irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060226

00:00.29LegorolSpeaking of .TTF, i don't know anything about them.. do you know if the characters specified in a .TTF file are referenced by their unicode values?
00:03.30IrielI have no idea, i dont live on windows much more than to play games
00:06.51AnduinLotharsomeone with lua tell me what strbyte("£", 1) evaluates to
00:07.10ckknightstdin:1: attempt to call global `strbyte' (a nil value)
00:07.24Legoroli can tell you without Lua it will evaluate to just the first byte, the funny letter A with a hat
00:07.28IrielIt'll be the value of the first byte
00:07.30ckknightstring.byte("£", 1) == 194
00:08.10ckknightyep, string.byte("Â", 1) == 194
00:11.43AnduinLotharstring.byte("", 1)
00:11.52ckknightit's the A with a hat
00:11.52AnduinLotharempty string?
00:12.02ckknightmust not have gotten through
00:12.10ckknighteither way, it's the A with the hat
00:12.22ckknightthe two-byte dealy gives the same result as the one-byte dealy
00:13.27ckknightthat's it, I'm not saying any mor
00:13.35LegorolAnduinLothar, it depends on whether your client can display the character that ckknight has pasted
00:13.39Legorol(irc client)
00:13.47Legorolckknight has pasted the following line:
00:14.02Legorolstring.byte("<a single character that looks like A with a hat>", 1) == 194
00:14.21Legorolwhen you asked us this:
00:14.23Legorol[00:07] <AnduinLothar> someone with lua tell me what strbyte("£", 1) evaluates to
00:14.31Legorolon my irc client it appeared as:
00:14.45Legorolstrbyte("<funny A with hat><pound sign>", 1)
00:15.14AnduinLotharno no. was wondering what was meant by "same result as the one-byte dealy"
00:15.15ckknightsame here
00:15.36Legorolhe meant that strbyte("<funny A with hat><pound sign>", 1) == strbyte("<funny A with hat>", 1)
00:15.48ckknightstrbyte("<funny A with hat><pound sign>", 1) == strbyte("<funny A with hat>", 1)
00:16.11ckknighttwo-bytes vs. one-byte
00:18.55AnduinLotharum... that's because str byte only grabs the 1st byte
00:19.35AnduinLotharwhat's strbyte("A") eval to?
00:20.10Irielif that';s a normal A, then 65
00:21.02LegorolAnduinLothar, that's right, it grabs only the first byte... so did you mean something else when you asked what strbyte("£", 1) evaluates to?
00:22.44AnduinLotharsoo... strlen(string.gfind(tonumber(strbyte(text),2),"^(1*)0"))+1  might get you the # of bytes in the first char?
00:25.00AnduinLotharok.. well i've gtg
00:25.29LegorolIriel, it looks correct to me..
00:25.43Legoroloh, except for the use of gfind
00:25.53Legorolsince gfind returns an iterator function, not a match
00:26.09Legorolyeah, you need to do it in two parts
00:26.44AnduinLotharfun for later
00:26.45Legorolbinary = _,_,string.find(tonumber(strbyte(text),2),"^(1*)0");
00:26.49Legorolcount = string.len(binary)
00:27.02Irielthere's no binary there is there?
00:27.09Legorolbinary is the name of a variable
00:27.12Legoroli chose it at random D:
00:27.19Legorolsorry for the confusion
00:27.21IrielYes but that's still not going to work
00:27.27Irielstrbyte returns a DECIMAL VALUE
00:27.29Legorolwhy not?
00:27.34Legorolbut he is using tonumber to convert to base 2
00:27.44Legorolso he is getting binary representation
00:27.46IrielOH, I see now.
00:27.56IrielErr, does that workj?
00:28.04Legoroli don't see why not.. will go try
00:28.39AnduinLothari can never remember if it's to or from the base specified...
00:28.50IrielI think you're getting confused with tonumber's operation
00:28.52Irielit returns a NUMBER
00:29.00Legoroloh right..
00:29.04Legoroloops, my bad
00:29.15ckknighttonumber(1000, 2) == 8
00:29.20ckknightyou're doing it backwards, I think
00:29.23AnduinLotharah, so from
00:29.30TainMy the funny things that happen sometimes when smoething doesn't go how you want it to.
00:29.53AnduinLotharok, i'll figure it out later
00:30.03TainJust a public service announcement, don't override WorldFrame's "OnKeyPress"
00:30.15Legorollol.. did you get all keypresses eaten?
00:30.24TainI was trying to passthru. :(
00:30.32Cairennrofl, that sounds like it would probably be bad
00:30.49Legorolhold on a second... OnKeyPress?
00:30.52Legorolthere is such a handler?
00:31.00Cairennand that given how very little I understand about this stuff :p
00:31.18Tainblah OnKeyDown
00:31.23Legorolah, that makes more sense
00:31.32Taineither way.
00:31.39Legorolyah you have to be careful with that
00:31.52Legorolif any frame is visible that has an OnKeyDown and has keyboard enabled, you will loose all keypresses to it
00:32.02Legoroland keybindings won't trigger
00:32.13Legorolwe had a lot of fun with this around patch 1.7 or 1.8 i think
00:32.42LegorolBlizzard decided that any frame that has an OnKeyDown handler should automatically have keyboard events enabled, irrespective of the enableKeyboard attribute in the XML
00:32.57Legorolthey did this (presumably) to bring it in line with how enableMouse works
00:33.00TainWell, I'm trying to do something when ALT is pressed, but still pass whatever keypress occurs with it.
00:33.20Legorolonly way is to use OnUpdate, i'm afraid
00:33.30TainI've been trying to avoid that. heh
00:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
00:33.48Legorolyou mean to pass the keypress onto a keybinding?
00:34.03Legorolcan't be done if you have an active OnKeyDown
00:34.11TainDo something when ALT is pressed, but pass the full keypress on.
00:34.12Legorolonly way to trigger a keybinding is to have no frames capture OnKeyDown
00:35.06Legoroldo you mean to filter out the Alt key?
00:35.15Legorole.g. if i hold Alt and press C, you want the character sheet to come up?
00:35.36TainAlt-C passes Alt-C to whatever might be bound to it.
00:36.08Legorolsorry, got to use OnUpdate
00:36.08TainWhat I'm trying to do is have a button bar pop up when I press alt.
00:36.16LegorolOnUpdate it is
00:36.26Legorolalso, watch out because you will be holding Alt when clicking a button
00:36.37TainAnd if I press ALT-Q do whatever, but as soon as alt comes back up, hide the bar again.
00:36.51Legorolwhich might trigger stuff like self-casting
00:36.59TainIf someone has that set up, yes.
00:37.06TainBut this is for me.
00:37.14Legoroli'm afraid only OnUpdate will help you
00:37.17TainWell, me and someone else who asked about it.
00:37.34Legoroljust checking for whether Alt is down or not isn't very taxing
00:37.43Legorolso i wouldn't worry about performance
00:38.05Legorolthe way i would code it is like this:
00:38.20Legoroli'd have a variable store the current state of Alt
00:38.27Legoroland every OnUpdate, i check to see if it has *changed*
00:38.32Legorolif yes, show/hide the bar or whatever
00:38.36IrielThe only problem with OnUpdate is that you could be 'late' if the user hits ALT-X
00:39.00Legorolfrom what Tain is saying, if he is "late", that's fine
00:39.17Legorolhe is interested in a steady state of Alt over a long period of time
00:39.25Legorolnot in "presses"
00:39.49IrielWell, he's interested in alt transitions
00:39.54Irielotherwise he'd just call IsAltKeyDown
00:39.58Irielso late MIGHT be an issue
00:40.25Legorolonly if there are two transitions and he misses both
00:40.34Legoroland he would need to capture both for some reason or another
00:40.44Legorolbut for a simple condition like show if Alt is down, hide if not,
00:40.51Legorolit's ok if you are late in detecting a single transition
00:41.06IrielIt depends what he's doing 8-)
00:41.21IrielIf the key binding on ALT-X needs his monitored state to be right then it might not be
00:41.38Irielthough that's easily remedied with an extra IsAltKeyDown in the binding handler
00:41.53TainIt's pretty much more trouble than the benefit at this point.
00:42.35TainOne feature request to write off!  Excellent.
00:42.38IrielOk, time to keep my party alive in RFK.. Idle
00:43.34TainSilly computer, you don't download addons to the porn directory.
00:44.02Legorolthe other way around is fine though, right?
00:44.05Legorolmore entertainment in WoW
00:44.55LegorolIriel, thanks for the EVE key, i got it working
00:45.04LegorolI was meaning to ask you, do you have a suggestion on which race to pick?
00:45.38LegorolI have no idea about how EVE is structured, but if these guys start at different places, would be nice to come into existence near you...
00:46.33IrielI'm Gallente
00:46.49IrielBut pick the one whose description matches your expected play style
00:47.55IrielI'm off in the border regions anyhow when i'm playing
00:59.26Cairennrofl, drinking much Shouryuu|PARTY?
00:59.49Shouryuu|PARTYi WISh I jad no past
00:59.52Shouryuu|PARTYno mresetn
00:59.59Shouryuu|PARTYno fititre
01:00.16Shouryuu|PARTY'ts good to be free
01:00.21Shouryuu|PARTY;'tid to forget
01:00.27Shouryuu|PARTYtp forgive
01:00.28Cairennhoooboy, okay .... Shouryuu|PARTY hunny, you might want to try not typing
01:00.33Shouryuu|PARTYto be gree
01:01.03Cairennand I'd suggest you start on the water now ... lots and lots and lots of water
01:01.15Shouryuu|PARTYok, nighyt nght yonung people :p
01:01.40CairennShouryuu|PARTY: take 2 tylenol and start drinking water
01:01.51Cairenndon't pass out until you've had a LOT of water to drink
01:02.07Shouryuu|PARTYut's ttoooo late
01:02.09Shouryuu|PARTYI can;t read
01:02.19Shouryuu|PARTYunless it's vodkpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:02.30Cairennno vodka, water
01:02.36Shouryuu|PARTYGOOOD NIGHHg
01:02.42Cairennnight Shouryuu|PARTY
01:02.46ckknightcan you kick him for his own sake?
01:03.34Cairennnaw, I'd actually rather he stay in channel, to be honest, as long as he's still talking, comprehensible or not, at least we know he's still conscious :p
01:03.44Cairennhe's gonna be hurting tomorrow though
01:04.09ckknightI don't get hangovers
01:04.15Cairennlucky you
01:04.18ckknightgranted, I do make sure to drink a lot of water
01:04.31CairennI don't usually, mind you, I also don't normally get drunk either, so ....
01:05.34CairennIriel: hush, I wasn't drunk at BlizzCon, I was just happily tipsy :p
01:08.37IrielCorrect, you weren't embarassingly drunk.
01:08.42IrielEven if you couldn't walk straight 8-)
01:08.59Shouryuu|PARTYto be
01:09.02Shouryuu|PARTYor not be'
01:09.04Cairennyeah, and you were complaining so bitterly about helping me get out to the car, too ...
01:09.14Shouryuu|PARTY'tis notbler in teh soul
01:09.38Shouryuu|PARTYto siffert thje slkings adn arrow of a
01:09.54ckknighthrm, it's just like Shakespeare in leet
01:10.01IrielWe were very supportive
01:10.15Cairennindeed you were
01:10.25Shouryuu|PARTYto sleep
01:10.27Shouryuu|PARTYto deam
01:10.34Shouryuu|PARTYto sleep
01:10.40Shouryuu|PARTYaye ;there's the rub
01:10.52Cairennokay, he's actually starting to sober up
01:10.57Shouryuu|PARTYpardin moi
01:10.58Cairennhe can remember it :p
01:11.04Shouryuu|PARTYke jouvblie
01:11.11Shouryuu|PARTYenfin detre malheureux
01:11.18Shouryuu|PARTYke joublie ma voulenoter de soufrire
01:11.21Shouryuu|PARTYenfin creve
01:11.37Shouryuu|PARTYsen ta douleur
01:11.37CairennIriel: mind you, you weren't exactly stone cold sober yourself ;)
01:12.21IrielTrue, but I was still able to maintain a constant heading
01:12.23Cairennit's a good thing your hotel was within walking distance ... and that Slouken was sober enough to drive me back to mine
01:12.32Shouryuu|PARTYj'simr ce ki me meurs
01:12.38Shouryuu|PARTYj'aime ce kui moublie
01:12.41Shouryuu|PARTYjaime ce ki me creve
01:12.47Shouryuu|PARTYmoin coublie
01:13.01Legorolcan someone kick this guy ;-)
01:13.14ckknighthe's just spamming now
01:13.18Cairennhey, I could have maintained a constant heading if I hadn't had one of you plastered to either side of me
01:13.19Shouryuu|PARTYok, nighyt night people
01:13.22LegorolShouryuu|PARTY, i know your bumping is better than Cairenn's
01:13.23CairennShouryuu|PARTY: water
01:13.34Legorolbut you don't need to bump this chat window
01:13.54shouryy|waterthat's better?
01:14.05CairennDRINK water
01:14.21shouryy|waterWATER is bad for your health
01:14.49shouryuu|wateranyways. nigh people
01:15.04Cairennyou guys have no idea how hard it is to walk a straight line when you've got two large guys with their arms around you, both trying to steer you in opposite directions :p
01:15.19TainJ'ai soif.
01:15.33shouryuu|waterforget your past, you future, your present, for you arte nothing, but a sparl bwtween two infinties, you are nothing
01:15.46shouryuu|waterNIGHTY NIGHT!
01:15.52Cairennshouryuu|water: sweetie, drink water, and shut up :p
01:15.55ckknighthrm, existentialist drunk
01:16.01TainBon soir, shouryuu!
01:16.13shouryuu|waterViolon dingue, here I COME!
01:16.29ckknightCairenn, I uploaded yet another new BossPanel
01:16.32TainDingos stole his baby?
01:16.50ckknightand kicked his kitten
01:17.12Cairennckknight: do I need to check them for keyloggers?
01:18.18TainGaaaah why do my fingers insist on typing SetTextCoord everytime I try to type SetTexCoord
01:18.23TainEven just now!
01:18.58GenNMX|Thrae"Step 1 of BossPanel Setup: Run the BossPanel.EXE program and input your WoW account name and password. Step 2: Go to and input your Social Security Number and a Credit Card Number (don't worry, this is for verification purposes only!!!)"
01:19.14Cairenn(mind you, I wasn't really complaining all that bitterly myself, the two gentlemen in question were both rather HOT!)
01:19.36TainI've gotten two different emails int he last few days from people trying to get me to a fake yahoo site to "update my information"
01:19.46GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: slouken is "hot"?
01:19.56LegorolGenNMX|Thrae, don't try to understand women..
01:19.58Cairennso's Iriel
01:20.06Legorolprove it! we want pix
01:20.21GenNMX|ThraeIf Iriel is hot, why does he use a girlie nick on IRC ;)
01:20.23Cairennsomehow, he managed to avoid the cameras ..... ><
01:20.29Legorolhow did Iriel completely manage to evade all attempts?
01:20.33TainYou know, there was a rather large turning point in my life when I said something to my psychiatrist I was seeing and he turned to me and said, "You're trying to understand women?"
01:20.55TainAnd I knew then that everything was ok.
01:21.02Cairennwe are perfectly logical and rational
01:21.03Legoroltalking of which, here's a joke
01:21.12Legoroldepending on your sense of humour, you may or may not find it funny:
01:21.27LegorolOld Bob is walking in the forest one day, when a fairy pops up
01:21.29TainI go back to Jack Nicholson's character in, "As Good As It Gets" when a woman asks him as a male author, how does he write women so well.
01:21.40LegorolFairy says: Bob, i will grant you any one wish you like
01:21.51shouryuu|waterpardonne moi dieu, da;avoir exister
01:21.53TainAnd he says, "Well, I start with a man.  Then I remove all reason and accountibility."
01:22.00LegorolBob thinks a bit, then replies: I'd like a 4-lane motorway to lead from me house straight to Hawaii, so that I can drive there on the weekends
01:22.20GenNMX|ThraeWomen and Men's scales differ so: a Woman's scale of attractiveness can go from 0-100 depending on age, sexuality, politics, buffness, unbuffness, sincerity, compassion, geekiness, non-geekiness, etc.
01:22.22LegorolThe fairy replies: Come on now, Bob, be a bit more reasonable, ask for something more realistic
01:22.30shouryuu|waterparonne moi dieu; d'avppir voulu mouirir
01:22.40LegorolBob ponders the situation for a bit, then says: All right, you see, I always wanted to understand women..
01:22.43GenNMX|ThraeA Man's Scale goes from 0-1, with 0 being "Does Not Wake Mr. Winkie" and 1 being "Does Wake Mr. Winkie"
01:22.45shouryuu|waterpardonne moi dieu, d'avoir voulu rever
01:22.53LegorolThe fairy jumps in: Bob, how many lanes did you say you wanted on that motorway?
01:23.12Tainheh heh!
01:23.45CairennLegorol: :p
01:23.57GenNMX|ThraeSo as you can see, Men lead a Binary life. Hence why Computers were built upon Sex.
01:24.02shouryuu|waterhatever your past mju,p imder a car anmd forget wanted ro bet
01:24.03TainI tried to explain to a female friend of mine once that every time a guy meets a girl she goes into one of three categories.  Well, two categories, and one subcategory really.
01:24.09Legoroldisclaimer: i like jokes that are anti-women, blonde jokes, any kind of jokes
01:24.17Legorolbut am in no way prejudiced or discriminatory
01:24.33TainA) Would not have sex with her.  B) Would have sex with her.  C) Would have sex with her, but wouldn't enjoy it as much.
01:24.34IrielThat jokes quite useful because you can add more wishes between the first and last, as long as they're decreasingly 'unreasonable'
01:25.06TainMy friend then asked me which category she fell into.
01:25.16TainAnd I told her that nothing good could come of that answer.
01:25.25Legorolthat's a smart move
01:25.44Legorolyou'd be dead either way ;-)
01:25.56CairennPublic Service Announcement: Wait 5 minutes before attempting to eat the fresh apple crisp you just took out of the oven
01:25.58TainSometimes I know the right answer is to say nothing.
01:26.11Tainhahah Cairenn I thought you said, "sit on" instad of "eat" hahah
01:26.22CairennTain: O.o
01:26.32Legorolbtw, is there an easy way to go from Gadgetzan to Booty Bay?
01:26.35TainI know that makes no sense but I can't stop laughing.
01:26.40CairennIriel: you won't evade the cameras next time, so completely unfair :p
01:26.43GenNMX|ThraeWomen should know that Men use 90% of their brain, while Women use only the "normal" 20%. It just happens the other 70% is our libido.
01:26.45Legorolor do i have to fly Theramore, take boat to Menethil, then an hour long Gryphon flight south..
01:27.02TainIf you're not bound any closer then yes, Legorol.
01:27.18IrielCairenn : I'd imagine not.
01:27.25IrielCairenn : I'd better start working out, or something
01:27.41Cairennoh :p, you're drool-worthy as you are
01:27.45Legorolwhy does everyone think they have to look like a pro-athlete to appear on a photo?
01:27.53Legoroli love being on photos...
01:28.16TainI don't.
01:28.18GenNMX|ThraeLegorol: Because the viewers may contain small children, and I don't want to make small children cry ;)
01:28.22TainI love behing on the other side of the camera.
01:28.36TainNow there does exist a photo of me out in the wild.
01:28.42IrielPictures of me exist anyway
01:28.49Cairennthere does indeed, I have one (Tain)
01:29.15TainI did put one up on that old "Where do WoW players live" thing that popped up once.
01:29.18TainAnd then disappeared.
01:29.29CairennI've actually got pictures of a fair few of the regulars
01:29.39TainThat's becaue Cairenn is a stalker. ;)
01:30.06TainWow. I almost said something really, really wrong.
01:30.36TainIt didnt' have to do with the kiss itself.  :)
01:30.39GenNMX|ThraeThat's my picture!
01:31.26futrtrublCairenn once said I was hot too ;']
01:31.29TainThe wowi banner ad just froze my FireFox solid.
01:31.43CairennTain: is fine for me
01:31.47Cairennfutrtrubl: ;)
01:31.59GenNMX|ThraeI don't keep Flash installed on my Debian box, Tain
01:32.09GenNMX|ThraeMakes a WORLD of difference
01:32.12Cairennremember guys, I happen to like gents with brains
01:32.33TainGah it's flash again.
01:32.39futrtrublbugger, there go my chances
01:32.42IrielIt didn't used to be, either?
01:32.45Cairennmind you, that picture of Tom isn't bad .....
01:32.45Tainthen what are you doing here, Cairenn?
01:32.49IrielI just got confused by the flash thing
01:33.30Cairennfutrtrubl & Tain, well there are a *few* in here that qualify ;)
01:33.50Tainhaha that was a nice bonding moment between Loz and myself on Draka.  He says, "Oh yeah hey I saw you on the frappr thing.  You're as fugly as I am!"
01:34.51GenNMX|ThraeCan you draw pixels with WoW's API? I wonder if you could rig a bitmap streamer through something innocuous like a hidden channel.
01:36.06GenNMX|ThraeThen you could have an addon which lets people post real-life photos in-game...
01:36.27TainGues maybe my picture disappeared or something.  Wonder what I did.
01:36.33GenNMX|ThraeOf course, that would be instantly banned when people start using it for pornography 5 minutes after it's released.
01:36.40Cairennlike there isn't enough A/S/L that goes on in game as it is?
01:37.01GenNMX|ThraeHey now, let the kiddies dream!
01:37.34Cairennnow you're wanting to make it A/S/L/P ? sheesh
01:37.51TainUh that's just werid.
01:38.09GenNMX|ThraeAt least they're using their hyper-sexuality safely in WoW, not out on the streets turning tricks.
01:38.13ckknightwhat's P?
01:38.22CairennPicture or Photo :p
01:38.38GenNMX|Thraeckknight wasn't following the conversation ;)
01:38.43CairennTain: did Loz actually use the word "fugly"?
01:38.59Cairenngod, I didn't think anyone outside my SCA Household used that term
01:39.13TainOh.. well.. it was either that or ugly.  I think.
01:39.15TainIt was a while ago.
01:39.18TainBut it was funny.
01:39.41IrielGenNMX|Thrae : You can't draw pixels, per se, but you can change the color of texture objects, so you could simulate the effect
01:39.56CairennIriel: shhhhhhhhh
01:40.07GenNMX|Thrae <-- that's pretty good for pavement art
01:40.11Cairennno suggesting that it might actually be possible, geeeeeez
01:40.33CairennGenNMX|Thrae: neat
01:40.33IrielAny decent resolution would be quite resource intensive
01:40.52IrielThat guy is quite impressive
01:40.53GenNMX|ThraeHah, I doubt I'd even try a PoC...I'm procrastinating enough as it is with my current project.
01:41.10GenNMX|ThraeThe guy standing by the art is real ;)
01:55.45TainThey did a whole show on that artist on TLC I think it was, or Discovery.
01:55.59GenNMX|Thrae< Iriel> That guy is quite impressive * Iriel can take it <-- is this what I think it is?
01:56.13TainThere's been some other absolutely amazing stuff, they were showing one thing as he was in progress.
01:59.25IrielOk, off to the cirque 8-)
01:59.27Cairennbut, I think it was in reference to whether or not his computer system could handle the requirements to do the images
01:59.39GenNMX|ThraeWe all know that was Iriel announcing he was out of the closet ;)
01:59.42Cairennoh right, that's tonight! have a great time!
02:00.14IrielI did just come out of the closet, I was looking for my shoes
02:00.24CairennGenNMX|Thrae: if it were that, I think his fiancee might complain a tad ....
02:00.49IrielAnd yes, she'd be a bit surprised, to say the least.
02:00.50GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: Most gay men are, or have been, married, y'know!
02:00.57IrielAnyway, see y'all later
02:01.44CairennGenNMX|Thrae: ummm, a) depends on whether you are referring to hetero or homosexual marriage partners, and b) if referring to hetero, I think *most* is an overstatement
02:01.52GenNMX|ThraeIn fact, there are some studies which suggest ALL men have some amount of latent homosexuality.
02:02.06GenNMX|ThraeWomen more then men, but men too.
02:02.25Cairennwell, yeah, we've already covered that one (male latent homosexuality) ...
02:02.37Cairennfootball (american) ... duh
02:03.07Legorolso, does me hating to play rugby at school makes me more of a man?
02:03.17Legorolthat's what'd follow from your logic..
02:03.30Cairennas for women, well, yeah, duh, we are much more appreciative of beauty in whatever form and much less embarrassed to admit it
02:03.33GenNMX|ThraeNo, because rugby is not a manly sport.
02:03.42GenNMX|ThraeIt's an English sport.
02:04.06Legorolyou said that playing american football is a representation of latent homosexuality
02:04.09CrispixC A T
02:04.10CrispixI WIN!!
02:04.13Legorolso if i hate it, does that make me more hetero
02:04.27Legoroli.e. it makes me more of a man
02:04.28CairennI didn't say *just* playing it :p
02:04.38GenNMX|ThraeAmerican Football isn't Rugby!
02:04.49Legoroli never played either, don't even know the rules
02:04.53Cairennand how is homosexuality "less" of a man, anyway? I've never quite understood that one ...
02:04.56Legorol(must make me very hetero)
02:05.12Legorolok, Cairenn, my bad, i wasn' entirely precise
02:05.43Legorolcome on, i was trying to pull a joke, do you have to go all logical on it ;-)
02:05.51GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: I always thought stuff that made you "more of a man" meant "more attractive to the opposite sex"
02:05.52Cairennnow Legorol
02:05.54TainIt's disturbing to be looking at online personals ads and see someone who you think is a cousin, but it's not a great pictures so you can't really tell for sure.
02:05.56Cairennyou know better than that
02:06.14CairennI'm female, I couldn't *possibly* be being logical! /giggles
02:06.26GenNMX|ThraeTain: It's not technically incest if it's a cousin.
02:07.03TainI'm more worried that if it were who I think it could be that she's more insane than most women I've dated in the first place.
02:07.24GenNMX|ThraeI mean, cousin, shmousin. For all I know, Cairenn could be my 3456th cousin 1234 times removed.
02:07.55CairennGenNMX|Thrae: well, *technically* speaking, we are *all* related, if you go far enough back in our ancestry
02:08.31GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: Theoretically, I still hold to the Alien/God idea of creating us from pure energy!
02:10.04Cairennbut he didn't create us from pure energy, he created man from mud modelled in his form, then created woman from man's rib, then they procreated and populated the rest of the world (according to the Christan theology)
02:10.17GenNMX|ThraeThat's God, not the Aliens.
02:10.32Cairennbut you did put /God
02:10.37Cairennso :p
02:10.37Legoroli much more prefer Darwin to God
02:11.05Cairennprimordial sludge, still all one original
02:11.23GenNMX|ThraeYou see, the Aliens created us from floating space garbage in a compactor, and made Woman first because it would be most practical to do so. But then they decided the Women were having too much fun, so they made Men.
02:11.49Cairennthat part I can certainly agree with :p
02:11.55Cairennyou men are definitely a chore :p
02:12.33GenNMX|ThraeYes, technically, women *DID* come first. There's a chance both a woman and a man came about at the same time, but it's more likely just a woman came about first.
02:13.16TainMmmm ribs
02:13.27GenNMX|ThraeThough she did have "strange mutant powers", she could not shoot lazers out her eyes or conjour up storms like the X-Men(tm).
02:13.31TainThere's definitely a reason I like both women and ribs.
02:14.14Cairennyou know something? you guys are definitely masochistic to one degree or another ... I abuse the heck out of you and you all just keep coming back for more
02:14.48Legorolor maybe i agree with your view of a stereotypical male?
02:14.51GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: You haven't realized that about men?
02:15.34GenNMX|ThraeMost men have a seemingly infinite tolerance to that sort of stuff.
02:15.59Cairenntolerance nothing, you enjoy it :p
02:16.31GenNMX|ThraeWell we're geeks -- we tend to be over-sexualized, so we enjoy any form of contact with a woman.
02:17.07GenNMX|ThraeWe're driven by the same types of hormones that give us oily skin, lots of pimples, and a need for corrective lenses.
02:18.26GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: Spend 5 seconds on a popular, male-driven IRC channel and you'll find that you are a puppy-dog ;)
02:18.53CairennI'm not a puppy dog
02:19.16Cairennand I thought this was a popular, male-driven IRC channel :p
02:19.55GenNMX|ThraeI meant popular overall ;)
02:19.56Cairennsee? not puppy-dog
02:20.03GenNMX|ThraeI'm in some channels with 500+ users
02:20.23GenNMX|ThraeWhere the ops are sick freaks
02:20.37GenNMX|ThraeAnd the topic is a link to free porn
02:21.26GenNMX|ThraeHaha sorry, I only have free porn featuring women...unless you'd rather have that
02:21.57ckknightooh, shiny
02:21.58GenNMX|ThraeAlthough I *might* be able to score you some yaoi.
02:23.38TainFree port? - haven't had a single spam email from signing up there yet!
02:23.39Cairenn(21:03:23) Cairenn: as for women, well, yeah, duh, we are much more appreciative of beauty in whatever form and much less embarrassed to admit it
02:23.45Tains/port/porn/ :p
02:25.25TainFor porn!
02:25.33Cairenn~for porn
02:25.59GenNMX|ThraeHey, there's a GBA game called "Driv3r"
02:26.37*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorie (
02:26.46TainYeah.  That would be the second sequel to the game Driver.
02:27.03Tainpornbits isn't sending me my registration info!
02:27.33Tainah well, I'll go back to the free live cam show.
02:29.59Tainahh see I've been a member of for torrents for a couple years now.
02:33.11TainI hate the AdultFriendFinder ads they always have though.  They even make up town names that don't exist, never mind the girls.
02:33.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
02:36.05futrtrublugh, 24min queue for Azjol
02:38.07futrtrublI don't see them making up town names, but somehow they know I'm in Jamaica and say that they are from Kingston/Montego Bay etc, yet they are all white or in the snow or something else blatantly false
02:38.41TainThey make them up here near me.  Of course living in the smallest state in the US you tend to know the names of every city and town. :)
02:38.53TainOf course uh.. I mean when lookign up wow addins by location.
02:39.33CrispixCairenn .. you use ECB...
02:39.39CrispixHow do you hide the text on ecb?
02:39.43CairennI tried it
02:39.48CairennI didn't say I use it
02:40.10CairennI try just about every mod that gets submitted to the site, at one point or another
02:40.22Crispixwell.. do you know how to hide the text on the ecb bars?
02:40.29Wobin_Hehe, I'd hate to see your addon folder =)
02:40.36Cairennnope, been too long since I looked at it last
02:40.42Wobin_I know mine is a huge mess of unused addons
02:40.45Crispixmine wobin?
02:40.48Crispixmines not too bad
02:41.00Wobin_Nah, Cair's if she tries every mod =)
02:41.04CairennWobin_: smaller than you probably think, by a very long shot
02:41.05futrtrublI'll show you mine if you show me yours ;']
02:41.12Cairennoh baby oh baby
02:41.39Wobin_It's not the size of the addon folder, it's how efficient the use of memory is =)
02:41.39Cairennaw damn, you were flirting with Wobin and not me? /pout
02:42.07Cairennoh, I liked that one Wobin, nicely done
02:42.42futrtrublbut I'm up to 65meg addon memory usage :(
02:43.34Cairennnight sarf|sleep, sweet dreams
02:43.40Wobin_Use more Ace =)
02:44.29TainI can't believe it, I had to just delete some things to make space for downloading new... things.
02:44.34futrtrublwtf? I've been waiting 10 mins and I've gone DOWN in the queue? I started at 546 and I'm now at 554 and I've now got a 56minute estimated queue time
02:44.54futrtrubl"things" huh?
02:44.57Wobin_Definitely a sign to buy a bigger hard drive, Tain
02:45.19TainI theenk I need a beeger box
02:45.37futrtrublTain, look at then
02:45.57futrtrublI like small boxes personally ;']
02:46.09TainTo each their own. ;)
02:46.34futrtrublI definately like large comp cases though
02:53.07ckknightI like girls with small boxes
02:53.48Cairennooookay ..... a) I think it's all acted, deliberately, because it's all on video, or b) if not, I have to presume he has some serious medical issues that are getting dealt with ....
02:55.29TainOh yeah that's been around, there's some other similar videos of that kid.
02:56.20TainIt's still pretty scary.
02:56.35CairennI don't think it's for real
02:57.45Cairennif it is, I really truly hope his parents are seeking medical help for him, cause he's got some serious issues
02:57.55TainOh wow, Sheryl Crow leaves Lance Armstrong, and all of a sudden has breast cancer?  Coincidence?
02:58.18TainI think that just goes to show you, don't piss off lance.
02:59.00Wobin_for a minute, I was thinking LAnce Armstrong got breast cancer
02:59.27Wobin_Then I realised who the subject of the statement was =P
02:59.46TainAt least he didn't get mouth cancer...
03:00.10CairennTain: that was crude :p
03:03.52Kremontewtf, on portal.php, Weclome! was changed to Welcome, without the exclamation point
03:04.07Kremontesilly Dobly D:
03:06.44Kremonte(oh, and cair, could you approve my submission at wowi? :P)
03:07.10*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:07.50dukekugod damn cat
03:08.25Wobin_Cows! Cows with honour, forced into an alliance of convenience!
03:08.38Wobin_Best one line description of Tauren =)
03:09.21ckknightlol, pretty much
03:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
03:11.12Crispixmy UI... after 4 weeks of working on it.. is done.
03:11.18CrispixCompletely... 100% done.
03:11.56Wobin_until the next update =)
03:12.21Wobin_Give us a screenshot, Crispy
03:12.23CrispixDisplay tips, 3D Portraits for team and targeted items.. Mob strength indicator, new xp bar, calculator, new Skill bar, Titan Bar........buff timers.....
03:12.31Crispixas soon as I can.. as soon as my can :D
03:12.35Cairennhere ya go guys, this is bound to get you going ...,1122218740,2.jpg&imgrefurl=
03:12.36ckknightdown with Titan Bar
03:12.47CrispixI lurve titan bar
03:12.58GenNMX|ThraeCairen: please
03:13.07ckknightCrispix, I make BossPanel, so I'm biased
03:13.13CairennGenNMX|Thrae: click the link :p
03:13.41CrispixBoss panel?
03:13.48Wobin_TitanBar replacement
03:13.59GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: I use irssi, I copy&paste links...and it lokoed like it got cut-off, lemme try
03:14.12Cairennforget, not working anyway :p
03:14.23Wobin_hat, woman, small, box? =P
03:14.38GenNMX|Thrae"Search - Hat"?
03:14.42Cairennforget it, it didn't work, just ignore :p
03:15.07Cairennstupid thing :p
03:15.29Wobin_,1122218740,2.jpg ? =)
03:15.37Cairennno :p
03:15.40ckknightI can't ignore it now
03:15.45Wobin_She has -many- small boxes =)
03:15.57ckknightthere's only one box that's important
03:16.34Wobin_The one with the happy santas on it?
03:18.31TainStop the crazy!
03:20.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
03:20.19Cairennuh huh
03:20.27Cairenngo drink more water
03:20.50Shouryuui'M done with vodka for now
03:21.01Cairennyeah, well, get going with the water :p
03:21.20Cairennyou were pretty f'd up
03:21.44Cairennor putting on one heck of an act, one of the two
03:21.45ShouryuuWell I guess I've been worse
03:21.58Shouryuuprobably both, sadly nought
03:22.06Cairennyou seem strangely sober for such a short period of time
03:23.34ShouryuuI only seem
03:23.35ShouryuuI am not
03:23.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:24.11Cairennif the act, why bother, we aren't a bunch of punkass kids to be impressed by how f'd up you can get (or at least, most of us aren't)
03:24.33Shouryuudon't worry, I know
03:25.37Cairennif not an act - get with the drinking water or you are gonna seriously hurt tomorrow :p
03:25.54OsagasuWho did what that requires water?
03:25.54Shouryuuhehe getting hurt is part of the fun
03:26.22CairennI've yet to understand how on earth a hang over can be considered "fun" :p
03:26.38Cairennone of the reasons why I *don't* get drunk, I suppose
03:26.51OsagasuShour, you idiot.
03:27.08CairennOsagasu: that's the general consensus, yup :p
03:27.11Shouryuuwell I guess the hang over reminds you you you got forget
03:27.19Shouryuulol, fine bully me
03:27.33Shouryuu*reminds you've forgotten
03:27.50Shouryuu*reminds you you've forgotten
03:27.58Cairennwe only nag because we care ....
03:28.03OsagasuIf I could I would find you and smack you upside the head for drinking and talking in this channel, and another for drinking so much you're gonna have a hangover. :P
03:28.25OsagasuOnly cair is allowed to be drunk in this channel
03:28.37ShouryuuAnd I only talk because I care.. If i didn't I'd just hit the close button
03:28.42Shouryuuhehe sorry osa
03:28.47Cairennsee previous statement ... Cair doesn't get drunk
03:29.01OsagasuBut you're allowed to.
03:29.09OsagasuThat's the difference.
03:29.24CairennShouryuu: you were somewhat amusing, though
03:29.35Cairennuntil you started outright spamming, that is
03:29.50Shouryuuwell I couldn't have spammed that long
03:29.56Cairennwant to bet?
03:29.57Shouryuuor did I?
03:30.07CairennI'll show you the logs tomorrow ...
03:30.09ShouryuuOk, I'm sorry
03:30.14Shouryuufor now
03:30.17Shouryuutime to sleep
03:30.24Shouryuunighyt night young people
03:30.24Cairennwater, drink it, then sleep
03:30.30Shouryuudone that
03:30.58Shouryuuguuuuuuuuuuuuuuud night
03:31.10OsagasuHe's drunk.
03:31.34Cairennno, really?
03:31.39OsagasuMe, I found a way to never get a hangover.
03:32.13Cairennyou should have seen him earlier
03:32.13OsagasuJust keep drinking. >.>
03:32.16Tainwhen you can't string together enough letters in a row to make a word you shouldn't be at the keyboard. :)
03:33.10TainI think I usually get away from the keyboard by that point.  Or at least if I haven't it hasn't been bad enough to be reminded about it later.
03:34.06futrtrublyay, only 5 more mins 'till I can get on Azjol
03:34.19futrtrublqueues suck
03:34.28TainHaven't you been in th equeue for about two hours now?
03:34.45OsagasuI'm gonna login to Azjol now. xD
03:34.54TainThat is the sign of a problem.
03:34.58futrtrublthe EU though right?  ;']
03:35.28futrtrublI'd say that a 2 queue is a problem
03:35.37futrtrubl2 hour queue even
03:36.48OsagasuI'd rather have a two hour queue than having a 60 second lag spike every 10 minutes while I'm in AV
03:37.51TainAnd it doesn't occur to either of you to think that something else is prefereable to either of those choices?
03:38.09Wobin_Working As Intended =)
03:38.11futrtrublI never said the lag spike was any better.
03:38.16TainIf there's more than a 50 man queue I won't log in.
03:38.33futrtrubland yes, a non-overpopulated server would be preferable
03:38.53TainAnd as long as people sit in the queues anyway they dn't have any incentive to do so.
03:38.55futrtrublonfortunately all my main chars are on Azjol
03:39.36Cairennhang on ....
03:39.52Cairennfutrtrubl: your mains are on AN? North American?
03:40.01Osagasuno, lagspike is worse.  lagspike will ill you
03:40.36TainI'd just head for a methadone clinic if I were you, it's healthier.
03:41.33futrtrublyup Cair, we'v had this discution before ;']
03:41.48Cairennwe have? O.o
03:42.08futrtrublwell, only to say that we were both on it
03:42.38futrtrublI have you in my friends list
03:42.56futrtrublnever seen you online though
03:43.44Crispixok.. new screenshot coming.. unfortunately though, I forgot to cast something so you can see where my casting bars are .. :(.. BUT you get to see the new configuration of my UI :D
03:43.57Cairennthat's because I basically never play any more
03:46.52Wobin_ooh. I can make my posting char on Drakar now
03:47.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (i=Cide@
03:47.59Wobin_Don't suppose there's anyone on to get me into the Wowi-guild hordeside?
03:48.18Cairennlogging in
03:48.44Cairennnneriac when I get logged in
03:49.01Wobin_Just getting WoW up and running =)
03:49.11Cairennno queue, just logged straight in
03:50.05Tainooh it hink I have a horde guy there unguilded
03:50.19Cairennlog on if you want him guilded
03:50.26TainCan I get him gilded?
03:51.47Wobin_.. hm, I can't connect atm... looking into it
03:52.14Cairennso Nil is you Tain?
03:52.30TainI was just about to update info to say
03:52.38Cairennheh, all done
03:52.46TainAww you're the bestest.
03:53.11Cairennno I'm not, not even close
03:53.22TainToo late, I already said it.
03:54.54CrispixAttn Wob and Cairenn
03:55.05Crispix(And anyone else who cares)
03:55.18CrispixPlease leave thoughts via the thread.. because I have to go kill my slushi cravings. :D
03:55.47Cairennlooks good Crispix
03:56.18Wobin_=( Sorry Cair, my connection seems to be down. I'll have to try again later =)
03:56.26Cairennno worries
03:59.23CrispixCairenn where'd you move my thread?
04:00.59Cairennmerged it with your other one
04:01.12Cairennread the forum descriptions :p
04:01.23Crispixcan you drop some thoughts on it in the thread please?
04:01.27Crispix*will be back in a bit*
04:01.48Wobin_where's the mobstrength indicator? (if you're still here)
04:02.34SP|Sorrenwobin, how's your chinese :P
04:02.51Wobin_bareable =P What do you need to know? =P
04:02.55SP|Sorrenapparantly taiwan blues are giving out all sorts of information.
04:03.17SP|Sorrencan you read traditional? ;o
04:03.25Wobin_no =(
04:03.40Wobin_but you could possibly ask purl to translate
04:03.46SP|Sorrenwell, i babblefished it
04:03.47Wobin_It may or may not work
04:03.53SP|Sorrenand its still gobbledegook ;P
04:03.54Wobin_What did it say?
04:04.39SP|Sorrenaimed shot and multi-shot are apparantly being normalized
04:04.55SP|Sorreni will lose 138 damage on a multishot/aimed shot crit :/
04:05.04CairennI heard that the patch notes for 1.10 were up on the Korean site, too ... supposedly
04:05.27SP|Sorrenkoreans apparantly have a blip on TEoP + ZHC nerf.
04:05.36SP|Sorrenhavent heard of full patch notes yet
04:05.59SP|Sorrenits actually ToEP
04:06.16SP|Sorrentalisman of epheremeral power
04:06.20SP|Sorrenzandalarian hero charm
04:08.04Cairennokay ckknight, how buggy is Boss now? :p
04:10.48Wobin_Right, I should be off
04:11.04Cairennlater WobRehearsal
04:12.04SP|Sorrenciao wob
04:25.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
04:29.01futrtrublhmmm, all the portraits ingame are now pink squares
04:35.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
04:42.38Kremonteugh, UPS sucks
04:42.58Kremonte25$ shipping for next day air, it's 35 hours later and it's still halfway across the country
05:36.43futrtrublhmm, what could cause all webpage access to fail with "The connection was reset" errors, but every other tipe of internet access to work?
05:38.12Cairennhelpful pronouncement, wasn't that?
05:41.44futrtrublyup, very ;']
05:44.45Cairenn|afkwell, what else would you expect from a silly female?
05:54.21TainBlar.  Blaaaaar I say.
06:25.33Cairenn|afkdaughter's got that damn vundo virus on her system, gd it
06:27.24SP|Sorrenvundo virus?
06:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
07:03.26futrtrublI make housecalls Cairenn|afk ;']
07:23.01Cairenn|afkI'd like to know where the hell she's been to have picked it up in the first place ...
07:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
07:53.38Cairennit may have been banned just about everywhere, but I still think it's one of the best songs she ever did
07:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
07:57.48Cairennwb, how was Cirque?
07:57.59IrielExcellent as always
07:58.11Cairennwould have been surprised to hear anything else
07:58.20IrielPlus I got to sit directly behind the sound board, which earned me significant geek happiness points
08:01.02Cairennwell, glad to hear someone is having a positive geek evening, instead of a negative one
08:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
08:03.31IrielWell, also, Cadbury's Creme Eggs were on sale at the store, and this cup of coffee is delicious
08:04.02Cairenntrade ya
08:05.07Cairennyou can try to figure out how the &*(&$%$ to get this stupid vundo trojan off my daughter's computer ... I've just spent the last, oh, 3 hrs, and it still won't go away ...
08:05.26IrielWhat programs have you been using to remove it?
08:06.21Cairennoh lord, I'd have to run back upstairs and boot her system back up to come up with the list of what I've gone through ... I've given up for tonight
08:06.51Cairennyou name it, I've tried it
08:06.52IrielBut you've been through Antivir, Spybot S&D, and the usual other suspects?
08:06.57Cairennoh yeah
08:07.08CairennHijackThis, the whole nine yards
08:07.36Cairennin safe mode, in normal mode
08:07.42Cairennbloody thing
08:07.48IrielHm, i'd try and find some sort of floppy or cdrom booted disinfecting tool then, if it's that pervasive I would imagine there would be a standalone to remove it
08:08.16CairennI'll fight with it more tomorrow, I'm trying to wind back down so I can go sleep
08:09.25Cairennwhat I'd like to know (besides how to get rid of the blasted thing) ... is where the heck she's been to have picked it up in the first place ....
08:10.04Irielyeah, that'd be a good one to answer
08:10.25Irieldoes the grand interweb have anything abotu how it spreads?
08:10.27CairennI'll be asking it of her when she gets home from her overnight D&D, tomorrow
08:11.01CairennI haven't actually been paying attention to where it comes from, as of yet, I've just been trying to get rid of it
08:11.37Cairenntomorrow ... I fight with it more tomorrow
08:12.32Cairennat least I've stopped swearing, for the moment :p
08:12.45IrielThat;s a start
08:21.30Cairennnight folks
08:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:05.00AnduinLotharstill, no new memos :(
09:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
09:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
09:30.45Shouryuuso how is everybody today
09:33.12AnduinLotharjust me apparently... I'm ok
09:33.30AnduinLothargot inspired to blog for the first time in 4 or 5 months
09:33.45AnduinLotharonly happens when I'm bored and lonely
09:34.32ShouryuuI have a headache from last night, should've listened to Cair "Water, more water" but meh
09:34.51AnduinLotharbunch of my friends went to denny's but they've been having lots of drama that I'm not really a part of and didn't really wanna deal with, so I stay'd home
09:35.32Shouryuuwell being alone isn't always that a bad thing :p
09:38.21AnduinLotharnah. I used to blog a lot
09:39.20Shouryuunever bloged at all
09:39.39ShouryuuIf i'm to going to spread my life, I'm going to choose who gets to see it and who doesn't :P
09:40.12ShouryuuI usualy end up getting drunk and sending depressing SMSs to everyone, but that doesn't
09:46.29AnduinLotharwriting when depressed is good for you
09:47.17Shouryuuwell it's good for writting
09:47.25Shouryuuit just ends up getting you more depressed
09:48.07AnduinLotharmeh. I feel better after a good rant and sleeping it off.
09:54.40Shouryuumy god
09:54.51ShouryuuJackie chan VS Steven seagal. Chuck norris wins...
09:55.52AnduinLotharmmm Chuck Noris vs Hitler, doesn't it say?
09:56.52Shouryuumy god
09:56.56ShouryuuI didn't even see that
09:56.59Shouryuuthat's depressing
10:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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10:10.04L|Elvisoanyone here? I'm stuck and need some help :\
10:11.13Shouryuuhiiitt me
10:11.19ElkanoDirectly asking the question has a higher chance to result in an answer than asking if so is ther that may help ^^
10:11.37L|Elvisowell it's like the middle of the night
10:11.45L|Elvisobut...I'm working on a new, very simple addon
10:12.11L|Elvisoand I can NOT for the life of me get it to be recognized on my addon list
10:12.35L|ElvisoI made sure my .xml is in my .toc, it's spelled correctly.
10:12.47L|Elvisomy .lua is in my .xml, spelled correctly.
10:12.52ShouryuuAre the folder and the toc of the same name?
10:12.59AnduinLotharexit wow to get the toc to load
10:13.24Elkanowell, for me its 11am ^^
10:13.49L|Elvisofolder and .toc (and other 2 files) are all "ORB_Alerter"
10:14.03L|Elvisoand I've been exiting
10:15.05Shouryuuelkano - where you at? London?
10:15.44Elkanoalmost, but not England... Germany
10:17.38ShouryuuElviso- I have no idea why it's not working...
10:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
11:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:20.02ShouryuuOk Cair, you were tight
11:20.08ShouryuuHangovers are not part of the fun
11:24.27Shour|Recuperatiand vodka rasberry is bad
11:24.39Shour|Recuperatithe taste stays in your mouth
11:27.03Shour|Recuperatiand that kebab might have been a bad idea
11:47.10zeegnp: Anti-Flag - Hymn For The Dead
12:02.08WobL|Elviso post your toc to
12:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
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12:47.27Shouryuumi cabeza
12:47.30Shouryuudios mio
13:20.59L|ElvisoWob - I got it finally....was just sleepy, missed something stupid :P
13:22.00WobCool =)
15:42.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
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16:05.26Cairenn|sleepShouryuu: told you :p
16:06.11Cairenn|sleepand, I finally got  that @#%@$! trojan off my daughter's computer
16:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:50.13ShouryuuIt's fun how you crave things on a hangover
16:50.35ShouryuuI could've died for some roasted chicken 5 mins ago
16:50.50ShouryuuI want a Coke right now
16:50.58Shouryuulife is weiiird :P
16:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
17:07.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:26.26TainThis is one of the best law proposals I've ever seen.
17:30.56ckknightlol, that's great
18:04.22Cairennthat's amusing
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20:40.57futrtrublCairenn, I get on Azjol in time to see you log off, then WoW freezes.
20:41.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:41.14CairennI'll be back on shortly, busy playing with my UI ;)
20:41.43CairennI'm not actually *playing*, just futzing with my UI, so I'm logged in/logged out/logged in/logged out
20:42.30futrtrublwhy logging?
20:42.56Osagasuplenty of addons that do that from in game. :P
20:43.09Cairenndats nice :p
20:47.30ForgottenLords./console reloadui is my friend
20:47.42Cairennyeah yeah yeah :p
20:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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21:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:07.47wereHamsterdoes anyone know a good offline item database that can be used to find items? preferably one that can be used from within 3rd party applications without much text parsing, eg. one with a simple SQL or xml interface
21:09.37AnduinLotharThere aren't any
21:10.20wereHamsterwow.allakhazam has too much html around the actual item data.. same with thottbot
21:11.16ElkanoI think there was an application for those items you can equip in order to build a perfect char offline, but I can't recall whichone it was
21:11.49Cidethe perfect offline item database is your own itemcache.wdb
21:12.16Elkanonope, it would be perfect if it would be complete ^^
21:12.37wereHamsterCide, is the  itemcache.wdb format known?
21:12.38Cideparse it and store the items then :P
21:12.45Cidenot widely known, but known, yes
21:13.02wereHamsterdo you have a link?
21:20.02wereHamsterCide, I was reading the same.. found it through google .. but the link there to a WDB parser seems to be invalid.. :-(
21:20.12Cidemake one yourself :)
21:22.51wereHamsterCide,  quite hard if I don't know the internal data format :-/
21:22.58Cideit says there
21:24.03Cidemaybe the link is gone
21:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
21:31.02AnduinLotharI hate it when people that should know better post stupid bug reports..
21:31.35Elkanolike "it's not working"?
21:31.52*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
21:32.05AnduinLotharlike people that code or are pro addon users.. it pisses me off...
21:32.25AnduinLotharIt a stranger does it I can assume they're ignorant noobs..
21:34.01AnduinLotharor even when they generalize errors but don't tell me how to reproduce..
21:39.29krkayay, hockey gold
22:04.24AnduinLotharCan someone go grab Wardrobe-AL 1.61 and tell me if those files are really in unix LF line breaks or weather I'm going crazy?
22:04.27futrtrublI think my WoW copy has gone wierd, on all but one of my chars all portraits show up as a colored square (usually blue or pink)
22:04.46futrtrublalso on those chars my auctioneer data doesn't show
22:10.33wereHamsterAnduinLothar, how can I check in which format the line breaks are?
22:11.08AnduinLotharyou'd have to have an editor that tells you
22:13.41krkaor you can open in a hex editor
22:13.49krkahmm.. that's an editor too i suppsoe
22:14.25krkacould grep for \r\n :)
22:14.46zespri2D 2D 5B 5B-0A 0A 09 57-61 72 64 72-6F 62 65 2D  --[[000Wardrobe-
22:14.55zesprithere is no 0d there
22:14.56krka0A is \n i think
22:14.59zesprionly 0a
22:15.09krkaunix style then
22:15.12krkathe good style!
22:15.22AnduinLothargood. that's what I intended
22:15.32wereHamsterAnduinLothar, I see only one byte for the line break
22:16.01AnduinLotharI hate the stupid windows style using both and the mac style using cr is almost as bad... Uniformity I say!
22:16.48zesprither problem is now you can;t tell a user 'open lua file in notepad and..."
22:17.05AnduinLotharnotepad is crap
22:17.21zespriyet it's the app installed on every win desktop
22:17.31zespriso your win user will hace it for sure
22:17.41zespriwhereas he may not have a better editor
22:17.42Gryphenso is wordpad which displays breaks better
22:17.54AnduinLotharand the equivelent mac version has spell checking and line formatting!
22:18.46AnduinLotharwordpad is slightly better, but nearly crap.  It's only good because it means you don't have to load word
22:18.58AnduinLotharbecause word is evil
22:19.12AnduinLotharrtf ftw!
22:19.17AnduinLothardoc ftl
22:19.29AnduinLotharok, i'm done ranting
22:19.55AnduinLotharjust wanted to make sure wardrobe would work, since I already published it and didn't have wow to test it
22:21.13AnduinLotharmmm, wish my favorite editor had a convert all linebreaks to x format dropdown menu in the header...
22:21.29AnduinLotharlooks like editpadpro does..
22:23.36AnduinLotharlol.. nm... new version of smultron, woot
22:40.54TainDamnit it's not fair, why isn't  Jon Stewart on television 24 hours a day.
22:50.51ShouryuuI've been craving roasted chicken for allll day...
22:51.01ShouryuuI WANT CHICKEN!
22:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
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23:07.07Osagasui think Shour is still drunk...
23:07.36TainDrunk on roasted chicken!
23:07.37Cairennnaw, this is him just being himself ... weird
23:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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23:58.55Tuataraquestion about mouse control... I have a frame with buttons and other elements. How do I easily disable all mouse control for the frame, its buttons, and other elements. I did a frame:EnableMouse(false) but it only seems to disable it for the frame itself and none of the child elements.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.