irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060219

02:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:46.07*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
03:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
03:00.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
03:12.57Legorolquestion about loot ethic:
03:13.05Legorolif everyone else rolls greed on an item,
03:13.14Legorolwhich is although not really for my class but is an upgrade for me,
03:13.16Legorolcan i roll need?
03:13.39Wobin_Technically yes.
03:13.50Wobin_if it's a 'need' item, it's a 'need' item
03:13.52Legorole.g. a blue neckpiece with +int/+sta/+spi that is lot better than my current crappy one, and i'm a warrior
03:14.05Legoroland everyone else already selected greed
03:14.16Legorolof course if there is a caster who selects need, i would pass
03:15.13Wobin_I would ask
03:15.29Wobin_party ethics can often depend on the party itself =)
03:15.31Legorolso you don't think i'm justified in rolling need?
03:15.45Legorolyeah but by the time the party woudl decide, the timer on the loot roll box expires
03:15.52Legorolso what would YOU do?
03:15.54Legorolin a pug
03:16.06Wobin_I do, but it's easier to say "Anyone mind if I roll need, as it's better than my current necklace" than risk getting people irritated
03:16.44Legorolthen how long do you wait for responses?
03:17.03Wobin_Well, long enough for a general response
03:17.21Wobin_people in a pug shouldn't normally take more than 5 seconds or so to respond
03:17.31Kaeltenmy theory is only roll need if you plan on putting it on
03:17.54Wobin_If you wear it, they shouldn't have too much to complain about
03:18.11Legoroli was definitely going to wear it
03:18.14KaeltenI've seen people roll need and their response was 'its for my class' even though they didn't need it.
03:18.15Legorolas i said, it's an upgrade for me
03:18.28Cairennthen /need
03:18.30Legorolso i think i would be justified in rolling need
03:18.40Kaeltenwell that smy ethos on it,  If I will actually wear it I'll roll need for it.
03:18.53Kaeltenbar prearanged agrement.
03:19.03Legoroli will only roll need if i will wear it *and* there isn't someone whose class item it is that is rolling need
03:19.47Kaeltensounds reasonable.
03:20.15Legoroli'd put items in 3 category: 1) need, it's for my class and it's an upgrade that i will wear
03:20.24Legorol2) need but only because it's an upgrade and not really for me
03:20.26Legorol3) greed
03:20.39Legorol1 is a clear need roll, 3 is a greed roll
03:20.41Legorol2 is grey
03:28.46CodayusLegorol: Depends on the group and the instance, but yeah - in general if you'd equip it and it's a BoP item then it's need, especially if nobody who its intended for is rolling need.
03:29.09CodayusIf it's BoE, then maybe just roll greed and offer to buy it from the winner.  THat really depends on the group though.
03:30.07Legorolit was a BoP in a PUG with no prior agreement
03:30.13CodayusWhat was the item?
03:30.31LegorolTriune Amulet from SM, i'm a warrior
03:30.48Legorol+7 sta, +7 int, +7 spi
03:30.51Legoroleveryone else rolled greed
03:30.54CodayusI know what it is.  :-P
03:31.04Legoroli didn't :-)
03:31.08Legorolso i'm not assuming anything
03:31.19CodayusYeah...if nobody said anything, and everyone rolled greed, then I'd interpret that as everyone indicating they'd vendor it.
03:31.59CodayusSo I'd roll need, I guess.  Although it seems kinda weird nobody actually needed it, the amulet rocks for every mana using class.
03:32.00Legorolunless someone rolled greed because their intepretation was that there is a cloth wearer in the group who is likely to roll need
03:32.14Legorolyeah, there was hunter and 2 druids as well i think
03:32.47CodayusI can't imagine why a druid wouldn't roll need on it.  But, if they didn't, then they shouldn't complain about not getting it.  <shrug>
03:32.53Legorolwell the end of the story was that i rolled greed to, to be on the safe side, and won the roll :D
03:32.54CodayusOr a hunter, come to that.
03:33.01CodayusGrats?  :-P
03:33.18Legoroli was just curious if it would've been justified for me to roll need
03:34.47CairennI would have, in your situation
03:35.03Legorolaaah, i love shipping Expert Cookbooks
03:35.07CodayusYeah, it's kinda weird, but I'd say so.
03:35.11Legorolmost of the time, 1g profit on each one
03:35.20Legorolwhen i happen to be in Ashenvale, i buy like 20 of them
03:35.28Legorolshove it in the mailbox, and AH them at 3-4 at a time
03:36.32Legorolwell, g'night folks
03:36.40Wobin_night Leg
03:36.45Cairennnight lego, sweet dreams
03:36.55CodayusIf they complain, tell them Valor has spirit on it, so clearly that's a warrior stat.  :-P
03:37.03Codayusnight lego
03:37.08Wobin_clearly a hunter item =P
03:37.10Wobin_Duh =
03:37.35Wobin_I hate playing hunter sometimes... I never know when to roll =P
03:38.02Wobin_Majority of stuff is "weeeelllll... it -is- an improvement to my current item..... but...."
03:38.06CodayusHunter itemization
03:38.40Wobin_And chances are it gets ninjaneeded by a CGF anywaqy =(
03:44.11*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:44.11*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Mod Dev Discussions: Keep smiling! It makes people wonder what you are up to...
03:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowd (
03:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
05:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
05:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
05:57.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
05:58.28Guillotine__well. no more spoofing. friend just got warning for "harmful exploitation of game mechanics" for linking the "Hammer of Grace(ful Stupidity)"
05:59.05Wobin_If only that guy hadn't released that addon =P
05:59.20Guillotineahhh well
05:59.51Cairennit was going poof before the addon was released anyway, so
06:00.21Guillotinewe told Slouken about it the moment we found out it was possible
06:00.38Cairennyup, I remember, since you sent it via me
06:38.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
06:39.11Shouryuu<== exhausted
06:42.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
06:42.51Verlaineplane + metro + paris = suxorz
06:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
07:14.30Verlaine|*34|2 7|-|3 |_4G
07:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
07:23.32Verlainethis is a first
07:23.46Verlainesome guy claims that his friend's char got deleted by an add-on
07:59.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
08:07.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
08:07.14*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
08:09.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
08:22.05Shouryuuhummm I didn't know that the guy who did Samurai champloo had worked on the animatrix as well
08:47.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:47.04duke|ibShouryuu: omg cosmos deleted my account and ate my children
08:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
09:00.26Irielsomething fun for the evening
09:01.18Shouryuufun is rather biased
09:01.39[MoonWolf]nifty though
09:07.44IrielThe more I play with silly lua tricks like that, the more I enjoy the language 8-)
09:11.59Wobin_how goes the pvp?
09:12.05Tem|PvPdamn well
09:12.17Tem|PvPI'm going to be crazy high rank this week
09:12.23Tem|PvP97k so far
09:12.33Tem|PvPand today hasn't counted in that
09:12.38*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
09:12.42Wobin_What do you do normally?
09:12.49Tem|PvPAny idea what addon would auto-collecting my AH mail?
09:13.59Irieloh, and for those who weren't on earlier
09:14.16Tem|PvPI don't have CT_Mailmod
09:14.33Wobin_You're asking what existing mod you have is collecting your mail =P
09:14.36IrielMaybe the gm who follows you around is reading them?
09:24.36Shouryuuwhat is that iriel? Or anyone who understood
09:26.52Shouryuuok I read the thread
09:27.11Wobin_Which thread?
09:28.15Shouryuuthe one posted by iriel about the link
09:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
10:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge futr-away (
10:37.33Shouryuulol cool thread
10:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
10:39.58Shouryuuactualy make that
11:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
11:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
11:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
11:57.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
12:00.21Elkanohmm? y?
12:00.35Wobin_Til the WoW CDs finally finish downloading =P
12:00.49Wobin_I uninstalled before thinking to check if I had them handy =P
12:01.13Elkanothere's a page you can down them? en version, too?
12:01.23Shouryuuwell you can torrent them
12:01.26Wobin_Nah, Bittorrent
12:01.47Elkanoblizzard or private?
12:02.08Shouryuublizzard isn't throwing around free copies of WoW
12:02.15Wobin_Well, it's not technically free
12:02.19Wobin_You still need an account
12:02.29Wobin_which is why I have no qualms downloading the CDs
12:02.37Shouryuuand You've already bought them
12:03.04Shouryuuit's as if a friend lended you his CDs so you could install it :P
12:03.42Wobin_Aye, except that my friend = About 200 complete strangers lending me a few megs at a time =)
12:09.35id`blizzard or private? you mean wow's gone freeshard? o_O
12:10.11Elkanowow has gone freeshard long before :(
12:10.34id`no wai!
12:11.01id`i was in a custom wow server dev team for a while
12:11.07Elkanothe only reason for me putting up my own freeshard would be addon testing...
12:11.08id`but the owner got a nice letter :<
12:11.26id`well its nice to have freeshards with xp++
12:11.37Wobin_not worth it, imo =P
12:11.44id`why? its free
12:11.52Wobin_not worth the time put in =P
12:11.53Elkanowell, just google a bit and you'll find them...
12:12.06Wobin_It's like godmode
12:12.18id`nah it isnt
12:12.28id`its just 'on steroids'
12:12.40Wobin_yeah, you end up with tiny balls and a receding hairline
12:12.42id`you made me a very happy pandaren
12:13.11Wobin_I almost considered joining one, since I can't seem to connect to the official servers
12:13.23Wobin_But for addon development, it's not the same
12:14.45id`yeah thats true
12:14.51id`not saying ill ditch
12:15.00id`the official servers
12:15.27id`its jsut that having a higher lvl char in less time brings joy :P
12:15.47id`ill stop talking before cair smashes my brains in about moral etc
12:16.20Wobin_hehe level 60 char in 5 days.... and maybe 3 other players online =P
12:16.46Wobin_You'd have to plan days in advance for a PUG =P
12:16.58Elkanowell, with GM commands, you'll solo BWL ;)
12:17.13Wobin_I've done the whole GM/Creator schtick
12:17.19Wobin_you just no longer want to play
12:21.29Wobin_Is the difference between the Pally Blessing of Might and Greater Blessing of Might the same as the priest Fort and Prayer of Fort?
12:21.38Wobin_(apart from class application)
12:24.00Shouryuubash is one of the funniest sites I've ever seen
12:25.00Elkanowell, the best humor is written by life itself :)
12:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
12:40.32Wobin_I can spend far too long on this site
12:40.57id`me too
12:41.07id`too bad they stopped adding things
12:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
13:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
13:19.22ShouryuuI am such in deep shit
13:19.33ShouryuuI have mock exams this week, I haven't studied at all
13:20.58Shouryuuand I had these private study groups that fill your mail box with adds explaining why you should pay them for a 2000$ training course
13:21.20ShouryuuI am angry today
13:24.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
13:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
13:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:29.06krkaanyone know how far off 1.10 is?
13:29.16LegorolSoon (TM)
13:29.38krkano guesstimates?
13:33.30Legorolif you want a poor one, I can provide one: this year
13:33.44ShouryuuI'd say two weekish
13:34.05Shouryuuthe priest talents are coming out this week, and imo that's the big of 1.10
13:34.22krkagood range there
13:34.28Shouryuuso if that is done this week, then all should be ok
13:35.10Shouryuuthere's all the UI stuff, which seems like rather a lot of work, but about 99% of the players don't give a damn about those, so if they aren't perfect, meh :P
13:36.51Elkanowrt the ui changes, a TR would be realy nice :/
13:37.13Shouryuuwell I guess you can check the 1.10 list of changes Iriel posted :p
13:37.25Shouryuuare the dynamic frames in 1.10 or the next ver?
13:39.33Shouryuuhumm aren't buff id's from 1 to 16, and not 0 to 15?
13:40.18Wobin_Tekk changed the wowwiki to the correct version
13:40.20Wobin_have a look there
13:41.32Shouryuuwill do
13:42.19krkait's both shou
13:49.31Shouryuuwhen did ppl start saying "aye"
13:49.39ShouryuuI can't remember where I picked that expression up
13:53.33[MoonWolf]Its a fun word to use from time to tim.
13:53.42[MoonWolf]isn't it something scottish ?
13:54.17id`no its dwarvish, duh
13:54.19Shouryuuit's like piratish
13:54.23id`no its dwarvish, duh
13:54.29Shouryuuaye aye cap'tain
13:54.45id`aye, dem stinkin trolls ... etc
13:58.10Shouryuuam I the only to use Q E ZXC as key bindings?
13:58.16Shouryuuthat setup is uber
13:58.31ShouryuuI'm like 10000 times faster to react in PvP than i was before :P
13:59.53Shouryuudid anyone see the BWL video on the blizz site?
14:08.16id`Shouryuu: sec
14:10.27id`questions tips omgwtfbbcsauces appreciated
14:10.37id`I wanna improve it.
14:10.55id`the reason i walk with wasd is because shift ctrl and alt are nearby
14:11.12id`actually, my capslock and left ocntrol are switched ;)
14:11.49id`hmm, i could make T my talk key
14:12.42Shouryuus-2 and 3 might feel unatural
14:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
14:15.05Verlainemy laptop has a shitty ventilation
14:15.18Shouryuucould you link your key bindings again?
14:16.30id`S-2 and S-3 ?
14:16.51id`i would say those are the most natural ones of the 1-0 keys..
14:17.21Shouryuuyeah you're right :P
14:17.53Shouryuuhow would you script s-enter for reply?
14:18.10id`err, no scripts involved
14:18.27Shouryuuyou can combine keybings in default optins?
14:18.36id`omg you didnt know?
14:18.50id`you can do shift-ctrl-alt-blueberrywaffle if you like
14:18.59Shouryuushift works?
14:19.05id`and alt and ctrl
14:19.11ShouryuuI knew about those
14:19.14Shouryuujust not shift =(
14:19.16id`i got my capslock ant ctrl switched
14:19.27id`capslock is a useless key
14:19.33id`maybe for typing in serials
14:19.41id`but thats it
14:19.50Shouryuuthe only pb is that if you're pressing s and want to cast 1, not s-1, you're fudges =(
14:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
14:20.00id`dude it even has a chipped off bit on the key
14:20.03id`so you WONT press it
14:20.07id`how pathetic is that
14:20.31id`so  have ctrl there instead :-)
14:20.42elemais it right, that all the mods providing you with coordinates are also working in the BG's ?
14:21.00elemareally ?
14:21.15elemaoh thought blizz would handle them as instances ^^
14:21.17id`no, not really
14:21.37elemayou're kidding (I hope)
14:21.51id`there, coordinates always with you wherever you go
14:22.22elemaand in the instance ?
14:22.29id`no idea, go check >_>
14:23.17Shouryuuok my pc is reallllll slow atm
14:23.26elemawhat system are running ?
14:23.41ShouryuuI'm on a laptop
14:23.47id`me 2
14:23.52id`1400Mhz 1GB ram
14:24.02id`Geforce FX 5650 128MB ram
14:24.15id`still get about 20-25FPS in game tho
14:24.31ShouryuuI have 1.7Ghz, 512MB ram
14:24.35Shouryuugraphics card issss
14:25.09Shouryuubut atm pressing start takes a while
14:25.31id`same XP install for 2.5 years
14:25.32Shouryuuchangig windows as well
14:25.38id`boots in 40 secs
14:25.46id`from down til login
14:26.13id`I'm thinking about uploading my idAutoAttack mod
14:26.50elema800 mhz 1 gb ram g-force 4 ti
14:27.01id`ouch :P
14:27.06elema<-- such things happens, if you have a little broth
14:27.26elemacompare: 1gb ram <--> 800 mhz
14:27.46elemabut wow is running good, 12 fps average
14:28.32id`elema: so what addons do you use? maybe we can help a bit
14:28.38id`i have lemme count
14:29.22id`46 addons
14:29.46ShouryuuI ahve 7
14:29.59id`i use 16MB of ram
14:30.06id`default interface uses 12
14:30.26Shouryuumy wireless on this comp is a lumpa crap
14:30.30Shouryuuso I play on my PC
14:30.39id`i have no pc :<
14:30.39elemayou won't have my ironforge lag ^^
14:30.43ShouryuuI get 2k pings if I play with my laptop
14:30.56ShouryuuI tried Kazzak here
14:31.01id`to us servers i get 120 ping
14:31.01Shouryuulagged through the whole fight
14:31.13Shouryuuaverage 500ms, but I'm in Paris/singapore
14:31.17id`and im on the other side of the big pond
14:31.24id`im in amsterdam
14:31.29Shouryuuwow nice
14:31.32Shouryuunice connectin
14:31.40elemaParis lies in singapore ? interesting ^^
14:31.40Shouryuuand amsterdam sounds like fun
14:31.48ShouryuuI'm half between both
14:31.58ShouryuuI'm in Paris atm, but just came back from Singapore :P
14:32.00[MoonWolf]id`, is mendeleev in your setup ?
14:32.35id`[MoonWolf]: no
14:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
14:32.59id`im going to dump some right now
14:33.46Shouryuuid what class do you play?
14:34.28elemaI think most of the class addons are for hunters and rogues, right ?
14:34.43id`allthose suck
14:34.54Wobin_what's this?
14:36.16Shouryuuwhat to do what to do...
14:36.20ShouryuuI;m bored =(
14:36.37id`ImprovedErrorFrame, Ace, AceDebug, AceGUI, AceLoot, AceTooltip, ChannelCast, ClearFont, DemonTrainerFrame, EquipCompare, FramesResized, Gatherer, Gathererdump, Gatherershare, idChat, idMinimap, ItemDB, KC_Items, ListFix, Minigroup2, Minigroup2Options, MoneyFrameNuker, OneBag, RankPercent, StopTheLagness, Timex, TinyPad, Tipster, Visor
14:36.44id`that's what i use ATM
14:36.52id`oh, add ArcHUD, gunna use that now
14:37.04Wobin_What does Demontrainerframe do?
14:37.22Shouryuuand MoneyFrameNuker? Is that the add-on tutorial by Rislyn?
14:37.23id`make a 'trainer' frame out of the demon ability book salesman frame
14:37.30id`shows you what your pets have learnt
14:37.32id`and not
14:37.35Wobin_That's fantastic
14:37.39Wobin_I so need that
14:37.40id`it is Wobin_
14:37.45id`Shouryuu: no its by Turan
14:37.47Wobin_I'm always wondering what I've got and not
14:37.54id`me 2 wob
14:38.14Shouryuuwhat does it do?
14:38.17Shouryuuthe money thing
14:38.26id`change all money displayes
14:38.28id`removes the coins
14:38.35id`colors the text to the coin color
14:38.40ShouryuuI'll check it out
14:39.09Shouryuuand TipBuddy is the best tool tip add-on imo :p
14:39.47id`tipster is fine for me
14:40.09id`hm i still have that to-do to check out of visor can handle tips
14:40.12id`doubt it
14:40.24id`lots of different tip names
14:40.46ShouryuuVisor is the flexbar-ish thing right
14:41.04id`no, the buttons are just part of it
14:41.19id`visor can move squeeze and mash any frame
14:41.39id`i just had the idea to throw in like 120 buttons like flexbar
14:41.43id`and rowne put it in ^^
14:41.46Shouryuuwere you the one working on those neat buttons?
14:41.59id`no, i think thats krka
14:42.03Shouryuuoh yeah
14:42.12Shouryuushort names look alike :P
14:43.02Shouryuuawww I'm 97% done on this download :@
14:43.10Shouryuuand it's not moving
14:44.18Shouryuuman my add-on code is depressing
14:44.26ShouryuuI really mean depressing
14:44.42id`what addon
14:44.52Shouryuu*my* addon
14:44.54Shouryuuaww come on
14:45.01ShouryuuI bragged about it for a week :P
14:45.10id`well i cant read everything..
14:45.19id`im reading this
14:45.27Shouryuuabout how 1337 I was 'cause I got the author tag on WoWI :p
14:47.10ShouryuuI don't want to fall ill seeng it
14:47.24Shouryuunay != aye
14:48.19Wobin_need 5 more downloads =P
14:48.52Wobin_400 downloads
14:49.15Shouryuuin how much time :P
14:49.47Wobin_beginning of the month?
14:50.01Wobin_for two mods, mind you
14:50.13Shouryuuon curse?
14:50.26Wobin_I'm pondering putting it on curse
14:50.37Wobin_but I don't want to have to worry about updating everywhere
14:50.51ShouryuuI don't, I've stopped working on it :P
14:51.09Wobin_and having to check for stuff in more than one place
14:51.41purlWell, we don't service lazy people, sorry.
14:52.00Wobin_purl, why hast thou forsaken me? =)
14:52.45Wobin_325M for this patch =P
14:58.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:02.47Shouryuuok anyone know Eddie Izzard?
15:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
15:06.40qwxyrnot personally, but seen some of his shows
15:06.59ShouryuuIt's not funny =(
15:07.26qwxyrfunny for a couple of minutes
15:07.34qwxyrI think girls dig him
15:07.35Shouryuulol /nod
15:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
15:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
15:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
15:27.07elemais there any place in the framxml, where the data for the GetMapLandmarkInfo is saved ?
15:52.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
16:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:04.50Wobin_"C:\temp\temp\Interface\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua"(61,44):name, description, textureIndex, x, y = GetMapLandmarkInfo(i);
16:04.59Wobin_(If that helps, Elema)
16:05.14elemayup thx
16:05.56Wobin_I hope s/he wasn't actually waiting around for that answer =P
16:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:08.01Wobin_I guess the thing that pops up the popup saying the subsubarea
16:08.32Wobin_when you mouse over the main atlas
16:10.43ShouryuuI'm bored to death
16:10.51Wobin_71% to go!
16:10.57Wobin_er 29% to go!
16:11.13Wobin_Write a mod =)
16:11.29Shouryuuhehe I don't have WoW
16:11.35Shouryuuotherwise I wouldn't be bored
16:11.53Wobin_I've got 27% til I -might- have WoW again
16:12.00Wobin_although I'm not putting too much faith in it =P
16:12.20ShouryuuI have 4hours before I have something to do...
16:12.43ShouryuuWell I guess I *could* do some maths
16:12.57Shouryuubuuuut, no
16:22.31Wobin_Go go spam advertisers
16:22.45Wobin_What? Before NEXT year's valentines?
16:23.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:24.49[MoonWolf]no this year, order now, get them 3 day's in the past.
16:25.41Wobin_That'd be classy
16:25.59Wobin_... if your valentine found medicine to be romantic
16:26.03id`Anyone use photoshop?
16:26.12Wobin_I did when I had it installed =P
16:26.26id`how do i make a background not white :|
16:26.29Shouryuusame here
16:26.32id`you know the grey/black blocks :P
16:26.51Wobin_select the area and go to the pallete
16:27.04Wobin_then replace that colour (white in your case) with a transparent one
16:27.14Wobin_You may need to be in RGB or some other format first
16:28.21sharkhatis there a mod out that disables everything possible to make it run better?
16:28.31sharkhatfor slow systems?
16:28.42sharkhati cant find one on curse
16:28.44krkagod damn it i hate STV
16:28.47Wobin_I vaugely recall one that stepped down all the graphics
16:28.59krkakilled by alliance ALL the time
16:29.01Wobin_I can't remember where though
16:29.10id`how do i go to the palette?:P
16:29.16Wobin_May be an Ace addon, may not be
16:29.42Wobin_um. should be one of the panels on your right of the screen
16:30.11sharkhati would like one that hid everything not totally essential, like when you hit 'alt-z' and ui disapears, the fps goes way up
16:30.11id`no palette
16:30.29id`nay :)
16:30.35id`Adobe Photoshop CS 2
16:30.50sharkhatso somthing that would either.. hide ui upon entering town, or when it sensed the fps under 6 or somthing.. is there a check for fps?
16:31.00Wobin_no event for such, no
16:31.06Wobin_(that I'm aware of...)
16:31.20sharkhati just starting dabbling in wow uis
16:31.30sharkhatand this is somthing i think would be useful
16:32.03Wobin_What's in the color panel, id?
16:32.38id`and color pickre
16:32.53Wobin_look under view or tools mebbe
16:34.52ShouryuuI hate mankind
16:37.08id`i hate mankind too
16:37.14id`i want the REAL COLOR PALETTE
16:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:37.19Shouryuuand my internet connection as well
16:37.20id`the one you change the colors of the image with
16:37.32id`not the 'this palette' and the 'that palette'
16:37.48Wobin_what format is the image in, id?
16:37.54id`tga ofcource
16:38.35Wobin_no RGB?
16:39.15id`mode is rgb
16:40.08Wobin_that's the one
16:45.58Wobin_hrm, gorilla pet as a group tank
16:49.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
16:49.32Wobin_I understand how you feel =P
16:50.06Shouryuuand this is too true "I'm scissors. Nerf rock. Paper's fine."
16:53.19id`thats my new sig
16:54.17ShouryuuARGHHH I DON't know what to d0oo0000ooo...
16:54.24Shouryuuohhh Pixel Art!
16:54.32id`yay pixel art
16:55.31Shouryuuand there goes internet
16:55.43Shouryuugoogle won't load
16:56.03id`dont use wireless then
16:56.18ShouryuuWe are 3 in the flat
16:56.24Shouryuuwe kinda have to use wireless
16:56.28id`so? router
16:56.40Shouryuucable =(
16:56.45Shouryuuif it were up to me it would be all cables and shit
16:56.53Shouryuubut nooooo, cables arent cooooool
16:56.55Shouryuuisn't my flat
16:57.01Shouryuuholes = bad
16:57.09id`plug em when you leave
16:57.18id`no-one will know
16:57.31id`tip, not in the center of the wall
16:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:59.57Shouryuuwell the son of the person to whom belongs the FLAT FUCKING INTERNET lives with us
17:00.05Shouryuuso they'll know
17:00.18ShouryuuI'm so bnored I'm going to watch aeon flux
17:00.27ShouryuuMTV films... errrrkkk
17:01.10id`sec uploading shot
17:01.13Shouryuui;m not that bored
17:02.02ShouryuuI want to watch Howl's Moving castle but I can't see the subs
17:02.27Shouryuuand there goes internet
17:03.08id`they need some work
17:03.10id`but its a start
17:03.15id`Wobin_: you likey :D:D
17:03.55id`Shouryuu: been there done that :)
17:05.06id`thats his nicest thing
17:05.18ShouryuuI was just looking at it
17:05.33Shouryuuand thinking "some people need a job/live"
17:05.49id`Shouryuu: wutcha think of the bars?
17:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
17:06.42WobsterSorry, What was the third bar?
17:07.02Shouryuuhealth bars?
17:07.28ShouryuuMeh I like the convetional horizontal bars
17:07.36id`i found the default ones hard to follow :P
17:07.45WobsterSo health, mana and...
17:08.15ShouryuuArcHUD and so forth IS hard to follow
17:08.25ShouryuuI really dislike those, as a healer
17:09.21id`Wobster: no it works differently
17:12.52ShouryuuAnd I though I didn't get laid enough
17:12.55Shouryuulook at this guy
17:13.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
17:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:15.49Shouryuu<=== is going crazy
17:16.15Shouryuuthe worst part is, I DON'T KNOW WHY
17:16.55WobsterAnd I still cannot connect to WoW
17:18.00sharkhatWTF is with that pixel freak poster?
17:18.07sharkhat3/4 overhead drawing
17:18.14sharkhat... with 1 hovering car?
17:19.40id`so far ArcHud
17:21.57id`sharkhat: look better, 2 hover cars
17:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower__ (
17:26.23ShouryuuHELP ME SOMEONE I"M GOING CCCCCCrrrrazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy
17:27.49id`Shouryuu: go look at all the orly pics just like me
17:28.17Shouryuuwhy is my BSPlayer always f****** up
17:28.29Shouryuu"cannot open file"
17:28.41ShouryuuIT'S YOUR JOB A** HOLE!
17:28.53id`"you have aids, lol" "orly?"
17:29.30id`best ever
17:30.30id`<3 these internet mockings
17:30.32id`i so love them
17:31.42ShouryuuI really am going to go crazy
17:33.01Shouryuusomeone find me something to do...
17:35.09sharkhatShouryuu look up "zerg" in wikipedia
17:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
17:35.23sharkhatlook up things having to do with blizzard... wiki is full o em
17:36.54Shouryuuorly? doesn't work...
17:37.42sharkhathaha omg
17:38.47Shouryuumy god...
17:39.25Shouryuuhaha id'
17:40.12Shouryuuit's a good thing cair is sleeping
17:40.12id`shiggity schwa
17:40.21sharkhatmy god.. i love the time wiki wastes...
17:40.28id`im really almost rofl
17:41.32Shouryuunub= non-useful body
17:48.38Cairenn|sleepwouldn't that be, it's a good thing *you think* Cair is sleeping?
17:50.04Shouryuurun away, run away!
18:33.19[MoonWolf]Alrighty, mendeleev with chat command is now up and around.
18:33.49krkasweden pwns u!
18:36.08CideI would have to agree
18:38.37TainWhat's hockey?
18:39.18TainActually it's one of the things America does to help make the rest of the world feel better.
18:39.33krkaright :P
18:39.44TainThere's a committe that sit around a room and plans what games and medals the Americans will win and loose.
18:39.49TainIt's all very calculated.
18:39.51krkai got the impression hockey is kinda big in usa actually... with NHL and all
18:40.13TainHockey is actually, but you'd be hard pressed to find many people in the US who care about what's going on in Turino.
18:40.33TainBy the way I'm not saying that is a good thing, in the least.
18:40.43krkais this order somewhat correct? american football, baseball, hockey, basketball, [...], football
18:41.16Cairennkrka: hockey may be big in the US (NHL), but the majority of the players are either Canadian or European by birth :p
18:41.21TainBut there's no buzz about it, there's only token news coverage, the media isn't making any of it seem important, and if TV doesn't say it's important than it isn't important to Americans as as a whole.
18:41.25Cairennbasketball is bigger in the US than hockey is
18:41.33TainYeah it is.
18:41.51krkagood point... not a whole lot of the nhl players who are actually american
18:42.20Cairennbasketball is actually pretty huge in the US
18:42.21TainI actaully do like hockey, I just can't get into a lot of games on TV.
18:42.33krkabtw, do people watch figure skating and gymnastics and stuff in usa? since usa usually are good in those sports
18:43.00krkain sweden we tend to focus on the sports where we are actually somewhat decent :P
18:43.11TainNo, krka.  There'll be a "special" on TV every so often, but no one really watches.
18:43.15[MoonWolf]Speedskating for the win
18:43.22TainBy no one I mean not enough of the population as a whole.
18:43.26[MoonWolf]its the only good reason to have a winter olympics anyway
18:43.31TainNot that literally no one watches.
18:43.50krkaactually, the fast downhill ski stuff is pretty cool
18:43.50TainSpeedskating crashes are as exciting as Nascar crashes!
18:43.54krkalooks extremely dangerous
18:44.18krkafalling when you're going at 100km/h must really suck
18:45.14[MoonWolf]most of them stad up after it too.
18:45.19krkadid anyone see the finland - czech hockey match?
18:45.25TainOf course the joke I've heard from a couple of comedians is that the only reason the US doesn't dominate hockey is that black people know better than to put on ice skates.
18:45.26krkathat was a mean looking tackle
18:45.35[MoonWolf]And ofcourse, the sport of sports... CURLING!
18:45.48krkacurling is pretty cool, once you figure out how it works
18:45.50Cairenn[MoonWolf]: don't you go dissin' curling :p
18:45.57Taincurling is so crazy I can't stop watcing when it's on.
18:45.58krkaand the swedish female curling team is doing quite nice
18:46.14TainIt's got this incredible fascinating draw to it.
18:46.24krkait's got loads of strategy
18:46.33[MoonWolf]its like jue de boulle on ice.
18:46.41[MoonWolf]i most likely spelled that wrong!
18:47.33krkaso anyone saw Ruutu tackle Jagr's head into the border?
18:47.45krkalooks absolutely brutal
18:47.56[MoonWolf]nope not me. have not seen it.
18:47.56Cairennkrka: not I
18:48.27krkaman, that finnish player is probably so hated right now
18:48.46Cairennnasty, was it?
18:49.28krkahere is an article you can't read, but you can look at the pictures!
18:50.55[MoonWolf]that is some pretty dark blood right there
18:51.11Cairennoh ouch!
18:51.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
18:51.52krkaa regular tackle into the border is not so bad... if you're ready for it and are standing upright
18:52.13krkaif you are hunched over with your back to the ice... ouch
18:56.30Shouryuulol I love saien
18:56.41Shouryuu" As much as I can decode your pathetic English, you used a hack in direct violation of the ToS. You got caught. Deal."
18:56.42Cairennyou do?
18:56.42[MoonWolf]what he do this time ?
18:57.32Shouryuulol yeah he isn't very polite
18:57.46Shouryuubut at least he's a total ass hole
18:58.17krkaassholes ftw!
18:59.10Shouryuuwell he's not an asshole
18:59.15Shouryuuhe's just direct
18:59.30Shouryuuhe'd piss me off if I were to see him everyday
18:59.38Shouryuuthe good part, is I don't get too
19:00.19TainI disagree.  I think he is an asshole as well as being direct.
19:01.01Cairennand extremely arrogant
19:01.13Shouryuubut arrogant people are fun once in a while
19:03.51ShouryuuI'd rather see Saien post some shit once in a while than have to face, on a daily basis, the horde of priests on the priests forums yelling "O|\/|G, BliZzAr|) joo 5ucKzzz, 5734lth nerf FTL!"
19:04.53TainThey're all equally ignorable to me. :)
19:05.45TainHowever, I will read what Saien has to say as he never ceases to add ammunition to the Saienator.
19:06.16[MoonWolf]saienator ?
19:06.22Tain~emulate Saien
19:06.23purlYou are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.
19:07.08Shouryuuhe reminds me of my philosophy teacher, except that I don't *have* to listen to him
19:07.36[MoonWolf]Your teacher had comments like his ?
19:08.07Shouryuuwell yes
19:08.11Shouryuubut he was a teacher
19:08.17Shouryuuso it was politicaly correct
19:08.29Shouryuubut he had the same "I pwn joo, joo know nothing" spirit
19:08.40Shouryuuyou're an ignorant piece of crap blah blah blah
19:09.23Shouryuuin other words, he was french
19:11.02krkareference to the saien-post?
19:11.14Shouryuuwhen a new class patch comes out, do all your respects get reset, meaning that your next respec will cost 1g, or do you justget one?
19:11.46krkayou just get one
19:11.50[MoonWolf]if your talents get a reset, all your points get unspent and the costs is uneffected.
19:11.50Shouryuudang =(
19:12.04TainI have a question, and this is NOT meant to be rude or insulting, but am I really the only one who finds it quicker to just type in "saien" in the serch box and it comes up immediately?
19:12.49TainI mean of course if someone posts a link, click, done.
19:13.01Shouryuuwell if you don't know which thread we're talking about...
19:13.46TainI suppose that's true, in general.  In Saien's case I guess I think of it more like it doesn't matter what thread, he says the esame things.
19:13.50TainBut your point is well taken.
19:14.22krkai always found the blizzard search functions to be horribly broken
19:14.48TainThey are for just about everything.  I thinkt hey work "ok" for searching on author.
19:15.11TainBut they're absolutely broken.
19:15.34TainThey were probably written by a gnome engineer.
19:15.34Shouryuuand worst
19:15.38[MoonWolf]I can make a better search with mysql and php .. so how come a game developer with professional stuff cant....
19:15.46Shouryuuthey are reputed as broken, so no one uses them, even if they work...
19:16.04Cairennif I'm looking for a post by a specific person (and there's nothing on the front page), I do a search on their name, then click the magnifying glass next to their name to get a listing of their most recent posts
19:16.10TainYou can usually get better results with google and
19:16.15krkai should write a script that wgets everything once a day and use that to search
19:16.19Shouryuuyeah, the char search works well
19:16.52Tainheh krka you know a true archived searchable forums would be amazing.
19:17.33Shouryuuthe problem with the forums is that there are about 3-4 FAQs stickied..
19:18.24krkakinda fun to read through saiens writings
19:19.52Shouryuui'm so excited about the priest changes
19:19.59Shouryuutoo bad I won't witness them first hand =(
19:20.41Shouryuuthe new touch of weakness is cool, add a -20% to healing debuff
19:21.12Shouryuuand my lighting shield gets to be an instant cast! I can Inner Fire and Lightng shield in one key press, whiipppiiee :p
19:21.59ShadowdDid they ever mention if that stacks with MS?
19:22.41Shouryuuthey mentioned :p
19:22.49Shouryuubut it's still nice
19:23.00ShadowdYeah, would have made Group VS group WSG a pain though :p
19:23.20ShadowdAlready hard enough to survive 7 people with a priest, druid and paladin!
19:23.20ShouryuuI cant wait to see what they are going to do with inner fire
19:23.28Shouryuueeek paladins
19:23.32Shadowd+50 AGI instead of +50 AP
19:23.41ShouryuuI'd die if they did that
19:24.00ShadowdProbably just some sort of wand damage and more armor
19:24.31ShouryuuSome extra res would be really awsome
19:24.42Shouryuuwould be a bit too much like motw though...
19:24.58Shouryuuparadise would be +mana/5sec, but that would be too much :P
19:25.30ShadowdWell most of the suitations you need resistance you have MoTW anyway. Unless you replace your Druids with Paladins or something
19:25.40CodayusActually, I think having inner fire give a X% of spirit works during the FSR would be nice.  And not really unbalanced either.
19:26.05Shouryuuthat would be the death of meditation
19:26.17Shouryuuand extra res never hurt :P
19:26.20CodayusThere's no reason why it wouldn't stack.
19:26.25Shouryuuyeah I agree
19:26.43Shouryuubut it wouldmake meditation less tempting imo
19:27.14ShadowdKind of suprised they didn't do anything with Fear Ward though
19:27.16CodayusI don't see why...if 15% is good, then 15+X% would be better.
19:27.28krkaooh... good post by saien, he linked to this:
19:27.40CodayusThe 3 piece transcendence bonus doesn't make meditation worse...if anything, it makes it better, 'cause you get even more benefit from stacking spirit.
19:28.00CodayusOops, be back in a bit.
19:28.33ShadowdAQ has some pretty nice set bonuses
19:28.39Shadowdfor priests that is
19:29.03Shouryuuand meditation is a pre-requisite to Divine spirit anyways
19:30.37Shouryuulol krka
19:35.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
19:49.57TainThis is pretty interesting.  An article by Orson Scott Card about home video games (including a few revies) from Atari Magazine, 1983.
19:50.40TainIt's funny that the things he says are important to video games are still 100% relevant today, and still aren't followed as well as they should be.
19:58.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
20:18.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
20:22.40TainHaven't been paying close attention the last few days but I heard an unsubstatiated rumor elsewhere that 1.10 may make its way to test by next week.   Anyone heard anything at all?
20:23.20ShouryuuI know for a fact that the blue priest rep said talents *will* be out this week
20:23.29Shouryuuso if talents are out, 1.10 shouldn't be far
20:26.39Cairennyeah, but what did the green priest rep say?
20:27.39Shouryuuok, ok, Eyonix said that talents will be out this week =3
20:28.08zeeglook at that sexy beast
20:28.23MentalPowerok, any way to macro a trinket (or ring) to the econd slot?
20:28.50TainI missed out on a few things with 1.9 becaue I couldn't get on the test servers when I was able to, 1.10 is going to be so much more I have to make sure to get on early and often.
20:29.10Shouryuumy god, priests are actualy complaining because they heal in PvE...
20:29.39ShadowdThat should probably win some sort of reward
20:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:32.52TainWas at a family party last night, crazy ass friend of my brothers was drinking straight vodka all nigiht.
20:33.04Cairennwhat's wrong with that?
20:33.09TainUntil he threw up all over himself and had to be brougth home.
20:33.30Shouryuuand what's wrong with that...
20:33.46Cairennit's no different than drinking straight rum or scotch or whiskey or gin or ...
20:33.53TainWhich people were kind enough to put a piece of paper in his pocket with a phone number, spray a teeny bit of purfume on his collar, and a we bit of lipstick on the otherside for his wife to find.
20:34.20TainThey did draw the line at my suggestion though.
20:34.26ckknightwhat's that?
20:34.31ckknightused condom?
20:35.00TainSee his wife's family is from Russia, her parents came over to the US right before sh ewas born.
20:35.56TainSo I suggested printing out a "Mail Order Bride" website to tuck away in his pocket with him.
20:36.12TainAll in good fun, mind you!
20:36.17Shouryuuthat's just mean =(
20:36.22krkafun for who?
20:36.31ckknightmy used condom idea was better
20:36.32ShadowdWell it doesn't sound like any of the stuff they did was for him
20:36.33CodayusThe friends, obviously.
20:36.34TainSeeing as she is a raving bitch and won't let him take their child around our family so he has to come visit by himself.
20:36.39Shouryuudrawing things on ppl's faces who've past out is more fun
20:37.12TainThat was the next suggestion, Shouryuu.  Writing on his forehead, "I love my russian bride."
20:37.35Shouryuuyou should've written a phone number
20:37.47Shouryuuwith like loveulongtime written on his cheeks
20:38.43TainAh she's a vicious monster anyway, we've tried to warm up to her for years.
20:43.26Shouryuuwhy is blizzard europe based in Paris
20:43.54TainIs Paris in Europe?
20:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
20:44.29CodayusA) Why not?  B) Don't forget who owns them.
20:44.34TainI guess they liked how EuroDisney worked out.
20:44.42ckknightwhere is it based?
20:44.44ShouryuuB) Vivendi?
20:44.59CodayusShouryuu: Yes.
20:45.00ckknightParis does seem odd
20:45.06Shouryuuit does make sens
20:45.14ShouryuuI wasn't sure if Vivendi > Blizz :P
20:45.20CairennTain: you're joking with that question, right?
20:45.32Shouryuuyes lol
20:46.36Shouryuuit just seemen weird to put an apparently american based company on french soil... Especialy since french is such a internationaly spoken language...
20:46.43CodayusVivendi Universal, to be accurate.  I believe there's also a now-unrelated Vivendi Environment around, which does water and sewerage.
20:47.04CodayusShouryuu: ?  Don't quite see how that follows.
20:48.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
20:48.52VerlaineIf you were an american company, and extented into europe, would you base yourself in an English speaking country, or France?
20:49.20CodayusDepends what I was trying to do with the European division, of course.
20:50.23ShouryuuBut I doubt blizzard focuses it's European division on France...
20:50.31CodayusBut, of course, Bliz isn't an American company.  They've been owned by a French company since hmm...1998.   :-)
20:50.39Shouryuuexactly :p
20:51.06*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
20:51.27Shouryuuwell I'm out
20:55.58ckknightit's not like country of origin matters anymore
20:56.04ckknighteverything that counts is multinational anyway
20:58.14CodayusTo an extent.  Although the French tend to be rather less sold on that idea than many.  A (groundless) rumor went around that Pepsi was thinking of buying Dannon (a big French dairy company) and the government had a panic attack.
20:58.44CodayusWhy Pepsi buying a French dairy company would be a national crisis for the French was never entirely clear to me...  oO
20:59.14CodayusCairenn: Let me see...uh...
20:59.16Codayus.I find it scandalous to see the jewels of French industry going overseas, especially under the banner of Pepsi-Cola when talking about Danone, the symbol of French dairy products and French quality,. Ollier told financial daily Les Echos.
20:59.20KarlKFIcause pepsi isn't french
20:59.35Cairennyeah ... okay ...
20:59.43CodayusOllier is the charman of the French parliament's economic affairs committee, btw.
21:00.05KarlKFIit'd be like Microsoft getting bought by chinese company
21:00.53CodayusOr a chinese company buying IBMs laptop division, which prompted a little bit of angst for a while...
21:03.03KarlKFIright, it's just who has the final say and is at the top of the food chain
21:11.39*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
21:12.27kaidenAnyone know of an all in one mage summoner, a macro that drinks water if it doesn't find any in your bags, if it does it summons water instead, same for food, and gems?
21:12.32kaidenI've been searching and had no luck
21:15.30Cairenncan't say as I have seen one
21:16.46kaidenguess i'll just write one, can't be too hard to enumerate the containers ;)
21:17.10Cairennnot saying there isn't, just I've not seen it if there is
21:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
21:18.03kaidenwell i've seen a few that do some things close to what i'm asking, but none do exactly that :] oh ewll hehe
21:18.27SP|Sorrenanyone know of a mod that allows me to filter guild chat from officer chat? ;/
21:19.41ckknightchange the colors?
21:19.48SP|Sorrenno, filter it completely
21:19.54SP|Sorreni only want officer chat in this window
21:19.58SP|Sorrenbut it only lets me filter to guild
21:20.02SP|Sorrenwhich is officer + guild
21:21.53kaidenif you right click the chatbar you can select to show it or not show it
21:21.56kaidensame for guild chat
21:22.01kaidenit's one of the "Channels"
21:23.14SP|Sorreni want to separate the two
21:23.48CairennI don't believe it's possible =/
21:24.57Shadowdwouldn't be that hard to do though
21:27.51krkawoah, canada is being seriously outplayed now
21:28.03krkadidn't expect finland to play that good
21:28.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
21:29.07krkaOuch, painful mistake in ice skating
21:35.44Cidekrka: what's the score (canada - finland)?
21:40.29krkaomg, all ice skaters are falling around
21:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
21:44.55*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
22:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
22:32.21ShadowdHm, any good way to get a status bars color? Doesn't seem to be a GetStatusBarColor
22:34.23Iriel|NotHereWait until 1.10 when it's added?
22:35.03ShadowdGuess so! didn't see one was being added
22:35.20Iriel|NotHereNEW StatusBar methods:
22:35.25Iriel|NotHereorientation = StatusBar:GetOrientation() -- Return bar orientation
22:35.28Iriel|NotHeretatusBar:SetOrientation("orientation") -- Set bar orientation ("HORIZONTAL","VERTICAL")
22:35.29ShadowdYeah I see it
22:35.31Iriel|NotHerefilename = StatusBar:GetStatusBarTexture()
22:35.34Iriel|NotHerer, g, b, a = StatusBar:GetStatusBarColor()
22:35.55TainI think that's just going to open up a can of worls with the GetOrientation.
22:36.16TainI think StatusBars were better off with the "Don's Ask / Don't Tell" policy.
22:36.45Iriel|NotHereVery nice.
22:39.34Iriel|NotHereI see someone totally missed the point of my aspect comparison
22:43.47Cairennya think?
22:46.15Iriel|NotHereGrr, silly forum app server, let me post!
22:47.27CairennCan't get logged in, or being stupid about acknowledging that your post is falid?
22:48.13Iriel|NotHereIt looks like one of the app servers in the cluster is broken
22:48.22Iriel|NotHereI get "Service Unavailable" all the time, but eventually reloading gets me therer
22:48.36Cairennhate that
22:48.50Cairennwell, I seem to be logged in fine, if you want me to try to post it for you ...
22:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:49.18Iriel|NotHereI'm logged in, I just can't reliably get any pages to load. 8_(
22:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:49.21krkahmm.. would suck if we would meet finland in quarter finals :(
22:57.08TainFinland Finland Finlad.. there's no place that I'd rather be.
23:02.22id`Argh, I hate it when I have ideas and projects and thing in my mind, but then I can't realise them because ..  it just wont work
23:03.32id`That sets up my interface
23:03.57id`i just mash the 'execute' button on my TinyPad and my whole interface snaps back to that
23:04.04id`(if it was moved/rearranged)
23:04.44id`I'm trying to make an AddOn out of the bags part
23:04.48kaidenARGHHH :P
23:05.00kaidenwhy can you not string.find an itemlink
23:05.12kaidennot getting errors but it's also not working when it should :(
23:07.02kaidenhrm, now it's working all of a sudden heh
23:11.27id`i think ill just go to bed this time without troubling you guys with my problems :P (although if someone really would help some time that'd be great. been here since the start and i talk almost every day, but i can only remember one or two occasions where people helped me with a problem ...)
23:11.53id`work tomorrow
23:12.15id`i hate work :|
23:12.28id`purl: nn
23:12.30purlnn is, like, Netscape Navigator..  SHITE, or an unoptimized, crashing piece of shit
23:12.54id`purl: nn is <reply>nini
23:12.56purl...but nn is already something else...
23:13.01id`purl: no, nn is <reply>nini
23:13.02purlid`: okay
23:13.07id`purl: nn
23:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:24.09cladhaireSo what does it mean when you get NOTHING where your texture should be instead of the texture or the green square?
23:25.39ckknightpure alpha?
23:26.14cladhaireits not tho
23:26.20Cairenncladhaire sweetie, email me your texture, I'll check it
23:26.35cladhairei'm gonna fight with it for a bit
23:26.40cladhaireits the one thing i can never get
23:26.42Cairennoffer stands
23:26.50cladhaireand I will likely take you up on that =)
23:28.05cladhaireSomeone needs to write a GOOD tutorial with PSP, Photoshop and Gimp.
23:28.13cladhairenot that I have PSP atm.
23:28.23cladhaireI've done alpha ONCE correctly =)
23:28.34Cairennas I've pointed out before ... go check the info on graphics at EQI
23:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
23:28.58cladhairei dont think i've ever heard you say that
23:29.28Cairennwell, there's a lot of real good info there ... couple forums full, matter of fact
23:29.37cladhairei think I got it
23:29.56Cairennlemme guess .... you'd reversed it?
23:29.56cladhairebut wow crashed
23:29.58cladhaireso we'll see
23:30.03cladhairei kept doing the same thing I've been doing
23:30.28cladhaireall this for a freaking icon for watchdog.. which is just a spell icon from in the game
23:30.41Cairennmade your actual texture the alpha channel, and what should have been the alpha channel opaque?
23:31.06cladhaireI was doing it right (in gimp at least) Photoshop eludes me at the moment.
23:31.19cladhaireEvening all btw =)
23:32.12cladhaireI lost power Friday morning at 9:00am and didn't get it back until 10pm on Saturday =(
23:32.16cladhaireBut my basketball team did well!
23:32.33cladhaireno heat.. house was down to 40 =(
23:32.52Cairennthe storm smacked us around too ... highway closed in more than one place, at least 2 seperate 30+ vehicle pileups
23:34.31cladhaireyikes.. it wasn't so much fun
23:34.51Cairennit was plain out UGLY around here ...
23:35.48Cairennbut at least I didn't lose power/heat
23:36.13cladhaireyeah that's good.
23:36.26cladhairemy parents had to go on search and rescue for half the elderly people in the town
23:38.29kaidenDoes strlen work on arrays to return the number of units in the array?
23:39.04sarf|sleepkaiden> table.getn
23:39.17kaidenah thanks :P
23:39.25Cairennsweet dreams hun

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