irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060204

00:04.24futrtrubldamn, if I want to use local functions I have to declare them earlier in the file than its calls? that means you can't have two local functions that could call each other when needed...
00:05.30cladhaireIt doesn't matter if they're local or not.
00:05.55cladhairetwo local functinos can call each other
00:06.03wereHamster|Homenow if they could compile the binary for Linux-ELF, that'd be great :)
00:16.39pagefaultit works well enough for me in wine
00:16.42pagefaultbut a native binary would be nice
00:17.10pagefaultthey had a linux binary in the beta
00:17.15pagefaultbut they stopped working on it
00:17.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:18.38pagefaultlots of good stuff in the beta
00:18.39pagefaultthat was removede
00:22.26pagefaultI will give MS some credit, 2005 is pretty good
00:22.29CodayusWhat I wouldn't give for a linux client...
00:22.37wereHamster|Homeslouken said that there is no linux version of WoW.. too bad, I thought he's a linux fan, too :(
00:23.08Cairennokay, how do you equate there not being a linux version with him not being a linux fan?
00:23.39pagefaulthe dictates all at blizzard!
00:23.41CairennI've been biting my tongue a lot throughout this conversation
00:24.16pagefaultI think bliz doesn't care about linux anymore because cedega and wine have made the time and money into developing a linux client pointless
00:25.14Cairennunless you work at Blizz or can show me a press release where they say that, don't presume you know why they made the decisions they made
00:26.05pagefaultbest thing to hope for is someone gets macos x binary compatibility in linux
00:26.09pagefaultso you can run that client
00:27.34wereHamster|Homebut this situation has at least one advantage.. under linux (when running under wine) warden is pointless and you can write bots and nobody is ever going to find out :) .. I did write one, was fun:)
00:27.49pagefaultyeah you can pretty much take over the entire windows API
00:28.41pagefaultif I were a farmer I would be using linux
00:29.48pagefaultI don't think anyone is stopping people from doing the same in windows though
00:29.56pagefaultyou can pop a direct input wrapper into your main WoW directory
00:30.00pagefaultand feed it keystrokes
00:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
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00:33.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
00:33.52Ktronhey everyone
00:33.54Ktronhow is everyone
00:34.02Cairennhey Ktron :)
00:34.46Ktrons/the holes/about the holes/
00:55.07SP|Sorrenanyone around?
00:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
00:55.36Cairennhi Shouryuu
00:55.51ShouryuuI need to drop the rawr act
00:56.06SP|Sorrenif i pass an array to a function, does it pass a copy of the array or like a reference to the array?
00:57.59SP|Sorrenim just wondering whether it'd be horrible to pass arrays back and forth between functions o.O
00:58.26Shouryuueternal sunshine of the spotless mind is not a movie to see if you're depressed
00:58.35AnduinLotharit's sooo good tho
00:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:59.22Shouryuuit is
00:59.26Shouryuubut bloody depresing
00:59.36AnduinLotharnah. it's goodness
01:00.07AnduinLotharcrazy cracked out goodness
01:00.28Shouryuuit's a great movie, I have to agree :P
01:00.36AnduinLotharthe scene where he's a kid and his gf is his mom's friend...
01:00.44AnduinLotharomg that scene is awsome
01:01.01AnduinLotharcamera angles and odd scaled props ftw
01:01.47Shouryuuthe end with the house falling apart is just godly
01:01.55Shouryuubut depressing
01:01.56AnduinLothari know, while they're in it..
01:04.43Shouryuugonna try and get some sleep
01:04.45Shouryuunight young ones
01:18.46WobSP|Sorren: I'm under the impression that it passes a reference
01:30.39SP|Sorreni sure hope so
01:34.35cladhaireeverything is passed by reference
01:36.10SP|Sorrennever noticed ;O
01:36.12SP|Sorrenusually i use globals
02:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
02:20.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:24.55WobI like having a relatively highish character when class changes come in
02:25.03WobIt makes it all shiny and new =)
02:29.59TemGah AB is so boring
02:30.12Temwait an hour to sit at a resource point and never get attacked
02:31.26WobIs there any way to easily get the return of a function like GetItemInfo as a table?
02:31.45cladhairelocal tbl = { GetItemInfo(blahblah) }
02:31.53Wob... Brilliant =)
02:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
02:36.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
02:37.05Tembut, you don't want to do that
02:37.22Temunneeded table constructions are bad
02:37.46WobI'm trying to feed it into another function
02:37.55Wobas arguments
02:38.09Wobwould it be better to dump into locals and pass that way?
02:38.38futrtrublor myfunction(GetItemInfo())
02:39.18WobTried that =(
02:39.18futrtrublumm myfunction(GetItemInfo(blahblah)) even
02:39.43futrtrubluse   function myfunction(...)
02:40.11Beladonawhat are you trying to do
02:40.12futrtrublthen the return args should be arg.1 etc, or is it arg1 etc?
02:40.40WobBugger all that =)
02:40.44WobI'll pass the itemID
02:40.58Woband then in the target function call the info
02:41.06TemWob, what do you need?
02:41.11futrtrublany downside to doing it that way?
02:41.20BeladonaI was gonna say, I mighta missed some of the convo, but it looked like someone was making a mountain out of a molehill
02:41.27Temusing ... isn't a good thing
02:41.42Beladonaand I agree with Tem there
02:42.21futrtrublagree too, but was trying to get his way to work
02:46.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
02:49.23Cairenn*eyebrow arch*
02:51.42Maldiviahave the exact same code 2 places, one place it works, the other place it doesn't
02:53.27Maldiviaarghh... grr
02:53.31Maldiviafound the problem :)
02:54.12Cairennwell, don't leave us in suspense
02:55.54MaldiviaI didn't notice I overwrite the OnLoad later :)
03:14.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
03:22.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
03:47.41SP|Sorrenis getglobal a blizzard thing or standard lua?
03:49.03SP|Sorrenvery good. yes.
03:49.12SP|Sorrenso its a blizzard thing?
03:49.24SP|Sorrenthank you.
03:49.46SP|Sorrencan you do references in lua?
04:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Violentnight (
04:02.05Violentnighthey peoples
04:02.50Cairennhi Violentnight
04:05.42ScytheBlade1I fried a CPU..
04:06.08Ktronhow fast was it
04:07.27WobHow do you mean, Sorren? Everything is a reference
04:07.51SP|Sorrenif i say a = x;
04:07.53SP|Sorrenthen change a
04:07.56SP|Sorrenx doesn't change right?
04:08.09SP|Sorrenwhat if i wanted a to basically be x ;P
04:08.15SP|Sorrena pointer to x
04:08.17SP|Sorrenyou i guess
04:08.22SP|Sorrener ya
04:08.25SP|Sorrenblah :/
04:08.55Ktronso IE7b2 has tabbed, a search bar, and RSS Feeds, and a new interface that makes it look... just... like.... firefox....
04:09.13SP|Sorrenlearn from the best, imo.
04:09.16Violentnightlol can't beat 'em, join 'em?
04:09.38Cairennoh can we please not go there *again* today?
04:09.50ViolentnightIt still won't be open source or make 3rd party addons so easy to make, install, and configure
04:10.32KtronTime to restart for me too, catch you all in a bit
04:11.37Wobso when 'a' changes, so does 'x'?
04:12.54WobI've suddenly lost all my recollection of pointers =P If 'a' was a pointer to 'x', and you changed 'a', it would no longer point to 'x', wouldn't it?
04:13.22Violentnightyou can dereference 'a' to change the value it points to.. which is teh same value that 'x' points to
04:13.36Violentnightor you could change the address of 'a' to point to something else and, thereby, not affect x
04:13.46Violentnightbut I don't think LUA supports pointers
04:13.49Wobah, that's what I thought
04:14.14Wobgood ol' &a and *a
04:14.45SP|Sorreni meant being able toe deference a, yah
04:14.55SP|Sorreni cant type at all today
04:14.57SP|Sorrengg 2 midterms
04:15.03SP|Sorrenhas me tired out ;O
04:15.28Violentnightint b; int *ptrA = &b; ptrA = 8; // now b equals 8
04:16.49SP|Sorrenyes, but can you do such a thing in lua ;(
04:18.32SP|Sorrenunfortunate :(
04:18.53Violentnightpointers aren't secure... if LUA allowed them, then you could potentially access the WoW memory space.. amongst other things.. and reak all sorts of havo
04:19.10Wobwreak* =)
04:19.16Violentnightyeah that ^_^
04:19.20Violentnightyou can pass values by reference though
04:19.30Violentnighttable adn functions are passed by reference
04:20.31ViolentnightmyObject = {}; DoSomething(myObject); function DoSomething(object_param) = "hi"; end // now equals "hi"
04:20.41WobIf I put a table in two different tables, am I copying the table, or putting the reference in (ie changing one changes the one in the other table too)?
04:21.21Violentnightthe reference only comes into effect when passing into a function
04:21.28Woblike womble = {frog}, table.insert(cabbage, frog), table.insert(carrot, frog)
04:21.40Wobcomppletely incorrect example =P
04:21.47Wobalas =) Okay
04:22.19ViolentnightWhat are you trying to do? I'm sure there's a way to do it without pointers
04:22.45SP|Sorrenyes, but i just have to write a little more ;P
04:22.52SP|Sorreni was trying to be lazy
04:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
04:34.09ViolentnightAnyone know anything about the .pub and .sig files in the new Blizzard_<Addon> addons or why only the AuctionUI and MacroUI have .lua files and none have an .xml file?
04:37.07SP|Sorrenwell, my auctionUI doesn't have a lua file
04:37.09SP|Sorrenso i have no idea :P
04:37.12Violentnightthen again.. maybe I just somehow missed all the other .xml and .lua files
04:37.15SP|Sorrenif you extract from the mpq though
04:37.19SP|Sorrenyou get the lua and xml
04:37.37Violentnightyup--lookin at that now. I'm an idiot ^_^
04:37.44Violentnightstill don't know what those .pub and .sig files are though
04:38.12SP|Sorren./shrug, maybe thats what blizzard uses to make sure that they haven't been tampered w/
04:39.01Violentnightthat'd make sense for the .sig--but then what's the point of putting them under Addons instead of FrameXML with all their other stuff that we're not supposed to touch? =)
04:39.22SP|Sorrenthey're load on demand
04:39.48CairennI am just throwing out a random idea here, but remember that whole "digital signing" of mods that keeps being discussed? .sig might be for that?
04:39.55SP|Sorrenwhile the framexml ones are not
04:40.04SP|Sorreni sure hope not, that'd be horrible
04:40.17SP|Sorrenif i had to send in a mod for digital signing each time :(
04:40.23Violentnighthaven't heard of that, Cairenn
04:40.39SP|Sorrenhow would you get the mod to work in the first place if you had to get it signed to use it?
04:40.42CairennI mean, what's the abbreviation for a signature?  "sig" ...
04:40.44AnduinLotharmmm these Moonstones are good for marking positions in raids
04:41.06Cairenn(pure supposition on my part here)
04:41.57ViolentnightSilly blizzard and their random ideas
04:42.58ViolentnightCoding would be so much easier if I could just plug my brain into the USB port and have the code generated as the ideas came to mind
04:46.59SP|Sorrenthat sounds painful
04:47.00ViolentnightAnyone know what 'Duration' on an item means? I just noticed that my lunar festival scroll says 'Duration: 23 hours' on it
04:47.12Cairennit poofs after that time
04:47.33Violentnightoh.. bummer.. I was hoping to have a new way to get between cities than waiting for those blasted airships
04:48.26Violentnightwow.. I just went into my code and held down the 'a' button in hopes of rotating it to the left
04:50.42SP|Sorrenwhat do you plan to with your code rotated to the left :P
04:50.51Wobbackstab it =)
04:51.04Violentnightlol yeah... backstab it
04:51.09Cairennlol Wob
04:51.50ViolentnightI dunno.. it was just one of those things where my brain forgot what I was doing
04:52.08WobAlas. WoW freezes up when in the queue and not in the window =(
04:52.13Violentnightlike when I want cereal and grab a cup... or I'm thirsty and look in the cupboard
04:52.35Violentnightor I need to use teh restroom and head to the kitchen
04:53.20SP|Sorreni look in the cupboard when im thirsty.
04:53.24SP|Sorrenits where i hide my booze.
04:54.08SP|Sorreni dont remember how my addon works
04:54.23WobIt's got magic smoke in it =)
04:54.32SP|Sorrenim staring at my code
04:54.37SP|Sorrenand im like "WTF THIS CANT WORK"
04:54.38SP|Sorrenand it does
04:55.01ViolentnightHas anyone found a logical use for background and artwork layers? I generally have text or an image.. or both.. and I'm always debating on whether I should put 'em on the background or consider 'em artwork
04:55.12Wobargh, I so want to be able to use SQL queries on my inventory =P
04:55.28WobI look at my code and think "I could do this so simply with a query =("
04:55.29Violentnightcreate a SQL parser ^_^
04:56.08zespri|logI dont re,eber this kind of stuff all the time. Sometimes it's embarrasing. I had a job interview, and mentioned that we made original technical solution in my recent project. When they asked me to describe, I realized that I completely forgot what it was. It was really embarrasing and of course I didn't get that job.
04:56.38zespri|logMy brain gets rid of information it considers no longer relevant very fast
04:56.50SP|Sorrenmine too
04:56.52WobMine's more like ... code code code oohshiny...
04:57.00SP|Sorreni havent worked on this addon for months now
04:57.14SP|Sorrenle sigh~
04:57.40SP|Sorrenim really wishing i commented my code
04:57.57Violentnightsend it to me--I'll comment it for ya
04:58.14SP|Sorrenmeh, ill figure it out eventually
04:58.24Wob-- This function does Stuff (tm)
04:59.24Cairennoh lord - Saien is putting in his 2c worth on the "coding practices" thread
04:59.41SP|Sorreni have to see this ;O
05:00.18Cairennat the moment, he hasn't really said anything, surprisingly enough
05:00.20Violentnightwho's Saien? Is that the dude that talks like a Jamaican?
05:00.27SP|Sorrenwhy didnt i read this thread
05:00.40Cairennthat's Fizzwidget
05:00.44SP|Sorrennah saien writes all sorts of useful little mods, equipmanager and bgbuddy
05:00.47SP|Sorrenor maybe its bgassist
05:00.48SP|Sorreni forget
05:00.53Violentnightbecause I used my dark powers to obfuscate it from you, SP|Sorren
05:01.15SP|Sorreniriel makes it very clear that i can do what i was trying to do :P
05:01.31SP|Sorrenand be properly lazy
05:01.53Cairennsaien may be a good coder, but his attitude tends to suck, mightly
05:02.01WobDo you have a link, Cair?
05:02.02Tain~emulate Saien
05:02.03purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
05:02.27Wobta =)
05:02.30SP|Sorreni got that "high and mighty" impression from him when people requested features for autobar
05:02.31Cairennde nada
05:02.49Cairennhe definitely has a superiority complex
05:02.51SP|Sorrenand he was like "i designed it to do what i wanted it to do, stfugoaway"
05:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
05:03.03SP|Sorrenwell, maybe not the last part
05:03.05TainThe unfortunate thing is that people feed it.
05:03.06SP|Sorrenbut that was the impresion i got!
05:03.56Cairennwell, I strongly support that an author create *for themselves*, otherwise why bother ... but you can say "sorry, I'm not interested in adding that feature" a lot more politely than stfugoway
05:04.21WobHehe I like the guild names, Cairenn =)
05:04.32Violentnighttwo cents? that was more like half a penny
05:04.57Violentnightand lol @ the emulate Saien
05:05.13Cairenn~emulate Saien
05:05.15purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
05:05.16WobIt's like the Commodore 64 band "Press Play On Tape" =)
05:05.31Violentnightnever heard of 'em
05:05.38Cairenn~emulate Saien
05:05.40purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
05:06.00Cairenn~emulate Saien
05:06.01purlYou are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.
05:06.08Cairennah, there's my fav
05:06.22SP|Sorrenthats a good one
05:06.31ViolentnightI liked the first one
05:06.34Cairennthat's a direct quote
05:06.40Violentnightreally? lol
05:06.59SP|Sorrenhow does purl do this emulate stuff ;P
05:07.07TainThey all are direct quotes from him.
05:07.08Cairennhe's been programmed
05:07.15Cairenn~emulate me
05:07.17purlACTION purrs
05:07.17Wobwho can he emulate?
05:07.26Cairennwhoever has been programmed into him
05:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge AMD900 (
05:07.35Violentnight~emulate me
05:07.40Cairennyou haven't been
05:07.42WobCan we get a listing? =)
05:07.50SP|Sorren~emulate slouken
05:07.52purlACTION picks up a bug swatter ... *splat* ... *splat* ... Ewww, that was a big one...
05:08.03Violentnight~emulate Iriel
05:08.06purlACTION is beyond emulation.
05:08.10purlwell, slouken is an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
05:08.21purli guess cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
05:08.47purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now...
05:08.57Violentnighthis keyboard?
05:09.02Cairenn~emulate Tem
05:09.03purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
05:09.09Violentnightlol nice
05:09.54ViolentnightIt's amazing how little work I get done when I come into this channel
05:10.01ViolentnightI blame you all!
05:10.12Cairennit does tend to have that tendency, yes
05:10.14Violentnight.. and my lack of brain power
05:10.27Violentnightbut mostly.. well.. my brain power. But you all are still in there! Yes.
05:10.28Cairennerrr, that was rather redundant, now wasn't it?
05:11.06ViolentnightRedundant? Nah.. you're just stressing the point
05:11.10SP|Sorrenhe crashed and had a slight rollback
05:11.13zespri|logoops queue! since when wow has queues?
05:11.34SP|Sorrenshh, i transfered to mugthol. everyday when i get back from class im greeted w/ a 700+ queue
05:11.44zespri|logI heard of them but it's the first time I've expiriensed them myself
05:12.09Violentnighthehe.. I was getting queued everytime I tried to get on Archimonde last week
05:12.18Violentnightunless it was like 3AM
05:12.32Violentnighthaven't had a queue yet this week though
05:12.40zespri|logestimated time 11 minutes. Is it accurate or can be couple of hours?
05:13.00Cairennusually fairly accurate, from what I've seen
05:13.20SP|Sorrenthats because like half of archimond transfered to mug'thol
05:13.30Violentnightpretty accurate for me... but my friend, who was using a trial account, actually had her queue bounce all over the place--like 20 minutes to 2 hours to 5 minutes to 75 minutes
05:13.53Violentnightwhat's so special about Mug'thol?
05:14.16ViolentnightIs the world designed with a 'mug' theme? Free beer for all?
05:15.00WobI think the trial accounts are given less priority than a paid one
05:15.31ViolentnightThat's what I told her--but she made an awfully good point that, if that's the case, then it's going to be hard for someone to want to upgrade to a paid account
05:15.46Wobhehe yeah =)
05:15.50WobI've thought about that also
05:16.04WobThey should get priority tbh
05:16.12WobSo Blizzard at least gets the first $30
05:16.18Wobor however much
05:16.25Violentnightyou're gettin screwed
05:16.42WobI think it comes out to about roughly $20 or so for me =P
05:16.57Wobmaybe 17ish
05:17.06WobFeh, that's what automatic payment is for =P
05:17.24Violentnightit's 14.99/mo
05:17.30Violentnightfor a one month plan
05:17.35Cairennonly if you are in the US
05:17.45Cairennif you are elsewhere, it's higher
05:17.54Violentnightthat's stupid
05:18.04Cairennbecause of the exchange rate :p
05:18.09Violentnightshould be less since, from what I hear, you don't get a very good connection outside the US either
05:18.50Cairennit's still only $14.99/us, but it's the us -> {your currency} that makes it be higher
05:19.15Violentnightyeah... so how many people here aren't in the US?
05:20.08Violentnightso 66%? lol
05:20.09WobI should go for the 3 month payment
05:20.21Cairennlego, futrtrubl, id`, sarf, I know there are others
05:20.41ViolentnightWe Americans must be awful shitty coders
05:20.57AnduinLotharnever sure if i'm gonna have $ next month so i think i've payed $20 more than i've needed too in monthly
05:21.03Wobhow'd you come to that conclusion? =)
05:21.14zespri|logI'm in new zealand, but I use US servers.
05:21.16Cairennnorganna, when he's around
05:21.46WobWell... they're all US servers =P
05:21.50TainWarning shot fired across the starboard bow.
05:21.55ViolentnightWell from the time I've spent here--I think me and Tem are the only people in the U.S. here... and I know you're all more experienced than I am
05:22.10Cairennnope, lots of americans in channel too
05:22.13AnduinLotharim cali
05:22.26Cairenntain, AnduinLothar, Iriel
05:22.26Violentnightyay we got 3!
05:22.39AnduinLothaririel counts as 3
05:22.42Cairennalthough Iriel is a transplant
05:22.56Cairennhe's a Brit by birth
05:22.58ViolentnightI gotta ask 'cause it's been buggin me--Is Iriel male or female?
05:23.00TainTem isn't from the U.S.  He's from Crashadonia, which is a small town in Crashland.
05:23.29CairennIriel the *character* is female, the *person* behind the keys is male
05:23.30WobHe works as a Breaker Of Things. It's a tribal title
05:23.49Violentnightso he cross-dresses?
05:24.01Cairennnot in real life
05:24.12WobWell, not in public at least =)
05:24.30Cairennthere is one RL female in channel
05:24.31WobWho knows what evil lurks in the heart of men?!
05:24.37Wob(and women)
05:24.40ViolentnightI was looked at one of his mods and his name was listed as Daniel, but I always see the female avatar on the WoW forums so I'm always thinkin of him as a girl
05:24.44TainThere were more, but she killed them and took their power.
05:24.45Violentnightit's all sorts of perplexing and such
05:24.53WobThere can be only one?
05:24.57Violentnightlol Tain
05:25.02Cairennbah, not true
05:25.05TainNow we all serve the Queen Mother.
05:25.23Cairennoh lord, don't frigging even start on me :p
05:25.24Wob. o O ("We are not amused?")
05:25.55TainI have to get it in now, they could turn off my net connection at any time. :)
05:25.58ViolentnightSo is purl Cairenn's baby?
05:26.09Cairennpurl belongs to TimRiker
05:26.27Violentnightwho's he? I've never seen him
05:27.01Cairennone of the freenode admins
05:27.27purlit has been said that timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
05:27.49Violentnightwhat's gaffertape?
05:28.12Wobduct tape =)
05:28.15AnduinLotharsimilar to duct tape
05:28.17Violentnight"the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files" -- I hate acronyms
05:28.42CairennGeneral Public License'd SCO (company name)
05:28.53CairennABI I don't recognize *shrug*
05:29.04purlextra, extra, read all about it, abi is Application Binary Interface
05:29.12Wobhehe purl rocks =)
05:29.19purlrumour has it, sco is the new name for Caldera, and they're making right fools of themselves, or the antichrist, or supposed to sue linux users today, or a bunch of jerks
05:29.48purlit has been said that gpl is an awful and terrible license. you know stallman wants to do away with the LGPL entirely also
05:29.51Wobooh. "rumour has it"... nice and political =)
05:30.21Cairenn~wtf gpl
05:30.34Wob~wtf sco
05:30.42Violentnightdamn you purl!
05:30.52Violentnight~wtf purl
05:31.02purlpurl is probably not a bot
05:31.22Cairennpurl, what are you
05:31.24purlI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
05:31.34SP|Sorren~wtf blootbot
05:31.41Wobpurl, what is a blootbot?
05:31.44purlI think you lost me on that one, Wob
05:31.47Tain"How can I fake install CTRaid" that's a good one.
05:31.56Cairennyeah, I liked that too, Tain
05:32.02Violentnightpurl, what is blootbot?
05:32.05purlViolentnight: I think you lost me on that one
05:32.07SP|Sorrenmy ctraid is hard coded to return ready on ready checks!
05:32.37Woborright, enough messing about
05:32.45WobI have to get this damn sorting working before I go mad =P
05:32.48Violentnightpurl, how can I "see" blootbot?
05:33.09TainThe sorting hat?
05:33.15TainI think I was Hufflepuff.
05:33.29Wob~emulate eliza
05:33.34SP|Sorrenboo why are phase lashers so hard
05:33.35ViolentnightI'm Mr. Snufflewufflgus
05:34.54SP|Sorrenboo why did they hard link the mobs in dm east :(
05:34.57ViolentnightYa know.. some days, I can code all day long--ignoring food and sleep and bathing. And other days, when I really want to get some work done, I chat here in here and write a line of code every 30 minutes or so
05:35.13SP|Sorrenfeh, im doing that now
05:35.21SP|Sorrenno shame in that!
05:35.25AnduinLotharcode? I'm 'riding'
05:35.30Violentnightyes there is.. lol
05:35.39Violentnightriding? riding what?
05:35.46AnduinLotharcept my guild sucks so it's more like throwing away money to repair
05:35.49Cairenndon't answer that, I don't want to know
05:36.09AnduinLotharriding the wave!
05:36.15Violentnightyou're no fun, Cairenn =P
05:36.22TainI've had many a guild-raid to the equipment repairer.
05:36.30Cairennheh, you've *no* idea, Violentnight
05:36.56SP|Sorrenim trying to solo mobs in dm east for a libram of rapidity
05:37.06SP|Sorrenso far ive accured 6.1g in repair bills, according to titan
05:37.10SP|Sorrenfrom 3 deaths, lol
05:37.12Violentnightwait.. I'm confused... does that mean you're a ton of fun or less than not fun?
05:37.14TainFor some reason we always took the long way though, mucking around in Molten Core on our way to getting equipment repaired.
05:37.43WobMake repairbots =)
05:37.53Tainmmm Crown Royal
05:38.03SP|Sorreni think repairbots charge like 2x the normal amount
05:38.10WobThey charge? =(
05:38.12SP|Sorrenseriously ;O
05:38.13WobThat sucks
05:38.19SP|Sorrenafter you spend 20g to make one
05:38.23SP|Sorrenthey charge you to repair
05:38.24WobWhere does the money go? =P
05:38.28Cairennaren't I guys?
05:38.38SP|Sorrenit mails it to the goblin via rocket or something, i dunno
05:38.46Tain~hail Cairenn
05:38.47purlACTION bows down to Cairenn and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
05:39.01Violentnight~hail me
05:39.03purlACTION bows down to violentnight and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
05:39.14Violentnighttop of the world, ma!
05:39.16Cairenn~undead hand
05:39.18WobWoo! a double 6!
05:39.38Cairennhey, who took out the undead hand?
05:39.53Violentnightwhat's the undead hand?
05:39.59Violentnight~hand undead
05:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
05:40.26Tain~lart Violentnight
05:40.46Violentnight"There's nothing you and I won't do. I'll stop the world I left with you."
05:40.54Violentnight..... pa-tooey!
05:41.54Violentnight~lart laksjdalksdj
05:41.57Cairennpurl:    Desc: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
05:41.58Cairennpurl:   Usage: lart [#chan] <who>
05:42.00Cairennpurl: Example: lart lenzo infobot's bugginess
05:42.02Cairennpurl: Example: lart #perl everyone perl \=\= lamerville
05:43.18Cairennrlart = random lart, ~lart = purl tells you what it means, ~lart <name> = purl doing something nasty to someone
05:43.45ViolentnightI gathered that already, Cairenn ^_^
05:44.12SP|Sorrencurses! my roommate is downloading something huge and now i have 900+ ping in game :(
05:44.15Cairennwell, you never know, you're a programmer (to one degree or another) after all
05:46.16Cairenncoders frequently need things explained to them, in simple, short, easy to understand words
05:46.27Violentnightoooooh now I get it!
05:46.32SP|Sorren./sigh, up to 8g in repairs now
05:47.19Violentnightall this time, I thought it was just 'cause I'm dense
05:47.54Cairennhrm, guys, am I being too rough on the new guy? he's been in here more than once, though, so I figured he was fair game by now ...
05:48.00Violentnightstill.. if you let me play around with something for a bit, I can pick it up fairly easily ^_^
05:51.03WobWhen I see the words "cup" and "boxing" in the same reference, I think support cup =P
05:51.13Violentnightthat was the idea, Wob ^_^
05:51.31WobSo.. why are you drinking from it?
05:51.37Violentnightit's like.. double-meaning
05:51.45Violentnightit could be as upport cup.. or a drinking cup.. you pick
05:51.59Wobwaaay to subtle for me =P
05:52.19ViolentnightI get that alot... still don't understand it
05:53.02Violentnightnever considered myself to be a subtle person
05:53.16Violentnightin any event.. I think I KO'd Cairenn.. so yay for me!
05:53.32Violentnighthey you.. stay down!
05:53.58CairennI was just asking a stupid question in a different channel
05:54.04Violentnightew.. backwash
05:54.44ViolentnightIt's okay, Cairenn.. you can ask your questions here.. we all had to figure out where babies come from sooner or later ^_^
05:55.03Cairennrofl, again with the "you have no idea"
05:55.25Cairennmy daughter turns 18 this coming wednesday, I think I know where babies come from
05:55.34Violentnightlol nice
05:56.03Violentnightnot nice?
05:56.27Violentnightwell.. you are only as old as you feel
05:56.28Cairennmy baby is turning 18 ... gawd
05:56.46Violentnightso drink some sugar milk and chipper up!
05:56.53Violentnightmmmmm.. sugar milk
05:57.03SP|Sorrenshe can vote!
05:57.17SP|Sorrenjust in the time for the 2006 stuffs!
05:57.21Cairennoh. she is SO mad about that
05:57.28WobIf she was in another country, she could drink!
05:57.37TainSilly they don't vote in Canadia, it's a communist socialist dictatorship.
05:57.42ViolentnightI turned 18 just in time to vote for the Gore/Bush election... boy was that ever a sad day in American history
05:57.44Cairennshe missed voting in our federal election by less than 2 weeks
05:57.53SP|Sorrenah :<
05:57.59SP|Sorrenoh right you're in canada
05:58.06SP|Sorrenwhats the drinking age in canada?
05:58.09Violentnightgotta be 21 to drink in America
05:58.13Cairenndepends on the province
05:58.30TainDrinking age?  She has to be 18 or I won't even thinking about taking a sip.
05:58.33CairennOntario is 19, Quebec is 18 ... where we live, Quebec is the other side of the river from us
05:58.37Violentnightyou can smoke, vote, and get drafted into the army 18.. btu you still can't have a beer
05:58.48pagefaultyeah everyone in ottawa goes to quebec to get drunk
05:58.56Cairennshe can't legally buy cigs yet though, 19 for those
05:59.04Cairennpf, yup, pop across to hull
05:59.05TainI thought they did that to try to forget that they live in Ottawa.
05:59.23pagefaultI think it's cheaper too
05:59.25CairennI want to take her out clubbing next weekend, but she doesn't want to
05:59.25pagefaultno lcbo
05:59.37Violentnightbtw Tain, "communist socialist dictatorship" -- way too many big words. Don't do that!
05:59.57Violentnightmy dad wanted to take me to nudey bars when I turned 18.. lol
05:59.58TainA large-sounding vocabulary embiggens the common man!
06:00.27Violentnightyeah, but if ya don't use it right you'll sound like an idiot to the rest of the population ^_^
06:00.31Violentnight--like my mom does
06:01.12Cairennbut, since she doesn't want to go clubbing, I'll just pour her one here at home, per usual
06:01.24TainI'll drink to that.
06:01.46Violentnightyou'd drink to breathing!
06:02.03TainAnd sometimes to not-breathing.
06:02.05Wobexcept you can't do both at the same time
06:02.06TainBut only for short periods of time.
06:02.36TainAhh beer, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
06:02.55Cairennbleh, no
06:03.06Cairennbeer sucks :p
06:03.19TainYeah I rarely drink beer, but I couldn't just change the quote.
06:03.20SP|Sorrenim rather fond of it ;P
06:03.40Violentnightyou could say alcohol instead of beer
06:03.47Violentnightand if that was a quote, you should quote it
06:03.50Violentnightand cite it!
06:04.13Violentnight"Ahh [alcohol], the cause of and solution to all of life's problems." --some dude
06:04.54TainBut that would be giving credit to someone else.
06:05.03SP|Sorreni loved the family guy episode, where they show ancient ireland b4 the discovery of alcohol
06:05.08Cairennor we could just use the expression and not worry about it :p
06:05.20SP|Sorrenand it was all utopian, and everything ;O
06:05.52Violentnightlol yeah that was funny, Sorren
06:05.57ViolentnightFamily Guy is the best
06:10.58Cairennoh, btw, thanks for the suggestions on the watches, guys ... found a really nice one, water proof to 100m (330-some feet), titanium, by seiko
06:11.16Cairennfor just under $300
06:11.38ViolentnightAre the 'Truth' commercials aired in Canada?
06:12.08Cairenndamn site better than the $990 for the Tag Haeur I had been looking at
06:12.58CairennI liked Tag Haeur before they became known by "popular culture" ... the price on them was a lot better then =/
06:13.12ViolentnightThat's exactly how I feel about Legos
06:13.16CairennViolentnight: "truth"?
06:13.51Endanti-smoking ad campaign I think
06:14.00Cairennah, those? yeah
06:14.24Cairennused to be, Tag Haeur was only known by serious divers
06:14.31ViolentnightI love their latest one... "Big Tobacco" donated an estimate of 125,000 towards charity and then spent 24 million telling people that they did it
06:14.43TainI like these watches though.  (Not for diving.)
06:15.24TainOne tells time as, "Nearly 1 thirty"
06:15.27Tain"A bit past 2"
06:16.06Cairennoh those are fantastic Tain!
06:16.12Violentnightlol they're weird
06:16.15CairennI love the "nearly, a bit past, etc"
06:17.02TainWatches for real life. :)
06:17.10Violentnightso when someone has 2 minutes to live and you tell 'em "oh, it's late of 1 fifteen" -- that's not quite helpful
06:17.51TainIf someone has 2 minutes to live they shouldn't focus on such minor details.
06:18.24ViolentnightThey're a neat idea, but they'd drive me crazy
06:18.34Cairenno.m.g.  SO want one of those now!
06:18.37ViolentnightI need to know that it's like 1:27:30
06:18.43Endhow the hell are you so exact to say "you have two minutes to live"? are you about to kill them?
06:18.52Violentnightlmao @ End
06:18.52TainI love both of them, Cairenn. :)
06:19.30Endhmmm... the /topic needs to have a pun in it
06:19.33Cairenngod, where can you get those? that SO rocks!
06:20.16Violentnightgood question
06:21.11SP|Sorreni need a watch that i dont have to look at
06:21.14Violentnightthey'd probably get alot more business if the site mentioned that
06:21.27SP|Sorrenim broken when it comes to wearing a watch, if im wearing one ill look at it every 2-3 minutes
06:21.29ViolentnightSP|Sorren: Like one with a USB cable that plugs into your brain so you always know exactly what time it is?
06:21.40SP|Sorrenyes, those
06:21.52Violentnighthaha.. I do that too
06:22.00ViolentnightI haven't worn a watch since like.. 2nd grade
06:22.11SP|Sorrenthe only time i wear a watch is when im on a tour
06:22.14AnduinLotharpocket watches are the way to go
06:22.23SP|Sorrenso i know when to come back after they say "okay you have 20 minutes to go buy stuff!'
06:22.23Violentnightand my email has to be checked like every 5 minutes even though I only get a message once a week or so
06:22.25AnduinLotharor use ur cell
06:22.38SP|Sorrenso glancing at it every 2-3 minutes has become ingrained when i wear it
06:22.42Violentnightyeah.. I use my cell when I'm out
06:22.46TainOh wow I just found these from another link where I saw those watches.
06:24.54Violentnightoh--the FAQ says teh watches aren't yet being manufactured
06:25.11SP|Sorrenanyone here have any idea how to write a ventrillo overlay? :p
06:25.27Wobis there any way to set a key with a space in it for a table? like having 'Trade Goods' as a key?
06:25.33Violentnightsure it's simple.. start with the letter 'A' and take it from there: "a ventrillo overlay"
06:25.57SP|Sorrenyou can have a key called "trade goods"
06:25.59SP|Sorrenif you watned
06:25.59ViolentnightWob, object.key = object["key"] .. so do object["Trade Goods"]
06:26.10SP|Sorrenbut you wouldn't be able to access it w/ a .
06:26.14SP|Sorrenyou gotta do the long way ;p
06:26.21Wobheh, okies
06:26.23ViolentnightSyntactic Sugar!
06:26.26Violentnight^ awesome phrase
06:28.06Cairenn~whaleslap Violentnight
06:28.07purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Violentnight over the head with it.....
06:28.11SP|Sorrendo you prefer hotdogs or polish sausages?
06:28.33SP|Sorreni think the latter has more flavor and less junk in it
06:28.45TainDefinitely polish sausage.
06:28.48SP|Sorrenever since i watched a show on food network on how they made hotdogs i havne't eaten any
06:28.53TainI don't know if there's less junk, but definitely the flavor.
06:28.54ViolentnightDo polish sausages mean the same thing as hot dog?
06:29.03SP|Sorrenthey're different
06:29.14SP|Sorrenbut they both can be put in a bun and layered with condiments.
06:29.21SP|Sorrencostco sells both!
06:29.24Violentnightkay.. then I've never had a polish sausage--and the name makes me think of something that I would not want in my mouth
06:29.46SP|Sorrenyou people have dirty minds.
06:29.48TainDon't bite your tongue, bite a sausage!
06:30.03Violentnightpeople? it's not just me?
06:30.16Violentnight <<<< best episode ever!
06:30.29Violentnightpidgey pidgey pidgey.. potato!
06:31.02SP|Sorrenim not such a big fan of foamy
06:31.25ViolentnightFoamy is my god.. and I've converted a half dozen people in his name
06:32.29Violentnightpill popper.. popopopopopoo boom!
06:33.30Violentnightstupid WoW keeps booting me even when I'm not doing anything!
06:36.07Violentnightfunction SomeFunc() myVar = {}; end --what's the scope of myVar?
06:37.35SP|Sorrenglobal as far as i know
06:38.34ViolentnightThat's what I'm thinking too, but that seems wrong
06:42.03SP|Sorrenits not global?
06:43.04ViolentnightI dunno.. just thinking of other languages--if you define a variable inside a function, that variable isn't accessible outside of the function
06:44.29SP|Sorrenits global in lua
06:44.36SP|Sorrenunless you slap a local in front of it!
06:44.39SP|Sorrenas far as i know
06:44.53AnduinLothardefault global
06:45.05AnduinLotharunless it's part of a for statement
06:45.12AnduinLotharor a func arg
06:45.32AnduinLotharor previously designated as a local :
06:45.59Violentnightso .. for i = 1, 10, do ... i is local to the for loop?
06:46.41Violentnightnice... I was getting mad that WoW kept yelling at me for saying .. for local i = 1, 10 do
06:47.43futrtrublnight all
06:47.51Cairennnight futrtrubl
06:47.53Cairennnight all
06:48.03Violentnightg'night, Cairenn
06:48.13TainGoodnight Cairenn
06:48.17futr-sleepnight Cair
06:49.11Violentnightlocal children = { obj:GetChildren() }; for _,child in children do -- if there are no children, will it just skip the FOR block?
06:49.21Violentnightor should I run a check on the number of children first?
07:09.29AnduinLotharif a table is empy it will skip
07:09.47AnduinLothardont think { obj:GetChildren() } works tho
07:13.11Violentnightit does (as far as I can tell)... it's how Iriel showed me how to iterate through children
07:19.56TemFrame.GetChildren  returns a table anyway
07:20.18Temso you could do for _,child in Frame:GetChildren() do ... end
07:20.53Temnow if you aren't certain that that frame has children you will want to use a prebuilt empty table
07:21.07Temso assume you have a local EMPTYTABLE = {}
07:21.26Temfor _,child in (Frame:GetChildren() or EMPTYTABLE) do ... end
07:23.09Violentnightfor _,child in obj:GetChildren() do
07:23.18Violentnightreports "Invalid key for Next"
07:24.20Violentnightwhen obj = UIParent
07:24.35AnduinLothardon't add and remove from a table you're for looping
07:25.23ViolentnightI still get the error when I don't have any code inside the FOR block
07:26.18AnduinLotharlike i said. i dont think obj:GetChildren() does what you think it does
07:26.48Violentnightthat's exactly what Iriel said--which is why he had me do children = { obj:GetChildren() }
07:27.07Violentnightin order to iterate through the child objects of a parent object
07:27.21AnduinLothari don't think that works either, but i spose he would know
07:27.46Violentnightwhat do you use?
07:28.34AnduinLothari haven't itterated them before, but if they return comma'd like that you can always make a sub function and ... -> arg table them
07:28.50AnduinLotharnot sure if that's neccissary tho and cant test atm
07:30.50Violentnightmeh.. well I'm pretty sure what Iriel said is working properly. Using it in a recursive function and pritning out the name of each object that it hits gives me more results than the chat frame can hold
07:31.01ViolentnightI think Tem is just screwin with me
07:31.37AnduinLotharright. recursive would work
07:31.58TemRecursion can be a bad idea here
07:32.06Temyou might blow the stack
07:32.20AnduinLothartrue. i would still use my table idea
07:32.34TemViolentnight, It's my understanding that frame:GetChildren() returns a table with the children
07:32.35Violentnighthow else would I get teh children's children's children?
07:32.51Tema for loop
07:33.12Temit can be a slight pain to do it that way
07:33.27Tembut you avoid the risk of deeply nested tables
07:33.37Temer, deeply nested frames
07:34.17Violentnighta for loop would iterate through an object's children.. not the children of the children of the object, et cetera
07:34.33Violentnightunless I nest the for loops X levels deep--which would mean I'd need to know how many levels deep teh frames are ahead of time
07:34.56Temyou create a "queue"
07:35.07Temand add children to it as you encounter them
07:35.21Violentnighthow would I encounter them?
07:35.30End-sleepTem: it isn't a table that it returns (well technically it returns multiple tables, but that's not the point), it just returns the multiple children, thus the { frame:GetChildren() }
07:35.53Temwell I thought it was already wrapped in a table
07:35.58AnduinLothari still dont think that syntax works in lua but w/e
07:36.05AnduinLotharno it's not
07:36.06End-sleepit isn't, I just checked :P
07:36.09Violentnightlol AnduinLothar
07:36.16AnduinLotharis frame1, frame2, frame3 etc
07:36.22TemAnduinLothar, you are wrong; that syntax works just fine
07:36.36Temfor _,child in {frame:GetChildren()} do ... end
07:37.09Violentnightyeah, that should work
07:37.19AnduinLotharok i tried it for another func a while back and it wasn't working, perhaps i did somehting wrong
07:37.24zeeghrmm what do you guys think of the idea of giving away a WoW: CE as first prize in a "Makeover WoW Guru" contest? (Site design)
07:37.30Violentnightstill don't see how I'd get the children's children's children's...
07:37.52ViolentnightWorld of Warcraft: Collector's Edition?
07:38.01zeegits worth 500+ on ebay I believe
07:38.11Temzeeg, just gimme the soundtrack and I'll be happy
07:38.16SP|Sorrenarg, traversals
07:38.22ViolentnightI think I'd rather have the 500 bucks, since I already have the game ^_^
07:38.26SP|Sorreni screwed up a tree traversal today on my comp sci midterm :<
07:38.29AnduinLothari just ripped the music from the mpq
07:38.41Temthat's an excellent idea AnduinLothar
07:38.56zeegCE also give syou the unique pet or w/e though
07:38.58Temholy cow SP|Sorren, you guys are already at midterm?
07:39.03fatbrainAnduinLothar: What did you use to *extract* the music?
07:39.07AnduinLothari have music cd's from starcraft, warcraft 2 and wc3 that i did that way too
07:39.38AnduinLotharmpq2k. but winmpq should work too
07:40.02Violentnight'night, end
07:40.07fatbrainI don't like those apps, worse GUI ever.
07:40.07SP|Sorrenthere are still CE editions out there?
07:40.13SP|Sorreni shoulda bought like 5, now that i think about it
07:40.23AnduinLotharlimit was 1 at the time
07:40.33zeegSP|Sorren, we have like 9
07:40.37Violentnightzeeg: but it doesn't do anything--it's just a gimmick for people with small brains and big pockets ^_^
07:40.42zeegand some other stuff, like a signed poster etc. i cant remember
07:40.49zeegViolentnight, its nice to have though
07:40.51SP|Sorreni coulda gone to several places and picked them up
07:40.58zeegidk ill talk it over w/ my boss, but i need a redesign and maybe that could help
07:41.11AnduinLothari have my manual signed by various blizz peeps. no one too important tho
07:41.25SP|Sorrenwell would it cost more than $500 to redesign your site?
07:41.28Violentnightif you have an abundance of them, I'm sure there are some people that'd like one--but, personally, I hate CEs
07:41.31SP|Sorrenif you hired someone?
07:41.37zeegSP|Sorren, probably not
07:41.41zeegprobably 400 or less
07:41.45Violentnightthough I could always auction it off then ^_^
07:41.45zeeg(i wouldnt pay over 400)
07:41.52SP|Sorrenthen it seems like a loss to give away a CE edition
07:41.59SP|Sorreneven though that's more in line with being a community site ;P
07:42.10zeegSP|Sorren, ya and its a community site
07:42.15zeegi meant
07:42.23zeegand it's more geared towards wow players than money
07:42.30zeegi could give away a year of wow or some bullshit :P
07:42.40SP|Sorrena year of wow is considerably cheaper
07:42.42SP|Sorrenlike 150$
07:42.46SP|Sorrenand goes w/ the community style
07:42.52zeegunless they have better packages
07:42.56zeegi was just thinking 30 day gametime cards
07:42.59SP|Sorreni pay 77 for 6 mo
07:43.00SP|Sorreni think
07:43.01zeegerr 60 day
07:43.04zeegim tired leave me alone :(
07:43.15zeeghrmm maybe i could do a CE for first prize
07:43.18zeegand a year sub for runner up
07:43.28SP|Sorrenshows dedication to community ;P
07:43.38SP|Sorrenbut what are they going to do w/ a CE edition?
07:43.42SP|Sorren]sell it on ebay? :P
07:43.43AnduinLotharsell it
07:43.52zeegsell it, collect it, who knows
07:43.53SP|Sorreneveryone who goes to your site generally has a copy of WoW ;P
07:44.13AnduinLothari've never actually used my wow cd's
07:44.17zeegcan you think of anything better as a prize?
07:44.29zeegim not gonna give out $500 in cash :)
07:44.31Violentnightmoney ^_^
07:44.50Violentnightwhat site is this?
07:45.01SP|SorrenAnduinLothar: do you have the beta client?
07:45.24SP|Sorreninstall, at least? :p
07:45.29AnduinLotharmmm not any more i dont think. i upgraded from stress test
07:46.01SP|Sorrenwow you've never had to reinstall or anything?
07:46.12AnduinLotharno, i have a mac
07:46.26SP|Sorrenwow LGBT issues seem to be real hot right now on the forums, even slashdot's picked it up(again)
07:46.51AnduinLothari made a copy to my ipod tho. it's deleted atm tho
07:46.59SP|Sorrenlol 8)
07:47.18AnduinLotharused to play it at my parents house over firewire from my ipod hd
07:47.52SP|Sorrenwow :P
07:48.17AnduinLotharbut i only have a 10gig and im an audiophile... needed my music more
07:48.51ViolentnightTem: I'm not understanding much of this example ^_^ hehe
07:49.15TemI don't remember it being a particularly easy one to follow
07:49.26Tembut it's the only one I've got
07:49.39Temand I'm far too tired to write one;  I'd screw it up
07:50.09Tembut the basic idea is that you have a queue of tables to iterate through
07:50.25Temand initially it just has your toplevel table
07:50.43Temas you iterate and find sub-tables, you add them to the queue
07:51.08Temfor table traversal you would need to be careful of cycles, but in your case that's not possible
07:51.45Temso add the children to the queue as you are iterating through them
07:52.15Violentnighthrmm.. makes a little sense
07:52.17Temlet me see if I can write something simple
07:52.22ViolentnightI gotta read up on table methods
07:52.26Tembut if I screw up you'll have to bother me tomorrow
07:52.36Violentnighthehe.. fair enough
07:53.18Violentnightzeeg: you still around? What about giving tickets away to a gamer convention or something like that?
07:54.47SP|Sorrenyou should give away tickets to the next blizzcon
07:54.54SP|Sorreni'd try to throw up a site design for that :P
07:55.16SP|Sorrengranted, it wouldnt win, but i'd try anyway :)
07:55.44Violentnightyeah.. Blizzcon or that other big one.. I forget when they are though. If they just passed, it might not be that good of an idea
07:56.10zeege3 is media only
07:56.15zeegblizzcon ya, but it's already passed
07:56.35ViolentnightGet 'em media passes ^_^
07:56.53SP|Sorreni hope someday to attend e3 on a developer pass :O
07:57.04zeegViolentnight, that'd get them and me kicked out :)
07:57.25Violentnightdeveloper pass? maybe that's how my school gets there... I'm pretty sure E3 is what they always refer to the "big party" event
07:57.32Violentnightand then there's another where people actually discuss important stuff
07:58.00zeeggdc or w/e
07:58.20zeeggame developers conference
07:59.02Violentnightyeah that!
07:59.16zeegE3 is supposed to be media only, which doesn't include developers
07:59.19TemI messed up
07:59.26zeegnot saying it stays that way
07:59.29Violentnightmake up your minds!
07:59.30zeegbut thats what its supposed to be
07:59.36SP|Sorrendevelopers go to show stuff to the media
07:59.46zeegSP|Sorren, only a few
07:59.49SP|Sorreni know ;o
07:59.52zeegbut those are with the exhibitors
08:00.11SP|Sorrenim pretty sure they're allowed to wander around when they're not busy selling their tech ;o
08:00.16SP|Sorrenor fixing their tech
08:00.30zeegthat's not what im saying
08:00.43zeegyou'd have to be part of an exhibit or w/e to get in like that
08:00.44Violentnightthanks, Tem... much simpler.. I'll see if I can get it working and bug ya tomorrow when I inevitably can't get it to do what I want
08:00.47zeegotherwise you gotta be media
08:00.55SP|Sorreni know, i hope to have my own exhibit someday.
08:00.59TemViolentnight: hehe, sure
08:01.01SP|Sorrenin the far flung future ;P
08:01.09SP|Sorrenof dreamworld ;)
08:01.43Violentnighthehe... well is there something else like E3 that's for the public?
08:02.16ViolentnightI'm horrible with details, but I know my teachers describe it as a party and recommend that, once you get in, you lean against a wall and wait a couple minutes while all the flashing lights and loud music soak into your head
08:02.27zeegthere's gencon but that's not games
08:02.35ViolentnightAnd they say GDC is more important, but to attend it at least once so you know what it's like
08:02.39zeege3 is a very big thing
08:02.45zeegbut its geared at media and yhou're supposed to be media if you go
08:03.34ViolentnightYeah... I'm 95% sure it's E3 that they're talking about. We are a gaming college--maybe they make an exception for us or something
08:03.54zeegnope :P
08:04.07ViolentnightI don't have much interest in it so I never sought out any details
08:04.14zeegitll be fun, this year will be my first
08:04.22zeegbut i think you have to have some kind of media credentials to get in
08:04.35Violentnightwhen is it?
08:05.17TainGDC is now more of what E3 used to be.
08:05.47TainAt least as far as real information instead of just big walking commercials.
08:06.29Violentnightlol yeah
08:06.39TainBut GDC isn't about what's coming, it's more about what's current.
08:07.09ViolentnightGDC is the place to go to get business connections and get your name out there
08:07.19Violentnightand E3 is the party
08:07.41TainOf course the GDC after-hours parties aren't all that bad. ;)
08:08.10zeegDoes GDC even allow media?
08:08.11ViolentnightE3 is in our school's calendar, but there isn't any info yet about attending--I'll have to ask someone about it next week, if I can remember that long
08:08.15TainFriday night booth-crawl with free beer in giant Playstation cups.  Mmmmm mmm good.
08:08.54zeegTain, you've beento GDC?
08:09.05TainYes I have.
08:09.15zeegIs it open or something?
08:09.16ViolentnightAccording to the E3 FAQ ( ), you just have to be in the industry to attend.
08:09.18zeegi thought it was devs only
08:09.23zespri|logwhy, oh why arrow keys all of sadden top turning camera and start turning my toon only??? this happens quite freqently and during a fight especcialy in an instance it's just sooooo frustrating. And I don't know how to fix it without relogon...
08:09.26TainGDC isn't open, no.
08:09.29zeeghrm maybe i was wrong Violentnight
08:09.33zeegTain, what is it you do exactly?
08:09.43zeegViolentnight, i thought you had to be media,, guess you're right
08:09.49zeegah, im thinking of the passes
08:09.58zeegmedia get in free
08:10.05Violentnightooh.. well that's special too :-P
08:10.05Wobdeclaring an empty two dimensional array is MyArr = {{}} ?
08:10.27TainI still get GDC info every year, but I haven't been able to get back there since I moved back to the east coast. :(
08:10.29Violentnight.. really?
08:10.34Violentnight{{}} doesn't look right
08:10.38AnduinLotharis the same thing
08:10.38zeegTain, what'd you go for?
08:10.45zeeglike, what do/did you do
08:10.51Wobhrm... okay
08:11.06TainI was an editor at the time.
08:11.11Temyou can't easily declare a 2d table like you are thinking
08:11.24Temyou would have to loop through it and it would be ugly
08:11.39Violentnightzespri|log: no idea.. I have a similar problem--my toon will start spinning in circles without me touching anything. But if I hold down both mouse buttons, he walks forward and stops
08:11.43zeegan editor as in journalist?
08:12.03zeeghrm i could go to GDC, its in March
08:12.07zespri|logViolentnight, did you find a way to stop this, when it happens?
08:12.16WobI've put it so if it doesn't have the first element, it'll set it up with an empty table in that element
08:12.18zeegbut it seems like a waste fo money for me
08:12.20TainYes, I was reporting on it.
08:12.21Violentnight.. I hold down both mouse buttons, he walks forward and stops
08:12.29AnduinLotharheh. buffbot blows up if you're targetting a non combat pet of a person in your party
08:12.34zeegso GDC is for media?
08:12.39Wobie if (not womble[x]) then womble[x] = {}
08:12.50ViolentnightWob, yup
08:12.50zeegdoesnt reallyh seem like it would be all that.. idk worthwhile for what they do
08:13.03TainGDC is not for the media.
08:13.16TemViolentnight: be carefull with the traversal I just did..
08:13.20zespri|logoh. it's a bit different from what I have. Mine spins only when i press arrow keys. if I walk it doesn't change anything, when I use arrow keys again instead turning camera it just spins the toon =(
08:13.29Violentnightyeah.. 'cause the media's coverage of the gaming world is hateful! .. Them bastards
08:13.38TemI converted it over to normal tables for the hell of it and even if you create a cyle, it never blows the stack
08:13.41Temit just loops forever
08:13.47Temblocking code ftw!
08:13.48zeegTain, you just said you went as a journalist, that is media.
08:14.09TainIt's pretty simple to see whether it's "worth it" to you or not, the conference highlights are listed right on the GDC main page.
08:14.11Violentnightzespri|log: Weird.. I've never used the arrow keys to spin the camera--in the rare event that I want to look around, I hold down the left mouse button and use that
08:14.11Temanyway, I'm out
08:14.14Temlater guys
08:14.23TainSee ya Tem.
08:14.38zeegTain, you went as an editor, and the conference is for devs, but not media.. doesn't make a lot of sense IMO
08:14.57Violentnightwhat's ftw?
08:15.02ViolentnightWhy'd Tem just give me an infinite loop and leave? lol
08:15.19TainThat's ok zeeg, that's why you don't understand what I was there for.
08:15.40zespri|logViolentnight, arrow case for me is the primary device when I walk my char... I always move in the game world by using arrow keys
08:15.58zeegYou told me you were there as a journalist, an editor, but an editor doesnt usually write (as far as I know), and is also media related. Doesn't make a lot of sense
08:16.33ViolentnightMake a post about it on the WoW forums, zespri|log--maybe someone else has had the problem and can help you more.. or a dev can look into it.
08:17.10Violentnightzeeg, I'm just as confused as you... maybe it's one of those situations where he'd have to kill you if he told you, so he's trying to confuse you instead ^_^
08:17.13TainWell see, sometimes the media reports on things that aren't actually directed solely at the media.
08:17.31TainActually now that I think about it, that's generally what the media does.
08:17.34zeegthen media go to it, therefore it'd be a media even
08:17.47zeegjust like E3...
08:18.02zespri|logI'm just wondering, if I was to bind a key on purpose - to spin a toon without moving camera, how would I do so? It may be some kind of addon going nuts, but to look for it I need to understand how this is possible in principle
08:18.33TainJust because someone goes to an event does not make it an event directed at them.
08:18.53zeegwhy would they allow media into the event if it was not geared for media coverage
08:19.08TainBecause that's what the media does.
08:19.11zeegMost of the time, when something's public, it's because they want PR
08:19.22TainOr it's.. you know, real life.
08:19.24zeegTain, ok so you said you were a developer and they let you in?
08:19.51TainI'm pretty sure people aren't over in Iraq reporting on what's going on because the middle-east is lookign for PR.
08:20.11zeegno but a conference isnt public, unless they make it that way
08:20.15zeegso its up to them if they let you in
08:20.25zeegand if they let media in, it would then lead you to assume it's geared for media coverage
08:20.27TainIt wasn't a puglic event.
08:20.33TainOr public, eitiher.
08:20.35zeegIt looks pretty public to me
08:20.39zeegand sounds like it from what you say
08:20.50zeegAnd on their passes page it seems I could easily buy a pass and go
08:20.54TainTruly you have a dizzying way of... interpreting things.
08:20.56zeegthey have an expo.. seems like a more technical E3
08:21.20Violentnightmaybe he attended as a normal person and not as a journalist..?
08:21.27zeegViolentnight, he said he went as an editor
08:21.40zeegwhat's the expo consist of Tain?
08:21.45Violentnightzespri|log: dunno.. I've never done that stuff
08:21.50zeegme either
08:21.55zeegI was going to go to Blizzcon but had other plans
08:21.58zeegE3 will be my first
08:22.02TainI guess us simple minded folks just don't complicate things so much.
08:22.20zeegTain, it honestly seems like you're purposely trying to complicate things vs explaining..
08:22.52TainIt's a pretty simple concept.
08:22.55TainSomething happens.
08:23.00TainSomeone reports on it.
08:23.05zeegso it's a media event
08:23.11zeegjust like e3
08:23.14zeegbut more technical
08:23.17zeegis there something im missing?
08:24.00ViolentnightPress are allowed to attend, but it's not geared towards press.
08:24.10ViolentnightIt's geared towards developers
08:24.15TainI'll just chalk it up to you misusing the term, "media event" and be done with it.
08:24.32zeegViolentnight, I would assume that anything public is made that way in order to attract PR
08:25.12zeegactually reading their stuff
08:25.12ViolentnightPretty much.. if they didn't allow press, people might start thinking that there some sort of anti-government conspiracy going on.
08:25.16zeegseems like this is like a geeks party :p
08:25.23Violentnightnow you're getting it!
08:25.24zeegViolentnight, i would assume they'd simple invite people
08:25.25zeegbut idk
08:26.09ViolentnightPretty much anyone with enough money can attend ($1625 for a VIP pass)
08:26.42zeeg175 for expo pass
08:28.00ViolentnightI'm headin to bed.. 'night all
08:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
08:28.16Ktronhey everyone, need some quick help for a friend
08:28.38KtronI want to tell him how to write something along the lines of
08:29.47Ktronwell, anyone know the LUA, macro, or flexbar command to equip a weapon offhand
08:33.12KtronAnyone at all?
08:42.00Wober 17
08:43.48AnduinLotharWOOT! Just got myself a [Halberd of Smiting] !
08:44.07AnduinLotharDoomsaw on steriods
08:49.44zeegwe have something very similar that's been in the works.. forever
08:49.48zeegbut doesnt use google api
08:49.50AnduinLotharlol ya
08:50.13AnduinLothart fast enough
08:50.34zeegdidnt have enough time is more like it :(
08:50.39zeegits actually done minus the map points
08:50.43zeegbeen that way for probably 6 months
08:50.57zeegwe were trying to come up w/ some kind of world coordinates system
08:51.18zeegthats a bit slow though
08:51.42fatbrainA global coordinate system?
08:52.15fatbrainwhat's so problematic about it?
08:52.26zeega) i dont know lua
08:52.33zeegb) i dont know how you'd go about making on
08:52.55fatbrainheh, ya, that's two big problems.
09:08.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
09:40.22Codayushmm, wiped at 3% on Thekal
09:46.08SP|Sorrenanyone know the name of the frame that contains overhead damage that you do to your target is called?
09:58.38pagefaultanyone know where there are no doomguards to be found in the blasted lands
09:58.47pagefaultI am supposed to farm them for a spell
09:59.24pagefaultah nm
10:04.38SP|Sorrenyou find them alrite?
10:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:32.09*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
11:35.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
11:50.13AnduinLotharYou crit Ice Thistle Patriarch for 631.
11:50.13AnduinLotharYour Seal of Command crits Ice Thistle Patriarch for 852 Holy Damage.
11:50.13AnduinLotharYour Decapitate crits Ice Thistle Patriarch for 1380.
12:01.09Elkanofake... palas don't inflict damage... ;)
12:02.10AnduinLotharpalies with [Halberd of Smiting] do
12:02.34Wobhehe my favourite pally tanks with a mining pick
12:05.14ShouryuuI think the priest forum has the longest thread ever
12:05.24Shouryuu156 pages of You will melt faces in PvP
12:08.32Woblol pally
12:08.43WobDoes LUA have xor?
12:09.15Wobexclusive or
12:09.15AnduinLotharnot afaik
12:09.48WobA or B but not A and B or not A and not B
12:09.56Wob(whee =P)
12:10.12Wobstill not quite right =P
12:10.14Woboh well
12:10.23Shouryuuone or the other
12:10.29AnduinLotharbut not both
12:10.32Wobyeah =)
12:11.34AnduinLotharjust do ((a and not b) or (b and not a))
12:13.01Shouryuudo tables in Lua basicly work like sets in maths?
12:13.15WobBut you can program them to
12:13.19Wobusing metatables
12:13.27Shouryuudon't scare me like that
12:13.31WobIn fact the examples given in PiL show you how to do it =)
12:13.51Shouryuutables scare me to hell, metatables are just... meh
12:22.05Elkanoanyone knows how to use SetItemRef? I keep getting 'attemped to call a nil value' :/
12:24.49WobI have no problems using /script to call it...
12:38.37Elkanocalling SetItemRef("item:x:0:0:0") should result in an item reference showing, shouldn't it?
12:42.00Elkanoor what would be the right syntax?
12:59.22Wob/script SetItemRef('item:3577:0:0:276308480') works fine
12:59.51Elkano:/ clicking a chatlink is working, using /script SetItemRef("17182:0:0:0"); doesn't :/
13:00.06Wobitem:17182 etc
13:01.40Elkanoonly misspelled it here... prefixed the item:-part
13:02.44Wobworks for me
13:14.28Elkanostrange :/
13:19.40*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
13:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:26.11WobLua doesn't have a modulus operator, does it?
13:27.23futr-sleepwhat do you mean my modulus? Asking because I know of 2 seperate operations that can be called modulus
13:27.35Wober. modulo
13:27.38futr-sleepmath.mod and math.abs
13:27.50Wobthe former, I'd imagine =)
13:28.40futr-sleepmath.mod is the remainder after division, math.abs is |val| or an always positive value
13:36.26Wobhow is it used?
13:36.45Wobas an expression?
13:38.45Wobnm, got it =P
13:42.05Elkanohmm... my problem seems to be somehow addon related :/
13:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge AMD900 (
13:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
13:51.29WobWhere could I get a list of itemtypes and subtypes?
13:57.09Elkanook, fixed my problem... player link menu is the evil addon that broke it :/ and I shouldn't use shift-click to call SetItemRef ^^'
14:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
14:33.33Shouryuugod damn
14:33.42Shouryuugod relly wants me to go crzy
14:34.43Shouryuuall my MSN contcts have disapearred
14:35.31Shouryuuand my a key is fucked up
14:42.29Shouryuuanyone here know
14:47.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kevinoid (
14:51.58Wobusually used
14:53.33Shouryuuthanks :P
15:07.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
15:07.51Shouryuuanyone know where I could find some dreamcast roms?
15:08.13id`play wow
15:10.03id`calories -> me
15:10.28id`salt -> me
15:10.34id`whatnot -> me
15:10.45id`but i dont care
15:11.16id`wat? ze zijn echt lekker
15:11.50id`verbrand ik toch wel weer met kickboxen
15:12.33id`die six-pack begint al door te komen :-O
15:13.13Shouryuusix-pack gud
15:13.52[MoonWolf]Shouryuu, do you have any idea what he said ?
15:14.38id`'wat?', 'kickboxen', 'six-pack'
15:14.39[MoonWolf]id`, als je minder chips at had je er nu al een kunnen hebben
15:14.41id`he should
15:15.17*** part/#wowi-lounge AMD900 (
15:15.30ShouryuuI have no idea
15:15.33id`[MoonWolf]: < id`> but i dont care
15:18.28id`in wow can i use colors in my text?
15:18.52futr-sleepyour own or other peoples?
15:19.52futr-sleepdon't think so
15:21.52id`else my idChat will make all chats color paradise
15:21.58id`like MIRK did to IRC
15:22.11id`(yes i know its part of the RFC)
15:22.54[MoonWolf]people should stop calling mirc colours mirc colours kthnxbuye
15:25.09Shouryuuyeah is there a way to associate a colour to someone on MIRC?
15:26.55id`hell yeh
15:27.19[MoonWolf]to late
15:27.48id`because mirc scripts, often referred to as 'mirc clients' (STRANGLE) totally pimp out yo clientz0r y0!
15:28.26id`i need to gain points in my anger management skill
15:28.57[MoonWolf]"are you using mirc, what script ?" <- hate that.
15:30.16[MoonWolf]oh btw id` does idchat hide the little balloon button ?
15:33.46Elkanois there an addon that writes error messages into a file? I'm getting the error sound when logging out :/
15:35.22[MoonWolf]try either improved error frame or bugsack
15:37.31id`yes moon
15:37.45id`all buttons on the chat frame
15:38.09id`Elkano: you cant frite into anything else then a savedvar
15:38.26id`you'd have to make an addon names zzzzADDON and make that collect errors into a SV file
15:38.33id`ot be sure its the last one to unload
15:38.44id`(if wow even does that alphabetically)
15:39.45id`moon, i dont know if its possible but im going to fiddle with it a bit after i get this idChat update finished
15:40.03id`try making a little addon that adds some abbrevitions to idChat
15:40.18id`that removes the chat channel names and makes them differently
15:40.28[MoonWolf]it is possible
15:40.41id`yes but maybe not with what i hooked in idChat
15:40.42[MoonWolf]there is something out there that renames guild to G raid to R and stuff
15:40.54id`yes i wanna make that :-)
15:41.44[MoonWolf]while you are at it, put seconds back in the time.
15:43.23[MoonWolf]I need it for my chat log
15:43.28[MoonWolf]combat rather
15:46.43id`where i ace do i look for AceAddon:new() ?
15:46.48id`oh i just said it
15:46.49id`ke ke
15:47.44id`i want to know about all these things like name and version
15:47.53id`that ace use in /ace list
15:48.00id`so i can make a template addon file
15:49.42[MoonWolf]FooAddon by kergoth
16:07.09id`i knz
16:10.31id`Komt een man bij de slager; 'Een pond leverworst graag'. Zegt de slager; 'Wil je hem in stukkies?' waarop de man zegt; 'Zeg, me reet is geen sjoelbak'
16:10.38id`pum dum tss
16:13.45[MoonWolf]dat is best wel erg.
16:14.24id`hele oude amsterdamse mop
16:14.53[MoonWolf]<-- woont niet in amsterdam
16:15.06id`<-- wel
16:15.21id`say hello to my sexy editor
16:16.26[MoonWolf]It looks nice, but GVIM is not my thing
16:16.53id`I'm waiting for microsoft's new console language thing
16:17.01id`nicer terminals will spawn
16:17.07id`(best now is putty....)
16:17.17id`ill dump gvim and start using vim
16:17.30id`although gvim lets me change fonts really easy
16:17.50id`:set guifont=Sheldon\ Narrow:h9
16:17.53[MoonWolf]why would you want a console editor ?
16:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:39.28futr-sleepis there a getlocal() type function?
16:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
16:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:52.59KtronGah, Pollita in ##php is a asshole
17:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
18:08.38futr-sleepis there a getlocal() type function? I want to do a getglobal type thing but with local variables.
18:09.30id`how local?
18:09.46futr-sleepfile local, so within scope
18:10.41id`oh dunno :9
18:18.08Cidenot sure if there actually is one, but you could put all your local variables in a table to simulate the global table
18:18.24Cideso your "getlocal" function would be localTable[keyName]
18:21.03Elkanoresizing goes on :) |
18:23.45futr-sleepCide: damn, was hoping to get away from more tables
18:25.06futr-sleepI wish just [keyName] would work
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18:57.39fatbrainso, any WDB folks online?
19:03.31fatbrainCide: Yes?
19:03.46fatbrainThe WDB:s which silently resides in your WDB folder.
19:04.10Cideyeah, but what about them? you asked for "WDB folks"
19:04.53fatbrainfolks that know the how-to parse the WDB files.
19:05.07CideI know the format of one or two
19:05.21Cidewell, I did once
19:05.29fatbrainwell, what do you know now?
19:05.50Cidenot much, search on the cosmos forums, I believe I found something there when passing by once
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20:13.29ForgottenLordswhats the TOC # at the moment?
20:14.01ForgottenLordssweet, thanks
20:14.24futroh, yeah, forgot we had gone to 9.02.10
20:14.34Elkano90210 is way outdated...
20:14.40TainOnly if you live in Beverly Hills.
20:22.43id`Tain: #wowace
20:24.05id`Elkano: neat @ loot frame
20:24.18id`it would own if yo'u make it 'detailed' or 'list' view
20:24.35id`small icon, one line of text
20:24.54id`do i make sense?
20:25.04id`like uh, in explorer >_>
20:25.04Elkanowell, I'll release it tomorrow so you can have a look at the code: it's still Blizzard's LootFrame
20:25.10id`ah ok
20:25.43Elkanojust told him that there are 8 instead of only 4 buttons, created these 4 and fixed the background
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20:26.12id`when i get to xml someday ill make my own loot frame..
20:27.22Elkanowell, wouldn't be that hard. you could do it the way it is done now (using pages) or use a fauxscrollframe
20:27.46Elkanothe rest would stay the same, only the button would use a smaler icon
20:28.00Elkanoand would be wider
20:28.44Elkanomain problem would be the textures :/ had a hard time to fix those since I'm not that good with graphics
20:32.31id`like i said, when ill learn
20:32.34id`ke ke
21:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
21:36.25WobAny suggestions as to how to categorise items? ItemType and SubItemType are woefully insufficient =(
21:40.54Elkanowell, I do use ItemType, SubItemType and Equip
21:41.13Elkano...EquipLocation with my ItemDB and haven't had any problems so far...
21:42.47Elkanoso why do you think that they are insufficient?
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22:00.06id`morning Cide
22:00.11Cidehi there
22:00.42Elkanowhy didn't I notice before that the lootframe only fits 7 buttons?
22:01.27WobSorting tradegoods mostly
22:01.35Woblike keeping cloth items together etc
22:02.36Elkanohmm itemtype armor, subtype cloth
22:02.42id`Wob: I'm not going to say PeriodicTable because i don't know exactly what it does
22:15.34Wobwell, more silk cloth, linen cloth etc
22:15.43Wobtradeitems as I said
22:17.23id`oo wutcha makin? :)
22:25.11Elkanoups, I used the wrong height for the loot button ^^'
22:26.20Elkanoit seems to be 40 instead of the 32 I used :/
22:27.27Cairennso, I guess my tolerance level is getting rather low
22:28.24CairennI never used to be that ... blunt ...
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22:33.37Cidesame here Cairenn
22:33.49CairennI can't believe how bitter I'm getting, it's sad :(
22:34.03Cidewe know how you're feeling :)
22:34.13Cidenot the top one, but the second one from the top
22:34.49ShadowdIt's amazing how one change can cause so many comments
22:37.29CairennI'm just bloody sick to death of the "I got banned for using X mod" ... it's bulshit
22:38.39ShadowdYeah, I never understood what they're trying to do by posting. All they do is post "I got banned for hacking"
22:44.30Cairennuntil I hear it from a *reputable* source (ie someone *here* or a family member or such) ... it's BS ... they are using a hack or they've got something nasty on their system
22:44.55CairennBlizz doesn't ban for *mods*
22:45.20Cideas far as I know (and I strongly doubt otherwise), they can't even tell what mods you are running
22:45.56ShadowdIt sounds like they're going to try and change that for Decursive though
22:46.15Cairennand hell, I've got enough friends at Blizz ... I know for 100% fact precisely what they do before they ban an account
22:46.20wereHamsterhow can they tell whether you'reusing a hack if they can't tell whether you're using mods ?
22:46.43ShadowdThe Warden apparently, or at least from what I've heard.
22:48.49Elkanowell, Cide, maybe they can via warden but I still doubt that they'll ban for anything written in lua
22:48.58wereHamsteroh yeah.. I've heard of that evil piece of software :)
22:49.21Cairennoh for the love of ... it's only "evil" if you've got something to hide
22:49.32ShadowdThank you!
22:51.36Cairennplease note, I did start this conversation with "my tolerance level is getting rather low"
22:52.05ShadowdThe only reason that'd ban you for doing something in LUA is if you found a way to exploit it I suppose, but besides that they could just remove however it was done easly.
22:52.27Cairennwhich is *precisely* what they've already done, twice
22:52.38ShadowdAuto travel and cross faction commucation?
22:52.42Cairennonce for cross faction communication, and once for the auto travel
22:52.50Elkanobtw: could so do me a favour and ask slouken if he could change SetItemRef to behave the same also when shift is pressed but the chatbox isn't opened?
22:52.58wereHamstereven the best software can fail... is it true that warden scans the window titles, hashes the string and compares it with a database of 'not allowed'-hashes?
22:53.24Cairennthat's pretty much it in a nut shell, wereHamster
22:53.32CairennElkano: EU?
22:53.41Elkanoyes :/
22:54.06CairennPM me with the exact message you'd like posted, and I can toss it up for you
22:54.19Cairennjust send it to me at WoWI and I'll copy/paste
22:54.47ShadowdThere any good ways to get the user specified value of a CHAT_MSG event by the way?
22:54.54Shadowderr, RGB value.
22:55.14Cidenot sure
22:55.17CideI can check how I did it
22:55.25Cidebut I think that's a pretty big hack
22:55.40ShadowdYou did it by overriding the OnEvent method for ChatFrame and sending your own event as far as I can tell.
22:56.08ShadowdTrying to find the user specified colors for alliance and horde BG_SYSTEM messages. Will probably just have to hardcode red and blue.
22:56.24Elkanotry eg ChatTypeInfo["WHISPER"].r
22:57.00Elkanooverwriting this was the way I used to recolor them on the fly
22:57.22Elkano@cairenn: I'll do so, but tomorrow. But thx in advance :)
22:57.40CideElkano: yeah, that holds rgb
22:57.49CairennI post messages a lot for folks from the EU community
22:57.53CideI used that to make officer chat sticky too, it should work
22:57.56ShadowdAha! thats what I was looking for.
22:59.22id`81 strength
22:59.24id`is that much?
22:59.31id`i doubled my strength
22:59.34id`with my items
22:59.37id`as opposed to naked :-)
22:59.40id`im lv 19
23:00.02ShadowdDepends what class I suppose
23:11.36zeegso is anbyone here attending GDC?
23:14.48Cairennwell, the fact that I don't recognize the acronym is probably a fair indication that I don't ...
23:16.36AnduinLotharmmm game dev confrence?
23:17.09id`Shadowd: warrior
23:17.57ShadowdDoesn't sound that bad for 19, probably want some more AGI though.
23:18.14Cairennwhat, E3?
23:18.21zeegno GDC
23:18.42zeegits in march
23:18.43Cairennnaw, doubt if I'll be at that, probably at E3 though
23:18.45id`Shadowd: yes, i have no trinkets yet. and this isnt the best mail armor + weapon set for lvl 19
23:18.52id`i aim for that eventually..
23:19.01id`but im not that hardcore on playing wow ;)
23:19.04ShadowdIt's been a while since I've had a level 19 though, so i'm not sure.
23:19.17id`i cant gain anymore exp
23:19.20id`hehe :p
23:19.34ShadowdAh, 10-19 WSG?
23:19.43id`i like it
23:19.50Cairennall current indications are that I'll be at E3
23:19.52id`this is my highest char anyway
23:20.06Cairennunless something drastic happens between now and May
23:20.16id`my guild wants me to get some experience in wow PVP so i chose this
23:20.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:20.21id`hi tem
23:20.23TemA life?
23:20.25TemWhat's that?
23:20.45Temoh you mean idling on IRC and playing video games?
23:20.47Cairennhey Tem :)
23:20.49TemYes I do that a lot!
23:21.02ShadowdAnyone who tells you otherwise is wrong
23:21.14zeegI remember back when IRC and Gaming satisfied me.. I wish I could go back to those days :(
23:21.17zeegso much less.. work
23:21.32TemWatch you language man
23:21.37Temwouldn't want Cair to boot you
23:21.56Cairennewww, he used that nasty W word
23:22.06Cairennthat's grounds for banishment, isn't it?
23:22.25Temyeah, fraid it is
23:22.58id`wah, and that on a saturday
23:23.07CairennI dunno, best clean up your act zeeg, or I'll have no choice
23:23.46zeegi work mon-thurs if that
23:23.47zeegim lazy
23:23.58Cairennyou did it again
23:24.01Cairennyou said that word
23:24.02Cairennstop it
23:24.09zeegmy bad
23:24.11Cairennoh no, now I said it
23:24.15Cairennack, I said it again
23:26.20zeegwould you search for "videos" or"movies" more often if you were looking for that kind of content ?
23:26.57zeegthink there's a chunk of people that use the term video?
23:27.08zeegtrying to decide if I need that in my keywords as well
23:27.11zeegright now its <game> Movies
23:27.17zeegbut i may change it to <game> Movies and Videos
23:27.18Temdo both
23:27.22Cairennwould depend ... that which I would watch on TV or at a theater are movies, those that I watch on computer are videos
23:27.29zeeghrm alright
23:27.44ShadowdMore people would look for Movies most likely, but if you have the space to add Video's it can't hurt.
23:27.48Cairennmay be a stupid distinction, but that's the way I name them
23:38.51zeegwheres my credits
23:39.04zeegcredits but no link
23:47.39id`Gather aroundc!
23:47.45id`and loOK!
23:49.03Cairenn~applaud id`
23:49.05purlACTION gives id` a standing ovation
23:50.18ShadowdThe coordinates on the minimap look nice, havn't seen an addon that does that.
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23:54.01TemTem needs to get something productive done today
23:55.41Cairennhelp me figure out the write up for that which is coming shortly
23:56.25TemI've already told you the extent of what I have to say
23:56.35Temeven though it wouldn't be an acceptable write-up
23:56.46Cairennoooh, shiny!
23:56.53Tem"Oh Shiny!" is about all I can say think about it.
23:57.23Temmaybe, "Moving colors..." *trance*
23:59.31ShadowdSounds fancy!

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