irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060212

00:19.06MentalPoweris there a simple way to get the contents of GetItemInfo() into a table?
00:19.48wereMouse|sleeplocal itemInfoTable = { GetItemInfo() }
00:19.58MentalPowermany thanks :)
01:07.36Cairenn|sleepckknight: and I tell you yet again, you can modify your files while they are in the moderation queue
01:08.11CairennAnduinLothar: yes, it was a nap, I spent all night at the hospital, I've had like no sleep
01:13.23AnduinLothar:( with the ahsma girl?
01:13.43AnduinLotharthat sux
01:13.46AnduinLotharshe ok?
01:13.51Cairennyeah, she's okay
01:13.56AnduinLotharthat's no way to end a party, lol
01:14.08Cairennrather sucked, indeed
01:14.29AnduinLotharthat's ok my mom once cut her thumb off at my sis's b-day
01:14.47AnduinLotharso at least it wasn't you
01:14.52AnduinLotharor your kid
01:16.08Cairennwould actually have been better, in some ways
01:16.37AnduinLotharwell, they yu dont have to deal with transfered responsibility
01:16.41AnduinLotharthen you*
01:17.00AnduinLotharanythign in paticular cause it?
01:17.08AnduinLotharnot your cooking I hope
01:17.25Cairennwell, the attack was due to them running around outside in the biting cold
01:17.37AnduinLotharmmm, suicidal girls
01:17.54AnduinLotharand im sure they blame you for such a silly thing
01:18.20Cairennthe trip to the hospital was due to the fact that she's never had a full blown attack before, so has never used a puffer before, so didn't know that she's one of the ones that gets all the lovely side effects from them
01:18.39Cairennthe puffer worked, it stopped the attack, it let her breath
01:19.33Cairennbut a couple hours later, her pulse was racing, she was shaking fit to snap bones, her palms were all sweaty, she started having shortness of breath again, etc etc etc
01:19.53AnduinLotharwow, bad luck
01:19.54Cairenngood thing there were no cops between me and the hospital, I made it in record time
01:20.54AnduinLothari don't think they'd actually give you a ticket if you speed to the hospital, but they would still stop you and slow you down, find she's having conniptions and escort you, scold you and tell you to call an ambulance next time
01:20.56Cairennanyway, turns out that every single symptom she had are known (normal) side effects
01:21.26CairennAnduinLothar: I know, actually, but I was still flying low
01:37.14AnduinLotharso how was the nap?
01:39.00TainI don't know if I can play a game that doesn't support wide-screen resoultions any more. :(
01:39.23AnduinLotharlol, it does. just not THAT wide
01:39.26TainWas going to fire up Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines since a new patch came out.
01:40.12CairennAnduinLothar: other than the weird dreams (probably bleed-off stress), good - I needed it desperately
01:41.37Cairennat least I can see straight now
01:41.55AnduinLotharalways a good sign
01:43.04Cairennheh, yeah
01:56.08*** join/#wowi-lounge A|CoT|kremonte (
01:56.35A|CoT|kremontewould it be well taken if i made a less configurable version of DART with less mem usage?
01:56.55ckknightI hate all of discord's memory usage
01:57.03ckknightit's just so overboard
01:57.37Cairennkremonte: if you give the proper credit and all as is due to the original author - choice is a good thing
01:58.01AnduinLothartoo many choices is bad
01:58.08AnduinLothartoo few is bad too
01:58.12CairennAnduinLothar: agreed
01:58.26kremontewell not a mod of dart
01:58.33kremontea fresh one basedo n the idea
01:58.44AnduinLothar10x the work
01:58.45kremontebut yea id give credit where due of course
01:58.48Cairennkremonte: if you *completely* rewrite it, using none of Loz's code or anything, then a nod in his direction is all that is really necessary
01:58.55kremonteoh of course
01:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
01:59.19kremonteAnduinLothar: not necessarily
01:59.27kremonteconsidering most of his code is configuration ;p
01:59.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
01:59.37AnduinLotharsmae is true of most mods
01:59.45Cairennkremonte: and, different people can (and do) come up with the same idea
02:00.15Cairennif you self admit that it is inspired by/based on/whatever Dart, then yeah, give the nod
02:01.01ckknightfrankly, I see that if you don't use any code of DART's, you have no obligation to
02:01.11TainOther than courtesy.
02:01.21TainSince you're admitting that you got the idea there in the first place.
02:01.32ckknightyea, but courtesy doesn't exist in IP law ;-)
02:01.34Cairennprecisely my point guys :)
02:01.42kremontemore or less what i was asking was
02:01.47kremontewould i get flamed for copying his mod =p
02:01.51TainOf course neither does following BossPanel naming convention. :)
02:01.52kremontewhich as it seems
02:01.52kremonteis no
02:02.04TainSo courtesy is a nice thing.
02:02.10Cairennckknight: and who was talking about IP law? we were talking about common courtesy, respect for your fellow coders, etc
02:02.25ckknightI know, I know
02:02.29ckknightjust breaking your balls
02:02.30kremonteR E S P E C T, FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO ME
02:02.30Cairennsomething that is *expected* at WoWI and in this channel
02:02.33AnduinLotharthats ok our mods don't apply under IP unless the point is contested.
02:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
02:03.02TainSock it to me.
02:03.05AnduinLotharheck, the law doesn't matter unless an action is contested
02:03.12Cairennoh baby oh baby
02:03.15ViolentnightIf you were in the shower and a fire started, what would you do?
02:03.27AnduinLotharplug in the toaster
02:03.32kremontei'd go "omg im naked dont look at me"
02:03.33Cairenngrab a towel and leave, duh
02:03.36kremonteand the fire would go away
02:03.39TainIf I were in the shower and a fire started I'd wonder why I was showering in something flammible.
02:03.46CairennTain: rofl
02:03.56AnduinLothari would go smother the fire with my wet body
02:03.59Violentnightthe fire doesn't start in teh shower!
02:04.03Tainhahah AnduinLothar
02:04.11Violentnighthalf of you are gonna end up dead.. lol
02:04.14CairennAnduinLothar: /sigh, my hero! *calf eyes*
02:04.17TainStop, drop and roll!
02:05.28Cairennbtw, ckknight, I don't have balls :p
02:05.29Violentnightya know what I just noticed... my apartment only has one door and the only window is right next to it.. so if a fire ever starts on that side of the place, I'm screwed
02:05.43kremonteViolentnight : lol
02:06.17CairennViolentnight: well, if you're gonna die anyway, may as well go with a smile on your face ;)
02:06.31AnduinLotharget a fire exstinguisher and one of those reflective fire-proof blankets
02:06.46AnduinLotharthen keep it next to the window
02:06.46ShadowdViolentnight: I'm sure you can run through the flames before they burn you
02:06.48TainKeep the shower running and hide inside the safety of the water stream.
02:07.17Violentnightlol yeah.. I have a tiny fire extinguisher and umm.. a shower? lol
02:07.20AnduinLothareasier to run through flames when you're wet
02:07.34Cairennand hey, put the plug in the tub, too, it'll fill with water and overflow and put out the fire!
02:07.35TainDepends on the door.
02:07.36Violentnightspeaking from experience, AnduinLothar?
02:07.43AnduinLotharwell, easier to not get burnt, but perhaps not the running part
02:07.51TainI mean if you can't break through the door at running speed then you're in trouble.
02:07.57TainBecause that's bound to be a hot doorknob.
02:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
02:08.07AnduinLotharonly if its metal
02:08.26ViolentnightI'd probably throw something through teh window and jump through that
02:08.35Violentnightthe door is pretty solid and has 2 deadbolts that I'd have to unlock
02:08.37dukeku_wc3 loves to crash when i exit :[
02:08.38AnduinLotharsides, apt doors aren't fireproof anyway, they're hollow
02:09.01Cairennand actually, if the fire is between you and the only escape route, better to suffer a few burns than to die :p
02:09.18AnduinLotharor use ur rm as a body shield
02:09.32Violentnightmy rm?
02:09.39dukeku_your remove, obviously
02:09.43dukeku_roommate, agh
02:09.57ViolentnightI live alone
02:09.57AnduinLotharsoak him in water and use him to smmother the fire
02:10.08ShadowdWhat if he's bigger then you
02:10.16TainThat's a better idea.  rm -Rf door ; exit
02:10.17AnduinLotharcut off his leg
02:10.17dukekuAnduinLothar: and a little worchester sauce for after
02:10.21Cairennthen he'll smother more flames faster, obviously
02:10.48Cairennand be a better body shield
02:10.58TainAnd possibly make a tasty roast.
02:11.04AnduinLotharmake sure he always wears roller blades
02:11.09CairennI mean, come on, if he's half the size of you, he isn't going to shield much of your body, now, is he?
02:11.22Violentnightmaybe I should just cut him open and wear him like some kind of suit so his skin burns and mine doesn't
02:11.26Cairennbigger really is better ;)
02:11.30ShadowdAnduinLothar as the best idea, you can get him to the flames quicker and you wont have to saw his legs off
02:11.35ShadowdCairenn: no comment!
02:11.35AnduinLotharlike a tauntun?
02:11.41TainOn the other hand if he's that small then you could launch him like a javenlin at the window to break it.
02:11.47TainAnd then just run and dive through.
02:11.57AnduinLothardiving through windows is bad
02:12.03Violentnightnone of this is really all that helpful though since I don't have a roommate =P
02:12.06AnduinLotharrunning through door is better idea
02:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
02:12.12TainNot if it's a big door!
02:12.17Cairennespecially if you are on the 15th floor :p
02:12.22AnduinLotharplace explosive charges on the door that trigger with smoke
02:12.24Cairennyo Kaelten
02:12.27TainAnd I did have an apartment door that was solid oak, not hollow plywood.
02:12.32ViolentnightAnduinLothar: but in all the time it'd take me to get my door unlocked nad open, I could die
02:12.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:12.44ShadowdIt looks cooler to jump out of a window anyway
02:12.49Kaeltenhey  cair
02:12.59AnduinLotharonly if ur chuck norris
02:13.00ShadowdAnd after all, what looks cooler will decide if people want to help you or not
02:13.00TainI'd just call in my stunt double to do it for me.
02:13.07TainAnd head to my trailer for a beer.
02:13.15CairennTain: lol
02:13.36AnduinLotharI'd program myself a beer and use it to put out the fire
02:13.40TainI disagree, Violentnight.
02:13.45TainI think it's as helpful as it started out. :)
02:14.05CairennViolentnight: sorry, I'm more than just a little loopy tonight
02:14.05ShadowdThe first problem was you though we'd be helpful :p
02:14.05kremontei know what i'd do!!!
02:14.08kremontei have the BEST idea
02:14.23kremontei'd log on my warrior, make some quick shoddy level 14 mail armour set and wear that through the flames
02:14.30ShadowdShield wall?
02:14.35TainI'd cast Resist Fire.
02:14.44kremonteShadowd: can't
02:14.51kremonte< only level 14 irl ;o
02:14.57ShadowdHearth? :p
02:15.05kremontehearth is set to here ><
02:15.08AnduinLotharstab yourself with a broom lengthswise and set yourself up on the couch and rotate every so often
02:15.12ViolentnightWouldn't Hearth just bring me back to my apartment? lol
02:15.46ShadowdMinor detail
02:16.04AnduinLotharjust die and res at the spirit healer
02:16.13Violentnightokay.. we went from getting a fire extinguisher to turning myself into a rotiserre... this is definitely getting worse
02:16.20TainYou're right.
02:16.23AnduinLothardie liek a man, thrown into the eggs
02:16.26TainNeed someone to baste.
02:16.49ShadowdI bet a fridge would make a better shield then a roommate
02:16.55kremontehow do author portals work
02:16.57ShadowdMaybe put some wheels on your fridge
02:17.05Cairennkremonte: you have mods at the site, yes?
02:17.10Cairennclick enable :)
02:17.13AnduinLotharjump ina  fireproof safe
02:17.13Cairennon the front menu
02:17.21ShadowdYou'd sufficate
02:17.32AnduinLotharoxygen tank
02:19.08CairennViolentnight: sorry - if you actually want a serious discussion about it, I'm sure we can probably accommodate you
02:19.33AnduinLotharduh, cut another window
02:19.38Violentnighthaha... no, not really ^_^
02:19.42AnduinLotharand buy a rope ladder
02:20.02AnduinLotharor the explosive charges and a parichute cloak
02:20.11AnduinLothar+7 fr
02:20.12CairennViolentnight: one of the first things I'd do, in all seriousness, is to talk to the owners of the apartment building and point out that not having two avenues of escape is a serious safety issue
02:20.13Violentnightbut I have a level design do on Friday that I've barely started
02:21.12ViolentnightCairenn: you mean...... talk to people? That's teh worst idea yet! =P j/k
02:29.08Violentnightyay Danny Phantom!
02:31.18TainI'm pretty sure not having two avenues of escape is also a major legal issue.
02:32.44CairennTain: yup, which is why I said it
02:33.02Cairennnow, "legally", they may be covered, since there is a window as well as the door
02:33.17Violentnightnot that anyone bigger than a midget could fit through the window
02:33.23Violentnightwithout breaking it
02:33.28Cairennbut factually, having the window right beside the door makes it useless
02:33.48TainYeah true.
02:34.22ViolentnightThe window is like almost the full size ofth ewall, but only the bottom portion is able to be opened
02:35.19CairennViolentnight: in a fire, throw a chair through it
02:35.28Violentnightargh.. isn't there a tent static in WC3? I can't find it
02:36.08ViolentnightCairenn: yeah... and then I'd have to either jump like Michael Jordan or carefully climb p onto the ledge nad over the broken shards of glass as the fire burns my feet.. lol
02:36.47AnduinLotharfire or cuts...
02:36.59Violentnightboth if I'm slow ^_^
02:37.12AnduinLotharyou window should be saftey glass anyway
02:37.23Cairennif you throw a chair through the window, the shards aren't going to be right there, anyway
02:37.32Cairennthey're going to go flying
02:37.33TainOr an aforementioned small roommate.
02:37.44Violentnightlol I don't have a roommate! =P
02:37.56ViolentnightI will in April.. but she's rather heavy
02:38.17Violentnightoh yay I found the tent
02:38.22Cairennwhat floor are you on, anyway?
02:39.13Violentnightmy door leads right outside.. everyone's does
02:39.44AnduinLotharmotel style
02:39.59ViolentnightI'm on the ground floor and the buildings only go as high as 2
02:40.27ViolentnightAnduinLothar: yeah.. kinda.. I'm having a hard time explaining the layout
02:40.35Violentnightit's nont like a huge buliding with 50 apartments in it
02:40.41Cairennthen throw the gd chair through the window and get out of there - a few cuts on the soles of your feet are really of no concern
02:41.01ShadowdYou can always sue them for injury later
02:41.19Violentnightlol yeah
02:41.55ViolentnightI fricken hate how cartoonists can draw their characters in like.. 5 seconds.. and it looks awesome and perfect everytime.
02:42.06TainThey're robots.
02:42.20Violentnightomg I think you're right.. why did I never realize it before
02:42.22TainIt's the great secret of the cartooning world.
02:43.50ViolentnightShould I be concerned that I'm finding 1-3 bugs everyday in this place?
02:44.08AnduinLotharwe've got roaches here
02:44.32AnduinLotharsmall ones, we put out roach motels, cut down on the numbers a bit
02:45.00Violentnightmine are mostly small.. but I can't look at 'em without making an icky face--I fricken hate bugs
02:45.16ViolentnightI did have a big one in my tub the other day.. I sent him down the drain
02:45.32AnduinLotharI'm not esp a cleanly guy tho. I don't mind um unless i see um on something that i eat off of.
02:45.40Violentnightand I killed a flyer with 409 last night
02:46.07AnduinLotharya, we dont have ants or spiders that I know of her eon the 3rd floor
02:46.13ViolentnightI can't stand bugs.. I'd hire an exterminator to live with me if I could afford it
02:47.23Violentnightants and the occasional spider were teh only thing I really had back home in PA.. since I moved to AZ, it's been everything else
02:48.51AnduinLotharants and termites and spiders in my parents house
02:49.19AnduinLotharcali gets all the desert dry weather bugs
02:49.37AnduinLotharonyl get roaches close to the ocean where it's a bit wetter
02:50.04CairennAnduinLothar: and what would those be, of curiosity?
02:50.35TainI had to take a guy to court to get my deposit and first month's rent back when I went to move into a new apartment and the day I was moving in found full roach traps everywhere.
02:51.11ViolentnightI'd puke
02:51.11TainI refused to move in.
02:51.18AnduinLotharwell at least there were traps..
02:51.18TainHe wouldn't give me my money back.
02:51.27AnduinLotharours had nothing
02:51.27TainSo I took him to small claims, and won.
02:51.32TainAnd still never got my money.
02:52.01TainGetting a judgement and actually collecting are two differnet things.  It's absurd.
02:52.24ViolentnightIsn't the court supposed to order him to pay you X dollars?
02:52.28TainThe entire thing is nothing but a way for collection agencies to make money these days.  You sell them your collection at a discount.
02:52.39TainYep, and they don't do anything about it if he doesn't.
02:53.14Violentnightfuckin A
02:53.31TainI spent about 12 months after that trying to collect, and when I moved from the west coast back to the east coast there was just no way for me to continue trying to do it from here.
02:53.56TainThe only satisfaction I have is that it's on his court records.
02:56.25TainSo the moral of my story is, if you have to take someone to small claims court you are required to make one last attempt to work it out when you go to see the judge.  If they offer you anything, take it.
02:56.32TainUnless you have the time to spend.
02:56.35Violentnightthere.. that'll show 'em
02:58.31TainThe other moral of my story is don't move 3000+ miles and then end up having to support a girlfriend who doesn't work for three years while living in one of the most expensive areas of the country.
02:59.06Violentnighthow'd you let her get away with that for 3 years?
02:59.10AnduinLotharor just don't support anyone who isn't legally family
02:59.53TainWell you don't sign up for 3 years in advance. :)
03:00.20AnduinLotharyou do by getting married..
03:01.30TainAh nothing good on TV.
03:01.32Violentnightlol yeah but... there's got to be some point where you say "get a job or get out"
03:01.54Violentnight(and that should be sooner than 3 years) =P
03:02.04TainWell well there was more to it.
03:02.18TainBut the moral is, don't do it!
03:02.26AnduinLotharyes sirr
03:02.42Violentnightlol roger
03:11.26zeeg350 new users so far
03:11.27zeegit wrosk! :D
03:12.33AnduinLotharcongrats 350 gullible losers
03:16.17zeegguillible losers?
03:16.30Violentnightah cool
03:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:17.07AnduinLotharyou tricked them into registering by telling them they needed to register to download a patch, just for the thrill of getting more people registered...
03:17.30Violentnighta patch for what?
03:19.44zeegAnduinLothar, thats not the only reason
03:19.51zeegand they do have to reg to download it
03:21.12AnduinLotharok so that's worse. And you failed to express any other reasons in the previous conversation on the subject prior to implimentation.
03:24.38cladhaireI can never find the login on WG
03:24.40cladhaireit drives me insane
03:24.43cladhairehalf the time it doesn't show up
03:24.50kremontehmm, physics is just a lot of funny looking math, right?
03:24.56cladhaireand the ugly reg register should have a way to login too
03:24.57kremonte(to the layman) =p
03:25.12AnduinLotharpretty much, but so is programming
03:25.30cladhairelamba calculus is fun =)
03:25.35kremontechem is a (stupid) prerequisite for physics
03:25.40kremonteand i'm doing really bad in chem
03:25.49kremonte(though from what i've heard, my teacher is really bad)
03:25.58AnduinLothari so wish i could make a global variable, this oo java crap is killing me
03:26.03TainChem is a good prereqs for physics.  In me own opinion. :)(
03:26.08cladhaireAnduin: hehe
03:26.16TainThere's a lot of math involved in chemistry.
03:26.16kremonteTain: pourquoi?
03:27.03AnduinLothari just want a single counter global.... but i can't figure out what class to put it in and how to access it in the other classes
03:27.13AnduinLothartoo many abstracts and impliments are owning me
03:27.34kremonteTain: eh
03:27.39kremonteTain: advanced chem maybe
03:27.51kremonteTain: but my teacher is just some really dumb 3'tall lady
03:28.06TainI'm only going by what I remember from high-school chem, it's been a while.
03:28.53TainBut honestly I think people should really need to take at least a beginning course in all of the major sciences if you're pursuing any education in that area long term.
03:29.12kremonteTain: chem for me is pretty much, everbody gets bitched at because there's like 35 people in the class, do a lab that fails because the teacher can't catalyze anything for shit, write up a half finished lab report, get a B because nobody gets an A
03:29.27TainYeah, that sort of thing sucks.
03:29.29kremontewell, i want to be an engineer =P
03:29.43kremonteat this point though, i really don't have amazingly high hopes
03:29.56kremontedue to the horrible disorganization of my local district, i got fucked out of a year of math
03:30.00kremonteand half a year of sciences
03:30.07TainMy 1st year college calculus class had 5 people in it day 1, 2 people in it day 5.  Because the school messed things up and put the wrong people in the wrong classes.
03:30.17kremontesounds right
03:30.19TainFor the rest of that semester it was me and one other guy.
03:30.36TainThere'es nowhere to hide in that sort of class. :)
03:30.37kremontemy district "forgot" to have me take a prerequisite for my last semester math class
03:30.48kremonteso now i have to take math i was supposed to take a year ago, because they suck
03:31.17kremontei'm probably going to take summer school with some crackhead rejects just so i can make an attempt at physics
03:31.18TainYep it does.  I had something similar. It sucks.
03:31.53kremontei really don't know that much of what an engineer really does
03:31.55kremontebut uh
03:32.06kremonteprogramming jobs for low wages doing menial low level work
03:32.22kremonteor being the IT guy that stays at work for 18 hours a day and doesn't get paid OT
03:32.23kremonteno thanks ;D
03:32.53Tainhehe yeah well that's the sort of thing you're looking at, which is why you have to find some way around it. :)
03:33.20kremonteyeah, i think inevitably computers will always be a pastime for me, unfortunately
03:34.05TainReally not a bad thing, just because it is easy to lose interest in some of the hobbies when you have to do them all day at work.
03:34.33kremonteor the other way around, using computers restrictively at work building up anticipiation to do something fun
03:34.40kremontebut i regress. being an engineer looks cool
03:35.22AnduinLotharI plan on dying before i get a job i enjoy
03:35.56kremontenotice how i said "looks cool" as opposed to "looks fun"
03:36.02kremontethough hey, what do i know
03:36.02AnduinLotharand since I start work at blizz on monday I'm gonna have to do away with myself... sometime tomorrow
03:36.19kremontewhat aare you doing at blizz?
03:36.41AnduinLotharprocrastinating my hw and take-home midterm due tues..
03:36.51kremontebut what work? =p
03:36.54kremontebesides nothing
03:36.56AnduinLotharoh that..
03:37.06AnduinLotharif i knew i wouldn't enjoy t
03:37.44AnduinLotharer nm
03:38.08AnduinLotharmore fun keeping secrets liek a REAL blizz employee
03:38.32AnduinLotharso i believe iw ill be told nothing and expected to make people believe i know things and am not telling them
03:38.47AnduinLotharwhen in fact i know nothing
03:38.58AnduinLothari think that's the whole job description
03:39.14ShadowdThat sounds like a pretty fun job
03:39.28AnduinLotharmaybe post things occationally to make people think i have secrets
03:39.59AnduinLotharright shadowd, that's why tomorrow i kill myself
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03:40.51AnduinLotharunless i can't figure out this variable super oo crap soon, then it'll be sooner
03:41.09kremonteAnduinLothar: does that mean you get blue on forums?
03:41.25AnduinLotharnah, i doubt they'll let me say anythign official
03:41.27kremontethen you can post extremely vague stuff in priest forums just so they have blue posts
03:41.57AnduinLotharmight be able to hack the servers tho and make my name <blink>
03:42.29AnduinLotharwho am i kidding the servers are prolly in eurasia
03:42.41AnduinLotharor sudan
03:42.45kremontehmm mechanical engineering
03:42.47AnduinLotharor south africa
03:42.48kremontenow that looks like a blast
03:43.23AnduinLotharproblem is if you design you prolly dont impliment and if you do manufacturing u dont design..
03:44.10kremontelike, you either make something work or you put stuff together? that sounds like a no brainer
03:44.25AnduinLotharit's not like legos where you come up with something and make it yourself. pick one
03:44.46AnduinLothareither way feedback and communication becomes half your job
03:45.09kremontewell i'm not bad at that
03:45.13kremontebut what do you mean?
03:45.20kremontejust the creative part of design? or
03:46.03AnduinLotharnah if you're creative you go broke. you have to spend time stealing other people's ideas and making them proffitable to make money
03:47.57kremonteisn't it "cynical"
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04:21.56kremonteportal welcome message on wowi
04:59.02MentalPowerGoodnight guys!
05:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
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06:25.42zeeghows that look guys
06:26.57ShadowdYou missed the part about the portal to see rag inside golem's room
06:27.47TainI don't remember there being an ATM in Molten Core.  Must be a wowguru thing.
06:28.25zeegwhat are you talkin about
06:28.45ShadowdLucifron?s, any reason you have a question mark there?
06:29.44zeegone sec
06:29.51ShadowdNever seen geh pulled with DS, usually just had the MT grab him, and two hunters pull the adds off to the OT's
06:30.54ShadowdYou also don't have any colors for Garr or Shaz, you may want to add them just so people understand
06:31.19zeegcolors? on the map or?
06:32.02Shadowdon the map, indicating which dot is what
06:33.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
06:55.05zeegwhere's BWL located
06:55.09zeeglike in a dungeon or zone or what
06:58.24Shadowdso who wrote the guides? :p
06:59.30zeegnot me
07:02.02ShadowdBWL is located inside ZG, You need 20 arcanite bars to enter
07:03.03zeegi went to ZG on someones account, im not *that* gullable :)
07:03.20ShadowdIt's located underwater, which is why you didn't see it.
07:03.23ShadowdI'm not lying, ask AnduinLothar
07:06.40ShadowdvBulletin Message
07:06.40ShadowdNo Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster
07:08.12zeegya i just deleted
07:08.14zeegspammers keep spamming
07:08.20zeegand their url shows as BANNEDBANNEDBANNED
07:08.27zeegBasic Razorgore strategy - - good?
07:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
07:27.34zeeg vs
07:28.16ShadowdEbonroc doesn't cast brood power green o.O
07:28.40Shadowdor war stomp at that
07:28.44TainYay for allakhazam!
07:29.09zeegShadowd, beta ;|
07:30.13zeegShadowd, it kind of got stuck at the bottom of the debug list :)
07:31.39ShadowdIt seems kind of pointless to list Daze in that, since all NPC's can daze
07:32.10ShadowdAnd attack shouldn't effect the other percentages, since like 99% of the NPC's all have auto attack
07:32.16zeegthats auto generated, i think daze is an effect that happened to the guy and it got tracked for some reason
07:32.24zeegwell attack is done inbetween other stuff
07:32.30zeegis it not?
07:32.38ShadowdBut it's always done, so it just skews the other percentages
07:32.54zeegBut it interrupts spell casting etc. Like..
07:32.58zeegyou cant attack + cast at the same time
07:33.26ShadowdIt was always something that annoyed me with alla/thottbot is they don't regonise stuff like Onyxia Hide Backup which always drop so isn't really a fair thing to give a percentage on
07:34.43AnduinLothardoes it not say 100%?
07:35.30ShadowdIt's not even on alla o.O
07:35.41ShadowdOh wait it is, forgot it's a green
07:36.23zeeg%'s are pretty much useless anyways
07:36.28ShadowdWell the head is listed as 47 and 28% drop rate and the bag 86%. It's not "omg the site sucks", but it always drops so kind of pointless to include
07:36.31zeegyou just need to know what mobs drop what item most of the time
07:36.44zeegShadowd, there's no easy way to know that tho
07:37.00ShadowdI never said to auto detect it, you can tell easly for some type of items though.
07:37.20ForgottenLordsthe item database is vast...
07:37.26zeegalla/thott/wowguru are mostly automatic
07:39.12ShadowdYou could make it fairly automatic
07:39.16AnduinLotharthott doesn't really rely much on the addon either. it mostly grabs your database files
07:39.49AnduinLotharjust need the addon for profiles
07:39.57AnduinLotharand drop %
07:40.20AnduinLotharand map location i think
07:41.23zeegsame as everyone now
07:41.40zeegShadowd, not really, the only thing you could say is this is a quest item, so it MIGHT drop 100% of the time
07:41.41zeegnot all quest items do
07:42.29ShadowdNot talking about quest items as much, mostly things like heads and bags.
07:42.39zeegthose aren't for quests?
07:42.45zeegare there some cases where they dont drop?
07:43.02TainPsst Shadowd zeeg doesn't actually know anything about the game.
07:43.06ShadowdAs far as I know, theres no case except a bug up where like Onyxia Head, Nefarian's head, Onyxia Hide backbag wont drop
07:43.09ShadowdTain: I see that :p
07:43.43zeegi played for 2 weeks
07:43.46zeegand played zg a bit
07:43.56zeegi know quite a bit, i just dont know everything
07:44.29ShadowdThe number of mobs that actually drop non quest items 100% of the time is fairly low if i remember right
07:44.38Shadowdby non quest items I mean it's not for a quest but it can still start one
07:45.04zeeghrmm idk anyway to really know if one is 100% guarantee if it doesnt always drop
07:46.22ShadowdCould be set manually for some of the things really
07:47.58zeegya but thottbot, im pretty sure doesnt do things manually, and I know I donj't (itd take a lot of extras just to do that) and im pretty sure alla has no plans
07:52.23ShadowdI don't really care anyway, just said it was annoying :p
07:52.31Shadowds/anyway/either way/
07:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
08:13.42*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
08:34.08zeegAnyone here use "ItemStats" (eqdkp thing)
08:50.05AnduinLotharlol hunter just dkp'd [Halberd of Smiting]  3rd in our raid grp
08:54.22Endneat, we finally down rangaros
08:57.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
09:08.39Kolthzeeg: yes
09:09.59zeegKolth, can you walk me through what i would need to do to swap it to wowguru
09:10.13Kolthooh :)
09:10.29KolthI can't without doing lotsa readin!
09:10.34KolthHave you installed it?
09:11.44zeegpeople want it to use wg tho
09:11.51KolthKnow how it works?
09:12.27zeegnot a clue
09:12.46KolthData is taken from Alla when you view an individual item.
09:13.08KolthThat's about it.
09:13.22KolthWorks just like my loot script.
09:17.44zeegi wanna change it to wowguru tho ;)
09:18.29KolthWanna see my script?
09:19.03KolthIt's 1. Check if item is in local DB, 2. If not, get from WoWGuru and store in local DB, 3. Return the item data we need.
09:19.21KolthWould also say it needs to be XMLHTTPRequest
09:19.55zeegwell i can request it fine and all just not sure what i gotta do
09:20.09KolthAll EQDKP provides is an item name.
09:20.54KolthSo as the page loads, AJAX the tooltips / Textures
09:24.03KolthEQDKP is easy to hack up too.
09:27.45zeegexcluding what i dont show yet
09:27.59TainYay for allakhazam!
09:28.40zeeganyone who has an opinion that isnt biased?
09:28.51KolthWhich is better?
09:29.22KolthAllakhazam is lame.
09:29.23zeegooo I never thought about that
09:29.27zeegtheir item tooltips are better
09:29.35wereHamstergood morning europe
09:29.44zeegill have to do that
09:29.52Kolthzeeg, how do you mean?
09:29.56zeeg(highlight what items they have equipped from the set + only show bonuses for what they have)
09:30.24zeegi think thats the only real thing that they do better, is the equipment tab
09:30.32zeegbut they're very grahpic heavy too, i try not too be
09:30.34TainBesides scamming people, of course.
09:30.48zeegwill you shut the fuck up
09:30.49KolthAllakhazam makes Firefox lag
09:31.32Tainzeeg why are you so mean to me. :(
09:31.46zeegTain, because you obviously cant keep your mouth shut
09:32.21TainThat's no reason to swear at me for no reason. :(
09:32.55zeegTain, i have plenty of reason, knock it off
09:33.41TainBut I like allakhazam.  I'm not allowed to?
09:33.52zeegI dont give a rats ass what you like, stop causing trouble
09:34.32TainLiking allakhazam is causing trouble?  I dont' know what you're saying. :(
09:44.14zeegSo how come Cairenn never pops up when you start shit in hre
09:44.23zeegI always thought that was kind of funny
09:45.31AnduinLotharShe didn't sleep much last night. I'd immagine she's out cold
09:45.58TainYay for allakhazam!
09:46.31kremonteis there aw ay to mod yatlas to show instances :Q
09:46.36kremonteall the code is there, it looks like
09:46.54AnduinLotharprolly just needs the images
09:47.01zeegyatlas = atlas?
09:47.06AnduinLotharand add the zones to the dropdown
09:47.13AnduinLotharno yatlas is diff
09:47.14kremonteAnduinLothar: has the images
09:47.22kremontei don't understand mapID's and whatnot
09:47.31AnduinLothartry adding them to the dd menu and see if it works?
09:47.45zeegthey're there
09:47.46kremonteit's autogenerated by a multitude of ways, it looks like
09:47.47AnduinLotharmy guess is it breaks the 'move to char' button too
09:47.50zeegatlas has every map i think
09:48.00kremontefirst entry in teh mapdb table =
09:48.06AnduinLotharzeeg. not atlas, yatlas
09:48.27zeegwhats yatlas exactly?
09:48.30zeegnever heard of it before
09:48.30AnduinLotharsome if statement is removing the isntances then
09:48.38kremonteno anduin
09:48.45kremonteit's basis is mapID's
09:48.51kremonte(4line inc)
09:48.54kremonteYatlas_WorldMapIds = {
09:49.15AnduinLotharInstance is 0 isn't it?
09:49.24sarf|sleeppr -1
09:49.28sarf|sleep*or -1
09:49.37kremontefor specific instances..?
09:49.48AnduinLotharhey sarf, new patcher on the svn if you wanna test it
09:50.05kremonteeach mapid = a zone
09:50.08sarf|stuffOK, will see. Need breakfast and then out to socialize with The Family (tm)
09:50.12kremonteyou zone into instances, you zone between continents
09:50.37KolthFamily > Patchers
09:50.42sarf|stuffWe don't have copyrights yet. ARR tho :)
09:50.51KolthGood deal :)
09:55.32AnduinLotharIt'll be hosted Soon?
09:56.15AnduinLotharAs you can see there's > 2 pages of change log notes
09:57.44zeegin-game. the talent icon borders change color, but does the text?
09:58.00zeeggreen, yellow, white
09:58.05zeeg(no border for white)
09:58.08zeegdoe text match the border?
09:58.15kremonteon the talent menu?
09:58.34zeegya for the #'s
09:58.39zeegis it always white?
09:58.46zeegoh alright, thanks
10:01.18AnduinLotharlol /. - "Just as people fluent in two languages learn to suppress one language while speaking the other, so too are gamers adept at shutting out distractions to swiftly switch attention between different tasks."
10:01.30KolthSaw that.
10:02.27zeegclick talents, look good?
10:02.28AnduinLotharanyway. sleep for now.  See all you crazy euros later
10:03.03Kolthcyas Anduin!
10:03.08KolthOregon > *
10:03.28Kolthzeeg: Yes sir!
10:03.43sarf|stuffzeeg> I can't access talents with Opera
10:03.50sarf|stuffonly get empty equipment screen
10:03.52zeegsarf|stuff, can you access any tabs?
10:04.10sarf|stuffExcept for toggling back to equipment
10:04.10zeegand the equip screen doesnt show anything?
10:04.17sarf|stuffYeah, it shows good
10:04.23zeegeverythings normal on it?
10:04.39zeegso if you toggle to any other tab, it shows equip screen w/ no equip/etc.?
10:05.16sarf|stuffJust a heads up :)
10:05.17zeegdoes it have a debugger in opera?
10:05.24zeeg(show any js errors?)
10:06.22zeegcan you paste the error?
10:06.27sarf|stuffNo js error
10:06.53zeegim thinking maybe doesnt work in opera
10:06.58zeegi didnt even know people still used opera
10:07.30sarf|stuffI'm using it because it's fast enough to browse with while playing WoW
10:07.36zeegwhy not use FF ?
10:07.42kremonteff isn't .. .fast zeeg
10:07.45kremonteFF is a memory hog
10:07.52kremonteand the memory footprint of FF is one of it's ongoing problems =/
10:07.55sarf|stuffBecause I overload FF with plugins and it goes "slow"
10:08.19kremontegood at everything
10:08.22kremontebest at nothing
10:08.29zeegi have a solution i think
10:08.31zeegbut im tired as hell
10:08.38zeegso ill finish talents/try that tomorrow
10:10.04sarf|stuffUploading image to ya, Zeeg
10:10.31kremontewow i totally boned myself by exploring
10:10.36kremontei just spirit ressed on my lock
10:10.41kremontelogged onto my mage, all gear red
10:10.49kremontelogged onto my warrior, res sickness + drowning when i logged on
10:11.00kremontelogged onto my hunter, no ammo + fallign through the world
10:11.10kremontei'm afraid to log onto my druid
10:11.14kremontethe zone is listed as blank
10:11.14sarf|stuffG'nite zeeg!
10:11.26kremontemmm gn zeeg
10:11.41kremontewhatdya know
10:11.47kremontedruid all red, middle of old ironforge
10:11.55kremontewtb money ;_;
10:12.12sarf|stuffWTB 900 gold (will pay 100g)
10:12.22sarf|stuffThat's an actual IF quote from yesterday :)
10:12.51kremonte"Video Professor" infomercial is on tv
10:12.58kremontei really just want to pick up the phone and call them
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11:52.40AngelPrincegood morning guys
11:52.50AngelPrinceanyone care to help me out plz?
11:54.01AngelPrincei need help with cosmos
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12:40.21Elkanoho id` :)
12:43.33wereHamsterHi Elkano
12:44.26Elkanoho boo ;)
13:04.16Elkanoanybody tested the new InterfaceAddonKit?
13:05.05wereHamsterwhat's that?
13:07.08Elkanowell, Blizzard will release an updated verion of their kit with 1.10 and today there appeared a sticky in our UI forums with a beta version
13:09.32Elkanolol, check #11 at
13:09.51Elkanobtw: this is also the thread for the kit in the us forums ^^
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13:14.00wereHamsterhm.. can't extract the interface art data.. :(
13:14.20Elkanobut it's not fair :/ US get's another person for UI staff and DE still hase 'none' (you can't count our CMs since they seem to not read that forum :/ )
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13:17.45elemadoes the texture arg of GetContainerItemInfo() return the whole texture path ("Interface\Icons\bla.blp") or just the tex name ( bla.blp)?
13:18.46Elkanogood question.. try it :)
13:18.46wereHamsterelema, I think the whole path..
13:19.22wereHamsterso you can use it in Settexture(..)
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13:32.51MentalPowercorrect me if I'm wrong: The ChatFrameX frames are "ScrollingMessageFrame"?
13:37.08elemaif I use joinchannelbyname(name) it will join the name channel or, if it doesn't exist, it will create it and then join it right ?
13:37.50MentalPowerI believe so, yes
13:38.31wereHamsterelema, right
13:38.52wereHamstertoy don't need to 'create' channels.. you just join or leave them
13:52.43id`Whats this thing.. i see it on an item
13:52.47id`Absorption (10)
13:53.07id`works like block?
13:53.18Wobin_I believe so
13:55.01Wobin_Chest - Lesser Absorption, 5% chance to absorb 25 dam
14:16.07elemahow can I script, that wow will call instead of a blizzardish function my function ( instead of blizz's LeaveBattleground() BGC_LeaveBattleground() )
14:21.30elemawould wow when I hook my function to blizz's only call mine and NOT blizz's ?
14:24.16wereHamsterelema, LeaveBattleground = BGC_LeaveBattleground
14:25.09wereHamsterelema, this is better:
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14:32.28elemacan I un hook also ?
14:37.45MentalPowerbut do it carefully or you might cause conflicts with other AddOns
14:38.23MentalPowerif you're going to do a lot of unhooking, I STRONGLY suggest you use a hooking library (Sea, Stubby, AceHooks)
14:39.21TainYou really should just leave it hooked unless you absolutely feel you have to unhook.  The problem is you have no way of knowing what other addons could have hooked the same function after you, so if you unhook you can return the original function, but you'd destroy their hooks in the process.
14:48.38clad|sleepmmmm i love hooking
14:48.46krkanever any real need to unhook imo
14:49.11clad|sleepkrka: there are some reasoable needs
14:49.24clad|sleepbut it all depends on application
14:49.24krkabut they are very rare
14:49.53cladhaireso i got a Hanzo Sword from turning in Runecloth bandages yesterday
14:49.58elemathis would work?: BattlegroundCommunicatorOrig_LeaveBattlefield = LeaveBattlefeld;
14:49.58elemaLeaveBattlefield = BGC_LeaveBattlefield;
14:50.31TainHanzo Sword should be more powerful.  It does not live up to its name.
14:50.47Wobin_It was all product placement in KB =)
14:51.15Wobin_I swear Heinz should have labeled the ketchup used in the majority of the scenes
14:52.13elemacladhaire: was that a yes ? ;)
14:52.45elemaor just an aye for tain's thing
14:57.42Wobin_Yes that would work, but it would cause problems like what Tain said
14:58.42cladhaireit was for tain's, cause what you wrote will work.. but =)
14:58.46cladhaire<repeat tain here>
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15:07.47elemaso how is it better ?
15:09.07cladhaireIts fine if you never unhook =)
15:09.14cladhaireif you unhook there's some trickery you should include.
15:11.38wereHamsterwouldn't it be better to never unhook and have a "if (hookActive) then ... else ... end"  in the new function ?
15:16.15cladhaireyou should unhook when you can
15:16.26cladhairecause the extra function call can be a bad thing for performance.. depending on what you're hooking
15:16.49elemahmm ok
15:46.12elemacan some good scripter look at this( and look whther this gives me a working timer ( statusbar timer ( xml is here:
15:46.15elematanks a lot
15:48.29wereHamsterlocal starttime = this.startTime; .. make variables local
15:49.59elemaaynthing other would work ?
15:50.50wereHamsterand I've noticed that you don't use 'maxtime', you only calculate it
15:52.19elematrue, I'll replace this.MaxValue after defining maxtime with maxtime
15:53.19elemareworked lua :
15:57.22elemaif you find something bad in it please send an e-mail to, cause I'll go off now
15:57.25elemacya guys
15:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX|Thrae (n=generalm@
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16:11.58cladhaireHEyas Cairenn
16:20.32Wobin_bye all =) See you in China =P
16:22.23Cairennlater Wobin_
16:22.31[MoonWolf]have fun
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17:56.19id`Anyone here ever made any textures for WoW?
17:57.26id`I wanna design my own UI
17:59.13wereHamster|afkAFAIK they have to be pot (power-of-two), for example 64x128 but I think blizzards textures are all square (64x64 or 128x128 etc), I've seen so strnage texture 'corruption' with non-pot textures
18:00.37wereHamster|afkthe format is BLP, I've used GIMP, but don't remember the exact export options
18:00.47id`hte problem is that i dont know how to export and stuff
18:00.52id`wereHamster|afk: you can use tga too
18:01.11id`downloading the gimp ;)
18:01.59wereHamster|afkcorrection: I've saved all my textures as TGA..
18:08.44id`anime music ftw
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18:24.37sarf|WoWYou can use JPG textures too
18:24.47sarf|WoW(but not if you want to overwrite textures in the data path)
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18:33.56Cairennid`: the file dimensions need to be power of two, although the actual image doesn't.  WoW reads .tga just fine.  Don't forget to save your alpha channel
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19:40.34id`tee hee
19:44.04id`"Right-O Oh! Now he's pissed"
20:12.46wereHamsteranyone remember that unofficial performance improvement trick using /console M2faster 1 ?
20:14.24wereHamsterthere are more M2?? options..
20:14.39wereHamsterM2BatchDoodads: combine doodads to reduce batch count
20:14.54wereHamsterM2UseThreads: multithread model animations
20:15.07wereHamsterand some more..
20:16.05cladhaireno idea were =/
20:18.31wereHamster .. starting from line 7 up to 21, there is always the option and on the next line the description..
20:24.24wereHamsterbut none of the options improved my framerate.. :(
20:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
20:44.30wereHamsterhaha.. that's a slash-command for GMs: Usage: worldport <continentID> [x y z] [facing]
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21:45.31sweedegot a simple question..
21:46.22sweedeis there an addon, up-to-date, that can event details to the chatlogs ?
21:51.26id`details of?
21:52.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (n=moonwolf@
22:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
22:19.47sweedewhats happening.. like if there's a yell or an emote from a boss, what event fires it
22:19.58sweedeor if a mob starts to cast a spell, what event it is.
22:20.24ShadowdCHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL is when a boss yells
22:20.35ShadowdYou can probably just check the Wiki though since it usually says
22:21.00sweedenot all spell casts are in the wiki..
22:21.23ShadowdWell, for yell/emote type of stuff you can at least find that on the wiki.
22:46.12cladhaireyou could propbably hook addmessage, and then dump event which may still be the global event name.
22:46.14cladhairei wonder.. hrm
22:46.25cladhairelet me check for you
22:46.31cladhaireit won't be 100% mind you
22:46.55cladhaire(and it'll take a second before i get it done.. i'm in the queue)
22:48.21cladhaireYou looking for the combat log, or the main message frame?
22:48.23cladhairei can do both i suppose.
23:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
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23:21.21AnduinLotharNew IsMounted
23:22.14kremontewot's that do
23:22.16kremontejust a function?
23:33.22SP|Sorrencan it dismount you?
23:33.31SP|Sorrenah neat
23:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
23:43.14SP|Sorrendoes lua have xor?
23:52.54cladhaireSweede is gone isn't he.
23:52.57cladhairejust wrote an addon for him
23:56.44SP|Sorrenanyone know how to use bitlib?

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