irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060320

00:00.16ckknightI have a great-aunt that was adopted out, her father was an American sailor
00:00.25KirkburnOther such oddities in mine ... cousins marrying (about 100 years back), possibly related to a spy from around WWI, and the inventor of garden open days
00:00.41ckknightwhen she found the family when she was 20-30, it turned out that she was extremely dumb compared to the rest of them
00:01.12Shouryuugarden open days?
00:02.02KirkburnQuite popular in the UK ... when villages will have a day when inhabitants open their gardens for people to come and look at
00:02.19KirkburnOften with paintings on show
00:02.34KirkburnAnd food and stuff for sale
00:02.44KirkburnMy grandfather started it all off :)
00:03.15KirkburnI never knew him though (and my parents keep telling me how cool he was!)
00:03.26Shouryuuwell my father was the founder of Lectra system, one of the first companies ever to laser-cut cloth
00:04.13ckknightI have like 2 or 3 schizophrenics in my family
00:04.32Shouryuuhe got unimagimably rich, and got kicked out in 1991
00:04.40ShouryuuI wanted some of those!
00:04.48Kirkburn(quick, Shouryuu, what do we say to ckknight?)
00:04.50ckknightsome of what?
00:05.06ckknightI'm not schizophrenic
00:05.07ckknightleast not yet
00:05.19KirkburnI was typing the question ...
00:05.49KirkburnIt's not something I've ever come across, so I don't know what to say about it
00:06.12KirkburnIs it inheritable?
00:06.13ckknightnot that common and typically genetic
00:06.37Shouryuuit's genetic?
00:06.44ckknightin many cases, yes
00:06.47KirkburnI have various things I might inherit, rather hoping I don't (glaucoma related mostly)
00:07.05ckknightKirkburn, a little marijuana'll get that cleared up for you
00:07.58ckknightschizophrenia often arises in people who show superior intelligence, but also with mental disabilities such as Down Syndrome
00:08.45MiravlixAnyone looking for a Gnome Warrior Trinket or Racial function for use in a macro?
00:08.58ckknightlousy gnomes
00:09.30Kirkburnckknight, thanks for the advice :P
00:09.40zeegthat would be awesome
00:09.45zeegif it was furbolgs
00:10.29KirkburnIsn't that just a normal fubolg
00:10.51Kirkburn(new name! FUbolg)
00:11.02zeegim sure its uhhh
00:11.06zeegw/e i said it was the other day
00:11.10ckknightit's likely a hoax
00:11.15zeegbut that would be cool
00:11.21KirkburnThe totem?
00:11.23ckknightyea, reasonably
00:11.25zeegah, The Draenei, ya
00:11.34Kirkburni.e. the one which turns you into a furbolg, perhaps?
00:12.29Kirkburn(look at the top right corner)
00:13.10Kirkburnoh, look it's blurry ...
00:13.50KirkburnIn that pics case it doesn't even have a REASON to be blurry, it's a bloody screenshot!
00:14.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
00:14.30KirkburnI eat children for breakfast
00:14.38AnduinLotharSo I'm gonna write a lib to detect casting spellname, instants and the like. What should I name it?
00:14.40ckknighthey, we have something in common, Kirkburn
00:14.46CrispixDoesn't suprise me in the least Kirkburn
00:14.57MiravlixAL: SpellAlert?
00:15.00ShouryuuAnduin : Shouryuu is a really cool name
00:15.14KirkburnNo, no, Kickburn
00:15.14MiravlixThough SpellAlert is already taken. :)
00:15.18AnduinLotharmmm SpellAlert could work
00:15.36MiravlixSpellAlert is the super spell notifier addon
00:15.48MiravlixI use QueSpellAlert
00:15.53AnduinLotharPLayerCasts, CastWhat, IsCasting..
00:17.19KirkburnSound like a medical disorder Shouryuu
00:17.21MiravlixThats short thats precise thats soo uncool it hurts.
00:17.26KirkburnI like Miravlix's one
00:17.47Kirkburnnice twist
00:17.52MiravlixYeah UuuhSPELL! is a cool name. :p
00:18.00Kenmanwhy/how detect instant spells? like nature's swiftness??
00:18.10MiravlixYou don't early detect them
00:18.13AnduinLotharmmm, like all of them
00:18.15KirkburnWhy do you detect them?
00:18.24MiravlixTo cast purge
00:18.32KirkburnNo, he asked why
00:18.33AnduinLotharcause the spell events suck
00:18.39MiravlixTo not hit the druid with natures grasp
00:20.00MiravlixSpellAlert has this nice feature of /target last person who was mentioned in alerts
00:20.17MiravlixNice for charge stun interupts atleast
00:22.28KirkburnIf we *were* to assume it was Draenei, is anyone actually able to give me a reasonable location where they could start?
00:23.47KirkburnThat's what I thought
00:23.54Shouryuunight folks
00:25.50MiravlixThey have to create a new start zone for them
00:25.50MiravlixAfter that they could go to Darkshire
00:25.51KirkburnThey'd have absolutely no reason to be in Kalimdor though
00:25.51KirkburnI make the same mistake all the time
00:25.51ckknightthey can always get a wizard to raise an island from out of the sea
00:25.51MiravlixIt's Blizzard if they want them in Kalimdor they can just create the reason
00:25.57KirkburnIt's have to be pretty incredible
00:26.16KirkburnThey want to go home!
00:26.45KirkburnBut anyway, it'll be interesting to find out
00:27.36MiravlixIs there different textures for different frost bolts?
00:27.50cladhaireKirkburn: THere is NO reason for Draenai to not start in Outland
00:28.00cladhaireIf they wanted to
00:28.12KirkburnExcept ... the first zone is 55-60
00:28.26cladhaireThe same goes for bloodelves.. they're in EP
00:28.30cladhairedoesn't mean it can't be done.
00:28.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
00:28.49KirkburnYou're suggesting they can fly through the portal? It's possible
00:29.12ckknightthere could be a secluded portion of Outland for Draenai to start in
00:29.23JoshBorkewhat about the space north of SoS?
00:29.26cladhaireOnce the Dark Portal is open.. there could easily be a second portal opened on Kalimdor if they wanted to.
00:29.32cladhaireAll I'm saying is nothing's impossible =)
00:30.00cladhaireSorry to hot in there.. just got back from dinner =)
00:30.05KirkburnNorth of SoS is possible, but the space is very tight
00:30.14JoshBorkeeast of burning steppes?
00:30.37JoshBorkewait, i mean north of redridge!
00:30.59KirkburnThe main problem I see with the race being on Azeroth is that Kalimdor will be abandoned
00:31.13KirkburnAnd the Azeroth server will collapse
00:31.39KirkburnBy which I mean the Eastern Kingdoms, yes
00:32.17Kirkburn(that was the worst 'possible race' picture I'd ever seen earlier btw, zeeg! :)
00:38.04MiravlixHmm, I've never thought about it before, so where is my action bar configuration saved pr. char?
00:39.10cladhaireNot stored in a file, its server stored.
00:39.29cladhaireWHich ones are open, what is in each slot, etc.
00:39.30KirkburnThat's a good point ... it is
00:39.46cladhaireIf a macro doesn't exist, it doesn't get removed- but will display blank on any computer that doesn't have that macro id
00:40.01KirkburnI deleted my WTF folder, and didn't think about the fact it kept the icon placing
00:40.31Kirkburnand that explains why it acted weird when I put my macros back
00:41.22KirkburnOh, to be able to post on the US forums ...
00:43.14KirkburnI only want to say thanks for letting CF work next patch :)
00:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
00:50.50CodayusOh, right.
00:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Meritt (n=meritt@
00:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
01:17.37Legorolg'morning all
01:17.42Cairennhey Lego :)
01:17.46Legoroli just watched the videos of the US Blizzard team in WSG
01:17.52Legorolalmost all of it was hilarious
01:18.01Legorolthere was one thing though that i felt was problematic
01:18.09Legorolthey were summoning all sorts of random mobs in SW
01:18.13Legoroland one of them was Van Cleef
01:18.21Legorolhe died instantly, and the people there got a blue loot off of him
01:18.39Legorolsince this is a contest, i beleive that gives unfair advantage to whoever was there at the time
01:19.27Legoroladmittedly all of it was done in the spirit of humour and fun, but still a little care shold've been exercised
01:19.40Legorolopinions? flames? cookies?
01:21.31AnduinLotharyou worry too much
01:21.57Legorolyes i do
01:22.23GenNMX|ThraeAlright, lemme see about setting us this TeamSpeak server on my Debian box...
01:24.08GenNMX|ThraeOh, this needs SQL. That's waaaay too much for what I need. Hmmm...
01:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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01:24.53AnduinLotharthey shoulda summoned a raid boss.... they telleport people
01:25.06Gryphenit runs on sqlite by default
01:25.31GenNMX|ThraeBut still, this would just be for 2 people, 3 max.
01:26.01Gryphenits not anything extra you should need to setup
01:26.16GenNMX|ThraeI would need to install SQLite
01:26.40Gryphensqlite is self contained
01:26.50JoshBorkewhat video?
01:26.51GenNMX|ThraeOh, it's embedded?
01:26.59JoshBorkei want to see a video of blizzard in WSG
01:29.44ckknightI wish Blizzard put an Sqlite database into WoW instead of the normal Lua saved variable tables
01:29.48ckknightthat'd be pretty sweet
01:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:42.57MiravlixJust write your own sqlite library
01:46.45*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
01:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
02:11.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (
02:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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02:24.19*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+oo Cairenn ChanServ] by
02:49.33QzotOoo. What happened?
02:50.08Gryphennet split
02:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
04:24.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:24.42EsamynnEvening all
04:25.39Cairennhey Esamynn
04:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
05:24.34Cairennhi Wobin_
05:26.07ckknightstill night for me
05:26.15ckknight11:25 PM ;-)
05:43.25Wobin_oh I was going by that relative greeting time =)
05:45.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:48.45IrielEvening all
05:48.55Cairennhey Iriel :)
05:50.34IrielYou'll be proud of me, I just got back from a hockey game (Sharks / Avalanche)
05:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-8123 (
05:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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05:56.05Temit's very interesting to go back and look at some of your old code
05:56.54Wobin_like OMG did I really write that?
05:57.22Temit's stuff from before I understood a lot of basic lua concepts
05:57.41Temor the API
05:57.52Temit was scary to go through
05:58.04krkawe all go through that
05:58.19krkaexcept maybe iriel who gets it right the first time :P
05:58.52IrielHeh, no.. my old code is pretty spotty too
06:00.44IrielWoW REALLY needs some dungeons or an instance exit off the deeprun tram tunnels
06:01.28IrielIt's just too perfect a location for one
06:01.30Irielyet, nothing
06:03.42Wobin_I want an airlock or something. so I can explore the water
06:03.59Wobin_That'd be so cool, a horizontal instance entrance into the water =)
06:04.08krkaand i want a magical land where blues fall from the sky
06:04.17Wobin_You can get that =P
06:04.25Wobin_Go to one of the hacked servers =P
06:12.16CairennI'm out.  Night guys
06:33.27Temnight Cair
06:33.27Tembed time for me too
06:35.43MerittIriel. Hello
06:37.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
06:44.00Irielhello (belatedly!)
06:53.25Meritt(Okay I was 9 minutes late too)
06:58.23Irielsorry, knee deep in gnolls 8-)
06:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
06:59.20IrielThey're not parting with their paws nearly enough
07:13.15MerittSurprised you are still in WoW UI/API development.. actually a lot of familiar names around here
07:14.29Wobin_Iriel, I don't know how, but that last comment came across as really dirty =P
07:18.44IrielSurprised? whyso?
07:18.50Wobin_What's a good warrior build?
07:18.55IrielWobin_ : It's because you have a dirty mind
07:19.10Wobin_Iriel: *sigh* I guessed as much =P
07:19.25ckknightthis is a _really_ well done flash:
07:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:35.26Wobin_That flash was really quite good
07:36.10ckknightin the real Little Red Riding Hood story, she does eat the flesh of her mother
07:36.17ckknightback in those days, meat was very scarce
07:36.35Wobin_Back in those days they didn't need all the disney crap
07:39.12Crispixno.. they just needed all the disney shit .. ;)
07:40.36Wobin_Crispix: ?
07:40.44Crispixyes wobs?
07:40.58Wobin_Whatcha mean?
07:41.06ckknightCrispix, your statement doesn't make much sense
07:41.23CrispixDoes what I ever say make sense?
07:50.00IrielSleep time
07:51.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Meritt (n=meritt@
07:52.10Crispixey wob...
07:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:54.39zespriso whoever told me that G15 supports repeatable keys lied
07:54.55Crispixyou bought a g15?
08:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
08:29.00zespriI mean it's a nice buy and stuff... but I thought that there would be key-masher there as well
09:08.41Wobin_ps Crispix?
09:08.47Wobin_Not Kitana
09:09.11Wobin_That's a character from Mortal Kombat =P Or D&D Or something
09:09.50Wobin_but I can't really comment on melee. melee weapons have only been for stats with me
09:10.02Wobin_(granted the 19 ag is very nifty)
09:24.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
09:24.40KalrothHello slackers!
09:32.20[MoonWolf]hello Kalroth
09:41.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
10:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
12:42.05AnduinLotharmmm, that flash IS impressive.
12:43.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
12:44.10KalrothAnduinLothar: Which one? :)
12:44.32Kalrothand by flash do you mean an animation or a boobie flash?
12:45.28AnduinLotharit's fairing amazing
12:45.45AnduinLotharthe grim version with an anime style
12:45.45Wobin_a lot of work was put into that one
12:55.53Kalrothcool ending :)
12:56.59Legorolthat reaper anime is awesome!
12:57.05Kalrothmoin Lego
12:57.05Legoroli mean red riding hood
13:04.37*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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14:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
14:24.29*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:38.08KalrothI knew it, you're the fake Cairenn, the evil one
14:38.16KalrothThe real one wouldn't be up this early!
14:39.03Cairennit's amazing what getting to bed at a reasonable hour will do ...
14:39.18KalrothYou fell asleep on the couch, didn't you?
14:39.20[MoonWolf]tekkub has been doing too
14:39.50Cairennnope, actually went to bed
14:40.07Cairennwas in bed before 1am, novel concept
14:40.13[MoonWolf]does evil Cairenn have a goatee ?
14:40.35AnduinLotharit's almost 7am..
14:40.43AnduinLotharspose i should have..
14:40.59Kalrothmore coffee, Karl!
14:41.17AnduinLotharmeh, not a coffee guy
14:41.28[MoonWolf]some nice tea then ?
14:41.31AnduinLotharhaven't had any soda since about 3am either..
14:42.53TainI never saw why people made a big deal about others having soda in the mornings.
14:42.55Cairenn[MoonWolf]: evil Cair has those weird glasses that has the busy eyebrows and big mustache attached
14:43.16TainIt's really no different than coffee, it's just cold with bubbles instead of hot with milk.
14:43.55[MoonWolf]cold with bubbles on empty stomache doesnt really become certain people
14:44.24TainOh really?  Diet Coke is the only thing that can settle my stomach whenever I'm feeling a bit off.
14:44.34TainAnd on an empty stomach it just makes everything feel a-ok.
14:44.46[MoonWolf]ooooooooh kaaaaaay
14:45.05AnduinLotharcoke on an empty stomache is not so good
14:45.12Kalrothit is for me
14:45.22Kalrothcoke/heroin or speed
14:45.26AnduinLotharmakes me want to die
14:45.34Kalrothoh wait, wrong drug
14:45.40TainRegular Coke will destroy my stomach.
14:45.43TainI can only have Diet.
14:45.57KalrothTain: wuss!
14:46.09TainIt's all that sugar.
14:46.17TainIt literally makes my stomach hurt.
14:46.28CairennTain: yeah, and all that aspartame will actually kill you eventually
14:46.38Cairennit'd kill me fast
14:46.52Cairennaspartame = evil
14:47.07TainTrue enough, but everythign will kill us all eventually.
14:47.13AnduinLothari really detest the taste of aspartame
14:47.13[MoonWolf]i knew diet coke was bad for you.
14:47.37TainI'd rather pick my poison than be told 40 years from now, "By the way the stuff in Fruity Pebbles was fatal."
14:48.08TainPlus the sweetness of rum mixes perfectly with the less-sweet Diet Coke.
14:48.16CairennI detest the fact that it turns into *aldehydes when ingested
14:48.32KalrothCairenn: helps killing off all the other trash we eat :P
14:48.33TainThat's what will make me last longer than you all.
14:48.36TainI'll be well preserved.
14:48.56Tain"How did you live to be 120?"  "Bitterness and Diet Coke."
14:49.34Cairennwell, you go ahead and enjoy your diet whatever, I'm sticking with good 'ol sugar ... it doesn't try to close off my airway
14:50.24TainYep, so I breathe in less air-borne carcinogens than you. ;)
14:51.30[MoonWolf] <- new avatar, comment please.
14:51.52Cairennumm, odd :p
14:52.23Cairennwhat the heck does the folder say?
14:52.25[MoonWolf]the girl is me-tan, she reprisents the windows me operating system.
14:53.21[MoonWolf]I think its hilarous.
14:55.04Cairennwell sure, once you understand the joke
14:56.39Kalrothoi, harsh colours
14:56.56Kalroth <- email inputbox is bright yellow with white text on Firefox :)
14:57.18[MoonWolf]not here it is.
14:57.25Cairennhave auto-fillin turned on?
14:57.55Kalrothoh, ooops, sorry! yeah, it's googlebar being silly
14:58.12Cairennturn it off, the nasty colours go away
14:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
14:58.28KalrothAye, thanks :)
14:58.39Cairennno problem hun
14:58.50CairennI had it happen to me once too, that's why I knew what it was
14:59.07CairennI was all like "ZOMG Dolby wtf is up with the colours!"
14:59.34Cairennand he was all like "turn off auto-fill, j00 n3wbzor"
14:59.46KalrothAnd now you used it on me!
15:00.00Cairennand I was all like "ZOMG j00 rockzor!"
15:00.15Kalrothoh no you don't, I'm not going to say you rockzor
15:00.23Cairennand it was like, totally cool
15:01.00Cairennthis is what happens when Cairenn is awake this early ;)
15:01.13AnduinLotharand i was all like 'ZOMG j00 g0tz 2 /\/\uch 5l33|>
15:01.14Cairennshe is either incredibly silly, or incredibly cranky
15:01.28CairennAnduinLothar: hehehehe
15:02.32[MoonWolf]and she starts talking about herself in third person.....
15:02.50KalrothKalroth used to do that too, but he went to a shrink and it all went away
15:03.18QzotGood morning. If it *is* a good morning. Which I doubt.
15:03.39KalrothQzot: Well you're alive, so far so good!
15:03.49CairennQzot: well, it is morning, that much is certain
15:03.59[MoonWolf]i disagreee
15:04.07EeyoreTold you.
15:04.17[MoonWolf]it is most defintly afternoon.
15:04.24[MoonWolf]16:04 to be exact
15:04.31EeyoreAnd probably a lousy one at that.
15:04.33KalrothAlthough it's 4pm here, so it's a while ago since it was morning
15:04.39Kalrothbut it was good never the less
15:04.47AnduinLothar[07:04] <[MoonWolf]>16:04 to be exact
15:04.54Kalroth[16:03] <[MoonWolf]> 16:04 to be exact
15:04.59KalrothThat's not exact!
15:05.12[MoonWolf]Kalroth, your clock is in error
15:05.21AnduinLotharkal, your compy isn't updating automaticly to the right server
15:05.49KalrothI know, it's on a network domain here, so it updates to the domain controller
15:05.50[MoonWolf]AnduinLothar, im from the future, talking through a wormhole crossing throuh space and time.
15:05.59Kalrothwhich is (taadaa!) also off by 1-2 mins
15:06.31Qzot1-2 mins? No. That's the relativistic effects of communicating through a wormhole.
15:06.58CairennI know what it is, Kalroth's computer has been abverberized
15:07.08[MoonWolf]THATS IT
15:07.11Qzot-.- Not again!
15:07.14Kalrothuh oh
15:07.23KalrothI sense an evil presence in the force
15:07.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
15:07.50AdrineI just got here!
15:07.52Cairennnow there was timing
15:08.00CairennKalroth: uh oh
15:08.00CairennKalroth: I sense an evil presence in the force
15:08.00CairennAdrine [n=Adrine@] entered the room.
15:08.07QzotLike a million voices louding all at once, and then deathing.
15:08.29AdrineAlso, brb.
15:08.37AnduinLotharlol louding?
15:08.51[MoonWolf]luke: "I feel a disturbance in the force", Han: "You always feel a disturbance in the force"
15:08.54Kalrothno, they were all doing /chicken
15:09.25[MoonWolf]AnduinLothar needs to be abverbinated.
15:09.48QzotThere could be money in this.
15:09.49Cairennactually, I think we should pronounify him
15:09.49KalrothWhat's up with this adverbination?
15:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
15:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
15:10.11QzotHow about an addon for ... in-game adverbisements.
15:10.37[MoonWolf]this could be the next big thing since the o rly owl
15:10.38CairennI think Blizzard would adjectorization that
15:11.13QzotCan you imagine the Lua hook to prevent in-game adverbizing?
15:11.51QzotWe'd have special escape codes to declare proper usage of -ly.
15:12.24QzotAnd the checks would slow the server down, so any adverb in your chat would take a few minutes to get through.
15:12.30QzotNo more jet -ly.
15:13.06AdrineI don't even know what the hell I walked in to. It's Monday and I don't have coffee yet. Give me a break :(
15:13.18AdrineI mean. Uh. Evil! Raaar! Evil Adrine demands coffee!
15:13.33[MoonWolf]Adrine, do you have a goatee /
15:13.39QzotOh, what a wonderful morrrrrrrning, Oh, what a wonderful day......
15:13.41AdrineYes, actually.
15:13.42Cairennyesterday krka abverberizationed the channel
15:13.56AdrineWell, a van dyke.
15:14.07QzotI've got a wonderful feeeeeeeling, everything's goin' my way.
15:14.14QzotAnd I have a thing for cows.
15:14.17[MoonWolf]Adrine, is now officially evil and from the evill mirror universe
15:14.37AdrineI only used the teleporter once baby, I swear!
15:14.54AdrineAlso, last night weh.
15:15.13QzotYou know, I've only gotten the evil twin buff (a) on a non-RP server, OR (b) when playing an evil character.
15:15.14AdrineNightslayer Belt dropped and it got handed off to someone with points because I went AFK for THREE SECONDS while dead to get a snack.
15:15.15[MoonWolf]for people who dont get the reference
15:15.18AdrineI was very sad.
15:15.23Adrine[MoonWolf]: I got it. ;)
15:15.47CairennMy husband has an evil twin, Skippy
15:15.50AdrineI usually get the "You fall from 10,000 feet and your innards spread themselves over a quarter of Tanaris" buff.
15:16.04QzotYou're married to George Bush??? o.O
15:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
15:16.26QzotHis even twin is named 'Skippy'.
15:16.38CairennI'd shoot myself
15:16.52QzotIf I would you, I would create an alternate persona, and never, EVER let people know that you're Laura Bush.
15:16.53Cairennor, wait, better yet, I'd get the VP to shoot me
15:17.50QzotTime for morning ablutions...biab.
15:18.23Cairennno one laughed :p
15:19.23AnduinLotharthere was an evil twin pair of episodes in Enterprise season 4, near the end. They were quite entertaining
15:20.29QzotHmph. doesn't mention the Gadgetzan transporter in its list.
15:20.59AnduinLotharsomehow their universe (the evil one) had found a rift that colided with a universe similar to the 'normal' one in which the Enterprise from the first gen series had come through and been captured
15:20.59[MoonWolf]start adding
15:22.05[MoonWolf]the startrek universes and space time continuem are FULL of holes
15:22.18[MoonWolf]there has to be some rifst of some kind every second episode.
15:23.54TainYes, but at least that part about it is consistent, Moon
15:24.41AnduinLothari always love the time travel treks... they have more possibilty and imagination
15:24.55[MoonWolf]if all the magical different ways geordy can add to the engine were used all at the same time we could reach warp 50 i think.
15:25.39CairennGeordy was good, Scotty was better
15:25.56[MoonWolf]geordy was more original then scotty
15:26.12TainScotty told Geordi what was up when he showed up.
15:26.13Cairennyeah, but Scotty had that delicious accent
15:26.30[MoonWolf]i liked the half klingon only for sexy value
15:26.52[MoonWolf]the ds9 engineer was an idiot.
15:26.56AnduinLotharall about data
15:27.13[MoonWolf]and i cant even remember who used to do engines in enterprise.
15:28.07[MoonWolf]ah yeah
15:28.41[MoonWolf]trip the first person to sucsefully have a lasting sexual relationship with a vulcan
15:29.20AnduinLotharright, lol
15:29.41[MoonWolf]I wonder what the mirror borg would be like.
15:30.02AnduinLotharlol, too early to see borg in the alpha quadrent
15:30.36AnduinLotharthey didn't enter the delta quadrent until the encounter with the furies i think..
15:31.01[MoonWolf]how about wolf 359... there should be a mirror counterpart to that fight.
15:32.18AnduinLothardon't feel tto bad, i've got all 7 seaons of voyager, all the movies and all 4 seasons of enterprise here..
15:32.28AnduinLotharneed to get tng
15:32.57[MoonWolf]no ds9 ?
15:33.05AnduinLotharwasn't a huge fan
15:33.23[MoonWolf]i liked it best after tng, although both enterprise and voyager had good ideas.
15:34.34AnduinLothards9 was more soap opra-y than the others. Some liked it better cause it showed more emotional interaction and character development, but that's not really what i'm looking for in sci-fi
15:35.34[MoonWolf]i liked it better because of that
15:36.59[MoonWolf]the whole worf ezri/jadzia-dax thing, you dont get things like that in other star treks.
15:37.05OsagasuIf DS9 was more soap-opera-y, then Enterprise was "that damn show that should have never made it past, if not to episode 1"
15:37.09OsagasuOh wait, it was anyways
15:37.42AnduinLotharwell if you ask me every gen of trek had poor first 2 or 3 seasons
15:37.50OsagasuI did like what they did on the last episode though
15:37.53AnduinLotharand got better after the 3rd or 4th
15:38.57[MoonWolf]enterprise started working when they started with the whole probe shooting at earth part.
15:39.44OsagasuEnterprise stopped working when they broke canon in the first half of season 1
15:40.25[MoonWolf]Osagasu, they told you that would happen before they started recording.
15:41.46OsagasuThe only thing I remember them saying before the series came out was that they were trying to make a show that normal people would like to watch
15:41.52[MoonWolf]I'd like to see a ds9 like startrek of when voyager came back.
15:42.06OsagasuI knew from there that they screwed up
15:42.31OsagasuI want a Voyager movie. <3
15:42.52AnduinLothartoo bad there wont be any more
15:42.58AnduinLotharthe last movie sold horrably
15:43.16OsagasuBecause Enterprise ruined it all!
15:43.28[MoonWolf]anybody remember the episode where they used slipstream technology ?
15:43.45[MoonWolf]that could have great potential ... ships with slipstream tech.
15:43.46OsagasuKinda like how Fox ruined Firefly, but worse, because it was the show's own creators that did it!
15:44.11AnduinLotharcept firefly's dvd sales are crazy
15:44.28OsagasuBut its FOX's fault the show was canceled to begin with
15:44.31[MoonWolf]but fox doesnt cancel shows because of numbers
15:44.35[MoonWolf]but because they feel like it.
15:44.51Osagasulike Buffy.
15:45.02Osagasuthey could have at least FINISHED the last season
15:45.08[MoonWolf]at least buffy ended properly
15:45.14OsagasuHa, you think so?
15:45.18OsagasuThey cut the season in half
15:45.36OsagasuThey squeezed the entire last half of the season into four episodes.
15:45.46OsagasuI'm not joking.
15:45.52[MoonWolf]well, there wasnt much of the show to go on with after they blew up the town killed all the poeple and defeated the prime evil now was there.
15:46.11[MoonWolf]wait, the first evil not the prime
15:46.43AnduinLotharprime evils are diablo lore
15:47.28OsagasuAll in all, Joss hasn't had a good run with Fox.
15:48.54Legorolgood morning folks
15:49.06Legoroldoes anyone know an itemID for any one of the new relic items?
15:49.07Cairennhey Legorol :)
15:49.18AnduinLotharI do, but I can't tell you
15:49.33AnduinLotharwait, no... i don't
15:49.37OsagasuI do, but I'd have to kill you. :O
15:50.07Kalrothrelic items? :)
15:50.24AnduinLotharactually, slouken told me not to say i knew anyway... so... I don't know anything
15:50.45Legoroli just need a single item id so i can test EquipCompare with relic items
15:50.50MaldiviaAnduinLothar: hmm, just a sec... let me check
15:51.04Legorolwell if anyone happens to come across one... from a little birdie say... can you let me know?
15:51.05AnduinLotharand as my coworkers and boss have told me to say: "It's Awsome!"
15:51.33AnduinLotharas the default answer to any wow question
15:51.50OsagasuI thought you were the boss. o.O
15:52.20MaldiviaAnduinLothar: 22397
15:52.28OsagasuI caught myself doing something the other day that I never thought I'd do in a million years
15:52.43KalrothMaldivia: sounds a bit low
15:52.48OsagasuI was defending Cosmos
15:52.59AnduinLotharuh oh
15:53.04MaldiviaKalroth: a bit low ?
15:53.11Kalroththe id :)
15:53.31Maldiviawhy would you say that?
15:53.40Kalrothnm, I'm just confused ;)
15:54.26Maldiviathe 1.10 items starts around 21900 :)
15:54.52OsagasuDid they really add that many iters? :O
15:55.15OsagasuI mean, in 1.10.  That's like 600
15:56.09Maldiviajust because an item has id 22397, doesn't mean all item ids below it are valid
15:58.15TainYeah but that item number 22396, boy is she a looker.
15:59.13Maldivia20221 is still my favorite item :)
16:00.04Legorollol, now we are talking in numbers?
16:00.09Legorolanyways, which one of those is a relic?
16:00.43KirkburnWhat's the first item?
16:00.57Maldiviathat should be one of the druid relics...
16:01.16KirkburnApprentice's Pants :(
16:01.41KirkburnID 1
16:01.51Legorollol, foolishly i tried to create a tooltip to it on the honor contest real
16:01.55KirkburnI think, anyway
16:01.55LegorolDC, no wonder :D
16:02.17OsagasuI never have figured out how to call those
16:02.44MaldiviaKirkburn: actually, there is no item id 1 :)
16:03.11KirkburnSo I notice, Thott is just in order of submission
16:03.14Maldiviathe first I know of, is 25 - and that's a sword :)
16:04.24KirkburnI wonder what the first 24 things they created were
16:04.32AdrineTest items, I'm sure
16:04.39TainYou mean you haven't yet cracked the secret if item ID generation?
16:04.40Maldiviaperhaps the D2 test items, that's still available ? :)
16:05.48KirkburnIt appears someone flooded Allakhazam with item ids under 25 a couple of days ago
16:06.11Maldiviaalso known as the leather helmet, labeled Plate Helmet D2 (test)
16:06.53MaldiviaKirkburn: if you're talking about items like "1 gold" etc, that's from emulated servers...
16:07.26KirkburnMaldivia, nah, just there are comments from the 17th on the non-existant items
16:07.37Legorolok, time to kick some EU CM butts in WSG!
16:08.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
16:08.52Kirkburngood luck
16:09.06QzotAre there a couple people around who are aware of lots of add-ons? I have a couple ideas that I'm wondering if someone else has already taken a crack at.
16:09.17QzotKirkburn: Thank you. Good luck to you, too.
16:09.20KirkburnI am aware of the chair i'm sitting on?
16:09.40KirkburnSay them and we'll see...
16:10.19QzotI'd like an addon to be a true bank. Not a guild bank, but keep individual accounts.
16:10.36QzotYou can send it gold, or send a COD, and it will credit or debit your account.
16:10.39Cairennpiggy bank
16:10.45QzotIs that a name?
16:11.08KirkburnThink of it as less work for you.
16:11.14QzotI'd also want to be able to send items, and the piggy bank would sell them on your behalf, and credit the proceeds to you.
16:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
16:11.35Cairennnot possible, legally
16:11.38KirkburnThat sounds ... automated
16:11.57QzotWhy not legally possible?
16:12.00KirkburnI think I see what you're getting at though
16:13.01QzotWhat part of the EULA would it violate?
16:13.01KirkburnSo you'd tag items as being from a certain character
16:13.02Cairennit's botting, you have to manually sell them
16:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
16:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:13.04QzotA person would manually sell them, yes.
16:13.04KirkburnAnd record the amount each sold for
16:13.49KirkburnI have to say thought, it would work an awful lot better out of WoW
16:13.49QzotLike, a person in the guild who likes doing the Auctioneer thing. And can plow through a lot of items quickly.
16:13.49KirkburnThe problem I see is trust
16:13.49QzotThink: Guild bank with individual accounts.
16:14.07QzotI probably have an unusual guild, in that respect. But yes, you have to trust the banker.
16:14.14AdrineWe already do that, Qzot
16:14.21AdrineIt's just a manual trust system, really
16:14.28KirkburnIt's, er, not a bank though it is, it's a pawn shop
16:14.39QzotNo. Consignment store.
16:14.42AdrineWe have...8 bankers set up, 3 of whom get auctionable goods and sell off excess to pay for tank repairs.
16:15.04QzotEww. Is that what high end systems are like? Eww.
16:15.11AdrineIT's really not that bad.
16:15.16KirkburnIt's an interesting idea, but I think it's far too complicated and situational for an addon
16:15.22AdrineI have Sanity + a parser that uploads to the web
16:15.24QzotHmm. Maybe.
16:15.33AdrineThat drops it into an inventory readout that people can request items from
16:15.39AdrineIt's pretty streamlined.
16:15.51AdrineWe have a "gateway" account that sorts items to that various banker alts.
16:15.58QzotI was thinking that slight changes in config allow it to have private accounts, or common accounts.
16:16.24AdrineThe bank alts are responsible for fulfilling requests and selling excess materials, the proceeds from which are funneled back to the gateway account, which serves as the money broker for tanks.
16:16.41QzotBut my primary application was not for storage and re-distribution, but for having a centralized place to turn items into gold with personal tracking.
16:17.44QzotIdea #2: (Pretty simple, I think.) Allows macros to be squirted from one player to another.
16:17.51MaldiviaKirkburn: yep, fake item/fake server
16:18.18KirkburnPeople play on fake servers? :P  Don't they notice they're made of cardboard?
16:18.20JoshBorkei want my own server :-( that way i can make a bot to make testing my mods easier
16:18.56QzotLol. Then you'll have to have tests to ensure that the your own servers match Blizz'.
16:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:19.49Maldivianot really, since all mod tests are local only, so it doesn't really matter what version the server is, as long as the client version is the latest
16:20.04AdrineA private server would be interesting for "sandbox"-type experiments, but beyond that, I'd imagine it'd be pretty dull. The fun is in not being god. :)
16:20.12QzotIs there an addon that allows transmission of macros from one player to another?
16:20.22AdrineQzot: AIM? :)
16:20.29AnduinLotharno, but it could easily be made
16:20.50QzotYes, I agree.
16:20.54QzotEasily made.
16:21.06KirkburnMake it.
16:21.07Maldiviabut other than that... private servers... not really something you want to play with, if you wants to be on good terms with blizzard :9
16:21.29Kirkburni.e. If you don't want bannage
16:21.53AdrineI'm not exactly sure how they'd track it, unless they log IPs the client connects to and then transmits them on login, but that seems somewhat silly.
16:22.04QzotJoshBorke: What you want instead of a fake servers, is a test jig where you can easily specify test conditions, and run a test suite against it in standalone Lua.
16:22.20AdrineThat would be ideal
16:22.27AdrineI've actually thought of writing a Lua library to provide that
16:22.32QzotA common, easily configurable test rig would benefit us all.
16:22.37AdrineBut it's more work than I have time for right now :)
16:22.46AdrineBasically, just API emulation.
16:22.50MaldiviaI think Tain has such an enviroment, not complete ofcourse...
16:22.52TainThat's pretty much what everyone else has said since day 1, ADrine.
16:22.54QzotNo, more than API emulation.
16:23.07QzotYou want to be able to cut in at different levels.
16:23.13TainI don't, someone was supposedly workign on one and claimed to have it working locally, but it never appeared.
16:23.33Maldiviahmm, I thought it was you...
16:23.44Maldiviaohh well, testing in-game works fine for me :9
16:24.05QzotIn actual practice, it usu turns out best to build a test rig for specific addons. Seems to be cleaner, and less learning involved.
16:24.09Maldiviaand *poof*, gone for now
16:24.29AdrineMy primary slowdown point is interface creation.
16:24.41QzotMe, too. Gotta run. Back in an hour on the miserable IRC client.
16:24.58QzotNo one wants to build an interface emulator. :P
16:25.03AdrineI can generally hammer out the model and controller pretty easily and test them with the lua binary, but creating the UI is just a lot of work.
16:25.59TainThere is always the WoW UI Designer app.
16:26.10QzotThat becomes *slightly* easier in 1.10, if you want to create your UI dynamically. But testing against the xml would be painful.
16:26.30TainIt doesn't actually become easier in 1.10.
16:26.56TainYou still have to do everything, you can just do it in Lua instead of XML.  But there's still a *lot* to do.
16:27.58AdrineAnd without the ability to inherit from virtual frames, it's a lot harder.
16:32.21JoshBorkeyou just have to create a library that provides the same sort of functionality
16:35.46TainYeah it's too bad we're going to see a dozen or more such libraries in the future.
16:37.50AnduinLotharis there any way to tell if an item is 2h w/o a tooltip scan?
16:39.17wereHamsterINVTYPE_2HWEAPON  .. maybe a return value from a function..
16:39.42AdrineDepends on where the item is
16:40.09AdrineGetItemInfo() returns, among other things, itemType and itemSubType
16:40.45KirkburnOoh, Oblivion got 93% in PCG UK
16:43.23KirkburnA most wonderfully misleading headline ...
16:46.57TainI crave Oblivion.
16:47.23TainI shamefully admit to scanning sites this morning for torrents so I can start playing now.
16:47.32KirkburnBad boy!
16:47.46KirkburnI mean seriously, it's only been a few minutes
16:48.06KirkburnGo buy it, you slacker :)
16:48.45AnduinLothartorrent ~= now
16:48.51TainNot supposed to be on sale until tomorrow.
16:49.37AdrineI've decided I'm going to enjoy my priest.
16:52.01KirkburnTain ... it's the 20th is it not?
16:52.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:53.34JoshBorkewhat spell is he casting?
16:53.41AdrineHoly Fire and Smite
16:53.51AdrineHoly fire is the column 'o light
16:53.57AdrineDD + DoT component
16:54.00JoshBorkeok, that's the one i didn't know
16:54.09AdrineSmite is the faster one that's hitting for stupid amounts of damage
16:54.14AdrineAnd then there's one clip with Holy Nova
16:54.20JoshBorkethat's craziness
16:54.23AdrineYes it is.
16:54.25JoshBorkeon test realm?
16:54.32AdrineI'm going to be a holy damage priest and I'm going to LOVE it.
16:54.37JoshBorkeyea, me too!
16:54.41JoshBorkeneed to lvl up my priest now
16:54.55AdrineI totally got my Benediction this weekend.
16:55.10AdrineSo. Uh. I'm now running around in half devout/assorted blues and benediction
16:55.13AdrineIt's kinda silly. :)
16:55.14TainLocal store told me Tuesday wehn I was there last week. :(
16:55.20TainNow I'll have to go yell at them if they have it.
16:55.46JoshBorkewow, holy nova pwns
16:55.52TainFor a brief moment I thought to myself, "$50 for Oblivion, or groceries for the month..." as if it were an option.
16:56.03AdrineHoly Nova in 1.10 is going to be amazing
16:56.22[MoonWolf]clearly you would have to play oblivion, you can do without food.
16:56.27AnduinLotharsad.. itemSubType doesn't include 2h or 1h
16:56.27AdrineSucks mana like none other, but it's basically arcane explosion that heals friendly players and causes no threat.
16:56.38AdrineAnduinLothar: Pretty sure it does. Sanity classifies items with that.
16:56.54JoshBorkewhat is the buff he's using?
16:57.01JoshBorkeoh! it's that new spell they get
16:57.08JoshBorkepower infusion i think
16:57.23AdrineRight, it'll be a generic needs-localization string
16:57.58AdrineFor weapons, possible values are INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND, INVTYPE_2HWEAPON, INVTYPE_WEAPON, INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND, among others.
16:58.02AnduinLotharah, itemEquipLoc
16:58.06AdrineOoh, that's it.
16:58.08AdrineYes. :)
16:59.02KirkburnTain, go yell at them :P EU doesn't get it until 24th :(
17:00.18TainI got into an argument with the manager of a CompUSA last week because they wouldn't honor a Best Buy ad.
17:00.57KirkburnHow so?
17:01.04TainBest Buy was sold out of something on sale, and she wouldn't give me the sale price.  She said, "The only reason you're coming here is because they're sold out."
17:01.14TainAnd I said, "You're right, if your store had better prices I'd come here first."
17:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:02.15TainIt annoyed the hell otu of me.  Of course I'm only going there because the other place is sold out, that's their opportunity to win me over as a customer so I'll go there first next time.
17:02.20TainNow I'll never shop there again.
17:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hepp@
17:02.53KirkburnSounds fair
17:03.50KirkburnIt's quite strange how the characters people choose to post on makes you think someone has a certain personality, and makes you read what they type in a different way
17:04.10KirkburnFor example, you'd be much more forgiving to a gnome female then an undead male
17:04.21KalrothThat's the boobie factor
17:04.32Kirkburn(weirdly, Tain's name here comes up in green, of all the colours it could have been!)
17:04.40TainIt is different, I don't agree with being more forgiving, but I still see them differently.
17:04.40Kirkburnthe booobies!
17:04.57TainFor example Iriel is still hardwired into my brain as a female, and I have to override it every time I see the name.
17:05.03KirkburnDammit, I tried to write 't eh' ... damn filter
17:05.15KirkburnTain, that's exactly the same here!
17:05.49KirkburnCairenn = female ... Iriel, similar position, also NE female ... therefore Iriel = girl :)
17:06.12KalrothAnyone here running WoW on dual core?
17:06.28AdrineI am
17:06.37AdrineAthlon X2 3800+
17:06.44KalrothAdrine: Do you let WoW run on both or do you limit affinity to one core?
17:06.50Kalroth(X2 4200+ here)
17:07.07AdrineI run on both - I haven't found that it makes much of a difference either way
17:07.16AdrineAlthough I've found that WoW won't max either core, interestingly
17:07.34KalrothSame here, it's just that when it's using both both cores, it shows some odd cpu usage graphs
17:07.38AdrineWhen I ran single-cpu/single-core, WoW would max the CPU consistently. It runs both cores at ~60% now.
17:07.49Kalrothyup, exactly
17:07.54AdrineWhich irritates me, because I get subpar performance in places.
17:08.04AdrineAnd I'd like to think it's not GPU-bound :)
17:08.31KalrothI think (not 100% sure) it's because it's a "fake" dual core performance
17:08.32Kalrothsince WoW isn't optimized for multiple cores at all
17:08.32AdrineI -have- found that a /console gxrestart when changing zones helps framerates tremendously. Maybe a cache flush of some kind.
17:08.42KalrothSo what we're really seeing is Windows switching between the CPUs
17:08.54AdrineThat's entirely possible. Probable, even. :)
17:09.18Kalrothit's not GPU at all, I got a 7800GTX now and it wasn't GPU on my old 9800
17:11.03AdrineI'm running a 6600GT myself, so I'd not expect it to choke, but you never know
17:11.41KirkburnMaybe your RAM is limiting?
17:11.47Kalroth2GB :)
17:11.55Adrine2GB here as well, PC3200 Corsair.
17:11.57KirkburnMaybe not then :P
17:12.03KirkburnDamn you both
17:12.15KalrothWD Raptor HDD as well
17:12.27AdrineOn the bright side...
17:12.27Kalrothbut HDD performance doesn't matter much once most of the data is cached
17:12.40Adrine...addon development is a lot smoother because WoW doesn't make the rest of my system choke on itself.
17:12.50KalrothAye :)
17:12.57AdrineI can tab back and forth and run other apps in parallel much easier than before. :)
17:16.31KirkburnSo, who likes StarForce?
17:16.50Kalroththe copy protection? :p
17:17.05KirkburnThey haven't had a good week
17:18.14KalrothDunno, I download most games before I buy them, so I never notice the pirate protections :)
17:20.12KirkburnIt installs stuff on your computer silently ...
17:20.55KalrothYeah I know, probably writes the bootsector of the HDD, installs drivers, etc
17:21.11AnduinLotharyay local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, equipLoc = GetItemInfo(outfitItemID);
17:21.12AnduinLotharequipingTwoHandWeapon = (equipLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON");
17:21.42KirkburnAnd whaddya know, there it is, evil StarForce lurking *hidden* on my harddrive
17:24.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
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17:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
17:29.19JoshBorieok, i have a question! :-)
17:29.40JoshBoriewhen I use table.insert(<some table>,<some other table>) i get a weird nesting thing
17:29.57KirkburnDoes it lay eggs?
17:30.07JoshBorieyes, but they aren't golden :-(
17:30.25KirkburnWell, make loud noises and it might fly away
17:30.44JoshBorieeggs can't fly silly, they don't have wings
17:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:31.53AdrineJoshBorke: I'd expect you to get nesting there - what's the problem?
17:32.14JoshBoriewell, it ends up like this:
17:32.29JoshBorie<some table>.1.1 = <some other table>
17:32.33JoshBorie<some table>.1.2 = <some other table2>
17:33.01Adrineas opposed to <table>.1 = <table2>, <table>.2 = <table3>, etc?
17:33.02JoshBoriei can live with it, i'm just curious why it does that
17:33.43JoshBoriei can pastebin the code if you'd like
17:33.58JoshBorieas long as you promise not to shun me for being such a poor coder
17:36.06AdrineGo for it.
17:36.11AdrineI'm writing a test case myself.
17:37.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Rabid^gone (n=BC@
17:38.31AdrineWhere's the offending code?
17:38.36AdrineWhich line, that is?
17:39.09JoshBoriewhich is duplicated at line 50
17:40.21JoshBoriei'm using /dump to output the resultant table
17:41.27AdrineAnyone know if there's an equivalent in the stock lua binary?
17:41.59JoshBoriei don't think so, but i can pastebin the code for it
17:42.57JoshBorieactually i can't :D
17:43.00AdrineNo worries, replicating it real fast. :)
17:43.24JoshBoriethanks for the help adrine :-)
17:44.14AdrineNo prob, hope we can fix it. :)
17:44.28JoshBorielike i said, i'm ok with the behavior
17:44.32JoshBorieas long as it is ALWAYS that way
17:47.23JoshBorieok, i've got to go back to work. i'll be back on in 10 minutes (from JoshBorke)
17:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
17:56.35JoshBorkeok, i'm back
17:57.37AdrineI put this together:
17:57.43AdrineThe output is at the bottom there
17:57.45AdrineSeems to work ok for me.
17:57.51AdrineMaybe your table initialization is wacky?
17:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
18:01.31JoshBorkehm, it might be the initiation of the "Casting" table, i'll give that a try.  Thanks :-)
18:02.35JoshBorkethough, i'm actually thinking i'll redo the casting table slightly.  so we'll see if that helps also
18:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:09.47AnduinLotharwheee, I win!
18:09.59JoshBorkewhat prize did you get?
18:10.39AnduinLotharWardrobe now self-cleans its saved vars to eliminate a bunch of the crap left there from prior poor code
18:10.55AnduinLotharreducing it's memory footprint
18:11.29AnduinLotharit also now correctly handles a problem with trying to bag the offhand after swapping in a 2h
18:11.43KirkburnAnd there I was thinking it was interesting .... ;)
18:12.16AnduinLotharit also now completely uses item ids and distinguishes between perminant enchants
18:12.48JoshBorkecan i table.insert into a nil table? or do i need to create it first?
18:14.59Adrinejust check if t == nil then t = {} end; before you try to insert.
18:15.05AdrineOr, just pre-init the table to {}
18:15.22JoshBorkeyea, i do.  But how I do it creates weirdness as discovered by Adrine
18:15.54krkaeven if you could insert into a nil table, how would you get the table back?
18:17.03AdrineHahaha, wow.
18:17.11AdrineI'm working on this utility at work
18:17.20AdrineI'm generating a rather large tree based on a DB query
18:17.28AdrineAt its largest, the page was about 6 MB
18:17.41AdrineI just trimmed the whitespace out of the loop and it dropped the pagesize by 3 MB.
18:18.12JoshBorkewow's a lot of data.
18:20.03krkaheh, i am considering making a utility that strips all pure whitespace output from jsp
18:20.29krkawould have to do that after generating the java and before compiling though :(
18:20.48AdrineIt's not that hard in PHP, really, since you can process the output buffer before sending to the browser
18:21.04krkayeah, i could probably do it in apache somehow
18:21.17krkabut it seems cleaner to do it earlier
18:26.32IrielReplace the output stream with one that strips out whitespace as its output
18:27.04IrielYou DONT want to try post-processing a jsp buffer because you force it to all stay in the server before it can be sent to the client
18:27.30krkawell, i don't want to strip out _all_ whitespace
18:27.34krkasome of it is meaningful
18:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
18:29.10IrielWell, I didn't say you'd strip ALL whitespace
18:29.19AdrineYou can compress \W{2,} to " ", at least.
18:29.24Adrineor is it \w?
18:29.25IrielIn most cases you could likely reduce all sequences of whitespace to a single space
18:29.27AdrineI can never remember.
18:29.46krkatrue... good point
18:29.49IrielWriting that as a stream processing method shouldn't be too hard
18:30.09Iriel(There are some cases <pre> where that's not safe, but depending on what you're doing they might be non issues)
18:30.14krkaindeed it wouldn't... the problem would be connecting it with tomcat and stuff :)
18:30.30IrielHaving said all of this, it's easier to just get your original code to be clean 8-)
18:30.43krkahard to do with jsp
18:30.58krkaunless you like to abandon good indenting styles
18:31.51krkadon't really care what the output html looks like... just don't want to be unnecessarily big :)
18:31.51IrielNot really
18:31.53IrielYou just have to put comments around your whitespace
18:32.07IrielWhich does admittedly look 'odd' for the uninitiated
18:32.24krkahmm... good idea
18:32.34krkajsp comments around all jsptags
18:33.00krkaa lot of work for very little benefit though
18:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
18:33.36Irielit depends on what you're doing
18:33.49AdrineLua and PHP make for odd partners.
18:34.06Irielit can save you quite a bit in bandwidth costs and load times, unless you're doing compression of your pages to users
18:34.16AdrineLua uses "for k,v in table", PHP uses "foreach table as $k, $v".
18:34.24AdrinePHP uses a "." concat operator, Lua uses ".."
18:34.25MiravlixIs anyone hacking Titan Panel these days?
18:34.33AdrineClose enough to completely kill my productivity. :P
18:35.03MiravlixI keep fixing bugs, but I haven't seen anyone releasing a version in ages.
18:35.58TainThere was just one not that long ago, wasn't there?
18:36.25TainI hacked up Titan quite a bit, but mainly for my own purposes.
18:37.23KirkburnMiravlix, yeah 2.15 is being made, slowly
18:37.49AnduinLothargah... i modified wardrobe from an old vers... effectively branching myself
18:39.30IrielWell, assuming you keep your code under source control, you should be able to merge
18:40.21Temdamn I'm in billing purgatory
18:40.31Temwould someone mind making a post for me?
18:40.45AnduinLotharit's not really all that easy to merge this
18:41.18AnduinLotharand no, i don't keep it under version control. but if it did this would be all that much easier
18:41.33krkacute stuff:
18:41.35AnduinLotharseeing as I changed storage methods two different ways
18:41.41TainCladhaire hijacked my Titain defending threat!
18:42.13krkaooh... link?
18:43.17TainWell not really.  It was just funny to see WatchDog pop up in the middle, and then turn into defending dependancies.
18:43.18Temlol tain
18:43.58Tain   if you're really interested.
18:44.54krkawait... there's 3 different "titan-panels" now?
18:45.42Cairennmore than just that
18:46.10TainOh they are everywhere.
18:46.22Ktrontitan, titan continued, titain...
18:46.25Cairennit's bloody stupid at this point
18:46.50krkashould i go write my own generic top bar addon too?
18:46.53TainTitan Reloaded, Titan Revolutions, Titan IV: A New Hope
18:47.11Ktronthere's bladie toolbar and bosspanel if you're just talking about top bar addons too
18:47.21CairennTelo's Infobar was the superior one to begin with, I don't know why everyone jumped on the Titan one
18:47.25KtronTitan AE...
18:47.35TainIntroducing YABA - Yet Another Bar Addon
18:47.37Rabid-lurkintelo... drool
18:47.38Tembut Cair, Telo's wasn't pretty
18:47.48TainTitan AE damn how did I miss that.
18:47.52Tem(say that in a whiney voice if you didn't catch it before)
18:48.02Cairennyeah, I know
18:48.09Ktronoh yeah, Telo's infobar... yeah, titan definitely beat telo there, but Telo didn't lose much
18:48.31KtronTitem... go for it!
18:48.37Templease no
18:48.41krkano one loses, we all win, imo
18:48.57TemI'm tempted, because my favorite code to write is generic stuff
18:49.08krkasame here
18:49.12Tembut I've got far far too many other projects going atm
18:49.14Tainhaha Titem too, that would be great.
18:49.29krkai like to make my code so generic that it doesn't actually do anything anymore
18:49.43Temlol krka
18:49.47KtronKtitan... or would it be Titron?
18:50.09TemI need to go watch that movie again
18:50.20AdrineI kinda sorta have my WoW XML->HTML working with virtual frames!
18:50.28AnduinLotharTitan AL?
18:50.32krkai need to change nick, this sucks for making clever addon names
18:50.32TainGo Adrine!
18:50.40krkayou go girl!
18:50.40IrielThe more recent re-release of Tron was very nicely re-mastered
18:50.49IrielWatch it, then play Tron 2.0
18:51.08krkare-the re-more re-cent re-re-release re-of re-tron re-was re-very re-nicely re-mastered?
18:51.14KtronI didn't know they re mastered it... I have the DVD of the old one I think
18:51.45Rabid-lurkinTRON was a innovator
18:51.50Ktronkrka, careful, we don't want to get into refication of nouniments!
18:52.04krkaspeak for yourself
18:52.22krkaooh... i should change nick to "re"
18:52.24Ktronheh, the movie Tron is where 1/2 of 4/5 of my name came from
18:52.31krkathen i can re-do everything
18:52.54AnduinLothar2 letters?
18:52.56Cairennhey, why not, abverbimization occured early today
18:53.04krkamy talent addon should be called: re-specced
18:53.15Ktron'k' is for Kevin, 'tron' came from the movie Tron, and a chapelle show where some person named tron says somethign mathish, one of my friends made a connect between math and me (a math major), and decided that I should be tron, and then ktron
18:53.16krkawasn't that yesterday cair?
18:53.20Rabid-lurkin!google abverbimization
18:53.42Cairennit came back
18:54.01krkait would be awesome, my flexbar replacement would be re-flex
18:54.07Rabid-lurkin./rez abverbimiztion
18:54.18krkai missed a adverbimization? :(
18:54.34krkasorry, an
18:54.38KtronIt's alliously funiment and gamifications when you're talking about adverbimizations!
18:55.00JoshBorkei'm totally lost
18:55.00KalrothWhat the K dude said!
18:55.01Cairennkrka, yes, yes you did
18:55.15krkaalso, there are too many k-people here
18:55.27redamn it, it's owned
18:55.34Ktronkrka, Then I'd make a rip off of your flexbar replacement called Notorious or Rio heh
18:56.50Ktronmy newest favorite mod I think is ABInfo-- I want someone to make ABInfo work with Gypsy's betas, and the people at gypsy to finish their other betas... that would rock
18:57.04KtronI'm going to outificate now, catch you all later
18:57.04KRabidABInfo is good
18:57.13KRabidgl hf
18:58.53krkamaybe i should just stop addon coding permanently, blizzard just keeps nerfing the api all the time anyway
18:59.30TainSeems to me they add more than they remove.
18:59.52krkathey remove useful stuff and add other stuff
19:00.10krkanot necessarily a bad thing for the game overall, but it's bad for my coding
19:00.24AnduinLotharthen stop coding subversively
19:00.35krkabut that's what i enjoy the most :)
19:00.42AnduinLothari know :)
19:00.45JoshBorkehow come no one likes infobar?
19:01.03Cairennit's not that no one likes it
19:01.09krkai'm pretty sure blizzard can't break GRAB so easily though
19:01.17TainInfobar stole my wallet. :(
19:01.35TainAnd kicked sand in my face.
19:01.41Cairennit's that they came out within a matter of hours of each other, and for whatever reason, the Titan one took off, probably because it was on the sites whereas Telo only ever posts on the Blizzard forum
19:02.21IrielWell, blizzard can break pretty much everything now 8-)
19:02.51krkawell, of course they can break everything
19:03.01krkathe question is if they can do it without literally breaking all addons
19:03.09TainKalroth: Does anyone use Directory Opus as a Windows Explorer replacement?
19:03.16Tainwhat the hell did it say Kalroth for
19:03.25krkacan blizzard break selective spell casting?
19:03.27TainKalroth: Test
19:03.31KalrothBecause it knew that I'm an old amiga user and I love DOpus!
19:03.47TainOk, my client is adding Kalroth: in place of something else
19:03.48krkai suppose they can make it so spells can only be cast from blizzard ui
19:03.59Irielthey COULD break selective spell casting, but they would break all non-blizzard UI's that do it (and macros)
19:04.04KalrothTain: I prefer Total Commander on PC though
19:04.06TainKalroth: Teste
19:04.17KalrothI wasn't too fond of the multi window version of DOpus either
19:04.37krkathen they'd have to break remapping of hotkeys and movement of actionbuttons, et.c.
19:05.12krkaand displaying moving / hiding the actual actionbuttons
19:05.17krkaerr... disabling
19:07.17krkalet's say they make Use* and CastSpell* protected like movement, then we could still move the auto-selected spell action to a specific place on the ui
19:08.20krkathat could be banned too i suppose... but that would kill of all ui:s that like to modify the default gui
19:08.45krkai wonder why Use* and CastSpell* isn't protected currently
19:09.08krkawhat would suffer that blizzard currently wants to keep?
19:09.59krkayay, monologue!
19:10.28AnduinLotharsounds like me
19:10.57krkai can't decide if that's good or bad
19:11.32AnduinLothardepends on if you like 'me' or not ;)
19:12.15KirkburnI like me
19:12.45krkaAL, any thoughts on why blizzard keeps Use* and CastSpell* unprotected?
19:13.29krkathey could kill decursive and healing bots and all that with one swoop!
19:13.48krkaand keep all the nice addons that only provide alternative interfaces
19:14.14krkaafraid of community uproar?
19:14.33AnduinLotharno idea
19:14.54krka"omg you killed flexbar"
19:15.03Cairennyou bastard!
19:15.40krkacome to think of it, i am starting to like the idea of banning Use* and CastSpell* myself!
19:15.47MiravlixI'm not
19:15.53krkano more imba macros
19:16.04MiravlixThere is nothing imba about macros
19:16.09Miravlixit's something everyone can get
19:16.21krkaassuming you can code
19:16.21MiravlixIT's not like BWL equipment only 5% can get
19:16.29MiravlixEveryone can get a macro
19:16.45MiravlixYou don't need to be a coder to download FeralSkills or whatever
19:16.46krkabut coders can get precisely the macro they need
19:17.07IrielI wouldn't be surprised if on-the-fly hotkey remapping vanishes next release
19:17.21krkahotkey remapping isn't an issue now, is it?
19:17.21AnduinLotharand people with lots of time on their hands can raid... i don't see the problem here
19:17.52MiravlixBlizzard has even made some things require a macro to work
19:18.07krkawell, kinda boring if someone finds an near optimal one button macro for pvp and owns everyone
19:18.30krkalike what Miravlix?
19:18.31MiravlixYou can't do Tigers Fury, Ravage propperly without a macro, each class has there no cooldown ability you can't use without a macro
19:18.44AdrineThey do?
19:18.51krkayou can use without a macro, can't you?
19:18.52MiravlixYou need to do NoCooldown; StopCasting, Next thing
19:19.05MiravlixYou can't button press tigers fury then Ravage
19:19.11MiravlixIt gives you ability not ready
19:19.14AdrineBut you can press two buttons.
19:19.30AdrineErr. Pretty sure you can. I do it with cold blood/eviscerate all the time. :)
19:19.31MiravlixThats the problem you can't duplicate the effect by pure button pressing
19:19.31krkasounds like a bug to me
19:19.46AdrineI could macro it, but I prefer the control of separate button presses.
19:19.57krkayou're saying certain combination of spells are only available by macros?
19:20.01krkathat's definitely a bug
19:20.07MiravlixJust making a macro for Tigers fury with StopSpellCasting() to kill the cooldown
19:20.21MiravlixBut you still need the macro no matter if it's one or two buttons
19:20.32AdrineI don't follow.
19:20.41AdrineBecause I do that sort of thing all the time with no macro.
19:20.52Adrinecoldblood/evis and inner focus/heal come to mind
19:21.01MiravlixTigers Firy has ZERO cooldown, but using action button leaves you with a short delay
19:21.12IrielThat would be a bug then
19:21.14IrielIn the client
19:21.42AnduinLotharactually judgement avoids global cooldown too :)
19:21.48krkaHooray! Iriel agrees with me!
19:22.24MiravlixI've been trying to chain Tigers Fury + Ravage, but ended up waiting for full energy then ravaging because I never could get it to work until FeralSkills gave me the ability
19:22.24AdrineHm. Multiple anchors will be interesting.
19:23.12MiravlixThe bug has been there since the game creation then, doesn't look like it's getting fixed anytime soon
19:23.30TainThere's already multiple anchor points, are they adding more?  I only saw the stuff where you could enumeruate the anchors now to find out what they are.
19:23.48TainMiravlix just because it's been there since the game started doesn't mean someone who could fix it knows about it if it's never reported.
19:24.37krkausers suck at reporting
19:24.43krkaespecially if they find a workaround
19:25.02AdrineTain: No, I meant figuring out how to do multiple anchors in HTML :)
19:25.19AdrineThough it shouldn't be undoable.
19:25.37AdrineIt should just modify size, I suppose, rather than position, after the top leftmost anchor is set.
19:31.15krkayou first figure out top left bottom right, then figure out in html, i presume?
19:32.25AdrineThat's kinda the idea.
19:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge malicor (
19:32.50AdrineI'm actually just bypassing the flow layout and doing everything in absolute coordinates, and am maintaining a box hierarchy with x/y/width/height, so it's not too bad.
19:33.02malicorhi, may i ask a question ?
19:33.28malicorallright, i try to program a mod and have a problem i cant seem to solve
19:33.34krkais there any addon that subtracts the current ping from cooldowns?
19:34.02malicori made a rectangle, thats all fine, what i now want is a 'quickbar-slot' in that rectangle where i can pull an item/action from inventory/skill-shortcut list to
19:34.06malicorbut i dont know how to do that
19:35.40malicorany ideas ?
19:35.51AdrineFor the most part, I suspect you do it manually --
19:35.58AdrineWhen you "pick up" a skill/item/whatever --
19:36.11AdrineInfo about that gets "put" onto the cursor
19:36.19Cairennmalicor: just for info, a lot of folks kinda idle in here while at work or whatever, so answers aren't always quick
19:36.27malicori dont know the xml-part that creates an empty quick-slot item
19:36.45AdrineYour rectangle will handle an OnClick event, which will look at the item on the cursor and see if it is of an acceptable type
19:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
19:37.14malicorwill my rectangle really handle the OnClick event ? not rather the 'quickbar-slot-button'-thing ?
19:37.34AdrineThere may be a shortcut to doing it, but I'm not sure what it'd be :)
19:37.48AdrineYou might crack open the Blizzard UI files and see if there's something you could inherit from
19:37.59Adrine(I'm at work and don't have access to them myself, at the moment)
19:38.16malicorthere must be something like that ? i looked at some other existing mods like side-bar which does it
19:38.31malicorbut i couldnt see the part that actually creates that quickslotthing
19:38.52KRabidopen the code and see what it is doing for that maybe you can ninja it or atleast so it is being handled
19:39.01malicori couldnt ninja it :)
19:39.06KRabid<--noob at this though
19:39.24KRabidbut idea is sound in theory ;)
19:40.10malicorwell, yes :)
19:40.20malicorwait a second, i try extract the part i think has to do with it
19:40.59malicor<NormalTexture name="$parentNormalTexture" file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot2">
19:41.10malicor<Size><AbsDimension x="66" y="66"/></Size>
19:41.31malicor[...] that looks a little like something i might like
19:41.39AdrineThat's just a texture
19:41.42malicorwhat exactly is a 'texture' ?
19:41.50AdrineA texture is just a picture, really
19:42.01malicorwell, aint all the items you put into a quickbar slot pictures ?
19:42.08AdrineYes, but it's more than that
19:42.22malicortell me please :)
19:42.46AdrineThey're objects that hold data about the object, and a picture represents the item. They have OnClick handlers that do various things with the object they "know" about.
19:42.48AdrineSo --
19:43.10AdrineI might drop a skill onto a slot. The slot stores the information about the skill that was dropped onto it and sets its texture to the texture of the item that was dropped onto it.
19:43.39AdrineThen, I might have an OnClick handler for the slot that says "ok, we clicked this, and we have a skill, so we're going to CastSpellByName on the skill that we're holding"
19:43.50malicorbut whats a 'slot', isnt it supposed to be some xml code ?
19:44.22AdrinePossibly (as in, there might be some pre-existing code you could re-use), but for the most part, it's just all done as I described
19:44.26krkatanaris field sampling is annoying :/
19:44.33AdrineBut, like I said, I'm at work and can't check for you. Sorry :/
19:45.30malicorhmm, do you have icq/mail ? :)
19:45.54Adrineno icq, but cheald at should work for mail
19:46.01AdrineI can't promise I can give you the answer you're wanting though :)
19:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
19:50.43malicordo you have a guide i could look at maybe ? cant find anything yet
19:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
19:51.25Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
19:51.45Adrinemalicor: All I could recommend is looking through the Blizzard XML
19:51.50AdrineThat's the only place I'd know to look. :)
19:53.14*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
19:53.21malicorthrough the standard addons ? or what do you mean ?
19:53.48AdrineWell, Blizzard has a UI development tool that extracts the standard XML and stuff out so you can look at it
19:54.11malicorfrom inside the game ? so i could 'mark' the standard quickbar slot ?
19:54.25AdrineNo, you'd have to extract the files and look through them to find what you want
19:54.31AdrineNothing quite as easy as that :)
19:54.43malicorhow do i extract them ? wait, i look at that page your pasted
19:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
19:55.31elemagood evening
19:55.44malicorhi elema
19:55.58elemamy debugger makes me running on the wall
19:56.16Kalrothexercise is good for you
19:56.23elemahow is it: can I define a local in one document and use it in another one ?
19:56.38elemaI think it should work, but it think not
19:58.21IrielDo you mean local variables between lua files?
19:58.22GenNMX|Thraeelema: local Local.var; function ReturnLocal ( v ) return Local[ v ] end
19:58.59IrielIf so, then no, you cant directly access them between files, generally you create a table and store your addon's data in that, and all of your files access the same table
19:59.00GenNMX|ThraeThat should work, but please try other methods before bastardizing a local
19:59.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:59.27elemabetween two lua files of the same addon
19:59.49IrielDo something like this...
19:59.53IrielFirst file of addon:
20:00.01Iriellocal data = {};
20:00.06elemadoc_one local mylocal = x; doc_two if ( mylocal == x) then
20:00.07IrielMY_ADDON_DATA = data;
20:00.10IrielThen in all of your other files
20:00.15Iriellocal data = MY_ADDON_DATA
20:00.23IrielFinally, if you're feeling particularly paranoid, in the LAST file, add
20:00.27IrielMY_ADDON_DATA = nil;
20:00.37IrielBear in mind that makes debugging a royal pain in the ass later
20:01.14GenNMX|ThraeBut much better then trying to share a singular local instance
20:02.07elemacan't thex use simply one in one document defined local ?
20:02.19Iriellocals are block scoped
20:02.22Irielthe file is a block
20:02.47IrielYou have to realize that locals dont have any 'identity' outside of their block
20:02.48elema15 files of code is shit
20:03.12elemaok so let's fight 'em
20:03.19IrielEach file having a local reference to the same global table, however, works very nicely
20:03.35IrielYou get your own 'local namespace' essentially
20:03.50elemayou mean at the end of each file all locals are defined into one BIG Global Table, right?
20:03.57GenNMX|Thraeelema: lua is open source, so the idea was that people would use globals intelligently instead of stuff like "externs" and "proprietary headers"
20:04.11Irielelema : Err no.
20:04.39elemabut this means also, that all files can have locals with the same names, right ?
20:04.51Irielelema: Locals are essentially compile-time-identified references to data
20:05.31elemaahmm this means simplyfied ? (my english isn't the best )
20:05.38Irielelema: yes, or functions can have locals with the same name as locals in their enclosing scope
20:05.57GenNMX|Thraeelema: each scope has a table which can point to local variables
20:06.07Iriellocal x = 1; function y(a) local x = a + x; return x; end
20:06.20GenNMX|ThraeI don't think Lua gives any way to access this table in Lua itself
20:06.22IrielExcept it's not a table, I dont like the table analogy
20:06.39GenNMX|ThraeIriel: I thought it was a vector?
20:06.40IrielThere is no way to find a local by it's "name" at runtime
20:07.02IrielYes, it is, but in the 'C' style of such things, rather than the lua style.
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20:07.25elemabut globals (which I define via: MY_BIG_GLOBAL = myglobalvalue;) can be used in all files, is THAT right ?
20:07.38GenNMX|ThraeI meant that it is a table programatically, but not in Lua
20:07.41IrielGlobals can be referenced from all files, yes
20:07.56IrielGenNMX|Thrae | It's an array, the indexes are all numeric
20:08.05IrielGenNMX|Thrae | But yes, it's sort of represented that way
20:08.19JoshBorkebut what about local tables?  if i define a table in a sub block, but then say GlobalTable = localTable, that local table is now accessible globally, right?
20:08.36elemahow is it, can a global have string values (in any way)
20:08.38IrielYou've got to be careful to not mix up the objects and the way in which you get to them
20:08.54Iriellocals are simply local REFERENCES to lua objects
20:09.02Irielglobals are global REFERENCES to lua objects
20:09.04GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Yeah I can see where the term 'table' can confuse people when dealing with the interactions with Lua and C, I'm just used to calling a standard array that holds data a 'table'.
20:09.10Irielyou can reference the same object from as many scopes are you want
20:09.45elemaand all can have string- and numeric values ?
20:09.48Iriel(Simple values are a slightly different matter, since they have no 'object', just the value)
20:10.06IrielYou can store any value in any lua variable.
20:10.22Irielif it's a "simple" object (number, string, boolean, nil) then the variable stores the value
20:10.42Iriel(I'm cheating with 'string', but it's easier to explain it that way)
20:10.58IrielIf it's a "complex" object (table, function, etc) then the variable's storing the reference to the object
20:11.45elemaand I can simple move this complex object from local to global via global = local; ?
20:12.02malicornow that more people are 'awake', i'd like to throw in my question again :)
20:12.08elema(and then reconvert via local = global;
20:12.09IrielYou can expose the object globally, yes
20:12.18malicordoes anyone know how to realize a 'quick-bar-slot' item in xml for a mod ?
20:12.24IrielYou're not doing anything with the object itself, you're just putting a reference to that object into a globally accessible scope.
20:12.35Irielmalicor : It's non-trivial, and was explained appropriately earlier.
20:12.55elemaso I have one object and many many references of it in the different vars ?
20:13.13Irielelema: Yes, if you code it that way
20:13.52Irielmalicor: You may want to use the ActionButton template as a basis, it's got a lot of the code in there, but you'd have to work around the fact it wants an action button at the bottom.
20:14.16elemamust a global's name be written in uppercase ?
20:14.29Irielelema: Locals are named references that are resolved at compile time, and behave with 'block scope' semantics.
20:14.42Irielelema: Globals are simply table entries in the 'global environment' table
20:14.47Irielelema: No, they can't have any name you wish
20:15.07Irielelema: All of the frames, API functions, global strings, global settings, etc, are all 'global variables'
20:15.47elemaand I can change the globals value like I did with local values ?
20:16.20elemaMY_GLOBAL = n; if ( MY_GLOBAL == n ) then -- do something
20:16.37IrielYes, most of the standard UI's lua code is written that way
20:16.51IrielBlizzard use globals a lot, which leads to a lot of extensibility by us later
20:17.28IrielNow, since the global scope is simply a specially identified lua table
20:17.50IrielYou can make your own 'addon scope' by simply having another lua table shared by all of your addon files
20:18.01Irielwhich is what I suggested earlier
20:18.08Iriellocal data = {}; MY_ADDON_DATA = data;
20:18.10Irielthen you can do
20:18.19Irielif (data.someSetting > somethingElse) then ... end
20:18.34Irieland data.someSetting = 7
20:18.50Irielif your other files all do local data = MY_ADDON_DATA; then they can access the same values the same way
20:18.53AnduinLotharHA! I win again!
20:18.54elemaok, think this is the easiest way
20:19.16IrielAnduinLothar : ?
20:19.18Shouryuuanduin win what?
20:19.32AnduinLotharfinished merging my branches
20:19.36IrielAh, excellent
20:19.36AnduinLothartook a while
20:20.10Shouryuuyour branches...
20:20.13AnduinLotharhad to manually piece them together. i had made improvements on both sides and of course forgotten about them and didn't make them to the other
20:21.01AnduinLotharand of course, there were a few functions i rearacnged and made incompatible so i basicly had to hack those together into something completely different
20:21.43IrielInstaed of 'hack those together into something completely different", you should say "refactor them into an integrated service" - it sounds better
20:21.57AnduinLotharyay for 220kb of text files in one addon
20:22.40AnduinLotharbigger than Sea..
20:23.01AnduinLotharalmost as big as Sky
20:23.55malicoranduin: what did you make as mod ?
20:24.14AnduinLotharum... this one in particular, u mean?
20:24.17elemainteresting to listen english speaking people and have absolutely no idea about what they're talking. sounds (to me) as if you had shaven your legs (branch means something like legs doesn't it ) ;)
20:24.36AnduinLotharworking on Wardrobe atm
20:24.39IrielA Branch is part of a Tree
20:24.53malicorwith leaves on it :)
20:25.11IrielIt's a term used for what happens when the same piece of code gets edited in different ways
20:25.29KirkburnNo, it's another word for something arboreal
20:25.58AnduinLotharsad thing was that I was the one that branched it and both within the span of a few weeks
20:26.01JoshBorkequit confusing me!
20:26.23AnduinLothari didn't even know what version i was on
20:26.27Kirkburntree, branch, span, it's all wooden
20:26.33elemaahh, branches (ouh my english teacher would kill me no I think ;) )
20:26.47Shouryuuit floats, like ducts, burn the witch!
20:26.57KirkburnThey had ducts in the middle ages?
20:27.02Shouryuuelema where you from?
20:27.06Shouryuuof course they did
20:27.17KirkburnFor their air conditioning, of course
20:27.19Shouryuuand I need that name coloring thing
20:27.24AnduinLotharso.. someone wanna test this to make sure it doesn't go boom?
20:27.28elemaok guys I think I don't understand less than a quarter of what you're saying, think it better to finish
20:27.42Shouryuuthe duck thing is Monthy Pythons :P
20:27.44elemaor is there any other non-native english speaker in here ?
20:27.55Shouryuuwell non native is a big word
20:27.57Shouryuubut I guess
20:27.58elemacountry ?
20:28.01Kirkburn"Monty Python", you philistine :)
20:28.19elemaok my french is much more worse than my englich
20:28.36elemalook, the killerrabbit
20:28.37Shouryuuwhere you from?
20:28.42AnduinLotharcan't be worse than MY french
20:28.49Kirkburnelema, when you see the french riots, it's all Shouryuu. See that man with the chair? Shouryuu. See his friend with the large stick? Shouryuu.
20:29.12ShouryuuI want to grow up to be an anarco-terrorist
20:29.18elemaanyone from the netherland in here ?
20:29.33AnduinLotharmmm, think sparkz is
20:29.48ShouryuuI actualy had a very long drunken debate on anarco-terrorism once, guuuud times
20:29.53AnduinLotharlooks like he left hto
20:30.15Shouryuunever met him
20:30.24AnduinLotharok, well for lack of testers I'll jsut publish 1.7..
20:30.35ShouryuuI'd try but I don't have the game =(
20:30.40elemahoped to get some connection to the last country (i guess it's the last) where the weed isn't prohibited
20:30.50AnduinLotharminor problems
20:31.24AnduinLotharactually n the US it's not illegal to smoke it...
20:31.25Shouryuui can reread your code and check for errors if you want, I *am* an expert coder :D
20:31.32KirkburnJust possesion?
20:31.49KirkburnSo, if someone else held it for you ...
20:32.07ShouryuuIn singapore you can get sentenced for smoking it outside the country
20:32.11Kirkburn(god, it's like all the politicians who say "I didn't inhale")
20:32.13AnduinLothardepends on if the smoke in your lungs constitutes possesion
20:32.39KirkburnIn Singapore they beat you for chewing gum
20:32.51elemamust be like heaven in the netherlands
20:32.54AnduinLotharand whether it says possetion of the smoke or of the actual weed itself
20:32.56Kirkburn(In singapore gums chews YOU)
20:33.25krkai own!
20:33.32krkaone of each sample left now, and one hour to go
20:33.38KirkburnBtw, Anduin - aren't you at work?
20:33.38krkaat level 43
20:33.42AnduinLotharanyway, Shouryuu, I'm fairly certain you'd get lost unless you spent a day with the code
20:33.56AnduinLotharno, it's noon
20:34.06AnduinLothari haven't slept yet
20:34.27KirkburnWhy, what hours do you work?
20:35.16AnduinLotharif i go now i can fit in 6 hrs..
20:35.46KirkburnBut you're so lovely you'd rather bug fix :)
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20:36.05AnduinLotharsomething like that
20:36.10ShouryuuJe ne sais pas, ou je vais, Mais ca je l'ai jamais bien su! Mais si jamais, je le savais, je crois bien que je n'irais plus!
20:36.23AnduinLotharbeen working on this dumb update for like a month... wanted to be done with it
20:36.37elemawhata hell does irais mean ?
20:36.54Shouryuuto go
20:37.00Kirkburnof course
20:37.02OsagasuJE SUIS ANANA!
20:37.02AnduinLotharanyone want to translate it into french?
20:37.14elemawhat ?
20:37.19KirkburnHe's a banana
20:37.39KirkburnOr possibly a pineapple
20:37.45OsagasuWait, I thought anana meant pineapple
20:37.59KirkburnYeah, ok fine
20:38.04krkayay! finished tanaris sample quest with 57 minutes left
20:38.15KirkburnHe's a pineapple (it's ananas it italian, which is where I am)
20:38.42JoshBorketanaris sample quest?
20:38.45JoshBorkei must have missed that one
20:38.52KirkburnHe's making stuff up again...
20:39.28Osagasuaha, it is ananas
20:39.30Osagasumy bad
20:39.30Kirkburnkrka, you might do better if you did the same quests as everyone else. Probably more rewards that way
20:39.48Osagasubanana is banane.
20:39.54KirkburnBut of course
20:40.12krkawhat do you mean?
20:40.13elemaso guys have a good night (or day, depending where you live) and see ya tomorrow
20:40.20krkahow do i know which quests other people do+
20:40.30KirkburnSono stupido, a devo andare a cucinare il mio cibo.
20:40.46Shouryuulol, onyxia pep talk
20:40.47elemaBANANA <-- donnow whther right but anyways... ah shit
20:41.02Kirkburn(krka, I'm just suggesting you're making up quests)
20:41.10AnduinLotharcode cleanup ftw
20:41.44AnduinLotharFeature #1: It doesn't suck!
20:42.03krkawell, i might have gotten the name wrong
20:42.18krkait was the quest where you need to get 8 basilisk samples, 8 hyena and 8 scorpid in tanaris in 2 hours
20:42.34KirkburnI don't remember that, sounds fun though
20:42.36JoshBorkenever seen it :D i'll have to try to do it on my priest
20:42.39KirkburnAL, why not in Cosmos?
20:43.12Shouryuukrka isn't that for a shield?
20:44.33zeetgthat mob gameframe, anyone have it exported?
20:44.40AnduinLotharcause i'm too lazy to add khaos options...
20:45.07GryphenSays khaos opt dep
20:45.26AnduinLotharit has an Enable/Disable box
20:45.46AnduinLothari just got too lazy to write up the other options :P
20:46.20AnduinLotharrequires variable syncing and yada yada
20:46.26KirkburnShouryuu, just finished listening to it ... it's nice to hear the full version :P
20:46.27AnduinLotharmore localization
20:46.46KirkburnGehen sie ins bett
20:47.06KirkburnVai nel letto
20:47.30AnduinLotharlol... in the ItemRack last update log:
20:47.32AnduinLotharCouple minor bugs fixed: invalid key for next, nil error
20:48.18AnduinLotharneener neener
20:48.28MiravlixI wonder how far we can go with SetErrorHandler after 1.10
20:49.04KirkburnTo infinity and beyond!
20:49.40MiravlixI'm going to be more than a little amazed if more than 0.01% of addons in 1 year has a error handler.
20:50.22MiravlixBut for us thats in the 0.01% I wonder if it will be a usefull tool.
20:51.06MiravlixWe already saw Blizzards catching all the wrong addons on Test, so I wonder if an error handler wont mess up badly.
20:54.46AdrineMuahah! It marches on!
20:55.02AdrineThat's being generated from my healcap layout file :)
20:55.30AdrineLong way to go yet, but it's actually starting to shape up.
20:57.25zeetgwhat's it supposed to be?
20:57.37AdrineWoW UI XML->HTML renderer
20:58.00AdrineBasically just something to help me quickly and easily mock up WoW UIs without having to spend the long time associated with the change XML->reload UI cycle
20:58.20zeetgwhat happened to that one program
20:58.44Shouryuuwow UI designer?
20:58.59zeetgya i think
20:59.12Shouryuustill out there
20:59.16krkaAdrine, does it show textures too?
20:59.24krkaor just correct positioning / sizes?
20:59.41AdrineThe plan is to have the textures extracted and provide them, too.
21:00.06AdrineIt intelligently finds textures like WoW does - no file extension necessary, so no worries there
21:00.53krkahmm... do you convert them to png automatically or something
21:01.34zeegAdrine, you get my pm?
21:01.42AdrineAye, and sent one back. Not get it?
21:01.56Adrinekrka: Not right now - I'm just GIFs at the moment, but I'll figure some middle ground at some point.
21:02.59zeegyou gotta reg on freenode
21:03.01zeegto send pms :)
21:03.04zeegit's quite annoying
21:03.22AdrineAhh, ok
21:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
21:04.10krkapng shouldn't be harder to do than gif, probably easier :P
21:04.16krkaatleast for good browsers
21:04.24krkacould keep transparency completetely
21:04.36AdrineYeah, likely is :)
21:04.44AdrinePNG is my preferred format, but it tends to be bandwidth heavy.
21:06.46krkanot heavier than gif surely
21:06.56Adrine24-bit tends to be, yeah.
21:07.01krkaalso, isn't it meant to be for local usage?
21:07.12krkacan't compare png24 with gif :P
21:07.16krkapng8 is a more fair comparison
21:07.17AdrineFor me, yes, but if it's something I eventually release... :P
21:07.24Adrinezomgz my bandwidths :(
21:09.44krkayou'd host something like that O_o
21:09.52krkathe pain
21:10.39AdrineWell, I don't have much else anywhere to put it :P
21:10.54AdrineRight now, my webserver is a machine sitting under my desk at work, graciously connected to the net by my employer
21:11.03AdrineBut...yeah. Don't want to get too famous. :)
21:11.23AdrineI did AQ progress meters and an item maker/level calculator that caused me paaaain. :)
21:12.00JoshBorkeis healcap ready for beta testing? ^_^
21:12.03JoshBorkei wanna try it out :D
21:12.07AdrineSure, lemme get you a link
21:12.17Kirkburn|CookAdrine - you were the AQ progress meter person?
21:12.29AdrineThat one? Yeah.
21:12.58Kirkburn|CookThat's possibly the one, long time ago now :)
21:13.45Kirkburn|CookWhat's the parser thingy supposed to look like btw?
21:14.12AdrineWell, eventually it'll be looking like what WoW interprets your UI files as :)
21:14.44Kirkburn|CookCool ... because in IE7 it looks kinda crazy
21:14.51AdrineHeheh, no doubt
21:15.00AdrineI'm using Firefox for superior CSS support. >_>
21:15.03JoshBorkelooks kinda bland in firefox :D
21:15.15AdrineIt's bland right now, sure :)
21:15.18AdrineBut it's very very early!
21:16.03JoshBorkeand here i thought originally you were creating a mod that lets you do the layout in game
21:16.11JoshBorkethen dump the results out to the saved variables :D
21:16.24Kirkburn|CookIt's quite similar in FF and IE but in IE it's stuck right up in the corner
21:16.34AdrineThat's another different dream, JoshBorke :)
21:16.42AdrineKirkburn|Cook: That's just the browser's interpretation of page padding.
21:16.51Kirkburn|CookDontcha love em
21:16.59JoshBorkeyou can do it! i have faith in you!
21:17.50Kirkburn|CookThe border isn't defined so FF adds it?
21:18.27Kirkburn|CookI'm just looking at the source, and trying to see what effect the code does - i'm trying to do more advanced web coding
21:18.34AdrineEverything has absolute positioning. IE sees this as "0 is the first pixel on the document" whereas Firefox sees this as "0 is the first pixel we can render to with respect to page margins"
21:18.49AdrineThis is a REALLY BAD project to learn good HTML from :)
21:19.06AdrineI'm basically ignoring the benefits of HTML and am abusing it as an easy-to-access renderer
21:19.25AdrineEverything is absolutely positioned and will be put together with a manually-managed layout manager
21:20.29IrielIE and FF have nasty divergent behaviours for a number of border/margin spacing issues
21:20.42AdrineTell me about it.
21:20.58Kirkburn|CookWhat's it like in IE6?
21:21.20AdrineAbout as broken as IE7 is my guess.
21:21.51Kirkburn|CookIE7 is mucho better for standards
21:22.00Adrine"Much" being a relative term :P
21:22.08Kalrothvery relative :P
21:22.09Kirkburn|CookIt's a true one too :)
21:22.19Kalrothdepends on whos standards :)
21:22.20TainThat's kind of like saying someone is a much better dictator for genocide.
21:23.06Kirkburn|CookBah humbug, IE7 is a lot better for standards so ner ... not up to FF, but it's a huge improvement on IE6
21:23.37Kirkburn|CookI think CSS1 full support is done, CSS2 is mostly done.
21:24.41AdrineIt's still a royal PITA :P
21:25.25Kirkburn|Cook:) If it wasn't for IE7s tabs, I'd use FF
21:26.47TainSee they're almost caught up with 1998's technology in IE.
21:26.49TainThat's not bad.
21:27.16Kirkburn|CookFF is still on CSS2 atm
21:27.34TainOf course it is, CSS3 isn't formalized yet.
21:27.56TainIt's just sad that IE still doesn't fully support CSS2 which has been defined for almost a decade now.
21:27.58Kirkburn|CookSo FF is also using 1998 tech then?
21:28.26GryphenHasn't exactly been an issue for the last decade
21:28.30Kirkburn|CookIt's pretty stupid that they didn't do any development on IE for SIX years
21:28.34GryphenJust something for FF users to target
21:28.43TainNo one has complained about IE not supporting standards for the last decade?
21:28.49Kirkburn|CookI mean seriously, SIX years
21:29.32TainMicrosoft created a market for FireFox and Opera by doing nothing.   All praise Microsoft!
21:29.53Kirkburn|Cookoh wait, were we being sarcastic?
21:30.00TainNo, I'm being serious.
21:30.14TainMS creates jobs for people in areas they're not even doing anything in.  It's wonderful.
21:30.27GryphenThat is their choice
21:32.47AdrineQuick question on anchor behavior...
21:33.16Adrineif I have <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">, I'd expect that to anchor my frame's top right point to the parent (or relativeTo) frame's TOPLEFT point. Is that incorrect?
21:33.31AdrineBecause that's not the behavior I'm seeing in my addon, which is affecting my interpretation of it :P
21:33.56IrielThat's incorrect
21:34.06Irielif you dont specify a relativePoint, it's the same as the point
21:34.12Irielso you're anchoring top-right to top-right
21:34.51AdrineAhah, that would be a lot more consistent.
21:34.53AdrineThanks Iriel.
21:35.00AdrineThat explains why I'm seeing what I do. :)
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21:37.00AdrineI can't test at the moment, but if no anchors are supplied, default is CENTER?
21:37.06AdrineOr TOPLEFT?
21:37.16AdrineOr is that an invalid case?
21:38.00krkagood question, i think center
21:38.53TainI thought TOPLEFT, but that's just from memory.
21:40.15Irielis it one point, or AllPoints ?
21:40.33AdrineAssume a frame exists with no <Anchors> definition
21:40.38AdrineWhat's the behavior?
21:40.58IrielMy guess woul dhave been AllPoints, but I could easily be wrong
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21:54.26IrielIt should be pretty easy to validate on test, now we can enumerate anchors
21:55.07JoshBorkeoh yeah, i had a question:  is it possible to get the target of someone not in my party/raid, not targeted, and not mouseover'd?
21:55.33Verlainedoubt it
21:55.42JoshBorkei didn't think so, but i just wanted to double check :-)
21:55.52IrielJoshBorke : If you dont have a unit ID to refer to the 'someone', then you can't, no.
21:56.01JoshBorkeunless they just happen to be targetted by party1targettargettargettarget or something crazy like that :D
21:56.03Verlaineunless he is using an addon that gives his target in a secret channel
21:56.31JoshBorkedo we know how deeply <unit>target goes?
21:56.38Irielas deep as you want
21:56.45Irielyou pay a performance fee, though
21:56.48[MoonWolf]as deep as you want.
21:57.31krkawhat performance fee?
21:58.04krkai can't afford that :(
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21:58.57Verlainehow can I kick my ghost (shouryuu is my ghost)
21:59.18Ktron|outificatesomething like /ns ghost
21:59.20IrielThe performance fee being that the game has to chase the chain
21:59.34IrielI think it's /msg nickserv ghost shouryuu
22:00.20Ktron|outificateyeah, Iriel's got it, but you might need to put a password after your nick, and depending on your client you can use /ns instead of /msg nickserv
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22:01.54Shouryuudo you guys know Jack Johnson?
22:02.02JoshBorkeok thanks for all the help
22:02.03JoshBorkeand yes :-)
22:02.20Shouryuudo you like Jack Johnson?
22:02.38Shouryuudamn he felt the harassement coming
22:05.46krkaI voted John Jackson
22:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
22:08.39Kirkburn|CookJack Johnson - In Between Dreams, cool album
22:08.54Shouryuuit's cool but kinda overrated
22:09.17malicori got something like:
22:09.47malicor<Frame ...><Frames><Button ...><Scripts><OnReceiveDrag>My_Method(this:GetID());</.....>
22:10.14malicornow if i drag something onto my button, i correctly get My_Method() triggered
22:10.38AdrineThere you go :)
22:10.42malicorwhat i get from this:GetID() is though the id of my button, not of the thing i dragged to
22:11.17malicorany idea what i must use to get the id of the thing i dragged to ?
22:14.05malicornot, hmm ? well, i ll find out eventually :)
22:15.50*** join/#wowi-lounge KRabid (n=BC@
22:17.13malicorgnight, i go sleep :)
22:18.33krkadid anyone get my reference btw?
22:18.41krkai'd be upset otherwise
22:21.32MentalPowerhow do I tell regex that something is optional?
22:21.47MentalPowerbut I still want it returned if its there
22:21.47Kolth* instead of +?
22:22.32MentalPowerie X[Link1], Y[Link2], [Link3]
22:22.52Ktron|outificatelittle too vague
22:22.58KolthVery too vague :)
22:23.31MentalPowerX and Y are the optional components [Link] will always be there
22:23.43KolthAnd the format is what?
22:24.10KolthWhat's the string's structure
22:24.29Adrine? means "0 or 1"
22:24.47AdrineSo you could say \d?\[\d+\]
22:24.58MentalPowercurrently I have for color, item, name in string.gfind(str, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do
22:25.32Iriel? is only for a single character in lua, tho
22:25.33MentalPowerI want an optional digit in front of |c
22:26.16KolthOptional dig is \d?
22:26.30Adrine\d is a character class
22:26.50KolthMaybe I'm mixing Regex implementations.
22:26.56AdrineThat should be %d, yes :)
22:27.04Kolth^ thanks
22:27.09Adrine%d is the 1-9 character class :)
22:27.13KolthThat one!
22:27.38AdrineMy mind is fried. Recursive box models make my head spin.
22:28.00AdrineI have children that need to know parent size information, but the parent doesn't know its size information until the children are parsed. :)
22:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:31.03KolthAnyone have a recommendation on soft-surface mouse surfaces?
22:31.47KirkburnWhat type of mouse?
22:31.55KolthOptical, soon to be Laser.
22:33.16KirkburnHas anyone heard of Gnarls Barkley btw?
22:33.17KirkburnSame as me, then ... anything really
22:33.17KolthI went with a Ratpadz GS and I dislike the hard surface. I'm developing a bone spurr.
22:33.17KolthThere's actually a notch on my wrist now that doesn't go away after a few days absence from a computer.
22:33.17JoshBorkeWOOHOOO! i made a casting bar!
22:33.17KirkburnHmm, not sure ... one with a gel pad?
22:33.17KolthJosh: A default castingbarframe replacement?
22:33.35JoshBorkenuh uh. a heal tracking thing
22:33.37KolthKirkburn, I'm not sure if I want one with a wrist rest. Have you used one with a rest before?
22:33.50KolthJoshBorke: Raid members' heal progress based upon combat log events?
22:34.35JoshBorke( Kolth ): yes
22:34.44KolthCan I try it out?
22:34.44JoshBorkehas someone else done it?
22:34.50JoshBorkeoh it's still pre-alpha :D
22:35.04KolthAnduinLothar has written one already but it's not stand-alone.
22:35.12JoshBorkeoh really?
22:35.13KolthNor is it raid.
22:35.31KolthCasting progress with time and target for each of your party members.
22:35.38MiravlixCan anyone give me the UnitDebuff return value for the Warlock slow curse?
22:35.40KolthUses Cosmos' Sky chat channels for casting synchronization.
22:35.40KirkburnKolth, nope, but I've been thinking about it
22:35.52JoshBorkethe thing that is going to be difficult is getting the targetting correctly
22:36.34KirkburnCurse of Exhaustion Miravlix?
22:36.57KolthMiravlix: Can be applied one time and it's Texture is /Spell_Shadow_GrimWard.jpg
22:37.41KolthOh, Miravlix...
22:37.49IrielAdrine : How can you have that happen (complex dependencies) from pure XML?
22:38.35JoshBorkewhat is the format to SetAllPoints?
22:39.01KolthAnchor, parentFrameName, anchor, offsetx, offsety
22:39.21JoshBorkefor each anchor point?
22:40.02JoshBorkeyea, i knew i've seen it before but didn't see it on the wiki
22:40.15AdrineQuick! Someone give me an XML layout file to plug into my parser.
22:40.18JoshBorkeah, because i was looking at layoutframe :D
22:40.22KolthThe best way I've found to search the wiki is goolgling "wowwiki {terms"
22:40.24AdrineI have and
22:40.36Adrine(It's ugly, I know, but it's making progress!)
22:41.14JoshBorkeyou do realize sanity looks REALLY funny?
22:41.25AdrineYeah, but I recognize where the elements are :)
22:41.34AdrineAnd for the most part, it's actually laid out properly
22:41.39JoshBorkeme too :-) except the jumbled part on the right
22:42.07AdrineIt's helping me find the places that my layout manager is faulty, anyway :)
22:43.11krkahow do i join LFG - city?
22:43.25krkaif i can at all
22:43.28JoshBorkegreat job adrine :-)
22:43.30IrielAs far as I know, SetAllPoints essentially maps each point to the same point on the relative frame (generally its parent)
22:43.42JoshBorkeyea, i realized it's not what i wanted :-(
22:43.46KolthIriel: Yep
22:43.55Kolth(With the chance for offset)
22:44.49IrielAre you sure there's a chance for offset?
22:44.57JoshBorkenote to self, don't reloadUI and switch apps :-(
22:45.00KolthNo. I should take that back.
22:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
22:45.08Irielthat page you linked implies there's no offset, and that's my understanding also.
22:45.15KolthI agree with you.
22:53.42JoshBorkeSetPoint is crashing wow :-(
22:56.50KolthHow are you calling it?
22:58.12JoshBorkepoorly :-) i was doing it in an VARIABLES_LOADED. and I was not providing it with the frame, but rather the frame name
22:58.46KolthIt's usually called this:SetAllPoints()
22:59.08JoshBorkei was anchoring the successive cast bars to the previous castbar
22:59.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
23:05.05MiravlixKolth: double thanks, didn't know about that page.
23:05.48Kolthnp, I only found it when I was looking for ya
23:07.36IrielHm, you shouldn't be able to break it with SetPoint, if you can reliably crash it then throw me an email and i'll write it up.
23:08.58JoshBorkei didn't crash persay, it just got stuck in a loop
23:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:13.38JoshBorkehelps if i identify first :D
23:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
23:16.13JoshBorke( Adrine ): the question i had earlier about the table layout was me not know how to read :D
23:16.24AdrineHehehe. Fair enough :)
23:16.35JoshBorkeit was working all along
23:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge namxo (i=oxman@
23:20.39JoshBorkehm, i think it's still not quite working for me...
23:20.45Miravlix5K estimated honor at 39 is definately 3K+ over my limit for PvPing in one day.
23:21.00JoshBorkeok, even my updated codes crashes WoW
23:21.20MiravlixHehe, just make an endless loop = dead WoW
23:21.24KirovJosh - what code?
23:21.45MiravlixRecursion is also fun with the stack overflows it creates.
23:22.07KirovThere was a great forum post recently
23:22.07Kirov"while true do
23:22.10Kirovwhy does this break wow!?"
23:22.19KolthLOL Kirov
23:22.26JoshBorke( Miravlix ): yea it is!
23:22.30MiravlixBecause it's a single threaded application
23:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
23:23.07Kirovjosh - why not for i=2?
23:23.25Miravlixfor i=2 I==2, 0 do?
23:23.43JoshBorkebecause i want to run some other code on i=1
23:23.50JoshBorkei just snipped it out because it wasn't relevant to the problem
23:24.03KirovStill, why put that in the for loop?
23:24.09Kirovbut, meh
23:24.24JoshBorkejust to eliminate the if in the for loop?
23:24.36JoshBorkesure, i'll go ahead and do that for that little bit of improvement :-)
23:25.10Qzot|atworkIriel been around today?
23:25.35KolthHe's around.
23:26.00JoshBorkebtw, this bit of code works onec I'm in game
23:26.06JoshBorkeie i ran it from tinypad
23:26.29KirovI don't see anyhing overtly wrong.
23:26.30JoshBorkebut when I reloadUI or try to login with it, it just stops
23:26.51KirovI wonder if it needs to be shown first
23:27.20JoshBorkeit's not shown when i run the code in tinypad
23:29.51JoshBorkei <3 you guys :D for being so helpful :-)
23:36.37Tem_Shouryuu: how would you say "Options" in French?
23:36.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (
23:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (
23:38.02cladhaireTem: "Options in French"
23:38.10zespri_workwhat is the most common way for a hunter to feed their pets? Do they farm for meat or do they by pet food, or how does this work?
23:38.28KirovDepends on the pet
23:38.30JoshBorkeno no, it's "Options" in French
23:38.43cladhairezespri_work: I buy food if its my bear or boar.. and farm for the tricky ones, unless I find a vendor.
23:39.00zespri_workwhere do you normaly buy food from?
23:39.10Kirovmeat vendor
23:39.12Qzot|atworkI try very hard to have vendor food for my pet. Farming is a pain.
23:39.32cladhaireMy pets take bread... so general vendors, etc =)
23:39.48Kirovcladhaire - go find a mage, cheaper =_
23:40.00cladhaireKirov: Aye.. but my mage friends are always hiding
23:40.01Qzot|atworkHowever, I use an auto-feed macro, and if I'm in an area with lots of meat, I try to keep the lowest stack in the magic spot.
23:40.01zespri_workmeat vendor. are they common or they are in the capital city only?
23:40.19Temthey usually path though so it's a pain to find em
23:40.26Temmuch easier to find in small towns
23:40.37Temusually the butcher or something in the inn
23:41.06Qzot|atworkIf my hunter's going to be out of Orgrimmar for a while, I'll have my trade alt buy a few stacks and mail it, and then pull it from the mailbox as I need it.
23:41.09zespri_workI jsut rolled a hunter, that's why =)
23:41.23Kirov - more complete list
23:41.29Qzot|atworkMailboxes are *very* convenient.
23:41.53JoshBorkeso any ideas on my SetPoint problem?
23:41.53zespri_workThank you, Kirov, not very many of them...
23:42.17KirovWhen leveling I found I didn't really need to buy food
23:42.20zespri_workoh that's better
23:42.42Kirovonce I hit 60, I find I have to buy food most of the time since I'm not out there playing much outside of instances.
23:43.15KirovPlus, the "meat" that drops is either not edible or takes too many to get them happy.
23:43.22zespri_workdoes it really matter what pet to choose? from reading forums I understood that there is not much differences really
23:44.01zespri_workunless you want cool looking "rare" pet
23:44.06Qzot|atworkThere are differences, but pretty vanilla.
23:44.18Qzot|atworkGood to keep switching pets early on.
23:44.21KirovBears are good
23:44.25Qzot|atworkAnd don't get attached to one.
23:44.25Kiroveat anything
23:44.39KirovCats / Wolves are good for the high end
23:45.01TainI'll play a hunter when they let you tame giraffes.
23:45.44KirovI want to tame Nefarian
23:45.56AdrineA giraffe pet would rule.
23:46.12AdrineOH good lord.
23:46.15Kirovgiraffe have that evil knock down ability too
23:46.47AdrineI just realized I spent all my free time today working on this UI viewer and that I couldn't wait to go home so that I could extract the WoW XML/image files and plug them in.
23:46.50AdrineAnd then I realized...
23:46.59Adrine...that I have my laptop sitting next to me, which has WoW installed on it.
23:47.01Adrinegg me.
23:48.18zespri_workWell, hunters must be fun to level a bit. I know that hunter is a pretty useless class along with rogue, but I haven't played one yet, so when I had to roll a new char because my friend joined wow I decided to roll hunter
23:49.38zespri_workuseless in terms of desirability in groups
23:49.48zespri_worknot in general of course
23:50.31KirovA hunter provides dps, and limited CC.
23:50.38KirovThey can also tank if needed.
23:51.06KirovOne thing about a hunter CC as well, freezing traps are the only CC in the game that works on everything.
23:51.33KirovMost bosses being an exception to that of course.
23:51.33zespri_workYeah, I've been in a group with hunter's pet doing tanking and a warlock pet doing off-taning, it was in Mara. We fared pretty well
23:51.58MiravlixThe smallest possible XML code is <UI ... > <Frame name=...> <Scripts> <OnLoad> Function ?
23:52.18KirovI've been on Strat runs where my pet was the MT over the tank because it held aggro bettter and had more health.  =)
23:52.34MiravlixKirov: ouch
23:52.50MiravlixGood thing the tank was in the team he sure needed equipment upgrades
23:53.24MiravlixOnload is basically the only thing left that I have to do in XML?
23:53.25KirovHe was getting mad at me, "turn your pets growl off, he's pulling aggro!" ... "My pet's growl is off."
23:53.32KolthMira: Methinks
23:53.33zespri_workMira, you would kick such a tank out of the group, wouldn't you? =)
23:54.37MiravlixIn 1+ year I've quit less than a handfull of instance teams
23:55.48KirovWhen I get people who are really annoying in a group I tend to just ignore them.
23:56.05KirovOnly place I don't is at places like the stitches pulling area.
23:57.13JoshBorkethe most fun i've had in an instance was my first and only 5 man run of SM Strat. We wiped twice before we got to the archivist, second time we made it back to our corpses just before repops. then we wiped after archivist because we want to wait on Soulstone so we all went AFK and pathers popped on us :(
23:57.42JoshBorkebut it was still the most fun I've had :D and it was highly profitable
23:57.55JoshBorkemade 20g+ on that run and i didn't get a righteous orb or anything
23:59.55MiravlixIs there a way to only load code if fx. Race = something or Class = something?

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