irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060317

00:00.19KirkburnWhy of course! I don't seem to recall you coming to ZG with though ...
00:00.24Kirkburn*with us
00:00.47KirkburnLet alone the fact that the belt is lvl 53 min
00:00.55ShadowdAnd ZG is level 55 min
00:01.07ShadowdWhich makes no sense as to why the belt is lvl 53 min o.o
00:01.16KirkburnThe wildheart one
00:01.23Shadowdah though you meant the ZG one
00:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
00:02.05Kirkburni.e. he wants to upgrade a belt he can't use yet to a belt he hasn't in any way earnt. Nor has the rep nor ingredients for.
00:02.39Kirkburn"Why do you wanna cancel your account? At least you can make some money on it (for example selling it on ebay ;), or just giving it to some1..."
00:03.19KirkburnDoes he know more than us?: "I think that I will start playing with the horde - blood elfs. Theses ally things are really ugly!"
00:03.29Kirkburn(We're an alliance guild btw)
00:03.54KirkburnAll that and he's only made 17 posts ...
00:07.05Kirkburn~8ball Should we kick him for being useless?
00:07.07purlAre you smoking crack?
00:07.14KirkburnNo, but I think he is
00:09.01KirkburnI wonder who will be playing 2moro on the Blizz WG team
00:10.19KirkburnI feel like I'm on my guild chat atm
00:10.35KirkburnI know 300 can see this! Say something!
00:16.53KirkburnCairenn, what's your policy on mods like "Chuck Norris fact generator"?
00:17.00AnduinLothari have a friend who's gonna be on the wsg blizz team
00:17.11Cairennannoying but permitted
00:17.48AnduinLotharthink she's gonna be shaman... but her main is a druid so... shoul dbe interesting
00:18.39Kirkburn(of her char)
00:18.45ShadowdAnduinLothar any idea what the chance of actually playing against the blizzard team is?
00:19.02AnduinLotharno idea
00:19.28ShadowdTrying to figure out if it's worth power leveling a character to annoy them as much as possible with :D
00:19.43KirkburnNot sure what you can say, but what do you do there?
00:20.20AnduinLotharif you play them i'm fairly sure you'll get owned
00:21.07ShadowdI'm not very good at 10-19 bracket though, none of the characters are developed enough to make full use of there abilities.
00:21.27Adrine10-19 is kinda just the twink league.
00:21.31ShadowdI'm kind of disapointed that they didn't choose 20-29 on the US test server or something.
00:22.02Shadowd20-29 would be great with non twinkable characters.
00:22.15AnduinLotharthus, why you will get owned
00:22.28KirkburnI know QA, but that doesn't tell me much :P
00:22.33ShadowdDepends how well they work together.
00:22.47AnduinLothardoesn't matter much at that level
00:22.52Shadowdit does in 10-19
00:23.02ShadowdAt 20-29 it's a lot easier to do stuff solo due to character development.
00:23.28KirkburnAnd whether they play with each other's chars again (I seem to recall Coreiel had a loincloth)
00:23.59AdrineAlso, Coreiel should only fight in BGs if permanetly stuck in 1.10 Spirit of Redemption form.
00:24.04AdrineIt's just wrong otherwise!
00:25.23Shadowd10-19 is really no character advantage it's completly how well you can work together with people.
00:25.42KirkburnThe chars should be better equipped this time shouldn't they
00:25.42ShadowdHardly any talent points, ect.
00:25.54AdrineCoreiel has been hanging around the rogue forums after the resident bitter folks scared off Cay. So, much love for Coreiel. :)
00:26.04KirkburnShe's on a mission!
00:26.19AdrineThought what I think what really happened is that Cay pulled rank and threw Coreiel at us. >_>
00:26.26KirkburnI do think she'll become a full on CM at some point
00:26.31Adrine"No way I'm going back in there. YOU take 'em."
00:26.39Adrine*shoves Coreiel in, slams door*
00:26.40Kirovwho is  Faizaniel, and why does he have blueish text?
00:28.28KirkburnShe gets insta-flamed for posting bugs, it's quite sad
00:28.38KirkburnFor example:
00:29.04LegorolTain, you around?
00:29.22AdrineThat's exactly why I would -never- take an MVP spot.
00:29.31AdrineIt's like running around with Benediction in a battleground
00:29.44KirkburnPalehoof seems to have fun
00:29.46AdrineFREE HONOR *flash flash sparkle spotlight*
00:30.18AdrineI'm sad about the priest upgrade for one reason:
00:30.30AdrineMy plans to form an all holy priest guild named <Honor Vendor> won't really work anymore. :(
00:31.41ShadowdWhat about paladins?
00:31.58KirovCan't be killed
00:32.33KirovPersonally I think the paladin "Hearthstone" should automatically activate their shield
00:34.26QzotWho would want a <Paladin Vendor>?
00:34.40QzotNow, <Rent-a-BuffBot>, on the other hand...
00:35.21KirkburnWarburn of <SummonBots-R-Us>
00:35.42KirkburnLast guild <Soulstones For Sale!>
00:35.54QzotOr healthstones...
00:36.03KirkburnQzot smells
00:36.07QzotMages: <All Ur Water Are Belong To Us>
00:36.16QzotQzot is a lock.
00:36.27KirkburnQzot is a smelly lock?
00:37.06KirkburnAnd with that little bit on randomness, I leave you
00:37.26KirkburnI would say nn, but I believe it stands for Nuke *Nix
00:37.38KirkburnAnd I wouldn't want to incur wrath
00:38.01AnduinLotharwhy look... someone won the $14 and got xp to boot on the intelmac
00:38.26ShadowdOh? They actually proved it
00:38.44AnduinLotharthere's a torrent with instructions and an intaller
00:39.57KirovI like the duct tape metho
00:40.13AnduinLotharyou have to modify the installer, make a new install disk and partition your boot drive to half HFS+ and half FAT32
00:42.05AnduinLotharhardest things was hacking together windows drivers for the hardware basicly
00:43.10AnduinLotharkernal mod and a few vid card drivers
00:44.52AnduinLotharlol.. "fwiw, im benchmarking my duo core mini and it performs about the same as a 2.8ghz 2 core p4 for some reason"
00:48.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:54.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:58.36Temdid they make a change to hidden tooltip scanning on the live servers?
00:58.48TemI've got some old code that isn't working anymore
00:59.03KirovTem, where have you been for the last week?
00:59.15Temtaking mid-terms?
00:59.58TemI heard something about a change in 1.10
00:59.59KirovMyTooltip: SetOwner(MyTooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE")
01:00.07Kirovon load
01:00.07Tembut was there a change for the live servers as well?
01:00.16Kirovshouldn't of been
01:00.36Kirovo... live server
01:00.38Kirovmissed taht
01:01.01cladhaireTem: Don't set parent in the XML, and do what kirov said
01:01.18Tembut... this a 1.9 tooltip scan
01:01.22Temnot a 1.10
01:01.33cladhairethat is what you need to do either way =)
01:02.05ShadowdDid something in 1.10 change to require a change in debuff scanning, not even hidden stuff just debuffs on yourself?
01:02.31cladhaireShadowd: Not from what I can see.. UnitDebuff is happy
01:03.21Shadowdhmm weird
01:04.19ShadowdSome code i have to check if i'm feared/disoriented or anything berserker rage can break doesn't seem to work on 1.10 but I can't figure out why yet, havn't had much of a chance to test.
01:06.32QzotLater, people.
01:06.37Shadowdlater Qzot
01:10.37cladhaireShadowd: Most likely the tooltip issue biting you
01:11.01ShadowdJust using a slightly modified version of IsBuffActive.
01:11.26Legoroltooltips didn't change in 1.9, afaik
01:12.04ShadowdBut they did change in 1.10 apparently or else the code would still work.
01:12.10LegorolWhat's changing in 1.10 are two things: a) you *have to* call SetOwner on the tooltip to initialize it before you can use, previously this was optional
01:12.33ShadowdAhh that would probably do it
01:12.39ShadowdIt just calls ClearLines and SetUnitBuff.
01:12.40Legorolb) under certain circumstances (I can explain furhter if necessary) SetOwner call from an <OnLoad> handler doesn't work
01:13.22LegorolThe safest way to use a tooltip in 1.10 is to always call SetOwner right before you call SetXxxx on it to fill it in
01:13.40ShadowdDoes it matter what you set the owner to? Or can you do like UIParent without issues.
01:13.49Legorolyou can set anything.. even itself
01:13.52Legorolin fact that's what i do :D
01:13.59Legorolthis:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_NONE")
01:14.02ShadowdThanks for the help, that'll save a lot of testing
01:14.10Legorolthis ensures no potential pitfalls with the owner getting hidden or some such
01:14.38Legorolbtw, for tooltips *owner* and *parent* are two very separate things
01:14.40Legorolnot to be confused
01:15.17IrielLegorol : Is 'owner' more akin to 'anchor relativeTo' ?
01:15.18Legorolyah, can be tricky..
01:15.27LegorolIriel, yes
01:16.20Legorolalthough it does allow for the IsOwned method
01:16.26Legorolunfortunately there is no GetOwner :(
01:16.30Legoroli really should've asked for it
01:16.47Irielcan you calculate it by enumerating anchors on the final tootlip?
01:17.25ckknightokay, does anyone know if I can check if a unit is a pet?
01:17.35ckknightsomething like UnitIsPet("mouseover")?
01:17.39LegorolIriel, i never tried
01:17.45Legorolanchor enumeration is new in 1.10, right?
01:17.51IrielUnitIsPlayerControlled and not UnitIsPlayer gets you part way
01:18.01GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Need to parse tooltip to be accurate
01:18.01IrielThen try checking its tooltip for a pet line
01:18.18ckknightGenNMX|Thrae, I'm willing to do that
01:18.21Legorolactually, there is one thing i was looking forward to in 1.10 that i forgot about :D
01:18.27ckknightI need to pick up Hunter pets and Warlock minions
01:18.42Legorolthe tooltip SetOwner method used to have a bizarre behaviour where it'd introduce a "pseudo-TOP" anchor to the tooltip
01:18.52IrielI think it's UnitPlayerControlled actually, now I come to think about it, check the wiki to be sure 8-)
01:19.00Legorolhm, it's kind of hard to explain... but anyways, i was always wondering what was going on there
01:19.11Legorolwith anchor enumeration in 1.10 i should be able to get to the bottom of it
01:20.30Legorolwah, what happened to the wowwiki? code snippets are showing up as black text on white background
01:20.55ckknightis that bad?
01:21.02ckknightbefore they were black on gray for me
01:21.57IrielThat's nastily ugly isn't it
01:22.05Shadowdyes it is
01:22.11GenNMX|Thraeckknight:, nothing major
01:22.49LegorolHm, i found a way to crash 1.10, and now i can't reproduce it..
01:23.06GenNMX|ThraeAlthough I would first check UnitPlayerControlled and not UnitIsPlayer like Iriel suggested, I'm going to add that to my own function. Save you the cost of parsing the string every time.
01:26.42ckknightI really want to check if a player isn't a pet
01:26.45ckknightand is player controlled
01:26.58ckknightis there a better way to do that?
01:27.22Kirovdo druids show up as being beasts when shape shifted?
01:27.24ckknightcheck UnitIsPlayer()?
01:27.35GenNMX|Thraeckknight: UnitIsPlayer instead of not UnitIsPlayer
01:27.39cladhaireKirov: Yes they do
01:27.55ckknightokay, but UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") won't work for pets, right?
01:28.02GenNMX|ThraeKirov: Hence why they're great at hiding the flag
01:28.05IrielYou should find that
01:28.20Irielif (UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") or not UnitIsPlayerControlled("mouseover")) then return false; end
01:28.28Irielworks as good first thing to check
01:28.36Irielbefore you make the game render you a tooltip and before you scan it
01:28.53IrielAain, I think it may be UnitPlayerControlled tho 8-)
01:29.07GenNMX|ThraeIt's UnitPlayerControlled
01:30.16GenNMX|ThraeAnd why not something like -- function UnitIsMCd(unit) return UnitIsPlayer(unit) and UnitPlayerControlled(unit) end
01:31.10IrielWell, UnitPlayerControlled always returns true for players, doesn't it?
01:31.19GenNMX|ThraeUnitPlayerControlled, lemme look that up again
01:31.42GenNMX|ThraeI was just thinking that Iriel, you'd think it would, but it might mean if the originating player has control
01:31.52IrielI'm pretty sure it doesnt
01:32.01IrielThe wiki agrees with me
01:32.59GenNMX|ThraeYeah, seems to define a "player" as any human, hmmm
01:33.28ckknightseems to work good now
01:34.17GenNMX|ThraeOh wait, here's one -- UnitIsCharmed("unit")
01:34.27GenNMX|ThraeWhat does WoW consider a "charm" effect? MC?
01:36.43IrielI believe so
01:37.38GenNMX|ThraeYeah, so then UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and UnitIsCharmed("mouseover") should be perfect
01:38.09ckknightperfect for what?
01:38.31GenNMX|ThraeI thought you wanted to see if the mouseover target was mind-controlled?
01:38.57ckknightno, I just wanted to see if they were human, so I could get the number of current Hks I have on em
01:39.04ckknightand add a line to the tooltip
01:39.31GenNMX|Thrae< ckknight:#WoWI-lounge> I really want to check if a player isn't a pet < ckknight:#WoWI-lounge> and is player controlled
01:40.20ckknightby that I meant not an NPC
01:41.09ckknightsorry for the confusion
01:41.32LegorolIriel, would you be willing to enter into some discussions regards to Lua protection?
01:41.39Legorolif you are not too busy and can keep half an eye on here ;-)
01:41.47IrielI can spare half a retina, sure
01:42.04ckknightby protection, do you mean privacy?
01:42.49IrielI suspect he means code-signing/tainting protection
01:43.17ckknightah, okay
01:45.20GenNMX|ThraeWell then this should tell you of a pet --  not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and UnitPlayerControlled("mouseover") and not UnitClassification("mousever") == "Humanoid"
01:46.41KirovTain protection?
01:46.50GenNMX|ThraeIf you want to include players mind-controlled, then tack on -- ) or ( UnitIsCharmed("mouseover") and UnitReaction("mouseover") == "hostile")
01:47.01GenNMX|ThraeIf you want to include players mind-controlled, then tack on -- ) or ( UnitIsCharmed("mouseover") and UnitReaction("mouseover") == "friendly")
01:47.16GenNMX|ThraeIE, if they're charmed AND friendly, then they're an enemy that's charmed
01:50.07GenNMX|ThraeHmmm, where's a good place to buy Mad Catz cables?
01:50.13IrielBuy what?
01:50.18KirovNo where?
01:50.48Kirov(I usually just buy them from BestBuy)
01:50.50GenNMX|ThraeMad Catz make decent console cables for decent prices, unlike the retail giant Monster
01:50.57Iriel#/msg legorol yeah, i'm not sure about
01:51.02IrielBest buy?
01:51.18IrielThat's just a guess, by the way
01:51.19GenNMX|ThraeYeah, I'm looking on Best Buy's website and I just see the "Universal" types (which include splitters, hence lag)
01:51.33Kirovwhat kind of cable?
01:51.53GenNMX|ThraeI'm looking for a S-Video Cable for PS2
01:54.20Kirovamazingly cheap for a Monster product
01:54.29KirovHalf the price of the "official" ones
01:54.42GenNMX|ThraeKirov: Don't you know of's reputation?
01:54.47Irielwith you run the risk of it being outof stock and taking a year to be delivered
01:54.57IrielI've had great experiences with for items in stock ONLY
01:55.04IrielHorrible experiences for ANYTHING that's backordered
01:55.14GenNMX| also runs the grey market a lot, which is why their stock can flucuate
01:55.19KirovThat particular item is 1-2 days
01:55.20MiravlixIs from a released addon?
01:55.27IrielIt CLAIMS to be 1-2 days
01:55.41Kirovso, it'll be about a week
01:55.45Irielor never
01:55.48Irieldepending on  your luck
01:56.01KirovI buy everything I can from if I can help it
01:56.06IrielIt's sort of quantum in nature, the only way you know is to order it
01:56.12Irielnewegg seem a lot more reliable
01:56.31GenNMX|ThraeI love Newegg, everything in their NJ warehouse (most stuff) comes in 1-2 days
01:56.38GenNMX|ThraeWith cheapest shipping
01:56.56KirovI got stuff the same day once.
01:57.14KirovOrdered at like 2am, got it at 3pm
01:57.32KirovThat one got me
01:59.51Kirov - lol
02:00.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:13.04TainI also throw my hat in support of newegg.
02:13.51Corrodiasi did buy most of my computer from newegg
02:13.59GenNMX|ThraeWell my other option is a DVI Switch -- and I find they're pretty darn expensive.
02:14.04Corrodiasalthough they do have their problems with inaccurate pictures. you can't trust the pictures.
02:14.18Corrodiasi had to order another fan because of that
02:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:15.08*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
02:15.17sloukenQuick question, did the test server get updated today?
02:15.31Cairennhadn't earlier
02:15.52sloukenOkay, thanks. :)
02:15.55Cairennjust checked again
02:16.11GenNMX|ThraeThat was weird
02:16.47Cairennno, that was a dev :p
02:17.10GenNMX|ThraeApparently I underestimated the scope of Cairenn's knowledge -- she knows things that even Blizzard employees involved in testing may not know!
02:18.55Irielslouken doesn't do testing, he just makes the bugs.
02:19.38GenNMX|ThraeHaha, well I mean, involved in concurrent development
02:20.01IrielI frequently have to ask if my code got pushed to QA or production at work
02:20.14IrielSomeone else runs and deploys the build
02:20.19IrielI just know if I checked my code in
02:20.39GenNMX|ThraeI always thought Blizzard was a more progressive company then that, I guess they're your typical game development company then
02:20.58GenNMX|ThraeIE, each department lives on a little island and speaks a different language
02:21.12IrielI dunno, I dont think it's a sign of weakness
02:21.23IrielMore a sign that slouken's too busy to fire up the public test client
02:21.25Grypheni think its a sign of their size
02:21.38GenNMX|ThraeI never said it was slouken's fault
02:21.48IrielYeah, size is a big factor
02:23.01GenNMX|ThraeAfter working for gaming companies, I just became disillusioned by how the producers end up de-evolving the fluid atmosphere that the company started on.
02:23.47GenNMX|ThraeI mean, sure, it'll be harder to maintain solid communication and fluidity across departments as the company grows in size and new departments are made, but isn't that the MAIN job of managers?
02:24.13TainI think slouken is getting used to having a bunch of people sitting in an irc channel at his beck and call. ;)
02:24.14GryphenNot cost effective if they dont need to know
02:24.40GenNMX|ThraeYet it seemed to me that game companies are no stranger to the same idiotic managers that plague the mainstream corporate world.
02:24.54IrielWell, idiotic managers are a global phenomenon 8-)
02:25.05IrielWhen I grow up I hope not to become one.
02:25.14TainI don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid.
02:25.25GenNMX|ThraeGryphen: Well, I never said that wasn't true
02:25.34TainI'd really hate to wake up one day and be Toys R Us middle-management.
02:26.04GenNMX|ThraeTain: They're all pedophiles anyway.
02:26.07IrielYou'd probably have a corporate discount
02:26.10IrielThat might be worth sometihng
02:27.25GenNMX|ThraeAh yes, the Walmart Mentality from South Park -- "I quit my job and started at Walmart so I could get their employee discount, so we're buying everything from Walmart now. And even though I make less money now, the discount makes us about break even!"
02:33.07ckknighteven though the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the standard of living is rising for the poor, so they are actually better off than they were. This is thanks to many factors, the most important being the Walmart economy.
02:36.14GenNMX|ThraeI am in favour of a wealth cap.
02:36.51GenNMX|ThraeI can't see how an economy could benefit from 5% of its population obtaining something like 30% of its wealth.
02:37.16ckknightmaybe they handle it more efficiently
02:38.32GenNMX|ThraeWell, there is a threshold where you have much more leeway to gain and control the economy. We're not talking about people who meet this criteria, we're talking about people who are far above it.
02:39.14ckknightand what about them?
02:39.35ckknightwhat if they earned their money?
02:40.14GenNMX|ThraeThe US, in particular, was founded on democracy, yet the interaction between economy and government shows the government is far more moved by that 5% then the rest of its population.
02:40.56ckknightPlato said democracy could never work because then the ppor would be in power
02:41.24GenNMX|ThraeIt's a matter of ethics. I can't see it's ethical to having too much power over the economy, even if you know what you're doing.
02:42.08GenNMX|ThraeYes, and the founders loved having slaves and beating their wives, etc. -- society evolves, y'know, and so should the paradigms.
02:43.24GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Exactly my point. Democracy was founded over a thousand years ago and reshaped into what it is today. How are the thinkers of the past anymore reputable then the thinkers of today?
02:44.23ckknightI'm not saying they are
02:44.26ckknightmerely making a point
02:44.35ckknightpoor people are poor for a reason
02:44.44ckknightand although I disagree with inheritance
02:44.47GenNMX|ThraeThe poor people are poor for many reasons
02:44.59ckknightbecause that is a bad factor among the whole scheme
02:45.09ckknightsomeone who is determined enough can do anything
02:45.16ckknightgranted that they have the adequate skills
02:45.46GenNMX|ThraeYes, but inheritance is fair. If the parents put through enough effort, their children should be rewarded.
02:46.06GenNMX|ThraeWhat I don't like is the absurdly high level of inheritances that can occur, in the millions upon millions.
02:46.14ckknightI suppose
02:46.17GenNMX|ThraeOr in Gates' case, the billions upon billions.
02:46.26ckknightmy kids will get education and nothing else from me
02:47.05GenNMX|Thraeckknight: So if you invented something that made you rich, you wouldn't let your children live a better life then you did?
02:47.23GenNMX|ThraeSpeaking of evil corporations -- $11 shipping and handling for a $4 item!!
02:47.33ckknightthey would get proper education, and with that they can make their own money
02:48.00IrielOvernight shipping??
02:48.09IrielCan't you just drive to a store?
02:48.11GenNMX|ThraeIriel: 3-7 business days to process and ship
02:48.28GenNMX|ThraeYeah, I'm going to go over to Best Buy tommorrow. This is silly.
02:49.18GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Well, I don't mean to let the children mooch, but at least you wouldn't have to be stingy about toys and living arrangments.
02:49.54GenNMX|ThraeI agree, I wouldn't want my children to become leechy vegtables.
02:49.54ckknightI never got toys when I was a child
02:51.09IrielThe problem with inheritance is it plays against the arguments for not taxing the rich too highly
02:51.31ckknightI'm against taxes outright
02:51.34GenNMX|ThraeWell, actually, for me, I'd be careful with toys. I grew up poor with little actual toys, and even with video games all around me, I still have twice the imagination even at my age then my little brother and sister, who got all the toys they asked for.
02:51.35IrielThe argument goes something like this: "We shouldn't overtax the rich, because they buy lots of expensive things, which trickles down into the economy and does good"
02:52.11TainLook, all I want is the opportunity to prove that argument is right or wrong from the rich person's point of view.
02:52.11LegorolNoo, test realm going down :(
02:52.17IrielWhich is fine if the rich do SPEND their riches, but if they just stick it in a vault to earn interest and their children do the same, then the money doesn't do anyone else any good other than the rich
02:52.19ckknightyea, I know
02:52.22GenNMX|ThraeIriel: I heard the argument -- "We shouldn't tax the rich because they know what better to do with their money then the government. Like if you didn't tax Bill Gates 20 Million a year, he'd just donate it to some charity."
02:52.46GenNMX|Thraeckknight: You're in favour of anarchy?
02:52.57ckknightI'm a Libertarian
02:53.42GenNMX|ThraeIsn't the Libertarian party most active in Europe?
02:53.51TainI'm all for checking books in and out of the library too, but I don't see how that affects things.
02:53.54ckknightI dunno
02:54.02ckknightI only pay attention to the American front
02:54.15ckknightwe'll never be in power, because it doesn't need to happen
02:54.25ckknightinstead, we influence judges and lawyers and businessmen
02:54.29ckknightthe lifeblood of America
02:55.41GenNMX|ThraeLawyers are above my list of dislikes about the rich in general, since many of them (or at the least the notorious ones) ARE pretty wealthy, and became so by exploiting the law.
02:56.03ckknightand it's beautiful in its own way
02:56.20ckknightmy brother's a lawyer, btw
02:56.44ckknightwell, he's in his last semester of Law School
02:56.59GenNMX|ThraeYou don't think this country is in desperate need of tort reform, both on the state and federal level?
02:57.15ckknightno, I'm against tort reform
03:00.43GenNMX|ThraeWell, how about, for instance, how in the United States there is no way to do proper trial and testing of a drug, with sufficient follow-up with any known side-effects, and not be subject to crippling civil suits?
03:00.59GenNMX|ThraeHence why drugs in the US are so costly compared to Canada and Europe.
03:01.20GenNMX|Thraes/not be subject/not be open/.
03:03.02GenNMX|ThraeThere is no precedent, legal or otherwise, about how to "properly" test, distribute, and follow-up on the release of a drug in the US, because there are a team of laywers (manned by Stanley something, I think Stanley Cooper) to prevent a huge gash into their line of work (ambulance chasers).
03:04.38ckknightI'm not fully familiar with the pharmaceutical industry's legal and economic policies
03:04.52GenNMX|ThraeIt seems to me that experience would be against the Libertarian's point of view, since it stems on the legal precendants which establish that the drug companies can take most of the blame for mishaps involving their products.
03:05.38GenNMX|ThraeWhile really the Libertarian focus should be on the doctor <--> paitent relationship.
03:06.46ckknightnot all Libertarians are the same or share the same precise focus
03:07.21GenNMX|ThraeOK, then how about how a doctor can be subject to massive, crippling malpractice suits if another doctor disputes his diagnosises and if the paitent says they suffered from it. All of this is really hearsay and hindsight, yet it leads to HUGE Medical Insurance bills for the common person, and even more staggering bills for the medical facilities.
03:08.13ckknightif someone in the medical profession fucks up, he or she should pay the fine in full. A person's life shouldn't be gambled with
03:08.39IrielThen surely the fees in medicine should be the values of someone's life
03:08.55IrielIf a doctor saves a life, he should get the same payment he'd have to pay if he accidently killed the person?
03:09.09IrielSo if someone sets your broken arm, $200,000 should be fine, right?
03:09.32GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Actually, in some cases, you can sue if a doctor saves your life (DNR not included) if the doctor "was too rough".
03:10.07Cairennperform CPR, crack a rib, get sued
03:10.09IrielMy point is that malpractice is out of control, really
03:10.25GenNMX|ThraeAgreed, Iriel
03:10.29IrielObviously in cases of real negligence or ineptitude, there should be a cost
03:10.56GenNMX|ThraeCivil court in general is in desperate need of tort reform.
03:11.10IrielYeah, standardization of legal fees would likely help too
03:11.12Cairenn*in your opinion*
03:11.47LegorolI think the US society is too "trigger happy" with legal action, full stop
03:11.51GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: I thought that was implied by the scope of our discussion ;)
03:11.55cladhaireIf something is in layout-cache.txt.. whats the easiest way to get it removed from there?
03:12.05ckknightno way, America is the most litigious nation in the world
03:12.05Legoroldelete layout-cache.txt... ?
03:12.06Corrodiasdeleting the file
03:12.11IrielWhich of course is a tricky situation, the facts that bring about too little barrier to frivolous lawsuits is the same one that gives those without money legal recourse
03:12.12ckknightand it is extremely unlikely that it'll stop now
03:12.15GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: Yes, we are
03:12.25cladhaireIriel: Thanks.. I knew I was missing something silly =)
03:12.33Legorolyes Iriel, i agree
03:12.43Legoroli think the problem is not so much the amount of frivolous lawsuits,
03:12.49Legorolbut the nature of the suits that are actually won
03:12.53Cairennjust reminding folks that the discussion is "in your opinion" (generic your, not specific), so as to prevent folks from getting too hot under the collar
03:13.01IrielThat could of course be solved by prosecuting those who bring about frivolous suits as a matter of course
03:13.15Legoroli am all for easy access to legal recourse
03:13.20Legorolit's way too costly as it is
03:13.23IrielI think in general very few truly frivolous suits are actually Won
03:13.32IrielMany are settled, which is the real pain point
03:13.33Legorolbut i don't think that a woman who puts a doggie in a microwave should win a suit ;-)
03:13.48GenNMX|ThraeOne problem with the law is the way that it was founded opens huge holes to the problems we are having now. The very idea of "reasonable doubt" by a jury, in this day and age of high technology and science, is a myth.
03:14.18GenNMX|ThraeIn too many cases, it becomes about the "battle of the experts", or "which expert sounds more compelling"
03:14.37LegorolGenNMX|Thrae has a good point
03:14.41Legorol(in my opinion ;-))
03:14.48GenNMX|ThraeHow is the common man suppose to decide if the "SNIPS" procedure was actually necessary on DNA analysis?
03:14.51IrielWell, the education system's got a fair share of blame there too
03:15.03Legorolso how about abolishing the jury system?
03:15.09Legoroldo you think having a jury is a good idea?
03:15.16ckknightI do
03:15.16Legorolwhy not have a professional judge panel of some sort
03:15.18IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Does the common man really need to decide
03:15.22IrielI think it's a good idea too
03:15.31ckknighttypically 12 normal people are going to figure out the right solution
03:15.32IrielBut it does require a generally educated populous to be useful
03:16.02Legoroli think that having 12 normal people on a jury biases a lot of the cases
03:16.12Legorolfor example, what if a "normal person" is suing a large corporation
03:16.16IrielI'm going to take issue with "a lot"
03:16.23GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Just watch a few episodes of Law & Order -- while some of their cases are incredulous, a lot of them are based on real cases with real legal twists and turns.
03:16.23Legorolok fair enough
03:16.27Legoroli exaggerated
03:16.37ckknightGenNMX|Thrae, I love Law & Order
03:16.40IrielI think the legal system works, for the most part, quite well, but has some significant aberrations at the edges
03:16.55Legorolok let me restate: in my opinion there is an inherent bias when there are 12 "normal" people on the jury
03:17.12GenNMX|Thraeckknight: As do I, but I feel sad when I think that this show may actually represent reality
03:17.20LegorolIriel, what do you think is the reason for the US being labelled as the most litigous country? And do you think it's true?
03:17.25IrielI do think it's true
03:17.29ckknightI like SVU in particular
03:17.31ckknightbut that's just me
03:17.32Irielbut I think much of the time it works out okay
03:17.49IrielThere are some areas where that's not true
03:17.56GenNMX|ThraeOf course, I'm not so fascinated by TV that I think most cases are like the ones on Law & Order. From my research, most legal cases are cut & dry. But its the snafus which make me sad.
03:17.56Legorolif that is indeed the case, then i'm all for it
03:18.04IrielDont get me started on Intellectual Property law
03:18.18ckknightah, IP law
03:18.21Legorolunfortunately the impression i am getting is that often it doesn't go in the "sensible" direction
03:18.23ckknightinteresting stuff
03:18.30Legorol(personal opinion and impression, not statement of facts)
03:18.34IrielI've had the profound displeasure of being involved in patent suits
03:18.48ckknightI'm very much pro-patents
03:18.55ckknightnot so much for software patents, though
03:18.58GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: US is the most litigious country because we were there first. We held the first modernly democraticly-backed courts.
03:19.06IrielI'm very much pro patents for most things, but not software
03:19.12ckknightI'm not anti-software patents, I merely think that 20 years is too long for the tech age
03:19.16IrielUnless they're extremely specific, and ACTUALLY novel
03:19.26Corrodiasa couple of years is plenty
03:19.27ckknightsomething closer to 4 or 5 seems better
03:19.27IrielNot just a specialization of an 'obvious' general principle
03:19.41Legoroli think that the general idea behind software patents is OK: someone coming up with a clever algorithm deserves to reap profits
03:19.43Corrodiasbeing able to lay claim to an algorithm is silly
03:19.47Legorolbut it's probably implemented wrong
03:19.57GenNMX|ThraeAnd because of that fact, we are also hard to change, because our foundation was forging new ground.
03:19.59IrielI aggree with Corrodias , unless it's REALLY novel, then maybe
03:20.33GenNMX|ThraeIriel and Corrodias: Then how do people who make algorithmns for a living, make a living?
03:20.36Corrodiasi really shouldn't get involved in this conversation.
03:20.48ckknightthe patent office needs reform ;-)
03:20.49Legoroli think it should be approached like trademarks: as far as i know, you can't trademark a common english word, but an original creation you can
03:20.54IrielWell, presumably they're making the algorithm for a purpose
03:20.57GenNMX|ThraeThat sentance doesn't make perfect sense, but you get the idea of my question ;)
03:21.10Irielthat purpose presumably is an incentive to devise their idea
03:21.14Legorolwhat you'd need is a *competent* patent office
03:21.22ckknightgoddamn commies.
03:21.24Legorolwithout that, the whole thing can't work
03:21.24IrielAnd if you come up with an algorithm, chances are you're a subject matter expert, and what you know is valuable
03:21.40Corrodiaswe could have a programmer commune, and we could all wear shirts with leet phrases on them
03:21.53ckknightbut what about all my A&F wear?
03:22.03Legoroltest realms updating!
03:22.05Legorolsobs :(
03:22.08GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Sometimes algorithmns can be used for more then one thing, though. For example, an Asian scientist trying to better understand microbiology found out the algorithmn he was working on could also be used to solve all Sudoku puzzles.
03:22.16Corrodiasyour what wear?
03:22.18Legoroldunno yet, jsut getting it..
03:22.25IrielSo? should he get to patent that?
03:22.36IrielWhat if you also come across the same solution from a different direction?
03:22.39Corrodiasno, he should use it to blackmail the producers of the puzzles. :)
03:22.50Legorol5174 it is
03:22.54IrielWhat if the algorithm is an obvious jump from another commonly used algorithm?
03:23.03Legorolrealms not up yet though
03:23.07GenNMX|ThraeIriel: If he had published the algorithmn without any patent or copyright, then some Sudoku company could snatch it up and sell solving software without even agknowleding him.
03:23.08Legorolbeat you Cairenn ;-)
03:23.21Cairennso you did
03:23.38GenNMX|ThraeIriel: To misquote Thomas Edison, "We are where we are today by standing on the backs of giants."
03:23.48Legorolthis should be a very exciting update though
03:24.06IrielWell, let's take Sudoku because it's vaguelly relevant
03:24.30IrielI'm pretty sure I could write a Sudoku solver, in fact, it's the kind of puzzle you give to 1st or 2nd year CS students
03:24.44IrielSo, suppose your scientist patented his
03:24.52IrielAnd then I write mine, and it works, and it's kinda close to his
03:24.58IrielBut I didn't know his existed
03:25.14IrielIs it fair that he can then demand royalties, or sue me if I try and distribute mine?
03:25.25Legoroldoesn't this same problme
03:25.33Legorol*problem apply to ordinary patents too?
03:25.37IrielSort of
03:25.39Legorolwhat if someone patents a trivial application
03:25.43Legorolfor example, an automatic kettle
03:25.53Irielbut I feel computer science is all about applying certain sets of solutions in different combinations
03:26.12IrielYou're much more likely to have multiple independent discoveries of the same thing
03:26.13Legoroli agree that in computer science it's much more likely that you have independent, parallel solutions
03:26.18GenNMX|ThraeTrivial patents (like Amazon successful patenting their One Click(tm) ordering system, which is a usage of cookies) must die, I agree.
03:26.24IrielOf course, that's just my opinion, but I think i'm qualfied to have it.
03:26.37Legoroleveryone is qualified to have opinions
03:26.44Legorolvery few are qualified to state facts ;-)
03:27.12GenNMX|ThraeIriel: I think an algorithmn should be judged by the entire proof leading up to the algorithmn, not by the result itself.
03:27.19Legorolyou could say that you are qualified to state your opinion with an emphasis :-)
03:27.33GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: Too late -- I already trademarked your opinion.
03:27.50IrielGenNMX|Thrae | But that's extremely difficult to quantify in any comparable sense
03:27.50ckknightyou can't trademark an opinion
03:27.56ckknightI think you can copyright it, though
03:28.06Legorolyou can't do anything with an opinion
03:28.11GenNMX|ThraeI was joking ;)
03:28.12Legorolonly have it :-)
03:28.16IrielI can write it on a piece of paper and eat it
03:28.19IrielThat's "something"
03:28.30Legorolyou can write it on a piece of paper, *then* you can copyright it ;-)
03:28.31IrielI could substitute 'cheese' for paper, also
03:28.39Legorolworks with cheese too
03:28.46IrielAnd I could patent the use of cheese as an edible writing medium, unless someone else has
03:28.48Legorolthen you will have cheesy opinions
03:29.54ckknightman, I want some cheese now
03:30.17LegorolI love the Blizz Interface AddOn Kit
03:30.27Legorolit makes awesome music when it completes extraction
03:30.42Legorolbest sound effect for extraction completion i ever heard from a compressed file extractor :-)
03:31.13GenNMX|ThraeIriel: But isn't it the job of patents to quantify just that? How else does an inventor make their living?
03:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
03:31.47GenNMX|ThraeI agree that it's wrong for an inventor to say "I patented this invention, so no one can invent something like this and market it without giving me royalities"
03:31.51sloukenSo, does it work, does it work?
03:31.51Cairennyes, the patch has been pushed, slouken
03:32.02Cairennwe don't know, the servers aren't back up yet
03:32.17sloukenDoes it still block other addons if you enable MovePad?
03:32.34slouken(3 hours later...)
03:32.53Legorolhi slouken
03:33.17IrielGenNMX|Thrae : As long as there's an allowance for independent invention, that's somewhat okay.
03:33.23IrielIt's from my favorite tune on the soundtrack
03:33.25ckknightGenNMX|Thrae, how is it wrong? he invented it first and didn't keep it a trade secret
03:33.27Iriel"A Call to Arms"
03:33.29Legorolhm, i haven't seen slouken this excited before..
03:34.01GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Exactly.
03:34.22GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Like Iriel said, there can be different ways to get to the same result.
03:34.46GenNMX|ThraeI feel you shouldn't be able to patent the result (the current mechanism), but the way you got to the result.
03:35.17GenNMX|ThraeThat way it allows for people to invent the same thing, but in different ways.
03:35.20ckknightif there were no patents, everything would be a trade secret
03:35.24ckknightthat's the whole point of patents
03:35.30IrielI suspect that'd be a patent inspection headache
03:35.51IrielI do agree that patents and trade secrets are used a bit too interchangably
03:36.18GenNMX|Thraeckknight: I'm pretty sure the point of patents is to try and disallow someone from reverse-engineering a product by any means and "clone" it.
03:36.20ckknightpatents prevent trade secrets
03:36.39IrielBut sadly copyright and patents are being used for preservation of monopoly, or extortion by generalization
03:36.39ckknightGenNMX|Thrae that is one result of having patents
03:36.53Legorolhm, no significant UI code changes, only the UI.xsd validation issues fixed, so it seems
03:37.01IrielThe whole notion of 'Intellectual Property Portfolios' makes my skin crawl
03:37.08GenNMX|Thraeckknight: The patent is the only legal recourse against reverse-engineering.
03:37.15ckknightyea, I know
03:37.22ckknightI wasn't talking just about software, though
03:37.32ckknighttypically software patents don't prevent trade secrets
03:37.35GenNMX|ThraeIriel: NTP vs RIM (Blackberry case) is the one freshest in my mind.
03:37.49ckknightas someone on the outside could see the result and try to make it themselves rather easily
03:38.10ckknightbut if you just saw a cotton gin, how would you know how to make one yourself without schematics?
03:38.14GenNMX|ThraeAfter RIM sued Everyone It Could about Blackberry technology, NTP sued RIM about Wireless Email technology.
03:38.21IrielI saw one over christmas!
03:38.22IrielAnd no.
03:38.23IrielI couldn't.
03:38.50IrielOk, time for me to drive home
03:38.57Cairennsafe drive Iriel
03:39.02GenNMX|ThraeNTP is a company that holds one patent. The owner patented the technology before RIM, but never did anything with it.
03:39.07ckknightcya later, Iriel
03:39.12IrielWrite some free software today! Support the world through free ideas 8-)
03:39.21GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Remember to drive on the correct side of the road!
03:39.23IrielApparently NTP was playing a bit of a game of legal chicken
03:39.36ckknightIriel, I can't feed my family with software
03:39.48IrielI believe their patents were slowly being rejected during re-review and challenge
03:39.56IrielBut I dont know all the details
03:40.05GenNMX|Thraeckknight: You mean you can't feed your family with FREE software. Otherwise, I know a lot of people that would disagree with that statement ;)
03:40.14Irielthat was just the last thing I recall from a fairly deep analysis on NPR
03:40.16ckknightI know
03:40.33GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Well, the final detail is that RIM settled out of court for $642 million with NTP.
03:40.40IrielActually, you CAN feed your family with FREE software, if you're willing to offer paid support.
03:40.48GenNMX|ThraeThe cases on the RIM vs NTP matter were closed there.
03:41.03IrielYeah, well, RIM had some trust issues from their clients, so it was their best bet
03:41.10ckknightIriel, you'd have to make something a lot of people use to make anything off support
03:41.16IrielThat's the problem with the legal system, you end up broke if you're sued, even if you win.
03:41.27GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Right, the biggest issue being injunctions preventing them from rolling out newer models
03:41.28Irielckknight You dont have to just support your own software 8-)
03:41.35Irielckknight though that's much easier
03:41.59IrielAnyway, i'm really leaving now!
03:42.03Irielback later perhaps
03:42.07GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Like the woman sued by the RIAA even though she didn't own a computer. She predicts she'll need $10,000 a month in legal fees.
03:42.15Cairennonly perhaps? :(
03:42.21LegorolIriel: you dont' want to miss the test realm update ;-)
03:42.27IrielWell, "probably" not "perhaps"
03:42.34IrielI have some email server work to do when I get home
03:42.42Legorolhave fun!
03:42.52IrielI'm sure it'll be a joy
03:43.05IrielIf I can do it without looping any of my domains i'll be happy
03:43.54Legorolmaybe i should check on my mailbox on the live realm?
03:43.58ckknightI'm gonna do something useful: watch cartoons
03:44.02Legorolnah, i'm sure it's full of "auction expired" messages
03:44.13Legorolhm, good idea, i think i'll go watch 24
03:44.15Cairenncartoons are good
03:44.45GenNMX|Thraejapanese cartoons > american cartoons
03:45.05Legorolthe japanese anime is not cartoon
03:45.09Legorolcartoon is for kiddies
03:45.17Legorolanime is a style of film making that is done by drawing
03:45.30GenNMX|ThraeAnime == Japanese Cartoons, it's their style of cartoons.
03:45.53Legorolok, in my personal opinion, the word "cartoon" very strongly carries a meaning that it's primarily oriented towards children
03:46.07Legorolwhereas japanese anime does no such thing, at least a lof of them are for adults/older teenagers
03:46.08GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: So does the word "anime" to most people.
03:46.24Legorolthat's because of a misconception in western society about what "anime" is
03:46.35Legoroland because you see a lot of "anime" on TV that is for children
03:46.41GenNMX|ThraeElse, why would it be marketed mostly to children/young teenagers?
03:46.51Legorolit's only a subclass of anime that is marketed for children
03:46.55Legorollike Pokemon and the likes
03:47.02GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: No, you see a lot of "anime" that was *edited* specifically for children
03:47.03Legorolbut anime is a genre that is far wider than that
03:47.13Legorolah yeah that as well
03:47.28Legoroli don't like it when they do that, they take perfectly good anime and cut it so it's suitable for children
03:47.34Legorolit just shows the general misconception
03:47.41GenNMX|ThraeI would say Pokemon is the only anime on TV right now that really IS for children, the rest have "adult themes" that were edited out and stories shifted around
03:47.42Legorolnot all anime is automatically for children...
03:48.25Legorolby the way, Tom and Jerry is one of the most violent cartoons i have seen
03:48.30Legoroli can't beleive we watched it as kids :-)
03:48.38GenNMX|ThraeHowever, I think it's probably better to say "Japanese cartoons" because the age margin for American Cartoons is just as wide as the age margin for Japanese Animation in Japan
03:49.01TainI'm waiting for the day they edit down Urotsukidoji and it winds up on Adult Swim.
03:49.01Legorolmmm, i would contend that american cartoons are primarly written for children
03:49.06Legorolyet lot of adults watch them and enjoy them
03:49.20Legorolwhereas japanese anime is primarily written for teenagers and a lot specifically for adults
03:49.30GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: What about superhero cartoons?
03:49.44Legorolok true
03:49.45TainI'd argue that American cartoons were only focused at children since around the 80s.  Go watch older cartoons and see how much adult content you see.
03:50.00Legoroli bow to thee arguments
03:50.18TainThe Smurfs ruined it for everyone!
03:50.24Legorolfor me at least, the words cartoon and anime carry different meanings
03:50.30Legorolthat's all
03:50.40Legorolsmurfs <3
03:50.54GenNMX|ThraeTain: Yeah, wasn't the 80s when a censorship council was reborn for movies and TV?
03:50.57Legorolthat's one thing i wouldn't want to watch now that i've grown up though
03:51.00Legorolit was fun as a child
03:51.37GenNMX|ThraeReally, look at an old Richard Pryor movie -- lots of the stuff he says and does in those old movies we wouldn't dream of anything but an "R" rated movie of today.
03:51.50Legorolwhat is the "R" rating?#
03:51.59Legoroli am not familiar with American rating system
03:52.17TainNo one under the age of 18 without an adult accompaniying.
03:52.24GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: "Restricted", Not Intended For Teenagers 17 or Under
03:52.53GenNMX|ThraeThere's one above it, NC17, which is never used anymore (no one under 17 allowed)
03:53.36Legorolso you can watch R if your parent is with you?
03:53.45CairennLegorol: yes
03:53.46TainNC17 is used, there just aren't many movies that get that rating and expect to be in general theaters.
03:53.52Legorolthat's quite liberal
03:54.07Legorolin the UK they wouldn't let you into an 18+ movie, full stop
03:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
03:54.21Legoroland tbh, i think it's better this way
03:54.32Cairennactually, let me amend that
03:55.00GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: In the US, the "evil things" in movies are prioritized this way: Nudity > Gore > Bad Language > Violence
03:55.32Legorolhm, aren't there classes of these things?
03:55.33Cairennin *Canada* you can view R rated if you are over ... 12? I think it is, and with a responsible adult, and you can view A rated (Adult) at any age, as long as you are with a responsible adult
03:55.42Legorolthere is violence that is worse than some minor nudity
03:56.24TainNudity is just the worst possible thing ever.
03:56.34GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: Lord Of The Rings and the Star Wars series are PG-13 (Parental Guidance *suggested* for 13 and under)
03:56.56GenNMX|ThraeSorry, PG13 is typically parental guidance required
03:57.03GenNMX|ThraePG is parental guidance suggested
03:57.12Legorolwhat is parental guidance?
03:57.16Legorolthat you need a parent with you?
03:57.19GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: Right
03:57.28Cairennsupposedly they won't let you in without a parent
03:57.41TainA normal PG movie you don't need a parent.  PG13 you do if you're under 13.
03:57.46GenNMX|ThraeSo, the last Star Wars movie, where someone gets horribly mutilated, is PG13
03:57.59Legorolall right, can someone let me know when the test realms are up? i am going to give up trying..
03:58.03Legoroli'd really appreciate it :-)
03:58.20Legoroli can offer cookies and hugs in return, your free choosing
03:58.30GenNMX|ThraeIf there was 1-3 "shit" or "crap" or "fuck" in that movie, it would become R
03:58.50ckknightyou can say shit once without it being R
03:59.06GenNMX|ThraeOr, if the queen of Naboo showed a little boob for a split-second, it would also be R
03:59.17Wobin_And that really says it all, doesn't it, ckknight? =)
03:59.19GenNMX|ThraeBut that movie wasn't even at the threshold for violence
03:59.31TainYou can get away with one shit.
03:59.38GenNMX|Thraeckknight: Hence why I said 1-3
04:00.04ckknightyou said that if you said it 1-3 times, it would become R
04:00.08Wobin_"Oh no, he was referring to the bodily function, IT DOESN'T COUNT! So Ner!"
04:00.38GenNMX|ThraeI just want to know if I am the only one that thinks the movie ratings promote sexually repressed, extremely violent teenagers?
04:00.51Wobin_It's the American Way?
04:01.02GenNMX|ThraeSince when has violence become BETTER then sex?
04:01.07Wobin_It's the American Way?
04:01.20ckknightI like to mix violence and sex
04:01.32Wobin_We can't have the children looking at sex.
04:01.36Wobin_It might lead to DANCING
04:02.57GenNMX|ThraeY'know, I look at how screwed up the world is, and in most cases, I see parents and communities that aren't parenting their children properly.
04:03.26Wobin_That is unfortunately the current state of affairs
04:03.49Wobin_Quite a number of parents just aren't ... qualified, I guess to raise children
04:03.54GenNMX|ThraeThese censorships, in my mind, just make things worse. There's a great deal of evidence that each child evolves differently, and too much of one stimulas while deprevation of another can seriously screw some up.
04:04.32GenNMX|ThraeI say lay it all out there and let the parents and communities (including schools) teach the children what's what.
04:05.13GenNMX|ThraeIdeally it would just be the parents, but then we're back to the fact that not all parents are educated enough to deal with all issues.
04:06.21Wobin_I would suggest an exam before people being allowed to populate, but I have no idea what should be on that exam =P
04:06.48GenNMX|ThraeWobin_: I'd fail, I can't take tests.
04:07.32GenNMX|ThraeI'm not good under pressure, but I manage on everything except important tests in specific.
04:07.52GenNMX|ThraeI made it up in homework, thankfully.
04:08.32Wobin_If I were writing the exam, I'd pretty much have the 'common sense' questions though =P
04:08.59Wobin_ie, any intelligent person with enough common sense would be able to answer the questions without any form of prompting
04:10.01GenNMX|ThraeI'd still score lower then I should -- the rational part of my brain starts to shut down on tests.
04:10.10GenNMX|ThraeHeavy medication helps.
04:10.17GenNMX|ThraeEspecially Horse Tranquilizers.
04:10.27GenNMX|ThraeNo, wait...Elephant Tranquilizers.
04:10.38Wobin_Rhino tranqs?
04:10.46Wobin_Whale tranqs?
04:10.55GenNMX|ThraeOoo, Whale would be even better.
04:11.46GenNMX|ThraeI would have no chance of arithmic distress due to the tranquilizers, since my heart rate increases about 250%.
04:12.06GenNMX|Thrae...while taking tests, that is.
04:16.32*** join/#wowi-lounge fringey (
04:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
04:20.42sloukenTest realm is up...
04:21.03sloukenCairenn, how is MovePad doing?
04:21.15Cairennhaven't checked it yet
04:21.42slouken(i.e. does it still blame other addons which are loaded before it?)
04:23.02CairennAh ha, here's the quote I was looking for ... "The Earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound.  Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching."
04:23.36sloukenMark Twain
04:24.21CairennAssyrian tablet, c. 2800 BC
04:24.49Cairennyou missed the conversation that was going on that led to me searching for it
04:26.04CairennA 20-year plan for the Improvement of English Spelling
04:26.04Cairennby Mark TwainFor example, in Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer be part of the alphabet.  The only kase in which "c" would be retained would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later.  Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasi
04:26.21Cairennthat one always makes me chuckle
04:29.49MentalPoweras is custom for me at this time, gnight folks
04:29.58Cairennnight MentalPower, sweet dreams
04:30.08MentalPowerthanks Cair
04:30.18Corrodiasyeah, 'ni
04:31.13MiravlixNo S?
04:31.22MiravlixBaah then I can't write my name anymore.
04:33.44MiravlixYou going to make me formaly known as prince.
04:33.51MiravlixOh wait, no c either
04:34.10Miravlixformaly knon as prin
04:34.11Cairennstill s
04:34.14Cairennno c
04:39.32MiravlixAah yes, C replaced with k or s
04:39.45MiravlixOkay Sairenn
04:39.55ckknightcut off at "well abolish "y" replasi"
04:40.19Cairennwell abolish "y" replasing it with "i" and Iear 4 might fiks the "g/j" anomali wonse and for all.  Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear with Iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and Iears 6-12 or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants.  Bai Iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now ja
04:40.33ckknightand "x" -- bai now ja
04:41.31MiravlixI thought we removed X a while ago
04:42.03Cairennhave you guys never seen that before?
04:42.08ckknightI have
04:42.11ckknightit's pretty neat
04:43.19ckknightfrankly, I'm for language reform
04:43.35ckknightas it stands, we're double plus ungood
04:44.27Cairennthat one amuses me, but I absolutely love the first quote I pasted
04:44.37TainI personally see that as a need for education reform more than language reform.
04:45.23TainBut more importantly I see it as a need for sleep.  Goodnight.
04:45.31Cairennnight Tain, sweet dreams
04:45.38sloukennight Tain
04:48.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
04:48.44Cairennlego, servers are up
04:49.02Legorolweee, thanks
04:49.10Cairennand slouken is whimpering because he wants to find out if movepad is fixed
04:49.24Cairennbut I wasn't having any problems with it, so I can't test for him :p
04:50.05Cairennckknight: Lego(rol)
04:50.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:51.05Cairennrofl, and there's Iriel back, too
04:51.11CairennIriel, test servers are back up
04:51.44Legorolhi Iriel
04:51.51Legorolwe can't reassign functions! wooo
04:52.01LegorolMovePad is fixed
04:52.13Legorolbut i just logged in, maybe we can break it again :-)
04:52.42IrielHm, we can't reassign ANY functions? or just the chosen few?
04:53.27Legoroldon't know yet.. just about to start playing around
04:53.47Irieldamn, forgot to load devtools.
04:54.21Cairennyou were so whimpering, stop poking me :p
04:54.31Irielslouken : I guess the SubvertB fix didn't make it into this build
04:54.32Legorolslouken, so far so good ;-)
04:55.08LegorolSubvertB O.o
04:55.20sloukenIriel, no, that's next build.
04:55.27LegorolIriel, you tease
04:55.30Irielok, I wont poke there then
04:56.27sloukenI'm not especially worried, that fix was pretty simple.
04:56.45sloukenTinkering around in Lua... that's scary. :)
04:58.44IrielHm, so the protected functions check the name by which they're called now?
04:58.59IrielOr is this something infinitely more devious
05:00.15IrielHm, more devious, interesting
05:00.28IrielCheeseBurger() does MoveForwardStart just fine
05:01.16Iriel(In the signed environment, that is)
05:01.38sloukenHow did you get CheeseBurger in the signed environment?
05:01.45Cairennyou know, I think Tain was correct in his statement ... "Tain: I think slouken is getting used to having a bunch of people sitting in an irc channel at his beck and call. ;)"
05:01.52Irielthrough the hole you're not worried about that isn't fixed on test yet 8-)
05:01.58sloukenOh, right.
05:02.24IrielIt's a fertile source of more interesting exploration techniques
05:02.43sloukenYou guys spoil me.  It's not everyone who has talented interested folks helping test new features. :)
05:02.56IrielYou spoil us in return
05:03.04Osagasuand interesting too.  so many folks are so boring
05:03.04sloukenMy pleasure. :)
05:03.05Cairenn(by and large, this channel has turned out exactly as I envisioned when I made it)
05:03.21IrielIt's a symbiotic relationship, just dont talk abotu Midichlorians and we'll be fine
05:03.34ckknightwe're you peeved about an hour ago?
05:04.16Legorolok, just had to afk for a sec, back now
05:04.26Cairennnaw, I said I was slightly annoyed by a couple statements that had been made
05:04.28Legorolslouken, i don't know how you fixed the ones i sent you, but i'm going to find out :D
05:04.41CairennOsagasu: you've found something new?
05:05.11Legoroloh, btw, i will (ab)use this opportunity:
05:05.29Legorolslouken, is it possible (in theory) to get a tooltip:GetOwner() method in some patch in the future?
05:05.38Legoroli can request this in the 1.11 thread or whatever if you like ;-)
05:05.58sloukengo ahead
05:06.00IrielThat's a good point, can I create a 1.11 thread yet? Even though I dont think we have much to put in it?
05:06.11sloukennope, wait until 1.10 is out
05:06.12OsagasuNah, I was just replying to Iriel's comment on Midichloians.
05:06.30IrielAlright -- lego, can you hang onto that until such time as the thread appears, then post it? Or do you want me to make a note?
05:07.07Irielnevermind, I just created my template file and added it 8-)
05:07.34Legoroli am happy to put in a reminder
05:07.38Legorolwhen the thread appears
05:07.46Irielif I forget, please do
05:07.57Legoroli'm quite amazed at how function redirect doesn't work anymore
05:08.14IrielIt works if you're in signed code
05:08.19IrielWhich is more impressive to me
05:08.24Legorolhm, why am i not surprised..
05:08.29Legorolmeans Blizz code can redirect
05:08.42ckknightI wish the whole CreateFrame dealy had inheritance, it wasn't fun to implement UIDropDownMenuTemplate manually, and the way I did it isn't future-proof at all
05:08.47Legorolmy guess would be tampering with rawset
05:09.04Legoroland/or the internal implementation of setting a global
05:09.10sloukenMovePad doesn't block addons anymore?
05:09.17Legorolit doesn't
05:09.20Legorolas far as i can tell
05:09.34Legoroli tried with the usual suspects, i am sure Iriel will try too
05:09.41sloukengood.  I was worried about that, since I wasn't entirely sure why it was.  I think I had fixed that bug by the time it was reported.
05:10.11sloukenBTW, add a note why you want GetOwner
05:10.56OsagasuOh, I have officially seen overkill.  A Wrath Warrior with a Crusader Thunderfury and Unstoppable Force with a Thorium Spike. >.<
05:11.04Irielckknight : Can you progamatically copy an existing one?
05:11.10Shadowdnice Osagasu
05:11.37Shadowdbtw, twin emps suck.
05:12.06Legorolslouken: sure. It's very simple: if the GameTooltip appears, i'd like to know *why* it appeared. If I know the Owner, I know if it was due to an inventory item, or bag item, etc.
05:12.13Legorolbut i will expand on this when posting about it
05:12.24OsagasuIt was so beautiful I wanted to cry.
05:12.38LegorolIriel: yup, redirect works from signed code
05:12.45LegorolWhich means that what I was trying also worked :D
05:13.13ckknightIriel, no, as it's virtual
05:13.22Irielckknight : yes, but there are instances of it
05:13.26Irielckknight : Can you copy an instance
05:13.40ckknighttheoretically, but it seems so dirty
05:14.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
05:14.54sloukenBTW, Iriel, you can let people know about SubvertB, if they're helping out here.
05:15.20IrielI let lego know about it (well, I didn't exactly, I just gave him a couple of hints) once you said you'd fixed it 8-)
05:16.15Legorolyeah, Iriel was a mean tease.. he wouldn't tell how, so i had to figure it out based on his hints :-)
05:16.20IrielNice, the protection isn't just global scope either
05:16.27Irielanother point for the pirate
05:16.41Legoroli bet it's rawset..
05:16.51Irielbut rawset needs somewhere to PUT its result
05:17.07Irielbut maybe I didn't think about that hard enough
05:17.20Legorolyeah but an assignment like this: Function = Protected;
05:17.24Osagasuerr, my bad. it was an *immovable object*
05:17.26Legorolis technically setting a member of the global environ
05:17.29OsagasuI get the two mixed up
05:17.49Irielyes, btu it works on objects too
05:18.01Legorolwhat do you mean?
05:18.10Irielthis.CheeseBurger = MoveForwardStart;
05:18.18Irielworks, from protected scope
05:18.31Legorolhow do you plan to test that in non-protected scope?
05:18.39Irielbut if I assign this.HamBurger() at load, and re-assign during non-protected, it doesn't work
05:18.57Legorolwhat are you reassigning it to though?
05:19.01Legorolare you reassigning it to a global?
05:19.07sloukenIt's fun watching you guys think. :)
05:19.18Legoroli bet you have a double-grin on
05:19.33IrielUIParentBobButton.CheeseBurger = UIParentBobButton.HamBurger
05:19.50Legorolstop for a sec with your burgers
05:19.52Legorolwhich is which?
05:19.53ckknightwhy is the Burger part capitalized?
05:19.57Irielwhich I'll note makes me unsure if I got my simulated xml load exactly right
05:19.58Legorolham is protected, and cheese is not, right?
05:19.59Irielckknight : why not?
05:20.11IrielLegorol : ham is the protected one, cheese is what the protected function calls
05:20.23ckknightHamburgers come from Hamburg, they aren't made of Ham
05:20.48Legorolbut then you are using rawset
05:20.56Legorolwhen you do the assignment UIParentBobButton.CheeseBurger = UIParentBobButton.HamBurger
05:21.13IrielI know, there's no way around that
05:21.32Legorolok i think i might have gotten confused here a bit
05:21.44Legorolin non-protected code, this doesn't work: PlayerFrame_OnClick = MoveForwardStart;
05:21.47IrielI dont really care if it's rawset or not... I'm convinced it's that, or a lower level function doing the same
05:21.59IrielMy question is WHERE is it storing the information
05:22.04IrielHow is it representing the badness
05:22.13Legorolgood question
05:22.30Legorolwait a sec..
05:22.38Legorolyou had this example: UIParentBobButton.CheeseBurger = UIParentBobButton.HamBurger
05:22.51Legorolbut afaik, blizz code doesn't call table elements
05:22.58Legorolso how are you trying to get CheeseBurger to be called?
05:23.00Irielyeah, but mine does
05:23.08IrielI put this.CheeseBurger() in my code
05:23.15LegorolOnLoad, or later?
05:23.28IrielIt's in an OnClick
05:23.42IrielSubvertB is a unidirectional monotonic MovePad
05:23.48Irieli.e. one button, forward/stop
05:24.40Legorolso you are saying that you do both reassignment and call from signed code
05:24.42Legorolyet it doesn't work..
05:25.08IrielIf I do reassignment and call from signed code, it works
05:25.21Irielif on the other hand, I do the assignment in UNsigned code, and the call in signed code, it doesn't work
05:25.36Cairennactually, that reminds me ... how do you turn using it? it only goes forward/backward/strafe left/strafe right/jump
05:25.47IrielYou can turn with the mouse already
05:26.09Iriel(That was my answer to that question when I asked it myself yesterday while playing with MovePad, anyway)
05:26.17Legorolso, the conclusion is, if i understand correctly: tainted code taints the assignment
05:26.23Legorolhow exactly it does that, we don't know
05:26.24IrielLegorol : yes
05:26.28IrielLegorol : yes
05:26.33IrielBut I have some ides
05:26.41Legorolok, what if you try a file local variable?
05:26.43Legorolnot a table
05:26.45Legorolnor a global
05:26.51Legorolso that it doesn't go through table access
05:27.01Legorolassign to the file local variable from unsigned code
05:27.05Cairennaye, but wouldn't it still make sense to put the ability to turn on it as well, it would follow logically ...
05:27.17Legoroli agree with Cairenn
05:27.23Cairenn(yes, I'm putting in my 2c on a slightly different tangent)
05:27.26sloukenCair, I tried that and realized that it was hard to control.. the turn rate is too high
05:27.37IrielMy guess is it's all in typedef union { GCObject *gc, void *p, lua_Number n; int b; } Value
05:27.53Cairennthen there is a reason, good enough
05:27.56Legorolno fair, i don't know any Lua internals ;-)
05:27.58IrielOr the new wow version of the same
05:28.09ckknightanybody know how to convert a localized class e.g. "Hexenmeister" to english e.g. "WARLOCK"?
05:28.23Irielckknight : Look it up on a wiki or something?
05:28.25cladhaireckknight: Just take the second return from UnitClass()
05:28.39ckknightno, cladhaire, all I have is the localized one
05:28.55cladhairehave someone look it up on a german client? =)
05:30.21ckknightthere's no easier way?
05:30.43cladhairethere's no mappings other than what we've provided from localization =/
05:31.00Cairennckknight: look on the appropriate Blizz EU site
05:31.16IrielI wonder if it's rawset at all
05:31.25ckknightI know I can look it up
05:31.38ckknightGetBattlefieldScore(index) returns class, but it's the localized one
05:32.20Legorolwow, interesting
05:32.35CairennLegorol: ?
05:32.41Legoroli'm going to pastebin it, sec
05:33.08cladhaireckknight: You could do a quick Name > UnitID translation and then UnitClass to get the localized version
05:33.12Legorolok, so, using SubvertB, OnLoad I call StoreFunction(MoveForwardStart);
05:33.26Legoroland then OnClick, I call ExecuteProcedure();
05:33.37IrielThat should work
05:33.42Legorolbut it doesn't
05:33.45Legorolgives blocked message
05:34.03Legorolthe bit i pastebined is in a .lua file that is loaded before my virtual frame
05:34.17Irielthat wont work then
05:34.20Irielthose functions are tainted
05:34.35Legorolmakes sense..
05:35.06Legorolit's a pity there is no concept of "XML-local" variable
05:35.17Legorolone whose scope is the event handlers in an XML
05:35.20Irielthere is, just not in any reachable scope
05:35.39Legorolwell you have local variables that is local to a handler
05:35.55Legorolhow would you declare a variable to be visible from a set of handlers, but nowhere else?
05:36.18IrielMake the handlers in OnLoad and SetScript them
05:36.23Irieluse upvalues from the closures
05:36.28Legorolah, neat
05:36.39Legoroli keep forgetting about SetScript :D
05:37.29IrielMan, this taint flag sure is sticky
05:38.05LegorolIriel, how did you get a clickable button that is not tied to the AH frame?
05:38.22IrielLegorol : magic?
05:38.24Legorolfor now, i just have set handlers to the close button, but that's inconvenient because i have to open the AH frame first :D
05:38.33Legorolok, so you want me to figure it out myself, fine!
05:38.41IrielNested frames, with explicit parents
05:39.30IrielTechnically SubvertB's current implementation breaks the AH a bit, but only because I was lazy
05:40.21IrielI wish lua errors in XML snippets got reported as a UI error
05:40.31Irielinstead of the old favorite 'Attempt to call a nil value'
05:40.52Irielslouken needs to check the return value on loadstring 8-)
05:42.53ckknightokay, where could I get a list of strings for the classes with tha appropriate \### encoding things in them?
05:43.21Legorolwhy is the OnLoad handler of UIPanelCloseButton getting executed twice, i wonder..
05:43.34IrielAre there 2 of them?
05:43.40IrielPrintout this:GetName() in your OnLoad
05:43.51IrielOkay, so here's my theory based on a few tests
05:44.15IrielThere's now a bit at the lua_TObject level that says if the object is tainted
05:44.30Irielany time a value is returned to tainted code, it's set
05:44.41Irielthe bit is preserved in tables, assignments, etc
05:44.47Irielbut otherwise is invisible to us (the users)
05:45.07Iriela tainted and untainted version of the same value appear identical in code
05:46.22Legorolunfortunately i dont' know enough about Lua internals to understand that :( but i take your word for it
05:46.39Legorolone of these days, i really should have a look at Lua's source :-)
05:46.42Iriellua_TObject is a struct with 2 values in it
05:46.50ckknightnvm, found one
05:46.56Irielone is the type of the value (an int, which indicates if it's a function, string, table, etc)
05:47.07Irielthe other is the union I listed before, which can contain any single valid lua value
05:50.24IrielThat's the only place I can think of to put this information
05:50.27Irielthe function doesn't change
05:50.38IrielIt's not table related (tainting transfers into locals)
05:50.51Legorolahh, AuctionFrame and AuctionDressUpFrame both use the close button
05:50.55Legoroli have to find another virtual frame
05:51.12Irieland it's not name based
05:51.17Legorolhow did you test that tainting transfers into locals?
05:51.29Irielupvalues and some hastily created local methods on my object
05:52.04krkagood morning
05:52.07Legorolmorning krka
05:52.09sloukenhey krka
05:52.21LegorolIt seems that i can't create functions in signed code
05:52.25Legorolthey end up tainted
05:52.33Legorol"signed" in the sense of SubvertB
05:52.39IrielI can
05:52.55Legorolthen i must be doing something wrong
05:52.57IrielRemember that calling them from tainted code taints their execution
05:54.06Legorolyeah i know that
05:54.12Legorolsec, still battling with a bit of XML
05:54.30krkaslouken, will only blizzard be able to sign addons?
05:55.04Legorolgah, i need to find a virtual that's only used once
05:55.06krkaalso, i am slightly curious how the signing is implemented :)
05:55.21IrielLegorol : Not really
05:55.29IrielLegorol : Just name your embedded frame with a unique name
05:55.34IrielLegorol : It'll only get instantiated once
05:55.52Legoroli got two copies :/
05:56.03IrielMy guess is a signed checksum of all of the files mentioned in the toc (and the toc itself)
05:56.03Legorolthey have same name
05:56.07krkai am thinking cryptographic hash of the source code, then a trusted author signs the user id + the hash
05:56.25IrielOh. hm. well, set a global then and dont run your code the 2nd time?
05:56.46Legorolthat's not the issue
05:56.50Legoroli get two copies of the frame i am creating
05:56.55Legorolit's no big deal, but kinda annoying
05:57.05Legorolone has name, the second one has nil as name
05:57.08Legorolbut it does get created
05:57.11IrielI used SmallMoneyFrameTemplate
05:57.22Irielit's only used once, but is somewhat more complex
05:57.39Legoroli see it twice
05:57.56LegorolAuctionFrameMoneyFrame and AuctionsDepositMoneyFrame
05:58.04Legorolbut that's not the important part
05:58.05krkahmm,,, what is this subvertb?
05:58.09Legorolthe interesting part is that,
05:58.19Legorolkrka: a method for us to create signed blizz code that Iriel discovered
05:58.30Legorolslouken already fixed the hole so we can talk about it openly
05:59.02LegorolIriel, the interesting thing is that i thought that if i try to create a frame with the same name twice, the second one doesn't get created
05:59.10Legorollooks like this is not true, they both are created,
05:59.16Legoroland their event handlers function
05:59.16IrielJust one has no name?
05:59.22Legorolthis seems new
05:59.37Legoroland i don't understand why you are not seeing this, since SmallMoneyFrameTemplate is in fact used twice
05:59.39Legoroloh well
05:59.50krkathat's an impressive find, i would think you would need to create source code with the same hash
06:00.12IrielI cheated
06:00.28IrielI dont actually change the bizzard code, I just fool WoW into including my code into it
06:00.37Irielfun with virtual frames, and knowing how they load
06:00.51krkaoh, interesting
06:03.20LegorolIriel, i still can't create blessed closures
06:03.45IrielLegorol : Pastebin your code
06:03.46Legoroli am
06:04.02Legoroli am executing this in a blessed OnLoad
06:04.40LegorolI might as well pastebin my entire XML
06:04.48Legorolis that OK?
06:04.54Legorolsince we can talk about it publically..
06:04.54krkawhat is moveforwardflag?
06:05.02sloukenIriel, just send him SubvertB
06:05.19Irielslouken : he's created his own equivalent, but i'd be happy to send him mine
06:05.41Legorolpersonally, i think it's more interesting (at least to me), and possibly more useful if we have two independent approaches
06:05.48Legorolmore likely that we stumble onto something
06:06.00krkai kinda hope the game company i work at never have this kind of mad following
06:06.00Legorolplus, this is fun :-)
06:06.07Legorollol krka
06:06.12sloukenYeah, I agree. :)
06:06.21Irielkrka: The question isn't whether the following exists
06:06.25IrielIt's whether you know about it
06:06.40krkaif you know about, even more work for you :P
06:06.42krkapoor slouken
06:06.53sloukenHah, I'm having a great time. :)
06:06.56IrielAs slouken said, better now, than in hotfixes/emergency patches post launchy
06:06.57Legoroli've put in a block so that the OnLoad code only happens once
06:07.17Legorolwell to be entirely honest, it's been tightened down so much already
06:07.24Legorolany holes that are still left must be very very hard to find
06:07.32Legoroli don't think anyone's going to find it any time soon
06:08.08IrielLegorol : Does movement have a HW requirement now?
06:08.18Legorolhm, could be
06:08.21Legorolbut it should fail silently
06:08.23Legorolwe have to ask slouken
06:08.36Legorolis hardware requirement in in this update?
06:09.15Legorolok then i don't see why my PlayerFrame_OnUpdate hooking isn't working
06:09.24Legorolwhen i type /script MoveForwardFlag = true, i get blocked
06:10.02IrielMaybe tainting is a bit more pervasive than I thought
06:10.09Irielperhaps even VALUES are tainted
06:10.13Legorolbut what is getting tainted here?
06:10.16Irielyour flag
06:10.20IrielMoveForwardFlag could be
06:10.30IrielThat's crazy enough slouken might have done it
06:10.33Legorolbut that can't be...
06:10.37Irielsure it could be
06:10.40Legoroli mean
06:10.50IrielLet me test it tho
06:10.53Legorolit would mean that a blizz function accessing a global that you assigned to last
06:10.55IrielJust to be sure you're not doing something else
06:10.59Legorolwould taint that function
06:11.08IrielI dont think it has anything to do with WHERE the data is stored
06:11.30Legorolglobal was just an example
06:12.12sloukenBTW, /script is tainted.
06:12.12Legorolwhat you are trying to suggest implies that the mere act of accessing a variable (even a boolean) that is tainted causes tainting from there on
06:12.28IrielDamn, you're good slouken
06:12.45IrielALL values are taintable
06:12.45sloukenThanks. :)
06:12.45Irielexcept for nil
06:12.45Irielwhich doesn't exist
06:12.47Irieli'm sure if it did, it would be
06:12.54Legorolhow do you represent a nil value?
06:13.01Irielif you touch a tainted value, your execution path is tainted
06:13.12Legorolthat is harsh
06:13.18Irielbut effective
06:13.45Legorolhm, so how am i going to give free access to MoveForwardStart to a random addon with SubvertB ;-)
06:13.59Legorolah hold on
06:14.04Legorolhmm no..
06:14.22IrielLegorol : Pick a frame, show/hide it? OnHide/OnShow sets the flag ??
06:14.28IrielLegorol : That MIGHT just work
06:14.40IrielI'll try it
06:14.46Legorolonshow/onhide does follow tainitng
06:14.54Legorolif you call Show() it taints the OnShow handler
06:14.55Legoroli tried it
06:15.15Legorolit's similar to the RunBindig exploit
06:15.28Legorolit looks like that now even if you go back to C and come out again, you come back out tainted
06:16.01Legorolhm, actually, that's not the *only* possible conclusion from my test
06:16.03IrielThen you'll have to use a chat event
06:16.22Legorolstrictly speaking the assignment tainting can also explain my result..
06:16.27Legorolyeah OnShow is worth a try
06:16.48sloukenIt actually doesn't taint.  I'm debating whether it should.
06:17.09IrielOnShow/OnHide doesn't taint
06:17.11Legorolit doesn't? i see
06:17.20Legorolah ok, i see what was happening
06:17.26IrielI dont think it should either, it's only a danger if I can sign my own code
06:17.30Legorola tainted value was causing my block with the OnShow test i was doing
06:17.30Irieland in that case, why bother.
06:17.34krkaslouken, will only blizzard be able to sign addons?
06:17.48sloukenIt's a danger if the OnShow/OnHide already does what you need.
06:18.15Legorolwould it be very difficult to follow tainting back into C and out again?
06:18.15IrielTrue, but the risk is that you'd accidently taint most of the standard UI by accident
06:18.35sloukenWhich is why I didn't do it.
06:18.54IrielNot having OnShow/OnHide as hardware events likely kills any bad things, coupled with your taint-everything plan 8-)
06:18.54Legorolright, so if we can find a way to do reassignment without tainting,
06:19.13Legorolthe OnShow trick still works
06:19.19Irielif we can do reassignment without tainting then we dont need OnShow/OnHide
06:19.26krkaok, now you need to stop talking for about an hour while i take the train to work
06:19.34IrielBut OnShow/OnHide does work as a nice tainted->untainted communication mechanism
06:19.44Legorolthat's the easiest i found so far
06:19.49Cairennlater krka :)
06:19.50Legorolyou do your reassignment, then call Show
06:19.50IrielFor good OR evil 8-)
06:20.16Legorollong live the BankFrame!
06:20.25Legorolthe poor thing, i've shown and hidden it so many times :D
06:20.30IrielSo for event handling, OnEvent dispatches start out untainted, but if you fiddle with event or the args, then the taint spreads.
06:20.57Legorolso that you can't change args and affect a subsequent handler?
06:21.16IrielWell, not in any trust-breaking way
06:21.24IrielYou can screw up your entire UI if you try really hard, perhaps
06:21.36IrielWe have ENDLESS ways of breaking stuff
06:21.49IrielBut I dont think we have ways of subverting it to do things it doesn't want to do
06:22.05Legorolwhich is good
06:22.32IrielIts better than I thought would be possible, I have to say.
06:22.56Legorolslouken is a clever chappy
06:23.12IrielI focussed too much on the FUNCTIONS rather than just VALUES
06:23.32Legoroldarn reloadui...
06:23.39Legorolwhy doesn't this thing work with it
06:23.55IrielI have to say, the reload thing is odd
06:24.07IrielI can't explain why SubvertB doesn't work after a reload
06:24.08Legorolmaybe some caching?
06:24.33IrielI wonder if Blizzard_AuctionUI is no longer blessed after a ReloadUI either
06:24.36Irielsadly there's no way to tell
06:24.56IrielIt's a pity MovePad isn't Load On Demand
06:27.07IrielI wonder what the smallest bit of code that taints something unexpected is, I'd love to post it on the forum for someone to figure out.
06:27.56Legorolsmallest bit of code to taint something unexpected?
06:27.58IrielSadly something like /script TurnOrActionStart=TurnOrActionStart is too obvious
06:28.16IrielAnd I can't find any special functions that are preceded by a global reference 8-(
06:28.29Legorolah right so you want to make it cryptic
06:28.31Iriel(not counting 'keystate')
06:28.41Legorolyou want to post something that looks weird and has an unexpected result
06:29.03IrielI was hoping for something like /script WARRIOR="WARRIOR"
06:29.13IrielOr /script Something=true
06:29.19Irielsomething really baffling if you dont expect it
06:29.27Legorolin that case, how about: setmetatable(getfenv(0), { __newindex = function(t,k,v) rawset(t,k,v) end })
06:29.33Irielthat's too easy
06:29.36Legoroleverything works except it breaks all protected bindings
06:30.25Legorolhehe i like your idea for the puzzle :_)
06:30.50Legorolok i got SubvertB to do MoveForwardStart on demand for me
06:30.54Legorolvia OnShow
06:30.57Legorolbut that's too easy
06:32.25Legorolhmm ok, so what we know so far is that assignment in tainted code causes tainting... i wonder about setglobal :D
06:32.53Legoroldarn... denied!
06:33.29Irielwell, setglobal reads 2 args
06:33.40Irielto do something 'subversive' we'd have to get one to it untainted
06:34.22IrielI thought I had a sneaky trick using UIOptionsFrame, until I found out all values were tainted, not just functions
06:34.31Legoroli was simply thinking that maybe something like setglobal or rawset doesn't go through the same path in C that a simple = does
06:34.51Legorolthat was very naive i admit
06:34.52IrielI believe you'll find the act of READING a tainted value taints your path
06:35.08Legorolno i am not doing that
06:35.16Legorolwhat i am doing is trying to set MoveForwardFlag to true
06:35.21Legorolwithout tainting MoveForwardFlag
06:35.28Legorolsince it's initially nil, it starts untainted
06:35.58Legorolaccording to your theory ;-)
06:35.58IrielYes, but you use setglobal, from a tainted environment, so the new value is tainted
06:35.58Legorolthat's exactly what i wanted to check:
06:36.01Irieleven if you can trick a signed setglobal, you still have to pass it "MoveForwardFlag" somehow
06:36.03Legorolis setglobal equivalent to an assignment?
06:36.08Irieland likely that'll be tainted
06:36.14Irieland your value, tainted.
06:36.25Legorolhold on a second... in a Lua table,
06:36.25IrielUIOptionsFrame MIGHT give you an untainted value
06:36.33Legorolthe entries, are they all Lua values?
06:36.42Legorolso they all have the same struct
06:36.45Legoroland now the special taint bit
06:36.45IrielWell, ther'es a mix of value pairs, and just values
06:37.10Legorolwhat an inefficient piece of system :D
06:37.38Legorolslouken, you just multiplied our heap usage thanks to your evil scheme
06:38.03Legorolare you using a single bit, or are you wasting 8 whole precious bits on the tainted flag ;-)
06:38.29sloukenIt's a megabyte per variable.
06:38.36Iriellua uses an INT  (32 bits) for the object type
06:38.37Cairennhe could tell you, but then he'd have to kill you
06:38.41Irieleven though that has like 6 values
06:38.42sloukenI figured, what's an extra terabyte of RAM?
06:38.50Legorollol Cairenn
06:38.52Legorolrofl slouken
06:39.00Legorolyou just make me laugh too much
06:39.01Irielsorry, 9 values
06:39.20Iriel(One of them IS nil, nils do sometimes have an object, just not in a table)
06:39.25Iriel(most of the time)
06:39.32LegorolIriel: maybe they were thinking of adding lot more types..
06:39.36Legorollike elephants, zebras etc.
06:39.41IrielI suspect it's more than ints are fast
06:39.44Irielvery fast
06:39.45Legorolok i am getting sleepy, bad jokes started coming out of me
06:40.24sloukenThanks guys, I feel much better about the system now that you've poked at it.
06:41.12Corrodiasthe Elephant data type?
06:41.39IrielIf our guesses are correct, the only real risk seems to be if a variable access path got missed when taintifying the lua runtime
06:42.16Legoroleven that is a low risk..
06:42.20Legorolwe would still need signed code
06:42.34IrielIndeed, to be useful it probably would
06:42.45Irieland we've already tried some fairly tricky things
06:43.06Legorolheck, we have access to signed code yet we can't open a hole when we *want to*
06:43.26IrielI think we can open some fairly wide holes until the SubvertB fix
06:43.41EndI'm pretty sure it stores more than just a bit for taintedness
06:43.45Endsince it knows what addon
06:43.58Endyou could say the tainting has coloring :P
06:44.09IrielEnd: Good point
06:44.44Legorolit can store the addon's index
06:45.17Endwell, it's blessed, macro/script or addon
06:45.28IrielIt may just be 'addon'
06:45.35IrielAnd they can check whether the addon is blessed
06:46.24IrielWhich would allow for a more complex access control system later if we get user-signed-somewhat-trusted addons later
06:46.31Endalthough, that means it'd count FrameXML as an addon.  and blizzard addons don't show up with normal indexes
06:46.41IrielBuild it right the first time so you dont have to rebuild it later.
06:46.46End(well, it'd have to assign FrameXML some sort of id though)
06:46.48IrielI think FrameXML is processed, logically, as an addon
06:46.55IrielIt has the same structure as one
06:47.01Endit does
06:49.33sloukenOkay guys, it's been fun.  I'm heading to bed.  Let me know if you find anything else! :)
06:49.40IrielSleep well
06:49.45Endcya slouken
06:49.47IrielI think you can sleep soundly knowing we wont
06:49.48sloukenThanks again! :)
06:50.07IrielBut who knows what i'll dream up when I sleep
06:50.07Cairennnight slouken, sweet dreams :)
06:50.23Legoroli should go sleep too
06:50.29Legorolit was fun
06:50.31Cairennand that makes three
06:50.37Cairennnight guys, I'm out
06:50.39IrielI assume the signing code does checksum ALL included files when it loads
06:50.50Legorolah, idea:
06:50.54Legorolwe haven't played with bindings yet :p
06:51.02Legoroli don't know if there is anything to be gained there or not
06:51.07Cairenntomorrow Legorol, tomorrow
06:51.10IrielI'm pretty sure there isn't
06:51.11Cairenngo sleep :)
06:51.11Legorolprobably not..
06:51.15Legorolyes mum!
06:51.24IrielThey also dont work on LoD code
06:51.52Legorolah Iriel, could you do me a favour?
06:51.59IrielDepends on what it is
06:52.03Legorolif you have time/inclination, could you find out why are you not getting two copies of your frame?
06:52.15Legorolit makes sense that i get two copies...
06:52.22IrielProbably not, it's rather late 8-(
06:52.27Legorolfair enough
06:52.32Legorolnot urgent, was just curious
06:52.35Legorolsee ya
06:58.43dukekutruly, art
07:02.07Corrodiasare those all dead gnomes?
07:04.26ckknightcan we still make 60's on the test realm?
07:05.23Corrodiasbelieve it or not, george isn't at home
07:06.08Wobin_...That's really.... artistic
07:06.14Wobin_for all it's morbidity
07:06.34Wobin_To have to organise that many people....
07:06.50dukekuthey just asked for people to come on in the wow general forums
07:06.56dukekucaydiem's corpse is in there somewhere =P
07:07.09Wobin_Surely this artwork has a name? =)
07:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:21.36krka|workok, now you can start talking again!
07:23.19IrielI think we're done
07:23.23krka|workdamn :/
07:23.27IrielSlouken bested us
07:25.52Irielthough for now the virtual frame trick is a chink in the armor
07:26.01IrielBut it's still only somewhat useful
07:29.03krka|workstupid timezones, i miss everything
07:30.32Irielthe basic conclusion is, everything is taintable, any value, anywhere
07:30.44Irielif you touch something tainted during execution, everything else you do is tainted
07:31.01Corrodiaswhat is "tainted"?
07:31.35IrielAn indication that a value is not to be trusted, kinda
07:32.56Irielso for example, if a piece of blizzard code checks teh value of a flag and then calls MoveForwardStart
07:33.05Irielif the flag's value is set by blizzard code, the function will work
07:33.19Irielif it's set by non-blizzard code, the function wont work, because the value is tainted
07:33.30Corrodiaswhy are they attacking the ability to hook movement functions?
07:33.40Corrodiasi am not aware decursive uses them
07:33.42IrielAutoBuff/AutoDebuff I think
07:33.49IrielMore AutoBuff than anything else
07:35.09Irielthats just my guess, given how they made the change
07:51.35IrielSleepytime for me
08:23.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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09:04.11KirovAnyone around?
09:07.53Wobin_you've hit the quiet time
09:07.54[MoonWolf]not reallty
09:08.13[MoonWolf]this is the time when the us is away and the eu is still arriving.
09:08.29Wobin_And oceania is still sticking around =P
09:08.46[MoonWolf]oceania haxx
09:09.02Wobin_heh I was actually quite amused yesterday
09:09.10Wobin_We had a person roleplaying in chinese =)
09:09.30Wobin_(granted she was asking for gold, but I still gave it to her for the novelty of it all)
09:12.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
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12:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
12:58.29OsagasuI just realized the irony in Saien's Master Control Program addon...
12:59.31[MoonWolf]what would that be then ?
13:00.21OsagasuIt just lets you turn on and off addons from inside the game, like a number of other addons
13:00.47OsagasuBut in this case, the Master Control Program was the main antagonist in Tron.
13:04.39krka|workname may be chosen deliberately
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13:14.30*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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13:23.40JoshBorkedo you know if SPELLCAST_START gives rank information?
13:23.59[MoonWolf]not a clue
13:26.54Cideit doesn't
13:27.13Cideit has 2 args, arg1 is spell name, arg2 is cast time in ms, I believe
13:28.24Osagasukrka: probably is, but it doesn't stop it from being ironic.
13:32.24TainShadowbane just dropped their monthly fee, for anyone interested in trying something new.
13:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (
15:22.35Wobin_maybe spell name gives the rank?
15:23.49krka|workjust check what action you clicked on
15:24.04krka|workand we can still hook castspell, right?
15:27.24AdrineDude. Nerf hunters (and shaman). :(
15:27.39AdrineBlack Grasp of the Destroyer. Want leather version plz.
15:28.13AdrineThe shield and breastplate are crazy too.
15:28.44AdrineActually, come to think of it.
15:28.50AdrineNerf everyone that can wear armor I can't. >_>
15:32.19JoshBorkei like the black grasp of the destroyer
15:32.26Wobin_oh dear god
15:32.39Wobin_8 mana drain per hit
15:32.43AdrineThat's insane.
15:32.46AdrineNot even a proc.
15:32.49AdrineThat's -per hit-
15:32.58Wobin_I know!
15:33.12Wobin_That's just crazytalk
15:33.16krka|work8 mana is nothing
15:33.33Wobin_it's 8 free mana
15:33.37Wobin_on ranged as well
15:33.49JoshBorkewow, if you use a fast weapon with that
15:34.14JoshBorkeor even 2 weapons with it
15:34.47krka|workor 3!
15:35.07Wobin_3 weapons?
15:35.12Corrodiasso i ask you this
15:35.27Corrodiaswhat spellcaster is going to go attacking with his hands? a druid, maybe
15:35.33Corrodiasthat's about it
15:35.55JoshBorkei'm thinking a warrior could use that to mana-drain a caster
15:35.58Wobin_they're gloves, aren't they?
15:36.10Corrodiasalthough i see the advantages for hunters
15:36.25Wobin_so, hunters could wear them and multishot/fastshot/etc
15:36.30AdrineI'd suspect they're great hunter raiding gloves.
15:36.38AdrineSpecifically because of the mana return.
15:36.48JoshBorkei see PvP repercussions myself
15:36.59AdrineEh. Viper sting in PVP is a lot more effective.
15:37.13AdrineBut rogues don't have a mana drain, and want one, so leather gloves please! :D
15:38.59JoshBorkerogues are over-rated.  nerf rogues
15:41.08AnduinLotharonly 7 hrs?
15:41.47CairennAnduinLothar: ?
15:42.12AnduinLotharnm... more like 9+
15:42.15AnduinLothar[22:54] ---Cairenn is now known as Cairenn|sleep
15:42.27krka|worki like to get 13
15:42.28AnduinLothar[07:40] ---Cairenn|sleep is now known as Cairenn
15:42.35Cairennand I've been up for a couple hours already, out running errands
15:42.41AnduinLotharah, good girl
15:42.49AnduinLothari haven't slept yet
15:42.57Cairennyou should sleep
15:42.59AnduinLotharDotA tourneys at work
15:43.10krka|worksleep is imba nerf sleep
15:43.41AnduinLotharafter hours thursday is DotA time. we had enough peeps stay for 2 full 10 man games ata  atime
15:44.24AnduinLotharwe try to balence the team sout , but it makes the games last forever
15:46.17CorrodiasDotA. i have played that a couple of times. i suck amazingly.
15:47.18Corrodiaswe took three of the best players versus three of the worst players in the lab yesterday and turned it into a 30 minute survival game. we did not succeed, and i lead in deaths. -.-
15:50.34AnduinLothari did decently with Tree today
15:50.52AnduinLotharno one likes him, but he's basicly the only way i can play melle well
15:51.19AnduinLothari just don't know when to back off, so cloaking in the trees allows me to stay allive
15:51.36Corrodiasi am not familiar with the items and what is beneficial, yet
15:51.55AnduinLothari died once that game, got to 25 and had top score, but only a handfull of kills
15:52.03AnduinLotharbasicly invincible support
15:52.13AdrineI really rather suck at RTSes. :D
15:52.31CorrodiasDotA isn't really an RTS at all
15:52.36AnduinLotharDotA's different, it's more of a multiplayer rpg
15:52.47Corrodiaswhich is the only reason i'm interested, seeing as i am abysmally bad at -those-
15:52.50AnduinLotharwith 20min-1h games
15:52.51JoshBorkewhat is DotA?
15:53.03Corrodiasi have to go to class now, but enjoy learning about it! [away]
15:53.08CairennDefense of the Ancients
15:53.17Cairennlater Corrodias
15:53.24Corrodias(i also enjoy me a good game of tower defense)
15:53.33AnduinLotharya, occationally
15:53.47AnduinLotharbeen towing with element td the past month or two with a friend
15:54.15AnduinLotharyay! payday!
15:55.10AnduinLotharkarl likes payday.. makes him feel rich for a while
15:55.28AnduinLothartill he spends it on sill ythinks like rent and utilities and food...
15:55.42AnduinLotharthen he feels poor again
15:56.14AnduinLotharstupid utilities here are obcesely expensive
15:57.46AnduinLotharug... 3 hrs till class... this is not good...
15:57.53AnduinLothari need to find a project..
15:58.07AnduinLotharoh i know. I was gonna make new graphics for slouken's pad
15:58.52AnduinLotharanyone got suggestions? I was thinkign of going with something that looks like the xbox joypad only a lil more wow style
15:59.16AnduinLotharnot sure if i'm that pro tho..
15:59.25AnduinLotharbe easier if i could 3d model it
16:00.26AnduinLotharyay for taling to myself!
16:00.44Legorolit's good AnduinLothar, keep it up
16:00.57AnduinLotharwhy look, it's a leg
16:00.59Legorolideas come more freely when you are talking to someone
16:01.03AnduinLotharwhere's the arm?
16:01.37LegorolIt's legO not leg
16:01.38AnduinLotharso um.... joypad sounds ... soooo last decade..
16:01.52JoshBorkeyea, joypad ftl
16:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
16:02.10Legorol^ahh, this is better
16:02.29AnduinLothari either need somehting really old school to match the wow medevil thing or something new and exciting like line art or animated fireballs
16:02.35Cairennaw crap, lego is replicating again
16:02.44AnduinLothari have tons of legos..
16:02.58Legorol^yeah i have a drawer full somewhere..
16:03.05Legorol^i am planning on keeping it for my children
16:03.13Legorol^although i think they wouldn't be interested :/
16:03.15AnduinLothari like the bendy flexi ones best.. the small ones that take you 30 min to find in the pile
16:03.17Legorol^they'll be all into digital stuff
16:03.34AnduinLotharbut are essential for your masterpiece
16:03.36Legorol^yah that's annoying when you are looking for that one piece... and you can't find it!
16:03.47AnduinLothari did that all the time
16:03.47Legorol^especially annoying if you find the right shape.. but the wrong colour
16:03.52AnduinLothari would stil for hours
16:04.28AnduinLotharsometimes you had to go with a color scheme instead of just 1 color, caus eu didn't have enough black pieces..
16:04.54AnduinLotharred pieces are pretty useless
16:05.33Legorol^unless you  are doing the fire engine
16:05.45AnduinLotharspace ftw
16:05.59krka|worktake stuff out of context FTW: <AnduinLothar> i like the bendy flexi ones best..
16:06.04AnduinLotharmonorail had red i think... the first one. the 2nd one was blue and grey
16:06.25AnduinLothari always wanted a monorail set..
16:06.33AnduinLotharlike $200
16:07.03AnduinLothari wish, they don't make um
16:07.11AnduinLotharit'd prolly be liek $500
16:07.13Legorol^what's a monorail set?
16:07.29AnduinLotharlemme try and find some relics of my childhood
16:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot|clean (
16:07.50AnduinLotharthe best set i ever got tho, was hands down the ice planet flag ship
16:07.55Cairennhey Qzot|clean
16:07.59AnduinLotharthat thing was UBER
16:08.40AnduinLotharit like transformed into 5 parts that interconnected and had a rocket/satelite and a sliding door for a rear docking bay hanger
16:08.52QzotWhat mob drops that?
16:08.58krka|workthat's hunter loot
16:09.10Cairennwe are discussing the geeky goodness that is Lego blocks
16:09.11AnduinLotharand those bright orange phase chainsaws were uber
16:09.14QzotI have a hunter. What mob drops that?
16:09.46QzotMy little brother got Legos. I didn't. :(
16:10.07QzotPoor me.
16:10.07QzotPoor, poor me.
16:10.08krka|worklegos are the best toy ever
16:10.15krka|workexcept for wow lua pre 1.6 :P
16:10.19QzotYeah, I could tell.
16:10.34AnduinLotharthe 1996 version was the best ever
16:11.15AnduinLotharbut the 1987 was OG
16:11.27AnduinLotharas in original gangsta
16:11.40AnduinLotharcame out before my lego days tho
16:11.52AnduinLothari started legos just as futron was being replaced
16:11.57QzotAnything exciting happening? Something that would justify further procrastination, so that I could delay going off and reading the 300 pages of transcripts I need to have read within 4 hours?? :P
16:12.58QzotOkay. I'm going afk, except to check back in here for a spot of sanity...
16:14.27AnduinLotharomg... best site ever
16:14.52AnduinLotharBlacktron was sexy
16:15.11AnduinLothari had a blacktron spaceship i remember
16:16.16AnduinLotharhere's the 1st one:
16:16.34AnduinLothari didn't liek space police so much
16:16.40AnduinLotharM:Tron was cool tho
16:17.27AnduinLotharah, here the Blacktron 2 set i had:
16:17.39EndI remember Ice Planet
16:17.48AnduinLothari still have that main B shield
16:18.03AnduinLotharand it's still recognizable as a B
16:18.31Legorol^whoah, Lego monorail sounds so cool
16:18.34Legorol^i wish i had had one of those
16:18.41AnduinLotharthis was the uber Ice Planet one. my favorite lego set ever:
16:19.19AnduinLothari still have the instruction manul, half fallign apart at my parents house taped together
16:20.06AnduinLotharhere's the monorail v2 i always wanted:
16:20.26AnduinLotharsuper expensive, my parents wouldn't get it for me :'(
16:20.28Legorol^this is the biggest set I probably ever had:
16:20.40Legorol^nothing exciting, but at the time it was quite exciting to build it
16:20.55AdrineI never had sets - just random mishmashes of pieces.
16:21.02AdrineI had a huge container of them though
16:21.21Legorol^i'd get sets, and they'd end up in the container :-)
16:21.25AdrineI burned hours on end constructing things with legos before I discovered the computer.
16:21.29EndI had started out with sets, but then they wouldn't be sets anymore
16:21.33AnduinLotharthe iceplanet ship was pretty huge and lots of pieces for being only $45
16:21.53AnduinLotharcompared to the monorail
16:22.19AnduinLotharthe og monorail had as much pieces as a 'Model Team' set
16:22.43AnduinLotharomg online lego catalogues
16:23.26AnduinLotharI always wanted the Mach II Red Bird Rig too from Model Team:
16:24.32AnduinLotharcome to think of it. i had EVERY Unitron set
16:24.34Endhaha, wtf.  apparently Google co-founder Larry Page built an inject printer out of legos
16:24.47AnduinLotharexcept the monorail
16:24.55AdrineEnd: That doesn't surprise me. At all.
16:25.13AdrineSpeaking of, I need to apply to Google. They're building an office in-town. :D
16:25.28AnduinLotharya, this one was sexy too:
16:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:26.14AnduinLotharlike half a tie defender mixed with an x wing..
16:26.35AnduinLothardidn't like Spyrius much
16:26.57AnduinLotharrthe robo was cool:
16:27.56AnduinLotharthis thing was pretty uber too i had:  not quite as cool as the iceplanet but it came out 3 years later
16:29.12AnduinLothari kinda grew out of legos about the time of the UFO series tho
16:30.31AnduinLotharbut i think i prolly got 40% of the space sets from 89-96
16:31.39AnduinLotharthe good old days. same time i started playing old text based adventures and arcade type games on my mac
16:33.45AnduinLotharthe monorail 2 is the 4th most expensive lego set ever :)
16:34.37AnduinLotharomg... i found a place to buy it! $190
16:35.30AnduinLotharif i got it i would so have to go home and find all my unitron sets and rebuild them and seet um all up for display
16:37.05AnduinLotharit's so not worth it... but it's liek a piece of my childhood. one of those longings that never got fullfilled (prolly for good reason)
16:38.09AnduinLothar$190 used
16:38.20AnduinLotharused and it
16:38.29AnduinLothars still more than the orig price
16:38.34CairennYou guys may find this interesting.  A way around the hooking movement keys:
16:39.34Endmeh, that's trying
16:39.49MentalPowerits a good idea
16:40.13AdrineSwapping the keybindings seems iffy to me.
16:41.35Cairennif it'll work, will those that would do it care whether it's "iffy" or not?
16:41.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:42.08AdrineLikely not.
16:42.15AdrineAlso, Snakes on a Plane is going to be hilarious.
16:42.56Endwell, it won't work as well, considering now you effectively need to "eat" up the hardware event
16:43.08AdrineThis is true.
16:43.17AdrineMeans two keypresses, but still. Eh.
16:43.54AnduinLotharmuch easier to spam mouseclicks than keyboard tho
16:51.48AnduinLotharoh wow.. how did i miss out on the lego batman sets!>
16:52.06AnduinLothari so need one
16:52.31AnduinLotharequipped with projectile
16:52.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
16:52.38AnduinLotharand flames
16:52.57Cairennboys and their toys
16:53.12AnduinLotharomg it's work it just for the batman figurine itself
16:53.23AnduinLotharcheck out the helmet and cape
16:53.31AnduinLotharonyl $30...
16:53.41AnduinLotharwow.. i'm gonn ahave to find it in stores
16:54.31AnduinLotharit has ficken dragon wings!
16:54.56AnduinLothari got 2 hours till class... wonder if target has it
16:56.35AnduinLothardude... it's a batmobile...
16:56.43AnduinLotharyou just don't understand..
16:57.21AnduinLotharif there was a good Tie Defender Model I'd get that too
16:58.12AnduinLothara coworker just got himself the UBER Star Destroyer model
16:58.28AnduinLotharhe brought it in to work, lol. I'd fricken HUGE
17:02.05AnduinLothargotta admit these are pretty good:
17:02.20AnduinLothardont like the defender tho..
17:02.32AnduinLotharthe bomber's done well
17:02.40AnduinLotharand the normal tie's pretty easy
17:02.51AnduinLotharnever seena  good defender tho
17:04.04AnduinLotharoh right, it's an 'advanced, vader's ship, not the bomber. the bomber has two center things
17:04.49Corrodiaswhere's their defender?
17:04.56AnduinLotharthey dont have one
17:05.05AnduinLotharthey have a driod fighter from ep 1
17:05.08Corrodiasso you don't like the one... that doesn't exist? >_>
17:06.00AnduinLotharthis y-wing's good tho
17:06.38AnduinLotharcept i think it's missing a rotating photon cannon on top..
17:06.41Corrodiasyou know, i'm not sure what Lego is about any more. they have so many premolded pieces that i'm not sure you even have to build anything
17:07.25AnduinLotharthat y-wing's actually fairly impressive
17:07.50AnduinLothar$130... ok never mine
17:08.27Corrodiasif they sold a life size replica of a star destroyer made out of legos for that price, i'd be all over it.
17:08.31AnduinLotharoh ok, the turret's near the front, i didn't see it
17:09.14AnduinLotharok, i'm done dreaming with legos for now.. it's an addictive habit i don't want to get back into
17:09.41AnduinLothari gave legos a decade of my life. no more
17:10.35AnduinLothari'm serious... you can never manage to afford every cool lego set that comes out.
17:10.45AnduinLotharI would have to work at lego
17:10.57AnduinLothari always wanted to design lego sets tho
17:11.07AnduinLotharthat would be pretty awsome
17:12.41AnduinLotharya ok.. i'm gonna have to block that site now
17:12.42MiravlixI had my 1000 pieces some years ago, you don't need sets, just lost of pieces and you can build anything.
17:13.09AnduinLothari have upwards of 10 thousand pieces
17:14.28AnduinLothartwo 2'x2'x3' boxes
17:14.37MiravlixI don't like modern lego with pre-made pieces, that only wok in one shape. :p
17:14.53Corrodiasi'm not sure if you have to -build- anything any more
17:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
17:15.21AnduinLotharcomplain complain. i always wished i could make my own custom pieces
17:15.56AnduinLotharbut part of the fun is building somethign actually looks good with a custom piece froma  completely different se
17:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:16.10Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
17:16.41AnduinLotharlegos are poison now.. they eat my $
17:16.56AnduinLothari... must.. not.... buy... legos..
17:17.06Qzot|boredYou guys are *still* talking legos??? O.O
17:17.28AnduinLothardude, you have no idea how adicted karl was to legos
17:17.30Cairennyup, they are
17:17.35MiravlixMy mom gave my lego away years ago, all i've gotten since then was a dragon and it was a pre-made figure.
17:17.37Cairennor rather, AnduinLothar is
17:17.54AnduinLotharit's like crack except your parents pay for it
17:17.56Qzot|insaneMay I please change the topic? I'm taking a break before going back to reading...
17:18.35Cairennno one is stopping you
17:18.37AnduinLotharand say, oh my... he's going to grow up to be an engineer, lets encourage him and give him more legos and let him sit in his room for hours on end
17:18.46Qzot|insane"like crack except your parents pay for it". I had the wrong parents...
17:19.19Qzot|insaneI got chemistry sets for Christmas. Never. Even. Opened.
17:19.48AnduinLotharya, my dad tried to get me off legos a couple times
17:19.54ShouryuuI got legos from the tooth fairies and my god father
17:19.54Qzot|insaneI recently invented a hunter technique. I have to be about the millionth person, but it was new to me.
17:19.55AnduinLotharelectronics sets
17:20.07AnduinLotharchemistry sets
17:20.25Qzot|insaneHaving a single mob shuttle between you and your pet. Ever heard of it?
17:20.25AnduinLotharit was the video games that finally did it
17:20.40AnduinLotharand then the internet... omg the internet is more addicting than legos..
17:21.18AnduinLotharand now we have internet + video games = the most addictive form of 'entertainment' on the planet
17:21.40AnduinLotharwhat's next...
17:21.58Qzot|insaneAnd if you've heard of it, what names have you heard for the technique. I liked to try Googling it.
17:22.16Qzot|insane'Shuttling' was just what I thought of when I started trying it.
17:23.17AnduinLotharpretty soon it'll be like the sci-fi Tek series where half the population is addicted to a digital drug called Tek that is sold on chips and you can only experience in the digital world
17:23.34Qzot|insane'Shuttling': Send pet to attack. Start firing. When mob heads to you, tell pet to wait. When mob arrives, feign death. Mob heads back to pet. When arrives have pet attack again, and you attack again. When mob heads back to you...
17:24.09AnduinLotharand people murder each other in the digital world and they'll have freedom fighters whole fight for the good old days when drugs where semi-herbal
17:25.02AnduinLotharand the new *fat* people will just live in the digial world
17:25.11CairennKarl, you really need to try to get some sleep soon ...
17:25.45AnduinLotharand then we get to the whole Circuit of Heaven sci-fi level where we all upload our conscienseness into a digial world and cremate our bodies
17:25.50Cairennoh noez
17:26.09AnduinLotharand there will be andriods taking over the world and learning about love
17:26.22Corrodiasand the power of friendship
17:26.31Corrodiasof course they're japanese androids
17:26.35AnduinLotharand humans falling in love with andriods like romeo and juliet only... twisted
17:26.46Qzot|insaneAnduinLothar: You seem a little on the manic side. Any chance you've been eating any legos manufactured in Taiwan from the last half of 1998?
17:26.50Corrodiasjapanese humans!
17:27.11AnduinLotharactually i have always loved chewing on things
17:27.20Shouryuuno comment
17:27.22AnduinLothari chewed on legos regularly for a decade
17:27.29AnduinLotharand ice
17:27.43AnduinLotharand when i was an infant, my thumb
17:27.46Shouryuubut not gum?
17:28.13CairennI really worry about some of you by times ...
17:28.17Qzot|insaneUm. Check the lot #s, and compare against
17:28.26AnduinLotharwell my mother always bought sugar free.. which i chewed for a while... but only ever really liked cinamen flavor
17:29.04AnduinLotharso now i don't like gum much unless it cinimen or sour apple flavor
17:29.30AnduinLotharand i downright detest almost all types of sugar substitutes
17:29.36Qzot|afkBack to reading...
17:30.51CorrodiasQzot|afk: DNS failure.
17:31.25Qzot|afkIt was a joke. I was trying to imply that chemical were interfering with thought processes...
17:31.39Qzot|afkMade up.
17:31.52Corrodiasi see
17:31.53AnduinLotharmy memory is really weird.. i relember blacktron sets and their defining features from 1991 but i can't remember what anyone at work was wearing today or even the names of the people i ate dinner with
17:32.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:32.07Shouryuuwhy do the walls in my apartement have to be so thin, and why do my brother/roomate gf/bf have to be so f***** loud
17:32.13Corrodiasphht, i don't remember people much at all
17:32.23AnduinLotharso loud f****** ?
17:32.26Corrodiasso go join them! orgy! orgy! orgy!
17:32.45Qzot|afkIt could be worse.
17:32.50Shouryuuno really they are driving me nuts
17:32.58Qzot|afkYou could share a wall with your parent.
17:33.04AnduinLotharyou sould go ask if you can borrow her for a dance
17:33.15Shouryuuyeah a friend of mine had that
17:34.07AnduinLotharso... headphones...
17:34.12AnduinLothari need new ones
17:34.19AnduinLothari really cant decide
17:34.27Shouryuuheadphones are not cool when trying to sleep
17:34.31Corrodiaswhat sort of quality and price are you looking for?
17:34.43ShouryuuI've though of earplugs but then I won;t hear my alarm clock :(
17:35.21AnduinLothari wish some mid-high quality in-ear ones came with the rubber 'arround the ear' style
17:35.24Qzot|afkUse earplugs and get an alarm clock for the deaf.
17:35.40Qzot|afkStrobe lights, usually.
17:35.48Corrodiasthe sony mdr-v150's are extremely popular, having what i'd call "good" audio quality for a low price ($20 last i checked), although they're classic over-the-top sit-on-your-ear headphones
17:36.06AnduinLotharya, i dont want those
17:36.58Corrodiasthe v600's are large, cover-the-entire-ear types with very good audio quality ($75), but due to their size they can be cumbersome, though they are comfortable, especially if you don't wear glasses
17:37.04AnduinLotharthe problem is i wan tthem to be good for use while skating, loud and bassy, but still good acustic quality for theater listening
17:37.27Corrodiasbeyond that i don't know much... especially i don't know of anything good for movement
17:37.33AnduinLotharwhich basicly means inear is the only way
17:37.48AnduinLotharbut the good inear ones start at about $80
17:38.10Corrodiasaren't there some that go around the back of your head and hold onto the ears from the front?
17:38.59AnduinLotharsome, ya
17:39.24ShouryuuI have some of those
17:39.25AnduinLothari dont liek those as much because they require you to put them over your head to put on
17:39.39AnduinLothari'd rather hav sepperate ear clips
17:39.46AnduinLotharnot connected
17:39.57Corrodiasi love my v150's... they're quick to toss on or rip off and will not be expensive to replace if i break them.
17:40.39AnduinLothari spose i could try the koss clipons
17:40.46Corrodiasi have to spend some moments seating the 600's on my head if i want to wear those and it's too inconvenient when there is anybody else around
17:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
17:41.26AnduinLothari wish i could go bluetooth wireless, but the tech isn't quite ripe yet
17:41.32KirkburnCair, what's the discord situation?
17:41.36Shouryuuhummm milano mintsss
17:41.40CairennKirkburn: ?
17:41.47KirkburnThe website
17:42.32AnduinLotharif i went in ear i'd prolly just bite the price and go with the Ultimate Ears 3 Studio Black
17:42.39KirkburnSo, er, it didn't happen?
17:43.06Corrodiasthey'd better sound good for that price
17:43.26AnduinLotharbest rated in-ear monitors for under $300
17:43.40Corrodiasin-ear means ear buds, right?
17:43.52Cairennthese were what we picked up for our daughter for christmas:
17:43.57AnduinLotharear buds sit outside your ear canel
17:44.11AnduinLotharin-ear go inside your ear canal
17:44.12Corrodiasyou're talking about the kind with tubes that go inside?
17:44.36AnduinLotharsimilar with tubes:
17:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:45.09CairennSennheiser is a really good name for audio
17:45.09AnduinLothari saw those cair, they're well rated
17:45.25AnduinLotharbest in class i think for open over the head
17:45.38Corrodiasi prefer closed >_>
17:45.39AnduinLotharbut i don't want either..
17:46.09AnduinLothari'd rather have IEM or closed, but closed suck fro skating
17:46.12KirkburnIn-ear one's both make my ears ache and fall out all the time :s
17:46.45AnduinLotharya, the falling out is tough while skating, that's why i like the wrap around the ear type cause even if they come out they dont fall off
17:46.49Kirkburn(er, ear buds even, sicne someone just pointed there's a difference)
17:47.17AnduinLotharbut even with bud i wrap the cord around my ear
17:47.33AnduinLotharmakes for less pain if they get yanked too
17:48.08KirkburnI like one's that go round the back of your head best
17:48.09AnduinLotharyay: The symmetrical 46-inch "Y" cord can be looped behind the ears to reduce cable noise and avoid cable obstructions and has a cable adjustor to snug the cord to the back of the neck.
17:48.44AnduinLothartwo-year warranty and black leather case
17:48.50AnduinLothari'm tempted
17:49.15Temyou know the ones that go in your ear do more damage to your hearing than normal headpones
17:49.25AnduinLotharonyl if you listen louder
17:49.39AnduinLotharthe think about in-ear is you only need half the volume
17:49.54AnduinLotharbecause it's a seal that keeps out noise
17:49.55KirkburnSince there's no background noise to block out
17:50.20AnduinLotharso it's not really any worse unless you're counting on leaving the volume level the same
17:50.29KirkburnIt weird how iPods have brought up the whole arguement again
17:50.30AnduinLotharwhich would pretty much hurt
17:50.41KirkburnHello, jouranlists, we did this with Walkmans?
17:50.47Corrodiasit's strange... my headphones don't seem to block out any noise, but if they're playing anything, they quickly block out everything but themselves
17:51.05KirkburnNoise cancelling
17:51.19KirkburnIt's very cool
17:51.30Corrodiasit's not that..
17:51.36AnduinLotharnoise canceling is only really good for people who fly or take public transit a lot i think
17:51.44KirkburnWell, then maybe your ears are just adjusting
17:52.04Corrodiasi can still hear the other sounds but only during quiet moments. you are correct, they just sort of drown it all out
17:52.06AnduinLothartho it might be good for this room, canceling out the drone from 3 computers
17:52.35Temit does very, very well for canceling white noise
17:52.50AnduinLotharya, my father has a pair i like
17:52.51Temnot so much for active noise like people talking
17:52.58Cairennthought about getting her the same ones except with the noise cancelling, since she spends over an hour on the bus each way every day
17:53.14AnduinLotharmore expensive and need batteries :/
17:53.24Cairennthat's why I didn't
17:53.30Temonly 1 triple A
17:53.31AnduinLotharbatteries are bad in headphones
17:54.01Temand the battery is only needed when you have the noise cancellation on
17:54.03AnduinLotharmmm, i think i'm gonna splurge and get those UE ones
17:54.49AnduinLotharmy friend was gonna get me a pair of headphones for xmas but they never got to me so he returned them, i'll just have him put that money towards these and i'll pay the rest
17:54.58JoshBorkeAdrine: you here?
17:54.58KirkburnSomeone needs to stop me installing beta software on my computer all the time :s
17:55.01Corrodiasgreat idea
17:55.20KirkburnI get between 1 to 8 error msgs every time I shut down
17:55.29Corrodiasbeta software? i can't even stand to install well-known software until i test it on another computer first >_>
17:55.31AdrineJoshBorke: Yup
17:55.40AnduinLotharcause i've needed new headphones for 3 months now, it'd gettign rediculous with the ones i got killing my ears
17:55.59Corrodiaswhy, what's wrong with them?
17:56.12JoshBorkeAdrine: for your healcap, i think you should disregard crit heals when calculating overhealing (if you calculate that)
17:56.20Kirkburn(IE7 Beta 2 Preview, Windowblinds beta, Iconpackager beta, WindowFX beta...)
17:56.31AdrineI'm not calculating overhealing at the moment
17:56.35Corrodiasjoshie makes a good point
17:56.41AdrineJust breaking it down by your health when the heal was cast on you
17:56.48JoshBorkeCorrodias: don't call me that :-P
17:56.49Corrodiasyou're one of them appearance customizers, eh?
17:56.50AdrineSince that's really the important bit in regards to overhealing
17:57.01AdrineIf I'm getting hit with gheal when I'm at 90% HP, there's a problem :P
17:57.02JoshBorkeAdrine: indeed
17:57.09KirkburnCorrodias, but of course :)
17:57.11AnduinLotharthey're philips ones, pretty decent.. kind of a half bud/half in-ear style i'd never seen before. but the rubbers have long since gotten lost and so they are a little scrapy and fall out a lot and they've been through the wash
17:57.24Corrodiasi choose a visual style, but i fear i don't get into any other customization
17:57.27KirkburnObject Desktop, one of the best purchases I've made
17:57.29AdrineIt's a different approach, but I think it'll be more effective than overheal numbers
17:57.39JoshBorkeAdrine: i agree, i like your thinking :-)
17:57.43AdrineSince those are prone to skewing with crits and PoH
17:57.47Corrodiaseven cursors annoy me because i have yet to find a set i like besides "inside your computer" from the windows 95 Plus! pack
17:58.05KirkburnI have a suggestion for you then
17:58.15Adrine(When I play my priest, I abuse the hell out of PoH, since it costs as much mana as 2 flash heals with approximately the same return)
17:58.41AdrineIf 2 people in my party are down ~1k HP or more and don't need emergency care, PoH time. :D
17:58.41Adrine<--- world's laziest healer
17:58.47Kirkburn(go to Wincustomize for lots of cursor packs)
17:59.03Corrodiasi have tried cursorxp. it felt unnatural
17:59.28KirkburnMy current isn't one of those stupid one's, it's really nice ... I'll find a link
17:59.30Corrodiasit overrides the cursors instead of setting them in windows. besides, the cursors were all big and flashy and just not my style
17:59.56Corrodiasmaybe i'll give it another shot on the new computer
18:00.04KirkburnI don't know about it overriding windows, it's appears instead of the normal window
18:00.15Corrodias*normal cursor, you mean?
18:00.24Kirkburn(goddamn, my apostrophes are bad today)
18:00.36KirkburnI meant the config window
18:01.31Kirkburn(the little blue earth rotates :)
18:01.37Corrodiasthose aren't so bad..
18:02.04KirkburnI think I've been using them for about 3 years now ... never found a nicer set
18:02.10Corrodiassigh, it also takes so much time to browse all the stuff available and decide what you want to try. i have spent days upon days reviewing visual styles
18:02.25KirkburnIt's not uncommon for people to think I'm running a Mac
18:02.50Kirkburn(and it doesn't look like one, no)
18:03.17KirkburnIt's a sorry statement on the 'beauty' of windows
18:03.22AnduinLothari used to customize a lot. it takes up a lot of time tho and i find myself having more important things to do
18:03.39Corrodiasugh, i shudder to think of the time i've spent clicking around at deviantart, seeing the multitudes of visual styles
18:04.21KirkburnI used to, too ... but I've settled on three things now ... Thallos for the skin, Gant for the icons and BlueCrystal for the cursor. Just beautiful :)
18:04.40Corrodiasi think part of what annoys me about any new visual style or cursor set is that i'm not used to it, so it's "different"
18:04.56KirkburnI can't stand most of the 'alternative' skins that turn up
18:05.08KirkburnThe ones that look like they were designed by blind people
18:05.15CorrodiasBette Midler - The Wind Beneath My Wings
18:05.28Corrodiaslol.. let's see, i should be able to find a link to the style i use
18:06.20KirkburnWincustomize seem to be populated to sets of people. Those who have no idea of style and say "well done" to bright luminescent 'Paint' skins. And then those who are professionals who actually make nice skins which you can *use*
18:06.30Kirkburn*bye two sets
18:06.53Corrodiasi don't use any alternate icons, just the style
18:07.08KirkburnQuite nice
18:07.35Corrodiasthin taskbar styles are pretty much necessary, now, since i use a 4-line taskbar
18:07.51KirkburnWell, I reply with
18:08.02Kirkburn(and I thought 2 line was enough)
18:08.32KirkburnThe skin is transparent, too :P
18:08.46Corrodiasthat's pretty nice... i shall save it
18:09.34KirkburnThat one needs WB, there's a Windows visual style on there too, under Thallos VS
18:09.49Corrodiasthat one was submitted some time since my last crawl across what is available...
18:10.01AnduinLothardock ftw
18:10.09KirkburnWhich dock?
18:10.15Corrodiasi find no matches for "thallos vs"
18:10.53Kirkburn(Nope, no idea why the dA search doesn't find it either)
18:11.18Corrodiasdoes your cursor set require cursorxp?
18:11.20KirkburnAnd to complete the set, my icon set
18:11.36Corrodiaseh, i like the windows icons, thanks :)
18:11.39KirkburnInteresting question, probably
18:12.42Corrodiasdepends on if it's a set of .cur/.ani files or a .cursorxp file (basically a .zip with image files inside)
18:13.17KirkburnI extracted the .cursorxp file, it's made up of .png :(
18:13.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
18:14.30Corrodiasi'll have to see about acquiring cursorxp again. well, it's time to pack the mouse and such and go home! bye
18:14.40Cairennlater Corrodias
18:14.51Corrodiasthanks for your suggestions, too
18:15.10CairennI love the T.King themes
18:15.45KirkburnYeah it's cool
18:16.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
18:16.21KirkburnI didn't realise just how many file formats are just renamed .zip files ... I suppose it makes the devs look more professional :P
18:16.46AdrineHehe, yeah
18:16.55KirkburnThe new Office file format will just be xml
18:17.28KirkburnI mean, they'll be coded *in* xml
18:17.45KirkburnWhich is pretty cool, easy editing
18:19.48KirkburnThe whole mods getting banned thing still isn't dieing down :( Now the roleplaying community is up in arms about the supposed banning of Flag-RSP
18:21.17Cairennle sigh
18:21.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot|afk (
18:21.38Gryphenle mew
18:22.53Kirkburnle pew pew
18:24.54KirkburnJust in from Aeus: Recently, players expressed some concern over the use of programmable gaming peripherals while playing World of Warcraft. We want to make sure it's clear that creating hotkeys for certain actions in the game is ok. However, if these peripherals are used to automate gameplay to the point where the player is able to conduct repeated actions in the game without paying attention, then that will constitute a violation of our game poli
18:24.54Kirkburncies. The use of sustained automated play grants an unfair advantage over players who earn their achievements by actively playing through the game as it was designed. In the interest of maintaining an even playing field for all players, we will investigate reports of automated play and take action as needed to prevent this from occurring in the game.
18:25.37Cairennthat should put an end to it
18:25.51Cairennokay, so I'm being optimistic
18:26.00KirkburnOh and in answer to Anvilbeard's followup question "So does the simple action of using third party software to create delays in macros constitute an offence?"
18:26.02ShouryuuOK curious george is a very poor movie
18:26.11Kirkburn"I'm sure if you search your conscience you will find an answer to that question, Anvil ;)"
18:26.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
18:26.24KirkburnSo that's not a definite no, but near enough
18:26.38Cairennlink, pretty please?
18:26.45Kirkburn(I mean yes, well you now what I meant)
18:27.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:28.11KirkburnHey cool! Blizz EU are doing a WG battlegrounds thing too!
18:28.20AnduinLotharnot one really liked the 'turbo' buttons on the old 3rd party NES controlers... just felt like cheating.. but then the same people bought game genies...
18:28.24Kirkburn... also horde :)
18:28.29AnduinLotharno one*
18:28.37JoshBorkei loved my turbo buttons
18:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
18:28.45JoshBorkebut didn't like the thought of game genies
18:29.09KirkburnThey'd grant your wishes and you'd always end up worse off
18:29.11AnduinLothari liked game genies cause you could generate your own codes that woudl have random effects
18:29.21KirkburnOnly three times though, surely?
18:29.39JoshBorkeunless you wished them free
18:30.06KirkburnI thought that it was in the ToS that you couldn't wish that?
18:30.20AnduinLothar*rolls eyes*
18:30.25AnduinLothar*me poofs
18:30.36Cairennlater AnduinLothar
18:31.36AnduinLothar/me is rebooting his brain
18:31.53AnduinLothar*system failure*
18:32.06KirkburnWhy didn't that work?
18:32.30Kirkburn(I've lost my titlebar, so I haven't clicked exit yet ...)
18:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot|afk (
18:33.24KirkburnAha, it's back
18:33.24Qzot|afkYou can't get rid of me *that* easily.
18:38.19Cairennthat man is making me crazy
18:39.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
18:40.25KirkburnOnly seven error when I tried to shut down that time. rundll32, explorer, explorer, wb5traycontained, mcisomething, explorer ... what fun!
18:41.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
18:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:50.26CrispixDoes anyone know where you can buy ammo in theramore?
18:50.52Cairennthe chickie down by the gryphon master
18:51.37CrispixThankes :D
18:58.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:04.45JoshBorkeok, so i'm trying to write a heal watcher for PvE raids
19:05.49JoshBorkebasically, when you click on a target in the raid, it presents a list of people that are in the process of healing that person
19:06.45JoshBorkei'm ok with the fact that i'll never be able to always have the right targets for heals
19:09.47JoshBorkebut i'm just a little hung up on getting what i think the targets are
19:11.01JoshBorkei'll have to use CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_BUFF and watch for (%s+) begins to cast (%s+) for the spell name and person.  but i'll have to have an array to go from player name -> raid id, correct?
19:12.44ShouryuuI guess
19:12.58Shouryuualthough what you're trying to do seems insanely difficult (to my eyes) but I guess
19:13.17JoshBorkeShouryuu: i know :-/
19:14.07JoshBorkemy other question is how much lag is incurred from passing information through a channel?
19:16.26KirkburnI'm so sorry: Chuck was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune. He spun first. The rest of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly waiting for the wheel to stop spinning.
19:17.19KirkburnWell, surely it depends on the machine sending/receiving and how much info
19:19.00JoshBorkesay 20 people saying a 50 character string at one time every 1 second
19:19.17KirkburnWHy don't you just make a hammer instead
19:19.24KirkburnGet the job done quicker
19:19.39JoshBorkethat's what i was thinking also :-)
19:19.43AdrineThere is a delay long enough that I think the info would be relatively useless, JoshBorke
19:20.05AdrineWhat you -could- do though...
19:20.13KirkburnOnly send info when targetting? watch the combat log and show who has recently been healing your target
19:20.31AdrineSo you have an idea of who else/how many others are healing your target
19:20.40JoshBorkeKirkburn: it would only send "Name" "Spell" "Duration" when they cast
19:20.58KirkburnI just read the rest of what you wrote, I see now
19:21.55JoshBorkeAdrine: so have it predict who that person is healing?
19:22.10JoshBorkewhat sort of logic would i use?
19:22.49AdrineNot really predict
19:23.06AdrineJust provide a short-term history, so in the last 10 sec, my target has been healed by A and B, for example
19:23.24AdrineThough I guess it dpeends what you're trying to do :)
19:23.37JoshBorkehrm, i'm more of trying to help prevent people double-healing when they don't need to
19:24.00Shouryuuargrhhh I need to find something to do
19:24.11KirkburnTalk shop.
19:24.17AdrineI think that given chat lag time and heal cast time, without the use of SpellStopCasting(); to stop it automatically, it may not provide neough time.
19:24.24AdrineI very well may be wrong though.
19:24.30KirkburnGrow an orange
19:24.37KirkburnStart a hamster farm
19:24.42ShouryuuI mean *now*
19:24.49KirkburnOkay, then
19:24.54KirkburnTalk shop now.
19:24.57KirkburnGrow an orange now.
19:25.02KirkburnStart a hamster farm now.
19:25.24KirkburnEat your mousepad
19:25.36ShouryuuI'm on a laptop
19:25.48KirkburnSo am I
19:25.55KirkburnI can afford a mouse, however
19:26.06JoshBorkeAdrine: hm.  but would listening for "Person begins to cast Greater Heal" be enough time to pop-up a bar showing the heal incoming?
19:26.40KirkburnSee what effect syrup has on your monitor
19:26.48KirkburnStab a banana
19:27.10KirkburnForm a cohesive argument for the banning of chocolate
19:27.15KirkburnForm a band
19:27.29KirkburnBuy a lollipop
19:27.36KirkburnGet kicked for spamming
19:28.06KirkburnBuy some spam
19:28.37JoshBorkeok, general lua question
19:28.54KirkburnI don't think he's online
19:29.06*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
19:29.20Kirkburn(General Lua, hahaha... okay, well it was funnier in my head)
19:29.39JoshBorkeif i have a global table, and i say "local table = gtable", is local table just a pointer to gtable?
19:31.38JoshBorkeand yes kirkburn, it was mildly entertaining :-P
19:32.06KirkburnMildly :(
19:32.18AdrineJoshBorke: Basically, yes
19:32.26KirkburnI need an anti-crastination machine!
19:32.56AdrineAs far as listening, sure, that should be possible
19:33.29AdrineIf they're not using cast->click to target, then you can get IsTargetTarget("target", "raidXtarget") to determine if their target is your target, I think
19:34.18Wobin_all armour at 0% =P
19:34.30JoshBorkeok, so the reverse case, 'gtable = ltable' will act the same way
19:34.35Wobin_And I only managed one of my BRD quests
19:34.54AdrineIf you need to copy a table, iterate it and assign newtable[key] = value;
19:35.02AdrineThough there may be a more efficient way of doing that :P
19:35.10Adrinefor k,v in oldtable do newtable[k] = v; end
19:35.28JoshBorkeso gtable won't be nil'd when i exit from ltable's scope
19:35.44AdrineI..I'm not sure
19:36.04JoshBorkeoh no, my life is ruined :-9
19:36.22Kirkburn~8ball Help him?
19:39.49JoshBorkei'm sure leg knows for sure
19:39.54JoshBorkeoh well, i'm sure it'll be fine
19:42.35JoshBorkeis table.getn just as fast as keeping a 'n' value in the table?
19:42.52AdrineLikely, but I'd have to look at the lua internals to be sure
19:43.16JoshBorkebut it would be safe to assume i could use them interchangeably without caring?
19:43.42*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
19:44.13kaidenHeya Cide, is there a quick function for targetting the seperate mt's designated within CT? been looking through the code tyring to find a variable or anything but it's giving me a headache :P
19:44.38CideI believe
19:44.49Cidewhere # would be the MT id
19:45.15kaidenhrmph, could have sworn i tried that when trying the emergency monitor targetting oh well back to the drawing board
19:47.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
19:47.04Cideit should work :) it hasn't failed me so far
19:55.55KirovAnyone here know much about memory usage overhead in mods?
19:56.12AdrineWhat specifically?
19:56.57KirovWell, are you familiar with ItemSync or LootLink enhanced?
19:57.09AdrineJust the stock lootlink, really :)
19:57.27KirovWell, I'm working on LootLInk enhanced right now.
19:58.01KirovI have a cleaning function that goes over all of your links and tries to clean them up (fix anything that's wrong with them, remove duplicate items, etc.)
19:58.37KirovHowever, when it's running I'm loosing like 400-500 kb of memory a second
19:58.48AdrineWow. Ouch.
19:58.54AdrineCreating lots of tables?
19:58.56Kirovso, it hitches constantly as it hits the gc limit
19:59.31KirovWell, sort of.
19:59.46Kirovactually, yes
19:59.54AdrineI'd try to reuse tables where possible
20:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
20:01.21Kirovwhat happens to table elements that are nilled or tremoved?
20:01.31KirovDo they linger in memory till gc?
20:01.59kaidenAnyone have any cyanide i can take..
20:02.07kaideni just saw a lvl 50 warrior with glowing brightwood staff equipped
20:02.36kaideni'm so tempted to whisper him and ask him if anyones called him a f'in moron yet
20:02.46AdrineAsk if you can buy it for 1200g
20:02.49MaldiviaKirov: it's impossible to know, if the element that was referenced from the table is referenced elsewhere until a GC sweep
20:02.56Adrine"Oh, it's soulbound? *cry*"
20:03.15Shadowdkaiden: do it
20:05.09JoshBorkeKirov: like adrine said, it's best to reuse tables if you can
20:05.23Kirovnot quite sure if thats possible
20:06.03KirovI'm basically taking a table of tables and resorting them.
20:06.15Adrinepastebin some code?
20:06.29Kirovsure, this is going to make your eyes bleed though
20:06.33AdrineHehe, that's fine
20:08.24KirovLootLink enhanced allows for multiple items with the same name via a really ugly hack of keeping all duplicate items in a table inside the main item.
20:08.39KirovKeeps backwards compatibility, but ugly as hell.
20:08.47KirovAnd makes sorting a bitch
20:10.20JoshBorkei'm a nub, so is this a correct statement? all of the tables in sortIndex are hanging around until GC?
20:10.25AdrineItemLinks is a table of ["item name"] = standard_blizzard_item_link, yes?
20:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
20:11.03Kirovlet me paste bin an example item
20:11.07JoshBorkei don't think you need ItemLinks[name] = {}; ItemLinks[name] = newval
20:11.21JoshBorkebecause you're creating a table and then removing the reference to it
20:13.47Kirovcomputer not happy ...
20:14.10Kirovtakes like 30 seconds to open a folder ...
20:16.19KirovYou'll have to ignore some of this...
20:16.27AdrineNo problem
20:16.35KirovPartially implemented lzw compression on the tooltips
20:16.45AdrineHah, was wondering if that's what it was.
20:17.32AdrineSo you're sorting by the colon-delimited number list, essentially
20:17.45AdrineHm, ok.
20:18.06KirovSorting by the first integer, then the third, then the second
20:18.20KirovitemId, secondary or bonusId, and enchant
20:18.51Kirovthis isn't actually a perfect example as the itemId of the second item should be different from the first.
20:20.12Kirovthat's more accurate
20:21.17Kirovthe function I posted earlier would take this list and put 19821 as the base item, then resort the rest of them from highest to lowest
20:26.37JoshBorkewel,l it's too complex for me to be of any help
20:26.45Endheheh. "When you see programmers writing software, what does it look like they're really doing? Are the results of their work immediately apparent, as with carpenters, painters, and plumbers? Or do you get the impression they're just pressing buttons randomly because they hope a piece of cheese will appear in the wall dispenser the way it always used to back in the good old days?"
20:28.11purli heard log is as piece of wood
20:28.17purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
20:32.34purlACTION farts, releasing large quantities of methane and sulfur dioxide. "Evacuate the channel! GO! *gag* SAVE YOURSELVES *cough* MOVE *choke* MOVE!"
20:34.01AdrineI don't know if this is any more memory efficient (think it is!), but it keeps the "9 loops per sort" without invoking any tables
20:34.43Adrinewell, that's 9 loops worst case
20:35.00AdrineBest case is that it hits in the first loop :)
20:37.28Temwhy not use table.sort? (I haven't looked yet)
20:37.37AdrineHe is
20:37.41JoshBorkeTem: he is, but with a custom sort
20:37.42Temtable.sort is in C land so it's likely faster than anything we could write
20:37.44AdrineIt's the custom sort method that we think is killing performance
20:37.55AdrineThat's the comparison function :)
20:37.58JoshBorkeand by we he means Adrine :-D
20:44.35JoshBorke  would the for loop not be run if the string.gfind didn't match?
20:45.10JoshBorkethat's pretty cool
20:45.27AdrineWell, if it doesn't match, there are zero iterations to iterate over :)
20:45.27JoshBorkeWobin_: i recommend that trick for the lua tricks wiki
20:45.41JoshBorkei see
20:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
20:56.23MentalPowerwhat is the most locale-friendly way to get the current language (Common, Orcish, etc)
20:58.50Kolthzat vay
20:59.09KolthI halfread your sentence.
20:59.53MentalPowererm... yeah
21:00.08KolthI gave up parenthesis.
21:00.28KolthI got addicted to 'em back in high school and had to enter Parenthesis Anonymous
21:01.05KirkburnOnly singular ones?
21:01.23KolthThat would be a correct correction, Kirkburn :)
21:01.32Kirkburn<-- picky bastard
21:01.44KolthIt's not picky when I'm wrong.
21:02.08Kirkburn<-- picky bastard when Kolth isn't wrong too ;)
21:03.08KirkburnI was just looking at the logs ... I didn't realise it was open season on attacking the api :P
21:04.00MiravlixHmm, all those MoveMent triggering addons can't they just use CURSOR_UPDATE event?
21:05.02AdrineI'd suspect that doesn't qualify as a hardware event for spellcasting
21:05.41Shouryuuand my internet is playing with my head again
21:07.03KirkburnDidn't you take my advice earlier?
21:08.56ShouryuuI hate the person who invented bubble gum
21:09.05ShouryuuHaven't had time yet
21:09.07Shouryuubeen busy
21:09.17KirkburnAh, I can't cope with FF :(
21:09.22Shouryuuand I'm France, everyhting is closed starting 7 :(
21:09.37KirkburnWell go to riot then
21:09.39Shouryuuand I need to find a way to translate what you told me in French as well
21:09.42ShouryuuI will!
21:12.17KirkburnI await your picture on the BBC News
21:12.33TainThrow some stinky cheese at them!
21:12.45Kirkburn*Shouryuu overthrows French government, installs Murlocs as police*
21:13.01ShouryuuWell the word riot isn't actually adequat, their more like demonstrations
21:13.18TainI can't tell the difference. :(
21:13.19Kirkburn(that sounds french to me)
21:13.43Shouryuuwell riots are violent
21:13.49Shouryuudemonstrations are peacefull
21:14.09KirkburnUnless you turn up
21:14.32KirkburnIt all goes downhill from there :P
21:15.14KirkburnI never thought I'd manage this, but I'm well over 50,000 downloads now
21:15.48Shouryuuand demonstrations are a good thing!
21:15.51Shouryuu50 000 downloads on?
21:16.08Kirkburna sunny beach
21:16.23Kirkburnin Guadeloupe
21:16.59KirkburnThere are some really obsessive francophone ClearFont users there
21:17.40KirkburnThey sit there with their laptops going click click click. In fact, they macroed the download button, so they can do it unattended.
21:17.50KirkburnI'm sure they're gonna get banned soon ...
21:18.17ShouryuuAm I the only one not following what he's saying?
21:18.28KirkburnOMG bLIzZ8RD bANNED d0wnloading!
21:18.29JoshBorkei'm totally lost
21:18.47KirkburnI make myself smile, and that's what counts
21:19.14Kirkburn(and it was in relation to the whole G15/banned addons debacles)
21:19.25ShouryuuYour smile is infectious?:
21:19.38KirkburnIt's the Grinning Disease
21:20.04ShouryuuRun away, run away!
21:23.26KirkburnWho is KDM?
21:23.55AdrineKay-Dee-Em :)
21:24.57KirkburnTook me a while. It's a stupid acronym anyway
21:25.15Adrine[1. General - Ironforge] who is TDK?
21:25.24KirkburnTelvash del Kissel
21:25.26AdrineI know :)
21:25.32AdrineIt just reminded me of that.
21:25.33KirkburnI know too :)
21:25.40AdrineAlso, I'm impressed you remembered that name so easily.
21:25.59KirkburnI'm a book
21:27.05KirkburnI have literally taken over the WoW Info section on my guild website's forum
21:28.39AdrineSomeone should write a bot that attempts to answer commonly-asked questions in general.
21:29.32KirkburnI know one
21:29.41Kirkburn"/1 Thottbot"
21:29.58kaidenI have been contemplating doing that, i miss whats her name from EQ
21:30.05kaidencross server message her for any info at all
21:30.09kaidenitem links everything ;)
21:30.32KirkburnHappy days ...
21:30.44AdrineHeh. This would be an interesting bot...
21:30.58Tain~8ball Do you like other bots muscling in on your turf?
21:31.13Adrine[Wowbot] I have seen [Thrash Blade] on (go on to list 43 characters)
21:31.35TainOh we used to run an EQ bot that did equipment and spell lookups against Alla's database.
21:31.42AdrineNice :)
21:31.58TainSo I'm sure someone must have done a WoW equivilent by now.
21:34.21JoshBorkeok, what would be a good way to experimentally determine if someone has improved healing talents? ie Greater Heal only takes 2.5 seconds to cast
21:34.51JoshBorkewhen they begin to cast record the time, when they finish the cast get the time, subtract and then just average that over a long period?
21:34.56AdrineWatch the combat log for "starts" and "finish" and the time between them and av...yeah
21:35.12AdrineYou could calibrate it by timing non-improvable spells
21:35.14JoshBorkethen throw out values with +1 and attribute to interruptions
21:35.24kaidenoh how i hope the pandaren are the new alliance race
21:35.28kaidenthat would just be too darn cool
21:35.38KirkburnTbh honest, anything *is* possible
21:35.42Adrineie, I know Flash Heal takes X time, it can't be sped up, it's taking x+y, so I can extrapolate that gheal takes (observed time)-y in reality.
21:35.44JoshBorkehm, CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_BUFF is only called when someone else casts, right?
21:35.48kaidenthey've already said it WONT be pandarens though
21:36.03AdrineI want worgen.
21:36.05TainI heard it's were-Zheva
21:36.05JoshBorkewould i need to add in latency information?
21:36.07kaidenworgen are evil
21:36.13kaidenthey would never be a playable race
21:36.19AdrineJoshBorke: See the suggestion about calibrating on a non-improvable spell
21:36.20JoshBorkei heard it was murlocs
21:36.29AdrineThat would eliminate the need to guess at latency
21:36.33AdrineThe evilness of worgen is debatable!
21:36.42AdrineFirst mention of them is as servants of Elune.
21:36.42Kirkburnnot really
21:36.52JoshBorkeAdrine: how does someone get friendly with the scarlet crusade?
21:36.55AdrineScythe of Elune sort of thing?
21:37.02AdrineJoshBorke: Heheh, paging through my images directory?
21:37.18AdrineYou have to kill a lot of Argent Dawn. >_>
21:37.35AdrineEither that, or be on the disguise quest and have a copy of photoshop.
21:37.37KirkburnWorgen: read
21:38.08JoshBorkethough i suppose you could do that.  be friendly with both argent and sc
21:38.15AdrineWorgen need to not be evil so I can be one :(
21:38.27Kirkburn"the night elf Sentinel Velinde Starsong was given the task clear Felwood of demons. She prayed to Elune and was granted a magical Scythe which could summon Worgen"
21:38.27JoshBorkei wonder if that would make sm strat different
21:38.55JoshBorkeget a 5-man group friendly with Scarlet Crusade and take them to see balnazzar
21:39.00KirkburnThere's def some kind of Elune connection, but what it is, we don't know
21:39.00OsagasuWorgen aren't evil.  They're mindless and thralls of an extradimensional power.
21:39.38TainI'm so using that defense at my trial.
21:40.32TainHah!  I can use the defense that I plagurized at my plagurization trial!
21:40.48[MoonWolf]is it possible to be sued while in custody ?
21:41.00JoshBorkewhat? i thought it was the cool thing to do
21:41.02KirkburnI see no reason why not
21:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot|afk (
21:41.42KirkburnI always lost to my blue friend
21:41.55KirkburnHim and his bloody wyrms
21:41.57kaidencan you do or calls in lua?
21:42.02kaidenif (blah == blah) or (blah == moo) then
21:42.15kaidenok :) just making sure hehe
21:42.23Qzotor 'calls'?
21:42.35kaidenQzot, actually 'or' calls :P
21:42.44TainOh we've got trouble, right here in River City.
21:42.57AdrineYou can do or calls or and calls and and and or calls.
21:43.03QzotMy brain must not have recovered yet. My brain hurts.
21:43.10TainToss a few 'not' in to the mix as well.
21:43.16JoshBorkedon't forget not or and not and and not and not calls
21:43.28Kirkburn*cough* plagiarise
21:43.47[MoonWolf]a and a+ or a = y not x or a = y +
21:43.56TainIt did take me a little bit to understand how things get processed.  Like  a = b and c or d
21:44.00JoshBorkelua doesn't have var++?
21:44.05TainIt does not.
21:44.09[MoonWolf]JoshBorke, nope
21:44.17QzotFull frontal ugliness...
21:44.18[MoonWolf]neither does it have a +=
21:44.19JoshBorkea=b == boolean(true)? right?
21:44.21KirkburnI've been having fun 'discussing' why furbolgs are indeed a possibility, and Draenei are not certain
21:44.31AdrineWhen in doubt, use parentheses :)
21:44.33Qzot./script C=CheckInteractDistance;t='target';z=C(t..t,1)and(C(t,1)and{gcinfo,'Feign Death'}or{PetWait,'Concussive Shot'})or((C('pet',1)or UnitExists(t..t))and{PetAttack,'Immolation Trap'}or{PetFollow,'Mend Pet'});z[1]();CastSpellByName(z[2]);
21:44.49AdrineMy god, it's full of Perl!
21:44.56AdrineWell, not really.
21:44.57KirkburnLoot it!
21:45.02AdrineBut it looks like your average perl script. :)
21:45.12JoshBorkeQzot: i read it as "do or" as in print bob or die :D
21:45.17QzotYeah. I had to fit it in the macro char limit. It's ugly.
21:45.29KirkburnDoing good 2day, eh ;)
21:45.37TainHappy St. Patrick's Day
21:46.38KirkburnHappy St. Patrick's Day!
21:46.46AdrineMy boss left early today
21:46.48KirkburnChrist, it's nearly bed time here Qzot
21:46.49JoshBorke15 minutes left
21:47.01AdrineAnd said "Well, since I won't be here, I won't know if you left early, right?"
21:47.10AdrineBut I have work to be done, so will be here till 5.
21:47.35Crispixmmmm KFC Crispy Snackers w/ Hot sauce ^__^
21:47.48KirkburnQzot, I fail to see how me saying it's nearly bed time should make you unhappy - you still have the day left!
21:48.02QzotI was feeling empathy for Adrine.
21:48.20QzotHis co-workers get the afternoon off, and he's stuck at work. :(
21:48.28Osagasuwuh oh, KCI has a bug! >.>
21:48.34Adrine2 of my co-workers are here still.
21:48.37AdrineBut. Well. Yeah.
21:48.38QzotI do have a soul, you know.
21:48.48QzotIf I can only find it here, somewhere...
21:49.13KirkburnGood thing I got that pacemaker installed
21:49.48KirkburnCan you imagine what the General forum will be like when they announce the new race?
21:50.05Kirkburn(y'know, they've just *got* to do it on April 1st)
21:50.10QzotBtw, in the script above, gcinfo is a space-filler so I have something valid to call, when I don't need to call anything. Anyone know of something with a shorter name?
21:50.25KirkburnI miss murloc day :(
21:50.46Qzot(Or better, annouce a fake race, Panda Pizza Deliverymen, on April 1.)
21:50.54AdrineTwo-headed ogres.
21:50.57AdrineLEave people guessing.
21:51.08AdrineIs it? Isn't it? Why would they rehash the joke unless it was real?!
21:51.16AdrineThe old joke was just to prepare us for the real thing!
21:51.23KirkburnWhat's the april first jokes we've had so far?
21:51.55JoshBorkei hope we get the pandaren's in game again for April 1st
21:52.07AdrineIf I were in charge of Blizzard's jokes, I would be really cruel to people. >:)
21:52.16AdrineThat's prbably why I'm not.
21:52.24QzotYes. We know. It's why you're still at work, Adrine.
21:52.35QzotBad Karma.
21:52.39Adrine:( :(
21:52.44AdrineHarmless cruel jokes!
21:52.54AdrineJust the sorts of jokes that make people grab for their chests.
21:53.18ShouryuuI wonder how Blizzard manages to keep the Alliance race secret... I'm mean HL2 source code was hacked and stolen, find some bit of info an a race shouldn
21:53.21Shouryuube that hard...
21:53.33AdrineLike, log in and everyoen finds that their gear has been "stripped" from them - just put it in the hidden overflow bags...
21:53.35KirkburnLast year's
21:53.38Adrine...but imaging the possibilities.
21:53.52Qzot"You have entered the zone of ANTI-gold." Your gold starts scrolling backward to zero. "Just kidding!"
21:54.08AdrineHave random "gold" and "anti-gold" spots in the world
21:54.15AdrineStand in one and your gold display adjusts automatically!
21:54.30Adrine*places anti-gold display on top of ironforge mailbox*
21:54.44KirovShouryuu - It's really easy when they don't have any clue themselves
21:54.51QzotOooo. At the same time of day, everyone logged on has a "GM" contact them about harrassing other players.
21:55.21AdrineOr notify them that they are receiving a 3-day suspension, effective March 28.
21:55.36QzotYou *are* cruel.
21:55.57Adrine"Dude, I knew the lag was bad, but a 3 day ping is ridiculous!"
21:56.58AdrineI adminned a largeish forum for a while. People started getting antsy around Halloween/April Fool's
21:57.12QzotPinto bean debuffs you can put on other people.
21:57.41MiravlixWhats the wiki url for the broken addons page?
21:57.41AdrineOne Halloween I embedded a flash file in the header of the site that would load approximately every 20 page hits. It was silent for a while, and then played the occassional fast spooky sound.
21:57.59AdrinePeople were freaking out, because they thought it was only them that could hear it, since it wasn't easily reproducable. :D
21:58.17QzotI hear dead people.
21:58.23AdrineThey weren't even sure if it was the forums, so people were posting hysterically about ghosts in their houses.
21:58.27Shouryuugeeks and hallowen
21:58.34AdrineI had way too much fun with that.
21:58.37KirkburnHmm, was there no 2003 april fools?
21:58.49AdrineAnother year, I coded up a mod that randomly switched peoples' avatars and sigs.
21:58.58AdrineThat was fun too.
21:59.19Kirkburn2002 - Pandaren, 2004 - Ogres, 2005 - Pandaren Xpress
22:00.17Adrine2003 - Starcraft: Ghost?
22:00.45[MoonWolf]ghost will still come out before Duke nukem forever.
22:00.46ShouryuuI can't bear FPS on consoles
22:00.47[MoonWolf]most likely
22:00.54[MoonWolf]diablo patch 1.10 did
22:00.56AdrineEh. That was primarily Nihilistic that messed Ghost up, from what I've heard.
22:01.12AdrineThe developer that was developing Ghost
22:01.58AdrineI'm pretty sure that Duke Nukem Forever is just a myth at this point.
22:02.14AdrineOne of those urban legends passed down to scare young venture capitalists.
22:02.48KirkburnThey once did an april fools for Diablo ... it was kinda crap
22:03.10KirovDuke Nuken Forever is still in production
22:03.14ShouryuuThe secret cow level has to be an everyday april's fool
22:03.43Kirov3d Realms has made about 5 complete games now and scrapped them, starting from new.
22:03.46AdrineKirov: See my pastebin about the possible alternate sorting method?
22:03.58KirovYeah, testing it out now
22:04.10AdrineAwesome, let me know how it goes. I'm curious. :)
22:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:05.07MiravlixThanks, just fixed ArcanePartyBar and CastOptions.
22:06.04Cairennnp hun
22:06.11QzotInstant poll: Should I release the revised PartyAims with only a command line config, or wait until 1.10 for a gui config?
22:06.40Qzot1-0 in favor of wait. Thanks.
22:06.41Shouryuuif you actualy intend on making a GUI, if not, just go ahead
22:07.02QzotI'm planning on creating dynamic gui config.
22:07.08Qzot2-1 wait.
22:07.11AdrineWoot! :)
22:07.21Shouryuupeople can wait if they don't know they're actualy waiting... They won't be missing anything since they don't know what they're missing :P
22:07.24QzotSame data will drive command line config and gui config.
22:07.26AdrineI'd recommend an "alpha" release that states very clearly that it has no GUI
22:07.39Shouryuuyeah I guess that's best
22:07.48JoshBorkeShouryuu: exactly, no sense in not releasing if they don't know about the GUI
22:07.50KirovI'm kinda' curious if the code for generating a gui is going to be any less memory than just having the damn ui.
22:07.54MiravlixWoW, talk about Noob zone... the EU test server with 60 chars. o.O
22:08.03cladhaireQzot: They should be seperate addons.. one loadondemand (the gui)
22:08.16cladhaireQzot: Release the codebas enow, with commandline configs.. and then package the GUI with it when its done.
22:08.28JoshBorkebye all
22:08.28QzotThat's a good idea.
22:08.31cladhaireTrust me.. make them seperate now.. you'll thank yourself =)
22:08.31JoshBorkeAdrine: thanks for all the help
22:08.34Cairennlater JoshBorke
22:08.35Shouryuubye bye :P
22:08.42KirkburnWait, how many Targetoftargets can you do?
22:08.49cladhaireXML for a gui takes a nice hunk of memory, depending on the application
22:08.53QzotI hate addon deps. *sigh*
22:09.07Kirkburn(e.g. Discord has a pretty massive gui)
22:09.08cladhaireQzot: Not dependencies.
22:09.15*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:09.17AdrineDiscord is large regardless :P
22:09.27cladhaireQzot: Look at the latest versino of WatchDog.. the slash command handler is at the bottom, which opens the GUI
22:09.29AdrineI think that DAB -without- the GUI is something like 8MB on my startup.
22:09.30KirkburnAt least the ui loads on demand
22:09.31cladhaireand the GUI is LoadOnDemand
22:10.13Kirkburntargettargettargettarget = target's target's target's target?
22:10.14MiravlixI think it's fairly impressive to only have to disable 5 addons out of 170 to play on test
22:10.20KirovSimpleActionSets's GUI takes up around 600kb by itself
22:10.20cladhaireQzot: Package them together in one zip file.. one is dependant on the other.. but only loads if needed.
22:10.33KirovI need to work on that
22:10.51KirkburnMy addon's ui doesn't exist
22:10.58Qzotclad: I'm just now getting you. Even though the gui config is reusable, don't try to re
22:10.58Kirovsure it does
22:11.05KirovIt's called "chat edit box"
22:11.10Qzotuse it as much as keep it from loading unless needed.
22:11.13cladhaireQzot: *nod*
22:11.38cladhaireQzot: Helped Discord tremendously around 2.0 time.. and I took the bait and did the same for WD.. helped load times and memory usage
22:12.10cladhaire is the current code.
22:12.16Shouryuuso each time you zone, you're reloading every XML/lua file there is?
22:12.17cladhairejust nice and simple.. only change i really required
22:12.30cladhaireShouryuu: No, any time the UI is torn down and reloaded.
22:12.36cladhaireShouryuu: Which doesn't happen on zoning
22:12.43AdrineZoning fires a ton of events
22:12.46AdrineBut it doesn't reload the UI
22:12.52Shouryuuwell zoning as in instances/cahnging continent
22:13.04AdrineSeeing a loading screen :)
22:13.12Shouryuunot as in Orgrimmar - Durotar
22:13.14KirkburnKirov, I just realised that you're right!
22:13.23KirovIt just repaints the entire UI, same as hiding it / unhiding it
22:13.54KirkburnIn my wisdom, the only setting you can change in CF in-game is ... the chat font size.
22:14.10KirkburnAnd no-one changes it from the defaults anyway :P
22:14.18Kirovhmm, any reason not to do strlower(msg) on those?
22:14.19[MoonWolf]i set it to 12
22:14.37cladhaireShouryuu: Zoning between continents just re runs PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, but it doesn't rebuild the UI
22:15.08[MoonWolf]cladhaire, and instance zoning ?
22:16.32Kirovshould as well
22:17.31KirkburnErm, it the official WoW site working?
22:17.35cladhaireMoonWolf: Same as far as I know.
22:17.43cladhaireThe only time the UI is rebuilt is on a reloadui
22:17.46TainWhat the hell?  I'm very confused.  UPDATE_BINDINGS does not fire if you go into the bindings and set something, and hit Ok, but it does if you cancel or escape?
22:18.07QzotCairenn: Did you get my PMs? Or am I being blocked again?
22:18.16Cairennyou forgot to ident, didn't you?
22:18.18TainHow does that make sense?  That makes no sense!
22:18.20Cairennno, I didn't get them :p
22:18.28KirovTain - does it fire when you change the binding?
22:18.31QzotUm. That wasn't one-time-forever, huh?
22:18.32TainNo, Kirov.
22:18.38Cairennevery time you log in
22:18.52TainIt only changes when you escape out of the binding menu, or click Cancel.  I'm doing it over and over again right now.
22:19.27Kirovlol, damn it
22:19.45Kirovthat's just mean
22:20.13Kirovtoo many local variables (limit=200)
22:21.28Kirovkirk - it's down for me too, though the forusm work
22:22.35KirkburnHello, ah I wanted to see the pandaren xpress site :(
22:23.23ShouryuuI am so insanely bored out of my mind
22:23.24KirkburnMost IRC clients can do /msg chanserv identify <pw> for you
22:23.40KirkburnShouryuu, don tempt me to spam again
22:23.50ShouryuuL'ennemie c'est l'ennui!
22:23.59ShouryuuI actualy watched "get rich or die trying"
22:24.09KirkburnL'ennemie est Shouryuu!
22:24.17ShouryuuOh noez!
22:24.20ShouryuuI am uncovered!
22:24.29KirkburnPut some clothes on man!
22:24.37KirkburnYou'll catch your death out here
22:27.55KirkburnHas anyone ever heard of Liquisoft?
22:28.34KirkburnI am seriously envious of his design skills (his WIP thesis:
22:29.05KirkburnYou should see some of the poster designs he makes *jealousy*
22:29.54[MoonWolf]wow, flashed used in a way that does not make me convulse on the floor
22:32.25KirkburnIf I ever needed something designed I'd get him to do it.
22:37.16AdrineTo resurrect the topic from earlier:
22:37.32AdrineI'm thoroughly impressed.
22:38.36Kirkburnmeh :P
22:38.58KirkburnWhat "earlier" is this?
22:39.20Cairennthey got on about lego earlier
22:39.36Cairennmost specifically AnduinLothar, but others were involved too
22:39.59KirkburnI see
22:40.02KirkburnWell I should be off too
22:40.09Cairennlater Kirkburn
22:40.15KirkburnEnjoy the rest of your day!!
22:40.35Kirkburn(That was a The Sims cheat name!)
22:40.51Kirkburn(Until it got changed to Rosebud)
22:41.17Kirkburn(I'm talking about Klapaucius btw)
22:42.02KirkburnI disagree. ()()()
22:45.12KirovAdrine - your function seems to work
22:45.21AdrineWhat's the performance like?
22:45.31Kirovit's sorting in the wrong order though for some reason, messing with that now.
22:45.37AdrineJust flip the > and <
22:45.44KirovYeah, I know
22:45.46AdrineJust reverse the comparisons :)
22:45.46Kirovthat's not right either
22:45.53AdrineDefine "wrong order"?
22:46.49Kirovwell, first it was sorting the itemid smallest to largest, now it's putting enchanted items at the top
22:47.17AdrineEnchant is the third number, yes?
22:47.34AdrineAha, ok
22:47.58AdrineWhat's the third?
22:48.09Adrinesuffix, ok
22:48.27AdrineSo you want itemid ascending, enchant ascending, suffixid ascending?
22:48.31Adrineerr, suffixid descending
22:48.44AdrineOr itemid->suffix->enchant?
22:49.12AdrineAnd do you care about the uniqueid matter at all?
22:49.24AdrineAlso, I'm a moron.
22:49.33AdrineFlip those two lines
22:51.19AdrineI flipped those two lines, don't do anything to the > and < lines, and I get these results:
22:51.43QzotKirov: Does uniqueId encode the crafter, but non-stackable, crafted items?
22:51.52AdrineThe first 5 are the pre-sorted order, the second 5 are the sorted order
22:52.29KirovI'm trying to figure out how the hell I managed to get my code to do what it did
22:52.40AdrineHeh. What did you have it doing?
22:52.54Kirovjust a sec
22:54.09AdrineDoes anyone know if there's a way to get the next result from a gsub without running it in a for loop?
22:55.01AdrineSo ID descending, enchant ascending, unique descending
22:55.18AdrineOr is it ID descending, unique descending, enchant ascending?
22:56.03Kirovid decending, suffix descending, enchant ascending
22:56.58AdrineOk. Solved it, but give me a moment
22:57.03AdrineI may have found a more efficient way of doing this.
22:57.26KirovQzot - sort of
22:58.33KirovQzot - the unique id doesn't in itself seem to have any information encoded in it.  It seem to be a pointer to some data that holds the information about who crafted it, as well as who it was crafted for (if it's a quest item)
22:58.58Kirovooo ... wowwiki is super fast now
22:59.24AdrineKirov: I think can improve the big O of the function - gimme a sec.
22:59.31AdrineMove it from O(n) to n :)
22:59.52AdrineO(n^2) to O(n)
23:00.09AdrineBingo, there we go. Now I just need to read about lua iterators...
23:00.38AdrineI need a way to manually get "next" from a lua iterator.
23:02.40QzotAdrine: I think you can only do that if you extract the 3 args the iterator returns.
23:02.51Kirovyou could just do this.
23:02.55AdrineQzot: I'm starting to think that's right. :/
23:03.10Adrine"An iterator is any construction that allows you to iterate over the elements of a collection. In Lua, we typically represent iterators by functions: Each time we call that function, it returns a "next" element from the collection."
23:03.15AdrineSee, that's what I'd expect
23:03.20AdrineCall it X times, get X iterations
23:03.25AdrineOh. Duh.
23:03.29AdrineHello. Moron typing.
23:03.29QzotUsing Lua iterators is easy. Making them is more difficult. Tweaking existing ones is murderous.
23:03.33Kirovfor string.gfind(e1.i, "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):%d") do
23:03.54AdrineI could do that, but I think this will be easier.
23:04.02AdrineMy problem was that I was re-initializing the iterator each time.
23:04.05AdrineBut that would work too.
23:04.42QzotWhat are you trying to iterate over?
23:05.13Kirov - chuck norris reading chuck norris facts
23:05.32AdrineJust a gsub function
23:05.44AdrineBut Kirov pointed out that I was doing it the hard way. :)
23:07.55Adrinephear my leet variable names. >_>
23:08.23AdrineBut that produces the proper output, I believe.
23:09.07AdrineAnd it's O(1), I believe.
23:09.13Kirovone thing this is missing, btw
23:09.22Kirovchecks for ie e1 and e2 exist
23:09.29Kirovsince, they won't always in a sort
23:09.35AdrineIs that possible?
23:09.45AdrineThat seems completely wrong
23:09.51AdrineWhy would you attempt to sort nils?
23:09.56AdrineUnless you have nils in your table
23:09.59Kirovask the lua gods
23:10.09AdrineHuh. I've never run into that.
23:10.37Adrineif not e1 or not e2 then return 0; end
23:10.41AdrineThat should do it, I think
23:10.56AdrineI don't know what return 0; does in a lua sort, since a bool is expected
23:11.10AdrineIn PHP, you have -1 for "less than", 0 for "equal" and 1 for "greater than"
23:11.16Kirovif not e1 then return true elseif not e1 return false end
23:11.17AdrineSo I'd just return 0 and make no change.
23:11.37QzotAdrine: That's an improper use of gfind.
23:11.40AdrinePossibly backwards, but that should work.
23:11.43AdrineQzot: How so?
23:12.12Kirovdon't need the (1) at the end
23:12.16AdrineI edited that out :)
23:12.22AdrineYou were too fast for me :(
23:12.25Kirovand don't need .gfind
23:12.56Kirovstring.gfind is an iterator function
23:13.04QzotAn iterator returns 3 values: A function, a static state, and an initial value (which is *not* guaranteed to be the first value).
23:13.07AdrineNo, it constructs and returns an iterator function
23:13.19AdrineQzot: Hm.
23:13.35AdrineI'll have to test, because initially it was only returning one function
23:13.41QzotAny proper call to the iterator function is supposed to pass back the static state, and the last value returned from the iterator.
23:14.02AdrineObviously I need to lern2read :)
23:14.03QzotThis gives iterator implementors a variety of ways to implement an iterator that works well with the for statement.
23:14.38QzotMoreover, string.find will do just what you want. No iterator involved.
23:15.32Qzotlocal _,_,a,b,c = string.find(e1.i, "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):%d+");
23:16.31QzotYou get 2 extra return values from string.find, but they're easily enough disposed of.
23:17.39AdrineThat seems more better.
23:17.41Kirovalready fix it.
23:17.44cladhaireAnyone here use WatchDog?
23:18.01MiravlixNo but my WatchCat is sleeping in my laundry
23:21.08KirovAdrine, seems to be working perfectly
23:21.22AdrineHow's performance?
23:21.28Kirovthough, it lead me to another bug of mine ...
23:22.09Kirovdifficult to gauge
23:22.15AdrineSpit it out :P
23:22.22AdrineAlso, woo, leaving in 30 minutes
23:27.15QzotAdrine: Add the 'local' before your vars. Naked globals are bad news.
23:27.30AdrineYes, yes >_>
23:27.38Adrine(I do that in my actual code, honest!)
23:27.51AdrineI tend to proof-of-concept in a rather sloppy fashion :)
23:27.56TainI can't seem to find it, how do you enable/disable the display of keybindings on the default UI buttons?
23:28.00Kirovand I do it to Adrine's code when I actually use it.
23:28.00AdrineSee: 1-character variable names
23:28.06AdrineSee? Kirov's got my back. :)
23:29.19TainOh you can't disable showing bindings by default.  I guess.
23:29.41KirovTain - nope
23:30.51Adrine> Wield dagger
23:30.55AdrineYou look slightly less feeble. A knight rides by on a gleaming white charger. He is bedecked from head to toe with shining armor. His shoulder armor alone is big enough to house you, your family and any pets you pick up at the auction house, and still have room to hang that pathetic dagger of yours on the wall as a constant reminder of your utter weakness compared to a true man like him.
23:32.59MiravlixWhats the current solution to not using movement hooks?
23:33.17Kirovuse temporary movement hooks
23:33.34MiravlixYou cant use temp hooks
23:33.42Kirovwhy not?
23:33.59MiravlixBecause blizzard decided thats how it should be
23:34.08KirovIs this recent?
23:34.26MiravlixNot really been around for a few weeks now
23:34.39KirovI tested it on the test server fine
23:34.49Adrinetemporary movement hook = temporarily rebind the movement keys to fire your function, I believe
23:35.02Kirovwell, no
23:35.06Kirovthough, that'd work just as well
23:35.16KirovI'm temp hooking the mouse clicks
23:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge {RA}BC-Werk (n=BC@
23:35.42Miravlixso you arent hooking movement functions..
23:35.57Kirovbut they're under the same rules
23:37.30Rabid-Werkanother place to idle :P
23:37.57AdrineYeah. >_>
23:38.01QzotAdrine: I just found a problem with your code.
23:38.13AdrineLay it on me, Qzot
23:38.18Cairennwould we recognize you under a different pseudonym, Rabid-Werk?
23:38.20QzotIt's going to sort in lexicographic order.
23:38.48AdrineYou're right.
23:38.49QzotNot numeric.
23:39.25Rabid-WerkRabid the guy who flamed in the mazzle thread that you PM'd to remove iit, which I did :)
23:39.43Adrine more better?
23:39.48Rabid-Werkwant to learn more so I thought I should lurk here
23:40.06Kirovadrine, I just do the tonumbers on the return
23:40.09Cairennyou're more than welcome to :)
23:40.11AdrineDoes that work?
23:40.23AdrineOh, I suppose so, since the two _ parameters are numeric as well.
23:40.29AdrineNot that I'm sure Lua would mind.
23:40.33Kirovno no, not there
23:41.10AdrineThat works as well, I suppose.
23:41.22Kirovonly ever does tonumber twice
23:41.30AdrineAha, yes.
23:41.36Kirovand I don't care if the ~= are being done on strings vs. numbers
23:41.40AdrineGood catch. :)
23:42.09AdrineMy test says it checks out.
23:43.39Cairennmmmmm fresh warm cinnamon rolls with maple frosting  *gains five pounds just looking at them*
23:43.59AdrineThat sounds awesome.
23:44.54Rabid-Werkthough if I made those here at work folks would riot
23:45.41kaidenrioting is good
23:45.49QzotAdrine: You still here?
23:46.32Endah, today has been a long day, but now I am done...!
23:46.35AdrineFor a moment, yes!
23:46.47Cairennlater End-afk :)
23:46.55End-afkcya :)
23:46.59QzotI tried to come up with a way to write that comparator much more cleanly...
23:47.33QzotI failed miserably.
23:48.17AdrineI'm pretty sure that if we try hard enough, we'll eventually compress it to 2.66 bytes.
23:48.39AdrineThough, as we are unable to represent fractions of a byte, we'll have to settle for the long version. :(
23:49.07QzotNot on quantum computers, we won't.
23:49.29AdrineWell, we will.
23:49.31AdrineBut we won't.
23:49.40KirovUntil we look at it
23:49.46AdrineAt which case it might break
23:49.51AdrineBut we don't know if it didn't.
23:50.02AdrineQuantum physics makes my head hurt, and I -like- physics.
23:50.13QzotOh, what entangled states we weave, when we first practice...
23:50.22AdrineIt's like "Here, everything you know is completely wrong, have a hammer to the forehead."
23:50.56QzotI especially like the all-worlds interpretation of state collapse.
23:51.51QzotBtw, what's the need for sorting item ids?
23:52.40KirovPartial rewrite of LootLInk
23:53.28Kirovattempting to reduce some of the memory holes
23:53.35QzotWhy the concern about the particular sort you use?
23:54.45KirovThe way they're sorted I want the "best", non enchanted item first
23:55.09KirovAny item that's enchanted gets tossed after that, along with variants of the bonuses
23:55.41KirovMakes it easier to find the best version of the item you're looking for so you can see the possible ranges.
23:55.58QzotI've always wanted LL to key only on the primary ID, and keep a list of the random variations actually seen.
23:56.45Kirovwhich is what LLe does
23:56.53QzotI'd just as soon LL toss any player-added enchant. Or at the most, keep them in a separate DB.
23:57.24AdrineI should extend Sanity to provide links for items in the mailbox from the LL database if LL is installed.
23:57.37AdrineRight now, there's no way to get a link for them and it drives me nuts.
23:57.43KirovAdrine, did you see the function I wrote for RTE?
23:57.58AdrineNo - which one?

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