irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060217

00:01.29Guillotinethen we better not stop
00:01.37Guillotinespeaking of bad addons, I just uploaded a new one
00:01.49Guillotinewrote it 2 patches ago and forgot to upload it
00:01.56Guillotineactually, its not bad
00:02.03Guillotinebut the info text is
00:02.10Guillotineyay for corny TV infomercials!
00:03.04Guillotineooo. if you havn't accepted it yet cair, could you add on that its only activated for hunters?
00:03.40Cairenngo edit your description :p
00:03.44Cairennit's already been approved
00:03.58ckknightwhat does it do?
00:04.47Cairennwarns you not to be an idiot and to go buy bullets/arrows
00:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:05.08ckknightI'd prefer to just have a countdown thing
00:05.18ckknightthat goes from green to yellow to red
00:05.26Cairenndifferent strokes for different folks :)
00:05.58Guillotineck: then edit it yourself: I just wrote this for my gf after she had some problems forgetting to buy arrows
00:06.30Cairennyou know, you had been doing pretty well for a few minutes there Guillotine - you stayed connected for what must have been a full 5 minutes :)
00:06.48GuillotineI seriously don't know why I'm d/c so much. it doesn't happen in any other program
00:07.30Guillotineis it possible to stealth-kick people from the server? I bet Cairenn is doing it just to laugh at me
00:07.47wereHamstergood night ..
00:07.51Cairennoh come on baby, you know I love you more than that ...
00:07.57Cairennnight wereHamster :) sweet dreams
00:08.37CairennI would kick you to your face, not behind your back ;)
00:08.55Guillotinethen I bet its Shouryuu... I bet he really owns freenode
00:09.06Guillotineor that he bought it out to play this joke on me
00:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Red[cXe] (
00:09.50Cairenngood to have you guys back in channel, we've missed your insanity ;)
00:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
00:11.35Cairennhey ckknight? can you check your "BossPanel_Bags" file?  been getting spammed with download errors on it the last little while ...
00:12.04ckknightoh, cause I uploaded Durability with the bags zip file
00:12.10ckknightprobably caused a bug in the system
00:12.42sarf|WoWGood night, all
00:12.49Guillotinenight sarf
00:12.51Cairennnight sarf|WoW :) sweet dreams
00:13.13Guillotinedream of bug fixes... and lots of free epics
00:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:15.36GuillotineI'm suprised that there hasn't been an uproar on the general forums about the new 'submitting non-personal information' step to logging in
00:15.50Shouryuuyeah I wanted to ask a GM about that
00:15.51Guillotineshouryuu: if it works, it was worth the pain
00:15.54Shouryuubut got lazy and didn't
00:16.08ckknightnon-personal information?
00:16.11cladhaireGuill: There has been, you just missed it
00:16.37cladhaireIs there a Boss DPS meter yet?
00:16.41zespriI think they are trying to make an imporession of visibilty by this message =)
00:16.43cladhairei'm actually playing my rogue tonight =)
00:17.19zesprithey've had enough with warden story, so now they are covering their arses this way - good PR
00:18.34Guillotinethey should change that text to 'Noobiness factor being checked'. Then when you can't connect it says 'Noobiness factor exceeded'. Then they can say they have good servers. It's just you
00:19.03Cairennhey cladhaire :)
00:19.33Cairennckknight: approved, let's see if that fixes the problem
00:22.10LegorolIriel, if you are around, I replied to the GetWidth thread
00:22.24Shouryuuw00t I managed to make someone change his title from "ZOMG I NEED HELP!!oneone!one1eleven" Tto " could someone please help me?"
00:22.27Shouryuu<==== proud!
00:23.13cladhaireI just need a standalone DPS-meter.. anyone got one for me?
00:25.11Shouryuuyou could recap and configure it so you only get your dps?
00:25.28cladhairethey're all the same event overhead
00:27.16Shouryuuwell i dunno
00:31.41Cairennhis response:  "Ok its on several other sites. Thought you may use it here. The moral high ground does have a lovely view. :D"
00:32.09AnduinLotharCombatStats should work standalone
00:32.40IrielLegorol: I see, and you're right, I'm updating the wiki too so I dont mis-recall again 8-)
00:33.30AnduinLotharAnyone got any actual bugs (rather than suggestions) that they want me to report tonight?
00:33.46AnduinLotharSince I now have access to the internal bug system
00:34.24IrielFeign Death -> Lay Trap ?
00:34.28IrielI consider that a bug, myself.
00:34.32IrielAnd I'm a hunter, fancy that
00:34.59AnduinLotharya, you can loot, lay traps and all sorts of random things while feigning
00:35.20Irielyou have to time some of them right
00:35.25AnduinLotharnot sure if it's a bug, would have to search. I'm fairly positive it will already have been reported
00:35.42AnduinLotharhow do you time it?
00:36.06IrielWell, I believe FD->Trap only works if you do the trap before you reach the ground
00:36.30AnduinLotharhot key and place quickly then
00:36.31IrielI'm sure it's not listed as a 'bug' per se, but I also think it's a horrible exploit of game mechanics
00:36.51Irieltraps just go where you're standing, so you can just double-tap a macro
00:36.55AnduinLotharexploits and bugs are in the same system
00:37.11AnduinLotharfeign have global cooldown?
00:41.09futrtrublcladhaire, write a text var for BEB, and it will do your DPS
00:41.59futrtrublever used BEB?
00:42.42IrielWhen you're feigning you have to get up to do anything else
00:42.56IrielThe window of opportunity is between casting the spell, and hitting the ground in feign position
00:43.09IrielSpin up a hunter and play
00:43.18futrtrublhmmm...  OK, BEB has "text vars" $xxx type things that are replaced by a value as nesesary in game, you can add your own
00:43.19IrielJust FD normally, and see what you can/cannot do
00:43.19AnduinLotharalready got one, should be easy to test
00:43.31Irielthen try doing things on the way down, and you'll see the problem
00:43.36AnduinLotharfyi 1.10 is more massive than any of you think..
00:43.52IrielI expect it to be pretty massive
00:43.59Cairennyou think ...
00:43.59Irielso it being more massive than that would be scary
00:44.13Cairennthere may be one or two of us that have an inclination :p
00:44.15AnduinLotharon the plus side Archaeologist doesn't break :) MobileFrames Errors :(
00:44.25IrielThat's cheating!
00:44.26cladhaireFutr: I've seen it before tho.
00:44.34IrielNo UI development on the QA servers until we have one to play on!
00:44.53futrtrublwill we have to change or font usage with 1.10?
00:45.18Cairennlater AnduinLothar
00:45.38LegorolHmm, is it possible that AnduinLothar is the only Blizzard employee that writes AddOns? quite possible..
00:46.03Legoroli guess Rislyn counts as well, now with the tutorial
00:46.24GuillotineAnduin is a blizz employee?
00:46.27Guillotinesince when?
00:46.29futrtrublSlouken writes addons, and everyone uses them ;']
00:46.34AnduinLotharactually there are QA engineers that have written a few internal ones ;)
00:46.38Guillotinegrats anduin!
00:46.40cladhaireI'm a pain in the ass tonight.. wasn't there a mod once upon a time that showed your attack speed?  I just got Eskhandar's RIght Claw.. and I'm playing my rogue all the time now.. so i'd love to see what i'm swinging at
00:46.58cladhairegot it
00:47.15Guillotineso Anduin, you live here in Irvine now?
00:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
00:48.30Guillotinedon't worry, I'm not stalking you ;)
00:48.47cladhaireI am *wink*
00:48.56Shouryuudon't trust guillotine
00:49.03Guillotinelol shouryuu
00:49.08Wobin_I never thought I'd be so happy to be in a queue =)
00:49.21futrtrublso Anduin, can you get me a discount on my next years WoW subscription? ;']
00:49.47Wobin_Sure! Just send him $500 USD and he'll set it up for you =)
00:50.26Wobin_If you want, Anduin, I'll take care of the processing for a small agents fee >=)
00:50.59ShouryuuI have a feeling these jokes are going to get old :P
00:51.24Wobin_Of course they are =P
00:51.35Guillotineso Anduin, do you now know what they new alliance race is?
00:51.40Guillotinethey've told yout aht its the YA RLY bird?
00:51.43Shouryuuthe ORLY bird
00:51.48Shouryuubeat me to it
00:51.51Guillotineno. Slouken said it was the YA RLY bird
00:51.54Wobin_Which is why I will endeavour to make the most stupid responses to them =P
00:52.21futrtrublWobin_, if your hands are going to touch my money then forget it ;']=
00:52.34Wobin_I like the cthuhlu one "O Ry'leh"
00:52.39futrtrublI want racing snails
00:52.53Wobin_Oh don't worry Fut =) Not only will you get the discount, you'll also get WOWGOLD
00:53.28futrtrublWOWGOLD!!!!! for real!?!?!?!
00:53.48Wobin_That's right!
00:53.56Wobin_Everyone knows USD=GOLD
00:54.35futrtrublInvest now in WOWGOLD! The market is poised to EXPLODE!
00:55.35Guillotineoh ya Anduin. I did accidently find an exploit to report. If you get on a gryphon/hippo ect. and someoen throws a snowball at you just as you get on, you get to the destination instantly
00:55.38Guillotineif the person was in your group
00:55.45Wobin_Kerio Firewall wants to upload the crashlog
00:55.51Wobin_all 250M of it
00:56.05futrtrublNever before (since Everquest)(and SWG) has a market like this existed!
00:56.18Wobin_Really, Guill? =)
00:56.18Gryphendang that is still in there Guillotine? that was in there last year :o
00:56.31Guillotinewell, it happened to me this year...
00:56.42Shouryuuthat's rather cool
00:57.04Wobin_Hehe you could advertise yourself as a transporter =)
00:57.17Wobin_"Put me in your group before your flight, and I'll get you there DOUBLETIME"
00:58.00Guillotineya, but then you get suspended for exploiting game mechanics :/
00:58.18Shouryuu"Late for that important raid? Meeting your gf but the windrider will take forever? Whisper guillotine and he'll get you there in the blink of an eye!"
00:58.36CairennGuillotine: that's an old bug, they've know about it for ages
00:58.47Guillotinewell, they still havn't fixed it ;)
00:58.56Guillotinethough its only really easy to do once a year
00:59.08Guillotinealthough I do have 2 alts completely full of snowballs
00:59.12Guillotineto summon the pets
00:59.16Guillotineand turn myself into a snowman
00:59.23Legorolhmm, maybe this will make my Snowmaster 9000 more valuable :D
00:59.27Cairennbecause it wasn't widely known before, and thus wasn't exploited before
00:59.32Cairennit's going away
00:59.38Legoroland the stack of 1000 or so snowballs i saved on an alt :D
01:00.06Shouryuulol you crazy ppl
01:01.07Guillotinemaybe I should whisper exploits I find next time >_<
01:01.24Wobin_Meh, for me.. overall too much effort to organise =P
01:02.59Guillotineah. one more exploit. If a hunter has tamed a hakkar son from ZG and you kill it in a duel, you gain Zandalar rep :0
01:03.16Guillotinenot really enough for it to be worth it, but I doubt its supposed to be doing that
01:04.21Guillotinetrying to think if there were any others I found that are still around...
01:05.20Wobin_I wonder if you could set up a raid full of hunters that could continuously kill/res their own sons of hakkar over and over?
01:05.25Wobin_For the rep
01:05.41Wobin_(again, waaaaay past my level of effort =P)
01:06.09Guillotineyou could. but I think it was only 1 rep. so not worth it
01:06.29Wobin_Faster to take that raid into ZG =P
01:07.27Guillotineoh ya. using Demoralizing roar in a neutral town will make the gaurds attack both you and whoever it affected
01:07.35Codayusyou can farm rep in ZG fairly easily now with the new higher rep values...  kill the fish.  Doesn't even take a raid...
01:07.51Wobin_aw man
01:08.04Wobin_And just when I thought my connection issues were fixed
01:08.10Wobin_I can't connect anymore
01:08.23Guillotineis Anduin even still reading this or am I just spouting off exploits I found?
01:08.45Cairennhe said he was gone :p
01:08.55Codayusnot that that makes the hunter pet rep thing any less of a bug...but it's pointless.
01:08.56Shouryuuyou actualy read what people say?
01:09.09Cairennconcept, huh? :p
01:09.37Codayushmmm, I knew the hunter rep thing.  Don't think I know any others.
01:09.53Guillotinelistening to what other people say? thats crazy talk!
01:10.04Shouryuuwho does that...
01:10.47Guillotineoh ya. there was one other big exploit. though there's no reason in saying it if anduin's gone...
01:12.00Codayusyou're just trying to make yourself look don't have anything.  :-P
01:12.38Guillotine2 big ones actually
01:12.38Shouryuuwhat does it do? don't tell us how, just what it does :p
01:12.49Guillotinefree rez and hearth
01:12.59Guillotine(no -durability, doesnt use your hearth cooldown)
01:13.25Guillotineand the other one lets you get around the que for AV
01:14.01GuillotineI'm suprised they never thought of the que one though. everyone on my server does it. we have like 80vs80 in Av :/
01:14.51Guillotinethey just need to make AV an instance in the fact that you shouldn't be able to summon people into it with a warlock
01:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
01:25.19Guillotineis Wobster supposed to be a funny way of saying 'Lobster' or 'Mobster'?
01:25.45WobsterMagnet made of metal. Wobster made of meat
01:26.04WobsterNo, it's a last ditch name sounding somewhat based off Wobin
01:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
01:38.48Shouryuulol anyone seen a wand called Malri's touch?
01:50.26Wobin_hehe looks pretty cool
01:54.46Shouryuuit rater looks like it's giving you the finger
02:07.29*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
02:23.01Guillotinerofl shouryuu
02:23.09Guillotineit really does
02:23.35GuillotineI'd bet we could start a 200 page threat about changing WoW's ESRB rating to M because of that item
02:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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02:54.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:12.29Shouryuulol that really sounds like plan
03:12.34Legorolone person complaining about a weird bug where a standard for i=1,N loop seems to execute the loop twice for each value of i:
03:12.43LegorolI am completely stumped, it looks impossible
03:15.12Shouryuuyeah that looks weird
03:19.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:32.11Wobin_I'm wondering why he's trying to see if the class equals the name of the character..
03:32.21Wobin_fDKP_PlayerName == string.lower (class)
03:38.17Shouryuustill that shouldn't f*** up his debugging?
03:41.20Wobin_I expect the error to be outside of the shown code then
03:41.34Shouryuuyeah probably
03:44.31Legoroleven if it's outside the code, this loop should iterate in sequence..
03:44.43Legorolit looks like there is multithreading going on, but the Lua engine is singlethreaded
03:45.02Legoroleven if the function this loop calls say reenters the same codesegment, you should just get one loop inside the other
03:45.17TemLua CAN be multi-threaded
03:45.22Tembut wow's lua is not
03:45.31Legorolthat's what i meant, sorry
03:45.38Legorolthanks for correction
03:45.46Legoroli meant the Lua engine in wow
03:45.51Legorolit's single-threaded but re-entrant
03:45.59Temit may not have actual multi-threading
03:46.08TemI think it just has co-routines
03:46.15Legorolwow's Lua doesn't have coroutines
03:46.17Temwhich is kind of ghetto multi-threading
03:46.29Legorolbut Lua could be multithreaded
03:46.32Temright, wow's lua is completly single threaded
03:46.40Legorolbecause you can have multiple Lua engines running in parallel over the same code
03:46.44Legorolsharing say a global namespace
03:46.49Legorolbut that's implementation dependent
03:47.28Legoroland yes, co-routines are like Windows 3.0's cooperative multitasking
03:47.30cladhaireTem: no multi-threading
03:47.32cladhairejust co-routines
03:47.39cladhairesingle threaded VM with ghetto threads =)
03:48.05Legorolcladhaire, this is what we are puzzling over:
03:48.15cladhaireyeah iyeah i saw that
03:48.22cladhairethe initial assessments are correct
03:48.24Legoroli have actually been purposefully trying to create a piece of Lua that will give the result he is getting
03:48.28Legoroland i haven't managed yet
03:48.35cladhairea.) he messes with the internals of the loop, since he doesn't explicitly create an iterator
03:48.37cladhaire(Should be using pairs()
03:48.39cladhaireor ipairs()
03:48.44cladhaireor.. he screwed up elsewhere =)
03:48.53cladhairethat code cannot and will not fail if the table has integrity
03:48.56Legorolpairs, why? he is not iterating a table
03:49.14Legorolhe has a simple integer for loop
03:49.26Temanyonw use KC_Items?
03:49.34cladhaireyou're right
03:49.45cladhairehaha i was reading something else someone send me tonight
03:49.50cladhairetem: on my druid
03:49.59TemI'm messing around with the auction module and I'm wondering what the coloring of items in there means
03:50.10cladhairei dunno tbh
03:50.34Cairennwhether they are a good deal, vendor bait, etc
03:51.47Temright, I'm just trying to figure out which colors are which
03:52.05Cairennyeah, I know, I've been yelling at him that he needs to get stuff posted :p
03:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine (
04:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
04:06.00*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
04:09.24Wobin_I know why
04:09.35Wobin_He's re--whatsisting
04:09.39Wobin_oh damnit =(
04:09.46Wobin_My vocabulary has gone down the drain =P
04:10.11Wobin_He's recursing =)
04:16.13Wobin_Not that that solves his problem, mind you =)
04:16.24Wobin_But I don't understand the logic behind the coding anyway =P
04:17.32Wobin_if (fDKP_PlayerName == string.lower (class)) then fDKP_PlayersInClass[name] = fDKP_PointsLookup (name); end
04:17.44Wobin_So now he's recalling the function with... the class name?
04:18.51ShouryuuI didn't even try understanding
04:18.55ShouryuuI'm in DM, just meg to code
04:19.09Wobin_Oh well, I solved the double iteration =P
04:20.44Shouryuuapparently uou didn't :(
04:21.49Wobin_oh I see
04:21.49Shouryuuok taht failed
04:22.01Wobin_He uses name twice
04:22.09CairennShouryuu: you forgot the / at the end
04:22.11Wobin_how confusing
04:22.44ckknightexample: nubcake
04:22.44Shouryuus/indeed/i r gud with bot/
04:27.13TainTem/Cairenn/Anyone who's used KC_Items and auction, do you remember if Kael has ever said that he is going to add in an "equivelent" of auctioneer's bidbroker command?
04:27.26Cairennit's already there
04:28.17TainOh.  I guess I didn't see anything like it.
04:28.26CairennI don't recall what it is off the top of my head, list 'em for me if you are in
04:28.36CairennI'll know it when you list it
04:30.26Cairennlist 'em, I'll be remember when I see it :p
04:31.24TainMaking sure I actually ahve the lateest version first.
04:32.24Cairennhaving a listing of the commands somewhere besides in game is something else I've been bitching at him about :p
04:32.47Cairennhe's got the next version almost to the point for me to beta test it for him (fyi)
04:33.00Shouryuushuoldn't there be a ) a the end of this line?
04:33.01Shouryuutable.foreach (fDKP_Data["classes"], function (index, class) if (fDKP_PlayerName == class) then fDKP_NameIsClass = true;
04:33.26Wobin_there is...
04:33.40Wobin_you forgot end end)
04:33.59Tainkci - standby, report, core, prune, auction, broker, bank, inventory, linknet, linkview, sellvalue, tooltip
04:34.19Cairennokay - /kcitems broker, to get the list of commands, gimme 'em
04:34.32TainYo'd think it would be broker.
04:34.39Cairennit is
04:34.40Tainbroker - toggle, autofill, setcut
04:35.10Tainsetcut just changes your autofill amounts.
04:35.34Cairennyou want it on, you want autofill turned on, and you want to use /setcut to set your pricing ... .95 = 95% of going rate, 1.10 = 110% of going rate
04:35.46Cairennas examples :p
04:36.13Cairennnow, if you are meaning something else, me no know
04:36.23TainYeah, something else.
04:36.31Cairennthen I dunno
04:36.38CairennI haven't used auctioneer in forever
04:36.43TainAuctioneer's bidbroker which gives you a report on current "good deals" in the AH after you scan.
04:37.04Cairennthat's what the colour coding does
04:37.32Cairennbut again, he hasn't got it (what the colours mean) listed anywhere
04:37.43TainWhen you're viewing auctions in the window, yes.  But the reason so many people use (abuse?) bidbroker is becaues you don't have to even know what you're looking for.
04:38.04TainYou just tell it to give youa report of every single item that is currently selling for less than its average price.
04:38.09Tainso you can try to make money.
04:39.01Cairennah, okay, gotcha ... not sure if that's coming in the next version, more than likely it is, but /feature request it on his portal :p
04:40.14TainI know.  I was really just trying to answer a question for someone else.  I didn't know if he had added it yet, I know it's been requested, but I also didn't remember if he even said he wanted to add it.
04:40.40MentalPowerWhy don't you just use Auctioneer?
04:43.35TainFor a number of reasons that are irrelevant to this.  I was asking to answer a specific question by someone else.
04:43.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:44.55MentalPowerAnd that's perfectly ok, I just wanted to know if there was something that could be improved in Auctioneer
04:45.37CairennI like both
04:46.17Cairenneach has their strong points and their weaknesses
04:46.33Wobin_Incidentally, could you list them?
04:46.34TainThe one thing I would like to see improved in auctioneer is the savevars size.
04:46.57CairennI started using KCI because it was (and still is) a replacement for BOTH Auctioneer and LootLink
04:46.59TainFor me that's the biggest thing.
04:47.02Wobin_I don't really want to run them side by side, as scanning already takes too long =)
04:47.22Cairennat the time, it was smaller than either of the other two on their own
04:47.41TainMe too Caireen, and I kept using KCI because Kaelten is such a righteous dude.
04:47.59CairennI don't know how much tighter they have both become since, though
04:48.48Cairennbut when I could have one mod do the work of two, and not use the resources of even one ...
04:48.57Cairennthat's what had me switch
04:49.10Wobin_. o O (And then I cast FROSTSHOOOOCKKK(
04:49.35CairennI've no doubt both Telo and Norgs have tightened they up a lot
04:49.51Cairennbut I also almost never play any more, so it's meh for me
04:50.15MentalPowerWe don't rely on Lootlink anymore, and we've significantly reduced our SV footprint in the current 3.2 version
04:50.55Cairennspeaking of norgs, how come he's never in channel any more? how can I pick on him if he never comes in channel :p
04:51.34MentalPowerlol, hes been "busy" getting to the game's endgame instances and such
04:51.40MentalPowerhe's become quite a raider
04:51.48Cairenngood for him :)
04:52.01Cairennglad he's having fun, that's what it's all about (or should be)
04:52.40Cairennso I'll just keep picking on you instead, MentalPower ;)
04:53.03TainI have lots of legacy data from auctioneer.  I think I should wipe it and start over fresh with both auctioneer and kci and see how they ramp up scnning the same stuff starting from ground zero.
04:53.25CairennTain: would be a good test
04:53.33MentalPowerI'd be very interested in the results
04:54.12Tainme too.
04:54.34TainThere's a good dhance of me falling sleep before the result tonight, whowever.
04:55.00Cairennsleep is a good thing
04:57.32TainI went and took one of my sleep aids that I really haven't needed in a long while.
04:58.01Wobin_but also, scanning the AH with both KCI and Auctioneer would take over 40 minutes on my server =P
04:58.21Wobin_At least on the alliance side
04:59.28MentalPowerit shoudn't be too hard to make an addon that would allow you to scan once and have both AddOns feed from that single scan
04:59.59Wobin_I've thought about that
05:00.19TainThat's what Auctioneer did with Lootlink for a while,
05:00.20Wobin_Although it's more been from the viewpoint of 'borrowing' from Auctioneer's scanning
05:00.39TainBut it still means you have two complete sets of info that way.
05:01.00MentalPowerbut it would make comparing the two easier
05:01.52Wobin_But still not more than a 'singleuse' sort of addon
05:02.21Wobin_PS 24 slot herb/enchant bags. Sounds good to me
05:02.47Wobin_well, running both KCI and Auctioneer wouldn't really be an efficient use of resources
05:03.11Wobin_You'd only run your splitter once, to see which one was 'better' or something
05:03.53MentalPowerunless you were doing an "effectiveness" test like Tain was thinking about
05:04.01Wobin_(and by once I mean long enough to figure out which was better)
05:04.19Cairennagain though, "better" is a relative thing ... which one gives you what you want? which one do you like
05:05.30MentalPowerI'm kinda biased (being an Aucitoneer dev and all) so I can't honestly make an accurate comparison
05:06.20Wobin_What I'd like is a way to make the scanning faster =P
05:06.25Wobin_But that's not really possible =)
05:06.33Cairennas some others here are biased towards KCI
05:06.48Cairennand there's nothing wrong with that, either
05:07.19MentalPowerwe have a blizzard-imposed wall of 10 auctions/sec (or 50 auctions every 5secs, depending on your point of view)
05:07.26Wobin_At the moment I'm more biased towards Auctioneer, but only cause I've been using it longer
05:07.34Wobin_Yeah =(
05:08.01MentalPowerand a crappy system that returns invalid auctions when under pressure
05:08.45MentalPowerwhich means that every tuesday, I have to answer about 10 posts about auctioneer slowing down
05:09.00Cairennonly 10?
05:10.02MentalPoweranyways, I gotta get up early(er) tommorow, so goodnight ladies and gents
05:10.16Cairennsome days, don't you just want to round up all the "end users" and ... ignore them?
05:10.28Cairennnight MentalPower :) sweet dreams
05:10.35TainI just want to know how big the save vars are starting from zeo on both, and scanning the same AH.
05:11.16TainNote:  I'm not intending to do this so that I can say one is bgger and that means it's worse.
05:11.40TainIt's just a simple experiment that can hpefully lead to others.
05:12.36MentalPowerwell I can tell you from the get-go that with Auctioneer you only need to scan twice (with 24hours in between) to get an accurate idea as to the final size of the SV file. Our memory use is pretty stable after that.
05:12.37Wobin_Cairenn: There aren't enough 'ignore' slots =)
05:13.07MentalPoweranyways, for real now, goodnight
05:13.15Cairennnight :)
05:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:27.29Cairennhey slouken :)
05:27.32Tains-dawg in the house
05:27.35sloukenheya. :)
05:27.46Cairennheh, you've no idea, he really is a dawg :p
05:27.57Wobin_'lo Slou
05:28.06sloukenCair, you misspelled it - it's "dog"
05:28.37Cairennno, no it really isn't, not when applied to you :p
05:28.40Wobin_on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog =)
05:28.44TainI actually wanted to ask slouken some quetions and opionions on dealing with online communities as a whole.  Not wow related.
05:29.37CairennTain: they suck, I suggest avoiding them
05:29.38TainOr more get some advice to pass along (if any) to a frienf who's interviewing with Turbine riht now do be acommunity person for D&D Online
05:30.24TainThe's just one of those crazy people who want to be *in* the gaem indsustry. :)
05:30.47Cairennoh, you're being like serious and stuff, oh, okay
05:30.48sloukenActually, Cair's probably a better person to ask.  I'm more of a developer kind of guy
05:31.26TainI emparted my own words of wisdom to her.
05:31.28Cairennthat's an amusing idea Slouken
05:32.06sloukenwhat idea, Cairenn?
05:32.06TainI actaully was going to ask Cairenn as well. :)  It just came to mind when you popped up since he'd be working from "that side" and we're all on "this side" ;)
05:32.23Cairennthat I'd be a good person to ask :p
05:33.04TainI had to try to cheer her up first though, she was already feeling down about it and I'm pretty sure for no reason.
05:33.45Cairennokay, first suggestion to her, right there ... grow a *much* thicker skin, or it's going to absolutely, completely and utterly destroy her
05:34.28TainThe way I go into new job I look at it like this.  I might not be the absolute best candidte they'll ever get, but given that I'm goin to be working people who could pass for second from the left on the evolutionary chart, I think I have a leg up.
05:34.35CairennTain: think about the shit and abuse that the CMs put up with in the General forum (or hell, any forum other than the UI forum)
05:35.14TainOh I know Cairenn, he's actually got experience with that with Asheron's Call, and another one that I just can't remember now.
05:35.26futrtrublanyone else having problems with
05:35.46Cairennproblems how so?
05:36.04TainIt kicked my shin and ran around the corner and laughed
05:36.07Maldivialoading fine here - a bit slow perhaps
05:36.30futrtrublhmm, my connection always gets "reset"
05:37.04futrtrublwell, is fine so all is good
05:46.28Shouryuuw00t got my mindsurge robes
05:46.52Shouryuureally need to get working on those mindtaps though :(
05:48.15Shouryuubut the drop rate on those really suck =(
05:52.13Cairennwell guys
05:52.23Cairennthink it's pretty much time this chickie calls it a night
05:55.39Cairenn|sleepmore than likely Shouryuu, indeed ... too cold to sleep without one these days
05:59.42ShouryuuI ment nighty as good night, buuuttt :P
06:15.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
06:33.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
06:56.07TemAny idea what event fires when you ressurect?
06:56.22Shouryuuhow does math.mod work already? math.mod(a,2) returns what is left of the division of a by 2? or is it the other way around?
06:56.41Temremainder of devision
06:56.54Temmath.mod(10,3) returns the remainder of the devision 10/3
06:56.56Temso 1
06:57.01Shouryuuok cool thanks
06:57.30Temso, what event fires when you ressurect?
06:58.55Shouryuuthat I have no idea
07:00.03Shouryuuif you haven't found on the wiki I can't do nothing for you =(
07:14.08ShouryuuPLAYER_UNGHOST i think tem
07:14.23Shouryuuaye that's it
07:15.22Shouryuuwell that's when you rez normaly
07:15.50ShouryuuPLAYER_ALIVE is the other type of rezing
07:19.29Cairenn|sleepwell knock me over with a feather! we've got well over 2 mil downloads! *boggle*
07:19.55Cairenn|sleep(can you tell I really care about "numbers"? obviously I check on a regular basis ... not)
07:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:21.31Shouryuuwe'll have to remind you tomorow you talk in your sleep
07:21.40Cairenn|sleepyeah yeah :p
07:21.59Cairenn|sleepDolby laughed at me though :(
07:22.55Cairenn|sleepwell, I had been looking for something else, saw that number and IM'd him going "when the hell did that happen?  I know I haven't looked in a while, but ..."
07:23.07Cairenn|sleephe laughed at me
07:23.16Shouryuuwell 2million downloads is an achievement :p
07:23.24Cairenn|sleepI was hurt
07:23.32Cairenn|sleepmeh, it's a number :p
07:23.44Shouryuuyeah I guess
07:23.53Cairenn|sleepI just ... the last time I looked, we hadn't hit 1 mil ... so it kinda boggled me
07:24.53Cairenn|sleepI guess that explains why I'll never be "a success" ... I don't keep track of things like that, they aren't important to me
07:25.22TemShouryuu: yeah it's PLaYER_UNGHOST
07:25.26Shouryuumeh don't think like that
07:25.36Shouryuunp :p
07:25.59Shouryuuyou're right to think that numbers can't quantify how good a person is :p
07:27.29zespri|logIn whar order VARIABLES_LOADED fired for addons? if there are addon A and addon B is it 1) addon A loaded 2) v_l for A fired 3) addon B loaded 4) v_l for addon B fired, or is it another order?
07:30.47Temit will fire after all of them are donw
07:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:10.38zespri|logthank you tem
08:37.15Shouryuurawr out
08:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (
09:41.46*** join/#wowi-lounge EraphineDisco (
09:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
10:11.51id`Any drops for squishies in the stockades?
10:11.56id`allkhazam knows nothing
10:11.58id`thottbot neither
10:17.08id`ah got it
10:17.10id`no items :9
10:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:32.53ElkanoGood (whatever) :)
11:24.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
11:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
11:41.52namxowhat's the size parametes in <size> tags to have a frame on the full screen ?
12:13.39Elkanohmm, I would rather anchor it to TOPLEFT and BOTTOMRIGHT
12:13.59Elkanothat would make it fullscreen regardless of scaling
12:14.43zeegFact of the day
12:14.43zeegGiving head massages the jaw....while burning 32 calories.
12:15.00zeeganyone tried the auto assault beta yet
12:16.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:20.51Kalrothhej Cide
12:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
12:22.23Cidehi there
13:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
13:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
13:14.34AnduinLotharGetting payed to write mods now :)
13:14.54AnduinLotharin house QA mods
13:15.44AnduinLotharthink the Nurfed guy works QA too, but i havne't met him
13:23.00zeegya the Nurfed GM
13:23.03zeegor ex gm, idk what it is
13:23.06zeegi believe
13:23.16zeegwhat's a QA mod?
13:23.23wereHamsterwhat kind of mods? automated testing?
13:24.11AnduinLotharSomeone's working on an automated testing bot but atm it's mostly automated quick cheats to make raid preperation and bug testing simpler
13:25.22AnduinLotharLike My recent contribution was a right-click dropdown menu on item links for spawning single or multiple copes of that item with an estimated countdown timer for large spawns.
13:26.04AnduinLotharSo like if you need to test darkmoon ticket quests or need 10 major hp pots for a raid
13:27.18wereHamsterAnduinLothar, whats the function you use to copy items? maybe it's in the release version, too :)
13:28.45AnduinLotharit's not
13:28.58AnduinLotharnot a function anyway
13:29.26AnduinLotharit's from console which interfaces directly with the server. you have to have the cheats enabled remotely for your account.
13:30.24krka|workhm... i just had a crazy idea, but i can't say it in here now that AnduinLothar is here and one of the Bad Guys(tm)
13:30.34zeegAnduinLothar, will you go enable cheats for me
13:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
13:32.05AnduinLothari can't
13:32.20zeegfine, i see how it is
13:33.02AnduinLotharoo, i get to use the Friends and Family pricing plan for my retail wow..
13:33.14AnduinLotharnot that I will have tiem to play
13:33.25Wobin_hehe what sort of discount do you get for that?
13:33.38[MoonWolf]it better be full.
13:33.45[MoonWolf]close enough
13:34.04AnduinLotharbut I can play the test client at work...
13:34.09zeegWoWGuru's Volunteer discount is better ;)
13:34.21zeegalthough no one actually uses it
13:34.38AnduinLothari get a murky :)
13:35.04[MoonWolf]damn you
13:35.13AnduinLothari love the murky sounds.. i just sit there and click him for hours
13:35.27Wobin_one of the few jobs that you get paid and are able to play =)
13:35.29zeegthats not something you should admit to
13:35.32Wobin_(unless you're a CFG)
13:36.31Wobin_Who actually did the voice for the murlocs? =)
13:36.32AnduinLotharoh ok... I get 3 free accounts and then I can change 3 other accounts to Friends and Family. that makes more sense
13:36.37Wobin_I bet they'd be a hit at parties =P
13:37.35AnduinLotharlil better than yourss zeeg :P
13:38.13zeegget accounts for dif places!
13:39.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
13:39.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:39.30zeegAnduinLothar, i would give you free humpings if you had a zh, tw, and eu account :)
13:39.37wereHamstergood morning Beladona
13:39.54Wobin_Would he have to pay for them, otherwise? the humping, that is...
13:39.57zeegconvince blizzard to love me and hook me up w/ DBCs for each patch
13:40.05AnduinLotharlol "A 300 Month pre-paid game card has been successfully added to your account!"
13:40.31zeegAnduinLothar, do you actually make any worthwhile money working for them tho :P
13:40.34Wobin_hehe no "unlimited" option, eh?
13:40.35zeegor do they just buy you off w/ game shit
13:40.48zeeggo sell the game card ;)
13:41.34AnduinLotharit's not very good money at the lowest rung, but I hear it's where most everyone started. And it's better than the min wage I was getting at albertsons
13:42.03Wobin_And it's a job you enjoy =)
13:42.13Wobin_(or at least I'm assuming so =P)
13:42.25AnduinLotharI'm not working for the money. I need money of course, but that's not why I've been applying at blizz for a year.
13:42.46Wobin_Job satisfaction is always a higher priority than pay for me...
13:44.38krka|work300 months... like WoW will even survive half of that
13:45.18Wobin_UniverseOfWarcraft P
13:45.23AnduinLotharwell I've already payed 14x$14.99  not liek they don't have enough of my money already... I'm just earning it back now in record time
13:46.06[MoonWolf]that is also a way of looking at it.
13:47.13AnduinLotharMobileFrames now works on 1.10
13:47.42AnduinLotharthey changed the bag system... it's sexy
13:47.52AnduinLotharok, maybe not secy
13:48.00zeegwow will survive for at least 60 more months
13:48.03zeegprobably a good 100+
13:48.32zeegi pay for wow, to post on forums, which im banned from.. so now I pay for wow to download patches
13:48.40zeegjerks :(
13:48.51zeegEMPIRE AT WAR IS OUT :D
13:51.37wereHamsterWith the 1.10 patch two new craftable bag types will be available specifically for holding items related to either herbalism or enchanting.... what about mining or tailoring or cooking of fishing?
13:51.45Wobin_Or engineering =(
13:52.01wereHamsteror.. blacksmithing ?
13:52.22AnduinLotharwhine whine whine
13:52.41Wobin_hehe, what else would we do? We're -users-!
13:53.27krka|work5 years maybe... 10 years? no
13:53.35wereHamsterwhy do they deserve new bags? herbs can stack, items used for enchanting can stack so whats the reason?
13:53.55Wobin_24 slot bags, though
13:54.05Wobin_That's a whole lot of slot
13:54.29[MoonWolf]I have a feeling blizzard will be pusing specific types of bags out later
13:54.29zeeggood for banks
13:54.40[MoonWolf]puzzled togheter from comments on shard bags
13:54.52[MoonWolf]they have been working on bags for all kinds of things
13:55.00[MoonWolf]instead of simply the shard bags
13:55.12[MoonWolf]but the shard bags were the first of these new bags we saw
13:56.48Wobin_I want to be able to buy a bucket of Kalimdor Fried Quail for my pet cat
13:57.43[MoonWolf]why cant you ?
13:58.41zeegthis will probably make Cairenn|sleep mad linking this here, but its related to UI peoples sooo :)
14:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:12.59Legorol^wow, 1.10 is bringing 24-slot bags for storing herbs and enchanting materials
15:32.30krka|worknot really that useful... i am herbalist but i don't carry more than 3-4 different herbs at a time
15:42.38zeegOk guys
15:42.44zeegI want to make a public repository for DBCs for each page
15:42.58zeeganyone know of software that could do this already? so we'd just add the patch and itd allow certain users to upload files or w/e?
15:46.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
16:07.34MentalPowerzeegOk guys
16:07.36MentalPowerI want to make a public repository for DBCs for each page
16:07.37MentalPoweranyone know of software that could do this already? so we'd just add the patch and itd allow certain users to upload files or w/e?
16:07.40Wobin_~define dbc
16:07.51MentalPowerjust before you logged-in
16:07.55Wobin_meh, I've forgotten perl's syntax
16:08.02krka|workdatabase cookie or something?
16:08.08Tain~wtf dbc
16:08.15Wobin_er purl's syntax =) Ta Tain =)
16:08.19purlaw, gee, Tain
16:08.23krka|worki have purl on ignore... what is it?
16:08.25zeegits the clientside database files for WoW
16:08.41zeeglook in dbc.mpq, or patch.mpq
16:08.55zeegthey hold data like spell information, and various other tables that link to other things
16:09.29TainThere's lots of people I can see putting on ignore, and with good reason. Really good reason.  I mean, overwhelmingly, crushingly, indisputible good reason.
16:09.31TainBut why purl?
16:09.36Wobin_I wish Wikipedia wasn't blocked out here =(
16:09.48Wobin_purl is cute =)
16:09.49zeegTain, do you ever shut up
16:09.52purl:), Wobin_
16:09.57krka|workpeople abuse purl
16:10.04zeegkrka|work, thats why i ignored it too
16:10.27krka|worki don't care about 99% of what purl says
16:11.47TainYou may have seen the results of people going way overboard having fun, but purl does have very useful tools that people do use as well.
16:11.59krka|workagreed. but that is extremely rare
16:12.17TainAs with everything else, the right tool for the job. :)
16:12.32TainAnd if you've had purl on ignore then how would you know how rare. :P
16:12.48krka|workwould be better if purl would not perform all the useless things
16:13.03MentalPowerWobin_: where do you live/work that wikipedia is blocked?
16:13.10krka|worki didn't always have purl on ignore you know
16:13.19krka|workpurls emulate for instance, is pretty useless
16:13.26Tain"Useless" things to one person doesn't mean the rest doesn't exisit.
16:14.01Wobin_MentalPower: China =)
16:14.04TainLots find the emulate stuff entertaining.  So there is still a use.
16:14.50Wobin_More irritating tbh =)
16:15.00zeeginterestingly annoying
16:15.05Wobin_Geocities is cut off too
16:15.07krka|workyes, never said it wasn't useless to all people. but to me it's just spam, so i ignore it
16:15.08Wobin_along with some other stuff
16:15.20zeegive actually never seen purl useful
16:15.48krka|workif purl would just whisper the response to the person who asked for emulate, that'd be nice
16:15.56TainThankfully everyone gets, and is encouraged, to have their own opinions.  So it's a great happy world when we can all say, "I've never actually seen <person> useful."
16:16.07TainYou can, krka.  People don't.
16:16.07wereHamsterwhat is this 'emulate' anyway ?
16:16.16Wobin_~emulate Tain
16:16.17purlChanging someone's factinfo they set for themselves is pretty rude, asshole.
16:16.23zeegTain, what is your problem, /ignore zeeg
16:16.26TainThat's why I say you're better off ignoring the person abusing a tool.
16:16.27zeegand stop trying to piss me off
16:16.30TainThan the tool itself.
16:16.44krka|workbut almost everyone abuses purl
16:16.51krka|workand i dont want to ignore everyone
16:17.03krka|worksecond option is to ignore purl
16:17.31krka|workif i figure out how, i'll add a line that ignores everything that starts with ~
16:17.37TainI do understand why you'd do it, krka.  I know there are just other things that I personally use purl for that I find very useful.
16:17.59TainThat's all, despite what people do wiht purl I'm glad it's around for other things.
16:19.29krka|workanyone good with xchat and knows how to write filters?
16:19.54wereHamsterI haven't seen people use purl that often..
16:20.13TainI only use ircii and BitchX, so no here.
16:20.37zeegisnt xchat pretty much the same as ircii/bitchx?
16:20.43zeegthey all use perl i think
16:20.51wereHamsterI have xchat, but I only can start it and join #wowi-lounge :)
16:23.56krka|workah... Content-ignore looks good
16:24.03krka|work"A content based ignore script using regular expression and written in Python. (Yes the python interface isn't completely useless.)"
16:51.08id`hey cool
16:51.13id`my sis made me spaghetti ^^
17:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:37.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleep (
17:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
17:42.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:42.27KolthYay Cair!
17:42.39Cairennhi all
17:43.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
17:43.54AstrylPublic Beta 3 of FeralSkills released...
17:44.05AstrylUp to about 2100 downloads now...
17:44.44AstrylIn order of most downloads from each place, Guru,, Curse, WoWI.
17:45.16AstrylGuru would probably be last, except I took pity on it, and use it for the download link I advertise in the forum thread about it...
17:46.01Astryl(Sorry Cair!)
17:46.28Cairennfor what?
17:46.52CairennI haven't seen you say anything for which you need to apologize
17:47.13KolthHe's double-dipping!!!
17:47.19AstrylYou're the least visited site for people downloading my addon.
17:47.32AstrylYou'd probably be 2nd least, but I advertised Guru.
17:47.42CairennI saw what you said Astryl
17:48.03Cairennand as I said - "I haven't seen you say anything for which you need to apologize"
17:48.14Astryl*shrug* OK then, go get me more hits, Cair!
17:48.43Cairennwhere you host and where you advertise is your right as the author, I'd complain about this ... why?
17:49.00Astryl...Less advertising revenue for you? :)
17:49.00id`Hits, psh, who cares about hits.. As long as the addon does what you want it to do it's a good thing.
17:49.35AstrylIt is a business to you, right? In a basic business model, I'm your supplier, and your revenue comes from advertising.
17:50.27id`its a game man
17:51.20CairennAstryl: as most have figured out by now, I really don't care about (what is in my opinion) unimportant stuff like that ... I care about providing a quality environ for mod authors to host their mods, get feedback from their users, and to get the support they need as authors to enable them to be more effective and enjoy what they are doing more
17:51.57id`wich results into stuff like that anyway
17:52.11AstrylWell, in that regard, I find that you have the most complete solution for addon authors.
17:52.36CairennI got laughed at by Dolby last night because of exactly that sort of reason ... I care *so* much about "numbers" and stuff that I hadn't even realized we had hit 1 mil downloads, let alone the fact that we are at over 2 mil now
17:53.13Cairennwe support you guys ... everything else ... meh, whatever
17:54.11AstrylThe only downside to WoWI as opposed to the other 3 is the lack of instant hosting of files. Usually it doesn't matter much, but sometimes it does.
17:54.39Cairennnot any more it doesn't, we've made changes to how things show up when a new version is sitting in the file queue
17:54.54Cairennwe just haven't made any big deal over it
17:54.57AstrylThat new in the last few days?
17:55.18AstrylThe version I just posted half an hour ago went up within a minute or two.
17:55.33CairennI didn't say they were auto-approved
17:55.37AstrylWhereas the previous version took like an hour.
17:55.40AstrylAye, I know...
17:56.06CairennI said we made changes to the way things show up when an update is in the queue
17:56.40AstrylAll that matters is that I can post a new version, then immediately go to the forum and post a note saying that there's a new version, and you can download it from these 4 sites...
17:57.01AstrylIt's when I'd have to say, "you can download it from these 3 sites, and in an hour you'll be able to download it from wowi too."
17:57.10Astryl...that it's not a great thing
17:57.18Cairennwell, that time difference would have something to do with the fact that I'm checking the site at the moment, but obviously the last time you updated, no one was at the site, for whatever reason
17:57.24Cairennas for what has changed:
17:58.29Cairenn* People can view the fileinfo screen and pictures if an interface is in the moderation queue. * At the top of the fileinfo screen a message will say this file has not yet been approved. * If a user clicks on the download link a popup will appear allowing the person to download from the archive list with info explaining why. * The interface will still remain hidden from the latest list and when browsing the do
17:59.17AstrylWhy not let them download it anyway if they bypass the warning?
17:59.34Cairennthe updated version?
17:59.51Cairennnot until we've checked it
18:00.32AstrylThey try to download it, the popup says "Warning: This file has not been approved yet (virus checked, etc), it may be malicious! We usually check items every 15 min, so please wait until then. If you can't wait, are you sure you want to download it anyway?"
18:00.41Corrodiasin a way, that increases the reputation of the site
18:00.47Corrodiasin another, it annoys users and takes control away from them
18:01.05AstrylYep, that's completely correct.
18:01.07Cairennyou are welcome to make the suggestion in the suggestion forum, Dolby may agree to it, but I don't think so
18:01.29Corrodiasone reason i dislike many game developers is that they try to make you play the game how -they- want you to play it
18:01.44Corrodiaseven when it is a single player game, i mean
18:01.59Cairennwe've discussed things like this repeatedly, and we all still stand by our decision on how we handle files going into our DB
18:02.07Corrodiashaving to "unlock" anything makes me sick
18:05.05*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
18:06.08Cairennzeeg, you there?
18:07.14BeladonaI am very pro-approval
18:07.15Natasemi don;'t mind a site that actualy scans the uplaods, with the newest anti virus deffinisions
18:07.21Natasemi'll wait the extra time
18:07.44Cairennhey Beladona :)
18:07.55Beladonain today's age and lack of understanding on many user's parts, having an extra layer of protection and authorization is necessary
18:07.57Beladonaat least in my mind
18:08.29Beladonamost people in THIS channel can probably recognize malicious content, but not everyone can
18:08.50Corrodiasand the harm to you if people download content you haven't approved is what?
18:09.14Cairennour reputation
18:09.55elemawhat makes an addon's mem size very large (big onload, big onupdate usage, many events- but which other things ?)
18:10.12Corrodiascreating many new memory objects instead of reusing old ones
18:10.30Corrodiasthe last time i used it, BGBuddy2 used as much memory per second as all the rest of my addons combined
18:10.37CodayusI can see some potentially large upsides to the approval process, and the downsides are pretty minor for users and authors.  It's a pain for the WoWI admins, but...  <shrug>
18:11.09Cairennbut it's a pain that we choose to keep, because our reputation, our good name, are worth it to us
18:11.17Corrodiasif the author wants the users to be able to get the mod before it's approved, i guess they can have it hosted elsewhere
18:11.30elemaYou mean if I save many vars, the mem size gets very huge ?
18:11.44CairennCorrodias: precisely
18:11.44elemaor change their values
18:12.18Corrodiasit really depends on a lot of things, elema. memory allocation isn't so simple as to deserve one sentence
18:12.33Corrodiasit's about pointers
18:13.57Beladonait isn't just our reputation with users either
18:14.04Beladonawe check mods for other things besides viruses
18:14.11Beladonaamong those are things Blizzard doesn't want
18:14.33Corrodiasto save memory, you have to reuse objects whenever possible, which makes a lot more sense in an object-oriented language (and i am pretty sure LUA isn't one) but even in C it would mean either reusing arrays or freeing them. since in LUA you can't free memory (it's up to the garbage collector), you'd have to reuse them.
18:14.45CodayusAn automated scanner isn't going to be able to notice that an addon is designed to allow cross-faction communication...
18:14.57Beladonabut human eyes can
18:15.09CairennCodayus: or that it removes all underwear from the female models in the game
18:15.18Corrodiasblizzard doesn't mind that.
18:15.30CairennCorrodias: wanna bet?
18:15.41Beladonathey mind
18:15.45CodayusCorrodias: Well, maybe not.  Changing in game models is a grey area...  But *I* mind it; that sorta mod is just retarded.
18:16.04Cairennthey object to their game becoming pornographic, you can count on it
18:16.07Beladonain a way it is similar to the hot coffee mod that was a problem for GTA
18:16.20CodayusAnd various nude patches for the Sims games...
18:16.22Beladonaonly difference there was that the content was there already
18:16.30Corrodiasthat's a huge fucking difference.
18:16.36Beladonanot really
18:16.36elemadoes the mem size gets just through the amount of script
18:16.40Corrodiasit's the entire basis of the issue
18:16.40CodayusCorrodias: Not really.
18:16.45Beladonait doesn't change the potential rating issues
18:16.47Corrodiaslegally, i mean.
18:17.01AstrylIt's the mods that remove all the underwear from the MALE models in the game that I mind.
18:17.15Corrodiascompanies can only go so far to prevent users from being able to change their games. they produce the engine; they don't produce the "porn".
18:17.40CodayusI unwisely followed a link that turned out to be a page full of pictures of naked undead females.  That wasn't fun.
18:17.43Beladonathere was a huge todo about that hot coffee mod BEFORE it came out that the content was already in the game and not user made, only user unlocked
18:17.55Cairennbut Blizzard didn't create models with nipples and pubic hair
18:18.36Corrodiasthere's some degree of personal responsibilty that we have to assign to the people who actually bother to install such a mod, anyway
18:18.40Cairenntheir models are like a barbie or ken doll ... they *aren't* anatomically correct
18:18.53Corrodiasit's -their- fault if they don't like what they see, because -they- installed the mod.
18:19.05CairennAstryl: tacky
18:19.15Cairennnot our site, I trust? if so, link please
18:19.33CairennCorrodias: that is correct
18:19.41AstrylDruid forums.
18:19.57Corrodiashealbots lolz
18:19.59CairennCorrodias: as far as it goes
18:20.07CodayusCorrodias: Correct, as far as it goes.  But some people will blame Bliz anyhow...and in any case, Bliz would just as soon people didn't misuse their game like that anyhow.
18:21.16Cairennand people will blame us for hosting it
18:21.42Corrodiasthey can disallow whatever they want, in the end, but i have read the threads about the 'nude mods' and, as of last month when i last checked, blizzard had no stated problem with it. no more than with most addons, anyway, which is to say they weren't fighting back.
18:22.07CodayusImagine, say, that a nude patch is made for WoW, and it's quite popular, and then the NYT writes an article about it...a bit far fetched, but not impossible.  For 90% of the people who read it, they'll associate it with Bliz, not some random modder.
18:22.34CodayusI don't have to read a single word by Bliz to know they'd be quite upset by that turn of events.  :-)
18:22.35BeladonaBlizzard isn't liable for the mod itself
18:22.53CairennCodayus: wouldn't be the first time NYT has written about WoW, either
18:22.55Beladonathey are liable if it comes out that they knew about it and didn't do anyhting to prevent it
18:23.13CodayusYa.  Didn't they have an article in the *sports* section about the next raid dungeon?  That amused me.
18:23.14CairennCorrodias: they can disallow whatever they want, in the end, but i have read the threads about the 'nude mods' and, as of last month when i last checked, blizzard had no stated problem with it. no more than with most addons, anyway, which is to say they weren't fighting back.
18:23.20CairennCodayus: yes
18:23.30Beladonanot yet
18:23.36CodayusTruly we live in the 21st century.  :-P
18:23.38CairennCorrodias: *but* ... was there *any* post by "blue" about it?
18:23.41Beladonabut they ARE starting to lock out the ability to replace certain files
18:23.44Corrodiasit's like being upset at .. who is it that owns the Unreal engine? well, at them for somebody using their engine to make a game they don't like
18:23.54Beladonaand you can be sure model textures will be part of that at some point
18:24.24Corrodiasnot as far as i'm aware. there were replications of discussions with GMs but they can't be taken as official word.
18:24.54CodayusA lot of quoted GM conversations in the forums strike me as being fake...  :-/
18:24.58Corrodiasi believe WoWI hosts some model mods, too.
18:25.08Beladonanot the nude ones
18:25.09Codayus"Dude, a GM said blah balh blah.""
18:25.14Corrodiasspecifically some that change warlock summons
18:25.24Beladonaand we chose to host them because there wasn't a probolem with it yet
18:25.25Corrodias*pets, i've been reading too much D&D lately
18:25.28CairennCorrodias: I have no doubt that there hasn't been any official response saying they don't approve  ..... but I'm also willing to bet that there aren't any official responses approving of it, either
18:25.36Corrodiasyou are correct
18:25.49CodayusBig difference between replacing a warlocks imp with a cooler model, and a nude patch...
18:25.59Corrodiaswhat's the difference?
18:26.09CairennCorrodias: yes, there are some model mods on our site ... none of them are pornographic, and Blizz hasn't said they aren't allowed
18:26.25Corrodiaschanging the rating of the game? Game Experience May Change During Online Play
18:26.39Beladonafrom a technical standpoint I understand where you are coming from Corrodias
18:27.04Beladonafrom the standpoint of a parent or someone supervising children, there is a HUGE difference
18:27.17Cairennand if the other sites choose to host the mod, that is their business - but it won't be on our site
18:27.18Corrodiasi suppose there is. but i never help them. :)
18:27.23CodayusCorrodias: I don't think Bliz should be worried about, say, legal problems.  Some may disagree, but meh, that's my opinion.
18:27.34CodayusBut PR and reputation problems could be a hundred times worse.
18:27.56Corrodiasi love freedom to the extent of not protecting people from themselves and letting them do what they want with their game that isn't destructive to others' enjoyment of it
18:28.31CairennCorrodias: okay, try considering this, then
18:28.33Corrodiasi put a pretty low priority on isolating children
18:28.44Beladonaif it was a serious pressing legal issue, they would have taken care of it by now, but that doesn't mean it will NEVEr be a legal issue
18:29.09Beladonathere are bills right now getting passed in some states that prevent sales of any game that could EVER contain such material
18:29.14Codayus(Then again, I don't think Rockstar or their publisher should have the slightest legal issues with the Hot Coffee fiasco, and I disagreed with the change in the games rating.  <shrug>)
18:29.18Beladonathe law is changing...
18:29.53Cairennyou are playing the game ... and you know that someone else can see your character nude ... can that affect *your* enjoyment of the game?  Yes, it can.  Some people would object to that violently ...
18:29.53futrtrublBeladona, then no game would be allowed to be sold
18:30.07Corrodiaswe can break into games and modify them. it -will- be done.
18:30.36CodayusCairenn: Indeed.
18:30.45Corrodiasi also ignore objections at that level of abstraction, Cairenn
18:31.00Corrodiasi don't believe in morals, so i won't bother to say i'm right or wrong, but i can explain what i like.
18:31.16Cairennand I've yet to say you are "wrong"
18:31.20CodayusOne of my friends dislikes the skimpier armor models - she'd be quite upset with the idea of other people having a nude patch installed...
18:31.29Cairennyou have your opinion and you are entitled to it
18:31.54Cairennopinions aren't "wrong"
18:32.01Corrodiasi just don't want you to think of me as trying to be offensive for its own sake
18:32.16Cairenngood heavens no, I'm not taking it that way at all
18:32.21CodayusHow did that go?  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but nobody is entitled to their own facts?  :-)
18:32.30CairennCodayus: heh
18:32.51Corrodias...what? >_>
18:33.28Legorol^can I add my 2 cents?
18:33.33Legorol^i haven't read the whole conversation, but
18:33.38CairennLegorol^: nevah!
18:33.49Corrodiasjapanese 3d porn game companies go to some lengths, in some cases, to protect their games from being modified to remove the censorship or change the models. in all but one case so far, we've broken through it.
18:33.49Legorol^any mod that modifies the in-game models is against the EULA and ToU
18:33.53futrtrubl./ignore Legorol^
18:33.57Legorol^and therefore Blizzard has their back covered
18:34.11Corrodiasit doesn't modify any game files, don't worry about that
18:34.27Legorol^if someone makes nude models for WoW, it's entirely their own doing, it's never sanctioned and specifically prohibited
18:34.36CodayusAs I've already commented - I think Bliz should be much more concered with the potential damage from poor PR than from the potential damage of a lawsuit...
18:34.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:34.48Legorol^there is no question of law suit
18:35.10Corrodiasthe horrible reputation of server reliability and game performance isn't enough, eh? hehe
18:35.13Legorol^Cairenn: earlier you stated that Blizz has no problem with mods that modify models
18:35.14Legorol^this is not so
18:35.23CodayusLegorol^: I believe you're wrong, although I wish you wearn't.
18:35.26Legorol^Blues have stated that such mods are not allowed
18:35.33CodayusLegorol^: Link?
18:35.35Legorol^i can try to get you links
18:35.36Corrodiasplease link me to this.
18:35.44Legorol^give me a few minutes
18:35.45Corrodiasif it's within the last month, that would be why i didn't see it.
18:36.01Cairennhey Iriel :)
18:36.03Corrodiasif it's not from within the last month, it must be pretty well hidden because nobody heard about it.
18:36.08Legorol^apart from the fact taht i have seen blue posts on it (for which you don't have to take my word, obviously),
18:36.12Natasemnut case warning
18:36.14Legorol^it is actually against the EULA and ToU as well
18:36.33Legorol^that, you don't have to take my word for either, ask your lawyer ;-)
18:36.34Corrodiasi read them both, and they have both been analyzed by the relevant threads. there's nothing against changing the models.
18:36.35Beladonapeople will always find ways to modify games. If they can't modify it with developer provided tools, they do it on their own. But MMORPG games have a slight advantage. They can actively check content for validity before allowing you to play
18:36.44Legorol^Corrodias: i beleive there is
18:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:36.52Corrodiasthere is a clause against changing the game files, but that's another issue
18:36.55Legorol^Where they prohibit modification of game files
18:36.59Beladonaso the argument that people will find ways to do it anyway, doesn't fly in this situation
18:37.20Legorol^I beleive that dropping models in Data\ would be considered modification of game files
18:37.27Legorol^by anyone with common sense and/or a court of law
18:37.30Legorol^that is my opinion
18:37.34Corrodiasmost of us disagree, since you never changed any files
18:37.34Cairenn*technically*, yes, you are correct
18:37.40Corrodiasyou added some
18:37.48Beladonaits technically overriding the use of game files
18:37.50Legorol^Corrodias: that's exactly the point, the technicality from a computing point is irrelevant
18:38.01Legorol^what matters is common sense and how a competent court would rule
18:38.03Beladonanow if you repacked an mpq with your data, that would be different
18:38.03Corrodiasand -that- depends on a judge.
18:38.13Cairennyou aren't supposed to touch files anywhere other than the ..\Interface\AddOns folder
18:38.23Corrodiasbut it's all nonsense to worry too much about it either way
18:38.28Legorol^I beleive that exploiting the MPQ loader engine and overriding files still constitutes "changing"
18:38.33Legorol^anyways, off to get the links
18:38.38Corrodiasif blizzard doesn't want you to be able to do it, in the next patch they'll disable that feature or change the EULA to be explicit about it.
18:38.48Legorol^Corrodias: that's not true
18:38.56BeladonaI don't see why they don't just disable the ability to override anything
18:38.58Corrodiaswhoa, i think we've had this discussion before :o
18:39.14Legorol^there can be things they don't want that the EULA already prohibits, which they don't have technical protection against
18:39.36Legorol^you know, it is allowed to have money in your house and say, i don't want you to take it
18:39.44Legorol^it's still illegal to steal it, even if you don't buy a safe
18:40.04Corrodiasblizzard doesn't like to put a lot of effort into things. they'd rather make it impossible than go banning people left and right for it
18:40.20Beladonathe other issue is that any action Blizzard takes in protecting or disabling features of the game tends to have further reaching consequences than just preventing you from doing something you shouldn't
18:40.27Beladonathat is why those kinds of things tend to take time
18:41.27Legorol^link 1)
18:41.38Corrodiasi wonder now why they don't just detect Decursive and ban people for it
18:41.58Beladonawhat would stop decursive from rewriting to get around it
18:42.22[MoonWolf]banning a large amount of all your users is not really something that makes you popular
18:42.29Corrodiasthere's that "modifying the core files" phrase again
18:42.37CodayusCorrodias: Impossible to detect, and since it isn't disallowed, they'd never ever even POTENTIALLY ban people for it?
18:42.52Beladonaand trust me, Blizzard doesn't just ban you for minor things
18:42.58Beladonathey take banning seriously
18:42.59Corrodiasthey're trying to disable it!
18:43.01CodayusBesides, it'd built into CTRA now too.
18:43.23CodayusSo once they banned every single raider they have...uh...what would their revenue numbers look like?  :-P
18:43.27BeladonaWOW is their game
18:43.29Beladonanot ours
18:43.33Beladonawe just lease it
18:44.19CodayusLegorol^: Interesting link.  North American CMs have been much more careful not to comment on that, AFAIK.  Funny typo though.
18:44.20Beladonathey ban people that they know are exploiting the system willingly
18:44.50Beladonathat is hardly a large number of their subscribers
18:45.14CodayusAnd AFAIK, they've been clear that decursive is something that they sort of wish would go away, and their looking at ways of breaking it...but that's not even sort of remotely the same thing as them viewing it as an exploit to be banned over...
18:45.15Legorol^Codayus: i am looking for a more solid link
18:45.22Legorol^Aeus has posted on it, in very definite terms
18:45.30Legorol^i am just trying to find the link on cardplace at the moment
18:45.46Corrodiasall this talking about how other people feel is tiring me
18:46.11Beladonaare they banning people that use decursive?
18:46.18BeladonaI haven't seen that happen yet
18:46.27Corrodiasi have to leave to go home in a few minutes, anyway. i'll use the mods if i can, and if they ban me, i'll stop paying and go play one of the other 6 games i have lined up
18:46.31Beladonanot sure why the subject of banning even came up
18:46.46CodayusBeladona: Corrodias said he thought Bliz SHOULD ban people for using it.
18:46.48CairennBeladona: not that I've seen/heard (from a source that I trust)
18:46.50Legorol^Decursive is allowed at the moment
18:46.51CodayusNot that they had.
18:46.58Gryphenctra does the same thing as decursive too
18:47.00BeladonaI don't think they should
18:47.02Legorol^there *is* blue post on decursive
18:47.08CodayusBeladona: Agreed, of course.
18:47.17Corrodiasif they want to make people stop using it and they can't disable it, they -have- to ban for it. it's the only option.
18:47.21Beladonathey are doing fine. They are looking at ways to disable it without causing a huge problem with other mods
18:47.22Corrodiasi'm not supporting either side
18:47.33CodayusLegorol^: Right, which says, basically, that'll it'll probably stop working in some patch, because they're not really happy with it, but for now, it's fine.
18:47.50CorrodiasITS FINE LERN2PLAY?
18:48.09Beladonathey haven['t come forward and said "STOP USING IT" for the very reason that such a statement would force them to enforce it
18:48.17Beladonabut they do dislike it
18:48.30CodayusCorrodias: No, they don't have to ban for it.  They can also adjust the game to make it less of a problem.
18:48.30Cairennand have stated such
18:48.38Legorol^Codayus: yes that's the post
18:48.42Legorol^slouken's post on Decursive:
18:48.51Legorol^says they'd love to stop it, but they can't yet
18:48.55Legorol^and so for now it's fine
18:49.10Legorol^(still looking for Aeus's post)
18:49.12Corrodiasi'm going home now. enjoy your weekend, everybody! :)
18:49.15CodayusYeah, that's how I remembered it.
18:49.31Cairennlater Corrodias, have a nice weekend
18:49.39CodayusBye Corrodias.
18:49.52CairennLegorol^: don't sweat it
18:51.30Cairennso - anyone want a snowstorm?  I'll even throw in the 2 30-car pile ups and my migraine, free!
18:51.31Legorol^unfortunately post scrolled off, and cardplace has a crap search engine
18:52.06Legorol^even if you are not willing to take my word for it (which is your choice), Aeus posted on the EU UI forum in a thread about model modification explaining in detail why Blizzard does not allow it
18:52.31Legorol^he argued the points we all know, that if you can modify models you can potentially gain advantage, e.g. making a big red spike come out of your enemies to see where they are
18:52.56Beladonaor making a day glow orange model that stands out from the rest, so that you can easily find enemies
18:52.58Legorol^right, i have to go cook, so i won't be able to find the link
18:53.26CodayusInteresting (but mostly unrelated) question - how binding is EU blue posts on US players?  What would happened if they posted conflicting things?
18:53.38CodayusHappen, even.
18:54.04Beladonathey are connected. I am sure they have handbooks and guidelines they must follow
18:54.37Legorol^it is possible for CMs to err
18:54.54Legorol^however, it's unlikely they would state different things when it comes to policies and what's allowed/not allowed
18:55.12Cairennwell, that's one of the problems that is going on - one side says one thing, the other side says something else, and in all these cases it is CMs that are making the statements
18:55.12Legorol^and when you have a post by only one of them, i would go with that, until a contradictory one appears on US site ;-)
18:55.28Legorol^Cairenn: was there a case where CMs contradicted each other?
18:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
18:55.40IrielHell, US blue posts aren't necessarily binding to US players
18:55.47CodayusWell, the US side of things has been very very careful to *nod* post anything at all, despite it having been an issue for months...
18:55.49Legorol^no posts are binding
18:55.51Legorol^the EULA/ToU is
18:55.59CairennLegorol^: not necessarily on this particular issue, but yes, I've seen one thing on one side and something different on the other
18:56.02Legorol^blue posts just might be an indication about how Blizz would like to interpret them
18:56.11IrielWell, stickied posts that say "We'll ban you if you do X" are pretty strong.
18:56.23Legorol^Cairenn: ok, i am not surprised about that ;-)
18:56.37Legorol^i'd be very surprised if a blue actually condoned model modding
18:56.57[MoonWolf]i think they are kinda in limbo about what to allow and what not at the moment
18:57.16[MoonWolf]but should things escalate we will know soon enough.
18:57.21KtronGranted I'm thrwoing something in the middle here-- my guess is they know it will be difficult to prevent, and so they're seeing how big a problem it is/will be
18:57.24Legorol^besides, in almost 99% of the points we argue here, i think we can all agree on what we think Blizzard would want to be the case
18:57.27Cairennon this particular issue, the only thing that I have seen from the US side is acknowledgement from blue that it is possible to gain advantage
18:57.49Cairenn*is possible* ... note emphasis
18:58.08[MoonWolf]yes, but the eu(and i fall under that) posted clearly that it is  NOT alllowed.
18:58.25BeladonaI am sure that as soon as that problem becomes a "tool" rather than a passing fancy for most users, they will kill it
18:58.29Legorol^Cairenn: if anyone, you know blizzard best
18:58.44Legorol^they will not allow something that has the potential to cause advantage, and will try to stop it if they can
18:58.49Legorol^as for model modding specifically,
18:58.56Legorol^i beleive it is not a big problem at the moment, that's why they are quiet
18:59.07Legorol^all my experience with blizz so far has been that if you don't hear about it, don't worry about it
18:59.09Cairennyup, and that leads back to the ... make up your minds, Blizz, you've got different things being said by different people in different communities, all of whom are "official reps" of your company ...
18:59.30Legorol^i think that the US post you referred to is consistent with the EU
18:59.42Legorol^one said it has potential for exploit, the other said it is not allowed
18:59.47CodayusI've said it before, I think customer communication is probably Bliz's weakest point.  Understandable given the size of their subscriber base though...
19:00.13Legorol^well and lot of these are grey areas
19:00.17[MoonWolf]Codayus, even when it was lower the PR department of blizzard has been sub par
19:00.18Legorol^you have to realize that asking them to make a statement about model modding is not easy
19:00.20[MoonWolf]i can live it with it, other not so much.
19:00.32Legorol^because the only *simple* statement they can make is that it isn't allowed, full stop
19:00.36Legorol^which would kill a lot of fun
19:00.56Codayus[MoonWolf]: Yeah...I've played games that were 100 times better at communicating with players...and well, now I play WoW and not those games.  Their's a reason.  :-P
19:01.05Legorol^asking them to draft guidelines about acceptable and unaccaptable forms of model modding is not going to happen
19:01.12CodayusLegorol^: Exactly.  I think that's why the US side has been so silent.
19:01.13IrielI'm sure that IS the official position, but they'll not push it until someone abuses it.
19:01.23CodayusThey don't want to ban it, but they can't say it's allowed.
19:01.28IrielI dont think their communication is problematic at all
19:01.38IrielI think the silence is intended, and working as designed
19:01.39Legorol^i remember a similar issue with languages on the EU servers
19:01.46Cairenn*my* only statement on model replacement mods is that I have checked to make sure that we aren't endangering our FSP status by hosting them, and have been reassured that until such time as they make a definitive statement on it, we needn't worry - at such time as they do, if they say "these stop", then we'll need to take them down (and will comply with that)
19:02.09Legorol^Cairenn: that's cool
19:02.18Legorol^that is my stance in most things  with blizz too
19:02.22IrielThey understand that the only official position they CAN have is that model modding is not acceptable, and since nobody likes bad news, they'll defer stating that as long as possible.
19:02.28Legorol^until i hear otherwise, i have no problems
19:02.29CodayusCairenn: Hmm, that's not hugely surprising.  Good to know.
19:02.38Legorol^Iriel: exactly
19:02.40Cairennbut all of *that* being said ... I still refuse to allow nude replacements on our site
19:02.53IrielOn the grounds that people need to get a life?
19:02.54[MoonWolf]damn, we demand BOOBIES!
19:03.02Cairennget them elsewhere :p
19:03.33Legorol^the story with languages in EU was that, their official policies only stated that on English servers, English is the language that you will get support in
19:03.33Cairenn(although of the "big four", the only one I could find that is hosting it is
19:03.51Legorol^also, the policies had some vague and ambiguous reference to how English is the language you should use in General chat
19:04.05Legorol^for months, people argued about wheter using non-English in general chat is allowed or not
19:04.10Legorol^and Blizz was totally silent
19:04.22[MoonWolf]Legorol^, still happens on new servers.
19:04.23Legorol^until such time that one day they made an official statement
19:04.37Legorol^*allowing* the use of any language on general chat channels
19:05.02Cairennlike they'd say anything else?
19:05.14Cairennnot likely
19:05.21Legorol^they could've said only use English in English servers' general chat,
19:05.25Legorol^french in french servers' chat etc.
19:05.32Legorol^i am actually surprised they took the stance they did
19:05.40Legorol^mind you, this never applied to private channels
19:05.45Legorol^there you could always speak whatever you wanted to
19:05.52Cairennthat would open a huge can of legal (and PR) worms that they just wouldn't want to deal with
19:05.58Legorol^i don't think so
19:06.05Legorol^they censor words
19:06.16Legorol^they tell you what ou are allowed to/not allowed to discuss on RP servers
19:06.24Legorol^why couldn't they restrict language, if they so choose?
19:06.28Cairenndiscrimination ... denying someone the right to speak their native language?
19:06.32Legorol^it's just that it's difficult to police, results in flame wars etc.
19:06.35Cairennnot somewhere they want to go
19:06.50Cairennand not somewhere they'd be so stupid as to go
19:07.05id`Its a game, its international and it ruins the atmosphere for other players
19:07.11id`DOWN with localisation!
19:07.12Legorol^Cairenn: i don't know how familiar you are with the laws regarding the right to free speach, but afaik they don't apply to a private server like WoW
19:07.18Legorol^and also, this is in EU
19:07.29Legorol^in EU, these things are handled slightly differently than in US
19:07.55Legorol^i know
19:07.57id`Cairenn: but you play on it
19:08.05Cairennso do Aussies
19:08.07Cairennyour point?
19:08.12Legorol^they speak english (sort of0
19:08.13zeegyou dont have free speech when playing wow :)
19:08.20zeegjust fyi, they take away that privelage
19:08.33Cairennah, zeeg, just the gentleman I wished to speak to
19:08.37Legorol^the point is, in the EU blizz wouldn't lose a legal case for prohibiting using anything other than english
19:08.46Legorol^heck, on the forums they do prohibit the use of anything other than english
19:09.03Legorol^at least the english forums
19:09.07[MoonWolf]Legorol^, there is localized forums for all the localized clients
19:09.13Legorol^and on the french/german forums, you have to stick to those languages
19:09.35Legorol^so there is no reason why they couldn't say, on english servers, use english, on french servers, use french
19:09.47Legorol^they just chose not to
19:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
19:11.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
19:13.08Cairennokay, time for me to brave the roads long enough to go check on my folks' pace ... back in a while
19:14.25IrielWould anyone find a list of recently updated wiki API pages useful?
19:14.37IrielI've been generating one, but haven't put it anywhere 'public'
19:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
19:19.56[MoonWolf]Iriel, that would really be handy
19:20.21[MoonWolf]wowwiki needs an rss
19:25.46Gryphenfor what?
19:25.50Gryphenrecent changes?
19:26.24[MoonWolf]a new world opens up
19:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
19:30.31IrielThe problem with recentchanges is it's overwhelmed with non-api changes
19:31.21IrielAt least, that's the problem i've been encountering, YMMV
19:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
19:58.48Cairennyou know it's cold outside when the salt doesn't work
20:00.14[MoonWolf]yes, then it really is COLD!
20:00.30Cairennwell ... the salt isn't working ...
20:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:31.14Cairennhi Tem
20:37.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
20:38.08id`you get disconnected 100 times a day m8
20:38.41Guillotineyou spelled hour wrong
20:40.05futrtrublan "an" wrong too
20:43.52Guillotineas in I get d/c 100 times an hour. not a day
20:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:04.05futrtrublcase in point
21:09.09GuillotineI seriously have no
21:09.14Guillotineidea why I get d/c so much
21:09.18Guillotineit doesn't happen in any other program
21:09.50Guillotinelike I said yesterday, I bet shouryuu just bought out freenode so he could constantly d/c me and laugh at me ;(
21:28.47Beladonawdn is now 950px wide instead of 750px, to cater to the 1024x768 + crowd, and hopefully to let me put code views in the main windows instead of a popup ;D
21:29.11KolthBela: Lightbox.js?
21:31.45KolthYou haven't seen lightbox.
21:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
21:38.40BeladonaI know what lightbox is, I was confused as to why you were mentioning it to me
21:41.04[MoonWolf]Hey, a quick non wow question, has anybody heard any news about spore since last years presentation ?
21:45.05namxowhy SetTexture don't work for mask ?
21:45.39namxo<Texture name="EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile" alphaMod="ADD" file="\\Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask">
21:45.42namxothis is ok
21:45.58namxobut if i do after EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile:SetTexture("\\Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask")
21:46.01namxoit's don't work
21:46.04namxothe mask is broke
21:46.50[MoonWolf]id`, Its something cool
21:46.54[MoonWolf]google EA spore
21:46.57[MoonWolf]or look at this
21:47.34id`not now im configuring my xorg 7 >_o
21:47.43namxoanswer please
21:48.22Beladonaone moment namxo
21:48.44namxook thanks
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21:54.57Beladonaanyway, sorry namxo was busy helping someone here at work
21:55.16Beladonacan you paste the exact SetTexture string you are using?
21:55.53Beladonayou did EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile:SetTexture("\\Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask")
21:56.05Beladonaif so, the problem is the \\Interface
21:56.12Beladonait should be:
21:56.51namxodon't work better
21:58.26Beladonayou are setting the texture on a texture right?
21:58.30Beladonanot a frame?
21:58.38namxo<Texture name="EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile" file="\\Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask">
21:59.15namxoI try to overwrite the file settings, to change the file settings after
21:59.24Beladonastop using \\Interface lol
21:59.32namxowithout \\ it's don't work "lol".
21:59.44namxofile="\\Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask" works
21:59.50namxofile="Interface\\AddOns\\EP_VoileMortel\\SidesMask" don't works
22:00.14Beladonasomething wrong there
22:01.15namxobut i don't know why
22:03.06Beladonaxml files don't need double slashes
22:03.11Beladonathe lua does
22:03.26namxobut in xml without double antislashes, it don't work
22:03.27namxowith it work
22:03.46Beladonatry this: <Texture name="EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile" file="Interface\AddOns\EP_VoileMortel\SidesMask">
22:04.01namxoalready try
22:04.05namxoand it don't work
22:04.16Beladonawhat client are you using?
22:04.37Beladonaanyone else know if the french client has special stipulations on that?
22:04.45IrielI can't see how it could
22:04.54namxoother addons use single antislash
22:04.56namxoand it's work
22:04.58Beladonaam I right or wrong in what I am saying then?
22:05.03namxoi dunno why it's don't work on my addon
22:05.04IrielIs the file actually IN the right directory?
22:05.22Irielas in <WoW>\Interface\AddOns\EP_VoileMortel\SidesMask
22:05.27Beladonacan you post your xml file in pastebin
22:05.40Beladonaand the lua file
22:07.28namxoi comment/decomment line 45 for test
22:09.23Beladonatry issuing the set texture on its own. Something about that EP_VoileMortel:SetTexture() function bothers my spidey senses
22:09.47IrielIs it safe to mix a texture file and a color?
22:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (n=wob@
22:10.25namxoit's a mask
22:10.28namxoso i must do it
22:10.28IrielLine 130 in the lua is definitely broken
22:10.58namxowhy ?
22:11.09IrielBecause you didn't escape your \'s
22:11.19namxoBeladona i've already try other name for the function, same problem
22:11.26namxo's ?
22:11.29namxoline 130 ?
22:11.40namxoit's the line 130
22:11.43namxowhere you see a 's ?
22:11.45IrielLine 130
22:12.06namxothen ? which escape ?
22:12.11Irielall of the \ need to be \\
22:12.15IrielBela said that earlier
22:12.19namxoI already try \\\
22:12.21IrielIn lua you need \\, in xml you use \
22:12.23Beladonabut NOT in front of Interface
22:12.24IrielNot \\\
22:12.25namxodon't work too.
22:12.25IrielJust \\
22:12.34namxoyes \\
22:12.36namxobut don't work too
22:12.42IrielI dont trust this either:                 EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile:SetTexture("")
22:12.48IrielBut I guess you're comfortable that works
22:13.21Beladonaand I still don't think you need to escape your \ in the xml file
22:13.28Beladonanor have the \\ in front of Interface
22:13.37IrielYou dont.
22:13.37namxoit don't work without \\
22:13.44Iriel<Texture file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-General-TopLeft">
22:13.49Beladonasomething is seriously weird about your client then
22:13.49namxoi know it
22:13.53namxoin other addon it's work
22:13.55namxonot in mine
22:13.58namxoi've already say that
22:14.00IrielMy guess is this
22:14.07IrielThat when the code works, your addon doesn't do what you want it to do
22:14.24BeladonaI hate to say this ---
22:14.24IrielYour addon IS NOT SPECIAL.
22:14.28Beladonabut I would make it work without Ace
22:14.33IrielPut a typo in the path.
22:14.33Beladonabefore you go acing it
22:14.33namxoi know Iriel, it's the problem !!
22:14.43IrielDo this
22:15.02namxotypo ?
22:15.13Irielyes, I want you to use a path that's really wrong.
22:15.38Irieljust to see what happens relative to the claimed 'right' behaviour
22:15.43namxosame as the right path
22:15.53namxono error, but black full shadow
22:16.01IrielWhen you say "right path"
22:16.06Irieldo you mean with the \\'s ?
22:16.10Irielor do you mean with the \'s?
22:16.11*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:16.12namxo<Texture name="EP_VoileMortelFrameVoile" file="Interface\AddOns\EP_VoileMortel\Sides-Mask">
22:16.14namxowith that
22:16.17Beladonato the client, it still thinks it is wrong
22:16.19namxoit's the same
22:16.20Beladonaeither way
22:16.31namxoBeladona i've also an english client, same problem on it ;)
22:16.34wereHamsteris anyone of you really sure that there IS a 60% avoidance cap?
22:16.35IrielZip up your addon and upload it somewhere.
22:16.45namxoyes wait
22:17.29IrielYou HAVE exited wow completely and started it again during development of this addon, right?
22:17.30CodayuswereHamster: *really* sure?  Well, I haven't done the tests myself.  But that seems to be pretty widely acknowledged.
22:17.43Beladonaoh good catch Iriel
22:17.50Beladonadidn't think about the reloading
22:18.02Beladonawould definitely cause that problem
22:18.16Irielreloading wouldn't make it work the other way tho
22:18.18namxoIriel i've try this very often :)
22:18.21Irielso i'm still not convinced
22:18.28namxoi restart it
22:18.29wereHamsteraccording to the TankPoints author there isn't any cap
22:18.31Beladonait would make the client not see the file though, even the right way
22:18.31namxonot reload
22:18.46namxoi will see :]
22:19.08IrielI can't download that link.
22:19.13Legorolnor can i
22:19.19Legoroloh, working now
22:19.29Beladoname 2
22:19.39IrielHTTP request sent, awaiting response... No data received.
22:19.41Beladonascratch that
22:19.42IrielHTTP request sent, awaiting response...
22:19.43Beladonanothing in it
22:19.44IrielEnd of file while parsing headers.
22:20.04namxooh it's work now
22:20.05LegorolIriel, i managed to download, do you want me to DCC?
22:20.06Irielthat's better
22:20.07Beladonaahh thats better
22:20.09namxo(with a restart client ;p)
22:20.19namxostupid reload...
22:20.37Irielit being your addon?
22:20.50namxoall works now
22:20.52IrielALWAYS exit wow COMPLETELY whenever you add a file.
22:20.54namxoroh, very very stupid reload
22:21.01namxoi've not add a file.
22:21.11Legorolbut you changed the path to it in XML
22:21.40IrielSo you're saying Sides-Mask.blp was present when you started wow, with that name, in that folder?
22:21.42Beladonaall the graphics files were there when you started the client?
22:21.49namxoyes Iriel
22:21.52IrielThat you haven't changed it, renamed it, or replaced it at all?
22:21.54Legoroli don't think that'd matter
22:21.55namxoyes Beladona
22:21.58namxono Iriel
22:22.06LegorolI'd imagine WoW doesn't "see" the file until you start WoW once with correct XML?
22:22.21IrielYou can reference a file that was there before but previously unreferenced
22:22.24Beladonait sees it
22:22.31Irielthough it may be a strange path caching issue
22:22.52namxoi've an other strange bug in fact ;p
22:22.57namxomore more strange xD
22:22.58IrielThere is some peculiarity there in the game client, i've never quite gotten to the bottom of.
22:23.03namxoi watch the UNIT_HEALTH event
22:23.18namxoafter some reload some time the arg1 is always nil (except on mouseover)
22:23.25namxoi delog, disable some addons
22:23.29namxoand it's work
22:23.35namxothen delog, enable these addons
22:23.37namxoand it's work
22:23.42IrielSounds like a bad hook
22:23.46namxostupid bug like that...
22:23.53namxowatch an event it's not a hook
22:24.03namxoi've this problem since ace, grrr :[
22:24.03IrielWell, it could be a hook, or a bad handler
22:24.07Irielanything that assigns to arg1
22:24.43namxoi've try
22:24.48namxoi've disable 3 addons
22:24.50namxoit's work
22:24.53namxoi've scan all 3 addons
22:24.56IrielWell, which are the 3 addons
22:24.57namxoto look "arg1 = somethin"
22:25.00Irieland have you enabled them one by one
22:25.02namxoNOTHING, no arg1 = something
22:25.06namxoNO UNIT_HEALTH event
22:25.11namxoso i don't understand
22:25.22namxosometimes it's the addon devtool, sometime critline
22:25.25namxoit's very boring
22:25.41IrielI can promise it's not that.
22:25.47namxoreally ?
22:25.53namxoin one case i've disable only it.
22:25.54namxoand it work
22:26.05namxothen, renable other addon, don't work
22:26.06IrielWell, I wrote that, so i can see how it could cause your problem
22:26.10namxodisable devtool again
22:26.11IrielUnless you're using a different one.
22:26.12namxoand it's work
22:26.16namxoit's a very very strange bug
22:26.29namxoI've take devtools from curse
22:26.31Beladonaits not strange, its just elusive
22:26.47Cairenn(namxo, I think the word you are looking for is not "boring" but rather "tedious")
22:27.01IrielIs it Ace that's providing that wacky RegisterEvent thing?
22:27.17namxomaybe Cairenn, boring it's design for what ?
22:27.23namxoIriel i've look the code
22:27.26namxoand see nothing strange
22:27.31IrielAnd, are you using the most current version of ace
22:27.40namxofrom wowace
22:28.11namxofunction AceEvent:RegisterEvent(obj, event, method)
22:28.11AnduinLotharbtw iriel. you should be happy to know you've got fans in QA
22:28.11namxoif( not self.registry[event] ) then
22:28.11namxoself.registry[event] = {}
22:28.11namxoself.registry[event][obj] = (method or event)
22:28.17namxoi see nothing strange
22:29.24AnduinLotharI was talking to the guys who wrote the only QA addon tool (they've only been at it a few months) and they thought you were amazing
22:29.37IrielNice, I see that ace doesn't bother to unregister events when they're no longer needed
22:29.47IrielGo ace!
22:30.18AnduinLotharace eats babies
22:30.29namxoace sux, strange bug with it :|
22:30.47namxo3 hours for the arg1 bug
22:30.51namxoand no solution actually
22:31.01namxoi've unload all addon, except ace and EP_* addon
22:31.02BeladonaI just removed ace from your addon
22:31.03namxoand it's work
22:31.07Beladonaand it works
22:31.10namxobut i don't know which problem cause the problem
22:31.23namxoVoileMortel exist without Ace.
22:31.30namxolook on curse-gaming
22:31.35IrielDo you have ANY addons which call TriggerEvent in ace?
22:31.37Beladonathe frame exists anyway, I don't have any scripting going on it
22:31.41namxoi transform voilemortel with ace to add it on EasyPriest
22:31.53namxoi dunno Iriel, i will look
22:32.19Beladonais this supposed to be a frame that flashes?
22:32.30namxosomething like that yes
22:32.38namxono Iriel
22:32.40BeladonaI have some very simple non-ace flashing code if you want it
22:32.43namxo>findstr /n /s TriggerEvent *.*
22:32.46namxoAce\AceEvent.lua:7:function AceEvent:TriggerEvent(event, ...)
22:32.47Beladonavariable speed, etc...
22:32.48namxoAce\AceModule.lua:24:function AceModule:TriggerEvent(...)
22:32.54namxoonly that
22:32.56namxoall from ace
22:33.01namxoyou read me Beladona ?
22:33.21Beladonadownload wdnExpbarMod from wowi
22:33.27Beladonait has the flashing code
22:33.33namxoDO YOU READ ME ?
22:33.40Beladonayeah I see that
22:33.43BeladonaI( didn't say you can't use ace
22:33.46namxoso don't say that.
22:33.49namxoI can.
22:33.51Beladonajust reduce your dependancy on it
22:33.59namxoOh forget
22:34.08namxoIf you read me but don't understand
22:34.21BeladonaI udnerstand, you are just getting upset for something you don't understand
22:34.24namxoVoileMortel already exist without ace
22:34.29BeladonaI was making a suggestion, thats all
22:34.36namxoso don't show me addon to know how make VoileMortel without ace !!
22:34.53namxodon't understand ? i understand i've a stupid bug
22:34.53Beladonaalright, good luck with your addon, I am done
22:34.56namxoa bug not my fault
22:35.06namxoand i will localize it
22:35.39Beladonatake this as you will, but people offer help here, whether you want it or not. Don't jump down their throats for it
22:35.47namxoit's not that
22:35.49namxoyou don't read me
22:35.57namxo<namxo> VoileMortel already exist without ace
22:36.03IrielWell, I'm 90% sure the bug will turn out to be your fault
22:36.05BeladonaI read you
22:36.08namxoso, explain me why you show me addons to make VM without ace ?
22:36.16namxobecause VM without ace already exist and work ?
22:36.19Beladonaand it IS a bug with your usage of ace
22:36.32namxoIriel, maybe, but where ? You've the code of the addon :)
22:36.39namxoi know Beladona
22:37.21Beladonain my fairly good experience, when instituing a new feature that results in the failure of your addon, it is best to step back your introduction of your new feature until you can pin down the issue causing it
22:37.31Beladonain this case ace
22:37.37Beladonathat is what I was trying to explain
22:37.50namxoit's why you show me addon to make a gradient without ace ?
22:38.00AnduinLotharchill guys
22:38.16Beladonaif you can replace that functionality with something non-ace and your addon works, then isn't that a good thing?
22:38.38namxoBecause i Repeat : VOILEMORTEL ALREADY WORKS WITHOUT ACE.
22:39.01namxoI make a version of VoileMortel WITH Ace.
22:39.09Beladonaand ace is making it break
22:39.11namxoIf i can't solve the problem i've already a version of the addon without ace
22:39.21Beladonaso step back, and start re-instrocuding it slowly
22:39.23namxoso show me addon to make gradient without ace, is stupid
22:39.29namxobecause i've already VM without ace
22:39.36namxoit's why i say : you don't read me
22:39.44namxoi've done this very slowly
22:39.51namxolook the code of voilemortel in curse
22:39.53Beladonanamxo, you are seriously pissing me off, and I am not sure you mean to
22:39.55namxoand the voilemortel with ace
22:39.57namxoyou will see
22:40.18id`question 1, is the Ace object name the same as the XML object name?
22:40.20BeladonaI already see, it is you that are misunderstanding me, so I retract any help I gave
22:40.34id`if so it is YOUR fault namxo
22:40.48namxogood question id` :)
22:40.54Irielid' : I alreacy checked that
22:40.55IrielIt's not
22:41.24namxothanks Iriel ;)
22:42.17namxoi fix your linux, your fix my script
22:42.34IrielPlease take this the right way: I'm going to cast doubt on whether you really are having yoru event handler called by ace (or anything) without arg1 set
22:42.59id`Iriel casts doubt on namxo
22:43.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
22:43.18IrielI'd like to see some more robust debugging in there (Print this expression:  "event=" .. event .. ";arg1=" .. arg1
22:43.44namxoyou want a screenshot with :
22:43.49namxoEP_VoileMortel: *
22:43.50namxo? :)
22:43.51IrielI just want you to test it with that
22:43.54IrielI dont trust *
22:44.00namxoin many lines when i'm hit ? :]
22:44.09namxoi've already try that :
22:44.20Cairennand *I* would like to see a whole heck of a lot more respect and courtesy being offered to those that are long term, well known, well respected members of this community ... there is a person currently mouthing off that needs to back down in a big hurry
22:44.20namxoand it' show : nil
22:44.35Cairennor they will be invited to leave and not come back
22:44.49Legorollol, that sounds almost like the visa in my passport
22:44.54Irielnamxo : And you're printing "event" too?
22:44.55Legorol"leave to enter to continue previous leave"
22:45.22id`Legorol: if you have left you cant enter to resume leaving
22:45.22Irielif it's actually nil, you'd want
22:45.26namxoCairenn , honnestly, i like help, when people read me
22:45.29LegorolIriel: to improve debugging, toss in tostring() calls around those variables
22:45.36Iriel(arg1 or 'nil') so hat you get SOMETHING
22:45.36namxosay me 10x times "make your addon without ace"
22:45.37Legoroljust in case they are nil, otherwise the .. will throw error
22:45.44namxoand i say "i've already this addon without ace"
22:45.51namxois tedious for me
22:46.05id`try to imagine what we are going through
22:46.19Cairennnamxo: you don't want to go there with me, trust me ... I asked you to start showing some respect and courtesy, I've asked nicely once ... don't push
22:46.54namxoCairenn, if i say "the time is 3 hours"
22:47.00namxoand people say "what time is it ?"
22:47.06namxoi will not be courtesy always
22:47.20Cairennnamxo: then you don't belong in this channel
22:47.37Legorolnamxo, asking questions to double-check things is a natural part of troubleshooting process
22:47.44Cairenndo you *read me*?
22:47.45IrielThe other thing to look in your code for is setfenv, it's the only thing I could think of being mis-used that could be messing up your global environment.
22:47.46namxoCairenn i prefer no answer ;p
22:47.54IrielI dont see ace using that by default, or your code using that by default
22:47.57Legorolyou are receiving help, people are doing you a favour, so the least you can do is provide all the information being asked for
22:48.21namxosetfenv ?
22:48.21IrielBut I have no idea what other addons you have, and if you have any files in Interface\FrameXML then you need to also remove those and restart wow
22:48.41namxono Interface\FrameXML
22:48.43namxoit's very dirty
22:49.07IrielBasically I think your environment is broken, probably because of something you did, but it's hard to say what. I'd even go so far as advising you to erase ace, and re-download it, in case you have something broken in there
22:50.49IrielThat's not intended to be judgemental, just to make sure you keep that in mind when diagnosing.
22:51.00IrielAce is not that fundamentally broken, devtools doesn't do anything that could cause this.
22:51.26IrielThe problem IS going to be something YOU did (Assuming your description of the problem is valid)
22:52.23id`namxo: use
22:52.25id`paste all the code
22:52.56namxolook below
22:53.00id`Iriel: 'not that', tee hee :)
22:53.04Cairennno, not below
22:53.05Irielid` : he did that already
22:53.08id`lo Tainman
22:53.10namxoabove ?
22:53.10id`Iriel: ok
22:53.21namxoyes it's above
22:53.42Irielid` :
22:53.51Irielid` :
22:53.59Legoroldang, they have beefed up Seal of Wrynn
22:54.11Legorolit's the ring that's the reward for the defias brotherhood/van cleef quest chain
22:54.18Legorolused to be a crappy green, now it's an awesome blue
22:54.22TainI haven't even looked at code but I'm still giggling to myself.
22:54.29Legoroli threw mine away and of course now can't do the quest again
22:58.34id`ill put the Deadmines on my todo for tomorrow
22:59.34AnduinLotharsad leg
23:00.05IrielThat'll get updated every 12 hours
23:00.30id`gotta get me one o doze
23:00.39AnduinLotharIriel, why don't you put THAT on the wiki?
23:01.00id`rings disenchanting into clam meat
23:01.08id`or scrolls..
23:01.23IrielAnduinLothar : Because I can't be bothered writing the code to log in there yet
23:01.24AnduinLotharthottbot error prolly
23:01.27IrielAnduinLothar : I'll end up there eventually
23:01.38Irielthottbot's enchantment information is a steaming pile of crap
23:01.46Irielthe thottbot database is riddled with corruption
23:02.06AnduinLotharya. thott manually has to prune it
23:07.35namxohum now the problem is with BuffTimers :(
23:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:07.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:07.47namxo=> when bufftimers is enable
23:07.58CairennBeladona: *hug*
23:08.02namxoand i see nothing strange in bufftimers code
23:08.12TainHey Beladona
23:08.13namxono arg1, no unit_health, no code can interfere with my addon
23:08.28Irielbut event is "UNIT_HEALTH" ?
23:08.36namxomine yes
23:08.49Irielso when you print it, event is set, but arg1 is not?:
23:09.15namxoself:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH", "EventUnitHealth")
23:09.20IrielYes, but I said print it
23:09.23namxofunction EP_VoileMortel:EventUnitHealth()
23:09.23namxoself.cmd:result("* ", arg1)
23:09.31Irieldont JUST print arg1
23:09.32namxoarg1 is nil with bufftimers enable
23:09.33Irielprint event as well
23:09.37namxoarg1 is right with buftimers disable
23:09.50namxowhat do you want i'm print ?
23:09.53namxoi don't understand
23:10.07namxothe event ? what do you mean with that ?
23:10.21namxo? hm ok..
23:10.43namxoah ah :|
23:10.45namxoit's work.
23:10.52namxo* UNIT_HEALTH = player
23:10.57namxoarg1 is not nil now :|
23:11.02Irielwell, make it fail
23:11.41namxoThat's the problem...
23:11.47namxoI see that with bufftimers enable
23:12.17Irielmy god, Ace.concat is awful
23:13.21namxoit's awesome
23:13.26namxoDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(event).." = "..tostring(arg1))
23:13.27namxoprint :
23:13.32namxoUNIT_HEALTH = player
23:13.40TainJust try to think about it in the context of when these things were written and what we all knew about Lua in WoW then, verses today. :)
23:13.41namxoprint :
23:13.45namxoi don't understand
23:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:14.15IrielThe current release is dated January 2006, no excuses 8-)
23:14.15NatasemBAH i owe $500 to the fed tax and $450 is owned to me by State tax
23:14.29IrielI usually end up the other way around, california hate me
23:14.44Irielthough these days I rejiggered my witholdings so they always both owe me
23:15.03Natasemi am in the bleepin military i dont' make squat and they have the audasity to tell me i owe them money lol
23:15.14Guillotineoh boy. I accidently posted a spoofed link into trade instead of guild. like 60 people reported me. A GM did tell me that spoofing links wasn't against the ToS and couldn't be actioned, but... they've been known to be inconsistent. I am now saying I got it from my lootlink.
23:15.17namxoanyone understand why this code do that ?
23:15.32TainI withdraw my previous statement, I just looked at ace.concat() and have no comment at this time.
23:15.51Beladonalol Tain
23:15.56Irielnamxo: Are you seeing both of those at the same time?
23:16.09namxoboth line ?
23:16.29Beladonaace is getting more complex every time I look at it. I am not sure using ace is good for newbie coders anymore
23:16.42IrielYes, i.e. if you do the 2 print lines you included (one with and one without event), do they show up like that the same time?
23:16.51IrielOr are you trying one, restarting, then trying the other?
23:17.13namxooh my god !!
23:17.18namxoDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(arg1).." = ")
23:17.20namxoprint :
23:17.21namxoplayer =
23:17.30namxoprint :
23:17.35namxo(i don't try the both line)
23:17.38IrielAt the same time?
23:17.45IrielI.e. are you calling both without a restart between them?
23:17.51IrielIt's not a valid test then
23:17.57TainI'm not sure if Ace was ever really "good" for newbie coders.  I mean I also don't know what the original intentions of Turan were.  But I don't think coding with Ace is overall "easier."
23:18.06namxoi call one, test, change the line, reload, test
23:18.09Irielthough I would be curious to know if you've got any addons which mess with AddMessage
23:18.13IrielWell, put both in.
23:18.30namxoi've already try
23:18.35namxoi see the both right
23:18.36namxoi try again
23:18.55namxoDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(arg1).." =")
23:18.58namxowrite :
23:18.59namxoplayer =
23:19.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:19.13IrielOk, make nil happen again then
23:19.18namxoDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(arg1).." =")
23:19.22namxothis works too
23:19.24namxoplayer =
23:19.25IrielI'd suggest seeing if it's a ReloadUI() versus logout/logi thing
23:19.40TainOf course I think the last 1.x release is a couple months past, it's time to focus on 2.0 .  Where's Kaelten!  And Tem!  And everyone else.
23:19.47namxoi try the both with a restart
23:21.07namxoah ah
23:21.13namxowith a restart i see :
23:21.15namxonil =
23:21.33IrielAnd you have no files in Interface\FrameXML?
23:21.40IrielAnd you have no addons that do anything to AddMessage?
23:21.45namxono files.
23:21.49namxomaybe for addmessage
23:22.05namxowait i try something, i've cleanchat since some days
23:22.25namxobut i don't think addmessage is the problem
23:22.32namxoif arg1 == "player" then
23:22.35namxobecause this test isn't true
23:22.41Irielthat's true
23:22.51Irielunless it's altering arg1
23:23.00namxoyep ;)
23:23.06namxoit's very vicious if it's that :)
23:23.06IrielIt's got to be one of your addons editing arg1
23:23.17namxosame problem without cleanchat
23:23.17IrielNow, I notice you keep omitting event
23:23.21Irielwhich is unfortunate
23:23.30Irielbecause that would be informative
23:24.10namxoi don't understand xD
23:24.25namxodisable cleanchat + restart
23:24.29Irieli.e. print both event and arg1
23:24.31namxomaybe cleanchat is the bug ;p
23:24.34Irielsee if both are nil, or just one
23:24.37namxoi've do that, it's work fine
23:24.39namxoevent and arg1
23:24.49namxoi go look the code of cleanchat
23:25.47Irielyes, but WHEN arg1 is broken, is event ALSO broken?
23:25.56namxonot always
23:26.03namxosometimes yes, sometimes no
23:26.32Irielso sometimes arg1 is nil, but event is UNIT_HEALTH
23:26.36Irieland sometimes both are nil?
23:27.01Irielwhere did you download cleanchat from?
23:27.11namxocurse :]
23:27.47Irielcan you break it when that's the ONLY addon you have installed
23:28.45IrielHm, it's not CleanChat (assuming you're using 6a)
23:30.44namxorah !
23:30.55namxonow it's don't work when cleanchat is disable
23:30.58namxo(and i've restart !!=
23:31.06IrielHow many other addons do you have?
23:31.11IrielI have a feeling you have a whole ton
23:32.45namxoi count ;p
23:32.52namxo(i delog to count the activate)
23:33.37namxoTelo's Quickloot and Bufftimers
23:33.49namxoMinigroup2 and Minigroup2options
23:33.51namxoLow values alert
23:34.16namxo(no problem with ep_*, always work when only activate them)
23:34.18Irielhow many of those do anything with UNIT_HEALTH?
23:34.23namxodevelopement tools
23:34.29namxo4/5, no problem with them, already try
23:35.05Natasemsorry caps
23:35.20namxoaddon with unit_health :
23:35.46namxoscroll combat text
23:37.46Cairennnamxo: take a screenshot of your addon folder and post it somewhere, then give the link ... you're spamming the channel
23:38.03namxonobody talk ;)
23:38.22Cairennand your point would be?
23:44.53GenNMX|Thraenamxo: dir "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\*." /B > uilist.txt
23:45.08GenNMX|ThraeThat will give you a list of your installed addons.
23:45.20namxols -1 > list
23:46.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (

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