irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060206

00:00.04sarf|stuffAnyhow, fasciniting how easy MC is, started with it 4 weeks ago and already on the last non-summonable boss. <wipes away tear of joy>
00:00.09sarf|stuffSleep well everyone!
00:01.16Corrodiasyeah, WoW is starting to lose interest for me
00:01.36Corrodiasit lasted twice as long as most games do, and i'll probably come back around to it in under a year, but i need a vacation
00:02.42Corrodiasi have other games to play! paper mario, majora's mask (second time), megaman zero 4, x-wing alliance, civilization 4... and i keep forgetting the fifth
00:02.48Corrodiasoh, that is 5
00:04.37KirkburnWhat's a good prog for coding lua?
00:04.55WobI like EditPlus
00:05.11WobBut I'm sure there are some nice ones out there
00:05.14Cide-anything with (good) color coding
00:05.35IrielI use emacs
00:05.38Irielwith lua-mode
00:08.04KirkburnI'm starting to hate firefox
00:08.35Corrodiasbecause IE pleasures him sexually
00:08.38KirkburnBecause it's not showing my site properly
00:08.51KirkburnAnd it follows the html 4.01 standard
00:08.51GenNMX|ThraeFirefox is very strict about what it allows. If you don't follow the standards to the letter, it won't work right. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, allows all kinds of errors in an effort to be "compatible".
00:09.02futrtrublit's fine, lern2kode
00:09.06MaldiviaI usually hate IE when doing HTML, since it always shows in Firefox as I expect it to
00:09.10Corrodiashtml 4.01 should still be okay :(
00:09.25KirkburnWell, in my case it shows in IE perfectly, but is now broken in FF
00:09.28Corrodiasmake sure you're declaring that as the type or it might assume you're using xhtml 1.0 transitional or some crap, i think?
00:09.50Maldiviayeah, do you have a DOCTYPE in the beginning of the file?
00:10.19KirkburnI do
00:10.27KirkburnThat's a point
00:10.28Corrodiasdo you have a fuzzy bunny?
00:10.42KirkburnWorks now
00:10.54KirkburnSo apparently it's not html 4.01
00:11.10ScytheBlade1Kirkburn: here's something else about IE. If you don't have a doctype, it'll use it's own standards. If you do, it'll still use it's own standards, just modified.
00:11.12ScytheBlade1IE is good times.
00:11.24KirkburnWhich makes no sense now ... I tested it as html 4.01 and it passed and put that as my doctype
00:11.43ScytheBlade1Also, it's "standards" change depending on which doctype you put it as, especially html 4.01 strict/transitional/etc
00:12.09Kirkburn(u were going to say frameset I assume)
00:12.23ScytheBlade1It's been a while :P
00:12.37KirkburnI've no idea what it means anyway
00:12.44ScytheBlade1I think an example of a well-done website, is actually blizzard's
00:12.50ScytheBlade1They follow 0 standards
00:12.55ScytheBlade1Have absolute horrible code
00:12.59WobAnd it works =P
00:13.01ScytheBlade1Completly, just plain horrible
00:13.08ScytheBlade1But it renders identically in every browser under the sun.
00:13.23KirkburnThe EU website doesn't render properly
00:13.24ScytheBlade1s/every/every modern/
00:13.31ScytheBlade1The US one does
00:13.37WobAye, to work, you have to basically ignore any standards and tie together all the quirks for each separate browser =P
00:13.45KirkburnApparently we have sh*tter PCs so get a smaller view
00:13.48ScytheBlade1Exactly. Which, plain and simple, s ucks.
00:13.48GenNMX|ThraeWoW Forums don't render identically in my IE and Firefox
00:13.57ScytheBlade1They're pretty dang close :P
00:13.59KirkburnAnd thus with a larger view, u get a blank section in the middle
00:14.40GenNMX|ThraeThe Blizzard website is a bad example, you can follow good coding practices and still have something compatible, but as you said, you might need _some_ massaging
00:14.44Maldivia[pre] in Firefox vs Internet Explorer is a good example of how the forums are rendered differently
00:15.12ScytheBlade1Fair enough.
00:15.15GenNMX|ThraeI still think Blizzard hired some contract web developer who's either a) payed almost nothing or b) payed too much
00:15.34ScytheBlade1Nah, it's all in-house stuff.
00:15.35Corrodiasor who c) died years ago
00:15.38Corrodiasand nobody knows
00:15.44GenNMX|ThraeA in-house contractor, I mean
00:15.46ScytheBlade1You'd be surprised, heh
00:15.48ScytheBlade1Ah, k
00:15.56ScytheBlade1Subtle difference
00:16.20GenNMX|ThraeThey'd keep him under contract and not salaried just to let him know he could be let go at any minute, when they think the site is "done", letting the CMs do the rest of the updates ;)
00:16.28KirkburnThe CMs?!
00:16.48futrtrublcombat medics?
00:16.53GenNMX|ThraeYes, the CMs are in charge of adding content to the website. The web developer just does maintenance and upgrades.
00:17.13WobContent Managers
00:17.14KirkburnBut surely they don't code?
00:17.17ScytheBlade1The CMs kinda scare me
00:17.26ScytheBlade1They don't code, oh dear no
00:17.39KirkburnOkay, I'm getting you
00:17.40ScytheBlade1If they did, you'd actually see them on the UI forum ;)
00:17.42GenNMX|ThraeYou don't have to code to add text and images, I bet they use some type of backend
00:17.52KirkburnWonder what the forums will turn out like
00:18.02GenNMX|ThraeIt would be the job of the web developer to add cool stuff like Talent Calculators
00:18.08KirkburnStill WHY does FF have to be an ass :s
00:18.12ScytheBlade1Kirkburn: off the record, I've seen a preview of th em
00:18.24KirkburnAnd your view?
00:18.30ScytheBlade1They shall be teh hot.
00:18.33ScytheBlade1But that's all I can really say,
00:18.51GenNMX|ThraeScytheBlade1: Could they be released this year?
00:19.03ScytheBlade1Did you see the revamp?
00:19.07KirkburnOkay, one question - much better than standard online forums?
00:19.16GenNMX|ThraeI don't read forums, so no.
00:19.20ScytheBlade1Kirkburn: that's a loaded question ;)
00:19.31ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: well, they re-vamped completly not too long ago
00:19.32KirkburnAnd a good one too
00:19.36ScytheBlade1and a decent amount of the code is shared
00:19.42ScytheBlade1But it IS blizzard :P
00:19.47GenNMX|ThraeANYTHING is better then the current forums
00:19.57GenNMX|ThraeThey have a lot of very nasty bugs in the current forum code
00:20.04ScytheBlade1Nah. You've gotta realize what they have running behind it all
00:20.21ScytheBlade1Really, imagine their pageviews
00:20.32ScytheBlade1In views alone, hammering on the MSSQL server
00:20.38ScytheBlade1I'm amazed that they stand at all :P
00:20.52GenNMX|ThraeHow does that excuse the bugs?
00:21.02KirkburnThe bnet forums appear to be the same as WoW forums, just look nicer
00:21.17ScytheBlade1It's really, really hard to debug a product with that many concurrent hits, without people noticing
00:21.34ScytheBlade1The "ending a post in [/quote]" bug is due to the last char, the ], which is used in MSSQL table names
00:21.37ScytheBlade1For that, there's no excuse :P
00:22.07ScytheBlade1But as far as when it happens, I dunno
00:22.12ScytheBlade1blizzard says "friday"
00:22.13GenNMX|ThraeBut these are bugs that have been there forever I mean.
00:22.18ScytheBlade1Obvious question would be "which?" ;)
00:22.36KirkburnFriday sounds like a stupid day to do it
00:22.51ScytheBlade1That was an example of their "we'll have it done by X" is all
00:23.16GenNMX|ThraeLike posts becoming inoperable after 30-some pages of replies. The obvious solution would be to auto-lock the post when it reaches that point.
00:23.21ScytheBlade1That was the big war3 expansion joke
00:23.32ScytheBlade1"Coming in december!" "Of which year?"
00:23.37GenNMX|ThraeBut I guess they can't do that, which is scarier...
00:23.41ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: you can actually read them past that limit
00:23.51ScytheBlade1You have to abuse the find posts in some nasty ways, but you can
00:24.16ScytheBlade1And also, that point is variable
00:24.25GenNMX|ThraeScytheBlade1: Why make people go through all that trouble when you can just disallow the action?
00:24.41ScytheBlade1Ask them ;)
00:24.45GenNMX|ThraeThere are SOOOO many posts everyday with "XX thread is broken, start a new thread!"
00:24.56ScytheBlade1Yeah, and it's just that: broken
00:25.25ScytheBlade1I have a friend who blizzard actually requested that he beta WoW
00:25.35ScytheBlade1He can login as a blue due to holes in the site :P
00:25.44ScytheBlade1(He's also rather trusted)
00:26.06ScytheBlade1It has more holes than... yeah :)
00:26.13GenNMX|ThraeI can't believe Blizzard has complete creative freedom. Or at least I won't, that keeps my hope that the actual developers are sane, it's the publishers which are not ;)
00:26.43ScytheBlade1I'm just hopeful for SC2.
00:26.51GenNMX|ThraeI have faith that most of Blizzard's problems are due to their publisher, like most game developers.
00:27.31ScytheBlade1Time will tell.
00:27.38ScytheBlade1WoW was... horrible to the storyline
00:28.01GenNMX|ThraeI don't think this is an instance where time will tell if Blizzard is being beaten by their publisher.
00:28.17GenNMX|ThraeHow can you know about the specifics of a developer -> publisher relationship?
00:28.21GenNMX|ThraeUnless you're Cairenn ;)
00:28.32ScytheBlade1I doubt that's it
00:28.44ScytheBlade1Did you hear of the big internal breakup they had before WoW was released?
00:29.13KirkburnI think it wasn't as bad as made out
00:29.18ScytheBlade1No, but do realize
00:29.27GenNMX|ThraeYeah, but I thought the breakup was due to money and politics, not idiology.
00:29.31ScytheBlade1The minds that made SC and War1/War2/War3... left
00:29.34Osa|BothTeamsSucWasn't that what led to Guild Wars being developed?
00:30.03GenNMX|ThraePublishers are a game developer's government, and they control most of the money.
00:30.40GenNMX|ThraeThey're usually to blame for stuff like breakups within medium or larger companies.
00:30.54KirkburnOh btw, both FF and IE mess up when I put the background-color: transparent tag in, isn't life fun
00:31.30ScytheBlade1"background-color: transparent" is valid?
00:31.34GenNMX|ThraeEspecially with MMORPGs, where most people try to make them out to be bigger money-makers then they really are (they're one of the worst types of money-makers in game development)
00:31.41ScytheBlade1That's very true
00:31.51ScytheBlade1But... SC2? "All I can be is hopefuly"
00:31.57KirkburnEr, it isn't valid?
00:32.07ScytheBlade1Kirkburn: I don't believe so, no
00:32.23ScytheBlade1try none instead of transparent
00:32.49GenNMX|ThraeSC2 I think will have a good amount of development go into it, it's not like the WoW devs are working on it anyway ;)
00:33.01GenNMX|ThraeSC2 would be done by the other physical branch of Blizzard
00:33.07ScytheBlade1It's not that, it's the storyline that scares me :/
00:33.16ScytheBlade1The minds who made SC... are gone
00:33.51GenNMX|ThraeMaybe they'll have Orcs left over on Draenor as a playable race!
00:34.41GenNMX|ThraeActually, I bet SC's storyline was mostly finished before Brood Wars was finished.
00:34.48ScytheBlade1One can hope
00:34.58ScytheBlade1But the actual implimentation..
00:35.05GenNMX|ThraeThe depth in SC and Brood Wars shows a lot of foreshadowing that would be rather criminal to fake.
00:35.17ScytheBlade1Oh, agreed completly
00:35.23KirkburnNone worked :p
00:35.32ScytheBlade1Once my system finishes recompiling, I'm off to install SC :P
00:35.48ScytheBlade1Kirkburn: if desperate, you could always do the background image
00:36.03ScytheBlade1s/image/image trick/
00:36.06GenNMX|ThraeIf it wasn't completed, then I say the SC designer wasn't dependable to begin with, making up foreboding stuff on the spot
00:36.14KirkburnNah, I'm only putting it in for completeness
00:36.26ScytheBlade1Good point.
00:36.30KirkburnMy site looks like this one:
00:36.44ScytheBlade1I'm uh, in a fun 80x25 text terminal now ;)
00:36.46ScytheBlade1No GUI for me
00:37.08GenNMX|ThraeKirkburn: That doesn't display properly in links =/
00:37.39purlLynx-like text WWW browser. URL:
00:39.04ScytheBlade1Due to my lack of a browser
00:39.07GenNMX|ThraeScytheBlade1: Besides the original three races, what about a Protoss-Zerg hybrid and the Xel-Naga as the new SC2 races? That would follow Blizzard's trend of having one more playable race for each RTS they make. (WC2 was 2, SC was 3, WC3 was 4)
00:39.08KirkburnI have no idea what I shoudl be saying so I'll say - that looks pointless :)
00:39.55GenNMX|ThraeOr, follow the trend for adding 2 more playable races to each sequel.
00:40.00ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: semi-off topic, Wikipedia has the entire SC storyline written out in incredible detail, the N64 level only included
00:41.02ScytheBlade1The Xel'Naga... are far too secrative. They have 0 actual unit sprites in the game
00:41.12ScytheBlade1The hybrid, however, while it also has no sprites, I can see we'd at least have a model for
00:41.58GenNMX|ThraeWell the Undead and Night Elves were very different from their WC2 counterparts
00:42.25KirkburnAnd what about Diablo III
00:42.28ScytheBlade1That's true, but they were still a critical part of the stroyline
00:42.50GenNMX|ThraeNight Elves weren't in WC2, nor were the Scourge...
00:43.09ScytheBlade1While the same remains true of the Xel'Naga... I'm placing them in the 'races' like the Demons in War3
00:43.19ScytheBlade1NE were in the world and actively mentioned though
00:43.23KirkburnOh look! Utter genius! IE renders my site correctly, so does FF. But now FRONTPAGE doesn't
00:43.33ScytheBlade1You're using frontpage?
00:43.33GenNMX|ThraeThe Xel-Naga were alluded to many times in the Protoss campaigns
00:43.39KirkburnYeah, don't ask
00:43.46ScytheBlade1Trust me, I won't ask
00:43.50KirkburnI'd use Dreamweaver when I get roudn to it
00:43.51ScytheBlade1I'll shoot you in the face first ;)
00:44.09KirkburnI do have it, not sure if it's with me
00:44.30ScytheBlade1Your problem isn't with FF or IE
00:44.35GenNMX|ThraeBah I hope they don't make the "Xel-Naga" into "Demons", that would be adding more fantasy to science-fiction. I was hoping they were carrying it towards just some race with high biological technology trying to play god.
00:44.37ScytheBlade1Your problem is with what you're making the page in :P
00:44.41KirkburnI must check. Perhaps my coding will thus improve :)
00:45.00ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: I mean in the playabilty extent. Sure, they'll be in there, but not as a playable race, or anything close
00:45.14KirkburnFP 2003 isn't *that* bad. Anyways, the problems I've been having were mostly NOT frontpage's fault
00:45.49GenNMX|ThraeRight, but Demons aren't playable because they are too powerful. I didn't see the Xel-Naga as being very powerful in anything except biology.
00:46.30ScytheBlade1After the protoss, they never had direct contact with anyone period, to date
00:46.41ScytheBlade1That's why I don't see them as anything close to playable
00:46.57KirkburnOh, no wait, You're right, it's crap. I can SEE in the code that this box has a defined background. However, just because the CSS defines the text inside as without bg, frontpage tells me it doesn't have one. huh?
00:47.08ScytheBlade1Told you.
00:47.11GenNMX|ThraeWait, do we know where the Zerg originated?
00:47.21KirkburnI'm thus guessing that IE6 will mess up if I use this code
00:47.27ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: yup. they were initially some larva on a planet.
00:47.55ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: trust me when I say to hit up wikipedia
00:47.57GenNMX|ThraeBut do we know which planet?
00:48.00ScytheBlade1It's horribly detailed
00:48.11ScytheBlade1It's mentioned in SC, their home planet
00:48.39ScytheBlade1Bah I have a desire to play SC now :P
00:48.41ScytheBlade1Now now now now now
00:48.48ScytheBlade1HURRY UP GLIBC, COMPILE
00:49.05GenNMX|ThraeScytheBlade1: I'm reading the Starcraft entry and I don't see it. I just see that their main base is on Char.
00:49.24ScytheBlade1GenNMX|Thrae: hmm, sec as I go and attempt it in lynx
00:49.47GenNMX|ThraeAh wait, I'm not looking at the right spot
00:51.31GenNMX|ThraeYeah, I'm reading that and still don't see the planet the first larva were dropped on.
00:52.10ScytheBlade1They larva were found by them
00:52.20ScytheBlade1Zerus is the planet
00:52.29GenNMX|ThraeI thought the Xel-Naga created the larva from stratch?
00:52.45ScytheBlade1From that main page, under prequel, click on Xel'Naga
00:52.55KirkburnAnd this was all in SC1?
00:53.00GenNMX|ThraeAhh, I see.
00:53.36KirkburnJesus, I missed out
00:53.46KirkburnHow did I not notice all that
00:53.51Corrodiasthat's a lot of story for an RTS
00:53.57GenNMX|ThraeActually, now that I read this article "...Zerus became the site of the *ultimate* defeat of the Xel'Naga race." Makes me think the Xel'Naga are most if not all extinct.
00:54.03ScytheBlade1It's a TON of story.
00:54.05ScytheBlade1Keep reading
00:54.11GenNMX|ThraeHeh, WC2 had just as much story, if not more.
00:54.29KirkburnEven if it has mostly changed now
00:55.43GenNMX|ThraeWhat has changed?
00:56.00KirkburnWell, were they Alexstrazas dragons in WC2?
00:56.09KirkburnOr were they just 'dragons'
00:57.00Corrodiasi can't spend so much time thinking about the story of a couple of games. there are too many games to play for that. :(
00:57.12GenNMX|ThraeBesides some minor details, WoW has only added to the backstory, hence why it's called "WORLD of Warcraft". But I'd have to get back to you on that particular fact.
00:57.47ScytheBlade1Minor details?
00:57.51ScytheBlade1The corruption of Stormwind?
00:58.02ScytheBlade1How is that "minor"? ;)
00:58.10KirkburnWho's Onyxia?
00:58.20Osa|BothTeamsSucStormwind was retaken in WC2... :P
00:59.05KirkburnOkay here's a question for you buffs: what are the 7 human kingdoms?
00:59.38GenNMX|ThraeThe ones that Sauron gave the rings to? ;)
00:59.58KirkburnIs that u trying to change the subject?
01:00.22Corrodiasi see what you did there
01:00.26KirkburnC'mon giev me answers
01:00.38GenNMX|ThraeNo, I didn't know there were 7 in Warcraft too. There are 7 in Tolkein...
01:00.51KirkburnDammit cladhaire
01:01.01Corrodiasstormwind, lordaeron, atlantis, xanadu, timbuktu, eden, and heaven
01:01.04KirkburnThey were supposed to name them
01:01.41cladhairewell now they can =)
01:01.44KirkburnOff the top of my head I can think of, sw, lordaeron, dalaran, alterac, stromgarde, the peninsula who's name I've totally forgotten
01:01.53cladhairewhat makes a buff is not memorizatino.. its using your resources =)
01:01.54KirkburnAnd the island
01:01.59KirkburnWhich I've also forgotten
01:02.04Corrodiasywah, warcraft has a good story behind it, which could be pretty entertaining to read. not unlike the elder scrolls games.
01:02.12KirkburnAh, gilneas and kul tiras
01:02.20GenNMX|Thraecladhaire: I think he meant "trivia buff" ;)
01:02.35cladhairemy mom sleeps in the buff
01:02.36KirkburnKul Tiras may have been taken by naga, but is unlikely. Lots of sailors
01:02.44Maldiviahmm... Rolling Stones doing the half-time show... let's hope there's no wardrobe malfunction this year...
01:02.44CodayusOn an unrelated note - anyone else seriously looking forward to the release of Oblivion?
01:02.54Osa|BothTeamsSucLordaeron, Stormwind, Dalaran, Alterac, Gilneas, and I can't remember the last two
01:03.12KirkburnLol Osa, Kul Tiras and Strom(garde)
01:03.27GenNMX|ThraeWardrobe Malfunction! That would be a good name for the error you get when you try to change armour during combat...
01:03.32Corrodiasi am... but i'll have to buy my new computer by then, Codayus
01:03.43GenNMX|Thrae"You incur a wardrobe malfuction -- you cannot change armour in combat."
01:03.44CodayusI may have to as well.  We'll see.  :-/
01:03.45Corrodiasand it pops up some nipples so you can't see what you're doing
01:03.59Corrodiasbut you won't care
01:04.28Maldiviawell, what would be most disturbing, Janet Jacksons nipple, or Mick Jaggers?
01:04.53CodayusMaldivia: That's easy, it'd be...hmm.  Well...  Okay, tough call.
01:04.58Corrodiasgeorge W bush
01:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
01:07.43KirkburnWoo, I just found holding down ctrl opens a new tab. Woo.
01:08.54KirkburnAnyways, I must be off
01:53.36GenNMX|ThraeHmm, it's always interesting to catch up on new fansub releases after a little break
01:54.04GenNMX|Thrae"Karin, a female vampire who produces blood instead of sucking it out of her victim" <-- interesting quirk
01:57.58Corrodiasi produce blood, too, but only when i'm bleeding
02:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
02:07.54WobI have about 3/4 of a small container of Vegemite and while I enjoy it on toast or triscuits with either jelly or cheese - I want to try something else using it.
02:08.02Wob(quote from a LJ)
02:08.52WobI can see all the aussies reading that post shuddering in disgust =P
02:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=chatzill@
02:28.46futrtrubljelly? ewe
02:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge futr (
02:53.02futrit's all in good pun
02:53.17kremontesilly kittens
02:53.21kremontedying in the field like that
02:53.48futrthey should protect themselves
03:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
03:13.08End-crazyhatFEAR MY CRAZYHAT.  that is all.
03:16.53futrummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................                                   no
03:21.10TemIriel: you around?
03:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
03:22.52IrielI am
03:28.12TemIriel: you have a typo in the 1.10 changes thread
03:28.21IrielInthe first post?
03:28.24Irielor another one?
03:28.35Temyou have LayoutFrame:GetAllPoints() where it whould be LayoutFrame:GetNumPoints()
03:28.38Tem(first post)
03:29.16IrielAha, cheers
03:29.38Temjust noticed it earlier today when I was reading over the changes
03:29.40IrielI'll change it as soon as I get logged in
03:31.17TainDo we know yet if there will be a way to tell programmatically whether or not a frame was defined in XML or it was created "dynamically?"
03:32.54IrielI would hope not
03:34.04futrtrublhook CreateFrame() and make a list ;']
03:34.34IrielWhy would you care?
03:34.45Iriel(And you could hook CreateFrame to just set a flag on all the created ones)
03:35.48TainAddons that move/size/etc. frames can have issues since the frames may not exist yet when their settings are applied.
03:36.08IrielBut the same is going to apply for LoD frames
03:36.11TainIt's an issue with ondemand frames too.
03:36.16futrtrublthey can just see if the frame exists before applying
03:36.55TainYes of course that's stating the obvious.
03:37.02Irielthough I guess WHEN is an issue
03:37.04TainBut it just avoids it.
03:37.11Irielwith LOD you can at least wait for ADDON_LOADED
03:37.20futrtrublhook, createframe to know when it is made, wait a bit then apply settings
03:37.21Maldiviahmm, good you mentioned it - reminds me to make an "anchor" frame in XML, to be UserPlaced(), when converting my mod to dynamic creating for 1.10
03:37.22TainThe when is the issue.  Even today, it just becomes more of one with dynamic frames.
03:37.31Irielwith dynamic frames, you dont know when.. i suspect a hook of CreateFrame combined with an OnUpdater
03:37.46Irielwill give you a solution, albeit a bit messy
03:39.58futrtrublMaldivia, or reme,ber the placement yourself
03:40.20futrtrublthe new anchor methods will help with that
03:41.10TainA mod can have its frames positions remembered now, it's for ones that don't.
03:41.46futrtrublyup, that's what I'm saying
03:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
04:10.58Shouryuuanyone heard of linux on Ipod? Does it work well?
04:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
04:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
04:32.16Shouryuuso no opinions on linux on ipod?
04:32.44Irielno idea, I use my iPod on my windows machine
04:33.16ShadowdSame. It doesn't look that bad, but I don't see why you would do that, doesn't look like theres any amazing benifits to it.
04:33.37Shouryuujsut for change :P
04:34.03ShadowdWill the iTunes software still work with Linux iPod?
04:34.21Shouryuudon't think so
04:34.59ShadowdSounds like it's more trouble then it's worth
04:35.25ScytheBlade1Wait - with Linux iPod?
04:35.39ShadowdYou can put Linux onto iPod's
04:35.50ScytheBlade1yeah... and it's nearly useless due to processor or lack thereof
04:36.00ScytheBlade1I thought you meant synching an iPod with a linux desktop, haha
04:36.39ShadowdThe people who did it probably just tried it for the sake of saying "We put Linux onto an iPod" I can hardly see any benifits from doing so though.
04:37.19ScytheBlade1Pretty much.
04:37.55ScytheBlade1They had to extract it's BIOS by putting it into debug mode, listening for clicks, and timing it so that click = 1, no click = 0
04:38.03ScytheBlade1and assembling the BIOS in binary :P
04:38.15ScytheBlade1They did it just to say that they could :)
04:38.17ScytheBlade1And it said a lot :)
04:38.27ShadowdAnd because they had to much free time apparently
04:38.45ScytheBlade1Yeah. Then they had to take the tape and play it back to assemble it.
04:38.46ScytheBlade1Scary stuff.
04:39.17ShadowdCan you even put it back to the way it was? The tools they had don't restore BIOS if I recall.
04:40.37ScytheBlade1It was the raw software that powers the iPod
04:40.44ScytheBlade1Whatever that may be
04:41.11ScytheBlade1I called it BIOS for lack of a better term
04:41.17ScytheBlade1Firmware, actually, would be better
04:42.59TainRobot Chicken is the funney.
04:44.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (
04:44.44Cairenn|afk"While private gunrunners continue to thrive, the world's biggest arms suppliers are the U.S., U.K., Russia, France and China.  They are also the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council."
04:44.55Cairenn|afkinteresting movie
04:47.52Cairennand hi again all
04:48.19Wobstery'lo Cair =)
04:50.54IrielHow was dinner?
04:51.56CairennChinese food and Irish Creme Cheesecake for dessert :)
04:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (n=chatzill@
04:54.54IrielOdd combination
04:55.33Cairennaye, seems it on the surface, but actually complimented quite nicely
04:56.13Cairennbut oh my ... had to undo the button on my jeans ;)
04:56.32Cairennate way too much
04:56.40ScytheBlade1my WoW is dead...
04:56.50Cairennthat sucks, ScytheBlade1
04:56.55AnduinLotharmy joy is dead...
04:57.08ScytheBlade1That's an obsession for you
04:57.42AnduinLotharanyone wanna break a test version of the cosmos patcher for me?
04:58.21CairennI haven't broken anything in a while
04:58.34AnduinLotharshouldn't be hard. dunno if it's been tested
04:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
04:58.56Cairennso what would you like me to do to it to break it?
05:00.17AnduinLothareverything you can think of.. installing to an empty folder, no interface folder, on top of regular addons, uninstalling, installing to the disable folder, cleaning, installing only part..
05:00.39AnduinLotharunpatching on a 2nd install..
05:00.52AnduinLotharvarious combos of configs
05:01.08AnduinLotharalways file check option..
05:01.10ShadowdCan you install, cancel mid way and install on top of that, or does it lock?
05:01.33AnduinLotharif you cancil mid way it reverts unless you force quit the app
05:01.51AnduinLotharcause it downloads to a cache first
05:02.01AnduinLotharso the install is really just moving files around
05:02.18AnduinLotharwith some file checking to make .prepatch files
05:02.44AnduinLotharwhich can be used for unpatching the latest dl
05:03.38AnduinLotharit prolly wont be all that hard to break. I've only really done testing on Mac and i dunno how well the author tested the exe
05:04.50AnduinLotharchange log since the last windows patch is like 150 lines long... complete rewrite
05:05.17AnduinLotharAlso not sure if the thottbot upload is actually working
05:05.31AnduinLotharbut you wont be able to tell that offhand anyway
05:09.15CairennKarl - won't actually get to try to break this until tomorrow, just realized how late it is
05:09.32Cairennthat okay?
05:09.43AnduinLotharemail me
05:10.58Shouryuuin maths, would tables be the apllication of a set towards a another set?
05:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
05:35.05ShadowdWhat post is it this time Cairenn? Buff? Nerfs? "Exploits"?
05:35.33AnduinLotharhey. that's not sleep
05:35.54ScytheBlade1You figured it out!
05:36.00ScytheBlade1We'd better kill him
05:36.02ScytheBlade1He knows too much
05:36.28CairennI didn't say I was going to bed right away, just that I don't have enough time to properly devote to breaking it
05:36.34ShadowdThat or people who read the posts about what makes something legal in WoW too
05:36.51Cairennerrr, "trying" to break it ;)
05:47.12kremontewhat are you breaking cair
05:47.27CairennCosmos patcher, tomorrow
05:47.31kremontei need late night entertainmenT!
05:47.33kremonteoh i can't break that
05:47.34Cairennsleep soon
05:47.38ScytheBlade1Wait, define 'breaking'
05:47.45ScytheBlade1Any details on what exactly that entails?
05:48.06ShadowdMaking it not work?
05:48.14Cairennread up about 20 lines :p
05:48.39ShadowdMaking it so it doesn't do what it was designed to I'd imagine.
05:48.47ScytheBlade1So like
05:48.53ScytheBlade1Not re-writing the packets :P
05:48.55ScytheBlade1Never mind
05:49.13AnduinLotharnot maliciously breaking...
05:49.23ScytheBlade1'Break the updater' 'Okay, let's see how it likes downloading a few megs of NULLs..'
05:49.28AnduinLotharthis is the dev channel not wowhackers
05:49.50ShadowdMaybe he's in both and got it confused
05:49.52Cairennlol, although we've had folks think it's a hacker channel :p
05:50.02ScytheBlade1Sadly enough, I'm not surprised
05:50.32Shadowd"lounge" can mean mayne things!
05:50.39ShadowdAssuming I spelled that right of course.
05:53.51Cairennso by the lack of comment to my first statement (quote) when I got back, I have to presume no one else has watched that movie?
05:55.54CairennLord of War, it's actually pretty good
05:56.04Cairenndefinitely make you sit back and think about a few things
05:57.00Shouryuuthat movie
05:57.23Shouryuuhaven't seen it, but it does look quite nice
05:57.26Cairennit's good
06:03.19Cairennalthough, don't watch it if you have a weak stomach or are easily upset
06:03.37ShouryuuI can watch I guess then
06:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
06:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylp1 (
06:19.06Cairennokay, this is ridiculous, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard ... night guys
06:31.21Temmust stop clicking "next commic"
06:31.33kremontestop tem
06:31.34kremonteSTOP FOR ALL
06:31.36kremonteTHAT IS GOOD
06:31.46TainFor great justice.
06:31.48kremontetem if you don't stop
06:31.51kremontei will make a pun
06:31.54kremonteand LOOK AT THE FRIGGIN TOPIC
06:32.26IrielYay, finally got a format I think I like for my page
06:32.40kremontegrr tem. you have a temendous problem with webcomics
06:32.43Temgah! again!
06:32.55Temin the last 2 days I've read over 4 years of PA, PVP, and the one with the cats
06:33.04TemI'm so ashamed
06:33.07Temyes, that's the one
06:33.12kremontetem what's your WoW PW
06:33.12Shouryuunow now...
06:33.17Irielvgcats is so wrong, and yet so good.
06:33.22kremontei'll delete your toep for you to punish you. :]
06:33.43Temkremonte: no! Bad wanna-be-mage
06:34.16kremontei got a soul fire crit for 13000 today ><
06:34.29kremontedas no wana bea!
06:34.30Temon a mob with negative fire resistance
06:34.38kremonteno. just incredible fire vulnerability :]
06:34.57TemI crit for 2k on a regular basis
06:35.00kremonteit was nice today
06:35.05ShadowdBWL mob?
06:35.09kremontehe went from fire to shadow to fire to shadow to fire to shadow
06:35.14kremontesecond from last BWL boss, yea
06:35.14Temtwice every minute and a half usually
06:35.18ShadowdAh chromaggus
06:35.48kremonteat 2% my internet skipped up and i lagged, couldn't get out of acid and died immediately. :'(
06:36.11ShadowdYeah, watching the hunters die during Chromaggus is always fun
06:36.22kremontebetter to watch the hunters cry on vent on nef :')
06:36.51ShadowdWhen learning nef we ( the rogues ) just went and made a sandwich after our class call :p
06:36.59Shadowdthe one time they did res us we all died like 20 seconds later :D
06:37.13kremontei love lock nef call
06:37.28kremontebut because of that, i give my mage friend a major mana pot every time we go :'(
06:37.45ShadowdStart giving him the level 5 mana potions until he gets the hint
06:38.00kremontehe's my black market water supplied
06:38.03Temhow does the nef fight work?
06:38.17kremonteyou fight drakonoids that walk funny for a few minutes
06:38.23kremontenef lands and does a kabillion damage to people
06:38.38kremonteyou dps while hunters cry and laugh histerically at their pain until 20~%
06:38.46ShadowdThen you fight nef ( giant pissed off dragon ) who does class calls which effect each class differently. Like the hunter call breaks there bow/gun if they shoot him and the rogues get rooted in front of him.
06:38.51kremonteyou aoe a bunch of skeletons then cry yourself because they all destroy you
06:38.59kremontethen you kill him and go "yay" in /g
06:39.16kremontei still like my call
06:39.18ShadowdSeeing if you can kill people during the priest call is fun!
06:39.20kremontewarlocks all summon infernals
06:39.39Temwhat's the priest call?
06:39.47kremontemakes them heal nef or somethin
06:39.55ShadowdPuts a DoT on the person you healed that does something like 600 damage a tick and it stacks.
06:39.56kremonteor their heals do damage
06:40.00kremonteyeah that
06:40.08kremonteyou know what would be funny
06:40.13kremonteif instead of those , he had BWL calls
06:40.15ShadowdDoTing all the rogues during the call?
06:40.16kremontewhere he'd res every BWL boss
06:40.40ShadowdYeah you can do that actually. It's called pulling the chromaggus lever after broodlord.
06:40.42kremonte"20%!!! Chromaggus hits you for 4230 (crushing)"
06:40.46ShadowdThat was fun!
06:40.57kremontecan't do that as a warlock ;(
06:41.26ShadowdTheres just something tempting about that lever. You see the giant pissed off dog next to it and you just think that nothing bad will happen, and then couriosity gets the better of you and you pull it.
06:41.59kremontewe tried something new today, we summoned the rogue pulling the lever before he did, so he could pull and try to accept before he was in combat
06:42.11kremontehe was so freaked out (it was his first time in chrom fight) he accepted the summon early
06:42.13kremonte....4 times
06:42.38kremontethen we said "f it" and he got 1 shotted with a crit
06:43.01kremonte(apparently gigantic multicolored acid breathing flesh eating dogs run more than twice as fast as you)
06:43.14kremontesooooo yeah
06:43.29ShadowdThats better then making a rogue pull, and the hunter whos suppose to pull him off the MT waits until the rogue dies.
06:43.37Shadowd*off to the MT
06:43.59kremontenah we <3 our hunters too much
06:44.32kremontewe wiped on nef cause we were missing a hunter. he got on after the queue and a bunch of people on vent went, "WE WIPED BECAUSE OF YOU, HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?!"
06:44.41kremontegah i need less caffiene
06:45.01ShadowdHow did you wipe on nef without a hunter?
06:45.28kremontewe didn't really ;D we were just screwing with him
06:45.45kremontebut we did wipe cause we've only done nef 3 times including today, and the two first were black/green
06:45.53ShadowdWas going to say, what kind of strat are you using!
06:46.09kremontewe're using HIF
06:47.06kremonteHunter Intensive Fight. we get twelve hunters on each side (24 total), and have them use volley because volley is amazing.
06:47.33Shadowdwow, usually just used single target and burned them down
06:47.48kremonteyou couldn't tell that was a joke? :(
06:47.54kremontea bad one, but it was!
06:48.14ShadowdIt wouldn't suprise me if it was true!
06:48.31kremonteare you makign fun of me? :(((
06:48.42TemIriel: what are you planning to do with
06:49.18kremontei need an idea to make an addon, gah!
06:49.21IrielTem: I primarily imagined it as a dumping ground for all sorts of code snippets I come up with while figuring stuff out.
06:49.23kremontemy UI feels somehow..incomplete...
06:49.33IrielTem: Beyond that, I dunno 8-)
06:49.44ShadowdGet nurfed UI or something!
06:49.53kremontethat's a sin
06:49.59TemIriel: sure seems like a complex system you have set up for something that "simple"
06:50.02kremontei need to make my UI myself!
06:50.09kremontei use 0 visible mods ><
06:50.12TemIriel: or was that the fun part?
06:50.12kremontewell, bsides titan
06:50.39ShadowdI mostly just use the standard UI, CTRA, CT_Whatever and anything else is random stuff i make
06:51.21kremontesee that's what i do
06:51.26kremontebut i have nothing to make! incompleeeeeeeete
06:51.53Shadowdgo break something and see if you can fix it!
06:52.06IrielThat was _a_ fun part.
06:52.16IrielThat bit boils down to 'i'm lazy'
06:52.23kremontei'm very bad at breaking things
06:52.26*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-4432 (
06:52.36Irieli dont want to screw around getting full blown HTML pages right, and I hate manually doing stuff like page nav
06:53.08IrielI probably should just have used cocoon or something, but this was interesting and wasn't all that hard. 90% of the "work" was learning more about CSS or figuring out how to get XSLT to behave
06:53.28wowguru-4432shit i mean
06:53.48wowguru-4432stu[id ass taren
06:54.03Temanway, looks cool so far Iriel.  I've got to head out before I hit "next" on another webcomic
06:54.08Temlater peope
06:54.35ShadowdTem it's not bad until you've gone through about 5 web comics, and you memorised them all.
06:54.42Shadowd( or you've gone through it for the second time )
06:55.01wowguru-4432pussy fuck
06:55.18*** kick/#wowi-lounge [wowguru-4432!] by Cairenn|sleep (Cairenn|sleep)
06:55.29Tem|sleepwowguru-4432: do you have some reason for being here, or are you just here to make my eyes bleed?
06:55.39Tem|sleepoh thanks Cairenn|sleep
06:55.47ShadowdCairenn|sleep lied again!
06:55.54Cairenn|sleepI swear, but geez
06:56.18AnduinLotharSleep talking again.. and kicking..
06:56.29AnduinLotharYou're not so good at this sleep thing..
06:56.43ShadowdIt's over rated anyway, it cuts into playing WoW.
06:56.51Tem|sleepSo addicted
06:56.54kremonteseriously ><
06:56.56Tem|sleepcan't help myself
06:57.00kremontei was asleep 4 hours ago
06:57.02kremontei have class in 4 hours
06:57.17kremontenow i'm running around stormwind trying to find an enchanter for my new robe ><
06:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
06:58.58Tem|sleepI'm going to be linking this comic in all decursive threads from now on
06:59.06kremonteTEM OPMG
06:59.23Tem|sleep(s/tribes \d/decursive/g)
06:59.55ShadowdWhich one Tem? The "is it illegal" ones?
07:00.08kremonteDECURSIVER BANED
07:00.48Tem|sleepOMGEES!11!!one1eleven! I GOT BAND 4 MODZ
07:01.04kremontea mod that you know
07:01.07kremontemakes you run faster
07:01.17kremonteALREADY DEAD
07:01.29Tem|sleep(see the last link I posted)
07:03.25sancuspeople still make decursive threads? lol
07:03.46ShadowdDecursive is a good way to "hide" the fact that they got banned for 3rd party addons of course
07:03.59sancusyou mean hacks
07:04.10Shadowdyes, yes I do
07:04.14sancusall addons are 3rd party cept the bliz ones :P
07:04.24ShadowdYou know what I meant! :p
07:04.52sancusyeah I'm just vaguely annoyed by the way people use "3rd party apps" to refer to a specific category of them
07:22.53ShadowdHmm. What good is being able to write an addon if you can't figure out some crazy idea to add to it at 12 AM
07:23.13[MoonWolf]no good at all Shadowd
07:24.32Shadowdwell damn!
07:29.01AnduinLotharAny suggestion on the best enchant for dps for a slow 2h?
07:29.51AnduinLotharCrusader still best or is a +str or +agil better?
07:29.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
07:31.34ShadowdOnly people I see using AGI are usually hunters or rogues. And i rarely see people using STR.
07:32.04kremontewarriors =P
07:32.07Kalrothwarriors and rogues use STR
07:32.37Kalroth1 str is 2 atk for a warrior and 1 str is 1 atk for a rogue
07:32.39ShadowdUsing +15 STR enchant I mean not using STR :p
07:32.46Kalrothoh :p
07:33.16Kalrothwell +15 str is worse than Crusader, so no wonder :)
07:33.21kremonteanyone know what time (oclock) darkmoon faire opens?
07:33.52ShadowdYeah, I do see people using +15 str on 2h somewhat often though, I guess it's cheaper.
07:34.31AnduinLotharbut you think crusader is better?
07:34.56Kalrothyeah Shadowd, the righteous orbs can be a pain unless you got a guild that wants to help you get them :)
07:35.02AnduinLotharwhat about LS, has about a 1/3 chance to proc on a 3.6speed weap
07:35.11KalrothAnduinLothar: on main hand, yes Crusader is better
07:35.11kremontedoesnt heal much at all =/
07:35.16AnduinLothar30hp i think
07:35.25ShadowdCrusader heals more then LS does, and the burst damage will basically make up for what LS does to your enemy.
07:35.26KalrothLS heals for 30 and does 30 damage
07:35.37AnduinLotharand procs 6x more than crusader
07:36.08ShadowdTrue. But the burst damage is going to be more then LS. And the heal will only do about 100 more then crusader does if it heals 30 a proc.
07:36.10KalrothIsn't lifesteal is weapon speed based though? Where Crusader is % over time.
07:36.17zeegsomeone help me out
07:36.18zeegwhat are some dressier shoes besides dr martins, i know what i want i just dont know where to get them or what they are
07:36.27AnduinLotharboth are over time
07:36.30Kalrothzeeg: Nike!
07:36.30zeegi see them on tv etc but no idea wtf brand theyh are
07:36.34zeegthose arent dress shoes
07:36.43Kalrothzeeg: Oh? No wonder they kicked me!
07:36.46KalrothAnduinLothar: ah ok
07:37.10ShadowdYou could get like +20 SPI just to see how many people actually inspect you.
07:37.43zeegalso, who sells blazers besides AE? :P
07:37.47zeegsomeone here must buy preppy clothing
07:38.19AnduinLothar20 spi on a 2h 62.6 dps would be humerous
07:38.39ShadowdWhat weapon did you get?
07:39.06AnduinLotharbuilt in glow :)
07:39.06KalrothCrusader for sure, Anduin
07:39.07Shadowdah nice
07:39.26AnduinLothartim to go farm fd strat
07:39.41Kalrothif you can get the orbs, otherwise +15 str I guess
07:39.42Shadowdi just bought the orbs since they didn't cost "that" much.
07:40.25KalrothThey're always nutty on my server
07:40.31AnduinLothar30g eacho n ah i think
07:40.41Kalrothyeah, 50-70g on my server :(
07:41.11ShadowdWow, only 30g?
07:41.38ShadowdThey're about 70g on Icecrown, but farming four arcane crystals isn't that hard.
07:43.09KalrothI prefer doing Strat then :)
07:43.38Kalrothlast time we went, we cleared all of live side with 4 people; warrior, shaman, priest and mage
07:43.40Kalrothwas fun :)
07:44.09zeegok does anyone know any other "makeover" type shows besides "extreme makeover"
07:44.15zeegi cant remmeber the show, but it was two guys and he had the effing shoes i want
07:44.38Kalrothzeeg: whatever drugs you're on .. share!
07:44.44zeegIM SERIOUS
07:44.46zeegi want the effing shoes
07:45.18AnduinLotharzeeg learn google
07:45.27zeegim trying
07:45.53zeegomg help me
07:45.57zeegit looks like that, somewhat, but not a boot
07:46.57zeegmaybe they're these "docker" shoes
07:47.03zeegoxford would be the name
07:47.06Kalrothhow about those?!
07:47.11zeegoh ya those are the ones
07:47.19KalrothI knew it, you pervert
07:47.33zeegmaybe its something like those
07:48.02Kalrothit's a pair of brown shoes, what's so special about them? :po
07:48.25ShadowdBit random but, isn't it impossible to edit the minimap so it shows the specific icon of the resource on the minimap instead of the little dot?
07:48.44zeegcuz i dont own any like it
07:48.53KalrothShadowd: Gatherer does it
07:49.07KalrothShadowd: well simulates, because it's not flawless
07:49.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
07:49.18ShadowdAh, you mean it goes by your location and tries to guess?
07:49.54Kalrothit's pretty exact, but it doesn't update as often as Blizzards own yellow dot .. nor does it replace the yellow dot
07:50.04dukekuwc3 hard crashing me ftw :D
07:50.25ShadowdAh I see. Could swear it wasn't possible using the standard UI to replace them completly so thats why I was wondering.
07:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:55.14zeegi found em
07:55.15zeegi have like
07:55.18zeeg30 firefoxes open
07:55.19zeegbut i found em
07:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:00.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
08:03.50zeegomg this stuff is expensive
08:03.54zeegi need more money
08:05.26ShadowdAha, found a crazy feature to add at 12 AM.
08:05.39Shadowdsancus: thats an addictive game.
08:06.34sancusyes, yes it is
08:06.56ShadowdI think I broke it. That yellow rock is now filling about 90% of the screen.
08:07.23sancus$150 for a shirt? yea ok go back to the crack house
08:07.35sancusshadowd: click salt at the bottom and salt it to death, its a slug
08:15.09zeegwewt got my shopping list
08:15.19zeegblazer's only $15 at old navy haha
08:15.23zeegshoes at von maur
08:15.30zeegand button up at hollister
08:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (n=pagefaul@
08:33.03ShadowdCrazy feature will have to wait until tomorrow I suppose. Night guys
08:37.49id`im addicted
08:45.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Reiase (n=chatzill@
08:56.13id`haha you find out more and more
08:56.20id`im playing with elements :O
09:21.07Elkanoand here they strike again :/ it's 'fun' to see, that your addons are working with the korean version, too ^^'
09:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
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09:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
09:46.00elemamorning guys
09:47.11*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
09:52.42AnduinLotharone orb down. one to go
09:53.10AnduinLotharrolled 100/100 on it :)
09:53.19AnduinLotharout of a 10 man pug
11:00.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
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11:36.53Shouryuumy god
11:37.16Shouryuuthe people who published that dumb drawing of mohamed are fucking retards
11:37.20Shouryuufucking retards
11:41.23Shouryuua total lack of intelligence
11:41.33elemadoes this work?: function OnEvent() <newline> if ( my_var1 == true ) then <newline> if ( event == "PLAYER_DEAD" ) then
11:41.40elemado somthing()
11:42.28elemaI mean, can I first ask a value of a variable and then whether the event was fired?
11:49.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
11:56.36Wobelema: Yes, that shouldn't be a problem?
12:09.49elemaok, this would make the mod usable with lesser performance
12:12.47WobTo a certain degree... the function will still be called each time an event fires though
12:13.37elemait will fire evrything up to the my_var == bla or ?
12:15.37WobAre you handling more than one event?
12:16.00sarf|sleepelema> events are just another variable
12:16.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|AFK (
12:16.09sarf|stuffNothing fancy about them, really
12:33.55WobI hate it when a concept seems simple in theory, but balloons out into obscurity when converted into code =(
12:34.17KalrothWelcome to real life!
12:34.40WobFeh =P
12:40.12elemaanother question:
12:40.12elemahow do I set a text to a fintstring out of two variables?
12:40.19elemain this format
12:41.31elemaI've got "BGC_AJ_EXPTIME" and the other value is "expireTime"
12:44.11elemadoes it work like this: :SetText(BGC_AJ_EXPTIME, expireTime); ?
12:45.22elemaor: SetText(BGC_AJ_EXPTIME .. .. expireTime); ?
12:45.31elemaor another way?
12:47.28sarf|stuffthere are several ways
12:47.41sarf|stuffeasiest way (if the strings "fit together") is to use
12:47.47sarf|stuffSetText(BGC_AJ_EXPTIME .. expireTime); ?
12:48.12sarf|stuffHowever, if you want to make it flexible to change, you set up BGC_AJ_EXPTIME a bit differently
12:48.20sarf|stuff(and use format)
12:48.23sarf|stuffWhat is it now?
12:48.42sarf|stuffand also, is expire time an integer or a float ?
12:49.08sarf|stuffExample (integer): BGC_AJ_EXPTIME = "Expiry time: %d seconds"
12:49.24sarf|stuffExample (flat): BGC_AJ_EXPTIME = "Expiry time (%2f seconds)"
12:49.32sarf|stuffthen to put the values in the settext...
12:49.45sarf|stuffSetText(format(BGC_AJ_EXPTIME, expireTime));
12:49.58krka|workyup, do as sarf says
12:50.13sarf|stuffThe *benefits* of this is that you simply need to change BGC_AJ_EXPTIME to change how it is displayed
12:50.27krka|workalso good for localizations
12:50.40sarf|stuffThe disadvantage is, of course, higher complexity, making the code a bit more hard to  understand
12:50.48krka|worki disagree with that :)
12:51.16sarf|stuffYou will have to make another lookup to see how the text is displayed, will you not?
12:51.33sarf|stuffWhereas A..B only can result in one type of result
12:51.43krka|workjust look at the localization to see how it's displayed
12:51.53sarf|stuffBut it is added complexity, and lookup
12:52.05krka|workyes, but it's not more difficult
12:52.44sarf|stuffIn any case, elema, either way, I'd recommend that you do SetText(A..B) until it works, then fix it to use format
13:00.06elemaI've found it in another mod like this: (BGC_AJ_EXPTIME..expireTime); I'm using this, because it automatic changes the text
13:07.47krka|workwhat do you mean by automatic changes the text?
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14:48.03krka|workanyone know if UNIT_AURA fires for "mouseover"?
15:15.14wereHamsterI think so..
15:21.12WobI believe so
15:21.27krka|workso i can catch when i change mouseover targets
15:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
15:35.04Ktronoh, for PHP should be in there too
15:36.29Wobmake links work like forms?
15:36.37WobWhat... like POST data?
15:37.41Wobanyway gotta sleep
15:42.54KalrothKtron: are you drunk again?
15:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:57.51wereHamstergreetings Elkano..
15:58.06Elkanoho :)
16:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:31.16id`sancus: i curseth thee!
16:31.57id`thou hast converted me; i now am but a mindless follower of 'the sand game'
16:32.21id`(( my god i love it i showed a colleague i think thats all he did today ))
16:36.32Elkanothank god my addiction to WoW was stronger... ;)
16:37.21id`ive been playing with it all day
16:37.23id`next to work
16:37.29id`<3 multiple desktops
16:38.51wereHamsterHi Cide..
16:41.22wereHamsterI've noticed that you use 'local useless, useless, min, max = string.find(...)' throughout your code.. the 'useless' variables can be replaced by an underscore.. not a big performance improvement, but can be a start :)
16:46.03id`do you even need the temp vars with string.find() ?
16:46.21id`i mean cant you just let string.find return the table of only the atoms you want.. ?
16:48.27wereHamsterstring.find returns the start and end of the found string, so you always have at least two return values..
16:50.04id`oh right, gfind :P
16:52.52krkawereHamster, and what's the difference between "useless" and "_"?
16:54.41wereHamsterkrka, when using '_', it doesn't create a variable => less garbage collection.. that's a nice feature in lua.. if you aren't interested in something, just put a '_' there..
16:54.57krkareally? didn't know it was part of lua
16:55.27wereHamsterusefull with functions that have lots of return values.. like GetRaidRosterInfo() etc..
16:55.29krkai thought it was just convention and nothing magic
16:56.23krkai'd be glad if you could provide me with any reference for that
16:56.34id`always wanna see it ;)
16:56.37id`im like that too krka
16:57.05wereHamsteractually, I'm not sure right now .. :-/
16:57.11wereHamsterI thought so..
16:57.20krkawell, i want to know if i am right or not
16:57.27wereHamsterme too :)
16:58.23futr_ is just a dummy variable I believe
16:58.29krkahm, i will write two identical functions, one with _ and one with useless
16:59.34futrtrubljust try do _="qwerty"; print(_)
16:59.59krkahmm... how do i print the bytecode again?
16:59.59futrtrublwith print bing your prefered output func
17:00.20krkaah, luac -l it was
17:00.34wereHamstertomc@eiger ~ $ lua -e " _="qwerty"; print(_)"
17:00.57krkahere's the results
17:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:01.08wereHamstersorry.. did the quotes wrong ..:(
17:01.17wereHamsterprints the right thing..
17:01.30krkasame bytecode
17:02.58krkabetter test:
17:03.08krkastill, it concludes that i am correct! (yay me!)
17:04.10futrtrublso just a normal var?
17:04.47futrtrublnot that I hate when you are right, but I wish it were otherwise this time ;']
17:04.47wereHamsterI appologize Cide, I thought '_' has a special meaning in lua :(
17:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
17:05.07krkayou can still use _ if you want
17:05.16futrtrublwould be nice if _ spe things up
17:05.19CidewereHamster: ah, I missed what you actually asked :)
17:05.28krkaand you probably should, since that's what people are used to, and it takes little screenspace
17:05.29wereHamsterkrka, but it doesn't make any difference now, does it?
17:05.37krkamakes it readable
17:05.37Cidebut yeah, the underscore is not special as far as I know
17:05.56Cideit's hardly unreadable without it
17:06.07Cideand I find it too small in many cases, myself
17:06.25krka_, _, _, stuff = f() is better than crap, whatever, blabla, stuff = f()
17:06.43krkaIMNSHO of course
17:07.12futrtrubl~wtf IMMSHO
17:09.02wereHamstercan you teach purl?
17:09.38wereHamster~wtf IMHO
17:10.08futrtrublyup just do ~wtf IMMSHO is skhdakjbsdkjabkjdnakbd
17:10.40wereHamsterkrka, do you mind teaching purl something little?
17:11.20futrtrublI think
17:11.28futrtrublpurl wereHamster is scary.
17:11.30purlfutrtrubl: okay
17:11.49purlmethinks werehamster is scary.
17:11.54wereHamsterpurl, that's not true
17:12.26futrtrublpurl no wereHamster is NOT scary.
17:12.28purlfutrtrubl: okay
17:12.38purl[werehamster] NOT scary.
17:12.58futrtrubl.... never come accross that before
17:13.08futrtrublpurl no wereHamster is not scary.
17:13.09purlfutrtrubl: okay
17:13.15purlextra, extra, read all about it, werehamster is not scary.
17:13.26futrtrublwell, brb
17:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
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17:31.19krkagah, when is update_bindings called???
17:47.35krkaWTF, UPDATE_BINDINGS is fired when escaping the key bindings menu but not on hitting okay?
17:48.18Elkanook, now that slouken is at work let's hope he sees the thread Ca_ir_enn has posted for me :) (since it has droped to page 3 or even deeper :( )
17:49.28futrtrublstealth bump it
17:50.53Elkanocan't post US ^^'
17:51.12futrtrublI'll bump it for you then
17:51.34Elkanobut I'll be away for the next 2h or so anyways so it doesn't hurry :)
17:51.51futrtrublwhat's the thread?
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17:53.41Elkanowell, l8ers
17:56.43krkaok... need help here
17:56.56krkahow do I know when I update keybindings?
17:57.59GenNMX|ThraeI was under the impression UPDATE_BINDINGS was called when you hit 'Save' in the keybindings window.
17:58.04krkawasn't for me
17:58.10krkai'll see if a relog will help
17:58.42krkacan anyone verify this problem?
17:58.53krkachange the binding for an actionbutton and see hit ok, and see if it updates
18:00.19krkahmm... i just thought of a nasty trick... i think
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18:06.28krkacan someone confirm that update_bindings isn't triggered when you hit Okay on the key bindings panel?
18:26.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
18:32.26krkano one can confirm? :/
18:39.55wereHamstercan a frame have two different backdrops?
18:44.44Cairenn"What's the best way to piss off an indie rock snob?" "Actually enjoy music." ... I love QC
18:47.00krkaanyone with WoW running?
18:47.18Corrodiasi specifically do NOT have it running, is that close enough?
18:53.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|class (n=Tem@
18:53.38wereHamsterkrka, doing ZG richt now..
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18:54.04krkacan you do a quick test? change a keybinding for an actionbutton and see if the actionbars hotkey text chanegs
18:55.12wereHamsterno, doesn't change
18:55.20wereHamsterhave to tank .. brb
18:55.54krkaso it's bugged... stupid blizzard
18:57.50krkacan anyone with a us account and credibility post a thread? :)
18:59.42CairennPM me at WoWI with the exact message you want posted, I'll put it up for you
18:59.58Cairenn(if you want)
19:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:01.12Cairennlast I checked, I've got decent credibility
19:01.17Cairennhey malreth
19:01.30malrethhi hi cair
19:01.49krkamind if i paste it in a priv msg here instead? kinda doing without a browser atm
19:01.57Cairennthat's fine too
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19:29.10elemafucking blizz, why the don't they let us europeans post uon the us forum
19:29.32elemaor why don't they have good CMs at the EU-Forums
19:31.54krkasorry cair, got sidetracked by playing :)
19:32.16Irielelema: because the forums are tied to the game logins, and the various game incarnations are entirely separate.
19:33.03elemayeah it's clear to me but I think it is stupid to support the community in the us and let die the com in europe
19:33.11elemanothing against the us
19:33.34elemait's just.. not fair?
19:35.47IrielWell, it depends on which 'community' you refer to
19:36.39IrielIf you're talking about the UI community, then the 'support' we get is entirely voluntary on slouken's part (he's not paid to make US happy), but he's also happy to have those of us on the US forums pass along posts when necessary
19:36.59IrielIf you're talking about the larger community, then that's a different issue entirely.
19:37.26krkairiel, did you know about the bug with UPDATE_BINDINGS?
19:39.09IrielNo, what bug is that?
19:39.32krkadoesn't get triggered when you hit Okay in key bindingsd
19:39.41IrielDoes it get triggered ever?
19:39.41krkabut it gets triggered when you escape from the keybindings frame
19:39.52IrielDoes it get triggered when the bindings get set?
19:40.38Cairennand if you are a smart member of the community, you hang out at WoWI and in this channel, where there are no boundaries :)
19:41.21IrielThat's really the question you see, what does UPDATE_BINDINGS indicate
19:41.32IrielDoes it indicate that a binding changed, in which case OKAY is __NOT__ the right time to fire
19:41.42krkai am using it the same way as ActionButton.lua, and that one is broken too
19:41.45Irielbecause it's the SetBinding call that should have fired it (when you actually set the binding)
19:41.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=Kirkburn@
19:41.58krkaif you change your keybindings, the hotkey texts don't update with it
19:42.03IrielSounds like that may be the bug then, which we should report
19:42.11krkai've already put cair on it
19:42.20IrielObviously LoadBindings is firing it (That's what cancel calls)
19:42.21Cairennso, anyone interested in swapping brains? you're more than welcome to have mine.  I'll even throw in this migraine for no extra charge!
19:42.33IrielCair's going to post it?>
19:42.44krkai hope so *wiggles eyebrows at cair*
19:42.51Cairennif/when krka ever bothers sending me the msg :p
19:42.53IrielI can if she'd rather
19:42.58krkai did alreadt
19:42.58IrielI'll send it, based on that description
19:43.08krkaPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
19:43.14Cairennthen you aren't registered, because I didn't get it
19:43.16IrielBecause if you say that it's broken because it doesn't fire when you hit OK, then you're reporting it wrong
19:43.30IrielI'll post something
19:43.32krkahmm... i remember registering once
19:43.40Cairennmeh, let Iriel post it, his credibility is better than mine
19:43.53krkaSeems like UPDATE_BINDINGS is not triggered when hitting the "Okay" button in t\he keybindings frame after you've changed some key bindings. However, it is tri\ggered if you hit escape when viewing the frame. Obviously this should be the o\ther way around for it to make sense!
19:43.55Cairennthen /msg chanserv identify <pw>
19:43.58krkathat's what i wrote to cair in private
19:44.02IrielYes, you see that's a bad bug
19:44.05Irielbecause you didn't check the code
19:44.33IrielOKAY merely saves the bindings, it doesn't actually change them
19:44.53krkaok, then it should fire upon the change of an individual key binding?
19:45.05IrielI would imagine so, and you tested for that, right?
19:45.10elemahmm I always thought slouken was paid by blizz and blizz pays him because he is the CM of the Interface Forum..?
19:45.13krkawell, i didn't need to
19:45.19krkai assume that blizzards ActionButton code is correct
19:45.24krkaand that is wrong for me
19:45.28Irielelema: he's not a CM, he's a developer (of more important code than UI stuff)
19:45.38Irielhe does his forum stuff because he wants to
19:45.45krkayou can test it yourself: change a keybinding for actionbutton X and see if the hotkey text updates
19:45.50elemaOn the eu borads we haven't got such a "slouken" *dream_of_an_own_slouken*
19:46.19elemaohh  thats really a nice guy
19:46.32elemaheavens, give us more sloukens
19:46.37KirkburnIf only ...
19:47.02Irielkrka: But if you set it, then okay, then go back into the panel, and CANCEL, it does update??
19:47.17Cairennaye, Slouken is actually one of the lead devs, he isn't actually a CM ... he hangs out in the and does stuff for the UI community on his own time, because he wants to
19:47.34wereHamsterIriel, do you know what slouken writes besides of the UI?
19:47.42KirkburnDoesn't this suggest to Blizz that that should be an official positon?
19:48.02IrielI dont know exactly, but I believe lots on both server and client side.
19:48.07elemathere are so many needed or buggy functions
19:49.17krkai was thinking of hooking the "Okay" click, but that frame doesn't seem to be in lua-space
19:49.35IrielThe okay click is in the XML, and it does SaveBindings
19:49.59IrielThere aren't that many buggy functions
19:50.04krkareally? couldn't even find the frame
19:50.21Irielsearch for 'Okay'
19:50.35elemaokay not as many buggy functions as we need new functions, you are right ^^
19:50.52krkaKeyBindingFrame isn't anywhere
19:50.57elemaI think only about the check for afk function
19:51.09IrielIt's an on-demand addon
19:51.12elemakrka: it is an extra ddon
19:51.12KirkburnOh can I just say: Woo! This is the first time I've been able to go online in my apt since I arrived in august, and since the wheels were set in motion on Oct 21st! Explanation: I'm in Italy.
19:51.24krkai see
19:51.41Irielkrka: Can you check that and make sure it's accurate
19:52.01krkai can try!
19:52.26wereHamsterhm.. how can I extract the keybindings code from the data files? Its an addon, not part of the base UI.. and when I extracted the UI from the latest version, I couldn't find any KeyBindings code..
19:52.54IrielDid you look in Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_BindingUI ?
19:52.55elemais there a way to extract the binding of a certain action to a fontstring?
19:52.57krkayes, quite correct Iriel! thanks
19:53.01krkano, not yet
19:53.13IrielThere are a few GetBinding calls
19:53.22krkakrka@Moiraine:~/AddOns/Blizzard_BindingUI$ less
19:53.22krka"" may be a binary file.  See it anyway?
19:53.25IrielGetBindingAction ("KEY") - API
19:53.28IrielGetBindingKey ("COMMAND") - (x) API
19:53.38IrielNot the pub file
19:53.46IrielYou have to EXTRACT THE UI CODE if you want to see it.
19:54.01Irielthe pub file is the digital signature for the code
19:54.04krkai think i have an ancient version of FrameXML
19:54.12wereHamsterkrka, I have the lua and xml file there..
19:54.22wereHamsteras well as Localization.lua
19:54.41wereHamsterits contents are: -- This file is executed at the end of addon load
19:55.59elemathe getbindingkey, how do i use it?
19:56.05IrielYou  give it a binding name
19:56.12elemaa moment first I look at the wiki
19:56.14Irieland it tells you what the key(s) for that binding are
19:56.28elemayou mean "command" is the binding name?
19:56.39Iriellocal key1,key2 = GetBindingKey("SCREENSHOT")
19:56.40Irielfor example
19:57.03elemathanks, you are so good
19:57.29krkaso, an easy fix would be to hook the okay-click and perform LoadBindings() there
19:57.40IrielI suppose so
19:57.47IrielYou could just hook SaveBindings to do a load right after
19:57.56krkaor that :)
19:58.00IrielYou wont catch addons that do dynamic rebinding tho
19:58.32krkahmm... can hook SetBinding too
19:58.41IrielYes, but you can't generate the event
19:59.02IrielYou'd have to do very ugly things to not break anything
19:59.08elemaok guys see ya hopefully tomorrow ;)
19:59.26elemagood night ( or which time it is ine the us)
19:59.44krkayes i can generate the event by doing SaveBindings() LoadBindings()
20:01.08krkaand yes, that probably breaks stuff :)
20:02.11IrielIndeed, it breaks cancel completely
20:02.50krkaah, good point
20:04.43krkacan't think of any good way around that
20:04.57wereHamsterwait until slouken fixes this :)
20:05.11krkaor.... i could store all the key bindings when LoadBindings fires
20:05.29IrielI think the SaveBindings hook is a good compromise for now
20:05.40krkayes, that won't break anything atleast
20:06.27IrielA SetBindings hack would be this: remember the old binding, set the new one, save, load, then set the old one back, save, and set the new one
20:06.50IrielThough, really you have to remember all the changed ones since the last 'real' LoadBinding
20:07.02krkatricky stuff
20:07.05IrielAnd that's just ugly
20:07.20IrielAnd absolutely not worth it for 99.9% of the users 8-)
20:07.27krkayeah, i'll just wait for the fix
20:07.55krkathough... do we really want to trigger UPDATE_BINDINGS on SetBindnig?
20:08.05krkawas it like that before?
20:09.13IrielThat's the only way it makes sense
20:09.18IrielBecause that's when the binding actually changes
20:09.47IrielMaybe we could give it an optional arg1 that is the command that changed
20:11.03AnduinLotharkill the kittens!
20:11.18krkawish we could trigger events :/
20:11.27AnduinLotharyou can
20:11.31AnduinLotharjust not easily
20:11.37IrielNo, you can't
20:11.42AnduinLotharsure you can
20:11.43IrielYou cannot trigger an arbitrary event
20:11.47IrielThere are SOME you can make happen
20:11.55IrielBut that's not triggering events in any useful sense
20:11.59krkacould load first and hook RegisterEvent :P
20:12.04AnduinLotharitterate through global namespace to find frames with OnEvent
20:12.18IrielThat doesn't work for unlinked frames
20:12.22AnduinLotharthen set global event to the name and the appropriate args...
20:12.25IrielAnd you dont know which events they're listening for
20:12.38AnduinLotharso it's grosel innefifient
20:12.50Irielyou still can't find out which ones want the event
20:12.55Irielso you can't do it
20:12.58AnduinLothar:P so call um all
20:13.04Irielthat'd break lots of code
20:13.15AnduinLotharmeh, complain complain
20:13.34AnduinLotharitterate through first and hook all the RegisterForEvents
20:13.47AnduinLotharonly works for addons granted
20:14.05AnduinLothar:P ok fine, you can't do it well or easily..
20:14.30AnduinLotharbut you can do it for your own addons with a hook
20:14.53Maldiviawhy even hook for your own addon ?
20:14.55IrielWell yes, you can always call your own OnEvents 8-)
20:15.14AnduinLotharmald, call it from a hook
20:15.44AnduinLotharas in hook SaveBindings and call your event
20:16.05AnduinLotharmight make your code slightly pritier than calling from the hook
20:16.42AnduinLotharnot that pretty == efficient...
20:16.59AnduinLotharbut you could make it pretty efficient..
20:17.19AnduinLotharor at least fairly efficient..
20:17.31AnduinLotharlong as it's not ugly efficient we're ok
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20:18.48MaldiviaIriel: hmm, I don't quite get your SetBinding request... why would you want an event fired on SetBinding ?
20:19.31AnduinLotharto update some binding hijacking addon i spose
20:19.43krkaso you can reflect hotkey texts
20:19.45IrielMaldivia : because there's an UPDATE_BINDINGS event
20:19.54Irielthat things use to change themselves when the bindings change
20:19.56Irielexcept it doesn't fire
20:20.09IrielI didn't create the event, blizzard did 8-)
20:20.15Maldiviawell, don't see why it should fire on SetBinding... it should on SaveBindings, not SetBingind
20:21.27KirkburnIs there a good reason for the EU and US websites being so ... different?
20:22.06AnduinLothardifferent expectaions...
20:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
20:22.14AnduinLothardifferent weather patterns..
20:22.51IrielMaldivia : Why? The binding takes effect when it's set, not when it's saved
20:22.54KirkburnWell it does kinda get to me that they appear to think we have crapper computers. Or at least, monitors.
20:23.06AnduinLotharyou don't?
20:23.28MaldiviaIriel: if I call SetBinding, and reload UI - is the binding saved, or only after I call SaveBindings?
20:23.28KirkburnWidescreen laptop here
20:23.48IrielMaldivia : If you set binding, and reload, the binding is not saved
20:23.48AnduinLotharSo just open two sites next to each other :P
20:24.02AnduinLotharthat's what the widescreen was for anyway :)
20:24.07IrielMaldivia : But if you set binding from an addon at startup, then the binding will always be present
20:24.09Kirkburnlol, what an idea. Sorry, I left out 'stupid' :)
20:25.09KirkburnBtw, is there any news news on the 1.10 font stuff?
20:25.58Kirkburn[great, the EU war effort page han't been updated for a week. Bet they've forgotten]
20:26.48OsagasuIs ForgottenLords around?
20:26.53OsagasuOh, he's in the chatroom
20:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
20:30.37KirkburnA quick html/css question - is there anything other than font/table/margin styles that are a good idea to do in css rather than html?
20:31.00Irielpretty much everything 8-)
20:31.25KirkburnEr, easy things :)
20:31.32IrielThough I've discovered CSS can't manage certain layout aspects well
20:32.35KirkburnI am particulary glad I found I could define table styles in css. I'm totally new to it, if you hadn't realised
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20:34.35KirkburnDo webasites come more green than the videogameslive one?
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20:42.16krkasuch as what Iriel?
20:42.27MaldiviaIriel: well, in your scenario, if an addon sets keybindings at startup, I would expect it to call SaveBindings, otherwise when I enter the key-bindings setup screen, and press Cancel, all those key bindings would be lost
20:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:44.56IrielMaldivia : Well, consider an addon which dynamically rebinds keys by context
20:45.05IrielMaldivia ; You'd want the action buttons to refelect the right bindings
20:45.44wereHamsterI have written an addon that rebinds keys dynamicaly.. depending on in which shapeshift form you are..
20:45.49wereHamsterAnd I don't call SaveBindings() at all..
20:45.58wereHamsteronly SetBinding().. that's all
20:46.44krkaanyone know which units trigger UNIT_AURA events?
20:46.58Maldiviaplayer, pet, target, group, raid
20:46.58AnduinLotharall of them
20:47.18krka"all of them"?
20:47.25krkai'm pretty sure targettarget doesn't
20:47.28AnduinLotharall of the non-compounds
20:47.35Maldiviahmm... npc ? :)
20:47.52IrielNone of the .+target units ever generate events
20:48.03Irielbut the rest should
20:48.15IrielI'm not sure if npc would, but I suspect it might
20:48.23Irielsince it's a "real" unit
20:48.25GenNMX|Thraetargettarget generating events would be messy...what if your target if yourself?
20:48.30Irielnot a synthetic one
20:48.32Maldiviaohh, forgot grouppet and raidpet
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20:48.40Irielthe pet ones do
20:48.45GenNMX|Thraes/if y/is y/
20:48.51krkawhat about targetpet?
20:48.59Irielthere is no targetpet
20:49.01AnduinLothardoubt t
20:49.06krkaah i see
20:49.34MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: well, iirc, you get UNIT_AURA for both as player and raid#
20:50.13krkaok how about this: why do some of my friends show even after alt-z?
20:50.30AnduinLotharnot anchored to uiparent?
20:50.34Maldiviathey are not parented to UIParent (or one of it's children)
20:50.34GenNMX|ThraeMaldivia: Yeah, but that's a static number. targettarget can be looped forever, like targettargettargettargettargettarget, etc.
20:50.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
20:50.45MaldiviaGenNMX|Thrae: yeah, true
20:50.53krkadoh, that's it of course
20:51.03GenNMX|ThraeDepending on how events are processed, that could get extremely messy
20:51.40krkawell, they could have a system for not generating events for some units more than once
20:51.48krkaso if targettarget == player, only show for player
20:51.54IrielBut that would be silly
20:52.05Irielbecause every addon that wants events would have to know about all the other units
20:52.17Maldiviawell, not much of the [unit]target data is actually cached, the data is "on request", as fas as I know
20:52.20GenNMX|Thraekrka: So, I was wrong about UPDATE_BINDINGS not being the event for updating keybindings?
20:52.31IrielIt's much easier to dispatch all the events for every unit id the entity exists as
20:52.38krkanot sure what your statement was
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20:53.04krkawould be nice if we could get a unique id for each unit
20:53.10GenNMX|ThraeYou asked earlier which event was called when keybindings were updated, and then you said UPDATE_BINDINGS wasn't working correctly.
20:53.14krkaGetUnitId("player") => 1 or something
20:53.18IrielNice, but blizzard doesn't want us to have it
20:53.24krkayeah :/
20:53.25IrielAnd 'unit id' is a lousy name for it
20:53.28IrielEntityId, perhaps
20:53.47IrielWe do at least have UnitIsUnit
20:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|class (
20:54.02Maldiviawhich is really nice :)
20:54.03krkai was thinking of making an addon that adds a unit frame for each distinct unit it can find
20:54.12krkawould probably be slow as hell though
20:54.18Maldivianot really
20:54.23IrielYou could cache the identities
20:54.28krkasince there are no events, would have to constantly poll
20:54.32Irieland only update the set when you see event changes
20:54.36krkaand figure out which units are the same
20:54.40IrielOh, you're including target units?
20:54.41TemI /WANT/ this keyboard
20:54.42krkahow do I know when targettarget changes?
20:54.44IrielAnd target targets?
20:54.48krkaand targettargettarget
20:54.50Irieland target target targets?
20:54.54krkaand party1pettargettargettarget
20:55.03IrielTem: I'm trying to stop myself from ordering one
20:55.04krkaerr... partypet1
20:55.08Irieleven though it'll just collect dust
20:55.18TemIriel: lol, I feel your pain
20:55.24Temforturnately for me, rent is due
20:55.26IrielActually, not that one, which doesn't exist yet
20:55.28Irielbut the mini
20:55.37Temthat's enough to keep money in my bank for the moment
20:55.56GenNMX|ThraeAhhh yes, that thing, I saw it a year or so back
20:56.09IrielThey've actually made a product now
20:56.19IrielWhich was announced a week ago
20:57.06GenNMX|ThraeHeh, they haven't changed that webpage much from then though. Guess they had some compatibility problems or something...
20:58.09Maldiviahmm... mini... 3 buttons... Ahh, Ctrl Alt Delete :)
20:58.41AnduinLotharcep those  re programmable, just make that 1 button
20:58.53TemI've been charged with making a mod for my guild for bidding on raids
20:59.03Temand I've decided on a few "hidden features"
20:59.17krkamail yourself one copper?
20:59.23Tem1s actually
20:59.28Tembut to the guild bank
20:59.33Temnot to me
20:59.46Irielhm, that's very lossy
20:59.58Irielthe 30c postage fee eats a lot of potential profit
21:00.05Irielwhy not scale the amount based onthe user's balance
21:00.10Irielup to a low, but better than 1s limit
21:00.13Temsounds fair
21:00.27IrielYou'd want to track how long it was since the last time it happened too
21:00.29Temin the options pane, there will be a "Crash wow" button
21:00.29GenNMX|ThraeScale it on how much you hate the user. That always works for the real corporate world!
21:00.31Depheriosi always have no money due to depositbox
21:00.33AnduinLotharu know they'll be mailing their alt $
21:00.43sharkhatanyone have a link to the 12 cartoons about muhamad that made so much news today?
21:00.45TemWith a tooltip that says "Don't Push"
21:02.11AnduinLotharpersonally i think they're just looking for a fight. the cartoons wer commissioned to increase self hummor, apparently no one thought they were funny
21:02.31TemIf they receive a whisper in this format (or a similar yet-undecided format) they will loadstring and run the script wrapped in pcall replying either the return value or the lua error to the sender: "<SCRIPT> ... "
21:03.35IrielTem: I would really advise against that
21:03.41sharkhatGenNMX|Thrae i wasnt ablew to find it.. could u link to it?
21:04.00TemIriel: why's that? *evil grin*
21:04.06Elkanohmm, I have been offered a first born in order to thank me for one of my addons :/ raise it or have a bath in it's blood to make my skin look younger?
21:04.27TemI'm looking forward to making people say things
21:04.37IrielElkano : The latter, you'll need help when you get older
21:04.42IrielI mean, the former 8-)(
21:04.58krkayou could effectively lock up everyone
21:05.08krkahmm... what other evil things could you do
21:05.15krkamail away all money?
21:05.26Temcause people to crash right before they bid on Hakkar's heart?
21:05.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
21:05.45IrielTem: That's just not a good path to go down, really, silliness within reason is okay, but if there's anything that COULD be used for remote mischief, you'll be blamed for EVERYTHING
21:05.51Maldiviamake them auto-destroy the hearth, when they loot, and then crash, so they blame Blizzard...
21:06.24AnduinLotharwho will say... remove your mods dork
21:06.28TemLeaveParty() DestroyHearth()
21:06.44TemIriel: yeah I suppose
21:06.55TemIriel: but... It would just be so fun...
21:07.19AnduinLothar~kill tem
21:07.21purlACTION shoots a ionized anti-neutron gun at tem
21:07.21krkadamn it! "attempt to index a nil value"
21:07.26krkabut it doesn't say which line
21:07.37Irielkrka: On load?
21:07.38Temkrka: how could it not say which line?
21:07.45TemCheck FrameXML.log
21:07.51Irielkrka: Usually it means you have invalid lua syntax in a handler block
21:08.29sharkhatGenNMX|Thrae thanks,  but i didnt see the actual cartoons... is it in the crazy amount of comments?
21:08.38Irielsharkhat : Yes
21:09.19krkagrr... annoying
21:10.51GenNMX|Thraesharkhat: Uhh, why don't you go to the outside news link that's in the shoutwire page?
21:12.13krkagah, nothing shows up in FrameXML.log
21:12.15MaldiviaSome of the drawings, you really have to be a Dane to understand ;)
21:13.20Temmy only complaint about that keyboard is that I'm addicted to then ergonomic keyboards
21:13.29Tembut I still want one
21:13.33Temit just looks so cool
21:13.40Cairennthat's why I'm not ordering it
21:14.07TemI'm to the point where I have difficulty typing on normal keyboards
21:14.08Cairennthey come out with an ergo design though ....
21:14.20Cairennthe keys are too close together!
21:15.06krkathe "attempt to index a nil value" message never disapears
21:15.19Temand it doesn't give you a line number?
21:15.24Temthat's /very/ strange
21:16.03krkai haven't even changed very much
21:16.14IrielCheck your OnUpdate and event handlers
21:16.15Maldiviasounds like an error in an OnUpdate function
21:16.17Irielif you can't get rit of it
21:16.25krkabut OnUpdate is in a lua-file
21:16.30krkai even set it inside lua
21:16.34KirkburnEr, was it *really* a good idea to post that link?
21:16.44IrielKirkburn : Someone asked for it
21:16.51KirkburnJust cause you aren't a newspapaer doesn;t mean u can disrespect religions, though
21:17.00IrielKirkburn : If you're offended by it and stupid enough to have clicked on it, you should probably not be here.
21:17.21KirkburnI'm not angry! I'm just pointing it out
21:17.36IrielAnd i'm pointing out why posting the link was a good idea.
21:18.04GenNMX|ThraeWhat if your religion is offended by people trying to "enlighten" people about your religion (hint Scientology hint)
21:18.35KirkburnI thought that was called 'a farce'
21:18.51GenNMX|ThraeScientology is a certified religion, unfortunately.
21:19.02TemTom Cruise is funny
21:19.24KirkburnTbh, I'm just amazed that the newspapers reprinted those cartoons. I think the UK managed to avoid it for once
21:19.29krkaattempt to index a nil value => doing something with table[nil] ?
21:19.35krkaor can it be something else too?
21:19.36Irielkrka: no
21:19.42Irielmore like T[X] when T is nil
21:20.42MaldiviaKirkburn: newspapers aren't bound by rules written in the Koran - they are bound by the laws in the contry the print in
21:21.54Temam I the only one who doesn't see what's offensive about them?
21:22.19MaldiviaTem: I find them funny - but I'm also the targeted audience :)
21:22.49Maldivia... as in being a Dane and a reader of Jyllands Posten
21:23.08Temthe only one I even understand is the guy at the gates to heaven shouting "Stop! Stop! We're out of virgins!"
21:24.00krkawhy don't wow give me a line number? i know which function it is :/
21:24.15Temstart commenting stuff out
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21:24.51krkayeah :/
21:24.58krkabig PITA
21:25.17TemOR, just look around
21:25.21MaldiviaTem: well, the drawing with the person trying to hide his drawing while drawing it, really shows the problem in this case
21:25.32Temyou can't have THAT many table indexes where the table could be nil
21:25.57IrielYou get that error for trying to call a method on a nil object dont you?
21:26.11wereHamsterkrka, WoW gives the line number..
21:26.18TemIriel: maybe not
21:26.30TemIriel: you might get attempt to call a nil valu
21:26.36Temoh wait
21:26.40Irielstdin:1: attempt to index global `X' (a nil value)
21:26.49Temfor X.method()
21:27.02IrielThat was X:method()
21:27.04Irielwhere X is nil
21:27.05Temeither way
21:28.49Maldiviahmm, does WoW display line numbers, when doing something like: local myFunc;  if test then myFunc = function() something end else myFunc = function() somethingElse() end end
21:30.39wereHamsterMaldiva, I don't know in that case, but the normal error strings as shown by the UI in this ugly little error frame have the line numbers..
21:31.06Maldiviayeah, I know
21:31.47Maldiviabut there are situations when the file name : line number info isn't available
21:31.57krkayay, found it
21:32.03wereHamsteralso, when you call error("..."), then WoW prepends "Interface\\AddOns\\myAddOn\\myAddOnFile.lua:(%d+): " to the error string..
21:32.07IrielI know that wow isn't very good at errors when there's a syntax error in handlers
21:32.34wereHamsterthat's why it is always good to pt function calls into xml-handlers
21:48.14KirkburnWhat's a good prog for editing lua?
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21:48.52krkaemacs with lua settings is gold
21:49.35KirkburnIsn't it freaky that a new version was released today after two years
21:50.32KirkburnNow I may not know much about emacs, but that seems to go against the "GNU Emacs is a rapidly developed project" description :)
21:51.23KirkburnNo wait, 2005 was last year :P
21:52.13IrielI've been using emacs for 14-15 years now,  it doesn't need to change that rapidly
21:52.28wereHamsterI'm using eclipse.. but only because of the excelent perforce integration.. no syntax hightlighting but there is a extension for that..
21:52.32KirkburnWow. That's quite some time ...
21:53.02sharkhatthat google video is hilarious
21:53.11krka14-15 years O_o
21:53.40Maldiviahmm, that would be around 1991... I didn't own a computer in 1991 :)
21:53.41IrielI dont remember exactly when in 1991 it was I started with it.
21:54.15KirkburnThis file: emacs-21.4a.tar.gz?
21:54.23krkai was still fascinating by shiny things in 91
21:54.24IrielBack then it was ADM-3E terminals into a shared SunOs (Pre-Solaris) host
21:54.36IrielKirkburn : Which O/S are you looking for?
21:54.46IrielKirkburn : You'll likely be seeing a pre-compiled one
21:55.41KirkburnThere's elisp, leim and emacs files in the ftp
21:55.42krkairiel, next challenge for you: create a lua script that emulates the WoW environment, for easier testing
21:55.53Maldiviaas a console editor, I've always prefered vim... not to start a religion war or anything :)
21:55.55ShadowdIsn't there something that does that already?
21:56.09krkathere is?
21:56.21Irielkrka: I'll let tem do that 8-)
21:56.25IrielKirkburn :
21:56.32IrielKirkburn : get
21:56.35IrielIf you go there, anyway
21:56.42IrielLet me see if I can find a friendlier site tho
21:57.13AnduinLotharAny particular game bugs you guys want me to report next week when I start?
21:57.30krkawell, there's the UPDATE_BINDINGS bug
21:57.34CairennCongrats Karl!
21:57.36KirkburnMaybe this one will stop downloading, unlike the other which just carried on ... and on ...
21:57.47Cairennjust heard, I gather?
21:57.48krkaoh, and congrats I guess!
21:57.59KirkburnWhat have I missed?!
21:58.00krkai am so slow :/
21:58.02MaldiviaAnduinLothar: what will you be QAing?
21:58.17AnduinLotharblizz games, wow in particular
21:58.25GenNMX|ThraeOh, Anduin is going to work for Blizzard? Aww, that means he'll become secretive ;)
21:58.26krkai read the sentence and answered with the most relevant thing i could think of... completely missed the Congrats part :)
21:58.26Cairennwoohoo, another Blizz contact (like I didn't have enough already ;) )
21:58.59DepheriosBetter keep making your addons D:
21:59.06IrielYou could report the bug where Tem doesn't crash wow anywhere near as often as he used to.
21:59.09KirkburnThat I would agree with ;)
21:59.17MaldiviaAnduinLothar: ok, thought it might be more specialized :)
21:59.22kremonteAnduinLothar works for blizz now? O_O
21:59.31KirkburnHe must be losing his touch (of BSO death)
21:59.39krkayou better stay and be our slouken #2 :)
21:59.41IrielKirkburn : That's the version everyone points to (Actually they go with the 'bin' rather than the 'fullbin' one), so you can continue with it 8-)
21:59.47GenNMX|ThraeSpeaking of secretive, what about your addons? Is Blizzard OK with letting you keep working on addons?
22:00.00AnduinLotharthey don't really get much of a choice
22:00.06KirkburnIriel: the download is way over the ftp reported size now ...
22:00.07IrielI suspect he'll start losing sleep and only talking to us on the weekends, and even then, not about WoW 8-)
22:00.12kremontequestion: in a pattern does (.) match just 1 character? (ie (.)(.)(.) matches a,b,c or 1,2,3, and (...) matches abc or 123) ?
22:00.19krkaboobie pattern!
22:00.22IrielKirkburn : Your browser is telling you the 'decompressed' size,possibly
22:00.23AnduinLotharsleep? whats that?
22:00.25krkatriple boobs scare me thouggh
22:00.29Irielkremonte : Yes
22:00.33GenNMX|Thraekremonte: Yes, . matches one character of any type
22:00.34krkareminds me of total recall
22:00.38Irielkremonte : . on its own is any one character
22:00.41GenNMX|ThraeHence why we have .+, which makes 1 or more
22:00.48kremonte(i'm making a godawful mod for a guildie)
22:01.04KirkburnIriel: IE7 isn't reporting a percentage atm. Up to 40 meg now
22:01.30GenNMX|ThraeAnduinLothar: Aha! So that enforces my belief that all the good addons are made by Blizzard employees working directly under slouken, if not slouken himself.
22:01.39KirkburnIriel: Hey, at least it's a good test of my new net connection
22:01.39krkamy god emacs is big... does it come with a decent text editor these days?
22:02.20KirkburnI must work under slouken then. Wonder where he's hiding ...
22:02.43Cairennomg, I am SO not saying anything
22:02.53KirkburnI did wonder where all the private jets in my driveway were coming from ...
22:03.15KirkburnThe trashmen can't keep up with the disposable planes lying around
22:03.45krkathat proves that I'm not a blizzard employee then :)
22:03.53KirkburnUm, I'm now up to 65 meg ... this *is* going to stop isn't it iriel?
22:04.07IrielKirkburn : You're the one who is using IE7 as your ftp client
22:04.12IrielKirkburn : I have no idea what it's doing
22:04.17ShadowdIt should be only about 18 MB
22:04.28GenNMX|ThraeDisposable plane? Yes, slouken is really a mystical elf the size of your thumb that creates powerful works of programming using magic.
22:04.29IrielKirkburn : My guess is it's being "helpful" and decompressing the file
22:04.42KirkburnWhat can I say? It isn't, it's 69meg according to 7zip
22:04.47ShadowdWindows says the decompressed size is 66 MB though
22:05.27KirkburnWindows is reporting the tar file as 69 meg. Maybe IE7 got to it there too ...
22:05.54KirkburnGenNMX|Thrae: is his real name 'tom'?
22:06.25Cairennno, it isn't
22:06.40GenNMX|ThraeSlouken's real name is "Sam", I believe.
22:06.46Cairennyes, it is
22:06.59GenNMX|ThraeIn fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was "Sam Louken".
22:07.08IrielGenNMX|Thrae : it's not
22:07.12IrielGenNMX|Thrae : the latter, that is
22:07.31GenNMX|ThraeAww, I guess I didn't give the old man enough credit ;)
22:07.31KirkburnSamuel Ouken?
22:07.40wereHamsterso.. how many of you work for blizzard ?
22:08.47wereHamsterI'm wondering if this is a secret blizzard channel ... under what nick does slouken hide?
22:09.05GenNMX|Thraeslouken IS a nick...
22:09.07Cairennit isn't, he doesn't, when he's in channel, he uses slouken
22:09.27wereHamsterGenNMX|Thrae, yeah, but he wouldn't use that nick here.. I guess
22:09.31GenNMX|ThraeWe just established he doesn't just his first initial and last name :D
22:09.47wereHamsterI may be wrong as well..
22:10.11GenNMX|ThraeMaybe it's "Sam Nekuol"
22:10.15KirkburnWell done. I'm guessing there are others here who have been able to establish rather more than that
22:10.28GenNMX|Thrae"Sam Clemens"
22:10.31Kirkburn20 questions time?
22:10.37KirkburnIs it a vegetable?
22:10.47GenNMX|ThraeIs slouken's real name bigger then a bread box?
22:10.58AnduinLothar"a bread box" ?
22:11.15DepheriosI was going to ask that
22:11.16KirkburnA box which contains the body of christ
22:11.44GenNMX|ThraeOh really? I thought it just contained bread. That's kinda gross.
22:11.52KirkburnNo wait, are you saying u don't know what a bread box is?
22:11.54GenNMX|ThraeIt would have to be pretty big then, too.
22:12.09GenNMX|ThraeHonestly, I never really thought about it.
22:12.19KirkburnNo, not you!
22:12.24KirkburnYes it just contains bread :p
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22:12.51KirkburnI'm noticing a lack of reply for Cair - does this mean we're close?
22:12.52GenNMX|ThraeYou got me there for a minute, because the "body of christ" also refers to special bread in some religions >.<
22:13.13Kirkburnit's a vegetable shaped large coffin?
22:13.21wereHamsterjust use google to find his real name... it's not that hard..
22:13.32AnduinLotharis when u work for blizz
22:13.33Shadowdbut not as fun
22:13.46AnduinLotharyou get a team of lawyers obscuring your identity
22:14.02KirkburnThe names are of the WoW credits are they not?
22:14.06AnduinLotharthey haven't gotten me to sign nda yet
22:14.28KirkburnWell, do you know anything u shouldn't yet?
22:14.34GenNMX|ThraeAnduinLothar: Who go "Why do you login to IRC with "s=Sam"?!?!"
22:15.35KirkburnWell, I found his name. Vegetable shaped coffin was a little off
22:15.58GenNMX|ThraeAh yes, 5th hit
22:16.38KirkburnErm, I thought they were supposed to take new names?
22:17.10Cairennaccording to whom?
22:17.30GenNMX|ThraeHere's some programming projects he's worked on, interesting...
22:17.53GenNMX|ThraeOK, who are we stalking next? Tigole?
22:18.17Depheriosoh... so Anduin, does this mean you'll get to make popup menus work right by DEFAULT? XD
22:18.27CairennQA, not dev
22:18.54GenNMX|ThraeHe's working in QA, which from my experience, means no one will listen to his ideas until he's part of the "senior" team unfortunately
22:20.08GenNMX|ThraeSome companies have programming departments that treat QA as their mortal enemy. I mean, it's a QA Tester's job to point out all the plain-fact logic and syntax mistakes made in your program!
22:20.48KirkburnI do hope it'll be fun :) Perhaps you'll see the weather b4 us
22:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:21.30GenNMX|ThraeI think Kirkburn means weather effects added to WoW ;)
22:22.00Cairenn(sorry, silly mood, again)
22:22.03GenNMX|Thrae"And as a brand-new addition to the Blizzard QA Team, you get your very own Dopplar Radar!"
22:22.13KirkburnOoh, who's he?
22:22.27Cairennwho's who?
22:22.37KirkburnDopplar Radar
22:23.02GenNMX|ThraeNow are *you* being silly?
22:23.37GenNMX|ThraeOh, well, the Dopplar Radar is a tool used by meteorologists to try and predict the weather.
22:23.43KirkburnI'm sure there was a reference there though, which I must have missed (doppler?)
22:23.55GenNMX|ThraeMaybe it's spelled Doppler.
22:24.12KirkburnAh! I see your reference now :)
22:24.23KirkburnAnd I had a hydrology lecture today ... on rain.
22:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
22:33.06TemI think I'm going to buy this shirt
22:34.07AnduinLothari'm gonna order a shirt to wear first day to work, what should i get?
22:34.28TainHey Tem, someone put up a "proof of concept" addon that sends info to the G15 LCD on another board.  Countdown to new G15 threads on the Interface forums in 3.. 2..
22:35.26Cairennwhat, like this one?
22:36.07GenNMX|ThraeTain: Addon, as in a real WoW Addon, or does it use some third-party program in tandem?
22:36.48TainUses a third-party memory scanner.  I told the dev it wouldn't be allowed, but I know people will use it until it's added to Warden, or whatever.
22:37.43IrielIt hooks sprintf
22:38.34TemLol good answer: "Except for severe pathological cases, a SavedVariable can be any Lua variable."
22:40.07TainIt is funny that the author didn't think it was agains the EULA/TOS.
22:42.20TemI'm amazed that anyone would be advanced enough to hook sprintf to pull specific info from the game in real-time and NOT know that it would be a violation of the EULA/TOS
22:42.48GenNMX|ThraeHackers are all anarchists ;)
22:43.08ShadowdDid he truely not know it wasn't a violation? Or is he saying something like "I'm not hurting anyway, so it must be okay"
22:43.17Shadowderr, hurting anyone
22:43.45TainHe said he doesn't see how it violates.
22:44.02Maldiviait's a 3rd party program interacting with WoW... that's all it takes :)
22:44.03IrielHe explicitly says he doesn't think it violate
22:44.23KirkburnCosmos users, start showing support for it on the shoutbox, it's been getting bad press from certain people!
22:44.39TainI'm guessing the thought process is that he isn't modifying WoW in any technical way.
22:44.44AnduinLotharSo... Shirt options:
22:46.04AnduinLotharthink i'd better not wear my hacker shirt
22:46.21wereHamsterDo preloded DLLs violate the EULA/TOS? or does it only concern executables that *modify* WoW data/executables?
22:46.50Maldiviaif it interacts specifically with WoW, it violates...
22:47.09Shadowd(iii) use any third-party software that intercepts, "mines", or otherwise collects information from or through World of Warcraft
22:47.20ShadowdI'd imagine thats one part of it that it's violating from the TOS.
22:47.56wereHamstergreat, I violate this everytime I play WoW..
22:48.44AnduinLotharI think I'll go with "+20 Shirt of Smiting"
22:49.46Maldiviauhh, I have a program that calls SetWindowsHook, to install a global keyboard hook, to catch MM-key pressed... thereby forcing WoW to load my dll on startup...
22:49.58ShadowdYeah, I'm not sure wearing a shirt saying "WTS [Wang] x 1 PST" would go over that well
22:50.07KirkburnThat's weird ... I wasn't expecting to get DoS attacks on my broadband - is that normal?
22:50.20Maldiviayeah, the [Wang] might give the wrong expression...
22:50.22IrielKirkburn : Yes
22:50.29AnduinLotharheh. They're really laid back. just dont wanna give the girlies the wrong impression
22:50.31KirkburnIriel: ta
22:50.35IrielKirkburn : Well, somewhat, you'd get hits from viruses and stuff
22:50.38ShadowdSame with the lan one
22:50.39TainThere's already a "catch-all" in the EULA.  Actually, two.  Anything that isn't Blizzard supplied *can* be termed illegal to the game at any time they want.
22:51.01KirkburnIriel: now I just need to see if I can restrict the others' bandwidth usage ;)
22:51.15AnduinLotharAnd i do have a Bawls bottle collection..
22:51.26AnduinLotharand it's night shift..
22:51.57KirkburnYou know those big screens they have up in club which u can txt msgs to?
22:52.05ShadowdAny good docs regarding XML and WoW? Having some issues getting some KeyPress stuff working correctly.
22:52.16KirkburnIn between professing my love for my gf, I decided to send "LFG SCHOLOMANCE" :D
22:52.44ShadowdAnduinLothar: Depends who you're working with I suppose, the smiting or WASD one would probably be safest for your first day since it's not like they could be offended or take it the wrong way.
22:52.45Kirkburn(I'm not stupid, gf comes first!)
22:53.08KirkburnAnduin: The more original, the better
22:53.19AnduinLotharya wang is outplayed def
22:53.29AnduinLothargonna go with smiting, it's newer
22:53.42AnduinLotharplus i just got my Halberd of Smiting
22:53.52AnduinLotharand Smote is the best past tense ever
22:54.45AnduinLothareven works for mages: "...and I smote his ruin on the mountain side..."
22:55.44kremonteanyone know the name of that hunter weapon mod? :Q
22:57.26KirkburnFor nef?
22:57.37kremontethe one that puts Classes: Hunter on every item
22:58.10KirkburnI still want my +5 Ninja, +3 Incredible Hulk addon
22:58.57kremonte w00t
22:59.59KirkburnNo one understands that joke on some EU servers :s
23:00.19kremontei'm just using it to see how to modify the itemref tooltip
23:00.21kremontemaking a mod for my guildie
23:01.39KirkburnA better version: "Classes: Not Yours"
23:02.13KirkburnWhite overload!
23:02.26kremonteyeah it shows every class except yours
23:03.46AnduinLotharlol krem. we should toss that in cosmos for a day..
23:04.27AnduinLothardamn, april's so far off,,
23:04.49KirkburnI wouldn't mind one or two small fun addons with cosmos
23:05.10KirkburnAs logn as they came disabled, otherwise ... er ... well, I think you know
23:05.31MaldiviaAnduinLothar: hehe, like this one "Important Note: Please don't confuse your speakers with the box you receive them in."
23:05.44AnduinLotharlol nah, i'm gonna find some day when no one expects it and thro it in alpha for a bit and remove it liek 24 hrs later
23:06.50Irielooh, new API function version, buildnum, builddate = GetBuildInfo()
23:07.05Temfor what purpose
23:07.47IrielYou can write addons that bitch if people edit their toc?
23:08.20KirkburnNot a bad thing
23:08.22Maldiviareleasing 1.10 addons while 1.9 is still live, and it auto-activates the 1.10 stuff when 1.10 is live
23:08.33KirkburnNow that is a good idea
23:09.03IrielMuch of my 1.10 stuff is so I can REMOVE code
23:09.06KirkburnIriel: not a bad thing meaning, I can't understand why people still insist of editing .toc files ... fools.
23:09.08TainEspecially when it comes to things that need to be updated for 1.10, but different functionality for 1.9.
23:09.09Irielso that wouldn't help me 8-(
23:09.20TainIt would have been great for the scaling changes, for example.
23:09.31IrielBut you can detect those changes already
23:09.33Irieltest for new methods
23:09.35KirkburnOr for ClearFont
23:09.51Irielsince you can't programatically NOT load xml, it's not that helpful
23:09.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:09.53KirkburnIf that had been in 1.9 :p
23:09.57kremontedoes the Hunterloot addon lua make ANY sense?
23:09.58MaldiviaI had a if UIParent.GetEffectiveScale then  test, to check for 1.9 :)
23:10.09Irielnod @maldivia
23:10.13TainYes, but you have to add more logic to test for method changes.
23:10.43Maldiviakremonte: yeah... it does
23:10.46IrielIt's going to be a more reliable test that the build number
23:10.55TainReally though does it matter if you can hack around a way to do things today?  It's still nice to have solid information returned.
23:11.02kremonteMaldivia: :|
23:11.04Maldiviakremonte: although, I think it could have been done A LOT easier :)
23:11.07kremontei don't understand how it works
23:11.26kremonteyou see, all i want to do is scan the tooltip for all it's stats
23:11.31TainIf the build number says one thing and it doesn't provide functionality that that build number is supposed to have, then there's a bigger issue.
23:11.33kremontedo some math with them, then add a white line on the bottom ><
23:11.41KirkburnRumours, rumours: Rumor 2: At next E3, MS will announce a parternship with Blizzard that
23:11.41Kirkburnwill bring World of Warcraft exclusively to 360. The deal is
23:11.42Kirkburndone, and Blizzard is working on porting the game and a console
23:11.42Kirkburncontrol scheme. This game will also include a unannounced
23:11.42Kirkburnexpansion that the PC gamers will have to wait about a month to get
23:11.42Kirkburnafter we get this game. Only 360 gamers will be on specific 360
23:11.44Kirkburnservers, the game will include voice chat, and
23:11.46Kirkburnit wouldn't work with PC gamers.
23:11.53Kirkburn*oh you STUPID thing
23:12.11IrielI meant in terms of having to check for point releases, and unexpected function pullouts during QA, and all that
23:12.35IrielHm, i'd have to get a 360 just to test my addons
23:12.43TainFor most functionality you should only need to be checking for prod release numbers.
23:12.57IrielI think they would probably want to wait until it's a console that normal people can BUY
23:13.03KirkburnWhat kind of incompetent page designer makes every line an actual new line :s
23:13.14kremontethat sounds like a lie? :S
23:13.17AnduinLotharlol ms and blizz..
23:13.21Maldiviakremonte: the hunter thing: the OnShow is called when GameTooltip is shown (the frame is parented to gametooltip, hence shown/hidden with gametooltip)
23:13.36KirkburnCourtesy of
23:13.38TainThere's 360s on the shelves near me now.  I'm still not buying one until there's actual games I want to play.
23:13.38kremontewhy would they do an exclusive partnership with MS if WoW is on Mac?
23:13.45IrielTain: No, there aren't
23:13.52IrielTain: No anywhere near real urban areas
23:13.53Kirkburnkremonte: Irrelevant
23:14.11Maldiviakremonte: console exclusive...
23:14.15kremonteand the expansion coming out on 360 a month prior to PC?
23:14.19TainBoston and Providence aren't real. :(
23:14.21IrielTain: Unless you count the hour (3 if it's a core system) between when it hits the shelf and sells out
23:14.33kremontei dunno, it just sounds like a lie to me
23:14.38IrielI have yet to see a system on a shelf
23:14.50IrielEBGames leave empty boxes on their shelves, which is just mean
23:14.52TainThat's why I said, 'Near me.'
23:15.03Maldiviakremonte: it sounds like a rumour :)
23:15.05IrielWell, ok 8-)
23:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (n=SubSonic@
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23:15.37TemI would be angry if blizzard spent time porting WoW to the xbox
23:15.43KirkburnCaydiem: In the next patch, we are reducing the relative power of Fun to be more in line with what was originally intended. We feel this is the best choice for the game's delicate balance, and will closely monitor the indirect effects of this change. Thank you for understanding.
23:15.47Tembecause it would be time they could be spending making mage spells work
23:16.01IrielWhat's wrong with your spells?
23:16.15Maldiviahehe, I was about to say the same thing :)
23:16.16ShadowdArcane Missile apparently still has some issues
23:16.18IrielDoes arcane missiles work reliably now? I haven't played my mage in a while
23:16.23Temno it doesn't
23:16.24TainIt would likely be a different team entirely, with a different budget anyway.
23:16.35Maldiviaif by reliable, you mean 95% of the time, it works - then yes
23:16.55TainI haven't played my 60 mage in at least a year probably.
23:17.06Temit still does the "take an unreasonable ammount of mana and let you sit there channeling *something* for 5 second without actually doing any damage" thing from time to time
23:17.09KirkburnThat's a long time Tain
23:17.36IrielReliable is 100% of the itme
23:17.37KirkburnThe EU anniversary is coming up very soon
23:17.51Temalso, I frequently burn a cold snap (10 minute cooldown) in an attempt to hit iceblock or ice barrier in a time of need and have it not properly refresh all my cooldowns.
23:17.57TainYeah well I quickly got tired of playing a mage in MC.
23:18.12Tem9 times out of 10, when cold snap fails, I die
23:18.19TainYeah Tem, that was an issue when I played too.
23:18.20MaldiviaTem: I HATE that bug... it's so annoying
23:18.22cladhaireYou die.
23:18.24cladhaireYou Vanish.
23:18.33cladhaireHad it happen before =(
23:18.38kremonteYou die.
23:18.48kremonteYour items suffer a 10% durability loss
23:18.52kremonteYour Major Healthstone heals you for 1240
23:18.53kremonteYou die
23:18.56kremonteYour items suffer a 10% durability loss
23:18.58kremontei love that :D
23:19.04Maldiviacladhaire: combat events is what the client *think* is happening, not what's actually happening
23:19.22TainStupid client.
23:19.39kremonteMaldivia: the client still thinks it used up the cooldown though. and it does. :)
23:19.49TemThe other day in WSG I was trying to catch a rogue flag carrier.  I was about 20 yards off so I hit blink.  I went *backwards* and the rogue capped the flag where I could have stopped him long enough for my teammates to kill and regain the flag.
23:19.54Maldiviakremonte: yeah - I know
23:20.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (
23:20.09ForgottenLordsgotta love lag
23:20.13TainOne of the things that was funny about EQ when I played is that sometimes you could successfully cast a spell after you died.
23:20.14cladhaireMaldavia: Yes, I know.
23:20.46kremonteMaldivia: by the way, is there any simple way just to add a line to GameTooltip after reading what's on it?
23:20.55Temand for the record, Iriel, I really like your event idea.
23:20.57Irielkremonte : Call AddLine then Show
23:21.27kremonteis it possible in just /script thou?
23:21.29TainA drunken debauchery event?
23:21.35MaldiviaAnother Blink bug... if you blink while falling - where previously, that would/could save you from fall damage, now freezes the game, and blink you to the ground with full fall damage...
23:21.54Temoccasionally frostbolt does no damage, takes my mana, AND causes aggro
23:22.15TainWell Blink shouldn't save you from fall damage.  Not good to replace on ebug with another.  But still. :)
23:22.21TemThat's what I used to think
23:22.21kremontethat wouldnt cause you aggro =P
23:22.31Tembut I checked the combat log, and no resist message
23:22.33ShadowdIt was fun being able to live using PW:S though Tain
23:22.47Temmeh, the fall damage trick is just that, a trick
23:22.50Maldiviawell, a hostile spell will always cause aggro, no matter if it hits or not
23:23.05Temright, but there is no message of hit or miss
23:23.14Temso it's like something got lost somewhere
23:23.17TainThat's why you have ... uh... the feather spell.
23:23.23MaldiviaSlow Fall
23:23.36TemYeah that spell makes me a little angry
23:23.38TemPriests have a better one
23:23.44Temdoes the same and more
23:23.50TainI remember jumping down somewhere with Slow Fall to see what was down there.
23:23.50IrielPriests have help from God
23:23.50Temfor the same reagent cost
23:23.55Tembut lasts for 2 minutes
23:23.56TainAs I slow-fell into elite giants.
23:23.57Maldiviaonly thing I have about Levitate, is that you can't jump with levitate
23:24.08Teminstead of a weak 30 seconds
23:24.12KirkburnI remember a fun time as a warlock going against a caster. The game froze, I never saw anything hit me from full health then I died and rezzed. Whilst running back to my corpse TEN shadow bolts hit me in slow succession, the last one as I neared my corspe 5 mins later!
23:24.39MaldiviaSounds like the Arcane Missiles bug :)
23:25.02TemI wish they would have left the AM infinite distance bug in
23:25.08MaldiviaI've been killed by arcane missiles in BG, ported to a grave yard, ressed, and then got hit by more arcane missiles
23:25.08cladhaireTem: that one rocked =)
23:25.09Temat least until they fixed the rest of the bugs ith it
23:25.14KirkburnWhat was that?
23:25.31ShadowdAM had unlimited range basically, so you could "snipe" people in AB almost from the mill.
23:25.37MaldiviaTem: OHH, I loved that bug - made defending nodes in AB SO easy :)
23:25.44Temyeah :)
23:25.57Temarcane missiles
23:25.58MaldiviaArcane Missiles
23:26.13AnduinLothartook me a sec, no mage here
23:26.30TemI like the way they are going to review Shamen before mages
23:26.37ShadowdAnd rogues
23:26.40KirkburnWhat's the current order?
23:26.44Temas an objective person I find the humor in that
23:26.48Temas a mage, I weep
23:26.57ShadowdPriest -> Shaman -> Rogue -> Mage I though?
23:27.02TemI think that's right
23:27.07KirkburnU need fixes though, not class reviews surely?
23:27.22TemThe mage class has room for improvement
23:27.28Tembut the largest issues are bugs
23:27.30KirkburnSo do they all
23:27.34ShadowdThe Rogue class really doesn't need a class review, mages need it more then we do.
23:27.44KirkburnIt's not set in stone tho is it
23:27.50Temgod I hope not
23:28.06KirkburnShaman it pretty def after priest afaik
23:28.12ShadowdIriel: Didn't realize that it was the EditBox eating the key board event. but is there any way to still get the event and keeping the EditBox in the same frame?
23:28.13TemI don't see why
23:28.13KirkburnBut the others are prelim
23:28.29KirkburnMaybe they'll get 'nerfed'
23:28.40TemI find that hard to believe
23:28.51KirkburnOf course, if shaman don't require much they can look at other classes at the same time
23:28.52Temevery class that got it's review was buffed
23:28.57Temseverely in some cases
23:29.07Tem(a la beast master hunter)
23:29.11Shadowdbeat me to it!
23:29.30MaldiviaShadowd: hmm, dont have auto focus on the editbox, then it will only "eat" the events, when you actually have it selected...
23:29.52KirkburnBtw, what IRC progs do people suggest?
23:29.56MaldiviaI'm really looking forward to the priest changes
23:29.59TemI'm on xChat atm
23:30.03ShadowdThanks Maldivia
23:30.12TemMaldivia: yeah they look nice
23:30.27ShadowdDid they post anything new on the priest changes since Friday?
23:30.34TemHaven't looked
23:30.57KirkburnEr, it's not free
23:30.58MaldiviaXChat - yes...
23:31.07ShadowdPW:S is already annoying enough though
23:31.15MaldiviaKirkburn: it's free :)
23:31.28Ktron|afkKirkburn; you on windows? if so, I'm using a version of xchat too... let me find what build for you
23:31.49ShadowdIt's not that bad as a rogue VS priest, but it's becomes a pain on warrior VS priest. That may also because i'm using a TUF/Rank 10 PVP gear though.
23:31.50TemRecently I had an editbox this in it's XML:  <OnEscapePressed> this:ClearFocus() </OnEscapePressed>
23:32.07Tempressing Escape did nothing
23:32.17Ktron|afkI'm using the daemon404 build of xchat for windows
23:32.34TemI had to log out using mouse clicks in order to get keyboard focus back
23:32.42cladhaireI'm definitely looking forward to the changes for priests
23:32.54ShadowdI'm interested in seeing how they change the Holy tree
23:33.02MaldiviaI'm using Silverex' 2.6.0-2 build:
23:33.22KirkburnWell what should *I* use? :)
23:33.39Temthough I'm a little concerned about the greater heal being shortened to a 3 second cast
23:34.00MaldiviaKirkburn: doesn't really matter, shouw be the same, more or less...
23:34.03Temit will make Renew and Prayer of Healing the only heals that get full +healing bonus
23:34.06ShadowdHave they posted what the new amount it will heal is going to be? I can't imagine they would keep a 2.5 heal that can do about 3k non crit.
23:34.26ShadowdOr maybe it was 4,000 non crit. Can't really remember.
23:35.08Maldiviagheal Rank 5 (AQ drop) is : 2618 to 2922 - without any talents
23:35.20Maldiviawill probably be lowered 25%
23:35.28Maldiviasince casting time is lowered 25%
23:35.43Kirkburnwill receive an approximate 10% improvement to mana efficiency
23:36.10Maldiviaprobably just a lower mana use, instead of an increased healing
23:38.02Maldiviaif it's lowered 25%, that would mean a 1950-2200 heal, in 2.5sec
23:38.18Maldiviaand more, when +healing talents are applied
23:40.03KirkburnI think slouken will be disappointed with the lack of response to his announcement ... he even put an exclamation mark!
23:42.27TainI know it probably makes me a bad person, but I emailed the G15 author with suggestions on how to make his Lua code not run every OnUpdate.
23:42.54Maldiviahe asked for lua help :)
23:43.41MaldiviaI broke the board :|
23:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
23:56.38KtronI wish that we could connect to/talk to people in World of Warcraft without joining the game... like, didn't at least one other MMO use IRC (I think WoW uses IRC roughly) and allow people who weren't playing to still chat with players?
23:56.43KtronI think Bnet works like that
23:56.58Depheriosbnet doesnt' work like that really
23:57.04Depheriosbut you could connect with things like bnetbuddy
23:58.37Ktronwell, regardless, I wish there was 'wowbuddy'
23:59.18Ktrona way to see who is online ingame/online not ingame/offline and talk to people would be really nice...

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