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00:14.25*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:14.25*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
00:15.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
00:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:35.40OsagasuI doubt it
00:35.49Osagasuthen again Onyxia has been 10 manned
00:36.35CodayusInteresting PRT notes...
00:36.43Codayus(Just now getting around to looking at them.)
00:40.15CodayusNot too happy about the SpellStopCasting() change...
01:14.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:17.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:37.31TemAnyone know the difference between WinXP pro and WinXP media center?
01:41.04CrispixI Wonder when Cairenn will be back
01:45.51Cairenn|afkwho knows if Cairenn is actually away?
01:46.12Crispixhey Cairenn|... can we add a new forum to the site?
01:46.28Crispix'UI addon / plugin ideas'
01:46.44CrispixI just got a fantastic idea... don't really wanna share it on the general real forums
01:47.22Cairenn|afkInterface Requests Have an idea for a mod author? Need some one to make a change to a interface piece? Looking for a specific mod but don't know the name? Make your requests here.
01:49.09Crispixi'll link you to the thread idea
01:50.56Cairenn|afkCrispix dear, if it's posted on my forums, you don't need to link it to me ...
01:51.59Crispix... *blush* okay
01:52.04CrispixCheck the forums.. tis posted
02:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
02:20.59*** join/#wowi-lounge tyndral (
02:22.15cladhaireEvening Tyn
02:23.59Cairenn|afkhey tyndral
02:24.46tyndralhow is everyone?
02:26.15Cairenn|afknot here ;)
02:26.20tyndralclearly. :p
02:32.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:40.33cladhairedamnit my math is wrong somewhere =(
02:43.20cladhaireit makes a difference when you use the width instead of the height accidentally, and introduce rectangle frames =)
02:45.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:47.09tyndrali imagine it would, cladhaire :)
02:50.40Cairenn|afkhow many of you read yesterday's PA?
02:51.13IrielTechnically wednesday's PA, with a thursday epilog
02:53.03CairennSo you heard, I gather?
02:53.32CairennSorry, but that's fricking hilarious
02:53.35Cairenngo Smed
02:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
02:55.44CodayusA litteraly laughed out loud when I first saw it.  Then I read it again, laughed a bit more, and then started convincing my friends to read it.  :-)
03:00.04Cairennwell, I had missed the follow up, but it got brought up during my conference call just now ... I hooted
03:03.06Guillotinehuh? I'm confused
03:03.08Guillotinewhat PA?
03:03.55Cairennafter reading the comic, hit the news button
03:04.00Cairennand scroll down
03:05.45Guillotinei dont get it...
03:06.00Cairenndid you scroll down through the news?
03:06.25CairennGo to the "It's a good thing I didn't eat lunch" ..
03:06.36GuillotineI read it
03:06.40GuillotineI get it
03:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
03:16.54cladhairei hadn't seen that Cair =)
03:17.05Osagasuseen what?
03:17.26CairennCairenn: after reading the comic, hit the news button
03:17.27CairennCairenn: and scroll down
03:17.35cladhairedamn.. the copy/paste queen wins again
03:17.43CairennCairenn: Go to the "It's a good thing I didn't eat lunch" ..
03:17.44cladhairei had JUST copied it.. but hadn't gotten to paste yet
03:19.28cladhaireso WatchDog can now dock with itself =)
03:19.56cladhairewell tbh. i haven't made watchdog do it yet.. but i'm doing it now =)
03:20.19cladhairebut i have a few frames that do it just beautifully =)
03:25.04OsagasuThat rocks.
03:25.10OsagasuSOE sent that to them?
03:25.53OsagasuOh, I have PA as my homepage, seen the comic.  I hadn't seen that news article though
03:31.13OsagasuYou know, I recently made a character on Rexxar to play with two of my younger cousins every once in a while.  This was last week.  They haven't been on at all since I made the damned character.
03:34.53CairennSmed really does have a wicked sense of humour
03:35.13Cairennthat's gotta be one of the best flip-offs I've seen in a while
03:38.55OsagasuA few people have made the comment to me that it was nice of SOE to send us one donut for every subscriber they have. The other funny remark I heard was that this is the best product SOE has ever shipped. You guys are mean.
03:40.17OsagasuI wonder why they did send 1200 doughnuts
03:40.50CodayusShould be obvious.
03:41.06CodayusDamage control/stylish flip-off.
03:41.22OsagasuI mean, why 1200?
03:41.29Osagasu1000 sets of a dozen
03:41.32CodayusBig enough to make the point.  <shrug>
03:42.05CodayusNot too expensive.
03:42.50OsagasuThis is SOE we're talking about.  They take a budget os $12 and make $1,000,000,000 off it.
03:43.06CodayusIn terms of publicity and generating positive will towards SOE, the money they spent on that may be the most effective they'll spend this year...
03:43.53OsagasuI doubt it.  Anyone that read that article would get why they did it
03:44.19CodayusEveryone who see's an SOE add knows why they bought it too.
03:44.46CodayusDoesn't mean it won't have an impact.
03:45.04OsagasuGranted, the EQ2 banner on the WoWI website isn't that great of a money maker either, metinks
03:46.13OsagasuWhy is it there, anyways?  Its like putting a Pizza Hut Ad 30' from a Dominoes.
03:46.21CodayusPossibly.  I couldn't begin to estimate their RoI on it...
03:46.34Osagasu(This is my opinion) I mean, the Dominoes is the better product
03:50.56CairennOsagasu: what are you talking about?
03:51.12Cairenn*what* EQ2 banner on our site, hmmm?
03:51.33cladhaireThe one at the top I assume
03:51.47cladhaireit hasn't been there recently
03:51.55Cairenn*what* EQ2 banner on WoWI? ...
03:52.06cladhairei liked it
03:52.08cladhaireit was cute
03:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
03:52.17CodayusHmm, I never noticed it.
03:52.20Cairennhasn't been there for over a month
03:52.30CodayusCurrently I see an...ick, True ad.  Creepy.
03:53.37Cairennand hi, ads for a game on a fan site for that game are like preaching to the choir ... that's why SOE would put their ads on a Blizz site, just as Blizz would put ads on SOE fansites, by preference
03:54.05Cairennyou don't need to promote your game to the people already playing it
03:54.16Codayus:-)  I hate them.
03:55.55Cairennwell, frankly, I really like the ads on our site these days ... I'd much rather see things having to do with making the world a better place, than ads for gold sellers et al
03:56.09Cairennbut then again, I realize I'm in the minority on that
03:56.54CairennI know that most people would rather see ads with boobs or l337 lvling hacks
03:57.08CodayusIn general, I have no problem with dating service ads.  True just tends to be a bit creepy though, and their use of sex to sell their products a bit more blatant than most...
03:57.39Cairennno dating service ads on our site
03:57.49Cairennno gold sellers
03:57.51Cairennno hacks
03:58.00Cairennno PLing services
03:58.11CodayusI dunno how to break this to you, but you've got ads for
03:58.32CodayusI saw one um...6 minutes ago.
03:58.33CairennCodayus: unn, dunno how to break this to you, no we don't
03:59.09CairennI spend all day every day hitting refresh on our sites, I've yet to see one
03:59.17CodayusI closed to page or I could have taken a screenshot...
03:59.27Cairennwe've got ads from "Ad Council"
03:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
03:59.59Cairenn"keep kids in school" "abuse is bad" "stay interested in science & math" ....
04:00.18CairennCodayus: has ads
04:00.19Cairennnot us
04:00.46CodayusUm, hmm.  Hitting reload.  Got a "earn a degree while you work" ad, an ad council ad, an ad for the dogpile seearch engine, three ad council ads...
04:01.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
04:01.26CodayusTrue ad isn't coming back, but there's no way I imagined it...  And I never visit
04:01.36Cairennyou imagined it :p
04:01.39CodayusI'd have to google to find their exact domain.
04:02.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
04:02.22Cairennyou won't get it to come up because there isn't one
04:02.25Cairennnot on our sites
04:03.18Cairennthat's the first non- Ad Council since we started talking about this
04:05.04Cairennthe only non Ad Council that I've seen since the new ads have gone in are two ... vonage and that stupid "earn a degree" one
04:05.20Cairennevery other one is Ad Council
04:06.02CairennUNCF and Girls Math Science are the main 2
04:06.06CodayusHmm, an ad for a no downpayment "real estate program, only $9.95"...whatever that is...a bunch of ad council ad from a bank about savings accounts.  Hrm.
04:06.17Cairennon my site?
04:06.39Cairennthen you are seeing ads I've never seen
04:06.48CodayusAnd 50 million ad council ads.  United Negro College Fund mostly, and girl/science stuff.
04:08.10Wobin_hrm, I like the shift-r change
04:08.49Wobin_Although does: Addons and macros may not call or hook functions that initiate movement.
04:08.58Wobin_mean that addons like autobuff will no longer work?
04:09.11Wobin_feh =(
04:09.33Codayusautobuff, mana conserve mods, and most of the remaining mods to help pet AI are going away it seems.
04:09.42Wobin_Hehe, Final Destination flightpaths
04:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
04:10.13CodayusA lot of amazing changes, really.
04:10.20Wobin_You'll get on the gryphon, cheat death by a flaming gryphon explosion, and then spend the rest of your life dodging Death's Design at every step =P
04:10.53CodayusAnd I'm very happy bout the entire package of instance changes.  Caps, new bosses, new items and bosses, itemization tweaks, changes to dungeon 1 set, added dungeon 2 set.
04:11.16cladhaireaaaw. Am I biased or is this kinda poetic and pretty?
04:11.16CodayusMy feeling is the end result will be to change every instance into a DM.  Happy.
04:11.24cladhaire"I love those kinds of emotions, the ones where the tongue freezes, stuck to the roof of your mouth because saying something will always leave out too much"
04:11.40Wobin_Or that you've eaten peanut butter...
04:11.43Cairenncladhaire: :)
04:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Synik (
04:12.10Synikcan someone help me with some discord action bar setup
04:12.10CodayusYeah, I guess I'd go with poetic.  I disagree with the sentiment myself though...
04:12.14CodayusSynik: Possibly.
04:12.16SynikI am a rogue and what i am trying to do is
04:12.21SynikI have a bar
04:12.26Synikthat is basically either stealth or other
04:12.41SynikI want it to show page 1 if i am not in stealth, and page 2 if i am in stealth
04:12.43Synikhow cna i do that
04:12.55Synikmy stealth button is on a floater
04:13.10CodayusThat's easy enough.
04:13.28CodayusAdd conditions to the bar control tab.
04:14.10CodayusYou'll need two - one for each shapeshift...
04:14.16CodayusIIRC, that's what DAB calls stealth.
04:16.07Syniknevermind got it :)
04:16.15Synikgot it to work
04:16.21Synikeasire to do with 2 barsf
04:16.23Synik2 bars
04:16.39CodayusCairenn: I give up, it's only showing me Ad Council ads now.  oO  And, oh, an add for RF Online, which it says is "coming febuary"...
04:16.49CodayusWhich is a bit outdated.
04:17.06TainYou know why I dislike true?  I went through the whole process of filling out their profile, answering questions, and everything else.  Only for it to come back to sell me, "Sorry there isn't anyone out there who matches you.  Good luck in the future!"
04:17.18CodayusDude!  Rejected!
04:17.42TainRejected by an online matching service!
04:17.49Wobin_ooh that sucks
04:18.00Wobin_granted, one of my friends works at one of those.
04:18.07TainIt's a good thing I'm so egotistical or else I could be embarassed.
04:18.10Wobin_The way they do the match is "Smoker/Nonsmoker"
04:18.21Wobin_All other information is ignored =P
04:18.22TainHey, I say that's one of the most important things.
04:18.31Wobin_see? it works =P
04:18.33TainWell, that and "has kids / doesn't have kids"
04:18.44Wobin_Oh, that can be worked around normally
04:19.15Wobin_And usually isn't brought up in the first meeting =P
04:19.15Wobin_(unless you're psycho)
04:19.15Wobin_oh wait
04:19.17TainSince some people aren't willing to date someone with children and all.
04:19.20Wobin_sorry, (want/not want)
04:19.26Wobin_was what I was reading
04:26.50Synikanother problem with DAB
04:26.56Syniki have a floater it is a macro problem actually
04:27.00Syniki want it to show a bar when i click it
04:27.04Synikclick it again, and not show the bar
04:30.40CairennSynik: your best bet is probably to post on the Discord forums
04:31.48Cairennthis channel is *primarily* mod devs talking code, not end users
04:32.05Cairennnot that we object in the slightest to having end users, or trying to help where we can
04:32.35Cairennjust, not always the best place to get help for any one specific mod, unless the author themselves happen to be in channel at the time (often the case, but not always)
04:33.01cladhaireLozareth doesn't like us anymore =(
04:33.26Cairennactually, he does, his internet just really really sucks the big one
04:33.42Cairennfrankly, I don't know how the hell he does it
04:34.25Cairennit amazes me that he's able to play at all, let alone do the testing and supporting of his mods
04:34.31Wobin_Packs of gerbils on treadmills
04:35.01Cairennwhat *really* boggles the mind is the fact that he's got such lousy internet, yet he's in the middle of continental US
04:41.39Cairennbesides cladhaire, how could anyone not love you?
04:42.01cladhairebecause my code wont' work
04:42.19Cairennso, which of your mods got added to base?
04:42.31Cairennor was that Tem?
04:42.36Wobin_(hehe I read that as "aside from cladhaire...")
04:42.52CairennWobin_: shhhh ;)
04:45.54TainWhat?  What did I do?
04:46.43Wobin_Oh, I thought you had said that your addon made it into the base
04:46.44TainI love everyone, my love flows like a rainbow.
04:46.44Cairennit was Tem
04:47.01CairennI just don't know which particular piece of code he was talking about
04:47.15Cairenn(scrolled back)
04:47.53TainI'm watching House, I like this show.
05:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
05:10.48cladhaireI threw up a new version of StickyFrames... fixed most of the issues I ran into.. so try to break it =)
05:11.00cladhaireI'll make it embeddable later on.
05:11.09TemCairenn: it was MailTip
05:11.43cladhaireAnyone have anything that'll let me break the standard three bottom bars into 6 groups of 6?
05:12.32cladhaireor shall i write it myself? =)
05:15.13TainMake it so.
05:23.32Temcladhaire: can you modify StickyFrames to have items want to dock in a straight line?
05:23.49Temsuppose you are docking 2 identical items
05:24.00Temimagine a grid
05:24.24Temignore my last statement about a grid
05:24.37cladhairePossibly.. but its much more difficult.
05:24.41Temso, you are docking 2 identical frames
05:25.02Temit wants to line up Horizontally AND vertially to the other
05:26.20TemCairenn: the only part about them including MailTip that I'm a little disappointed about is I don't think they included what I thought to be the best feature I had
05:26.33Tem(at least if they did, it isn't mentioned in the patch notes)
05:26.46Cairennwhich part?
05:26.48TemI also added item quantity numbers
05:29.58cladhaireTem: I'm not sure I understand
05:30.05cladhaireTem: What are you seeing it do now that you don't want to happen?
05:30.48TemSuppose I have a box1 that I drag near box2
05:31.04Tembox1 and box2 are identical in width and height
05:31.37Temwhen I drag box1 near box2 from the left, it snaps to the left side of box2 on the VERTICAL axis
05:32.12Temsince they are the same size, I'd also like it to snap to the VERTICAL axis
05:32.24Temso they they would line up both horizontally and vertially
05:32.35cladhaireIt does that
05:32.45cladhairethere's a five pixel margin for the second snap
05:33.17cladhaireI believe its the outmost 25% on each edge, and 5 pixels to line up on the non-snapped edge
05:35.15Temawesome I'll have to play with it some more
05:35.32cladhaireI got WatchDog to dock with it tonight
05:35.40cladhaireincluding optionally docking to the buff frames (in case its on the bottom)
05:36.03TemI can't wait
05:37.28cladhaireSo here's my current need.. ANYONE Know of a solution
05:37.51cladhaireI need to spit my bottom bar into two rows of 6.. my bottomleft into two seperate 6 button bars, and my bottom right into two rows of 6 again.
05:37.55cladhaiream i doing it manually?
05:41.13Temeach button is anchored to the one on it's left
05:41.29Temso just change the position of your 7th button
05:41.43cladhairethats really all i'm doing
05:41.43TemActionButton7:ClearAllPoints() ect
05:56.03cladhaireok folks
05:56.06cladhairebedtime for this boy
05:56.22cladhaireand in case you haven't seen it
06:23.54Tem~emulate stewie
06:23.56purlIt's like an orgy in my mouth!
06:25.13Wobin_hehe I've learnt that one before Clad
06:25.18Wobin_but it's a nifty folding method =)
06:25.22Temgotta love those stewie quotes
06:27.11cladhairethere has been SHIT ALL on tv tonight
06:27.12cladhaireand i hate tv
06:27.16cladhairebut its supposed to.. entertain me.
06:27.18cladhairewhen i want it to
06:36.24cladhaireok.. its bedtime for cladhaire
06:42.41CodayusHmm.  First aq20 boss = ez.  Second aq20 boss = a world of hurt.  oO
06:59.56ShadowdThird AQ20 boss = more hurt
07:01.48TemMoam is easy with the right class ballance
07:01.53Temwithout that, you're boned
07:02.28TemSecond Boss isn't that bad, it's just hard to get past the "OMG LOW HEALTH" feeling
07:13.48CodayusI'm afraid my guild may be a bit weak on equipment for 2nd boss.
07:14.09CodayusHaving real problems just keeping it together...
07:15.43CodayusWe very nearly have the numbers for MC.  Some tier 1 would help I think...
07:16.01CodayusNot sure if we've got anyone with more than 1 peice of tier 1.
07:17.00CodayusCould just be a bad strat and general boonishness though.  <shrug>
07:17.34Codayusnoobishness, even
07:19.02CodayusHeh, we called the raid after a few wipes on the 2nd boss.  Went to seems 20 times easier.  :-/
07:21.57Kremontedoopa doopa dooo
07:22.07Kremontedoooooooooooooopa doopa doooooo
07:22.48KremonteDA DOOOOOOOO
07:22.54Kremonteladadi doooooooooooooooo
07:23.29Cairenndo you mind?
07:23.48Kremontemy body is killing my mind at the moment
07:23.55Kremontei am so tired, but my neighbors are partying (again)
07:24.03Cairennyeah, well, do it quietly
07:24.05KolthThanks for bring the pain in here. :)
07:24.10Kremontehey, i'm singing a song!
07:24.14Kremonteit's a beautiful song.
07:35.29*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:35.29*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
08:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:35.19AnduinLotharI see you all have been blessed with the patch notes and test realm in my absense
08:35.50[MoonWolf]yes we have
08:35.52AnduinLotharanyone got their .5 set completed yet?
08:36.11KremontePTR isn't open
08:36.27AnduinLotharwell then why does it say it's availible?
08:36.41Kremonteon the launcher? it always does
08:37.38Kremontei suppose he posted it later, heh
08:37.45Kremontethat news post wasn't there a few hours ago :)
08:38.04AnduinLotharwell it's dated yesterday... and yesterday ended 40 mn ago..
08:38.13Kremonteexactly =P
08:38.44Kremontewtf o_O
08:38.50Kremontethe names of the toons are wierd =(
08:40.56AnduinLotharya... looks like no real copying, just premade chars
08:41.04Kremontelayers can participate in the test realms by creating a character, using a pre-made level 60 character, or copying their characters from existing realms to the test realms. T\
08:41.24KremonteCharacter transfers to the test realm are available from 3:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST Monday through Friday.
08:41.42[MoonWolf]ahah, they are having a lvl 19 twink wsg contest
08:41.44AnduinLotharso another 2 hours
08:41.48Kremonteyup moon
08:41.50Kremontescrew the contests =/
08:42.03Kremontei'm making a premade 60 shaman
08:42.06Kremontecoz i'm alliance onry
08:42.23Shadowd[MoonWolf] it's not really much of a twink contest
08:42.34ShadowdSince you can't transfer characters, gold, items, ect. And the servers capped at level 19 apparently.
08:42.58Kremonte; ;
08:43.04KremonteDOWNLOAD FASTER
08:43.05[MoonWolf]well still, people are going to get the best stuff they can get their filthy hands on
08:43.13Kremontewell moonwolf
08:43.18ShadowdIt's going to be somewhat hard with the level 19 cap and no 60s to run through
08:43.25Kremontemost people, f.e 19 will bring 5 guildies
08:43.31Kremonterace to 19 with the perfect setup
08:43.32Kremonterun VC
08:43.36Kremontethen WSG grind
08:43.43[MoonWolf]run VC A LOT
08:43.52Kremontethat makes them further behind
08:44.00Kremonteremember, it's a set time race for amount of honor
08:44.08[MoonWolf]yeah, okay
08:44.14AnduinLothardunno, it's only a 25meg download.. that's surprizing
08:44.16Kremontethere's only a few things from VC that are that good
08:44.25ShadowdFor a rogue, cruel barbis the best though
08:44.35[MoonWolf]AnduinLothar, its mostly code changes not that much new stuff except the weather.
08:44.37Kremontemost people will jsut have cb/emberstone staves
08:45.46AnduinLotharyou guys should enjoy the reputation toys and the new flight paths
08:45.54Shadowdthe new rep toys look nice
08:46.14AnduinLotharthose flight paths are a pain to debug
08:46.19CodayusHmm, wasn't thekal supposed to not double-punch any more?
08:46.33CodayusOr didn't they fix that in the recent ZG overhaul?
08:46.46AnduinLotharanyway you can one click fly from stv to east plagues now
08:47.29[MoonWolf]lets hope dont click wrong to much though
08:47.32AnduinLotharnew imp vampiric priest tallent is yum too
08:48.17AnduinLotharand the exp gold conversion should make questing more enticing at 60
08:48.52Wobin_Is it?
08:48.57Wobin_The VE
08:49.27AnduinLotharvery nice for shadow priests since you cant heal in shadow form
08:49.35ShadowdI don't think that the XP -> gold version will be that enticing unless it's a good amount
08:49.45ShadowdBut can't really say much until the actual number is known.
08:49.56AnduinLotharmost quests should give you 1-10g
08:50.11AnduinLotharit's direct conversion from the exp
08:50.16Wobin_VE wasn't overly effective as a shadow priest anyway
08:50.17Shadowdoh okay
08:50.34AnduinLothari believe 6 is the #
08:50.49ShadowdMostly whats annoying is the fact that I've completed most of my 10k type of XP quests :p
08:50.57AnduinLotharsame here
08:51.03CodayusSame here.
08:51.23Kremontemost 60's have..
08:51.47ShadowdBut i believe some of the repeatable AQ rep quests give about 3.3k XP per a turn in, so getting 3.3g would be pretty nice
08:51.52AnduinLotharay but most 60's still have strat and scholo quests they can do
08:51.52Kremonte<Shadowd> But can't really say much until the actual number is known.
08:51.52Kremonte<AnduinLothar> most quests should give you 1-10g
08:51.57Kremontestupid mirc
08:52.03Kremonte<Shadowd> But can't really say much until the actual number is known.
08:52.04Kremonte<AnduinLothar> most quests should give you 1-10g
08:52.09Kremonte; ;
08:52.33Kremontestrat and scholo? screw that lol
08:52.46AnduinLothari finished both. but the new .5 set quests are decent
08:53.03AnduinLotharand the Cenarian ones are kool
08:53.19Kremonteits cool until you grind for 6 hours a day for exalted
08:53.42Shadowdthats better then grinding 12 hours a day to level
08:53.47Shadowdwas it said rep is needed for the 0.5 sets?
08:54.01Kremonteno it's not =/
08:54.10Kremontewhen you're levelling at least you have an accomplishment, heh
08:54.48Kremontespent 5g on food and water. grind for 3 hours. turn in some papers, spend 5g on food and water, grind for 3 hours. turn in some papers, "yay i made 500 rep today" sleep
08:55.15AnduinLotharroll a mage or ask a guildie
08:55.26ShadowdIf i remember right the accomplishment was "yay, 5 more levels to go!"
08:55.40Kremontebuying water aint a problem heh
08:55.43Kremontei profit a little bit
08:55.53Kremontei usually make afew gold off soloing the templars
08:56.00Kremontemaking a group to trio dukes soo
08:56.35AnduinLotharya its a pain finding peeps for dukes on my server... half the people don't know what they are and everyone else does it with their guild
08:56.51Kremontei'd never get pugs for that tbh
08:57.31Kremontesometimes, sometimes i just wish blizzard didn't ban people
08:57.39Kremonteso i could curse them out and stab them in the face over the internet
08:57.46AnduinLothari just masterloot whoever summoned it
08:58.10Kremonteyou'd be surprised how bitchy people are on my server
08:58.14Kremonteit's horrendous
08:58.14ShadowdAnd then you get called an idiot when you do something that they disagree with instead, and they say you're working with them :p
08:59.09Shadowdyou spelled to many things correctly
08:59.24Kremontesome of them have epix so they learned how to spell
08:59.34Kremonteit makes me so sad
08:59.39Kremontewhen i see people with like
08:59.41Shadowdyour server must have higher standards :(
08:59.56Kremontenetherwind robes and shoulders along with whitemane's chapeau and triune amulet
09:00.06Kremontethe sad thing is? i saw a guy wearing that exact same set up today.
09:00.46Shadowdthere was one guy who got some pieces of might off mag even after he spammed "Hail mag" like 30 times in the middle of the fight
09:01.23ShadowdThen there was the prot warrior who got out tanked by a 30/21 warrior
09:03.16Wobin_~x en zh sodium bicarbonate
09:03.43Wobin_(it is!)
09:03.45AnduinLotharmarvy. the mac client doesn't work. crashes on open
09:04.26AnduinLotharsilly blizz... 1r5136 worked fine.. what'd they mess up in 5140..
09:05.02[MoonWolf]q and a got in the way saying it should be less stable?
09:05.33AnduinLotharmighta been day crew. night crew doesn't work fridays
09:06.07[MoonWolf]do you have acess the the changes made between those versions, if you do go and find out.
09:06.51AnduinLothari think there's a full list but i have no idea where it is and i don't think "-Broke Mac Client" would be on it
09:07.31[MoonWolf]you never know.
09:07.35AnduinLotharI was playing on a 1.8 IntelMac iMac last night, it was pretty damn sexy.
09:08.21AnduinLotharrunnign around an empty blackrock it was capping at 100fps
09:09.11AnduinLotharbut it was having issues loading textures it seems. everything was spiffy till you ran into a new zone or area and it would stutter while it loaded from the hd..
09:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
09:12.38AnduinLotharoh, silly me. didn't read the isntructions
09:12.50AnduinLotharyou have to copy your data folder
09:12.56AnduinLothar3g of files
09:13.04AnduinLotharit just replaces the patch.mpq
09:16.42Kremontesomeone teach me how to play a shaman
09:16.47Kremontei'm 31 elemental 20 something else
09:16.55Kremonte20 elemental
09:16.56AnduinLotharfrost shock
09:16.57Kremonte31 enhancement
09:17.03Kremontei have a staff of the shadow flame
09:17.08Kremonteand the ffull blue set
09:18.05Kremontethere's a typo in GW tooltip
09:18.42Shadowdguild war?
09:18.47ShadowdGhost wolf?
09:18.50Wobin_ghost wolf?
09:19.04Kremonteghost wolf
09:19.12Kremonte... "Only useable outdoors"
09:19.14ShadowdKremonte: Frost shock, then earth shock, then frost shock again. Repeat until you're out of mana
09:19.21Kremonteok good
09:19.28Shadowd( if the caster has a mana bar and casts spam earth shock instead of frost shock )
09:19.32Kremonteill duel outside org and hone my skills
09:19.34Kremonteok skills honed
09:19.36ShadowdAlso, emote spamming is suggested when they die
09:20.22AnduinLotharuseable is a recognized variant of usable
09:20.28Kremontegoogle useable
09:20.31Kremonteit says it's a typo
09:21.27KremonteIF YOUR RED YOUR DEAD
09:21.46ShadowdPVP server?
09:21.47Kremonteomfg it says Rideable
09:21.51Kremonteim on US PVE atm
09:21.59Shadowdwhat server!
09:22.16KremonteUS PVE..
09:22.21Kremonteit's called
09:22.24KremonteUS Test Realm (PVE)
09:22.59ShadowdI'd duel you on my warrior if i had the 1.10 patch and copied my char over
09:23.20Kremontequick DL
09:23.26Kremonteand you can have an autogen char
09:23.28Kremontewith BWL gear and full t0
09:24.40Shadowdhmm, what class to play
09:27.21ShadowdOh,  so does it autogen it randomly basically. Or can you choose weapons a bit?
09:28.56Kremonteits not random
09:29.03Kremontesorry for delay
09:29.11Kremontei was pwnzing this unube
09:29.14ShadowdDamn, i've always wanted to play a Rogue with thunderfury :(
09:29.58ShadowdAny suggestions on a good download link, seem to be having issues finding one
09:32.34AnduinLotharoh, you're on a shaman. can you test something for me?
09:33.16AnduinLotharcan you make a new macro and shift-click in creat healthstone from your spellbook?
09:33.32AnduinLotharwhat's the exact syntax?
09:33.32Shadowdshamans can create healthstones?
09:33.37Wobin_shamans can't
09:33.41Wobin_warlocks can
09:33.45AnduinLotharer... my bad
09:34.13AnduinLothardo shamans have any spells with "(Major)" or "(Minor)" int he name?
09:34.38ShadowdI can copy a warlock over on my second account to test it if you want
09:34.50[MoonWolf]healing wave might have major and minor versions
09:34.54AnduinLotharthx. i cant get my client working
09:34.55Wobin_healing wave
09:35.05Wobin_or rather lesser
09:35.07Shadowdnp let me go copy it over
09:35.14Wobin_not in brackets though
09:35.23Kremontewhat are good totems to duel warriors with
09:35.26Kremonteand rogues
09:35.28AnduinLotharthe bug is nuking the brackets
09:35.34Wobin_ground bind
09:35.45Wobin_(or grace of air)
09:35.59ShadowdI wouldn't suggest that really, since if you're in melee with a rogue or hunter you'll probably lose
09:36.01Wobin_and some fire one to distract them
09:36.04Kremontewhat about priest
09:36.12Shadowdgrinding totem
09:36.34ShadowdGrounding totem, Windfury, melee them and when they start to get low back off and get ready to earth shock them
09:36.39Wobin_melee, purge and stuff
09:36.48Wobin_I think shammys have purge?
09:37.03ShadowdAnduinLothar: warlock right?
09:37.06Wobin_and keep a level 1 earthshock on your bar
09:37.15Wobin_just for the spell interrrupt with minimal mana
09:37.34Wobin_rogues, you want to flameshock for the DoT
09:38.07ShadowdI wouldn't say it makes a huge difference
09:38.09Wobin_And don't forget warstomp if you're a tauren =)
09:38.32ShadowdIf I'm going to use Vanish against a shaman i'll use it as soon as the DoT wears off, or right after finishing an opener combo to keep a stun lock.
09:39.24Wobin_earthbind can also catch rogues if it hits them on the first 'bind'?
09:39.33Wobin_Or something similar =)
09:40.18ShadowdThe first pulse unstealths, any pulses after that will slow them but not unstealth
09:40.40Wobin_that's the word I was looking for =)
09:41.02Wobin_I was going ..."thingie" *snaps fingers...*
09:43.46Shadowd50% atm
09:44.06AnduinLotharoo, looks liek the Aimed Shot while feigning is fixed... might not be live yet. can someone test on the test server?
09:44.23ShadowdWhats the bug?
09:45.25AnduinLotharfeign and cast aimed shot on a nearby mob. it used to flinch and go back to the dead animation while casting for the durration of the weapon speed and then instantly pop up and fire
09:48.11AnduinLotharStarcraft, woot:
09:48.12Wobin_I guess FD into shadowmeld -> aimed shot
09:48.38AnduinLotharwhat was thta about shadowmeld?
09:49.02Wobin_instead of FD to aimed
09:49.28Wobin_not that shadowmeld is -that- effective, but it may work well enough
09:49.32AnduinLotharwhat's the issue?
09:49.37Wobin_no issue =)
09:50.01Wobin_suggestion to alternative to FD->aimshot bugfix
09:53.21AnduinLotharsleep time
09:53.31Shadowdalright quick question then
09:53.42ShadowdWhat is it you want to know about the healthstone stuff, the exact /cast text copied?
09:54.07Shadowdalright i'll let you know
09:56.44Shadowdhmm, test realm is slow :/
10:09.05TemTest server is up?
10:09.50IrielIt claims to be
10:09.55IrielMy download only just finished tho
10:12.49Temtime to play with Create Frame
10:12.57Tembut I'm not ready
10:25.46Irielwell, judging by my login experience, you've got some time to prepare
10:27.37IrielYay, my line drawing code made it into 1.10 8-)
10:29.53IrielOoh, there's TicTacToeFrame.xml and lua, I wonder if this is finally some code that uses the minigame API functions
10:32.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
10:32.41Kremontewell, links seem to be all fixed
10:34.57IrielNow all I need to do is log in!
10:35.02Kremontei haven't tested all that much
10:35.11Kremonteretrieving character of 10 minutes ago ._.
10:35.25Kremonteit seems to keep overheating my GPU =/
10:36.44Kremontewell then, i'll plot to break 1.10 tomorrow. now, i make a website!
10:37.02Kremonte...or not, photoshop CDs are somewhere downstairs >_<
10:44.42Irielhm, sleep time
10:44.44Irielnight all
10:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
11:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
11:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:28.53*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
12:38.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
13:03.21TainI like most of the changes in the patch notes, but a couple of things are questionable to me.
13:04.02TainLike not losing your target when affected by Fear/etc.  I don't like that.  Yeah, easier for the player who gets hit, but enough with the coddling.
13:04.28Wobin_That should only happen to PvE
13:05.13TainI think you should always lose your target.  Again, just my opinon, but it makes those spells/effects actually worth something.
13:07.48TainI'm also looking at the patch notes for 1.10 for the first time.
13:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf (
13:13.50*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:14.00wereHamsterdoes anyone of you play under linux?
13:15.39sarfNot me
13:17.17wereHamsterat the login screen, I can see all UI elements but not the background..
13:17.25wereHamsterthe background is just black..
13:18.55wereHamsterin opengl mode I can see the background fine but all turns black after I login, the last messagebox is "Submitting non-personal system specifications"
13:22.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
13:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
13:23.40sarfSounds as if you have a graphics problem ^^
13:24.22wereHamstermaybe anduin could get a changelog what blizzard changed in the graphics subsystem so we can fix this faster..
13:34.51TainAre you logging into test or live?
13:35.09wereHamstertest.. live is working fine
13:35.24Shouryuutest are up?
13:35.29TainYes Shouryuu
13:35.44TainWell do already know there were vast changes to the frame UI.
13:35.46Tainerr api
13:35.54MaldiviaTest is "up"... as in, 20 min "Retrieving char list", and then crash when you try to enter :)
13:36.06Shouryuuwell with those dumb contests
13:36.10TainSee, that's more up than it has been!  :)
13:36.35MaldiviaI'm just waiting for Beladone to notice it, so we can get a new version up on wdn :)
13:36.59Shouryuuthe contests are going to ruin the PTR
13:37.19MaldiviaNaah... they'll have their own servers to ruin - not the "normal" test servrs :)
13:37.38TainYou've ruined your own server, you'll not ruin mine!
13:37.47ShouryuuChinese farmers should try the contest and sell the closed beta accounts on ebay
13:37.57Shouryuuahh so they there own server...
13:38.14ShouryuuI wonder how much ppl would be willing to pay for those accounts...
13:38.41Maldiviathe contest is on special restricted server, ie, no char copy, so you can twink the players with transfered gold
13:39.34MaldiviaI bet we'll see a lot of hunters on those contest-servers...
13:40.12TainI logged in test ok, by the way.  Took a long while, but I'm in ok.
13:42.10Maldiviawell, I'm seeing "Retrieving Character List"
13:42.24TainYeah, I was there about 10-15 minutes.
13:42.25Shouryuuwhat's the fastest lvling classes with hunters? Warlocks and Druids?
13:43.27TainDunno.  I personally would rather group with a druid since he'd help me more than a Warlock just sending more pets in.
13:47.10Maldiviahmm, so all the movement commands have been restricted to only be available from FrameXML ?
13:47.34Maldiviapopping up a "Tis function is only avaialable to the Game UI" or something
13:47.51ShouryuuDoes anyone know the XP rate by number of persons in your group? I mean, if we are a total of three in a group, by how much will be divided the mob's XP?
13:48.06Maldiviaif equal level, you divide by 3
13:48.14Maldiviaand then add a bonus xå, for being in a group
13:48.28Shouryuuso grouping should be better than soloing?
13:48.44Maldiviagroups with 3 or more, yes
13:48.49Maldiviano bonus xp for groups of 2
13:49.19Maldiviacan't remember if the group bonus scales with number of group-members
13:51.46MaldiviaI wonder how they implemented the "valid" check for the movement commands...
13:52.42Maldiviaperhaps checking stack-trade if it's really from FrameXML\Bindings.xml ?
13:52.50Maldiviaif it's limited to Bindings, that is...
13:54.29MaldiviaI just hope they didn't include Jump() - a lot of people like to macro Jump with instant cast spells..
13:54.46ShouryuuGello just made a comment on them on the forums I hve no idea what he means, but I think it's relevant
13:56.14MaldiviaYeah, saw that
13:56.49Maldiviaseems he have a similar idea about it as I do
14:00.19Shouryuuhow do you get a player's raid ID, as in his ID in the raid?
14:01.03Maldivialoop through all raid members, and compare names :|
14:03.30Shouryuuso use GetRaidRosterInfo(index), loop through all the ID and associate a name to each ID?
14:04.02Maldiviaor just UnitName("raid"..i), if you're only interested in the name
14:04.46Maldiviajust know, the raid id's change everytime a raid_roster_update event is fired... or well, they can change
14:05.44Shouryuuthe ID's are numbers right?
14:05.51Maldiviayep, from 1 to 40
14:05.59Maldiviaor well, from 1 to GetNumRaidMembers()
14:06.19Shouryuuk cool thanks :P
14:06.43Maldiviathe player often has the last id
14:07.18Maldiviaas in, you might be "raid40" on your computer, but "raid13" on others in your raid
14:09.14Maldivianice, my copied dwarf priest starts of with exapted darnassus reputation, and a tiger mount :)
14:10.49Maldivialol... full devout, choker of the fire lord, beendiction, touch of chaos, neltharion's tear, Talisman of Ephemeral Power, Dragonslayer's Signet, Ring ofEntropy
14:11.06Maldiviaso... Tier 0 armor... and Tier 2 jewelery :)
14:20.10ShouryuuI heard devout is good now...
14:23.33ShouryuuWill this remember my target's name, cast Power infusion on myself, and retarget my target, if he's in my raid of course
14:32.11ShouryuuMemo: Remind Cairenn we will *NEED* a 1.10 stress relief thread
14:32.37Cairenn|sleepMemo:  Tell Shouryuu it's already being worked on
14:33.05Shouryuuhehe :P
14:33.24Shouryuu1.10 is on PTR and people are already complaining
14:33.27Shouryuuthis is going to be hell
14:33.36Cairenn|sleepoh I know, I've been reading
14:36.03wereHamsterI've heard that now SpellStopCasting() will require a hardware event, is that true?
14:36.21Shouryuufor an actual spell to stop
14:36.35wereHamsterso no more mana conserve addons?
14:36.51wereHamsteroh noes..
14:36.51Shouryuuthe instant (no CD) + instand still work
14:47.38Cairenn|sleepPolite enough while still getting the point across?
14:48.31Shouryuuhehe yeah that's good
14:49.33MaldiviaNow we just need to have the post auto-show, everytime someone tries to go to the UI forums
14:50.02Cairenn|sleephonestly, they have *no* concept
14:51.29Shouryuuyou should put the "Take a deep breath, count to 10 and relax" as step C, and add it to the list of things users need to do if they UI breaks :P
14:51.39Cairenn|sleepwhat I *really* wanted to post was: "Subject - Shut Up.  Body - No, really, shut up.  Let the addon authors deal with it.  It isn't even live yet.  Sheesh.  /roll eyes"
14:51.39Maldiviapersonally, I'm surprised the SpellStopCasting() requiring hardware event wasn't put in a lot ealier..
14:51.55Wobin_I can post that for you if you want? =)
14:52.20Cairenn|sleepnaw, probably just as well to not ... trying to calm them down, not incite them further
14:52.36Wobin_HAve to agree, Mal
14:52.49Cairenn|sleepbesides which, I figured a subject line of "shut up" would get the thread deleted too quick ;)
14:53.08Wobin_How about "YOU! Out of the gene pool!"
14:54.17Cairenn|sleep"That's it, turn in your thumbs ..."
14:54.42Wobin_"From here on in, Hindbrain, only!"
15:01.03Cairennlalala, sitting at "retrieving character list" for Test Server
15:01.10Cairennpopulation is already "high" on it :p
15:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
15:07.44wereHamsterAnduinLothar, are you around?
15:13.57kaideni ate him
15:14.12Wobin_Was he crunchy?
15:15.01kaidensho nuff
15:16.02Cairennummmm, lot of people, lol
15:17.16kaideni'm agoraphobic
15:17.18Cairenntest server :p
15:17.26namxoso SpellStopCasting take an argument ? Or it must have an input ? (like keyboard)
15:18.05kaidenmust have input
15:18.20kaidenCairenn, now everyone can get free lvl 60's so of course
15:18.26Cairennyeah =/
15:18.40kaideni would try the test server but i can't download the patch :( behind a firewall so :/
15:18.44Cairennwish they'd opened the contest realms at the same time
15:19.01Cairennsince most would have gone there, instead :p
15:20.08namxoi'm 4938 :')
15:20.11namxostill 45mn
15:20.38Wobin_dear lord
15:22.56kaideni'm driving myself insane, recently one of my addons started displaying debuffs i put on mobs as casting bar timers, i disabled Nurfed Utility and Nurfed Combat Log as those were the only addons i had added, and ended up deleting them as they dont actually work and it STILL does it
15:23.01kaidenso i'm like GRRR WHAT IS IT!@#
15:23.47namxonurfed sux :p
15:25.37namxowho is on pts ?
15:25.48namxoyou ?
15:26.03namxocould you test CastSpellByName(spell, onself) please
15:26.06Cairennf'd up and can't log out, but I'm in ;)
15:26.07namxoput onself to 1
15:26.23Cairennummm, no
15:26.30namxowhy ? :p
15:26.33CairennI'm about to have to crash myself to get out :p
15:26.36namxoit take few secondes :D
15:26.40CairennI can't do anything :p
15:26.42namxoyou're crazy ?
15:26.51Cairennno, you don't understand, I can't do *anything*
15:26.51Maldivia\n ?
15:26.55Cairennsomething is not happy ;)
15:26.56namxoif csbn don't take two arguments
15:27.00namxoyou will have an error frame
15:27.04namxobut not bug
15:27.26Maldivianamxo, log on yourself and test
15:27.37Maldiviaand slouken already stated it was added..
15:27.48namxoi still 4495
15:27.52namxoand now 110mn :D
15:28.07namxo[16:19:52] <namxo> i'm 4938 :')
15:28.08namxo[16:19:54] <namxo> still 45mn
15:28.12namxo[16:27:32] <namxo> i still 4495
15:28.13namxo[16:27:35] <namxo> and now 110mn :D
15:29.31Maldiviaand those numbers are supposed to mean anything?
15:29.48Cairennhis position in queue
15:29.51Wobin_in the queue =P
15:30.00namxoMaldivia turn on your brain, it's easy to understand
15:30.04Wobin_They're insane numbers =)
15:30.09Cairennnamxo: that was uncalled for
15:30.10namxoa little bit ;)
15:30.39namxosoon i will < 4000 :p
15:30.51Maldiviawell, when I entered test an hour ago, there were no queue... so why would I think there was a queue now
15:31.55namxobut now lots of people know pts is open ;)
15:34.17Shouryuut sur les server europeens/
15:34.27Josh|Workingsmall patch
15:34.40namxomoi oui Shouryuu
15:34.53Shouryuuok :P
15:35.45Maldiviahmm... my French is a bit rusty... "on the European server" ?
15:35.52Shouryuuaye :P
15:36.11Wobin_~x fr en sur les server europeens =)
15:36.48Wobin_hm, O&O Defrag is quit good
15:36.55purlWobin_: aw, gee
15:37.01Shouryuuahhh that's what I wanted
15:38.04namxoyeah !!
15:38.06namxoawesome !!!
15:38.10namxoI'm 39997
15:38.13namxo122mn :D
15:38.19namxo3997 sorry ;)
15:38.38Wobin_I was thinking... just under number 40,000? =P
15:40.41namxoi want test new priest :'(
15:40.50namxoand walk when it's snow :p
15:41.27namxoit no it's
15:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
15:42.31shouryuu|workconsider yourself happy
15:42.33shouryuu|workyou have the game
15:42.43shouryuu|workI can only watch and wish
15:42.47namxoand i will go to eve-online :')
15:45.45Wobin_I'll go play NWN
15:45.50Wobin_Just got the DVD version =P
15:46.39namxoeve is better :p
15:46.56Wobin_Eve is completely different =P
15:47.08namxoeve is better =p
15:47.35TainApples are better than hammers!
15:47.46Wobin_My hovercraft is full of eels!
15:47.59TainSapsucker frog"
15:48.27TainOh yeah I forgot I was reading the forums.  heh
15:48.28namxostupid addon ;)
15:48.35namxomy adddons works always with new patch
15:48.36Wobin_Exhibit B: A wetsuit with the bottom cut out and a bucket of soapy
15:49.17TainOh that's a new error message.  Blocked from an action only available by the Blizzard UI
15:49.19TainVery interesting.
15:49.51namxothe lock in "addons" sections is enable ?
15:50.30namxosecurity icon
15:50.31TainOoh I want to join the fun.  "1.10 gave me liver disease!!!"
15:50.33namxoin "addons" sections
15:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
15:52.07TainOh no no better!  "1.10 broke my G15 keyboard!"
15:52.20Cairennoh fuck off :p
15:52.28namxouse a real keyboard ;)
15:52.50namxoit's my keyboard ;)
15:52.52Wobin_satchel of cenarius, 300 tailoring, revered (ouch) with cenarion circle.. 24 slot. 6 runecloth, 2 mooncloth, 1 black lotus 4 ironweb spider silk
15:52.58Wobin_revered with CC...
15:53.04TainWow, that's the worst keyboard I've ever seen in my life.
15:53.05Wobin_That's so right... ouch =P
15:53.27Wobin_how much repgrinding would you need =P
15:54.26Wobin_That's like a MS Natural keyboard... gone wrong
15:55.07Wobin_my hands are cramping just looking at it
15:55.37shouryuu|workIt looks quite nice imo
15:55.50namxoa ms natural keyboard is not ergonomic
15:55.54namxotypematrix is ergonomic :)
15:55.59TainStop making up things, namxo.
15:56.19Wobin_How is it ergonomic?
15:56.51TainThere's no hard definition for ergonomic, it's more an overall idea and philosophy.
15:57.08TainIt's ever-evolving based on what today's focus group says.
15:57.19Wobin_I would say the MSnatural is ergonomic in that it's layout allows for a more natural hand posiitoning
15:57.35Wobin_(That's in my opinion, naturally)
15:57.40TainPlus since every person is a little different there really is nothing that works best for everyone.
15:58.25namxotake lesson about ergonomy
15:58.39Wobin_Well. okay
15:58.51namxohonnestly all society about ergonomic say the ms natural keyboard is NOT ergonomic
15:58.52Wobin_What is ergnomic about this keyboard?
15:59.02namxotypematrix satisfy all rules about ergonomic
15:59.07Wobin_It's all semantics =P
15:59.08TainThe rules are arbitrary.
15:59.09namxoi've a french website about that if you want
15:59.29namxono Tain we are all with 5 hands, arms, etc...
15:59.40Wobin_5 fingers =P
15:59.42namxosay that ergonomy is arbitrary is stupid
15:59.42shouryuu|workfingers :P
15:59.42TainEveryone has their own "rules."  There are no global ergonimic rules.
15:59.44Wobin_I hope =P
15:59.45namxosorry ;D
15:59.47namxofingers lol
16:00.04TainThe company that pays the most in advertising makes the rules.
16:00.14namxoTain buy a brain honnestly
16:00.23namxothe ergonomy isn't a game :|
16:00.23Shouryuucalme toi mec lol
16:00.25namxoit's true
16:00.31Tainnamxo: you are being rude, don't insult people.
16:00.32namxobah non il dit n'importe quoi
16:00.38namxogenre l'ergonomie c'est arbitaire il faut arrêter les bedo
16:00.41Cairennnamxo: I've asked you once to be polite
16:00.46namxoTain don't say stupid things please
16:00.47Shouryuunon elle est juste pas daccord
16:00.53*** kick/#wowi-lounge [namxo!] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
16:00.54*** join/#wowi-lounge namxo (
16:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:00.55namxoergonomic is NOT arbitrary !
16:00.57TainAlso namxo dont' insult people in two different languages.
16:01.00kaidenCairenn, i wouldn't have asked him that many times :P i'd ban his butt hehe
16:01.09TainSome of us *do* understand French (somewhat) as well.
16:01.10Shouryuuon est cool ici
16:01.12namxoTain i've not insult you in french.
16:01.13kaidenchildren never learn ;/
16:01.15Shouryuucalme toi mec
16:01.21namxoShouryuu tell to Tain i've not insult him in french
16:01.27Shouryuuhe didn't
16:01.59TainWell not me specifically.  But my ideas.  And I take it personally anyway. :)
16:02.26namxoinform you about ergonomic, and then come back
16:02.46TainAll done!
16:02.48TainI'm back.
16:03.01namxoso now you know that ms natural keyboard is not ergonomic.
16:03.05TainI never said it was.
16:03.13Wobin_I did =P
16:03.32namxothe first fact, is that the hands is leaned upwards
16:03.43namxoand the ergonomic position about the hands ie leaned downwards
16:03.54TainHowever!  Since we're not discussing ergonomic WoW addons I'll duck out of your ranting.
16:03.55namxothe second fact is the pressure of the key
16:03.57Wobin_... with the heels of the hand higher than the fingers?
16:04.01namxoa pressure to heavy
16:04.14Wobin_Like how you're supposed to play the piano?
16:04.21TainOoh wait wait.  "A Pressure Too Heavy"  That would make a great album name.
16:04.26namxothen the wrists are not in a "normal" position
16:04.32Wobin_Under Pressure
16:04.43Wobin_With David Bowie
16:04.45Shouryuutum dum dum dum dum dum
16:04.45Shouryuupang pang!
16:04.51namxoyou know the syndrom canal carpien ?
16:05.05CairennWobin_: rofl
16:05.14Wobin_We call it carpal tunnel syndrome
16:05.27namxothanks Wobin_
16:05.29Wobin_(spelling optional =P)
16:06.01namxoread that Tain, you will understand more what's an ergonomy
16:06.08TainYes, and actually it's been found more recently that what most people think is Carpal Tunnel syndrome is NOT actually.
16:06.14TainI understand fine, namxo.  Please stop talking to me.
16:06.22namxobecause you're wrong
16:06.50TainMost people think Carpal Tunnel is one thing, when it isn't.  People think they have carpal tunnel when they are actually suffereing repetative stress, which is a different thing.
16:07.04namxoit's all about ergonomy
16:07.07Wobin_carpal tunnel is actual pressure on the nerve, isn't it?
16:07.13namxoso ergonomy isn't arbitrary ;D
16:07.16namxoyep Wobin_
16:07.38namxolook that, you will understand few things about ergonomy :)
16:08.01TainYep, and people thought they knew things about ergonimics five years ago that don't hold true today as well.
16:08.16TainIt's an evolving "science".
16:08.42namxoah ah no.
16:08.47namxotypematrix is a very very old keyboard :)
16:08.49TainTodays rules are based as much on what can be successfully marketed.
16:09.26namxothe old typeatrix
16:09.32namxoand wait i will find a very old typematrix :p
16:10.06TainIt's ok, I didn't actaully look at the first one you linked either.
16:10.12namxoit's new keyboard ?
16:10.13namxoah ah
16:10.31namxobecause you're wrong
16:11.03TainActaully most of us around here don't really go in so much for "wrong" or "right" as we do helping each other.
16:11.16TainBut, if it makes you feel better to be right, go ahead.
16:11.24namxoit's not the problem
16:11.33namxodon't say microsoft ms natural keyboard is ergonomic please
16:11.36CairennI think we can just drop the whole topic at this point
16:11.38TainI didn't.  Thanks.
16:11.41namxobecause is less ergonomic than a classic keyboard
16:11.51TainHi Cairenn!
16:11.57Cairennsee that little star or @ or whatever beside my name?
16:12.04Cairennthat means I'm channel op
16:12.04TainI wonder why I can't load any addons in my test... oh.
16:12.06TainNever mind.
16:12.31Cairennbelieve it or not, it does actually carry a little tiny bit of weight behind it
16:13.02TainIt is indeed "A Pressure Too Heavy"
16:13.04CairennI try not to use it that often, but it would be nice if once in a while people would listen to me when I say to stop something because it's out of hand
16:13.08Shouryuuok since everyobdy seems to be gluuued to the channel, will this macro, target me, cast power infusion, then retarget my last target ?
16:13.30Shouryuuif I'm in raid, of course
16:14.08TainNothing shows up there for me, Shouryuu
16:14.24Wobin_nor I =(
16:14.52TainSo I would say no, it won't do all that.
16:15.09Shouryuusorry I r nub
16:15.33TainNow there's something!
16:15.42namxovery strange macro :|
16:15.45namxoit's work that ?
16:16.14CairennShouryuu: thanks for the NO on the thread ;)
16:16.18Wobin_You'll want string.find
16:16.21Shouryuuhehe :P
16:16.41namxoi think it's a very dirty macro (sorry) :p
16:16.49namxoyeah 2700 ! less than 3000 :)
16:16.50Shouryuuit memorizes your raid target, cast power infusion on you, and retargets him
16:16.56Shouryuudon't work, my coding skills suck :P
16:17.05namxoits very dirty
16:17.06kaidenwell .. #1, why go through all that?
16:17.15Shouryuubecause I want to!
16:17.22kaidenwhy not TargetUnit("player"); CastSpellByName("Power Infusion"); TargetLastTarget();
16:17.23namxoCastSpellByName("Power infusion", 1)
16:17.24namxoin 1.10
16:17.26namxoand it's work ;)
16:17.35Shouryuusmart :P
16:17.35kaideni mean.. that seems much more to the point and alot shorter
16:17.39namxoin 1.10 it's will be more shorter :D
16:17.47namxo<namxo> CastSpellByName("Power infusion", 1)
16:17.49namxovery nice ;)
16:18.01Shouryuuyeah but what if you ar targeting player B, and you have a player called Ba closer to you, you might target Ba and not B
16:18.15namxoTargetLastTarget, target you last target
16:18.47Shouryuudamn I misunderstood the poster
16:19.05namxoTargetLastTarget works with special unit in fact i think
16:19.10kaidenShouryuu, TargetLastTarget(); targets the last person you had targetted, if they aren't close enough to target i would imagine it targets nobody
16:19.19kaidenit is a built in function not like TargetByName
16:19.22Shouryuuactualy "but target previous friend often targets someone other than the previous friendly I had targetted"
16:19.25namxolike "target" unit, but something like "previoustarget"
16:19.44TainWow, 533 in queue for test.
16:19.48namxoit's impossible sharkhat
16:19.58namxoTain you're lucky, 2489, and i wait still 2h :(
16:20.02namxo(1h30 in fact)
16:20.19namxoShouryuu not sharkhat :D
16:20.28TainHrm.  I should probably shut down my computersand move them for the amount of time this'll take.
16:20.46Shouryuuwell duty calls
16:20.47TainOh uh.. anyone in the Rhode Island or Southern Massachusettes area want to come help me move?
16:20.49Wobin_although, I have to say, "Sharkhat" is a great name
16:21.32namxoanyone play with an french client on us pts ? or a us client on french pts ?
16:21.42namxobecause they're a problem about channel in french since patch 1.9
16:21.50namxoand blizzard have say it's correct in 1.10
16:22.11namxo(in fact you can't use "-" character in channel name, so you can't join the right channel when you use an english client on a french server)
16:43.49namxo1982 :D
16:43.54namxolike my birthday :p
16:47.33Shouryuu|worklol Korrak the Bloodrager and his band of trolls have packed up their bags and left Alterac Valley for greener pastures.
16:48.12namxotu es un francais avec un compte us Shouryuu|work ?
16:49.28shouryuuJ'habitais en asia avant
16:49.40shouryuuet ils ont les versions US *bien* avant les francaise
16:49.46shouryuuje suis bilangue alors je menfou totalement
16:59.33shouryuurawr out
17:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:12.04zeetgdoes anyone have the last spell id from 1.9
17:15.37MentalPowerwow 1400 people in queue for the test realm
17:16.58namxoi'm 1181
17:17.04namxoi wait since 16h...
17:18.54Maldiviazeeg: 27742 ?
17:20.11zeegtaking forever to load up the new spell db
17:20.19zeegi think sql is getting hammered
17:20.23zeegprolly sql + download
17:20.40namxospell db ? what's this ?
17:20.56zeegspell database
17:20.57zeegfor 1.10
17:21.22namxoi've understand
17:21.25namxobut what is this ?
17:21.32namxoit's an addon ? a web site ?
17:21.34zeegits all the spells from the public test realm
17:21.42namxogive me the url please
17:21.46namxoit will be nice to localisation
17:21.56namxoi can give you french spells if you want
17:22.06zeegnamxo, you can send me the french DBCs :D
17:22.08zeegand i would love you
17:22.26namxono problem, ask the exact dbc
17:22.29namxoand i will send you :)
17:22.37zeegall of them
17:22.41zeegi use pretty much all of them
17:22.44namxofor the spells !?
17:22.49zeegand Spell*.dbc
17:23.24namxowhy you don't download a french client if you need all .dbc ?
17:23.30namxowhich size for all .dbc ?
17:23.33zeegi dont have an EU account
17:23.35zeegits about 70 megs
17:23.53namxook, i will send you
17:23.59Maldivianaah, only around 25MB
17:24.09zeegMaldivia, 65mb i think :P]
17:24.19zeegi just got done uploading the english ones
17:24.26namxothen, i've a question
17:24.28zeegthats all of them though
17:24.33zeegnot just spells/items
17:24.37namxoactually i put GlobalStrings.lua fr on curse-gaming
17:24.45namxobut, which is the good Globalstrings.lua ?
17:25.00namxopatch.mpq ? patch2.mpq ? data.mpq ?
17:25.12TainThe latest version.
17:25.13zeegpatch.mpq is what youll want to open
17:25.18zeegfrom WoWTest/Data/
17:25.24namxoand patch2.mpq ?
17:25.27Maldiviazeeg: 25.7 MB here, from a fresh 1.10 test server extraction
17:25.30zeegnot sure
17:25.39zeegMaldivia, maybe i had the folder already there :s
17:25.43zeegprobably did
17:25.52zeegany new files?
17:25.56Maldivia2.43MB compressed to zip :)
17:26.50Maldiviapatch-2.mpq > patch.mpq > interface.mpq
17:27.54zeegfind me some mirrors
17:27.57zeegwowgurus getting killed
17:29.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
17:29.38TainHey clad, Tem
17:30.04zeegnamxo, im about to go to sleep, you can email them to me, or a link where I can grab them and I'll load them up later tonight;
17:30.23namxothey're no file Item*dbc in patch.mpq
17:31.00zeegyou want to look in DBClientFiles/
17:31.06zeegMaldivia can help you :P
17:31.12namxoi look in patch.mpq with winmpq
17:31.21zeegdo you see DBClientFiles?
17:32.22zeegugh i wish this would hurry up
17:32.32namxono problem
17:32.32zeegdont wanna sleep til i get these patch changes up
17:32.32zeegno not you
17:32.33namxogo sleep i will send you an email
17:32.36zeegmy database importer thing
17:32.40namxoi've found your files
17:32.45namxoItem, Skill, Spell
17:32.52namxoyou will have it when you wake up ;)
17:32.55zeegkk thanks :D
17:34.22Maldiviahmm... 10 new item sets...
17:35.04namxoyep the item of t0,5 set
17:35.15Maldiviathere are only 9 classes...
17:38.18cladhairePVP or PVE for test?
17:39.12namxopve in eu server
17:39.32Cairennpve here, cladhaire
17:39.43Maldiviaahh, probably a new blacksmithing set?
17:40.15namxocladhaire make perfectraid work with group ;)
17:40.51cladhairenamxo: doubtful.. it barely works as it is =)
17:41.01cladhairePriority is StickyFrames > WatchDog > PerfectRaid
17:41.06cladhairebut i'll work on it
17:41.49namxois it his right email ?
17:41.53namxonot ?
17:42.12cladhaireSo how's this work, do we get unlimited level 60s?
17:42.20Cairenn2 char max
17:42.36cladhaireand they won't be opening copies at all?
17:42.43namxocould you answer for the email please ?
17:42.54Cairennnamxo: scroll up, he told you already
17:43.07cladhaire(12:30:01) zeeg: namxo, im about to go to sleep, you can email them to me, or a link where I can grab them and I'll load them up later tonight;
17:43.20namxoyep, but i think it's strange
17:43.33namxo"mmoguru", maybe he's a mistake
17:43.37zeegits mmoguru
17:43.39zeegits a network domain
17:43.40namxoand it's wowguru
17:43.43namxook thanks :D
17:43.45namxogo sleep you ;)
17:43.47zeegwowguru is part of mmoguru
17:43.52zeegim STILL waiting on the page to load
17:44.02namxo1,8mo, i send this now
17:44.22zeegthanks :)
17:44.50Cairenn|afkIf Lego comes on before I get back, someone point him to the error thread on WoWI, please?
17:45.45namxoif i remember ok Cairenn|afk
17:46.08namxodamn it all ! 583 !! :D
17:46.17namxosent zeeg ;)
17:46.22cladhaireI got it Cair
17:46.32cladhairei'll be doing dishes and other stuff;. but i';ll let him know if I run into him
17:46.53namxocladhaire i know what stickyframe do, but i dunno how it work
17:46.56Maldiviagrr... someone please kick all those priests and grinders from the test server...
17:47.07namxothe frames must be developper with your addon ?
17:47.14namxoor we put your addon and all frames can be stick ?
17:47.25Cairenn|afkcladhaire: thanks
17:47.36namxolol Maldivia
17:48.42zeegOMG ITS NOT DONE YET
17:48.45Cairenn|afkCide: got an error for you guys, it's in the thread
17:48.46zeegslow web server
17:48.50zeegkeeping me from my sleep
17:48.54namxowhat ?
17:49.00Maldiviaguess I'm "forced" to link:
17:50.33namxowowguru is awesome ;p
17:50.46zeegin the time its taking for this page to load
17:50.47zeegi made 50 bucks
17:51.43Cairenn|afkzeeg has his own channel
17:52.05zeegbut its not as fun as this one
17:52.43Cairenn|afkokay, I'm out for a while, back later
17:55.15CideCairenn|afk: Where?
17:55.23namxoon quakenet :(
17:55.28namxoso wowguru channel sux
17:57.19zeegits just not always that active
17:58.15namxomake it active on freenode
17:59.43zeegi hate freenode
17:59.46zeegand it has no userbase here
17:59.50zeegquakenet has loads of wow players
18:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:00.31zeegi thought about moving to wowirc's network
18:00.37zeegbut quakenet people keep harassing me
18:00.50ToastTheifjust the man I was looking for
18:01.08ToastTheifI saw that post about submitting new patch data
18:01.22ToastTheifand it says you're gonna put the page up so we can look at the new stuff you have
18:01.29ToastTheifbut where is the page? +)
18:01.36zeegweb server is being slow!
18:01.56zeegLoading Spell.dbc.CSV...
18:01.58namxono userbase here ?
18:02.00zeeg(been there for 30 minutes)
18:02.10zeegnamxo, theres not a lot of wow players here, in comparison to other places
18:02.14ToastTheifmake it go faster
18:02.15namxocladhaire still here ?
18:02.17zeegquakenet has thousands
18:02.20zeegToastTheif, would if i could
18:02.26zeegi think the test server patch dl is getting hammered
18:02.27namxozeeg but here it's better, all sux man go on qnet :p
18:02.50namxowowguru bug !
18:03.03namxoit don't send email for confirmation
18:03.11zeegnamxo, for registration?
18:03.19zeegprobably cuz sql servers getting hammered
18:03.21zeegitll send, dont worry
18:03.32zeegwhats your email addy
18:04.06namxo286 !! Soon i will on pts ! :D
18:06.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
18:06.50namxo3 hours of queue :'p
18:06.55namxocladhaire wake up please lol
18:07.06namxohum forget, i'm tedios
18:07.17MentalPowerok, this is wierd
18:07.36MentalPowerall of the people in the test server have the same equipment
18:07.42MentalPower(per class)
18:07.53namxoi french it's always that :)
18:07.55MentalPowerall the warriors are the same, all the pallies etc
18:08.14zeegdid the chars start w/ item sets?
18:08.17zeegya EU does that stuff
18:08.32namxoin eu we didn't have our characters
18:08.39namxoit's character with full set T1
18:08.48namxobut for this pts, i believe this is with set T0
18:08.53Tem|Errandslike Might, Arcanist, ect?
18:09.00MentalPowerin the US all of them have Dungeon sets
18:09.07MentalPowerLightforge, devout etc
18:09.23Maldiviaprobably because they want to test the new upgrades, that requires the original piece?
18:09.24Tem|Errandswhat do they have for weapons?
18:09.39Tem|Errandsthis is stupid, I will never wear magister's again
18:09.44Tem|ErrandsI don't care how much they buffed it
18:09.45Maldiviaarmor set: Tier 0, weapons/jewelery: Tier 2
18:09.59Tem|Errandsseriously? lol
18:10.08MentalPowerthe lvl 60's at least
18:10.21Maldiviathe priest I made: full devout, choker of the fire lord, beendiction, touch of chaos, neltharion's tear, Talisman of Ephemeral Power, Dragonslayer's Signet, Ring ofEntropy
18:10.24Tem|Errandsso I'll be in full Magisters with a Staff of the Shadow Flame
18:11.05Tem|ErrandsMaldivia: did you create a char last night or today?
18:11.18Tem|Errandsbah I did it last night
18:11.24cladhaireMaldavia: Damn.. my priest has 3/8 Trans, 5/8 Proph and Choker, Benediction and Touch of Chaos, Dragonslayer's Signet
18:11.25Maldivia"copied" over the premade dwarf priest
18:11.33Tem|Errandsit stuck me on the pvp server which I'm happy with
18:11.35cladhairehow do you copy over the pre-made characters?
18:11.38Tem|Errandsbut the pvp server isn't up
18:11.52Maldiviafollow the link on
18:11.52zeegpremade is EU only i think
18:11.57zeegus has em now?
18:12.22MentalPowereither they have them or everyone that copied decided to get the same armor
18:12.25MaldiviaI couldnt copy over my own priest or mage, so I took a premade one
18:12.27namxoi think you must erase your db zeeg
18:12.27cladhaireno nightelf priest?
18:12.32zeegnamxo, hah, no way
18:12.39namxoexorcism spell always exist ?
18:12.47Maldiviathe premade, one of each class of each faction
18:13.01namxoi think it's a priest spell from the first beta, but i'm not sure, maybe it's a paladin spell
18:13.25MentalPowerpaladin spell
18:13.26Maldivianamxo: it's still in the game, just not a player-spell
18:13.38Maldiviaa lot of the spells are mob spells
18:13.53Maldiviacrafting/enchants etc are also spells
18:13.56namxois i possible to know if it's a player or npc spell ?
18:14.29namxoi only want see heal spell form player
18:14.30zeegjust use the skill lines
18:14.31cladhaireit wants me to log out of the game =(
18:14.32namxonot from npc :D
18:15.09zeegit shouldnt take this effing long to load a 17meg csv into a db
18:15.15namxowhy two category sacré/holy ?
18:15.17Maldiviacladhaire: then get ready for :)
18:15.25zeegnamxo, priest, paladin
18:15.38namxocould you add a mention about that ?
18:15.48zeegit would be a pain in my ass
18:15.52zeegmaybe a dif day i will
18:18.13namxo39 !
18:18.16namxo3mn !
18:19.45Tem|Errandswow, thanks blizzard
18:19.54namxo12 !! < 1mn
18:19.56MaldiviaTem ?
18:20.06cladhaireMaldivia: I've already been in the queue for an hour.
18:20.09Tem|Errandsdon't fucking give me both trinkets after you nerf them
18:20.16namxoi'm since 16h in the queue
18:20.21Tem|Errandsthat's just not right
18:20.25namxo5 !
18:20.27Tem|Errandsfucking bastards taunting me
18:20.27namxo3 !
18:20.32namxo1 !
18:20.33MaldiviaTem: just use them after eachother, instead of at the same time...
18:20.41namxoI'm innnnnnnn :p
18:21.22MaldiviaTem: but yeah, it's an annoying nerf :|
18:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:22.35IrielI am SO not a fan of the new test realm setup
18:22.37Tem|ErrandsWould have been more useful to give me a Nelthalon's tear
18:22.42Tem|ErrandsIriel: you aren't alone
18:23.00Tem|Errandsthis encouraging the squirming masses to go there pisses me off
18:23.24IrielWell, I suppose if the masses go there and actually TEST stuff, then it's good in a big-picture sense
18:23.45[MoonWolf]the masses are there to do stupid stuff
18:23.46IrielBut I get the feeling that in fact most of them are there just to try an L60 whatever-they-do-or-dont-play
18:23.47[MoonWolf]instead of test
18:24.04[MoonWolf]we had the copy a lvl 60 in europe since our first test realm
18:24.05IrielAnd only having ONE test realm on top of that makes it even worse
18:24.12[MoonWolf]and its alway's queued
18:24.54cladhaireWish there was a non-elitist way to give mod authors an account for an always-up PTR that gets kept up to date.. but having an external internal test realm isn't something they're likely to do =/
18:25.06cladhaireI can dream.
18:25.11[MoonWolf]we all can.
18:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:31.30namxoCastSpellByName(spell, 1) don't work
18:32.20cladhairehow were you testing?
18:33.03[MoonWolf]it has to be in a macro, you cannot use it from the command line.
18:34.04namxook i test in a macro
18:34.36namxodon't work too
18:34.45namxono error, but spell wait target
18:35.29namxohum freeze, or the server is crash :'(
18:35.40cladhaire*shrug* maybe it didn't make it in, he can likely fix it for us.
18:35.56namxosorry ?
18:36.19[MoonWolf]he == slouken. I assume.
18:36.30namxoi know
18:36.45cladhairei'm 33 in queue.
18:36.54namxowow freeze, restart, no queue :D
18:36.56namxogood :')
18:36.57IrielReport it (with details of exactly what you tested) in the 1.10 thread please namxo
18:37.04IrielI'm position 2545
18:37.24Irielwhich pretty much guarantees I wont get on before I have to go and do something else
18:37.28cladhaireIriel: The estimate is sadly.. pretty accurate.  It gets good running averages with this consistent of a queue =)
18:37.44cladhaireAnything you'd like me to take a look at while I'm on?
18:37.48IrielWell, currently its variance is too high for me to trust it
18:38.06Irielcladhaire : Not really, I have an addon I run to gather symbol information, I need to run THAT
18:38.08[MoonWolf]it all depends on how many people leave/are disconnected.
18:38.14[MoonWolf]hard to predicts as its not linear.
18:38.15cladhaireMine got steady after a bit.. but they could work on the algorithm =)
18:38.26ToastTheifZeeg, get the DB page up yet?
18:38.39IrielI would have done it last night but last night it was login but then stall at loading character list
18:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
18:39.00namxoIriel which thread ? i'm french
18:39.04IrielYeah, i'm sure it'll stabilize better in a bit, I had to re-queue.
18:39.07[MoonWolf]symbol information, where do you need that for ?
18:39.17cladhaireNamxo: I'll post it after I do some testing
18:39.41Iriel[MoonWolf] : My 'real API change' threads (and the widget API pages) dont write themselves 8-)
18:39.51IrielActually, the widget API one almost does these days
18:40.05[MoonWolf]they dont ? damn i thought you had gnomes to do that for you.
18:40.29IrielWell, I have 2 part-time gnomes, perl, and java, which do some of the heavy lifting, but they require constant supervision.
18:40.58[MoonWolf]java... why java ?
18:41.04cladhairethat should be a purl quote for you =)
18:41.13[MoonWolf]yes im adding that right now
18:41.15IrielBecause I like java?
18:41.44MentalPowerlol, \n doesn't disconnect anymore
18:41.44IrielMy LUA parser is in java, as are some XML tools.
18:41.51IrielMentalPower : Yay!
18:42.02[MoonWolf]purl, literal emulate Iriel
18:42.03purl"emulate iriel" is "<action> is beyond emulation."
18:42.15IrielMentalPower : I'm assuming you mean the literal \ then n (not a newline)
18:42.29[MoonWolf]purl, emulate iriel is also <reply> , I have 2 part-time gnomes, perl, and java, which do some of the heavy lifting, but they require constant supervision.
18:42.31purl[MoonWolf]: okay
18:42.32MentalPowertyping /n on the chateditbox
18:42.38[MoonWolf]~emulate Iriel
18:42.39purlACTION is beyond emulation. <reply> , I have 2 part-time gnomes, perl, and java, which do some of the heavy lifting, but they require constant supervision.
18:42.55[MoonWolf]something went wrong there....
18:43.18[MoonWolf]purl, forget emulate iriel
18:43.48cladhaireuse the ace channel, only two of us are active in there =)
18:46.23OsagasuIts kinda hard to test servers when theres a 3k queue
18:46.45zeegSTILL loading
18:46.46MentalPowerthe kalimdor world server just crashed
18:46.47[MoonWolf]there fixed
18:46.50IrielSo my time estimate just went from 108 minutes to 8 minutes
18:47.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
18:47.00MentalPowertoo many people in winterspring
18:47.08[MoonWolf]half the server got disconected
18:47.14[MoonWolf]that helps a lot iriel
18:47.27[MoonWolf]hope you log on in the kingdoms.
18:47.33cladhaireWhat were people doing in WS?
18:47.39MentalPowerseeing sow
18:47.57[MoonWolf]is it good ?
18:48.07MentalPowerdunno I'm not there
18:48.15cladhaireholy crap dwarf female priests are UGLY
18:48.18[MoonWolf]cant you see snow in dun morogh ?
18:48.25[MoonWolf]cladhaire, lol
18:48.36cladhaireanyone wanna run MC with our twinks?
18:48.38MentalPowerits not snowing atm
18:50.26OsagasuIts also hard to test the priest spells when you can only make a UD priest and a Dwarf Priest
18:50.46MentalPoweror copy your priest over
18:50.47namxoyep no snow :'(
18:50.54OsagasuI wasn't given that option.
18:52.45cladhaireTip: Being rude in a group will likely get you put on someone's ignore list and you'll join the ranks of rogues and hunters spamming IF for a group
18:53.18OsagasuIs that really in?
18:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
18:53.26cladhaireNo, but it should be
18:53.27IrielHey slouken!
18:53.30cladhaireAfternoon Slouken!
18:53.32OsagasuQuick, hide
18:53.36cladhaire(morning for you still =)
18:53.38sloukenHey, I see 1.10 is on test. :)
18:53.51IrielYeah, sadly there's a 2000 person queue to get on
18:53.54OsagasuI'm currently number 3k in line
18:54.06cladhaireAnd I have no queue, but the Eastern Kingdoms won't load for me.
18:54.11cladhaireI keep crashing
18:54.18MentalPowerand the kalimdor server crashed a few mins ago (too many in winterspring seeing snow)
18:54.31namxoslouken isn't sweet, CastSpellByName(spellname [, onSelf]) don't work :(
18:54.43IrielIs the new 1.10 UI tool available for download yet? I did my extract with the older one and it seems to have worked fine.
18:56.24[MoonWolf]i never use the blizz tool
18:56.34[MoonWolf]mpq extraxter and hand work suits me fine
18:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
18:57.12[MoonWolf]Also, on another channel i hear that the money conversion is 1 silver per 16 xp
18:57.16sloukenThe new 1.10 tool will be available sometime around 1.10 release.
18:57.36IrielThere's no reason why the older one wont work though, right?
18:57.52Iriel(i.e. i'm not missing anything?)
18:57.53sloukenNope, just move it out of the way before you start the client. :)
18:58.01sloukenOr it will get moved for you.
18:58.02[MoonWolf]confirm deny ?
18:58.04IrielThe client did that for me when I forgot 8-)
18:58.08cladhaireCan't we use the one that was posted up?
18:58.32sloukennamxo, post a bug report on the UI forums.
18:58.38namxoi'm french
18:58.40namxoi can't
18:58.50sloukenget someone here to do it for you. :)
18:58.56namxooften i want talk with you, often i can't :p
18:59.04[MoonWolf]dont look at me , im on the eu realm.
18:59.10Irielnamxo : Cladhaire said he'd post it for you namxo
18:59.12namxoi've already say that CastSpellByName with onSelf don't work :)
18:59.13sloukenCairenn often posts for the EU folks
18:59.19namxoslouken could you post this on forum ? ;D
18:59.25namxook Iriel i've miss that :)
18:59.27sloukennope, gotta chase my toddler. :)
18:59.29IrielAnd I'm always happy to post if someone mails me stuff
19:00.02namxoslouken it's very very very good the modification about SpellStopCasting :)
19:00.35cladhaireSlouken: We'll try to keep all the bug reports consolidated-- so just check the 1.10 thread and I'll post non-US stuff there while Cair is away =)
19:00.54namxoan other bug : no snow :'(((
19:01.30Osagasusomeone go and shut down the EK server!
19:02.33namxono i've wait 3 hours to test :p
19:02.50OsagasuI have a character in Kalimdor and EK
19:02.53sloukenOkay, gotta chase my bebe... see ya!
19:02.58namxovery good the new warning message about restriction
19:02.59namxosee you
19:03.00[MoonWolf]luckely, when the contest servers go up all the idiots are going to move there.
19:03.04cladhaireHave fun =)
19:03.15[MoonWolf]more addon testing for us.
19:03.15cladhaireI get to see my niece soon and I can't wait to chase her =)
19:03.47namxointegrate popbar addon don't work :'(
19:04.16[MoonWolf]wait a week for addon authers to even get a chance at working on stuff before complaining.
19:04.26IrielPossibly 2 weeks
19:04.29Irielif the queues continue
19:04.31namxoipopbar isn't still developped
19:04.40namxoi will correct the bug myself :p
19:05.21[MoonWolf]post the fix to the cosmos boards then, will make AnduinLothar happy i think.
19:06.21OsagasuI am SO tempted to install wOW on my other PC and let the queue count down out there
19:07.46IrielI just reduced the queue size by 1 for you all
19:08.18[MoonWolf]nice of you.
19:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
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19:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:32.37Cideblizzard blocked CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart
19:32.54OsagasuDoes that mean we can't use the camera trick to spin around?
19:33.04Cidetrying to hook it results in a popup saying the addon tries to access a blizzard ui only function
19:33.43IrielAha, so THAT's how they did it
19:33.55IrielCan you just rebind the binding to call something else and THEN CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart ?
19:34.32Cidenot sure yet
19:34.39IrielOr call it via RunBinding? Or have they been more devious than that?
19:34.45CideI could reassign it to another function
19:34.52Cidebut my hook in CT_RaidAssist is a no-no
19:35.41ShadowdThe good news though is that the test server queue is only 3,617 people long.
19:35.41OsagasuI'm at 1400 and over an hour and a half left
19:35.56Cideseems like I can't call CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart without the name of the function being specifically "CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart"?
19:36.33Irielcan you use setfenv() to fake that?
19:38.15Cidenot sure
19:39.04Cidemaybe I can't call CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart indirectly
19:39.07Crispix  anyone see any gear that could be improved?
19:39.36CideCameraOrSelectOrMoveStart = function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("called") end works fine, CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart = function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("called"); oldCOSOMS() end doesn't
19:40.25Osagasuanything under level 27 and not blue. :P
19:40.26IrielBut if you do X = { CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart = oldCOSOMS }
19:40.39Irielthen Y = function() CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart() end
19:40.41CrispixOsagasu I perfer not to be twinked......
19:40.43Irielthen setfenv(Y, X)
19:40.44Irieldoes it work?
19:40.48Irielif you call Y(), that is
19:42.14Cide"A macro script has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI."
19:42.27namxoi like this new message
19:42.30Irielnicely played blizzard.
19:42.42IrielCan you make a new key binding that does
19:43.04Irieland then bind that to a key?
19:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
19:44.31Cide"CT_RaidAssist has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI."
19:44.36Cideseems pretty foolproof to me
19:46.39namxoCide it's the manaconserv i think
19:46.42namxodisable manaconserv
19:46.44Cideno it's not
19:46.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
19:46.53namxoreally ?
19:46.54Cideit's my own mod, I know what's causing it
19:47.05Cidelike I wrote above :)
19:47.07namxoin EP2, manaconserv cause this msg :)
19:47.19namxobut you say "ct_raidassit has been blocked..."
19:47.37MentalPowerWoot! I have my own guild!
19:47.55Cidebecause CTRA hooks that function
19:56.16CrispixDoes anyone here use Better Way Points?
19:58.02OsagasuYay, I'm on this side of 400 now
20:08.20OsagasuAlmost in the double digits
20:08.34ShadowdHow long did you have to wait?
20:09.49OsagasuJust under two hours so far4
20:09.58Osagasuincluding downloading and patching
20:12.21CrispixDoes anyone use BWP?
20:12.51CrispixTrying to find out to hide a certian thing on the interfac
20:23.06MentalPowerEastern Kingdoms server crash
20:23.30MentalPowersecond crash of the day
20:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
20:27.32OsagasuThere is a time limit where you can leave and get back in without the queue, right?
20:27.36OsagasuI gotta install my addons
20:29.29Tem|Errandssomething like 5 minutes
20:34.17OsagasuAce hooks something bad on right click. >.<
20:39.32ShadowdSo besides two crash in the same day so far, how's the test server holding up?
20:40.48Shadowdoh that sounds fun
20:41.04Shadowd3rd 0.5 quest = Kill baron in 45 minutes from 2nd gate in strat
20:41.15CodayusHeh, fun.
20:41.30CodayusI'm quite happy about 1.10 changes to instances.
20:42.12CodayusMakes stuff interesting again.
20:42.37ShadowdHas anyone explored UBRS yet? strat/scholo 5 man wont be that bad, wondering how they changed UBRS though
20:42.54CodayusI can't get on.
20:43.06Codayusestimates time remaining in queue is like...110 minutes.
20:43.18CodayusBeen in it for nearly an hour already.  oO
20:43.28CodayusOr so it seems...didn't make a note of the time.
20:43.32Shadowdyeah, think I may go with the "Make other people test addon" view.
20:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:49.26Crispixdamn it ... can someone help me?
20:49.36CrispixI've got something on my UI that I don't know whats adding it
20:49.37TemI need some help too
20:49.53Temmy monitor is stuck in it's native resolution
20:50.59Temand when I change my desktop res to less than it's native it just sticks black around it
20:53.19CodayusAh ha!
20:53.34CodayusAn add for True on WoWI!  I didn't imagine it!
20:53.57CrispixTem You have to apply a desktop thats the resolution your changing to...
20:54.43Temthat doesn't make any sense
20:55.00cladhaireif I reparent MultiBarBottomLeftButton1 to a new frame.. its becoming ActionButton1 as far as mapping goes.
20:55.20TemI've been running my moniter at 1280x800 for 6 months
20:55.40TemI think it might be the test client that broke it
20:56.51Crispix...... I can't figure this out -_-.. I've got something in my UI that says 0.0 y/s 0% ....
20:57.08CrispixI can't remove it either... I've erased everything that I just added
20:57.24Crispixbut its still not going away
20:58.55Crispixmaybe I fixed it
21:02.08Maldiviawow... they actually added G15 support ?
21:02.29ForgottenLordsin WoW?
21:02.39Maldiviaslouken posted:
21:02.40Maldivia* Added support for widescreen video resolutions
21:02.40Maldivia* Added support for G15 keyboard (health/mana bar and battleground queue notification)
21:03.00Maldiviain the upcomming 1.10 thread
21:03.13ShadowdI don't really get what having health/mana bar notification really does.
21:03.35ForgottenLordsI dont notice my LCD very often...
21:03.39Maldiviawell, the BG notification is nice, I get
21:03.56Maldiviawell, I don't have a G15, so...
21:04.29ShadowdYeah, even that though seems kind of pointless. but I guess some people like that
21:05.58Crispix... its gotta be Mapnotes adding this...
21:07.06TemI kinda wish he hadn't added it
21:07.53Temmostly because the people asking for it pissed me off so much I just wanted them to go die
21:08.21CodayusTem: Agreed.
21:08.37CodayusI mean, I guess it'll cut down on the whining.  Then again, it'll probably just encourage them.  :-(
21:08.47Temcan we have MORE info?
21:09.01CodayusAnd *banning* would have cut down on it too.  Then again, I'm not really a nice person, so...  <shrug>  :-P
21:09.16ShadowdNext they'll probably ask for arrows or inventory info.
21:10.01Temthough, I wouldn't mind having a BG Q info outside of game
21:10.14TemI would enjoy that a lot
21:12.16Temyay for Qs that say <1 minute
21:12.22Tembut last for 30
21:12.48MaldiviaLogged on to test... Realm is full... You are number 4124 in queue... ok, cancel, close program...
21:13.11Maldiviano test server for me tonight
21:13.18Temthat's so much crap
21:13.27TemI need to work on 1.10 features
21:17.47SP|Sorrenanyone have a test patch mirror?
21:18.02Shadowdyeah sec
21:18.12Maldiviawowguru has one up, I think
21:18.24Maldiviazeeg was complaining about how much bandwidth it was using ealier
21:20.20cladhaireHrm.. anyone mess with the minimap much
21:25.14cladhairenvm got it
21:27.34namxo? :
21:32.13cladhaireSo can we not alter the scale of the ChatFrames, or put their width below 300?
21:33.25cladhairei guess we have to do it with reparenting.. hrm
21:43.20CodayusTime spent in queue - 2 hours.
21:43.40CodayusTime left when DCed - 1 hour.
21:44.23CodayusPosition in queue - 4800 or so.
21:44.37CodayusMental stability - now minimal.  oO
21:50.05SP|Sorrenim 4519, yessss
21:51.04OsagasuI can't find anything to complain about! :O
21:53.18CodayusI want to know the stats on the tier 0.5 armor.  :-/
21:55.53SP|Sorreni wish there was a G15 addon that told me queue position
21:56.05namxoit's useless ;p
21:56.07SP|Sorrenthen i could play UT while having wow minimized :/
21:56.17namxobuy two pc
21:56.23namxoand then you can play ut and play wow
21:56.25SP|Sorrenbit more than im willing to spend ;P
21:56.36ShadowdIt's worth it :p
21:56.37namxoi play to wow and eve-online :)
22:06.05OsagasuWait, who is who?  I wanna talk to someone other than the people in Imperial
22:07.26Kremontei wake up, test server has a 5000 q, warsong has a 500 q...
22:07.28Kremonteso much for WoW
22:08.38CodayusBah, I give up.
22:08.47CodayusI'm going to go get something productive done.  :-/
22:21.19Cairenn|afk"'Lo there do I see my Father.  'Lo there do I see my Mother and my Sisters and my Brothers. 'Lo do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning . 'Lo, they do call to me.  They bid me take my place among them.  In the Halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever." - good movie
22:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
22:45.13Cairenn|afkzeetg: piss off :p
22:45.18zeetgthis is fun
22:46.12Cairenn|afkwell, go have fun doing it somewhere else
22:46.32SP|Sorreni cant believe slashdot posted that on the front page
22:46.32zeetgi did it in like 30 chans
22:46.47zeetgi only managed to get like 6 people :(
22:46.53SP|Sorrenit was worse yesterday
22:47.05SP|Sorrenthat and that dcc crap that people were spamming too
22:49.30zeetgi wondered what all that shit was about
22:49.50SP|Sorrenits a linksys router thing i think
22:50.36zeegnorton internet security i heard
22:50.46zeegit closes the app that sends startkeylogger, or stopkeylogger
22:50.51SP|Sorrenthats teh startkeylogger thingy
22:51.04SP|Sorrenthe dcc send crap is a linksys thing
22:51.37SP|Sorren'The Spychips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance', is warning that RFID tags may in fact be the "mark of the beast"
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22:55.56Cairenn|afkwheee, net split
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23:23.17*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
23:25.20SP|Sorrenomg slouken acknowledged the g15?
23:26.05KirkburnThe 1.10 changes thread
23:27.00KirkburnMakes sense: no-one has a reason to hack to get it to work, and it's a nice bit of functionality. And it'll finally stop those damn threads
23:27.47SP|Sorreni really want a login queue g15 mod
23:28.11SP|Sorrenbg queues arent so bad ;o
23:28.31KirkburnThe other change he wrote is a bit strange though - "Added support for widescreen video resolutions"  .... must be pretty damn widescreen
23:28.50KirkburnStrange, given that most are already supported
23:29.04KirkburnUnless ... this means a change in the ui somehow?
23:29.19SP|Sorrenthe ui has to display the resolutions in teh dropdown *shrug*
23:29.37SP|Sorreni have to force it to use the resolutions i want every now and then through the console
23:30.14KirkburnWhat kind of resolutions are those? I already use 1440x900 widescreen
23:30.33SP|Sorrenarbitrary widescreen resolutions in windowed mode?
23:30.42Kirkburnah I see
23:30.54KirkburnBtw, does anyone have any weather screenshots?
23:30.58SP|Sorrensince the resolution dropdown is populated by what it thinks your monitor supports
23:31.06SP|Sorrenim still 1500 or so in queue :<
23:31.09SP|Sorrenbeen in queue since 2ish
23:31.44KirkburnIt's strange - one of the BIGGEST changes in WoW since it started and all everyone can talk about is the dungeon 2 set changes.
23:32.01SP|Sorrenwhat change is that?
23:32.20KirkburnI've managed to find a grand total of THREE weather threads in US and EU forums. And one screenshot
23:32.37SP|Sorrenoh weather
23:32.37SP|Sorrenwell it makes no affect on gameplay
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23:32.48KirkburnSince when does gameplay matter :)
23:32.56SP|Sorrenso...most people dont care i imagine :>
23:33.03SP|Sorreni liked ffxi weather
23:33.04CodayusI care...
23:33.13SP|Sorrenyou could go out hunting for elementals and stuff, when weather started up
23:33.18CodayusBut I care about the changes to the pre-raid instances more.  :-P
23:33.22KirkburnThere ya go :P Btw, from what i've found out the weather effects are amazing
23:33.26SP|Sorrenfarming light clusters was almost as good as fishing, but much less boring
23:33.50KirkburnThat is quite cool - I wouln't mind if rare mobs were dependant on the weather
23:34.15KirkburnProbably the problem is that the WoW weather isn't frequently changing
23:34.29SP|Sorrenweather also added +10% damage to magic of its respective element
23:34.33SP|Sorrenand there were quests based on it ;o
23:34.35KirkburnI don't think that would work in WoW ever :)
23:34.38SP|Sorrenfishing changed via weather too
23:34.47SP|Sorrensome fish bit better while it rained, etc.
23:34.53SP|Sorreni miss ffxi
23:35.00SP|Sorrenbut the ui in ffxi is just so bad
23:35.34KirkburnI remember attempting to play FF (dunno which) once. Couldn't work out what I was doing so gave up
23:36.33KirkburnFor those who DO care about the weather:
23:36.47SP|Sorrenthat is pretty awesome
23:36.51SP|Sorrenif only it had some effect on gameplay
23:36.53Kirkburn"There's the one from STV. It get's really foggy to start, then light rain and then a huge downpour. I was just killing alliance and all of a sudden there's rain everywhere. Pretty immersive stuff. You can even hide underneath sides of buildings to avoid precipitation -- seems to follow the graphical rules of shadows."
23:36.53Codayusthat's awesome.
23:37.19SP|Sorrennow if only they could get night time to look like night time
23:37.24SP|Sorrenbut alas~
23:37.32Kirkburn(The word "precipitation" on the WoW forums ... I was amazed!)
23:37.39SP|Sorrenthis is EU right?
23:37.42KirkburnCamp out in duskwood
23:37.54KirkburnWhat is EU? I am EU?
23:38.02AnduinLotharlol, it's funny on the internal servers when someone changes the time to night, lol... "And night fell. Thud"
23:38.03SP|Sorreni mean where you got the post from ;P
23:38.06SP|Sorrenthe eu forums ;p
23:38.23KirkburnWait I forgot about the inside man .... :D
23:38.32KirkburnNah, US I think Sorren
23:38.47SP|Sorrenive asked slouken for server queue support for the g15
23:39.14SP|Sorrensince im waiting in it right now, to get through to the test server to see if g15 support is in ;)
23:39.24KirkburnWhere, how?
23:39.32SP|Sorrenwhat now?
23:39.45SP|Sorren1026 in line, yessss
23:39.57SP|Sorrenwatch my connection go out when i hit <100
23:40.12KirkburnSo your sig is linked to a mod u haven't updated for 3 months?
23:40.22SP|Sorrenit hasn't needed updates, imo
23:40.29SP|Sorrencan you no longer access it?
23:40.31KirkburnLol, that's not what the people are shouting
23:40.35SP|Sorrenbecause i havent checked in 3 months :P
23:40.38Kirkburnyeah, it's gone to the archive
23:40.47SP|Sorrenbecuase people dont know how to click the stupid "load out of date" box
23:41.02SP|Sorrenit still works
23:41.09SP|Sorrenwe'll see if i actually need to update it for 1.10
23:41.19KirkburnEr, some people seem to disagree with you
23:41.21SP|Sorrenin that case i'll need to wait until after finals to do
23:41.31SP|Sorrenwell, it works on my computer
23:41.32KirkburnProbably got 3 weeks
23:41.43SP|Sorrenit works on my guildies puters
23:41.58SP|Sorreni assume that these people dont know what they're doing, because on curse the general concensus is that it works ;o
23:41.58KirkburnYes, well I had hard enough time convincing Miravlix that the Party Quests bugs really did occur to people
23:42.37KirkburnLink to curse then .... or even better, link to wowinterface ;)
23:43.34KirkburnAnyways, I need people to check ClearFont ... not enough space on my PC to run test client
23:44.07KirkburnUnless I install it on my USB2 external hdd, but it'd probably run like the Broken Clappers of Deadness
23:44.19Kirkburn-20 Agility
23:44.57KirkburnOn Equip: Roots you.
23:45.14SP|Sorreni should update
23:45.20SP|Sorrensux that i have finals in like 2 weeks
23:45.25SP|Sorrenand have papers to write ;<
23:45.43KirkburnWell, if you're starting to talk like a cow, then yes,  I think you need to update
23:45.51SP|Sorrenfeh, i play a tauren.
23:45.55SP|Sorrenim allowed to talk like a cow.
23:46.18KirkburnCow's are far more intelligent than tauren, don't insult them
23:46.24SP|Sorrenbah why are hunters such whiny bastards
23:46.36SP|Sorrenall over the forums "oh we got nerfed, waaah cry whine"
23:46.43KirkburnThe normalization?
23:46.52SP|Sorrenwith top end gear i lose a whopping 138 damage on a crit aimed shot
23:47.03KirkburnTakes one thread to start a rolling mass of ignorance
23:47.11SP|Sorrenyes, that mage is now going to survive my aimed shot by 138 health
23:47.17ShadowdAre they complaining about the fact that aimed shot can't be done through stealth now?
23:47.26SP|Sorreni think thats a deserved nerf :P
23:47.35SP|Sorrenand that they fixed diminishing returns on traps
23:47.37KirkburnOMG I might die now, must create 5 similar threads each complaining and demanding chocolate and presents frrom Blizz. Now!
23:47.54SP|Sorreni mean diminishing returns were broken, and they're complained that the fix is a nerf
23:47.55ShadowdBut I had fun berserking aimed shot people :(
23:48.07KirkburnI paid for all your servers, I pwn you! Mummy says I can sue you, but only when I'm older
23:48.35KirkburnShadowd ... yes
23:48.37SP|Sorreni liked being able to trap 2-3 people and keep on aimed shotting w/ a bunch of ice sculptures behind me, but it was rather ridiculous
23:49.04ShadowdYeah, I did have fun chain trapping Rogues 5-6 times in a row
23:49.05KirkburnPerhaps it'll mean a couple less 'Legolassss' around
23:49.16CodayusSP|Sorren: Well, a nerf is a nerf.  I'm more saddened about the PvE impact than PvP though.
23:49.26SP|Sorrenwhat pve impact :/
23:49.27KirkburnOf which?
23:49.32CodayusRAP normalization.
23:49.43KirkburnChange your weapon?
23:49.43ShadowdIt makes life easier :p
23:49.45SP|Sorrenfeh, its not like you even had to be there to do significant damage on a boss
23:49.51SP|Sorreni go afk during nef now
23:50.02KirkburnBet you stay in guilds long ...
23:50.12SP|Sorrenmy guild loves me.
23:50.13CodayusIf memory serves, hunter in good 1.9 blue gear will do, eh...10dps less or so.  Full epic with Xbow of smiting loses, eh...2-3 times that?
23:50.18SP|Sorrenmy guild note is AFK forever
23:50.19KirkburnHad anyone's server survived AQ opening?
23:50.35SP|Sorrenmines not open yet
23:50.37SP|Sorrenstupid mug'thol
23:50.42ShadowdIcecrown crashed i think like 2 times, which isn't bad considering it was like 3 hours later.
23:50.45ForgottenLordsMine didnt Kirkburn
23:51.03ForgottenLordsShadowd: Alliance or Horde?
23:51.15KirkburnNeither did mine :D Dragonblight EU .... I was thinking how wonderful it was to be proved right
23:51.17ShadowdMe? I'm alliance
23:51.23ForgottenLordscool, same
23:51.32CodayusSomething like that, anyhow.
23:51.35ShadowdOn IC, or another server?
23:51.49ForgottenLordson Icecrown
23:51.56ShadowdOh really, whats your name?
23:51.58ForgottenLordswouldnt have asked otherwise :)
23:52.01ForgottenLordsRachelle atm
23:52.03Shadowdtrue :p
23:52.18KirkburnEU servers ftw
23:52.23ShadowdAren't you suppose to be doing damage in MC instead of talking in IRC!
23:52.24SP|Sorrenthey should denormalize aimed shot and make it weapon speed imo
23:52.32KirkburnAt least we get new servers now and then ;)
23:52.39ForgottenLordslol, Garr setup ;p
23:53.01ShadowdUS got a new server like two weeks ago!
23:53.14KirkburnReally? God, then those threads really ARE stupid
23:53.41SP|Sorren99% of the general forum threads are stupid, imo
23:53.42KirkburnAt least the promise of a new site may quell the ignoramuses for a while
23:54.36KirkburnThe only worthwhile threads are those with WEATHER SCREENSHOTS (hello, people?) and one's laughing and cheering at the dungeon cap change
23:55.01KirkburnOh and any cool Warlock changes
23:55.25Kirkburn(since we need raids to take us down, we need buffing)
23:55.51ShadowdWarlock changes?
23:56.11KirkburnWhy not, we're the only good class anyway, may as well improve us
23:56.50KirkburnIt's evident that the end-game is preparing for you lot to support us as we battle Sargeras. Then we'll all have Sargeras pets
23:57.17KirkburnInstanced battles that is, no need for more than one lock
23:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
23:58.39SP|Sorrenmoo, imo
23:58.45ForgottenLordsI thought there would be significant amounts of anger regarding the new level caps
23:58.57SP|Sorrenwhat level caps?
23:59.00Codayuslevel caps?
23:59.09ForgottenLordsfor the er, not level...
23:59.11CodayusYou mean, 5-man capps to strat/scholo/etc?
23:59.20ForgottenLordsparty size caps
23:59.26KirkburnI like it
23:59.28CodayusAng~fer?  I'm ecstatic.  :-P
23:59.30AnduinLotharthey 5man capped um?
23:59.32SP|Sorrenthey nerfed the dungeons already
23:59.41SP|Sorrenits not as if they were hard before
23:59.50CodayusAnd they're buffing loot.
23:59.51KirkburnI was somewhat confused that someone complained about how it was gonna affect LBRS ... yes that's LBRS

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