irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060205

00:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
00:06.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
00:14.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
00:17.49ViolentnightHey guys... Anyone else been having problems with WoW since the server reset last night? My latency has been horrid and selecting log out keeps exiting the program.
00:19.11ShadowdNope, it's been fine for me on Icecrown.
00:19.27Cairennhaven't logged in to notice one way or the other, sorry
00:20.47ViolentnightI just logged into Elune--only had a 72-150 latency. But on Archimonde, I got 1500
00:21.25ViolentnightAnd is being really slow too
00:21.57ShadowdWeird, seems to be fine for me. Perhaps it's your internet?
00:23.15Cairennit's fine, lern2connect
00:23.30ShadowdYou spelled connect correctly
00:23.37ViolentnightI thought that at first and restarted everything, but other sites seem to be fine and my Network Connections thing reports my Local Area Connection at 100Mbps and my 1394 Connection (whatever that is) at 400Mbps
00:23.41CairennI know, I'm not very good at those =/
00:23.56ShadowdYou need one less "n" and perhaps throw in a few !
00:24.12Cairennnever can quite get the hang of it
00:28.33CairennI think that was one of the funniest moments at BlizzCon, during one of the panels, when the prez of Blizz came out with the "its fine, lern2play" line
00:29.36Cairenndeadpan inflection, serious face, perfect timing, appropriate usage ... the room cracked up
00:30.24Violentnightwhat's a big file that I can download to test my dl speed?
00:30.42Shadowd1.9 full WoW patch?
00:31.24Violentnightthat'll work ^_^
00:33.02Violentnightactually, no it won't... cause I'm trying to figure out if it's me or WoW and I already have the patch so I'd have to delete it and redownload all of it
00:33.23ShadowdAsk for a database backup from cairen
00:33.56Cairennsnag the fansite kit from here, it's 21 MB:
00:34.11Cairennshould be big enough to give you an idea
00:34.34Violentnighta database backup?
00:34.42Cairennnot happening :p
00:35.43ShadowdIt's probably about a 1 GB big, that should give you a good idea!
00:37.13Cairennsee back to "not happening"
00:37.42ShadowdCould probably find a game demo you could download if the fansite kit isn't big enough.
00:37.55Violentnightthat wow page still hasn't loaded
00:38.03Cairennewww, not good
00:39.51Cairenna compilation from WoWI, checks in at 6.69 MB (largest one I could find on our site):
00:41.21Violentnight1.4 KB/sec.. woooo
00:41.32Cairennthat from my site?
00:41.48Cairennor the Blizz one?
00:41.52*** join/#wowi-lounge futr-sleep (
00:42.43Cairennhey trouble
00:42.43futr-sleephey Cairenn
00:43.26futrtrublso what is coming shortly Cair?
00:44.38ViolentnightOrville Redenbacher is one scary looking mofo
00:44.47Cairennnot telling, it's a sekret
00:45.17futrtrubl;'[ not even to us your most ardent supporters?
00:45.27Cairennnope, not even to you
00:46.23Cairennnot everyone in this channel is an ardent supporter :p
00:47.07futrtrubltrue ;'] but don't hold my lack of support against the rest of them
00:48.52Cairennuh huh
00:48.58Cairenntoo late, my feelings are hurt now
00:51.43Cairennyou know, if I ever go to Jamaica for vacation, I'm going to count on you to show me all the "real" stuff, not all the tourist trap stuff
00:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge RaeVanMorlock (
00:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge RaeVanMorlock (
00:58.32Temyay! free food!
01:00.11RaeVanMorlockdangit.. I disabled the 1394 Connection and everything was doing well for a couple minutes, but now it's laggy again
01:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-2150 (
01:33.56wowguru-2150how are you all?
01:34.14zeegsorry i didnt respond in the other room
01:34.20wowguru-2150need a lil advise on getting some quick gol din warcraft
01:34.20wowguru-2150friend looking for a mount
01:34.29wowguru-2150thats all right
01:36.22wowguru-2150any ideas?
01:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
01:43.15Violentnightall better.. my router just needed to be restarted
01:44.33wowguru-2150what about an item that has high drop rate worth alot?
01:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
01:49.44Violentnightso now that that's taken care of--anyone seen this error before: "WTF\Account\<Name>\SavedVariables\<lua_file>:<line>:function or expression too complex near `,'
01:50.06wowguru-2150what about an item that has high drop rate worth alot?
01:50.10ShadowdNope. Whats the line have thats giving the error?
01:50.31Violentnightcheckin that now, Shadowd
01:50.50Shadowdwowguru-2150: Hard work and dedication, theres no "easy" way to get money.
01:51.17Violentnight[1] = "General",
01:51.33Shadowdweired, how about the line above it?
01:52.29Violentnightinterestingly.. the file is 8538 lines long and the last line is just "[" ... like it never finishes
01:53.55Violentnightbut Auctioneer.lua is 84738 lines so I doubt I'm running around of room to save it all
01:55.28ViolentnightI'm stickin the file in pastebin
01:55.45ShadowdWill it let you post a 8,500 line file?
01:56.47Violentnightapparently not ^_^ It only got to line 2362 and the supposed error is at 3978
01:58.53ShadowdShould be able to find the issue with only 3966-3998
01:59.22Violentnightweird... someTable.object = UIParent stores someTable.object[0] = nil and someTable.object.firstTimeLoaded = 1 -- does that seem right?
02:00.19MentalPowerwhat addon are we talking about?
02:00.35ShadowdCould be it only likes the foo["test"] = { "bah" = "bar" }; format, not sure.
02:01.18ViolentnightOne that I'm making, MentalPower
02:02.20GenNMX|ThraeShadowd: Does that syntax even work? I thought the key couldn't be in quotes.
02:02.33ShadowdProbably not
02:03.12Shadowdgoing from PHP -> Java -> LUA, so always forget which uses which to store arrays.
02:03.50Violentnightkeys generally have to be either a string or a number... I've never seen anything else allowed
02:04.57Violentnightoh.. I bet I know what the problem is. The error says it's too 'complex' and at line 3978 is the first time that the table structure pans out that far
02:05.09GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: What I mean is that I know table = { key = value } is allowed, I didn't know table = { "key" = value } was allowed
02:05.35GenNMX|ThraeBut I guess that makes sense, since the key in both instances is a string
02:07.28Violentnightyeah ^_^  If you want a key with a space in it, you have to use quotes -- table["some key"]. If you do table[some key] it will error.. and table[someKey] (I believe) looks for a variable called someKey and uses it's value as the key
02:08.23GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: I'm talking about setting the values, but you have a point
02:08.43GenNMX|ThraeIf I had a key without a space, I would like to index it with table.key
02:08.53GenNMX|ThraeWith a space, I use the standard hashing syntax
02:17.18ShadowdHmm. Your character still saying it exists about 5 minutes later is probably a bad sign.
02:17.31MentalPowerso, let me get this straight, you can only nest tables 6 deep?
02:18.18ShadowdI guess, going by the link that Violentnight gave though you'd imagine they would make it deeper.
02:19.24Violentnightno no no... I removed alot of the tabs in that link so that it would all fit on one line
02:19.41GenNMX|ThraeThe question can be raised, why would you need a table 6 hashes deep?
02:20.15MentalPowerso, how many tables deep was that Violentnight?
02:20.38ShadowdThat too
02:21.04ViolentnightGenNMX|Thrae: For what I'm doing ^_^ lol
02:21.06ViolentnightI'm counting them now
02:21.45Violentnight127 tabs... so 127 levels deep?
02:21.59ShadowdThats a bit
02:22.20Violentnightstill not enough ^_^
02:22.39ShadowdWhat are you making that requires it that deep?
02:22.59ViolentnightA structure of the UI
02:24.50GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: But there are different ways to approach hashing, like you could do table[hash1 .. ":" .. hash2 .. ":" .. hash3] instead of table[hash1][hash2][hash3]
02:25.35ShadowdFrom what he posted, it looks like doing tyhat may not be really possible for what he needs. I could be missing something though
02:25.54GenNMX|ThraeA deeply nested table structure should be avoided at all costs, it kills WoW's Lua engine
02:26.12ShadowdYeah. Just saying that doing it like you said may not be possible for what he needs.
02:26.32GenNMX|ThraeHeck, just trying to parse the existing UI table kills the Lua stack I hear
02:27.12ViolentnightWhat I need is a way to iterate through all the elements and store their properties while mainting the parent/child hierarchy
02:27.52GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: What does this addon actually do, besides store the structure of the UI?
02:27.57Violentnighthash1 .. ":" .. hash2 ... might work, but there's likely also a limit ot the length of a key
02:28.38Violentnightnothing at the moment ^_^  The goal is a Gui Editor
02:29.03Cairennanother one? cool
02:29.25ShadowdGood luck with that
02:29.36GenNMX|ThraeTake a look at that addon, Visor. It lets you change settings on every frame without adding too much overhead at all.
02:30.12GenNMX|ThraeVisor's goal was to save settings on any portion of the UI as efficiently as possible.
02:30.28GenNMX|ThraeIt also has a gui, a separate addon called VisorGUI.
02:30.55CairennI presume you've already seen WoWUIDesigner, yes?
02:31.54Violentnightthe 3rd party application that everyone complains about?
02:32.20Cairennthey do?
02:32.43GenNMX|ThraeWait this a "GUI Editor" as in something to change settings of the WoW UI, or a "GUI Editor", an offline application to make GUIs?
02:33.11Cairennthat's what I'm trying to figure out, too
02:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
02:34.12GenNMX|ThraeHe was talking about doing this in Lua which confused me
02:34.36Violentnighthehe... Well my first idea was to make a 3rd party app like WoW UI Designer, but I realized that in doing so I'd basically have to recreate WoW's UI in order to get things to display the same... on top of that, testing it would require booting up WoW
02:35.12ViolentnightSo I figured that rather then recreate all that, I could make an in-game addon that would innately use WoW to show you during runtime what an addon would look like and how the LUA script would work and yadda yadda
02:36.05ViolentnightAnd then it could also be used to change existing elements of the UI
02:36.18Violentnightwhich is basically all I have to work with until 1.10 comes out
02:37.28GenNMX|ThraeYeah, until 1.10 comes out, I don't see how an in-game GUI script editor would work.
02:37.38Cairennso, correct me if I misunderstood, but when you said "the third party app that everyone complains about?", were you in fact referring to WoWUIDes, and do they really? I thought most rather liked it
02:38.07ShadowdBeing able to work inside WoW for UI stuff would be kind of nice, and it would also work for Mac's id imagine.
02:39.13ViolentnightCairenn: Hehe.. well maybe I'm wrong. I haven't heard much about it, but I have heard that some people have issues with things displaying different in the editor than in game. And looking at the screenshots, there seems to be some cropping issues with borders
02:39.33Cairennhmph, hadn't heard that
02:39.50Cairennnot saying you are wrong, just saying hadn't heard it
02:41.27ViolentnightHeh. I know. Even looking at the screens though you can see that the borders aren't being rendered in teh editor properly
02:41.39ViolentnightAnd it is still in beta format so it's undoubtedly going to have some quirks
02:42.23Violentnightwhich is why I'd rather see an in-game editor ^_^
02:43.52Cairennokay, so rather than it being "everyone complains about", the more correct statement would be "isn't perfect"
02:44.59Violentnightyeah that ^_^
02:45.04ViolentnightI've heard rumors
02:45.31ShadowdYours sounds like an interesting idea, wouldn't the one you do have more bugs though too since it would be in an earlier stage of dev then the other one though?
02:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:47.10Cairenndon't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discourage you in the slightest
02:47.11ViolentnightWoW UI Designer is a very impressive undertaking, no doubt. But for the months of work I'd put into doing something similar, I could put a few weeks work into an in-game designer
02:47.40Cairennchoice is always good, and maybe they could even compliment each other
02:47.47ShadowdTrue, well good luck with it. Will be interesting to see if you manage to finish it
02:48.03ViolentnightShadowd: not really... the bugs with the UI Designer, I imagine, come from attempting to recreate Blizzard's UI engine; whereas an in-game designer would already have access to that engine
02:49.19GenNMX|ThraeViolentnight: Anyway, back to the original discussion, you should look to Visor for a very tight yet effective database which keeps the parent->child relationship and ease of iteration.
02:49.24ViolentnightAnd as for lua code.. we already have the /script command, so it's easy enough to imagine that one could use a textbox to type out more code, including functions and globals and the like, and execute it during run-time to see the effects rather than booting up WoW to test it
02:49.45ViolentnightWill do, GenNMX|Thrae--gonna take me awhile though--the source looks huge
02:56.34id`what is better?
02:56.36id`i ahve no idea
02:56.56id`cause i dont know how wow works
02:57.01id`if dps is everything or not
02:57.13ShadowdWould suggest a 2H for PVP, Taskmaster's axe is better though but you'd have to find someone to run you through to Sneed.
02:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
02:58.31id`im lv 20 =(
02:58.34ShadowdTaskmaster has the same top end as the other 2h you listed. But you gain +8 STA/SPI
02:59.30ShadowdFor leveling? I mostly switched between fury and 2h axe depending what I could find at the time, your better bet is going to D/W at the moment though.
03:00.31id`D/W ?
03:00.40Cairenndual weild
03:00.57ShadowdFury = usually a duel wield build for a warrior.
03:02.28GenNMX|ThraeI'm still waiting for the "Dual Shield" Paladin!
03:03.56GenNMX|ThraeSeriously, there were shields that were designed to be two-handed, yet I don't know of any graphical MMORPG that implements one.
03:05.54GenNMX|ThraeIt would be cool if a Paladin and/or Warrior could block projectile attacks and spells by sitting in the line of its trajectory with a two-handed shield.
03:06.43ShadowdSomeone suggested a 30 point protection talent to be able to block a spell to some degree.
03:07.02ShadowdWould be an interesting spell if they could balance it correclty.
03:15.33id`we need more classes
03:15.34id`WAY more
03:15.44id`like in Dao
03:17.36GenNMX|ThraeWhat is Dao?
03:18.43CairennDark Age of Camelot
03:18.48ShadowdHmm. the game not letting you log out in IF is a bad sign i'm guessing.
03:19.10GenNMX|ThraeAhh, THOSE type of classes
03:19.45GenNMX|ThraeWell, DAoC suffered from the EQ style of "one class one job", WoW was trying to get out of that
03:20.23id`well wow can be played by retards
03:20.36GenNMX|ThraeBut I think WoW strayed a bit from its original goal, it's getting back on track
03:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge spider777 (n=spider77@
03:20.42id`i want spec lines and no binding items
03:20.45*** part/#wowi-lounge spider777 (n=spider77@
03:20.53id`anyone can paly wow
03:20.59id`and anyone can make money
03:21.02id`thats sad
03:21.20id`making money and being a craftsman should go in hand with KNOWING people and dealing with them
03:21.29id`not stuffing your shit on the ah to fetch gold
03:21.42GenNMX|ThraeDAoC was the same way with its Vendors
03:22.11GenNMX|ThraeBecause you don't need to know someone to buy from their house Vendor?
03:22.12id`keke wow needs an animist type class
03:22.33id`GenNMX|Thrae: its still different
03:22.59GenNMX|ThraeYeah, WoW needs separation of its Auction House with buy-direct Mercants, I agree there
03:23.35GenNMX|ThraeWhat, 90% of the stuff on the AH gets bought out? It defeats the purpose of the Auction.
03:26.00GenNMX|ThraeAnyway I need to stop talking about DAoC, it'll make me want to go back to it again =/
03:32.49ScytheBlade1<GenNMX|Thrae> What, 90% of the stuff on the AH gets bought out? It defeats the purpose of the Auction. <-- thankfully
03:32.57ScytheBlade1I place a bid on most all of the silk on my server
03:33.02ScytheBlade1and stick it up with a BO
03:33.06ScytheBlade1and make 20g or so every time
03:59.05zeegi need a web designer to partner w/
04:05.58id`im just coder ;)
04:08.21Cairennnight id`
04:12.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
04:15.05Cairennhey End
04:15.40Violentnightmorning, End
04:22.02Violentnightin FauxScrollFrame_Update() does anyone know how the valueStep parameter works?
04:23.04EndI've been up all day, but failed to notice my nick indicated I was still sleeping until now
04:23.41CairennI've been known to do the same thing End ;)
04:24.51ViolentnightI usually just sleep all day long
04:24.58Ktronpurl, Pollita is one of the few people who deserve to be ganked forever, and can be generally found in ##php.
04:25.00purlKtron: okay
04:25.13Cairennuh oh
04:25.22Ktronhey everyone
04:25.31Cairennhey Ktron
04:25.40CairennI take it you are unimpressed by said person?
04:25.55Ktronyeah, I got booted by them out of php twice today
04:26.50CairennI mean, they must have had some sort of a reason? (whether justified or not)
04:27.10Cairennor just a fucktard?
04:27.23Ktronfirst time I asked a question that I should have read a little more, but it wasn't that bad-- it would be like saying "I can use /script to run SomeLuaCommand?" but for php
04:27.49Cairennthey *kicked* you, for *that*?
04:28.24KtronI apologized, and one person was helping me, but Pollita continued to harass and mock me for it, and I said something to the effect of "I know that getting help here is on a good will basis, but I shouldn't have to deal with your sarcasm to get help"
04:28.28Ktronthen I got kicked
04:29.43KtronThen I rejoined like an hour or so later, and asked a question to the effect of "Can someone look over my regex?" (I'm guessing you've heard of regex) and Pollita was talking about the definition of hacking, and I gave them a link to the definition on wiktionary
04:30.05KtronPollita said "Ktron: focus bitch" and kicked me again
04:30.32KtronIt was roughly 12 hours ago, I didn't bother to rejoining again until just now
04:30.37Cairennummm, nice channel moderator
04:30.53Ktronheh, I was reminded because when I joined they were giving someone else grief
04:30.58Ktronyeah, I was less than impressed
04:31.16CairennI joke about my being a bitch, and I do ask folks to kinda be like reasonable human beings and shit, but geez
04:31.29ViolentnightKtron: still need help with that regex?
04:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
04:32.13Endcuriousity question...what style of regex is it?
04:32.37Ktronheh, I sent her some less polite comments after the second time I was kicked... Something like "If you're going to kick me, kick me for calling you an asshole on the channel, spamming, or a real offense" and "When did ##php start being moderated by kids?"... give me a second, I'll pull it up
04:33.54Ktronoh, I wussed out... it was for a php command.... ereg_replace I think, I wanted to effectively change beginmiddleend to beginningmiddleend, where begin and end where known and middle wasn't
04:35.48KtronI think, though I'm curious how many people agree, but in general attacking people's age online (like through IRC) is generally one of the best ways to hit home
04:36.08Ktronanyway, enough of that :)
04:36.12ViolentnightI agree
04:36.33KtronI might have a fun php thing for people to play with in a few minutes
04:37.51Violentnightto capture an unknown entity between two known entities, do: (begin)(.*)(end) : where begin is the pre-entity and end is the post-entity. After, $1 = the beginning, $2 = the middle, and $3 = the end
04:37.55Temmust stop reading penny arcade
04:37.58Temmust get something done
04:38.54KtronViolentnight; yeah, and to 'put' the matched center bit 'back', I should be able to use \0 or \\0 I think, right?
04:39.12Ktronoh, ah
04:40.36Violentnightwindows supports regex
04:42.15KtronViolentnight; oh? how? like, I can't do renames of files using regex or such, can I?
04:42.44CairennPA & PVP are good, WTF & QC are better
04:43.23Cairenn<3 QC
04:44.20ViolentnightKtron: er.. well, no. I guess Windows doesn't natively support regex, but like--if you have a php compiler (whatever the term is) y ou can run a php script on a windows machine to do it
04:44.30Violentnightor perl... usually regex is done through perl
04:46.00Violentnightthere might be a standalone regex interpreter-type program... I know jEdit can use regex in its Find function
04:49.58Ktronhm... that'd be curious to look into... I know I could install perl on windows and do it that way
04:51.02Ktronheh, it's a difficult balance between wanting to have all the neat and useful utilities of linux and so on installed, and wanted to keep windows as clean as possible as to improve its longevity
04:51.15Violentnighthehe... yeah
04:51.22Ktronalright, time to help my girlfriend with physics homework, later everyone
04:51.29Cairennnight Ktron
04:51.54Violentnightso was your regex question answered or are you still working on that?
04:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:57.30Violentnighthey slouken
05:01.44Temoh great pirate, can I bug you about something I saw in a 1.10 tooltip?
05:02.11Temor at least I think it was a game tooltip
05:02.44sloukenNope. :)
05:03.51TemI just wanna know if I can write my parsing to look for set bonuses
05:04.11Temoh well, Test realms can't be /that/ far off
05:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
05:33.48zeegnot too bad, what do you guys think
05:53.44Violentnightzeeg: judging by what...? The images are nice, but--does it do anything?
05:55.33Cairennhe's talking about layout, design, etc
05:55.45Cairennzeeg: looks okay, I like it better than the old one
05:56.06Cairennthe fuzzy letters drove me batty
05:56.30sloukenzeeg, looks neat
05:56.38Violentnightah... fuzzy letters? hehe. I like everything but the "-|-" dividers
05:57.25ViolentnightAnd the "GO" looks like "60"
06:28.14Temok, so I need to reinstall windows in my parent's computer, but I don't have an xp product key
06:28.27Temis there any way I can find out what product key their computer is using atm?
06:29.11Temany ideas?
06:29.12CairennMy Computer > Properties
06:29.58zeegViolentnight, - it works
06:29.59CairennGeneral Tab - System, Registered to, Computer (hardware)
06:30.06Cairennyou'll want the Registered to
06:30.09zeegCairenn, im thinking about making the search part tabbed similar to...
06:30.21zeegand the tabs being like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, etc. (whatever the top games are at the time)
06:30.31zeegand of course a tab for all games
06:31.13TemCairenn: you sure about that?
06:31.19TemI just checked on my laptop
06:31.21Cairennshould be
06:31.24Temthe numbers don't match
06:31.50CairennI'm not 100% positive, no, but it should be
06:31.52Temor rather, the number you directed me to doesn't look anything like the product key on the sticker under my laptop
06:32.29Cairennthat's the *computer* product key, on the sticker under your laptop, isn't it?
06:32.37Cairennas opposed to the OS product key
06:32.50Temno it's the XP product key
06:32.56Cairennhrm, dunno then
06:33.07Temlet me check again
06:33.09Cairennshould be the same, I'd have thought, but meh, what do I know
06:35.04Temwell my main cause for skeptisism is that it's all numbers
06:35.58Temand looking at some product keys for other microsoft things (like a w2k install) make heavy use of letters in the key
06:36.11Tem(as does what I think is the product key on the bottom of my laptop
06:36.17Cairennyeah, I'm seeing that
06:36.37Cairenn(just dug out my cd)
06:37.46Temhrm, this is annoying... I have a valid CD, but I don't have the product key
06:39.14Cairennif hubby were here, he'd probably know how you could find it, but he's not
06:39.35Cairennaaaand, I don't see him online, so I can't ask that way, either
06:41.41ViolentnightThe product key for your laptop's XP is right on the bottom of it? That's not particularly safe
06:44.49ViolentnightFrom Windows Help: The Product ID has 20 characters arranged like this: 12345-123-1234567-12345. It is listed in the properties for My Computer.
06:45.00ViolentnightI think what Cairenn said is right
06:45.08Temso that is reusable in an installation?
06:46.20Tembut why then doesn't it match the product key on my laptop?
06:47.14TemI can't immagine that dell would give me an OEM install disk that didn't have the same product key as the one they stuck on the bottom of the maching
06:47.44ViolentnightI can't imagine that Dell would put the product key on the bottom of the laptop
06:48.05ViolentnightSo I would think that you must be looking at a serial key
06:48.37Cairennactually, Tem, just to check things out
06:48.39Violentnightif I could find my product key, I could verify it... the one listed under properties does have letters for me
06:49.01CairennI'm looking at the Product ID for my MS Office Word - it's all numbers
06:49.16TemViolentnight: nope it's the os key.  I've verified that.
06:49.32Tembut what I'm thinking is that it's got 2 forms
06:49.42Temone with the letters and such
06:49.52Temand one that's all numbers like we're seeing in the properties
06:50.56ViolentnightI product key supports both alpha and numeric characters, but it doesn't have to contain both
06:51.18ViolentnightI found my what product key used to be attached to.. lo
06:51.41CairennTem: the only way to know *for sure* would be to wait and call MS on Monday
06:51.49Temnot gonna happen
06:51.59Temthey charge for service calls
06:52.00Cairennor call Dell
06:52.06Cairennoh, I know, trust me
06:52.41Cairennhubby is MCSE, MCT - trust me, I know MS
06:53.20CairennI've got more freaking MS TechNet shit sitting around here :p
06:53.34TemI think what we're going to do is just try it
06:53.39Cairennthen Carter had liver pills (to finish the expression)
06:53.52Violentnightoh Tem.. while I'm thinkin of it... I was lookin over that code ya gave me last night and got it working right--but I don't see a way to maintain the parent/child hierarchy using it
06:54.10TemI was thinking the same thing as I was writing it
06:54.22Temabout the only way I could think was to poll child:GetParent
06:54.28Temand if it fails, we will worry about it then
06:54.48Cairennif hubby were online, I could find out
06:55.08Cairennbut since he isn't, I have to hope he's actually like, getting some sleep, god forbid
06:55.15Violentnighthrmm... I didn't really think of doing it the reverse way--I might not need to store everything then.
06:56.00Violentnightas it is I have to figure something out 'cause storing every single element is way too complicated of a table (WoW can't load the SavedVariables)
06:56.47ViolentnightI also need to figure out how to sort 'em... I was playing with table.sort, but without a numerical index, I think it's random access
06:56.51CairennA+, CompTIA Net+, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, MCT, CCNA
06:57.35Cairenngood think he doesn't use all the letters, he wouldn't have room for his name on his business cards
07:00.05Cairennand currently working on his CCNP
07:00.13Violentnightgosh my place is a mess
07:00.22ViolentnightI have no idea  where my product key is
07:04.07TemThanks for pointing me to that Cairenn
07:04.19Cairennit worked, yes?
07:05.09Temhaven't tried yet
07:05.15Temgoing to do the reinstall tomorrow
07:05.23Cairennah, okay
07:05.32Cairennwell, I hope it does
07:05.41Cairennif not, sorry for giving you a bum steer
07:05.54Temit's not that big of a deal, XP has gotten pretty cheap
07:05.59Cairennbut it *should* be it
07:06.08Temyeah, I hope so
07:06.10Cairenndoesn't make sense for it not to be
07:07.12TemCairenn: maybe you don't know MS like you think you do...
07:07.13KtronHey everyone... time to make the second php page for my web thing and then maybe a login system later I think... but at least the core is working:)
07:07.39TemMS does a lot of things that don't make any sense to any sane person
07:07.49CairennTem: I was referring to their lovely support
07:08.42TemCairenn: yeah, I was just kicking them while they weren't here to defend themselves
07:22.47KtronViolentnight; btw, yeah, regex = t3h solved for the moment
07:23.24KtronThe next thing I need to work on is making a webpage that will let me add/edit/delete entries from a mysql table, which I know how to do
07:28.04Wobzeeg: Maybe a page 1 2 3 4 5 .. etc?
07:28.09Woblinks, that is
07:28.25WobAnd how are they sorted?
07:28.51Wobmuttermutter =P
07:28.58WobThank you Cair =P
07:29.36WobI should have tried tab completion first =P
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07:44.35*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
07:45.05zeegok hows that
07:45.38zeeg(the buttons dont actually work yet)
08:00.05Violentnightzeeg: the textbox is invisible
08:00.35Violentnightnvm.. you've changed it
08:01.07ViolentnightI clicked the link like 10-15 minutes ago and forgot to say anything
08:01.12Violentnightit all looks good now
08:02.02Ktronanyone remember a movie, about a horde mindcontrolling I think the vendor or a quest turnin type and killing people with him (pvp stuff?)
08:02.07Violentnightmaybe make the copyright text a little different.. or a different font.. some of the letters are overlapping
08:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
08:03.13TemKtron: I remember that movie
08:03.23TemKtron: it was the AV reward vendor
08:03.52Violentnightmuch better ^_^
08:04.06zeegmy laptop shows things dif so i never know
08:04.26Violentnightyeah--web design is a bitch like that ^_^
08:04.42zeegsoo pretty much an ideal setup for you?
08:04.52zeegim gonna make it save a cookie when you search, for the category you had chosen
08:04.54zeegso it remembers
08:04.58Ktronyeah it was :)
08:05.08KtronI was going to ask if anyone remembered the name, but I think I found it
08:06.15Violentnightooh don't ask me for ideal... I could criticize something indefinitely
08:07.46Violentnightone functional change that would be nice though... if a radio button is clicked on with the mouse then refocus the cursor at the textbox
08:08.11zeegok ill add that
08:08.31Violentnightotherwise, it's a pretty little thing ^_^
08:11.07zeegwth its not working
08:11.48zeegthere we go
08:13.56Violentnightwell... not quote. Use an onClick event--with onFocus, people can't use the keyboard to select something
08:15.22zeegk done
08:15.55Violentnightlol Not a big fan of shammys?
08:16.57TemI didn't make that
08:17.05Tembut, no, I /hate/ shamen
08:17.39Violentnightzeeg: try onmouseup--lol.. the onclick is still firing through the keyboard
08:17.54Temmostly because I'm a squishy mage and they eat me
08:17.59zeegyou're probably sol on it actually Violentnight
08:18.43zeegonmouseup breaks
08:18.45zeegshit out of luck
08:18.51Violentnightooh shit out of luck
08:19.14Violentnighthow's it break?
08:19.20zeegit dont work
08:19.23zeegat least for labels
08:19.30zeegif i click a label in firefox it selects the radio button
08:19.37zeegbut onmouseup doesnt fire on the radio
08:19.51zeegits impossible to select w/ tab
08:19.52zeegi get it
08:19.52Violentnighthrmm... I've never used labels before
08:19.54zeegshould i just do onchange?
08:20.02Violentnightyou can try it
08:20.16Violentnightor get rid of the labels
08:20.33zeegstill not perfect
08:20.36zeegnah labels are required
08:20.40zeegfor standards
08:20.52zeego well
08:20.56zeegno tabbing for you people ;)
08:21.07zeegi got it
08:21.35zeegonselect dont work
08:21.59zeegno tabbing for you
08:22.30ViolentnightI'mma make this work dangit
08:24.42Violentnightbtw--where'd you learn how to name objects?
08:26.14zeegname objects?
08:26.16zeegas in?
08:26.44Violentnightas in.. give something a name
08:26.54ViolentnightfS() var fs h_q.. yadda yadda
08:29.19Violentnightlol right... by what I mean is, why are you calling--for instance--the function fS()... I have no idea what fS() means
08:30.44zeegits a function i made
08:30.56Cairenn|sleepnight folks
08:31.04Violentnightnight, Cairenn|sleep
08:31.32Violentnightoi =P
08:37.18Violentnightokay.. I give up
08:38.02ViolentnightI can't get it to work.. even without the labels, the images aren't recognizing mouse events
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10:32.43KarlKFISo I thought curse was gonna have their new site up last week, anyone know what happened?
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14:08.09Elkanoabb = get("abb"); abb.short = long; set("abb", abb); ?
14:10.39Elkanoabb = get("abb"); if noat abb then abb = {}; end abb.short = long; set("abb", abb); ?
14:10.59Elkanoabb = get("abb"); if noat abb then abb = {}; end abb[short] = long; set("abb", abb); ?
14:11.03Elkanobetter :)
14:12.51MentalPowerabb = get("abb"); if not abb then abb = {}; end abb[short] = long; set("abb", abb);
14:13.19MentalPowerhowever your set and get functions are not expecting a string as the first parameter :)
14:14.45Elkanoid` try the code I 'corrected' in at pastebin
14:15.20Elkanoadded a self as first parameter :)
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14:40.45ElkanoI hate lua's then :/
14:43.39Elkanowell, just uploaded a new version with a 'then' missing (note to myself: don't add any ifs before releasing without testing them...)
14:51.07krkai suggest compiling and/or testing before uploading
14:52.42id`Elkano: instead of using a function i'm just assigning to self.db[self.profilePath][var] = fal
14:55.05krkaor do local db = self.db[self.profilePath] db[var] = val
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14:56.03sancuslies, you're not sleeping
14:56.04id`krka: right
14:56.19Cairenn|sleepstupid tooth ache
14:58.03Elkanogood (whatever) Cairenn :)
14:58.28Cairenn|sleepnothing good about this morning at all, at this point
14:58.36Elkanoy? :(
14:58.36Cairenn|sleepbut thanks for the thought :)
14:58.46Cairenn|sleepsee 2nd statement
14:59.08Cairenn|sleepI've had 2 hrs sleep atm
14:59.21Elkanooh :(
14:59.39Cairenn|sleepmeh, tylenol starting to work, gonna go crash out again here momentarily
15:01.58id`nn cair
15:02.06id`i wonder though, why even get up?
15:07.54Cairenn|sleepto take some tylenol for the pain
15:08.00Cairenn|sleepand wait for it to kick in
15:08.37Cairenn|sleepanyway, I'm out, it's working now, want to try to get a couple more hours sleep
15:08.44Cairenn|sleeplater guys :)
15:09.15Cairenn|sleepbesides, it let me approve Elkano's goof then his fix ;)
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15:26.13id`arg im such a noob
15:26.41id`how do i get a string of 'word word word word' into {word,word,word,word}
15:28.28futrtrubltable = {string.gsub(instring, "word)} or something like that?
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15:30.41id`for short in string.gsub(str, '') do table.remove(self.db.abbr[short])
15:31.01id`its just a lost of words with spaces
15:31.34futrtrublfor short in {string.gsub(str, '')} do table.remove(self.db.abbr[short])
15:31.59id`why the {} ?
15:32.01id`' (.+) '
15:32.10futrtrublto make it into a table
15:32.18id`a match has either a space after it or before it
15:32.52id`futrtrubl: string.gsub will return a table
15:33.13futrtrublexcept for that last word, if you strip the end space from the last word then the last word will have no spacer
15:34.01id`'( (.+)|(.+) )'
15:35.43futrtrublwhy not just have (.*) and ignore spaces completely... wait what is the regexp for any non-space char?
15:36.33id`becuase i need those words and not the spaces..
15:37.30futrtrublthat will only get you the words, will ignore whitespaces
15:38.01id`that will only get me the spaces :p
15:38.42futrtrubl%S is only non-whitespace chars
15:38.54id`oh, k
15:39.07futrtrubl(%S+) is probably better
15:39.59id`was gunna say, ill use + though
15:40.15futrtrubl;'] great minds....
15:41.33id`lets try this baby
15:41.42id`been coding for a few hours havent tested anything
15:43.24futrtrubloh, it should bne string.gfind
15:43.57id`i have it
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16:17.27futrtrublAnyone know what the reason given for a LoadAddOn() fail due to the addon being out of date is?
16:19.14krkashould be fairly easy to test?
16:21.26krkadamn! BUGGED... can't attack magram centaurs with all my spells :/
16:25.55futrtrublINTERFACE_VERSION, thanks krka for reminding me of the obvious solution ;']
16:30.11GenNMX|ThraeUgh, I've watched too much Hong Kong sub of One Piece's really an exercise to try and understand what they're talking about when they say "Don't let ship go into Hymen!" (should be "Don't let the ship go through the channel!")
16:31.02futrtrublwhat fansub group you using?
16:31.52GenNMX|ThraeXeno-HK, a Hong Kong subbing group. I can't find any other good places to download 173-240
16:32.16GenNMX|Thraeadc-heaven and gerusama don't host batch torrents =/
16:34.48futrtrublOne Piece 161-206 and others on mininova, don't know who the subbers are, didn't go through the whole list so they may have more
16:35.23GenNMX|ThraeAhh yes, I didn't check mininova
16:36.38GenNMX|ThraeYeah, that particular torrent is "Hell-HK" and "Xeno-HK", which are both Hong Kong subbing groups
16:38.37GenNMX|ThraeGerusama & BalF subs going around start around 209, Adc-Heaven start around 250
16:41.08GenNMX|ThraeIf I didn't know some Japanese I would probably skip these episodes...right now I'm translating the Japanese myself using the crappy subtitles as guides ;)
16:42.50futrtrublthink up a funky name for yourself... well since you already have now you just need to sub them and release them to popular aclaim
16:43.31GenNMX|ThraeHaha, I wish I had the time
16:44.50GenNMX|ThraeEventually Kaizoku-Fansubs (a good fansubber) will catch up to Gerusama, only 50 more episodes to go
16:45.07GenNMX|ThraeCatch up to where Gerusama started
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16:58.26krkaany one know how to know when keybindings have been updated?
16:59.30GenNMX|ThraeDouble-check events on, I think that's it
17:00.37krkadamn, do that
17:01.26GenNMX|ThraeYes, it's UPDATE_BINDINGS
17:01.41krkano wait, maybe it's just buggy when there is no key associated
17:02.42GenNMX|ThraeUPDATE_BINDINGS isn't called when one key is updated, it's called when you click "Save" on the keybindings window. So it could be one key, or it could be multiple keys.
17:03.08GenNMX|ThraeThere is no event associated to changing a single keybinding.
17:03.14krkayeah, i don't really need that
17:03.24krkasave should be sufficient
17:06.33Temyay! They fixed the raid calendar
17:08.25TemThe page reports that raids reset at 3 am
17:08.36Tembut that seems to be 3 am PST
17:08.39Temnot 3 am server
17:08.47id`Database      = AceDatabase:new('idChat'),
17:08.47id`db            = self.Database[self.profilePath],
17:08.50id`why cant i do this?
17:08.55id`it breaks on the self
17:09.03id`(i am inside the addon table)
17:09.13Tembecause you are inside the constructor
17:09.45id`oh, right
17:09.55GenNMX|Thraeid`: The usual notation is db = AceDatabase:new("AddonNameDB")
17:10.11id`i know
17:10.17GenNMX|ThraeThen you can use the AceUtil Get function
17:10.25id`dont want to/have to
17:10.26Temand because 'self' is construct of a method
17:10.52Temand you can't do what you're trying to do
17:10.59id`line 76
17:11.07Tembecaue if the profile path changes, that won't reflect it
17:11.17id`meh, how uncool
17:11.51Temand DON'T use your addon object
17:13.13id`where am i doing that
17:13.22TemDatabase      = AceDatabase:new('idChat'),
17:13.28id`its a stirng
17:14.12GenNMX|Thraeid`: That string represents the name for the SV database.
17:14.28id`GenNMX|Thrae: gee, really?
17:14.32GenNMX|ThraeThe SV database, when loaded into memory, is a table. So you'll have a table called "idChat"
17:14.45GenNMX|ThraeBut you can't have two objects with the same name.
17:14.49Temno, it will use your addon object
17:14.58Tembut that will get VERY messy when you try to save it
17:14.59id`i thought ace would make that myobject.db
17:15.20id`why wouldnt it :-)/
17:15.30Tembecause that's not the way it works
17:15.49id`well how do you expect me to know all that without docs
17:16.18GenNMX|Thraeid`: Look at the examples like Coins.lua, notice how they all put "DB" on the end of the database names
17:16.45id`it doesnt state anywhere i shouldnt use my objects name
17:16.52id`i found out the hard way with XML too
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17:19.09GenNMX|ThraeTem: If you set the AceDatabase as the same name as your addon instance, could that cause an endless loop upon trying to save the table? It'll save the lowest level Ace information in AddonName, then go to AddonName.db and find a reference back to AddonName...
17:19.10id`line 80
17:19.16id`indexed field ? error
17:19.59GenNMX|Thraeid`: There's
17:20.13id`i know!~
17:20.33id`but you wouldnt want me to spam it like im spamming it now.
17:20.34TemGenNMX|Thrae: no
17:21.03id`db            = AceDatabase:new('idChatDataBase'),
17:21.03id`Enable = function (self)
17:21.03id`if self.db[self.profilePath].Mousewheel    then self:enableMousewheel()    end
17:21.07id`why does it go wrong there
17:21.37Tembecause there is no table in the db at the index self.profilePath
17:22.13GenNMX|Thraeid`: Use self.db:get(self.profilePath, var)
17:22.19Temthat is the ONLY way to do it atm
17:23.35GenNMX|Thraeself.db:get(..) is a bit more complicated then self.db[self.profilePath]
17:24.26GenNMX|ThraeTry the AceUtil functions -->
17:25.05GenNMX|ThraeKael is considering integrating them into Ace
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17:27.25TemAny EU people here atm?
17:28.47Temcan you test your raid reset time for me?
17:29.08TemAparently the raids reset at 3 am PST in the US
17:29.33Tembut I'm trying to figure out what time they reset in the EU servers
17:30.04wereHamsterTem, I'm almost from the EU..
17:30.50Tembah I have to go
17:30.55TemI'll bug you guys about it later
18:01.53id`slash commands suck >:(
18:02.34GenNMX|ThraeWhat's the trouble?
18:04.10id`Error: Interface\AddOns\Ace\AceChatCmd.lua:116: bad argument #3 to `format' (string expected, got nil)
18:04.33GenNMX|Thraeid`: Paste your ChatOptions?
18:05.21id`its formatted wrong
18:06.13GenNMX|ThraeYeah, should be "desc" instead of "description", and remove the comma for the last member within the parentheses
18:06.44id`gotta eat
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18:43.36sweedei have a question about linking an item in a chat box, and getting the name of the item not as a link.
18:43.55sweedei need to be able to do /cmd [item] , and in the script be able to do TableName[item]
18:44.23sweedebut its not working becuase it uses either the itemid string or uses the [] also. any ideas ?
18:48.18sweedeanyone ?
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19:28.51futrtrublsweede, you could strip the [] off
19:30.17futrtrublwith string.gsub()
19:39.12Irielafternoon cairenn
19:39.28Cairennhey :)
19:43.13ElkanoCairenn, feeling any better?
19:43.34Cairennyeah, 6 hrs sleep total is a darn sight better than 2 :)
19:44.18Elkanobtw: got my 2 PMs?
19:44.59Cairennaye, I did, just haven't posted them yet, was going to deal with that shortly :)
19:45.22Elkanojust wanted to make sure everything went right :) take your time :)
19:48.56Elkanothanks a lot :)
19:49.22CairennNo problem at all, glad to help. :)
19:51.58Elkanobtw: Iriel, the problme I had with the texture layers turned out to be usefull :) this way I was able to resize LootFrame and QuestLog, too :)
20:00.54IrielElkano : Excellent.
20:01.24IrielCairenn : Was it a StatRings question? Forum question?
20:01.50CairennI simply can not remember at all, I'm not sure it even had to do with coding
20:02.11IrielSomething about
20:02.11CairennI'm thinking it more had to do with life, but darned if I can remember
20:02.15IrielLife, hm
20:02.24IrielWhere was I on friday, perhaps?
20:02.33Iriel(The answer to which was 'work')
20:02.44Cairennwell, that's an interesting question, and one I've been wondering, but that wasn't it per sae
20:03.05Cairennmust have been a killer day for you not to have been in channel at all
20:03.22IrielAnd then yesterday evening was a Halo2 thing (and random XBox 360 hijinks) so I was busy all day.
20:03.33IrielFriday was painful, yes
20:03.51IrielI did read the forums when I got home, but then I had other things to do so didn't make much of an appearance until about 2:30am
20:04.55Cairennyeah, I noticed that you flitted in then out again at an obscene hour (I was up again shortly after you left)
20:05.36Cairennwell, hopefully it was only painful in that it was a long busy day, not that it was a case of there being anything "wrong" (ie nasty pink slips, etc)
20:05.41wereHamsterElkano, this channel leaving issue, I've also run into this, and was unable to 'clean up' the channels when the player leaves the world.. :(
20:06.13wereHamsterI've worked around this by cleaning the channels when the player *enters* world..
20:06.17IrielYes, it's painful in the sense of lots of work and stress, but not 'bad', per se.
20:06.27IrielCan't you do cleanout on PLAYER_LOGOUT ?
20:06.32IrielOr does that fire too late?
20:07.41wereHamsterWoW joins the chat-channels way after it fires PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.. and one would expect that it saves the channels way before it fires the LEAVE-event.
20:08.44IrielI dont know what order LEAVING_WORLD and LOGOUT fire, so i'm not sure either.
20:09.06IrielCleaning up on logIN is worth doing regardless, in case of crashage
20:09.09Cairennmark that on your calender folks!
20:09.44IrielHeh, I dont know the answer to many things I haven't used 8-)
20:10.00Cairenn(sorry, silly mood, forgive please)
20:16.26IrielAnyone know if there's a way in css to assign symbolic names to colors of your own choosing?
20:19.03krkadon't think so
20:25.06IrielPity, that's the conclusion i'd come to also
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20:28.58Beladonawhat a weekend
20:36.06Beladonaoh sorry
20:36.18Beladonanothing big, just been at work all weekend
20:37.05Beladonaand I finally get done, in time for Super Bowl, and return to work tomorrow
20:37.25Beladonaanyone hear anything about 1.10?
20:37.35Cairennit'll be a while yet
20:37.45Beladonawhy do you say that?
20:37.56Cairennbecause a little birdy told me so?
20:38.10Cairenn1.9.3 should be soonish
20:38.22BeladonaI had this theory that it might be the last patch before the expansion
20:38.31Beladonabut its just a guess
20:38.40Cairennoh, it may be, I don't know, but either way, it's gonna be a while
20:38.49Beladonathats a shame
20:39.09Beladona1.10 has a lot of features I am waiting to test
20:39.12Beladonaand my mod is on hold till I can
20:39.13Cairennyou and a number of others
20:40.14BeladonaI do have some features waiting to be implemented in my xp bar, maybe I should be working on that
20:49.13wereHamsterhas anyone else observerd that just displaying frames (without any event handling) causes a major dropt in the framerate? I have a raid addon which displays the 8 raid-groups plus all priests and driuids, together ~60 'UnitFrames', each with a HP/MP bar, one text-label and two textures for buffs/debuffs. Hiding those frames causes a change from 20fps to 40fps.
20:49.29sancusheh whats your vid card
20:49.49IrielwereHamster : It appears to somewhat depend how you have them laid out
20:50.14wereHamsterI have a geforce 7800GTX
20:50.19wereHamsterwith 512 MB ram
20:50.25IrielwereHamster : There's a suspicion that displaying lots of overlapping frames with different frame levels is sub-optimal from a rendering pipeline perspective
20:50.49TainI like pie.
20:51.40Tainooops for some reason I thought the Super Bowl started later.
20:52.03TainI should start thinking about getting up
20:52.07Cairennbah, football - watch a real game, hockey!
20:52.13wereHamsteralthough I've heard that wine reports only 64MB texture memory to the running application.. maybe I should try to apply the patch that fixes this..
20:52.36sharkhatfootball is for people who hate videogames...
20:52.37TainNow now, the Super Bowl isn't just a football game.  It's world-wide holiday.
20:52.48sharkhatyou mean a US wide holiday?
20:52.48wereHamsteranyway.. I'll try to lower the frame 'depth', thanks for the hint :-)
20:53.04TainPeople in the Congo will be watching!
20:53.25sharkhatif thier american// lol
20:54.50sancusfootball is severely interfering with our BWL raid
20:54.59sharkhathaha i bety
20:55.11Cairennfootball (north american) is merely an excuse for a bunch of men to express their otherwise repressed homosexual tendencies
20:56.25TainBetter than needing to try to compensate for "other" shortcomings by slamming into each other with long sticks. :)
20:57.05Cairennthat was nicely done Tain
20:59.07wereHamsterTain, what sport is that?
20:59.33Cairennfor anyone interested, Sacha just uploaded the newest CTA beta
20:59.41TainCompetative chop-stick eating.
20:59.59sancusbut it looks like we will have enough to clear it anyway
21:00.05sancusso screw the superbowl newbs, no loot for them!
21:00.07wereHamsterdidn't blizzard promise that they will write their own 'CTA'-like addon?
21:00.20Cairennno, actually, they didn't
21:00.28TainWhat's CTA?
21:00.39Cairennthey asked for suggestions on how to improve LFG
21:00.54wereHamsterand did they improve it?
21:00.55CairennCall To Arms (the LFG mod)
21:01.15TainOh right
21:04.43CairennwereHamster: for one thing, they've done the "combined" lfg channel
21:05.05Cairennthey probably have additional changes planned for the future, although I may be worng about that
21:06.08wereHamsterCairenn, don't you have this little bird telling you things about oncoming changes?
21:06.33Cairennoh, some times
21:06.47Cairennbut I can't always divulge what the little birdies tell me
21:07.06Cairennand in this case, they haven't told me a thing
21:08.09*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
21:08.20zespri|loggood morning people
21:08.26Cairennhey zespri|log :)
21:08.36sancusstupid PC, locked up on me, does that every week or two
21:08.39sancuscant wait till I get my new one :/
21:08.57Cairennthanks again for that talk earlier today, I really appreciated getting that alternate viewpoint
21:10.15zespri|logOh I'm having an alternative view point! wow! how novel! Actually, I'm not sure whose viewpoint it was. I guess that several differnet viewpoints blended into mine over past few years
21:10.58Cairennwell, alternate viewpoint not perhaps being the most correct term for the discussion, but I trust you know what I mean
21:11.52CairennI like hearing how people from different parts of the world view things, it increases understanding of one another
21:12.50zespri|logYou can't beat stereotypes. If you knew how many times I hear vodka jokes... And everybody telling them to me really think that they told something new and original
21:13.20Cairennthat's like all the folks that tell me I say "aboot" and "eh" all the time
21:13.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (n=karl@
21:15.02zespri|logI guess everyone of them has some belifs based on background that they never questioned. Still some of them might prove false.
21:15.27zespri|log*everyone of us
21:15.41Cairennwell, as I said, it was interesting to hear how (and why) there is that view point
21:16.03Cairennit explains a great deal to why they act the way they do, re entitlement
21:16.10zespri|logMorning, Anduin
21:21.58CairennIn my opinion, that's probably one of the best things about the internet. We have so much more opportunity to learn about each other, to understand why we think they way we do, to try to undo generations of misunderstanding and distrust, if not outright hatred, that has basically been brainwashed into us by our respective cultures
21:22.57Cairennand the more the "regular" people understand one another, the less that our governments will be able to cause such feeling again
21:23.26Cairennbut that's just me
21:23.28KarlKFIwhich view?
21:24.09Cairennzespri|log and I were having an interesting discussion earlier about "eastern bloc" and "western" viewpoints
21:24.13wereHamsterthat's true, unless your government cuts the internet access for the ordinary people...
21:25.22Taindown witih government!  Up with mini-skirts!
21:25.34KarlKFIheh. There is also a problem with distinction between government responsibility and personal responsibility.
21:26.13TainOff to watch the game.
21:26.16Cairennan unfortunate truth, wereHamster - however, like "underground" radio and such, there is only so much that governments can do to really hide things
21:27.42Cairennthose that truly want to know, will find a way
21:27.45KarlKFIOn a personal relational level it is generally better to actually give up rights and gain trust and understanding, however the governement needs to be protecting those rights as well.  When the governement takes away your rights as oppossed to you giving them the right then the governement have over stepped its responsibility.
21:27.50zespri|logI think that the main barrier is not a government of whatever kind, but simply a language barrier
21:28.12Cairennwell, there is that as well, zespri
21:33.37wereHamsterthe sad thing is, there are countries where the majority doesn't give a damn about what's happening around them. And they have no interest in knowing what's 'out there' - in other countries.
21:34.40wereHamsterthey just want to live, and they don't care about the government as long as they get what they think they should get to live..
21:36.54wereHamsterI travel at least once in a year to such an country.. and I live in a country that has known democracy for about 850 years.. there's just ~800km between those two countries, but the people are so different..
21:44.33CairennwereHamster: where?
21:44.50Cairennif you don't mind my asking
21:46.21wereHamsterone of the first countries to have democracy.. switzerland.. famous for banks, chocolat and cheese.. :)
21:46.38CairennI meant where do you travel *to*
21:47.05wereHamsterjust east of germany.. andnorth of austria :)
21:47.35Cairennwell, now that he has said Switzerland, but he hadn't provided that information when I asked the question :p
21:47.57KarlKFIsorry... everyone else was doin git
21:48.24wereHamsternow show us what you learned in school.. which country do I travel to? there's only one that fits my description :)
21:48.59id`Cairenn: your turn
21:49.04id`Tem, pm
21:49.06KarlKFIGeography in school? You obviously had better primary schools..
21:49.20id`KarlKFI: yea and english and french
21:49.27CairennIt's New Zealand!
21:49.51wereHamsterI've also been to NZ, but that's not qute what I meant..
21:50.14wereHamsterCzech Republic.. anyone knows that country?
21:50.16KarlKFIWho need geography when you have google maps.
21:51.01KarlKFIlemme bust out a ruller and hold it up to the screen...
21:51.49ElkanoCairenn, 3rd message to slouken ^^'
21:52.16CairennPM'd it to me?
21:52.24KarlKFImmm, romania?
21:52.39Elkanoyes :)
21:52.57Cairennk, will post it when I get home, just about to head out the door
21:53.07Temgah, I wish I had though of this question last night
21:53.10Cairenntaking daughter out for birthday dinner
21:53.11End-funnyhathmm, I just picked some invisible herbs
21:53.14Temhe might have actually been able to help me
21:53.14KarlKFII confess, I didn't use a ruler... Just measured with my fingers..
21:53.33KarlKFItoo lazy for a ruler..
21:53.54Elkanowell congratulations to her from the anonymous inet community ;)
21:53.56KarlKFImaybe if i had an on screen ruler and could rotate google maps..
21:54.13Cairennanyway, later guys
21:54.18IrielHave fun!
21:54.25Cairenn|afkchinese food, yum
21:55.14KarlKFIcourse i think Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Poland, Ukraine and Denmark are that far too..
21:55.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
21:55.45KarlKFIPortugal maybe...
21:56.29TemCan any EU person do me a favor?
21:56.57KarlKFISo why is it google has Torina and UK maps but none of the rest of the uk
21:57.22ElkanowereHamster, afair it's the one northeast of austria, isn't it?
21:58.11IrielGah, perl's =~ and lua's ~= will be the death of me today
21:58.12wereHamsterElkano, yes, north(-east) of austria and east of germany..
21:58.13KarlKFIno Mexican maps either.. I'm dissapointed
21:59.10TemThat counts, what time does your raid instances reset?
21:59.13Elkanohmm, when saying such things I should read more then just the last ten lines ^^'
21:59.25wereHamsterdoes anyone know a punycore implementation for lua?
22:06.30TemAnyone here play on an EU server?
22:06.47TemI know you are out there, I /will/ find you.  So it's better for you to fess up now.
22:08.38futrtrubl'fraid I don't Tem
22:09.05Temwell that's fine, it's not you that has to face my wrath later
22:10.34futrtrublugh, I hate trying to figure out Titan to make a non-standard plugin
22:11.42TemIriel: you have a typo in your 1.10 changes
22:12.03TemIriel: you have LayoutFrame:GetAllPoints() where you should have LayoutFrame:GetNumPoints()
22:12.12wereHamsterTem, Arthas, a german realm
22:12.19TemwereHamster: yay!
22:12.39TemwereHamster: can you tell me what time your ZG, Ony, and ZQ20 instances reset?
22:13.01Temthey are at 3AM PST in the US, I'm wondering what time over there
22:13.21wereHamsterOny is on a 3day timer I think..
22:13.58Tembut that's not what I'm concerned with
22:14.06Temwhat TIME OF DAY does it reset?
22:14.14TemI know the dates, just not the times
22:14.14wereHamsterresets in 1d3h.. is that what you want to hear?
22:14.22Temyes, that's wonderful
22:14.33wereHamsterZG in 3h
22:14.52wereHamsterand AQ not yet open :(
22:14.57Temwhat time is it there?
22:15.03Temmidnight ish?
22:15.18wereHamsterand I'm in the GMT+1 timezone
22:15.44Temok so it looks like they reset at 1:00 gmt
22:16.02Temor is it 3h and change so that it's at 2:00 gmt?
22:18.43Temdid you run away?
22:20.59wereHamsterno.. I'm trying to confiure my clocks..
22:22.28Temwhat time gmt will it reset?
22:23.06wereHamsterthe time reported by the game, is it serer time or local time?
22:23.45Tembut when it gives you "this will reset in Xh Ym" you can tell me what local time
22:23.56Temand then converting to gmt is cake
22:24.32wereHamsterZG will reset in 3h and I'm in GMT+1
22:24.55Tembut it's 23:24 over there by now
22:25.11Temso is that 2h 36m? or 3h 36m?
22:25.46wereHamstersorry .. ZG will reset in 3H 35min and its exactly 32:25 now
22:26.02Temgreat, thanks a lot
22:26.22wereHamsterthat would put the reset to 03:00 GMT+1
22:26.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:27.15TemI'm going to put EU resets at 2:00 gmt and US resets at 11:00 GMT
22:28.10Temnow that might screw up based on DST
22:28.17Tembut, I don't care that much
22:28.37wereHamsterTem, do you manage a site with such infos or is it only for your own interest?
22:29.04TemNow Are We There Yet
22:29.17TemRaid instance reset info in game
22:29.34wereHamsterisn't /raidinfo enough?
22:29.42Temnot when you aren't saved to the instance
22:29.55Temand not when you are planning a raid a week in advance
22:30.32wereHamsterdo you already have the addon or are you only planing to write it..
22:30.54Temit's almost done
22:31.08Temjust adding the start info for the instances
22:31.27Temwell, I need to deal with a pesky gui....
22:31.33Tembut that shouldn't take me TOO long
22:31.42Temafter all I've got 3 boring classes tomorrow
22:33.46KirkburnNawty ... a *good* name ...
22:34.07KirkburnWell, the Now bit anyway
22:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
22:36.25kremontewhere is cide
22:36.31kremontei demand cide
22:36.37Temhiding from you I assume
22:36.42kremonteI DEMAND CIDE
22:37.34kremontesomeone just /rarly'd in the middle of nef fight
22:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:39.16End-funnyhatI think only raid leader/assistants can do /rarly
22:39.17wereHamsterwhat does /rarly ?
22:39.36kremonteyup end
22:39.40kremontewe have 8 assists right now
22:40.32kremontenef landed
22:40.38kremonteand they rarly'd AGAIN
22:42.16wereHamsterI know what /raready does.. but what's /rarly for?
22:43.03kremonteO RLY?
22:43.06KirkburnDoes anyone know how to code CSS?
22:43.08kremontetheres a hint >>
22:43.11kremontesure kirk
22:43.33KirkburnWhat does this mean/how do I implement it You have no background-color with your color : a.class1:hover
22:43.47KirkburnAm using the CSS validator atm
22:43.55kremontetry doing background-color: transparent
22:44.02KirkburnI'll paste the style... a.class1:link { font-family: Segoe UI,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Serif; font-size: 7pt; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; line-height: 10pt; text-decoration: underline}
22:44.37OsagasuDamn, they tool Twisting Nether down
22:44.48id`background: none;
22:44.59kremonteit's asking about background-color =P
22:45.05id`background-color: none;
22:45.19id`background-color: transparent;
22:45.26kremontethat's what i said! D;
22:45.29KirkburnThat worked, 'none'
22:45.34kremontefine :(
22:45.37Kirkburnoh wait
22:45.44kremontewhat, you didn't read it?
22:45.44KirkburnIt didn't, it was just slow
22:45.51id`gah >_<
22:45.53kremontetry transparent
22:47.15id`and by myself anyway
22:47.18KirkburnIt's still complaning
22:47.27id`wanted to get an addon done this weekend and its ALLLMOST done
22:47.31id`Kirkburn: this is freenode
22:47.39id`Kirkburn: the open source mekka
22:47.42id`Kirkburn: #css
22:47.50kremonteisn't it mecca?
22:47.55id`not in dutch
22:49.03id`plaid, hmm, good artist
22:49.17KirkburnBut you're such wonderful people :p Can any suggest other font families? Is serif appropriate?
22:53.59KirkburnI think I've realised why it gives me the error/warning. It's merely telling me that I have no background color. Which is true. It's transparent. Er. Thanks guys :)
22:55.06id`theres a thick line between error | warning
22:57.07Temok, I'm off
22:57.11Temtime to go back home
22:57.17Temget some work done before the game
22:57.24Tembye everyone
22:57.31kremontenemesis robes for me ^_^
22:57.36id`nn tem
22:57.43Temgrats kremonte
22:57.44kremontecya tem
22:57.47kremontethanks lol
22:57.53Temoh and kremonte, I have a ToEP
22:58.00kremontei don't hate you anymore ;o
22:58.04kremontei got 3 pieces of nemesis this run
22:58.14Temhow did you manage that?
22:58.17kremonte2 locks with more than 300 DKP passed
22:58.22kremonteand i was the only other lock
22:58.29kremonteso i managed 5 pieces of nemesis, lol
22:58.44TemI'm still sitting at 3/8 arcanist
22:58.55Tembut that's fine with me because I don't really want arcanist
22:59.02kremonteevery mage wants robe
22:59.06kremonteand the only times it drops off golemagg
22:59.06TemI'm hoarding points so that NW will be mine
22:59.15kremonteis when every mage there has it
22:59.23TemI don't really want it
22:59.26kremonte"can i sub in for arcanist" no drop. "arcanist!" DE
22:59.36TemI've got Robes of the Archmage
22:59.45kremontemm nice
22:59.53kremontewow i just saw nemesis's stats oO
23:00.01kremonte32 damage on bp
23:00.03Temso it's nice, but I'll let the other mages get it first
23:00.11kremonteyou know what's funny about being a warlock?
23:00.12Temmy robe has 40 damage on it
23:00.26kremontei'm still an initiate in my guild and i have 8/8 felheart and 5/8 nemesis
23:00.34id`lol :p
23:00.35kremontethe best part is
23:00.44kremontei have -600 MC DKP, and -400 BWL DKP
23:01.04kremontewtf oO
23:01.24id`yea i dont really have alot of time
23:01.27GenNMX|Thraeid`: If you wanted to finish an addon quicker, why didn't you use the AceDev template instead of trying things your way?
23:01.42kremontecya tem
23:01.45kremonteboo too late
23:01.49id`GenNMX|Thrae: AceDev template?
23:02.02id`GenNMX|Thrae: its only the damn db and slash commands not working
23:02.05id`see ##ace
23:02.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
23:04.22futrtrublcan you inherit non-virtual frames?
23:05.04Maldiviahmm, is the forum login server down ?
23:05.24Irielfutrtrubl : no
23:07.53Maldiviahmm, it's not possible to create a frame dynamically from a template, right?
23:08.10IrielMaldivia : Correct (in 1.10, I assume you mean)
23:08.26IrielMaldivia : But you can either script it, or write code to 'copy' an existing frame
23:08.58Maldiviayeah, but would be nice to be able to have a virtual frame (in XML), and then CreateFrame(...) using the template
23:09.23Maldiviabut templates are only available when the addon is being loaded, right?
23:09.42IrielRight, templates are parse-time constructs
23:09.45Irielthey dont "exist"
23:10.01Maldiviathat's what I figured
23:10.47IrielReally though, there's nothing stopping you from creating 'prototype' frame objects
23:10.50Maldivia*grumble* why is the login server down, just as I was about to post, and just as Superbowl is about to start...
23:11.23IrielYou're still probably better off than the old pre-1.10 create-everything-in-advance
23:11.55Maldiviayeah - have 135 frames... usually only use the 40-45...
23:12.54Maldivialooking forward to the test server opens, to actually play with CreateFrame
23:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
23:13.31GenNMX|ThraeI wonder how long after 1.10 it'll take for Blizzard to rewrite their own UI to take advantage of pure Lua frames. That'd be cool -- never use the Raid frames? Don't worry, they don't exist unless you need them.
23:14.25IrielI suspect they're doing ti already
23:14.28MentalPowerhopefully they'll do it FOR 1.10
23:14.33KirkburnHow drastically has it changed since last november?
23:14.41Kirkburnnov 2004
23:14.54IrielQuite a bit
23:15.01Maldiviathe API?
23:15.21Kirkburnwell, all of it ... I wasn't involved at the start so I don't know what it was like :)
23:15.50IrielThe look and feel from a user perspective has remained fairly consistent
23:15.55Irielthe API has grown quite a bit
23:16.09IrielAnd the UI implementation has evolved somewhat
23:16.11KirkburnOh, an html question - what's the correctv method of specifying the top margin of a page as 0? The validator is complaning about <body background="Images/Backgrounds/Main_bg.jpg" topmargin="0">
23:16.22MaldiviaHmm, I started coding WoW addons around patch 1.2-1.3, and it has changed a lot since then
23:16.36Maldiviaespecially opening up for a lot of unit-information
23:16.44KirkburnI'm glad they haven't stopped changing it
23:16.59KirkburnMeans that addons are constanly getting shaken up
23:17.17IrielKirkburn : style="top-margin: 0px;"
23:17.36IrielI think it's "top-margin" and not "margin-top", at any rate
23:18.31Maldiviaif it follows normal CSS, it's margin-top
23:18.58IrielIt does, soitwould be that
23:19.08IrielI always use the "margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" version
23:19.20GenNMX|ThraeI still can't think of a reliable solution for the global event,arg1,etc. problem where addons accidentially change these variables.
23:19.25KirkburnAlthough I just specified it in CSS, so I didn't need it now :p
23:19.41Maldiviawell, margin / padding / border (and probably others) and have -top -bottom -left -right added to them
23:19.41IrielGenNMX|Thrae : dont use addons which change them
23:19.46IrielGenNMX|Thrae : it's not very difficult 8-)
23:20.21GenNMX|ThraeIriel: But still, those globals kinda go against the whole OO-ness of Lua...
23:20.30GenNMX|ThraeAlthough the Blizzard UI is fairly functional already *coughs*
23:20.38KirkburnI've managed to get the errors on my CSS style sheet down to 0, but my index.htm is still up with 120 errors :s Bloody alt tags reuired EVERYWHERE
23:20.58IrielGenNMX|Thrae : The WoW UI isn't very OO
23:21.00Maldiviaalt is only required fore images :)
23:21.08IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Other than frames themselves.
23:21.16GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Right, that's what I just said...
23:21.42IrielGenNMX|Thrae : I mean, it's not trying to be, but it's easy enough to make all of your handlers redirects to methods
23:21.46GenNMX|Thrae"functional", as in very standard C-like
23:22.32IrielGenNMX|Thrae ; though that does give me an idea for a suggestion to slouken 8-)
23:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:24.03KirkburnIt's very strange finding that frontpage is making actual error in it's coding :S
23:24.15GenNMX|ThraeKirkburn: Not strange to me one bit!
23:24.28MaldiviaKirkburn: you are kidding, righT?
23:24.39Maldivia... about it being strange, that is
23:25.03GenNMX|ThraeI remember when Frontpage was VERY liberal with its "<FONT>" tags, nesting them like 10 deep for 1 operation
23:25.54KirkburnHeh, I'm using 2003 and optimizing and reformatting all the time. Yet it still keeps <a class= *a* href=>
23:26.59id`< Kirkburn> It's very strange finding that frontpage is making actual error in it's coding :S
23:27.07id`wait wait
23:27.14IrielGenMX: Well, the idea is, there's no reason why blizzard couldn't call the handlers as if they WERE methods
23:27.15id`ok </lame>
23:27.37IrielGenNMX|Thrae : Existing code would still work (the globals would still be set), but we could write handlers as proper methods and have them work too
23:28.33futrtrubloooh, I like it. Then we could actually call the handlers themselves.
23:28.39GenNMX|ThraeAh yes, that's one feature of Ace I thoroughly enjoy and miss when I'm working on non-Ace mods.
23:29.37Irielit's fairly easy to write a metamethod which automatically detects the setting on On* values on tables, and registers script handlers as necessary.
23:30.09Irieli.e. creating the this:OnWhatever(stuff) function if it's not already made, adn putting it into place
23:30.21IrielHm, if i'm bored I may make that 8-)
23:31.25GenNMX|ThraeYeah, AceGUI does that too. I hope with 1.10 we'll have the ability to declare in Lua which function to call with OnShow, OnHide, OnEnter, etc., right?
23:31.46IrielWe can do that already
23:31.48futrtrubldon't we have that already
23:31.54Irielframe:SetScript("OnShow", whatever)
23:32.01GenNMX|ThraeAh, my mistake
23:32.40GenNMX|ThraeI never see anyone use it, so I assumed it was another thing we were waiting for in 1.10...I don't have enough GUI experience
23:32.53IrielI use it extensively for OnUpdate
23:32.58futrtrublI'll be using it in BEB soon
23:33.11futrtrublfor the reason Iriel just said ;']
23:33.45GenNMX|ThraeBEB? Bring Ed Bacon?
23:33.53MaldiviaIriel: hehe, I'm trying to post a message in the CTRA thread, about Cide implementing the SetScript in Enter/Leave scripts, to not have the OnUpdaet storm he has
23:33.58futrtrublyes, I would love some bacon
23:34.08GenNMX|ThraeBad Ethan's Band!
23:34.12CideMaldivia: yeah, I was thinking about that
23:34.15futrtrublmy real name is Ed
23:34.24purlfrom memory, beb is BasicExperienceBar, a highly configurable WoW XP bar addon. Find it at or at your favorite WoW addon site.
23:34.24CideI was actually going to post about an improvement, but the forums won't let me log in
23:34.26MaldiviaCide: ohh, didn't see you joined :)
23:34.44GenNMX|ThraeBoo Ein Badly
23:35.32GenNMX|ThraeBah that's cheating, it should be BXPB ;)
23:35.48futrtrublbut that looks aweful ;']
23:35.58MaldiviaCide: seen the screenshots posted in the thread? Can't see how the hell showning 40 frames causes a loss in 20fps
23:36.46CideMaldivia: it seems rather weird... the onupdate function doesn't do much
23:36.59GenNMX|ThraeIt looks like a guy with with a 70s hairstyle and double-chin laughing and sticking out his tounge
23:37.06Maldiviayeah, exactly - was looking through the code, and it's just some simple boolean expressions
23:37.21IrielAre you sure it's the OnUpdate
23:37.27IrielAnd not the frame rendering issue ?
23:37.29MaldiviaI highly doubt it is
23:37.39Maldiviamight be the rendering
23:37.51futrtrublGenNMX|Thrae It does! ;']
23:39.20Maldiviabut (as I see it - Cide can confirm) all the health/mana/etc update functions aren't called, when in Virtual mode, so the resize call, that was a part of the rendering problem, isn't called
23:39.55Cideactually, no
23:40.05Cidethe setheight call has nothing to do with the freeze issue
23:40.41Cidethe freeze issue occurs when a frame is shown or hidden while the height of the ctra frames are above a certain value
23:40.42MaldiviaOk - thought it was a part of it
23:40.43Cidedon't ask me why
23:41.11Maldiviaso only on Show() or Hide() calls?
23:41.13Cide"HidePartyFrame(); ShowPartyFrame()" is called on RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE by UIParent.lua I believe
23:41.27Cidewhich loops through the party frames and hides and shows them respectively
23:41.42Cidecommenting the calls out reduces the freeze by ~70%
23:42.15Cidethough.. during the 2.5h I was trying to reproduce it with tigerclaw (blizzard dev), he only got a freeze once
23:42.17Maldiviayeah - I've noticed that the party-frames are shown and then hidden again, when raid changes occur
23:42.28Maldiviathat is with the Hide Party UI activated in the Interface settings
23:42.58CideI thought they were called regardless?
23:43.08Maldiviathey might...
23:43.17WobWe are the new.  We are the future.  We are Lenovo. Think Lenovo!
23:43.18Maldiviajust noticed that they "blink"
23:43.29WobWhat a tagline =P
23:44.06MaldiviaWob: hmm, sounds like a bad bad paraphrasing of "We are the World"
23:45.18WobWe are the ones that make a brighter change so lets start... giving?
23:45.50Kirkburn[btw, I've managed to get rid of nearly all the errors on my htm doc! Woo!]
23:45.55MaldiviaCide: hmm, virtual frames - do they have this.cursor set by any chance?
23:46.04MaldiviaCide: or well, member frames, when in virtual mode
23:46.29Maldiviaok, figured the slowdown might be all the SetCursor calls
23:48.14KirkburnOh well gee this is just grand, I've just found IE conformed to a certain thing better than FF ... in which the site broke
23:48.30Corrodiasyou all suck for not playing x-wing alliance right now.
23:48.38KirkburnDid you hear that ... IE just BEAT firefox
23:48.49ScytheBlade1no way
23:48.50ScytheBlade1get out
23:49.07KirkburnIt did
23:49.15ScytheBlade1Humor me: which standard?
23:49.16KirkburnI'd send you the file to preview it if I could
23:49.23ScytheBlade1I have IE7 and FF
23:49.34KirkburnThis is basic html and css
23:49.49Maldiviadefine "beat"
23:50.00KirkburnFF didn't honor at alt tag, and instead DISPLAYED the alt text
23:50.08ScytheBlade1Yeah. Which, um
23:50.09ScytheBlade1Is the standard
23:50.15ScytheBlade1You have to disable images
23:50.23ScytheBlade1Then, in place of the images
23:50.25ScytheBlade1it displays ALT
23:50.30KirkburnThe standard did not flag that up
23:50.48ScytheBlade1It's a long standard to read :P
23:51.00Cidealt is supposed to display if the image can't be loaded or displayed
23:51.11ScytheBlade1And I'll be honest, I haven't read the standard, but yeah, exactly what Cide said
23:51.20KirkburnThis is the tag which displayed 20px: <img src="Images/Backgrounds/20pix_horz.gif" width="20" height="1" alt="20px">
23:51.21ScytheBlade1that said, afk food ^^
23:51.23Cidetitle displays the text as a tooltip
23:51.24futrtrublyeah, I get alts showing up even when the image should show
23:51.50Corrodiasah, shit. -i- suck for not playing XWA right now, because i forgot to bring my discs with me. >:(
23:52.29MaldiviaKirkburn: hmm, where ?
23:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
23:53.30KirkburnI try to follow the standard and it messes it up in BOTH FF and IE. It worked when not following it :s
23:53.44KirkburnTrying to work out how to explain it
23:54.24WobCause trying to write for both is a pain in the arse?
23:55.20KirkburnIt was just and image in a table as far as I can tell
23:58.16KirkburnYe gad, what the f is going on with these pages. I made the littlest changes
23:58.38WobWelcome to the world of web page design =)
23:59.28sarf|stuffWhoo! Took down Golemagg the dogtamer at our first try ^^ No loot for me dropped! Yay! :)

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