irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060331

00:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:06.16AnduinLotharkinda nice when all the bug fixes are exactly the same thing..
00:06.23ToastTheifwhere is Shouryuu!
00:06.24Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:07.28kremontenew instance in 1.14
00:08.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:08.28AnduinLotharin 1.11 they're adding a 1man instance called RTFM
00:08.53cladhaireLegorol: So right now are we going with non-parented tooltips, setting owner to either themselves or worldframe with NO_ANCHOR?
00:09.27kremonteAnduinLothar: won't drop anything good
00:09.33kremontejust books
00:09.51AnduinLothari got my book of smiting altrady
00:10.11AnduinLotharyou just hold it in your hand and pinp slap with it
00:10.23Irielcladhaire : No parent, use your choice of owner
00:10.30Irielcladhaire : Thus spake legorol earlier 8-)
00:10.37cladhairekk =)
00:10.47AnduinLotharso, is the interface addon kit any good?
00:10.59IrielDefine 'good' ?
00:11.11Irielit works, it puts files in a useful place
00:11.15Irielthe tutorial was good for newbies
00:11.22AnduinLotharis it at useful to the nooblet author?
00:11.28IrielI thought so
00:11.36IrielObviously im not a nooblet
00:12.03AnduinLothardarn. now I'm gonna have to hack it an redistribute it with khaos config option
00:13.49AnduinLotharyay my headphones shipped
00:16.43AnduinLotharok, think i fixed APB and ShardTracker..
00:17.58AnduinLotharhmmm 10 different interface folders... i dont think i need that many
00:19.43Kirkburn|wowWhat headphones did u order?
00:19.59AnduinLotharodd, they recommend doing GUI first and then functionality... i always do it in the reverse order
00:20.28AnduinLotharUltimate Ears Super fi.3 Studio Black
00:21.18AnduinLotharmeh, we should have asked them to make the tutorial OO
00:22.51AnduinLothardon't think i need my backup 1.8 anymore
00:23.11kremontei don't get the whole OO shenanigans
00:23.18kremonteit's not necessary for every bit of code
00:23.27AnduinLotharnope, it's not
00:23.37kremonteso to make a basic script, OO would be bad ._.
00:23.58AnduinLotharnot really. unless you excecute the basic script a ton
00:24.14kremontewell imo, it's preference
00:24.28kremonteand for something so basic, it'd just get people more confused ;/
00:24.41AnduinLotharyay confused
00:26.28AnduinLotharthere we go, just deleted 30,000 interface files
00:27.01AnduinLotharand i still have 4 interface folders
00:27.12AnduinLotharnot counting the two on my ipod
00:27.28kremontesee now
00:27.30kremontei'd question that
00:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
00:27.32kremontebut you're AnduinLothar
00:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
00:27.46IrielI just keep the old ones in subversion
00:28.20AnduinLothari don't have my own svn, tho that'd be interesting setting up an svn for my personal interface
00:28.52AalnyYou don't even need a server to use it.  You can make local svn repositories.
00:29.10AnduinLotharcept then i have to commit every time i make a change
00:29.14kremontethat's what svn stands for
00:29.25kremonteman being in this channel makes me feel inferior
00:29.28Irielyou get into the habit of committing quite quickly
00:29.29kremontethen again, i am
00:29.44AnduinLothari'm sure..
00:30.04AnduinLothari do test a lot of times with new inteface/wtf
00:30.16AalnySo Iriel, you commit both your addons and your WTF stuff to svn?  or just Addons?
00:30.25AnduinLotharbe nice if i could hit a button that would backup my current iterface and wtf
00:30.56IrielAalny : Both, but i'm not as good at doing WTF as I should be, I need to make a script or cron job for that
00:31.26IrielAalny : And I only put MY addons (and blizzard's code) into SVN -- different repositories
00:31.44Irieland I have a mirror of bits of the wiki in another one
00:32.53AalnyI do both as well...but I've gotten lazy about doing WTF.  My beef is that I feel like I'm cluttering the repository with unneccesary changes because SavedVars don't always serialize in the same order.
00:33.22AalnySo especially for mods that keep large DBs, it's a lot of churn.
00:34.00IrielYou could write an SV normalizer
00:34.02AalnyI went so far as to start writing an app to re-sort my savedvars files after I played....before they all got split out into separate files.
00:35.39IrielIf you wrote it in lua it could be pretty simple
00:35.59AalnyI basically ended up with a simple parser in .NET and decided that I should've just used stand-alone lua to begin with.
00:36.24TainWhy not write a Lua.NET lib?
00:36.37kremonte.NET eww
00:36.40Tembecause .net is the devil
00:37.16Tain.NET is the best thing to happen to development on MS platforms since.. well ever.
00:37.24TemI'll give you that
00:37.27Tembut it's still evil
00:37.43AalnyI do most of my dev stuff at work in .NET....because my target platform is all Windows.  So that's where I started because it was familiar.
00:38.03Legoroljeebus, GMs ask for gold in order to reimburse you with an item you lost due to your account getting stolen:
00:38.04TemHmm question: Is there any event other than ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN that would signify the start of a cooldown?
00:38.18Legoroli know it makes sense, but still...
00:38.32Temdoesn't make sense to me
00:39.07LegorolTem: the point is that otherwise you could disenchant your gear and then claim you got hacked
00:39.12Legorolyou get gear back and keep the gold
00:39.27Temcan't they tell if you were actually hakced?
00:39.30Legorolhowever, this should only apply if you did it by accident say
00:39.34LegorolTem: they can't
00:39.41Legorolyou get "hacked" by getting your pw stolen
00:39.50Legoroli don't think they can tell if you had your pw stolen or you gave it out
00:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
00:40.16Legorolso although my feeling is that it should only happen when it was your fault, there is no way to prove that it wasn't
00:40.17Temit's still a money making endevor if you disenchant epics
00:40.31Temsounds like a plan to me :)
00:40.31Legorolnot if you have to gather a huge amount of gold to get the epic back
00:40.43Temthey charge you vendor price
00:40.51Legoroli'm not so sure..
00:40.57Legorolthis guy in this post got asked for 1623g
00:41.00TemI've had items replaced before
00:41.01Legoroldoesn't sound like vendor price to me
00:41.08Temoh wow
00:41.12Temthat's not right
00:41.17Legorolhe has screeny to prove it
00:41.21Legorolit could photoshopped, ofc
00:41.35Legorolbut the thread seems legitimate
00:41.38TemI can call ChatFrame1:AddMessage to create a fake screenshot
00:41.48Legorolthis is a shot of an in-game mail
00:41.51Legorolwith the blizzard icon and all
00:41.57Temstill easy to fake
00:41.59Legoroladmittedly this can be fake too
00:42.09Legorolbut judging the mannerism of the poster,
00:42.17Legoroli am inclined to beleive
00:42.41Codayuswell, "happened to a friend" is always a bit weak, but...still...I'm inclined to believe.
00:43.03CodayusAlthough AFAIK, Bliz policy is to limit the numbeof times you can get items restore in order to prevent abuse.
00:43.19CodayusNOT to try and charge enough gold to stop abuse.  May be a US/EU spolicy difference.
00:44.37CodayusIs it possible thats the vendor sell price?
00:45.30kremonteepics vendor for like 4g
00:46.27kremontelol, this guy went on telling me about how from the "opacht" on his "60" he has the recipe to make a level 300 28 slot bag
00:46.30CodayusHeh, yeah.  1600g is off by orders of magnitude.
00:46.46kremonteso i explained to him how he's not a good liar because his brain doesn't have enough neutrons
00:46.59kremontebut that means his brain isn't very ionized, so it's a good thing
00:47.17kremonteafter like 20 minutes of me explaining
00:47.19kremontehe said
00:47.26kremonte"wow ok fine i lied wow stfu ur such a fag" and ignored me
00:47.32kremontei love doing that to people
00:47.45Codayusyou have waaay too much time on your hands...
00:47.54kremontenah it was a thing i saw on discovery channel a week ago
00:47.58kremontei'm grinding on my 13 priest
00:48.30Codayuspriest grinding  = suck until mind flay.  :-/
00:49.20ToastTheifyo tem
00:49.30CodayusI lvled my priest to 60 faster than my rogue, but the first few levels are just glacial.  Mind flay helps, and shadow form really helps...
00:49.33ToastTheiffinal 4
00:49.47Temwe're so gonna win
00:49.55ToastTheifbig baby ftw
00:50.02Tempity I don't give a crap about basketball
00:50.13Temif I did, I'd be all excited and stuff
00:50.48Wobin_oh god ye
00:51.00Wobin_priest grinding = suck until 40
00:51.01Temthough, I am a big advocate of SEC sports being better than the rest of the contry
00:51.13Temso, 2x SEC teams in the final 4
00:51.14Wobin_Then Shadowform == teh ultragrinder
00:51.52Temgood lord, my typing is bad today
00:52.58ToastTheifbball is my sport
00:53.39Temso, what's your prediction for the final game then?
00:53.46Temflorida vs us?
00:54.32ToastTheifwill be tough for you guys though
00:54.38ToastTheifflordia is physical
00:54.45ToastTheifand your guys are all young
00:54.56Temaye, all but 1 or 2 freshmen I think
00:55.16Tems/2/2 are /
00:55.18ToastTheifwill be a nice physical game I thin
00:55.26TainGo local sports team!
00:55.51CodayusI mostly duoed to 60 with a warrior.  helped a lot.
00:56.17Tempriest/warrior teams are nice
00:56.28Temtakes a while to kill stuff sometimes
00:56.33Tembut no one dies
00:56.36ToastTheifmy bracket is so fucked though
00:56.48ToastTheifno teams in the final 4
00:57.05Temguess you put Duke as the winner like every other fool out there?
00:57.22CodayusWarrior specced for dps, and tended to gather up 4-5 mobs and whirlwind them to death.  Was kinda fun.  Mage AoE would probably have been better, but meh.
00:57.36Temharder to keep the mage alive
00:57.38ToastTheifduke? lawl
00:57.46ToastTheifI had uconn ;)
00:57.53Codayusyeah.  the speed was fine,and the wipes were very very rare.
00:58.14Temback to work!
00:58.22ToastTheifI just couldn't decide this year
00:58.27ToastTheifso I took the best looking team
00:58.30ToastTheifand it failed..
00:58.49Wobin_You used my mother's tactic for the Melbourne Cup
00:59.00Wobin_Choose the best looking jockey
00:59.10ToastTheifI meant like skill wise
00:59.16Wobin_It's scary how often it worked
00:59.26ToastTheifnot actually physical looks
00:59.29Wobin_She's won quite a bit with that method =P
01:03.13kremonte" We submited a ticket about not beeing able to loot Onyxia to a GM and got an answer today 24 hours later saying that we needed to specify what items had gone missing. "
01:03.20kremonteGMs are cuteypies
01:05.00Irielkremonte : Implement GO as a wow addon - I dont have time to do it
01:06.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
01:06.59TainImplement the game Go as a mutiplayer WoW adodn?  Brillant!
01:07.11Wobin_Do chess while you're at it
01:07.26kremonteyou know, it is possible to do something like chess ;/
01:07.29kremontebut i've never coded AI before
01:07.33TainEh chess schmess.
01:07.36kremonteso i have no idea where to start
01:07.43TainGo is where it's at.
01:07.48kremonteDon't go!
01:17.12IrielGo, as in the game, go.
01:17.30IrielAnd yes, it would be multiplayer, not against the computer
01:17.38kremonteyou actually meant the game?
01:17.48IrielI dont remember who first asked for it, but it seems like a good test of the dynamic texture code
01:18.00kremontewell um
01:18.06kremontei don't know how to play go
01:18.08kremontebut it sounds fun
01:18.24IrielWell, i'd say your first step would be representing and rendering a board
01:18.31IrielThen handing rule validation
01:18.37IrielMulti player turns and storage of state
01:18.46IrielThen cheating prevention and stuff like that
01:19.32ckknightGo is fun
01:20.18kremontei have some basic.. UI related ideas for the multiplayer aspect
01:20.30kremonteKremonte invites you to join a game of Go. [Accept/Decline]
01:20.32kremontelike a group invite
01:21.01kremontewhy did you suggest Go?
01:21.15Irielbecause someone had talked about it once and it seemed like a fun project
01:21.18ckknightGo has only 2 pieces
01:21.33IrielPlus go is good because you can play on different sized boards, depending on how much you want to play
01:21.37kremontei'm downlaoding goGUI right now
01:21.39kremonteto see how it's played
01:21.49IrielIt also has a relatively simple board representation
01:23.18ckknight2d square, pretty simple
01:23.23MiravlixSpellcasting without hardware events?
01:23.57MiravlixAah, it's just that /script stuff <enter> counts as a hardware event
01:24.04IrielI think he may be confusing the fact that /script in the chat window counts as a hardwar event
01:24.15MiravlixThats nice, I was getting annoyed with having to make a macro for testing things
01:24.55ckknightwouldn't PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED mostly be a hardware event?
01:25.26IrielIt's the result of something that happened during a hardware event (usually)
01:25.34ckknightah, okay
01:25.35ckknightmakes sense
01:25.38IrielBut its execution thread isn't a hardware one
01:25.42ckknightthat's why I said mostly
01:28.06ckknightokay, I'm working with CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF, and that catches both items and spells. How would I tell the difference between whether it's an item or a spell, cause arg1 comes in the same format
01:30.34Wobin_have there been new soulbags added in with this patch?
01:32.00LegorolIriel, you around?
01:33.14kremonteGo is hard :(
01:35.03kremontei'm playing against the computer on easiest mode
01:35.16Wobin_That's cause it's chinese =P
01:35.47Wobin_The chinese revel in games that look simple but are bloody difficult
01:36.31kremonteyes ._.
01:37.58kremontei'm beginning to understand it
01:38.17kremontethe computer just touché'd me
01:38.24kremontei had 3 pieces of its' cornered
01:38.27IrielSo even if you dont write a wow addon for it, your life has been enriched by discovering go 8-)
01:38.32kremontethen it turned it on me :'(
01:38.37kremontemy life is ruined now
01:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
01:41.31MiravlixSo where is the new tictactoe games and stuff?
01:41.47Legorolit was never in
01:42.02Legorolit looked incomplete on the PTR, even when it was in FrameXML.toc
01:42.07Wobin_It comes in tomorrow
01:42.28MiravlixIt's in lives extraction of the blizzard code
01:42.31Legorolbtw Miravlix, thanks for the CO fixes
01:42.40Legorolyeah but it's not referenced from FrameXML.toc
01:42.45Legoroland what you see in there is just some skeleton code
01:43.24IrielThe low level API calls for minigames have been in for some time
01:43.39Irielit was nice to see some code which uses them
01:43.57Legorolyou mean GetMinigameState() is actually there?
01:44.24Legorolah it is indeed there.. returns nada :/
01:44.27Irielit returns the state of your current minigame, as far as I can tell from the tic tac toe code
01:44.42Legorolyeah, it looks non-functioning though
01:44.45IrielIn tic tac toe's case it seems to return the status of each of the board squares
01:44.55IrielI dont think we have a means of INITIATING a minigame
01:44.56MiravlixBut it doesn't return a nil error
01:45.26IrielI suspect the plumbing is all in
01:45.30Irielbut the lights aren't all on yet
01:45.38Legorolyeah that's the thing, we don't have setting up players etc.
01:46.14MiravlixThe interface addon kit, do I have to download a new version every time it updates, or just run it after every game patch to update?
01:46.15IrielWE need something to fire up a START_MINIGAME event
01:46.19IrielMiravlix : The latter
01:46.33IrielMiravlix : It's essentially a friendly MPQ extracter with some brains
01:47.52Miravlixheh, not even that, it's a 1.5 MB wav file with a 0.1 MB program tacked on. :)
01:48.02IrielBut it's a cool wav 8-)
01:48.34IrielThe wow theme was the coolest part of Video Games Live
01:48.45Irielfollowed closely by the Myst/Uru medley and the Halo theme
01:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-1951 (
01:48.56wowguru-1951Is the server down on WOW??
01:49.25kremontethere are many wow servers.
01:49.29MiravlixSounds like we need to make a server up indicator for the web sites
01:49.54wowguru-1951wow, what an asshole
01:50.03wowguru-1951u could just answer smart ass
01:50.12Cairennand you can learn to watch your mouth
01:50.15*** kick/#wowi-lounge [wowguru-1951!] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-7171 (
01:50.21kremontethere are too many servers to say if one server is down or not so vaguely ~_~
01:50.25wowguru-7171not you kremonte
01:50.37kremonte<Miravlix> Sounds like we need to make a server up indicator for the web sites
01:50.43kremontei don't get how that was smartassey
01:50.46wowguru-7171that looser
01:50.58Cairennwowguru-7171: I've warned you once
01:51.16Cairennthe next won't be a simple kick, it'll be a ban
01:51.27Cairennnow, you may ask nicely, or you may leave
01:51.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
01:52.03kremonteIriel, you've addicted me, and now i hate you :(
01:52.03Miravlixkremonte: Did blizzard remove there server up/down page?
01:52.21kremonteMiravlix: didn't know there was one ._.
01:52.28Cairennthere is
01:52.46Cairennzeeg: you there?
01:52.50MiravlixThe indicator would just leash that page to get it's info for all servers
01:55.18GenNMX|ThraeThat's some nice pixel-on-pixel action there.
01:55.18Miravlixdouble post for the win
01:55.18CairennGenNMX|Thrae: ;)
01:55.23MiravlixAnd all of EU is down but I'm in and playing. :)
01:56.06MiravlixI atleast think there is a WoW window somewhere on this computer, haven't seen it in a while
01:57.47Cairenncan I ask a favour please?
01:58.06zeegwhats that
01:58.13CairennI think it would be best for everyone if you took this channel *off* your IRC client
01:58.23CairennI know, I asked you to put it on in the first place
01:58.30CairennI think I made a mistake
01:58.32zeegwill do, but im leaving now, ill do it when i get home
01:58.41Cairennand thank you
02:00.54Irieldamn irc and leading spaces
02:00.58MentalPowerat least it wasn't something "sensitive" :)
02:00.59Cairennby times
02:01.31Cairennnaw, we don't cyber on IRC, we use ICQ
02:01.39Irielor TeamSpeak
02:01.59GenNMX|ThraeAh, oops!
02:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:02.21Cairennhey Josh
02:02.45JoshBorkeare there any problems with wowi? :(
02:02.52Cairennjust came back up again
02:02.57Cairenndropped for a couple minutes there
02:03.10MiravlixWoWI just gave me a connection refused. :p
02:03.17JoshBorkewoohoo! worked~!
02:03.22kremontei don't have to make a Go AI
02:03.23JoshBorkeit did that to me also
02:03.34Cairennit *just* came back up Miravlix
02:03.49CairennJosh, approved
02:03.56kremonteIriel: what do you think the best approach for a board would be? each box it's own frame?
02:03.56JoshBorkecairenn: thank you :)
02:04.09GenNMX|ThraeWhat's with ICQ, I'm suddenly getting 50 million requests by people for me to add them, they just want to "chat"
02:04.19GenNMX|ThraeWhat changed in the last few months?
02:04.22Legoroli think it's time for me to actually *play* some WoW
02:04.26Cairennyeah, me too the last couple weeks, it's making me crazy
02:04.27Irielkremonte : I'd just do one big frame with a bunch of textures
02:04.28Legorolhaven't done so in almost a week
02:04.37kremonteIriel: well, i mean as far as OnClicks go
02:04.39kremonteto place pieces
02:04.52GenNMX|ThraeIt must have been some new ICQ database search engine
02:04.53Irielkremonte : Unless you want to use individual buttons for the holes
02:05.06Irielkremonte : It's easy enough to figure out WHERE the user clicked on one frame
02:05.30kremontewell i want to have also an onmouseover indicator of where the piece will be placed
02:06.06Irielkremonte : Then I guess use a button for each valid move location
02:06.20kremontebut buttons aare evil! :P
02:06.27kremontei'm xml-stupid
02:06.43JoshBorkekremonte: you can do it all in lua ;-)
02:06.48GenNMX|ThraeNow you can use all Lua!
02:07.06kremonteit's still frames
02:07.09MiravlixAtleast I see wowi's page more than Curses 504 Gateway Time-out
02:07.33Irielkremonte : a button is just a frame with an esy OnClick 8-)
02:07.44Irielkremonte : Thus my suggestion for that instead of a plain Frame
02:07.58TainMe too GenNMX, I've been using ICQ since... well forever, and only in the last few months have I gotten spammed like this.
02:08.06kremonteIriel: huh
02:11.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:11.16Cairennit's going around
02:11.23Cairenn(the ICQ thing)
02:11.38ToastTheifquestion guys
02:11.47ToastTheifis anyone doing anything about the wowace look?
02:11.54ToastTheifI really despise it
02:12.39TainSure you can do anything you like about it.  Choose a new theme.
02:12.58ToastTheifwhere how
02:13.06ToastTheifI can't even navigate it :(
02:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:15.35TainLog in, click Profile, then "Look and Layout Preferences"
02:15.46ToastTheifI win
02:15.51ToastTheifI still like the old one :(
02:16.01TainThe times they are a changing
02:16.36TainA lot of people seem to like the Oxygen theme, it burns my eyes personally.
02:17.15kremontethe forums on wowace
02:17.15kremonteare bad
02:17.42TainIt's just the default theme.  An unfortunate choice for default, unfortunatly.
02:17.49TainThat's two unfortunates
02:17.50kremontevery unfortunate
02:17.51ckknightwhy is that the default?
02:17.57TainAsk the person who set it
02:18.00kremontecause it has a pretty flower
02:18.17kremontehmm i need a good versioning scheme to use
02:18.29TainMake everything v1.0
02:18.30Wobin_SVN =)
02:18.39kremontesvn doesn't give me a versioning scheme <_<
02:18.43kremontei'm talking like
02:19.05kremontevx.x vx vx.x.x 2006330
02:19.13kremontei've never really thought of it
02:19.31TainI think people put too much thought into it.
02:19.40kremontei don't want something ambiguous
02:19.45kremontebut i don't want something hard to keep track of
02:20.12TainThat's my personal preference, Miravlix
02:20.20MiravlixI use code names + SVN revision
02:20.21TainNot that I actually use it.
02:20.24TainBut that's what I like.
02:20.38MiravlixFx. MicroMacroMaker is version Baywatch Revision ###
02:21.00kremontei'll put it all in one number to be original.
02:21.25kremonte100 is number one!
02:21.32MiravlixWith WoW it's becomming increasingly popular to name your version 11000-#.#
02:24.27kremontehows that so far?
02:24.55kremontei put more work into the ascii and initial commenting than the code itself
02:24.58kremontethen again
02:25.00kremontethere is no code
02:29.24CairennWoWI servers getting a complete reboot instead of just restarting the services, be down for a few minutes
02:29.35kremontethey need it
02:31.40Legoroldoes anyone know if IE7 is going to have tabbed browsing?
02:31.47kremontewho uses IE?
02:32.03CairennLegorol: that's what I hear
02:32.14Gryphenbeen in a cave leg?
02:32.22Legorolkremonte: me
02:32.30Gryphenit does currently
02:32.31Legoroland it's Microsoft's fault
02:32.35Gryphenand me
02:32.44LegorolGryphen: when you say currently, you mean the beta version?
02:34.48Legorolwhere/how do i get it?
02:34.56LegorolM$ site?
02:40.38TainFight the power.
02:40.55Grypheni am, im not using FF :p
02:40.58ckknightdoes anyone know how to work with buttons inside buttons? I can't get the inner button to react to any scripts like OnEnter
02:41.18ckknightOpera here
02:41.29ckknightIE7 has tabbed browsing
02:42.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
02:42.23Irielckknight : do you have them stacked properly?
02:42.25TainI use Opera (since v5) and FF, and still have to launch IE for my online banking which annoys the hell out of me.
02:42.31ckknightwhat do you mean by that, Iriel?
02:42.48Irielckknight : Are your 'inner' buttons on top of, or below, your 'outer' ones?
02:42.51IrielFramelevel and all that
02:42.53TainOnly one level of the button is going to trigger the OnEnter script
02:43.04ckknightI don't think I set it, how would I go about doing that?
02:43.22ckknightTain, I want to have the inner button steal the outer button's focus
02:43.25ckknightthank you, Iriel
02:43.32IrielYou should be able to do that OnLoad
02:43.37ckknightI don't use XML
02:43.41IrielPut them on other frame strata
02:43.47CairennFYI: okay, site is back up
02:44.04IrielWell, read that as "You should be able to do that immediately after instantiation"
02:45.33ckknightblast, still not working, Iriel
02:46.04LegorolIf you put a frame in the <Frames> section of another frame, it automatically has one higher framelevel
02:46.12Legorolso it shouldn't be necessary to change it OnLoad
02:46.19ckknightI'm not using XML
02:46.25Legorolah, that explains it :D
02:46.39ckknightlocal button = CreateFrame("Button", "BossPanel_MicroMenuFrame" .. name, self.frame)
02:46.51ckknightself.frame is the outer button, and button is the inner button
02:47.12ckknightright, after that, I do button:SetFrameLevel(self.frame:GetFrameLevel()+1), then set the scripts for it
02:47.18ckknightbut the scripts are never run
02:47.39Legoroli hope IE7's going to be free..
02:47.41IrielOnc eyou're running, dump the frame levels
02:47.50Legorolckknight: try button:EnableMouse(true)
02:47.56IrielYou may run into issues if you have any 'toplevel' frames around
02:48.03ckknightI'm an idiot.
02:48.33ckknightnope, EnableMouse didn't work
02:48.44ckknightthough I didn't have it before
02:49.10IrielI'm assuming your new frame is visible
02:49.19IrielYou MIGHT want to /dump GetFrameLevel on all of your buttons
02:49.45ckknightokay, doing self.frame:GetFrameLevel()+2 worked.
02:50.15ckknight+1 set it to 2, but then I guess self.frame was set to 2 later
02:50.16IrielI'm not sure if it'll work forever tho
02:50.27ckknightoh well
02:50.29ckknightworks for now
02:50.31IrielYou might have problems if you click windows a lot
02:50.46IrielFrameStrata would solve the issue nicely
02:50.47ckknightI just need it so that the inner button is higher than the outer button
02:50.50Irielbut might be too extreme
02:51.02LegorolIriel: would you mind adding to the gotchas part of the 1.10 changes thread that: 1) tooltips shouldn't have parents 2) hidden tooltips can no longer be changed via SetX methods
02:51.06ckknightdon't want to deal with FrameStrata
02:51.43Legorolat least those used for scanning
02:52.05Legorolreword it appropriate, since i don't think these statements are clear enough :-)
02:52.33IrielLegorol : When I get home I'll add it
02:52.47Legorolcool, thanks!
02:52.59Legorolwhat i meant by 2) is that if you do tooltip:Hide(), you can no longer change its contents
02:53.36Legoroluntil you SetOwner it agian
02:53.43Legoroli'm not sure what's the best way to phrase this..
02:53.54Legoroli trust your clarity :-)
02:55.45kremonteIriel(and other people that do Go): what do you think of this?
02:57.02TainThere's an important issue that needs attention.
02:57.36MiravlixCan you implement it, kre?
02:57.41TainIt's a good start!
02:57.50MiravlixIt's nice with nice goals, but can you do it?
02:58.06kremontemy main reason laying it out actually, it makes it very simple
02:58.32kremontethis is actually a really nice endeavour
02:58.38kremontei can adapt this and make MEELIONS
02:59.41LegorolMy very first attempt at dynamic frame creation. Why is it not showing up?
02:59.52Legorolthe DFrame object exists..
03:00.01kremonteTain: =X
03:00.09kremonteTain: i like mixing flavors of fun dip
03:01.01Kirkburn15am, a good time for bed
03:01.15kremonte2 was cool, i would dip until half of each is gone then eat em
03:01.18kremontesugary goodness
03:01.33CrispixI got a new king size goose down feather pillow tonight :D
03:01.59Kirkburn1I wish I knew where to buy that in italy
03:02.11Crispixtwas 79.99 instead of 150.99 ^____^
03:02.15Kirkburn1I want my own house, dammit!
03:02.26Crispixtwas marked down ONLY because it was a floor model... there was NOTHING wrong with it :D
03:02.44Kirkburn1Wait, a king size pillow?
03:02.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_Sleep (n=wob@
03:03.09Crispixits geeeenormous
03:03.33Irielkremonte: I'd add some means of saving and restoring game state, and verifying both players agree on the state before restarting
03:03.44Irielkremonte : In case someone gets disconnected or has to leave mid-game
03:03.56kremonteIriel: periodic saves?
03:04.04kremonteoh, also, an implementable timer, later on
03:04.11Tainhaha a BBC report on a chewing gum that claims to enhance breasts.
03:04.24Irielkremonte : You could probably save each move, the overhead wouldn't be much.
03:04.33Irielkremonte : Just store the current 'state' with each opponent
03:04.48kremontewell as there are more pieces on the board it would take a bit more each time
03:04.50kremontebut that works
03:05.29Kirkburn1Nightle nightle friendlies =)
03:05.31Irielkremonte : Depends how you encode the board, you can store either a list of 'moves' or you can store the board as essentially a packed array of values between 0 and 2
03:05.42kremontewas thinking of the later
03:06.12kremontein which case
03:06.16kremonteoverhead wouldnt increase heh
03:06.23kremontealso need to save whose turn it is
03:06.23IrielYou can encode it into a single string
03:06.34IrielYou'd need opponent, which side you're on, whose turn is next, and board
03:07.56kremonteSavedGame={["Iriel"]={"white", "Kremonte", "1,2,0,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,1,1,0,2,~"}}
03:08.09IrielWell, i'd use a binary encoding for the board
03:08.21ckknightTrinary ;-)
03:08.22Irielpack several cells into one 'character'
03:08.33Irielwell, it starts out trinary, becomes binary
03:08.51kremonteso that means the player's game is with Iriel, i am using white pieces, Kremonte goes next
03:08.52IrielYou can pack 4 cells into 81 values
03:09.01kremontewhat do you mean by cell
03:09.09Irielsomething that can be empty, white, or black
03:09.13Iriela board space
03:09.24kremonte81 values?
03:09.35kremontei'm lost
03:09.37kremonteexample? :b
03:09.55Irielokay, so using 0,1,2 for empty, white, black
03:10.00Irielyou can encode 4 cells as
03:10.18Irielthat gives you a number between 0 and 80
03:10.37cladhaireI miss the day of flagged binary packing.
03:10.51kremontei'm lost ._.
03:10.53kremontestill lol
03:11.01Irieluse that to pick a character from an array (or just use ' ' as 0, '!' as 1, etc.. (ascii from 32)
03:11.20kremonteovercomplicated imo ._.
03:11.27cladhaireBut efficient =)
03:11.33kremontehow would you decode it?
03:11.35IrielWell, you can encode 64 squares into 16 characters
03:11.43IrielEven if you DONT go that way, then dont bother with commas in your string
03:12.33kremonteaye, was just for readability here
03:12.48IrielI'd end up with something like ["Iriel"] = "WMWB---WB---BBB--WW-B"
03:12.55LegorolIriel: my server just went down for a reboot, so I started reading this:
03:13.00Legorolcan i just say, it's beautiful!
03:13.01IrielThat's against iriel, I am White, it's My turn, and the same board you had
03:13.15IrielLegorol : Glad you like it
03:13.27Legorolit took me a while to understand which way round the transformation is when you were explaining it on here
03:13.32Legoroli think that page is crystal clear
03:13.38Legoroldo you mind though if i give a small comment?
03:13.44IrielYeah, the reverse transformation hurts ones head
03:14.07Legorolwell it was mostly me thinking about the transform the wrong way round :-)
03:14.07IrielCertainly, and if you want to make a LONG comment you can do that too (but the wiki discussion page would be better for a long one)
03:14.11Legorolyay for preconceptions!
03:14.18Legorolnah, just a short question:
03:14.35Legorolyou represent matrix multiplications as (row vector) = (row vector) * Matrix
03:14.48Legorolin linear algebra, isn't it more traditional to work with
03:14.55Legorol(column) = Matrix * (column)
03:15.40IrielLegorol : Probably, it's been a while since i did it 'properly' 8-)
03:15.43Legoroli know the result is the same, i just think that this second form is clearer to someone with background in linear algebra
03:15.55Legorolok well that's that
03:16.03kremonteok um
03:16.06kremontei'm going to like
03:16.10IrielAnd it's harder to draw that way in ascii graphics 8-)
03:16.11kremontenot read chat when iriel is here anymore
03:16.13Wobin_SleepMatrix math =(
03:16.39Legorolfair enough
03:16.45Legorolthe only other comment i had was:
03:16.56Legorolit's neat that you represent an affine transform as a 3x3 matrix, i didn't think of that
03:17.14Legorolwhen i was first reading, and i got to the point where you said that image->texture transform is of the form
03:17.18Legoroli = t*T
03:17.25Legoroloops i mean t = i*T
03:17.44Legoroli was thinking to myself: "how the heck do you do a translation with a multiplication like that"
03:17.51Legorolbecause i was thinking 2x2 matrix at that point
03:18.19ckknightDoes an event fire if the UiScale changes?
03:18.56Legorolso, uhm, dunno, maybe if you can adjust the text a bit somehow so that's not confusing?
03:19.09Legoroladmittedly once i got to the Math part and it turned out T is 3x3, it made sense
03:19.32JoshBorkemy head is starting to hurt
03:19.44LegorolJoshBorke, if you want a migraine, read
03:20.13JoshBorkei scanned it already :) thankfully it's so far advanced it's greek to me :)
03:21.16kremontei still don't know what i want to do with my life
03:21.20kremonteand i'm halfway through high school
03:21.29kremonteyou guys all talking about math makes me not want to be a physicist
03:21.36kremontebecause that's just amplified
03:21.46kremontewhat do i dooooooooooooooooooo for a klondike bar
03:21.49JoshBorkeew, physics :(
03:22.01kremontei'm taking ap physics next year ;p
03:22.04Legorolkremonte, i *am* a physicist
03:22.08Legorolit scares me too
03:22.15kremontewell the
03:22.16ckknightis there any way for me to tell if UiScale changes (without checking it every second or so)?
03:22.24kremonteyou get to help me with my homework in september :D
03:22.38Legorolwhat stage of high school are you in?
03:22.44kremontegoing into my junior year
03:22.55kremontei'm taking chemistry right now and it makes me sad
03:22.59Legorolumm.. i don't know about american system, it means how many more years till university?
03:23.04kremontebecause to me it's the most useless class i'd ever take
03:23.07Wobin_I've broken the 1k downloads!
03:23.09kremontejunior -> senior -> university
03:23.20kremonteHS is 4 years, i'm going into my 3rd
03:23.26IrielLegorol : I think I just flipped all the matrices for you.
03:23.31JoshBorkewobin_: grats :)
03:23.38kremonteWobin_: cheers!
03:23.48Wobin_I feel like a real addon coder now =)
03:24.07IrielThe 3x3 trick for transform and translate is a pretty standard graphics math trick
03:24.28kremontegraphical math is also evil
03:24.38kremonteprogramming in a lower-level environment is also evil
03:24.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:24.50Legoroli never had any training in computer graphics, this is all exciting
03:24.55IrielAt least these days GOOD graphics libraries are freely available
03:24.55Wobin_I recall my last computer graphics subject. We shoved all the maths into a library and ignored it as much as possible =P
03:24.56Legorolmaybe i should get a book on it
03:24.58Irielyou dont have to write your own
03:24.58kremontephysicist, robotics engineer, brain science, those are my aspirations
03:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:25.06kremontei'm just training myself to be a nerd at this point
03:25.13LegorolIriel: you missed one, i'll go correct it
03:25.14cladhaireLegorol: I'm been trying to catch up by reading.. and math helps.. but its never been my strong point =)
03:25.44IrielLegorol : Which?
03:26.00Legorolb = a * T
03:26.09Legoroli flipped it
03:26.15JoshBorkeoh, i see now.  i hate linear algebra... :)
03:26.25malrethbah, ace slips through my loading spam filter now for some reason
03:26.34IrielLinear algebra is great
03:26.47kremontestop mentioning math words guys
03:26.57Cairennfor those that are waiting for them, Loz has Discord updated on his site, snag the Deta versions
03:27.02kremonteit's like irc is an oven and you've been preheating it for the last 3 hours, and now it's on bake :'((
03:27.04LegorolIriel: shall i bother checking your expression for T'?
03:28.02IrielLegorol : You can if you want, I wrote this page at work one morning when I had some time to kill.
03:30.41JoshBorkeIriel: any news on my SetPoint problem?
03:32.13IrielJoshBorke: Other than 'Ive been a slacker and ignored it, despite flagging it as bright red in my inbox' ? No 8-( Sorry.
03:32.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
03:32.49JoshBorkelol, np
03:32.50LegorolIriel: I think two entries in T' are wrong
03:32.56JoshBorkei'm going to see if it's still valid after 1.10
03:33.04Legorolthe code blocks are fine though
03:33.06JoshBorkeas soon as i get past authenticating...
03:33.35Legoroli'll flip it so you can do a diff
03:33.59JoshBorke...i can type stuff in the password prompt, but i can't backspace it
03:35.01ckknightanyone know why CVAR_UPDATE doesn't catch updates to UiScale, but does catch updates to other stuff?
03:35.58IrielLegorol : B and D?
03:36.31IrielLegorol : If so, I agree
03:37.05JoshBorkeyep, still broken
03:37.14LegorolIriel: yep
03:40.24Legorolso, can anyone shed a light on what might be wrong here:
03:40.39Legoroli'm trying to dynamically make a frame (button actually) which has all of it occupied by a green texture
03:42.23Wobin_does CreateTexture assign a reference to the texture?
03:42.45JoshBorkeIriel: Do you want me to send you some updated code?
03:45.03LegorolWobin_: it's supposed to be: texture = Frame:CreateTexture(["name"] [,"layer"])
03:45.06cladhairehahah i love hooking movement functinos and not being able to stop =)
03:45.07Legorolfrom Iriel's thread
03:45.18JoshBorkelol cladhaire
03:46.34Irielyeah, so that pastebin has the wrong syntax for CreateTexture
03:46.53Legorolwhat's wrong with it?
03:47.00IrielYou passed it a frame as its first arg
03:47.13Legorolisn't that what i'm supposed to?
03:47.24ckknightno, name first
03:47.28IrielNo, you just copied the right syntax
03:47.39Legorolit's the name i want the texture to have, right?
03:47.41IrielIf it's anonymouse, omit the name entirely
03:47.44IrielYes, right
03:47.46Legorolit's not the name of the frame to attach to
03:47.49IrielAnonymous, even.
03:47.55Legorolomit, or set to nil?
03:47.56IrielCorrect, you're calling the method ON the frame
03:48.14IrielIf I follow slouken's crazy arg specs right, anyway 8-)
03:48.16Legorolhm... but then how does it know that i mean Frame:CreateTexture(["layer"])
03:48.30IrielBecause it knows the layer formats, I assume
03:48.31Legoroland not Frame:CreateTexture(["name"])
03:48.35IrielI never tested it, it may REQUIRE nil
03:48.37Legorolok well, i'll try
03:48.41IrielI just parse it that way 8-)
03:49.00Legorolwell the comma is inside the []
03:49.01IrielYou MAY need texture:Show()
03:49.09Legorolso that'd imply that if you want the second arg, you need a comma
03:49.15Legorolanyway, i'll test
03:50.32ckknightwtf, even though CVAR_UPDATE sets USE_UISCALE to 1, GetCVar("USE_UISCALE") throws an error, anyone know what's going on there?
03:50.56JoshBorkeok bye all :)
03:52.26Legorolckknight: the CVars are called differently, i think
03:52.55Legorolit's useUiScale and uiscale respectively
03:52.59Legoroli think capitalization might matter
03:53.12ckknightcapitalization doesn't
03:53.18ckknightbut it's useuiscale
03:53.26Legorolwell the cvars are useuiscale for the toggle, and uiscale for the slider
03:53.29ckknightCVAR_UPDATE is a messed up event
03:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:54.56clad|sleepNight all
03:57.36Legorolckknight: it's not
03:57.53LegorolCVAR_UPDATE is triggered or not depending on how SetCVar is called
03:57.59LegorolSetSCvar has a 2 argument and a 3 argument form
03:58.22LegorolUsage: SetCVar("cvar", value [, "scriptCvar")
03:58.33Legorolif you call with just the first 2 args, it does not trigger a CVAR_UPDATE
03:58.47Legorolthe way the Blizz UI code is set up for the video options, it calls with 2 args for the slider value,
03:58.53Legorolbut with 3 args for the checkbox
03:59.05Legoroland this also explains why arg1 in CVAR_UPDATE is UI_SCALE
03:59.16Legorolbecause arg1 ends up taking on the scriptCvar value
03:59.20Legorolnot the cvar
03:59.25Legorolthat you passed to SetCVar
03:59.44ckknightI see
04:00.26Legorolso you don't actually get an event when the slider value is set
04:00.41ckknightoh well
04:01.40Legoroland you are totally screwed, because
04:01.49Legorolthe Blizz UI will first set the checkbox CVar,
04:01.58Legorolwhich triggers the CVAR_UPDATE there and then, which gets processed
04:02.04Legoroland it then moves on to the slider
04:02.16Legorolso you can't even read off the slider value in the CVAR_UPDATE for the checkbox
04:02.21Legorolif it has changed
04:11.56ckknightokay, I got it to check if USE_UISCALE is set (which means that the video options were set), then it waits 0.1 seconds, then checks if UiScale is different
04:12.59ckknightnvm, I can have it wait 0 seconds and it still works
04:13.07ckknighteither way, I wait for the next OnUpdate to do my magic
04:18.46ckknightokay, when is DISPLAY_SIZE_CHANGED supposed to fire?
04:20.25KirovProbably on resize of a windowed view
04:20.33Kirovor possibly resolution change
04:20.40ckknightcrap, why does changing the resolution do a ReloadUI()?
04:22.10malrethckknight: does it?
04:23.06malrethi didn't before
04:23.30ckknightyea, I know
04:25.45malrethyou are a liar and a fraud and i'll have no business with you, sir
04:28.20malrethit's not a typo if it's intentional
04:29.19Temis it safe to look at the ui forum yet?
04:29.28Temor is it still full of retards complaining?
04:29.33malrethit's something i would do on an old irc channel that i frequented a long time ago
04:29.33ckknightit's never safe
04:29.48malrethTem:  actually, it's really let up today compared to yesterday
04:30.15TemI got so pissed yesterday that I've purposfully avoided it today
04:30.21malrethyesterday, the forum spigot was turned all the way up to 'retard'
04:30.34Temvery much so
04:30.41malrethtoday, people kinda gave  up
04:30.52malrethstill one or two threads complaining about autobuff
04:31.03malrethbut i had the final word on one...
04:31.28malrethwhich means I WIN at arguing on TEH INTARWABS
04:31.45malrethi'm special
04:32.13ckknightthere are some things you can't learn in your fancy books or internets, city slicker
04:32.24MentalPowergnight guys
04:34.24malrethand blizzard confirmed that the loot pinata is indeed fighting back too hard. we'll be able to raid onyxia again probably next week
04:34.48ckknightloot pinata?
04:35.15malrethyou hit her and netherwind pops out
04:35.21malrethit's cool
04:38.05ckknightReplace file failed.
04:38.15ckknightCairenn, WoWI's scaring me
04:38.36ckknightI tried to upload something
04:38.42ckknightgot "Replace file failed."
04:39.01ckknightdidn't have the same name or anything
04:39.03Cairennhang on a sec
04:39.54ckknighttell me when it should work again
04:40.20Cairennwait wait, trying to get in touch with Dolby
04:40.33Cairennand, seems you aren't the only one having a problem
04:40.40ckknightI have 2 things I need to upload
04:40.50Cairennpost your problem in there as well, please?
04:41.15malrethg'night everyone...
04:41.24Cairennnight malreth
04:43.25Cairennckknight: try now, please?
04:43.37TemTo enter a queue, that would be "enqueue" right?
04:44.12ckknightall good, Cairenn
04:44.28Cairennckknight: thanks
04:45.59CairennTem: that looks right to me, but I can't swear to it
04:46.11TemI'm writing a queue implementation
04:46.17Temand this is turning out to be fun
04:46.23Cairennactually, it is correct:
04:46.27TemI'm calling the class LunchLine
04:46.33Cairenn"Main Entry:  enqueue Part of Speech:  verb Definition:  to place something into a queue; to add an element to the tail of a queue; cf. dequeue"
04:46.50Tembecause no object can enter the queue more than once
04:47.11Temand because it will stop accepting new objects after some number of "served" objects is reached
04:48.49Temso it's just like the lunch line back in grade school!
04:48.52Temno seconds!
04:51.03Legorolwahey, i finally got my first entirely dynamically created button working!
04:51.10Legoroland it has a nice solid blue colour
04:51.16TemLegorol: what type of button?
04:51.25ckknightblue, my favorite flavor
04:51.28TemI made an action button that I'm quite proud of :)
04:51.44Temfunctioning cooldown model and everything
04:52.08Temonly, CooldownCount isn't too happy with me for not giving it a name
04:52.15Temit sorta chokes on that
04:52.46Tem(because GetName returns nil, which it then tries to concat with somthing else)
04:53.06Temand then it dies
04:58.36Legorolwell so far i just made a frame taht is a button, with a blue texture
04:58.44Legorolthe thing i was stuck on for ages is how to make a blue texture
04:58.49Legoroli couldn't figure that out...
04:58.54Legoroli blame the wiki!
04:59.13Legorolit's not immediately obvious that texture:SetTexture("path") can also be used as texture:SetTexture(r,g,b)
05:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:01.10Cairennhey slouken
05:01.21sloukenHey Cairenn
05:04.21sloukenhey ckknight
05:04.36ckknighthow are you today?
05:04.58sloukenpretty good. :)
05:05.39ckknightfinally set up my SVN for my addons and such
05:05.53ckknightit saves me about half the time for publishing
05:06.06ckknightthus, by spending like 4 hours on it, I'll likely save an hour in the long run
05:06.11ckknightI am truly lazy.
05:06.53Legorolhello slouken
05:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
05:07.08Legorolslouken, what's your favourite class :-)
05:07.10sloukenHey Leg
05:07.29sloukenAll of them. :)  I haven't played a paladin much, but I like all the others.
05:07.39Legorolah you should try, i like paladin
05:07.45Legoroli haven't tried a rogue yet, tried the rest
05:07.54sloukenRogues are awesome. :)  It's my main
05:07.59ckknightI have attachment issues, I can never stick to one character
05:08.03Legoroli thought your main is a pirate!
05:08.11Legorolckknight, nor can i
05:08.12sloukenThat's only my persona. ;-)
05:08.16Legoroli don't have a "main" per-se
05:08.34Legorolalthough my highest level char is called Legorol, so i guess you could call that a main
05:08.59Legorolhe is my UI dev char, i do most testing on him
05:09.24Legoroli have about 26 days played on him.. scary!
05:09.28Legoroland he is not even lvl 50
05:10.04Legoroli also like talking to myself
05:11.02Legorolslouken, there is one thing i always wanted to know: how much documentation does Blizzard itself have on the UI API/methods/techniques etc., and does the WoWwiki beat it?
05:11.15Legoroldo Blizzard folks use the WoWwiki for UI coding? :-)
05:11.36sloukenWe use the source
05:11.38Legoroloh, i actually got an answer!
05:11.41Legorolnever expected one :-)
05:12.02Legoroldo you mean the C source, or the Lua source?
05:12.18Depherios... I know the blizz guys use modelviewer XD
05:12.20Legorolbecause I think for most of us, the Lua source is just a starting point
05:12.30Legorolfrankly, it took a lot of headache to figure things out from the Blizz UI code
05:12.48Legorolhence the wowwiki
05:13.13DepheriosHOLY CRAP
05:13.15Legoroli mean there is a lot of "arcana" to UI coding, it'd seem, which you can't necessarily gleam from the C source
05:13.37DepheriosOMFG don't turn on world glow with the world frame resized I think I just went blind
05:13.42sloukenWe seriously considered rewriting it around 1.7/1.8, but realized that it would break too many addons if we did.
05:13.54Legorolthat's nice of you
05:13.58Legorolslouken, there is another thing i wanted to ask you: what did you do to tooltips in 1.10? :-)
05:14.16Legorolthere are some subtle changes that threw lot of tooltip-scanning addons off
05:14.26Legorolspent the best part of the last few days figuring things out
05:14.44sloukenThe tooltip is cleared when it's hidden, and it's hidden if it doesn't have an anchor.
05:14.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:15.02sloukenHey Iriel
05:15.06Legorolright, i got the cleared when it's hidden, that i found out
05:15.12IrielHello there!
05:15.15Legoroli didn't know it's hidden if it doesn't have an anchor
05:15.25Legorolbut what gets me: it seems like the tooltip gets hidden if its parent gets hidden
05:15.30Legorolthis is not like other UI objects
05:15.33Legorolhi Iriel, wb
05:15.39Legoroli'm just grilling poor slouken on tooltips
05:16.10IrielPoor slouken! 8-)
05:16.50LegorolIriel, i got my first completely dynamically created button working!
05:16.59Legorolthe wiki threw me off for a while..
05:17.03IrielDid you get :SetText working?
05:17.09Legoroli couldn't figure out how to crate a texture with a solid color
05:17.13Legorolsorry Cairenn
05:17.21IrielBecause as far as I can tell it doesn't work for dynamic buttons
05:17.28Cairenns'okay, he hasn't complained, so ...
05:17.35LegorolIriel: i will pastebin the code
05:17.52Legorolwhen you say SetText, do you mean SetTexture?
05:17.55Legorolor what?
05:17.56IrielLegorol: Well, only pastebin it if SetText then GetText gives you a non-nil return
05:18.01IrielNo, I mean :SetText("Wibble")
05:18.06Legorolon a button?
05:18.09Legorolbuttons have text?
05:18.11Irieluh huh
05:18.30Legorolhm.. how would you give a button text in XML?
05:18.37Legorolvia a fontstring?
05:18.43IrielI believe you give it a 'NormalText' element in the XML
05:18.49IrielWe dont appear to have a lua equivalent
05:19.08Legorolah i see in UI.xsd what you mean
05:19.19Legorolwhat about the Normal/Pushed/DisabledTexture?
05:19.23Legorolcan we set those from Lua?
05:19.27Temdon't blame me
05:19.31TemI asked for a lua equiv
05:19.46LegorolIriel: right, i see the new methods
05:19.52Temthe answer given was "oh ah better not.  too much work" or some-such nonsense =P
05:20.05Legorolbut you can always just attach a fontstring to the button, can't you?
05:20.12TemLegorol: yeah
05:20.17Temit's not that big of a deal
05:20.36IrielUsually thatr's followed the next day by "I came up with a neat way to do this, so here it is, plus 10 more functions you didn't ask for but are cool too"
05:20.47sloukenGood night...
05:20.56Cairennnight slouken
05:20.57IrielGnight slouken!
05:20.59Legorolnight slouken
05:21.02Temnight slouken
05:21.06LegorolIriel: what about using SetFont on the button?
05:21.15Legorolisn't that what you need to define the properties of the normal text?
05:21.16TemSetFont works but has no effect
05:21.30TemLegorol: it just means that you have to emulate the moving of the text when you click it and stuff
05:21.42Legorolhm, hold on
05:21.57Legorolthere is like SetDisabledFontObject, SetHighlightFontObject
05:22.14Legorolwould these only have effect if the button already has the appropraite text?
05:23.04TemLegorol: see the 1.10 changes thread around page 5
05:23.15Temwe sort of got an answer
05:23.46Legorolok i will
05:24.07LegorolTem: any idea what difference is between button:SetFont() and button:SetTextFontObject()
05:24.28Legorolmaybe doing it via SetTextFontOjbect works/
05:24.28Temthe first uses the old set font
05:24.40Temand the second uses the new setfontobject
05:24.44Legoroli have never done it the "old-way" either, so i don't know how that worked
05:25.01TemLegorol: it's the same difference that exists between FontString.SetFont and FontString.SetFontObject
05:25.26TemI don't really know much about the dynamically created button issue.  Iriel did all the testing on that
05:25.30Legorolso before 1.10, if you did button:SetFont, which of the 3 texts did it affect?
05:25.39Temall 3, I think
05:25.53Temhah! there's 4
05:26.02TemNormal, Pushed, Highlight, and Disabled
05:26.07Legorolthose are textures
05:26.11Legorolthere are 4 textures and 3 texts
05:26.22TemI think all 4 are valid for the text too?
05:26.35Temgranted I've never tried
05:26.35Legorolthere is a PushedTextOffset
05:26.38Legorolthere is no PushedText
05:26.45Legorolat least according to UI.xsd
05:26.47Legoroli never tried
05:26.50Temme either
05:26.55TemI think you are right
05:27.48IrielIt works for XML generated buttons in 1.10 too
05:27.57IrielThe 'problem' is only for CreateFrame constructed ones
05:28.05IrielYou can't associate the magic fontstring
05:28.29LegorolIriel, in 1.10, if you have an XML generated button,
05:28.37Legorolwhich of the 3 texts does SetFont affect?
05:28.40Legorolpresumably all 3?
05:28.47Legorolin case you know..
05:28.51Legorolotherwise i have to try
05:29.26IrielThere's only one "text"
05:30.44Legorolso what are the 3 XML elements?
05:30.53LegorolNormalText, HighlightText, DisabledText
05:30.54Temdifferent configurations for the same thing
05:31.04Legorolthey are all fontstrings
05:31.09Legorolso they should be able to have 3 different texts
05:31.11Temconfusing, no?
05:31.18TemI still don't really understand
05:31.22Legorolok now i have to try this..
05:31.33TemI asked slouken for some kind of simple explanation
05:31.37IrielSome of the XML FontStrings are only used to obtain font settings
05:31.39Tembut AnduinLothar had to go ruin it
05:31.57IrielThere wasn't an object to store such settings in before 1.10, so it just uses font strings and obtains their properties when it needs them
05:32.05IrielThey're prototypes, of a sort
05:32.15IrielThink about the ones in SimpleHTML for example
05:32.16Legorolwhat i will try is what happens if i give them a name
05:32.22Legoroland try to call SetText on them from Lua
05:32.28IrielNone of them are used as FontStrings, they MAY exist as them, but they're not used that way
05:32.42IrielThey're just things that the engine can grab properties from
05:32.52Legorolok i get you
05:32.56TemI've never messed with SimpleHTML before.  Looks really useful for... something.. eventually
05:33.11IrielIt's great for generating new errors every patch 8-)
05:33.18IrielAnd slouken now ALWAYS blames me
05:33.27IrielThe phrase "It's your fault you know" has been uttered more than once
05:33.35Temyou're the only onw I've ever known to actually use them
05:33.52Irielbookworm ftw
05:33.54TemI don't even know if / when they are used in the default ui
05:34.03IrielItemText, quest text
05:34.12IrielI THINK quest text, anyway
05:34.30IrielI know them from ItemText
05:34.41Legorolok, so, i want a font object that is based on GameFontNormal to use it in SetFontObject
05:34.44Iriel(By the way, for anyone who cares, linux support for the G15 isn't too bad)
05:34.53IrielGameFontNormal IS a FontObject
05:34.54Legorolcan i just do SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)?
05:35.04Legorolbecause it has virtual="true" in the XML
05:35.10Irielignore that
05:35.11Legorolso i was thinking maybe it doesn't get added to the namespace
05:35.25Legorolis that a typo on Blizzard' part?
05:35.33IrielFonts dont obey the rules, they're a pain in the ass
05:35.47Irielmy XML parser has all sorts of exception case code for them now
05:36.21LegorolIriel: does the virtual attrib in a <Font> has any meaning at all then
05:36.25IrielIts not very exiting and I just busted it
05:36.42TemLegorol: I think it's there so that other font objects and fontstrings can inherit from it
05:36.48IrielI did something bad to SetBindings
05:36.56IrielLegorol: I'm not entirely sure
05:37.03IrielLegorol : I just pretend it's always "false"
05:37.11IrielAnd that makes the parse happy
05:37.24TemIn over a year of messing with addons I have /never/ created a binding
05:37.40IrielYour code needs to get out more 8-)
05:39.19IrielOoh! I might be done with Tirisfal glades quests
05:39.59Legorolyou know, there is one thing that annoys me about the FrameXML block
05:40.11Legoroli can't have UI.xsd in its proper place to allow XMLSpy to validate my addon code properly
05:40.36IrielOh, because the folder gets moved?
05:40.39Legorolif i put UI.xsd in FrameXML, wow will nuke it
05:40.59IrielDo your editing work in a different place
05:41.01Legorolso if i'm editing an XML file "in-place", i.e. in the addons folder,
05:41.07Legorolyeah but then i have to copy/paste
05:41.10Legorolpain in the butt
05:41.16IrielI personally dont ever edit my work in place, I have a makefile to copy things into the right spot
05:41.22IrielActually it's an ant build.xml
05:41.32IrielBut it does stuff like fill in the toc number and the like too
05:41.50Legorolwell i often debug XML issues by having WoW open and XML editor open
05:41.54Legoroli change something, then reloadui
05:42.03Legorolit's annoying if i have to copy the file inbetween, although doable
05:42.07IrielI change something, do 'ant' or 'make', then reloadUI
05:42.21Legoroli guess sucks to be on Windows
05:42.28Irieland then when i'm done, I do 'ant zip' and I have my ready-to-upload zip file, complete with installation guide and UUI.xml files
05:42.29Legoroli could make a script..
05:42.31ckknightso use nant
05:42.32Irielant is available for windows
05:42.37Irielit's java based
05:42.48ckknightant or nant would work for you
05:42.49IrielMy team uses it all the time at work
05:42.54krkaant rules
05:43.06krkaexcept for its annoying quirks
05:43.10Legorolwould that require me to have a DOS prompt open
05:43.16IrielWell, the only problem with ant is that it's stupid
05:43.21Legorolwell, maybe one day i'll research that
05:43.31IrielSo learn perl or python or something and make a script you can double click? 8-)
05:43.37Irielor a .BAT file with ant
05:43.57krkaor use cruisecontrol
05:43.59Legoroli use .bats all the time (without ant)
05:44.01Legorolso i could do it
05:44.03krkathat autoruns ant :)
05:44.04Legoroljust a bit of a pain
05:44.17krkacruisecontrol + ant + svn = sweet
05:44.23Legorolwhat i have is 2 sets of interface folders
05:44.27Legorolone for gaming, one for fiddling
05:44.33Legoroli have a script to switch them
05:44.42Legorolbut i edit the "active" one in-place
05:44.45ckknightwhat's cruisecontrol?
05:44.46Legorolanyways, i better sleep
05:44.55krkagoogle it
05:45.00ckknightI don't wanna
05:45.02IrielI''m lucky in that my editor lets me bind schemas by their public name, and can ignore the system path
05:45.09krkabtw ckknight, why does bosspanel add something to the bottom of the screen?
05:45.17ckknightthe other panel?
05:45.26ckknightright click->remove panel to get rid of it
05:47.11krka... thanks
05:47.14krkai am so stupid :)
05:47.23ckknightno rebuttals from this direction
05:49.03krkanone expected
05:54.23Temso, what's cruisecontrol
05:54.39TemI have wow open so I don't wanna open firefox
05:54.50Temwow + firefox  = ssssllllooooowwww system
05:55.12Temthat's the price I pay for having 20+ tabs open...
05:55.37ckknightI have Opera with like 50 tabs open and it doesn't give me a problem
05:57.00krkaok, cruisecontrol is automatically runs your build process and tells you if it fails / succeeds
05:57.02krkaamong things
05:57.15krkawe also use it at work to automatically build nightlies and deploy demo sites et.c.
05:57.25Temsounds cool
05:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup^away (n=loup@
05:58.13krkait's a bit buggy, but works alright atleast
05:58.22Cairennhey loup :)
05:58.24krkahave to restart it a few times per week
05:59.15IrielBut the same idea, we do builds every 2 hours of anything that's been updated in CVS
05:59.40Irielemail notification of compilation, test, or checkstyle failures
06:01.23krkacruisecontrol gives a nice web interface to control it and check status
06:01.35krkawe have connected emma and testng to it for code coverage and stuff
06:02.03krkaalso only rebuild upon actual svn changes
06:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:25.40s|loupdoes anyone know about a bug with the systemmessage when a friend joins the game?
06:25.53Irielnot i
06:26.13s|loupi get string like [|] has entered the game and not [name] has entered the game
06:29.43L|Elvisothat happened to me yesterday
06:29.54L|ElvisoI also have a weird problem
06:30.12L|Elvisowhere when I enter the game, it tells me "You are not in a guild" on one of my unguilded chars
06:30.36IrielSounds like one of your addons might be calling GuildRoster?
06:30.40s|loupso he tells the truth ^^
06:32.18L|ElvisoYes, I just wish I knew which one.
06:32.58L|ElvisoBut at least I'm not the only one to see "[] has come online."
06:33.14ckknightBossPanel - Guild maybe
06:33.43MiravlixWhats the significant difference between an OnLoad function and just executing code as the file is read in?
06:33.52L|ElvisoI don't have that one ckknight
06:34.05L|Elvisobtw ckknight
06:34.22L|Elvisothose type fixes you put on wowi
06:34.31L|Elvisois that for the positioning issues?
06:34.38ckknighttype fixes?
06:34.51L|ElvisoI typo'd "typo", heh
06:34.59ckknightthe bpCompatible typo dealies?
06:35.07MiravlixOnLoad is executed after the files is all read in?
06:35.18ckknightno, that was a messup of a script, nothing to do with positioning
06:35.25ckknightwhat about positioning, though?
06:35.31IrielMiravlix : No, see
06:35.59L|Elvisobad terminology for me there, I meant where BP fails to save the position of those plugins after log/rload
06:35.59Miravlix(There is currently no text in this page)
06:36.03L|Elviso*rload = reload
06:36.09MiravlixThat was a pretty bad joke, Iriel
06:36.36IrielErr, where did I put that page
06:37.10IrielThere we go
06:39.34L|Elvisockknight, I made a quick list of some plugins that properly save, and some that don't, if you'd like to see it
06:39.58L|Elvisogood: micromenu, xpstatus, volume, money, durability
06:40.04L|Elvisobad: performance, clock, spacing, transparency, speed, factions, microcoin, battlegrounds
06:40.24MiravlixHmm, but what does that say about when OnLoad handlers is called?
06:40.42L|ElvisoIf I got time today I was going to inspect the code to see if I could find any abnormalities
06:40.44ckknightnow how does it improperly save?
06:41.26L|Elvisook, say I load BP and Clock is in the top right. If I drag it to the bottom left, then do a will be back in the top right
06:41.43MiravlixIt seems that the OnLoad handler is registered and queued for execution at the time of the frame setup
06:42.16MiravlixBecause even while my code clearly isn't finished loading, I can't setup a OnLoad handler that will get executed anywhere else than where the frame is created
06:42.32L|ElvisoHowever, I can move MicroMenu, and upon reload, it's position is retained.
06:44.36ckknightL|elviso, I just tried to do what you said and it worked fine for me
06:44.55ckknightdid an error occur?
06:45.05L|ElvisoMaybe those typo corrections fixed it, I'm about to check.
06:45.06ckknightthat can cause the positions to be forgotten
06:45.16L|Elvisono visible errors
06:45.16IrielMiravlix : Correct, OnLoad fires as soon as the frame that contains it has been fully instantiated
06:45.42IrielMiravlix : The main difference between inline code and OnLoad is: (1) OnLoad sets 'this', and (2) OnLoad can ibe inherited in virtual frames
06:57.08MiravlixHrm, doing return thats executed onload doesn't work. :)
06:57.27IrielI'm not sure what you mean, pastebin your code?
06:59.58L|Elvisockknight, BP_Honor is giving me an onload error
07:00.05MiravlixI mean on file load
07:00.13Miravlixnot on call of onload function
07:00.50L|Elvisoline 7, "malformed number near '.5.77'
07:01.52MiravlixI was trying to do some tooltip clean up and ended up with a situation where the XML file needed the lua file loaded and the lua file needed the XML file loaded
07:02.31ckknightL|elviso, upgrade to the most recent BossPanel_honor
07:02.45ckknightunless WoWI didn't get my submission...
07:03.12L|ElvisoI got the 3/30 one
07:03.21L|Elvisolet me dbl check
07:03.26ckknightthe date doesn't mean much, I upgraded a lot today
07:03.31ckknighterr, yesterday
07:03.31L|ElvisoI see
07:03.40MiravlixThat lead me down a dark and twisted path, where I suddently was trying to return from loading the lua file. :)
07:03.43L|ElvisoThe positioning seems to be saving now though
07:03.50IrielMiravlix : Usually I load the LUA file first, then use the XML OnLoad to finish up the process
07:03.56ckknightokay, WoWI didn't get my submission
07:04.07ckknightmust've happened when the server went down
07:04.42MiravlixI couldn't referance the tooltip frame from onload
07:04.58MiravlixAnd I just realice
07:04.58IrielHad you instantiated it yet?
07:05.07Irielor did you make it virtual by mistake?
07:05.08Miravlixthats because it was after the <script><onload>
07:05.33L|ElvisoI'm still liking BP alot though, now that the positioning problem seems resolved I'll start using it on one of my more-played chars
07:05.43L|Elviso...and probably start toying with some ports :)
07:07.06ckknightL|elviso, get the starter pack, it's up to date
07:09.07ckknightdoes anyone use Trillian and know how to make it stop auto-uncapitalizing words?
07:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:13.04L|Elvisook I need something to do for the rest of the night, since I slept in past my guild's raid :\
07:13.19L|Elvisoguess I will start on a port, since I finished my ItemMagic this morning
07:20.09L|ElvisoI had 2 panels, one on top and one on bottom
07:20.29L|ElvisoI removed the top one, and all the plugins on the bottom poofed
07:20.46L|Elvisothey came back on reload, but....just was a little unexpected
07:26.14[MoonWolf]L|Elviso, thanks for the notice in the mend thread.
07:26.52L|ElvisoSurely, did you try it out?
07:30.27[MoonWolf]when i get home i will
07:30.30[MoonWolf]<- at work
07:30.57MiravlixDo we still need Tooltip Money protection?
07:43.25zespriWhat is the french and german for Prayer Of Spirit? For german my guess would be Gebet des Willens
07:43.45Wobin_maybe Zeeg's site has the spelling?
07:44.32zespriIf I knew how to use his site... I don;t even remeber url, but thank you for the pointer
07:45.15Wobin_The only other thing I can offer is purl =)
07:45.23Wobin_~x en fr Prayer of Spirit
07:45.30Wobin_~x en ge Prayer of Spirit
07:45.42Wobin_Which may or may not be accurate
07:46.03zespriyeah. Devine spirit is something Wille in german client
07:46.35TemIriel: you around?
07:55.15Wobin_~x en ge Divine Soul
07:55.40Tem~x en fr on
07:55.49Temwrong on dummy
07:55.55Tem~x en fr off
07:56.05Temwrong off dummy
07:56.13Tempurl == dump
07:56.41TemI give up
07:56.44Tempurl > me
07:56.45purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now...
07:56.59Tempurl > saien
07:57.01purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
07:57.08Tempurl > iriel
07:57.15Wobin_purl Cairenn|sleep
07:57.19Wobin_purl Cairenn
07:57.20purlrumour has it, cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
07:57.23Tempurl > Cair
07:57.38Temhmm purl used to purr
07:57.43Tempurl > Cairenn
07:57.45purlcairenn is probably one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
07:58.11Wobin_~emulate Cairenn
07:58.12purlACTION purrs
07:58.17Temthere it is
07:58.46Wobin_~listkeys Tem
08:01.23L|Elviso[01:57] <Tem> purl > saien
08:01.23L|Elviso[01:57] <purl> I could have helped you, but I won't.
08:01.38Temthose have been in there a long time
08:01.48Temand they are all direct quotes from him
08:01.51Tempurl > saien
08:01.53purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
08:02.01Tem~emulate saien
08:02.02purlSlash commands are ameturish.
08:02.14Tem~emulate saien
08:02.15purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
08:02.24Tempurl > saien
08:02.26purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
08:02.44ckknightSaien is a dick, it makes me sad that I still use UberQuest
08:02.50Temmy favorite is "You are wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself."
08:03.09Tempurl > saien
08:03.11purlThis is a stunningly stupid question to direct at me.
08:04.15L|Elvisodoes he ever hang out in here?
08:04.23L|Elvisoor are those quotes taken from the wow forums?
08:04.26ckknightI've never seen him
08:04.30ckknightwow forums
08:05.21L|ElvisoYeah I realized what a punk he was when MCP was conflicting w/MoveAnything's button on the main menu
08:05.34krka|work~emulate saien
08:05.35purlSlash commands are ameturish.
08:05.47L|ElvisoI had no previous WoW scripting/modding experience, and I was able to fix the problem in about 10m.
08:06.05krka|work~emulate saien
08:06.06purlSlash commands are ameturish.
08:06.14krka|workalways the same response?
08:06.24L|ElvisoBut he wouldn't even bother to address repeated posts about the problem. Not even the common curtesy to acknowledge it.
08:06.27krka|work~emulate Cairenn
08:06.29purlACTION begins casting New awesome Site Feature on WoWInterface
08:06.31krka|work~emulate krka
08:06.33purlACTION has no idea how to use krka...
08:06.46L|Elviso~emulate elvis
08:06.57L|Elviso~emulate L|Elviso
08:07.19L|Elvisopurl, you suck!
08:08.52L|Elvisough, this BP port is going to take a 12-pack of Dr. P at least, maybe a full case.
08:10.49krka|worki don't want to be "used" anyway
08:12.16L|Elvisoquick poll, which code editor(s) do you guys use?
08:12.24L|ElvisoI use Edit+ myself
08:12.46DepheriosI used to use Edit+ now I use Notepad++
08:13.39DepheriosI forget exactly what made me change O_o -- I used Editpad (classic) for years before that (and still do for some things)
08:14.30L|ElvisoI've used Edit+ for 5 yrs or so, I've tried all kinds of others but nothing else does it for me
08:15.20Depheriosyeah, I was that way with editpad, switched to edit+ as editpad was lacking in... well it was tabbed notepad with find and replace and I needed more XD
08:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^MTA (
08:16.34L|ElvisoI like it that Edit+ allows you to download .stx files from their if someone would just make a LUA/WoW .stx, and a XML/WoW .stx...
08:18.10IrielIt's the only way 8-)
08:18.42Wobin_Gvim is scarily good
08:18.49Wobin_tab completion ftw
08:19.10L|ElvisoEdit+ has auto-complete, but you have to have the .acl for it
08:19.12DepheriosI was wonderingw where the vim and emacs people were
08:19.30Wobin_Well. Tabcompletion as in -any- variable/functionname in an open file
08:19.54TemI've recently been using sciTe
08:19.56Wobin_I used to be an Editplus man... but since Gvim...
08:19.59DepheriosI never use tab completion even when I have it, lol...
08:20.02IrielI was avoiding death in Silverpine
08:20.21Tembut I'm a real big fan of Eclipse
08:20.44[MoonWolf]ConText ftw
08:20.56Temaye, context is a real nice one
08:21.07Tembut lately it's bugs have anoyed me too much
08:21.21IrielI have mixed feelings about Eclipse
08:21.24Temand the complete lack of code collapse sucks
08:21.33L|Elvisolol, QQ is listed as a reserved word in my LUA syntax file
08:21.39[MoonWolf]it still has a lot of things that need adding.
08:22.00Temwhen I was rewriting FTS a few weeks back code collapse saved me a lot of sanity when I was debugging
08:22.09L|ElvisoUm, code collapse? I don't have any experience with that, but it sounds really cool if it's what I'm thinking.
08:22.23[MoonWolf]you collaps a code block into its first line
08:22.29TemI had everything collapsed so finding whatever funciton I needed was way easy
08:22.31L|Elvisolike per function?
08:22.40Elkano^MTAMoonWolf, there's a small loc bug with Mendeleev: for de used schoud be "Verwendet" instead of "Erwendet" :)
08:22.40Temlike anything that you would indent
08:22.47L|Elvisoeven better
08:23.01TemsciTe has it
08:23.09Temand it's the reason I keep going back to it
08:23.13[MoonWolf]Elkano^MTA, noted, de localisation is pretty much incomplete
08:23.28Wobin_I think Vim has code folding... but I'm not sure how to get it working
08:23.38TemIriel: does java have an "optional parameter" construct?
08:23.42Depheriosaye, notepad++ does that as well (collapse)
08:23.52Temor do I have to overload?
08:23.56IrielTem: Not really, you just overload
08:24.05Tembut that adds an extra function call
08:24.11Temo well I don't care that much
08:24.33Tem(I have a very low tolerance for repeated code)
08:24.44Tem(so copy/paste  == bad)
08:25.20IrielI'm not sure what the jvm does with essentially tail recursion with different args
08:26.58Temoh yeah, I was forgetting potential optimization
08:27.00IrielWell, a tail call, not necessarily recursion
08:27.09Elkano^MTAthere isn't a special Engineering bag, is there?
08:27.18TemElkano^MTA: nope :(
08:29.17L|Elvisobut I have an enchanting bag, now that I have enchant mats spread across like 3 mules
08:32.28ckknightI thought there were Engineering bags
08:32.32ckknightit's a category on the AH
08:33.30Elkano^MTAck, you're the reason why I asked ^^
08:33.52TemI'm like 99% sure theres only Herb, Soul, Ammo, Enchanting, and normal bags
08:34.19Elkano^MTAbte: ck, are the plugins pointing to a diffeent svn than BossPanel?
08:34.44ckknightshould all be pointing to folders in svn://
08:34.45MiravlixOh, where does on get a Herb bag
08:34.46Elkano^MTAI could update BossPanel via svn but for the plugins it tries to connect to localhost
08:34.56ckknightyea, my bad
08:35.01ckknightget the starter pack
08:35.03ckknightit's fixed in there
08:35.03TemI dunno Miravlix, but I want one real real bad
08:35.06Elkano^MTAk :)
08:37.24Elkano^MTAbtw: BossPanel_Bags now sees soul shard bags as ammo bags
08:37.46ckknightyea, I know
08:37.58ckknightI made it that way
08:38.07ckknightthat's why it says soul/ammo bags
08:38.15ckknightthey work very similarly
08:38.53Elkano^MTAwell, Report stii leferes to soul shard bags as a own type
08:39.06ckknightah, I'll fix that
08:40.31Elkano^MTAah, got to recheck an error with honor that occured yesterday. sth about pvptime. but maybe it's  only after the first login when installing the new version; i forgot to c&p the error message :(
08:41.14Elkano^MTAah, in the changelog, you now use UNIX line breakes, aren't you?
08:41.46Elkano^MTAsince windows notepad shows the new changes all in one line
08:43.09Wobin_if I have a function name as a string, how can I refer to it as a function again?
08:43.26Wobin_In this case, I have an object as a string, and I want to refer to a function in that object
08:43.38Wobin_s/object as/object name as/
08:43.48ckknightwhere are you storing it?
08:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
08:44.07Wobin_How do you mean?
08:44.23ckknightwhere is the function?
08:44.25ckknightglobal score?
08:44.35Wobin_well, object scope
08:45.04Wobin_can I do getglobal(objectname):functioncall()?
08:45.26Wobin_Thanks =)
08:45.28ckknightglobals are bad, though
08:45.30ckknightjust remember
08:45.44ckknightyou may want to make a table of functions
08:46.01ckknighti.e. t = {} t[functionName] = function() end
08:46.28Wobin_I'm trying to use a sort of polymorphism
08:46.37ckknightI never said you were
08:46.42ckknightI said globals are bad
08:46.44Wobin_so the object names change, but the functions don't
08:46.44ckknightdon't pollute
08:47.05ckknightthat's fine
08:47.16Wobin_So better to store the objects -within- somethine else?
08:47.17ckknightyou should still use a local table to store your objects in
08:47.33ckknightglobals pollute and are slow
08:55.03Elkano^MTAIs there a function or easy method that tells you how many people are in a custom chat channel?
08:56.31[MoonWolf]or something similar
08:56.42[MoonWolf]wait that is a chat command.
08:56.46[MoonWolf]no idea then
08:58.21Temor /chatwho channelname
08:58.27TemI think /chatinfo works too
08:59.13[MoonWolf]i thought he wanted an lua function
09:00.01Elkano^MTAyes, I'm searching for a lua function :)
09:04.53ckknightElkano^MTA, I fixed the newline issues with the changelogs
09:06.03Tembah right before I was gonna ask him a question
09:08.35Elkano^MTAk :)
09:09.16*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:21.47L|Elvisodoes anyone else get OCD when trying to setup colors in a new code editor?
09:31.11ckknightyea, I have issues with that
09:31.35L|Elvisothank god I'm not the only one
09:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:38.29s|loupi just can say: thank god its friday!
09:38.42Depheriosit's friday?
09:41.55L|Elvisopurl, date time
09:42.04L|Elvisopurl let me down again
09:44.07purlFriday sucks.
09:44.41purlIt is now 2006.03.31  9:44:41 GMT
09:45.10L|Elvisofriday sucks? uhhh
09:45.16Depheriosand here i was wondering if I could just go:
09:45.20Depheriospurl, what time is it?
09:45.22purlI think you lost me on that one, Depherios
09:45.33purlTomorrow will probably suck too.
09:45.37purlSunday sucks, because tomorrow is monday (See monday).  Also, sunday is the day we do all the stuff we should've done Saturday, but didn't.
09:45.53Depheriosevery day sucks, according to purl
09:45.58purlFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
09:46.00purl"This must be Thursday.  I could never get the hang of Thursdays." (Arthur Dent)
09:46.08purlSaturday is the day that sucks the least!
09:46.24[MoonWolf]you can thank kergoth for those lovely day's
09:46.35DepheriosI hate saturday, I work saturday, every saturday
09:47.14DepheriosIt's a video game store, which used to be cool, it was like a comic shop with gamers
09:47.21Depheriosnow it's like a pawn shop with idiots
09:48.06[MoonWolf]give them all a copy of oblvion and send them home
09:48.14Depherios"I wanna trade this in" "uh... it looks like it's been through hell, I can't give you much for it" "how much?" "well it'll be.."-*interrupted*-"FO CASH"
09:48.27[MoonWolf]make them pay 5 (currency) more and pocket it. (stupid tax)
09:48.38Depherios"um... for cash it'll be 1.80, are you really sure you want to trade in this good game for 1.80?"
09:48.51Depheriosof course he is
09:48.54Depherioshe stole the damn thing :P
09:49.09[MoonWolf]you sound like gord
09:49.12Depherioslol, no sales tax here
09:49.24DepheriosLol if I didn't work for a corporation I'd sound JUST LIKE Gord
09:49.30Depheriosbut alas, I can be fired for being a jackass
09:49.46DepheriosMy least favorite customer
09:50.00Depheriosis the type of guy that used to make fun of me for playing video games...
09:50.07Depheriosnow making fun of me because I don't like the GTA games
09:50.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
09:50.31[MoonWolf]gta the game i never will and never have liked.
09:50.40[MoonWolf]ill take an ES game thank you.
09:50.53DepheriosI don't like the controls in either, but ES wins out against GTA
09:50.57KirovAnyone know how if there's a way to fix the "verylongstringwithnospaces..." not wrapping or getting cut off issue?
09:51.01DepheriosI haven't played the new one yet though
09:51.11KirovI remember it was in 1.9, fixed by 1.9.4, but back again in 1.10
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09:55.31*** join/#wowi-lounge L|Elviso (
09:55.39[MoonWolf]i wont be able to keep this grin of my face the follow day now
09:57.35[MoonWolf]The Gord often wonders why people threaten to never come back after they've been told never to return.
10:03.08L|Elvisoafter spendin 30m setting up notepad++ colors, I foolishly opened my IRC colors opts
10:03.45Depheriosthe colors were fine, but I had to change the way it screws with fonts
10:04.29Temanyone know a good tarball utility for windows?
10:04.42L|Elvisoto tar or untar?
10:05.15Temtar is all I need right now, but I'm sure I'll need to untar later
10:05.54L|Elvisothere's this one program I have somewhere, that can pretty much do anything you want with files
10:06.02L|ElvisoI forgot it's name though, let me try to find it
10:07.15[MoonWolf]do_anything_you_want_with_files.exe ?
10:07.44L|ElvisoOk, don't laugh
10:07.49L|Elvisobut it's called Total Commander
10:07.55DepheriosI laughed
10:08.01L|ElvisoIt might be overkill for what you want to do, but it appears as though it can tar
10:08.43L|Elvisoit's probably the single most powerful multi-purpose file app I have
10:11.57TemI found the sources for gzip and tar
10:12.01Temso I'm good
10:12.18TemI think I'll pass on Total Commander for now
10:13.03L|Elvisoyou should get Total Commander, just so you can look with wonder and awe at the Chuck-Norris-of-file-apps, and smile.
10:13.54Temwe do not speak he who should not be named's name here
10:13.57[MoonWolf]actually total commander has a few flaws.
10:14.10DepheriosOh... total commander is windows commander
10:14.24[MoonWolf]for instance, there is not F key for renaming....
10:14.25L|Elvisoyes, it's been renamed in a the past couple yrs
10:14.53L|Elvisoso I assume you've messed with windows cmmdr?
10:15.05Depherioslong time ago
10:15.23L|Elvisosame thing now really, maybe a couple new features
10:15.40L|ElvisoI rarely use it, but sometimes there's nothing else handy that can do what I need done
10:22.36L|Elvisowow, someone's selling a mage, $2k reserve and it's already been met.....8 days left on the auction too
10:25.42Maldiviawho want to pay that much for a char ?
10:26.01[MoonWolf]who would want to pay for a char
10:26.06[MoonWolf]awnser idiots
10:26.22L|ElvisoI'd give the link but I'm afraid it'd be frowned upon
10:28.12L|Elvisobut basically he has all bwl loot, legendary AQ mount (claims only one on the server....and the other scepter quest items), 6.5g, every enchant recipe, gloves of spell mastery recipe (claims only one on the server), really high reputations....
10:28.41L|Elvisobut still, yeah....idiots
10:29.00[MoonWolf]that guy has to be lying on the content of the account....
10:29.14L|Elvisohas alot of screenshots
10:29.25[MoonWolf]WHY would you sell that....
10:29.35L|Elviso"real life emergency"
10:29.58DepheriosHeh, using Ony buff to test the crit damage on my new holy spells XD
10:35.17TemL|Elviso: I saw that auction more than 2 weeks ago
10:35.26Tembut it was a 1.5k reserve
10:35.42Temlol indeed!
10:35.48Temsomeone is making money off that account
10:35.51L|Elvisowas the reserve met?
10:36.07Depheriosmeeting their own, *sigh*
10:36.14Depherioson ebay? O_o
10:36.26Depheriosno of course not
10:36.28Depheriosnevermind me
10:36.31Depherioswhat time is it?
10:36.39Depheriosoh crap
10:36.44Tem4:36 am CST
10:37.06DepheriosI ask that question constantly, even though I wear a watch and I'm sitting at a computer, and my room has 5 clocks and... yeah
10:37.09Tem20:36 GMT
10:38.35TemI just got a reply from the grader in my csc class
10:38.46Temaparently I'm not the only one who keeps odd hours ><
10:38.48[MoonWolf]must be a good one.
10:39.16Maldiviait's not 20:36 GMT !
10:39.34TemRemeber how I forgot to add all the features requested in my last project [MoonWolf] ?
10:39.41TemMaldivia: it's not?
10:39.47[MoonWolf]yeah, you mentioned it
10:39.48Maldiviait's 10:36 GMT :)
10:39.58TemI went the wrong way
10:39.59[MoonWolf]its 12:40 gmt+1
10:40.09[MoonWolf]its 12:40 gmt+2*
10:40.10Maldivia[MoonWolf]: +2, daylight saving
10:40.18[MoonWolf]yeah i corrected myself.
10:40.47[MoonWolf]tem, go on....
10:40.49Tem[MoonWolf]: the feature I forgot to add was really trivial considering I had all the back-structure of it already there.
10:41.10Temso I sent the grader an email like an hour ago thinking I was about to go to bed asking if I could add the feature to get some points back
10:41.51Temthen I added something like "15% is a hefty chunk to lose for something that would have only taken an extra 15 minutes to add."
10:42.12Temand I just got a reply from him -- at 4:30 in the morning no less -- saying I could
10:42.32[MoonWolf]go, code, go go go.
10:42.37TemI'm done
10:42.44Temthe feature was that trivial
10:43.09Temlemme count the lines I had to add
10:43.23[MoonWolf]well, looking at the time you gave me abobe
10:43.28[MoonWolf]that took you like 6 minutes
10:43.44Tem16 lines total
10:44.16[MoonWolf]and you did not include this to begin with why /
10:44.36Tembecause I didn't realize it was a requirement and I was sick of looking at the code.
10:45.10Temyou know how you get when you tweak the hell out of something
10:45.18Temyou just get sick of looking at it
10:45.27[MoonWolf]yeah, sick, want to do something else, something not code related.
10:45.50Temrepsonse already
10:45.52Temgot 10% back
10:46.05[MoonWolf]yeah, he keeps weird times.
10:46.08TemI'm so glad I sent that email
10:46.17[MoonWolf]maybe they outsource the graders :p
10:46.25Temit's a grad student
10:46.33TemI think
10:46.34[MoonWolf]makes even more sense.
10:47.00Temhis name is Yaaser Mohammed so I wouldn't doubt it if it was outsourced either
10:48.13[MoonWolf]why do half of my far fetched jokes come out as true or very possible :(
10:48.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
10:48.32Temhaha [MoonWolf]
10:49.36Temin case you were interested on why it was so easy to add... The project was another java linear regression applet.  All it had to do was let clicks create plot points and draw a regression line when there were more than 2 plot points
10:50.18Temthat last bit is what I forgot to do the first time around
10:50.26[MoonWolf]hey that actually pretty interesting code
10:50.34TemI enjoyed writing it
10:50.38[MoonWolf]compared to the calculator and basic paint like program we have to make.
10:50.42TemI added quite a few features they didn't ask for
10:50.54[MoonWolf](did both the day before we had to show it, and we had 10 weeks per app)
10:51.32[MoonWolf]and you know the fuckups i sometimes make when i have to write lua, so that kinda shows how simple it was.
10:51.56Temincluding a "clear" method on my line object that did pretty much everything the button they wanted would have done
10:52.08TemI just never added the button
10:52.30Temso adding the button was stupid easy.
10:52.42[MoonWolf]button abutton = new button();
10:52.50Tempretty much
10:52.50[MoonWolf]and a few lines in the buttonhandler
10:53.14[MoonWolf]and placing it wherever you place it.
10:53.20TemJButton button = new JButton("Clear");
10:53.20Tembutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
10:53.20Tempublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
10:54.09[MoonWolf]only one button on your whole app ?
10:54.36Temoh, theres some sizing code in there
10:54.50TemI just skipped that part in the paste to cut down on spam
10:54.56[MoonWolf]ah, k
10:55.11Temyeah no need for a named action listener since I only use it once
10:55.54Temand it was faster to write it that way ><
10:56.34Temthe only thing that slowed me down in writing that bit was looking up the syntax for an anonymous class that implements something
10:56.41Tembecause I didn't know if offhand
10:57.04[MoonWolf]yay for google
10:57.45[MoonWolf]if i would have to code without internet, it would a lot slower.
10:57.55Temme too
10:58.04TemI hate when people ask you to write code on paper
10:58.26[MoonWolf]ill do meta code or easy stuff on paper if they want.
10:58.26TemI rarely know exactly how X thing works without typing it into my editor
10:58.52Temif I have a "hmm I wonder" uncle google saves me
10:58.56[MoonWolf]how the hell should i know what function x that i only use once per year is called
11:00.30TemI love the svn plugin
11:00.47[MoonWolf]no need for it, dont do enough java dev.
11:01.09TemI like to keep my class projects under source control
11:01.22Temhell, I like to keep everything I write under source control
11:01.43Temearlier today I completely rewrote my queue class for another project
11:02.00TemI screwed up bad
11:02.04Temso I reverted
11:02.12Temthen I decided to rewrite again :)
11:02.15[MoonWolf]i only keep under source controll the things that deserve it. a program i wrote in a single day and will not ever use again. doesnt meet the requirements.
11:02.32Temand I had a blast with the new implementation
11:03.04Tem[MoonWolf]: yeah, but I rarely write things like that that don't go into files like foo.lua or
11:03.42[MoonWolf]oh now, my paint program had 4 classes, excluding the slightly pointless class that handled the help file
11:04.00[MoonWolf]about 700 lines total
11:04.21[MoonWolf]what is wow about that ?
11:04.41Temthe 700 lines
11:04.54[MoonWolf]you overestimate the requirements
11:05.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^MTA (
11:05.21[MoonWolf]4 shapes 8 colours, save to a file (custom filetype no jpg or something) open from file
11:05.40Temah, that's not bad
11:05.54Temmy spider app is about 320ish lines
11:06.11[MoonWolf]because of the way i did the files i had a undo/redo functionality
11:06.15Temwith 6 classes
11:06.30[MoonWolf]that was all.
11:06.58[MoonWolf]you should have seen the abominations people come up with sometimes to do the same i did.
11:07.11[MoonWolf](mine could have been improved if I could have cared)
11:08.28TemI looked at a classmate's code for the same project as my 320 line web spider and his was like 800 lines and didn't behave nearly as well
11:08.34TemI was proud
11:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:09.06[MoonWolf]are you in a proper programming class with actually interested people ?
11:09.10[MoonWolf]im not
11:09.11Temgranted I spent like 20 hours on the regex that make it work so well while he did his without any real knowledge of regex
11:09.30[MoonWolf]I do general it and the programming is part of the course...
11:09.44TemI'm in a majors only course
11:09.47[MoonWolf]my class would implode their brains safe 2 or 3 people on regex.
11:10.00Temso if the other pople in the class aren't interested, they are going to have serious serious issues
11:10.18[MoonWolf]I wonder why they turn out code like that then...
11:10.27[MoonWolf]web crawlers cant be that hard.
11:10.38Temwell... I think it's because they don't teach themselves anything
11:10.50TemI think they are waiting for it to be spoon fed by the department
11:11.01Temthe crawler part was pretty easy
11:11.13Tembut the page scanner was brutal
11:11.14[MoonWolf]well in that case, they can wait a looooong time.
11:11.27[MoonWolf]what does it scan for ?
11:11.34Temlemme find the regex
11:11.59[MoonWolf]anybody can find premade regex for that....
11:12.15TemI didn't look
11:12.22Tem<[Aa]\\s([^>]*)> to find a link
11:12.37Temand (?i)href\\s*=\\s*((?:[^\\s\"'>][^\\s>]*)|\"[^\">]*\"|'[^'>]*') to parse the href out
11:12.41[MoonWolf]I trust you dont, but well, I would expect your classmates to do so.
11:13.00TemHonestly, I didn't even think of finding a premade regex for that part
11:13.24[MoonWolf]The fact that I know regex doesnt make me think someone else might have done it before me.
11:13.36[MoonWolf]and seeing as making regex like that hurt my head.
11:13.58Temaye, that one gave me headaches for serveral days
11:14.17Tembut I got some stress releif in my queue implementation today
11:14.36TemI can't really explain why.. so I'll just show you
11:14.54[MoonWolf]lol, lunchtime
11:15.51[MoonWolf]oh, misread
11:15.54[MoonWolf]I blame the font.
11:16.05[MoonWolf]nice and clean Tem
11:16.21[MoonWolf]you deserve brownie points for that one.
11:16.35TemI wish
11:16.59Temit was one of those ideas that hit me in the shower
11:17.19Temthen I was trying to think of something to call it instead of just "Queue"
11:17.44Temand almost instantly the concept of the caffeteria line in grade school came up
11:17.52TemNo seconds!
11:18.29Tem(which prevents cyles while I'm scanning :))
11:19.37krka|workcoding on paper is not about remembering what functions are called, it's about getting the algorithm and general flow correct
11:20.29Temkrka|work: yes.  Thankfully, my proffessor agrees with you.  However, I've had those that don't.
11:20.36[MoonWolf]I have a notepad for that, I doubt anybody but me can interpretate that. well Tenrai might.
11:35.52MiravlixRare camping coder style, I wrote a macro to check if the mob is there or quit the game.
11:36.17L|Elvisoquit the game?
11:36.19L|Elvisoa mob?
11:36.40L|Elvisooh you mean, if not (rare) then /quit?
11:37.30MiravlixThe basic premise of a rare is that it is rare...
11:37.49MiravlixSo I have to check if it is spawned for days
11:39.04MiravlixSo /script TargetByName("Boahn") if UnitName("target") ~= "Boahn" then TargetByName("Trigore the Lasher") if UnitName("target") ~= "Trigore the Lasher" then ClearTarget() end end
11:39.43L|Elvisowhere's the "quit the game" part?
11:40.08MiravlixIt's the debug version had to make sure it works
11:40.24L|Elvisothe quit part is what I'm confused about :)
11:41.49MiravlixWhat is the confusing part?
11:42.19L|Elviso<L|Elviso> oh you mean, if not (rare) then /quit?
11:42.32L|Elviso<Miravlix> No
11:42.44L|ElvisoSo if YOU don't quit the game, are you checking to see if the mob has quit the game?
11:43.20Wobin_Is this a 'tree falls in the forest' question?
11:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:44.39MiravlixYou have a mob thats rare, it means it wont be there most of the time.
11:44.52L|ElvisoI'm well versed in the nature of rare spawns...
11:45.09MiravlixThen whats the problem in understanding a rare spawn checker?
11:45.32CideMiravlix: you said "if the mob is there or quit the game.", yet you never /quit the game, so he's wondering what you meant.
11:45.39Cidewhat's the problem in understanding that?
11:45.43L|ElvisoCide: exactly.
11:46.06MiravlixIt's my debug version for testing if it works
11:46.19MiravlixIf it quits the game every time it's hard to test
11:46.22Cideyou lost me.
11:46.40Cideso there you go, that wasn't hard to explain
11:46.42L|ElvisoOk, I think I've figured it out through context clues by now.
11:46.50MiravlixI've said that 10 times now
11:46.53Cideno you haven't
11:46.58MiravlixBut L can't understand it for some reason
11:47.10MiravlixYes I have
11:47.13Cideno, you didn't explain in a good way; I didn't understand either
11:47.16L|ElvisoScroll up.
11:47.18Shouryuucan someone load this ?
11:47.22krka|worki agree with cide and l
11:47.22Miravlix[13:40] <Miravlix> It's the debug version had to make sure it works
11:47.49Cidethat's the problem our soccer coach had.
11:47.53MiravlixHow hard was that to understand?
11:48.06Cidehe knew all the "exercises", so he left out what he thought was obvious
11:48.18Cidein reality, nobody understood what he meant.
11:48.37MiravlixI didn't leave anything out
11:48.44MiravlixI told it was the debug version
11:48.59Cideyou have to be 100% clear to make sure everybody understands, and that's not part of stupidity, idiocy or intelligence, it's just how things are
11:49.06CideI am still not 100% sure what you meant
11:49.23Shouryuuplease can someone load that page?
11:49.26MiravlixIt's a freaking joke for crying out loud
11:49.31ShouryuuI'll... do something nice if you can :P
11:49.33Cideand that applies even more so in written context, where you have no facial expressions to go by.
11:50.08CideShouryuu: I get to
11:50.13L|ElvisoShouryuu: takes me to
11:50.17krka|workwhat am i supposed to see?
11:50.20krka|workyeah, me too
11:50.35L|Elvisothere was a brief redirect before that though
11:50.36krka|workit's written in weirdospeek
11:50.39CideMiravlix: you've called me an idiot if I remember correctly, and now you're implying that we are idiots. perhaps the problem lies elsewhere?
11:51.16MiravlixWhen your camping a rare you have to either be in game for 10-15 hours waiting for the spawn
11:51.26MiravlixOr you can log in every xx minutes and check for it
11:51.35Cideif I would guess, this channel is composed of a very low percentage of stupid people
11:51.53CideI am familiar with that, yes.
11:52.02MiravlixSo for fun, I made a macro that scans for the names I'm looking for
11:52.23L|ElvisoWell, I did ask for clarification about the "or quit" part twice, and both times Miravlix replied with "how rare spawns work 101".
11:52.35ShouryuuL|Elviso is there anything written? I can't load anything
11:52.44L|ElvisoShouryuu: yes
11:52.54ShouryuuCan you either post the text on a pastebin
11:53.04MiravlixWhat else is there to do if the mob isn't there than to quit and come back later?
11:53.08Shouryuuor copy past and send it to my email
11:53.21MiravlixPetttion a GM and hope they spawn it?
11:53.44Cidethat's besides the point
11:53.52ShouryuuThank you VERY much
11:53.55Cidehe was asking about the macro, not the theory behind camping
11:53.59L|Elvisoits the HTML...sure
11:54.12MiravlixCide: And I said it was the debug version to test the concept
11:54.31L|ElvisoMiravlix: yes, I asked about "or quit", not "how do rare spawns work". I was confused because your English explaining the nature of your macro was very poor.
11:54.44MiravlixAnd I said it was the debug version to test the concept
11:54.45Shouryuudamn assholes want to make me pay for some help...
11:55.17MiravlixIf the mob is there I would kill it
11:55.26MiravlixIf the mob isn't there I would quit and come back later
11:55.33L|Elviso"I wrote a macro to check if the mob is there or quit the game."
11:55.35MiravlixWhy is that sutch a big deal
11:55.51L|ElvisoThat implies that you want to check if the mob is there, or check if the mob has quit the game.
11:56.21s|loupa mob quits the game?
11:56.22MiravlixIt's I Le'Clerk
11:56.25L|Elviso"I wrote a macro to check if the mob is there, if not I quit the game." would've caused no confusion.
11:56.45Shouryuuand you've been discussing about this for?
11:57.06MiravlixMan you sure can ruin a simple comment
11:57.21s|loupwhat a subject ...
11:57.23MiravlixIt was not something to be deeply physcoanalyzed
11:57.45L|Elvisowell, I asked a simple question, and you dodged the answer twice, and were very condescending to me both times...
11:57.52MiravlixIt was just a intentional lame comment about camping rares
11:58.15L|Elvisoforget I ever said anything
12:06.19ShouryuuI love french people
12:06.24ShouryuuI didn't have scholl today
12:06.40ShouryuuStudents were demonstrating, and blocked the school entrance
12:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
12:16.59krka|workdo you go to school because you have to, or because you want to learn something?
12:17.09krka|work(translates to: how old are you?)
12:17.24MiravlixPeople that go to school, go there because they ahve to
12:17.55MiravlixIt's only older people that think it's fun to go to school after they don't have to do it anymore. :)
12:18.43krka|worki went to school because i liked it after age 15 or so
12:32.20Josh|Blahquestion: how can i determine how much memory my mod is using?
12:33.13L|Elvisoload your favorite addon bar w/performance monitor
12:33.25L|Elvisoand load your addon + a random one
12:33.34L|Elvisothen load with just yours
12:33.36L|Elvisoand subtract
12:33.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
12:33.44Josh|Blah*cry* ok :-)
12:33.46L|Elvisoerr vice-versa
12:34.06L|Elvisoyou get the drift
12:34.47L|Elvisothat's the best way I know of, someone else may have something better
12:35.00AnduinLothari enjoy learning, but unfortunetly school is not the best organized place for learning
12:35.23L|Elvisoschool can be awesome if the teacher actually gives a shit about teaching
12:35.26Wobin_Ironic that
12:35.40Josh|Blahare there ANY plugins for infobar?
12:35.47AnduinLotharit is merely the acceptable way so that you can have a representation for other people to assess your learnedness
12:36.01L|Elvisounmotivated teacher = school sucks, motivated teacher = even English can be fun
12:36.15AnduinLothari've had a number of good english teachers
12:36.23L|ElvisoJosh|Blah: IB comes with several...and yes there's lots others
12:36.36ShouryuuI go because I have to, and want to learn something :P
12:36.50AnduinLotharbut i have yet to have a good engineering teacher.
12:37.04Shouryuudon't have any of those :P
12:37.04AnduinLotharprogramming teachers tend to enjoy their work
12:37.19L|ElvisoMath teachers are notoriously lame.
12:37.20Shouryuuwell to dedicate your life to programming you really have to enjoy it
12:37.30Shouryuumy previous maths teacher was so cool
12:37.36AnduinLotharand math teachers are usually obsessed with math (and need to take more english classes)
12:37.41L|ElvisoProgramming teachers are fruitcakes 1/2 the time, lol they're always weird.
12:38.00AnduinLotharweird is usually better imo
12:38.08Shouryuumy maths teacher was the coolest teacher we'd ever had. She really cared about us and did our best for our success
12:38.08[MoonWolf]non weird programming teachers are useless.
12:38.08L|ElvisoI concur
12:38.13L|Elvisoweirdness keeps me awake
12:38.17Shouryuusame lol
12:38.40AnduinLotharmy engineering teachers tend to either be old and bitter or just in it for the money
12:39.13AnduinLotharthere's no 'open source/betterment of humanity' spirit in engineering
12:39.33L|ElvisoUniversity teachers are corrupt anyways.....getting paid-off by publishing companies
12:39.43Shouryuunone of that in France :p
12:39.45Wobin_There is usually very little money in teaching =)
12:40.01L|Elviso...but there's lots of money to be had from book publishers
12:40.11AnduinLotharmmm, mot usually the case. i find it more difficult to learn from teachers paid to research in a subject they aren't teaching
12:40.47AnduinLotharcause no one researches cicuitry on the scale you learn it..
12:41.23AnduinLotharand no one cases about assembly code except people writing compilers
12:42.07AnduinLotharthey don't teach 'design' with engineering... it's now something different and engineering is boring
12:42.31Shouryuuteaching in France is weird
12:42.51Shouryuuwe teach you tons of things you don't need to know, so we can figure out if you're smart enough to understand the things you need to knopw
12:43.40L|ElvisoShouryuu: that's the basic premise of most educational facilities.
12:44.02Shouryuustill a very weird way of doing things
12:45.01AnduinLothari find it sad that I had learned enough after 1 programming class to program something wothy of being published, but no one cares how much engineering you can do unless you have a giant funding budget and develop something for a niche market
12:45.22L|ElvisoI'm still waiting for colleges to get smart, and offer a new form of classroom....the Discovery Channel classroom....
12:45.37ShouryuuDiscovery Channel sucks
12:45.39L|ElvisoYou watch a DC video (or series), and then report back what you've learned.
12:45.54L|ElvisoWell, could be any number of educational documentary channels.
12:46.40L|ElvisoBut the premise would be that you get full-multimedia instruction, from professionals excited about their work.
12:47.09Shouryuuon a 15" screen, long live human contact
12:47.37L|ElvisoWith all the violence going around, who needs human contact.
12:47.55ShouryuuI hope you're kiding though :P
12:47.58L|ElvisoEspecially if that contact is monotous and puts you to sleep when you're supposed to be learning.
12:48.17ShouryuuSo a happy man on a TV screen isn't
12:48.36L|ElvisoNot if presented correctly.
12:49.21ShouryuuI'm still no convinced
12:49.32L|Elvisothat's one example :p
12:49.48ShouryuuI'm usre there are 100 of exmaples
12:49.58Shouryuuthe same way there's 100 of examples of good teachers
12:50.23Shouryuuohh bikini calculus
12:50.27ShouryuuI take that back :P
12:53.18Wobin_Is the Worldofwarcraft mainsite up or is it just my connection being an arse?
12:54.08zespriup for me
13:00.34ShouryuuMan the ADvent Child is such a beautiful piece of animation
13:01.36L|Elvisoredefining a variable inside a loop will cause the var to be reset to nil for each iteration, no?
13:03.17zespriof course. if you write local bla; there is no way that it won;t be null at the execution of the next statement
13:03.42zespridoesn't matter inside of loop or not
13:03.45L|Elvisook, thanks. that's what I figured.
13:05.20L|ElvisoI'm liking notepad++
13:06.00L|ElvisoI added the WoW API functions (all 1000+) to one of the keyword lists, helps alot
13:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
13:09.37AnduinLotharheya cair
13:09.44Cairennhey :)
13:09.57AnduinLotharhow goes?
13:11.37Cairennpretty good, hopefully things will continue to taper off today as they did yesterday ... yourself?
13:12.20AnduinLotharnot too bad. gonan be pushing another cosmos release this weekend to catch all the bugs we've cleaned in alpha
13:12.40AnduinLothargot my hairs cut today, so my head's lighter
13:12.46Cairennhehehe, cool
13:13.09AnduinLotharwork's not bad, tho haven't got as much sleep as i would have liked this spring break
13:14.31AnduinLothargetting new patcher releases from our coder almost every day, good to see progress
13:15.29AnduinLotharthott seems to be the delaying factor... we seem to be always waiting on him to get the server to do what we want
13:17.02Cairennfunny, that seems to be a bit of a recurring theme ...
13:17.04L|Elvisodoes Cosmos interact w/Thott other than uploading items and profiles?
13:17.23AnduinLotharhe hosts the server for the patcher and site
13:17.33L|ElvisoI see.
13:18.11AnduinLotharbut it's a different server than the thottbot one
13:19.01L|ElvisoI would assume that's a good thing
13:19.28AnduinLotharwe go down less often, but we have less bandwidth
13:20.09AnduinLotharbut he's a better server host than many of the other popular wow sites that get high traffic
13:20.18AnduinLotharnever down for more than 30 min
13:20.28AnduinLotharthink we were down for an hour once...
13:20.45L|ElvisoHow many users do you guesstimate you have?
13:21.00AnduinLothari have absolutely no idea at this point
13:21.41AnduinLotharthere's no real way to count anything with the patcher
13:22.01AnduinLotharwe count count patcher downloads, but that's almost as useless
13:23.05L|ElvisoWouldn't suprise me of you had 500k +
13:23.30L|Elviso(did I get that s/ backwards?)
13:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:25.07AnduinLotharwell if google is any indication we are #1 for "cosmos" #2 for "wow addon" #4 for "wow ui" ...
13:26.24AnduinLotharbut thott and curse get an order of magnitude more traffic..
13:27.46*** kick/#wowi-lounge [wowguru-7171!] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
13:29.46L|Elvisoisn't that just the wowguru bot?
13:31.00Wobin_It's someone connected through the wowguru page
13:31.02Cairennno, that was a very rude jerk from last night that apparently never actually disconnected from the channel
13:31.11Cairennwhat Wobin_ said, too
13:31.39L|ElvisoI thought it was one of the bots....there's one that hangs out in my server channel, and it's pretty useful
13:31.53Wobin_purl is our bot! =)
13:32.01purl:), Wobin_
13:32.12Cairennthe only bot in this channel is purl, and his real reason for being in the channel is to provide channel logs
13:32.24Wobin_He's really a communist spy
13:32.25Cairennhe just happens to sometimes be amusing and sometimes annoying
13:32.30Wobin_But we don't talk about that
13:33.03JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
13:33.17purlACTION hugs Cairenn
13:34.15AnduinLotharloos like cosmos traffic has been pretty constant since about the beginning of last year..
13:35.06AnduinLotharbet you can't tell when patchdays were..
13:35.18[MoonWolf]wow curse really had a peak start 2006
13:36.36AnduinLotharbut that's also not including the patcher nor the fact that curse has a zillion more addons
13:36.56AnduinLotharbasicly just forums
13:37.18L|ElvisoLooks like got a new IP today
13:38.08AnduinLotharwell, we used to have a 3 server cluster
13:38.30AnduinLotharbut then got moved to just 1 computer and thottbot got the other two
13:38.54AnduinLotharand i have no idea what thott does with the ip's
13:39.12AnduinLotharlong as it works and i can get features out of him i dont care too much
13:40.18L|ElvisoI just realized there's a also
13:40.21L|Elvisoon a diff IP
13:40.31L|ElvisoI'll have to start using that when I can't get to .com
13:40.59kremontethat's cause it's thottbot, not thotbott ._.
13:41.13kremontethotbott is justa mirror
13:41.59L|Elvisoall 3 have different IP's
13:43.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:43.23AnduinLotharslightly above curse.. interesting
13:44.17L|Elvisofailed connections don't count I'm sure
13:45.08AnduinLotharonly slightly above TB
13:45.19L|Elvisodamn, all 3 Thott servers are in the same datacenter, behind the same switch
13:45.50AnduinLotharties curse
13:46.18L|ElvisoI'd like to see the rank during the week the expansion is released
13:46.42kremonteWarsong disappeared
13:47.22[MoonWolf]AnduinLothar, that does not account for the eu and other localized pages.
13:47.26[MoonWolf]nor for the forums.
13:49.48AnduinLotharevery measurement has it's flaws
13:50.26kremontecan somebody log in to US servers
13:50.29kremonteand tell me if Warsong is there?
13:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:51.09AnduinLotharheya leg
13:51.52AnduinLotharyay for pay day. I'm rich!
13:52.19[MoonWolf]spend it
13:52.37AnduinLotharmmm my $0.50 raise went into effect
13:53.28AnduinLotharmmm, only rich for a day. rent is due tomorrow :P
13:55.35kremonteanybody? :X
13:55.36AnduinLotharsleeps trying to get realms..
13:55.36kremonteyeah wobin
13:55.36kremonteti disappeared for me
13:55.36Wobin_Well bugger Western Kingdoms not loaded =P
13:55.37AnduinLotharnot on my list
13:55.44kremonteahhh the sky is falling
13:55.52AnduinLotharonly 3 'W's
13:55.56kremontei was starting basic testing of GoWoW ><
13:56.04Wobin_er eastern
13:56.06Wobin_Whatver =p
13:56.15kremontelol, not the zone you silly
13:56.19Wobin_Warsong appears not to be up
13:56.22Wobin_as a server
13:56.42AnduinLotharcant u just check the wow site?
13:56.56kremonteit doesn't apply for warsong
13:57.03kremontewarsong is too cool. it makes its own rules
13:57.10Wobin_doesn't apply? =P
13:57.16AnduinLotharlazy bastard
13:57.37kremontei'm serious =/
13:57.43kremontehalf the time it says warsong is up
13:57.43AnduinLothar says down
13:57.53kremontebut it's really down
13:58.18AnduinLotharwell then if it SAYS it's down. it must be REALLY down
13:59.02kremontesee like
13:59.05kremontethe page says whisperwind is down
13:59.07kremontebut it's up ._.
14:00.41AnduinLotharhmmm, i should fix mobile frames..
14:01.13AnduinLothari have too many addons to maintain..
14:02.14L|ElvisoAnduinLothar: doesn't that just move frames around?
14:02.28AnduinLotharlol, just
14:02.41L|ElvisoAre you the author?
14:03.22L|ElvisoI see, I didn't mean to insinuate that it was an easy task.
14:04.06L|ElvisoI used it for quite awhile, but I noticed a complete screen-freeze for 3-5s when moving frames sometimes
14:04.14AnduinLotharlol, w/e. WoW wasn't meant to be mobile. It's a pain in the ass to keep it mobile with them reanchoring eerything
14:04.26L|ElvisoI use KC_Mobility now and haven't noticed the same thing happening.
14:04.51AnduinLotharand yes. the frame relayering now causes lag occationally when the client decides to relayer everything on screen
14:05.04L|ElvisoI see
14:05.22AnduinLotharnot a MF thing. it has to do with the way the client handles rendoring
14:07.35AnduinLothararg... who rebroke CastOptions...
14:10.42L|Elvisofor this code:
14:10.44L|Elvisolocal val = {}; val.a = 0; val.b = 0; val.c = 0; val.d = 0;
14:10.55L|Elvisocould it also be written like:
14:10.56L|Elvisolocal val = {a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0};
14:11.41Shouryuuthink so
14:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
14:13.47L|Elvisook ty
14:20.42AnduinLotharbah, damned new rep bar is moving my fps
14:20.53krka|workmoving fps?
14:21.00AnduinLotharit moves it up
14:21.02ShouryuuI hate pilosophy
14:21.17L|Elvisothat's what I enjoy about PHP can literally tell the script to DIE
14:23.36krka|workmost languages have an exit-command
14:23.38CideDie, script. DIE!
14:23.45krka|workJava: System.exit(code);
14:25.09L|Elviso<? require '' or die; ?>
14:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
14:27.11AnduinLotharwhere'd they put all the new reputation bar code
14:28.37[MoonWolf]isnt that more of a question we would ask YOU
14:28.57MiravlixSame place as the old code was
14:31.02AnduinLotharwow... where the hell is the FramerateLabel relocate..
14:31.25MiravlixGood question
14:32.20AnduinLotharthey rewrote the whole bottom frame management code..
14:32.37AnduinLotharin UIParent.lua
14:32.37MiravlixWhere Where!
14:33.19MiravlixUIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"] = {baseY = 60, bottomEither = 40, pet = 40, reputation = 9};
14:33.21AnduinLotharwonder if this makes my life easier or harder..
14:33.33MiravlixDoesn't that look easier?
14:33.52AnduinLothartechnically... cept i have to rewrite 12 carefully crafted hooks
14:33.53MiravlixWe just have to do UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS("frame".baseY = something
14:34.35AnduinLotharmy brain hurts. it's not just two frame resets i have to rewrite it's like 12
14:35.03MiravlixAnd when I do my own castingbar mover, I just have to do baseY = basey + something
14:35.15AnduinLothargood for you..
14:35.37AnduinLotharomg UIParent_ManageFramePositions is fricken huge..
14:36.02MiravlixIt has every frame in it.
14:36.17AnduinLotharlooks like i'm hooking that bastard..
14:36.17MaldiviaHmm, so moveanything and similar addons, can just add to that table now instead, and have UIParent handle it ? :)
14:36.39AnduinLotharno, that table only holds half of them
14:36.53AnduinLotharthe rest are all hardcoded in one large function
14:37.25MiravlixThey stilla ren't moveable
14:37.34AnduinLotharsomeone kill me now
14:37.38MiravlixThey are just pushable a bit
14:37.58AnduinLothari'm about to smash in mys kull with my keyboard
14:38.05MiravlixIt makes life easier for non moved stuff
14:38.47AnduinLotharyou know what... fuck it. i'm just gonna override all the setpoints
14:38.58AnduinLotharmake my own giant loop table
14:39.15AnduinLotharsick of trying to hook 20 zillion frames
14:39.24AnduinLotharer functions
14:39.36MiravlixWhy does the CastingbarFrame_UpdatePostion hook still work
14:40.04AnduinLothari have about 20 hooks asking somehting similar
14:40.04Shouryuudoes everyone think Truman Capote is a good book?
14:40.40MiravlixOh my god it doesn't work
14:40.46MiravlixIt's commented out. :p
14:41.06AnduinLothari'm gonna have to beat up slouken for stealthing this one in
14:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
14:42.20MiravlixHow appropiate
14:42.23MiravlixRead error. 1.10
14:42.25AnduinLotharto anchor things with mf you will soon have to reset them first
14:44.28AnduinLotharand i tried for so long to be different from moveanything
14:44.39AnduinLotharsad day
14:45.33MiravlixHmm, does SetPoint on castiingbar update it's data
14:45.49MiravlixI don't understand why my castingbar hook works.
14:49.10MiravlixHey it isn't all bad
14:49.15MiravlixUIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"] = nil
14:49.22MiravlixAnd the function no longer mess with it
14:49.34AnduinLotharthat works for those that are predefined
14:49.43AnduinLotharbut the hardcoded ones..
14:50.25AnduinLotharthey needed to make a more robust table with limiter callbacks..
14:51.07MiravlixThat one seems nice too, it only set it if you haven't defined it as user placed
14:51.13AnduinLotharthat's because that's draggable int he defaul tui
14:52.22KirkburnSo ... Curse is down again.
14:52.57KirkburnAnduinLothar, shouldn't u be sleeping?
14:53.02Cairennluckily for you, WoWI isn't, so you can still get your mods pushed
14:53.14AnduinLothari should
14:53.24AnduinLotharbut wow made me mad
14:53.33AnduinLotharand i started programming again
14:53.38AnduinLotharfuck, i'm addicted
14:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
14:54.01AnduinLotharquick someone gimme a rusty spoon, i need to scoop my eyes out
14:54.17MiravlixHmm, it only works until I call a pet. :p
14:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
14:54.49KirkburnWhat, rusty spoons?
14:55.01KirkburnDo your pets steal them or something?!
14:55.44KirkburnI don't know where I'm going with this either ... when do you start work Anduin?
14:56.20KirkburnHave you actually been to bed yet today?
14:56.56KirkburnOkay, lets try this. Click Start. Click Shutdown. Click Bed. :)
14:57.10Legorol^i suggest the power button straight away
14:57.16AnduinLothari dont have a start menu
14:57.21grollAnduinLothar there are more quests to be done! :D
14:57.26grollgo go go :D
14:57.29L|ElvisoI was just sitting here on the login screen for WoW
14:57.31Legorol^or wall |-----computer  =>  wall |     /-----computer
14:57.35L|Elvisoand the Blizz updater loaded up
14:57.44KirkburnBackground Downloader?
14:57.45L|Elvisonow its gone
14:57.52Kirkburnit does that
14:57.55Legorol^L|Elviso:  that's normal
14:57.59KirkburnThere's nothing to download yet :)
14:58.01L|Elvisooh, never noticed it
14:58.06KirkburnNew for 1.10
14:58.10KirkburnAlso, kinda broken
14:58.37KirkburnPreferences won't save, and it doesn't stay open when you manually run it
14:59.12grollhmms who is it that does bosspanel bags?
14:59.27Legorol^Kirkburn: that's a known bug, check US Tech supp. forum
14:59.41KirkburnThat's why I know it Legorol ;)
14:59.42Legorol^groll: IEF working for you now?
14:59.48Legorol^Kirkburn: ah right
14:59.58grollnot sure, havent had 40 members online again :P
15:00.16grollif it goes bonkers then i'll yell :P
15:00.44MiravlixUIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"].baseY + UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"].baseY + 30
15:02.13KirkburnErm, Aeus just said this on the EU forums "That's ok, we're getting new forums tomorrow and we'll be able to post in 72 point ;) "
15:02.29KirkburnNow here's the thing. It's April 1st 2moro
15:02.42MiravlixDon't trust anything these days
15:02.53AnduinLotharapple's 30th b-day
15:05.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:05.53ShouryuuI actually am trying to find out how to tie a tie :p
15:06.40Shouryuuand god damn do I suck at it
15:06.53AnduinLothartakes practice
15:07.06ShouryuuI have until tomorow =(
15:07.59MiravlixUIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"].baseY = UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["CastingBarFrame"].baseY + 60
15:08.08KirkburnBut then I did have to wear one nigh on every day from when I was 5 to 18
15:08.27MiravlixNeed to get that thing into Iriels 1.10 change post
15:08.31Shouryuulike teh third time I wear one
15:09.19Legorol^Shouryuu: doesn't matter how sucky it looks, goes with the easiest tieing method
15:09.26KirkburnThere was a music channel here that showed an strange public service annoucements every so often, one was 'how to tie a tie'
15:09.53KirkburnWas an experimental MTV music channel, no adverts, just music and dubbed public service annoucements
15:10.06KirkburnI quite liked it :) Weird italians
15:12.33ShouryuuI feel so stupid right now
15:14.36Shouryuuthe guy who invented this was fucked up
15:15.03Legorol^ok, you Linux gurus, how do I grep for a particular character when i only know the ASCII code?
15:15.14Legorol^grep doesn't seem to understand \191 type of thing
15:15.37Legorol^if there is something better to use than grep, do tell
15:18.30cladhaireLegorol: Can't you do it using regexp?
15:18.59Legorol^what is regexp?
15:19.16krka|workregular expression
15:19.17Shouryuu|CrazyOMG! I managed! lol. The tie is ugly but the knot is guuud
15:19.30Legorol^krka: yeah i know regexp usually stands for a regular expression
15:19.38Legorol^i thought cladhaire meant a utility callled "regexp"
15:19.48Legorol^i do know that grep has regexps
15:19.58krka|workjust have to figure out the syntax for your need
15:20.03Legorol^what i'm asking is, how do i put a character in a regexp when i only know the ascii
15:20.07Legorol^that's exactly what i'm asking
15:20.12Legorol^man grep is less than useful
15:20.21JoshBorkewowinterface down?
15:20.46Legorol^i mean man grep is great, but it doesn't tell me how to put in a character like that
15:20.48JoshBorkeoooo! grep!
15:20.57Legorol^grab the grep
15:22.25Shouryuu|TieProok now I can't get the fat part to be as long as the skinny part
15:22.27TainYou should be able to do \xxx, at least as far as I knew.  Try \xyy with yy being the hex code for the char you're looking for?
15:22.52AnduinLotharis 'bottomLeft' ever even used int he uiparent code..
15:22.52cladhaireYeah, I'm playing with it
15:23.22krka|workperl uses \xHH where HH is the hex code for the character
15:23.22AnduinLotharnot in the UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS loop..
15:23.23krka|workoops, didn't read tain
15:24.43cladhairegrep can use perl regexp, so we can use that if nothing else.
15:25.15Legorol^if i use \xxx, would that be treated as an octal, or as a decimal?
15:25.37krka|worknot hexadecimal?
15:25.44Legorol^krka i mean something like \191
15:25.45TainNo, \xYY would be hex
15:25.52Legorol^octal? meh...
15:25.52TainWhere YY is the number
15:26.13TainYes, \xxx is octal for regex expressions
15:26.28Shouryuu|TieProw000t! I've done it
15:26.30Legorol^not for grep :(
15:26.41TainOh.. you may be able to do /uXXXX and use the Unicode id. :)
15:26.46Legorol^hm, maybe i need to do \0xxx
15:26.50Legorol^to make it treat it as an octal
15:27.04Legorol^with \191 i get what i'd expect: "invalid back-reference"
15:27.26cladhairejust use the hex code
15:27.29TainHow are you using it?  From a command line, from inside a script, inside a program?
15:27.30Legorol^doesn't work :/
15:27.35Legorol^i tried grep "\xBF" *
15:27.44JoshBorkei broke 1k downloads on WoWI!
15:27.50cladhairegrats JoshBorke
15:27.51Legorol^gratz JoshBorke
15:27.57Legorol^feels better than a ding!, doesn't it ;-)
15:28.07JoshBorkeindeed :D
15:28.16AnduinLothari broke my addon, does that count?
15:28.22Legorol^man, this is frustrating... all i want to do is find the byte BF in my files
15:28.26Legorol^how difficult can it be?
15:28.28JoshBorkeLegorol: want to look into my SetPoint problem? ^_^
15:28.36Legorol^no, i want to find BF
15:28.42Legorol^after that, i'm up for anything
15:29.02AnduinLotharno leg... that is not frustrating... frustrating is finding out they rewrote all the UIParent anchoring without telling you
15:29.32Legorol^AnduinLothar: they rewrote lotsa stuff
15:29.41Legorol^the diff file is a few thousand lines long
15:29.47AnduinLotharhave you looked in UIParent.lua recently?
15:29.55Legorol^i avoided it like a plague
15:30.12Legorol^i'm not surprised it's giving you headaches
15:30.29Legorol^oops, that came out wrong
15:30.33AnduinLotharthey got rid of 5 or 6 functions and merged them in to one. but instead of abstracting it all , they only abstracted half of it... makign the other half 20x more impossible to work with
15:31.08Legorol^ok, how about this: is there a command for hex-dumping a file?
15:31.30Legorol^this is what i don't like about Linux: i can't tell what commands even exist
15:31.40Legorol^without knowing what i'm looking for, i can't look for it
15:32.09AnduinLotharman woman
15:37.12AnduinLotharFramerateLabel is such a pain in the ass
15:38.31AnduinLotharcause it's a fricking floating FONTSTRING with no parent to hold it together
15:38.41AnduinLotharwhat moron decided that was a good idea
15:40.15Legorol^that makes it draggable?
15:40.33Legorol^i mean, isn't the idea that it doesn't have a parent, so that you can see it even if you hide UIParent?
15:40.53AnduinLotharno. it's still parented to the worldframe
15:41.09AnduinLotharbut it NEEDS to be anchored to a frame that is anchored to the world frame
15:41.27AnduinLotharcause FontStrings have a crap load of deficiencies
15:41.40AnduinLotharwhich basicly means they don't do anythign but sit thtere
15:42.23AnduinLothari can't drag them, i can't do a IsUserPlaced on them... i can't strata them..
15:43.00Legorol^lol i see what you mean
15:44.46AnduinLotharthis stupid ui was NOT meant to be mobile..
15:46.13Legorol^fortunately, there is a relatively easy solution:
15:46.19Legorol^create your own, draggable frame
15:46.26Legorol^put fontstrings in there
15:46.43Legorol^and just simply replace FramerateLabel to point to your version in the Lua namespace
15:46.45AnduinLotharstill have to hook the fontstring setpoint and redirect it to your parent frame
15:47.00AnduinLotharnah, the redirect doesn't always work
15:47.04Legorol^does anyone SetPoint the FramerateLabel?
15:47.18AnduinLotharUIParent does now
15:47.38Legorol^oh i see
15:47.39AnduinLotharand that's what I think about it
15:48.48Legorol^AnduinLothar: it seems to me that adding an "anchorTo" entry in UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS["FramerateLabel"] solves the issue
15:49.07AnduinLotharthen the offset goes to hell
15:49.10Legorol^but what i'm puzzled by is why the heck does the Blizz code try to anchor it anchor it to UIParent?
15:49.29AnduinLothargood question
15:49.52AnduinLotharit does doesn't it
15:50.05Legorol^oh i see why
15:50.11Legorol^because you can show it when the UIParent is visible
15:50.13AnduinLothargood, now that there's a bug i can make slouken rewrite it
15:50.20Legorol^and it has to be adjusted in position according to pet/rep bar
15:50.22AnduinLotharhidden u mean?
15:50.26Legorol^no, visible
15:50.40Legorol^think about it, it has to be moved up or down if the pet/rep bar is hidden/shown
15:50.42AnduinLotharoh right, not parent
15:50.47AnduinLotharjust anchor
15:51.23AnduinLotharok, well my crappy bag hijack still works
15:51.27AnduinLotharthat's good
15:52.58Legorol^AnduinLothar: also, it seems to me that if the UserPlaced flag is on on a frame, the frame manager doesn't SetPoint it
15:53.24Legorol^so it seems to me that redirecting FramerateLabel to point to one of your FontStrings should work
15:54.23Legorol^oh wait
15:54.29Legorol^it checks if it's a frame-type
15:54.33Legorol^bah, it's nasty
15:55.27AnduinLothardoesn't matter, PetActionBarFrame is hardcoded
15:55.33AnduinLotharQuestTimerFrame too
15:55.43AnduinLotharand DurabilityFrame
15:56.11AnduinLotharhalf of them are nicely abstracted... the other half means hooking another function
15:56.23AnduinLotharso i said fuck it and hooked all the setpoints instead
15:57.14AnduinLotharnow there's no relocating at all if it's UserPlaced and enabled for mf
15:59.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
15:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
16:02.07L|ElvisoDr Jekyll and Mr Lothar
16:02.37Eraphine|LabAnduinLothar I can't seem to fix ismounted
16:02.58AnduinLotharwonking vers in cosmos
16:03.02Eraphine|Labah great
16:07.59ckknighthey all
16:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
16:09.00Shouryuu|TieProdamn Gello and cirk already did the Inner Fire Counter addon
16:09.03Ktronhey sharkhat
16:09.11Shouryuu|TieProwas hoping I could do something usefull
16:09.12ckknightis WoWI down for others?
16:09.15Shouryuu|TieProauto-completion frw
16:09.21Shouryuu|TieProI got it :P
16:09.25KtronI'll check ckknight
16:09.38Shouryuu|TieProdown for me
16:09.43Ktrondown here too
16:09.51ckknightthis is bad
16:10.10Ktronheh, any reason why its bad, besides the obvious?
16:10.45Shouryuu|TieProwell the obvious ins't often stated. So I was guessing there was something more than the obvious
16:11.09ckknightpeople can't download
16:11.16ckknightI have 2 new bugs, but I don't know what they are
16:11.33Ktronwhich addon is yours again, ckknight?
16:11.49ckknightBossPanel and such
16:11.51Maldivia*smirk* Love slouken's "/bump" :)
16:12.26KtronHeh, I run that pretty heavily... I don't think I've noticed them yet, but I'm trying to think whether I've noticed anything
16:12.26AnduinLotharis the pet Action Bar sposed to have the frame back ground if you have the bottom left bar vissible?
16:12.32L|Elvisockknight: you don't know what the actual bugs are?
16:12.58Ktronckknight, I remember two minor changes that I would recommend, but they aren't 'bugs'
16:13.00ckknightL|elviso, I got them from the RSS feed, which gets the first sentence
16:13.11ckknighthit me, Ktron
16:13.41Ktronckknight, If you change the slider that controls spacing, the dialog moves left and right, which makes it difficult to stay on top of the slider heh
16:13.49Ktronckknight, was that clear?
16:14.17ckknightI don't know how to fix that easily
16:14.36ckknightactually, nvm
16:14.37ckknightI do
16:14.39Ktronckknight, And second, at least for me, BossPanel stops short of spanning the entire top, and I'm not sure if that was intentional or something I did or something unintentional
16:14.51ckknightclick and drag the edge
16:14.54ckknightyou can resize it that way
16:15.06Ktronoh? heh heh, that would be spectactular
16:16.32L|Elvisothat IS cool
16:16.33ckknightit's in the the early part of the changelog
16:16.37ckknightI know, it's not obvious
16:16.47ckknightI'll make it so the mouse changes on the edges
16:17.03L|ElvisoI discovered by accident (I never read the changelog..) that you can move BP anywhere too
16:17.16L|Elvisoi.e. doesn't have to be anchored to the top or bottom
16:17.21L|Elvisowhich is cool
16:17.33ckknightif you right click it, it has a "Detach Panel" dealy
16:17.39Eraphine|LabAnduinLothar you sure ismounted works?
16:17.51sharkhatKtron,  np, happens to me all the time
16:18.31Eraphine|Labnm I see what you did
16:19.37AnduinLotharworks here..
16:19.51Eraphine|Labyeah I saw you set the anchor each time it scans the tooltip
16:20.31AnduinLotharonload is probably sufficient, but I was having problems while zoning... not sure what was happening
16:20.34Eraphine|LabI noticed some other addons were running the setowner in the xml script
16:20.43Eraphine|LabActually I notice the same thing anduin
16:20.49Ktronckknight, is ManaRegged one of your BossPanel addons, or someone elses?
16:21.19Eraphine|Labsomething is causing ownership of tooltips to be lost
16:23.04KtronBecause ManaRegged doesn't seem to work...
16:23.21ckknightnot mine, Ktron
16:23.31KtronJust checking hhe
16:23.32ckknightI saw I screenshot of it, though
16:23.35ckknightI didn't like it
16:24.00ckknightbtw, I fixed the spacing tooltip issue
16:24.18Ktronawesome, I'm sure I'm not the only one who will apreciate it heh
16:28.28Eraphine|Labis there any difference between using WorldFrame over UIParent for owners for tooltips?
16:28.41AnduinLotharUIParent can be hidden
16:29.34Legorol^If your tooltip has a parent defined in its XML, it goes foobar on zoning
16:29.40Legorol^don't set a parent to your tooltips used for scanning
16:29.57Legorol^ehm... is wiki down?
16:30.08Legorol^Eraphine|Lab: no there is no difference
16:30.14Legorol^you can owner to whatever you like
16:30.22Legorol^owner getting shown/hidden has no effect on the tooltip
16:30.41Legorol^the recommended best practice however is to owner the tooltip to itself, to be on the safe side
16:30.44Legorol^or to WorldFrame
16:30.58Legorol^what *does* have an effect is if the parent of the tooltip gets shown/hidden
16:31.02Legorol^that's why you shouldn't have a parent
16:31.02Eraphine|Labtake out the parent and the tooltips won't break on zones?
16:31.32AnduinLotharmmm, musta missed that part in the debreefing
16:31.47Legorol^AnduinLothar: our understanding on tooltips have evolved over the past few days
16:32.05Legorol^i have compiled the latest knowledge in
16:32.08Legorol^if only wiki wasn't down
16:32.55Legorol^yay, new realms are coming to EU too!
16:35.39Eraphine|Labso leg, the generic fix for tooltipscanning addons is remove parent fro the Gametooltip initaliziation line, and set the owner to WorldFrame, in a script?
16:36.09AnduinLotharso um.. we got a lot of cosmos addons using the 'old' fix..
16:38.17Eraphine|Labthe wiki isn't down for me right now
16:38.38AnduinLotharworks here
16:38.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:38.59Eraphine|LabCan tooltips be without parents?
16:39.43Eraphine|Labok - i'll go test the fix
16:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
16:45.21KtronTwinking is so obnoxious
16:46.40L|Elvisoso fun you mean
16:47.33KtronDon't get me started-- I meant obnoxious, and I'm talking about PvP servers-- Its obnoxious that I'm a push over even to those my level
16:48.23Ktronand twinked gankers gank way more than one person, which means way more than one person is suffering for them to have a good time, and that is wrong
16:48.28Gryphenthe word twinking is obnoxious
16:49.12L|ElvisoNEW ALLIANCE RACE!!!`1```
16:50.38ckknightstupidest race ever...
16:52.05Maldiviaapril 1st  :)
16:52.07Ktronhow do you deal with a level 60 nightelf with their epic mount, who shadowmelds on top of your corpse waiting for you to rez, and chases you down every time/
16:52.39L|Elvisowhat class are you?
16:52.44L|Elvisoand level
16:53.07L|Elvisoyeah, um. log on an alt for about 20 minutes, lol.
16:53.22Ktronyeah, that sucks
16:53.31KtronThat's a problem that I'd wish they'd fix with WoW
16:53.33L|Elvisomake them waste thier time, not yours
17:00.17AnduinLothargah! 9am!
17:05.06L|Elvisoam I allowed to mention a really good deal on webhosting in here? (I benefit none from it)
17:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
17:08.34*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
17:11.46cladhaireL|Elviso: no reason why not
17:13.58L|Elviso$10 for 1 yr, 30gb disk, all the frills..
17:14.14L|Elviso750gb xfer
17:14.19AnduinLotharthat wont last
17:14.36Ktronthat's insane heh
17:14.38Legorol^L|Elviso: is that korean site real?
17:14.42Legorol^i mean it looks like an official page..
17:14.59JoshBorkeLegorol: what's tomorrow?
17:15.00Gryphenapril 1
17:15.01Legorol^shame i don't speak korean
17:15.09KtronI went with recently
17:15.11Gryphenim sure it will appear on tomorrow
17:15.12Legorol^but it's not april 1 yet
17:15.21Legorol^you mean Korea is already on april 1
17:15.23Legorol^good point
17:15.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:15.36Legorol^i think the different sites do different jokes
17:15.44Legorol^i can't wait to see tomorrow though :-)
17:16.51L|ElvisoKtron: is that $7/yr or /mo?
17:17.09Ktrona month, heh
17:17.19KtronThat's reasonable
17:17.27Ktron10$ a year isn't heh
17:17.57Ktronand $7/mo for effectively the resources necessary for 3 sites, and 3 domains included seemed like a solid deal to me
17:28.47L|Elvisofoobar is nice
17:32.45cladhairewhat is foobar?
17:33.21Maldiviafoobar2000 - mp3 software player
17:36.01Maldiviaor well, audio player
17:37.30AnduinLotharanyone wanna stress test a MobileFrames?
17:39.45JoshBorkecan you move the mouse pointer in an addon?
17:40.37Maldiviaonly the mouse can move the cursor
17:40.45JoshBorkeko, just double checking :-)
17:41.20Maldiviawho're you calling a cow ?! :)
17:41.44[MoonWolf]you ofcourse, lay down the smackdown on his candy ass.
17:41.50L|Elvisoanyone have the icon path for PI?
17:42.06L|Elvisopower infusion
17:50.31JoshBorkeer, anyone else getting a connection refused error on wowi?
17:52.39AnduinLothartirednes... creeping.. upon me..
17:53.02AnduinLotharMobileFrames... almost...... finished..
18:00.24AnduinLotharanyone else got a really funcky looking background for their aura/shapeshift bar?
18:00.42AnduinLotharlooks stretched..
18:02.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
18:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
18:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
18:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
18:17.21AnduinLothari think i win
18:19.32AnduinLotharI still need to make it stop loading the blizzard addons, but that's a bigger project...
18:20.49AnduinLotharspose i could make the xp bar and rep bar mobile too... later
18:24.35AnduinLotharhmm wow crashed
18:24.47AnduinLotharException:   SIGSEGV
18:26.16L|Elvisopurl, bring me some more smokes please
18:39.07Wobin_You killed wereHamster!
18:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
18:58.53Shouryuu|TieProwhat do people call mouselook?
18:59.08Shouryuu|TieProthe ability to move the mouse so it moves what you see?
18:59.16Shouryuu|TieProlike when you left click?
18:59.51kremonteuh oh
18:59.54kremontei think i just blew up my hd
19:00.03Shouryuu|TieProwell that sucks indeed
19:00.13kremontei'm copying 19gb of music right now
19:00.28kremonteand it started going slow and it smells like something is on faiar
19:00.42kremontefeu ^_^
19:01.43KtronShouryuu|TiePro, I think it's both right click and left click in WoW
19:01.54kremonteKtron: right click turns the character as well
19:01.55Ktronmouselook is when the camera is controlled by the mouse
19:02.00kremonteleft click is camera-only
19:02.04Ktronkremonte, I know, but its still mouselook
19:02.18KtronQuake3, for example, has mouselook, and you _always_ turn your character
19:02.21kremontehm, to me i'd think it's just like using the arrow keys
19:02.22Shouryuu|TieProdo people know that when you CTRL+Left click, you toggle automatic mouselook?
19:02.40Shouryuu|TieProno need to keep the mouse button down?
19:02.46KtronShouryuu|TiePro, I don't think I did... toggle automatic mouselook?
19:02.49CideI don't
19:02.51Ktronyeah, didn't know that
19:02.56Cidethat must be a mod
19:03.05Cidenothing happens when I ctrl+Lclick
19:03.12Cidehave to hold it to mouselook
19:03.14Shouryuu|TiePromaybe shift click?
19:03.16KtronI'm a big fan of mouselook, its very intuitive, and quick
19:03.23Cidesame deal
19:03.35Shouryuu|TiePromaybe it was a mod
19:03.40Shouryuu|TieProbut dunno which one
19:03.40Ktronor a keybinding?
19:04.07Shouryuu|TieProI only used Nymbia's frames, self cast, quickshift, druidbar, energy watch, and CTRA
19:04.18Shouryuu|TieProdunno which one of those could be doing that
19:04.30KtronI doubt its CTRA, becuase Cide should know about that
19:04.36Cideit's not :)
19:04.38Shouryuu|TieProyeah same :P
19:04.45kremontectra is hawtness
19:04.47Shouryuu|TieProNymbia's are frame so I doubt as well
19:04.50KtronAnd I doubt it's Nymbia's, because I think that's just frames
19:04.55kremontebut there is a need for /ratrevor and /ramurloc
19:05.09Cide/ratrevor was hilarious
19:05.17kremonteramurloc being a picture scale 10x of a murloc pops up taking up your whole screen
19:05.23kremontesound cvar is changed to max
19:05.30kremonteand murloc sound plays en loop thrice
19:05.32Cideour guild was the only one lucky to experience it though, I believe
19:05.38kremontei know
19:06.02kremontei did make magical trevor, but it's not the same!
19:06.20Cidemine was dancing and stuff!
19:06.28kremonteso is mine! ksdmg;skdlfgmdfl;kgmsfdg
19:06.31Cidedid you see /ratrevor?
19:06.34kremontebut i can't do it to the /whole raid/
19:06.40kremontei saw 1 SS that you posted a long time ago
19:06.47Cideit was hotter than that, though
19:06.51kremontef u
19:07.21Shouryuu|TieProwhat was /ratrevor and /ramurloc?
19:07.25Shouryuu|TiePronever heard of them
19:07.45kremonteramurloc was not made
19:07.47kremonteomg cide
19:07.48kremontemake like
19:07.52kremontea ctra plugin system
19:08.16Shouryuu|TieProoff for dinner :p
19:08.16Cidewell, it's not very hard to make a "ctra plugin"
19:08.28kremonteyeah, but it requires digging into ctra
19:08.33Cidethat is true!
19:08.34kremontealso, one thing that would be great
19:08.39kremontea bossmod addition menu
19:08.40Cidewhich might not be the easiest, I suppose
19:08.50kremontei wrote half a dozen mods for aq before new bossmods came out
19:09.41kremontelike zone: [dropdown]  type: [monster yell/starts casting dropdown] text: [snuffleuffugus] rsay: [input] sound: [1-3]
19:09.46kremontea little gui menu
19:09.50kremontebut yeah, the former would be great
19:10.22CideI was going to make an on-the-fly-bossmod mod
19:10.29kremontethat's what i just said ! :P
19:10.56CideI was thinking to make it announce stuff by itself, intelligently
19:11.05kremontei want to make a system that's so incredibly flexible and modular, that it requires no code to create. it's just there
19:11.12Cidebasically a log of what happened during a fight, and then have it make a boss mod out of it on the fly
19:11.20Cidethat would be quite flexible.
19:11.38kremontespamattack? lol
19:11.45kremontethe other day sartura bugged
19:11.49kremonteand spammed her yell
19:11.50kremonte20 times
19:12.05Cideblame blizzard :)
19:12.17kremontewell, i think a gui would be flexible
19:12.27Cideya, but not very useful for me
19:12.35kremontethen i hate you, how about that?
19:12.37Cideit would be nice to see *exactly* what the hell happened during a fight
19:12.43Cidehow about no, you may not hate me
19:12.53kremonteyou have a point
19:12.55kremontei can't hate you
19:13.10kremonteon that note
19:13.15kremontei have no idea how the hell i am going to finish this
19:14.15kremontei have 8kB of comments so far
19:14.18kremonteand 2kB of code
19:14.25kremontei need about 200kB of code
19:15.30Shouryuu|TieProwhat are you trying to do?
19:15.36kremonteporting Go to WoW
19:15.53kremontemultiplayer :D
19:16.20Shouryuu|TieProOh, I'm going to try chess then :P
19:16.23kremontelol i'm gonna make an alliance<>horde version later :D
19:16.30kremontewell sho
19:16.34kremonteyou might wanna wait till i'm done
19:16.36kremonteso you can use my code
19:16.46Shouryuu|TieProNo fun in that :P
19:16.54Shouryuu|TieProis it really hard?
19:16.58kremonteit's not hard
19:16.59kremonteit's just
19:17.00kremonteso much
19:17.07kremonteand i sitll am baffled on how to do an anticheat
19:17.20Shouryuu|TieProcheat as in?
19:17.34kremonteit's multiplayer
19:17.38kremonteit communicates through a channel
19:18.11Shouryuu|TieProencrypt you messages! :
19:18.18kremontecan just um
19:18.20kremonteopen the code
19:18.25kremonteand encrypt their commands too
19:18.27purlsomebody said _~ was sour face
19:18.37kremonteGO AWAY PURL
19:18.40kremontepurl, forget _~
19:18.40purlkremonte: i forgot _~
19:18.53kremontegood. :O
19:18.55purlShouryuu|TiePro: thanks
19:19.08kremontepurl, hug sheuh drageuhn
19:19.11purlACTION hugs sheuh drageuhn
19:19.25kremontele sheuh drugheuhn
19:19.43Shouryuu|TieProLe one and only
19:20.22Shouryuu|TieProwell the only anti-cheat I can come up with is check the validity of the move on both users
19:20.30kremontewhich is what i'm doing
19:20.33Shouryuu|TieProdon't now how to play go
19:20.39kremonteand to deny the move it sends PASS in the channel
19:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
19:20.43kremontebut then
19:20.46kremontepeople can do a valid move
19:20.51kremonteand the other player can say PASS..
19:20.53kremonteor DENY, i dunno
19:21.04kremonteoh i got it
19:21.08kremonteit'll re-check validity
19:21.16Shouryuu|TieProyeah that's what I ment
19:21.25Shouryuu|TieProcheck what you send and check what you get
19:22.04kremonteyeah, and when you check what you get if it's invalid it says DENY
19:22.13kremontethen on the other end it rechecks to make sure you weren't lying
19:22.41Shouryuu|TieProno don't leave the choice to the user
19:23.00kremontei didn't say anything about choice..
19:23.42Shouryuu|TieProparse the message, check validity, if it doesn't pass validity, don't change anything and just send a message to the user who tried to cheat something like "Haha nice try, but l2p"
19:24.00kremonteit has to half it on _both sides_
19:24.12kremontewe're playing a game client side <_<
19:24.28kremonteyou're saying aye but you don't understand >_<
19:24.42kremonteit has to check it both ways
19:24.48Shouryuu|TieProI think we're agreeing, but it's complicated to thouroughly explain on IRC
19:24.52Shouryuu|TieProyeah I agree with that
19:25.28kremontePlayer A adds a piece to the board by sending the chat message manually
19:25.28kremontePlayer B's game catches it and sends DENY to the channel automatically
19:25.28kremontePlayer A's game catches the DENY and verifies that Player B didn't send it manually
19:25.28kremonteBoth players' games agree that it was an invalid move and reject it, Player A redoes his turn
19:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:25.58Shouryuu|TieProSounds fine
19:26.02IrielMorning folks.
19:26.13kremonteit has to be confirmed that a) player a's move was invalid, and b) player b's deny was valid
19:26.15kremontemorning iriel
19:26.20Shouryuu|TieProbut I dunno if you need to check if the deny was manually entered
19:26.30kremontewell Shouryuu|TiePro: picture this scenario
19:26.35IrielAh, the sweet sound of multiplayer game design -- How goes go kremonte ?
19:26.45kremonteplayer A gets a really good move, player B says "omg this is gay"
19:26.49Shouryuu|TieProkremonte Yeah you're right
19:26.49kremonteand messages the channel with DENY
19:26.57kremonteIriel: hard ._.
19:27.32Shouryuu|TieProso I guess the deny has to be sent before player B gets to see what player A did
19:27.33kremontewould it be possible to make it impossible to manually send messages to the channel?
19:27.54kremonteie, to hook the outgoing chat message and don't send it if it's not called by GoWoW.Message() and it's in the cahnnel;
19:27.59IrielEven if it's manually impossible, you can't STOP people breaking the rules, you CAN however make each client abl eto say 'the other player is breaking the rules, and here's why'
19:28.21IrielNeither client should trust the other, so if I dont tamper with my client, and it doesn't complain, I know the game was fair
19:28.24kremonteIriel: i had a little scenario, to check it each way where both sides' program has to parse it either way, to prevent cheating
19:28.28kremontePlayer A adds a piece to the board by sending the chat message manually
19:28.28kremontePlayer B's game catches it and sends DENY to the channel automatically
19:28.28kremontePlayer A's game catches the DENY and verifies that Player B didn't send it manually
19:28.28kremonteBoth players' games agree that it was an invalid move and reject it, Player A redoes his turn
19:28.39Shouryuu|TieProthat's sounds the best
19:28.45Irielkremonte: I agree entirely with both sides validate all move
19:28.57kremonteso that means a LOT of cross-checking, for each piece add, each piece remove
19:29.07kremontewhich is a pain in the ass =^)
19:29.21Shouryuu|TieProwell it's just 4 functions getting called a lot
19:29.32Irielkremonte : I think the approach however is more to establish a 'State Mismatch' protocol, for all disagreements
19:29.41Shouryuu|TieProChess might be easier than Go though
19:29.47kremonteIriel: yes, of course
19:29.50kremontebut when to call it! :P
19:29.56Irielkremonte : Where you can compare shared board states, and either agree to disagree, or whatever
19:30.07Irielkremonte : Whenever the othere side makes an illegal move
19:30.15Irielkremonte : OR the other side calls the state
19:30.40Irielkremonte : As for it being 'a lot of cross-checking', no it's not. You have ONE validation routine, you use for YOUR player or the OTHER player, both players obey the same rules
19:30.50Irielkremonte : You just need to call it twice
19:31.09Irielkremonte ; I guess you DO need to explicitly check for 'automated' actions, so perhaps that's a bit more work
19:31.11kremontewhat i meant was, for every add/remove piece, something has to be called both sides
19:31.16Shouryuu|TieProContinuing your scenario
19:31.17kremonteand that twists my brain into a sponge :(
19:31.29Irielkremonte : Yes, but both sides are indepdendent, just think of ONE side, and the other follows naturally
19:31.48Shouryuu|TieProPlayer B cheats, so player A's choice is validate, but player B send the DENY message again. I guess you'll need to "prioritize" messages
19:32.05kremontemy brain
19:32.07kremontemy braaaaain
19:32.09IrielIf either player cheats, or calls the other a cheat, you do the same thing
19:32.27IrielYou say something along the lines of "We cannot continue because there is a disagreement"
19:32.54IrielAnd you provide options for resynchronization (basically one player's view of the world has to be picked, and carry on from there, or you stop playing)
19:32.55kremontewell, i'm really confused right now, so i'll code along these lines, and then verify with everybody to make sure that i'm not a retardedededded
19:33.16IrielHere's how I'd look at it:
19:33.29Iriel1) Use validation to PREVENT the local player from making illegal moves.
19:33.38Iriel2) Use validation to DETECT the remote player making illegal moves.
19:34.00Iriel3) Have a protocol by which the remote player can claim you made an illegal move (regardless of whether you believe one happened)
19:34.07IrielIf you want to be really paranoid add:
19:34.08kremonteyeah, DENY
19:34.27Iriel4) Keep a move audit trail for each game so you can resolve claims externally after the fact
19:34.31kremonteif a client senses cheating, it sends DENY. then the other side confirms that it's denyable because the move was not valid
19:34.44IrielThat's where you get silly
19:34.57IrielRule A says you can never willingly make an illegal move
19:35.06IrielDont waste ANY time on validating claims of such things
19:35.10kremonteyes, but it's still channel communication
19:35.20kremonteso people can manually send the chat message emulating the program
19:35.23IrielSending the 'DENY' or 'ILLEGAL' or whatever, I agree with
19:35.41IrielBut what you do afterwards just HAS to be stop work out where to go
19:35.47Irielyou cannot automatically resolve such disputes
19:35.59kremontei just want to confirm the illegality
19:36.10kremontebecause if there is an illegal move there is no doubt it came from somebody trying to cheat
19:36.18kremontebut people can also manually send DENY as well
19:36.24kremontebecause they're getting owned or whatever
19:36.31Irielso what?
19:36.37IrielWhy confirm anything?
19:36.45kremonteso people can inevitably hold up a game because they're losing =o=
19:36.46IrielWhy not say "The other player claims that move was invalid"
19:37.09kremontebecause the other player can claim it over and over
19:37.10IrielCHECKING to see if it wsa invalid is silly
19:37.15kremontemanually sending the message
19:37.26Irielyes, but you dont play with those people again.
19:37.29IrielThat's easy enough
19:37.30kremonteIriel: it's one thing if the program is the only thing interacting
19:37.37kremontei want it to be unable to do period =^)
19:37.49kremontethere really is no reason not to
19:37.53Irielkremonte : My point is simply this -- There is no point in checking if the other player's claim of an illegal move is valid or not
19:38.01Irielkremonte : because your client already knows it cant MAKE illegal moves
19:38.14kremontemanually sending chat messages. that's what i've been saying all along
19:38.18Irielkremonte : So by definition, your client ALREADY thinks the opponents claim is false
19:38.18Shouryuu|TieProyeah and just kick the player who tried to cheat
19:38.31kremonteeh, no reason not to add it though
19:38.41kremonteif it's an illegal move it shouldn't be done. if it's legal, it shouldn't be interrupted.
19:38.43Irielwell, add it when you've done EVERYTHING ELSE by all means
19:38.53IrielThe only truth in the situation is this:
19:39.11IrielIf someone claims an illegal move was made then either (A) the program is broken  or (B) someone is cheating.
19:39.16Shouryuu|TieProThe only way a message can not be in the rules, is if the player sends a false message manually. By doing that he cheats, so it's not hard to know if he cheated or not
19:39.20IrielIt is impossible to automatically resolve WHICH happens
19:39.33kremonteyes it is, by verifying if the move was illegal
19:40.01kremonteit can be automatically verified.. by every other means that verification is done
19:40.26kremontebecause those are the only means that things can be cheated
19:40.36IrielAll you're doing is verifying that "someone thinks an illegal move occurred"
19:40.45IrielYou cannot resolve WHY it occurred
19:40.49kremonteno, i'm verifying if it really IS illegal
19:40.59kremonteif it's not illegal in the first place, the deny message is ignored
19:41.16IrielArgh, and we're now back to my first question
19:41.22IrielWhat good does that do you?
19:41.29kremonteless game interruptions
19:41.36IrielLet me play a scenario here, Shouryuu|TiePro  and I are playing a game
19:41.50IrielShouryuu|TiePro: Aha, I win
19:41.59IrielIriel: No, that move was illegal
19:42.02KirkburnMr TiePro, how's the tieing going?
19:42.09Shouryuu|TieProI did it!
19:42.13IrielShouryuu|TiePro : (Thinks: No it wasn't) I win!
19:42.14Shouryuu|TieProI feel so proud
19:42.17KirkburnWow, what a pro!
19:42.18IrielIriel: NO! That move was illegal
19:42.19IrielShouryuu|TiePro : (Thinks: No it wasn't) I win!
19:42.22Irielrepeat forever
19:42.32Shouryuu|TieProthat we don't want
19:42.36Shouryuu|TieProKirkburn yeah I know :P
19:42.43kremonteoh i see
19:42.50IrielThe best you can do is say:
19:42.51kremonteby ignoring them it can open up more leads to cheating
19:43.08Iriel"The other player thinks that move was illegal, but I dont, here's the board, and the list of moves, you'll have to resolve this offline"
19:43.15KirkburnPlaying games is fun
19:43.21KirkburnI think we should do it more
19:43.37IrielNo matter what, you have to STOP the current play, and agree on where everything stands BEFORE you can continue
19:44.11Kirkburnmy computer really hates me when I log outta WoW
19:44.25Shouryuu|TieProlol why?
19:44.51KirkburnSpends half its time loading windows again
19:44.52Shouryuu|TieProIriel So if someone cheats, the game is over?
19:44.59Shouryuu|TieProlol had the same problem
19:45.21IrielIf someone cheats, the game has to stop until the two parties **AGREE** on whether someone cheated
19:45.46IrielThe best your client can do is assure you that it doesn't think YOU were the one who cheated.
19:46.06Shouryuu|TieProthat does sound good
19:46.26Shouryuu|TieProDo you want to keep track of wins/loses?
19:46.42kremontei'm takjing a break
19:46.45kremontecoding this is evil
19:46.58IrielWell, now, wins and losses is interesting, and I have some thoughts on that
19:47.09kremonteVERSION 2.0.0 OK?
19:47.11IrielTo do that WELL< you can assign each game a unique ID
19:47.27IrielAnd then BOTH players send the game information to a trusted third party
19:47.43Shouryuu|TieProbecause if you're counting on doing that, how are you going to solve the cheating problem. What if someone doesn't want to lose, for his record, and claims teh other player cheated?
19:47.44IrielThis third party can validate that both players agree on the outcome
19:47.45kremontemy brain hurts
19:48.03IrielShouryuu|TiePro : I think after many games with many people, that'll become quite obvious
19:48.17Shouryuu|TieProIriel Third party sounds best indeed. So someone can tinker their records otherwise
19:48.40kremontehow about
19:48.42kremontei code the base game
19:48.45kremonteand you guys take it over
19:48.46Shouryuu|TieProIriel Yeah but then you'll need to be able to see a player's record before playing with him. So you'll need a "/who" :P
19:48.53Irielkremonte : It's okay, you're having excellent thoughts here, just dont worry about trying to make it perfect, because in reality that's unobtainable
19:49.03kremonteno see
19:49.05kremontei am a bad manager
19:49.10kremontei can't manage anything
19:49.13kremontemy desk, my work, my hair
19:49.20Shouryuu|TieProhaha same here
19:49.34Irielkremonte : I think if you can manage to (A) stop people from making illegal moves by mistake and (b) detect if the other person makes an illegal move, then you're done.
19:49.46Shouryuu|TieProI guess
19:50.08Irielkremonte : Oh, and DONT send 'removal' events, just send the moves, removal is presumably automatic on capture, and so both sides can manage those independently
19:50.12Shouryuu|TieProCoding this sounds like so much fun
19:50.36Shouryuu|TieProI have so much work this week-end, I'm not going to be able to work with this in my head =(
19:50.48Shouryuu|TieProI am definatively trying a chess version
19:50.52Irielkremonte : Get it working without validation, then add a "ValidateMove(board, side, x, y)" function
19:51.57kremontei need an ice pack for my brain
19:52.09KtronAh, ItemCompare is broken just a little
19:52.56Irielkremonte : Welcome to software design, you get used to it after a while.. I find a pen and paper and scribbing down random notes helps ease the pain 8-)
19:53.16kremontesee that's why i would never do software design for a living
19:53.37Shouryuu|TieProthe chalenge is fun though
19:58.19KirkburnOh, AnduinLothar ... "(Please for the love of god, never copy the minimap buttons from census, CT, atlas or Yatlas! Parent frames that don't move and leave behind masks are the devil!)"
19:58.35KirkburnGotta love him
19:59.09KirkburnI notice ct is on that list *cough*
20:00.37Shouryuu|TieProhow do you call the the "tower" in chess, in english? The tower being the one that starts in teh cornes, and can only go in strait lines
20:00.50Shouryuu|TieProand the horsy?
20:01.04Shouryuu|TieProaye :P
20:01.04Shouryuu|TieProthanks lol
20:01.49KirkburnThe Bishop Pawned the Rook to the King, because the Queen had run away with the Knight.
20:02.14Kirkburn(c) Kirkburn, 2006
20:03.30AdrineGo Blizzard. :D
20:03.46AdrineI wonder how many people will conveniently forget what tomorrow is.
20:04.00KirkburnCan't wait
20:04.01AdrineTreeform: Turns the wisp into a tree for 30 seconds. During this time, spirit is increased by 300. However, the wisp's chance to dodge or parry axes is reduced by 50%.
20:04.02Kirkburnwisps ftw
20:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
20:04.37Shouryuu|TieProlol  "The introduction of Wisps allows a new and exciting game mechanic: permanent death."
20:04.44KirkburnLol, look at the denotate screenshot
20:04.54Kirkburn"You die. Permanently"
20:05.14Shouryuu|TieProa Customize a wisp through a wide variety of colors, and facial hair. There are literally billions of combinations possible!"
20:05.46KirkburnI knew they wouldn't disappoint
20:06.00KirkburnHe's got a little moustahe!
20:06.53Shouryuu|TieProWisp can't be priests! OMG?!
20:06.58Shouryuu|TieProoh they can
20:08.17KirkburnRed Dragon Wings (extra spicy buffalo chicken wings – epic!)
20:08.43KirkburnThe Paladinner drive-thru special – grab your food and speed on home in a bubble of joy and comfort
20:09.20Kirkburnbut of course ... Moonfire Spam
20:09.46KirkburnThat one wins
20:16.33AdrineOh Cay.
20:16.55AdrineBlizzard's really going all-out with the confusion of the less bright this year.
20:17.25Adrine"Night Elves will now lose a small percentage of experience after jumping. "
20:17.38Cairennyeah, she's posted that in all the forums, it's in the UI forum as well
20:18.31Shouryuu|TieProlol Night Elves will now lose a small percentage of experience after jumping.
20:18.34Shouryuu|TieProawww you beat me
20:18.45Shouryuu|TieProhaha "Various emotes have been disabled for Mac users, including /dance, /smile and /thank."
20:18.45IrielI love the patch notes
20:19.02Iriel* Innervate now only works on caster.
20:19.18Adrine"Moving while stealthed has a very small chance to break stealth. This was to reduce the frequency at which players were being ambushed or backstabbed in player vs. player environments."
20:19.24Adrine# Discovering a stealthed rogue will now produce a large alert symbol above the rogue’s head similar to the Hunter’s Mark. The alert can only be dispelled by using the Vanish ability.
20:19.24Adrine# Vanish has been increased to a 30 minute cooldown.
20:19.32IrielAnd the mage changes are awesome
20:19.49Shouryuu|TieProhaha :
20:19.49Shouryuu|TiePro" A simple check mechanic has been implemented which will prevent Hunters from rolling on items that are more optimal for another class in the party, when using the group loot system. "
20:19.53Shouryuu|TieProfor hunters
20:20.06Adrine# Using friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
20:20.06Adrine# Friendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock.
20:20.41JoshBorke* The use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
20:21.33Shouryuu|TiePro"Shock spells no longer share the same cooldown."
20:21.33Adrine# New level 35 quest series added which teaches players to detect stealth. We feel that by this time, players have lived in fear of Rogues long enough.
20:21.34IrielThe warlock changes are AWESOME too
20:21.42JoshBorkei love the last 2 warlock changes!
20:22.04Adrine# Scholomance is now spelled "Sko-lo-mance" to alleviate confusion about its pronunciation. In addition, a sound file has been added outside the instance portal which will phonetically sound out the name upon zoning.
20:23.12Adrine# Above the corpse of Mankirk's wife, a large red arrow will now appear and be viewable for up to 500 yards. To ensure that the associated quest offers some challenge, typing the word 'Mankirk' 'wife' or 'anyone seen' in Barrens chat will now result in experience loss.
20:23.20Adrineare oh eff el.
20:23.27MentalPowerdoes anyone know the pixel size of the inventory icons (32x32, 64x64)?
20:24.05Shouryuu|TieProlol The Raid UI now allows a maximum of 3 rogues or hunters per raid.
20:24.18Adrine# Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green.
20:24.22AdrineBest. Patch note. Ever.
20:24.32Iriel* n order to assist with various upkeep costs, at a designated time NPC vendors will now give players an amount of gold based upon their level. This is currently slated to occur every Tuesday from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM PST
20:25.03Iriel* A total of 26 new flightpaths have been added to various points throughout the Barrens.
20:25.17Shouryuu|TiePro"Above the corpse of Mankirk's wife, a large red arrow will now appear and be viewable for up to 500 yards. To ensure that the associated quest offers some challenge, typing the word 'Mankirk' 'wife' or 'anyone seen' in Barrens chat will now result in experience loss. "
20:27.25IrielHey, did anyone notice that they DID add a new icon for the Diablo stone in 1.10?
20:27.32IrielIt no longer looks like a soul shard
20:27.40AdrineThat's probably a good think
20:27.41Iriel(Unless they changed soul shards too and I just didn't notice)
20:27.42Shouryuu|TieProDiablo stone?
20:28.16ckknightMentalPower, 64x64
20:28.19IrielThe stone which summons Mini Diablo <Lord of Terror>
20:29.26ckknightlvl 1 WSG would be kickass
20:29.38ckknightfor like 10 minutes
20:32.23ckknightDwarf Females now generate rage at a rate three times greater than normal.
20:34.20ckknightlol, The use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
20:35.17JoshBorkethey should have put different notes in each sub-forum
20:35.28TemWhat baffles me is that it's not April fools day yet
20:35.38TemI was expecting the false patch notes tomorrow
20:36.04TemIt's a nice touch that only mage change for the mage revamp patch was "Mage armor got a new icon"
20:36.15TemI lol'd
20:36.24JoshBorkedid you see the picture for the wisp?
20:37.11AdrineI like how Keanu is saying "Whoa!"
20:37.18[MoonWolf]you die, permanantly!
20:37.20JoshBorkei like how there are 2 buttons
20:37.35ckknight3, actually
20:37.40JoshBorkeah, 3 yes
20:37.42ckknightfirst is attack, second is heath, last is detonate
20:37.44JoshBorkebut the first 2 are the most important
20:37.48Adrine"Casper performs one last service for Elune"
20:37.56JoshBorkeactually, it's 'Bubble, hearth, detonate'
20:38.15JoshBorkeDivine Shield, sorry :-)
20:40.14Temdamn they're hitting everything a day early
20:40.47CideThe Paladinner drive-thru special – grab your food and speed on home in a bubble of joy and comfort
20:41.00KirkburnBest patch notes ever
20:41.09KirkburnIt really shows they know the community
20:41.22KirkburnI think Moonfire Spam tastes best
20:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
20:42.02Temwow... I hate the other members of my class
20:42.15Tem"At least you posted here for once"
20:42.25TemHe posted that in every forum you retard
20:43.24sharkhathaha that SS rocks!
20:43.33kremonteThe use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
20:43.36kremonteno wai
20:43.46Shouryuu|TieProI really have msatered the tie
20:43.53KirkburnYou da man!
20:44.10KirkburnYou haven't mastered the english language, though, have you ;)
20:44.29Temah yes, Cay is a she.  I forget
20:44.48Shouryuu|TiePro~spank Kirkburn
20:44.50purlACTION bends Kirkburn over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on Kirkburn's pasty white buttocks.
20:45.06KirkburnThat felt goood
20:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
20:47.42Shouryuu|TieProman I  have to get up at 6 tomorow =(
20:48.34QzotAnyone heard of LWs or engrs re-specializing?
20:49.02QzotTo ... a different specialization?
20:49.07sharkhatthere should be a profession decision for all crafting
20:49.08Shouryuu|TieProlol sorry
20:49.18IrielOh, you mean changing specialization, I dont believe you can
20:49.20sharkhat2 tailoring, 2 alchemy, 2 enchanting etc
20:49.33QzotThat's what 1.10 patch notes said you could do.
20:49.51IrielHm, that's the 2nd important thing I've missed from those, maybe I need to go read them again now
20:50.08QzotI'm just hoping it works literally.
20:50.31QzotSo that my newly-re-specialized Goblin Engineer can still use her Gnomish Battle Chicken. :D
20:50.34Shouryuu|TieProok nights folks
20:50.41Shouryuu|TiePropray that all goes well for me tomorrow
20:50.44QzotShouryuu, it's not 6am yet.
20:51.49Temwhat I think the patch notes mean is this
20:52.19TemIf you specialize in gnome engineering and later drop engineering, it was previously impossible to chose anything other than gnome engineering
20:53.17IrielI'm fairly sure they WONT let you use items that require a certain specialization when you drop one and take the other, but if the item just has an engineeering requirement, I suppose it's entirely doable
20:53.18Temafter 1.10, while re-learning a profession, you can chose a different specialization than you chose the first time around.
20:53.48TemI kinda thought most if not all of the engineering stuff just required engineering to use
20:54.08Depheriosthere are the BoP goblin and gnomish items
20:54.13Temie, if you choose goblin eng, find a gnome to team up with
20:54.24Temah, didn't realize those existed
20:54.25Depherioslike the death ray, that you can use even after you drop engineering completely
20:54.38Temoh that's cool
20:55.18Temit's friday at blizz HQ
20:55.21Temthey are all having a laugh
20:56.11[MoonWolf]people are laughing their asses of over at blizzard
20:56.21[MoonWolf]the good thing about the forums is
20:56.23KirkburnNew Burning Crusade info!
20:56.26[MoonWolf]90% of the trolls dont get.
20:56.26KirkburnAnd it's real!
20:58.12Depherioslink in the post is at,images/screenshots/,41,42,/burningcrusade/townhall/wisps.html
20:58.44Temthey just keep coming!
20:58.50Depheriosbtw: did you guys see/notice that Blizz used modelviewer for their new item sets page?
20:59.08Depheriosthe tauren and trolls have their feet covered in all the teir 1 pictures
20:59.16kremonteshield and hearth
20:59.17KirkburnThat's new
20:59.18kremontethat's funny
20:59.29KirkburnDepherios, trolls now have footwear
20:59.41Depheriostell that to my troll XD
20:59.49Depheriosdevout boots don't show on MY troll
21:00.03DepheriosI just think it's funny even BLIZZARD THEMSELVES uses modelviewr
21:00.18Kirkburnuh ... I was sure they said footwear was working for trolls
21:00.31kremonteDepherios: they do?! :O
21:00.36KirkburnSeriously, not to rain on your parade, but I doubt it
21:00.42kremontethey don't use the third party modelviewer
21:00.44kremonteconsidering they uh
21:01.21Kirkburn the cliffs of Nagrand.
21:01.28KirkburnThat's Outland :)
21:01.46Aalnylooks like Barrens
21:01.53KirkburnIt's also not the shot I linked
21:01.58KirkburnClick back
21:02.02Kirkburnor next
21:02.08Kirkburnand you'll get the selection
21:03.46Temoh wow.  The flying mounts are cooler than I thought
21:04.13Kirkburn"With the Alliance race, our goal wasn't to make an "ugly" race. Our goal was to make a "cool" race."
21:04.30KirkburnWe thought of races that fit into the Warcraft lore and complemented the Alliance. We also thought of races that fit this particular expansion, The Burning Crusade, and the Outland and started from there. But from the beginning, we wanted to pick something cool. At the end of the day, we needed to approach it as a player and ask ourselves, "Would I want to play that race?" Personally, I am very excited about our choice.
21:04.52Kirkburn= Wisps :)
21:05.10[MoonWolf]i am more and more conviced it will be drea something guys
21:05.15[MoonWolf]i cant spell it.
21:05.24kremonteit's not hard ._.
21:05.29kremonteDRAH NEH EEEE
21:05.39KirkburnDraenei, indeed :P
21:05.43TemDrAY ni
21:05.58Kirkburnkremonte, spell it right when you're correcting someone :)
21:05.59[MoonWolf]i said spell, not pronounce.
21:06.34Temhmm, no I think the emphasis is on the last syllable
21:06.44kremonteoh wow i typo'd that bad didn't i
21:06.47Temdray NI
21:06.52KirkburnMy guess is Drae nay ee
21:06.53kremonteWTB [new keyboard] PST
21:07.12KirkburnOr Drae naii
21:07.23TemI don't seem them pulling 2 sounds out of the ei
21:07.28kremontedrahnei imo
21:07.43KirkburnU suppose it depends on your own language
21:07.47kremontei think think it's dry-nay
21:07.49Temthe first one depends on how it's actually spelled ><
21:07.54kremonteKirkburn: but there are intended pronounciations :p
21:08.01KirkburnOh I know that
21:08.03kremontenote the Sko-lo-mance comment
21:08.14[MoonWolf]not scholomance again!
21:08.28Temgod there's this guy in my guild that pronouces it like sholomance
21:08.40TainIt's like Skoal.  Mmm mm good
21:08.41Temand that really gets under my skin
21:08.45[MoonWolf]with that c in there it is most difinitly not sholo
21:08.59GryphenShay-men gets under my skin
21:09.04Temnot my fault the guy is retarded
21:09.18TemShay - men is potato/potato
21:09.27ckknightyou don't say school like shool
21:09.39KirkburnShahmen and Shaymen are both allowed, but Shahmen is preffered
21:09.53ckknightI call em shaymen
21:09.56Temoh, here's another good one
21:10.03kremontelee brum?
21:10.04ckknightthat's how it was in Populous, that's how I'm sticking to it
21:10.10Iriel[MoonWolf] : What about Schedule (In the uk it's pronouced "shedule")
21:10.10[MoonWolf]lei bram
21:10.18kremontelei is for an EU accent ._.
21:10.28ckknightit'd be lee brum
21:10.30Kirkburnlie and lei. Identical? :)
21:10.33kremontei pronounce it more like "LeeBrUHM"
21:10.37ckknightno, Kirkburn
21:10.46Kirkburnle boobies
21:10.56kremonteso the ee in lee is not emphasized
21:10.57Iriellie sounds like eye
21:10.59ckknightlie = lai, lei = lay
21:11.01Iriellee sounds like, err, lee
21:11.07Depheriosthey saved the best for last
21:11.09Depherios# A total of 26 new flightpaths have been added to various points throughout the Barrens.
21:11.09Depherios# Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green.
21:11.10Irieland lei sounds like lay
21:11.16KirkburnI knows it
21:11.24KirkburnLatin ftw
21:11.35Temmy thoughts on Libram were  "Lie brum"
21:11.38[MoonWolf]lei as in lei of lillies, and then simply bram.
21:11.44IrielThe green one is reduced by the earlier one about not being able to see enemy faction names
21:11.50IrielThe flight path one was awesome
21:11.59Depherioslol yeah
21:12.20TemI gotta say my favorite was "Using friendly emotes will increase the time that a warlocks pet will remain loyal"
21:12.22Depheriosand the massive shaman buff
21:12.30Tem"Friendly emotes are no longer available to warlocks"
21:12.38KirkburnWe never use them anyway
21:13.01Temso, latin people
21:13.06Temhow would you pronouce Libram?
21:13.12KirkburnAs it's written
21:13.18ckknightLee brum
21:13.19TemLie brum?
21:13.28KirkburnLy bram
21:13.37TemI totally win
21:13.39ckknightit's a short i
21:13.58KirkburnYeah, as ckknight says
21:14.12KirkburnAlmost li-brm
21:14.25Temso then, lee bram is wrong
21:15.08IrielI'd pronounce Libram as "Trevor"
21:15.11Irieljust to be different
21:15.20TemEveryone loves magical trevor
21:16.03KirkburnPeople are taking it seriously!
21:16.14KirkburnWisps sux!
21:16.33KirkburnOne person wrote a long diatribe against the very idea
21:16.52Kirkburnckknight, why did you link a different word?
21:17.10ckknightthey're close
21:17.17ckknightclosest thing we have to it in English
21:17.20ckknightso I dunno
21:18.05KirkburnI'm sure I heard of it before WoW, but it seems to suggest it's not a properly real word
21:18.21TemIt's used in other rpgs
21:18.43Temso it might be something that isn't exactly a real word, but it's damn close
21:20.02IrielLibram is a real word
21:20.44IrielIn the sense that it's used in many places by many people
21:20.55KirkburnIriel, I fail to see how wikipedia proved that :) I could use it to say Draenei is a real word
21:21.12Kirkburn"The word is not listed in most dictionaries and is rooted from the Latin language and not formally incorporated into English." :P
21:21.13ckknightIriel, The word is not listed in most dictionaries and is rooted from the Latin language and not formally incorporated into English.
21:22.12KirkburnWhy do I have the feeling he's looking at a dictionary website now
21:22.46KirkburnEyonix: "You guys are going to feel foolish when you realize that we've not released our April Fools content. We have four pretty solid items planned. It's doubtful that we would've gained the approval to announce a fake race, unfortunately."
21:23.06IrielI took a different approach, namely google search REMOVING the obvious wow links
21:24.04Kirkburnand ...
21:24.16IrielThere are enough uses of 'libram' in the same general context that it's got more behind it than a purely made up concept
21:24.29IrielEven if it doesn't have "official backing" from a dictionary, that doesn't make it any less "real"
21:24.38IrielOne of the benefits of the english language over say, french
21:24.50KirkburnWell, we do rock
21:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Codex (
21:26.06Codex!seen sarf
21:26.08Temhey, the french have a convention once a year to decide what's really a word and what's not
21:26.11TemI like it that way
21:26.14Tem~seen sarf
21:26.17purlsarf <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 26d 19h 56s ago, saying: 'Sleep well, all!'.
21:26.21Codexthanks =P
21:26.27[MoonWolf]the french made up a new word for email!!!
21:26.33Codexwow, 26 days ago
21:26.33Kirkburnle email
21:26.43Temsarf doesn't come around here much
21:26.51Codexhe used to be in here all the time >.>
21:26.52Temyou'll probably have more luck in #cosmostesters
21:27.02Gryphenhes not there
21:27.08KirkburnWe're not good enough for him
21:27.30Codexok well i'll leave you all alone now >.>
21:28.36KirkburnSo, we have Burgercraft, Wisps, 1.11 patch notes ... anything else? :)
21:28.59KirkburnEyonix did say 4 things
21:28.59Tem~emulate stewie
21:29.01purlBaby needs to suck ash!
21:29.01Depherioswait, I missed burgercraft?
21:29.07Temthat's about all I can think of
21:29.12[MoonWolf]burgercraft ?
21:29.35TainThinkGeek was early with their April fools stuff, got an email from them this morning.
21:29.49[MoonWolf]the 1-up mushroom was good.
21:30.00TainI liked the caffeine inhaler
21:30.28TainThe sad part is I want most of the products.
21:33.29Depheriosbest thing about think geek
21:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
21:43.38malrethah, blizzard delivers today
21:43.52KirkburnThis day delivers!
21:44.11malrethafter reading our 1.11 patch notes, reading this sticky on general made me laugh:
21:45.18malrethi've done too much work this week... so i've spent the entire day hiding out across campus in someone else's office.
21:45.37malrethand it's great
21:45.58malrethain't it?
21:46.53malrethi really don't want to make it seem that i avoid doing work at my job
21:47.03malrethbut, i guess that's what I actually do
21:47.54KirkburnLol IE just flagged the forums as a suspicious website
21:48.08KirkburnExcept it just changed it's mind
21:50.53malrethhaha! my rubberband ball gets bigger still!
21:53.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:53.42JoshBorkewb iriel
21:55.47cladhairemalreth: Hahaha
21:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
21:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
21:56.47malrethi'm like those bosses that get stronger with each raid member who dies. my response will just get bigger and bigger each time.
21:57.15malrethooh... i know something i can do!
21:57.40malrethAce somehow slips through StopTheSpam now in 1.10. I should fix that.
21:58.20Gryphenmmm StopTheSpam
21:58.46TemI don't mind Ace's spam
21:58.48malrethI don't make the addons you use... I make the addons you use better.
21:59.06Gryphendont know why people have to advertise their addons to people who already have the addon
21:59.07malrethtruthfully, neither do it. and it can be disabled
21:59.20Temit's the most informative spam out of all the crap that people put there
21:59.38Temaye, it can be disabled.  I forgout about that
21:59.45malrethbut i like to be thorough. So... Ace's load spam has to go.
22:00.01Temmalreth: my guess is that ace is hooking after you
22:00.08Temit always hooks late
22:00.19Kirkburn1malreth, I just looked at your link :P That's quite a list your getting
22:00.23IrielProbably because it has less luck finding hookers in the daylight
22:00.40malrethwell, what it's doing is it calls AddMessage with the system chat id
22:00.49malrethso the basic filter lets it pass
22:01.13malrethsince it makes the assumption that all system messages are 'ham' and should be displayed
22:01.47Kirkburn1Can it block Moonfire Spam, though?
22:02.06malrethno... Moonfire Spam is too mighty to process
22:02.34Cide* CT_RaidAssist no longer has a mana conserve option, Blizzard removed the code allowing this.
22:02.35Cide* Removed DND from displaying on RA windows when a person has DND on; it will still show in their tooltips.
22:02.37Cide* Added a frame transparency feature that when used, will brighten frames when players take damage.
22:02.39Cideerr, sorry.
22:02.59Cidethat was me pasting what I was about to post on our website
22:03.04malrethhmm... i see what i did to block ace. I check to see if the AddMessage call comes from the AceEventFrame and block it if it does
22:03.07Cidemy bad :)
22:03.21Temmalreth: yes that's very creative
22:03.31Tembut why doesn't that work anymore?
22:03.43cladhaireTem: Theres an update to AceHook if you didn't see it.
22:03.50malrethperhaps i cannot make that assumption anymore then
22:03.51cladhairecause I still haven't released it on WoWI =)
22:03.52Temcladhaire: yeah I saw it
22:04.19Temcladhaire: but I wasn't planning on doing anything with it since I've never been fooling enough to hook those functions before
22:04.21IrielSomeone bored, not at work, and want to write an addon to help people fix a blizz bug?
22:04.31TemIriel: what bug?
22:04.55JoshBorkeok, bye all :-)
22:04.58*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:05.09Temsome people need to learn the 10 second rule
22:05.16malrethi'm bored, technically at work but i'm past 40 hours for the week and am not contractually obligated to do any more work
22:05.26IrielWhen they added dynamic overlay texture creation to WorldFrame they forgot to update BattleFieldMiniMap
22:05.52Irielsomeone need to write a quick mod that hooks BattlefieldMinimap_Update and creates enough overlay textures to stop it breaking
22:06.26TemI totally reported that back on the test realm but I never looked hard enough to see what was breaking it
22:06.43Temit sort of had a cow when I entered Arathi Basin
22:06.52IrielTem tem tem 8-(
22:07.00TemI got distracted
22:07.05Temand besides, I hate AB
22:07.08IrielWhenever it cropped up we'd say "Sounds like you have a broken addon" and people nodded and went away
22:07.23TemI was playing with the default ui
22:07.32IrielYeah, you weren't noisy about it tho 8-)
22:07.35Temwhich I guess I neglected to mention
22:07.40malrethwhoa, there was a bug and Tem discovered it... and the game *didn't* crash?
22:07.57malrethit's like finding out there isn't a Santa Claus
22:07.58TemI haven't crashed the game in a whle
22:08.24Temthough, I'm confident I will at least once with all the new stuff that 1.10 gave us
22:08.37IrielI suppose i'm going to have to learn VB before 1.11
22:08.49malretheh? why?
22:08.51Temwhy would you want to do that?
22:08.55TemVB is the devul
22:09.26Aalnyquestion:  I've got a dynamically created button with left/right up/down button clicks registered and associated handler scripts for mouse up/down and Onclick.
22:09.42Aalnymouse up/down can't be used to cast, right?  but click can?
22:09.51TemAalny: they are all mouse events
22:09.54IrielAalny : If it's "OnClick" - yes
22:10.00IrielAalny : If it's "OnMouseDown" - no
22:10.11Temthat's what I get for never trying
22:10.24IrielTem: Or reading the ActionButton code 8-)
22:10.32TemHowever, if you register for both up and down, your OnClick event will fire twice
22:10.41AalnyAnd is it by design that OnClick gets called at the same time both OnMouseUp and OnMouseDown do?
22:10.42TemI was reading the action button code yesterday.
22:10.53AalnySo for a single "click", OnClick gets called twice.
22:10.55TemRoundabout what line?
22:11.08TemAalny: only if you register for both mouseup and mousedown
22:11.21TemAalny: with must buttons you only register your onclick for one
22:11.40Temie RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp","RightButtonUp")
22:11.41IrielTem:      29 function ActionButtonUp(id, onSelf)
22:11.50AalnyIf I only register for one or the other, will my OnMouseUp/Down handler still get called for the one I'm not using?
22:11.53malrethi wonder if i should start using pcall() in my function hooks... hmm.
22:12.36IrielTem: plus line 12 (and beyond) of ActionBarFrame.xml
22:12.57Tem(RegisterForClicks is used for registering what events the "OnClick" handler will recieve.  OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp happen regardless of registration as long as the frame is mouse-enabled)
22:13.00Irielmalreth : it depends on what you want to have happen if the inner function fails
22:13.17AalnyAh ha!  That's where I was confused.  Thank ya
22:13.22zespriIriel, when I anchor a tooltip to WorldFrame for tooltip scanning purposes it seem to ecentually loose it owner (don't know when) on the other hand when I specify that the owner is the tooltip itself it seems to always work. Any idea why?
22:13.24malrethi want to make it look like it's not my addon that's screwing up. heh
22:13.41Irielzespri : Does your tooltip have a parent set?
22:13.51TemIriel: what's curious to me is that those functions are never called afaict
22:14.01IrielTem: The Up/Down ones are for key bindings
22:14.05Tem(ActionButton_Down and ActionButton_Up)
22:14.13IrielTem: Sorry, I went down the wrong path at first
22:14.16malrethi just haven't sat down to really think about if i should even worry further about it
22:14.23IrielTem: I'd forgotten that the click handling was entirely different
22:14.37Temthe click handling is done all in the XML
22:14.58IrielTem: Thus: <Iriel> Tem: plus line 12 (and beyond) of ActionBarFrame.xml
22:15.43Tembut that still doesn't tell me that OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp events don't count as hardware events
22:15.48zespriIriel parent is UIParent
22:15.59Irielzespri : That's your problem, dont give it a parent
22:16.23Temspeaking of which... Yesterday I tested out the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event sometimes counting as a hardware event
22:16.30Temand... it worked
22:16.32IrielTem: AH, I didn't realize that's what it was that was a surprise.. As far as I know, they dont count.. though YMMV
22:16.34zespriIriel, why is that a problem?
22:16.41Irielzespri : because UIParent gets hidden sometimes
22:16.50Irielzespri : And when your tooltip is hidden it loses its owner
22:16.58TemI was able to cast a spell in response to the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event
22:17.15IrielTem: Hm, does P_T_C fire in 'real time' on a TargetUnit call?
22:17.19malrethyou must never let that leave this channel
22:17.26IrielTem: Rather than being deferred until the processing has finished?
22:17.35zespriit seems that it doesn't loose owner when it owns itself... just a coincedence?
22:17.38IrielTem: Ah, so that's why
22:17.39TemI didn't get that much testing in
22:17.43malrethwe will use that knowledge to defeat our enemies
22:17.50Irielzespri: Dont mix up 'owner' and 'parent'
22:18.02zespriI don't
22:18.13Tembut, I did create an OnUpdate that repeated cleared my target and targeted myself
22:18.20Temand it did not work
22:18.41Temhowever, I was told that background targeting like getting attacked worked
22:18.49TemI'm gonna go test that now
22:18.51zespriparent is UIParent always and owner is either WorldFrame or itself. With itslef it seems to work and with WorldFrame not always
22:18.52malrethTem: you really like toeing the line.
22:19.09Irielzespri: I've been led to believe (based on legorol's reasearch) that a tooltip loses its owner if the tooltip is hidden (implicitly or explicitly)
22:19.15Temmalreth: I'm interested in what the game will let me do
22:19.36Irielzespri : Regardless of what the owner was set to, it's all about the parent at that point.
22:19.42malrethTem: i don't blame you. it's the hacker spirit, after all. :)
22:19.52zespriok, so if I just skip parent tag in xml definition it will load an be fine?
22:19.55Temmalreth: if that means I'll be able to create a water-making bot for myself (and myself only) to use until they fix whatever this issue is (if it's an issue at all) then yay for a while
22:20.04Irielzespri : That's what legorol concluded, yup
22:20.22zespriThank you Iriel
22:20.34Cidewhat did he conclude? I missed the conversation
22:20.43IrielCide: That you shouldn't set a parent
22:20.48Cidehmm, ok.
22:20.51Cidethat would explain my issues
22:20.53IrielCide: if the tooltip ends up receiving an OnHide it kills its owner
22:21.00IrielCide: And if it's not visible, then it doesn't work
22:21.16IrielCide: thus the flaky results with parent="UIParent"
22:21.23TemIriel: is it important that it be *visible* or just *shown*?
22:21.26CideI parented it to worldframe
22:21.27IrielCide: Since UIParent gets hidden on smoe events
22:21.31Cideand it still doesn't work
22:21.41CideI never hide it, either
22:21.45CideI'll try removing the parent though
22:21.51IrielCide: Hm, you did SetOwner too?
22:21.58Cideyes, onload
22:22.01IrielCide: Removing the parent altogether seems to help, from what he said
22:22.06IrielCide: He wrote some stuff up.
22:22.16CideI had to resort to calling setowner again right before the :SetUnit* call
22:22.22IrielTem: I dont know, and I dont think he was specific enough in the discussion
22:22.48IrielThere are his notes
22:23.47Cidelet's see how it works with only setowner onload, and no parent
22:23.54IrielAha,he did add:  A tooltip that has a parent="<parentname>" specified in its XML definition can't call SetOwner in the tooltip's <OnLoad> handler.  (unconfirmed, seems to be true in some cases, so best avoid it)
22:25.03Cidewell, I did do the same thing for every other tooltip
22:25.14Cideand the issue I had with this one is the only one I've seen
22:25.52malrethhmm... odd. the ace load spam isn't popping up on my mac. i better double-check what it's doing on my home pc.
22:25.54Temok, getting attacked did not count as a hardware event
22:26.33malreththat's a good thing
22:26.33IrielHey tem, if you call TargetUnit from within P_T_C can you crash your client?
22:26.46Temhmm. maybe the new target changed event behavior is that target changes that are initiated by a hardware event do not consume the hardware event
22:26.53Iriele.g. if (UnitExists("target")) then ClearTarget() else TargetUnit("player") end
22:27.15IrielTem: that was what my earlier question about the event firing immediately rather than later was getting at
22:27.32IrielIf the event is dispatched before the currently active hardware event execution has finished
22:28.00IrielI suspect it's more or less equivalent to hooking TargetUnit, and doing a cast in there, but more abstract and reliable
22:28.41*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
22:28.59TemIriel: yes.  I just caused either a huge stack overflow
22:29.06Temor a complete client crash
22:29.08sancus_Well I asked in the cosmos channel but it occurs to me that this would probably be a better place to ask, so...
22:29.15IrielTem: Excellent, good to see you haven't lost your touch
22:29.30sancus_^^ that's the result of a mobileframes bug.. but how might you get bag textures removed like that intentionally?
22:29.36malrethmy faith in Tem restored!
22:29.39sancus_So you basically have a floating grid of item icons.
22:29.48Irielsancus_ you could just hide their textures
22:30.06Cidethe english language is lacking the verb "to Tem"
22:30.30TemI just caused 8 C Stack overflows
22:31.02TemI can't count how many events it took
22:31.25Tembut it was a long time
22:31.36IrielThat would be a nasty trojan to leave in an addon
22:31.42[MoonWolf]how did you do it exactly
22:31.54Tem[MoonWolf]: I changed my target in response to a target change
22:32.05[MoonWolf]o lol
22:32.10malrethisn't that just beautiful?
22:32.10Irielif ((UnitName("target")=="tem") and not UnitCanAssist("player","target")) then initiate_target_metlddown end
22:32.25TemIriel: you read my mind
22:32.26IrielIt's worth noting that this WAS done deliberately to check something
22:32.45malrethIriel: DIABOLICAL!
22:33.04IrielI imagine you could obfuscate it fairly well aso
22:33.09IrielDoesn't even require hooking
22:33.10TemIt cast about 10 spells
22:33.18Temthe hardware event wasn't consumed!
22:33.24IrielThey never are
22:33.38malreththat'll probably be the next exploit to close up
22:33.56CideI like how it was appropriately named 'meltdown'
22:34.04Legorolfor those of you who haven't seen it yet, the 1st April jokes are up on the EU site in English
22:34.09Cideand on us :)
22:34.20malrethconsuming hardware events would stop the "select the lowest health enemy" macros and addons
22:34.40malrethas well as the kill totem macros
22:34.59Temhey kill totem macros are retardedly useful for Jin'do
22:35.05Josh|Blahthe blizzard addons screen does not show dependency problems when you do per toon addons
22:35.31malrethi never thought about it, but you're right, Josh|Blah
22:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:36.20IrielI find the per-char UI very badly designed
22:36.24TemI can create a target loop of doom to cast conjure water
22:36.30Kirovoo!  Cide, are you actually here?
22:36.48malrethif you choose a character from the addons window and click "disable all" it disables all addons for all characters
22:37.01KirovDo you know about the "random "DONG"" bug in RABossMods?
22:37.07malrethjust found that out now
22:37.13Kirovok, good
22:37.24Cideit should be fixed in the release we did ~30 min ago
22:37.26KirovTired of people asking me to fix it.  ;)
22:37.38Cideno promises though, but I think it is
22:38.44malreththere are certain circumstances where the addons menu will say an addon has a dependency disabled when it doesn't and times when it says an addon will load when it won't because of a disabled dependency
22:38.54malrethit's all kinds of screwed up
22:39.35malrethbut the disable all button one is particularly annoying
22:40.13malrethi have a character I use for addon debugging and testing and I routinely just select him, click disable all, and enable only the addons that i'm testing
22:40.27malrethnow i have to go back and re-enable my addons for my main
22:40.35KirovCide - yep, awesome.
22:41.02KirovCide - For a while I thought it was just some undocumented feature for warning about mob enraging.  =)
22:41.09Cidehehe, no
22:41.14Cideit was me being stupid
22:41.35KirovHehe, yeah, I tracked it down when this "Unknown Entity" bug cropped up.
22:41.43sancusConsuming hardware events would break NS+heal and PoM macros, which would really suck.
22:41.54malrethgah, i can't count the number of times my guild has had a meeting in the stormwind park and the clock starts chiming... and i start frantically hunting around for the raid leader message
22:42.05IrielSlouken doesn't want to consume events
22:42.09IrielHe's said that in the past
22:42.39Kirovslouken also likes a lot of the mods that get "broken"
22:43.02malrethwell that's tough and slouken should learn2play
22:43.09KirovReally it comes down to if his boss tells him to or not.  :/
22:43.28IrielWell, the good of the game > the good of a player
22:44.07sancusPresumably if they didn't *want* to break those macros but had to consume events, they would maintain the functionality with something. I would hope.
22:44.29KirovIriel - have you, by chance, put your mind to how to avoid doing SetOwner() calls constantly?
22:44.43KirovLegorol, this might be a question for you as well.
22:44.48CideI have one in my onload handler, it seems to work for the most part
22:44.50Irielkirov : Legorol's suggestion after he did a bunch of research is: Dont give your tooltip a parent
22:44.57IrielKirov: And dont hide it
22:45.21IrielKirov: There are some other gotchas in
22:45.33IrielLego's the domain expert on GameTooltip at present
22:47.44Kirovhmm, so <GameTooltip name="MyTooltip"><Scripts><OnLoad>this:SetOwner(nil,"ANCHOR_NONE"); ...
22:48.19IrielI'm not sure you can use 'nil' as the owner?
22:48.54CideI'd use worldframe
22:49.16KirovI use worldframe currently, a lot of people suggest using this
22:49.30KirovMy problem with it is it's freakishly slow.
22:49.32*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
22:49.39Cide"this"? that would be scary
22:49.47cladhaireCide: It seems to work pretty well
22:49.55Cideworldframe works well, too
22:50.03cladhaireI've used them both without any issues.
22:50.18Temoh dear.  I was supposed to leave like an hour ago
22:50.20Temlater guys
22:50.41KirovWe need a GameTooltip:GetText()
22:51.00Cidereturning what?
22:51.05Cidefull text as one string?
22:51.14Kirovleft1, right1, left2, right2, etc
22:51.31cladhaireKirov: We can write that without much overhead already
22:52.35Kirovfor i=1, tooltip:NumLines() do
22:52.35Kirovtext = getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..i):GetText()
22:52.44zeegyou all see the 1.11 patch notes
22:52.55KirovI liked the warlock ones
22:53.02zeegi like the mac users
22:53.13KirovOr NEs loose experience when they jump
22:53.46malrethi liked the hunters not being able to roll on loot one and the 'grass is greener' one at the end
23:02.21QzotWhich 1.11 patch notes?
23:03.37Cairennhey Qzot? I hope to be back tomorrow
23:03.53CairennI'd be back tonight, but, well, I'm taking care of a kiddo in screaming pain
23:04.03IrielThat doesn't sound good
23:04.30QzotI've been out with laptopitis myself, remember?
23:04.37Cairennwhat was supposed to have been an hour long appointment to have her wisdom teeth removed ended up being 3.5 hrs
23:04.50Irielall 4?
23:04.52Irielor 2?
23:04.52Cairennall 4
23:05.02IrielAn hour sounds incredibly optimistic for that
23:05.12QzotDepends on the technique.
23:05.23IrielI guess, and probably the condition of the teeth
23:05.42IrielI had that particular joy some years ago
23:05.43QzotI had a dentist who was *really* slow. Claimed to be painless.
23:05.45Cairennwell, needless to say, the last thing I'm worried about atm is trying to get on line, even though patch week madness is finally calming down
23:06.00QzotHe *wasn't* painless.
23:06.12QzotHe screamed just like all the rest when I bit his thumb.
23:06.18malrethi opted to be asleep for my wisdom teeth operation
23:06.46IrielI was awake for mine, but I believe I counted 12 shots of local anaesthetic, so I didn't feel much until that wore off
23:06.53IrielAnd then, praise be for vicodin
23:07.21Cairennshe wasn't given the option .... they gave her iv sedation, but not complete anaesthesia .... she came too again before they were done with the fourth one, that caused them some serious problems
23:07.33CairennI got to sit in the waiting room listening to her scream and cry
23:07.52[MoonWolf]not pleasent
23:07.58Iriel8-( The worst part is, no matter what, it's just gonna hurt for some time afterwards. Even with good drugs.
23:08.22[MoonWolf]i like that my wisdom tooth are perfectly okay.
23:08.35Cairennthat's why I have been less than chatty even since I've been back ... I'm more afk than I'm actually here
23:08.54[MoonWolf]go take care of kid, way more important.
23:09.07Cairennaaaaanyway, sorry, didn't mean to derail the conversation, just happened to notice Q yapping so wanted to mention
23:11.11QzotMy laptop has returned! Freshly windowized!
23:11.26QzotNow can I install WoW before it's time to leave...?
23:11.43[MoonWolf]unless you have a dvd dont think so.
23:12.48QzotI don't plan to install. I plan to copy \Program Files\World of Warcrock from my desktop. :D
23:17.05Depherioslol that's how I "install" WoW
23:17.41LegorolIriel: your discussion with zespri/Tem earlier about tooltips was interesting
23:18.04Legorolyou said something that i never actually said: you said that if the parent of the tooltip is hidden, the tooltip loses its owner
23:18.12Legoroli never concluded that, only that the tooltip is invalidated
23:18.24Legorolbut the way you put it seemed to make more sense, so i double-checked in-game
23:18.37Legoroland you are absolutely correct, the tooltip does lose its owner when its parent is hidden
23:18.56Legorolwhich is exciting, because this allowed me to revise the Tooltip pseudo-code
23:19.11Legoroluntil now, i had a mysterious "valid" flag
23:19.25IrielDoes it come down to a single 'valid/invalid' state based on whether it has an owner?
23:19.28Legorolhowever, it looks like that it's redundant and all boils down to whether its owner is nil or not
23:19.34Legoroli think so
23:19.47Legoroli'm going to run a few tests, but i think that's what it will turn out to be
23:20.13KirovThe WorldFrame is never hidden, right?
23:20.17IrielThat's how it felt, and partly how I interpreted much of what you described last time (which led to my statement earlier)
23:20.23Kirovie: it shouldn't break during loads?
23:20.27IrielKirov : I believe your client crashes if it is
23:20.33IrielKirov : Or so someone reported yesterday
23:20.44IrielKirov : Try it? 8-)
23:21.07KirovNope, doesn't crash
23:21.32KirovAnd, amazingly, the ui still shows
23:21.46LegorolIriel: it was your statement, which wasn't exactly what i said, which made me think, "hang on, it might actually be like that"
23:21.49Kirovwhich answers the old "is the UIParent parented to the world frame"
23:21.54Legorolit makes more sense from an implementation point too
23:22.50KirovI can hide / show the WorldFrame with out crashing
23:23.33IrielKirov : Interesting, I wish I could remember who reported that now
23:23.51IrielThey USED to be parented to one another
23:23.59IrielBut that got changed when the viewport code got added
23:24.15KirovMakes sense
23:24.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:25.51Depheriosdoes anybody know if there's a good way to fix the world glow problem with a resized worldframe?
23:26.41LegorolIriel: slouken also said something interesting yesterday:
23:26.41Legorol<slouken> The tooltip is cleared when it's hidden, and it's hidden if it doesn't have an anchor.
23:26.54Legoroli could verify the first half, but can't quite make sense of the second
23:27.01Legorolhow would you interpret that statement?
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23:27.29Legoroli have tested the following: if you hide its parent, the tooltip does retain its anchors, yet it gets invalidated
23:27.30IrielLegorol : If it's visible and you call SetAnchor with nil anchor?
23:27.39IrielI mean, SetOwner
23:27.40QzotIriel: Can you take a look at the 1.10 patch notes w.r.t. re-specializing engineering, and tell me what you think about the ff?
23:27.52LegorolIriel: right, that is indeed the case
23:28.04Legorolso he was talking about SetOwner, and not anchor in the sense of Points?
23:28.14QzotIriel: Namely, does it sound like a gnomish engineer respecializing to goblin will still be able to use the Battle Chicken they created as a gnomish engineer?
23:28.17IrielQzot: I have the same interpretation as Tem(?) did, namely, if you drop engineering and then work it back up, you can make a different decision 2nd time around.
23:28.20Legoroldamn these tooltips, why do they have to have their own anchoring system *in addition to* the usual Points system
23:28.31IrielLegorol: I believe so.
23:28.54Legorolok then i think i now know what he meant:
23:28.55IrielQzot: I suspect the "Chicken Issue" depends on how the chicken restrictions appear in game
23:29.02Legorola tooltip that has ANCHOR_NONE never actually appears on screen
23:29.04IrielQzot: But i'd hate to be the one who tests that theory 8-)
23:29.16Legoroleven if IsShown/IsVisible both return 1,
23:29.27Legorolwhich is what allows using hidden tooltips for scanning
23:29.40IrielLegorol : Because it's there, just infinitely off-screen
23:29.48IrielLegorol : Or "as good as infinitely"
23:29.50Legorolcould he have meant this?
23:30.20Legorolok, back to verifying that being invalid is equivalent to not having an owner, in all cases
23:30.30QzotThere are several BoP items you can only learn from one specialization, but the *item itself* does not require one or the other.
23:31.13QzotI may be willing to test the theory.
23:31.48QzotLnu has a full set of gnomish equipment, but is not my engineer who's learned the expensive schems.
23:32.35KirovI find the fact that so many engineering trinkets don't bind curious
23:32.39QzotI was only partly following the WorldFrame:Hide() discussion. Did you guys come up with a way that the world doesn't become unusable, and is there a potential performance win for doing it?
23:32.56KirovThe rogues in my guild just trade one set of cables around betweent hem.
23:33.26QzotI mail a snowmaster between multiple of my engineers. The timeout is on the engineer, not the device.
23:33.41KirovQzot - it was more a side tanget to the GameTooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE") discussion.
23:33.48Kirover, tangent
23:33.55IrielQzot: I'd expect an experiment with CT_Viewport and a tiny world frame would yield valuable results along that line
23:34.25QzotLet's put it this way. WorldFrame:Hide() was *very* interesting.
23:34.33QzotAs in... "May you live in interesting times."
23:35.48KirovQzot the only annoying thing about WorldFrame:Hide() is that none of the keybindings work.  I had to make a macro to unhide it. =)
23:37.05IrielI still expect a tiny worldframe to be more likely to give a performance gain over a hidden one
23:37.07IrielBut who knows
23:37.45Irielcombine that with running at a low resultion with minimal graphics settings
23:37.49DepheriosFrom what I've seen, changing the worldframe's size doesn't relate to a lot of performance gain (not much at all)
23:38.03Depheriosbut that's with my uber vidcard
23:39.45QzotYeah. I would have expeceted all the polygons to still go flowing down the pipeline.
23:40.12Kirov*goes to check*
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23:40.57DepheriosSeriously though, does anybody know a good fix (beyond creating solid frames to overlay the exterior) to fix the Full-Screen Glow Effect + World Frame problem in 1.10?
23:41.15Depheriosor are other people not getting that problem?
23:41.18IrielDepherios : What problem is that?
23:41.36IrielIs this a viewport + glow issue?
23:41.38DepheriosI think it's multisampling + glow
23:41.54IrielI suspect that your solution (black masking textures) is the appropriate one
23:42.02Depherioswas hoping there was a quick fix
23:42.38IrielTurn off glow?? 8-)
23:42.46DepheriosI already have masking textures that turn red as my health goes down, so I just need to make them change color instead of alpha now (I have glow off for now ^_^)
23:43.07IrielIt does however strike me that it might be evidence of an inefficiency
23:43.30IrielIf the post-processing code only ran on the viewport area it would, in theory, be faster
23:44.50Depheriosit's new, but yeah, it causes my framerate to shoot down
23:45.44KirovDeph - what issue is this?
23:45.54Kirovand Iriel is correct about hidden / vs resize
23:46.02DepheriosIf you have world glow, and multisampling on
23:46.04Kirovhidden viewport is still being rendered, just not displayed
23:46.07Depherioswith the world frame resized
23:46.15Depheriosanything overlaying the "exterior" viewport area
23:46.20DepheriosBLEEDS into the black
23:46.31Depheriosuntil all/most of it is white
23:46.32Kirovthe frame buffer "jiggle"
23:47.04Depheriosthings with an alpha transparency go nuts first...
23:48.16Irielheh, video feedback FTW
23:49.17Kirovoh, I see, I clicked on a hidden frame, heh
23:49.36KirovI managed to get a portion of the screen to stop flickering
23:49.55Kirovbut I'd just clicked someplace bad.
23:59.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (

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