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00:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:02.23cladhaireCan you give me one that tells me which quadrant the overlap is occuring in? =)
00:03.05IrielIt could be more than one
00:03.21cladhaireThat's sooo much prettier than I had =)
00:03.35cladhaireIriel: I'm trying to make sticky edges for any two given frames.. =/
00:03.37cladhaireand the math is eluding me.
00:03.37sweedein my xml file, i would have an <OnLick>IAS_StartAuction(ItemName,parentItemPrice:GetText(),nil)</OnClick> in my "Ok" button right ?   (ItemPrice is the name of the editbox)
00:04.14CodayusOnClick - not OnLick.  :-)
00:04.32sweedeheh, you're not in myu guild :X  w00t
00:04.43CodayusI can't help you with your question though.  :-)
00:04.44Irielsweed err, something along those lines, you'd need to get ItemName from somewhere, I'd suggest this.ItemName, and make sure you set it before you show the frame
00:04.51sweedeyes i know that made no sense :)
00:05.26Irielcladhaire  so you have 2 frames, and you want to know which quadrant(s) of one are covered by the other?
00:05.48cladhaireI'm not even sure that gets me what I want
00:05.57IrielWell, what do you want 8-)
00:06.03sweedeis this right though? parentItemPrice:GetText() or would i use something else ?
00:06.18IrielWell, if parentItemPrice is the name of your edit box, that would work
00:06.35IrielYou might want to check it iis actually a number too
00:06.41Irielbut you can do that in StartAuction if you want
00:07.38cladhaireIriel: I want, for any two given frames, when frame A drags, if it doesn't collide with frame B it is able to move freely.  If if collides with Frame B.. it sticks to the edge of Frame B-- so users can manually align the frames, without having to guess
00:08.28cladhaireI'm trying to work on the logic for which edge it sticks to, and how it decides to, say hop from the top edge to the bottom edge- but my mind is working slowly.. I need to revisit my Geo books =)
00:09.11IrielI would say that you simply work out which side of B's center A's center is at
00:09.24Irielor at least, would be at if allowed to slide freely
00:09.51cladhairethat's where I'm going.. but I'm concerned with the corners, and how to handle them well
00:10.10cladhaireI suppose it should be whichever is closest to the center.. but i'll have to play with it to see how it feels.
00:10.46IrielWell, do you want any corner stickiness or not?
00:11.14Irielor is the stickiness strictly on the sides?
00:11.41IrielBut you will want to go from say LEFT to TOP ?
00:11.57cladhaireI dont want to go too nuts.. just want to make it so people can arrange themselves intelligently-- even if i provide a good setup.
00:12.24cladhaireIt doesn't need to be extreme.. just say 5 pixels or so on the inside of each edge.
00:13.12IrielHere's what I suggest then, calculate A's center relative to B's center, such that 0,0 is exact center, -1,0 is left 1,0 is right, 0,-1 is bottom, 0,1 is top
00:13.14TemIriel, in java does || return a boolean or does it return the actual value given to it like in Lua?
00:13.21IrielTem; Boolean
00:13.36cladhaireAlready have that coded =)
00:13.41IrielTem: the ? : operator is about as close as you get
00:14.12Tembut I forgot about ? :
00:14.46Irielcladhaire : So i'd say, if something's further than 0.75 from the center, it is at an edge,
00:15.00Irielif both are 0.75 out, then keep it where it is (assuming it's already against one of those edges)
00:15.40IrielDoes that make any sense?
00:15.55cladhaireVisualizes what my sketches kinda say.. but more succinct =)
00:16.16cladhaireI've been playing with floating squares for the past hour or so just messing around =)
00:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede2 (
00:16.29sweede2stupid computer.
00:17.29sweede2Attempt to index global "parentInfo' a nil value,  i'm using parentInfo:GetText() and the item name is set in that fontstring element.
00:17.58IrielWell, is it "$parentInfo" in the name?
00:18.07Irielif so, you have to replace "$parent" with the right name, to get to it in lua
00:18.13Irielso BlahBlahBlahInfo
00:18.21Irielif the parent's name is 'BlahBlahBlah"
00:18.29sweede2thought there'd be a parent: or something else styule..
00:18.54Irielwell, you can do this:GetParent():GetName() etc, but that's messy
00:19.23sweede2ya, but it'd be easier to do when i start changing names around
00:20.11IrielIf you ARE going to start doing that, then do it once at load, and store the results somewhere
00:20.16Irieleither like this:
00:20.29Iriellocal name = this:GetName();
00:20.37Irielthis.editBox = getglobal(name .. "EditBox");
00:20.39Iriel(in the parent)
00:20.54IrielWhatever_Blah_EditBox = this;
00:20.58IrielIn the edit box itself
00:21.03Irielthen you dont need to know the name
00:21.38sweede2i think what i'll do.. is just pay one of you guys that know how to code, to streamline this :) hehe
00:22.02sweede2one more question, is it possible to force only numbers to be entered in an edit box ?
00:22.05IrielYou couldn't afford me 8-)
00:22.24Kremonteanyone here mind helping me out with some hardware problems? :Q
00:22.50IrielI think you can sort of simulate it by intercepting every key press and dropping non-numbers
00:22.58IrielKremonte : What kind of hardware problems?
00:23.16Kremontei just got me new hardware, and my problem here is specifically my motherboard;
00:23.33Kremontethere's only one main IDE slot, and i have 4 IDE devices
00:24.02Kremontethe 2 green things on the left are IDE-compatible, supposedly, and my 3rdHD and DVD drive fit into that, but it's reading them as ATA
00:24.24IrielIDE and ATA aren
00:24.29Irielaren't necessarily different
00:24.44Kremonteyes, but linux won't boot as it's on the 3rd HD, and it's saying hdc1 is not found
00:24.57IrielWell, is that because it's numbered differently?
00:25.02IrielWhat controllers do they show up as?
00:25.11Kremontewhere could i find that? :S
00:25.16Kremontei can't find anything about them on my BIOS
00:25.28Kremonteit's just showing my first 2 HD's (which won't boot at all because windows is on em)
00:25.38Irieldo ls /proc/ide
00:25.43Irieland see what shows up
00:25.56Kremontelinux won't boot up, it's on hdc1 :Q
00:25.57IrielI'm assuming you can get linux booted 8-)
00:26.06Kremontei'll see how far i can get, give me a sec
00:26.09Kremonteit stops at a # prompt
00:26.11sweede2whats your bootloader ?
00:26.11IrielHm, do you have a live CD anywhere (Knoppix live is handy)
00:26.17IrielAh, if it stops there you've got hope
00:26.22Irielit's probably booting but then stalling out.
00:26.27Kremonteyeah, i'll see what i gcan get to in a sec
00:26.34Kremontei have GRUB on my windows MBR
00:26.38Kremonteand 15 ubuntu livecd's :P
00:26.51IrielI have to say I've sworn off Gigabyte mobos myself
00:26.55sweede2whats your partition layout ?
00:27.06IrielI've still got 2 active in here, but i'll replace them eventually
00:27.08sweede2is /dev/hdc1 your / ?
00:27.11Kremontehda windows, hdb NTFS bunch o files
00:27.14Kremontedev/hdc1 is / yes
00:27.30Kremonteokay, heres what it sas
00:27.49KremonteALERT! /dev/hdc1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!
00:28.14Kremontels /proc/ide is
00:28.17Irieldoes ls /proc/ide show anything?
00:28.20Kremontedrivers   ide0   hda   hdb
00:28.30sweede2no ide1 /
00:28.33IrielOk, that's a start
00:28.40IrielSo linux isn't seeing your secondary controller
00:28.43IrielDoes windows see it?
00:28.53IrielIs it turned on in the BIOS in a sane configuration?
00:28.53Kremontewindows doesn't boot at all; too much new hardware
00:29.03Iriel(non-raid, and active)
00:29.05sweede2i'd blame grub
00:29.10IrielI wouldn't
00:29.11Kremontewhat my goal is is to get linux working, backup my important windows stuff, and never use windows again
00:29.15Kremontegrub is not to blame, sweede2
00:29.24Kremontewhat, in the BIOS?
00:29.27IrielCheck the BIOS, make sure the alternate IDE interfaces are running
00:29.35sweede2actually, according to the linux devs, grub is to blame :)
00:29.38IrielOr one of the BIOS-Like things
00:29.49Kremonteo noes, kernel panic
00:29.55Kremontecold reboot GO!
00:30.10Irielit's not like a cold reboot hurts, you have no drive
00:30.14Kremontelol :P
00:30.24Kremonteok, where would i go on the bios ._.
00:30.39sweede2because the  kernel devs decided that what the bios reports for disk geometry is made up, but every other disk utility uses what the kernel reports, so it makes those changes to the disk, which in turn royally screws over your disk geometry.
00:31.01IrielKremonte : I dunno, I usually just stumble around
00:31.02Kremontenothing on standard cmos stuff
00:31.16Kremontecant really see anything on advanced bios stuff
00:31.27Irielsweede2 : It's almost certainly not a geometry issue, it's a drive controller issue, and I suspect BIOS related
00:31.43sweede2i wouldnt, i'd say kernel modules arent being loaded correctly, if it all.
00:31.47IrielWell, my I boot by GigaByte machines, I sometimes get several sets of bios-like setups, you have to find the one that relates to whatever those controllers go to
00:31.49sweede2or its the wrong driver
00:31.56Kremonteok, found somethin
00:32.03IrielWell, if he hasn't got the right controllers compiled into his kernel, hes in trouble
00:32.10Kremontethere's PATA IDE set to, SATA port 0/2  and 1/3 set too which is what i THINK
00:32.13Kremonteit is
00:32.23Kremonteits grayed out
00:33.25sweede2.. now, is it justme, or does what you type make it seem like that you cant use both the IDE AND the SATA controllers ?
00:33.29sweede2at the same time
00:33.40IrielThat's possible
00:33.50sweede2wow, that'd suck.
00:33.56Kremontelook, i'm hardware retarded. i dont know anything about sata and ata and ide and whatever, and didnt understand half that sentence
00:34.08Kremontewell, in another stage of the bios it detects the two drives
00:34.09sweede2my MB supports 8 SATA drives and 2 standard IDE interfaces :)
00:34.20IrielYes, it's finding hda and hdb
00:34.24sweede2dont you have 3 hard drives ?
00:34.32Kremonte3hd's and a dvd drive
00:34.51IrielWhat BIOS version do you have running?
00:35.07Kremonteone sec, trying something
00:36.07Kremontethat didnt work :Q
00:36.20IrielAre you on F5 or earlier?
00:36.33IrielBios version, that is?
00:36.50Kremonteloading into ios
00:37.01IrielSomeone on a forum online claims that F6 adds "ON CHIP SECONDARY PCI IDE" under "INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS"
00:37.07IrielThough you may have it there already?
00:37.23Kremonteyea its there
00:37.25Kremonteits enabled
00:37.56IrielIs there anything right after it about the ide interface?
00:38.22Kremontethere is On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE, On-Chip SATA Mode
00:38.44Kremonteunder that, grayed out is, PATA IDE Set to, SATA Port0/2 Set to, SATA Port1/3 Set to
00:39.04IrielHm, let me grab a manual for your mobo
00:39.05Irielone sec
00:39.49zeetgguys, recommend a good MMO, thats not real high end
00:39.49IrielWoW ?
00:39.53zeetgthats high-end :)
00:39.58Irieldefine 'high-end' ?
00:40.01zeetgim talking a bit older
00:40.06sweede2there's other Mmo's ?
00:40.06zeetgalso, anyone know if l2 has player housing
00:40.07IrielHm, CoH?
00:40.07Kremontenow there's also, after the first screen, VIA Tech. RAID BIOS Ver 4.80.
00:40.14zeetgnah dont like coh
00:40.14Kremontethis has my 3rd HD
00:40.16zeetggot bored w/ swg
00:40.23IrielAh, can you go into that then
00:40.27Irieland see what you can set up there?
00:40.28Kremontei am there
00:40.30IrielOh yes, AO
00:40.32Kremontebut i cant do anything
00:40.34zeetgao doesnt work good on my friends pc, even if it's high end
00:40.45CodayusAO is to try.  Has some good ideas.  Old tech.
00:41.11IrielThere's EvE Online too
00:41.16Irielif you want a different style of MMO
00:41.35CodayusI could never get into eve...
00:41.49Legoroli'd love to try EVE... pity they don't have free trial
00:41.55zeetgeves not bad
00:41.57Legorolor if they do, point me in the direction!
00:41.57zeetgbut, nah
00:41.58ShadowdIt's okay
00:42.05IrielThey certainly DID have a free trial
00:42.07IrielI think they still do
00:42.08CodayusNot sure if it just isn't my kind of game - although it sounded like it - or if it was the tutorial/learning curve.
00:42.13IrielIt's very brutal
00:42.16CodayusYeah, they had one...thought they still did.
00:42.26IrielThey re-did the tutorial not so long ago too
00:42.28ShadowdTakes forever to get to places, not really a fan of the combat system either not enough control
00:42.31IrielKremonte : Ok, go back to your BIOS
00:42.34LegorolIriel, i looked on their site and couldn't find one, but if you happen to come across a free trial page for EVE, do linkie please
00:42.40zeetgok, next game? :)
00:42.58Legorolwell the only MMO I play is WoW UI modding
00:43.01IrielKremonte : Integrated peripherals, what is 'Onboard RAID' set to?
00:43.05Cairennwell, let's see here ... google search, "Eve Online", very first link ... "Eve Online Free Trial":
00:43.11CodayusATITD is a good game....very very different.  Very low specs.
00:43.14zeetgthats old
00:43.20Legorolit's massive undertaking sometimes (with the stupid bugs)
00:43.26Legorolit's multiplayer, see how many of us are in here
00:43.29Legoroland it's certainly done online
00:43.32zeetghaha it still works
00:43.36zeetgclick that Legorol
00:43.41Kremontewth, onchip secondary pci ide disappeared... Onboard H/W RAID is enabled
00:43.50Legorolwow, Cairenn
00:44.00Legoroli swear there is no direct link to that page anywhere on eve's page itself
00:44.03Legorolor if there is, i didn't find it
00:44.03CairennLegorol: ?
00:44.10IrielDisable that
00:44.14Irieland reboot
00:44.24IrielLegorol: I'll set you up with the free trial
00:44.31IrielLegorol : /msg me your preferred email
00:44.37zeetgLegorol, or click the link i gave :s
00:44.39Kremontegrub error 21...grr
00:44.40Kremonteone sec
00:44.44zeetgok, any other mmos
00:44.46zeetgUO was a lot of fun
00:44.51CairennEQ :p
00:44.52zeetgdoes anyone know if lineage2 has player housing
00:44.54IrielAnyone else who wants one, let me know too.
00:44.55Kremonteresetting BIOS, i might have screwed it up
00:44.55zeetgi hated eq
00:45.25IrielGuildWars is a non-MMO that feels kinda like one sometimes, you may try that too
00:45.34LegorolIriel, i will try the ones the others linked first, so i don't exhaust your resources
00:45.45Legoroli'd love to try GuildWars too, anyone know a free trial for that one :D
00:45.47IrielThis is their buddy system
00:45.50CodayusEQ doesn't have a trial, does it?
00:45.53IrielI have a paid account for EvE
00:46.13IrielI can send anyone who wants one a 14 day trial key for Eve
00:46.22Iriel(Do I actually PLAY it at the moment, no.)
00:47.27Kremonteyeah, iriel, disabling RAID gives me a grub error (21)
00:47.31zeetgi didnt like guild wars
00:47.35zeetgwe're gonna play eve
00:48.16zeetgcan you send me one too i guess
00:49.14zeetghopefully i can remember *my* username or i might have to restart
00:49.31LegorolIriel: but how many of those keys have you got..
00:49.39Legorolif you just have a finite number, don't waste it on me
00:49.42IrielI think infinite, I have no idea 8-)
00:50.00Legorolconversely, if you get some in-game benefit or other benefit from sending one, then i'm game :D
00:50.34IrielI have no idea there either, other than of course potentially increasing the world population 8-)
00:53.11IrielI've only hopelessly addicted one person, so far, to EvE
00:53.16zeetgIriel, wanna send me one more, i cant find my account info
00:53.24zeetgthat makes me sad
00:53.26zeetgi had nice stuff
00:53.28IrielSure, give me an email (lego, you too, so I can send both together) works
00:54.16IrielSent, sent.
00:54.23Legorolit looks like the link Cairenn got also allows unlimited free pass generation
00:54.28Legorolbut i haven't received the email from that one yet
00:54.31Legorolthanks Iriel!
00:54.37Legorolnow, for a fast download of the client...
00:54.41Kremonteugh. this is not good, i'm trying to boot a liveCD, but the drive is on one ofthe supposed-ATA connectors
00:55.00IrielKremonte : Okay, one thing I have read is...
00:55.15IrielYou can ONLY put optical devices on the main IDE slot
00:55.25Irielthey dont work on IDE2/IDE3
00:55.28Kremontehm, wait
00:55.28Iriel(HD's work on both)
00:55.29Kremonteit just loaded
00:55.37Kremontewhen i reset to optimized defaults
00:55.46Kremontelivecd booting linux :S
00:56.30Kremontenow linux can't detect the cdrom
00:56.32Kremonteeven more wierd.
00:56.38Kremontewell, i guess ill change my layout
00:57.13Legorolnow why doesn't Blizzard allow us to generate 10-day guest passes like that..
00:57.24Legorolthat'd be really cool, and i don't think it'd affect the economy ;-)
00:58.01IrielKremonte : Are you seeing IDE Channel 2 and IDE Channel 3 on the Standard CMOS page?
00:58.06Kremonteno :S
00:58.19zeetgLegorol, harass Anduin|Cowzzz to pass ont he msg, its a good idea
00:58.51IrielKremonte : On Integrated peripherals, what is On-chip SATA Mode set to?
00:59.07Legoroli can understand why Blizz doesn't want unlimited free trial access... they want to control the populations on the servers
00:59.10Kremonteuno secondo
00:59.28Kremontenew ide layout is freaking it out
00:59.28Legorolso they could give us the ability to generate a free trial key maybe once a week or month or whatever
00:59.40Legorolok, i will return you to your hardware discussion ;-)
01:00.48Kremontedamn sound card ravaged my hand ><
01:01.09Kremontethis is very wierd
01:01.16Kremonteit wont load now
01:01.30LegorolIriel, what is EvE online: Exodus?
01:01.33Legorolis it like an expansion?
01:01.38Legoroland is it included in the free trial?
01:02.17IrielIt's just the current 'version'
01:02.32IrielThey name their large updates
01:02.47IrielThere's a single universe (Well, one test one, one live one)
01:03.05futrtrublyou can tell I haven't really played WoW in a while, I have 31 talent points to distribute on my Pally
01:03.10Kremontek now it does..
01:03.26IrielNow it does what, lists the other drives?
01:03.26Kremonteon chip SATA is set to auto
01:03.49Irielokay, so it does appear to work the way that was suggested
01:03.56IrielIDE2/IDE3 and the SATA channels are shared
01:04.11Kremonteill see if the livecd works
01:04.17Irielso, can you set set the appropriate IDE2/IDE3 devices on the main BIOS page?
01:04.27IrielI.e. take them from [none] to [auto]
01:04.42IrielOr did it identify them already?
01:04.49IrielOn your main bios page, when it lists IDE0/IDE2/IDE3
01:04.55Irieldoes it list all your drives?
01:05.01Kremonteonly the ones on the main IDE slot
01:05.04Irielor did IDE2/IDE3 all say [none] ?
01:05.14IrielOkay, can you go back there and change [none] to [auto]
01:05.20Irielfor 2 and 3
01:05.28Kremontethere is no way to hange to auto
01:05.29Iriel(or at least, the ones you have drives attached to)
01:05.33Legorolremotely giving help with BIOS configuration, ouch.... good luck guys!
01:05.52Legorolis Kremonte at least chatting from the PC whose BIOS he is configuring? ;-)
01:05.58Kremontelol no
01:06.09Kremonteif i go onto none it just lets me re-detect ide drives on that slot
01:06.27Irieland if you re-detect on IDE2/IDE3, does it find any?
01:06.54IrielIs On-board raid still set to OFF?
01:06.56zeetgso no one knows if lineage 2 has playe rhousing?
01:07.03Kremonteshould i re-set it to off?
01:07.14Irielyes, please
01:07.59Temgod I love water to air
01:08.05Kremontenow what? :X
01:08.11Kremontetem, water to air? wtf :X
01:08.21Tem1: buy essense of water on the AH for 7g
01:08.21Kremontehow much are they on your server, water is always the ost expensive ><
01:08.27Tem2: Transmute it to water
01:08.33Tem3: Sell on the AH for 18g
01:08.38Kremontewater to wateR?!!?1/1 ;)
01:08.48Kremontei know
01:08.48Temtransmute it to air**
01:09.06IrielOk, Kremonte: Are IDE2 IDE3 changeable now?
01:09.33IrielAnd if not, can you save your settings, then power off, wait 30 seconds, and power on the machine?
01:10.17Kremontegoing to bios when i power on i presume?
01:11.18Kremontestill cant detect drives
01:11.39zespriactually I don't see anything on the front page of the korean sites that ressembles the patch notes. but then again I don;t read korean...
01:11.50IrielOk, have you connected any cable to the "USB Over Current pin in the Front USB Panel" ??
01:12.15Kremontei have nothing plugged into the front of the case
01:13.11IrielSo, where we're at now is that Standard CMOS features lists the channels, but cannot find the drives, even when asked to?
01:13.36Legorolhard disk failure..
01:13.54Kremontethey work fine
01:14.00Kremontejust not with this otherboard
01:14.09Legorolwhat mobo would that be
01:14.18Legorolok, i got curious now, mind if i jump into the brainstorm?
01:14.20Cairennzespri: heh, me either
01:14.34IrielKremonte: Well, since we're in "play with bios settings" mode, try setting On-Chip SATA Mode to 'Enhanced'
01:14.51IrielThese descriptions are so vague it's hard to tell what they actually mean
01:15.03Kremontestill cant detect anything
01:15.14Legoroli have a link to a site with descriptions of hundreds of BIOS settings, maybe that'd help? i'll get the link
01:15.28zespriso, Cairenn I wonder where erps got this carzy idea of the patch notes on the korean site
01:15.32IrielLegorol : I have the manual for THAT motherboard in front of me
01:15.51Legorolyah, but mobo manuals don't say much about what settings do normally ..
01:16.02Cairennzespri: dunno ... wonder if he is still awake, to ask him
01:16.17zesprigermany... they are fast a sleep at this time
01:18.23Kremonteugh this sucks
01:18.27Kremonteso much for it working
01:18.47IrielKremonte : Well, let's go through the other On-Chip SATA options, and see which affect the listing on the front page
01:18.59Kremontethe listing does not change, though=/
01:19.03LegorolIriel and Kremonte, i don't mean to be a nuisance, do you mind if i join in..
01:19.03IrielKremonte : Try 'Disabled', 'Combined' and 'Non-Combined'
01:19.11Kremontek then :Q
01:19.37IrielLegorol : Sure, the problem is getting the extra 2 on-board IDE channels to fire up
01:19.50IrielLegorol : We know the drives are good, because they show up in the 'Raid utility' later
01:20.19Kremontecombined showed ide 1master/slave on the main bootup
01:20.20Legorolare you actually trying to have them in a RAID?
01:20.22IrielThe MoBo seems to do some strange sharing of resources between SATA and IDE2/IDE3
01:20.26Kremontethey were blank.
01:20.45IrielKremonte : Ok.. and Non-Combined?
01:20.49Kremontetrying noew
01:20.54IrielLegorol : No, not raid, just normal
01:21.13Kremontenon combined showed no hdd's, lol
01:21.23IrielAnd 'Disabled' ?
01:21.28Kremontejust showed ide0
01:22.09Irielso Auto shows all of the channels, but none of the others do, hm.
01:22.48Kremontewhy must this be so complicated ; ; damn you gigabyte
01:23.09IrielI'm really surprised it's THIS complicate.
01:23.29IrielYou're sure your drives are connected right, too? master only for theone, and master/slave for the 2?
01:23.35Legorolat the risk of slowing you down a little bit, could you list the complete set of devices you are trying to connect to the IDE and/or SATA connectors?
01:23.53Kremonte3 hard drives and a dvd drive? heh
01:24.55Legoroland they are all IDE?
01:24.57IrielThe only other thing I can suggest is using Q-Flash to flash your Bios to the most recent version (F8) unless it's already there
01:25.00Kremonteyes, lego
01:27.20Kremonteugh, i'm on the verge of overnighting a new mobo
01:27.43IrielOn further googling, it appears that the only way you can get at those IDE controllers is via the raid drivers after boot
01:27.53Kremontethat wont let me do anything, tho
01:27.58Kremonteonly key that works is "esc'
01:28.28Irielyeah, I dont mean the BIOS level raid stuff
01:28.32IrielI mean once you're booted into an O/S
01:28.45IrielUnless you're actually planning on doing a RAID configuration
01:28.50Kremonteno, haha
01:28.54Kremontei just want it like my old one ><
01:30.08IrielKremonte: Did yo uever tell me what BIOS revision you're on?
01:30.49Kremontehow do i find that :X
01:31.18Kremonteit just says CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1984-2005 Award Software
01:31.37IrielIt should flash by on the way into the BIOS
01:31.43Irielit'll be F<some number>
01:32.38Kremontei dont see it anywhere :X
01:32.43IrielAlso, do you have a floppy drive attached to the machine
01:32.50IrielDo you have the mobo manual, if so, look at page 57
01:34.34Kremonteflash bios?
01:35.22IrielAt the bottom of that page is a picture
01:35.22Irielshowing where the BIOS revision shows up during boot
01:35.38Kremontewhich manual are you looking at, link?
01:35.55Irielmanual_8i915g duo_e.pdf
01:35.58IrielFrom the gigabyte site
01:36.41Kremonteah was a different one
01:36.43Kremonteone sec
01:38.48Kremonteblah, firefox is going crazy on me
01:39.09LegorolIriel and Kremonte, i read (most of) your conversation, and i have some ideas
01:39.24LegorolI'm not very familiar with linux, so i'd like to ask a question or two first
01:39.36Legorolwhen you do ls /proc/ide, and you get: ide0 hda hdb
01:39.50Legoroldoes that mean your machien is seeing a single IDE channel with two HDs connected to it?
01:40.23Kremontehm iriel, it just says FA
01:40.32Kremonteyes legorol
01:40.37Kremonteas opposed to 2 ide channels
01:40.39Legorolcan hdX stand for DVD drive as well, or does it stand for a hard disk strictly
01:40.53Kremonteonly for a hard drive
01:41.01Kremontei have hda hdb and hdc, and my dvd drive
01:41.09Legorolyou have the DVD connected to the non-green connector, right?
01:41.15Kremonteright now yes
01:41.16Kremontebefore it wasnt
01:41.24Kremonteright now i see just one HD, and the dvd drive
01:41.29Kremontebefore i woul donly see the other 2 hd's
01:41.35Legorolok, that makes sense
01:41.48Legorolthe green connectors are powered by the onboard VIA chip
01:41.54Kremontei just want this ATA connector to pretend its IDE...'
01:41.54Legorolyour linux might need a driver for that?
01:42.02Kremontethe _BIOS_ won't read it
01:42.03LegorolATA and IDE are pretty much the same thing
01:42.12Kremonteagain, the bios itself won't read it
01:42.13Legorolwhy wouldn't the BIOS be reading it?
01:42.22Kremonteum, i don't know?
01:42.28Kremontethats why im here
01:42.48Legorolfrom your mobo's manual, it seems that there is nothing in your BIOS that would list the devices connected to the green connectors
01:42.57Legoroldo correct me if i misread it
01:43.02Legorolor if you have a different conclusion
01:43.06Kremontei havent read the whole manual, i just opened it
01:43.24IrielI didn't read it that way, but the implication from the things i'm finding on google, would imply that may be the case
01:43.35IrielThat in fact the bios will NEVER see it, and chance are you'll never be able to boot of it
01:43.50Irielwhich then brings us to the question of... does linux even have drivers for the raid chip
01:43.58Legorolwell you can boot off of it, if the VIA chip is configured correctly
01:44.00Kremontei want to use windows as well, though.
01:44.00Irielbecause obviously you could boot of a drive attached to IDE0
01:44.16Legorolhave you tried entering the VIA RAID setup portion, and disabling RAID support?
01:44.18Kremontei want 2 bootable hdd's, and be able to boot from disc
01:44.23Kremontei cant do anything on that, lego
01:44.32Kremonteon the VIA setup screen, i cant do anything
01:45.14Legorolbut the hard disk do show up there, right?
01:45.27IrielHey, Kremonte, is that a Rev 2.x Duo board?
01:46.39LegorolKremonte, could you go into your BIOS, go to Advanced BIOS Features,
01:47.12Legoroland go to hard disk boot priority
01:47.21Kremontetheres just the 1 HD
01:47.36Legorolyou don't have any SCSI devices listed on there?
01:48.41Legorolok, in the BIOS, in Integrated Peripherals,
01:48.57Legoroldo you have Onboard H/W Raid set to Enabled?
01:49.13Kremonteright now, no
01:49.17Legorolthen do
01:49.51Legorolsave settings, reboot, re-enter bios
01:49.58Legorolthat settings is misleading
01:50.00Kremonteit was enabled before
01:50.05Kremontetheres no difference
01:50.12Legorolalthough it says "raid", in practice it controls whether the green connectors are enabled or not
01:50.16Legorollet's take it one step at a time
01:50.35Kremontein BIOS again
01:50.40Legorolok, advanced setup,
01:50.43Legorolboot priority
01:50.55Kremontenow SCSI devices are there
01:51.00Legorolok cool
01:51.02Legorolthat's what you want
01:51.22Legorolthe " Onboard H/W Raid" beig set to Disabled completely turns off the green connectors on your mobo
01:51.35Kremontei see
01:51.55Legorolnow, you should see two SCSI devices, they are the two hard disks connected to green connectors
01:52.16IrielHm, progress?
01:52.17Kremontei changed the boot priority so its as if they were as they were before, but it sitll can' tfind /dev/hdc1 in linux
01:52.19Kremontea bit, perhaps
01:52.26LegorolIriel: yes
01:52.42IrielWell, boot into linux and see if you have any devices, if they're pretending to be scsi they may show up elsewhere
01:52.46Legorolok Kremonte, does any of your Hard disks connected to the green connectors support booting?
01:53.02Kremonteits booting as if the first hd on that is my first hd, as it was efore
01:53.03Legorolyou can try setting that one to boot from in the priority thingy
01:53.08Kremonte(i changed boot priorities)
01:53.15Legorolhow far do you get that way?
01:53.27Kremontedont mistake me though, the first hd connected is bootable with linux
01:53.32Kremontesame as before
01:53.37Kremontelinux still doesnt find hdc
01:53.42Legorolwait wait
01:53.51Legoroli don't know what was before, so let's take it one step at a time
01:54.07Legorolone of your hard disks in green connector is bootable in principle, right?
01:54.15Legoroland you set that one as the one to boot from?
01:54.22Kremonteit has GRUB on it
01:54.45Legorolwhen your system boots, can you tell if it's really booting from that hard disk, or if it ends up booting from the one connected to the black connector?
01:54.51IrielLego, stop a minute
01:54.59IrielHis boot isn't set up that way
01:55.13IrielHe's booting one of the other drives, but his ROOT partition is on hdc
01:55.24Irielthe drive on IDE0 is actually booting though
01:55.33Legorolok, and that's the bit i am confused about
01:55.40Irielpresumably there's a boot partition on that drive? kremonte?
01:55.42Legoroli asked him if a drive in the green connector is bootable, and he said yes
01:55.46Kremonteokay, let me reword
01:56.01KremontePREVIOUSLY, pre-new-motherboard, i had a configuration as follows
01:56.29KremonteIDE0 master: windows w/ GRUB, booted from; IDE0 slave: ntfs files, IDE1 master: linux, root /hdc/
01:56.45Kremonteright now, i have my old IDE1 master and DVD drive as IDE0
01:57.02Kremonteand my old IDE0 stuff, ie windows w/ grub and files, are on the green connector (scsi i suppose)
01:57.25Legorolare you sure that's perfectly correct?
01:57.25Kremontei changed it so it boots in that configuration, 1 - scsi0, 2 - scsi1, 3 ch0 m
01:57.38Legorolthe reason i am asking is that
01:57.40Kremontei had AB CD, now its CD AB
01:57.57Legoroldo you get as far as GRUB loading?
01:58.20Legoroland since GRUB is on your old IDE0, which is now in a green connector,
01:58.26IrielNo, IDE0 isn't green
01:58.28IrielIDE0 is red
01:58.31Legorolwait, Iriel
01:58.41Legorolhe said he plugged his OLD ide0 into green
01:58.45Kremonteyes, i di
01:58.54Legorolso grub is in a green
01:59.06Irieloh, you're right.
01:59.19Irielsorry (I'm confused how it's booting into linux at all then)
01:59.20Legorolso the computer does get as far as physically reading from the drives in green connector
01:59.38Legoroli don't know much about linux booting, so i don't know how it boots
01:59.47Legorolbut here is my guess:
01:59.58IrielI know how it boots
02:00.14IrielThis changes a few things though
02:00.18Legoroldo you think it's getting as far as starting to read from the drive in red connector?
02:00.27Kremontei can draw a picture :D
02:00.34Legorolmy suspicion is that his linux is missing the driver for the VIA controller (green connectors)
02:00.40IrielThe drive that used to be hdc, is that onw plugged into IDE0 ?
02:00.53IrielWell, that' swhy you can't find hdc then
02:00.55Irielit's now hda
02:01.00Kremontei changed boot priority
02:01.03Kremonteso now its as if its hdc
02:01.05IrielThat doesn't matter
02:01.07IrielNo, it's not
02:01.09Kremonteit worked before, when i had boot discrepancies
02:01.14Irielboot priority has NOTHING TO DO with drive assignments in linux
02:01.18Irielwindows, yes
02:01.22Kremontewierd, it did :X
02:01.22Irielyour boot drive is always C
02:01.25Irielbut not linux
02:01.34Kremontei changed some priority in BIOS before, and it fixed locations
02:01.37Legorolok, so does linux need to know the name of the drive?
02:01.51LegorolIriel is correct, your Linux is on hda
02:01.55Kremonteyes, but all my configs are set to hdc
02:02.02Kremonteid essentially need a reformat =P
02:02.05Irielthat's not too hard to change
02:02.06Legorolyou need to reconfigure it to hda
02:02.08Irielno, you wouldn't
02:02.21Kremontei know i would need to change grub (duh)
02:02.28IrielYou'd boot with a live disk, mount your drives, and change grub and fstab
02:02.43Irielit's fiddly, but far less annoying that a complete rebuild
02:02.50Kremonteone sec
02:02.56LegorolIriel, the prompt that Kremonte is getting, is that supplied by grub, or is that something being read off the (current) hda?
02:03.12IrielWell, no
02:03.13Kremontemy special GRUB-menu is there =P
02:03.15IrielNNot the # prompt
02:03.17Kremontei made an ascii cow on it
02:03.25IrielGrub is booting linux
02:03.28Iriel(or at least was)
02:03.34Kremontewait wait
02:03.35Legorolcould it start booting it and fail half-way?
02:03.50Irielthe boot image isn't necessarily with the root partition
02:03.50Kremontethe grub-menu is on my linux drive, but grub boots from me MBR
02:04.00IrielYou have grub on more than one drive
02:04.02Kremontei dont know if it is right now, though
02:04.05IrielThat is probably why we're so confused
02:04.26Legorolthat's one of the questions i asked, is there a way you can tell WHICH grub is being started?
02:04.43Kremontei cant boot livecd now
02:04.44IrielI dont kno wif grub tells you on the way 'up'
02:04.52Kremontewhat the hell -_-
02:04.53IrielYou changed the boot order
02:04.56IrielThat's probably why
02:04.57Legorolso we are not 100% yet that it's actually reading the one in the green connector
02:04.59Kremontek, sec
02:05.12IrielI dont believe it's pulling any data from those drives
02:05.22Legorolchanging the boot order will change which grub is being read,
02:05.22IrielBut at this point, it quite possibly doesn't have to
02:05.27Legorolbut only if the driver is actually accessible
02:05.34IrielYes, more or less
02:05.39Legorolso from here, i can't tell which grub is being read
02:05.43Irieldepending on how helpful the BIOS is being
02:05.52Legorolis it possible that grub looks the same whether being read from hda or hdc?
02:05.57Kremonteif i dont get this working by the end of the night, i might just overnight a new mobo
02:06.08Kremontegrub needs the menu.lst file, lego
02:06.12Kremonteand thats on my linux partition
02:06.13Irielgrub probably doesn't care that much
02:06.17Irielit finds devices differently
02:06.23LegorolOk, i have a suggestion: for sake of non-confusion, from now, let's label the drives thusly:
02:06.28Kremontei reset the order and it still doesnt find cdrom
02:06.30Legorolhda is the drive in red connector
02:06.30Kremontewtf .. -_-
02:06.35Legorolhdb, hdc are the ones in green connectors
02:06.42Legorolsince that's your current state, right?
02:06.56Legorolthen my question for you linux people is:
02:07.11Legorolwhen the computer boots and loads grub, is there any way you can tell if it had read grub from the MBR of hda or hdb?
02:07.27Kremontei dont know
02:07.31Kremontenone of this is working
02:08.07IrielLegorol: Not unless grub tells us, I dont think, though a process of elimination could probably figure it out.
02:08.19Legorolok, i suggest: unplug hda,
02:08.24Kremontei just want SOMETHING loading
02:08.25Legorolsee if the computer gets as far as grub
02:08.33IrielIDE0: hda hdb
02:08.35IrielIDE1: hdc hdd
02:08.38IrielIDE2: hde hdf
02:08.45Legorolhe has a DVD on IDE0
02:08.46IrielIDE3; hdg hdh
02:09.02Legoroldoes that matter?
02:09.16Legorolah ok
02:09.20Legorollet's use that labeling then
02:09.21Irielit should, but we haven't gotten that far yet, usefully 8-)
02:09.30Legoroli still suggest unplugging hda,
02:09.32IrielI'd like to see us get back into linux at this point, and at least get THAT working
02:09.37Legorolto see if the computer can load grub from the green
02:09.40Kremonteyeah iriel, thats what im trying to do
02:09.47Kremonteoky, i reset bios, let cdrom load first
02:09.49Kremontenow livecd is loading
02:09.59Kremonteyou can probably already tell, but this is getting me VERY frustrated
02:10.08Legorolthis menu.lst thing, it doesn't have to be on same drive as grub, right?
02:10.10Irielyeah, I dont blame you, I hate this kind of 'process'
02:10.24IrielLegorol : Not necessarily, no. It depends how you configure it
02:10.43Legoroldo you have tools for viewing the state of grub in the MBR of every drive?
02:11.04Legorolbtw, wouldn't Linux require special drivers for handling drives attached to the VIA chip?
02:11.07LegorolWindows does..
02:11.29IrielLegorol : Yes, which is why I want to get kremonte into linux ASAP
02:11.42IrielLegorol : Because, if we can't find working drivers, he may as well send it back anyway
02:11.55IrielLegorol : But there's a fair chance they're sitting in his /lib/modules directory
02:12.14Legorolthe reason why i still suggest unplugging hda as a test is this:
02:12.31Legorolthat allows you to verify if the computer is able to boot from a drive in the green connector or not
02:12.52Kremontelegorol, you can
02:12.55Kremonteif its enabled in boot priorities
02:12.56Legorolif it's able to boot from the green, then he can boot from hdc, which has his almost correctly configured grub, if i understand correctly
02:13.02LegorolKremonte: no, boot priorities isn't enough of a test
02:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
02:13.15Kremontebut i only need 1 bootable drive
02:13.16Kremontewith GRUB
02:13.19Legorolbecause if the drive is not bootable, then the BIOS skips it and moves on
02:13.19IrielWell, the easiest test would be to put the drives back in the order they used to be
02:13.22Kremonteso either way, i can just use that
02:13.25IrielBut, actually, he can't do that
02:13.34Legorolhe can't, because of the DVD
02:13.37Irielbecause he has no IDE1
02:13.47Kremonteokay, ubuntu is up and running
02:13.50Legorolit's probably showing up as SCSI
02:13.55Iriellive cd?
02:14.19IrielThat machine isn't internet accessible is it by any chance?
02:14.36Kremontewell i usually had my ethernet plugged into that
02:14.43Kremontebut some tech geniuses broke the wifi here
02:14.46Kremonteso no, its not
02:14.52Irielok.. this will just be slower 8-)
02:15.00IrielAlright, let's see what you have
02:15.06Kremontewell iriel
02:15.10Kremontei can disconnect this comp
02:15.12Kremonteand run from xchat
02:15.26Kremonteshall i?
02:15.28Irieli'm wondering if it's going to be able to be logged into from here
02:15.33IrielIf I can sh into your machine this can go MUCH faster
02:15.35Kremontemight as well try
02:15.37Kremonteone sec
02:15.37Iriel(if you trust me, of course 8-))
02:15.50TainDont' touch it!  It's evil!
02:16.02Legorolin the meantime i'll just comment on what else could be wrong in the BIOS setup:
02:16.19Legorolthe VIA chip might have RAID mode enabled, in which case it needs disabling
02:16.23Cairennzomg, trust Iriel? O.O
02:16.38IrielIs there an easy place to disable that Lego?
02:16.41Legoroli saw you guys already played around with the SATA/PATA mode settings, that might need looking at again
02:16.49LegorolIriel: it needs to be done from teh VIA raid setup screen
02:16.51IrielBecause I agree that has 'issues'
02:17.02Legorolthe thing you get into by going past the BIOS, and pressing Tab
02:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
02:17.08kremonte_oookay, one sec
02:17.14kremonte_need to fix the case
02:18.14LegorolIriel: i dont' know if you read this or not, but you need to have "Onboard H/W Raid" enabled in the Integrated Peripherals
02:18.43IrielI saw you say that, I can believe it the manual is less than clear on which way those go.
02:19.04Legorolthat setting controls whether the VIA controller is enabled or not in the first place
02:19.08Legorolit has nothing to do with raid
02:19.10kremonte_stupid ase
02:19.11Legorolstupid naming
02:19.15kremonte_wont let the ethernet cable go thru
02:19.51IrielDid you not replace the little push out panel at the back?
02:19.53LegorolIriel, have you downloaded the VIA RAID configuration supplement to kremonte's mobo?
02:20.10kremonte_nope : P thats the problem
02:20.15kremonte_trying to use brute force
02:20.27Legorolit explains in there how to enable the VIA chip and set it up for both raid/non-raid configuration
02:22.23Tainhaha I fought with grub just last night switching drives around.
02:22.41IrielIronically I have an earlier incarnation of that mobo (Very similar design, but pre PCI-Express), however I have an SATA setup.
02:22.43TainYou dont' need extra drivers normally for VIA non-raid.
02:22.58IrielAnd this machine is a VIA non-raid configuration.
02:23.19TainUnless support was specifically taken out of the kernel when it was compiled, which no distribution I know does.
02:23.23Iriel(2 separate machines, in this instance, one is the P4 one, and this is an AMD one)
02:24.16kremonte_i have to completely remount the mobo
02:24.18kremonte_i want to cry
02:24.30IrielSadly yes
02:24.34IrielI have been through your pain
02:24.53IrielYou wont make this mistake again tho, that's a plus 8-)
02:25.08kremonte_ugh, from now on
02:25.17kremonte_i am looking at what i by with EXTREME SCRUTINY WRAOAR
02:25.26Legorolisn't there only one way to mount a mobo?
02:25.32SP|Sorrenanyone around for c++ questions :P
02:25.34kremonte_oh, wait
02:25.37kremonte_umount /dev/motherboard
02:25.39kremonte_boo, didnt work
02:25.41IrielThe problem is this mobo has a customized backplate
02:25.48IrielSP|Sorren : Yes?
02:26.03IrielWhich is locked into place by the mobo itself, in the case
02:26.17Irielit comes WITH the backplate, but you do need to remember to fit it before you screw the mobo into the case
02:26.24Irielotherwise you have to remove the whole thing again
02:26.27Legoroloh right, that one
02:26.39kremonte_im not gonna use a backplate period
02:26.42kremonte_screw it
02:26.44Legorolwhy would you not remove the old one?
02:26.48SP|Sorrenif i do blahblah* blah = new blahblah[100] does blah[10] == NULL?
02:26.57kremonte_never paid attention to it
02:27.04kremonte_ive only reinstalled...2 new motherboards, ever
02:27.09kremonte_i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
02:27.18Legorolbut if it's custom, how can the mobo fit in there at all, with the old backplate in place?
02:27.34Legorolwouldn't the old backplate hit bits of the mobo?
02:27.43kremonte_it doesnt fit all the wya to the side of the case
02:28.02Legorolwell nvm
02:28.10Legoroli'm sympathetic, i know mobo replacement is a harsh thing.
02:28.12IrielSP|Sorren I dont believe you can count on it.
02:28.18IrielLegorol : it's just a question of where the HOLES are
02:28.20SP|Sorrenmost mobo's i've worked with come with a back plate that pops in
02:28.28SP|Sorrenalrite, thanks iriel
02:28.30kremonte_it did
02:28.31IrielThis mobo does too
02:28.37kremonte_i just forgot about it
02:28.54kremonte_see, THIS is why i hate hardware with a burning, burning passion
02:28.56SP|Sorrendid you forget to remove the case's default back plate or something? :o
02:29.05IrielSP|Sorren : Actually, roll back one step
02:29.08kremonte_my old motherboard's, yes
02:29.12IrielSP|Sorren : You do blahblah* blah = new blahblah[100]
02:29.19Irielis blahblah an object?
02:29.36SP|Sorrenblahblah is my custom blahblah object, which holds other gobbledegook
02:29.51SP|Sorrenor can, rather
02:29.54IrielSP|Sorren : Does blahblah have a default ctor?
02:30.06SP|Sorrenyes, actually
02:30.14IrielThen that gets called for each object
02:30.16kremonte_and the best part is,
02:30.18Legorolit takes me ages to install a mobo, but at least i end up with all the bits in place
02:30.22kremonte_tis was just for a new video card
02:30.23SP|Sorrenwell that makes sense.
02:30.32SP|Sorrenthanks again lol
02:30.33kremonte_but i couldnt get a new pcie mobo without getting a socket T processor
02:30.51Legorolsocket T?
02:30.59kremonte_socke 775
02:31.13SP|Sorrenis this new? or intel?
02:31.26Legorollatest intel socket
02:31.59Legorolkremonte_, did you not have to replace your power supply by any chance
02:32.06Legoroli see your newe mobo has the 24-pin power supply connector
02:32.11Legoroli fell for that trap :(
02:32.22Legoroli bought a new mobo recently and replaced a 2.5 years old one
02:32.42Legoroli put it in, happy and all, and then i notice that contrary to the mobo's manual itself, it has a 24-pin connector rather than 20
02:32.43kremonte_thats new? lol
02:32.47kremonte_all 4 of my mobos have had that
02:32.53Legorolnew by my standards
02:33.00IrielWas the old mobo an AMD one?
02:33.09IrielIntel required that PSU connector long before AMD did
02:33.10kremonte_yeah well i'm 14 years old, so i'm not well versed in anything quite yet =P
02:33.16Legorolit's just that the ATX spec that was changed from 20 to 24 pin is a very very old spec
02:33.23Legoroland the 20 pins have been around for ages
02:33.30kremonte_oh, 24 pin
02:33.35kremonte_i didnt need to use the last 4 pins
02:33.36Legoroland i happened to not get a new mobo since the 20->24 pin change
02:33.37kremonte_sorry, misread
02:33.46Legorolthat's dangerous
02:33.50Legoroli suggest replacing your power supply
02:33.59kremonte_eh? the mobo came with the 4 pin sblocked off
02:34.12Legorolthen whoever did that is stupid
02:34.19Legoroli know you *can* plug in the 20-pin connector
02:34.29Legorolbut you can end up with not enough power going to the PCI-E card
02:34.38kremonte_the pcie card has its own power connector..
02:34.53IrielWell, we're back to why I wont buy GigaByte boards anymore
02:34.58Legorolok, use it at your own risk
02:35.02SP|Sorrencan i get blahblah* blah = new blahblah[100] to call constructors other than the default constructor?
02:35.13IrielSP|Sorren | Nope
02:35.14Legorolthere is a reason for the 20->24 pin changeover
02:35.15kremonte_lego, my old board was like that too
02:35.18Legorolit's not just the pins
02:35.19SP|Sorrenhmm, alrite
02:35.36kremonte_well iriel
02:35.39kremonte_any motherboards youd suggest?
02:35.42Legorolin the ATX specification where the 20->24 pin change is made, there are other changes to the power supply requirements
02:35.44kremonte_for ~$100
02:35.56Legorola power supply with a 20-pin connector is not guaranteed to meet those requirements
02:36.00IrielI dunno, i'm no expert unfortunately, I just had too many gigabyte failures 8-(
02:36.02Legoroli am not saying it won't work
02:36.03kremonte_but this one does, eh
02:36.16kremonte_well iriel, what do you ue
02:36.16IrielI'm happy with the last ASUS I got
02:36.32Legorolthe kind of things i am talking about is this:
02:36.40IrielRight now i'm GigaByte, GigaByte, ASUS (On home-built)
02:36.51Legorolthere are stringent guidelines on how much power the power supply must be able to supply on the 3, 5 and 12 volt leads
02:36.52Irielit used to be all GB, until the previous GB failed
02:36.53kremonte_my old gigabyte board failed
02:36.57kremonte_got a new on efor half price
02:37.02Legorolthese guidelines have changed with the 20->24 changeover
02:37.05Irielbut another one is on its last legs (And has charring on the PCB from a bad connector)
02:37.19kremonte_lol okay lego, i get it
02:37.48LegorolAsus is good
02:37.53Legorolbut i just had an Asus mobo fail on me :(
02:37.58IrielSP|Sorren : There's nothing stopping you from iterating over them all later and doing something else, or maybe using a blahblah*[100] array
02:38.50IrielOh, Legorol :
02:39.06kremonte_ffs -_- my case just broke
02:39.17kremonte_now my pcie card wont stay mounted, ugh
02:39.20kremonte_this is horrile
02:40.44LegorolIriel: excellent effort
02:40.53Legoroli am reading through it to see if i can find any mistakes
02:41.01Legorolbut i'm not the best test subject because i know it in detail
02:41.10Legoroltry to get someone to read it who is currently confused about it
02:41.24IrielI did , well, maybe not 'confused'
02:41.55IrielLegorol : Anyway, having you read it as an 'expert' is actually better, I'm more worried about correctness than clarity at first, I can always reword confusing things later
02:41.57Irielkremonte_ : 8-(
02:41.58kremonte_none of my screws fit'
02:42.40kremonte_guess ill make a suitable wedge out of some ppaper...
02:43.20Tain"I know the pieces fit, I watched them fall away."
02:43.43LegorolIriel, i am not 100% on the anchor points
02:44.03Legorolthe arguments to SetPoint are taken to be in the scale defined by SetScale, right?
02:44.11Legoroli mean GetScale
02:44.14Legorolnot GetEffectiveScale
02:44.31Legorolis that what you are trying to say there?
02:44.36IrielLegorol : It depends if you're talking parent-relative or screen-relative
02:45.04IrielLegorol : In 'absolute' terms (assuming the root is the base), it's effective scale, in terms of what you get on-screen
02:45.29IrielUsually people are doing parent-relative anchors, in which case your effective distance is Scale based (not EffectiveScale based)
02:45.40kremonte_here goes nothing
02:51.09TainI'm trying to work it out in my head, I thought (going from memory) that when doing a SetPoint the x,y it really doesn't matter what scale the point you're attaching to is, x,y is always going to be in the scale of the frame you are attaching.  Attaching "from" as it were.
02:52.08*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
02:52.11kremontek, on livecd
02:52.39kremonteyou around, iriel?
02:52.55TainI guess what I'm saying is the wording confuses me.  Yes it would produce unexpected results if the scales of the two are different, but only if you are expecting to see the scale of the frame you're attaching to.  Make sure people stay in the mindset of your attach "from" point scale and it simplifies any chance of confusion.
02:53.07Legorolokay yeah Iriel, i think it's all correct
02:53.57Legorolif you fancy, you can also add that if both explicit size and anchors are specified, than GetWidth/Height still return the explicit size
02:54.10Legoroli'm not sure it's appropriate for this page though
02:57.13Irieli'm back 8-)
02:57.19kremontehey iriel
03:03.56Irielkremonte Is telnetd open?
03:04.05Iriel(Assume that was a /msg 8-))
03:04.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:04.44LegorolIriel, once you finished investigating kremonte's machine, would you be so kind as to summarise for me what you saw?
03:04.49Legoroli got curious now with all that
03:04.56IrielSure, if I get in 8-)
03:13.30Legorolyou have to be able to get out too ;-) otherwise you'll be lost in there forever..
03:22.51SP|Sorrenfor c++ the standard namespace is std right?
03:24.14Legorolc++ has namespaces?
03:25.10SP|Sorrenim pretty sure it does ;)
03:25.15IrielYes, c++ has namespaces
03:25.15Legorolmust be ages since i used that languages, it probably changed
03:25.26SP|Sorrencurse you visual studio!
03:25.36SP|Sorrenmaybe ill try borland
03:26.25Legorolwere namespaces introduced in c++ at some point recently?
03:26.31Legorol(recent say the last 10 years)
03:26.44SP|Sorreni have no idea ;)
03:26.50IrielWell, in the last 15 or so years, I'd imagine
03:26.54IrielI'll try and find out a year for you
03:27.00Legorolnah it's ok
03:27.04Legorolbut it wasn't always there, right?
03:27.31Legorolhm, but that must mean the language itself was redefined
03:27.35kremonteo_O 15 years ago? wow, that's like, before electricity
03:28.08Legorolwell i'd been programming c++ about 10-12 years ago
03:28.30Legorolmaybe 14
03:28.33IrielThey were in the language in 1991
03:28.33kremonteid been eating donuts and getting playdoh on the carpet 12 years ago
03:29.15Irielwhich is the publish date on the 2nd edition of the C++ Programming Language
03:31.04Cairennkremonte: 12 years ago, you were probably eating the playdoh and getting the donuts on the carpet
03:31.24kremontenah, i was a donut fiend, there's so many pictures of me stealing them from the fridge...and pictures of me getting playdoh on the carpet ;(
03:31.25Cairennsince by your own admission, you would have been about 2 :p
03:31.44kremonteif i ate playdoh, i'd probably be a lot smarter than i am now ;P
03:32.25Cairennwell, it's been my experience that every kid eats playdoh at least once, typically more than once
03:33.32Cairenn*especially* if their parents were dumb enough to get them the scented playdoh
03:33.42SP|Sorreni ate playdough. i recall it being salty.
03:33.47SP|Sorrenand not very good.
03:34.41kremonteplaydoh was a no-no
03:34.46kremontethere was like one thing of it in the entire house
03:34.52kremontebut i used it anyway! muahahaha
03:37.17TainPlaydoh is mostly just water, flour, and salt.
03:37.36kremontei made playdoh in second grade :D
03:37.46kremonteit was fun
03:39.43SP|Sorrenanyone know where NULL is defined in c++
03:40.53SP|Sorrenhm, sounds good to me
03:40.56SP|Sorrenill try it :)
03:41.58TainI'd like to have a stdlib in real life so I know where to look up things.
03:42.17SP|Sorrenthx fanook, it appears to be there :)
03:42.24Fanooki've got a stdlib.
03:42.28Fanookit's called google :)
03:43.22IrielIt's in malloc.h on my machine
03:44.50Fanookre: namespaces, i was never taught them (i did my C++ classes in 99-01). had to learn them on my own. never really needed them yet, other than to stop g++ warning me about using the "old" style #includes
03:45.23IrielThey only really started to get used once things the the stl and the new libraries kicked in
03:45.32IrielI certainly never had to worry about them when I did C++ a lot (pre-1998)
03:47.25*** join/#wowi-lounge digix_ (
03:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
03:48.22kremontei love you iriel
03:49.14kremontequick reboot time, wheee
03:49.23IrielHeh, we only got 1/2 done
03:49.30kremontefine =P
03:49.33IrielBut at least you have linux booting natively now.
03:49.39kremonteyes, i am very happy
03:49.54IrielLegorol had some suggestions to get your other drives to show up, namely go into that 2nd screen (the VIA-Raid one) and turn raid off
03:50.05kremonteyeah, but no keys respond in that
03:50.16IrielWell, they didn't before when we had it disabled
03:50.20IrielBut it's enabled now, it might work
03:50.22kremontegoing to reboot and plug in two PCI cards real fast though, be right back
03:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
03:54.41LegorolIriel, what magick did you work on Kremonte's machine?
03:54.44Irielok.. err let's see if we can get Lego in here, he seemed to have a clearer idea than I
03:54.52IrielAh, there you are lego 8-)
03:54.59Legorolthat's too spooky
03:55.25Legorolright, i'm curious what happened..
03:55.30IrielJoin #kremonte-pc please 8-)
03:55.33Iriellego, that is
04:02.43cladhaireIriel: Got snap-to-grid right working.. just need a general case now.
04:02.59cladhaireBWL doesn't let me code much =(
04:03.06TainOh snap!
04:03.09cladhairebut Broodlord is down!
04:04.02Tain"Bureau of Imaginary Statistics finds 40 percent of people make up their resume"
04:04.20Cairennis that all? that seems low
04:04.47TainThat's what I say!
04:05.01TainOf course I'm all for blatant lying on your resume IF you can actually do the job.
04:05.32TainMainly because the hiring process is generally handled by imbeciles.  er.. in my experience.
04:06.24TainWoah Walmart wants to open their own banks.
04:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
04:17.57TainI'm still not sure about this.  " While in spirit form, you'll have a ten second window in which you can cast any of your heal spells for free. This means that if timed perfectly (and specced correctly), the priest can cast four Greater Heal spells before their demise."
04:19.26SP|Sorreni'd say 3 at best, due to lag
04:19.49TainEyonix says 4.
04:19.57SP|Sorrenwell, eyonix is probably lanned w/ the server
04:20.16SP|Sorrenthe rest of us can expect 3 ;/ since it's a 2.5 second cast iirc
04:20.18Cairennyo Legorol, you there?
04:20.27TainUh.. that's kidn of a silly assesment.
04:21.26LegorolCairenn, yes
04:21.35SP|Sorreni'd go for casting 3 and tacking a renew on someone
04:21.41Cairennmight want to check your other window ...
04:21.55Cairennsince you seem to have missed it
04:22.30Legorol... which of the other 20?
04:22.32SP|Sorreni dont suppose anyone here uses visual studio? :P
04:23.03Cairennyou found it
04:23.22Cairennfigured you hadn't seen it, since you didn't say anything about the rare appearance :p
04:24.09Cairennso thought I'd be a sweetie and point it out to you ;)
04:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge WobzzzZz (n=wob@
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04:32.58Fanooki've used VS6
04:33.03Fanookand .NET a bit
04:33.27cladhaireIriel: Have access to WoW at the moment?
04:33.51Irielsort of
04:34.21cladhaireI can send this over if you wanna play with it-- since you inspired me.. =)  I'm gonna work on generalizing the code tomorrow.. but it works just as I'd like it to
04:34.49cladhaireI'll toss it up somewhere if you wanna take a look at it.
04:39.57cladhaireIts ugly.. but it works.. =)
04:40.36cladhairedoesn't currently work with scaled frames.. but i see where the error is.
04:42.15TainYeah I use Visual Studio.
04:42.56TainWhat does it do, cladhaire?
04:46.51cladhaireTain: takes two squares.. and when you drag frameA over frameB.. it snaps to the edges.. in a grid-like form
04:46.58TainI started looking but.. well I guess I had more to drink than I thought.
04:47.18cladhaireso with WatchDOg.. you can re-grid the frames on your own
04:47.20cladhaireby snapping to the edges
04:48.18TainAh ok.
04:49.17cladhairenothing spectaclar, but I hadn't seen it done before
04:49.24cladhaireits a custom StartMoving()
04:49.25TainYeah definitely.
04:50.20TainDoes it right now handle 2 frames that are in different scales, anchored to different things, etc?  Just completely treat 2 frames only relative to each other when "snapping" ?
04:50.58cladhaireboth frames when moving get anchored to UIParent
04:51.02TainOh ok.
04:51.04cladhaireon the real coordinate system
04:51.12cladhaireso you need to provide a re-anchor frame function
04:51.27cladhairescales.. it did work.. but i have to work out some stuff .. doing that now.
04:51.35cladhairei broke it somehow by making other things work =)
04:51.55TainYeah just a matter of applying the right multipliers, but do it in teh wrong place and things go all kablooey. :)
04:52.07cladhaireGetWith/Height return the results in the local scale, not the coordinate scale =)
04:52.18TainOh, how I know.
04:52.34TainI spent many nights on scaling/moving after 1.9 with Visor.
04:52.37IrielYou dont HAVE to re-anchor things
04:52.44Irielyou just have to do more math
04:52.49TainAhh math!
04:52.59cladhaireI dont like math.. I like functions that do things =)
04:53.01IrielI'd recommend avoiding GetWidth() and GetHeight() completely
04:53.09Irieland subtract Left/Right/Top/Bottom
04:53.15Irielotherwise your code will break
04:53.21cladhairei was afraid of that.
04:53.34cladhairebut I can make that change quickly.. and it may fix my problems =)
04:53.40IrielLego's bug thread was about that
04:53.53IrielThe behaviour of those 2 functions is inconsistent for different frames
04:53.59Irieldepending on how their size is determined
04:54.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
04:54.45Irielcladhaire : Do you actually use StartMoving? or do you use OnUpdate and follow the cursor?
04:55.25cladhairethe latter
04:55.51cladhaireits a naive approach.. but the only one I could think about at the time
04:56.34cladhaireGot rid of height/width.. so it works now without those issues
04:56.40cladhairejust have to figure out where i'm screwing up with scaling =)
04:56.47cladhaireWas the first thing I worked on..but I forgot about it
04:56.50IrielThe latter is better if you're doing constraints
04:56.50Legorolmultiply instead of divide?
04:56.54IrielI think its "the right way"
04:57.04LegorolIriel, might be a good idea to point cladhaire at the page you just wrote..
04:57.09IrielI did
04:57.17IrielI wrote it to answer his question earlier 8-)
04:57.25cladhaireaah i got it.
04:58.00Irielcladhaire : You have some A's and B's mixed up
04:58.12IrielWell, 1 of them
04:58.38cladhairethat sucks =)
04:59.04cladhaireI think this will be all set once I reload
04:59.22Legoroloh so the frame overlap code is for cladhaire?
04:59.33Legorolits' very neato, i was marvelling at its symmetry and beauty
04:59.38cladhaire*nod* I agree
04:59.41cladhairemine was SOOOO ugly
05:00.04IrielI've written that bit of code a few times (overlap detection)
05:01.02cladhaireOh.. i'm using the wrong width to bump the frame out.. bad assumption on my part.
05:01.14Legorolwhat i like about it most is that it captures the fact that the two frames are in completely symmetrical situation
05:02.10Legorolit's also nice that it has the theoretically possible smallest number of relational operators
05:02.29Legorolhm... actually
05:02.51LegorolIriel, do you think it's possible to write it with less than 4 relational operators?
05:03.06Iriel4 edges
05:03.08Iriel4 operators
05:03.15Legorolthat's what i thought at first..
05:03.23Legorolbut then, what if you instead subtract stuff from each other
05:03.26Legoroland somehow add them
05:03.36Legoroland then just check for negativity at the end?
05:04.05IrielI still dont think you can escape it
05:04.14Legorolprobably not, but i shall ponder it
05:04.49cladhaireBah I can't see the issue with scaling.. but i"m sure its something obvious.
05:04.58IrielUnless you cheat and use Min/Max/Abs
05:05.04IrielBut they're all just hidden conditionals
05:05.22Irielcladhaire : What's the scaling symptom
05:06.08cladhaireWhen both in scale 1.0 it works just fine.
05:06.16IrielI notice you're not dividing the set point coords by sA
05:06.21IrielWhich is probably your issue
05:06.38cladhaireaye.. its not working when the scale isn't 1.0
05:07.15cladhaireThats' why I wasn't sure when anchoring.. which system it was using.. but that makes sense.
05:08.17cladhairetwo independent scales works happily.
05:08.53IrielYou could do less work if you adjust everything to A's scale
05:09.28cladhaire*nod* that's what I'm ending up doing
05:11.36cladhaireNow to make it a general library for everyone to use =)
05:11.43cladhaireI can see it now.. StartCladMoving()
05:12.06IrielIf I were you i'd fix the reparenting issue first
05:12.21Irieli.e. make it so you dont have to reparent them
05:12.48Irielthough maybe for frameA at least, that's not too restrictive
05:12.50cladhaireI'm not really thinking about releasing it.
05:12.51Irielfor frameB it might be
05:13.01cladhaireframeB never gets touched.
05:13.20cladhaireits just used as the basis for logic on frameA
05:14.00IrielOne optimization I did in StatRingsAnchorDrag was to remember the last x, y and skip most of the processing in OnUpdate if they didnt change
05:14.55cladhaireOh yeah that's my first job
05:15.05cladhaireI can get this down pretty tight-- but I wanted to get it actually working
05:15.11cladhaireto prove to myself it could be done without too much issue.
05:15.57MentalPowergnight guys
05:16.13cladhairenight MentalPower
05:16.20Cairennnight MentalPower, sweet dreams
05:16.39MentalPoweraw, gee :)
05:16.51cladhairesweet.. all set
05:16.54cladhaireThanks Iriel =)
05:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge WobzzzZz (n=wob@
05:18.58cladhairealright folks.. gotta pack for D.C. and polish up my resue
05:19.11cladhaireThanks for the help, have a good weekend!
05:19.37Cairennhave a safe trip cladhaire
05:19.52cladhairethanks Cair
05:19.54*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:19.54IrielTake care
05:20.20Cairennnight Iriel, sweet dreams
05:20.35IrielThanks, you too.
05:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
05:53.48CairennYou're a real class act zeetg ...
05:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
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06:31.37CrispixAnyone wanna see something spiffeh?
06:32.04Crispix(if anyones awake that is.. -_-)
06:32.38Crispix  ^__^
06:32.46CrispixMeh new computer case I'm thinking about ordering tomorrow
06:34.13WobWhat's HTPC?
06:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
06:38.49futrtrublhome theater PC
06:49.49CrispixI want a desktop machine because it can fit snugly ontop of my satelite reciever, with the 8 port switch I have..
06:50.28WobDoesn't that stack a little high, thouhg?
06:50.43CrispixNot higher than my current shuttle case...
06:51.18Wobhehe but the magnetic fields from the combined electric equipement will render you impotent =)
06:51.31Crispixactually.. it doesn't
06:51.38Crispixsuprisingly everything works nice and cozy
06:51.50Crispix  the processor I'm thinking about
06:52.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
06:52.22WobI've so converted to a mobile solution....
06:52.39WobI don't know why... apart from the fact that I'm, for the majority of the time, not 'home'
06:52.42Crispixsee.. I don't have anywhere to go other than work.. home, gfs house, work home,..... et cetra
06:52.57Crispix(work.. God.. I love my job ^__^)
06:53.07WobBut I don't miss my desktop =\
06:53.10WobI feel odd =P
06:53.15WobWhere do you work?
06:53.30CrispixGamestop / EB
06:53.57WobI can't imagine having to deal with gamers in a consumer setting =\
06:53.58Crispixor how?
06:54.05Crispixits not that bad..
06:54.32WobStaff discounts make for good stuff, eh?
06:55.04Crispixthey come in.. know what they want and even if its shitty (ie: 25 to Life, 50 Cent's game, or Gun) advise them on something better.. but if they're set on it.. just sell them the pos product and then get them out of the store, and then watch em come back within 3 days..
06:55.27SP|Sorrennooooo is iriel gone?
06:55.32Crispix20% off everything... (except systems), and full health and what-not...
06:55.36WobI wish I could return them =P
06:55.41SP|Sorrenand hello :)
06:55.53WobExcept the EB store I bought it from is.... in Australia =P
06:56.01WobHola SP
06:56.02CrispixWhats fun though.....
06:56.07Wob(Or is it Hola, Sorren?)
06:56.12Crispixis denying 8 year old kids the right to buy mature games...
06:56.21WobThe POWAR
06:56.32WobDo you cackle maniacally whilst doing so?
06:56.42Crispix'Sorry kiddo.. -insert my state- has a law that says If I sell you this game I could goto jail.. you don't want your friendly video game clerk to goto jail.. now do you?'
06:56.43WobCause you really should =)
06:57.21CrispixOh I do... after they leave (six year olds trying to buy GTA san Andres.. i mean seriously wtf is wrong with parents that they let their kids buy that kinda stuff?
06:57.28WobWith some of the 8 year olds I know, the response would be "Why the fuck would I care?! Sell me the damn game" =P
06:57.44Crispix... I've had that..
06:58.01CrispixThen I said 'Well... Tell ya what.. if your mom comes in here to let you buy the game.. then you can have the game'
06:58.15CrispixMention mommy dearest or father poo, and they cower in fear of your power.
06:58.26Wob(man.... 4 tab completions to reach your name... easier to type it out =P)
06:58.51CrispixThis sucks.. I have to wait between 2 and 8 hours for my auction to get over ;_;
06:59.05CrispixIs bidding on a [Silver Plated Shotgun]
06:59.17Wobhow much are you bidding?
06:59.23Crispix39 silver ^___^
06:59.29CrispixCurrent high bidder too
06:59.43Wobis there anyone bidding against you that you know of?
07:00.02Wobwhat's the buyout?
07:00.10Crispix0 buyout .. :(
07:00.27WobSome people have no concept of the mechanics of the WoW AH =P
07:00.31kremontewhere is iriel ;_;
07:00.54Wob[13:19:58] <Iriel> Take care
07:00.54Wob[13:20:14] * Iriel wanders off too.
07:00.57Crispixyeh. i Know wob :(
07:01.06kremontewhat time zone is that o_O
07:01.12kremonteit's 2am here, hehe
07:01.16WobSorry, it's now [15:01:09]
07:01.19Crispixwow just crashed
07:01.27kremontewhy did it take 2 hours for the kernel to compile
07:01.39kremontedamn you, leenux
07:02.23kremontewell then.
07:02.32Crispixdamn you kremonte.... now I have an urge to listen to Anne lennox
07:03.39WobYou should watch that synchronised NE dance to Smooth Criminal WoWmovie
07:03.48WobThen you'll have the urge to listen to Michael Jackson again
07:03.58Crispixif you link me to that I will
07:04.00WobYou know...
07:04.04WobWith that song?
07:04.12WobIt's hella fun to perform =P
07:04.16Crispixtis one of my favorite songs ever
07:04.20Wob(The symphony, that is)
07:04.31Crispixits a beautiful song
07:05.02WobMr Shore came along to Sydney, and we performed the Symphony in the Opera House conducted by him
07:05.10WobThat was fun =)
07:05.22CrispixWhat can you see,
07:05.22Crispixon the horizon?
07:05.22CrispixWhy do the white gulls call?
07:05.23CrispixAcross the sea,
07:05.23Crispixa pale moon rises.
07:05.23CrispixThe ships have come,
07:05.25Crispixto carry you home.
07:05.54Crispixwhat should I listen to next
07:06.16CrispixGaming music.... vocal trance.. modern and classic rock.. classical.. or the future of Indie rock?
07:06.30WobOr Classic Rock
07:06.39Wobsome 80's rock would be good
07:06.44Crispixopen that in Open Location in Winamp
07:06.51Crispix24/7/365 of classica
07:07.24namxoi listen lol
07:08.02Crispixone of my cats just smelt my socks and fell over....
07:08.10WobIt's a subtle hint =P
07:08.31Crispixhe's been known to have a good sense of humor though
07:09.17WobWow. Can felines learn slapstick?
07:09.21WobThat's kinda cool
07:09.29Crispix..mine knows the word 'Alarm'
07:09.41Crispixyou say it to him and he'll smack the snooze button on my clock :)
07:09.51WobHe immediately makes his way in an orderly fashion to the school playing field?
07:10.08WobThat's a great cat =)
07:10.33Crispixwanna see his pic?
07:10.43WobSure =)
07:10.52Crispixuna momenta
07:12.41WobI wanna cat
07:12.47CrispixBe my lurvely Shadow :)
07:13.35SP|Sorreni want a cat too :(
07:13.40SP|Sorrenmy roommates are allergic though
07:13.49SP|Sorrenso i can't get one ;o
07:14.12Wobyeah, at home, my mother hates cats
07:14.17WobI have to move out first
07:14.25CrispixYou can have cats at uni?
07:14.37WobGet a Manx =
07:14.48CrispixI know my gf has a turtle (named Junior) at uni.. but cats?
07:15.03Crispix <=- updated as of tonight :D
07:15.43CrispixCheck the backpack..
07:15.54CrispixI'm debating to AH the Amber Hoop of Frost Resistance
07:16.01CrispixEither that or just wear it..
07:16.12Wobah it
07:16.14Crispixnot sure it'd get much on the AH
07:16.36WobGive it a shot. someone might want to de it
07:17.08Crispixwhat should I put it up for buyout?
07:17.10Crispix2 gold?
07:17.14Crispix1 gold?
07:17.24WobI couldn't say. I can't log in to check auctioneer =(
07:17.35Wobbut not that much I imagine
07:17.48WobIT's a relatively low level item
07:17.59Wobsee if there are any equivalents up
07:18.03Crispixhow come you can't log in?
07:18.16WobMy ADSL is being ... fucktardy
07:18.34Crispixok.. classical.. *disappears*
07:18.59Crispixk.. wtf
07:19.03Crispixgaming fm isn't working
07:19.18Crispixfine... *goes to Radio Paradise*
07:23.45Wobwhee. 80's chord progressions =)
07:25.46CrispixGood song
07:25.46CrispixI <3 streaming music
07:25.55Crispixactually.. ya know.. I think I might start up my pandora station......
07:26.04CrispixYou know what Pandora is Wob?
07:26.50WobEnlighten me
07:26.55Crispixhead there...
07:27.03Crispixif you need a zip code to sign up.. tell me
07:27.16CrispixWhat it is, is, you put in music that you like...
07:27.22Crispixit'll start learning your interests...
07:27.37CrispixYou can say you like it, or dislike it.. if you dislike it, it'll never play that song again.
07:27.50CrispixSoon, it learns your interests incredibly well .. and starts recommending stuff :)
07:27.57CrispixALL free audio streaming too
07:28.43Crispixclick the minimize button, and it'll pop the window out so you can close the other window :)
07:28.53Crispixit knows no-name bands too... :D
07:31.52CrispixYou giving it a try ?
07:32.04Wobyep =)
07:32.29CrispixIf you want a zip code so you can save your station: 46544
07:32.42Crispix(South Bend / Mishawaka Indiana.. where I'm from :))
07:32.43WobIt seems to do so with cookies now
07:32.57Wobor something, I've restarted it a couple of times and it recalls
07:33.55Crispixif you'd like
07:34.03CrispixI can send you an email so you can see what I listen to :)
07:34.18Wobsure, wobster @ gmail
07:35.24Crispixyou've got email :)
07:38.18WobI do like their classification method
07:38.29Crispixwhat do you mean?
07:38.54Crispixmy 'everything' station is like.. a combination of everything I listen to.....
07:39.08CrispixProlly going to start a 'new age' station soon
07:39.22Crispixfor artists like Ray Lynch and stuff
07:39.48Wob"Based on what you've told us so far, we're playing this track because it features electronic rock instrumentation, a subtle use of vocal harmony, major key tonality and many other similarities idenitified in the music genome project"
07:40.11Crispixyeah.. it's scarely accurate on what you like....
07:40.25CrispixI barely have to touch my station any more unless i hear a song I don't like
07:40.44CrispixI let it run for 5 hours one day.. and I only had to say no, once
07:42.13Crispixmmmm good song...
07:42.20CrispixFeels So Right by Eagle-Eyed Cherries
07:44.24Crispixoh my God.
07:44.27CrispixI just remembered
07:44.35CrispixMEH GF IS COMING HOME TODAY... *Dance*
07:49.38Crispixwob, what are you teaching it?
07:50.19WobIt's currently coming up with all these bands I've never listened to
07:50.26WobBut aren't too bad
07:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:51.45Crispiximpressive ain't it ?
07:51.56Wobaye =)
07:52.17Crispixit added ray lynch to my player
07:52.25Crispixcan't wait to see what it recommends
07:52.51Crispixtake a gander at this:
07:53.12Crispixoften refered to as 'Planataruim music'
07:53.46Crispixme lurves his music
07:57.13CrispixGorgio Moroder!!!
07:58.23Crispixummmmmmmm ... best to google his name,...
07:58.30Crispixmore new agey stuff
07:58.34Crispixgood stuff tho
08:05.11Crispixwhatcha listening to wob?
08:05.49WobSo Tired - Eric Clapton =)
08:09.48*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
08:14.40WobThey don't have the Whitlams
08:18.28Crispixtry 'whitlams'
08:18.34Crispixjust whitlams
08:18.48Crispixsimetimes it drops the the.....
08:19.31WobOh I did
08:20.57WobThey've suggested Journey =P
08:21.06CrispixIs that such a bad thing?
08:21.37Wobno, just unexpected
08:21.51CrispixI told you.. its DAMN good at what it does :)
08:22.23CrispixStill the high bidder :D
08:29.16Wobhehe John Cougar Mellencamp =)
08:33.22Crispixyour big on the 80s .. aren't you?
08:33.28CrispixPlease tell me it's playing Jack And Diane
08:34.15WobClose Enough
08:34.18Wobby JCM
08:34.20Crispixman.. this a good song....
08:34.28Crispix'Almost Perfect' by Ingram Hill
08:34.28WobIt did sound very J&D
08:34.53Wobhehe Maroon 5
08:35.53CrispixI really need to look this band up...
08:35.59CrispixSixpence none the richer.
08:37.19WobOne hit wonders
08:37.23Wobor maybe two hit wonders
08:37.31Wobsince they were like... covers
08:37.43WobThere she goeeeeessss
08:37.49Crispixlurve the sound of the lead artist
08:37.49Wobthere she goes againnn
08:37.54Crispixshe sounds... so soulfull
08:38.33Wobman, I must be confusing Pandora so much with my music choice additions =P
08:38.40WobFrom Pink Floyd to Maroon 5 to Poe =P
08:45.52Crispixheres a group I've never heard of...
10:14.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
11:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-7284 (
11:02.47wowguru-7284hi i got wow trouble
11:02.50wowguru-7284i just joined
11:02.56wowguru-7284* i got wow today
11:03.06wowguru-7284and i try to enter game but it says to restart then i get download thing
11:03.12wowguru-7284and the patch doesnt download right :(
11:03.17wowguru-7284i need a helpfull person
11:03.27Wobin_Doesn't download right?
11:03.46wowguru-7284nope it stops on the second download patch the first one goes ok its 180mbs
11:03.52wowguru-7284but the second one it doesnt,
11:03.57Wobin_It stops downloading?
11:04.17Wobin_Try deleting what you have downloaded and redownload
11:04.30wowguru-7284ok. ive tried installing again too
11:04.43wowguru-7284i have found something that says im missing a patch.lst ?
11:04.56wowguru-7284does the restart button ever disapear
11:05.06wowguru-7284ive been wanting alday to play im new to the game
11:05.08Wobin_not sure.
11:05.32wowguru-7284i doubt removing the file would work
11:05.43wowguru-7284cos downloading it each time take 180mbs and half an hour 2 download
11:05.47wowguru-7284i just wanna play
11:06.18Wobin_try downloading the patch from
11:06.24wowguru-7284i wish i new what i was doing wrong
11:06.26Wobin_rather than using the Blizzard downloader
11:06.35wowguru-7284is blizzard not good?
11:06.45Wobin_Well, you appear to be having issues with it
11:06.53wowguru-7284lol ha ha,
11:06.55Wobin_so you may as well try a different source for the moment
11:07.02wowguru-7284its the second patch that is havng trouble
11:07.22wowguru-7284does the blizzard repair help at all?
11:07.36Wobin_It may. Have you run it?
11:07.45Wobin_All it does is check that the patch you have is valid
11:08.12wowguru-7284yeh i ran it earlier and doing it again
11:08.16wowguru-7284i tried that web site u gave me
11:08.21wowguru-7284it is not responding
11:08.47Wobin_odd, I'm looking at it right now...
11:08.56Wobin_I think Fileplanet also have the patches
11:08.57wowguru-7284great i think its my comp
11:09.35wowguru-7284i just wanted 2 try game lol
11:09.41Wobin_It's a good one =P
11:09.54Wobin_How are you connecting to this irc channel?
11:09.54wowguru-7284if it ever works for me
11:09.58Wobin_Not through wowguru?
11:10.18Wobin_You should be able to get the patches from that page
11:10.28wowguru-7284i came in to see if someone cd help me
11:10.33wowguru-7284ok i will look around
11:10.35Wobin_look under Other Downloads
11:11.01wowguru-7284ty i just opend that link
11:11.13wowguru-7284im getting computer fixed this week
11:11.21Wobin_good luck =)
11:11.22wowguru-7284so more faster its 512 but i slow sometimes
11:12.01wowguru-7284World of Warcraft Guru ? thats what i download?
11:13.36wowguru-7284downloading now
11:13.40wowguru-7284hopefully this will work
11:15.45wowguru-7284um wait
11:16.48wowguru-7284which files
11:16.51wowguru-7284whats it called
11:17.20wowguru-7284do i do all the hot files?
11:18.26wowguru-7284who can help me?
11:20.31wowguru-7284ok when i log in
11:20.44wowguru-7284it tells me download was success full then why doi i need to restart?
11:20.55wowguru-7284and why do i need to download the file thats 180mbs ?
11:20.58wowguru-7284im so darn lost
11:21.02wowguru-7284i wish i never bothered.
11:21.31wowguru-7284no one will help me
11:22.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf (
11:22.57wowguru-7284i need help
11:23.02wowguru-7284no one listens
11:23.47sarfHi everyone btw :)
11:24.13wowguru-7284well when it tells me download worked ok, then it says to restart
11:24.19wowguru-7284but then it downloads 2 more things
11:24.23wowguru-7284and on the second one it stops
11:24.28wowguru-7284and corups
11:24.34wowguru-7284i have installed more than once
11:24.38wowguru-7284im so lost
11:24.42wowguru-7284duno i just wanna play!
11:24.59sarfWhat is doing this?
11:25.04sarfThe WoW Guru Patcher
11:25.06sarfThe Cosmos patcher
11:25.09sarfThe Blizzard Patcher
11:25.11sarfOr what?
11:25.14wowguru-7284the blizzard
11:25.36sarfOK, try going to and search for patches for WOW
11:25.38wowguru-7284i just a newbie at wow
11:25.40sarfdownlead them from there
11:25.58sarfWhat patch is it?
11:26.08wowguru-7284its the second one
11:26.12wowguru-7284not the 180mbs one
11:26.21Wobin_chances are it's the 1.4-1.9 one?
11:26.43wowguru-7284This patch upgrades World of Warcraft from version to version
11:26.44sarfYeah, but name starts with WoW-1.9.2 or something, wowguru-7284?
11:27.06wowguru-7284ERROR: unable to load file 'WowError.exe' from disk
11:27.11wowguru-7284The system cannot find the file specified
11:27.17wowguru-7284RESULT: Patch failed
11:27.17sarf(strike hehe)
11:27.31sarfWhat you have is a Blizzard error methinks
11:27.37Wobin_Do you have enough room on your drive?
11:27.39wowguru-7284all i wanted 2 do was play the darn game
11:27.42sarfnormally, WoW starts out (from discs) at 1.4 (at least in EU)
11:27.44wowguru-7284yep drive is fine
11:27.55sarfSo you get patch from 1.5 -> 1.9
11:28.03wowguru-7284its a new game
11:28.08wowguru-7284i brought it today
11:28.12Wobin_eu? US?
11:28.23wowguru-7284new zealand
11:28.30Wobin_US then
11:28.51wowguru-7284do i have to sign into ?
11:28.54Wobin_I wonder what would happen if we just sent you the WoWError.exe
11:28.54wowguru-7284what do i do?
11:28.57sarfNope, wowguru-7284
11:29.01sarfWobin_> working on it
11:29.07sarf(but it's EU so I dunno)
11:29.10Wobin_To download the patches from there you'd have to
11:29.47wowguru-7284this game was such an awfull headac
11:29.48wowguru-7284first i brought the wrong one
11:29.48Wobin_"Due to continuous abuse from 3rd party websites, free registration is now required to download the patch from World of Warcraft Guru." =)
11:29.48wowguru-7284then this wont work
11:29.55sarfWobin_> Yeah, but not from
11:30.08sarfwowguru-7284> Don't worry, due to computers being what they are, these things happen
11:30.12wowguru-7284ive tried installing 2wice and still the same prob
11:30.17sarfWobin_> Since it has links to FTP sites and whatnot
11:30.47sarfwowguru-7284> If that WowError.exe file does not work, I have a suggestion for you: Download the 1.9.0-enUS patch and use that
11:30.54wowguru-7284What patches or what do u think i should do
11:31.28sarfwowguru-7284> Please download the WoW error file from the link I gave you before
11:31.36sarfLet me re-paste it
11:31.40Wobin_if you grab the big one it should solve most of your problems (I hope =))
11:31.43wowguru-7284ok i have to register there
11:31.57sarfwowguru-7284> Darn. OK, do that
11:32.13sarf(the enGB patch which I use has download locations that do not require it :/ )
11:32.21sarfBut you need to use enUS
11:32.32Wobin_I always figured that Wowguru and mmofiles were run by the same guy
11:32.37sarfThey are
11:32.39Wobin_I didn't have to...
11:32.43Wobin_(register that is)
11:32.45wowguru-7284just registering
11:32.50sarfHowever, mmofiles just gather links together
11:32.55sarf(from wowguru and other places)
11:33.10wowguru-7284ok now which ones do i do again [im a bit slow sometimes lol]
11:33.11sarfIf those third-party-places require registration
11:33.27Wobin_That link above should do it
11:33.40sarfwowguru-7284> No worries. Download the :
11:33.46wowguru-7284which link do i do first?
11:33.49Wobin_But what you actually want is the 1.9 patch
11:33.59wowguru-7284the 1.9.0 enus patch?
11:34.00Wobin_That one the 549 one
11:34.10sarfThat's your safest bet, really
11:34.37sarfAs said, you might need to reinstall and then apply the patch but...
11:35.18wowguru-7284gees 324 MBS !
11:35.24wowguru-7284yep im using enUS
11:35.31Wobin_Heh, you'll have to install that patch, then restart WoW about 4 more times for the incremental patches, unless you download them now alongside the big one
11:35.44sarfThe smallest incremental ones are not available
11:35.52wowguru-7284that one should take an hour 2 download
11:35.53sarfThey don't even leave .patcher.exe files behind :)
11:35.56sarfwowguru-7284> Yeah
11:35.58wowguru-7284i just hope this fixes the game lol
11:36.14sarfso, meanwhile, you can try downloading the WowError file from the OTHER link I gave you
11:36.17wowguru-7284ok prob best if i download them all at once
11:36.21wowguru-7284id forget other wize
11:36.30Wobin_oh, the game will make you download them
11:36.42wowguru-7284the fukt.bth site?
11:36.52sarfFor the Wowerror.exe yes.
11:37.43sarfWell, it's not so easy
11:37.46Wobin_It's ironic that it gives them the name 'wowguru'
11:37.54sarfYeah :P
11:38.02sarfMight be some bug with the nz version tho
11:38.13sarfOr he may be executing the patch somewhere else
11:38.20Wobin_Aus/NZ use the same as the us version
11:38.34Wobin_I think his download was corrupted mebbe
11:38.36sarfYes... buuuuuuuut since their discs might start out at 1.5 instead of 1.4
11:38.44sarfthere might be patch problems
11:38.55sarfyou heard him, it did a 1.5 -> 1.9 patch, 180 mb
11:39.17Wobin_When I reinstalled I had a 1.4 patchfile
11:39.19sarfIf we assume he's not a total dweeb, and the fact that Blizzard + Bugginess => True
11:39.27sarfDo you have a NZ version?
11:39.30Wobin_Working As Intended =)
11:39.52sarfRemember, it came out later in NZ, and they might have thought "heck, let's throw in the patch so they don't have to download it"
11:39.54Wobin_No, but I'm assuming as there isn't an Oz version, that the NZ one is the same
11:40.20sarfAt least I think it came out later. Anyhow!
11:40.34Wobin_heh I think I bought it around 1.4
11:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-1234 (
11:41.12sarfHiya wowguru-1234 :)
11:41.16wowguru-1234me back
11:41.23wowguru-1234i tried clicking on that link
11:41.28wowguru-1234but the page went
11:41.38wowguru-1234can u give me that second thing 2 download again?
11:41.44wowguru-1234im doing the other one
11:41.50wowguru-1234that big big file lol
11:42.02sarfYou want the smaller patch thingy again?
11:42.16wowguru-1234thats the one im doing now
11:42.20wowguru-1234the big file
11:42.26wowguru-1234325 mbs
11:42.26Wobin_That's the smaller file
11:42.37sarf1.9.2 -> 1.9.3 = 24 mb file or so
11:43.24wowguru-1234how do i copy the link
11:43.35Wobin_He's using a java client
11:43.50wowguru-1234btw im a she lol
11:43.52sarfDon't know, I use mIRC
11:43.56Wobin_Sorry =)
11:44.01wowguru-1234i used to have mIRC
11:44.03wowguru-1234lol its ok
11:44.09Wobin_You might be better off going straight to
11:44.19sarfThe link is on the main page
11:44.19Wobin_Then browse to 'patches'
11:44.26wowguru-1234yes lol dont wanna get this page out again
11:44.28sarfjust make sure it ends in enUS
11:44.56sarf(which, by the way, just stand for en => english client US => American servers)
11:45.02wowguru-1234yes looking for the american one
11:45.12wowguru-1234yep lol i do know alittle lol
11:45.13sarfWhere's enGB => english client, Great Britain / EU servers
11:45.20Wobin_bah. Give us some Oceania servers damnit =P
11:45.32wowguru-1234got it
11:45.36Wobin_That'd look cool =)
11:45.37sarfHmm... perhaps en0c
11:45.51wowguru-1234im so glad i found this chat place
11:45.52sarfGoodie :)
11:45.59wowguru-1234:) thanks for the help guys :)
11:46.02sarfYou're welcome ^^
11:46.06wowguru-1234if i ever get in the game
11:46.08Wobin_If you use mIRC you'll have a better time at it =)
11:46.11wowguru-1234id is xrowiz
11:46.16sarfAlways fun to help another person to addict themselves to the game :D
11:46.29wowguru-1234lol i never understood how 2 do the mirc info lol
11:46.30sarfI'm on the EU servers :)
11:46.50Wobin_Well, I'm on the US servers, but my ADSL is being... crappy
11:46.52sarfmIRC is kinda overwhelming if you haven't used IRC servers
11:46.58sarfIRC clients
11:47.17sarfAnyhow, if you use mIRC, make sure to connect to the Freenode network, then join the #wowi-lounge channel
11:47.29wowguru-1234its the channel things i forget about lol
11:47.33wowguru-1234i must download it sometime
11:48.22wowguru-1234maybe after wow works
11:48.29wowguru-1234im so looking forwards to playing that game
11:48.32wowguru-1234im so sick of runescape
11:48.43Wobin_I need to find a game I can connect to =(
11:48.55wowguru-1234u dont like wow?
11:49.00Wobin_Oh I love it
11:49.03Wobin_I just can't connect
11:49.09wowguru-1234lol yah our adsl providers arnt good here
11:49.15wowguru-1234they know how to take ur cash lol
11:49.33Wobin_I'm actually in China atm, else I'd ring them up and complain =P
11:49.56id`< wowguru-1234> id is xrowiz
11:50.01wowguru-1234wow cool do u travel lots
11:50.05wowguru-1234yep for wow
11:50.09wowguru-1234once i have it going
11:50.16id`<-- id
11:50.16Wobin_identification, indy =P
11:50.17id`< wowguru-1234> id is xrowiz
11:50.29wowguru-1234why do u have to say that
11:50.34wowguru-1234yes it is for wow they are helping me fix it
11:50.35id`cus lol my name is id
11:50.51wowguru-1234second patch downloading
11:51.01wowguru-1234i going 2 watch tv. its going 2 take an hour
11:51.07wowguru-1234thanks guys i be back in an hour
11:51.11wowguru-1234unless i fall asleep lol
11:51.19wowguru-1234i stay on here tho
11:51.47wowguru-1234incase i need more help
11:51.49wowguru-1234bye bye
11:52.07wowguru-1234watching download is boring
11:52.13id`lol haha
11:52.17id`sarf: :>
12:07.00*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
12:21.01purlFriday sucks.
12:22.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
12:24.08WobWon't you take me to... Funky town?
12:24.18TainNo I most certainly will not!
12:24.30WobHehe I love this streaming radio...
12:26.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:26.40WobHold me now... warm my heart... stay with me..... let the lovin start... let the lovin start...
12:36.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
12:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
12:37.39WobsterREO Speedwagon =)
12:38.00WobsterI can't fight this feeling anymore....
12:38.30TainYou ever start typing in a website and an address shows up in the autocomplete history that you don't remember going to, and really am not sure how it could be there?
12:38.46WobsterCould it be someone else is using your computer? =)
12:39.23TainUnless it's my ferrets, no.
12:39.42WobsterPerhaps they are plotting world domination
12:39.54[MoonWolf]tain, ferrets for the win
12:39.56TainI wouldn't put it past them.
12:39.57[MoonWolf]if you can stand the smell
12:40.01WobsterThey're cunning creatures!
12:40.20[MoonWolf]My dad has ferrets
12:40.23[MoonWolf]they are funny
12:40.29[MoonWolf]pretty smart too
12:41.03TainYeah, they figure things out.  It's almost scary sometimes how clever they can be.
12:41.07TainWhen they want to.
12:41.38TainOther times I'm like, "I know you can learn not to do this jackass, you just don't feel like it."
12:42.29[MoonWolf]Also, the ferret WILL find the food. not a question of if only a question of WHEN.
12:42.39[MoonWolf]and the awnser is alway's sooner then you think.
12:47.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
12:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
12:52.50Wobin_I can't get it to show the right song name for streaming media
13:02.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (n=wob@
13:09.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:09.08JoshBorkeguten morgen
13:15.03Wobin_Pretty much
13:15.22Wobin_I wanted a script that could tie into iTunes and give out the title of the song I was listening to on streaming radio
13:15.33Wobin_But alas, the name itself of the song never appears
13:23.19Wobin_I haven't heard this in ages
13:30.02[MoonWolf]yay works
13:30.31Wobin_What script are you using?
13:34.11[MoonWolf]fooplay an xchat plugin
13:34.11[MoonWolf]it only shows the currently playing foobar2000 song.
13:34.42Wobin_Karma Chameleon =)
13:35.09Wobin_This station is like flashback central =) I love it
13:36.40Wobin_heheh "Every day is like survival! You're my lover not my rival!"
13:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
13:37.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:37.22[MoonWolf]Wobin_, how old are you ?
13:37.40Wobin_hehe 26
13:55.53Wobin_iTunes Billy Ocean - Loverboy [1985] 128kbit/s
13:56.06Wobin_Yay that works
14:00.50Beladonawinamp changed their shoutcast listing format inside the media library - and it sucks now
14:08.48BeladonaWobin_ is that automatic?
14:09.02Wobin_yes. I'll switch it off
14:09.19JoshBorkewhat happens if you return not nil?
14:09.31JoshBorkecan you?
14:09.50Wobin_You can return a value
14:09.56Cide"not nil" returns true
14:10.03Cideerr, evaluates to true
14:10.12Wobin_oh, yeah, not nil =)
14:10.30JoshBorkei see
14:10.51JoshBorkeso what would happen if you 'MyVar = not nil'?  i think i'll try that tonight
14:11.07Cidesame thing as 'MyVar = true'
14:12.57Beladonayou can't do just a MyVar = not nil can you? you have to write it as an evaluation
14:13.15Beladonalike if (not MyVar == nil)
14:13.36Beladonaor if (MyVar ~= nil)
14:13.47Cide'not nil' evaluates to true, so yes, I can do that
14:14.03JoshBorkeso 'true = not nil'? so true is a defined type?
14:14.03Cidetype(not nil) returns boolean
14:14.12JoshBorkei see
14:14.35Cide(not nil == true) evaluates to true as well
14:15.32Cideputting not in front of an expression always returns a boolean
14:15.39Cideputting 'not', that is :)
14:15.41Tainlua.exe lets you do var = not nil
14:15.51Tainand print(var) outputs true
14:16.12Cidesince nil ~= true, not nil == true
14:16.27TainIt works out that way.
14:16.40TainBut that's not strictly true from a logic perspective.
14:16.43TainJust in this case.
14:16.45Legorolit works out that way because of the definition of the "no" operator
14:17.08Legorolnot is a logic operator, takes any boolean or non-boolean argument, but outputs a boolean result
14:17.16Cidelike I said before :)
14:17.21TainIt would be like saying since 1 ~= 2 then not 1 == 2
14:17.44Cidetrue Tain, my bad.
14:18.00Legorolit's also true that 1 ~= true, yet not 1 == false
14:18.06Legorol(i think)
14:18.50Cide"(not 1) == false" is true
14:19.00Legorolthat's exactly my point
14:19.04Wobin_That's messing with my mind =P
14:19.10Cideoh, haha
14:19.11Legorol"nil" does not equal true
14:19.17Legorolnot nil does equal true
14:19.21Legorol1 does not equal true
14:19.26Legorolnot 1 does not equal true
14:19.46JoshBorkeok, so 'nil == false', right?
14:19.47Legorolthose are all true statements
14:19.50LegorolJoshBorke, no
14:19.56Legorolnil does not equal false
14:20.20Legorolif you try print(nil == false), you get "false" as the output
14:20.32Legorolwhat is true however is that in any logic operator, nil is treated as false
14:20.35JoshBorkeoh i'm so confused :-(
14:20.43JoshBorkeok, that clears it up
14:20.55Cide'nil' can be seen as 'unset'
14:21.00Legorolif you think in terms typecasting ;-)
14:21.03Legorolthen it's a lot clearer
14:21.14Legorolnil's type is not boolean, therefore it doesn't equal to a boolean value
14:21.17Legorolthey are different types
14:21.30Legorolhowever, in a logic expression nil gets typecast to boolean, and takes on the value "false"
14:22.27Legorolthe only exception is the "==" and "~=" operators
14:23.07Legorolthere, the rule is that the values on either side are equal only if a) they are the same type and b) they have the same value
14:23.28Cidenah, the audience is just silent, there's a difference :P
14:23.40BeladonaI was doing something else
14:23.44Beladonaso I missed that whole exchange
14:23.59TainI was turning my breakfast into nil.
14:24.36Cideactually, it was typecast into energy
14:24.55Anduin|Cowzzzand I'm pretending I'm tired because it's 6:30am and that's what I'm sposed to be
14:24.57ckknightnil == FALSE
14:25.28Cidenil is not false
14:25.35Anduin|Cowzzzno it's not
14:25.38ckknightnil == FALSE
14:25.40Cidenil == FALSE only if FALSE is unset ;)
14:25.40ckknight1 == TRUE
14:25.43Anduin|Cowzzzfalse is not nil
14:25.45ckknightFALSE ~= false
14:25.53ckknightTRUE ~= true
14:25.57Anduin|Cowzzzfalse is actually not true
14:26.07CideFALSE = 1 -->> nil ~= FALSE
14:26.08TainNo ckknight.  Lua evalutes nil to false, but nil does not equal false.
14:26.10Beladonanil evaluates to false, but is not false itself
14:26.25Anduin|Cowzzztrue is not nil and not false
14:26.25ckknightTain, type it into WoW
14:26.43Cideckknight: that's because FALSE and TRUE are not booleans
14:26.45Anduin|CowzzzFALSE is nil
14:26.48Cidefalse and true are
14:26.49ckknightI know, Cide
14:26.49Legorolguys, stop
14:26.52Legorolckknight is pulling your legs
14:26.55Legorolhe is using CAPITALS
14:26.59ckknightno I'm not, Legorol
14:27.01Legoroltherefore FALSE and false are not the same
14:27.06Anduin|CowzzzO RLY?
14:27.07ckknightyea, the capital ones are different
14:27.10Cideya rly
14:27.11JoshBorkeYA RLY!
14:27.11Legoroli meant that ckknight pulled a practical joke on you
14:27.18ckknightno, I didn't
14:27.22ckknightmerely stating facts
14:27.23Wobin_roflcopter =P
14:27.23Anduin|Cowzzzhe did?
14:27.32Cideit's not a fact that FALSE == nil though
14:27.37TainDoesn't matter.  nil does still not equal FALSE. :)
14:27.47Cidelike I said, FALSE = 1 leads to FALSE ~= nil
14:28.00ckknightyea, you could do that
14:28.09Anduin|CowzzzFALSE == nil
14:28.16TainWoW is funny though, load up with no addons (to make sure your'e not adding anything else) and print out the values of true, false, TRUE, FALSE.  Blizzard does define them at leats in some cases
14:28.51JoshBorkewhat type do they all get?
14:28.52CideFALSE ~= nil Anduin|Cowzzz :)
14:28.59Legorolyou can't define the value of true and false, Tain
14:29.03Legorolthose are reserved keywords
14:29.07Cideit MIGHT be nil
14:29.08Legorolyou can define TRUE and FALSE
14:29.10Cidebut it's not always nil
14:29.18JoshBorkewait, false is a reserved keyword?
14:29.19Anduin|CowzzzMIGHT == nil
14:29.29Cideonly if MIGHT is undefined!
14:29.32CideJoshBorke: yes
14:29.33LegorolJoshBorke: yes, meaning you can't assign to it
14:29.34Beladonammm, I love the new orientation methods for statusbars and sliderbars
14:29.41Anduin|Cowzzzundefined == nil
14:29.44Beladonacan't wait to use them
14:30.21JoshBorkeso, is this correct, 'false == not true' 'not nil == true' 'nil == false'(only in logic expressions)
14:30.27Cidesetglobal("true", 5) works ;)
14:30.32Cidebut I know it's just a hack
14:30.59LegorolJoshBorke: first true are correct, last one isn't
14:31.08BeladonaI don't think that last one works Josh. If you set a var to nil, then you can do that var == false
14:31.23Legorolok i see what JoshBorke means
14:31.40LegorolJoshBorke, you don't mean the Lua == operator, you mean if those things are equivalent in "not", "and" and "or"?
14:31.49Legorolif that's what you are asking, then the answer is yes to all three
14:31.56ckknightfalse ~= true
14:32.06ckknightfalse ~= nil
14:32.13Legorolby the way, the easiest thing is for you to read 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 in the Lua manual
14:32.17Legorolvery compact and defines everything
14:32.27Anduin|Cowzzzif (not nil) and (not false) then ItsDefinitely = true end
14:32.29Beladonalook at it this way. If Var = nil, then var == false, but if Var = not nil, then Var == true. Right?
14:32.39Legoroleveryone here is correct
14:32.43Wobin_hehe, where's the fun in that, though Legorol? =)
14:33.00LegorolBeladona isn't though
14:33.09ckknightyea, Beladona's wrong
14:33.17Anduin|Cowzzzcant eval assignments in lua, can you?
14:33.18LegorolBeladona, if var = nil, var ~= false
14:33.28Legorolcan't, Anduin|Cowzzz
14:33.35ckknightnot nil == not false, though
14:33.41Legorolthat's correct
14:33.52Anduin|Cowzzzboth are true
14:34.03ckknightsimilar to how not 1 == not true
14:34.06Cidehmm, when does lua use true as a keyword, and when does it use true as a global?
14:34.10Anduin|Cowzzzand not true == false
14:34.19Legorolit never uses it as a global, Cide
14:34.22Legorolor it shouldn't
14:34.26JoshBorkewho would have thought 2 little questions would lead to this discussion :-P
14:34.27ckknighttrue is a keyword, TRUE is a global
14:34.36Anduin|Cowzzzit's true
14:34.37Cidesetglobal("true", 5) "/dump true" (thanks iriel) returns 5
14:34.37Legorolif Blizz somehow hacked their Lua implementation, it's possible it's a global
14:34.52Cidewhereas type(true) returns boolean
14:34.58LegorolCide, that's because
14:35.01JoshBorkeCide: even aftery ou setglobal?
14:35.04Legorolyou can use "true" as an index in the global table
14:35.14Legorolsetglobal("true", 5) is like saying GlobalTable[true] = 5
14:35.24Anduin|Cowzzz== 5
14:35.26Legorolwhen you type /dump true, it's equivalent to print(GlobalTable[true])
14:35.34Cideah, right
14:35.44Legorolthat's Iriel's fault though ;-)
14:35.56Anduin|Cowzzznot really
14:35.56Legorolwell, actually, you can argue that it's ambiguous
14:36.08Legoroldepends on how /dump is defined to operate
14:36.23Legorolif it tries globals first, before evaluating it as an expression, then it's working as intended
14:36.37Cideyeah, it does
14:36.51Beladonaok I see where I messed up in my previous var = statement
14:37.07Legorolisn't Lua fun :D
14:37.57Legorolmy favourite is ("0" + 1 == 0 + 1) but ("0" ~= 0) and also (table["0"] ~= table[0])
14:38.19ckknightyou can do "0" + 1?
14:38.31krka|workdamn i'm stupid... i had a potential overflow on my code, so i wrote checks to trap it when they happened... then i wrote the checks incorrectly :(
14:38.41Beladonait still evaluates to 1
14:38.50Legorolckknight, yes
14:39.00krka|workstrings are converted to numbers with arithmetic
14:39.29ckknighthrm, I thought you had to do tonumber("0")
14:39.44Beladonait does it automatically in math
14:39.47CideI'm not sure, but you might have to in some cases
14:39.55Beladonabut not in a standard evaluation
14:40.14Beladonausing tonumber would make it cleaner though
14:40.16CideI remember having to convert some entries of variable+0 (where variable is a strnig number) to tonumber(variable)+0
14:40.32Cidethat was way back in beta though
14:40.53Cideso I can't remember if the bug was caused by that exact thing, or just something else and I changed that in the meantime
14:41.08Legorolit's possible that the automatic conversion of strings to numbers, like in variable+0, can handle less cases than tonumber(variable)
14:41.13Beladonawould be interested to see a test now
14:41.30Legoroltonumber() might be more tolerant towards odd strings
14:41.53Legorolbut i doubt it
14:42.04Cidetonumber() handles "10e5"
14:42.18Legorolah right
14:42.19Cidewhich "10e5"+0 did as well, apparently
14:42.21LegorolCide is correct
14:42.24krka|workwouldn't tonumber and automatic conversion call the same functions internally?
14:42.26krka|workthat's how i'd do it
14:42.59Legorolwho knows what Blizz did ;-)
14:43.20Beladonadoes the wow subset of lua have tobooean?
14:43.27Beladonaerr toboolean
14:43.29LegorolCide, i rememember as awell that back in beta there was something about coercions that wasn't as expected
14:43.34Legorolbut i don't remember either what it was
14:43.34CideI have it
14:43.41Cide"gfsdg"+0 errors
14:43.46Cidetonumber("gfsdg") returns nil
14:43.50Legorolah right
14:44.16Legorolbut that doesn't help you..
14:44.20Legorolbecause nil+0 errors too
14:44.44Legorolso that tonumber("abc")+1 also errors
14:45.02Cidebut you can use (tonumber(variable) or 0)+1
14:45.06krka|workdid blizz do tonumber?
14:45.11krka|workthought that was standard lua
14:45.16Beladonathe mianual says that tonumber should return 0 when it can't convert the number
14:45.20Cideyou can't use ("gfsdg"+0 or 0)+1
14:45.36Crispixcan anyone answer me a in game question?
14:45.39Anduin|Cowzzzthought it was nil..
14:45.44Cideprobably Crispix
14:45.45LegorolBeladona, where did you read that?
14:45.49Cidewow's function definitely returns nil
14:45.51Legoroli have the Lua man up and it says this:
14:45.53Legorol"Tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already a number or a string convertible to a number, then tonumber returns that number; otherwise, it returns nil. "
14:46.25CrispixIf I bid on an item last night, but the servers went down, because they're doing the matenince.. to the servers.. does time in game .. pass.. so there's a high probabily of my winning the item?
14:46.51Wobin_A good tactic is to bid before maintenence
14:47.01krka|workooh, nice thought
14:47.07Legorolyeah people often don't bother with setting bid price properly
14:47.11Cideif by 'good' you mean 'cheap' (in both senses of the word, I guess) :P
14:47.13krka|worka bad tactic to sell before maintenence
14:47.18Wobin_go for the medium length ones
14:47.25Legorolkrka, not necessarily
14:47.31Crispixit was at Long before I went to bed, at like .. 3 am
14:47.36CrispixAnd I was high bidder
14:47.38Legorolmaintenance is usually overnight, so
14:47.47Legoroli don't expect many people to look at my items overnight
14:48.04Legorolif you put up your item with the same timing as you would normally do, then you are fine
14:48.07Beladonaok I was reading the wrong section, what I read was about metatables. The function on its own is supposed to return nil if the number provided isn't convertable
14:48.16CrispixSo I think I just got a Silver Plated Shotgun for 39 silver and 51 copper....instead of 2 gold... YEEEEEEE ^___^
14:48.17Wobin_usually drop raw materials (minerals herbs etc) on weekends
14:48.22Legorolif you are putting up items with an expiry time somewhere in the middle of the night, you are increasing the chance that someone will bid it and not buy it out
14:48.25CrispixSooo happy
14:48.50Wobin_meh, you don't want them to bid, you want them to buyout =P
14:48.54Legorolsilver plated shotguns go for 2g? omg
14:48.55Wobin_That's the current issue with the AH
14:48.56Legorolwhat server?
14:48.58Legoroli should make those..
14:49.07Wobin_It's tailored towards the buyout, rather than the bid
14:49.08Crispixthats the buy out
14:49.09Legorolyes Wobin
14:49.14Legoroland i don't like that either :(
14:49.17Wobin_(at least for the common sells)
14:49.23Legorolthe AH is kinda "this is a shop, here is the price, shown in the buyout box"
14:49.26Legorolnoone uses bids
14:49.28krka|workhow would you change it?
14:49.31Legorolat least not on my server :(
14:49.34Wobin_I honestly don't know
14:49.35ckknightI always set my bid to the same price as my buyout
14:49.39krka|worki use bidding when i'm not in a hurry
14:49.44krka|workannoying when i get outbid though
14:49.46krka|workhave to run back
14:49.52Wobin_Theres no real point, then ckknight
14:49.57Legorolkrka, i try to as well, but whatever i bid on, always gets bought out
14:49.59krka|work(which is why Hoofhoof, the level 1 hunter is standing around in Thunder Bluff)
14:50.01Legoroli never get overbid
14:50.02ckknightand I always play with people who set super-low bids
14:50.21ckknightkrka|work, my Carmelabank is lvl 5 for Enchanting ;-)
14:50.45CrispixTime to go cash two 195 dollar checks :)
14:50.50Legorolthat's the annoying part.. i am not in a hurry, i am happy to bid.. and then someone buys it out
14:50.55Legorolwhich forces me to buy out things
14:51.02Legorolotherwise i don't get them
14:51.03Wobin_Depends on the size of the server
14:51.15Wobin_If the server is big, then bids are more likely to succeed
14:51.20Wobin_eg Argent Dawn
14:51.29Legoroli woudl have thought the opposite
14:51.32Wobin_Cause people don't find it in time
14:51.36CrispixSargerious is enormous
14:51.37Wobin_to buy out
14:51.41Legorolif server is big, lots of people, more likely that someone finds the same item useful
14:51.49Crispixit had no buy out though
14:51.52Legorolnot find it in time?
14:51.54Wobin_aye, but there are more likely to be multiple items on sale
14:52.13Legorolthat's true for greens
14:52.16Wobin_occasionally I troll through the AH for cheap bid deals
14:52.16Legorolnot usually for low-level blues
14:52.31LegorolWobin, i just use Auctioneer for that :-)
14:52.34Wobin_yeah, same
14:52.41Legorollow-level blues always get bought out on my server
14:52.55Wobin_You'd be surprised how many people got caught out by the AuctionIT bug
14:52.58Wobin_(and still are)
14:53.00Legorolwhich makes it impossible for someone without a l60 main to feed them to buy them
14:53.08Legoroleven if you save up for the bid price
14:53.17Legorolauctionit bug?
14:53.18Wobin_That's pretty average though
14:53.20Legoroloooh, do tell
14:53.23Legorolsince i use that to
14:53.38Wobin_If you've never seen the item before on the AH, and you use the 'suggest price' thing, it puts the item up for 1c =P
14:54.05Legorolok since i don't use auctionit to set the price, i'm safe
14:54.06Wobin_yeah, it caught me before I noticed that
14:54.17Wobin_Cause I have a tendancy to alt click really fast on my inventory =P
14:54.28Legorolyou can always cancel it..
14:54.36Wobin_yeah, if you notice it =)
14:54.36Legorolyou would have to be really unlucky for someone to buy it in that time
14:54.47Legorolwell, put up 20 auctions, then quickly scroll down your list of aucitons
14:54.51Legoroltakes a few seconds to check
14:54.58Legoroland i assume that 1c would stand out
14:55.07Wobin_of course, if you're not expecting anything to go wrong... you won't check =P
14:55.31TainNotice?  Yesh I check every single auction as I put it up.  :)
14:55.31Legorolso has this been fixed?
14:55.34Legorolor is it still there.
14:55.37Wobin_still there
14:55.52Legorolshould be easy enough to fix it though.. just use the blizz default suggested value
14:55.53Wobin_I'm not sure if it's an AuctionIt bug or something associated with Auctioneer
14:56.12Legoroloh right, could be something if you use both
14:56.19Wobin_(since I've never used one without the other)
14:56.29Legorolsince they both hook the price setting thingy
14:56.53Legoroli remember looking at it at some point and noticing that what you get as price can depend on which one hooks into the blizz function first
14:57.19Wobin_I'm usually happy enough with the price suggested
14:57.35Legorolhm, now that you mention it, i remember fixing something in auctionit related to this
14:57.46Wobin_I drop so much on the AH, it's not worth my effort to research each item
14:58.01Wobin_(or rather, I drop stuff on the AH in large batches)
14:58.05JoshBorkei use just Auctioneer
14:58.19JoshBorkeis AuctionIT part of Auctioneer?
14:58.24Wobin_no =)
14:58.47JoshBorkedoesn't Auctioneer provide the functionality to fill out the prices for you?
14:59.06Wobin_I think so
14:59.59Wobin_As I said, I've not used only one of them since the very start
15:00.08Wobin_So I couldn't tell what one does and the other doesn't =)
15:02.07JoshBorkeyea, I use just Auctioneer, and if it hasn't seen an item in the AH, it sets the buyout to 300% vendor sell price
15:16.23Crispix*is checking his ah bid... now... the one that started this whole discussion*
15:18.30Wobin_hehe grats =)
15:18.53Crispixit looks so much better than my old gun :D
15:19.39Wobin_Mornin' Cair
15:24.12Cairennhi hi
15:30.02Crispix :D
15:32.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:33.04CrispixI've probably got the best gear I can possibly get right now
15:34.02CrispixI could probably find a better belt..... but.. I'm getting my armor (Chest) upgraded soon with + something
15:34.35Cairennhahahhahahahahahaha, oh I love the PVP comic today!
15:35.35CrispixCairenn reads pvp?
15:35.44CrispixI mean I knew she was cool.. but.. that cool?!
15:35.47Wobin_of course, she's cool see?
15:35.48Crispixbe still my heart.
15:35.59Wobin_Your GF is already coming over for the weekend =P
15:36.21Wobin_ta =)
15:36.26CairennI can relate to it on sooooooooooo many levels
15:37.11Crispixme too
15:37.28Wobin_If only they all worked out with no response from my end =)
15:37.45Cairennheh, oh yeah ... I'm always helping my folks out too
15:38.18Cairennplus .... all the idiot users we try to help every day *think WoW users*
15:38.42CairennPA is good today to
15:38.49Crispixyou guys... wanna see something.... really... really cool?
15:39.03CairennCrispix: sure
15:39.18Crispix  (warning..may contain male crotch -- clothed.. though)
15:39.29CrispixSNES controller belt buckle.....
15:40.52Cairennoh my! goooooo Dora!
15:41.28Cairennhehehe, I start my day with webcomics
15:41.31Wobin_hehe Cair is obviously going through her webcomic list =P
15:41.37Cairennin case you hadn't figured it out
15:41.54CrispixI had a really adult orented comic I used to read...
15:42.01Crispixcan't remember what it was called.. was friggin hilarious
15:42.43CrispixDAS IT!!
15:42.50Wobin_How'd I guess =)
15:43.03Crispixno idea m8.. but sexy losers is fricking priceless
15:43.19Cairennoh! hey! [MoonWolf]! you're here!
15:43.40Cairennsince you were talking about a new combat log parser, you may find that interesting
15:44.04CrispixCairenn .. you need to realize... I Have a Pint Size t-shirt.
15:44.08[MoonWolf]thanks for the heads up Cairenn
15:45.13CairennCrispix: well, I wouldn't say no to a kiss by either Martin or Dora
15:45.13Wobin_Go Dora =)
15:46.00CairennRaven's pretty hot too ... Faye would be, if she weren't so messed up
15:46.07Crispix   best Gir related content ^_^
15:46.25Cairennhehehe, yeah, that one is cute
15:47.40[MoonWolf]wow, i think something up and 2 day's later someone basically makes it!
15:47.47Wobin_It's magic =)
15:47.59[MoonWolf]its the same as with the loading tips i had
15:48.10[MoonWolf]i though up the idea but before i could start working on it someone made it.
15:49.52Crispixthe only thing that could make this day more wonderful is if it was the spring equinox.
15:50.03Crispix(Everbodies probably going wtf.. why)
15:51.00JoshBorkelongest day of the year?
15:51.05[MoonWolf]Crispix, are you some kind of hippy ?
15:51.12Crispix   old desktop
15:51.21CairennCrispix: makes sense to me
15:51.38CrispixIt's changed quite a bit.. since then.... but.. I have desktops that change according to the season.. :)
15:51.42TainSevere weather wind warnings in effect.
15:52.20[MoonWolf]Crispix, how do you do that tab thing in foobar ?
15:52.42CrispixCreate a new playlist.. :)
15:53.02[MoonWolf]new world opens up!
15:53.14Crispixindeed :)
15:53.23CrispixI don't like Foobar any more
15:53.29[MoonWolf]why ?
15:53.32Crispixthey removed 'Shuffle All'
15:53.47[MoonWolf]playback order random ?
15:53.50CrispixI have 40+ gig of mp3s.. and without Shuffle All.. I can't listen to all of my mp3s randomized
15:54.08Crispixplayback order random??? o_O
15:54.10Crispixwheres that?
15:54.16[MoonWolf]playback menu
15:54.19[MoonWolf]order submenu
15:54.41CrispixI have
15:54.50Wobin_That's a very white desktop
15:55.25CrispixShuffle (track)  Shuffle (album)  and Shuffle (directory)
15:55.33CrispixWobin--Aye.. its my winter theme.
15:55.41CrispixMy spring one.. is a lot more colorful
15:56.00[MoonWolf]what is your version ?
15:56.04CrispixSpring / Autumn / Summer...
15:56.36CrispixMoon: 0.9 beta 13
15:57.07Crispixwhat version do you use o_O
15:57.08[MoonWolf]im still in 0.8.3
15:57.51Crispixmeebee I should reinstall ....
15:58.07Crispixya know what....
15:58.16CrispixIts enough like spring out to change my desktop...
15:58.22Crispix.And it's only a month away....
15:58.27CrispixI can change it...
15:59.15Wobin_I love Lady Onyxia's Myspace
15:59.28Wobin_My name is Lady Onyxia i'm a dark red 30 foot dragon and i live in my lair in Dustwallow Marsh. I've got a spikey tail and an impressive wingspan. Mortals cower before me. Other than that, i like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, a good party, and show tunes.
15:59.54Crispixmmm Onoxia likes Pina Coldas...
16:00.00CrispixNow I know the secret to taming her.
16:01.07[MoonWolf]see way better.
16:01.19Crispixtime to readd the radio stations I listen to.. :)
16:01.54Crispixowww.. my back just popped..incredibly loudly.. o_o;
16:02.54[MoonWolf]its not bad, try scanning 40 gig with winamp....
16:03.02[MoonWolf]you can make tea and drink it twice then.
16:03.04CrispixTakes about 30 seconds now :)
16:03.17Crispixthe new version of winamp.. I think they did some serious changes
16:03.29[MoonWolf]dont know
16:03.31[MoonWolf]dont use it
16:03.36CrispixDunno.. my heart will always belong to foobar though.. thats whyI felt so cheated that I wasn't using it
16:04.16[MoonWolf]foobar is great
16:04.18CrispixGoing through Other stuff.. now...... (Apocalyptica and things like that.. Blue Man Group as well)
16:04.42CrispixProgressive Rock (Joe Satriani, Liquid Tension Experiment.. Dream Theater..)
16:05.08Wobin_oh.. prog rock =P
16:05.18Crispixyay. it's going through the biggest directory now..
16:05.20CrispixRock :D
16:05.33[MoonWolf]is u2 still seen as prog rock ?
16:05.43CrispixAlternitive.. :)
16:05.50Crispixwell.. thats the way I see em
16:06.00[MoonWolf]in that case i have no prog rock
16:06.07CrispixThen again, I picture oasis as Alt too
16:06.20[MoonWolf]Otherwise i had one album progressive rock
16:06.24Wobin_They're technically overplayed alt =P
16:06.52CrispixGoing through Soft Rock now..
16:07.06CrispixBilly Joel, Bryan Adams,....
16:07.12CrispixDave Mattews Band.... et cetra
16:07.38Crispixwish I Could get a list of all my music..
16:07.50CrispixSecond largest directory (and near final one now) Soundtracks...
16:08.07[MoonWolf]soundtracks ?
16:08.17CrispixHome of almost every single Final Fantasy soundtrack ever released......(legally bought).. and a few dozen others.
16:08.23[MoonWolf]your second largets directory is sound tracks ?
16:08.38Crispixnot really..
16:08.42CrispixI'm a HUUUGE movie fan
16:08.59CrispixNearly majored in film.. but indiana doesn't offer anything like that :(
16:09.50[MoonWolf]my largest collection would be powermetal complete discograpy of Kamelot, Dragonforce, Blind Gaurdian, In flames
16:11.35CrispixStill can't believe I found the Definitive Edition for so cheap. 10$ ... 4 cds of blade runner music
16:12.51Wobin_Man. Vangelis rocks
16:13.01Crispixyehs.. yehs he does :)
16:13.13CrispixI've had the honor of meeting Vangelis and Ray Lynch. :)
16:14.01[MoonWolf]my dad hates you now
16:14.08Crispixlol how come?
16:14.14CrispixYour dad love Ray Lynch?
16:14.21[MoonWolf]he is the biggest vangelis fan I know.
16:14.28CrispixTell him to get into stage handing work.. :)
16:14.39[MoonWolf]at 48 ?
16:14.42CrispixI've met people you could only dream of meeting....
16:15.15CrispixWeird Al Yankovic Trent Reznor, ... lets see... who else.. John Flansberg and John Lennel.. Rod Stewart, Elton John...
16:15.37[MoonWolf]dont care for all those.. ecept maybe weird al.
16:15.52CrispixAl's a nice guy..
16:15.54[MoonWolf]how weird is he ?
16:16.20CrispixTruth be told he reminded me of my 8th grade science teacher (Wild and crazy.. but totally sane in a fun way)
16:16.51Crispixaw man.. I have work in an hour.. :(
16:16.56Wobin_I <3 Weird Al
16:17.10CrispixIf you don't.. you should be shot in the potato sack. :|
16:17.19CrispixHe's awesome
16:17.54CrispixI just got a weird error on the forums.........
16:18.02Crispix'Forum Not Ready'
16:18.23Cairennthat's normal
16:18.32Cairennforums are down
16:19.03TainI can't really say that I've dreamt of meeting any of those people, but it's still nice.
16:19.57TainOf course I did get to meet Alton Brown.
16:20.48[MoonWolf]now if someone can hook me up with bill gates for 5 mins....
16:22.54CrispixThe White Stripes - [Elephant-ADVANCE VINYL #10] Little Acorns [4:16]
16:23.03ckknightStone Temple Pilots - Creep
16:23.10TainStop stealing music!
16:23.12CrispixGood song ckknight
16:23.21[MoonWolf]tain, i bought it.
16:23.25[MoonWolf]90% anyway
16:23.33Crispixtain--all of my music is legal except for one, which is on its way via Ebay
16:23.50ckknightLittle Acorns is also good
16:24.10[MoonWolf]the weirder type of songs i have is stolen/not fore sale.
16:24.35[MoonWolf]no wait
16:24.51[MoonWolf]with the whole dragonforce discography that percentage is probably off a bit.
16:24.59[MoonWolf]but if i could buy it here i would....
16:25.10CrispixI've got one album by them Moony
16:25.44[MoonWolf]like it ?
16:27.38Crispixthen again..I rarely hear it
16:27.54CrispixI have 43.3 of music constantly randomized :)
16:28.12Crispix*43.3 gig
16:28.21[MoonWolf]I only have about 10 i think
16:28.28[MoonWolf]but only 4 is currently on my pc
16:28.37[MoonWolf]the rest is on my creative zen jukebox
16:30.05Crispixyou have a zen too? :D
16:30.32[MoonWolf]sure a zen touch
16:30.47TainI have around.. I think 120-130gb.  All my own cd, ripped.
16:31.08[MoonWolf]120gb of bought music ?
16:31.12[MoonWolf]thats a fortune right there.
16:31.20TainHundreds of CDs.
16:31.49CrispixSome guy came in to my work (work for EB/Gamestop) and bought 300 cds.
16:31.55TainWhich was the HD that I almost lost this week.
16:31.58[MoonWolf]dj most likely
16:32.05Crispix99 cents a piece.. but when I asked him why .. he said 'I collect music'
16:32.13Crispixno.. he was like 59 years old moony
16:32.23CrispixHe said he has over 3000 cds...
16:32.31CrispixI mean holy crap :o
16:32.37[MoonWolf]Tain,  now i understand why you wanted to save that... thats a PAIN in the buttside to rip in one go.
16:33.01TainIt took me months, but I was doing it just one at a time while I was doing other things.
16:33.13TainPlus I was telecommuting full time, so I was at my computers all day.
16:33.19[MoonWolf]ripping it as you buy it is easy.
16:33.34TainYeah, once you get the backlog done. :)
16:33.34[MoonWolf]buy cd rip put in collection and done
16:37.52Crispixassuming you have the hd space of course moony. *lol*
16:38.14Tain250gb HDs on sale for under $100 now.  Very happy!
16:39.39futrtrubloooh, where?
16:40.10TainBestBuy had them instore this week, just saw another one at tigerdirect.
16:40.59[MoonWolf]sata ?
16:41.07Legorol^US forums down?
16:41.19Crispixyeah leg
16:42.29Crispix   *Drool*
16:42.35Crispixmeh new cpu case ^_^
16:46.07Crispixhrm.. Amber Ring of Frost resistance.. 2 Gold, 21 Silver, 51 copper... I could live with that kinda money
16:47.17[MoonWolf]whats wit the odd numbers
16:47.23[MoonWolf]21 silver and 51 copper.....
16:47.28Crispixjust average
16:48.09Crispixthe thing I don't understand is why a +6 frost resistance gets more gold than a +7 frost resist does
16:50.23CrispixMoony's prolly right
16:51.12JoshBorkeare there any sites that provide localisation information?
16:51.28[MoonWolf]i have seen something in french
16:53.58Wobin_wowwiki has one for the locations in WoW
16:54.37Legorol^JoshBorke: what do you need specifically?
16:54.45Legorol^how to localize your AddOn?
16:55.00JoshBorkeLegorol^: "Greater Blessing of ..." in german :-D
16:55.13CrispixRight kiddos.. Crispy has to depart his house now.. :( He has work for 4 hours today...
16:55.33JoshBorkeciao :-)
16:55.51Wobin_~x en ge Greater Blessing
16:56.10Wobin_(Of course, that may not be the precise words used =P)
16:56.56JoshBorkewould that be a good thing to have though? for people like me who don't have access to the localized versions
16:57.03JoshBorkepurl: danke
16:57.34purlWobin_: thanks
16:58.35Legorol^JoshBorke: since those strings are not UI specific, they don't tend to be available to the UI engine per se in a file. Someone might have compiled a list, but you are asking quite a bit..
16:58.43Legorol^if you want all spell names, item names etc. in all languages
16:59.00Legorol^the best bet is to try database sites like thottbot, allakhazam or wowguru
16:59.08Legorol^they might list different language versions
16:59.10Wobin_Try downloading NeedyList
16:59.53JoshBorkewhy is it a search on google for needylist, the first result is a 'no results found' error page on curse? lol
17:00.00Wobin_oh ignore me
17:00.03Wobin_It doesn't have the strings =(
17:00.16JoshBorkeLegorol^: I agree.  Was thinking maybe a colloborative website had been setup somewhere
17:00.17Legorol^I suggest you try wowguru
17:00.20Legorol^it has a list of spells
17:00.28Legorol^and as far as i know, wowguru tends to do language versions
17:00.50Legorol^Yes, this kind of info is on the db sites that mine item/quest/spell etc. data
17:01.03JoshBorkemmk, cool
17:01.07Legorol^It's not generally in a format though that's useful for UI coding
17:01.30Legorol^e.g. extracting a list of the names of all spells in english and their german counterpart might be tricky
17:09.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:10.51JoshBorkeok, so how do i change the laungage on thott? o.O
17:11.02Wobin_no no, you need to be 35(@|23|)
17:11.23JoshBorke1 |2 35(@|23|)
17:11.57ShouryuuI don't think you can
17:11.57Wobin_yeah, and you need a huggle
17:17.50Shouryuuwhat is (@?
17:18.08ShouryuuI r escared
17:18.14JoshBorkedanke wobin
17:19.13JoshBorkehrm, this is gonna be weird though
17:19.24Wobin_yeah, it's not very helpful in matching them up
17:19.28JoshBorkei'm indexing my arrays based on the spell name :-/
17:19.44JoshBorkeno no, i can just copy/paste, so it'll be fine
17:20.09Wobin_I wonder what id reference wowguru uses
17:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:24.18Wobin_btw, Autobuff has a nice list of translated spells as well
17:25.41JoshBorkeoOoOo.  i should just steal that, because then i can copy/paste
17:27.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:43.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
17:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (
17:53.57AstrylOK wtf.
17:54.17Astryl"test" == 'test'
17:54.21AstrylIs that not true?
17:54.26AstrylIn lua.
17:54.36Cidepretty sure it is
17:54.48Cidewell, I don't see why it wouldn't be
17:54.49ckknightit is
17:57.10AstrylThen why does CastSpellByName("Faerie Fire (Feral)()") work for some people.
17:59.19AstrylI'm getting really confused by all this. I originally had my addon casting Faerie Fire by CastSpellByName('Faerie Fire (Feral)()')
17:59.55AstrylThen I switched to using " throughout my whole addon...
18:00.09AstrylUpon changing to "s, FF stopped working.
18:00.18Elessdywhy are you using ()'s at the end?
18:00.20AstrylI then removed the () at the end, and it worked again for me.
18:00.45Corrodiasit was never supposed to work with trailing parentheses in the first place
18:00.51AstrylBecause Faerie Fire (Feral) is special, in that it has ()'s in its name, so the scripting tries to treat that as a rank, and doesn't work.
18:01.01AstrylExcept, now it doesn't work for everyone else.
18:01.36Corrodiasyou can't use (Rank <x>) in there? it does have levels..
18:01.49AstrylI want to always use the highest level.
18:01.58Corrodiasyou'd have to check what level you have, i guess
18:03.01AstrylWell, I'm jusy confused as to why it works for some people some ways, and doesn't work for others like me, other ways.
18:03.23Corrodiasit's because i touch myself at night. i make no apology.
18:03.33AstrylOh, OK, that explains it.
18:04.00Corrodiasthat is a pretty weird little issue, though
18:05.08AstrylMy current answer of "Try editing the lua file, add ()'s in these 3 places. If that doesn't work, switch the "s around it with 's. And if that doesn't work, do both." isn't really a good answer.
18:12.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
18:17.53*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:32.33Shouryuuanyone here seen Hacksign?
18:34.46[MoonWolf]not me
18:38.39TainHacksign... hacksign... is that the one where they're like inside a videgame?
18:41.29TainI've seen a bunch of episodes of it, but it was a few years ago.  I barely remember.
18:42.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
18:42.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
18:43.09Beladonaisn't it dotHack
18:43.32TainOh plus I saw it at the same time I was reading the Otherland series by Tad Williams.
18:44.27TainIt was .hackSIGN I believe.
18:44.43Shouryuuit's weirdish
18:44.58ShouryuuI don't really like it, but I want to see it :P
18:45.56TainHey Cairenn
18:45.58Beladonaactually we were both right
18:46.05Beladonait is .Hack//SIGN
18:46.18BeladonaSIGN being a subset of the series
18:46.20TainAh :)
18:46.26TainOh damn that's right.
18:46.43Beladonaeither way, I like it
18:46.53Beladonaor did, but they don't have it on Cartoon Network anymore
18:47.39TainYeah, there were also a couple of video games (or more?) and a new one coming out.
18:49.02Beladonaan MMO would be interesting
18:49.10Beladonasince the series is about an MMO
18:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
18:49.15Beladonasort of
18:50.04elemahow can I check whether a (sound)file exists ?
18:50.16Legorolyou just have to try and load it
18:50.31Legoroli don't know if PlaySound returns anything ornot
18:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
18:53.01Shouryuubela - Yeah I guess the MMO dimension keeps me goig
18:53.26Shouryuuit's fun to reflect on how serious we ten to take things in games like WoW, adn remotly imagine how we'd be in a game like that :p
18:53.56TainOh man, for the corporate man who has everything and laments not having a space to store his iPod.  The iPod Nano tie.
18:54.16TainI don't take WoW seriously in the least!  In fact I barely acknowledge that any of you are eral.
18:55.08ShouryuuI'm not real!?
18:55.08Cairennat Tain*
18:55.25Shouryuuit didn't knmow that....
18:55.26ShouryuuDescartes was Wrong!
18:55.28TainI know Cairenn is real.
18:55.34ShouryuuCogito ergo sum doesn't work! Damned...
18:56.08TainRene Descartes was a drunken fart, I drink therefore I am!
18:56.31elemaso how do I use it ?
18:56.47elemalike: PlaySoundFile(file) == 1 then bla ?
18:56.58Legorolhowever, that will actually start playing it as well
18:57.01Legorolthat's all we've got
18:57.12elemaand I stop with StopMusic ?
18:57.15Legoroli guess
18:57.19Legorolthat's the best you can do, i think
19:05.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:05.24[MoonWolf]Don't mind me I am only a figment of tain's imagination.
19:07.56[MoonWolf]Ask tain, he made me up.
19:08.15elemawell, then he has a good fantasy
19:08.33elemavery real ;)
19:10.12IrielMorning all.
19:10.12TainIt's just a fantasy.  It's not the real thing.
19:10.17TainSoemtimes a fantasy is all you need.
19:10.18JoshBorkeI liked .hack//Sign
19:10.29IrielI liked it too
19:10.29JoshBorkei also got the PS2 games that accompanied it
19:10.44JoshBorkei've only played through the first installment though :-/
19:10.58IrielIt's a bit "light" in places (Though my reference point is stuff like Lain, and Cowboy Bebop)
19:10.59JoshBorkei suffer from wanted to play a game and get all its secrets
19:11.02IrielTHe soundtrack CD's are good.
19:11.08Legorolhi Iriel
19:11.17Legoroldid you have any luck with kremonte in the end?
19:11.36IrielI stopped at the 'you need to recompile your kernel' step 8-)
19:11.47IrielI'll jump back in if he succeeds at that and still has issues
19:11.50Legorolah right
19:12.05Legorolwould be nice to know what happened in the end :D
19:12.14[MoonWolf]iriel lain is kinda dark to compare anything too.
19:12.17Legorolhe's probably ripped his PC apart by now
19:12.20Legoroland thrown it out the window
19:13.05TainLain is really, really good though.
19:13.16IrielThat is true,  (both lain comments 8-))
19:13.25IrielThough the powerline-hum gets quite irritating
19:14.05TainAnd I *love* Cowboy Beebop.
19:14.08kremontei do still have issues ;(
19:14.14kremontei still can't find the scsi drives
19:14.27TainI sampled Tank (opening music) as a cellphone ring.
19:14.27IrielDid you install a new kernel?
19:14.39TainActually, the entire damn OST is awesome, awesome.
19:14.43kremonteon right now
19:14.48IrielAll of the bebop OST's are awesome
19:15.03kremonteyeah, bebop music is great
19:15.06kremonte... i have tank on right now
19:15.47Beladonaquestion, and this is a matter of opinion
19:16.02BeladonaI am almost done with the ability to view the code of any file on wdn
19:16.08Beladonabut which do you prefer?
19:16.11TainI have one that's got live performances of the Bebop stuff, oh it's so nice.
19:16.14kremonteeh, bela?
19:16.22Beladonaa separate popup for the file code
19:16.33Beladonaor have it in a scrollable div on the page
19:16.37IrielSeparate window
19:16.48Irielthat way i can ctrl-click it for its own firefox tab
19:16.48BeladonaI figured
19:17.00kremonteyeah, that sounds more reasonable
19:17.04Beladonayeah, and you can also open multiple files without having to go back
19:18.32Beladonaone more thing
19:18.34JoshBorkei concur
19:18.46BeladonaI have GeSHi setup to do syntax highlighting on the code
19:18.57Beladonabut it makes it so that you can't do a good copy paste
19:19.06Beladonabecause it gets line numbers and everything
19:19.27IrielYou could do the pastebin approach of including the 'naked code' in an editbox at the end
19:19.28Beladonanot sure if that is a make or break feature
19:21.09BeladonaI take it back, I can make it copy-paste just fine and have syntax highlighting, but not if I enable line numbers
19:21.26Beladonabecause it gets the line numbers too when you copy/paste
19:21.54Beladonagonna go with no line numbers for now
19:22.01kremontethen do the editbox method o_O
19:22.12JoshBorkei <3 line numbers though
19:22.31kremontejes, that's why you do both =P
19:22.57ShouryuuTain - Have you tried samurai champloo?
19:25.50BeladonaAdult Swim, gotta love it
19:26.31Shouryuunever tried it
19:26.37Shouryuuheard good and bad about it
19:26.42Shouryuuso I'm not in a hurry
19:27.03IrielChamploo is cool, takes a couple of episodes to warm up
19:27.25ShouryuuI really loved it
19:27.28IrielNever watch evangelion, if you must, then stop before you get to the last disk
19:27.32ShouryuuI watched like for the 6th time last weekend
19:27.54Shouryuuhaha I heard good and bad about the last disk :P
19:28.25elemaback to my soundfile: this( would work, right ?
19:28.29ShouryuuLain as stated above was simply... wow :P Really loved it. Screwed my head pretty bad =p
19:29.15LegorolBeladona, will you be providing downloadable diffs?
19:30.00Legorolpreferably for arbitrary sets of files as well, but most importantly a single diff for the whole set of changes
19:30.00Beladonagetting code views online first
19:30.09Beladonadiffs are kinda low priority for me
19:30.52Beladonaarbitrary diffs are gonna be a while
19:31.03Beladonabut a single diff per change will be easy
19:31.18Beladonaper change set I mean
19:32.47Beladonathis is a pain in the ass. Line numbers don't get copied in IE, but they do in Firefox. Yet another example of the difference in the way the two browsers handle <ol>
19:32.50IrielThe last disk of Evangelion (Well, the last episode, perhaps), is a huge letdown, it's just random and surreal.
19:34.34ShouryuuI have to give it a try
19:34.39Tainheh the "end" of Evangelion is quite a bone of contention with most fans.  It just doesn't make sense with the rest of the story.  Sort of.
19:34.41ShouryuuI like random and surreal, usualy :P
19:34.57TainI like Champloo too.
19:52.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
20:05.02JoshBorkewhen did they change the drunk effect last?
20:05.08JoshBorkewas it patch 1.9?
20:15.37ShouryuuIs holy nova spammable?
20:20.55Cidewell, not right now, but it will be in 1.10
20:21.10JoshBorkewould this work like i think it will? '/script local class={"Paladin","Priest","Druid","Mage","Warlock","Hunter","Rogue","Warrior"} for c in class do GreaterBuff_Buff(c) end'
20:21.23JoshBorkeput in a macro, each time you hit it it goes to the next class
20:22.47Shouryuuw00t :p
20:23.12CideJoshBorke: no
20:23.36Cideif GreaterBuff_Buff(c) does nothing when the class is buffed, then yes
20:23.44Cideif it buffs that class regardless, then no
20:24.06Cairennhahahahhahahaha!  "a friend of mine's ex-roommates step dad got banned and the  only thing he was using was the new 1.10 Custom Interface Toolkit."
20:24.57JoshBorkehm, how do i change it to do that?
20:25.46CideJoshBorke: the easiest way to get that to work is to keep a static table where you remove one each time
20:25.55Cideor, better yet
20:26.46Cidecreate a table (preferably in an addon), classes = { "Paladin", "Priest", "Druid", "Mage", "Warlock", "Hunter", "Rogue", "Warrior" }
20:27.17JoshBorkethen each time the macro is pressed, increment the index and loop around
20:27.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
20:27.54JoshBorkeyes or am i foolishly jumping ahead as usual?
20:28.34Cidethen a macro: /script local classes = classes; local n = getn(classes); if ( classes ) then GreaterBuff_Buff(classes[n]) table.setn(classes, n-1) else table.setn(classes, 8) end
20:28.48Cidemight be a bit of a hack to use getn/setn, but you only use one variable then
20:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
20:29.31Cideoops, should be "if ( classes[n] ) then ..."
20:30.30JoshBorkehm, ok, and the setn doesn't remove the extra entries?
20:30.52JoshBorkecool beans
20:31.12Cideit will pause for one keypress after you have iterated over all classes
20:31.25Cidebut I left it that way intentionally, figured it would be a good reminder to stop
20:32.12JoshBorkeis the global classes required though?
20:32.58Cideyes, if you make it local it will create a new one every time, and table.getn(classes) will always be 8 in the beginning (so you would end up buffing Warriors every time)
20:34.31Cidethough I would pick another variable name for a global variable
20:34.38CideI bet 'classes' is fairly common
20:36.16JoshBorkehm, ok
20:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:36.23JoshBorkei'll just tell him he has to wait :-D
20:38.50Guillotineneed help: I have my dkp addon sync with other users. Due to what I believe is flood resistance, after so many messages, it just stops sending. This is my current code: What would be the easiest way to put in a delay?
20:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
20:41.42JoshBorke(disclaimer: Not an informed recommendation).  if you need to delay the sending of the data-sync, why not push it to a que then use an onupdate to process the que?
20:41.55Guillotinethat's what I was thinking
20:42.06Cidethat's what I did as well
20:42.13CideI never noticed that it stops sending though
20:42.16Guillotinejust using a table then once the table is clean, deleting the table so that I don't take up too much room
20:42.21Cidewell, my 'stop' was being disconnected
20:42.29Guillotinethat's the interesting thing
20:42.36GuillotineI assumed it would d/c, not stop sending
20:42.39Guillotinea possible change>
20:42.54Guillotineor maybe an addon the person was using automatically prevented flood d/cs?
20:42.54CideI haven't had any issue since they implented raid1-40 unit ids
20:43.04Cidedoubt that
20:43.05IrielIn-game flood prevention just D/C's you
20:43.14Cidestill does? ok
20:43.17IrielI bet it's a race condition or bug in the code that allows the flow to stop if something breaks
20:43.30Guillotineok. then why does it stop sending messages after approximately 100 messgaes send?
20:43.51Cide~100 messages regardless of any delay between them?
20:44.17GuillotineIriel: that shouldn't be a problem. While my code is pretty long, it is also pretty solid
20:44.28GuillotineI don't htink theres anything there that does that
20:46.08IrielHm, how do you know the other end is done?
20:46.15IrielSorry, I mean, NOT done
20:46.21Guillotineit stops sending messages
20:46.33GuillotineI should probably put in a 'complete' message...
20:46.35Guillotinefor debugging at least
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20:47.20IrielI dont see the OnUpdate code in here
20:47.25Guillotinewait- where I have 2 foreach in a row, does the second one wait for the first to finish?
20:47.31Guillotinethere is no OnUpdate code
20:48.04Guillotineok. so line 57 and 58 aren't a problem?
20:48.06IrielThis code should just D/C you
20:48.12Guillotinewell it doesn't
20:48.12IrielAs far as I can tell
20:48.20Guillotineit just stops sending messages
20:48.33GuillotineI'd guess the other guy I was testing it with has a flood preventer addon
20:48.36GuillotineI've seen a coupl;e
20:48.46Irielthat would explain it
20:48.51IrielYou shouldn't dump the whole db in one go
20:48.59Irielyou need to stream it over time
20:49.37Guillotineand how would I do that?
20:49.46GuillotineI thought of a way, but its a bit too memory intensive I think
20:49.53Guillotinemoving everything in the table up a slot each time
20:51.26JoshBorkedon't move the slots, move the index
20:51.34JoshBorkethen nil the table once you've reached the last index
20:52.03Guillotineshhhh. I was trying to get Iriel to right the code for me
20:53.03IrielJosh's suggestion is 90% there
20:53.13Irieljust nil the entries you're done with too, from the table
20:53.21JoshBorkeoh blast :-P
20:53.34TainWoah.  "The United States won its first-ever medal in curling Friday, defeating Great Britain 8-6 in the bronze medal match of the men's curling tournament."
20:54.40Guillotineyay us
20:59.26GenNMX|ThraeWhenver I see that blurb, I keep thinking of sassy hairdressers with huge hair and curling irons.
20:59.40Cidesweden rocks at curling
20:59.44TainOh I am pretty sure the US would win gold at that event.
21:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
21:01.09Guillotineahhh... does OnUpdate still not work with hidden frames?
21:01.12Guillotineor has that changed?
21:01.20Legorolhasn't changed
21:01.20Cidethat's a design decision I'm sure
21:01.21IrielNo, that hasn't changed
21:01.24Irielit's very useful, in fact
21:01.34IrielYou can use Show/Hide as toggles
21:02.14Guillotineok. then if I'm going to have my frame hidden, what should I use as the event to send messages?
21:02.58Cideuse onupdate
21:03.09Cidecreating a new frame isn't that bad
21:03.11IrielUse OnUpdate, make a frame just for that
21:03.22GuillotineI don't like XML...
21:03.31Guillotinealthough a blank frame isn't too bad
21:05.08JoshBorke is what i'm currently doing.  I'd like to make it be localizable
21:05.40Guillotinelocalizing that shouldn't be too hard
21:05.52Guillotineif someone were to give you the translations
21:06.31IrielIf you need the names that much, grab them at OnLoad and stick them in variables = this:GetName();
21:06.43Irielthis.parentName = this:GetParent():GetName();
21:06.55JoshBorkei like that, and i shall do that :-)
21:07.01Irielthen just do local name, parentName =, this.parentName; at the top
21:07.09JoshBorkeand to answer the original question, because i don't know any better :-)
21:07.25IrielI'd say keep the identifiers inside your code in english (i.e. "paladin")
21:07.34IrielAnd then make 'display versions' of everything that gets localized
21:07.40Guillotine<Frame name="SKP_UpdateFrame" parent="UIParent" hidden="false" toplevel="true">
21:07.48Guillotineshould be enough for an updater frame, yes?
21:07.53IrielGuillotine : Dont make it toplevel, start it hidden.
21:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
21:08.16Guillotineand show it when, at variables loaded?
21:08.23IrielShow it when you start sending
21:08.29Irielhave it hide itself when you run out of things to send
21:08.48Guillotinetheres an idea
21:08.50Irielthis:Hide(); is very useful in OnUpdate's that know when they nothing else to do
21:08.53JoshBorkeIriel: but for the buffs that i'm casting, I have the spell set as 'CastSpellByName("Greater Blessing of "..GB_Config["blessing"])' where GB_Config["blessing"] is the text on a button
21:09.04GenNMX|ThraeJoshBorke: Why GB["target"] = "" instead of GB["target"] = nil? I thought "" still initialized a string.
21:09.06IrielSo do it this way...
21:09.26IrielCastSpellByName(LOCALIZED_STUFF["Spell_" .. GB_Config["blessing"])
21:09.35Iriel(I missed a ] in there)
21:09.37IrielThen you'd have
21:09.48IrielLOCALIZED_STUFF["Spell_Wisdom"] = "whatever";
21:10.46JoshBorkeah! i see! THANK YOU!
21:11.38IrielThen in your localization.lua file, you just set that table to one with the appropriate values in
21:11.46Irielyou can replace spell names, labels, everything, that way
21:11.58Irielbut still keep author-readable identifiers consistently inside the actual code
21:12.36JoshBorkewoot, i was afraid i'd have to go back and put if statements everywhere :D
21:20.27IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Regarding your question, or more specifically, the piece after it.. "" is a string value, but i'm not sure what "initialized a string" implies
21:21.36Guillotinewhat's the difference between IsShown and IsVisible?
21:21.46JoshBorkeGenNMX|Thrae: thanks, that's a small bug :-)
21:21.58Guillotinenm. I got it
21:25.11Guillotinety Iriel, JoshBorke and Cide
21:27.24IrielGuillotine : The notion of flood protectors does raise an interesting question
21:27.36IrielYou may want to put a sequence number on each data point you send
21:27.42Irielso you know if the recipient is missing any
21:28.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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21:34.56Guillotinewould GetTime or GetGameTime be a better way of seeing how much time has passed?
21:35.21GuillotineI'm thinking GetTime would be easier just b/c the format is already there
21:36.39Guillotineyes? no? maybe so?
21:37.28JoshBorkei like the recommendation the wiki gives and moderate it by calls to OnUpdate
21:37.58JoshBorkeOnUpdate gets called approx 1000 a sec, so just have a variable inc to act as a delay
21:39.10Guillotinethat's what I'm doing
21:39.35Guillotineexcept that theres no such values as TimeSinceLastUpdate
21:39.47Anduin|Cowzzzelapsed is arg
21:39.51GuillotineI know that
21:40.28Guillotineoh. I see the problem with their code
21:40.35Guillotinethey never initialize TimeSinceLastUpdate
21:40.58JoshBorkeand they use This instead of this?
21:40.58Guillotinenot to mentiont he second "this" is capitalized which gives an error
21:41.08Guillotinehaha. I beat you to it :P
21:45.21Guillotine isn't sending anything for some reason
21:45.26Guillotinethough no errors pop up
21:45.55IrielGuillotine : OnUpdate is called with arg1 set to the number of seconds since the last frame was drawn
21:46.20Guillotineok... didn't I work with that?
21:46.23IrielGuillotine : So just accumulate that, be careful (a) to initialize it first and (b) to check how large it is, at login it can be huge.
21:46.39IrielGuillotine : (I'm catching up as I read, so ignore me if this has been covered already 8-))
21:47.04IrielOh, and use GetTime for elapsed time measurements outside of that, no need to worry about game time.
21:47.18Guillotineahhh... I'm not really getting this
21:47.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:47.39IrielPersonally, I prefer this approach:
21:47.56Irielthis.NextUpdate = this.NextUpdate - arg1;
21:48.01Irielif (this.NextUpdate <= 0) then
21:48.07IrielThough i'd write it as
21:48.17Iriellocal nu = this.NextUpdate - arg1;
21:48.21Irielif (nu <= 0) then
21:48.59Crispixme ish back :D
21:49.01JoshBorkeGuillotine: if (not SKP_UpdateFrame:IsVisible() ) then ... end
21:49.04JoshBorkewb Crispix
21:49.13JoshBorkeOnUpdate only gets called on visible frames
21:49.17JoshBorkei think
21:49.22IrielActually, i'd put the interval set before the --stuff
21:49.37IrielJoshBorke is correct, OnUpdate isn't called for frames that aren't visible
21:49.43GuillotineJosh: already have that
21:49.48Guillotineexcept I used IsShown
21:49.48IrielBut, that bit of code isn't there
21:49.52IrielIt's more efficient to do
21:49.55Guillotineso it doesn't constantly show it if the UIParent is hidden
21:50.02IrielX:Show() than if (not X:IsShown()) then X:Show(); end
21:50.19IrielYou shouldn'y give it a parent if you want this to work when the UI is hidden
21:50.50IrielBut anyway, the UI is smart enough be efficient about showing a shown frame
21:50.55Irielso you can avoid that check
21:51.10GuillotineI can just do SKP_UpdateFrame:Show() ?
21:51.30IrielAnd you should do this:Hide() instead of SKP_UpdateFrame
21:51.33IrielYes, yo ucan
21:51.55IrielThe latter (hide thing) is mostly personal preference, but it does mean if something bad happens to your global, your update handler still turns itself off
21:52.35Guillotinenow I don't really get your thing up there about local nu
21:52.46Guillotinenowhere in there do I tell it how much time I want it to wait
21:52.51JoshBorkeinstead of counting up, you count down
21:53.09IrielYes, and when your timer expires, you do: this.NextUpdate = SKP_updateInterval;
21:53.10GuillotineJosh: I get that
21:53.16Irielwhich sets the next period
21:53.17Guillotineahh. ok
21:53.24JoshBorkeyea, i was just about to put that bit :-)
21:53.34IrielThe local is just there to avoid repeatedly dereferencing this.NextUpdate
21:53.57IrielLua IS fast at table references (especially when the value is THERE)
21:54.09Irielbut that doesn't mean it's not worth avoiding redundant references
21:54.19Irielespecially in OnUpdate handlers
21:55.01IrielI would also nil out the message queue
21:55.03Irielor table.setn it to 0
21:55.09Irielrather than replacing it with a new empty table
21:55.17Irielnilling it is probably best
21:55.25Iriel(When the timer runs out, that is)
21:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
21:55.51Irielyour send message already handles re-creating if it's empty
21:56.30Irielthough I suppose, this way around, you avoid an extra test in the OnUpdate
21:56.38Irielwhich might be a better thing
21:57.06Guillotinehey shouryuu
21:57.13Guillotinehow you like the new priest changes?
21:57.14JoshBorke1 |2 35(@|23|)
21:57.15IrielBut since you control whether the OnUpdate is running, it's arguable that youd need that test
21:57.45ShouryuuI love them
21:57.54ShouryuuI've been hyper since
21:58.08Crispixanyone wanna see something spiffeh?
21:58.13Guillotinethey look awesome :) though I think the holy final talent should have a slightly lower cooldown but require a reagent (maybe a 5 min cooldown)
21:58.25Crispix <--$220 dollar glasses frames...
21:58.26JoshBorkereagent ftl :-(
21:58.30CrispixMy new glasses set.
21:59.16Shouryuuyeah lightwell downs't look that good, b ut I guess we'll actualy have to *try* it before judging
21:59.26Shouryuuit's completly new so it's hard to judge
21:59.37Crispixits a bad picture
21:59.47Crispixthe frame thing is completely unique.
21:59.58JoshBorkeit just looks like it bends...
22:00.49Crispixbetter picture
22:01.09Guillotineits glasses...
22:01.14*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:01.28GuillotineI wouldn't exactly call that "spiffeh" crispix ;)
22:02.20Guillotine is still sending nothing
22:02.23Guillotinethough there are no errors
22:06.16Guillotineanyone have any idea?
22:11.55Guillotineanyone there?
22:12.38Josh|Workingbecause the chatmessage send is commented out?
22:13.53Guillotineno. line 28
22:13.57Guillotinethat one is seperate
22:14.55Josh|Workingprint it to the chatframe
22:22.33Josh|Workingok, later
22:24.50TainOh yeah, G15 thread.
22:26.29ForgottenLordsAnother G15 thread asking how to get the LCD working with WoW?
22:26.56TainWell, asking for "official blue response."
22:27.54wowguru-1234i fell asleep lol
22:28.01wowguru-1234the client patch is working
22:28.27wowguru-1234maybe i can play it today!
22:29.02wowguru-1234id be so happy if it works
22:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:35.06wowguru-1234bye byeremember xrowiz thanks for the help u guys
22:35.06Guillotine_Cair: need approval on SKP if you're there
22:35.15Guillotine_also, it dissapeared from the BetaInterface folder for some reason
22:35.18Guillotine_though its still accessable
22:35.23Guillotine_and it did that before I uploaded the new version
22:36.34Cairenn|afkGuillotine, boy are you ever slow
22:39.08Tainhahah I only just now saw this.
22:39.13Tain" a friend of mine's ex-roommates step dad got banned and the only thing he was using was the new 1.10 Custom Interface Toolkit."
22:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
22:39.47Cairenn|afkI copied that to here ages ago :p
22:40.07TainThat's why I said I only just now saw it, because I was sure I was behind the times. :)
22:40.40Cairenn|afkwow, Iriel, you've been promoted to "Troll" now? I'm impressed!
22:41.20TainBesides, I used up all of my free braincells today trying to figure out women.  I know, I know, that's as much of a futile effort as asking for G15 support in WoW.  ;)
22:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-1402 (
22:41.49wowguru-1402im back
22:41.51wowguru-1402i tried the patch
22:41.56wowguru-1402it corrupted
22:42.05wowguru-1402i try later i be back later
22:42.07wowguru-1402im sick of game
22:42.12Cairenn|afkwait 2 sec
22:42.21Cairenn|afklemme find a link for you to try
22:42.36wowguru-1402ive been getting em from mmofiles
22:42.55Cairenn|afkSomething completely different
22:42.56wowguru-1402its the client patch thing that fails
22:43.00Cairenn|afkgo to here:
22:43.06wowguru-1402the client patch is what fails
22:43.06Cairenn|afkdownload the Repair Utility
22:43.12wowguru-1402i got that
22:43.19Cairenn|afktry running it first, then see if you can patch up
22:43.34wowguru-1402i did
22:43.47wowguru-1402oh well
22:43.52wowguru-1402i will be back later
22:43.56wowguru-1402darn game
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23:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
23:03.54Kremontewell, my computer got totally boned
23:04.31Kremontereformatting is fun and exciting though
23:04.58Cairennso is watching paint dry, if you think that is :p
23:05.14Kremontei didn't laugh :-(
23:05.35Kremontestupid motherboard made everything 20x more complicated
23:05.42Kremontenow linux won't boot, windows won't boot
23:05.57Kremonteand the windows cd is loading like 20 drivers for every possible hardware configuratoin
23:06.32Kremonte...and it didn't detect my drives
23:06.46Kremontewhat the hell
23:07.38Kremonteum, can anyone suggest a good motherboard manufacturer
23:08.47Guillotine_not whatever one you're using?
23:08.56Kremonte'lo iriel
23:09.05Kremonteyou use an ASUS, right? i might overnight one
23:09.16IrielKremonte : For Windows, you need to install the RAID driver to see those other drivers.
23:09.24IrielKremonte : Yes, i'm happy with my asus.
23:09.30Kremonteyeah um, complication isn;t my thing ^^;
23:09.37Kremontewell then, an ASUS it is!
23:09.53IrielJust make sure it supports the appropriate number of PATA drives 8-)
23:10.02Kremontehar har har /cry
23:10.33Kremontewait, so regular IDE = PATA?
23:10.41IrielCairenn : I did think my new Troll status was funny.
23:10.44IrielYes, Parallel ATA
23:10.50Kremontegood to know
23:11.21Iriel(ATA Drives on IDE bus = PATA, in the terminology of recent days)
23:12.56IrielGuillotine did you figure out your issue?
23:13.05Guillotineeverythings all good :)
23:13.18Guillotineand it even makes a Murloc aggro sound when it finishes
23:13.41Anduin|Cowzzzlol.. So i find out I can remove 20 lines of code by just makign an if statement more robust... of course I find this out after adding a feature right bellow that's about 20 lines...
23:13.44Kremontethere's only 3 ASUS boards with socket 775, PCIE, ATX with 2 PATA slots
23:13.45Kremonteis that normal?
23:13.53Kremonteor did i mess up somewhere :p
23:14.31Kremonte hmm
23:14.46Kremonterefurbished (but i have all necessary parts), only $45 with cheap shipping
23:15.50KremontePATAcake PATAcake!
23:16.08KremontePATA (or lack thereof) is the reason for my hardware woes at the moment
23:16.55Anduin|Cowzzzwhat is it?
23:17.06Kremonteparallel IDE, according to Iriel :P
23:17.17Kremontethe slots normal hdd's and drives go into
23:17.36Kremonteer, parallel ATA :p
23:17.52Anduin|CowzzzSATA ftw
23:17.59Kremontesata is evil
23:18.36CrispixSATA is nice.... but can be evil
23:19.29Anduin|Cowzzzhaven't had any problems, but then i haven't tried to build a compy with sata
23:20.04CrispixDoes annyone here know of any mods that let you move the party member frames?
23:20.13Crispixlike if I want to rearrange them?
23:20.14Kremonteomgz visor
23:20.37IrielPATA in contrast with SATA
23:20.43Anduin|Cowzzzor any number of other mods
23:20.51Crispixmobile frames?
23:20.58Crispixgot a link to that so I can see what it does?
23:21.07Anduin|Cowzzzit lets you move everything
23:21.10CrispixI just wanna move my party members windows.... thats all
23:21.21CrispixMove Anything was wayyyyy too damn confusing
23:23.08Kremontewow, 3day shippingis $1... overnight is $23
23:23.27Anduin|Cowzzzif you just want party mobile you can do: 1) /mf disable 2) /mf enable PartyMemberFrames 3) /mobile anchors 4) move party frames where you want 5) /mobile anchors
23:23.55CrispixAnd what about the 'targeted' creature frame?
23:24.01Crispixwhich is that?
23:24.36Anduin|Cowzzzit's all enabled my default if you don't /mf disable
23:25.12Kremonteoky, could i get a quick opinion? overnight = $67, which is $15 less than my current mobo (the evil one). good?
23:25.37Crispix& target frames where you want 6) /mobile anchors
23:25.48Anduin|Cowzzzcheck for it at a local store and see if you can avoid the shipping
23:26.40IrielAgainst my better judgement, I'm adding to the G15 thread
23:26.48CrispixAnyone have any screenshots of a raid in progress with more than 5 people in a party before I go abouts doing this?
23:27.01CrispixI've got an idea, but I'm not sure I'm going to do it right
23:27.18Anduin|Cowzzzthe G15 is leet for WC3
23:27.27CrispixThe max # of players that can be shown on a players status bar is 5 right?
23:27.34IrielKremonte : Looks fine from that page, if you feel paranoid a quick web search for anyone having problems with installing one might be helpful
23:27.53Anduin|Cowzzzplayer + pet + 4xparty +4xpartypets
23:28.08CrispixFigured that much.. ok..
23:28.15Crispixso I can expand those up across the main screen
23:30.11Anduin|Cowzzzdrag the top party member to move them all or drag them individually
23:32.39TainHonestly I'm just glad the focus of the G15 is on the LCD, and not the macros.
23:33.14TainAll it would take is for someone to post up some specific follow by number macros to automate certain things, and people would rush out to buy them.
23:33.24Crispixerr.. mobile frames didn't work o_O
23:34.28Kremontehm, Iriel: there are agood deal of BIOS problems it seems, remediable, you think?
23:35.07IrielKremonte ; It depends, if they'r eof the "update the BIOS" variety, or "My 15 year old hardware doesn't work right" then yes, Do you have a specific link?
23:35.38Anduin|Cowzzz"didn't work" is no where near descriptive enough to formulate any suggestions for possible solutions
23:35.56Kremontelooks like it needs a BIOS upgrade outof the box
23:36.46Crispixhrm... mobile frames doesn't seem to work
23:36.58IrielFor a certain class of processor, yes
23:37.12IrielKremonte : Are you putting an 800 or 900 series processor in it?
23:37.23Kremontei have no idea how to tell :-)
23:37.34Kremontei have the cpu box in my hands tho
23:38.04Irieldoes it have a 3 digit series number on it?
23:38.20IrielLike 830, or 940, or something?
23:38.21Kremonteintel p4 630
23:38.35TainI have no idea what that means.
23:38.45Kremonteyou are a qt3.14159 tain
23:39.00TainHey, that was my mom's AOL screenname you know.
23:39.01IrielI think you're fine
23:39.02TainOr, somethign similar.
23:39.16Kremontewell then
23:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:39.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:39.31TainWhat are you doing chatting with my mom on aol anyway?
23:39.34IrielThose ones are the ones that need the BIOS update
23:39.44Kremontetain: qt pi
23:39.44IrielProbably the same tihng everyone else does Tain
23:39.49TainBaked ziti, freshly made bread, roasted garlic for dinner.
23:40.10Kremonteyeah iriel, its not a pentium D
23:40.28IrielWe're going to order chinese
23:40.33IrielDragon 2000 FTW
23:41.03TainThere's a Chinese place near my parents that has some of the best roast duck I've ever had.
23:41.13TainI don't know if I'll manage to not stop there every day.
23:41.48CrispixThats not duck... thats what they want you to believe is duck. *mischevious cackle*
23:42.27TainIt could be fresh suckling babies for all I care, it tastes damn good.
23:42.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:42.51IrielI've noticed that 'Crispix' is suspiciously close to 'Crispy Duck'
23:43.09Anduin|Cowzzzcrispix is a ceriel
23:43.19Anduin|Cowzzza tasty and healthy one too
23:44.17TainYes, the grocery store had both Rice Chex and Corn Chex on sale last week, so I made my own.
23:45.13Kremontehaha, with the RMA + overnight purchase
23:45.24Kremontei'm spending a net total of $-12.60 on this new mobo
23:45.44TainThat's a steal!
23:45.48Anduin|Cowzzzare you gonna get it yesterday too?
23:46.04KremonteAnduin|Cowzzz: maybe, i wish it will arrive 5 minutes ago though
23:52.58CrispixAnduin,,, you said 4 party members max .. right?
23:53.06Crispixme + 4 others.. or me +3 others?
23:53.49Anduin|Cowzzzplayer + 4xparty
23:54.16Cairennboy oh boy oh boy, facts you never wanted to hear ... the "cheese" used by McDonald's is 1 chemical away from plastic
23:54.44Cairennnot that I ever eat at McDonald's, but still
23:55.23Shouryuuat least it's quick food, and it feeds you
23:56.32TainCan you inline an image in a post on the blizz forums?  I don't see it listed.
23:57.23Anduin|Cowzzzgrr never enough time

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