ktron'infobar' doesn't abbreviate
22:07.58KirkburnOne syllable makes the whole name easy to say
22:08.17KirkburnHello, I use Doctor
22:08.36Kirkburnso no
22:08.56Ktronor Companel
22:08.56ckknightthat doesn't make sense
22:09.05ckknightnor that
22:09.29Ktronckpanel (CKP) is my last suggestion
22:09.43Ktronand its time for me to do more stuff
22:09.47ckknightcould always go with KnightPanel, but that seems a little self-righteous
22:10.00Maldiviathen drop the k :)
22:10.18KirkburnI like it
22:10.43KirkburnActually, I like that best now
22:10.59ckknightyou disgrace my name
22:11.02ckknight~kick Kirkburn
22:11.03purlbugger off sod!
22:11.17KirkburnI didn't suggest it. But I do like it
22:11.37ckknightis NightPanel or KnightPanel cooler?
22:11.48Ktronhow about Verkleidung (panel in german)
22:11.57ckknighttoo hard to remember
22:12.00Ktronor Verkleidungpanel
22:12.17ckknightpeople will laugh at the dung part and you know it
22:13.00ckknightah, screw it
22:13.02ckknightI like NightPanel
22:13.42KirkburnI kinda gives a sense of what's wanted 'Night', unobtrusive, simple
22:14.05ckknightit's when the zombies and werewolves and vampires come out
22:14.08ckknightand they're all so cuddly
22:14.18Ktronit has nothign to do with time, or light, or shading
22:14.23Ktronor sound
22:14.41KirkburnGerman ftw
22:15.17KtronI'd probably name it something like 'Tactical'
22:15.20Ktronbut you're not me
22:15.31Ktronanyway... time to find the proper syntax for xml files heh
22:15.49MaldiviaVerkleidung is not German for panel..
22:15.57ckknighthow bout HappyPanel?
22:16.35ckknightVerkleidung is German for paneling
22:17.13KirkburnBooby Panel
22:17.38MaldiviaKtron: where did you get that Verkleidung is German for Panel ?
22:17.51Ktronbabelfish heh
22:18.56Maldiviawell, it can mean panel - but not really in this sense
22:19.27MaldiviaKtron: Verkleidung means disguise :)
22:19.56Ktrondas ist Superuberranschen
22:21.21Maldiviaas long as you don't call it JPanel :)
22:21.43Ktronheh, I'm listening to lilo
22:22.36clad|outok.. night folks =)
22:23.01MentalPoweroh my...
22:23.12MentalPowernice idea from lilo :)
22:23.56KtronI'm in #oftc
22:25.13KirkburnLol, it's crazy
22:25.27KtronThat was classic
22:25.45KirkburnTotally mad
22:26.06KirkburnThat took like 5 seconds
22:26.20Ktronpeople are watching and listening
22:29.02ckknightwhat's #otfc?
22:30.11MentalPowerI'm kinda surprised google doesn't have an april fools joke
22:30.46Osagasuit dies
22:30.50OsagasuGoogle Romance
22:32.42ckknightOmgPanel would be funny
22:35.01KirkburnThe wiki list of hoaxes is MASSIVE this year
22:36.56KtronKirkburn, or just WTPanel
22:46.32KirkburnL|Elviso won.
22:50.37KirkburnCan you (anyone) take a look at the readme and tell me if it all makes sense?
22:56.53ckknightif you want a plural you, say you all
22:58.34Maldiviasaying "you all" sounds so... illiterate
22:59.01ckknightno, that's "y'all"
22:59.10ckknightas long as you don't concatenate, it's not so bad
23:00.06KirkburnSo anyway, what does anyone think CombatLogFont affects
23:00.26KirkburnAnd no, ChatFontNormal exists
23:00.46KirkburnIt's not turning up in any of the XML/LUA files
23:01.43MaldiviaKirkburn: perhaps a left over ?
23:02.02Maldiviaor perhaps it controls the text that appears above mobs heads when you damage them
23:02.24KirkburnThat's what I thought, but someone says it's not being affected by editing ClearFont's a pain finding bits where the WoWWiki API docs are incomplete.
23:04.49MaldiviaKemayo: such as?
23:06.04KemayoGetQuestLogLeaderboard() returns three values (desc, type, done).  WoWWiki said that the possible values of 'type' are 'item' and 'monster'.  I just discovered that it can also be 'reputation'.
23:06.09KemayoSo I updated the wiki.
23:07.43KemayoIt just leaves me wondering what else it could be that I don't know about...
23:12.35Kirkburn' = foot, " = inches, no?
23:14.18KirkburnIf so, I've been telling people I have a 17 foot monitor
23:15.53KemayoYou could get that with a projector, I suppose.
23:16.15ckknightI have a 10' monitor
23:16.20ckknightit's big
23:16.29ckknightbuy yes, Kirkburn, you're right
23:16.43ckknightI've gotten it to 20'
23:16.49ckknighthad to put it on the ceiling, though
23:16.56ckknightgood times
23:17.15ckknightwe used it for something very important: watching the O.C. season finale...
23:26.45AalnyAnyone know offhand what the valid range is for widget SetAlpha commands?  0-1 or like 0-255?
23:27.07Kirkburn0-1 I think
23:27.21KirkburnDon't quote me on that
23:28.44KirkburnBtw, can anyone reach ... if so, can you tell me what the situation is?
23:29.19KtronI'll try Kirkburn
23:29.42Ktrongot it to load, what o you want to know?
23:30.01KirkburnHow many downloads has the enw version got, and what are the comments like?
23:30.13Ktronv11000-2 has 3180 downloads
23:30.13Kirkburn(and why the hell can't *I* get there!?!)
23:30.35Ktronand... when roughly was the last time you were able ot view comments?
23:30.46KirkburnRoughly wednesday
23:30.59KirkburnOr whenever my last comment is
23:31.33KtronI don't see any comments after "Now that Curse is back in the land of the living ..."
23:31.35Ktronby you
23:32.02KirkburnOkies. What a bad comment that was to make :s
23:32.16KirkburnThanks muchly
23:32.27KirkburnWhat's the total dls now then?
23:32.31Ktronnp, glad to find somethign useful to do... um
23:32.41Kirkburnsorry if u just closed it :P
23:32.41Ktron26472 total downloads
23:32.53Ktronand 520 users have it in Favorites
23:33.01kremontehehe yay
23:33.03kremontenew weapon
23:33.22kremonte :D
23:36.55kremonteprocs so much

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