irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060324

00:00.40IrielMiravlix : well, as long as everyone else does it, and nobody uses _'s in their addon names, and you avoid blizzard ones.
00:00.50Ktron|PHPCairenn, CheerFul?:)
00:01.00CairennFuster Cluck
00:01.18Ktron|PHPah, I hate it when chickens do that
00:01.21Cairennwhat can I say, I worked with the military for a while
00:01.48Cairennand when folks joke about swearing like a salior? guess what, it isn't a joke :p
00:02.00Ktron|PHPhosting aircraft UIs for them?:)
00:02.01Cairennalthough I was working with the AirForce, but same diff
00:02.14Cairennha ha ha :p
00:02.40JoshBorkehaha, i know that term too cair :D
00:02.40KirkburnOkay, taking in certain advice, I have got this ... ... just lots of moving stuff into the function to do
00:02.59Ktron|PHPif you flip yourself upside down, the only way you know you're looking at the ocean and not the sky is becasuse the ocean is bumpier, and blood rushes into your hea
00:03.29MiravlixDon't see the problem with including _'s in your addon dir?
00:03.46IrielMiravlix : You write XYZ addon
00:03.47MiravlixIf addon dir is Blizzard_CRAFTUI then I can understand the problem
00:03.51IrielMiravlix : I write XYZ_Wibble
00:04.00IrielMiravlix : You call your variable XYZ_(Wibble_Count)
00:04.06IrielMiravlix : I call mine XYZ_Wibble_(Count)
00:04.11QzotBuy! Catch you all later.
00:04.28Irielcya QZ>
00:04.35MiravlixThats so a remote teoretical conflict it aint worth worrtying about
00:04.50Miravlixand it's easy to ask the user if they have any _ dirs with the same beginning as ours
00:04.53Cairennlater Qzot
00:05.13IrielI'm sure thott though calling his global variable T was safe too
00:05.22MiravlixAnd pop
00:05.36MiravlixI don't agree with him, but...
00:06.00IrielMaybe <Authorname>_<AddonName> is a safe prefix
00:06.07IrielBecause you can be trusted not to screw up your own code
00:06.27Miravlix<addonsubdir>_<names> is safe enough
00:06.33MiravlixIt will clean up most problems
00:07.29MiravlixIt will be once every 10 thousand addons that someone names it TitanPanel_Resurect_Overdosis and TitanPanel_Resurrection_Overdosis_Part3
00:07.42Osagasuquick question: what's the boss in AQ that can't be tanked by warriors?
00:07.58MiravlixActually it will never happend, who make addon subdirs with names like that?
00:08.13Miravlixthe ones that hex the warrior?
00:08.22MiravlixThats usually the ones only bears can tank
00:08.35OsagasuIsn't there one that has to be tanked by locks?
00:08.41MiravlixOffcourse a good guild will just dispell the hex
00:08.46MiravlixSo the warrior can still tank
00:09.00Miravlixjust need two tanks instead, one hex the other has it
00:09.40KirkburnTadaa! .... I think I'll rename the CF folder to zClearFont so it loads last, too.
00:09.56MiravlixI don't see why there would ever be a mob that has to be tanked by a lock
00:10.04MiravlixWhat ability does a lock have to keep agro?
00:10.35MiravlixThe boss has to do something that makes it impossible for a warrior and bear to tank it
00:10.36KirovTwin Emperors.
00:10.50MiravlixWhat is that that only Warlocks can do and no one else?
00:10.56KirovAny melee damage will cause a massive damage AOE
00:11.07Kirovlike 3000-4000 damage blast
00:11.16KirovKilling everything around it
00:11.20Ktron|PHPI've got an addon to submit, can anyone check my syntax?
00:11.29Ktron|PHPdon't worry about the toc, it's fine
00:11.58Osagasuthen what does thaqt hex?
00:12.18MiravlixThen a hunter with the shadow damage wolf can tank. :)
00:12.39KirovMiravlix - except the shadow damage wolf still does melee
00:12.45Kirov... and doesn't do shadow damage any more
00:13.16KirovPaladins can tank as well, but they have to constantly turn off auto attack since judging mobs turns it on
00:13.18Ktron|PHPJust let a mage tank
00:13.35Ktron|PHPmana shield can take it!@
00:13.45Kirovmages die too fast
00:13.47Kirovnot enough HP
00:14.50Ktron|PHPyeah, so, yeah, voidstalkers ftw?
00:15.18KirkburnIf they existed ...
00:15.47Kirovvoidwalkers melee
00:15.53MiravlixVoidies does melee
00:16.02Ktron|PHPso... imps ftw?
00:16.10MiravlixThere is nothing left if they changed the nice Duskwood wolf
00:17.32Kirovwind serpents
00:21.01Ktron|PHPcan priests get their hp way up?
00:21.15KirkburnCairenn: I've uploaded a new CF beta.
00:21.37KirkburnI don't suppose anyone feels like testing the new version out? :)
00:22.47MiravlixPriest is like a squishy paste they just die
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00:23.06Cairennwhen you guys get a chance, and if you feel like it, could you help this guy out please?
00:23.08MiravlixWarlock is definately the only thing with hps so they can tank
00:23.26CairennKirkburn: approved, but I'm on live server right now so can't test =/
00:28.12KirkburnI should be off now ... thanks for all your help!!
00:28.20Cairennlater Kirkburn
00:28.35KirkburnI'll save the rest of the exclamation marks for when I know it works :P Taraa
00:31.42LegorolCairenn: very exciting post!
00:32.05LegorolIt's quite involved and I haven't digested all of it yet, but... what the guy is trying to do is exactly what Blizzard has done with their "signed" code
00:32.09Legorolthe post you linked
00:32.31LegorolSo once I think it through, I might suggest the solution that Blizzard used :-)
00:32.43Legorolit may not be possible in a pure Lua implementation..
00:32.51Legorolwhere is Iriel when one needs him?
00:32.53IrielI answered this last time it came up
00:33.04Irielto the best of my ability not including writing his code for hjim
00:33.07IrielI'm assuming it's the same person
00:33.13Legoroloh hi
00:33.19Legorolyou *are* here :D
00:33.32MiravlixWhere do you find a cow druid when you need one.
00:33.38IrielNow, with 1.10, it's lot easier
00:33.54MiravlixHow do you detect if a hostile druid is in a shape with mana?
00:34.10Legorolick, sounds impossible
00:34.10KirovUnitEnergyType ?
00:34.28Legoroloh hum, i think i misunderstood the question..
00:34.48Legoroli thought you meant how do you detect how much mana (as opposed to rage/energy) he has when he is in bear/cat
00:35.28Kirovcould be used to detect if a druid is in any form, or if a unit is a pet
00:35.59IrielIn 1.10 it's fairly easy
00:36.31IrielI think UnitPowerType works pretty well for druid dectection
00:36.35IrielYou have UnitClass also
00:36.38MiravlixI prefair UnitPlayerControled("target") and UnitCreatureType("target") == "Beast" that gets a shapeshifter
00:36.51IrielUnitIsPlayer and UnitClass is druid and UnitPowerType == whatever
00:36.53MiravlixOr maybe just UnitClass("target") == "druid"
00:37.20MiravlixDruids creature type is humanoid in elf shape, and beast in forms
00:37.32Kirovlocal _,class = UnitClass("target");
00:37.32Kirovif ( class == "DRUID" ) then
00:37.34MiravlixAnd I don't have Oomkin form no idea if it's a beast
00:40.56MiravlixBut UnitPowerType was just what I needed.
00:41.16MiravlixI was looking throught he unit list, but keept ignoring that one for some reason. :p
00:43.28MiravlixNow back to makeing PartyQuests run 0.002 ms faster pr call
00:45.22MiravlixHmm, is there any global environment speedup because of propper local use in say 20 addons?
00:46.08IrielThe size of the global environment isn't much of an issue
00:46.16MiravlixCurrently most addons polute the global environment with pretty much 99% of there code, I wonder what will happend if around 70-90% of addons got put into the local environment
00:46.43Irielthe blzizard code puts so much stuff in already, and it's a hashtable so the lookup doesn't scale much with size once it gets up there
00:47.46IrielI can't remember who it was asking 'why do we need loadstring', well, that wowi post is a reason why
00:47.54Irielloadstring/setfenv for the win
00:48.27IrielAnother reason to love lua I suppose
00:50.14IrielMiravlix : One thing to NOT do is store optional data in Frame tables
00:50.49IrielMiravlix : If you're using a Frame table, then store true/false values with explicit false, or put your settings/flags in their own subtable
00:55.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:57.14Irielcladhaire : Dont store OPTIONAL data in a frame table
00:57.29Irielcladhaire : Because if you ask for it, and it's not there, you invoke the overhead of the frame metamethod
00:57.44IrielIt's not an issue most of the time, but for the on-update crazed, it can be important
00:57.47Irielor at least, relevant
00:58.04Iriel(We're still talking microscopic overhead)
01:01.00MiravlixMany small puddles make an ocean
01:02.55Kirovsorting LootLink item lists = a big freakin' ocean
01:03.18Kirovespecially with my hack-tastic "enhanced" version.
01:04.38KirovIf I have a reference to a table in a table, then I tremove that entry from the table, will the reference be nil?
01:04.48MiravlixOkay, this is just going to make the code way more easier to read
01:05.18MiravlixI'm 'mini' prototyping with local in the beginning of the file, so within the first page (with comments) someone knows as much about PQ as me.
01:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:06.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
01:17.55IrielKirov: the table entry will be nil
01:18.37MiravlixNo SELL SELL SELL
01:18.42IrielIs this subliminal marketing?
01:19.13QzotIf you're asking about it, by definition, it's not.
01:20.46Gryphendamn noisy clown ad on wowi :/
01:21.08Cairenntell me you are joking ...
01:21.10Miravlixdoes your dev thing have build in profiler?
01:21.49Gryphenno, it the clown for free ringtones
01:22.12Gryphenhad my volume up, i shit myself
01:22.24Cairennwhy the hell do I never see any of these?
01:22.30IrielI hope you're using that phrase figuratively
01:22.50Gryphensorta, i farted at least
01:23.04Gryphenmay or may not have been related to the ad
01:30.03IrielMore than we needed to know
01:30.08Irielbut I suppose I asked
01:30.17IrielOr at least implied a question
01:31.21IrielCairenn : My guess is because you're coming from canada, and they're location targetted ads?
01:31.23cladhaireJust catching up
01:31.30cladhaireIriel: Aah.. that makes sense.
01:31.31Cairennah, could be
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02:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:13.25AnduinLotharfinal #2 down... 2 to go
02:14.04Cairenngood stuff ...
02:14.32AnduinLotharspose. I'll be (marginally) happy when they're over
02:24.16AnduinLotharok, no wi'm impressed...
02:24.24AnduinLotharI've been waiting for this for a long time
02:24.44AnduinLotharCan't wait till they have the exel one
02:25.49AnduinLothartoo bad the menus don't work in camino
02:25.53cladhaireAnduinLothar: I was definitely impressed.
02:26.37AnduinLothardoesn't work on my old safari either
02:26.55AnduinLotharbut i can tupdate that without updating my os
02:27.25AnduinLotharworks fine in firefox of course
02:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:27.55AnduinLotharlol, doesn't support IE yet :)
02:28.10Crispixyech......... trillian skin :|
02:28.29AnduinLotharsad part is at work on the windows boxes firefox seems to be blocked by the router
02:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:32.10AnduinLotharlol, love slashdot headlines "Apple MacBook Pro 'Fastest Windows XP Notebook'?"
02:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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02:40.21KirovAnyone dealt with adhoc networks?
02:40.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
02:40.57cladhaireKirov: Somewhat.. what are you trying to do?
02:42.05KirovI have my laptop and my main pc, both have wireless
02:42.23KirovI currently have them both hooked up to my router via cat5
02:42.38KirovI want to have my main pc hooked up via cat5, and my laptop connect to the rest of the network via adhoc
02:42.51cladhaireand you have a wireless code in both?
02:51.12LegorolKirov: i might be able to help you, if you are running Windows on them
02:51.47Legorolso you want the scenario: Laptp <wireless> PC  <-- cat5 --> router <> rest of network
02:52.22Legoroli'm assuming your PC has both a standard Ethernet card and a wireless network card
02:52.53Legorolthis router, is that one that connects you to the Internet?
02:53.08Legorolis the IP address in the PC on the router side a public one?
02:53.35Legorolso is it a private IP address like 192.168...
02:53.54Legorolis your router a NAT device?
02:54.10Kirovnot entirely sure
02:54.26Legorolwell if your PC has a private IP but the router connects you to the Internet, i'm assuming it is
02:54.45KirovShould be, not actually my router, it's my girlfriend's
02:54.46Legorolok, you have two options, depending on how configurable your router is
02:55.03Legorolit's probably a standard household router, not very configurable at all..
02:55.06KirovMy router is wireless / switch, which would solve the issue, but she doesn't like my router.
02:55.23Legorolso your best bet is to enable Internet Connection Sharing on your PC
02:55.44Legorolwhen doing so, you want the "public" interface to be the one going to the router, and the "private" interface be the wireless card
02:55.59Legorolthe only gotcha you have to watch out for is IP addresses
02:56.15Legorolwhen you enable ICS in Windows, it will automagically assign to the wireless network card in your PC
02:56.34Legorolwhich you would have to change, and change it to be on a *different* sub-net than the IP on the router side
02:57.11Legorolexample: if your PC has the IP address assigned to it by the router, then assign something like to the wireless network card in it *after* enabling ICS
02:57.24Legoroland on your laptop, assign an IP that's in 192.168.10.x
02:57.37Legoroland set the default gateway of your laptop to
02:57.46Legorolif any of this doesn't make sense, ask away
02:57.51Legoroli tried to confuse you as much as i could :D
02:58.31MentalPowerlegorol is very good at that :)
02:58.37MentalPowerconfusing that is :)
02:58.48MentalPowerbut he explains rather well afterwards
02:59.02Legorolthat's the downside of speaking before i think :D
02:59.03MentalPowerhehe :)
03:00.21LegorolI think I have blown Kirov's mind.. he's gone
03:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
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03:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:16.06Esamynnevening all
03:17.27Cairennhi Esamynn
03:22.13MiravlixThose big optimizing sessions where you edit most of the code in one go, your never going to make it work again. :p
03:22.30JoshBorkeis there an invite to group throttle?
03:22.31Miravlixwtf, not even one syntax error
03:22.42TainI know the feeling so well.
03:23.07MiravlixI just converted PartyQuest.lua to use local almost everywhere.
03:23.28MiravlixAll function calls is local, all variables except saved is local.
03:24.09MiravlixIf only we had a profile to check if it had any effect.
03:24.15Esamynnyou're nuts
03:25.00MiravlixI have one hook function thats global and a few on hooks
03:25.28Esamynnfor your sanity and everyone elses, you should make most things available globally, even if you use local pointers
03:25.48MiravlixTo hell with everyone else, PQ isn't a library. :)
03:26.13EsamynnI said your sanity too :P
03:26.22MiravlixMy sanity?
03:26.22MentalPowerhehe, in our libraries (stubby and enhtooltip) most everything is local
03:26.23TainThere is an old axiom: “Never mud-wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty, but the pig has fun.”
03:26.32MiravlixEmulating C .h makes me DARN SANE
03:26.35MentalPowerthe only exposed functions are the needed ones
03:26.47MiravlixThat had made the code 9238298492348932843284 times easier to read and understand
03:27.16MiravlixNow I have a commented prototype section for eveyr addon someone else can read the top page or two and know everything the addon does
03:27.29JoshBorkeok, so i colud use some help, i don't understand the whole local thing and how to access it. currently i'm just creating a single global variable and dumping all my functions in that global variable.
03:27.31Esamynnahh, I see
03:27.46MiravlixThis is going to make shared codeing so much more efficent
03:27.55Esamynnlocal variables are faster to access, but they have limited scope
03:27.57JoshBorkehow is that different from using local definitions in the lua?
03:28.21Esamynna local variable is only available inside the block it is defined in
03:28.26MiravlixWhat where the numbers Esa?
03:28.27LegorolI am not sure making all functions and variables local is a good thing
03:28.30Legorolmakes it harder to debug
03:28.42Esamynnmy thoughts exactly Leg
03:28.46Legorolyou might be better off leaving them global, with local references for speed
03:29.05TainDamn just had a (I think) an almost epiphany moment, have to make a note of it so that I can evalutate tomorrow when I'm sober.
03:29.09MiravlixNo I make them all local and make global referances when needed
03:29.09Legorolthe Auctioneer guys got it right, imho
03:29.21Kirovor just make it all global until you're done
03:29.35Legorolthe problem with that approach is that you are only making those things global that you want to expose to the public
03:29.39Legorolit's not enough for debugging
03:29.44LegorolKirov's method works too,
03:29.52MiravlixNo make it all local to start with and just do <addonname>_<function> = <function>
03:29.55Legorolbut then if you want to add/change the code, you have to keep going through making things global/local
03:30.10Esamynnpersonally, I'm not convinced local function references provide that much of a performance boost, I the real benefit is in addressing your data structures
03:30.15LegorolMiravlix, that doesn't allow you to hook into them with debugging codes
03:30.47EsamynnLegorol, are you reading my mind? ;)
03:30.47MiravlixBasically you can do function functionname(...) end <addondir>_<functionname> = <functionname>
03:30.49Legorolfor example, i like to hook into function codes with a debugging addon that will monitor calls/arguments/return values
03:31.02LegorolMiravlix, no that doesn't allow hooking
03:31.52Legorolif someone proceeds to hook <addondir>_<functionname>, the calls inside your addon still refer to the original unhooked one
03:32.02MiravlixBut we use
03:32.14Legorolthat's a public function
03:32.15MiravlixYou don't need to hook Cosmos addons if coded with propper debug
03:32.17Legoroland hookable
03:32.38Legorolcoding debug prints into a function is sometimes not enough
03:32.54Legorolsometimes you want to see what arguments are passed to it, what are its return values, when is it called etc.
03:33.14Legorolinstead of putting tons of dprints in place for all those cases, you can just hook functions on the fly to monitor them
03:34.05LegorolFor example, I have a set of debugging utilities. One of the functions does this: /script DebugHook("SomeAddOn.someFunction")
03:34.19Legoroland it will monitor all calls to the function, arguments and return values
03:34.20Crispix  there.
03:34.51MiravlixBottom line is, it's propper codeing to have it all local.
03:35.06MiravlixWe can reduce Cosmos FPS cost with this by a huge ammount
03:35.20Legorolyou can achieve the same thing by using local references to the global objects
03:35.38MiravlixFocus on the important stuff here Leg
03:35.43MiravlixNot the freaking implementation
03:36.01MiravlixThe implementation comes after we decided how to code.
03:36.04Legorolwell if you have two ways of doing something, with the same performance results, but one allows easier debugging, i prefer that
03:36.14EsamynnHe is Legorol, AddOns that are completely unhookable from the outside are a real pain in the ass
03:36.34LegorolEsamynn's point is valid too
03:36.34MiravlixNo your on the wrong page here
03:36.39Legorolcould be
03:36.42MiravlixThis is about using Locals OR NOT
03:36.54MiravlixNot about how to program it after you use locals
03:37.10Legoroli agree that you should use locals, as much as you can
03:37.16Legoroli think we all agree on that
03:37.30Esamynnbut overuse is possibly worse than no use
03:37.40MiravlixWell, if everyone agrees on that, why does no one use it?
03:38.07Legorolbecause until now people weren't too bothered, and because it's more troublesome to implement
03:38.09JoshBorke( Miravlix ): i don't because i don't know how :D
03:38.13Legorolhaving everything global is very convenient
03:38.20Legorolpeople are lazy to carefully optimize
03:38.28Legorolwhilst maintaining access to globals
03:38.30MiravlixAnd very FPS costly
03:38.31EsamynnI use local pointers to all my data structures, but i'm not convinced there is much real benefit to doing the same for functions, not to mention the problems presented by having most of your functions locally defined
03:39.00Legoroleven local references to functions that are globally defined are a problem
03:39.04Legorolmakes them unhookable
03:39.07MiravlixActually using local makes your code way more readable
03:39.11EsamynnJoshBorke: what questions do you have about local?
03:39.11KirovSomething I'm working on ran out of local variables.  >.<
03:39.23Legorolsome of what we are arguing here comes down to personal preference
03:39.24MiravlixWhat you do is making a header section with local <functionname>
03:39.51MiravlixIn that header section you create comments so someone else just by reading the header section can get a complete overview of all functions in the addon
03:39.54JoshBorke( Esamynn ): when i define functions as "local MyFunction" in my mod, how can I access it?
03:40.09LegorolMiravlix, do you then use those local names in the AddOn?
03:40.15Esamynndo you know what I mean by scope Josh?
03:40.28MiravlixTalking implementation
03:40.46JoshBorke( Esamynn ): yea, i know how to use local and scope and all that, but I don't know where the 'local function' is scoped to
03:40.50JoshBorkeif that makes sense...
03:41.00MiravlixYou would do function <addondir>_<functionname> when creating the function but calling <functionname>
03:41.20LegorolThat makes the function unhookable
03:41.30MiravlixThen in the header secction that gives the total overview of the addon you would have -- This function is cool it does this that
03:41.30Esamynnok, the scope of a local variable is anywhere inside the block you defined the variable in, after the point at which you define it,
03:41.40LegorolI understand what you are saying
03:41.54Miravlixlocal <functionname> = <addondir>_<functionname>
03:41.54Legorolthat within the addon, you would just refer to them by <functionname> rather than <addondir>_<functionname>
03:42.01Esamynnthus, if you make a local variable in the function, its scope is only inside that function and it cannot be addressed outside that function
03:42.07Legorolthat makes it impossible to hook <addondir>_<functionname>
03:42.23Miravlixand I point to that so you can hook <functionname>
03:42.49Legorolok, can i pastebin something? just to check i understand you correctly..
03:43.00Legorolbecause i think we might be on 2 different wavelengths
03:43.55JoshBorke( Esamynn ):
03:43.59MiravlixEsamynn: The more times a function is called the bigger the saving
03:44.05JoshBorkeis an example of my question
03:44.13LegorolMiravlix: can you throw up a 3 line example on pastebin?
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03:47.20Legorolwb Cairenn
03:47.43LegorolMiravlix, ok that's what i thought you are doing
03:47.47Legoroli have two questions:
03:48.07Legorolif you actually have the file like this, the local variable SpeedFreakUnited will be nil
03:48.07MiravlixDoesn't that allow hooking RCATDN_SpeedFreakUnited
03:48.33MiravlixThen you wont get hooks with my code
03:48.43Legoroland the other is, if you use the variable SpeedFreakUnited within the addon, it doesn't allow hooking of RCATDN_SpeedFreakUnited
03:48.44MiravlixIt's far more important that other programmers can read it
03:49.15Legorolok it's a matter of your preference if you write your addon like this
03:49.19MiravlixIf you want to debug, just do prints inside the functions
03:49.27Legorolhowever, you need to have the definition of the local after the actual function
03:49.40MiravlixThat wont be possible
03:50.00Legorolotherwise the local variable will have nil, and not a reference to the function
03:50.02MiravlixDoing it that way will not improve the code for shared development
03:50.41EsamynnJoshBorke:sorry, was called away, i'm looking now
03:51.01JoshBorkeit's ok :-) i'm cleaning out my fraps videos
03:51.04Legorolyou have to have the function actually defined before you can make a local reference to it
03:51.33Esamynnshort answer, you can't any function you want to call from outside the block it is defined in (a file counts as a block) needs a global reference
03:52.21LegorolMiravlix, something that will be close to what you want:
03:52.33EsamynnJoshBorke: now, you could use SetScript, but that would make hooking your frame's event functions a lot more problematic and really isn't worth it
03:52.37Legorolthis has the definition of the locals at the start, so you can make it neat and put comments etc.
03:52.54Legorolbut it actually works because it defines the references to the functions correctly
03:53.12MiravlixBy going local in the first place, I get a significant speed advantage and a way to make the coders write a comment section that easily allow other coders to understand what the addon does, these two things far outweight the need for some random third party addon to hook our functions
03:53.28Legorolok, that's your choice
03:53.31MiravlixBut we can add a internal hook functions to all our Cosmos addons, to give the functionality
03:53.58LegorolI don't agree with that approach, but since this is a matter of opinion, let's agree to disagree :-)
03:54.14MiravlixYou always disagree so what else is new
03:54.18JoshBorke( Esamynn ): what about local static values defined in the lua file, same thing, inaccessible?
03:54.23Legoroli try not to, these days
03:54.29MiravlixAnd I never agree to disagree over things like this, your to huffy about it
03:54.42MiravlixIt's not like there is right and wrongs here
03:54.44JoshBorke( Esamynn ): values rather than functions i should say :-)
03:54.45Legoroli also provided you with a working implementation of what you want
03:54.57Legorolindeed, there is no right and wrong
03:55.18MiravlixNo you didn't
03:55.28Esamynnfunctions are first class objects, which means they have the same status as any other variable, thus, yes, the same is true of all local values
03:55.31MiravlixYou sttill haven't understood the point of the header section
03:55.58Legorolis it purely there for commenting purposes?
03:56.08Legorolor do you actually intend to use the local variable SpeedFreakUnited
03:56.17Legorolif it's the second, your implementation simply does not work
03:56.20Legorolbecause of the way Lua is
03:56.32MiravlixIt's there to enforce a codeing style that provides a easier incencitive to propperly comment
03:57.01Legoroli appreciate that, and i am trying to lend you a hand in implementing that
03:57.13Legoroli am not disagreeing anymore with what you are trying to do
03:57.15MiravlixAnd whats wrong with PartyQuest_HookUsUp()?
03:57.28Legoroli haven't looked at PQ code in a while, is it on SVN?
03:57.47MiravlixNot the version I just made with locals
03:57.51JoshBorkethat's what WoWi needs! svn!
03:58.00JoshBorkethen it will be complete!
03:58.13Legorolok i don't know how your actual implementation in PQ looks like
03:58.22MiravlixWhatever you do /script DoHook(PartyQuests_HookIt("FUNCTIONNAME") )
03:58.28Legorolbut this example you pastebined: doesn't work
03:58.36MiravlixOr you /script DoHook(FUNCTIONAME)
03:58.42Legorolthat can work
03:58.43MiravlixWorks well enough both ways
03:58.53Legorolnothing wrong with that
03:59.18EsamynnJoshBorke: what you can do is declare all your tables in global variables and then make local pointer variables to the globals, as long as you never reassign the global table, you can modify it's contents using the local pointer at will and get the speed benefits of local
03:59.26Legorolok well i'll see how you implemented it when you commmit it on SVN
03:59.34Legoroli'm quite curious about it now :-)
03:59.36MiravlixI'm 100% against strange third party addons having ANY access what so ever to my internals
03:59.57LegorolEsamynn, that's a matter of prefernce
04:00.13JoshBorke( Esamynn ): can you give me a pastebin example?
04:00.21Wobin_It's like a strange man with a rusty scalpel asking if he can borrow your spleen =)
04:00.27MiravlixI do not want a user to come and tell me this doesn't work and me being unable to find out why because it's due to a third party program messing with my addon
04:00.36JoshBorke( Wobin_ ): can i borrow your spleen? i'll provide the scalpel
04:00.56MiravlixBy going extream local I close down the window where things can go wrong
04:00.57Wobin_JoshBorke: Sure! Let me just replace my current one with Miravlix's!
04:02.12MiravlixWhat I don't like is that it confines me to one file pr. addon
04:02.27MiravlixBecause there is no addon environment
04:02.51EsamynnJoshBorke: here is an example from the next version of one of my AddOns:
04:03.38LegorolMiravlix, there might be a way around that
04:03.51Legorolyou make two files, each of which defines all their stuff within a single table
04:03.57Legorolyou can make this table local to each file
04:04.12Legorolthen you have a function in each file that returns a reference to the table
04:04.18MiravlixC++ background I guess, I like when my data is safe from tampering
04:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
04:04.29Legorolso in the other file, you call the function to get the reference
04:04.42Legorolgranted this allows a 3rd party to do the same
04:04.47EsamynnMiravlix, you need to understand the principles behind the UI sand box
04:04.47MiravlixIt's do able, but is in worth it?
04:04.55Legorolprobably ont
04:05.28EsamynnAddOns are supposed to behave themselves, there really isn't any need to hedge against people mucking up things they shouldn't because it just isn't done
04:05.42MiravlixEsa: It would be nice to have global scope, addon scope, file scope, function scope
04:05.56Legorolyou can have function scope
04:06.09MiravlixI have global, file and function
04:06.15EsamynnLua's wasn't designed for that, nor does the purposes it is used for really need such a thing
04:06.16MiravlixProble is not addon
04:06.40LegorolEsamynn, I think Miravlix's point is that he doesn't want other AddOn *coders* mess with the AddOn from the outside
04:06.43Esamynnwell it does if you deine your AddOn in a single file ;)
04:07.04MiravlixEsa: Funny. :P
04:07.08JoshBorke( Esamynn ): so what then has access to the local variables?
04:07.11Esamynnmy point is he needs to trust that they won't unless they have a good reason to
04:07.23MiravlixNo I don't
04:07.30Legoroland this is where personal preference comes in to play
04:07.37MiravlixYou keep getting bugs because everyone use global scope
04:07.48EsamynnJoshBorke: the code I pasted is at the top of my main file, everything defined below it in the file has access to the local pointers
04:07.48Legorolthat's true
04:07.57Legorolbut you get far less bugs because people hook into your stuff
04:08.09MiravlixIf all addon programmers by default programmed for local scope, we would have far less issues to deal with.
04:08.37Esamynnheh, the current version doesn't have what I posted ;)
04:09.08LegorolI partially agree with that, I beleive that you should reduce global name space pollution, but still expose all of an AddOn's functions and data
04:09.15LegorolFor example, by putting everything in a table
04:09.50Legorolanyway, i think we reached the limit point of this discussion
04:09.59LegorolEsamynn, JoshBorke, what were you guys working on :D
04:10.02MiravlixMaking some debug function that allows you to go into the local file scope is definately a good practice
04:10.16MiravlixBut don't code global just because some third party want to mess
04:10.17Esamynnhe was asking about local variables
04:10.34JoshBorkei'm having trouble with variable local to the lua file
04:10.35EsamynnI posted an example of local pointers to global tables
04:10.49JoshBorkei understand locals inside functions and lower blocks
04:10.59JoshBorkejust not on the lua level :-/
04:11.14MiravlixIt's the same as the function level
04:11.15Esamynnlocals inside files follow exactly the same rules as they do inside any other "block"
04:11.20LegorolJoshBorke, this is the best way (imho) to look at it:
04:11.26MiravlixGlobals is locals too just in the Global environment
04:11.26Legorolthe entire Lua file is a single function
04:11.39Legorolwhen your AddOn loads, this function is read, and then executed
04:11.43MiravlixWow.exe environment doesn't get poluted by lua globals
04:11.45Legorolthis is exactly what the Lua engine is doing
04:12.02EsamynnMiravlix, no globals are stored in a table you can access, locals aren't
04:12.07Legorolit executes your .lua file when it loads it
04:12.18Legorolas if the inside of a single funciton with no argument and no return value
04:12.34JoshBorkeso how can you use functions you define as local?
04:12.39MiravlixEsa: Yeah there is some build in advanced tools for working with Lua Level Scope
04:12.53EsamynnJoshBorke, you can only use them from inside the file you define them in
04:13.04MiravlixBut there is nothing that prevent you from writing your own getglobal for your file scope
04:13.06LegorolJoshBorke, let me pastebin something for you
04:13.08JoshBorkebut otherwise they are accessible to everything below them?
04:13.13JoshBorkein that one file?
04:13.22JoshBorkeoh! i think the lightbulb just dinged!
04:13.28Esamynnyes exactly!
04:13.36JoshBorkeah ha!
04:13.38clad|sleepnight all
04:13.43JoshBorkenight clad|sleep
04:14.15EsamynnMiravlix: the WoW implementation of Lua doesn't allow for such a thing
04:14.37Esamynnnight clad
04:14.45Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
04:15.27JoshBorkeso this is valid?
04:15.41MiravlixIn C++ I would make a new class and use that instead of local to create the file scope table.
04:16.08EsamynnJoshBorke: eys
04:16.40JoshBorkeof course, now that i have this knowledge, i don't really have many plans to use it...
04:16.46JoshBorkei can think of a few things
04:16.50MiravlixLet me SVN this speedfreak version of PQ, it seems to work in game with no problems.
04:17.58EsamynnMiravlix: keep in mind, Lua is a scripting language, not a full programming language, it has different principles
04:17.59Temwasn't someone here working on an addon that popped up a button to remind you to turn Find Minerals/Herbs back on?
04:18.04Esamynnsomewhat, anyways
04:18.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
04:18.40EsamynnLegorol: too slow, he already got it :P
04:18.45Legorolah, bummer ;-)
04:19.02JoshBorkei was waiting out of respect though :_) and to make sure i didn't miss anything
04:19.09Esamynnthe lightbulb went on right after you said you would pastbin something :)
04:19.23Legorolwhat i was trying to illustrate with the pastebin is:
04:19.26JoshBorkeand the lightbulb was thanks to your explanation :D
04:19.42Legorolthe local things, like var, littleFunctionA etc. are only visible inside the myBigFunction
04:20.11JoshBorkeyea, i actually get it now :-)
04:20.12Legoroland a .lua file is just like the myBigFunction, except it's missing the first and last line
04:20.17JoshBorkebefore it was all a big blank
04:20.17Esamynnooh oh, now lets explain closures! ;)
04:20.25Legorollet's let's
04:20.25JoshBorkei have another question though :-)
04:20.29Wobin_please =)
04:20.30Legorolthey are the bestest thing ever
04:20.32Legoroli love closures
04:20.33JoshBorkethat i asked earlier but still couldn't quite get
04:20.36MiravlixSVN'ed it.
04:20.48JoshBorkedare i ask what a closure is?
04:20.53Legorolyep you do
04:20.54Legorolyou must!
04:21.00Legorolit's one of the most powerful things in Lua
04:21.02Wobin_What are closures!
04:21.06Wobin_er ?
04:21.11LegorolEsamynn, would you like to do the honors?
04:21.15Legorolor shall we confuse them together ;-)
04:21.41Esamynnnah, you're so excited about it, i'll follow and fill in any gaps :)
04:21.59Wobin_With spackle?
04:24.03JoshBorke erm
04:24.29JoshBorkemaybe i should just go to bed instead...
04:24.39MiravlixTo use locals or not to use locals thats the question.
04:25.20MiravlixThats what I implemented in the latest PartyQuest version.
04:25.32Legorolok i see what you did
04:25.39MiravlixNow the next question is how to use it.
04:25.55EsamynnLegorol: now thats not fair :P
04:25.58Legorolyour PQ implementation is different from your 3 line pastebin
04:26.04Crispixdoes anyone here know where dalinda Malem is? Thottbot, doesn't have corrdinate
04:26.09JoshBorkeok, i see, closures are kinda cool
04:26.10Legorolit makes sense the way you did it in PQ
04:26.33MiravlixI was trying to give you hooking ability and thought I had it in that example
04:27.04MiravlixI've not yet created the PQ with "How to use it" answered.
04:27.08Legorolok, so, closures
04:27.14JoshBorkeoh, but i already get it
04:27.19Legoroloh right :D
04:27.21Legoroltoo slow again..
04:27.29JoshBorkei just pulled up the manual and started reading :D
04:27.44Legorolthe Lua manual? or the Programming in Lua tutorial thingy
04:27.51JoshBorkeprogramming in lua
04:28.04Esamynnyes, it's a good book :)
04:28.14Legorolthat link isn't the best example of a closure
04:28.20JoshBorkei agree
04:28.30JoshBorkeafter reading the programming in lua portion, it's not very good at all :D
04:28.32EsamynnLegorol: in fact it's down right awful
04:28.42Legorolusing a function arg as an upvalue, ick
04:28.45Legorolit works, but nasty
04:29.11JoshBorkeok, so my question, i'm trying to capture when heals are cast on a mouseover unit
04:29.16MiravlixFor one thing, making DEBUG local was a bit over the top. doh
04:29.29JoshBorkebasically whenever you have an enemy mob targeted and you start a heal
04:30.00JoshBorkeso, they recommended earlier that i have an OnUpdate that checks for SpellIsTargeting() and then listen for SPELLCAST_START
04:30.08Esamynn  I added a better example of how closures can be used
04:30.11JoshBorke(and alternatively SPELLCAST_STOP for channeled spells)
04:30.27Esamynnok, I added an example of how closures can be used here:
04:30.46Esamynnbah, oops, was scrolled up, thought I hadn't gotten that one out
04:31.19Legoroldarn, Esamynn beat me again
04:31.36Legorolmine is here:
04:31.54JoshBorkeyea, that's looks nifty
04:31.55MiravlixEsa: I don't understand how you expect your local thing to work
04:32.02Esamynni'm copying/pasting Legorol ;)
04:32.07MiravlixWhen <variable> is a saved variable
04:32.26MiravlixYou can't do local stuff = table, because it wont be red in until later
04:32.35LegorolEsamynn: not very beginner friendly example to closures :D
04:32.56EsamynnLegorol: true enough, it was a copy paste from real code
04:33.00JoshBorke( Legorol ): indeed, your example is much more straight forward :D
04:33.32JoshBorkethough Esamynn's example shows the practical use of it
04:33.48LegorolJoshBorke, there are two important elements to closures: 1) functions are first-class variables, so they can be passed around (and returned) just like any other value
04:34.09MiravlixEsamynn: What I do is setup local and assing them in variables_loaded
04:34.12Legorol2) when you "create" a function, it forever retains a memory of any and all variables that it has access to
04:34.24EsamynnMiravlix: the point of the local table pointers is that i'm never going to re-assign the values of the global variables, thus I can manipulte the contents of the table as much as I want
04:34.42LegorolActually I think writing it this way makes more sense:
04:34.43Esamynnmy saved Variables table is a global only table
04:34.45Legorolalthough both work
04:35.06MentalPowerJoshBorke: theres an "UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT" event you can use
04:35.12MentalPowerno OnUpdate required
04:35.12MiravlixEsa: Well, all addons I've worked on does 90+ of there work with the saved variable
04:35.35MiravlixSo localing the savedvariables would be a nice benefit
04:35.37LegorolMentalPower: no he still needs OnUpdate i think
04:36.00JoshBorke( MentalPower ): what if i mouseover a unit then start the spell cast?
04:36.03EsamynnI only used a SavedVariable for my settings, I don't touch it very often, if I did, I'm make a local pointer to it
04:36.05LegorolJoshBorke: there are currently two possible implementations of capturing heals, that will work in 1.10
04:37.12LegorolJoshBorke: If I understand correctly, your problem is with the following situation:
04:37.18EsamynnLegorol: I liked the idea of hooken WorldFrame's OnMouseDown event
04:37.33Legorolsomeone hits the action button for a healing spell, and then mouses over the target and clicks them
04:38.01Legorolyes, Esamynn's suggestion with the OnMouseDown is the best solution
04:38.26Legorolactually hm..
04:38.36Legorolso you don't need OnUpdate
04:38.45LegorolMentalPower is right :-)
04:39.04LegorolYou keep monitoring for mouseover targets with UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT,
04:39.12MiravlixCursor change code needs OnUpdate. :P
04:39.26Legoroluh? we are talking about monitoring for healing casts
04:39.50LegorolIf I understand correctly, you need 3 ingredients for it to work:
04:40.09JoshBorkeok, so UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT will flag that i'm over a unit (if there is a unit), then OnMouseDown i check to see if there is a mouseover unit, but how do i know that i was trying to cast a spell?
04:40.09Legorol1) monitor units that are moused over with UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT
04:40.10Esamynnnow, the potential problem I see with the event driven version, is if the user is lagging and SPELLCAST_START doesn't fire immediately, you could get the wrong unit
04:40.25Legorol2) OnMouseDown you check if SpellIsTargeting()
04:40.29MiravlixAndu prefairs hooking worldframe mouse click
04:40.40Legorol3) when SPELLCAST_START fires, you know you have a heal on target
04:40.41MiravlixHe didn't like my event based with mouseover
04:40.45Miravlixgenerated to many events
04:41.22LegorolEsamynn: am i making it more complicating than it needs to be?
04:41.23JoshBorkeso OnMouseDown, SpellIsTargeting() will still be true during a heal
04:41.33Legoroli'm not sure
04:41.39EsamynnMiravlix: but in 1.10 you can't hook the WorldFrame OnClick event
04:41.42JoshBorkethat's what i was afraid of...
04:41.43Legoroli haven't done this before, AnduinLothar has though
04:41.50MiravlixEsa: yes you can
04:41.52LegorolEsamynn: you can hook OnMouseDown
04:41.53Esamynnactually, I haven't either
04:41.55JoshBorkehe's doing it with arcanecastbars?
04:41.55Legorolyou can't hook OnClick
04:42.03LegorolJoshBorke: yes
04:42.04EsamynnI know
04:42.18JoshBorkeko, i'll look into that closer
04:42.21MiravlixYou can't hook the verylongnamedthing what is it SelectOrMouseMovmebtOrWhatever
04:42.34LegorolJoshBorke: i don't beleive that a 1.10-compatible version is publically available
04:42.39Esamynnbut the OnClick event calls that function Mira
04:42.46Esamynnso you can't hook it
04:42.50Legorolthat's not how it works
04:42.51MiravlixAndu uses worldframe click to get the dead body name is some cody
04:42.59Legorolhe uses worldframe OnMouseDown
04:43.02Legorolnot OnClick
04:43.07CodayusOh, nm.
04:43.07MiravlixInstead of mouseover that generates to many events when he doesn't need to react
04:43.26MiravlixOnMouseDown = clicking with mouse
04:43.35JoshBorkewould i need teh UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT?
04:43.36Legorolok, then when you said "click", you confused us
04:43.39Esamynnyes, if you hook OnMouseDown, there is no need to monitor UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT
04:43.41MiravlixIt's the same thing
04:43.42Legorolwe all assumed you are talking about the OnClick handler
04:43.57JoshBorkecouldn't i just check in OnMouseDown if UnitExists('mouseover')?
04:44.03Legorolyes you could
04:44.19Esamynnexactly JoshBorke
04:44.21LegorolEsamynn is right, you don't even need UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT then
04:44.25JoshBorkei like that :-)
04:44.36JoshBorkemakes much more sense than the OnUpdate I was trying to do :-)
04:44.56Legoroli don't know if SpellIsTargeting is still true or not..
04:45.14EsamynnI believe OnMouseDown fires BEFORE OnClick
04:45.22Esamynnhaven't tested it
04:45.39JoshBorkei could probably test in 1.9 now to find out, that shouldn't be too hard
04:46.05MiravlixThe solution works in 1.10 and 1.9
04:46.16MentalPowerGnight folks
04:46.26Cairennnight Esamynn
04:46.29LegorolOnMouseDown does fire before OnClick
04:46.29MiravlixIt's part of how we are fixing the 1.10 infected Cosmos addons
04:46.31Esamynnnot me :P
04:46.42Cairennerrr, night MentalPower
04:46.43JoshBorkewoohoo! you guys rock :-)
04:46.44Legorolthat's not the issue, the question is if SpellIsTargeting is still true OnMouseDown
04:46.45Cairennsweet dreams
04:46.54MentalPowerlol, thanks Cairenn
04:47.14Legorolactually, JoshBorke, why do you need to know if SpellIsTargeting()?
04:47.30Esamynnthen SleppIsTargeting would still be true Legorol, because the event that casts the spell hasn't occured yet
04:47.39MiravlixWhat of the called function on mouse click calls the casting?
04:48.02MiravlixI know Andu detect rezzing in ArcanePartyBar with worldframe hooking
04:48.21JoshBorke( Legorol ): because I could have a valid target for a heal that is out of range, so i wouldn't be able to just check if the target is not friendly and the mouseover unit exists
04:48.25MiravlixSo download it and read it's code. It's in alpha already
04:48.26Legorolthe function that actually causes the spellcast to happen is CameraOrSelectOrMove
04:49.09Legorolhooking OnMouseDown on WorldFrame doesn't prevent  CameraOrSelectOrMove() from being called from Bindings.xml
04:49.14Legorolwhereas hooking OnClick() does
04:49.51Esamynnyes, so you store the name whenever you get an OnMouseDown where a spell is targetting and there is a mouseover unit, and then when you get SPELLCAST_START you store the current name
04:50.06Esamynnor SPELLCAST_STOP for instant cast spells
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04:50.47JoshBorkeinstant cast spells ftl :-/
04:50.58EsamynnI've never actully done it myself, but I know how it works :)
04:51.44JoshBorkebackground to my next question: i have a macro that loops through the raid members and finds the one with the lowest health and then casts a heal on that person.
04:51.49MiravlixWhats the best Trinket addon currently?
04:52.05JoshBorkequestion: is the only way to catch the target for those spells to hook CastSpell?
04:52.20Grypheni like trinketmenu, best is by taste
04:52.30JoshBorkeand if i do have to hook CastSpell, can I be reasonably assured that the <target> unit is the target for the spell?
04:53.27LegorolCastSpell doesn't have a target argument
04:53.33Legoroli'm not sure what you mean
04:54.03MiravlixIt has in 1.10
04:54.05KirovJosh - not always, no
04:54.38MiravlixWe get self CastSpell in 1.10, going to have to rewrite soo much code because of that.
04:54.39JoshBorkewhen CastSpell is called, is UnitName('target') always going to be who the spell is targetted on?
04:54.45EsamynnCastSpell has a target in 1.10 or a self target flag?
04:54.54MiravlixSelf Target Flag
04:54.57MiravlixLike ActionButton
04:55.04Esamynnthat's what I thought
04:55.19LegorolJoshBorke: nope
04:55.26Legorolimagine that a person has an enemy targeted
04:55.29MiravlixI've created a few wild solution to work around the darn missing self tag
04:55.30Esamynnno Josh, because if you can't cast the spell on your current target the spell goes into targetting mode (unless it is a hostile spell)
04:55.36Legorolthen calling CastSpell will initiate SpellIstargeting
04:56.24JoshBorke is the macro I'm using
04:56.39JoshBorkein that case would what I said be accurate?
04:57.17Legorolwhat does CT_RA_Emergency_TargetMember do?
04:57.26Legorolif it selects a target, and that target is out of range,
04:57.37Legorolthen your /cast line will leave the spell in targeting mode
04:57.54Legorolin which case the last line, TargetLastTarget will cast the spell on that unit, if it's friendly
04:58.01Legorolor leave you in targeting mode if it's hostile
04:59.02JoshBorkei don't know that i've had it end up casting the heal on the target, but i can't remember
05:00.26JoshBorkewell, what if i just said that i use the same idea as the Mouseover setup, where i just set a variable and wait for SPELLCAST_START
05:01.11JoshBorkewell, i'd still get in wrong in the case you mention
05:01.54LegorolJoshBorke, what exactly are you trying to do?
05:02.01Legorolwhy do you need to know the name of the target you cast a spell on?
05:02.01JoshBorke( Kirov ): not everyone will use the macro, i was just using it as a reference
05:02.14JoshBorke( Legorol ): i'm trying to capture all the heals that are being cast in real time
05:02.33JoshBorkein this portion i'm trying to capture who the player is currently casting on
05:02.54Legorolso it's nothing to do with the macro you pastebined
05:02.56Esamynni'm going back to coding guys, say my name to get my attention ;)
05:03.26JoshBorkethe macro i pastebinned is just a case i thought of how i didn't know how to capture that spellcast
05:03.55Legorolok Miravlix is right, the ArcanePartyBars in Cosmos has been updated for 1.10
05:04.17JoshBorkelook at that one? ^_^
05:04.35KirovAfter a spell cast, if SpellIsTargeting() is false, assuming it didn't fail for some other reason, the target would be your target
05:05.37Legorolif you click spell first, then you cast the spell on a friendly
05:05.50Legorolyour target after the spell cast could still be the hostile you were targeting before
05:06.04JoshBorkewhat legorol said
05:06.13MiravlixHmm, I remember some trinket addon that changed trinkets for you automatically, did they kill the ability to equip trinkets?
05:06.17Legorolthat's exactly the scenario JoshBorke needs the addon for
05:06.17KirovBut then SpellIsTargeting() would return true
05:06.33LegorolKirov, imagine this scenario: i have a hostile targeted
05:06.40JoshBorke( Kirov ): no because the spell would then be cast on kirov
05:06.40LegorolI click my healing spell action,
05:06.44Legorolthen i click a friendly player
05:06.46JoshBorkeer, on that person, lol
05:06.51Legorolthe spell is successfully cast on the friendly
05:06.54Legorolbut my target never changes
05:06.58Legorolit is the hostile throghout
05:07.05KirovDo you know what SpellIsTargeting() does?
05:07.23LegorolIt tells you if the mousecursor is currently in targeting mode
05:07.29Legorolwaiting for you to select a target for your spell
05:07.45Legorolat this point, if you click with the mouse, the spell targets that person,
05:07.50Legorolbut your target doesn't change
05:08.14Legorolthis is why JoshBorke needs his AddOn and the OnMouseDown hook
05:08.54Legorolok maybe we are talking about 2 different things?
05:09.03LegorolJoshBorke: ArcanePartyBars does what you want (and lot more)
05:09.08Legorolif you can make sense of the code, look at taht
05:09.35JoshBorkewhere's the newest version? do you know?
05:09.42Legorolin particular: ArcanePartyBars.WorldFrameOnMouseUp_Hook
05:09.46Miravlixaah, found it, I think it was ItemRack
05:09.48Legorolnewest version is in Cosmos alpha
05:09.58KirovLegorol - that works in 1.10?
05:10.14Legorolhooking OnMouseUp of WorldFrame?
05:10.20Legorolyes that works perfectly fine
05:10.28Legorolwhat you can't hook is CameraOrSelectOrMove()
05:10.47Cairenn*3* new sites in the last 2 weeks?  hello?
05:10.48Kirovso, that's a valid alternative to hooking the mouse clicks ... interesting
05:10.53Legorolyes it i
05:11.09Legoroljust make sure you hook OnMouseUp or OnMouseDown, and *not* OnClick
05:11.20Legorolhooking WorldFrame:OnClick stops all keybindings from working
05:11.26Legoroli mean
05:11.34Legorolstops all bindings for mouseclicks
05:11.45Legorole.g. clicking on world objects, NPCs etc.
05:12.38LegorolKirov: technically, what people were doing before is not hooking mouse clicks, but instead hooking the functions that were executed from Bindings.xml
05:12.52JoshBorkeok, thanks for the help guys :_)
05:13.08Cairennnight JoshBorke
05:13.08LegorolThe way mouseclicks are handled is that if you click on a frame with an OnClick handler, then the handler is executed
05:13.34Legorolif you click on something with no OnClick handler, instead the click is passed on to the Bindings engine, and whatever is bound to the appropriate mouse button in Bindings.xml is executed
05:14.02Legorolhowever, even when there is no OnClick handler, you can have an OnMouseDown/Up handler
05:14.21Legorolin which case your mouse clicks will trigger the OnMouseDown/Up handlers *and* will get passed on to the Bindings engine too
05:33.03MiravlixA much cleaner example of my codeing style is with ultra local and all access in to the addon is through a class
05:34.01MiravlixSo only thing you will see from the outside is in this is the MicroMacroMaker table.
05:34.49MiravlixThat way all communication will go through sanctioned and controled channels.
05:54.39Cairennnight all
06:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Azrael (n=sweede@
06:35.10Azraelto remove an element from a table (like table = {"A"=>1,"B"=>2,"C"=>3} ) i would do table.remove(table,"C") , right ?
06:37.02Esamynntable["C"] = nil
06:37.33Esamynntable.remove takes an integer as it's 2nd argument
06:37.54Esamynnits for manipulating the "array" portion of a table
06:38.31Esamynnnow if you were indexing by the number you could do table.remove(table, 3)
06:39.05Azrael<see previous statement>
06:39.28Esamynnoh, I was confused by your syntax
06:39.52Esamynnthat would actually be written as table = { "A", "B", "C" }
06:40.17Esamynnthen to remove "C" you would do table.remove(table, 3)
06:40.43Esamynnor was I right the first time?
06:40.50Azraelwell, the list is Character names and their current DKP, so the table looks like,
06:41.08AzraelKP_ROLL_PLAYERS = {     ["geophery"] = {          ["RaidPoints"] = -17.71,
06:41.13Azraeland so on
06:41.50Esamynnso do remove geophery from the table you would write: KP_ROLL_PLAYERS ["geophery"] = nil
06:42.37EsamynnKP_ROLL_PLAYERS.geophery = nil would also be valid
06:43.40Esamynnyou can use the . operator to index tables, but remember table.1 is not table[1] it is table["1"]
06:44.30Esamynnanyways, glad I could help
06:44.33Esamynngood night all
06:56.49CrispixI just got disconnected in a battleground :|
07:12.21MiravlixI died in a BG and didn't get disconnected. we where ahead 2/3 vs horde 1/3, suddently horde wins and nothing, BG ends and goes to -time left to leaving.
07:12.31MiravlixI was stuck in BG until I alt-f4'ed. :)
07:12.38MiravlixAtleast you got out!
07:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:24.52*** join/#wowi-lounge malicor (
07:25.07malicorhi, i've got a question:
07:25.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron|_ (
07:25.39malicori got an ActionButton in my mod, and i can drag an action from an existing actionslot (from the bar down) onto it
07:26.00malicormy problem: if i now press my actionbutton the action is executed, but the image of the button never ever is displayed
07:26.06malicorany idea whats wrong there ?
07:27.00KirovIs your mod registered to all the proper events?
07:27.23malicori dont know, at least to some, otherwise nothing would work ?
07:27.48malicoram i correct that the image has something to do with a 'texture' object ? is there an event for textures somehow ? (seems strange on the first thought to me)
07:28.05KirovDon't need any events to be registered for it to work.
07:28.15Kirov(for it to cast or receive drags I mean)
07:28.31KirovDo you know how to use RegisterEvent() ?
07:29.00malicornot really, no
07:29.38KirovHave you looked at blizzard's code?
07:29.57malicori have even copied big parts from the ActionButtonTemplate examples
07:30.06malicor(including lots of this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); events
07:30.52KirovYou shouldn't actually need much of that code.
07:31.15KirovIf your action button is inhereted from the action button it'll just work
07:31.30malicorwhat does that have to do with my no-image-on-my-button problem ?
07:31.49malicori do have to copy the functions in the .lua file, right ? i cant inherit that stuff
07:33.28Kirovit doesn't exactly inherit those, but you should be able to just use them where they are.
07:34.00KirovLook at MultiActionbars stuff
07:34.16KirovVery little code overall
07:34.22KirovDoes what you're trying to do.
07:34.23malicorthats another mod ?
07:34.53KirovThose are part of Blizzard's ui
07:36.02malicormultiactionbars represents what in the game ?
07:37.13KirovThe extra action bars you can turn on in the interface options
07:37.25KirovBottom left, bottom right, right, and right 2
07:37.52malicordo i find there how to use the objects that i drag into my actionslot, too ?
07:38.12malicorlike i want to press a selfdefined button to execute what i dragged into my (other) ActionButton
07:41.12KirovDo you want this button to act exactly like a normal action button?
07:43.34malicorif i press a button there 's some /script code executed, is that correct ?
07:43.56malicorlike /script castSpell("Superbomb (Level 12)");
07:45.08Kirovok, what exactly do you want this button to do?
07:45.23malicoroutput that text
07:46.09Kirovignoring the underlying functionality and code, what do you want the button to be used for?
07:46.32KirovLike, is it another action button you can drag spells on to to cast?
07:47.24malicorlet me try to explain
07:47.43malicori have button-A which inherits an ActionButton and represents an actionSlot i can drag spells to
07:47.55malicorthen i have button-B which is a simple button
07:48.04malicornow i want to drag a spell onto button-A
07:48.16malicorthen press button-B and output the script text from the thing pulled onto button-A
07:49.10Kirovlike, an edit box that says, litterally, "/script CastSpellByName("SpellName(Rank 1)")" ?
07:49.33KirovThen why do you want the button to update?
07:50.06malicordont understand what you mean there
07:51.46KirovWhat you're trying to do is ubsurdly complex due to the fact there are no provided functions for getting what kind of item is on an action button.
07:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:52.38KirovThere are ways to get that info though, through some long-winded code
07:52.40malicorthe idea in the long run is to have two actionbuttons button-A1 and button-A2 and output what both do when i press button-B
07:54.21KirovDownload that mod, look for the function SAS_GetActionInfo
07:54.37malicorok, will do
07:54.54KirovThat'll farm the data from the action button.
08:00.21krka|workwhat are you discussing?
08:01.38malicorproblems with ActionButtons
08:02.33malicori have three buttons, Button-A1 and Button-A2 which both inherit ActionButton and Button-B which is a simple button, now i drag 2 spells onto Button-A1 and Button-A2, and want that once i press button-B it outputs the /script strings from Button-A1 and Button-A2
08:07.53malicorgone to work now, will be back in 'bout an hour
08:46.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
08:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
08:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
09:12.14*** join/#wowi-lounge malicor (
09:37.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
09:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
10:21.25MiravlixAnyone checked addon memory use on test, the same addons I use on 1.9  with around 80 MB used, hits 110 MB on test
10:22.10MiravlixIt was just something that puzzled me as I loged out, haven't done any research into it yet.
10:32.42Wobin_Any good Wowxml tutorials out there?
10:39.47malicorone that explains you what ?
10:41.04Wobin_Hm, I'm not sure, just a general overview one, I guess?
10:41.27Wobin_My biggest stumbling block so far with addons is the graphics
10:41.27malicoroverview about explaining how to write an addon ?
10:41.43malicormine, too, its a bit tricky it seems
10:41.49Wobin_How to write the XML file, really
10:42.16krka|workdo what everyone else do, look in others xml and copy paste
10:42.41Wobin_Yeah, well, I was wondering if anyone knew of a structured one that explained as it went...
10:42.46malicorkrka: though that leads to a result in the long run it doesnt really teach the fundamental things, i think
10:42.59malicori have a good example somewhere, but i cant find it right now, gimme a second
10:43.17krka|worki tend to learn from examples
10:43.26krka|worki guess people are different
10:43.34krka|workfirst examples, then look at reference at wowwiki
10:44.37malicorlike i got a fundamental question that i cant find in examples: the thing you drag onto an ActionButton, its an object, right?
10:44.53malicorwhere do i find documentation about that object ? what methods it has, how its structured
10:45.06krka|workno, it's not an object
10:45.09krka|workit's an action slot
10:45.19krka|workactually... hmm
10:45.26krka|workit's a bit diffuse
10:45.43krka|workit's an object that we can't really control
10:46.11krka|workyou can pickup inventory items, equipped items et.c. and then drop them to action buttons, inventory, et.c.
10:46.23krka|workall you can do is pickup and drop, really
10:47.44malicormy problem is that i drag one to my actionslot and drop it there, and it -is- in there, but the texture doesnt show up
10:48.02malicori can press the 'empty' button and execute whatever i've dragged onto, but i cant see what it is
10:48.25malicorfrom what i have read an actionslot is actually nothing but a number between 1 and 120
10:48.58malicorwobin: i cant find the example here, i will have to look at home (can tell you in 4 hours from now)
10:49.10Wobin_malicor: cool =)
10:49.49malicorkrka: and actually this texture problem is REALLY hard to solve, since i have no documentation about where it SHOULD be even
10:50.23krka|worktexture doesn't show up?
10:50.28malicorno, it doesnt
10:50.31krka|workGetTexture(actionSlot) or something should give the texture
10:50.47malicorso where should that be called ?
10:50.53krka|workwhere you update it
10:51.42malicoranother problem, but related to my previous:
10:51.44krka|worktextureObject:SetTexture  and this:
10:52.11malicorlets say i have 3 buttons, button-A1 and button-A2 which inherit ActionButton, and button-B which is a simple button
10:52.27malicori drag spell-A1 onto button-A1 and spell-A2 on button-A2
10:52.51malicornow when i press button-B i want to output the /script text from button-A1 and button-A2
10:53.32malicorhow'd i do that ?
10:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
11:11.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:12.08Elkanogood (whatever) :)
11:17.21Maldiviagood morning... it's always morning :)
11:22.53ElkanoI know ^^
11:29.46malicoranyone knows how to get the action-string from a (filled) actionslot ?
11:30.29[MoonWolf]getactionstring ?
11:31.52Elkano<3 wowwiki
11:32.44[MoonWolf]i was close
11:34.07Elkanobut I'm allways happy if I find post in the official forums related to my addons :) this time it made me update one again after 5 month ^^
11:35.12malicori dont think this will give me what i m looking for
11:35.34malicori want to have something like "/script CastSpellByName("Greater Healing of Power(Level 13)");" returned
11:36.09[MoonWolf]"Werewolves?Were? Wolves? Where Wolves? Half Man, Half Wolf? There are many men and many wolves, why would you want both?"
11:37.05malicorwhere were wherewolves when we were where we were ?
11:42.19Wobin_dey do dough, don't dey dough?
11:45.07[MoonWolf]oh god, why did the wow trolls move the the betheseda forums
11:49.42JoshBorke( malicor ): look at getButtonNameAndRank in whispercast, basically they scan the tooltip for the name and rank of the spell
12:09.21krka|workthink i can get anyone to buy at auction?
12:09.22malicorthanks josh
12:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:09.56malicorkrka: yeah you can, but wont get much gold ?
12:10.34krka|worki have buyout at 5g now
12:12.03malicor5g aint much to worry about, i think
12:12.40Wobin_find out how much large glowing shards sell for
12:12.47Wobin_and if it's more, DE it =P
12:18.32malicorwhispercast seems NEAT on the first impression
12:18.42krka|workgood point
12:19.39malicor61kb lua file *phew*
12:20.26malicoranyone got a good help/tutorial for the whole binding issue ? do i assume correct that it is to save information ?
12:22.00Wobin_I wish spells had spellids
12:22.16Wobin_being able to reference spells by id would be so much better
12:25.44malicorif a spell ist cast, it ALWAYS triggers an event ? and any object can catch that event and do something ?
12:26.54JoshBorkechanneled spells and instant cast spells trigger SPELLCAST_STOP
12:28.05malicorare there spells that are not channeled or instant cast ?
12:28.27JoshBorkeregular spells with cast times trigger SPELLCAST_START
12:28.52malicoris drinking something a channeled spell ?
12:29.11JoshBorkedrinking is gaining a buff
12:29.17malicorwhich aint a spell ?
12:29.44[MoonWolf]a buff is something active on you
12:30.01malicorso what event does that trigger?
12:30.10[MoonWolf]player auras changed
12:30.14[MoonWolf]or something similar.
12:30.19JoshBorkeyea, that's right
12:30.27malicorhow can i know that ? is it written down somewhere ? wowwiki ?
12:30.49[MoonWolf]wowwiki event list, other players, common sense.
12:31.02malicorha, ya cant program with common sense :)
12:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
12:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
12:45.25Wobin_escared, yada, huggle yada
12:46.04Shouryuuand do notice that I am still alive
12:46.19Wobin_All went well?
12:46.25Wobin_Or at least better than you expected?
12:46.29Shouryuufar better
12:46.41ShouryuuI found my paper in the class, skipped the first our and filled it up
12:47.00Wobin_hehe =) Cool =)
12:48.02malicorwhat paper ?
12:48.13Shouryuusome important paper I had lost
12:48.30ShouryuuI would have been subject to public crucifiction if I hadn't found it
12:50.13Wobin_(crucifixion.. I think?)
12:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:50.21Wobin_(hrm, ...*looks it up
12:50.35Shouryuuit's crucifiction in french I guess
12:54.10MiravlixTrying to run UICentral + Cosmos.exe = total mess
12:55.54Shouryuudoing something like foo(a) if not a then break end SomeStuffHere end will not execute SomeStuffHere unless a is entered?
12:56.24Wobin_do you need the first end?
12:56.43Wobin_oh wait
12:56.46Shouryuuend the if?
12:56.49Wobin_yeah should be
12:57.09Shouryuuok cool
12:57.21Wobin_no =(
12:57.27Wobin_if isn't considered a 'loop'
12:57.49Shouryuuso how do I do what I want?
12:58.12Shouryuujust make sure the user enters a value for a before actualy trying to do anything with a
12:58.18Wobin_if a then Somestuffhere end?
12:58.29Shouryuulol indeed
12:59.02JoshBorkeShouryuu: use return instead
12:59.19JoshBorkeif you want to jump out of the function that is
12:59.42JoshBorkeotherwise, why not just do if (a) then SomeStuffHere end?
12:59.46Shouryuuso returns just stops the function if the user didn't enter a?
12:59.56JoshBorkeyes, return jumps out of the function :-)
13:00.03JoshBorkehandy when you don't want the function to run at all :D
13:00.26Shouryuuwhich is what I need :p
13:00.28JoshBorkebut you can't use return and then have code following it on the same level, ie if (a) then return; SomeStuffHere end is bad :D
13:00.54Shouryuuso wobin's proposition is better
13:01.04Shouryuuin my case?
13:01.08MiravlixYour marrying Wobin?
13:01.16JoshBorkeyea, it would be the same thing effectively
13:01.24Wobin_It's so sudden
13:01.31JoshBorkei dunno which is better from a performance perspective
13:01.32Wobin_You didn't even take me out to dinner and a movie =(
13:01.34ShouryuuSorry, I thought you knew
13:01.49JoshBorkeWobin_: don't you mean YOU didn't take him out?
13:02.01Wobin_Oh that's right
13:02.03Wobin_I proposed =P
13:02.04JoshBorkeyou are the one proposing after all
13:02.08Wobin_Shouryuu is cheap =)
13:02.46Wobin_We'll have to go to Canada =P
13:02.53Wobin_Not sure where else it's legal =P
13:05.50MiravlixEngland, Denmark, etc. most of the world has legal marriages these days
13:07.13MiravlixJust a few backwards dinosaur countries left that has minorty hate laws
13:10.22Shouryuuis there a way to know if something is a table?
13:10.54MiravlixWell just type(variable) == "table"
13:10.54JoshBorketype(blah) == 'table'?
13:11.10Shouryuucool thanks
13:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
13:14.40[MoonWolf]in reality... at some point in your life your gonna walk in on a girl undressing... you will probably survive...
13:16.58ShouryuuI guess so
13:21.46JoshBorke[MoonWolf]: would a girl who just got out of the shower qualify also?
13:22.01[MoonWolf]i think so
13:22.09JoshBorketotally survived :D
13:23.17JoshBorkemornin' cair
13:23.22Cairenn|sleephey :)
13:23.51JoshBorkei was just checking agains moonwolf's statement is all
13:24.29[MoonWolf]i was siply trying to get people to talk with something random and disturbing
13:24.33[MoonWolf]but i got little response.
13:25.17ElkanoOhayô Cairenn :)
13:25.32Tem_up early Cair?
13:25.38Tem_or didn't go to sleep?
13:25.39Cairennnot overly
13:25.51Cairennactually, yes I have slept, shockingly enough
13:26.09Tem_that's always good:)
13:26.18Cairennindeed :)
13:27.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
13:27.48Temman what is up my internet tonight
13:28.32[MoonWolf]it wants a beer.
13:30.03Shouryuuwho doesn't
13:30.14Shouryuuyou're weird
13:30.17JoshBorkei know
13:30.35[MoonWolf]lots of girls dont
13:32.51ShouryuuI need to get wow
13:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
13:53.55MiravlixThat does help to have wow before starting to code addons
14:00.38Shouryuuhehe yeah
14:00.53Shouryuuanyways what I wanted to do ahs alredy been done so meh
14:01.38Wobin_Ah the trick then is to do it again... but better =P
14:31.40JoshBorkepastebin rox
14:48.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:48.48ckknighthey all
15:23.17AdrineMornin' folks.
15:23.21JoshBorkemorning adrine
15:32.16ckknightanyone know German? I need 2 lines translated
15:32.45JoshBorkeich kann nicht deutsch sprechen!
15:32.57ckknightDas ist sehr Schade
15:33.06JoshBorkesee, you're fine, you know german :D
15:33.43ckknightno I don't
15:33.52ckknightI know bad high school German
15:34.05ckknightbtw, Deutsch is capitalized
15:34.11ckknightall nouns are
15:34.23JoshBorkei know, but i'm lazy :-P
15:34.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:34.43Elkanockknight, what do you need? I'm a native.
15:35.02ckknight"Merge with %s" and "Switch to %s", where %s is the title of another plugin
15:35.04ShouryuuWorms has to be the best game ever
15:35.34JoshBorkei totally read 'worms has to be the worst game ever' is that?
15:36.11JoshBorkecould it be the residual memory from reading worms? and i just said
15:36.25Elkanohmmm... can you give a more clear example where these strings are used?
15:36.43ckknightI'm merging one plugin into another
15:36.46Shouryuucome on worms is so cool
15:37.00Wobin_"Oh no!" "You'll regret that!"
15:37.17ckknightso the one seemlessly acts like it is part of the other
15:37.36Elkanoof what kind are your 'plugins' or the addon that's merging them
15:38.13Wobin_and subsequent plugins
15:38.47ckknightsoon as I get this translation, I'm releasing BossPanel 0.9 ;-)
15:40.11Elkanohmm... "Merge with %s" -> "Mit %s zusammenführen" / "Switch to %s" -> "Zu %s wechseln" I hope these fit meaning I got the use of the commnds right
15:40.37ckknightwhat's happening is that "Merge with %s" is in the mother menu, and %s is the title of the daughter plugin which merges with or becomes part of mother plugin
15:41.15ckknightthen the "Switch to %s" also has the name of the daughter plugin, and clicking it switches the display between the mother and daughter
15:41.29Elkanoso you put the entries from a sub menu one layer up?
15:41.47ckknightI don't understand the question
15:42.48Elkanowell, I haven't used BossPanel so I'm not familiar with its plugin architecture ^^'
15:43.03ckknightplugins are just addons that go inside BossPanel
15:43.16ckknightwhen you right-click the plugin, you'll get the menu
15:43.24ckknightof the specific plugin
15:44.10ckknight"Merge with %s" is in the top level menu, which when checked has an arrow, that submenu contains "Switch to %s"
15:45.36Elkanoso you have different groups of information that can be either shown one at a time independant or more than one merged into one frame?
15:48.26Elkanoso you add the info from %s to the current shown data?
15:49.07ckknightthey can function independently fine, but you may want to merge them for whatever purpose, such as merging a battlegrounds plugin with the honor plugin
15:49.12ckknightor something
15:49.56*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
15:50.14Elkanothere is also an option to unmerge them later, isn't there?
15:50.29ckknightthe button has a check by it
15:50.43ckknightso by clicking the merge button again, it unchecks it and unmerges the plugins
15:51.19Elkanodo you have a screenshot of that menu?
15:51.33ckknightsure, hang on
15:53.37ckknightthere are actually 3 types of merges, one that adds information, and one that switches between the two, and one that adds to the tooltip but switches the text
15:54.41Elkanowell, I think "Mit %s zusammenlegen" will be a good translation
15:56.58Elkanoso when you 'merge' but not 'switch', what will happen? Will the data from th merged in plugin be shown?
15:57.45ckknightif you have an inline merge, the switch button isn't shown, info always gets added
15:57.59ckknightif you have a switch merge, it'll show either one or the other
15:58.18ckknightif you have a switchtext merge, it'll be inline for the tooltip but switch for the text
15:59.26Elkanoand it's up to the plugin which othr plugins can be merged in? in which plugins they can be merged in? how they'll be merged?
15:59.44ckknightthe child does the merging, the parent has no control over it
16:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:00.26Elkanoand the child can only be shown as a merge with it's parent?
16:00.56ckknightyes, but they can easily be split apart
16:01.07ckknightif you show the other plugin, it unmerges
16:01.15ckknightact like two independent plugins
16:02.24Elkanowhen a mergeable plugin is shown toplevel, will the merge options still be shown resulting the plugin vanishing toplevel if beeing merged
16:03.22ckknightif the two plugins are split apart, the merge button is still visible in the mother's menu. When that button is clicked, the child plugin hides, then merges into the mother
16:03.37Elkanonice :)
16:04.13Elkanook, "zusammenlegen" realy seems to be a matching translation
16:04.40ckknightI currently merge the Honor plugin into Experience
16:04.50ckknightmost of the time you're not going to be looking at both
16:05.04ckknightso it switches between them if you go to battlegrounds/pvp mode
16:06.16ckknightbut you're fully able to split em apart and look at em both
16:06.59Elkanomaybe you should consider making the list of mergable plugins 2nd level so vou have "merge with..." opening the list if there are to many possible children
16:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
16:07.25ckknightyou'll be able to merge with more than one at a time
16:08.27Elkanowell, I mean if there are 10 plugins that ould be merged with another, all ten would be listed. And I think merging isn't the only option shown in the menu
16:09.09ckknightyea, but that is an unlikely case
16:09.36ckknightif a situation like that arises, then I'll rethink the structure
16:09.40ckknightbut as it stands, it works for now
16:13.10Elkanobut I think I should start having a lok at bosspanel again :) even if I'll maybe lose some functionality compared to my current titan UI
16:13.43ckknightjust tell me what you're missing ;-)
16:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
16:16.17Elkanobtw: you said version 0.9... that many feaures to go up from 0.4.25? ^^
16:16.34ckknightjust the merging/hooking thing
16:16.42ckknightit means it's becoming stable
16:16.46ckknightAPI freeze, etc.
16:16.59ckknight0.9 is the last stage before 1.0
16:17.18Wobin_(except for 0.99, and 0.999...etc =))
16:17.33ckknightyea, but I'm not going to do that
16:17.41ckknightthe 0.9 signifies that 1.0 is coming close
16:17.43Wobin_or 0.10 =)
16:17.53ckknightthere's a reason I skipped from 0.4 to 0.9
16:18.47ckknightinstead of 0.5
16:19.09ckknightthis would've been 0.5, but it needs an API freeze
16:28.36Adrine"Required Intelect: 400"
16:33.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:35.29Elkanook ckknight, I've looked over the lit of plugins at wowi :) what's missing for me at first look (sometimes only some features of them): honor+, critline, guild, durability
16:38.11Wobin_guild and durability exist
16:38.15Wobin_and honor, I'm pretty sure
16:38.32Wobin_critline is covered by recap, I've found...
16:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:38.34Elkanowell as I said sometimes it's only missing features
16:39.24ElkanoI think titan's honor+ does more than boss' honor, eg showing a kill counter in the bg list behind enemy players
16:39.48Elkanotitan's guild also shows the public messages for guild members
16:40.16Elkanoand durability shows the estimated repair cost and has auto repair at vendor
16:40.38Elkanobut I judged the boss plugins only based upon the screenshots *duck*
16:40.47Wobin_I know durability does the autorepair
16:41.19Wobin_in that it puts up a window upon entering saying if you want to repair inventory/worn/both
16:41.21Elkanoah, k :)
16:41.26ckknightBossPanel - Honor has a kill counter
16:41.47Wobin_And throw in feature requests to the associated plugin author's portals =)
16:41.53Wobin_Like Garfields
16:41.57Wobin_for guild
16:42.05ckknightyea, I'm sure he'd be happy to work on it
16:42.21ckknightI should make CritLine so people stop bitching...
16:42.42Elkanowrt honor+
16:43.18ElkanoI just got used to it ^^
16:43.27ckknightwhat's the issue?
16:44.13ckknightyou talking about on the scoreboard?
16:44.42Elkanoyes, maybe there is another addon that does the scoreboard stuff too
16:44.49ckknightHonor does that now
16:44.53ckknightwithin the past few versions
16:45.01ckknightchanges the color of people's names to reflect their class
16:45.06ckknightand adds a Kills Today dealy
16:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:47.07Elkanowell I think I'll simply give boss a try after 0.9 :)
16:47.18ckknightwhich will be in like 15 minutes or so
16:50.58Elkanoah another sort of plugin I'm missing: InventoryHawk (which won't have titan support with 1.10 anymore :/ )
16:52.01Wobin_what's that?
16:53.26ckknightwhat's it do?
16:53.29Elkanoyou can add items to a list and it keeps track of these items showing you how many of them you have in your bags
16:53.38ckknightoh, BossPanel - Farmer is in development
16:53.41ckknightI've talked to the dev
16:53.44ckknightdoes the same thing
16:55.44Wobin_oh I was considering writing that addon
16:56.24ckknighttoo late, mwahaha
16:56.34ckknightit's using SpecialEvents
16:56.36ckknightvery clean
16:57.21Wobin_one less thing to be concerned about =P
16:58.42TainOk, pushed out an official new release of Visor.
17:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:25.10MentalPowerdoes anyone remember or have the link to the RandomProp and enchant lists in WoWWiki, the search function sucks
17:31.25Elkano ?
17:32.27Elkano ?
17:32.32Elkano ?
17:34.10Wobin_ ?
17:41.38JoshBorkeElkano: i wrote a mod that sort of does that
18:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
18:19.34QzotMagandang umaga po sa inyong lahat!
18:19.42Legorolwow, whoever made that page, must have put a *lot* of effort into it
18:21.39Wobin_That's really impressive
18:22.09Wobin_Brodrick =)
18:23.16MentalPoweryeah, its a real beuty
18:31.27Qzot(One advantage of my laptop -- with all my data -- going belly up is that I have time to clean my office. :P)
18:32.11ShouryuuAlways look on the birght side of life...
18:39.42QzotActually, that page is great. But it needs just a bit more synthesis to (a) delineate what currently in use (i.e. seen in the wild), and what isn't, and (b) to provide some formulas that map suffix ID to enhancement for the wild ones.
18:51.59Shouryuuw00t downloading 14 gigs of Anime, Only 72days left! Weeehhaa
18:52.04ShouryuuCan't wait!
19:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
19:00.35AdrineWow. Rails looks like it could make stuff...stupidly easy.
19:01.06AdrineRuby on Rails. Web application development framework.
19:03.40ckknightRoR is pretty neat
19:12.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
19:14.15TainLots of people love it and swear by it.
19:14.46ckknightI wouldn't use it in a production environment, but it's pretty shiny as a toy
19:16.07ShouryuuAnyone here uses trillian?
19:16.14Cairenn|afkI have
19:16.33ckknightI do
19:16.47ShouryuuSome random words are underlined by little green dots
19:16.56Wobin_that's the wiki link
19:17.00Shouryuuit's wikipedia deciding to propose me a definition of the underlined word
19:17.08Shouryuuyeah how in god's name do I take that off
19:19.03Wobin_message windows
19:19.09Wobin_Instant Lookup
19:20.32Wobin_er Night
19:21.36Cairenn|afknight Wobin_Sleep
19:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
19:22.54Wobin_SleepPS Did you get that Shou?
19:23.29Shouryuunay =(
19:23.31Wobin_Sleepoptions->Message Windows->Instant Lookup
19:23.53ShouryuuThank you
19:24.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:26.42Adrineckknight: Why wouldn't you use it in production?
19:37.15Shouryuulol I have a year of downloading before finsihing my file
19:42.23Cairenn|afkwhat the HELL are you downloading that it's going to take a YEAR?
19:42.42JoshBorkewouldn't you like to know ;-)
19:42.54Cairenn|afknot that badly
19:44.01GenNMX|ThraeAre you downloading all of Dragonball Z on a dial-up connection? That should take about a year.
19:44.07GenNMX|ThraeTakes me about 3 days or so.
19:45.07JoshBorkeGenNMX|Thrae: do you do it often?
19:45.08GenNMX|ThraeOr, maybe he's downloading all of WoWI and going to make a new website based off the addons you exclusively host!
19:45.21GenNMX|ThraeJoshBorke: I download about 5GB per day
19:45.41JoshBorkehow can you process that much data?
19:45.54GenNMX|Thrae1TB network w/ 16x DVD burner
19:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu_ (
19:46.14JoshBorkeso you don't process it but rather archive it?
19:46.17Shouryuu_and I need to reemphasize my earlier point: "Worms, rock!"
19:46.58GenNMX|ThraeI archive it until I have a chance to watch it, yes. The way the Internet works is that fansubbed Anime and other stuff will become slower and slower to download as people lose initial interest in it.
19:48.06GenNMX|ThraeBleach Episode 10 Torrent may have 14 seeds now, but it had 1400+ seeds when it first came out.
19:48.52JoshBorkebleach = good :D
19:51.33GenNMX|ThraeBleach >>>>>> Naruto
19:52.03JoshBorkeGenNMX|Thrae: so really it's more of downloading things right as they come out, not necessarily 5GB every day
19:52.24JoshBorkebecause you'll have to process that 5GB of data at some point in time,
19:52.30JoshBorkeblah, meant to hit backspace
19:52.55GenNMX|ThraeGo to and tell me that can't be about 1-5GB per day
19:55.16JoshBorkethen when do you watch them? if you download it every day?  how do you stay up to date on them?  do you take a day and not download or just resign yourself to always being behind?
19:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
19:55.57GenNMX|ThraeYeah, I have about 10 full seasons of series I'm behind on.
19:56.09GenNMX|ThraeSaving them for a rainy day.
19:56.26GenNMX|ThraeI used to never watch TV, so I was more up to date, but recently I've become fascinated with Law & Order.
19:56.44Shouryuu_the 14gb file is bleach 1-69
19:57.02JoshBorkewho's release?
19:57.08Shouryuu_I think
19:57.31GenNMX|ThraeJust as long as its not HellFansubs
19:57.59GenNMX|ThraeBleach, Law of Ueki, and most Harem shows I try to keep up to date on.
20:01.10Shouryuu_Only seen one ep of bleach
20:01.19Shouryuu_don't like looong series
20:01.30Shouryuu_usualy like it when they stay in the 30 epis
20:01.46Tain30 episodes?  That's a single battle in Dragonball Z!
20:02.50Shouryuu_yeah pretty much
20:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
20:04.42GenNMX|Thrae"Last Time on Dragonballz: Monkey-boy was powering up to battle the evil Fridgerazor. Can he power up in time?! Monkey-boy: AWWWWWWRRGGGHHHH!!!! *15 minutes later* Monkey-boy: ARRRGGGHHAAAWWWWAAUUGGHH!!!!"
20:12.53zeegi remember that episode
20:25.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
20:28.08TainA new Zelda game now announced, and that to go along with the new Super Mario Brothers platformer previously confirmed for the Nintendo DS.  I'm just going to have to get one.
20:28.37ShouryuuI heard Worms was realesed on DS today
20:29.18TainYep that too.
20:30.05TainIt's the wireless multiplayer games that really make it work.
20:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [Hyper]Darshu (
20:35.11GenNMX|ThraeTain: Yeah, I saw some screenshots. It will have Wind Waker graphics that are rudimentary 3D and with action resembling Minish Cap.
20:37.58GenNMX|ThraeI'm also very excited about Nintendo Revolution -- legal emulation on a console!
20:38.30GenNMX|ThraeNintendo just announced that players will also be able to choose from 1000 Sega Genesis and Turbografx games.
20:38.56GenNMX|ThraeOf course, I fear they're going to do something stupid and try to sell the roms for over $1
20:40.22TainThere's some gameplay video here:
20:40.31Tain(From Zelda)
20:47.21GenNMX|Thrae <-- Arkansas Scientist not allowed to say 'Evolution' in Class, nor can he even approximate the age of rocks (instead of "about 300 million", he must say "very, very old"
20:51.39TainWell... they are very very old.
20:54.34ShouryuuAnd they are about 300 million years old as well
20:56.28Irielthat's so very sad. 8-(
21:10.16ShouryuuZelda does look nice indeed
21:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
21:14.54malrethbuy my hookers!
21:29.10AnduinLotharit is finiashed
21:31.27Shouryuuwhat is?
21:35.44JoshBorkebye :-)
21:35.47*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:37.15malrethtell us. malreth COMMANDS you...
21:40.58malrethah... grats
21:41.05Shouryuuhow did they go?
21:41.33malrethmy lolita girlfriend still has her finals coming up in a couple weeks
21:41.40GenNMX|ThraeHas anyone seen this yet, "Blizzard sued for blocking sales of unofficial guide":
21:41.53AnduinLotharthey sucked as usual
21:42.37malrethyou know... anyone is free to sue Blizzard and Vivendi for anything. doesn't really mean anything
21:43.13GenNMX|ThraeWithout seeing the guide, I have to agree that there must be a point where selling information on something isn't a red flag for copyright infringement.
21:43.30GenNMX|Thraemalreth: It does when Blizzard intentionally stopped sales of a third-party's guide.
21:44.47malrethtrue... he is probably not infringing on any copyrights.
21:45.16malrethbut Vivendi's lawyers have to have something to do from 8-5
21:45.33GenNMX|ThraeIt's also news to me, since I thought Blizzard was more progressive then this.
21:45.38malrethoh well. it'll probably get settled out of court
21:45.55malrethcompanies are like hydra
21:46.03GenNMX|ThraeWell, Blizzard themselves was included in the suit.
21:46.19malrethsome of the heads may be cool... but there's always the ones who are lawyers
21:46.33sharkhatGenNMX a big company like vivindi sometimes doesnt know what one hand is doing...
21:46.46sharkhator somthing like that.. the left hand is not aware of what the right is doing?
21:46.53malrethand Vivendi is huge...
21:46.56malrethmega huge
21:46.59sharkhatway huge
21:47.06malrethOMEGA huge!
21:47.11GenNMX|ThraeVivendi I can see, but Blizzard's lawyers would have to comply to be included in the suit.
21:47.32malrethyeah... they're lawyers. it's their job to be in court
21:47.52malrethit'd be like a tech support consultant who didn't answer phones
21:48.04GenNMX|ThraeI would hope the lawyers have their hands full trying to shut down piracy & gold-selling organizations ;)
21:48.04malrethor a cashier who didn't take money
21:48.09IrielUS trademark law says that you cannot keep a trademark you do not actively defend
21:48.13Iriel(or words that effect)
21:48.20GenNMX|ThraeBlizzard's lawyers anyway, Vivendi wouldn't care as much
21:48.29malrethor a hooker who didn't...
21:49.10IrielWhich is not to say that this suit in particular is or is not unjust
21:50.10malreththis line... In effect, if the video game industry's actions are upheld, "then selling a how-to book about Microsoft Word would infringe Microsoft's copyright
21:50.26malrethactually, you can't sell a how-to book about MS Word
21:50.32GenNMX|ThraeIriel: There's a difference between normal litigation and harrasing litigation. As you can see in the article, they didn't even handle the matter properly with eBay and the client. Instead of contacting the client and eBay back about protesting the suit, they ignored them and just kept saying "It's wrong".
21:51.11GenNMX|ThraeIriel: I can't think of a law that allows one side to ignore the opinions of the other, you need to at least say, "Fine, let's go to court."
21:51.29IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Perhaps, that's what this article says, but it also says that the plaintiff didn't follow the process after the subsequent notices, and just created a second account.
21:51.41IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Perhaps suing blizzard BEFORE that point would've been an idea
21:51.57IrielGenNMX|Thrae : (and for all we know, he did, this article is low on meaty facts)
21:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
21:52.34GenNMX|ThraeWell that's what I would have done. I'm no lawyer, so litigation isn't my first choice. eBay was not following the letter of the law, so they were unjust in terminating his account just because of this.
21:52.46GenNMX|ThraeAgain, assuming this article is factual.
21:52.59malretheBay can terminate any account for any reason they want.
21:53.16GenNMX|ThraeCivil suits should always be the last resort.
21:53.22GenNMX|Thraemalreth: That doesn't make it just.
21:53.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
21:54.34GenNMX|ThraeMore then likely, it was just as said before, lawyers being "proactive" and looking things to pick apart because they like being right and "winning" cases. The companies they represent may not have even known they were doing it.
21:54.58malrethwell, they do have their trademarks to defend
21:55.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
21:55.39GenNMX|ThraeIt's more of a question of copyright, not trademark.
21:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
21:56.15malreththat's what the article says... and ain't exactly the best in reporting facts
21:56.49malretheither way, debating about this is irrelevant. Kopp is suing.
21:56.56IrielHaving now sat down and read the complaint, it does look like vivendi got a bit carried away
21:56.59Kirovwell, there's a weird thing about trademark laws.
21:57.39IrielTheir arguments seem tenuous (Though I haven't seen the contents of the guide, perhaps there's something in there which is problematic)
21:57.46KirovIf someone is infringing on a trademark, and the trademark owner doesn't do anything about it, the person infringing on the trademark can sue the trademark holder and get the trademark transfered
21:58.16KirovThat's not exactly the way the law is stated, but it's how it's used
21:58.25GenNMX|ThraeKirov: That's not what this case is, according to the quotes in the article.
21:58.39GenNMX|ThraeRight, we're all talking about hearsay here, but still.
22:00.36GenNMX|ThraeThe lawyers are still part of Vivendi and Blizzard, so their views may reflect the company's views. That's the issue here. If Bush's wife goes off and starts saying abortions should be legal, that has repucussions ;)
22:01.23malrethbe that as it may, Blizz and Viv can keep him from associating his guide with the "world of warcraft" name
22:01.56GenNMX|ThraeHow can you make a guide about World of Warcraft if you do not mention World of Warcaft?
22:01.59malrethI think thhat if he called it "how to make lots of gold in a certain very popular online game", this probably wouldn't be going on
22:02.21malrethViv and Blizz might try to stop it... but it'd be up to the courts to decide at that point
22:02.52GenNMX|ThraeThat's like saying news publications should say "a certain very popular online game" instead of "World of Warcraft"
22:02.54malrethreword that to "how can you make a guide and *sell it for profit* about world of warcraft... yadda yadda yadda"
22:03.07GenNMX|ThraeNews publications are also sold for profit...
22:03.09malrethdoes not follow
22:03.23malrethnews publications aren't selling gold-earning guides
22:03.57GenNMX|ThraeWhat about columnists? They are allowed to give all sorts of advice.
22:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
22:04.18GenNMX|ThraeBut anyway, back to what to the quote in the article, what about when someone makes a guide to Microsoft Word?
22:04.41malrethif you try to sell a book on MS word, MS will probably also ask you to stop.
22:05.16malrethpublishing companies lawyers talk to MS's lawyers and work out an agreement before those kinds of books come out
22:05.19GenNMX|ThraeYet the Public Collition or whatever claims that isn't the case. From what I know, there are precedents.
22:06.27malretha lot of these arguments are fine-line distinctions... had he taken the exact copy of his book and put it on his webpage for people to read... there probably wouldn't be an issue
22:06.43malreththere are many such pages out on the net that detail money making schemes in WoW
22:06.58malrethsome guides are even hosted by blizz themselves in the forums
22:07.33malrethbut... the situation changes when you compile that information, bind it, and sell it through ebay
22:07.56malretheven if it's all 100% your hand...
22:08.05GenNMX|ThraeI'm talking about precedents like the guide of using Microsoft Word.
22:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
22:09.04malrethagain, look at those guides in the bookstore on how to use MS Word. you'll see the disclaimer text at the front of the book
22:09.48GenNMX|ThraeAgain, I'm talking about legal precedents. Do some Google searching if you don't believe me.
22:11.29GenNMX|ThraeYou sound like Codayus ;)
22:11.40malrethLooking at a flash mx bible book, i'm seeing "macromedia, flash, etc used by permission"
22:12.19malretheither way, it's up to the courts to decide
22:12.57malrethlike i said originally, you can sue anyone for anything in this country. means absolutely nothing
22:13.21Shouryuuthe land of the free :P
22:13.26malrethand in this case, it is kopp suing blizz and viv... not the other way around
22:13.38GenNMX|ThraeLegal precedents, malreth, legal precedents.
22:13.41Shouryuuand for once France > USA!
22:13.58GenNMX|ThraeWell, after eBay was being threatened by suits and shut down his account.
22:14.06KirovShouryuu - ipod vs. france?
22:14.09malrethprecedents are like quotes from the Bible... even the Devil can quote scripture
22:14.11ShouryuuOh noez!
22:14.38Kirovcan someone send me a link of this bliz stuff?
22:15.59GenNMX|ThraeAlthough precedents are supposed to be interpreted, still a lot of cases are decided on previous precedents. Just look at one of the most famous ones, Roe vs Wade (not a civil precedent).
22:15.59malrethand no one was threatening ebay with suits... dmca takedown notices aren't suits
22:15.59malrethhell, we get tons of dmca take down notices.
22:16.00GenNMX|Thraemalreth: The phrase 'Please comply or you will be faced with legal action' is normally included in those types of notices.
22:16.04malrethwe have a script that handles them and disables students ports in their room
22:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
22:16.30malreththat was a threat against Kopp. not ebay.
22:16.40GenNMX|ThraeAlthough, you can assume you may be faced with legal action if you get a DCMA takedown notice, since it's a legally-binding notice.
22:17.05malrethand again, the wow name is blizz and viv's property. they dictate who uses it, when and how
22:17.09GenNMX|Thraemalreth: Read the article again, it was sent to eBay AND Kopp. If eBay never knew about the notices, they never would have suspended the account.
22:17.40*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
22:17.44GenNMX|ThraeThere's the 1st amenment to consider here, commericial or not.
22:17.49malreth"The companies went on to threaten copyright and trademark infringement action against Kopp."
22:18.13MentalPowerOk, random question. Does anyone know the function that fills tooltip info in the enchanting window?
22:18.26MentalPowerspecifically for the actual enchant?
22:18.48malreththe 1st amendment does not apply.
22:18.51duke|ib...arguing about blizzard and banning people for shit they say on the forums or something?
22:18.58GenNMX|Thraemalreth: "Weeks after his first auction went live, Blizzard, Vivendi, and the ESA began sending repeated takedown notices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), asking eBay to yank the auctions because of copyright and trademark infringement concerns."
22:19.17malrethyeah... sending dmca take down notices... those aren't lawsuit threats
22:19.24duke|ibthe dmca is a harsh (and dumb) mistress
22:19.30GenNMX|Thrae"But by November, eBay had accumulated enough takedown warnings from the companies to warrant suspending Kopp's account."
22:19.38malrethduke|ib: i agree
22:19.52malrethyep... ebay probably has a company policy on that
22:20.03duke|iband banning the accounts, well
22:20.09malrethit was probably costing them time and money to deal with that one user. -bam- they nix the user
22:20.11duke|ibit's not like they still have to pay a monthly fee
22:20.19GenNMX|ThraeWell, that sentence right there shows that eBay's lawyers at least thought the Blizzard lawyers were ready to sue.
22:20.27malrethno it doesn't
22:20.36malrethblizz can't sue ebay
22:20.55GenNMX|ThraeVivendi can sue eBay for not complying with DCMA, yes
22:20.55malrethebay complied with the dmca take down notice so there's no grounds for a suit
22:21.02malrethbut they complied
22:21.05malrethso they can't
22:21.06GenNMX|ThraeI'm talking about before they suspended the account.
22:21.14malrethyeah. i know
22:21.19duke|ibthey still have to take down the auction and send the dmca notice
22:21.48duke|ibi'm sure ebay doesn't want to pay someone to sit there all day and look for dmca-violating auctions
22:21.58duke|ibhaving blizzard request takedowns is probably much more cost-effective :P
22:22.46GenNMX|ThraeWhen the Vivendi lawyers didn't respond to protests in 14 days, eBay and Kopp thought they gave up. Then Vivendi started threatening again, so eBay had to suspend the account pending litigation. Which is fine.
22:23.19malrethno... the 14 day thing is a part of the dmca procedure
22:23.45malrethand there is absolutely no mention of pending litigation
22:23.50malrethi just reread it
22:23.57malreththe way it works
22:24.00GenNMX|ThraeWell, pending potentional litigation.
22:24.06malrethit doesn't say that
22:24.09malrethand that's not how it works
22:24.19malrethhere it goes
22:24.29GenNMX|ThraeThat's exactly how it works! If you don't agree with the DCMA takedown notice, you're suppose to sue!
22:24.45malrethbut they did comply with the take down notice... ebay did.
22:24.59GenNMX|ThraeKopp is, not eBay. They got out of it by suspending Kopp's account. I'm saying they did the correct legal action.
22:25.36malrethkopp has nothing to do with the take down notice. that's between blizz and the carrier
22:25.42malrethie: ebay
22:25.51malrethkopp puts up auction
22:26.00malrethblizz sends dmca notice to ebay
22:26.05malrethebay suspends the auction
22:26.18malrethkopp counternotices to ebay
22:26.28malrethebay passes the counternotice to blizz/viv
22:26.28GenNMX|ThraeSorry, I meant about the copyright and trademark suits Vivendi was threatening Kopp with.
22:26.46malrethnothing comes back... 14 days later ebay is free to put those auctions back up
22:27.06malrethand in fact, they have to or they face a potential lawsuit from kopp for not complying with the dmca
22:27.20malrethauction goes back up... cycle repeats
22:27.30malreththat's the dmca in a nutshell
22:27.40GenNMX|ThraeAlthough Kopp was also free to sue Vivendi to argue that he wasn't violating the DCMA.
22:27.47malrethand that's also why the dmca is so stupid to begin with
22:27.50GenNMX|Thraemalreth: And I'm not debating that.
22:28.00Ktronanyone ever have a problem with the gamma when they're dead being way too bright?
22:28.00malrethyes... kopp IS free to sue vivendi
22:28.18QzotI just heard some interesting news, unrelated to the current topic...
22:28.26malrethin fact... he's SO free to sue them... that he already has.. or at least started
22:28.49GenNMX|ThraeKtron: Ghost mode has weird effects not processed the same by all video cards. My laptop, Ati Radeon 9000 Mobile, doesn't even make everything semi-black and white like my desktop does.
22:29.15Ktronpsh... thanks GenNMX|Thrae
22:29.20malrethi thought the brightness thing was a recent bug with 1.9
22:29.23duke|ibmy cat is trying to eat my watch
22:29.35GenNMX|ThraeQzot: The current topic is, "Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to..."
22:29.41ShouryuuQzot hit me!
22:29.46Shouryuuwith the news that is
22:31.17GenNMX|Thraemalreth: Anyway, my entire beef with this incident is that a lot, if not most, copyright & tradmeark infringement claims by companies are logically and morally stupid. They may be *legally* sound, but the law in this case has so many holes and logical fallacies it's appalling.
22:31.34malreththat's how the lawyers like it
22:31.40malrethit's like brimstone for them
22:31.47malrethwarm and inviting
22:31.59GenNMX|Thraemalreth: Because the law is so imperfect, this case has first amenment rights issues. Another case could use its precedent (if Vivendi wins) to erode free speech further.
22:32.15malrethslippery slope argument
22:32.37malrethanother case could also lose and further reinforce the other side of the argument
22:32.58GenNMX|ThraeThe whole precedent system IS a slippery slope argument ;)
22:33.29GenNMX|ThraeWell, if I shot someone, and then a doctor saved his life, that doesn't negate the fact that I shot him in the first place. A wrong is a wrong even if it's righted.
22:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem___ (
22:37.49Shouryuulol "A random lowbie was bugging our guild master for money so, through an elaborate scheme, we got him to delete his hearthstone then summoned him into southern winterspring... I think it was winterspring... somewhere with 60+ elite mobs."
22:38.10malrethheh... nice
22:38.25malrethno... that's bad
22:38.30malrethi'm being evil malreth again
22:38.33AdrineAzshara would have been better. No inns.
22:38.45malrethooh, true that Adrine
22:39.03malrethheh... up near stratholme...
22:39.10malrethno... I'm being evil again
22:39.40AdrineUnfortunately. :(
22:39.52AdrineBut, if they were begging for money, maybe they don't know about it!
22:40.03malrethyeah, but if he was beggin-- ah, Adrine beat me to it
22:40.05QzotHmm. Best along the *shore* of Silithus.
22:40.27malrethi was thinking that... qzot
22:40.36malrethbut i was able to suppress it and remain good
22:40.48KirovWhen ever people ask if they can have 5s, I tell them "sure, there's a couple mobs right outside, go start killing them"
22:41.35QzotSWG was great that way. I'd say, "Sure!" They'd ask my waypoint. And I'd give them a waypoint for a mission terminal.
22:41.45GenNMX|ThraeKirov: Better to say, "I've planted 5s in 5 different monsters in Westfall. Their names are <insert humanoid names here>. Kill them and get your reward!"
22:42.07malrethgah, i miss waypoints
22:42.18Kirovthat or the /e has pick pocketed 5s from %t
22:42.35IrielQzot's the only bay area one of you lot isn't he?
22:42.37IrielOther than myself?
22:42.49KirovI'm in san fran
22:42.56Iriel(Please re-arrange above sentences into vaguely appropriate grammatical form)
22:42.58malrethi'm in TTEXAS
22:43.05malreththe extra T is for EXTRA Texas
22:43.08Adrine<-- Phoenix, AZ
22:43.40malrethin Texas, everyone wears a cowboy hat and boots
22:43.50AdrineAnd speaks with a drawl
22:43.52malrethand belt buckles have a legal minimum size limit
22:44.11malrethwhen you are born in Texas, you are issued your social security number and your gun
22:44.27IrielI have an extra ticket to tonight's Video Games Live concert in San Jose (unless someone comes back to me in the next 10 minutes to say they found someone who wanted to go)
22:44.37GenNMX|ThraeIn Texas, the offense for jaywalking is the death penalty -- death by firing range. The local religious fundamentalist militia usually volunteers with their AK-47s designed to "hunt deer".
22:44.50QzotMalreth: Are you using the Halwert Texas Joke Book? Or the Maywether one?
22:44.54malrethholy crap. i jaywalk all the time
22:45.12malrethQzot: actually, those i just made up right now
22:45.20malrethsomeone put drivel like that into a book?
22:45.21GenNMX|ThraeTrue story, there is a liquor store with a drive-thru window in Texas.
22:45.41malrethGenNMX|Thrae: we have those all over the university area here... specially around the frat houses
22:45.48QzotSoCal would have that if it were legal.
22:46.02QzotThey have drive-through grocery stores, and drive-through churches.
22:46.17QzotI kid you not.
22:46.44malrethactually, there's a chain called the Liquor Barn... you drive into the store, you pays your money, and they load a keg into your truck or SUV
22:46.44ShouryuuDrive through churches lol
22:47.31malrethone especially nice one has a barbeque joint in the same building... beer AND ribs!
22:47.38QzotOkay. I heard some interesting news, and the convo around the court suit has died down, so...
22:47.47malrethQzot: RIBS!
22:47.56Shouryuumalreth: NEWS!
22:48.44QzotOn the phone with Blizzard today, their recording said that "Character transfers are not available yet. Please check to know when it will be available." Or something like that.
22:49.05QzotWhen I got a guy in the phone, he said they hope it will be ready in the "near future".
22:49.20Shouryuucharacter transfers from where to where?
22:49.23QzotTransfer-for-pay, of course.
22:49.33QzotAnywhere to anywhere, I assume.
22:49.37Shouryuubetween Accounts? lol!
22:49.53QzotCharacter between accounts, and character between realms.
22:50.06QzotWith limitations, he said. Without being more specific.
22:50.34Kirovsplitting characters from accounts will be nice.
22:50.34ShouryuuFinaly! I have two accounts, with my bros main on the same account as mine! I can finaly play my main, and so can he!
22:50.35Qzotmalreth: I was cloes.
22:50.39malrethactually, i really did laugh out loud
22:50.56GenNMX|ThraeAww, I didn't scroll up and thought it was a real site ;)
22:50.58QzotI can move my 58 lock, my 60 mage, and my rogue that has the baby murloc to the server I actually play on. :D
22:51.09malrethactually go there... there's all kinds of colors and sounds!
22:51.14malreththey look like dancing ladies!
22:51.23malrethah ha h aaaa *gasp*
22:51.42GenNMX|ThraeI meant I tried to see the site and it said it didn't exist =/
22:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge {RA}BC-Werk (n=BC@
22:52.18malreththere's really a Texas joke book? people sell that stuff?
22:52.26malrethsomeone should sue them
22:52.28QzotGenNMX: What security level do you have set? It's an XXX site.
22:52.49Qzotmalreth: I made those names up.
22:53.30GenNMX|ThraeQzot: Firefox on Debian Linux.
22:53.49malrethi managed to convince my lolita girlfriend to roll a female night elf... i get plenty of dancing to look at
22:53.50QzotGenNMX: Nm. You can't access without a subscription. Oh, wait. Give me your credit card number, and I'll get you access.
22:54.26GenNMX|ThraeWhy do you refer to your girlfriend "lolita"?
22:54.44malrethcuz i'm like 28 and she looks 16
22:54.58GenNMX|ThraeIs she 16?
22:55.03malrethour guild jokes with her cuz she sounds like a 12 year old on vent
22:55.04KirovShe's 13
22:55.08malrethshe's 24
22:55.17GenNMX|ThraeDo YOU look 28?
22:55.30KirovHe looks like he's 64
22:55.32malrethi look like i'm in my 30s... hair's already thinning
22:55.48malrethgenetics! you are a cruel mistress!
22:55.53GenNMX|ThraeAh, I'm one of those people that looks like a teenager myself, despite being 25 in a week.
22:56.02GenNMX|ThraeThe pimples help, of course.
22:56.12Qzotmalreth: So true. My wife is studying genetics, and it's killing her.
22:56.55GenNMX|Thraemalreth: You laugh, but those lolitas are attracted to my young visage ;)
22:57.14GenNMX|ThraeThey're so attracted I have to hide from them and never get to see them.
22:57.18malrethand she's chinese... she'll look almost 10 years younger for the rest of her life... well, for a while at least
22:58.13malrethand of course her parents hate me...
22:59.03ShouryuuI need to read Lolita one day
22:59.41Qzot*cough* No, Shouryuu. You really don't. Trust me.
22:59.55malrethmy previous gf and i dressed as Humbert Humbert and Lolita for holloween once
22:59.56ShouryuuIs it bad or just disturbing?
23:00.10Shouryuumalreth lol
23:00.21GenNMX|ThraeHow do you "dress" as a Lolita? Sailor schoolgirl uniform?
23:00.26malrethwe were going to a Liberal Arts honors party here at school... it was a hoot
23:00.39malrethpeople got it immediately when we entered the room
23:00.52CodayusIt's not a bad book.
23:01.08CodayusAnd not really disturbing either.
23:01.09malrethpeople kept coming up to me and saying, "you are SO H.H.! -hic"
23:01.20QzotMmm. As to it's value as literature, I can't really say. I'm not into what high-falutin' scholars call literature these days. But it's "value" is in probing a tabu subject. Imho, one that need not be widely probed by most people. Disturbing.
23:01.28CodayusBut like so much "Great Literature(tm)" it's also not very GOOD either.
23:01.43CodayusIMHO.  :-)
23:02.31malrethyeah... like that Beowulf story... They couldn't even spell anything right!
23:02.46CodayusHonestly, I think I've read Anne MCaffrey novels which were more explicit and creepy.  Um.  Then again, that's setting the bar very very low, isn't it?  :-P
23:03.04CodayusOkay, I read a Heinelin story that was...okay, actually, that's an even poorer example.  :-D
23:03.52QzotI don't mind "Great Literature" from the past. In part because what we consider great from the past is different than the "Great Literature" in its own time. Austen was not the main author of her day, but she's widely regarded as representative of her period today.
23:03.53malrethactually, i had an english lit prof once... first day of class she walks in and starts quoting from Beowulf... from memory... in Old English...
23:04.05malrethshe went on for like 15 minutes
23:04.17Codayusmalreth: See, that's impressive.
23:04.22malrethit was the most beautiful sounding prose...
23:04.59malrethhearing it is so much more impressive than just reading it... it was an oral story to begin with. print does not do it justice
23:05.27QzotI walked into the first day of Spanish, and the instructor said not a single word of English. "Soy cruel!" as he whipped his blackboard pointer inches over our heads...
23:05.29Shouryuuold english is just cool just
23:05.55malreththen she said that she'd have pop quizzes every day about the previous night's reading and if if we ever got a question wrong, we'd drop a letter grade.
23:06.12QzotTurns out one of the best teachers I ever had, but he scared the bejeebers out of us that first day.
23:06.14Shouryuubroke the mood?
23:06.16malrethhalf the class wasn't there for the next lecture
23:06.40malrethBUT I PASSED! with a B
23:06.51Shouryuuaww Qzot you even Capitalized and punctuated that "Lol."
23:06.52QzotFirst day of Introduction to Abstract Algebra: There are 5 of us sitting in the classroom...
23:07.02QzotTrue story: "I grade on a curve."
23:07.25malreth5 go in... only 3 come out... smiling
23:07.26Qzot"One of you will get an A, one a B, one a C, one a D, and one will flunk."
23:07.41QzotStone cold face. And then he smiled.
23:07.54CodayusAwww.  You mean he was joking?
23:07.56CodayusWhat a wuss.
23:08.00QzotYeah, he was joking.
23:08.14QzotBut he had us for about 10, 20 secs.
23:08.43malrethmy lit prof wasn't. she was hella strict but she was the best prof i ever had.
23:11.39ShouryuuOne of my french teachers had us do what he'd "Poetic "attacks" (attentat in french)". We'd have to burst into a random class, with stockings on our heads, and recite poetry... I actually got lucky go to say mine on the school speakers...
23:11.52TainMy first year Calc class started first day with 5 people.  Third day there were 2.
23:15.30CodayusOkay, quick offtopic question.  I have two html files on a server.  When I follow a link to one of them, it displays.  When I follow a link to the other, it says "You have chosen to open index.htm which is a: HTM file", and asks me where I want to save it.
23:16.35CodayusWhy would that be?  They have the same name, and are on the same server, just different directories.
23:18.02malrethyou have different .htaccess files set up for the directories... i dunno
23:18.20malrethoop... gotta go. later all
23:19.37Miravlixwtb OnTocChange
23:19.46CodayusWhere did that .htacces file come from.
23:20.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
23:20.07CodayusOkay, remind me to give malreth a hug next time he's on.  :-(
23:20.46MiravlixI was told to remind you to give malreth a hug next time he is on.
23:20.51KirkburnWhy is it that demons look suspriciously like tauren (esp Kazzak)?
23:21.58KirkburnSeriously, if you take away Kazzak's wings and make him hairy - he becomes a tauren
23:22.30Kirkburn(and very very angry)
23:22.38AdrineHuh. You all see this?
23:22.46duke|ibCodayus: you do know that any files starting with a . are hidden, right?
23:22.48Cide-lyes, and it's fake
23:22.51Cide-err, yes*
23:22.57Cide-the legendaries, anyway
23:23.04AdrineHeh, they did a good job of mixing in known items then.
23:23.32Cide-still fake nonetheless
23:23.40Cide-and there's definite proof, too :)
23:23.43duke|ibthe legendaries...heh
23:23.50AdrineColor me curious. :)
23:23.53MiravlixOkay that sucked, spend an hour on implementing a craft window state saver, just to find out standard craft window doesn't have anything worth saving.
23:23.53duke|ibclass: shaman/etc, but no paladins
23:24.00Cide-see my post(s) in that thread
23:24.03MiravlixNote to self: Research is good
23:24.03Adrineduke|ib: Paladins were able to use Thunderfury
23:24.20duke|ibAdrine: which isn't really suited to them at all
23:24.22AdrineOh, duh. That's an easy check.
23:24.29duke|ibthe caster legendaries would be
23:24.32Adrineduke|ib: I know, but still. :)
23:24.32duke|ibeven though they're fake!
23:24.47duke|ibthat's like saying quel'serrar is useful in the hands of a paladin
23:24.51AdrineHeh. Good catch, Cide.
23:24.53duke|ibsure, it looks cool...but why?
23:25.06KirkburnCide what do you use to look at that stuff?
23:25.08duke|ibthe first thunderfury on our server went to a paladin
23:25.09Codayusduke|ib: Not if you use ls -al
23:25.25TainDefinitely a Hunter weapon.
23:25.34AdrineA hunter had the first TF on my server.
23:25.40duke|ibCodayus:      -a      Include directory entries whose names begin with a dot (.).
23:25.41Cide-the ctprofiles database, hehe
23:25.43AdrineIn his defense, he won the first binding before anyone knew what it was for.
23:25.55duke|ibAdrine: hehe
23:26.06duke|ibAdrine: the paladin won both of the bindings in one night, after everyone knew what it was for
23:26.09duke|ibhe quit about 2 weeks later
23:26.26duke|ibthey just bought all of the elementium
23:26.48duke|ibwtf my cat is biting me again
23:26.57duke|iblittle bastard
23:27.00Codayusduke|ib: Uh....right.  That's what I just said...
23:27.27duke|ibCodayus: ...yes, but i also said they're hidden by default, and -a isn't default!~
23:28.05KirkburnYou know what I think? I think Blizzard should tell us why Tauren are demons in disguise!
23:28.24KirkburnWith their glued-on wings and all
23:28.35AdrineYou know, rather than being loot dazzled, I could have just plugged in some of the "new" items and seen what their ivalue is.
23:28.37duke|ibit's all an elegant farce made of paper mache
23:29.20Codayusduke|ib: You didn't say by default.  :-)
23:29.29Kirovwow, I totally misread one of those items as "Clutch of the Testicle"
23:29.48Kirovepic jock strap
23:31.23duke|ibCodayus: doh
23:31.38AdrineI'm cutting out early. Have a good weekend, folks.
23:31.53Shouryuusee ya
23:31.53Kirovcide - are you hooking OnMouseUp for the res monitor now?
23:32.13KirkburnIt would have been fun to have seen this when it happened ...
23:33.04ShouryuuI'm sick =(
23:33.24KirkburnWell Tseric was pissed, apparently
23:33.31Shouryuuby what?
23:33.35KirkburnBut still /hug Shouryuu
23:34.00KirkburnThe forum was without moderators for a couple of hours, kida went mad spamming
23:34.28KirkburnI guess this explains it a bit more...
23:34.31ShouryuuIf they aren't burning cars in paris, they're spammin shit on the forums
23:35.22Kirkburn(I have no idea why that ytmnd is supposedly NSFW, but thems the things)
23:35.49Shouryuuis the foreign news covering what's happening in france?
23:36.40KirkburnI know that Chirac sulked cos he wasn't talked to in french
23:36.58Shouryuuwhen? By whom?
23:37.38KirkburnThere was stuff on the BBC website earlier, but it's got pushed off the front page
23:37.50Shouryuuwell my internet is angry
23:37.56Shouryuuwon't load anything
23:39.16TainWhat's happening in France?
23:39.29ShouryuuViolent demonstrations, again :p
23:39.36Shouryuunot racial riots
23:39.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
23:39.47Shouryuujust demonstrations getting out of hand
23:39.50TainWhat did someone piss in the cheese or something?
23:40.26ShouryuuLooonngg story, but there's this social reform plan our first minister put into motion which isn't pleasing everyone
23:40.39Shouryuunot even social reform
23:40.43Shouryuuthat's too big a word
23:41.16CodayusThat'd be the one to fiddle with contract terms for new graduates, right?
23:41.24CodayusTrying to bring down structureal unemployment? stuff.
23:42.40Kirovsounds like how Sweden works
23:42.51Kirovonly it's 6 months there if I'm not mistaken, not 2
23:43.13Shouryuuno idea
23:43.17Shouryuu2years here yes
23:43.21Shouryuubut in sweden
23:43.38Kirkburn... the employees employ YOU
23:43.42TainDown with employment!
23:43.52CodayusLike Shouryuu, I'm not familiar with the Swedish situation, but it sounds plausible.
23:44.10ShouryuuWell I've never understood this fear of unemployement
23:44.30KirkburnWell the Swedish Situation ... very famous that ... involves lots of naked frolics in the snow and Abba. Huge amounts of Abba.
23:44.30TainIt's nowhere near as frightening as being employed.
23:44.35KirovA friend of mine just got hired at Dice (Battlefield XXXX people)
23:44.51ShouryuuAbda please
23:44.53KirovHe has a 6 month "trial" period he has to go through.
23:45.15KirovNot sure if it's a company thing or a swedish thing
23:45.32ShouryuuWe have a trial periode here as well, well to be implemented
23:45.53KirkburnShouryuu, you realise that doesn't work? It's in capitals .... ADBA??? :P
23:46.24KirkburnAlso, you did it the wrong way around ;)
23:46.36Shouryuuwas thinking about which was which
23:46.41*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg2 (n=wguru@
23:46.42KirkburnAdba ftw :D
23:46.44Shouryuuadba or abda
23:47.08KirkburnSilly scandinavians
23:47.34ShouryuuLet's pick on Cide
23:47.43TainI just signed paperwork for a four month contract position.  I had to force myself not to start arguing about the silly wording in the "contract."
23:47.45Shouryuu(He's scandinavian right?)
23:47.55TainWhich isn't a contract at all, so I don't know why they even call it that.
23:48.18Shouryuucontract position?
23:48.34KirkburnTut tut tut ...
23:49.05TainReally just working through one company for another, without that second company actually having to have the person as an employee.
23:50.32Shouryuuw00t 17sec in easy minesweeper
23:50.52KirovMy record is 7 seconds
23:50.56Shouryuuaww just did 14
23:51.02Kirkburn11 :(
23:51.03CodayusIf anyone is interested, a good explanation of the proposed reforms is here:
23:51.07ShouryuuI'm on a mouse-pad
23:51.22KirkburnSurely a chair would be better ... ?
23:51.29CodayusI suspect anyone who might be interested already knows, but you never know...  :-)
23:51.34Shouryuusorry ment touchpad
23:51.46Kirovshouryuu - that's pretty good then
23:51.56Kirovwhat are people's times for medium?
23:52.00Shouryuunay, mice > touchpad
23:52.03KirovMy record is 24 seconds
23:52.11Shouryuunever tried
23:52.21KirovMy advanced is crap though
23:52.26Kirov300 something
23:53.55KirovI used to see how tired I was in the morning by doing minesweeper
23:54.02KirkburnReal or not? Real or not?
23:54.22KirovIf I did 18 seconds or less on my first try, I was ok.  More than that and I was in for a long day.
23:55.35Shouryuu24 on intermediate is nice
23:56.37Shouryuuits rather godamn impressive
23:56.56KirovOnly done it once though.
23:57.04KirovUsually more like mid 40s
23:58.15ShouryuuI can't believe we're mesuring our Mineweeper times... "How long is yours?" "Mine's 28", "Wow , that's nice"
23:59.16KirovHow about lootlink database sizes. :p
23:59.49Kirov49000+ ... and the 2 minute load time that comes with it
23:59.58GenNMX|ThraeLootlink database sizes? Try Amount Of Addons Installed vs Average UI Memory Usage vs UI Load Time!

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.