irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060209

00:00.08IrielBecause compress on logout would slow logout
00:00.14KirkburnWait, that'd be an excellent idea to make my gf like WoW more, make all the char portraits real people!
00:00.36KirkburnWould such an addon be feasible?
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00:01.37MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae, how big a database are you talking about?
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00:03.00GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: As big as the user wants it. Up to 12 values can be tracked per spell/attack per unique entity.
00:03.42ViolentnightIriel: /dump returned "empty result" .. by why then would the same for loop constructor work in the OnUpdateHandler() -- I swear, LUA is trying to drive me insane
00:04.17GenNMX|ThraeI plan on adding in an option to compress the data, not make it mandatory, and an option to auto-purge.
00:04.29MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: I take it, you have an UI to search/look through the data, so you would have to have the data available in an uncompressed state in game?
00:05.03GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: No, if compressed, it would be decompressed if needed.
00:05.43KirkburnJust a performance option then?
00:06.29cladhaireCair, have the link to the frapper handy?
00:06.54IrielGenNMX|Thrae : My TargetCensus addon does more or less the same thing, except I compress immediately
00:07.25cladhaireGot it cair.. nvm
00:07.40IrielViolentnight : Try /dump MDProds_DevTools.Properties[1]
00:07.53Cairennsorry, was on the phone, hubby called to wish kiddo happy birthday
00:08.03IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Ah, you're storing ACTIVITY too, that'd make it much more complex
00:08.16ViolentnightIriel: pretty output--the CheckButtonObject is missing though
00:08.32IrielViolentnight : Did you run your lua before you loaded your objects?
00:08.59ViolentnightI had a problem like this earlier where it seemed ot be using an old version of the table, but re-starting WoW fixed it then.
00:09.17IrielViolentnight : Did you declare MDProds_DevTools as a saved variable?
00:09.26IrielViolentnight : If so, you may want to un-declare it
00:09.43ViolentnightDammit... it probably is running before the objects load
00:10.25KirkburnCairenn: aww
00:10.40Cairenn18 today .... gawd
00:11.02GenNMX|ThraeWow, you're young!
00:11.09Cairennmy baby isn't a baby any more
00:11.18GenNMX|ThraeOh wait
00:11.19Violentnightif I moved the definition for MDProds_DevTools_DEFAULT into the "VARIABLES_LOADED" section, would that work? It'd still be global and available before I need it and after the XML file is all loaded--right?
00:11.34KirkburnGenNMX|Thrae: hehe
00:11.37GenNMX|ThraeYou're still young :D
00:11.39ViolentnightGenNMX|Thrae: she's talkin about her kid.. lol
00:12.08MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: nice save...
00:12.21Cairenngod this is driving me nuts, I have not been able to get to the Blizz forums all day!
00:12.40KirkburnTried opening internet explorer?
00:12.42Violentnightjust think like I do.. once you hit 21, you stop aging ^_^
00:12.55ViolentnightIE is E-vil
00:13.06MaldiviaOhh, I'm still 21 then...
00:13.08KirkburnAre you saying I will age past 21?
00:13.28Cairennoh son of a BITCH! why can I hit the Blizz forums with IE and not FF?
00:13.40Violentnightno.. I'm saying that nobody should age past 21... there's no point to it.. all the benefits you'll ever get, you'll have when you're 21--in America, anyhow
00:13.41KirkburnYou gotta be joking
00:13.46Cairennand no, I hadn't thought to
00:13.55Kirkburnlol, it was a joke!
00:14.03krkaloads fine with FF for me
00:14.18ViolentnightCairenn: an evil cookie, perhaps?
00:14.22KirkburnHow crazy is that ...
00:14.27Cairennyeah, well, joke or no, I can get to it with IE and not FF ...
00:14.32Maldivia"Work offline" checked ?
00:14.35KirkburnI think it's a case of the Cookie Monster
00:14.36GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: "Nerf Shamans" "Nerf Rogues" "y can't I get DAB to kill Shamans" "Should I load out of date addons?!" "What is this mod in this screenshot..." "Why doesn't my sword ambush macro work?!?!" <-- there
00:14.43KirkburnFF actually Word in disguise?
00:15.08ViolentnightGenNMX|Thrae: haha.. yeah.. .the UI Forums were driving me crazy.. I'm so glad Cairenn invited me here ^_^
00:15.13Cairennno ... I can get to the main site with FF, just not the forums ... and I can get to ever where else
00:15.29GenNMX|ThraeFF works fine for me
00:15.29MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: you missed the: how can I make a macro that casts these 7 spells in a row
00:15.30KirkburnBananas in Firefox (attracting ... wait for it ... code monkeys!)
00:15.32IrielViolentnight : That would work, or just loading your XML before you try referencing your objects, or storing the name instead of the object.
00:15.34krkahave you been doing naughty things to your FF?
00:15.54GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: Damn, I did!
00:16.05ViolentnightIriel... hrmm... the name, that'd be a good idea--then it'd definitely store and I could double-check to make sure it exists. Thank ya!
00:16.09GenNMX|ThraeOh, and "Ban Decursive plz"
00:16.09krkanaughty naughty zoot!
00:16.28KirkburnAnd "Don't Ban Decursive plz", surely
00:16.48Violentnightwhat's Decursive?
00:16.51IrielViolentnight : names also save to SavedVariables later
00:16.54krkadecursive is fine, l2p
00:16.57GenNMX|ThraeWell I was talking about original thread topics ;)
00:16.57IrielViolentnight : Which might be helpful
00:17.09KirkburnIt seems to have become much more than one addon
00:17.12ViolentnightIriel: objects don't save? weird
00:17.20KirkburnBut Decursive is held up as a pariah
00:17.33KirkburnA cleansing addon, it is
00:17.37IrielViolentnight : Well, they sort of do, but think for a moment about how they could load?
00:17.52GenNMX|ThraeAuto-targetting mod, it is
00:18.02KirkburnA pariah, it is
00:18.02ViolentnightIriel: much like my table is loading them now, I'd imagine.... in the fact that it's not loading 'em ^_^
00:18.31GenNMX|ThraeThen again, most of the people complaining about Decursive would probably complain about mods like NeedyList
00:18.34KirkburnIf they stop decursive, that'll be a lot of other mods halved in usefullness!
00:18.42GenNMX|ThraeWhich just list who needs cures
00:19.00KirkburnBlizz are the main complainers as far as I can tell ...
00:19.19TainBlizzard complains?
00:19.32ViolentnightBlizz is complaining about an addon? They could just break it.
00:19.37KirkburnIndirectly, why do we now have the padlock buttons?
00:19.54GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: How can you stop an addon from iterating over party1 party2 party3..etc. ?
00:20.04CodayusLots of people complain about decursive.
00:20.09ShadowdAnd casting cleanse
00:20.12Shadowd*casting a spell
00:20.14KirkburnBut why?
00:20.14CodayusAs for never having heard of it...uh...hmm.
00:20.19TainI don't follow, Kirkburn.  Blizzard doesn't complain, they simply change functionality if they don't want an addon to do something.
00:20.25ViolentnightGenNMX|Thrae: Make your own copy of whatever function is doing that and take out that bit of code? ^_^
00:20.28TainAnd have done so in the past.
00:20.42krkadecursive is difficult to break without breaking a lot of other stuff
00:20.49KirkburnThe CMs have often mentioned that the devs aren't happy with mods like decursive and plan to cripple them somehow
00:20.54CodayusBliz has said they don't like the functionality, but there really isn't a way to break it.
00:21.06KirkburnBut yeah, they need to find a way
00:21.10GenNMX|ThraeTain: slouken did state that the designers weren't happy with Decursive and plan to break it come the Expansion, but can't do it anytime soon.
00:21.17Violentnightif Addon.Name == "Decursive" then LoadAddon = false
00:21.28ShadowdAddon.Name = "omgthisisntdecursive";
00:21.33Maldiviait would be near impossible to break decursive, without killing their own raid UI
00:21.33TainI know that GenNMX.  I don't see how that makes Blizzard the biggest complainers as Kirkburn said.
00:21.52ViolentnightWhat does Decursive do that Blizz doesn't like?
00:21.53GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: Decursive has 800,000 downloads on Curse, I'm surprised you've never heard of it...
00:22.04GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: Choose your target for you.
00:22.05KirkburnTain: not biggest complainers, but main complainers. Certainly the most important ones!
00:22.08CodayusIn terms of volume...bliz has indicated they aren't really happy with decursive. But other whiners are constantly screaming about it.
00:22.12Maldiviaone-spam-button for removing debuffs on the raid
00:22.32CodayusOTOH, bliz being a bit unhappy with it is more important than a random idiot frothing at the mouth.
00:22.35Shadowd( warlocks mostly complaining )
00:22.43krkashould be solved by designing the game so that one-button-spam-tactics isn't reasonable
00:23.00TainOk!  Difference in definition of the word complainer.
00:23.00KirkburnErm, why *are* people complaning?
00:23.02krkai mean, if you can easily code an ai to play the game perfectly, is the game really that good?
00:23.04CodayusBliz buffed locks and nerfed the cost of the cleansing spells.  They may feel thatts enough.
00:23.22CodayusIt's really more of a pvp problem than pve...
00:23.35GenNMX|ThraeKirkburn: Because they say the addons are "necessary" to play the game.
00:23.44GenNMX|ThraeAnd Warlocks say they ruin the game.
00:23.53ShadowdMost of the people I know in PVP don't really like Decursive, since doing it manually is better
00:23.59KirkburnI was thinking of it from a PvE view, i'm not a PvPer, I see the prob (my 60 is a lock)
00:24.09GenNMX|ThraePeople say it's necessary in MC
00:24.21ShadowdFrom a PvE point of view stuff like Chromaggus is easier because of it
00:24.29TainIt isn't necessary in MC.  It makes MC a lot easier.
00:24.33GenNMX|ThraeCTRA can also do what Decursive does now
00:24.38CodayusBliz says they test raids without any mods installed, and that it isn't neccesary in MC/BWL.
00:24.42KirkburnAs can Paladin Assistant
00:24.48krkaas can GRAB!
00:24.53CodayusOf course, Bliz says UBRS is designed for 10 people.  Nobody listens to them on that point either.  :-)
00:25.04KirkburnBut not NAWTY
00:25.05ShadowdNone of it's nessesary, but it makes it easier
00:25.18TainMy guild, and a hell of a lot of others, used to do MC before Decursive and the like, or at least before many knew what those addons did.
00:25.28krkaall addons are made to make stuff easier
00:25.40ShadowdYou'd think they wouldn't like things like CTBossMods over Decursive
00:25.45TainNot all krka, but yes a lot do.
00:26.00TainSome addons don't make things easier, just prettier. :)
00:26.01krkaok, the leeroy mod is an exception
00:26.04GenNMX|Thrae"Easier" is a loaded word. It also makes the raid "easier" to bring at least one healer ;)
00:26.05CodayusShadowd: Again, the concerns seem more focused on pvp than pve...
00:26.07KirkburnTain: harr!
00:26.43GenNMX|ThraeIt may just take you 20 hours to finish it by cycling bandages and healing pots and stones.
00:26.46krkalet me rephrase: a non-nonsignificant part of addons are made to make things easier
00:28.06ViolentnightHrmm... I had heard of Decursive--but it didn't seem all that helpful for my Warrior ^_^   I can see how it makes the game easier though and why Blizz doesn't like it
00:28.06KirkburnI'd say CF makes things easier ... easier to read. Esp for people with bad eyesight
00:28.06GenNMX|Thraeis that non-nonredundant?
00:28.17Violentnightyay server split! Chanserv rules!
00:28.17krkanon-nonsignificant is not the same thing as significant
00:28.17KirkburnWe rule!
00:28.17krkamake like a server and split
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00:29.44KirkburnMe sad
00:29.46Violentnightooh good one, krka.. you totally burned Cairenn
00:29.46krkawelcome back!
00:29.47CodayusYeah, decursive can seriously help a raid, but there's no reason for a warrior to install it.
00:29.52GenNMX|Thraenon-nonsignifigant IS the same thing as signifigant -- "non" creates a complement
00:29.52krkayeah i know Violentnight!
00:29.52Violentnightoh.. hi there, Cairenn.. didn't notice you were back
00:29.53KirkburnHow could you say those things krka?!
00:29.53krkabut it was so funny
00:29.53SP|Sorrenooo netsplits ;O
00:29.53Cairennthat was a prety cool net split
00:29.54IrielViolentnight : But you'd load a copy of the object, not the original object
00:29.54IrielViolentnight : And that wouldn't be very useful
00:29.54IrielViolentnight : Especially if the object was a frame
00:31.26Violentnightooh.. weird.. that'd suck
00:31.26krkasignificant: a large portion, non-significant: a small portion, non-non-significant: not a small portion
00:31.27Violentnightnon-non isn't proper English, ftw!
00:31.27Violentnightinsert: so the argument is mute
00:31.27krkathen why is bonbon proper english?
00:31.27KirkburnBecause they taste nice
00:31.27Temit's not
00:31.27Violentnightbonbon is a noun!
00:31.27Temit's french
00:31.28Violentnight.. that too... Tem wins!
00:31.28GenNMX|ThraeBut 70% of English is French!
00:31.28krkawhat about yoyo?
00:31.28KirkburnTem wins a bonbon!
00:31.28Cidehey Iriel: are you sure the frame caching method is faster?
00:31.28Temwhat kind?
00:31.28Kirkburnkrka: So 80's man!
00:31.28TemI like snickers myself
00:32.51Cideit's rather laggy right now, maybe I'm using it the wrong way
00:32.51KirkburnYeah, not a snickers
00:32.51krkasnicker is a verb!
00:32.52Violentnightbut Snickers is a pronoun
00:32.52Temalso a proper noun
00:32.52Kirkburnis is a verb!
00:32.52GenNMX|Thraeand snickers is a past-tense verb
00:32.52TainBonBons are good, little chocolate covered ice cream drops.
00:32.52TemSkiners is NOT a pronoun
00:32.52Kirkburnsnickers is plural!
00:32.52Tem"he" and "she" are pronouns
00:32.52ViolentnightSkiners certainly isn't a pronoun
00:32.52GenNMX|Thraesnickers is NOT plural. "Jane and Joe both snicker at you."
00:32.53krkathat example didn't even use "snickers"
00:32.53KirkburnWhat about a pair of snickers?
00:33.21GenNMX|ThraeThat was an example of the plural of "snicker" ;)
00:33.21krka"i'd like to buy one snicker, no make that two... snickers!"
00:33.21ViolentnightTem snickers at Kirkburn
00:33.47Violentnightyou'd buy one Snickers.. because it's a proper noun!
00:33.47TemGenNMX|Thrae: but you forget, the verb must be plural when used with a singular subject.  In your example, the subject was plural so you used the singular version of the verb.
00:33.47krkanot if i buy an act of snickering
00:33.47IrielCide: It should be, can you pastebin your use?
00:34.12KirkburnI think we're agreed. Tem doesn't get a snicker(s)
00:34.12Cidewell, it's kind of spread out
00:34.22KirkburnDid you sit on it/
00:34.24IrielCide : Just one file?
00:34.25Cidethough I used it mostly to set frame variables
00:34.31Cideyeah, pretty much
00:34.31Temso "Sally snickers in class" uses the plural form for the singular subject
00:34.34GenNMX|ThraeTem: True, but that doesn't refute that "snicker" doesn't have a plural.
00:34.48Cideso in frame onload: this.Percent = CT_RA_Cache[this].Percent
00:34.49Cideand so on
00:34.54KirkburnThe plural of Snickers is snickers surely
00:34.58Cideand not very often in the actual lua
00:35.13CideI'm not sure yet if that is the cause, but the game seems rather slow
00:35.13GenNMX|ThraeI believe that would be the past-tense of snickering
00:35.17IrielCide : It wouldn't give you much of a boost that way then
00:35.26IrielCide : But I dont think it'd make things SLOWER
00:35.53IrielCide : If you upload the file and give me a url I can wget it and look
00:36.03GenNMX|ThraeSo anyway, here I am, waiting for inspiration to hit me.
00:36.07krkai think it's one Snickers, two Snookers
00:36.08KirkburnShould be in 1.10: /snicker
00:36.15krkakinda like goose, geese
00:36.20Kirkburnbut not.
00:36.32krkai also claim that book should be beek in plural
00:36.34GenNMX|ThraeOne Snickers, two Sneekers then krka?
00:36.40KirkburnFish, feesh?
00:36.40Cidelet me try it out for a minute or three
00:36.44krkano Snookers, didn't you read?
00:36.50KirkburnFish, foosh?
00:36.52GenNMX|Thrae"Let me go eat some Sneakers."
00:36.56krkafish is fish in plural
00:37.10KirkburnAww, the poor little fishies
00:37.14IrielCide: It IS possible there's a bug in my code too, but I did test it a bit before posting. I haven't done a SecretSauce style test with it yet tho
00:37.22krkano, "Aww, the poor little fish"
00:37.32GenNMX|ThraeThe plural of fish is definately malgroose-malrat.
00:37.43krkai seriously doubt there would be beeg in your code
00:37.52KirkburnCos they don't exist. Beegs.
00:38.08KirkburnBoogs, u mean?
00:38.23krkathat's just gross
00:38.35KirkburnI'm sorry. I took it too far.
00:38.41krkayeah :(
00:39.11Violentnighthow do I detect when a checkbutton's state is changed?
00:39.15krkaok, i've been silly enough for one evening. time to go to sleep since i'm both sick and have to be unsick by the morning which is approaching way too fast
00:39.28KirkburnI'm worried that GenNMX|Thrae has gone to eats some sneakers
00:40.11Violentnightkrka: then would OnClick fire before or after the state is changed?
00:40.30IrielViolentnight : OnClick fires after the state change
00:40.47krkamust you know everything? let the people test stuff :P
00:40.48IrielViolentnight : You can of course just change it back if you want to lose the click
00:41.11IrielI only know that one because I asked myself the same question 8-)
00:41.40krkai try not to ask myself stuff, seeing as i wouldn't know the answer if i need to ask it
00:41.41IrielOf course, OnClick wont catch programmatic state changes, if they're delivered as SetChecked
00:41.50krkait gets messy in my mind then :/
00:42.00krkayou could of course hook SetChecked
00:42.03ViolentnightI do plenty of testing when Iriel isn't around to answer all my questions for me =P
00:42.14IrielWell, you should do testing even when I am 8-)
00:42.26krkadoes OnClick call SetChecked btw?
00:42.27Violentnightbut then you wouldn't feel as loved!
00:42.37krkaor does it set the state behind the scenes?
00:44.21Violentnightkrka: test!
00:44.45ViolentnightI'd say behind the scenes because it doesn't appear anywhere in the OnClick handler for the OptionsCheckButtonTemplate
00:44.49TainOnClick calls it.
00:45.16Kirkburn|SloopsI find it intriguing that not long after I mention the lack of awards on the shoutbox (to which Rush said they already had them) ... suddenly the first new one for *months* appears :p
00:45.29krkathe testing was just for you, for myself i want answers from Iriel
00:45.34TainWell, actually ActionButtonDown calls it.
00:45.39Violentnightkrka: lol
00:46.33TainBut!  OnClick calls ActionButton_UpdateState() which does check for Checked status
00:46.58Kirkburn|SloopsAnyone know of a way to 'narrow' fonts in game?
00:47.11Violentnightfor a boolean variable, would var = not var toggle between true and false?
00:47.51IrielActionButtons arent CheckButtons, are they?
00:48.01TainYou can SetHeight/SetWidth on the text frame.
00:48.04TainYes they are, Iriel.
00:48.24IrielOh, so they are,.. I always use them in their 'abstracted' form
00:48.26TainActionButtonTemplate is a CheckButton
00:48.42TainAnd everything flows down from there. :)
00:48.43IrielSo the action button OnClick's SetChecked is to UNCHECK the button?
00:48.43Kirkburn|SloopsA short story for you from Azzor:
00:48.44Kirkburn|SloopsI was talking to my friend on my cellphone. It was near death.
00:48.44Kirkburn|SloopsI told my friend, "I'm going to have to hang up, my phone is almost out of mana."
00:48.45Kirkburn|SloopsI cancelled my subscription after that.
00:49.24krkacould have been worse, you could have said focus or rage
00:49.33IrielBecause if you have your own 'naked' CheckButtons, the checked state has been IMPLICITLY set before OnClick is fired
00:49.37Violentnighthrmm... a FOR loop creates locals of its variables, right? So how could I loop through a table if I need to set values and not only get them?
00:49.46Kirkburn|SloopsA reallife Un'goro?
00:50.03krkafor k, v in t do t[k] = whatever end
00:50.03IrielViolentnight : You'd set them outside
00:50.21IrielViolentnight : local ok,ov for k,v in t do ok=k, ov=v; end
00:50.23Kirkburn|Sloops(that's the top of a volcano btw)
00:50.26ShadowdKirkburn|Sloops: I don't see any dinosaurs or giant bugs
00:50.28TainSetChecked(0) or SetChecked(1) to uncheck, or check.
00:50.52Kirkburn|SloopsShadowd: yeah, they seems to have died out recently. Must be all those hunters ...
00:51.02krkabad code iriel
00:51.11Kirkburn|SloopsWere probably grinding for drops
00:51.12Violentnight"bad code iriel" ... *gasp*
00:51.14krkayou mean ok=k ov=v           or            ok, ov = k, v
00:51.24Irielkrka, yes, I do, sorry
00:51.35Violentnightgo krka! it's your birthday!
00:51.38IrielAlso, I should use pairs, but I copied the for loop from you 8-)
00:51.44krkawhy do bliz use 0/1 for checkboxes?
00:51.49krkathey use nil/1 for everything else
00:51.52IrielThey use nil/false/0
00:52.03IrielI believe all of them will be ACCEPTED as a false value
00:52.11krkaah i see
00:52.21AnduinLotharOk... why is it no one knows what Dukes are..
00:52.35krkai think lua should be stricter with booleans
00:52.35IrielI believe you can use 1/true and many other things for true as well, but i'm not sure exactly how generous it is
00:52.36krkalike java
00:52.38MaldiviaIriel: is there a difference in "for k,v in t do" and for k,v in pairs(t) do" ?
00:52.40Kirkburn|SloopsDo they keep their dames in the hives?
00:52.52IrielMaldivia : Yes, the lua manual tells you not to use the first form because it's "old"
00:52.58IrielMaldivia : Functionally, no.
00:53.03MaldiviaAhh, ok
00:53.17AnduinLotharis the old way less efficient?
00:53.19CodayusAnduinLothar: They don't?
00:53.20ViolentnightIriel: your code isn't working!
00:53.26krkashould be the same bytecode
00:53.45AnduinLotharya. no one seems to know what dukes are... i even have to tell people where sithilis is..
00:53.46IrielDoes the non-pairs versoin actually dereference the pairs global?
00:54.05Kirkburn|Sloops"I've driven by cops on the side of the road and wondered to myself what their aggro radius was as I went by..."
00:54.13CodayusYou're on one of those "special" servers?
00:54.29ViolentnightKirkburn|Sloops: lol nice
00:54.31krkaooh... it's not the same bytecode
00:54.56AnduinLotharit's the oldest fricken server... i have no idea where the noobs came from..
00:54.58IrielThat's the result I expected
00:55.02krkathe old version should be faster
00:55.12IrielIndeed, faster but 'not right' 8-)
00:55.15krkawith pairs it's a global lookup and a function call
00:55.19AnduinLotharlol, how's that work?
00:55.20CodayusAnduinLothar: Heh
00:55.21krkai prefer faster ;)
00:55.33Irielwell, if you're going to call it a lot; local pairs = pairs;
00:55.33Kirkburn|Sloops"My boss gave me a pretty hefty workload the other day and my response was "you can't possibly expect me to solo this" "
00:55.36IrielAt the top of your file.
00:56.07CodayusHmmm, I keep forgetting you can do stuff like that.
00:56.08Violentnightnevermind.. it's my code that isn't working.. because I'm an idiot and assumed that by making a template then all the things that I wanted to be based on it magically would!
00:56.24krkathe old way seems both cleaner and faster... what's not to like?
00:56.37AnduinLothari was actually kinda surprised today... found i couldn't solo templars with my Epic Polearm, had to use my blue axe cause it has 44 int
00:57.03Kirkburn|SloopsThere are a lots of stories of people ACCIDENTALY saying lol. Problem is, my best uni friend says it INSTEAD of laughing. ALL the time. He's a strange one...
00:57.25Kirkburn|SloopsAnd that's a real story from me.
00:57.48krkai even say wysiwyg out loud :/
00:57.52ViolentnightKirkburn|Sloops: I often say lol without actually laughing
00:57.52Kirkburn|SloopsI can't actually imagine his laughing, he's only ever LOLed
00:57.59CodayusAnduinLothar: If nobody knows what dukes are on your server, there might be good money to be had farming them for their BoE blues to sell on the AH.
00:58.14Kirkburn|Sloopskrka, that's normal!
00:58.25Codayuskrka: Yeah thats normal.
00:58.28ViolentnightKirkburn|Sloops: oh .. you mean he actually says the letters L-O-L in normal conversation? Not just online? Haha.. I know people like that.
00:58.43Kirkburn|SloopsYep, in conversation
00:58.48Kirkburn|SloopsWith non-gamers
00:58.52krkaell oh ell seems weird... why not just say it like "loll"
00:59.01Kirkburn|SloopsHe goes "loooool!"
00:59.15Violentnightkrka: Do you say w-y-s-i-w-g or wizz-ee-wig?
00:59.18CodayusYeah, like normal people do...uh...for certain values of the word "normal" anyhow.
00:59.19krkalike one word, with a big ooooh in the middle?
00:59.31Kirkburn|Sloopskrka, yes
00:59.32TainUsing pairs() in WoW will probably not make a difference unless the Lua version WoW uses ever changes.
00:59.45krkamy god that would sound retarded
00:59.49krkagood thing i've never heard that
00:59.54Violentnightwizz-ee-wig is normal... my mom even says that.. hehe.
00:59.59krkajust imagining it gives me a headache
01:00.05Kirkburn|SloopsDoesn't beat when I got "LFG SCHOLOMANCE" up in lights in a club though ... that was cool :)
01:00.28Kirkburn|SloopsBet it confused most of the audience though
01:00.50ViolentnightI've spent 7 hours coding today.. where's my paycheck?
01:00.57Kirkburn|SloopsOh c'mon, u could txt in whatever u liked, I wanted to reach out to the fellow WoW players :)
01:01.18krka"LF2M (female gnome rogues only) for my place
01:01.39Kirkburn|SloopsNext time I go, I will have to do a different txt
01:01.39Maldiviajust learn to write hehe online, instead of lol - then you won't have akward situations in real life, saying lol :)
01:02.07Kirkburn|SloopsIt is strange how that has actually affected people's speech
01:02.08CodayusI tend to just write "heh".  Which helps.
01:02.21Kirkburn|SloopsPeople start saying 'hehe' rather than laughing
01:02.44Maldiviawell, I do that anyway :)
01:02.47Violentnightyay my code works.. but it's not saving! *cries*
01:02.52Kirkburn|SloopsMy gf has cut it down to "hee" now, which sounds a little odd
01:03.16ViolentnightKirkburn|Sloops: Sounds like a horse
01:03.39Kirkburn|SloopsWell *she* doesn't!
01:03.42Wobin_hehe is more of a chuckle than a laugh
01:04.02Kirkburn|SloopsOh, and my friend also says rofl, and often tries to insert copter as well
01:04.03Violentnightno.. heh is a chuckle
01:04.48Violentnighthehe is a chuckle + 1
01:05.16Kirkburn|SloopsAh yes, I've just remember another of his favoured sayings (which he thinks is satirical, despite the fact he is a geek, and doing it) ...
01:05.42ViolentnightDoes he verbalize the "exclamation mark"?
01:06.02Kirkburn|Sloopshe says it loudly? Does that count?
01:06.26Violentnightfunny.. but not as funny... you can chuckle at it if you want to
01:06.49Kirkburn|SloopsOnce or twice he may have gone "oneoneoneone!", but such reports are unconfirmed (meaning, I can't remember)
01:07.38Kirkburn|SloopsBut anyways, if you want to pester him, he's Falynth on Dragonblight EU :D
01:08.10Kirkburn|SloopsI'm off now .... night night
01:09.39ViolentnightSpleeps? that's a new one
01:13.34Kirkburn|ManaThat's suitably geeky, and with that, I vanish ... *poof*
01:18.08IrielViolentnight : Because youre using a metatable, so it wont see it
01:19.43Violentnight*le sigh*
01:20.41Violentnightso should I not use a metatable then?
01:21.02IrielIt depends what you're trying to do
01:21.26IrielIf you want the data to save after the first login, then no, a metatable would be the wrong solution
01:21.45IrielIf you want to only save the 'non-default' objects, and layer the defaults on top transparently, then it is the right solution.
01:21.49IrielA tool for every task, not all the same.
01:22.04IrielHm, let me restate that with more words
01:22.12IrielThere is a tool for every task, but they are not all the same.
01:22.29Cairennthe right tool for the job?
01:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:23.05Cairenna hammer is not a screwdriver is not a vice grips
01:23.07ViolentnightWell this morning I was asking about how I could get MDProds_DevTools to have all the keys/value as MDProds_DevTools_DEFAULTS without overwriting any values that were saved, and someone suggest the metatable and got that working for me
01:24.07Violentnightbut we didn't get to the saving part... I kinda thought it'd work like instantiation, but it's not
01:24.56IrielIndeed, it's on-the-fly and there's no copying back into the child table unless you code it explicitly.
01:25.14IrielIt's not that hard to write a recursive overlay-copy method
01:25.38Violentnightthen what's the point of having a metatable if you can't alter the child table implicitly?
01:26.04IrielWell, you can modify the meta index and all of the children appear to update
01:26.48Irielmembers which are present via table __index 'appear to be a member of', they do not BECOME members of.
01:26.58Irielpairs doesn't see them, for a start
01:27.30IrielIf you just want to copy your defaults in, you dont need a fancy language construct, you can just copy them
01:27.53Violentnightso rather than using setmetatable, I should create a recursive function to iterate through the keys and set them when nil?
01:28.17Irielyes - pay attention to how you want to handle subtables, also
01:28.24Irieldeep or shallow copy
01:28.34Violentnightfor example..?
01:29.00IrielDEFAULT = { A = { B = 2 } }
01:29.09IrielX = {}
01:29.22IrielIf I do MagicOverlayFunction(DEFAULT, X)
01:29.25Irielthen X.A.B = 3
01:29.35Irielis DEFAULT.A.B == 3 or still == 2
01:30.03Violentnight2... hopefully... otherwise, it defeats the purpose
01:30.28Violentnightbut I suppose that depends on how the magic function is coded, hrm?
01:32.36futr-sleepanyone have any experience with coding for Titan?
01:34.52Violentnightnot me
01:36.06TainA little bit.
01:36.14TainMostly experience with ripping large amounts of code out of Titan.
01:37.46futr-sleepdamn, I'm trying to use titans damn savedvariables system... and it ain't working
01:40.01IrielViolentnight : That's my point, a shallow copy copies missing subtables by reference. A deep copy copies them by creating a new table and recursively copying its contents
01:41.45futr-sleepiriel, what about doing a deep copy of the defaults, then copying the changes over the top, the second copy should skip the non set stuff
01:42.03Tainfutr-sleep: My (possibly limited) understanding is that you are supposed to just create a savedVariables table under this.registry when you create your addon.  And it saves everything that's in that table.
01:42.52futr-sleepthat's what I thought too... but doing that and I can't get any settings out with TitanGetVar()
01:44.00TainYeah, I haven't actually implemented it at all.  Just from what I read through peoples code.
01:44.44Tainblah = TitanGetVar("AddonName", "VarName")
01:44.45Irielfutr-sleep - Writing a deep copy with overlay isn't that much work, and probably easier than writing a deep cpy THEN an overlay
01:47.05futr-sleepahh, it seems that it's that the defaults I put in the registry table that aren't being put in, SetVar works
01:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:09.02Violentnightif I have a function that expects 3 arguments and I only pass 2, does the third get set to nil?
02:09.35Iriel<simplistic answer>yes</simplistic answer/.
02:10.12Violentnightand how would I account for an indefinite number of arguments--like string.format() does
02:10.20IrielYou use ...
02:10.43Violentnightand then what'd they be named in the function?
02:10.43Irielfunction variableFunction(...) -- arg is the array of parameters, arg.n is how many there are
02:10.57IrielNote that this creates a table, arg
02:11.19Violentnightso arg[1]..arg[n] .. nifty
02:11.34Irielyeah, it's nice
02:11.48Irieland it's the other half of the answer to the question before which I skipped over
02:12.05Violentnighthehe--yeah, I figured I'd get there with the next question ^_^
02:12.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:12.18Irielif you do it that way, you CAN tell the difference between variableFunction(1,2,nil) and variableFunction(1,2)
02:12.42Irielif you do function variableFunction(a1,b1,c1) then you can't
02:12.50Violentnightso in func(A) ... A == arg[1], right?
02:13.21Irielif it's function func(...)
02:13.30ViolentnightHrmmm.. so if the third argument is optional than I shouldn't list it in the parameters? I should only list func(A, B)?
02:13.34Irielyou can do function func(x,y,...)
02:13.57Irielis that last question about CALLING or DECLARING?
02:14.22IrielYou have to declare all the params you MIGHT want
02:14.43Violentnightfunction func(A, B, C) if C == nil then C = default_value end end
02:15.00Irielwell, I'd imagine that'd be somewhat more complex
02:15.05Irielbut yes
02:15.34Violentnightand then bot func(A1, B1) and func(A1, B1, C1) would be valid calls, yes?
02:15.51Irielyes, as would func() and func(A1) and func(A1,B1,C1,D1)
02:15.57Irielthough they may not be USEFUL
02:16.02Violentnightgood point.. nifty.. thanks
02:16.04Irieland in the last case, D1 would be ignored
02:16.18Irielthough still evaluated
02:16.35Violentnightso you should always check to make sure that required parameters exist before trying to use them
02:16.52Irielnah, if they're required and not passed, an error is acceptable
02:17.07Irielunless checking comes as no cost
02:17.18Irielor would break more than just the call
02:29.16Violentnight*le sigh*  my overlay isn't working
02:32.42Violentnighta /dump says that MDProds_DevTools == {} afterwards =\
02:32.52Irielnil evaluates as false, by the way
02:32.57Irielso you dont need to explicitly set it
02:33.28Violentnightreally? that makes things a bit more difficult
02:33.39Violentnightwell..not in this situation, but if my default value was true then it would
02:34.16IrielLine 15 is your bug
02:34.26IrielWell, not really
02:34.39Irielif (X == false) and if (X == nil) are different
02:34.49Irielbut if (X) will be the same if X is nil or false
02:36.03IrielIt's usually considered bad form to make 'true' a default value in lua functions
02:36.49Irielbecause generally we assume func(false) and func(nil) will work the same, especially because the blizzard API frequently uses 1/nil for true and false
02:36.50Violentnightwoot.. now why was that the bug?
02:37.59Irielbecause you overwrote your input table with a new empty one
02:38.07Irielso none of your changes ever happened to the table you passed in
02:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight-shi (
02:39.22IrielIn case you misssed it...
02:39.24Violentnight-shidamn internet.. this has happened everyday for the past 3-4 days now
02:39.25Irielbecause you overwrote your input table with a new empty one
02:39.28Irielso none of your changes ever happened to the table you passed in
02:40.39Violentnight-shibut I also have child[k] = {} and then pass child[k] into the recursion which, again, would essentially do the same thing....?
02:40.51Irielwell no
02:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
02:41.15Irielbecause child[k] = {} at least puts the new value into child
02:41.29Irielthat may well be another bug tho, if you haven't checked if child[k] exists already
02:41.42Violentnight-shihrmm.. I shall do that
02:41.54IrielThat IS a bug tho 8-)
02:41.56Irielyou probably want
02:42.09Violentnight-shiwhy would I want a bug?
02:42.11Irielif (type(child[k]) ~= "table") then child[k] = {}; end
02:42.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
02:42.23cladhaireheyas kawl
02:42.34Iriel(Note: type(nil) == "nil" -- handy to know)
02:43.01Violentnight-shiis that equivalent to : if not child[k] then child[k] = {}; end -- ?
02:43.10Irielnot quite
02:43.18Irielif child[k] was say, a string
02:43.22Violentnight-shi'cause child[k] could exist and not be a table?
02:43.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:43.39Kaeltenhello everyone
02:43.44Cairennhey hey Kaelten
02:44.18MaldiviaIriel: remember we talked about setglobal("true", false) a few days ago ?
02:44.25IrielMaldivia : Yes
02:44.36MaldiviaIriel: /dump true  => true = nil
02:44.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
02:46.01IrielThat's because I do
02:46.15Maldiviayeah, I figured you wre using getglobal :)
02:46.29IrielI suppose I should put true, false, and nil in there for people like you 8-)
02:46.33Maldiviajust found it funny :)
02:46.33IrielTime to go home!
02:46.46CairennI'll miss you!
02:47.03AnduinLotharmmm where DO the nuggets come from on a chicken...
02:47.17Wobin_From the rabbit
02:47.33Maldiviaor in OnLoad setglobal("true", true); setglobal("false", false); setglobal("nil", nil);
02:47.34AnduinLotharfrom the blender i'm thinking
02:48.05Violentnightnuggets don't come from chickens.. they come from McDonald's
02:48.33Maldiviahmm, I'm hungry actually...
02:50.21TainI'm really unhappy with how quickly you're logged out of the Blizz forums.
02:52.12ViolentnightIs anyone else uncomfortable with type() returning a string?
02:56.41Violentnightyes? no? maybe so? pick your nose? touch your toes?
02:59.38MaldiviaTain: yeah, bugs me aswell
02:59.42MaldiviaViolentnight: hmm, not really - why?
03:00.02Maldiviawhat do you want to to return ?
03:00.36Violentnightbecause as a string, "table", "Table", and "TABLE" are all different.... an enumeration would be nice
03:00.52ViolentnightI think strings should only be used for value that's displayed to the user
03:01.33Maldiviawell, numbers wouldn't really make any sense, without a global variable, like TYPE_STRING = 1
03:02.02Maldiviaand number or string is really your only option as a return value
03:04.00Violentnightyeah... poopy on LUA
03:04.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
03:04.48AstrylLooking for anyone not scared by UIDropDownMenu!
03:04.57Violentnightwoot... looks like 1.1 is finally working and ready for distribution
03:05.36MaldiviaAstryl: hmm, we're all scared of it :)
03:06.38MaldiviaAstryl: what's the problem ?
03:07.07AstrylWell, I want to have several dropdowns, all with the same possible values.
03:07.40AstrylAnd so I'm trying to use only one set of onload/init/onclick functions for them all.
03:08.08AstrylOnly problem seems to be setting the selected id in the onclick.
03:08.21AstrylIf it was only for a specific dropdown, i'd just call...
03:08.27AstrylUIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(MyDropDown, this:GetID());
03:09.18AstrylBut, it could be any of the dropdowns. Is there some variable for the current one? I tried using 'this', but it didn't like that.
03:09.37AstrylI'm guessing 'this', in that context, is the popup frame.
03:10.11AstrylNow that I've rambled on for 3 min about stuff nobody has any idea about, I'll just go back to my hole.
03:10.59Cairenngive it an hour or so, Astryl, and Iriel should be back in ... he is on his way home from work atm
03:11.53AstrylThat's alright, not worth waiting an hour just to save a few lines of code; I can just duplicate it once for each dropdown and it'll work.
03:13.23AstrylBTW Cair... Feel like posting a bug report about wowuides for someone too lazy to do it themselves (me)?
03:13.51Cairennif you can take the time to post it here, you can take the time to post it in the forum, lol
03:14.43AstrylYou're supposed to support my laziness!
03:15.00Cairennhey,I'm giving you direct links :p
03:15.05TainOh Cairenn is a lazyiness-sugar-momma?
03:15.24CairennTain, you need to ask?
03:15.25AstrylAye, direct links are good. :)
03:15.53Astryl"To submit a bug report you must have an account with this site. If you have an account please login using the login area to the upper right. If you do not yet have an account you can simply click the register link and get one in a matter of seconds. "
03:16.12TainOk even my laziness has *some* boundaries.
03:16.48CairennAstryl: you don't have an account with us?!?!  *cries*
03:17.14Violentnightseconds? That's a bit hopeful =P
03:17.28AstrylCair, I never said I didn't.
03:17.34AstrylBut I have to login! That's total crap!
03:18.21Violentnightdamn, Astryl.. you make my laziness look pro-active
03:18.24Cairennso just stay logged in :p
03:18.36Cairennstaying logged in is pretty lazy ;)
03:18.42AstrylI'm doing all this to write an addon that will effectively play the game for me.
03:18.55AstrylOne of those 'one button to do everything' mods.
03:19.19Cairennit takes effort to log out, so shame on you, you call yourself lazy?!
03:19.35Wobin_sure, just macro "/camp" =P
03:20.03Cairenn(of the site, Wobin_)
03:20.57ViolentnightQuestion: Has anyone else tried overwriting the _ERRORMESSAGE() function?
03:21.09MaldiviaViolentnight: yes - not directly possible
03:21.23MaldiviaViolentnight: you have a seterrorfunc(...) API call in 1.10 for that
03:21.39Violentnightah.. goody
03:21.53Maldiviaseterrorhander, is the name
03:22.20Cairennunfortunately, it's still a ways off =/
03:23.00MaldiviaViolentnight, see my post about it, and sloukens response:
03:23.22Maldiviapost number 136
03:23.35TainI heard 1.10 is coming out next Tuesday.
03:23.45Wobin_I'll be on a plane
03:23.51CairennTain, hahaha
03:23.52AstrylOK, next question...
03:23.59MaldiviaI'm crossing my fingers for test next wednesday...
03:24.10AstrylThat may be reasonable, Mald
03:24.14AstrylAnyway, next question...
03:24.21AstrylI've got a form, and it's nice and happy...
03:24.28ViolentnightTain: it's not even on the test realm yet.. and I'd imagine they'd want to test the hell out of it considering all the big changes
03:24.52Astryl...Except, as soon as its shown, the first text box on it gets focus, and other than switching to a different textbox on the form, there's no way to lose focus.
03:25.12AstrylCan't just click outside the window or hit escape or anything.
03:25.18AstrylHow can I fix that?
03:25.28Cairenna hammer?
03:25.45AstrylGood idea...
03:25.59TainPlease Hammer, don't hurt 'em.
03:26.14Kaeltenis 1.10 on the test server yet?
03:26.24Kaeltenthen 1.10 won't be out next week
03:26.25CairennTain is being a smartass, per usual :p
03:26.37Maldivia1.10 is on the test server, for the select few... that work for Blizzard :)
03:26.54TainIt's coming out on June 6.
03:26.58Kaeltenyep it'll be on the public test for at least a week ro two before it goes live
03:27.05TainThe date of... the devil.
03:27.14Cairenndon't say that number
03:27.16MaldiviaTain: no, that's the expansion date
03:27.31Kaeltenna thats just a 9
03:27.42AstrylOK, easier question...
03:28.01AstrylWhat's the easiest way to use an item by name?
03:28.10MaldiviaAstryl: in the xml, autofocus="false" on the editbox
03:28.12TainThis makes me afraid.
03:28.17AstrylOh, spiffy!
03:28.35ShadowdYou have to search through all the bags by number and check the name apparently Astryl
03:29.04CairennTain: how *do* you find all these weird things all the time?
03:29.58TainThey're strangely drawn to me.
03:32.28zesprito bad I'm not in queenstown =)
03:32.50AstrylThose urinals are rather odd in themselves, freestanding conical ones.
03:33.48zespriBut queenstown itself is very nice city, I've been there once. The only drawback that it's very tourists oriented so prices there are a little bit higher then elsewhere
03:34.10Wobin_Which queenstown are we speaking of?
03:34.12AstrylMaldivia, that autofocus="false" solved almost all of the problem...
03:34.31AstrylOnly remaining part is... In most other textboxes, hitting esc will lose focus.
03:34.37AstrylThere an easy way to accomplish that?
03:35.37zespriI'm speaking of new zealand queenstown. the person that replied to this post is from new zealand, so i assumed it's where this is happening
03:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:36.13Guillotinehey cair... where do I report bugs with the WoWI site?
03:36.46Cairennsame place as always Guillotine, the Site suggestion & feedback forum:
03:37.00Guillotinewell, I've never done it before, so I didn't know :P
03:37.23CairennGuillotine: If I didn't tease, you'd wonder what was wrong
03:37.37Guillotineindeed I would
03:37.47GuillotineI'd think someone had found out your password on IRC...
03:37.52Cairennwell there you go then :)
03:39.12AstrylI wish all Blizz forums were like the Mac Tech Support forum in terms of blue posts.
03:39.35AstrylCurrent count of non-blue posts, with 75 posts shown... 12.
03:40.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:40.27ViolentnightCairenn: Do you guys test every addon submitted before approving them?
03:40.29Guillotinewow. why do I disconnect from IRC so much? I have no problems in any other programs
03:40.33AstrylTotal blue posts in the Druid forum: 7. One of them is just Sinther locking it, though, so barely counts.
03:40.42Kaeltenwe test them for bugs
03:40.49Kaeltenlike computer viruses
03:40.54Kaeltennot for actually working in wow though
03:41.26GuillotineViolet: but if you find any addons with undocumented 'features', make sure to report it
03:41.27ViolentnightHrmm.. what do you use to test 'em?
03:41.38GuillotineViolet: you trying to circumvent their virus scanner?
03:42.18Violentnightno.. just curious since, I'd imagine, testing them all in WoW would take awhile and Cairenn approved mine rather quickly the other day
03:42.19CairennViolentnight: not *test* per sae, but check them
03:43.12Cairennif you submit an executable, we require source code to verify, as well (the one and only time we mess with an author's upload, to remove it before pushing it live)
03:43.30TainOh undocumented features... the latest Titan Honor+ (part of Titan 2.15 or.. whatever) has an odd thing in it.
03:43.45Maldiviaauto join BG?
03:44.32GuillotineTain: I meant more of the times an author figures noone will notice if they have them send the author money every time they visit the mailbox
03:44.45GuillotineAuto-join BG kind of goes along with an Honor addon
03:44.48TainNo, if you have it look at the blah() function.
03:44.59Guillotinewill do
03:45.32Guillotinecannot find 'blah' in the lua file
03:45.39CairennGuillotine: if anyone *ever* finds a mod that does something like that on our site, damn right we want to know about it!
03:45.40ShadowdGuillotine: someone actually tried that?
03:45.51Guillotineyup. found one on curse a while ago
03:45.56Guillotineand one on
03:46.00TainIt's in the 2.14 Titan that I downloaded, at least.
03:46.14ShadowdThe main issue with the Titan Honor+ was that it was undocumented ( this is what I heard ), and had no option to actually turn it off.
03:47.07TainOh.. heh and I did think it was funny that the 2.14 Titan broke out all of the "builtins" to individual plugins.
03:47.22ShadowdWhys that?
03:47.47GuillotineTain: the standalone did
03:47.53TainBecause someone else got a little tired of it and released their own version of Titan doing the same thing a few weeks before that.
03:47.56Guillotinethat function blah is interesting
03:48.05Guillotinedon't see the use of it or anywhere its called, but...
03:48.32TainIt isn't called anywhere from within Titan, so it would have to be called from somewhere else, Guillotine.  But it's just... shady, to say the least.
03:48.56GuillotineTain: I don't see any use of it though
03:49.03GuillotineI'm guessing its just something like what Cide accidently did
03:49.11Guillotineadded something in there for personal use and forgot to take it out
03:49.54Guillotinefor a screenshot to trick a friend or something
03:50.03TainThis is the code I'm talking about in Titan Honor+, by the way.
03:50.05AstrylWhat's blah() do?
03:50.26Guillotineyah. thats the one I'm looking at Tain
03:50.46GuillotineI've done stuff like that before to make it look like I crit someone for 39438 damage with starfire
03:50.54Guillotinethen show a friend the screenshot
03:52.19GuillotineCladhaire: why did you post one of my converstions on lol
03:52.25TemOk, I have a serious problem and I need some help resolving it
03:52.33GuillotineTem: try /script while 1 do end
03:52.37TemI'm addicted to iTunes
03:52.47Tembut I /NEED/ global hotkeys
03:52.50MaldiviaTem: buy an iPod
03:53.02TemMaldivia: had one for 2 years
03:53.14MaldiviaTem: just a sec, I actually think I have a program for that somewhere...
03:53.15CairennGuillotine: if it's the conversation I think it is, figure it out
03:53.20Maldiviawill have to check
03:53.57AstrylTem, ordered an intel mac?
03:54.10Maldiviahmm, no iTunes... Winamp2/3/5, QCD, mplayer2, Foobar2k, CoolPlayer and Zinf...
03:54.13GuillotineCairenn: I don't think its the conversation you think it is then.
03:54.51GuillotineI said the same thing 3 times, didn't I?
03:55.06TemI got my iPod because it was the best mobile music player / storage on the market
03:55.20TainTem I had a first gen iPod.  4gb.
03:55.52AstrylI've had a 4gb first gen and a 20gb 3rd gen.
03:55.52TainI let my ex-gf take it though.
03:55.53cladhairevery happy with mine
03:56.17Astryl20gb one of mine was stolen a few weeks ago though... prolly gunna buy a 30gb one in a couple weeks.
03:56.23TainI actually like the first gen iPod wheel better than the ones that came after, but I do understand why they changed.
03:56.30TemTain: yeah I wanted one when they first came out, but they were too expensive
03:56.53TainTell me about it.
03:56.57Temmy first mp3 player was the First Gen Creative Nomad
03:57.09Temit was stupid huge
03:57.14Tembigger than a normal cd player
03:57.21Tem<2 hour battery life
03:58.37TainActually I just remembered, the iPod was $399 and Apple called after we got it and said they accidentally sent us a display model and we could either send it back for a new one or get credited back $75.
03:58.52TainTook the money of course.
04:00.22MentalPowerNight guys
04:00.35Temnight MentalPower
04:00.47Guillotineso... my friend got his account un-suspended. some idiot GM suspended him for typing 'KK'. some idiot reported it as being a mispelling of 'KKK'
04:00.51TemMaldivia: any other ideas on my hotkeys?
04:01.06ShadowdGuillotine: wow
04:01.23Cairennomg, you serious Guillotine?
04:01.38Maldiviachecked iLaunch?
04:01.39Guillotineyup. WoW credited him with the missed days
04:01.43Guillotinegave them back
04:01.48ShadowdBut still
04:01.51Guillotineyah. lol
04:02.17Guillotineand the context was that of "You suck, so STFU" "KK"
04:02.35Guillotineso not in the context of KKK anyway >_<
04:03.11Temdidn't see the link
04:03.47Temok googling doesn't help
04:03.57Temthere's like 800 iLaunches
04:04.07Cairennnight MentalPower
04:05.28Maldiviawas one of the first google links I found :)
04:06.16Temperhaps I'm blind
04:06.23Temoh cool that's a start
04:07.03Tembah doesn't let me choose the keys
04:07.58Temcool, I'll try that out
04:08.55Maldiviaanother one:
04:08.57Maldiviahehe :)
04:09.37AstrylFor anyone that likes spacey art, a friend of mine does some truely amazing work (I have several prints around my house)...
04:10.04Tembah! this one fails
04:12.04cladhaireTem is ignoring me.. cause I'm not special =( *cry*
04:12.23Tembah don't you know by now I have a very short attention span?
04:12.33TainThat's two different kinds of special.
04:18.35Temwhat's wrong with these people
04:18.47Cairennuh oh ... what people?
04:19.01Temnone of them properly anticipated the features I want in a global hotkey app
04:19.18Temwhat's wrong with their mind reading / future seeing abilities
04:19.33ShadowdUsed it to much trying to figure out what people need when they say "omg it wont work".
04:20.09TemI got an itunes app to work, but it barfs when I assign play and pause to the same key
04:22.38ShadowdCreate some small app that does what you want, assign the key to that, and make it press two different ones?
04:24.37TemI think I'll end up writing my own app to do what I want
04:24.49TemI have a little experience with win32 coding
04:25.05Tainhaha Harrison Ford on The Daily Show, asked whether or not he's computer savy.  "It's all acting.  I don't know anything.  I have people who download porn for me and then report back what they saw."
04:25.28TemI think I'll just need a low level keyboard hook
04:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:25.40ShadowdYeah it can't be that hard really
04:25.48TemI once wrote an app to annoy a friend
04:26.02Temit intercepted all his keystrokes and forced him to write in leet
04:26.14Temie typing 'a' sent '4' to the active app
04:26.24Cairennokay, that's pure evil, Tem
04:26.29Shadowdthats great
04:26.32Temit was some funny shit
04:26.58Temhe got real mad at me
04:27.06Temhe was one of those "look at the keyboard" typers
04:27.12Temso he didn't notice at first
04:27.20Maldivianoo way... NW dropped!
04:27.23ShadowdThat sounds completly worth it
04:27.30TemShadowd: it so was
04:27.36TemMaldivia: what part?
04:27.38AstrylNetherwind, Mald?
04:27.43Maldiviashoulders - from Chrom
04:27.53ShadowdWell at least you wont look like an airplane
04:28.02Maldiviafirst NW drop we've had in BWL in 2006 :)
04:28.28Maldiviahmm... go go, double robe drop from Nef...
04:31.11Temwe had another double wrath night last night
04:31.25Temthat's a record 3 times in a row
04:31.35TemOnyxia droped 2x wrath 2 weeks in a row
04:31.42TainDamnit I screwed something up with BitchX and I don't know how.  brb
04:31.45Temwith Rag dropping 2x rag in between
04:31.49Maldiviawell, equipping warriors is always good for the entire raid :)
04:31.59Temit's like some kind of sick joke
04:32.20Temwe get so much f'ing plate...
04:32.39TemI swear there is a GM whose job is to screw with me
04:32.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
04:32.53Temlately he's been f-ing with loot tables
04:33.55ShadowdBetter then druid/warlock I suppose
04:34.07AstrylHey! <--Druid
04:34.12SP|Sorreni havn'et seen dragonstalker leggings since august
04:34.14Astryl...And Shaman and Hunter.
04:34.17SP|Sorreni need it for 8/8
04:34.31SP|Sorrenit makes me very angry.
04:34.55ShadowdFirst 3 nef kills were something like warlock/druid, druid/druid, priest/priest
04:35.58Temok wth
04:36.02Shadowdor no, it was like druid/priest
04:36.19TemFailed setting key: The operation completed successfully.
04:37.01TemWHICH IS IS!?
04:37.01SP|Sorrenthe game doesn't even know.
04:37.01ShadowdMaybe the key was was "The operation completed succesfully."
04:37.01SP|Sorrenits mad at you for constantly crashing it, so now its trying to crash you!
04:37.09Temgood lord that was slow purl
04:37.20Temdid you have to compile your regex library for that one?
04:37.24Temwas it really that hard?
04:39.02ShadowdHe's probably saying we're not very interesting
04:39.17SP|Sorrenthe nerfed tuber rate makes me QQ :(
04:39.20TemI got it to work
04:39.29Temjust how I want it too
04:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:39.58EsamynnEvening all :)
04:40.10Cairennhi Esamynn
04:43.27StylpeWoWI is slow =(
04:44.18Cairennin what way? loading?
04:44.40Cairennpops right up for me
04:44.50EsamynnI'm not having a problem either
04:44.53StylpeTakes 5-6 secs for me
04:45.04Stylpemaybe even more
04:45.10Temfast for me
04:45.17EsamynnHeaven forbide, 5-6 seconds......
04:45.24Tem.780s per page
04:45.44SP|Sorrenslwo to connect for me, but my connection sucks
04:45.47Cairennthat is slow for us ... no idea why you're having the problem though Stylpe =/
04:45.58SP|Sorrenso my results aren't a proper benchmark ;)
04:46.00Esamynnit's taking me about 5 seconds to load, but i'm on a low power celeron
04:46.28Irielit takes me in the region of 7 seconds to load it too
04:46.35IrielThough it appears most of that time is images and rendering
04:46.37ShadowdOdd, only taking about 2-3 seconds for me to load my addon's page
04:46.45Irieland that stupid banner at the top
04:46.48StylpeIt sort of stops after the wowi logo is loaded, then waits for a good while. Shows Connecting to in the status bar (in FireFox)
04:47.04Irieldoubleclick is the devil for loading times
04:47.06Cairennsometimes that banner is slow, yes
04:47.26ShadowdAh yeah, the index page seems to be slow
04:47.58IrielCan we get a cookied setting to disable the scrolling OCGaming message?
04:48.14IrielOGaming, sorry
04:48.16TemIriel: just remove it
04:48.19IrielDunno where that C came in
04:48.26TemThe whole bar that is
04:48.31AstrylWell, after typing '/script FeralSkills:Show()' for the 479th time, I figured it might be a good idea to add the 8 lines of code needed to make '/fs' do it.
04:48.34IrielTem: that would require lots of effort on my part
04:48.41Temactually, very little
04:48.43AstrylAnyone know of any addons that would use /fs?
04:48.47CairennIriel: given that they own us ... =/
04:48.47Tem(assuming you use Firefox)
04:48.59Irielfull mozilla, but close enough
04:49.20Temdoes mozilla support firefox extensions?
04:49.36Temthen get greasemonkey
04:49.36CairennTem wrote a greasemonkey script
04:49.38StylpeBad joke incoming.... Cair: OWNED!
04:49.47CairennStylpe: /sigh
04:49.54TemI already wrote the greasemonkey script to make it go poof
04:50.08Cairennthey own the site - they don't own me
04:50.14Cairennno one owns me
04:50.15StylpeThat's it, I'm getting Greasemonkey =)
04:50.17AstrylThere any list of all the slash commands popular addons use anywhere?
04:50.24TainEveryone's got to pay the bills.
04:50.40ShadowdAstryl: You could check worldofwar and see if they filled in that option
04:50.53AstrylOK... gtg, thanks everyone! Later
04:51.08Kaeltenwhats the 'recommended' way to trigger a ui reload via code?
04:51.14Kaeltenisn't there a api for it?
04:51.18TainWith a stick.
04:51.22TainA pointy stick.
04:51.26Cairennastr... damn, he left, was gonna link him to this:
04:51.51Esamynnthats the one
04:51.51Kaeltenyep, duh
04:51.57Shadowd Guessing theres no better way then that
04:52.00KaeltenI'm stupid now.
04:52.02Esamynn~lart Kaelten
04:52.09StylpeSo Tem, where do you have that script?
04:52.13Kaeltennoooo! I need mojo
04:52.16Temyeah looking for it now
04:53.01TainYou should have DevTools installed anyway, so it's /reload
04:53.31Temoh wait
04:53.33Temthat's a bad script
04:53.39Esamynngood point Tain ;)
04:53.41Temit breaks the screenshot page
04:53.43Temone sec
04:54.31Esamynnhey Iriel, I have some new features for DevTools that I've been testing for a while now, I'll try to remember to send them to you in case you want to added them to the official version :)
04:54.58IrielEsamynn Please do --
04:54.59CairennTem: that link is to your post on the Ace forums re it
04:55.19IrielHm, Greasemonkey appears to not be supported for my platform
04:55.39TemCairenn: it doesn't have the improvements I made to it locally
04:55.53EsamynnIriel: basically its code to change the output chat frame, as well as code to allow you to monitor events (including their arguments, if any)
04:56.10IrielI have some event monitoring code I've been toying with adding also
04:56.10Esamynnmake that, to allow the user to change the output frame
04:56.43Esamynnbeen meaning to add in a command to check the current registered events before I sent it to you
04:58.55StylpeThank you, Tem
04:59.06Temthat one is ugly
04:59.54Tem(really the same but for some reason I didn't think I could use the "var somevariable = somevalue" construct
05:01.05StylpeSo um, how do I use it? =P
05:01.31StylpeOh nvm, I hadn't restarted ff =P
05:01.37EsamynnIriel: the other idea I had was a text box, with history, that you could type Lua code into directly, with a button to execute it, but I haven't had a chance to work on the idea yet
05:02.07IrielI actually started a project for that in my svn repository, DevConsole, but never did anything with it 8-)
05:08.40Esamynnyou had to share didn't you
05:08.42Temcan someone shoot me please
05:08.45EsamynnI was avoiding that thread
05:09.33MaldiviaIt's.... cute...
05:09.36Maldiviatoo cute
05:10.07Cairennhey, listen, I'm a girl, I like cute.  I do cute.  That ... is .... ummm, yeah
05:10.30Esamynnhmm, I just noticed, the "Common 1.9 UI problems + solutions" thread has been cut adrift finally
05:10.39TainThe goggles!  They do nothing!
05:10.41Maldiviahey, liste, I'm a guy, I like... ehh, nevermind... *whistle*
05:10.44Irielyeah, slouken unstuck it
05:10.44Cairennthen again, different strokes for different folks and all ...
05:11.13IrielI'm curious to know how many of these 'everything broke with 1.9.3' things are user error
05:11.16Esamynnits definately waaaaay too something
05:11.29StylpeHmm, it didn't work, Tem
05:11.48EsamynnIriel:probably about 99.9%
05:11.48MaldiviaIriel: 99% can be answered with: Check "load out of date" addons
05:11.56Temwell it works for me
05:12.57StylpeThere's not some secret button I have to push?
05:13.21Temmaybe it's broken on my end too
05:13.25Temlemme restart FF
05:13.32EsamynnTem: What do I do with that script you posted, I know absolutely nothing about the ins and outs of FF
05:13.46Temnope still works for me
05:13.58TemEsamynn: you need to get greasemonkey
05:14.16Esamynnahh, <bangs heads>, duh
05:14.24TemAnd I've updated the script at
05:14.34Temso once you have it installed all you need do is follow that link
05:14.42Temand greasemonkey will ask you to install it
05:15.09Esamynnthat link is a "good" script now? ;)
05:15.28Temthe old version just killed the first table on the page
05:15.49Temwhich is fine on every sub page of wowi /except/ the manage screenshots page
05:16.13Cairennoh, I remember that ...
05:16.14Temso I added a check to make sure that it's actually killing the OGBar instead of just any table
05:16.45Esamynndang, I bet Chatzilla counts as FF being still open
05:17.22Temyeah, it probably does
05:17.38Esamynnyep, it does, oh well, brb
05:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
05:19.47Esamynnworks like a charm, thanks Tem
05:20.28Esamynnok, anyone care to play spot the bug (if there is one, not sure) ?
05:21.02Temwhat's the issue? I might be able to help
05:22.17EsamynnI wrote a simple addon for a tank in my guild who tends to forget to cancel salvation, but he reported that it somehow managed to cancel some potions buffs (namely a Flask of the Titans), but I haven't been able to spot anythign in my code that might do that, the relevent section is here:
05:22.48IrielDid you mix UnitBuff and PlayerBuff?
05:23.25IrielHm, nope 8-)
05:23.28TemEsamynn: I think there's actually a mod out ther that does that
05:23.34Temunless that's your mod
05:23.54Esamynnif you mean one on WoWI, thats probably mine
05:24.26IrielThat looks fine to me
05:25.59TemI don't see anything either
05:26.03StylpeIs the Greasemonkey script supposed to work immediately when the page starts loading, or after it's completely loaded?
05:26.11Esamynnhmm, I guess I'll have to either try to get more details and try to reproduce it myself, or just have him try it again, could be user error
05:26.28Esamynnseems to run after its loaded Stylpe
05:26.37TemStylpe: after it's loaded
05:26.38StylpeBah, well, that's no good then
05:26.44Temwhy's that?
05:26.52Esamynnpicky picky
05:26.59StylpeI guess it IS working =P but it's not fixing my real problem
05:27.09Temif I could run as the page loads I totally would
05:27.10Esamynnahh, the slow load time?
05:27.19Guillotineback. omg. absolutley scares me
05:27.27futr-sleepis the  event fired for an addon even if it doesn't have a SavedVariables type entry?
05:27.27Temyou think the slow load is caused by the bar?
05:27.35Temfutr-sleep: yes
05:27.45EsamynnGuillotine, thats old news :P
05:27.45futr-sleepVARIABLES_LOADED ;']
05:27.48TemStylpe: because if that's your issue, then no script will fix it
05:27.57AmerzelIs there anyway to hide the Target of Target window if your targeting yourself?  (Using Discord Unit Frames)
05:28.23Amerzelother than "Hide Target of Target when Soloing"
05:28.42GuillotineAmerzel: Use the scripting part
05:28.46futr-sleepif UnitIsUnit(targettarget, player) then...
05:28.57futr-sleepwith quotes..
05:29.29AmerzelWhere would you do that?
05:29.57futr-sleepin the scripting part... would have to be in DAB or Dart
05:30.37AmerzelOkay thanks.
05:30.50StylpeActually, it's closer to 10 seconds per page...
05:31.24EsamynnRun, it's the futrtrubl
05:31.52Esamynnwhere did you get that nickname anyways?
05:33.36Temfuture trouble
05:33.38futrtrubllong time ago, must have been 12 years ago, there was a dancehall artist down here called Future Trouble, I leetified the name (was during my script kiddie days)
05:34.36Esamynnnow I see it
05:34.43futrtrublat least I dumped the odd capitals
05:35.23futrtrublCairenn, not everyone is blessed with brains AND looks like yourself ;']
05:35.43EsamynnI do everthing I can to avoid learning leet Cair
05:36.24Cairennthat isn't even l337, though
05:36.32futrtrublCairenn: your point? ;']
05:36.49Esamynnsuck up! :P
05:37.54Cairennand Esamynn, it's actually rather scary (in fact, downright terrifying and appalling) just how well I read leet ... I can't type it to save my life, but I can read it just fine .. waaaaay too many years in this environment
05:37.55Esamynn~lart futrtrubl
05:38.29futrtrublcopy/paste ftw smack uside the head
05:38.52CairennI can read it almost as fast as proper English, I barely need to slow down to "translate"
05:39.20EsamynnCairenn, I've been being exposed to it for 6 years now, and I have yet to learn any of it except for the most basic, unavoidable phrases
05:39.39futrtrubl~leet futRtrubL
05:39.43Esamynnbut I will admit, it has taken a strong act of will on my part
05:40.06Esamynn~cheeseslap futrtrubl
05:40.08purlACTION slaps futrtrubl around with a slice of emmenthaler
05:40.08futrtrublwhat's purls leet meter for nicks?
05:41.45Esamynn~emulate futrtrubl
05:42.52Esamynnfutrtrubl, you might want to program something into that one, before I come up with something ;)
05:43.15futrtrublit was.....
05:43.50futrtrublpurl emulate futrtrubl is <reply> What does my name mean anyways?
05:43.52purlokay, futrtrubl
05:46.55futrtrublEsamynn what would you put as my emulate out of curiosity?
05:47.17Esamynnno clue
05:47.35Esamynnbut I would have racked my brain until I came up with something ;)
05:48.02futrtrublif you think of something better please give it to purl ;']
05:48.30Esamynnhehe, sure thing
05:50.51Cairennanyone know off the top of their head where FF stores cookies?
05:52.31Cairennsame as IE? "documents & settings > name > cookies" ?
05:52.58futrtrublsorry, I don't know
05:54.29Esamynnhey cair, I added a new thing to purl's emulation of you, tell me if you like it
05:54.33Esamynn~emulate cair
05:54.34purlACTION purrs
05:54.49Esamynnbah, silly bot
05:54.51Esamynn~emulate cair
05:54.52purlACTION purrs
05:55.03Esamynn~emulate cair
05:55.04purlACTION purrs
05:55.15Esamynnstubborn bot
05:55.23Esamynn~emulate cair
05:55.25purlACTION begins casting New awesome Site Feature on WoWInterface
05:55.30Esamynnthere we go
05:56.30MaldiviaI hate mage calls at Nef...
06:00.23Wobin_What does he do to mages?
06:00.25Esamynnare you a Mage Maldivia?
06:00.35MaldiviaEsamynn: yes
06:00.40Esamynnthe MAges randomly polymorph ppl in the raid
06:01.05MaldiviaI just polymorphed the MT, Nef turned and shadow flamed the majority of the raid :|
06:01.12EsamynnMUCH neater than the boring normal polymorph though, I've seen cows, giraffes, snakes.....
06:01.28EsamynnBad Mage!
06:01.36Wobin_What does he do to priests?
06:01.50Maldiviainstead of healing, you add a damage debuff
06:01.59Esamynnany time Priest casts a direct healing spell the target gets a stackable DOT
06:02.08Esamynnkeyword, STACKABLE!
06:02.27Esamynnand it starts at something like 100 to 200 every 3 seconds
06:03.14EsamynnWhat class are you Wobin?
06:03.15MaldiviaCorrupted Healing: Deals 175 to 225 damage every 1 sec.
06:03.15Wobin_There's no such thing as an indirect healing spell, is there?
06:03.19Maldiviaand it stacks :)
06:03.34Wobin_Well, my current 60 is a hunter
06:03.34Maldiviais POF direct?
06:03.36Esamynneww, worse than I thought
06:03.39Wobin_but I'm leveling a priest up
06:03.46EsamynnI think so Maldivia
06:03.59EsamynnI think only PW:S and Renew are safe
06:04.08Wobin_Tough to maintain...
06:04.11Shadowdyeah they are
06:04.19Esamynnheh, Hunter call is nasty if you get hit by it Wobin
06:04.21Wobin_thank god for improved PWS =)
06:04.28Wobin_Yeah, I've heard =) *SNAP*
06:04.42ShadowdThats why you bring 10 grey bows!
06:04.47Kaeltennight guys see you all later
06:04.51Maldiviahow much a durability hit does it take?
06:04.52Wobin_night Kael
06:04.55EsamynnI just get turned into a cat, I hate it when it happens and I'm near full mana
06:05.03Wobin_It breaks the weapon
06:05.27MaldiviaOK - din't know it was 100% - the yell he makes just says damaged
06:05.28*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (
06:05.39Esamynnyep, that Rok'dalar the hunter was using, 0/100 or whatever durability, no matter where it was at
06:05.53ShadowdThe go make a sandwich call is still the best one
06:06.12Esamynnoh yah ;)
06:06.23Esamynnunless the MT is quick
06:06.42Esamynnanyone know what the Shaman one is?
06:06.46ShadowdThey randomly drop totems
06:06.55Maldiviatotems, that buffs Nef
06:06.58Esamynnthat do what?
06:07.07Esamynnwhat sort of buffs?
06:07.12MaldiviaWindfury totem for instance
06:07.15Maldiviahealing stream totem
06:07.27Maldiviathe fire nova totem (damages the raid)
06:07.31Maldiviacant remember the lasty
06:07.39Maldiviaand all totems uses mana from the shaman to cast
06:08.06Maldiviaso basically, shaman call = shaman looses most of his mana
06:08.12Cairennokay guys, this is SO weird, I do NOT get this, at all .... using Firefox, I can hit the Blizz (North America) main site, I can hit the Blizz (Europe) main site, I can hit the Blizz (Europe) forums, but I can *not* connect to the Blizz (NA) forums ... Using IE, I can hit the Blizz (NA) forums ...
06:08.16Wobin_Iceblock can stop the mage class call
06:08.44Maldiviayeah, but both Ice Block and Cold Snap was on cooldown on the 3rd mage call :|
06:08.45ShadowdPeople always argue which is worst, Paladin or Shaman call though
06:08.56ShadowdGetting Mage call during stage 2 is always fun too
06:08.56MaldiviaPaladin call is nice :)
06:09.05Wobin_Pally is pretty bad for them =)
06:09.22ShadowdIt's really not that bad, the shaman is worst since they lose mana
06:09.24MaldiviaOhh, nef is up again...
06:09.34ShadowdYou can still gain CP ( as a rogue ) and Feint
06:09.38Esamynnhas your guild downed him before Mal?
06:09.42ShadowdAnd build rage
06:09.52Maldiviasince mid-november
06:10.42EsamynnWe downed him mid January for the first time, was our 2nd night of try too :)
06:11.48Esamynnalthough I will admit that our MT having gotten Thuderfury like a week before hand probably helped ;)
06:11.54futrtrublCairenn, strange, I have no problems with the NA forums and FF
06:14.16ShadowdBaaaahhh. Damn deserter debuff
06:14.58ShadowdAnyone know what file the Warsong Gulch score is at? The one that displays on the top middle of your screen with score and if someone has the flag.
06:15.10Esamynnhmm, the War Effort Rankings page is broken, it says Dragonblight got the supplies done on the 6th, but we weren't done until early this morning
06:16.27Esamynnwell anyways, time for me to turn in, night all
06:16.41ShadowdNight Esamynn
06:25.11Maldiviathere... no problems this time :)
06:25.43Maldiviabut no NW :|
06:29.26futrtrublTitans coding confuses me
06:32.28CodayusIf Titan's coding doesn't confuse you, I'd worry.  :-P
06:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
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06:44.39TemWasn't there a version of GetCursorPosition that returned the coords from some point on a given frame?
06:44.56IrielI believe there's a UIParent utility method that figures it out
06:45.15IrielThough I dotn remember if it's externally visible, or part of another method.
06:45.19IrielOr if I just imagined it 8-)
06:45.29TemI could swear there was one
06:45.46Tembut I didn't think to look there
06:49.59Temoh that's always a good comment to find
06:49.59Tem"Hack to fix a symptom not the real issue"
06:51.01krkai have those all over in my code!
06:51.09Temyeah well it's in UIParent
06:52.27Temmeh, nothing there
06:52.37Tembut MouseIsOver gives me enough info to write my own
06:57.08Temman what's the deal!
06:57.13TemI just can't stay connected
07:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
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07:08.09*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
07:08.42Temgah! again
07:14.07zeegi got 8 so far
07:15.02zeegwewt 9 :P
07:16.29zeegoo 10!
07:17.52futrtrublmy spelling is so bad I couldn't get them if I knew them ;']
07:18.50zeeggot 14 ><
07:18.51zeeg5 more! hah
07:20.01zeeg32 should be 1000 years in a millenium, it has to be
07:20.27futrtrublyards in a mile? that can't be right
07:20.52zeegidk what else it could be
07:23.19Shadowdaw, the SHA1 the results so you can't cheat by checking the scripts2.js file
07:23.42zeegok w/e i got 20 without thato ne
07:23.53zeegbut it should be 1000 years in a millenium i think
07:24.06zeegzzz time
07:24.30zeegzzz time
07:26.41futrtrublg'night all
07:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:35.29Kalrothzeeg mispelt millennium :p
07:46.39Cairennyup, he did
07:47.47KalrothCORRECT ANSWERS:  32 / 33
07:47.51Kalrothhooray, I'm a winner
07:48.05ElkanoCairenn, is the author's portal's FAQ broken?
07:48.16KalrothI didn't break it!
07:48.21ElkanoParse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ']' in /home/wowinter/public_html/portal_admin.php(510) : eval()'d code on line 1
07:48.21ElkanoWarning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wowinter/public_html/portal_admin.php on line 514
07:49.30CairennElkano: post it on the thread:
07:50.14Cairennand I'm out, need sleep
07:50.16Cairennnight folks
08:00.32Endso...does anyone know what GetWorldLocMapPosition() does? not only does wowwiki not have documentation about it, but it doesn't seem to appear in any of the actual blizzard code either.
08:01.17IrielGetWorldLocMapPosition (continent, x, y) - API function (function: 084448F8)
08:01.23IrielThat's as much information as I have
08:01.31Endyeah, I know what the args are
08:01.38Endand it seems to return two numbers
08:01.48Endbut I can't figure out its actual use
08:01.49IrielI'm assumingyou give it a continent , and the x and y positions from a continent map
08:01.57Irieland it gives you the corresponding world map location
08:02.08Endhmm, well, I'll try more specific x, y positions I guess
08:02.20IrielSo you can track world map coords without screwing around constantly with the current map
08:02.20Irieltry x and y between 0 and 1
08:03.31Endwell, it returned someone different now
08:03.54krkaGetWorldLocMapPosition? is that something new?
08:03.57IrielIn theory you should be able to test my hypothesis relatively easily if you flip your current map around
08:04.00IrielI believe it is
08:04.08IrielI haven't done my usual API diff yet for 1.9.3
08:04.24IrielIt was there with 1.9.0
08:04.31krkaseems to do what MapLibrary already does
08:04.38IrielAnd 1.8.4
08:04.45krkabut more efficient i suppose
08:04.48IrielAnd 1.7.0
08:04.53IrielI guess it's been around for a while
08:05.13krkablizzard must really hate me :P
08:05.18IrielMore or less forever, in fact
08:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
08:05.40krkadoesn't take unit as argument though?
08:05.44Endwell, I just found it strange a grep didn't find any matches
08:05.45IrielNo, it's player
08:05.49IrielJust like the other ones
08:05.52krkadoh never mind
08:05.56krkayou give the x, y yourself
08:05.59krkawhat was i thinking
08:06.01Endno, GetPlayerMapPosition takes unit
08:06.04IrielThere's a whole bunch of API functions which blizzard dont use
08:06.14IrielSorry, no, not player, you're right.. coords
08:06.24IrielIt's there as far back as I have records for by the way
08:06.49krkadont have wow running atm, anyone can test if it gives the same results as maplibrary?
08:06.54Endand yes, it takes coords...seems to convert from continent coords to completely zoomed out coords
08:07.19EndI think
08:07.20krkaanyone know if it can go the other way too?
08:08.15ShadowdYou don't have to be completely zoomed out, it still seems to return something if you're just viewing your current continent returns something different from completetly zoomed out though
08:08.23IrielI doubt it, but you could write that
08:08.26krkaoh well, not really sure if this provides anything that maplibrary cant do
08:08.28IrielSince the translation is largely linear
08:08.39krkaunless this works in Battlegrounds too
08:08.40IrielProbably not, but who wants to install a dependency
08:09.06krkawho doesn't?!?
08:09.19IrielI dont particularly like them
08:09.32ShadowdWhat would you need GetWorldLocMapPosition for inside battlegrounds?
08:09.51krkawould make things easier for me :P
08:10.03ShadowdDoesn't GetPlayerMapPosition() work inside battlegrounds?
08:10.14krkai could calibrate battleground maps automatically then
08:10.18krkayes it does
08:10.38ShadowdIf you give me the command you want to test to see if it works I can run it in about 30 minutes
08:11.42Elkanooh, lua doesn't know ++? :(
08:11.49krkai suppose might aswell do it myself
08:11.55krkasince you'd need maplibrary to test it
08:12.22ShadowdWell it's not like I have much else to do at the moment, you have a link to it? :p
08:12.40EndGetPlayerMapPosition() should work in returns the coordinates in the -currently- set map...and it works because battlegrounds are mapped and should normally that's the map you should be set to
08:12.42krkaooh... i could use this to calibrate maplibrary on startup instead of using any onupdate
08:13.47krkathe problem is this: for me to figure out the size of a map, i either need to configure it manually by blinking and measuring distance or comparing two points in world map and current map
08:14.42Temdamnit zeeg
08:14.46krkahere it is in any case:
08:14.53TemI can't stop trying to figure these out
08:14.59TemI've got 19, but I just can't stop
08:15.35krkaGetWorldLocMapPosition just works on _continents_?
08:15.41krkanot zones?
08:15.52ShadowdThats what it looks like at least, probably wrong though
08:15.58EndI'm not sure how you'd specify a zone
08:16.27krkai mean... that sounds like kinda a useless function
08:16.31krkathere are only two continents atm
08:16.59krkais the argument a string, like "Kalimdor"?
08:17.10krka1 and 2?
08:19.06Enderm, I'm not sure
08:19.51Temcheck out the world map implementation and see how they use it
08:20.15EndTem: I grepped it, and didn't get any results. o_O
08:20.24Irielit does use continent ID's tho
08:20.41IrielI believe they're 1 and 2
08:20.47Irielin the order returned by GetMapContinents()
08:20.57Endyeah, I think so, but suddenly I can't get 2 to work
08:21.19IrielWell, does it map to the CURRENT world map?
08:21.22IrielOr to the fully zoomed out one?
08:21.31IrielI.e. , if you change which map is your current one does the output work?
08:21.49IrielBecause it may return nil if you ask it to do an invalid continent conversion
08:22.58Temlol this one is awesome
08:23.10Tem3 B M (S H T R)
08:24.04Endwell, changing the map seems to alter the results
08:25.14krkacould it be that it translates x, y of the current zone to either the continent zoom (1, 2) or world zoom (0 or nil)?
08:25.30IrielWorth a try, 0/nil would be handy
08:25.50krkahow did you figure out the arguments for it btw?
08:26.09IrielIt's in the exe
08:26.22IrielThere are usage strings for many things in there
08:26.25TemI don't quite understand that
08:26.29IrielI dunno, I just do 'strings - WoW.exe'
08:26.39Irieland look for what looks like a usage string
08:26.53IrielPresumably if you call it with no args it gives you an error with the usage in it
08:27.18Iriel(Well, i've advanced a bit since ME doing that command, perl does it for me and filters the results)
08:29.35Endstrings WoW.exe | grep Usage:
08:29.45Endthat's a good start for filtering for me :P
08:30.33Kalrothida.exe wow.exe - wait 30-45 minutes - all args available :P
08:30.48Endunfortunately that doesn't help with OO I see stuff like Usage: SetGradient("orientation", minR, minG, minB, maxR, maxG, maxB) with no idea what it applies to
08:31.04Endwell, except, I do know because I know about that function already
08:31.06IrielWell, thankfully I take care of all that
08:31.12Irielthrough painful trial and error
08:31.15Iriel(for the most part)
08:31.34IrielI created that page yesterday by the way
08:31.39Irielfor anyone who might find it useful
08:32.01Endit is a start :P
08:33.06EndWas this thru trial and error as well to find out which frames they apply to?
08:33.25IrielNo, I asked the game
08:33.30IrielHasScript for the win
08:33.42Endahhh I forgot about that one
08:33.49IrielThough it'll be wrong if two frames have the same GetFrameType() result, but different handlers
08:38.34sarf|stuffSleep well, End!
08:40.00IrielSleepytime for me also
08:42.35sarf|stuffNight, Iriel :)
08:42.48sarf|stuff(quarter to ten in the morning for me ^^ )
08:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
09:00.24krkawhere is stone of west binding? :/
09:01.08ShadowdFor what quest?
09:01.27krkastones of binding
09:01.39krkadoes the place depend on what quest it is? :)
09:02.03ShadowdNo, just making sure it's the right location, try 25.50 it's guarded by a bunch of fire elementals
09:03.53Kalrothkrka is on the warrior quest!
09:03.59Kalrothyou go, girl!
09:04.01ShadowdThats a fun one!
09:04.11ShadowdAre you doing it at level 30 like all the other crazy Warriors?
09:04.32Kalrothoh wait, he said stones of binding >< it's just to gank elementals, not the warrior quest :(
09:04.42krkano, it's not a warrior quest
09:04.59ShadowdIt's the princess quest chain isn't it?
09:05.00krkaand 25,50 is kinda empty
09:05.04krkathat's just outside stromgarde
09:05.06Shadowd25.30 sorry
09:05.24krkainside stromgarde? :/
09:05.30krkano wait
09:05.31krkaother way
09:05.49ShadowdNo it should be just to the right of the wall on the west side, a bit more towards the top
09:06.01ShadowdJust keep running along the wall until you see a bunch of red guys :p
09:06.51krkafound it thanks!
09:09.06krkadamn it, my fireballs seem to not work on those burning guys
09:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
09:09.24krkamaybe i should have bought some frost skills too
09:09.58ShadowdYou could IAE them to death
09:10.22sarf|stuffBut only if he has that skill ^^
09:10.46sarf|stuffThe new one is better. :)
09:11.31krkaok so i was only kinda kidding :P
09:12.24krkai may be an idiot but i am not stupid!
09:12.38ShadowdAlright, well looks like PVP has died so time to go to sleep.
09:16.14Kalrothkrka: No comment!
10:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
11:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
11:14.36krkabest way to Swamp of Sorrows as horde? STV, Duskwood, deadwind?
11:28.32krkadamn it, managed to arrange a RFD group... after about an hour we are all inside RFD
11:28.44krkathen we wipe on the second room because the idiot tank aggro EVERYONE
11:34.37id`use vent and people you know
11:34.41id`so you can scream at em
11:34.54krkai dont know people :/
11:35.24id`go with the guild?
11:35.29id`i like being in a pre-build
11:35.38id`im in Legion of the BlackHand
11:35.45id`pre-guild for Band of the BlackHand
11:35.50id`all people my own level so we go raid
11:35.56id`and have a vent server, etc
11:37.41krkanot in a guild
11:38.18id`why not?
11:38.30id`i usually go for the looney type guild
11:38.33id`fun people
11:38.42id`dont care much for doze epiczz
11:38.59id`if someone screams ALL SLEEP i do /sleep and i have fun.
11:39.02krkatoo much work to handle people
11:39.15id`you dont have to, just be a mamber
11:41.03id`member, even
11:44.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
12:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Mana (n=Kirkburn@
12:27.13Kirkburn|BuffedI got censored on worldofwar :s
12:28.01Kirkburn|BuffedI linked to the wdn.wowi page on the shoutbox, but it has mysteriously disappeared
12:28.22Kirkburn|BuffedHowever, comments such as 'This is not search' and 'poop' stay ...
12:33.46Kalrothpoop is important though
12:44.09id`yes, 5.5 million people need to be reminded to poop every day
12:44.38Kalrothwell I sometime forget
13:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain_ (
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13:25.43Kirkburn|BuffedSuch timing, the day after I replace Cosmos MobHealth with MobInfo2, it gets replaced in the Cosmos alpha :D
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14:12.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn|sleep] by ChanServ
14:12.56id`hi Cairenn
14:23.35Elkanogood ~morning :)
14:25.17Cairennhey Elkano
14:25.42Cairenndolby fixed the bug report you had
14:30.13ElkanoI know :)
14:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
14:37.40Wobin_new laptop
14:37.42Wobin_finally =P
14:47.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
14:47.06id`yay Wobin_
14:47.09id`we want specs
14:47.16id`(i have a laptop too)
14:47.29Wobin_Oh, it's the same laptop
14:47.33Wobin_Just a replacement =)
14:47.40Wobin_Thinkpad G41
14:48.57id`lol ok
14:49.03id`i have an inspiron 8600
14:52.45MentalPowerMorning folks
14:53.03Cairennhey MentalPower
14:53.17MentalPowerhey Cair!
14:53.53Wobin_Now lets see if all this stuff works with direct copying over to the new laptop =P
15:00.10Wobin_I saw a flash of "non personal system" or somesuch when logging in... then "downloading"....
15:00.16Wobin_the hell?
15:02.44MentalPowerthat's been there since the 1.9 PTR
15:03.27Wobin_I must be really unobservant =)
15:05.24MentalPowerFull text is "Submitting non-personal system information"
15:06.27purl:), MentalPower
15:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge moonwolf__ (
15:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
15:20.07[MoonWolf]"every time chuck norris tells a lie is noes grows, by nose i mean p*nis and by lie i mean roundhouse a child in the face"
15:21.42Wobin_So Mr Norris gets a hardon when roundhousing children
15:21.57Ktron|afk'Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.' 'There is no chin behind Chuck Norris's beard-- only another fist.' 'Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.
15:23.39MaldiviaKtron: hmm, did he start at zero or minus infinity?
15:24.07KtronI don't know, but it doesn't matter, he'd count just as many numbers
15:24.20krkamaybe he started at infinity / 2!
15:24.34[MoonWolf]maybe he calculated 0 / infinity
15:24.42KtronStill, just as many numbers... mmmm cardinality
15:24.44krkauhm... that's easy
15:24.46krkai can do that
15:24.56[MoonWolf]please do.
15:25.01krka0 / infinity = 0
15:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Sokol9 (
15:25.51KtronIt depends what you mean by 'infinity' and what you mean by '0'
15:26.14krkaand what i mean by divide and equals?
15:26.38krkathe commonly accepted definitions from calculus will do fine
15:26.53Ktronkrka could be right, but in some sense, 0/infinity should be... err, more zero than zero
15:27.19Ktrondivide and = I assume are fine to use the regular complex number sense of them
15:28.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
15:29.05krkamore zero than zero?
15:29.07Ktronbasically it depends what you define 0*infinity to be
15:30.03krkano it doesn't
15:30.33Ktronkrka; yeah it does, if 0*infinity = 1, then 0/infinity can't = 0
15:30.36krkaregardless of how you evaluate 0 / infinity, you'd get 0
15:30.54krkahow do you figure?
15:31.09krka0*infinity = 1 just implies that 1/infinity = 0
15:31.24Ktronif 0/infinity = 0, then 0 = infinity*0
15:31.44Ktronand so it depends on your definitions
15:31.50krkayes, it is infinity * 0 that is undefined
15:31.56krka0 / infinity is fine
15:32.34krkalearn 2 math!
15:32.47KtronI'm a math major
15:33.04krkalim x -> 0  of x / (1/x) = 0
15:33.08Maldiviainfinity / infinity = ?
15:33.17krkathat's also undefined
15:33.38Ktronkrka; they depend on your definitions
15:33.40krkabig * small, small / small, big / big, those are the problematic ones
15:33.50Ktronlim x -> inf of x/x = 1
15:34.03krkathat's not the same thing as 0/infinity
15:34.13Ktronlim x -> 0 of x * 1/x = 1
15:34.32Ktronthe first one was inf/inf, the second was 0*inf
15:34.33krkaagain, not the same thing as 0/infinity
15:34.39Eraphine|Labinf/inf = 1
15:35.17krkanot rly
15:35.33MaldiviaN / infinity = 0?
15:35.43Ktronjust by alegra, 0/inf = x, x*inf = 0, x must be 0/inf... no way to solve it
15:36.09krkayes maldivida
15:36.14KtronAll this is only true in the limiting sense of x and inf of course, so don't get any funnny ideas anyone else ;)
15:36.36Ktron**algebra, not alegra
15:36.38krka0/inf = x, x*inf = 0, so x MUST be 0
15:36.51[MoonWolf]great, i make a joke and people go and discuss mathematical problems involving 0 and infinity
15:36.55Ktronbut 0*inf is undefined, and sometimes one
15:37.02krkayes, 0 * inf can be 0 sometimes
15:37.05Ktronand zero is clearly not undefined
15:37.26krkait's the algebraic manipulation that's not quite legal for infinity
15:37.39Ktronalgebraic manipulation is entirely legal
15:38.27Ktronbasically, the correct answer, is that 0/inf, inf/inf, 0/0, inf*0 and so on are all undefined
15:38.32krkawhen I say that 0/inf = 0, that means that for any function f and g, such at that f -> 0 when x -> 0 and g -> infinity when x -> 0 then lim x->0 f(x)/g(x) = 0
15:38.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:38.45wereHamster./join #math ?
15:39.17Ktronkrka; I see what the real problem is here-- we have 2 different zeroes floating around
15:39.33Ktronkrka; usually, but not always
15:39.49krkaso you can find f and g such that that does not equal 0?
15:40.07krkado go on
15:41.06KtronI believe for real numbers it will always be true
15:41.39krkaas opposed to?
15:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:42.03Ktronno, I suppose that 0/inf is 0... As opposed to a lot, but most of it is irrelevant
15:42.22KtronThe problem is the first 0 != the second 0
15:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
15:43.07krkawhat do you mean?
15:43.16MaldiviaI have 0 apples, I have to divide them an infinete number of persones, how many apples do they each get: zero
15:43.17MentalPowergreat, forums are down
15:43.25krkaexactly Maldivia
15:44.01Ktronkrka; yeah, I concede that... I just was getting stuck on the fact that the first 0 doesn't equal the second 0
15:44.26krkawhat do you mean by that?
15:45.55Ktronsay... lim x-->inf of (1/x)/x = 1/x^2, which will be 'more zero' then 1/x
15:46.19Ktroncall the first 0a and the second 0b
15:46.42Ktron0b / 0a = 0. 0a / 0b = inf.
15:46.46Ktronthat sort of stuff.
15:47.04krkamore zero?
15:47.28krkaconverges faster yeah
15:47.34Ktron'more zero' would be better said 'becomes zero more quickly'
15:48.07krkaafter we escape the "approach", both reduces to 0 in any case :P
15:48.14Maldiviawell, it might become zero faster, but it's still the "same zero" it ends up at
15:48.34KtronI don't think you could have a situation where 0b wasn't converging faster than 0a with that statement, so at first I was assuming the zeroes were the same, and that wasd wrong
15:48.49KtronMaldivia; there's not 'ending up at'though
15:49.06Maldiviayeah, ok
15:49.22Ktrons/not 'ending up at'though/no 'ending up at' though/
15:49.38krkathere's not?
15:49.45krkaisn't that the whole point of calculus?
15:49.52Maldiviait's a limit, not a finite result
15:49.57Ktronkrka; things never actually become their limits
15:50.06krkawhen you derive x^2, you say it's 2x, not "close to" 2x
15:50.44krkano, expressions and values don't "become" anything, they just are
15:50.45Ktronkrka; it would be more correct to say 'the derivative of x^2 is infinitely close to 2x'
15:51.11krkai disagree
15:52.02Ktronkrka; give me grounds for why what I say is wrong-- the definition itself says that we're talking about limits, and limits imply 'infinitely close to'
15:52.43Ktronfor example, the lim x--inf of 1/x    is not the same as regular 0. regular 0 * anything is always 0.
15:52.53Ktronand regular zero has no inverse.
15:54.23Maldivia1/x never reaches zero, but 0.00[insert 1 billion trillion whatever zeros]0001
15:54.53Maldiviabut it gets infinatly close to zero
15:55.08Ktronand that's true for all limits, even things like d( x^2 ,x) = 2x
15:57.03krkathe point of calculus is that we _can_ say that d(x^2, x) = 2x
15:57.53krkaonce you evaluate a limit you get a plain and regular answer
15:57.58krkanot something that is close to something
15:58.10Maldiviayes... and the result will be more accurate than any computer today or on the next 100 years can calculate
15:58.34krka(lim x->+inf 1/x) ==== 0
15:59.02Maldiviayes, but you can't use that "0" for anything else really
15:59.13krkaa 0 is a 0
16:01.07Maldiviaso what you're saying is, (lim x->+inf 1/x) ==== (lim x->-inf 1/x)
16:01.43Ktronkrka; most definitely not
16:02.01Maldivia+0 != -0
16:02.04Ktronregular 0 * any function is a zero function, even at infinite
16:02.16Ktronlimits are _not_ that perfect
16:02.22krkayes they are
16:02.28Ktronthey are infinitely close, which are clsoe enough for everything else
16:03.10krkaso, how would you tell the difference between +0 and -0 Maldivia?
16:03.20krkaif i gave you two zeros
16:03.24Ktronkrka; I'm in my 3rd years of mathematics at the college level, and I started a full year ahead in the program... I am less than 5 courses away from having a degree at mathematics, and everything I've been taught says that this is different.
16:03.27Maldivia+0 > -0
16:03.47Ktronkrka; +0, depending on your definition, * some notion of inf, would get you a positive
16:03.56Ktron-0 would get you a negative
16:04.03Ktronie... they can't be the same
16:04.07krkano, 0 * infinity = 0
16:04.22Maldiviaif x == y, than x*z == y*z
16:04.42Ktronkrka; 0 * infinity is most definitely undefined for the limiting versions of 0
16:04.53krkaactually, you can't really use infinity like that
16:05.16krkaclosest thing would be: lim h ->+inf (0 * h) = 0
16:05.19KtronExactly, I know, you have to define them in terms of what functions you are limiting
16:05.36Ktronand if you not using a limit for 0, that's true
16:05.44Ktronif you use a limit for 0, it isn't always true
16:05.48krkaand i wasn't in this case
16:05.57Ktrontherefore, there is a detectable different between 0 and a limit 0
16:06.10Ktronwhich means they can't be exactly the same
16:06.28krkawhat is a limit zero?
16:06.52Ktronsome function whose limit is 0
16:06.53krkaare you saying that this is wrong? lim h ->+inf ((lim k -> 0 (k)) * h) = 0
16:07.20krkawell yeah, a function isn't a zero
16:07.56Ktronkrka; your definition in that problem is not explicit enough to determine whether its 0 or not
16:08.10krkayes it is
16:08.16krkathe inner lim is evaluated first
16:08.31Ktronkrka; you don't know what you're talking about
16:08.41Ktronyou need a statement that relates k and h
16:09.21krkanote that i didn't say lim h->+inf, k->0 (k * h)
16:09.23Maldivialim k -> 0... <-- meaning k will NEVER reach 0, only infinatly close to 0
16:09.53Ktronkrka; if I added the equation k = 1/h, then you could drop the inner limit and you would be wrong
16:10.13Ktronbecause I can add information to make it wrong, you obviously don't have enough information to begin with
16:10.14krkawell, that's a whole other expression
16:10.33krkathat's not adding information, that's replacing information
16:11.56KtronFirst of all, its not an expression its a statement. Second, its not replacing because you are only evaluating an expression not offering an statement that could even be contradicted
16:14.07krkaif the function is defined at the point specified by the limit, then the evaluation of the limit is exact:
16:14.20krkaso, (lim h->0 h) = 0
16:15.08Ktronkrka; because you are taking limits of things at infinity, IT is not defined, so it does not work like that
16:15.25Ktronjust like derivatives don't get you exact answers because you aren't taking the limit at a defined point
16:15.25krkah -> 0 is not at infinity
16:16.15Maldiviayou still need to define your function, to see if it's valid at your limit
16:16.20Ktronkrka; nested limits don't let you separate like that
16:16.33krkayes, my function was the identify-function f(x) = x
16:16.34krkaf(0) = 0
16:16.44Ktronnested functions don't work like that
16:17.28krkadon't see why it wouldn't
16:18.00Maldiviasimple example, lim x->+0 (1 / x) -> +inf... that doesn't mean 1/0 == +inf
16:18.08Ktronbecause you're dealing with infinite limits, and when you nest limits with infinite limits, you need to basically 'combine' all the limits together first
16:18.17krkawho says i do?
16:18.34krkathey are clearly independent in my case
16:18.42Ktronkrka; but they aren't
16:18.44Ktronkrka; that's the point
16:18.59Ktronkrka; you need to supply information to suggest that they are or are not independent first
16:19.10krkaMaldivia, agreed. in some cases it matters from which direction you approach
16:19.12Ktronkrka; and you haven't because you only have an expression
16:19.15krkanever disagreed with that
16:19.25Ktronkrka; and expressions don't contain information
16:19.46krkawhat does it contain then?
16:19.59Eraphine|Discothey require inputs
16:20.07Ktronkrka; I think we've beaten the point into you... if you don't get it now on, I'm just going to accept that some people won't understand
16:20.11Ktronexpressions are just names
16:20.20Ktronfor example, x^2 is a expression
16:20.32krkaare you saying that a mathematical expression doesn't contain information?
16:20.36Ktronlim x-->0 of x is an expression
16:20.51Ktronkrka; mathematical statements do, expressions do not
16:20.52Maldiviakrka: take your nested limit from before, how will you visualize it, when you have a finite stop in one limit and infinite in another...
16:21.03Ktronplease note, equations are statements
16:21.13krkai think we have different definitions of information
16:22.38Ktronsome people use proposition for statement or equation, but I think after looking at the definition of expression its clear what I'm getting at
16:22.57Maldiviakrka:  lim x->+0 (1 / x) -> +inf , lim x->-0 (1 / x) -> -inf  does that mean: abs(1 / 0) == inf
16:23.10krkasince the kolmogorov complexity of expressions in general is non-zero, i'd say they contain information
16:23.47Eraphine|DiscoWhat addon is this helping?
16:23.55krkaMaldivia, no you can never divide by zero
16:24.18Maldiviakrka: but you stated ealier that the result from a limit was the result...
16:24.46Ktronkrka; I'm done
16:25.10krkayes Maldivia, but it looks like you are making conclusions that was outside of limits
16:25.18krkai.e.: abs(1 / 0) == inf
16:26.05Maldiviakrka: likewise, you were making conclusions about limits with infinite, and infinity is always outside the limit
16:27.57krkaok i think i am done too now :)
16:29.15Maldivialets just keep it to binary, then ther's 1 and 0, both very finite!
16:36.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
16:40.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
16:57.25id`EULA SCHMEULA
16:57.39id`my guildies want a wow movie player
16:59.01Maldiviamovie player!
16:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
16:59.30Maldiviahmm... have them run it in the background, and just make a square with the overlay color ?
17:00.13Maldiviafor instance, my xchat background color is the overlay color for my system :)
17:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
17:01.12Natasemok who broke the forums this time???!!
17:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge futr (
17:04.58MaldiviaHe probably need time for some coffee and breakfast, before he threw himself to the priests :)
17:06.23id`where str is an option i turn on e.g. Buttons
17:06.36id`and self.enableButtons() is a function
17:06.39id`is this possible?
17:07.41Natasemrawrrr   i am Mighty Priest Rawrrr
17:07.49Maldiviaid: should be
17:07.58id`thought so
17:08.05id`wanna use it for a universal toggle function
17:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
17:09.18AstrylMore xml questions...
17:09.25AstrylI've got a snazzy EditBox...
17:09.50Maldiviaid, you might want to do a local func = self["enable"..str]; if type(func) == "function" then func(self); end
17:10.12AstrylBut the text in it seems to start at the exact left edge of the control, so it writes over the visible background texture for the edge of the box.
17:10.25Maldiviaid, or perhaps that just the paranoid in me, that's suggestion it :)
17:10.28AstrylIs there a property on it to give it some margin?
17:10.33AstrylSo the text appears inside the box?
17:11.10id`no it was my own error
17:11.19id`i need to add correct slash command handling
17:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge futr (
17:12.47AstrylMald, know what I'm talking about?
17:13.49Maldiviathere is, yes
17:14.28AstrylAnd it is...?
17:14.34Maldiviajust a sec
17:15.04Maldivia:SetTextInsert(left, right, top, bottom)
17:15.12*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
17:15.19elemahy guys
17:15.24Maldiviacan't remeber if there's an XML "command" for it
17:15.46Maldivianot Inserts :)
17:16.38elemahow can I extract the killing blows and so. of the player in a BG?
17:16.46elemadoes it work with:
17:18.12elemafor name == GetUnitName(player) do name, killingBlows, honorKills, deaths, honorGained, faction, rank, race, class = GetBattlefieldScore(index); killingBlows = mykillsvar
17:18.51MaldiviaYou probably want something like:
17:19.30Maldiviafor i = 1, GetNumBattlefieldScores() do local name, kb = GetBattleFieldScore(index) if name == UnitName("player") then myKB = kb; return; end end
17:20.16Maldiviathen the variable myKB will contain your killing blows
17:20.55elemait will contain all returns of GetBFScore
17:21.13elemameans killingBlows, honorKills etc or?
17:21.35Maldiviain this case, just the KB count
17:22.42elemaif I wanna extract all the other things too, how do I do this ?
17:22.47Maldiviabut just use more of the return-valuse from GetBattleFieldScore
17:23.26Maldivialocal name, killingBlows, honorKills, deaths, honorGained, faction, rank, race, class = GetBattlefieldScore(i);
17:24.26elemaahh I understand
17:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
17:32.41sarf|stuffWould anyone have a test-run of my CT_RA_BossMods sarf addon? New version has more kewl features (well, one anyhow) that allows you to automatically inhibit all actions while Bloodlord Mandokir is giving you "the eye" ^^
17:35.50id`i want /idChat toggle to list the features
17:35.54id`it doesnt now and thats why i had to add an if check
17:40.36Astryllua is such a weird language... multiple return values is just an abnormal concept.
17:43.30Natasemlol sarf that would be nice ot have in some of the raid bosses.  then ya get a bunch of "wtf i can't move" yells
17:44.00sarf|stuffDoesn't prevent moving, only spellcasting/attacking/item usage
17:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:51.35AstrylOhhh, neat.
17:52.05AstrylThere's some new experimental graphics option hidden in 1.9.3, that gives 0-30% improved framerate in crowded areas (ie, IF).
17:52.20id`tell me
17:52.29id`how do i make my client uglier
17:52.43AstrylNot uglier. Zero change in graphics quality.
17:52.46AstrylJust faster.
17:52.51AstrylCompletely free performance boost.
17:52.55id`woot ;)
17:53.25Kolth`Wow, Astryl. That's od.
17:53.39AstrylIt's not completely tested internally at Blizz, so they haven't mentioned it except it one post in the mac forums.
17:53.57elemahow does getbattlefieldinstanceruntime() return the time ? in milliseconds ?
17:54.10AstrylMakes a huge difference for me, like 37fps to 42fps.
17:54.22Kolth`Did they explain what it's doing?
17:54.43AstrylIn technical terms....
17:55.12AstrylIt "takes some steps to avoid re-programming the vertex shader hardware too frequently during the processing of a single frame."
17:55.42KolthWow. It may be me but I just noticed an 8-10FPS boost
17:56.00AstrylYou can turn it on via a config file line (SET M2Faster "1") or a console command (/console M2Faster 1)
17:56.16AstrylYeah, it's certainly significant, Kolth.
17:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
18:01.37AstrylWhy does he never respond to me? :(
18:02.03krkamultiple return values is not really that weird... imagine it returning a tuple instead
18:03.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:04.09krkait's a shame most languages don't support multiple return values
18:04.17krkait's annoying have to do ugly hacks for it
18:04.28Kolthreturn an array?
18:04.48krkayeah, ugly hack
18:04.54KolthNot so ugly.
18:05.03krkaallocating stuff on the heap just to return values
18:05.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:05.39KolthI hear ya.
18:08.01krkaalso, even worse if you want to return many things of different type
18:08.21krkain java, you have to either write a container class, or return an object array with boxed values
18:09.07KolthJava can't return multiple items?
18:09.36KolthBut you can pass multiple! :P
18:09.57krkajava doesn't even have pass by reference, so you can't do it that way either :(
18:10.03krkaunless you wrap it in a array
18:11.49Maldivia*smacks the forums*
18:12.06KolthYeah, make them stop being down.
18:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:12.40krkastop insulting iriel when he's not here already! he's doing his best!
18:12.45krkaoh hi iriel
18:14.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
18:22.23Natasemi didn't do nuttin
18:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
18:26.30Elkano*appear* here we go with release 1.0d :) *vanish*
18:31.12wereHamsterAstryl, I didn't notice any fps increase in bwl..
18:31.41wereHamsterwell.. from 17 to 22fps..
18:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
18:32.50IrielThat's a 29% increase, what kind of significance do you want?
18:33.15wereHamster17 -> 34 :)
18:33.33ElkanoHamster, increase from doing what?
18:35.06Elkanooh, I see
18:38.42Elkanohmm Astryl, any link to the post?
18:39.16wereHamster(/console M2Faster 1
18:39.26krkais /console builtin?
18:39.41Elkanoit is
18:39.58Elkanoremember /console reloadui ?
18:40.20krkai always do /script ReloadUI()
18:40.35krkawell, actually i have a macro
18:42.43KolthConsole UnitRenderNames 0!
18:43.29id`Astryl: the command did nothing
18:43.32id`Astryl: made it up?
18:43.57Kolthid, he said he found it somewhere
18:45.03wereHamsterAstryl, do I need to restart wow?
18:45.14KolthI didn't have to.
18:45.22KolthI noticed an instant 8-10 FPS boost
18:45.24krkathe newest WTF kicks ass
18:47.20id`Kolth: hmm
18:47.23id`Kolth: 0 here
18:47.29id`still at 7-20
18:47.57Kolthkr, that's hilarious, that entire site
18:48.29id`Kolth: visit it every day
18:48.38id`i do :D
18:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
19:00.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
19:07.54Tain_I have to question the good sense of WoW having a Valentine's Day event.
19:08.56MentalPowerdon't like the goblin cupid?
19:09.23elemawhat does GtNumBattlefieldStats return for the AB
19:12.44elemaGetNumBattlefieldStats I meant
19:15.23elemaand what does GetBattlefieldStatInfo return?
19:15.39elemawowwiki does not give infos ( Ithink)
19:15.58elemaI looked in the normal api page and there was nothing
19:16.47elemafor AB ?
19:16.51elemaalso 2 ?
19:17.11ShadowdNot sure, i'll go check in a few minutes.
19:17.15elema(bases defended / bases assaulted )
19:17.38Shadowdsec, need to kill the flag carrier and will check :p
19:17.45elemaDo you also know what GetBattlefieldStatInfo return ?
19:18.33elemait seemes to mee as if GetBattlefieldStatInfo is related to an collumn
19:18.42Shadowdtext, icon, tooltip = GetBattlefieldStatInfo(i);
19:19.10ShadowdWorldStateFrame.lua /  WorldStateScoreFrame_Update() uses it if you want to look it up that way
19:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
19:19.24elemaI'm looking at it
19:19.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
19:20.10ShadowdTooltip is what you see when you hover over the text, text is what its for, and icon is the icon displayed in the row I guess.
19:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Amerzel_ (
19:21.53elemaI'm trying to read the number of flags captured/reseted; bases assaulted/defended and this things also for alterac
19:22.07elemawanna do a statistic for all BGs
19:22.29elemawriting: player has captured 40 flags in 50 BGs
19:22.39ShadowdAh well you want GetBattlefieldStatData() then
19:22.49elemahmm don't know
19:23.06ShadowdThats how you read user info for there scores and such
19:23.14ShadowdGetBattlefieldStatData( index, j );
19:23.26elemainedx is the player name ?
19:23.33Shadowdj is the stat column index, and index is the player row
19:24.53ShadowdThats what it looks like at least, just viewing the LUA file.
19:25.35elemaI have it open also, but not as good in scripting as you ;)
19:26.03ShadowdI'm not that good either, I just use the battlefield stuff often
19:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|Sleep (
19:36.18elemacan I do something like this: for j = 1 and index GetUnitName("player"), GetBattlefieldStatData do
19:36.36elemajust define both things in the start tag
19:37.30elemastop this is not good
19:38.20elemaI meant for index = playername, GetBattlefieldScoreData() do <newline> for j = 1, GetBattlefieldScoreData() do
19:39.08elemais index a line number or a name ?
19:39.33Shadowdline number
19:40.14elemacan I extract which line number the player has?
19:40.38*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
19:41.09Shadowd try that?
19:41.35Shadowderr oops,
19:44.18elemaif the player has captured one flag, what does the text return? 1?
19:45.27ShadowdBah mixed them up, shouldn't have tried typing that in WSG.
19:46.59ShadowdGetBattlefieldStatData returns the columns value in an int it looks like. GetBattlefieldStatInfo() returns the header part of it.
19:47.59elemaso which do I use to get the number of (for WSG) flags returned and captured?
19:49.06ShadowdGetBattlefieldStatData returns the data, GetBattlefieldStatInfo returns the headers. Sorry, still trying to wake up
19:50.29elemaso what returns [..]StatData(player, 1) if the player has captured 2 flags?
19:50.45elemacolumn 1 is the one with the cpatures
19:52.01ShadowdIt should return 2
19:52.02sarf|stuffit should return 2
19:56.30elemaso this ( works for WSG?
19:58.27Maldiviahmm... AddOn Kit beta...
19:59.20elemaaddon kit beta?
20:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
20:02.00ShadowdYou shouldn't need the for loop, you should just be able to put 1 and 2 instead
20:03.41ShadowdExcept the first GetBattlefieldStatData should be GetBattlefieldStatData( playerId, 1 ) not 2 as I entered.
20:04.53elemabefore this there hasn't to be a for definition ?
20:05.06elemajust a playerID definition?
20:05.54ShadowdYeah, you still need the for loop to find out playerID, but you don't need one to get the stat data if you just want capture and returns, and not AB and AV data.
20:07.02elemaif I wanna have them also, do I have to make these for things ?
20:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
20:07.21ShadowdYeah, one sec need to finish this AB
20:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
20:12.37Shadowd that sounds like what you want mostly.
20:19.01elemamaybe its strange, because I edit yours always, but have a look at this(, changed it slightly, to define the j's for their variable
20:19.39elemaI don't know whther yours automatically knows which var and j it should use
20:23.37TainGah how can I time out from the forums just from posting a message.  It makes me angry.
20:24.14TainStay logged in you piece of troll dung.
20:24.58ShadowdThe reason you loop through GetBattlefieldStatInfo in the one i posted is so it loads in everything no matter what BG you're using, since if you're in AV you probably don't want to have to add 10 different lines that can be done in 3
20:28.32elemabut the other thing also works?(just for understanding the code)
20:28.54ShadowdYeah, it would work
20:29.32elemaok thanks
20:58.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:06.34elemagood night guys
21:18.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Sokol9 (
21:22.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guest664 (n=Astryl@
21:23.05Astryl2Oh, wait a sec.
21:23.17AstrylI am really still logged in.
21:23.29AstrylTime for Astryl's Question again!
21:23.40AstrylNew lines in strings. How?
21:24.01IrielDont send them over chat
21:24.04IrielOr should I say
21:24.07IrielDont TRY to send them over chat
21:24.33TainSave Cooldown Count!!!
21:25.02AstrylRight, trying to have a script write a macro.
21:25.28AstrylHow about special characters?
21:25.35Tainheh sorry, I can't help myself when.  Someone posted on wowinterface about CooldownCount needing to be saved from disappearing.
21:26.29Astrylie, what's the code for a special character... \hex?
21:26.29IrielAstryl : How special
21:27.13Elkanowell, WoW uses UTF-8 so it would be \xxx\xxx
21:27.19IrielWhat Elkano said.
21:27.27Irielit's \<decimal>
21:27.50wereHamsterAstryl, just save the file as UTF-8 and then you can use the special characters directly.. is better readable ..
21:28.02IrielThat works also.
21:28.13IrielAs long as your editing/processing path is UTF-8 clean
21:28.19AstrylHeh, I'll see if I can even type em.
21:28.27AstrylAny idea of wowuides is?
21:28.36Elkanobut will breake if korean people start modifying them ;)
21:29.19wereHamsterThey should learn to use UTF-8 then ..
21:30.23wereHamsterthe korean translation is unredable if you use the \xxx encoding.. it's just ugly..
21:30.34wereHamsterugly and unredable..
21:31.44Iriel... yes?
21:32.06AstrylYou know anything about how WoW replaces old action buttons of a spell with new ones when you get a higher rank of it (and lose the old rank)?
21:32.30sancusyou dont lose old ranks of spells
21:32.36sancusonly melees lose old ranks of abilities
21:32.44Astryl...And this is for melee skills.
21:32.51sancusyou said spells :P
21:32.55Irielit's for skills which have the same 'cost' as the older version
21:33.04AstrylThey're all spells as far as the lua is concerned.
21:33.23AstrylIf you have a macro on your bar named the same name as a skill you get a new rank of, it'll replace it.
21:33.45AstrylSeems like a bug to me. Sound right, Iriel?
21:34.05IrielI'm sure that got reported, but maybe it was you reporting it here before?
21:34.11IrielBut yes, I think it's a bug too 8-)
21:34.13Astrylie, make a macro named 'Maul', drop it on your bar. Train a new rank of it, and it'll replace that macro with the new rank.
21:34.23AstrylOK. I never posted on the ui or bug forums about it.
21:34.27AstrylI suppose I will.
21:34.38AstrylFor now, I'll just name my macro Maùl :)
21:34.44IrielI think it'd be a good idea.
21:34.48Astryl"Maùl", "Clàw", "Shrèd", "Shìft"
21:41.43id`i never use macros
21:41.49id`can't see what they are good for
21:42.03id`except for /sleep
21:44.11Astryl...Mine call lua functions defined in my addons.
21:44.22AstrylOK, another question...
21:44.31AstrylCreateMacro and EditMacro take an icon number.
21:44.46AstrylGetMacroInfo returns the name of the texture, not a number.
21:44.56AstrylTHere any way to look up the number for a texture name/path?
21:44.57id`Astryl: what do they do
21:46.23AstrylLets see... Well, first one does Maul, Enrage, Faerie Fire, Swipe, Demoralizing Roar, Feral Charge, Auto-Attack, Growl... depending on the situation and your configuration.
21:48.09AstrylAh, I can just loop through GetMacroIconInfo
22:00.03AstrylHmmm... GetMacroInfo(id)... How do I have it look at the character-specific macros?
22:02.44AstrylAh, just higher indexes.
22:11.55Maldiviayeah, char specific: id 19-36 (or 17-32 - can't remember if it's 16 or 18 macros)
22:17.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
22:17.45wereHamsterdoes anyone know the relation between strength and block value? how much does 1 str increase the block value?
22:23.09MaldiviawereHamster: I'm not sure, I've heard that it's around 1block / 20 str
22:23.23MaldiviaI'll see if I can find it somewhere
22:23.24ShadowdThat sounds about right
22:24.16Maldivia1 block = 22 strength
22:25.47wereHamsterMaldivia, I've just got the spineshatter, first drop in our raid :) .. so I thought what I should put onto it.. 15agi or 15str
22:26.38wereHamsterI don't have the money..
22:27.06wereHamsterand btw.. I think a constant stat is better then a proc..
22:29.06Maldivia15 str would get you 30AP (~2.2dps) and 0.7 block, 15 agi will give you 0.75% crit and 0.75% dodge
22:30.13wereHamster0.75? not only 0.6?
22:30.40wereHamsterthen I think +15agi is much better..
22:31.27Maldiviafor warriors, 20 agi = 1%crit and 1% dodge...
22:31.57*** part/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
22:32.14wereHamsterthat sounds great :)
22:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:51.13AstrylIt's amazing how much work on an addon you can get done when your lunch hour somehow lasts 4 hours long, you work all night, and the next day's lunch hour seems to last 3 hours long... Speaking of which, I really need to get back to work.
22:51.28sarf|stuffKwak. Give 'em heck, Astryl :)
22:51.44AstrylHeh, hey sarf. You play a druid at all?
22:51.55AstrylOKie. :)
22:52.18sarf|stuffMainly because I can only have 9 chars on my account and I got 3 rogues
22:52.36AstrylMy '4 buttons to replace dozens' mode has reached fully functional beta state, and been sent to testers. :)
22:52.40sarf|stuff1 mainish L60, 1 tradeskilling tailor/alchemist, and one aúction mule
22:52.57sarf|stuffRemember the Highlander motto, Astryl
22:53.02sarf|stuffThere Shall Be Only ONE!
22:53.02Elkanowhy can you have only 9 chars?
22:53.13sarf|stuffLimit to # of chars per server
22:53.20AstrylOnly one? I'm nearly to my 3rd 60.
22:53.28sarf|stuffWell, I got a L60 Warrior
22:53.39Astryl(And all 3 60s are on different servers)
22:53.44Elkanoah, ok, 9 per server
22:53.49sarf|stuffand a L20 Warlock, and a L37 Rogue, a L30 Hunter, a L35 Priest...
22:54.05AstrylWell, both 60s are on different servers, and a 56 on another.
22:54.11sarf|stuffI don't want to spread out my chars that way
22:54.22sarf|stuff(may have something to do with guild)
22:54.30Elkano45 shaman, 30 rogue, 26 priest, 24 wl, 16 hunter, ...
22:54.32AstrylAye, me neither, it just sorta... happened.
22:55.03AstrylOnce they open the 'pay-to-transfer' service, I'll be transfering like 6 characters.
22:55.03sarf|stuffYou don't "oops" a L60 char, Astryl :)
22:55.17sarf|stuffAt least, *I* don't ^^
22:55.41AstrylMade one, got it to 60, then found some r/l friends play wow, so made a char on their server to play with them, got it to 60... then did that again with different r/l friends.
22:55.51AstrylNever actually ended up playing with any of those r/l friends.
22:56.22sarf|stuffThat's why you need to force all your r/l friends to play in one guild, and on one server :)
22:56.27sarf|stuff(force => manipulate ^^ )
22:57.15sarf|stuffThat way, you end up playing with them :)
22:57.24AstrylWell it's not like I play alone. Duo with my gf, who also has all the same level characters on those servers (60/60/56)
22:57.31ShadowdOr you get new friends :p
22:57.40sarf|stuff(By the by, I *really* hope that 5man dungeons in a patch coming Soon (tm) )
22:57.48AstrylPlanning our next set of characters already...
22:58.16ShadowdWould be nice if they open 'pay-to-transfer' service soon though!
22:58.17AstrylI'll be a priest, she'll be a warlock... Once those are to 60, the only classes we won't have a 60 of between us will be rogue and paladin.
22:58.23AstrylAnd we both have mid-level rogues.
22:58.27AstrylPaladins are just ugh
22:58.38sarf|stuffNowadays they are a tad better
22:58.38ShadowdPaladin wouldn't be that bad if you're also leveling it with a Rogue
22:58.47sarf|stuffAlso, duoing two paladins *does* have benefits
22:59.01AstrylAye, double buffing.
22:59.10sarf|stuff(debuff holy damage, holy damage aura, holy spells that nothing is immune against... sha-zam!)
22:59.11AstrylAnyway, dammit, work!
22:59.34sarf|stuffRiiiiiight :)
22:59.45AstrylAnd Cair comes back.
22:59.49sarf|stuffAs cairenn returns, it's time for me to go to sleep
22:59.58sarf|stuffWe're working shifts here, y'know! :D
22:59.59AstrylCair, I'm lazy, so you need to post my addon for me.
23:00.11CairennAstryl: lol
23:00.50AstrylBut I get so much work done when I'm supposed to be working! on my addon, that is.
23:01.16AstrylUh oh.
23:01.58GenNMX|ThraeOh wait, this is LuaEdit!
23:03.04AstrylShh! You'll give us away!
23:06.54Temoh god. there's another "I got banned for using addons" thread
23:07.41GenNMX|Thrae"I GOT BANNED!!! Allmyaddondidwasspoutprofanitiesateverypasserby AND I GOT BANNED!!!"
23:07.57TainYeah.  And supposedly they called up and were told that CT_Mods were grounds for being banned.
23:14.57Cide-Tain: it's true!
23:15.57TainDamn those CT_Mods!!@$!
23:16.15Cide-yeah, watch out.
23:16.22Cide-but now: bedtime! good night
23:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:51.13Wobin_Nobody here but us ducks?
23:51.33AstrylGuess not.
23:52.50IrielArrrrgh, Login Server Down

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