irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060207

00:00.10Ktronheh, make it jabber based, so you can use gTalk to connect to it and gTalk would _pwn_ aol instant messenger
00:00.20KirkburnWouldn't that be soemthing to put to slouken?
00:00.38KtronI think 'wowbuddy' would be above slouken
00:00.55KirkburnWe can't talk to people above slouken ...
00:01.43Ktronslouken as I understand it, is mostly responsible for how the game interacts with the UI (Lua and so on), but 'wowbuddy' would be above that I think... We could try mentioning it to him when he shows up next, but my guess is that its not something for him to decide/suggest
00:03.56TainPeople will keep using what they've always used, en masse.
00:04.07Ktronpurl, wowbuddy is an awesome idea, that I'm no doubt Blizzard has thought of, but it'd be nice to mention to slouken again to see how he reacts to the idea of having a way to talk to people ingame from outside of the game.
00:04.09purlokay, Ktron
00:04.50GenNMX|ThraeKtron: What's wrong with Xfire?
00:04.51AnduinLotharthey tried very hard to disable the previous chat programs due to bots..
00:04.53KtronTain; I think that's why gtalk will never catch on-- even if AIM's clients start bombing, no one will switch networks, but they'll look for another client if they are forced to get a new one
00:05.22DepheriosI run Trillian, miss ICQ, and hate MSN
00:05.48ShadowdIt's not built in, and getting your whole guild to use XFire wouldn't be the easiest thing. Having one easy client that everyone can use and lets you talk to anyone on your server would be nice.
00:05.48KtronAnduinLothar; granted, with WoW, just make you log into an account, and you can identify which accounts are being used for bots, unlike bnet, so that shouldn't be a problem
00:06.36GenNMX|ThraeShadowd: True, but think of all the increased traffic on Blizzard's servers, especially the login servers.
00:07.01AnduinLotharmsn sux. icq i never cared for...
00:07.10GenNMX|ThraeIn their current state, I don't think they'd be able to reliably handle it. Xfire uses their own servers, so it's the best solution to the problem right now.
00:07.11DepheriosI loved the PARAGRAPH system ICQ used back in the day
00:07.13KtronGenNMX|Thrae; yeah, Xfire doesn't really have any benefits over sharing everyone's screennames for some network or something... plus, you wouldn't be able to run WoW fullscreen and chat easily, unlike a 'wowbuddy' like program
00:07.14AnduinLotharyahoo is meh... aim i've been using since jr high
00:07.19Depherioswhere you didn't talk 1 to 1 via CHAT
00:07.40AnduinLotharbut i use ichat for aim atm
00:07.41DepheriosI still run ICQ
00:07.43Depherios(in Trillian)
00:07.49KirkburnWhy exactly does msn suck?
00:07.53GenNMX|ThraeKtron: Have you used Xfire w/ WoW Fullscreen? It's pretty easy to chat because it hacks DirectX.
00:08.02Depheriosthe client is god awful, people can have horrendously long names
00:08.17Kirkburnah, don't become with that kind of person :)
00:08.22Kirkburn*become friends
00:08.24KtronGenNMX|Thrae; regardless, I frankly am opposed to programs like MSNZone and Xfire and so on
00:08.33GenNMX|ThraeEh? Why?
00:08.37Ktrons/I frankly/I am frankly/
00:08.52DepheriosI'd run gtalk in an instant if anybody else ran it D:
00:08.56ShadowdYeah, I never really liked XFire anyway when I used it. Just being able to talk with all your guild members or even friends on WoW would be nice. It's convenent, doesn't require new software, doesn't require running it on your computer, and doesn't require passing out usernames.
00:08.57KtronGenNMX|Thrae; Because all the old ones often contained spyware or such ;)
00:09.12DepheriosTrillian FTW
00:09.17KtronGenNMX|Thrae; even MSN's Zone reported game usage and so on and sent you emails based on it
00:09.28GenNMX|Thrae"I frankly" was the correct grammar I believe ;)
00:09.44GenNMX|ThraeWell I'm just talking about Xfire, and it doesn't have spyware now to my knowledge...
00:09.44KtronGenNMX|Thrae; so it was ;)
00:10.01GenNMX|ThraeMSN-anything will always have spyware, this is a given.
00:10.10GenNMX|ThraeThey're Microsoft for crying out loud.
00:10.19KirkburnEr. whatever
00:10.20KtronDepherios; I moved away from Trillian when it split into paid/free versions, and they basically stopped developing the free one.... Gaim ftw here
00:10.50GenNMX|ThraeYeah, I prefer GAIM over Trillian myself too, same reason.
00:11.15GenNMX|ThraeAnd because I also use Gaim on my *nix boxes.
00:11.39KtronYeah, Gaim is cleaner...
00:12.03Ktronheh, I'd rather use Gaim with a plugin written to detect whether WoW.exe is running than Xfire.... it's just overkill, I don't need yet another client for htis
00:12.13KtronAnyway, I'm off for dinner, later
00:12.26Ktronpurl, xfire
00:12.28purlWell, you have normal people, hackers, and then you have XFire. XFire would fit into the latter group if he wasn't so... umm... weird. a NetBSD weenie when he's not a Linux/Debian weenie, or jealous that he did not write apt. the Anti-Bernstein, or not very good at starting arguments. in need of a job, so hire him
00:13.23Ktronpurl, xfire is also this ridiculous monstrousity of a client for chatting that detects whether World of Warcraft is running, and makes your computer explode occasionally.
00:13.25purlthat's too long, Ktron
00:13.43Ktronpurl, xfire is also this ridiculous monstrousity of a client for chatting and makes your computer explode occasionally.
00:13.45purlokay, Ktron
00:14.25TainHeck with all of them.  I only use CenterICQ for everything.
00:17.58Maldiviahmm, interesting... calling UseAction from a macro, where the action points to another macro, will run the other macro instantly, and then return to the first macro
00:20.20futrtrublI am currntly using trillian but I'm going to drop it since I have to close a chat window and reopen it about 5 a conversation because "some messages may be undeliverable"...
00:23.34Depheriossorry I got all quiet, looking at GAIMX D
00:23.42Depherios*GAIM XD
00:23.52Depheriosdidn't like the older GAIM
00:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
00:32.15ViolentnightHey everybody
00:33.07TemSome humorous screenshots can be created with CharacterLevelText:SetText("Level 60 Night Elf Hunter")
00:33.26TemEspecially while hovering over warrior tooltips
00:33.35kremonteis there a ToNum() function in lua? :S
00:33.46kremontehaha thanks
00:33.54kremontei typoed it on wowwiki, grr
00:34.03kremonteyou read webcomics
00:34.05kremonteAnduinLothar wins
00:34.24Temnone in nearly 12 hours
00:40.22kremonte..nearly 12 hours?
00:40.27kremonteyou were reading webcomics at 8AM?
00:41.57Temin class
00:42.02Tema boring class at that
00:42.14kremontemake 30minute addons
00:42.17kremontelike i am doing ;o
00:42.22Temyeah, I can't do that
00:42.34kremonteporque no?
00:42.44Temthere is a law of nature or something that says that I will never finish a project
00:42.46Violentnightpork yes!
00:42.58kremontelol tem
00:43.00Violentnighthaha.. I have that same problem, Tem
00:43.03kremontethis aint even a project
00:43.07kremontethis is ripping apart Hunterloot
00:43.11kremonteand making something for a priest
00:54.45futrtrublI wish fontstrings had a scripts area so I could have a <OnSizeChanged> handler for it
00:54.58Violentnightsuggest it for 1.10
00:56.23futrtrublvery much doubt it would happen, fontstrings and textures seem fundamentally different from all other widgets so getting scripts for them is.... unlikely
00:57.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
00:57.23Depheriosweee GAIM
00:58.05Depheriosthe only confusion I have is the "Send As" option XD
00:58.33futrtrublwhich does what?
00:58.39Depherios... no idea
00:58.41DepheriosI can make a window
00:58.46Depheriossend as some other client
00:58.53Depherios... no idea how it's going to GET to the person XD
00:59.17Depheriosbut I was able to use it to join this chat from an AIM convo, which was pretty neat, if I do say so myself
01:00.19MaldiviaUhh.... "relic" item slot for druid, shaman and paladin
01:01.35Corrodiaswe don't have relics...
01:01.39Corrodiaswait, never mind
01:01.50Corrodiasi was thinking totems
01:02.38Maldiviaranged slot replacement for the hybrid classes
01:02.59DepheriosExpansion? or 1.10?
01:03.08Maldiviasee link
01:03.46DepheriosI don't have a link D: does GAIM's IRC client suck? or did I log in too late? XD
01:04.03Maldiviajust pasted it...
01:06.28ScytheBlade1Depherios: GAIM's IRC client sucks.
01:06.38ScytheBlade1Depherios: the maker of that portion of GAIM says that it sucks.
01:07.52kremonterofl = a bunch of gold buying links
01:10.10Violentnight = a bunch of rich idiots
01:10.26kremontewell duh =P
01:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
01:16.43kremonteish anyone around?
01:18.47AnduinLotharHow much rep do the coins give?
01:18.48kremontehow the hell does CT_RABossMods work
01:18.51kremonte50 iirc
01:18.58Tem|Food55 if you're human
01:19.03kremonteDAMN HUMANS
01:19.03AnduinLotharwhich i am
01:19.10kremonteand AnduinLothar*
01:19.15TemI <3 being human
01:19.24Temit'sh nice ...hic!
01:19.49Temyou can take your overpowered ratial and shove it up your ass
01:20.01kremonteagreeing with Tem, for once
01:20.02kremonteand wb cair!
01:20.13Cairennhi hi
01:20.23kremontehow does this woooork >_<
01:20.42kremontethey're good at using incredibly indescriptive variables
01:20.48kremonteif ( v[event] ) then
01:21.02kremontev is a table. defined somewhere.
01:21.33Temsounds like you are suffereing from a case of "wtf"
01:21.38kremonteyes. i am
01:21.53kremonteyou know what? screw it
01:21.56AnduinLotharthat just means they have a table of events
01:21.57kremontei'll write from scratch
01:22.04TemViolentnight can take his 'spelling' and shove it too
01:22.10AnduinLotharkey is event name and value is function
01:22.17kremonteall i wanna do is when onyxia/nef begin casting fear, make a panic button, switch to zerker stance
01:22.23kremonteAnduinLothar: duh =P
01:23.05Cairennerrr, Tem? You okay?
01:26.08sancuspeople still cry about nerfed to crap wotf being overpowered?
01:26.11sancushow 2004
01:27.17Depheriosewwwww.. Shift+Enter = New Line in GAIM
01:27.31Cairennso change it :p
01:28.30Temsancus: mostly I'm just bitter because it's WAY more useful than all of the other racial abilities
01:28.42CairennGAIM > Preferences > Conversations > Shortcuts :p
01:30.41Temgah! Server queues suck
01:30.51ShadowdShadowmeld is pretty nice, don't usually have issues with needing a second fear anyway.
01:31.07sancusare you insane
01:31.16sancusnot you
01:31.20Shadowdoh okay
01:31.25sancushe's out of his mind if he thinks it's the most useful racial ability
01:31.37ShadowdIf you're a PVP rogue i'd have to say it is
01:31.58TemIf you're a mage, I have to say it is as well
01:32.08sancusWar Stomp and 5% extra hitpoints are excellent, Shadowmeld is excellent too
01:32.18sancuseh I dunno
01:32.19Temnone of which are available to a mage
01:32.24sancusmaybe for pvp, but wow's pvp is pointlessly broken
01:32.30Corrodiasyou're making me want to play WoW. knock it off, i have homework.
01:32.32Temsays you
01:32.40sancusTroll Berserking is *very* nice in pve
01:32.55ShadowdReally, though it was pretty bad?
01:32.59sancuswhereas wotf is completely useless
01:33.00sancusin pve
01:33.15sancusno it's not bad
01:33.15ShadowdNot completly true, it's nice during Nef, Mag and Ony. Not needed but it's nice
01:33.18sancusthe new version is very good
01:33.34TemBeserking is activated by crits, right?
01:34.01Ktronnot anymore
01:34.08Ktronit's activated whenever you want
01:34.15TainThere's a lot of abilities that are perfectly good for use in 5 man pve groups, or soloing, that have no use in raids.   But that goes for everything in the game.
01:34.21Ktronand it's 10% to 30% speed inr, depending on how low your health is
01:34.22sancusberserking is an activatable ability whose effect scales based on how low your hitpoints are from 10%-30% increased casting time
01:34.39Ktronmore than casting
01:34.40ShadowdWOTF is better then Shadowmeld if we don't want to include PVP though.
01:34.47Ktronand decreased casting time, as in it's faster
01:34.48sancusSo you pop one of those health to mana runes and slap it off and get 20% casting speed improvement which is basically 25% increased damage
01:34.51sancusevery 3 minutes
01:34.57sancusit's almost as good as arcane power
01:35.15Temwow! that's considerably less crappy than it used to be
01:35.20TainArcane Power is overrated.  ;)
01:35.27TemArcane Power is overpowered
01:35.31Shadowdnot with those blasted trinkets!
01:35.32ScytheBlade1Lies @ you both
01:35.35Ktronhey Cairenn, you'd probably know if this is something to mention to slouken or not...
01:35.42sancushaha tem
01:35.50sancusdo you just read the cesspit forums and take your opinions from there or something
01:35.55sancusby which I mean wow general
01:36.08TemI don't read the forums
01:36.12Ktronpurl, wowbuddy
01:36.13purl[wowbuddy] an awesome idea, that I'm no doubt Blizzard has thought of, but it'd be nice to mention to slouken again to see how he reacts to the idea of having a way to talk to people ingame from outside of the game.
01:36.15KtronCairenn; ^^
01:36.26Cairennplay nice kids :p
01:36.28sancusArcane Power is pretty weak overall, its nice in wsg, but thats it
01:36.28IrielIt wouldn't be his call
01:36.32ShadowdWe are playing nice :p
01:36.49CairennKtron: What Iriel said
01:36.49ShadowdWhats arcane power do again, it's like % damage increase and mana cost?
01:36.50IrielAnd i'm pretty sure the answer is a firm 'no' given how they feel about AH access outside of game
01:36.53KtronIriel; I didn't think so... would it even be worth mentioning to him?
01:36.55sancusshadow: oh, and the magmadar fear doesnt affect mages, they can cast from out of range of it
01:36.59sancussame for Nefarian
01:37.00sancusoutrange his fear
01:37.04sancusonyxia is the only fear you cant outrange
01:37.10ShadowdTrue, I keep thinking of it in terms of melee
01:37.13IrielI would say no, it wouldn't be worth mentioning to him. Post it in the suggestions forum where it belongs
01:37.22sancusAnd they fear so obscenely often
01:37.28IrielThat is read, from what I hear.
01:37.29KtronAH access as in Auction House access? how would whispers give you AH access?
01:37.29sancusthat wotf doesnt reduce much of it with its long cooldown
01:37.48TainIriel:  The only thing that would make me think they'd consider it is the fact that they could control all pieces of it.  i.e. the external chat client would be Blizzard's as well.
01:37.49ShadowdYeah, but it's better then shadowmeld at least, it's only useful for going AFK and not finding out someone decided to wipe the group :p
01:37.49IrielMy point being, if you want to be in the game world, then log into the game.
01:38.12TainI like the fact that other games have allowed you to communicate with people in-game.
01:38.15sancusShadowd: yea probably, but shadowmeld is more powerful than wotf in pvp imo
01:38.15IrielThat's the philosophy as I interpreted it. It is of curse just my opinion.
01:38.27TainIt lets you still coordinate with your guild and friends when you can't be there.
01:38.44sancusits kind of strange they haven't made an eternal chat client, given EQ has had one forever
01:38.47KtronIriel; alright, maybe I'll at least check the forums too to make sure it hasn't already been addressed... it'd be nice for forming for guild events
01:38.47IrielNot to mention that you just invented real time out-of-sandbox IO
01:38.50sancusbut its not like they've learned anything else from EQ, so shrug
01:39.14Shadowdsancus: I've got mixed feelings mostly, both my rogue and warrior are night elfs, and it's pretty nice, but on my rogue I'd take WOTF over Shadowmeld any day.
01:39.22Tainbah!  EQ implemented it only after other games were doing it first.
01:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight-shi (
01:39.38sancuswhat other games?
01:39.44IrielWoW has learned a lot from EQ, both in terms of what it does, and what it does NOT do.
01:39.50Tainand it took them forever to do one that wasn't half-assed and only let you do tells from individuals.
01:39.53Violentnight-shiwhat's that command to boot a dead nick?
01:39.57sancusIriel: No, Bliz has learned very little from EQ.
01:40.10sancusThere's a reason their communities are much much weaker than any other MMORPG for the mostpart.
01:40.11TainThat's not even fair to say at all, sancus.
01:40.27KtronRegardless, chat clients that let communication with ingame and out-of-game players have been done before, and it would be a fairly natural addition
01:40.36IrielI think a vast majority of the informed player base would disagree with you sancus.
01:40.46IrielKtron: And it would break the sandbox.
01:41.00TainYou can have an opinion that they didn't learn "enough" of what you think they should have, but to say that they learned nothing is simply untrue.
01:41.08sancusI've never met a single person who played EQ that would say WoW's communities are anywhere near as strong as EQ's.
01:41.08KtronIriel; I think I missed the sandbox analogy the first time
01:41.20Tainsancus, you can't compare apples to oranges.
01:41.32IrielThe game, and the user community are entirely different
01:41.32sancusGood thing I'm not? WoW and EQ are the same kind of game
01:41.38sancusno they arent
01:41.47sancusThe community is a response to the game
01:41.55KtronI know people who moved from EQ to WoW with the release of WoW, and have never looked back and thought ____ was better
01:41.55IrielJust because WoW General is full of idiots with a distorted sense of entitlement doesn't say anything about the game.
01:41.57TainEQ had a forced community.  You had no other games, you had no choice but to group.  You were forced into socialising with peopoe.
01:42.01sancusyes it does
01:42.09TainThe community is an extension of the game, not a response to it.
01:42.11sancusIt shows that WoW appeals strongly to idiots.
01:42.14IrielWell, that's your opinion
01:42.16sancusAnd rightly so, because it's a very simple, easy game.
01:42.20IrielThe wow FORUMS appeal to idiots
01:42.25sancusNo, the game does.
01:42.26IrielMost of the people I play with dont go near the forums
01:42.33TainAll games appeal to idiots.
01:42.33sancusI didn't say that WoW appeals ONLY to idiots.
01:42.35Ktronsancus; WoW appealled to a wider audience of people than EQ did
01:42.46TainAnd intelligent people, and everyone in-between.
01:42.46CodayusHmm, yeah, I think the key is that I don't see the General forum as being equal to the WoW community.  :-)
01:42.49IrielTo be honest, I stopped reading general too a few weeks back.
01:42.58Ktronsancus; WoW has all the stable players of EQ, and a lot more
01:43.01sancusKtron: Yes, it did, hence why the most larger portion of idiots.
01:43.05sancuser much
01:43.07TainI stopped reading general... about the time I signed up for a WoW account.
01:43.19CairennI haven't read the general forum in ... months ...
01:43.24sancusKtron: That's arguable.
01:43.25CairennMANY months
01:43.29AnduinLotharwhat's the command to see what instances your flagged for?
01:43.35IrielThe internet is more full of crap now than it was when I started using it, by that process (general exposure) then sure there will be an argued decline in the 'quality of user'
01:43.37CodayusSo, when you say that WoW has a weak community compared to EQ, I think you really mean that the general forum is retarded.
01:43.42TainHi my name is Tain and I'm a recovering-General-forum-reader.
01:43.47sancusEvery raid guild I've spoken with has noted that member turnover is much higher in WoW than in any game they played previously including EQ.
01:43.55Shadowdflagged = saved to I'm assuming?
01:43.58AnduinLotharwhat if ur not in a raid?
01:44.23ShadowdIt should still work
01:44.30Tainsancus: that's simply not a true statement either.  EQ's "high end" guild turnover was absolutely obscene and has been the last couple of years.
01:44.33AnduinLotharsays im not in a raid grp
01:44.35Codayussancus: DPS turnover tends to be very low in my experience.  Healer turnover is...high.  But most games have a problem with that.
01:44.39TainSure if you want to go back to the first 2 years of EQ you could make the argument.
01:44.48ShadowdYou sure? It says you aren't saved into any instances for me.
01:45.08AnduinLotharnope.. just says I'm not in a raid grp
01:45.17Ktronsancus; WoW isn't EQ... EQ was for mostly closet, no-real-life gamers... WoW is for everyone, so there's a lot more players who don't do that... Naturally, you'll have more characters, more characters come and go, But do the people who play WoW more causually make WoW worse? I don't think so.
01:45.20Violentnight-shibut more importantly... does anyone know the IRC command to boot a dead nick?
01:45.22sancusCodayus: We have high turnover in all areas, actually, our healers are the most stable group.
01:45.26sancusKtron: lol
01:45.40CodayusOverall turnover in WoW has been *extremely* low in my guild, but I know we're atypical.  But even talking to others, turnover doesn't seem bad.
01:45.44Ktronsancus; obviously I'm exaggerating to make a point.
01:45.54sancusWoW is "for everyone" because it's easy and simple.
01:46.01Depheriosusually it's /nickserv ghost
01:46.09AnduinLotharwhen does zg reset now?
01:46.28Ktronsancus; and accessible, no argument there... Are you suggesting WoW should be more complicated?
01:46.30CodayusAnduinLothar: Rolling restarts.  No fixed time.
01:46.40ShadowdThough ZG is unchanged, it's just 3 days from when you kill a boss.
01:46.41AnduinLothardid they reset last night?
01:46.56sancusKtron: I'm suggesting that easy and simple games attract a much higher percentage of stupid people and that complex, deep games do not.
01:46.57KtronAnduinLothar; yep
01:47.10sancusGIven that the vast majority of people are stupid, obviously the former game is going to have a much wider appeal to begin with
01:47.33TainIt's an interesting view though, that WoW is simpler than EQ.  Especially since almost every encounter in EQ came down to the same formula.
01:47.39Violentnight-shithanks, Depherios.. now if only I had had the foresight to register the nick
01:47.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
01:47.51AnduinLotharwhat's the wow page with the reset calendar?
01:47.56CodayusHmm, some aspects of WoW are pretty simple.  Some are...not.  <shrug>
01:47.57Ktronsancus; I don't think that it is in WoW's interest to be more complex or reduce its audience... WoW if anything learned from EQ that they need to make their game more accessible
01:47.59sancusWell I don't think WoW is significantly simpler than EQ, though I didn't play it much.
01:48.07sancusThe main difference is EQ required people to work together, and WoW doesn't
01:48.16Tainheh wait, which didn't you play much?
01:48.17sancusuntil you reach 60, then suddenly there's nothing to do BUT work together.
01:48.19Codayussancus: doesn't?
01:48.28TainBecause really that statement isn't true.
01:48.31sancusYes it is
01:48.43CodayusI dunno, I think I've got to work together a wee bit in ZG.  :-P
01:48.46Ktronsancus; There's plenty of opportunity to work together, it might not be forced, but it is HEAVILY encouraged as you level
01:48.50sancusYou can trivially max out in WoW without ever speaking to another person
01:48.51Violentnight-shisancus: WoW gives people the opportunity for people to work together... if it forced a player to work with others, then it would reduce the player base by elimiting those players that prefer to play alone
01:48.53sancuscould never do that in EQ
01:48.53ShadowdAnd soon AQ20
01:49.02Violentnight-shithereby eliminating a large chunk of potential customers and profit
01:49.15Tainsancus: It depends on what you mean by max out
01:49.17sancusKtron: it is so not encouraged, the fastest levelling is solo
01:49.18Codayussancus: If by "max out" you mean reach lvl 60, that's true, but meaningless.
01:49.27sancushow so
01:49.29Tainif you mean level to level 60, then yes you could do that in EQ solo.
01:49.39CairennViolentnight - I can kick your nick, but that won't actually log it out, sorry
01:49.40TainIt was a lot harder.
01:49.43Ktronsancus; the best gear, and the best content is all in _group only_ areas though
01:49.51AnduinLotharZG reset schedule is set
01:50.02Violentnight-shiyeah I know, Cairenn--thanks for the thought anyhow ^_^
01:50.04sancusKtron: Sure, so?
01:50.26Tainsancus: You're the one making the argument, please try to explain it instead of just saying "So?"
01:50.28sancusMost of WoW's playerbase doesnt really care about having the best stuff, they just care about being entertained for the 1 hour per week they play
01:50.28Violentnight-shiCairenn: wanna kick sancus instead? ^_^
01:50.29CodayusSo, in WoW, you are *forced* to work together in order to progress once you're a small fraction of the way into the game.
01:50.39Ktronsancus; If you say 'you must work together to access the best parts of this game' that's definitely encouraging people to work together
01:50.43sancusThat's the problem, you see
01:50.47CairennViolentnight: why would I want to do that?
01:50.53sancus1-60 isn't a small fraction of the game, it is 95% of the game
01:51.00TainIn which game?
01:51.08Codayussancus: Okay, see, I'm playing WoW.  Which game are you playing?  :-P
01:51.13Irielsancus : Which time? 1-60 with one character?
01:51.27TainSee 1-60 is as much of the game as you want it to be.
01:51.31Violentnight-shiCairenn: 'cause I have such a hard time avoiding an argument, but we could argue all day long and never get anywhere on this subject
01:51.56Ktronsancus; Regardless, the best parts, the parts of the game they work at the most are all group events whether instances or elite quests or whatever it is.... To get to the best content, you must group
01:52.20Ktron~lart Violentnight-shi
01:52.32Cairennthe conversation is being held to a reasonable level, there is no reason for me to interfer
01:53.05Violentnight-shithanks, Ktron :P
01:53.39sancusKtron: It might shock you to learn this, but the amount of effort spent on raid instances and the rest of the post-60 game is a tiny fraction of the time spent on the rest of the game
01:54.09Ktronsancus; I know, I have zero level 60's... Regardless, it's where the time is invested, its what WoW encourages
01:54.23Tainsancus, there's no need to be facetious.  The fact is it depends entirely on the player how much time and effort is spent on which content.
01:54.37sancusbut spending a lot of time on certain content does not imply that it's the majority of the game
01:54.47TainIt does for those players.
01:55.00Ktronsancus; no, but spending more time on certain content implies that's going to be better content than what they spent less time on
01:55.02TainAnd if that's what they enjoy doing then they're doing things right.
01:55.12sancusKtron: No it doesn't
01:55.20sancusThe *more* time you spend on a certain bit of content, the worse it is, generally.
01:55.23Ktronsancus; and that's my point-- WoW might not require you to group, but they try to make grouping much more worth it.
01:55.37TainMore time on content means it's worse?  I don't follow.
01:55.40CodayusIt's where everyone ends up if they stick to it long enough.  That's why its called endgame.  <shrug>  Just because not all players end up there doesn't mean it doesn't exist, or that it doesn't represent the bulk of the content (at least in terms of hours invested).
01:55.43sancusBecause the mechanics used to cause people to spend a lot of time on that content are simple carrot-and-stick mechanisms, they're not about involving the player.
01:55.44Ktronsancus; I mean the more time Blizzard spends making it, not the more time users spend on it.
01:55.58sancusKtron: Blizzard spend MUCH more time on the 1-60 game than the raid game(and it shows)
01:56.01TainCarrot and stick is in place from day 1.
01:56.03sancuslike we're talking 10:1 here at least
01:56.14CodayusI look at my /played stats, and think about the % of time where I was *forced* to group, and I was forced to group for WAY WAY more than half.
01:56.16Ktronsancus; but Blizzard spends much more time on instances and elite quests
01:56.21Ktronsancus; than normal mobs.
01:56.24sancusNow? Of course they do
01:56.28sancusBut their dev team is a fraction of the size
01:56.38sancusthe current dev team could work for 10 years and never match the amount of time spent on the original game
01:56.45Violentnightsancus: have you ever worked, in any way, on developing a game?
01:56.49TainOk that's just throwing out random numbers now.
01:56.55sancusnot really
01:57.24Cairennhi, remember, no personal attacks, please and thank you - everyone is entitled to their opinioin
01:57.31Ktronsancus; but the original game included a lot of backend and problem solving, and the developing of the original quest chains to lead to instances and elite quests... I dare you to suggest that Westfall's zenith isn't the deadmines
01:57.41CodayusI know a little bit about the dev process of wow.  And the numbers your throwing off contradict everything I know.  So...sorry, I don't buy that.  But it doesn't matter how much dev time was spent on what part of the game...
01:57.46Ktronsancus; or likewise for most areas
01:57.51TainUnless you know the number of people on the original dev team, the number of people on the current dev team, and each on every one of their skill levels and abilities, then it's throwing out random numbers.
01:58.09KtronActually, psuedo-random...
01:58.12sancusSure, but the reason the devs spend all their time on raid instances right now is simply because there was tons of effort spent on the non-raid parts of the game, and they know that, and they know they shipped with no endgame whatsoever
01:58.12ViolentnightCairenn: I'm not trying to attack him... really, I'm trying hard to keep my mouth shut ^_^   I was just curious
01:58.46CodayusYou're trying to say that WoW doesn't force people to group because most of them quit or give up before they reach that point.  If anything, that's an argument that WoW *does* force people to group, not that it doesn't.  :-)
01:59.07purlLet me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?  Morons!
01:59.11sancusI'm saying a lot haven't reached that point yet, and if they do, they go back to level 1 with another character.
01:59.35Ktronsancus; I'm not arguing over endgame alone, I'm arguing about the parts of games that require groups versus the parts that don't, ie elite quests, all of the isntances, most elite mobs, and so on on one side and the plain bit on the other side
01:59.45CodayusRead the general forum if you can stand it - it's full of people complaining that endgame is all about raids - ie, being forced to work together.  That's why 1.10 is adding a tiny bit more advancement that can be done solo.
01:59.55sancuswell of course they're complaining about it, because it's true heh
01:59.58TainYour opinions are perfectly valid sancus, they're just based on a very small sampling of your interaction with players.
02:00.36CodayusWhat is your point then?  That WoW does force people to group or that it doesn't?
02:00.40sancusBut you're confusing "the endgame" with "the majority of the game"
02:00.43sancusthe endgame is a small part of the game
02:00.50TainThat's an opinion.
02:00.51Codayussancus: My /played says your wrong.
02:01.05TainIt's a small part of the "physical" game.
02:01.13CodayusI've spent way more time in "endgame" than lvling.
02:01.31TainIt doesn't mean it's a small part of the actual content pepole spend the most time in.
02:01.37Ktronsancus; I'd be curious to see the ratio of elite quests and raid quests to regular 'soloable' quests... I bet the ratio is at least 1:5, but probably closer to 1:3 if you don't count some of the 'talk to this person in the same village' quests.
02:01.45sancusJust because you spend a lot of time on it doesn't mean it's the majority of the game. If I said "kill this dog to get 100,000 points" and that's the ONLY thing you could do at 60, you might spend 1000 hours on it where you spent 250 hours getting to 60, but it wouldn't make it the majority of the game
02:01.54TainYes it does mean that, sancus.  It means that exactly.
02:02.17sancusThe majority of the game is that which the devs spent the most time building unique content for.
02:02.25Codayussancus: I don't think the words you use mean quite what you think they mean.
02:02.29Ktronsancus; The majority of the game is what players spend hte majority of the time doing.
02:02.31TainYes, it does.  If I play a game and play hundreds of hours in "end game" then that's the majority of the game to me.
02:02.33CodayusDev time spent is totally meaningless.
02:02.37sancusno it isn't
02:03.01Ktronsancus; even if you talk about dev time, the dev time that goes into elite quests, elite mobs and instances is definitely higher than the regular content.
02:03.19sancusper quest sure? overall, dont think so
02:03.23TainPeople play WoW and have choices of what they want to participate in.  If they choose to spend most of their time in a specific area then that is the game for them.
02:03.28sancusAnd anyway, a lot of the elite quests are easily soloable
02:03.53TainSome elite quests are soloable by some classes.
02:03.56Violentnightsancus: you'd have to be such a high level that you'd get little or no experience for the kills
02:04.01sancusno, dont be silly
02:04.04Ktronsancus; They fashion entire new areas that are effectively 'groups only' (instances) AND they use the general zones for elite quests... most quest chains end in elite quests... need I go on?
02:04.23Ktronsancus; that's like saying the deadmines is meant to be soloed.
02:04.25sancusI've soloed same-level elite quests on multiple classes heh, probably the only ones who cant are priests
02:04.43sancusNah not really, elite quests usually involving killing a handful or even one elite mob whereas an instance is full of them
02:04.49CodayusThe game is defined by the players.  If the Dev's spend 1k hours working on Felwood, and nobody goes there, then it doesn't really matter when we're trying to work out what the game expeirence is like, and how much content there is.
02:04.51TainAgain sancus, you're basing opinions on limited experience.
02:04.55Ktronsancus; sometimes you can, but that's not what you are 'supposed' to do, that's not what the majority of players do
02:05.29CodayusMC, like it or not, is a BIG chunk of the content.  Despite the fact that it clearly didn't take much dev time.  That's a reason why it's bad content, but like it or not, if you stick with your char development, you'll spend a LONG time in MC.
02:05.29Tain"I solo'd this elite quest." does not translate into, "a lot of elite quests are easily soloable."
02:05.38Ktronsancus; the majority of players identify (elite) and (raid) and (instance) as meaning, I should find a group for this
02:05.46sancusCodayus: Not really, if killing a dog is the entire endgame, then it just means players are spending an obscene amount of time on a tiny part of the game, doesn't mean that it somehow becomes the majority of the game
02:06.17Ktronsancus; Probably the best measure would be actual 'volume' or 'size' in some sense of content, which is irrelevant to devs and players
02:06.36sancusYeah I can agree with that, the problem is that you can take a tiny, crappy bit of content
02:06.48sancusput a mechanic in place that says "YOU MUST REPEAT THIS" and then call it a major part of the game
02:06.50sancusthats just silly
02:07.05Ktronsancus; But I think its clear that group events are at least 20%--33% of the world volume of content.
02:07.14TainIt may be, but if that's what people want to do, and if they're happily paying their money for it, then I don't see the problem.
02:07.18Codayussancus: That sentence isn't even internally coherent.  <shrug>  If killing the dog, say, forces people to group, then if people are killing the dog, then they're being forced to group.  We can complain that it's silly, but it doesn't change that it's how it works.
02:07.25Ktronsancus; and Ignoring that much content is possible, but not what is intended or generally practiced.
02:07.27sancusTain: Well most people don't happily do it
02:07.57TainJust because someone spends more time doing Molten Core and skipped out on the level 5 quest given out in Darnassus doesn't mean they're not playing the game.
02:07.58sancusCodayus: So what? It still doesn't mean the game mostly forces grouping
02:08.04Tainsancus: you can't speak for most people.
02:08.12sancussure I can
02:08.25Ktronsancus; remember you're arguing that WoW doesn't encourage players to group.
02:08.36sancusNo I didn't say that
02:08.45sancusI said it doesn't force them to group, it does encourage them to group in some part of the game
02:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:08.53CodayusThe "full" life of a character starts in Goldshire, or wherever, and ends in AQ40, or whatever.  Some of these areas are richly drawn, with lots of fun quests.  Some are pretty sparse caves full of lava and boring mobs.  The *only* meaningful way to work out which area of this life is "larger" is to look at time spent by the player during the course of the "life".
02:08.57sancusBut most of it not
02:09.16sancusThere's a reason that when you hit 60, most players are staggered by the concept of molten core and blackwing lair and back away from it and hate it
02:09.29Ktronsancus; So, you're arguing that wow, for the most part, doesn't encourage players to group.
02:09.34TainAgain, i'm not sure where you're coming up with the "most people" idea.
02:09.39CodayusAnd for the character going from newbie zone to full AQ sets, they'll spend most of their time in raid dungeons.  Being bored, possibly.  :-P
02:10.05sancusTain: Take a look at the number of people who have succesfully completed those raid instances, per server, and the number of people who can't stand raiding in general. There are much more of the latter than the former.
02:10.18Ktronsancus; I don't do raids-- a LOT of people don't do raids, but I think that's mostly a time commitment and scale issue. It's not "OMG A GROUP??" it's "OMG I have to coordinate 8 times as many people as before??"
02:10.29CairennI do believe his original statement was to the effect that (until the end game) WoW doesn't "force" grouping to the extent that other games (ala EQ) did
02:10.32TainI have no way of obtaining those number which is why I don't know where you're getting them.
02:10.45sancuswhy dont you
02:10.47TainSome people get to level 60 and don't want to do Molten Core.
02:10.47Cairennand quite frankly, I have to agree with him, if I am recalling that correctly
02:11.07sancusTigole's talked about how many people raid and gave specific numbers at blizzcon.
02:11.20CodayusCairenn: Since that's basically my point, I'd agree too.  I recall it as being that WoW never forced you to group, which is obviously wrong in my view.  :-)
02:11.25sancusMostly to counter statements that only "1%" of people raid, it's higher than that, but it is definitely a minority.
02:11.26KtronI think we acknowledged that WoW doesn't force players to group, but I think WoW almost always encourages players to group through out the game
02:11.34TainIf that's the case then it would explain why I don't have those numbers, I didn't go to Blizzcon.
02:11.45sancushe posted them in the raid and dungeons forum though, at least partially
02:11.54sancusand anyway
02:11.59Codayussancus: If memory serves, he was giving the % of the player base which was in MC at any given moment.  Not, say, the % which visited it in any given month.  Thus, the numbers aren't applicable.
02:12.22sancusHe gave a bunch of different numbers
02:12.33sancusall of which imply that a minority raid, but a significant minority
02:12.37TainI'm still not sure what point you were trying to make though, you seem to wander between many of them.  Are we on forced grouping again?
02:12.44Cairenn - find it in there, it's there somewhere
02:13.20KtronRegardless, I don't think players make it to 60 and don't raid because they don't like grouping, I think they don't raid because finding 8 times the number of players who won't quit or leave, have the hours to burn and are roughly the right classes is much harder than finding just the five they're used to for most instances
02:13.21Cairenn(re Tigole's numbers)
02:13.51Codayussancus: Okay.  So why don't more people raid?  You see to be arguing that it's because they're forced to group?  But also that this proves people aren't forced to group?  I'm becoming more confused about what point your trying to make as time goes on.
02:14.06TainOf course if we want to enter into the realm of personal opinion I'll suggest that the only reason they hired Tigole and Furor (Kartik/Kalaran) was to stop them from complaining about the game. :)
02:14.07sancusThe point I'm making is that most of WoW doesn't force you to group, it casually encourages you to do so when you feel like it, and thus when faced with absolute, specific forced grouping (and grouping in much larger numbers), people balk.
02:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
02:14.22sancusAnd people don't know how to play, either.
02:14.25CairennTain: please don't go there :p
02:14.33sancusTain: heh
02:14.38sancusTain: Well that's not the case
02:14.40Tainsancus: People don't know how to play will be applied to any game.
02:14.40sancusIt might be in Furor's case
02:14.41Ktronsancus; A good number to have would be how many people don't do instances versus the number of people do, ignoring whether it's MC or BWL or AQ or Deadmines or Mauradon or ZF or whichever.
02:14.51sancusBut you don't make a "hire to shut someone up" your lead designer, and that's Tigole's current position.
02:15.11sancusFuror however has remained a minor quest designer.
02:15.14sancusHowever, he's also not shut up :P
02:15.18TainI can have my opinions based on whatever reality I decide, the same as you do.
02:15.40sancusFuror doesnt post anymore but I can assure you he is *very* much the loudmouth still =)
02:16.15sancusTain: I mean, people don't know how to play in a heavy grouping environment when they hit 60
02:16.41Tainsancus: I agree some people (maybe even many, I just won't assume) don't.
02:16.50AnduinLotharbeen 60 for a year.. i cant remember that far back
02:16.53TainHowever that applies to every mmorpg out there that I have played.
02:17.06KtronIt'd be fun to see the percentage of people who go into an instance or battleground at least once in a week out of the total active player base for that week.
02:17.06CodayusHmm, okay, my disagreement with your point is - I totally disagree that people stop raiding because they don't like grouping.
02:17.25AnduinLothari hate FINDING a grp
02:17.26sancusNo, people tend not to *start* raiding because they don't like grouping
02:17.27TainI would suggest that people stop raiding because they don't like 40 man raids.
02:17.31AnduinLotharthe grps thenselves are fine
02:17.33CodayusI think the bulk of it is because they find MC boring, their guild isn't large enough, their schedule doesn't allow large blocks of playtime, or they just enjoy other things more.
02:17.37sancusThey rarely start and then stop because they hate grouping
02:17.42sancusNo one is even going to set foot in MC if they hate grouping
02:17.46Codayuss/stop/don't start/
02:17.59TainWell, a 5 man group doesn't have anything in common with a 40 man MC raid.
02:18.06sancusOnyxia doesn't require large blocks of playtime.
02:18.26Ktronheh, if anything, WoW should have lower level 10 and 20 man instances
02:18.48KtronThat way people would have a chance to learn what running a 40 man is like before they get there
02:18.52sancusKtron: yea probably, ZG was "sorta kinda" intended to be that
02:18.54TainI don't know about overall, but I personally like 5 man groups the best.
02:19.00Ktronsancus; so is AQ20
02:19.12sancusthe only problem is those instances are probably too difficult to serve that purpose
02:19.13Ktronsancus; But I mean like a level 40 10-20 man instance
02:19.21CodayusIf you're guild just dinged 60, Onyxia requires quite a lot of time.  :-P
02:19.23sancusoh, and the rewards suck
02:19.27sancusCodayus: Not really
02:19.37sancusYou can learn Onyxia by spending an hour or two every couple nights
02:20.23Codayus40 inexperienced people in greens killing Onyxia?  There's a signficant time investment with little payoff to get to the point where you *can* kill Ony.
02:20.24kremontehaving 40 people daily?
02:20.29sancusActually at the current gear level you could probably kill onyxia with 20 after maybe 20 hours of learning time spread over 4 weeks
02:20.34CodayusA lot of guilds couldn't do that if they wanted to.
02:20.40Ktronside note: I wonder if they'll allow test realm access to Naxaramas before its ingame... after all, that kind of killed AQ's play time
02:20.59sancusKtron: What do you mean? They've stated that all future instances will be on the Test Realm, period.
02:20.59CodayusA lot of other players don't see gear as ebing a compelling reward.  They may like grouping, they just can't get their minds around working for gear and not XP.
02:21.09Ktronsancus; really? bleh
02:21.16sancusit didnt kill AQ's play time anyway
02:21.23sancusAQ being retardedly easy(deliberately so) killed it
02:21.37Ktronsancus; people were on the second to last boss in AQ40 in like 2 days
02:21.39Tainkeep in mind sancus you already said that only 1% of people spend time raiding, so most people getting up to that point aren't going to have any equipment once they get there to try.
02:21.42sancusbecause its EASY
02:21.47Ktronsancus; and it's supposed to be harder than B WL
02:21.50sancusno it isnt
02:22.02kremonteyet noone knows how to do more than 3% damage to C'thun :)
02:22.04KtronIts supposed to end harder, and start easier
02:22.16sancusit's supposed to be easier until the twin emps
02:22.25sancusand then the twin emps are equal
02:22.29sancusand c'thun is harder
02:22.30Ktronie... if you end harder, to beat it will be harder, ie the instance is harder
02:22.45sancusno one has killed c'thun yet
02:22.49AnduinLotharheh, we have 6 pallies so i'm dpsing in ZG
02:22.51sancusno one has killed _ouro_ yet
02:23.00Ktronouro is what, second to last?
02:23.11Ktronyeah, but they were at ouro in like 2 days
02:23.12TainI solod him.
02:23.18sancussure why shouldn't they be
02:23.24sancuseverything before that is easier than bwl except twin emps
02:23.26sancuswhich is only equal
02:23.34sancusand only like two guilds have even beaten twin emps
02:23.54KtronRaids were happy to spend like 2-4 weeks learning each boss of BWL... It's too bad that they didn't offer that kind of difficulty/repeatability in AQ40
02:23.59sancusOh and they're skipping a boss which is supposedly "easier than BWL", I should add
02:24.12KtronAnd I think the fact that they could try it before release hurt
02:24.30sancusnah, most guilds didnt try it before release
02:24.32sancusours didnt
02:24.40sancusit's HARD to motivate people to show up for raids where they'll get nothing on their mains
02:25.06sancusOnly like 4 or 5 guilds got deep into AQ40 on Test
02:25.11KtronAnyway, I can't spend anymore time in here, real life beckons... sancus, all 5 of the major alliance guilds that exist on Zul'jin did
02:25.16sancusYou also have to remember that it was changing constantly while on Test, there were like 5 builds
02:25.24Ktronsancus; they can't be out of the normal
02:25.38KtronRegardless, Real Life calls
02:25.55sancusoh, gee, the 3rd server to complete war efforts 'cant be out of the normal'
02:26.04Ktron|afk~lart sancus
02:26.43sancuspurl: Gonna have to try harder than that, shouldn't you be busy cutting your own head off?
02:27.03Violentnightdon't disrespect the bot!
02:27.44TainWell it was a fun distraction during dinner, but no more troll feeding for me.  Going to do some coding.
02:28.09CodayusHmm, I found Tigole's stats, finally.
02:29.08*** part/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (i=fatbrain@
02:29.22CairennTain:  ...
02:37.22AnduinLotharit's an interesting challenge to play in a grp that's vent dependant when i can't get on vent..
02:38.03sancusask someone to /tell you instructions given on vent or something
02:38.32AnduinLotharand i find it anal to not switch to speakx codec when it sounds better and allows wider access..
02:39.31AnduinLotharit's like sure, we'll make a mac client, but it only works on severs using the new and improved codec... It's free to upgrade but I'm still being excluded cause no one will switch
02:40.05AnduinLothartakes like 1 min to switch the codec and reboot the server.. yet no one will
02:42.11sancusfind another guild? I just avoid using vent at all
02:43.26sancusThat does seem kinda lame though, dont see why they wouldnt
02:44.56AnduinLotharnone of the good guilds want me for some unknown reason other than th eoverpopulation of pallies
02:45.11ViolentnightAnduinLothar: You're not American, are you?
02:45.25sancusOverpopulation is the primary reason we dont recruit, so..
02:45.28Violentnightya you are or ya you aren't? lol
02:46.59AnduinLothari am american
02:47.36Violentnighthrmm... well then you're odd =P  You need to understand the concept of procrastination ^_^
02:47.50AnduinLotharwhy do you think i'm playing wow
02:50.12ShadowdThe trick is to apply right when a new raid instance comes out
03:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:33.44IrielRest in peace LaunchURL, we never needed you anyway.
03:34.00AnduinLotharmmm, pug ZG fun stuff
03:34.23AnduinLotharwhere in the world did they get the idea to sheep 3 snake adds continuously while killing the boss.... O.o
03:34.50Cairennbut is it working?
03:34.55AnduinLotharthe stupidist thing i've ever heard... lets incapacitate 3 fully mana'd mages..
03:35.09AnduinLotharno... got him to 1%...
03:35.22Shadowddon't think i've ever heard that tatic before
03:35.56AnduinLotharit's the stupidist thing ever... it might work with a pro guild and make the take down faster.. but with noobs you just cant do damage fast enough
03:36.31ShadowdKilled him with 15 in 3 attempts with my PVP group a while back, it's not really that hard to just kill them first.
03:36.46sancusthats hilarious :P
03:36.56AnduinLotharno esp when u can sheep 3 at a time and kill one at a time..
03:37.13ViolentnightI hate polymorph
03:37.21sancustheres no reason for a pro guild to do that either
03:37.27sancussince a pro guild can kill the snakes in less than 30 seconds
03:37.34AnduinLotharlol ya
03:37.34sancuswhy even bother
03:37.36ShadowdA pro guild could actually get away with it though
03:37.59sancuscan get away with 3-manning ubrs too
03:37.59AnduinLothari'd actually be funny... have 5 mages and sheep all the adds
03:38.06sancusdoesnt mean that you do it regularly :P
03:38.23ShadowdI though it was 4 snakes + boss?
03:38.27AnduinLotharone for doing some magey damage :)
03:39.22sancusviolentnight: why do you hate polymorph? :P
03:39.33AnduinLotharit makes people stupid
03:39.38ViolentnightI need to create a table structure that can hold a reference to every object in the UI, maintain the parent/child order, and allow them to be sorted so that they can be listed in a treeview-type structure. Any ideas?
03:39.41ShadowdPolymorph can die <_<
03:40.00ShadowdWell not die, but it's annoying!
03:40.30sancusnah, epics make people stupid
03:40.32AnduinLotharlol... got rezzed.. lag made me rez where i was walkign as a ghost... walk for 30 seconds and then the instance loads
03:40.39sancuspolymorph is handy but useless in most raids
03:40.52ShadowdThats like everything though
03:40.55AnduinLotharit's very usefull for cc in zg
03:41.11AnduinLotharcc makes zg cake
03:41.43sancusits ok
03:41.48sancusit doesnt help on most of the bosses though
03:41.51Violentnightagain with the acronyms... yeesh
03:41.59Shadowdcrowd control
03:42.12Cairenncc = crowd control, zg = zg :p
03:42.22ShadowdI figured he knew what ZG meant :p
03:42.26IrielViolentnight : Give me a few and i'll sketch something out.
03:42.30Cairennas did I :p
03:42.43Violentnightthanks, Iriel ^_^
03:42.45sancuszg = crappy 20 man for newbs, but nice enchants :P
03:42.48Violentnightand no.. I have no idea what zg means either
03:42.54Shadowdnot really sancus
03:42.59AnduinLotharwtf? zg is harder than mc
03:43.08ViolentnightI'm only up to level 30 and just started battlegrounds yesterday
03:43.10sancusno its not
03:43.15AnduinLotharhell yes
03:43.17CodayusNaa, mc = free epix for noobs.  ZG = fun for skilled guilds.
03:43.36AnduinLotharfirst 4 bosses are free loot. anything past that is suicide w/o full epics
03:43.42Cairennoh lord, please don't start again guys :p
03:43.44ShadowdFoTF and Destroyer of World to name two weapons in ZG>
03:43.58Cairenngo back to talking about coding
03:44.15Shadowdwe wern't talking about coding originally though!
03:44.26Cairennin this channel? yes you were
03:44.39ShadowdWell, not 20-30 lines ago i mean
03:44.41Violentnightyes.. coding... I'm ever so slightly more knowledgable of that
03:44.45AnduinLotharcair do i get an "I Win" button soon?
03:44.54sancuslots of guilds clear zg without full epics so thats not true
03:45.25Violentnightwhat's an "I Win" button?
03:45.25ShadowdAnyway, I need to make something to replicate WoW outside of WoW, and need step by step details on how to do it :p
03:45.31AnduinLothari've never heard of any guild clearing zg except ones that had already cleared bwl
03:45.44ViolentnightShadowd: define replicate
03:45.47Codayussancus: My guild has cleared MC, killed Ony, and cleared MC through to and including Baron Geddon.  Hardest fight?  Thekal by a mile, and we haven't even tried Jin'Do yet.
03:45.55ShadowdEnough that you can't tell the difference?
03:46.09Violentnightso you want to make something that already exists?
03:46.10CairennViolentnight: A "Cairenn had a chance to try to break the patcher today and wasn't able to"
03:46.21CodayusCleared ZG.
03:46.25End-crazyhatJin'Do and Thekal are the two hardest bosses (imo at least)
03:46.29sancusCodayus: huh?
03:46.39sancusoh the first MC = zg
03:46.40CodayusI meant to say we cleared ZG, killed Ony, etc.
03:46.43ShadowdDream on Icecrown US PvE Horde killed Hakkar without having cleared BWL, and they're a PvP guild. So it's not like you need to have cleared BWL to clear ZG.
03:46.44sancusok, so you just proved my point ;)
03:46.44Cairennoh noes!
03:47.00sancusMC to geddon is reallllllyyy easy
03:47.06CodayusSo...we killed Hakkar with maybe 1 epic on're still wrong.  ZG is hard as hell.  The first half of MC is a trivial zerg fest.
03:47.32sancusbut domo is quite difficult, and rag is much harder than anything in ZG
03:47.51AnduinLotharrag is cake with full fr
03:48.29sancuswhat's "full fr" mean
03:48.35TainI like cake.
03:48.41AnduinLothari like cake too
03:48.52Cairennfire resistance
03:48.55CodayusImmaterial.  MC is still the free epic zone, and ZG is a nightmare for any guild that isn't very well coordinated.  I don't see how you could pug anything except the snake boss.
03:48.59sancusI know it means fire resistance :P
03:49.18sancusI meant what does "full" mean, no one does rag with 300 FR on every raid member so..
03:49.37CodayusThe rewards from ZG really kick in when you kill Hakkar, which noobs will never do.  The rewards from MC start when you kill Luci.
03:49.44ShadowdProbably 315 on your MT, and around 175-225 on melee, along with some misc FR on your casters.
03:49.56sancusCodayus: Yeah, but that's also largely because MC is at the end of of its nerf lifetime
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03:50.04sancuswhereas ZG is in the middle
03:50.21sancusIt hasn't been nerfed down to "let the casuals run amok in here" yet
03:50.33Codayussancus: Doesn't matter.  I play the game as it exists today.  ZG isn't z noob zone.  It just...isn't.  Maybe next patch, maybe never.  Not today.
03:50.33sancustheres a bunch of nerfs scheduled for "soon"
03:51.18CodayusAnd we'll see about the ZG nerfs.  Thekal being nerfed will be great; the Arlokk nerf will be somewhat balanced by the green whelp armor nerf.  Jin'do will remain insane.  And Hakkar is being buffed.
03:51.27sancusDepends on your perspective of newbs, to me, any guild who hasn't killed nefarian yet qualifies for "newb"
03:51.29CodayusSo it *might* be a wash in the end.
03:52.10sancusSo yeah, being able to clear ZG when you've only cleared half of MC
03:52.14sancusreally suggests its a newb raid instance
03:52.28CodayusIf you wish to hold conversations with people other than the voices in your head, using the commonly excepted meaning of words may make people respect your views more.  :-)
03:53.14sancusThere is rarely a commonly accepted meaning of slang like newbs, so yeah I probably shouldn't have used it
03:54.33sancusstill ZG is clearly lowest level of raiding so I don't know how precise you want me to be!
03:54.59AnduinLotharactually the new 20 man aq is easier
03:55.13ShadowdThough it was suppose to be harder?
03:55.14sancushave you cleared it?
03:55.45AnduinLotharthey said it'd be easier and most agree that it is, but no i personally haven't cleared it. ask me next week
03:55.58sancussome of its easier
03:56.17CodayusWell, it's tougher than Ony and at least the first half of MC.  Due to guild drama, we haven't tried the last half.  If ZG is for noobs, what's that make Gehennas?  
03:56.20sancuslast boss is definitely harder
03:56.37sancusbut hakkar sucks and needs buffs bad so it might be a bad comparison
03:56.39AnduinLotharlast is harder as was stated when they made the thing
03:56.51ShadowdBah AB popped, be back in 20.
03:58.11sancusCodayus: It makes him for newbs too? Neither instance has all bosses of equal difficulty, ZG's scaling of difficulty just stops below MC's. Arlokk is certainly harder than Lucifron, Gehennas is probably a bit harder than the first couple ZG bosses
03:59.53CodayusI'd say...  Snake < Luci/Mag/Gehenenas < Bat < Garr/Baron/Shaz < Rest of ZG.
04:00.27AnduinLotharbloodlord isn't that hard either
04:00.37sancusyea probably, another thing to take into account though is that the dissemination of strats is wider for MC than ZG because it's been around much longer
04:00.41AnduinLotharspider's pretty hard tho
04:00.47CodayusOoops, I forgot the bloodlord.  I'd put him...hmm, harder than snake, less than garr.
04:00.52sancusand because no one really _worked out_ strats for ZG
04:01.06sancusSince all the serious raid guilds can just blast through it without thinking about the optimal methods
04:01.11sancusoptimal strats for ZG are rare
04:01.21CodayusPft, you need strats for MC?  Hey, tank the guards over there, the boss over here, keep the mts up, dispell like mad, and *CHARGE*!  :-P
04:01.32sancusMC is all about positioning, so yes you do
04:02.20ShadowdIt's about positioning a little, but BWL is more positioning focused then MC is.
04:02.28AnduinLotharbah. the discussion has just past my 'interesting' level into my 'worthless grumbling' categorry
04:02.55sancusCodayus: it was a *big deal* when Conquest first released their MC strats, and helped a lot of people
04:03.24sancusI mean, a *lot* of guilds just never discover things like "gee we can outrange magmadar's fear, and we should pull sulfuron's guards away from him one at a time so they can't cross-heal"
04:03.57sancuswas a really big deal when conquest released their mc strats
04:04.15CodayusMagmadar's fear seems too obvious to need a guide for.  Garr would be the first MC fight that's technical enough to need strategy, I think.
04:04.19sancusespecially for the fire packs, those things crushed people hard
04:04.54sancusGehennas, you want to move your adds out of line of sight for his curse and have a curse curer up front for the MT and a healing squad for the MT while the adds get killed
04:05.07sancusat the time, that was quite complex, when guilds were just learning how to raid together
04:05.36Codayus<shrug>  Maybe so - but are you arguing that the ZG fights are far more complex?
04:06.05CodayusEven the snake boss is hard if you don't know the tricks.
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04:06.25Codayusare NOT far more complex.
04:06.29CodayusZOMG, typos FTL.
04:06.31sancusNo, I was just saying that MC has a very detailed analysis available
04:06.48sancusZG less so since its newer and since all the people who do analyze such things(high end raid guilds) can just blast through ZG ignoring the subtleties
04:06.50sancusbecause of their gear
04:07.03sancuswhich we certainly do, heh
04:07.08AnduinLotharzomg requires reading!? ftlbbq
04:07.10sancuscc on trash pulls? thats for pussies, sir
04:07.38AnduinLotharpussies with blues, yes
04:07.40sancusconcerning yourself with who arlokk targets? who the hell cares, just kill the mob
04:08.16AnduinLotharzomg elitist guildie! Boot Him
04:08.44sancuseven like broodlord for example
04:08.49CodayusThereby proving that ZG isn't an instance for noobs then?  'cause my guild isn't epic equipped at all, and we more or less zerged Gehennas on our first attempt - just treated him like Luci and it just worked., I'm really really proud that we got the spider boss on our third try.  And we got thekal on our...20-30th?
04:08.50sancusTo this day we still just slaughter the raptor and slaughter him
04:09.00sancuseven though killing the raptor uber buffs him :P
04:09.14sancusand optimally you probably want to just offtank it
04:09.15CodayusMeh, just wait the buff out.  It goes away.
04:09.29sancusthat kind of thing can kill a tank in blues though
04:09.35CodayusSlow, but if you're worried about it, trivial.
04:10.21sancusZG is an instance designed to teach you the skills required for raiding mostly
04:10.34sancusIt also punishes failure much more harshly than MC
04:10.39sancusprobably because it has to, since it's only 20 man
04:10.40CodayusProblem - MC (first half, anyhow) doesn't need those skills.
04:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:11.27sancuswell yea
04:11.43sancusZG was also built for the modern gear level
04:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBl1de1 (
04:12.27AnduinLotharzg is zomg impossible with lag today
04:13.20sancuslag in zg? :/
04:13.29sancusthats unusual, at least on our server
04:13.39AnduinLotharlol. you aren't on kil'jaeden
04:13.58CodayusI killed Mag in a PUG once.  We one-shotted him.  The raid leader was experienced shotting Mag?  Dude!
04:14.15sancusno im on burning legion
04:14.43sancusCodayus: That's why MC is all about positioning, it requires little individual player skills, the wide dissemination of strats from high-end guilds really hurt it badly
04:15.40sancusZG could prob be similarly trivialized if someone really did an indepth analysis but I havent seen one, especially for alliance
04:16.03AnduinLotharthey should change the timing/positioning on all of the bosses every patch just to keep things insteresting
04:16.26sancusyea that'd be a lot of work though, and constantly increasing work the more instances added to the game
04:17.15TainThat's just how it works.  The first guilds to get in get the reward of the first loot, everyone else gets an easier time.
04:17.19CodayusZG requires everyone to know what they're doing, not just one person.  Luci is like a glorified Drak fight.  I don't think there are strats which would let unskilled raids kick ass in ZG (and I don't think they helped too much in MC, but that happened before my time, so...)
04:17.31AnduinLotharnah, one guy could go through and change all the mc bosses in a day
04:17.43sancusat BLIZZARD?
04:17.52TainThey're not going to make it harder, that will discourage the later guilds who aren't as "good."
04:17.56sancusyea right
04:18.10sancusthen they'd patch and the AH would be broken because someone changed the range of mag's fear
04:18.42IrielCairenn: 1.10 changes thread brought up to date
04:18.44sancusa bit of an exaggeration, but all those changes have to be checked for balance and checked for bugs and tested and etc etc
04:18.53CairennIriel: thanks, will update mine
04:18.55AnduinLotharwell of course they cant do it because of the testing and QA time, but you could do all the changes in a day
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04:19.24TainWhere's cladhaire, I actually have WatchDog suggestions and I'm afraid I'll forget.
04:19.29CodayusA boss that had a different attack every week would be interesting...
04:19.37AnduinLotharpapeer and pencil
04:19.39sancusCodayus: I dunno, I don't really think ZG requires people to know what they're doing that much more than MC, maybe a little, but it's also half the people you need to KNOW what they're doing
04:19.56CairennIriel: heh, at this rate, we're going to end up requiring 2 posts on WoWI for it again, it's getting long :)
04:20.07sancusCodayus: So, like, Chromaggus? :P
04:20.10sancusor nefarian
04:20.21CodayusI wouldn't know about BWL bosses.  :-)
04:20.37sancusChromagus has two randomly selected(from a pool of like 6?) breath weapons every week
04:20.51sancusAnd Nefarian spawns two different mobs from a similar pool in his phase 1 every week
04:21.12IrielCairenn : I'm at least prepared with 2 posts on the main forum 8-)
04:21.52TainSlouken needs to just stop working so hard. :)
04:21.59sancusCodayus: AQ40 has an even more fun concept, a fight where it's different depending on which order you kill the mobs and you get different loot based on that too
04:22.04CodayusUnfortunatly, due to some rather unfortunate real life drama, my guild is stuck in ZG for a while.  Our advancement went from "4 new bosses in 2 weeks" to "unable to hit MC/Ony anymore".
04:22.28sancusattendance drop that bad? you can prob do MC up to where you are with 30
04:22.30TainAll this positive feedback and actually implementing things the community suggests is just unnatural.
04:23.05CodayusNot so much attendance, more of a split.  We're recruiting, and might even try an MC raid next week...but...  :-/
04:23.42sancusSplit? heh, raid guild drama ftw
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04:23.54CairennIriel: at least at WoWI I don't have to reserve posts - oh the times I wish I had admin capacity on the Blizz forum ....
04:24.24CodayusYa, it was great.  Deleted posts, backstabbing, adultery - the whole nine yards.  W00t.
04:24.32ShadowdWow, nice
04:24.33Violentnight|WoWyeah.. get rid of the 50 posts that all ask the same thing ^_^
04:25.57sancusI think we're the only raid guild on our server that has existed since release day 1 and has only ever kicked out two members
04:26.06CairennCodayus: "We Got Drama, Yes We Do. We Got Drama, How About You!?!"
04:26.11sancuseveryone else seems to split and reform on a weekly basis
04:27.04sancusalliance was really bad at one point, their major raid guild split, then the original guild collapsed, and like 3 other guilds started from that, then the first split guild split...
04:27.07sancusit got pretty confusing
04:27.25TainYay for the Lazy Peon quest.
04:27.26CodayusIt got a bit confusing on our server, but most of the bad drama happened before I was raiding.
04:28.00sancusThe main reason we're stable is because about 50% of the membership knows eachother RL
04:28.15CodayusActually, to make the drama worse, it was a guild alliance.  (Yeah...I know.  I know.)  The other guild imploded and is reforming.
04:28.33sancusGuilds that existed pre-wow also tend to be fairly stable, especially guilds that existed over many games
04:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
04:29.20sancuswhat server are you on? pve or pvp?
04:29.24CodayusOur guild is actually very stable.  90% of us know each other some how out of game, and we've never kicked anyone.  The problem is, our guild can field maybe 10 people to a raid.
04:29.31CodayusLightbringer.  PvE carebears FTW.
04:30.36sancusouch, horde lightbringer slackin'!
04:30.40CodayusWe don't want to grow, but we want to get epix.  :-(
04:30.49sancusI would suggest you grow anyway
04:30.59sancusalliances are terribly unstable
04:31.06sancusgrowing's the lesser evil
04:31.10CodayusAh, looking at the AQ progress?  Yeah, alliance outnumbers horde like...4:1 or something insane.
04:31.36sancusits funny because on BL horde is at 99% and alliance is at 84%, lagging badly
04:31.40CodayusYeah.  Seeing the last alliance fall apart was annoying.  A lot of wasted time and effort up in smoke.
04:32.06sancuswe have more alliance than horde but its only like 1.5:1 I think
04:32.48CodayusI hope AQ20 is doable.
04:32.54sancusit should be
04:33.01sancusplus the biggest upgrades are the skill drops and they drop off every boss
04:33.10CodayusFor us, that is.  I've heard the loot is better than ZG, and the bosses not really tougher.
04:33.11sancusso even if you can only clear like half of it
04:33.19sancusyou still get all the good stuff
04:33.44sancusWell the loot nicely complements ZG
04:33.54sancussince the faction sets are um weapon/cloak/ring instead of an armoar set
04:33.56sancuser armor
04:34.05sancusand the weapon is MC-level
04:34.11CodayusYeah, the weapon is kickass.
04:34.35sancusthe drops are OK, I havent really looked much at them
04:35.07sancusOssirian seems to drop stuff that is better than anything in MC but Rag though
04:35.12CodayusI'm using a Lorespinner/Milli's combo on my priest main.  No priest ZG weapons have dropped so far, and I could really use an upgrade.
04:35.34sancusnot sure about priest weapons, there's a really nice nuker staff from ossirian
04:37.12Guillotinehehe. ya. I seem to have problems with staying connected to IRC
04:37.12CodayusHeh, I'd take it even as a priest.  :-P  Although obviously it should go to DPS casters first.
04:37.41sancusoh, hey
04:37.46sancusthe priest weapon IS pretty nice
04:38.04CodayusNo kidding.
04:38.09sancuswith milli's thats like
04:38.17sancus10mp5 and 90 healing and decent int/stam?
04:39.03sancusThat's better than any healer combination available out of MC I'm pretty sure
04:39.15sancusmaybe even BWL, lok'amir isnt that great for priests
04:39.38sancusyou should try green dragons tho
04:39.49CodayusFang of Venoxis is better than Aurastone Hammer I believe.  And the Fang is 8int, 6spi, +24 healing, and 6mp5.
04:40.18sancusLethon is super easy if you know the trick(we do him with 15), and Ysondre is super easy too
04:40.20CodayusThe Gavel is a bit less spirit and mp5, but +90 healing?  Yeah.
04:40.46CodayusHow many people do they need?  Full 40 man?
04:41.01sancusTheoretically? 40-man, but they're like azuregos, you can do most of them with less
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04:41.18sancusOnly Taerar is really harsh on requirements, because he splits into 3 at 75,50,25, so you need to keep two tanks up and dps 3 mobs down
04:41.40sancustwo tanks in addition to MT I mean
04:41.44sancusEmeriss is arguably easier with 20 than 40, certainly is for us :P
04:42.05sancusthey all do 75,50,25 tricks
04:42.28sancusEmeriss hits everyone with a dot that does 100% of their hp in damage, and if anyone dies, they become a mushroom that deals obscene(1k dps) dot damage
04:42.54sancusSo the idea is, you heal yourself a bit, potion, whatever
04:43.02sancusand you dont die because it only dealt 100% of your maximum hitpoints
04:43.22sancusIf no one dies, its quite easy, but if one person dies, it can collapse half your raid due to a mushroom chain reaction
04:43.31sancusHence why it can be easier with 20 since less chance someone screws up
04:43.35CodayusHeh, yeah.
04:43.40CodayusI've heard they're fun encounters.
04:43.50sancusThey are, Ysondre is the most straight-forward, I would start there
04:44.06sancusYsondre just spawns a bunch of moonfire spawning druids at 75,50,25, they can be AE'd so whatever, they're weak
04:44.19sancusotherwise its tank the mob and kill it
04:45.19sancusif you've killed onyxia you should have no trouble with ysondre after a couple tries
04:45.38ShadowdCan you still survive Emeriss's DoT with defense stance?
04:45.57sancusuh I think so, I dont play a warrior though :p
04:47.06sancusThat's dangerous though, you'll still be very low on hps and a disease tick or a mushroom will instakill you
04:48.45ShadowdYeah, but at least you wont be killed out right by it.
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06:19.43ViolentnightMaking any progress, Iriel?
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06:22.35krkayay! wake up to see that slouken has replied!
06:22.42futrtrubl## SavedVariables: StatusBar, Type, ShowXP, ShowRested
06:23.01futrtrublwhat a nasty set of persistant globals that mod uses
06:23.02krkafutrtrubl, you may want to choose less generic names
06:23.12krkaoh, not your own :)
06:23.14futrtrublnot mine I assure you!
06:23.24krkathen i simply agree with you
06:23.31futrtrublTitan Xp Status
06:24.42krkai should shut up, i named an addon "Speed"
06:24.55futrtrublwhat id it do?
06:25.40futrtrubland as far as names go that's not bad, the above is horendous for vars though
06:26.45krkait shows your runspeed
06:27.00futrtrublback when that worked :(
06:27.28krkastill works
06:27.30krkai use it daily
06:27.44futrtrublI feel unclean for looking at this addon, the savedvars are the least of it's problems
06:27.59Violentnightwhat's the addon do, futrtrubl?
06:28.09krkathis is why i never use other peoples addons :P
06:28.12futrtrublreally? I thought they got rid of the speed stuff
06:28.26futrtrubldisplays xp info in titan
06:28.27krkayou can use the map position info
06:28.32futrtrublahhhh k
06:28.46Violentnightwhat'd people use before? and why did they get rid of it?
06:29.21krkayou could get the current location before
06:29.29krkaregardless of map
06:29.56Violentnightso.. world location as opposed to map location?
06:30.05krkait think so
06:30.08krkanot sure
06:30.17krkai was barely around before that got removed
06:30.28Violentnighthehe--I was around, but not modding at the time
06:31.52ViolentnightDid you guys kill Iriel while I was gone? tsk tsk
06:32.31futrtrublonly a little
06:32.45IrielOh, I was gonna sketch something out for you. oops.
06:32.57IrielSorry about that, I actually had a chance to PLAY!
06:33.10futrtrublsee, he's not even mostly dead
06:33.15Violentnightit's cool.. no rush.. I got caught up in the game too for awhile and forgot about the chan
06:33.23Violentnightlol futrtrubl
06:34.12ViolentnightYou sound like my GAM230 teacher... he always mentions how he never gets to play games anymore
06:35.02ViolentnightAnd when he does... he has this huge ginormous battleship-type starship in some MMO and likes to blow people up
06:36.02Violentnightwhat's live? teh site?
06:36.08Cairennclick the link
06:36.31ViolentnightI did... I suppose you expect me to read it too, huh?
06:36.45ShadowdBasically, lots of fancy features
06:37.00ShadowdLooks good Cairenn
06:37.06Violentnightlol nice opening paragraph
06:37.49Violentnightsounds nice.. I'll have to submit something and try it out later
06:39.24ViolentnightNice avatar, Cairenn -_^
06:40.14ShadowdNow to figure out which category to choose
06:41.53futrtrublOh My God, Cairenn... wow
06:42.33ShadowdHe's probably commenting on the changes
06:42.39IrielViolentnight :
06:42.41futrtrublnow I see why you kept it under wraps, the suspence was worth it
06:42.43ViolentnightWowI is lookin alot nicer.. but I still prefer the layout at CG
06:42.45Cairennthat's the big project we've been working on
06:43.00Violentnightit's so hard to choose
06:43.36futrtrublI'll portalify when I get the next version of my addon ready ;']
06:43.44krkacool cair!
06:43.49krkacant wait to try it out
06:43.57krkafeature reqs and bug reqs are pretty useful
06:44.09End-sanehatit doesn't liiike me
06:44.39krkame neither
06:44.41krkacan't agree
06:44.55End-sanehat"You must agree blah blah blah" stupid javascript >:(
06:44.58Cairennwhat do you mean it doesn't like you?
06:45.06Violentnightewww JS
06:45.52krkayeah, the JS is broken
06:45.54End-sanehatit brings up a js alert saying ¨You must agree to the rules before you can enable your portal."
06:46.14futrtrublgods, this addon has a frame that is its own parent... the horrors never end
06:46.31End-sanehatthe interesting thing is if you uncheck it lets you go to the next page at least...but then it complains with a similar error message :P
06:46.34ShadowdWhich addon is this?
06:46.47krkaseems to only follow the IE style
06:46.48futrtrublTitan XP Status
06:47.02krkapretty sure that only works in IE
06:47.20ViolentnightDid you know that if you don't assign a parent then a frame won't be hidden with Alt+Z
06:47.43futrtrublyup, this ain't my mod
06:48.43ViolentnightI wonder what parent="$parent" would do
06:48.44krkaworks if i disable javascript though
06:48.52krkayup Violentnight
06:49.35End-sanehatdisabling javascript didn't help me o_O
06:49.51End-sanehatnot right away
06:49.57End-sanehatI had to reload the page, and then it worked
06:49.59Violentnightlol nice comic on wowi
06:50.12Cairennyeah, Woody made that for our sites ages ago
06:50.42Cairennso are you guys saying there is a problem with the enable script for the portals? or are you talking about something else that I missed?
06:50.47IrielParentless frames end up children of the implicit 'root window'
06:51.04krkayes you got it right cait
06:51.05End-sanehatCairenn: yes about the enable script
06:51.25Cairennokay, hang on, will see if I can get Dolby in here
06:51.42End-sanehatthe javascript to check to make sure you clicked YES! I AGREE! doesn't seem to work under firefox
06:51.43ViolentnightSo is it a design feature or flaw that Alt+Z doesn't hide the children of the root window?
06:52.04Violentnightlol it can't be both
06:52.12End-sanehatoh yes, it can
06:52.31IrielIt's just the way it is
06:52.32ViolentnightWoot! Iriel listed my "Shortcomings of SavedVariables" thread on the 1.10 changelog
06:52.39IrielAlt-Z just hides UIParent
06:52.45Irielanything that's not a child of UIParent stays visible
06:52.49futrtrublno, I can't read anymore of this addons code.... it... uses.... RegisterForSave()
06:52.57End-sanehatAlt-Z does one other thing too, but I forget what
06:53.00Shadowdhow old is it?
06:53.20ShadowdSame thing as SavedVariables, but it actually works
06:53.24futrtrublit is current, updated since last patch
06:53.24Shadowd*SavedVariables in the .toc
06:53.58Violentnightsounds like a feature... though, before I realized it, it was buggin teh heck outta me that Alt+Z wasn't hiding my frames
06:54.01End-sanehatthe only good use for RFS I have found is if you are playing around with something with /script, and want to save the output to disk
06:54.12futrtrublomg, it uses RegisterForSave AND ## SavedVariables: for the same vars...
06:54.17ViolentnightShadowd: RegisterForSave() is like SavedVariables, but actually works? ... wouldn't that make it a good thing?
06:54.25IrielWell, if having the world NOT disappear also is a 'feature' then sure, it's a feature
06:54.39CairennDolby response:  yeah, but the php still catches it
06:54.45IrielViolentnight : RegisterForSave is an unreliable, non-classified ## SavedVariables
06:54.50IrielDont use it, ever
06:54.53ShadowdViolentnight: Said that wrong. RegisterForSave has some issues like if the addon is disabled then it loses the features. ## SavedVariables works all the time.
06:54.59Shadowd*loses the settings
06:55.06IrielUnless you absolutely understand what it does, and exactly why you're using it
06:55.29End-sanehatCairenn: but the problem is the js "catches" you no matter what (under firefox)
06:55.51End-sanehatCairenn: it doesn't detect the state of the checkbox correctly, and always thinks it is unchecked
06:56.00Cairennhe's coming in, hang on
06:56.03End-sanehatwhich is why you have to disable js
06:56.17Violentnighthe's coming in? You guys at WowI have your own office or something?
06:56.31End-sanehatVoilentnight: perhaps into the channel?
06:56.33Cairenninto the channel :p
06:56.40Violentnightooooh--I nude that
06:57.55Cairennguys, he says "try now", he has ff and it worked fine
06:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
06:57.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
06:58.15Violentnightwhat version of FF are ya'll usin? It does update often
06:58.17Cairennah, there he is, THE man!
06:58.17End-sanehatwell, I already enabled it after disabling javascript, so I can't exactly test now :P
06:58.18Wobin_Woot it works now
06:58.27ShadowdWell that was a fast approval time for files
06:58.35Wobin_Cairenn: disregard previous question in other channel =)
06:59.08IrielHey Dolby, nice work on all the wowi goodies.
07:00.43Dolby-wowiHey thanks :)
07:00.50Wobin_IAWTC =)
07:00.55Dolby-wowiMore and more and more and more features to come
07:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:05.01futrtrubleven more? futrtrubl swoons.
07:05.35Cairennoh yeah, we've got a lot more planned, just we wanted to get it live
07:08.12futrtrublhokay.. I was waiting for the new episode of SG Atlantis to be released, only to find that the season ended, so now I'm going to go to bed :(
07:08.30Violentnightaw g'night, futrtrubl
07:08.38futrtrublg'night all
07:09.03Cairennnight futr-sleep
07:11.37Cairennjavascript disabled for now, until he can find out why it's misbehaving for some users
07:11.47ViolentnightWowI doesn't display the correct time for me =P
07:12.13Cairennhave you changed the time zone in your user options?
07:12.45Violentnightyup... I think the DST is backwards? We don't have daylight savings time in Arizona, but I have to turn it on in order for it to show the current time
07:12.50Violentnightotherwise, it's an hour behind
07:13.13Cairennwell, tell your stupid state to get with the times
07:13.44futr-sleephey! my country does the same!
07:13.54Violentnightit's funny 'cause if I turn on Windows' automatic time synchronization that it sets my clock an hour off too.. even with DST disabled
07:13.56Cairennget it? "get with the times" daylight savings time?
07:14.07Violentnightoh.. ha ha ha.. very funny
07:14.37futr-sleepand up until xmas I went to school in AZ
07:15.02futr-sleepDST is a cheat to get more work
07:15.06Violentnightanyone know of an addon that gives an assist button for party members?
07:15.33futr-sleepGroup Buttons will give you 20 ;']
07:15.37Violentnightnah.. DST is a 'hack' for attempting to have the sun rise and set around the same time everyday
07:15.52Violentnight20 assist buttons? that's a little overkill
07:16.00Cairennsorry, it's late and I've been on pins and needles about the portals and how they get accepted (or not) by the mod author community, so I'm a little loopy
07:16.07ViolentnightI suppose I could make 4 macros and parent them to the party frames...
07:16.09futr-sleepwell, of different types of "assisting"
07:16.24IrielWhy not just make 4 buttons and parent those?
07:17.00ViolentnightI just said that, Iriel =P
07:17.10futr-sleepbut you said macros
07:17.30Violentnightoh same difference!
07:17.47futr-sleepok, now I'm really gone
07:17.58Violentnightyes.. off to bed with you! goodnight
07:18.23Cairennsweet dreams futr-sleep
07:18.36futr-sleepthanks Violentnight and Cairenn
07:19.29Violentnightoh smack!
07:19.32krkai wish i could get to bed, but i just got up :/
07:19.51ViolentnightCairenn: my mistake.. the board isn't wrong.. apparently, I'm just not in PST
07:20.10Violentnightgood job, krka ^_^
07:20.32Violentnighthow do I submit stuff on wowi?  I'm really not diggin this interface
07:21.04Cairenngo to the section it belongs in
07:22.11Violentnightooh I see
07:22.23Dolby-wowior click the  Upload & Update link
07:22.27Dolby-wowion the front page in the menu
07:23.17Cairennthat too ;)
07:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:24.09ViolentnightDo you guys have a place to make suggestions for the site?
07:24.31Wobin_Dolby-wowi: I'm clicking on the avatars in an addon comment, and it's redirecting to the profile, instead of the portal as Cair suggests it should
07:25.10CairennViolentnight: yes, there is a suggestions forum
07:25.34Dolby-wowiyep theres a link to the forum in the main admin area of your portal OR just go here:
07:26.11Dolby-wowihmmmm wobin, let me check the code.
07:26.21KalrothViolentnight: Don't bother suggesting more nudies, it won't work :(
07:26.38CairennKalroth: *more* nudies?
07:26.53krkaah, screw it, i won't start working on my gui before 1.10
07:27.01krkai so hate writing xml
07:27.57KalrothNuh uh!
07:28.06KalrothIt was a slip!
07:28.11Cairennuh huh
07:28.26Cairennyou'd better not have been photoshoping my avatar
07:28.30Dolby-wowihmmm it looks like its working for me Wobin. Can you link me to a comment where its not?
07:28.39End-sanehatwhat sort of slip?
07:28.51KalrothCairenn: That's yours?! err, I mean, I wouldn't do such a thing!
07:29.31Wobin_just clicking on Clad's avatar
07:29.55Cairennbut does clad have his portal enabled?
07:30.12Wobin_I can get to it through
07:30.22Cairenn(I couldn't remember)
07:30.37Violentnightif I have numerous suggestions, would you prefer numerous threads or just one?
07:30.40Cairenn(I wasn't sure which FAs set stuff up during testing)
07:30.47Dolby-wowithe avatar brings you to the user profile, clicking on the icon below it that says Featured or Author should bring you to their portal if its enabled
07:30.52Cairenneither or, Violentnight, your choice
07:32.51CairennDolby-wowi: suggestion then ... if they have a portal, have a link to it on the profile page?
07:33.25ViolentnightWhat is this 'portal' of which you speak?
07:33.59Wobin_Have a look at the frontpage of WoWi for the news post =)
07:34.27Cairennand Violentnight, just so you know ... we really *do* appreciate site suggestions and feedback ... we may not always act on it, but we do consider it ... the site can only get better by hearing from the community
07:34.40Cairennif no one ever gives us any feedback ... /shrug
07:35.22*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
07:37.25Violentnightgood ^_^ 'cause I'm full of criticism... and I try my best to keep it constructive
07:38.00Elkano/hug Cairenn for the portal system
07:38.43Violentnightooh right.. I gotta wait for my addon to be approved before I can try the portal
07:38.50KalrothCairenn: You don't need feedback for a perfect site!
07:39.08End-sanehatbut it needs more nudies!
07:39.11End-sanehatI mean
07:39.41Cairennit's already been approved Violentnight
07:39.43KalrothEnd-sanehat: Although that 'more' word can get you in trouble.
07:39.57End-sanehatSo I have observed.
07:40.37ViolentnightCairenn: you sure? My handle isn't Violentnight on the site, and the link gives the error: Error
07:40.37ViolentnightSorry, this feature is for interface authors only. You do not have any files in our database. If you have just uploaded an interface it may take up to 24hrs for our system to flag your account for author status. If you are an interface author and after 24hrs still can not enable your portal please contact an admin for help.
07:41.06Cairennsec, getting dolby to remind me how to manually update the cache :p
07:41.07End-sanehat"it may take up to 24hrs for our system to flag your account for author status."
07:41.36End-sanehatbut of course, Cairenn can force it to flag, so I suppose that'll fix your problem :P
07:41.40ViolentnightEnd-sanehat: I assumed that's because they're allowing themselves up to 24 hours to approve anything you submit
07:41.50CairennViolentnight: nope
07:42.11Violentnightwell.. then... booger snot
07:42.22Cairennunless we are *all* asleep, mods are approved within minutes, typically
07:42.53Violentnightso why the 24 hour wait?
07:43.09Cairennsec, getting dolby to remind me how to manually update the cache :p
07:43.12End-sanehatbecause it updates the cache every 24 hours?  just a guess
07:43.44ViolentnightEnd-sanehat: I'm guessing so too now... but... meh, I dunno--I've never worked with a cache, but that seems like an awful long time
07:44.09Elkano:( slouken hasn't answered on 'my' thread, yet
07:44.09Cairennit normally updates more often than that (every 6, iirc), but things happen
07:44.18Cairennso we allow ourselves a bit of leeway
07:44.28End-sanehatmakes sense
07:44.33Cairennoh, and, ummm, try now :p
07:44.49Cairennif I recall correctly
07:44.59Violentnightright right.. I always have trouble remembering that one
07:45.08Cairenn~wtf iirc
07:45.18Violentnight~wtf cc
07:45.30Violentnight~wtf zg
07:45.34Violentnighttsk tsk
07:45.46Cairennand, Dolby is setting it to update every 15 mins or so, for a while
07:45.46Kalrothsilly perl
07:45.49End-sanehatpurl's acronym database is pretty generic
07:45.59Cairennanyway, have you checked now, Violentnight? hmmm?
07:46.02Kalroth~wtf zug zug
07:46.04End-sanehatI doubt it even has WTB/WTS
07:46.09End-sanehat~wtf WTB
07:46.13Kalroth~wtf zugzug
07:46.17Violentnight~wtf LFG
07:46.19Violentnight~wtf PST
07:46.23Cairennnot everything is programmed into him
07:46.28Violentnightno gaming terms.. hehe
07:46.30Cairennsheesh :p
07:46.36ViolentnightCairenn: yup, it works.. I'm going to go twiddle now ^_^
07:46.46Kalrothpoor purl, he's being abused for his lack of knowledge!
07:47.30End-sanehat~wtf BOGAHICA
07:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
07:47.50End-sanehat~wtf BOGAHICA
07:47.53Wobin_~wtf TANSTAAFL
07:47.54End-sanehatwrong paste
07:48.12End-sanehat~wtf TWIAVBP
07:48.17Violentnightnice--so the portal is a place where people can submit bug reports and feature suggestions to me? (amongst other things)
07:48.31End-sanehat~wtf AYBABTU
07:48.55End-sanehat~wtf YKWIM
07:49.04Violentnightyeah, you guys have way better features than CG... they give you a message thread with each addon, but the oldest post is put in first and.. it just sucks
07:49.16Violentnight~lrt End-sanehat
07:49.25Cairennwell, the forum support remains, as well :)
07:49.31End-sanehat~whaleslap Violentnight
07:49.33purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Violentnight over the head with it.....
07:49.46End-sanehatand I'm done messin with purl now.
07:49.54Violentnightwhy it's gotta be named Hugh? why can't it be named Shirley?
07:50.05End-sanehatsurely it couldn't be named shirley!
07:50.16IrielOk, time to sleep
07:50.22Cairennbecause it's a freakishly huge whale
07:50.23Wobin_Roger, Roger! What's our vector Victor?
07:50.27End-sanehatk, cya Iriel
07:50.29Cairennnight Iriel, sweet dreams :)
07:50.44End-sanehatwtf is a smoogle? o_O
07:50.47IrielYou too, if/when you manage dreamland.
07:50.50Wobin_smooch huggle?
07:50.53Violentnightg'night Iriel
07:50.59krkadamn it, UNIT_AURA does not trigger on mouseover
07:51.22Kalrothkrka: That'll teach you to ask in here!
07:51.30Violentnightkrka: why would it?
07:51.37krkawell, it does trigger sometimes
07:51.41Corrodiasmy god.
07:51.49krkabut it appears that only happens if it actually updates while i have it hovered
07:52.05ViolentnightWeee pretty portal.. now I just gotta figure out what to do with it. Thanks Cairenn and Dolby ^_^
07:52.09Violentnightgood jobs
07:53.10ViolentnightI'm too tired right now.. but I expect me to go through the site and nit-pic and things and suggest improvements tomorrow ^_^
07:53.31Corrodiasthat man has appeared in over 200 games/shows/movies...
07:53.39Corrodiaswell, voiced, not appeared in
07:54.24Temeek it's live?
07:55.13ViolentnightSiden's solution to long BG wait times:  This may seem "ghetto" or whatever you people call it where youa re from (I am in no way bashing any ethnic groups intentionally) but you can do what I do and make my brother sit there and, for some reason, he likes to run around in circles (on the screen) so he just does that, then I tel him if a box pops up,to come get me, and he does, w00t! He is 7 so I like, give him a quarter or somet
07:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
07:55.53CairennTem: indeed it is :)
07:56.04KolthWhat's live?
07:56.07TemNow I can direct people there!
07:56.12Cairennthat you can :)
07:56.36KalrothTekkub got an addon called MountMe, haa!
07:57.04Cairennand for those of you wondering ... our FAs have had access to the portal system for a couple weeks now, checking for bugs, making suggestions, etc
07:57.32Kalrothis there an index over available portals?
07:57.42Wobin_Featured Authors(Artists?)
07:57.55Cairennwhich is why some folks already have so much stuff set up, and are making comments like Tem's
07:58.02CairennWobin_: correct :)
07:58.11Violentnightooh nifty.. Tem is special
07:58.52TemI need to flesh mine out like Tekkub's
07:59.09Temtomorrow afternoon.  2 exams in the morning
07:59.35Tembut it is time for another news posting
07:59.46ViolentnightTem, gimme a link to yours
08:00.07Violentnightthat isn't clickable!
08:00.08krkais level 37 in 4 days played good?
08:00.46Violentnightkrka: Well, it took me 2-3 weeks to get to level 30 and I've been avoiding homework and everything else possible in order to play
08:00.50Cairennbtw, if you guys like it (the portal), please consider giving us a bump: ,
08:00.51Violentnightso... define "good"
08:01.09Kalrothkrka: It's ok, depends on the class really
08:01.37Shadowdalso depends on how many 60s or characters above 40+ you have too
08:01.47Violentnightthanks, Cairenn--finally somebody that understands my laziness ^_^
08:03.01End-sanehathmm, my knee itches
08:03.12krkawell, i meant in game time, not actual time since creating the char
08:03.33Violentnightit tells you that? where?
08:04.04Elkano^wtf4 days to go until '1 year WoW in Europe' :/
08:05.41Violentnight6 days 11 hours! woot
08:05.50krkawhat level?
08:06.06Violentnightgranted.. a chunk of that was just keeping my character active while working with addons
08:06.45krkayeah a lot of time goes to fixing addons :(/
08:06.54Wobin_I'm 50 at 10 days...
08:07.04Wobin_But that's not really powerlevelling...
08:07.17Violentnighthow can a rape victim say she's a virgin?
08:08.01Wobin_She -was- one, or still is one?
08:08.22Wobin_And there are ways one can be raped and still technically remain a virgin...
08:08.50TemI win
08:08.52Violentnightshe said "You don't understand *sob* I'm a virgin!"
08:09.06Temit took me 30 /days/ to get to 60
08:09.07ViolentnightTem is a gurrrrrl! hahahahaha
08:09.56Elkano^wtfhmm... with GetBuildInfo would be nice to get a GetLastReboot() ;)
08:10.18Violentnightsee, Tem? You're a girl!
08:10.57krka3s ping really lowers your dps
08:11.00ViolentnightDoes anyone else think there desperately needs to be a faster way to go through mail? I put 20 things up for auction, 2 sell, and then I have to grab the other 18 back one-by-one
08:11.21Temit's called CT_MailMod
08:12.46Violentnightdamn CT has everything.. and I haven't used any of their stuff
08:14.29Wobin_The mailmod is fantastic
08:14.34Wobin_Especially the mass mailing one
08:14.46Wobin_Makes mailing to my AH mule so much quicker
08:15.07ViolentnightThe CT_MailMod post doesn't mention anything about opening mail
08:15.21Wobin_Bumped =)
08:15.29Wobin_It does, though...
08:15.42Wobin_You can open all the mail at once (well one after the other at once)
08:15.48Wobin_and it only occasionally bugs =P
08:16.17Violentnightyou'd think that'd be an important feature to mention
08:16.28ViolentnightAnyone know of a good auction addon besides Auctioneer?
08:16.53Wobin_Nothing that is as good =\
08:17.18Wobin_as far as I've seen, CT_Mailmod's bug is that it leaves one message undeleted
08:17.30Wobin_Which is acceptable to me for what it already does to the rest
08:17.45Wobin_(sometimes leaves one behind, thaqt is)
08:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
08:19.23ViolentnightAuctioneer is nice, but I don't like the way it functions--I want something that actually keeps track of when things sell and for how much. So if it sells quickly--bump the price up for hte next round. If it doesn't sell--bump it down.
08:19.36ViolentnightI've considered making it myself, but it'd probably take me months.. lol
08:20.55Cairennhave you looked at KC_Items? (I don't recall whether it does that or not, but you could check)
08:21.06krkaTip: There is no cow level.
08:22.00Temcladhair: They're Live!
08:22.16CairennI don't think clad is actually with us
08:22.25Cairennthat's the second time he's logged back in
08:22.35Kalrothbtw, am I a bastard: ?
08:24.19Wobin_feh, my favourite pally tanks with a mining pick =P
08:25.30krkagah, stupid OnLeave never working
08:25.40ViolentnightA bastard? No... but a dagger that increases damage and healing from spells may not be the best choice for a warrior
08:26.15KalrothWobin_: Well I don't actually use it for anything, I'm not that dumb :P I only looted it so I could stand in Org and get hate tells :)
08:26.51ShadowdHave you gotten yourself a caster OH yet?
08:27.01End-wafflehathaha, that'd be awesome
08:27.02Kalrothworking on it :p
08:27.03ViolentnightCairenn: Doesn't look like it.. just uses price averaging--like Auctioneer does.
08:27.15Cairennokay, was just a thought
08:27.22End-wafflehatget the AV one
08:27.22KalrothI wonder if hand of Nef will do the trick :p
08:27.29Wobin_*shrug* =P If I see something like a warrior with that, I just assume it would have been DE'd if he didn't take it =P
08:28.29KalrothWobin_: Yeah, it was :)
08:28.36ShadowdChromaggus dagger would work too
08:29.02KalrothI managed to convince a few locks that I bid more DKP than the locks in my guild, so I won it over them
08:29.33Kalrothdragon kill points :)
08:29.46Violentnightwhat's that?
08:29.56Kalrothbasically everyone in the raid gets 1 point for every time they help kill a boss
08:30.10Kalroththose points are then a currency to purchase loot from the bosses
08:30.23End-wafflehatthere are a lot of variants
08:30.35Kalrothhorrible, horrible system, I'm glad my guild doesn't use DKP in any way :)
08:31.06ShadowdIt really isn't that bad. I never saw what people hated about it.
08:31.17Violentnightahhh an addon
08:31.29TemI actually like it because it takes the luck out of winning loot
08:31.34TemI'm a very unlucky person
08:31.36KalrothShadowd: shamans/paladins with quick strike ring, shamans/paladins with DPS gear, etc :)
08:31.42Temif I can lose a roll I will
08:31.50ShadowdKalroth: The problem is you're using a straight up
08:32.07Shadowd"If you can bid/win/whatever, you can buy it" without class restrictions.
08:32.21Temand that's ba
08:32.27Temclass restrictions are good
08:33.18Temkeeps those filthy pallies off my Azuresong Mageblade
08:33.18KalrothShadowd: Let me put it this way, we've never used DKP or similar and we clear both MC and BWL now. Not once has there been any whining over loot distribution :)
08:33.18Temget your healing mace and stfu
08:33.18ShadowdYeah, I'm not saying it's the right solution to everything, just that saying "it's horrible" is a bit strong.
08:33.21End-wafflehatthe mageblade is so...featureless looking
08:33.24TemI know
08:33.29KalrothShadowd: it is horrible ;)
08:33.40Temfor something so wtfub3r it's stupidly ugly
08:33.41Wobin_Finkle's Lavadredger looks the best =)
08:33.42ShadowdIt's horrible if you just use DKP, It's fair if you actually have a balance system
08:33.55End-wafflehatI have Finkle's Lava Dredger :D
08:33.56ShadowdBut it's not for everyone, some people prefer council type systems
08:34.00KalrothShadowd: You need all kinds of modifiers for it to work
08:34.16Wobin_Sure, but that goes for any system of rules =)
08:34.21Violentnightso how do I use CT_MailMod to quicken the process of getting items out of mail?
08:34.22ShadowdYeah, but when you set up those modifiers they work great
08:34.30KalrothShadowd: fixed item prices, value decaying, min-max limitations, etc.
08:34.45ShadowdWell it sounds like you're arguing that your raid/guild leaders are lazy :p
08:35.12Kalrothnope, I'm saying that I've yet to see a good DKP system :)
08:35.31ShadowdThe one that my old guild used worked fine, all the correct classes got stuff first. Points we're fairly distrubted.
08:36.00ShadowdPaladins didn't get askhandi's first :p
08:36.03KalrothI guess DKP is good if you don't trust your fellow guildmembers, eg. pug MC guilds or similar :)
08:37.24ShadowdWell, we cleared BWL RAzor-Nef, and we've never had any loot issues, or people leave because of a loot issue. The only time there was an argument was paladins complaining because they couldn't roll on DPS gear or something silly like that.
08:37.41KalrothWell that's a generic alliance problem :)
08:37.56KalrothCleansebots thinking they should DPS
08:38.08ShadowdYep! But my point being, we never had any issues. Everyone liked the system and got loot as they should
08:38.16Depheriosuntil they get DPS buffs and Defense nerfs and they cry
08:38.33ShadowdWell, paladins should be able to roll on DPS stuff. Just not when it's an upgrade for an actual DPS class.
08:38.42ViolentnightTem and Wobin_ .. this thing isn't pulling my items out of mail for me or anything! =P
08:39.02Temsounds like you fail
08:39.03Wobin_... It should...
08:39.19KalrothShadowd: Thankfully shamans can't use mail, so we don't have that issue. :)
08:39.22Violentnightdo I hafta click something special?
08:39.24Kalrotherr, can't use plate ffs
08:39.27krkathey cant?
08:39.31Wobin_Shaman -can- use mail =P
08:39.38DepheriosMail Yes, Plate No
08:39.39ShadowdKalroth: What do they wear, twill?
08:40.00KalrothMove along, nothing to see here!
08:40.34CairennShadowd: apparently, if Kalroth has his way, they won't wear anything
08:40.39krkai am not wearing any underwear!
08:40.52KalrothI'm not wearing anything either, joy!
08:40.56CairennI am not wearing any either
08:41.11krkain my morning robe atm
08:41.12Violentnightit's so much hotter when Cairenn says it
08:41.20KalrothViolentnight: That hurts :(
08:41.37Violentnighthehe ^_^
08:41.41krkayeah, i am offended :(/
08:42.02Violentnightwell.. I'm not wearing any pants
08:42.07Violentnightso umm............ joy!
08:42.21KalrothViolentnight: Hah, I'm at work and still not wearing anything!
08:42.29End-wafflehatI AM wearing pants, and I'm damn proud of myself for it
08:43.18Wobin_rare occasion?
08:43.35End-wafflehatno, I'm just normally a proud person apparently?
08:43.38Cairennquestion for you guys - given the forum support and now the portals ... do you still want users to be able to leave comments on the file download page, or would it be better if we turned those off?
08:44.14ViolentnightI think the more options available to the community, the better--just so long as the author is given proper notice of the message and a link to go straight to it
08:44.38End-wafflehatI dunno
08:44.47End-wafflehatisn't my input great?
08:44.48Cairennjust food for thought
08:45.26End-wafflehatanyways, I'm going to bed so that I -might- make it to my annoyingly early class tomarrow
08:45.33Wobin_I guess, if you want to shift the focus from the addons to the authors, you could disable/move the comments on the addons page
08:45.39Cairennnight End-wafflehat
08:45.49Cairennbtw, loving your hats these days, too cute for words
08:46.02Cairennsweet dreams :)
08:46.34Wobin_I guess so far, focus has been on the addons specifically, not on the authors themselves
08:47.23Cairennwhich viewpoint is, in my opinion, not the way it should be
08:47.25Cairennbut that's me
08:48.30Wobin_I often tend to trace down authors other addons if I find that what they do works well for me
08:48.38Wobin_Fizzwidget as a good example of such
08:48.44TemCairenn: I think that's a good idea
08:49.25Cairennmayhap I'll put it up for a vote on the site after a few days, in the dev section of the forums
08:49.40TemBut if that approach is taken, the addon page should have links in easy to see places that link to the bug report, feature request, and feedback pages of the portal
08:49.52KalrothWobin_: People don't care about authors, they just want addons :)
08:49.55Cairennheh, we're already working on that, Tem :)
08:50.01ViolentnightIt'd be nice if the focus was on the authors instead of the addons, but it's not really that easy. The majority people--especially those that just use addons and don't care how they work--aren't going to care who made something. Trying to force them to become familar with the people behind the addons may not turn out so well.
08:50.03Wobin_Kalroth: I know =)
08:50.04CairennKalroth: and that's MY point ... that's wrong
08:50.12KalrothCairenn: Well it's the truth
08:50.34ViolentnightCan anyone here name 10 people that worked on their favorite game?
08:50.44Wobin_Well disabling the comments on the addon page itself wouldn't stop people from finding the addon
08:50.50KalrothGood point, Violentnight :)
08:50.55Cairennit may be the truth, but anyone that knows me knows that I have always been very much in support of the AUTHORS
08:51.09Wobin_If they're interested enough to make a comment, then they wouldn't mind clicking on the link to get to the comments sectoin of the portal
08:51.21CairennWobin_: precisely, and the forums are still there too
08:51.21Wobin_(or bugreport etc)
08:51.38Cairennfor those authors that don't want to enable a portal
08:51.45Cairennor that want to have both
08:51.52KalrothCairenn: nono, I'm not dissing you silly! I'm just saying that players in general doesn't care about John Doe, they just want their BG cheating/haxing/etc addon so they can win again! :)
08:52.01Wobin_It would make it easier to show off what other addons the author has too
08:52.02ViolentnightCairenn: I totally understand and agree, but such a change isn't going to be quickly accepted by the community as a whole. It would need to be very gradual--and even then, the old way of doings things should be kept intact. Otherwise, you'll segregate your 'customer base'
08:52.04Cairennoh, I know
08:52.11Wobin_(if the focus changed)
08:53.23Cairennre what I was saying, look at the fact that I spent my own cash getting my hands on a CD of mods that someone was selling on eBay, in order to have the actual physical proof, so that we could get him shut down
08:53.26ViolentnightIf WoWInterface is meant to be a place for developers to meet and exchange ideas and yadda yadda then it's a great approach. But if you want to be accessible to as many people as possible, then it's going to be a hard battle doing it that way.
08:53.39Cairennit's both, Violentnight
08:54.30Cairennbut reality is, if there weren't mod devs, there wouldn't *be* a community
08:54.44ViolentnightThen back to my "doing it both ways" idea... perhaps create an option that allows people to use either an "Addon-focused view" or an "Author-focused view"
08:54.47CairennYOU guys are the ones that need the support
08:55.07Wobin_It's not that they're going to cut off the list of addons on the front page, or searching by addon, just that if there are things that can be done to encourage viewers to see the author behind the addon, that'd be good
08:55.11Cairennagain, though, this is simply my opinion, my viewpoint
08:55.46Wobin_centralising the comments/bugreports/faq/etc like the portal does will help
08:56.01ViolentnightIf you create a poll, the outcome is going to be influenced greatly depending on where you put the poll and how many 'common' people actually participate in the forums as opposed to just grabbing their files and leaving.
08:56.15Wobin_there just needs to be... a natural progression towards clicking on the portal link
08:56.22CairennI'm asking the *authors* what they want
08:57.25Cairennone of the most common complaints I hear from authors is that they get sick of having to look in X number of places to find all the feedback
08:57.34Wobin_Although, on one hand, I'm not sure that disabling comments on the addon will work ... I've often used comments I've read on an addon to choose whether to download it or not
08:57.40CairennI'm suggesting that perhaps we remove one of the places
08:58.03CairennWobin_: that is a good point, from an end-user's point of view
08:58.11ViolentnightI know... I'm just trying to point out some of the outcomes to help people make an informed decision. It's like at school a couple months ago, they held a poll to see how many people would want to have the campus open 24/7 and, of course, almost everyone said yes... but few of them realized that doing so would require raising tuition to pay for it.
08:58.13Cairennand something to be considered
08:58.24Wobin_Maybe have the comments visible, but if you want to leave a comment, it direct you to the portal
08:58.49Wobin_So the comments are seen in both places (portal and addon)
08:58.55ViolentnightPersonally, I would want my addons to serve the community, so I would want the site to be as friendly towards the community as possible. I'd expect other authors to be knowledgable enough to take the few extra steps to do something.
08:59.37Cairennanyway, not going to be turning them off tomorrow or anything, just something I thought I'd toss out there for you guys to mull over, see what people think
08:59.38TemHey feedback went *poof*
08:59.56CairennTem: ?
09:00.16TemWhen I first say them
09:00.32Temthere was a feedback option
09:00.48Violentnightdefine: them
09:00.50Cairennon the portals, you mean?
09:00.53TemI guess when he created my feature request option, he removed feedback
09:01.21Tembut now there is way for a user to leave a general comment that is neither a bug report or a feature request
09:01.21Dolby-wowiyep, was removed since it was kinda redundant after adding the feature request option
09:01.38Temoh hey Dolby-wowi I didn't see you here
09:01.58Dolby-wowifeedback is left for the download comments
09:02.04Cairennhehehehe Dolby, I just linked to the actual post re that
09:02.26Temsounds good to me
09:02.52CairennTem: and hence the forum support remaining, plus the discussion about comments on the file download page itself as well
09:03.08Tembut we just have to make it more clear to users that the download comments are not the place to make feature requests and bug reports
09:03.20Temeven though it's in huge red text, they still do it
09:04.52Temso maybe that red text could be changed to read something like "This area is for general comments about the addon ONLY.  If you want to leave a bug report, go [here].  If you want to make a feature request, go [here]"
09:05.05Temwith [here] replaced by links to the bug report and feature request pages
09:05.17Temfor that author
09:05.20Dolby-wowiI plan to add big links on the file info screen to the bug report and feature request system
09:05.20Tem's portal
09:05.34Temoh awesome
09:05.38ViolentnightSince you brought it up--do we have the ability to edit/move comments about our addons or in our portals?
09:06.05Violentnightso when people do that, we could just move the post into the proper place (feature request/bug report)
09:06.07TemI do still think that the red text before leaving a comment should have link to those pages
09:06.13Cairennin the portals, yes ... in the file download section, I'm not sure - Dolby?
09:06.23TemNot atm
09:06.32Tembut it would be a good feature
09:07.12Temanyway, continuing my previous thought, it would help to steer even the laziest users in the right direction.
09:07.22id`Cairenn, Dolby-wowi; woot! i love it! :P
09:07.24Dolby-wowino nothing really has changed to much with this in the download area. Thats what I'm working on next =)
09:07.30ViolentnightYou'd be surprised, Tem--that does require clicking a whole other link
09:07.58ViolentnightWhat if when making a comment, there's a dropdown that allows you to select if it's a comment/feature request/bug report
09:08.11ViolentnightAnd then there could still be separate links which would select the appropriate option by default
09:08.17CairennTem, they don't click on links to go to your support threads now, what makes you think they'll click on a link to go to whichever part of your portal?
09:08.51Violentnightthat way, when filling out the form, it's right there--they don't have to click another link or anything
09:09.04TemI'm saying if it's in the red text saying DON'T POST BUGS OR SUGGESTIONS HERE!!! FOR BUGS GO [here].  FOR SUGGESTIONS GO [here]
09:09.13Temit might get a few more user's attn
09:09.17Dolby-wowialso writeing some jave script to make the computer tell the power supply to apply the full 120v to the users keyboard if they post in the wrong area
09:09.20Cairennit *might*
09:09.23Dolby-wowierr java
09:09.31CairennDolby-wowi: hahahhaa
09:09.31id`this will help alot of people with visr
09:09.36id`including myself
09:09.36TemDolby-wowi: that sounds awesome
09:10.02Wobin_Dolby-wowi: If you can also write one that punches users in the face over the internet, I'll have your baby =)
09:10.11ViolentnightI personally don't like having big red text for anything other than an error--it's distracting and when there's too much of it, people start to ignore it altogether
09:10.45Cairennone of the other things that we will be adding, although it's going to be a while yet, is support for "groups" - like the Ace team, or Cosmos, or CTMod
09:10.51Violentnighthow would my DevTools help with Visor?
09:11.02ViolentnightCairenn: excellent idea
09:11.29Cairennyes, some of this is old news to some of you (points at FAs), but it's new to the rest :)
09:12.02TemViolentnight: showing Visible and Shown are quite pointless since a frame that is Hidden cannot get mouse focus
09:12.11id`Cairenn: Ah so you have mods that belong to a team to develop on. nice.
09:12.16TemViolentnight: unless there is another way to show your info about a frame
09:12.40ViolentnightTem: =P I added them when trying to figure out the difference between the two... I'll get around to toggling what properties display--eventually
09:12.58TemViolentnight: well neither can be false if the frame is visible
09:13.13Violentnightyeah, I understand that now
09:13.28Violentnighthasn't been updated in a week or so
09:13.37TemVisible: is visible on the screen right now.  "Can you see me?"
09:13.37Wobin_What -is- the difference between the two?
09:13.53Wobin_As opposed to 'offscreen' but not hidden
09:13.58Violentnightand IsShown() means you've called the Show() method
09:14.02TemShown: is visible /as long as my parent is visible/
09:14.19Temie Frame2:SetParent(Frame1)
09:14.25Violentnightvisible doesn't really mean that teh user can see it.. it could be blocked or offscreen.. but it means that it's had Show() called and all of its parents have as well
09:14.39TemFrame2:IsVisible() == false
09:14.47TemFrame2:IsShown() == true
09:15.08Violentnightit's all very confusing and the less I think about it the better off I am
09:15.16Temit's really quite simple
09:15.28Violentnightif you ignore the English of it.. yes
09:15.41Temthe wording is confusing as hell
09:15.54Tem'HasScript' is worse IMO
09:16.16ViolentnightTem: That's if it supports the script.. not necessarily if a function is set for it, right?
09:16.25Tembecause it really means 'CanHaveScriptButDoesntNeccesarilyHaveOneSet'
09:16.39Violentnightlol yeah... Blizzard really goofed on that
09:16.43Cairennit wouldn't be so that I can make sure to stealth bump my post so it remains at the top of the forum all day so everyone sees it and it doesn't get buried, nope nope
09:17.05Violentnightlol cute, Cairenn
09:17.05Temslouken said it was a goofy name right after he did it, but it was too late
09:17.23Temthe 1.9 (or 1.8 I don't remember) freeze had already occured
09:17.27ViolentnightSupportsScript() CanHaveScript()
09:18.14Temthey freeze the code
09:18.18Temat a certain point
09:18.22Temno changes can be made
09:19.47TemI see why, but it stinks for things like this
09:19.47Cairennnot really
09:19.56Violentnightand yet they reserve the right to change any part of the code at any time without notification to anyone... hehe
09:19.57Cairennotherwise, it'd never get out of QA and go live
09:20.06Temand Cairenn wins
09:20.24Cairennthey have to freeze it at some point, push it live, then move on to the next stage
09:21.04ViolentnightYeah... but I Think you should be able to melt it down to make adjustments and refreeze it in extreme situations
09:21.35ViolentnightThey could even make a duplicate method called SupportsScript and then deprecate HasScript in order to avoid breaking any current code
09:21.40Cairennwhat constitutes an "extreme" situation? where do they set the bar?
09:21.49Cairennand if they set it "here", why not "here"?
09:21.57ViolentnightWhat any reasonable person (namely, me) constitutes as extreme ^_^
09:22.10Cairennand if "here", then why not "here", and .....
09:22.30Cairennand well, okay, we'll make an exception this time
09:22.43Cairennso why not make an exception this time?
09:23.01Cairennthey have to freeze it at some point, push it live, then move on to the next stage
09:23.05ViolentnightWith something like HasScript(), I don't see any reason for anyone to not want to deprecate it and make a replacement method
09:23.16id`With only one addon lol >_>
09:23.23id`i promise ill get more soon :X
09:23.32Violentnightindustrial? is that what id` stands for?
09:24.07id`yes Violentnight
09:25.14Temlol! " If not, could someone direct me to a definitive list of all WoW macros?"
09:26.01Temgod people are ignorant
09:26.21krkathe lua grammar and a list of the available functions would be a definite list
09:26.31Violentnightnot ignorant.. just stupid... =)
09:26.53CairennI believe Tem was using the word in the proper context
09:27.16Cairennas opposed to the commonly used slang meaning of it
09:27.54TemI think "stupid" also applies to this particular person, but I was talking in general.  And in general, the people aren't stupid, just ignorant.
09:28.15Violentnightfair enough
09:28.54Temshould I edit out my reference to the GM as a "trained monkey"?
09:29.02id`your fault for even browsing the official forums
09:29.26Cairennummm, might be politic to do so, yeah
09:29.34Temit's kind of rude, but IMO they have earned it by being so damned misinformed
09:29.46Temall the freaking time
09:29.52Violentnightyeah.. I've almost completely stopped going to the official forums since Cairenn invited me here... I can't stand how people ask the same dumb questions everyday
09:30.26ViolentnightIs there any feeling as great as reaching the boarding pad just as the airship is pulling up? I don't think so.
09:30.27CairennTem: but are they misinformed, or following protocol?
09:31.02TemCairenn: that's possibly a good point, but I highly doubt it
09:31.20id`Tem: love your reply tho
09:31.22Cairenn(as in, don't doubt it)
09:31.38TemCairenn: there are often times that they don't even know the difference between a UI addon and a hack program that could get you banned
09:31.47Temthat's not protocol
09:31.51Temthat's ignorance
09:32.38Cairenntrue enough, that's ignorance, but I suggest that protocol tells them that they are *required* to ask if the user is using mods and request that they disable them as the first step to debugging
09:32.52TemI can understand that
09:33.18Tembut saying something that is clearly impossible to do in a macro is a macro would not fall under protocol
09:33.25Temanyway, I've edited my responce
09:34.05Cairenn(reminds Tem that she loves playing devil's advocate, in order to make people *think*)
09:34.24TemI admit, I hadn't thought of it that way before
09:34.48Temthat's a horrible word
09:34.56Cairennhehehe, isn't it though?
09:35.44Temit's like you hacked off part of "smooch" and amputated the "gle" from "snugle" and sewed them togeather in a frankenstien of words.
09:36.18CairennI don't know why I've even started using it, it's something a friend of mine used to say all the time back in EQ
09:36.32ViolentnightI like the word smoogle.. in fact, I think I've used it before. On a side note, did you guys know that in certain languages, like Japanese, it's impossible to "make-up" words?
09:36.50Temgood lord! it's almost 4 am!
09:36.57TemI have an exam at 9
09:37.03Violentnightwhat subject?
09:37.20Violentnightoooh bio... hahahaha *points*
09:37.46Temsorry I couldn't help it
09:37.55Violentnightis it multiple choice? I find the ABA-CA-DABA approach works well ^_^
09:38.13Cairenngo go, sleep! go!
09:38.14Temit should be multiple choice
09:38.17Tembut I'm not sure
09:38.22Temeither way, it's going to be easy
09:38.34Cairennmultiple guess is good
09:38.42TemTem out
09:38.44Violentnightthat's good... I hated Bio--but then, I took it at a catholic school
09:38.51Cairennsweet dreams Tem :)
09:38.57Tem|sleepnn Cairenn
09:38.57Cairennand good luck on the exam :)
09:39.02ViolentnightI started Chem at a Catholic school and sucked ass.. then transferred to a public school halfway through and got an A
09:39.06Tem|sleepgood luck with your thread, and thanks :)
09:39.10Violentnightgl, Tem... ttyl!
09:39.51ViolentnightIsn't thottbot just the best?
09:40.46krkame too
09:40.55krkaexcept i can never spell it right
09:41.00krkaso i never find it and give up :P
09:41.37Cairennbookmarked ftw ;)
09:42.12Cairennfor the win
09:42.18krkajust need to find myself an extremely lightweight browser so i can surf that while playing
09:42.24Cairennand, shoot me now for actually using that stupid ass expression
09:42.32Violentnight*bang pow* to the moon!
09:42.34Kolthbeing shot is ftw, Cair
09:42.36krkausing FTW FTW!
09:42.37Violentnightkrka: firefox?
09:42.54krkauhm... firefox uses heaps of memory for me
09:42.58krkait really hurts WoW
09:43.16krkai normally use links but then there's no graphics
09:43.32krkaand i mostly use alla for the maps
09:44.28ViolentnightAlla looks like a different interface for teh same exact info.. hehe
09:45.00Cairennwell, they both pull their info from the same place, so not surprising that the info is the same ...
09:45.01Violentnightkrka: really? meh... I can run WoW, Photoshop, a text editor, have 3-4 open folders and 10 web pages and still run fine ^_^
09:46.08CairennGO TO BED~
09:46.12KolthAlla usually has more info than Thottbot but I prefer Thottbot's interface.
09:46.31Cairennyou're as bad as I am, sheesh!
09:46.37Tem|sleepI find that thott is faster most times
09:46.46krkai only have 512 meg ram
09:46.46KolthIt's less of a page to load, that's for sure.
09:46.52Tem|sleepbut alla almost always has more info
09:46.56KolthAnd Alla feels slow too
09:47.01Violentnightkrka: get a gig.. you'll love it
09:47.09krkayeah i know
09:47.10Kolthkrka: Wow! I have 1024 and I run out of Memory like mad.
09:47.14Violentnight2x512 ram cards
09:47.14Tem|sleepand yes thott's page is much cleaner than alla's
09:47.17krkacosts money though
09:47.17Tem|sleepwhich I like
09:47.27krka512 meg is enough for wow + xchat + azureus
09:47.29Violentnightkrka: whore yourself out--that's how I got mine
09:47.34Kolthkrka: Do you instance much?
09:47.38krkanot enough if i start firefox too
09:47.40KolthI can barely run MC with a GB
09:47.44krkayeah, a bit
09:47.47Violentnightomg you're running azureus with WoW? .. and you think Firefox is a memory hog?
09:47.51krkai am only level 37 though
09:47.54krkaso only 5 man
09:47.58Kolthah, you won't be able to raid instance
09:48.07krkaazureus really isn't so bad
09:48.32KolthIt's not.
09:48.40KolthmuTorrent is wonderous though
09:48.57krkayeah, but that doesn't run on linux
09:49.00ViolentnightAzureus is the best app I've found for torrents, but it uses way too much memory, has a slow interface, adn completley hogs my internet connection
09:49.12KolthVio: You can fix the hogging part.
09:49.15krkaKolth, why would raid instance use much more memory?
09:49.18ViolentnightKolth: where do you get that? I've heard good thing of it
09:49.30Kolthkrka: More to load and render
09:49.53krkabecause of the larger amount of units on screen?
09:49.57Violentnightomg Alla gave me a pop-up.. curse you!
09:50.09Kolthkrka: There's just more of everything.
09:50.11CodayusI used Azureus for a while, but uTorrent is better I think.
09:50.18krkaCairenn, it doesn't really have a negative impact on WoW
09:50.26KolthCair is a sillyface!
09:50.29Cairennthat isn't my point, and I'm not asking
09:50.38KolthI download podcasts!
09:50.53krkano, you were *not* asking
09:51.10CodayusThat being said, I find Firefox tends to hog system resources like crazy.
09:51.13krkai download pr0^H^H^Hlinux distributions
09:51.30CairennKolth: my being a sillyface is old news, you're just figuring this out now? and uh huh, sure, right, that's what you're downloading, yup, I believe you, really I do ....
09:52.04KolthCairenn, ay too much memory, has a slow interface, adn completley hogs my internet connection
09:52.09Cairennwell, at least *one* person in the channel is honest ;)
09:52.14krkaslow interface doesn't really matter
09:52.34krkaif someone could point me to a better linux torrent client I'd be happy!
09:52.34ViolentnightI'm always honest, bebe.. yeah!
09:53.10Kolthkrka: You run WoW under Linux?
09:53.19krkayay... i hacked no-ip to update with the correct ip
09:53.26krkaugly ugly hack though
09:53.28krkayes Kolth
09:53.44Cairennoh lord, here we go with the linux vs windows vs mac
09:53.45KolthWhat brand of video card?
09:53.48ViolentnightWoW is multi-platform
09:53.59krkaNvidia something :)
09:53.59KolthCairenn is so, so wrong.
09:54.05ViolentnightCairenn: mac? what're you talking about? How dare you mention such a thing!
09:54.22Cairenndon't say that when AnduinLothar is here
09:54.23CodayusI know people who got it running with an ATI, and I...hrm...sort of did.  Not really playably though.
09:54.23KolthI need to talk to someone that runs WoW under Linux and Bela isn't here right now.
09:54.24krkazomg linux SI MUCH BETTAR!!!
09:54.50KolthWhat distro do you use?
09:54.53krkawell, i can try
09:55.13KolthI was working on it but I got stuck at 'direct rendering: disabled'
09:55.44krkasounds like glx wasn't working
09:55.51ViolentnightMac is superior for graphics development--but that's about it. And Mac is currently advertising their deal with intel to put intel proecssors into mac computers, which is going to take away the last bit of uniqueness that Mac had. So basically... my schoolmates and I are predicting that Macintosh is going to crash and burn in the coming years.
09:55.52KolthYes it was not.
09:55.58krkait was a real pain fixing all that
09:56.15KolthIt was also the first time I ran Linux.
09:56.21KolthGood learning experience but hefty task.
09:56.21krkayou're running X with nvidia drivers?
09:56.30KolthXorg w/ ATI
09:56.41krkawell, the only real problem i had with linux is graphics
09:56.51krkaand that's only because they won't release source for drivers
09:57.12krkaso nvidia/atis fault, not the linux maintainers
09:57.22krkaATI is even worse than nvidia, afaik
09:57.42KolthYeah. I got one step away from WoW under Linux.
09:57.53KolthBela went through his bout and won, it would seem.
09:58.05krkahe uses ati too?
09:58.09KolthI forget.
09:58.27KolthI also haven't checked the state of WINE so who knows where it is.
09:58.42krkai use cedega
09:59.34Codayuskergoth uses ATI, and he apparently had good luck.
09:59.43Kolththanks Codayus
09:59.45CodayusOf course, he doesn't hang out in here any more.  Not since...the incident...
09:59.50CodayusBut we don't talk about that.
09:59.51Violentnightit uses way too much memory and I've had alot of problems with it and jEdit
10:00.21CairennCodayus: ><
10:00.28KolthI must've missed something while moving states :)
10:00.53Violentnightand I've had alot of problems with Azureus and Java
10:00.59KolthLike what?
10:01.08CodayusI use, IIRC, a very similar ATI card to kergoth, and I got WoW sort of running, but it was buggy, unstable, slow, and lagged badly whenever I targeted someone.
10:01.25CodayusKergoth apparently gets BETTER performance in linux though, so...  <shrug>
10:01.26Violentnightrandom crashing.. failure to save information... complicated installations/updates that turn my hair grey
10:01.39KolthWell, Violentnight, all that is user error (your error).
10:02.13KolthCodayus: From what I hear, the only remaining bug in WoW under Linux is that you don't get your target's selected aura.
10:02.22CodayusAh, yes, virtual machines.  Write once, run nowehere.  :-P  (Mind you, I never had that sort of problem with Azureus.  It was just a bit bloated.)
10:02.27ViolentnightAzurues is only using 1844KB of memory at the moment.. but Java takes on an additional 75 and rising... firefox with one window and no webpage is just 22,508
10:02.59Kalrothso Azureus is using 77mb :)
10:03.02Violentnightup to 85k memory on Java now
10:03.04KolthI like(d) Azureus because it's well-written
10:03.15Kolthbut muTorrent seems as well-written if not more.
10:03.28Violentnight85,000KB.. 86Megs.. yeah.. hehe
10:03.48KolthNot to bicker, but that's only 83MB
10:04.18Violentnightpsh.. if I say that's 86 megs and firefox is 24 megs then it's relatively the same ratio =P
10:04.23KalrothThe main problem with Java is that it's another layer on an existing layer on a layer on hardware :)
10:04.44KolthTruth be that, Kal
10:05.15ViolentnightKalroth: yeah... I've never seen a good application of java that I really liked outside of a webspace app
10:05.50Violentnightloading the WoW homepage boosts firefox from 3megs... and Azureus/Java is now up to 105-106
10:06.09Violentnighter.. boosts it up 3 megs.. 23 to 26
10:06.55Kalrothpersonally I prefer uTorrent though
10:07.05krkawhat incident?
10:07.14krkait's µTorrent!
10:07.24Kalroth"What are µTorrent's system requirements?" - "It works on as weak a system as Windows 95 on a 486 with 14MiB of RAM (with the Winsock2 update)"
10:07.29ViolentnightKolth: Looked over Eclipse one for it's Lua editor, but I didn't bother--seemed like a big convulated mess of core structure nad addons
10:07.29Violentnight10 more megs and Azureus is going to beat World of Warcraft.. lol
10:07.38KalrothI don't have that frigging character, krka :P
10:07.42ViolentnightKalroth: lol nice
10:07.50krkaalt m for me
10:07.55krkaalt-gr m even
10:08.10Kalrothhow r µ 2day!
10:08.14Violentnightany idea why Azureus/Java continues to climb in memory usage?
10:08.27krkaare you using utf-8 by any chancE?
10:08.29KalrothViolentnight: page caching, etc
10:08.35Kalrothlemme check
10:08.47Violentnightkrka: Ermm.. I dunno.
10:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
10:08.56KalrothI was :p
10:08.58krkawas asking Kalroth
10:09.00Kalrothµ better?
10:09.03Kolthmuch, kal :P
10:09.16Kalrothxchat defaults to URF-8 :(
10:09.59KalrothUTF too ..
10:10.02Violentnightoh.. hehe
10:10.16id`i see people atlking about encoding everywhere, but i don't know a thing about it.. never had any problems EVER with weirch characters
10:10.23Violentnightwow.. I just went into WoW to get onto a windrider and came back and it spiked from 118 to 190
10:10.54KolthI think we have the point, Violentnight.
10:11.09Violentnightlol.. never!
10:11.11Kalrothmemory usage when you got free physical memory is almost irrelevant, it's when you're low on physical memory that it really matters
10:12.04Violentnightyes.. well.. with all my porn, I am rather low on physical memory ^_^
10:12.11Kalrothalso just using windows task manager or ps in linux isn't precise enough
10:12.32krkakinda tricky to get hold of the actual usage
10:12.44krkasince stuff is shared, and not even used et.c.
10:12.49Kalrothyup, there's usually a lot of shared memory .. or paged memory
10:13.28Violentnightoh yes.. the shared and paged memory.. mmhmm.. mmhmm..
10:13.42Kalrotha more fair value would be unique memory, eg. memory blocks where it's only the application that got handles to
10:13.55Kalroththat'd exclude shared memory that's also used by other applications
10:14.12krkatime to watch some futurama and get less sick
10:14.36krkaphysically, in this case
10:14.47Cairennfeel better krka
10:14.52Kalrothwell rather that than mentally
10:15.31ViolentnightI should be off to bed too.. g'night everybody!
10:15.59Cairennnight Violentnight
10:24.38KolthYay for getting Chats on Gmail
10:30.14KolthGTalk inside Gmail
10:31.19KalrothYou are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 2692 MB. :(
10:33.18Kalrothhooray, I got a free beta testers only key for irth online
10:33.24KalrothI wonder what it is
10:35.41Kalrothooh, chicks in bikini'ish plate armor with big boobies, worth checking out
10:35.43krkai am the greetest!
10:35.48krkafuturama r00lz
10:36.47KalrothCairenn: You're supposed to sleep and not lurk!
10:36.57Cairennwho said I was sleeping?
10:37.39CairennI'm waiting for the servers to go down, so I can not stealth bump my thread on the forum to make sure it is at the top when no one else can log in
10:38.30Cairennthen I can go pass out for a few hours
10:38.49KalrothI knew it, you're a crooked and scheming woman!
10:39.30Cairennbut, why?
10:39.38CairennI said it's so that I can *not* stealth bump
10:39.51Kalrothoh, my bad, sorry
10:40.28KalrothWell you're a female, it's quite natural to make such assumptions!
10:43.50KolthWell, you're male, it's quite natural to make such assumptions about women :)
10:44.30KolthAny time I can lend my keen eye!
10:45.43KalrothWhat the!
10:45.51KalrothYou traitor!
10:46.30Cairennawwwww, poor baby
10:46.47KalrothSee, this was a part of your evil scheme too!
10:47.09KalrothAlthough the cuddling is ok, but still
10:47.09Cairennwell pardon me
10:47.28Kalroththe cuddling is ok, if it's a non-evil cuddle
10:47.35Kalrothevil cuddles are bad though
10:48.56KalrothNot many are aware of them
10:49.06KalrothBut they're out there, just waiting to cuddle someone
10:49.30Cairennoh dear
10:49.43*** join/#wowi-lounge futr-sleep (
10:49.53KalrothYes, must get more coffee.
10:56.51Kalroth :D
10:57.42Wobin_I completley forgot that it's tuesdat
10:57.45Wobin_er dat
10:57.50Kalrothday? :P
10:57.58Wobin_Thass the bunny
11:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
11:08.23Cairennokay, would someone (from the NA community) that isn't currently logged in to the Blizz forums mind trying to log in, please?
11:09.06Cairenn(if anyone else from the NA community is still stupidly awake like me, that is)
11:12.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:13.33CairennBueller?  Bueller?  Bueller?
11:18.05Wobin_Log in?
11:18.19Cairennall sorted out, thanks anyway
11:18.41Wobin_second in line =)
11:31.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
11:43.19id`SELECT name from users INNER JOIN favorites ON favorites.user_id = INNER JOIN interfaces ON favorites.interface_id = WHERE ( = 4564)
11:43.28id`i wanna see who has my addon as a favorite
11:43.37id`so i can pester them with questions on how to make it better
11:43.44id`(just kidding, btw)
11:47.45id`aw cmon, no-one know SQL in here?
11:58.09Kalrothsubselects are more efficient if you only do identity comparisons :p
11:59.54Wobin_Ah, but are we dealing with a huge number of results? =P
12:00.40Kalroth"0 results."
12:18.36Wobin_Well, indy, you can see how many have set you as favourite, just not who...
12:43.15krkado we have any ETA on 1.10?
12:58.27id`Wobin_: yep
12:58.57id`wish that '3' was clickable
13:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:04.02wereHamsterCairenn... I love you so much.. the new author portal is great :) .. I'm moving my addon development from curse-gaming to wowinterface..
13:05.29id`wereHamster: please od so
13:05.36id`I have started my own
13:05.47id`13:59 < id`> wish that '3' was clickable
13:05.54id`i mean
13:07.54wereHamsterI don't know whether will insult anyone.. :-/
13:08.26id`cool :D
13:08.41*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:08.43*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:10.33id`wereHamster: Nice addon. It's just that i don't approve of using the chat to share data.
13:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:11.42wereHamsteryou don't have to share informations..
13:13.10wereHamsterthe main goal was to make a automatic (zero-configuration, as opposed to CTRA requires the leader to broadcast the channel name) channel-addon that could be used within a raid and the guild..
13:13.43id`but, there's already a 'raid' and 'guild' channel difference, they even have a different color by default.
13:14.51wereHamsterThe channels are hidden, not visible to the user, like the CTRA channel..
13:15.49id`yes, so what data goes over the channels?
13:16.00wereHamsternone so far
13:16.14wereHamsteryou first have to create a module that sends/recieves data
13:16.59id`Let me ask it differently, What use is it to make an addon on wich other addons build to send and receive data on channels 'invisible' to the user?
13:19.32wereHamsterEach addon uses its own channel.. that's really bad because right now, I'm in 8 of 10 available channels.. and I don't have CTRA..
13:20.35wereHamster4 system channels (local defense etc..), CTA, GroupCalendar and 2 costom channels..
13:21.16Elkanono ItemDBDistChat? :( ;)
13:28.19wereHamsterplus, what I think is a really good feature, you don't have to worry about parsing the mesasge string..
13:39.00Wobin_hrm, 1.9.3
13:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
13:52.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:46.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
14:49.50digix_anyone have a link to the patch yet?
14:51.38KtronThe impending answer-- no
14:52.10id`its patch day?
14:53.43Ktronwell, some kind of patch maybe
14:53.56KtronI don't think anything big...
14:54.07KtronI don't think it should be 1.10
14:54.08digixmainly changes to ZG
14:54.21Ktronor is this 1.10?
14:54.28digixno, this is 1.9.3
14:54.38Ktronyeah, that sounds about right
14:54.52Ktronmaybe some new models too, something like that
14:56.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
15:01.50wereHamsterwhat did they change in ZG?
15:03.01digixremoved a bunch of trash mobs and toned down some bosses
15:06.18Kalrothfix Hakkar too :)
15:07.59Beladonayou can log into the game to get the patch
15:08.04Beladonaat least I did
15:08.23Beladonaits only 436kb
15:08.34Beladonabut if you really need a link, I have the patch file
15:10.10BeladonaI take that back, I see there is a larger one too
15:22.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:25.22krkacan someone provide a list of changes?
15:25.57futr-sleepnot yet, I'm still downloading
15:26.16wereHamsterin 1.10, will the virtual frames be available in lua for dynamic frame creation? or only in XML when WoW loads the file?
15:26.47futr-sleepcan't use inheritance for dynamic frames
15:29.54wereHamsterand what about backdrops for dynamicaly created frames, I don't see any function that would let me specify the backdrop texture ..
15:31.11futr-sleepfrom the wiki
15:31.34wereHamsterah.. that's an older function.. I remember.. :)
15:32.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:39.51futr-sleepkrka quite a few changes, well tweaks, plus intel mac compatability
15:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:45.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:47.54Beladonakrka, my compare is done, I just gotta upload it
15:49.09futr-sleepany changes to the UI that jump out?
15:49.19Ktronchangelog according to Blizzard, if people still need it:
15:50.27krkalove is in the air? wtf
15:50.56sarf|sleepGeneral spring thingy too
15:51.27futr-sleephey your asleep, kep quiet.... oh, so am I
15:51.41futr-sleepyou're and keep
15:52.51Ktronno more /split command? gah ;)
15:52.58KtronHow will I survive???
15:53.12Ktronoh wait, that was in 1.9.2
15:53.15krkaisn't that old news?
15:53.24futr-sleepdid I disconnect?
15:54.06KtronNo servers up yet though
15:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge futr (
15:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:56.32Beladona14 files were changed
16:02.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:07.28Elkano14 UI files or 14 files at all?
16:07.58BeladonaUI files
16:08.51Beladonanothing major. They cleaned up some RegisterForSave functions, added offscreen checking to a couple frames, and changed AuctionUI to check to make sure it is loaded
16:10.05ElkanoI'll have a look when it's up at wdn :)
16:20.38Beladonasorry for caps
16:20.57Gryphenbeen trying to get my confirmation email
16:21.04Gryphenno luck so far
16:21.20sarf|sleepreality football?
16:21.31Gryphennot sure what rf stands for
16:21.33Gryphenjust what its called
16:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
16:22.09Beladonaor what he said
16:22.25Beladonaplayed last night, its pretty damn fun
16:23.31Beladonahey Gryphen, there is a known issue with some email domains not getting the confirmation email
16:23.41BeladonaI had to register twice on a different email to get mine
16:23.44Gryphenyeah, tried my own, then tried gmail
16:23.54Beladonasupposedly gmail works
16:24.08Gryphenyeah i had read that, not sure whats up
16:24.27Beladonait took me forever to figure out where I was supposed to register the game
16:24.35Beladonathey don't exactly make it obvious
16:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|class (n=Tem@
16:28.32Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
16:31.11Tem|classwereHamster isn't alone
16:35.50Elkanowell, a look at the release notes would be enought for me atm... and then Beladona's diff of the UI files :)
16:42.22wereHamsterwith CreateFrame(), it seems that in one of my addons I will save >50% of the lua code..
16:46.58wereHamsterI'm also interested in the CreateFrame() performance.. how long does it take to create a new frame? would it be better for raid addon or addons that create lots of frames that are most of the time hidden to create them dynamicaly instead at load-time?
16:49.10krkawhy does it matter? you will create frames extremely rarely
16:51.21wereHamsterbut I wouldn't want a 2sec lag when I join a raid.. caused by an addon that creates 40frames...
16:52.08Maldiviahmm.... 1.10.0 prepatch today...?
16:52.54MaldiviawereHamster: well, either you have the 2sec lag when you enter the game, or you have it the first time you enter a raid...
16:58.12sarf|sleepFrom a performance perspective, having an addon that loads with the RaidUI on demand would be best methinks :)
16:58.26Gryphenid rather have it at raid time, lot less frequent than loading the game
17:03.06krka2 second lag at most once per session seems ok
17:03.11BeladonaMaldivia, what are you talking about a prepatch?
17:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:03.58krkai bet you could create a LOT of frames without it being noticable at all
17:04.23Beladonalets not and say we did
17:05.14krkain that case, i bet it would be really fast!
17:05.18MaldiviaBeladona: 24MB 1.9.3 patch
17:05.58MaldiviaBeladona: but it seems as if they are addind a Valentine hollyday...
17:06.40Maldiviafrom the patch notes: Are you looking for love? All of Azeroth soon will be! As winter draws to a close the races are starting to seek that special someone. Be on the lookout for amorous individuals! Put on that special perfume or cologne, express your love, and receive gifts in return! Prepare yourself... love will soon be in the air!
17:16.31MentalPowermorning Cairenn
17:16.36Cairennhey :)
17:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
17:19.11MentalPowerOk, if I have a function inside RunScript() will it return the correct values?
17:19.35krkayou may want to elaborate on that
17:21.10wereHamsterthat won't work
17:21.40MentalPowerwhy not?
17:22.09wereHamstereither wait for loadstring() (will be in 1.10).. or use this: RunScript("myFunc = function(...) return ...end"); local retVal = myFunc()
17:22.20wereHamsterRunScript has no return values
17:22.51MentalPowerah, I see
17:23.03MentalPowerthanks :)
17:23.16wereHamsteroh.. and the do "myFunc = nil" to clean up the temporary function..
17:25.29MentalPowerwill work instead?
17:25.54MentalPowerif doStuff() is defined just before the RunScript() call?
17:26.37wereHamsterthat will work
17:26.50MentalPowerawesome, thanks
17:26.58wereHamsterbut I think doStuff() has to be a global function, not a local one.
17:27.34Maldiviagrr.... I HATE this "lets disable load out of date at every patch"....
17:27.45MentalPowerme too
17:27.50MentalPowerservers are up?
17:27.52wereHamsterbut you may want to test it first though..
17:27.58MaldiviaI always forget, and then it reset all UserPlaced settings
17:28.13wereHamsterMaldivia, that's why my is read-only :)
17:28.41MentalPowergood idea :)
17:28.43MaldiviaUhh, Arcanist Gloves has +14 damage now
17:28.49wereHamsterno more accepting the EULA.. no more changing settings after every patch :)
17:29.32Tem|classI hate it when the professor changes the program on the day it's due
17:30.26MentalPowerwhat did it have before Maldivia?
17:30.52Tem|classI was so underwhelmed by Arcanist
17:30.59Tem|classyay! and I've got those too
17:31.04CairennTem|class: did you make it to your exam okay? how did it go?
17:31.09Tem|classit was OK
17:31.12MaldiviaI'm using the ZG gloves instead of Arcanist :)
17:31.23Tem|classZG Gloves?
17:31.36Tem|classthere is no illusionist's attire for the handslot
17:31.38Tem|classis there?
17:31.52Maldiviaohh, the Silithus gloves, then :)
17:31.56Maldiviathe one from The calling quest
17:32.05Maldiviathey have +27 dmg
17:32.11Tem|classoh yeah
17:32.14Tem|classI need to do that quest
17:32.28Tem|classI'm using Arcanist
17:32.33Tem|classfor the 3 peice set bonus
17:33.13Maldiviahmm... Arcanist bindings is now +12 dmg... vs +6 dmg, and 3 mana/5sec vs 2 mana/5sec
17:33.23Tem|classis this 1.10?
17:33.30Tem|classor just during maintenance?
17:33.37Maldivia1.9.3 - maintenance today
17:33.41Tem|classfreaking awesome!
17:33.57Tem|classI <3 when my gear gets buffed
17:34.16Tem|classIriel, you around?
17:34.31Cairenncan you do tab complete on his name?
17:34.33Tem|classlol... you would think I would know by now that if you can't tab complete a name, they aren't here
17:34.55MentalPowerArcanist Crown also got a bugg
17:34.58Tem|classI did "Ir<tab><tab>" !? "iel"
17:35.00MentalPowererr.. buff
17:35.06Tem|classoh I don't have it yet
17:35.08Tem|classbut I'm next
17:35.15Tem|classonly mage without it at
17:35.18Tem|classthe moment
17:35.40Tem|classBut it won't matter, because I'm getting my NW crown tonight
17:35.52Tem|class(If I don't I'm going to be one pissed off mage)
17:36.02Maldiviahmm... the entire Arcanist set got a damage boost
17:36.14MaldiviaRobe: 16 -> 23
17:36.17Tem|class(but it won't be /that/ bad since this is a 2 ony week)
17:36.23MentalPower+5 more to dam/healing and a new 1% chance to hit with spells
17:36.39Tem|classon the crown?
17:36.56MentalPowerthat was crown
17:37.39MentalPower+20 dam/healing (instead of +14 to frost)
17:37.42MentalPowerthat's legs
17:37.57Tem|classthat's so awesome
17:38.01MaldiviaArcanist has been changed A LOT!
17:38.06Tem|classI actually want arcanist now
17:38.06Maldivianot just damage, stats aswell
17:38.16Tem|classWhat's the stats on the crown?
17:38.35MentalPowerhmm, some bad news...
17:38.39Tem|classuh oh
17:38.40MaldiviaArcanist Crown: 16stam, 27 int, 10 spr, 10 FR, 20 dmg, 1% hit
17:38.46MentalPowerthey lowered the other stats
17:38.57Tem|classI don't really care that much about the other stats
17:39.11MaldiviaWas: 14stam, 35 int, 8spr, 10 FR, 15 dmg
17:39.16Tem|classI'm all about the spell damage
17:39.25Tem|classthat's more intel than NW
17:39.59Shadowdwho needs INT when you have paladins anyway
17:40.16Tem|classwho needs INT when you can't live long enough to use it
17:40.45MentalPowerold legs: 89 Armor·+23 Stamina·+24 Intellect·+13 Spirit·+10 Shadow Resistance
17:40.47MentalPowernew legs: 89 Armor·+18 Stamina·+23 Intellect·+10 Spirit·+10 Shadow Resistance
17:41.10ShadowdGet more STA, or stop pulling aggro!
17:41.23Tem|classI'm talking about PVP
17:41.31Tem|classbut I pull agro on purpose every 5 minutes
17:41.40wereHamsterShadowd, did you notice the shield block bug before? I mean if 20 mobs are bashing on me, I can't keep track of how many times I've blocked..
17:41.44Tem|classkeeps the tanks on their toes
17:42.44Tem|classmostly just to prove that I can because our tank can be a real cock about how good a tank he is.  So I pull agro periodically to keep him in his "I can still be better" place.
17:42.46ShadowdwereHamster: It was only noticable on quick mobs, or lots of them but I'm also using SCT so I saw the block messages everytime.
17:43.20ShadowdLike when you had those 15-20 rats in strat, you could just hit shield block and be basically "immune" to the damage.
17:43.30Shadowd*15-20 rats on you inbetween the gates
17:44.12wereHamsterShadowd, I don't go to startholme that often.. and we have always a mage with us.. :)
17:44.26ShadowdYeah, the mage I went with wasn't that good :p
17:44.37Tem|classI always have a mage with me
17:44.38ShadowdHe didn't have IAE!
17:44.42Tem|classmeaning I AM a mage
17:44.53Tem|classShadowd: that isn't a requirement of the class
17:45.06Tem|classShadowd: If I could afford to repect, I would drop IAE
17:45.14Tem|classfor more frost talents
17:45.23Shadowdno, but it means he was trying to blizzard all the rats to death which took a while :p
17:45.45Tem|classFrostNova -> CoC
17:45.58ShadowdYeah, I think I saw him use that maybe once
17:45.59Tem|classand if you need more damage add a flamestrike to the front
17:46.29Tem|classand that's about 1500 instant damage
17:46.44Tem|classwith about another 400-500 DoT
17:46.53wereHamsterwe have a good tactic, I go into the mobs with essence of the pure flame, blessing of sanctuary and the pala aura that does dmg to the attacker, I stay there for a while and then the two mages can do AoE and they don't get aggro :)
17:48.00ShadowdOne of these days, i'll just 2h tank those packs to make it easier
17:48.28Tem|classyeah that works too, but I prefer to kill them real fast before they can do any real damage to me
17:49.23wereHamsterToo bad I barely do dmg.. I can survive really long, but someone else has to do the dmg.. :)
17:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
17:59.30MentalPowerWoot!! the reputarion bug is fixed!!
18:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
18:01.51krkais reputarion a race?
18:03.40Maldiviano mentioning in the patch notes about "stuck at 100" or other health bugs
18:04.39ShadowdThey didn't mention the reputation bug though did they? Don't remember seeing something saying it was fixed
18:04.39Maldiviafor a list of changes to the Arcanist set pieces:
18:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
18:05.07MentalPowerMaldivia: Felheart was also changed
18:05.21Maldiviaack... now I have to compare 8 other items :)
18:05.23MentalPowerShadowd: nop, no mention whatsoever
18:05.46CairennBeladona: do you have the compare up yet?
18:05.56Cairennk, thanks
18:05.59Beladonamaking changes on the site though
18:06.09Beladonaso some stuff may not come up, but today's compare will
18:06.33MentalPowerMaldivia: you also forgot the % to hit changes :)
18:07.07Maldiviaohh, which item?
18:07.46CairennDevla was asking on the Blizz forum about any changes to the UI stuff, so I was just wondering whether to link wdn yet or not, that was all :)
18:08.20MaldiviaMentalPower: the only Arcanist piece with %hit, is the Crown - I have that listed
18:08.22MentalPowernever mind, I'm blind :)
18:08.28*** part/#wowi-lounge lon (
18:08.36MentalPoweryeah, I noticed aterwards
18:08.41MentalPower~lart MentalPower
18:09.05MaldiviaBut you say Felheart has changed aswell?
18:09.08CairennI like that one!
18:09.26Beladonanot many changes on the UI side
18:09.30Beladonaat least nothing major
18:09.46Beladonajust some tweaks and fixes
18:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
18:15.21CairennTem|class: you just got called a ferret *boggle*
18:16.03Cairennservers are up
18:18.32MentalPowerMaldivia: check slippers, bracers, belt, robes & pants
18:18.55MaldiviaMentalPower: just finished my comparison :)
18:19.24Maldiviaall health/5sec was removed, and shadow damage was buffed and converted to generic dmg/heal
18:20.36Maldiviapriest set was changes asll
18:20.59MentalPowerreally? I didn't notice those
18:21.55Maldiviathe circlet lost its mana/5sec
18:21.58Maldiviafor more +healing
18:22.14Maldiviaand recieved a stat buff
18:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:27.47Cairennwb sarf|stuff, have a good nap?
18:28.43CairennI didn't mean to scare him away
18:28.48*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf|stuff (
18:30.10krkayou girls are way too easily upset :P
18:30.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook|Zzz (
18:30.37Cairennand if you took that serious, you are way too gullible :p
18:32.48krkait's very hard to tell true feelings over IRC :(
18:33.08GenNMX|ThraeYou should know that Cairenn is a teaser ;)
18:33.11krkahmm... maybe I should set up my buff-addon to not try to Arcane Intellect on other mages
18:33.26krkathat's already implied by being female
18:33.39Cairennhey! I resemble that remark!
18:33.43GenNMX|Thraekrka: BuffBot has some good rules setup
18:34.32krkai dont want buffbot, i want my addon :P
18:34.44krkacan buffbot buff mouseover units btw?
18:35.03GenNMX|ThraeNo no, I mean, steal / take a look at their code
18:35.29GenNMX|ThraeI'm not sure if it can or not, I've never tried
18:36.46BeladonaCairenn is a teaser?
18:36.57Beladonawhen does the film come out?
18:37.14MaldiviaMentalPower: hmm, ok - I was wrong about Prophecy :)
18:37.16GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: By the way, I think the topic should be changed too -- "Everytime you use a semicolon, a kitten is killed. Please, think of the kittens!"
18:37.19Beladonacause thats one I gotta see
18:37.42GenNMX|ThraeBeladona: How did you know I was blackmailing Cair with revealing film?!
18:38.19*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Beladona -> Mod Dev Discussions: Do your part to prevent ozone depletion. Eat meat! (Damn Cows)
18:39.33krkahmm... but if we eat cows, more cows will be produced
18:39.53krkaby avoiding eating cows, the market should lessen and thus people will stop breeding them
18:40.05GenNMX|ThraeSpeaking of bad things for the environment:;_ylt=Ah3XakhdnZYbsoIBRp012zgDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
18:40.42GenNMX|ThraeWe should add a TinyURL module to purl.
18:41.16krkawe should get rid of purl
18:45.06Natasem~kill purl
18:45.08purlACTION shoots a inverse anti-quark gun at purl
18:47.12AnduinLotharwhy look... an update..
18:52.41AnduinLotharVida Yeung: i haven't given anything away
18:52.42AnduinLotharVida Yeung: well, some
18:53.02AnduinLotharstupid Synergy
18:53.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
18:53.22AnduinLotharCant Copy form the stupid patcher...
18:53.50AnduinLothar- Added native support for Intel-powered Macs such as the iMac (Core
18:54.08AnduinLotharTheat's what I MEANT to paste
18:54.54AnduinLotharnow i wanna see it's fps on the dual core 2.0 imac..
18:56.04Cairennsilly AnduinLothar, you could have just checked the patch notes at WoWI, you know I always have them up :)
18:56.43AnduinLotharlotta changes.. this must be like all the bug fixes they had for 1.10, but decided they hadn't finnished the 1.10 content so they pushed a bugs patch instead..
18:58.06wereHamsterAnduinLothar, does WoW support multi-threading or dual cores?
18:58.16AnduinLotharof course
18:58.18krkacan anyone check if the update_bindings change got in early?
18:59.20AnduinLotharall the top end macs are and have been dual procs. the Opperating system automaticly utilizes them, the software just has to make different threads
19:00.16Cairennhey Beladona?
19:00.33CairennHigh praise for you -
19:01.17AnduinLotharmmm, there we go. Looks liek they nerfed hakkar which is surprising except for the Enrage ability after 10 minutes in combat.
19:01.54krkadamn, links cant handle that page
19:02.03AnduinLotharwhich should effectualy mean he'll be nearly impossible after 10 min and all strats will involve killing him fast
19:02.52AnduinLotharah good, they fixed King Gordok
19:03.19CodayusWell, not just a nerf.
19:03.40ShadowdBeing able to buy a quel for 5g was fun though
19:03.42AnduinLotharright, they nerfed him for the first 10 min
19:03.46CodayusSome of the changes to how he targets will be...interesting.
19:03.52sancusit'll have to be a gigantically massive enrage to cause that, his melee damage was already barely noticeable and they reduced it
19:04.19Codayussancus: Have you tried fighting him with Thekal alive?
19:04.29sancusand they lengthened the siphon cooldown... be pretty hard to kill him in under 10 mins
19:04.29CodayusThat already gave him an enrage, and it was gigantically massive.
19:04.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|class (
19:04.46AnduinLotharwhy look. servers are up at 11 like they said
19:04.50ShadowdThey probably wouldn't have given him an enrage after 10 minutes if it didn't increase the damage a ton either
19:05.01ShadowdThe servers have been up for about two hours
19:05.01Cairennthey've been up for almost an hour now, AnduinLothar :)
19:05.09Shadowderr, hour and 41 minutes.
19:05.14sancussiphons were every 40 seconds, if they're every 50-60 seconds now I dont see how you could kill him in 10 mins
19:05.17AnduinLotharearly, wow
19:05.27CodayusUnless they nerfed his damage *vastly*, the enrage will make him unkillable for most raids I think...
19:05.30AnduinLotharim impressed
19:06.03sancusplus they *reduced* the damage dealt by poisonous siphon
19:06.20AnduinLotharheh. just boot um
19:06.40krkacan anyone notify some devs about this? bug reports from europe seem to be completely ignored
19:06.48krka(and this bug is EU only :( )
19:06.58sancusmaybe I'll actually go to a ZG just to see new hakkar, been like two months since I touched ZG
19:07.36Cairennkrka - heh, see my comment on the Cosmos channel, just did
19:08.16krkathanks cair
19:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
19:08.32AnduinLotharhmmm they didn't say anything about fixing the rep page... did they?
19:08.36Cairennyou're welcome :)
19:09.28krkayay! i'm welcome!
19:09.38ShadowdApparently not AnduinLothar
19:09.47AnduinLotharThey fixed it tho
19:10.04ShadowdMaybe they didn't mention it to see how long it takes us to find it?
19:10.05AnduinLotharCause I just reloaded and they're still there
19:10.56AnduinLotharyay. that bug was my least favorite
19:11.15ShadowdIt was fun being able to see the Horde Alterac Valley guards buffs though
19:11.47AnduinLotharwas funny getting a green rep increase for all faction after reloading
19:12.21sancusCodayus: On the other hand, you can and should put full melee dps on Hakkar now
19:12.36Codayussancus: Looks that way, eh?
19:12.42sancuswell you could before
19:12.47sancusbut nobody did it because nobody cared :P
19:12.48CodayusBut what was the point.
19:12.49wereHamstersancus, doesn't hakkar MC if more than one goes near him?
19:12.55sancusthey changed his MC
19:12.57sancusit MCs the tank now
19:13.07sancusso you'll need two tanks
19:13.20ShadowdIs the MC random, or has someone timed it yet?
19:13.29CodayusYou used to be able to make sure he MCed the same guy every time if you wanted.  We used a rogue without weapons.  :-P
19:13.31sancusI doubt it since it just happened.. today :p
19:13.42sancusyou could also avoid the MC completely
19:13.53ShadowdI never  went into ZG when I could avoid it, so I wasn't sure if the old MC was timed :p
19:14.04sancusyeah I stopped going there when I got Exalted
19:14.04CodayusYeah, I heard that, but we never really bothered.
19:14.07sancuswas so sick of the place
19:14.13sancusnow its gonna be sooo easy to get Exalted heh
19:14.16CodayusLooks like he'll be MCing the tank now, which will be much more exciting.
19:14.16wereHamsterwe've never done hakkar with melees so far..
19:14.24ShadowdCodayus: It's more fun watching paladins cons spam while MC'ed though
19:15.05CodayusOh well, the melee types were bored out of their minds anyhow.
19:15.18sancusYou could turn Hakkar around so his back was facing the platform
19:15.22sancusand then people could melee him
19:15.23sancusbefore, I mean
19:15.56sancusI dont know anyone who bothered though
19:17.11ShadowdInteresting, 1.9.3 broke the ability to disenchant cloth
19:17.24SP|Sorrenanyone have a patch mirror :/
19:17.35CodayusYeah...whatever you gained from the melee DPS you'd lose if you missed a corrupted siphon.
19:17.43CodayusSo why complicate matters?
19:18.11CairennSP|Sorren: actually, surprisingly enough, no, it doesn't seem anyone does ... I've checked all the usual suspects and no one has it up =/
19:18.30sancusknown bug: disenchanting cloth
19:18.32Cairennor I could be wrong :)
19:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
19:18.41ShadowdWell, I only have one up as of about 2 seconds ago
19:18.50elemahy guys
19:18.59Cairennhey elema
19:19.25elemaif ( maintime ~= true ) then means that if maintime is not true then bla right?
19:19.33SP|Sorrenawesome, it'd been sitting at 0 for the last 5 minutes
19:19.58pagefaultyeah my download is busted too
19:20.17SP|Sorrenthat's tricky elema
19:20.25elemaso ?
19:20.37elemayou mean it is not as good defined?
19:20.44SP|Sorrenwhile it may evaluate to true, i dont think its really equivalent to true
19:21.02SP|Sorrendo you want to check if it's defined, or what?
19:21.21elemano I wanna check whther it has not a special value
19:21.44ShadowdHmm odd, sec
19:21.53Cairennoooo, preview of Tom's new interface:
19:21.54SP|Sorrenwhat value? just true?
19:21.58elemaif my var has not the value 0 I wanna subract 1
19:22.42elema(hope substract is the right verb for var = (var - 1);
19:22.47SP|Sorrenoh then thats easy, it would just be ~= 0 ;o
19:23.04elemaok this was what I hoped wo hear
19:23.05SP|Sorrennot 0 :P
19:23.34elemaso the long thing is: if ( maintime ~= 0 ) then
19:23.34SP|Sorrenoo the new art one is pretty
19:23.43elemamaintime = maintime - 1;
19:24.05SP|Sorreni really wish lua had -- and ++
19:24.06AnduinLotharyay, got someone to craft my lionheart
19:24.11ShadowdSP|Sorren: that should work
19:24.12SP|Sorrencongrats ;P
19:24.22SP|Sorrenoh its working :)
19:24.31SP|Sorrenit seems to have paused
19:25.12SP|Sorrenis there a better download manager for firefox?
19:25.47pagefaultyeah the patch tracker is now down
19:26.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
19:26.33SP|Sorren++ for increments and -- for decrements by 1 ;o
19:26.42SP|Sorrenlittle shortcuts that most languages have
19:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:26.53SP|Sorrenbut lua deems unecessary i guess :p
19:27.00ShadowdOdd, it worked fine for me. Is it still pausing?
19:27.01KolthThey're also tricky.
19:27.02krkalua seems to follow KISS
19:27.15SP|Sorrenits going agian, my internet just sucks
19:27.33elemayou mean four minus minus one should be 4 -- 1 or like in math 4- (-1)
19:27.33Shadowdkrka: ++ and -- are simpler then var + 1 or var - 1 htough
19:27.36SP|Sorrenwhich is why i fail at downloading anything with blizzard's downloader
19:27.49elemaaya I see
19:27.52SP|Sorrenwould be equivalent to
19:27.56SP|Sorrenx = x - 1;
19:28.04krkasimple as in as little syntax as possible
19:28.17TemBlizzard's downloader works fine for me now that I have access to the router I'm behind
19:28.24Beladonaits more like this ++i
19:28.42Beladonawhich is the same as saying i= i + 1;
19:29.04Kolth^^ yeah, i++ is not i = i + 1
19:29.41KolthPre and post increment/decrement act differently
19:29.50SP|Sorrenc++ you can do both, it just changes when it's executed right?
19:29.59SP|Sorrenon a line by itself they're essentially the same though
19:30.08KolthWhich might be the exact reason a language doesn't allow for it.
19:30.09SP|Sorrenand in a for loop, the values come out the same in all my testing
19:30.21krkaonly for primitive usage of ++
19:30.50SP|Sorrenif you want to use it in a statement it gets a bit complicated ;P
19:30.59SP|Sorrenother than x++; by itself on a line ;O
19:32.12krkayes, ++ operators are not trivial, thus lua didn't want them
19:32.35SP|Sorrenthey could make them trivial though ;P
19:32.45SP|Sorrenand save me some typing ;)
19:33.44krkait's not so bad
19:33.56TemI just wish we had +=
19:34.04SP|Sorrenthat one definately
19:34.21TemI would be happy with just += and friends
19:34.29SP|Sorreni wouldn't mind the lack of ++ and -- if we had += etc
19:34.45krkayes, += is less of a problem than ++
19:40.27SP|Sorrenhmm they didnt fix the lack of freeze trap diminishing returns apparantly :O
19:40.40AnduinLotharpoor hunters
19:40.49SP|Sorrenpoor us.
19:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
19:57.14wereHamsterwhy poor hunters? it's good for them, isn't it?
19:57.32AnduinLothardeminishing returns? no
19:57.55Cairennhe responded
19:58.02sancushunters gonna cry when they get normalized!
19:58.25ShadowdJust add a casting time and they can have no diminishing returns on traps!
19:59.08wereHamsterquote:  "they didn't fix the lack of .. diminishing returns" .. so there are no diminishing returns right now.. that's how I understand this sentense
19:59.26ShadowdI'm pretty sure there is, at least I've always seen them to have one when I'm trapped.
20:00.30krkathe venture co bug is fixed for linux!
20:02.08Maldiviawell, the problem is, that it's not a legal filename for Windows
20:03.11sancusyou'd need two hunters for dim returns to ever matter though, dim returns only last for 15 seconds and one hunter can only trap you every 30 seconds
20:03.14krkacan be worked around easily in linux
20:03.23sancusSo if they trap you, then wait 30 seconds, there would never be any diminishing returns
20:04.00ShadowdUsually what happens is something like "Charge, Freeze Trapped, Aim Shot, Freeze Trap", think I had one hunter that trapped me 3 times, and rocket helmed, and burned a potion.
20:04.34ShadowdDid they ever fix the Frost reflector + trap bug?
20:06.03sancusShadow: dim returns wouldnt change that, the 2nd trap would be a bit shorter duration, but not enough for it to make much difference since you get untrapped the moment they shoot you anyhow
20:06.55ShadowdA few seconds is usually enough to get range though. and it's not usually easy to avoid the second trap before hamstringing them sometimes.
20:08.24sancusand dim returns would still give them as much time as they needed
20:08.49ShadowdKind of suprised they didn't add a casting time even if it's 0.5 to it during the class review.
20:09.10sancuserr the class review improved hunters enormously it didnt nerf them :p
20:09.45sancusthat'd be a nerf, hunters were crying they were underpowered at the time
20:10.05ShadowdThat doesn't mean they can't fix something like FD + Trap, heck you could make it 0.1 just something to stop the FD + Trapping.
20:11.20sancusyou're talking like bliz would consider fd+trap to be a problem
20:11.22sancuswhy would they
20:11.59ShadowdBecause you can basically run past someone and lay down a trap, or FD and lay a trap basically instantly.
20:12.50CodayusI really dubt bliz sees fd+trap as a problem.  They seem to see it as a feature.
20:14.51ShadowdIf they saw it as a problem they would have probably fixed it already. But that doesn't mean it's something that should be allowed
20:14.54sancusFD is *supposed* to let hunters lay a trap in combat heh, thats one of its main uses
20:14.55pagefaultif they want to nerf something on hunters they need to nerf shadowmeld+aimed shot
20:15.52ShadowdThats not my point sancus, it's that they can lay it basically instantly
20:16.19CodayusMy thought is bliz sees it as so integral to the class it won't be removed outside of a full class review, and probably not then.  The shadowmeld/AS thing I could see being nerfed...
20:16.22sancussure, if they didnt want them to be able to do that
20:16.26sancusthey would have changed it by now
20:17.00ShadowdI just said that though
20:17.03sancuswell Aimed Shot is probably going to be nerfed itself soon
20:17.19CodayusI could see that.
20:17.32pagefaultI don't have a problem with AS, just when they are shadowmeld
20:17.33sancus"normalized" I mean
20:17.37pagefaultI think thats cheap
20:18.34CodayusBloodseeker and Carapace spin should not be the...what, 3rd and 4th best ranged weapons in game?  Insane.
20:19.48CodayusWell, there's probably some good AQ weapons now...but stiill, bloodseeker in the top 5?  Sooo doesn't make sense.  
20:21.41CodayusI convinced a hunter in my guild to swap to a csx from an ancient bone bow.  His DPS increased by some insane amount.  He ended up in 2nd place in a ZG run, up from like...10th.  From just swapping weapons?  Yeah, that needsnormalized AP.
20:22.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
20:23.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:28.12elemaif that fucking guys nerf my holy aimed, then, ... ehh I .. hate them
20:28.28elemathis must be bloody nonsense
20:29.40Codayuselema - I'd be surprised if sometime in the next couple of patches the AP bonus from aimed shot won't be normalized.  Whether that counts as a nerf depends on your current weapon and the chosen normalized speed.
20:31.23zeegpatch mirror anyone?
20:31.28Codayus(er...too aimed shot, obviously.)
20:31.33sancussoloing in lbrs is fun!
20:32.20zeegwant that mirror public/
20:33.26Shadowdrather not!
20:33.26CodayusAnduinLothar: fun
20:33.26ShadowdProbably would kill my bandwidth, just mostly using it for people on IRC or friend.s
20:33.26zeeguploading to wowguru
20:33.26Codayussancus[B[B[B[B[Bzomg, tab completion ftl.
20:33.42Codayusthat was supposed to be sancus.  :-)
20:33.46Codayusokay, wtf is wrong with this client.  :-(
20:34.48elemaI'm playing hunter for live(!!) I've done the epic quest with rhok'delar and was ever happy with my aimed
20:35.21elemaso they shouldn't changed it ( n'ya they could make it a lil bit harder ;) )
20:36.15zeegso i need to make a system
20:36.19zeegthat pages my cell phone when there's a new patch
20:36.24Codayuswhats the speed on rohok?
20:36.46Codayuser...rhok, even
20:37.25Shadowdzeeg: Looks like you forgot to create public_html/ui/footer.php!
20:37.56zeegwhered you see the include at?
20:38.06Shadowd I'm not logged in
20:39.55sancusrhok's 2.9
20:40.10sancusnot bad, but ashjre'thul owns it
20:40.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
20:40.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
20:41.20Elkanowb Cairenn :)
20:41.39CairennElkano: did you see my message to you earlier?
20:41.51Elkanobetter low priority and an answer from slouken than nothing :)
20:42.06CairennI'll take that as a "yes, I saw it" ;)
20:42.24Elkanoyes, indeed I did :)
20:42.58krkadamn it Iriel, this was my idea! ;)
20:44.16Irielkrka: Hm? Is that the GC thread?
20:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (n=pagefaul@
20:44.58ShadowdShe joined right as you left
20:45.02Shadowderr he
20:45.10IrielIt's come up a few times over time, a cleverer approach would probably make larger tables (fill them with data) when there's a big gap between current memory and the GC threshold
20:45.21krkayeah, i was thinking that too
20:45.26krkaless comparisons and loops
20:45.40IrielFewer calls to gcinfo, yes
20:45.44ElkanoShadowd, I thought he was a girl in the beginning, too :/ damn charas in the forums... ;)
20:45.46IrielYou'd have to be very sure you didn't allocate too much.
20:45.58Irielheh 8-)
20:46.05ShadowdElkano, I knew he wasn't but said "She" instead of "He" for some reason
20:46.22IrielIriel the persona is a she anyway, so you're safe with either answer.
20:46.48Irielkrka: Since some of the table allocation does exponential growth, it may end up being more hassle than it's worth
20:46.55Cairennbut irl, he's very much male, mmmrowl!
20:48.25krkatable allocation of exponential growth?
20:49.45Irielkrka: if you allocate entries, tables grow exponentially, so the first few entries it allocates one new cell at a time, then it starts doubling in size (I'm not sure the factor is doubling exactly, but that's the general idea)
20:50.02Irielkrka: so it goes 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,40,80, etc (Not real numbers, just illustrative)
20:50.06krkaah, i see
20:50.15krkaright, i should think "STL vector"
20:50.40IrielSo anyway, you want the "last" allocation before a GC run to be as small as possible
20:50.51Irielthus you have to make sure it's not a big-table-growth
20:52.47krkatrue... so allocate a string in the end
20:52.55Irielwell, no
20:53.03Irieljust keep allocating tables like my code shows
20:53.15krkaa string wouldn't be smaller?
20:53.31IrielI'm not sure, I dont know what the interning overhead is
20:53.44IrielANyway, you're almost certainly NOT able to allocate a small string that doesnt already exist
20:53.53Iriel(not reliably, anyway)
20:54.23krkamake a very weird string
20:54.27krka"asdasdyigfa20et9+qtrq29e9aqdf" or something
20:55.19wereHamsterIriel, strings in lua are unique.. as far as I know.. so   s1="foo";s2="foo"   will create two strings..
20:55.39IrielYou're wrong.
20:55.50IrielBut thanks for playing 8-)
20:56.32krkastring in lua are kinda like in java
20:56.46IrielWell, 'like in java if you intern them all
20:56.58krkahmm... does this mean that s1 == s2 in lua is just a pointer comparison?
20:57.06IrielI think so
20:57.32krkathat's kinda cool
20:59.29IrielThe source seems to imply it's just a comparison of gc pointers.
21:00.11IrielSince lua objects are essentially a union of pointer to gc object, void *, lua_Number, and int
21:00.11krkamakes sense
21:00.50IrielIf the objects are the same type it's just a switch statement and an ==
21:01.20IrielObviously comparisons like number-to-string require more work
21:03.06krkawouldn't a lua object need to be a struct of {type, data}?
21:03.40Irielit is
21:03.48IrielI was trying to skip that bit 8-)
21:03.59Irielsince I said 'essentially' 8-)
21:04.24IrielIt's typedef struct lua_TObject { int tt; Value value; } TObject;
21:04.29Irielint tt is the type
21:04.44zeegNow is your chance to become a member of Blizzard! We are currently looking for talented individuals to work on Blizzard games in our Spanish QA and Localization teams.
21:04.52Irieland Value is typedef union { GCObject *gc; void *p; lua_Number n; int b; } Value;
21:04.54zeegeuSP maybe?
21:05.01zeegits coming!
21:05.03krkatypedef union onion!
21:05.14krkano wait, can't do that..
21:05.20Iriel#define union onion
21:05.23IrielI think is what you want
21:07.46krka10 megs physical mem free when running wow, xchat and azureus
21:11.02krkano wait, i want #define onion union
21:11.12IrielGood point
21:11.26Irielthough the other way around could be amusing
21:13.06krkawould just break stuff
21:13.21Irieldepends if you use unions or not 8-)
21:17.23krka31g at level 37... not gonna have 90 by 40
21:19.31elemacya guys and have a good night
21:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge futr-sleep (
21:23.18krkaanyone up for a discussion on how to implement object orientation?
21:23.31futr-sleepagain? ;']
21:24.25krkawell, the current methods don't seem to allow private variables
21:24.33krkaand the possibility of plain hooking
21:24.36IrielThey do, but they're tricky to implement
21:24.47Irielwell, more 'messy' than 'tricky'
21:25.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
21:25.44krkathat's my suggestion
21:25.47krkaany downsides?
21:26.07IrielYes, you create unique function instances for every object
21:26.24krkaonly unique closures
21:26.36krkathe function definition is only stored once, afaik
21:27.06IrielYou know i've always wondered how that actually looks at runtime
21:27.55krkai can show you
21:28.20IrielThat's compile time (but I already did that 8-)
21:28.38krkaoh, right you are
21:28.56krkayou'd think i know the difference between run time and compile time
21:29.08krkai figure a closure is just a function def + a list of locals
21:29.42krkathe main advantage of this however, is the easier usage
21:29.49krkaobject.getA() instead of object:getA()
21:29.59Irielthat would be horrible to do though
21:30.02krkawhich means you can do: SetScript("sadasd", object.GetA)
21:30.03Irielsince it breaks the idiom
21:30.32krkawhat idiom?
21:30.37Irielthe method idiom
21:30.45IrielYou've invented an object with ONLY private methods
21:30.56Irielwhich doesn't behave like normal objects
21:31.00krkano, only private variables
21:31.07Irielsorry, yes, private variables
21:31.13krkapublic variables should be easy to add though
21:31.16IrielBut I think ultimately it would be confusing
21:31.24Irielkeep the : notation, even if you dont use 'self'
21:31.30Irieljust for consistency with everyone else
21:31.56IrielI agree for things like script handlers, a closure with a local reference to something is helpful
21:32.10Iriel(In fact I do something similar in my own code)
21:32.27IrielBut I wouldn't use that technique for 'OO code'
21:32.49krkawell, i've seen a lot of coders get very confused by :
21:32.58krkathey think self is something magical and use it in ways that don't work
21:33.04IrielThat's because they dont know the language
21:33.18IrielA good language technique should work for those who DO know the language
21:33.20Irielnot those who DONT
21:33.38Irieloffering the clueless a crutch just sets them up for continued failure for life
21:33.42krkawell, lua seems to try to be nice to newbies
21:34.08Irielbeing nice to people who are new is good
21:34.14NatasemLOL    Make your own WoW weapon!
21:34.16Irielbeing nice to people who are WRONG, on the other hand, is dangerous
21:34.58krkaok, but the main problem with using my technique would be the overhead of closures?
21:35.31IrielThat's the only downside I can think of, you have to instantiate all of the closures in each table.
21:35.44IrielIt's messier than the normal meta approach
21:36.15krkamessier for the run time environment, the coder, or the user?
21:36.32Irielyeah, you have to 'DO' stuff to each object, you fill it with entries (which you also have to 'pay' for)
21:36.42Irielit's fast in the runtime environment
21:37.01krkadon't you have to fill it with entries in all cases?
21:37.18krkathey don't magically fill themselves you know .P
21:37.36IrielPROTO_OBJECT = { -- Full of methods -- };
21:37.44IrielPROTO_META = { __index = PROTO_OBJECT };
21:37.54IrielnewObject = {}; setmetatable(newObject, PROTO_META);
21:38.29krkaok, you're talking about the memory penalty for actually storing stuff in the tables?
21:38.29Irielthe meta indirect is very fast (still slower than direct entries, granted)
21:38.38krkathen i don't object
21:38.56IrielNow, you can avoid that with a different, but more involved, approach
21:41.05krkai conclude that my way is nicer for the coder and the metatable-way and/or :-way is better for the system
21:42.14krkaalso, private variable lookup should be MUCH faster than a public variable lookup
21:42.24Ktrondata DVDs will save my hard drive space forever heh
21:44.05IrielAs a developer, having to define all my methods inside a function is mildly bothersome
21:44.16IrielOops, one sec
21:44.47krkawhy is that bothersome?
21:45.02krkaPRIVATE_DATA[object] = 3;
21:45.07krkashouldn't that be {}?
21:45.33krkaalso, that is still slower than my approach
21:45.36IrielAck, a second one
21:45.41krkafor fetching the private variables
21:45.53krkaupvalues are fast, tables are not quite as fast
21:45.55Irielthat will be slower for the fetch
21:46.04IrielYou'll get no dissent from me there
21:46.15krkacould number-index the privates though
21:46.28Irielthat would be unmaintainable, and pointless
21:46.33krkadon't you have to create PRIVATE_DATA[object] somewhere?
21:46.37krkanot really
21:46.47krkalocal privateA_INDEX = 1
21:46.49Irielit's automatically created
21:46.53krkalocal privateB_INDEX = 2
21:47.03Irielbut why would you bother with that?
21:47.09IrielIf you're going to use a table, use it as a table
21:47.13Irielotherwise use upvalues
21:47.24krkabut that won't work for your method
21:47.24Iriela compromise would be to make the private storage a table upvalue
21:47.53Irielthe gain of integer keys is only realizes if they're ALL present anyway
21:47.55krkaah, metatable for private_data, missed that
21:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
21:48.23Irielat least, all up to the highest one used
21:48.44krkaso if there's a gap, it breaks?
21:48.55Irielit dpeends where you start
21:49.08Irielif you do T = {}; T[1000] = "Hello"
21:49.09krkai can understand if the gap = big number
21:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
21:49.32IrielI believe it looks to see if it can fit the next index in its current array, but it may be slightly smarter than that
21:49.47Irielbut I dont think T={}; T[10]="hello"; goes to array form, it uses hash form.
21:50.00krkamakes sense
21:50.23krkado you know when / if it converts back from / to hash-form?
21:50.37krkaif i first fill t[1, 1000] and delete stuff in the middle?
21:50.50krkadoes it become hash after the first delete or after lua has had enough?
21:50.56krkaand does it convert back if i fill it up?
21:51.25krkanote to self, when clearing an integer key-table, go from the top and down
21:51.48Irielwell, no, once you've allocated it, it works in array form
21:52.11Irielunless you need to resize the table
21:52.12krkaonce you've allocated?
21:52.14Irielthen it can change
21:52.30IrielT = {}; for i=1,100 T[i]="hello end for i=1,100 T[i]=nil; end
21:52.45krkaso only if it needs to grow bigger does it consider moving to hash
21:52.47IrielAs long as you use indices in 1-100 it should happily work in array mode
21:52.52krkaand once in hash, it never looks back
21:56.11IrielIt will look back under some circumstances
22:01.38IrielIt'll go back from hash to array if it needs to resize itself and the ratios are right (I didn't fully delve into their math) for array mode
22:02.33Irielmeeting time
22:09.22Cide-hmm, Iriel: do you have the code for the caching of the frames for CTRA? I was going to implent it now, but I've lost the post
22:11.24*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
22:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
22:24.22futrtrubldamn, normal long post patch connection times
22:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:27.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
22:31.29Cairennokay, someone upload a file to the site, pretty please?
22:31.54futrtrublsorry, cair, I have nothing ready
22:32.21Cairenn" WoWInterface Downloads Statistics         Files: 666"
22:32.25futrtrublwell, I could upload a file and then delete it. that alright?
22:32.44Cairenn<insert twilight zone theme here>
22:33.10futrtrublahhhhhhh ;']
22:34.39Cairennbtw futrtrubl, remember when I asked you about the reasoning behind you getting your own site?  now you know why :)
22:41.07Kolth`Anyone know what time zone Eitrigg is in?
22:44.23Cairennsorry Kolth, not I
22:48.38AnduinLotharMy Name. Who said MY name?!
22:51.16AnduinLotharmmm, meh
22:56.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
22:58.36zeegaren't the DBCs stored in the patch.mpq?
22:59.47zeeggrr i forgot how to extract em with this tool
23:02.39ScytheBlade1What are those exactly?
23:02.44zeegDataClientFiles or w/e
23:02.51ScytheBlade1Oh, lol
23:03.03ScytheBlade1What tool are you using to extract them?
23:03.17zeegoh nvm
23:03.17zeegi had .m2 selected
23:03.23zeegwowguru's toolkit
23:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
23:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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23:58.23zeeg15:57:20 up 55 days,  4:33,  3 users,  load average: 0.67, 0.97, 1.04  - Currently Active Users: 4825 (43 members and 4782 guests)
23:58.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:58.40Guillotinehey Cair. I really like the new portals :D
23:59.02TainThe new portals are kickass.
23:59.02AnduinLotharportals, meh?
23:59.14zeegnew portals?
23:59.40Guillotinetop news item
23:59.42Guillotinetheir awesome :D

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