irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060123

00:00.07kremontenVidia's GLX hits ATI for 128mb RAM damage
00:00.26TemnVidia has defeated ATI in a duel
00:00.28KirkburnSo we've moved onto hardware now?
00:00.38TemMicrosoft has fled from Linux in a duel
00:00.39kremontenah, ati just sucks on linux
00:00.39KirkburnYou're forgetting the cables and case
00:00.58kremonteIntel's Pentium is dismissed
00:01.29TemI think Bill Gates is the guy who stands in the fire in the AH
00:01.46kremonte?bill gates is the final boss in BRD isnt he?
00:01.56KirkburnI thought he was the Microsoft boss?
00:02.01Fanooki thought he was Ochimaru...
00:02.07kremontemicrosoft was too buggy, was removed in 1.5
00:02.21KirkburnOoh, nice comeback to my satire
00:02.56Temand that whole time no one made a single mac reference
00:03.08KirkburnI hate macs
00:03.12kremonteTem: mac is like priest
00:03.19kremonteit doesnt need a nerf OR a buff
00:03.19KirkburnOh, I mean I hate *nothing*
00:03.38GenNMX|Thraekremonte: Oh, just like Shamans?
00:03.42kremonteGenNMX|Thrae: lol
00:03.53TemI really hate them
00:03.59GenNMX|ThraeWait, I forgot -- Shamans need some buffs according to them.
00:04.14AnduinLotharJobs own the largest share in disney...
00:04.28KirkburnLike a priest who spends their day charging people for heals and cures
00:04.38kremonte[1. Arathi Basin - General] [Itsapaladin] fuken shaman shock is so gey omg fukin blizard
00:04.52GenNMX|ThraeSteve Jobs officially makes $1 a year from his job as the Apple CEO. Unofficially, he owns a lot of Apple anyway.
00:05.10KirkburnSo in no way a fat cat then?
00:05.27KirkburnJust a poor dragon who sleeps on a masssssive pile of gold
00:05.34GenNMX|ThraeNo, Jobs is pretty rich, that's why he doesn't care about how much Apple pays him.
00:05.52GenNMX|ThraeHe's the lowest paid CEO in the world!
00:06.00KirkburnIt annoys me how MP3 players are now called iPods
00:06.18KirkburnIn fact it annoys me that they're called MP3 players
00:06.19kremonteSteve Jobs, Apple Corp, $1 0/100
00:06.25kremonte'yes my paycheck is here!'
00:06.36kremonteKirkburn: oi! ogg players ftw!!
00:06.38AnduinLothardirect deposit
00:06.39GenNMX|ThraeiRiver, iHemaraoids, iDiapers
00:06.59GenNMX|ThraeHey iPods are pretty cool -- you can put Linux on 'em and play Ogg :D
00:06.59KirkburnWell, this is my point
00:07.11AnduinLotharsuc a hater
00:07.13Guillotinetoo many ppl complain to nerf druids...
00:07.16IrielDont mistake 'low salary' for 'low pay'
00:07.16KirkburnIt's an iPod *if it's a an iPod*
00:07.34KirkburnIt's an MP3 players *if it plays MP3s*
00:07.51GenNMX|ThraeYes, I hate the Druid haters. "OMG thiz Druid kept runnin away n killed me in 30 minutes!!!!!1"
00:08.02Kirkburnif it's a toilet *sit on it*
00:08.05GenNMX|ThraeI'm an official Druid Hater Hater.
00:08.27KirkburnWoW: One big hate-hate fest
00:08.47KirkburnThus PvP works
00:08.48GenNMX|ThraeAnd people STILL ask for cross-faction communication in PvP realms!
00:09.02KirkburnAnd still try to get around it
00:09.35KirkburnThere is one problem I've found - when you choose a side, it's VERY hard to change
00:10.15KirkburnWish guilds would LAST
00:10.35KirkburnA poll: which class is worst off at the moment?
00:11.06TemMy vote there would be mages
00:11.08Tembut I'm biased
00:11.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:12.03KirkburnHoney I killed the conversation!
00:13.33GuillotineKirk: Shamans
00:13.46Guillotinewait- worst off for winning or worst off for losing?
00:13.54Guillotineb/c shamans sure have a hard time losing...
00:14.00KirkburnCurse is back up!
00:14.09Guillotinety for info!
00:14.11KirkburnJust generally worst off
00:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:14.18*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:14.22GuillotineI'd say... mages maybe
00:14.43Guillotineor maybe priests
00:14.55Guillotinewell, as worst off b/c their forced to spec a certain way
00:14.59Guillotineand then its not all that fun
00:15.27GuillotineKirkburn: curse is still down for me...
00:16.23Cairenncan anyone verify for me that the bug which was causing the addon button to not show up on character select screen was fixed already?
00:16.31CairennI seem to recall it being fixed ...
00:16.34Temmore than once
00:16.51TemCairenn: I think it's in the 1.9 changes thread
00:17.08IrielCairenn : yes, it's fixed
00:17.15Cairennthat's what I thought
00:17.29IrielOf course, if you install your addons wrong, it doesn't show up 8-)
00:17.53Cairennyeah, no kidding
00:18.45KirkburnBut I thought they all went in Windows\System32!
00:18.57Cairennlike, hello, "it doesn't work" doesn't tell us jack shit, what do you expect?
00:19.01krkaCairenn! can you approve my addon pretty please+
00:19.18KirkburnShe's just approved mine: ClearFont v10900-2
00:19.26Cairennummmm, sure, whenever you upload it :p
00:19.33krkai already did! i think
00:20.00krkaif I lost all that text I wrote I will be upset :/
00:20.18CairennI'm not the only admin/moderator on the site, and the approval queue is empty, so I'm guessing someone else already got them
00:20.48krkarejected then
00:21.06krkahmm.. no wait
00:21.07krkanever mind
00:21.34krkai guess i was just expecting some sort of notification
00:21.40KirkburnThe number of downloads I get constantly amazes me, I never thought I'd get more than 1,000!
00:21.45Guillotinekrka: you probably forgot to submit it. I'm pretty sure WoWI doesn't reject many addons ;)
00:22.08KirkburnMake sure you have you addon info IN A TXT FILE somwhere!
00:22.10krkano, there it is
00:22.31GuillotineKirkburn: my first addon (completely useless. adds /leeroy that yells "LEEEEROOY JEEEENKIINS" and plays the sound) has just over 15,000 dls. Whereas my actually USEFUL one has only about 10k :/
00:23.01KirkburnOh it was YOU
00:23.02krkai have 1 download! yay
00:23.30Cairennso, just got back from watching Underworld:Evolution, was not bad
00:23.37Cairennpredictable, but not bad
00:23.46Cairennshe looks hot, per usual
00:23.55GuillotineROFL. read your info krka. it replaces Object:PerForm with the smiley
00:23.58KirkburnDon't all english wimmen?
00:24.11Cairennreal good sex scene in there
00:24.20krkadidnt notice that
00:24.22IrielCairenn : hm, so not as terrible as sequels tend to go?
00:24.28krkacan I turn smileys off?
00:24.36KirkburnWell to make you feel small Guillotine, I have more than 32,000 now! :s
00:24.44CairennIriel: no, not as bad as we've come to expect, thank goodness
00:24.57KirkburnBetter than original?
00:25.16Cairennat least, not imo
00:25.19GuillotineKirkburn: lol. I've wanted to delete my leeroy addon. its humiliating having SO many dls on such a pointless addon. Also, 5 addons on curse directly taken from my addon with just the audio file called changed
00:25.50CairennI will pick it up on DVD when it comes out, but the original was better, as is the norm
00:27.23kremonteGuillotine: why did you make /leeroy?
00:27.33Guillotinekremonte: must have been having a brain lapse
00:27.41kremonteGuillotine: ah, understandable
00:27.41Guillotinekremonte: saw the movie, and thought it was funny
00:27.46kremonteGuillotine: noo!
00:27.51kremonteit's not funny
00:28.18KirkburnThe short-lived Chuck Norris mod got massive amounts of hate when it was up on ui.worldofwar
00:28.27kremontechuck norris mod?
00:28.35GenNMX|Thrae<@Cairenn> she looks hot, per usual <@Cairenn> real good sex scene in there <-- this only enforces what I've already been thinking...
00:28.51kremonteGuillotine: my friend showed me that movie when i still avidly played FFXI, and was one of the main reasons i didn't get WoW till august last year
00:29.01KirkburnYeah that one
00:29.04Guillotinekremonte: rofl
00:29.15KirkburnIt got taken down from uo.worldofwar whihc was disappointing
00:30.15KirkburnFreedom to make what addons you like is more important, imo
00:30.46KirkburnJust cause some people get angry over a game wasn't reason to remove it
00:31.02krkawould be nice if any of you could try this and read the instructions and see if you can figure it out. if not, i need to improve my instructions.
00:33.01KirkburnFor coders it looks good, but for a non-coder like me, it'll never make sense. I'd say your info is quite erudite however
00:33.26KirkburnDoes it come with a readme?
00:33.56KirkburnIf not, I'd recommend writing one
00:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge wowguru-3995 (
00:34.15Cairennso, anyone here really good at writing ad copy/news release?
00:35.03Cairenncause I need to write something up and darned if I know how :p
00:35.48Cairennlol, ooookay, that was odd :p
00:37.11Cairenncladhaire: you there?
00:37.54GenNMX|ThraeGrrr, GUIs are evil. Long-live text-based internet!
00:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
00:38.03ScytheBlade1Here here!
00:38.37krkaI'd argue that flexbar is even harder than my system, yet non-coders seem able to use it
00:38.49krkaflexbar is better documented though
00:39.39GenNMX|ThraeLua and Ace weren't too hard to learn, but AceGUI is confusing.
00:39.49krkaanyway, mine doesn't really need to be perfect, just good enough that it gets noticed and someone smarter makes a better variant :)
00:40.27TemKirkburn: ClearFont, Oooh! Siny!
00:40.47Cairennlol, Tem is on a "Ooooh! Shiny!" kick atm
00:40.56Temwell... it is
00:41.10TemI'm in one of those moods where I get distracted easily
00:41.17Temmost notably by shiny objects
00:41.28GenNMX|ThraeWhat's ClearFont? Does it make your fonts transparent?
00:41.38KirkburnThat's a possibility
00:41.40KirkburnBut no
00:41.42Temit's just another one of those Font repleacer addons
00:41.54GenNMX|Thrae"Excellent, now I can't read anything! A very nude UI."
00:41.59Temjust the first that I actually found the fonts included pleasing to the eye
00:42.09Temoh man
00:42.14Temsomeone hit me
00:42.17KirkburnHey, what do u mean 'just another'
00:42.28Temwell theres like 103924870198323 of them
00:42.28KirkburnI've only ever found Fontabulous
00:42.49Temoh, well maybe I just assumed there was lots of them
00:43.00KirkburnNot as far as I've ever seen
00:43.01Cairennnope, there's like, 2
00:43.07KirkburnAnd mine's best :)
00:43.14CairennKirkburns and Devla's
00:43.49KirkburnCF was actually based off Devla's Fontabulous
00:43.50GenNMX|ThraeTem: Comment on Fontabulous's page -- "Very only if it didn't have 'tab' in its name."
00:44.10Cairennyou're joking, right?
00:44.14TemI'm confused
00:44.18GenNMX|ThraeI'm joking :D
00:44.29TemI think it's a reference to the retarded comment someone made on Tab last night
00:44.29Cairennlast night, the guy bitching about Tab being bound to the tab key
00:44.37krkalooks good
00:44.56KirkburnWhere's the 'Any' key?!?
00:45.09TainYeah I want scroll-lock complete.
00:45.23krkadamn, clearfont requires modifying blizz stuff?
00:45.39Kirkburnit's just one file in a different place
00:45.53KirkburnIt can't/won't cause any problems
00:46.06Guillotineahhh. the joys of MCing someone off of a boat right before it leaves menethil harbor...
00:46.19krkauntil next patch maybe
00:46.21KirkburnCome 1.10 it'll all be converted over to lua thanks to the wonderful iriel
00:46.23krkayou can MC same faction?
00:46.31KirkburnEr, no.
00:46.32Guillotineif their stupid enough to duel you
00:46.42KirkburnBy a cliff..
00:46.55Guillotineim loving level 30 as a priest...
00:46.59Guillotinewishing I was on a pvp server though
00:47.05krkayou could swim as a horde priest to menethil and hide in the water and do MC maybe? :)
00:47.12TainThat's just mean.
00:47.12KirkburnGod, that's EVIL
00:47.16TainAnd not even in a funny way.
00:47.23krkaa little bit funny
00:47.27KirkburnGoing into BRS ... BAD
00:47.56KirkburnOh, so you wanted to stay ON the chain? Oh, sorry, I thought u liked lava
00:48.09Temjust the other day me and 2 guildmates wiped and entire horde raid waiting to go into BRS
00:48.24Guillotinehehe. I only did it to 1 guy. was trying to scam ppl by telling htem oily blackmouths made you invulnerable for 2 minutes
00:48.47KirkburnYeah, it's more like 30 minutes
00:48.47Temit was me (mage) a priest and a warrior
00:48.59Temthe priest MCed their healer and threw him into the lava
00:48.59KirkburnTem: how?
00:49.17Temwe were standing on that shortcut so they couldn't get to us from where they were
00:49.29TemI AoEed the crap out of them
00:49.32KirkburnWhat shortcut?
00:49.34Temimp blizzard ftw
00:49.47Temyou don't know the way to the BRS entrance without pulling anything?
00:50.11Temrun in from the north
00:50.14Temto left
00:50.17Temgo* left
00:50.32Temrun up like you are going to get on the chain to go to BRD
00:50.38Tembut run to the top of the chain
00:50.40Temand fall off
00:50.50Temthen run up towards the balcony of brs
00:50.54Guillotinelol. i didn't even know about the long way
00:50.55Guillotineuntil someone did it
00:50.59GuillotineI've always used the shortcut
00:51.00Temyou can jump to it
00:51.03Temyeah me too Guillotine
00:51.04KirkburnOh that one
00:51.13Temwe were standing there
00:51.17kremontewhat long way? :Q
00:51.19TemI aoed them with imp blizzard
00:51.29Temat some point the priest hopping in and feared
00:51.47Temsome of them accidently pulled 8 or so mobs from the fear
00:51.49GuillotineI wish my priest was on an RP PVP server
00:52.05Guillotineso that I could rp a maniacal priest that likes throwing ppl off cliffs
00:52.07Guillotineand drowning them
00:52.15Guillotineand then I could actually do it
00:52.32Temmeanwhile I continued to criple them from afar
00:52.40Temthe warrior also jumped in and feared
00:52.42Temit was good fun
00:53.27CairennGuillotine: hehe. I only did it to 1 guy. was trying to scam ppl by telling htem oily blackmouths made you invulnerable for 2 minutes
00:53.41Cairennso are you saying *you* were trying to scam people? or that he was?
00:53.48Guillotinehe was. so I mced him off the boat
00:53.57Temhow did you know?
00:54.06Guillotineb/c i see him telling ppl in general chat...
00:54.10Guillotinehe was also alliance. i dueld him
00:54.14Temthen how did you MC him?
00:54.19Guillotine^^ in a duel
00:54.36Guillotinecairenn: I know better than to scam ppl :P
00:54.50Cairennthought so, but wanted it clarified :p
00:54.51Guillotineyou really don't trust me very far, do you?
00:55.02AnduinLotharhard to throw a virtual entity
00:55.30KirkburnCould he pass the turing test?
00:56.12KirkburnIf a program can fool a human into thinking it is also human, it passes
00:56.19TainHe may have deserved it.  I just find any kind of pvp-type behavior (that isn't an "honorable" duel) annoying.
00:56.43TainWhen it's not a pvp server.
00:56.52GenNMX|ThraeI was about to say, Tain ;)
00:57.10TainLike the necros who are oh so cool letting their nonsense loose to aggro on people in the auction house.
00:57.11GuillotineTain: actually, i didn't throw him off. I mced him until he was at the edge of the boat then thought better of it and deactivated MC. somehow he fell in though
00:57.12KirkburnSneaky request: rate ClearFont as 5 wherever you see it :p Even if it's not on WoWI (I guess there are others ...)
00:57.16Guillotineso I kind of pulled him off...
00:57.53Kirkburnnecromancer's don't use demons, they use the undead
00:58.28GenNMX|ThraeNecromancers? What game are we talking about here?
00:58.37TainOh the hell if I know.
00:58.55KirkburnI thought this was a D&D discussion board :'(
00:59.18Cairennbah, is not, it's parcheesi
00:59.29IrielDoes that look sane?
00:59.38TainI'm still surprised they let the succubusses (succubisii?) have that idle animation sound.
00:59.40KirkburnBut anyway NECROmancers use the undead, Hence the 'necro' :)
00:59.43TainWell, the sound more than anything.
00:59.52Cairennworks for me Iriel
00:59.54KirkburnPeople are still asking for the male equivalent
01:00.00KirkburnSuccubi, btw
01:00.10KirkburnI forget what the male equiv. is
01:00.17Cairennwell, there *should* be Inccubi
01:00.21KirkburnThat's it
01:00.49AnduinLotharincubus ftw
01:00.52TainAnd here I thought Incubus was just a band I didn't like.
01:01.02GenNMX|ThraeI know why Blizzard won't introduce Incubi -- most players are male, and they would find them very disturbing.
01:01.14TainI find the female ones disturbing.
01:01.16KirkburnThey wouldn't LOOK the same, y'know
01:01.23GenNMX|ThraeA lot of males already find male night elves disturbing...
01:01.35Kirkburnjeebus, they're not gonna have men in drag in WoW
01:01.52KirkburnEsp. S&M drag
01:01.53GenNMX|ThraeThat's not what I meant, Kirkburn.
01:01.53TainOf course I find them disturbing because the sound turns me on.
01:02.01CairennInkubusSukubus are a good group, Tain :p
01:02.20TainYou could make the argument that guys playing female characters in WoW are already in drag. ;)
01:02.28KirkburnGenNMX|Thrae: Of course you didn't :)
01:02.33GenNMX|ThraeJust the idea of a model that looks like a demonic male prostitute would make many men uncomfortable, since a lot of men are homophobes.
01:02.34TainI didn't say they weren't Cairenn, just that I don't like them. :)
01:03.05KirkburnEr, my point was that they wouldn't look like that
01:03.31KirkburnWell, hopefully
01:03.34GenNMX|ThraeWhy wouldn't they? That's what an Incubus is, that's what a Succubus is. They suck the life forces out of their victims by using sex.
01:03.42Cairennso, which group are you talking about, Tain ... you said "Incubus", I said "InkubusSukubus"
01:03.43TainJust like a real woman.
01:03.52TainOops did I use my outside voice?
01:04.04KirkburnMine is over 1000 km away :(
01:04.07GenNMX|ThraeThe current Succubus already looks a demonic female prostitute with a S&M fetish ;)
01:04.18GenNMX|ThraeTain: No no, real women use *lawyers*.
01:04.26KirkburnWell, maybe the Incubus could look like a ... pimp?
01:04.27TainAh, another form of demon.
01:04.27CairennKirkburn: I can relate
01:05.05TainI'm just confused, Cairenn.  :)  I don't know InkubusSukubus.
01:05.05KirkburnFortunately I got a flight back for Valentine's day. This was especially important given it is also her birthday!
01:05.35CairennThat's what I figured Tain ... InkubusSukubus aren't widely known in NA
01:05.41Cairennthey're EU
01:05.44GenNMX|Thrae<@Cairenn> Kirkburn: I can relate <-- added to my proof that Cairenn "enjoys the other white meat"
01:06.21CairennI can relate to my SO being 1000s of miles away
01:06.24TainRemember, you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
01:06.35IrielThat one works better spoken
01:06.38GenNMX|ThraeSee, she says "Signifigant Other".
01:07.09TainSo why does it have to be white meat?  Are you prejudiced?
01:07.25Guillotineprejudiced against tuna?
01:07.29KirkburnProbably not, just racist
01:07.31Guillotineisn't tuna called 'the other white meat'?
01:07.51TainI've never heard of tuna called the other white meat.
01:07.55TainChicken of the sea, sure.
01:07.58KirkburnI've never heard of tuna
01:08.07GenNMX|ThraeTain: Cairenn's cartoon avatar was white. If she was any other colour, wouldn't she ask it changed?
01:08.24TainPersonally I prefer fresh dolphin.  mmm mmm good
01:08.32Cairennactually, she's kinda blue
01:08.35KirkburnCat ftw
01:08.42GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: Your christmas avatar ;)
01:08.46Cairennoh, that one
01:09.04TainIf she's blue you should play some happy music to cheer her up.
01:09.18KirkburnLike Slipknot
01:09.24Cairenngah, I really need to make one for Valentine's, that's sneaking up on us at this point, isn't it?
01:09.40CairennI keep starting then getting fed up with it and deleting
01:09.40TainMore like stalking.
01:09.41KirkburnHow would u do that?
01:09.54KirkburnA valentine's avatar ... alone?
01:09.57IrielOk.. idling and stuff.
01:10.43Cairennthis was my old one back on EQI:
01:11.26GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: Good, but not suggestive enough!
01:11.39KirkburnYou still play EQ1?
01:12.05GenNMX|ThraeKirkburn: She doesn't play WoW *now* ;)
01:12.05Cairennactually, I've been playing it again some lately
01:12.09Cairennsooooo bored with WoW
01:12.32Cairennso made a newb back on EQ, running around doing all the lowbie quests I haven't seen in years
01:12.47GenNMX|ThraeI wouldn't know what to do with EQ1...most of the players left are probably bound so close together it would be too hard to get very far
01:13.58KirkburnI found it fun going back to the Elwynn Forest quests after about 6 months
01:14.51TainI was bored with WoW for months but now I don't have ambition for addons anymore either. :(
01:14.56TainBut I'm hoping that's temporary.
01:14.57KirkburnBut I'm getting slightly bored of WoW as well - not enough time for raids, guild split up ... again
01:15.39KirkburnI'm sure it'll only be temporary, after 2 patches everyone will think, yay!
01:17.25TainActually the 1.10 patch has enough in it to get me excited for a while, I think.
01:17.25KirkburnGawd, some people need a slap when installing addons
01:18.21KirkburnIt's been a while since we've had an update on the next patch tbh
01:18.58KirkburnI realise it's only been 3 weeks, but we were doing so well before 1.9
01:20.02TainThere's multiple updates a day in the 1.10 thread.
01:20.04GenNMX|ThraeCairenn: The Halloween Doll is really "you" ;)
01:20.06Kirkburn"That is going to fix your problems, I don't know why most of these sites have changed their distribution method, but it has caused alot of problems with people that don't know how to install addons." Who, what changed their distribution methods? It's always been like that. Some people say the silliest things...
01:22.16KirkburnOkay, Curse is down ... except for the mod pages
01:22.37KirkburnEg. works, but doesn't
01:22.57KirkburnOh I take that back
01:22.59KirkburnIt's all down
01:23.33GenNMX|ThraeThere's so much anime I've missed over the last 5 months since my "anime scan"...I really need to take a day and get up to speed with my fansub downloading.
01:23.37Cairennit's up for me, Kirkburn
01:23.41GenNMX|Thraes/my/my last/
01:26.16KirkburnWhat is this correction thing? I've never come across it before
01:27.02Cairennwhat, purl? he's the room's bot
01:27.15purlCairenn: thanks
01:27.41GenNMX|ThraeI've been using sed regexp in IRC to correct myself since long before I came to this channel, and I find it a little annoying, but eh.
01:28.19Tain~lart Kirkburn
01:29.12TainAnyone have graham crackers?  I have the chocolate.
01:30.21Kirkburn~lart Tain
01:30.21KirkburnI'm confused :(
01:30.21KirkburnAt least I worked out the /me command. Genius, that I am!
01:30.21TainIt's ok.  purl hates you, that's all.
01:30.28Cairennpurl was just being slow
01:30.36Tainin homage to Kirkburn
01:31.00Tainhmmm wait a new bootldr might not be bad
01:32.00KirkburnAnyways, I must be off
01:32.08KirkburnFor some, it is 2:30 am
01:32.15Cairennlater Kirkburn
01:32.21KirkburnI gotta walk home ...
01:32.39KirkburnSee yas
01:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
01:34.47Cairennhey Legorol :)
01:35.04LegorolI'm looking for good ideas on what are good tradeskill helper AddOns for me to try
01:35.12Legoroli've got fed up with Engineering :D
01:35.17Tainkc_et of course!
01:35.52LegorolThanks Cairenn, been through that list just now, going to try TTCraftAddict
01:35.59Legoroli was wondering if anyone else have any suggestions
01:36.38Cairennrecipe book is nice if you've got a lot of alts, great way of seeing if any of them need "x" recipe you just picked up
01:37.17Cairennbefore you sell it to a vendor then smack yourself on the forehead later when you discover one of your alts needed it
01:41.36Legorolhm, that might be worth trying
01:41.44Legorolas a matter of policy i never vendor recipes
01:41.55Legorolbut knowing which of my alts can use it is nice
01:42.28Cairennit isn't necessarily a "must have", but it's a nice convenience
01:45.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
01:45.16LegorolRight, let's see how these three go
01:45.29Legorolfor a UI mod freak, i'm pretty conservative when it comes to trying out new addons
01:45.35Legoroli very rarely add something to my existing stuff
01:47.10zespriGuys, there used to be MozzFullMap mod that allowed you to see areas on the map unsepored by your char. this mod hasn't been updated for more then half a year, is there a recent somthing similar? the old one still works, but it's nice to know if anyone done anything similat
01:47.47AnduinLotharstill works
01:47.59zespriI know
01:50.10LegorolSomeone here familiar with the KC AddOns?
01:50.12Cairennmore than 1/2 a year?
01:50.23Legoroli'm a bit confused, it looks like KC_ET has KC_Items as a dep,
01:50.25CairennOct isn't 1/2 a year
01:50.37Legorolbut there is no KC_Items included in the download, even though the readme says there should be one
01:50.38zesprithe last I've seen were june
01:50.40Legorolam i missing something?
01:50.55zesprithank you Cairenn
01:50.59Cairennyou're welcome
01:51.41Cairennhrm, not sure Lego
01:51.47Cairennsee if it works without
01:52.10Legorolit doesn't, it lists KC_Items as a required dep
01:52.25Legorolthe readme for KC_ET says there should be a barebones KC_Items included with KC_ET, but there isn't
01:52.38TainYou do need KC Items.  It was being updated, so it may be that the readme wasn't updated.
01:53.20Cairennwhich means you also need Ace and AceGUI
01:54.54Legorolok well i downloaded an older version of KC_ET, and it does have a minimalistic KC_Items included, which is smaller than the full version
01:55.05Legoroli think it was just accidentally left out of the latest KC_ET version
01:55.36Legorolthe reason why i don't want to just download the full KC_Items is because i run enough memory hogging scanning addons already :D
01:55.57AnduinLotharKCET? on the Public Broadcasting Network?
01:56.16CairennKael Cycle Extended Trades
01:59.09CairennKCI can be used to replace both Auctioneer and LootLink
02:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
02:37.59Corrodiasyeah that mozzfullworldmap is one of my favorite addons
02:46.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
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02:54.51IrielBah, queues
03:04.03da5id-.- sleep time for me...  and corrodias:  i must agree.
03:04.19*** part/#wowi-lounge da5id (
03:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
03:15.48AnduinLotharmmmm been up 27 hours now
03:15.59AnduinLotharthink i tmight be time for a nap
03:16.30AnduinLotharyou get that aching feeling all over that's hard to ignore
03:17.00AnduinLotharmight want to eat tho
03:19.34AnduinLotharat least once
03:19.44AnduinLotharwouldn't want my body to stop working on me
03:20.15AnduinLothargotta give it SOME sustinance... as long as it know's who's in control here
03:21.15AnduinLothari mean, hey... I can't dominate very many other peopl in this day in age... may as well rule myself.
03:24.00CairennKarl, eat and go sleep, you're babbling
03:24.33AnduinLotharlike a brook?
03:24.41Cairennsomething like, yeah
03:24.43Iriellike a crazy person
03:24.50Cairennthat's closer ;)
03:25.00AnduinLotharwho said I wasn't a crazy person?
03:25.38TainSanity is just a one-trick pony anyway.
03:25.43AnduinLotharOne day... One day I'll show you...
03:26.10AnduinLotharWhat a REAl Crazy person looks like!
03:27.01TainThey're coming to take me away ha ha
03:27.49AnduinLotharThey're coming to take me away ho ho
03:28.16Fanookhee hee ha haa to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
03:29.09Cairennwhat's scary is how many of you know that song :p
03:29.36TainI always thought of it as my theme song.
03:29.47ScytheBlade1I've honestly never heard it
03:31.38AnduinLotharaaaarrrr these stupid wow forums make me want to jab my eyes out with rusty cork screws and squeeze them into eye juice and drink it with a green olive.
03:39.32Corrodiasi don't like the wow forums much, myself
03:41.37Fanookhmmmm, can you call AssistByName() to assist a (named?) mob?
03:45.31IrielI dont see why not
03:46.47Fanookwell, the wiki says player, loading up wow now for some testing
03:48.58Tem|MCYes you can
03:49.30Tem|MCBack in the day before TargetTarget I used to make AssistByName("<boss>") macros
03:49.53*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
03:49.55Legorolwoot, i just found a new copper node in Dun Morogh
03:49.59Legoroli thought i had them all by now
03:50.19Tem|MCOnce against azuragos I crit then hit that macro and saw him change to me... then he promptly one shot m
03:50.29Fanookwhy would you /assist a bo...oh, to target the tank?
03:50.48Tem|MCno, to see it's target
03:55.44Corrodiasthese days, a lot of unitframe addons will let you have a "target of my target" frame displayed, too
03:56.20Corrodiasobviously you know that, but i like to say it for anyone who doesn't yet
03:56.54Corrodiascould you perhaps explain the usefulness of having it displayed?
04:03.15Fanookhmmm assistbyname must only work with named entities that you couldn't help using AssistUnit cause it sure as heck ain't working with my pet
04:08.02stray`laptopplayers only, probably
04:08.08stray`laptopsince npcs dont have unique names(including pets)
04:08.41Fanookright, but then i see [22:49] <Tem|MC> Back in the day before TargetTarget I used to make AssistByName("<boss>") macros
04:09.25stray`laptopdo a quick test by having your pet aggro something
04:09.35Fanookthat's what i am doing :)
04:09.38stray`laptopthen try assist it by name without targetting it and with targetting it o.O
04:09.57stray`laptopwhat are you using assistbyname to do anyhow 8)
04:11.02Fanookwiki clarification
04:11.14Fanookand there's a question on the wow forums about assisting vael
04:13.22stray`laptopdoes /assist <name> call AssistByName()?
04:14.30Fanookif it does, it's doing special stuff that the straight function call doesn't cause that works
04:15.06Fanookmy guess is that it calls AssistUnit("target")
04:15.21Fanookwhich also works
04:15.28stray`laptopmaybe it magically does TargetByName("name")->AssistUnit("target") ;p
04:16.59ScytheBlade1You could always hook both of those funcs and watch
04:17.44Fanookthat would require learning about hooking nicely :P
04:17.53ScytheBlade1Hooking isn't nice :)
04:18.12ScytheBlade1I just kinda accepted that it was a kinda nasty hack and moved on
04:18.51stray`laptopits easy to just hook those two functions and watch though :P
04:19.37Fanookyeah i know :)
04:22.35IrielWell, /assist calls AssistByName directly
04:23.27Fanookbut it works with npc's and pets, which /script AssistByName() does not
04:24.10IrielI know of one difference
04:24.38IrielThe /assist command will drop anything after a space
04:24.56IrielSo if you do /assist Long Name, it's AssistByName("Long")
04:25.58Fanookand the game must do a closest match then, cause /assist Venomtail Scorpid worked
04:26.24IrielTry /script AssistByName("Venomtail")
04:27.37*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
04:27.47kremontehas guillotine been around?
04:27.56Fanookhe was on earlier today
04:28.06kremontewell like, in the past hour?
04:28.09kremontewhowas says 4pm
04:28.41kremontemeh, oh well
04:30.55Fanookhmmm, i just broke /assist :P
04:31.20Fanookguess i hooked it wrong then
04:31.37Fanookit IS calling AssistByName, though
04:32.00ScytheBlade1Well, that's one way to tell ;)
04:32.08ScytheBlade1Just break it, and tada, you know what it's calling@
04:33.15Fanookhrmm, forgot to change the name in the .toc, now which of them did it grab the files from....
04:35.43Fanookok, assistUnit works as you'd expect
04:36.46Fanook. /assist doesn't work with pets or npc's, as far as i can tell
04:37.03Fanookwhich confuses me, as it seemed to work before :)
04:38.49MentalPowerare you sure they were actually targetting something? (not trying to insult your intelligence)
04:39.30Fanookyes, they attack my pet, i call the function and it errors "Unknown unit"
04:39.59IrielYou're calling AssistByName and not AssistUnit?
04:40.06Fanooki've tried both
04:40.29FanookAssistByName does not work. AssistUnit (with the proper unitid) does
04:41.06Fanookand /assist calls AssistByName on the targetted unit and does work with npc's and pets.
04:41.38Fanookalthough, that last statement may be incorrect, as infinitely looped in my hooking
04:41.51Fanook*i infinitely
04:43.02kremontei found a way to do linebreaks in chat
04:43.14kremonteit's fixed with linking fix though, i would think
04:43.53kremonteDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[2].hex .. "\124Hitem:11122:0:0:0\124h[line one\124nCarrot on a Stick\124nline three]\124h\124r")
04:44.45Fanookwhen kremonte and tem play, baby slouken cries. :P
04:44.53kremontewell there's a difference
04:44.57kremontei exploit the game, tem b reaks it
04:45.52IrielDoes |n do a line break??
04:46.04kremonteyup. it acts like \n i suppose
04:46.05ScytheBlade1That's annoying
04:46.08kremonteim not sure if it works outside of a link
04:46.15IrielDoes it have to be within a link then?
04:46.15kremonteill go try it.
04:46.16ScytheBlade1WoW won't auto-rejoin your channels unless you're in a city
04:46.40IrielI bet that's why "\\n" gets us disconnected, it's a typoed test for "|n"
04:47.03kremontedoesnt work in aregular message
04:47.06kremonteinvalid esc code
04:48.16kremontewell :]
04:50.21kremontenow i have to find the inevitable way to change colours
04:50.56Tem|RagI HATE LAVA
04:51.08Tem|RagI just drank a 50g potion for the rag fight...
04:51.17kremonte50g pot? wtf
04:51.19ScytheBlade150g potion!?
04:51.23Tem|Ragbefore I get !@#@ing spell off he hits me into the lava
04:51.23kremonteflask? lol
04:51.35kremonteflasks stay when you die
04:51.50ScytheBlade1What kind of pot runs you 50g?
04:51.57kremonteScytheBlade1: flasks
04:52.18ScytheBlade1What flask runs you 50g?
04:52.20Tem|Ragbut it defeats the purpose
04:52.25Tem|RagIt didn't cost me anything
04:52.26kremonteScytheBlade1: lots
04:52.29Tem|RagI made the potion
04:52.42Tem|Rag(except the mats were expensive
04:53.14kremonteblank links are so annoying
04:53.17kremontewith \124n x10
04:55.40Fanookhey Iriel, what's the __NOTOC__ at the bottom of the API template do?
04:56.38Tem|RagLol legendary drop
04:56.49Tem|Ragyay for windseeker quests
04:56.51IrielFanook : it makes it not put a table of contents on the page
05:04.18Tem|RagChocker of the FireLord
05:04.24Tem|RagChoker of the Firelord
05:04.55Fanook*facepalm* when you hook a function, you need to save and call the old function, not the normal one...
05:07.37kremontei can change link text color too
05:07.50Fanookthat's a nasty exploit
05:13.02Fanookjust dont post a link for a Legendary Wang, k?
05:13.23ScytheBlade1No promises
05:13.25kremontefanook, i could already spoof links to make [Wang] off of sulfuras
05:13.41ScytheBlade1Actually, I should supply the Penny Arcade forums with a small addon that does that
05:13.50ScytheBlade1And just see what happens
05:14.14Tem|Ragok so I just spent 100 dkp
05:14.22kremontei made [RAINBOW] in rainbow colors
05:18.30CodayusFanook: Oddly, when I worked out how to change link color, my immediate thought was...hey!  Now I can make a link to an epic [Wang]!  I was going to make it to an OEB though.
05:18.46CodayusThen, about 3 seconds later, I got distracted by something shiny and forgot all about it...  :-)
05:18.49kremonteCodayus: link color as in quality? or multicoloured in one link? to make the link be an arbitrary color.  I didn't try and make it multicolored.
05:19.35kremontejust quality colors , tho?
05:19.43CodayusNo, any arbitrary color.
05:19.44kremonteim interested if theres another way to do it
05:19.59kremontemind PMing me?
05:20.20Fanookwhat am i missing here? It doesn't seem to be calling my functions, but i didn't break the original functions either.
05:20.24CodayusSure...if I can recall where I put my notes on it...
05:20.30Tem|Ragmmm Choker of the Firelord
05:20.38Tem|Ragpoints well spent
05:23.50Fanooknm, found some large errors, gonna see if i fixed it
05:25.16Codayuskremonte: PMed you.
05:25.28kremontehave you been getting my replies?
05:25.34kremonteor am i not ident'd
05:25.40kremonteohh lol
05:26.01Codayusoops, totally wrong key.
05:29.55Fanookwhy won't you hook?!?
05:29.57Fanookany comments?
05:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
05:52.01SP|Sorrenhow you do that ;o
05:53.37SP|Sorrenid, are you sure your mod is loading?
05:54.12SP|Sorrener fanook
05:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
06:02.10Fanookfairly certain
06:02.19Fanookthat's actually a good point
06:06.09Fanookyes. it's loading
06:06.28Fanookand now it's working...
06:07.19Fanookand /assist calls AssistUnit("target"), not AssistByName
06:07.31Fanookwhich makes sense
06:07.54IrielNo it doesn't
06:08.01IrielUnless you do "/assist" with no args
06:08.06IrielOr pass it a unit ID
06:08.20Fanookwhich is what i just tested, going to test with args now
06:08.45IrielSo a more correct statement would have been:
06:09.03Irielwell, something along the lines of 'with no args'
06:09.53Fanookand /assist <name> calls AssistByName up to the first space, which confirms what you said earlier
06:10.59IrielI just looked at the code for /assist
06:14.49Fanookwhere is that code, my grep skillz are failing me
06:15.11IrielSearch for ASSIST
06:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
07:17.13Cairenn|sleepnight guys
07:46.26Tem|Ragnight Cairenn|sleep
07:46.36Temsay me 40 minutes late
07:46.46Temwell we killed rag like 2 hours ago...
07:46.52Temfirst time ever
07:47.08TemI got my hands on a Choker of the Fire Lord
07:47.20Temso my neckslot is done...
07:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:51.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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07:55.28zesprianybody knows for the top of their head how to access hunter pet buttons from within an addon?
07:57.20IrielUsePetAction ?
07:57.27Irieland CastSpellByName
07:58.52zesprido these buttons have button id that can be passed to Tooltip:SetAction()?
08:03.00zespriright. I'm having some kind of wierdnes in my addon. I call button:setText in ActionButton_UpdateUsable event and for some bizzare reazon some text that I set ends up on the pet bar
08:03.26IrielAre they being shared?
08:03.33IrielWith some overrides?
08:03.41Irielor is 'button' in fact not the name of the right variable?
08:04.23zespributton is getglobal(this:GetName().."Count")
08:05.10zespriit's what is displayed in lower right coner of an action button
08:12.14IrielThen i'm goig to guess your code needs to figure out what kind of button it's being called for
08:13.57zespriyou are absolutely right. this was the problem
08:14.30zespriI called ActionButton_GetPagedID() for petactionbutton, which doesn't make sense, so it returned trash
08:14.43zesprithank you, figured it out now
08:16.51zespriwhat are BonusActionButton, ShapeshiftButton, PetActionButton? as far as I understand ShapeshiftButton and PetActionButton are displayed at the same position just for different classes because there is no class that have them both, right?
08:17.29Irielthe shapeshift buttons appear directly above the normal action bars, but look different than pet buttons
08:18.11zespriright. shapeshift are a little bigger then pet ones
08:18.18zespriwhat is the BonusBar then?
08:19.23IrielI think that's the one that appears when a warrior/rogue/etc is shifted
08:19.25Irielbut i'm not sure
08:19.52IrielI lose track of the variations
08:20.02zespriok thank you, I have to find it out from the blizz code then.
08:20.15zespriyou are absolutely right
08:20.27zespriit appears on the top of normal action bar
08:20.39zespricool. that's all I wanted to know, thanks a lot
08:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:21.57Corrodiasthe bonus bar takes the place of the action bar
08:22.10Corrodiasin fact, you have two.
08:22.30Corrodiasso i should say "your active bonus bar takes the place of your first action bar"
08:23.33zespriyeah, I already remembered that. I forget things very fast
08:27.30Elkanoman... the guys at curse became even slower at checking new mods :/
08:30.20Corrodiasyou know, i wonder if the bonus bars have anything to do with why abinfo doesn't work right
08:30.30Corrodiasit assumes bar "7" and "8" are the shapeshift and pet bars
08:35.07GenNMX|ThraeABInfo modified for Visor works OK for me.
08:35.59Corrodiasi get "out of range" crap on the pet bar, shared countdowns with my regular action bar..
08:36.30GenNMX|ThraeWhen you shapeshift (or stealth/change stance), buttons are hotswapped from (NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES + GetBonusBarOffset() + 1) to the BonusActionBar, then the ActionBar is hidden and the former shown.
08:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:37.50GenNMX|ThraeCorrodias: Yeah, that might just be for the Blizz implementation
08:38.13Corrodiasi will have to explore the code a little
08:39.05Corrodiasnot like that'll ever happen. i'm not familiar enough with the way the action bars work to -fix- it
08:39.28Corrodiasi just tossed in a couple of things to disable checking for range on the shapeshift bar and disable everything on the pet bar (for abinfo)
08:41.11GenNMX|ThraeMy Warlock's Imp's Firebolt range check seems OK, though.
08:41.52Corrodiasmaybe there's an update. i hope.
08:43.49Corrodiasi'm using 1800b...
08:47.38Corrodiaswhat the heck is Visor?
08:47.47Corrodiasi'm not finding it on curse or wowi
09:09.19krka|workCorrodias, what is your problem?
09:09.34krka|workhmm... i meant that in the nice way btw
09:09.58krka|workactionbars and ranges is something I've dealt with a lot :)
09:15.06Corrodiasokay, in ABInfo:
09:15.38Corrodiasit is supposed to change buttons to red if they're out of range, and during cooldown it puts numbers on them to count down (not unlike cooldowncount + redrange, plus spellcount or something)
09:16.18Corrodiashowever, on the shapeshiftbar, nothing should be "out of range", yet it still turns them red sometimes. i use aspected, so it may contain druid shapes, hunter aspects, rogue stealth, or whatever else
09:16.53Corrodiasand on the pet action bar, the cooldown counts and red color never has anything to do with what the action on the pet bar is. rather, it seems to mirror what's going on on the main bar
09:17.00Corrodiasthe first action bar
09:17.10krka|worksounds like ABinfo is broken :P
09:17.42Corrodiasbut on curse, i don't see any comments complaining about it, and i've never heard anybody else mention it...
09:18.39krka|workconflict with some other addon?
09:18.53Corrodiasit could be. i'll redownload it and reinstall it and see if it works any better
09:20.53krka|workjust try to disable all other addons
09:24.05Corrodiassigh. auctioneer's data indicates this is worth 60g. there are three for auction, one 20g, one 60g, one 63g. i buy it at 20g. the next day, there are 5 up for auction, none of them for more than 30g.
09:24.08Corrodiasi hate people sometimes
09:24.12TemI <3 greasemonkey
09:25.21TemI didn't like how wowi opened screenshots in a new window
09:25.32Temso I made a script to stop that
09:28.29Corrodiasfixing a typo in ABInfo fixes the pet bar cooldown, but the red range stuff still sucks
09:28.39Corrodiasi might just disable that part and use redrange
09:31.28*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
09:37.41Corrodiasthat works well
09:44.28Corrodiasaccording to SCT's custom event file.. it is supposed to show the values of you healing somebody else
10:07.04Corrodiasah, commented out.
10:12.04Corrodiasi see. SCT is only responsible for showing numbers above your own head.
10:12.32Corrodiasit was one of the first addons i got, so it has been ages since i played without it. i keep forgetting that.
11:03.19krka|worksleep at noon? weird
11:23.52Elkanowho says that it's noon for them?
11:25.55krka|workmy time is the right time
11:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
12:43.14krka|workquiet here
12:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
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14:07.28Valleriuszomg, people actually read white ninja?
14:07.55Valleriusthose guys go to my school, i thought it was a local thing
14:09.47krka|workreally? cool!
14:09.54krka|workyeah, it made its way to sweden atleast :P
14:11.20GenNMX|ThraeSweden has exotic women, why waste time reading comics?
14:12.50krka|workexoticness is a relative thing
14:14.01TainI miss Master Ninja.
14:14.39TainBut actually year, a lot of people do read white ninja.
14:14.49TainI don't personally, but I see it linked a lot.
14:17.05GenNMX|ThraeVallerius: Are the makers of White Ninja the "cool kids", or nerds who hang out in their own little sect?
14:20.51ValleriusGenNMX|Thrae: not a clue. all i know is they got their start publishing it in the school paper
14:21.06Tainhaha AQ event crashed the Medivh servers 7+ times.
14:21.16kremontelol how did it crash?
14:21.18Valleriusouch. sounds like they got owned.
14:21.42TainJust from the load of people it sounds like.
14:21.55TainPretty cool pictures though.
14:24.13Fanookhehe, from the realm forum:
14:24.17Fanook"Now how about the long term benefits? Now we've got a few big, very nasty monsters roaming around in most of the 40-50 levelling grounds, and a crystal in Gadgetzan that mind-controls people. And admission into a pair of new instances. Ones that may have new gear, but are essentially designed to be the difficulty level of two existing instances.
14:47.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
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15:04.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
15:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:14.22Fanookjapanese cat
15:15.10Valleriuson that note, would a chinese cat say "mao"?
15:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:16.07Anduin|Comachairman mao?
15:18.05Anduin|Comalol, guy just ran past me named Bonesaw
15:36.13Corrodias"big, very nasty monsters roaming around in most of the 40-50 levelling grounds and a crystal in Gadgetzan that mind-controls people" sound like rather unpleasant things to me
15:36.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
15:37.58WobsterSounds like fun...
15:38.01Wobsterfrom a distance =P
15:39.52Fanookthough the server crashes are probably more annoying
15:40.02Elkanowell, maybe we should start to work against the war effort on as many servers as possible ;)
15:40.15Corrodiasfuck yeah
15:40.20Corrodiasi'm just getting to 47, myself
15:41.07Corrodiaswhat's the page with how far each realm has gotten?
15:41.09Elkanowell, my 'main' is 45 :/ started about a year ago :/ is so badly layed out that i can't find jack
15:41.31Elkanowith the war effort? look at blizzards official page
15:44.10Elkanous war effort ->
15:44.50Fanookhasn't updated for medivh's gate opening tho :)
15:45.35Fanookyay! my server's 45'th! maybe they'll fix stuff before we have to break it
15:45.46Corrodiasand mine's 66th
15:45.59Corrodiasbut they're probably within 2% of each other :)
15:46.02Corrodiasoops, gotta go!
15:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:01.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:03.28[MoonWolf]string.split(" ","somestring")
16:03.36[MoonWolf]not that that would actually split
16:03.46[MoonWolf]string.split(" ","somestring that needs to be split")
16:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX|Thrae (
16:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:43.38Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
16:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:48.32WobsterApparantly people in comas can detect huggling
16:49.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
16:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
16:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
16:56.27Shouryuuit woiked!
16:58.32Shouryuuyou typed it wrong...
16:58.54Anduin|Comaya, no e
17:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
17:26.47Shouryuulol I'm buying my food over the internet
17:26.54Shouryuulazyness at it's best
17:30.12Elkanowasn't there a MMORPG that allowed you to order from PizzaHut ingame?
17:31.37Shouryuuno Im shopping
17:31.45Shouryuugonna get it delivered tomorow
17:32.59Wobster./panda =)
17:36.37Anduin|Comadude, the summoner got a ridable tank..
17:36.54subsonic-If I were to make an MMO, I'd get in contact with pizzahut and other places and actually build a shop ingame where you could order pizza
17:37.15subsonic-EQ has /pizza which would minimize the game and go to pizza huts site
17:37.22subsonic-but make it where the stores are in game
17:40.34TainI used a restaurant delivery service a couple of times.  They had a bunch of restaurant menus online, they'd go pick it up from there and deliver to you.
17:47.35Anduin|Comameh, my ui durring that last Ony raid was a nightmare
17:49.10ShouryuuWhat happened?
17:49.47Anduin|Comanothing much. just too much clutter on my normal screen for 40 man raiding
17:49.57Anduin|Comathey made me use ctra which i dont usually
17:50.16Shouryuuyou're in a smallish guild right?
17:50.31Anduin|Comamy guild is crap. the ony run was PUG
17:52.25Anduin|Comathe guild wants me to use ctra too, but i think i'm just gonna rip out the comm for main tank and rdy check and use that
17:53.20Anduin|Coma:) I have a pic of my lvl 29 Manual Crowd Pummeler on my 60 pally doing 205.5 dps at 0.92 speed
17:53.59Shouryuuthat's a lot
17:54.18Anduin|Comait's attacking faster than a 2h rogue
17:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
17:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
18:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
18:03.38CorrodiasCTRA is pretty hard to configure when you're not in a raid.
18:04.13Corrodiasand, of course, not nearly as useful if nobody is synced on a channel
18:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
18:04.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
18:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
18:09.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:16.15WobsterWhat does the CTRA synching channel do anyway?
18:16.38[MoonWolf]synch combat logs
18:16.46Corrodiasi assume, since i have never used it, it sends information about party health and such
18:16.54Corrodiasyou can't get it otherwise for people outside your group
18:17.34Corrodiaswell, either you can't any other way or it would be less efficient, i should think.
18:19.00Anduin|Comadont think it selfs much of that
18:19.45Corrodiassorry, i'm only guessing. what else would it send? buffs? we don't care how much damage somebody is doing to the mobs, i think
18:20.04Anduin|Comaused to send that stuff, but now you can just get it from the ui
18:20.07WobsterMaybe for debuffs?
18:20.21Anduin|Comanah, its just the extra data now
18:20.53WobsterAnyone know of a good leveling build for a druid? I take it Feral is now a viable option? =)
18:21.12Corrodiasthe feral tree is very nice, yes
18:21.51Shouryuuok my computer does not like when I browse the internet, and download at the same time
18:22.00Corrodias-if- you choose to focus on feral, you can be a good tank and a good damage dealer (in different forms). even with only 20 points in feral, you can do, what, 3/4 the damage of a similarly funded rogue
18:22.09Shouryuuyup feral is the way
18:22.22Shouryuuthere was a post about the best leveling build on the druids forum I saw
18:22.22Shouryuumaybe it's stickied, you'll have to look around :P
18:22.29Wobsterooh. Ta, I shall =)
18:23.30Corrodiasit's great for soloing. on the other hand, most people will like a druid to heal when in a group, due to the fact that you can never have too many healers (joking, but only druids and priests can do it), so it's worthwhile to put points into restoration, too
18:24.08ShouryuuI'm leveling my druid just for PvP
18:24.19ShouryuuIf you need a healing bitch I have my priest, so I really don't care
18:24.24Corrodiasdespite playing 46 levels of druid, i haven't even looked at the druid forum yet. i should go have a look see.
18:24.26WobsterConsidering levelling my druid atm with a hunter pal...
18:24.32WobsterYeah, same with me =)
18:24.44WobsterIf we really need a healer, I'll log my dorf priestess on =)
18:24.47Corrodiasi absolutely LOVE the role of healing, so i'm speccing my druid mostly for healing
18:24.49Shouryuuand being a heal bitch in PvP really sucks
18:24.57Shouryuuyeah if the guild needs me then priest it is :P
18:25.04Corrodiasgood to hear it
18:25.10WobsterI've decided I'll try being a ganktarget with my priest and try PvPing
18:25.15ShouryuuIt's great, I love healing to, you just don't get the gratitude you deserve
18:25.27Shouryuuyup that also
18:25.32Shouryuuhaving 800 armor suck
18:25.45Corrodiasdid you play guild wars? there was some real disrespect sometimes
18:26.08Wobsteryuck GW.
18:26.15WobsterI tried playing that for a few days
18:26.19WobsterI just never got into it...
18:26.28WobsterIt felt so ... empty..
18:26.29ShouryuuI never tried
18:26.34Corrodiasin fact, some monks started charging fees to go with parties because we were in low supply and sometimes got very little respect
18:26.51Corrodiasespecially if somebody decided to aggro everybody at once and then blame it on the healer for not being good enough
18:27.09WobsterOh that happens enough on WoW =)
18:27.26WobsterWith me chugging down mana pots to try and keep up =P
18:27.36Corrodiasthe warrior/monk class combination got a reputation for being played by stupid people
18:27.50WobsterIsn't that the pally equivalent? =)
18:27.59Corrodiastanks who tried to do it all and it was always everybody else's fault if you wiped
18:28.07Corrodiasbasically, i believe so.
18:28.13Wobsterlol pally
18:28.22Corrodiasit was also the most popular
18:29.37Anduin|Comabecause you can  choose what kind of role you want to have on a daily basis, rather than being stuck in one
18:29.51Corrodiasi was complimented once on my healing prowess, probably in combination with another monk in the group. that was so uplifting.
18:30.27Anduin|Comai get compimented a lot, usually because no one believes me when i say i can main heal for the grp
18:30.52WobsterIt's hard to find an effective pally, Anduin, that's why it's often so surprising when one turns up =P
18:31.09Corrodiasin guild wars?
18:31.15Wobsterin WoW
18:31.15Corrodiasor as a paladin?
18:31.19Anduin|Comano no, as a pally
18:31.41Anduin|Comaguild wars doesn't even have items does it? or am i thinking of another game
18:31.50WobsterAs a priest, I personally love pallies that can secondary heal when required but still pretty much tank it
18:31.59WobsterIt has items...?
18:32.05ShouryuuI don't like it when other classes heal
18:32.06WobsterIt also has a 8 slot action bar =P
18:32.21WobsterI'd prefer it to me running out of mana and someone dying =P
18:32.24Shouryuuthey usualy try to show how much a good healer they are, and end up overhealing like crazy
18:32.31Corrodiasguild wars has items. however, they don't make much of a difference.
18:32.40WobsterSince I'm shadowspec atm, mana is.. less than a holy one
18:32.51ShouryuuI'm holy/disc
18:32.57Anduin|Comai never use my main heal when with a priest in 5man, only multiple flashes
18:33.05WobsterOh, by secondary, I only mean picking up the slack if I'm oom
18:33.34WobsterGive me time to regen some to start again
18:33.36Shouryuuyeah I don't mind people helping out, but most shamans/druids end up trying to hea; for me
18:33.41Anduin|Comaright, I'll pick it up when they're oom, but usually with a priest in the grp i have my pvp gear on
18:33.51Shouryuuyeah :P
18:34.04WobsterThat's why I said earlier, it's hard to find a good pally =) and better when you do =)
18:34.34ShouryuuI've rareky ran into someone who really filled his secondary healer role
18:34.51WobsterI've been lucky I guess =)
18:34.53Anduin|Comado you run DM West much?
18:35.06ShouryuuI don't play anymore
18:35.12Anduin|Comayou always have pallies and priests together in dm west
18:35.13WobsterMe? Not yet =P only just hit 47
18:35.27Anduin|Comaand there's a pally in almost every 60 man grp
18:35.28ShouryuuI;m horde as well =P So pallies are a rare bread
18:35.48ShouryuuI really like pallies
18:36.11ShouryuuIf leveling a char didn't take so long, I'd reroll one
18:36.11ForgottenLordsis there a BringToFront() function?
18:36.18ForgottenLordsor something if the sort?
18:36.34WobsterYou could possibly set the layer?
18:36.42Wobsterto a higher one?
18:36.47Corrodiasi fear i don't know what this person is talking about. "stupidest things done TO a druid" apparently include: I also can't count the number of times I've gone one on one with Horde Druids only to have them root me. Let's see, there's also Warriors Hamstring-ing me while I'm in Bear form, Mages Poly'ing me, Priests casting Vampiric Embrace on me, oh, and a couple times I actually had a Pally use Consecrate during a duel.
18:36.52Anduin|Comahide(), Show()
18:37.00Corrodiasi know why polymorph won't be useful, but other than that...
18:37.09ForgottenLordsHide/Show automatically brings it to the front?
18:37.31WobsterDoesn't shapeshifting remove the root?
18:37.50ForgottenLordsOk, thanks for the suggestion
18:37.53Corrodiasyes, but it takes a lot of mana to shift back
18:37.53Wobsteror rather shapeshifting removing all movement impairs
18:37.55Anduin|Comaand consecrate is useless in dual anyway
18:37.59Anduin|Comawaste of mana
18:38.06Corrodiasi don't know what consecrate is :(
18:38.19ForgottenLordspally AoE
18:38.19Anduin|Comacircle of gold aoe dot
18:38.23Beladonasooo, was he complaining? or just laughing about it?
18:38.34WobsterI think he was laughing about it
18:38.37Corrodiasah, there is the talent that reduces shifting mana cost, isn't there... i didn't get that one, but then, i'm no pvper.
18:38.41Corrodiasyeah, laughing
18:38.50Corrodiaswhat about vampiric embrace?
18:38.51WobsterAlthough... Vampiric Embrace?
18:38.58WobsterThat's not going to be dispelled...
18:39.06Anduin|Comadruid has a cleanse, no?
18:39.07Wobsterand sure, it doesn't cause damage, but it heals =P
18:39.24Beladonadruids are fun to fight
18:39.36WobsterYou never know what you're going to get =P
18:39.38Anduin|Comaya, i liek dueling druids
18:39.43BeladonaI got pretty good at it
18:39.53Beladonabut yeah, it varies widely
18:40.09Anduin|Comadueling wars/hunters/rogue are borring, always the same thing
18:40.14Corrodiasa druid who isn't specifically designed for pvp in some way is not going to be a tough fight, i think
18:40.21Beladonanot if they are good
18:40.29Corrodiasokay, well, i just suck in that case
18:40.45Anduin|Comahunters are lame to pvp... always pet on u and run away
18:41.01BeladonaI have met a couple hunters that could go one on one
18:41.04Corrodiasi don't know how to fight people. i don't even know what each class is capable of, yet.
18:41.06Beladonano pet
18:41.07WobsterSob deadzone =(
18:41.17Anduin|Comano pet might be interesting
18:41.28WobsterI hates it my precious =P
18:41.37Anduin|Comabut if i have a bear on me it's lame
18:41.40Beladonarogues though, most do tend to do the same thing
18:41.45Wobstersurvival specced might be able to pull it off
18:41.58Corrodiasi can't even tank very well, because i'm not very familiar with how to do it
18:41.59Beladonamy warrior ate rogues for breakfast
18:42.10Corrodiasalthough it probably helps if there's somebody to heal!
18:42.26Wobstertanking generally means you try to keep the opponents attention while other people whale upon them
18:42.44Beladonaa good tank can manage aggro, and take hits
18:43.11WobsterIt's really up to the healers to keep you alive, and everyone else to dispose of the ones you're keeping the attention on
18:43.17Beladonamanaging aggro is pretty tough in wow compared to other games I have played
18:43.23Beladonaas a warrior
18:43.34WobsterAs a druid, it's even harder with groups =P
18:43.34Beladonayou just have to know what skills really pisses off a mob
18:43.36Corrodiasit is. and it also looks incredibily exciting.
18:43.52Beladonasunder, ftw
18:44.18Corrodiasi know i love healing, and i think i'd like tanking, too, if i had a nice little warrior
18:44.25Beladonashould try it
18:44.28BeladonaI loved mine
18:44.58Beladonathe only thing I hated was when you get end-game, they tend to want protection spec warriors for instances, and they are canon-fodder in pvp
18:45.40BeladonaI had to stop doing pvp completely till I was done in the main instances, and could switch to a dmg spec
18:45.42Anduin|Comaknow what's a challenge is being a warrior and keeping the attention of multiple mobs w/o anyone else doing crowd control
18:46.01Beladonaespecially when you ahve trigger happy mages
18:46.09Anduin|Comato be able to do that means swappign targets after pissing one off
18:46.24Anduin|Comaand you can to know what your allies are attacking
18:46.30Anduin|Comahave to know*
18:46.30Corrodiashave to remind myself the point isn't to stick to one mob and damage him.
18:46.34Beladonait takes a lot of skill
18:46.37Beladonabut its fun
18:46.52Anduin|Comaeven harder for a pally tanking
18:47.03Anduin|Comabut it's usually inverse
18:47.29Anduin|Comapally can keep multiple targets on him, but if the mages pummel one he'll lose it
18:47.31Beladonayou gotta be quick
18:47.49Beladonaif you are one of those people that tend to watch tv and play at the same time, and get distracted, don't play a warrior
18:48.03Anduin|Comaya lol, play a priest
18:48.39BeladonaI remember when Pallies were upset that warriors had better crowd control
18:48.52Beladonathe dev were like "and?"
18:49.15Beladonaso you want warriors to be non-magic pallies
18:49.48Corrodiasare dragons actually "dragonkin"?
18:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge digix_ (
18:50.02Beladonadepends I think
18:51.00Wobsterin a hunter sense? yes
18:51.15Corrodiasi mean in a "will Hibernate work on a dragon" sense
18:51.21Corrodiasis that their creature type?
18:51.30WobsterI believe so. unless they're like boss mobs =)
18:51.43Corrodiaswhat might they be then? ... "boss"?
18:52.48WobsterI'm fairly sure 'detect dragonkin' as a hunter detects dragons
18:53.23WobsterGive it a go in the dragons in the Badlands =)
18:53.25Corrodiaswait, i'm stupid.
18:54.01Corrodiasi'll just check my screenshots. Blanchanese kited Phantim (a world dragon, i guess) to the crossroads four or five times a day or two ago
18:55.07Corrodiasyep. i got a great shot of phantim up inside the tower (he apparently chased somebody up it), tooltip says he's a +?? Dragonkin, and i apparently just said 'otu of mana"
18:55.17Corrodiasa great shot of a stupid typo
18:55.35WobsterDon't you hate those =)
18:56.58Corrodiasi did get a chance to have some fun, even at level 46
18:57.47Corrodiasby dumping my mana as fast as possible, i (apparently alone) managed to keep a bear form druid alive tanking him for, what, 15-20 seconds >_>
18:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (n=SubSonic@
18:57.57Corrodiashealing, that is
18:58.21WobsterMeh, I want to be a Tauren druid
18:58.25WobsterI'm sick of the NE model
18:58.40Corrodiastaurens are so cool, man.
18:58.42WobsterMaybe I'll just stay permanantly in shapeshift form =P
18:58.51WobsterI love the male tauren dance
18:58.53WobsterBest of the lot =)
18:59.20WobsterIt's like the Dragostea Din Tea man =)
18:59.37krkaeveryone's a tauren :/
18:59.46WobsterThey're so cuddly =P
18:59.47Corrodiasit sure seems that way, but really, we just take up that much space.
19:00.05WobsterI think if I wanted to PvP, I'd make a gnome
19:00.15WobsterTauren are too easy to target
19:00.30Corrodiasnight elves and trolls are about the same size, as are forsaken and humans. then the allinace gets dinky ones and the horde gets huge ones.
19:01.03Corrodiasi zoom out two ticks when playing my druid
19:04.05*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault)
19:04.42Corrodiasand war stomp is sometimes fun to use, although i bet that fade into shadows thing is pretty useful
19:05.36Wobster"And then I cast... FROST SHOOOOCCCCK"
19:06.00WobsterShadowmeld I find only useful when sniping an aimed shot with my hunter =P
19:06.33WobsterOr when I was waiting for partymembers to make it back into instances that I was a low level in
19:06.41Wobster(Feign Death FTW)
19:08.12WobsterWarstop would be so useful for hunters
19:08.24Wobsteras a AoE scattershot equiv
19:08.43kremontehey all :Q
19:08.46WobsterI need to incorporate it more into my shammy
19:08.48Corrodiasyeah, stomp, hit cheetah, and book it!
19:09.01kremonteany slouken/people who speak sloukenian around?
19:09.14Corrodiastauren hunter, there's a good idea. although my hunter is a troll because i like raptors.
19:09.25WobsterTauren on a Raptor can be done =)
19:09.32Corrodiasawful hard
19:09.47kremontebah no slouken types around ; ;
19:09.53kremontei really need to report this, lol
19:09.56Corrodiasor lucky. or have a GM friend.
19:15.31*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
19:18.20Corrodiashmm. a lot of the stories of people saying foolish things about druids here come from the alliance side and 80% of them involve paladins as one of the antagonists. i wonder if that's a pattern. :)
19:19.54Shouryuu|foodWe need to stop the Slouken : i want this posts
19:20.13kremontewe need to have a slouken: don't fix the linking system its so fun, posts
19:20.17kremonteuploading SS of pwnage
19:20.54Shouryuuwe shouldn't tahnk his involvement in the community by considering him as an errant boy that obeys our every command =P
19:21.07Corrodiasit would be pretty tasty to have a full tank-specced druid...
19:21.25ShouryuuI've seen a pick of a druid with 15k armor in bear form
19:21.30Shouryuubadass is the word
19:22.12Corrodiasas i understand, for them, it's very important to have a high crit rate and crit with Swipe and, i suppose, Maul.
19:22.12Shouryuuman you are my knew idol :p
19:22.40kremonteill change Dragonslayer's Signet into Shoe-Dragon-slayer's Signet
19:22.47Corrodiasapparently hitting a crit with swipe and maul will multiply the aggro by some big factor
19:23.10Shouryuushoe ryuu
19:23.16Shouryuu<=== shoe ryuu
19:23.24kremontejust like i am what, kraymontieuh?
19:23.58Shouryuucrepe time
19:24.03kremonteoh btw, as an answer do one of our questions in french class today, i answered "je vais jeter mes dechets sur shouryuu"
19:24.31kremonteit was to honor you.
19:26.19Corrodiasi really should learn how to tank better. sometimes it apparently comes in handy when the warrior sucks, but when am i in a group that has another good healer? :P
19:26.33kremontedruid tanks are cool
19:27.05kremontea druid friend and myself trained one of the servants from blasted lands into stormwind today, the entire time we were fighting over aggro.. i can't believe he won D:
19:30.34kremonteanyone have a character on WoW that i can test something with another faction?
19:32.12kremontenoone can make an ally char on draenor?
19:32.22Corrodiasbut.. but.. alliance is jerks
19:32.30Shouryuulol thanks kremonte
19:32.51kremonteyeah but i have a troll rogue at stormwind there
19:33.09kremontesomeone! prz help me find incredible exploitable bugs?
19:33.32Shouryuui dont have the game installed =(
19:33.45Corrodiasuse teleport hax.
19:33.55kremonteCorrodias? :]
19:34.08Corrodiasi don't like that look
19:34.21Corrodiasas long as i don't have to do a lot of work, okay. what am i doing?
19:34.27WobsterYou're going to try the send message in another language?
19:34.34kremonteWobster: no
19:34.42kremontemake a human character on draenor
19:34.54WobsterCall it KremontesLackey
19:34.58kremonteill see where in elwynn my rogue is..logging in
19:35.11kremonteyea im right next to northshire
19:35.32Corrodiashuman, you say?
19:35.36kremonteyes please
19:35.40WobsterAnd wander about saying "BRAIIIINS"
19:36.09kremonterun right outside of northshire please, and make a right. my character is 'Jeklik'
19:36.21Corrodiasi shall recreate my only alliance character on ET!
19:37.02Corrodiasexcept without her name which is taken
19:38.16kremonteill be like two minutes, the guards just spawned when i killed a deer ; ;
19:38.48Corrodias'k. what i mean is that my character has the same appearance/class as my only alliance character on my home realm
19:39.20kremontewell i'm directly outside of northshire, if you make an immediate right you'll see my corpse =P
19:40.01Corrodiasyeah, i'm there.
19:40.14kremontei'm appx 1 minute away
19:41.20kremonteokay, simple test
19:41.40kremonteyou there?
19:41.53kremontedid you see any color in that text?
19:42.37Corrodiasstill no
19:42.53kremontelast one, no?
19:43.02kremonteguess it's only a chat bubble bug?
19:43.12kremontewait, you didnt see color in the chat bubble eitther?
19:43.25Corrodiasi don't have the chat bubbles enabled. want me to turn them on?
19:43.27stray`laptopomg l33t link sploiter, tell me how it works before it gets fixed :P
19:43.34stray`laptopplz? :)
19:43.35kremontestray`laptop, no
19:43.39stray`laptopawwww ;(
19:43.43kremonteCorrodias: yes please
19:43.54Tem|Sleepkremonte: the chat bubbles /never/ show color
19:44.01Natasemlol n00bs "wow hacked my pc"
19:44.03Tem|Sleep(link color that is)
19:44.05kremonteTem|Sleep: wrong. =)
19:44.09kremonteTem|Sleep: not with this
19:44.21Corrodiasno color
19:44.28kremonteyeah, guess it's just friendly then
19:44.35kremontealright, thanks for helping ><
19:46.12Temnice lol
19:46.16kremonte(expanded from )
19:46.34kremontemy guild ph3ars my artifact quality krol blade. i promise. :)
19:46.52Corrodiasshould have said [Wang]
19:46.59Temis this still the localization thing?
19:47.00kremontebeen there, done that =P
19:47.05kremonteTem: sort of.
19:47.14Corrodiasi know. but showing your legendary troll wang to a captivated human girl would be just the thing.
19:47.17kremontebut you can do it with plain english too
19:47.23kremonteCorrodias: rofl
19:47.27Temthat's cool
19:47.29kremonteTem: i'll pm
19:53.04Corrodiasi'm still poking around in the restoration tree
19:53.07Corrodiasnot sure just where to put my points
19:56.45Corrodiasnature's swiftness is highly recommended, but i want all sorts of talents...
19:57.44Corrodiasit makes me wonder how useful Reflection is.
19:57.53Corrodias15% of your mana regen continues during combat
19:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
19:59.31Corrodiasand with nature's swiftness: sure, i can get a healing touch off instantly. but if we're in such bad shape that i need to do THAT, i'm going to burn through my mana in the next 15 seconds and it's over, baby
19:59.58WobsterI guess it's more for PVP?
20:00.06WobsterYou want a burst heal to yourself
20:00.09Corrodiasprobably. this guide is written from a pvp-enabling perspective. :o
20:00.25WobsterOr you could burst heal the priest/pally as your final action =)
20:01.02Shouryuuif the priest needs healing
20:01.10Corrodiashmm. that's odd. he didn't even put any points into Subtlety
20:01.20Shouryuupriest talents?
20:01.30Corrodiasdruid. that's 20% threat reduction from your heals for 5 points. i generate too damn much threat even WITH that.
20:01.52WobsterThreat isn't an issue =)
20:02.05Corrodiaswe were stupid enough to use a .. ah, yes .. a hunter pet to try to tank uldaman, once. -that- was interesting.
20:02.13WobsterI've done that =P
20:02.18WobsterFailed miserably =)
20:02.25Shouryuumy god
20:02.29Shouryuulook at the third post
20:02.39Corrodiasit couldn't hold aggro for crap. even if i held off the healing until i -had- to, and then used only the HoT's, all the mobs would just turn and run at me
20:02.52ShouryuuI've had a mage tank the boss in UBRS
20:03.03Corrodiasin which case i'd hit barkskin and pop into bear but it was still crap
20:03.15Shouryuuwe fucked up the begining and had a mage running around trying to kite/tank the boss... That was interesting
20:03.35WobsterHehe, we've done that with our guild
20:03.43Wobster"Tank with your face Pol! Tank with your face!"
20:03.53Corrodiasinsect swarm. sounds not very useful to me.
20:04.04Shouryuupeople like it
20:04.08Shouryuudunno why
20:04.12Shouryuubut poeple like it
20:04.21WobsterIt's a bit... pitiful
20:04.28Shouryuunever tried
20:04.30Corrodias2% less chance to hit and negligible DoT
20:04.43WobsterDoes it have levels?
20:04.49WobsterCause 45mana is really pittance
20:04.55Wobsterso why not use it =)
20:05.12Corrodiasbecause it takes a talent point. :)
20:05.24Corrodiasyes, it has higher levels. unfortunately, they don't look much better.
20:05.27Wobsterbut then again, it's a prereq for gift of nature
20:05.37WobsterWhich does sound useful
20:05.50Wobster10% increase in healing effect
20:06.00Corrodiasyeah, that is a big deal
20:07.44Corrodiasi feel a little weird, though, in caster form, sometimes.
20:08.00Corrodiasi mean, i have 3500 mana and nobody else ever has more than 3k :(
20:08.13Shouryuuas a druid?
20:08.30kremontehow would you reset a value to the default?
20:08.43kremontei.c ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS
20:09.20Corrodiasthat mage didn't break 3k. pussy. :3
20:09.27GenNMX|ThraeInsect Swarm is decent for a Feral Druid. Pounce + Rake + Rip + Moonfire + Insect Swarm = massive DoT damage
20:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
20:09.54TemHey Druids: You guys need to not spam Insect Swarm on MC mobs
20:10.07kremonteTem: lol
20:10.13TemI'm sick of Warlock Curses getting knocked off by stupid shit like Insect Swarm
20:10.16GenNMX|ThraeHow can you spam Insect Swarm? It has no upfront damage
20:10.25kremonteGenNMX|Thrae: 6 druids, 6 insect swarms
20:10.32TemEspecially when those warlock curses increase my dps by 10%
20:10.33GenNMX|ThraeAh, true
20:10.34kremonte6 insect swarms = no curse of elements
20:10.35Corrodiasthat's hilarious
20:10.51MaldiviaTem: yeah, I agree... where is the promised debuff priority system :)
20:10.55GenNMX|ThraeYes, now Druids have two tiny DoTs they can spam on enemies
20:11.30kremontetiny dots that use debuffs slots
20:11.36Anduin|Comait's ok, yo'll never knock off my judgement of light
20:11.40Corrodiasoh, god
20:11.49kremonteincreasing the dps of all 8 of your mages by 10% > insect swarm ^^
20:11.49Corrodiasthis document is making me consider respeccing again. i spend 20g last time.
20:12.28Maldivia20g... that's nothing :)
20:12.41Corrodiasit is when i only have 24g left on hand. >_>
20:12.43kremontei spent 50g 4 days ago for respect =D
20:12.45Anduin|Comaya my alt lvl 2 has 50g on her
20:12.46kremonteand i have 13g now
20:12.50Corrodiasah, never mind, i'm good in this spec.
20:12.58WobsterI <3 Curse of Elements Plus the priest shadow debuff
20:13.07kremontewhy those 2?
20:13.08WobsterMakes for more magic damage overall
20:13.12Corrodiasif i can just decide on what this spec is
20:13.13kremonteneither benefit of each other
20:13.26GenNMX|ThraeShadow Debuffs don't effect Mages, and we all know Warlocks are just there for Curse of Elements to help Mages
20:13.26kremonteCoE and CoS, let the priests heal =P
20:13.42kremontewhy do i outdps our mage with toep and zhc then, half the time? :Q
20:13.47WobsterThe shadow debuff affects the shadow damage from a 'lock though
20:13.50GenNMX|ThraeCoE + SS + HS
20:14.01kremonte+ more dps than mages! :]
20:14.05GenNMX|ThraeBecause I'm over-generalizing, kremonte.
20:14.12kremonteyou know if we didnt CoE for you youd be more useless than.. than...
20:14.15kremontea shamadin
20:14.30WobsterI often spam rank 1 sw:p just for the stun effect, and the shadow debuff buildup is a nice sideeffect
20:14.30pagefaultmages can rape a warlock in aoe though
20:14.37kremontewho cares about aoe? :]
20:14.42Corrodiashow do you give a link to a talent build?
20:14.42Temkremonte: There is something special about criting for 2k+ with a spell that is supposed to hit for 450
20:14.44kremontewhen we aoe i just go afk and am glad i have to do less work
20:14.46WobsterShield my while I hellfire =)
20:14.46pagefaultaoe is awesome in pvp
20:15.01kremonteTem: not really :q
20:15.23GenNMX|ThraeAnyway, about Druids who spam Insect Swarm, that just means you have too many Restoration Druids or not utilizing your Druids correctly
20:15.25Legorolgood evening folks
20:15.49LegorolI'd like to draw the attention of everyone to a little wiki page i have just created, and that I plan to add to:
20:16.02GenNMX|ThraeA well-utilized Druid should either be healing almost all the time and not have enough spare mana to worry about keeping Insect Swarms, or allowed to go Feral
20:16.14LegorolTooltips are notoriously difficult to code, that page contains Lua-like pseudo-code for most tooltip methods
20:16.20Corrodiaswhat do y'all think of this, for no pvp and mostly aimed to heal when in groups?
20:16.40Legorolhopefully this will make it easier to code tooltips
20:17.49Corrodiastranquility doesn't generate much threat in the first place, so reducing it by 80% is mostly not worth anything
20:17.57pagefaultI like druids who spam moonfire and run out of mana
20:17.59pagefaultthey are easy to kill
20:18.06kremontei like druids who dont spam moonfire
20:18.07stray`laptopmoonkin are the best
20:18.12kremontethose fights are fun
20:18.16stray`laptopfree hk~!
20:18.25kremonteHK honor is worthless
20:18.32Wobsteroomkin =)
20:18.44stray`laptopnot when you're a hunter and can farm everyone in av in the span of an ab game ;o
20:19.26Corrodiasis anybody looking at my spec? >_>
20:19.39kremonteif i knew anything about druid, i would :c
20:20.00stray`laptopall i know about druids is that they're not easy to kill when correctly specc'd :( as to what that spec is, etc, i have no idea ;P
20:21.09GenNMX|ThraeCorrodias: Gimmie a sec, I'll give you an opinion
20:21.21Anduin|Comalegorol, you should make a note that that is an estimate of what happens when you call those functions, so peopl eknow it's not for cut/paste
20:21.42Corrodiaspartly it hinges on how useful Reflection actually is. i just have it there because people seem to love +mana regen gear
20:22.02LegorolAnduin|Coma, will do
20:22.28kremontein |c########
20:22.33kremonteis the first two the alpha?
20:23.24Anduin|Comaand have it note that the self.values variables are innaccessable
20:23.39Anduin|Comaas in they dont really exist
20:23.44stray`laptopthey dont seem to do anything krem, at least when i played with them
20:24.05Anduin|Comaor exist only at the C level
20:25.15Anduin|Comalooks good, good job
20:25.30Legoroli'm planning to extend it with explanations, best-practice guides and include pseudo-code for line wrapping behaviour
20:25.34Wobsterhehe my druidcat is doing the elevatorbutt thing
20:25.38Legorolthe latter also being a popular mind boggler
20:25.45WobsterThat always amuses me
20:25.47Anduin|Comaline wrapping, ya
20:25.50GenNMX|ThraeCorrodias: If you're doing no PvP and want to be the best healer you can be, I suggest this:
20:26.07LegorolI have the notes on line wrapping, just not in readable form :D
20:26.52Corrodiasyou didn't change anything..?
20:26.58GenNMX|ThraeCorrodias: Most Druids find Nature's Swiftness VERY useful for PvE healing, almost a must
20:27.08kremontepeople keep relinking something i linked in guild in IF now
20:27.16kremonteand they're saying everyone is using a new hack
20:27.17Corrodiasremember to click "save template" and copy the URL from there
20:27.37GenNMX|ThraeAh, oops
20:27.51Anduin|ComaI've never seen innervate used on anyone but a druid before
20:28.15kremontei have
20:28.27kremontelast night a druid was innervating me, since we were duoing ^_^
20:28.32Anduin|Comalike damn, use it on the priests in end game..
20:29.02Corrodiastook the four out of improved regrowth and took 2 out of subtlety for it, eh?
20:29.32GenNMX|ThraeCorrodias: A lot of Druids find Improved Regrowth loaded -- it can give you some bad aggro
20:29.45Corrodias:o oh. well. in that case, thanks a lot.
20:29.55GenNMX|ThraeAnd a NS+HT is 100x better
20:30.19Corrodiasi take it Reflection is worthwhile
20:30.24GenNMX|ThraeThe other key is OoC -- if you're low on mana, you can bash on some trash mobs and hope for procs
20:30.31Anduin|ComaLegorol, you should link that page from all those function pages
20:31.02GenNMX|ThraeOoC, Natural Weapons, and Natural Shapeshifter all help out your feral forms too.
20:31.48GenNMX|ThraeOops, take out 2 points in Nature's Reach and put them in Vengeance
20:32.04GenNMX|ThraeAnd I didn't include any in Natural Shapeshifter, so disregard my comment on it
20:32.49GenNMX|ThraeHowever, I do want to point out that this type of Druid sucks. If you've never played a Priest, play a Priest instead.
20:33.04Corrodiaswell, i think i'll still put the 20 into feral instead of balance, to make soloing a bit easier. but your points about the restoration tree are noted.
20:33.14GenNMX|ThraeThis build is the "Druidic Priest" with less healing and DPS
20:34.06GenNMX|ThraeYes, I was just suggesting an end-game spec. For any Druid spec, always go Feral first, then respec around Level 40 or 45.
20:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:35.23kremontedamn you purl
20:35.51GenNMX|ThraeSomeone stop feeding purl trinary, he's
20:36.38ScytheBlade1Hmm - how long has it been since Plork was here?
20:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
20:38.21Corrodiasi'm about to post a derogatory generalization about people who use compilations like addon
20:38.25Corrodias*compilations like cosmos
20:38.31Corrodiasflame on! *submit*
20:38.42Anduin|Comabecause he's an ass
20:38.44kremonte"youre a fag for not being lvl 60 and knowing lua"
20:38.57Corrodiasyes. it's in response to that thread about the guy thinking Cosmos had an account theft feature.
20:39.23Anduin|ComaYa, that's how I test Arcane Parety Bars, doncha know
20:39.54Anduin|Comawhy am i still in a coma..
20:42.45stray`laptoppretty talented to tyep through your coma.
20:42.53stray`laptopi cant even type correctly outside of a coma!
20:45.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Celandro (n=Celandro@
20:49.28kremonteohh thats how to do purl onjoins
20:50.00ScytheBlade1That's why I asked about Plork
20:50.18ScytheBlade1I stuck a fun little quote from his past in purl's onjoin :P
20:50.24ScytheBlade1Plokeryean or however you spell it
20:50.26ScytheBlade1I've never been able to
20:50.34LegorolAnduinLothar, what are good pages for me to link to the tooltip pseudo code from?
20:50.44Legorolhm, the Wiki is so disorganised :_)
20:51.24Legorolhi Iriel, i need your help
20:51.28LegorolI just created this:
20:51.33Legoroland i don't know where to link it from
20:51.44LegorolI thought of the widget API page, but then that one is auto-generated
20:52.03IrielPeople link tutorials at the bottom
20:52.13Legorolalthough it's not really tutorial..
20:52.23Legorolhm, i think the Wiki really needs one page per UI widget
20:52.27IrielI agree
20:52.31Legorolwith XMl explanation, attribute explanation,
20:52.36Legorolexample uses, and info like this
20:52.55AnduinLotharlink it from the linked pages of those function
20:53.15IrielLets' agree they'll be called... WIDGET GameTooltip, etc
20:53.26IrielAnd i'll update the widget api with links.
20:53.57AnduinLotharbleh, I hate the word widget..
20:54.03Irielgive me a better name then
20:54.08IrielFrame doesn't work.
20:54.08AnduinLotharthey're freaking frames
20:54.11kremontehow would i go about reporting another (maybe) bigger link exploit? i'm not quite sure the 1.10 fixes would take care of it
20:54.15Irielno, Texture and FontString are not frames
20:54.30AnduinLotharsure they are, they just don't know it
20:54.34Celandrohow about.. Blizzard Internals
20:54.37Irielkremonte : I'd make it a new thread, with "Slouken: " the start, or if you're worried about posting it, email it to me and i'll get it to slouken
20:54.46kremonteyeah i'm not posting it
20:54.51kremonteyour email address?
20:56.43LegorolOk there are about 3 howto pages on the wiki, each of them with different contents.. meh
20:57.19AnduinLotharthere's an official one
20:57.37GenNMX|ThraeIriel: I thought addressing developers or even CMs in the title was taboo?
20:57.50IrielGenNMX|Thrae : For REAL issues, slouken is fine with his name in the topic
20:57.55AnduinLotharonly if you dont know what you're doing
20:57.58GenNMX|ThraeOh wait, didn't read the issue...heh
20:58.00IrielGenNMX|Thrae : For 'imagined' or 'unverified' issues, it's a bad thing
20:58.22IrielMy policy is generally post without, have someone else verify, then post with.. Unless i'm absolutely sure about it 8-)
20:58.34AnduinLotharshould be the default on leg
20:58.50MaldiviaIriel: was just looking at you 1.9.0 Changes / Concise list - UnitBuff is not fixed in current build (1.9.2)
21:00.11IrielMaldivia : Hm, slouken said it would be.. Tack something to the effect onto the thread and i'll update it.
21:00.58Maldiviawell, considering 1.9.2 came a day or two after 1.9.1, I think the 1.9.2 build is not the "real" 1.9.2 build he was talking about
21:01.16Legorolhow do i make a page belong to a category?
21:01.26IrielPut [[Category:Whatever]] at the bottom
21:02.12IrielHow about UIOBJECT instead of WIDGET for the links?
21:02.16IrielWould that offend you less AnduinLothar ?
21:03.07AnduinLotharUIObject is more descriptive
21:03.59AnduinLotharwidgets always remind me of self contained applications based on a framework app
21:04.10LegorolOk, then here is my suggestion:
21:04.19LegorolThe widget API page is a complete API reference
21:04.35LegorolEach widget will have its own page, which is a complete reference with regards to its XML and attributes,
21:04.42Legorolbut will also contain examples and tips on use
21:04.47Legorolor should those be separate?
21:05.01IrielI think samples and tips as large as yours would be separate
21:05.09Legorolfinally, the should be a general tutorial/introduction page, with link to each widget
21:05.09AnduinLotharleave um all on one page as it is is fine with me
21:05.14IrielSmall comments and notes would be on one page
21:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
21:05.36Legoroli was thinking that we need an XML-reference, to go together with the API reference
21:05.40Legoroland what's the best format for it
21:06.02Legorolin addition, people will start writing up explanations/examples of using XML objects
21:06.06AnduinLotharwell yours isn't a howto unless you called it HOWTO: Understand the inner working of Tooltip functions
21:06.11Legoroland also default Blizz objects, such as scrollframes
21:06.17Legoroli agree AnduinLothar
21:06.21Legorolthat's why mine has no good place :D
21:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBl1de1 (
21:06.50AnduinLotharWell I would split yours up inot psudo code and slap them on each of the individual function pages
21:06.58Legorolat the moment, i don't like that much because it's part tutorial, part reference
21:07.13Legoroli don't agree with that, AnduinLothar
21:07.20Legorolthe point of having it on page is to see their interaction
21:07.29AnduinLotharmmm, I spose
21:07.33AnduinLotharthen link it
21:07.45Legorolfrom every single method, i guess
21:07.48IrielWidgetAPI page updated with object links
21:08.11krkaLegorol, I decided on GRAB btw:
21:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
21:08.20LegorolGRAB being?
21:08.21IrielBah, linking from every method will be messy
21:08.31krkaGame Reactive Action Buttons
21:08.32Legoroli will link from the Gametooltip object page
21:08.33IrielI think linking from "UIOBJECT GameTooltip" will be sufficient
21:08.59Legorolfor a long time now i wanted to get rid of
21:09.14Legoroli will move its contents into the individual uiobject pages
21:09.39AnduinLotharnever seen that page b4
21:09.51LegorolAnduinLothar, it's linked from :-)
21:09.54krkathe wiki is a godsend, wouldn't have gotten anywhere without it. thanks you guys! (since you all seem to have done a big part)
21:09.56Legorolin the Documentation section
21:10.18ElkanoOK, short summary of the first release day: "Is it legal?", "Why should I use it instead of [LootLink|ItemSync|...]?", "Cool :)"
21:10.19Legorolkrka, check this out:
21:10.21AnduinLotharnever go to that page
21:10.25Legorolit's the result of my reverse-engineering work
21:10.29Legorolnor do i
21:10.36Legorolsomeone started it at some point as a half-assed attempt
21:10.52krkai am not sure we have the same definition of pseudo-code :P
21:10.53Corrodiasah, a list of macros for druid spells to base them on appropriate level! :o
21:11.07krkathat looks like actual code to me
21:11.33Legorolwell it's close
21:11.42AnduinLotharas for the World_of_Warcraft_API page i always ignore the entire top portion... indicating it's poorly organized
21:12.01Legorolkrka, it's Lua code that represents all the behaviour of the tooltip methods
21:12.04Legorolwith all their quirks/bugs
21:12.11Legorolwell not really bugs, but unexpected stuff
21:12.21AnduinLotharI go strait down to  Global Function Groups  or use the find function to get where Im going
21:12.29Legorolsame here, ctrl+f ftw
21:12.30krkauseful page, indeed
21:12.34krkawish I had seen it earlier
21:12.42Corrodiasexcept that it doesn't actually work
21:12.54AnduinLotharand those stubs at the top that say it's too long make me want to hurt osmeone
21:13.32AnduinLotharscrew the discussion... just change it..
21:13.37krkahmm... if I do an invalid tooltip:SetX, how would I know it?
21:13.45Corrodiasi see. they had to make it very short so you have to fill in the number... why is there a limit of 255 character for a macro?
21:13.47Legorolglad you asked, krka
21:13.56Legorolthat's one of the results of that page that i realised how to do it :-)
21:14.04Legorolyou do a SetOwner first, then a SetX
21:14.15krkafor most cases there are other functions to use though
21:14.15Legorolif TextLeft1 is nil, then it was invalid
21:14.24krkaGetBuffTexture and stuff
21:14.27AnduinLotharthe sectiion
21:14.44LegorolHere is a philosophical question: I can foresee the following types of pages, where should each go:
21:14.54AnduinLotharit's a giant chunk of text... i cant even read it without my brain protesting
21:15.08Legorol1) XML reference for UI widgets 2) HOWTO tips for UI widgets 3) HOWTO tips for Blizz defined UI objects
21:15.09krkamostly scanners are interested in invalid tooltips, and setowner seems kinda unnecessary then
21:15.37Legorolwhat do you mean by invalid in that case?
21:15.49Legorolby invalid, i meant for example you try to set a bag slot that is empty
21:16.12krkaor a buff slot that's empty
21:16.21krkawould a :ClearLines before be enough?
21:16.25ShouryuuI am such a sucker
21:16.33ShouryuuI saw the cheasiest Japanese anime, and loved it
21:16.45Fanookwhich one?
21:16.46Shouryuubut it had been a movie, I would just thronw it out the window
21:16.50AnduinLotharisn't there a way to make it use [] rather than {} without messign up the links?
21:16.51ShouryuuWhisper of the Heart
21:17.05ShouryuuAnduin made it out of his coma! Whipee
21:17.10Legorolkrka, yeah ClearLines is enough too, probably
21:17.27krkabtw, do you have some section on itemlinks?
21:17.31ShouryuuI really loved it, but I'm sure if it had been a movie I wouldn't have
21:17.45Legorolyah there should be something somewhere on item links
21:17.49Legorolbut there isn't
21:17.51AnduinLotharwe need to grab the one on guru and slap it on the wiki
21:19.07krkaseems very nice for inventory addons
21:19.20AnduinLotharguil made a good one
21:21.29IrielTem - have you been looking at the 1.10 change thread this morning?
21:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
21:24.32LegorolIriel, what do you suggest to call a set of pages that contain howtos/examples on using objects from Blizz's UI code?
21:24.38Legorolshould they just be HOWTOs?
21:24.47krkaor examples
21:24.49IrielTo me those are indeed HOWTOs
21:25.03IrielUnless they're purely an example, devoid of a specific purpose
21:25.19AnduinLotharya well if it's as indepth requiring multiple function descriptiosn it should be a hotto
21:25.50Legorolhow do i delete a page?
21:25.53AnduinLotharI would make yours Understanding Tooltip Functions
21:26.16AnduinLotharor HOWTO: Understand Tooltip Functions
21:26.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Celandro (n=Celandro@
21:26.27TemIriel: I posted a reply
21:26.36IrielLegorol : You can't delete pages, you can blank it out, or move it
21:26.38AnduinLotharor Develop Tooltip Mastry
21:26.42zeegAnduinLothar, except you cant really do that as it'd be violation of his rights, ask him if you want to post it somewhere else
21:26.58AnduinLotharya ya. You'd have to ask guil
21:26.59IrielTem: Nice.
21:28.09AnduinLotharyou're taking my flippant sentances at face value, shame on you
21:28.38AnduinLotharI know what I mean.... You know what I mean.... why do I have to be explicit
21:29.22AnduinLotharya, "Lets steal wowguru's content"
21:30.02LegorolOk, there are 3 pages that list howto articles, each list is different from the others:
21:30.09Legorolsomeone shoot me
21:30.57Tain~lart Legorol
21:30.59AnduinLotharon that last one are they alphabetized automaticly?
21:31.35Fanooki think so, yes. it's part of the category page layout
21:31.44AnduinLotharwhere'd the lsit ocme from?
21:32.04AnduinLotharwhy aren't the othes in there?
21:32.05Fanookas far as i know
21:32.06ShouryuuI think pulr is dead...
21:32.23Fanookit lists the pages with the HOWTO category notation at the bottom
21:32.51AnduinLotharwell then, go fix the ones on the previous page
21:32.55AnduinLotharand nuke it
21:33.03Gryphenadd [[Category: HOWTOs]]
21:33.21IrielThe latter one picks up anything that has been properly categorized. Easy enough to fix.
21:34.32Fanookdo we need the HOWTO's page? or should we put them all on the Interface_Customization page?
21:34.45AnduinLotharew, no
21:35.02AnduinLotharnuke um all and link Category:HOWTOs from Interface_Customization
21:36.27TainIt just occured to me that I've never looked at anything on wowwiki outside of the Interface Customization area.
21:36.52AnduinLotharFYI I'm fixing um
21:37.04IrielThe question is this.. is the category page easy enough to use?
21:37.22IrielIf it is, then i'd be for replacing the existing HOWTOs poage with a link to the category page (probably Category:Tutorials also)
21:40.51AnduinLotharthat better?
21:41.36AnduinLotharLegorol, you just need to add [[Category: HOWTOs]] to the bottom of your page
21:41.36IrielYou can make them alphabetize differently
21:41.51ShouryuuI hate the guy who found out abound SpellStopCasting(). Now everyone thinks you can just add it anywhere and it'll cast two spells in a row....
21:41.52IrielInstead of all being 'H'
21:41.59AnduinLotharya, i didn't knwo how. make it alpha correctly
21:42.49IrielYou do this...
21:42.52Legorolwhat happened to the links that were on
21:43.00Legorolnot all of thsoe pages had the Category: Howto thingy
21:43.05AnduinLotharI updated them
21:43.05Iriel[[Category:HOWTOs|Save Variables Between Game Settings]]
21:43.30AnduinLotharall but yours leg
21:43.44Legoroli don't think my page is a Howto :(
21:43.48Legorolit prolly shouldn't be there
21:43.50AnduinLotharsure it is
21:43.54AnduinLotharjust rename it
21:44.22FanookAnduin: I'll take care of Making Macros, I'm renaming it to fit the standard
21:44.27IrielHOWTO Use GameTooltips Properly
21:44.39AnduinLotharnah, it's not about use
21:44.42IrielOh, Tem, I found the problem with frameStrata
21:44.50Temoh good
21:45.07Iriel:SetParent seems to propagate parent strata, as far as I can tell
21:45.18AnduinLothareatier "Develop Tooltips Mastery" or "Understand Tooltip Internal Functions"
21:45.25IrielSince when I put :SetFrameStrata calls after it, the problem went away
21:45.36IrielI do need to do a bit more experimentation
21:45.40Temthat sort makes sense
21:45.41IrielIt was late when I figured it out
21:45.44TemI'm gonna test it
21:45.51IrielIt does children too, so if you have
21:46.06IrielX parent of Y  with one strata, and Z with another
21:46.14IrielChanges both X and Y's strata
21:46.27IrielBut X:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") only changes X and leaves Y alone
21:46.58IrielThe rings are much happier now that they're overlapping (or not) other things properly
21:47.37AnduinLotharwhere is the HOWTOs page linked from? can we make it redirect to the catigory page?
21:48.08Gryphenwhat a mess
21:49.48FanookCurrently, Interface_Customization, and two Talks link to the HOWTOs page
21:51.21AnduinLotharmeh. nuke um and replace with the catagory link
21:51.49AnduinLotharand make HOWTO into a redirect
21:57.56*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
22:01.03ShouryuuMy rags of heart can like, wish and adore, But after one such love, can love no more.
22:01.03Shouryuurawr I am nerd
22:01.28AnduinLothari should write more poetry
22:01.33AnduinLothari used to write a lot
22:01.42ShouryuuI do write but in french
22:01.47Shouryuuand it's crap
22:01.53Shouryuuso I an Ub3r nerd
22:02.09AnduinLotharMine was pretty good according to a few sources
22:02.31AnduinLotharbut I'm too angry now to write anything I'll be proud of later
22:02.55AnduinLotharmmm maybe that's not true
22:03.00Shouryuuwell I really like what I write
22:03.07Shouryuubut I'm fully conscious it's just crap
22:03.09AnduinLotharyay, alphabetized
22:03.17Natasemok boys here ya go
22:03.20TainBitter?  I don't even know her.
22:03.57AnduinLotharah i know why i'm reflexive today.... talked to my ex this morn
22:04.11AnduinLothargood way to ruin productivity
22:10.40Natasemlothar then click my link it should chear ya up a bit
22:11.05Natasemi talked to my ex-wife the other day also buut she was behind bars  w00t
22:11.10AnduinLotharbeen 2.5 years and she still has some issues with me..
22:11.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
22:11.43AnduinLotharand still knows me better than any of the others.. not that's i've changed
22:11.58Shouryuuugh don't get me started
22:12.12AnduinLotharThat the chicks music video to that techno song?
22:12.36AnduinLotharya. Satisfaction
22:12.42AnduinLotharseen it
22:12.42Shouryuudid any of you see the Call On Me clip?
22:13.00AnduinLothargood stuff, I've had that song in my library for a long time
22:13.26Shouryuuthat clip is so much fun
22:14.12IrielTem: You might be able to dry your eyes now
22:14.19Irielthough i'm not sure you can smile yet
22:16.13Temlol that's exactly what I was going to do...
22:16.20kremontewhy would tem be crying? :X
22:16.34Temkremonte: read the 1.10 changes thread
22:16.35IrielI was going to post "Are you calling Tem Silly?"
22:16.42IrielBut I figured i'd see what your response would be
22:16.59TemI was just going to say something like "I wouldn't dream of it"
22:17.06IrielIt might not be THAT bad of a bloat anyway
22:17.18Temmeh, he's probably right
22:17.43TemI need for him to sit down one day and explain IN DETAIL how Buttons work
22:17.56Temthen I could make a good request
22:18.15Tembut his response just blew another whole in what I thought I understood
22:18.54AnduinLotharwhat's hard about buttons?
22:19.20Temhow the NormalTexture, NormalText (and friends) work
22:19.28ScytheBlade1hmm, curious
22:19.39ScytheBlade1doh, oh well
22:20.01AnduinLotharoh, he defaults
22:20.13Temz a z b z c z d
22:20.21Tems/z //g
22:21.12Tems/ z /, /g
22:21.22AnduinLotharw/e I dont use the defaults much
22:21.24Tema z b z c z d
22:21.26Tems/ z /, /g
22:22.00TemAnduinLothar: it's not so much the defaults
22:22.01AnduinLothar~lart purl
22:22.21AnduinLotharMY NUTS!
22:22.35purlaw, gee, Tem
22:22.37ScytheBlade1That was good
22:23.18Tem~literalinfo lart purl
22:23.27AnduinLotharaww spoil the fun
22:23.29Tem~factinfo lart purl
22:23.29purlthere's no such factoid as lart purl, Tem
22:23.44Temguess it's a command
22:23.44AnduinLothar~factinfo lart
22:23.44purllart -- created by RoyK <> at Tue Nov 30 10:02:22 2004 (419 days); it has been requested 14 times, last by Cair at Fri Dec  2 18:04:46 2005.
22:24.07Fanookcuriouser and curiouser
22:24.07AnduinLothar~literalinfo lart
22:24.54TemAnduinLothar: Slouken basically just said that Buttons don't actually have Texture Objects for NormalTexture, HighlightTexture, ects
22:25.03Temwhich goes against my understanding of them
22:25.47AnduinLotharFrames afaik
22:25.58Shouryuuwhat does afaik mean?
22:26.18purlfrom memory, afaik is some kind of acronym...but nobody knows what it means, as far as I know.
22:26.44Temthat's good
22:26.51purlit has been said that iirc is "if I recall correctly"
22:27.11ScytheBlade1oh, I missed Tem's line there
22:27.12Shouryuuis it dunno or duno?
22:27.34purli heard dunno is #1/usr/bin/girl
22:27.35Shouryuufine mock me
22:27.46ScytheBlade1Is good!
22:27.53Shouryuuthat mad no sens
22:27.59ScytheBlade1It's a *nix joke
22:28.12ScytheBlade1linux, unix
22:28.44IrielTem: I imagine they have BITS of the texture object, but not a whole thing in its normal existance.
22:28.59TemIriel: and that's where it loses me
22:29.25IrielThe question is, which bits.
22:29.35AnduinLotharoh and as for Button not having NormalTexture and HighlightTexture, he's lying
22:29.36Temwhat kind of object are you working with when you name a NormalTexture?
22:29.47AnduinLotharChatBar uses them
22:29.51AnduinLotharworks fine
22:29.53TemAnduinLothar: you clearly don't understand the converstation
22:30.08Temread his post and you will see what I'm talking about
22:30.12IrielI suspect you're working with the skeleton of a NormalTexture
22:30.24Irielfrom which the button keeps the parts it cares about
22:32.59AnduinLotharya, I think I missed something somewhere and I dont have the heart to read that entire thread
22:35.34IrielIt's only 6 pages
22:36.20AnduinLotharthis is why you are forum king and I will go back to writing potry
22:36.34TainI'm trying to figure out what it means.
22:37.07TainSo buttons do have different layers and/or frames that can have different textures applied to.
22:37.19AnduinLotharI read the last 2 pages tho. Yes, those frames dont actually exist unless you give uma  name i would guess
22:37.22TainBut it doesn't treat them like other frames treat a texture?
22:37.46IrielHave you tried naming them..
22:37.52Irieland if you do, does changing them change the button
22:38.00Irielor do you have to call the button function directly for that
22:38.15AnduinLotharmmm you can hide the textures or change them..
22:38.20AnduinLotharvia name
22:38.33AnduinLothari believe. lemme double check
22:38.49AnduinLotharI did it with the highlight
22:38.59AnduinLotharheck all of them
22:39.11IrielSo you're not using SetHighlightTexture
22:39.27Irielyou're using WhateverICalledMyHighlightTexture:Set*
22:39.44AnduinLotharmmm, i didn't actually try changing the texture, just hide/show
22:39.46AnduinLotharand alpha
22:40.38AnduinLotharbecause before I made another frame for the flashing I was using the highlight
22:41.38AnduinLotharworks dandy
22:41.58AnduinLotharina Button
22:42.13*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
22:42.19AnduinLotharthe layering is a pain in the ass tho
22:42.29AnduinLotharespecially when I wanted to add one
22:43.18AnduinLotharhad to make a <Layer level="OVERLAY">  and then put my flash texture in it
22:43.35TainNow the new function works differently where it's Button:SetHighlightTexture() instead of ButtonHighlight:SetTexture()  (off the top of my head)
22:43.37Fanookthis is a baaad page...
22:45.24AnduinLothardidn't read that far back
22:45.28AnduinLotharor in depth
22:45.34TainIt's not that big a deal in MC.  It seems like it would be, but I never saw it.
22:45.37AnduinLotharwhy is it changing?
22:46.01AnduinLotharony fire res is good
22:46.03TainTo pass the texture object to the function instead of just the texture path, I guess.
22:46.20Shouryuuok night people
22:46.23AnduinLotharfor virtual objects
22:46.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
22:46.43AnduinLotharthat makes sense
22:47.15TainBut then slouken says that the buttons won't have texture objects for those textures, to be able to query.
22:47.29AnduinLotharpossibly he means just the virtual ones
22:47.32TainWhich is at least where my own understanding of what's going on takes a step out the window.
22:49.45AnduinLotharmy guess it that they're not converted into frames as inherited templates, but are mapped directly onto whatever C representation they use
22:50.54AnduinLotharI've gotten the feeling the xml was created after the C mapping so not all of the info is directly represented
22:52.16AnduinLotharSo the C side doesn't think of it as a sub layer with a texture object, but rather those defaults have a sepperate structure
22:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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22:54.20AnduinLotharso while <Layers><Layer level="OVERLAY"><Texture file="moo"/></Layer></Layers>  looks like HighlightTexture it's not represented the same way internally
22:57.17AnduinLotharHighlightTexture is probably a child of the Button Object ButtonObj.HighlightTexture, rather than being in the format ButtonObj.Layers[1].Textures[1]
22:58.49AnduinLotharbut then i have no idea how the :Set commands work if it's not a texture object..
23:01.37Natasemfor you linus users whats a good freeware media player ?
23:03.34AnduinLotharlol, pre posted me tem
23:04.08TemAnduinLothar: that's why you should reload pages
23:04.18Temespecially since I posted that like 30 minutes ago
23:04.25Tems/ago/before you/
23:04.40Natasemo thanks
23:04.49BeladonaNatasem: a good freeware media player is mplayer
23:04.57Natasemya thanks
23:05.04Beladonaif you want to watch DVD's you might try totem though
23:05.12Beladonamplayer doesn't support dvd menus
23:07.11AnduinLotharvlc have a linux vers?
23:07.25AnduinLotharit's just an mplayer gui
23:07.48AnduinLotharya. it does
23:09.16AnduinLotharoh wow, lol been a few updates to that since last i saw
23:09.30AnduinLotharthey used the itunes gui
23:09.39AnduinLotharon mac anyway
23:10.09TemAnduinLothar: you can switch between a few guis
23:10.18AnduinLotharis that new?
23:10.21TemI guess the itunes looking one is the default on Macs
23:10.23TemNo idea
23:11.22AnduinLotharplaylists might actually be useful now
23:11.48AnduinLotharand eq O.o
23:12.14AnduinLotharLOL, turns out i've been using it and never noticed
23:12.27AnduinLothar~lart AnduinLothar
23:14.22AnduinLotharthat attempt at poetry failed... might have somehting to do with the street fighter remix track playing...
23:15.11AnduinLotharis there any good way to download the entire collection of Blizz Fan art backgrounds at a certain res?
23:35.03Cairennthe *fan* ones?  not that I'm aware of.  Most of the official Blizz ones are in their Fansite Kit, though.
23:35.51*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
23:37.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
23:40.45Natasemhehe like my 1 word answer?
23:56.15Natasemis there a change log on the site?

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