irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060316

00:01.54ShadowdOfftopic but, what Layer level would you use if you wanted to change the opacity of the main frame but not the text inside the layer?
00:01.57ShadowdIf that makes any sense
00:02.07cladhaireShadowd: It just can't be a child.
00:02.13cladhaireHave them in seperate layers
00:02.33cladhaireIt all depends specifically what you want to do =)
00:02.54AdrineI am curious about one thing re: the signing...
00:02.54AdrineIs the signing ever intended to be used on non-Blizzard addons? If not, when why the "secure/insecure" terminology (or even the lock/broken lock graphic)? Seems like that choice of words invites undereducated user panic, given the semi-regular outbreaks of "oh noes, Cosmos stole my cookies"
00:02.55cladhaireslouken: It was nice to see all the stickies drop off after you made the call denial silent... hopefully we can get rid of the rest of the ZOMG everything's breaking threads and we'll be in quiet-happy-dev-land again
00:03.46TainWait where is this quiet-happy-dev-land?  I don't believe I've ever been to such a place.
00:03.57Shadowdcladhaire: Have an overlay that lets you set the opacity of the border and the background, but it effects the FontString's inside the layer so if you set it to 0 then the FontString's disapear too. The fontstrings are inside a background layer level.
00:04.20AdrineI think cladhaire is saying to put them in separate layers
00:04.27EndTain, I've been there. IT IS A LIE.
00:04.37cladhaireput the artwork in "ARTWORK" and the fontstrings in "OVERLAY"
00:05.20sloukenfontstrings are always rendered over the textures in a given layer.
00:05.50ShadowdDoesn't look like I can do that cladhaire, was kind of guessing at the FrameXML. *goes and puts it on pastebin*
00:06.04cladhairePerfect, I'll take a look at what you're working on
00:06.06MiravlixCosmos stole your cookie?
00:06.14sloukenI wanna cookie!
00:06.19MiravlixI didn't know we had that feature; I have to find out where we put them
00:06.27AdrineIt kicked my dog, too :(
00:06.31ShadowdDamn, not sure if thats sarcasm or not :p
00:06.38TainC is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
00:06.53cladhaireWe're all on crack.. and this isn't even the full crew
00:07.28Endyeah, Iriel and Cairenn aren't here for starters!  and by not here I mean silent or gone
00:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:07.40Temhey slouken I just made use of a frame API that I don't think has ever been used
00:07.43TemI'm so proud of myself
00:07.49Endwhich is that?
00:07.56Shadowd probably completly wrong.
00:08.33cladhaireAnd you want to hide the backdrop, background etc but not the fontstrings?
00:08.34TemI'm playing with the TradeSkillFrame
00:08.53Tembut it's border textures don't have names
00:09.07Tembut they are all conveniently in the Border layer
00:09.25Temso TradeSkillFrame:DisableDrawLayer("BORDER") hides them all real nice
00:09.36Endhmm, I should stop hanging around and go home
00:09.47cladhaireShadowd: You should be able to SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,0) to hide the border and background without hiding the font.
00:10.08Shadowdcladhaire: Great thanks
00:10.50cladhaireShadowd: If you had textures you could also set that alpha manually.. just give yourself a HideFrame method that makes the changes all together.
00:11.08cladhaireTem: That's fun!
00:11.15Shadowdalright will keep that in mind
00:11.40Temcladhaire: I know! play around with other frames
00:12.11cladhaireooh what fun minimap tricks can i play =)\
00:12.12MiravlixTalking about tradeskill frames, people need to learn to NOT CLEAR THE USERS collapsed/expanded state
00:12.36MiravlixAnd I need to write an addon that stores it between sessions.
00:13.09Temthat stuff is a SERIOUS pain
00:13.26Temin fact, slouken, would you kick the person who wrote that for me?
00:13.37AdrineWhat I'd like to do is an addon that gives a text box at the top of each tradeskill frame
00:13.45AdrineType in it and the list filters itself accordingly :)
00:13.46MiravlixSky has a save/restore function for the quest frame, but as long as everyone isn't using it, it gets messed up
00:13.57TemAdrine: I've written an addon that does that
00:14.03AdrineTem: LINK PLZ
00:14.10Temit's horribly outdated
00:14.14cladhaireslouken: So when are Rislyn and Horkin gonna come hang out with us?
00:14.14AdrineIt's better than nothing!
00:14.16TemI'm making it work right now
00:14.17AdrineAnd hey, maybe I can update it.
00:14.20AdrineOr that works too.
00:14.27AdrineI just. Really dislike the stock UI.
00:14.31TemIt's been out of date since like 1.7
00:14.33Kirovno one wants to answer my macro question >.<
00:14.41cladhaireKirov: What macro question?
00:14.45Temand I feel bad for letting it rot so long
00:14.53AdrineEh. I did that with Sanity.
00:15.01AdrineI tend to fire-and-forget. :)
00:15.05Kirovwhat reason for not allowing acces to a macro's actualy index vs. it's sorted index
00:15.30Kiroverg, typing bad
00:15.42cladhaireslouken: Last I heard was that QA wasn't able to reproduce the unitid/event issue with unit frames.. have you seen/heard anything else?
00:15.58sloukenGotta run, thanks guys!
00:16.19Kirovhe's still at work
00:16.26Kirovit's only 4:15 here
00:16.27End-afkhe had to RUN...and why am I still here? I thought I went home!
00:25.55Temwow, I think there might be an error in the schema
00:26.07Temperhaps I have things in the wrong order
00:28.39Temwell, my parser is telling me that EditBoxes aren't supposed to have a Script tag
00:28.50Temwhich leads me to believe the schema is wrong
00:28.55cladhairenot script
00:29.34Temyeah that's what I meant
00:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
00:31.54KirkburnCiao! I'm just logging in briefly to say hello and plug ClearFont (why else do I come? ;) ... got a new version up for the test server. Woo.
00:32.38KirkburnDamn Cairenn's not here ... I found the source of the alliance race 'falling leaves' comment, too ... :(
00:33.04MiravlixYou come here to prevent yourself from going insane by using this channel as a psycoligal venting place?
00:33.11KirkburnWell that too
00:33.22KirkburnIf I don't, the cosmos forum's get it all ;)
00:33.24MiravlixYou can stop comming it didn't work.
00:33.57Temah, no it must be my parser that's in error
00:34.41KirkburnWell I just found out it was a GM that mentioned that the alliance race will be linked to falling leaves/forests
00:35.10Kirovit's trents!
00:35.12KirovI knew it!
00:35.25KirkburnTrents .... er ... treants? :P
00:35.35KirkburnOr just lots of people called trent?
00:35.47KirkburnI vote for the second
00:35.55Kirovor I could just suck at typing
00:36.03AnduinLothartree-ents shortenned
00:36.42KirkburnSo is trnts, but u don't catch me calling them that? :)
00:37.34KirkburnSeriously, imagine being a tree dressed in Magisters
00:38.20KirkburnI wonder if you get a penatly to regeneration, or root as a racial ability
00:38.22ShadowdThats going to be great
00:38.47KirkburnOf course if you root someone, you as a tree are also rooted
00:38.59KirkburnSo it's balanced :D
00:39.28KirkburnBut anyways ... time for bed! G'night all
00:39.51KirkburnOr afternoon, or probably morning too
00:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
00:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (
01:04.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
01:55.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:57.34Tainhah hah awesome.  Raph Koster, SOE game designer who worked on EQ and Star Wars Galaxies among others says:
01:57.34Tain"The single-player game is a strange mutant monster which has only existed for 21 years and is about to go away because it is unnatural and abnormal."
01:58.10Shadowdaww they fixed the Logout(); CancelLogout(); Jump(); bug
01:59.56Corrodiasthose poor, poor peons at sony
02:00.11Corrodiasthey've been following twatnads all along and apparently don't know it because they still work there
02:00.22IrielRaph Koster has some good things to say, and then a whole bunch of retarded nonsense
02:00.46IrielSomeone should introduce him to solitaire, too
02:00.55TainYep.  He's an interesting guy to listen to.
02:01.34Corrodiasit sounds like he's never played a game
02:02.07Corrodiashow can someone say something like that? got any other nuggets of wisdom? :)
02:03.50cladhaireIriel: You missed an extended Slouken today.. he's grabbed most of the holes you guys found.. and was begging for more =)
02:04.03Adrine :)
02:04.09AdrineHealcap progresses!
02:07.22cladhaireWhats healCap do?
02:07.49TainWell it's a cap.  And..
02:07.52AdrineTracks healing done to you, breaks it down in various fun ways
02:08.11Adrine(It's name is  a rather lame play on "Recap")
02:08.33TainSpeaking of healing, I'm struggling a bit at playing a Cleric in DDO.
02:09.16Irielcladhaire : Yeah, I was going to go hunting last night but all of the test servers are down
02:09.23IrielTain: How large a group are you playing in?
02:09.40IrielTain: I've found 3 to be SUBSTANTIALLY more fun a game experience than 2.
02:10.03IrielTain: And specific class pairings matter, 2 semi-squishy classes do FAR worse than a strong and a squishy
02:10.13AnduinLotharheh, ya i was on test last night and i'm like... where is everyone
02:10.33TainYeah Iriel, I've only just started the cleric so only have a few groups experience.  But in general a 2 man group is no good for me compared to more.
02:11.12IrielThe lack of solid 2 person (or dare I say it, solo) content is going tobe the death of it, I fear
02:11.16TainIt's tough starting out, things like Bless have a 60 second duration.
02:11.35TainMaybe, but I'm glad they stuck to their guns on that.
02:11.45cladhaireI wanted to play DDO whats the cost look lik efor it?
02:11.55Irielcladhaire : Standard cost $50+$15/mo
02:12.00Legorolgood evening folks
02:12.22Irielcladhaire : Which is really my other problem with it, compared to a world like WoW, the $15 seems excessive.
02:12.26TainI also don't know if it will be a death knell.  I mean it's likely it will.  But I really do go back to forced grouping (for the most part) being one of the biggest reasons for EQ's success.
02:12.38TainAt least early on.
02:12.40Legorollol Iriel, was just about to link my post on the new quirky change to tooltips, but i see you already saw it :D
02:13.05TainUnfortunatly since then every game wants to pander to the soloers so they just got easier and easier.
02:13.08IrielLegorol : AnduinLothar (or someone else, perhaps) already mentioned that one a couple of days ago, though I'm not sure it was consistent
02:13.17IrielTain: Yeah, I suppose it may just be we users who need to adapt
02:13.22Legorolah right
02:13.27Legorolno wait
02:13.39Legorolhmm, maybe
02:13.49AnduinLotharya, I did, cause ActionQueue started to cast the same thing over and over.. prime sign that tooltips have broken
02:13.51Legorolare you sure you are not confusing it with the original SetOwner issue that came with the test realms?
02:13.52IrielTain: I think I just have high standards when it comes to who i'd like to play with.
02:13.54TainOf course I also come from a tabletop D&D background so this is one case where I welcome it trying at least somewhat to mirror that experience.
02:14.08IrielLegorol : I remember a specific OnLoad discussion.
02:14.15Legoroli'd been beaten to it then :D
02:14.19TainThat is the problem, Iriel.  I've been lucky in the games I've played since EQ of always having a group of people I played with.
02:14.25IrielI haven't played 'proper' D&D in something like 14 years
02:14.48TainI have an outright disdain for the vast majority of players.  :)
02:14.52IrielAnd only a small portion of my 'normal crowd' are interested enough in DDO to be playinG (and one of THOSE is on my 10 day pass)
02:15.03cladhaireIriel: Have you seen any evidence or have anything to contribute to the unitId/event issue with unit frames?
02:15.09IrielThe basic problem is, when your friends aren't on, there's nothing to do.
02:15.22Irielcladhaire : Not really, fate has conspired to starve me of test server time.
02:15.47cladhaireIriel: The problem, is its not even reproducible on live that we've been able to find.
02:15.49Irielcladhaire : Which is why I spent so much time thinking of ways to break the trusted code protections.
02:16.12cladhaireSlouken's pretty proud of it =)
02:16.36cladhaireBut the signing process is what grants them protection, which is a good sign that we're not headed towards signing addons like so many were afraid of.
02:16.49cladhaireAt least right now, until they provide various levels of signing =)
02:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
02:16.54IrielWell, it wouldn't take much code to allow for 'signed trusted' and 'signed untrusted' addons
02:17.38cladhairebut at least we can see the underlying system they've been working on that provoke the signatures =)
02:17.47cladhairejust another piece of the puzzle
02:17.57TainYou know though I am a little sad about the backlash in the DDO community against any cleric who doesn't focus only on healing.  Clerics in the D&D world are so much more than just casting heal over and over again. :(
02:18.24cladhaireHael pls.  Preist need fort lol.
02:18.26AnduinLotharwhy look.. why didn't I ever think of hooking the WorldFrame...
02:18.47Wobin_WATA PLZ
02:19.02IrielTain: I'm VERY worried about typecasting in the DDO world, actually.
02:19.04Wobin_Hehe the WorldFrame always was just there...
02:19.15IrielTain: Especially given the D&D system's flexibility towards characters that 'break the mould'
02:20.01IrielTain: Perhaps that'll end up as a good indicator between the mature players with the D&D mindset, and the newer 'ub3r l33t'
02:20.29AnduinLotharI wonder if I can hook the OnMouseX script commands to replace the CameraOrSelectOrMove hooks for detecting queued casts..
02:20.53AnduinLotharhmm... wont work for everything tho :(
02:20.58cladhaireAnduinLothar: THere was a post about that recently
02:21.00AnduinLotharmight not work for much at all
02:21.05AnduinLotharya, i just saw it
02:21.11AnduinLothari don't think it'll work tho..
02:21.17cladhaireShould work for most of the spellcasting detection needs from what I saw
02:22.06IrielI would imagine you could get mildly close with OnUpdate and SpellIsTargeting
02:22.37AnduinLotharscanning a frame onupdate?
02:22.40Irielit just depends on when mouse position/button state transitions happen in the lua event/refresh cycle
02:23.01IrielJust keeping an eye on what the cursor is doing each frame
02:23.04Legorolwhat part of target detection will be broken by the new protection?
02:23.06cladhaireAnduinLothar: What makes you think that the OnMouseDown method that was posted wouldn't work?
02:23.14Legorols/target/spell target/
02:23.28AnduinLotharit'll work by itself. i dunno if it'll work for my application tho
02:23.49AnduinLotharspose i could just try it tonight
02:24.02cladhairedo you have a link to the post
02:24.04cladhairei can check it out quick
02:24.55cladhaireAnd do you mind if I ask the specific case you think you'll; have an issue with so I can play?
02:25.12AnduinLotharmeh, it'll probably work as well as the current version..
02:25.18cladhairewhich is hacky at best =)
02:25.33TainGaaaah stupid stupid forgot CHA affects Turn Undead.  *cries*
02:25.51AnduinLotharqueue a spell, drag the screen to change camera view and then target a released dead body
02:26.02AnduinLotharsee if that works..
02:26.14AnduinLothari think it will, it'll just update twice
02:26.23AnduinLotharonce while dragging and again when targetting
02:26.34AnduinLotharuse the ArcanePartyBars.CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop_Hook code
02:27.15AnduinLotharcould just change it to a WorldFrame.onmouseup hook
02:27.39cladhaireyeah I'm looking at it
02:28.15AnduinLotharjust change the hook to Sea.util.hook("WorldFrame","ArcanePartyBars.CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop_Hook","before", "OnMouseUp"); and throw a print statement in there for verification
02:28.53cladhairei've got a different set of hooks, not using apb
02:28.57cladhairebut i'm patching again, at the moment.
02:29.01cladhairei must have been one behind
02:29.19AnduinLotharoh, did they update to 5162 on test?
02:29.29cladhairenot sure.. i may be a few behind tbh =)
02:29.42AnduinLotharor is it still 5159
02:31.17AnduinLotharsweet: ? The Statues in Ahn'Qiraj now drop chunks of obsidian that can be crafted by blacksmiths in to various types of armor. The Recipes come from both Cenarion Circle vendors as well as drops and other sources.
02:31.40AnduinLothari knew my rep was gonna be worth something to blacksmiths eventually :)
02:31.47cladhairenone of them are nature resist as far as we can tell
02:32.01AnduinLotharthey any good?
02:32.29AnduinLotharyup upped to 5162
02:32.40AnduinLotharthat has a bunch of sloukens fixes
02:34.53LegorolAnduinLothar: yeah it does, and we already found some more holes :D
02:35.12Legorolyou missed the exciting convos yesterday
02:35.32cladhaireLegorol: Slouken said he grabbed all of those today and was hunting for more =)
02:35.46Legoroloh did he?
02:36.05AnduinLotharah, he'll prolly ask me to verify them
02:36.11AnduinLotharthe fixes*
02:36.13IrielThat doesn't necessarily mean the mechanisms wont still sometimes work, just that you shoulkdn't be able to execute exploitative code with them
02:36.32AnduinLothari saw PlayerFrame OnUpdate hook..
02:36.33IrielPersonally I think the holy grail is going to be getting it to bless my code.
02:36.38Gryphenshoulkdn't lol
02:36.42Legorolwell the thing is, the hardware event restriction on movement will be back with 1.10 release, from what i have heard
02:36.58Legorolhowever, i have a few ideas on what to do in that case
02:37.10Legorolunfortunately i can't test taht with the current test realm :(
02:37.34Legoroli hope that they are going to give one final update on the test realm before going live, with the hardware event restriction..
02:38.00AnduinLotharprolly... think we got a week...
02:38.08cladhaireThey left it out to give us a method to test?
02:38.10Legorolthe contests aren't ending before 28th
02:38.24Legorolso i don't think 1.10 can hit live before that
02:39.32IrielThere's nothing to stop them putting it live and leaving the contest servers up tho
02:39.57Legorolmoral question: is it OK for me to use AT on test realm and call it "testing Lua protection system"?
02:40.15AnduinLotharit's test... who cares
02:40.25Legoroli wasn't expecting a serious answer
02:40.32AnduinLotharyou mean on the contest realms?
02:41.13AnduinLotharmade the mistake of logging in with out removing all the broken mods... stupid dissable popups only do one at a time..
02:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
02:42.11AnduinLotharyay, worldframe hook works
02:45.41AnduinLothartho if you drag and release it wont cast but it will still trigger name update
02:45.49AnduinLotharwhich i spose wont hurt anything
02:46.30AnduinLothargood stuff. i'll get that updated asap then
02:46.32cladhairejust got to that point too
02:46.52cladhaireWhat server are you testing on?
02:47.03AnduinLotharwas on test, but i have to go to class now
02:47.22AnduinLothari'll prolly be on test later tonight
02:47.33AnduinLotharAndy is the name
02:47.52cladhairethe name update will only happen if you're moused on a unit
02:48.01cladhaireand its easy to set a flag, and test MouseDown to see if we're still casting
02:48.11AnduinLotharno need,
02:52.00IrielTime to go home
02:57.57*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:11.00KtronYou know what is a pain, but necessary? cleaning up your 80gb hard drive that you've been hording every file you thought might be worth keeping for the past 4 years, that you've never cleaned up before
03:12.25Ktronheh, I'm going to check to see if there's any program that will let me see thumbnails of XCFs...
03:14.36Ktronheh, nope
03:14.38Ktronoh well
03:15.09Corrodiassend me an example and i'll see if acdsee can handle it, unless you've checked already
03:18.20KtronI haven't
03:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
03:23.57Ktron should get you one Corrodias
03:24.34Ktronheh, if that doesn't work, I'll try to figure out how to send it to you through IRC
03:24.40Ktron(I've never sent files through IRC before)
03:24.45Corrodiasso, uh, how do i download it?
03:25.03Corrodiasnever mind
03:25.29Ktrondid you get it?
03:25.46Ktronimageshack doesn't support .xcf
03:25.58Corrodiasgot it. testing now.
03:27.43Corrodiasletting the GIMP open it to see what it's like...
03:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (
03:27.50Corrodiaswhichtakes ages because of my fonts dir...
03:28.24TainBe happy too many fonts doesn't cause Windows to crash anymore like it did in the old days. :)
03:28.45Ktronshould just be some basic text-- 'benami style' I think
03:29.09Corrodiashow sad, acdsee can't view it
03:29.28KtronThat is sad
03:29.54KtronI usually don't bother with acdsee, I usually just install thumbview
03:29.58Corrodiasi don't like the gimp. it demands to load all my fonts which means it takes way too long to load
03:30.10Ktronbut thumbview doesn't support xcfs either
03:30.21Corrodiasand i'm having a hell of a time calculating the pH in this chemistry problem! argh!
03:30.25Corrodiasinfinity is not a valid pH
03:30.46KtronI like the GIMP a lot more than photoshop... I think you can tell GIMP not to load every font
03:31.03Ktronin fact, I think you can even tell GIMP to dynamically load fonts, but don't hold me to that
03:39.30KtronHey Cairenn
03:40.04Ktronheh, we chased off Krem earlier, but I've no doubt he'll be back either later tonight or tomorrow
03:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
03:40.49Cairennanything I should be aware of?
03:41.16Cairenn(fell asleep)
03:41.31Ktronnah, nothing important
03:45.35Legoroldarn, we didn't manage to have an exciting enough convo to keep Cairenn awake..
03:45.51Legorolwe should stop talking about code and start talking about girls!
03:46.15Legorolon that note...
03:46.17Cairennand that will keep me awake, why?
03:46.22Cairennnight Legorol
03:46.34Legorolehm.. don't girls keep *everyone* awake?
03:47.17Ktronnight Legorol
04:05.12TainActually if the girl is really good she makes me need a nap.
04:05.35Corrodiasnudity is what makes them worthwhile.
04:07.49Cairenndangerous statement Corrodias
04:16.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:19.09Cairennwb Iriel
04:19.18IrielHello again
04:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
04:19.50malrethyou were all educated evil and are unfit to live
04:20.12Endbe that way.
04:20.12Cairennand good evening to you as well malreth
04:20.58malrethyou are all too stupid to understand nature's harmonious 4x4=16 simultaneous 4 day time cube
04:21.35Gryphenhah ya
04:21.40malrethi am full of chicken...
04:21.42malrethand rum
04:21.48malrethmuch more rum than chicken
04:27.03Ktronheh, someone should force all people to get a second phone line for internet or cable
04:27.53Ktronbecause calling and calling trying to get through is thoroughly obnoxious, and its time we left it behind
04:28.30MiravlixIf you need me for anything send me an email?
04:28.33Corrodiasor maybe affordable, common DSL service with the discontinuation of dialup.
04:29.00MiravlixTalking to people is just sooo old fashioned
04:29.24KtronI suppose it'd be okay if you _only_ were online, but I was told to call and get through
04:30.00Ktronand she's not online, and neither is her sister, which makes getting them to get offline difficult
04:31.14malrethyomigaeru aiyan sheffu!
04:32.27malrethiron chef is on... it's the episode with the challenger with the huge knife
04:33.09malrethno entendre there... it's a huge blade
04:33.28Ktronchecking it out
04:35.02Ktronguess not, guess my tuner didn't recognize food... weird
04:37.47malrethhere, you can watch this instead.
04:42.29IrielDoes slouken's MovePad still work in 1.10?
04:42.38Irielthe NEW 1.10 that is
04:43.22MentalPowerI can check
04:44.16Irielthat's ok, i'll just hop out and back in again
04:44.51MentalPoweryes it does
04:45.15sloukenHey Iriel. :)
04:45.24IrielHey slouken 8-)
04:47.05MentalPowergnight folks
04:47.24Cairennnight Mental
04:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
04:55.51malrethhmm... the new channelcast addon is out
04:58.09Cairennokay guys, where do you go to change from windowed mode to full screen (for wow) out of game
04:59.04Corrodiasi don't know! omg!
04:59.21malrethwhy out of game?
04:59.43Cairennthat's what I thought too, but I am not seeing "full screen" or "windowed" or anything like htat
04:59.59ForgottenLordsI'll see if I can find it Cairenn
05:00.28Cairennwhy out of game?
05:00.52ForgottenLordsSET gxWindow "1"
05:01.02ForgottenLordsSET gxMaximize "1"
05:01.57Corrodiasthat would be maximized windowed mode
05:02.04Corrodiasi think you want gxWindow "0"
05:02.12ForgottenLordsNo, you want 1
05:02.16malrethCair! get rid of your computer and buy a new one... it's gone wrong
05:02.26ForgottenLordsI use WIndowed, and thats straight from my config file
05:02.27Cairennha ha ha
05:02.40malrethwho's on your desktop?
05:02.42Corrodiasbut she wants to use fullscreen
05:02.44CairennI'm trying to get rid of windowed, see if that'll fix it for me
05:02.51ForgottenLordsOH, then yeah 0 :)
05:02.57Cairennmalreth: my daughter, couple years ago
05:04.55ForgottenLordsYes, you want
05:04.55ForgottenLordsSET gxWindow "0"
05:05.36Cairennokay, changing that fixed it, now to see if I can switch back to windowed
05:05.58Legorolthis is odd, MovePad throws blocked message for me..
05:06.16Cairennyay, fixed
05:06.40IrielWorks for me
05:06.43Cairennthanks guys .... I just couldn't find the option to turn windowed off, wasn't looking correctly
05:06.53Cairennthat was incredibly odd
05:09.00Legorolis there a new release of movepad?
05:09.09IrielDont think so, mine's dated March 10
05:09.23Legorolhm, odd.. if i turn off all other addons, it works
05:09.43ForgottenLordswhats the POINT of that?
05:09.58LegorolForgottenLords, long story.. will get you link
05:10.04IrielThat's the thread
05:10.06Legorolah thre :-)
05:10.13IrielI happened to have it open still
05:10.16LegorolIriel, here is the deal:
05:10.21Legorolif i have *only* MovePad loaded, it works
05:10.35ForgottenLordsah, I'll read up on it
05:10.36Legorolif i have MovePad + ImprovedErrorFrame loaded, it throws blocked message and blames IEF
05:10.45Legorolit's doing exactly like it did with Tradeskills
05:10.48Legorolblames a random addon..
05:10.52IrielDoes IEF hook anything significant?
05:10.58Legorolnot that i know of
05:11.03Legoroli can try with other, benign addon too
05:11.05IrielEdit IEF and make it depend on MovePad
05:11.08AnduinLotharsame problem as the previous 'create all' bug
05:11.23Irielthen exit and restart client
05:11.27IrielI'm curious if it's a load order issue
05:11.43malrethwoo! iron chef wins! gah, i'm glad.
05:11.45Legorolcould be
05:11.53Legorolit works fine when i load a single addon called Utilities
05:11.55malrethi'm always worried, you know.
05:11.59Legorol(my personal library of Lua functions)
05:12.05Legorolnow U > M
05:12.06IrielWell, Utilities probably loads after MovePad
05:12.07Legorolbut ! < M
05:12.25IrielDevTools doesn't appear to interfere with it tho
05:12.30Legoroli can try two addons, just before and just after..
05:12.31Cairennit loads fine for me
05:12.43Legorolquite a few addons i tried seem to be fine with it
05:12.46Legorolbut IEF isn't
05:13.05IrielWell, what is IEF doing?
05:13.19Legorolnot entirely sure, but i think all it does is redirect _ERRORMESSAGE or message
05:13.21Legorolcan't remember which
05:13.29Legoroland displays it in a window that you can copy/paste from
05:13.46Legorolquite odd
05:13.59Legoroli'll see if i can produce a minimal addon that's necessary to trigger blocked message with MovePad
05:15.03Legorolwell there doesn't seem to be any consistency... some addons have a problem with it, some don't
05:15.28AnduinLotharedit box or scroll frames?
05:15.47LegorolIriel, yup, i think it's a load order issue
05:15.48AnduinLotharanything with gui that uses the keyboard?
05:15.59Legorolnah, i think iriel is right, i just wasn't careful enough when trying
05:16.06Legorolif i try an addon before it in the alphabet, it complains
05:16.09Legorolafter it, and it's fine
05:16.21Legorolseems like once you start loading insecure addons, you can't load a secure one
05:16.43IrielThat doesn't seem to explain DevTools, unless I accidently disabled it
05:16.52Legorolout of date?
05:17.03Legorolwell, so far every test i did confirms your load-order theory
05:17.18Legorolhmm wait
05:17.22CairennI'm loading lots before it, just fine
05:17.23Legorolhow do i verify load-order?
05:17.34IrielMake your first addon register ADDON_LOADED
05:17.39IrielAnd print the ones that load after it
05:17.46malrethuse warmup and see the order of the addon loading
05:17.54malreththat's what I use, anyways
05:17.55Legorolit should be enough to enable verbose debugging, no?
05:18.19Cairenn!StopTheSpam would load first, I'd think?
05:18.32IrielCairenn : "usually"
05:18.37malrethoh, don't use that addon... it's awful
05:18.58Cairennwhat, StopTheSpam? I love it :p
05:19.36Cairennsmartass :p
05:19.46malreththanks for testing it for me, though. I'm glad it works.
05:19.59malreth<updates readme and gets ready to post and update>
05:20.01CairennI can't stand not using it
05:20.11Legorollol, it even blames Ace
05:20.36Cairennoh interesting ... FishingBuddy just came up with the Blocked message
05:20.36IrielWell, who wouldn't ?
05:21.11Corrodiasyou know, i wasn't aware that people MOVING was a problem. i thought they were trying to stop decursive, not ..moving
05:21.29malrethi thought FishingBuddy hooked one of the movement functions
05:21.31Corrodiasor have i misunderstood what you are saying?
05:21.53Cairennmalreth: actually, yeah
05:22.34malrethyeah... it'll have to be recoded to use a worldframe onclick hook or something
05:23.56LegorolIriel: could you do this test for me when you get a chance:
05:24.06Legoroldisable all addons but devtools and movepad
05:24.07Legorollog in
05:24.13Legoroltype /script FrameXML_Debug(1)
05:24.17Legoroltype /console reloadui
05:24.23Legorolthen check the framexml.log
05:24.26malrethguess i'll probably rewrite GoldenRun... i'm too addicted to the click-double-click to autorun
05:24.29Legorolsee what order are those two addons getting loaded in
05:24.38OsagasuHas anyone told Slouken about the hole in the Enchant links?
05:24.44Legorolwhat hole?
05:24.59malrethhey hey hey... this is a family channel!
05:25.03IrielDevTools -> MovePad
05:25.23OsagasuI just got a *black* link on Azgalor that was a modified Crusader enchant link.
05:25.28LegorolIriel: and it doesn't blame devtools?
05:25.35OsagasuThe guy that made it says they they still work on the test patch
05:25.41IrielLegorol : it works perfectly
05:25.50IrielLegorol : Now, DevTools doesn't create any frames, which may be why it escapes
05:25.54IrielLegorol : Let me try something
05:26.11Legorolhave you updated the toc of devtools to 11000?
05:26.11sloukenOsagasu, it's fixed for the next test realm update.  I didn't want to have to load the entire spell database just for validation, but... grumble grumble
05:26.30Cairennlater malreth
05:26.43Legorolslouken, i thought you are not supposed to talk about work in here :p ...
05:26.44Legoroloh wait
05:26.57Legorol*we* are not supposed to talk about work to you ... oopsie :-)
05:27.18IrielUnless he starts it 8-)
05:27.21Cairennand we are allowed to if he is asking for info
05:27.24IrielThen I think it's fair game
05:27.38Cairennwhich he has specifically stated he wants us to be trying to poke holes in the API atm
05:27.45Cairennso it's his own damn fault :p
05:27.50IrielAnd yes, Lego, once one of my addons creates a frame, it breaks poor MovePad
05:27.58OsagasuI didn't even know he was in here when I asked
05:28.11Legorolyup Iriel, i just confirmed that too
05:28.16IrielNo frame : No problem
05:28.22Legoroli loaded an addon with no frames, no problem
05:28.26Legoroldamn, you beat me ;-)
05:28.50Irielit appears to be, no XML file no problem
05:28.53IrielOnce you have an XML file, it breaks
05:28.57IrielRegardless of what's in it
05:29.15Legoroleven with just a <Script>?
05:29.22IrielEven with just a NOTHING
05:29.28Legoroli think it might have to do with how AddOn signing works..
05:29.38Legorolsignature files are called *.toc.sig
05:29.42Legoroli wonder if that means anything ;-)
05:29.46IrielI think it might be a bug 8-)
05:29.53Iriel*ducks from slouken*
05:29.59Legorolbug? nevah!
05:30.03Legorol"working as intended"
05:30.16IrielIn fairness, MovePad is the ONLY non-built-in signed addon.
05:30.23AnduinLotharotherwise known as an undisclosed feature
05:30.24IrielBut it would explain why my last attempt to break things failed
05:30.35IrielSo if he fixes the bug, my last exploit has a chance 8-)
05:30.56Legorolthere are plenty of exploits at the moment that are not fixed on current test realm yet
05:31.14AnduinLotharemumerate them and they will be
05:31.16*** join/#wowi-lounge [Hyper]Darshu (
05:31.28IrielI think all of the fixable ones are caught now
05:31.30LegorolAnduinLothar: already told slouken about it, not going to say in public
05:31.47IrielThings like 'rearranging global functions to do something different than expected' will be more or less impossible to fix
05:31.51Legoroli still have a few ideas, but... can't try them until the hardware event restriction is back
05:32.05AnduinLotharMy theory is the more common knowledge an exploit i that faster it gets fixed
05:32.07sloukenIriel, that's actually fixed.
05:32.14OsagasuHey Darshu.
05:32.23Irielslouken : That being the MovePad problem, or the thing I emailed you?
05:32.34Legorolok, i can't resist!
05:32.37sloukenLegorol, what do you have in mind, and why would it need the hardware event restriction?
05:32.40Cairennhi darshu
05:32.45Legorolslouken: will there be a test realm update that will have the hardware event restriction on movement?
05:33.04Legorolwell what i have in mind is a way to link movement with spellcasting
05:33.06TainAll of these people in one place, using their powers for good.  It brings a tear to my eye.
05:33.19Cairennlol Tain
05:33.23Legorolbut it all depends on how you fixed stuff Iriel and I mailed you about
05:33.35Legorolso i can't try it until it's on test realm
05:33.38AnduinLothar'good' being breaking things?
05:33.41Legoroli can email you what i had in mind
05:33.56AnduinLothari wanna be paid for hacking... oh wait..
05:34.07IrielBreaking things on test so they dont get abused on live 8-)
05:34.10TainHey I'm serious, most of the time you find people brainstorming like this so they can use these things to benefit themselves, not to help fix them.
05:34.33LegorolTain: what about the miriad security firms out there that go find holes in Windows so they can report it to M$?
05:34.38Legorolthey do it for PR not to exploit
05:34.38TainNot that I would know about such things.
05:35.05TainThey're irrelevant, everyone knows Microsoft doesn't respond to security flaws anyway.
05:35.14Legorolit does, they fix them
05:35.22Irielabout 18 months later
05:35.30Legorolok we are going to dangerous territory here, so i better shut up on this
05:35.59sloukenCan you send a simple self-contained test case for the MovePad problem?
05:36.07IrielI can
05:36.07AnduinLotharmmm, publicly telling yourself to shut up.. that's... special
05:36.26AnduinLotharalmost like me!
05:36.31Legorolslouken: load an AddOn called "Alpha" with the following .toc: ## Interface: 11000, Alpha.xml
05:36.33AnduinLotharthinking with my fingers..
05:36.39Legoroland put <Ui></Ui> in the .xml
05:36.41Legorolthat should be enough
05:37.07sloukenIt's easier if I can just unpack a zip file into a clean build and go
05:37.16sloukenIf I do it myself, I could get it wrong. :)
05:37.18Legorolok sure
05:37.33AnduinLothar== lazy
05:37.45IrielI've got the zip already
05:37.49sloukenthat too. :)
05:37.52AnduinLotharas all goo dprogrammers are
05:37.53Iriel(Since I just have to do 'ant zip')
05:38.10Legorolok Iriel you do it
05:38.14Legorol<- lazy too :D
05:38.44AnduinLothari think i should make a global macro that delays my space button a fraction of a second..
05:38.57IrielAnduinLothar : Stick sponge to it, or pins
05:39.18Irielslouken :
05:39.20AnduinLotharor spill soda on it
05:41.00*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
05:41.11IrielSoda stops it coming back up too tho
05:41.47LegorolIriel, odd, that minimalistic Alpha addon i just mentioned is not enough.
05:43.05LegorolI seem to have to have something in the .xml, other than just <Ui></Ui>
05:43.38IrielMine works, it's just a comment
05:43.47IrielDid you add the xml to your toc?
05:44.38malreth|busyladies and gentlemen, malreth has left the channel
05:44.46malreth|busynight everybody
05:44.53Cairennnight malreth|busy
05:45.49LegorolIriel: is not enough
05:45.54Endnice comment Iriel
05:46.01End- <!--  Silence is golden  -->
05:47.01Legorol is not enough either
05:47.52IrielLegorol : It works for me
05:48.35Legorol also not enough
05:49.14Legoroland i do quit WoW each time i try
05:50.10sloukenTry these steps:
05:50.23sloukenMove your interface directory out of the way
05:50.30sloukenUnpack Iriel's zip as-is
05:50.32sloukenStart the game
05:50.46IrielWell, you have to unpack MovePad too
05:51.13sloukenIriel, for the record, I was testing with three different compilations and MovePad all loading, and didn't get any problems like this.
05:51.43Legorolthis one does give the block:
05:52.57sloukenBTW, it may have to do with the global environment resizing, which would mean that it would depend on exactly the XML and Lua and frames loaded at each stage.
05:53.11sloukenAnd hopefully fixed for the next test server update... *crosses his fingers*
05:54.45Legorolok i got it!
05:54.48Legorolit's the bindings.xml
05:54.55Legorolthat one gets loaded without being in the .toc
05:55.01Legoroldelete it, and AAB no longer throws blocked message
05:55.39IrielLeftover from one of my earlier abuses
05:55.57Legorolhowever, having a <Frame> element is enough to cause the blocked message
05:57.26Legorolme too :D
05:57.37Legorolbtw, did i understand this correctly:
05:57.37Legorol<Iriel> Things like 'rearranging global functions to do something different than expected' will be more or less impossible to fix
05:57.38Legorol<slouken> Iriel, that's actually fixed.
05:57.54Legoroli can't wait to see how that works
05:58.18Legorolok then i probably misunderstood something and your reply wasn't to that statement
05:58.28Legorolignore me..
05:58.34sloukenNo, you got it right
05:58.49IrielI too can't wait to see how that works 8-)
05:59.11Legoroli presume that applies to what i emailed you as well
05:59.19IrielNice work on the metatable taints by the way, did that just fall out of LUA naturally or did you predict us trying it?
05:59.28AnduinLotharya, faster turnaround would be nice... nightshift always gets the shaft with bugs being fixed but not life till the next day..
05:59.35Legorolmetatable taints? O.o
05:59.46*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
05:59.53IrielI tried some tricks with metatables on the global environment
05:59.55IrielThey failed.
06:00.09Legorolfair enough
06:00.20Legoroli was going to do that as a last resort.. but we found easier ways
06:00.33Legoroland now i don't have to bother trying :D
06:00.49IrielI love my metatables, I had to see if they would prevail 8-)
06:00.55AnduinLotharok, well i'm off. night guys
06:01.00IrielCya Anduin
06:01.03Cairennnight AnduinLothar
06:01.37Cairenndifferent departments :p
06:01.42Legoroli know i know, j/k
06:01.47AnduinLotharhe's upstairs i believe
06:01.53Legorolah, so he gets the better view
06:01.54IrielI'm sure slouken could delete all of our accounts if he wanted to.
06:01.58IrielI doubt Anduin could
06:02.03AnduinLotharprolly has his own office too
06:02.04Legoroleven the EU ones?
06:02.09Iriel(And I do mean "delete" and not "cancel")
06:02.10Legoroli doubt it Iriel
06:02.14IrielWell, maybe not the EU ones
06:02.22Legoroli don't think he necessarily has access to the live account databases
06:02.26AnduinLotharmm, he's not the server guy but he might know hoiw
06:02.35Legorolhe is a programmer, not a database or network engineer or whatnot...
06:02.42IrielIf you can get code into the app, you dont necessarily need DB access yourself.
06:02.46Legorolbut me just guessing
06:02.55Legorollol, backdoor, Iriel?
06:02.58Legorolbesides, who knows?
06:03.00AnduinLotharhe could probably code it so your addons specificly are blocked..
06:03.06Legorolmaybe you'd need code in the server and not hte client
06:03.08IrielI think he does that to Tem already
06:03.28Cairennif unit = tem ...
06:03.38Temso, a delayed "WOOOT!" from me
06:03.42Legorolso, from what slouken said, sounds like protected functions will be non-redirectable
06:03.42TemI just got a mageblade
06:03.52Legorolsounds interesting.. wonder if we can poke holes in that :D
06:04.02IrielI look forward to trying
06:04.15Legorolaren't we being a bit too evil here?
06:04.17IrielThough I have to rebuild an email server between now and then I suppose.
06:04.24IrielNot really, we're being evil for the greater good
06:04.25LegorolWoW > RL
06:05.40sloukenI appreciate all the help you guys are doing.  It's going to save me emergency patches once 1.10 goes live. :) (I hope!)
06:05.59Legorolwhen do we get the paycheck?
06:06.07Legorolhaha, beat ya to it
06:06.09Endthat's interesting
06:06.11sloukenYou mean this isn't payment enough?
06:06.17Legorolyup it is
06:06.27sloukenYeah, I know the feeling. :)
06:06.30Legorolbtw, since you are here slouken: let me just say you are the bestest Blizz employee ever
06:06.32sloukenI used to work in security
06:06.39Legorolwell i guess now AnduinLothar comes close ;-)
06:06.42sloukener, network security
06:06.51Legorolbut anyway, what you do for the community is great
06:06.55sloukenthanks. :)
06:07.04sloukenI enjoy it.
06:07.06Legoroli am sure it's not in your job description, and i am sure a lot of people here feel very happy that you go into open dialogues with us
06:07.29Endwe like trying to figure out how it works and how to poke holes in it :P
06:07.39Legoroli will tell you honestly that it does make me feel very good that we can sort of bypass the CMs that babysit the masses and get "access" to a programmer inside
06:08.10Legoroldon't get me the wrong way, please, what i mean is that this kind of openness is very good in my opinion
06:08.20Legorolbut is only appropriate when the community you are open towards is mature
06:08.32Legorolso it would never work with the vast majority of the players :/
06:08.37Legorolanyway, what am i rambling about?
06:08.45Legoroloh yeah, i was saying thanks, wasn't i
06:08.52Cairennheh, yup
06:08.52sloukenmy pleasure. :)
06:23.27TainNow what would be cool is if I could get debug information to show on my G15 LCD display while testing things...
06:23.38Irielslouken: Oh, removing bindings.xml makes that other trick I mailed you about work. I'll send you a zip
06:24.26Cairennnight Osagasu
06:24.39krkawhat lego just said
06:24.53sloukennight Osagasu
06:39.13Shadowdyay for ZG
06:56.01IrielHm, bedtime for me!
06:56.07IrielSee you all tomorrow
06:56.12Cairennnight Iriel, sweet dreams :)
07:15.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:57.22Cairennsleep time for me .... night folks
08:00.53Wobin_sleep well, Cair =)
08:04.30sloukennight night
08:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
09:37.01grollanyone alive?
09:38.00grollok just a quick english question :P
09:38.19grollwhen two people talk you say they?
09:39.06Wobin_how do you mean?
09:39.09grolllike for example "with some people you cant converse in a proper manner" would converse be the proper word?
09:40.44Wobin_"There are just some people you cannot converse with in a civil manner" maybe, or "Some people are simply unable to maintain a proper conversation"
09:40.59grollah thanks :)
09:41.24Wobin_(although that second one isn't quite scanning right for me...)
09:41.42Wobin_I think I'm mixing metaphors somewhere in that second one
09:42.00grolli think it sounds good though
09:42.22Wobin_maybe replace 'unable' with 'don't have the ability'
09:42.35Wobin_'are simply unable' with 'yada'
09:54.48grollheh oh well thanks :)
10:08.00Ktron"can't carry on a conversation" is also typical
11:48.49purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
12:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
12:39.44CodayusOkay, time to beg - anyone heard that "minus 50 dkp" recording of a vent conversation?  It's been floating around the general forums...  And more importantly, know where I can find a copy?
12:54.22Wobin_look on the WoW LJ
13:27.05CodayusA)  Found it...
13:27.07CodayusB)  What?
13:28.23CodayusYes, a link was posted...but it was the link I originally saw, and it's now broken.
13:29.59CodayusBut yeah, found it elsewhere.
14:06.12Endwoogly woogly woogly wooble
14:06.20TainThat person put way too much work into the design of that WoW LJ.
14:14.54krka|workhow do you know it was too much?
14:15.10TainMy uninformed judgement.
14:22.08TainI also have an urge to reach through a monitor and slap Allison around a bit.
14:22.21Tain"Stop talking about deleting frames!" *slap*
14:22.50TainAnd also, "Stop trying to question slouken!"  *slap*
14:23.06[MoonWolf]slouken is alway's right!!
14:23.14[MoonWolf]~praise slouken
14:23.16purlAll hail slouken!
14:23.25TainRaise a statue!
14:23.45TainWho needs St. Patrick's Day, I propose St. Slouken's Day!
14:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
14:35.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
14:47.04[MoonWolf]most likely done on purpose
14:47.05[MoonWolf]but still
14:47.18Corrodiasshowing totally voluntary search bars is a little deceptive but the image is amusing anyway
14:50.09Endreminds me of when I did this:
14:50.34EndActually, I did that just now, but that was because I had to recreate the screenshot. :P
14:51.46Endit used to be adding one more level of ...bars would crash it
14:51.51Endbut it looks like they fixed that bug
14:52.09End(although now I notice the buttons are grayed out)
14:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
14:59.37TainXP booting on Macintels.
15:00.09OsagasuVista won't be able to at all, not even theoretically. ;_:
15:00.37TainThat's what they say today.
15:02.58[MoonWolf]and skype cant do 10 person calls on amd's
15:11.23JoshBorkewould UnitName("target") be the reliable target when SPELLCAST_START is triggered?
15:12.54JoshBorke:-( then how can i get the target?
15:13.00TainNow this is a crazy-ass keyboard/controller.
15:13.06krka|workask the one who cast it
15:13.30JoshBorkeSPELLCAST_START is only triggered when the current player starts a spellcast, right?
15:13.33krka|worki like to start casting sheep and the immediately change target
15:13.44krka|workah... good point
15:13.48krka|workin that case, i'd say yes
15:14.04krka|workanother event for other players spellcast start
15:15.16JoshBorkeotherwise it is CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_BUFF
15:15.25JoshBorkefor other players
15:15.34JoshBorkewhich is annoying because that is called both when the spell starts and when it lands
15:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:53.01Osagasu[10:02] <[MoonWolf]> and skype cant do 10 person calls on amd's <--the problem is thayt Vista won't have the code to support it.  Skype had the code, it was just blocked off.
15:53.25[MoonWolf]Osagasu, workaround will be created.
15:53.29[MoonWolf]believe me.
15:56.25TainIf you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
15:56.48[MoonWolf]thats a new expression.
15:57.20krka|workhmm.. i wonder how hard it would be to hack blizzard signatures
15:58.12TainThat'll be next up, krka.  Probably a little more difficult to do reliably given the fact that they can change it every patch.
15:58.20TainOr at least if/when someone does they'll have to keep doingi t.
15:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
15:58.39ckknightanyone having tooltip scanning issues with 1.10?
16:00.26TainDid you see the latest things Legorol posted?
16:00.33TainThat would be them. :)
16:00.45krka|workif blizzards client can verify an addon, then so should we
16:01.01krka|workbut of course, that doesn't mean we can sign stuff
16:02.33krka|workcould try to bruteforce find their key of course
16:03.13zeegis there something in their TOCs for it
16:03.27krka|workno, they have added new files that deal with it
16:03.35krka|workoooh... maybe I can get slouken to sign autotravel
16:03.49krka|worksince only that specific version could be signed, it couldn't misused
16:07.02ckknightsweet, I got it to work
16:10.26krka|workneed to persuade slouken to give me a key so i can create signed addon so i can revive AutoTravel
16:11.17OsagasuWell, Hire a professional decryptor
16:11.20krka|workwhy the rofl? :(
16:11.32Cairennbecause you know AT isn't coming back
16:11.50krka|workthe main argument against AutoTravel seems to be the same functionality can be used for botting, but with signed addons that problem goes away
16:12.07krka|workno i don't :P
16:12.12OsagasuOnly until someone fings the seed for the encryption
16:12.26krka|workthen blizzard changes seed for next patch
16:12.37OsagasuOnly if they know about it
16:12.49krka|workalso, breaking Sha-256 or something similar is going to be HARD
16:13.10ckknightI bet they did a SHA-256 or SHA-512
16:13.10krka|workthey only need to change it if it spreads
16:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
16:13.37krka|workthey need RSA or elliptic curve for the assymetric part too
16:13.45OsagasuI thought they also took the ability to automatically move out of the client entirely, and didn't just lock it
16:14.00krka|worksloukens MovePad disproves that
16:14.25OsagasuIt uses on and off, it doesn't guide you without your input
16:14.32Eraphine|Labkrka, you might just be the person I'm looking for
16:15.08Eraphine|LabIs there a way to determine what direction my character has moved?
16:15.09OsagasuThat's also assuming that the Blizzard things are plain text to begin with
16:15.39OsagasuIt might be just a matter of finding what kind of Data it is and displaying it
16:15.41krka|workyes, that's easy
16:15.48krka|workatleast with access to world map
16:15.53Eraphine|Lablet's say we don't
16:15.58krka|workthen it's hard
16:16.12krka|workyou want to know it inside instances?
16:16.14zeeghow does sha-256 compare w/ md5
16:16.22krka|workit's better!
16:16.31zeegwhat's md5's encryption level?
16:16.34Eraphine|LabI had an idea for an addon that should draw an arrow indicating the direction my character is/was moving.
16:16.37krka|workmd5 has basically been broken
16:16.44Eraphine|Laba vector
16:16.44zeeganything that's a hash can be broken
16:16.52zeegits collision
16:17.19krka|workyes... but if you need to test 2^100 combinations you won't succeed with much probability
16:17.29zeegthe auto assault arrows for missions, would be neat for waypoints in wow
16:17.41zeegkrka, you need to test quite a few combinations for md5 as well :)
16:17.48krka|workafaik, no one has found two inputs that hash to the same output
16:17.57krka|work(with SHA-1)
16:18.05krka|workno wait... that's not true
16:18.09krka|worktrue for SHA-256 though
16:18.24zeegIIRC md5 is recommended over sha-1
16:18.28ckknightEraphine|Lab, check out BetterWaypoints
16:18.31zeegbut i didnt know anything about sha-256 etc.
16:18.32krka|workreally? by who?
16:18.37zeegby developers..
16:18.47ckknightsha-1 isn't great
16:18.59krka|workneither md5 and sha-1 has been _really_ broken though
16:19.00ckknightI always use sha-256 or sha-512
16:19.05ckknightthose haven't been broken yet
16:19.08zeegyou cant break them
16:19.12zeegyou can only make collision
16:19.16krka|workstill hard to find x, such that H(x) = y
16:19.23krka|workfor arbitrary y
16:19.24ckknightyou can find a way to get collisions faster, zeeg
16:19.31krka|workthat is what breaking a hash means
16:19.46krka|workthere are different levels of broken
16:21.06zeegugh i wish it wasnt so cold outside
16:21.22zeegneed to go wash my car, but i cba if it doesnt warm up a lil bit :P
16:22.22zeeganyone recommend some newer black people music
16:22.31Eraphine|Labhrm.. no dice I think
16:22.40Eraphine|LabGetPlayerMapPosition() only works with world map
16:22.46Eraphine|Labas Krka said
16:23.03TainBlack people music?
16:23.15zeegwell i could use racial slurs, but yes, black people music
16:23.33zeegaka, bass :P
16:24.00CairennI didn't know that there was "black people" music as opposed to "white people" or "red people" or "yellow people".  I thought there was just "music" ...
16:24.39Eraphine|Laball music is cultural related
16:24.43krka|workEraphine|Lab, if you were in a party or a raid, you could constantly check interaction distances and try to pinpoint where you are in relation to others and then try to figure out direction
16:24.48zeegwell most people simply call it ni.. music
16:24.50krka|workbut that's a huge longshot
16:24.54Eraphine|Labmusic is created by people, people have culture
16:24.57zeegbut i figured you people might be opposed to that word :)
16:24.58TainNo zeeg, only ignorant people call it that.
16:25.08zeegif by ignorant you mean the majority of people who have social lives
16:25.39Eraphine|Labkrka, I don't need to know where my members are
16:25.44Cairennanyway, no, I don't know any to be able to give you any suggestions, sorry
16:25.46Wobin_perhaps those you socialise with
16:25.51Eraphine|LabI mean - that's not the goal
16:25.51krka|workno i know, you'd use that to figure out your direction
16:25.58zeegi socialize with people that are fun :P
16:26.00Eraphine|Labnod, and how would I know what direction they were from me?
16:26.10Wobin_Try looking at the various top ten r&b charts
16:26.19krka|workhmm... no wait, that won't work
16:26.24TainThe fact that you consider it fun calling people racial slurs explains a lot.
16:26.34krka|workwell... assuming that they are mostly standing still, you can run around and triangulate them
16:26.42zeegTain, who said I call anyone that?
16:26.48krka|workand then you can use your relative distance to people you know position of to figure out direction
16:26.50zeegits referenced as that, the music, open your eyes
16:26.52Cairennjust stop
16:27.11CairennWobin_ made a reasonable suggestion, just let it go at that
16:27.42zeegill just turn on mtv
16:28.05Eraphine|LabKrka, any idea what kind of information is passed between party/raid members?
16:28.11Eraphine|Labis it exact x,y?
16:28.44Eraphine|LabI think I get where you're coming from..
16:28.49Cairennfor the record though? if anyone does choose to use racial slurs in this channel, I'll boot their ass so fast it'll make your head spin
16:29.05krka|workwould be easier to figure stuff out if the other players in party used the same addon and shared their relative distances
16:29.23krka|workbut still... you'd only get ranges of distances
16:29.24Eraphine|Labwhy doesn't blizzard let us get an x/y for inside an instance
16:29.31krka|workbecause their UI doesn't need it
16:29.35Eraphine|Labthere's obviously some correlation on the minimap
16:29.41krka|worksimple as that, if blizzard doesn't need it, they won't give it
16:29.56Eraphine|LabI mean, I can see my dot on the minimap, and track the movement of the minimap
16:30.06TainThere's also the fact that it would allow for calculated planning of where to place people to be exactly out of range of attacks for different encounters.
16:30.11Eraphine|LabIf only there was some way I could grab the minimap movement.
16:30.28krka|workhmm... i think there might be
16:30.31krka|workyou can send ping signals
16:30.33krka|workand catch them
16:30.46krka|workif you send a ping for 0, 0, your party will receive it
16:31.01krka|workbut translated to your relative position to them
16:31.05krka|worki _think_
16:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
16:31.38Eraphine|LabTain, you can get that information from interaction distance
16:31.43krka|workthat should actually be enough, if all party used it
16:31.49krka|worksend one ping each second
16:32.20TainYes yes it's not about the fact that you can get information, it's a matter of how much simpler it would be, and simpler to update on the fly.
16:32.41Eraphine|LabI hear that
16:33.00Eraphine|Labhowever, if i'm not a hunter, I couldn't get the distance I was from the mobs on a minimap anyway
16:33.24Eraphine|LabKrka that ping isn't scaled is it
16:33.36Eraphine|Labthe x/y isn't I mean.
16:33.43TainBut you could get that information as a hunter, and everyone else could get that information relative to their position to you.
16:33.52krka|workbut you said you only wanted direction
16:33.56Eraphine|Labsomeone playing on a differnt zoom than I would see the ping in an absolute x/y frame
16:34.14Eraphine|Labah... yes.. I'm ways the center of my minimap aren't I.
16:34.41krka|workyou need to consecutive pings though, to figure out your relative movement
16:34.54krka|workhmm... and that assumes the other one is standing still
16:35.01krka|workor that you have multiply allies
16:35.10krka|workthen you could figure out how everyone moved
16:35.21krka|worktrying to figure out how you can send a ping though
16:35.29krka|workwhat does onclick on the minimap do?
16:35.56TainAre pings challenge/response?  Does someone else's client have to respond to it?
16:36.50Eraphine|LabWhat does GetPlayerPosition() return when used inside an instance?
16:37.03Eraphine|Labbla.. nil ?
16:37.18krka|workah yes: Minimap:PingLocation(x,y)
16:37.41krka|workif you mean GetPlayerMapPosition, then 0, 0
16:37.48Eraphine|Laboh thankyou
16:38.05krka|workPingLocation and the MINIMAP_PING event should be enough
16:38.17krka|workyou can probably also figure out scale
16:38.30Eraphine|Labkrka, how do you know that the x/y is translated?
16:38.51krka|worklook at the source for minimap
16:38.55krka|work0, 0 is center of minimap
16:40.43krka|workthe interesting part is getting two sets of points and figure out how everyone moved
16:41.04krka|workyou'd probably want to use least square method
16:41.44Eraphine|Labhrm.. hrm..
16:41.57krka|workwouldn't be very precise I'm guessing
16:42.21krka|worki bet you could get Legorol to investigate :)
16:42.49Eraphine|Labif ( sqrt(x * x + y * y) < (Minimap:GetWidth() / 2) ) then
16:44.11krka|workthat just checks that the ping is inside the minimap
16:44.13Eraphine|Labit's too much work for an addon
16:44.54Eraphine|Labnobody would every use it, including me
16:45.01krka|worklot of fun work, little boring work
16:46.07Tainheh sort of like my resource tracking auto-alert addon.  It works, but a bit too much going on inside the guts for the payoff.
16:47.37krka|worki find that kind of code to be much more fun to write though
16:47.41krka|workthan 1000 lines of xml
16:48.09TainI'd rather write 1000 lines of lua than 10 of xml.
17:04.01ckknightIs there some way in Windows to have a symbolic link of a folder? I want my Interface\AddOns and WoWTest\Interface\AddOns to be the same thing
17:04.21ckknightI don't like copy-pasting, and I sometimes edit the wrong one and wonder why it isn't updating
17:04.50Adrine|GoneWell, you could map a virtual drive
17:04.52TainYes there is, ckknight.  With NTFS
17:04.53Adrine|GoneKinda a hack though
17:05.14ckknightI'm okay with hacks
17:05.16TainYou can create the equivilent of symbolic links, you just can't create them with Explorer for some reason.
17:05.20ckknightTain, yea, I have NTFS
17:05.55TainHere's what I use:
17:06.09TainNative support in NTFS is there, just not the ability to create them for some reason.
17:06.37ckknightmaybe it's too confusing for end users
17:11.37ckknightthanks, Tain, you're a pimp
17:12.03QzotGooooooood morning, Wowi-lounge!
17:12.15Cairennmorning Qzot
17:12.21ckknighthey Ozot
17:12.30Cairennwatch that lately, did you?
17:12.35Cairenngood movie
17:13.07QzotHehe. A couple months ago.
17:13.12QzotI like early Robin Williams.
17:13.37JoshBorkemorning qzot
17:13.52QzotGood morning, Josh.
17:14.10QzotHave we *cough* tabled the discussion of what I put up on wowwiki?
17:14.19AdrineI have made an amazing discovery.
17:14.41AdrineAs a rogue, accidentally spamming a healing-to-you report in raid chat rather than in the rogue channel tends to attract much more healing than usual!
17:14.53TainI love Robin Williams standup.  Some of the best stuff.
17:15.19AdrineIn BWL last night, I was testing and fine-tuning my healing meter, wasn't getting too much healing, kept myself up with bandages for the most part
17:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:15.41AdrineAccidentally spammed /ra with the report...and for the rest of the run, I had a paladin heal-humping my leg.
17:15.53AdrineNow that I was complaining, but it was am amusing side-effect.
17:16.04AdrineI can't type. Need coffee.
17:16.28QzotUm. I thought SOP was that if rogues were pulling agro, they deserved to bandage themselves. (Hearsay, I've never been in BWL.)
17:16.41AdrineProblems tends to be AOE damage rather than direct damage
17:16.51AdrineIf rogues pull aggro in BWL, they disintegrate into a fine red mist.
17:17.05QzotWell, you should be doing a ranged attack, then, right? :D
17:17.23AdrineNot necessarily. Vael has a range-based AOE that hits pretty much everyone every few seconds
17:17.35AdrineFiremaw hits everyone in his LOS with a stacking fire debuff
17:17.40QzotVael? Okay, I'll try to group with him.
17:18.05AdrineRazorgore is just a zerg rush that has NPC mages with arcane explosion going off all the time, so you tend to take a lot of damage from that.
17:18.39AdrineBroodlord isn't too bad, since he just has a blast wave you can sit outside of, but you have to drop him pretty fast before the mages hit the tank's aggro ceiling.
17:18.56JoshBorkeQzot: indeed
17:19.14QzotJoshBorke: indeed to what?
17:19.24JoshBorkeQzot: tabled the discussion
17:19.40QzotJoshBorke: ahhkay.
17:21.50Shouryuuarghhhhhhhhhhh my eyessss
17:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=George@
17:22.37Cairennheheh, yeah, it's back
17:23.08KirkburnWhat's the current test version?
17:23.54Cairennwhat he said
17:23.55Kirkburn(I'm playing an online Murloc RPG atm, rather fun!)
17:24.23KirkburnThen what's the meaning of this ...
17:25.25Cairennno idea, since that isn't correct
17:25.33ckknightI haven't seen 5170 in the wild
17:25.39Cairennit isn't, yet
17:25.44KirkburnMy thoughts indeed
17:25.55Cairennunless they pushed it for the EU community
17:26.01KirkburnI'll have a check
17:26.16Cairennwhich forums are those? NA or EU?
17:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:27.38Endand honestly, I just followed the link... :P
17:27.57KirkburnI see nothing on the EU forums ... looks like there's another release coming then
17:28.18ckknightguess so
17:28.43KirkburnThe Murloc RPG!
17:29.08Shouryuulol tain
17:29.33AdrineMy healing meter is working! :D
17:29.35ckknightif I do CreateFrame("Frame", "Alpha"), can I then access Alpha as a global?
17:29.49JoshBorkeAdrine: pretty :-)
17:30.13Shouryuuthat's very nice indeed
17:30.43Endckknight, I'm pretty sure that's the idea.
17:31.02Adrinea bit more alpha testing from my guild and I'll post a build :)
17:31.08AdrineWell. A zip.
17:31.57KirkburnNot a rawr?
17:32.15EndAdrine, is that just incoming to player heals?
17:32.28Endor everyone?
17:32.53AdrineJust heals incoming to you
17:33.10AdrineI was motivated to write it because we, err, have a few healers that tend to slack and blame various things
17:33.19AdrineAnd stories don't match up, and I like writing addons. >_>
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17:34.59Cairennmorning malreth :)
17:35.00ckknightyou didn't initiate a hardware event, sorry
17:35.04ckknightIgnore? Disable?
17:35.31malrethmornin' Cair-Cair
17:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:35.42Ender, do hard ware events generate the popup?
17:35.51EndI thought was just blizz-protected
17:35.55ckknightI dunno
17:36.02ckknightI think you're right, End
17:36.06ckknightI haven't played with it
17:36.41malrethSpellStopCasting() is not a protected function. It just requires a hardware event in 1.10.
17:37.00Ktron|zZzKirkburn, this rocks!
17:37.13KirkburnI just dinged lvl 10 :D
17:41.02QzotMe, too.
17:45.16*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:52.21Eraphine|Labadrine have you checked out healtracker?
17:55.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:59.44ckknightin 1.9, what does a tooltip need to go through in order to do a successful tooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", index)?
18:00.18Ktron|zZzKirkburn, what talents did you go?
18:00.37KirkburnHello ... er, I went for the second melee tree
18:00.38ckknightalso, it's a derived tooltip, not GameTooltip
18:00.44Ktron|zZzcold blood and so on?
18:00.50KirkburnI think so
18:00.50Ktron|zZzthe sorta rogue one?
18:00.56KirkburnWHat's the third talent?
18:01.14Ktron|zZzI think cold blood... let me check
18:01.17KirkburnThe critical strike talent is by far the best
18:01.33Ktron|zZzyeah, that's cold blood, and it i the third
18:01.36Ktron|zZzyeah, its insane
18:01.39KirkburnYeah, that one :)
18:02.13KirkburnI haven't got past lvl 10, I'm hoping that the save game thing actually works
18:02.30Kirkburn(up against a bloody healer with unlimited mana!)
18:02.42MentalPowerckknight: the only requirement in 1.9 is that the object inherits from GameTooltipTemplate
18:03.00Ktron|zZzFenrus pwned me once already
18:03.06Ktron|zZzI realized I needed to grind some before I could take him
18:03.52MentalPowerckknight: "<GameTooltip name="ItemizerHidden" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" parent="UIParent" hidden="true"/>" in your XML file
18:04.11ckknightI have that
18:04.21MentalPowerthen you should be fine
18:04.34MentalPowerunless you want it to actually be seen
18:04.38ckknightI don't
18:04.56ckknightafter I do BossPanel_DurabilityTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", id)
18:05.00ckknightBossPanel_DurabilityTooltip:NumLines() == 0
18:05.09KirkburnKtron ... that was quick! What lvl are you?
18:05.10ckknightwhen it should be somewhere between 4 and 6
18:05.20MentalPowerhehe, theres a bug in the tooltip filling code
18:05.28MentalPoweryou need to have a smaller name
18:05.28Ktron|zZzKirkburn, I haven't beaten him yet heh
18:05.29Kirkburnlol, well that is a bit low :)
18:05.32Shouryuuoink is a music only torrent site, I am *going* to buy that T shirt
18:05.43ckknightthanks a lot
18:05.50ckknighthow small?
18:06.02KtronThink I'm going to try to take him again at 6
18:06.13ckknightcause that's 27 now
18:06.16MentalPowersmaller than ItemizerHiddenTooltip
18:06.40MentalPowerthat onew will get filled up to $parentTextleft9
18:06.49KirkburnKtron ... so you've already done all the Princess stuff?
18:06.57MentalPowercause $parentTextleft10 is too big and it borks out
18:07.04Ktronheh, I guess I didn't explore very well
18:07.23ckknightit worked in 1.10, but not 1.9
18:07.29KirkburnEr, this mage is in the cave?
18:07.37MentalPoweryeah, it was fixed in 1.10
18:07.51MentalPowerthe new limit is ~200 chars
18:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
18:12.56ckknightalright then
18:14.47ckknightcan a frame made with CreateFrame() inherit another frame, or does that have to be done manually?
18:15.02AdrineEraphine|Lab: Sorry, was distracted. I think I found it after I'd put a bunch of work into healcap, so kinda. :)
18:15.19Adrineckknight: Having not looked at it, maybe you can set an "inherits" attribute?
18:16.04TainRight now it's all manual it seems, ckknight.  Unless something new has popped up.
18:16.25ckknightit certainly would be handy to have inheritance
18:17.43AdrineHandy? I'd say it's a near requirement. ;)
18:17.50Endwell, you pretty much only inherit from virtual firms
18:17.55TainYeah, in the mean time I'm thinking of having to create a bunch of base "classes" to call to create frames, and list everything in the "class" that you need.  But that's a workaround.
18:17.55AdrineIf I'm creating frames programmatically, I'll likely be creating a lot of the same or similar frames
18:18.10malrethAdrine: then just use a for-loop
18:18.14Endbut those don't exist anymore when you do CreateFrame()
18:18.20Adrinemalreth: I know, but at that point... makes sense to define a virtual frame and then create X frames that inherit from your virtual frame
18:18.43TainLike they are in XML.
18:18.48AdrineRight, exactly
18:18.59AdrineI have <Frame name="myFrame" virtual="true"> ... </Frame>
18:19.06TainI guess I always assumed it would be the same creating them programmatically.
18:19.07AdrineAnd rather than defining 40 frames that inherit from it...
18:19.07malrethor define the code to make one frame... then loop
18:19.32AdrineI'd like to be able to for i = 1,30 do CreateFrame("ChildFrame" .. i, "myFrame"); end
18:19.34AdrineIf that makes sense.
18:19.45TainI know it was asked about in the 1.10 thread somewhere so I'm sure slouken knows about the request.
18:19.48Adrinemalreth: Yeah, you could do it that way, of course, but then you have to define it from the ground up with code
18:20.14AdrineI'm just thinking "get the common stuff out of the way in XML, clone and specialize in code"
18:20.14AdrineOr actually...
18:20.15AdrineCan you copy frames?
18:20.20AdrineClone a frame, as it were?
18:20.25malrethno, not currently
18:20.29Adrine(I haven't looked at the 1.10 API changes in depth at all)
18:20.48malreththough you could probably write a function that effectively cloned a frame for you
18:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
18:21.17malrethpurl, thank you
18:21.17purlno problem, malreth
18:21.33AdrineHah. I'd never seen purl in action before.
18:21.42malrethpurl, botsnack
18:21.42purlmalreth: :)
18:31.15Kirkburn|CoopFor those who didn't see it earlier, this is how to while away the time when the servers are down (and your addon doesn't need work!) ... the Murloc RPG!
18:31.45Ktronweee, I'm 9
18:32.59AdrineRandom question that probably better belongs elsewhere:
18:33.13AdrineAnyone know if Firemaw is vulnerable to Crippling Poison's snare?
18:33.24AdrineI know he's vulnerable to instant/deadly
18:36.31malrethFiremaw *is* instantly deadly.
18:36.51AdrineThis is also true.
18:37.48AdrineWe've cleared him several times now, but he's still a major thorn in our side. Trying to figure out some way to keep him somewhat controlled when the aggro bounce doesn't exactly work as planned. We had tanks last night taunting to eat the wing buffet...and then Firemaw would stick on them, run off, port the MT to him and eat him, and then proceed to roast the rest of us.
18:37.51AdrineIt was unpleasant :(
18:38.53Wobin_I wanted to have original spells/skills for the murlocs
18:39.29AdrineI've had this idea kicking around for "World of Workcraft".
18:39.42AdrineReload the page, get a new drop (randomly pulled from Allakhazam/Thott)
18:39.47AdrineDecide whether to keep it trash it
18:39.54AdrineRinse, repeat 90000 times
18:40.01AdrineYay, you're uber now!
18:40.06AdrineI dunno. I think it could be amusing.
18:40.15malrethah... i miss progressquest
18:40.22Kirkburn|HereInstall it then :P
18:41.25Kirkburn|HereBramwhop, lvl 33 Panda Man and Puma Burglar
18:41.48Kirkburn|HereVavoon, lvl 25 Battle-Finch and Mu-Fu Monk
18:43.32TainTain, level 74 Skraeling Battle-Felon.
18:43.56ckknightwtf, how do I do <Frame name="$parentMenu" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" hidden="false"/> with 1.10 in Lua?
18:44.31Tainerm well.. I've been approaching it from the assumption that I have to create everything in UIDropDownMenuTemplate in Lua myself.
18:44.36TainWhich has put off my ambition a bit.
18:44.48ckknightthis system is severely flawed
18:45.26TainIt's all or nothing.  If you don't use XML to create the frame you can't use it at all.
18:45.35TainIt certainly isn't exactly what I was envisioning.
18:48.27AdrineEh, it's a start
18:48.37AdrineMaybe we'll get inherit/clone methods in a later release
18:48.48ckknightI think it'd be possible to write your own "clone" function
18:48.52AdrineThough like malreth said, it should be possible to write a function or library that clones a frame
18:50.00Kirkburn|HereTain, how long have you been running that!?
18:50.19Ktronwoot progress quest!
18:50.38Kirkburn|HereI'm only on Acts II and III :S
18:50.51KtronI have a level 55 something of another, and I have a level 51 Skraeling Ur-Paladin
18:54.37Shouryuuwhy does everyone want to put if then's everywhere? I want to cast X when I can, otherwise cast Y... /cast X /cast Y... whipeeeeee... Get an RogueSpam and you'll never once again notice the error message...
18:54.39TainKirkburn: I started it at least 5 years ago.  Has to be more.  Adn I actually haven't run it in about 2 years.
18:54.54Shouryuu5 years of progress quest
18:54.59Kirkburn|HereLol ...
18:55.10TainOnly 1599 in the top people too.
18:55.19LegorolCan someone remind me of Iriel's email address?
18:55.35Tainsomething somethign vigilance-commitee something
18:55.54Kirkburn|HereMaybe the second something is @?
18:55.58Legoroli love you guys, you are so great!
18:56.09Legorolthanks Qzot ;-)
18:56.12Wobin_I was going to suggest the first one being iriel =)
18:56.22Legorolall right, you guys hacked it..
18:56.25TainLicense.txt I have from my pq.exe directory is dated 4/7/2002
18:56.26Kirkburn|HereSee, we'd have managed to stick it all together :P
18:56.36TainBut I know that's not the earliest version.
18:56.38CrispixWooo DIng 32 .. :D
18:56.57Kirkburn|HereHakkar: Grats!
18:57.22Wobin_Woo, a congratulations from Hakkar =P
18:57.33Wobin_You're in the big leauges now, kiddo =)
18:57.44Tainheh damnit, I was putting off getting my linux system back up because I thought I really screwed something up when it wouldn't boot up headless.
18:57.54Kirkburn|HereNefarian: w00t!
18:58.05TainJust powered it on with a monitor, single entry in my grub was off (still dont' know why but...)
18:58.06TainBack up!
18:58.31Kirkburn|HereTain, do you speak english that I can understand?
18:58.59Wobin_Only on Tuesdays
18:59.20TainNext Tuesday!
18:59.42Shouryuuwhen's the patch coming out? 2 weeks?
18:59.54KtronKirkburn|Here, just made 10... off to get goblin dynamite:)
18:59.58TainI hope not, I have so much more to test and fix.
19:00.03CairennShouryuu: won't be before that, that's for sure
19:00.08Kirkburn|HereKtron, now you can experience the healer ...
19:00.18Kirkburn|Herektron, I hope you've got a stun skill
19:00.18Ktronis Fagnus the healer?
19:00.27Cairennthe 28th at the absolute earliest
19:00.28KtronI've got pummel
19:00.40Kirkburn|HereHealer is a kobold
19:01.02Kirkburn|HereHe's an ass ... only 500hp, but he heals every bloody time
19:02.09Ktrondid you get him?
19:03.38Kirkburn|HereNo, died
19:03.47Kirkburn|HereAfter about 5 minutes ...
19:03.58Kirkburn|HereActually, no it was probably 15
19:04.13Kirkburn|HereHe does tiny dmg, but he just won't die *cry*
19:05.01KtronI'm killing miners right now
19:07.23Kirkburn|HereOoh,there's gonna be an expansion to the WoW Board game
19:07.43AdrineI hear that they aren't revealing one of the new pieces, though.
19:08.27Kirkburn|Herei.e. the alliance race piece?
19:08.49Kirkburn|HereAlso, a Starcraft boardgame is in the works
19:13.01Ktrongot him:)
19:14.44Kirkburn|HereWell done
19:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain_ (
19:15.06Kirkburn|HereI think this video somewhat proves the existance of DM teleport hackers:
19:16.20AdrineWell, that's pretty hard to refute.
19:16.32AdrineThough. Uh.
19:16.37KtronKirkburn|Here, heh, actually, after you turn in the rune, its the end of the game for now
19:16.44AdrineThat window looks an awful lot like a WoW UI window
19:16.45Kirkburn|HereKtron ... nooo
19:17.08Ktronyou open the portal, and it tells you you're going to go to a camp in the barrens, but they haven't made that part of the game yet
19:17.23Kirkburn|Herelol ... still excellent start isn't it
19:17.33Ktronno wait!
19:17.54KtronThere is more:)
19:21.04malrethman, i just found that site and i'm in love
19:21.15malrethi've been playing with it all during my lunch break
19:21.22KtronKirkburn|Here, yeah, I'm at the darkmoon fair atm:)
19:21.59Kirkburn|Heremalreth, lol
19:22.37Kirkburn|HereWorst video ever ... this guy doesn't understand how to make a funny video. As someone said, it's like watching a train wreck ...
19:23.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
19:23.49*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
19:23.58Cairennhey hey Beladona :)
19:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
19:24.56Beladonasorry for not being around lately. I try to only log in if I have time to actually sit and talk once in a while
19:25.11Beladonawhich just isn't the case lately
19:25.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:25.17kaidenSOOOOOO... who wants to help me figure out wtf mod is doing this to my ui? :)
19:25.31kaidenIt's creating a casting bar like countdown of debuffs i have on mobs
19:25.47kaideni've disabled 1 by 1 every mod nearly i think at least the ones i think could cause it and it's still there
19:25.48AdrineLooks like Carnival
19:25.51Beladonawould help to know what mods you have running
19:25.54kaidenI dont have carnival though hehe
19:25.55Ktronlooks usefyl
19:26.05CairennBeladona: not a problem, know it's a busy time of year for you right now
19:26.07Beladonathat is nice though
19:26.09kaidenis my list of addons
19:26.14kaidenit is useful, if i knew how to move it
19:26.18Cairennlink no good
19:26.21kaidenbut it appears on top of my casting bar / etc
19:26.25Beladonaalert, dead link
19:26.35AdrineRemove an "l" from "easilly"
19:26.41kaidenwhoops too many l's ;)
19:26.50AdrineeCastingBar maybe
19:27.12AdrineQuuSpellAlert possible
19:27.13Cairennquuspell alert?
19:27.13KtronI don't think so
19:27.22kaideneCastingBar is for the default casting bar
19:27.25KtroneCastingBar is basically just a skin for hte casting bar I think
19:27.27kaidenQuuSpellAlert i just added
19:27.38AdrineWhat's BonusScanner?
19:27.49Cairennso try taking it back out :p
19:27.50kaidenscans all your equipment for it's bonusses, for titan panel
19:27.50AdrineAh, ok, ItemBonuses
19:27.52Kirkburn|HereScans for your bonuses
19:27.54KtronQuuSpellAlert... what does Neptune do?
19:27.57Wobin_used to figure out totals for bonuses
19:28.03kaidenNeptune is my own little mod for various things
19:28.04Wobin_like +123 Healing
19:28.09kaidenof which doesn't include the timer stuff hehe
19:28.19KtronMaybe HuntersHelper
19:28.41Wobin_That'd be it
19:29.22kaidenHuntersHelper is disabled
19:29.44AdrineTry grepping your addon directory for UnitName("target")
19:29.51KtronOr just disable all of your addons, and enable them in groups, until you find the group that does it
19:30.23AdrineAlso try grepping for ->
19:31.16Ktronquestion is whether he knows what grep is, or how to do it in windows
19:31.37malrethstep 1: install cygwin
19:31.50Ktronpsh, that's too much work for something this simple
19:31.50TainYou can do it in Explorder.
19:31.55Adrinegrep = find in files
19:32.01Ktronyeah, you can just use Explorder:
19:32.05kaidenlol yes, i'm an old linux fogy
19:32.06kaideni know what grep is ;)
19:32.08Wobin_hrm, those are the weirdest bars for casting
19:32.33TainOf course I do love the WinGrep program I have. :)
19:32.36KtronI'm certainly curious what addon is doing that
19:33.05kaidenso am i :P it's driving me batty
19:35.51kaideni bet you it is Healer/Nuker
19:35.59kaideni wonder if nuker has that built into it by Pilardi
19:36.21Beladonathats the one addon I was having trouble finding
19:36.32Beladonaand yes, I ahve been sitting here looking up each addon I wasn't familiar with
19:36.35kaidenyup i was right
19:36.38kaidenit's Nuker
19:37.16Beladonayour addon directory makes me want to cry
19:37.34Kirkburn|HereWould anyone like a Windows Messenger Live invite?
19:37.51kaidenBeladona, why? :)
19:38.06malrethbah... i have 140 addons installed on my system
19:38.07Ktronheh, I don't think so... *remembers Windows Messenger spam messages and the trouble it takes to uninstall windows messenger*
19:38.17Kirkburn|HereNot the same thing Ktron
19:38.21BeladonaI am jsut a minimalist
19:38.36kaidenactually it's not many addons, it's just most of those addons are broken down into seperate pieces so you can turn functionality on and off
19:38.44Kirkburn|HereWindows live Messenger (er, yes, I wrote it wrong before) is the new version of MSN Messenger
19:38.44Beladonawhen I see more than 10 addons (not counting Blizzard_ stuff) I get trigger happy
19:39.23Beladonais that the website based one?
19:39.34malrethbut but.. i NEED the addon that makes the ambulance pop up...
19:39.56kaidenlol i love mya ddons, they make the game fun and pretty! :P
19:40.07kaidenplus i have a very powerful computer so it can handle the lag :P
19:40.25malrethooh... i have another idea for an awesome addon... one that makes a stack of pancakes on your screen
19:40.36malrethand you can click on it... and there'll be more pancakes
19:40.46kaidenwowzers, what a great .. addon :P
19:40.51malrethi like pancakes
19:40.54kaidennow if only you could figure out how to make it so they were real pancakes
19:41.00kaidenthen i wouldn't be starving all the time
19:41.08KtronI think someone should make a graphical targetting addon
19:41.20Ktronie, a list of your party on the left
19:41.23Ktrona list of targets on the right
19:41.32Ktronand Arrows that show targetting between them:)
19:42.02malrethso you'd be able to see if everyone is targeting the same mob or not
19:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:42.39Ktronyep, so it'd be really obvious if people are or aren't
19:42.43Ktronand who wasn't
19:42.52BeladonaKirkburn, I would love to try Messneger Live
19:42.57Beladonaif you have spare invites
19:43.06Ktronbecause their arrow wouldn't be pointing to the right target... and you can just click on the target pictures to switch target to the correct one, etc
19:43.14Kirkburn|HereI do ... got one from Paul Thurrot (he of Winsupersite fame)
19:43.45malrethit'd be nice for arranging targets for things like core hound packs or the little garrlings
19:44.03malrethalthough CTRA does that, i think with the target manager
19:44.37BeladonaKirkburn: if you need my email
19:44.39malrethbut this would be standalone... and more importantly... it'd get me up to 141 installed addons!
19:44.46malrethBUTTERFLY MAGES!
19:44.48KtronBut there's no way to see difference (besides health) between same name/level targets in CTRA
19:45.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
19:45.37KirkburnBeladona, sent
19:45.54Crispixheh. I've gotta be bored.. I'm leveling bows... and I'm a dwarf.. *chuckle*
19:46.01Beladonathanks man
19:46.17malrethi never get bored doing that. my keyboard does it for me.
19:46.20KtronNo Crispix, is for the truly bored :)
19:47.14CrispixLMAO ktron
19:47.50Ktroncredit to Kirkburn
19:48.10Kirkburn(not for making it obviously :P
19:50.20Ktronlol Kirkburn, I just killed a 'level 60' and got sulfuras' hammer:)
19:50.34Ktronno wait, Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
19:50.35Kirkburnhehe, don't spoil any more for me!
19:50.49Ktronalright, alright
19:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
19:51.44Ktronoh, pff
19:51.44Ktronit bugged out
19:51.59malrethlater all... Ktron, thanks for the idea... i'm brewing an implementation in my head right now...
19:52.11malrethmaybe i'll actually do something with it, too
19:52.15Ktronheh, if you make it, there's only 2 rules
19:52.24malrethoh, no rules...
19:52.30malrethwell, okay, maybe 2
19:52.42KtronYou have to consider naming it 'OMGZT3HARROWS!' or 'OTA' for short
19:52.53malrethi have considered it
19:52.57Ktronand second, you have to let me know if you do it
19:53.45BeladonaKirkburn, there is aa download link i the email, but it got sent in plain text so there is no link
19:53.53Beladonaif that makes sense
19:54.04KirkburnAh, stupid program, I'll send it again
19:54.10KirkburnHehe ...
19:56.22KirkburnSent again
20:02.33Kirovhmm.. I wonder if mod signing is checked by Warden
20:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine_ (n=Adrine@
20:12.31BeladonaFirefox == bad memory usage
20:12.46BeladonaI closed the damn thing, and the memory usage went UP
20:12.47Adrine_I saw a setting tip some time ago...
20:12.50Adrine_Let me find it.
20:12.56Beladonabecause I have a downoad going
20:13.01Beladonamakes no sense to me
20:14.11BeladonaFirefox = 107,084 K and rising
20:14.11Beladonayeah gg
20:18.19KirkburnBtw, this is great ...
20:18.59Kirkburnlool, some of them are excellent
20:20.08KirkburnWhen you go there, click on 'best' on the top right corner ... so so funny
20:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
20:24.23zespriblizzard promised us taht they would implement chars transfer between servers only or between accounts too?
20:24.43Adrine_They've hinted that cross-account transfers will be possible eventually
20:24.47Adrine_Promised nothing though.
20:25.02zespriI mean fee based transfers
20:25.21zesprithat was clearly promised =) But I won;t argue with you on that
20:28.44MiravlixPay 50 bucks and they will move your char to the north pole for you
20:29.28MiravlixBut account to account, get real, thats just an ebay feature, it will never happend
20:29.56ShadowdIt would be nice for those who have two accounts and multiple 60s on one :p
20:30.41MiravlixThe number of people that would use it for ebaying far outweight the minority that wants to transfair between there own accounts
20:31.06MiravlixI don't even understand what the point of self account transfair is
20:31.18MiravlixIt's only one person that can play, doesn't really matter what account they are on.
20:32.35KirkburnI'm sorry for my spam, but
20:32.47Gryphenno your not
20:34.18Gryphenill just visit without the account code
20:34.28AdrineHuh. Shadowbane is going free.
20:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
20:38.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
20:46.02ShouryuuI've just heard the biggest lie I've heard in a while
20:46.28Cairennwhich one? "trust me, I won't come in your mouth" ?
20:46.38Shouryuu"one third of the crimes commited in Great Britain are Heroin addicts trying to get some money"
20:48.45Cairennoh, so more along the lines of "the cheque is in the mail" then, huh?
20:48.50KirkburnShouryuu, where did you see that crap?
20:49.11KirkburnMy personaly guess would be the Daily Mail
20:49.33Beladonaone third of the crimes committed in the US are gamers trying to beat each other to the game store
20:49.51AdrineAnother third at gamers shooting innocent people because games told them to.
20:49.55Adrinethird are*
20:50.04Beladonayou know
20:50.23Beladonaactual research on that shows that crime rates in gaming age youths has DROPPED since the release of the PS2
20:50.25Shouryuukirk - BBC documentary
20:50.29Beladonanot risen
20:50.36Beladonalike politicians would have you believe
20:50.37AdrineVideo games are a secret government program to breed a nation of hardened, soulless soldiers willing to do their bidding!
20:50.38Shouryuuwell you just can't get unhooked
20:50.44KirkburnShouryuu, I'm shocked ... horizon or something?
20:50.59Shouryuusome dumb documentary on "If drugs were legalized"
20:51.04ShouryuuVERY dumb, but still BBC
20:51.06Beladonathe primary reason is that most gamers are home playing, instead of out committing crimes
20:51.22Beladonait also promotes less social behavior
20:51.31Beladonawhich is one of the main causes of crimes
20:51.36Beladonapeer pressure and all that
20:51.39KirkburnBan social gatherings!
20:52.00Shouryuuman this sucks
20:52.00Endseriously, social gatherings are the evil devices of card carrying commies.  or something.
20:52.11Cairennah, so it's the "I'm from the Government, I'm here to help you" then ...
20:52.15KirkburnWhy do commies always carry cards?
20:52.17Beladonabut I love people like Clinton (Female Edition) who like to make a stand on something so easily refuted
20:52.18Endnot just any commies...but the ones with CARDS.
20:52.24ShouryuuI'm missing so much
20:52.59KirkburnIt's amazing what 'the public' believes, sometime
20:53.16EndNow, what the pubic believes, noone is surprised
20:53.47KirkburnMobile phones will give you cancer
20:53.54AdrineBy definition, half of the public is below average. ;)
20:54.01KirkburnMen, don't put them in your trouser pockets!
20:54.06KirkburnYou'll go sterile!
20:54.15Endthe sun causes cancer too, so don't put that in your pants either
20:54.23Endjust look at all that radiation
20:54.27KirkburnBut it's so waaarm
20:54.32AdrinePff, that's just silliness. I put my cellphone in my pocket and gained radioactive mutant powers.
20:54.39ShouryuuArgghhh I'm missing on socialist riots
20:54.41Shouryuulife sucks!
20:54.50KirkburnAdrine, perhaps you shouldn't continue that line of thought
20:54.58KirkburnOr at least, please dear god, don't tell us
20:55.42KirkburnShouryuu, are you complaining that your missing the riots? The leaders are all wondering where's Shouryuu?
20:56.14KirkburnI noticed they'd become a lot less effective recently
20:56.55Shouryuulong story
20:57.06KirkburnShorten it then
20:57.07Shouryuubut there are riots against some law the goverment is trying to pass
20:57.35Shouryuuwhich would simplify emplyement/licensing of young unexperienced workers
20:57.39Kirkburnlol, I just KNEW you were gonna say france
20:57.54KirkburnIn fact, I was halfway through typing 'france'
20:57.58Shouryuuand most of the kids from the Unies are against it and rioting
20:58.09KirkburnWell, it does mean they can be sacked without notice
20:58.43Shouryuubut I can't believe I'm missing that... All that because I should be studying...
20:59.01KirkburnSuch a damn shame
21:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (n=George@
21:07.22Kirkburn1(Damn surge switch) ... Can anyone tell me why putting STANDARD_TEXT_FONT = "Interface//AddOns//ClearFont//Fonts//ClearFont.ttf"; in my LUA might not work?
21:07.57AdrineYou don't need to double forward slashes
21:08.07AdrineDouble backslashes, single forwardslashes
21:08.29TainI blame the semi-colon.
21:10.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn2 (n=George@
21:11.40Kirkburn2Power supple can't cope with the oven and washing machine at the same time
21:12.01Kirkburn2Adrine ... yeah it was the direction of the slashes
21:12.28AdrineObviously you should wash your dishes -after- you cook with them, rather than -while- you're cooking with them.
21:12.30Kirkburn2The comment system for Worldofwar reverses them all the time, which resulted in me mis-copying a line
21:12.48KirovI hate that
21:12.53Kirkburn2Er, not that type of washign machine :P
21:13.13Endwell clearly, you should just cook your clothes and be done with it
21:13.14KirovI like a lot of worldofwar, including the fact that it sorts comments when the newest first, but gah
21:13.21Kirovtyping code there sucks
21:13.23ckknightdishwashers are for dishes, washing machines are for clothes
21:14.24Kirkburn2Need to ask about a 'code' comment flag
21:14.27TainI still really dislike the way worldofwar mangles (in my opinion) filename when you download.
21:15.03KirovOr just not fuck in slashes and keep "s as quotes when you edit a comment
21:15.32KirovIt's like [/pre][/pre] crap
21:16.28AdrineThat really irritates me.
21:16.45AdrineTransform on display, not on store please.
21:17.09Kirkburn2Well, tell Rushster
21:17.23Cairenn*speaking on a personal level, not on a "professional" level*  ... quite frankly, I don't know how you guys can stand to upload to a site that messes with your files
21:17.35Cairennbut that's just me
21:17.36AdrineDefine "messes"
21:17.40Kirkburn2It only sticks a number in front of it
21:17.51Cairennadd things to your files
21:17.55ShadowdIt does?
21:18.07Cairennone of them does, can't remember who
21:18.22Kirkburn2WoW Guru I gave up on when it started refusing to let me update
21:18.23AdrineWell, I can check...
21:18.24ShadowdPretty sure CG and Worldofwar don't, or at least i've never seen anything weird added to mine.
21:18.32Shadowdwhat's worldofwar add?
21:18.44Kirkburn2Just a number at the start of the zip file name
21:18.53KirovIt annoys me too
21:19.13AdrineHuh. Is it me, or are downloads not working?
21:19.16Kirkburn2Nothing else, in case people start spreading stuff. I think it's probably how they track downloads, but I'd like it if it didn't, too
21:19.17KirovI use just because it gets as much traffic if not more than curse these days
21:19.17ShadowdNever really figured out why they added it, but it's not that big of a deal
21:19.20Cairennthat's one thing, and I can see it being annoying, but no, that wasn't what I was talking about
21:19.42Kirkburn2But yeah Cairenn, it wouldn't upload to a site that did that
21:19.46AdrineYou can send whatever filename you want via headers. Since the download is a php file, there's no good reason to send a mangled filename, really.
21:20.08Cairennone or another of the sites would unzip your files, add something, then zip them back up again and upload
21:20.21Cairennor maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly
21:20.25Kirkburn2A nopatch file?
21:20.27Endworldofwar does prefix your file with a unix timestamp, but that's about it I think
21:20.35KirovThat I'd actually be happy if they did.
21:20.35Ender, filena,me
21:20.40ShadowdBut not one of the popular sites?
21:20.43Ender, filename even
21:20.49Kirovguru might, but I don't use them.
21:20.58KirovThere's those two new ones that just popped up too.
21:21.03Kirkburn2I may be wrong here, but I had a feeling wowguru tries to add nopatch files
21:21.16KirovI feel sorry for those guys since they have like their own mods and 2 others on them and that's it.
21:21.19Kirkburn2Since it complained about me having them included when I tried to update
21:21.42KirovI don't understand the whole .nopatch thing
21:21.43AdrineI just downloaded my mod from ui.wownet and nothing has changed.
21:21.47Kirkburn2[evidently advertising on other people's sites didn't work]
21:21.50EndKirov, I think it is a cosmos thing
21:21.53KirovI mean, I do
21:22.05KirovIt's why the fuck would you require other addons to support Cosmos
21:22.09Kirovin that way
21:22.21Kirkburn2The new cosmos patcher doesn't need nopatch files any more
21:22.27Endah, yeah
21:22.33Endthat's good
21:22.34KirovThat always bugged the hell out of me.
21:22.38Kirkburn2Once it all goes through, people can stop worrying about them :)
21:22.51Cairennthe only time we ever touch zip files is if you are using an executable and include the source code for us to check ... we take your source code out of the zip file before releasing it for public consumption, and it's done with your knowledge and agreement
21:22.54EndI never worried in the first place ;p
21:23.17KirovIt seems like Comsos users have become less of a majority these days.
21:23.36AdrineCosmos was all the rage in beta, because that's really all there was.
21:23.42EndI used it for like 3 days when I first started playing
21:23.45AdrineBut that momentum has died down a lot, it seems
21:23.52Endthen a big content patch hit, and cosmos stopped working
21:24.04Cairennit's still widely used
21:24.16AdrineI have no doubt it's still widely used
21:24.20Endso I just kept the few pieces I liked, and just tweaked my ui on my own
21:24.24Kirkburn2Judging by the website traffic no it's very much still used
21:24.25Endfrom then on
21:24.31AdrineBut in terms of percentage-of-mod-users, I suspect it has dropped.
21:24.36Kirkburn2Oh sure
21:24.44Kirkburn2But that's because of options appearing
21:24.47KirovI have sky, chronos, etc.
21:24.53KirovI don't use them, but I keep them around for testing
21:24.58Kirkburn2(also, due to the needless cosmos hating that went on for a while)
21:25.09KirovThat wasn't completely unfounded
21:25.18Kirkburn2Why so?
21:25.23KirovDon't take that the wrong way.
21:25.31Cairennold history, doesn't matter any more
21:25.35TainYeah let's not get too hasty with "needless".  Overblown maybe, but there were things to complain about.
21:25.45Kirkburn2Well anyway
21:25.46Cairennthey made a couple mistakes, they learned from them and moved on
21:25.48KirovCosmos was designed to be user friendly.
21:25.56Kirkburn2Positive news is that no more nopatch files
21:26.05Kirkburn2(and the new patcher is pretty good)
21:26.14KirovBecause of that it drew a lot of people who didn't really understand the whole "addon" system.
21:26.33TainOf course I still recommend to anyone who asks me not to use any compilation of any kind, and download the addons they want themselves.
21:26.53Kirkburn2Cosmos is a good launchpad, I would agree
21:27.23AdrineCosmos is a great gateway to the mod scene
21:27.24KirovWhen new patches came out and broke various things, because cosmos was difficult to uninstall (it used to use a lot of FrameXML overwrites f I'm not mistaken) a lot of people got disenchanted with it.
21:27.34AdrineIt gives people a taste of "Hey, I can have things how I want them"
21:28.13AdrineI remember very specifically when I dropped Cosmos :)
21:28.13TainYep absolutely, Adrine.  It's certainly the first thing I ever used.
21:28.33TainAnd it made me say, "woah this is cool, I can do it my own way."
21:28.33AdrineIt was when they made a change to how rangefinding on enemy mobs worked, and the performance of that mod just fell through the floor
21:28.38AdrineYeah, same here.
21:28.54AdrineI popped open the mod, dug through it, tested it, found out it was slaughtering performance, and then ditched cosmos and rolled my own.
21:29.02Shouryuuok this documentary has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen
21:29.23TainIs it a documentary on dumb people?
21:29.29Shouryuuon drugs
21:29.37Kirovdrugs are bad, mmkay?
21:29.40TainOh.  Illicit drug use?  Or like.. aspirin?
21:29.41Kirkburn2I can't remember how I got introduced to Cosmos now, but I'm glad I did. I'm like the addon guru for everyone I know now :P
21:29.57Kirkburn2No, no Viagra, Tain
21:29.59Shouryuuno it's "What if we legalized every drug except Cocaine and Heroin"
21:30.09ShouryuuSome people are actually for
21:30.14TainThat's absurd.
21:30.20Shouryuuthat's IDIOTIC
21:30.21TainWhy leave out cocaine and heroin?
21:30.35AdrineIn all seriousness, I'd agree with Tain.
21:30.43KirovThe government would make shit tons of money on taxes on it though.
21:30.51KirovEspecially from those two
21:30.53ShouryuuYeah that's what they say
21:30.54AdrineI'm not a drug user or a fan of 'em or anything, but either legalize 'em and tax 'em and apply laws to 'em like you have with alcohol...
21:30.54TainIt's a very charged topic and I'd rather tiptoe backwards away from it.
21:30.58Kirovsince those are "rich people" drugs
21:31.04Adrine...or just ban 'em all.
21:31.16Kirkburn2Alcohol is not really the same league though
21:31.18TainGotta ban 'em all!  Tokemon!
21:31.24Kirovvs what?
21:31.28Endso clearly, they are just after the rich people
21:31.33Kirkburn21g of a class-a drug
21:31.41Endor maybe they aren't, because the rich people wouldn't get taxed
21:31.43KirovAlcohol is far worse than a lot of drugs out there.
21:31.51Kirkburn*a lot of*
21:31.51ShouryuuI really disagree there
21:31.56KirkburnNot all
21:32.50KirkburnIf only there was a conversation where the answer was in black and white, then we at least wouldn't always end up agreeing with each other
21:32.51TainThree out of four livers agree.
21:33.14KirkburnI know ... Did we land on the Moon? ;)
21:33.23Shouryuuwe so did not!
21:33.26EndKirkburn, the answer to that is lime green
21:33.36KirkburnEnd wins the IRC channel
21:33.39Tain~8ball Did we land on the moon?
21:33.40AdrineAlcohol is certainly in the same league. Abuse causes damage to the body, it's highly addictive, it clouds judgement and perception, and it's often used as a social enabler.
21:33.48TainThe purl never lies.
21:33.58Tainmmm social enabler
21:34.02ckknight~8ball Do you know the Muffin Man?
21:34.05Cairennno, you want the definition of stupid?  there is a law here in Ontario that states that any store which sells prescription drugs is not allowed to sell cigarettes as well.  but those self same stores *can* sell wine ..... we all know how badly prescription drugs interact with cigarettes, but mixing prescription drugs and alcohol causes no problems whatsoever, right?
21:34.05Kirkburn~8ball Do you lie?
21:34.07purlPlease ask again.
21:34.13Shouryuuadrine - it isn't highly addictive. I have *never* craved for alcohol
21:34.38Kirkburnpurl whispered me: "Someone already said that 9 seconds ago"
21:34.48KirkburnI know they did! I DID! And you asked me to repeat it!
21:34.48End~8ball If I was walking down main street with my pet giraffe, and a llama happened to intercept me, would the lobster of holy cheese flip out and become inverted?
21:34.52TainAh that purl, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
21:34.52ShouryuuI can count the number of times I've smoked pot on my fingers, and believe me, sometimes I wake up and want some
21:35.15TainEhn sometimes I wake up and want a lot of things.
21:35.21AdrineI'd argue that science disagrees with you, Shouryuu, but eh, not worth the argument. :)
21:35.24KirkburnShouryuu - the freaky alien with thousands of fingers
21:35.24Shouryuubut no a shot of vodka
21:35.45Endyesterday I woke up and I was so hungry it hurt (in a way)
21:36.36KirkburnI felt like my stomach was eating me this morning :(
21:36.50Kirkburn... but I wasn't hungry :S
21:36.58Endit was more like a light agony on a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, and a slice of cheese
21:37.08TainI don't like tomatoes.
21:37.15KirkburnMmm, good choice
21:37.25KirkburnI'm about to have a mozzarella pizza
21:37.36TainOh I'mg oing to Panera tonight.  I don't know if I'll be able to resist the balsamic portobella mushroom sandwich with fresh mozzerella and basil.
21:37.36Endman, I'm really hungry now
21:37.43Kirkburn(I'm in italy, what can you do?!)
21:37.54EndI can't do anything
21:37.56AdrineTain, that sounds absolutely superb
21:37.58KirkburnWell, mine's authentic
21:37.59EndI have no legs and no arms
21:38.00TainIt's amazing.
21:38.17KirkburnYou have no mouth but you must scream?
21:38.23Endsomething like that
21:38.33TainExcept.. well I'm meeting up with someone but we said we'd meet for coffee/hotchocolate.
21:38.44Kirkburntogether? ewww
21:38.46TainI don't know what the ettiquette is about deciding to want food.
21:39.02KirkburnI think it's normal to say "I'm hungry, let's get some food"
21:39.08KirkburnAt least, that's what I've heard ...
21:39.11Endand then, eat someone alive
21:39.13TainI mean what if she already eats before hand assuming that we wouldn't?
21:39.14Endin one mouthful
21:39.20KirkburnExactly, End!
21:39.21Endbecause you are like a SNAKE
21:39.24AdrineThen I'd say "Hey, I'm hungry, you want anything?"
21:39.24TainThat would be an excellent dessert, End.
21:39.35AdrineAnd if she says "No" then I would but a sandwich and eat it.
21:39.44AdrineAnd if she says "Yes" then we would both buy sandwiches and eat them.
21:40.00TainI think I'll ask about the hungry, and if she's not I'll bide my time and get one on the way out.
21:40.13KirkburnAnd if she says "Maybe", then my head would explode
21:40.25TainMaybe's as good as a yes to me!
21:40.33Kirkburn"hey babycakes, what do you think about the hungry?"
21:40.38Endafter all, only no means no
21:40.43Endexcept when it means yes
21:40.46Endin which case no means yes
21:40.59KirkburnAnd yes means, oh god please.
21:41.01TainYeah.. see I was in a sort of strange situation with a girl once.
21:41.12TainAnd I said to her as she was trying to do something that she shouldn't be, "No."
21:41.23TainAnd she said back to me. "No doesn't mean no.  No just means maybe not right now."
21:41.41KirkburnAre you sure it was a girl?
21:41.45TainOh yes.
21:42.01Endit was an fbi agent, posing as a girl.  on IRC.
21:42.06Endtrue story
21:42.23TainI was just trying to get passes to Neverland Ranch.
21:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:42.56Kirovso, by "girl" you mean "young guy"?
21:43.34TainActually, the story does have a sad ending.  We lost contact for a couple of years, and when I did finally find her again she was married with a baby, and another on the way.
21:43.54TainAnd by sad I mean sad for her.
21:44.14KirkburnTain - what a catch!
21:44.23TainGotta catch 'em all.
21:45.05KirovA girl I knew from like elementary school through high school I saw like 2 years ago at some coffee shop.  She was dating some guy who was 20 years older than her who had gotten her pregnant and they'd had a kid, so they were stuck together.
21:45.30TainLook all I'm saying is there was no blood-test to say the kid was mine.
21:45.38KirkburnWhy thankyou Miravlix
21:45.39MiravlixAm I the only one that think thats totally wrong in an event handler
21:46.03MiravlixYou initialize variables in one place, one time at addon load
21:46.12MiravlixThen you intitalize the variable to 0
21:46.13Beladonapew pew
21:46.19KirkburnOmg, on topicness!
21:46.23MiravlixSo you only need one line of code in the event handler
21:46.42Endon topicness is illegal
21:46.52KirkburnMiravlix is illegal?
21:46.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:47.04Kirovnot illegal, just against the tos
21:47.05TainEhn.. I sort of agree Miravlix but I like error checking all over the place.  heh
21:47.17MiravlixBaah, script programmers is pure crap, they couldn't code there way out of a wet paperback
21:47.46KirkburnDid someone just sheep Miravlix?
21:47.50KirovMiravlix - I stick lots of checks in my code just because I like to do bad stuff like /script MyMod_Saved = nil during run time
21:48.15KirovSaves the headache of addon error blitz
21:48.25MiravlixMaybe thats why it cost so many FPS to run scripts. :p
21:48.42TainAh.. no. :)
21:48.47MiravlixYou have to design and write for efficency in lua
21:49.06TainOf course I wouldn't do things like that example, but I do a lot of checks for the existence of a value.
21:49.29QzotNah. Fewer users to support if it only runs well on high-end machines.
21:49.30MiravlixI make sure every path through my code never gets bad data.
21:49.56TainImpossible. :)
21:50.15MiravlixYou have to check when you get outside data
21:50.17TainYou mean you don't have any other users running your code?
21:50.22MiravlixAnd the variables is LOCAL for efficency
21:50.23AdrineMiravlix: You can't init it at runtime.
21:50.28Miravlixso no /script variable = crap
21:50.32AdrineSince the index is dependent on the name of the player killed.
21:50.41AdrineErr, init at startup.
21:50.51AdrineSo I run into EnemyX that I've never killed
21:51.01ckknightAdrine is right about that
21:51.06AdrineI kill him, get honor, want to insert it into the cumulative honor table
21:51.09AdrineBut, I don't have an index for him
21:51.21AdrineAnd there's no way to pre-init it without building a table with the name of every character on the server.
21:51.32TainOoh thats a great idea!
21:51.48ckknightsure it is
21:51.49TainI wonder if we can hook the character creation functions to make sure we dont' miss any.
21:51.50MiravlixMy lua memory footprint just hit 100 MB
21:52.00TainWhy so high?
21:52.02ckknightwtf, how?
21:52.04AdrineSince trying to add nil + integer makes lua puke, you need a special case for a nil index.
21:52.12KirovMiravlix uses Ace
21:52.20Miravlix170+ addons
21:52.22ckknightHKillTrackerData[playerName..'honor'] = (HKillTrackerData[playerName..'honor'] or 0) + (tonumber(HonorPoints)*dmReturn)
21:52.23AdrineIf anyone isn't using Warmup, I highly recommend it.
21:52.32QzotAdrine: How do you usu handle nil + int?
21:52.39TainYeah Warmup will tell you lots.
21:52.55Adrineif table[index] == nil then table[index]  = value; else table[index] = table[index] + value; end
21:53.14ckknightOzot, alpha = (alpha or 0) + bravo is one way
21:53.27ckknightI prefer Adrine's
21:53.32QzotYup. ckknight is right.
21:53.51ckknightevil parentheses
21:54.06KirkburnAnyone know Beyond Good & Evil?
21:54.10MiravlixHe concat playerName.. he doesn't use a table[Playername].variable
21:54.11AdrineGreat game.
21:54.14AdrineReally underrated.
21:54.18QzotDepends on the situation. I usually pref a = (a or 0) + b.
21:54.18Kirkburn:) I know!
21:54.25Miravlixmeaning he needs extra nil checks
21:54.28KirkburnLooks like there might be a sequel at last
21:54.34AdrineMiravlix: Huh?
21:54.36TainI like doing that Qzot just because it makes me think about exactlyw hat I'm doing to get it right.
21:54.39AdrineplayerName is assumed to not be nil
21:54.44AdrineBut the index might be
21:54.51TainBut definitely not for readability.
21:55.14AdrineIf you kill me, the index is "Adrinehonorper"
21:55.15MiravlixIf you do table[playerName] = {}
21:55.25AdrineThe value is an int, not a table
21:55.32MiravlixThen table[playerName].honorPoint = 0;
21:55.35MiravlixThen it's all done
21:55.46AdrineExcept you need to init table[playerName]
21:55.54QzotAh. Depends on whether I want to assume a nil value means initialization is needed, or whether a nil value means a programming screw-up. Those are different.
21:55.58MiravlixYes, but I don't need 30 ifs
21:56.00AdrineSo if table[playerName] == nil then table[playerName] = {}; end will still be needed.
21:56.17QzotScrewup: alpha = (alpha or error('die!')) + beta
21:56.18Miravlixand table[playerName].honorpoint = 0;
21:56.45MiravlixInitialize all field when you catch a nil on playerName's table
21:56.48MiravlixSo it's done
21:56.51KirkburnWouldn't it be funny if Halo 3 came out on the same day as the PS3 ...
21:57.02AdrineHow's that any different?
21:57.19AdrineYou have to init for a nil index at some point.
21:57.24Miravlixif table[playerName] =0 nil then table[playerName] == {} end
21:57.28Qzot"Readability" is defined in term of a community of practice. Once enough people are exposed to the 'or 0' idiom, it's much cleaner and clearer, imho.
21:57.53QzotBtw, don't use 'table' as a var name, please. It's a Lua thingie.
21:57.59AdrineYeah, I know :P
21:58.12QzotConfusing, even in examples. I keep misparsing.
21:58.25MiravlixThen you need to do if table[pn].honorpoint = nil then table[pn].honorpoint = honorpoint else table[pn].honorpoint = table[pn].honorpoint + addedhonor
21:58.46Qzottbl[playerName] = tbl[playerName] or {}; tbl[playerName].honorpoint = 0;
21:58.52AdrineErr. I think we're confused now.
21:58.59MiravlixIf you tb[pn].honorpoint = 0 it's fine
21:59.10AdrineBut what if tb[pn] == nil?
21:59.12AdrineThat's the case here
21:59.18AdrineYou have to pre-init it.
21:59.20QzotAdrine: See my example.
21:59.32Miravlixwhen you if tb[pn] == nil then tb[pn] = {} tb[pn].honorpoint = 0
22:00.26MiravlixThen all the rest of you code is just tb[pn].variable = tb[pn].variable + newvalue
22:00.27AdrineI guess I don't understand what the complaint is.
22:00.39AdrineRight, but you still have an init check.
22:00.42TainToo much ifs I think.
22:00.43MiravlixThat the code is using to many if's
22:00.51TainAh hah!  I guessed right!
22:00.57AdrineThe bit you pasted had...a single if statement.
22:01.19QzotIn the wowwiki howto, I also show how to create a table with default 0 values. In my own code, I've extended that to create a table of tables of default zero values. So the resulting code would look like...
22:01.29MiravlixIt's IRC iit isn't meant for pasting 30 lines of code. :p
22:01.32Qzottb = newTableOfCountTables()
22:01.40TainThat's what pastebin is for, Miravlix
22:01.41Qzottb[pn].honorpoint = 7
22:01.44Beladonahomeward! seeyas laters!
22:01.49TainHave a good one Beladona
22:02.01TainKnow it, use it, love it.
22:02.04Beladonapew pew!
22:02.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
22:03.08ckknightcan one create FontStrings on already existing frames?
22:03.15ckknighti.e. ones defined in XML
22:03.19TainOf course using things like (var or 0) lets you start getting really silly with that syntax and doing things like this (small example compared to many)
22:03.20MiravlixAnd playerName = mine so why can't I use that at init?
22:03.21Tainstr = ((s and (xps and xps.." - ")) or (xps or ""))..(s or "")
22:03.26AdrineNo, no, Miravlix
22:03.37AdrineI think the issue is that playerName is the name of the guy you killed and received honor for
22:03.41AdrineBased on the context
22:03.48AdrineIf it were your name, you'd be right. Pre-init it. :P
22:04.08Kirkburnckknight, in 1.10 they're all 'Font'
22:04.20Miravlixlocal playerName = UnitName("player");
22:04.25KirkburnEr, I might be talking about something else
22:04.27TainNow you could just change the format of that table to save things differently and you wouldn't have to worry about it.  But that's not the current issue.
22:04.30AdrineWell then, it's inefficient :P
22:04.34ckknightyes, Kirkburn
22:04.35AdrineAnd you are correct!
22:04.37ckknightI think you are
22:04.48AdrineSince it's a known index, it should be pre-inited
22:04.55ckknightI wanna do frame:CreateFontString("name", "ARTWORK")
22:04.59ckknightand frame is defined in XML
22:05.16KirkburnHey Blizz are doing another Battleground fight!
22:07.50ShadowdWTB Pre-generated level 19 rogue to fight them!
22:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
22:09.40ckknightbut you'd have to be Alliance, Shadowd
22:09.58KirkburnSlouken's movepad is updated
22:10.05ShadowdMy 3 60s and 2 30s are Alliance :p
22:11.09ckknightso does anyone know if you can add lua-created FontStrings to xml-created frames?
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22:13.24AdrineCan you set a parent attribute?
22:13.40ckknightyea, but it still doesn't seem to work right
22:13.44AdrineSetParent(targetFrame) seems like it should work
22:14.09ckknightwhat I'm really doing is adding more lines to a tooltip, given the event that it runs out of lines
22:14.18ckknightif I do it in the xml first, it works fine
22:14.29ckknightbut if I try to do it in Lua, it just doesn't work
22:19.35MiravlixAnyway all the whining was because I had to update Titan Panel 1.14.2's honor+ to include item turn ins. :p
22:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
22:21.13ckknightI found it pretty easy to implement that for BossPanel - Honor
22:21.49MiravlixIt's pretty easy.
22:22.06ckknightI'm gonna say mine is more elegant
22:22.10MiravlixIt cast a spell that Sarf AutoReactiveClasss tells me to pummel
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22:22.46KirovI wish they'd implement some sort of event system for combat log messages
22:22.55MiravlixIt doesn't show up there.
22:23.07ckknightwhat doesn't?
22:23.16KirovOne that spamed relavent info as args instead of needing to parse
22:23.23MiravlixMark turn ins
22:23.24ckknightI agree, Kirov
22:23.27ckknightyea it does, Miravlix
22:23.44ckknightit sends you a parsed COMBATLOG_HONORAWARD
22:24.01ckknightdeformat it to get the bonus
22:24.12ckknightit works for both flag capture and turn-ins
22:24.30MiravlixThey use         for PlayerDeath, PlayerRank, HonorPoints in string.gfind(arg1, PatternText) do
22:25.04ckknightthere are two types of honor gains
22:25.47ckknightI can post up the specific section of code if you want
22:26.00KirkburnYay, now you're all gonna get Chuck Norris spam in italian! :D
22:26.35MiravlixAah well I didn't write this crap. I just took the implementation from one addon and added it to another.
22:27.09ckknightnow you can feel my burning hatred for Titan
22:27.12ckknightit's icky.
22:27.44ckknightsome of the code implementations of it
22:28.04KirkburnI'm not sure Adserator knew what he was letting himself in for
22:28.06ckknightsuch as for checking flag capture honor and such, not fond of it
22:28.21KirovIs Titan still even truely supported?
22:28.26MiravlixOut of 170+ addons I'm sure there is less than a handfull I wouldn't be tempted to recode
22:28.39ckknightI bet
22:28.41MiravlixIt's just the nature of the game, scripters isn't coders
22:29.10KirkburnKirov, yes
22:29.18MiravlixAs long as it works reasonably well, it's cool
22:29.22KirkburnAdsertor is working on 2.15
22:29.59KirkburnEr, Miravlix, you're not "Swiftstab" are you?
22:31.55Cairennyeah, well, I wish one or another of the various people would frigging come update it on WoWI :p
22:32.29KirkburnWhat's the WoWI version?
22:32.47KirovYou know what my one beaf with WoWI is?
22:33.08KirkburnWhat's beaf?
22:33.10ckknightmmm... misspelled beef
22:33.26Kirovheh, sorry, warrior in my guild named beafcake
22:33.40Tainhehe I still keep meaning to get back to my Titan Tainted.
22:34.02Cairenn1.24.1500 by TitanMod - v2.14.2 by Luthic - v2.13.1 by Rathetom
22:34.18Kirkburn2.14.2 is the latest version
22:34.24Cairennso, what's your beef with WoWI, Kirov?
22:34.38Kirovjust that
22:34.52Kirov[list][*]Some stuff[/list]
22:35.18Kirovit's just a wiki thing
22:35.19Cairennso in other words, nothing
22:35.34Kirovis just so much easier to write
22:35.55KirovEspecially when I'm copy / pasting stuff from Curse, WorldofWar and WoWI
22:36.09ckknightyou want implicit [list]'s?
22:36.56Kirovyeah, I guess
22:37.42KirkburnCairenn, not sure what your policy is on out of date addons, but you could remove the non-2.14.2 versions. Adsertor has said he doesn't have time to post on more than one site :( ... judging by how often he updates I believe him
22:37.44KirovIt's nice if I'm trying to do lists inside lists, but if I'm just doing a bunch of bullet points it's an added annoyance I have to go through.
22:38.30KirkburnI have just discovered Titain
22:39.10CairennKirov: do you mean in the forums or when doing up mod descriptions?
22:39.19Kirovmod descriptions.
22:39.33KirovIt's mostly a complaint about easy of supporting multiple mod sites
22:39.41Kirov(and don't say "just post on WoWI")
22:39.48KirkburnFont size tags are also different between sites
22:39.57TainLife is like a box of chocolates.
22:40.03CairennI have yet to ever say that to anyone, Kirov
22:40.48KirovCairenn - Didn't mean that specifically at you, just trying to stop any snide comments before they happen.
22:40.49KirkburnTain, I wish there was one version of Titan with all the best of everything - the changes you did look good, if only they were in the 'official' version
22:41.15Cairennno one here would say it though
22:41.27Kirov<- is an ass and would say that
22:41.28TainI would!
22:41.36KirkburnSo anyway, Curse doesn't let you do *any* formatting, so be happy :P
22:41.48TainMainly because of my various and sundry dislikes (or disdain) for the other sites.
22:41.49Cairennyou do know you can just type out your list, then highlight it all and hit the "list" button, right?
22:41.50KirovSimple solutions!
22:42.27KirkburnWhen was the last time CG got a new feature?
22:42.29KirovCairenn - yeah, but I'm usually copy / pasting from worldofwar, so I already have to reformat it by hand
22:42.53Cairenntrue enough
22:43.14TainYou know I bet you could write a Lua script to reformat it.  ;)
22:43.40krkadamn it, missed a (var or 0) discussion
22:43.49Tainhaha krka
22:43.56ShadowdIs there any special reason CG just allows text on mod descriptions?
22:44.05Kirovtain - I've actually thought about that.  =P
22:44.16ShadowdBesides to annoy people
22:44.25krkai just want to add that both variants compiles to the same code so just go with what is most readable
22:44.27ShouryuuAhhhhh there;s this bimbo sitting in my living room, arghh she's driving me crazy!
22:44.51krkai've got a steering wheel in my pants and it's driving me nuts
22:45.03Shouryuuthat's really lame :P
22:45.03KirkburnShadowd, it's obviously just to annoy people with reasonably advanced addons
22:45.10krkai know
22:45.25KirkburnKirov, ner, ner, posted that earlier!
22:46.14KirovI'm reasonly impressed that they went as far as to give the hack an in-game interface
22:46.50ShadowdAlways figured the exploit was teleporting into some object though, not just kiting him around.
22:47.21ShadowdIt didn't explain what happened to cho though, since I could swear he heals the king if you don't leave him alone and he should just aggro onto the hunter and follow him like the king did.
22:47.46ShadowdIn which case I don't see how a hunter could DPS the king down enough
22:47.58Kirovcho is just standing there
22:48.08Kirovhe didn't aggro
22:48.08ShadowdThat doesn't make sense then
22:48.17KirovYou can see him in the video
22:48.24Shadowdah I never did
22:48.29ShadowdNever knew you could only aggro king not cho.
22:50.11KirovDo you guys remember the post the supposed gold farmer made about how he was told to kill a mob at a certain place at a certain time that it'd drop the glowing brightwood staff?
22:50.58ShadowdNope, I never saw that.
22:56.12Shouryuume neither
22:56.19ShadowdDo you remember what the post said?
22:56.48Shouryuulol the murloc RPG is on
23:00.55QzotMany of the main researchers and writers on MMOs and virtual worlds. They started a social guild a few months back. I actually was in the guild before becoming a TN writer.
23:00.55Shouryuuwhy would something like L.L Bean put an add on Curse?
23:01.19Kirovadblock ftw
23:01.25KirovI haven't seen an ad in ages
23:02.57Shouryuuwell night folks
23:03.12KirkburnWhen people complain about things, they should really do some research. Someone complained about the Win Cosmos patcher dl includes the mac version and it thus bloated and confusing. It they'd bothered to click on the folder (called MACOSX, incidentally), they'd have noticed it was a grand total of 82 bytes. BLOOOOAT!
23:03.43Kirov82 bytes?!
23:03.55AdrineDude, bandwidth is expensive. That's 82 extra bytes that could have been better spent on a portion of a banner ad.
23:04.00Kirovomg, that's like 0.0002% of my HD!
23:04.20KirkburnAdrine, please do point me to the ads? ;)
23:04.52AdrineYou have a 400kb hard drive, Kirov?
23:04.56QzotIt's not the size that matters. What if I don't want any mac-related stuff on my HD, like it's a religious thing or something with me?
23:05.08AdrineOh. %. >_>
23:05.54AdrineQzot: I heard a rumor that those filthy mac users use the same bytes I do.
23:06.03KirkburnYou get the Windows patcher file and *within that folder* there's an "_MACOSX" folder ... I mean, seriously, what dumbass would actually find that confusing?
23:06.17IrielI hear that mac users terminate their lines differently too
23:06.18QzotDoesn't matter. Even evil people sometimes tell the truth.
23:06.19AdrineSomeone that thinks that macs have 82 byte executables?
23:06.26Irieljust like those dirty windows folks (but different)
23:06.30Kirkburnlol and lol and lol
23:06.34Kirovaccording to my calculations it's a 400 meg hd >.<
23:06.38Adrine\n > \r\n
23:07.10Iriel\n is the One True LineEnding
23:07.31AdrinePlus, \r makes my text editor do funny things when I strip the \n's
23:07.39Kirovoh yeah, why are there two returns in ascii?
23:07.41QzotIriel's fomenting sectarian violence!!
23:07.46Adrine\r is "carriage return"
23:07.48ckknight\n > \r\n, \n > \r
23:07.49Adrine\n is "newline"
23:07.50Cairenngo go Iriel
23:08.16ckknightnewline goes to the next line, carriage return, goes back to the first column
23:08.16Kirovit just messes with me because tooltips use both
23:08.22AdrineOn a typewriter, "carriage return" made the carriage return to the column 0 spot, whereas "newline" made you go to the next line
23:08.26KirkburnLol, as if to replace the link I sent earlier:
23:08.42AdrineSo \r\n means "go to column zero and then to the next line"
23:08.51Kirkburn"We're no longer selling drugs, please now treat yourself to some sex!"
23:09.12AdrineWhereas people that realize that computers aren't typewriters shortened this to "\n" because really, I have no interest in repositioning the cursor to the beginning of the line with a command character.
23:09.13Kirovsee, this is why Cosmos is evil
23:09.15KirkburnSeriously, why put that in the least viewed website section?
23:09.20KirovIt's trying to sell sex to kids!
23:10.26KirkburnIt's like going to the WoW website and putting it in the "Quest discussion" forum
23:10.56Kirkburn(which has a grand total of 12 pages btw)
23:11.34Kirovwow, less than the RP forum
23:12.52KirkburnI know, I've just invented the best invention ever that will revolutionize the world. Hmm, where to go ... I know! I hear Outer Mongolians buy stuff. *buys one way flight*
23:15.12KirkburnI <3 eyonix
23:19.55Cairenngod you men make me crazy by times
23:20.52KirkburnNew wallpaper!
23:21.07Kirkburn(I think the lady is reaching for his wallet)
23:21.08QzotUm. Is there a lesson I can learn from Lozareth, Cairenn? Vicoriously?
23:21.23CodayusHeh, Loz is....special.
23:21.36Cairennthe man can't even afford to keep his phone hooked up, yet he absolutely refuses to let anyone help with hosting his stuff for him ...
23:21.57Cairennand no, I'm not telling tales out of school, he posted to that very fact himself
23:22.11CodayusIt's a shame.  :-/
23:22.24Cairennhis stupid stubborn male pride won't allow him to accept help
23:22.33KirkburnBet some women are the same
23:22.34QzotWhat's happened? (Please save me from the ream of paper I'm supposed to be reading...)
23:23.14CodayusNaaa, I'd say Loz goes well beyond the standard "male pride".
23:23.50Cairennand not only will he not accept any help, but he's spending *more* money he can't afford, for a dedicated server
23:23.55CodayusI mean, there's wanting to do your own thing...and then there's Loz.  oO
23:24.05KirkburnI wondered why discord was down
23:24.25Cairennguys, post in the thread, tell him to accept our offer
23:24.41Cairennhelp me convince him to stop being so bloody pigheaded stubborn
23:25.04Qzot"Lozareth, Please (ow! Cairenn don't twist so hard!) accept our offer."
23:25.22Kirkburn"Accept you stubborn ass!"
23:25.49Cairennthis is the (at least) 3rd time that his been down because he can't afford it
23:26.21Cairennfor pity's sake, he's on a bloody 28.8k connection over the phone as his internet
23:26.53KirkburnThe turn the tables, what's your opinion on the new BE wallpaper?
23:27.31Cairennit's cute
23:28.19Endit's a wallpaper </captain-obvious>
23:29.01KirkburnA thread has sprung up discussing whether it's demeaning to women
23:29.11IrielAwww, look at the cute horde.
23:29.30Cairennoh for ... why on earth would anyone say that's demeaning to women
23:29.47Kirkburn"I believe she is actually reaching into his pocket for his wallet."
23:30.00ShadowdCairenn: Do you believe anyone posts with logic on general?
23:30.02Kirovthat's not is wallet...
23:30.12Kirovit's his coin purse
23:33.06KirkburnI have gotta try out "/me pickpockets %t for 19s55c" in IF one day
23:33.36KirkburnGrr, one person on my guild's website seems to have little morality (imo)
23:33.53ShadowdKirkburn my suggestion is to wait for one of the people start asking for money and do it to them.
23:33.58KirkburnHe's one of those people who suggests Ebay'ing accounts and trying out private servers
23:34.07KirkburnShadowd: ingenious!
23:35.04ShadowdYou could also take it one step farther and tell them to talk to the king in IF/SW/Whatever and say he's a GM
23:35.11KirovI was standing in IF on my bank alt testing one of my mods and some guy walked up and handed me 10g
23:35.17Kirkburnlol, a sample post from this guy (bear in mind that we're a 400 strong guild with 2 CLOSED raid groups)... "Hello! Im lvl 52 druid atm. I need to know are there any free slots in RAID groups, because on lvl60 I would like to do MC,ZG,AQ,BWL... So when i ding lvl60 will I be able to do that instances with VoM"
23:35.35KirovMy first thought was, "WTF? No wonder people are always asking for hand outs!"
23:35.48KirkburnLucky bugger
23:36.08ckknightthat seems odd
23:36.15KirkburnYou'd think a guild with 400+ members might talk in guild chat ...
23:36.22AdrineI have an entire guild of bank alts. :D
23:36.25Adrine<Not FDIC Insured>
23:36.27AdrineIt's great.
23:36.27KirkburnI am constantly the only one talking
23:36.52ShadowdHow does a guild with 400+ people raid in BWL?
23:37.11KirkburnNot all at the same time?
23:37.27ShadowdNo I mean how do you actually sustain and manage a guild with 400 people
23:37.44KirovMy guild peeked over the 500 mark once
23:37.44KirkburnWe have two raid groups, HVH and HRR (House of Vanaheim and House of Ragnarok)
23:37.54KirovWe're at 450 right now
23:38.09ShadowdAh, so it's not one guild?
23:38.18KirkburnNope, one guild
23:38.23KirkburnAnd it works quite well
23:38.28KirkburnI think there are maybe 150 60s
23:38.34KirkburnProbably less
23:38.35QzotThe CAD guild on Dark Iron broke 500, and its overflow guild (Bloody Carrots) came pretty close.
23:38.57ShadowdHow do you manage the fact that probably all of them want phat loot?
23:38.59QzotAre raid timers per guild or per person?
23:39.02KirkburnBoth raid groups have about 45 people, and there are always other instances going on
23:39.10KirkburnWe use DKP
23:39.31ShadowdRight, but how do you progress if everyone wants loot and your raid group is consisitly changing?
23:39.31KirkburnI know of only one person leaving in the past few months
23:39.40KirkburnThe raid groups don't change much
23:39.59ShadowdSo the whole guild doesn't want to raid then, or they aren't allowed?
23:40.00Kirov400 people, only 95 of which make up the main raiding groups, yes?
23:40.14KirkburnIt's hard to describe
23:40.15KirovIn our guild most are either not allowed, or don't seem to want to raid.
23:40.28KirkburnPeople *are* allowed to raid, we have raid signups
23:40.38KirkburnI'll try and explain fully
23:40.48KirovThe not allowed ones are because they're complete ass hats and got banned for being dumb, but didn't do anything bad enough to get kicked.
23:41.26KirkburnThere are two raid groups with maybe up to 50 each, with a set raid timetable. You can sign up online for each raid. Generally raids aren't very oversubscribed, maybe only 1 or 2 too many
23:41.49KirkburnBut we also have various ZG and AQ20 groups set up for those who don't MC
23:42.22KirkburnThere are quite a few people leveling to 60 and doing UBRS and Strat/Scholo too
23:42.38KirkburnAt some point we'll likely make a new MC group
23:42.41ShadowdSo the majority of the guild doesn't want to do the high end dungeons? Just wondering how a guild of 400 people manages when most of the guilds are a group of 50-70 people.
23:43.01Shadowd(high end = BWL/AQ40)
23:43.19KirkburnThey realise that they'll have to work to get into the main groups
23:43.27Shadowdi see
23:43.34ShadowdSo how far you guys into BWL then?
23:43.39KirkburnRight at the start
23:43.47KirkburnI think HVH have mostly got tier one now
23:43.58ShadowdYou'll have fun with vael
23:43.59KirkburnHRR just did Raggy lasy week
23:44.28KirkburnI suppose the Vikings of Midgard are more of a loose coalition than most guilds
23:45.14KirkburnThe two main raid groups are the core members (and mostly talk on raid chat and ventrilo) whilst others like to be part of a big group who can often help them out
23:46.05ShadowdPretty sure the only raiding guilds we have on IC are mostly small 50-70 people and I think we also have an an alliance of guilds that are at like firemaw or something.
23:47.18KirkburnI think VoM is a more casual raider guild
23:47.34KirkburnWe can cope with absences as there are so many that can pick up the slack
23:47.51CodayusI know of a few guilds that run similarly to that - usually the guild will seperate members into "raiders" and "family".  Raiders are subject to strict rules, have permission to sign up to raids, and there arw caps on how many there can be.
23:48.29Shadowdyeah, the guild i'm in is an old EQ guild that has a family rank that can raid with apps and members don't want to go or we need more people.
23:48.34CodayusFamily have few rules, can't sign up to raids, and have no limit on membership.  When a raiding slot opens up, recruitment looks at family first, but if no suitable candidate can be found, turns to people outside the guild.
23:49.20AdrineWe're in a pseudoguild/guild alliance that houses something like 650 characters
23:49.21CodayusOther guilds will have "raiders" and "family" be seperate guilds.  I know of a couple guilds where only raiders are allowed in the guild, but they encourage all alts, friends, mules, etc to apply to an allied casual guild.
23:49.29KirkburnI have to say I think VoM is extremely lucky in it's members, that we have no idiots
23:49.35AdrineBut, we generally only have about 65-75 active raiders
23:50.01ShadowdIt's nice during stuff like AQ40 learning when people aren't showing up
23:50.21KirkburnI was wrong about the HRR group btw, it was actually yesterday they took down Raggy for the first time :P
23:53.56KirkburnGoing back to that dubious member I mentioned earlier, how does this post make sense? "I dont need demonslaying anymore, just bought it on AH. tnx anyway..."
23:54.18KirkburnIs it possible to buy the demonslaying enchant on the AH?!
23:54.23AdrineDemonslaying forumla maybe?
23:54.37ShadowdKirkburn: sssshhh
23:54.43AdrineAlso, [WTB] physically sellable enchants that I can fire-and-forget on the AH
23:54.46ShadowdYou're ruining my selling of pet rocks
23:55.09ckknightman, fire-and-forget AH enchants would be so damn awesome
23:55.28KirkburnI want a pet rock :(
23:55.31AdrineWe kind a got them with wizard oils
23:55.33Shadowd500g kk?
23:55.35AdrineWizard oils = money tree
23:55.45AdrineAbout 8g to make one, and they sell for 20-25g :)
23:55.53ckknightwhich is more expensive, time() or GetTime()?
23:56.08Adrineckknight: You could profile it and find out! :)
23:56.20Adrine(aka: I have no friggin' clue)
23:56.50KirkburnActually, I'm somewhat confused now as we have "[Deamonslaying]" listed under enchants in out guild bank section
23:57.11Kirkburn(no, I can spell it thankyou)
23:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
23:57.31AdrineLocalization issues?
23:57.41AdrineAutomated banks FTW! :)
23:59.41KirkburnOh god this member is really annoying me now, I'm looking at his past posts ...
23:59.49KirkburnHe's a lvl 52 druid
23:59.54KirkburnAnd he posted this: Can u upgrade my [Wildheart Belt] to [Zandalar Haruspex's Belt]?

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